import appPhotosManager, { MTPhoto } from '../lib/appManagers/appPhotosManager'; //import CryptoWorker from '../lib/crypto/cryptoworker'; import apiManager from '../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker'; import LottieLoader from '../lib/lottieLoader'; import appStickersManager from "../lib/appManagers/appStickersManager"; import appDocsManager from "../lib/appManagers/appDocsManager"; import { formatBytes } from "../lib/utils"; import ProgressivePreloader from './preloader'; import LazyLoadQueue from './lazyLoadQueue'; import apiFileManager from '../lib/mtproto/apiFileManager'; import appWebpManager from '../lib/appManagers/appWebpManager'; import VideoPlayer, { MediaProgressLine } from '../lib/mediaPlayer'; import { RichTextProcessor } from '../lib/richtextprocessor'; import { CancellablePromise } from '../lib/polyfill'; import { renderImageFromUrl } from './misc'; import appMessagesManager from '../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager'; import { Layouter, RectPart } from './groupedLayout'; import PollElement from './poll'; export type MTDocument = { _: 'document' | 'documentEmpty', pFlags: any, flags: number, id: string, access_hash: string, file_reference: Uint8Array | number[], date: number, mime_type: string, size: number, thumbs: MTPhotoSize[], dc_id: number, attributes: any[], thumb?: MTPhotoSize, type?: string, h?: number, w?: number, file_name?: string, file?: File, duration?: number, downloaded?: boolean, url?: string, version?: any, audioTitle?: string, audioPerformer?: string, sticker?: boolean, stickerEmoji?: string, stickerEmojiRaw?: string, stickerSetInput?: any, animated?: boolean }; export type MTPhotoSize = { _: string, w?: number, h?: number, size?: number, type?: string, // i, m, x, y, w by asc location?: any, bytes?: Uint8Array // if type == 'i' }; export function wrapVideo({doc, container, message, boxWidth, boxHeight, withTail, isOut, middleware, lazyLoadQueue}: { doc: MTDocument, container: HTMLDivElement, message: any, boxWidth: number, boxHeight: number, withTail?: boolean, isOut?: boolean, middleware: () => boolean, lazyLoadQueue: LazyLoadQueue }) { let img: HTMLImageElement | SVGImageElement; if(withTail) { img = wrapMediaWithTail(doc, message, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, isOut); } else if(!boxWidth && !boxHeight) { // album let sizes = doc.thumbs; if(!doc.downloaded && sizes && sizes[0].bytes) { appPhotosManager.setAttachmentPreview(sizes[0].bytes, container, false); } img = container.firstElementChild as HTMLImageElement || new Image(); if(!container.contains(img)) { container.append(img); } } else { if(!container.firstElementChild || (container.firstElementChild.tagName != 'IMG' && container.firstElementChild.tagName != 'VIDEO')) { let size = appPhotosManager.setAttachmentSize(doc, container, boxWidth, boxHeight); } img = container.firstElementChild as HTMLImageElement || new Image(); if(!container.contains(img)) { container.append(img); } } let video = document.createElement('video'); if(withTail) { let foreignObject = document.createElementNS("", 'foreignObject'); let width = img.getAttributeNS(null, 'width'); let height = img.getAttributeNS(null, 'height'); foreignObject.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', width); foreignObject.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', height); video.width = +width; video.height = +height; foreignObject.append(video); img.parentElement.append(foreignObject); } let source = document.createElement('source'); video.append(source); let span: HTMLSpanElement; if(doc.type != 'round') { span = document.createElement('span'); span.classList.add('video-time'); container.append(span); if(doc.type != 'gif') { span.innerText = (doc.duration + '').toHHMMSS(false); let spanPlay = document.createElement('span'); spanPlay.classList.add('video-play', 'tgico-largeplay', 'btn-circle', 'position-center'); container.append(spanPlay); } else { span.innerText = 'GIF'; } } let loadVideo = async() => { if( { // means upload; } else if(!doc.downloaded) { let preloader = new ProgressivePreloader(container, true); let promise = appDocsManager.downloadDoc(doc); preloader.attach(container, true, promise); await promise; } if(middleware && !middleware()) { return; } console.log('loaded doc:', doc, doc.url, container); renderImageFromUrl(source, doc.url); source.type = doc.mime_type; video.append(source); if(!withTail) { if(img && container.contains(img)) { container.removeChild(img); } container.append(video); } if(doc.type == 'gif') { video.autoplay = true; video.loop = true;; } else if(doc.type == 'round') { //video.dataset.ckin = doc.type == 'round' ? 