//import apiManager from '../mtproto/apiManager'; import animationIntersector from '../../components/animationIntersector'; import appSidebarLeft from "../../components/sidebarLeft"; import appSidebarRight, { AppSidebarRight, RIGHT_COLUMN_ACTIVE_CLASSNAME } from '../../components/sidebarRight'; import mediaSizes, { ScreenSize } from '../../helpers/mediaSizes'; import { logger, LogLevels } from "../logger"; import apiManager from '../mtproto/mtprotoworker'; import { MOUNT_CLASS_TO } from '../mtproto/mtproto_config'; import rootScope from '../rootScope'; import apiUpdatesManager from './apiUpdatesManager'; import appUsersManager from "./appUsersManager"; import Chat, { ChatType } from '../../components/chat/chat'; import appChatsManager from './appChatsManager'; import appDocsManager from './appDocsManager'; import appInlineBotsManager from './appInlineBotsManager'; import appMessagesManager from './appMessagesManager'; import appPeersManager from './appPeersManager'; import appPhotosManager from './appPhotosManager'; import appProfileManager from './appProfileManager'; import appStickersManager from './appStickersManager'; import appWebPagesManager from './appWebPagesManager'; import { cancelEvent, getFilesFromEvent, placeCaretAtEnd } from '../../helpers/dom'; import PopupNewMedia from '../../components/popups/newMedia'; import { numberWithCommas } from '../../helpers/number'; import MarkupTooltip from '../../components/chat/markupTooltip'; import { isTouchSupported } from '../../helpers/touchSupport'; import appPollsManager from './appPollsManager'; import SetTransition from '../../components/singleTransition'; import ChatDragAndDrop from '../../components/chat/dragAndDrop'; import { debounce, pause } from '../../helpers/schedulers'; import lottieLoader from '../lottieLoader'; import useHeavyAnimationCheck, { dispatchHeavyAnimationEvent } from '../../hooks/useHeavyAnimationCheck'; import appDraftsManager from './appDraftsManager'; import serverTimeManager from '../mtproto/serverTimeManager'; //console.log('appImManager included33!'); appSidebarLeft; // just to include const LEFT_COLUMN_ACTIVE_CLASSNAME = 'is-left-column-shown'; export const CHAT_ANIMATION_GROUP = 'chat'; const FOCUS_EVENT_NAME = isTouchSupported ? 'touchstart' : 'mousemove'; export class AppImManager { public columnEl = document.getElementById('column-center') as HTMLDivElement; public chatsContainer: HTMLElement; public offline = false; public updateStatusInterval = 0; public log: ReturnType; public setPeerPromise: Promise = null; public tabId = -1; public hideRightSidebar = false; private chats: Chat[] = []; private prevTab: HTMLElement; private chatsSelectTabDebounced: () => void; public markupTooltip: MarkupTooltip; get myId() { return rootScope.myId; } get chat(): Chat { return this.chats[this.chats.length - 1]; } constructor() { apiUpdatesManager.attach(); this.log = logger('IM', LogLevels.log | LogLevels.warn | LogLevels.debug | LogLevels.error); this.selectTab(0); window.addEventListener('blur', () => { animationIntersector.checkAnimations(true); this.offline = rootScope.idle.isIDLE = true; this.updateStatus(); clearInterval(this.updateStatusInterval); window.addEventListener('focus', () => { this.offline = rootScope.idle.isIDLE = false; this.updateStatus(); this.updateStatusInterval = window.setInterval(() => this.updateStatus(), 50e3); // в обратном порядке animationIntersector.checkAnimations(false); }, {once: true}); }); // * Prevent setting online after reloading page window.addEventListener(FOCUS_EVENT_NAME, () => { this.updateStatusInterval = window.setInterval(() => this.updateStatus(), 50e3); this.updateStatus(); }, {once: true, passive: true}); this.chatsContainer = document.createElement('div'); this.chatsContainer.classList.add('chats-container', 