import { $rootScope, copy, tsNow, safeReplaceObject, dT, listMergeSorted, deepEqual, langPack } from "../utils"; import appMessagesIDsManager from "./appMessagesIDsManager"; import appChatsManager from "./appChatsManager"; import appUsersManager from "./appUsersManager"; import { RichTextProcessor } from "../richtextprocessor"; import { nextRandomInt, bigint } from "../bin_utils"; import { telegramMeWebService } from "../mtproto/mtproto"; import apiUpdatesManager from "./apiUpdatesManager"; import appPhotosManager from "./appPhotosManager"; import AppStorage from '../storage'; import appPeersManager from "./appPeersManager"; import ServerTimeManager from "../mtproto/serverTimeManager"; import apiFileManager from "../mtproto/apiFileManager"; import appDocsManager from "./appDocsManager"; import ProgressivePreloader from "../../components/preloader"; import serverTimeManager from "../mtproto/serverTimeManager"; //import apiManager from '../mtproto/apiManager'; import apiManager from '../mtproto/mtprotoworker'; import appWebPagesManager from "./appWebPagesManager"; import { CancellablePromise, deferredPromise, logger, LogLevels } from "../polyfill"; import appPollsManager from "./appPollsManager"; import searchIndexManager from '../searchIndexManager'; import { MTDocument, MTPhotoSize } from "../../types"; //console.trace('include'); const APITIMEOUT = 0; export type HistoryStorage = { count: number | null, history: number[], pending: number[], readPromise?: Promise, maxOutID?: number, reply_markup?: any }; export type HistoryResult = { count: number, history: number[], unreadOffset: number, unreadSkip: boolean }; export type Dialog = { _: 'dialog', top_message: number, read_inbox_max_id: number, read_outbox_max_id: number, peer: any, notify_settings: any, folder_id: number, flags: number, draft: any, unread_count: number, unread_mentions_count: number, index: number, peerID: number, pinnedIndex: number, pFlags: Partial<{ pinned: true, unread_mark: true }>, pts: number } export class AppMessagesManager { public messagesStorage: any = {}; public groupedMessagesStorage: {[groupID: string]: any} = {}; // will be used for albums public historiesStorage: { [peerID: string]: HistoryStorage } = {}; public dialogsStorage: { [folderID: number]: Dialog[] } = {}; public pinnedMessages: {[peerID: string]: number} = {}; public pendingByRandomID: {[randomID: string]: [number, number]} = {}; public pendingByMessageID: any = {}; public pendingAfterMsgs: any = {}; public pendingTopMsgs: any = {}; public sendFilePromise: CancellablePromise = Promise.resolve(); public tempID = -1; public tempFinalizeCallbacks: any = {}; public lastSearchFilter: any = {}; public lastSearchResults: any = []; public needSingleMessages: any = []; public fetchSingleMessagesTimeout = 0; private fetchSingleMessagesPromise: Promise = null; public maxSeenID = 0; public allDialogsLoaded: {[folder_id: number]: boolean} = {}; public dialogsOffsetDate: {[folder_id: number]: number} = {}; public pinnedIndex = 0; public dialogsNum = 0; public migratedFromTo: {[peerID: number]: number} = {}; public migratedToFrom: {[peerID: number]: number} = {}; public newMessagesHandlePromise = 0; public newMessagesToHandle: any = {}; public newDialogsHandlePromise = 0; public newDialogsToHandle: {[peerID: string]: {reload: true} | Dialog} = {}; public newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle: any = {}; public loaded: Promise = null; private dialogsIndex = searchIndexManager.createIndex(); private cachedResults: { query: string, count: number, dialogs: Dialog[] } = { query: '', count: 0, dialogs: [] }; private log = logger('MESSAGES', LogLevels.error); constructor() { $rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e: CustomEvent) => { let update: any = e.detail; // if(update._ != 'updateUserStatus') { // this.log('on apiUpdate', update) // } this.handleUpdate(update); }); $rootScope.$on('webpage_updated', (e: CustomEvent) => { let eventData = e.detail; eventData.msgs.forEach((msgID: number) => { let message = this.getMessage(msgID); message.webpage = appWebPagesManager.getWebPage(; // warning $rootScope.$broadcast('message_edit', { peerID: this.getMessagePeer(message), id:, mid: msgID, justMedia: true }); }); }); $rootScope.$on('draft_updated', (e: CustomEvent) => { let eventData = e.detail;; var peerID = eventData.peerID; var draft = eventData.draft; var dialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0]; if(dialog) { var topDate; if(draft && { topDate =; } else { var channelID = appPeersManager.isChannel(peerID) ? -peerID : 0 var topDate = this.getMessage(dialog.top_message).date; if(channelID) { var channel = appChatsManager.getChat(channelID); if(!topDate || && > topDate) { topDate =; } } } if(!dialog.pFlags.pinned) { dialog.index = this.generateDialogIndex(topDate); } this.pushDialogToStorage(dialog); $rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_draft', { peerID: peerID, draft: draft, index: dialog.index }); } }); } public loadSavedState() { if(this.loaded) return this.loaded; return this.loaded = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { AppStorage.get<{ dialogs: Dialog[], allDialogsLoaded: AppMessagesManager['allDialogsLoaded'], peers: any[], messages: any[], updates: any, maxSeenMsgID: number }>('state').then(({dialogs, allDialogsLoaded, peers, messages, maxSeenMsgID, updates}) => { this.log('state res', dialogs, messages); if(maxSeenMsgID && !appMessagesIDsManager.getMessageIDInfo(maxSeenMsgID)[1]) { this.maxSeenID = maxSeenMsgID; } //return resolve(); if(peers) { for(let peerID in peers) { let peer = peers[peerID]; if(+peerID < 0) appChatsManager.saveApiChat(peer); else appUsersManager.saveApiUser(peer); } } if(messages) { /* let tempID = this.tempID; for(let message of messages) { if( < tempID) { tempID =; } } if(tempID != this.tempID) { this.log('Set tempID to:', tempID); this.tempID = tempID; } */ this.saveMessages(messages); } if(allDialogsLoaded) { this.allDialogsLoaded = allDialogsLoaded; } if(dialogs) { dialogs.forEachReverse(dialog => { this.saveConversation(dialog); }); } apiUpdatesManager.attach(updates ?? null); resolve(); }).catch(resolve).finally(() => { setInterval(() => this.saveState(), 10000); }); }); } public saveState() { let messages: any[] = []; let dialogs: Dialog[] = []; let peers: {[peerID: number]: any} = {}; for(let folderID in this.dialogsStorage) { for(let dialog of this.dialogsStorage[folderID]) { let historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[dialog.peerID]; let history = [].concat(historyStorage?.pending ?? [], historyStorage?.history ?? []); dialog = copy(dialog); let removeUnread = 0; for(let mid of history) { let message = this.getMessage(mid); if(/* message._ != 'messageEmpty' && */ > 0) { messages.push(message); if(message.fromID != dialog.peerID) { peers[message.fromID] = appPeersManager.getPeer(message.fromID); } dialog.top_message = message.mid; break; } else if(message.pFlags && message.pFlags.unread) { ++removeUnread; } } if(removeUnread && dialog.unread_count) dialog.unread_count -= removeUnread; dialogs.push(dialog); peers[dialog.peerID] = appPeersManager.getPeer(dialog.peerID); } } let us = apiUpdatesManager.updatesState; let updates = { seq: us.seq, pts: us.pts, date: }; AppStorage.set({ state: { dialogs, messages, allDialogsLoaded: this.allDialogsLoaded, peers, updates, maxSeenMsgID: this.maxSeenID } }); } public getInputEntities(entities: any) { var sendEntites = copy(entities); sendEntites.forEach((entity: any) => { if(entity._ == 'messageEntityMentionName') { entity._ = 'inputMessageEntityMentionName'; entity.user_id = appUsersManager.getUserInput(entity.user_id); } }); return sendEntites; } public editMessage(messageID: number, text: string, options: { noWebPage?: boolean } = {}) { if(typeof(text) !== 'string' || !this.canEditMessage(messageID)) { return Promise.reject(); } if(messageID < 0) { if(this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[messageID] === undefined) { this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[messageID] = {} } let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[messageID].edit = (mid: number) => { this.log('invoke callback', mid) this.editMessage(mid, text).then(resolve, reject); } }); return promise; } var entities: any = []; text = RichTextProcessor.parseMarkdown(text, entities) var message = this.getMessage(messageID); var peerID = this.getMessagePeer(message); var flags = 0; let noWebPage = options.noWebPage || false; if(noWebPage) { flags |= 2; } if(text) { flags |= 8 | 1 << 11; } /* if( { flags |= 1 << 14; } */ return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.editMessage', { flags: flags, peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID), id: appMessagesIDsManager.getMessageLocalID(messageID), message: text, media:, entities: this.getInputEntities(entities), no_webpage: noWebPage, }).then((updates) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }, (error) => { if(error && error.type == 'MESSAGE_NOT_MODIFIED') { error.handled = true; return; } if(error && error.type == 'MESSAGE_EMPTY') { error.handled = true; } return Promise.reject(error); }); } public sendText(peerID: number, text: string, options: Partial<{ entities: any[], replyToMsgID: number, viaBotID: number, queryID: number, resultID: number, noWebPage: boolean, reply_markup: any, clearDraft: boolean, webPage: any }> = {}) { if(typeof(text) != 'string') { return; } peerID = appPeersManager.getPeerMigratedTo(peerID) || peerID; var entities = options.entities || []; if(!options.viaBotID) { text = RichTextProcessor.parseMarkdown(text, entities); } if(!text.length) { return; } var sendEntites = this.getInputEntities(entities); var messageID = this.tempID--; var randomID = [nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)]; var randomIDS = bigint(randomID[0]).shiftLeft(32).add(bigint(randomID[1])).toString(); var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID]; var flags = 0; var pFlags: any = {}; var replyToMsgID = options.replyToMsgID; var isChannel = appPeersManager.isChannel(peerID); var isMegagroup = isChannel && appPeersManager.isMegagroup(peerID); var asChannel = isChannel && !isMegagroup ? true : false; var message: any; let noWebPage = options.noWebPage || false; if(historyStorage === undefined) { historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID] = {count: null, history: [], pending: []}; } var fromID = appUsersManager.getSelf().id; if(peerID != fromID) { flags |= 2; pFlags.out = true; if(!isChannel && !appUsersManager.isBot(peerID)) { flags |= 1; pFlags.unread = true; } } if(replyToMsgID) { flags |= 8; } if(asChannel) { fromID = 0; = true; } else { flags |= 256; } message = { _: 'message', id: messageID, from_id: fromID, to_id: appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(peerID), flags: flags, pFlags: pFlags, date: tsNow(true) + serverTimeManager.serverTimeOffset, message: text, random_id: randomIDS, reply_to_msg_id: replyToMsgID, via_bot_id: options.viaBotID, reply_markup: options.reply_markup, entities: entities, views: asChannel && 1, pending: true }; if(options.webPage) { = { _: 'messageMediaWebPage', webpage: options.webPage }; } var toggleError = (on: any) => { if(on) { message.error = true; } else { delete message.error; } $rootScope.$broadcast('messages_pending'); } message.send = () => { toggleError(false); var sentRequestOptions: any = {}; if(this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID]) { sentRequestOptions.afterMessageID = this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID].messageID; } var flags = 0; if(replyToMsgID) { flags |= 1; } if(asChannel) { flags |= 16; } if(options.clearDraft) { flags |= 128; } if(noWebPage) { flags |= 2; } var apiPromise: any; if(options.viaBotID) { apiPromise = apiManager.invokeApi('messages.sendInlineBotResult', { flags: flags, peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID), random_id: randomID, reply_to_msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager.getMessageLocalID(replyToMsgID), query_id: options.queryID, id: options.resultID }, sentRequestOptions); } else { if(sendEntites.length) { flags |= 8; } apiPromise = apiManager.invokeApi('messages.sendMessage', { flags: flags, no_webpage: noWebPage, peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID), message: text, random_id: randomID, reply_to_msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager.getMessageLocalID(replyToMsgID), entities: sendEntites }, sentRequestOptions); } // this.log(flags, entities) apiPromise.then((updates: any) => { if(updates._ == 'updateShortSentMessage') { message.flags = updates.flags; =; =; =; message.entities = updates.entities; updates = { _: 'updates', users: [], chats: [], seq: 0, updates: [{ _: 'updateMessageID', random_id: randomIDS, id: }, { _: isChannel ? 