/* * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE * * Originally from: * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram * Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Zhukov * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram/blob/master/LICENSE */ import Config from './config'; import emojiRegExp from '../vendor/emoji/regex'; import { encodeEmoji, toCodePoints } from '../vendor/emoji'; import { MessageEntity } from '../layer'; import { encodeEntities } from '../helpers/string'; import { isSafari } from '../helpers/userAgent'; import { MOUNT_CLASS_TO } from '../config/debug'; const EmojiHelper = { emojiMap: (code: string) => { return code; }, shortcuts: [] as any, emojis: [] as any }; const emojiData = Config.Emoji; const alphaCharsRegExp = 'a-z' + '\\u00c0-\\u00d6\\u00d8-\\u00f6\\u00f8-\\u00ff' + // Latin-1 '\\u0100-\\u024f' + // Latin Extended A and B '\\u0253\\u0254\\u0256\\u0257\\u0259\\u025b\\u0263\\u0268\\u026f\\u0272\\u0289\\u028b' + // IPA Extensions '\\u02bb' + // Hawaiian '\\u0300-\\u036f' + // Combining diacritics '\\u1e00-\\u1eff' + // Latin Extended Additional (mostly for Vietnamese) '\\u0400-\\u04ff\\u0500-\\u0527' + // Cyrillic '\\u2de0-\\u2dff\\ua640-\\ua69f' + // Cyrillic Extended A/B '\\u0591-\\u05bf\\u05c1-\\u05c2\\u05c4-\\u05c5\\u05c7' + '\\u05d0-\\u05ea\\u05f0-\\u05f4' + // Hebrew '\\ufb1d-\\ufb28\\ufb2a-\\ufb36\\ufb38-\\ufb3c\\ufb3e\\ufb40-\\ufb41' + '\\ufb43-\\ufb44\\ufb46-\\ufb4f' + // Hebrew Pres. Forms '\\u0610-\\u061a\\u0620-\\u065f\\u066e-\\u06d3\\u06d5-\\u06dc' + '\\u06de-\\u06e8\\u06ea-\\u06ef\\u06fa-\\u06fc\\u06ff' + // Arabic '\\u0750-\\u077f\\u08a0\\u08a2-\\u08ac\\u08e4-\\u08fe' + // Arabic Supplement and Extended A '\\ufb50-\\ufbb1\\ufbd3-\\ufd3d\\ufd50-\\ufd8f\\ufd92-\\ufdc7\\ufdf0-\\ufdfb' + // Pres. Forms A '\\ufe70-\\ufe74\\ufe76-\\ufefc' + // Pres. Forms B '\\u200c' + // Zero-Width Non-Joiner '\\u0e01-\\u0e3a\\u0e40-\\u0e4e' + // Thai '\\u1100-\\u11ff\\u3130-\\u3185\\uA960-\\uA97F\\uAC00-\\uD7AF\\uD7B0-\\uD7FF' + // Hangul (Korean) '\\u3003\\u3005\\u303b' + // Kanji/Han iteration marks '\\uff21-\\uff3a\\uff41-\\uff5a' + // full width Alphabet '\\uff66-\\uff9f' + // half width Katakana '\\uffa1-\\uffdc'; // half width Hangul (Korean) const alphaNumericRegExp = '0-9\_' + alphaCharsRegExp; const domainAddChars = '\u00b7'; // Based on Regular Expression for URL validation by Diego Perini const urlAlphanumericRegExpPart = '[' + alphaCharsRegExp + '0-9]'; const urlProtocolRegExpPart = '((?:https?|ftp)://|mailto:)?'; const urlRegExp = urlProtocolRegExpPart + // user:pass authentication '(?:' + urlAlphanumericRegExpPart + '{1,64}(?::' + urlAlphanumericRegExpPart + '{0,64})?@)?' + '(?:' + // sindresorhus/ip-regexp '(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])(?:\\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])){3}' + '|' + // host name urlAlphanumericRegExpPart + '[' + alphaCharsRegExp + domainAddChars + '0-9\-]{0,64}' + // domain name '(?:\\.' + urlAlphanumericRegExpPart + '[' + alphaCharsRegExp + domainAddChars + '0-9\-]{0,64}){0,10}' + // TLD identifier '(?:\\.(xn--[0-9a-z]{2,16}|[' + alphaCharsRegExp + ']{2,24}))' + ')' + // port number '(?::\\d{2,5})?' + // resource path '(?:/(?:\\S{0,255}[^\\s.;,(\\[\\]{}<>"\'])?)?'; const urlProtocolRegExp = new RegExp('^' + urlProtocolRegExpPart.slice(0, -1), 'i'); const urlAnyProtocolRegExp = /^((?:.+?):\/\/|mailto:)/; const usernameRegExp = '[a-zA-Z\\d_]{5,32}'; const botCommandRegExp = '\\/([a-zA-Z\\d_]{1,32})(?:@(' + usernameRegExp + '))?(\\b|$)'; const fullRegExp = new RegExp('(^| )(@)(' + usernameRegExp + ')|(' + urlRegExp + ')|(\\n)|(' + emojiRegExp + ')|(^|[\\s\\(\\]])(#[' + alphaNumericRegExp + ']{2,64})|(^|\\s)' + botCommandRegExp, 'i'); const emailRegExp = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; //const markdownTestRegExp = /[`_*@~]/; const markdownRegExp = /(^|\s|\n)(````?)