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strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.positionElementByIndex = exports.getFileURL = exports.getEmojiToneIndex = exports.calcImageInBox = exports.fillPropertyValue = exports.encodeEntities = exports.escapeRegExp = exports.listMergeSorted = exports.deepEqual = exports.formatNumber = exports.formatBytes = exports.copy = exports.whichChild = exports.getObjectKeysAndSort = exports.findUpAttribute = exports.findUpTag = exports.findUpClassName = exports.numberWithCommas = exports.safeReplaceObject = exports.tsNow = exports.isObject = exports.langPack = exports.generatePathData = exports.$rootScope = exports.getRichElementValue = exports.placeCaretAtEnd = exports.getRichValue = exports.cancelEvent = exports.checkDragEvent = exports.isInDOM = exports.dT = void 0;\r\nvar _logTimer = Date.now();\r\nfunction dT() {\r\n return '[' + ((Date.now() - _logTimer) / 1000).toFixed(3) + ']';\r\n}\r\nexports.dT = dT;\r\nfunction isInDOM(element, parentNode) {\r\n if (!element) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n parentNode = parentNode || document.body;\r\n if (element == parentNode) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return isInDOM(element.parentNode, parentNode);\r\n}\r\nexports.isInDOM = isInDOM;\r\nfunction checkDragEvent(e) {\r\n if (!e || e.target && (e.target.tagName == 'IMG' || e.target.tagName == 'A'))\r\n return false;\r\n if (e.dataTransfer && e.dataTransfer.types) {\r\n for (var i = 0; i < e.dataTransfer.types.length; i++) {\r\n if (e.dataTransfer.types[i] == 'Files') {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n}\r\nexports.checkDragEvent = checkDragEvent;\r\nfunction cancelEvent(event) {\r\n event = event || window.event;\r\n if (event) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n event = event.originalEvent || event;\r\n try {\r\n if (event.stopPropagation)\r\n event.stopPropagation();\r\n if (event.preventDefault)\r\n event.preventDefault();\r\n event.returnValue = false;\r\n event.cancelBubble = true;\r\n }\r\n catch (err) { }\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n}\r\nexports.cancelEvent = cancelEvent;\r\nfunction getRichValue(field) {\r\n if (!field) {\r\n return '';\r\n }\r\n var lines = [];\r\n var line = [];\r\n getRichElementValue(field, lines, line);\r\n if (line.length) {\r\n lines.push(line.join(''));\r\n }\r\n var value = lines.join('\\n');\r\n value = value.replace(/\\u00A0/g, ' ');\r\n return value;\r\n}\r\nexports.getRichValue = getRichValue;\r\nfunction placeCaretAtEnd(el) {\r\n el.focus();\r\n if (typeof window.getSelection != \"undefined\" && typeof document.createRange != \"undefined\") {\r\n var range = document.createRange();\r\n range.selectNodeContents(el);\r\n range.collapse(false);\r\n var sel = window.getSelection();\r\n sel.removeAllRanges();\r\n sel.addRange(range);\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n }\r\n else if (typeof document.body.createTextRange != \"undefined\") {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n var textRange = document.body.createTextRange();\r\n textRange.moveToElementText(el);\r\n textRange.collapse(false);\r\n textRange.select();\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.placeCaretAtEnd = placeCaretAtEnd;\r\nfunction getRichElementValue(node, lines, line, selNode, selOffset) {\r\n if (node.nodeType == 3) { // TEXT\r\n if (selNode === node) {\r\n var value = node.nodeValue;\r\n line.push(value.substr(0, selOffset) + '\\x01' + value.substr(selOffset));\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n line.push(node.nodeValue);\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (node.nodeType != 1) { // NON-ELEMENT\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n var isSelected = (selNode === node);\r\n var isBlock = node.tagName == 'DIV' || node.tagName == 'P';\r\n var curChild;\r\n if (isBlock && line.length || node.tagName == 'BR') {\r\n lines.push(line.join(''));\r\n line.splice(0, line.length);\r\n }\r\n else if (node.tagName == 'IMG') {\r\n if (node.alt) {\r\n line.push(node.alt);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (isSelected && !selOffset) {\r\n line.push('\\x01');\r\n }\r\n var curChild = node.firstChild;\r\n while (curChild) {\r\n getRichElementValue(curChild, lines, line, selNode, selOffset);\r\n curChild = curChild.nextSibling;\r\n }\r\n if (isSelected && selOffset) {\r\n line.push('\\x01');\r\n }\r\n if (isBlock && line.length) {\r\n lines.push(line.join(''));\r\n line.splice(0, line.length);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.getRichElementValue = getRichElementValue;\r\nexports.$rootScope = {\r\n $broadcast: (name, detail) => {\r\n /* if(name != 'user_update') {\r\n console.debug(dT(), 'Broadcasting ' + name + ' event, with args:', detail);\r\n } */\r\n let myCustomEvent = new CustomEvent(name, { detail });\r\n document.dispatchEvent(myCustomEvent);\r\n },\r\n $on: (name, callback) => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n document.addEventListener(name, callback);\r\n },\r\n $off: (name, callback) => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n document.removeEventListener(name, callback);\r\n },\r\n selectedPeerID: 0,\r\n myID: 0,\r\n idle: {\r\n isIDLE: false\r\n }\r\n};\r\n// generate a path's arc data parameter\r\n// http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathDataEllipticalArcCommands\r\nvar arcParameter = function (rx, ry, xAxisRotation, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag, x, y) {\r\n return [rx, ',', ry, ' ',\r\n xAxisRotation, ' ',\r\n largeArcFlag, ',',\r\n sweepFlag, ' ',\r\n x, ',', y].join('');\r\n};\r\nfunction generatePathData(x, y, width, height, tl, tr, br, bl) {\r\n var data = [];\r\n // start point in top-middle of the rectangle\r\n data.push('M' + (x + width / 2) + ',' + y);\r\n // next we go to the right\r\n data.push('H' + (x + width - tr));\r\n if (tr > 0) {\r\n // now we draw the arc in the top-right corner\r\n data.push('A' + arcParameter(tr, tr, 0, 0, 1, (x + width), (y + tr)));\r\n }\r\n // next we go down\r\n data.push('V' + (y + height - br));\r\n if (br > 0) {\r\n // now we draw the arc in the lower-right corner\r\n data.push('A' + arcParameter(br, br, 0, 0, 1, (x + width - br), (y + height)));\r\n }\r\n // now we go to the left\r\n data.push('H' + (x + bl));\r\n if (bl > 0) {\r\n // now we draw the arc in the lower-left corner\r\n data.push('A' + arcParameter(bl, bl, 0, 0, 1, (x + 0), (y + height - bl)));\r\n }\r\n // next we go up\r\n data.push('V' + (y + tl));\r\n if (tl > 0) {\r\n // now we draw the arc in the top-left corner\r\n data.push('A' + arcParameter(tl, tl, 0, 0, 1, (x + tl), (y + 0)));\r\n }\r\n // and we close the path\r\n data.push('Z');\r\n return data.join(' ');\r\n}\r\nexports.generatePathData = generatePathData;\r\n;\r\nexports.langPack = {\r\n \"messageActionChatCreate\": \"created the group\",\r\n \"messageActionChatEditTitle\": \"changed group name\",\r\n \"messageActionChatEditPhoto\": \"changed group photo\",\r\n \"messageActionChatDeletePhoto\": \"removed group photo\",\r\n \"messageActionChatReturn\": \"returned to group\",\r\n \"messageActionChatJoined\": \"joined the group\",\r\n \"messageActionChatAddUser\": \"invited {user}\",\r\n \"messageActionChatAddUsers\": \"invited {} users\",\r\n \"messageActionChatLeave\": \"left the group\",\r\n \"messageActionChatDeleteUser\": \"removed user\",\r\n \"messageActionChatJoinedByLink\": \"joined the group\",\r\n \"messageActionPinMessage\": \"pinned message\",\r\n \"messageActionContactSignUp\": \"joined Telegram\",\r\n \"messageActionChannelCreate\": \"Channel created\",\r\n \"messageActionChannelEditTitle\": \"Channel renamed\",\r\n \"messageActionChannelEditPhoto\": \"Channel photo updated\",\r\n \"messageActionChannelDeletePhoto\": \"Channel photo removed\",\r\n \"messageActionHistoryClear\": \"\",\r\n \"messageActionChannelMigrateFrom\": \"\",\r\n \"messageActionPhoneCall.in_ok\": \"Incoming Call\",\r\n \"messageActionPhoneCall.out_ok\": \"Outgoing Call\",\r\n \"messageActionPhoneCall.in_missed\": \"Missed Call\",\r\n \"messageActionPhoneCall.out_missed\": \"Cancelled Call\",\r\n};\r\nfunction isObject(object) {\r\n return typeof (object) === 'object' && object !== null;\r\n}\r\nexports.isObject = isObject;\r\nfunction tsNow(seconds) {\r\n var t = +new Date();\r\n return seconds ? Math.floor(t / 1000) : t;\r\n}\r\nexports.tsNow = tsNow;\r\nfunction safeReplaceObject(wasObject, newObject) {\r\n for (var key in wasObject) {\r\n if (!newObject.hasOwnProperty(key) && key.charAt(0) != '$') {\r\n delete wasObject[key];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n for (var key in newObject) {\r\n //if (newObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // useless\r\n wasObject[key] = newObject[key];\r\n //}\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.safeReplaceObject = safeReplaceObject;\r\nfunction numberWithCommas(x) {\r\n var parts = x.toString().split(\".\");\r\n parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\\B(?=(\\d{3})+(?!\\d))/g, \",\");\r\n return parts.join(\".\");\r\n}\r\nexports.numberWithCommas = numberWithCommas;\r\n//export function findUpClassName(el: any, className: string): T;\r\nfunction findUpClassName(el, className) {\r\n if (el.classList.contains(className))\r\n return el; // 03.02.2020\r\n while (el.parentElement) {\r\n el = el.parentElement;\r\n if (el.classList.contains(className))\r\n return el;\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n}\r\nexports.findUpClassName = findUpClassName;\r\nfunction findUpTag(el, tag) {\r\n if (el.tagName == tag)\r\n return el; // 03.02.2020\r\n while (el.parentElement) {\r\n el = el.parentElement;\r\n if (el.tagName === tag)\r\n return el;\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n}\r\nexports.findUpTag = findUpTag;\r\nfunction findUpAttribute(el, attribute) {\r\n if (el.getAttribute(attribute) != null)\r\n return el; // 03.02.2020\r\n while (el.parentElement) {\r\n el = el.parentElement;\r\n if (el.getAttribute(attribute) != null)\r\n return el;\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n}\r\nexports.findUpAttribute = findUpAttribute;\r\nfunction getObjectKeysAndSort(object, sort = 'asc') {\r\n const ids = Object.keys(object).map(i => +i);\r\n if (sort == 'asc')\r\n return ids.sort((a, b) => a - b);\r\n else\r\n return ids.sort((a, b) => b - a);\r\n}\r\nexports.getObjectKeysAndSort = getObjectKeysAndSort;\r\nfunction whichChild(elem) {\r\n if (!elem.parentNode) {\r\n return -1;\r\n }\r\n let i = 0;\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n while ((elem = elem.previousElementSibling) != null)\r\n ++i;\r\n return i;\r\n}\r\nexports.whichChild = whichChild;\r\n;\r\nfunction copy(obj) {\r\n //in case of premitives\r\n if (obj === null || typeof obj !== \"object\") {\r\n return obj;\r\n }\r\n //date objects should be \r\n if (obj instanceof Date) {\r\n return new Date(obj.getTime());\r\n }\r\n //handle Array\r\n if (Array.isArray(obj)) {\r\n var clonedArr = [];\r\n obj.forEach(function (element) {\r\n clonedArr.push(copy(element));\r\n });\r\n return clonedArr;\r\n }\r\n //lastly, handle objects\r\n let clonedObj = new obj.constructor();\r\n for (var prop in obj) {\r\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {\r\n clonedObj[prop] = copy(obj[prop]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return clonedObj;\r\n}\r\nexports.copy = copy;\r\nfunction formatBytes(bytes, decimals = 2) {\r\n if (bytes === 0)\r\n return '0 Bytes';\r\n const k = 1024;\r\n const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals;\r\n const sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'];\r\n const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k));\r\n return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + ' ' + sizes[i];\r\n}\r\nexports.formatBytes = formatBytes;\r\nfunction formatNumber(bytes, decimals = 2) {\r\n if (bytes === 0)\r\n return '0';\r\n const k = 1000;\r\n const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals;\r\n const sizes = ['', 'K', 'M', 'B', 'T'];\r\n const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k));\r\n return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + sizes[i];\r\n}\r\nexports.formatNumber = formatNumber;\r\nfunction deepEqual(x, y) {\r\n const ok = Object.keys, tx = typeof x, ty = typeof y;\r\n return x && y && tx === 'object' && tx === ty ? (ok(x).length === ok(y).length &&\r\n ok(x).every(key => deepEqual(x[key], y[key]))) : (x === y);\r\n}\r\nexports.deepEqual = deepEqual;\r\nfunction listMergeSorted(list1, list2) {\r\n list1 = list1 || [];\r\n list2 = list2 || [];\r\n var result = copy(list1);\r\n var minID = list1.length ? list1[list1.length - 1] : 0xFFFFFFFF;\r\n for (var i = 0; i < list2.length; i++) {\r\n if (list2[i] < minID) {\r\n result.push(list2[i]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\nexports.listMergeSorted = listMergeSorted;\r\n// credits to https://github.com/sindresorhus/escape-string-regexp/blob/master/index.js\r\nfunction escapeRegExp(str) {\r\n return str\r\n .replace(/[|\\\\{}()[\\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\\\$&')\r\n .replace(/-/g, '\\\\x2d');\r\n}\r\nexports.escapeRegExp = escapeRegExp;\r\nfunction encodeEntities(value) {\r\n return value.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/[\\uD800-\\uDBFF][\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]/g, (value) => {\r\n var hi = value.charCodeAt(0);\r\n var low = value.charCodeAt(1);\r\n return '&#' + (((hi - 0xD800) * 0x400) + (low - 0xDC00) + 0x10000) + ';';\r\n }).replace(/([^\\#-~| |!])/g, (value) => {\r\n return '&#' + value.charCodeAt(0) + ';';\r\n }).replace(//g, '>');\r\n}\r\nexports.encodeEntities = encodeEntities;\r\nfunction fillPropertyValue(str) {\r\n let splitted = str.split(' ');\r\n if (splitted.length != 4) {\r\n if (!splitted[0])\r\n splitted[0] = '0px';\r\n for (let i = splitted.length; i < 4; ++i) {\r\n splitted[i] = splitted[i % 2] || splitted[0] || '0px';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return splitted;\r\n}\r\nexports.fillPropertyValue = fillPropertyValue;\r\nfunction calcImageInBox(imageW, imageH, boxW, boxH, noZoom) {\r\n if (imageW < boxW && imageH < boxH) {\r\n return { w: imageW, h: imageH };\r\n }\r\n var boxedImageW = boxW;\r\n var boxedImageH = boxH;\r\n if ((imageW / imageH) > (boxW / boxH)) {\r\n boxedImageH = (imageH * boxW / imageW) | 0;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n boxedImageW = (imageW * boxH / imageH) | 0;\r\n if (boxedImageW > boxW) {\r\n boxedImageH = (boxedImageH * boxW / boxedImageW) | 0;\r\n boxedImageW = boxW;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // if (Config.Navigator.retina) {\r\n // imageW = Math.floor(imageW / 2)\r\n // imageH = Math.floor(imageH / 2)\r\n // }\r\n if (noZoom && boxedImageW >= imageW && boxedImageH >= imageH) {\r\n boxedImageW = imageW;\r\n boxedImageH = imageH;\r\n }\r\n return { w: boxedImageW, h: boxedImageH };\r\n}\r\nexports.calcImageInBox = calcImageInBox;\r\nfunction getEmojiToneIndex(input) {\r\n let match = input.match(/[\\uDFFB-\\uDFFF]/);\r\n return match ? 5 - (57343 - match[0].charCodeAt(0)) : 0;\r\n}\r\nexports.getEmojiToneIndex = getEmojiToneIndex;\r\nfunction getFileURL(type, options) {\r\n //console.log('getFileURL', location);\r\n //const perf = performance.now();\r\n const encoded = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(options));\r\n //console.log('getFileURL encode:', performance.now() - perf, encoded);\r\n return '/' + type + '/' + encoded;\r\n}\r\nexports.getFileURL = getFileURL;\r\nfunction positionElementByIndex(element, container, pos) {\r\n const prevPos = whichChild(element);\r\n if (prevPos == pos) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n else if (prevPos != -1 && prevPos < pos) { // was higher\r\n pos += 1;\r\n }\r\n if (container.childElementCount > pos) {\r\n container.insertBefore(element, container.children[pos]);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n container.append(element);\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n}\r\nexports.positionElementByIndex = positionElementByIndex;\r\n" }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\config.ts", "name": "./src/lib/config.ts", "index": 7, "index2": 7, "size": 117449, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "issuerId": 67, "issuerName": "./src/index.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, 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album: {\r\n width: 293,\r\n height: 0\r\n }\r\n },\r\n desktop: {\r\n regular: {\r\n width: 480,\r\n height: 480\r\n },\r\n webpage: {\r\n width: 480,\r\n height: 400\r\n },\r\n album: {\r\n width: 451,\r\n height: 0\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.isMobile = false;\r\n this.handleResize = () => {\r\n const innerWidth = window.innerWidth;\r\n //this.isMobile = innerWidth <= 720;\r\n let activeScreen = this.screenSizes[0].key;\r\n for (let i = this.screenSizes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\r\n if (this.screenSizes[i].value < innerWidth) {\r\n activeScreen = this.screenSizes[i].key;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.activeScreen = activeScreen;\r\n this.isMobile = this.activeScreen == 'mobile';\r\n this.active = this.isMobile ? this.sizes.handhelds : this.sizes.desktop;\r\n /* if(this.isMobile) {\r\n for(let i in this.active) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n let size = this.active[i];\r\n size.width = innerWidth\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n };\r\n window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize);\r\n this.handleResize();\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.mediaSizes = new MediaSizes();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nexports.touchSupport = ('ontouchstart' in window) || (window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch);\r\nexports.isServiceWorkerSupported = 'serviceWorker' in navigator;\r\nconst Config = {\r\n Emoji: exports.Emoji,\r\n LatinizeMap: exports.LatinizeMap,\r\n TLD: exports.TLD,\r\n Countries: exports.Countries,\r\n MediaSizes: exports.mediaSizes,\r\n touchSupport: exports.touchSupport,\r\n isApple: userAgent_1.isApple,\r\n isSafari: userAgent_1.isSafari,\r\n isAndroid: userAgent_1.isAndroid\r\n};\r\nwindow.Config = Config;\r\nexports.default = Config;\r\n" }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtprotoworker.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker.ts", "index": 9, "index2": 20, "size": 6585, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, 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\"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\nconst crypto_methods_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../crypto/crypto_methods\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst webpWorkerController_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../webp/webpWorkerController\"));\r\nconst mtproto_worker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"worker-loader!./mtproto.worker\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../config\");\r\nconst USEWORKERASWORKER = true;\r\nclass ApiManagerProxy extends crypto_methods_1.default {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super();\r\n this.taskID = 0;\r\n this.awaiting = {};\r\n this.pending = [];\r\n this.updatesProcessor = null;\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('API-PROXY');\r\n this.log('constructor');\r\n this.registerServiceWorker();\r\n this.registerWorker();\r\n }\r\n registerServiceWorker() {\r\n if (!config_1.isServiceWorkerSupported)\r\n return;\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.register('./sw.js', { scope: './' }).then(registration => {\r\n }, (err) => {\r\n this.log.error('SW registration failed!', err);\r\n });\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then((registration) => {\r\n this.log('set SW');\r\n this.releasePending();\r\n if (!USEWORKERASWORKER) {\r\n this.postMessage = navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage.bind(navigator.serviceWorker.controller);\r\n }\r\n //registration.update();\r\n });\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('controllerchange', () => {\r\n this.log.warn('controllerchange');\r\n this.releasePending();\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.controller.addEventListener('error', (e) => {\r\n this.log.error('controller error:', e);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n /**\r\n * Message resolver\r\n */\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('message', (e) => {\r\n const task = e.data;\r\n if (!utils_1.isObject(task)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.postMessage(task);\r\n });\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('messageerror', (e) => {\r\n this.log.error('SW messageerror:', e);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n registerWorker() {\r\n const worker = new mtproto_worker_1.default();\r\n worker.addEventListener('message', (e) => {\r\n if (!this.worker) {\r\n this.worker = worker;\r\n this.log('set webWorker');\r\n if (USEWORKERASWORKER) {\r\n this.postMessage = this.worker.postMessage.bind(this.worker);\r\n }\r\n this.releasePending();\r\n }\r\n //this.log('got message from worker:', e.data);\r\n const task = e.data;\r\n if (!utils_1.isObject(task)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (task.useLs) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n storage_1.default[task.task](...task.args).then(res => {\r\n this.postMessage({ useLs: true, taskID: task.taskID, args: res });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else if (task.update) {\r\n if (this.updatesProcessor) {\r\n this.updatesProcessor(task.update.obj, task.update.bool);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (task.progress) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('download_progress', task.progress);\r\n }\r\n else if (task.type == 'convertWebp') {\r\n webpWorkerController_1.default.postMessage(task);\r\n }\r\n else if (task.type == 'requestFilePart') {\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage(task);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.finalizeTask(task.taskID, task.result, task.error);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n finalizeTask(taskID, result, error) {\r\n const deferred = this.awaiting[taskID];\r\n if (deferred !== undefined) {\r\n this.log.debug('done', deferred.taskName, result, error);\r\n result === undefined ? deferred.reject(error) : deferred.resolve(result);\r\n delete this.awaiting[taskID];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n performTaskWorker(task, ...args) {\r\n this.log.debug('start', task, args);\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n this.awaiting[this.taskID] = { resolve, reject, taskName: task };\r\n const params = {\r\n task,\r\n taskID: this.taskID,\r\n args\r\n };\r\n this.pending.push(params);\r\n this.releasePending();\r\n this.taskID++;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n releasePending() {\r\n if (this.postMessage) {\r\n this.log.debug('releasing tasks, length:', this.pending.length);\r\n this.pending.forEach(pending => {\r\n this.postMessage(pending);\r\n });\r\n this.log.debug('released tasks');\r\n this.pending.length = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setUpdatesProcessor(callback) {\r\n this.updatesProcessor = callback;\r\n }\r\n invokeApi(method, params = {}, options = {}) {\r\n //console.log('will invokeApi:', method, params, options);\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('invokeApi', method, params, options);\r\n }\r\n setBaseDcID(dcID) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('setBaseDcID', dcID);\r\n }\r\n setUserAuth(userAuth) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('user_auth', userAuth);\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('setUserAuth', userAuth);\r\n }\r\n getNetworker(dc_id) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('getNetworker', dc_id);\r\n }\r\n getUserID() {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('getUserID');\r\n }\r\n logOut() {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('logOut');\r\n }\r\n cancelDownload(fileName) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('cancelDownload', fileName);\r\n }\r\n downloadFile(options) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('downloadFile', options);\r\n }\r\n uploadFile(options) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('uploadFile', options);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nconst apiManagerProxy = new ApiManagerProxy();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.apiManagerProxy = apiManagerProxy;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = apiManagerProxy;\r\n" }, { "id": 3, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\richtextprocessor.ts", "name": "./src/lib/richtextprocessor.ts", "index": 27, "index2": 27, "size": 27232, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": 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+\r\n '\\\\u00c0-\\\\u00d6\\\\u00d8-\\\\u00f6\\\\u00f8-\\\\u00ff' + // Latin-1\r\n '\\\\u0100-\\\\u024f' + // Latin Extended A and B\r\n '\\\\u0253\\\\u0254\\\\u0256\\\\u0257\\\\u0259\\\\u025b\\\\u0263\\\\u0268\\\\u026f\\\\u0272\\\\u0289\\\\u028b' + // IPA Extensions\r\n '\\\\u02bb' + // Hawaiian\r\n '\\\\u0300-\\\\u036f' + // Combining diacritics\r\n '\\\\u1e00-\\\\u1eff' + // Latin Extended Additional (mostly for Vietnamese)\r\n '\\\\u0400-\\\\u04ff\\\\u0500-\\\\u0527' + // Cyrillic\r\n '\\\\u2de0-\\\\u2dff\\\\ua640-\\\\ua69f' + // Cyrillic Extended A/B\r\n '\\\\u0591-\\\\u05bf\\\\u05c1-\\\\u05c2\\\\u05c4-\\\\u05c5\\\\u05c7' +\r\n '\\\\u05d0-\\\\u05ea\\\\u05f0-\\\\u05f4' + // Hebrew\r\n '\\\\ufb1d-\\\\ufb28\\\\ufb2a-\\\\ufb36\\\\ufb38-\\\\ufb3c\\\\ufb3e\\\\ufb40-\\\\ufb41' +\r\n '\\\\ufb43-\\\\ufb44\\\\ufb46-\\\\ufb4f' + // Hebrew Pres. Forms\r\n '\\\\u0610-\\\\u061a\\\\u0620-\\\\u065f\\\\u066e-\\\\u06d3\\\\u06d5-\\\\u06dc' +\r\n '\\\\u06de-\\\\u06e8\\\\u06ea-\\\\u06ef\\\\u06fa-\\\\u06fc\\\\u06ff' + // Arabic\r\n '\\\\u0750-\\\\u077f\\\\u08a0\\\\u08a2-\\\\u08ac\\\\u08e4-\\\\u08fe' + // Arabic Supplement and Extended A\r\n '\\\\ufb50-\\\\ufbb1\\\\ufbd3-\\\\ufd3d\\\\ufd50-\\\\ufd8f\\\\ufd92-\\\\ufdc7\\\\ufdf0-\\\\ufdfb' + // Pres. Forms A\r\n '\\\\ufe70-\\\\ufe74\\\\ufe76-\\\\ufefc' + // Pres. Forms B\r\n '\\\\u200c' + // Zero-Width Non-Joiner\r\n '\\\\u0e01-\\\\u0e3a\\\\u0e40-\\\\u0e4e' + // Thai\r\n '\\\\u1100-\\\\u11ff\\\\u3130-\\\\u3185\\\\uA960-\\\\uA97F\\\\uAC00-\\\\uD7AF\\\\uD7B0-\\\\uD7FF' + // Hangul (Korean)\r\n '\\\\u3003\\\\u3005\\\\u303b' + // Kanji/Han iteration marks\r\n '\\\\uff21-\\\\uff3a\\\\uff41-\\\\uff5a' + // full width Alphabet\r\n '\\\\uff66-\\\\uff9f' + // half width Katakana\r\n '\\\\uffa1-\\\\uffdc'; // half width Hangul (Korean)\r\nvar alphaNumericRegExp = '0-9\\_' + alphaCharsRegExp;\r\nvar domainAddChars = '\\u00b7';\r\n// Based on Regular Expression for URL validation by Diego Perini\r\nvar urlRegExp = '((?:https?|ftp)://|mailto:)?' +\r\n // user:pass authentication\r\n '(?:\\\\S{1,64}(?::\\\\S{0,64})?@)?' +\r\n '(?:' +\r\n // sindresorhus/ip-regexp\r\n '(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])(?:\\\\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])){3}' +\r\n '|' +\r\n // host name\r\n '[' + alphaCharsRegExp + '0-9][' + alphaCharsRegExp + domainAddChars + '0-9\\-]{0,64}' +\r\n // domain name\r\n '(?:\\\\.[' + alphaCharsRegExp + '0-9][' + alphaCharsRegExp + domainAddChars + '0-9\\-]{0,64}){0,10}' +\r\n // TLD identifier\r\n '(?:\\\\.(xn--[0-9a-z]{2,16}|[' + alphaCharsRegExp + ']{2,24}))' +\r\n ')' +\r\n // port number\r\n '(?::\\\\d{2,5})?' +\r\n // resource path\r\n '(?:/(?:\\\\S{0,255}[^\\\\s.;,(\\\\[\\\\]{}<>\"\\'])?)?';\r\nvar usernameRegExp = '[a-zA-Z\\\\d_]{5,32}';\r\nvar botCommandRegExp = '\\\\/([a-zA-Z\\\\d_]{1,32})(?:@(' + usernameRegExp + '))?(\\\\b|$)';\r\nvar fullRegExp = new RegExp('(^| )(@)(' + usernameRegExp + ')|(' + urlRegExp + ')|(\\\\n)|(' + regex_1.default + ')|(^|[\\\\s\\\\(\\\\]])(#[' + alphaNumericRegExp + ']{2,64})|(^|\\\\s)' + botCommandRegExp, 'i');\r\nvar emailRegExp = /^(([^<>()[\\]\\\\.,;:\\s@\\\"]+(\\.[^<>()[\\]\\\\.,;:\\s@\\\"]+)*)|(\\\".+\\\"))@((\\[[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\])|(([a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;\r\nvar markdownTestRegExp = /[`_*@]/;\r\nvar markdownRegExp = /(^|\\s|\\n)(````?)([\\s\\S]+?)(````?)([\\s\\n\\.,:?!;]|$)|(^|\\s)(`|\\*\\*|__)([^\\n]+?)\\7([\\s\\.,:?!;]|$)|@(\\d+)\\s*\\((.+?)\\)/m;\r\nvar siteHashtags = {\r\n Telegram: 'tg://search_hashtag?hashtag={1}',\r\n Twitter: 'https://twitter.com/hashtag/{1}',\r\n Instagram: 'https://instagram.com/explore/tags/{1}/',\r\n 'Google Plus': 'https://plus.google.com/explore/{1}'\r\n};\r\nvar siteMentions = {\r\n Telegram: '#/im?p=%40{1}',\r\n Twitter: 'https://twitter.com/{1}',\r\n Instagram: 'https://instagram.com/{1}/',\r\n GitHub: 'https://github.com/{1}'\r\n};\r\nvar markdownEntities = {\r\n '`': 'messageEntityCode',\r\n '**': 'messageEntityBold',\r\n '__': 'messageEntityItalic'\r\n};\r\nfunction getEmojiSpritesheetCoords(emojiCode) {\r\n let unified = emoji_1.encodeEmoji(emojiCode) /* .replace(/(-fe0f|fe0f)/g, '') */;\r\n if (unified == '1f441-200d-1f5e8') {\r\n unified = '1f441-fe0f-200d-1f5e8-fe0f';\r\n }\r\n if (!emojiData.hasOwnProperty(unified) /* && !emojiData.hasOwnProperty(unified.replace(/(-fe0f|fe0f)/g, '')) */) {\r\n //if(!emojiData.hasOwnProperty(emojiCode) && !emojiData.hasOwnProperty(emojiCode.replace(/[\\ufe0f\\u200d]/g, ''))) {\r\n //console.error('lol', unified);\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n return unified.replace(/(-fe0f|fe0f)/g, '');\r\n}\r\nfunction parseEntities(text, options = {}) {\r\n var match;\r\n var raw = text, url;\r\n var entities = [], matchIndex;\r\n var rawOffset = 0;\r\n // var start = tsNow()\r\n while ((match = raw.match(fullRegExp))) {\r\n matchIndex = rawOffset + match.index;\r\n //console.log('parseEntities match:', match);\r\n if (match[3]) { // mentions\r\n entities.push({\r\n _: 'messageEntityMention',\r\n offset: matchIndex + match[1].length,\r\n length: match[2].length + match[3].length\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else if (match[4]) {\r\n if (emailRegExp.test(match[4])) { // email\r\n entities.push({\r\n _: 'messageEntityEmail',\r\n offset: matchIndex,\r\n length: match[4].length\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n var url = false;\r\n var protocol = match[5];\r\n var tld = match[6];\r\n var excluded = '';\r\n if (tld) { // URL\r\n if (!protocol && (tld.substr(0, 4) === 'xn--' || config_1.default.TLD.indexOf(tld.toLowerCase()) !== -1)) {\r\n protocol = 'http://';\r\n }\r\n if (protocol) {\r\n var balanced = checkBrackets(match[4]);\r\n if (balanced.length !== match[4].length) {\r\n excluded = match[4].substring(balanced.length);\r\n match[4] = balanced;\r\n }\r\n url = (match[5] ? '' : protocol) + match[4];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else { // IP address\r\n url = (match[5] ? '' : 'http://') + match[4];\r\n }\r\n if (url) {\r\n entities.push({\r\n _: 'messageEntityUrl',\r\n offset: matchIndex,\r\n length: match[4].length\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (match[7]) { // New line\r\n entities.push({\r\n _: 'messageEntityLinebreak',\r\n offset: matchIndex,\r\n length: 1\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else if (match[8]) { // Emoji\r\n //console.log('hit', match[8]);\r\n let emojiCoords = getEmojiSpritesheetCoords(match[8]);\r\n if (emojiCoords) {\r\n entities.push({\r\n _: 'messageEntityEmoji',\r\n offset: matchIndex,\r\n length: match[8].length,\r\n unicode: emojiCoords\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (match[10]) { // Hashtag\r\n entities.push({\r\n _: 'messageEntityHashtag',\r\n offset: matchIndex + (match[9] ? match[9].length : 0),\r\n length: match[10].length\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else if (match[12]) { // Bot command\r\n entities.push({\r\n _: 'messageEntityBotCommand',\r\n offset: matchIndex + (match[11] ? match[11].length : 0),\r\n length: 1 + match[12].length + (match[13] ? 1 + match[13].length : 0)\r\n });\r\n }\r\n raw = raw.substr(match.index + match[0].length);\r\n rawOffset += match.index + match[0].length;\r\n }\r\n // if (entities.length) {\r\n // console.log('parse entities', text, entities.slice())\r\n // }\r\n return entities;\r\n}\r\nfunction parseEmojis(text) {\r\n return text.replace(/:([a-z0-9\\-\\+\\*_]+?):/gi, function (all, shortcut) {\r\n var emojiCode = EmojiHelper.shortcuts[shortcut];\r\n if (emojiCode !== undefined) {\r\n return EmojiHelper.emojis[emojiCode][0];\r\n }\r\n return all;\r\n });\r\n}\r\nfunction parseMarkdown(text, entities, noTrim) {\r\n if (!markdownTestRegExp.test(text)) {\r\n return noTrim ? text : text.trim();\r\n }\r\n var raw = text;\r\n var match;\r\n var newText = [];\r\n var rawOffset = 0;\r\n var matchIndex;\r\n while (match = raw.match(markdownRegExp)) {\r\n matchIndex = rawOffset + match.index;\r\n newText.push(raw.substr(0, match.index));\r\n var text = (match[3] || match[8] || match[11]);\r\n rawOffset -= text.length;\r\n text = text.replace(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g, '');\r\n rawOffset += text.length;\r\n if (text.match(/^`*$/)) {\r\n newText.push(match[0]);\r\n }\r\n else if (match[3]) { // pre\r\n if (match[5] == '\\n') {\r\n match[5] = '';\r\n rawOffset -= 1;\r\n }\r\n newText.push(match[1] + text + match[5]);\r\n entities.push({\r\n _: 'messageEntityPre',\r\n language: '',\r\n offset: matchIndex + match[1].length,\r\n length: text.length\r\n });\r\n rawOffset -= match[2].length + match[4].length;\r\n }\r\n else if (match[7]) { // code|italic|bold\r\n newText.push(match[6] + text + match[9]);\r\n entities.push({\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n _: markdownEntities[match[7]],\r\n offset: matchIndex + match[6].length,\r\n length: text.length\r\n });\r\n rawOffset -= match[7].length * 2;\r\n }\r\n else if (match[11]) { // custom mention\r\n newText.push(text);\r\n entities.push({\r\n _: 'messageEntityMentionName',\r\n user_id: match[10],\r\n offset: matchIndex,\r\n length: text.length\r\n });\r\n rawOffset -= match[0].length - text.length;\r\n }\r\n raw = raw.substr(match.index + match[0].length);\r\n rawOffset += match.index + match[0].length;\r\n }\r\n newText.push(raw);\r\n newText = newText.join('');\r\n if (!newText.replace(/\\s+/g, '').length) {\r\n newText = text;\r\n entities.splice(0, entities.length);\r\n }\r\n if (!entities.length && !noTrim) {\r\n newText = newText.trim();\r\n }\r\n return newText;\r\n}\r\nfunction mergeEntities(currentEntities, newEntities, fromApi) {\r\n var totalEntities = newEntities.slice();\r\n var i;\r\n var len = currentEntities.length;\r\n var j;\r\n var len2 = newEntities.length;\r\n var startJ = 0;\r\n var curEntity;\r\n var newEntity;\r\n var start, end;\r\n var cStart, cEnd;\r\n var bad;\r\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n curEntity = currentEntities[i];\r\n if (fromApi &&\r\n curEntity._ != 'messageEntityLinebreak' &&\r\n curEntity._ != 'messageEntityEmoji') {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n // console.log('s', curEntity, newEntities);\r\n start = curEntity.offset;\r\n end = start + curEntity.length;\r\n bad = false;\r\n for (j = startJ; j < len2; j++) {\r\n newEntity = newEntities[j];\r\n cStart = newEntity.offset;\r\n cEnd = cStart + newEntity.length;\r\n if (cStart <= start) {\r\n startJ = j;\r\n }\r\n if (start >= cStart && start < cEnd ||\r\n end > cStart && end <= cEnd) {\r\n // console.log('bad', curEntity, newEntity)\r\n if (fromApi &&\r\n start >= cStart && end <= cEnd) {\r\n if (newEntity.nested === undefined) {\r\n newEntity.nested = [];\r\n }\r\n curEntity.offset -= cStart;\r\n newEntity.nested.push(utils_1.copy(curEntity));\r\n }\r\n bad = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if (cStart >= end) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (bad) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n totalEntities.push(curEntity);\r\n }\r\n totalEntities.sort((a, b) => {\r\n return a.offset - b.offset;\r\n });\r\n // console.log('merge', currentEntities, newEntities, totalEntities)\r\n return totalEntities;\r\n}\r\nfunction wrapRichNestedText(text, nested, options) {\r\n if (nested === undefined) {\r\n return utils_1.encodeEntities(text);\r\n }\r\n options.hasNested = true;\r\n return wrapRichText(text, { entities: nested, nested: true });\r\n}\r\nfunction wrapRichText(text, options = {}) {\r\n if (!text || !text.length) {\r\n return '';\r\n }\r\n var entities = options.entities;\r\n var contextSite = options.contextSite || 'Telegram';\r\n var contextExternal = contextSite != 'Telegram';\r\n var emojiFound = false;\r\n if (entities === undefined) {\r\n entities = parseEntities(text, options);\r\n }\r\n //console.log('wrapRichText got entities:', text, entities);\r\n var len = entities.length;\r\n var entity;\r\n var entityText;\r\n var skipEntity;\r\n var url;\r\n var html = [];\r\n var lastOffset = 0;\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n entity = entities[i];\r\n if (entity.offset > lastOffset) {\r\n html.push(utils_1.encodeEntities(text.substr(lastOffset, entity.offset - lastOffset)));\r\n }\r\n else if (entity.offset < lastOffset) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n skipEntity = false;\r\n entityText = text.substr(entity.offset, entity.length);\r\n switch (entity._) {\r\n case 'messageEntityMention':\r\n var contextUrl = !options.noLinks && siteMentions[contextSite];\r\n if (!contextUrl) {\r\n skipEntity = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n var username = entityText.substr(1);\r\n var attr = '';\r\n if (options.highlightUsername &&\r\n options.highlightUsername.toLowerCase() == username.toLowerCase()) {\r\n attr = 'class=\"im_message_mymention\"';\r\n }\r\n html.push('', utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText), '');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityMentionName':\r\n if (options.noLinks) {\r\n skipEntity = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n html.push('', utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText), '');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityHashtag':\r\n var contextUrl = !options.noLinks && siteHashtags[contextSite];\r\n if (!contextUrl) {\r\n skipEntity = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n var hashtag = entityText.substr(1);\r\n html.push('', utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText), '');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityEmail':\r\n if (options.noLinks) {\r\n skipEntity = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n html.push('', utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText), '');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityUrl':\r\n case 'messageEntityTextUrl':\r\n var inner;\r\n if (entity._ == 'messageEntityTextUrl') {\r\n url = entity.url;\r\n url = wrapUrl(url, true);\r\n inner = wrapRichNestedText(entityText, entity.nested, options);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n url = wrapUrl(entityText, false);\r\n inner = utils_1.encodeEntities(replaceUrlEncodings(entityText));\r\n }\r\n if (options.noLinks) {\r\n html.push(inner);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n html.push('', inner, '');\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityLinebreak':\r\n html.push(options.noLinebreaks ? ' ' : '
');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityEmoji':\r\n html.push(emojiSupported ?\r\n `${utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText)}` :\r\n `\"${utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText)}\"`);\r\n emojiFound = true;\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityBotCommand':\r\n if (options.noLinks || options.noCommands || contextExternal) {\r\n skipEntity = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n var command = entityText.substr(1);\r\n var bot;\r\n var atPos;\r\n if ((atPos = command.indexOf('@')) != -1) {\r\n bot = command.substr(atPos + 1);\r\n command = command.substr(0, atPos);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n bot = options.fromBot;\r\n }\r\n html.push('', utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText), '');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityBold':\r\n if (options.noTextFormat) {\r\n html.push(wrapRichNestedText(entityText, entity.nested, options));\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n html.push('', wrapRichNestedText(entityText, entity.nested, options), '');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityItalic':\r\n if (options.noTextFormat) {\r\n html.push(wrapRichNestedText(entityText, entity.nested, options));\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n html.push('', wrapRichNestedText(entityText, entity.nested, options), '');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityHighlight':\r\n html.push('', wrapRichNestedText(entityText, entity.nested, options), '');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityCode':\r\n if (options.noTextFormat) {\r\n html.push(utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText));\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n html.push('', utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText), '');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityPre':\r\n if (options.noTextFormat) {\r\n html.push(utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText));\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n html.push('
', utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText), '
');\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n skipEntity = true;\r\n }\r\n lastOffset = entity.offset + (skipEntity ? 0 : entity.length);\r\n }\r\n html.push(utils_1.encodeEntities(text.substr(lastOffset))); // may be empty string\r\n //console.log(html);\r\n text = html.join(''); //$sanitize(html.join(''))\r\n /* if (!options.nested && (emojiFound || options.hasNested)) {\r\n text = text.replace(/\\ufe0f|️|�|‍/g, '', text)\r\n var emojiSizeClass = curEmojiSize == 18 ? '' : (' emoji-w' + curEmojiSize)\r\n text = text.replace(/]*)?) class=\"emoji emoji-(\\d)-(\\d+)-(\\d+)\"(.+?)<\\/span>/g,\r\n '')\r\n } */\r\n return text; //$sce.trustAs('html', text)\r\n}\r\nfunction wrapDraftText(text, options = {}) {\r\n if (!text || !text.length) {\r\n return '';\r\n }\r\n var entities = options.entities;\r\n if (entities === undefined) {\r\n entities = parseEntities(text, options);\r\n }\r\n var i = 0;\r\n var len = entities.length;\r\n var entity;\r\n var entityText;\r\n var skipEntity;\r\n var code = [];\r\n var lastOffset = 0;\r\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n entity = entities[i];\r\n if (entity.offset > lastOffset) {\r\n code.push(text.substr(lastOffset, entity.offset - lastOffset));\r\n }\r\n else if (entity.offset < lastOffset) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n skipEntity = false;\r\n entityText = text.substr(entity.offset, entity.length);\r\n switch (entity._) {\r\n case 'messageEntityEmoji':\r\n code.push(':', entity.title, ':');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityCode':\r\n code.push('`', entityText, '`');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityBold':\r\n code.push('**', entityText, '**');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityItalic':\r\n code.push('__', entityText, '__');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityPre':\r\n code.push('```', entityText, '```');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityMentionName':\r\n code.push('@', entity.user_id, ' (', entityText, ')');\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n skipEntity = true;\r\n }\r\n lastOffset = entity.offset + (skipEntity ? 0 : entity.length);\r\n }\r\n code.push(text.substr(lastOffset));\r\n return code.join('');\r\n}\r\nfunction checkBrackets(url) {\r\n var urlLength = url.length;\r\n var urlOpenBrackets = url.split('(').length - 1;\r\n var urlCloseBrackets = url.split(')').length - 1;\r\n while (urlCloseBrackets > urlOpenBrackets &&\r\n url.charAt(urlLength - 1) === ')') {\r\n url = url.substr(0, urlLength - 1);\r\n urlCloseBrackets--;\r\n urlLength--;\r\n }\r\n if (urlOpenBrackets > urlCloseBrackets) {\r\n url = url.replace(/\\)+$/, '');\r\n }\r\n return url;\r\n}\r\nfunction replaceUrlEncodings(urlWithEncoded) {\r\n return urlWithEncoded.replace(/(%[A-Z\\d]{2})+/g, (str) => {\r\n try {\r\n return decodeURIComponent(str);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n return str;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n}\r\nfunction wrapPlainText(text, options = {}) {\r\n if (emojiSupported) {\r\n return text;\r\n }\r\n if (!text || !text.length) {\r\n return '';\r\n }\r\n text = text.replace(/\\ufe0f/g, '', text);\r\n var match;\r\n var raw = text;\r\n var text = [], emojiTitle;\r\n while ((match = raw.match(fullRegExp))) {\r\n text.push(raw.substr(0, match.index));\r\n if (match[8]) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n if ((emojiCode = EmojiHelper.emojiMap[match[8]]) &&\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n (emojiTitle = emojiData[emojiCode][1][0])) {\r\n text.push(':' + emojiTitle + ':');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n text.push(match[0]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n text.push(match[0]);\r\n }\r\n raw = raw.substr(match.index + match[0].length);\r\n }\r\n text.push(raw);\r\n return text.join('');\r\n}\r\nfunction wrapEmojiText(text) {\r\n if (!text)\r\n return '';\r\n let entities = parseEntities(text).filter(e => e._ == 'messageEntityEmoji');\r\n return wrapRichText(text, { entities });\r\n}\r\nfunction wrapUrl(url, unsafe) {\r\n if (!url.match(/^https?:\\/\\//i)) {\r\n url = 'http://' + url;\r\n }\r\n var tgMeMatch;\r\n var telescoPeMatch;\r\n if (unsafe == 2) {\r\n url = 'tg://unsafe_url?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url);\r\n }\r\n else if ((tgMeMatch = url.match(/^https?:\\/\\/t(?:elegram)?\\.me\\/(.+)/))) {\r\n var fullPath = tgMeMatch[1];\r\n var path = fullPath.split('/');\r\n switch (path[0]) {\r\n case 'joinchat':\r\n url = 'tg://join?invite=' + path[1];\r\n break;\r\n case 'addstickers':\r\n url = 'tg://addstickers?set=' + path[1];\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n if (path[1] && path[1].match(/^\\d+$/)) {\r\n url = 'tg://resolve?domain=' + path[0] + '&post=' + path[1];\r\n }\r\n else if (path.length == 1) {\r\n var domainQuery = path[0].split('?');\r\n var domain = domainQuery[0];\r\n var query = domainQuery[1];\r\n if (domain == 'iv') {\r\n var match = (query || '').match(/url=([^&=]+)/);\r\n if (match) {\r\n url = match[1];\r\n try {\r\n url = decodeURIComponent(url);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) { }\r\n return wrapUrl(url, unsafe);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n url = 'tg://resolve?domain=' + domain + (query ? '&' + query : '');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if ((telescoPeMatch = url.match(/^https?:\\/\\/telesco\\.pe\\/([^/?]+)\\/(\\d+)/))) {\r\n url = 'tg://resolve?domain=' + telescoPeMatch[1] + '&post=' + telescoPeMatch[2];\r\n }\r\n else if (unsafe) {\r\n url = 'tg://unsafe_url?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url);\r\n }\r\n return url;\r\n}\r\nlet RichTextProcessor = {\r\n wrapRichText: wrapRichText,\r\n wrapPlainText: wrapPlainText,\r\n wrapDraftText: wrapDraftText,\r\n wrapUrl: wrapUrl,\r\n wrapEmojiText: wrapEmojiText,\r\n parseEntities: parseEntities,\r\n parseMarkdown: parseMarkdown,\r\n parseEmojis: parseEmojis,\r\n mergeEntities: mergeEntities,\r\n getEmojiSpritesheetCoords: getEmojiSpritesheetCoords,\r\n emojiSupported: emojiSupported\r\n};\r\nexports.RichTextProcessor = RichTextProcessor;\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.RichTextProcessor = RichTextProcessor;\r\n}\r\n" }, { "id": 4, "identifier": 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true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.attachContextMenuListener = exports.positionMenu = exports.openBtnMenu = exports.parseMenuButtonsTo = exports.formatPhoneNumber = exports.putPreloader = exports.renderImageFromUrl = exports.loadedURLs = void 0;\r\nconst config_1 = __importStar(require(\"../lib/config\"));\r\nexports.loadedURLs = {};\r\nconst set = (elem, url) => {\r\n if (elem instanceof HTMLImageElement || elem instanceof HTMLVideoElement)\r\n elem.src = url;\r\n else if (elem instanceof SVGImageElement)\r\n elem.setAttributeNS(null, 'href', url);\r\n else\r\n elem.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + url + ')';\r\n};\r\n// проблема функции в том, что она не подходит для ссылок, пригодна только для blob'ов, потому что обычным ссылкам нужен 'load' каждый раз.