'updateNewChannelMessage' : 'updateNewMessage', message: message, pts: updates.pts, pts_count: updates.pts_count }] }; } else if(updates.updates) { updates.updates.forEach((update: any) => { if(update._ == 'updateDraftMessage') { update.local = true; } }); } // Testing bad situations // var upd = angular.copy(updates) // updates.updates.splice(0, 1) apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); // $timeout(function () { // ApiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(upd) // }, 5000) }, (/* error: any */) => { toggleError(true); }).finally(() => { if(this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID] === sentRequestOptions) { delete this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID]; } }); this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID] = sentRequestOptions; } this.saveMessages([message]); historyStorage.pending.unshift(messageID); $rootScope.$broadcast('history_append', {peerID: peerID, messageID: messageID, my: true}); setTimeout(() => message.send(), 0); // setTimeout(function () { // message.send() // }, 5000) /* if(options.clearDraft) { // WARNING DraftsManager.clearDraft(peerID) } */ this.pendingByRandomID[randomIDS] = [peerID, messageID]; } public sendFile(peerID: number, file: File | Blob | MTDocument, options: Partial<{ isMedia: boolean, replyToMsgID: number, caption: string, entities: any[], width: number, height: number, objectURL: string, isRoundMessage: boolean, duration: number, background: boolean, isVoiceMessage: boolean, waveform: Uint8Array }> = {}) { peerID = appPeersManager.getPeerMigratedTo(peerID) || peerID; var messageID = this.tempID--; var randomID = [nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)]; var randomIDS = bigint(randomID[0]).shiftLeft(32).add(bigint(randomID[1])).toString(); var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID] ?? (this.historiesStorage[peerID] = {count: null, history: [], pending: []}); var flags = 0; var pFlags: any = {}; var replyToMsgID = options.replyToMsgID; var isChannel = appPeersManager.isChannel(peerID); var isMegagroup = isChannel && appPeersManager.isMegagroup(peerID); var asChannel = isChannel && !isMegagroup ? true : false; var attachType: string, apiFileName: string; const fileType = 'mime_type' in file ? file.mime_type : file.type; const fileName = file instanceof File ? : ''; const isDocument = !(file instanceof File) && !(file instanceof Blob); let caption = options.caption || ''; const date = tsNow(true) + ServerTimeManager.serverTimeOffset; this.log('sendFile', file, fileType); if(caption) { let entities = options.entities || []; caption = RichTextProcessor.parseMarkdown(caption, entities); } const attributes: any[] = []; let actionName = ''; if(!options.isMedia) { attachType = 'document'; apiFileName = 'document.' + fileType.split('/')[1]; actionName = 'sendMessageUploadDocumentAction'; } else if(isDocument) { // maybe it's a sticker or gif attachType = 'document'; apiFileName = ''; } else if(['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/bmp'].indexOf(fileType) >= 0) { attachType = 'photo'; apiFileName = 'photo.' + fileType.split('/')[1]; actionName = 'sendMessageUploadPhotoAction'; let photo: any = { _: 'photo', id: '' + messageID, sizes: [{ _: 'photoSize', w: options.width, h: options.height, type: 'm', size: file.size } as MTPhotoSize], w: options.width, h: options.height, downloaded: file.size, url: options.objectURL || '' }; appPhotosManager.savePhoto(photo); } else if(fileType.indexOf('audio/') === 0 || ['video/ogg'].indexOf(fileType) >= 0) { attachType = 'audio'; apiFileName = 'audio.' + (fileType.split('/')[1] == 'ogg' ? 'ogg' : 'mp3'); actionName = 'sendMessageUploadAudioAction'; let flags = 0; if(options.isVoiceMessage) { flags |= 1 << 10; flags |= 1 << 2; attachType = 'voice'; } let attribute = { _: 'documentAttributeAudio', flags: flags, pFlags: { // that's only for client, not going to telegram voice: options.isVoiceMessage }, waveform: options.waveform, voice: options.isVoiceMessage, duration: options.duration || 0 }; attributes.push(attribute); } else if(fileType.indexOf('video/') === 0) { attachType = 'video'; apiFileName = 'video.mp4'; actionName = 'sendMessageUploadVideoAction'; let flags = 1; if(options.isRoundMessage) flags |= 2; let videoAttribute = { _: 'documentAttributeVideo', flags: flags, pFlags: { // that's only for client, not going to telegram supports_streaming: true, round_message: options.isRoundMessage }, round_message: options.isRoundMessage, supports_streaming: true, duration: options.duration, w: options.width, h: options.height }; attributes.push(videoAttribute); } else { attachType = 'document'; apiFileName = 'document.' + fileType.split('/')[1]; actionName = 'sendMessageUploadDocumentAction'; } attributes.push({_: 'documentAttributeFilename', file_name: fileName || apiFileName}); if(['document', 'video', 'audio', 'voice'].indexOf(attachType) !== -1 && !isDocument) { let doc: any = { _: 'document', id: '' + messageID, duration: options.duration, attributes: attributes, w: options.width, h: options.height, downloaded: file.size, thumbs: [], mime_type: fileType, url: options.objectURL || '', size: file.size }; appDocsManager.saveDoc(doc); } this.log('AMM: sendFile', attachType, apiFileName, file.type, options); var fromID = appUsersManager.getSelf().id; if(peerID != fromID) { flags |= 2; pFlags.out = true; if(!isChannel && !appUsersManager.isBot(peerID)) { flags |= 1; pFlags.unread = true; } } if(replyToMsgID) { flags |= 8; } if(asChannel) { fromID = 0; = true; } else { flags |= 256; } let preloader = new ProgressivePreloader(null, true); var media = { _: 'messageMediaPending', type: attachType, file_name: fileName || apiFileName, size: file.size, file: file, preloader: preloader, w: options.width, h: options.height, url: options.objectURL, progress: { percent: 1, total: file.size, done: 0, cancel: () => {} } }; preloader.preloader.onclick = () => { this.log('cancelling upload', media); this.setTyping('sendMessageCancelAction'); media.progress.cancel(); }; var message: any = { _: 'message', id: messageID, from_id: fromID, to_id: appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(peerID), flags: flags, pFlags: pFlags, date: date, message: caption, media: isDocument ? { _: 'messageMediaDocument', pFlags: {}, flags: 1, document: file } : media, random_id: randomIDS, reply_to_msg_id: replyToMsgID, views: asChannel && 1, pending: true }; var toggleError = (on: boolean) => { if(on) { message.error = true; } else { delete message.error; } $rootScope.$broadcast('messages_pending'); }; var uploaded = false, uploadPromise: ReturnType = null; let invoke = (flags: number, inputMedia: any) => { this.setTyping('sendMessageCancelAction'); return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.sendMedia', { flags: flags, background: options.background, clear_draft: true, peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID), media: inputMedia, message: caption, random_id: randomID, reply_to_msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager.getMessageLocalID(replyToMsgID) }).then((updates) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }, (error) => { if(attachType == 'photo' && error.code == 400 && (error.type == 'PHOTO_INVALID_DIMENSIONS' || error.type == 'PHOTO_SAVE_FILE_INVALID')) { error.handled = true attachType = 'document' message.send(); return; } toggleError(true); }); }; message.send = () => { let flags = 0; if(replyToMsgID) { flags |= 1; } if(options.background) { flags |= 64; } flags |= 128; // clear_draft if(isDocument) { let {id, access_hash, file_reference} = file as MTDocument; let inputMedia = { _: 'inputMediaDocument', flags: 0, id: { _: 'inputDocument', id: id, access_hash: access_hash, file_reference: file_reference } }; invoke(flags, inputMedia); } else if(file instanceof File || file instanceof Blob) { let deferred = deferredPromise(); this.sendFilePromise.then(() => { if(!uploaded || message.error) { uploaded = false; uploadPromise = apiFileManager.uploadFile(file); } uploadPromise && uploadPromise.then((inputFile) => { this.log('appMessagesManager: sendFile uploaded:', inputFile); = apiFileName; uploaded = true; var inputMedia; switch(attachType) { case 'photo': inputMedia = { _: 'inputMediaUploadedPhoto', flags: 0, file: inputFile }; break; default: inputMedia = { _: 'inputMediaUploadedDocument', file: inputFile, mime_type: fileType, attributes: attributes }; } invoke(flags, inputMedia); }, (/* error */) => { toggleError(true); }); uploadPromise.notify = (progress: {done: number, total: number}) => { this.log('upload progress', progress); media.progress.done = progress.done; media.progress.percent = Math.max(1, Math.floor(100 * progress.done /; this.setTyping({_: actionName, progress: media.progress.percent | 0}); preloader.setProgress(media.progress.percent); // lol, nice $rootScope.$broadcast('history_update', {peerID: peerID}); }; media.progress.cancel = () => { if(!uploaded) { deferred.resolve(); uploadPromise.cancel(); this.cancelPendingMessage(randomIDS); } }; // @ts-ignore uploadPromise['finally'](() => { deferred.resolve(); preloader.detach(); }); }); this.sendFilePromise = deferred; } }; this.saveMessages([message]); historyStorage.pending.unshift(messageID); $rootScope.$broadcast('history_append', {peerID: peerID, messageID: messageID, my: true}); setTimeout(message.send.bind(this), 0); this.pendingByRandomID[randomIDS] = [peerID, messageID]; } public async sendAlbum(peerID: number, files: File[], options: Partial<{ entities: any[], replyToMsgID: number, caption: string, sendFileDetails: Partial<{ duration: number, width: number, height: number, objectURL: string, }>[] }> = {}) { peerID = appPeersManager.getPeerMigratedTo(peerID) || peerID; let groupID: number; let historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID] ?? (this.historiesStorage[peerID] = {count: null, history: [], pending: []}); let flags = 0; let pFlags: any = {}; let replyToMsgID = options.replyToMsgID; let isChannel = appPeersManager.isChannel(peerID); let isMegagroup = isChannel && appPeersManager.isMegagroup(peerID); let asChannel = isChannel && !isMegagroup ? true : false; let caption = options.caption || ''; let date = tsNow(true) + ServerTimeManager.serverTimeOffset; if(caption) { let entities = options.entities || []; caption = RichTextProcessor.parseMarkdown(caption, entities); } this.log('AMM: sendAlbum', files, options); let fromID = appUsersManager.getSelf().id; if(peerID != fromID) { pFlags.out = true; if(!isChannel && !appUsersManager.isBot(peerID)) { pFlags.unread = true; } } if(replyToMsgID) { flags |= 1; } if(asChannel) { fromID = 0; = true; } else { flags |= 128; // clear_draft } let ids = => this.tempID--).reverse(); groupID = ids[ids.length - 1]; let messages =, idx) => { //let messageID = this.tempID--; //if(!groupID) groupID = messageID; let messageID = ids[idx]; let randomID = [nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)]; let randomIDS = bigint(randomID[0]).shiftLeft(32).add(bigint(randomID[1])).toString(); let preloader = new ProgressivePreloader(null, true); let details = options.sendFileDetails[idx]; let media = { _: 'messageMediaPending', type: 'album', preloader: preloader, progress: { percent: 1, total: file.size, done: 0, cancel: () => {} }, document: undefined as any, photo: undefined as any }; if(file.type.indexOf('video/') === 0) { let flags = 1; let videoAttribute = { _: 'documentAttributeVideo', flags: flags, pFlags: { // that's only for client, not going to telegram supports_streaming: true, round_message: false }, round_message: false, supports_streaming: true, duration: details.duration, w: details.width, h: details.height }; let doc: any = { _: 'document', id: '' + messageID, attributes: [videoAttribute], downloaded: file.size, thumbs: [], mime_type: file.type, url: details.objectURL || '', size: file.size }; appDocsManager.saveDoc(doc); media.document = doc; } else { let photo: any = { _: 'photo', id: '' + messageID, sizes: [{ _: 'photoSize', w: details.width, h: details.height, type: 'm', size: file.size } as MTPhotoSize], w: details.width, h: details.height, downloaded: file.size, url: details.objectURL || '' }; appPhotosManager.savePhoto(photo); = photo; } preloader.preloader.onclick = () => { this.log('cancelling upload', media); this.setTyping('sendMessageCancelAction'); media.progress.cancel(); }; let message = { _: 'message', id: messageID, from_id: fromID, grouped_id: groupID, to_id: appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(peerID), flags: flags, pFlags: pFlags, date: date, message: caption, media: media, random_id: randomIDS, randomID: randomID, reply_to_msg_id: replyToMsgID, views: asChannel && 1, pending: true, error: false }; this.saveMessages([message]); historyStorage.pending.unshift(messageID); //$rootScope.