import { MTProto } from "../mtproto/mtproto"; import { $rootScope, isElementInViewport, numberWithCommas } from "../utils"; import appUsersManager from "./appUsersManager"; import appMessagesManager from "./appMessagesManager"; import appPeersManager from "./appPeersManager"; import appProfileManager from "./appProfileManager"; import { ProgressivePreloader, wrapDocument, wrapSticker, wrapVideo, wrapPhoto } from "../../components/misc"; import appDialogsManager from "./appDialogsManager"; import { RichTextProcessor } from "../richtextprocessor"; import appPhotosManager from "./appPhotosManager"; import appSidebarRight from './appSidebarRight'; import { logger } from "../polyfill"; import lottieLoader from "../lottieLoader"; import appMediaViewer from "./appMediaViewer"; import appSidebarLeft from "./appSidebarLeft"; import appChatsManager from "./appChatsManager"; console.log('appImManager included!'); let testScroll = false; class ScrollPosition { public previousScrollHeightMinusTop = 0; public readyFor = 'up'; public container: HTMLElement; constructor(public node: HTMLElement) { this.container = node.parentElement; } /* public restore() { if(!this.scroll) return; //console.log('restore', this.readyFor, this.previousScrollHeightMinusTop); //if(this.readyFor === 'up') { this.scroll.update(true); //console.log('restore 2', this.node.scrollHeight, (this.node.scrollHeight //- this.previousScrollHeightMinusTop) + 'px') this.scroll.scroll({y: (this.node.scrollHeight - this.previousScrollHeightMinusTop) + 'px'}); //} // 'down' doesn't need to be special cased unless the // content was flowing upwards, which would only happen // if the container is position: absolute, bottom: 0 for // a Facebook messages effect } public prepareFor(direction: string) { if(!this.scroll) return; this.readyFor = direction || 'up'; this.scroll.update(true); let pos = this.scroll.scroll(); this.previousScrollHeightMinusTop = this.node.scrollHeight - pos.position.y; } */ public restore() { //console.log('scrollPosition restore 2', this.node.scrollHeight, (this.node.scrollHeight //- this.previousScrollHeightMinusTop) + 'px', this.container); //if(this.readyFor === 'up') { this.container.scrollTop = this.node.scrollHeight - this.previousScrollHeightMinusTop; //} // 'down' doesn't need to be special cased unless the // content was flowing upwards, which would only happen // if the container is position: absolute, bottom: 0 for // a Facebook messages effect } public prepareFor(direction: string) { this.readyFor = direction || 'up'; this.previousScrollHeightMinusTop = this.node.scrollHeight - this.container.scrollTop; //console.log('scrollPosition prepareFor', direction, this.node.scrollHeight, this.previousScrollHeightMinusTop + 'px') } } export class AppImManager { public pageEl = document.querySelector('.page-chats') as HTMLDivElement; public btnMute = this.pageEl.querySelector('.tool-mute') as HTMLButtonElement; public avatarEl = document.getElementById('im-avatar') as HTMLDivElement; public titleEl = document.getElementById('im-title') as HTMLDivElement; public subtitleEl = document.getElementById('im-subtitle') as HTMLDivElement; public chatInner = document.getElementById('bubbles-inner') as HTMLDivElement; public searchBtn = this.pageEl.querySelector('.chat-search-button') as HTMLButtonElement; public firstContainerDiv: HTMLDivElement; public lastContainerDiv: HTMLDivElement; private getHistoryPromise: Promise; private getHistoryTimeout = 0; public myID = 0; public peerID = 0; public lastDialog: any; public bubbles: {[mid: number]: HTMLDivElement} = {}; public dateMessages: {[timestamp: number]: { div: HTMLDivElement, firstTimestamp: number }} = {}; public unreaded: number[] = []; public unreadOut: number[] = []; public offline = false; public updateStatusInterval = 0; public pinnedMsgID = 0; private pinnedMessageContainer = this.pageEl.querySelector('.pinned-message') as HTMLDivElement; private pinnedMessageContent = this.pinnedMessageContainer.querySelector('.pinned-message-subtitle') as HTMLDivElement; private firstTopMsgID = 0; public loadMediaQueue: Array<() => Promise> = []; private loadMediaQueuePromise: Promise = null; public scroll: HTMLDivElement = null; public scrollPosition: ScrollPosition = null; public log: ReturnType; private preloader: ProgressivePreloader = null; private typingTimeouts: {[peerID: number]: number} = {}; private typingUsers: {[userID: number]: number} = {} // to peerID constructor() { this.log = logger('IM'); this.preloader = new ProgressivePreloader(null, false); MTProto.apiManager.getUserID().then((id) => { this.myID = id; }); $rootScope.