'circle' : 'default'; video.dataset.ckin = 'circle'; video.dataset.overlay = '1'; let player = new VideoPlayer(video/* , doc.type != 'round' */); } }; if(doc.size >= 20e6 && !doc.downloaded) { let downloadDiv = document.createElement('div'); downloadDiv.classList.add('download'); let span = document.createElement('span'); span.classList.add('btn-circle', 'tgico-download'); downloadDiv.append(span); downloadDiv.addEventListener('click', () => { downloadDiv.remove(); loadVideo(); }); container.prepend(downloadDiv); return; } return doc.downloaded ? loadVideo() : lazyLoadQueue.push({div: container, load: loadVideo, wasSeen: true}); } let formatDate = (timestamp: number) => { const months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; const date = new Date(timestamp * 1000); return months[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getDate() + ', ' + date.getFullYear() + ' at ' + date.getHours() + ':' + ('0' + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2); }; export function wrapDocument(doc: MTDocument, withTime = false, uploading = false): HTMLDivElement { if(doc.type == 'voice') { return wrapVoiceMessage(doc, withTime); } else if(doc.type == 'audio') { return wrapAudio(doc, withTime); } let extSplitted = doc.file_name ? doc.file_name.split('.') : ''; let ext = ''; ext = extSplitted.length > 1 && Array.isArray(extSplitted) ? extSplitted.pop().toLowerCase() : 'file'; let docDiv = document.createElement('div'); docDiv.classList.add('document', `ext-${ext}`); let ext2 = ext; if(doc.type == 'photo') { docDiv.classList.add('photo'); ext2 = ``; } let fileName = doc.file_name || 'Unknown.file'; let size = formatBytes(doc.size); if(withTime) { size += ' · ' + formatDate(; } docDiv.innerHTML = `
${!uploading ? `
` : ''}
`; if(!uploading) { let downloadDiv = docDiv.querySelector('.document-download') as HTMLDivElement; let preloader: ProgressivePreloader; let promise: CancellablePromise; docDiv.addEventListener('click', () => { if(!promise) { if(downloadDiv.classList.contains('downloading')) { return; // means not ready yet } if(!preloader) { preloader = new ProgressivePreloader(null, true); } appDocsManager.saveDocFile( => { promise = res.promise; preloader.attach(downloadDiv, true, promise); promise.then(() => { downloadDiv.classList.remove('downloading'); downloadDiv.remove(); }); }) downloadDiv.classList.add('downloading'); } else { downloadDiv.classList.remove('downloading'); promise = null; } }); } return docDiv; } export function wrapAudio(doc: MTDocument, withTime = false): HTMLDivElement { let div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('audio'); console.log('wrapAudio doc:', doc); let durationStr = String(doc.duration | 0).toHHMMSS(true); let title = doc.audioTitle || doc.file_name; let subtitle = doc.audioPerformer ? RichTextProcessor.wrapPlainText(doc.audioPerformer) : ''; /* let durationStr = '3:24'; let title = 'Million Telegrams'; let subtitle = 'Best Artist'; */ if(withTime) { subtitle += (subtitle ? ' · ' : '') + formatDate(; } else if(!subtitle) { subtitle = 'Unknown Artist'; } div.innerHTML = `
