/* * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE */ import { MOUNT_CLASS_TO } from "../config/debug"; /** * Descend sorted storage */ type ItemType = number; export enum SliceEnd { None = 0, Top = 1, Bottom = 2, Both = SliceEnd.Top | SliceEnd.Bottom }; export interface Slice extends Array { //slicedArray: SlicedArray; end: SliceEnd; isEnd: (side: SliceEnd) => boolean; setEnd: (side: SliceEnd) => void; unsetEnd: (side: SliceEnd) => void; slice: (from?: number, to?: number) => Slice; splice: (start: number, deleteCount: number, ...items: ItemType[]) => Slice; } export interface SliceConstructor { new(...items: ItemType[]): Slice; } // TODO: Clear empty arrays after deleting items export default class SlicedArray { private slices: Slice[]/* = [[7,6,5],[4,3,2],[1,0,-1]] */; private sliceConstructor: SliceConstructor; constructor() { // @ts-ignore this.sliceConstructor = SlicedArray.getSliceConstructor(this); const first = this.constructSlice(); //first.setEnd(SliceEnd.Bottom); this.slices = [first]; } private static getSliceConstructor(slicedArray: SlicedArray) { return class Slice extends Array implements Slice { //slicedArray: SlicedArray; end: SliceEnd = SliceEnd.None; /* constructor(...items: ItemType[]) { super(...items); //this.slicedArray = slicedArray; } */ isEnd(side: SliceEnd): boolean { if((this.end & side) === side) { return true; }/* else if(!this.slicedArray) { return false; } */ let isEnd = false; if(side === SliceEnd.Top) { const slice = slicedArray.last; isEnd = slice.end & side ? this.includes(slice[slice.length - 1])/* || !slice.length */ : false; } else if(side === SliceEnd.Bottom) { const slice = slicedArray.first; isEnd = slice.end & side ? this.includes(slice[0])/* || !slice.length */ : false; } else if(side === SliceEnd.Both) { return this.isEnd(SliceEnd.Top) && this.isEnd(SliceEnd.Bottom); } if(isEnd) { this.setEnd(side); } return isEnd; } setEnd(side: SliceEnd) { this.end |= side; } unsetEnd(side: SliceEnd) { this.end ^= side; } splice(start: number, deleteCount: number, ...items: ItemType[]) { const ret = super.splice(start, deleteCount, ...items); if(!this.length) { const slices = slicedArray.slices as number[][]; const idx = slices.indexOf(this); if(idx !== -1) { if(slices.length === 1) { // left empty slice without ends this.unsetEnd(SliceEnd.Both); } else { // delete this slice slices.splice(idx, 1); } } } return ret; } } } public constructSlice(...items: ItemType[]) { //const slice = new Slice(this, ...items); // can't pass items directly to constructor because first argument is length const slice = new this.sliceConstructor(items.length); for(let i = 0, length = items.length; i < length; ++i) { slice[i] = items[i]; } return slice; // ! code below will slow execution in 15 times /* const self = this; const p: Slice = new Proxy(slice, { get: function(target, name: any) { if(name === 'constructor') { const p = new Proxy(Slice, { construct: (target, args) => { return self.constructSlice(...args); } }); return p; } return target[name]; } }); return p; */ /* var p = slicedArray.constructSlice(); p.length = 100000; p.fill(255); var a = new Array(100000); a.fill(255); var b = 0; var perf = performance.now(); for(var i = 0; i < p.length; ++i) { b += p[i]; } console.log('perf 1', performance.now() - perf); b = 0; perf = performance.now(); for(var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { b += a[i]; } console.log('perf 2', performance.now() - perf); */ } public insertSlice(slice: ItemType[], flatten = true) { if(!slice.length) { return; } const first = this.slices[0]; if(!first.length) { first.push(...slice); return first; } const lowerBound = slice[slice.length - 1]; const upperBound = slice[0]; let foundSlice: Slice, lowerIndex = -1, upperIndex = -1, foundSliceIndex = 0; for(; foundSliceIndex < this.slices.length; ++foundSliceIndex) { foundSlice = this.slices[foundSliceIndex]; lowerIndex = foundSlice.indexOf(lowerBound); upperIndex = foundSlice.indexOf(upperBound); if(upperIndex !== -1 && -1 !== lowerIndex) { break; } else if(upperIndex !== -1 || -1 !== lowerIndex) { break; } } if(upperIndex !== -1 && -1 !== lowerIndex) { } else if(upperIndex !== -1) { // ([1, 2, 3] | [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] const sliced = slice.slice(foundSlice.length - upperIndex); foundSlice.push(...sliced); } else if(lowerIndex !