/* * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE * * Originally from: * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram * Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Zhukov * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram/blob/master/LICENSE */ import { LazyLoadQueueBase } from "../../components/lazyLoadQueue"; import ProgressivePreloader from "../../components/preloader"; import { CancellablePromise, deferredPromise } from "../../helpers/cancellablePromise"; import { tsNow } from "../../helpers/date"; import { createPosterForVideo } from "../../helpers/files"; import { copy, defineNotNumerableProperties, getObjectKeysAndSort } from "../../helpers/object"; import { randomLong } from "../../helpers/random"; import { splitStringByLength, limitSymbols, escapeRegExp } from "../../helpers/string"; import { Chat, ChatFull, Dialog as MTDialog, DialogPeer, DocumentAttribute, InputMedia, InputMessage, InputPeerNotifySettings, InputSingleMedia, Message, MessageAction, MessageEntity, MessageFwdHeader, MessageMedia, MessageReplies, MessageReplyHeader, MessagesDialogs, MessagesFilter, MessagesMessages, MessagesPeerDialogs, MethodDeclMap, NotifyPeer, PeerNotifySettings, PhotoSize, SendMessageAction, Update, Photo } from "../../layer"; import { InvokeApiOptions } from "../../types"; import I18n, { i18n, join, langPack, LangPackKey, _i18n } from "../langPack"; import { logger, LogLevels } from "../logger"; import type { ApiFileManager } from '../mtproto/apiFileManager'; //import apiManager from '../mtproto/apiManager'; import apiManager from '../mtproto/mtprotoworker'; import referenceDatabase, { ReferenceContext } from "../mtproto/referenceDatabase"; import serverTimeManager from "../mtproto/serverTimeManager"; import { RichTextProcessor } from "../richtextprocessor"; import rootScope from "../rootScope"; import searchIndexManager from '../searchIndexManager'; import DialogsStorage from "../storages/dialogs"; import FiltersStorage from "../storages/filters"; //import { telegramMeWebService } from "../mtproto/mtproto"; import apiUpdatesManager from "./apiUpdatesManager"; import appChatsManager from "./appChatsManager"; import appDocsManager, { MyDocument } from "./appDocsManager"; import appDownloadManager from "./appDownloadManager"; import appPeersManager from "./appPeersManager"; import appPhotosManager, { MyPhoto } from "./appPhotosManager"; import appPollsManager from "./appPollsManager"; import appStateManager from "./appStateManager"; import appUsersManager from "./appUsersManager"; import appWebPagesManager from "./appWebPagesManager"; import appDraftsManager from "./appDraftsManager"; import pushHeavyTask from "../../helpers/heavyQueue"; import { getFileNameByLocation } from "../../helpers/fileName"; import appProfileManager from "./appProfileManager"; import DEBUG, { MOUNT_CLASS_TO } from "../../config/debug"; import SlicedArray, { Slice, SliceEnd } from "../../helpers/slicedArray"; import appNotificationsManager, { NotifyOptions } from "./appNotificationsManager"; import PeerTitle from "../../components/peerTitle"; import { forEachReverse } from "../../helpers/array"; import { htmlToDocumentFragment, htmlToSpan } from "../../helpers/dom"; //console.trace('include'); // TODO: если удалить сообщение в непрогруженном диалоге, то при обновлении, из-за стейта, последнего сообщения в чатлисте не будет // TODO: если удалить диалог находясь в папке, то он не удалится из папки и будет виден в настройках const APITIMEOUT = 0; export type HistoryStorage = { count: number | null, history: SlicedArray, maxId?: number, readPromise?: Promise, readMaxId?: number, readOutboxMaxId?: number, triedToReadMaxId?: number, maxOutId?: number, reply_markup?: any }; export type HistoryResult = { count: number, history: Slice, offsetIdOffset?: number, }; export type Dialog = MTDialog.dialog; export type MyMessage = Message.message | Message.messageService; export type MyInputMessagesFilter = 'inputMessagesFilterEmpty' | 'inputMessagesFilterPhotos' | 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo' | 'inputMessagesFilterVideo' | 'inputMessagesFilterDocument' | 'inputMessagesFilterVoice' | 'inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice' | 'inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo' | 'inputMessagesFilterMusic' | 'inputMessagesFilterUrl' | 'inputMessagesFilterMyMentions' | 'inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos' | 'inputMessagesFilterPinned'; export type PinnedStorage = Partial<{ promise: Promise, count: number, maxId: number }>; export type MessagesStorage = { //generateIndex: (message: any) => void [mid: string]: any }; export type MyMessageActionType = Message.messageService['action']['_']; export class AppMessagesManager { public static MESSAGE_ID_INCREMENT = 0x10000; public static MESSAGE_ID_OFFSET = 0xFFFFFFFF; public messagesStorageByPeerId: {[peerId: string]: MessagesStorage} = {}; public groupedMessagesStorage: {[groupId: string]: MessagesStorage} = {}; // will be used for albums public scheduledMessagesStorage: {[peerId: string]: MessagesStorage} = {}; public historiesStorage: { [peerId: string]: HistoryStorage } = {}; public threadsStorage: { [peerId: string]: { [threadId: string]: HistoryStorage } } = {}; public searchesStorage: { [peerId: string]: Partial<{ [inputFilter in MyInputMessagesFilter]: { count?: number, history: number[] } }> } = {}; public pinnedMessages: {[peerId: string]: PinnedStorage} = {}; public threadsServiceMessagesIdsStorage: {[peerId_threadId: string]: number} = {}; public threadsToReplies: { [peerId_threadId: string]: string; } = {}; public pendingByRandomId: { [randomId: string]: { peerId: number, tempId: number, threadId: number, storage: MessagesStorage } } = {}; public pendingByMessageId: {[mid: string]: string} = {}; public pendingAfterMsgs: any = {}; public pendingTopMsgs: {[peerId: string]: number} = {}; public sendFilePromise: CancellablePromise = Promise.resolve(); public tempNum = 0; public tempFinalizeCallbacks: { [tempId: string]: { [callbackName: string]: Partial<{ deferred: CancellablePromise, callback: (message: any) => Promise }> } } = {}; public sendSmthLazyLoadQueue = new LazyLoadQueueBase(1); public needSingleMessages: {[peerId: string]: number[]} = {}; private fetchSingleMessagesPromise: Promise = null; public maxSeenId = 0; public migratedFromTo: {[peerId: number]: number} = {}; public migratedToFrom: {[peerId: number]: number} = {}; public newMessagesHandlePromise = 0; public newMessagesToHandle: {[peerId: string]: Set} = {}; public newDialogsHandlePromise = 0; public newDialogsToHandle: {[peerId: string]: {reload: true} | Dialog} = {}; public newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle: {[peerId: string]: Set} = {}; private notificationsHandlePromise = 0; private notificationsToHandle: {[peerId: string]: { fwdCount: number, fromId: number, topMessage?: MyMessage }} = {}; private reloadConversationsPromise: Promise; private reloadConversationsPeers: number[] = []; private cachedResults: { query: string, count: number, dialogs: Dialog[], folderId: number } = { query: '', count: 0, dialogs: [], folderId: 0 }; private log = logger('MESSAGES', LogLevels.error | LogLevels.debug | LogLevels.log | LogLevels.warn); public dialogsStorage: DialogsStorage; public filtersStorage: FiltersStorage; private groupedTempId = 0; constructor() { this.dialogsStorage = new DialogsStorage(this, appChatsManager, appPeersManager, serverTimeManager); this.filtersStorage = new FiltersStorage(appPeersManager, appUsersManager, /* apiManager, */ rootScope); rootScope.on('apiUpdate', (e) => { this.handleUpdate(e); }); // ! Invalidate notify settings, can optimize though rootScope.on('notify_peer_type_settings', ({key, settings}) => { this.getConversationsAll().then(dialogs => { let filterFunc: (dialog: Dialog) => boolean; if(key === 'notifyUsers') filterFunc = (dialog) => dialog.peerId > 0; else if(key === 'notifyBroadcasts') filterFunc = (dialog) => appChatsManager.isBroadcast(-dialog.peerId); else filterFunc = (dialog) => appPeersManager.isAnyGroup(dialog.peerId); dialogs .filter(filterFunc) .forEach(dialog => { rootScope.broadcast('dialog_notify_settings', dialog); }); }); }); rootScope.on('language_change', (e) => { const peerId = appUsersManager.getSelf().id; const dialog = this.getDialogByPeerId(peerId)[0]; if(dialog) { const peerText = appPeersManager.getPeerSearchText(peerId); searchIndexManager.indexObject(peerId, peerText, this.dialogsStorage.dialogsIndex); } }); rootScope.on('webpage_updated', (e) => { const eventData = e; eventData.msgs.forEach((mid) => { const message = this.getMessageById(mid) as Message.message; if(!message) return; message.media = { _: 'messageMediaWebPage', webpage: appWebPagesManager.getWebPage(eventData.id) }; const peerId = this.getMessagePeer(message); const storage = this.getMessagesStorage(peerId); rootScope.broadcast('message_edit', { storage, peerId, mid }); }); }); rootScope.on('draft_updated', (e) => { const {peerId, threadId, draft} = e; if(threadId) return; const dialog = this.getDialogByPeerId(peerId)[0]; if(dialog && !threadId) { dialog.draft = draft; this.dialogsStorage.generateIndexForDialog(dialog); this.dialogsStorage.pushDialog(dialog); rootScope.broadcast('dialog_draft', { peerId, draft, index: dialog.index }); } else { this.reloadConversation(peerId); } }); appStateManager.getState().then(state => { if(state.maxSeenMsgId) { this.maxSeenId = state.maxSeenMsgId; } const messages = state.messages; if(messages) { /* let tempId = this.tempId; for(let message of messages) { if(message.id < tempId) { tempId = message.id; } } if(tempId !== this.tempId) { this.log('Set tempId to:', tempId); this.tempId = tempId; } */ this.saveMessages(messages); } if(!state.dialogs || !Object.keys(state.dialogs).length) { state.allDialogsLoaded = {}; } if(state.allDialogsLoaded) { this.dialogsStorage.allDialogsLoaded = state.allDialogsLoaded; } if(state.filters) { for(const filterId in state.filters) { this.filtersStorage.saveDialogFilter(state.filters[filterId], false); } } if(state.dialogs) { forEachReverse(state.dialogs, dialog => { dialog.top_message = this.getServerMessageId(dialog.top_message); // * fix outgoing message to avoid copying dialog this.saveConversation(dialog); // ! WARNING, убрать это когда нужно будет делать чтобы pending сообщения сохранялись const message = this.getMessageByPeer(dialog.peerId, dialog.top_message); if(message.deleted) { this.reloadConversation(dialog.peerId); } }); } appStateManager.addEventListener('save', this.saveState); }); appNotificationsManager.start(); } private saveState = () => { const messages: any[] = []; const dialogs: Dialog[] = []; const items: any[] = []; const processDialog = (dialog: MTDialog.dialog) => { const historyStorage = this.getHistoryStorage(dialog.peerId); const history = [].concat(historyStorage.history.slice); //dialog = copy(dialog); let removeUnread = 0; for(const mid of history) { const message = this.getMessageByPeer(dialog.peerId, mid); if(/* message._ !== 'messageEmpty' && */!message.pFlags.is_outgoing) { messages.push(message); if(message.fromId !== dialog.peerId) { appStateManager.setPeer(message.fromId, appPeersManager.getPeer(message.fromId)); } /* dialog.top_message = message.mid; this.dialogsStorage.generateIndexForDialog(dialog, false, message); */ break; } else if(message.pFlags && message.pFlags.unread) { ++removeUnread; } } if(removeUnread && dialog.unread_count) dialog.unread_count -= removeUnread; if(dialog.peerId < 0 && dialog.pts) { const newPts = apiUpdatesManager.channelStates[-dialog.peerId].pts; dialog.pts = newPts; } dialog.unread_count = Math.max(0, dialog.unread_count); dialogs.push(dialog); appStateManager.setPeer(dialog.peerId, appPeersManager.getPeer(dialog.peerId)); }; for(const folderId in this.dialogsStorage.byFolders) { const folder = this.dialogsStorage.getFolder(+folderId); for(let dialog of folder) { items.push([dialog]); } } return pushHeavyTask({ items, process: processDialog, context: this }).then(() => { appStateManager.pushToState('dialogs', dialogs); appStateManager.pushToState('messages', messages); appStateManager.pushToState('filters', this.filtersStorage.filters); appStateManager.pushToState('allDialogsLoaded', this.dialogsStorage.allDialogsLoaded); appStateManager.pushToState('maxSeenMsgId', this.maxSeenId); }); }; public getInputEntities(entities: MessageEntity[]) { var sendEntites = copy(entities); sendEntites.forEach((entity: any) => { if(entity._ === 'messageEntityMentionName') { entity._ = 'inputMessageEntityMentionName'; entity.user_id = appUsersManager.getUserInput(entity.user_id); } }); return sendEntites; } public invokeAfterMessageIsSent(tempId: number, callbackName: string, callback: (message: any) => Promise) { const finalize = this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[tempId] ?? (this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[tempId] = {}); const obj = finalize[callbackName] ?? (finalize[callbackName] = {deferred: deferredPromise()}); obj.callback = callback; return obj.deferred; } public editMessage(message: any, text: string, options: Partial<{ noWebPage: true, newMedia: any, scheduleDate: number, entities: MessageEntity[] }> = {}): Promise { /* if(!this.canEditMessage(messageId)) { return Promise.reject({type: 'MESSAGE_EDIT_FORBIDDEN'}); } */ const {mid, peerId} = message; if(message.pFlags.is_outgoing) { return this.invokeAfterMessageIsSent(mid, 'edit', (message) => { //this.log('invoke editMessage callback', message); return this.editMessage(message, text, options); }); } let entities = options.entities || []; if(text) { text = RichTextProcessor.parseMarkdown(text, entities); } const schedule_date = options.scheduleDate || (message.pFlags.is_scheduled ? message.date : undefined); return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.editMessage', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), id: message.id, message: text, media: options.newMedia, entities: entities.length ? this.getInputEntities(entities) : undefined, no_webpage: options.noWebPage, schedule_date }).then((updates) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }, (error) => { this.log.error('editMessage error:', error); if(error && error.type === 'MESSAGE_NOT_MODIFIED') { error.handled = true; return; } if(error && error.type === 'MESSAGE_EMPTY') { error.handled = true; } return Promise.reject(error); }); } public sendText(peerId: number, text: string, options: Partial<{ entities: any[], replyToMsgId: number, threadId: number, viaBotId: number, queryId: string, resultId: string, noWebPage: true, reply_markup: any, clearDraft: true, webPage: any, scheduleDate: number, silent: true }> = {}) { if(typeof(text) !== 'string' || !text.length) { return; } //this.checkSendOptions(options); if(options.threadId && !options.replyToMsgId) { options.replyToMsgId = options.threadId; } const MAX_LENGTH = 4096; if(text.length > MAX_LENGTH) { const splitted = splitStringByLength(text, MAX_LENGTH); text = splitted[0]; if(splitted.length > 1) { delete options.webPage; } for(let i = 1; i < splitted.length; ++i) { setTimeout(() => { this.sendText(peerId, splitted[i], options); }, i); } } peerId = appPeersManager.getPeerMigratedTo(peerId) || peerId; let entities = options.entities || []; if(!options.viaBotId) { text = RichTextProcessor.parseMarkdown(text, entities); } let sendEntites = this.getInputEntities(entities); if(!sendEntites.length) { sendEntites = undefined; } const message = this.generateOutgoingMessage(peerId, options); message.entities = entities; message.message = text; const replyToMsgId = options.replyToMsgId ? this.getServerMessageId(options.replyToMsgId) : undefined; const isChannel = appPeersManager.isChannel(peerId); if(options.webPage) { message.media = { _: 'messageMediaWebPage', webpage: options.webPage }; } const toggleError = (on: any) => { if(on) { message.error = true; } else { delete message.error; } rootScope.broadcast('messages_pending'); }; message.send = () => { toggleError(false); const sentRequestOptions: InvokeApiOptions = {}; if(this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerId]) { sentRequestOptions.afterMessageId = this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerId].messageId; } let apiPromise: any; if(options.viaBotId) { apiPromise = apiManager.invokeApiAfter('messages.sendInlineBotResult', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), random_id: message.random_id, reply_to_msg_id: replyToMsgId || undefined, query_id: options.queryId, id: options.resultId, clear_draft: options.clearDraft }, sentRequestOptions); } else { apiPromise = apiManager.invokeApiAfter('messages.sendMessage', { no_webpage: options.noWebPage, peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), message: text, random_id: message.random_id, reply_to_msg_id: replyToMsgId || undefined, entities: sendEntites, clear_draft: options.clearDraft, schedule_date: options.scheduleDate || undefined, silent: options.silent }, sentRequestOptions); } //this.log('sendText', message.mid); apiPromise.then((updates: any) => { //this.log('sendText sent', message.mid); if(updates._ === 'updateShortSentMessage') { message.date = updates.date; message.id = updates.id; message.media = updates.media; message.entities = updates.entities; // * override with new updates updates = { _: 'updates', users: [], chats: [], seq: 0, updates: [{ _: 'updateMessageID', random_id: message.random_id, id: updates.id }, { _: options.scheduleDate ? 'updateNewScheduledMessage' : (isChannel ? 'updateNewChannelMessage' : 'updateNewMessage'), message: message, pts: updates.pts, pts_count: updates.pts_count }] }; } else if(updates.updates) { updates.updates.forEach((update: any) => { if(update._ === 'updateDraftMessage') { update.local = true; } }); } // Testing bad situations // var upd = angular.copy(updates) // updates.updates.splice(0, 1) apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); // $timeout(function () { // ApiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(upd) // }, 5000) }, (/* error: any */) => { toggleError(true); }).finally(() => { if(this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerId] === sentRequestOptions) { delete this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerId]; } }); this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerId] = sentRequestOptions; } this.beforeMessageSending(message, { isScheduled: !!options.scheduleDate || undefined, threadId: options.threadId, clearDraft: options.clearDraft }); } public sendFile(peerId: number, file: File | Blob | MyDocument, options: Partial<{ isRoundMessage: true, isVoiceMessage: true, isGroupedItem: true, isMedia: true, replyToMsgId: number, threadId: number, groupId: string, caption: string, entities: MessageEntity[], width: number, height: number, objectURL: string, thumbBlob: Blob, thumbURL: string, duration: number, background: true, silent: true, clearDraft: true, scheduleDate: number, waveform: Uint8Array, }> = {}) { peerId = appPeersManager.getPeerMigratedTo(peerId) || peerId; //this.checkSendOptions(options); const message = this.generateOutgoingMessage(peerId, options); const replyToMsgId = options.replyToMsgId ? this.getServerMessageId(options.replyToMsgId) : undefined; let attachType: string, apiFileName: string; const fileType = 'mime_type' in file ? file.mime_type : file.type; const fileName = file instanceof File ? file.name : ''; const isDocument = !