$broadcast('history_append', {peerID: peerID, messageID: messageID, my: true}); this.pendingByRandomID[randomIDS] = [peerID, messageID]; return message; }); $rootScope.$broadcast('history_append', {peerID: peerID, messageID: messages[messages.length - 1].id, my: true}); let toggleError = (message: any, on: boolean) => { if(on) { message.error = true; } else { delete message.error; } $rootScope.$broadcast('messages_pending'); }; let uploaded = false, uploadPromise: ReturnType = null; let inputPeer = appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID); let invoke = (multiMedia: any[]) => { this.setTyping('sendMessageCancelAction'); return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.sendMultiMedia', { flags: flags, peer: inputPeer, multi_media: multiMedia, reply_to_msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager.getMessageLocalID(replyToMsgID) }).then((updates) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }, (error) => { messages.forEach(message => toggleError(message, true)); }); }; let inputs: any[] = []; for(let i = 0, length = files.length; i < length; ++i) { let file = files[i]; let message = messages[i]; let media =; let preloader = media.preloader; let actionName = file.type.indexOf('video/') === 0 ? 'sendMessageUploadVideoAction' : 'sendMessageUploadPhotoAction'; let deferred = deferredPromise(); await this.sendFilePromise; this.sendFilePromise = deferred; if(!uploaded || message.error) { uploaded = false; uploadPromise = apiFileManager.uploadFile(file); } uploadPromise.notify = (progress: {done: number, total: number}) => { this.log('upload progress', progress); media.progress.percent = Math.max(1, Math.floor(100 * progress.done /; this.setTyping({_: actionName, progress: media.progress.percent | 0}); preloader.setProgress(media.progress.percent); // lol, nice $rootScope.$broadcast('history_update', {peerID: peerID}); }; await uploadPromise.then((inputFile) => { this.log('appMessagesManager: sendAlbum file uploaded:', inputFile); let inputMedia: any; let details = options.sendFileDetails[i]; if(details.duration) { inputMedia = { _: 'inputMediaUploadedDocument', flags: 0, file: inputFile, mime_type: file.type, attributes: [{ _: 'documentAttributeVideo', flags: 2, supports_streaming: true, duration: details.duration, w: details.width, h: details.height }] }; } else { inputMedia = { _: 'inputMediaUploadedPhoto', flags: 0, file: inputFile }; } return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.uploadMedia', { peer: inputPeer, media: inputMedia }).then(messageMedia => { let inputMedia: any; if( { let photo =; appPhotosManager.savePhoto(photo); inputMedia = appPhotosManager.getInputByID(; } else { let doc = messageMedia.document; appDocsManager.saveDoc(doc); inputMedia = appDocsManager.getMediaInputByID(; } inputs.push({ _: 'inputSingleMedia', flags: 0, media: inputMedia, random_id: message.randomID, message: caption, entities: [] }); caption = ''; // only 1 caption for all inputs }, () => { toggleError(message, true); }); }, () => { toggleError(message, true); }); this.log('appMessagesManager: sendAlbum uploadPromise.finally!'); deferred.resolve(); preloader.detach(); } uploaded = true; invoke(inputs); } public cancelPendingMessage(randomID: string) { var pendingData = this.pendingByRandomID[randomID]; this.log('cancelPendingMessage', randomID, pendingData); if(pendingData) { var peerID = pendingData[0]; var tempID = pendingData[1]; var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID]; var pos = historyStorage.pending.indexOf(tempID); apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updateDeleteMessages', messages: [tempID] } }); if(pos != -1) { historyStorage.pending.splice(pos, 1); } delete this.messagesStorage[tempID]; return true; } return false; } public getConversations(query = '', offsetIndex?: number, limit = 20, folderID = 0) { let curDialogStorage = this.dialogsStorage[folderID] ?? (this.dialogsStorage[folderID] = []); if(query) { if(!limit || this.cachedResults.query !== query) { this.cachedResults.query = query const results =, this.dialogsIndex); this.cachedResults.dialogs = []; for(const folderID in this.dialogsStorage) { const dialogs = this.dialogsStorage[folderID]; dialogs.forEach(dialog => { if(results[dialog.peerID]) { this.cachedResults.dialogs.push(dialog); } }); } this.cachedResults.count = this.cachedResults.dialogs.length; } curDialogStorage = this.cachedResults.dialogs; } else { this.cachedResults.query = ''; } let offset = 0; if(offsetIndex > 0) { for(; offset < curDialogStorage.length; offset++) { if(offsetIndex > curDialogStorage[offset].index) { break; } } } if(query || this.allDialogsLoaded[folderID] || curDialogStorage.length >= offset + limit) { return Promise.resolve({ dialogs: curDialogStorage.slice(offset, offset + limit), count: curDialogStorage.length }); } return this.getTopMessages(limit, folderID).then(totalCount => { //const curDialogStorage = this.dialogsStorage[folderID]; offset = 0; if(offsetIndex > 0) { for(; offset < curDialogStorage.length; offset++) { if(offsetIndex > curDialogStorage[offset].index) { break; } } } //this.log.warn(offset, offset + limit, curDialogStorage.dialogs.length, this.dialogsStorage.dialogs.length); return { dialogs: curDialogStorage.slice(offset, offset + limit), count: totalCount }; }); } public getTopMessages(limit: number, folderID: number): Promise { const dialogs = this.dialogsStorage[folderID]; let offsetID = 0; let offsetDate = 0; let offsetPeerID = 0; let offsetIndex = 0; let flags = 0; if(this.dialogsOffsetDate[folderID]) { offsetDate = this.dialogsOffsetDate[folderID] + serverTimeManager.serverTimeOffset; offsetIndex = this.dialogsOffsetDate[folderID] * 0x10000; //flags |= 1; // means pinned already loaded } //if(folderID > 0) { //flags |= 1; flags |= 2; //} return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.getDialogs', { flags: flags, folder_id: folderID, offset_date: offsetDate, offset_id: appMessagesIDsManager.getMessageLocalID(offsetID), offset_peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(offsetPeerID), limit: limit, hash: 0 }, { timeout: APITIMEOUT }).then((dialogsResult: any) => { ///////this.log('messages.getDialogs result:', dialogsResult); if(!offsetDate) { telegramMeWebService.setAuthorized(true); } appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(dialogsResult.users); appChatsManager.saveApiChats(dialogsResult.chats); this.saveMessages(dialogsResult.messages); var maxSeenIdIncremented = offsetDate ? true : false; var hasPrepend = false; let length = dialogsResult.dialogs.length; let noIDsDialogs: any = {}; for(let i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { let dialog = dialogsResult.dialogs[i]; this.saveConversation(dialog); if(offsetIndex && dialog.index > offsetIndex) { this.newDialogsToHandle[dialog.peerID] = dialog; hasPrepend = true; } if(!dialog.read_inbox_max_id && !dialog.read_outbox_max_id) { noIDsDialogs[dialog.peerID] = dialog; } if(!maxSeenIdIncremented && !appPeersManager.isChannel(appPeersManager.getPeerID(dialog.peer))) { this.incrementMaxSeenID(dialog.top_message); maxSeenIdIncremented = true; } } if(Object.keys(noIDsDialogs).length) { //setTimeout(() => { // test bad situation this.reloadConversation(Object.keys(noIDsDialogs).map(id => +id)).then(() => { $rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', noIDsDialogs); for(let peerID in noIDsDialogs) { $rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_unread', {peerID: +peerID}); } }); //}, 10e3); } if(!dialogsResult.dialogs.length || !dialogsResult.count || dialogs.length >= dialogsResult.count) { this.allDialogsLoaded[folderID] = true; } if(hasPrepend) { this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs(); } else { $rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', {}); } return dialogsResult.count; }); } public forwardMessages(peerID: number, mids: number[], options: Partial<{ withMyScore: boolean }> = {}) { peerID = appPeersManager.getPeerMigratedTo(peerID) || peerID; mids = mids.sort((a, b) => a - b); var flags = 0; if(options.withMyScore) { flags |= 256; } let splitted = appMessagesIDsManager.splitMessageIDsByChannels(mids); let promises: any[] = []; for(let channelID in splitted.msgIDs) { let msgIDs = splitted.msgIDs[channelID]; let len = msgIDs.length; let randomIDs = []; for(let i = 0; i < len; i++) { randomIDs.push([nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)]); } let sentRequestOptions: any = {}; if(this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID]) { sentRequestOptions.afterMessageID = this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID].messageID; } let promise = apiManager.invokeApi('messages.forwardMessages', { flags: flags, from_peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(-channelID), id: msgIDs, random_id: randomIDs, to_peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID) }, sentRequestOptions).then((updates) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }, () => {}).then(() => { if(this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID] === sentRequestOptions) { delete this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID]; } }); this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID] = sentRequestOptions; promises.push(promise); } return Promise.all(promises); } /* var date = / 1000 | 0; var m = date * 0x10000; var k = (date + 1) * 0x10000; k - m; 65536 */ public generateDialogIndex(date?: any) { if(date === undefined) { date = tsNow(true) + serverTimeManager.serverTimeOffset; } return (date * 0x10000) + ((++this.dialogsNum) & 0xFFFF); } public generateIndexForDialog(dialog: Dialog) { const channelID = appPeersManager.isChannel(dialog.peerID) ? -dialog.peerID : 0; const mid = appMessagesIDsManager.getFullMessageID(dialog.top_message, channelID); const message = this.getMessage(mid); let topDate =; if(channelID) { const channel = appChatsManager.getChat(channelID); if(!topDate || && > topDate) { topDate =; } } const savedDraft: any = {};// DraftsManager.saveDraft(peerID, dialog.draft); // warning if(savedDraft && > topDate) { topDate =; } if(dialog.pFlags.pinned && dialog.folder_id == 0) { topDate = this.generateDialogPinnedDate(dialog); //this.log('topDate', peerID, topDate); } dialog.index = this.generateDialogIndex(topDate); } public pushDialogToStorage(dialog: Dialog, offsetDate?: number) { let dialogs = this.dialogsStorage[dialog.folder_id] ?? (this.dialogsStorage[dialog.folder_id] = []); let pos = dialogs.findIndex(d => d.peerID == dialog.peerID); if(pos !== -1) { dialogs.splice(pos, 1); } if(offsetDate && !dialog.pFlags.pinned && (!this.dialogsOffsetDate[dialog.folder_id] || offsetDate < this.dialogsOffsetDate[dialog.folder_id])) { if(pos !