/* * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE * * Originally from: * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram * Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Zhukov * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram/blob/master/LICENSE */ import { MOUNT_CLASS_TO } from "../../config/debug"; import copy from "../../helpers/object/copy"; import deepEqual from "../../helpers/object/deepEqual"; import isObject from "../../helpers/object/isObject"; import safeReplaceObject from "../../helpers/object/safeReplaceObject"; import { ChannelParticipant, ChannelsCreateChannel, Chat, ChatAdminRights, ChatBannedRights, ChatParticipant, ChatPhoto, InputChannel, InputChatPhoto, InputFile, InputPeer, Update, Updates } from "../../layer"; import apiManagerProxy from "../mtproto/mtprotoworker"; import apiManager from '../mtproto/mtprotoworker'; import { RichTextProcessor } from "../richtextprocessor"; import rootScope from "../rootScope"; import apiUpdatesManager from "./apiUpdatesManager"; import appPeersManager from "./appPeersManager"; import appStateManager from "./appStateManager"; import appUsersManager from "./appUsersManager"; import { isRestricted } from "../../helpers/restrictions"; import findAndSplice from "../../helpers/array/findAndSplice"; export type Channel = Chat.channel; export type ChatRights = keyof ChatBannedRights['pFlags'] | keyof ChatAdminRights['pFlags'] | 'change_type' | 'change_permissions' | 'delete_chat' | 'view_participants'; export class AppChatsManager { private storage = appStateManager.storages.chats; private chats: {[id: ChatId]: Chat.channel | Chat.chat | any}; //private usernames: any; //private channelAccess: any; //private megagroups: {[id: number]: true}; constructor() { this.clear(true); rootScope.addMultipleEventsListeners({ /* updateChannel: (update) => { const channelId = update.channel_id; //console.log('updateChannel:', update); rootScope.broadcast('channel_settings', {channelId}); }, */ updateChannelParticipant: (update) => { apiManagerProxy.clearCache('channels.getParticipants', (params) => { return (params.channel as InputChannel.inputChannel).channel_id === update.channel_id; }); }, updateChatDefaultBannedRights: (update) => { const chatId = appPeersManager.getPeerId(update.peer).toChatId(); const chat: Chat.chat = this.chats[chatId]; if(chat) { chat.default_banned_rights = update.default_banned_rights; rootScope.dispatchEvent('chat_update', chatId); } } }); appStateManager.getState().then((state) => { const chats = appStateManager.storagesResults.chats; if(chats.length) { for(let i = 0, length = chats.length; i < length; ++i) { const chat = chats[i]; if(chat) { this.chats[chat.id] = chat; } } } appStateManager.addEventListener('peerNeeded', (peerId) => { if(peerId.isUser() || this.storage.getFromCache(peerId.toChatId())) { return; } this.storage.set({ [peerId.toChatId()]: this.getChat(peerId.toChatId()) }); }); appStateManager.addEventListener('peerUnneeded', (peerId) => { if(peerId.isUser() || !this.storage.getFromCache(peerId.toChatId())) { return; } this.storage.delete(peerId.toChatId()); }); }); } public clear(init = false) { if(!init) { const chats = appStateManager.storagesResults.chats; for(const chatId in this.chats) { if(!chatId) continue; if(!appStateManager.isPeerNeeded(chatId.toPeerId(true))) { /* const chat = this.chats[chatId]; if(chat.username) { delete this.usernames[cleanUsername(chat.username)]; } */ findAndSplice(chats, (chat) => chat.id === chatId); this.storage.delete(chatId); delete this.chats[chatId]; } } } else { this.chats = {}; } } public saveApiChats(apiChats: any[], override?: boolean) { if((apiChats as any).saved) return; (apiChats as any).saved = true; apiChats.forEach(chat => this.saveApiChat(chat, override)); } public saveApiChat(chat: Chat, override?: boolean) { if(chat._ === 'chatEmpty') return; /* if(chat._ !== 'chat' && chat._ !== 'channel') { return; } */ // * exclude from state // defineNotNumerableProperties(chat, ['rTitle', 'initials']); const oldChat: Exclude = this.chats[chat.id]; /* if(oldChat && !override) { return; } */ if((chat as Chat.chat).pFlags === undefined) { (chat as Chat.chat).pFlags = {}; } if((chat as Chat.channel).pFlags.min && oldChat !== undefined) { return; } chat.initials = RichTextProcessor.getAbbreviation(chat.title); if(chat._ === 'channel' && chat.participants_count === undefined && oldChat !