import { isElementInViewport, isInDOM } from "./utils"; import LottiePlayer, { AnimationConfigWithPath, AnimationConfigWithData, AnimationItem } from "lottie-web/build/player/lottie.d"; class LottieLoader { private lottie: /* any */ typeof LottiePlayer = null; private animations: { [group: string]: { animation: /* any */AnimationItem, container: HTMLDivElement, paused: boolean, autoplay: boolean, canvas: boolean }[] } = {}; private debug = false; public loaded: Promise; private lastTimeLoad = 0; private waitingTimeouts = 0; public loadLottie() { if(this.loaded) return this.loaded; this.loaded = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { (window as any).lottieLoaded = () => { console.log('lottie loaded'); this.lottie = (window as any).lottie; resolve(); }; let sc = document.createElement('script'); sc.src = 'npm.lottie-web.chunk.js'; sc.async = true; sc.onload = (window as any).lottieLoaded; document.body.appendChild(sc); }); } public checkAnimations(blurred?: boolean, group?: string, destroy = false) { let groups = group ? [group] : Object.keys(this.animations); if(group && !this.animations[group]) { console.warn('no animation group:', group); this.animations[group] = []; //return; } for(let group of groups) { let animations = this.animations[group]; let length = animations.length; for(let i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { let {animation, container, paused, autoplay, canvas} = animations[i]; if(destroy && !isInDOM(container)) { this.debug && console.log('destroy animation'); animation.destroy(); animations.splice(i, 1); continue; } if(canvas) { let c = container.firstElementChild as HTMLCanvasElement; if(!c.height && !c.width && isElementInViewport(container)) { //console.log('lottie need resize'); animation.resize(); } } if(!autoplay) continue; if(blurred || !isElementInViewport(container)) { if(!paused) { this.debug && console.log('pause animation', isElementInViewport(container), container); animation.pause(); animations[i].paused = true; } } else if(paused) { this.debug && console.log('play animation', container);; animations[i].paused = false; } } } } public async loadAnimation(params: /* any */AnimationConfigWithPath | AnimationConfigWithData, group = '') { //params.autoplay = false; params.renderer = 'canvas'; params.rendererSettings = { //context: context, // the canvas context //preserveAspectRatio: 'xMinYMin slice', // Supports the same options as the svg element's preserveAspectRatio property clearCanvas: true, progressiveLoad: true, // Boolean, only svg renderer, loads dom elements when needed. Might speed up initialization for large number of elements. hideOnTransparent: true, //Boolean, only svg renderer, hides elements when opacity reaches 0 (defaults to true) }; if(!this.lottie) { if(!this.loaded) this.loadLottie(); await this.loaded; this.lottie.setQuality('low'); //this.lottie.setQuality(10); } let time =; let diff = time - this.lastTimeLoad; let delay = 150; if(diff < delay) { delay *= ++this.waitingTimeouts; console.log('lottieloader delay:', delay); //await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay)); this.waitingTimeouts--; } let animation = this.lottie.loadAnimation(params); this.lastTimeLoad =; if(!this.animations[group]) this.animations[group] = []; this.animations[group].push({ animation, container: params.container as HTMLDivElement, paused: !params.autoplay, autoplay: params.autoplay, canvas: params.renderer == 'canvas' }); if(params.autoplay) { this.checkAnimations(); } return animation; } public getAnimation(el: HTMLElement, group = '') { let groups = group ? [group] : Object.keys(this.animations); //console.log('getAnimation', groups, this.animations); for(let group of groups) { let animations = this.animations[group]; let animation = animations.find(a => a.container === el); if(animation) return animation.animation; } return null; } } const lottieLoader = new LottieLoader(); //(window as any).LottieLoader = lottieLoader; export default lottieLoader;