== -1) { // So the dialog jumped to the last position return false; } this.dialogsOffsetDate[dialog.folder_id] = offsetDate; } let index = dialog.index; let len = dialogs.length; if(!len || index < dialogs[len - 1].index) { dialogs.push(dialog); } else if(index >= dialogs[0].index) { dialogs.unshift(dialog); } else { for(let i = 0; i < len; i++) { if(index > dialogs[i].index) { dialogs.splice(i, 0, dialog); break; } } } } public getMessage(messageID: number) { return this.messagesStorage[messageID] || { _: 'messageEmpty', deleted: true, pFlags: {out: false, unread: false} }; } public getMessagePeer(message: any): number { var toID = message.to_id && appPeersManager.getPeerID(message.to_id) || 0; if(toID < 0) { return toID; } else if(message.pFlags && message.pFlags.out || message.flags & 2) { return toID; } return message.from_id; } public getDialogByPeerID(peerID: number): [Dialog, number] | [] { let dialogs = this.dialogsStorage; for(let folderID in dialogs) { let index = dialogs[folderID].findIndex(dialog => dialog.peerID == peerID); if(index !== -1) { return [dialogs[folderID][index], index]; } } return []; } public reloadConversation(peerID: number | number[]) { let peers = [].concat(peerID).map(peerID => appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID)); this.log('will reloadConversation', peerID); return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.getPeerDialogs', { peers: peers }).then(this.applyConversations.bind(this)); } private doFlushHistory(inputPeer: any, justClear: boolean): Promise { let flags = 0; if(justClear) { flags |= 1; } return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.deleteHistory', { flags: flags, peer: inputPeer, max_id: 0 }).then((affectedHistory) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updatePts', pts: affectedHistory.pts, pts_count: affectedHistory.pts_count } }); if(!affectedHistory.offset) { return true; } return this.doFlushHistory(inputPeer, justClear); }) } public async flushHistory(peerID: number, justClear: boolean) { if(appPeersManager.isChannel(peerID)) { let promise = this.getHistory(peerID, 0, 1); let historyResult = promise instanceof Promise ? await promise : promise; let channelID = -peerID; let maxID = appMessagesIDsManager.getMessageLocalID(historyResult.history[0] || 0); return apiManager.invokeApi('channels.deleteHistory', { channel: appChatsManager.getChannelInput(channelID), max_id: maxID }).then(() => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updateChannelAvailableMessages', channel_id: channelID, available_min_id: maxID } }); return true; }); } return this.doFlushHistory(appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID), justClear).then(() => { delete this.historiesStorage[peerID]; for(let mid in this.messagesStorage) { let message = this.messagesStorage[mid]; if(message.peerID == peerID) { delete this.messagesStorage[mid]; } } if(justClear) { $rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_flush', {peerID: peerID}); } else { let foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID); if(foundDialog[0]) { this.dialogsStorage[foundDialog[0].folder_id].splice(foundDialog[1], 1); } $rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_drop', {peerID: peerID}); } }); } public savePinnedMessage(peerID: number, mid: number) { if(!mid) { delete this.pinnedMessages[peerID]; return; } this.pinnedMessages[peerID] = mid; this.wrapSingleMessage(mid); } public getPinnedMessage(peerID: number) { return this.getMessage(this.pinnedMessages[peerID] || 0); } public updatePinnedMessage(peerID: number, msgID: number) { apiManager.invokeApi('messages.updatePinnedMessage', { flags: 0, peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID), id: msgID }).then(updates => { /////this.log('pinned updates:', updates); apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); }); } public saveMessages(apiMessages: any[], options: { isNew?: boolean, isEdited?: boolean } = {}) { apiMessages.forEach((apiMessage) => { if(apiMessage.pFlags === undefined) { apiMessage.pFlags = {}; } if(!apiMessage.pFlags.out) { apiMessage.pFlags.out = false; } if(!apiMessage.pFlags.unread) { apiMessage.pFlags.unread = false; } if(apiMessage._ == 'messageEmpty') { return; } const peerID = this.getMessagePeer(apiMessage); const isChannel = apiMessage.to_id._ == 'peerChannel'; const channelID = isChannel ? -peerID : 0; const isBroadcast = isChannel && appChatsManager.isBroadcast(channelID); const mid = appMessagesIDsManager.getFullMessageID(, channelID); apiMessage.mid = mid; if(apiMessage.grouped_id) { const storage = this.groupedMessagesStorage[apiMessage.grouped_id] ?? (this.groupedMessagesStorage[apiMessage.grouped_id] = {}); storage[mid] = apiMessage; } const dialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0]; if(dialog && mid > 0) { apiMessage.pFlags.unread = mid > dialog[apiMessage.pFlags.out ? 'read_outbox_max_id' : 'read_inbox_max_id']; } else if(options.isNew) { apiMessage.pFlags.unread = true; } // this.log(dT(), 'msg unread', mid, apiMessage.pFlags.out, dialog && dialog[apiMessage.pFlags.out ? 'read_outbox_max_id' : 'read_inbox_max_id']) if(apiMessage.reply_to_msg_id) { apiMessage.reply_to_mid = appMessagesIDsManager.getFullMessageID(apiMessage.reply_to_msg_id, channelID); } -= serverTimeManager.serverTimeOffset; apiMessage.peerID = peerID; apiMessage.fromID = ? peerID : apiMessage.from_id; const fwdHeader = apiMessage.fwd_from; if(fwdHeader) { if(peerID == appUsersManager.getSelf().id) { if(fwdHeader.saved_from_peer && fwdHeader.saved_from_msg_id) { const savedFromPeerID = appPeersManager.getPeerID(fwdHeader.saved_from_peer); const savedFromMid = appMessagesIDsManager.getFullMessageID(fwdHeader.saved_from_msg_id, appPeersManager.isChannel(savedFromPeerID) ? -savedFromPeerID : 0); apiMessage.savedFrom = savedFromPeerID + '_' + savedFromMid; } apiMessage.fromID = fwdHeader.channel_id ? -fwdHeader.channel_id : fwdHeader.from_id; } else { apiMessage.fwdPostID = fwdHeader.channel_post; } apiMessage.fwdFromID = fwdHeader.channel_id ? -fwdHeader.channel_id : fwdHeader.from_id; -= serverTimeManager.serverTimeOffset; } if(apiMessage.via_bot_id > 0) { apiMessage.viaBotID = apiMessage.via_bot_id; } const mediaContext = { user_id: apiMessage.fromID, date: }; if( { switch( { case 'messageMediaEmpty': delete; break; case 'messageMediaPhoto': if( { = {_: 'messageMediaUnsupportedWeb'}; } else { = appPhotosManager.savePhoto(, mediaContext); //appPhotosManager.savePhoto(, mediaContext); } break; case 'messageMediaPoll': = appPollsManager.savePoll(,; break; case 'messageMediaDocument': if( { = {_: 'messageMediaUnsupportedWeb'}; } else { = appDocsManager.saveDoc(, mediaContext); // 11.04.2020 warning } break; case 'messageMediaWebPage': /* if( { appDocsManager.saveDoc(, mediaContext); } */ appWebPagesManager.saveWebPage(, apiMessage.mid, mediaContext); break; /*case 'messageMediaGame': AppGamesManager.saveGame(, apiMessage.mid, mediaContext); = true; break; */ case 'messageMediaInvoice': = {_: 'messageMediaUnsupportedWeb'}; break; case 'messageMediaGeoLive': = 'messageMediaGeo'; break; } } if(apiMessage.action) { let migrateFrom; let migrateTo; switch(apiMessage.action._) { case 'messageActionChatEditPhoto': = appPhotosManager.savePhoto(, mediaContext); //appPhotosManager.savePhoto(, mediaContext); if(isBroadcast) { apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChannelEditPhoto'; } break; case 'messageActionChatEditTitle': if(isBroadcast) { apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChannelEditTitle'; } break; case 'messageActionChatDeletePhoto': if(isBroadcast) { apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChannelDeletePhoto'; } break; case 'messageActionChatAddUser': if(apiMessage.action.users.length == 1) { apiMessage.action.user_id = apiMessage.action.users[0]; if(apiMessage.fromID == apiMessage.action.user_id) { if(isChannel) { apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChatJoined'; } else { apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChatReturn'; } } } else if(apiMessage.action.users.length > 1) { apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChatAddUsers'; } break; case 'messageActionChatDeleteUser': if(apiMessage.fromID == apiMessage.action.user_id) { apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChatLeave'; } break; case 'messageActionChannelMigrateFrom': migrateFrom = -apiMessage.action.chat_id; migrateTo = -channelID; break case 'messageActionChatMigrateTo': migrateFrom = -channelID; migrateTo = -apiMessage.action.channel_id; break; case 'messageActionHistoryClear': apiMessage.deleted = true; apiMessage.clear_history = true; apiMessage.pFlags.out = false; apiMessage.pFlags.unread = false; break; case 'messageActionPhoneCall': delete apiMessage.fromID; apiMessage.action.type = (apiMessage.pFlags.out ? 'out_' : 'in_') + ( apiMessage.action.reason._ == 'phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed' || apiMessage.action.reason._ == 'phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy' ? 'missed' : 'ok' ); break; } if(migrateFrom && migrateTo && !this.migratedFromTo[migrateFrom] && !this.migratedToFrom[migrateTo]) { this.migrateChecks(migrateFrom, migrateTo); } } apiMessage.rReply = this.getRichReplyText(apiMessage); if(apiMessage.message && apiMessage.message.length) { const myEntities = RichTextProcessor.parseEntities(apiMessage.message); const apiEntities = apiMessage.entities || []; apiMessage.totalEntities = RichTextProcessor.mergeEntities(myEntities, apiEntities, !apiMessage.pending); } apiMessage.canBeEdited = this.canMessageBeEdited(apiMessage); if(!options.isEdited) { this.messagesStorage[mid] = apiMessage; } }); } public getRichReplyText(message: any, text: string = message.message) { let messageText = ''; if( { if(message.grouped_id) { messageText += 'Album' + (message.message ? ', ' : '') + ''; } else switch( { case 'messageMediaPhoto': messageText += 'Photo' + (message.message ? ', ' : '') + ''; break; case 'messageMediaGeo': messageText += 'Geolocation'; break; case 'messageMediaPoll': messageText += '' + + ''; break; case 'messageMediaContact': messageText += 'Contact'; break; case 'messageMediaDocument': let document =; if(document.type == 'video') { messageText = 'Video' + (message.message ? ', ' : '') + ''; } else if(document.type == 'voice') { messageText = 'Voice message'; } else if(document.type == 'gif') { messageText = 'GIF' + (message.message ? ', ' : '') + ''; } else if(document.type == 'round') { messageText = 'Video message' + (message.message ? ', ' : '') + ''; } else if(document.type == 'sticker') { messageText = (document.stickerEmoji || '') + 'Sticker'; } else { messageText = '' + document.file_name + ''; } break; default: ///////this.log.warn('Got unknown type!', message); break; } } if(message.action) { let action = message.action; let str = ''; if(action.message) { str = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(action.message, {noLinebreaks: true}); } else { let suffix = ''; let _ = action._; if(_ == "messageActionPhoneCall") { _ += '.' + action.type; let duration = action.duration; if(duration) { let d = []; d.push(duration % 60 + ' s'); if(duration >= 60) d.push((duration / 60 | 0) + ' min'); //if(duration >= 3600) d.push((duration / 3600 | 0) + ' h'); suffix = ' (' + d.reverse().join(' ') + ')'; } } // @ts-ignore str = langPack[_] + suffix; } //this.log('message action:', action); messageText = '' + str + ''; } let messageWrapped = ''; if(text) { let entities = RichTextProcessor.parseEntities(text.replace(/\n/g, ' '), {noLinebreakers: true}); messageWrapped = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(text, { noLinebreakers: true, entities: entities, noTextFormat: true }); } return messageText + messageWrapped; } public editPeerFolders(peerIDs: number[], folderID: number) { apiManager.invokeApi('folders.editPeerFolders', { folder_peers: => { return { _: 'inputFolderPeer', peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID), folder_id: folderID }; }) }).then(updates => { this.log('editPeerFolders updates:', updates); apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(updates); // WARNING! возможно тут нужно добавлять channelID, и вызывать апдейт для каждого канала отдельно }); } public toggleDialogPin(peerID: number) { let dialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0]; if(!dialog) return Promise.reject(); let peer = { _: 'inputDialogPeer', peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID) }; let flags = dialog.pFlags?.pinned ? 