import rootScope from "../../lib/rootScope"; import { generatePathData } from "../../helpers/dom"; type BubbleGroup = {timestamp: number, fromId: number, mid: number, group: HTMLDivElement[]}; export default class BubbleGroups { bubblesByGroups: Array = []; // map to group groups: Array = []; //updateRAFs: Map = new Map(); newGroupDiff = 120; removeBubble(bubble: HTMLDivElement, mid: number) { let details = this.bubblesByGroups.findAndSplice(g => g.mid == mid); if(details && { => d == bubble); if(! { this.groups.findAndSplice(g => g ==; } else { this.updateGroup(; } } } addBubble(bubble: HTMLDivElement, message: any, reverse: boolean) { let timestamp =; let fromId = message.fromId; let group: HTMLDivElement[]; // fix for saved messages forward to self if(fromId == rootScope.myId && message.peerId == rootScope.myId && message.fwdFromId == fromId) { fromId = -fromId; } // try to find added //this.removeBubble(message.mid); if(this.bubblesByGroups.length) { if(reverse) { let g = this.bubblesByGroups[0]; if(g.fromId == fromId && (g.timestamp - timestamp) < this.newGroupDiff) { group =; group.unshift(bubble); } else { this.groups.unshift(group = [bubble]); } } else { let g = this.bubblesByGroups[this.bubblesByGroups.length - 1]; if(g.fromId == fromId && (timestamp - g.timestamp) < this.newGroupDiff) { group =; group.push(bubble); } else { this.groups.push(group = [bubble]); } } } else { this.groups.push(group = [bubble]); } //console.log('[BUBBLE]: addBubble', bubble, message.mid, fromId, reverse, group); this.bubblesByGroups[reverse ? 'unshift' : 'push']({timestamp, fromId, mid: message.mid, group}); this.updateGroup(group); } setClipIfNeeded(bubble: HTMLDivElement, remove = false) { //console.log('setClipIfNeeded', bubble, remove); const className = bubble.className; if(className.includes('is-message-empty')/* && !className.includes('is-reply') */ && (className.includes('photo') || className.includes('video'))) { let container = bubble.querySelector('.bubble__media-container') as SVGSVGElement; //console.log('setClipIfNeeded', bubble, remove, container); if(!container) return; try { Array.from(container.children).forEach(object => { if(object instanceof SVGDefsElement) return; if(remove) { object.removeAttributeNS(null, 'clip-path'); } else { let clipId = container.dataset.clipId; let path = container.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.lastElementChild as SVGPathElement; let width = +object.getAttributeNS(null, 'width'); let height = +object.getAttributeNS(null, 'height'); let isOut = className.includes('is-out'); let isReply = className.includes('is-reply'); let d = ''; //console.log('setClipIfNeeded', object, width, height, isOut); let tr: number, tl: number; if(className.includes('forwarded') || isReply) { tr = tl = 0; } else if(isOut) { tr = className.includes('is-group-first') ? 12 : 6; tl = 12; } else { tr = 12; tl = className.includes('is-group-first') ? 12 : 6; } if(isOut) { d = generatePathData(0, 0, width - 9, height, tl, tr, 0, 12); } else { d = generatePathData(9, 0, width - 9, height, tl, tr, 12, 0); } path.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', d); object.setAttributeNS(null, 'clip-path', 'url(#' + clipId + ')'); } }); } catch(err) {} } } updateGroup(group: HTMLDivElement[]) { /* if(this.updateRAFs.has(group)) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.updateRAFs.get(group)); this.updateRAFs.delete(group); } */ //this.updateRAFs.set(group, window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { //this.updateRAFs.delete(group); if(!group.length) { return; } let first = group[0]; //console.log('[BUBBLE]: updateGroup', group, first); if(group.length == 1) { first.classList.add('is-group-first', 'is-group-last'); this.setClipIfNeeded(first); return; } else { first.classList.remove('is-group-last'); first.classList.add('is-group-first'); this.setClipIfNeeded(first, true); } let length = group.length - 1; for(let i = 1; i < length; ++i) { let bubble = group[i]; bubble.classList.remove('is-group-last', 'is-group-first'); this.setClipIfNeeded(bubble, true); } let last = group[group.length - 1]; last.classList.remove('is-group-first'); last.classList.add('is-group-last'); this.setClipIfNeeded(last); //})); } updateGroupByMessageId(mid: number) { let details = this.bubblesByGroups.find(g => g.mid == mid); if(details) { this.updateGroup(; } } cleanup() { this.bubblesByGroups = []; this.groups = []; /* for(let value of this.updateRAFs.values()) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(value); } this.updateRAFs.clear(); */ } }