import { AppImManager, CHAT_ANIMATION_GROUP } from "../../lib/appManagers/appImManager"; import type { AppMessagesManager, Dialog, HistoryResult } from "../../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager"; import type { AppSidebarRight } from "../sidebarRight"; import type { AppStickersManager } from "../../lib/appManagers/appStickersManager"; import type { AppUsersManager } from "../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager"; import type { AppInlineBotsManager } from "../../lib/appManagers/AppInlineBotsManager"; import type { AppPhotosManager } from "../../lib/appManagers/appPhotosManager"; import type { AppDocsManager } from "../../lib/appManagers/appDocsManager"; import type { AppPeersManager } from "../../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager"; import { findUpClassName, cancelEvent, findUpTag, CLICK_EVENT_NAME, whichChild } from "../../helpers/dom"; import { getObjectKeysAndSort } from "../../helpers/object"; import { isTouchSupported } from "../../helpers/touchSupport"; import { logger, LogLevels } from "../../lib/logger"; import rootScope from "../../lib/rootScope"; import AppMediaViewer from "../appMediaViewer"; import BubbleGroups from "../bubbleGroups"; import Button from "../button"; import PopupDatePicker from "../popupDatepicker"; import PopupForward from "../popupForward"; import PopupStickers from "../popupStickers"; import ProgressivePreloader from "../preloader"; import Scrollable from "../scrollable"; import StickyIntersector from "../stickyIntersector"; import ChatContextMenu from "./contextMenu"; import ChatSelection from "./selection"; import animationIntersector from "../animationIntersector"; import { months } from "../../helpers/date"; import RichTextProcessor from "../../lib/richtextprocessor"; import mediaSizes from "../../helpers/mediaSizes"; import { isAndroid, isApple, isSafari } from "../../helpers/userAgent"; import { langPack } from "../../lib/langPack"; import AudioElement from "../audio"; import AvatarElement from "../avatar"; import { formatPhoneNumber } from "../misc"; import { ripple } from "../ripple"; import { wrapAlbum, wrapPhoto, wrapVideo, wrapDocument, wrapSticker, wrapPoll, wrapReply } from "../wrappers"; import { MessageRender } from "./messageRender"; import LazyLoadQueue from "../lazyLoadQueue"; import { AppChatsManager } from "../../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager"; import Chat from "./chat"; import ListenerSetter from "../../helpers/listenerSetter"; const IGNORE_ACTIONS = ['messageActionHistoryClear']; const TEST_SCROLL_TIMES: number = undefined; let TEST_SCROLL = TEST_SCROLL_TIMES; export default class ChatBubbles { bubblesContainer: HTMLDivElement; chatInner: HTMLDivElement; goDownBtn: HTMLButtonElement; scrollable: Scrollable; scroll: HTMLElement; private getHistoryTopPromise: Promise; private getHistoryBottomPromise: Promise; public peerID = 0; public unreadOut = new Set(); public needUpdate: {replyMid: number, mid: number}[] = []; // if need wrapSingleMessage public bubbles: {[mid: string]: HTMLDivElement} = {}; public dateMessages: {[timestamp: number]: { div: HTMLDivElement, firstTimestamp: number, container: HTMLDivElement, timeout?: number }} = {}; private scrolledDown = true; private isScrollingTimeout = 0; private stickyIntersector: StickyIntersector; private unreadedObserver: IntersectionObserver; private unreaded: number[] = []; public bubbleGroups = new BubbleGroups(); private preloader: ProgressivePreloader = null; private scrolledAll: boolean; private scrolledAllDown: boolean; private loadedTopTimes = 0; private loadedBottomTimes = 0; public messagesQueuePromise: Promise = null; private messagesQueue: {message: any, bubble: HTMLDivElement, reverse: boolean, promises: Promise[]}[] = []; private messagesQueueOnRender: () => void = null; private firstUnreadBubble: HTMLDivElement = null; private attachedUnreadBubble: boolean; public lazyLoadQueue = new LazyLoadQueue(); private cleanupObj = {cleaned: false}; private log: ReturnType; public listenerSetter: ListenerSetter; constructor(private chat: Chat, private appMessagesManager: AppMessagesManager, private appSidebarRight: AppSidebarRight, private appStickersManager: AppStickersManager, private appUsersManager: AppUsersManager, private appInlineBotsManager: AppInlineBotsManager, private appPhotosManager: AppPhotosManager, private appDocsManager: AppDocsManager, private appPeersManager: AppPeersManager, private appChatsManager: AppChatsManager) {'Bubbles construction'); this.listenerSetter = new ListenerSetter(); this.bubblesContainer = document.createElement('div'); this.bubblesContainer.classList.add('bubbles', 'scrolled-down'); this.chatInner = document.createElement('div'); this.chatInner.classList.add('bubbles-inner'); this.goDownBtn = Button('bubbles-go-down btn-corner z-depth-1 hide', {icon: 'down'}); this.bubblesContainer.append(this.chatInner, this.goDownBtn); this.setScroll(); // * constructor end this.log =; this.preloader = new ProgressivePreloader(null, false); // * events // will call when message is sent (only 1) this.listenerSetter.add(rootScope, 'history_append', (e) => { let details = e.detail; if(!this.scrolledAllDown) {, 0); } else { this.renderNewMessagesByIDs([details.messageID], true); } }); // will call when sent for update pos this.listenerSetter.add(rootScope, 'history_update', (e) => { let details = e.detail; if(details.mid && details.peerID == this.peerID) { let mid = details.mid; let bubble = this.bubbles[mid]; if(!bubble) return; let message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(mid); //this.log('history_update', this.bubbles[mid], mid, message); let dateMessage = this.getDateContainerByMessage(message, false); dateMessage.container.append(bubble); this.bubbleGroups.addBubble(bubble, message, false); //this.renderMessage(message, false, false, bubble); } }); this.listenerSetter.add(rootScope, 'history_multiappend', (e) => { const msgIDsByPeer = e.detail; for(const peerID in msgIDsByPeer) { appSidebarRight.sharedMediaTab.renderNewMessages(+peerID, msgIDsByPeer[peerID]); } if(!(this.peerID in msgIDsByPeer)) return; const msgIDs = msgIDsByPeer[this.peerID]; this.renderNewMessagesByIDs(msgIDs); }); this.listenerSetter.add(rootScope, 'history_delete', (e) => { const {peerID, msgs} = e.detail; const mids = Object.keys(msgs).map(s => +s); appSidebarRight.sharedMediaTab.deleteDeletedMessages(peerID, mids); if(peerID == this.peerID) { this.deleteMessagesByIDs(mids); } }); this.listenerSetter.add(rootScope, 'dialog_flush', (e) => { let peerID: number = e.detail.peerID; if(this.peerID == peerID) { this.deleteMessagesByIDs(Object.keys(this.bubbles).map(m => +m)); } }); // Calls when message successfully sent and we have an ID this.listenerSetter.add(rootScope, 'message_sent', (e) => { const {tempID, mid} = e.detail; this.log('message_sent', e.detail); const message = this.appMessagesManager.getMessage(mid); appSidebarRight.sharedMediaTab.renderNewMessages(message.peerID, [mid]); const bubble = this.bubbles[tempID]; if(bubble) { this.bubbles[mid] = bubble; /////this.log('message_sent', bubble); // set new mids to album items for mediaViewer if(message.grouped_id) { const items = bubble.querySelectorAll('.album-item'); const groupIDs = getObjectKeysAndSort(appMessagesManager.groupedMessagesStorage[message.grouped_id]); (Array.from(items) as HTMLElement[]).forEach((item, idx) => { item.dataset.mid = '' + groupIDs[idx]; }); } if( { const newPoll =; const pollElement = bubble.querySelector('poll-element'); if(pollElement) { pollElement.setAttribute('poll-id',; pollElement.setAttribute('message-id', '' + mid); } } if(['audio', 'voice'].includes( { const audio = bubble.querySelector('audio-element'); audio.setAttribute('doc-id',; audio.setAttribute('message-id', '' + mid); } bubble.classList.remove('is-sending'); bubble.classList.add('is-sent'); bubble.dataset.mid = '' + mid; this.bubbleGroups.removeBubble(bubble, tempID); if( && !bubble.querySelector('.web')) { const mounted = this.getMountedBubble(mid); if(!mounted) return; this.renderMessage(mounted.message, true, false, mounted.bubble, false); } delete this.bubbles[tempID]; } else { this.log.warn('message_sent there is no