/* * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE * * Originally from: * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram * Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Zhukov * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram/blob/master/LICENSE */ import { TLSerialization, TLDeserialization } from "./tl_utils"; import dcConfigurator from "./dcConfigurator"; import rsaKeysManager from "./rsaKeysManager"; import timeManager from "./timeManager"; import CryptoWorker from "../crypto/cryptoworker"; import { logger, LogTypes } from "../logger"; import { bytesCmp, bytesToHex, bytesFromHex, bytesXor } from "../../helpers/bytes"; import DEBUG from "../../config/debug"; import { cmp, int2bigInt, one, pow, str2bigInt, sub } from "../../vendor/leemon"; import { addPadding } from "./bin_utils"; /* let fNewNonce: any = bytesFromHex('8761970c24cb2329b5b2459752c502f3057cb7e8dbab200e526e8767fdc73b3c').reverse(); let fNonce: any = bytesFromHex('b597720d11faa5914ef485c529cde414').reverse(); let fResult: any = new Uint8Array(bytesFromHex('000000000000000001b473a0661b285e480000006324160514e4cd29c585f44e91a5fa110d7297b5c0c4134c84893db5715ecd56af5ed618082182053cc5de91cd00000015c4b51c02000000a5b7f709355fc30b216be86c022bb4c3')); fNewNonce = false; fNonce = false; fResult = false; */ type AuthOptions = { dcId: number, nonce: Uint8Array, serverNonce?: Uint8Array, pq?: Uint8Array, fingerprints?: string[], publicKey?: { modulus: string, exponent: string, fingerprint: string }, // good p?: Uint8Array, q?: Uint8Array, newNonce?: Uint8Array, retry?: number, b?: Uint8Array, g?: number, gA?: Uint8Array, dhPrime?: Uint8Array, tmpAesKey?: Uint8Array, tmpAesIv?: Uint8Array, authKeyId?: Uint8Array, authKey?: Uint8Array, serverSalt?: Uint8Array, localTime?: number, serverTime?: any }; type ResPQ = { _: 'resPQ'; nonce: Uint8Array; pq: Uint8Array; server_nonce: Uint8Array; server_public_key_fingerprints: string[]; }; type P_Q_inner_data = { _: 'p_q_inner_data_dc'; pq: Uint8Array; p: Uint8Array; q: Uint8Array; nonce: Uint8Array; server_nonce: Uint8Array; new_nonce: Uint8Array; dc: number; }; type req_DH_params = { nonce: Uint8Array; server_nonce: Uint8Array; p: Uint8Array; q: Uint8Array; public_key_fingerprint: string; encrypted_data: Uint8Array; }; export class Authorizer { private cached: { [dcId: number]: Promise } = {}; private log: ReturnType; constructor() { this.log = logger(`AUTHORIZER`, LogTypes.Error | LogTypes.Log); } private sendPlainRequest(dcId: number, requestArray: Uint8Array) { const requestLength = requestArray.byteLength; const header = new TLSerialization(); header.storeLongP(0, 0, 'auth_key_id'); header.storeLong(timeManager.generateId(), 'msg_id'); header.storeInt(requestLength, 'request_length'); const headerArray = header.getBytes(true) as Uint8Array; const resultArray = new Uint8Array(headerArray.byteLength + requestLength); resultArray.set(headerArray); resultArray.set(requestArray, headerArray.length); const transport = dcConfigurator.chooseServer(dcId); const baseError = { code: 406, type: 'NETWORK_BAD_RESPONSE', transport }; if(DEBUG) { this.log('mtpSendPlainRequest: creating requestPromise'); } const promise = transport.send(resultArray) as any as Promise; return promise.then(result => { if(DEBUG) { this.log('mtpSendPlainRequest: in good sector', result); } if(!result || !result.byteLength) { throw baseError; } try { /* result = fResult ? fResult : result; fResult = new Uint8Array(0); */ const deserializer = new TLDeserialization(result, {mtproto: true}); if(result.length === 4) { const errorCode = deserializer.fetchInt(); this.log.error('mtpSendPlainRequest: wrong response, error code:', errorCode); throw errorCode; } const auth_key_id = deserializer.fetchLong('auth_key_id'); if(auth_key_id !== '0') this.log.error('auth_key_id !