'tabs-container'); this.chatsContainer.dataset.animation = 'navigation'; this.columnEl.append(this.chatsContainer); this.createNewChat(); this.chatsSelectTab(this.chat.container); window.addEventListener('hashchange', (e) => { const hash = location.hash; const splitted = hash.split('?'); if(!splitted[1]) { return; } const params: any = {}; splitted[1].split('&').forEach(item => { params[item.split('=')[0]] = decodeURIComponent(item.split('=')[1]); }); this.log('hashchange', splitted[0], params); switch(splitted[0]) { case '#/im': { const p = params.p; if(p[0] === '@') { let postId = params.post !== undefined ? appMessagesManager.generateMessageId(+params.post) : undefined; appUsersManager.resolveUsername(p).then(peer => { const isUser = peer._ == 'user'; const peerId = isUser ? peer.id : -peer.id; this.setInnerPeer(peerId, postId); }); } } } location.hash = ''; }); this.setSettings(); rootScope.on('settings_updated', () => this.setSettings()); useHeavyAnimationCheck(() => { animationIntersector.setOnlyOnePlayableGroup('lock'); animationIntersector.checkAnimations(true); }, () => { animationIntersector.setOnlyOnePlayableGroup(''); animationIntersector.checkAnimations(false); }); } private setSettings() { document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--messages-text-size', rootScope.settings.messagesTextSize + 'px'); document.body.classList.toggle('animation-level-0', !rootScope.settings.animationsEnabled); document.body.classList.toggle('animation-level-1', false); document.body.classList.toggle('animation-level-2', rootScope.settings.animationsEnabled); this.chatsSelectTabDebounced = debounce(() => { const topbar = this.chat.topbar; if(topbar.pinnedMessage) { // * буду молиться богам, чтобы это ничего не сломало, но это исправляет получение пиннеда после анимации topbar.pinnedMessage.setCorrectIndex(0); } apiManager.setQueueId(this.chat.bubbles.lazyLoadQueue.queueId); }, rootScope.settings.animationsEnabled ? 250 : 0, false, true); lottieLoader.setLoop(rootScope.settings.stickers.loop); animationIntersector.checkAnimations(false); } // * не могу использовать тут TransitionSlider, так как мне нужен отрисованный блок рядом // * (или под текущим чатом) чтобы правильно отрендерить чат (напр. scrollTop) private chatsSelectTab(tab: HTMLElement) { if(this.prevTab === tab) { return; } if(this.prevTab) { this.prevTab.classList.remove('active'); this.chatsSelectTabDebounced(); if(rootScope.settings.animationsEnabled) { // ! нужно переделать на animation, так как при лаге анимация будет длиться не 250мс dispatchHeavyAnimationEvent(pause(250), 250); } } tab.classList.add('active'); this.prevTab = tab; } private init() { document.addEventListener('paste', this.onDocumentPaste, true); const onKeyDown = (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if(rootScope.overlayIsActive) return; const target = e.target as HTMLElement; //if(target.tagName == 'INPUT') return; //this.log('onkeydown', e, document.activeElement); const chat = this.chat; if(e.key === 'Escape') { let cancel = true; if(this.markupTooltip?.container?.classList.contains('is-visible')) { this.markupTooltip.hide(); } else if(chat.selection.isSelecting) { chat.selection.cancelSelection(); } else if(chat.container.classList.contains('is-helper-active')) { chat.input.replyElements.cancelBtn.click(); } else if(chat.peerId !== 0) { // hide current dialog this.setPeer(0); } else { cancel = false; } // * cancel event for safari, because if application is in fullscreen, browser will try to exit fullscreen if(cancel) { cancelEvent(e); } } else if(e.key === 'Meta' || e.key === 'Control') { return; } else if(e.code === "KeyC" && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && target.tagName !