0 : 1; return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.toggleDialogPin', { flags, peer }).then(bool => { this.handleUpdate({ _: 'updateDialogPinned', peer: peer, pFlags: { pinned: flags } }); }); } public markDialogUnread(peerID: number, read?: boolean) { let dialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0]; if(!dialog) return Promise.reject(); let peer = { _: 'inputDialogPeer', peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID) }; let flags = read || dialog.pFlags?.unread_mark ? 0 : 1; return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.markDialogUnread', { flags, peer }).then(bool => { this.handleUpdate({ _: 'updateDialogUnreadMark', peer: peer, pFlags: { unread: flags } }); }); } public migrateChecks(migrateFrom: number, migrateTo: number) { if(!this.migratedFromTo[migrateFrom] && !this.migratedToFrom[migrateTo] && appChatsManager.hasChat(-migrateTo)) { var fromChat = appChatsManager.getChat(-migrateFrom); if(fromChat && fromChat.migrated_to && fromChat.migrated_to.channel_id == -migrateTo) { this.migratedFromTo[migrateFrom] = migrateTo; this.migratedToFrom[migrateTo] = migrateFrom; setTimeout(() => { var foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(migrateFrom); if(foundDialog.length) { this.dialogsStorage[foundDialog[0].folder_id].splice(foundDialog[1], 1); $rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_drop', {peerID: migrateFrom, dialog: foundDialog[0]}); } $rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_migrate', {migrateFrom: migrateFrom, migrateTo: migrateTo}); }, 100); } } } public canMessageBeEdited(message: any) { var goodMedias = [ 'messageMediaPhoto', 'messageMediaDocument', 'messageMediaWebPage', 'messageMediaPending' ] if(message._ != 'message' || message.deleted || message.fwd_from || message.via_bot_id || && goodMedias.indexOf( == -1 || message.fromID && appUsersManager.isBot(message.fromID)) { return false; } if( && == 'messageMediaDocument' && { return false; } return true; } public canEditMessage(messageID: number) { if(!this.messagesStorage[messageID]) { return false; } const message = this.messagesStorage[messageID]; if(!message || !message.canBeEdited) { return false; } if(this.getMessagePeer(message) == appUsersManager.getSelf().id) { return true; } if( < tsNow(true) - 2 * 86400 || !message.pFlags.out) { return false; } return true; } public applyConversations(dialogsResult: any) { appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(dialogsResult.users); appChatsManager.saveApiChats(dialogsResult.chats); this.saveMessages(dialogsResult.messages); //this.log('applyConversation', dialogsResult); const updatedDialogs: {[peerID: number]: Dialog} = {}; let hasUpdated = false; dialogsResult.dialogs.forEach((dialog: any) => { const peerID = appPeersManager.getPeerID(dialog.peer); let topMessage = dialog.top_message; const topPendingMesage = this.pendingTopMsgs[peerID]; if(topPendingMesage) { if(!topMessage || this.getMessage(topPendingMesage).date > this.getMessage(topMessage).date) { dialog.top_message = topMessage = topPendingMesage; } } if(topMessage) { const wasDialogBefore = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0]; // here need to just replace, not FULL replace dialog! WARNING if(wasDialogBefore && wasDialogBefore.pFlags && wasDialogBefore.pFlags.pinned) { if(!dialog.pFlags) dialog.pFlags = {}; dialog.pFlags.pinned = true; dialog.pinnedIndex = wasDialogBefore.pinnedIndex; } this.saveConversation(dialog); if(wasDialogBefore) { $rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_top', dialog); } else { updatedDialogs[peerID] = dialog; hasUpdated = true; } } else { const foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID); if(foundDialog.length) { this.dialogsStorage[foundDialog[0].folder_id].splice(foundDialog[1], 1); $rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_drop', {peerID: peerID, dialog: foundDialog[0]}); } } if(this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID] !== undefined) { for(const i in this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID]) { const update = this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID][i]; this.handleUpdate(update); } delete this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID]; } }); if(hasUpdated) { $rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', updatedDialogs); } } public saveConversation(dialog: Dialog) { const peerID = appPeersManager.getPeerID(dialog.peer); if(!peerID) { return false; } const channelID = appPeersManager.isChannel(peerID) ? -peerID : 0; const peerText = appPeersManager.getPeerSearchText(peerID); searchIndexManager.indexObject(peerID, peerText, this.dialogsIndex); let mid: number, message; if(dialog.top_message) { mid = appMessagesIDsManager.getFullMessageID(dialog.top_message, channelID); message = this.getMessage(mid); } else { mid = this.tempID--; message = { _: 'message', id: mid, mid: mid, from_id: appUsersManager.getSelf().id, to_id: appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(peerID), deleted: true, flags: 0, pFlags: {unread: false, out: true}, date: 0, message: '' }; this.saveMessages([message]); } if(!channelID && peerID < 0) { const chat = appChatsManager.getChat(-peerID); if(chat && chat.migrated_to && chat.pFlags.deactivated) { const migratedToPeer = appPeersManager.getPeerID(chat.migrated_to); this.migratedFromTo[peerID] = migratedToPeer; this.migratedToFrom[migratedToPeer] = peerID; return; } } dialog.top_message = mid; dialog.read_inbox_max_id = appMessagesIDsManager.getFullMessageID(dialog.read_inbox_max_id, channelID); dialog.read_outbox_max_id = appMessagesIDsManager.getFullMessageID(dialog.read_outbox_max_id, channelID); if(!dialog.hasOwnProperty('folder_id')) dialog.folder_id = 0; dialog.peerID = peerID; this.generateIndexForDialog(dialog); this.pushDialogToStorage(dialog,; // Because we saved message without dialog present if(message.mid > 0) { if(message.mid > dialog[message.pFlags.out ? 'read_outbox_max_id' : 'read_inbox_max_id']) message.pFlags.unread = true; else message.pFlags.unread = false; } if(this.historiesStorage[peerID] === undefined/* && !message.deleted */) { // warning const historyStorage: HistoryStorage = {count: null, history: [], pending: []}; historyStorage[mid > 0 ? 'history' : 'pending'].push(mid); if(mid < 0 && message.pFlags.unread) { dialog.unread_count++; } this.historiesStorage[peerID] = historyStorage; if(this.mergeReplyKeyboard(historyStorage, message)) { $rootScope.$broadcast('history_reply_markup', {peerID: peerID}); } } if(channelID && dialog.pts) { apiUpdatesManager.addChannelState(channelID, dialog.pts); } } public mergeReplyKeyboard(historyStorage: HistoryStorage, message: any) { // this.log('merge', message.mid, message.reply_markup, historyStorage.reply_markup) if(!message.reply_markup && !message.pFlags.out && !message.action) { return false; } if(message.reply_markup && message.reply_markup._ == 'replyInlineMarkup') { return false; } var messageReplyMarkup = message.reply_markup; var lastReplyMarkup = historyStorage.reply_markup; if(messageReplyMarkup) { if(lastReplyMarkup && lastReplyMarkup.mid >= message.mid) { return false; } if(messageReplyMarkup.pFlags.selective && !(message.flags & 16)) { return false; } if(historyStorage.maxOutID && message.mid < historyStorage.maxOutID && messageReplyMarkup.pFlags.single_use) { messageReplyMarkup.pFlags.hidden = true; } messageReplyMarkup = Object.assign({ mid: message.mid }, messageReplyMarkup); if(messageReplyMarkup._ != 'replyKeyboardHide') { messageReplyMarkup.fromID = message.from_id; } historyStorage.reply_markup = messageReplyMarkup; // this.log('set', historyStorage.reply_markup) return true; } if(message.pFlags.out) { if(lastReplyMarkup) { if(lastReplyMarkup.pFlags.single_use && !lastReplyMarkup.pFlags.hidden && (message.mid > lastReplyMarkup.mid || message.mid < 0) && message.message) { lastReplyMarkup.pFlags.hidden = true; // this.log('set', historyStorage.reply_markup) return true; } } else if(!historyStorage.maxOutID || message.mid > historyStorage.maxOutID) { historyStorage.maxOutID = message.mid; } } if(message.action && message.action._ == 'messageActionChatDeleteUser' && (lastReplyMarkup ? message.action.user_id == lastReplyMarkup.fromID : appUsersManager.isBot(message.action.user_id) ) ) { historyStorage.reply_markup = { _: 'replyKeyboardHide', mid: message.mid, flags: 0, pFlags: {} }; // this.log('set', historyStorage.reply_markup) return true; } return false; } public getSearch(peerID = 0, query: string = '', inputFilter: { _?: string } = {_: 'inputMessagesFilterEmpty'}, maxID: number, limit: number, offsetRate = 0, backLimit = 0): Promise<{ count: number, next_rate: number, history: number[] }> { //peerID = peerID ? parseInt(peerID) : 0; var foundMsgs: number[] = []; var useSearchCache = !query; var newSearchFilter = {peer: peerID, filter: inputFilter}; var sameSearchCache = useSearchCache && deepEqual(this.lastSearchFilter, newSearchFilter); if(useSearchCache && !sameSearchCache) { // this.log.warn(dT(), 'new search filter', lastSearchFilter, newSearchFilter) this.lastSearchFilter = newSearchFilter; this.lastSearchResults = []; } //this.log(dT(), 'search', useSearchCache, sameSearchCache, this.lastSearchResults, maxID); if(peerID && !maxID && !query) { var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID]; if(historyStorage !== undefined && historyStorage.history.length) { var neededContents: { [type: string]: boolean } = {}, neededDocType: string | boolean; var neededLimit = limit || 20; var message; switch(inputFilter._) { case 'inputMessagesFilterPhotos': neededContents['messageMediaPhoto'] = true; break; case 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo': neededContents['messageMediaPhoto'] = true; neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true; neededDocType = 'video'; break; case 'inputMessagesFilterVideo': neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true; neededDocType = 'video'; break; case 'inputMessagesFilterDocument': neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true; neededDocType = false; break; case 'inputMessagesFilterVoice': neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true; neededDocType = 'voice'; break; case 'inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo': neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true; neededDocType = 'round'; break; case 'inputMessagesFilterMusic': neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true; neededDocType = 'audio'; break; case 'inputMessagesFilterUrl': neededContents['url'] = true; break; case 'inputMessagesFilterMyMentions': neededContents['mentioned'] = true; break; default: return Promise.resolve({ count: 0, next_rate: 0, history: [] as number[] }); } for(let i = 0; i < historyStorage.history.length; i++) { message = this.messagesStorage[historyStorage.history[i]]; if( && neededContents[]) { if(neededDocType !