(file instanceof File) && !(file instanceof Blob); let caption = options.caption || ''; this.log('sendFile', file, fileType); const entities = options.entities || []; if(caption) { caption = RichTextProcessor.parseMarkdown(caption, entities); } const attributes: DocumentAttribute[] = []; const isPhoto = ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/bmp'].indexOf(fileType) >= 0; let photo: MyPhoto, document: MyDocument; let actionName = ''; if(isDocument) { // maybe it's a sticker or gif attachType = 'document'; apiFileName = ''; } else if(fileType.indexOf('audio/') === 0 || ['video/ogg'].indexOf(fileType) >= 0) { attachType = 'audio'; apiFileName = 'audio.' + (fileType.split('/')[1] === 'ogg' ? 'ogg' : 'mp3'); actionName = 'sendMessageUploadAudioAction'; if(options.isVoiceMessage) { attachType = 'voice'; message.pFlags.media_unread = true; } let attribute: DocumentAttribute.documentAttributeAudio = { _: 'documentAttributeAudio', pFlags: { voice: options.isVoiceMessage }, waveform: options.waveform, duration: options.duration || 0 }; attributes.push(attribute); } else if(!options.isMedia) { attachType = 'document'; apiFileName = 'document.' + fileType.split('/')[1]; actionName = 'sendMessageUploadDocumentAction'; } else if(isPhoto) { attachType = 'photo'; apiFileName = 'photo.' + fileType.split('/')[1]; actionName = 'sendMessageUploadPhotoAction'; photo = { _: 'photo', id: '' + message.id, sizes: [{ _: 'photoSize', w: options.width, h: options.height, type: 'full', location: null, size: file.size }], w: options.width, h: options.height } as any; defineNotNumerableProperties(photo, ['downloaded', 'url']); photo.downloaded = file.size; photo.url = options.objectURL || ''; appPhotosManager.savePhoto(photo); } else if(fileType.indexOf('video/') === 0) { attachType = 'video'; apiFileName = 'video.mp4'; actionName = 'sendMessageUploadVideoAction'; let videoAttribute: DocumentAttribute.documentAttributeVideo = { _: 'documentAttributeVideo', pFlags: { round_message: options.isRoundMessage }, duration: options.duration, w: options.width, h: options.height }; attributes.push(videoAttribute); } else { attachType = 'document'; apiFileName = 'document.' + fileType.split('/')[1]; actionName = 'sendMessageUploadDocumentAction'; } attributes.push({_: 'documentAttributeFilename', file_name: fileName || apiFileName}); if(['document', 'video', 'audio', 'voice'].indexOf(attachType) !== -1 && !isDocument) { const thumbs: PhotoSize[] = []; document = { _: 'document', id: '' + message.id, duration: options.duration, attributes, w: options.width, h: options.height, thumbs, mime_type: fileType, size: file.size } as any; defineNotNumerableProperties(document, ['downloaded', 'url']); // @ts-ignore document.downloaded = file.size; document.url = options.objectURL || ''; if(isPhoto) { attributes.push({ _: 'documentAttributeImageSize', w: options.width, h: options.height }); thumbs.push({ _: 'photoSize', w: options.width, h: options.height, type: 'full', location: null, size: file.size, url: options.objectURL }); } else if(attachType === 'video') { if(options.thumbURL) { thumbs.push({ _: 'photoSize', w: options.width, h: options.height, type: 'full', location: null, size: options.thumbBlob.size, url: options.thumbURL }); } const thumb = thumbs[0] as PhotoSize.photoSize; const docThumb = appPhotosManager.getDocumentCachedThumb(document.id); docThumb.downloaded = thumb.size; docThumb.url = thumb.url; } /* if(thumbs.length) { const thumb = thumbs[0] as PhotoSize.photoSize; const docThumb = appPhotosManager.getDocumentCachedThumb(document.id); docThumb.downloaded = thumb.size; docThumb.url = thumb.url; } */ appDocsManager.saveDoc(document); } this.log('sendFile', attachType, apiFileName, file.type, options); const preloader = isDocument ? undefined : new ProgressivePreloader({ attachMethod: 'prepend', tryAgainOnFail: false, isUpload: true }); const sentDeferred = deferredPromise(); if(preloader) { preloader.attachPromise(sentDeferred); sentDeferred.cancel = () => { const error = new Error('Download canceled'); error.name = 'AbortError'; sentDeferred.reject(error); }; sentDeferred.catch(err => { if(err.name === 'AbortError' && !uploaded) { this.log('cancelling upload', media); sentDeferred.reject(err); this.cancelPendingMessage(message.random_id); this.setTyping(peerId, 'sendMessageCancelAction'); if(uploadPromise?.cancel) { uploadPromise.cancel(); } } }); } const media = isDocument ? undefined : { _: photo ? 'messageMediaPhoto' : 'messageMediaDocument', pFlags: {}, preloader, photo, document, promise: sentDeferred }; message.entities = entities; message.message = caption; message.media = isDocument ? { _: 'messageMediaDocument', pFlags: {}, document: file } : media; const toggleError = (on: boolean) => { if(on) { message.error = true; } else { delete message.error; } rootScope.broadcast('messages_pending'); }; let uploaded = false, uploadPromise: ReturnType = null; message.send = () => { if(isDocument) { const {id, access_hash, file_reference} = file as MyDocument; const inputMedia: InputMedia = { _: 'inputMediaDocument', id: { _: 'inputDocument', id, access_hash, file_reference } }; sentDeferred.resolve(inputMedia); } else if(file instanceof File || file instanceof Blob) { const load = () => { if(!uploaded || message.error) { uploaded = false; uploadPromise = appDownloadManager.upload(file); sentDeferred.notifyAll({done: 0, total: file.size}); } let thumbUploadPromise: typeof uploadPromise; if(attachType === 'video' && options.objectURL) { thumbUploadPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const blobPromise = options.thumbBlob ? Promise.resolve(options.thumbBlob) : createPosterForVideo(options.objectURL); blobPromise.then(blob => { if(!blob) { resolve(null); } else { appDownloadManager.upload(blob).then(resolve, reject); } }, reject); }); } uploadPromise && uploadPromise.then(async(inputFile) => { /* if(DEBUG) { this.log('appMessagesManager: sendFile uploaded:', inputFile); } */ delete message.media.preloader; inputFile.name = apiFileName; uploaded = true; let inputMedia: InputMedia; switch(attachType) { case 'photo': inputMedia = { _: 'inputMediaUploadedPhoto', file: inputFile }; break; default: inputMedia = { _: 'inputMediaUploadedDocument', file: inputFile, mime_type: fileType, attributes }; } if(thumbUploadPromise) { try { const inputFile = await thumbUploadPromise; (inputMedia as InputMedia.inputMediaUploadedDocument).thumb = inputFile; } catch(err) { this.log.error('sendFile thumb upload error:', err); } } sentDeferred.resolve(inputMedia); }, (/* error */) => { toggleError(true); }); uploadPromise.addNotifyListener((progress: {done: number, total: number}) => { /* if(DEBUG) { this.log('upload progress', progress); } */ const percents = Math.max(1, Math.floor(100 * progress.done / progress.total)); this.setTyping(peerId, {_: actionName, progress: percents | 0}); sentDeferred.notifyAll(progress); }); return sentDeferred; }; if(options.isGroupedItem) { load(); } else { this.sendSmthLazyLoadQueue.push({ load }); } } return sentDeferred; }; this.beforeMessageSending(message, { isGroupedItem: options.isGroupedItem, isScheduled: !!options.scheduleDate || undefined, threadId: options.threadId, clearDraft: options.clearDraft }); if(!options.isGroupedItem) { sentDeferred.then(inputMedia => { this.setTyping(peerId, 'sendMessageCancelAction'); return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.sendMedia', { background: options.background, peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), media: inputMedia, message: caption, random_id: message.random_id, reply_to_msg_id: replyToMsgId, schedule_date: options.scheduleDate, silent: options.silent, entities, clear_draft: options.clearDraft }).then((updates) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }, (error) => { if(attachType === 'photo' && error.code === 400 && (error.type === 'PHOTO_INVALID_DIMENSIONS' || error.type === 'PHOTO_SAVE_FILE_INVALID')) { error.handled = true; attachType = 'document'; message.send(); return; } toggleError(true); }); }); } return {message, promise: sentDeferred}; } public async sendAlbum(peerId: number, files: File[], options: Partial<{ isMedia: true, entities: MessageEntity[], replyToMsgId: number, threadId: number, caption: string, sendFileDetails: Partial<{ duration: number, width: number, height: number, objectURL: string, thumbBlob: Blob, thumbURL: string }>[], silent: true, clearDraft: true, scheduleDate: number }> = {}) { //this.checkSendOptions(options); if(options.threadId && !options.replyToMsgId) { options.replyToMsgId = options.threadId; } if(files.length === 1) { return this.sendFile(peerId, files[0], {...options, ...options.sendFileDetails[0]}); } peerId = appPeersManager.getPeerMigratedTo(peerId) || peerId; const replyToMsgId = options.replyToMsgId ? this.getServerMessageId(options.replyToMsgId) : undefined; let caption = options.caption || ''; let entities = options.entities || []; if(caption) { caption = RichTextProcessor.parseMarkdown(caption, entities); } this.log('sendAlbum', files, options); const groupId = '' + ++this.groupedTempId; const messages = files.map((file, idx) => { const details = options.sendFileDetails[idx]; const o: any = { isGroupedItem: true, isMedia: options.isMedia, scheduleDate: options.scheduleDate, silent: options.silent, replyToMsgId, threadId: options.threadId, groupId, ...details }; if(idx === 0) { o.caption = caption; o.entities = entities; //o.replyToMsgId = replyToMsgId; } return this.sendFile(peerId, file, o).message; }); if(options.threadId) { appDraftsManager.syncDraft(peerId, options.threadId); } else { appDraftsManager.saveDraft(peerId, options.threadId, null, {notify: true}); } // * test pending //return; const toggleError = (message: any, on: boolean) => { if(on) { message.error = true; } else { delete message.error; } rootScope.broadcast('messages_pending'); }; const inputPeer = appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId); const invoke = (multiMedia: any[]) => { this.setTyping(peerId, 'sendMessageCancelAction'); this.sendSmthLazyLoadQueue.push({ load: () => { return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.sendMultiMedia', { peer: inputPeer, multi_media: multiMedia, reply_to_msg_id: replyToMsgId, schedule_date: options.scheduleDate, silent: options.silent, clear_draft: options.clearDraft }).then((updates) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }, (error) => { messages.forEach(message => toggleError(message, true)); }); } }); }; const promises: Promise[] = messages.map((message, idx) => { return (message.send() as Promise).then((inputMedia: InputMedia) => { return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.uploadMedia', { peer: inputPeer, media: inputMedia }); }) .then(messageMedia => { let inputMedia: any; if(messageMedia._ === 'messageMediaPhoto') { const photo = appPhotosManager.savePhoto(messageMedia.photo); inputMedia = appPhotosManager.getInput(photo); } else if(messageMedia._ === 'messageMediaDocument') { const doc = appDocsManager.saveDoc(messageMedia.document); inputMedia = appDocsManager.getMediaInput(doc); } const inputSingleMedia: InputSingleMedia = { _: 'inputSingleMedia', media: inputMedia, random_id: message.random_id, message: caption, entities }; // * only 1 caption for all inputs if(caption) { caption = ''; entities = []; } return inputSingleMedia; }).catch((err: any) => { if(err.name === 'AbortError') { return null; } this.log.error('sendAlbum upload item error:', err, message); toggleError(message, true); throw err; }); }); Promise.all(promises).then(inputs => { invoke(inputs.filter(Boolean)); }); } public sendOther(peerId: number, inputMedia: any, options: Partial<{ replyToMsgId: number, threadId: number, viaBotId: number, reply_markup: any, clearDraft: true, queryId: string resultId: string, scheduleDate: number, silent: true }> = {}) { peerId = appPeersManager.getPeerMigratedTo(peerId) || peerId; //this.checkSendOptions(options); const message = this.generateOutgoingMessage(peerId, options); const replyToMsgId = options.replyToMsgId ? this.getServerMessageId(options.replyToMsgId) : undefined; let media; switch(inputMedia._) { case 'inputMediaPoll': { inputMedia.poll.id = message.id; appPollsManager.savePoll(inputMedia.poll, { _: 'pollResults', flags: 4, total_voters: 0, pFlags: {}, }); const {poll, results} = appPollsManager.getPoll('' + message.id); media = { _: 'messageMediaPoll', poll, results }; break; } /* case 'inputMediaPhoto': media = { _: 'messageMediaPhoto', photo: appPhotosManager.getPhoto(inputMedia.id.id), caption: inputMedia.caption || '' }; break; case 'inputMediaDocument': var doc = appDocsManager.getDoc(inputMedia.id.id); if(doc.sticker && doc.stickerSetInput) { appStickersManager.pushPopularSticker(doc.id); } media = { _: 'messageMediaDocument', 'document': doc, caption: inputMedia.caption || '' }; break; case 'inputMediaContact': media = { _: 'messageMediaContact', phone_number: inputMedia.phone_number, first_name: inputMedia.first_name, last_name: inputMedia.last_name, user_id: 0 }; break; case 'inputMediaGeoPoint': media = { _: 'messageMediaGeo', geo: { _: 'geoPoint', 'lat': inputMedia.geo_point['lat'], 'long': inputMedia.geo_point['long'] } }; break; case 'inputMediaVenue': media = { _: 'messageMediaVenue', geo: { _: 'geoPoint', 'lat': inputMedia.geo_point['lat'], 'long': inputMedia.geo_point['long'] }, title: inputMedia.title, address: inputMedia.address, provider: inputMedia.provider, venue_id: inputMedia.venue_id }; break; case 'messageMediaPending': media = inputMedia; break; */ } message.media = media; let toggleError = (on: boolean) => { /* const historyMessage = this.messagesForHistory[messageId]; if (on) { message.error = true if (historyMessage) { historyMessage.error = true } } else { delete message.error if (historyMessage) { delete historyMessage.error } } */ rootScope.broadcast('messages_pending'); }; message.send = () => { const sentRequestOptions: any = {}; if(this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerId]) { sentRequestOptions.afterMessageId = this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerId].messageId; } let apiPromise: Promise; if(options.viaBotId) { apiPromise = apiManager.invokeApiAfter('messages.sendInlineBotResult', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), random_id: message.random_id, reply_to_msg_id: replyToMsgId || undefined, query_id: options.queryId, id: options.resultId, clear_draft: options.clearDraft }, sentRequestOptions); } else { apiPromise = apiManager.invokeApiAfter('messages.sendMedia', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), media: inputMedia, random_id: message.random_id, reply_to_msg_id: replyToMsgId || undefined, message: '', clear_draft: options.clearDraft, schedule_date: options.scheduleDate, silent: options.silent }, sentRequestOptions); } apiPromise.then((updates) => { if(updates.updates) { updates.updates.forEach((update: any) => { if(update._ === 'updateDraftMessage') { update.local = true } }); } apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }, (error) => { toggleError(true); }).finally(() => { if(this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerId] === sentRequestOptions) { delete this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerId]; } }); this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerId] = sentRequestOptions; } this.beforeMessageSending(message, { isScheduled: !!options.scheduleDate || undefined, threadId: options.threadId, clearDraft: options.clearDraft }); } /* private checkSendOptions(options: Partial<{ scheduleDate: number }>) { if(options.scheduleDate) { const minTimestamp = (Date.now() / 1000 | 0) + 10; if(options.scheduleDate <= minTimestamp) { delete options.scheduleDate; } } } */ private beforeMessageSending(message: any, options: Partial<{ isGroupedItem: true, isScheduled: true, threadId: number, clearDraft: true }> = {}) { const messageId = message.id; const peerId = this.getMessagePeer(message); const storage = options.isScheduled ? this.getScheduledMessagesStorage(peerId) : this.getMessagesStorage(peerId); if(options.isScheduled) { //if(!options.isGroupedItem) { this.saveMessages([message], {storage, isScheduled: true, isOutgoing: true}); setTimeout(() => { rootScope.broadcast('scheduled_new', {peerId, mid: messageId}); }, 0); } else { /* if(options.threadId && this.threadsStorage[peerId]) { delete this.threadsStorage[peerId][options.threadId]; } */ if(options.threadId) { const historyStorage = this.getHistoryStorage(peerId, options.threadId); historyStorage.history.unshift(messageId); } const historyStorage = this.getHistoryStorage(peerId); historyStorage.history.unshift(messageId); //if(!options.isGroupedItem) { this.saveMessages([message], {storage, isOutgoing: true}); setTimeout(() => { this.setDialogTopMessage(message); rootScope.broadcast('history_append', {storage, peerId, mid: messageId}); }, 0); } if(!options.isGroupedItem && options.clearDraft) { if(options.threadId) { appDraftsManager.syncDraft(peerId, options.threadId); } else { appDraftsManager.saveDraft(peerId, options.threadId, null, {notify: true}); } } this.pendingByRandomId[message.random_id] = { peerId, tempId: messageId, threadId: options.threadId, storage }; if(!options.isGroupedItem && message.send) { setTimeout(message.send, 0); //setTimeout(message.send, 4000); //setTimeout(message.send, 7000); } } private generateOutgoingMessage(peerId: number, options: Partial<{ scheduleDate: number, replyToMsgId: number, threadId: number, viaBotId: number, groupId: string, reply_markup: any, }>) { if(options.threadId && !options.replyToMsgId) { options.replyToMsgId = options.threadId; } const message: any = { _: 'message', id: this.generateTempMessageId(peerId), from_id: this.generateFromId(peerId), peer_id: appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(peerId), pFlags: this.generateFlags(peerId), date: options.scheduleDate || (tsNow(true) + serverTimeManager.serverTimeOffset), message: '', grouped_id: options.groupId, random_id: randomLong(), reply_to: this.generateReplyHeader(options.replyToMsgId, options.threadId), via_bot_id: options.viaBotId, reply_markup: options.reply_markup, replies: this.generateReplies(peerId), views: appPeersManager.isBroadcast(peerId) && 1, pending: true, }; return message; } private generateReplyHeader(replyToMsgId: number, replyToTopId?: number) { const header = { _: 'messageReplyHeader', reply_to_msg_id: replyToMsgId || replyToTopId, } as MessageReplyHeader; if(replyToTopId && header.reply_to_msg_id !