`; /* if(!subtitle) { div.classList.add('audio-no-subtitle'); } */ //////console.log('wrapping audio', doc, doc.attributes[0].waveform); let timeDiv = div.lastElementChild as HTMLDivElement; let downloadDiv = div.querySelector('.audio-download') as HTMLDivElement; let preloader: ProgressivePreloader; let promise: CancellablePromise; let progress: MediaProgressLine; let onClick = () => { if(!promise) { if(!preloader) { preloader = new ProgressivePreloader(null, true); } promise = appDocsManager.downloadDoc(; preloader.attach(downloadDiv, true, promise); promise.then(blob => { downloadDiv.classList.remove('downloading'); downloadDiv.remove(); let audio = document.createElement('audio'); let source = document.createElement('source'); source.src = doc.url; source.type = doc.mime_type; audio.volume = 1; progress = new MediaProgressLine(audio); div.removeEventListener('click', onClick); let toggle = div.querySelector('.audio-toggle') as HTMLDivElement; let subtitle = div.querySelector('.audio-subtitle') as HTMLDivElement; let launched = false; toggle.addEventListener('click', () => { if(!launched) { div.classList.add('audio-show-progress'); launched = true; } subtitle.innerHTML = ''; subtitle.append(progress.container); if(audio.paused) { if(lastAudioToggle && lastAudioToggle.classList.contains('tgico-largepause')) {; } audio.currentTime = 0;; lastAudioToggle = toggle; toggle.classList.remove('tgico-largeplay'); toggle.classList.add('tgico-largepause'); } else { audio.pause(); toggle.classList.add('tgico-largeplay'); toggle.classList.remove('tgico-largepause'); } }); audio.addEventListener('ended', () => { toggle.classList.add('tgico-largeplay'); toggle.classList.remove('tgico-largepause'); timeDiv.innerText = String(audio.currentTime | 0).toHHMMSS(true); }); = 'none'; audio.append(source); div.append(audio); }); downloadDiv.classList.add('downloading'); } else { downloadDiv.classList.remove('downloading'); promise.cancel(); promise = null; } }; div.addEventListener('click', onClick);; return div; } let lastAudioToggle: HTMLDivElement = null; export function wrapVoiceMessage(doc: MTDocument, withTime = false): HTMLDivElement { let div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('audio', 'is-voice'); let duration = doc.duration; let durationStr = String(duration | 0).toHHMMSS(true); div.innerHTML = `
`; //////console.log('wrapping audio', doc, doc.attributes[0].waveform); let timeDiv = div.lastElementChild as HTMLDivElement; let downloadDiv = div.querySelector('.audio-download') as HTMLDivElement; let preloader: ProgressivePreloader; let promise: CancellablePromise; let svg = document.createElementNS("", "svg"); svg.classList.add('audio-waveform'); svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', '190'); svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', '23'); svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'viewBox', '0 0 190 23'); div.insertBefore(svg, div.lastElementChild); let wave = doc.attributes[0].waveform as Uint8Array; let index = 0; let skipped = 0; let h = ''; for(let uint8 of wave) { if(index > 0 && index % 4 == 0) { ++index; ++skipped; continue; } let percents = uint8 / 255; let height = 23 * percents; if(/* !height || */height < 2) { height = 2; } h += ` `; ++index; } svg.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', h); let progress = div.querySelector('.audio-waveform') as HTMLDivElement; let onClick = () => { if(!promise) { if(!preloader) { preloader = new ProgressivePreloader(null, true); } promise = appDocsManager.downloadDoc(; preloader.attach(downloadDiv, true, promise); promise.then(blob => { downloadDiv.classList.remove('downloading'); downloadDiv.remove(); let audio = document.createElement('audio'); let source = document.createElement('source'); source.src = doc.url; source.type = doc.mime_type; audio.volume = 1; div.removeEventListener('click', onClick); let toggle = div.querySelector('.audio-toggle') as HTMLDivElement; let interval = 0; let lastIndex = 0; toggle.addEventListener('click', () => { if(audio.paused) { if(lastAudioToggle && lastAudioToggle.classList.contains('tgico-largepause')) {; } audio.currentTime = 0;; lastAudioToggle = toggle; toggle.classList.remove('tgico-largeplay'); toggle.classList.add('tgico-largepause'); (Array.from(svg.children) as HTMLElement[]).forEach(node => node.classList.remove('active')); interval = setInterval(() => { if(lastIndex > svg.childElementCount || isNaN(audio.duration)) { clearInterval(interval); return; } timeDiv.innerText = String(audio.currentTime | 0).toHHMMSS(true); lastIndex = Math.round(audio.currentTime / audio.duration * 47); //svg.children[lastIndex].setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', '#000'); //svg.children[lastIndex].classList.add('active'); #Иногда