([\s\S]+?)(````?)([\s\n\.,:?!;]|$)|(^|\s|\x01)(`|~~|\*\*|__|_-_)([^\n]+?)\7([\x01\s\.,:?!;]|$)|@(\d+)\s*\((.+?)\)|(\[(.+?)\]\((.+?)\))/m; const siteHashtags: {[siteName: string]: string} = { Telegram: 'tg://search_hashtag?hashtag={1}', Twitter: 'https://twitter.com/hashtag/{1}', Instagram: 'https://instagram.com/explore/tags/{1}/', 'Google Plus': 'https://plus.google.com/explore/{1}' }; const siteMentions: {[siteName: string]: string} = { Telegram: '#/im?p=%40{1}', Twitter: 'https://twitter.com/{1}', Instagram: 'https://instagram.com/{1}/', GitHub: 'https://github.com/{1}' }; const markdownEntities: {[markdown: string]: MessageEntity['_']} = { '`': 'messageEntityCode', '``': 'messageEntityPre', '**': 'messageEntityBold', '__': 'messageEntityItalic', '~~': 'messageEntityStrike', '_-_': 'messageEntityUnderline' }; const passConflictingEntities: Set = new Set([ 'messageEntityEmoji', 'messageEntityLinebreak', 'messageEntityCaret' ]); for(let i in markdownEntities) { passConflictingEntities.add(markdownEntities[i]); } namespace RichTextProcessor { export const emojiSupported = navigator.userAgent.search(/OS X|iPhone|iPad|iOS/i) !== -1/* && false *//* || true */; export function getEmojiSpritesheetCoords(emojiCode: string) { let unified = encodeEmoji(emojiCode).replace(/-?fe0f/g, ''); /* if(unified === '1f441-200d-1f5e8') { //unified = '1f441-fe0f-200d-1f5e8-fe0f'; unified = '1f441-fe0f-200d-1f5e8'; } */ if(!emojiData.hasOwnProperty(unified) // && !emojiData.hasOwnProperty(unified.replace(/-?fe0f$/, '')) ) { //console.error('lol', unified); return null; } return unified; } export function parseEntities(text: string) { let match: any; let raw = text; const entities: MessageEntity[] = []; let matchIndex; let rawOffset = 0; // var start = tsNow() fullRegExp.lastIndex = 0; while((match = raw.match(fullRegExp))) { matchIndex = rawOffset + match.index; //console.log('parseEntities match:', match); if(match[3]) { // mentions entities.push({ _: 'messageEntityMention', offset: matchIndex + match[1].length, length: match[2].length + match[3].length }); } else if(match[4]) { if(emailRegExp.test(match[4])) { // email entities.push({ _: 'messageEntityEmail', offset: matchIndex, length: match[4].length }); } else { let url: string; let protocol = match[5]; const tld = match[6]; // let excluded = ''; if(tld) { // URL if(!protocol && (tld.substr(0, 4) === 'xn--' || Config.TLD.indexOf(tld.toLowerCase()) !== -1)) { protocol = 'http://'; } if(protocol) { const balanced = checkBrackets(match[4]); if(balanced.length !== match[4].length) { // excluded = match[4].substring(balanced.length); match[4] = balanced; } url = (match[5] ? '' : protocol) + match[4]; } } else { // IP address url = (match[5] ? '' : 'http://') + match[4]; } if(url) { entities.push({ _: 'messageEntityUrl', offset: matchIndex, length: match[4].length }); } } } else if(match[7]) { // New line entities.push({ _: 'messageEntityLinebreak', offset: matchIndex, length: 1 }); } else if(match[8]) { // Emoji //console.log('hit', match[8]); const emojiCoords = getEmojiSpritesheetCoords(match[8]); if(emojiCoords) { entities.push({ _: 'messageEntityEmoji', offset: matchIndex, length: match[8].length, unicode: emojiCoords }); } } else if(match[11]) { // Hashtag entities.push({ _: 'messageEntityHashtag', offset: matchIndex + (match[10] ? match[10].length : 0), length: match[11].length }); } else if(match[13]) { // Bot command entities.push({ _: 'messageEntityBotCommand', offset: matchIndex + (match[11] ? match[11].length : 0) + (match[12] ? match[12].length : 0), length: 1 + match[13].length + (match[14] ? 