\r\nfunction renderImageFromUrl(elem, url, callback) {\r\n if ((exports.loadedURLs[url] /* && false */) || elem instanceof HTMLVideoElement) {\r\n set(elem, url);\r\n callback && callback();\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const isImage = elem instanceof HTMLImageElement;\r\n const loader = isImage ? elem : new Image();\r\n //const loader = new Image();\r\n loader.src = url;\r\n //let perf = performance.now();\r\n loader.addEventListener('load', () => {\r\n if (!isImage) {\r\n set(elem, url);\r\n }\r\n exports.loadedURLs[url] = true;\r\n //console.log('onload:', url, performance.now() - perf);\r\n callback && callback();\r\n });\r\n if (callback) {\r\n loader.addEventListener('error', callback);\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.renderImageFromUrl = renderImageFromUrl;\r\nfunction putPreloader(elem, returnDiv = false) {\r\n const html = `\r\n \r\n \r\n `;\r\n if (returnDiv) {\r\n let div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('preloader');\r\n div.innerHTML = html;\r\n if (elem) {\r\n elem.appendChild(div);\r\n }\r\n return div;\r\n }\r\n elem.innerHTML += html;\r\n}\r\nexports.putPreloader = putPreloader;\r\nfunction formatPhoneNumber(str) {\r\n str = str.replace(/\\D/g, '');\r\n let phoneCode = str.slice(0, 6);\r\n ////console.log('str', str, phoneCode);\r\n let sortedCountries = config_1.default.Countries.slice().sort((a, b) => b.phoneCode.length - a.phoneCode.length);\r\n let country = sortedCountries.find((c) => {\r\n return c.phoneCode.split(' and ').find((c) => phoneCode.indexOf(c.replace(/\\D/g, '')) == 0);\r\n });\r\n let pattern = country ? country.pattern || country.phoneCode : '';\r\n if (country) {\r\n pattern.split('').forEach((symbol, idx) => {\r\n if (symbol == ' ' && str[idx] != ' ' && str.length > idx) {\r\n str = str.slice(0, idx) + ' ' + str.slice(idx);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n /* if(country.pattern) {\r\n str = str.slice(0, country.pattern.length);\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n return { formatted: str, country };\r\n}\r\nexports.formatPhoneNumber = formatPhoneNumber;\r\nfunction parseMenuButtonsTo(to, elements) {\r\n Array.from(elements).forEach(el => {\r\n const match = el.className.match(/(?:^|\\s)menu-(.+?)(?:$|\\s)/);\r\n if (!match)\r\n return;\r\n to[match[1]] = el;\r\n });\r\n}\r\nexports.parseMenuButtonsTo = parseMenuButtonsTo;\r\nlet onMouseMove = (e) => {\r\n let rect = openedMenu.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n let { clientX, clientY } = e;\r\n let diffX = clientX >= rect.right ? clientX - rect.right : rect.left - clientX;\r\n let diffY = clientY >= rect.bottom ? clientY - rect.bottom : rect.top - clientY;\r\n if (diffX >= 100 || diffY >= 100) {\r\n closeBtnMenu();\r\n //openedMenu.parentElement.click();\r\n }\r\n //console.log('mousemove', diffX, diffY);\r\n};\r\nlet onClick = (e) => {\r\n /* if(touchSupport && e.type == 'touchstart') {\r\n const target = findUpClassName(e.target, 'btn-menu');\r\n if(!target) {\r\n window.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => {\r\n return cancelEvent(e);\r\n }, {once: true});\r\n }\r\n } */ /* else if(!touchSupport && e.type == 'mousedown') {\r\n const target = findUpClassName(e.target, 'btn-menu');\r\n if(!target) {\r\n closeBtnMenu();\r\n return cancelEvent(e);\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n //e.preventDefault();\r\n closeBtnMenu();\r\n};\r\nlet closeBtnMenu = () => {\r\n if (openedMenu) {\r\n openedMenu.classList.remove('active');\r\n openedMenu.parentElement.classList.remove('menu-open');\r\n openedMenu = null;\r\n }\r\n if (openedMenuOnClose) {\r\n openedMenuOnClose();\r\n openedMenuOnClose = null;\r\n }\r\n //document.body.classList.remove('disable-hover');\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n window.removeEventListener('touchmove', onClick);\r\n //window.removeEventListener('touchstart', onClick);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n window.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove);\r\n //window.removeEventListener('mousedown', onClick);\r\n //window.removeEventListener('click', onClick);\r\n }\r\n window.removeEventListener('click', onClick);\r\n window.removeEventListener('contextmenu', onClick);\r\n};\r\nwindow.addEventListener('resize', () => {\r\n if (openedMenu) {\r\n closeBtnMenu();\r\n }\r\n /* if(openedMenu && (openedMenu.style.top || openedMenu.style.left)) {\r\n const rect = openedMenu.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n const {innerWidth, innerHeight} = window;\r\n \r\n console.log(innerWidth, innerHeight, rect);\r\n } */\r\n});\r\nlet openedMenu = null, openedMenuOnClose = null;\r\nfunction openBtnMenu(menuElement, onClose) {\r\n closeBtnMenu();\r\n openedMenu = menuElement;\r\n openedMenu.classList.add('active');\r\n openedMenu.parentElement.classList.add('menu-open');\r\n //document.body.classList.add('disable-hover');\r\n openedMenuOnClose = onClose;\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n window.addEventListener('touchmove', onClick, { once: true });\r\n //window.addEventListener('touchstart', onClick);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n window.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove);\r\n //window.addEventListener('mousedown', onClick);\r\n //window.addEventListener('click', onClick, {once: true});\r\n }\r\n window.addEventListener('click', onClick, { once: true });\r\n window.addEventListener('contextmenu', onClick, { once: true });\r\n}\r\nexports.openBtnMenu = openBtnMenu;\r\nfunction positionMenu({ clientX, clientY } /* e: MouseEvent */, elem, side) {\r\n //let {clientX, clientY} = e;\r\n let { scrollWidth, scrollHeight } = elem;\r\n let { innerWidth, innerHeight } = window;\r\n if (config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile) {\r\n side = undefined;\r\n }\r\n if (side === undefined) {\r\n if ((clientX + scrollWidth) > innerWidth) {\r\n if ((clientX - scrollWidth) < 0) {\r\n elem.style.left = (innerWidth - scrollWidth) + 'px';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n side = 'right';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!side) {\r\n side = 'left';\r\n }\r\n elem.classList.remove('bottom-left', 'bottom-right');\r\n if (side !== undefined) {\r\n elem.style.left = (side == 'right' ? clientX - scrollWidth : clientX) + 'px';\r\n elem.classList.add(side == 'left' ? 'bottom-right' : 'bottom-left');\r\n }\r\n if ((clientY + scrollHeight) > innerHeight) {\r\n elem.style.top = (innerHeight - scrollHeight) + 'px';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n elem.style.top = clientY + 'px';\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.positionMenu = positionMenu;\r\nfunction attachContextMenuListener(element, callback) {\r\n if (config_1.isApple && config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n let timeout;\r\n const onCancel = () => {\r\n clearTimeout(timeout);\r\n element.removeEventListener('touchmove', onCancel);\r\n element.removeEventListener('touchend', onCancel);\r\n element.removeEventListener('touchcancel', onCancel);\r\n };\r\n element.addEventListener('touchstart', (e) => {\r\n if (e.touches.length > 1) {\r\n clearTimeout(timeout);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n element.addEventListener('touchmove', onCancel, { once: true });\r\n element.addEventListener('touchend', onCancel, { once: true });\r\n element.addEventListener('touchcancel', onCancel, { once: true });\r\n /* let eee = (e: TouchEvent) => {\r\n const target = findUpClassName(e.target, 'btn-menu');\r\n if(!target) {\r\n closeBtnMenu();\r\n window.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => {\r\n return cancelEvent(e);\r\n }, {once: true});\r\n }\r\n }; */\r\n timeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n callback(e.touches[0]);\r\n onCancel();\r\n /* window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n window.addEventListener('touchstart', eee);\r\n window.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => {\r\n window.removeEventListener('touchstart', eee);\r\n }, {once: true});\r\n }); */\r\n }, .4e3);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n element.addEventListener('contextmenu', callback);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.attachContextMenuListener = attachContextMenuListener;\r\n;\r\n" }, { "id": 5, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appUsersManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appUsersManager.ts", "index": 39, "index2": 50, "size": 21672, "cacheable": true, 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__awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppUsersManager = void 0;\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appChatsManager\"));\r\n//import apiManager from '../mtproto/apiManager';\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst serverTimeManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/serverTimeManager\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../components/misc\");\r\nconst searchIndexManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../searchIndexManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appStateManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appStateManager\"));\r\nclass AppUsersManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.users = {};\r\n this.usernames = {};\r\n this.userAccess = {};\r\n this.cachedPhotoLocations = {};\r\n this.contactsIndex = searchIndexManager_1.default.createIndex();\r\n this.contactsList = new Set();\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.getUserID().then((id) => {\r\n this.myID = id;\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('user_auth', (e) => {\r\n let userAuth = e.detail;\r\n this.myID = userAuth ? userAuth.id : 0;\r\n });\r\n setInterval(this.updateUsersStatuses.bind(this), 60000);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('stateSynchronized', this.updateUsersStatuses.bind(this));\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e) => {\r\n let update = e.detail;\r\n //console.log('on apiUpdate', update);\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateUserStatus':\r\n var userID = update.user_id;\r\n var user = this.users[userID];\r\n if (user) {\r\n user.status = update.status;\r\n if (user.status) {\r\n if ('expires' in user.status) {\r\n user.status.expires -= serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n }\r\n if ('was_online' in user.status) {\r\n user.status.was_online -= serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n user.sortStatus = this.getUserStatusForSort(user.status);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('user_update', userID);\r\n } //////else console.warn('No user by id:', userID);\r\n break;\r\n case 'updateUserPhoto':\r\n var userID = update.user_id;\r\n var user = this.users[userID];\r\n if (user) {\r\n this.forceUserOnline(userID);\r\n if (!user.photo) {\r\n user.photo = update.photo;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n utils_1.safeReplaceObject(user.photo, update.photo);\r\n }\r\n if (this.cachedPhotoLocations[userID] !== undefined) {\r\n utils_1.safeReplaceObject(this.cachedPhotoLocations[userID], update.photo ?\r\n update.photo : { empty: true });\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('user_update', userID);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('avatar_update', userID);\r\n }\r\n else\r\n console.warn('No user by id:', userID);\r\n break;\r\n /* case 'updateContactLink':\r\n this.onContactUpdated(update.user_id, update.my_link._ == 'contactLinkContact');\r\n break; */\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n fillContacts() {\r\n if (this.contactsFillPromise) {\r\n return this.contactsFillPromise;\r\n }\r\n return this.contactsFillPromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('contacts.getContacts', {\r\n hash: 0\r\n }).then((result) => {\r\n this.saveApiUsers(result.users);\r\n result.contacts.forEach((contact) => {\r\n this.pushContact(contact.user_id);\r\n });\r\n return this.contactsList;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n resolveUsername(username) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (this.usernames[username]) {\r\n return this.users[this.usernames[username]];\r\n }\r\n return yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('contacts.resolveUsername', { username }).then(resolvedPeer => {\r\n this.saveApiUser(resolvedPeer.users[0]);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(resolvedPeer.chats);\r\n return this.users[this.usernames[username]];\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n pushContact(userID) {\r\n this.contactsList.add(userID);\r\n searchIndexManager_1.default.indexObject(userID, this.getUserSearchText(userID), this.contactsIndex);\r\n }\r\n getUserSearchText(id) {\r\n const user = this.users[id];\r\n if (!user) {\r\n return '';\r\n }\r\n const serviceText = user.pFlags.self ? 'user_name_saved_msgs_raw' : '';\r\n return (user.first_name || '') +\r\n ' ' + (user.last_name || '') +\r\n ' ' + (user.phone || '') +\r\n ' ' + (user.username || '') +\r\n ' ' + serviceText;\r\n }\r\n getContacts(query) {\r\n return this.fillContacts().then(_contactsList => {\r\n let contactsList = [..._contactsList];\r\n if (query) {\r\n const results = searchIndexManager_1.default.search(query, this.contactsIndex);\r\n const filteredContactsList = [...contactsList].filter(id => !!results[id]);\r\n contactsList = filteredContactsList;\r\n }\r\n contactsList.sort((userID1, userID2) => {\r\n const sortName1 = (this.users[userID1] || {}).sortName || '';\r\n const sortName2 = (this.users[userID2] || {}).sortName || '';\r\n return sortName1.localeCompare(sortName2);\r\n });\r\n /* contactsList.sort((userID1: number, userID2: number) => {\r\n const sortName1 = (this.users[userID1] || {}).sortName || '';\r\n const sortName2 = (this.users[userID2] || {}).sortName || '';\r\n if(sortName1 == sortName2) {\r\n return 0;\r\n }\r\n \r\n return sortName1 > sortName2 ? 1 : -1;\r\n }); */\r\n return contactsList;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n /* public resolveUsername(username: string) {\r\n return this.usernames[username] || 0;\r\n } */\r\n saveApiUsers(apiUsers) {\r\n apiUsers.forEach((user) => this.saveApiUser(user));\r\n }\r\n saveApiUser(apiUser, noReplace) {\r\n if (!utils_1.isObject(apiUser) ||\r\n noReplace && utils_1.isObject(this.users[apiUser.id]) && this.users[apiUser.id].first_name) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n var userID = apiUser.id;\r\n var result = this.users[userID];\r\n if (apiUser.pFlags === undefined) {\r\n apiUser.pFlags = {};\r\n }\r\n if (apiUser.pFlags.min) {\r\n if (result !== undefined) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (apiUser.phone) {\r\n apiUser.rPhone = '+' + misc_1.formatPhoneNumber(apiUser.phone).formatted;\r\n }\r\n if (apiUser.first_name) {\r\n apiUser.rFirstName = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(apiUser.first_name, { noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true });\r\n apiUser.rFullName = apiUser.last_name ? richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(apiUser.first_name + ' ' + (apiUser.last_name || ''), { noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true }) : apiUser.rFirstName;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n apiUser.rFirstName = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(apiUser.last_name, { noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true }) || apiUser.rPhone || 'user_first_name_deleted';\r\n apiUser.rFullName = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(apiUser.last_name, { noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true }) || apiUser.rPhone || 'user_name_deleted';\r\n }\r\n if (apiUser.username) {\r\n var searchUsername = searchIndexManager_1.default.cleanUsername(apiUser.username);\r\n this.usernames[searchUsername] = userID;\r\n }\r\n apiUser.sortName = apiUser.pFlags.deleted ? '' : searchIndexManager_1.default.cleanSearchText(apiUser.first_name + ' ' + (apiUser.last_name || ''), false);\r\n var nameWords = apiUser.sortName.split(' ');\r\n var firstWord = nameWords.shift();\r\n var lastWord = nameWords.pop();\r\n apiUser.initials = firstWord.charAt(0) + (lastWord ? lastWord.charAt(0) : '');\r\n if (apiUser.status) {\r\n if (apiUser.status.expires) {\r\n apiUser.status.expires -= serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n }\r\n if (apiUser.status.was_online) {\r\n apiUser.status.was_online -= serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (apiUser.pFlags.bot) {\r\n apiUser.sortStatus = -1;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n apiUser.sortStatus = this.getUserStatusForSort(apiUser.status);\r\n }\r\n var result = this.users[userID];\r\n if (result === undefined) {\r\n result = this.users[userID] = apiUser;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n utils_1.safeReplaceObject(result, apiUser);\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('user_update', userID);\r\n if (this.cachedPhotoLocations[userID] !== undefined) {\r\n utils_1.safeReplaceObject(this.cachedPhotoLocations[userID], apiUser &&\r\n apiUser.photo ? apiUser.photo : { empty: true });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n saveUserAccess(id, accessHash) {\r\n this.userAccess[id] = accessHash;\r\n }\r\n getUserStatusForSort(status) {\r\n if (status) {\r\n const expires = status._ == 'userStatusOnline' ? status.expires : (status._ == 'userStatusOffline' ? status.was_online : 0);\r\n if (expires) {\r\n return expires;\r\n }\r\n const timeNow = utils_1.tsNow(true);\r\n switch (status._) {\r\n case 'userStatusRecently':\r\n return timeNow - 86400 * 3;\r\n case 'userStatusLastWeek':\r\n return timeNow - 86400 * 7;\r\n case 'userStatusLastMonth':\r\n return timeNow - 86400 * 30;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return 0;\r\n }\r\n getUser(id) {\r\n if (utils_1.isObject(id)) {\r\n return id;\r\n }\r\n return this.users[id] || { id: id, pFlags: { deleted: true }, access_hash: this.userAccess[id] };\r\n }\r\n getSelf() {\r\n return this.getUser(this.myID);\r\n }\r\n getUserStatusString(userID) {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (this.isBot(userID)) {\r\n return 'bot';\r\n }\r\n const user = this.getUser(userID);\r\n if (!user) {\r\n return '';\r\n }\r\n let str = '';\r\n switch ((_a = user.status) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a._) {\r\n case 'userStatusRecently': {\r\n str = 'last seen recently';\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'userStatusLastWeek': {\r\n str = 'last seen last week';\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'userStatusLastMonth': {\r\n str = 'last seen last month';\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'userStatusOffline': {\r\n str = 'last seen ';\r\n const date = user.status.was_online;\r\n const now = Date.now() / 1000;\r\n if ((now - date) < 60) {\r\n str += ' just now';\r\n }\r\n else if ((now - date) < 3600) {\r\n const c = (now - date) / 60 | 0;\r\n str += c + ' ' + (c == 1 ? 'minute' : 'minutes') + ' ago';\r\n }\r\n else if (now - date < 86400) {\r\n const c = (now - date) / 3600 | 0;\r\n str += c + ' ' + (c == 1 ? 'hour' : 'hours') + ' ago';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const d = new Date(date * 1000);\r\n str += ('0' + d.getDate()).slice(-2) + '.' + ('0' + (d.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + ' at ' +\r\n ('0' + d.getHours()).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + d.getMinutes()).slice(-2);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'userStatusOnline': {\r\n str = 'online';\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n default: {\r\n str = 'last seen a long time ago';\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return str;\r\n }\r\n isBot(id) {\r\n return this.users[id] && this.users[id].pFlags.bot;\r\n }\r\n isContact(id) {\r\n return this.contactsList.has(id);\r\n }\r\n isRegularUser(id) {\r\n const user = this.users[id];\r\n return user && !this.isBot(id) && !user.pFlags.deleted && !user.pFlags.support;\r\n }\r\n isNonContactUser(id) {\r\n return this.isRegularUser(id) && !this.isContact(id) && id != utils_1.$rootScope.myID;\r\n }\r\n hasUser(id, allowMin) {\r\n var user = this.users[id];\r\n return utils_1.isObject(user) && (allowMin || !user.pFlags.min);\r\n }\r\n getUserPhoto(id) {\r\n var user = this.getUser(id);\r\n if (this.cachedPhotoLocations[id] === undefined) {\r\n this.cachedPhotoLocations[id] = user && user.photo ? user.photo : { empty: true };\r\n }\r\n return this.cachedPhotoLocations[id];\r\n }\r\n getUserString(id) {\r\n const user = this.getUser(id);\r\n return 'u' + id + (user.access_hash ? '_' + user.access_hash : '');\r\n }\r\n getUserInput(id) {\r\n const user = this.getUser(id);\r\n if (user.pFlags && user.pFlags.self) {\r\n return { _: 'inputUserSelf' };\r\n }\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputUser',\r\n user_id: id,\r\n access_hash: user.access_hash\r\n };\r\n }\r\n updateUsersStatuses() {\r\n const timestampNow = utils_1.tsNow(true);\r\n for (const i in this.users) {\r\n const user = this.users[i];\r\n if (user.status &&\r\n user.status._ == 'userStatusOnline' &&\r\n user.status.expires < timestampNow) {\r\n user.status = { _: 'userStatusOffline', was_online: user.status.expires };\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('user_update', user.id);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n forceUserOnline(id) {\r\n if (this.isBot(id)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const user = this.getUser(id);\r\n if (user &&\r\n user.status &&\r\n user.status._ != 'userStatusOnline' &&\r\n user.status._ != 'userStatusEmpty' &&\r\n !user.pFlags.support) {\r\n user.status = {\r\n _: 'userStatusOnline',\r\n expires: utils_1.tsNow(true) + 60\r\n };\r\n user.sortStatus = this.getUserStatusForSort(user.status);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('user_update', id);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n /* function importContact (phone, firstName, lastName) {\r\n return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('contacts.importContacts', {\r\n contacts: [{\r\n _: 'inputPhoneContact',\r\n client_id: '1',\r\n phone: phone,\r\n first_name: firstName,\r\n last_name: lastName\r\n }],\r\n replace: false\r\n }).then(function (importedContactsResult) {\r\n saveApiUsers(importedContactsResult.users)\r\n \r\n var foundUserID = false\r\n angular.forEach(importedContactsResult.imported, function (importedContact) {\r\n onContactUpdated(foundUserID = importedContact.user_id, true)\r\n })\r\n \r\n return foundUserID || false\r\n })\r\n }\r\n \r\n function importContacts (contacts) {\r\n var inputContacts = [],\r\n i\r\n var j\r\n \r\n for (i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {\r\n for (j = 0; j < contacts[i].phones.length; j++) {\r\n inputContacts.push({\r\n _: 'inputPhoneContact',\r\n client_id: (i << 16 | j).toString(10),\r\n phone: contacts[i].phones[j],\r\n first_name: contacts[i].first_name,\r\n last_name: contacts[i].last_name\r\n })\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('contacts.importContacts', {\r\n contacts: inputContacts,\r\n replace: false\r\n }).then(function (importedContactsResult) {\r\n saveApiUsers(importedContactsResult.users)\r\n \r\n var result = []\r\n angular.forEach(importedContactsResult.imported, function (importedContact) {\r\n onContactUpdated(importedContact.user_id, true)\r\n result.push(importedContact.user_id)\r\n })\r\n \r\n return result\r\n })\r\n } */\r\n /* public deleteContacts(userIDs: number[]) {\r\n var ids: any[] = [];\r\n userIDs.forEach((userID) => {\r\n ids.push(this.getUserInput(userID));\r\n })\r\n \r\n return apiManager.invokeApi('contacts.deleteContacts', {\r\n id: ids\r\n }).then(() => {\r\n userIDs.forEach((userID) => {\r\n this.onContactUpdated(userID, false);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n } */\r\n getTopPeers() {\r\n if (this.getPeersPromise)\r\n return this.getPeersPromise;\r\n return this.getPeersPromise = appStateManager_1.default.getState().then((state) => {\r\n var _a;\r\n if ((_a = state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.topPeers) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) {\r\n return state.topPeers;\r\n }\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('contacts.getTopPeers', {\r\n flags: 1,\r\n correspondents: true,\r\n offset: 0,\r\n limit: 30,\r\n hash: 0,\r\n }).then((result) => {\r\n let peerIDs;\r\n if (result._ == 'contacts.topPeers') {\r\n //console.log(result);\r\n this.saveApiUsers(result.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(result.chats);\r\n peerIDs = result.categories[0].peers.map((topPeer) => {\r\n const peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(topPeer.peer);\r\n appStateManager_1.default.pushPeer(peerID);\r\n return peerID;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n appStateManager_1.default.pushToState('topPeers', peerIDs);\r\n return peerIDs;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n searchContacts(query, limit = 20) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('contacts.search', {\r\n q: query,\r\n limit\r\n }).then((peers) => {\r\n //console.log(peers);\r\n this.saveApiUsers(peers.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(peers.chats);\r\n return peers;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n /* public onContactUpdated(userID: number, isContact: boolean) {\r\n userID = parseInt('' + userID);\r\n \r\n if(Array.isArray(this.contactsList)) {\r\n var curPos = this.contactsList.indexOf(userID);\r\n var curIsContact = curPos != -1;\r\n \r\n if(isContact != curIsContact) {\r\n if(isContact) {\r\n this.contactsList.push(userID)\r\n searchIndexManager.indexObject(userID, this.getUserSearchText(userID), this.contactsIndex);\r\n } else {\r\n this.contactsList.splice(curPos, 1);\r\n }\r\n \r\n $rootScope.$broadcast('contacts_update', userID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n setUserStatus(userID, offline) {\r\n if (this.isBot(userID)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n var user = this.users[userID];\r\n if (user) {\r\n var status = offline ? {\r\n _: 'userStatusOffline',\r\n was_online: utils_1.tsNow(true)\r\n } : {\r\n _: 'userStatusOnline',\r\n expires: utils_1.tsNow(true) + 500\r\n };\r\n user.status = status;\r\n user.sortStatus = this.getUserStatusForSort(user.status);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('user_update', userID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppUsersManager = AppUsersManager;\r\nexports.default = new AppUsersManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 6, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\scrollable_new.ts", "name": "./src/components/scrollable_new.ts", "index": 25, "index2": 24, "size": 17773, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": 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this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../lib/logger\");\r\nconst smoothscroll_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../vendor/smoothscroll\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../lib/config\");\r\n//import { CancellablePromise, deferredPromise } from \"../lib/polyfill\";\r\n//import { isInDOM } from \"../lib/utils\";\r\nwindow.__forceSmoothScrollPolyfill__ = true;\r\nsmoothscroll_1.default.polyfill();\r\n/*\r\nvar el = $0;\r\nvar height = 0;\r\nvar checkUp = false;\r\n\r\ndo {\r\n height += el.scrollHeight;\r\n} while(el = (checkUp ? el.previousElementSibling : el.nextElementSibling));\r\nconsole.log(height);\r\n*/\r\n/*\r\nArray.from($0.querySelectorAll('.bubble__container')).forEach(_el => {\r\n //_el.style.display = '';\r\n //return;\r\n\r\n let el = _el.parentElement;\r\n let height = el.scrollHeight;\r\n let width = el.scrollWidth;\r\n el.style.width = width + 'px';\r\n el.style.height = height + 'px';\r\n _el.style.display = 'none';\r\n});\r\n*/\r\n/* const scrollables: Map = new Map();\r\nconst scrollsIntersector = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {\r\n for(let entry of entries) {\r\n const scrollable = scrollables.get(entry.target as HTMLElement);\r\n\r\n if(entry.isIntersecting) {\r\n scrollable.isVisible = true;\r\n } else {\r\n scrollable.isVisible = false;\r\n\r\n if(!isInDOM(entry.target)) {\r\n scrollsIntersector.unobserve(scrollable.container);\r\n scrollables.delete(scrollable.container);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}); */\r\nclass Scrollable {\r\n constructor(el, axis = 'y', logPrefix = '', appendTo = el, onScrollOffset = 300, splitCount = 15, container = document.createElement('div')) {\r\n this.el = el;\r\n this.appendTo = appendTo;\r\n this.onScrollOffset = onScrollOffset;\r\n this.splitCount = splitCount;\r\n this.container = container;\r\n this.onScrolledTop = null;\r\n this.onScrolledBottom = null;\r\n this.onScrollMeasure = null;\r\n this.lastScrollTop = 0;\r\n this.disableHoverTimeout = 0;\r\n this.virtualTempIDTop = 0;\r\n this.virtualTempIDBottom = 0;\r\n this.lastTopID = 0;\r\n this.lastBottomID = 0;\r\n this.lastScrollDirection = 0; // true = bottom\r\n /* private onScrolledTopFired = false;\r\n private onScrolledBottomFired = false; */\r\n this.scrollLocked = 0;\r\n //public scrollLockedPromise: CancellablePromise = Promise.resolve();\r\n this.isVisible = false;\r\n this.onScroll = () => {\r\n /* let scrollTop = this.scrollTop;\r\n this.lastScrollDirection = this.lastScrollTop < scrollTop;\r\n this.lastScrollTop = scrollTop;\r\n return; */\r\n //if(!this.isVisible) return;\r\n //if(this.debug) {\r\n //this.log('onScroll call', this.onScrollMeasure);\r\n //}\r\n //let appendTo = this.splitUp || this.appendTo;\r\n // this.log('onScroll:', this.container.scrollTop);\r\n // if(this.container.scrollTop <= 0) {\r\n // /* touchSupport && */(this.container.style.overflow = 'hidden');\r\n // this.scrollTop = 0;\r\n // /* touchSupport && */(this.container.style.overflow = '');\r\n // }\r\n if (this.splitUp) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.disableHoverTimeout);\r\n this.disableHoverTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n //appendTo.classList.remove('disable-hover');\r\n this.lastScrollDirection = 0;\r\n }, 100);\r\n }\r\n /* if(this.el != this.appendTo && this.appendTo != this.container) {\r\n if(!appendTo.classList.contains('disable-hover')) {\r\n appendTo.classList.add('disable-hover');\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n if (this.onScrollMeasure || ((this.scrollLocked || (!this.onScrolledTop && !this.onScrolledBottom)) && !this.splitUp))\r\n return;\r\n this.onScrollMeasure = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n //if(!this.isVisible) return;\r\n this.checkForTriggers(this.overflowContainer);\r\n this.onScrollMeasure = 0;\r\n if (!this.splitUp)\r\n return;\r\n const scrollTop = this.overflowContainer.scrollTop;\r\n if (this.lastScrollTop != scrollTop) {\r\n this.lastScrollDirection = this.lastScrollTop < scrollTop ? 1 : -1;\r\n this.lastScrollTop = scrollTop;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.lastScrollDirection = 0;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n };\r\n this.container.classList.add('scrollable');\r\n this.visible = new Set();\r\n this.observer = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {\r\n const filtered = entries.filter(entry => entry.isIntersecting);\r\n //return;\r\n //this.log('entries:', entries);\r\n entries.forEach(entry => {\r\n const target = entry.target;\r\n if (entry.isIntersecting) {\r\n this.setVisible(target);\r\n this.log.debug('intersection entry:', entry, this.lastTopID, this.lastBottomID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const id = +target.dataset.virtual;\r\n const isTop = entry.boundingClientRect.top < 0;\r\n if (isTop) {\r\n this.lastTopID = id + 1;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.lastBottomID = id - 1;\r\n }\r\n //this.setHidden(target);\r\n //this.log('intersection entry setHidden:', entry);\r\n }\r\n //this.debug && this.log('intersection entry:', entry, isTop, isBottom, this.lastTopID, this.lastBottomID);\r\n });\r\n if (!filtered.length || this.lastScrollDirection === 0) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (this.lastScrollDirection === 1) { // bottom\r\n let target = filtered[filtered.length - 1].target;\r\n this.lastBottomID = +target.dataset.virtual;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < this.splitCount; ++i) {\r\n target = target.nextElementSibling;\r\n if (!target)\r\n break;\r\n this.setVisible(target);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let target = filtered[0].target;\r\n this.lastTopID = +target.dataset.virtual;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < this.splitCount; ++i) {\r\n target = target.previousElementSibling;\r\n if (!target)\r\n break;\r\n this.setVisible(target);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.log.debug('entries:', entries, filtered, this.lastScrollDirection, this.lastTopID, this.lastBottomID);\r\n const minVisibleID = this.lastTopID - this.splitCount;\r\n const maxVisibleID = this.lastBottomID + this.splitCount;\r\n for (const target of this.visible) {\r\n const id = +target.dataset.virtual;\r\n if (id < minVisibleID || id > maxVisibleID) {\r\n this.setHidden(target);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (!appendTo) {\r\n this.appendTo = this.container;\r\n }\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('SCROLL' + (logPrefix ? '-' + logPrefix : ''), logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n if (axis == 'x') {\r\n this.container.classList.add('scrollable-x');\r\n if (!config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n const scrollHorizontally = (e) => {\r\n e = window.event || e;\r\n if (e.which == 1) {\r\n // maybe horizontal scroll is natively supports, works on macbook\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const delta = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, (e.wheelDelta || -e.detail)));\r\n this.container.scrollLeft -= (delta * 20);\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n };\r\n if (this.container.addEventListener) {\r\n // IE9, Chrome, Safari, Opera\r\n this.container.addEventListener(\"mousewheel\", scrollHorizontally, false);\r\n // Firefox\r\n this.container.addEventListener(\"DOMMouseScroll\", scrollHorizontally, false);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // IE 6/7/8\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n this.container.attachEvent(\"onmousewheel\", scrollHorizontally);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (axis == 'y') {\r\n this.container.classList.add('scrollable-y');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n throw new Error('no side for scroll');\r\n }\r\n window.addEventListener('resize', () => {\r\n this.overflowContainer = config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile && false ? document.documentElement : this.container;\r\n this.onScroll();\r\n });\r\n this.container.addEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll, { passive: true, capture: true });\r\n //document.documentElement.addEventListener('scroll', binded, {passive: true, capture: true});\r\n //window.addEventListener('scroll', binded, {passive: true, capture: true});\r\n if (el) {\r\n Array.from(el.children).forEach(c => this.container.append(c));\r\n el.append(this.container);\r\n }\r\n //this.onScroll();\r\n this.overflowContainer = config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile && false ? document.documentElement : this.container;\r\n /* scrollables.set(this.container, this);\r\n scrollsIntersector.observe(this.container); */\r\n }\r\n setVisible(element) {\r\n if (this.visible.has(element))\r\n return;\r\n this.log.debug('setVisible id:', element.dataset.virtual);\r\n element.firstElementChild.style.display = '';\r\n this.visible.add(element);\r\n }\r\n setHidden(element) {\r\n if (!this.visible.has(element))\r\n return;\r\n this.log.debug('setHidden id:', element.dataset.virtual);\r\n element.firstElementChild.style.display = 'none';\r\n this.visible.delete(element);\r\n }\r\n // public attachSentinels(container = this.container, offset = this.onScrollOffset) {\r\n // if(!this.sentinelsObserver) {\r\n // this.topSentinel = document.createElement('div');\r\n // this.topSentinel.classList.add('scrollable-sentinel');\r\n // this.topSentinel.style.top = offset + 'px';\r\n // this.bottomSentinel = document.createElement('div');\r\n // this.bottomSentinel.classList.add('scrollable-sentinel');\r\n // this.bottomSentinel.style.bottom = offset + 'px';\r\n // this.container.append(this.topSentinel, this.bottomSentinel);\r\n // //let fire: () => void;\r\n // this.sentinelsObserver = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {\r\n // for(let entry of entries) {\r\n // let top = entry.target == this.topSentinel;\r\n // if(top) {\r\n // this.onScrolledTopFired = entry.isIntersecting;\r\n // } else {\r\n // this.onScrolledBottomFired = entry.isIntersecting;\r\n // }\r\n // }\r\n // /* this.debug && */this.log('Set onScrolledFires:', this.onScrolledTopFired, this.onScrolledBottomFired);\r\n // /* if((this.onScrolledTopFired || this.onScrolledBottomFired) && !fire) {\r\n // fire = () => window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n // if(!this.scrollLocked) {\r\n // if(this.onScrolledTopFired && this.onScrolledTop) this.onScrolledTop();\r\n // if(this.onScrolledBottomFired && this.onScrolledBottom) this.onScrolledBottom(); \r\n // }\r\n // if(!this.onScrolledTopFired && !this.onScrolledBottomFired) {\r\n // fire = undefined;\r\n // } else {\r\n // fire();\r\n // }\r\n // });\r\n // fire();\r\n // } */\r\n // });\r\n // this.sentinelsObserver.observe(this.topSentinel);\r\n // this.sentinelsObserver.observe(this.bottomSentinel);\r\n // }\r\n // container.prepend(this.topSentinel);\r\n // container.append(this.bottomSentinel);\r\n // }\r\n setVirtualContainer(el) {\r\n this.splitUp = el;\r\n this.lastScrollTop = 0;\r\n this.log('setVirtualContainer:', el, this);\r\n }\r\n checkForTriggers(container) {\r\n if (this.scrollLocked || (!this.onScrolledTop && !this.onScrolledBottom))\r\n return;\r\n const scrollHeight = container.scrollHeight;\r\n if (!scrollHeight) { // незачем вызывать триггеры если блок пустой или не виден\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const { clientHeight, scrollTop } = container;\r\n const maxScrollTop = scrollHeight - clientHeight;\r\n //this.log('checkForTriggers:', scrollTop, maxScrollTop);\r\n if (this.onScrolledTop && scrollTop <= this.onScrollOffset) {\r\n this.onScrolledTop();\r\n }\r\n if (this.onScrolledBottom && (maxScrollTop - scrollTop) <= this.onScrollOffset) {\r\n this.onScrolledBottom();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n reorder() {\r\n if (!this.splitUp || this.reorderTimeout)\r\n return;\r\n this.reorderTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.reorderTimeout = 0;\r\n Array.from(this.splitUp.children).forEach((el, idx) => {\r\n el.dataset.virtual = '' + idx;\r\n });\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n updateElement(element) {\r\n element.style.minHeight = '';\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n const height = element.scrollHeight;\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n element.style.minHeight = height + 'px';\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n prepareElement(element, append = true) {\r\n if (!this.splitUp)\r\n return;\r\n //return;\r\n element.dataset.virtual = '' + (append ? this.virtualTempIDBottom++ : this.virtualTempIDTop--);\r\n this.log.debug('prepareElement: prepared');\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n const { scrollHeight /* , scrollWidth */ } = element;\r\n this.log.debug('prepareElement: first rAF');\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n //element.style.height = scrollHeight + 'px';\r\n element.style.minHeight = scrollHeight + 'px'; // height doesn't work for safari\r\n //element.style.width = scrollWidth + 'px';\r\n //(element.firstElementChild as HTMLElement).style.display = 'none';\r\n });\r\n this.visible.add(element);\r\n this.observer.observe(element);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n prepend(element, splitable = true) {\r\n if (splitable)\r\n this.prepareElement(element, false);\r\n if (this.splitUp)\r\n this.splitUp.prepend(element);\r\n else\r\n this.appendTo.prepend(element);\r\n }\r\n append(element, splitable = true) {\r\n if (splitable)\r\n this.prepareElement(element);\r\n if (this.splitUp)\r\n this.splitUp.append(element);\r\n else\r\n this.appendTo.append(element);\r\n }\r\n contains(element) {\r\n if (!this.splitUp) {\r\n return this.appendTo.contains(element);\r\n }\r\n return !!element.parentElement;\r\n }\r\n scrollIntoView(element, smooth = true) {\r\n if (element.parentElement && !this.scrollLocked) {\r\n const isFirstUnread = element.classList.contains('is-first-unread');\r\n let offsetTop = element.getBoundingClientRect().top - this.container.getBoundingClientRect().top;\r\n offsetTop = this.container.scrollTop + offsetTop;\r\n if (!smooth && isFirstUnread) {\r\n this.scrollTo(offsetTop, false);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const clientHeight = this.container.clientHeight;\r\n const height = element.scrollHeight;\r\n const d = (clientHeight - height) / 2;\r\n offsetTop -= d;\r\n this.scrollTo(offsetTop, smooth);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n scrollTo(top, smooth = true, important = false) {\r\n if (this.scrollLocked && !important)\r\n return;\r\n const scrollTop = this.scrollTop;\r\n if (scrollTop == Math.floor(top)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (this.scrollLocked)\r\n clearTimeout(this.scrollLocked);\r\n /* else {\r\n this.scrollLockedPromise = deferredPromise();\r\n } */\r\n this.scrollLocked = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.scrollLocked = 0;\r\n //this.scrollLockedPromise.resolve();\r\n //this.onScroll();\r\n this.container.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('scroll'));\r\n }, 468);\r\n this.container.scrollTo({ behavior: smooth ? 'smooth' : 'auto', top });\r\n }\r\n removeElement(element) {\r\n element.remove();\r\n }\r\n set scrollTop(y) {\r\n this.container.scrollTop = y;\r\n }\r\n get scrollTop() {\r\n //this.log.trace('get scrollTop');\r\n return this.container.scrollTop;\r\n }\r\n get scrollHeight() {\r\n return this.container.scrollHeight;\r\n }\r\n get length() {\r\n return this.appendTo.childElementCount;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = Scrollable;\r\n" }, { "id": 7, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appMessagesManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager.ts", "index": 48, "index2": 46, "size": 170131, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", 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&& this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppMessagesManager = exports.FiltersStorage = exports.DialogsStorage = void 0;\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst appMessagesIDsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesIDsManager\"));\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst mtproto_1 = require(\"../mtproto/mtproto\");\r\nconst apiUpdatesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./apiUpdatesManager\"));\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst serverTimeManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/serverTimeManager\"));\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst preloader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/preloader\"));\r\nconst serverTimeManager_2 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/serverTimeManager\"));\r\n//import apiManager from '../mtproto/apiManager';\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst appWebPagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appWebPagesManager\"));\r\nconst cancellablePromise_1 = require(\"../../helpers/cancellablePromise\");\r\nconst appPollsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPollsManager\"));\r\nconst searchIndexManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../searchIndexManager\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst appDownloadManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDownloadManager\"));\r\n//console.trace('include');\r\n// TODO: если удалить сообщение в непрогруженном диалоге, то при обновлении, из-за стейта, последнего сообщения в чатлисте не будет\r\nconst APITIMEOUT = 0;\r\nclass DialogsStorage {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.dialogs = {};\r\n this.byFolders = {};\r\n this.allDialogsLoaded = {};\r\n this.dialogsOffsetDate = {};\r\n this.pinnedOrders = {\r\n 0: [],\r\n 1: []\r\n };\r\n this.dialogsNum = 0;\r\n }\r\n getFolder(id) {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n if (id <= 1) {\r\n return (_a = this.byFolders[id]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.byFolders[id] = []);\r\n }\r\n const dialogs = [];\r\n const filter = appMessagesManager.filtersStorage.filters[id];\r\n for (const peerID in this.dialogs) {\r\n const dialog = this.dialogs[peerID];\r\n if (appMessagesManager.filtersStorage.testDialogForFilter(dialog, filter)) {\r\n let index;\r\n const pinnedIndex = filter.pinned_peers.indexOf(dialog.peerID);\r\n if (pinnedIndex !== -1) {\r\n index = this.generateDialogIndex(this.generateDialogPinnedDateByIndex(filter.pinned_peers.length - 1 - pinnedIndex));\r\n }\r\n else if ((_b = dialog.pFlags) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.pinned) {\r\n index = this.generateIndexForDialog(dialog, true);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n index = dialog.index;\r\n }\r\n dialogs.push({ dialog, index });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n dialogs.sort((a, b) => b.index - a.index);\r\n return dialogs.map(d => d.dialog);\r\n }\r\n getDialog(peerID, folderID) {\r\n const folders = [];\r\n if (folderID === undefined) {\r\n const dialogs = this.byFolders;\r\n for (const folderID in dialogs) {\r\n folders.push(dialogs[folderID]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n folders.push(this.getFolder(folderID));\r\n }\r\n for (let folder of folders) {\r\n const index = folder.findIndex(dialog => dialog.peerID == peerID);\r\n if (index !== -1) {\r\n return [folder[index], index];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return [];\r\n }\r\n /*\r\n var date = Date.now() / 1000 | 0;\r\n var m = date * 0x10000;\r\n \r\n var k = (date + 1) * 0x10000;\r\n k - m;\r\n 65536\r\n */\r\n generateDialogIndex(date) {\r\n if (date === undefined) {\r\n date = utils_1.tsNow(true) + serverTimeManager_2.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n }\r\n return (date * 0x10000) + ((++this.dialogsNum) & 0xFFFF);\r\n }\r\n generateIndexForDialog(dialog, justReturn = false) {\r\n const channelID = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(dialog.peerID) ? -dialog.peerID : 0;\r\n const mid = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(dialog.top_message, channelID);\r\n const message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(mid);\r\n let topDate = message.date;\r\n if (channelID) {\r\n const channel = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(channelID);\r\n if (!topDate || channel.date && channel.date > topDate) {\r\n topDate = channel.date;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const savedDraft = {}; // DraftsManager.saveDraft(peerID, dialog.draft); // warning\r\n if (savedDraft && savedDraft.date > topDate) {\r\n topDate = savedDraft.date;\r\n }\r\n if (dialog.pFlags.pinned && !justReturn) {\r\n topDate = this.generateDialogPinnedDate(dialog);\r\n //this.log('topDate', peerID, topDate);\r\n }\r\n const index = this.generateDialogIndex(topDate);\r\n if (justReturn)\r\n return index;\r\n dialog.index = index;\r\n }\r\n generateDialogPinnedDateByIndex(pinnedIndex) {\r\n return 0x7fff0000 + (pinnedIndex & 0xFFFF); // 0xFFFF - потому что в папках может быть бесконечное число пиннедов\r\n }\r\n generateDialogPinnedDate(dialog) {\r\n const order = this.pinnedOrders[dialog.folder_id];\r\n const foundIndex = order.indexOf(dialog.peerID);\r\n const pinnedIndex = foundIndex === -1 ? order.push(dialog.peerID) - 1 : foundIndex;\r\n return this.generateDialogPinnedDateByIndex(pinnedIndex);\r\n }\r\n pushDialog(dialog, offsetDate) {\r\n const dialogs = this.getFolder(dialog.folder_id);\r\n const pos = dialogs.findIndex(d => d.peerID == dialog.peerID);\r\n if (pos !== -1) {\r\n dialogs.splice(pos, 1);\r\n }\r\n //if(!this.dialogs[dialog.peerID]) {\r\n this.dialogs[dialog.peerID] = dialog;\r\n //}\r\n if (offsetDate &&\r\n !dialog.pFlags.pinned &&\r\n (!this.dialogsOffsetDate[dialog.folder_id] || offsetDate < this.dialogsOffsetDate[dialog.folder_id])) {\r\n if (pos !