import { nextRandomInt } from "../bin_utils"; //import IdbFileStorage from "../idb"; import cacheStorage from "../cacheStorage"; import FileManager from "../filemanager"; //import apiManager from "./apiManager"; import apiManager from "./mtprotoworker"; import { logger, deferredPromise, CancellablePromise } from "../polyfill"; import appWebpManager from "../appManagers/appWebpManager"; export class ApiFileManager { public cachedSavePromises: { [fileName: string]: Promise } = {}; public cachedDownloadPromises: { [fileName: string]: any } = {}; public cachedDownloads: { [fileName: string]: Blob } = {}; /* public indexedKeys: Set = new Set(); private keysLoaded = false; */ public downloadPulls: { [x: string]: Array<{ cb: () => Promise, deferred: { resolve: (...args: any[]) => void, reject: (...args: any[]) => void }, activeDelta?: number }> } = {}; public downloadActives: {[dcID: string]: number} = {}; private log: ReturnType = logger('AFM'); public downloadRequest(dcID: string | number, cb: () => Promise, activeDelta?: number) { if(this.downloadPulls[dcID] === undefined) { this.downloadPulls[dcID] = []; this.downloadActives[dcID] = 0; } var downloadPull = this.downloadPulls[dcID]; let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { downloadPull.push({cb: cb, deferred: {resolve, reject}, activeDelta: activeDelta}); })/* .catch(() => {}) */; setTimeout(() => { this.downloadCheck(dcID); }, 0); return promise; } public downloadCheck(dcID: string | number) { var downloadPull = this.downloadPulls[dcID]; var downloadLimit = dcID == 'upload' ? 11 : 5; if(this.downloadActives[dcID] >= downloadLimit || !downloadPull || !downloadPull.length) { return false; } var data = downloadPull.shift(); var activeDelta = data.activeDelta || 1; this.downloadActives[dcID] += activeDelta; data.cb() .then((result: any) => { this.downloadActives[dcID] -= activeDelta; this.downloadCheck(dcID); data.deferred.resolve(result); }, (error: any) => { if(error) { this.log.error('downloadCheck error:', error); } this.downloadActives[dcID] -= activeDelta; this.downloadCheck(dcID); data.deferred.reject(error); }); } public getFileName(location: any, options?: Partial<{ stickerType: number }>) { switch(location._) { case 'inputDocumentFileLocation': { let fileName = (location.file_name as string || '').split('.'); let ext = fileName[fileName.length - 1] || ''; if(options?.stickerType == 1 && !appWebpManager.isSupported()) { ext += '.png' } let thumbPart = location.thumb_size ? '_' + location.thumb_size : ''; return (fileName[0] ? fileName[0] + '_' : '') + + thumbPart + (ext ? '.' + ext : ext); } default: { if(!location.volume_id && !location.file_reference) { this.log.trace('Empty location', location); } let ext = 'jpg'; if(options?.stickerType == 1 && !appWebpManager.isSupported()) { ext += '.png' } if(location.volume_id) { return location.volume_id + '_' + location.local_id + '.' + ext; } else { return + '_' + location.access_hash + '.' + ext; } } } } public getTempFileName(file: any) { var size = file.size || -1; var random = nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF); return '_temp' + random + '_' + size; } public getCachedFile(location: any) { if(!location) { return false; } var fileName = this.getFileName(location); return this.cachedDownloads[fileName] || false; } public getFileStorage(): typeof cacheStorage { return cacheStorage; } /* public isFileExists(location: any) { var fileName = this.getFileName(location); return this.cachedDownloads[fileName] || this.indexedKeys.has(fileName); //return this.cachedDownloads[fileName] || this.indexedKeys.has(fileName) ? Promise.resolve(true) : this.getFileStorage().isFileExists(fileName); } */ public saveSmallFile(location: any, bytes: Uint8Array) { var fileName = this.getFileName(location); if(!this.cachedSavePromises[fileName]) { this.cachedSavePromises[fileName] = this.getFileStorage().saveFile(fileName, bytes).then((blob: any) => { return this.cachedDownloads[fileName] = blob; }, (error: any) => { delete this.cachedSavePromises[fileName]; }); } return this.cachedSavePromises[fileName]; } public downloadSmallFile(location: any, options: Partial<{ mimeType: string, dcID: number, stickerType: number }> = {}): Promise { if(!FileManager.isAvailable()) { return Promise.reject({type: 'BROWSER_BLOB_NOT_SUPPORTED'}); } /* if(!this.keysLoaded) { this.getIndexedKeys(); } */ //this.log('downloadSmallFile', location, options); let processSticker = false; if(options.stickerType == 1 && !appWebpManager.isSupported()) { processSticker = true; options.mimeType = 'image/png'; } let dcID = options.dcID || location.dc_id; let mimeType = options.mimeType || 'image/jpeg'; let fileName = this.getFileName(location, options); let cachedPromise = this.cachedSavePromises[fileName] || this.cachedDownloadPromises[fileName]; //this.log('downloadSmallFile!', location, options, fileName, cachedPromise); if(cachedPromise) { return