bubble', e.detail); } if(this.unreadOut.has(tempID)) { this.unreadOut.delete(tempID); this.unreadOut.add(mid); } }); this.listenerSetter.add(rootScope, 'message_edit', (e) => { const {peerID, mid} = e.detail; if(peerID != this.peerID) return; const mounted = this.getMountedBubble(mid); if(!mounted) return; this.renderMessage(mounted.message, true, false, mounted.bubble, false); }); this.listenerSetter.add(rootScope, 'album_edit', (e) => { const {peerID, groupID, deletedMids} = e.detail; if(peerID != this.peerID) return; const mids = appMessagesManager.getMidsByAlbum(groupID); const maxID = Math.max(...mids.concat(deletedMids)); if(!this.bubbles[maxID]) return; const renderMaxID = getObjectKeysAndSort(appMessagesManager.groupedMessagesStorage[groupID], 'asc').pop(); this.renderMessage(appMessagesManager.getMessage(renderMaxID), true, false, this.bubbles[maxID], false); }); this.listenerSetter.add(rootScope, 'messages_downloaded', (e) => { const mids: number[] = e.detail; mids.forEach(mid => { /* const promise = (this.scrollable.scrollLocked && this.scrollable.scrollLockedPromise) || Promise.resolve(); promise.then(() => { }); */ this.needUpdate.forEachReverse((obj, idx) => { if(obj.replyMid == mid) { const {mid, replyMid} = this.needUpdate.splice(idx, 1)[0]; //this.log('messages_downloaded', mid, replyMid, i, this.needUpdate, this.needUpdate.length, mids, this.bubbles[mid]); const bubble = this.bubbles[mid]; if(!bubble) return; const message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(mid); const repliedMessage = appMessagesManager.getMessage(replyMid); if(repliedMessage.deleted) { // чтобы не пыталось бесконечно загрузить удалённое сообщение delete message.reply_to_mid; // WARNING! } this.renderMessage(message, true, false, bubble, false); //this.renderMessage(message, true, true, bubble, false); } }); }); }); this.listenerSetter.add(rootScope, 'dialog_drop', (e) => { if(e.detail.peerID == this.peerID) {; } }); this.listenerSetter.add(rootScope, 'dialog_unread', (e) => { const info = e.detail; const dialog = appMessagesManager.getDialogByPeerID(info.peerID)[0]; if(dialog) { if(dialog.peerID == this.peerID) { this.updateUnreadByDialog(dialog); } } }); this.listenerSetter.add(this.bubblesContainer, 'click', (e) => { let target = as HTMLElement; let bubble: HTMLElement = null; try { bubble = findUpClassName(target, 'bubble'); } catch(err) {} if(!bubble) return; if(bubble.classList.contains('is-date') && findUpClassName(target, 'bubble__container')) { if(bubble.classList.contains('is-sticky') && !this.chatInner.classList.contains('is-scrolling')) { return; } for(const timestamp in this.dateMessages) { const d = this.dateMessages[timestamp]; if(d.div == bubble) { new PopupDatePicker(new Date(+timestamp), this.onDatePick).show(); break; } } return; } // ! Trusted - due to audio autoclick if( && e.isTrusted) { if(bubble.classList.contains('service') && bubble.dataset.mid === undefined) { return; } cancelEvent(e); //console.log('bubble click', e); if(isTouchSupported && { = undefined; return; } //this.chatSelection.toggleByBubble(bubble);, 'album-item') || bubble); return; } const contactDiv: HTMLElement = findUpClassName(target, 'contact'); if(contactDiv) {; return; } //this.log('chatInner click:', target); const isVideoComponentElement = target.tagName == 'SPAN'; /* if(isVideoComponentElement) { const video = target.parentElement.querySelector('video') as HTMLElement; if(video) {; // hot-fix for time and play button return; } } */ if(bubble.classList.contains('sticker') && target.parentElement.classList.contains('attachment')) { const messageID = +bubble.dataset.mid; const message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(messageID); const doc =; if(doc?.stickerSetInput) { new PopupStickers(doc.stickerSetInput).show(); } return; } if((target.tagName == 'IMG' && !target.classList.contains('emoji') && target.parentElement.tagName != "AVATAR-ELEMENT" && !target.classList.contains('document-thumb')) || target.classList.contains('album-item') || isVideoComponentElement || (target.tagName == 'VIDEO' && !bubble.classList.contains('round'))) { let messageID = +findUpClassName(target, 'album-item')?.dataset.mid || +bubble.dataset.mid; let message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(messageID); if(!message) { this.log.warn('no message by messageID:', messageID); return; } let targets: {element: HTMLElement, mid: number}[] = []; let ids = Object.keys(this.bubbles).map(k => +k).filter(id => { //if(!this.scrollable.visibleElements.find(e => e.element == this.bubbles[id])) return false; let message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(id); return && ( || ( && ( == 'video' || == 'gif')) || ( && ( ||; }).sort((a, b) => a - b); ids.forEach(id => { let withTail = this.bubbles[id].classList.contains('with-media-tail'); let str = '.album-item img, .album-item video, .preview img, .preview video, '; if(withTail) { str += '.bubble__media-container'; } else { str += '.attachment img, .attachment video'; } let elements = this.bubbles[id].querySelectorAll(str) as NodeListOf; Array.from(elements).forEach((element: HTMLElement) => { let albumItem = findUpClassName(element, 'album-item'); targets.push({ element, mid: +albumItem?.dataset.mid || id }); }); }); targets.sort((a, b) => a.mid - b.mid); let idx = targets.findIndex(t => t.mid == messageID); this.log('open mediaViewer single with ids:', ids, idx, targets); if(!targets[idx]) { this.log('no target for media viewer!', target); return; } new AppMediaViewer().openMedia(message, targets[idx].element, true, targets.slice(0, idx), targets.slice(idx + 1)/* , !message.grouped_id */); cancelEvent(e); //appMediaViewer.openMedia(message, target as HTMLImageElement); return; } if(['IMG', 'DIV', "AVATAR-ELEMENT"].indexOf(target.tagName) === -1) target = findUpTag(target, 'DIV'); if(target.tagName == 'DIV' || target.tagName == "AVATAR-ELEMENT") { if(target.classList.contains('goto-original')) { let savedFrom = bubble.dataset.savedFrom; let splitted = savedFrom.split('_'); let peerID = +splitted[0]; let msgID = +splitted[1]; ////this.log('savedFrom', peerID, msgID);, msgID); return; } else if(target.classList.contains('forward')) { const mid = +bubble.dataset.mid; new PopupForward([mid]); //[mid]); return; } else if(target.classList.contains('name')) { let peerID = +target.dataset.peerID; if(peerID) {; } return; } else if(target.tagName == "AVATAR-ELEMENT") { let peerID = +target.getAttribute('peer'); if(peerID) {; } return; } let isReplyClick = false; try { isReplyClick = !!findUpClassName(, 'reply'); } catch(err) {} if(isReplyClick && bubble.classList.contains('is-reply')/* || bubble.classList.contains('forwarded') */) { let originalMessageID = +bubble.getAttribute('data-original-mid');, originalMessageID); } } else if(target.tagName == 'IMG' && target.parentElement.tagName == "AVATAR-ELEMENT") { let peerID = +target.parentElement.getAttribute('peer'); if(peerID) {; } } //console.log('chatInner click', e); }, {capture: true, passive: false}); this.listenerSetter.add(this.goDownBtn, CLICK_EVENT_NAME, (e) => { cancelEvent(e); const dialog = appMessagesManager.getDialogByPeerID(this.peerID)[0]; if(dialog) {* , dialog.top_message */); } else { this.log('will scroll down 3'); this.scroll.scrollTop = this.scroll.scrollHeight; } }); this.stickyIntersector = new StickyIntersector(this.scrollable.container, (stuck, target) => { for(const timestamp in this.dateMessages) { const dateMessage = this.dateMessages[timestamp]; if(dateMessage.container == target) { dateMessage.div.classList.toggle('is-sticky', stuck); break; } } }); this.unreadedObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { if( { // ! but you can scroll the page without triggering 'focus', need something now return; } const readed: number[] = []; entries.forEach(entry => { if(entry.isIntersecting) { const target = as HTMLElement; const mid = +target.dataset.mid; readed.push(mid); this.unreadedObserver.unobserve(target); this.unreaded.findAndSplice(id => id == mid); } }); if(readed.length) { const max = Math.max(...readed); let length = readed.length; for(let i = this.unreaded.