== replyToTopId) { header.reply_to_top_id = replyToTopId; } return header; } private generateReplies(peerId: number) { let replies: MessageReplies.messageReplies; if(appPeersManager.isBroadcast(peerId)) { const channelFull = appProfileManager.chatsFull[-peerId] as ChatFull.channelFull; if(channelFull?.linked_chat_id) { replies = { _: 'messageReplies', flags: 1, pFlags: { comments: true }, channel_id: channelFull.linked_chat_id, replies: 0, replies_pts: 0 }; } } return replies; } /** * Generate correct from_id according to anonymous or broadcast */ private generateFromId(peerId: number) { if(peerId < 0 && (appPeersManager.isBroadcast(peerId) || appPeersManager.getPeer(peerId).admin_rights?.pFlags?.anonymous)) { return undefined; } else { return appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(appUsersManager.getSelf().id); } } private generateFlags(peerId: number) { const pFlags: any = {}; const fromId = appUsersManager.getSelf().id; if(peerId !== fromId) { pFlags.out = true; if(!appPeersManager.isChannel(peerId) && !appUsersManager.isBot(peerId)) { pFlags.unread = true; } } if(appPeersManager.isBroadcast(peerId)) { pFlags.post = true; } return pFlags; } private generateForwardHeader(peerId: number, originalMessage: Message.message) { const myId = appUsersManager.getSelf().id; if(originalMessage.fromId === myId && originalMessage.peerId === myId && !originalMessage.fwd_from) { return; } const fwdHeader: MessageFwdHeader.messageFwdHeader = { _: 'messageFwdHeader', flags: 0, date: originalMessage.date }; if(originalMessage.fwd_from) { fwdHeader.from_id = originalMessage.fwd_from.from_id; fwdHeader.from_name = originalMessage.fwd_from.from_name; fwdHeader.post_author = originalMessage.fwd_from.post_author; } else { fwdHeader.from_id = appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(originalMessage.fromId); fwdHeader.post_author = originalMessage.post_author; } if(appPeersManager.isBroadcast(originalMessage.peerId)) { if(originalMessage.post_author) { fwdHeader.post_author = originalMessage.post_author; } fwdHeader.channel_post = originalMessage.id; } // * there is no way to detect whether user profile is hidden if(peerId === myId) { fwdHeader.saved_from_msg_id = originalMessage.id; fwdHeader.saved_from_peer = appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(originalMessage.peerId); } return fwdHeader; } public generateFakeAvatarMessage(peerId: number, photo: Photo) { const maxId = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; const message = { _: 'messageService', action: { _: 'messageActionChannelEditPhoto', photo }, mid: maxId, peerId, date: (photo as Photo.photo).date, fromId: peerId } as Message.messageService; this.getMessagesStorage(peerId)[maxId] = message; return message; } public setDialogTopMessage(message: MyMessage, dialog: MTDialog.dialog = this.getDialogByPeerId(message.peerId)[0]) { if(dialog) { dialog.top_message = message.mid; const historyStorage = this.getHistoryStorage(message.peerId); historyStorage.maxId = message.mid; this.dialogsStorage.generateIndexForDialog(dialog, false, message); this.newDialogsToHandle[message.peerId] = dialog; this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs(); } } public cancelPendingMessage(randomId: string) { const pendingData = this.pendingByRandomId[randomId]; /* if(DEBUG) { this.log('cancelPendingMessage', randomId, pendingData); } */ if(pendingData) { const {peerId, tempId, storage} = pendingData; const historyStorage = this.getHistoryStorage(peerId); const pos = historyStorage.history.findSlice(tempId); apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updateDeleteMessages', messages: [tempId] } }); if(pos) { pos.slice.splice(pos.index, 1); } delete this.pendingByRandomId[randomId]; delete storage[tempId]; return true; } return false; } public async refreshConversations() { const limit = 100, outDialogs: Dialog[] = []; for(let folderId = 0; folderId < 2; ++folderId) { let offsetDate = 0; for(;;) { const {dialogs} = await appMessagesManager.getTopMessages(limit, folderId, offsetDate); if(dialogs.length) { outDialogs.push(...dialogs as Dialog[]); const dialog = dialogs[dialogs.length - 1]; // * get peerId and mid manually, because dialog can be migrated peer and it won't be saved const peerId = appPeersManager.getPeerId(dialog.peer); const mid = this.generateMessageId(dialog.top_message); offsetDate = this.getMessageByPeer(peerId, mid).date; if(!offsetDate) { console.error('refreshConversations: got no offsetDate', dialog); break; } } else { break; } } } let obj: {[peerId: string]: Dialog} = {}; outDialogs.forEach(dialog => { obj[dialog.peerId] = dialog; }); rootScope.broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', obj); return outDialogs; } public async getConversationsAll(query = '', folderId = 0) { const limit = 100, outDialogs: Dialog[] = []; for(; folderId < 2; ++folderId) { let offsetIndex = 0; for(;;) { const {dialogs} = await appMessagesManager.getConversations(query, offsetIndex, limit, folderId); if(dialogs.length) { outDialogs.push(...dialogs); offsetIndex = dialogs[dialogs.length - 1].index || 0; } else { break; } } } return outDialogs; } public getConversations(query = '', offsetIndex?: number, limit = 20, folderId = 0) { const realFolderId = folderId > 1 ? 0 : folderId; let curDialogStorage = this.dialogsStorage.getFolder(folderId); if(query) { if(!limit || this.cachedResults.query !== query || this.cachedResults.folderId !== folderId) { this.cachedResults.query = query; this.cachedResults.folderId = folderId; const results = searchIndexManager.search(query, this.dialogsStorage.dialogsIndex); this.cachedResults.dialogs = []; for(const peerId in this.dialogsStorage.dialogs) { const dialog = this.dialogsStorage.dialogs[peerId]; if(results[dialog.peerId] && dialog.folder_id === folderId) { this.cachedResults.dialogs.push(dialog); } } this.cachedResults.dialogs.sort((d1, d2) => d2.index - d1.index); this.cachedResults.count = this.cachedResults.dialogs.length; } curDialogStorage = this.cachedResults.dialogs; } else { this.cachedResults.query = ''; } let offset = 0; if(offsetIndex > 0) { for(; offset < curDialogStorage.length; offset++) { if(offsetIndex > curDialogStorage[offset].index) { break; } } } if(query || this.dialogsStorage.allDialogsLoaded[realFolderId] || curDialogStorage.length >= offset + limit) { return Promise.resolve({ dialogs: curDialogStorage.slice(offset, offset + limit), count: this.dialogsStorage.allDialogsLoaded[realFolderId] ? curDialogStorage.length : null, isEnd: this.dialogsStorage.allDialogsLoaded[realFolderId] && (offset + limit) >= curDialogStorage.length }); } return this.getTopMessages(limit, realFolderId).then(messagesDialogs => { //const curDialogStorage = this.dialogsStorage[folderId]; offset = 0; if(offsetIndex > 0) { for(; offset < curDialogStorage.length; offset++) { if(offsetIndex > curDialogStorage[offset].index) { break; } } } //this.log.warn(offset, offset + limit, curDialogStorage.dialogs.length, this.dialogsStorage.dialogs.length); return { dialogs: curDialogStorage.slice(offset, offset + limit), count: messagesDialogs._ === 'messages.dialogs' ? messagesDialogs.dialogs.length : messagesDialogs.count, isEnd: this.dialogsStorage.allDialogsLoaded[realFolderId] && (offset + limit) >= curDialogStorage.length }; }); } public getReadMaxIdIfUnread(peerId: number, threadId?: number) { const historyStorage = this.getHistoryStorage(peerId, threadId); if(threadId) { const chatHistoryStorage = this.getHistoryStorage(peerId); const readMaxId = Math.max(chatHistoryStorage.readMaxId, historyStorage.readMaxId); const message = this.getMessageByPeer(peerId, historyStorage.maxId); return !message.pFlags.out && readMaxId < historyStorage.maxId ? readMaxId : 0; } else { const message = this.getMessageByPeer(peerId, historyStorage.maxId); const maxId = peerId > 0 ? Math.max(historyStorage.readMaxId, historyStorage.readOutboxMaxId) : historyStorage.readMaxId; return !message.pFlags.out && maxId < historyStorage.maxId ? maxId : 0; } } public getTopMessages(limit: number, folderId: number, offsetDate?: number) { const dialogs = this.dialogsStorage.getFolder(folderId); let offsetId = 0; let offsetPeerId = 0; let offsetIndex = 0; if(offsetDate === undefined) { offsetDate = this.dialogsStorage.getOffsetDate(folderId); } if(offsetDate) { offsetIndex = offsetDate * 0x10000; offsetDate += serverTimeManager.serverTimeOffset; } // ! ВНИМАНИЕ: ОЧЕНЬ СЛОЖНАЯ ЛОГИКА: // ! если делать запрос сначала по папке 0, потом по папке 1, по индексу 0 в массиве будет один и тот же диалог, с dialog.pFlags.pinned, ЛОЛ??? // ! т.е., с запросом folder_id: 1, и exclude_pinned: 0, в результате будут ещё и закреплённые с папки 0 return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.getDialogs', { folder_id: folderId, offset_date: offsetDate, offset_id: offsetId, offset_peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(offsetPeerId), limit, hash: 0 }, { //timeout: APITIMEOUT, noErrorBox: true }).then((dialogsResult) => { if(dialogsResult._ === 'messages.dialogsNotModified') return null; if(DEBUG) { this.log('messages.getDialogs result:', dialogsResult.dialogs, {...dialogsResult.dialogs[0]}); } /* if(!offsetDate) { telegramMeWebService.setAuthorized(true); } */ appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(dialogsResult.users); appChatsManager.saveApiChats(dialogsResult.chats); this.saveMessages(dialogsResult.messages); let maxSeenIdIncremented = offsetDate ? true : false; let hasPrepend = false; const noIdsDialogs: {[peerId: number]: Dialog} = {}; forEachReverse((dialogsResult.dialogs as Dialog[]), dialog => { //const d = Object.assign({}, dialog); // ! нужно передавать folderId, так как по папке !== 0 нет свойства folder_id this.saveConversation(dialog, dialog.folder_id ?? folderId); if(dialog.peerId === undefined) { return; } /* if(dialog.peerId === -1213511294) { this.log.error('lun bot', folderId, d); } */ if(offsetIndex && dialog.index > offsetIndex) { this.newDialogsToHandle[dialog.peerId] = dialog; hasPrepend = true; } // ! это может случиться, если запрос идёт не по папке 0, а по 1. почему-то read'ов нет // ! в итоге, чтобы получить 1 диалог, делается первый запрос по папке 0, потом запрос для архивных по папке 1, и потом ещё перезагрузка архивного диалога if(!this.getServerMessageId(dialog.read_inbox_max_id) && !this.getServerMessageId(dialog.read_outbox_max_id)) { noIdsDialogs[dialog.peerId] = dialog; this.log.error('noIdsDialogs', dialog); /* if(dialog.peerId === -1213511294) { this.log.error('lun bot', folderId); } */ } if(!maxSeenIdIncremented && !appPeersManager.isChannel(appPeersManager.getPeerId(dialog.peer))) { this.incrementMaxSeenId(dialog.top_message); maxSeenIdIncremented = true; } }); if(Object.keys(noIdsDialogs).length) { //setTimeout(() => { // test bad situation this.reloadConversation(Object.keys(noIdsDialogs).map(id => +id)).then(() => { rootScope.broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', noIdsDialogs); for(let peerId in noIdsDialogs) { rootScope.broadcast('dialog_unread', {peerId: +peerId}); } }); //}, 10e3); } const count = (dialogsResult as MessagesDialogs.messagesDialogsSlice).count; if(!dialogsResult.dialogs.length || !count || dialogs.length >= count) { this.dialogsStorage.allDialogsLoaded[folderId] = true; } if(hasPrepend) { this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs(); } else { rootScope.broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', {}); } return dialogsResult; }); } public forwardMessages(peerId: number, fromPeerId: number, mids: number[], options: Partial<{ withMyScore: true, silent: true, scheduleDate: number }> = {}) { peerId = appPeersManager.getPeerMigratedTo(peerId) || peerId; mids = mids.slice().sort((a, b) => a - b); const groups: { [groupId: string]: { tempId: string, messages: any[] } } = {}; const newMessages = mids.map(mid => { const originalMessage: Message.message = this.getMessageByPeer(fromPeerId, mid); const message: Message.message = this.generateOutgoingMessage(peerId, options); message.fwd_from = this.generateForwardHeader(peerId, originalMessage); (['entities', 'forwards', 'message', 'media', 'reply_markup', 'views'] as any as Array).forEach(key => { // @ts-ignore message[key] = originalMessage[key]; }); const document = (message.media as MessageMedia.messageMediaDocument)?.document as MyDocument; if(document) { const types: MyDocument['type'][] = ['round', 'voice']; if(types.includes(document.type)) { (message as MyMessage).pFlags.media_unread = true; } } if(originalMessage.grouped_id) { const group = groups[originalMessage.grouped_id] ?? (groups[originalMessage.grouped_id] = {tempId: '' + ++this.groupedTempId, messages: []}); group.messages.push(message); } return message; }); for(const groupId in groups) { const group = groups[groupId]; if(group.messages.length > 1) { group.messages.forEach(message => { message.grouped_id = group.tempId; }); } } newMessages.forEach(message => { this.beforeMessageSending(message, { isScheduled: !!options.scheduleDate || undefined }); }); const sentRequestOptions: InvokeApiOptions = {}; if(this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerId]) { sentRequestOptions.afterMessageId = this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerId].messageId; } const promise = /* true ? Promise.resolve() : */apiManager.invokeApiAfter('messages.forwardMessages', { from_peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(fromPeerId), id: mids.map(mid => this.getServerMessageId(mid)), random_id: newMessages.map(message => message.random_id), to_peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), with_my_score: options.withMyScore, silent: options.silent, schedule_date: options.scheduleDate }, sentRequestOptions).then((updates) => { this.log('forwardMessages updates:', updates); apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }).finally(() => { if(this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerId] === sentRequestOptions) { delete this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerId]; } }); this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerId] = sentRequestOptions; return promise; } public getMessageFromStorage(storage: MessagesStorage, messageId: number) { return storage && storage[messageId] || { _: 'messageEmpty', id: messageId, deleted: true, pFlags: {} }; } private createMessageStorage() { const storage: MessagesStorage = {} as any; /* let num = 0; Object.defineProperty(storage, 'num', { get: () => ++num, set: (_num: number) => num = _num, enumerable: false }); Object.defineProperty(storage, 'generateIndex', { value: (message: any) => { if(message.index === undefined) { message.index = (message.date * 0x10000) + (storage.num & 0xFFFF); } }, enumerable: false }); */ return storage; } public getMessagesStorage(peerId: number) { return this.messagesStorageByPeerId[peerId] ?? (this.messagesStorageByPeerId[peerId] = this.createMessageStorage()); } public getMessageById(messageId: number) { for(const peerId in this.messagesStorageByPeerId) { if(appPeersManager.isChannel(+peerId)) { continue; } const message = this.messagesStorageByPeerId[peerId][messageId]; if(message) { return message; } } return this.getMessageFromStorage(null, messageId); } public getMessageByPeer(peerId: number, messageId: number) { if(!peerId) { return this.getMessageById(messageId); } return this.getMessageFromStorage(this.getMessagesStorage(peerId), messageId); } public getMessagePeer(message: any): number { const toId = message.peer_id && appPeersManager.getPeerId(message.peer_id) || 0; return toId; } public getDialogByPeerId(peerId: number): [Dialog, number] | [] { return this.dialogsStorage.getDialog(peerId); } public reloadConversation(peerId: number | number[]) { [].concat(peerId).forEach(peerId => { if(!this.reloadConversationsPeers.includes(peerId)) { this.reloadConversationsPeers.push(peerId); //this.log('will reloadConversation', peerId); } }); if(this.reloadConversationsPromise) return this.reloadConversationsPromise; return this.reloadConversationsPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { const peers = this.reloadConversationsPeers.map(peerId => appPeersManager.getInputDialogPeerById(peerId)); this.reloadConversationsPeers.length = 0; apiManager.invokeApi('messages.getPeerDialogs', {peers}).then((result) => { this.applyConversations(result); resolve(); }, reject).finally(() => { this.reloadConversationsPromise = null; }); }, 0); }); } private doFlushHistory(inputPeer: any, justClear?: boolean, revoke?: boolean): Promise { return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.deleteHistory', { just_clear: justClear, revoke: revoke, peer: inputPeer, max_id: 0 }).then((affectedHistory) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updatePts', pts: affectedHistory.pts, pts_count: affectedHistory.pts_count } }); if(!affectedHistory.offset) { return true; } return this.doFlushHistory(inputPeer, justClear); }) } public async flushHistory(peerId: number, justClear?: boolean, revoke?: boolean) { if(appPeersManager.isChannel(peerId)) { const promise = this.getHistory(peerId, 0, 1); const historyResult = promise instanceof Promise ? await promise : promise; const channelId = -peerId; const maxId = historyResult.history[0] || 0; return apiManager.invokeApi('channels.deleteHistory', { channel: appChatsManager.getChannelInput(channelId), max_id: maxId }).then(() => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updateChannelAvailableMessages', channel_id: channelId, available_min_id: maxId } }); return true; }); } return this.doFlushHistory(appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), justClear, revoke).then(() => { delete this.historiesStorage[peerId]; delete this.messagesStorageByPeerId[peerId]; if(justClear) { rootScope.broadcast('dialog_flush', {peerId}); } else { this.dialogsStorage.dropDialog(peerId); rootScope.broadcast('dialog_drop', {peerId}); } }); } public hidePinnedMessages(peerId: number) { return Promise.all([ appStateManager.getState(), this.getPinnedMessage(peerId) ]) .then(([state, pinned]) => { state.hiddenPinnedMessages[peerId] = pinned.maxId; rootScope.broadcast('peer_pinned_hidden', {peerId, maxId: pinned.maxId}); }); } public getPinnedMessage(peerId: number) { const p = this.pinnedMessages[peerId] ?? (this.pinnedMessages[peerId] = {}); if(p.promise) return p.promise; else if(p.maxId) return Promise.resolve(p); return p.promise = this.getSearch({ peerId, inputFilter: {_: 'inputMessagesFilterPinned'}, maxId: 0, limit: 1 }).then(result => { p.count = result.count; p.maxId = result.history[0]?.mid; return p; }).finally(() => { delete p.promise; }); } public updatePinnedMessage(peerId: number, mid: number, unpin?: true, silent?: true, oneSide?: true) { return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.updatePinnedMessage', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), unpin, silent, pm_oneside: oneSide, id: this.getServerMessageId(mid) }).then(updates => { //this.log('pinned updates:', updates); apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }); } public unpinAllMessages(peerId: number): Promise { return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.unpinAllMessages', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId) }).then(affectedHistory => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updatePts', pts: affectedHistory.pts, pts_count: affectedHistory.pts_count } }); if(!affectedHistory.offset) { const storage = this.getMessagesStorage(peerId); for(const mid in storage) { const message = storage[mid]; if(message.pFlags.pinned) { delete message.pFlags.pinned; } } rootScope.broadcast('peer_pinned_messages', {peerId, unpinAll: true}); delete this.pinnedMessages[peerId]; return true; } return this.unpinAllMessages(peerId); }); } public getAlbumText(grouped_id: string) { const group = this.groupedMessagesStorage[grouped_id]; let foundMessages = 0, message: string, totalEntities: MessageEntity[], entities: MessageEntity[]; for(const i in group) { const m = group[i]; if(m.message) { if(++foundMessages > 1) break; message = m.message; totalEntities = m.totalEntities; entities = m.entities; } } if(foundMessages > 1) { message = undefined; totalEntities = undefined; entities = undefined; } return {message, entities, totalEntities}; } public getMidsByAlbum(grouped_id: string) { return getObjectKeysAndSort(this.groupedMessagesStorage[grouped_id], 'asc'); //return Object.keys(this.groupedMessagesStorage[grouped_id]).map(id => +id).sort((a, b) => a - b); } public getMidsByMessage(message: any) { if(message?.grouped_id) return this.getMidsByAlbum(message.grouped_id); else return [message.mid]; } public filterMessages(message: any, verify: (message: MyMessage) => boolean) { const out: MyMessage[] = []; if(message.grouped_id) { const storage = this.groupedMessagesStorage[message.grouped_id]; for(const mid in storage) { const message = storage[mid]; if(verify(message)) { out.push(message); } } } else { if(verify(message)) { out.push(message); } } return out; } public generateTempMessageId(peerId: number) { const dialog = this.getDialogByPeerId(peerId)[0]; return this.generateMessageId(dialog?.top_message || 0, true); } public generateMessageId(messageId: number, temp = false) { const q = AppMessagesManager.MESSAGE_ID_OFFSET; const num = temp ? ++this.tempNum : 0; if(messageId >= q) { if(temp) { return messageId + (num & (AppMessagesManager.MESSAGE_ID_INCREMENT - 1)); } return messageId; } return q + (messageId * AppMessagesManager.MESSAGE_ID_INCREMENT + (num & (AppMessagesManager.MESSAGE_ID_INCREMENT - 1))); } /** * * will ignore outgoing offset */ public getServerMessageId(messageId: number) { const q = AppMessagesManager.MESSAGE_ID_OFFSET; if(messageId < q) { // id 0 -> mid 0xFFFFFFFF, so 0xFFFFFFFF must convert to 0 return messageId; } const l = AppMessagesManager.MESSAGE_ID_INCREMENT - 1; const used = messageId & l; if(used !== l) { messageId -= used + 1; } return (messageId - q) / AppMessagesManager.MESSAGE_ID_INCREMENT; } public incrementMessageId(messageId: number, increment: number) { return this.generateMessageId(this.getServerMessageId(messageId) + increment); } public saveMessages(messages: any[], options: Partial<{ storage: MessagesStorage, isScheduled: true, isOutgoing: true }> = {}) { //let groups: Set; messages.forEach((message) => { if(message.pFlags === undefined) { message.pFlags = {}; } if(message._ === 'messageEmpty') { return; } // * exclude from state // defineNotNumerableProperties(message, ['rReply', 'mid', 'savedFrom', 'fwdFromId', 'fromId', 'peerId', 'reply_to_mid', 'viaBotId']); const peerId = this.getMessagePeer(message); const storage = options.storage || this.getMessagesStorage(peerId); const isChannel = message.peer_id._ === 'peerChannel'; const channelId = isChannel ? -peerId : 0; const isBroadcast = isChannel && appChatsManager.isBroadcast(channelId); if(options.isScheduled) { message.pFlags.is_scheduled = true; } if(options.isOutgoing) { message.pFlags.is_outgoing = true; } const mid = this.generateMessageId(message.id); message.mid = mid; if(message.grouped_id) { const storage = this.groupedMessagesStorage[message.grouped_id] ?? (this.groupedMessagesStorage[message.grouped_id] = {}); storage[mid] = message; } const dialog = this.getDialogByPeerId(peerId)[0]; if(dialog && mid) { if(mid > dialog[message.pFlags.out ? 'read_outbox_max_id' : 'read_inbox_max_id']) { message.pFlags.unread = true; } } // this.log(dT(), 'msg unread', mid, apiMessage.pFlags.out, dialog && dialog[apiMessage.pFlags.out ? 'read_outbox_max_id' : 'read_inbox_max_id']) if(message.reply_to) { if(message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id) { message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id = message.reply_to_mid = this.generateMessageId(message.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id); } if(message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id) message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id = this.generateMessageId(message.reply_to.reply_to_top_id); } if(message.replies) { if(message.replies.max_id) message.replies.max_id = this.generateMessageId(message.replies.max_id); if(message.replies.read_max_id) message.replies.read_max_id = this.generateMessageId(message.replies.read_max_id); } const overwriting = !!message.peerId; if(!overwriting) { message.date -= serverTimeManager.serverTimeOffset; } //storage.generateIndex(message); const myId = appUsersManager.getSelf().id; message.peerId = peerId; if(message.peerId === myId/* && !message.from_id && !message.fwd_from */) { message.fromId = message.fwd_from ? (message.fwd_from.from_id ? appPeersManager.getPeerId(message.fwd_from.from_id) : 0) : myId; } else { //message.fromId = message.pFlags.post || (!message.pFlags.out && !message.from_id) ? peerId : appPeersManager.getPeerId(message.from_id); message.fromId = message.pFlags.post || !message.from_id ? peerId : appPeersManager.getPeerId(message.from_id); } const fwdHeader = message.fwd_from as MessageFwdHeader; if(fwdHeader) { //if(peerId === myID) { if(fwdHeader.saved_from_msg_id) fwdHeader.saved_from_msg_id = this.generateMessageId(fwdHeader.saved_from_msg_id); if(fwdHeader.channel_post) fwdHeader.channel_post = this.generateMessageId(fwdHeader.channel_post); const peer = fwdHeader.saved_from_peer || fwdHeader.from_id; const msgId = fwdHeader.saved_from_msg_id || fwdHeader.channel_post; if(peer && msgId) { const savedFromPeerId = appPeersManager.getPeerId(peer); const savedFromMid = this.generateMessageId(msgId); message.savedFrom = savedFromPeerId + '_' + savedFromMid; } /* if(peerId < 0 || peerId === myID) { message.fromId = appPeersManager.getPeerID(!message.from_id || deepEqual(message.from_id, fwdHeader.from_id) ? fwdHeader.from_id : message.from_id); } */ /* } else { apiMessage.fwdPostID = fwdHeader.channel_post; } */ message.fwdFromId = appPeersManager.getPeerId(fwdHeader.from_id); if(!overwriting) { fwdHeader.date -= serverTimeManager.serverTimeOffset; } } if(message.via_bot_id > 0) { message.viaBotId = message.via_bot_id; } const mediaContext: ReferenceContext = { type: 'message', peerId, messageId: mid }; if(message.media) { switch(message.media._) { case 'messageMediaEmpty': delete message.media; break; case 'messageMediaPhoto': if(message.media.ttl_seconds) { message.media = {_: 'messageMediaUnsupportedWeb'}; } else { message.media.photo = appPhotosManager.savePhoto(message.media.photo, mediaContext); } if(!message.media.photo) { // * found this bug on test DC delete message.media; } break; case 'messageMediaPoll': message.media.poll = appPollsManager.savePoll(message.media.poll, message.media.results); break; case 'messageMediaDocument': if(message.media.ttl_seconds) { message.media = {_: 'messageMediaUnsupportedWeb'}; } else { message.media.document = appDocsManager.saveDoc(message.media.document, mediaContext); // 11.04.2020 warning } break; case 'messageMediaWebPage': message.media.webpage = appWebPagesManager.saveWebPage(message.media.webpage, message.mid, mediaContext); break; /*case 'messageMediaGame': AppGamesManager.saveGame(apiMessage.media.game, apiMessage.mid, mediaContext); apiMessage.media.handleMessage = true; break; */ case 'messageMediaInvoice': message.media = {_: 'messageMediaUnsupportedWeb'}; break; } } if(message.action) { let migrateFrom: number; let migrateTo: number; switch(message.action._) { //case 'messageActionChannelEditPhoto': case 'messageActionChatEditPhoto': message.action.photo = appPhotosManager.savePhoto(message.action.photo, mediaContext); if(message.action.photo.video_sizes) { message.action._ = isBroadcast ? 'messageActionChannelEditVideo' : 'messageActionChatEditVideo'; } else { if(isBroadcast) { // ! messageActionChannelEditPhoto не существует в принципе, это используется для перевода. message.action._ = 'messageActionChannelEditPhoto'; } } break; case 'messageActionChatEditTitle': if(isBroadcast) { message.action._ = 'messageActionChannelEditTitle'; } break; case 'messageActionChatDeletePhoto': if(isBroadcast) { message.action._ = 'messageActionChannelDeletePhoto'; } break; case 'messageActionChatAddUser': if(message.action.users.length === 1) { message.action.user_id = message.action.users[0]; if(message.fromId === message.action.user_id) { let suffix = message.fromId === appUsersManager.getSelf().id ? 'You' : ''; if(isChannel) { message.action._ = 'messageActionChatJoined' + suffix; } else { message.action._ = 'messageActionChatReturn' + suffix; } } } else if(message.action.users.length > 1) { message.action._ = 'messageActionChatAddUsers'; } break; case 'messageActionChatDeleteUser': if(message.fromId === message.action.user_id) { message.action._ = 'messageActionChatLeave'; } break; case 'messageActionChannelMigrateFrom': migrateFrom = -message.action.chat_id; migrateTo = -channelId; break case 'messageActionChatMigrateTo': migrateFrom = -channelId; migrateTo = -message.action.channel_id; break; case 'messageActionHistoryClear': //apiMessage.deleted = true; message.clear_history = true; delete message.pFlags.out; delete message.pFlags.unread; break; case 'messageActionPhoneCall': delete message.fromId; message.action.type = (message.pFlags.out ? 'out_' : 'in_') + ( message.action.reason._ === 'phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed' || message.action.reason._ === 'phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy' ? 'missed' : 'ok' ); break; } if(migrateFrom && migrateTo && !this.migratedFromTo[migrateFrom] && !this.migratedToFrom[migrateTo]) { this.migrateChecks(migrateFrom, migrateTo); } } /* if(message.grouped_id) { if(!groups) { groups = new Set(); } groups.add(message.grouped_id); } else { message.rReply = this.getRichReplyText(message); } */ if(message.message && message.message.length && !message.totalEntities) { const myEntities = RichTextProcessor.parseEntities(message.message); const apiEntities = message.entities || []; message.totalEntities = RichTextProcessor.mergeEntities(apiEntities, myEntities); // ! only in this order, otherwise bold and emoji formatting won't work } storage[mid] = message; }); /* if(groups) { for(const groupId of groups) { const mids = this.groupedMessagesStorage[groupId]; for(const mid in mids) { const message = this.groupedMessagesStorage[groupId][mid]; message.rReply = this.getRichReplyText(message); } } } */ } public wrapMessageForReply(message: any, text: string, usingMids: number[], plain: true, highlightWord?: string): string; public wrapMessageForReply(message: any, text?: string, usingMids?: number[], plain?: false, highlightWord?: string): DocumentFragment; public wrapMessageForReply(message: any, text: string = message.message, usingMids?: number[], plain?: boolean, highlightWord?: string): DocumentFragment | string { const parts: (HTMLElement | string)[] = []; const addPart = (langKey: LangPackKey, part?: string | HTMLElement, text?: string) => { if(langKey) { part = plain ? I18n.format(langKey, true) : i18n(langKey); } if(plain) { parts.push(part); } else { const el = document.createElement('i'); if(typeof(part) === 'string') el.innerHTML = part; else el.append(part); parts.push(el); } if(text) { parts.push(', '); } }; if(message.media) { let usingFullAlbum = true; if(message.grouped_id) { if(usingMids) { const mids = this.getMidsByMessage(message); if(usingMids.length === mids.length) { for(const mid of mids) { if(!usingMids.includes(mid)) { usingFullAlbum = false; break; } } } else { usingFullAlbum = false; } } if(usingFullAlbum) { text = this.getAlbumText(message.grouped_id).message; addPart('AttachAlbum', undefined, text); } } else { usingFullAlbum = false; } if(!usingFullAlbum) { const media = message.media; switch(media._) { case 'messageMediaPhoto': addPart('AttachPhoto', undefined, message.message); break; case 'messageMediaDice': addPart(undefined, plain ? media.emoticon : RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(media.emoticon)); break; case 'messageMediaVenue': { const text = plain ? media.title : RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(media.title); addPart('AttachLocation', undefined, text); parts.push(htmlToDocumentFragment(text) as any); break; } case 'messageMediaGeo': addPart('AttachLocation'); break; case 'messageMediaGeoLive': addPart('AttachLiveLocation'); break; case 'messageMediaPoll': addPart(undefined, plain ? '📊' + ' ' + (media.poll.question || 'poll') : media.poll.rReply); break; case 'messageMediaContact': addPart('AttachContact'); break; case 'messageMediaGame': { const prefix = '🎮' + ' '; addPart(undefined, plain ? prefix + media.game.title : RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(prefix + media.game.title)); break; } case 'messageMediaDocument': let document = media.document; if(document.type === 'video') { addPart('AttachVideo', undefined, message.message); } else if(document.type === 'voice') { addPart('AttachAudio', undefined, message.message); } else if(document.type === 'gif') { addPart('AttachGif', undefined, message.message); } else if(document.type === 'round') { addPart('AttachRound', undefined, message.message); } else if(document.type === 'sticker') { addPart(undefined, ((plain ? document.stickerEmojiRaw : document.stickerEmoji) || '') + 'Sticker'); text = ''; } else { addPart(document.file_name, undefined, message.message); } break; default: //messageText += media._; ///////this.log.warn('Got unknown media type!', message); break; } } } if(message.action) { const actionWrapped = this.wrapMessageActionTextNew(message, plain); if(actionWrapped) { addPart(undefined, actionWrapped); } } if(text) { text = limitSymbols(text, 100); if(plain) { parts.push(text); } else { let entities = RichTextProcessor.parseEntities(text.replace(/\n/g, ' ')); if(highlightWord) { if(!entities) entities = []; let found = false; let match: any; let regExp = new RegExp(escapeRegExp(highlightWord), 'gi'); while((match = regExp.exec(text)) !== null) { entities.push({_: 'messageEntityHighlight', length: highlightWord.length, offset: match.index}); found = true; } if(found) { entities.sort((a, b) => a.offset - b.offset); } } const messageWrapped = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(text, { noLinebreaks: true, entities, noLinks: true, noTextFormat: true }); parts.push(htmlToDocumentFragment(messageWrapped) as any); } } if(plain) { return parts.join(''); } else { const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); fragment.append(...parts); return fragment; } } public getSenderToPeerText(message: MyMessage) { let senderTitle = '', peerTitle: string; senderTitle = message.pFlags.out ? 'You' : appPeersManager.getPeerTitle(message.fromId, false, false); peerTitle = appPeersManager.isAnyGroup(message.peerId) || (message.pFlags.out && message.peerId !