import type { AppMessagesManager } from "../../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager"; import type { AppPeersManager } from "../../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager"; import type ChatTopbar from "./topbar"; import { ScreenSize } from "../../helpers/mediaSizes"; import PopupPinMessage from "../popups/unpinMessage"; import PinnedContainer from "./pinnedContainer"; import PinnedMessageBorder from "./pinnedMessageBorder"; import ReplyContainer, { wrapReplyDivAndCaption } from "./replyContainer"; import rootScope from "../../lib/rootScope"; import { cancelEvent, findUpClassName, getElementByPoint, handleScrollSideEvent } from "../../helpers/dom"; import Chat from "./chat"; import ListenerSetter from "../../helpers/listenerSetter"; import ButtonIcon from "../buttonIcon"; import { debounce } from "../../helpers/schedulers"; class AnimatedSuper { static DURATION = 200; static BASE_CLASS = 'animated-super'; container: HTMLDivElement; rows: {[index: string]: {element: HTMLElement, timeout?: number, new?: true}} = {}; clearTimeout: number; constructor() { this.container = document.createElement('div'); this.container.className = AnimatedSuper.BASE_CLASS; } public getRow(index: number, animateFirst = false) { if(this.rows[index]) return this.rows[index].element; const row = document.createElement('div'); const isFirst = !Object.keys(this.rows).length && !animateFirst; row.className = AnimatedSuper.BASE_CLASS + '-row' + (isFirst ? '' : ' is-hiding hide'); this.rows[index] = {element: row, new: true}; this.container.append(row); return row; } public clearRow(index: number) { if(!this.rows[index]) return; this.rows[index].element.remove(); delete this.rows[index]; } public clearRows(currentIndex?: number) { if(this.clearTimeout) clearTimeout(this.clearTimeout); this.clearTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => { for(const i in this.rows) { if(+i === currentIndex) continue; this.clearRow(+i); } }, AnimatedSuper.DURATION); } public setNewRow(index: number, reflow = false) { const row = this.rows[index]; if( { if(reflow) { row.element.classList.remove('hide'); void row.element.offsetLeft; // reflow } else { row.element.classList.remove('is-hiding', 'hide'); } delete; } this.clearRows(index); } public animate(index: number, previousIndex: number, fromTop = index > previousIndex, ignorePrevious = false) { if(index === previousIndex) { // * handle if set index 0 and previousIndex 0 return this.setNewRow(index); } const row = this.rows[index]; const previousRow = this.rows[previousIndex]; if(!previousRow && !ignorePrevious) { return this.setNewRow(index); } const sides = ['from-top', 'from-bottom']; if(!fromTop) sides.reverse(); row.element.classList.add(sides[0]); row.element.classList.remove(sides[1]); if(previousRow) { previousRow.element.classList.add(sides[1]); previousRow.element.classList.remove(sides[0]); } if( { this.setNewRow(index, true); } row.element.classList.toggle('is-hiding', false); previousRow && previousRow.element.classList.toggle('is-hiding', true); /* const height = row.element.getBoundingClientRect().height; = `translateY(${fromTop ? height * -1 : height}px)`; if(previousRow) { = `translateY(${fromTop ? height : height * -1}px)`; } */ /*'--height', row.element.getBoundingClientRect().height + 'px'); if(previousRow) {'--height', previousRow.element.getBoundingClientRect().height + 'px'); } */ this.clearRows(index); } } class AnimatedCounter { static EMPTY_INDEX = -1; static BASE_CLASS = 'animated-counter'; container: HTMLElement; decimals: { container: HTMLElement, placeholder: HTMLElement, animatedSuper: AnimatedSuper }[] = []; previousNumber = 0; clearTimeout: number; constructor(private reverse = false) { this.container = document.createElement('div'); this.container.className = AnimatedCounter.BASE_CLASS; } getDecimal(index: number) { if(this.decimals[index]) return this.decimals[index]; const item = document.createElement('div'); item.className = AnimatedCounter.BASE_CLASS + '-decimal'; const placeholder = document.createElement('div'); placeholder.className = AnimatedCounter.BASE_CLASS + '-decimal-placeholder'; const animatedSuper = new AnimatedSuper(); animatedSuper.container.className = AnimatedCounter.BASE_CLASS + '-decimal-wrapper'; item.append(placeholder, animatedSuper.container); this.container.append(item); return