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const mid = this.unreaded[i]; if(mid < max) { length++; this.unreaded.splice(i, 1); } } this.log('will readHistory by ids:', max, length); /* if(this.peerID < 0) { max = appMessagesIDsManager.getMessageIDInfo(max)[0]; } */ //appMessagesManager.readMessages(readed); /* false && */ appMessagesManager.readHistory(this.peerID, max).catch((err: any) => { this.log.error('readHistory err:', err); appMessagesManager.readHistory(this.peerID, max); }); } }); } public getAlbumBubble(groupID: string) { const group = this.appMessagesManager.groupedMessagesStorage[groupID]; for(const mid in group) { if(this.bubbles[mid]) { return { bubble: this.bubbles[mid], message: this.appMessagesManager.getMessage(+mid) }; } } return null; } public getBubbleAlbumItems(bubble: HTMLElement) { return Array.from(bubble.querySelectorAll('.album-item')) as HTMLElement[]; } public getMountedBubble(mid: number) { const message = this.appMessagesManager.getMessage(mid); const bubble = this.bubbles[mid]; if(!bubble && message.grouped_id) { const a = this.getAlbumBubble(message.grouped_id); if(a) return a; } if(!bubble) return; return {bubble, message}; } private findNextMountedBubbleByMsgID(mid: number) { return this.bubbles[getObjectKeysAndSort(this.bubbles).find(id => { if(id < mid) return false; return !!this.bubbles[id]?.parentElement; })]; } public loadMoreHistory(top: boolean, justLoad = false) { //this.log('loadMoreHistory', top); if(!this.peerID || /* TEST_SCROLL || */ || (top && this.getHistoryTopPromise) || (!top && this.getHistoryBottomPromise)) return; // warning, если иды только отрицательные то вниз не попадёт (хотя мб и так не попадёт) let history = Object.keys(this.bubbles).map(id => +id).filter(id => id > 0).sort((a, b) => a - b); if(!history.length) return; if(top && !this.scrolledAll) { this.log('Will load more (up) history by id:', history[0], 'maxID:', history[history.length - 1], history); /* if(history.length == 75) { this.log('load more', this.scrollable.scrollHeight, this.scrollable.scrollTop, this.scrollable); return; } */ /* false && */this.getHistory(history[0], true, undefined, undefined, justLoad); } if(this.scrolledAllDown) return; let dialog = this.appMessagesManager.getDialogByPeerID(this.peerID)[0]; // if scroll down after search if(!top && (!dialog || history.indexOf(dialog.top_message) === -1)) { this.log('Will load more (down) history by maxID:', history[history.length - 1], history); /* false && */this.getHistory(history[history.length - 1], false, true, undefined, justLoad); } } public onScroll = () => { // * В таком случае, кнопка не будет моргать если чат в самом низу, и правильно отработает случай написания нового сообщения и проскролла вниз if(this.scrollable.scrollLocked && this.scrolledDown) return; //lottieLoader.checkAnimations(false, 'chat'); if(!isTouchSupported) { if(this.isScrollingTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.isScrollingTimeout); } else if(!this.chatInner.classList.contains('is-scrolling')) { this.chatInner.classList.add('is-scrolling'); } this.isScrollingTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => { this.chatInner.classList.remove('is-scrolling'); this.isScrollingTimeout = 0; }, 1350); } if(this.scrollable.isScrolledDown) { this.bubblesContainer.classList.add('scrolled-down'); this.scrolledDown = true; } else if(this.bubblesContainer.classList.contains('scrolled-down')) { this.bubblesContainer.classList.remove('scrolled-down'); this.scrolledDown = false; }; }; public setScroll() { this.scrollable = new Scrollable(this.bubblesContainer/* .firstElementChild */ as HTMLElement, 'IM', 300); /* const getScrollOffset = () => { //return Math.round(Math.max(300, appPhotosManager.windowH / 1.5)); return 300; }; window.addEventListener('resize', () => { this.scrollable.onScrollOffset = getScrollOffset(); }); this.scrollable = new Scrollable(this.bubblesContainer, 'y', 'IM', this.chatInner, getScrollOffset()); */ this.scroll = this.scrollable.container; this.bubblesContainer/* .firstElementChild */.append(this.goDownBtn); this.scrollable.onAdditionalScroll = this.onScroll; this.scrollable.onScrolledTop = () => this.loadMoreHistory(true); this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = () => this.loadMoreHistory(false); //this.scrollable.attachSentinels(undefined, 300); this.bubblesContainer.classList.add('scrolled-down'); if(isTouchSupported) { this.scroll.addEventListener('touchmove', () => { if(this.isScrollingTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.isScrollingTimeout); } else if(!this.chatInner.classList.contains('is-scrolling')) { this.chatInner.classList.add('is-scrolling'); } }, {passive: true}); this.scroll.addEventListener('touchend', () => { if(!this.chatInner.classList.contains('is-scrolling')) { return; } if(this.isScrollingTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.isScrollingTimeout); } this.isScrollingTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => { this.chatInner.classList.remove('is-scrolling'); this.isScrollingTimeout = 0; }, 1350); }, {passive: true}); } } public updateUnreadByDialog(dialog: Dialog) { let maxID = this.peerID == rootScope.myID ? dialog.read_inbox_max_id : dialog.read_outbox_max_id; ///////this.log('updateUnreadByDialog', maxID, dialog, this.unreadOut); for(let msgID of this.unreadOut) { if(msgID > 0 && msgID <= maxID) { let bubble = this.bubbles[msgID]; if(bubble) { bubble.classList.remove('is-sent'); bubble.classList.add('is-read'); } this.unreadOut.delete(msgID); } } } public deleteMessagesByIDs(mids: number[]) { mids.forEach(mid => { if(!(mid in this.bubbles)) return; /* const mounted = this.getMountedBubble(mid); if(!mounted) return; */ const bubble = this.bubbles[mid]; delete this.bubbles[mid]; if(this.firstUnreadBubble == bubble) { this.firstUnreadBubble = null; } this.bubbleGroups.removeBubble(bubble, mid); this.unreadedObserver.unobserve(bubble); //this.unreaded.findAndSplice(mid => mid == id); bubble.remove(); //bubble.remove(); }); animationIntersector.checkAnimations(false, CHAT_ANIMATION_GROUP); this.deleteEmptyDateGroups(); } public renderNewMessagesByIDs(msgIDs: number[], scrolledDown = this.scrolledDown) { if(!this.scrolledAllDown) { // seems search active or sliced this.log('seems search is active, skipping render:', msgIDs); return; } msgIDs.forEach((msgID: number) => { let message = this.appMessagesManager.getMessage(msgID); /////////this.log('got new message to append:', message); //this.unreaded.push(msgID); this.renderMessage(message); }); //if(scrolledDown) this.scrollable.scrollTop = this.scrollable.scrollHeight; if(this.messagesQueuePromise && scrolledDown) { if(this.scrollable.isScrolledDown && !this.scrollable.scrollLocked) { //this.log('renderNewMessagesByIDs: messagesQueuePromise before will set prev max'); this.scrollable.scrollTo(this.scrollable.scrollHeight - 1, 'top', false, true); } this.messagesQueuePromise.then(() => { //this.log('renderNewMessagesByIDs: messagesQueuePromise after', this.scrollable.isScrolledDown); this.scrollable.scrollTo(this.scrollable.scrollHeight, 'top', true, true); /* setTimeout(() => { this.log('messagesQueuePromise afterafter:', this.chatInner.childElementCount, this.scrollable.scrollHeight); }, 10); */ }); } } public highlightBubble(element: HTMLElement) { const datasetKey = 'highlightTimeout'; if(element.dataset[datasetKey]) { clearTimeout(+element.dataset[datasetKey]); element.classList.remove('is-highlighted'); void element.offsetWidth; // reflow } element.classList.add('is-highlighted'); element.dataset[datasetKey] = '' + setTimeout(() => { element.classList.remove('is-highlighted'); delete element.dataset[datasetKey]; }, 2000); } public getDateContainerByMessage(message: any, reverse: boolean) { const date = new Date( * 1000); date.setHours(0, 0, 0); const dateTimestamp = date.getTime(); if(!(dateTimestamp in this.dateMessages)) { let str = ''; const today = new Date(); today.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); if(today.getTime() == date.getTime()) { str = 'Today'; } else { str = months[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getDate(); if(date.getFullYear() != today.getFullYear()) { str += ', ' + date.getFullYear(); } } const div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'bubble service is-date'; div.innerHTML = `
