import appPhotosManager, {MyPhoto} from '../lib/appManagers/appPhotosManager'; import LottieLoader from '../lib/lottieLoader'; import appDocsManager, { MyDocument } from "../lib/appManagers/appDocsManager"; import { formatBytes, getEmojiToneIndex, isInDOM } from "../lib/utils"; import ProgressivePreloader from './preloader'; import LazyLoadQueue from './lazyLoadQueue'; import VideoPlayer from '../lib/mediaPlayer'; import { RichTextProcessor } from '../lib/richtextprocessor'; import { renderImageFromUrl } from './misc'; import appMessagesManager from '../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager'; import { Layouter, RectPart } from './groupedLayout'; import PollElement from './poll'; import animationIntersector from './animationIntersector'; import AudioElement from './audio'; import { DownloadBlob } from '../lib/appManagers/appDownloadManager'; import webpWorkerController from '../lib/webp/webpWorkerController'; import { readBlobAsText } from '../helpers/blob'; import appMediaPlaybackController from './appMediaPlaybackController'; import { PhotoSize } from '../layer'; import { deferredPromise } from '../helpers/cancellablePromise'; import mediaSizes from '../helpers/mediaSizes'; import { isSafari } from '../helpers/userAgent'; import { months } from '../helpers/date'; export function wrapVideo({doc, container, message, boxWidth, boxHeight, withTail, isOut, middleware, lazyLoadQueue, noInfo, group}: { doc: MyDocument, container?: HTMLDivElement, message?: any, boxWidth?: number, boxHeight?: number, withTail?: boolean, isOut?: boolean, middleware?: () => boolean, lazyLoadQueue?: LazyLoadQueue, noInfo?: true, group?: string, }) { if(!noInfo) { if(doc.type != 'round') { let span: HTMLSpanElement, spanPlay: HTMLSpanElement; span = document.createElement('span'); span.classList.add('video-time'); container.append(span); if(doc.type != 'gif') { span.innerText = (doc.duration + '').toHHMMSS(false); spanPlay = document.createElement('span'); spanPlay.classList.add('video-play', 'tgico-largeplay', 'btn-circle', 'position-center'); container.append(spanPlay); } else { span.innerText = 'GIF'; } } } if(doc.mime_type == 'image/gif') { return wrapPhoto(doc, message, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, withTail, isOut, lazyLoadQueue, middleware); } /* const video = doc.type == 'round' ? appMediaPlaybackController.addMedia(doc, message.mid) as HTMLVideoElement : document.createElement('video'); if(video.parentElement) { video.remove(); } */ const video = document.createElement('video'); video.muted = true; video.setAttribute('playsinline', ''); if(doc.type == 'round') { //video.muted = true; const globalVideo = appMediaPlaybackController.addMedia(doc, message.mid); video.addEventListener('canplay', () => { if(globalVideo.currentTime > 0) { video.currentTime = globalVideo.currentTime; } if(!globalVideo.paused) { // с закоментированными настройками - хром выключал видео при скролле, для этого нужно было включить видео - выйти из диалога, зайти заново и проскроллить вверх /* video.autoplay = true; video.loop = false; */; } }, {once: true}); const clear = () => { //console.log('clearing video'); globalVideo.removeEventListener('timeupdate', onTimeUpdate); globalVideo.removeEventListener('play', onGlobalPlay); globalVideo.removeEventListener('pause', onGlobalPause); video.removeEventListener('play', onVideoPlay); video.removeEventListener('pause', onVideoPause); }; const onTimeUpdate = () => { if(!isInDOM(video)) { clear(); } }; const onGlobalPlay = () => {; }; const onGlobalPause = () => { video.pause(); }; const onVideoPlay = () => {; }; const onVideoPause = () => { //console.log('video pause event'); if(isInDOM(video)) { globalVideo.pause(); } else { clear(); } }; globalVideo.addEventListener('timeupdate', onTimeUpdate); globalVideo.addEventListener('play', onGlobalPlay); globalVideo.addEventListener('pause', onGlobalPause); video.addEventListener('play', onVideoPlay); video.addEventListener('pause', onVideoPause); } else { video.autoplay = true; // для safari } let img: HTMLImageElement; if(message) { if(doc.type == 'video' && doc.thumbs?.length) { return wrapPhoto(doc, message, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, withTail, isOut, lazyLoadQueue, middleware); } if(withTail) { img = wrapMediaWithTail(doc, message, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, isOut); } else { if(boxWidth && boxHeight) { // !album