/* * Copyright (c) 2018-present, Evgeny Nadymov * * This source code is licensed under the GPL v.3.0 license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ // @ts-ignore import MP4Box from 'mp4box/dist/mp4box.all.min'; import { logger, LogLevels } from './polyfill'; export default class MP4Source { private mp4file: any; private nextBufferStart = 0; private mediaSource: MediaSource = null; private ready = false; private bufferedTime = 40; private beforeMoovBufferSize = 32 * 1024; private moovBufferSize = 512 * 1024; private bufferSize = 512 * 1024; private seekBufferSize = 256 * 1024; private currentBufferSize = this.beforeMoovBufferSize; private nbSamples = 10; private expectedSize: number; private seeking = false; private loading = false; private url: string; private log = logger('MP4', LogLevels.error); //public onLoadBuffer: (offset: number) constructor(private video: {duration: number, video: {expected_size: number}}, private getBufferAsync: (start: number, end: number) => Promise) { this.expectedSize = this.video.video.expected_size; this.init(video.duration); } init(videoDuration: number) { const mediaSource = new MediaSource(); mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceopen', () => { this.log('[MediaSource] sourceopen start', this.mediaSource, this); if(this.mediaSource.sourceBuffers.length > 0) return; const mp4File = MP4Box.createFile(); mp4File.onMoovStart = () => { this.log('[MP4Box] onMoovStart'); this.currentBufferSize = this.moovBufferSize; }; mp4File.onError = (error: Error) => { this.log('[MP4Box] onError', error); }; mp4File.onReady = (info: any) => { this.log('[MP4Box] onReady', info); this.ready = true; this.currentBufferSize = this.bufferSize; const { isFragmented, timescale, fragment_duration, duration } = info; if(!fragment_duration && !duration) { this.mediaSource.duration = videoDuration; this.bufferedTime = videoDuration; } else { this.mediaSource.duration = isFragmented ? fragment_duration / timescale : duration / timescale; } this.initializeAllSourceBuffers(info); }; mp4File.onSegment = (id: number, sb: any, buffer: ArrayBuffer, sampleNum: number, is_last: boolean) => { const isLast = (sampleNum + this.nbSamples) > sb.nb_samples; this.log('[MP4Box] onSegment', id, buffer, `${sampleNum}/${sb.nb_samples}`, isLast, sb.timestampOffset, mediaSource, is_last); sb.segmentIndex++; sb.pendingAppends.push({ id, buffer, sampleNum, is_last: isLast }); this.onUpdateEnd(sb, true, false); }; this.mp4file = mp4File; this.log('[MediaSource] sourceopen end', this, this.mp4file); this.loadNextBuffer(); }); mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceended', () => { this.log('[MediaSource] sourceended', mediaSource.readyState); //this.getBufferAsync = null; }); mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceclose', () => { this.log('[MediaSource] sourceclose', mediaSource.readyState); //this.getBufferAsync = null; }); this.mediaSource = mediaSource; } private onInitAppended(sb: any) { sb.sampleNum = 0; sb.addEventListener('updateend', () => this.onUpdateEnd(sb, true, true)); /* In case there are already pending buffers we call onUpdateEnd to start appending them*/ this.onUpdateEnd(sb, false, true); // @ts-ignore this.mediaSource.pendingInits--; // @ts-ignore if(this.mediaSource.pendingInits === 0) { this.log('onInitAppended start!'); this.mp4file.start(); if(this.expectedSize > this.bufferSize) { this.nextBufferStart = this.bufferSize; } else { return; } /* setInterval(() => { this.loadNextBuffer(); }, 1e3); */ this.loadNextBuffer(); } }; private onUpdateEnd(sb: any, isNotInit: boolean, isEndOfAppend: boolean) { //console.this.log('onUpdateEnd', sb, isNotInit, isEndOfAppend, sb.sampleNum, sb.is_last); if(isEndOfAppend === true) { if(sb.sampleNum) { this.mp4file.releaseUsedSamples(sb.id, sb.sampleNum); delete sb.sampleNum; } if(sb.is_last) { this.log('onUpdateEnd', sb, isNotInit, isEndOfAppend, sb.sampleNum, sb.is_last); this.mediaSource.endOfStream(); } } if(this.mediaSource.readyState === "open" && sb.updating === false && sb.pendingAppends.length > 0) { const obj = sb.pendingAppends.shift(); this.log("MSE - SourceBuffer #"+sb.id, "Appending new buffer, pending: "+sb.pendingAppends.length); sb.sampleNum = obj.sampleNum; sb.is_last = obj.is_last; sb.appendBuffer(obj.buffer); } } private