this.decimals[index] = {container: item, placeholder, animatedSuper}; } clear(number: number) { if(this.clearTimeout) clearTimeout(this.clearTimeout); const decimals = ('' + number).length; if(decimals >= this.decimals.length) { return; } this.clearTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => { const byDecimal = this.decimals.splice(decimals, this.decimals.length - decimals); byDecimal.forEach((decimal) => { decimal.container.remove(); }); }, AnimatedSuper.DURATION); } /* prepareNumber(number: number) { const decimals = ('' + number).length; if(this.decimals.length < decimals) { for(let i = this.decimals.length; i < decimals; ++i) { this.getDecimal(i); } } } */ hideLeft(number: number) { const decimals = ('' + number).length; const byDecimal = this.decimals.slice(decimals);//this.decimals.splice(deleteCount, this.decimals.length - deleteCount); byDecimal.forEach((decimal) => { const previousDecimalNumber = +decimal.placeholder.innerText || 0; const row = decimal.animatedSuper.getRow(AnimatedCounter.EMPTY_INDEX, true); decimal.animatedSuper.animate(AnimatedCounter.EMPTY_INDEX, previousDecimalNumber, this.reverse ? number < this.previousNumber : number > this.previousNumber, true); }); this.clear(number); } setCount(number: number) { //this.prepareNumber(number); const previousByDecimal = Array.from('' + this.previousNumber).map(n => +n); const byDecimal = Array.from('' + number).map(n => +n); byDecimal.forEach((decimalNumber, idx) => { const decimal = this.getDecimal(idx); //const row = decimal.animatedSuper.getRow(number, true); const row = decimal.animatedSuper.getRow(decimalNumber, true); const previousDecimalNumber = previousByDecimal[idx] ?? AnimatedCounter.EMPTY_INDEX; row.innerText = decimal.placeholder.innerText = '' + decimalNumber; //decimal.animatedSuper.animate(number, this.previousNumber, this.reverse ? number < this.previousNumber : number > this.previousNumber, true); decimal.animatedSuper.animate(decimalNumber, previousDecimalNumber, this.reverse ? number < this.previousNumber : number > this.previousNumber, true); }); this.hideLeft(number); //this.clear(number); this.previousNumber = number; } } export default class ChatPinnedMessage { public static LOAD_COUNT = 50; public static LOAD_OFFSET = 5; public pinnedMessageContainer: PinnedContainer; public pinnedMessageBorder: PinnedMessageBorder; public pinnedMaxMid = 0; public pinnedMid = 0; public pinnedIndex = -1; public wasPinnedIndex = 0; public wasPinnedMediaIndex = 0; public locked = false; public waitForScrollBottom = false; public count = 0; public mids: number[] = []; public offsetIndex = 0; public loading = false; public loadedBottom = false; public loadedTop = false; public animatedSubtitle: AnimatedSuper; public animatedMedia: AnimatedSuper; public animatedCounter: AnimatedCounter; public listenerSetter: ListenerSetter; public scrollDownListenerSetter: ListenerSetter = null; public hidden = false; public getCurrentIndexPromise: Promise = null; public btnOpen: HTMLButtonElement; public setPinnedMessage: () => void; constructor(private topbar: ChatTopbar, private chat: Chat, private appMessagesManager: AppMessagesManager, private appPeersManager: AppPeersManager) { this.listenerSetter = new ListenerSetter(); this.pinnedMessageContainer = new PinnedContainer(topbar, chat, this.listenerSetter, 'message', new ReplyContainer('pinned-message'), async() => { if(appPeersManager.canPinMessage(this.topbar.peerId)) { new PopupPinMessage(this.topbar.peerId, this.pinnedMid, true); } else { new PopupPinMessage(this.topbar.peerId, 0, true); } return false; }); this.pinnedMessageBorder = new PinnedMessageBorder(); this.pinnedMessageContainer.divAndCaption.border.replaceWith(this.pinnedMessageBorder.render(1, 0)); this.animatedSubtitle = new AnimatedSuper(); this.pinnedMessageContainer.divAndCaption.subtitle.append(this.animatedSubtitle.container); this.animatedMedia = new AnimatedSuper(); this.animatedMedia.container.classList.add('pinned-message-media-container'); this.pinnedMessageContainer.divAndCaption.content.prepend(this.animatedMedia.container); this.animatedCounter = new AnimatedCounter(true); this.pinnedMessageContainer.divAndCaption.title.innerHTML = 'Pinned Message '; this.pinnedMessageContainer.divAndCaption.title.append(this.animatedCounter.container); this.btnOpen = ButtonIcon('pinlist pinned-container-close