/* * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE * * Originally from: * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram * Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Zhukov * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram/blob/master/LICENSE */ import { DatabaseStore, DatabaseStoreName } from "../config/database"; import IDBStorage, { IDBOptions } from "./idb"; export default class AppStorage/* Storage extends {[name: string]: any} *//* Storage extends Record */> { private storage: IDBStorage;//new CacheStorageController('session'); //private cache: Partial<{[key: string]: Storage[typeof key]}> = {}; private cache: Partial = {}; private useStorage = true; constructor(storageOptions: Omit & {stores?: DatabaseStore[], storeName: DatabaseStoreName}) { this.storage = new IDBStorage(storageOptions); } public getCache() { return this.cache; } public getFromCache(key: keyof Storage) { return this.cache[key]; } public setToCache(key: keyof Storage, value: Storage[typeof key]) { return this.cache[key] = value; } public async get(key: keyof Storage): Promise { if(this.cache.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return this.getFromCache(key); } else if(this.useStorage) { let value: any; try { value = await this.storage.get(key as string); //console.log('[AS]: get result:', key, value); //value = JSON.parse(value); } catch(e) { if(e !== 'NO_ENTRY_FOUND') { this.useStorage = false; console.error('[AS]: get error:', e, key, value); } } return this.cache[key] = value; }/* else { throw 'something went wrong'; } */ } public async set(obj: Partial, onlyLocal = false) { //console.log('storageSetValue', obj, callback, arguments); for(const key in obj) { if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { const value = obj[key]; this.setToCache(key, value); // let perf = /* DEBUG */false ? performance.now() : 0; // value = JSON.stringify(value); // if(perf) { // let elapsedTime = performance.now() - perf; // if(elapsedTime > 10) { // console.warn('LocalStorage set: stringify time by JSON.stringify:', elapsedTime, key); // } // } /* perf = performance.now(); value = stringify(value); console.log('LocalStorage set: stringify time by own stringify:', performance.now() - perf); */ if(this.useStorage && !onlyLocal) { try { //console.log('setItem: will set', key/* , value */); //await this.cacheStorage.delete(key); // * try to prevent memory leak in Chrome leading to 'Unexpected internal error.' //await this.storage.save(key, new Response(value, {headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}})); await this.storage.save(key, value); //console.log('setItem: have set', key/* , value */); } catch(e) { //this.useCS = false; console.error('[AS]: set error:', e, key/* , value */); } } } } } public async remove(key: keyof Storage, saveLocal = false) { /* if(!this.cache.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return; } */ if(!saveLocal) { delete this.cache[key]; } if(this.useStorage) { try { await this.storage.delete(key as string); } catch(e) { this.useStorage = false; console.error('[AS]: remove error:', e); } } } public clear() { return this.storage.deleteAll(); } }