import pageSignIn from './pageSignIn'; import pageSignUp from './pageSignUp'; import pageIm from './pageIm'; import pagePassword from './pagePassword'; import LottieLoader, { RLottiePlayer } from '../lib/lottieLoader'; //import CryptoWorker from '../lib/crypto/cryptoworker'; //import apiManager from '../lib/mtproto/apiManager'; import apiManager from '../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker'; import Page from './page'; import { App } from '../lib/mtproto/mtproto_config'; import mediaSizes from '../helpers/mediaSizes'; let authCode: { _: string, // 'auth.sentCode' pFlags: any, // {} flags: number, type: { _: string, // 'auth.sentCodeTypeSms', length: number }, phone_code_hash: string, phone_number: string } = null; const EDITONSAMEPAGE = false; let headerElement: HTMLHeadElement = null; let sentTypeElement: HTMLParagraphElement = null; let codeInput: HTMLInputElement; let onFirstMount = (): Promise => { let needFrame = 0, lastLength = 0; let animation: RLottiePlayer; let idleAnimation: RLottiePlayer; const CODELENGTH = authCode.type.length; codeInput = page.pageEl.querySelector('#code') as HTMLInputElement; const codeInputLabel = codeInput.nextElementSibling as HTMLLabelElement; const editButton = page.pageEl.querySelector('.phone-edit') as HTMLElement; if(EDITONSAMEPAGE) { let editable = false; let changePhonePromise: Promise; let changePhone = () => { if(changePhonePromise) return; let phone_number = '+' + headerElement.innerText.replace(/\D/g, ''); if(authCode.phone_number == phone_number) return; codeInput.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); changePhonePromise = apiManager.invokeApi('auth.sendCode', { /* flags: 0, */ phone_number: phone_number, api_id:, api_hash: App.hash, settings: { _: 'codeSettings', // that's how we sending Type flags: 0 } /* lang_code: navigator.language || 'en' */ }).then((code: any) => { console.log('got code 2', code); authCode = Object.assign(code, {phone_number}); changePhonePromise = undefined; codeInput.removeAttribute('disabled'); codeInput.focus(); }).catch(err => { switch(err.type) { case 'PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID': headerElement.classList.add('error'); editable = true; headerElement.setAttribute('contenteditable', '' + editable); headerElement.focus(); break; default: codeInputLabel.innerText = err.type; break; } changePhonePromise = undefined; codeInput.removeAttribute('disabled'); }); }; headerElement.addEventListener('keypress', function(this, e) { if(e.key == 'Enter') { editable = false; headerElement.setAttribute('contenteditable', '' + editable); changePhone(); } if(/\D/.test(e.key)) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } this.classList.remove('error'); }); editButton.addEventListener('click', function() { if(changePhonePromise) return; editable = !editable; headerElement.setAttribute('contenteditable', '' + editable); if(!editable) changePhone(); }); } else { editButton.addEventListener('click', function() { return pageSignIn.mount(); }); } let cleanup = () => { setTimeout(() => { if(animation) animation.remove(); if(idleAnimation) idleAnimation.remove(); }, 300); }; let submitCode = (code: string) => { codeInput.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); let params = { phone_number: authCode.phone_number, phone_code_hash: authCode.phone_code_hash, phone_code: code }; //console.log('invoking auth.signIn with params:', params); apiManager.invokeApi('auth.signIn', params, {ignoreErrors: true}) .then((response: any) => { //console.log('auth.signIn response:', response); switch(response._) { case 'auth.authorization': apiManager.setUserAuth({ id: }); pageIm.mount(); cleanup(); break; case 'auth.authorizationSignUpRequired': //console.log('Registration needed!'); pageSignUp.mount({ 'phone_number': authCode.phone_number, 'phone_code_hash': authCode.phone_code_hash }); cleanup(); break; default: codeInput.innerText = response._; break; } }).catch(err => { codeInput.removeAttribute('disabled'); switch(err.type) { case 'SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED': //console.warn('pageAuthCode: SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED'); err.handled = true; cleanup(); pagePassword.mount(); break; case 'PHONE_CODE_EMPTY': case 'PHONE_CODE_INVALID': codeInput.classList.add('error'); codeInputLabel.innerText = 'Invalid Code'; break; default: codeInputLabel.innerText = err.type; break; } }); }; const max = 45; // 1st symbol = frame 15 // end symbol = frame 165 codeInput.addEventListener('input', function(this: typeof codeInput, e) { this.classList.remove('error'); this.value = this.value.replace(/\D/g, ''); if(this.value.length > CODELENGTH) { this.value = this.value.slice(0, CODELENGTH); } let length = this.value.length; if(length == CODELENGTH) { // submit code submitCode(this.value); } else if(length == lastLength) { return; } lastLength = length; if(!animation) return; let frame: number; if(length) { frame = Math.round(Math.min(max, length) * (165 / max) + 11.33); = 'none'; = ''; } else { frame = 0; } //animation.playSegments([1, 2]); let direction = needFrame > frame ? -1 : 1; //console.log('keydown', length, frame, direction); animation.setDirection(direction); if(needFrame != 0 && frame == 0) { animation.setSpeed(7); } /* let diff = Math.abs(needFrame - frame * direction); if((diff / 20) > 1) animation.setSpeed(diff / 20 | 0); */ needFrame = frame;; /* animation.goToAndStop(15, true); */ //animation.goToAndStop(length / max * ); }); let imageDiv = page.pageEl.querySelector('.auth-image') as HTMLDivElement; const size = mediaSizes.isMobile ? 100 : 166; return Promise.all([ LottieLoader.loadAnimationFromURL({ container: imageDiv, loop: true, autoplay: true, width: size, height: size }, 'assets/img/TwoFactorSetupMonkeyIdle.tgs').then(animation => { idleAnimation = animation; }), LottieLoader.loadAnimationFromURL({ container: imageDiv, loop: false, autoplay: false, width: size, height: size }, 'assets/img/TwoFactorSetupMonkeyTracking.tgs').then(_animation => { animation = _animation; if(!codeInput.value.length) { = 'none'; } animation.addListener('enterFrame', currentFrame => { //console.log('enterFrame', currentFrame, needFrame); //let currentFrame = Math.round(e.currentTime); if((animation.direction == 1 && currentFrame >= needFrame) || (animation.direction == -1 && currentFrame <= needFrame)) { animation.setSpeed(1); animation.pause(); } if(currentFrame == 0 && needFrame == 0) { animation.curFrame = 0; if(idleAnimation) { = 'none'; = ''; idleAnimation.restart(); } } }); //console.log(animation.getDuration(), animation.getDuration(true)); }) ]); }; const page = new Page('page-authCode', true, onFirstMount, (_authCode: typeof authCode) => { authCode = _authCode; if(!headerElement) { headerElement = page.pageEl.getElementsByClassName('phone')[0] as HTMLHeadElement; sentTypeElement = page.pageEl.getElementsByClassName('sent-type')[0] as HTMLParagraphElement; } //let LottieLoader = (await import('../lib/lottieLoader')).default; headerElement.innerText = authCode.phone_number; switch(authCode.type._) { case 'auth.sentCodeTypeSms': sentTypeElement.innerHTML = 'We have sent you an SMS
with the code.'; break; case 'auth.sentCodeTypeApp': sentTypeElement.innerHTML = 'We have sent you a message in Telegram
with the code.'; break; case 'auth.sentCodeTypeCall': sentTypeElement.innerHTML = 'We will call you and voice
the code.'; break; default: sentTypeElement.innerHTML = `Please check everything
for a code (type: ${authCode.type._})`; break; } }, () => { codeInput.focus(); }); export default page;