appPhotosManager.setAttachmentSize(doc, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, false, true); } if(doc.thumbs?.length && 'bytes' in doc.thumbs[0]) { appPhotosManager.setAttachmentPreview(doc.thumbs[0].bytes, container, false); } img = container.lastElementChild as HTMLImageElement; if(img?.tagName != 'IMG') { container.append(img = new Image()); } } if(img) { img.classList.add('thumbnail'); } if(withTail) { const foreignObject = img.parentElement; video.width = +foreignObject.getAttributeNS(null, 'width'); video.height = +foreignObject.getAttributeNS(null, 'height'); foreignObject.append(video); } } if(!img?.parentElement) { const gotThumb = appDocsManager.getThumb(doc, false); if(gotThumb) { gotThumb.promise.then(() => { video.poster = gotThumb.thumb.url; }); } } if(!video.parentElement && container) { container.append(video); } const loadVideo = async() => { if(middleware && !middleware()) { return; } let preloader: ProgressivePreloader; if(message?.media?.preloader) { // means upload preloader = as ProgressivePreloader; preloader.attach(container, undefined, undefined, true); } else if(!doc.downloaded && !doc.supportsStreaming) { const promise = appDocsManager.downloadDocNew(doc); preloader = new ProgressivePreloader(container, true); preloader.attach(container, true, promise, true); /* video.addEventListener('canplay', () => { if(preloader) { preloader.detach(); } }, {once: true}); */ await promise; } else if(doc.supportsStreaming) { preloader = new ProgressivePreloader(container, false); video.addEventListener('canplay', () => { preloader.detach(); }, {once: true}); } if(middleware && !middleware()) { return; } //console.log('loaded doc:', doc, doc.url, container); const deferred = deferredPromise(); //if(doc.type == 'gif'/* || true */) { video.addEventListener('canplay', () => { if(img?.parentElement) { img.remove(); } /* if(!video.paused) { video.pause(); } */ if(doc.type == 'gif' && group) { animationIntersector.addAnimation(video, group); } // test lazyLoadQueue //setTimeout(() => { deferred.resolve(); //}, 5000); }, {once: true}); //} video.addEventListener('error', deferred.reject); //if(doc.type != 'round') { renderImageFromUrl(video, doc.url); //} /* if(!container.parentElement) { container.append(video); } */ if(doc.type == 'gif'/* || true */) { video.muted = true; video.loop = true; //; video.autoplay = true; } else if(doc.type == 'round') { video.dataset.ckin = 'circle'; video.dataset.overlay = '1'; new VideoPlayer(video); } return deferred; }; /* if(doc.size >= 20e6 && !doc.downloaded) { let downloadDiv = document.createElement('div'); downloadDiv.classList.add('download'); let span = document.createElement('span'); span.classList.add('btn-circle', 'tgico-download'); downloadDiv.append(span); downloadDiv.addEventListener('click', () => { downloadDiv.remove(); loadVideo(); }); container.prepend(downloadDiv); return; } */ return /* doc.downloaded || */!lazyLoadQueue/* && false */ ? loadVideo() : (lazyLoadQueue.push({div: container, load: loadVideo/* , wasSeen: true */}), Promise.resolve()); } export const formatDate = (timestamp: number, monthShort = false, withYear = true) => { const date = new Date(timestamp * 1000); let month = months[date.getMonth()]; if(monthShort) month = month.slice(0, 3); let str = month + ' ' + date.getDate(); if(withYear) { str += ', ' + date.getFullYear(); } return str + ' at ' + date.getHours() + ':' + ('0' + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2); }; export function wrapDocument(doc: MyDocument, withTime = false, uploading = false, mid?: number): HTMLElement { if(doc.type == 'audio' || doc.type == 'voice') { return wrapAudio(doc, withTime, mid); } let extSplitted = doc.file_name ? doc.file_name.split('.') : ''; let ext = ''; ext = extSplitted.length > 1 && Array.isArray(extSplitted) ? extSplitted.pop().toLowerCase() : 'file'; let docDiv = document.createElement('div'); docDiv.classList.add('document', `ext-${ext}`); const icoDiv = document.createElement('div'); icoDiv.classList.add('document-ico'); if(doc.type == 'photo') { docDiv.classList.add('photo'); if(uploading) { icoDiv.innerHTML = ``; } else { wrapPhoto(doc, null, icoDiv, 54, 54, false, null, null, null); = = ''; } const img = icoDiv.querySelector('img'); if(img) img.classList.add('document-thumb'); } else { icoDiv.innerText = ext; } let fileName = doc.file_name || 'Unknown.file'; let size = formatBytes(doc.size); if(withTime) { size += ' · ' + formatDate(; } docDiv.innerHTML = ` ${!uploading ? `