== 0', auth_key_id); const msg_id = deserializer.fetchLong('msg_id'); if(msg_id === '0') this.log.error('msg_id === 0', msg_id); const msg_len = deserializer.fetchInt('msg_len'); if(!msg_len) this.log.error('no msg_len', msg_len); return deserializer; } catch(e) { this.log.error('mtpSendPlainRequest: deserialization went bad', e); const error = Object.assign(baseError, {originalError: e}); throw error; } }, (error) => { if(!error.message && !error.type) { error = Object.assign(baseError, { originalError: error }); } throw error; }); } private async sendReqPQ(auth: AuthOptions) { const request = new TLSerialization({mtproto: true}); request.storeMethod('req_pq_multi', {nonce: auth.nonce}); if(DEBUG) { this.log('Send req_pq', auth.nonce.hex); } let deserializer: TLDeserialization; try { const promise = this.sendPlainRequest(auth.dcId, request.getBytes(true)); rsaKeysManager.prepare(); deserializer = await promise; } catch(error) { this.log.error('req_pq error', error.message); throw error; } const response: ResPQ = deserializer.fetchObject('ResPQ'); if(response._ !== 'resPQ') { throw new Error('[MT] resPQ response invalid: ' + response._); } if(!bytesCmp(auth.nonce, response.nonce)) { this.log.error(auth.nonce, response.nonce); throw new Error('[MT] resPQ nonce mismatch'); } auth.serverNonce = response.server_nonce; // need auth.pq = response.pq; auth.fingerprints = response.server_public_key_fingerprints; if(DEBUG) { this.log('Got ResPQ', bytesToHex(auth.serverNonce), bytesToHex(auth.pq), auth.fingerprints); } const publicKey = await rsaKeysManager.select(auth.fingerprints); if(!publicKey) { throw new Error('[MT] No public key found'); } auth.publicKey = publicKey; if(DEBUG) { this.log('PQ factorization start', auth.pq); } // let pAndQ: Awaited>; try { var pAndQ = await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('factorize', auth.pq); } catch(error) { this.log.error('worker error factorize', error); throw error; } auth.p = pAndQ[0]; auth.q = pAndQ[1]; if(DEBUG) { this.log('PQ factorization done', pAndQ); } return this.sendReqDhParams(auth); } private async sendReqDhParams(auth: AuthOptions) { auth.newNonce = new Uint8Array(32).randomize(); const p_q_inner_data_dc: P_Q_inner_data = { _: 'p_q_inner_data_dc', pq: auth.pq, p: auth.p, q: auth.q, nonce: auth.nonce, server_nonce: auth.serverNonce, new_nonce: auth.newNonce, dc: 0 }; const pQInnerDataSerialization = new TLSerialization({mtproto: true}); pQInnerDataSerialization.storeObject(p_q_inner_data_dc, 'P_Q_inner_data', 'DECRYPTED_DATA'); const data = pQInnerDataSerialization.getBytes(true); if(data.length > 144) { throw 'DH_params: data is more than 144 bytes!'; } const dataWithPadding = addPadding(data, 192, false, true, false); const dataPadReversed = dataWithPadding.slice().reverse(); const getKeyAesEncrypted = async() => { for(;;) { const tempKey = new Uint8Array(32).randomize(); const dataWithHash = dataPadReversed.concat(await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('sha256-hash', tempKey.concat(dataWithPadding))); if(dataWithHash.length !== 224) { throw 'DH_params: dataWithHash !== 224 bytes!'; } const aesEncrypted = await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('aes-encrypt', dataWithHash, tempKey, new Uint8Array([0])); const tempKeyXor = bytesXor(tempKey, await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('sha256-hash', aesEncrypted)); const keyAesEncrypted = tempKeyXor.concat(aesEncrypted); const keyAesEncryptedBigInt = str2bigInt(bytesToHex(keyAesEncrypted), 16); const publicKeyModulusBigInt = str2bigInt(auth.publicKey.modulus, 16); if(cmp(keyAesEncryptedBigInt, publicKeyModulusBigInt) === -1) { return keyAesEncrypted; } } }; const keyAesEncrypted = await getKeyAesEncrypted(); const encryptedData = await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('rsa-encrypt', keyAesEncrypted, auth.publicKey); const req_DH_params: req_DH_params = { nonce: auth.nonce, server_nonce: auth.serverNonce, p: auth.p, q: auth.q, public_key_fingerprint: auth.publicKey.fingerprint, encrypted_data: encryptedData }; const request = new TLSerialization({mtproto: true}); request.storeMethod('req_DH_params', req_DH_params); const requestBytes = request.getBytes(true); if(DEBUG) { this.log('Send req_DH_params', req_DH_params/* , requestBytes.hex */); } let deserializer: TLDeserialization; try { deserializer = await this.sendPlainRequest(auth.dcId, requestBytes); } catch(error) { this.log.error('Send req_DH_params FAIL!', error); throw error; } const response = deserializer.fetchObject('Server_DH_Params', 'RESPONSE'); if(DEBUG) { this.log('Sent req_DH_params, response:', response); } if(response._ !== 'server_DH_params_fail' && response._ !