1 + match[14].length : 0), unsafe: true }); } raw = raw.substr(match.index + match[0].length); rawOffset += match.index + match[0].length; } // if (entities.length) { // console.log('parse entities', text, entities.slice()) // } return entities; } /* export function parseEmojis(text: string) { return text.replace(/:([a-z0-9\-\+\*_]+?):/gi, function (all, shortcut) { var emojiCode = EmojiHelper.shortcuts[shortcut] if (emojiCode !== undefined) { return EmojiHelper.emojis[emojiCode][0] } return all }) } */ export function parseMarkdown(text: string, currentEntities: MessageEntity[], noTrim?: boolean): string {   /* if(!markdownTestRegExp.test(text)) { return noTrim ? text : text.trim(); } */ const entities: MessageEntity[] = []; let pushedEntity = false; const pushEntity = (entity: MessageEntity) => !findConflictingEntity(currentEntities, entity) ? (entities.push(entity), pushedEntity = true) : pushedEntity = false; let raw = text; let match; let newText: any = []; let rawOffset = 0; while(match = raw.match(markdownRegExp)) { const matchIndex = rawOffset + match.index; newText.push(raw.substr(0, match.index)); let text = (match[3] || match[8] || match[11] || match[13]); rawOffset -= text.length; //text = text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); rawOffset += text.length; let entity: MessageEntity; pushedEntity = false; if(text.match(/^`*$/)) { newText.push(match[0]); } else if(match[3]) { // pre entity = { _: 'messageEntityPre', language: '', offset: matchIndex + match[1].length, length: text.length }; if(pushEntity(entity)) { if(match[5] === '\n') { match[5] = ''; rawOffset -= 1; } newText.push(match[1] + text + match[5]); rawOffset -= match[2].length + match[4].length; } } else if(match[7]) { // code|italic|bold const isSOH = match[6] === '\x01'; entity = { _: markdownEntities[match[7]] as (MessageEntity.messageEntityBold | MessageEntity.messageEntityCode | MessageEntity.messageEntityItalic)['_'], //offset: matchIndex + match[6].length, offset: matchIndex + (isSOH ? 0 : match[6].length), length: text.length }; if(pushEntity(entity)) { if(!isSOH) { newText.push(match[6] + text + match[9]); } else { newText.push(text); } rawOffset -= match[7].length * 2 + (isSOH ? 2 : 0); } } else if(match[11]) { // custom mention entity = { _: 'messageEntityMentionName', user_id: +match[10], offset: matchIndex, length: text.length }; if(pushEntity(entity)) { newText.push(text); rawOffset -= match[0].length - text.length; } } else if(match[12]) { // text url entity = { _: 'messageEntityTextUrl', url: match[14], offset: matchIndex, length: text.length }; if(pushEntity(entity)) { newText.push(text); rawOffset -= match[12].length - text.length; } } if(!pushedEntity) { newText.push(match[0]); } raw = raw.substr(match.index + match[0].length); rawOffset += match.index + match[0].length; } newText.push(raw); newText = newText.join(''); if(!newText.replace(/\s+/g, '').length) { newText = text; entities.splice(0, entities.length); } if(!entities.length && !noTrim) { newText = newText.trim(); } mergeEntities(currentEntities, entities); combineSameEntities(currentEntities); return newText; } export function findConflictingEntity(currentEntities: MessageEntity[], newEntity: MessageEntity) { return currentEntities.find(currentEntity => { const isConflictingTypes = newEntity._ === currentEntity._ || (!passConflictingEntities.has(newEntity._) && !passConflictingEntities.has(currentEntity._)); if(!isConflictingTypes) { return false; } const isConflictingOffset = newEntity.offset >= currentEntity.offset && (newEntity.length + newEntity.offset) <= (currentEntity.length + currentEntity.offset); return isConflictingOffset; }); } export function mergeEntities(currentEntities: MessageEntity[], newEntities: MessageEntity[]) { const filtered = newEntities.filter(e => { return !findConflictingEntity(currentEntities, e); }); currentEntities.push(...filtered); currentEntities.sort((a, b) => a.offset - b.offset); return currentEntities; } export function combineSameEntities(entities: MessageEntity[]) { //entities = entities.slice(); for(let i = 0; i < entities.length; ++i) { const entity = entities[i]; let nextEntityIdx = -1; do { nextEntityIdx = entities.findIndex((e, _i) => _i !