` : ''}
`; docDiv.prepend(icoDiv); if(!uploading) { let downloadDiv = docDiv.querySelector('.document-download') as HTMLDivElement; let preloader: ProgressivePreloader; let download: DownloadBlob; docDiv.addEventListener('click', () => { if(!download) { if(downloadDiv.classList.contains('downloading')) { return; // means not ready yet } if(!preloader) { preloader = new ProgressivePreloader(null, true); } download = appDocsManager.saveDocFile(doc); preloader.attach(downloadDiv, true, download); download.then(() => { downloadDiv.remove(); }).catch(err => { if( === 'AbortError') { download = null; } }).finally(() => { downloadDiv.classList.remove('downloading'); }); downloadDiv.classList.add('downloading'); } else { download.cancel(); } }); } return docDiv; } export function wrapAudio(doc: MyDocument, withTime = false, mid?: number): HTMLElement { let elem = new AudioElement(); elem.setAttribute('doc-id',; elem.setAttribute('with-time', '' + +withTime); elem.setAttribute('message-id', '' + mid); return elem; } function wrapMediaWithTail(photo: MyPhoto | MyDocument, message: {mid: number, message: string}, container: HTMLDivElement, boxWidth: number, boxHeight: number, isOut: boolean) { const svg = document.createElementNS("", "svg"); svg.classList.add('bubble__media-container', isOut ? 'is-out' : 'is-in'); const foreignObject = document.createElementNS("", 'foreignObject'); appPhotosManager.setAttachmentSize(photo, foreignObject, boxWidth, boxHeight/* , false, true */); const width = +foreignObject.getAttributeNS(null, 'width'); const height = +foreignObject.getAttributeNS(null, 'height'); svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', '' + width); svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', '' + height); svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'viewBox', '0 0 ' + width + ' ' + height); svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'preserveAspectRatio', 'none'); const clipID = 'clip' + message.mid; svg.dataset.clipID = clipID; const defs = document.createElementNS("", 'defs'); let clipPathHTML: string = ''; if(message.message) { //clipPathHTML += ``; } else { if(isOut) { clipPathHTML += ` `; } else { clipPathHTML += ` `; } } defs.innerHTML = `${clipPathHTML}`; = parseInt( - 9 + 'px'; container.classList.add('with-tail'); svg.append(defs, foreignObject); container.append(svg); let img = foreignObject.firstElementChild as HTMLImageElement; if(!img) { foreignObject.append(img = new Image()); } return img; } export function wrapPhoto(photo: MyPhoto | MyDocument, message: any, container: HTMLDivElement, boxWidth =, boxHeight =, withTail: boolean, isOut: boolean, lazyLoadQueue: LazyLoadQueue, middleware: () => boolean, size: PhotoSize = null) { let image: HTMLImageElement; if(withTail) { image = wrapMediaWithTail(photo, message, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, isOut); } else { if(boxWidth && boxHeight) { // !album size = appPhotosManager.setAttachmentSize(photo, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, false, true); } if(photo._ == 'document' || !photo.downloaded) { const thumbs = (photo as MyPhoto).sizes || (photo as MyDocument).thumbs; if(thumbs?.length && 'bytes' in thumbs[0]) { appPhotosManager.setAttachmentPreview(thumbs[0].bytes, container, false); } } image = container.lastElementChild as HTMLImageElement; if(!image || image.tagName != 'IMG') { container.append(image = new Image()); } } //console.log('wrapPhoto downloaded:', photo, photo.downloaded, container); const cacheContext = appPhotosManager.getCacheContext(photo); let preloader: ProgressivePreloader; if(message?.media?.preloader) { // means upload; } else if(!cacheContext.downloaded) { preloader = new ProgressivePreloader(container, false); } const load = () => { const promise = photo._ == 'document' && photo.animated ? appDocsManager.downloadDocNew(photo) : appPhotosManager.preloadPhoto(photo, size); if(preloader) { preloader.attach(container, true, promise); } return promise.then(() => { if(middleware && !middleware()) return; renderImageFromUrl(image || container, cacheContext.url || photo.url); }); }; return cacheContext.downloaded || !lazyLoadQueue ? load() : (lazyLoadQueue.push({div: container, load: load, wasSeen: true}), Promise.resolve()); } export function wrapSticker({doc, div, middleware, lazyLoadQueue, group, play, onlyThumb, emoji, width, height, withThumb, loop}: { doc: MyDocument, div: HTMLDivElement, middleware?: () => boolean, lazyLoadQueue?: LazyLoadQueue, group?: string, play?: boolean, onlyThumb?: boolean, emoji?: string, width?: number, height?: number, withThumb?: boolean, loop?: boolean }) { const stickerType = doc.sticker; if(!width) { width = !emoji ? 