== 'server_DH_params_ok') { throw new Error('[MT] Server_DH_Params response invalid: ' + response._); } if(!bytesCmp(auth.nonce, response.nonce)) { throw new Error('[MT] Server_DH_Params nonce mismatch'); } if(!bytesCmp(auth.serverNonce, response.server_nonce)) { throw new Error('[MT] Server_DH_Params server_nonce mismatch'); } if(response._ === 'server_DH_params_fail') { const newNonceHash = (await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('sha1-hash', auth.newNonce)).slice(-16); if(!bytesCmp(newNonceHash, response.new_nonce_hash)) { throw new Error('[MT] server_DH_params_fail new_nonce_hash mismatch'); } throw new Error('[MT] server_DH_params_fail'); } // fill auth object try { await this.decryptServerDhDataAnswer(auth, response.encrypted_answer); } catch(e) { this.log.error('mtpDecryptServerDhDataAnswer FAILED!', e); throw e; } //console.log(dT(), 'mtpSendReqDhParams: executing mtpSendSetClientDhParams...'); return this.sendSetClientDhParams(auth); } private async decryptServerDhDataAnswer(auth: AuthOptions, encryptedAnswer: any) { auth.localTime = Date.now(); // ! can't concat Array with Uint8Array! auth.tmpAesKey = (await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('sha1-hash', auth.newNonce.concat(auth.serverNonce))) .concat((await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('sha1-hash', auth.serverNonce.concat(auth.newNonce))).slice(0, 12)); auth.tmpAesIv = (await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('sha1-hash', auth.serverNonce.concat(auth.newNonce))).slice(12) .concat(await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('sha1-hash', auth.newNonce.concat(auth.newNonce)), auth.newNonce.slice(0, 4)); const answerWithHash = new Uint8Array(await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('aes-decrypt', encryptedAnswer, auth.tmpAesKey, auth.tmpAesIv)); const hash = answerWithHash.slice(0, 20); const answerWithPadding = answerWithHash.slice(20); const deserializer = new TLDeserialization(answerWithPadding, {mtproto: true}); const response = deserializer.fetchObject('Server_DH_inner_data'); if(response._ !== 'server_DH_inner_data') { throw new Error('[MT] server_DH_inner_data response invalid: ' + response); } if(!bytesCmp(auth.nonce, response.nonce)) { throw new Error('[MT] server_DH_inner_data nonce mismatch'); } if(!bytesCmp(auth.serverNonce, response.server_nonce)) { throw new Error('[MT] server_DH_inner_data serverNonce mismatch'); } if(DEBUG) { this.log('Done decrypting answer'); } auth.g = response.g; auth.dhPrime = response.dh_prime; auth.gA = response.g_a; auth.serverTime = response.server_time; auth.retry = 0; this.verifyDhParams(auth.g, auth.dhPrime, auth.gA); const offset = deserializer.getOffset(); if(!bytesCmp(hash, await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('sha1-hash', answerWithPadding.slice(0, offset)))) { throw new Error('[MT] server_DH_inner_data SHA1-hash mismatch'); } timeManager.applyServerTime(auth.serverTime, auth.localTime); } private verifyDhParams(g: number, dhPrime: Uint8Array, gA: Uint8Array) { if(DEBUG) { this.log('Verifying DH params', g, dhPrime, gA); } const dhPrimeHex = bytesToHex(dhPrime); if(g !== 3 || dhPrimeHex !== 'c71caeb9c6b1c9048e6c522f70f13f73980d40238e3e21c14934d037563d930f48198a0aa7c14058229493d22530f4dbfa336f6e0ac925139543aed44cce7c3720fd51f69458705ac68cd4fe6b6b13abdc9746512969328454f18faf8c595f642477fe96bb2a941d5bcd1d4ac8cc49880708fa9b378e3c4f3a9060bee67cf9a4a4a695811051907e162753b56b0f6b410dba74d8a84b2a14b3144e0ef1284754fd17ed950d5965b4b9dd46582db1178d169c6bc465b0d6ff9ca3928fef5b9ae4e418fc15e83ebea0f87fa9ff5eed70050ded2849f47bf959d956850ce929851f0d8115f635b105ee2e4e15d04b2454bf6f4fadf034b10403119cd8e3b92fcc5b') { // The verified value is from https://core.telegram.org/mtproto/security_guidelines throw new Error('[MT] DH params are not verified: unknown dhPrime'); } if(DEBUG) { this.log('dhPrime cmp OK'); } const _gABigInt = str2bigInt(bytesToHex(gA), 16); const _dhPrimeBigInt = str2bigInt(dhPrimeHex, 16); if(cmp(_gABigInt, one) <= 0) { throw new Error('[MT] DH params are not verified: gA <= 1'); } if(cmp(_gABigInt, sub(_dhPrimeBigInt, one)) >= 0) { throw new Error('[MT] DH params are not verified: gA >= dhPrime - 1'); } if(DEBUG) { this.log('1 < gA < dhPrime-1 OK'); } const _two = int2bigInt(2, 32, 0); const _twoPow = pow(_two, 2048 - 64); if(cmp(_gABigInt, _twoPow) < 0) { throw new Error('[MT] DH params are not verified: gA < 2^{2048-64}'); } if(cmp(_gABigInt, sub(_dhPrimeBigInt, _twoPow)) >= 