import Scrollable from "./scrollable_new"; import { RichTextProcessor } from "../lib/richtextprocessor"; import apiManager from "../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker"; import appWebPagesManager from "../lib/appManagers/appWebPagesManager"; import appImManager from "../lib/appManagers/appImManager"; import { getRichValue, calcImageInBox } from "../lib/utils"; import { wrapDocument, wrapReply } from "./wrappers"; import appMessagesManager from "../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager"; import { Layouter, RectPart } from "./groupedLayout"; import Recorder from '../../public/recorder.min'; //import Recorder from '../opus-recorder/dist/recorder.min'; import opusDecodeController from "../lib/opusDecodeController"; import { touchSupport } from "../lib/config"; import appDocsManager from "../lib/appManagers/appDocsManager"; import emoticonsDropdown from "./emoticonsDropdown"; import PopupCreatePoll from "./popupCreatePoll"; export class ChatInput { public pageEl = document.getElementById('page-chats') as HTMLDivElement; public messageInput = document.getElementById('input-message') as HTMLDivElement/* HTMLInputElement */; public fileInput = document.getElementById('input-file') as HTMLInputElement; public inputMessageContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('input-message-container')[0] as HTMLDivElement; public inputScroll = new Scrollable(this.inputMessageContainer); public btnSend = document.getElementById('btn-send') as HTMLButtonElement; public btnCancelRecord = this.btnSend.parentElement.previousElementSibling as HTMLButtonElement; public lastUrl = ''; public lastTimeType = 0; private inputContainer = this.btnSend.parentElement.parentElement as HTMLDivElement; private chatInput = this.inputContainer.parentElement as HTMLDivElement; public attachMenu: { container?: HTMLButtonElement, media?: HTMLDivElement, document?: HTMLDivElement, poll?: HTMLDivElement } = {}; public attachMediaPopUp: { container?: HTMLDivElement, titleEl?: HTMLDivElement, sendBtn?: HTMLButtonElement, mediaContainer?: HTMLDivElement, captionInput?: HTMLInputElement } = {}; public replyElements: { container?: HTMLDivElement, cancelBtn?: HTMLButtonElement, titleEl?: HTMLDivElement, subtitleEl?: HTMLDivElement } = {}; public willSendWebPage: any = null; public replyToMsgID = 0; public editMsgID = 0; public noWebPage = false; private recorder: any; private recording = false; private recordCanceled = false; private recordTimeEl = this.inputContainer.querySelector('.record-time') as HTMLDivElement; private recordRippleEl = this.inputContainer.querySelector('.record-ripple') as HTMLDivElement; private recordStartTime = 0; private scrollTop = 0; private scrollOffsetTop = 0; private scrollDiff = 0; constructor() { this.attachMenu.container = document.getElementById('attach-file') as HTMLButtonElement; = this.attachMenu.container.querySelector('.menu-media') as HTMLDivElement; this.attachMenu.document = this.attachMenu.container.querySelector('.menu-document') as HTMLDivElement; this.attachMenu.poll = this.attachMenu.container.querySelector('.menu-poll') as HTMLDivElement; this.attachMediaPopUp.container = this.pageEl.querySelector('.popup-send-photo') as HTMLDivElement; this.attachMediaPopUp.titleEl = this.attachMediaPopUp.container.querySelector('.popup-title') as HTMLDivElement; this.attachMediaPopUp.sendBtn = this.attachMediaPopUp.container.querySelector('.btn-primary') as HTMLButtonElement; this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer = this.attachMediaPopUp.container.querySelector('.popup-photo') as HTMLDivElement; this.attachMediaPopUp.captionInput = this.attachMediaPopUp.container.querySelector('input') as HTMLInputElement; this.replyElements.container = this.pageEl.querySelector('.reply-wrapper') as HTMLDivElement; this.replyElements.cancelBtn = this.replyElements.container.querySelector('.reply-cancel') as HTMLButtonElement; this.replyElements.titleEl = this.replyElements.container.querySelector('.reply-title') as HTMLDivElement; this.replyElements.subtitleEl = this.replyElements.container.querySelector('.reply-subtitle') as HTMLDivElement; try { this.recorder = new Recorder({ //encoderBitRate: 32, //encoderPath: "../dist/encoderWorker.min.js", encoderSampleRate: 48000, monitorGain: 0, numberOfChannels: 1, recordingGain: 1, reuseWorker: true }); } catch(err) { this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-microphone2'); this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-send'); console.error('Recorder constructor error:', err); } this.messageInput.addEventListener('keydown', (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if(e.key == 'Enter' && !touchSupport) { /* if(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) { this.messageInput.innerHTML += '
