/* * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE */ import { readBlobAsUint8Array } from "../../helpers/blob"; import { CancellablePromise, deferredPromise } from "../../helpers/cancellablePromise"; import { getWindowClients, notifySomeone } from "../../helpers/context"; import debounce from "../../helpers/schedulers/debounce"; import { isSafari } from "../../helpers/userAgent"; import { InputFileLocation, UploadFile } from "../../layer"; import CacheStorageController from "../cacheStorage"; import { DownloadOptions } from "../mtproto/apiFileManager"; import { RequestFilePartTask, deferredPromises, log } from "./index.service"; import timeout from "./timeout"; const cacheStorage = new CacheStorageController('cachedStreamChunks'); const CHUNK_TTL = 86400; const CHUNK_CACHED_TIME_HEADER = 'Time-Cached'; const clearOldChunks = () => { return cacheStorage.timeoutOperation((cache) => { return cache.keys().then(requests => { const filtered: Map = new Map(); const timestamp = Date.now() / 1000 | 0; for(const request of requests) { const match = request.url.match(/\/(\d+?)\?/); if(match && !filtered.has(match[1])) { filtered.set(match[1], request); } } const promises: Promise[] = []; for(const [id, request] of filtered) { const promise = cache.match(request).then((response) => { if((+response.headers.get(CHUNK_CACHED_TIME_HEADER) + CHUNK_TTL) <= timestamp) { log('will delete stream chunk:', id); return cache.delete(request, {ignoreSearch: true, ignoreVary: true}); } }); promises.push(promise); } return Promise.all(promises); }); }); }; setInterval(clearOldChunks, 1800e3); setInterval(() => { getWindowClients().then((clients) => { for(const [clientId, promises] of deferredPromises) { if(!clients.find(client => client.id === clientId)) { for(const taskId in promises) { const promise = promises[taskId]; promise.reject(); } deferredPromises.delete(clientId); } } }); }, 120e3); type StreamRange = [number, number]; type StreamId = string; const streams: Map = new Map(); class Stream { private destroyDebounced: () => void; private id: StreamId; private limitPart: number; private loadedOffsets: Set = new Set(); constructor(private info: DownloadOptions) { this.id = Stream.getId(info); streams.set(this.id, this); // ! если грузить очень большое видео чанками по 512Кб в мобильном Safari, то стрим не запустится this.limitPart = info.size > (75 * 1024 * 1024) ? STREAM_CHUNK_UPPER_LIMIT : STREAM_CHUNK_MIDDLE_LIMIT; this.destroyDebounced = debounce(this.destroy, 150000, false, true); } private destroy = () => { streams.delete(this.id); }; private async requestFilePartFromWorker(alignedOffset: number, limit: number, fromPreload = false) { const task: Omit = { type: 'requestFilePart', payload: [this.info.dcId, this.info.location, alignedOffset, limit] }; const taskId = JSON.stringify(task); (task as RequestFilePartTask).id = taskId; const windowClient = await getWindowClients().then((clients) => { if(!clients.length) { return; } return clients.find(client => deferredPromises.has(client.id)) || clients[0]; }); if(!windowClient) { throw new Error('no window'); } let promises = deferredPromises.get(windowClient.id); if(!promises) { deferredPromises.set(windowClient.id, promises = {}); } let deferred = promises[taskId] as CancellablePromise; if(deferred) { return deferred.then(uploadFile => uploadFile.bytes); } windowClient.postMessage(task); this.loadedOffsets.add(alignedOffset); deferred = promises[taskId] = deferredPromise(); const bytesPromise = deferred.then(uploadFile => uploadFile.bytes); this.saveChunkToCache(bytesPromise, alignedOffset, limit); !fromPreload && this.preloadChunks(alignedOffset, alignedOffset + (this.limitPart * 15)); return bytesPromise; } private requestFilePartFromCache(alignedOffset: number, limit: number, fromPreload?: boolean) { const key = this.getChunkKey(alignedOffset, limit); return cacheStorage.getFile(key).then((blob: Blob) => { return fromPreload ? new Uint8Array() : readBlobAsUint8Array(blob); }, (error) => { if(error === 'NO_ENTRY_FOUND') { return; } }); } private requestFilePart(alignedOffset: number, limit: number, fromPreload?: boolean) { return this.requestFilePartFromCache(alignedOffset, limit, fromPreload).then(bytes => { return bytes || this.requestFilePartFromWorker(alignedOffset, limit, fromPreload); }); } private saveChunkToCache(deferred: Promise, alignedOffset: number, limit: number) { return deferred.then(bytes => { const key = this.getChunkKey(alignedOffset, limit); const response = new Response(bytes, { headers: { 'Content-Length': '' + bytes.length, 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream', [CHUNK_CACHED_TIME_HEADER]: '' + (Date.now() / 1000 | 0) } }); return cacheStorage.save(key, response); }); } private preloadChunk(offset: number) { if(this.loadedOffsets.has(offset)) { return; } this.loadedOffsets.add(offset); this.requestFilePart(offset, this.limitPart, true); } private preloadChunks(offset: number, end: number) { if(end > this.info.size) { end = this.info.size; } if(!offset) { // load last chunk for bounds this.preloadChunk(alignOffset(offset, this.limitPart)); } else { // don't preload next chunks before the start for(; offset < end; offset += this.limitPart) { this.preloadChunk(offset); } } } public requestRange(range: StreamRange) { this.destroyDebounced(); const possibleResponse = responseForSafariFirstRange(range, this.info.mimeType, this.info.size); if(possibleResponse) { return possibleResponse; } let [offset, end] = range; /* if(info.size > limitPart && isSafari && offset === limitPart) { //end = info.size - 1; //offset = info.size - 1 - limitPart; offset = info.size - (info.size % limitPart); } */ const limit = end && end < this.limitPart ? alignLimit(end - offset + 1) : this.limitPart; const alignedOffset = alignOffset(offset, limit); if(!end) { end = Math.min(offset + limit, this.info.size - 1); } return this.requestFilePart(alignedOffset, limit).then(ab => { //log.debug('[stream] requestFilePart result:', result); // if(isSafari) { if(offset !== alignedOffset || end !== (alignedOffset + limit)) { ab = ab.slice(offset - alignedOffset, end - alignedOffset + 1); } const headers: Record = { 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes', 'Content-Range': `bytes ${offset}-${offset + ab.byteLength - 1}/${this.info.size || '*'}`, 'Content-Length': `${ab.byteLength}` }; if(this.info.mimeType) { headers['Content-Type'] = this.info.mimeType; } // simulate slow connection //setTimeout(() => { return new Response(ab, { status: 206, statusText: 'Partial Content', headers, }); //}, 2.5e3); }); } private getChunkKey(alignedOffset: number, limit: number) { return this.id + '?offset=' + alignedOffset + '&limit=' + limit; } public static get(info: DownloadOptions) { return streams.get(this.getId(info)) ?? new Stream(info); } private static getId(info: DownloadOptions) { return (info.location as InputFileLocation.inputDocumentFileLocation).id; } } export default function onStreamFetch(event: FetchEvent, params: string) { const range = parseRange(event.request.headers.get('Range')); const info: DownloadOptions = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(params)); const stream = Stream.get(info); //log.debug('[stream]', url, offset, end); event.respondWith(Promise.race([ timeout(45 * 1000), stream.requestRange(range) ])); } function responseForSafariFirstRange(range: StreamRange, mimeType: string, size: number): Response { if(range[0] === 0 && range[1] === 1) { return new Response(new Uint8Array(2).buffer, { status: 206, statusText: 'Partial Content', headers: { 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes', 'Content-Range': `bytes 0-1/${size || '*'}`, 'Content-Length': '2', 'Content-Type': mimeType || 'video/mp4', }, }); } return null; } /* const STREAM_CHUNK_UPPER_LIMIT = 256 * 1024; const SMALLEST_CHUNK_LIMIT = 256 * 4; */ /* const STREAM_CHUNK_UPPER_LIMIT = 1024 * 1024; const SMALLEST_CHUNK_LIMIT = 1024 * 4; */ const STREAM_CHUNK_MIDDLE_LIMIT = 512 * 1024; const STREAM_CHUNK_UPPER_LIMIT = 1024 * 1024; const SMALLEST_CHUNK_LIMIT = 512 * 4; function parseRange(header: string): StreamRange { if(!header) return [0, 0]; const [, chunks] = header.split('='); const ranges = chunks.split(', '); const [offset, end] = ranges[0].split('-'); return [+offset, +end || 0]; } function alignOffset(offset: number, base = SMALLEST_CHUNK_LIMIT) { return offset - (offset % base); } function alignLimit(limit: number) { return 2 ** Math.ceil(Math.log(limit) / Math.log(2)); }