== rootScope.myId) ? appPeersManager.getPeerTitle(message.peerId, false, false) : ''; if(peerTitle) { senderTitle += ' ➝ ' + peerTitle; } return senderTitle; } public wrapMessageActionTextNew(message: any, plain: true): string; public wrapMessageActionTextNew(message: any, plain?: false): HTMLElement; public wrapMessageActionTextNew(message: any, plain: boolean): HTMLElement | string; public wrapMessageActionTextNew(message: any, plain?: boolean): HTMLElement | string { const element: HTMLElement = plain ? undefined : document.createElement('span'); const action = message.action as MessageAction; // this.log('message action:', action); if((action as MessageAction.messageActionCustomAction).message) { if(plain) { return RichTextProcessor.wrapPlainText(message.message); } else { element.innerHTML = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText((action as MessageAction.messageActionCustomAction).message, {noLinebreaks: true}); return element; } } else { let _ = action._; //let suffix = ''; let langPackKey: LangPackKey; let args: any[]; const getNameDivHTML = (peerId: number, plain: boolean) => { return plain ? appPeersManager.getPeerTitle(peerId, plain) + ' ' : (new PeerTitle({peerId})).element; }; switch(action._) { case "messageActionPhoneCall": { _ += '.' + (action as any).type; const duration = action.duration || 1; const d: string[] = []; d.push(duration % 60 + ' s'); if(duration >= 60) d.push((duration / 60 | 0) + ' min'); //if(duration >= 3600) d.push((duration / 3600 | 0) + ' h'); langPackKey = langPack[_]; args = [d.reverse().join(' ')]; break; } case 'messageActionPinMessage': case 'messageActionContactSignUp': case 'messageActionChatReturn': case 'messageActionChatLeave': case 'messageActionChatJoined': case 'messageActionChatCreate': case 'messageActionChatEditPhoto': case 'messageActionChatDeletePhoto': case 'messageActionChatEditVideo': case 'messageActionChatJoinedByLink': case 'messageActionChannelEditVideo': case 'messageActionChannelDeletePhoto': { langPackKey = langPack[_]; args = [getNameDivHTML(message.fromId, plain)]; break; } case 'messageActionChannelEditTitle': case 'messageActionChatEditTitle': { langPackKey = langPack[_]; args = []; if(action._ === 'messageActionChatEditTitle') { args.push(getNameDivHTML(message.fromId, plain)); } args.push(plain ? action.title : htmlToSpan(RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(action.title))); break; } case 'messageActionChatDeleteUser': case 'messageActionChatAddUsers': case 'messageActionChatAddUser': { const users: number[] = (action as MessageAction.messageActionChatAddUser).users || [(action as MessageAction.messageActionChatDeleteUser).user_id]; langPackKey = langPack[_]; args = [getNameDivHTML(message.fromId, plain)]; if(users.length > 1) { if(plain) { args.push(...users.map((userId: number) => (getNameDivHTML(userId, true) as string).trim()).join(', ')); } else { const fragment = document.createElement('span'); fragment.append( ...join( users.map((userId: number) => getNameDivHTML(userId, false)) as HTMLElement[], false ) ); args.push(fragment); } } else { args.push(getNameDivHTML(users[0], plain)); } break; } case 'messageActionBotAllowed': { const anchorHTML = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(action.domain, { entities: [{ _: 'messageEntityUrl', length: action.domain.length, offset: 0 }] }); const node = htmlToSpan(anchorHTML); langPackKey = langPack[_]; args = [node]; break; } default: langPackKey = (langPack[_] || `[${action._}]`) as any; break; } if(!langPackKey) { langPackKey = langPack[_]; if(langPackKey === undefined) { langPackKey = '[' + _ + ']' as any; } } if(plain) { return I18n.format(langPackKey, true, args); } else { return _i18n(element, langPackKey, args); } //str = !langPackKey || langPackKey[0].toUpperCase() === langPackKey[0] ? langPackKey : getNameDivHTML(message.fromId) + langPackKey + (suffix ? ' ' : ''); } } public editPeerFolders(peerIds: number[], folderId: number) { apiManager.invokeApi('folders.editPeerFolders', { folder_peers: peerIds.map(peerId => { return { _: 'inputFolderPeer', peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), folder_id: folderId }; }) }).then(updates => { //this.log('editPeerFolders updates:', updates); apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); // WARNING! возможно тут нужно добавлять channelId, и вызывать апдейт для каждого канала отдельно }); } public toggleDialogPin(peerId: number, filterId?: number) { if(filterId > 1) { this.filtersStorage.toggleDialogPin(peerId, filterId); return; } const dialog = this.getDialogByPeerId(peerId)[0]; if(!dialog) return Promise.reject(); const pinned = dialog.pFlags?.pinned ? undefined : true; return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.toggleDialogPin', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputDialogPeerById(peerId), pinned }).then(bool => { if(bool) { const pFlags: Update.updateDialogPinned['pFlags'] = pinned ? {pinned} : {}; this.handleUpdate({ _: 'updateDialogPinned', peer: appPeersManager.getDialogPeer(peerId), folder_id: filterId, pFlags }); } }); } public markDialogUnread(peerId: number, read?: true) { const dialog = this.getDialogByPeerId(peerId)[0]; if(!dialog) return Promise.reject(); const unread = read || dialog.pFlags?.unread_mark ? undefined : true; return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.markDialogUnread', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputDialogPeerById(peerId), unread }).then(bool => { if(bool) { const pFlags: Update.updateDialogUnreadMark['pFlags'] = unread ? {unread} : {}; this.handleUpdate({ _: 'updateDialogUnreadMark', peer: appPeersManager.getDialogPeer(peerId), pFlags }); } }); } public migrateChecks(migrateFrom: number, migrateTo: number) { if(!this.migratedFromTo[migrateFrom] && !this.migratedToFrom[migrateTo] && appChatsManager.hasChat(-migrateTo)) { const fromChat = appChatsManager.getChat(-migrateFrom); if(fromChat && fromChat.migrated_to && fromChat.migrated_to.channel_id === -migrateTo) { this.migratedFromTo[migrateFrom] = migrateTo; this.migratedToFrom[migrateTo] = migrateFrom; //setTimeout(() => { rootScope.broadcast('dialog_migrate', {migrateFrom, migrateTo}); const dropped = this.dialogsStorage.dropDialog(migrateFrom); if(dropped.length) { rootScope.broadcast('dialog_drop', {peerId: migrateFrom, dialog: dropped[0]}); } //}, 100); } } } public canMessageBeEdited(message: any, kind: 'text' | 'poll') { const goodMedias = [ 'messageMediaPhoto', 'messageMediaDocument', 'messageMediaWebPage' ]; if(kind === 'poll') { goodMedias.push('messageMediaPoll'); } if(message._ !== 'message' || message.deleted || message.fwd_from || message.via_bot_id || message.media && goodMedias.indexOf(message.media._) === -1 || message.fromId && appUsersManager.isBot(message.fromId)) { return false; } if(message.media && message.media._ === 'messageMediaDocument' && (message.media.document.sticker || message.media.document.type === 'round')) { return false; } return true; } public canEditMessage(message: any, kind: 'text' | 'poll' = 'text') { if(!message || !this.canMessageBeEdited(message, kind)) { return false; } // * second rule for saved messages, because there is no 'out' flag if(message.pFlags.out || this.getMessagePeer(message) === appUsersManager.getSelf().id) { return true; } if((message.date < tsNow(true) - (2 * 86400) && message.media?._ !== 'messageMediaPoll') || !message.pFlags.out) { return false; } return true; } public canDeleteMessage(message: any) { return message && ( message.peerId > 0 || message.fromId === rootScope.myId || appChatsManager.getChat(message.peerId)._ === 'chat' || appChatsManager.hasRights(message.peerId, 'delete_messages') ); } public applyConversations(dialogsResult: MessagesPeerDialogs.messagesPeerDialogs) { // * В эту функцию попадут только те диалоги, в которых есть read_inbox_max_id и read_outbox_max_id, в отличие от тех, что будут в getTopMessages // ! fix 'dialogFolder', maybe there is better way to do it, this only can happen by 'messages.getPinnedDialogs' by folder_id: 0 forEachReverse(dialogsResult.dialogs, (dialog, idx) => { if(dialog._ === 'dialogFolder') { dialogsResult.dialogs.splice(idx, 1); } }); appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(dialogsResult.users); appChatsManager.saveApiChats(dialogsResult.chats); this.saveMessages(dialogsResult.messages); this.log('applyConversation', dialogsResult); const updatedDialogs: {[peerId: number]: Dialog} = {}; (dialogsResult.dialogs as Dialog[]).forEach((dialog) => { const peerId = appPeersManager.getPeerId(dialog.peer); let topMessage = dialog.top_message; const topPendingMessage = this.pendingTopMsgs[peerId]; if(topPendingMessage) { if(!topMessage || (this.getMessageByPeer(peerId, topPendingMessage) as MyMessage).date > (this.getMessageByPeer(peerId, topMessage) as MyMessage).date) { dialog.top_message = topMessage = topPendingMessage; this.getHistoryStorage(peerId).maxId = topPendingMessage; } } /* const d = Object.assign({}, dialog); if(peerId === 239602833) { this.log.error('applyConversation lun', dialog, d); } */ if(topMessage || (dialog.draft && dialog.draft._ === 'draftMessage')) { this.saveConversation(dialog); updatedDialogs[peerId] = dialog; } else { const dropped = this.dialogsStorage.dropDialog(peerId); if(dropped.length) { rootScope.broadcast('dialog_drop', {peerId, dialog: dropped[0]}); } } if(this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerId] !== undefined) { for(const update of this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerId]) { this.handleUpdate(update); } delete this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerId]; } }); if(Object.keys(updatedDialogs).length) { rootScope.broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', updatedDialogs); } } public generateDialog(peerId: number) { const dialog: Dialog = { _: 'dialog', pFlags: {}, peer: appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(peerId), top_message: 0, read_inbox_max_id: 0, read_outbox_max_id: 0, unread_count: 0, unread_mentions_count: 0, notify_settings: { _: 'peerNotifySettings', }, }; return dialog; } /** * Won't save migrated from peer, forbidden peers, left and kicked */ public saveConversation(dialog: Dialog, folderId = 0) { const peerId = appPeersManager.getPeerId(dialog.peer); if(!peerId) { console.error('saveConversation no peerId???', dialog, folderId); return false; } if(dialog._ !== 'dialog'/* || peerId === 239602833 */) { console.error('saveConversation not regular dialog', dialog, Object.assign({}, dialog)); } const channelId = appPeersManager.isChannel(peerId) ? -peerId : 0; if(peerId < 0) { const chat: Chat = appChatsManager.getChat(-peerId); if(chat._ === 'channelForbidden' || chat._ === 'chatForbidden' || (chat as Chat.chat).pFlags.left || (chat as Chat.chat).pFlags.kicked) { return false; } } const peerText = appPeersManager.getPeerSearchText(peerId); searchIndexManager.indexObject(peerId, peerText, this.dialogsStorage.dialogsIndex); let mid: number, message; if(dialog.top_message) { mid = this.generateMessageId(dialog.top_message);//dialog.top_message; message = this.getMessageByPeer(peerId, mid); } else { mid = this.generateTempMessageId(peerId); message = { _: 'message', id: mid, mid, from_id: appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(appUsersManager.getSelf().id), peer_id: appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(peerId), deleted: true, pFlags: {out: true}, date: 0, message: '' }; this.saveMessages([message], {isOutgoing: true}); } if(!message?.pFlags) { this.log.error('saveConversation no message:', dialog, message); } if(!channelId && peerId < 0) { const chat = appChatsManager.getChat(-peerId); if(chat && chat.migrated_to && chat.pFlags.deactivated) { const migratedToPeer = appPeersManager.getPeerId(chat.migrated_to); this.migratedFromTo[peerId] = migratedToPeer; this.migratedToFrom[migratedToPeer] = peerId; return; } } const wasDialogBefore = this.getDialogByPeerId(peerId)[0]; dialog.top_message = mid; dialog.read_inbox_max_id = this.generateMessageId(wasDialogBefore && !dialog.read_inbox_max_id ? wasDialogBefore.read_inbox_max_id : dialog.read_inbox_max_id); dialog.read_outbox_max_id = this.generateMessageId(wasDialogBefore && !dialog.read_outbox_max_id ? wasDialogBefore.read_outbox_max_id : dialog.read_outbox_max_id); if(!dialog.hasOwnProperty('folder_id')) { if(dialog._ === 'dialog') { // ! СЛОЖНО ! СМОТРИ В getTopMessages dialog.folder_id = wasDialogBefore ? wasDialogBefore.folder_id : folderId; }/* else if(dialog._ === 'dialogFolder') { dialog.folder_id = dialog.folder.id; } */ } dialog.draft = appDraftsManager.saveDraft(peerId, 0, dialog.draft); dialog.peerId = peerId; // Because we saved message without dialog present if(message.pFlags.is_outgoing) { if(mid > dialog[message.pFlags.out ? 'read_outbox_max_id' : 'read_inbox_max_id']) message.pFlags.unread = true; else delete message.pFlags.unread; } let historyStorage = this.getHistoryStorage(peerId); /* if(historyStorage === undefined) { // warning historyStorage.history.push(mid); if(this.mergeReplyKeyboard(historyStorage, message)) { rootScope.broadcast('history_reply_markup', {peerId}); } } else */if(!historyStorage.history.slice.length) { historyStorage.history.unshift(mid); } historyStorage.maxId = mid; historyStorage.readMaxId = dialog.read_inbox_max_id; historyStorage.readOutboxMaxId = dialog.read_outbox_max_id; appNotificationsManager.savePeerSettings(peerId, dialog.notify_settings) if(channelId && dialog.pts) { apiUpdatesManager.addChannelState(channelId, dialog.pts); } this.dialogsStorage.generateIndexForDialog(dialog); this.dialogsStorage.pushDialog(dialog, message.date); } public mergeReplyKeyboard(historyStorage: HistoryStorage, message: any) { // this.log('merge', message.mid, message.reply_markup, historyStorage.reply_markup) if(!message.reply_markup && !message.pFlags?.out && !message.action) { return false; } if(message.reply_markup && message.reply_markup._ === 'replyInlineMarkup') { return false; } var messageReplyMarkup = message.reply_markup; var lastReplyMarkup = historyStorage.reply_markup; if(messageReplyMarkup) { if(lastReplyMarkup && lastReplyMarkup.mid >= message.mid) { return false; } if(messageReplyMarkup.pFlags.selective) { return false; } if(historyStorage.maxOutId && message.mid < historyStorage.maxOutId && messageReplyMarkup.pFlags.single_use) { messageReplyMarkup.pFlags.hidden = true; } messageReplyMarkup = Object.assign({ mid: message.mid }, messageReplyMarkup); if(messageReplyMarkup._ !== 'replyKeyboardHide') { messageReplyMarkup.fromId = appPeersManager.getPeerId(message.from_id); } historyStorage.reply_markup = messageReplyMarkup; // this.log('set', historyStorage.reply_markup) return true; } if(message.pFlags.out) { if(lastReplyMarkup) { if(lastReplyMarkup.pFlags.single_use && !lastReplyMarkup.pFlags.hidden && (message.mid > lastReplyMarkup.mid || message.pFlags.is_outgoing) && message.message) { lastReplyMarkup.pFlags.hidden = true; // this.log('set', historyStorage.reply_markup) return true; } } else if(!historyStorage.maxOutId || message.mid > historyStorage.maxOutId) { historyStorage.maxOutId = message.mid; } } if(message.action && message.action._ === 'messageActionChatDeleteUser' && (lastReplyMarkup ? message.action.user_id === lastReplyMarkup.fromId : appUsersManager.isBot(message.action.user_id) ) ) { historyStorage.reply_markup = { _: 'replyKeyboardHide', mid: message.mid, pFlags: {} }; // this.log('set', historyStorage.reply_markup) return true; } return false; } public getSearchStorage(peerId: number, inputFilter: MyInputMessagesFilter) { if(!this.searchesStorage[peerId]) this.searchesStorage[peerId] = {}; if(!this.searchesStorage[peerId][inputFilter]) this.searchesStorage[peerId][inputFilter] = {history: []}; return this.searchesStorage[peerId][inputFilter]; } public getSearchCounters(peerId: number, filters: MessagesFilter[], canCache = true) { const func = (canCache ? apiManager.invokeApiCacheable : apiManager.invokeApi).bind(apiManager); return func('messages.getSearchCounters', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), filters }); } public getSearch({peerId, query, inputFilter, maxId, limit, nextRate, backLimit, threadId, folderId, minDate, maxDate}: { peerId?: number, maxId?: number, limit?: number, nextRate?: number, backLimit?: number, threadId?: number, folderId?: number, query?: string, inputFilter?: { _: MyInputMessagesFilter }, minDate?: number, maxDate?: number }): Promise<{ count: number, next_rate: number, offset_id_offset: number, history: MyMessage[] }> { if(!peerId) peerId = 0; if(!query) query = ''; if(!inputFilter) inputFilter = {_: 'inputMessagesFilterEmpty'}; if(limit === undefined) limit = 20; if(!nextRate) nextRate = 0; if(!backLimit) backLimit = 0; minDate = minDate ? minDate / 1000 | 0 : 0; maxDate = maxDate ? maxDate / 1000 | 0 : 0; const foundMsgs: Message.message[] = []; //this.log('search', maxId); if(backLimit) { limit += backLimit; } //const beta = inputFilter._ === 'inputMessagesFilterPinned' && !backLimit; const beta = false; let storage: { count?: number; history: SlicedArray; }; // * костыль для limit 1, если нужно и получить сообщение, и узнать количество сообщений if(peerId && !backLimit && !maxId && !query && limit !== 1 && !threadId/* && inputFilter._ !== 'inputMessagesFilterPinned' */) { storage = beta ? this.getSearchStorage(peerId, inputFilter._) as any : this.getHistoryStorage(peerId); let filtering = true; const history = /* maxId ? storage.history.slice(storage.history.indexOf(maxId) + 1) : */storage.history; if(storage !== undefined && history.length) { const neededContents: { [messageMediaType: string]: boolean } = {}, neededDocTypes: string[] = [], excludeDocTypes: string[] = []/* , neededFlags: string[] = [] */; switch(inputFilter._) { case 'inputMessagesFilterPhotos': neededContents['messageMediaPhoto'] = true; break; case 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo': neededContents['messageMediaPhoto'] = true; neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true; neededDocTypes.push('video'); break; case 'inputMessagesFilterVideo': neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true; neededDocTypes.push('video'); break; case 'inputMessagesFilterDocument': neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true; excludeDocTypes.push('video'); break; case 'inputMessagesFilterVoice': neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true; neededDocTypes.push('voice'); break; case 'inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice': neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true; neededDocTypes.push('round', 'voice'); break; case 'inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo': neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true; neededDocTypes.push('round'); break; case 'inputMessagesFilterMusic': neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true; neededDocTypes.push('audio'); break; case 'inputMessagesFilterUrl': neededContents['url'] = true; break; case 'inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos': neededContents['avatar'] = true; break; /* case 'inputMessagesFilterPinned': neededFlags.push('pinned'); break; */ /* case 'inputMessagesFilterMyMentions': neededContents['mentioned'] = true; break; */ default: filtering = false; break; /* return Promise.resolve({ count: 0, next_rate: 0, history: [] as number[] }); */ } if(filtering) { const storage = this.getMessagesStorage(peerId); for(let i = 0, length = history.length; i < length; i++) { const message = storage[history.slice[i]]; if(!message) continue; //|| (neededContents['mentioned'] && message.totalEntities.find((e: any) => e._ === 'messageEntityMention')); let found = false; if(message.media && neededContents[message.media._] && !message.fwd_from) { if(message.media._ === 'messageMediaDocument') { if((neededDocTypes.length && !neededDocTypes.includes(message.media.document.type)) || excludeDocTypes.includes(message.media.document.type)) { continue; } } found = true; } else if(neededContents['url'] && message.message) { const goodEntities = ['messageEntityTextUrl', 'messageEntityUrl']; if((message.totalEntities as MessageEntity[]).find(e => goodEntities.includes(e._)) || RichTextProcessor.matchUrl(message.message)) { found = true; } } else if(neededContents['avatar'] && message.action && ['messageActionChannelEditPhoto', 'messageActionChatEditPhoto', 'messageActionChannelEditVideo', 'messageActionChatEditVideo'].includes(message.action._)) { found = true; }/* else if(neededFlags.find(flag => message.pFlags[flag])) { found = true; } */ if(found) { foundMsgs.push(message); if(foundMsgs.length >= limit) { break; } } } } } } if(foundMsgs.length) { if(foundMsgs.length < limit && (beta ? storage.count !