`; ////////this.log('need to render date message', dateTimestamp, str); const container = document.createElement('div'); container.className = 'bubbles-date-group'; this.dateMessages[dateTimestamp] = { div, container, firstTimestamp: date.getTime() }; container.append(div); if(reverse) { this.chatInner.prepend(container); } else { this.chatInner.append(container); } this.stickyIntersector.observeStickyHeaderChanges(container); } return this.dateMessages[dateTimestamp]; } public destroy() {'Bubbles destroying'); this.scrollable.onScrolledTop = this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = this.scrollable.onAdditionalScroll = null; this.listenerSetter.removeAll(); this.lazyLoadQueue.clear(); this.unreadedObserver.disconnect(); this.stickyIntersector.disconnect(); delete this.lazyLoadQueue; delete this.unreadedObserver; delete this.stickyIntersector; } public cleanup(bubblesToo = false) { ////console.time('appImManager cleanup'); this.scrolledAll = false; this.scrolledAllDown = false; if(TEST_SCROLL !== undefined) { TEST_SCROLL = TEST_SCROLL_TIMES; } this.bubbles = {}; this.dateMessages = {}; this.bubbleGroups.cleanup(); this.unreadOut.clear(); this.needUpdate.length = 0; //this.lazyLoadQueue.clear(); //; // clear messages if(bubblesToo) { this.scrollable.container.innerHTML = ''; } this.firstUnreadBubble = null; this.attachedUnreadBubble = false; this.messagesQueue.length = 0; this.messagesQueuePromise = null; this.getHistoryTopPromise = this.getHistoryBottomPromise = undefined; this.stickyIntersector.disconnect(); this.unreadedObserver.disconnect(); this.unreaded.length = 0; this.loadedTopTimes = this.loadedBottomTimes = 0; this.cleanupObj.cleaned = true; this.cleanupObj = {cleaned: false}; ////console.timeEnd('appImManager cleanup'); } public setPeer(peerID: number, lastMsgID?: number): {cached?: boolean, promise: Chat['setPeerPromise']} { //console.time('appImManager setPeer'); //console.time('appImManager setPeer pre promise'); ////console.time('appImManager: pre render start'); if(peerID == 0) { this.goDownBtn.classList.add('hide'); this.cleanup(true); this.peerID = 0; return null; } const samePeer = this.peerID == peerID; const dialog = this.appMessagesManager.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0] || null; let topMessage = lastMsgID <= 0 ? lastMsgID : dialog?.top_message ?? 0; // убрать + 1 после создания базы референсов const isTarget = lastMsgID !== undefined; // @ts-ignore /* if(topMessage && dialog && dialog.top_message == topMessage && dialog.refetchTopMessage) { // @ts-ignore dialog.refetchTopMessage = false; topMessage += 1; } */ if(!isTarget && dialog) { if(dialog.unread_count && !samePeer) { lastMsgID = dialog.read_inbox_max_id; } else { lastMsgID = dialog.top_message; //lastMsgID = topMessage; } } if(samePeer) { const mounted = this.getMountedBubble(lastMsgID); if(mounted) { if(isTarget) { this.scrollable.scrollIntoView(mounted.bubble); this.highlightBubble(mounted.bubble); } else if(dialog && lastMsgID == topMessage) { //this.log('will scroll down', this.scroll.scrollTop, this.scroll.scrollHeight); this.scroll.scrollTop = this.scroll.scrollHeight; } return null; } } else { this.peerID = peerID; } this.log('setPeer peerID:', this.peerID, dialog, lastMsgID, topMessage); const isJump = lastMsgID != topMessage; // add last message, bc in getHistory will load < max_id const additionMsgID = isJump ? 0 : topMessage; /* this.setPeerPromise = null; this.preloader.detach(); return true; */ //////appSidebarRight.toggleSidebar(true); const maxBubbleID = samePeer && Math.max(...Object.keys(this.bubbles).map(mid => +mid)); const oldChatInner = this.chatInner; this.cleanup(); this.chatInner = document.createElement('div'); this.chatInner.className = oldChatInner.className; this.chatInner.classList.add('disable-hover', 'is-scrolling'); if(!samePeer) { this.lazyLoadQueue.clear(); } this.lazyLoadQueue.lock(); const {promise, cached} = this.getHistory(lastMsgID, true, isJump, additionMsgID); // clear if(!cached) { this.scrollable.container.innerHTML = ''; //oldChatInner.remove(); this.preloader.attach(this.bubblesContainer); } //console.timeEnd('appImManager setPeer pre promise'); animationIntersector.lockGroup(CHAT_ANIMATION_GROUP); const setPeerPromise = promise.then(() => { ////this.log('setPeer removing preloader'); if(cached) { this.scrollable.container.innerHTML = ''; //oldChatInner.remove(); } else { this.preloader.detach(); } this.scrollable.container.append(this.chatInner); animationIntersector.unlockGroup(CHAT_ANIMATION_GROUP); animationIntersector.checkAnimations(false, CHAT_ANIMATION_GROUP/* , true */); //this.scrollable.attachSentinels(); //this.scrollable.container.insertBefore(this.chatInner, this.scrollable.container.lastElementChild); this.lazyLoadQueue.unlock(); //if(dialog && lastMsgID && lastMsgID != topMessage && (this.bubbles[lastMsgID] || this.firstUnreadBubble)) { if(dialog && (isTarget || (lastMsgID != topMessage)) && (this.bubbles[lastMsgID] || this.firstUnreadBubble)) { if(this.scrollable.scrollLocked) { clearTimeout(this.scrollable.scrollLocked); this.scrollable.scrollLocked = 0; } const fromUp = maxBubbleID > 0 && (maxBubbleID < lastMsgID || lastMsgID < 0); const forwardingUnread = dialog.read_inbox_max_id == lastMsgID && !isTarget; if(!fromUp && (samePeer || forwardingUnread)) { this.scrollable.scrollTop = this.scrollable.scrollHeight; } let bubble: HTMLElement = forwardingUnread ? (this.firstUnreadBubble || this.bubbles[lastMsgID]) : this.bubbles[lastMsgID]; if(!bubble?.parentElement) { bubble = this.findNextMountedBubbleByMsgID(lastMsgID); } this.scrollable.scrollIntoView(bubble, samePeer/* , fromUp */); if(!forwardingUnread) { this.highlightBubble(bubble); } } else { this.scrollable.scrollTop = this.scrollable.scrollHeight; } // warning if(!lastMsgID || this.bubbles[topMessage] || lastMsgID == topMessage) { this.scrolledAllDown = true; } this.log('scrolledAllDown:', this.scrolledAllDown); //if(!this.unreaded.length && dialog) { // lol if(this.scrolledAllDown && dialog) { // lol this.appMessagesManager.readHistory(peerID, dialog.top_message); } if(dialog?.pFlags?.unread_mark) { this.appMessagesManager.markDialogUnread(peerID, true); } this.chatInner.classList.remove('disable-hover', 'is-scrolling'); // warning, performance! //console.timeEnd('appImManager setPeer'); }).catch(err => { this.log.error('getHistory promise error:', err); this.preloader.detach(); throw err; }); return {cached, promise: setPeerPromise}; } public finishPeerChange() { let peerID = this.peerID; //this.topbar.setPeer(peerID); const isAnyGroup = this.appPeersManager.isAnyGroup(peerID); const isChannel = this.appPeersManager.isChannel(peerID); const isBroadcast = this.appPeersManager.isBroadcast(peerID); const canWrite = this.appMessagesManager.canWriteToPeer(peerID); this.chatInner.classList.toggle('has-rights', canWrite); this.bubblesContainer.classList.toggle('is-chat-input-hidden', !canWrite); this.chatInner.classList.toggle('is-chat', isAnyGroup || peerID == rootScope.myID); this.chatInner.classList.toggle('is-channel', isChannel); this.goDownBtn.classList.toggle('is-broadcast', isBroadcast); window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { this.goDownBtn.classList.remove('hide'); }); } public renderMessagesQueue(message: any, bubble: HTMLDivElement, reverse: boolean) { /* let dateMessage = this.getDateContainerByMessage(message, reverse); if(reverse) dateMessage.container.insertBefore(bubble, dateMessage.div.nextSibling); else dateMessage.container.append(bubble); return; */ //this.log('renderMessagesQueue'); let promises: Promise[] = []; (Array.from(bubble.querySelectorAll('img, video')) as HTMLImageElement[]).forEach(el => { if(el instanceof HTMLVideoElement) { if(!el.src) { //this.log.warn('no source', el, source, 'src', source.src); return; } else if(el.readyState >= 4) return; } else if(el.complete || !el.src) return; let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let r: () => boolean; let onLoad = () => { clearTimeout(timeout); resolve(); // lol el.removeEventListener(el instanceof HTMLVideoElement ? 