== -1) {\r\n // So the dialog jumped to the last position\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n this.dialogsOffsetDate[dialog.folder_id] = offsetDate;\r\n }\r\n const index = dialog.index;\r\n const len = dialogs.length;\r\n if (!len || index < dialogs[len - 1].index) {\r\n dialogs.push(dialog);\r\n }\r\n else if (index >= dialogs[0].index) {\r\n dialogs.unshift(dialog);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n if (index > dialogs[i].index) {\r\n dialogs.splice(i, 0, dialog);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n dropDialog(peerID) {\r\n const foundDialog = this.getDialog(peerID);\r\n if (foundDialog[0]) {\r\n this.byFolders[foundDialog[0].folder_id].splice(foundDialog[1], 1);\r\n delete this.dialogs[peerID];\r\n }\r\n return foundDialog;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.DialogsStorage = DialogsStorage;\r\nclass FiltersStorage {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.filters = {};\r\n this.orderIndex = 0;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e) => {\r\n this.handleUpdate(e.detail);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n handleUpdate(update) {\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateDialogFilter': {\r\n //console.log('updateDialogFilter', update);\r\n if (update.filter) {\r\n this.saveDialogFilter(update.filter);\r\n }\r\n else if (this.filters[update.id]) { // Папка удалена\r\n //this.getDialogFilters(true);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('filter_delete', this.filters[update.id]);\r\n delete this.filters[update.id];\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n testDialogForFilter(dialog, filter) {\r\n var _a;\r\n // exclude_peers\r\n for (const peerID of filter.exclude_peers) {\r\n if (peerID == dialog.peerID) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // include_peers\r\n for (const peerID of filter.include_peers) {\r\n if (peerID == dialog.peerID) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const pFlags = filter.pFlags;\r\n // exclude_archived\r\n if (pFlags.exclude_archived && dialog.folder_id == 1) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n // exclude_read\r\n if (pFlags.exclude_read && !dialog.unread_count) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n // exclude_muted\r\n if (pFlags.exclude_muted) {\r\n const isMuted = (((_a = dialog.notify_settings) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.mute_until) * 1000) > Date.now();\r\n if (isMuted) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const peerID = dialog.peerID;\r\n if (peerID < 0) {\r\n // broadcasts\r\n if (pFlags.broadcasts && appPeersManager_1.default.isBroadcast(peerID)) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n // groups\r\n if (pFlags.groups && appPeersManager_1.default.isAnyGroup(peerID)) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // bots\r\n if (appPeersManager_1.default.isBot(peerID)) {\r\n return !!pFlags.bots;\r\n }\r\n // non_contacts\r\n if (pFlags.non_contacts && !appUsersManager_1.default.contactsList.has(peerID)) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n // contacts\r\n if (pFlags.contacts && appUsersManager_1.default.contactsList.has(peerID)) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n toggleDialogPin(peerID, filterID) {\r\n const filter = this.filters[filterID];\r\n const wasPinned = filter.pinned_peers.findAndSplice(p => p == peerID);\r\n if (!wasPinned) {\r\n filter.pinned_peers.unshift(peerID);\r\n }\r\n return this.updateDialogFilter(filter);\r\n }\r\n createDialogFilter(filter) {\r\n let maxID = Math.max(1, ...Object.keys(this.filters).map(i => +i));\r\n filter = utils_1.copy(filter);\r\n filter.id = maxID + 1;\r\n return this.updateDialogFilter(filter);\r\n }\r\n updateDialogFilter(filter, remove = false) {\r\n const flags = remove ? 0 : 1;\r\n if (!remove) {\r\n filter.flags = 0;\r\n const f = {\r\n contacts: 0,\r\n non_contacts: 1,\r\n groups: 2,\r\n broadcasts: 3,\r\n bots: 4,\r\n exclude_muted: 11,\r\n exclude_read: 12,\r\n exclude_archived: 13\r\n };\r\n for (const key in f) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n if (filter.pFlags[key]) {\r\n filter.flags |= 1 << f[key];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (filter.emoticon) {\r\n filter.flags |= 1 << 25;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.updateDialogFilter', {\r\n flags,\r\n id: filter.id,\r\n filter: remove ? undefined : this.getOutputDialogFilter(filter)\r\n }).then((bool) => {\r\n //console.log('updateDialogFilter bool:', bool);\r\n if (bool) {\r\n /* if(!this.filters[filter.id]) {\r\n this.saveDialogFilter(filter);\r\n }\r\n \r\n $rootScope.$broadcast('filter_update', filter); */\r\n this.handleUpdate({\r\n _: 'updateDialogFilter',\r\n id: filter.id,\r\n filter: remove ? undefined : filter\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return bool;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getOutputDialogFilter(filter) {\r\n const c = utils_1.copy(filter);\r\n ['pinned_peers', 'exclude_peers', 'include_peers'].forEach(key => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n c[key] = c[key].map((peerID) => appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID));\r\n });\r\n c.include_peers.forEachReverse((peerID, idx) => {\r\n if (c.pinned_peers.includes(peerID)) {\r\n c.include_peers.splice(idx, 1);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return c;\r\n }\r\n getDialogFilters(overwrite = false) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (Object.keys(this.filters).length && !overwrite) {\r\n return this.filters;\r\n }\r\n const filters = yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getDialogFilters');\r\n for (const filter of filters) {\r\n this.saveDialogFilter(filter, false);\r\n }\r\n //console.log(this.filters);\r\n return this.filters;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n saveDialogFilter(filter, update = true) {\r\n ['pinned_peers', 'exclude_peers', 'include_peers'].forEach(key => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n filter[key] = filter[key].map((peer) => appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(peer));\r\n });\r\n filter.include_peers.forEachReverse((peerID, idx) => {\r\n if (filter.pinned_peers.includes(peerID)) {\r\n filter.include_peers.splice(idx, 1);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n filter.include_peers = filter.pinned_peers.concat(filter.include_peers);\r\n if (this.filters[filter.id]) {\r\n Object.assign(this.filters[filter.id], filter);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.filters[filter.id] = filter;\r\n }\r\n this.setOrderIndex(filter);\r\n if (update) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('filter_update', filter);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setOrderIndex(filter) {\r\n if (filter.hasOwnProperty('orderIndex')) {\r\n if (filter.orderIndex > this.orderIndex) {\r\n this.orderIndex = filter.orderIndex;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n filter.orderIndex = this.orderIndex++;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.FiltersStorage = FiltersStorage;\r\nclass AppMessagesManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.messagesStorage = {};\r\n this.groupedMessagesStorage = {}; // will be used for albums\r\n this.historiesStorage = {};\r\n this.pinnedMessages = {};\r\n this.pendingByRandomID = {};\r\n this.pendingByMessageID = {};\r\n this.pendingAfterMsgs = {};\r\n this.pendingTopMsgs = {};\r\n this.sendFilePromise = Promise.resolve();\r\n this.tempID = -1;\r\n this.tempFinalizeCallbacks = {};\r\n this.lastSearchFilter = {};\r\n this.lastSearchResults = [];\r\n this.needSingleMessages = [];\r\n this.fetchSingleMessagesTimeout = 0;\r\n this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise = null;\r\n this.maxSeenID = 0;\r\n this.migratedFromTo = {};\r\n this.migratedToFrom = {};\r\n this.newMessagesHandlePromise = 0;\r\n this.newMessagesToHandle = {};\r\n this.newDialogsHandlePromise = 0;\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle = {};\r\n this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle = {};\r\n this.reloadConversationsPeers = [];\r\n this.dialogsIndex = searchIndexManager_1.default.createIndex();\r\n this.cachedResults = {\r\n query: '',\r\n count: 0,\r\n dialogs: []\r\n };\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('MESSAGES', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n this.dialogsStorage = new DialogsStorage();\r\n this.filtersStorage = new FiltersStorage();\r\n this.handleNewMessages = () => {\r\n clearTimeout(this.newMessagesHandlePromise);\r\n this.newMessagesHandlePromise = 0;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_multiappend', this.newMessagesToHandle);\r\n this.newMessagesToHandle = {};\r\n };\r\n this.handleNewDialogs = () => {\r\n clearTimeout(this.newDialogsHandlePromise);\r\n this.newDialogsHandlePromise = 0;\r\n let newMaxSeenID = 0;\r\n for (const peerID in this.newDialogsToHandle) {\r\n const dialog = this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID];\r\n if ('reload' in dialog) {\r\n this.reloadConversation(+peerID);\r\n delete this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.dialogsStorage.pushDialog(dialog);\r\n if (!appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(+peerID)) {\r\n newMaxSeenID = Math.max(newMaxSeenID, dialog.top_message || 0);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //this.log('after order:', this.dialogsStorage[0].map(d => d.peerID));\r\n if (newMaxSeenID != 0) {\r\n this.incrementMaxSeenID(newMaxSeenID);\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', this.newDialogsToHandle);\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle = {};\r\n };\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e) => {\r\n this.handleUpdate(e.detail);\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('webpage_updated', (e) => {\r\n let eventData = e.detail;\r\n eventData.msgs.forEach((msgID) => {\r\n let message = this.getMessage(msgID);\r\n message.webpage = appWebPagesManager_1.default.getWebPage(eventData.id); // warning\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('message_edit', {\r\n peerID: this.getMessagePeer(message),\r\n id: message.id,\r\n mid: msgID,\r\n justMedia: true\r\n });\r\n });\r\n });\r\n /* $rootScope.$on('draft_updated', (e) => {\r\n let eventData = e.detail;;\r\n var peerID = eventData.peerID;\r\n var draft = eventData.draft;\r\n \r\n var dialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n if(dialog) {\r\n var topDate;\r\n if(draft && draft.date) {\r\n topDate = draft.date;\r\n } else {\r\n var channelID = appPeersManager.isChannel(peerID) ? -peerID : 0\r\n var topDate = this.getMessage(dialog.top_message).date;\r\n \r\n if(channelID) {\r\n var channel = appChatsManager.getChat(channelID);\r\n if(!topDate || channel.date && channel.date > topDate) {\r\n topDate = channel.date;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n if(!dialog.pFlags.pinned) {\r\n dialog.index = this.dialogsStorage.generateDialogIndex(topDate);\r\n }\r\n \r\n this.dialogsStorage.pushDialog(dialog);\r\n \r\n $rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_draft', {\r\n peerID,\r\n draft,\r\n index: dialog.index\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }); */\r\n }\r\n getInputEntities(entities) {\r\n var sendEntites = utils_1.copy(entities);\r\n sendEntites.forEach((entity) => {\r\n if (entity._ == 'messageEntityMentionName') {\r\n entity._ = 'inputMessageEntityMentionName';\r\n entity.user_id = appUsersManager_1.default.getUserInput(entity.user_id);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return sendEntites;\r\n }\r\n editMessage(messageID, text, options = {}) {\r\n if (typeof (text) !== 'string' || !this.canEditMessage(messageID)) {\r\n return Promise.reject();\r\n }\r\n if (messageID < 0) {\r\n if (this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[messageID] === undefined) {\r\n this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[messageID] = {};\r\n }\r\n let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[messageID].edit = (mid) => {\r\n this.log('invoke callback', mid);\r\n this.editMessage(mid, text).then(resolve, reject);\r\n };\r\n });\r\n return promise;\r\n }\r\n var entities = [];\r\n text = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.parseMarkdown(text, entities);\r\n var message = this.getMessage(messageID);\r\n var peerID = this.getMessagePeer(message);\r\n var flags = 0;\r\n let noWebPage = options.noWebPage || false;\r\n if (noWebPage) {\r\n flags |= 2;\r\n }\r\n if (text) {\r\n flags |= 8 | 1 << 11;\r\n }\r\n /* if(message.media) {\r\n flags |= 1 << 14;\r\n } */\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.editMessage', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(messageID),\r\n message: text,\r\n media: message.media,\r\n entities: this.getInputEntities(entities),\r\n no_webpage: noWebPage || undefined,\r\n }).then((updates) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n if (error && error.type == 'MESSAGE_NOT_MODIFIED') {\r\n error.handled = true;\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (error && error.type == 'MESSAGE_EMPTY') {\r\n error.handled = true;\r\n }\r\n return Promise.reject(error);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n sendText(peerID, text, options = {}) {\r\n if (typeof (text) != 'string') {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerMigratedTo(peerID) || peerID;\r\n var entities = options.entities || [];\r\n if (!options.viaBotID) {\r\n text = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.parseMarkdown(text, entities);\r\n }\r\n if (!text.length) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n var sendEntites = this.getInputEntities(entities);\r\n var messageID = this.tempID--;\r\n var randomID = [bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)];\r\n var randomIDS = bin_utils_1.bigint(randomID[0]).shiftLeft(32).add(bin_utils_1.bigint(randomID[1])).toString();\r\n var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n var flags = 0;\r\n var pFlags = {};\r\n var replyToMsgID = options.replyToMsgID;\r\n var isChannel = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID);\r\n var isMegagroup = isChannel && appPeersManager_1.default.isMegagroup(peerID);\r\n var asChannel = isChannel && !isMegagroup ? true : false;\r\n var message;\r\n let noWebPage = options.noWebPage || false;\r\n if (historyStorage === undefined) {\r\n historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID] = { count: null, history: [], pending: [] };\r\n }\r\n var fromID = appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf().id;\r\n if (peerID != fromID) {\r\n flags |= 2;\r\n pFlags.out = true;\r\n if (!isChannel && !appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(peerID)) {\r\n flags |= 1;\r\n pFlags.unread = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (replyToMsgID) {\r\n flags |= 8;\r\n }\r\n if (asChannel) {\r\n fromID = 0;\r\n pFlags.post = true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n flags |= 256;\r\n }\r\n message = {\r\n _: 'message',\r\n id: messageID,\r\n from_id: fromID,\r\n to_id: appPeersManager_1.default.getOutputPeer(peerID),\r\n flags: flags,\r\n pFlags: pFlags,\r\n date: utils_1.tsNow(true) + serverTimeManager_2.default.serverTimeOffset,\r\n message: text,\r\n random_id: randomIDS,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: replyToMsgID,\r\n via_bot_id: options.viaBotID,\r\n reply_markup: options.reply_markup,\r\n entities: entities,\r\n views: asChannel && 1,\r\n pending: true\r\n };\r\n if (options.webPage) {\r\n message.media = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaWebPage',\r\n webpage: options.webPage\r\n };\r\n }\r\n var toggleError = (on) => {\r\n if (on) {\r\n message.error = true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n delete message.error;\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('messages_pending');\r\n };\r\n message.send = () => {\r\n toggleError(false);\r\n var sentRequestOptions = {};\r\n if (this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID]) {\r\n sentRequestOptions.afterMessageID = this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID].messageID;\r\n }\r\n var flags = 0;\r\n if (replyToMsgID) {\r\n flags |= 1;\r\n }\r\n if (asChannel) {\r\n flags |= 16;\r\n }\r\n if (options.clearDraft) {\r\n flags |= 128;\r\n }\r\n if (noWebPage) {\r\n flags |= 2;\r\n }\r\n var apiPromise;\r\n if (options.viaBotID) {\r\n apiPromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.sendInlineBotResult', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n random_id: randomID,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(replyToMsgID),\r\n query_id: options.queryID,\r\n id: options.resultID\r\n }, sentRequestOptions);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (sendEntites.length) {\r\n flags |= 8;\r\n }\r\n apiPromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.sendMessage', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n no_webpage: noWebPage || undefined,\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n message: text,\r\n random_id: randomID,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(replyToMsgID),\r\n entities: sendEntites\r\n }, sentRequestOptions);\r\n }\r\n // this.log(flags, entities)\r\n apiPromise.then((updates) => {\r\n if (updates._ == 'updateShortSentMessage') {\r\n message.flags = updates.flags;\r\n message.date = updates.date;\r\n message.id = updates.id;\r\n message.media = updates.media;\r\n message.entities = updates.entities;\r\n updates = {\r\n _: 'updates',\r\n users: [],\r\n chats: [],\r\n seq: 0,\r\n updates: [{\r\n _: 'updateMessageID',\r\n random_id: randomIDS,\r\n id: updates.id\r\n }, {\r\n _: isChannel\r\n ? 'updateNewChannelMessage'\r\n : 'updateNewMessage',\r\n message: message,\r\n pts: updates.pts,\r\n pts_count: updates.pts_count\r\n }]\r\n };\r\n }\r\n else if (updates.updates) {\r\n updates.updates.forEach((update) => {\r\n if (update._ == 'updateDraftMessage') {\r\n update.local = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // Testing bad situations\r\n // var upd = angular.copy(updates)\r\n // updates.updates.splice(0, 1)\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n // $timeout(function () {\r\n // ApiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(upd)\r\n // }, 5000)\r\n }, ( /* error: any */) => {\r\n toggleError(true);\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n if (this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID] === sentRequestOptions) {\r\n delete this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID];\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID] = sentRequestOptions;\r\n };\r\n this.saveMessages([message]);\r\n historyStorage.pending.unshift(messageID);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_append', { peerID, messageID, my: true });\r\n setTimeout(() => message.send(), 0);\r\n // setTimeout(function () {\r\n // message.send()\r\n // }, 5000)\r\n /* if(options.clearDraft) { // WARNING\r\n DraftsManager.clearDraft(peerID)\r\n } */\r\n this.pendingByRandomID[randomIDS] = [peerID, messageID];\r\n }\r\n sendFile(peerID, file, options = {}) {\r\n var _a;\r\n peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerMigratedTo(peerID) || peerID;\r\n var messageID = this.tempID--;\r\n var randomID = [bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)];\r\n var randomIDS = bin_utils_1.bigint(randomID[0]).shiftLeft(32).add(bin_utils_1.bigint(randomID[1])).toString();\r\n var historyStorage = (_a = this.historiesStorage[peerID]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.historiesStorage[peerID] = { count: null, history: [], pending: [] });\r\n var flags = 0;\r\n var pFlags = {};\r\n var replyToMsgID = options.replyToMsgID;\r\n var isChannel = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID);\r\n var isMegagroup = isChannel && appPeersManager_1.default.isMegagroup(peerID);\r\n var asChannel = isChannel && !isMegagroup ? true : false;\r\n var attachType, apiFileName;\r\n const fileType = 'mime_type' in file ? file.mime_type : file.type;\r\n const fileName = file instanceof File ? file.name : '';\r\n const isDocument = !(file instanceof File) && !(file instanceof Blob);\r\n let caption = options.caption || '';\r\n const date = utils_1.tsNow(true) + serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n this.log('sendFile', file, fileType);\r\n if (caption) {\r\n let entities = options.entities || [];\r\n caption = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.parseMarkdown(caption, entities);\r\n }\r\n const attributes = [];\r\n const isPhoto = ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/bmp'].indexOf(fileType) >= 0;\r\n let actionName = '';\r\n if (!options.isMedia) {\r\n attachType = 'document';\r\n apiFileName = 'document.' + fileType.split('/')[1];\r\n actionName = 'sendMessageUploadDocumentAction';\r\n }\r\n else if (isDocument) { // maybe it's a sticker or gif\r\n attachType = 'document';\r\n apiFileName = '';\r\n }\r\n else if (isPhoto) {\r\n attachType = 'photo';\r\n apiFileName = 'photo.' + fileType.split('/')[1];\r\n actionName = 'sendMessageUploadPhotoAction';\r\n let photo = {\r\n _: 'photo',\r\n id: '' + messageID,\r\n sizes: [{\r\n _: 'photoSize',\r\n w: options.width,\r\n h: options.height,\r\n type: 'full',\r\n location: null,\r\n size: file.size\r\n }],\r\n w: options.width,\r\n h: options.height,\r\n downloaded: file.size,\r\n url: options.objectURL || ''\r\n };\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(photo);\r\n }\r\n else if (fileType.indexOf('audio/') === 0 || ['video/ogg'].indexOf(fileType) >= 0) {\r\n attachType = 'audio';\r\n apiFileName = 'audio.' + (fileType.split('/')[1] == 'ogg' ? 'ogg' : 'mp3');\r\n actionName = 'sendMessageUploadAudioAction';\r\n let flags = 0;\r\n if (options.isVoiceMessage) {\r\n flags |= 1 << 10;\r\n flags |= 1 << 2;\r\n attachType = 'voice';\r\n }\r\n let attribute = {\r\n _: 'documentAttributeAudio',\r\n flags: flags,\r\n pFlags: {\r\n voice: options.isVoiceMessage || undefined\r\n },\r\n waveform: options.waveform,\r\n duration: options.duration || 0\r\n };\r\n attributes.push(attribute);\r\n }\r\n else if (fileType.indexOf('video/') === 0) {\r\n attachType = 'video';\r\n apiFileName = 'video.mp4';\r\n actionName = 'sendMessageUploadVideoAction';\r\n let flags = 1;\r\n if (options.isRoundMessage)\r\n flags |= 2;\r\n let videoAttribute = {\r\n _: 'documentAttributeVideo',\r\n flags: flags,\r\n pFlags: {\r\n supports_streaming: true,\r\n round_message: options.isRoundMessage || undefined\r\n },\r\n duration: options.duration,\r\n w: options.width,\r\n h: options.height\r\n };\r\n attributes.push(videoAttribute);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n attachType = 'document';\r\n apiFileName = 'document.' + fileType.split('/')[1];\r\n actionName = 'sendMessageUploadDocumentAction';\r\n }\r\n attributes.push({ _: 'documentAttributeFilename', file_name: fileName || apiFileName });\r\n if (['document', 'video', 'audio', 'voice'].indexOf(attachType) !== -1 && !isDocument) {\r\n const thumbs = [];\r\n const doc = {\r\n _: 'document',\r\n id: '' + messageID,\r\n duration: options.duration,\r\n attributes,\r\n w: options.width,\r\n h: options.height,\r\n downloaded: file.size,\r\n thumbs,\r\n mime_type: fileType,\r\n url: options.objectURL || '',\r\n size: file.size\r\n };\r\n if (isPhoto) {\r\n attributes.push({\r\n _: 'documentAttributeImageSize',\r\n w: options.width,\r\n h: options.height\r\n });\r\n thumbs.push({\r\n _: 'photoSize',\r\n w: options.width,\r\n h: options.height,\r\n type: 'full',\r\n location: null,\r\n size: file.size,\r\n url: options.objectURL\r\n });\r\n }\r\n appDocsManager_1.default.saveDoc(doc);\r\n }\r\n this.log('AMM: sendFile', attachType, apiFileName, file.type, options);\r\n var fromID = appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf().id;\r\n if (peerID != fromID) {\r\n flags |= 2;\r\n pFlags.out = true;\r\n if (!isChannel && !appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(peerID)) {\r\n flags |= 1;\r\n pFlags.unread = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (replyToMsgID) {\r\n flags |= 8;\r\n }\r\n if (asChannel) {\r\n fromID = 0;\r\n pFlags.post = true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n flags |= 256;\r\n }\r\n const preloader = new preloader_1.default(null, true);\r\n const media = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaPending',\r\n type: attachType,\r\n file_name: fileName || apiFileName,\r\n size: file.size,\r\n file: file,\r\n preloader: preloader,\r\n w: options.width,\r\n h: options.height,\r\n url: options.objectURL\r\n };\r\n const message = {\r\n _: 'message',\r\n id: messageID,\r\n from_id: fromID,\r\n to_id: appPeersManager_1.default.getOutputPeer(peerID),\r\n flags: flags,\r\n pFlags: pFlags,\r\n date: date,\r\n message: caption,\r\n media: isDocument ? {\r\n _: 'messageMediaDocument',\r\n pFlags: {},\r\n flags: 1,\r\n document: file\r\n } : media,\r\n random_id: randomIDS,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: replyToMsgID,\r\n views: asChannel && 1,\r\n pending: true\r\n };\r\n const toggleError = (on) => {\r\n if (on) {\r\n message.error = true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n delete message.error;\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('messages_pending');\r\n };\r\n let uploaded = false, uploadPromise = null;\r\n const invoke = (flags, inputMedia) => {\r\n this.setTyping('sendMessageCancelAction');\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.sendMedia', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n background: options.background || undefined,\r\n clear_draft: true,\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n media: inputMedia,\r\n message: caption,\r\n random_id: randomID,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(replyToMsgID)\r\n }).then((updates) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n if (attachType == 'photo' &&\r\n error.code == 400 &&\r\n (error.type == 'PHOTO_INVALID_DIMENSIONS' ||\r\n error.type == 'PHOTO_SAVE_FILE_INVALID')) {\r\n error.handled = true;\r\n attachType = 'document';\r\n message.send();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n toggleError(true);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n message.send = () => {\r\n let flags = 0;\r\n if (replyToMsgID) {\r\n flags |= 1;\r\n }\r\n if (options.background) {\r\n flags |= 64;\r\n }\r\n flags |= 128; // clear_draft\r\n if (isDocument) {\r\n const { id, access_hash, file_reference } = file;\r\n const inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaDocument',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n id: {\r\n _: 'inputDocument',\r\n id: id,\r\n access_hash: access_hash,\r\n file_reference: file_reference\r\n }\r\n };\r\n invoke(flags, inputMedia);\r\n }\r\n else if (file instanceof File || file instanceof Blob) {\r\n const deferred = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n this.sendFilePromise.then(() => {\r\n if (!uploaded || message.error) {\r\n uploaded = false;\r\n uploadPromise = appDownloadManager_1.default.upload(file);\r\n preloader.attachPromise(uploadPromise);\r\n }\r\n uploadPromise && uploadPromise.then((inputFile) => {\r\n this.log('appMessagesManager: sendFile uploaded:', inputFile);\r\n inputFile.name = apiFileName;\r\n uploaded = true;\r\n var inputMedia;\r\n switch (attachType) {\r\n case 'photo':\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaUploadedPhoto',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n file: inputFile\r\n };\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaUploadedDocument',\r\n file: inputFile,\r\n mime_type: fileType,\r\n attributes: attributes\r\n };\r\n }\r\n invoke(flags, inputMedia);\r\n }, ( /* error */) => {\r\n toggleError(true);\r\n });\r\n uploadPromise.addNotifyListener((progress) => {\r\n this.log('upload progress', progress);\r\n const percents = Math.max(1, Math.floor(100 * progress.done / progress.total));\r\n this.setTyping({ _: actionName, progress: percents | 0 });\r\n });\r\n uploadPromise.catch(err => {\r\n if (err.name === 'AbortError' && !uploaded) {\r\n this.log('cancelling upload', media);\r\n deferred.resolve();\r\n this.cancelPendingMessage(randomIDS);\r\n this.setTyping('sendMessageCancelAction');\r\n }\r\n });\r\n uploadPromise.finally(deferred.resolve);\r\n });\r\n this.sendFilePromise = deferred;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.saveMessages([message]);\r\n historyStorage.pending.unshift(messageID);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_append', { peerID, messageID, my: true });\r\n setTimeout(message.send.bind(this), 0);\r\n this.pendingByRandomID[randomIDS] = [peerID, messageID];\r\n }\r\n sendAlbum(peerID, files, options = {}) {\r\n var _a;\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerMigratedTo(peerID) || peerID;\r\n let groupID;\r\n let historyStorage = (_a = this.historiesStorage[peerID]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.historiesStorage[peerID] = { count: null, history: [], pending: [] });\r\n let flags = 0;\r\n let pFlags = {};\r\n let replyToMsgID = options.replyToMsgID;\r\n let isChannel = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID);\r\n let isMegagroup = isChannel && appPeersManager_1.default.isMegagroup(peerID);\r\n let asChannel = isChannel && !isMegagroup ? true : false;\r\n let caption = options.caption || '';\r\n let date = utils_1.tsNow(true) + serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n if (caption) {\r\n let entities = options.entities || [];\r\n caption = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.parseMarkdown(caption, entities);\r\n }\r\n this.log('AMM: sendAlbum', files, options);\r\n let fromID = appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf().id;\r\n if (peerID != fromID) {\r\n pFlags.out = true;\r\n if (!isChannel && !appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(peerID)) {\r\n pFlags.unread = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (replyToMsgID) {\r\n flags |= 1;\r\n }\r\n if (asChannel) {\r\n fromID = 0;\r\n pFlags.post = true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n flags |= 128; // clear_draft\r\n }\r\n let ids = files.map(() => this.tempID--).reverse();\r\n groupID = ids[ids.length - 1];\r\n let messages = files.map((file, idx) => {\r\n //let messageID = this.tempID--;\r\n //if(!groupID) groupID = messageID;\r\n let messageID = ids[idx];\r\n let randomID = [bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)];\r\n let randomIDS = bin_utils_1.bigint(randomID[0]).shiftLeft(32).add(bin_utils_1.bigint(randomID[1])).toString();\r\n let preloader = new preloader_1.default(null, true);\r\n let details = options.sendFileDetails[idx];\r\n let media = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaPending',\r\n type: 'album',\r\n preloader: preloader,\r\n document: undefined,\r\n photo: undefined\r\n };\r\n if (file.type.indexOf('video/') === 0) {\r\n let flags = 1;\r\n let videoAttribute = {\r\n _: 'documentAttributeVideo',\r\n flags: flags,\r\n pFlags: {\r\n supports_streaming: true\r\n },\r\n duration: details.duration,\r\n w: details.width,\r\n h: details.height\r\n };\r\n let doc = {\r\n _: 'document',\r\n id: '' + messageID,\r\n attributes: [videoAttribute],\r\n downloaded: file.size,\r\n thumbs: [],\r\n mime_type: file.type,\r\n url: details.objectURL || '',\r\n size: file.size\r\n };\r\n appDocsManager_1.default.saveDoc(doc);\r\n media.document = doc;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let photo = {\r\n _: 'photo',\r\n id: '' + messageID,\r\n sizes: [{\r\n _: 'photoSize',\r\n w: details.width,\r\n h: details.height,\r\n type: 'm',\r\n size: file.size\r\n }],\r\n w: details.width,\r\n h: details.height,\r\n downloaded: file.size,\r\n url: details.objectURL || ''\r\n };\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(photo);\r\n media.photo = photo;\r\n }\r\n let message = {\r\n _: 'message',\r\n id: messageID,\r\n from_id: fromID,\r\n grouped_id: groupID,\r\n to_id: appPeersManager_1.default.getOutputPeer(peerID),\r\n flags: flags,\r\n pFlags: pFlags,\r\n date: date,\r\n message: caption,\r\n media: media,\r\n random_id: randomIDS,\r\n randomID: randomID,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: replyToMsgID,\r\n views: asChannel && 1,\r\n pending: true,\r\n error: false\r\n };\r\n this.saveMessages([message]);\r\n historyStorage.pending.unshift(messageID);\r\n //$rootScope.$broadcast('history_append', {peerID: peerID, messageID: messageID, my: true});\r\n this.pendingByRandomID[randomIDS] = [peerID, messageID];\r\n return message;\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_append', { peerID, messageID: messages[messages.length - 1].id, my: true });\r\n let toggleError = (message, on) => {\r\n if (on) {\r\n message.error = true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n delete message.error;\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('messages_pending');\r\n };\r\n let uploaded = false, uploadPromise = null;\r\n let inputPeer = appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID);\r\n let invoke = (multiMedia) => {\r\n this.setTyping('sendMessageCancelAction');\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.sendMultiMedia', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n peer: inputPeer,\r\n multi_media: multiMedia,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(replyToMsgID)\r\n }).then((updates) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n messages.forEach(message => toggleError(message, true));\r\n });\r\n };\r\n let inputs = [];\r\n for (let i = 0, length = files.length; i < length; ++i) {\r\n const file = files[i];\r\n const message = messages[i];\r\n const media = message.media;\r\n const preloader = media.preloader;\r\n const actionName = file.type.indexOf('video/') === 0 ? 'sendMessageUploadVideoAction' : 'sendMessageUploadPhotoAction';\r\n const deferred = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n let canceled = false;\r\n let apiFileName;\r\n if (file.type.indexOf('video/') === 0) {\r\n apiFileName = 'video.mp4';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n apiFileName = 'photo.' + file.type.split('/')[1];\r\n }\r\n yield this.sendFilePromise;\r\n this.sendFilePromise = deferred;\r\n if (!uploaded || message.error) {\r\n uploaded = false;\r\n uploadPromise = appDownloadManager_1.default.upload(file);\r\n preloader.attachPromise(uploadPromise);\r\n }\r\n uploadPromise.addNotifyListener((progress) => {\r\n this.log('upload progress', progress);\r\n const percents = Math.max(1, Math.floor(100 * progress.done / progress.total));\r\n this.setTyping({ _: actionName, progress: percents | 0 });\r\n });\r\n uploadPromise.catch(err => {\r\n if (err.name === 'AbortError' && !uploaded) {\r\n this.log('cancelling upload item', media);\r\n canceled = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n yield uploadPromise.then((inputFile) => {\r\n this.log('appMessagesManager: sendAlbum file uploaded:', inputFile);\r\n if (canceled) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n inputFile.name = apiFileName;\r\n let inputMedia;\r\n let details = options.sendFileDetails[i];\r\n if (details.duration) {\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaUploadedDocument',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n file: inputFile,\r\n mime_type: file.type,\r\n attributes: [{\r\n _: 'documentAttributeVideo',\r\n flags: 2,\r\n supports_streaming: true,\r\n duration: details.duration,\r\n w: details.width,\r\n h: details.height\r\n }]\r\n };\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaUploadedPhoto',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n file: inputFile\r\n };\r\n }\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.uploadMedia', {\r\n peer: inputPeer,\r\n media: inputMedia\r\n }).then(messageMedia => {\r\n if (canceled) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let inputMedia;\r\n if (messageMedia._ == 'messageMediaPhoto') {\r\n const photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(messageMedia.photo);\r\n inputMedia = appPhotosManager_1.default.getInput(photo);\r\n }\r\n else if (messageMedia._ == 'messageMediaDocument') {\r\n const doc = appDocsManager_1.default.saveDoc(messageMedia.document);\r\n inputMedia = appDocsManager_1.default.getMediaInput(doc);\r\n }\r\n inputs.push({\r\n _: 'inputSingleMedia',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n media: inputMedia,\r\n random_id: message.randomID,\r\n message: caption,\r\n entities: []\r\n });\r\n caption = ''; // only 1 caption for all inputs\r\n }, () => {\r\n toggleError(message, true);\r\n });\r\n }, () => {\r\n toggleError(message, true);\r\n });\r\n this.log('appMessagesManager: sendAlbum uploadPromise.finally!');\r\n deferred.resolve();\r\n }\r\n uploaded = true;\r\n invoke(inputs);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n sendOther(peerID, inputMedia, options = {}) {\r\n var _a;\r\n peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerMigratedTo(peerID) || peerID;\r\n const messageID = this.tempID--;\r\n const randomID = [bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)];\r\n const randomIDS = bin_utils_1.bigint(randomID[0]).shiftLeft(32).add(bin_utils_1.bigint(randomID[1])).toString();\r\n const historyStorage = (_a = this.historiesStorage[peerID]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.historiesStorage[peerID] = { count: null, history: [], pending: [] });\r\n const replyToMsgID = options.replyToMsgID;\r\n const isChannel = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID);\r\n const isMegagroup = isChannel && appPeersManager_1.default.isMegagroup(peerID);\r\n const asChannel = isChannel && !isMegagroup ? true : false;\r\n let fromID = appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf().id;\r\n let media;\r\n switch (inputMedia._) {\r\n case 'inputMediaPoll': {\r\n inputMedia.poll.id = messageID;\r\n appPollsManager_1.default.savePoll(inputMedia.poll, {\r\n _: 'pollResults',\r\n flags: 4,\r\n total_voters: 0,\r\n pFlags: {},\r\n });\r\n const { poll, results } = appPollsManager_1.default.getPoll('' + messageID);\r\n media = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaPoll',\r\n poll,\r\n results\r\n };\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n /* case 'inputMediaPhoto':\r\n media = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaPhoto',\r\n photo: appPhotosManager.getPhoto(inputMedia.id.id),\r\n caption: inputMedia.caption || ''\r\n };\r\n break;\r\n \r\n case 'inputMediaDocument':\r\n var doc = appDocsManager.getDoc(inputMedia.id.id);\r\n if(doc.sticker && doc.stickerSetInput) {\r\n appStickersManager.pushPopularSticker(doc.id);\r\n }\r\n media = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaDocument',\r\n 'document': doc,\r\n caption: inputMedia.caption || ''\r\n };\r\n break;\r\n \r\n case 'inputMediaContact':\r\n media = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaContact',\r\n phone_number: inputMedia.phone_number,\r\n first_name: inputMedia.first_name,\r\n last_name: inputMedia.last_name,\r\n user_id: 0\r\n };\r\n break;\r\n \r\n case 'inputMediaGeoPoint':\r\n media = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaGeo',\r\n geo: {\r\n _: 'geoPoint',\r\n 'lat': inputMedia.geo_point['lat'],\r\n 'long': inputMedia.geo_point['long']\r\n }\r\n };\r\n break;\r\n \r\n case 'inputMediaVenue':\r\n media = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaVenue',\r\n geo: {\r\n _: 'geoPoint',\r\n 'lat': inputMedia.geo_point['lat'],\r\n 'long': inputMedia.geo_point['long']\r\n },\r\n title: inputMedia.title,\r\n address: inputMedia.address,\r\n provider: inputMedia.provider,\r\n venue_id: inputMedia.venue_id\r\n };\r\n break;\r\n \r\n case 'messageMediaPending':\r\n media = inputMedia;\r\n break; */\r\n }\r\n let flags = 0;\r\n let pFlags = {};\r\n if (peerID != fromID) {\r\n flags |= 2;\r\n pFlags.out = true;\r\n if (!appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(peerID)) {\r\n flags |= 1;\r\n pFlags.unread = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (replyToMsgID) {\r\n flags |= 8;\r\n }\r\n if (asChannel) {\r\n fromID = 0;\r\n pFlags.post = true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n flags |= 256;\r\n }\r\n const message = {\r\n _: 'message',\r\n id: messageID,\r\n from_id: fromID,\r\n to_id: appPeersManager_1.default.getOutputPeer(peerID),\r\n flags: flags,\r\n pFlags: pFlags,\r\n date: utils_1.tsNow(true) + serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset,\r\n message: '',\r\n media: media,\r\n random_id: randomIDS,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: replyToMsgID,\r\n via_bot_id: options.viaBotID,\r\n reply_markup: options.reply_markup,\r\n views: asChannel && 1,\r\n pending: true,\r\n };\r\n let toggleError = (on) => {\r\n /* const historyMessage = this.messagesForHistory[messageID];\r\n if (on) {\r\n message.error = true\r\n if (historyMessage) {\r\n historyMessage.error = true\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n delete message.error\r\n if (historyMessage) {\r\n delete historyMessage.error\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('messages_pending');\r\n };\r\n message.send = () => {\r\n let flags = 0;\r\n if (replyToMsgID) {\r\n flags |= 1;\r\n }\r\n if (asChannel) {\r\n flags |= 16;\r\n }\r\n if (options.clearDraft) {\r\n flags |= 128;\r\n }\r\n const sentRequestOptions = {};\r\n if (this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID]) {\r\n sentRequestOptions.afterMessageID = this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID].messageID;\r\n }\r\n let apiPromise;\r\n if (options.viaBotID) {\r\n apiPromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.sendInlineBotResult', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n random_id: randomID,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(replyToMsgID),\r\n query_id: options.queryID,\r\n id: options.resultID\r\n }, sentRequestOptions);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n apiPromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.sendMedia', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n media: inputMedia,\r\n random_id: randomID,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(replyToMsgID),\r\n message: ''\r\n }, sentRequestOptions);\r\n }\r\n apiPromise.then((updates) => {\r\n if (updates.updates) {\r\n updates.updates.forEach((update) => {\r\n if (update._ == 'updateDraftMessage') {\r\n update.local = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n toggleError(true);\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n if (this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID] === sentRequestOptions) {\r\n delete this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID];\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID] = sentRequestOptions;\r\n };\r\n this.saveMessages([message]);\r\n historyStorage.pending.unshift(messageID);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_append', { peerID, messageID, my: true });\r\n setTimeout(message.send, 0);\r\n /* if(options.clearDraft) {\r\n DraftsManager.clearDraft(peerID)\r\n } */\r\n this.pendingByRandomID[randomIDS] = [peerID, messageID];\r\n }\r\n cancelPendingMessage(randomID) {\r\n var pendingData = this.pendingByRandomID[randomID];\r\n this.log('cancelPendingMessage', randomID, pendingData);\r\n if (pendingData) {\r\n var peerID = pendingData[0];\r\n var tempID = pendingData[1];\r\n var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n var pos = historyStorage.pending.indexOf(tempID);\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updateShort',\r\n update: {\r\n _: 'updateDeleteMessages',\r\n messages: [tempID]\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (pos != -1) {\r\n historyStorage.pending.splice(pos, 1);\r\n }\r\n delete this.messagesStorage[tempID];\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n getConversationsAll(query = '') {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const limit = 100, outDialogs = [];\r\n for (let folderID = 0; folderID < 2; ++folderID) {\r\n let offsetIndex = 0;\r\n for (;;) {\r\n const { dialogs } = yield appMessagesManager.getConversations(query, offsetIndex, limit, folderID);\r\n if (dialogs.length) {\r\n outDialogs.push(...dialogs);\r\n offsetIndex = dialogs[dialogs.length - 1].index || 0;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return outDialogs;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getConversations(query = '', offsetIndex, limit = 20, folderID = 0) {\r\n const realFolderID = folderID > 1 ? 0 : folderID;\r\n let curDialogStorage = this.dialogsStorage.getFolder(folderID);\r\n if (query) {\r\n if (!limit || this.cachedResults.query !== query) {\r\n this.cachedResults.query = query;\r\n const results = searchIndexManager_1.default.search(query, this.dialogsIndex);\r\n this.cachedResults.dialogs = [];\r\n /* for(const folderID in this.dialogsStorage) {\r\n const dialogs = this.dialogsStorage[folderID];\r\n dialogs.forEach(dialog => {\r\n if(results[dialog.peerID]) {\r\n this.cachedResults.dialogs.push(dialog);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n } */\r\n for (const peerID in this.dialogsStorage.dialogs) {\r\n const dialog = this.dialogsStorage.dialogs[peerID];\r\n if (results[dialog.peerID]) {\r\n this.cachedResults.dialogs.push(dialog);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.cachedResults.count = this.cachedResults.dialogs.length;\r\n }\r\n curDialogStorage = this.cachedResults.dialogs;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.cachedResults.query = '';\r\n }\r\n let offset = 0;\r\n if (offsetIndex > 0) {\r\n for (; offset < curDialogStorage.length; offset++) {\r\n if (offsetIndex > curDialogStorage[offset].index) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (query || this.dialogsStorage.allDialogsLoaded[realFolderID] || curDialogStorage.length >= offset + limit) {\r\n return Promise.resolve({\r\n dialogs: curDialogStorage.slice(offset, offset + limit),\r\n count: this.dialogsStorage.allDialogsLoaded[realFolderID] ? curDialogStorage.length : null\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return this.getTopMessages(limit, realFolderID).then(totalCount => {\r\n //const curDialogStorage = this.dialogsStorage[folderID];\r\n offset = 0;\r\n if (offsetIndex > 0) {\r\n for (; offset < curDialogStorage.length; offset++) {\r\n if (offsetIndex > curDialogStorage[offset].index) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //this.log.warn(offset, offset + limit, curDialogStorage.dialogs.length, this.dialogsStorage.dialogs.length);\r\n return {\r\n dialogs: curDialogStorage.slice(offset, offset + limit),\r\n count: totalCount\r\n };\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getTopMessages(limit, folderID) {\r\n const dialogs = this.dialogsStorage.getFolder(folderID);\r\n let offsetID = 0;\r\n let offsetDate = 0;\r\n let offsetPeerID = 0;\r\n let offsetIndex = 0;\r\n let flags = 0;\r\n if (this.dialogsStorage.dialogsOffsetDate[folderID]) {\r\n offsetDate = this.dialogsStorage.dialogsOffsetDate[folderID] + serverTimeManager_2.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n offsetIndex = this.dialogsStorage.dialogsOffsetDate[folderID] * 0x10000;\r\n //flags |= 1; // means pinned already loaded\r\n }\r\n /* if(this.dialogsStorage.dialogsOffsetDate[0]) {\r\n flags |= 1; // means pinned already loaded\r\n } */\r\n //if(folderID > 0) {\r\n //flags |= 1;\r\n flags |= 2;\r\n //}\r\n // ! ВНИМАНИЕ: ОЧЕНЬ СЛОЖНАЯ ЛОГИКА:\r\n // ! если делать запрос сначала по папке 0, потом по папке 1, по индексу 0 в массиве будет один и тот же диалог, с dialog.pFlags.pinned, ЛОЛ???\r\n // ! т.е., с запросом folder_id: 1, и exclude_pinned: 0, в результате будут ещё и закреплённые с папки 0\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getDialogs', {\r\n flags,\r\n folder_id: folderID,\r\n offset_date: offsetDate,\r\n offset_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(offsetID),\r\n offset_peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(offsetPeerID),\r\n limit,\r\n hash: 0\r\n }, {\r\n //timeout: APITIMEOUT,\r\n noErrorBox: true\r\n }).then((dialogsResult) => {\r\n if (dialogsResult._ == 'messages.dialogsNotModified')\r\n return null;\r\n //this.log.error('messages.getDialogs result:', dialogsResult.dialogs, {...dialogsResult.dialogs[0]});\r\n if (!offsetDate) {\r\n mtproto_1.telegramMeWebService.setAuthorized(true);\r\n }\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(dialogsResult.