пропускает полоски.. (Array.from(svg.children) as HTMLElement[]).slice(0,lastIndex+1).forEach(node => node.classList.add('active')); //++lastIndex; //console.log('lastIndex:', lastIndex, audio.currentTime); //}, duration * 1000 / svg.childElementCount | 0/* 63 * duration / 10 */); }, 20); } else { audio.pause(); toggle.classList.add('tgico-largeplay'); toggle.classList.remove('tgico-largepause'); clearInterval(interval); } }); audio.addEventListener('ended', () => { toggle.classList.add('tgico-largeplay'); toggle.classList.remove('tgico-largepause'); clearInterval(interval); (Array.from(svg.children) as HTMLElement[]).forEach(node => node.classList.remove('active')); timeDiv.innerText = String(audio.currentTime | 0).toHHMMSS(true); }); let mousedown = false, mousemove = false; progress.addEventListener('mouseleave', (e) => { if(mousedown) {; mousedown = false; } mousemove = false; }) progress.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => { mousemove = true; if(mousedown) scrub(e, audio, progress); }); progress.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if(!audio.paused) { audio.pause(); scrub(e, audio, progress); mousedown = true; } }); progress.addEventListener('mouseup', (e) => { if (mousemove && mousedown) {; mousedown = false; } }); progress.addEventListener('click', (e) => { if(!audio.paused) scrub(e, audio, progress); }); function scrub(e: MouseEvent, audio: HTMLAudioElement, progress: HTMLDivElement) { let scrubTime = e.offsetX / 190 /* width */ * audio.duration; (Array.from(svg.children) as HTMLElement[]).forEach(node => node.classList.remove('active')); lastIndex = Math.round(scrubTime / audio.duration * 47); (Array.from(svg.children) as HTMLElement[]).slice(0,lastIndex+1).forEach(node => node.classList.add('active')); audio.currentTime = scrubTime; } = 'none'; audio.append(source); div.append(audio); }); downloadDiv.classList.add('downloading'); } else { downloadDiv.classList.remove('downloading'); promise.cancel(); promise = null; } }; div.addEventListener('click', onClick);; return div; } function wrapMediaWithTail(photo: any, message: {mid: number, message: string}, container: HTMLDivElement, boxWidth: number, boxHeight: number, isOut: boolean) { let svg = document.createElementNS("", "svg"); svg.classList.add('bubble__media-container', isOut ? 'is-out' : 'is-in'); let image = document.createElementNS("", "image"); svg.append(image); let size = appPhotosManager.setAttachmentSize(photo._ == 'document' ? photo :, svg, boxWidth, boxHeight); let width = +svg.getAttributeNS(null, 'width'); let height = +svg.getAttributeNS(null, 'height'); let clipID = 'clip' + message.mid; svg.dataset.clipID = clipID; let defs = document.createElementNS("", 'defs'); let clipPathHTML: string = ''; if(message.message) { //clipPathHTML += ``; } else { if(isOut) { clipPathHTML += ` `; } else { clipPathHTML += ` `; } } defs.innerHTML = `${clipPathHTML}`; svg.prepend(defs); container.appendChild(svg); return image; } export function wrapPhoto(photoID: string, message: any, container: HTMLDivElement, boxWidth = 380, boxHeight = 380, withTail = true, isOut = false, lazyLoadQueue: LazyLoadQueue, middleware: () => boolean, size: MTPhotoSize = null) { let photo = appPhotosManager.getPhoto(photoID); let image: SVGImageElement | HTMLImageElement; if(withTail) { image = wrapMediaWithTail(photo, message, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, isOut); } else if(size) { // album let sizes = photo.sizes; if(!photo.downloaded && sizes && sizes[0].bytes) { appPhotosManager.setAttachmentPreview(sizes[0].bytes, container, false); } image = container.firstElementChild as HTMLImageElement || new Image(); if(!container.contains(image)) { container.appendChild(image); } } else if(boxWidth && boxHeight) { // means webpage's preview size = appPhotosManager.setAttachmentSize(photoID, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, false); image = container.firstElementChild as HTMLImageElement || new Image(); if(!container.contains(image)) { container.appendChild(image); } } //console.log('wrapPhoto downloaded:', photo, photo.downloaded, container); // так