== i && e._ === entity._ && (e.offset - entity.length) === entity.offset); if(nextEntityIdx !== -1) { const nextEntity = entities[nextEntityIdx]; entity.length += nextEntity.length; entities.splice(nextEntityIdx, 1); } } while(nextEntityIdx !== -1); } //return entities; } export function wrapRichText(text: string, options: Partial<{ entities: MessageEntity[], contextSite: string, highlightUsername: string, noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true, noCommands: true, wrappingDraft: true, //mustWrapEmoji: boolean, fromBot: boolean, noTextFormat: true, passEntities: Partial<{ [_ in MessageEntity['_']]: boolean }>, contextHashtag?: string, }> = {}) { if(!text) { return ''; } const lol: { part: string, offset: number }[] = []; const entities = options.entities || parseEntities(text); const passEntities: typeof options.passEntities = options.passEntities || {}; const contextSite = options.contextSite || 'Telegram'; const contextExternal = contextSite !== 'Telegram'; const insertPart = (entity: MessageEntity, startPart: string, endPart?: string) => { lol.push({part: startPart, offset: entity.offset}); if(endPart) { lol.unshift({part: endPart, offset: entity.offset + entity.length}); } }; for(let i = 0, length = entities.length; i < length; ++i) { const entity = entities[i]; switch(entity._) { case 'messageEntityBold': { if(!options.noTextFormat) { if(options.wrappingDraft) { insertPart(entity, '', ''); } else { insertPart(entity, '', ''); } } break; } case 'messageEntityItalic': { if(!options.noTextFormat) { if(options.wrappingDraft) { insertPart(entity, '', ''); } else { insertPart(entity, '', ''); } } break; } case 'messageEntityStrike': { if(options.wrappingDraft) { const styleName = isSafari ? 'text-decoration' : 'text-decoration-line'; insertPart(entity, ``, ''); } else { insertPart(entity, '', ''); } break; } case 'messageEntityUnderline': { if(options.wrappingDraft) { const styleName = isSafari ? 'text-decoration' : 'text-decoration-line'; insertPart(entity, ``, ''); } else { insertPart(entity, '', ''); } break; } case 'messageEntityCode': { if(options.wrappingDraft) { insertPart(entity, '', ''); } else { insertPart(entity, '', ''); } break; } case 'messageEntityPre': { if(!options.noTextFormat) { insertPart(entity, `
`, '
'); } break; } case 'messageEntityHighlight': { insertPart(entity, '', ''); break; } case 'messageEntityBotCommand': { // if(!(options.noLinks || options.noCommands || contextExternal)/* && !entity.unsafe */) { if(!options.noLinks && passEntities[entity._]) { const entityText = text.substr(entity.offset, entity.length); let command = entityText.substr(1); let bot: string | boolean; let atPos: number; if((atPos = command.indexOf('@')) !== -1) { bot = command.substr(atPos + 1); command = command.substr(0, atPos); } else { bot = options.fromBot; } insertPart(entity, ``, ``); } break; } case 'messageEntityEmoji': { //if(!(options.wrappingDraft && emojiSupported)) { // * fix safari emoji if(!emojiSupported) { // no wrapping needed // if(emojiSupported) { // ! contenteditable="false" нужен для поля ввода, иначе там будет меняться шрифт в Safari, или же рендерить смайлик напрямую, без контейнера // insertPart(entity, '', ''); // } else { insertPart(entity, ``, ``); // } }/* else if(options.mustWrapEmoji) { insertPart(entity, '', ''); } */ /* if(!emojiSupported) { insertPart(entity, ``, ``); } */ break; } case 'messageEntityCaret': { insertPart(entity, ''); break; } /* case 'messageEntityLinebreak': { if(options.noLinebreaks) { insertPart(entity, ' '); } else { insertPart(entity, '
