/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ type Size = {w: number, h: number}; export type GroupMediaLayout = { geometry: { x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number }, sides: number }; type Attempt = { lineCounts: number[], heights: number[] }; export const RectPart = { None: 0, Top: 1, Right: 2, Bottom: 4, Left: 8 }; let accumulate = (arr: number[], initialValue: number) => arr.reduce((acc, value) => acc + value, initialValue); // https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/74d848311b31ef0eb6d2c43a4d30ade8f1d2d9fb/Telegram/SourceFiles/core/utils.h#L128 function snap(v: T, _min: T, _max: T): T { return (v < _min) ? _min : ((v > _max) ? _max : v); } // https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/4669c07dc5335cbf4795bbbe5b0ab7c007b9aee2/Telegram/SourceFiles/ui/grouped_layout.cpp export class Layouter { private count: number; private ratios: number[]; private proportions: string; private averageRatio: number; private maxSizeRatio: number; constructor(private sizes: Size[], private maxWidth: number, private minWidth: number, private spacing: number, private maxHeight = maxWidth) { this.count = sizes.length; this.ratios = Layouter.countRatios(sizes); this.proportions = Layouter.countProportions(this.ratios); this.averageRatio = accumulate(this.ratios, 1) / this.count; // warn this.maxSizeRatio = maxWidth / this.maxHeight; } public layout(): GroupMediaLayout[] { if(!this.count) return []; //else if(this.count == 1) return this.layoutOne(); if(this.count >= 5 || this.ratios.find(r => r > 2)) { return new ComplexLayouter(this.ratios, this.averageRatio, this.maxWidth, this.minWidth, this.spacing).layout(); } if(this.count == 2) return this.layoutTwo(); else if(this.count == 3) return this.layoutThree(); return this.layoutFour(); } private layoutTwo(): ReturnType { if((this.proportions == "ww") && (this.averageRatio > 1.4 * this.maxSizeRatio) && (this.ratios[1] - this.ratios[0] < 0.2)) { return this.layoutTwoTopBottom(); } else if(this.proportions == "ww" || this.proportions == "qq") { return this.layoutTwoLeftRightEqual(); } return this.layoutTwoLeftRight(); } private layoutThree(): ReturnType { console.log('layoutThree:', this); if(this.proportions[0] == 'n') { return this.layoutThreeLeftAndOther(); } return this.layoutThreeTopAndOther(); } private layoutFour(): ReturnType { if(this.proportions[0] == 'w') { return this.layoutFourTopAndOther(); } return this.layoutFourLeftAndOther(); } private layoutTwoTopBottom(): ReturnType { const width = this.maxWidth; const height = Math.round(Math.min( width / this.ratios[0], Math.min( width / this.ratios[1], (this.maxHeight - this.spacing) / 2))); return [ { geometry: {x: 0, y: 0, width, height}, sides: RectPart.Left | RectPart.Top | RectPart.Right }, { geometry: {x: 0, y: height + this.spacing, width, height}, sides: RectPart.Left | RectPart.Bottom | RectPart.Right }, ]; } private layoutTwoLeftRightEqual(): ReturnType { const width = (this.maxWidth - this.spacing) / 2; const height = Math.round(Math.min( width / this.ratios[0], Math.min(width / this.ratios[1], this.maxHeight * 1))); return [ { geometry: {x: 0, y: 0, width, height}, sides: RectPart.Top | RectPart.Left | RectPart.Bottom }, { geometry: {x: width + this.spacing, y: 0, width, height}, sides: RectPart.Top | RectPart.Right | RectPart.Bottom }, ]; } private layoutTwoLeftRight(): ReturnType { const minimalWidth = Math.round(this.minWidth * 1.5); const secondWidth = Math.min( Math.round(Math.max( 0.4 * (this.maxWidth - this.spacing), (this.maxWidth - this.spacing) / this.ratios[0] / (1 / this.ratios[0] + 1 / this.ratios[1]))), this.maxWidth - this.spacing - minimalWidth); const firstWidth = this.maxWidth - secondWidth - this.spacing; const height = Math.min( this.maxHeight, Math.round(Math.min( firstWidth / this.ratios[0], secondWidth / this.ratios[1]))); return [ { geometry: {x: 0, y: 0, width: firstWidth, height}, sides: RectPart.Top | RectPart.Left | RectPart.Bottom }, { geometry: {x: firstWidth + this.spacing, y: 0, width: secondWidth, height}, sides: RectPart.Top | RectPart.Right | RectPart.Bottom }, ]; } private layoutThreeLeftAndOther(): ReturnType { const firstHeight = this.maxHeight; const thirdHeight = Math.round(Math.min( (this.maxHeight - this.spacing) / 2., (this.ratios[1] * (this.maxWidth - this.spacing) / (this.ratios[2] + this.ratios[1])))); const secondHeight = firstHeight - thirdHeight - this.spacing; const rightWidth = Math.max( this.minWidth, Math.round(Math.min( (this.maxWidth - this.spacing) / 2., Math.min( thirdHeight * this.ratios[2], secondHeight * this.ratios[1])))); const leftWidth = Math.min( Math.round(firstHeight * this.ratios[0]), this.maxWidth - this.spacing - rightWidth); return [ { geometry: {x: 0, y: 0, width: leftWidth, height: firstHeight}, sides: RectPart.Top | RectPart.Left | RectPart.Bottom }, { geometry: {x: leftWidth + this.spacing, y: 0, width: rightWidth, height: secondHeight}, sides: RectPart.Top | RectPart.Right }, { geometry: {x: leftWidth + this.spacing, y: secondHeight + this.spacing, width: rightWidth, height: thirdHeight}, sides: RectPart.Bottom | RectPart.Right }, ]; } private layoutThreeTopAndOther(): ReturnType { const firstWidth = this.maxWidth; const firstHeight = Math.round(Math.min( firstWidth / this.ratios[0], (this.maxHeight - this.spacing) * 0.66)); const secondWidth = (this.maxWidth - this.spacing) / 2; const secondHeight = Math.min( this.maxHeight - firstHeight - this.spacing, Math.round(Math.min( secondWidth / this.ratios[1], secondWidth / this.ratios[2]))); const thirdWidth = firstWidth - secondWidth - this.spacing; return [ { geometry: {x: 0, y: 0, width: firstWidth, height: firstHeight}, sides: RectPart.Left | RectPart.Top | RectPart.Right }, { geometry: {x: 0, y: firstHeight + this.spacing, width: secondWidth, height: secondHeight}, sides: RectPart.Bottom | RectPart.Left }, { geometry: {x: secondWidth + this.spacing, y: firstHeight + this.spacing, width: thirdWidth, height: secondHeight}, sides: RectPart.Bottom | RectPart.Right }, ]; } private layoutFourTopAndOther(): ReturnType { const w = this.maxWidth; const h0 = Math.round(Math.min( w / this.ratios[0], (this.maxHeight - this.spacing) * 0.66)); const h = Math.round( (this.maxWidth - 2 * this.spacing) / (this.ratios[1] + this.ratios[2] + this.ratios[3])); const w0 = Math.max( this.minWidth, Math.round(Math.min( (this.maxWidth - 2 * this.spacing) * 0.4, h * this.ratios[1]))); const w2 = Math.round(Math.max( Math.max( this.minWidth * 1., (this.maxWidth - 2 * this.spacing) * 0.33), h * this.ratios[3])); const w1 = w - w0 - w2 - 2 * this.spacing; const h1 = Math.min( this.maxHeight - h0 - this.spacing, h); return [ { geometry: {x: 0, y: 0, width: w, height: h0}, sides: RectPart.Left | RectPart.Top | RectPart.Right }, { geometry: {x: 0, y: h0 + this.spacing, width: w0, height: h1}, sides: RectPart.Bottom | RectPart.Left }, { geometry: {x: w0 + this.spacing, y: h0 + this.spacing, width: w1, height: h1}, sides: RectPart.Bottom, }, { geometry: {x: w0 + this.spacing + w1 + this.spacing, y: h0 + this.spacing, width: w2, height: h1}, sides: RectPart.Right | RectPart.Bottom }, ]; } private layoutFourLeftAndOther(): ReturnType { const h = this.maxHeight; const w0 = Math.round(Math.min( h * this.ratios[0], (this.maxWidth - this.spacing) * 0.6)); const w = Math.round( (this.maxHeight - 2 * this.spacing) / (1. / this.ratios[1] + 1. / this.ratios[2] + 1. / this.ratios[3]) ); const h0 = Math.round(w / this.ratios[1]); const h1 = Math.round(w / this.ratios[2]); const h2 = h - h0 - h1 - 2 * this.spacing; const w1 = Math.max( this.minWidth, Math.min(this.maxWidth - w0 - this.spacing, w)); return [ { geometry: {x: 0, y: 0, width: w0, height: h}, sides: RectPart.Top | RectPart.Left | RectPart.Bottom }, { geometry: {x: w0 + this.spacing, y: 0, width: w1, height: h0}, sides: RectPart.Top | RectPart.Right }, { geometry: {x: w0 + this.spacing, y: h0 + this.spacing, width: w1, height: h1}, sides: RectPart.Right }, { geometry: {x: w0 + this.spacing, y: h0 + h1 + 2 * this.spacing, width: w1, height: h2}, sides: RectPart.Bottom | RectPart.Right }, ]; } private static countRatios(sizes: Size[]) { return sizes.map(size => size.w / size.h); } private static countProportions(ratios: number[]) { return ratios.map(ratio => (ratio > 1.2) ? 