'canplay' : 'load', onLoad); }; if(el instanceof HTMLVideoElement) { el.addEventListener('canplay', onLoad); r = () => el.readyState >= 1; } else { el.addEventListener('load', onLoad); r = () => el.complete; } // for safari let c = () => r() ? onLoad() : window.requestAnimationFrame(c); window.requestAnimationFrame(c); let timeout = setTimeout(() => { // @ts-ignore //this.log.error('did not called', el, el.parentElement, el.complete, el.readyState, src); resolve(); }, 1500); }); promises.push(promise); }); this.messagesQueue.push({message, bubble, reverse, promises}); if(!this.messagesQueuePromise) { this.messagesQueuePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { const chatInner = this.chatInner; const queue = this.messagesQueue.slice(); this.messagesQueue.length = 0; const promises = queue.reduce((acc, {promises}) => acc.concat(promises), []); // * это нужно для того, чтобы если захочет подгрузить reply или какое-либо сообщение, то скролл не прервался if(this.scrollable.scrollLocked) { promises.push(this.scrollable.scrollLockedPromise); } //this.log('promises to call', promises, queue); Promise.all(promises).then(() => { if(this.chatInner != chatInner) { //this.log.warn('chatInner changed!', this.chatInner, chatInner); return reject('chatInner changed!'); } if(this.messagesQueueOnRender) { this.messagesQueueOnRender(); } queue.forEach(({message, bubble, reverse}) => { const dateMessage = this.getDateContainerByMessage(message, reverse); if(reverse) { dateMessage.container.insertBefore(bubble, dateMessage.div.nextSibling); } else { dateMessage.container.append(bubble); } }); resolve(); this.messagesQueuePromise = null; }, reject); }, 0); }); } } // * will change .cleaned in cleanup() and new instance will be created public getMiddleware() { const cleanupObj = this.cleanupObj; return () => { return !cleanupObj.cleaned; }; } // reverse means top public renderMessage(message: any, reverse = false, multipleRender = false, bubble: HTMLDivElement = null, updatePosition = true) { this.log.debug('message to render:', message); //return; if(message.deleted) return; else if(message.grouped_id) { // will render only last album's message const storage = this.appMessagesManager.groupedMessagesStorage[message.grouped_id]; const maxID = Math.max(...Object.keys(storage).map(i => +i)); if(message.mid < maxID) { return; } } const peerID = this.peerID; const our = message.fromID == rootScope.myID; const messageDiv = document.createElement('div'); messageDiv.classList.add('message'); //messageDiv.innerText = message.message; let bubbleContainer: HTMLDivElement; // bubble if(!bubble) { bubbleContainer = document.createElement('div'); bubbleContainer.classList.add('bubble__container'); bubble = document.createElement('div'); bubble.classList.add('bubble'); bubble.appendChild(bubbleContainer); if(!our) { //this.log('not our message', message, message.pFlags.unread); if(message.pFlags.unread) { this.unreadedObserver.observe(bubble); if(!this.unreaded.indexOf(message.mid)) { this.unreaded.push(message.mid); } } } } else { const save = ['is-highlighted']; const wasClassNames = bubble.className.split(' '); const classNames = ['bubble'].concat(save.filter(c => wasClassNames.includes(c))); bubble.className = classNames.join(' '); bubbleContainer = bubble.lastElementChild as HTMLDivElement; bubbleContainer.innerHTML = ''; // = ''; = ''; if(bubble == this.firstUnreadBubble) { bubble.classList.add('is-first-unread'); } // * Нужно очистить прошлую информацию, полезно если удалить последний элемент из альбома в ПОСЛЕДНЕМ БАББЛЕ ГРУППЫ (видно по аватару) const originalMid = +bubble.dataset.mid; if(+message.mid != originalMid) { this.bubbleGroups.removeBubble(bubble, originalMid); if(!updatePosition) { this.bubbleGroups.addBubble(bubble, message, reverse); } } delete this.bubbles[originalMid]; //bubble.innerHTML = ''; } // ! reset due to album edit or delete item this.bubbles[+message.mid] = bubble; bubble.dataset.mid = message.mid; if( {, true); } if(message._ == 'messageService') { let action = message.action; let _ = action._; if(IGNORE_ACTIONS.includes(_) || (langPack.hasOwnProperty(_) && !langPack[_])) { return bubble; } bubble.className = 'bubble service'; bubbleContainer.innerHTML = `
`; if(updatePosition) { this.renderMessagesQueue(message, bubble, reverse); } return bubble; } let messageMedia =; let messageMessage: string, totalEntities: any[]; if(message.grouped_id) { const t = this.appMessagesManager.getAlbumText(message.grouped_id); messageMessage = t.message; totalEntities = t.totalEntities; } else if(messageMedia?.document?.type != 'sticker') { messageMessage = message.message; totalEntities = message.totalEntities; } let richText = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(messageMessage, { entities: totalEntities }); if(totalEntities && !messageMedia) { let emojiEntities = totalEntities.filter((e: any) => e._ == 'messageEntityEmoji'); let strLength = messageMessage.length; let emojiStrLength = emojiEntities.reduce((acc: number, curr: any) => acc + curr.length, 0); if(emojiStrLength == strLength && emojiEntities.length <= 3) { let sticker = this.appStickersManager.getAnimatedEmojiSticker(messageMessage); if(emojiEntities.length == 1 && !messageMedia && sticker) { messageMedia = { _: 'messageMediaDocument', document: sticker }; } else { let attachmentDiv = document.createElement('div'); attachmentDiv.classList.add('attachment'); attachmentDiv.innerHTML = richText; bubble.classList.add('emoji-' + emojiEntities.length + 'x'); bubbleContainer.append(attachmentDiv); } bubble.classList.add('is-message-empty', 'emoji-big'); } else { messageDiv.innerHTML = richText; } /* if(strLength == emojiStrLength) { messageDiv.classList.add('emoji-only'); messageDiv.classList.add('message-empty'); } */ } else { messageDiv.innerHTML = richText; } const timeSpan = MessageRender.setTime(message, bubble, bubbleContainer, messageDiv); bubbleContainer.prepend(messageDiv); //bubble.prepend(timeSpan, messageDiv); // that's bad if(message.reply_markup && message.reply_markup._ == 'replyInlineMarkup' && message.reply_markup.rows && message.reply_markup.rows.length) { const rows = message.reply_markup.rows; const containerDiv = document.createElement('div'); containerDiv.classList.add('reply-markup'); rows.forEach((row: any) => { const buttons = row.buttons; if(!buttons || !buttons.length) return; const rowDiv = document.createElement('div'); rowDiv.classList.add('reply-markup-row'); buttons.forEach((button: any) => { const text = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(button.text, {noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true}); let buttonEl: HTMLButtonElement | HTMLAnchorElement; switch(button._) { case 'keyboardButtonUrl': { const from = this.appUsersManager.getUser(message.fromID); const unsafe = !(from && from.pFlags && from.pFlags.verified); const url = RichTextProcessor.wrapUrl(button.url, unsafe); buttonEl = document.createElement('a'); buttonEl.href = url; buttonEl.rel = 'noopener noreferrer'; = '_blank'; buttonEl.classList.add('is-link', 'tgico'); break; } default: { buttonEl = document.createElement('button'); break; } } buttonEl.classList.add('reply-markup-button', 'rp'); buttonEl.innerHTML = text; ripple(buttonEl); rowDiv.append(buttonEl); }); containerDiv.append(rowDiv); }); containerDiv.addEventListener(CLICK_EVENT_NAME, (e) => { cancelEvent(e); let target = as HTMLElement; if(!target.classList.contains('reply-markup-button')) target = findUpClassName(target, 'reply-markup-button'); if(!target) return; const column = whichChild(target); const row = rows[whichChild(target.parentElement)]; if(!row.buttons || !row.buttons[column]) { this.log.warn('no such button', row, column, message); return; } const button = row.buttons[column]; this.appInlineBotsManager.callbackButtonClick(message.mid, button); }); const offset = rows.length * 45 + 'px'; = offset; = '-' + offset; bubbleContainer.prepend(containerDiv); } if(our) { if(message.pFlags.unread || message.mid < 0) this.unreadOut.add(message.mid); // message.mid < 0 added 11.02.2020 let status = ''; if(message.mid < 0) status = 'is-sending'; else status = message.pFlags.unread ? 