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(dialogsResult.chats);\r\n this.saveMessages(dialogsResult.messages);\r\n let maxSeenIdIncremented = offsetDate ? true : false;\r\n let hasPrepend = false;\r\n const noIDsDialogs = {};\r\n dialogsResult.dialogs.forEachReverse(dialog => {\r\n //const d = Object.assign({}, dialog);\r\n // ! нужно передавать folderID, так как по папке != 0 нет свойства folder_id\r\n this.saveConversation(dialog, folderID);\r\n /* if(dialog.peerID == -1213511294) {\r\n this.log.error('lun bot', folderID, d);\r\n } */\r\n if (offsetIndex && dialog.index > offsetIndex) {\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[dialog.peerID] = dialog;\r\n hasPrepend = true;\r\n }\r\n // ! это может случиться, если запрос идёт не по папке 0, а по 1. почему-то read'ов нет\r\n // ! в итоге, чтобы получить 1 диалог, делается первый запрос по папке 0, потом запрос для архивных по папке 1, и потом ещё перезагрузка архивного диалога\r\n if (!dialog.read_inbox_max_id && !dialog.read_outbox_max_id) {\r\n noIDsDialogs[dialog.peerID] = dialog;\r\n /* if(dialog.peerID == -1213511294) {\r\n this.log.error('lun bot', folderID);\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n if (!maxSeenIdIncremented &&\r\n !appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(dialog.peer))) {\r\n this.incrementMaxSeenID(dialog.top_message);\r\n maxSeenIdIncremented = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (Object.keys(noIDsDialogs).length) {\r\n //setTimeout(() => { // test bad situation\r\n this.reloadConversation(Object.keys(noIDsDialogs).map(id => +id)).then(() => {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', noIDsDialogs);\r\n for (let peerID in noIDsDialogs) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_unread', { peerID: +peerID });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n //}, 10e3);\r\n }\r\n const count = dialogsResult.count;\r\n if (!dialogsResult.dialogs.length ||\r\n !count ||\r\n dialogs.length >= count) {\r\n this.dialogsStorage.allDialogsLoaded[folderID] = true;\r\n }\r\n if (hasPrepend) {\r\n this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', {});\r\n }\r\n return count;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n forwardMessages(peerID, mids, options = {}) {\r\n peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerMigratedTo(peerID) || peerID;\r\n mids = mids.sort((a, b) => a - b);\r\n var flags = 0;\r\n if (options.withMyScore) {\r\n flags |= 256;\r\n }\r\n let splitted = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.splitMessageIDsByChannels(mids);\r\n let promises = [];\r\n for (let channelID in splitted.msgIDs) {\r\n let msgIDs = splitted.msgIDs[channelID];\r\n let len = msgIDs.length;\r\n let randomIDs = [];\r\n for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n randomIDs.push([bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)]);\r\n }\r\n let sentRequestOptions = {};\r\n if (this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID]) {\r\n sentRequestOptions.afterMessageID = this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID].messageID;\r\n }\r\n let promise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.forwardMessages', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n from_peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(-channelID),\r\n id: msgIDs,\r\n random_id: randomIDs,\r\n to_peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID)\r\n }, sentRequestOptions).then((updates) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n }, () => { }).then(() => {\r\n if (this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID] === sentRequestOptions) {\r\n delete this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID];\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID] = sentRequestOptions;\r\n promises.push(promise);\r\n }\r\n return Promise.all(promises);\r\n }\r\n getMessage(messageID) {\r\n return this.messagesStorage[messageID] || {\r\n _: 'messageEmpty',\r\n deleted: true,\r\n pFlags: { out: false, unread: false }\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getMessagePeer(message) {\r\n var toID = message.to_id && appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(message.to_id) || 0;\r\n if (toID < 0) {\r\n return toID;\r\n }\r\n else if (message.pFlags && message.pFlags.out || message.flags & 2) {\r\n return toID;\r\n }\r\n return message.from_id;\r\n }\r\n getDialogByPeerID(peerID) {\r\n return this.dialogsStorage.getDialog(peerID);\r\n }\r\n reloadConversation(peerID) {\r\n [].concat(peerID).forEach(peerID => {\r\n if (!this.reloadConversationsPeers.includes(peerID)) {\r\n this.reloadConversationsPeers.push(peerID);\r\n this.log('will reloadConversation', peerID);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (this.reloadConversationsPromise)\r\n return this.reloadConversationsPromise;\r\n return this.reloadConversationsPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n const peers = this.reloadConversationsPeers.map(peerID => appPeersManager_1.default.getInputDialogPeerByID(peerID));\r\n this.reloadConversationsPeers.length = 0;\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getPeerDialogs', { peers }).then((result) => {\r\n this.applyConversations(result);\r\n resolve();\r\n }, reject).finally(() => {\r\n this.reloadConversationsPromise = null;\r\n });\r\n }, 0);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n doFlushHistory(inputPeer, justClear) {\r\n let flags = 0;\r\n if (justClear) {\r\n flags |= 1;\r\n }\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.deleteHistory', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n peer: inputPeer,\r\n max_id: 0\r\n }).then((affectedHistory) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updateShort',\r\n update: {\r\n _: 'updatePts',\r\n pts: affectedHistory.pts,\r\n pts_count: affectedHistory.pts_count\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (!affectedHistory.offset) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return this.doFlushHistory(inputPeer, justClear);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n flushHistory(peerID, justClear) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID)) {\r\n let promise = this.getHistory(peerID, 0, 1);\r\n let historyResult = promise instanceof Promise ? yield promise : promise;\r\n let channelID = -peerID;\r\n let maxID = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(historyResult.history[0] || 0);\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.deleteHistory', {\r\n channel: appChatsManager_1.default.getChannelInput(channelID),\r\n max_id: maxID\r\n }).then(() => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updateShort',\r\n update: {\r\n _: 'updateChannelAvailableMessages',\r\n channel_id: channelID,\r\n available_min_id: maxID\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return true;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return this.doFlushHistory(appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID), justClear).then(() => {\r\n delete this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n for (let mid in this.messagesStorage) {\r\n let message = this.messagesStorage[mid];\r\n if (message.peerID == peerID) {\r\n delete this.messagesStorage[mid];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (justClear) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_flush', { peerID });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.dialogsStorage.dropDialog(peerID);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_drop', { peerID });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n savePinnedMessage(peerID, mid) {\r\n if (!mid) {\r\n delete this.pinnedMessages[peerID];\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.pinnedMessages[peerID] = mid;\r\n this.wrapSingleMessage(mid);\r\n }\r\n getPinnedMessage(peerID) {\r\n return this.getMessage(this.pinnedMessages[peerID] || 0);\r\n }\r\n updatePinnedMessage(peerID, msgID) {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.updatePinnedMessage', {\r\n flags: 0,\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n id: msgID\r\n }).then(updates => {\r\n /////this.log('pinned updates:', updates);\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n saveMessages(apiMessages, options = {}) {\r\n apiMessages.forEach((apiMessage) => {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (apiMessage.pFlags === undefined) {\r\n apiMessage.pFlags = {};\r\n }\r\n if (!apiMessage.pFlags.out) {\r\n apiMessage.pFlags.out = false;\r\n }\r\n if (!apiMessage.pFlags.unread) {\r\n apiMessage.pFlags.unread = false;\r\n }\r\n if (apiMessage._ == 'messageEmpty') {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const peerID = this.getMessagePeer(apiMessage);\r\n const isChannel = apiMessage.to_id._ == 'peerChannel';\r\n const channelID = isChannel ? -peerID : 0;\r\n const isBroadcast = isChannel && appChatsManager_1.default.isBroadcast(channelID);\r\n const mid = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(apiMessage.id, channelID);\r\n apiMessage.mid = mid;\r\n if (apiMessage.grouped_id) {\r\n const storage = (_a = this.groupedMessagesStorage[apiMessage.grouped_id]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.groupedMessagesStorage[apiMessage.grouped_id] = {});\r\n storage[mid] = apiMessage;\r\n }\r\n const dialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n if (dialog && mid > 0) {\r\n apiMessage.pFlags.unread = mid > dialog[apiMessage.pFlags.out\r\n ? 'read_outbox_max_id'\r\n : 'read_inbox_max_id'];\r\n }\r\n else if (options.isNew) {\r\n apiMessage.pFlags.unread = true;\r\n }\r\n // this.log(dT(), 'msg unread', mid, apiMessage.pFlags.out, dialog && dialog[apiMessage.pFlags.out ? 'read_outbox_max_id' : 'read_inbox_max_id'])\r\n if (apiMessage.reply_to_msg_id) {\r\n apiMessage.reply_to_mid = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(apiMessage.reply_to_msg_id, channelID);\r\n }\r\n apiMessage.date -= serverTimeManager_2.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n apiMessage.peerID = peerID;\r\n apiMessage.fromID = apiMessage.pFlags.post ? peerID : apiMessage.from_id;\r\n const fwdHeader = apiMessage.fwd_from;\r\n if (fwdHeader) {\r\n if (peerID == appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf().id) {\r\n if (fwdHeader.saved_from_peer && fwdHeader.saved_from_msg_id) {\r\n const savedFromPeerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(fwdHeader.saved_from_peer);\r\n const savedFromMid = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(fwdHeader.saved_from_msg_id, appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(savedFromPeerID) ? -savedFromPeerID : 0);\r\n apiMessage.savedFrom = savedFromPeerID + '_' + savedFromMid;\r\n }\r\n apiMessage.fromID = fwdHeader.channel_id ? -fwdHeader.channel_id : fwdHeader.from_id;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n apiMessage.fwdPostID = fwdHeader.channel_post;\r\n }\r\n apiMessage.fwdFromID = fwdHeader.channel_id ? -fwdHeader.channel_id : fwdHeader.from_id;\r\n fwdHeader.date -= serverTimeManager_2.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n }\r\n if (apiMessage.via_bot_id > 0) {\r\n apiMessage.viaBotID = apiMessage.via_bot_id;\r\n }\r\n const mediaContext = {\r\n user_id: apiMessage.fromID,\r\n date: apiMessage.date\r\n };\r\n if (apiMessage.media) {\r\n switch (apiMessage.media._) {\r\n case 'messageMediaEmpty':\r\n delete apiMessage.media;\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageMediaPhoto':\r\n if (apiMessage.media.ttl_seconds) {\r\n apiMessage.media = { _: 'messageMediaUnsupportedWeb' };\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n apiMessage.media.photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(apiMessage.media.photo, mediaContext);\r\n //appPhotosManager.savePhoto(apiMessage.media.photo, mediaContext);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageMediaPoll':\r\n apiMessage.media.poll = appPollsManager_1.default.savePoll(apiMessage.media.poll, apiMessage.media.results);\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageMediaDocument':\r\n if (apiMessage.media.ttl_seconds) {\r\n apiMessage.media = { _: 'messageMediaUnsupportedWeb' };\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n apiMessage.media.document = appDocsManager_1.default.saveDoc(apiMessage.media.document, mediaContext); // 11.04.2020 warning\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageMediaWebPage':\r\n /* if(apiMessage.media.webpage.document) {\r\n appDocsManager.saveDoc(apiMessage.media.webpage.document, mediaContext);\r\n } */\r\n appWebPagesManager_1.default.saveWebPage(apiMessage.media.webpage, apiMessage.mid, mediaContext);\r\n break;\r\n /*case 'messageMediaGame':\r\n AppGamesManager.saveGame(apiMessage.media.game, apiMessage.mid, mediaContext);\r\n apiMessage.media.handleMessage = true;\r\n break; */\r\n case 'messageMediaInvoice':\r\n apiMessage.media = { _: 'messageMediaUnsupportedWeb' };\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageMediaGeoLive':\r\n apiMessage.media._ = 'messageMediaGeo';\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (apiMessage.action) {\r\n let migrateFrom;\r\n let migrateTo;\r\n switch (apiMessage.action._) {\r\n case 'messageActionChatEditPhoto':\r\n apiMessage.action.photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(apiMessage.action.photo, mediaContext);\r\n //appPhotosManager.savePhoto(apiMessage.action.photo, mediaContext);\r\n if (isBroadcast) {\r\n apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChannelEditPhoto';\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageActionChatEditTitle':\r\n if (isBroadcast) {\r\n apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChannelEditTitle';\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageActionChatDeletePhoto':\r\n if (isBroadcast) {\r\n apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChannelDeletePhoto';\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageActionChatAddUser':\r\n if (apiMessage.action.users.length == 1) {\r\n apiMessage.action.user_id = apiMessage.action.users[0];\r\n if (apiMessage.fromID == apiMessage.action.user_id) {\r\n if (isChannel) {\r\n apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChatJoined';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChatReturn';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (apiMessage.action.users.length > 1) {\r\n apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChatAddUsers';\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageActionChatDeleteUser':\r\n if (apiMessage.fromID == apiMessage.action.user_id) {\r\n apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChatLeave';\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageActionChannelMigrateFrom':\r\n migrateFrom = -apiMessage.action.chat_id;\r\n migrateTo = -channelID;\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageActionChatMigrateTo':\r\n migrateFrom = -channelID;\r\n migrateTo = -apiMessage.action.channel_id;\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageActionHistoryClear':\r\n //apiMessage.deleted = true;\r\n apiMessage.clear_history = true;\r\n apiMessage.pFlags.out = false;\r\n apiMessage.pFlags.unread = false;\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageActionPhoneCall':\r\n delete apiMessage.fromID;\r\n apiMessage.action.type =\r\n (apiMessage.pFlags.out ? 'out_' : 'in_') +\r\n (apiMessage.action.reason._ == 'phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed' ||\r\n apiMessage.action.reason._ == 'phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy'\r\n ? 'missed'\r\n : 'ok');\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if (migrateFrom &&\r\n migrateTo &&\r\n !this.migratedFromTo[migrateFrom] &&\r\n !this.migratedToFrom[migrateTo]) {\r\n this.migrateChecks(migrateFrom, migrateTo);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n apiMessage.rReply = this.getRichReplyText(apiMessage);\r\n if (apiMessage.message && apiMessage.message.length) {\r\n const myEntities = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.parseEntities(apiMessage.message);\r\n const apiEntities = apiMessage.entities || [];\r\n apiMessage.totalEntities = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.mergeEntities(myEntities, apiEntities, !apiMessage.pending);\r\n }\r\n apiMessage.canBeEdited = this.canMessageBeEdited(apiMessage);\r\n if (!options.isEdited) {\r\n this.messagesStorage[mid] = apiMessage;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getRichReplyText(message, text = message.message) {\r\n let messageText = '';\r\n if (message.media) {\r\n if (message.grouped_id) {\r\n messageText += 'Album' + (message.message ? ', ' : '') + '';\r\n }\r\n else\r\n switch (message.media._) {\r\n case 'messageMediaPhoto':\r\n messageText += 'Photo' + (message.message ? ', ' : '') + '';\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageMediaGeo':\r\n messageText += 'Geolocation';\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageMediaPoll':\r\n messageText += '' + message.media.poll.rReply + '';\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageMediaContact':\r\n messageText += 'Contact';\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageMediaDocument':\r\n let document = message.media.document;\r\n if (document.type == 'video') {\r\n messageText = 'Video' + (message.message ? ', ' : '') + '';\r\n }\r\n else if (document.type == 'voice') {\r\n messageText = 'Voice message';\r\n }\r\n else if (document.type == 'gif') {\r\n messageText = 'GIF' + (message.message ? ', ' : '') + '';\r\n }\r\n else if (document.type == 'round') {\r\n messageText = 'Video message' + (message.message ? ', ' : '') + '';\r\n }\r\n else if (document.type == 'sticker') {\r\n messageText = (document.stickerEmoji || '') + 'Sticker';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n messageText = '' + document.file_name + '';\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n ///////this.log.warn('Got unknown message.media type!', message);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (message.action) {\r\n let action = message.action;\r\n let str = '';\r\n if (action.message) {\r\n str = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(action.message, { noLinebreaks: true });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let suffix = '';\r\n let _ = action._;\r\n if (_ == \"messageActionPhoneCall\") {\r\n _ += '.' + action.type;\r\n let duration = action.duration;\r\n if (duration) {\r\n let d = [];\r\n d.push(duration % 60 + ' s');\r\n if (duration >= 60)\r\n d.push((duration / 60 | 0) + ' min');\r\n //if(duration >= 3600) d.push((duration / 3600 | 0) + ' h');\r\n suffix = ' (' + d.reverse().join(' ') + ')';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n str = (utils_1.langPack[_] || action._) + suffix;\r\n }\r\n //this.log('message action:', action);\r\n messageText = str ? '' + str + '' : '';\r\n }\r\n let messageWrapped = '';\r\n if (text) {\r\n let entities = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.parseEntities(text.replace(/\\n/g, ' '), { noLinebreakers: true });\r\n messageWrapped = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(text, {\r\n noLinebreakers: true,\r\n entities: entities,\r\n noTextFormat: true\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return messageText + messageWrapped;\r\n }\r\n editPeerFolders(peerIDs, folderID) {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('folders.editPeerFolders', {\r\n folder_peers: peerIDs.map(peerID => {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputFolderPeer',\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n folder_id: folderID\r\n };\r\n })\r\n }).then(updates => {\r\n this.log('editPeerFolders updates:', updates);\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates); // WARNING! возможно тут нужно добавлять channelID, и вызывать апдейт для каждого канала отдельно\r\n });\r\n }\r\n toggleDialogPin(peerID, filterID) {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (filterID > 1) {\r\n this.filtersStorage.toggleDialogPin(peerID, filterID);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const dialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n if (!dialog)\r\n return Promise.reject();\r\n const peer = appPeersManager_1.default.getInputDialogPeerByID(peerID);\r\n const flags = ((_a = dialog.pFlags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.pinned) ? 0 : 1;\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.toggleDialogPin', {\r\n flags,\r\n peer\r\n }).then(bool => {\r\n if (bool) {\r\n this.handleUpdate({\r\n _: 'updateDialogPinned',\r\n peer: peer,\r\n pFlags: {\r\n pinned: flags\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n markDialogUnread(peerID, read) {\r\n var _a;\r\n const dialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n if (!dialog)\r\n return Promise.reject();\r\n const peer = appPeersManager_1.default.getInputDialogPeerByID(peerID);\r\n const flags = read || ((_a = dialog.pFlags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.unread_mark) ? 0 : 1;\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.markDialogUnread', {\r\n flags,\r\n peer\r\n }).then(bool => {\r\n if (bool) {\r\n this.handleUpdate({\r\n _: 'updateDialogUnreadMark',\r\n peer: peer,\r\n pFlags: {\r\n unread: flags\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n migrateChecks(migrateFrom, migrateTo) {\r\n if (!this.migratedFromTo[migrateFrom] &&\r\n !this.migratedToFrom[migrateTo] &&\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.hasChat(-migrateTo)) {\r\n const fromChat = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-migrateFrom);\r\n if (fromChat &&\r\n fromChat.migrated_to &&\r\n fromChat.migrated_to.channel_id == -migrateTo) {\r\n this.migratedFromTo[migrateFrom] = migrateTo;\r\n this.migratedToFrom[migrateTo] = migrateFrom;\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n const dropped = this.dialogsStorage.dropDialog(migrateFrom);\r\n if (dropped.length) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_drop', { peerID: migrateFrom, dialog: dropped[0] });\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_migrate', { migrateFrom, migrateTo });\r\n }, 100);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n canMessageBeEdited(message) {\r\n var goodMedias = [\r\n 'messageMediaPhoto',\r\n 'messageMediaDocument',\r\n 'messageMediaWebPage',\r\n 'messageMediaPending'\r\n ];\r\n if (message._ != 'message' ||\r\n message.deleted ||\r\n message.fwd_from ||\r\n message.via_bot_id ||\r\n message.media && goodMedias.indexOf(message.media._) == -1 ||\r\n message.fromID && appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(message.fromID)) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (message.media &&\r\n message.media._ == 'messageMediaDocument' &&\r\n message.media.document.sticker) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n canEditMessage(messageID) {\r\n if (!this.messagesStorage[messageID]) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n const message = this.messagesStorage[messageID];\r\n if (!message || !message.canBeEdited) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (this.getMessagePeer(message) == appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf().id) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n if (message.date < utils_1.tsNow(true) - 2 * 86400 || !message.pFlags.out) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n applyConversations(dialogsResult) {\r\n // * В эту функцию попадут только те диалоги, в которых есть read_inbox_max_id и read_outbox_max_id, в отличие от тех, что будут в getTopMessages\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(dialogsResult.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(dialogsResult.chats);\r\n this.saveMessages(dialogsResult.messages);\r\n //this.log('applyConversation', dialogsResult);\r\n const updatedDialogs = {};\r\n let hasUpdated = false;\r\n dialogsResult.dialogs.forEach((dialog) => {\r\n const peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(dialog.peer);\r\n let topMessage = dialog.top_message;\r\n const topPendingMessage = this.pendingTopMsgs[peerID];\r\n if (topPendingMessage) {\r\n if (!topMessage || this.getMessage(topPendingMessage).date > this.getMessage(topMessage).date) {\r\n dialog.top_message = topMessage = topPendingMessage;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n /* const d = Object.assign({}, dialog);\r\n if(peerID == 239602833) {\r\n this.log.error('applyConversation lun', dialog, d);\r\n } */\r\n if (topMessage) {\r\n const wasDialogBefore = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n // here need to just replace, not FULL replace dialog! WARNING\r\n /* if(wasDialogBefore?.pFlags?.pinned && !dialog?.pFlags?.pinned) {\r\n this.log.error('here need to just replace, not FULL replace dialog! WARNING', wasDialogBefore, dialog);\r\n if(!dialog.pFlags) dialog.pFlags = {};\r\n dialog.pFlags.pinned = true;\r\n } */\r\n this.saveConversation(dialog);\r\n if (wasDialogBefore) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_top', dialog);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n updatedDialogs[peerID] = dialog;\r\n hasUpdated = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const dropped = this.dialogsStorage.dropDialog(peerID);\r\n if (dropped.length) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_drop', { peerID: peerID, dialog: dropped[0] });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID] !== undefined) {\r\n for (const i in this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID]) {\r\n const update = this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID][i];\r\n this.handleUpdate(update);\r\n }\r\n delete this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID];\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (hasUpdated) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', updatedDialogs);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n saveConversation(dialog, folderID = 0) {\r\n const peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(dialog.peer);\r\n if (!peerID) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (dialog._ != 'dialog' /* || peerID == 239602833 */) {\r\n console.error('saveConversation not regular dialog', dialog, Object.assign({}, dialog));\r\n }\r\n const channelID = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID) ? -peerID : 0;\r\n const peerText = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerSearchText(peerID);\r\n searchIndexManager_1.default.indexObject(peerID, peerText, this.dialogsIndex);\r\n let mid, message;\r\n if (dialog.top_message) {\r\n mid = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(dialog.top_message, channelID);\r\n message = this.getMessage(mid);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n mid = this.tempID--;\r\n message = {\r\n _: 'message',\r\n id: mid,\r\n mid: mid,\r\n from_id: appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf().id,\r\n to_id: appPeersManager_1.default.getOutputPeer(peerID),\r\n deleted: true,\r\n flags: 0,\r\n pFlags: { unread: false, out: true },\r\n date: 0,\r\n message: ''\r\n };\r\n this.saveMessages([message]);\r\n }\r\n if (!channelID && peerID < 0) {\r\n const chat = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-peerID);\r\n if (chat && chat.migrated_to && chat.pFlags.deactivated) {\r\n const migratedToPeer = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(chat.migrated_to);\r\n this.migratedFromTo[peerID] = migratedToPeer;\r\n this.migratedToFrom[migratedToPeer] = peerID;\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n dialog.top_message = mid;\r\n dialog.read_inbox_max_id = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(dialog.read_inbox_max_id, channelID);\r\n dialog.read_outbox_max_id = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(dialog.read_outbox_max_id, channelID);\r\n if (!dialog.hasOwnProperty('folder_id')) {\r\n if (dialog._ == 'dialog') {\r\n // ! СЛОЖНО ! СМОТРИ В getTopMessages\r\n const wasDialogBefore = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n dialog.folder_id = wasDialogBefore ? wasDialogBefore.folder_id : folderID;\r\n } /* else if(dialog._ == 'dialogFolder') {\r\n dialog.folder_id = dialog.folder.id;\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n dialog.peerID = peerID;\r\n this.dialogsStorage.generateIndexForDialog(dialog);\r\n this.dialogsStorage.pushDialog(dialog, message.date);\r\n // Because we saved message without dialog present\r\n if (message.mid > 0) {\r\n if (message.mid > dialog[message.pFlags.out ? 'read_outbox_max_id' : 'read_inbox_max_id'])\r\n message.pFlags.unread = true;\r\n else\r\n message.pFlags.unread = false;\r\n }\r\n if (this.historiesStorage[peerID] === undefined /* && !message.deleted */) { // warning\r\n const historyStorage = { count: null, history: [], pending: [] };\r\n historyStorage[mid > 0 ? 'history' : 'pending'].push(mid);\r\n if (mid < 0 && message.pFlags.unread) {\r\n dialog.unread_count++;\r\n }\r\n this.historiesStorage[peerID] = historyStorage;\r\n if (this.mergeReplyKeyboard(historyStorage, message)) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_reply_markup', { peerID });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (channelID && dialog.pts) {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.addChannelState(channelID, dialog.pts);\r\n }\r\n //if(this.filtersStorage.inited) {\r\n //this.filtersStorage.processDialog(dialog);\r\n //}\r\n }\r\n mergeReplyKeyboard(historyStorage, message) {\r\n // this.log('merge', message.mid, message.reply_markup, historyStorage.reply_markup)\r\n if (!message.reply_markup &&\r\n !message.pFlags.out &&\r\n !message.action) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (message.reply_markup &&\r\n message.reply_markup._ == 'replyInlineMarkup') {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n var messageReplyMarkup = message.reply_markup;\r\n var lastReplyMarkup = historyStorage.reply_markup;\r\n if (messageReplyMarkup) {\r\n if (lastReplyMarkup && lastReplyMarkup.mid >= message.mid) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (messageReplyMarkup.pFlags.selective &&\r\n !(message.flags & 16)) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (historyStorage.maxOutID &&\r\n message.mid < historyStorage.maxOutID &&\r\n messageReplyMarkup.pFlags.single_use) {\r\n messageReplyMarkup.pFlags.hidden = true;\r\n }\r\n messageReplyMarkup = Object.assign({\r\n mid: message.mid\r\n }, messageReplyMarkup);\r\n if (messageReplyMarkup._ != 'replyKeyboardHide') {\r\n messageReplyMarkup.fromID = message.from_id;\r\n }\r\n historyStorage.reply_markup = messageReplyMarkup;\r\n // this.log('set', historyStorage.reply_markup)\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n if (message.pFlags.out) {\r\n if (lastReplyMarkup) {\r\n if (lastReplyMarkup.pFlags.single_use &&\r\n !lastReplyMarkup.pFlags.hidden &&\r\n (message.mid > lastReplyMarkup.mid || message.mid < 0) &&\r\n message.message) {\r\n lastReplyMarkup.pFlags.hidden = true;\r\n // this.log('set', historyStorage.reply_markup)\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (!historyStorage.maxOutID ||\r\n message.mid > historyStorage.maxOutID) {\r\n historyStorage.maxOutID = message.mid;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (message.action &&\r\n message.action._ == 'messageActionChatDeleteUser' &&\r\n (lastReplyMarkup\r\n ? message.action.user_id == lastReplyMarkup.fromID\r\n : appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(message.action.user_id))) {\r\n historyStorage.reply_markup = {\r\n _: 'replyKeyboardHide',\r\n mid: message.mid,\r\n flags: 0,\r\n pFlags: {}\r\n };\r\n // this.log('set', historyStorage.reply_markup)\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n getSearch(peerID = 0, query = '', inputFilter = { _: 'inputMessagesFilterEmpty' }, maxID, limit, offsetRate = 0, backLimit = 0) {\r\n //peerID = peerID ? parseInt(peerID) : 0;\r\n var foundMsgs = [];\r\n var useSearchCache = !query;\r\n var newSearchFilter = { peer: peerID, filter: inputFilter };\r\n var sameSearchCache = useSearchCache && utils_1.deepEqual(this.lastSearchFilter, newSearchFilter);\r\n if (useSearchCache && !sameSearchCache) {\r\n // this.log.warn(dT(), 'new search filter', lastSearchFilter, newSearchFilter)\r\n this.lastSearchFilter = newSearchFilter;\r\n this.lastSearchResults = [];\r\n }\r\n //this.log(dT(), 'search', useSearchCache, sameSearchCache, this.lastSearchResults, maxID);\r\n if (peerID && !maxID && !query) {\r\n var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n if (historyStorage !== undefined && historyStorage.history.length) {\r\n var neededContents = {}, neededDocTypes = [];\r\n var neededLimit = limit || 20;\r\n var message;\r\n switch (inputFilter._) {\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterPhotos':\r\n neededContents['messageMediaPhoto'] = true;\r\n break;\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo':\r\n neededContents['messageMediaPhoto'] = true;\r\n neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true;\r\n neededDocTypes.push('video');\r\n break;\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterVideo':\r\n neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true;\r\n neededDocTypes.push('video');\r\n break;\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterDocument':\r\n neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true;\r\n break;\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterVoice':\r\n neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true;\r\n neededDocTypes.push('voice');\r\n break;\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice':\r\n neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true;\r\n neededDocTypes.push('round', 'voice');\r\n break;\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo':\r\n neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true;\r\n neededDocTypes.push('round');\r\n break;\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterMusic':\r\n neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true;\r\n neededDocTypes.push('audio');\r\n break;\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterUrl':\r\n neededContents['url'] = true;\r\n break;\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterMyMentions':\r\n neededContents['mentioned'] = true;\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n return Promise.resolve({\r\n count: 0,\r\n next_rate: 0,\r\n history: []\r\n });\r\n }\r\n for (let i = 0; i < historyStorage.history.length; i++) {\r\n message = this.messagesStorage[historyStorage.history[i]];\r\n if (message.media && neededContents[message.media._]) {\r\n if (neededDocTypes.length &&\r\n message.media._ == 'messageMediaDocument' &&\r\n !neededDocTypes.includes(message.media.document.type)) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n foundMsgs.push(message.mid);\r\n if (foundMsgs.length >= neededLimit) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // this.log.warn(dT(), 'before append', foundMsgs)\r\n if (foundMsgs.length < neededLimit && this.lastSearchResults.length && sameSearchCache) {\r\n var minID = foundMsgs.length ? foundMsgs[foundMsgs.length - 1] : false;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < this.lastSearchResults.length; i++) {\r\n if (minID === false || this.lastSearchResults[i] < minID) {\r\n foundMsgs.push(this.lastSearchResults[i]);\r\n if (foundMsgs.length >= neededLimit) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // this.log.warn(dT(), 'after append', foundMsgs)\r\n }\r\n if (foundMsgs.length || limit == 1000) {\r\n if (useSearchCache) {\r\n this.lastSearchResults = utils_1.listMergeSorted(this.lastSearchResults, foundMsgs);\r\n }\r\n return Promise.resolve({\r\n count: 0,\r\n next_rate: 0,\r\n history: foundMsgs\r\n });\r\n }\r\n let apiPromise;\r\n if (peerID || !query) {\r\n apiPromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.search', {\r\n flags: 0,\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n q: query || '',\r\n filter: (inputFilter || { _: 'inputMessagesFilterEmpty' }),\r\n min_date: 0,\r\n max_date: 0,\r\n limit: limit,\r\n offset_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(maxID) || 0,\r\n add_offset: backLimit ? -backLimit : 0,\r\n max_id: 0,\r\n min_id: 0,\r\n hash: 0\r\n }, {\r\n //timeout: APITIMEOUT,\r\n noErrorBox: true\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n var offsetDate = 0;\r\n var offsetPeerID = 0;\r\n var offsetID = 0;\r\n var offsetMessage = maxID && this.getMessage(maxID);\r\n if (offsetMessage && offsetMessage.date) {\r\n offsetDate = offsetMessage.date + serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n offsetID = offsetMessage.id;\r\n offsetPeerID = this.getMessagePeer(offsetMessage);\r\n }\r\n apiPromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.searchGlobal', {\r\n flags: 0,\r\n q: query,\r\n offset_rate: offsetRate,\r\n offset_peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(offsetPeerID),\r\n offset_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(offsetID),\r\n limit: limit || 20\r\n }, {\r\n //timeout: APITIMEOUT,\r\n noErrorBox: true\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return apiPromise.then((searchResult) => {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(searchResult.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(searchResult.chats);\r\n this.saveMessages(searchResult.messages);\r\n ///////////this.log('messages.search result:', searchResult);\r\n var foundCount = searchResult.count || searchResult.messages.length;\r\n foundMsgs = [];\r\n searchResult.messages.forEach((message) => {\r\n var peerID = this.getMessagePeer(message);\r\n if (peerID < 0) {\r\n var chat = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-peerID);\r\n if (chat.migrated_to) {\r\n this.migrateChecks(peerID, -chat.migrated_to.channel_id);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n foundMsgs.push(message.mid);\r\n });\r\n if (useSearchCache &&\r\n (!maxID || sameSearchCache && this.lastSearchResults.indexOf(maxID) >= 0)) {\r\n this.lastSearchResults = utils_1.listMergeSorted(this.lastSearchResults, foundMsgs);\r\n }\r\n // this.log(dT(), 'after API', foundMsgs, lastSearchResults)\r\n return {\r\n count: foundCount,\r\n next_rate: searchResult.next_rate,\r\n history: foundMsgs\r\n };\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n if (error.code == 400) {\r\n error.handled = true;\r\n }\r\n return Promise.reject(error);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n scheduleHandleNewDialogs() {\r\n if (!this.newDialogsHandlePromise) {\r\n this.newDialogsHandlePromise = window.setTimeout(this.handleNewDialogs, 0);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n deleteMessages(messageIDs, revoke) {\r\n const splitted = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.splitMessageIDsByChannels(messageIDs);\r\n const promises = [];\r\n for (const channelIDStr in splitted.msgIDs) {\r\n const channelID = +channelIDStr;\r\n let msgIDs = splitted.msgIDs[channelID];\r\n let promise;\r\n if (channelID > 0) {\r\n const channel = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(channelID);\r\n if (!channel.pFlags.creator && !(channel.pFlags.editor && channel.pFlags.megagroup)) {\r\n const goodMsgIDs = [];\r\n if (channel.pFlags.editor || channel.pFlags.megagroup) {\r\n msgIDs.forEach((msgID, i) => {\r\n const message = this.getMessage(splitted.mids[channelID][i]);\r\n if (message.pFlags.out) {\r\n goodMsgIDs.push(msgID);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (!goodMsgIDs.length) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n msgIDs = goodMsgIDs;\r\n }\r\n promise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.deleteMessages', {\r\n channel: appChatsManager_1.default.getChannelInput(channelID),\r\n id: msgIDs\r\n }).then((affectedMessages) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updateShort',\r\n update: {\r\n _: 'updateDeleteChannelMessages',\r\n channel_id: channelID,\r\n messages: msgIDs,\r\n pts: affectedMessages.pts,\r\n pts_count: affectedMessages.pts_count\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let flags = 0;\r\n if (revoke) {\r\n flags |= 1;\r\n }\r\n promise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.deleteMessages', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n id: msgIDs\r\n }).then((affectedMessages) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updateShort',\r\n update: {\r\n _: 'updateDeleteMessages',\r\n messages: msgIDs,\r\n pts: affectedMessages.pts,\r\n pts_count: affectedMessages.pts_count\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n promises.push(promise);\r\n }\r\n return Promise.all(promises);\r\n }\r\n readHistory(peerID, maxID = 0, readLength = 0) {\r\n // console.trace('start read')\r\n const isChannel = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID);\r\n const historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n const foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n if (!foundDialog || !foundDialog.unread_count) {\r\n if (!historyStorage || !historyStorage.history.length) {\r\n return Promise.resolve(false);\r\n }\r\n let foundUnread = !!historyStorage.history.find(messageID => {\r\n const message = this.messagesStorage[messageID];\r\n return message && !message.pFlags.out && message.pFlags.unread;\r\n });\r\n if (!foundUnread) {\r\n return Promise.resolve(false);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (historyStorage.readPromise) {\r\n return historyStorage.readPromise;\r\n }\r\n let apiPromise;\r\n if (isChannel) {\r\n apiPromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.readHistory', {\r\n channel: appChatsManager_1.default.getChannelInput(-peerID),\r\n max_id: maxID\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n apiPromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.readHistory', {\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n max_id: maxID\r\n }).then((affectedMessages) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updateShort',\r\n update: {\r\n _: 'updatePts',\r\n pts: affectedMessages.pts,\r\n pts_count: affectedMessages.pts_count\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n historyStorage.readPromise = apiPromise.then(() => {\r\n let index = -1;\r\n if (maxID != 0 && historyStorage.history.length) {\r\n index = historyStorage.history.indexOf(maxID);\r\n }\r\n let readedLength = 1;\r\n if (historyStorage.history.length && maxID) {\r\n for (let i = index == -1 ? 0 : index, length = historyStorage.history.length; i < length; i++) {\r\n const messageID = historyStorage.history[i];\r\n if (messageID > maxID)\r\n continue;\r\n const message = this.messagesStorage[messageID];\r\n if (message && !message.pFlags.out) {\r\n message.pFlags.unread = false;\r\n readedLength++;\r\n //NotificationsManager.cancel('msg' + messageID); // warning\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (foundDialog) {\r\n // this.log('done read history', peerID)\r\n if (historyStorage.history.length) {\r\n ////////this.log.warn('readPromise:', index, historyStorage.history[index != -1 ? index : 0]);\r\n foundDialog.read_inbox_max_id = maxID;\r\n }\r\n if (foundDialog.read_inbox_max_id == foundDialog.top_message || foundDialog.read_inbox_max_id == foundDialog.read_outbox_max_id) {\r\n foundDialog.unread_count = 0;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n foundDialog.unread_count = Math.max(foundDialog.unread_count - (readLength || readedLength), 0);\r\n }\r\n this.log('readHistory set unread_count to:', foundDialog.unread_count, foundDialog);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_unread', { peerID: peerID, count: foundDialog.unread_count });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('messages_read');\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n delete historyStorage.readPromise;\r\n });\r\n // NotificationsManager.soundReset(appPeersManager.getPeerString(peerID)) // warning\r\n return historyStorage.readPromise;\r\n }\r\n readMessages(messageIDs) {\r\n var splitted = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.splitMessageIDsByChannels(messageIDs);\r\n Object.keys(splitted.msgIDs).forEach((channelID) => {\r\n channelID = +channelID;\r\n let msgIDs = splitted.msgIDs[channelID];\r\n if (channelID > 0) {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.readMessageContents', {\r\n channel: appChatsManager_1.default.getChannelInput(channelID),\r\n id: msgIDs\r\n }).then(() => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updateShort',\r\n update: {\r\n _: 'updateChannelReadMessagesContents',\r\n channel_id: channelID,\r\n messages: msgIDs\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.readMessageContents', {\r\n id: msgIDs\r\n }).then((affectedMessages) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updateShort',\r\n update: {\r\n _: 'updateReadMessagesContents',\r\n messages: msgIDs,\r\n pts: affectedMessages.pts,\r\n pts_count: affectedMessages.pts_count\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n handleUpdate(update) {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n this.log('AMM: handleUpdate:', update._);\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateMessageID': {\r\n var randomID = update.random_id;\r\n var pendingData = this.pendingByRandomID[randomID];\r\n //this.log('AMM updateMessageID:', update, pendingData);\r\n if (pendingData) {\r\n var peerID = pendingData[0];\r\n var tempID = pendingData[1];\r\n var channelID = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID) ? -peerID : 0;\r\n var mid = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(update.id, channelID);\r\n var message = this.messagesStorage[mid];\r\n if (message) {\r\n var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n var pos = historyStorage.pending.indexOf(tempID);\r\n if (pos != -1) {\r\n historyStorage.pending.splice(pos, 1);\r\n }\r\n delete this.messagesStorage[tempID];\r\n this.finalizePendingMessageCallbacks(tempID, mid);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.pendingByMessageID[mid] = randomID;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateNewMessage':\r\n case 'updateNewChannelMessage': {\r\n var message = update.message;\r\n var peerID = this.getMessagePeer(message);\r\n var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n var foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID);\r\n if (!foundDialog.length) {\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = { reload: true };\r\n this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs();\r\n if (this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID] === undefined) {\r\n this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID] = [];\r\n }\r\n this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID].push(update);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if (update._ == 'updateNewChannelMessage') {\r\n var chat = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-peerID);\r\n if (chat.pFlags && (chat.pFlags.left || chat.pFlags.kicked)) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.saveMessages([message], { isNew: true });\r\n // this.log.warn(dT(), 'message unread', message.mid, message.pFlags.unread)\r\n if (historyStorage === undefined) {\r\n historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID] = {\r\n count: null,\r\n history: [],\r\n pending: []\r\n };\r\n }\r\n var history = message.mid > 0 ? historyStorage.history : historyStorage.pending;\r\n if (history.indexOf(message.mid) != -1) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n var topMsgID = history[0];\r\n history.unshift(message.mid);\r\n if (message.mid > 0 && message.mid < topMsgID) {\r\n history.sort((a, b) => {\r\n return b - a;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (message.mid > 0 &&\r\n historyStorage.count !