import { isTouchSupported } from "../../helpers/touchSupport"; import appChatsManager from "../../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager"; import appImManager from "../../lib/appManagers/appImManager"; import appMessagesManager from "../../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager"; import appPeersManager from "../../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager"; import appPollsManager, { Poll } from "../../lib/appManagers/appPollsManager"; import $rootScope from "../../lib/rootScope"; import { cancelEvent, cancelSelection, findUpClassName } from "../../helpers/dom"; import ButtonMenu, { ButtonMenuItemOptions } from "../buttonMenu"; import { attachContextMenuListener, openBtnMenu, positionMenu } from "../misc"; import PopupDeleteMessages from "../popupDeleteMessages"; import PopupForward from "../popupForward"; import PopupPinMessage from "../popupUnpinMessage"; export default class ChatContextMenu { private buttons: (ButtonMenuItemOptions & {verify: () => boolean, notDirect?: () => boolean})[]; private element: HTMLElement; private target: HTMLElement; private isTargetAnAlbumItem: boolean; public peerID: number; public msgID: number; constructor(private attachTo: HTMLElement) { const onContextMenu = (e: MouseEvent | Touch) => { if(this.init) { this.init(); this.init = null; } let bubble: HTMLElement, bubbleContainer: HTMLElement; try { bubbleContainer = findUpClassName(, 'bubble__container'); bubble = bubbleContainer ? bubbleContainer.parentElement : findUpClassName(, 'bubble'); } catch(e) {} if(e instanceof MouseEvent) e.preventDefault(); if(this.element.classList.contains('active')) { return false; } if(e instanceof MouseEvent) e.cancelBubble = true; const msgID = +bubble.dataset.mid; if(!msgID) return; this.peerID = $rootScope.selectedPeerID; //this.msgID = msgID; = as HTMLElement; const albumItem = findUpClassName(, 'album-item'); this.isTargetAnAlbumItem = !!albumItem; if(albumItem) { this.msgID = +albumItem.dataset.mid; } else { this.msgID = msgID; } this.buttons.forEach(button => { const good = bubbleContainer || isTouchSupported ? button.verify() : button.notDirect && button.notDirect() && button.verify(); button.element.classList.toggle('hide', !good); }); const side: 'left' | 'right' = bubble.classList.contains('is-in') ? 'left' : 'right'; positionMenu(e, this.element, side); openBtnMenu(this.element, () => { this.peerID = this.msgID = 0; = null; }); /////this.log('contextmenu', e, bubble, msgID, side); }; if(isTouchSupported) { attachTo.addEventListener('click', (e) => { //const good = !!findUpClassName(, 'message') || !!findUpClassName(, 'bubble__container'); const className = ( as HTMLElement).className; if(!className || !className.includes) return; const good = ['bubble', 'bubble__container', 'message', 'time', 'inner'].find(c => className.includes(c)); if(good) { onContextMenu(e); } }); attachContextMenuListener(attachTo, (e) => { if(appImManager.chatSelection.isSelecting) return; cancelSelection(); cancelEvent(e as any); let bubble = findUpClassName(, 'bubble'); if(bubble) { appImManager.chatSelection.toggleByBubble(bubble); } }); } else attachContextMenuListener(attachTo, onContextMenu); } private init = () => { this.buttons = [{ icon: 'reply', text: 'Reply', onClick: this.onReplyClick, verify: () => (this.peerID > 0 || appChatsManager.hasRights(-this.peerID, 'send')) && this.msgID > 0 }, { icon: 'edit', text: 'Edit', onClick: this.onEditClick, verify: () => appMessagesManager.canEditMessage(this.msgID, 'text') }, { icon: 'copy', text: 'Copy', onClick: this.onCopyClick, verify: () => !!appMessagesManager.getMessage(this.msgID).message }, { icon: 'pin', text: 'Pin', onClick: this.onPinClick, verify: () => { const message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(this.msgID); // for new layer // return this.msgID > 0 && message._ != 'messageService' && appImManager.pinnedMsgID != this.msgID && (this.peerID > 0 || appChatsManager.hasRights(-this.peerID, 'pin')); return this.msgID > 0 && message._ != 'messageService' && appImManager.pinnedMsgID != this.msgID && (this.peerID == $rootScope.myID || (this.peerID < 0 && appChatsManager.hasRights(-this.peerID, 'pin'))); } }, { icon: 'unpin', text: 'Unpin', onClick: this.onUnpinClick, verify: () => appImManager.pinnedMsgID == this.msgID && appPeersManager.canPinMessage(this.peerID) }, { icon: 'revote', text: 'Revote', onClick: this.onRetractVote, verify: () => { const message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(this.msgID); const poll = as Poll; return poll && poll.chosenIndexes.length && !poll.pFlags.closed && !poll.pFlags.quiz; } }, { icon: 'stop', text: 'Stop poll', onClick: this.onStopPoll, verify: () => { const message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(this.msgID); const poll =; return appMessagesManager.canEditMessage(this.msgID, 'poll') && poll && !poll.pFlags.closed && this.msgID > 0; } }, { icon: 'forward', text: 'Forward', onClick: this.onForwardClick, verify: () => this.msgID > 0 }, { icon: 'select', text: 'Select', onClick: this.onSelectClick, verify: () => { const message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(this.msgID); return !message.action && !appImManager.chatSelection.selectedMids.has(this.msgID); }, notDirect: () => true }, { icon: 'select', text: 'Clear selection', onClick: this.onClearSelectionClick, verify: () => { return appImManager.chatSelection.selectedMids.has(this.msgID); }, notDirect: () => appImManager.chatSelection.selectedMids.has(this.msgID) }, { icon: 'delete danger', text: 'Delete', onClick: this.onDeleteClick, verify: () => appMessagesManager.canDeleteMessage(this.msgID) }]; this.element = ButtonMenu(this.buttons); = 'bubble-contextmenu'; appImManager.chatInput.parentElement.insertBefore(this.element, appImManager.chatInput); }; private onReplyClick = () => { const message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(this.msgID); const chatInputC = appImManager.chatInputC; const f = () => { chatInputC.setTopInfo('reply', f, appPeersManager.getPeerTitle(message.fromID, true), message.message, undefined, message); chatInputC.replyToMsgID = this.msgID; }; f(); }; private onEditClick = () => { appImManager.chatInputC.initMessageEditing(this.msgID); }; private onCopyClick = () => { const message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(this.msgID); const str = message ? message.message : ''; const textArea = document.createElement('textarea'); textArea.value = str; = 'fixed'; //avoid scrolling to bottom document.body.appendChild(textArea); textArea.focus();; try { document.execCommand('copy'); } catch (err) { console.error('Oops, unable to copy', err); } document.body.removeChild(textArea); }; private onPinClick = () => { new PopupPinMessage($rootScope.selectedPeerID, this.msgID); }; private onUnpinClick = () => { new PopupPinMessage($rootScope.selectedPeerID, 0); }; private onRetractVote = () => { appPollsManager.sendVote(this.msgID, []); }; private onStopPoll = () => { appPollsManager.stopPoll(this.msgID); }; private onForwardClick = () => { new PopupForward(this.isTargetAnAlbumItem ? [this.msgID] : appMessagesManager.getMidsByMid(this.msgID)); }; private onSelectClick = () => { appImManager.chatSelection.toggleByBubble(findUpClassName(, 'album-item') || findUpClassName(, 'bubble')); }; private onClearSelectionClick = () => { appImManager.chatSelection.cancelSelection(); }; private onDeleteClick = () => { new PopupDeleteMessages([this.msgID]); }; }