/* * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE */ import attachListNavigation from "../../helpers/dom/attachListNavigation"; import EventListenerBase from "../../helpers/eventListenerBase"; import { safeAssign } from "../../helpers/object"; import { IS_MOBILE } from "../../environment/userAgent"; import rootScope from "../../lib/rootScope"; import appNavigationController, { NavigationItem } from "../appNavigationController"; import SetTransition from "../singleTransition"; import AutocompleteHelperController from "./autocompleteHelperController"; export default class AutocompleteHelper extends EventListenerBase<{ hidden: () => void, visible: () => void, }> { protected hidden = true; protected container: HTMLElement; protected list: HTMLElement; protected resetTarget: () => void; protected detach: () => void; protected init?(): void; protected controller: AutocompleteHelperController; protected listType: 'xy' | 'x' | 'y'; protected onSelect: (target: Element) => boolean | void; protected waitForKey?: string; protected navigationItem: NavigationItem; constructor(options: { appendTo: HTMLElement, controller: AutocompleteHelper['controller'], listType: AutocompleteHelper['listType'], onSelect: AutocompleteHelper['onSelect'], waitForKey?: AutocompleteHelper['waitForKey'] }) { super(false); safeAssign(this, options); this.container = document.createElement('div'); this.container.classList.add('autocomplete-helper', 'z-depth-1'); options.appendTo.append(this.container); this.attachNavigation(); this.controller.addHelper(this); } protected onVisible = () => { if(this.detach) { // it can be so because 'visible' calls before animation's end this.detach(); } const list = this.list; const {detach, resetTarget} = attachListNavigation({ list, type: this.listType, onSelect: this.onSelect, once: true, waitForKey: this.waitForKey }); this.detach = detach; this.resetTarget = resetTarget; if(!IS_MOBILE && !this.navigationItem) { this.navigationItem = { type: 'autocomplete-helper', onPop: () => { this.navigationItem = undefined; this.toggle(true); }, noBlurOnPop: true }; appNavigationController.pushItem(this.navigationItem); } this.addEventListener('hidden', () => { this.resetTarget = undefined; this.detach = undefined; list.innerHTML = ''; detach(); if(this.navigationItem) { appNavigationController.removeItem(this.navigationItem); this.navigationItem = undefined; } }, {once: true}); }; protected attachNavigation() { this.addEventListener('visible', this.onVisible); } public toggle(hide?: boolean, fromController = false) { if(this.init) { return; } if(hide === undefined) { hide = this.container.classList.contains('is-visible') && !this.container.classList.contains('backwards'); } if(this.hidden === hide) { if(!hide) { this.dispatchEvent('visible'); // reset target and listener } return; } this.hidden = hide; if(!hide) { this.controller.hideOtherHelpers(this); this.dispatchEvent('visible'); // fire it before so target will be set } else { if(this.navigationItem) { appNavigationController.removeItem(this.navigationItem); this.navigationItem = undefined; } if(!fromController) { this.controller.hideOtherHelpers(); } if(this.detach) { // force detach here this.detach(); } } SetTransition(this.container, 'is-visible', !hide, rootScope.settings.animationsEnabled ? 200 : 0, () => { this.hidden && this.dispatchEvent('hidden'); }); } }