== 'INPUT') { return; } else if(e.code === 'ArrowUp') { if(!chat.input.editMsgId) { const history = appMessagesManager.getHistoryStorage(chat.peerId, chat.threadId); if(history.history.length) { let goodMid: number; for(const mid of history.history) { const message = chat.getMessage(mid); const good = this.myId === chat.peerId ? message.fromId === this.myId : message.pFlags.out; if(good) { if(appMessagesManager.canEditMessage(chat.getMessage(mid), 'text')) { goodMid = mid; break; } // * this check will allow editing only last message //break; } } if(goodMid) { chat.input.initMessageEditing(goodMid); cancelEvent(e); // * prevent from scrolling } } } } if(chat.input.messageInput && e.target !== chat.input.messageInput && target.tagName !== 'INPUT' && !target.hasAttribute('contenteditable')) { chat.input.messageInput.focus(); placeCaretAtEnd(chat.input.messageInput); } }; document.body.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown); rootScope.addEventListener('history_multiappend', (e) => { const msgIdsByPeer = e; for(const peerId in msgIdsByPeer) { appSidebarRight.sharedMediaTab.renderNewMessages(+peerId, msgIdsByPeer[peerId]); } }); rootScope.addEventListener('history_delete', (e) => { const {peerId, msgs} = e; const mids = Object.keys(msgs).map(s => +s); appSidebarRight.sharedMediaTab.deleteDeletedMessages(peerId, mids); }); // Calls when message successfully sent and we have an id rootScope.addEventListener('message_sent', (e) => { const {storage, tempId, mid} = e; const message = appMessagesManager.getMessageFromStorage(storage, mid); appSidebarRight.sharedMediaTab.renderNewMessages(message.peerId, [mid]); }); if(!isTouchSupported) { this.attachDragAndDropListeners(); } //if(!isTouchSupported) { this.markupTooltip = new MarkupTooltip(this); this.markupTooltip.handleSelection(); //} } private attachDragAndDropListeners() { const drops: ChatDragAndDrop[] = []; let mounted = false; const toggle = async(e: DragEvent, mount: boolean) => { if(mount == mounted) return; const _types = e.dataTransfer.types; // @ts-ignore const isFiles = _types.contains ? _types.contains('Files') : _types.indexOf('Files') >= 0; if(!isFiles || !this.canDrag()) { // * skip dragging text case counter = 0; return; } if(mount && !drops.length) { const types: string[] = await getFilesFromEvent(e, true) const force = isFiles && !types.length; // * can't get file items not from 'drop' on Safari const foundMedia = types.filter(t => ['image', 'video'].includes(t.split('/')[0])).length; const foundDocuments = types.length - foundMedia; this.log('drag files', types); if(types.length || force) { drops.push(new ChatDragAndDrop(dropsContainer, { icon: 'dragfiles', header: 'Drop files here to send them', subtitle: 'without compression', onDrop: (e: DragEvent) => { toggle(e, false); appImManager.log('drop', e); appImManager.onDocumentPaste(e, 'document'); } })); } if((foundMedia && !foundDocuments) || force) { drops.push(new ChatDragAndDrop(dropsContainer, { icon: 'dragmedia', header: 'Drop files here to send them', subtitle: 'in a quick way', onDrop: (e: DragEvent) => { toggle(e, false); appImManager.log('drop', e); appImManager.onDocumentPaste(e, 'media'); } })); } this.chat.container.append(dropsContainer); } //if(!mount) return; SetTransition(dropsContainer, 'is-visible', mount, 200, () => { if(!mount) { drops.forEach(drop => { drop.destroy(); }); drops.length = 0; } }); if(mount) { drops.forEach(drop => { drop.setPath(); }); } else { counter = 0; } document.body.classList.toggle('is-dragging', mount); mounted = mount; }; /* document.body.addEventListener('dragover', (e) => { cancelEvent(e); }); */ let counter = 