$on('user_auth', (e: CustomEvent) => { let userAuth = e.detail; this.myID = userAuth ? : 0; }); $rootScope.$on('history_append', (e: CustomEvent) => { let details = e.detail; this.renderMessagesByIDs([details.messageID]); }); $rootScope.$on('history_multiappend', (e: CustomEvent) => { let msgIDsByPeer = e.detail; if(!(this.peerID in msgIDsByPeer)) return; let msgIDs = msgIDsByPeer[this.peerID]; this.renderMessagesByIDs(msgIDs); }); $rootScope.$on('message_sent', (e: CustomEvent) => { let {tempID, mid} = e.detail; let bubble = this.bubbles[tempID]; if(bubble) { this.bubbles[mid] = bubble; delete this.bubbles[tempID]; } let length = this.unreadOut.length; for(let i = 0; i < length; i++) { if(this.unreadOut[i] == tempID) { this.unreadOut[i] = mid; } } }); $rootScope.$on('messages_downloaded', (e: CustomEvent) => { let mid = e.detail; if(this.pinnedMsgID == mid) { let message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(mid); this.log('setting pinned message', message); this.pinnedMessageContainer.setAttribute('data-mid', mid); = ''; this.pinnedMessageContent.innerHTML = RichTextProcessor.wrapPlainText(message.message); } }); $rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e: CustomEvent) => { let update = e.detail; switch(update._) { case 'updateUserTyping': case 'updateChatUserTyping': if(this.myID == update.user_id) { return; } var peerID = update._ == 'updateUserTyping' ? update.user_id : -update.chat_id; this.typingUsers[update.user_id] = peerID; if(!appUsersManager.hasUser(update.user_id)) { if(update.chat_id && appChatsManager.hasChat(update.chat_id) && !appChatsManager.isChannel(update.chat_id)) { appProfileManager.getChatFull(update.chat_id); } //return; } appUsersManager.forceUserOnline(update.user_id); let dialog = appMessagesManager.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0]; let currentPeer = this.peerID == peerID; if(this.typingTimeouts[peerID]) clearTimeout(this.typingTimeouts[peerID]); else if(dialog) { appDialogsManager.setTyping(dialog, appUsersManager.getUser(update.user_id)); if(currentPeer) { // user this.setPeerStatus(); } } this.typingTimeouts[peerID] = setTimeout(() => { this.typingTimeouts[peerID] = 0; delete this.typingUsers[update.user_id]; if(dialog) { appDialogsManager.unsetTyping(dialog); } // лень просчитывать случаи this.setPeerStatus(); }, 6000); break; } }) window.addEventListener('blur', () => { lottieLoader.checkAnimations(true); this.offline = true; this.updateStatus(); clearInterval(this.updateStatusInterval); window.addEventListener('focus', () => { lottieLoader.checkAnimations(false); this.offline = false; this.updateStatus(); this.updateStatusInterval = window.setInterval(() => this.updateStatus(), 50e3); }, {once: true}); }); (this.pageEl.querySelector('.person') as HTMLDivElement).addEventListener('click', (e) => { appSidebarRight.toggleSidebar(true); }); this.chatInner.addEventListener('click', (e) => { let target = as HTMLElement; if(target.tagName == 'IMG' || target.tagName == 'VIDEO') { let messageID = +target.getAttribute('message-id'); let message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(messageID); if(!message) { this.log.warn('no message by messageID:', messageID); return; } appMediaViewer.openMedia(message, true); } //console.log('chatInner click', e); }); this.searchBtn.addEventListener('click', (e) => { if(this.peerID) { appSidebarLeft.beginSearch(this.peerID); } }); this.pinnedMessageContainer.addEventListener('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.cancelBubble = true; let mid = +this.pinnedMessageContainer.getAttribute('data-mid'); this.setPeer(this.peerID, mid); }); this.updateStatusInterval = window.setInterval(() => this.updateStatus(), 50e3); this.updateStatus(); setInterval(() => this.setPeerStatus(), 