== undefined && == 'messageMediaDocument' && != neededDocType) { continue; } foundMsgs.push(message.mid); if(foundMsgs.length >= neededLimit) { break; } } } } // this.log.warn(dT(), 'before append', foundMsgs) if(foundMsgs.length < neededLimit && this.lastSearchResults.length && sameSearchCache) { var minID = foundMsgs.length ? foundMsgs[foundMsgs.length - 1] : false; for(let i = 0; i < this.lastSearchResults.length; i++) { if(minID === false || this.lastSearchResults[i] < minID) { foundMsgs.push(this.lastSearchResults[i]); if(foundMsgs.length >= neededLimit) { break; } } } } // this.log.warn(dT(), 'after append', foundMsgs) } if(foundMsgs.length || limit == 1000) { if(useSearchCache) { this.lastSearchResults = listMergeSorted(this.lastSearchResults, foundMsgs) } return Promise.resolve({ count: 0, next_rate: 0, history: foundMsgs }); } let apiPromise: Promise; if(peerID || !query) { apiPromise = apiManager.invokeApi('', { flags: 0, peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID), q: query || '', filter: inputFilter || {_: 'inputMessagesFilterEmpty'}, min_date: 0, max_date: 0, limit: limit, offset_id: appMessagesIDsManager.getMessageLocalID(maxID) || 0, add_offset: backLimit ? -backLimit : 0, max_id: 0, min_id: 0 }, { timeout: APITIMEOUT, noErrorBox: true }); } else { var offsetDate = 0; var offsetPeerID = 0; var offsetID = 0; var offsetMessage = maxID && this.getMessage(maxID); if(offsetMessage && { offsetDate = + ServerTimeManager.serverTimeOffset; offsetID =; offsetPeerID = this.getMessagePeer(offsetMessage); } apiPromise = apiManager.invokeApi('messages.searchGlobal', { q: query, offset_rate: offsetRate, offset_peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(offsetPeerID), offset_id: appMessagesIDsManager.getMessageLocalID(offsetID), limit: limit || 20 }, { timeout: APITIMEOUT, noErrorBox: true }); } return apiPromise.then((searchResult: any) => { appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(searchResult.users); appChatsManager.saveApiChats(searchResult.chats); this.saveMessages(searchResult.messages); ///////////this.log(' result:', searchResult); var foundCount: number = searchResult.count || searchResult.messages.length; foundMsgs = []; searchResult.messages.forEach((message: any) => { var peerID = this.getMessagePeer(message); if(peerID < 0) { var chat = appChatsManager.getChat(-peerID); if(chat.migrated_to) { this.migrateChecks(peerID, -chat.migrated_to.channel_id); } } foundMsgs.push(message.mid); }); if(useSearchCache && (!maxID || sameSearchCache && this.lastSearchResults.indexOf(maxID) >= 0)) { this.lastSearchResults = listMergeSorted(this.lastSearchResults, foundMsgs); } // this.log(dT(), 'after API', foundMsgs, lastSearchResults) return { count: foundCount, next_rate: searchResult.next_rate, history: foundMsgs }; }, (error) => { if(error.code == 400) { error.handled = true; } return Promise.reject(error); }); } public generateDialogPinnedDate(dialog?: Dialog) { let pinnedIndex: number; if(dialog) { if(dialog.hasOwnProperty('pinnedIndex')) { pinnedIndex = dialog.pinnedIndex; } else { dialog.pinnedIndex = pinnedIndex = this.pinnedIndex++; } } else { pinnedIndex = this.pinnedIndex++; } if(pinnedIndex > this.pinnedIndex) { this.pinnedIndex = pinnedIndex; } return 0x7fffff00 + (pinnedIndex & 0xff); } public handleNewMessages() { clearTimeout(this.newMessagesHandlePromise); this.newMessagesHandlePromise = 0; $rootScope.$broadcast('history_multiappend', this.newMessagesToHandle); this.newMessagesToHandle = {}; } public handleNewDialogs() { clearTimeout(this.newDialogsHandlePromise); this.newDialogsHandlePromise = 0; let newMaxSeenID = 0; for(let peerID in this.newDialogsToHandle) { let dialog = this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID]; if('reload' in dialog) { this.reloadConversation(+peerID); delete this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID]; } else { this.pushDialogToStorage(dialog); if(!appPeersManager.isChannel(+peerID)) { newMaxSeenID = Math.max(newMaxSeenID, dialog.top_message || 0); } } } //this.log('after order:', this.dialogsStorage[0].map(d => d.peerID)); if(newMaxSeenID != 0) { this.incrementMaxSeenID(newMaxSeenID); } $rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', this.newDialogsToHandle); this.newDialogsToHandle = {}; } public scheduleHandleNewDialogs() { if(!this.newDialogsHandlePromise) { this.newDialogsHandlePromise = window.setTimeout(this.handleNewDialogs.bind(this), 0); } } public deleteMessages(messageIDs: number[], revoke: boolean) { const splitted = appMessagesIDsManager.splitMessageIDsByChannels(messageIDs); const promises: Promise[] = []; for(const channelIDStr in splitted.msgIDs) { const channelID = +channelIDStr; let msgIDs = splitted.msgIDs[channelID]; let promise: Promise; if(channelID > 0) { const channel = appChatsManager.getChat(channelID); if(!channel.pFlags.creator && !(channel.pFlags.editor && channel.pFlags.megagroup)) { const goodMsgIDs: number[] = []; if (channel.pFlags.editor || channel.pFlags.megagroup) { msgIDs.forEach((msgID, i) => { const message = this.getMessage(splitted.mids[channelID][i]); if(message.pFlags.out) { goodMsgIDs.push(msgID); } }); } if(!goodMsgIDs.length) { return; } msgIDs = goodMsgIDs; } promise = apiManager.invokeApi('channels.deleteMessages', { channel: appChatsManager.getChannelInput(channelID), id: msgIDs }).then((affectedMessages) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updateDeleteChannelMessages', channel_id: channelID, messages: msgIDs, pts: affectedMessages.pts, pts_count: affectedMessages.pts_count } }); }); } else { let flags = 0; if(revoke) { flags |= 1; } promise = apiManager.invokeApi('messages.deleteMessages', { flags: flags, id: msgIDs }).then((affectedMessages) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updateDeleteMessages', messages: msgIDs, pts: affectedMessages.pts, pts_count: affectedMessages.pts_count } }); }); } promises.push(promise); } return Promise.all(promises); } public readHistory(peerID: number, maxID = 0, readLength = 0): Promise { // console.trace('start read') const isChannel = appPeersManager.isChannel(peerID); const historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID]; const foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0]; if(!foundDialog || !foundDialog.unread_count) { if(!historyStorage || !historyStorage.history.length) { return Promise.resolve(false); } let foundUnread = !!historyStorage.history.find(messageID => { const message = this.messagesStorage[messageID]; return message && !message.pFlags.out && message.pFlags.unread; }); if(!foundUnread) { return Promise.resolve(false); } } if(historyStorage.readPromise) { return historyStorage.readPromise; } let apiPromise: any; if(isChannel) { apiPromise = apiManager.invokeApi('channels.readHistory', { channel: appChatsManager.getChannelInput(-peerID), max_id: maxID }); } else { apiPromise = apiManager.invokeApi('messages.readHistory', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID), max_id: maxID }).then((affectedMessages: any) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updatePts', pts: affectedMessages.pts, pts_count: affectedMessages.pts_count } }); }); } historyStorage.readPromise = apiPromise.then(() => { let index = -1; if(maxID != 0 && historyStorage.history.length) { index = historyStorage.history.indexOf(maxID); } let readedLength = 1; if(historyStorage.history.length && maxID) { for(let i = index == -1 ? 0 : index, length = historyStorage.history.length; i < length; i++) { const messageID = historyStorage.history[i]; if(messageID > maxID) continue; const message = this.messagesStorage[messageID]; if(message && !message.pFlags.out) { message.pFlags.unread = false; readedLength++; //NotificationsManager.cancel('msg' + messageID); // warning } } } if(foundDialog) { // this.log('done read history', peerID) if(historyStorage.history.length) { ////////this.log.warn('readPromise:', index, historyStorage.history[index != -1 ? index : 0]); foundDialog.read_inbox_max_id = maxID; } if(foundDialog.read_inbox_max_id == foundDialog.top_message || foundDialog.read_inbox_max_id == foundDialog.read_outbox_max_id) { foundDialog.unread_count = 0; } else { foundDialog.unread_count = Math.max(foundDialog.unread_count - (readLength || readedLength), 0); } this.log('readHistory set unread_count to:', foundDialog.unread_count, foundDialog); $rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_unread', {peerID: peerID, count: foundDialog.unread_count}); $rootScope.$broadcast('messages_read'); return true; } return false; }).finally(() => { delete historyStorage.readPromise; }); // NotificationsManager.soundReset(appPeersManager.getPeerString(peerID)) // warning return historyStorage.readPromise; } public readMessages(messageIDs: number[]) { var splitted = appMessagesIDsManager.splitMessageIDsByChannels(messageIDs); Object.keys(splitted.msgIDs).forEach((channelID: number | string) => { channelID = +channelID; let msgIDs = splitted.msgIDs[channelID]; if(channelID > 0) { apiManager.invokeApi('channels.readMessageContents', { channel: appChatsManager.getChannelInput(channelID), id: msgIDs }).then(() => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updateChannelReadMessagesContents', channel_id: channelID, messages: msgIDs } }); }); } else { apiManager.invokeApi('messages.readMessageContents', { id: msgIDs }).then((affectedMessages: any) => { apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update: { _: 'updateReadMessagesContents', messages: msgIDs, pts: affectedMessages.pts, pts_count: affectedMessages.pts_count } }); }); } }); } public handleUpdate(update: any) { this.log('AMM: handleUpdate:', update._); switch(update._) { case 'updateMessageID': { var randomID = update.random_id; var pendingData = this.pendingByRandomID[randomID]; //this.log('AMM updateMessageID:', update, pendingData); if(pendingData) { var peerID: number = pendingData[0]; var tempID = pendingData[1]; var channelID = appPeersManager.isChannel(peerID) ? -peerID : 0; var mid = appMessagesIDsManager.getFullMessageID(, channelID); var message = this.messagesStorage[mid]; if(message) { var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID]; var pos = historyStorage.pending.indexOf(tempID); if(pos != -1) { historyStorage.pending.splice(pos, 1); } delete this.messagesStorage[tempID]; this.finalizePendingMessageCallbacks(tempID, mid); } else { this.pendingByMessageID[mid] = randomID; } } break; } case 'updateNewMessage': case 'updateNewChannelMessage': { var message = update.message; var peerID = this.getMessagePeer(message); var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID]; var foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID); if(!foundDialog.length) { this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = {reload: true} this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs(); if(this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID] === undefined) { this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID] = []; } this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID].push(update); break; } if(update._ == 'updateNewChannelMessage') { var chat = appChatsManager.getChat(-peerID); if(chat.pFlags && (chat.pFlags.left || chat.pFlags.kicked)) { break; } } this.saveMessages([message], {isNew: true}); // this.log.warn(dT(), 'message unread', message.mid, message.pFlags.unread) if(historyStorage === undefined) { historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID] = { count: null, history: [], pending: [] }; } var history = message.mid > 0 ? historyStorage.history : historyStorage.pending; if(history.indexOf(message.mid) != -1) { return false; } var topMsgID = history[0]; history.unshift(message.mid); if(message.mid > 0 && message.mid < topMsgID) { history.sort((a: any, b: any) => { return b - a; }); } if(message.mid > 0 && historyStorage.count !== null) { historyStorage.count++; } if(this.mergeReplyKeyboard(historyStorage, message)) { $rootScope.$broadcast('history_reply_markup', {peerID: peerID}); } if(!message.pFlags.out && message.from_id) { appUsersManager.forceUserOnline(message.from_id); } var randomID = this.pendingByMessageID[message.mid], pendingMessage; if(randomID) { if(pendingMessage = this.finalizePendingMessage(randomID, message)) { $rootScope.