/* * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE */ import rootScope from "../../lib/rootScope"; //import { generatePathData } from "../../helpers/dom"; import { MyMessage } from "../../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager"; import type Chat from "./chat"; import indexOfAndSplice from "../../helpers/array/indexOfAndSplice"; import insertInDescendSortedArray from "../../helpers/array/insertInDescendSortedArray"; import positionElementByIndex from "../../helpers/dom/positionElementByIndex"; import AvatarElement from "../avatar"; import { Message } from "../../layer"; import { NULL_PEER_ID, REPLIES_PEER_ID } from "../../lib/mtproto/mtproto_config"; import { SERVICE_AS_REGULAR, STICKY_OFFSET } from "./bubbles"; import forEachReverse from "../../helpers/array/forEachReverse"; import partition from "../../helpers/array/partition"; type GroupItem = { bubble: HTMLElement, fromId: PeerId, mid: number, groupMid?: number, timestamp: number, dateTimestamp: number, mounted: boolean, single: boolean, group?: BubbleGroup, message: Message.message | Message.messageService // use it only to set avatar }; class BubbleGroup { container: HTMLElement; chat: Chat; groups: BubbleGroups; items: GroupItem[]; // descend sorted avatarContainer: HTMLElement; avatarLoadPromise: ReturnType; avatar: AvatarElement; mounted: boolean; dateTimestamp: number; offset: number; constructor(chat: Chat, groups: BubbleGroups, dateTimestamp: number) { this.container = document.createElement('div'); this.container.classList.add('bubbles-group'); this.chat = chat; this.groups = groups; this.items = []; this.dateTimestamp = dateTimestamp; this.offset = 0; } createAvatar(message: Message.message | Message.messageService) { if(this.avatarLoadPromise) { return this.avatarLoadPromise; } else if(message._ === 'messageService') { return; } this.avatarContainer = document.createElement('div'); this.avatarContainer.classList.add('bubbles-group-avatar-container'); ++this.offset; const fwdFrom = message.fwd_from; const fwdFromId = message.fwdFromId; const isForwardFromChannel = message.from_id && message.from_id._ === 'peerChannel' && message.fromId === fwdFromId; const currentPeerId = this.chat.peerId; this.avatar = new AvatarElement(); this.avatar.classList.add('bubbles-group-avatar', 'user-avatar', 'avatar-40'/* , 'can-zoom-fade' */); this.avatarLoadPromise = this.avatar.updateWithOptions({ lazyLoadQueue: this.chat.bubbles.lazyLoadQueue, peerId: ((fwdFrom && (currentPeerId === rootScope.myId || currentPeerId === REPLIES_PEER_ID)) || isForwardFromChannel ? fwdFromId : message.fromId) || NULL_PEER_ID, peerTitle: !fwdFromId && fwdFrom && fwdFrom.from_name ? /* '🔥 FF 🔥' */fwdFrom.from_name : undefined, }); this.avatarContainer.append(this.avatar); this.container.append(this.avatarContainer); return this.avatarLoadPromise; } get firstTimestamp() { return this.firstItem.timestamp; } get firstMid() { return this.firstItem.mid; } get firstItem() { return this.items[this.items.length - 1]; } get lastTimestamp() { return this.lastItem.timestamp; } get lastMid() { return this.lastItem.mid; } get lastItem() { return this.items[0]; } updateClassNames() { const items = this.items; const length = items.length; if(!length) { return; } // const elements = Array.from(this.container.children); // if(this.offset) elements.splice(0, this.offset); // const length = elements.length; // if(!length) { // return; // } const first = items[length - 1].bubble; if(items.length === 1) { first.classList.add('is-group-first', 'is-group-last'); //this.setClipIfNeeded(first); return; } else { first.classList.remove('is-group-last'); first.classList.add('is-group-first'); //this.setClipIfNeeded(first, true); } for(let i = 1, _length = length - 1; i < _length; ++i) { const bubble = items[i].bubble; bubble.classList.remove('is-group-last', 'is-group-first'); //this.setClipIfNeeded(bubble, true); } const last = items[0].bubble; last.classList.remove('is-group-first'); last.classList.add('is-group-last'); //this.setClipIfNeeded(last); } insertItem(item: GroupItem) { const {items} = this; insertInDescendSortedArray(items, item, this.groups.sortGroupItemsKey); item.group = this; if(items.length === 1) { this.groups.insertGroup(this); } } removeItem(item: GroupItem) { indexOfAndSplice(this.items, item); if(!this.items.length) { indexOfAndSplice(this.groups.groups, this); } item.group = undefined; } mount(updateClassNames?: boolean) { if(!this.groups.groups.includes(this) || !this.items.length) { // group can be already removed debugger; if(this.mounted) { this.onItemUnmount(); } return; } const {offset, items} = this; const {length} = items; forEachReverse(items, (item, idx) => { this.mountItem(item, length - 1 - idx, offset); }); if(updateClassNames) { this.updateClassNames(); } this.onItemMount(); } mountItem(item: GroupItem, idx = this.items.indexOf(item), offset = this.offset) { if(item.mounted) { return; } positionElementByIndex(item.bubble, this.container, offset + idx); item.mounted = true; } unmountItem(item: GroupItem) { if(!item.mounted) { return; } item.bubble.remove(); item.mounted = false; this.onItemUnmount(); } onItemMount() { if(this.mounted) { return; } const dateContainer = this.chat.bubbles.getDateContainerByTimestamp(this.dateTimestamp / 1000); // const idx = this.groups.indexOf(group); const dateGroups = this.groups.groups.filter((_group) => _group.dateTimestamp === this.dateTimestamp); const dateGroupsLength = dateGroups.length; const idx = dateGroups.indexOf(this); const unmountedLength = dateGroups.slice(idx + 1).reduce((acc, v) => acc + (v.mounted ? 0 : 1), 0); positionElementByIndex(this.container, dateContainer.container, STICKY_OFFSET + dateGroupsLength - 1 - idx - unmountedLength); this.mounted = true; } onItemUnmount() { if(!this.mounted) { return; } if(!this.items.length) { this.container.remove(); this.chat.bubbles.deleteEmptyDateGroups(); this.mounted = false; } else { this.updateClassNames(); } } } // class BubbleGroupItem implements GroupItem { // bubble: HTMLElement; // fromId: PeerId; // mid: number; // timestamp: number; // dateTimestamp: number; // mounted: boolean; // single: boolean; // group: BubbleGroup; // constructor(details: GroupItem) { // Object.assign(this, details); // } // } export default class BubbleGroups { public itemsArr: Array = []; // descend sorted private itemsMap: Map = new Map(); public groups: Array = []; // descend sorted private newGroupDiff = 121; // * 121 in scheduled messages private sortItemsKey: Extract; private sortGroupsKey: Extract; public sortGroupItemsKey: Extract; constructor(private chat: Chat) { this.sortItemsKey = chat.type === 'scheduled' ? 'timestamp' : 'mid'; this.sortGroupsKey = chat.type === 'scheduled' ? 'lastTimestamp' : 'lastMid'; this.sortGroupItemsKey = /* chat.type === 'scheduled' ? 'timestamp' : */'groupMid'; } removeItem(item: GroupItem) { item.group.removeItem(item); this.removeItemFromCache(item); } removeAndUnmountBubble(bubble: HTMLElement) { const item = this.getItemByBubble(bubble); if(!item) { return; } const items = this.itemsArr; const index = items.indexOf(item); const siblings = this.getSiblingsAtIndex(index, items); const group = item.group; this.removeItem(item); group.unmountItem(item); const modifiedGroups: Set = new Set(); modifiedGroups.add(group); const [previousSibling, nextSibling] = siblings; if( previousSibling && nextSibling && this.canItemsBeGrouped(previousSibling, nextSibling) && previousSibling.group !== nextSibling.group ) { const group = nextSibling.group; this.f(nextSibling.group.items); group.onItemUnmount(); modifiedGroups.add(previousSibling.group); this.groupUngrouped(); } this.mountUnmountGroups(Array.from(modifiedGroups)); } mountUnmountGroups(groups: BubbleGroup[]) { // groups.sort((a, b) => (b.lastItem?.mid ?? 0) - (a.lastItem?.mid ?? 