200 : undefined; } if(!height) { height = !emoji ? 200 : undefined; } if(stickerType == 2 && !LottieLoader.loaded) { //LottieLoader.loadLottie(); LottieLoader.loadLottieWorkers(); } if(!stickerType) { console.error('wrong doc for wrapSticker!', doc); throw new Error('wrong doc for wrapSticker!'); } div.dataset.docID =; //console.log('wrap sticker', doc, div, onlyThumb); const toneIndex = emoji ? getEmojiToneIndex(emoji) : -1; if(doc.thumbs?.length && !div.firstElementChild && (!doc.downloaded || stickerType == 2 || onlyThumb) && toneIndex <= 0/* && doc.thumbs[0]._ != 'photoSizeEmpty' */) { const thumb = doc.thumbs[0]; //console.log('wrap sticker', thumb, div); let img: HTMLImageElement; const afterRender = () => { if(!div.childElementCount) { div.append(img); } }; if('url' in thumb) { img = new Image(); renderImageFromUrl(img, thumb.url, afterRender); } else if('bytes' in thumb) { img = new Image(); if((!isSafari || doc.pFlags.stickerThumbConverted || thumb.url)/* && false */) { renderImageFromUrl(img, appPhotosManager.getPreviewURLFromThumb(thumb, true), afterRender); } else { webpWorkerController.convert(, thumb.bytes as Uint8Array).then(bytes => { thumb.bytes = bytes; doc.pFlags.stickerThumbConverted = true; if(middleware && !middleware()) return; if(!div.childElementCount) { renderImageFromUrl(img, appPhotosManager.getPreviewURLFromThumb(thumb, true), afterRender); } }).catch(() => {}); } } else if(stickerType == 2 && (withThumb || onlyThumb)) { img = new Image(); const load = () => { if(div.childElementCount || (middleware && !middleware())) return; const r = () => { if(div.childElementCount || (middleware && !middleware())) return; renderImageFromUrl(img, thumb.url, afterRender); }; if(thumb.url) { r(); return Promise.resolve(); } else { return appDocsManager.getThumbURL(doc, thumb).promise.then(r); } }; if(lazyLoadQueue && onlyThumb) { lazyLoadQueue.push({div, load}); return Promise.resolve(); } else { load(); } } } if(onlyThumb) { // for sticker panel return Promise.resolve(); } let downloaded = doc.downloaded; let load = async() => { if(middleware && !middleware()) return; if(stickerType == 2) { /* if( == '1860749763008266301') { console.log('loaded sticker:', doc, div); } */ //console.time('download sticker' +; //appDocsManager.downloadDocNew( => res.json()).then(async(json) => { //fetch(doc.url).then(res => res.json()).then(async(json) => { /* return */ await appDocsManager.downloadDocNew(doc) .then(readBlobAsText) //.then(JSON.parse) .then(async(json) => { //console.timeEnd('download sticker' +; //console.log('loaded sticker:', doc, div/* , blob */); if(middleware && !middleware()) return; let animation = await LottieLoader.loadAnimationWorker/* loadAnimation */({ container: div, loop: loop && !emoji, autoplay: play, animationData: json, width, height }, group, toneIndex); //const deferred = deferredPromise(); animation.addListener('firstFrame', () => { if(div.firstElementChild && div.firstElementChild.tagName == 'IMG') { div.firstElementChild.remove(); } else { animation.canvas.classList.add('fade-in'); } //deferred.resolve(); }, true); if(emoji) { div.addEventListener('click', () => { let animation = LottieLoader.getAnimation(div); if(animation.paused) { animation.restart(); } }); } //return deferred; //await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 5e3)); }); //console.timeEnd('render sticker' +; } else if(stickerType == 1) { let img = new Image(); if(!downloaded && (!div.firstElementChild || div.firstElementChild.tagName != 'IMG')) { img.classList.add('fade-in-transition'); = '0'; img.addEventListener('load', () => { doc.downloaded = true; window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { = ''; }); }); } const r = () => { if(middleware && !middleware()) return; renderImageFromUrl(img, doc.url, () => { if(div.firstElementChild && div.firstElementChild != img) { div.firstElementChild.remove(); } div.append(img); }); }; if(doc.url) r(); else { appDocsManager.downloadDocNew(doc).then(r); } } }; return lazyLoadQueue && (!doc.downloaded || stickerType == 2) ? (lazyLoadQueue.push({div, load, wasSeen: group == 'chat' && stickerType != 2}), Promise.resolve()) : load(); } export function wrapReply(title: string, subtitle: string, message?: any, isPinned?: boolean) { const prefix = isPinned ? 