== undefined && (oldChat as Chat.channel).participants_count) { chat.participants_count = (oldChat as Chat.channel).participants_count; } /* if(chat.username) { let searchUsername = searchIndexManager.cleanUsername(chat.username); this.usernames[searchUsername] = chat.id; } */ let changedPhoto = false, changedTitle = false; if(oldChat === undefined) { this.chats[chat.id] = chat; } else { const oldPhotoId = ((oldChat as Chat.chat).photo as ChatPhoto.chatPhoto)?.photo_id; const newPhotoId = ((chat as Chat.chat).photo as ChatPhoto.chatPhoto)?.photo_id; if(oldPhotoId !== newPhotoId) { changedPhoto = true; } if(oldChat.title !== chat.title) { changedTitle = true; } safeReplaceObject(oldChat, chat); rootScope.dispatchEvent('chat_update', chat.id); } const peerId = chat.id.toPeerId(true); if(changedPhoto) { rootScope.dispatchEvent('avatar_update', peerId); } if(changedTitle) { rootScope.dispatchEvent('peer_title_edit', peerId); } if(appStateManager.isPeerNeeded(peerId)) { this.storage.set({ [chat.id]: chat }); } } public getChat(id: ChatId) { return this.chats[id] || {_: 'chatEmpty', id, deleted: true, access_hash: '', pFlags: {}/* this.channelAccess[id] */}; } public getChatTyped(id: ChatId): Chat { return this.getChat(id); } public combineParticipantBannedRights(id: ChatId, rights: ChatBannedRights) { const chat: Chat.channel = this.getChat(id); if(chat.default_banned_rights) { rights = copy(rights); const defaultRights = chat.default_banned_rights.pFlags; for(let i in defaultRights) { // @ts-ignore rights.pFlags[i] = defaultRights[i]; } } return rights; } /** * Check the user's ability to do an action in chat * @param id * @param action creator can still send messages to left channel. so this function shows server rights. see canSendToPeer for local rights in messages manager. * @param rights do not provide this parameter when checking rights for self * @param isThread * @returns */ public hasRights(id: ChatId, action: ChatRights, rights?: ChatAdminRights | ChatBannedRights, isThread?: boolean) { const chat: Chat = this.getChat(id); if(chat._ === 'chatEmpty') return false; if((chat as Chat.chat).pFlags.deactivated && action !== 'view_messages') { return false; } const isCheckingRightsForSelf = rights === undefined; if((chat as Chat.chat).pFlags.creator && isCheckingRightsForSelf) { return true; } if(chat._ === 'chatForbidden' || chat._ === 'channelForbidden' || (chat as any).pFlags.kicked || (chat.pFlags.left && !(chat as Chat.channel).pFlags.megagroup)) { return false; } // const adminRights = chat.admin_rights; // const bannedRights = (chat as Chat.channel).banned_rights || chat.default_banned_rights; if(!rights) { rights = chat.admin_rights || (chat as Chat.channel).banned_rights || chat.default_banned_rights; if(!rights) { return false; } } let myFlags: Partial<{[flag in keyof ChatBannedRights['pFlags'] | keyof ChatAdminRights['pFlags']]: true}> = {}; if(rights) { myFlags = rights.pFlags as any; } // const adminFlags = adminRights?.pFlags || {}; // const bannedFlags = bannedRights?.pFlags || {}; switch(action) { case 'embed_links': case 'send_games': case 'send_gifs': case 'send_inline': case 'send_media': case 'send_messages': case 'send_polls': case 'send_stickers': { if(!isThread && chat.pFlags.left) { return false; } if(rights._ === 'chatBannedRights' && myFlags[action]) { return false; } if(chat._ === 'channel') { if(!chat.pFlags.megagroup && !myFlags.post_messages) { return false; } } break; } // * revoke foreign messages case 'delete_messages': case 'manage_call': { return !!myFlags[action]; } case 'pin_messages': { return rights._ === 'chatAdminRights' ? myFlags[action] || !!myFlags.post_messages : !myFlags[action]; } // case 'change_info': { // return adminRights || isCheckingRightsForSelf ? adminFlags[action] : !myFlags[action]; // } case 'change_info': case 'invite_users': { return rights._ === 'chatAdminRights' ? myFlags[action] : !myFlags[action]; } // * only creator can do that case 'change_type': case 'delete_chat': { return false; } case 'ban_users': case 'change_permissions': { return rights._ === 'chatAdminRights' && !!myFlags['ban_users']; } case 'view_participants': { return !!