0)); const [toMount, toUnmount] = partition(groups, (group) => !!group.items.length); toUnmount.forEach((group) => { group.onItemUnmount(); }) toMount.forEach((group) => { group.mount(true); }); // toMount.forEach((group) => { // group.updateClassNames(); // }); } f(items: GroupItem[], index: number = 0, length = items.length) { for(; index < length; ++index) { const item = items[index]; item.mounted = false; item.group.removeItem(item); --length; --index; } } getItemByBubble(bubble: HTMLElement) { return this.itemsMap.get(bubble); } getLastGroup() { return this.groups[0]; } changeBubbleMid(bubble: HTMLElement, mid: number) { const item = this.getItemByBubble(bubble); if(!item) { return; } item.mid = mid; // indexOfAndSplice(item.group.items, item); // // const canChangeGroupMid = !item.group.items.length || item.group.items.every((item) => item.groupMid === item.mid); // // if(canChangeGroupMid) item.groupMid = mid; // item.group.insertItem(item); indexOfAndSplice(this.itemsArr, item); this.insertItemToArray(item, this.itemsArr); } changeItemBubble(item: GroupItem, bubble: HTMLElement) { this.itemsMap.delete(item.bubble); item.bubble = bubble; this.itemsMap.set(bubble, item); } changeBubbleByBubble(from: HTMLElement, to: HTMLElement) { const item = this.getItemByBubble(from); if(!item) { return; } this.changeItemBubble(item, to); } canItemsBeGrouped(item1: GroupItem, item2: GroupItem) { return item2.fromId === item1.fromId && Math.abs(item2.timestamp - item1.timestamp) <= this.newGroupDiff && item1.dateTimestamp === item2.dateTimestamp && !item1.single && !item2.single; } getSiblingsAtIndex(itemIndex: number, items: GroupItem[]) { return [items[itemIndex - 1], items[itemIndex + 1]] as const; } // findGroupSiblingInSiblings(item: GroupItem, siblings: ReturnType) { // return siblings.find((sibling) => sibling && this.canItemsBeGrouped(item, sibling)); // } findGroupSiblingByItem(item: GroupItem, items: GroupItem[]) { items = items.slice(); const idx = this.insertItemToArray(item, items); // return this.findGroupSiblingInSiblings(item, this.getSiblingsAtIndex(idx, items)); return this.findGroupSiblingInItems(item, items, idx); } findGroupSiblingInItems(item: GroupItem, items: GroupItem[], index = items.indexOf(item), length = items.length) { const previousItem = items[index - 1]; let siblingGroupedItem: GroupItem; if(previousItem?.group && this.canItemsBeGrouped(item, previousItem)) { siblingGroupedItem = previousItem; } else { for(let k = index + 1; k < length; ++k) { const nextItem = items[k]; if(this.canItemsBeGrouped(item, nextItem)) { if(nextItem.group) { siblingGroupedItem = nextItem; } } else { break; } } } return siblingGroupedItem; } addItemToGroup(item: GroupItem, group: BubbleGroup) { group.insertItem(item); this.addItemToCache(item); } insertItemToArray(item: GroupItem, array: GroupItem[]) { return insertInDescendSortedArray(array, item, this.sortItemsKey); } insertGroup(group: BubbleGroup) { return insertInDescendSortedArray(this.groups, group, this.sortGroupsKey); } addItemToCache(item: GroupItem) { this.insertItemToArray(item, this.itemsArr); this.itemsMap.set(item.bubble, item); } removeItemFromCache(item: GroupItem) { indexOfAndSplice(this.itemsArr, item); this.itemsMap.delete(item.bubble); } getMessageFromId(message: MyMessage) { let fromId = message.viaBotId || message.fromId; // fix for saved messages forward to self if(fromId === rootScope.myId && message.peerId === rootScope.myId && (message as Message.message).fwdFromId === fromId) { fromId = fromId.toPeerId(true); } return fromId; } createItem(bubble: HTMLElement, message: MyMessage) { const single = !(message._ === 'message' || (message.action && SERVICE_AS_REGULAR.has(message.action._))); const {mid, date: timestamp} = message; const {dateTimestamp} = this.chat.bubbles.getDateForDateContainer(timestamp); const item: GroupItem = { mid, groupMid: this.chat.type === 'scheduled' ? +`${(timestamp * 1000 - dateTimestamp) / 1000}.${mid}` : mid, fromId: this.getMessageFromId(message), bubble, // timestamp: this.chat.type === 'scheduled' ? +`${(timestamp * 1000 - dateTimestamp) / 1000}.${mid}` : timestamp, timestamp, dateTimestamp, mounted: false, single, message }; return item; } splitSiblingsOnGrouping(siblings: ReturnType) { const [previousSibling, nextSibling] = siblings; const previousGroup = previousSibling?.group; const nextGroup = nextSibling?.group; if(!previousGroup) { return; } // will refresh group // if(previousGroup === nextGroup) { const items = previousGroup.items; const index = items.indexOf(previousSibling) + 1; const length = items.length; if(index === length) { return; } const modifiedGroups: BubbleGroup[] = [previousGroup]; // if(previousGroup !