== storage.history.length : true)) { maxId = foundMsgs[foundMsgs.length - 1].mid; limit = limit - foundMsgs.length; } else { return Promise.resolve({ count: beta ? storage.count : 0, next_rate: 0, offset_id_offset: 0, history: foundMsgs }); } } else if(beta && storage?.count) { return Promise.resolve({ count: storage.count, next_rate: 0, offset_id_offset: 0, history: [] }); } const canCache = false && (['inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos', 'inputMessagesFilterPinned'] as MyInputMessagesFilter[]).includes(inputFilter._); const method = (canCache ? apiManager.invokeApiCacheable : apiManager.invokeApi).bind(apiManager); let apiPromise: Promise; if(peerId && !nextRate && folderId === undefined/* || !query */) { apiPromise = method('messages.search', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), q: query || '', filter: inputFilter as any as MessagesFilter, min_date: minDate, max_date: maxDate, limit, offset_id: this.getServerMessageId(maxId) || 0, add_offset: backLimit ? -backLimit : 0, max_id: 0, min_id: 0, hash: 0, top_msg_id: this.getServerMessageId(threadId) || 0 }, { //timeout: APITIMEOUT, noErrorBox: true }); } else { //var offsetDate = 0; let offsetPeerId = 0; let offsetId = 0; let offsetMessage = maxId && this.getMessageByPeer(peerId, maxId); if(offsetMessage && offsetMessage.date) { //offsetDate = offsetMessage.date + serverTimeManager.serverTimeOffset; offsetId = offsetMessage.id; offsetPeerId = this.getMessagePeer(offsetMessage); } apiPromise = method('messages.searchGlobal', { q: query, filter: inputFilter as any as MessagesFilter, min_date: minDate, max_date: maxDate, offset_rate: nextRate, offset_peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(offsetPeerId), offset_id: offsetId, limit, folder_id: folderId }, { //timeout: APITIMEOUT, noErrorBox: true }); } return apiPromise.then((searchResult: any) => { appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(searchResult.users); appChatsManager.saveApiChats(searchResult.chats); this.saveMessages(searchResult.messages); /* if(beta && storage && (!maxId || storage.history[storage.history.length - 1] === maxId)) { const storage = this.getSearchStorage(peerId, inputFilter._); const add = (searchResult.messages.map((m: any) => m.mid) as number[]).filter(mid => storage.history.indexOf(mid) === -1); storage.history.push(...add); storage.history.sort((a, b) => b - a); storage.count = searchResult.count; } */ if(DEBUG) { this.log('getSearch result:', inputFilter, searchResult); } const foundCount: number = searchResult.count || (foundMsgs.length + searchResult.messages.length); searchResult.messages.forEach((message: any) => { const peerId = this.getMessagePeer(message); if(peerId < 0) { const chat = appChatsManager.getChat(-peerId); if(chat.migrated_to) { this.migrateChecks(peerId, -chat.migrated_to.channel_id); } } foundMsgs.push(message); }); return { count: foundCount, offset_id_offset: searchResult.offset_id_offset || 0, next_rate: searchResult.next_rate, history: foundMsgs }; }); } public subscribeRepliesThread(peerId: number, mid: number) { const repliesKey = peerId + '_' + mid; for(const threadKey in this.threadsToReplies) { if(this.threadsToReplies[threadKey] === repliesKey) return; } this.getDiscussionMessage(peerId, mid); } public generateThreadServiceStartMessage(message: Message.message) { const threadKey = message.peerId + '_' + message.mid; if(this.threadsServiceMessagesIdsStorage[threadKey]) return; const maxMessageId = this.getServerMessageId(Math.max(...this.getMidsByMessage(message))); const serviceStartMessage: Message.messageService = { _: 'messageService', pFlags: { is_single: true } as any, id: this.generateMessageId(maxMessageId, true), date: message.date, from_id: {_: 'peerUser', user_id: 0}/* message.from_id */, peer_id: message.peer_id, action: { _: 'messageActionCustomAction', message: 'Discussion started' }, reply_to: this.generateReplyHeader(message.id) }; this.saveMessages([serviceStartMessage], {isOutgoing: true}); this.threadsServiceMessagesIdsStorage[threadKey] = serviceStartMessage.mid; } public getDiscussionMessage(peerId: number, mid: number) { return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.getDiscussionMessage', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), msg_id: this.getServerMessageId(mid) }).then(result => { appChatsManager.saveApiChats(result.chats); appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(result.users); this.saveMessages(result.messages); const message = this.filterMessages(result.messages[0], message => !!(message as Message.message).replies)[0] as Message.message; const threadKey = message.peerId + '_' + message.mid; this.generateThreadServiceStartMessage(message); const historyStorage = this.getHistoryStorage(message.peerId, message.mid); result.max_id = historyStorage.maxId = this.generateMessageId(result.max_id) || 0; result.read_inbox_max_id = historyStorage.readMaxId = this.generateMessageId(result.read_inbox_max_id) || 0; result.read_outbox_max_id = historyStorage.readOutboxMaxId = this.generateMessageId(result.read_outbox_max_id) || 0; this.threadsToReplies[threadKey] = peerId + '_' + mid; return message; }); } handleNewMessages = () => { clearTimeout(this.newMessagesHandlePromise); this.newMessagesHandlePromise = 0; rootScope.broadcast('history_multiappend', this.newMessagesToHandle); this.newMessagesToHandle = {}; }; handleNewDialogs = () => { clearTimeout(this.newDialogsHandlePromise); this.newDialogsHandlePromise = 0; let newMaxSeenId = 0; for(const peerId in this.newDialogsToHandle) { const dialog = this.newDialogsToHandle[peerId]; if('reload' in dialog) { this.reloadConversation(+peerId); delete this.newDialogsToHandle[peerId]; } else { this.dialogsStorage.pushDialog(dialog); if(!appPeersManager.isChannel(+peerId)) { newMaxSeenId = Math.max(newMaxSeenId, dialog.top_message || 0); } } } //this.log('after order:', this.dialogsStorage[0].map(d => d.peerId)); if(newMaxSeenId !== 0) { this.incrementMaxSeenId(newMaxSeenId); } rootScope.broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', this.newDialogsToHandle as any); this.newDialogsToHandle = {}; }; public scheduleHandleNewDialogs() { if(!this.newDialogsHandlePromise) { this.newDialogsHandlePromise = window.setTimeout(this.handleNewDialogs, 0); } } public deleteMessages(peerId: number, mids: number[], revoke?: true) { let promise: Promise; const localMessageIds = mids.map(mid => this.getServerMessageId(mid)); if(peerId < 0 && appPeersManager.isChannel(peerId)) { const channelId = -peerId; const channel = appChatsManager.getChat(channelId); if(!channel.pFlags.creator && !(channel.pFlags.editor && channel.pFlags.megagroup)) { const goodMsgIds: number[] = []; if(channel.pFlags.editor || channel.pFlags.megagroup) { mids.forEach((msgId, i) => { const message = this.getMessageByPeer(peerId, mids[i]); if(message.pFlags.out) { goodMsgIds.push(msgId); } }); } if(!goodMsgIds.length) { return; } mids = goodMsgIds; } promise = apiManager.invokeApi('channels.deleteMessages', { channel: appChatsManager.getChannelInput(channelId), id: localMessageIds }).then((affectedMessages) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updateDeleteChannelMessages', channel_id: channelId, messages: mids, pts: affectedMessages.pts, pts_count: affectedMessages.pts_count } }); }); } else { promise = apiManager.invokeApi('messages.deleteMessages', { revoke, id: localMessageIds }).then((affectedMessages) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updateDeleteMessages', messages: mids, pts: affectedMessages.pts, pts_count: affectedMessages.pts_count } }); }); } return promise; } public readHistory(peerId: number, maxId = 0, threadId?: number, force = false) { //return Promise.resolve(); // console.trace('start read') this.log('readHistory:', peerId, maxId, threadId); if(!this.getReadMaxIdIfUnread(peerId, threadId) && !force) { this.log('readHistory: isn\'t unread'); return Promise.resolve(); } const historyStorage = this.getHistoryStorage(peerId, threadId); if(historyStorage.triedToReadMaxId >= maxId) { return Promise.resolve(); } let apiPromise: Promise; if(threadId) { if(!historyStorage.readPromise) { apiPromise = apiManager.invokeApi('messages.readDiscussion', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), msg_id: this.getServerMessageId(threadId), read_max_id: this.getServerMessageId(maxId) }); } apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updateReadChannelDiscussionInbox', channel_id: -peerId, top_msg_id: threadId, read_max_id: maxId } as Update.updateReadChannelDiscussionInbox }); } else if(appPeersManager.isChannel(peerId)) { if(!historyStorage.readPromise) { apiPromise = apiManager.invokeApi('channels.readHistory', { channel: appChatsManager.getChannelInput(-peerId), max_id: this.getServerMessageId(maxId) }); } apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updateReadChannelInbox', max_id: maxId, channel_id: -peerId } }); } else { if(!historyStorage.readPromise) { apiPromise = apiManager.invokeApi('messages.readHistory', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), max_id: this.getServerMessageId(maxId) }).then((affectedMessages) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updatePts', pts: affectedMessages.pts, pts_count: affectedMessages.pts_count } }); }); } apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updateReadHistoryInbox', max_id: maxId, peer: appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(peerId) } }); } if(!threadId && historyStorage && historyStorage.history.length) { const slice = historyStorage.history.slice; for(const mid of slice) { const message = this.getMessageByPeer(peerId, mid); if(message && !message.pFlags.out) { message.pFlags.unread = false; appNotificationsManager.cancel('msg' + mid); } } } appNotificationsManager.soundReset(appPeersManager.getPeerString(peerId)); if(historyStorage.readPromise) { return historyStorage.readPromise; } historyStorage.triedToReadMaxId = maxId; apiPromise.finally(() => { delete historyStorage.readPromise; this.log('readHistory: promise finally', maxId, historyStorage.readMaxId); if(historyStorage.readMaxId > maxId) { this.readHistory(peerId, historyStorage.readMaxId, threadId, true); } }); return historyStorage.readPromise = apiPromise; } public readAllHistory(peerId: number, threadId?: number, force = false) { const historyStorage = this.getHistoryStorage(peerId, threadId); if(historyStorage.maxId) { this.readHistory(peerId, historyStorage.maxId, threadId, force); // lol } } public readMessages(peerId: number, msgIds: number[]) { msgIds = msgIds.map(mid => this.getServerMessageId(mid)); if(peerId < 0 && appPeersManager.isChannel(peerId)) { const channelId = -peerId; apiManager.invokeApi('channels.readMessageContents', { channel: appChatsManager.getChannelInput(channelId), id: msgIds }).then(() => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updateChannelReadMessagesContents', channel_id: channelId, messages: msgIds } }); }); } else { apiManager.invokeApi('messages.readMessageContents', { id: msgIds }).then((affectedMessages) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updateReadMessagesContents', messages: msgIds, pts: affectedMessages.pts, pts_count: affectedMessages.pts_count } }); }); } } public getHistoryStorage(peerId: number, threadId?: number) { if(threadId) { //threadId = this.getLocalMessageId(threadId); if(!this.threadsStorage[peerId]) this.threadsStorage[peerId] = {}; return this.threadsStorage[peerId][threadId] ?? (this.threadsStorage[peerId][threadId] = {count: null, history: new SlicedArray()}); } return this.historiesStorage[peerId] ?? (this.historiesStorage[peerId] = {count: null, history: new SlicedArray()}); } private handleNotifications = () => { window.clearTimeout(this.notificationsHandlePromise); this.notificationsHandlePromise = 0; //var timeout = $rootScope.idle.isIDLE && StatusManager.isOtherDeviceActive() ? 30000 : 1000; //const timeout = 1000; for(const _peerId in this.notificationsToHandle) { const peerId = +_peerId; const notifyPeerToHandle = this.notificationsToHandle[peerId]; Promise.all([ appNotificationsManager.getPeerMuted(peerId), appNotificationsManager.getNotifySettings(appPeersManager.getInputNotifyPeerById(peerId, true)) ]).then(([muted, peerTypeNotifySettings]) => { const topMessage = notifyPeerToHandle.topMessage; if(muted || !topMessage.pFlags.unread) { return; } //setTimeout(() => { if(topMessage.pFlags.unread) { this.notifyAboutMessage(topMessage, { fwdCount: notifyPeerToHandle.fwdCount, peerTypeNotifySettings }); } //}, timeout); }); } this.notificationsToHandle = {}; }; public handleUpdate(update: Update) { /* if(DEBUG) { this.log.debug('handleUpdate', update._, update); } */ switch(update._) { case 'updateMessageID': { const randomId = update.random_id; const pendingData = this.pendingByRandomId[randomId]; //this.log('AMM updateMessageID:', update, pendingData); if(pendingData) { const {peerId, tempId, threadId, storage} = pendingData; //const mid = update.id; const mid = this.generateMessageId(update.id); const message = this.getMessageFromStorage(storage, mid); if(!message.deleted) { [this.getHistoryStorage(peerId), threadId ? this.getHistoryStorage(peerId, threadId) : undefined] .filter(Boolean) .forEach(storage => { storage.history.delete(tempId); }); this.finalizePendingMessageCallbacks(storage, tempId, mid); } else { this.pendingByMessageId[mid] = randomId; } } break; } case 'updateNewDiscussionMessage': case 'updateNewMessage': case 'updateNewChannelMessage': { const message = update.message as MyMessage; const peerId = this.getMessagePeer(message); const storage = this.getMessagesStorage(peerId); const foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerId(peerId); // * local update const isLocalThreadUpdate = update._ === 'updateNewDiscussionMessage'; // * temporary save the message for info (peerId, reply mids...) this.saveMessages([message], {storage: {}}); const threadKey = this.getThreadKey(message); const threadId = threadKey ? +threadKey.split('_')[1] : undefined; if(threadId && !isLocalThreadUpdate && this.threadsStorage[peerId] && this.threadsStorage[peerId][threadId]) { const update = { _: 'updateNewDiscussionMessage', message } as Update.updateNewDiscussionMessage; this.handleUpdate(update); } if(!foundDialog.length && !isLocalThreadUpdate) { let good = true; if(peerId < 0) { const chat = appChatsManager.getChat(-peerId); if(chat._ === 'channelForbidden' || chat._ === 'chatForbidden' || (chat as Chat.chat).pFlags.left || (chat as Chat.chat).pFlags.kicked || (chat as Chat.chat).pFlags.deactivated) { good = false; } } if(good) { const set = this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerId] ?? (this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerId] = new Set()); if(set.has(update)) { this.log.error('here we go again', peerId); break; } this.newDialogsToHandle[peerId] = {reload: true}; this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs(); this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerId].add(update); } break; } /* if(update._ === 'updateNewChannelMessage') { const chat = appChatsManager.getChat(-peerId); if(chat.pFlags && (chat.pFlags.left || chat.pFlags.kicked)) { break; } } */ this.saveMessages([message], {storage}); // this.log.warn(dT(), 'message unread', message.mid, message.pFlags.unread) /* if((message as Message.message).grouped_id) { this.log('updateNewMessage', message); } */ const pendingMessage = this.checkPendingMessage(message); const historyStorage = this.getHistoryStorage(peerId, isLocalThreadUpdate ? threadId : undefined); if(!isLocalThreadUpdate) { this.updateMessageRepliesIfNeeded(message); } if(historyStorage.history.findSlice(message.mid)) { return false; } const history = historyStorage.history.slice; const topMsgId = history[0]; history.unshift(message.mid); if(message.mid < topMsgId) { //this.log.error('this should\'nt have happenned!', message, history); history.sort((a, b) => { return b - a; }); } if(historyStorage.count !== null) { historyStorage.count++; } if(this.mergeReplyKeyboard(historyStorage, message)) { rootScope.broadcast('history_reply_markup', {peerId}); } if(message.fromId > 0 && !message.pFlags.out && message.from_id) { appUsersManager.forceUserOnline(message.fromId, message.date); } if(!pendingMessage) { if(this.newMessagesToHandle[peerId] === undefined) { this.newMessagesToHandle[peerId] = new Set(); } this.newMessagesToHandle[peerId].add(message.mid); if(!this.newMessagesHandlePromise) { this.newMessagesHandlePromise = window.setTimeout(this.handleNewMessages, 0); } } if(isLocalThreadUpdate) { break; } const dialog = foundDialog[0]; const inboxUnread = !message.pFlags.out && message.pFlags.unread; if(dialog) { this.setDialogTopMessage(message, dialog); if(inboxUnread) { dialog.unread_count++; } } if(inboxUnread/* && ($rootScope.selectedPeerID != peerID || $rootScope.idle.isIDLE) */) { const notifyPeer = message.peerId; let notifyPeerToHandle = this.notificationsToHandle[notifyPeer]; if(notifyPeerToHandle === undefined) { notifyPeerToHandle = this.notificationsToHandle[notifyPeer] = { fwdCount: 0, fromId: 0 }; } if(notifyPeerToHandle.fromId !== message.fromId) { notifyPeerToHandle.fromId = message.fromId; notifyPeerToHandle.fwdCount = 0; } if((message as Message.message).fwd_from) { notifyPeerToHandle.fwdCount++; } notifyPeerToHandle.topMessage = message; if(!this.notificationsHandlePromise) { this.notificationsHandlePromise = window.setTimeout(this.handleNotifications, 0); } } break; } case 'updateDialogUnreadMark': { //this.log('updateDialogUnreadMark', update); const peerId = appPeersManager.getPeerId((update.peer as DialogPeer.dialogPeer).peer); const foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerId(peerId); if(!foundDialog.length) { this.newDialogsToHandle[peerId] = {reload: true}; this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs(); } else { const dialog = foundDialog[0]; if(!update.pFlags.unread) { delete dialog.pFlags.unread_mark; } else { dialog.pFlags.unread_mark = true; } rootScope.broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', {peerId: dialog}); } break; } case 'updateFolderPeers': { // only 0 and 1 folders //this.log('updateFolderPeers', update); const peers = update.folder_peers; this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs(); peers.forEach((folderPeer) => { const {folder_id, peer} = folderPeer; const peerId = appPeersManager.getPeerId(peer); const dropped = this.dialogsStorage.dropDialog(peerId); if(!dropped.length) { this.newDialogsToHandle[peerId] = {reload: true}; } else { const dialog = dropped[0]; this.newDialogsToHandle[peerId] = dialog; if(dialog.pFlags?.pinned) { delete dialog.pFlags.pinned; this.dialogsStorage.pinnedOrders[folder_id].findAndSplice(p => p === dialog.peerId); } dialog.folder_id = folder_id; this.dialogsStorage.generateIndexForDialog(dialog); this.dialogsStorage.pushDialog(dialog); // need for simultaneously updatePinnedDialogs } }); break; } case 'updateDialogPinned': { const folderId = update.folder_id ?? 