60e3); this.loadMediaQueueProcess(); } public loadMediaQueuePush(cb: () => Promise) { this.loadMediaQueue.push(cb); this.loadMediaQueueProcess(); } public async loadMediaQueueProcess(): Promise { if(this.loadMediaQueuePromise /* || 1 == 1 */) return this.loadMediaQueuePromise; let woo = this.loadMediaQueue.splice(-5, 5).reverse().map(f => f()); if(woo.length) { this.log('Will load more media:', woo.length); try { this.loadMediaQueuePromise = Promise.all(woo); await this.loadMediaQueuePromise; } catch(err) { this.log.error('loadMediaQueue error:', err); } } this.loadMediaQueuePromise = null; if(this.loadMediaQueue.length) return this.loadMediaQueueProcess(); return this.loadMediaQueuePromise; } public updateStatus() { if(!this.myID) return Promise.resolve(); appUsersManager.setUserStatus(this.myID, this.offline); return MTProto.apiManager.invokeApi('account.updateStatus', { offline: this.offline }, {noErrorBox: true}); } public onScroll() { let length = this.unreaded.length; let readed: number[] = []; for(let i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { let msgID = this.unreaded[i]; let bubble = this.bubbles[msgID]; if(isElementInViewport(bubble)) { readed.push(msgID); this.unreaded.splice(i, 1); } } lottieLoader.checkAnimations(); if(readed.length) { let max = Math.max(...readed); let min = Math.min(...readed); //appMessagesManager.readMessages(readed); appMessagesManager.readHistory(this.peerID, max, min); } if(this.scroll.scrollHeight - (this.scroll.scrollTop + this.scroll.offsetHeight) == 0/* <= 5 */) { this.scroll.parentElement.classList.add('scrolled-down'); } else if(this.scroll.parentElement.classList.contains('scrolled-down')) { this.scroll.parentElement.classList.remove('scrolled-down'); } // load more history if(!this.getHistoryPromise && !this.getHistoryTimeout /* && false */) { let history = Object.keys(this.bubbles).map(id => +id).sort(); /* let history = appMessagesManager.historiesStorage[this.peerID].history; let length = history.length; */ this.getHistoryTimeout = setTimeout(() => { // must be this.getHistoryTimeout = 0; let willLoad = false; for(let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { let msgID = history[i]; if(!(msgID in this.bubbles) || msgID <= 0) continue; let bubble = this.bubbles[msgID]; if(isElementInViewport(bubble)) { willLoad = true; this.log('Will load more (up) history by id:', history[0], 'maxID:', history[history.length - 1], history, bubble); /* false && */!testScroll && this.getHistory(history[0], true).then(() => { // uncomment this.onScroll(); }).catch(err => { this.log.warn('Could not load more history, err:', err); }); break; } } let dialog = appMessagesManager.getDialogByPeerID(this.peerID)[0]; // if scroll down after search if(!willLoad && history.indexOf(/* this.lastDialog */dialog.top_message) === -1) { let lastMsgIDs = history.slice(-10); for(let msgID of lastMsgIDs) { if(!(msgID in this.bubbles) || msgID <= 0) continue; let bubble = this.bubbles[msgID]; if(isElementInViewport(bubble)) { willLoad = true; this.log('Will load more (down) history by maxID:', lastMsgIDs[lastMsgIDs.length - 1], lastMsgIDs, bubble); /* false && */!testScroll && this.getHistory(lastMsgIDs[lastMsgIDs.length - 1], false, true).then(() => { // uncomment this.onScroll(); }).catch(err => { this.log.warn('Could not load more history, err:', err); }); break; } } } }, 0); } } public setScroll(scroll: HTMLDivElement) { this.scroll = scroll; this.scrollPosition = new ScrollPosition(this.chatInner); this.scroll.onscroll = this.onScroll.bind(this); } public setPeerStatus() { if(!this.myID) return; // set subtitle this.subtitleEl.innerText = appSidebarRight.profileElements.subtitle.innerText = ''; this.subtitleEl.classList.remove('online'); appSidebarRight.profileElements.subtitle.classList.remove('online'); if(this.peerID < 0) { // not human let chat = appPeersManager.getPeer(this.peerID); let isChannel = appPeersManager.isChannel(this.peerID) && !appPeersManager.isMegagroup(this.peerID); this.log('setPeerStatus', chat); // will redirect if wrong appProfileManager.getChatFull( any) => { this.log('chatInfo res:', res); if(res.pinned_msg_id) { // request pinned message this.pinnedMsgID = res.pinned_msg_id; appMessagesManager.wrapSingleMessage(res.pinned_msg_id); } let participants_count = res.participants_count || res.participants.participants.length; let subtitle = numberWithCommas(participants_count) + ' ' + (isChannel ? 