'is-sent' : 'is-read'; bubble.classList.add(status); } const isOut = our && (!message.fwd_from || this.peerID != rootScope.myID); // media if(messageMedia/* && messageMedia._ == 'messageMediaPhoto' */) { let attachmentDiv = document.createElement('div'); attachmentDiv.classList.add('attachment'); if(!messageMessage) { bubble.classList.add('is-message-empty'); } let processingWebPage = false; switch(messageMedia._) { case 'messageMediaPending': { let pending = messageMedia; let preloader = pending.preloader as ProgressivePreloader; switch(pending.type) { case 'album': { this.log('will wrap pending album'); bubble.classList.add('hide-name', 'photo', 'is-album'); wrapAlbum({ groupID: '' +, attachmentDiv, uploading: true, isOut: true }); break; } case 'photo': { //if(pending.size < 5e6) { const photo = this.appPhotosManager.getPhoto(; //if(photo._ == 'photoEmpty') break; this.log('will wrap pending photo:', pending, message, photo); const tailSupported = !isAndroid; if(tailSupported) bubble.classList.add('with-media-tail'); wrapPhoto(photo, message, attachmentDiv, undefined, undefined, tailSupported, true, this.lazyLoadQueue, null); bubble.classList.add('hide-name', 'photo'); //} break; } case 'video': { //if(pending.size < 5e6) { let doc = this.appDocsManager.getDoc(; //if(doc._ == 'documentEmpty') break; this.log('will wrap pending video:', pending, message, doc); const tailSupported = !isAndroid && !isApple && doc.type != 'round'; if(tailSupported) bubble.classList.add('with-media-tail'); wrapVideo({ doc, container: attachmentDiv, message, boxWidth:, boxHeight:, withTail: tailSupported, isOut: isOut, lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue, middleware: null, group: CHAT_ANIMATION_GROUP }); preloader.attach(attachmentDiv, false); bubble.classList.add('hide-name', 'video'); //} break; } case 'audio': case 'voice': case 'document': { const doc = this.appDocsManager.getDoc(; //if(doc._ == 'documentEmpty') break; this.log('will wrap pending doc:', doc); const docDiv = wrapDocument(doc, false, true,; if(doc.type == 'audio' || doc.type == 'voice') { (docDiv as AudioElement).preloader = preloader; } else { const icoDiv = docDiv.querySelector('.audio-download, .document-ico'); preloader.attach(icoDiv, false); } if(pending.type == 'voice') { bubble.classList.add('bubble-audio'); } bubble.classList.remove('is-message-empty'); messageDiv.classList.add((pending.type || 'document') + '-message'); messageDiv.append(docDiv); processingWebPage = true; break; } } break; } case 'messageMediaPhoto': { const photo =; ////////this.log('messageMediaPhoto', photo); bubble.classList.add('hide-name', 'photo'); const tailSupported = !isAndroid; const storage = this.appMessagesManager.groupedMessagesStorage[message.grouped_id]; if(message.grouped_id && Object.keys(storage).length != 1) { bubble.classList.add('is-album'); wrapAlbum({ groupID: message.grouped_id, attachmentDiv, middleware: this.getMiddleware(), isOut: our, lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue }); break; } if(tailSupported) bubble.classList.add('with-media-tail'); wrapPhoto(photo, message, attachmentDiv, undefined, undefined, tailSupported, isOut, this.lazyLoadQueue, this.getMiddleware()); break; } case 'messageMediaWebPage': { processingWebPage = true; let webpage = messageMedia.webpage; ////////this.log('messageMediaWebPage', webpage); if(webpage._ == 'webPageEmpty') { break; } bubble.classList.add('webpage'); let box = document.createElement('div'); box.classList.add('web'); let quote = document.createElement('div'); quote.classList.add('quote'); let previewResizer: HTMLDivElement, preview: HTMLDivElement; if( || webpage.document) { previewResizer = document.createElement('div'); previewResizer.classList.add('preview-resizer'); preview = document.createElement('div'); preview.classList.add('preview'); previewResizer.append(preview); } let doc: any = null; if(webpage.document) { doc = webpage.document; if(doc.type == 'gif' || doc.type == 'video') { //if(doc.size <= 20e6) { bubble.classList.add('video'); wrapVideo({ doc, container: preview, message, boxWidth:, boxHeight:, lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue, middleware: this.getMiddleware(), isOut, group: CHAT_ANIMATION_GROUP }); //} } else { const docDiv = wrapDocument(doc, false, false, message.mid); preview.append(docDiv); preview.classList.add('preview-with-document'); //messageDiv.classList.add((webpage.type || 'document') + '-message'); //doc = null; } } if(previewResizer) { quote.append(previewResizer); } let quoteTextDiv = document.createElement('div'); quoteTextDiv.classList.add('quote-text'); if(webpage.site_name) { let nameEl = document.createElement('a'); nameEl.classList.add('name'); nameEl.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); nameEl.href = webpage.url || '#'; nameEl.innerHTML = RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(webpage.site_name); quoteTextDiv.append(nameEl); } if(webpage.rTitle) { let titleDiv = document.createElement('div'); titleDiv.classList.add('title'); titleDiv.innerHTML = webpage.rTitle; quoteTextDiv.append(titleDiv); } if(webpage.rDescription) { let textDiv = document.createElement('div'); textDiv.classList.add('text'); textDiv.innerHTML = webpage.rDescription; quoteTextDiv.append(textDiv); } quote.append(quoteTextDiv); if( && !doc) { bubble.classList.add('photo'); const size =[ - 1]; if(size.w == size.h && quoteTextDiv.childElementCount) { bubble.classList.add('is-square-photo'); } else if(size.h > size.w) { bubble.classList.add('is-vertical-photo'); } wrapPhoto(, message, preview,,, false, isOut, this.lazyLoadQueue, this.getMiddleware()); } box.append(quote); //bubble.prepend(box); bubbleContainer.prepend(timeSpan, box); //this.log('night running', bubble.scrollHeight); break; } case 'messageMediaDocument': { let doc = messageMedia.document; //this.log('messageMediaDocument', doc, bubble); if(doc.sticker/* && doc.size <= 1e6 */) { bubble.classList.add('sticker'); if(doc.animated) { bubble.classList.add('sticker-animated'); } let size = bubble.classList.contains('emoji-big') ? 140 : 200; this.appPhotosManager.setAttachmentSize(doc, attachmentDiv, size, size, true); //let preloader = new ProgressivePreloader(attachmentDiv, false); =; =; //appPhotosManager.setAttachmentSize(doc, bubble); wrapSticker({ doc, div: attachmentDiv, middleware: this.getMiddleware(), lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue, group: CHAT_ANIMATION_GROUP, //play: !!message.pending || !multipleRender, play: true, loop: true, emoji: bubble.classList.contains('emoji-big') ? messageMessage : undefined, withThumb: true }); break; } else if(doc.type == 'video' || doc.type == 'gif' || doc.type == 'round'/* && doc.size <= 20e6 */) { //this.log('never get free 2', doc); bubble.classList.add('hide-name', doc.type == 'round' ? 'round' : 'video'); const storage = this.appMessagesManager.groupedMessagesStorage[message.grouped_id]; if(message.grouped_id && Object.keys(storage).length != 1) { bubble.classList.add('is-album'); wrapAlbum({ groupID: message.grouped_id, attachmentDiv, middleware: this.getMiddleware(), isOut: our, lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue }); } else { const tailSupported = !isAndroid && !isApple && doc.type != 'round'; if(tailSupported) bubble.classList.add('with-media-tail'); wrapVideo({ doc, container: attachmentDiv, message, boxWidth:, boxHeight:, withTail: tailSupported, isOut: isOut, lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue, middleware: this.getMiddleware(), group: CHAT_ANIMATION_GROUP }); } break; } else { const docDiv = wrapDocument(doc, false, false, message.mid); bubble.classList.remove('is-message-empty'); messageDiv.append(docDiv); messageDiv.classList.add((doc.type != 'photo' ? doc.type || 'document' : 'document') + '-message'); processingWebPage = true; break; } break; } case 'messageMediaContact': { //this.log('wrapping contact', message); const contactDiv = document.createElement('div'); contactDiv.classList.add('contact'); contactDiv.dataset.peerID = '' + messageMedia.user_id; messageDiv.classList.add('contact-message'); processingWebPage = true; const texts = []; if( texts.push(RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(; if( texts.push(RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(; contactDiv.innerHTML = `
${texts.join(' ')}
${ ? '+' + formatPhoneNumber( : 'Unknown phone number'}