$broadcast('history_update', {peerID: peerID, mid: message.mid}); } delete this.pendingByMessageID[message.mid]; } if(!pendingMessage) { if(this.newMessagesToHandle[peerID] === undefined) { this.newMessagesToHandle[peerID] = []; } this.newMessagesToHandle[peerID].push(message.mid); if(!this.newMessagesHandlePromise) { this.newMessagesHandlePromise = window.setTimeout(this.handleNewMessages.bind(this), 0); } } var inboxUnread = !message.pFlags.out && message.pFlags.unread; var dialog = foundDialog[0]; dialog.top_message = message.mid; if(inboxUnread) { dialog.unread_count++; } if(!dialog.pFlags.pinned || !dialog.index) { dialog.index = this.generateDialogIndex(; } this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = dialog; this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs(); break; } case 'updateDialogUnreadMark': { this.log('updateDialogUnreadMark', update); let peerID = appPeersManager.getPeerID(update.peer.peer); let foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID); if(!foundDialog.length) { this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = {reload: true}; this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs(); } else { let dialog = foundDialog[0]; if(!update.pFlags.unread) { delete dialog.pFlags.unread_mark; } else { dialog.pFlags.unread_mark = true; } $rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', {peerID: dialog}); } break; } case 'updateFolderPeers': { this.log('updateFolderPeers', update); let peers = update.folder_peers; this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs(); peers.forEach((folderPeer: any) => { let {folder_id, peer} = folderPeer; let peerID = appPeersManager.getPeerID(peer); let foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID); if(!foundDialog.length) { this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = {reload: true}; } else { let dialog = foundDialog[0]; this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = dialog; this.dialogsStorage[dialog.folder_id].splice(foundDialog[1], 1); dialog.folder_id = folder_id; this.generateIndexForDialog(dialog); this.pushDialogToStorage(dialog); // need for simultaneously updatePinnedDialogs } }); break; } case 'updateDialogPinned': { this.log('updateDialogPinned', update); let peerID = appPeersManager.getPeerID(update.peer.peer); let foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID); this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs(); if(!foundDialog.length) { this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = {reload: true}; break; } else { let dialog = foundDialog[0]; this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = dialog; if(!update.pFlags.pinned) { delete dialog.pFlags.pinned; delete dialog.pinnedIndex; } else { // means set dialog.pFlags.pinned = true; } this.generateIndexForDialog(dialog); } break; } case 'updatePinnedDialogs': { this.log('updatePinnedDialogs', update); let newPinned: {[peerID: number]: true} = {}; if(!update.order) { apiManager.invokeApi('messages.getPinnedDialogs', {}).then((dialogsResult: any) => { dialogsResult.dialogs.reverse(); this.applyConversations(dialogsResult); dialogsResult.dialogs.forEach((dialog: any) => { newPinned[dialog.peerID] = true; }); this.dialogsStorage[0].forEach((dialog: any) => { let peerID = dialog.peerID; if(dialog.pFlags.pinned && !newPinned[peerID]) { this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = {reload: true}; this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs(); } }); }); break; } //this.log('before order:', this.dialogsStorage[0].map(d => d.peerID)); this.pinnedIndex = 0; let willHandle = false; update.order.reverse(); // index must be higher update.order.forEach((peer: any) => { let peerID = appPeersManager.getPeerID(peer.peer); newPinned[peerID] = true; let foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID); if(!foundDialog.length) { this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = {reload: true}; willHandle = true; return; } let dialog = foundDialog[0]; delete dialog.pinnedIndex; dialog.pFlags.pinned = true; this.generateIndexForDialog(dialog); this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = dialog; willHandle = true; }); this.dialogsStorage[0].forEach(dialog => { let peerID = dialog.peerID; if(dialog.pFlags.pinned && !newPinned[peerID]) { this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = {reload: true}; willHandle = true; } }); if(willHandle) { this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs(); } break; } case 'updateEditMessage': case 'updateEditChannelMessage': { var message = update.message; var peerID = this.getMessagePeer(message); var channelID = message.to_id._ == 'peerChannel' ? -peerID : 0; var mid = appMessagesIDsManager.getFullMessageID(, channelID); if(this.messagesStorage[mid] === undefined) { break; } // console.trace(dT(), 'edit message', message) this.saveMessages([message], {isEdited: true}); safeReplaceObject(this.messagesStorage[mid], message); var dialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0]; var isTopMessage = dialog && dialog.top_message == mid; if(message.clear_history) { // that's will never happen if(isTopMessage) { $rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_flush', {peerID: peerID}); } } else { $rootScope.$broadcast('message_edit', { peerID: peerID, id:, mid: mid, justMedia: false }); if(isTopMessage) { var updatedDialogs: any = {}; updatedDialogs[peerID] = dialog; $rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', updatedDialogs); } } break; } case 'updateReadHistoryInbox': case 'updateReadHistoryOutbox': case 'updateReadChannelInbox': case 'updateReadChannelOutbox': { var isOut = update._ == 'updateReadHistoryOutbox' || update._ == 'updateReadChannelOutbox'; var channelID: number = update.channel_id; var maxID = appMessagesIDsManager.getFullMessageID(update.max_id, channelID); var peerID = channelID ? -channelID : appPeersManager.getPeerID(update.peer); var foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID); var history = (this.historiesStorage[peerID] || {}).history || []; var newUnreadCount = 0; var length = history.length; var foundAffected = false; var messageID: number, message; var i; //this.log.warn(dT(), 'read', peerID, isOut ? 'out' : 'in', maxID) if(peerID > 0 && isOut) { appUsersManager.forceUserOnline(peerID); } for(i = 0; i < length; i++) { messageID = history[i]; if(messageID > maxID) { continue; } message = this.messagesStorage[messageID]; if(!message) { continue; } if(message.pFlags.out != isOut) { continue; } if(!message.pFlags.unread) { break; } // this.log.warn('read', messageID, message.pFlags.unread, message) if(message && message.pFlags.unread) { message.pFlags.unread = false if(!foundAffected) { foundAffected = true; } if(!message.pFlags.out) { if(foundDialog[0]) { newUnreadCount = --foundDialog[0].unread_count; } //NotificationsManager.cancel('msg' + messageID); // warning } } } if(foundDialog[0]) { if(!isOut && newUnreadCount && foundDialog[0].top_message <= maxID) { newUnreadCount = foundDialog[0].unread_count = 0; } foundDialog[0][isOut ? 'read_outbox_max_id' : 'read_inbox_max_id'] = maxID; } // need be commented for read out messages //if(newUnreadCount != 0 || !isOut) { // fix 16.11.2019 (maybe not) //////////this.log.warn(dT(), 'cnt', peerID, newUnreadCount, isOut, foundDialog, update, foundAffected); $rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_unread', {peerID: peerID, count: newUnreadCount}); //} if(foundAffected) { $rootScope.$broadcast('messages_read'); } break; } case 'updateChannelReadMessagesContents': { var channelID: number = update.channel_id; var newMessages: any[] = []; update.messages.forEach((msgID: number) => { newMessages.push(appMessagesIDsManager.getFullMessageID(msgID, channelID)); }); update.messages = newMessages; } case 'updateReadMessagesContents': { var messages: any[] = update.messages; var len = messages.length; var i; var messageID: number, message; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { messageID = messages[i]; if(message = this.messagesStorage[messageID]) { delete message.pFlags.media_unread; } } break; } case 'updateChannelAvailableMessages': { var channelID: number = update.channel_id; var messages: any[] = []; var peerID: number = -channelID; var history = (this.historiesStorage[peerID] || {}).history || []; if(history.length) { history.forEach((msgID: number) => { if(!update.available_min_id || appMessagesIDsManager.getMessageLocalID(msgID) <= update.available_min_id) { messages.push(msgID); } }); } update.messages = messages; } case 'updateDeleteMessages': case 'updateDeleteChannelMessages': { let historiesUpdated: {[peerID: number]: {count: number, unread: number, msgs: {[mid: number]: true}}} = {}; let channelID: number = update.channel_id; for(let i = 0; i < update.messages.length; i++) { let messageID = appMessagesIDsManager.getFullMessageID(update.messages[i], channelID); let message = this.messagesStorage[messageID]; if(message) { let peerID = this.getMessagePeer(message); let history = historiesUpdated[peerID] || (historiesUpdated[peerID] = {count: 0, unread: 0, msgs: {}}); if(!message.pFlags.out && message.pFlags.unread) { history.unread++; } history.count++; history.msgs[messageID] = true; message.deleted = true this.messagesStorage[messageID] = { deleted: true, id: messageID, from_id: message.from_id, to_id: message.to_id, flags: message.flags, pFlags: message.pFlags, date: }; let peerMessagesToHandle = this.newMessagesToHandle[peerID]; if(peerMessagesToHandle && peerMessagesToHandle.length) { let peerMessagesHandlePos = peerMessagesToHandle.indexOf(messageID); if(peerMessagesHandlePos != -1) { peerMessagesToHandle.splice(peerMessagesHandlePos); } } } } Object.keys(historiesUpdated).forEach(peerID => { let updatedData = historiesUpdated[+peerID]; let historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID]; if(historyStorage !== undefined) { let newHistory: number[] = []; let newPending: number[] = []; for(let i = 0; i < historyStorage.history.length; i++) { if(!updatedData.msgs[historyStorage.history[i]]) { newHistory.push(historyStorage.history[i]); } } historyStorage.history = newHistory; if(updatedData.count && historyStorage.count !== null && historyStorage.count > 0) { historyStorage.count -= updatedData.count; if(historyStorage.count < 0) { historyStorage.count = 0; } } for(let i = 0; i < historyStorage.pending.length; i++) { if(!updatedData.msgs[historyStorage.pending[i]]) { newPending.push(historyStorage.pending[i]); } } historyStorage.pending = newPending; $rootScope.$broadcast('history_delete', {peerID: peerID, msgs: updatedData.msgs}); } let foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(+peerID)[0]; if(foundDialog) { if(updatedData.unread) { foundDialog.unread_count -= updatedData.unread; $rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_unread', { peerID: peerID, count: foundDialog.unread_count }); } if(updatedData.msgs[foundDialog.top_message]) { this.reloadConversation(+peerID); } } }); break; } case 'updateChannel': { var channelID: number = update.channel_id; var peerID = -channelID; var channel = appChatsManager.getChat(channelID); var needDialog = channel._ == 'channel' && (!channel.pFlags.left && !channel.pFlags.kicked); var foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID); var hasDialog = foundDialog.length > 0; var canViewHistory = channel._ == 'channel' && (channel.username || !channel.pFlags.left && !channel.pFlags.kicked) && true || false; var hasHistory = this.historiesStorage[peerID] !== undefined; if(canViewHistory != hasHistory) { delete this.historiesStorage[peerID]; $rootScope.$broadcast('history_forbidden', peerID); } if(hasDialog != needDialog) { if(needDialog) { this.reloadConversation(-channelID); } else { if(foundDialog[0]) { this.dialogsStorage[foundDialog[0].folder_id].splice(foundDialog[1], 1); $rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_drop', {peerID: peerID, dialog: foundDialog[0]}); } } } break; } case 'updateChannelReload': { let channelID: number = update.channel_id; let peerID = -channelID; let foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID); if(foundDialog[0]) { this.dialogsStorage[foundDialog[0].folder_id].splice(foundDialog[1], 1); } delete this.historiesStorage[peerID]; this.reloadConversation(-channelID).then(() => { $rootScope.$broadcast('history_reload', peerID); }); break; } case 'updateChannelMessageViews': { let views = update.views; let mid = appMessagesIDsManager.getFullMessageID(, update.channel_id); let message = this.getMessage(mid); if(message && message.views && message.views < views) { message.views = views; $rootScope.