'; placeCaretAtEnd(this.message) return; } */ if(e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) { return; } this.sendMessage(); } }); if(touchSupport) { this.messageInput.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => { this.saveScroll(); emoticonsDropdown.toggle(false); }); window.addEventListener('resize', () => { this.restoreScroll(); }); } this.messageInput.addEventListener('input', (e) => { //console.log('messageInput input', this.messageInput.innerText, this.serializeNodes(Array.from(this.messageInput.childNodes))); let value = this.messageInput.innerText; let entities = RichTextProcessor.parseEntities(value); //console.log('messageInput entities', entities); let entityUrl = entities.find(e => e._ == 'messageEntityUrl'); if(entityUrl) { // need to get webpage let url = value.slice(entityUrl.offset, entityUrl.offset + entityUrl.length); //console.log('messageInput url:', url); if(this.lastUrl != url) { this.lastUrl = url; this.willSendWebPage = null; apiManager.invokeApi('messages.getWebPage', { url: url, hash: 0 }).then((webpage: any) => { appWebPagesManager.saveWebPage(webpage); if(this.lastUrl != url) return; //console.log('got webpage: ', webpage); this.setTopInfo(webpage.site_name || webpage.title, webpage.description || webpage.url); this.replyToMsgID = 0; this.noWebPage = false; this.willSendWebPage = webpage; }); } } if(!value.trim() && !this.serializeNodes(Array.from(this.messageInput.childNodes)).trim()) { this.messageInput.innerHTML = ''; if(this.recorder) { this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-send'); this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-microphone2'); } appMessagesManager.setTyping('sendMessageCancelAction'); } else if(!this.btnSend.classList.contains('tgico-send') || !this.recorder) { if(this.recorder) { this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-send'); this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-microphone2'); } let time =; if(time - this.lastTimeType >= 6000) { this.lastTimeType = time; appMessagesManager.setTyping('sendMessageTypingAction'); } } }); if(!RichTextProcessor.emojiSupported) { this.messageInput.addEventListener('copy', (e) => { const selection = document.getSelection(); let range = selection.getRangeAt(0); let ancestorContainer = range.commonAncestorContainer; let str = ''; let selectedNodes = Array.from(ancestorContainer.childNodes).slice(range.startOffset, range.endOffset); if(selectedNodes.length) { str = this.serializeNodes(selectedNodes); } else { str = selection.toString(); } //console.log('messageInput copy', str, ancestorContainer.childNodes, range); //let str = getRichValueWithCaret(this.messageInput); //console.log('messageInput childNode copy:', str); // @ts-ignore event.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', str); event.preventDefault(); }); } this.messageInput.addEventListener('paste', (e) => { //console.log('messageInput paste'); e.preventDefault(); // @ts-ignore let text = (e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData.getData('text/plain'); // console.log('messageInput paste', text); text = RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(text); // console.log('messageInput paste after', text); // @ts-ignore //let html = (e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData.getData('text/html'); // @ts-ignore //console.log('paste text', text, ); window.document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, text); }); let attachFile = (file: File) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let params: SendFileParams = {}; params.file = file; //console.log('selected file:', file, typeof(file), willAttach); let itemDiv = document.createElement('div'); switch(willAttach.type) { case 'media': { let isVideo = file.type.indexOf('video/') === 0; itemDiv.classList.add('popup-item-media'); if(isVideo) { let video = document.createElement('video'); let source = document.createElement('source'); source.src = params.objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(file); video.autoplay = false; video.controls = false; video.muted = true; video.setAttribute('playsinline', ''); video.onloadeddata = () => { params.width = video.videoWidth; params.height = video.videoHeight; params.duration = Math.floor(video.duration); itemDiv.append(video); resolve(itemDiv); }; video.append(source); } else { let img = new Image(); img.src = params.objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(file); img.onload = () => { params.width = img.naturalWidth; params.height = img.naturalHeight; itemDiv.append(img); resolve(itemDiv); }; } break; } case 'document': { let docDiv = wrapDocument({ file: file, file_name: || '', size: file.size, type: file.type.indexOf('image/') !