`; const avatarElem = new AvatarElement(); avatarElem.setAttribute('peer', '' +; avatarElem.classList.add('contact-avatar'); contactDiv.prepend(avatarElem); bubble.classList.remove('is-message-empty'); messageDiv.classList.add('contact-message'); messageDiv.append(contactDiv); break; } case 'messageMediaPoll': { bubble.classList.remove('is-message-empty'); const pollElement = wrapPoll(, message.mid); messageDiv.prepend(pollElement); messageDiv.classList.add('poll-message'); break; } default: bubble.classList.remove('is-message-empty'); messageDiv.innerHTML = 'unrecognized media type: ' +; messageDiv.append(timeSpan); this.log.warn('unrecognized media type:',, message); break; } if(!processingWebPage) { bubbleContainer.append(attachmentDiv); } /* if(bubble.classList.contains('is-message-empty') && (bubble.classList.contains('photo') || bubble.classList.contains('video'))) { bubble.classList.add('no-tail'); if(!bubble.classList.contains('with-media-tail')) { bubble.classList.add('use-border-radius'); } } */ } if((this.peerID < 0 && !our) || message.fwd_from || message.reply_to_mid) { // chat let title = this.appPeersManager.getPeerTitle(message.fwdFromID || message.fromID); const isForwardFromChannel = message.from_id && message.from_id._ == 'peerChannel' && message.fromID == message.fwdFromID; let isHidden = message.fwd_from && !message.fwd_from.from_id && !message.fwd_from.channel_id; if(isHidden) { ///////this.log('message to render hidden', message); title = RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(message.fwd_from.from_name); //title = message.fwd_from.from_name; bubble.classList.add('hidden-profile'); } //this.log(title); if((message.fwdFromID || message.fwd_from)) { if(this.peerID != rootScope.myID && !isForwardFromChannel) { bubble.classList.add('forwarded'); } if(message.savedFrom) { let goto = document.createElement('div'); goto.classList.add('bubble-beside-button', 'goto-original', 'tgico-next'); bubbleContainer.append(goto); bubble.dataset.savedFrom = message.savedFrom; bubble.classList.add('with-beside-button'); } if(!bubble.classList.contains('sticker')) { let nameDiv = document.createElement('div'); nameDiv.classList.add('name'); nameDiv.dataset.peerID = message.fwdFromID; if(this.peerID == rootScope.myID || isForwardFromChannel) { = this.appPeersManager.getPeerColorByID(message.fwdFromID, false); nameDiv.innerHTML = title; } else { /* const fromTitle = message.fromID == this.myID || appPeersManager.isBroadcast(message.fwdFromID || message.fromID) ? '' : `
`; nameDiv.innerHTML = fromTitle + 'Forwarded from ' + title; */ nameDiv.innerHTML = 'Forwarded from ' + title; } bubbleContainer.append(nameDiv); } } else { if(message.reply_to_mid) { let originalMessage = this.appMessagesManager.getMessage(message.reply_to_mid); let originalPeerTitle = this.appPeersManager.getPeerTitle(originalMessage.fromID || originalMessage.fwdFromID, true) || ''; /////////this.log('message to render reply', originalMessage, originalPeerTitle, bubble, message); // need to download separately if(originalMessage._ == 'messageEmpty') { //////////this.log('message to render reply empty, need download', message, message.reply_to_mid); this.appMessagesManager.wrapSingleMessage(message.reply_to_mid); this.needUpdate.push({replyMid: message.reply_to_mid, mid: message.mid}); originalPeerTitle = 'Loading...'; } if(originalMessage.mid) { bubble.setAttribute('data-original-mid', originalMessage.mid); } else { bubble.setAttribute('data-original-mid', message.reply_to_mid); } bubbleContainer.append(wrapReply(originalPeerTitle, originalMessage.message || '', originalMessage)); bubble.classList.add('is-reply'); } if(!bubble.classList.contains('sticker') && (peerID < 0 && peerID != message.fromID)) { let nameDiv = document.createElement('div'); nameDiv.classList.add('name'); nameDiv.innerHTML = title; = this.appPeersManager.getPeerColorByID(message.fromID, false); nameDiv.dataset.peerID = message.fromID; bubbleContainer.append(nameDiv); } else /* if(!message.reply_to_mid) */ { bubble.classList.add('hide-name'); } } if((!our && this.peerID < 0 && (!this.appPeersManager.isChannel(this.peerID) || this.appPeersManager.isMegagroup(this.peerID))) || (this.peerID == rootScope.myID && !message.reply_to_mid)) { let avatarElem = new AvatarElement(); avatarElem.classList.add('user-avatar'); if(!message.fwdFromID && message.fwd_from && message.fwd_from.from_name) { avatarElem.setAttribute('peer-title', /* '🔥 FF 🔥' */message.fwd_from.from_name); } avatarElem.setAttribute('peer', '' + (((message.fwd_from && this.peerID == rootScope.myID) || isForwardFromChannel ? message.fwdFromID : message.fromID) || 0)); avatarElem.update(); //this.log('exec loadDialogPhoto', message); bubbleContainer.append(avatarElem); } } else { bubble.classList.add('hide-name'); } bubble.classList.add(isOut ? 'is-out' : 'is-in'); if(updatePosition) { this.bubbleGroups.addBubble(bubble, message, reverse); this.renderMessagesQueue(message, bubble, reverse); } else { this.bubbleGroups.updateGroupByMessageID(message.mid); } return bubble; } public performHistoryResult(history: number[], reverse: boolean, isBackLimit: boolean, additionMsgID?: number) { // commented bot getProfile in getHistory! if(!history/* .filter((id: number) => id > 0) */.length) { if(!isBackLimit) { this.scrolledAll = true; } else { this.scrolledAllDown = true; } } history = history.slice(); // need if(additionMsgID) { history.unshift(additionMsgID); } /* if(testScroll && additionMsgID) { for(let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { let _history = history.slice(); setTimeout(() => { this.performHistoryResult(_history, reverse, isBackLimit, 0, resetPromises); }, 0); } } */ let dialog = this.appMessagesManager.getDialogByPeerID(this.peerID)[0]; if(dialog && dialog.top_message) { for(let mid of history) { if(mid == dialog.top_message) { this.scrolledAllDown = true; break; } } } //console.time('appImManager render history'); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { //await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1e3)); //this.log('performHistoryResult: will render some messages:', history.length); const method = (reverse ? history.shift : history.pop).bind(history); //const padding = 99999; const realLength = this.scrollable.container.childElementCount; let previousScrollHeightMinusTop: number/* , previousScrollHeight: number */; if(realLength > 0 && (reverse || isSafari)) { // for safari need set when scrolling bottom too this.messagesQueueOnRender = () => { const {scrollTop, scrollHeight} = this.scrollable; //previousScrollHeight = scrollHeight + padding; previousScrollHeightMinusTop = reverse ? scrollHeight - scrollTop : scrollTop; // = padding + 'px'; /* if(reverse) { previousScrollHeightMinusTop = this.scrollable.scrollHeight - scrollTop; } else { previousScrollHeightMinusTop = scrollTop; } */ //this.log('performHistoryResult: messagesQueueOnRender, scrollTop:', scrollTop, scrollHeight, previousScrollHeightMinusTop); this.messagesQueueOnRender = undefined; }; } while(history.length) { let message = this.appMessagesManager.getMessage(method()); this.renderMessage(message, reverse, true); } (this.messagesQueuePromise || Promise.resolve()) //.then(() => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100))) .then(() => { if(previousScrollHeightMinusTop !