0; //this.log('updateDialogPinned', update); const peerId = appPeersManager.getPeerId((update.peer as DialogPeer.dialogPeer).peer); const foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerId(peerId); // этот код внизу никогда не сработает, в папках за пиннед отвечает updateDialogFilter /* if(update.folder_id > 1) { const filter = this.filtersStorage.filters[update.folder_id]; if(update.pFlags.pinned) { filter.pinned_peers.unshift(peerId); } else { filter.pinned_peers.findAndSplice(p => p === peerId); } } */ this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs(); if(!foundDialog.length) { this.newDialogsToHandle[peerId] = {reload: true}; } else { const dialog = foundDialog[0]; this.newDialogsToHandle[peerId] = dialog; if(!update.pFlags.pinned) { delete dialog.pFlags.pinned; this.dialogsStorage.pinnedOrders[folderId].findAndSplice(p => p === dialog.peerId); } else { // means set dialog.pFlags.pinned = true; } this.dialogsStorage.generateIndexForDialog(dialog); } break; } case 'updatePinnedDialogs': { const folderId = update.folder_id ?? 0; const handleOrder = (order: number[]) => { this.dialogsStorage.pinnedOrders[folderId].length = 0; let willHandle = false; order.reverse(); // index must be higher order.forEach((peerId) => { newPinned[peerId] = true; const foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerId(peerId); if(!foundDialog.length) { this.newDialogsToHandle[peerId] = {reload: true}; willHandle = true; return; } const dialog = foundDialog[0]; dialog.pFlags.pinned = true; this.dialogsStorage.generateIndexForDialog(dialog); this.newDialogsToHandle[peerId] = dialog; willHandle = true; }); this.dialogsStorage.getFolder(folderId).forEach(dialog => { const peerId = dialog.peerId; if(dialog.pFlags.pinned && !newPinned[peerId]) { this.newDialogsToHandle[peerId] = {reload: true}; willHandle = true; } }); if(willHandle) { this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs(); } }; //this.log('updatePinnedDialogs', update); const newPinned: {[peerId: number]: true} = {}; if(!update.order) { apiManager.invokeApi('messages.getPinnedDialogs', { folder_id: folderId }).then((dialogsResult) => { // * for test reordering and rendering // dialogsResult.dialogs.reverse(); this.applyConversations(dialogsResult); handleOrder(dialogsResult.dialogs.map(d => d.peerId)); /* dialogsResult.dialogs.forEach((dialog) => { newPinned[dialog.peerId] = true; }); this.dialogsStorage.getFolder(folderId).forEach((dialog) => { const peerId = dialog.peerId; if(dialog.pFlags.pinned && !newPinned[peerId]) { this.newDialogsToHandle[peerId] = {reload: true}; this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs(); } }); */ }); break; } //this.log('before order:', this.dialogsStorage[0].map(d => d.peerId)); handleOrder(update.order.map(peer => appPeersManager.getPeerId((peer as DialogPeer.dialogPeer).peer))); break; } case 'updateEditMessage': case 'updateEditChannelMessage': { const message = update.message as MyMessage; const peerId = this.getMessagePeer(message); const mid = this.generateMessageId(message.id); const storage = this.getMessagesStorage(peerId); if(storage[mid] === undefined) { break; } // console.trace(dT(), 'edit message', message) const oldMessage = this.getMessageFromStorage(storage, mid); this.saveMessages([message], {storage}); const newMessage = this.getMessageFromStorage(storage, mid); this.handleEditedMessage(oldMessage, newMessage); const dialog = this.getDialogByPeerId(peerId)[0]; const isTopMessage = dialog && dialog.top_message === mid; // @ts-ignore if(message.clear_history) { // that's will never happen if(isTopMessage) { rootScope.broadcast('dialog_flush', {peerId}); } } else { rootScope.broadcast('message_edit', { storage, peerId, mid }); if(isTopMessage || (message as Message.message).grouped_id) { const updatedDialogs: {[peerId: number]: Dialog} = {}; updatedDialogs[peerId] = dialog; rootScope.broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', updatedDialogs); } } break; } case 'updateReadChannelDiscussionInbox': case 'updateReadChannelDiscussionOutbox': case 'updateReadHistoryInbox': case 'updateReadHistoryOutbox': case 'updateReadChannelInbox': case 'updateReadChannelOutbox': { const channelId = (update as Update.updateReadChannelInbox).channel_id; const maxId = this.generateMessageId((update as Update.updateReadChannelInbox).max_id || (update as Update.updateReadChannelDiscussionInbox).read_max_id); const threadId = this.generateMessageId((update as Update.updateReadChannelDiscussionInbox).top_msg_id); const peerId = channelId ? -channelId : appPeersManager.getPeerId((update as Update.updateReadHistoryInbox).peer); const isOut = update._ === 'updateReadHistoryOutbox' || update._ === 'updateReadChannelOutbox' || update._ === 'updateReadChannelDiscussionOutbox' ? true : undefined; const storage = this.getMessagesStorage(peerId); const history = getObjectKeysAndSort(storage, 'desc'); const foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerId(peerId)[0]; const stillUnreadCount = (update as Update.updateReadChannelInbox).still_unread_count; let newUnreadCount = 0; let foundAffected = false; //this.log.warn(dT(), 'read', peerId, isOut ? 'out' : 'in', maxId) const historyStorage = this.getHistoryStorage(peerId, threadId); if(peerId > 0 && isOut) { appUsersManager.forceUserOnline(peerId); } if(threadId) { const repliesKey = this.threadsToReplies[peerId + '_' + threadId]; if(repliesKey) { const [peerId, mid] = repliesKey.split('_').map(n => +n); this.updateMessage(peerId, mid, 'replies_updated'); } } for(let i = 0, length = history.length; i < length; i++) { const messageId = history[i]; if(messageId > maxId) { continue; } const message = storage[messageId]; if(message.pFlags.out !== isOut) { continue; } if(!message.pFlags.unread) { break; } if(threadId) { const replyTo = message.reply_to as MessageReplyHeader; if(!replyTo || (replyTo.reply_to_top_id || replyTo.reply_to_msg_id) !== threadId) { continue; } } // this.log.warn('read', messageId, message.pFlags.unread, message) if(message.pFlags.unread) { delete message.pFlags.unread; if(!foundAffected) { foundAffected = true; } if(!message.pFlags.out && !threadId && stillUnreadCount === undefined) { newUnreadCount = --foundDialog.unread_count; } appNotificationsManager.cancel('msg' + messageId); } } if(isOut) historyStorage.readOutboxMaxId = maxId; else historyStorage.readMaxId = maxId; if(!threadId && foundDialog) { if(isOut) foundDialog.read_outbox_max_id = maxId; else foundDialog.read_inbox_max_id = maxId; if(!isOut) { if(newUnreadCount < 0 || !this.getReadMaxIdIfUnread(peerId)) { foundDialog.unread_count = 0; } else if(newUnreadCount && foundDialog.top_message > maxId) { foundDialog.unread_count = newUnreadCount; } } rootScope.broadcast('dialog_unread', {peerId}); } if(foundAffected) { rootScope.broadcast('messages_read'); } if(!threadId && channelId) { const threadKeyPart = peerId + '_'; for(const threadKey in this.threadsToReplies) { if(threadKey.indexOf(threadKeyPart) === 0) { const [peerId, mid] = this.threadsToReplies[threadKey].split('_').map(n => +n); rootScope.broadcast('replies_updated', this.getMessageByPeer(peerId, mid)); } } } break; } case 'updateChannelReadMessagesContents': case 'updateReadMessagesContents': { const channelId = (update as Update.updateChannelReadMessagesContents).channel_id; const mids = (update as Update.updateReadMessagesContents).messages.map(id => this.generateMessageId(id)); const peerId = channelId ? -channelId : this.getMessageById(mids[0]).peerId; for(const mid of mids) { const message = this.getMessageByPeer(peerId, mid); if(!message.deleted) { delete message.pFlags.media_unread; } } rootScope.broadcast('messages_media_read', {peerId, mids}); break; } case 'updateChannelAvailableMessages': { const channelId: number = update.channel_id; const messages: number[] = []; const peerId: number = -channelId; const history = this.getHistoryStorage(peerId).history.slice; if(history.length) { history.forEach((msgId: number) => { if(!update.available_min_id || msgId <= update.available_min_id) { messages.push(msgId); } }); } (update as any as Update.updateDeleteChannelMessages).messages = messages; } case 'updateDeleteMessages': case 'updateDeleteChannelMessages': { const channelId: number = (update as Update.updateDeleteChannelMessages).channel_id; //const messages = (update as any as Update.updateDeleteChannelMessages).messages; const messages = (update as any as Update.updateDeleteChannelMessages).messages.map(id => this.generateMessageId(id)); const peerId: number = channelId ? -channelId : this.getMessageById(messages[0]).peerId; if(!peerId) { break; } apiManager.clearCache('messages.getSearchCounters', (params) => { return appPeersManager.getPeerId(params.peer) === peerId; }); const threadKeys: Set = new Set(); for(const mid of messages) { const message = this.getMessageByPeer(peerId, mid); const threadKey = this.getThreadKey(message); if(threadKey && this.threadsStorage[peerId] && this.threadsStorage[peerId][+threadKey.split('_')[1]]) { threadKeys.add(threadKey); } } const historyUpdated = this.handleDeletedMessages(peerId, this.getMessagesStorage(peerId), messages); const threadsStorages = Array.from(threadKeys).map(threadKey => { const splitted = threadKey.split('_'); return this.getHistoryStorage(+splitted[0], +splitted[1]); }); [this.getHistoryStorage(peerId)].concat(threadsStorages).forEach(historyStorage => { for(const mid in historyUpdated.msgs) { historyStorage.history.delete(+mid); } if(historyUpdated.count && historyStorage.count !== null && historyStorage.count > 0) { historyStorage.count -= historyUpdated.count; if(historyStorage.count < 0) { historyStorage.count = 0; } } }); rootScope.broadcast('history_delete', {peerId, msgs: historyUpdated.msgs}); const foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerId(peerId)[0]; if(foundDialog) { if(historyUpdated.unread) { foundDialog.unread_count -= historyUpdated.unread; rootScope.broadcast('dialog_unread', {peerId}); } if(historyUpdated.msgs[foundDialog.top_message]) { this.reloadConversation(peerId); } } break; } case 'updateChannel': { const channelId: number = update.channel_id; const peerId = -channelId; const channel = appChatsManager.getChat(channelId); const needDialog = channel._ === 'channel' && (!channel.pFlags.left && !channel.pFlags.kicked); const foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerId(peerId); const hasDialog = foundDialog.length > 0; const canViewHistory = channel._ === 'channel' && (channel.username || !channel.pFlags.left && !channel.pFlags.kicked); const hasHistory = this.historiesStorage[peerId] !== undefined; if(canViewHistory !== hasHistory) { delete this.historiesStorage[peerId]; rootScope.broadcast('history_forbidden', peerId); } if(hasDialog !== needDialog) { if(needDialog) { this.reloadConversation(-channelId); } else { if(foundDialog[0]) { this.dialogsStorage.dropDialog(peerId); rootScope.broadcast('dialog_drop', {peerId: peerId, dialog: foundDialog[0]}); } } } break; } // @ts-ignore case 'updateChannelReload': { // @ts-ignore const channelId: number = update.channel_id; const peerId = -channelId; this.dialogsStorage.dropDialog(peerId); delete this.historiesStorage[peerId]; this.reloadConversation(-channelId).then(() => { rootScope.broadcast('history_reload', peerId); }); break; } case 'updateChannelMessageViews': { const views = update.views; //const mid = update.id; const mid = this.generateMessageId(update.id); const message = this.getMessageByPeer(-update.channel_id, mid); if(!message.deleted && message.views && message.views < views) { message.views = views; rootScope.broadcast('message_views', {mid, views}); } break; } case 'updateServiceNotification': { //this.log('updateServiceNotification', update); const fromId = 777000; const peerId = fromId; const messageId = this.generateTempMessageId(peerId); const message: any = { _: 'message', id: messageId, from_id: appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(fromId), peer_id: appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(peerId), pFlags: {unread: true}, date: (update.inbox_date || tsNow(true)) + serverTimeManager.serverTimeOffset, message: update.message, media: update.media, entities: update.entities }; if(!appUsersManager.hasUser(fromId)) { appUsersManager.saveApiUsers([{ _: 'user', id: fromId, pFlags: {verified: true}, access_hash: 0, first_name: 'Telegram', phone: '42777' }]); } this.saveMessages([message], {isOutgoing: true}); if(update.inbox_date) { this.pendingTopMsgs[peerId] = messageId; this.handleUpdate({ _: 'updateNewMessage', message } as any); } break; } case 'updatePinnedMessages': case 'updatePinnedChannelMessages': { const channelId = update._ === 'updatePinnedChannelMessages' ? update.channel_id : undefined; const peerId = channelId ? -channelId : appPeersManager.getPeerId((update as Update.updatePinnedMessages).peer); /* const storage = this.getSearchStorage(peerId, 'inputMessagesFilterPinned'); if(storage.count !== storage.history.length) { if(storage.count !== undefined) { delete this.searchesStorage[peerId]['inputMessagesFilterPinned']; } rootScope.broadcast('peer_pinned_messages', peerId); break; } */ const messages = update.messages.map(id => this.generateMessageId(id)); const storage = this.getMessagesStorage(peerId); const missingMessages = messages.filter(mid => !storage[mid]); const getMissingPromise = missingMessages.length ? Promise.all(missingMessages.map(mid => this.wrapSingleMessage(peerId, mid))) : Promise.resolve(); getMissingPromise.finally(() => { const werePinned = update.pFlags?.pinned; if(werePinned) { for(const mid of messages) { //storage.history.push(mid); const message = storage[mid]; message.pFlags.pinned = true; } /* if(this.pinnedMessages[peerId]?.maxId) { const maxMid = Math.max(...messages); this.pinnedMessages } */ //storage.history.sort((a, b) => b - a); } else { for(const mid of messages) { //storage.history.findAndSplice(_mid => _mid === mid); const message = storage[mid]; delete message.pFlags.pinned; } } /* const info = this.pinnedMessages[peerId]; if(info) { info.count += messages.length * (werePinned ? 1 : -1); } */ delete this.pinnedMessages[peerId]; appStateManager.getState().then(state => { delete state.hiddenPinnedMessages[peerId]; rootScope.broadcast('peer_pinned_messages', {peerId, mids: messages, pinned: werePinned}); }); }); break; } case 'updateNotifySettings': { const {peer, notify_settings} = update; if(peer._ === 'notifyPeer') { const peerId = appPeersManager.getPeerId((peer as NotifyPeer.notifyPeer).peer); const dialog = this.getDialogByPeerId(peerId)[0]; if(dialog) { dialog.notify_settings = notify_settings; rootScope.broadcast('dialog_notify_settings', dialog); } } /////this.log('updateNotifySettings', peerId, notify_settings); break; } case 'updateNewScheduledMessage': { const message = update.message as MyMessage; const peerId = this.getMessagePeer(message); const storage = this.scheduledMessagesStorage[peerId]; if(storage) { const mid = this.generateMessageId(message.id); const oldMessage = this.getMessageFromStorage(storage, mid); this.saveMessages([message], {storage, isScheduled: true}); const newMessage = this.getMessageFromStorage(storage, mid); if(!oldMessage.deleted) { this.handleEditedMessage(oldMessage, newMessage); rootScope.broadcast('message_edit', {storage, peerId, mid: message.mid}); } else { const pendingMessage = this.checkPendingMessage(message); if(!pendingMessage) { rootScope.broadcast('scheduled_new', {peerId, mid: message.mid}); } } } break; } case 'updateDeleteScheduledMessages': { const peerId = appPeersManager.getPeerId(update.peer); const storage = this.scheduledMessagesStorage[peerId]; if(storage) { const mids = update.messages.map(id => this.generateMessageId(id)); this.handleDeletedMessages(peerId, storage, mids); rootScope.broadcast('scheduled_delete', {peerId, mids}); } break; } } } private updateMessageRepliesIfNeeded(threadMessage: MyMessage) { try { // * на всякий случай, скорее всего это не понадобится const threadKey = this.getThreadKey(threadMessage); if(threadKey) { const repliesKey = this.threadsToReplies[threadKey]; if(repliesKey) { const [peerId, mid] = repliesKey.split('_').map(n => +n); this.updateMessage(peerId, mid, 'replies_updated'); } } } catch(err) { this.log.error('incrementMessageReplies err', err, threadMessage); } } private getThreadKey(threadMessage: MyMessage) { let threadKey = ''; if(threadMessage.peerId < 0 && threadMessage.reply_to) { const threadId = threadMessage.reply_to.reply_to_top_id || threadMessage.reply_to.reply_to_msg_id; threadKey = threadMessage.peerId + '_' + threadId; } return threadKey; } public updateMessage(peerId: number, mid: number, broadcastEventName?: 'replies_updated'): Promise { const promise: Promise = this.wrapSingleMessage(peerId, mid, true).then(() => { const message = this.getMessageByPeer(peerId, mid); if(broadcastEventName) { rootScope.broadcast(broadcastEventName, message); } return message; }); return promise; } private checkPendingMessage(message: any) { const randomId = this.pendingByMessageId[message.mid]; let pendingMessage: any; if(randomId) { const pendingData = this.pendingByRandomId[randomId]; if(pendingMessage = this.finalizePendingMessage(randomId, message)) { rootScope.broadcast('history_update', {storage: pendingData.storage, peerId: message.peerId, mid: message.mid}); } delete this.pendingByMessageId[message.mid]; } return pendingMessage; } public mutePeer(peerId: number) { const settings: InputPeerNotifySettings = { _: 'inputPeerNotifySettings' }; const dialog = appMessagesManager.getDialogByPeerId(peerId)[0]; let muted = true; if(dialog && dialog.notify_settings) { muted = dialog.notify_settings.mute_until > (Date.now() / 1000 | 0); } if(!muted) { settings.mute_until = 2147483647; } return appNotificationsManager.updateNotifySettings({ _: 'inputNotifyPeer', peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId) }, settings); } public canWriteToPeer(peerId: number) { if(peerId < 0) { const isChannel = appPeersManager.isChannel(peerId); const hasRights = isChannel && appChatsManager.hasRights(-peerId, 'send_messages'); return !isChannel || hasRights; } else { return appUsersManager.canSendToUser(peerId); } } public finalizePendingMessage(randomId: string, finalMessage: any) { const pendingData = this.pendingByRandomId[randomId]; // this.log('pdata', randomID, pendingData) if(pendingData) { const {peerId, tempId, threadId, storage} = pendingData; [this.getHistoryStorage(peerId), threadId ? this.getHistoryStorage(peerId, threadId) : undefined] .filter(Boolean) .forEach(storage => { storage.history.delete(tempId); }); // this.log('pending', randomID, historyStorage.pending) const message = this.getMessageFromStorage(storage, tempId); if(!message.deleted) { delete message.pFlags.is_outgoing; delete message.pending; delete message.error; delete message.random_id; delete message.send; rootScope.broadcast('messages_pending'); } delete this.pendingByRandomId[randomId]; this.finalizePendingMessageCallbacks(storage, tempId, finalMessage.mid); return message; } return false; } public finalizePendingMessageCallbacks(storage: MessagesStorage, tempId: number, mid: number) { const message = this.getMessageFromStorage(storage, mid); const callbacks = this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[tempId]; //this.log.warn(callbacks, tempId); if(callbacks !