'); } break; } */ case 'messageEntityUrl': case 'messageEntityTextUrl': { if(!(options.noLinks && !passEntities[entity._])) { const entityText = text.substr(entity.offset, entity.length); // let inner: string; let url: string; let masked = false; if(entity._ === 'messageEntityTextUrl') { url = (entity as MessageEntity.messageEntityTextUrl).url; url = wrapUrl(url, true); const nextEntity = entities[i + 1]; if(nextEntity?._ === 'messageEntityUrl' && nextEntity.length === entity.length && nextEntity.offset === entity.offset) { i++; } if(url !== entityText) { masked = true; } } else { url = wrapUrl(entityText, false); //inner = encodeEntities(replaceUrlEncodings(entityText)); } const currentContext = url[0] === '#'; const href = (currentContext || typeof electronHelpers === 'undefined') ? encodeEntities(url) : `javascript:electronHelpers.openExternal('${encodeEntities(url)}');`; const target = (currentContext || typeof electronHelpers !== 'undefined') ? '' : ' target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"'; insertPart(entity, ``, ''); } break; } case 'messageEntityEmail': { if(!options.noLinks) { const entityText = text.substr(entity.offset, entity.length); insertPart(entity, ``, ''); } break; } case 'messageEntityHashtag': { const contextUrl = !options.noLinks && siteHashtags[contextSite]; if(contextUrl) { const entityText = text.substr(entity.offset, entity.length); const hashtag = entityText.substr(1); insertPart(entity, ``, ''); } break; } case 'messageEntityMentionName': { if(!(options.noLinks && !passEntities[entity._])) { insertPart(entity, `'); } break; } case 'messageEntityMention': { const contextUrl = !options.noLinks && siteMentions[contextSite]; if(contextUrl) { const entityText = text.substr(entity.offset, entity.length); const username = entityText.substr(1); insertPart(entity, ``, ''); } break; } } } lol.sort((a, b) => a.offset - b.offset); let out = ''; let usedLength = 0; for(const {part, offset} of lol) { if(offset > usedLength) { out += encodeEntities(text.slice(usedLength, offset)); usedLength = offset; } out += part; } if(usedLength < text.length) { out += encodeEntities(text.slice(usedLength)); } return out; } export function fixEmoji(text: string, entities?: MessageEntity[]) { /* if(!emojiSupported) { return text; } */ // '$`\ufe0f' text = text.replace(/[\u2640\u2642\u2764](?!\ufe0f)/g, (match, offset, string) => { if(entities) { const length = match.length; offset += length; entities.forEach(entity => { const end = entity.offset + entity.length; if(end === offset) { // current entity entity.length += length; } else if(end > offset) { entity.offset += length; } }); } // console.log([match, offset, string]); return match + '\ufe0f'; }); return text; } export function wrapDraftText(text: string, options: Partial<{ entities: MessageEntity[] }> = {}) { if(!text) { return ''; } return wrapRichText(text, { entities: options.entities, noLinks: true, wrappingDraft: true, passEntities: { messageEntityTextUrl: true, messageEntityMentionName: true } }); } export function checkBrackets(url: string) { var urlLength = url.length; var urlOpenBrackets = url.split('(').length - 1; var urlCloseBrackets = url.split(')').length - 1; while(urlCloseBrackets > urlOpenBrackets && url.charAt(urlLength - 1) === ')') { url = url.substr(0, urlLength - 1) urlCloseBrackets--; urlLength--; } if(urlOpenBrackets > urlCloseBrackets) { url = url.replace(/\)+$/, ''); } return url; } export function replaceUrlEncodings(urlWithEncoded: string) { return urlWithEncoded.replace(/(%[A-Z\d]{2})+/g, (str) => { try { return decodeURIComponent(str); } catch (e) { return str; } }); } export function wrapPlainText(text: any) { if(emojiSupported) { return