0) { throw new Error('[MT] DH params are not verified: gA > dhPrime - 2^{2048-64}'); } if(DEBUG) { this.log('2^{2048-64} < gA < dhPrime-2^{2048-64} OK'); } return true; } private async sendSetClientDhParams(auth: AuthOptions): Promise { const gBytes = bytesFromHex(auth.g.toString(16)); auth.b = new Uint8Array(256).randomize(); //MTProto.secureRandom.nextBytes(auth.b); // let gB: Awaited>; try { var gB = await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('mod-pow', gBytes, auth.b, auth.dhPrime); } catch(error) { throw error; } const data = new TLSerialization({mtproto: true}); data.storeObject({ _: 'client_DH_inner_data', nonce: auth.nonce, server_nonce: auth.serverNonce, retry_id: [0, auth.retry++], g_b: gB }, 'Client_DH_Inner_Data'); const dataWithHash = (await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('sha1-hash', data.getBuffer())).concat(data.getBytes(true)); const encryptedData = await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('aes-encrypt', dataWithHash, auth.tmpAesKey, auth.tmpAesIv); const request = new TLSerialization({mtproto: true}); request.storeMethod('set_client_DH_params', { nonce: auth.nonce, server_nonce: auth.serverNonce, encrypted_data: encryptedData }); if(DEBUG) { this.log('Send set_client_DH_params'); } let deserializer: TLDeserialization; try { deserializer = await this.sendPlainRequest(auth.dcId, request.getBytes(true)); } catch(err) { throw err; } const response = deserializer.fetchObject('Set_client_DH_params_answer'); if(response._ !== 'dh_gen_ok' && response._ !== 'dh_gen_retry' && response._ !== 'dh_gen_fail') { throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer response invalid: ' + response._); } if(!bytesCmp(auth.nonce, response.nonce)) { throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer nonce mismatch'); } if(!bytesCmp(auth.serverNonce, response.server_nonce)) { throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer server_nonce mismatch'); } // let authKey: Uint8Array; try { var authKey = await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('mod-pow', auth.gA, auth.b, auth.dhPrime); } catch(err) { throw authKey; } const authKeyHash = await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('sha1-hash', authKey), authKeyAux = authKeyHash.slice(0, 8), authKeyId = authKeyHash.slice(-8); if(DEBUG) { this.log('Got Set_client_DH_params_answer', response._, authKey); } switch(response._) { case 'dh_gen_ok': { const newNonceHash1 = (await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('sha1-hash', auth.newNonce.concat([1], authKeyAux))).slice(-16); if(!bytesCmp(newNonceHash1, response.new_nonce_hash1)) { throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer new_nonce_hash1 mismatch'); } const serverSalt = bytesXor(auth.newNonce.slice(0, 8), auth.serverNonce.slice(0, 8)); if(DEBUG) { this.log('Auth successfull!', authKeyId, authKey, serverSalt); } auth.authKeyId = authKeyId; auth.authKey = authKey; auth.serverSalt = serverSalt; return auth; } case 'dh_gen_retry': { const newNonceHash2 = (await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('sha1-hash', auth.newNonce.concat([2], authKeyAux))).slice(-16); if(!bytesCmp(newNonceHash2, response.new_nonce_hash2)) { throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer new_nonce_hash2 mismatch'); } return this.sendSetClientDhParams(auth); } case 'dh_gen_fail': { const newNonceHash3 = (await CryptoWorker.invokeCrypto('sha1-hash', auth.newNonce.concat([3], authKeyAux))).slice(-16); if(!bytesCmp(newNonceHash3, response.new_nonce_hash3)) { throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer new_nonce_hash3 mismatch'); } throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer fail'); } } } public async auth(dcId: number): Promise { if(dcId in this.cached) { return this.cached[dcId]; } const nonce = /* fNonce ? fNonce : */new Uint8Array(16).randomize(); /* const nonce = new Array(16); MTProto.secureRandom.nextBytes(nonce); */ if(!dcConfigurator.chooseServer(dcId)) { return Promise.reject(new Error('[MT] No server found for dc ' + dcId)); } // await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2e3)); try { const promise = this.sendReqPQ({dcId, nonce}); this.cached[dcId] = promise; return await promise; } catch(err) { delete this.cached[dcId]; throw err; } } } export default new Authorizer();