cachedPromise; } let fileStorage = this.getFileStorage(); return this.cachedDownloadPromises[fileName] = fileStorage.getFile(fileName).then((blob) => { //throw ''; //this.log('downloadSmallFile found photo by fileName:', fileName); return this.cachedDownloads[fileName] = blob; }).catch(() => { //this.log.warn('downloadSmallFile found no photo by fileName:', fileName); let downloadPromise = this.downloadRequest(dcID, () => { let inputLocation = location; if(!inputLocation._ || inputLocation._ == 'fileLocation') { inputLocation = Object.assign({}, location, {_: 'inputFileLocation'}); } let params = { flags: 0, location: inputLocation, offset: 0, limit: 1024 * 1024 }; //this.log('next small promise', params); return apiManager.invokeApi('upload.getFile', params, { dcID: dcID, fileDownload: true, noErrorBox: true }); }, dcID); let processDownloaded = (bytes: Uint8Array) => { //this.log('processDownloaded', location, bytes); if(processSticker) { return appWebpManager.convertToPng(bytes); } return Promise.resolve(bytes); }; return fileStorage.getFileWriter(fileName, mimeType).then(fileWriter => { return downloadPromise.then((result: any) => { return processDownloaded(result.bytes).then((proccessedResult) => { return FileManager.write(fileWriter, proccessedResult).then(() => { return this.cachedDownloads[fileName] = fileWriter.finalize(); }); }); }); }); }); } public getDownloadedFile(location: any) { var fileStorage = this.getFileStorage(); var fileName = typeof(location) !== 'string' ? this.getFileName(location) : location; //console.log('getDownloadedFile', location, fileName); return fileStorage.getFile(fileName); } /* public getIndexedKeys() { this.keysLoaded = true; this.getFileStorage().getAllKeys().then(keys => { this.indexedKeys.clear(); this.indexedKeys = new Set(keys); }); } */ public downloadFile(dcID: number, location: any, size: number, options: Partial<{ mimeType: string, toFileEntry: any, limitPart: number, stickerType: number }> = {}): CancellablePromise { if(!FileManager.isAvailable()) { return Promise.reject({type: 'BROWSER_BLOB_NOT_SUPPORTED'}); } /* if(!this.keysLoaded) { this.getIndexedKeys(); } */ let processSticker = false; if(options.stickerType == 1 && !appWebpManager.isSupported()) { if(options.toFileEntry || size > 524288) { delete options.stickerType; } else { processSticker = true; options.mimeType = 'image/png'; } } // this.log('Dload file', dcID, location, size) let fileName = this.getFileName(location, options); let toFileEntry = options.toFileEntry || null; let cachedPromise = this.cachedSavePromises[fileName] || this.cachedDownloadPromises[fileName]; let fileStorage = this.getFileStorage(); //this.log('downloadFile',, fileName, fileName.length, location, arguments); if(cachedPromise) { if(toFileEntry) { return cachedPromise.then((blob: any) => { return FileManager.copy(blob, toFileEntry); }); } //this.log('downloadFile cachedPromise'); if(size) { return cachedPromise.then((blob: Blob) => { if(blob.size < size) { this.log('downloadFile need to deleteFile, wrong size:', blob.size, size); return this.deleteFile(fileName).then(() => { return this.downloadFile(dcID, location, size, options); }).catch(() => { return this.downloadFile(dcID, location, size, options); }); } else { return blob; } }); } else { return cachedPromise; } } let deferred = deferredPromise(); var canceled = false; var resolved = false; var mimeType = options.mimeType || 'image/jpeg', cacheFileWriter: any; var errorHandler = (error: any) => { deferred.reject(error); errorHandler = () => {}; if(cacheFileWriter && (!error || error.type != 'DOWNLOAD_CANCELED')) { cacheFileWriter.truncate(0); } }; fileStorage.getFile(fileName).then(async(blob: Blob) => { //this.log('is that i wanted'); //throw ''; if(blob.size < size) { //this.log('downloadFile need to deleteFile 2, wrong size:', blob.size, size); await this.deleteFile(fileName); throw false; } if(toFileEntry) { FileManager.copy(blob, toFileEntry).then(() => { deferred.resolve(); }, errorHandler); } else { deferred.resolve(this.cachedDownloads[fileName] = blob); } }).catch(() => { //this.log('not i wanted'); //var fileWriterPromise = toFileEntry ? FileManager.getFileWriter(toFileEntry) : fileStorage.getFileWriter(fileName, mimeType); var fileWriterPromise = toFileEntry ? Promise.resolve(toFileEntry) : fileStorage.getFileWriter(fileName, mimeType); var processDownloaded = (bytes: Uint8Array) => { if(processSticker) { return appWebpManager.convertToPng(bytes); } return Promise.resolve(bytes); }; fileWriterPromise.then((fileWriter: any) => { cacheFileWriter = fileWriter; var limit = options.limitPart || 524288, offset; var startOffset = 0; var writeFilePromise: CancellablePromise = Promise.resolve(), writeFileDeferred: CancellablePromise; if(fileWriter.length) { startOffset = fileWriter.length; if(startOffset >= size) { if(toFileEntry) { deferred.resolve(); } else { deferred.resolve(this.cachedDownloads[fileName] = fileWriter.finalize()); } return; }; deferred.notify({done: startOffset, total: size}); /////this.log('deferred notify 1:', {done: startOffset, total: size}); } for(offset = startOffset; offset < size; offset += limit) { //writeFileDeferred = $q.defer(); let writeFileDeferredHelper: any = {}; writeFileDeferred = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { writeFileDeferredHelper.resolve = resolve; writeFileDeferredHelper.reject = reject; }); Object.assign(writeFileDeferred, writeFileDeferredHelper); ////this.log('offset:', startOffset); ;((isFinal, offset, writeFileDeferred, writeFilePromise) => { return this.downloadRequest(dcID, () => { if(canceled) { return Promise.resolve(); } return apiManager.invokeApi('upload.getFile', { flags: 0, location: location, offset: offset, limit: limit }, { dcID: dcID, fileDownload: true/* , singleInRequest: 'safari' in window */ }); }, dcID).then((result: any) => { writeFilePromise.then(() => { if(canceled) { return Promise.resolve(); } return processDownloaded(result.bytes).then((processedResult) => { return FileManager.write(fileWriter, processedResult).then(() => { writeFileDeferred.resolve(); }, errorHandler).then(() => { if(isFinal) { resolved = true; if(toFileEntry) { deferred.resolve(); } else { deferred.resolve(this.cachedDownloads[fileName] = fileWriter.finalize()); } } else { ////this.log('deferred notify 2:', {done: offset + limit, total: size}, deferred); deferred.notify({done: offset + limit, total: size}); } }); }); }); }, errorHandler); })(offset + limit >= size, offset, writeFileDeferred, writeFilePromise); writeFilePromise = writeFileDeferred; } }); }); deferred.cancel = () => { if(!canceled && !resolved) { canceled = true; delete this.cachedDownloadPromises[fileName]; errorHandler({type: 'DOWNLOAD_CANCELED'}); if(toFileEntry) { toFileEntry.abort(); } } }; //console.log(deferred, deferred.notify, deferred.cancel); if(!toFileEntry) { this.cachedDownloadPromises[fileName] = deferred; } return deferred; } public deleteFile(fileName: string) { //this.log('will delete file:', fileName); delete this.cachedDownloadPromises[fileName]; delete this.cachedDownloads[fileName]; delete this.cachedSavePromises[fileName]; return this.getFileStorage().deleteFile(fileName); } public uploadFile(file: Blob | File) { var fileSize = file.size, isBigFile = fileSize >= 10485760, canceled = false, resolved = false, doneParts = 0, partSize = 262144, // 256 Kb activeDelta = 2; if(fileSize > 67108864) { partSize = 524288; activeDelta = 4; } else if(fileSize < 102400) { partSize = 32768; activeDelta = 1; } var totalParts = Math.ceil(fileSize / partSize); var fileID = [nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)]; var _part = 0, resultInputFile = { _: isBigFile ? 'inputFileBig' : 'inputFile', id: fileID, parts: totalParts, name: file instanceof File ? : '', md5_checksum: '' }; let deferredHelper: { resolve?: (input: typeof resultInputFile) => void, reject?: (error: any) => void, notify?: (details: {done: number, total: number}) => void } = { notify: (details: {done: number, total: number}) => {} }; let deferred: CancellablePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if(totalParts > 3000) { return reject({type: 'FILE_TOO_BIG'}); } deferredHelper.resolve = resolve; deferredHelper.reject = reject; }); Object.assign(deferred, deferredHelper); if(totalParts > 3000) { return deferred; } let errorHandler = (error: any) => { this.log.error('Up Error', error); deferred.reject(error); canceled = true; errorHandler = () => {}; }; let method = isBigFile ? 'upload.saveBigFilePart' : 'upload.saveFilePart'; for(let offset = 0; offset < fileSize; offset += partSize) { let part = _part++; // 0, 1 this.downloadRequest('upload', () => { return new Promise((uploadResolve, uploadReject) => { var reader = new FileReader(); var blob = file.slice(offset, offset + partSize); reader.onloadend = (e) => { if(canceled) { uploadReject(); return; } if( != FileReader.DONE) { this.log.error('wrong readyState!'); return; } //////this.log('Starting to upload file, isBig:', isBigFile, fileID, part,; apiManager.invokeApi(method, { file_id: fileID, file_part: part, file_total_parts: totalParts, bytes: }, { startMaxLength: partSize + 256, fileUpload: true, singleInRequest: true }).then((result) => { doneParts++; uploadResolve(); //////this.log('Progress', doneParts * partSize / fileSize); if(doneParts >= totalParts) { deferred.resolve(resultInputFile); resolved = true; } else { deferred.notify({done: doneParts * partSize, total: fileSize}); } }, errorHandler); }; reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob); }); }, activeDelta); } deferred.cancel = () => { this.log('cancel upload', canceled, resolved); if(!canceled && !resolved) { canceled = true; errorHandler({type: 'UPLOAD_CANCELED'}); } }; return deferred; } } export default new ApiFileManager();