$broadcast('message_views', { mid: mid, views: views }); } break; } case 'updateServiceNotification': { this.log('updateServiceNotification', update); var fromID = 777000; var peerID = fromID; var messageID = this.tempID--; var message: any = { _: 'message', id: messageID, from_id: fromID, to_id: appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(peerID), flags: 0, pFlags: {unread: true}, date: (update.inbox_date || tsNow(true)) + serverTimeManager.serverTimeOffset, message: update.message, media:, entities: update.entities }; if(!appUsersManager.hasUser(fromID)) { appUsersManager.saveApiUsers([{ _: 'user', id: fromID, pFlags: {verified: true}, access_hash: 0, first_name: 'Telegram', phone: '42777' }]); } this.saveMessages([message]); if(update.inbox_date) { this.pendingTopMsgs[peerID] = messageID; this.handleUpdate({ _: 'updateNewMessage', message: message }); } break; } case 'updateChatPinnedMessage': case 'updateUserPinnedMessage': { let {id} = update; // hz nado li tut appMessagesIDsManager.getFullMessageID(update.max_id, channelID); let peerID = update.user_id || -update.chat_id || -update.channel_id; this.savePinnedMessage(peerID, id); break; } } } public finalizePendingMessage(randomID: number, finalMessage: any) { var pendingData = this.pendingByRandomID[randomID]; // this.log('pdata', randomID, pendingData) if(pendingData) { var peerID = pendingData[0]; var tempID = pendingData[1]; var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID], message; // this.log('pending', randomID, historyStorage.pending) var pos = historyStorage.pending.indexOf(tempID); if(pos != -1) { historyStorage.pending.splice(pos, 1); } if(message = this.messagesStorage[tempID]) { delete message.pending; delete message.error; delete message.random_id; delete message.send; $rootScope.$broadcast('messages_pending'); } delete this.messagesStorage[tempID]; this.finalizePendingMessageCallbacks(tempID, finalMessage.mid); return message; } return false } public finalizePendingMessageCallbacks(tempID: number, mid: number) { var callbacks = this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[tempID]; this.log.warn(dT(), callbacks, tempID); if(callbacks !== undefined) { callbacks.forEach((callback: any) => { callback(mid); }); delete this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[tempID]; } $rootScope.$broadcast('message_sent', {tempID, mid}); } public incrementMaxSeenID(maxID: number) { if(!maxID || !(!this.maxSeenID || maxID > this.maxSeenID)) { return false; } AppStorage.set({ max_seen_msg: maxID }); apiManager.invokeApi('messages.receivedMessages', { max_id: maxID }); } public getHistory(peerID: number, maxID = 0, limit: number, backLimit?: number) { if(this.migratedFromTo[peerID]) { peerID = this.migratedFromTo[peerID]; } const historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID] ?? (this.historiesStorage[peerID] = {count: null, history: [], pending: []}); const unreadOffset = 0; const unreadSkip = false; let offset = 0; let offsetNotFound = false; let isMigrated = false; let reqPeerID = peerID; if(this.migratedToFrom[peerID]) { isMigrated = true; if(maxID && maxID < appMessagesIDsManager.fullMsgIDModulus) { reqPeerID = this.migratedToFrom[peerID]; } } if(maxID > 0) { offsetNotFound = true; for(; offset < historyStorage.history.length; offset++) { if(maxID > historyStorage.history[offset]) { offsetNotFound = false; break; } } } if(!offsetNotFound && ( historyStorage.count !== null && historyStorage.history.length == historyStorage.count || historyStorage.history.length >= offset + limit )) { if(backLimit) { backLimit = Math.min(offset, backLimit); offset = Math.max(0, offset - backLimit); limit += backLimit; } else { limit = limit; } let history = historyStorage.history.slice(offset, offset + limit); if(!maxID && historyStorage.pending.length) { history = historyStorage.pending.slice().concat(history); } return this.wrapHistoryResult({ count: historyStorage.count, history: history, unreadOffset: unreadOffset, unreadSkip: unreadSkip }); } if(offsetNotFound) { offset = 0; } if((backLimit || unreadSkip || maxID) && historyStorage.history.indexOf(maxID) == -1) { if(backLimit) { offset = -backLimit; limit += backLimit; } return this.requestHistory(reqPeerID, maxID, limit, offset).then((historyResult: any) => { historyStorage.count = historyResult.count || historyResult.messages.length; if(isMigrated) { historyStorage.count++; } let history: number[] = []; historyResult.messages.forEach((message: any) => { history.push(message.mid); }); if(!maxID && historyStorage.pending.length) { history = historyStorage.pending.slice().concat(history); } return this.wrapHistoryResult({ count: historyStorage.count, history: history, unreadOffset: unreadOffset, unreadSkip: unreadSkip }); }); } return this.fillHistoryStorage(peerID, maxID, limit, historyStorage).then(() => { offset = 0; if(maxID > 0) { for(offset = 0; offset < historyStorage.history.length; offset++) { if(maxID > historyStorage.history[offset]) { break; } } } var history = historyStorage.history.slice(offset, offset + limit); if(!maxID && historyStorage.pending.length) { history = historyStorage.pending.slice().concat(history); } return this.wrapHistoryResult({ count: historyStorage.count, history: history, unreadOffset: unreadOffset, unreadSkip: unreadSkip }); }); } public fillHistoryStorage(peerID: number, maxID: number, fullLimit: number, historyStorage: HistoryStorage): Promise { // this.log('fill history storage', peerID, maxID, fullLimit, angular.copy(historyStorage)) const offset = (this.migratedFromTo[peerID] && !maxID) ? 1 : 0; return this.requestHistory(peerID, maxID, fullLimit, offset).then((historyResult: any) => { historyStorage.count = historyResult.count || historyResult.messages.length; if(!maxID && historyResult.messages.length) { maxID = historyResult.messages[0].mid + 1; } let offset = 0; if(maxID > 0) { for(; offset < historyStorage.history.length; offset++) { if(maxID > historyStorage.history[offset]) { break; } } } const wasTotalCount = historyStorage.history.length; historyStorage.history.splice(offset, historyStorage.history.length - offset); historyResult.messages.forEach((message: any) => { if(this.mergeReplyKeyboard(historyStorage, message)) { $rootScope.$broadcast('history_reply_markup', {peerID: peerID}); } historyStorage.history.push(message.mid); }); const totalCount = historyStorage.history.length; fullLimit -= (totalCount - wasTotalCount); const migratedNextPeer = this.migratedFromTo[peerID]; const migratedPrevPeer = this.migratedToFrom[peerID] const isMigrated = migratedNextPeer !== undefined || migratedPrevPeer !== undefined; if(isMigrated) { historyStorage.count = Math.max(historyStorage.count, totalCount) + 1; } if(fullLimit > 0) { maxID = historyStorage.history[totalCount - 1]; if(isMigrated) { if(!historyResult.messages.length) { if(migratedPrevPeer) { maxID = 0; peerID = migratedPrevPeer; } else { historyStorage.count = totalCount; return true; } } return this.fillHistoryStorage(peerID, maxID, fullLimit, historyStorage); } else if(totalCount < historyStorage.count) { return this.fillHistoryStorage(peerID, maxID, fullLimit, historyStorage); } } return true; }); } public wrapHistoryResult(result: HistoryResult) { if(result.unreadOffset) { for(let i = result.history.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const message = this.messagesStorage[result.history[i]]; if(message && !message.pFlags.out && message.pFlags.unread) { result.unreadOffset = i + 1; break; } } } return result; } public requestHistory(peerID: number, maxID: number, limit = 0, offset = 0, offsetDate = 0): Promise { const isChannel = appPeersManager.isChannel(peerID); //console.trace('requestHistory', peerID, maxID, limit, offset); $rootScope.$broadcast('history_request'); return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.getHistory', { peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID), offset_id: maxID ? appMessagesIDsManager.getMessageLocalID(maxID) : 0, offset_date: offsetDate, add_offset: offset, limit: limit, max_id: 0, min_id: 0, hash: 0 }, { timeout: APITIMEOUT, noErrorBox: true }).then((historyResult: any) => { this.log('requestHistory result:', historyResult, maxID, limit, offset); appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(historyResult.users); appChatsManager.saveApiChats(historyResult.chats); this.saveMessages(historyResult.messages); if(isChannel) { apiUpdatesManager.addChannelState(-peerID, historyResult.pts); } let length = historyResult.messages.length; if(length && historyResult.messages[length - 1].deleted) { historyResult.messages.splice(length - 1, 1); length--; historyResult.count--; } // will load more history if last message is album grouped (because it can be not last item) const historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID]; // historyResult.messages: desc sorted if(length && historyResult.messages[length - 1].grouped_id && (historyStorage.history.length + historyResult.messages.length) < historyResult.count) { return this.requestHistory(peerID, historyResult.messages[length - 1].mid, 10, 0).then((_historyResult: any) => { return historyResult; }); } // don't need the intro now /* if(peerID < 0 || !appUsersManager.isBot(peerID) || (length == limit && limit < historyResult.count)) { return historyResult; } */ return historyResult; /* return appProfileManager.getProfile(peerID).then((userFull: any) => { var description = userFull.bot_info && userFull.bot_info.description; if(description) { var messageID = this.tempID--; var message = { _: 'messageService', id: messageID, from_id: peerID, to_id: appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(peerID), flags: 0, pFlags: {}, date: tsNow(true) + serverTimeManager.serverTimeOffset, action: { _: 'messageActionBotIntro', description: description } } this.saveMessages([message]); historyResult.messages.push(message); if(historyResult.count) { historyResult.count++; } } return historyResult; }); */ }, (error) => { switch (error.type) { case 'CHANNEL_PRIVATE': let channel = appChatsManager.getChat(-peerID); channel = {_: 'channelForbidden', access_hash: channel.access_hash, title: channel.title}; apiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updates', updates: [{ _: 'updateChannel', channel_id: -peerID }], chats: [channel], users: [] }); break; } throw error; }); } public fetchSingleMessages() { if(this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise) { return this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise; } const mids = this.needSingleMessages.slice(); this.needSingleMessages.length = 0; const splitted = appMessagesIDsManager.splitMessageIDsByChannels(mids); let promises: Promise[] = []; Object.keys(splitted.msgIDs).forEach((channelID: number | string) => { channelID = +channelID; let msgIDs = splitted.msgIDs[channelID].map((msgID: number) => { return { _: 'inputMessageID', id: msgID }; }); var promise; if(channelID > 0) { promise = apiManager.invokeApi('channels.getMessages', { channel: appChatsManager.getChannelInput(channelID), id: msgIDs }); } else { promise = apiManager.invokeApi('messages.getMessages', { id: msgIDs }); } promises.push(promise.then((getMessagesResult: any) => { appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(getMessagesResult.users); appChatsManager.saveApiChats(getMessagesResult.chats); this.saveMessages(getMessagesResult.messages); $rootScope.$broadcast('messages_downloaded', splitted.mids[+channelID]); })); }); this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise = Promise.all(promises).finally(() => { this.fetchSingleMessagesTimeout = 0; this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise = null; if(this.needSingleMessages.length) this.fetchSingleMessages(); }); } public wrapSingleMessage(msgID: number) { if(this.messagesStorage[msgID]) { $rootScope.$broadcast('messages_downloaded', [msgID]); } else if(this.needSingleMessages.indexOf(msgID) == -1) { this.needSingleMessages.push(msgID); if(this.fetchSingleMessagesTimeout == 0) { this.fetchSingleMessagesTimeout = window.setTimeout(this.fetchSingleMessages.bind(this), 10); } } } public setTyping(action: any): Promise { if(!$rootScope.myID) return Promise.resolve(false); if(typeof(action) == 'string') { action = {_: action}; } let input = appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID($rootScope.myID); return apiManager.invokeApi('messages.setTyping', { peer: input, action: action }) as Promise; } } export default new AppMessagesManager();