'subscribers' : 'members'); this.subtitleEl.innerText = appSidebarRight.profileElements.subtitle.innerText = subtitle; }); } else if(!appUsersManager.isBot(this.peerID)) { // user let user = appUsersManager.getUser(this.peerID); //this.subtitleEl.classList.remove('online'); if(user && user.status && this.myID != this.peerID) { let subtitle = ''; switch(user.status._) { case 'userStatusRecently': subtitle += 'last seen recently'; break; case 'userStatusOffline': subtitle = 'last seen '; let date = user.status.was_online; let now = / 1000; if((now - date) < 60) { subtitle += ' just now'; } else if((now - date) < 3600) { subtitle += ((now - date) / 60 | 0) + ' minutes ago'; } else if(now - date < 86400) { subtitle += ((now - date) / 3600 | 0) + ' hours ago'; } else { let d = new Date(date * 1000); subtitle += ('0' + d.getDate()).slice(-2) + '.' + ('0' + (d.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + ' at ' + ('0' + d.getHours()).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + d.getMinutes()).slice(-2); } break; case 'userStatusOnline': this.subtitleEl.classList.add('online'); appSidebarRight.profileElements.subtitle.classList.add('online'); subtitle = 'online'; break; } appSidebarRight.profileElements.subtitle.innerText = subtitle; if(this.typingUsers[this.peerID] == this.peerID) { this.subtitleEl.innerText = 'typing...'; this.subtitleEl.classList.add('online'); } else this.subtitleEl.innerText = subtitle; } } } public cleanup() { this.peerID = $rootScope.selectedPeerID = 0; if(this.lastContainerDiv) this.lastContainerDiv.remove(); if(this.firstContainerDiv) this.firstContainerDiv.remove(); this.lastContainerDiv = undefined; this.firstContainerDiv = undefined; for(let i in this.bubbles) { let bubble = this.bubbles[i]; bubble.remove(); } this.bubbles = {}; this.dateMessages = {}; this.unreaded = []; this.unreadOut = []; this.loadMediaQueue = []; console.time('chatInner clear'); this.chatInner.innerHTML = ''; /* Array.from(this.chatInner.children).forEach(c => { this.chatInner.removeChild(c); }); */ console.timeEnd('chatInner clear'); //appSidebarRight.minMediaID = {}; } public setPeer(peerID: number, lastMsgID = 0) { let samePeer = this.peerID == peerID; if(samePeer && !testScroll && !lastMsgID) { return Promise.resolve(true); // uncomment } if(samePeer && lastMsgID == this.lastDialog.top_message) { if(this.bubbles[lastMsgID]) { this.scroll.scrollTop = this.scroll.scrollHeight; return Promise.resolve(true); } } // clear this.cleanup(); // set new this.peerID = $rootScope.selectedPeerID = peerID; // no dialog if(!appMessagesManager.getDialogByPeerID(this.peerID).length) { this.log.error('No dialog by peerID:', this.peerID); return Promise.reject(); } = 'none'; this.preloader.attach(this.chatInner); if(this.lastDialog) { let lastDom = appDialogsManager.getDialogDom(this.lastDialog.peerID); lastDom.listEl.classList.remove('active'); } let dialog = this.lastDialog = appMessagesManager.getDialogByPeerID(this.peerID)[0]; this.log('setPeer peerID:', this.peerID, dialog); appDialogsManager.loadDialogPhoto(this.avatarEl, dialog.peerID); appDialogsManager.loadDialogPhoto(appSidebarRight.profileElements.avatar, dialog.peerID); this.firstTopMsgID = dialog.top_message || 0; let dom = appDialogsManager.getDialogDom(this.peerID); if(!dom) { this.log.warn('No rendered dialog by peerID:', this.peerID); appDialogsManager.addDialog(dialog); dom = appDialogsManager.getDialogDom(this.peerID); } // warning need check dom.listEl.classList.add('active'); this.setPeerStatus(); this.titleEl.innerText = = dom.titleSpan.innerText; appSidebarRight.toggleSidebar(true); return Promise.all([ this.getHistory(lastMsgID).then(() => { this.log('setPeer removing preloader'); if(lastMsgID) { this.renderMessage(appMessagesManager.getMessage(lastMsgID)); if(lastMsgID != dialog.top_message) { this.bubbles[lastMsgID].scrollIntoView(); } } else if(dialog.top_message) { // add last message, bc in getHistory will load < max_id