initializeAllSourceBuffers(info: any) { for(let i = 0; i < info.tracks.length; i++) { this.addSourceBuffer(info.tracks[i]); } this.initializeSourceBuffers(); } private initializeSourceBuffers() { const initSegs = this.mp4file.initializeSegmentation(); this.log('[MP4Box] initializeSegmentation', initSegs); for(let i = 0; i < initSegs.length; i++) { const sb: any = initSegs[i].user; if(i === 0) { // @ts-ignore this.mediaSource.pendingInits = 0; } let onInitAppended = () => { if(this.mediaSource.readyState === "open") { sb.removeEventListener('updateend', onInitAppended); this.onInitAppended(sb); } }; sb.addEventListener('updateend', onInitAppended); sb.appendBuffer(initSegs[i].buffer); sb.segmentIndex = 0; // @ts-ignore this.mediaSource.pendingInits++; } } private addSourceBuffer(track: {id: number, codec: string, type: 'video', nb_samples: number}) { const file = this.mp4file; const ms = this.mediaSource; if(!track) return; const { id, codec, type: trackType, nb_samples } = track; const mime = `video/mp4; codecs="${codec}"`; this.log('mimetype:', mime); if(!MediaSource.isTypeSupported(mime)) { this.log('[addSourceBuffer] not supported', mime); return; } const sb: any = ms.addSourceBuffer(mime); sb.id = id; sb.pendingAppends = []; sb.nb_samples = nb_samples; file.setSegmentOptions(id, sb, { nbSamples: this.nbSamples }); this.log('[addSourceBuffer] add', id, codec, trackType, sb); sb.addEventListener("error", (e: Event) => { this.log("MSE SourceBuffer #" + id, e); }); } stop() { this.mp4file.stop(); this.mp4file = null; this.getBufferAsync = null; } getURL() { return this.url ?? (this.url = URL.createObjectURL(this.mediaSource)); } seek(currentTime: number/* , buffered: any */) { const seekInfo: {offset: number, time: number} = this.mp4file.seek(currentTime, true); this.nextBufferStart = seekInfo.offset; const loadNextBuffer = true; /* let loadNextBuffer = buffered.length === 0; for(let i = 0; i < buffered.length; i++) { const start = buffered.start(i); const end = buffered.end(i); if(start <= currentTime && currentTime + this.bufferedTime > end) { loadNextBuffer = true; break; } } */ this.log('[player] onSeeked', loadNextBuffer, currentTime, seekInfo, this.nextBufferStart); if(loadNextBuffer) { this.loadNextBuffer(true); } return seekInfo.offset; } timeUpdate(currentTime: number, duration: number, buffered: any) { //return; const ranges = []; for(let i = 0; i < buffered.length; i++) { ranges.push({ start: buffered.start(i), end: buffered.end(i)}) } let loadNextBuffer = buffered.length === 0; let hasRange = false; for(let i = 0; i < buffered.length; i++) { const start = buffered.start(i); const end = buffered.end(i); if (start <= currentTime && currentTime <= end) { hasRange = true; if (end < duration && currentTime + this.bufferedTime > end) { loadNextBuffer = true; break; } } } if(!hasRange) { loadNextBuffer = true; } this.log('[player] timeUpdate', loadNextBuffer, currentTime, duration, JSON.stringify(ranges)); if(loadNextBuffer) { this.loadNextBuffer(); } } async loadNextBuffer(seek = false) { const { nextBufferStart, loading, currentBufferSize, mp4file } = this; this.log('[player] loadNextBuffer', nextBufferStart === undefined, loading, !mp4file); if(!mp4file) return; if(nextBufferStart === undefined) return; if(loading) return; //return; this.loading = true; let bufferSize = seek ? this.seekBufferSize : this.bufferSize; if(nextBufferStart + bufferSize > this.expectedSize) { bufferSize = this.expectedSize - nextBufferStart; } const nextBuffer = await this.getBufferAsync(nextBufferStart, nextBufferStart + bufferSize); // @ts-ignore nextBuffer.fileStart = nextBufferStart; const end = (nextBuffer.byteLength !== bufferSize)/* || (nextBuffer.byteLength === this.expectedSize) */; this.log('[player] loadNextBuffer start', nextBuffer.byteLength, nextBufferStart, end); if(nextBuffer.byteLength) { this.nextBufferStart = mp4file.appendBuffer(nextBuffer/* , end */); } else { this.nextBufferStart = undefined; } if(end) { this.log('[player] loadNextBuffer flush'); this.mp4file.flush(); } this.log('[player] loadNextBuffer stop', nextBuffer.byteLength, nextBufferStart, this.nextBufferStart); this.loading = false; if(!this.ready || !end) { this.log('[player] loadNextBuffer next'); this.loadNextBuffer(); } } }