'w' : (ratio < 0.8) ? 'n' : 'q').join(''); } } class ComplexLayouter { private ratios: number[]; private count: number; constructor(ratios: number[], private averageRatio: number, private maxWidth: number, private minWidth: number, private spacing: number, private maxHeight = maxWidth * 4 / 3) { this.ratios = ComplexLayouter.cropRatios(ratios, averageRatio); this.count = ratios.length; } private static cropRatios(ratios: number[], averageRatio: number) { const kMaxRatio = 2.75; const kMinRatio = 0.6667; return ratios.map(ratio => { return averageRatio > 1.1 ? snap(ratio, 1., kMaxRatio) : snap(ratio, kMinRatio, 1.); }); } public layout(): GroupMediaLayout[] { let result = new Array(this.count); let attempts: Attempt[] = []; const multiHeight = (offset: number, count: number) => { const ratios = this.ratios.slice(offset, offset + count); // warn const sum = accumulate(ratios, 0); return (this.maxWidth - (count - 1) * this.spacing) / sum; }; const pushAttempt = (lineCounts: number[]) => { let heights: number[] = []; let offset = 0; for(let count of lineCounts) { heights.push(multiHeight(offset, count)); offset += count; } attempts.push({lineCounts, heights}); // warn }; for(let first = 1; first != this.count; ++first) { const second = this.count - first; if(first > 3 || second > 3) { continue; } pushAttempt([first, second]); } for(let first = 1; first != this.count - 1; ++first) { for(let second = 1; second != this.count - first; ++second) { const third = this.count - first - second; if((first > 3) || (second > ((this.averageRatio < 0.85) ? 4 : 3)) || (third > 3)) { continue; } pushAttempt([first, second, third]); } } for(let first = 1; first != this.count - 1; ++first) { for(let second = 1; second != this.count - first; ++second) { for(let third = 1; third != this.count - first - second; ++third) { const fourth = this.count - first - second - third; if(first > 3 || second > 3 || third > 3 || fourth > 3) { continue; } pushAttempt([first, second, third, fourth]); } } } let optimalAttempt: Attempt = null; let optimalDiff = 0; for(const attempt of attempts) { const {heights, lineCounts: counts} = attempt; const lineCount = counts.length; const totalHeight = accumulate(heights, 0) + this.spacing * (lineCount - 1); const minLineHeight = Math.min(...heights); const maxLineHeight = Math.max(...heights); const bad1 = (minLineHeight < this.minWidth) ? 1.5 : 1; const bad2 = (() => { for(let line = 1; line != lineCount; ++line) { if(counts[line - 1] > counts[line]) { return 1.5; } } return 1.; })(); const diff = Math.abs(totalHeight - this.maxHeight) * bad1 * bad2; if(!optimalAttempt || diff < optimalDiff) { optimalAttempt = attempt; optimalDiff = diff; } } const optimalCounts = optimalAttempt.lineCounts; const optimalHeights = optimalAttempt.heights; const rowCount = optimalCounts.length; let index = 0; let y = 0; for(let row = 0; row != rowCount; ++row) { const colCount = optimalCounts[row]; const lineHeight = optimalHeights[row]; const height = Math.round(lineHeight); let x = 0; for(let col = 0; col != colCount; ++col) { const sides = RectPart.None | (row == 0 ? RectPart.Top : RectPart.None) | (row == rowCount - 1 ? RectPart.Bottom : RectPart.None) | (col == 0 ? RectPart.Left : RectPart.None) | (col == colCount - 1 ? RectPart.Right : RectPart.None); const ratio = this.ratios[index]; const width = (col == colCount - 1) ? (this.maxWidth - x) : Math.round(ratio * lineHeight); result[index] = { geometry: {x, y, width, height}, sides }; x += width + this.spacing; ++index; } y += height + this.spacing; } return result; } }