== nextGroup && nextGroup) { // modifiedGroups.push(nextGroup); // } this.f(items, index, length); return modifiedGroups; // } } prepareForGrouping(bubble: HTMLElement, message: MyMessage) { const foundItem = this.getItemByBubble(bubble); if(foundItem) { // should happen only on edit // debugger; return; } const item = this.createItem(bubble, message); this.addItemToCache(item); } groupUngrouped() { const items = this.itemsArr; const length = items.length; const modifiedGroups: Set = new Set(); // for(let i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { for(let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { const item = items[i]; if(item.group) { continue; } let hadGroup = true; const siblings = this.getSiblingsAtIndex(i, items); const siblingGroupedItem = this.findGroupSiblingInItems(item, items, i, length); // const foundItem = this.findGroupSiblingInSiblings(item, siblings); const foundItem = siblingGroupedItem; const group = foundItem?.group ?? (hadGroup = false, new BubbleGroup(this.chat, this, item.dateTimestamp)); modifiedGroups.add(group); group.insertItem(item); if(!hadGroup) { const splittedGroups = this.splitSiblingsOnGrouping(siblings); if(splittedGroups) { splittedGroups.forEach((group) => modifiedGroups.add(group)); } } } return modifiedGroups; } // addBubble(bubble: HTMLElement, message: MyMessage, unmountIfFound?: boolean) { // const oldItem = this.getItemByBubble(bubble); // if(unmountIfFound) { // updating position // this.removeAndUnmountBubble(bubble); // } else if(oldItem) { // editing // const group = oldItem.group; // this.changeItemBubble(oldItem, bubble); // oldItem.mounted = false; // return {item: oldItem, group}; // } // const item = this.createItem(bubble, message); // const foundItem = this.findSameGroupItem(item, this.itemsArr); // const group = foundItem?.group ?? new BubbleGroup(this.chat, this, item.dateTimestamp); // this.addItemToGroup(item, group); // return {item, group}; // } /* setClipIfNeeded(bubble: HTMLDivElement, remove = false) { //console.log('setClipIfNeeded', bubble, remove); const className = bubble.className; if(className.includes('is-message-empty') && (className.includes('photo') || className.includes('video'))) { let container = bubble.querySelector('.bubble__media-container') as SVGSVGElement; //console.log('setClipIfNeeded', bubble, remove, container); if(!container) return; try { Array.from(container.children).forEach((object) => { if(object instanceof SVGDefsElement) return; if(remove) { object.removeAttributeNS(null, 'clip-path'); } else { let clipId = container.dataset.clipId; let path = container.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.lastElementChild as SVGPathElement; let width = +object.getAttributeNS(null, 'width'); let height = +object.getAttributeNS(null, 'height'); let isOut = className.includes('is-out'); let isReply = className.includes('is-reply'); let d = ''; //console.log('setClipIfNeeded', object, width, height, isOut); let tr: number, tl: number; if(className.includes('forwarded') || isReply) { tr = tl = 0; } else if(isOut) { tr = className.includes('is-group-first') ? 12 : 6; tl = 12; } else { tr = 12; tl = className.includes('is-group-first') ? 12 : 6; } if(isOut) { d = generatePathData(0, 0, width - 9, height, tl, tr, 0, 12); } else { d = generatePathData(9, 0, width - 9, height, tl, tr, 12, 0); } path.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', d); object.setAttributeNS(null, 'clip-path', 'url(#' + clipId + ')'); } }); } catch(err) {} } } */ // updateGroupByMessageId(mid: number) { // const item = this.itemsArr.find((g) => g.mid === mid); // if(item) { // item.group.updateGroup(); // } // } cleanup() { this.itemsArr = []; this.groups = []; this.itemsMap.clear(); } // findIncorrentPositions() { // var bubbles = Array.from(this.chat.bubbles.chatInner.querySelectorAll('.bubbles-group .bubble')).reverse(); // var items = this.itemsArr; // for(var i = 0, length = items.length; i < length; ++i) { // const item = items[i]; // const foundBubble = bubbles[i]; // if(item.bubble !== foundBubble) { // console.log('incorrect position', i, item, foundBubble); // // debugger; // // break; // } // } // } }