== undefined) { /* const scrollHeight = this.scrollable.scrollHeight; const addedHeight = scrollHeight - previousScrollHeight; = (padding - addedHeight) + 'px'; //const newScrollTop = reverse ? scrollHeight - previousScrollHeightMinusTop : previousScrollHeightMinusTop; const newScrollTop = reverse ? scrollHeight - addedHeight - previousScrollHeightMinusTop : previousScrollHeightMinusTop; this.log('performHistoryResult: will set scrollTop', previousScrollHeightMinusTop, this.scrollable.scrollHeight, newScrollTop, this.scrollable.container.clientHeight); */ //const newScrollTop = reverse ? scrollHeight - previousScrollHeightMinusTop : previousScrollHeightMinusTop; const newScrollTop = reverse ? this.scrollable.scrollHeight - previousScrollHeightMinusTop : previousScrollHeightMinusTop; // touchSupport for safari iOS isTouchSupported && isApple && ( = 'hidden'); this.scrollable.scrollTop = newScrollTop; //this.scrollable.scrollTop = this.scrollable.scrollHeight; isTouchSupported && isApple && ( = ''); //this.log('performHistoryResult: have set up scrollTop:', newScrollTop, this.scrollable.scrollTop); } resolve(true); }, reject); }).then(() => { //console.timeEnd('appImManager render history'); return true; }); } onDatePick = (timestamp: number) => { const peerID = this.peerID; this.appMessagesManager.requestHistory(peerID, 0, 2, -1, timestamp).then(history => { if(!history?.messages?.length) { this.log.error('no history!'); return; } else if(this.peerID != peerID) { return; }, history.messages[0].mid); //console.log('got history date:', history); }); }; /** * Load and render history * @param maxID max message id * @param reverse 'true' means up * @param isBackLimit is search * @param additionMsgID for the last message * @param justLoad do not render */ public getHistory(maxID = 0, reverse = false, isBackLimit = false, additionMsgID = 0, justLoad = false): {cached: boolean, promise: Promise} { const peerID = this.peerID; //console.time('appImManager call getHistory'); const pageCount = this.appPhotosManager.windowH / 38/* * 1.25 */ | 0; //const loadCount = Object.keys(this.bubbles).length > 0 ? 50 : pageCount; const realLoadCount = Object.keys(this.bubbles).length > 0 || additionMsgID ? Math.max(40, pageCount) : pageCount;//const realLoadCount = 50; let loadCount = realLoadCount; /* if(TEST_SCROLL) { //loadCount = 1; if(Object.keys(this.bubbles).length > 0) return {cached: false, promise: Promise.resolve(true)}; } */ if(TEST_SCROLL !== undefined) { if(TEST_SCROLL) { if(Object.keys(this.bubbles).length > 0) { --TEST_SCROLL; } } else { return {cached: false, promise: Promise.resolve(true)}; } } ////console.time('render history total'); let backLimit = 0; if(isBackLimit) { backLimit = loadCount; if(!reverse) { // if not jump loadCount = 0; maxID += 1; } } let additionMsgIDs: number[]; if(additionMsgID) { const historyStorage = this.appMessagesManager.historiesStorage[peerID]; if(historyStorage && historyStorage.history.length < loadCount) { additionMsgIDs = historyStorage.history.slice(); // * filter last album, because we don't know is this the last item for(let i = additionMsgIDs.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const message = this.appMessagesManager.getMessage(additionMsgIDs[i]); if(message.grouped_id) additionMsgIDs.splice(i, 1); else break; } maxID = additionMsgIDs[additionMsgIDs.length - 1] || maxID; } } /* const result = additionMsgID ? {history: [additionMsgID]} : appMessagesManager.getHistory(this.peerID, maxID, loadCount, backLimit); */ let result: ReturnType | {history: number[]} = this.appMessagesManager.getHistory(this.peerID, maxID, loadCount, backLimit); let resultPromise: Promise; //const isFirstMessageRender = !!additionMsgID && result instanceof Promise && !appMessagesManager.getMessage(additionMsgID).grouped_id; const isFirstMessageRender = additionMsgIDs?.length; if(isFirstMessageRender) { resultPromise = result as Promise; result = {history: additionMsgIDs}; //additionMsgID = 0; } const processPromise = (result: Promise) => { const promise = result.then((result) => { this.log('getHistory not cached result by maxID:', maxID, reverse, isBackLimit, result, peerID, justLoad); if(justLoad) { this.scrollable.onScroll(); // нужно делать из-за ранней прогрузки return true; } //console.timeEnd('appImManager call getHistory'); if(this.peerID != peerID || (this.getHistoryTopPromise != promise && this.getHistoryBottomPromise != promise)) { this.log.warn('peer changed'); ////console.timeEnd('render history total'); return Promise.reject(); } ////console.timeEnd('render history total'); return this.performHistoryResult(result.history || [], reverse, isBackLimit, !isFirstMessageRender && additionMsgID); }, (err) => { this.log.error('getHistory error:', err); return false; }); return promise; }; let promise: Promise, cached: boolean; if(result instanceof Promise) { cached = false; promise = processPromise(result); } else if(justLoad) { return null; } else { cached = true; this.log('getHistory cached result by maxID:', maxID, reverse, isBackLimit, result, peerID, justLoad); promise = this.performHistoryResult(result.history || [], reverse, isBackLimit, !isFirstMessageRender && additionMsgID); //return (reverse ? this.getHistoryTopPromise = promise : this.getHistoryBottomPromise = promise); //return this.performHistoryResult(result.history || [], reverse, isBackLimit, additionMsgID, true); } const waitPromise = isFirstMessageRender ? processPromise(resultPromise) : promise; if(isFirstMessageRender) { waitPromise.then(() => { const mids = getObjectKeysAndSort(this.bubbles, 'desc').filter(mid => !additionMsgIDs.includes(mid)); mids.forEach((mid, idx) => { const bubble = this.bubbles[mid]; //if(idx || isSafari) { // ! 0.1 = 1ms задержка для Safari, без этого первое сообщение над самым нижним может появиться позже другого с animation-delay, LOL ! = ((idx || 0.1) * 10) + 'ms'; //} bubble.classList.add('zoom-fade'); bubble.addEventListener('animationend', () => { = ''; bubble.classList.remove('zoom-fade'); }, {once: true}); //this.log('supa', bubble); }); setTimeout(() => { this.loadMoreHistory(true, true); }, 0); }); } (reverse ? this.getHistoryTopPromise = waitPromise : this.getHistoryBottomPromise = waitPromise); waitPromise.finally(() => { (reverse ? this.getHistoryTopPromise = undefined : this.getHistoryBottomPromise = undefined); }); if(justLoad) { return null; } /* false && */!isFirstMessageRender && promise.then(() => { if(reverse) { this.loadedTopTimes++; this.loadedBottomTimes = Math.max(0, --this.loadedBottomTimes); } else { this.loadedBottomTimes++; this.loadedTopTimes = Math.max(0, --this.loadedTopTimes); } let ids: number[]; if((reverse && this.loadedTopTimes > 2) || (!reverse && this.loadedBottomTimes > 2)) { ids = getObjectKeysAndSort(this.bubbles); } //let removeCount = loadCount / 2; const safeCount = realLoadCount * 2; // cause i've been runningrunningrunning all day this.log('getHistory: slice loadedTimes:', reverse, pageCount, this.loadedTopTimes, this.loadedBottomTimes, ids?.length, safeCount); if(ids && ids.length > safeCount) { if(reverse) { //ids = ids.slice(-removeCount); //ids = ids.slice(removeCount * 2); ids = ids.slice(safeCount); this.scrolledAllDown = false; this.log('getHistory: slice bottom messages:', ids.length, loadCount); //this.getHistoryBottomPromise = undefined; // !WARNING, это нужно для обратной загрузки истории, если запрос словил флуд } else { //ids = ids.slice(0, removeCount); //ids = ids.slice(0, ids.length - (removeCount * 2)); ids = ids.slice(0, ids.length - safeCount); this.scrolledAll = false; this.log('getHistory: slice up messages:', ids.length, loadCount); //this.getHistoryTopPromise = undefined; // !WARNING, это нужно для обратной загрузки истории, если запрос словил флуд } this.log('getHistory: will slice ids:', ids, reverse); this.deleteMessagesByIDs(ids); } this.setUnreadDelimiter(); // не нашёл места лучше // preload more //if(!isFirstMessageRender) { setTimeout(() => { this.loadMoreHistory(true, true); this.loadMoreHistory(false, true); }, 0); //} }); return {cached, promise}; } public setUnreadDelimiter() { if(this.attachedUnreadBubble) { return; } let dialog = this.appMessagesManager.getDialogByPeerID(this.peerID)[0]; if(!dialog?.unread_count) return; let maxID = dialog.read_inbox_max_id; maxID = Object.keys(this.bubbles).filter(mid => !this.bubbles[mid].classList.contains('is-out')).map(i => +i).sort((a, b) => a - b).find(i => i > maxID); if(maxID && this.bubbles[maxID]) { let bubble = this.bubbles[maxID]; if(this.firstUnreadBubble && this.firstUnreadBubble != bubble) { this.firstUnreadBubble.classList.remove('is-first-unread'); this.firstUnreadBubble = null; } if(maxID != dialog.top_message) { bubble.classList.add('is-first-unread'); } this.firstUnreadBubble = bubble; this.attachedUnreadBubble = true; } } public deleteEmptyDateGroups() { for(let i in this.dateMessages) { let dateMessage = this.dateMessages[i]; if(dateMessage.container.childElementCount == 2) { // only date div + sentinel div dateMessage.container.remove(); this.stickyIntersector.unobserve(dateMessage.container, dateMessage.div); delete this.dateMessages[i]; } } } }