== null) {\r\n historyStorage.count++;\r\n }\r\n if (this.mergeReplyKeyboard(historyStorage, message)) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_reply_markup', { peerID });\r\n }\r\n if (!message.pFlags.out && message.from_id) {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.forceUserOnline(message.from_id);\r\n }\r\n var randomID = this.pendingByMessageID[message.mid], pendingMessage;\r\n if (randomID) {\r\n if (pendingMessage = this.finalizePendingMessage(randomID, message)) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_update', { peerID, mid: message.mid });\r\n }\r\n delete this.pendingByMessageID[message.mid];\r\n }\r\n if (!pendingMessage) {\r\n if (this.newMessagesToHandle[peerID] === undefined) {\r\n this.newMessagesToHandle[peerID] = [];\r\n }\r\n this.newMessagesToHandle[peerID].push(message.mid);\r\n if (!this.newMessagesHandlePromise) {\r\n this.newMessagesHandlePromise = window.setTimeout(this.handleNewMessages, 0);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n var inboxUnread = !message.pFlags.out && message.pFlags.unread;\r\n var dialog = foundDialog[0];\r\n dialog.top_message = message.mid;\r\n if (inboxUnread) {\r\n dialog.unread_count++;\r\n }\r\n if (!dialog.pFlags.pinned || !dialog.index) {\r\n dialog.index = this.dialogsStorage.generateDialogIndex(message.date);\r\n }\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = dialog;\r\n this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs();\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateDialogUnreadMark': {\r\n this.log('updateDialogUnreadMark', update);\r\n let peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(update.peer.peer);\r\n let foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID);\r\n if (!foundDialog.length) {\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = { reload: true };\r\n this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let dialog = foundDialog[0];\r\n if (!update.pFlags.unread) {\r\n delete dialog.pFlags.unread_mark;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n dialog.pFlags.unread_mark = true;\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', { peerID: dialog });\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateFolderPeers': { // only 0 and 1 folders\r\n this.log('updateFolderPeers', update);\r\n const peers = update.folder_peers;\r\n this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs();\r\n peers.forEach((folderPeer) => {\r\n var _a;\r\n const { folder_id, peer } = folderPeer;\r\n const peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(peer);\r\n const dropped = this.dialogsStorage.dropDialog(peerID);\r\n if (!dropped.length) {\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = { reload: true };\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const dialog = dropped[0];\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = dialog;\r\n if ((_a = dialog.pFlags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.pinned) {\r\n delete dialog.pFlags.pinned;\r\n this.dialogsStorage.pinnedOrders[folder_id].findAndSplice(p => p == dialog.peerID);\r\n }\r\n dialog.folder_id = folder_id;\r\n this.dialogsStorage.generateIndexForDialog(dialog);\r\n this.dialogsStorage.pushDialog(dialog); // need for simultaneously updatePinnedDialogs\r\n }\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateDialogPinned': {\r\n const folderID = (_a = update.folder_id) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0;\r\n this.log('updateDialogPinned', update);\r\n const peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(update.peer.peer);\r\n const foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID);\r\n // этот код внизу никогда не сработает, в папках за пиннед отвечает updateDialogFilter\r\n /* if(update.folder_id > 1) {\r\n const filter = this.filtersStorage.filters[update.folder_id];\r\n if(update.pFlags.pinned) {\r\n filter.pinned_peers.unshift(peerID);\r\n } else {\r\n filter.pinned_peers.findAndSplice(p => p == peerID);\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs();\r\n if (!foundDialog.length) {\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = { reload: true };\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const dialog = foundDialog[0];\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = dialog;\r\n if (!update.pFlags.pinned) {\r\n delete dialog.pFlags.pinned;\r\n this.dialogsStorage.pinnedOrders[folderID].findAndSplice(p => p == dialog.peerID);\r\n }\r\n else { // means set\r\n dialog.pFlags.pinned = true;\r\n }\r\n this.dialogsStorage.generateIndexForDialog(dialog);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updatePinnedDialogs': {\r\n const folderID = (_b = update.folder_id) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0;\r\n this.log('updatePinnedDialogs', update);\r\n const newPinned = {};\r\n if (!update.order) {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getPinnedDialogs', {\r\n folder_id: folderID\r\n }).then((dialogsResult) => {\r\n dialogsResult.dialogs.reverse();\r\n this.applyConversations(dialogsResult);\r\n dialogsResult.dialogs.forEach((dialog) => {\r\n newPinned[dialog.peerID] = true;\r\n });\r\n this.dialogsStorage.getFolder(folderID).forEach((dialog) => {\r\n const peerID = dialog.peerID;\r\n if (dialog.pFlags.pinned && !newPinned[peerID]) {\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = { reload: true };\r\n this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n //this.log('before order:', this.dialogsStorage[0].map(d => d.peerID));\r\n this.dialogsStorage.pinnedOrders[folderID].length = 0;\r\n let willHandle = false;\r\n update.order.reverse(); // index must be higher\r\n update.order.forEach((peer) => {\r\n const peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(peer.peer);\r\n newPinned[peerID] = true;\r\n const foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID);\r\n if (!foundDialog.length) {\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = { reload: true };\r\n willHandle = true;\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const dialog = foundDialog[0];\r\n dialog.pFlags.pinned = true;\r\n this.dialogsStorage.generateIndexForDialog(dialog);\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = dialog;\r\n willHandle = true;\r\n });\r\n this.dialogsStorage.getFolder(folderID).forEach(dialog => {\r\n const peerID = dialog.peerID;\r\n if (dialog.pFlags.pinned && !newPinned[peerID]) {\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = { reload: true };\r\n willHandle = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (willHandle) {\r\n this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs();\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateEditMessage':\r\n case 'updateEditChannelMessage': {\r\n var message = update.message;\r\n var peerID = this.getMessagePeer(message);\r\n var channelID = message.to_id._ == 'peerChannel' ? -peerID : 0;\r\n var mid = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(message.id, channelID);\r\n if (this.messagesStorage[mid] === undefined) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n // console.trace(dT(), 'edit message', message)\r\n this.saveMessages([message], { isEdited: true });\r\n utils_1.safeReplaceObject(this.messagesStorage[mid], message);\r\n var dialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n var isTopMessage = dialog && dialog.top_message == mid;\r\n if (message.clear_history) { // that's will never happen\r\n if (isTopMessage) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_flush', { peerID: peerID });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('message_edit', {\r\n peerID: peerID,\r\n id: message.id,\r\n mid: mid,\r\n justMedia: false\r\n });\r\n if (isTopMessage) {\r\n var updatedDialogs = {};\r\n updatedDialogs[peerID] = dialog;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', updatedDialogs);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateReadHistoryInbox':\r\n case 'updateReadHistoryOutbox':\r\n case 'updateReadChannelInbox':\r\n case 'updateReadChannelOutbox': {\r\n var isOut = update._ == 'updateReadHistoryOutbox' || update._ == 'updateReadChannelOutbox';\r\n var channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n var maxID = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(update.max_id, channelID);\r\n var peerID = channelID ? -channelID : appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(update.peer);\r\n var foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID);\r\n var history = (this.historiesStorage[peerID] || {}).history || [];\r\n var newUnreadCount = 0;\r\n var length = history.length;\r\n var foundAffected = false;\r\n var messageID, message;\r\n var i;\r\n //this.log.warn(dT(), 'read', peerID, isOut ? 'out' : 'in', maxID)\r\n if (peerID > 0 && isOut) {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.forceUserOnline(peerID);\r\n }\r\n for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {\r\n messageID = history[i];\r\n if (messageID > maxID) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n message = this.messagesStorage[messageID];\r\n if (!message) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n if (message.pFlags.out != isOut) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n if (!message.pFlags.unread) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n // this.log.warn('read', messageID, message.pFlags.unread, message)\r\n if (message && message.pFlags.unread) {\r\n message.pFlags.unread = false;\r\n if (!foundAffected) {\r\n foundAffected = true;\r\n }\r\n if (!message.pFlags.out) {\r\n if (foundDialog[0]) {\r\n newUnreadCount = --foundDialog[0].unread_count;\r\n }\r\n //NotificationsManager.cancel('msg' + messageID); // warning\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (foundDialog[0]) {\r\n if (!isOut && newUnreadCount && foundDialog[0].top_message <= maxID) {\r\n newUnreadCount = foundDialog[0].unread_count = 0;\r\n }\r\n foundDialog[0][isOut ? 'read_outbox_max_id' : 'read_inbox_max_id'] = maxID;\r\n }\r\n // need be commented for read out messages\r\n //if(newUnreadCount != 0 || !isOut) { // fix 16.11.2019 (maybe not)\r\n //////////this.log.warn(dT(), 'cnt', peerID, newUnreadCount, isOut, foundDialog, update, foundAffected);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_unread', { peerID: peerID, count: newUnreadCount });\r\n //}\r\n if (foundAffected) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('messages_read');\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateChannelReadMessagesContents': {\r\n var channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n var newMessages = [];\r\n update.messages.forEach((msgID) => {\r\n newMessages.push(appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(msgID, channelID));\r\n });\r\n update.messages = newMessages;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateReadMessagesContents': {\r\n var messages = update.messages;\r\n var len = messages.length;\r\n var i;\r\n var messageID, message;\r\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n messageID = messages[i];\r\n if (message = this.messagesStorage[messageID]) {\r\n delete message.pFlags.media_unread;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateChannelAvailableMessages': {\r\n var channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n var messages = [];\r\n var peerID = -channelID;\r\n var history = (this.historiesStorage[peerID] || {}).history || [];\r\n if (history.length) {\r\n history.forEach((msgID) => {\r\n if (!update.available_min_id ||\r\n appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(msgID) <= update.available_min_id) {\r\n messages.push(msgID);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n update.messages = messages;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateDeleteMessages':\r\n case 'updateDeleteChannelMessages': {\r\n let historiesUpdated = {};\r\n let channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < update.messages.length; i++) {\r\n let messageID = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(update.messages[i], channelID);\r\n let message = this.messagesStorage[messageID];\r\n if (message) {\r\n let peerID = this.getMessagePeer(message);\r\n let history = historiesUpdated[peerID] || (historiesUpdated[peerID] = { count: 0, unread: 0, msgs: {} });\r\n if (!message.pFlags.out && message.pFlags.unread) {\r\n history.unread++;\r\n }\r\n history.count++;\r\n history.msgs[messageID] = true;\r\n message.deleted = true;\r\n this.messagesStorage[messageID] = {\r\n deleted: true,\r\n id: messageID,\r\n from_id: message.from_id,\r\n to_id: message.to_id,\r\n flags: message.flags,\r\n pFlags: message.pFlags,\r\n date: message.date\r\n };\r\n let peerMessagesToHandle = this.newMessagesToHandle[peerID];\r\n if (peerMessagesToHandle && peerMessagesToHandle.length) {\r\n let peerMessagesHandlePos = peerMessagesToHandle.indexOf(messageID);\r\n if (peerMessagesHandlePos != -1) {\r\n peerMessagesToHandle.splice(peerMessagesHandlePos);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n Object.keys(historiesUpdated).forEach(_peerID => {\r\n const peerID = +_peerID;\r\n let updatedData = historiesUpdated[peerID];\r\n let historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n if (historyStorage !== undefined) {\r\n let newHistory = [];\r\n let newPending = [];\r\n for (let i = 0; i < historyStorage.history.length; i++) {\r\n if (!updatedData.msgs[historyStorage.history[i]]) {\r\n newHistory.push(historyStorage.history[i]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n historyStorage.history = newHistory;\r\n if (updatedData.count &&\r\n historyStorage.count !== null &&\r\n historyStorage.count > 0) {\r\n historyStorage.count -= updatedData.count;\r\n if (historyStorage.count < 0) {\r\n historyStorage.count = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n for (let i = 0; i < historyStorage.pending.length; i++) {\r\n if (!updatedData.msgs[historyStorage.pending[i]]) {\r\n newPending.push(historyStorage.pending[i]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n historyStorage.pending = newPending;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_delete', { peerID, msgs: updatedData.msgs });\r\n }\r\n let foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n if (foundDialog) {\r\n if (updatedData.unread) {\r\n foundDialog.unread_count -= updatedData.unread;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_unread', {\r\n peerID,\r\n count: foundDialog.unread_count\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (updatedData.msgs[foundDialog.top_message]) {\r\n this.reloadConversation(peerID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateChannel': {\r\n const channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n const peerID = -channelID;\r\n const channel = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(channelID);\r\n const needDialog = channel._ == 'channel' && (!channel.pFlags.left && !channel.pFlags.kicked);\r\n const foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID);\r\n const hasDialog = foundDialog.length > 0;\r\n const canViewHistory = channel._ == 'channel' && (channel.username || !channel.pFlags.left && !channel.pFlags.kicked) && true || false;\r\n const hasHistory = this.historiesStorage[peerID] !== undefined;\r\n if (canViewHistory != hasHistory) {\r\n delete this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_forbidden', peerID);\r\n }\r\n if (hasDialog != needDialog) {\r\n if (needDialog) {\r\n this.reloadConversation(-channelID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (foundDialog[0]) {\r\n this.dialogsStorage.dropDialog(peerID);\r\n //this.dialogsStorage[foundDialog[0].folder_id].splice(foundDialog[1], 1);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_drop', { peerID: peerID, dialog: foundDialog[0] });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateChannelReload': {\r\n const channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n const peerID = -channelID;\r\n this.dialogsStorage.dropDialog(peerID);\r\n delete this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n this.reloadConversation(-channelID).then(() => {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_reload', peerID);\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateChannelMessageViews': {\r\n let views = update.views;\r\n let mid = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(update.id, update.channel_id);\r\n let message = this.getMessage(mid);\r\n if (message && message.views && message.views < views) {\r\n message.views = views;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('message_views', { mid, views });\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateServiceNotification': {\r\n this.log('updateServiceNotification', update);\r\n var fromID = 777000;\r\n var peerID = fromID;\r\n var messageID = this.tempID--;\r\n var message = {\r\n _: 'message',\r\n id: messageID,\r\n from_id: fromID,\r\n to_id: appPeersManager_1.default.getOutputPeer(peerID),\r\n flags: 0,\r\n pFlags: { unread: true },\r\n date: (update.inbox_date || utils_1.tsNow(true)) + serverTimeManager_2.default.serverTimeOffset,\r\n message: update.message,\r\n media: update.media,\r\n entities: update.entities\r\n };\r\n if (!appUsersManager_1.default.hasUser(fromID)) {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers([{\r\n _: 'user',\r\n id: fromID,\r\n pFlags: { verified: true },\r\n access_hash: 0,\r\n first_name: 'Telegram',\r\n phone: '42777'\r\n }]);\r\n }\r\n this.saveMessages([message]);\r\n if (update.inbox_date) {\r\n this.pendingTopMsgs[peerID] = messageID;\r\n this.handleUpdate({\r\n _: 'updateNewMessage',\r\n message: message\r\n });\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateChatPinnedMessage':\r\n case 'updateUserPinnedMessage': {\r\n let { id } = update;\r\n // hz nado li tut appMessagesIDsManager.getFullMessageID(update.max_id, channelID);\r\n let peerID = update.user_id || -update.chat_id || -update.channel_id;\r\n this.savePinnedMessage(peerID, id);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n finalizePendingMessage(randomID, finalMessage) {\r\n var pendingData = this.pendingByRandomID[randomID];\r\n // this.log('pdata', randomID, pendingData)\r\n if (pendingData) {\r\n var peerID = pendingData[0];\r\n var tempID = pendingData[1];\r\n var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID], message;\r\n // this.log('pending', randomID, historyStorage.pending)\r\n var pos = historyStorage.pending.indexOf(tempID);\r\n if (pos != -1) {\r\n historyStorage.pending.splice(pos, 1);\r\n }\r\n if (message = this.messagesStorage[tempID]) {\r\n delete message.pending;\r\n delete message.error;\r\n delete message.random_id;\r\n delete message.send;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('messages_pending');\r\n }\r\n delete this.messagesStorage[tempID];\r\n this.finalizePendingMessageCallbacks(tempID, finalMessage.mid);\r\n return message;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n finalizePendingMessageCallbacks(tempID, mid) {\r\n var callbacks = this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[tempID];\r\n this.log.warn(callbacks, tempID);\r\n if (callbacks !== undefined) {\r\n callbacks.forEach((callback) => {\r\n callback(mid);\r\n });\r\n delete this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[tempID];\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('message_sent', { tempID, mid });\r\n }\r\n incrementMaxSeenID(maxID) {\r\n if (!maxID || !(!this.maxSeenID || maxID > this.maxSeenID)) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n this.maxSeenID = maxID;\r\n storage_1.default.set({ max_seen_msg: maxID });\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.receivedMessages', {\r\n max_id: maxID\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getHistory(peerID, maxID = 0, limit, backLimit) {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (this.migratedFromTo[peerID]) {\r\n peerID = this.migratedFromTo[peerID];\r\n }\r\n const historyStorage = (_a = this.historiesStorage[peerID]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.historiesStorage[peerID] = { count: null, history: [], pending: [] });\r\n const unreadOffset = 0;\r\n const unreadSkip = false;\r\n let offset = 0;\r\n let offsetNotFound = false;\r\n let isMigrated = false;\r\n let reqPeerID = peerID;\r\n if (this.migratedToFrom[peerID]) {\r\n isMigrated = true;\r\n if (maxID && maxID < appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.fullMsgIDModulus) {\r\n reqPeerID = this.migratedToFrom[peerID];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (maxID > 0) {\r\n offsetNotFound = true;\r\n for (; offset < historyStorage.history.length; offset++) {\r\n if (maxID > historyStorage.history[offset]) {\r\n offsetNotFound = false;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!offsetNotFound && (historyStorage.count !== null && historyStorage.history.length == historyStorage.count ||\r\n historyStorage.history.length >= offset + limit)) {\r\n if (backLimit) {\r\n backLimit = Math.min(offset, backLimit);\r\n offset = Math.max(0, offset - backLimit);\r\n limit += backLimit;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n limit = limit;\r\n }\r\n let history = historyStorage.history.slice(offset, offset + limit);\r\n if (!maxID && historyStorage.pending.length) {\r\n history = historyStorage.pending.slice().concat(history);\r\n }\r\n return this.wrapHistoryResult({\r\n count: historyStorage.count,\r\n history: history,\r\n unreadOffset: unreadOffset,\r\n unreadSkip: unreadSkip\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (offsetNotFound) {\r\n offset = 0;\r\n }\r\n if ((backLimit || unreadSkip || maxID) && historyStorage.history.indexOf(maxID) == -1) {\r\n if (backLimit) {\r\n offset = -backLimit;\r\n limit += backLimit;\r\n }\r\n return this.requestHistory(reqPeerID, maxID, limit, offset).then((historyResult) => {\r\n historyStorage.count = historyResult.count || historyResult.messages.length;\r\n if (isMigrated) {\r\n historyStorage.count++;\r\n }\r\n let history = [];\r\n historyResult.messages.forEach((message) => {\r\n history.push(message.mid);\r\n });\r\n if (!maxID && historyStorage.pending.length) {\r\n history = historyStorage.pending.slice().concat(history);\r\n }\r\n return this.wrapHistoryResult({\r\n count: historyStorage.count,\r\n history: history,\r\n unreadOffset: unreadOffset,\r\n unreadSkip: unreadSkip\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return this.fillHistoryStorage(peerID, maxID, limit, historyStorage).then(() => {\r\n offset = 0;\r\n if (maxID > 0) {\r\n for (offset = 0; offset < historyStorage.history.length; offset++) {\r\n if (maxID > historyStorage.history[offset]) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n let history = historyStorage.history.slice(backLimit ? Math.max(offset - backLimit, 0) : offset, offset + limit);\r\n if (!maxID && historyStorage.pending.length) {\r\n history = historyStorage.pending.slice().concat(history);\r\n }\r\n return this.wrapHistoryResult({\r\n count: historyStorage.count,\r\n history: history,\r\n unreadOffset: unreadOffset,\r\n unreadSkip: unreadSkip\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n fillHistoryStorage(peerID, maxID, fullLimit, historyStorage) {\r\n // this.log('fill history storage', peerID, maxID, fullLimit, angular.copy(historyStorage))\r\n const offset = (this.migratedFromTo[peerID] && !maxID) ? 1 : 0;\r\n return this.requestHistory(peerID, maxID, fullLimit, offset).then((historyResult) => {\r\n historyStorage.count = historyResult.count || historyResult.messages.length;\r\n if (!maxID && historyResult.messages.length) {\r\n maxID = historyResult.messages[0].mid + 1;\r\n }\r\n let offset = 0;\r\n if (maxID > 0) {\r\n for (; offset < historyStorage.history.length; offset++) {\r\n if (maxID > historyStorage.history[offset]) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const wasTotalCount = historyStorage.history.length;\r\n historyStorage.history.splice(offset, historyStorage.history.length - offset);\r\n historyResult.messages.forEach((message) => {\r\n if (this.mergeReplyKeyboard(historyStorage, message)) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_reply_markup', { peerID });\r\n }\r\n historyStorage.history.push(message.mid);\r\n });\r\n const totalCount = historyStorage.history.length;\r\n fullLimit -= (totalCount - wasTotalCount);\r\n const migratedNextPeer = this.migratedFromTo[peerID];\r\n const migratedPrevPeer = this.migratedToFrom[peerID];\r\n const isMigrated = migratedNextPeer !== undefined || migratedPrevPeer !== undefined;\r\n if (isMigrated) {\r\n historyStorage.count = Math.max(historyStorage.count, totalCount) + 1;\r\n }\r\n if (fullLimit > 0) {\r\n maxID = historyStorage.history[totalCount - 1];\r\n if (isMigrated) {\r\n if (!historyResult.messages.length) {\r\n if (migratedPrevPeer) {\r\n maxID = 0;\r\n peerID = migratedPrevPeer;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n historyStorage.count = totalCount;\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return this.fillHistoryStorage(peerID, maxID, fullLimit, historyStorage);\r\n }\r\n else if (totalCount < historyStorage.count) {\r\n return this.fillHistoryStorage(peerID, maxID, fullLimit, historyStorage);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n wrapHistoryResult(result) {\r\n if (result.unreadOffset) {\r\n for (let i = result.history.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\r\n const message = this.messagesStorage[result.history[i]];\r\n if (message && !message.pFlags.out && message.pFlags.unread) {\r\n result.unreadOffset = i + 1;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n }\r\n requestHistory(peerID, maxID, limit = 0, offset = 0, offsetDate = 0) {\r\n const isChannel = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID);\r\n //console.trace('requestHistory', peerID, maxID, limit, offset);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_request');\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getHistory', {\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n offset_id: maxID ? appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(maxID) : 0,\r\n offset_date: offsetDate,\r\n add_offset: offset,\r\n limit: limit,\r\n max_id: 0,\r\n min_id: 0,\r\n hash: 0\r\n }, {\r\n //timeout: APITIMEOUT,\r\n noErrorBox: true\r\n }).then((historyResult) => {\r\n this.log('requestHistory result:', historyResult, maxID, limit, offset);\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(historyResult.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(historyResult.chats);\r\n this.saveMessages(historyResult.messages);\r\n if (isChannel) {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.addChannelState(-peerID, historyResult.pts);\r\n }\r\n let length = historyResult.messages.length;\r\n if (length && historyResult.messages[length - 1].deleted) {\r\n historyResult.messages.splice(length - 1, 1);\r\n length--;\r\n historyResult.count--;\r\n }\r\n // will load more history if last message is album grouped (because it can be not last item)\r\n const historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n // historyResult.messages: desc sorted\r\n if (length && historyResult.messages[length - 1].grouped_id && (historyStorage.history.length + historyResult.messages.length) < historyResult.count) {\r\n return this.requestHistory(peerID, historyResult.messages[length - 1].mid, 10, 0).then((_historyResult) => {\r\n return historyResult;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // don't need the intro now\r\n /* if(peerID < 0 || !appUsersManager.isBot(peerID) || (length == limit && limit < historyResult.count)) {\r\n return historyResult;\r\n } */\r\n return historyResult;\r\n /* return appProfileManager.getProfile(peerID).then((userFull: any) => {\r\n var description = userFull.bot_info && userFull.bot_info.description;\r\n if(description) {\r\n var messageID = this.tempID--;\r\n var message = {\r\n _: 'messageService',\r\n id: messageID,\r\n from_id: peerID,\r\n to_id: appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(peerID),\r\n flags: 0,\r\n pFlags: {},\r\n date: tsNow(true) + serverTimeManager.serverTimeOffset,\r\n action: {\r\n _: 'messageActionBotIntro',\r\n description: description\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n this.saveMessages([message]);\r\n historyResult.messages.push(message);\r\n if(historyResult.count) {\r\n historyResult.count++;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n return historyResult;\r\n }); */\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n switch (error.type) {\r\n case 'CHANNEL_PRIVATE':\r\n let channel = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-peerID);\r\n channel = { _: 'channelForbidden', access_hash: channel.access_hash, title: channel.title };\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updates',\r\n updates: [{\r\n _: 'updateChannel',\r\n channel_id: -peerID\r\n }],\r\n chats: [channel],\r\n users: []\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n throw error;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n fetchSingleMessages() {\r\n if (this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise) {\r\n return this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise;\r\n }\r\n const mids = this.needSingleMessages.slice();\r\n this.needSingleMessages.length = 0;\r\n const splitted = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.splitMessageIDsByChannels(mids);\r\n let promises = [];\r\n Object.keys(splitted.msgIDs).forEach((channelID) => {\r\n channelID = +channelID;\r\n const msgIDs = splitted.msgIDs[channelID].map((msgID) => {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputMessageID',\r\n id: msgID\r\n };\r\n });\r\n let promise;\r\n if (channelID > 0) {\r\n promise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.getMessages', {\r\n channel: appChatsManager_1.default.getChannelInput(channelID),\r\n id: msgIDs\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n promise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getMessages', {\r\n id: msgIDs\r\n });\r\n }\r\n promises.push(promise.then(getMessagesResult => {\r\n if (getMessagesResult._ != 'messages.messagesNotModified') {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(getMessagesResult.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(getMessagesResult.chats);\r\n this.saveMessages(getMessagesResult.messages);\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('messages_downloaded', splitted.mids[+channelID]);\r\n }));\r\n });\r\n this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise = Promise.all(promises).finally(() => {\r\n this.fetchSingleMessagesTimeout = 0;\r\n this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise = null;\r\n if (this.needSingleMessages.length)\r\n this.fetchSingleMessages();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n wrapSingleMessage(msgID, overwrite = false) {\r\n if (this.messagesStorage[msgID] && !overwrite) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('messages_downloaded', [msgID]);\r\n }\r\n else if (this.needSingleMessages.indexOf(msgID) == -1) {\r\n this.needSingleMessages.push(msgID);\r\n if (this.fetchSingleMessagesTimeout == 0) {\r\n this.fetchSingleMessagesTimeout = window.setTimeout(this.fetchSingleMessages.bind(this), 10);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setTyping(action) {\r\n if (!utils_1.$rootScope.myID)\r\n return Promise.resolve(false);\r\n if (typeof (action) == 'string') {\r\n action = { _: action };\r\n }\r\n let input = appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(utils_1.$rootScope.myID);\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.setTyping', {\r\n peer: input,\r\n action: action\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppMessagesManager = AppMessagesManager;\r\nconst appMessagesManager = new AppMessagesManager();\r\nexports.default = appMessagesManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appPeersManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appPeersManager.ts", "index": 42, "index2": 33, "size": 7100, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": 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HTML-color IRC-color Description\r\n #c03d33 4 red\r\n #4fad2d 3 green\r\n #d09306 7 yellow\r\n #168acd 10 blue\r\n #8544d6 6 purple\r\n #cd4073 13 pink\r\n #2996ad 11 sea\r\n #ce671b 5 orange\r\n */\r\nconst DialogColorsFg = ['#c03d33', '#4fad2d', '#d09306', '#168acd', '#8544d6', '#cd4073', '#2996ad', '#ce671b'];\r\nconst DialogColors = ['#e17076', '#7bc862', '#e5ca77', '#65AADD', '#a695e7', '#ee7aae', '#6ec9cb', '#faa774'];\r\nconst DialogColorsMap = [0, 7, 4, 1, 6, 3, 5];\r\nclass AppPeersManager {\r\n getPeerPhoto(peerID) {\r\n return peerID > 0\r\n ? appUsersManager_1.default.getUserPhoto(peerID)\r\n : appChatsManager_1.default.getChatPhoto(-peerID);\r\n }\r\n getPeerMigratedTo(peerID) {\r\n if (peerID >= 0) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n let chat = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-peerID);\r\n if (chat && chat.migrated_to && chat.pFlags.deactivated) {\r\n return this.getPeerID(chat.migrated_to);\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n getPeerTitle(peerID, plainText = false, onlyFirstName = false) {\r\n let peer = {};\r\n if (!utils_1.isObject(peerID)) {\r\n peer = this.getPeer(peerID);\r\n }\r\n else\r\n peer = peerID;\r\n let title = '';\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n if (peer.first_name)\r\n title += peer.first_name;\r\n if (peer.last_name)\r\n title += ' ' + peer.last_name;\r\n if (!title)\r\n title = peer.pFlags.deleted ? 'Deleted account' : peer.username;\r\n else\r\n title = title.trim();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n title = peer.title;\r\n }\r\n if (onlyFirstName) {\r\n title = title.split(' ')[0];\r\n }\r\n return plainText ? title : richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(title);\r\n }\r\n getOutputPeer(peerID) {\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n return { _: 'peerUser', user_id: peerID };\r\n }\r\n let chatID = -peerID;\r\n if (appChatsManager_1.default.isChannel(chatID)) {\r\n return { _: 'peerChannel', channel_id: chatID };\r\n }\r\n return { _: 'peerChat', chat_id: chatID };\r\n }\r\n getPeerString(peerID) {\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n return appUsersManager_1.default.getUserString(peerID);\r\n }\r\n return appChatsManager_1.default.getChatString(-peerID);\r\n }\r\n getPeerUsername(peerID) {\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n return appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(peerID).username || '';\r\n }\r\n return appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-peerID).username || '';\r\n }\r\n getPeer(peerID) {\r\n return peerID > 0\r\n ? appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(peerID)\r\n : appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-peerID);\r\n }\r\n getPeerID(peerString /* Peer | number | string */) {\r\n if (typeof (peerString) === 'number')\r\n return peerString;\r\n else if (utils_1.isObject(peerString))\r\n return peerString.user_id ? peerString.user_id : -(peerString.channel_id || peerString.chat_id);\r\n else if (!peerString)\r\n return 0;\r\n const isUser = peerString.charAt(0) == 'u';\r\n const peerParams = peerString.substr(1).split('_');\r\n return isUser ? peerParams[0] : -peerParams[0] || 0;\r\n }\r\n isChannel(peerID) {\r\n return (peerID < 0) && appChatsManager_1.default.isChannel(-peerID);\r\n }\r\n isMegagroup(peerID) {\r\n return (peerID < 0) && appChatsManager_1.default.isMegagroup(-peerID);\r\n }\r\n isAnyGroup(peerID) {\r\n return (peerID < 0) && !appChatsManager_1.default.isBroadcast(-peerID);\r\n }\r\n isBroadcast(id) {\r\n return this.isChannel(id) && !this.isMegagroup(id);\r\n }\r\n isBot(peerID) {\r\n return (peerID > 0) && appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(peerID);\r\n }\r\n getInputPeer(peerString) {\r\n var firstChar = peerString.charAt(0);\r\n var peerParams = peerString.substr(1).split('_');\r\n let id = +peerParams[0];\r\n if (firstChar == 'u') {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveUserAccess(id, peerParams[1]);\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputPeerUser',\r\n user_id: id,\r\n access_hash: peerParams[1]\r\n };\r\n }\r\n else if (firstChar == 'c' || firstChar == 's') {\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveChannelAccess(id, peerParams[1]);\r\n if (firstChar == 's') {\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveIsMegagroup(id);\r\n }\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputPeerChannel',\r\n channel_id: id,\r\n access_hash: peerParams[1] || '0'\r\n };\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputPeerChat',\r\n chat_id: id\r\n };\r\n }\r\n }\r\n getInputPeerByID(peerID) {\r\n if (!peerID) {\r\n return { _: 'inputPeerEmpty' };\r\n }\r\n if (peerID < 0) {\r\n const chatID = -peerID;\r\n if (!appChatsManager_1.default.isChannel(chatID)) {\r\n return appChatsManager_1.default.getChatInputPeer(chatID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return appChatsManager_1.default.getChannelInputPeer(chatID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputPeerUser',\r\n user_id: peerID,\r\n access_hash: appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(peerID).access_hash\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getInputDialogPeerByID(peerID) {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputDialogPeer',\r\n peer: this.getInputPeerByID(peerID)\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getPeerColorByID(peerID, pic = true) {\r\n const idx = DialogColorsMap[(peerID < 0 ? -peerID : peerID) % 7];\r\n const color = (pic ? DialogColors : DialogColorsFg)[idx];\r\n return color;\r\n }\r\n getPeerSearchText(peerID) {\r\n let text;\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n text = '%pu ' + appUsersManager_1.default.getUserSearchText(peerID);\r\n }\r\n else if (peerID < 0) {\r\n const chat = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-peerID);\r\n text = '%pg ' + (chat.title || '');\r\n }\r\n return text;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppPeersManager = AppPeersManager;\r\nconst appPeersManager = new AppPeersManager();\r\nexports.default = appPeersManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appChatsManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appChatsManager.ts", "index": 40, "index2": 48, "size": 16290, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": 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reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppChatsManager = void 0;\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst apiUpdatesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./apiUpdatesManager\"));\r\nconst appProfileManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appProfileManager\"));\r\nconst searchIndexManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../searchIndexManager\"));\r\nclass AppChatsManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.chats = {};\r\n this.usernames = {};\r\n this.channelAccess = {};\r\n this.megagroups = {};\r\n this.cachedPhotoLocations = {};\r\n this.megagroupOnlines = {};\r\n this.onChatUpdated = (chatID, updates) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n if (updates &&\r\n updates.updates &&\r\n updates.updates.length &&\r\n this.isChannel(chatID)) {\r\n appProfileManager_1.default.invalidateChannelParticipants(chatID);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e) => {\r\n // console.log('on apiUpdate', update)\r\n const update = e.detail;\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateChannel':\r\n const channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n //console.log('updateChannel:', update);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('channel_settings', { channelID: channelID });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n saveApiChats(apiChats) {\r\n apiChats.forEach(chat => this.saveApiChat(chat));\r\n }\r\n saveApiChat(apiChat) {\r\n if (!utils_1.isObject(apiChat)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n apiChat.rTitle = apiChat.title || 'chat_title_deleted';\r\n apiChat.rTitle = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(apiChat.title, { noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true }) || 'chat_title_deleted';\r\n let oldChat = this.chats[apiChat.id];\r\n let titleWords = searchIndexManager_1.default.cleanSearchText(apiChat.title || '', false).split(' ');\r\n let firstWord = titleWords.shift();\r\n let lastWord = titleWords.pop();\r\n apiChat.initials = firstWord.charAt(0) + (lastWord ? lastWord.charAt(0) : '');\r\n if (apiChat.pFlags === undefined) {\r\n apiChat.pFlags = {};\r\n }\r\n if (apiChat.pFlags.min) {\r\n if (oldChat !== undefined) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (apiChat._ == 'channel' &&\r\n apiChat.participants_count === undefined &&\r\n oldChat !== undefined &&\r\n oldChat.participants_count) {\r\n apiChat.participants_count = oldChat.participants_count;\r\n }\r\n if (apiChat.username) {\r\n let searchUsername = searchIndexManager_1.default.cleanUsername(apiChat.username);\r\n this.usernames[searchUsername] = apiChat.id;\r\n }\r\n let changedPhoto = false;\r\n if (oldChat === undefined) {\r\n oldChat = this.chats[apiChat.id] = apiChat;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let oldPhoto = oldChat.photo && oldChat.photo.photo_small;\r\n let newPhoto = apiChat.photo && apiChat.photo.photo_small;\r\n if (JSON.stringify(oldPhoto) !== JSON.stringify(newPhoto)) {\r\n changedPhoto = true;\r\n }\r\n utils_1.safeReplaceObject(oldChat, apiChat);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('chat_update', apiChat.id);\r\n }\r\n if (this.cachedPhotoLocations[apiChat.id] !== undefined) {\r\n utils_1.safeReplaceObject(this.cachedPhotoLocations[apiChat.id], apiChat &&\r\n apiChat.photo ? apiChat.photo : { empty: true });\r\n }\r\n if (changedPhoto) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('avatar_update', -apiChat.id);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n getChat(id) {\r\n if (id < 0)\r\n id = -id;\r\n return this.chats[id] || { _: 'chatEmpty', id: id, deleted: true, access_hash: this.channelAccess[id] };\r\n }\r\n hasRights(id, action) {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n const chat = this.getChat(id);\r\n if (chat._ == 'chatEmpty')\r\n return false;\r\n if (chat._ == 'chatForbidden' ||\r\n chat._ == 'channelForbidden' ||\r\n chat.pFlags.kicked ||\r\n chat.pFlags.left) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (chat.pFlags.creator) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n let myFlags = (_b = (_a = (chat.admin_rights || chat.banned_rights || chat.default_banned_rights)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.pFlags) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {};\r\n switch (action) {\r\n // good\r\n case 'send': {\r\n if (chat._ == 'channel' &&\r\n !chat.pFlags.megagroup &&\r\n !myFlags.post_messages) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n // good\r\n case 'deleteRevoke': {\r\n if (chat._ == 'channel') {\r\n return !!myFlags.delete_messages;\r\n }\r\n else if (!chat.pFlags.admin) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n // good\r\n case 'pin': {\r\n if (chat._ == 'channel') {\r\n return chat.admin_rights ? !!myFlags.pin_messages || !!myFlags.post_messages : !myFlags.pin_messages;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (myFlags.pin_messages && !chat.pFlags.admin) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'edit_title':\r\n case 'edit_photo':\r\n case 'invite': {\r\n if (chat._ == 'channel') {\r\n if (chat.pFlags.megagroup) {\r\n if (!(action == 'invite' && chat.pFlags.democracy)) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (chat.pFlags.admins_enabled &&\r\n !chat.pFlags.admin) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n resolveUsername(username) {\r\n return this.usernames[username] || 0;\r\n }\r\n saveChannelAccess(id, accessHash) {\r\n this.channelAccess[id] = accessHash;\r\n }\r\n saveIsMegagroup(id) {\r\n this.megagroups[id] = true;\r\n }\r\n isChannel(id) {\r\n if (id < 0)\r\n id = -id;\r\n let chat = this.chats[id];\r\n if (chat && (chat._ == 'channel' || chat._ == 'channelForbidden') || this.channelAccess[id]) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n isMegagroup(id) {\r\n if (this.megagroups[id]) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n let chat = this.chats[id];\r\n if (chat && chat._ == 'channel' && chat.pFlags.megagroup) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n isBroadcast(id) {\r\n return this.isChannel(id) && !this.isMegagroup(id);\r\n }\r\n getChannelInput(id) {\r\n if (id < 0)\r\n id = -id;\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputChannel',\r\n channel_id: id,\r\n access_hash: this.getChat(id).access_hash || this.channelAccess[id] || 0\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getChatInputPeer(id) {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputPeerChat',\r\n chat_id: id\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getChannelInputPeer(id) {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputPeerChannel',\r\n channel_id: id,\r\n access_hash: this.getChat(id).access_hash || this.channelAccess[id] || 0\r\n };\r\n }\r\n hasChat(id, allowMin) {\r\n let chat = this.chats[id];\r\n return utils_1.isObject(chat) && (allowMin || !chat.pFlags.min);\r\n }\r\n getChatPhoto(id) {\r\n let chat = this.getChat(id);\r\n if (this.cachedPhotoLocations[id] === undefined) {\r\n this.cachedPhotoLocations[id] = chat && chat.photo ? chat.photo : { empty: true };\r\n }\r\n return this.cachedPhotoLocations[id];\r\n }\r\n getChatString(id) {\r\n let chat = this.getChat(id);\r\n if (this.isChannel(id)) {\r\n return (this.isMegagroup(id) ? 's' : 'c') + id + '_' + chat.access_hash;\r\n }\r\n return 'g' + id;\r\n }\r\n getChatMembersString(id) {\r\n var _a;\r\n const chat = this.getChat(id);\r\n const isChannel = this.isBroadcast(id);\r\n const participants_count = chat.participants_count || ((_a = chat.participants) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.participants.length) || 0;\r\n return utils_1.numberWithCommas(participants_count) + ' ' + (isChannel ? 'followers' : 'members');\r\n }\r\n wrapForFull(id, fullChat) {\r\n let chatFull = utils_1.copy(fullChat);\r\n let chat = this.getChat(id);\r\n if (!chatFull.participants_count) {\r\n chatFull.participants_count = chat.participants_count;\r\n }\r\n if (chatFull.participants &&\r\n chatFull.participants._ == 'chatParticipants') {\r\n chatFull.participants.participants = this.wrapParticipants(id, chatFull.participants.participants);\r\n }\r\n if (chatFull.about) {\r\n chatFull.rAbout = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(chatFull.about, { noLinebreaks: true });\r\n }\r\n chatFull.peerString = this.getChatString(id);\r\n chatFull.chat = chat;\r\n return chatFull;\r\n }\r\n wrapParticipants(id, participants) {\r\n let chat = this.getChat(id);\r\n let myID = appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf().id;\r\n if (this.isChannel(id)) {\r\n let isAdmin = chat.pFlags.creator;\r\n participants.forEach((participant) => {\r\n participant.canLeave = myID == participant.user_id;\r\n participant.canKick = isAdmin && participant._ == 'channelParticipant';\r\n // just for order by last seen\r\n participant.user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(participant.user_id);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let isAdmin = chat.pFlags.creator || chat.pFlags.admins_enabled && chat.pFlags.admin;\r\n participants.forEach((participant) => {\r\n participant.canLeave = myID == participant.user_id;\r\n participant.canKick = !participant.canLeave && (chat.pFlags.creator ||\r\n participant._ == 'chatParticipant' && (isAdmin || myID == participant.inviter_id));\r\n // just for order by last seen\r\n participant.user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(participant.user_id);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return participants;\r\n }\r\n createChannel(title, about) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.createChannel', {\r\n flags: 1,\r\n broadcast: true,\r\n title: title,\r\n about: about\r\n }).then((updates) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n return updates.chats[0].id;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n inviteToChannel(id, userIDs) {\r\n let input = this.getChannelInput(id);\r\n let usersInputs = userIDs.map(u => appUsersManager_1.default.getUserInput(u));\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.inviteToChannel', {\r\n channel: input,\r\n users: usersInputs\r\n }).then(updates => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n createChat(title, userIDs) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.createChat', {\r\n users: userIDs.map(u => appUsersManager_1.default.getUserInput(u)),\r\n title: title\r\n }).then(updates => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n return updates.chats[0].id;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n editPhoto(id, inputFile) {\r\n const isChannel = this.isChannel(id);\r\n const inputChatPhoto = {\r\n _: 'inputChatUploadedPhoto',\r\n file: inputFile\r\n };\r\n if (isChannel) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.editPhoto', {\r\n channel: this.getChannelInput(id),\r\n photo: inputChatPhoto\r\n }).then(updates => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.editChatPhoto', {\r\n chat_id: id,\r\n photo: inputChatPhoto\r\n }).then(updates => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n getOnlines(id) {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (this.isMegagroup(id)) {\r\n let timestamp = Date.now() / 1000 | 0;\r\n let cached = (_a = this.megagroupOnlines[id]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.megagroupOnlines[id] = { timestamp: 0, onlines: 1 });\r\n if ((timestamp - cached.timestamp) < 60) {\r\n return cached.onlines;\r\n }\r\n let res = yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getOnlines', {\r\n peer: this.getChannelInputPeer(id)\r\n });\r\n let onlines = (_b = res.onlines) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 1;\r\n cached.timestamp = timestamp;\r\n cached.onlines = onlines;\r\n return onlines;\r\n }\r\n else if (this.isBroadcast(id)) {\r\n return 1;\r\n }\r\n let chatInfo = appProfileManager_1.default.getChatFull(id);\r\n if (chatInfo._ == 'chatFull' && chatInfo.participants && chatInfo.participants.participants) {\r\n let participants = chatInfo.participants.participants;\r\n return participants.reduce((acc, participant) => {\r\n let user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(participant.user_id);\r\n if (user && user.status && user.status._ == 'userStatusOnline') {\r\n return acc + 1;\r\n }\r\n return acc;\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return 1;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n leaveChannel(id) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.leaveChannel', {\r\n channel: this.getChannelInput(id)\r\n }).then(this.onChatUpdated.bind(this, id));\r\n }\r\n joinChannel(id) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.joinChannel', {\r\n channel: this.getChannelInput(id)\r\n }).then(this.onChatUpdated.bind(this, id));\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppChatsManager = AppChatsManager;\r\nexports.default = new AppChatsManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "index": 38, "index2": 104, "size": 114943, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "issuerId": 31, "issuerName": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, 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"providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppImManager = void 0;\r\n//import apiManager from '../mtproto/apiManager';\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appProfileManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appProfileManager\"));\r\nconst appDialogsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDialogsManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst appSidebarRight_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appSidebarRight\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst appMediaViewer_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMediaViewer\"));\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst wrappers_1 = require(\"../../components/wrappers\");\r\nconst preloader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/preloader\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../components/misc\");\r\nconst input_1 = require(\"../../components/chat/input\");\r\n//import Scrollable from '../../components/scrollable';\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst bubbleGroups_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/bubbleGroups\"));\r\nconst lazyLoadQueue_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/lazyLoadQueue\"));\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst appForward_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/appForward\"));\r\nconst appStickersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appStickersManager\"));\r\nconst avatar_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/avatar\"));\r\nconst AppInlineBotsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./AppInlineBotsManager\"));\r\nconst stickyIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/stickyIntersector\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../config\");\r\nconst animationIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/animationIntersector\"));\r\nconst popupStickers_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/popupStickers\"));\r\nconst popupDatepicker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/popupDatepicker\"));\r\nconst appPollsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPollsManager\"));\r\nconst ripple_1 = require(\"../../components/ripple\");\r\nconst horizontalMenu_1 = require(\"../../components/horizontalMenu\");\r\nconst audio_1 = require(\"../../components/chat/audio\");\r\nconst contextMenu_1 = require(\"../../components/chat/contextMenu\");\r\nconst search_1 = require(\"../../components/chat/search\");\r\n//console.log('appImManager included33!');\r\nappSidebarLeft_1.default; // just to include\r\nconst testScroll = false;\r\nconst ANIMATIONGROUP = 'chat';\r\nclass AppImManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.columnEl = document.getElementById('column-center');\r\n this.btnJoin = this.columnEl.querySelector('.chat-join');\r\n this.btnMute = this.columnEl.querySelector('.chat-mute-button');\r\n this.avatarEl = document.getElementById('im-avatar');\r\n this.titleEl = document.getElementById('im-title');\r\n this.subtitleEl = document.getElementById('im-subtitle');\r\n this.bubblesContainer = document.getElementById('bubbles');\r\n this.chatInner = document.getElementById('bubbles-inner');\r\n this.searchBtn = this.columnEl.querySelector('.chat-search-button');\r\n this.goDownBtn = this.columnEl.querySelector('#bubbles-go-down');\r\n this.menuButtons = {};\r\n this.myID = 0;\r\n this.peerID = 0;\r\n this.bubbles = {};\r\n this.dateMessages = {};\r\n this.unreadOut = new Set();\r\n this.needUpdate = []; // if need wrapSingleMessage\r\n this.offline = false;\r\n this.updateStatusInterval = 0;\r\n this.pinnedMsgID = 0;\r\n this.pinnedMessageContainer = null;\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue = new lazyLoadQueue_1.default();\r\n this.scroll = null;\r\n this.scrollable = null;\r\n this.preloader = null;\r\n this.typingTimeouts = {};\r\n this.typingUsers = {}; // to peerID\r\n this.topbar = document.getElementById('topbar');\r\n this.chatInput = document.getElementById('chat-input');\r\n this.chatInfo = this.columnEl.querySelector('.chat-info');\r\n this.contextMenu = new contextMenu_1.ChatContextMenu(this.bubblesContainer);\r\n this.setPeerPromise = null;\r\n this.bubbleGroups = new bubbleGroups_1.default();\r\n this.scrolledDown = true;\r\n this.onScrollRAF = 0;\r\n this.isScrollingTimeout = 0;\r\n this.unreadedObserver = null;\r\n this.unreaded = [];\r\n this.loadedTopTimes = 0;\r\n this.loadedBottomTimes = 0;\r\n this.messagesQueuePromise = null;\r\n this.messagesQueue = [];\r\n this.messagesQueueOnRender = null;\r\n this.firstUnreadBubble = null;\r\n this.stickyIntersector = null;\r\n this.cleanupID = 0;\r\n this.selectTab = horizontalMenu_1.horizontalMenu(null, document.getElementById('main-columns'));\r\n this.closeBtn = this.topbar.