(chat._ === 'chat' || !chat.pFlags.broadcast || chat.pFlags.creator || chat.admin_rights); } } return true; } public editChatDefaultBannedRights(id: ChatId, banned_rights: ChatBannedRights) { const chat: Chat.chat = this.getChat(id); if(chat.default_banned_rights) { if(chat.default_banned_rights.until_date === banned_rights.until_date && deepEqual(chat.default_banned_rights.pFlags, banned_rights.pFlags)) { return Promise.resolve(); } } return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.editChatDefaultBannedRights', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(id.toPeerId(true)), banned_rights }).then(this.onChatUpdated.bind(this, id)); } /* public resolveUsername(username: string) { return this.usernames[username] || 0; } */ /* public saveChannelAccess(id: ChatId, accessHash: string) { this.channelAccess[id] = accessHash; } */ /* public saveIsMegagroup(id: ChatId) { this.megagroups[id] = true; } */ public isChannel(id: ChatId) { const chat = this.chats[id]; return !!(chat && (chat._ === 'channel' || chat._ === 'channelForbidden')/* || this.channelAccess[id] */); } public isMegagroup(id: ChatId) { /* if(this.megagroups[id]) { return true; } */ const chat: Chat = this.chats[id]; return !!(chat && chat._ === 'channel' && chat.pFlags.megagroup); } public isBroadcast(id: ChatId) { return this.isChannel(id) && !this.isMegagroup(id); } public isInChat(id: ChatId) { let good = true; const chat: Chat = this.getChat(id); if(chat._ === 'channelForbidden' || chat._ === 'chatForbidden' || chat._ === 'chatEmpty' || (chat as Chat.chat).pFlags.left || (chat as any).pFlags.kicked || (chat as Chat.chat).pFlags.deactivated) { good = false; } return good; } public getChannelInput(id: ChatId): InputChannel { const chat: Chat = this.getChat(id); if(chat._ === 'chatEmpty' || !(chat as Chat.channel).access_hash) { return { _: 'inputChannelEmpty' }; } else { return { _: 'inputChannel', channel_id: id, access_hash: (chat as Chat.channel).access_hash/* || this.channelAccess[id] */ || '0' }; } } public getInputPeer(id: ChatId) { return this.isChannel(id) ? this.getChannelInputPeer(id) : this.getChatInputPeer(id); } public getChatInputPeer(id: ChatId): InputPeer.inputPeerChat { return { _: 'inputPeerChat', chat_id: id }; } public getChannelInputPeer(id: ChatId): InputPeer.inputPeerChannel { return { _: 'inputPeerChannel', channel_id: id, access_hash: this.getChat(id).access_hash/* || this.channelAccess[id] */ || 0 }; } public hasChat(id: ChatId, allowMin?: true) { const chat = this.chats[id]; return isObject(chat) && (allowMin || !chat.pFlags.min); } public getChatPhoto(id: ChatId) { const chat: Chat.chat = this.getChat(id); return chat && chat.photo || { _: 'chatPhotoEmpty' }; } public getChatString(id: ChatId) { const chat = this.getChat(id); if(this.isChannel(id)) { return (this.isMegagroup(id) ? 's' : 'c') + id + '_' + chat.access_hash; } return 'g' + id; } /* public wrapForFull(id: number, fullChat: any) { const chatFull = copy(fullChat); const chat = this.getChat(id); if(!chatFull.participants_count) { chatFull.participants_count = chat.participants_count; } if(chatFull.participants && chatFull.participants._ === 'chatParticipants') { chatFull.participants.participants = this.wrapParticipants(id, chatFull.participants.participants); } if(chatFull.about) { chatFull.rAbout = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(chatFull.about, {noLinebreaks: true}); } //chatFull.peerString = this.getChatString(id); chatFull.chat = chat; return chatFull; } public wrapParticipants(id: number, participants: any[]) { const chat = this.getChat(id); const myId = appUsersManager.getSelf().id; if(this.isChannel(id)) { const isAdmin = chat.pFlags.creator; participants.forEach((participant) => { participant.canLeave = myId === participant.user_id; participant.canKick = isAdmin && participant._ === 'channelParticipant'; // just for order by last seen participant.user = appUsersManager.getUser(participant.user_id); }); } else { const isAdmin = chat.pFlags.creator || chat.pFlags.admins_enabled && chat.pFlags.admin; participants.forEach((participant) => { participant.canLeave = myId === participant.user_id; participant.canKick = !participant.canLeave && ( chat.pFlags.creator || participant._ === 'chatParticipant' && (isAdmin || myId === participant.inviter_id) ); // just for order by last seen participant.user = appUsersManager.getUser(participant.user_id); }); } return participants; } */ public createChannel(options: ChannelsCreateChannel): Promise { return apiManager.invokeApi('channels.createChannel', options).then((updates) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); const channelId = (updates as any).chats[0].id; rootScope.dispatchEvent('history_focus', {peerId: channelId.toPeerId(true)}); return channelId; }); } public inviteToChannel(id: ChatId, userIds: UserId[]) { const input = this.getChannelInput(id); const usersInputs = userIds.map(u => appUsersManager.getUserInput(u)); return apiManager.invokeApi('channels.inviteToChannel', { channel: input, users: usersInputs }).then(this.onChatUpdated.bind(this, id)); } public createChat(title: string, userIds: UserId[]): Promise { return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.createChat', { users: userIds.map(u => appUsersManager.getUserInput(u)), title }).then(updates => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); const chatId = (updates as any as Updates.updates).chats[0].id; rootScope.dispatchEvent('history_focus', {peerId: chatId.toPeerId(true)}); return chatId; }); } private onChatUpdated = (chatId: ChatId, updates?: any) => { //console.log('onChatUpdated', chatId, updates); apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); if(updates?.updates?.length && this.isChannel(chatId)) { rootScope.dispatchEvent('invalidate_participants', chatId); } }; public leaveChannel(id: ChatId) { return apiManager.invokeApi('channels.leaveChannel', { channel: this.getChannelInput(id) }).then(this.onChatUpdated.bind(this, id)); } public joinChannel(id: ChatId) { return apiManager.invokeApi('channels.joinChannel', { channel: this.getChannelInput(id) }).then(this.onChatUpdated.bind(this, id)); } public addChatUser(id: ChatId, userId: UserId, fwdLimit = 100) { return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.addChatUser', { chat_id: id, user_id: appUsersManager.getUserInput(userId), fwd_limit: fwdLimit }).then(this.onChatUpdated.bind(this, id)); } public deleteChatUser(id: ChatId, userId: UserId) { return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.deleteChatUser', { chat_id: id, user_id: appUsersManager.getUserInput(userId) }).then(this.onChatUpdated.bind(this, id)); } public leaveChat(id: ChatId) { return this.deleteChatUser(id, appUsersManager.getSelf().id); } public leave(id: ChatId) { return this.isChannel(id) ? this.leaveChannel(id) : this.leaveChat(id); } public delete(id: ChatId) { return this.isChannel(id) ? this.deleteChannel(id) : this.deleteChat(id); } public deleteChannel(id: ChatId) { return apiManager.invokeApi('channels.deleteChannel', { channel: this.getChannelInput(id) }).then(this.onChatUpdated.bind(this, id)); } public deleteChat(id: ChatId) { //return this.leaveChat(id).then(() => { return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.deleteChat', { chat_id: id }); //}); } public migrateChat(id: ChatId): Promise { const chat: Chat = this.getChat(id); if(chat._ === 'channel') return Promise.resolve(chat.id); return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.migrateChat', { chat_id: id }).then((updates) => { this.onChatUpdated(id, updates); const update: Update.updateChannel = (updates as Updates.updates).updates.find(u => u._ === 'updateChannel') as any; return update.channel_id; }); } public updateUsername(id: ChatId, username: string) { return apiManager.invokeApi('channels.updateUsername', { channel: this.getChannelInput(id), username }).then((bool) => { if(bool) { const chat: Chat.channel = this.getChat(id); chat.username = username; } return bool; }); } public editPhoto(id: ChatId, inputFile: InputFile) { const inputChatPhoto: InputChatPhoto = { _: 'inputChatUploadedPhoto', file: inputFile }; let promise: any; if(this.isChannel(id)) { promise = apiManager.invokeApi('channels.editPhoto', { channel: this.getChannelInput(id), photo: inputChatPhoto }); } else { promise = apiManager.invokeApi('messages.editChatPhoto', { chat_id: id, photo: inputChatPhoto }); } return promise.then((updates: any) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }); } public editTitle(id: ChatId, title: string) { let promise: any; if(this.isChannel(id)) { promise = apiManager.invokeApi('channels.editTitle', { channel: this.getChannelInput(id), title }); } else { promise = apiManager.invokeApi('messages.editChatTitle', { chat_id: id, title }); } return promise.then((updates: any) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }); } public editAbout(id: ChatId, about: string) { const peerId = id.toPeerId(true); return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.editChatAbout', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), about }).then(bool => { if(bool) { rootScope.dispatchEvent('peer_bio_edit', peerId); } return bool; }); } public getParticipantPeerId(participant: ChannelParticipant | ChatParticipant): PeerId { const peerId = (participant as ChannelParticipant.channelParticipantBanned).peer ? appPeersManager.getPeerId((participant as ChannelParticipant.channelParticipantBanned).peer) : (participant as ChatParticipant.chatParticipant).user_id.toPeerId(); return peerId; } public editBanned(id: ChatId, participant: PeerId | ChannelParticipant, banned_rights: ChatBannedRights) { const peerId = typeof(participant) !== 'object' ? participant : this.getParticipantPeerId(participant); return apiManager.invokeApi('channels.editBanned', { channel: this.getChannelInput(id), participant: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), banned_rights }).then((updates) => { this.onChatUpdated(id, updates); if(typeof(participant) === 'object') { const timestamp = Date.now() / 1000 | 0; apiUpdatesManager.processLocalUpdate({ _: 'updateChannelParticipant', channel_id: id, date: timestamp, actor_id: undefined, qts: undefined, user_id: peerId, prev_participant: participant, new_participant: Object.keys(banned_rights.pFlags).length ? { _: 'channelParticipantBanned', date: timestamp, banned_rights, kicked_by: appUsersManager.getSelf().id, peer: appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(peerId), pFlags: {} } : undefined }); } }); } public clearChannelParticipantBannedRights(id: ChatId, participant: PeerId | ChannelParticipant) { return this.editBanned(id, participant, { _: 'chatBannedRights', until_date: 0, pFlags: {} }); } public kickFromChannel(id: ChatId, participant: PeerId | ChannelParticipant) { return this.editBanned(id, participant, { _: 'chatBannedRights', until_date: 0, pFlags: { view_messages: true } }); } public kickFromChat(id: ChatId, participant: PeerId | ChannelParticipant) { if(this.isChannel(id)) return this.kickFromChannel(id, participant); else return this.deleteChatUser(id, (participant as PeerId).toUserId()); } public resolveChannel(id: ChatId) { return apiManager.invokeApiSingle('channels.getChannels', { id: [{ _: 'inputChannel', channel_id: id, access_hash: '0' }] }).then(messagesChats => { this.saveApiChats(messagesChats.chats); }); } public togglePreHistoryHidden(id: ChatId, enabled: boolean) { return this.migrateChat(id).then(channelId => { return apiManager.invokeApi('channels.togglePreHistoryHidden', { channel: this.getChannelInput(channelId), enabled }); }).then(updates => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }); } public toggleSignatures(id: ChatId, enabled: boolean) { return apiManager.invokeApi('channels.toggleSignatures', { channel: this.getChannelInput(id), enabled }).then(updates => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }); } public toggleNoForwards(id: ChatId, enabled: boolean) { return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.toggleNoForwards', { peer: this.getInputPeer(id), enabled }).then(updates => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }); } public setChatAvailableReactions(id: ChatId, reactions: Array) { return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.setChatAvailableReactions', { peer: this.getInputPeer(id), available_reactions: reactions }).then(updates => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }); } public isRestricted(chatId: ChatId) { const chat: Chat.channel = this.getChat(chatId); const restrictionReasons = chat.restriction_reason; return !!(chat.pFlags.restricted && restrictionReasons && isRestricted(restrictionReasons)); } public getSendAs(channelId: ChatId) { return apiManager.invokeApiSingleProcess({ method: 'channels.getSendAs', params: { peer: this.getChannelInputPeer(channelId) }, processResult: (sendAsPeers) => { appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(sendAsPeers.users); appChatsManager.saveApiChats(sendAsPeers.chats); return sendAsPeers.peers; } }); } } const appChatsManager = new AppChatsManager(); MOUNT_CLASS_TO.appChatsManager = appChatsManager; export default appChatsManager;