== -1 ? 'photo' : 'doc' } as any, false, true); params.objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(file); itemDiv.append(docDiv); resolve(itemDiv); break; } } willAttach.sendFileDetails.push(params); }); }; let attachFiles = (files: File[]) => { this.fileInput.value = ''; let container = this.attachMediaPopUp.container.firstElementChild as HTMLElement; container.classList.remove('is-media', 'is-document', 'is-album'); this.attachMediaPopUp.captionInput.value = ''; this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.innerHTML = ''; = = ''; //willAttach.sendFileDetails.length = 0; willAttach.sendFileDetails = []; // need new array files = files.filter(file => { if(willAttach.type == 'media') { return ['image/', 'video/'].find(s => file.type.indexOf(s) === 0); } else { return true; } }); if(files.length) { if(willAttach.type == 'document') { this.attachMediaPopUp.titleEl.innerText = 'Send ' + (files.length > 1 ? files.length + ' Files' : 'File'); container.classList.add('is-document'); } else { container.classList.add('is-media'); let foundPhotos = 0; let foundVideos = 0; files.forEach(file => { if(file.type.indexOf('image/') === 0) ++foundPhotos; else if(file.type.indexOf('video/') === 0) ++foundVideos; }); if(foundPhotos && foundVideos) { this.attachMediaPopUp.titleEl.innerText = 'Send Album'; } else if(foundPhotos) { this.attachMediaPopUp.titleEl.innerText = 'Send ' + (foundPhotos > 1 ? foundPhotos + ' Photos' : 'Photo'); } else if(foundVideos) { this.attachMediaPopUp.titleEl.innerText = 'Send ' + (foundVideos > 1 ? foundVideos + ' Videos' : 'Video'); } } } Promise.all( => { if(willAttach.type == 'media') { if(willAttach.sendFileDetails.length > 1) { container.classList.add('is-album'); let layouter = new Layouter( => ({w: o.width, h: o.height})), 380, 100, 4); let layout = layouter.layout(); for(let {geometry, sides} of layout) { let div = results.shift(); = geometry.width + 'px'; = geometry.height + 'px'; = geometry.y + 'px'; = geometry.x + 'px'; if(sides & RectPart.Right) { = geometry.width + geometry.x + 'px'; } if(sides & RectPart.Bottom) { = geometry.height + geometry.y + 'px'; } this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.append(div); } //console.log('chatInput album layout:', layout); } else { let params = willAttach.sendFileDetails[0]; let div = results[0]; let {w, h} = calcImageInBox(params.width, params.height, 380, 320); = w + 'px'; = h + 'px'; this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.append(div); } } else { this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.append(...results); } this.attachMediaPopUp.container.classList.add('active'); }); }; type SendFileParams = Partial<{ file: File, objectURL: string, width: number, height: number, duration: number }>; let willAttach: Partial<{ type: 'media' | 'document', isMedia: boolean, sendFileDetails: SendFileParams[] }> = { sendFileDetails: [] }; this.fileInput.addEventListener('change', (e) => { let files = ( as HTMLInputElement & EventTarget).files; if(!files.length) { return; } attachFiles(Array.from(files)); }, false);'click', () => { this.fileInput.setAttribute('accept', 'image/*, video/*'); willAttach.type = 'media';; }); this.attachMenu.document.addEventListener('click', () => { this.fileInput.removeAttribute('accept'); willAttach.type = 'document';; }); this.attachMenu.poll.addEventListener('click', () => { new PopupCreatePoll().show(); }); document.addEventListener('paste', (event) => { if(!appImManager.peerID || this.attachMediaPopUp.container.classList.contains('active')) { return; } //console.log('document paste'); // @ts-ignore var items = (event.clipboardData || event.originalEvent.clipboardData).items; //console.log('item', event.clipboardData.getData()); for(let i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) { if(items[i].kind == 'file') { event.preventDefault() event.cancelBubble = true; event.stopPropagation(); let file = items[i].getAsFile(); //console.log(items[i], file); if(!file) continue; willAttach.type = file.type.indexOf('image/') === 0 ? 