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n this.onDatePick = (timestamp) => {\r\n const peerID = this.peerID;\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.requestHistory(peerID, 0, 2, -1, timestamp).then(history => {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (!((_a = history === null || history === void 0 ? void 0 : history.messages) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length)) {\r\n this.log.error('no history!');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (this.peerID != peerID) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n appImManager.setPeer(this.peerID, history.messages[0].mid);\r\n //console.log('got history date:', history);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('IM', logger_1.LogLevels.log | logger_1.LogLevels.warn | logger_1.LogLevels.debug | logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n this.chatInputC = new input_1.ChatInput();\r\n this.preloader = new preloader_1.default(null, false);\r\n this.selectTab(0);\r\n misc_1.parseMenuButtonsTo(this.menuButtons, this.columnEl.querySelector('.chat-more-button').firstElementChild.children);\r\n this.chatAudio = new audio_1.ChatAudio();\r\n this.chatInfo.nextElementSibling.prepend(this.chatAudio.container);\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.getUserID().then((id) => {\r\n this.myID = utils_1.$rootScope.myID = id;\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('user_auth', (e) => {\r\n let userAuth = e.detail;\r\n this.myID = utils_1.$rootScope.myID = userAuth ? userAuth.id : 0;\r\n });\r\n // will call when message is sent (only 1)\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('history_append', (e) => {\r\n let details = e.detail;\r\n if (!this.scrolledAllDown) {\r\n this.setPeer(this.peerID, 0);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.renderNewMessagesByIDs([details.messageID], true);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n // will call when sent for update pos\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('history_update', (e) => {\r\n let details = e.detail;\r\n if (details.mid && details.peerID == this.peerID) {\r\n let mid = details.mid;\r\n let bubble = this.bubbles[mid];\r\n if (!bubble)\r\n return;\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n //this.log('history_update', this.bubbles[mid], mid, message);\r\n let dateMessage = this.getDateContainerByMessage(message, false);\r\n dateMessage.container.append(bubble);\r\n this.bubbleGroups.addBubble(bubble, message, false);\r\n //this.renderMessage(message, false, false, bubble);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('history_multiappend', (e) => {\r\n let msgIDsByPeer = e.detail;\r\n if (!(this.peerID in msgIDsByPeer))\r\n return;\r\n let msgIDs = msgIDsByPeer[this.peerID];\r\n this.renderNewMessagesByIDs(msgIDs);\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('history_delete', (e) => {\r\n let detail = e.detail;\r\n this.deleteMessagesByIDs(Object.keys(detail.msgs).map(s => +s));\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('dialog_flush', (e) => {\r\n let peerID = e.detail.peerID;\r\n if (this.peerID == peerID) {\r\n this.deleteMessagesByIDs(Object.keys(this.bubbles).map(m => +m));\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('chat_update', (e) => {\r\n var _a;\r\n const peerID = e.detail;\r\n if (this.peerID == -peerID) {\r\n const chat = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(peerID);\r\n this.btnJoin.classList.toggle('hide', !((_a = chat === null || chat === void 0 ? void 0 : chat.pFlags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.left));\r\n }\r\n });\r\n // Calls when message successfully sent and we have an ID\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('message_sent', (e) => {\r\n var _a, _b, _c;\r\n const { tempID, mid } = e.detail;\r\n this.log('message_sent', e.detail);\r\n // set cached url to media\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n if (message.media) {\r\n if (message.media.photo) {\r\n const photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.getPhoto('' + tempID);\r\n if ( /* photo._ != 'photoEmpty' */photo) {\r\n const newPhoto = message.media.photo;\r\n newPhoto.downloaded = photo.downloaded;\r\n newPhoto.url = photo.url;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (message.media.document) {\r\n const doc = appDocsManager_1.default.getDoc('' + tempID);\r\n if ( /* doc._ != 'documentEmpty' && */(doc === null || doc === void 0 ? void 0 : doc.type) && doc.type != 'sticker') {\r\n const newDoc = message.media.document;\r\n newDoc.downloaded = doc.downloaded;\r\n newDoc.url = doc.url;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n let bubble = this.bubbles[tempID];\r\n if (bubble) {\r\n this.bubbles[mid] = bubble;\r\n /////this.log('message_sent', bubble);\r\n // set new mids to album items for mediaViewer\r\n if (message.grouped_id) {\r\n let items = bubble.querySelectorAll('.album-item');\r\n let groupIDs = utils_1.getObjectKeysAndSort(appMessagesManager_1.default.groupedMessagesStorage[message.grouped_id]);\r\n Array.from(items).forEach((item, idx) => {\r\n item.dataset.mid = '' + groupIDs[idx];\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if ((_a = message.media) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.poll) {\r\n const newPoll = message.media.poll;\r\n const pollElement = bubble.querySelector('poll-element');\r\n if (pollElement) {\r\n pollElement.setAttribute('poll-id', newPoll.id);\r\n pollElement.setAttribute('message-id', '' + mid);\r\n delete appPollsManager_1.default.polls[tempID];\r\n delete appPollsManager_1.default.results[tempID];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (['audio', 'voice'].includes((_c = (_b = message.media) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.document) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.type)) {\r\n const audio = bubble.querySelector('audio-element');\r\n audio.setAttribute('doc-id', message.media.document.id);\r\n audio.setAttribute('message-id', '' + mid);\r\n }\r\n bubble.classList.remove('is-sending');\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-sent');\r\n bubble.dataset.mid = '' + mid;\r\n this.bubbleGroups.removeBubble(bubble, tempID);\r\n delete this.bubbles[tempID];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.log.warn('message_sent there is no bubble', e.detail);\r\n }\r\n if (this.unreadOut.has(tempID)) {\r\n this.unreadOut.delete(tempID);\r\n this.unreadOut.add(mid);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('message_edit', (e) => {\r\n let { peerID, mid, id, justMedia } = e.detail;\r\n if (peerID != this.peerID)\r\n return;\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n let bubble = this.bubbles[mid];\r\n if (!bubble && message.grouped_id) {\r\n let a = this.getAlbumBubble(message.grouped_id);\r\n bubble = a.bubble;\r\n message = a.message;\r\n }\r\n if (!bubble)\r\n return;\r\n this.renderMessage(message, true, false, bubble, false);\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('messages_downloaded', (e) => {\r\n const mids = e.detail;\r\n const pinnedMessage = appMessagesManager_1.default.getPinnedMessage(this.peerID);\r\n mids.forEach(mid => {\r\n if (pinnedMessage.mid == mid) {\r\n (this.messagesQueuePromise || Promise.resolve()).then(() => {\r\n this.setPinnedMessage(pinnedMessage);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n this.needUpdate.forEachReverse((obj, idx) => {\r\n if (obj.replyMid == mid) {\r\n let { mid, replyMid } = this.needUpdate.splice(idx, 1)[0];\r\n //this.log('messages_downloaded', mid, replyMid, i, this.needUpdate, this.needUpdate.length, mids, this.bubbles[mid]);\r\n let bubble = this.bubbles[mid];\r\n if (!bubble)\r\n return;\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n let repliedMessage = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(replyMid);\r\n if (repliedMessage.deleted) { // чтобы не пыталось бесконечно загрузить удалённое сообщение\r\n delete message.reply_to_mid; // WARNING!\r\n }\r\n this.renderMessage(message, true, false, bubble, false);\r\n //this.renderMessage(message, true, true, bubble, false);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e) => {\r\n let update = e.detail;\r\n this.handleUpdate(update);\r\n });\r\n window.addEventListener('blur', () => {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(true);\r\n this.offline = utils_1.$rootScope.idle.isIDLE = true;\r\n this.updateStatus();\r\n clearInterval(this.updateStatusInterval);\r\n window.addEventListener('focus', () => {\r\n this.offline = utils_1.$rootScope.idle.isIDLE = false;\r\n this.updateStatus();\r\n this.updateStatusInterval = window.setInterval(() => this.updateStatus(), 50e3);\r\n // в обратном порядке\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(false);\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n });\r\n this.topbar.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n const pinned = utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'pinned-container');\r\n if (pinned) {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n const mid = +pinned.dataset.mid;\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n this.setPeer(message.peerID, mid);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.toggleSidebar(true);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.bubblesContainer.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n let bubble = null;\r\n try {\r\n bubble = utils_1.findUpClassName(target, 'bubble');\r\n }\r\n catch (err) { }\r\n if (!bubble)\r\n return;\r\n if (bubble.classList.contains('is-date') && utils_1.findUpClassName(target, 'bubble__container')) {\r\n if (bubble.classList.contains('is-sticky') && !this.chatInner.classList.contains('is-scrolling')) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n for (let timestamp in this.dateMessages) {\r\n let d = this.dateMessages[timestamp];\r\n if (d.div == bubble) {\r\n new popupDatepicker_1.default(new Date(+timestamp), this.onDatePick).show();\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let contactDiv = utils_1.findUpClassName(target, 'contact');\r\n if (contactDiv) {\r\n this.setPeer(+contactDiv.dataset.peerID);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //this.log('chatInner click:', target);\r\n const isVideoComponentElement = target.tagName == 'SPAN';\r\n /* if(isVideoComponentElement) {\r\n const video = target.parentElement.querySelector('video') as HTMLElement;\r\n if(video) {\r\n video.click(); // hot-fix for time and play button\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n if (bubble.classList.contains('sticker') && target.parentElement.classList.contains('attachment')) {\r\n const messageID = +bubble.dataset.mid;\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(messageID);\r\n const doc = (_a = message.media) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.document;\r\n if (doc === null || doc === void 0 ? void 0 : doc.stickerSetInput) {\r\n new popupStickers_1.default(doc.stickerSetInput).show();\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if ((target.tagName == 'IMG' && !target.classList.contains('emoji') && target.parentElement.tagName != \"AVATAR-ELEMENT\" && !target.classList.contains('document-thumb'))\r\n || target.classList.contains('album-item')\r\n || isVideoComponentElement\r\n || (target.tagName == 'VIDEO' && !bubble.classList.contains('round'))) {\r\n let messageID = +((_b = utils_1.findUpClassName(target, 'album-item')) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.dataset.mid) || +bubble.dataset.mid;\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(messageID);\r\n if (!message) {\r\n this.log.warn('no message by messageID:', messageID);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let targets = [];\r\n let ids = Object.keys(this.bubbles).map(k => +k).filter(id => {\r\n //if(!this.scrollable.visibleElements.find(e => e.element == this.bubbles[id])) return false;\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(id);\r\n return message.media && (message.media.photo || (message.media.document && (message.media.document.type == 'video' || message.media.document.type == 'gif')) || (message.media.webpage && (message.media.webpage.document || message.media.webpage.photo)));\r\n }).sort((a, b) => a - b);\r\n ids.forEach(id => {\r\n let withTail = this.bubbles[id].classList.contains('with-media-tail');\r\n let str = '.album-item img, .album-item video, .preview img, .preview video, ';\r\n if (withTail) {\r\n str += '.bubble__media-container';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n str += '.attachment img, .attachment video';\r\n }\r\n let elements = this.bubbles[id].querySelectorAll(str);\r\n Array.from(elements).forEach((element) => {\r\n let albumItem = utils_1.findUpClassName(element, 'album-item');\r\n targets.push({\r\n element,\r\n mid: +(albumItem === null || albumItem === void 0 ? void 0 : albumItem.dataset.mid) || id\r\n });\r\n });\r\n });\r\n targets.sort((a, b) => a.mid - b.mid);\r\n let idx = targets.findIndex(t => t.mid == messageID);\r\n this.log('open mediaViewer single with ids:', ids, idx, targets);\r\n if (!targets[idx]) {\r\n this.log('no target for media viewer!', target);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n appMediaViewer_1.default.openMedia(message, targets[idx].element, true, this.scroll.parentElement, targets.slice(0, idx), targets.slice(idx + 1) /* , !message.grouped_id */);\r\n //appMediaViewer.openMedia(message, target as HTMLImageElement);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (['IMG', 'DIV', \"AVATAR-ELEMENT\"].indexOf(target.tagName) === -1)\r\n target = utils_1.findUpTag(target, 'DIV');\r\n if (target.tagName == 'DIV' || target.tagName == \"AVATAR-ELEMENT\") {\r\n if (target.classList.contains('goto-original')) {\r\n let savedFrom = bubble.dataset.savedFrom;\r\n let splitted = savedFrom.split('_');\r\n let peerID = +splitted[0];\r\n let msgID = +splitted[1];\r\n ////this.log('savedFrom', peerID, msgID);\r\n this.setPeer(peerID, msgID);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (target.classList.contains('forward')) {\r\n const mid = +bubble.dataset.mid;\r\n appForward_1.default.init([mid]);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (target.classList.contains('name')) {\r\n let peerID = +target.dataset.peerID;\r\n if (!isNaN(peerID)) {\r\n this.setPeer(peerID);\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (target.tagName == \"AVATAR-ELEMENT\") {\r\n let peerID = +target.getAttribute('peer');\r\n if (!isNaN(peerID)) {\r\n this.setPeer(peerID);\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let isReplyClick = false;\r\n try {\r\n isReplyClick = !!utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'reply');\r\n }\r\n catch (err) { }\r\n if (isReplyClick && bubble.classList.contains('is-reply') /* || bubble.classList.contains('forwarded') */) {\r\n let originalMessageID = +bubble.getAttribute('data-original-mid');\r\n this.setPeer(this.peerID, originalMessageID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (target.tagName == 'IMG' && target.parentElement.tagName == \"AVATAR-ELEMENT\") {\r\n let peerID = +target.parentElement.getAttribute('peer');\r\n if (!isNaN(peerID)) {\r\n this.setPeer(peerID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //console.log('chatInner click', e);\r\n });\r\n this.closeBtn.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n this.setPeer(0);\r\n });\r\n this.searchBtn.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n if (this.peerID) {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.beginSearch();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.btnMute.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n this.mutePeer(this.peerID);\r\n });\r\n this.btnJoin.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n this.btnJoin.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.joinChannel(-this.peerID).finally(() => {\r\n this.btnJoin.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.menuButtons.mute.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n this.mutePeer(this.peerID);\r\n });\r\n this.menuButtons.search.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n new search_1.ChatSearch();\r\n });\r\n let onKeyDown = (e) => {\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n //if(target.tagName == 'INPUT') return;\r\n //this.log('onkeydown', e);\r\n if (this.chatInputC.attachMediaPopUp.container.classList.contains('active')) {\r\n if (target.tagName != 'INPUT') {\r\n this.chatInputC.attachMediaPopUp.captionInput.focus();\r\n }\r\n if (e.key == 'Enter' && !config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n this.chatInputC.attachMediaPopUp.sendBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n else if (e.key == 'Escape') {\r\n this.chatInputC.attachMediaPopUp.container.classList.remove('active');\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (e.key == 'Escape') {\r\n if (appMediaViewer_1.default.wholeDiv.classList.contains('active')) {\r\n appMediaViewer_1.default.buttons.close.click();\r\n }\r\n else if (appForward_1.default.container.classList.contains('active')) {\r\n appForward_1.default.close();\r\n }\r\n else if (this.chatInputC.replyElements.container.classList.contains('active')) {\r\n this.chatInputC.replyElements.cancelBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n else if (this.peerID != 0) { // hide current dialog\r\n this.setPeer(0);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (e.key == 'Meta' || e.key == 'Control') {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (e.code == \"KeyC\" && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && target.tagName != 'INPUT') {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (e.target != this.chatInputC.messageInput && target.tagName != 'INPUT') {\r\n this.chatInputC.messageInput.focus();\r\n utils_1.placeCaretAtEnd(this.chatInputC.messageInput);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n document.body.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);\r\n this.goDownBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(this.peerID)[0];\r\n if (dialog) {\r\n this.setPeer(this.peerID /* , dialog.top_message */);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.log('will scroll down 3');\r\n this.scroll.scrollTop = this.scroll.scrollHeight;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.updateStatusInterval = window.setInterval(() => this.updateStatus(), 50e3);\r\n this.updateStatus();\r\n setInterval(() => this.setPeerStatus(), 60e3);\r\n this.setScroll();\r\n //apiUpdatesManager.attach();\r\n this.stickyIntersector = new stickyIntersector_1.default(this.scrollable.container, (stuck, target) => {\r\n for (let timestamp in this.dateMessages) {\r\n let dateMessage = this.dateMessages[timestamp];\r\n if (dateMessage.container == target) {\r\n dateMessage.div.classList.toggle('is-sticky', stuck);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.unreadedObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {\r\n if (this.offline) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let readed = [];\r\n entries.forEach(entry => {\r\n if (entry.isIntersecting) {\r\n let target = entry.target;\r\n let mid = +target.dataset.mid;\r\n readed.push(mid);\r\n this.unreadedObserver.unobserve(target);\r\n this.unreaded.findAndSplice(id => id == mid);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (readed.length) {\r\n let max = Math.max(...readed);\r\n let length = readed.length;\r\n for (let i = this.unreaded.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\r\n let mid = this.unreaded[i];\r\n if (mid < max) {\r\n length++;\r\n this.unreaded.splice(i, 1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.log('will readHistory by ids:', max, length);\r\n /* if(this.peerID < 0) {\r\n max = appMessagesIDsManager.getMessageIDInfo(max)[0];\r\n } */\r\n //appMessagesManager.readMessages(readed);\r\n /* false && */ appMessagesManager_1.default.readHistory(this.peerID, max, length).catch((err) => {\r\n this.log.error('readHistory err:', err);\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.readHistory(this.peerID, max, length);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n setPinnedMessage(message) {\r\n /////this.log('setting pinned message', message);\r\n //return;\r\n const height = 52;\r\n const scrollTop = this.scrollable.container.scrollTop;\r\n const newPinned = wrappers_1.wrapReply('Pinned Message', message.message, message, true);\r\n newPinned.dataset.mid = '' + message.mid;\r\n newPinned.classList.add('pinned-container');\r\n const close = document.createElement('button');\r\n close.classList.add('pinned-message-close', 'btn-icon', 'tgico-close');\r\n close.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n const scrollTop = this.scrollable.scrollTop;\r\n newPinned.remove();\r\n this.topbar.classList.remove('is-pinned-shown');\r\n this.pinnedMessageContainer = null;\r\n this.scrollable.scrollTop = scrollTop - height;\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n newPinned.append(close);\r\n this.btnJoin.parentElement.insertBefore(newPinned, this.btnJoin);\r\n this.topbar.classList.add('is-pinned-shown');\r\n if (this.pinnedMessageContainer) {\r\n this.pinnedMessageContainer.remove();\r\n }\r\n this.pinnedMessageContainer = newPinned;\r\n //this.pinnedMessageContent.innerHTML = message.rReply;\r\n this.scrollable.scrollTop = scrollTop + height;\r\n }\r\n updateStatus() {\r\n if (!this.myID)\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.setUserStatus(this.myID, this.offline);\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('account.updateStatus', { offline: this.offline });\r\n }\r\n getAlbumBubble(groupID) {\r\n let group = appMessagesManager_1.default.groupedMessagesStorage[groupID];\r\n for (let i in group) {\r\n let mid = +i;\r\n if (this.bubbles[mid])\r\n return {\r\n bubble: this.bubbles[mid],\r\n message: appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid)\r\n };\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n loadMoreHistory(top, justLoad = false) {\r\n //this.log('loadMoreHistory', top);\r\n if (!this.peerID || testScroll || this.setPeerPromise || (top && this.getHistoryTopPromise) || (!top && this.getHistoryBottomPromise))\r\n return;\r\n // warning, если иды только отрицательные то вниз не попадёт (хотя мб и так не попадёт)\r\n let history = Object.keys(this.bubbles).map(id => +id).filter(id => id > 0).sort((a, b) => a - b);\r\n if (!history.length)\r\n return;\r\n if (top && !this.scrolledAll) {\r\n this.log('Will load more (up) history by id:', history[0], 'maxID:', history[history.length - 1], history);\r\n /* if(history.length == 75) {\r\n this.log('load more', this.scrollable.scrollHeight, this.scrollable.scrollTop, this.scrollable);\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n /* false && */ this.getHistory(history[0], true, undefined, undefined, justLoad);\r\n }\r\n if (this.scrolledAllDown)\r\n return;\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(this.peerID)[0];\r\n // if scroll down after search\r\n if (!top && (!dialog || history.indexOf(dialog.top_message) === -1)) {\r\n this.log('Will load more (down) history by maxID:', history[history.length - 1], history);\r\n /* false && */ this.getHistory(history[history.length - 1], false, true, undefined, justLoad);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n onScroll(e) {\r\n if (this.onScrollRAF)\r\n window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.onScrollRAF);\r\n // * В таком случае, кнопка не будет моргать если чат в самом низу, и правильно отработает случай написания нового сообщения и проскролла вниз\r\n if (this.scrollable.scrollLocked && this.scrolledDown)\r\n return;\r\n this.onScrollRAF = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n //lottieLoader.checkAnimations(false, 'chat');\r\n if (!config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n if (this.isScrollingTimeout) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.isScrollingTimeout);\r\n }\r\n else if (!this.chatInner.classList.contains('is-scrolling')) {\r\n this.chatInner.classList.add('is-scrolling');\r\n }\r\n this.isScrollingTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.chatInner.classList.remove('is-scrolling');\r\n this.isScrollingTimeout = 0;\r\n }, 1350);\r\n }\r\n if (this.scroll.scrollHeight - Math.round(this.scroll.scrollTop + this.scroll.offsetHeight) <= 1 /* <= 5 */) {\r\n this.scroll.parentElement.classList.add('scrolled-down');\r\n this.scrolledDown = true;\r\n }\r\n else if (this.scroll.parentElement.classList.contains('scrolled-down')) {\r\n this.scroll.parentElement.classList.remove('scrolled-down');\r\n this.scrolledDown = false;\r\n }\r\n this.onScrollRAF = 0;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n setScroll() {\r\n this.scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.bubblesContainer, 'y', 'IM', this.chatInner, 300);\r\n /* const getScrollOffset = () => {\r\n //return Math.round(Math.max(300, appPhotosManager.windowH / 1.5));\r\n return 300;\r\n };\r\n \r\n window.addEventListener('resize', () => {\r\n this.scrollable.onScrollOffset = getScrollOffset();\r\n });\r\n \r\n this.scrollable = new Scrollable(this.bubblesContainer, 'y', 'IM', this.chatInner, getScrollOffset()); */\r\n this.scroll = this.scrollable.container;\r\n this.bubblesContainer.append(this.goDownBtn);\r\n this.scrollable.onScrolledTop = () => this.loadMoreHistory(true);\r\n this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = () => this.loadMoreHistory(false);\r\n //this.scrollable.attachSentinels(undefined, 300);\r\n this.scroll.addEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll.bind(this));\r\n this.scroll.parentElement.classList.add('scrolled-down');\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n this.scroll.addEventListener('touchmove', () => {\r\n if (this.isScrollingTimeout) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.isScrollingTimeout);\r\n }\r\n else if (!this.chatInner.classList.contains('is-scrolling')) {\r\n this.chatInner.classList.add('is-scrolling');\r\n }\r\n }, { passive: true });\r\n this.scroll.addEventListener('touchend', () => {\r\n if (!this.chatInner.classList.contains('is-scrolling')) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (this.isScrollingTimeout) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.isScrollingTimeout);\r\n }\r\n this.isScrollingTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.chatInner.classList.remove('is-scrolling');\r\n this.isScrollingTimeout = 0;\r\n }, 1350);\r\n }, { passive: true });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setPeerStatus(needClear = false) {\r\n if (!this.myID)\r\n return;\r\n if (this.peerID < 0) { // not human\r\n let chat = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeer(this.peerID);\r\n let isChannel = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(this.peerID) && !appPeersManager_1.default.isMegagroup(this.peerID);\r\n this.subtitleEl.classList.remove('online');\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.subtitle.classList.remove('online');\r\n ///////this.log('setPeerStatus', chat);\r\n if (needClear) {\r\n this.subtitleEl.innerText = appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.subtitle.innerText = '';\r\n }\r\n appProfileManager_1.default.getChatFull(chat.id).then((chatInfo) => {\r\n this.log('chatInfo res:', chatInfo);\r\n let participants_count = chatInfo.participants_count || (chatInfo.participants && chatInfo.participants.participants && chatInfo.participants.participants.length);\r\n if (participants_count) {\r\n let subtitle = utils_1.numberWithCommas(participants_count) + ' ' + (isChannel ? 'followers' : 'members');\r\n this.subtitleEl.innerText = appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.subtitle.innerText = subtitle;\r\n if (participants_count < 2)\r\n return;\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.getOnlines(chat.id).then(onlines => {\r\n if (onlines > 1) {\r\n subtitle += ', ' + utils_1.numberWithCommas(onlines) + ' online';\r\n }\r\n this.subtitleEl.innerText = appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.subtitle.innerText = subtitle;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else if (!appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(this.peerID)) { // user\r\n let user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(this.peerID);\r\n if (this.myID == this.peerID) {\r\n this.subtitleEl.innerText = appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.subtitle.innerText = '';\r\n }\r\n else if (user && user.status) {\r\n let subtitle = appUsersManager_1.default.getUserStatusString(user.id);\r\n if (subtitle == 'online') {\r\n this.subtitleEl.classList.add('online');\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.subtitle.classList.add('online');\r\n }\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.subtitle.innerText = subtitle;\r\n if (this.typingUsers[this.peerID] == this.peerID) {\r\n this.subtitleEl.innerText = 'typing...';\r\n this.subtitleEl.classList.add('online');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.subtitleEl.innerText = subtitle;\r\n if (subtitle != 'online') {\r\n this.subtitleEl.classList.remove('online');\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.subtitle.classList.remove('online');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.subtitleEl.innerText = 'bot';\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.subtitle.innerText = 'bot';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n cleanup(bubblesToo = false) {\r\n ////console.time('appImManager cleanup');\r\n this.scrolledAll = false;\r\n this.scrolledAllDown = false;\r\n this.bubbles = {};\r\n this.dateMessages = {};\r\n this.bubbleGroups.cleanup();\r\n this.unreadOut.clear();\r\n this.needUpdate.length = 0;\r\n //this.lazyLoadQueue.clear();\r\n // clear input \r\n this.chatInputC.messageInput.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.chatInputC.replyElements.cancelBtn.click();\r\n // clear messages\r\n if (bubblesToo) {\r\n this.scrollable.container.innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n this.peerChanged = false;\r\n this.firstUnreadBubble = null;\r\n this.attachedUnreadBubble = false;\r\n this.messagesQueue.length = 0;\r\n this.messagesQueuePromise = null;\r\n this.getHistoryTopPromise = this.getHistoryBottomPromise = undefined;\r\n this.stickyIntersector.disconnect();\r\n this.unreadedObserver.disconnect();\r\n this.unreaded.length = 0;\r\n this.loadedTopTimes = this.loadedBottomTimes = 0;\r\n this.cleanupID++;\r\n ////console.timeEnd('appImManager cleanup');\r\n }\r\n findMountedBubbleByMsgID(mid) {\r\n return this.bubbles[utils_1.getObjectKeysAndSort(this.bubbles).find(id => {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (id < mid)\r\n return false;\r\n return !!((_a = this.bubbles[id]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.parentElement);\r\n })];\r\n }\r\n setPeer(peerID, lastMsgID) {\r\n var _a;\r\n //console.time('appImManager setPeer');\r\n //console.time('appImManager setPeer pre promise');\r\n ////console.time('appImManager: pre render start');\r\n if (peerID == 0) {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.toggleSidebar(false);\r\n this.topbar.style.display = this.chatInput.style.display = this.goDownBtn.style.display = 'none';\r\n this.cleanup(true);\r\n this.peerID = utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID = 0;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('peer_changed', this.peerID);\r\n if (config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile) {\r\n this.selectTab(0);\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n const samePeer = this.peerID == peerID;\r\n if (this.setPeerPromise && samePeer)\r\n return this.setPeerPromise;\r\n const dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0] || null;\r\n let topMessage = lastMsgID <= 0 ? lastMsgID : (_a = dialog === null || dialog === void 0 ? void 0 : dialog.top_message) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0; // убрать + 1 после создания базы референсов\r\n const isTarget = lastMsgID !== undefined;\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n /* if(topMessage && dialog && dialog.top_message == topMessage && dialog.refetchTopMessage) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n dialog.refetchTopMessage = false;\r\n topMessage += 1;\r\n } */\r\n if (!isTarget && dialog) {\r\n if (dialog.unread_count && !samePeer) {\r\n lastMsgID = dialog.read_inbox_max_id;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n lastMsgID = dialog.top_message;\r\n //lastMsgID = topMessage;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (samePeer) {\r\n if (this.bubbles[lastMsgID]) {\r\n if (isTarget) {\r\n const bubble = this.findMountedBubbleByMsgID(lastMsgID);\r\n this.scrollable.scrollIntoView(bubble);\r\n this.highlightBubble(bubble);\r\n }\r\n else if (dialog && lastMsgID == topMessage) {\r\n this.log('will scroll down', this.scroll.scrollTop, this.scroll.scrollHeight);\r\n this.scroll.scrollTop = this.scroll.scrollHeight;\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.searchCloseBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n // set new\r\n this.peerID = utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID = peerID;\r\n this.log('setPeer peerID:', this.peerID, dialog, lastMsgID, topMessage);\r\n const isJump = lastMsgID != topMessage;\r\n // add last message, bc in getHistory will load < max_id\r\n const additionMsgID = isJump ? 0 : topMessage;\r\n /* this.setPeerPromise = null;\r\n this.preloader.detach();\r\n return true; */\r\n //////appSidebarRight.toggleSidebar(true);\r\n const maxBubbleID = samePeer && Math.max(...Object.keys(this.bubbles).map(mid => +mid));\r\n const oldChatInner = this.chatInner;\r\n this.cleanup();\r\n this.chatInner = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.chatInner.id = 'bubbles-inner';\r\n this.scrollable.appendTo = this.chatInner;\r\n this.chatInner.className = oldChatInner.className;\r\n this.chatInner.classList.add('disable-hover', 'is-scrolling');\r\n if (!samePeer) {\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.clear();\r\n }\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.lock();\r\n const { promise, cached } = this.getHistory(lastMsgID, true, isJump, additionMsgID);\r\n if (!samePeer) {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.setPeer(this.peerID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.peerChanged = true;\r\n }\r\n // clear \r\n if (!cached) {\r\n this.scrollable.container.innerHTML = '';\r\n //oldChatInner.remove();\r\n if (!samePeer) {\r\n this.finishPeerChange();\r\n }\r\n this.preloader.attach(this.bubblesContainer);\r\n if (config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile) {\r\n this.selectTab(1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //console.timeEnd('appImManager setPeer pre promise');\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.lockGroup(ANIMATIONGROUP);\r\n this.setPeerPromise = Promise.all([\r\n promise.then(() => {\r\n ////this.log('setPeer removing preloader');\r\n var _a;\r\n if (cached) {\r\n this.scrollable.container.innerHTML = '';\r\n //oldChatInner.remove();\r\n if (!samePeer) {\r\n this.finishPeerChange();\r\n }\r\n if (config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile) {\r\n this.selectTab(1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.preloader.detach();\r\n }\r\n this.scrollable.container.append(this.chatInner);\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.unlockGroup(ANIMATIONGROUP);\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(false, ANIMATIONGROUP /* , true */);\r\n //this.scrollable.attachSentinels();\r\n //this.scrollable.container.insertBefore(this.chatInner, this.scrollable.container.lastElementChild);\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.unlock();\r\n //if(dialog && lastMsgID && lastMsgID != topMessage && (this.bubbles[lastMsgID] || this.firstUnreadBubble)) {\r\n if (dialog && (isTarget || (lastMsgID != topMessage)) && (this.bubbles[lastMsgID] || this.firstUnreadBubble)) {\r\n if (this.scrollable.scrollLocked) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.scrollable.scrollLocked);\r\n this.scrollable.scrollLocked = 0;\r\n }\r\n const fromUp = maxBubbleID > 0 && (maxBubbleID < lastMsgID || lastMsgID < 0);\r\n const forwardingUnread = dialog.read_inbox_max_id == lastMsgID && !isTarget;\r\n if (!fromUp && (samePeer || forwardingUnread)) {\r\n this.scrollable.scrollTop = this.scrollable.scrollHeight;\r\n }\r\n let bubble = forwardingUnread ? (this.firstUnreadBubble || this.bubbles[lastMsgID]) : this.bubbles[lastMsgID];\r\n if (!(bubble === null || bubble === void 0 ? void 0 : bubble.parentElement)) {\r\n bubble = this.findMountedBubbleByMsgID(lastMsgID);\r\n }\r\n this.scrollable.scrollIntoView(bubble, samePeer /* , fromUp */);\r\n if (!forwardingUnread) {\r\n this.highlightBubble(bubble);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.scrollable.scrollTop = this.scrollable.scrollHeight;\r\n }\r\n // warning\r\n if (!lastMsgID || this.bubbles[topMessage] || lastMsgID == topMessage) {\r\n this.scrolledAllDown = true;\r\n }\r\n this.log('scrolledAllDown:', this.scrolledAllDown);\r\n //if(!this.unreaded.length && dialog) { // lol\r\n if (this.scrolledAllDown && dialog) { // lol\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.readHistory(peerID, dialog.top_message);\r\n }\r\n if ((_a = dialog === null || dialog === void 0 ? void 0 : dialog.pFlags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.unread_mark) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.markDialogUnread(peerID, true);\r\n }\r\n this.chatInner.classList.remove('disable-hover', 'is-scrolling'); // warning, performance!\r\n //console.timeEnd('appImManager setPeer');\r\n return true;\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n this.log.error('getHistory promise error:', err);\r\n throw err;\r\n })\r\n ]).catch(err => {\r\n this.log.error('setPeer promises error:', err);\r\n this.preloader.detach();\r\n //oldChatInner.remove();\r\n return false;\r\n }).then(res => {\r\n if (this.peerID == peerID) {\r\n this.setPeerPromise = null;\r\n }\r\n return !!res;\r\n });\r\n //if(this.messagesQueuePromise) {\r\n //appSidebarRight.setLoadMutex(this.setPeerPromise);\r\n //}\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.setLoadMutex(this.setPeerPromise);\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.loadSidebarMedia(true);\r\n return this.setPeerPromise;\r\n }\r\n finishPeerChange() {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n if (this.peerChanged)\r\n return;\r\n let peerID = this.peerID;\r\n this.peerChanged = true;\r\n this.avatarEl.setAttribute('peer', '' + this.peerID);\r\n this.avatarEl.update();\r\n const isAnyGroup = appPeersManager_1.default.isAnyGroup(peerID);\r\n const isChannel = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID);\r\n const hasRights = isChannel && appChatsManager_1.default.hasRights(-peerID, 'send');\r\n this.chatInner.classList.toggle('has-rights', hasRights);\r\n this.chatInput.style.display = !isChannel || hasRights ? '' : 'none';\r\n this.topbar.classList.remove('is-pinned-shown');\r\n this.topbar.style.display = '';\r\n this.chatInner.classList.toggle('is-chat', isAnyGroup || peerID == this.myID);\r\n this.chatInner.classList.toggle('is-channel', isChannel);\r\n this.btnMute.classList.toggle('hide', !appPeersManager_1.default.isBroadcast(peerID));\r\n this.btnJoin.classList.toggle('hide', !((_b = (_a = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-this.peerID)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.pFlags) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.left));\r\n this.menuButtons.mute.style.display = this.myID == this.peerID ? 'none' : '';\r\n const pinned = appMessagesManager_1.default.getPinnedMessage(peerID);\r\n if (pinned && !pinned.deleted) {\r\n this.setPinnedMessage(pinned);\r\n }\r\n else if (this.pinnedMessageContainer) {\r\n this.pinnedMessageContainer.remove();\r\n this.pinnedMessageContainer = null;\r\n }\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n let title = '';\r\n if (this.peerID == this.myID)\r\n title = 'Saved Messages';\r\n else\r\n title = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(this.peerID);\r\n this.titleEl.innerHTML = appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.name.innerHTML = title;\r\n this.goDownBtn.style.display = '';\r\n this.setPeerStatus(true);\r\n });\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.fillProfileElements();\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('peer_changed', this.peerID);\r\n }\r\n updateUnreadByDialog(dialog) {\r\n let maxID = this.peerID == this.myID ? dialog.read_inbox_max_id : dialog.read_outbox_max_id;\r\n ///////this.log('updateUnreadByDialog', maxID, dialog, this.unreadOut);\r\n for (let msgID of this.unreadOut) {\r\n if (msgID > 0 && msgID <= maxID) {\r\n let bubble = this.bubbles[msgID];\r\n if (bubble) {\r\n bubble.classList.remove('is-sent');\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-read');\r\n }\r\n this.unreadOut.delete(msgID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n deleteMessagesByIDs(msgIDs) {\r\n msgIDs.forEach(id => {\r\n if (!(id in this.bubbles))\r\n return;\r\n let bubble = this.bubbles[id];\r\n delete this.bubbles[id];\r\n if (this.firstUnreadBubble == bubble) {\r\n this.firstUnreadBubble = null;\r\n }\r\n this.bubbleGroups.removeBubble(bubble, id);\r\n this.unreadedObserver.unobserve(bubble);\r\n //this.unreaded.findAndSplice(mid => mid == id);\r\n this.scrollable.removeElement(bubble);\r\n //bubble.remove();\r\n });\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(false, ANIMATIONGROUP);\r\n this.deleteEmptyDateGroups();\r\n }\r\n renderNewMessagesByIDs(msgIDs, scrolledDown = this.scrolledDown) {\r\n if (!this.scrolledAllDown) { // seems search active or sliced\r\n this.log('seems search is active, skipping render:', msgIDs);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n msgIDs.forEach((msgID) => {\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(msgID);\r\n /////////this.log('got new message to append:', message);\r\n //this.unreaded.push(msgID);\r\n this.renderMessage(message);\r\n });\r\n //if(scrolledDown) this.scrollable.scrollTop = this.scrollable.scrollHeight;\r\n if (this.messagesQueuePromise && scrolledDown) {\r\n this.scrollable.scrollTo(this.scrollable.scrollHeight - 1, false, true);\r\n this.messagesQueuePromise.then(() => {\r\n this.log('messagesQueuePromise after:', this.chatInner.childElementCount, this.scrollable.scrollHeight);\r\n this.scrollable.scrollTo(this.scrollable.scrollHeight, true, true);\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.log('messagesQueuePromise afterafter:', this.chatInner.childElementCount, this.scrollable.scrollHeight);\r\n }, 10);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n highlightBubble(element) {\r\n if (element.dataset.timeout) {\r\n clearTimeout(+element.dataset.timeout);\r\n element.classList.remove('is-selected');\r\n void element.offsetWidth; // reflow\r\n }\r\n element.classList.add('is-selected');\r\n element.dataset.timeout = '' + setTimeout(() => {\r\n element.classList.remove('is-selected');\r\n delete element.dataset.timeout;\r\n }, 2000);\r\n }\r\n getDateContainerByMessage(message, reverse) {\r\n const date = new Date(message.date * 1000);\r\n date.setHours(0, 0, 0);\r\n const dateTimestamp = date.getTime();\r\n if (!(dateTimestamp in this.dateMessages)) {\r\n let str = '';\r\n const today = new Date();\r\n today.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\r\n if (today.getTime() == date.getTime()) {\r\n str = 'Today';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];\r\n str = months[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getDate();\r\n if (date.getFullYear() != today.getFullYear()) {\r\n str += ', ' + date.getFullYear();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.className = 'bubble service is-date';\r\n div.innerHTML = `