this.renderMessage(appMessagesManager.getMessage(dialog.top_message)); } if(this.scroll) { this.onScroll(); } this.preloader.detach(); setTimeout(() => { //appSidebarRight.fillProfileElements(); appSidebarRight.loadSidebarMedia(); }, 0); return true; })/* .catch(err => { this.log.error(err); }) */, appSidebarRight.fillProfileElements() ]).catch(err => { this.log.error(err); }); } public updateUnreadByDialog(dialog: any) { let maxID = dialog.read_outbox_max_id; let length = this.unreadOut.length; for(let i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { let msgID = this.unreadOut[i]; if(msgID <= maxID) { let bubble = this.bubbles[msgID]; bubble.classList.remove('sent'); bubble.classList.add('read'); this.unreadOut.splice(i, 1); } } } public deleteMessagesByIDs(msgIDs: number[]) { msgIDs.forEach(id => { if(!(id in this.bubbles)) return; let bubble = this.bubbles[id]; let parent = bubble.parentNode as HTMLDivElement; delete this.bubbles[id]; bubble.remove(); if(!parent.childNodes.length) { parent.remove(); } }); lottieLoader.checkAnimations(); } public renderMessagesByIDs(msgIDs: number[]) { if(!this.bubbles[this.firstTopMsgID]) { // seems search active return; } msgIDs.forEach((msgID: number) => { let message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(msgID); this.log('got new message to append:', message); //this.unreaded.push(msgID); this.renderMessage(message); }); } public renderMessage(message: any, reverse = false, multipleRender?: boolean) { let peerID = this.peerID; let our = message.fromID == this.myID; let messageDiv = document.createElement('div'); messageDiv.classList.add('message'); this.log('message to render:', message); //messageDiv.innerText = message.message; // time section let date = new Date( * 1000); let time = ('0' + date.getHours()).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2); let timeSpan = document.createElement('span'); timeSpan.classList.add('time'); let timeInner = document.createElement('div'); timeInner.classList.add('inner', 'tgico'); timeInner.innerText = time; // bubble let bubble = document.createElement('div'); bubble.classList.add('bubble'); this.bubbles[+message.mid] = bubble; let richText = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(message.message, { entities: message.totalEntities }); if(message.totalEntities) { let emojiEntities = message.totalEntities.filter((e: any) => e._ == 'messageEntityEmoji'); let strLength = message.message.length; let emojiStrLength = emojiEntities.reduce((acc: number, curr: any) => acc + curr.length, 0); if(emojiStrLength == strLength && emojiEntities.length <= 3) { let attachmentDiv = document.createElement('div'); attachmentDiv.classList.add('attachment'); attachmentDiv.innerHTML = richText; messageDiv.classList.add('message-empty'); bubble.classList.add('emoji-' + emojiEntities.length + 'x', 'emoji-big'); bubble.append(attachmentDiv); } else { messageDiv.innerHTML = richText; } /* if(strLength == emojiStrLength) { messageDiv.classList.add('emoji-only'); messageDiv.classList.add('message-empty'); } */ } else { messageDiv.innerHTML = richText; } //messageDiv.innerHTML = 'samsung samsung samsung'; timeSpan.appendChild(timeInner); messageDiv.append(timeSpan); bubble.prepend(messageDiv); if(our) { if(message.pFlags.unread) this.unreadOut.push(message.mid); let status = message.pFlags.unread ? 'sent' : 'read'; bubble.classList.add(status); } else { //this.log('not our message', message, message.pFlags.unread); if(message.pFlags.unread) this.unreaded.push(message.mid); } // media if( { let attachmentDiv = document.createElement('div'); attachmentDiv.classList.add('attachment'); if(!message.message) { messageDiv.classList.add('message-empty'); } let processingWebPage = false; switch( { case 'messageMediaPhoto': { let photo =; this.log('messageMediaPhoto', photo); bubble.classList.add('hide-name', 'photo');, photo, message, attachmentDiv); break; } case 'messageMediaWebPage': { processingWebPage = true; let webpage =; this.log('messageMediaWebPage', webpage); if(webpage._ == 'webPageEmpty') { break; } bubble.classList.add('webpage'); let box = document.createElement('div'); box.classList.add('box', 'web'); let quote = document.createElement('div'); quote.classList.add('quote'); let