text; } if(!text || !text.length) { return ''; } text = text.replace(/\ufe0f/g, '', text); var match; var raw = text; var text: any = [], emojiTitle; fullRegExp.lastIndex = 0; while((match = raw.match(fullRegExp))) { text.push(raw.substr(0, match.index)) if(match[8]) { // @ts-ignore const emojiCode = EmojiHelper.emojiMap[match[8]]; if(emojiCode && // @ts-ignore (emojiTitle = emojiData[emojiCode][1][0])) { text.push(':' + emojiTitle + ':'); } else { text.push(match[0]); } } else { text.push(match[0]); } raw = raw.substr(match.index + match[0].length); } text.push(raw); return text.join(''); } export function wrapEmojiText(text: string) { if(!text) return ''; let entities = parseEntities(text).filter(e => e._ === 'messageEntityEmoji'); return wrapRichText(text, {entities}); } export function wrapUrl(url: string, unsafe?: number | boolean): string { if(!matchUrlProtocol(url)) { url = 'https://' + url; } let tgMeMatch; let telescoPeMatch; /* if(unsafe === 2) { url = 'tg://unsafe_url?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url); } else */if((tgMeMatch = url.match(/^(?:https?:\/\/)?t(?:elegram)?\.me\/(.+)/))) { const fullPath = tgMeMatch[1]; const path = fullPath.split('/'); switch(path[0]) { case 'joinchat': url = 'tg://join?invite=' + path[1]; break; case 'addstickers': url = 'tg://addstickers?set=' + path[1]; break; default: if(path[1] && path[1].match(/^\d+$/)) { // https://t.me/.+/[0-9]+ (channel w/ username) if(path[0] === 'c' && path[2]) { // https://t.me/c/111111111/111 (channel w/o username) url = '#/im?p=' + path[1] + '&post=' + path[2]; } else { // https://t.me/durov/151 (channel w/ username) url = siteMentions['Telegram'].replace('{1}', path[0] + '&post=' + path[1]); } } else if(path.length === 1) { const domainQuery = path[0].split('?'); const domain = domainQuery[0]; const query = domainQuery[1]; if(domain === 'iv') { const match = (query || '').match(/url=([^&=]+)/); if(match) { url = match[1]; try { url = decodeURIComponent(url); } catch (e) {} return wrapUrl(url, unsafe); } } url = siteMentions['Telegram'].replace('{1}', domain + (query ? '&' + query : '')); //url = 'tg://resolve?domain=' + domain + (query ? '&' + query : ''); } break; } } else if((telescoPeMatch = url.match(/^(?:https?:\/\/)?telesco\.pe\/([^/?]+)\/(\d+)/))) { url = 'tg://resolve?domain=' + telescoPeMatch[1] + '&post=' + telescoPeMatch[2]; }/* else if(unsafe) { url = 'tg://unsafe_url?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url); } */ return url; } export function matchUrlProtocol(text: string) { return !text ? null : text.match(urlAnyProtocolRegExp); } export function matchUrl(text: string) { return !text ? null : text.match(urlRegExp); } export function matchEmail(text: string) { return !text ? null : text.match(emailRegExp); } export function getAbbreviation(str: string, onlyFirst = false) { const splitted = str.trim().split(' '); if(!splitted[0]) return ''; const first = [...splitted[0]][0]; if(onlyFirst || splitted.length === 1) return wrapEmojiText(first); const last = [...splitted[splitted.length - 1]][0]; return wrapEmojiText(first + last); } export function isUsernameValid(username: string) { return ((username.length >= 5 && username.length <= 32) || !username.length) && /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/.test(username); } export function getEmojiEntityFromEmoji(emoji: string): MessageEntity.messageEntityEmoji { return { _: 'messageEntityEmoji', offset: 0, length: emoji.length, unicode: toCodePoints(emoji).join('-').replace(/-?fe0f/g, '') }; } export function wrapSingleEmoji(emoji: string) { return wrapRichText(emoji, { entities: [getEmojiEntityFromEmoji(emoji)] }); } } MOUNT_CLASS_TO.RichTextProcessor = RichTextProcessor; export {RichTextProcessor}; export default RichTextProcessor;