`;\r\n ////////this.log('need to render date message', dateTimestamp, str);\r\n const container = document.createElement('div');\r\n container.className = 'bubbles-date-group';\r\n this.dateMessages[dateTimestamp] = {\r\n div,\r\n container,\r\n firstTimestamp: date.getTime()\r\n };\r\n container.append(div);\r\n if (reverse) {\r\n this.scrollable.prepend(container, false);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.scrollable.append(container, false);\r\n }\r\n this.stickyIntersector.observeStickyHeaderChanges(container);\r\n }\r\n return this.dateMessages[dateTimestamp];\r\n }\r\n renderMessagesQueue(message, bubble, reverse) {\r\n /* let dateMessage = this.getDateContainerByMessage(message, reverse);\r\n if(reverse) dateMessage.container.insertBefore(bubble, dateMessage.div.nextSibling);\r\n else dateMessage.container.append(bubble);\r\n return; */\r\n let promises = [];\r\n Array.from(bubble.querySelectorAll('img, video')).forEach(el => {\r\n if (el instanceof HTMLVideoElement) {\r\n if (!el.src) {\r\n //this.log.warn('no source', el, source, 'src', source.src);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (el.readyState >= 4)\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (el.complete || !el.src)\r\n return;\r\n let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n let r;\r\n let onLoad = () => {\r\n clearTimeout(timeout);\r\n resolve();\r\n // lol\r\n el.removeEventListener(el instanceof HTMLVideoElement ? 'canplay' : 'load', onLoad);\r\n };\r\n if (el instanceof HTMLVideoElement) {\r\n el.addEventListener('canplay', onLoad);\r\n r = () => el.readyState >= 1;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n el.addEventListener('load', onLoad);\r\n r = () => el.complete;\r\n }\r\n // for safari\r\n let c = () => r() ? onLoad() : window.requestAnimationFrame(c);\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(c);\r\n let timeout = setTimeout(() => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n //this.log.error('did not called', el, el.parentElement, el.complete, el.readyState, src);\r\n resolve();\r\n }, 1500);\r\n });\r\n promises.push(promise);\r\n });\r\n this.messagesQueue.push({ message, bubble, reverse, promises });\r\n if (!this.messagesQueuePromise) {\r\n this.messagesQueuePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n let chatInner = this.chatInner;\r\n let queue = this.messagesQueue.slice();\r\n this.messagesQueue.length = 0;\r\n let promises = queue.reduce((acc, { promises }) => acc.concat(promises), []);\r\n //console.log('promises to call', promises, queue);\r\n Promise.all(promises).then(() => {\r\n if (this.chatInner != chatInner) {\r\n //this.log.warn('chatInner changed!', this.chatInner, chatInner);\r\n return reject('chatInner changed!');\r\n }\r\n if (this.messagesQueueOnRender) {\r\n this.messagesQueueOnRender();\r\n }\r\n queue.forEach(({ message, bubble, reverse }) => {\r\n let dateMessage = this.getDateContainerByMessage(message, reverse);\r\n if (reverse) {\r\n dateMessage.container.insertBefore(bubble, dateMessage.div.nextSibling);\r\n //this.scrollable.prepareElement(bubble, false);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n dateMessage.container.append(bubble);\r\n //this.scrollable.prepareElement(bubble, true);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n resolve();\r\n this.messagesQueuePromise = null;\r\n }, reject);\r\n }, 0);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n getMiddleware() {\r\n let cleanupID = this.cleanupID;\r\n return () => {\r\n return this.cleanupID == cleanupID;\r\n };\r\n }\r\n // reverse means top\r\n renderMessage(message, reverse = false, multipleRender = false, bubble = null, updatePosition = true) {\r\n this.log.debug('message to render:', message);\r\n //return;\r\n if (message.deleted)\r\n return;\r\n else if (message.grouped_id) { // will render only last album's message\r\n let storage = appMessagesManager_1.default.groupedMessagesStorage[message.grouped_id];\r\n let maxID = Math.max(...Object.keys(storage).map(i => +i));\r\n if (message.mid < maxID) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n let peerID = this.peerID;\r\n let our = message.fromID == this.myID;\r\n let messageDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n messageDiv.classList.add('message');\r\n //messageDiv.innerText = message.message;\r\n let bubbleContainer;\r\n // bubble\r\n if (!bubble) {\r\n bubbleContainer = document.createElement('div');\r\n bubbleContainer.classList.add('bubble__container');\r\n bubble = document.createElement('div');\r\n bubble.classList.add('bubble');\r\n bubble.appendChild(bubbleContainer);\r\n this.bubbles[+message.mid] = bubble;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n bubble.className = 'bubble';\r\n bubbleContainer = bubble.firstElementChild;\r\n bubbleContainer.innerHTML = '';\r\n bubbleContainer.style.marginBottom = '';\r\n if (bubble == this.firstUnreadBubble) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-first-unread');\r\n }\r\n //bubble.innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n bubble.dataset.mid = message.mid;\r\n if (message._ == 'messageService') {\r\n let action = message.action;\r\n let _ = action._;\r\n if (utils_1.langPack.hasOwnProperty(_) && !utils_1.langPack[_]) {\r\n return bubble;\r\n }\r\n bubble.className = 'bubble service';\r\n let title = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(message.fromID);\r\n let name = document.createElement('div');\r\n name.classList.add('name');\r\n name.dataset.peerID = message.fromID;\r\n name.innerHTML = title;\r\n let str = '';\r\n if (action.message) {\r\n str = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(action.message, { noLinebreaks: true });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (_ == \"messageActionPhoneCall\") {\r\n _ += '.' + action.type;\r\n }\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n let l = utils_1.langPack[_];\r\n if (!l) {\r\n l = '[' + _ + ']';\r\n }\r\n str = l[0].toUpperCase() == l[0] ? l : (name.innerText ? name.outerHTML + ' ' : '') + l;\r\n }\r\n bubbleContainer.innerHTML = `
`;\r\n if (updatePosition) {\r\n this.renderMessagesQueue(message, bubble, reverse);\r\n }\r\n return bubble;\r\n }\r\n // time section\r\n let date = new Date(message.date * 1000);\r\n let time = ('0' + date.getHours()).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2);\r\n if (message.views) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('channel-post');\r\n time = utils_1.formatNumber(message.views, 1) + ' ' + time;\r\n if (!message.savedFrom) {\r\n let forward = document.createElement('div');\r\n forward.classList.add('bubble-beside-button', 'forward');\r\n forward.innerHTML = `\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n `;\r\n bubbleContainer.append(forward);\r\n bubble.classList.add('with-beside-button');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (message.edit_date) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-edited');\r\n time = 'edited ' + time;\r\n }\r\n let timeSpan = document.createElement('span');\r\n timeSpan.classList.add('time');\r\n let timeInner = document.createElement('div');\r\n timeInner.classList.add('inner', 'tgico');\r\n timeInner.innerHTML = time;\r\n let messageMessage, totalEntities;\r\n if (message.grouped_id) {\r\n let group = appMessagesManager_1.default.groupedMessagesStorage[message.grouped_id];\r\n let foundMessages = 0;\r\n for (let i in group) {\r\n let m = group[i];\r\n if (m.message) {\r\n if (++foundMessages > 1)\r\n break;\r\n messageMessage = m.message;\r\n totalEntities = m.totalEntities;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (foundMessages > 1) {\r\n messageMessage = undefined;\r\n totalEntities = undefined;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!messageMessage && !totalEntities) {\r\n messageMessage = message.message;\r\n totalEntities = message.totalEntities;\r\n }\r\n let richText = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(messageMessage, {\r\n entities: totalEntities\r\n });\r\n let messageMedia = message.media;\r\n if (totalEntities && !messageMedia) {\r\n let emojiEntities = totalEntities.filter((e) => e._ == 'messageEntityEmoji');\r\n let strLength = messageMessage.length;\r\n let emojiStrLength = emojiEntities.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr.length, 0);\r\n if (emojiStrLength == strLength && emojiEntities.length <= 3) {\r\n let sticker = appStickersManager_1.default.getAnimatedEmojiSticker(messageMessage);\r\n if (emojiEntities.length == 1 && !messageMedia && sticker) {\r\n messageMedia = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaDocument',\r\n document: sticker\r\n };\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let attachmentDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n attachmentDiv.classList.add('attachment');\r\n attachmentDiv.innerHTML = richText;\r\n bubble.classList.add('emoji-' + emojiEntities.length + 'x');\r\n bubbleContainer.append(attachmentDiv);\r\n }\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-message-empty', 'emoji-big');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n messageDiv.innerHTML = richText;\r\n }\r\n /* if(strLength == emojiStrLength) {\r\n messageDiv.classList.add('emoji-only');\r\n messageDiv.classList.add('message-empty');\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n messageDiv.innerHTML = richText;\r\n }\r\n timeSpan.appendChild(timeInner);\r\n messageDiv.append(timeSpan);\r\n bubbleContainer.prepend(messageDiv);\r\n //bubble.prepend(timeSpan, messageDiv); // that's bad\r\n if (message.reply_markup && message.reply_markup._ == 'replyInlineMarkup' && message.reply_markup.rows && message.reply_markup.rows.length) {\r\n const rows = message.reply_markup.rows;\r\n const containerDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n containerDiv.classList.add('reply-markup');\r\n rows.forEach((row) => {\r\n const buttons = row.buttons;\r\n if (!buttons || !buttons.length)\r\n return;\r\n const rowDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n rowDiv.classList.add('reply-markup-row');\r\n buttons.forEach((button) => {\r\n const text = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(button.text, { noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true });\r\n let buttonEl;\r\n switch (button._) {\r\n case 'keyboardButtonUrl': {\r\n const from = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(message.fromID);\r\n const unsafe = !(from && from.pFlags && from.pFlags.verified);\r\n const url = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapUrl(button.url, unsafe);\r\n buttonEl = document.createElement('a');\r\n buttonEl.href = url;\r\n buttonEl.rel = 'noopener noreferrer';\r\n buttonEl.target = '_blank';\r\n buttonEl.classList.add('is-link', 'tgico');\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n default: {\r\n buttonEl = document.createElement('button');\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n buttonEl.classList.add('reply-markup-button', 'rp');\r\n buttonEl.innerHTML = text;\r\n ripple_1.ripple(buttonEl);\r\n rowDiv.append(buttonEl);\r\n });\r\n containerDiv.append(rowDiv);\r\n });\r\n containerDiv.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n if (!target.classList.contains('reply-markup-button'))\r\n target = utils_1.findUpClassName(target, 'reply-markup-button');\r\n if (!target)\r\n return;\r\n const column = utils_1.whichChild(target);\r\n const row = rows[utils_1.whichChild(target.parentElement)];\r\n if (!row.buttons || !row.buttons[column]) {\r\n this.log.warn('no such button', row, column, message);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const button = row.buttons[column];\r\n AppInlineBotsManager_1.default.callbackButtonClick(message.mid, button);\r\n });\r\n const offset = rows.length * 45 + 'px';\r\n bubbleContainer.style.marginBottom = offset;\r\n containerDiv.style.bottom = '-' + offset;\r\n bubbleContainer.prepend(containerDiv);\r\n }\r\n if (our) {\r\n if (message.pFlags.unread || message.mid < 0)\r\n this.unreadOut.add(message.mid); // message.mid < 0 added 11.02.2020\r\n let status = '';\r\n if (message.mid < 0)\r\n status = 'is-sending';\r\n else\r\n status = message.pFlags.unread ? 'is-sent' : 'is-read';\r\n bubble.classList.add(status);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n //this.log('not our message', message, message.pFlags.unread);\r\n if (message.pFlags.unread) {\r\n this.unreadedObserver.observe(bubble);\r\n if (!this.unreaded.indexOf(message.mid)) {\r\n this.unreaded.push(message.mid);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const isOut = our && (!message.fwd_from || this.peerID != this.myID);\r\n // media\r\n if (messageMedia /* && messageMedia._ == 'messageMediaPhoto' */) {\r\n let attachmentDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n attachmentDiv.classList.add('attachment');\r\n if (!messageMessage) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-message-empty');\r\n }\r\n let processingWebPage = false;\r\n switch (messageMedia._) {\r\n case 'messageMediaPending': {\r\n let pending = messageMedia;\r\n let preloader = pending.preloader;\r\n switch (pending.type) {\r\n case 'album': {\r\n this.log('will wrap pending album');\r\n bubble.classList.add('hide-name', 'photo', 'is-album');\r\n wrappers_1.wrapAlbum({\r\n groupID: '' + message.id,\r\n attachmentDiv,\r\n uploading: true,\r\n isOut: true\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'photo': {\r\n //if(pending.size < 5e6) {\r\n const photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.getPhoto(message.id);\r\n //if(photo._ == 'photoEmpty') break;\r\n this.log('will wrap pending photo:', pending, message, photo);\r\n const tailSupported = !config_1.isAndroid;\r\n if (tailSupported)\r\n bubble.classList.add('with-media-tail');\r\n wrappers_1.wrapPhoto(photo, message, attachmentDiv, undefined, undefined, tailSupported, true, this.lazyLoadQueue, null);\r\n bubble.classList.add('hide-name', 'photo');\r\n //}\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'video': {\r\n //if(pending.size < 5e6) {\r\n let doc = appDocsManager_1.default.getDoc(message.id);\r\n //if(doc._ == 'documentEmpty') break;\r\n this.log('will wrap pending video:', pending, message, doc);\r\n const tailSupported = !config_1.isAndroid && !config_1.isApple && doc.type != 'round';\r\n if (tailSupported)\r\n bubble.classList.add('with-media-tail');\r\n wrappers_1.wrapVideo({\r\n doc,\r\n container: attachmentDiv,\r\n message,\r\n boxWidth: config_1.mediaSizes.active.regular.width,\r\n boxHeight: config_1.mediaSizes.active.regular.height,\r\n withTail: tailSupported,\r\n isOut: isOut,\r\n lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue,\r\n middleware: null,\r\n group: ANIMATIONGROUP\r\n });\r\n preloader.attach(attachmentDiv, false);\r\n bubble.classList.add('hide-name', 'video');\r\n //}\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'audio':\r\n case 'voice':\r\n case 'document': {\r\n const doc = appDocsManager_1.default.getDoc(message.id);\r\n //if(doc._ == 'documentEmpty') break;\r\n this.log('will wrap pending doc:', doc);\r\n const docDiv = wrappers_1.wrapDocument(doc, false, true, message.id);\r\n if (doc.type == 'audio' || doc.type == 'voice') {\r\n docDiv.preloader = preloader;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const icoDiv = docDiv.querySelector('.audio-download, .document-ico');\r\n preloader.attach(icoDiv, false);\r\n }\r\n if (pending.type == 'voice') {\r\n bubble.classList.add('bubble-audio');\r\n }\r\n bubble.classList.remove('is-message-empty');\r\n messageDiv.classList.add((pending.type || 'document') + '-message');\r\n messageDiv.append(docDiv);\r\n processingWebPage = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'messageMediaPhoto': {\r\n let photo = messageMedia.photo;\r\n ////////this.log('messageMediaPhoto', photo);\r\n bubble.classList.add('hide-name', 'photo');\r\n const tailSupported = !config_1.isAndroid;\r\n if (tailSupported)\r\n bubble.classList.add('with-media-tail');\r\n if (message.grouped_id) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-album');\r\n let storage = appMessagesManager_1.default.groupedMessagesStorage[message.grouped_id];\r\n if (Object.keys(storage).length != 1) {\r\n wrappers_1.wrapAlbum({\r\n groupID: message.grouped_id,\r\n attachmentDiv,\r\n middleware: this.getMiddleware(),\r\n isOut: our,\r\n lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n wrappers_1.wrapPhoto(photo, message, attachmentDiv, undefined, undefined, tailSupported, isOut, this.lazyLoadQueue, this.getMiddleware());\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'messageMediaWebPage': {\r\n processingWebPage = true;\r\n let webpage = messageMedia.webpage;\r\n ////////this.log('messageMediaWebPage', webpage);\r\n if (webpage._ == 'webPageEmpty') {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n bubble.classList.add('webpage');\r\n let box = document.createElement('div');\r\n box.classList.add('box', 'web');\r\n let quote = document.createElement('div');\r\n quote.classList.add('quote');\r\n let previewResizer, preview;\r\n if (webpage.photo || webpage.document) {\r\n previewResizer = document.createElement('div');\r\n previewResizer.classList.add('preview-resizer');\r\n preview = document.createElement('div');\r\n preview.classList.add('preview');\r\n previewResizer.append(preview);\r\n }\r\n let doc = null;\r\n if (webpage.document) {\r\n doc = webpage.document;\r\n if (doc.type == 'gif' || doc.type == 'video') {\r\n //if(doc.size <= 20e6) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('video');\r\n wrappers_1.wrapVideo({\r\n doc,\r\n container: preview,\r\n message,\r\n boxWidth: config_1.mediaSizes.active.webpage.width,\r\n boxHeight: config_1.mediaSizes.active.webpage.height,\r\n lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue,\r\n middleware: this.getMiddleware(),\r\n isOut,\r\n group: ANIMATIONGROUP\r\n });\r\n //}\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n doc = null;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (previewResizer) {\r\n quote.append(previewResizer);\r\n }\r\n let quoteTextDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n quoteTextDiv.classList.add('quote-text');\r\n if (webpage.site_name) {\r\n let nameEl = document.createElement('a');\r\n nameEl.classList.add('name');\r\n nameEl.setAttribute('target', '_blank');\r\n nameEl.href = webpage.url || '#';\r\n nameEl.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(webpage.site_name);\r\n quoteTextDiv.append(nameEl);\r\n }\r\n if (webpage.title) {\r\n let titleDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n titleDiv.classList.add('title');\r\n titleDiv.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(webpage.title);\r\n quoteTextDiv.append(titleDiv);\r\n }\r\n if (webpage.description) {\r\n let textDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n textDiv.classList.add('text');\r\n textDiv.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(webpage.description);\r\n quoteTextDiv.append(textDiv);\r\n }\r\n quote.append(quoteTextDiv);\r\n if (webpage.photo && !doc) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('photo');\r\n const size = webpage.photo.sizes[webpage.photo.sizes.length - 1];\r\n if (size.w == size.h && quoteTextDiv.childElementCount) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-square-photo');\r\n }\r\n else if (size.h > size.w) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-vertical-photo');\r\n }\r\n wrappers_1.wrapPhoto(webpage.photo, message, preview, config_1.mediaSizes.active.webpage.width, config_1.mediaSizes.active.webpage.height, false, isOut, this.lazyLoadQueue, this.getMiddleware());\r\n }\r\n box.append(quote);\r\n //bubble.prepend(box);\r\n bubbleContainer.prepend(timeSpan, box);\r\n //this.log('night running', bubble.scrollHeight);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'messageMediaDocument': {\r\n let doc = messageMedia.document;\r\n //this.log('messageMediaDocument', doc, bubble);\r\n if (doc.sticker /* && doc.size <= 1e6 */) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('sticker');\r\n if (doc.animated) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('sticker-animated');\r\n }\r\n let size = bubble.classList.contains('emoji-big') ? 140 : 200;\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.setAttachmentSize(doc, attachmentDiv, size, size, true);\r\n //let preloader = new ProgressivePreloader(attachmentDiv, false);\r\n bubbleContainer.style.height = attachmentDiv.style.height;\r\n bubbleContainer.style.width = attachmentDiv.style.width;\r\n //appPhotosManager.setAttachmentSize(doc, bubble);\r\n wrappers_1.wrapSticker({\r\n doc,\r\n div: attachmentDiv,\r\n middleware: this.getMiddleware(),\r\n lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue,\r\n group: ANIMATIONGROUP,\r\n //play: !!message.pending || !multipleRender,\r\n play: true,\r\n loop: true,\r\n emoji: bubble.classList.contains('emoji-big') ? messageMessage : undefined,\r\n withThumb: true\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n else if (doc.type == 'video' || doc.type == 'gif' || doc.type == 'round' /* && doc.size <= 20e6 */) {\r\n //this.log('never get free 2', doc);\r\n bubble.classList.add('hide-name', doc.type == 'round' ? 'round' : 'video');\r\n if (message.grouped_id) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-album');\r\n wrappers_1.wrapAlbum({\r\n groupID: message.grouped_id,\r\n attachmentDiv,\r\n middleware: this.getMiddleware(),\r\n isOut: our,\r\n lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const tailSupported = !config_1.isAndroid && !config_1.isApple && doc.type != 'round';\r\n if (tailSupported)\r\n bubble.classList.add('with-media-tail');\r\n wrappers_1.wrapVideo({\r\n doc,\r\n container: attachmentDiv,\r\n message,\r\n boxWidth: config_1.mediaSizes.active.regular.width,\r\n boxHeight: config_1.mediaSizes.active.regular.height,\r\n withTail: tailSupported,\r\n isOut: isOut,\r\n lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue,\r\n middleware: this.getMiddleware(),\r\n group: ANIMATIONGROUP\r\n });\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n else if (doc.mime_type == 'audio/ogg') {\r\n let docDiv = wrappers_1.wrapDocument(doc, false, false, message.mid);\r\n bubble.classList.remove('is-message-empty');\r\n bubble.classList.add('bubble-audio');\r\n messageDiv.append(docDiv);\r\n processingWebPage = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let docDiv = wrappers_1.wrapDocument(doc, false, false, message.mid);\r\n bubble.classList.remove('is-message-empty');\r\n messageDiv.append(docDiv);\r\n messageDiv.classList.add((doc.type || 'document') + '-message');\r\n processingWebPage = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'messageMediaContact': {\r\n //this.log('wrapping contact', message);\r\n let contactDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n contactDiv.classList.add('contact');\r\n contactDiv.dataset.peerID = '' + messageMedia.user_id;\r\n messageDiv.classList.add('contact-message');\r\n processingWebPage = true;\r\n let texts = [];\r\n if (message.media.first_name)\r\n texts.push(richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(message.media.first_name));\r\n if (message.media.last_name)\r\n texts.push(richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(message.media.last_name));\r\n contactDiv.innerHTML = `\r\n
${texts.join(' ')}
${message.media.phone_number ? '+' + misc_1.formatPhoneNumber(message.media.phone_number).formatted : 'Unknown phone number'}
`;\r\n let avatarElem = new avatar_1.default();\r\n avatarElem.setAttribute('peer', '' + message.media.user_id);\r\n avatarElem.classList.add('contact-avatar');\r\n contactDiv.prepend(avatarElem);\r\n bubble.classList.remove('is-message-empty');\r\n messageDiv.append(contactDiv);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'messageMediaPoll': {\r\n bubble.classList.remove('is-message-empty');\r\n let pollElement = wrappers_1.wrapPoll(message.media.poll.id, message.mid);\r\n messageDiv.prepend(pollElement);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n default:\r\n bubble.classList.remove('is-message-empty');\r\n messageDiv.innerHTML = 'unrecognized media type: ' + message.media._;\r\n messageDiv.append(timeSpan);\r\n this.log.warn('unrecognized media type:', message.media._, message);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if (!processingWebPage) {\r\n bubbleContainer.append(attachmentDiv);\r\n }\r\n /* if(bubble.classList.contains('is-message-empty') && (bubble.classList.contains('photo') || bubble.classList.contains('video'))) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('no-tail');\r\n \r\n if(!bubble.classList.contains('with-media-tail')) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('use-border-radius');\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n if ((this.peerID < 0 && !our) || message.fwd_from || message.reply_to_mid) { // chat\r\n let title = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(message.fwdFromID || message.fromID);\r\n const isForwardFromChannel = !message.fromID && message.fwd_from;\r\n let isHidden = message.fwd_from && !message.fwd_from.from_id && !message.fwd_from.channel_id;\r\n if (isHidden) {\r\n ///////this.log('message to render hidden', message);\r\n title = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(message.fwd_from.from_name);\r\n //title = message.fwd_from.from_name;\r\n bubble.classList.add('hidden-profile');\r\n }\r\n //this.log(title);\r\n if ((message.fwdFromID || message.fwd_from)) {\r\n if (this.peerID != this.myID) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('forwarded');\r\n }\r\n if (message.savedFrom) {\r\n let goto = document.createElement('div');\r\n goto.classList.add('bubble-beside-button', 'goto-original', 'tgico-next');\r\n bubbleContainer.append(goto);\r\n bubble.dataset.savedFrom = message.savedFrom;\r\n bubble.classList.add('with-beside-button');\r\n }\r\n if (!bubble.classList.contains('sticker')) {\r\n let nameDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n nameDiv.classList.add('name');\r\n nameDiv.dataset.peerID = message.fwdFromID;\r\n if (this.peerID == this.myID || isForwardFromChannel) {\r\n nameDiv.style.color = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerColorByID(message.fwdFromID, false);\r\n nameDiv.innerHTML = title;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n nameDiv.innerHTML = 'Forwarded from ' + title;\r\n }\r\n bubbleContainer.append(nameDiv);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (message.reply_to_mid) {\r\n let originalMessage = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(message.reply_to_mid);\r\n let originalPeerTitle = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(originalMessage.fromID || originalMessage.fwdFromID, true) || '';\r\n /////////this.log('message to render reply', originalMessage, originalPeerTitle, bubble, message);\r\n // need to download separately\r\n if (originalMessage._ == 'messageEmpty') {\r\n //////////this.log('message to render reply empty, need download', message, message.reply_to_mid);\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.wrapSingleMessage(message.reply_to_mid);\r\n this.needUpdate.push({ replyMid: message.reply_to_mid, mid: message.mid });\r\n originalPeerTitle = 'Loading...';\r\n }\r\n if (originalMessage.mid) {\r\n bubble.setAttribute('data-original-mid', originalMessage.mid);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n bubble.setAttribute('data-original-mid', message.reply_to_mid);\r\n }\r\n bubbleContainer.append(wrappers_1.wrapReply(originalPeerTitle, originalMessage.message || '', originalMessage));\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-reply');\r\n }\r\n if (!bubble.classList.contains('sticker') && (peerID < 0 && peerID != message.fromID)) {\r\n let nameDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n nameDiv.classList.add('name');\r\n nameDiv.innerHTML = title;\r\n nameDiv.style.color = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerColorByID(message.fromID, false);\r\n nameDiv.dataset.peerID = message.fromID;\r\n bubbleContainer.append(nameDiv);\r\n }\r\n else /* if(!message.reply_to_mid) */ {\r\n bubble.classList.add('hide-name');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if ((!our && this.peerID < 0 && (!appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(this.peerID) || appPeersManager_1.default.isMegagroup(this.peerID)))\r\n || (this.peerID == this.myID && !message.reply_to_mid)) {\r\n let avatarElem = new avatar_1.default();\r\n avatarElem.classList.add('user-avatar');\r\n if (!message.fromID && message.fwd_from && message.fwd_from.from_name) {\r\n avatarElem.setAttribute('peer-title', message.fwd_from.from_name);\r\n }\r\n avatarElem.setAttribute('peer', '' + (((message.fwd_from && this.peerID == this.myID) || isForwardFromChannel ? message.fwdFromID : message.fromID) || 0));\r\n avatarElem.update();\r\n //this.log('exec loadDialogPhoto', message);\r\n bubbleContainer.append(avatarElem);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n bubble.classList.add('hide-name');\r\n }\r\n bubble.classList.add(isOut ? 'is-out' : 'is-in');\r\n if (updatePosition) {\r\n this.bubbleGroups.addBubble(bubble, message, reverse);\r\n this.renderMessagesQueue(message, bubble, reverse);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.bubbleGroups.updateGroupByMessageID(message.mid);\r\n }\r\n return bubble;\r\n }\r\n performHistoryResult(history, reverse, isBackLimit, additionMsgID) {\r\n // commented bot getProfile in getHistory!\r\n if (!history /* .filter((id: number) => id > 0) */.length) {\r\n if (!isBackLimit) {\r\n this.scrolledAll = true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.scrolledAllDown = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n history = history.slice(); // need\r\n if (additionMsgID) {\r\n history.unshift(additionMsgID);\r\n }\r\n /* if(testScroll && additionMsgID) {\r\n for(let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {\r\n let _history = history.slice();\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.performHistoryResult(_history, reverse, isBackLimit, 0, resetPromises);\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(this.peerID)[0];\r\n if (dialog && dialog.top_message) {\r\n for (let mid of history) {\r\n if (mid == dialog.top_message) {\r\n this.scrolledAllDown = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //console.time('appImManager render history');\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n let method = (reverse ? history.shift : history.pop).bind(history);\r\n let realLength = this.scrollable.length;\r\n let previousScrollHeightMinusTop;\r\n if (realLength > 0 && reverse) { // for safari need set when scrolling bottom too\r\n this.messagesQueueOnRender = () => {\r\n let scrollTop = this.scrollable.scrollTop;\r\n previousScrollHeightMinusTop = this.scrollable.scrollHeight - scrollTop;\r\n //this.chatInner.style.height = '100%';\r\n //previousScrollHeightMinusTop = 0;\r\n /* if(reverse) {\r\n previousScrollHeightMinusTop = this.scrollable.scrollHeight - scrollTop;\r\n } else {\r\n previousScrollHeightMinusTop = scrollTop;\r\n } */\r\n this.log('performHistoryResult: messagesQueueOnRender, scrollTop:', scrollTop, previousScrollHeightMinusTop);\r\n this.messagesQueueOnRender = undefined;\r\n };\r\n }\r\n while (history.length) {\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(method());\r\n this.renderMessage(message, reverse, true);\r\n }\r\n (this.messagesQueuePromise || Promise.resolve()).then(() => {\r\n if (previousScrollHeightMinusTop !== undefined) {\r\n const newScrollTop = reverse ? this.scrollable.scrollHeight - previousScrollHeightMinusTop : previousScrollHeightMinusTop;\r\n this.log('performHistoryResult: will set scrollTop', this.scrollable.scrollHeight, newScrollTop, this.scrollable.container.clientHeight);\r\n // touchSupport for safari iOS\r\n config_1.touchSupport && config_1.isApple && (this.scrollable.container.style.overflow = 'hidden');\r\n this.scrollable.scrollTop = newScrollTop;\r\n config_1.touchSupport && config_1.isApple && (this.scrollable.container.style.overflow = '');\r\n }\r\n resolve(true);\r\n }, reject);\r\n }).then(() => {\r\n //console.timeEnd('appImManager render history');\r\n return true;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Load and render history\r\n * @param maxID max message id\r\n * @param reverse 'true' means up\r\n * @param isBackLimit is search\r\n * @param additionMsgID for the last message\r\n * @param justLoad do not render\r\n */\r\n getHistory(maxID = 0, reverse = false, isBackLimit = false, additionMsgID = 0, justLoad = false) {\r\n const peerID = this.peerID;\r\n //console.time('appImManager call getHistory');\r\n const pageCount = appPhotosManager_1.default.windowH / 38 /* * 1.25 */ | 0;\r\n //const loadCount = Object.keys(this.bubbles).length > 0 ? 50 : pageCount;\r\n const realLoadCount = Object.keys(this.bubbles).length > 0 ? Math.max(40, pageCount) : pageCount; //const realLoadCount = 50;\r\n let loadCount = realLoadCount;\r\n if (testScroll) {\r\n //loadCount = 1;\r\n if (Object.keys(this.bubbles).length > 0)\r\n return { cached: false, promise: Promise.resolve(true) };\r\n }\r\n ////console.time('render history total');\r\n let backLimit = 0;\r\n if (isBackLimit) {\r\n backLimit = loadCount;\r\n if (!reverse) { // if not jump\r\n loadCount = 0;\r\n maxID += 1;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const result = appMessagesManager_1.default.getHistory(this.peerID, maxID, loadCount, backLimit);\r\n let promise, cached;\r\n if (result instanceof Promise) {\r\n cached = false;\r\n promise = result.then((result) => {\r\n this.log('getHistory not cached result by maxID:', maxID, reverse, isBackLimit, result, peerID, justLoad);\r\n if (justLoad) {\r\n this.scrollable.onScroll(); // нужно делать из-за ранней прогрузки\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n //console.timeEnd('appImManager call getHistory');\r\n if (this.peerID != peerID || (this.getHistoryTopPromise != promise && this.getHistoryBottomPromise != promise)) {\r\n this.log.warn('peer changed');\r\n ////console.timeEnd('render history total');\r\n return Promise.reject();\r\n }\r\n ////console.timeEnd('render history total');\r\n return this.performHistoryResult(result.history || [], reverse, isBackLimit, additionMsgID);\r\n }, (err) => {\r\n this.log.error('getHistory error:', err);\r\n return false;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else if (justLoad) {\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n cached = true;\r\n this.log('getHistory cached result by maxID:', maxID, reverse, isBackLimit, result, peerID, justLoad);\r\n promise = this.performHistoryResult(result.history || [], reverse, isBackLimit, additionMsgID);\r\n //return (reverse ? this.getHistoryTopPromise = promise : this.getHistoryBottomPromise = promise);\r\n //return this.performHistoryResult(result.history || [], reverse, isBackLimit, additionMsgID, true);\r\n }\r\n (reverse ? this.getHistoryTopPromise = promise : this.getHistoryBottomPromise = promise);\r\n promise.finally(() => {\r\n (reverse ? this.getHistoryTopPromise = undefined : this.getHistoryBottomPromise = undefined);\r\n });\r\n if (justLoad) {\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n /* false && */ promise.then(() => {\r\n if (reverse) {\r\n this.loadedTopTimes++;\r\n this.loadedBottomTimes = Math.max(0, --this.loadedBottomTimes);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.loadedBottomTimes++;\r\n this.loadedTopTimes = Math.max(0, --this.loadedTopTimes);\r\n }\r\n let ids;\r\n if ((reverse && this.loadedTopTimes > 2) || (!reverse && this.loadedBottomTimes > 2)) {\r\n ids = utils_1.getObjectKeysAndSort(this.bubbles);\r\n }\r\n //let removeCount = loadCount / 2;\r\n const safeCount = realLoadCount * 2; // cause i've been runningrunningrunning all day\r\n this.log('getHistory: slice loadedTimes:', reverse, pageCount, this.loadedTopTimes, this.loadedBottomTimes, ids && ids.length, safeCount);\r\n if (ids && ids.length > safeCount) {\r\n if (reverse) {\r\n //ids = ids.slice(-removeCount);\r\n //ids = ids.slice(removeCount * 2);\r\n ids = ids.slice(safeCount);\r\n this.scrolledAllDown = false;\r\n this.log('getHistory: slice bottom messages:', ids.length, loadCount);\r\n this.getHistoryBottomPromise = undefined; // !WARNING, это нужно для обратной загрузки истории, если запрос словил флуд\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n //ids = ids.slice(0, removeCount);\r\n //ids = ids.slice(0, ids.length - (removeCount * 2));\r\n ids = ids.slice(0, ids.length - safeCount);\r\n this.scrolledAll = false;\r\n this.log('getHistory: slice up messages:', ids.length, loadCount);\r\n this.getHistoryTopPromise = undefined; // !WARNING, это нужно для обратной загрузки истории, если запрос словил флуд\r\n }\r\n this.log('getHistory: will slice ids:', ids, reverse);\r\n this.deleteMessagesByIDs(ids);\r\n }\r\n this.setUnreadDelimiter(); // не нашёл места лучше\r\n // preload more\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.loadMoreHistory(true, true);\r\n this.loadMoreHistory(false, true);\r\n }, 0);\r\n });\r\n return { cached, promise };\r\n }\r\n setUnreadDelimiter() {\r\n if (this.attachedUnreadBubble) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(this.peerID)[0];\r\n if (!(dialog === null || dialog === void 0 ? void 0 : dialog.unread_count))\r\n return;\r\n let maxID = dialog.read_inbox_max_id;\r\n maxID = Object.keys(this.bubbles).filter(mid => !this.bubbles[mid].classList.contains('is-out')).map(i => +i).sort((a, b) => a - b).find(i => i > maxID);\r\n if (maxID && this.bubbles[maxID]) {\r\n let bubble = this.bubbles[maxID];\r\n if (this.firstUnreadBubble && this.firstUnreadBubble != bubble) {\r\n this.firstUnreadBubble.classList.remove('is-first-unread');\r\n this.firstUnreadBubble = null;\r\n }\r\n if (maxID != dialog.top_message) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-first-unread');\r\n }\r\n this.firstUnreadBubble = bubble;\r\n this.attachedUnreadBubble = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n deleteEmptyDateGroups() {\r\n for (let i in this.dateMessages) {\r\n let dateMessage = this.dateMessages[i];\r\n if (dateMessage.container.childElementCount == 2) { // only date div + sentinel div\r\n dateMessage.container.remove();\r\n this.stickyIntersector.unobserve(dateMessage.container, dateMessage.div);\r\n delete this.dateMessages[i];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setMutedState(muted = false) {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.notificationsCheckbox.checked = !muted;\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.notificationsStatus.innerText = muted ? 'Disabled' : 'Enabled';\r\n if (appPeersManager_1.default.isBroadcast(this.peerID)) { // not human\r\n this.btnMute.classList.remove('tgico-mute', 'tgico-unmute');\r\n this.btnMute.classList.add(muted ? 'tgico-unmute' : 'tgico-mute');\r\n this.btnMute.style.display = '';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.btnMute.style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n const menuButton = this.menuButtons.mute;\r\n menuButton.classList.remove('tgico-mute', 'tgico-unmute');\r\n menuButton.classList.add(muted ? 'tgico-unmute' : 'tgico-mute');\r\n let rp = menuButton.firstElementChild;\r\n menuButton.innerText = muted ? 'Unmute' : 'Mute';\r\n rp && menuButton.appendChild(rp);\r\n }\r\n mutePeer(peerID) {\r\n let inputPeer = appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID);\r\n let inputNotifyPeer = {\r\n _: 'inputNotifyPeer',\r\n peer: inputPeer\r\n };\r\n let settings = {\r\n _: 'inputPeerNotifySettings',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n mute_until: 0\r\n };\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n let muted = true;\r\n if (dialog && dialog.notify_settings) {\r\n muted = dialog.notify_settings.mute_until > (Date.now() / 1000 | 0);\r\n }\r\n if (!muted) {\r\n settings.flags |= 1 << 2;\r\n settings.mute_until = 2147483647;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n settings.flags |= 2;\r\n }\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('account.updateNotifySettings', {\r\n peer: inputNotifyPeer,\r\n settings: settings\r\n }).then(bool => {\r\n this.handleUpdate({ _: 'updateNotifySettings', peer: inputNotifyPeer, notify_settings: settings });\r\n });\r\n /* return apiManager.invokeApi('account.getNotifySettings', {\r\n peer: inputNotifyPeer\r\n }).then((settings: any) => {\r\n settings.flags |= 2 << 1;\r\n settings.mute_until = 2000000000; // 2147483646\r\n \r\n return apiManager.invokeApi('account.updateNotifySettings', {\r\n peer: inputNotifyPeer,\r\n settings: Object.assign(settings, {\r\n _: 'inputPeerNotifySettings'\r\n })\r\n }).then(res => {\r\n this.log('mute result:', res);\r\n });\r\n }); */\r\n }\r\n handleUpdate(update) {\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateUserTyping':\r\n case 'updateChatUserTyping': {\r\n if (this.myID == update.user_id) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n var peerID = update._ == 'updateUserTyping' ? update.user_id : -update.chat_id;\r\n this.typingUsers[update.user_id] = peerID;\r\n if (!appUsersManager_1.default.hasUser(update.user_id)) {\r\n if (update.chat_id && appChatsManager_1.default.hasChat(update.chat_id) && !appChatsManager_1.default.isChannel(update.chat_id)) {\r\n appProfileManager_1.default.getChatFull(update.chat_id);\r\n }\r\n //return;\r\n }\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.forceUserOnline(update.user_id);\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n let currentPeer = this.peerID == peerID;\r\n if (this.typingTimeouts[peerID])\r\n clearTimeout(this.typingTimeouts[peerID]);\r\n else if (dialog) {\r\n appDialogsManager_1.default.setTyping(dialog, appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(update.user_id));\r\n if (currentPeer) { // user\r\n this.setPeerStatus();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.typingTimeouts[peerID] = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.typingTimeouts[peerID] = 0;\r\n delete this.typingUsers[update.user_id];\r\n if (dialog) {\r\n appDialogsManager_1.default.unsetTyping(dialog);\r\n }\r\n // лень просчитывать случаи\r\n this.setPeerStatus();\r\n }, 6000);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateNotifySettings': {\r\n let { peer, notify_settings } = update;\r\n // peer was NotifyPeer\r\n peer = peer.peer;\r\n let peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(peer);\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n if (dialog) {\r\n dialog.notify_settings = notify_settings;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_notify_settings', peerID);\r\n }\r\n if (peerID == this.peerID) {\r\n let muted = notify_settings.mute_until ? new Date(notify_settings.mute_until * 1000) > new Date() : false;\r\n this.setMutedState(muted);\r\n }\r\n /////this.log('updateNotifySettings', peerID, notify_settings);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppImManager = AppImManager;\r\nconst appImManager = new AppImManager();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.appImManager = appImManager;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = appImManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 11, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\logger.ts", "name": "./src/lib/logger.ts", "index": 17, "index2": 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'production' /* || true */) {\r\n level = LogLevels.error;\r\n }\r\n //level = LogLevels.log | LogLevels.warn | LogLevels.error | LogLevels.debug\r\n function Log(...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.log && console.log(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n }\r\n Log.warn = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.warn && console.warn(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n Log.info = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.log && console.info(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n Log.error = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.error && console.error(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n Log.trace = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.log && console.trace(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n /* Log.debug = function(...args: any[]) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.debug && console.log(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n }; */\r\n Log.debug = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.debug && console.debug(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n return Log;\r\n}\r\nexports.logger = logger;\r\n;\r\n" }, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appDocsManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appDocsManager.ts", "index": 51, "index2": 42, "size": 12121, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 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"loc": "45:41-91" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst opusDecodeController_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../opusDecodeController\"));\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst appDownloadManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDownloadManager\"));\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../config\");\r\n// TODO: если залить картинку файлом, а потом перезайти в диалог - превьюшка заново скачается\r\nclass AppDocsManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.docs = {};\r\n }\r\n saveDoc(doc, context) {\r\n if (doc._ == 'documentEmpty') {\r\n return undefined;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('saveDoc', apiDoc, this.docs[apiDoc.id]);\r\n if (this.docs[doc.id]) {\r\n const d = this.docs[doc.id];\r\n //if(doc._ != 'documentEmpty' && doc._ == d._) {\r\n if (doc.thumbs) {\r\n if (!d.thumbs)\r\n d.thumbs = doc.thumbs;\r\n /* else if(apiDoc.thumbs[0].bytes && !d.thumbs[0].bytes) {\r\n d.thumbs.unshift(apiDoc.thumbs[0]);\r\n } else if(d.thumbs[0].url) { // fix for converted thumb in safari\r\n apiDoc.thumbs[0] = d.thumbs[0];\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n d.file_reference = doc.file_reference;\r\n //}\r\n return d;\r\n //return Object.assign(d, apiDoc, context);\r\n //return context ? Object.assign(d, context) : d;\r\n }\r\n if (context) {\r\n Object.assign(doc, context);\r\n }\r\n this.docs[doc.id] = doc;\r\n doc.attributes.forEach(attribute => {\r\n switch (attribute._) {\r\n case 'documentAttributeFilename':\r\n doc.file_name = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapPlainText(attribute.file_name);\r\n break;\r\n case 'documentAttributeAudio':\r\n doc.duration = attribute.duration;\r\n doc.audioTitle = attribute.title;\r\n doc.audioPerformer = attribute.performer;\r\n doc.type = attribute.pFlags.voice && doc.mime_type == \"audio/ogg\" ? 'voice' : 'audio';\r\n /* if(apiDoc.type == 'audio') {\r\n apiDoc.supportsStreaming = true;\r\n } */\r\n break;\r\n case 'documentAttributeVideo':\r\n doc.duration = attribute.duration;\r\n doc.w = attribute.w;\r\n doc.h = attribute.h;\r\n //apiDoc.supportsStreaming = attribute.pFlags?.supports_streaming/* && apiDoc.size > 524288 */;\r\n if ( /* apiDoc.thumbs && */attribute.pFlags.round_message) {\r\n doc.type = 'round';\r\n }\r\n else /* if(apiDoc.thumbs) */ {\r\n doc.type = 'video';\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'documentAttributeSticker':\r\n if (attribute.alt !== undefined) {\r\n doc.stickerEmojiRaw = attribute.alt;\r\n doc.stickerEmoji = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(doc.stickerEmojiRaw, { noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true });\r\n }\r\n if (attribute.stickerset) {\r\n if (attribute.stickerset._ == 'inputStickerSetEmpty') {\r\n delete attribute.stickerset;\r\n }\r\n else if (attribute.stickerset._ == 'inputStickerSetID') {\r\n doc.stickerSetInput = attribute.stickerset;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if ( /* apiDoc.thumbs && */doc.mime_type == 'image/webp') {\r\n doc.type = 'sticker';\r\n doc.sticker = 1;\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'documentAttributeImageSize':\r\n doc.type = 'photo';\r\n doc.w = attribute.w;\r\n doc.h = attribute.h;\r\n break;\r\n case 'documentAttributeAnimated':\r\n if ((doc.mime_type == 'image/gif' || doc.mime_type == 'video/mp4') /* && apiDoc.thumbs */) {\r\n doc.type = 'gif';\r\n }\r\n doc.animated = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (!doc.mime_type) {\r\n switch (doc.type) {\r\n case 'gif':\r\n case 'video':\r\n case 'round':\r\n doc.mime_type = 'video/mp4';\r\n break;\r\n case 'sticker':\r\n doc.mime_type = 'image/webp';\r\n break;\r\n case 'audio':\r\n doc.mime_type = 'audio/mpeg';\r\n break;\r\n case 'voice':\r\n doc.mime_type = 'audio/ogg';\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n doc.mime_type = 'application/octet-stream';\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (config_1.isServiceWorkerSupported) {\r\n if ((doc.type == 'gif' && doc.size > 8e6) || doc.type == 'audio' || doc.type == 'video') {\r\n doc.supportsStreaming = true;\r\n if (!doc.url) {\r\n doc.url = this.getFileURL(doc);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // for testing purposes\r\n //doc.supportsStreaming = false;\r\n if (!doc.file_name) {\r\n doc.file_name = '';\r\n }\r\n if (doc.mime_type == 'application/x-tgsticker' && doc.file_name == \"AnimatedSticker.tgs\") {\r\n doc.type = 'sticker';\r\n doc.animated = true;\r\n doc.sticker = 2;\r\n }\r\n /* if(!doc.url) {\r\n doc.url = this.getFileURL(doc);\r\n } */\r\n return doc;\r\n }\r\n getDoc(docID) {\r\n return utils_1.isObject(docID) && typeof (docID) !== 'string' ? docID : this.docs[docID];\r\n }\r\n getMediaInput(doc) {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputMediaDocument',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n id: {\r\n _: 'inputDocument',\r\n id: doc.id,\r\n access_hash: doc.access_hash,\r\n file_reference: doc.file_reference\r\n },\r\n ttl_seconds: 0\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getInput(doc, thumbSize) {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputDocumentFileLocation',\r\n id: doc.id,\r\n access_hash: doc.access_hash,\r\n file_reference: doc.file_reference,\r\n thumb_size: thumbSize\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getFileDownloadOptions(doc, thumb) {\r\n const inputFileLocation = this.getInput(doc, thumb === null || thumb === void 0 ? void 0 : thumb.type);\r\n let mimeType;\r\n if (thumb) {\r\n mimeType = doc.sticker ? 