nameEl = document.createElement('a'); nameEl.classList.add('name'); let titleDiv = document.createElement('div'); titleDiv.classList.add('title'); let textDiv = document.createElement('div'); textDiv.classList.add('text'); let loadedVideo = false; let preview: HTMLDivElement = null; if( || webpage.document) { preview = document.createElement('div'); preview.classList.add('preview'); } let doc: any = null; if(webpage.document) { doc = webpage.document; if(doc.type == 'gif' || doc.type == 'video') { bubble.classList.add('video');, doc, preview, message); } else { doc = null; } } if( && !doc) { bubble.classList.add('photo'); appPhotosManager.savePhoto(; // hot-fix because no webpage manager,, message, preview); } if(preview) { quote.append(preview); } nameEl.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); nameEl.href = webpage.url || '#'; nameEl.innerText = webpage.site_name || ''; if(webpage.description) { textDiv.innerHTML = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(webpage.description); } //textDiv.innerText = webpage.description || ''; quote.append(nameEl, titleDiv, textDiv); box.append(quote); bubble.prepend(box); //this.log('night running', bubble.scrollHeight); break; } case 'messageMediaDocument': { let doc =; /* if(document.size > 1e6) { // 1mb break; } */ this.log('messageMediaDocument', doc); if(doc.sticker && doc.size <= 1e6) { bubble.classList.add('sticker'); if(doc.animated) { bubble.classList.add('sticker-animated'); } appPhotosManager.setAttachmentSize(doc, attachmentDiv); =; =; //appPhotosManager.setAttachmentSize(doc, bubble); let load = () => wrapSticker(doc, attachmentDiv, () => { if(this.peerID != peerID) { this.log.warn('peer changed, canceling sticker attach'); return false; } return true; })/* .then(() => { = ''; = ''; }) */; this.loadMediaQueuePush(load); break; } else if(doc.mime_type == 'video/mp4') { this.log('never get free 2', doc); bubble.classList.add('video');, doc, attachmentDiv, message); break; } else { let docDiv = wrapDocument(doc); messageDiv.classList.remove('message-empty'); messageDiv.append(docDiv); processingWebPage = true; break; } } default: messageDiv.classList.remove('message-empty'); messageDiv.innerHTML = 'unrecognized media type: ' +; messageDiv.append(timeSpan); this.log.warn('unrecognized media type:',, message); break; } if(!processingWebPage) { bubble.append(attachmentDiv); } } if(message.fwd_from) { let fwd = message.fwd_from; //let peerFrom = appPeersManager.getPeerTitle() /* let fromTitle = */appPeersManager.getPeerTitle(fwd.from_id); } if((this.peerID < 0 && !our) || message.fwd_from) { // chat let title = appPeersManager.getPeerTitle(message.fwdFromID || message.fromID); //this.log(title); if(message.fwdFromID) { bubble.classList.add('forwarded'); if(!bubble.classList.contains('sticker')) { let nameDiv = document.createElement('div'); nameDiv.classList.add('name'); nameDiv.innerText = 'Forwarded from ' + title; bubble.append(nameDiv); } } else { if(message.reply_to_mid) { let box = document.createElement('div'); box.classList.add('box'); let quote = document.createElement('div'); quote.classList.add('quote'); let nameEl = document.createElement('a'); nameEl.classList.add('name'); let textDiv = document.createElement('div'); textDiv.classList.add('text'); let originalMessage = appMessagesManager.getMessage(message.reply_to_mid); let originalPeerTitle = appPeersManager.getPeerTitle(originalMessage.fromID) || ''; nameEl.innerText = originalPeerTitle; textDiv.innerHTML = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(originalMessage.message, { entities: originalMessage.totalEntities }); quote.append(nameEl, textDiv); box.append(quote); bubble.append(box); } /* if( { switch( { case 'messageMediaWebPage': { let nameDiv = document.createElement('div'); nameDiv.classList.add('name'); nameDiv.innerText = title; bubble.append(nameDiv); break; } } } */ if(!bubble.classList.contains('sticker')) { let nameDiv = document.createElement('div'); nameDiv.classList.add('name'); nameDiv.innerText = title; bubble.append(nameDiv); } //bubble.prepend(avatarDiv); /* if(messageDiv.nextElementSibling) { bubble.insertBefore(avatarDiv, messageDiv.nextElementSibling); } else { */ //} } if(!our && this.peerID < 0) { let avatarDiv = document.createElement('div'); avatarDiv.classList.add('user-avatar'); this.log('exec loadDialogPhoto', message); if(message.fromID) { // if no - user hidden appDialogsManager.loadDialogPhoto(avatarDiv, message.fromID); } else if(!title && message.fwd_from && message.fwd_from.from_name) { title = message.fwd_from.from_name; appDialogsManager.loadDialogPhoto(avatarDiv, title); } bubble.append(avatarDiv); } } let type = our ? 