== undefined) { for(const name in callbacks) { const {deferred, callback} = callbacks[name]; //this.log(`finalizePendingMessageCallbacks: will invoke ${name} callback`); callback(message).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject); } delete this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[tempId]; } // set cached url to media if(message.media) { if(message.media.photo) { const photo = appPhotosManager.getPhoto('' + tempId); if(/* photo._ !== 'photoEmpty' */photo) { const newPhoto = message.media.photo as MyPhoto; // костыль defineNotNumerableProperties(newPhoto, ['downloaded', 'url']); newPhoto.downloaded = photo.downloaded; newPhoto.url = photo.url; const photoSize = newPhoto.sizes[newPhoto.sizes.length - 1] as PhotoSize.photoSize; defineNotNumerableProperties(photoSize, ['url']); photoSize.url = photo.url; const downloadOptions = appPhotosManager.getPhotoDownloadOptions(newPhoto, photoSize); const fileName = getFileNameByLocation(downloadOptions.location); appDownloadManager.fakeDownload(fileName, photo.url); } } else if(message.media.document) { const doc = appDocsManager.getDoc('' + tempId); if(doc) { if(/* doc._ !== 'documentEmpty' && */doc.type && doc.type !== 'sticker') { const newDoc = message.media.document; newDoc.downloaded = doc.downloaded; newDoc.url = doc.url; const fileName = appDocsManager.getInputFileName(newDoc); appDownloadManager.fakeDownload(fileName, doc.url); } } } else if(message.media.poll) { delete appPollsManager.polls[tempId]; delete appPollsManager.results[tempId]; } } const tempMessage = this.getMessageFromStorage(storage, tempId); delete storage[tempId]; rootScope.broadcast('message_sent', {storage, tempId, tempMessage, mid}); } public incrementMaxSeenId(maxId: number) { if(!maxId || !(!this.maxSeenId || maxId > this.maxSeenId)) { return false; } this.maxSeenId = maxId; apiManager.invokeApi('messages.receivedMessages', { max_id: this.getServerMessageId(maxId) }); } private notifyAboutMessage(message: MyMessage, options: Partial<{ fwdCount: number, peerTypeNotifySettings: PeerNotifySettings }> = {}) { const peerId = this.getMessagePeer(message); let peerString: string; const notification: NotifyOptions = {}; var notificationMessage: string, notificationPhoto: any; const _ = (str: string) => str; const localSettings = appNotificationsManager.getLocalSettings(); if(options.peerTypeNotifySettings.show_previews) { if(message._ === 'message' && message.fwd_from && options.fwdCount) { notificationMessage = 'Forwarded ' + options.fwdCount + ' messages';//fwdMessagesPluralize(options.fwd_count); } else { notificationMessage = this.wrapMessageForReply(message, undefined, undefined, true); } } else { notificationMessage = 'New notification'; } if(peerId > 0) { const fromUser = appUsersManager.getUser(message.fromId); const fromPhoto = appUsersManager.getUserPhoto(message.fromId); notification.title = (fromUser.first_name || '') + (fromUser.first_name && fromUser.last_name ? ' ' : '') + (fromUser.last_name || ''); if(!notification.title) { notification.title = fromUser.phone || _('conversation_unknown_user_raw'); } notificationPhoto = fromPhoto; peerString = appUsersManager.getUserString(peerId); } else { notification.title = appChatsManager.getChat(-peerId).title || _('conversation_unknown_chat_raw'); if(message.fromId) { var fromUser = appUsersManager.getUser(message.fromId); notification.title = (fromUser.first_name || fromUser.last_name || _('conversation_unknown_user_raw')) + ' @ ' + notification.title; } notificationPhoto = appChatsManager.getChatPhoto(-peerId); peerString = appChatsManager.getChatString(-peerId); } notification.title = RichTextProcessor.wrapPlainText(notification.title); notification.onclick = () => { /* rootScope.broadcast('history_focus', { peerString: peerString, messageID: message.flags & 16 ? message.mid : 0 }); */ }; notification.message = notificationMessage; notification.key = 'msg' + message.mid; notification.tag = peerString; notification.silent = true;//message.pFlags.silent || false; /* if(notificationPhoto.location && !notificationPhoto.location.empty) { apiManager.downloadSmallFile(notificationPhoto.location, notificationPhoto.size).then(function (blob) { if (message.pFlags.unread) { notification.image = blob NotificationsManager.notify(notification) } }) } else { */ appNotificationsManager.notify(notification); //} } public getScheduledMessagesStorage(peerId: number) { return this.scheduledMessagesStorage[peerId] ?? (this.scheduledMessagesStorage[peerId] = this.createMessageStorage()); } public getScheduledMessages(peerId: number): Promise { if(!this.canWriteToPeer(peerId)) return Promise.resolve([]); const storage = this.getScheduledMessagesStorage(peerId); if(Object.keys(storage).length) { return Promise.resolve(Object.keys(storage).map(id => +id)); } return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.getScheduledHistory', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), hash: 0 }).then(historyResult => { if(historyResult._ !== 'messages.messagesNotModified') { appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(historyResult.users); appChatsManager.saveApiChats(historyResult.chats); const storage = this.getScheduledMessagesStorage(peerId); this.saveMessages(historyResult.messages, {storage, isScheduled: true}); return Object.keys(storage).map(id => +id); } return []; }); } public sendScheduledMessages(peerId: number, mids: number[]) { return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.sendScheduledMessages', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), id: mids.map(mid => this.getServerMessageId(mid)) }).then(updates => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }); } public deleteScheduledMessages(peerId: number, mids: number[]) { return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.deleteScheduledMessages', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), id: mids.map(mid => this.getServerMessageId(mid)) }).then(updates => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }); } /** * * https://core.telegram.org/api/offsets, offset_id is inclusive */ public getHistory(peerId: number, maxId = 0, limit: number, backLimit?: number, threadId?: number): Promise | HistoryResult { const historyStorage = this.getHistoryStorage(peerId, threadId); let offset = 0; /* let offsetFound = true; if(maxId) { offsetFound = false; for(; offset < historyStorage.history.length; offset++) { if(maxId > historyStorage.history.slice[offset]) { offsetFound = true; break; } } } if(offsetFound && ( historyStorage.count !== null && historyStorage.history.length === historyStorage.count || historyStorage.history.length >= offset + limit )) { if(backLimit) { backLimit = Math.min(offset, backLimit); offset = Math.max(0, offset - backLimit); limit += backLimit; } else { limit = limit; } const history = historyStorage.history.slice.slice(offset, offset + limit); return { count: historyStorage.count, history: history, offsetIdOffset: offset }; } if(offsetFound) { offset = 0; } */ if(backLimit) { offset = -backLimit; limit += backLimit; /* return this.requestHistory(reqPeerId, maxId, limit, offset, undefined, threadId).then((historyResult) => { historyStorage.count = (historyResult as MessagesMessages.messagesMessagesSlice).count || historyResult.messages.length; const history = (historyResult.messages as MyMessage[]).map(message => message.mid); return { count: historyStorage.count, history, offsetIdOffset: (historyResult as MessagesMessages.messagesMessagesSlice).offset_id_offset || 0 }; }); */ } const haveSlice = historyStorage.history.sliceMe(maxId, offset, limit); if(haveSlice && (haveSlice.slice.length === limit || (haveSlice.fulfilled & SliceEnd.Both))) { return { count: historyStorage.count, history: haveSlice.slice, offsetIdOffset: haveSlice.offsetIdOffset }; } return this.fillHistoryStorage(peerId, maxId, limit, offset, historyStorage, threadId).then(() => { const slice = historyStorage.history.sliceMe(maxId, offset, limit); return { count: historyStorage.count, history: slice?.slice || historyStorage.history.constructSlice(), offsetIdOffset: slice?.offsetIdOffset || historyStorage.count }; }); } public fillHistoryStorage(peerId: number, offset_id: number, limit: number, add_offset: number, historyStorage: HistoryStorage, threadId?: number): Promise { return this.requestHistory(peerId, offset_id, limit, add_offset, undefined, threadId).then((historyResult) => { historyStorage.count = (historyResult as MessagesMessages.messagesMessagesSlice).count || historyResult.messages.length; const offsetIdOffset = (historyResult as MessagesMessages.messagesMessagesSlice).offset_id_offset || 0; const isTopEnd = offsetIdOffset >= (historyStorage.count - limit) || historyStorage.count < (limit + add_offset); /* if(!maxId && historyResult.messages.length) { maxId = this.incrementMessageId((historyResult.messages[0] as MyMessage).mid, 1); } const wasTotalCount = historyStorage.history.length; */ historyResult.messages.forEach((message) => { if(this.mergeReplyKeyboard(historyStorage, message)) { rootScope.broadcast('history_reply_markup', {peerId}); } }); const mids = historyResult.messages.map((message) => (message as MyMessage).mid); // * add bound manually. // * offset_id will be inclusive only if there is 'add_offset' <= -1 (-1 - will only include the 'offset_id') if(offset_id && !mids.includes(offset_id) && offsetIdOffset < historyStorage.count) { let i = 0; for(const length = mids.length; i < length; ++i) { if(offset_id > mids[i]) { break; } } mids.splice(i, 0, offset_id); } historyStorage.history.insertSlice(mids); if(isTopEnd) { historyStorage.history.last.setEnd(SliceEnd.Top); } /* const isBackLimit = offset < 0 && -offset !== fullLimit; if(isBackLimit) { return; } const totalCount = historyStorage.history.length; fullLimit -= (totalCount - wasTotalCount); const migratedNextPeer = this.migratedFromTo[peerId]; const migratedPrevPeer = this.migratedToFrom[peerId] const isMigrated = migratedNextPeer !== undefined || migratedPrevPeer !== undefined; if(isMigrated) { historyStorage.count = Math.max(historyStorage.count, totalCount) + 1; } if(fullLimit > 0) { maxId = historyStorage.history.slice[totalCount - 1]; if(isMigrated) { if(!historyResult.messages.length) { if(migratedPrevPeer) { maxId = 0; peerId = migratedPrevPeer; } else { historyStorage.count = totalCount; return true; } } return this.fillHistoryStorage(peerId, maxId, fullLimit, historyStorage, threadId); } else if(totalCount < historyStorage.count) { return this.fillHistoryStorage(peerId, maxId, fullLimit, offset, historyStorage, threadId); } } */ }); } public requestHistory(peerId: number, maxId: number, limit = 0, offset = 0, offsetDate = 0, threadId = 0): Promise> { //console.trace('requestHistory', peerId, maxId, limit, offset); //rootScope.broadcast('history_request'); const options: any = { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), offset_id: this.getServerMessageId(maxId) || 0, offset_date: offsetDate, add_offset: offset, limit, max_id: 0, min_id: 0, hash: 0 }; if(threadId) { options.msg_id = this.getServerMessageId(threadId) || 0; } const promise: ReturnType = apiManager.invokeApi(threadId ? 'messages.getReplies' : 'messages.getHistory', options, { //timeout: APITIMEOUT, noErrorBox: true }) as any; return promise.then((historyResult) => { if(DEBUG) { this.log('requestHistory result:', peerId, historyResult, maxId, limit, offset); } appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(historyResult.users); appChatsManager.saveApiChats(historyResult.chats); this.saveMessages(historyResult.messages); if(appPeersManager.isChannel(peerId)) { apiUpdatesManager.addChannelState(-peerId, (historyResult as MessagesMessages.messagesChannelMessages).pts); } let length = historyResult.messages.length; if(length && historyResult.messages[length - 1].deleted) { historyResult.messages.splice(length - 1, 1); length--; (historyResult as MessagesMessages.messagesMessagesSlice).count--; } // will load more history if last message is album grouped (because it can be not last item) const historyStorage = this.getHistoryStorage(peerId, threadId); // historyResult.messages: desc sorted if(length && (historyResult.messages[length - 1] as Message.message).grouped_id && (historyStorage.history.length + historyResult.messages.length) < (historyResult as MessagesMessages.messagesMessagesSlice).count) { return this.requestHistory(peerId, (historyResult.messages[length - 1] as Message.message).mid, 10, 0, offsetDate, threadId).then((_historyResult) => { return historyResult; }); } return historyResult; }, (error) => { switch (error.type) { case 'CHANNEL_PRIVATE': let channel = appChatsManager.getChat(-peerId); channel = {_: 'channelForbidden', access_hash: channel.access_hash, title: channel.title}; apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updates', updates: [{ _: 'updateChannel', channel_id: -peerId }], chats: [channel], users: [] }); break; } throw error; }); } public fetchSingleMessages() { if(this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise) { return this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise; } return this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { let promises: Promise[] = []; for(const peerId in this.needSingleMessages) { const mids = this.needSingleMessages[peerId]; delete this.needSingleMessages[peerId]; const msgIds: InputMessage[] = mids.map((msgId: number) => { return { _: 'inputMessageID', id: this.getServerMessageId(msgId) }; }); let promise: Promise; if(+peerId < 0 && appPeersManager.isChannel(+peerId)) { promise = apiManager.invokeApi('channels.getMessages', { channel: appChatsManager.getChannelInput(-+peerId), id: msgIds }); } else { promise = apiManager.invokeApi('messages.getMessages', { id: msgIds }); } promises.push(promise.then(getMessagesResult => { if(getMessagesResult._ !== 'messages.messagesNotModified') { appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(getMessagesResult.users); appChatsManager.saveApiChats(getMessagesResult.chats); this.saveMessages(getMessagesResult.messages); } rootScope.broadcast('messages_downloaded', {peerId: +peerId, mids}); })); } Promise.all(promises).finally(() => { this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise = null; if(Object.keys(this.needSingleMessages).length) this.fetchSingleMessages(); resolve(); }); }, 0); }); } public wrapSingleMessage(peerId: number, msgId: number, overwrite = false): Promise { if(!this.getMessageByPeer(peerId, msgId).deleted && !overwrite) { rootScope.broadcast('messages_downloaded', {peerId, mids: [msgId]}); return Promise.resolve(); } else if(!this.needSingleMessages[peerId] || this.needSingleMessages[peerId].indexOf(msgId) === -1) { (this.needSingleMessages[peerId] ?? (this.needSingleMessages[peerId] = [])).push(msgId); return this.fetchSingleMessages(); } else if(this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise) { return this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise; } } public setTyping(peerId: number, _action: any): Promise { if(!rootScope.myId || !peerId || !this.canWriteToPeer(peerId) || peerId === rootScope.myId) return Promise.resolve(false); const action: SendMessageAction = typeof(_action) === 'string' ? {_: _action} : _action; return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.setTyping', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerById(peerId), action }) as Promise; } private handleDeletedMessages(peerId: number, storage: MessagesStorage, messages: number[]) { const history: { count: number, unread: number, msgs: {[mid: number]: true}, albums?: {[groupId: string]: Set}, } = {count: 0, unread: 0, msgs: {}} as any; for(const mid of messages) { const message: MyMessage = this.getMessageFromStorage(storage, mid); if(message.deleted) continue; if((message as Message.message).media) { // @ts-ignore const c = message.media.webpage || message.media; const smth = c.photo || c.document; if(smth?.file_reference) { referenceDatabase.deleteContext(smth.file_reference, {type: 'message', peerId, messageId: mid}); } // @ts-ignore if(message.media.webpage) { // @ts-ignore appWebPagesManager.deleteWebPageFromPending(message.media.webpage, mid); } } this.updateMessageRepliesIfNeeded(message); if(!message.pFlags.out && !message.pFlags.is_outgoing && message.pFlags.unread) { history.unread++; appNotificationsManager.cancel('msg' + mid); } history.count++; history.msgs[mid] = true; message.deleted = true; if(message._ !== 'messageService' && message.grouped_id) { const groupedStorage = this.groupedMessagesStorage[message.grouped_id]; if(groupedStorage) { delete groupedStorage[mid]; if(!history.albums) history.albums = {}; (history.albums[message.grouped_id] || (history.albums[message.grouped_id] = new Set())).add(mid); if(!Object.keys(groupedStorage).length) { delete history.albums; delete this.groupedMessagesStorage[message.grouped_id]; } } } delete storage[mid]; const peerMessagesToHandle = this.newMessagesToHandle[peerId]; if(peerMessagesToHandle && peerMessagesToHandle.has(mid)) { peerMessagesToHandle.delete(mid); } } if(history.albums) { for(const groupId in history.albums) { rootScope.broadcast('album_edit', {peerId, groupId, deletedMids: [...history.albums[groupId]]}); /* const mids = this.getMidsByAlbum(groupId); if(mids.length) { const mid = Math.max(...mids); rootScope.$broadcast('message_edit', {peerId, mid, justMedia: false}); } */ } } return history; } private handleEditedMessage(oldMessage: any, newMessage: any) { if(oldMessage.media?.webpage) { appWebPagesManager.deleteWebPageFromPending(oldMessage.media.webpage, oldMessage.mid); } } } const appMessagesManager = new AppMessagesManager(); MOUNT_CLASS_TO.appMessagesManager = appMessagesManager; export default appMessagesManager;