нельзя делать, потому что может быть загружен неправильный размер картинки /* if(photo.downloaded && photo.url) { renderImageFromUrl(image, photo.url); return; } */ let preloader: ProgressivePreloader; if( { // means upload; } else if(!photo.downloaded) { preloader = new ProgressivePreloader(container, false); } let load = () => { let promise = appPhotosManager.preloadPhoto(photoID, size); if(preloader) { preloader.attach(container, true, promise); } return promise.then(() => { if(middleware && !middleware()) return; renderImageFromUrl(image || container, photo.url); }); }; /////////console.log('wrapPhoto', load, container, image); return photo.downloaded ? load() : lazyLoadQueue.push({div: container, load: load, wasSeen: true}); } export function wrapSticker(doc: MTDocument, div: HTMLDivElement, middleware?: () => boolean, lazyLoadQueue?: LazyLoadQueue, group?: string, canvas?: boolean, play = false, onlyThumb = false) { let stickerType = doc.mime_type == "application/x-tgsticker" ? 2 : (doc.mime_type == "image/webp" ? 1 : 0); if(stickerType == 2 && !LottieLoader.loaded) { LottieLoader.loadLottie(); } if(!stickerType) { console.error('wrong doc for wrapSticker!', doc); return Promise.resolve(); } //console.log('wrap sticker', doc, div, onlyThumb); if(doc.thumbs && !div.firstElementChild && (!doc.downloaded || stickerType == 2)) { let thumb = doc.thumbs[0]; //console.log('wrap sticker', thumb, div); if(thumb.bytes) { apiFileManager.saveSmallFile(thumb.location, thumb.bytes); appPhotosManager.setAttachmentPreview(thumb.bytes, div, true); if(onlyThumb) return Promise.resolve(); } } if(onlyThumb && doc.thumbs) { let thumb = doc.thumbs[0]; let load = () => apiFileManager.downloadSmallFile({ _: 'inputDocumentFileLocation', access_hash: doc.access_hash, file_reference: doc.file_reference, thumb_size: thumb.type, id: }, {dcID: doc.dc_id}).then(blob => { let img = new Image(); appWebpManager.polyfillImage(img, blob); div.append(img); div.dataset.docID =; appStickersManager.saveSticker(doc); }); return lazyLoadQueue ? (lazyLoadQueue.push({div, load}), Promise.resolve()) : load(); } let downloaded = doc.downloaded; let load = () => appDocsManager.downloadDoc( => { //console.log('loaded sticker:', blob, div); if(middleware && !middleware()) return; /* if(div.firstElementChild) { div.firstElementChild.remove(); } */ if(stickerType == 2) { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.addEventListener('loadend', async(e) => { console.time('decompress sticker' +; console.time('render sticker' +; // @ts-ignore const text = e.srcElement.result; let json = await apiManager.gzipUncompress(text, true); console.timeEnd('decompress sticker' +; let animation = await LottieLoader.loadAnimation({ container: div, loop: false, autoplay: false, animationData: JSON.parse(json), renderer: canvas ? 'canvas' : 'svg' }, group); console.timeEnd('render sticker' +; if(div.firstElementChild && div.firstElementChild.tagName == 'IMG') { div.firstElementChild.remove(); } if(!canvas) { div.addEventListener('mouseover', (e) => { let animation = LottieLoader.getAnimation(div, group); if(animation) { //console.log('sticker hover', animation, div); // @ts-ignore animation.loop = true; // @ts-ignore if(animation.currentFrame == animation.totalFrames - 1) { animation.goToAndPlay(0, true); } else {; } div.addEventListener('mouseout', () => { // @ts-ignore animation.loop = false; }, {once: true}); } }); } /* else { let canvas = div.firstElementChild as HTMLCanvasElement; if(!canvas.width && !canvas.height) { console.log('Need lottie resize'); // @ts-ignore animation.resize(); } } */ if(play) {; } }); reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob); } else if(stickerType == 1) { let img = new Image(); if(!downloaded && (!div.firstElementChild || div.firstElementChild.tagName != 'IMG')) { = '' + 0; img.addEventListener('load', () => { window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { = ''; }); }); } if(!doc.url) { appWebpManager.polyfillImage(img, blob).then((url) => { doc.url = url; if(div.firstElementChild && div.firstElementChild != img) { div.firstElementChild.remove(); } }); } else { img.src = doc.url; } div.append(img); } div.dataset.docID =; appStickersManager.saveSticker(doc); }); return lazyLoadQueue && (!doc.downloaded || stickerType == 2) ? (lazyLoadQueue.push({div, load, wasSeen: group == 'chat'}), Promise.resolve()) : load(); } export function wrapReply(title: string, subtitle: string, message?: any) { let div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('reply'); let replyBorder = document.createElement('div'); replyBorder.classList.add('reply-border'); let replyContent = document.createElement('div'); replyContent.classList.add('reply-content'); let replyTitle = document.createElement('div'); replyTitle.classList.add('reply-title'); let replySubtitle = document.createElement('div'); replySubtitle.classList.add('reply-subtitle'); replyTitle.innerHTML = title ? RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(title) : ''; let media = message &&; if(media) { replySubtitle.innerHTML = message.rReply; if( || (media.document && ['video'].indexOf(media.document.type) !== -1)) { let replyMedia = document.createElement('div'); replyMedia.classList.add('reply-media'); let photo = || media.document; let sizes = photo.sizes || photo.thumbs; if(sizes && sizes[0].bytes) { appPhotosManager.setAttachmentPreview(sizes[0].bytes, replyMedia, false, true); } appPhotosManager.preloadPhoto(photo, appPhotosManager.choosePhotoSize(photo, 32, 32)) .then(() => { renderImageFromUrl(replyMedia, photo._ == 'photo' ? photo.url : appPhotosManager.getDocumentCachedThumb(; }); replyContent.append(replyMedia); div.classList.add('is-reply-media'); } } else { replySubtitle.innerHTML = subtitle ? RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(subtitle) : ''; } replyContent.append(replyTitle, replySubtitle); div.append(replyBorder, replyContent); /////////console.log('wrapReply', title, subtitle, media); return div; } export function wrapAlbum({groupID, attachmentDiv, middleware, uploading, lazyLoadQueue, isOut}: { groupID: string, attachmentDiv: HTMLElement, middleware?: () => boolean, lazyLoadQueue?: LazyLoadQueue, uploading?: boolean, isOut: boolean }) { let items: {size: MTPhotoSize, media: any, message: any}[] = []; // higher msgID will be the last in album let storage = appMessagesManager.groupedMessagesStorage[groupID]; for(let mid in storage) { let m = appMessagesManager.getMessage(+mid); let media = ||; let size: any = media._ == 'photo' ? appPhotosManager.choosePhotoSize(media, 380, 380) : {w: media.w, h: media.h}; items.push({size, media, message: m}); } let spacing = 2; let layouter = new Layouter( => ({w: i.size.w, h: i.size.h})), 451, 100, spacing); let layout = layouter.layout(); console.log('layout:', layout, => ({w: i.size.w, h: i.size.h}))); /* let borderRadius = window.getComputedStyle(realParent).getPropertyValue('border-radius'); let brSplitted = fillPropertyValue(borderRadius); */ for(let {geometry, sides} of layout) { let item = items.shift(); if(!item) { console.error('no item for layout!'); continue; } let {size, media, message} = item; let div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('album-item'); div.dataset.mid = message.mid; = geometry.width + 'px'; = geometry.height + 'px'; = geometry.y + 'px'; = geometry.x + 'px'; if(sides & RectPart.Right) { = geometry.width + geometry.x + 'px'; } if(sides & RectPart.Bottom) { = geometry.height + geometry.y + 'px'; } if(sides & RectPart.Left && sides & RectPart.Top) { = 'inherit'; } if(sides & RectPart.Left && sides & RectPart.Bottom) { = 'inherit'; } if(sides & RectPart.Right && sides & RectPart.Top) { = 'inherit'; } if(sides & RectPart.Right && sides & RectPart.Bottom) { = 'inherit'; } if(media._ == 'photo') { wrapPhoto(, message, div, 0, 0, false, isOut, lazyLoadQueue, middleware, size ); } else { wrapVideo({ doc:, container: div, message, boxWidth: 0, boxHeight: 0, withTail: false, isOut, lazyLoadQueue, middleware }); } // @ts-ignore // = '#' + Math.floor(Math.random() * (2 ** 24 - 1)).toString(16).padStart(6, '0'); attachmentDiv.append(div); } } export function wrapPoll(pollID: string, mid: number) { let elem = new PollElement(); elem.setAttribute('poll-id', pollID); elem.setAttribute('message-id', '' + mid); return elem; }