'out' : 'in'; let containerDiv = reverse ? this.firstContainerDiv : this.lastContainerDiv; if(!containerDiv || !containerDiv.classList.contains(type)) { /* if(containerDiv) { if(reverse) this.chatInner.prepend(containerDiv); else this.chatInner.append(containerDiv); } */ containerDiv = document.createElement('div'); containerDiv.classList.add(type); if(!this.firstContainerDiv) this.firstContainerDiv = containerDiv; if(reverse) this.firstContainerDiv = containerDiv; else this.lastContainerDiv = containerDiv; } if(reverse) { if(!multipleRender) { this.scrollPosition.prepareFor('up'); // лагает из-за этого } containerDiv.prepend(bubble); this.chatInner.prepend(containerDiv); } else { if(!multipleRender) { this.scrollPosition.prepareFor('down'); // лагает из-за этого } containerDiv.append(bubble); this.chatInner.append(containerDiv); } if(bubble.classList.contains('webpage')) { this.log('night running', bubble, bubble.scrollHeight); } //return //this.scrollPosition.restore(); let justDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()); let dateTimestamp = justDate.getTime(); if(!(dateTimestamp in this.dateMessages)) { const months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']; let str = justDate.getFullYear() == new Date().getFullYear() ? months[justDate.getMonth()] + ' ' + justDate.getDate() : justDate.toISOString().split('T')[0].split('-').reverse().join('.'); let div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('service'); div.innerHTML = `
`; this.log('need to render date message', dateTimestamp, str); this.dateMessages[dateTimestamp] = { div, firstTimestamp: date.getTime() }; //this.chatInner.insertBefore(div, containerDiv); containerDiv.insertBefore(div, bubble); } else { let dateMessage = this.dateMessages[dateTimestamp]; if(dateMessage.firstTimestamp > date.getTime()) { //this.chatInner.insertBefore(dateMessage.div, containerDiv); containerDiv.insertBefore(dateMessage.div, bubble); } } if(!multipleRender) { this.scrollPosition.restore(); // лагает из-за этого } //this.log('history msg', message); } // reverse means scroll up public getHistory(maxID = 0, reverse = false, isBackLimit = false) { let peerID = this.peerID; if(!maxID && this.lastDialog.top_message) { maxID = this.lastDialog.top_message/* + 1 */; } let loadCount = Object.keys(this.bubbles).length > 0 ? 20 : (this.chatInner.parentElement.parentElement.scrollHeight) / 30 * 1.25 | 0; console.time('render getHistory'); console.time('render history total'); let backLimit = 0; if(isBackLimit) { backLimit = loadCount; loadCount = 0; maxID += 1; } return this.getHistoryPromise = appMessagesManager.getHistory(this.peerID, maxID, loadCount, backLimit) .then((result: any) => { this.log('getHistory result by maxID:', maxID, reverse, isBackLimit, result); console.timeEnd('render getHistory'); if(this.peerID != peerID) { this.log.warn('peer changed'); console.timeEnd('render history total'); return Promise.reject(); } if(!result || !result.history) { console.timeEnd('render history total'); return true; } //this.chatInner.innerHTML = ''; let history = result.history.slice(); if(reverse) history.reverse(); console.time('render history'); if(!isBackLimit) { this.scrollPosition.prepareFor(reverse ? 'up' : 'down'); } let length = history.length; for(let i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { let msgID = history[i]; let message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(msgID); this.renderMessage(message, reverse, true); } if(!isBackLimit) { this.scrollPosition.restore(); } console.timeEnd('render history'); this.getHistoryPromise = undefined; console.timeEnd('render history total'); return true; }); } } export default new AppImManager();