'media' : "document"; attachFiles([file]); } } }, true); this.attachMediaPopUp.sendBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { this.attachMediaPopUp.container.classList.remove('active'); let caption = this.attachMediaPopUp.captionInput.value; willAttach.isMedia = willAttach.type == 'media'; //console.log('will send files with options:', willAttach); let peerID = appImManager.peerID; if(willAttach.sendFileDetails.length > 1 && willAttach.isMedia) { appMessagesManager.sendAlbum(peerID, => d.file), Object.assign({ caption, replyToMsgID: this.replyToMsgID }, willAttach)); } else { if(caption) { if(willAttach.sendFileDetails.length > 1) { appMessagesManager.sendText(peerID, caption, {replyToMsgID: this.replyToMsgID}); caption = ''; this.replyToMsgID = 0; } } let promises = => { let promise = appMessagesManager.sendFile(peerID, params.file, Object.assign({ //isMedia: willAttach.isMedia, isMedia: params.file.type.includes('audio/') || willAttach.isMedia, caption, replyToMsgID: this.replyToMsgID }, params)); caption = ''; this.replyToMsgID = 0; return promise; }); } //Promise.all(promises); //appMessagesManager.sendFile(appImManager.peerID, willAttach.file, willAttach); this.onMessageSent(); }); this.btnSend.addEventListener('click', () => { if(this.btnSend.classList.contains('tgico-send') || !this.recorder) { if(this.recording) { this.recorder.stop(); } else { this.sendMessage(); } } else { this.recorder.start().then(() => { this.recordCanceled = false; this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-send'); this.chatInput.classList.add('is-recording'); this.recording = true; opusDecodeController.setKeepAlive(true); this.recordStartTime =; const sourceNode: MediaStreamAudioSourceNode = this.recorder.sourceNode; const context = sourceNode.context; const analyser = context.createAnalyser(); sourceNode.connect(analyser); //analyser.connect(context.destination); analyser.fftSize = 32; const frequencyData = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount); const max = frequencyData.length * 255; const min = 54 / 150; let r = () => { if(!this.recording) return; analyser.getByteFrequencyData(frequencyData); let sum = 0; frequencyData.forEach(value => { sum += value; }); let percents = Math.min(1, (sum / max) + min); //console.log('frequencyData', frequencyData, percents); = `scale(${percents})`; let diff = - this.recordStartTime; let ms = diff % 1000; let formatted = ('' + (diff / 1000)).toHHMMSS() + ',' + ('00' + Math.round(ms / 10)).slice(-2); this.recordTimeEl.innerText = formatted; window.requestAnimationFrame(r); }; r(); }).catch((e: Error) => { console.error('Recorder start error:', e); }); } }); if(this.recorder) { this.btnCancelRecord.addEventListener('click', () => { this.recordCanceled = true; this.recorder.stop(); opusDecodeController.setKeepAlive(false); }); this.recorder.onstop = () => { this.recording = false; this.chatInput.classList.remove('is-recording'); this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-send'); = ''; }; this.recorder.ondataavailable = (typedArray: Uint8Array) => { if(this.recordCanceled) return; const duration = ( - this.recordStartTime) / 1000 | 0; const dataBlob = new Blob([typedArray], {type: 'audio/ogg'}); /* const fileName = new Date().toISOString() + ".opus"; console.log('Recorder data received', typedArray, dataBlob); */ /* var url = URL.createObjectURL( dataBlob ); var audio = document.createElement('audio'); audio.controls = true; audio.src = url; var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = url; = fileName; link.innerHTML =; var li = document.createElement('li'); li.appendChild(link); li.appendChild(audio); document.body.append(li); return; */ let perf =; opusDecodeController.decode(typedArray, true).then(result => { console.log('WAVEFORM!:', /* waveform, */ - perf); opusDecodeController.setKeepAlive(false); let peerID = appImManager.peerID; // тут objectURL ставится уже с audio/wav appMessagesManager.sendFile(peerID, dataBlob, { isVoiceMessage: true, isMedia: true, duration, waveform: result.waveform, objectURL: result.url, replyToMsgID: this.replyToMsgID }); this.onMessageSent(false, true); }); /* const url = URL.createObjectURL(dataBlob); var audio = document.createElement('audio'); audio.controls = true; audio.src = url; var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = url; = fileName; link.innerHTML =; var li = document.createElement('li'); li.appendChild(link); li.appendChild(audio); recordingslist.appendChild(li); */ }; } this.replyElements.cancelBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { this.replyElements.container.classList.remove('active'); this.replyToMsgID = 0; if(this.editMsgID) { if(this.willSendWebPage) { let message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(this.editMsgID); this.setTopInfo('Editing', message.message); } else { this.editMsgID = 0; this.messageInput.innerHTML = ''; if(this.recorder) { this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-send'); this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-microphone2'); } } } this.noWebPage = true; this.willSendWebPage = null; }); } public serializeNodes(nodes: Node[]): string { return nodes.reduce((str, child: any) => { //console.log('childNode', str, child, typeof(child), typeof(child) === 'string', child.innerText); if(typeof(child) === 'object' && child.textContent) return str += child.textContent; if(child.innerText) return str += child.innerText; if(child.tagName == 'IMG' && child.classList && child.classList.contains('emoji')) return str += child.getAttribute('alt'); return str; }, ''); }; public onMessageSent(clearInput = true, clearReply?: boolean) { let dialog = appMessagesManager.getDialogByPeerID(appImManager.peerID)[0]; if(dialog && dialog.top_message) { appMessagesManager.readHistory(appImManager.peerID, dialog.top_message); // lol } if(clearInput) { this.lastUrl = ''; this.editMsgID = 0; this.noWebPage = false; this.willSendWebPage = null; this.messageInput.innerText = ''; if(this.recorder) { this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-send'); this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-microphone2'); } } if(clearReply || clearInput) { this.replyToMsgID = 0; this.replyElements.container.classList.remove('active'); } } public sendMessage() { //let str = this.serializeNodes(Array.from(this.messageInput.childNodes)); let str = getRichValue(this.messageInput); //console.log('childnode str after:', str/* , getRichValue(this.messageInput) */); //return; if(this.editMsgID) { appMessagesManager.editMessage(this.editMsgID, str, { noWebPage: this.noWebPage }); } else { appMessagesManager.sendText(appImManager.peerID, str, { replyToMsgID: this.replyToMsgID == 0 ? undefined : this.replyToMsgID, noWebPage: this.noWebPage, webPage: this.willSendWebPage }); } this.onMessageSent(); } public sendMessageWithDocument(document: any) { document = appDocsManager.getDoc(document); if(document._ != 'documentEmpty') { appMessagesManager.sendFile(appImManager.peerID, document, {isMedia: true, replyToMsgID: this.replyToMsgID}); this.onMessageSent(false, true); if(document.type == 'sticker') { emoticonsDropdown.stickersTab.pushRecentSticker(document); } return true; } return false; } public setTopInfo(title: string, subtitle: string, input?: string, message?: any) { //appImManager.scrollPosition.prepareFor('down'); if(this.replyElements.container.lastElementChild.tagName == 'DIV') { this.replyElements.container.lastElementChild.remove(); this.replyElements.container.append(wrapReply(title, subtitle, message)); } //this.replyElements.titleEl.innerHTML = title ? RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(title) : ''; //this.replyElements.subtitleEl.innerHTML = subtitle ? RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(subtitle) : ''; this.replyElements.container.classList.add('active'); if(input !== undefined) { this.messageInput.innerHTML = input ? RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(input) : ''; this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-microphone2'); this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-send'); } //appImManager.scrollPosition.restore(); } public saveScroll() { this.scrollTop = appImManager.scrollable.container.scrollTop; this.scrollOffsetTop = this.chatInput.offsetTop; } public restoreScroll() { if( return; //console.log('input resize', offsetTop, this.chatInput.offsetTop); let newOffsetTop = this.chatInput.offsetTop; let container = appImManager.scrollable.container; let scrollTop = container.scrollTop; let clientHeight = container.clientHeight; let maxScrollTop = container.scrollHeight; if(newOffsetTop < this.scrollOffsetTop) { this.scrollDiff = this.scrollOffsetTop - newOffsetTop; container.scrollTop += this.scrollDiff; } else if(scrollTop != this.scrollTop) { let endDiff = maxScrollTop - (scrollTop + clientHeight); if(endDiff < this.scrollDiff/* && false */) { //container.scrollTop -= endDiff; } else { container.scrollTop -= this.scrollDiff; } } } }