pinned-message-pinlist', {noRipple: true}); this.pinnedMessageContainer.divAndCaption.container.prepend(this.btnOpen); this.listenerSetter.add(this.btnOpen, 'click', (e) => { cancelEvent(e); this.topbar.openPinned(true); }); this.listenerSetter.add(rootScope, 'peer_pinned_messages', (e) => { const peerId = e.detail.peerId; if(peerId == this.topbar.peerId) { //this.wasPinnedIndex = 0; //setTimeout(() => { if(this.hidden) { this.pinnedMessageContainer.toggle(this.hidden = false); } this.loadedTop = this.loadedBottom = false; this.pinnedIndex = -1; this.pinnedMid = 0; this.count = 0; this.mids = []; this.offsetIndex = 0; this.pinnedMaxMid = 0; this.setCorrectIndex(0); //}, 300); } }); this.listenerSetter.add(rootScope, 'peer_pinned_hidden', (e) => { const {peerId, maxId} = e.detail; if(peerId == this.topbar.peerId) { this.pinnedMessageContainer.toggle(this.hidden = true); } }); // * 200 - no lags // * 100 - need test this.setPinnedMessage = debounce(() => this._setPinnedMessage(), 100, true, true); } public destroy() { this.pinnedMessageContainer.divAndCaption.container.remove(); this.pinnedMessageContainer.toggle(true); this.listenerSetter.removeAll(); this.unsetScrollDownListener(false); } public setCorrectIndex(lastScrollDirection?: number) { //return; if(this.locked || this.hidden/* || || */) { return; } if((this.loadedBottom || this.loadedTop) && !this.count) { return; } //const perf =; let el = getElementByPoint(, 'bottom'); //'[PM]: setCorrectIndex: get last element perf:', - perf, el); if(!el) return; el = findUpClassName(el, 'bubble'); if(!el) return; //return; const mid = el.dataset.mid; if(el && mid !== undefined) {'[PM]: setCorrectIndex will test mid:', mid); this.testMid(+mid, lastScrollDirection); } } public testMid(mid: number, lastScrollDirection?: number) { //if(lastScrollDirection !== undefined) return; if(this.hidden) return;'[PM]: testMid', mid); let currentIndex: number = this.mids.findIndex(_mid => _mid <= mid); if(currentIndex !== -1 && !this.isNeededMore(currentIndex)) { currentIndex += this.offsetIndex; } else if(this.loadedTop && mid < this.mids[this.mids.length - 1]) { //currentIndex = 0; currentIndex = this.mids.length - 1 + this.offsetIndex; } else { if(!this.getCurrentIndexPromise) { this.getCurrentIndexPromise = this.getCurrentIndex(mid, lastScrollDirection !== undefined); } return; } //const idx = Math.max(0, this.mids.indexOf(mid)); /* if(currentIndex == this.count) { currentIndex = 0; } */'[PM]: testMid: pinned currentIndex', currentIndex, mid); const changed = this.pinnedIndex != currentIndex; if(changed) { if(this.waitForScrollBottom && lastScrollDirection !== undefined) { if(this.pinnedIndex === 0 || this.pinnedIndex > currentIndex) { // если не скроллил вниз и пытается поставить нижний пиннед - выйти return; } } this.pinnedIndex = currentIndex; this.pinnedMid = this.mids.find(_mid => _mid <= mid) || this.mids[this.mids.length - 1]; this.setPinnedMessage(); } } private isNeededMore(currentIndex: number) { return (this.count > ChatPinnedMessage.LOAD_COUNT && ( (!this.loadedBottom && currentIndex <= ChatPinnedMessage.LOAD_OFFSET) || (!this.loadedTop && (this.count - 1 - currentIndex) <= ChatPinnedMessage.LOAD_OFFSET) ) ); } private async getCurrentIndex(mid: number, correctAfter = true) { if(this.loading) return; this.loading = true; try { let gotRest = false; const promises = [ this.appMessagesManager.getSearch(this.topbar.peerId, '', {_: 'inputMessagesFilterPinned'}, mid, ChatPinnedMessage.LOAD_COUNT, 0, ChatPinnedMessage.LOAD_COUNT) .then(r => { gotRest = true; return r; }) ]; if(!this.pinnedMaxMid) { const promise = this.appMessagesManager.getPinnedMessage(this.topbar.peerId).then(p => { if(!p.maxId) return; this.pinnedMaxMid = p.maxId; if(!gotRest && correctAfter) { this.mids = [this.pinnedMaxMid]; this.count = p.count; this.pinnedIndex = 0; this.pinnedMid = this.mids[0]; this.setPinnedMessage(); //this.pinnedMessageContainer.toggle(false); } }); promises.push(promise as any); } const result = (await Promise.all(promises))[0]; let backLimited = result.history.findIndex(message => message.mid <= mid); if(backLimited === -1) { backLimited = result.history.length; }/* else { backLimited -= 1; } */ this.offsetIndex = result.offset_id_offset ? result.offset_id_offset - backLimited : 0; this.mids = => message.mid).slice(); this.count = result.count; if(!this.count) { this.pinnedMessageContainer.toggle(true); } this.loadedTop = (this.offsetIndex + this.mids.length) == this.count; this.loadedBottom = !this.offsetIndex;'[PM]: getCurrentIndex result:', mid, result, backLimited, this.offsetIndex, this.loadedTop, this.loadedBottom); } catch(err) {'[PM]: getCurrentIndex error', err); } this.loading = false; if(this.locked) { this.testMid(mid); } else if(correctAfter) { this.setCorrectIndex(0); } this.getCurrentIndexPromise = null; //return result.offset_id_offset || 0; } public setScrollDownListener() { this.waitForScrollBottom = true; if(!this.scrollDownListenerSetter) { this.scrollDownListenerSetter = new ListenerSetter(); handleScrollSideEvent(, 'bottom', () => { this.unsetScrollDownListener(); }, this.scrollDownListenerSetter); } } public unsetScrollDownListener(refreshPosition = true) { this.waitForScrollBottom = false; if(this.scrollDownListenerSetter) { this.scrollDownListenerSetter.removeAll(); this.scrollDownListenerSetter = null; } if(refreshPosition) { this.setCorrectIndex(0); } } public async handleFollowingPinnedMessage() { this.locked = true;'[PM]: handleFollowingPinnedMessage'); try { this.setScrollDownListener(); const setPeerPromise =; if(setPeerPromise instanceof Promise) { await setPeerPromise; } await; if(this.getCurrentIndexPromise) { await this.getCurrentIndexPromise; }'[PM]: handleFollowingPinnedMessage: unlock'); this.locked = false; /* // подождём, пока скролл остановится setTimeout(() => {'[PM]: handleFollowingPinnedMessage: unlock'); this.locked = false; }, 50); */ } catch(err) {'[PM]: handleFollowingPinnedMessage error:', err); this.locked = false; this.waitForScrollBottom = false; this.setCorrectIndex(0); } } public async followPinnedMessage(mid: number) { const message =; if(message && !message.deleted) {, mid); ( || Promise.resolve()).then(() => { // * debounce fast clicker this.handleFollowingPinnedMessage(); this.testMid(this.pinnedIndex >= (this.count - 1) ? this.pinnedMaxMid : mid - 1); }); } } public onChangeScreen(from: ScreenSize, to: ScreenSize) { this.pinnedMessageContainer.divAndCaption.container.classList.toggle('is-floating', to == /* || (!this.chatAudio.divAndCaption.container.classList.contains('hide') && to == ScreenSize.medium) */); } public _setPinnedMessage() { /////this.log('setting pinned message', message); //return; /* const promise: Promise = || || Promise.resolve(); Promise.all([ promise ]).then(() => { */ //const mids = results[0]; const count = this.count; if(count) { const pinnedIndex = this.pinnedIndex; const message =; //this.animatedCounter.prepareNumber(count); //setTimeout(() => { const isLast = pinnedIndex === 0; this.animatedCounter.container.classList.toggle('is-last', isLast); //SetTransition(this.animatedCounter.container, 'is-last', isLast, AnimatedSuper.DURATION); if(!isLast) { this.animatedCounter.setCount(count - pinnedIndex); } //}, 100); //this.pinnedMessageContainer.fill(undefined, message.message, message); this.pinnedMessageContainer.toggle(false); const fromTop = pinnedIndex > this.wasPinnedIndex;'[PM]: setPinnedMessage: fromTop', fromTop, pinnedIndex, this.wasPinnedIndex); const writeTo = this.animatedSubtitle.getRow(pinnedIndex); const writeMediaTo = this.animatedMedia.getRow(pinnedIndex); writeMediaTo.classList.add('pinned-message-media'); //writeMediaTo.innerHTML = = writeMediaTo.dataset.docId = ''; const isMediaSet = wrapReplyDivAndCaption({ title: undefined, titleEl: null, subtitle: message.message, subtitleEl: writeTo, message, mediaEl: writeMediaTo }); this.pinnedMessageContainer.divAndCaption.container.classList.toggle('is-media', isMediaSet); //if(this.wasPinnedIndex != this.pinnedIndex) { this.animatedSubtitle.animate(pinnedIndex, this.wasPinnedIndex); if(isMediaSet) { this.animatedMedia.animate(pinnedIndex, this.wasPinnedMediaIndex); // * wasPinnedMediaIndex из-за того, что блок меняется с другим алгоритмом this.wasPinnedMediaIndex = pinnedIndex; } else { this.animatedMedia.clearRows(); } //} this.pinnedMessageBorder.render(count, count - pinnedIndex - 1); this.wasPinnedIndex = pinnedIndex; this.pinnedMessageContainer.divAndCaption.container.dataset.mid = '' + message.mid; } else { this.pinnedMessageContainer.toggle(true); this.wasPinnedIndex = 0; } this.pinnedMessageContainer.divAndCaption.container.classList.toggle('is-many', this.count > 1); //}); } }