0; document.body.addEventListener('dragenter', (e) => { counter++; }); document.body.addEventListener('dragover', (e) => { //this.log('dragover', e/* , e.dataTransfer.types[0] */); toggle(e, true); cancelEvent(e); }); document.body.addEventListener('dragleave', (e) => { //this.log('dragleave', e, counter); //if((e.pageX <= 0 || e.pageX >= appPhotosManager.windowW) || (e.pageY <= 0 || e.pageY >= appPhotosManager.windowH)) { counter--; if(counter === 0) { //if(!findUpClassName(e.target, 'drops-container')) { toggle(e, false); } }); const dropsContainer = document.createElement('div'); dropsContainer.classList.add('drops-container'); } private canDrag() { const peerId = this.chat?.peerId; return !(!peerId || rootScope.overlayIsActive || (peerId < 0 && !appChatsManager.hasRights(peerId, 'send', 'send_media'))); } private onDocumentPaste = (e: ClipboardEvent | DragEvent, attachType?: 'media' | 'document') => { if(!this.canDrag()) return; //console.log('document paste'); //console.log('item', event.clipboardData.getData()); if(e instanceof DragEvent) { const _types = e.dataTransfer.types; // @ts-ignore const isFiles = _types.contains ? _types.contains('Files') : _types.indexOf('Files') >= 0; if(isFiles) { cancelEvent(e); } } getFilesFromEvent(e).then((files: File[]) => { if(files.length) { if(attachType == 'media' && files.find(file => !['image', 'video'].includes(file.type.split('/')[0]))) { attachType = 'document'; } const chatInput = this.chat.input; chatInput.willAttachType = attachType || (files[0].type.indexOf('image/') === 0 ? 'media' : "document"); new PopupNewMedia(this.chat, files, chatInput.willAttachType); } }); }; public selectTab(id: number) { document.body.classList.toggle(LEFT_COLUMN_ACTIVE_CLASSNAME, id === 0); const prevTabId = this.tabId; this.log('selectTab', id, prevTabId); if(prevTabId !== -1 && prevTabId !== id && rootScope.settings.animationsEnabled) { const transitionTime = mediaSizes.isMobile ? 250 : 200; dispatchHeavyAnimationEvent(pause(transitionTime), transitionTime); } this.tabId = id; if(mediaSizes.isMobile && prevTabId === 2 && id === 1) { //appSidebarRight.toggleSidebar(false); document.body.classList.remove(RIGHT_COLUMN_ACTIVE_CLASSNAME); } //this._selectTab(id, mediaSizes.isMobile); //document.body.classList.toggle(RIGHT_COLUMN_ACTIVE_CLASSNAME, id == 2); } public updateStatus() { if(!this.myId) return Promise.resolve(); appUsersManager.setUserStatus(this.myId, this.offline); return apiManager.invokeApi('account.updateStatus', {offline: this.offline}); } private createNewChat() { const chat = new Chat(this, appChatsManager, appDocsManager, appInlineBotsManager, appMessagesManager, appPeersManager, appPhotosManager, appProfileManager, appStickersManager, appUsersManager, appWebPagesManager, appPollsManager, apiManager, appDraftsManager, serverTimeManager); this.chats.push(chat); } private spliceChats(fromIndex: number, justReturn = true) { if(fromIndex >= this.chats.length) return; if(this.chats.length > 1 && justReturn) { rootScope.broadcast('peer_changing', this.chat); } const spliced = this.chats.splice(fromIndex, this.chats.length - fromIndex); // * fix middle chat z-index on animation if(spliced.length > 1) { spliced.slice(0, -1).forEach(chat => { chat.container.remove(); }); } this.chatsSelectTab(this.chat.container); if(justReturn) { rootScope.broadcast('peer_changed', this.chat.peerId); if(appSidebarRight.historyTabIds[appSidebarRight.historyTabIds.length - 1] === AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS.search) { appSidebarRight.closeTab(AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS.search); } appSidebarRight.sharedMediaTab.setPeer(this.chat.peerId, this.chat.threadId); appSidebarRight.sharedMediaTab.loadSidebarMedia(true); appSidebarRight.sharedMediaTab.fillProfileElements(); /* setTimeout(() => { appSidebarRight.sharedMediaTab.loadSidebarMedia(false); }); */ } setTimeout(() => { //chat.setPeer(0); spliced.forEach(chat => { chat.destroy(); }); }, 250); } public setPeer(peerId: number, lastMsgId?: number): boolean { if(this.init) { this.init(); this.init = null; } const chat = this.chat; const chatIndex = this.chats.indexOf(chat); if(!peerId) { if(chatIndex > 0) { this.spliceChats(chatIndex); return; } else if(mediaSizes.activeScreen === ScreenSize.medium) { // * floating sidebar case const isNowOpen = document.body.classList.toggle(LEFT_COLUMN_ACTIVE_CLASSNAME); if(isNowOpen && document.body.classList.contains(RIGHT_COLUMN_ACTIVE_CLASSNAME)) { appSidebarRight.toggleSidebar(false, false); this.selectTab(0); this.hideRightSidebar = isNowOpen; } else if(this.hideRightSidebar) { appSidebarRight.toggleSidebar(true); } return; } } else if(chatIndex > 0 && chat.peerId && chat.peerId !== peerId) { this.spliceChats(1, false); return this.setPeer(peerId, lastMsgId); } // * don't reset peer if returning if(peerId === chat.peerId && mediaSizes.activeScreen === ScreenSize.mobile && document.body.classList.contains(LEFT_COLUMN_ACTIVE_CLASSNAME)) { this.selectTab(1); return false; } if(peerId || mediaSizes.activeScreen !== ScreenSize.mobile) { const result = chat.setPeer(peerId, lastMsgId); // * wait for cached render const promise = result?.cached ? result.promise : Promise.resolve(); if(peerId) { promise.then(() => { //window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { setTimeout(() => { // * setTimeout is better here if(this.hideRightSidebar) { appSidebarRight.toggleSidebar(true); this.hideRightSidebar = false; } setTimeout(() => { this.chatsSelectTab(this.chat.container); }, 0); this.selectTab(1); }, 0); }); } } if(!peerId) { this.selectTab(0); return false; } } public setInnerPeer(peerId: number, lastMsgId?: number, type: ChatType = 'chat', threadId?: number) { // * prevent opening already opened peer const existingIndex = this.chats.findIndex(chat => chat.peerId === peerId && chat.type === type); if(existingIndex !== -1) { this.spliceChats(existingIndex + 1); return this.setPeer(peerId, lastMsgId); } const chat = this.chat; if(!chat.init) { // * use first not inited chat this.createNewChat(); } if(type) { this.chat.setType(type); if(threadId) { this.chat.threadId = threadId; } } //this.chatsSelectTab(this.chat.container); return this.setPeer(peerId, lastMsgId); } public openScheduled(peerId: number) { this.setInnerPeer(peerId, undefined, 'scheduled'); } public async getPeerStatus(peerId: number) { let subtitle = ''; if(!peerId) return subtitle; if(peerId < 0) { // not human const chat = appPeersManager.getPeer(peerId); const chatInfo = await appProfileManager.getChatFull(chat.id) as any; this.chat.log('chatInfo res:', chatInfo); const participants_count = chatInfo.participants_count || (chatInfo.participants && chatInfo.participants.participants && chatInfo.participants.participants.length) || 1; //if(participants_count) { subtitle = appChatsManager.getChatMembersString(-peerId); if(participants_count < 2) return subtitle; const onlines = await appChatsManager.getOnlines(chat.id); if(onlines > 1) { subtitle += ', ' + numberWithCommas(onlines) + ' online'; } return subtitle; //} } else { // user const user = appUsersManager.getUser(peerId); if(rootScope.myId == peerId) { return ''; } else if(user) { subtitle = appUsersManager.getUserStatusString(user.id); if(!appUsersManager.isBot(peerId)) { const typings = appChatsManager.typingsInPeer[peerId]; if(typings && typings.length) { return 'typing...'; } else if(subtitle == 'online') { return `${subtitle}`; } else { return subtitle; } } else { return subtitle; } } } } } const appImManager = new AppImManager(); MOUNT_CLASS_TO && (MOUNT_CLASS_TO.appImManager = appImManager); export default appImManager;