'pinned-message' : 'reply'; const div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add(prefix); const replyBorder = document.createElement('div'); replyBorder.classList.add(prefix + '-border'); const replyContent = document.createElement('div'); replyContent.classList.add(prefix + '-content'); const replyTitle = document.createElement('div'); replyTitle.classList.add(prefix + '-title'); const replySubtitle = document.createElement('div'); replySubtitle.classList.add(prefix + '-subtitle'); if(title.length > 150) { title = title.substr(0, 140) + '...'; } if(subtitle.length > 150) { subtitle = subtitle.substr(0, 140) + '...'; } replyTitle.innerHTML = title ? RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(title) : ''; const media = message &&; if(media) { replySubtitle.innerHTML = message.rReply; //console.log('wrap reply', media); if( || (media.document && ['video'].indexOf(media.document.type) !== -1)) { let replyMedia = document.createElement('div'); replyMedia.classList.add(prefix + '-media'); let photo = || media.document; let sizes = photo.sizes || photo.thumbs; if(sizes && sizes[0].bytes) { appPhotosManager.setAttachmentPreview(sizes[0].bytes, replyMedia, false, true); } appPhotosManager.preloadPhoto(photo, appPhotosManager.choosePhotoSize(photo, 32, 32)) .then(() => { renderImageFromUrl(replyMedia, photo._ == 'photo' ? photo.url : appPhotosManager.getDocumentCachedThumb(; }); replyContent.append(replyMedia); div.classList.add('is-media'); } } else { replySubtitle.innerHTML = subtitle ? RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(subtitle) : ''; } replyContent.append(replyTitle, replySubtitle); div.append(replyBorder, replyContent); /////////console.log('wrapReply', title, subtitle, media); return div; } export function wrapAlbum({groupID, attachmentDiv, middleware, uploading, lazyLoadQueue, isOut}: { groupID: string, attachmentDiv: HTMLElement, middleware?: () => boolean, lazyLoadQueue?: LazyLoadQueue, uploading?: boolean, isOut: boolean }) { const items: {size: PhotoSize.photoSize, media: any, message: any}[] = []; // !higher msgID will be the FIRST in album const storage = Object.keys(appMessagesManager.groupedMessagesStorage[groupID]).map(id => +id).sort((a, b) => a - b); for(const mid of storage) { const m = appMessagesManager.getMessage(mid); const media = ||; const size: any = media._ == 'photo' ? appPhotosManager.choosePhotoSize(media, 480, 480) : {w: media.w, h: media.h}; items.push({size, media, message: m}); } const spacing = 2; const layouter = new Layouter( => ({w: i.size.w, h: i.size.h})),, 100, spacing); const layout = layouter.layout(); //console.log('layout:', layout, => ({w: i.size.w, h: i.size.h}))); /* let borderRadius = window.getComputedStyle(realParent).getPropertyValue('border-radius'); let brSplitted = fillPropertyValue(borderRadius); */ for(const {geometry, sides} of layout) { const item = items.shift(); if(!item) { console.error('no item for layout!'); continue; } const {size, media, message} = item; const div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('album-item'); div.dataset.mid = message.mid; = geometry.width + 'px'; = geometry.height + 'px'; = geometry.y + 'px'; = geometry.x + 'px'; if(sides & RectPart.Right) { = geometry.width + geometry.x + 'px'; } if(sides & RectPart.Bottom) { = geometry.height + geometry.y + 'px'; } if(sides & RectPart.Left && sides & RectPart.Top) { = 'inherit'; } if(sides & RectPart.Left && sides & RectPart.Bottom) { = 'inherit'; } if(sides & RectPart.Right && sides & RectPart.Top) { = 'inherit'; } if(sides & RectPart.Right && sides & RectPart.Bottom) { = 'inherit'; } if(media._ == 'photo') { wrapPhoto( media, message, div, 0, 0, false, isOut, lazyLoadQueue, middleware, size ); } else { wrapVideo({ doc:, container: div, message, boxWidth: 0, boxHeight: 0, withTail: false, isOut, lazyLoadQueue, middleware }); } // @ts-ignore // = '#' + Math.floor(Math.random() * (2 ** 24 - 1)).toString(16).padStart(6, '0'); attachmentDiv.append(div); } } export function wrapPoll(pollID: string, mid: number) { const elem = new PollElement(); elem.setAttribute('poll-id', pollID); elem.setAttribute('message-id', '' + mid); return elem; }