== -1) { // ([1, 2, 3] | [-1, 0, 1]) -> [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3] const sliced = slice.slice(0, slice.length - lowerIndex - 1); foundSlice.unshift(...sliced); } else { let insertIndex = 0; for(const length = this.slices.length; insertIndex < length; ++insertIndex) { // * maybe should iterate from the end, could be faster ? const s = this.slices[insertIndex]; if(slice[0] > s[0]) { break; } } this.slices.splice(insertIndex, 0, this.constructSlice(...slice)); foundSliceIndex = insertIndex; } if(flatten) { return this.flatten(foundSliceIndex); } } private flatten(foundSliceIndex: number) { if(this.slices.length >= 2) { for(let i = 0, length = this.slices.length; i < (length - 1); ++i) { const prevSlice = this.slices[i]; const nextSlice = this.slices[i + 1]; const upperIndex = prevSlice.indexOf(nextSlice[0]); if(upperIndex !== -1) { prevSlice.setEnd(nextSlice.end); this.slices.splice(i + 1, 1); if(i < foundSliceIndex) { --foundSliceIndex; } --length; // respect array bounds --i; // repeat from the same place this.insertSlice(nextSlice, false); } } } return this.slices[foundSliceIndex]; } // * get first() { return this.slices[0]; } get last() { return this.slices[this.slices.length - 1]; } get slice() { return this.first; } get length() { return this.slice.length; } public findSlice(item: ItemType) { for(let i = 0, length = this.slices.length; i < length; ++i) { const slice = this.slices[i]; const index = slice.indexOf(item); if(index !== -1) { return {slice, index}; } } return undefined; } public findSliceOffset(maxId: number) { let slice: Slice; for(let i = 0; i < this.slices.length; ++i) { let offset = 0; slice = this.slices[i]; if(slice.length < 2) { continue; } for(; offset < slice.length; offset++) { if(maxId >= slice[offset]) { /* if(!offset) { // because can't find 3 in [[5,4], [2,1]] return undefined; } */ return { slice, offset: maxId === slice[offset] ? offset : offset - 1 }; } } } if(slice && slice.isEnd(SliceEnd.Top)) { return { slice, offset: slice.length }; } return undefined; } // * https://core.telegram.org/api/offsets public sliceMe(offsetId: number, add_offset: number, limit: number) { let slice = this.slice; let offset = 0; let sliceOffset = 0; if(offsetId) { const pos = this.findSliceOffset(offsetId); if(!pos) { return undefined; } slice = pos.slice; offset = sliceOffset = pos.offset; if(slice.includes(offsetId)) { sliceOffset += 1; } /* if(slice.includes(offsetId) && add_offset < 0) { add_offset += 1; } */ } let sliceStart = Math.max(sliceOffset + add_offset, 0); let sliceEnd = sliceOffset + add_offset + limit; //const fixHalfBackLimit = add_offset && !(limit / add_offset % 2) && (sliceEnd % 2) ? 1 : 0; //sliceEnd += fixHalfBackLimit; const sliced = slice.slice(sliceStart, sliceEnd) as Slice; const topWasMeantToLoad = add_offset < 0 ? limit + add_offset : limit; const bottomWasMeantToLoad = Math.abs(add_offset); // can use 'slice' here to check because if it's end, then 'sliced' is out of 'slice' // useful when there is only 1 message in chat on its reopening const topFulfilled = (slice.length - sliceOffset) >= topWasMeantToLoad || (slice.isEnd(SliceEnd.Top) ? (sliced.setEnd(SliceEnd.Top), true) : false); const bottomFulfilled = (sliceOffset - bottomWasMeantToLoad) >= 0 || (slice.isEnd(SliceEnd.Bottom) ? (sliced.setEnd(SliceEnd.Bottom), true) : false); //console.log('sliceMe', topFulfilled, bottomFulfilled); return { slice: sliced, offsetIdOffset: offset, fulfilled: SliceEnd.None | (topFulfilled && bottomFulfilled ? SliceEnd.Both : ((topFulfilled ? SliceEnd.Top : SliceEnd.None) | (bottomFulfilled ? SliceEnd.Bottom : SliceEnd.None))) }; } public unshift(...items: ItemType[]) { let slice = this.first; if(!slice.length) { slice.setEnd(SliceEnd.Bottom); } else if(!slice.isEnd(SliceEnd.Bottom)) { slice = this.constructSlice(); slice.setEnd(SliceEnd.Bottom); this.slices.unshift(slice); } slice.unshift(...items); } public push(...items: ItemType[]) { let slice = this.last; if(!slice.length) { slice.setEnd(SliceEnd.Top); } else if(!slice.isEnd(SliceEnd.Top)) { slice = this.constructSlice(); slice.setEnd(SliceEnd.Top); this.slices.push(slice); } slice.push(...items); } public delete(item: ItemType) { const found = this.findSlice(item); if(found) { found.slice.splice(found.index, 1); return true; } return false; } } MOUNT_CLASS_TO && (MOUNT_CLASS_TO.SlicedArray = SlicedArray);