import appChatsManager from "../../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager"; import appMessagesManager from "../../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager"; import appPeersManager from "../../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager"; import rootScope from "../../lib/rootScope"; import { PopupButton } from "."; import PopupPeer from "./peer"; import { ChatType } from "../chat/chat"; export default class PopupDeleteMessages { constructor(peerId: number, mids: number[], type: ChatType, onConfirm?: () => void) { const firstName = appPeersManager.getPeerTitle(peerId, false, true); mids = mids.slice(); const callback = (revoke?: true) => { onConfirm && onConfirm(); if(type === 'scheduled') { appMessagesManager.deleteScheduledMessages(peerId, mids); } else { appMessagesManager.deleteMessages(peerId, mids, revoke); } }; let title: string, description: string, buttons: PopupButton[]; title = `Delete ${mids.length == 1 ? '' : mids.length + ' '}Message${mids.length == 1 ? '' : 's'}?`; description = `Are you sure you want to delete ${mids.length == 1 ? 'this message' : 'these messages'}?`; if(peerId == rootScope.myId || type === 'scheduled') { buttons = [{ text: 'DELETE', isDanger: true, callback: () => callback() }]; } else { buttons = [{ text: 'DELETE JUST FOR ME', isDanger: true, callback: () => callback() }]; if(peerId > 0) { buttons.push({ text: 'DELETE FOR ME AND ' + firstName, isDanger: true, callback: () => callback(true) }); } else { const chat = appChatsManager.getChat(-peerId); const hasRights = appChatsManager.hasRights(-peerId, 'deleteRevoke'); if(chat._ == 'chat') { const canRevoke = hasRights ? mids.slice() : mids.filter(mid => { const message = appMessagesManager.getMessageByPeer(peerId, mid); return message.fromId == rootScope.myId; }); if(canRevoke.length) { if(canRevoke.length == mids.length) { buttons.push({ text: 'DELETE FOR ALL', isDanger: true, callback: () => callback(true) }); } else { const buttonText = 'Unsend my and delete'; buttons.push({ text: buttonText, isDanger: true, callback: () => callback(true) }); description = `You can also delete the ${canRevoke.length} message${canRevoke.length > 1 ? 's' : ''} you sent from the inboxes of other group members by pressing "${buttonText}".`; } } } else { if(!hasRights || appChatsManager.isBroadcast(-peerId)) { buttons.shift(); } buttons.push({ text: 'DELETE FOR ALL', isDanger: true, callback: () => callback(true) }); } } } buttons.push({ text: 'CANCEL', isCancel: true }); const popup = new PopupPeer('popup-delete-chat', { peerId, title, description, buttons });; } }