'image/webp' : 'image/jpeg' /* doc.mime_type */;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n mimeType = doc.mime_type || 'application/octet-stream';\r\n }\r\n return {\r\n dcID: doc.dc_id,\r\n location: inputFileLocation,\r\n size: thumb ? thumb.size : doc.size,\r\n mimeType: mimeType,\r\n fileName: doc.file_name\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getFileURL(doc, download = false, thumb) {\r\n let type;\r\n if (download) {\r\n type = 'download';\r\n }\r\n else if (thumb) {\r\n type = 'thumb';\r\n }\r\n else if (doc.supportsStreaming) {\r\n type = 'stream';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n type = 'document';\r\n }\r\n return utils_1.getFileURL(type, this.getFileDownloadOptions(doc, thumb));\r\n }\r\n getThumbURL(doc, thumb) {\r\n let promise = Promise.resolve();\r\n if (!thumb.url) {\r\n if ('bytes' in thumb) {\r\n thumb.url = appPhotosManager_1.default.getPreviewURLFromBytes(thumb.bytes, !!doc.sticker);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n //return this.getFileURL(doc, false, thumb);\r\n promise = this.downloadDocNew(doc, thumb);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return { thumb, promise };\r\n }\r\n getThumb(doc, useBytes = true) {\r\n var _a;\r\n if ((_a = doc.thumbs) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) {\r\n let thumb;\r\n if (!useBytes) {\r\n thumb = doc.thumbs.find(t => !('bytes' in t));\r\n }\r\n if (!thumb) {\r\n thumb = doc.thumbs[0];\r\n }\r\n return this.getThumbURL(doc, thumb);\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n getInputFileName(doc, thumbSize) {\r\n return bin_utils_1.getFileNameByLocation(this.getInput(doc, thumbSize), { fileName: doc.file_name });\r\n }\r\n downloadDocNew(doc, thumb) {\r\n const fileName = this.getInputFileName(doc, thumb === null || thumb === void 0 ? void 0 : thumb.type);\r\n let download = appDownloadManager_1.default.getDownload(fileName);\r\n if (download) {\r\n return download;\r\n }\r\n const downloadOptions = this.getFileDownloadOptions(doc, thumb);\r\n download = appDownloadManager_1.default.download(downloadOptions);\r\n const originalPromise = download;\r\n originalPromise.then((blob) => {\r\n if (thumb) {\r\n thumb.url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (!doc.supportsStreaming) {\r\n doc.url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);\r\n }\r\n doc.downloaded = true;\r\n });\r\n if (doc.type == 'voice' && !opusDecodeController_1.default.isPlaySupported()) {\r\n download = originalPromise.then((blob) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n let reader = new FileReader();\r\n yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n reader.onloadend = (e) => {\r\n let uint8 = new Uint8Array(e.target.result);\r\n //console.log('sending uint8 to decoder:', uint8);\r\n opusDecodeController_1.default.decode(uint8).then(result => {\r\n doc.url = result.url;\r\n resolve();\r\n }, (err) => {\r\n delete doc.downloaded;\r\n reject(err);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob);\r\n });\r\n return blob;\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n return download;\r\n }\r\n saveDocFile(doc) {\r\n const options = this.getFileDownloadOptions(doc);\r\n return appDownloadManager_1.default.downloadToDisc(options, doc.file_name);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nconst appDocsManager = new AppDocsManager();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.appDocsManager = appDocsManager;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = appDocsManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 13, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appPhotosManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appPhotosManager.ts", "index": 45, "index2": 37, "size": 13161, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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__importDefault(require(\"./appDownloadManager\"));\r\nconst userAgent_1 = require(\"../../helpers/userAgent\");\r\nlet AppPhotosManager = /** @class */ (() => {\r\n class AppPhotosManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.photos = {};\r\n this.documentThumbsCache = {};\r\n this.windowW = 0;\r\n this.windowH = 0;\r\n window.addEventListener('resize', (e) => {\r\n this.windowW = document.body.scrollWidth;\r\n this.windowH = document.body.scrollHeight;\r\n });\r\n this.windowW = document.body.scrollWidth;\r\n this.windowH = document.body.scrollHeight;\r\n }\r\n savePhoto(photo, context) {\r\n if (photo._ == 'photoEmpty')\r\n return undefined;\r\n if (this.photos[photo.id])\r\n return Object.assign(this.photos[photo.id], photo);\r\n /* if(context) {\r\n Object.assign(photo, context);\r\n } */ // warning\r\n if (!photo.id) {\r\n console.warn('no apiPhoto.id', photo);\r\n }\r\n else\r\n this.photos[photo.id] = photo;\r\n return photo;\r\n }\r\n choosePhotoSize(photo, width = 0, height = 0) {\r\n //if(Config.Navigator.retina) {\r\n if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1) {\r\n width *= 2;\r\n height *= 2;\r\n }\r\n /*\r\n s\tbox\t100x100\r\n m\tbox\t320x320\r\n x\tbox\t800x800\r\n y\tbox\t1280x1280\r\n w\tbox\t2560x2560\r\n a\tcrop\t160x160\r\n b\tcrop\t320x320\r\n c\tcrop\t640x640\r\n d\tcrop\t1280x1280 */\r\n let bestPhotoSize = { _: 'photoSizeEmpty', type: '' };\r\n const sizes = (photo.sizes || photo.thumbs);\r\n if (sizes) {\r\n for (const photoSize of sizes) {\r\n if (!('w' in photoSize) && !('h' in photoSize))\r\n continue;\r\n bestPhotoSize = photoSize;\r\n const { w, h } = utils_1.calcImageInBox(photoSize.w, photoSize.h, width, height);\r\n if (w == width || h == height) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return bestPhotoSize;\r\n }\r\n /* public getUserPhotos(userID: number, maxID: number, limit: number) {\r\n var inputUser = appUsersManager.getUserInput(userID);\r\n return apiManager.invokeApi('photos.getUserPhotos', {\r\n user_id: inputUser,\r\n offset: 0,\r\n limit: limit || 20,\r\n max_id: maxID || 0\r\n }).then((photosResult: any) => {\r\n appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(photosResult.users);\r\n var photoIDs = [];\r\n var context = {user_id: userID};\r\n for(var i = 0; i < photosResult.photos.length; i++) {\r\n //this.savePhoto(photosResult.photos[i], context);\r\n photosResult.photos[i] = this.savePhoto(photosResult.photos[i], context);\r\n photoIDs.push(photosResult.photos[i].id);\r\n }\r\n \r\n return {\r\n count: photosResult.count || photosResult.photos.length,\r\n photos: photoIDs\r\n };\r\n });\r\n } */\r\n getPreviewURLFromBytes(bytes, isSticker = false) {\r\n let arr;\r\n if (!isSticker) {\r\n arr = AppPhotosManager.jf.concat(bytes.slice(3), AppPhotosManager.Df);\r\n arr[164] = bytes[1];\r\n arr[166] = bytes[2];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n arr = bytes instanceof Uint8Array ? bytes : new Uint8Array(bytes);\r\n }\r\n let mimeType;\r\n if (isSticker) {\r\n mimeType = userAgent_1.isSafari ? 'image/png' : 'image/webp';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n mimeType = 'image/jpeg';\r\n }\r\n const blob = new Blob([arr], { type: mimeType });\r\n return URL.createObjectURL(blob);\r\n }\r\n getPreviewURLFromThumb(thumb, isSticker = false) {\r\n var _a;\r\n return (_a = thumb.url) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (thumb.url = this.getPreviewURLFromBytes(thumb.bytes, isSticker));\r\n }\r\n setAttachmentPreview(bytes, element, isSticker = false, background = false) {\r\n let url = this.getPreviewURLFromBytes(bytes, isSticker);\r\n if (background) {\r\n let img = new Image();\r\n img.src = url;\r\n img.addEventListener('load', () => {\r\n element.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + url + ')';\r\n });\r\n return element;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (element instanceof HTMLImageElement) {\r\n element.src = url;\r\n return element;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let img = new Image();\r\n img.src = url;\r\n element.append(img);\r\n return img;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setAttachmentSize(photo, element, boxWidth, boxHeight, isSticker = false, dontRenderPreview = false) {\r\n const photoSize = this.choosePhotoSize(photo, boxWidth, boxHeight);\r\n //console.log('setAttachmentSize', photo, photo.sizes[0].bytes, div);\r\n const sizes = photo.sizes || photo.thumbs;\r\n const thumb = (sizes === null || sizes === void 0 ? void 0 : sizes.length) ? sizes[0] : null;\r\n if (thumb && ('bytes' in thumb)) {\r\n if ((!photo.downloaded || photo.type == 'video' || photo.type == 'gif') && !isSticker && !dontRenderPreview) {\r\n this.setAttachmentPreview(thumb.bytes, element, isSticker);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n let width;\r\n let height;\r\n if (photo._ == 'document') {\r\n width = photo.w || 512;\r\n height = photo.h || 512;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n width = 'w' in photoSize ? photoSize.w : 100;\r\n height = 'h' in photoSize ? photoSize.h : 100;\r\n }\r\n const { w, h } = utils_1.calcImageInBox(width, height, boxWidth, boxHeight);\r\n if (element instanceof SVGForeignObjectElement) {\r\n element.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', '' + w);\r\n element.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', '' + h);\r\n //console.log('set dimensions to svg element:', element, w, h);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n element.style.width = w + 'px';\r\n element.style.height = h + 'px';\r\n }\r\n return photoSize;\r\n }\r\n getPhotoDownloadOptions(photo, photoSize) {\r\n const isMyDocument = photo._ == 'document';\r\n if (!photoSize || photoSize._ == 'photoSizeEmpty') {\r\n //console.error('no photoSize by photo:', photo);\r\n throw new Error('photoSizeEmpty!');\r\n }\r\n // maybe it's a thumb\r\n const isPhoto = photoSize._ == 'photoSize' && photo.access_hash && photo.file_reference;\r\n const location = isPhoto ? {\r\n _: isMyDocument ? 'inputDocumentFileLocation' : 'inputPhotoFileLocation',\r\n id: photo.id,\r\n access_hash: photo.access_hash,\r\n file_reference: photo.file_reference,\r\n thumb_size: photoSize.type\r\n } : photoSize.location;\r\n return { dcID: photo.dc_id, location, size: isPhoto ? photoSize.size : undefined };\r\n }\r\n /* public getPhotoURL(photo: MTPhoto | MTMyDocument, photoSize: MTPhotoSize) {\r\n const downloadOptions = this.getPhotoDownloadOptions(photo, photoSize);\r\n \r\n return {url: getFileURL('photo', downloadOptions), location: downloadOptions.location};\r\n } */\r\n preloadPhoto(photoID, photoSize) {\r\n const photo = this.getPhoto(photoID);\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n if (!photo || photo._ == 'photoEmpty') {\r\n throw new Error('preloadPhoto photoEmpty!');\r\n }\r\n if (!photoSize) {\r\n const fullWidth = this.windowW;\r\n const fullHeight = this.windowH;\r\n photoSize = this.choosePhotoSize(photo, fullWidth, fullHeight);\r\n }\r\n const cacheContext = this.getCacheContext(photo);\r\n if (cacheContext.downloaded >= ('size' in photoSize ? photoSize.size : 0) && cacheContext.url) {\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n }\r\n const downloadOptions = this.getPhotoDownloadOptions(photo, photoSize);\r\n const fileName = bin_utils_1.getFileNameByLocation(downloadOptions.location);\r\n let download = appDownloadManager_1.default.getDownload(fileName);\r\n if (download) {\r\n return download;\r\n }\r\n download = appDownloadManager_1.default.download(downloadOptions);\r\n download.then(blob => {\r\n if (!cacheContext.downloaded || cacheContext.downloaded < blob.size) {\r\n cacheContext.downloaded = blob.size;\r\n cacheContext.url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);\r\n //console.log('wrote photo:', photo, photoSize, cacheContext, blob);\r\n }\r\n return blob;\r\n });\r\n return download;\r\n }\r\n getCacheContext(photo) {\r\n return photo._ == 'document' ? this.getDocumentCachedThumb(photo.id) : photo;\r\n }\r\n getDocumentCachedThumb(docID) {\r\n var _a;\r\n return (_a = this.documentThumbsCache[docID]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.documentThumbsCache[docID] = { downloaded: 0, url: '' });\r\n }\r\n getPhoto(photoID) {\r\n return utils_1.isObject(photoID) ? photoID : this.photos[photoID];\r\n }\r\n getInput(photo) {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputMediaPhoto',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n id: {\r\n _: 'inputPhoto',\r\n id: photo.id,\r\n access_hash: photo.access_hash,\r\n file_reference: photo.file_reference\r\n },\r\n ttl_seconds: 0\r\n };\r\n }\r\n savePhotoFile(photo) {\r\n const fullPhotoSize = this.choosePhotoSize(photo, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF);\r\n if (fullPhotoSize._ != 'photoSize') {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const location = {\r\n _: photo._ == 'document' ? 'inputDocumentFileLocation' : 'inputPhotoFileLocation',\r\n id: photo.id,\r\n access_hash: photo.access_hash,\r\n file_reference: photo.file_reference,\r\n thumb_size: fullPhotoSize.type\r\n };\r\n appDownloadManager_1.default.downloadToDisc({\r\n dcID: photo.dc_id,\r\n location,\r\n size: fullPhotoSize.size,\r\n fileName: 'photo' + photo.id + '.jpg'\r\n }, 'photo' + photo.id + '.jpg');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n AppPhotosManager.jf = new Uint8Array(bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex('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'));\r\n AppPhotosManager.Df = bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex('ffd9');\r\n return AppPhotosManager;\r\n})();\r\nexports.AppPhotosManager = AppPhotosManager;\r\nexports.default = new AppPhotosManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 14, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "index": 85, "index2": 90, "size": 14086, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": 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(function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppSidebarLeft = void 0;\r\n//import { logger } from \"../polyfill\";\r\nconst appDialogsManager_1 = __importStar(require(\"./appDialogsManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appImManager\"));\r\nconst appSearch_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../components/appSearch\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../components/misc\");\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst avatar_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/avatar\"));\r\nconst newChannel_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarLeft/newChannel\"));\r\nconst addMembers_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarLeft/addMembers\"));\r\nconst contacts_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarLeft/contacts\"));\r\nconst newGroup_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarLeft/newGroup\"));\r\nconst settings_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarLeft/settings\"));\r\nconst editProfile_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarLeft/editProfile\"));\r\nconst chatFolders_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarLeft/chatFolders\"));\r\nconst editFolder_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarLeft/editFolder\"));\r\nconst includedChats_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarLeft/includedChats\"));\r\nconst slider_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/slider\"));\r\nconst searchInput_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/searchInput\"));\r\nconst appStateManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appStateManager\"));\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appChatsManager\"));\r\navatar_1.default;\r\nconst newChannelTab = new newChannel_1.default();\r\nconst addMembersTab = new addMembers_1.default();\r\nconst contactsTab = new contacts_1.default();\r\nconst newGroupTab = new newGroup_1.default();\r\nconst settingsTab = new settings_1.default();\r\nconst editProfileTab = new editProfile_1.default();\r\nconst chatFoldersTab = new chatFolders_1.default();\r\nconst editFolderTab = new editFolder_1.default();\r\nconst includedChatsTab = new includedChats_1.default();\r\nlet AppSidebarLeft = /** @class */ (() => {\r\n class AppSidebarLeft extends slider_1.default {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super(document.getElementById('column-left'), {\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.archived]: appDialogsManager_1.archivedTab,\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.newChannel]: newChannelTab,\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.contacts]: contactsTab,\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.addMembers]: addMembersTab,\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.newGroup]: newGroupTab,\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.settings]: settingsTab,\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.editProfile]: editProfileTab,\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.chatFolders]: chatFoldersTab,\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.editFolder]: editFolderTab,\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.includedChats]: includedChatsTab,\r\n });\r\n this.buttons = {};\r\n this.newButtons = {};\r\n //private log = logger('SL');\r\n this.searchGroups = {\r\n //saved: new SearchGroup('', 'contacts'),\r\n contacts: new appSearch_1.SearchGroup('Chats', 'contacts'),\r\n globalContacts: new appSearch_1.SearchGroup('Global Search', 'contacts'),\r\n messages: new appSearch_1.SearchGroup('Global Search', 'messages'),\r\n people: new appSearch_1.SearchGroup('People', 'contacts', false, 'search-group-people'),\r\n recent: new appSearch_1.SearchGroup('Recent', 'contacts', false, 'search-group-recent')\r\n };\r\n // peerIDs\r\n this.recentSearch = [];\r\n this.recentSearchLoaded = false;\r\n this.searchInput = new searchInput_1.default('Telegram Search');\r\n this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.item-main .sidebar-header').append(this.searchInput.container);\r\n this.toolsBtn = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.sidebar-tools-button');\r\n this.backBtn = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.sidebar-back-button');\r\n this.searchContainer = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('#search-container');\r\n this.archivedTab = appDialogsManager_1.archivedTab;\r\n this.newChannelTab = newChannelTab;\r\n this.addMembersTab = addMembersTab;\r\n this.contactsTab = contactsTab;\r\n this.newGroupTab = newGroupTab;\r\n this.settingsTab = settingsTab;\r\n this.editProfileTab = editProfileTab;\r\n this.chatFoldersTab = chatFoldersTab;\r\n this.editFolderTab = editFolderTab;\r\n this.includedChatsTab = includedChatsTab;\r\n this.menuEl = this.toolsBtn.querySelector('.btn-menu');\r\n this.newBtnMenu = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('#new-menu');\r\n this.globalSearch = new appSearch_1.default(this.searchContainer, this.searchInput, this.searchGroups, (count) => {\r\n if (!count && !this.searchInput.value.trim()) {\r\n this.globalSearch.reset();\r\n this.searchGroups.people.setActive();\r\n this.renderRecentSearch();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.searchContainer.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n const target = utils_1.findUpTag(e.target, 'LI');\r\n if (!target) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const searchGroup = utils_1.findUpClassName(target, 'search-group');\r\n if (!searchGroup || searchGroup.classList.contains('search-group-recent') || searchGroup.classList.contains('search-group-people')) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const peerID = +target.getAttribute('data-peerID');\r\n if (this.recentSearch[0] != peerID) {\r\n this.recentSearch.findAndSplice(p => p == peerID);\r\n this.recentSearch.unshift(peerID);\r\n if (this.recentSearch.length > 20) {\r\n this.recentSearch.length = 20;\r\n }\r\n this.renderRecentSearch();\r\n appStateManager_1.default.pushToState('recentSearch', this.recentSearch);\r\n for (const peerID of this.recentSearch) {\r\n appStateManager_1.default.pushPeer(peerID);\r\n }\r\n clearRecentSearchBtn.style.display = '';\r\n }\r\n }, { capture: true });\r\n let peopleContainer = document.createElement('div');\r\n peopleContainer.classList.add('search-group-scrollable');\r\n peopleContainer.append(this.searchGroups.people.list);\r\n this.searchGroups.people.container.append(peopleContainer);\r\n let peopleScrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(peopleContainer, 'x');\r\n misc_1.parseMenuButtonsTo(this.buttons, this.menuEl.children);\r\n misc_1.parseMenuButtonsTo(this.newButtons, this.newBtnMenu.firstElementChild.children);\r\n this.archivedCount = this.buttons.archived.querySelector('.archived-count');\r\n this.buttons.saved.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n ///////this.log('savedbtn click');\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n appImManager_1.default.setPeer(appImManager_1.default.myID);\r\n }, 0);\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.archived.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n this.selectTab(AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.archived);\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.contacts.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n this.contactsTab.openContacts();\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.settings.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n this.settingsTab.fillElements();\r\n this.selectTab(AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.settings);\r\n });\r\n let firstTime = true;\r\n this.searchInput.input.addEventListener('focus', (e) => {\r\n this.toolsBtn.classList.remove('active');\r\n this.backBtn.classList.add('active');\r\n this.searchContainer.classList.remove('hide');\r\n void this.searchContainer.offsetWidth; // reflow\r\n this.searchContainer.classList.add('active');\r\n if (firstTime) {\r\n this.searchGroups.people.setActive();\r\n this.renderRecentSearch();\r\n firstTime = false;\r\n }\r\n /* this.searchInput.addEventListener('blur', (e) => {\r\n if(!this.searchInput.value) {\r\n this.toolsBtn.classList.add('active');\r\n this.backBtn.classList.remove('active');\r\n this.backBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n }, {once: true}); */\r\n });\r\n this.backBtn.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n //appDialogsManager.chatsArchivedContainer.classList.remove('active');\r\n this.toolsBtn.classList.add('active');\r\n this.backBtn.classList.remove('active');\r\n this.searchContainer.classList.remove('active');\r\n firstTime = true;\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.searchContainer.classList.add('hide');\r\n this.globalSearch.reset();\r\n }, 150);\r\n });\r\n this.newButtons.channel.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n this.selectTab(AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.newChannel);\r\n });\r\n [this.newButtons.group, this.buttons.newGroup].forEach(btn => {\r\n btn.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n this.addMembersTab.init(0, 'chat', false, (peerIDs) => {\r\n this.newGroupTab.init(peerIDs);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('dialogs_archived_unread', (e) => {\r\n this.archivedCount.innerText = '' + e.detail.count;\r\n });\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.getTopPeers().then(peers => {\r\n //console.log('got top categories:', categories);\r\n peers.forEach((peerID) => {\r\n let { dialog, dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(peerID, this.searchGroups.people.list, false, true, true);\r\n this.searchGroups.people.setActive();\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.renderRecentSearch();\r\n const clearRecentSearchBtn = this.recentSearchClearBtn = document.createElement('button');\r\n clearRecentSearchBtn.classList.add('btn-icon', 'tgico-close');\r\n this.searchGroups.recent.nameEl.append(clearRecentSearchBtn);\r\n clearRecentSearchBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.recentSearch = [];\r\n appStateManager_1.default.pushToState('recentSearch', this.recentSearch);\r\n this.renderRecentSearch(false);\r\n clearRecentSearchBtn.style.display = 'none';\r\n });\r\n }\r\n renderRecentSearch(setActive = true) {\r\n appStateManager_1.default.getState().then(state => {\r\n if (state && !this.recentSearchLoaded && Array.isArray(state.recentSearch)) {\r\n this.recentSearch = state.recentSearch;\r\n this.recentSearchLoaded = true;\r\n }\r\n this.searchGroups.recent.list.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.recentSearchClearBtn.style.display = this.recentSearch.length ? '' : 'none';\r\n this.recentSearch.slice(0, 20).forEach(peerID => {\r\n let { dialog, dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(peerID, this.searchGroups.recent.list, false, true, false, true);\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerText = peerID > 0 ? appUsersManager_1.default.getUserStatusString(peerID) : appChatsManager_1.default.getChatMembersString(peerID);\r\n });\r\n if (setActive) {\r\n this.searchGroups.recent.setActive();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS = {\r\n archived: 1,\r\n contacts: 2,\r\n newChannel: 3,\r\n addMembers: 4,\r\n newGroup: 5,\r\n settings: 6,\r\n editProfile: 7,\r\n chatFolders: 8,\r\n editFolder: 9,\r\n includedChats: 10,\r\n };\r\n return AppSidebarLeft;\r\n})();\r\nexports.AppSidebarLeft = AppSidebarLeft;\r\nconst appSidebarLeft = new AppSidebarLeft();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.appSidebarLeft = appSidebarLeft;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = appSidebarLeft;\r\n" }, { "id": 15, "identifier": 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IntersectionObserver((entries) => {\r\n if (utils_1.$rootScope.idle.isIDLE)\r\n return;\r\n for (const entry of entries) {\r\n const target = entry.target;\r\n for (const group in this.byGroups) {\r\n if (this.intersectionLockedGroups[group]) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n const player = this.byGroups[group].find(p => p.el == target);\r\n if (player) {\r\n if (entry.isIntersecting) {\r\n this.visible.add(player);\r\n this.checkAnimation(player, false);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.visible.delete(player);\r\n this.checkAnimation(player, true);\r\n if (player.animation instanceof lottieLoader_1.RLottiePlayer /* && player.animation.cachingDelta == 2 */) {\r\n //console.warn('will clear cache', player);\r\n player.animation.clearCache();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getAnimations(element) {\r\n const found = [];\r\n for (const group in this.byGroups) {\r\n for (const player of this.byGroups[group]) {\r\n if (player.el == element) {\r\n found.push(player);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return found;\r\n }\r\n addAnimation(animation, group = '') {\r\n var _a;\r\n const player = {\r\n el: animation instanceof lottieLoader_1.RLottiePlayer ? animation.el : animation,\r\n animation: animation,\r\n group\r\n };\r\n ((_a = this.byGroups[group]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.byGroups[group] = [])).push(player);\r\n this.observer.observe(player.el);\r\n }\r\n checkAnimations(blurred, group, destroy = false) {\r\n if (utils_1.$rootScope.idle.isIDLE)\r\n return;\r\n const groups = group /* && false */ ? [group] : Object.keys(this.byGroups);\r\n if (group && !this.byGroups[group]) {\r\n //console.warn('no animation group:', group);\r\n this.byGroups[group] = [];\r\n //return;\r\n }\r\n for (const group of groups) {\r\n const animations = this.byGroups[group];\r\n animations.forEach(player => {\r\n this.checkAnimation(player, blurred, destroy);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n checkAnimation(player, blurred = false, destroy = false) {\r\n const { el, animation, group } = player;\r\n //return;\r\n if ((destroy || (!utils_1.isInDOM(el) && !this.lockedGroups[group])) /* && false */) {\r\n //console.log('destroy animation');\r\n animation.remove();\r\n if (animation instanceof HTMLVideoElement) {\r\n animation.src = '';\r\n animation.load();\r\n }\r\n for (const group in this.byGroups) {\r\n this.byGroups[group].findAndSplice(p => p == player);\r\n }\r\n this.observer.unobserve(el);\r\n this.visible.delete(player);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (blurred) {\r\n if (!animation.paused) {\r\n //console.warn('pause animation:', animation);\r\n animation.pause();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (animation.paused && this.visible.has(player) && animation.autoplay) {\r\n //console.warn('play animation:', animation);\r\n animation.play();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n lockGroup(group) {\r\n this.lockedGroups[group] = true;\r\n }\r\n unlockGroup(group) {\r\n delete this.lockedGroups[group];\r\n this.checkAnimations(undefined, group);\r\n }\r\n refreshGroup(group) {\r\n const animations = this.byGroups[group];\r\n if (animations && animations.length) {\r\n animations.forEach(animation => {\r\n this.observer.unobserve(animation.el);\r\n });\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n animations.forEach(animation => {\r\n this.observer.observe(animation.el);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n lockIntersectionGroup(group) {\r\n this.intersectionLockedGroups[group] = true;\r\n }\r\n unlockIntersectionGroup(group) {\r\n delete this.intersectionLockedGroups[group];\r\n this.refreshGroup(group);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AnimationIntersector = AnimationIntersector;\r\nconst animationIntersector = new AnimationIntersector();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV == 'development') {\r\n window.animationIntersector = animationIntersector;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = animationIntersector;\r\n" }, { "id": 16, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appDialogsManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager.ts", "index": 57, "index2": 54, "size": 49292, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppDialogsManager = exports.archivedTab = exports.AppArchivedTab = void 0;\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appImManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../components/misc\");\r\n//import Scrollable from \"../../components/scrollable\";\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst avatar_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/avatar\"));\r\nconst popup_1 = require(\"../../components/popup\");\r\nconst appStateManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appStateManager\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../config\");\r\nconst horizontalMenu_1 = require(\"../../components/horizontalMenu\");\r\nconst ripple_1 = require(\"../../components/ripple\");\r\nconst testScroll = false;\r\n//const USEPINNEDDELIMITER = false;\r\nclass DialogsContextMenu {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.element = document.getElementById('dialogs-contextmenu');\r\n this.buttons = {};\r\n this.onContextMenu = (e) => {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n let li = null;\r\n try {\r\n li = utils_1.findUpTag(e.target, 'LI');\r\n }\r\n catch (e) { }\r\n if (!li)\r\n return;\r\n if (e instanceof MouseEvent)\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n if (this.element.classList.contains('active')) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (e instanceof MouseEvent)\r\n e.cancelBubble = true;\r\n this.filterID = appDialogsManager.filterID;\r\n this.selectedID = +li.getAttribute('data-peerID');\r\n const dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(this.selectedID)[0];\r\n const notOurDialog = dialog.peerID != utils_1.$rootScope.myID;\r\n // archive button\r\n if (notOurDialog) {\r\n const button = this.buttons.archive;\r\n const condition = dialog.folder_id == 1;\r\n button.classList.toggle('flip-icon', condition);\r\n button.innerText = condition ? 'Unarchive' : 'Archive';\r\n this.buttons.archive.style.display = '';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.buttons.archive.style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n // pin button\r\n {\r\n const button = this.buttons.pin;\r\n //const condition = !!dialog.pFlags?.pinned;\r\n const condition = this.filterID > 1 ? appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.filters[this.filterID].pinned_peers.includes(dialog.peerID) : !!((_a = dialog.pFlags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.pinned);\r\n button.classList.toggle('flip-icon', condition);\r\n button.innerText = condition ? 'Unpin' : 'Pin';\r\n }\r\n // mute button\r\n if (notOurDialog) {\r\n const button = this.buttons.mute;\r\n const condition = dialog.notify_settings && dialog.notify_settings.mute_until > (Date.now() / 1000 | 0);\r\n button.classList.toggle('flip-icon', condition);\r\n button.innerText = condition ? 'Unmute' : 'Mute';\r\n this.buttons.mute.style.display = '';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.buttons.mute.style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n // unread button\r\n {\r\n const button = this.buttons.unread;\r\n const condition = !!(((_b = dialog.pFlags) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.unread_mark) || dialog.unread_count);\r\n button.classList.toggle('flip-icon', condition);\r\n button.innerText = condition ? 'Mark as Read' : 'Mark as Unread';\r\n }\r\n /* // clear history button\r\n if(appPeersManager.isChannel(this.selectedID)) {\r\n this.buttons.clear.style.display = 'none';\r\n } else {\r\n this.buttons.clear.style.display = '';\r\n } */\r\n // delete button\r\n let deleteButtonText = '';\r\n if (appPeersManager_1.default.isMegagroup(this.selectedID)) {\r\n deleteButtonText = 'Leave';\r\n //deleteButtonText = 'Leave group';\r\n this.peerType = 'megagroup';\r\n }\r\n else if (appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(this.selectedID)) {\r\n deleteButtonText = 'Leave';\r\n //deleteButtonText = 'Leave channel';\r\n this.peerType = 'channel';\r\n }\r\n else if (this.selectedID < 0) {\r\n deleteButtonText = 'Delete';\r\n //deleteButtonText = 'Delete and leave';\r\n this.peerType = 'group';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n deleteButtonText = 'Delete';\r\n //deleteButtonText = 'Delete chat';\r\n this.peerType = this.selectedID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID ? 'saved' : 'chat';\r\n }\r\n this.buttons.delete.innerText = deleteButtonText;\r\n li.classList.add('menu-open');\r\n misc_1.positionMenu(e, this.element);\r\n misc_1.openBtnMenu(this.element, () => {\r\n li.classList.remove('menu-open');\r\n });\r\n };\r\n misc_1.parseMenuButtonsTo(this.buttons, this.element.children);\r\n this.buttons.archive.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(this.selectedID)[0];\r\n if (dialog) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.editPeerFolders([dialog.peerID], +!dialog.folder_id);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.pin.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.toggleDialogPin(this.selectedID, this.filterID);\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.mute.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appImManager_1.default.mutePeer(this.selectedID);\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.unread.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n const dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(this.selectedID)[0];\r\n if (!dialog)\r\n return;\r\n if (dialog.unread_count) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.readHistory(this.selectedID, dialog.top_message);\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.markDialogUnread(this.selectedID, true);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.markDialogUnread(this.selectedID);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.delete.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n let firstName = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(this.selectedID, false, true);\r\n let callbackFlush = (justClear) => {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.flushHistory(this.selectedID, justClear);\r\n };\r\n let callbackLeave = () => {\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.leaveChannel(-this.selectedID);\r\n };\r\n let title, description, buttons;\r\n switch (this.peerType) {\r\n case 'channel': {\r\n title = 'Leave Channel?';\r\n description = `Are you sure you want to leave this channel?`;\r\n buttons = [{\r\n text: 'LEAVE ' + firstName,\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: callbackLeave\r\n }];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'megagroup': {\r\n title = 'Leave Group?';\r\n description = `Are you sure you want to leave this group?`;\r\n buttons = [{\r\n text: 'LEAVE ' + firstName,\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: callbackLeave\r\n }];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'chat': {\r\n title = 'Delete Chat?';\r\n description = `Are you sure you want to delete chat with ${firstName}?`;\r\n buttons = [{\r\n text: 'DELETE FOR ME AND ' + firstName,\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: () => callbackFlush(false)\r\n }, {\r\n text: 'DELETE JUST FOR ME',\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: () => callbackFlush(true)\r\n }];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'saved': {\r\n title = 'Delete Saved Messages?';\r\n description = `Are you sure you want to delete all your saved messages?`;\r\n buttons = [{\r\n text: 'DELETE SAVED MESSAGES',\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: () => callbackFlush(false)\r\n }];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'group': {\r\n title = 'Delete and leave Group?';\r\n description = `Are you sure you want to delete all message history and leave ${firstName}?`;\r\n buttons = [{\r\n text: 'DELETE AND LEAVE ' + firstName,\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: () => callbackFlush(true)\r\n }];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n buttons.push({\r\n text: 'CANCEL',\r\n isCancel: true\r\n });\r\n let popup = new popup_1.PopupPeer('popup-delete-chat', {\r\n peerID: this.selectedID,\r\n title: title,\r\n description: description,\r\n buttons: buttons\r\n });\r\n popup.show();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nclass AppArchivedTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.getElementById('chats-archived-container');\r\n this.chatList = document.getElementById('dialogs-archived');\r\n this.scroll = null;\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n this.scroll = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.container, 'y', 'CLA', this.chatList, 500);\r\n this.scroll.setVirtualContainer(this.chatList);\r\n this.scroll.onScrolledBottom = appDialogsManager.onChatsScroll;\r\n ///this.scroll.attachSentinels();\r\n appDialogsManager.setListClickListener(this.chatList, null, true);\r\n window.addEventListener('resize', () => {\r\n setTimeout(appDialogsManager.onChatsScroll, 0);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n onOpen() {\r\n if (this.init) {\r\n this.init();\r\n this.init = null;\r\n }\r\n this.wasFilterID = appDialogsManager.filterID;\r\n appDialogsManager.scroll = this.scroll;\r\n appDialogsManager.filterID = 1;\r\n appDialogsManager.onTabChange();\r\n }\r\n // вообще, так делать нельзя, но нет времени чтобы переделать главный чатлист на слайд...\r\n onOpenAfterTimeout() {\r\n appDialogsManager.chatLists[this.wasFilterID].innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n onClose() {\r\n appDialogsManager.scroll = appDialogsManager._scroll;\r\n appDialogsManager.filterID = this.wasFilterID;\r\n appDialogsManager.onTabChange();\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n this.chatList.innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppArchivedTab = AppArchivedTab;\r\nexports.archivedTab = new AppArchivedTab();\r\nclass AppDialogsManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this._chatList = document.getElementById('dialogs');\r\n this.chatList = this._chatList;\r\n //public pinnedDelimiter: HTMLDivElement;\r\n this.doms = {};\r\n this.lastActiveListElement = null;\r\n /* private rippleCallback: (value?: boolean | PromiseLike) => void = null;\r\n private lastClickID = 0;\r\n private lastGoodClickID = 0; */\r\n this.chatsContainer = document.getElementById('chats-container');\r\n this.loadedAll = false;\r\n this.scroll = null;\r\n this._scroll = null;\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('DIALOGS', logger_1.LogLevels.log | logger_1.LogLevels.error | logger_1.LogLevels.warn | logger_1.LogLevels.debug);\r\n this.contextMenu = new DialogsContextMenu();\r\n this.chatLists = {\r\n 0: this.chatList,\r\n 1: exports.archivedTab.chatList\r\n };\r\n this.filterID = 0;\r\n this.folders = {\r\n menu: document.getElementById('folders-tabs'),\r\n menuScrollContainer: null,\r\n container: document.getElementById('folders-container')\r\n };\r\n this.filtersRendered = {};\r\n this.onTabChange = () => {\r\n this.doms = {};\r\n this.loadedAll = false;\r\n this.lastActiveListElement = null;\r\n this.chatList = this.chatLists[this.filterID];\r\n this.loadDialogs(this.filterID);\r\n };\r\n this.onChatsScroll = () => {\r\n if (this.loadedAll || this.loadDialogsPromise)\r\n return;\r\n this.log('onChatsScroll');\r\n this.loadDialogs(this.filterID);\r\n };\r\n this.chatsPreloader = misc_1.putPreloader(null, true);\r\n this.allUnreadCount = this.folders.menu.querySelector('.unread-count');\r\n /* if(USEPINNEDDELIMITER) {\r\n this.pinnedDelimiter = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.pinnedDelimiter.classList.add('pinned-delimiter');\r\n this.pinnedDelimiter.appendChild(document.createElement('span'));\r\n } */\r\n this.folders.menuScrollContainer = this.folders.menu.parentElement;\r\n this.scroll = this._scroll = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.chatsContainer, 'y', 'CL', this.chatList, 500);\r\n this.scroll.onScrolledBottom = this.onChatsScroll;\r\n this.scroll.setVirtualContainer(this.chatList);\r\n //this.scroll.attachSentinels();\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport && config_1.isSafari) {\r\n let allowUp, allowDown, slideBeginY;\r\n const container = this.scroll.container;\r\n container.addEventListener('touchstart', (event) => {\r\n allowUp = container.scrollTop > 0;\r\n allowDown = (container.scrollTop < container.scrollHeight - container.clientHeight);\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n slideBeginY = event.pageY;\r\n });\r\n container.addEventListener('touchmove', (event) => {\r\n var up = (event.pageY > slideBeginY);\r\n var down = (event.pageY < slideBeginY);\r\n slideBeginY = event.pageY;\r\n if ((up && allowUp) || (down && allowDown)) {\r\n event.stopPropagation();\r\n }\r\n else if (up || down) {\r\n event.preventDefault();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n this.setListClickListener(this.chatList, null, true);\r\n /* if(testScroll) {\r\n let i = 0;\r\n let add = () => {\r\n let li = document.createElement('li');\r\n li.dataset.id = '' + i;\r\n li.id = '' + i;\r\n li.innerHTML = `


-_-_-_-: qweasd

`;\r\n i++;\r\n this.scroll.append(li);\r\n };\r\n for(let i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {\r\n add();\r\n }\r\n (window as any).addElement = add;\r\n } */\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('user_update', (e) => {\r\n let userID = e.detail;\r\n let user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(userID);\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(user.id)[0];\r\n //console.log('updating user:', user, dialog);\r\n if (dialog && !appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(dialog.peerID) && dialog.peerID != utils_1.$rootScope.myID) {\r\n let online = user.status && user.status._ == 'userStatusOnline';\r\n let dom = this.getDialogDom(dialog.peerID);\r\n if (dom) {\r\n if (online) {\r\n dom.avatarEl.classList.add('is-online');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n dom.avatarEl.classList.remove('is-online');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID == user.id) {\r\n appImManager_1.default.setPeerStatus();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('dialog_top', (e) => {\r\n let dialog = e.detail;\r\n this.setLastMessage(dialog);\r\n this.setDialogPosition(dialog);\r\n //this.setPinnedDelimiter();\r\n this.setFiltersUnreadCount();\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('dialog_flush', (e) => {\r\n let peerID = e.detail.peerID;\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n if (dialog) {\r\n this.setLastMessage(dialog);\r\n this.validateForFilter();\r\n this.setFiltersUnreadCount();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('dialogs_multiupdate', (e) => {\r\n const dialogs = e.detail;\r\n for (const id in dialogs) {\r\n const dialog = dialogs[id];\r\n this.updateDialog(dialog);\r\n }\r\n //this.setPinnedDelimiter();\r\n this.validateForFilter();\r\n this.setFiltersUnreadCount();\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('dialog_drop', (e) => {\r\n let { peerID, dialog } = e.detail;\r\n let dom = this.getDialogDom(peerID);\r\n if (dom) {\r\n dom.listEl.remove();\r\n delete this.doms[peerID];\r\n this.scroll.reorder();\r\n }\r\n this.setFiltersUnreadCount();\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('dialog_unread', (e) => {\r\n let info = e.detail;\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(info.peerID)[0];\r\n if (dialog) {\r\n this.setUnreadMessages(dialog);\r\n if (dialog.peerID == utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID) {\r\n appImManager_1.default.updateUnreadByDialog(dialog);\r\n }\r\n this.validateForFilter();\r\n this.setFiltersUnreadCount();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('dialog_notify_settings', e => {\r\n const dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(e.detail)[0];\r\n if (dialog) {\r\n this.setUnreadMessages(dialog); // возможно это не нужно, но нужно менять is-muted\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('peer_changed', (e) => {\r\n let peerID = e.detail;\r\n let lastPeerID = this.lastActiveListElement && +this.lastActiveListElement.getAttribute('data-peerID');\r\n if (this.lastActiveListElement && lastPeerID != peerID) {\r\n this.lastActiveListElement.classList.remove('active');\r\n this.lastActiveListElement = null;\r\n }\r\n if (lastPeerID != peerID) {\r\n let dom = this.getDialogDom(peerID);\r\n if (dom) {\r\n this.lastActiveListElement = dom.listEl;\r\n dom.listEl.classList.add('active');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('filter_update', (e) => {\r\n const filter = e.detail;\r\n if (!this.filtersRendered[filter.id]) {\r\n this.addFilter(filter);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (filter.id == this.filterID) { // это нет тут смысла вызывать, так как будет dialogs_multiupdate\r\n //this.validateForFilter();\r\n const folder = appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.getFolder(filter.id);\r\n this.validateForFilter();\r\n for (let i = 0, length = folder.length; i < length; ++i) {\r\n const dialog = folder[i];\r\n this.updateDialog(dialog);\r\n }\r\n this.setFiltersUnreadCount();\r\n }\r\n const elements = this.filtersRendered[filter.id];\r\n elements.title.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(filter.title);\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('filter_delete', (e) => {\r\n const filter = e.detail;\r\n const elements = this.filtersRendered[filter.id];\r\n if (!elements)\r\n return;\r\n // set tab\r\n //(this.folders.menu.firstElementChild.children[Math.max(0, filter.id - 2)] as HTMLElement).click();\r\n this.folders.menu.firstElementChild.children[0].click();\r\n elements.container.remove();\r\n elements.menu.remove();\r\n delete this.chatLists[filter.id];\r\n delete this.filtersRendered[filter.id];\r\n if (!Object.keys(this.filtersRendered).length) {\r\n this.folders.menuScrollContainer.classList.add('hide');\r\n }\r\n });\r\n /* $rootScope.$on('filter_pinned_order', (e) => {\r\n const {order, id} = e.detail as {order: number[], id: number};\r\n if(this.prevTabID != id) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n \r\n for(const peerID of order) {\r\n this.updateDialog(appMessagesManager.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0]);\r\n }\r\n }); */\r\n new scrollable_new_1.default(this.folders.menuScrollContainer, 'x');\r\n this.chatsContainer.prepend(this.folders.menuScrollContainer);\r\n const selectTab = horizontalMenu_1.horizontalMenu(this.folders.menu, this.folders.container, (id, tabContent) => {\r\n /* if(id != 0) {\r\n id += 1;\r\n } */\r\n id = +tabContent.dataset.filterID || 0;\r\n if (this.filterID == id)\r\n return;\r\n this.chatLists[id].innerHTML = '';\r\n this.scroll.setVirtualContainer(this.chatLists[id]);\r\n this.filterID = id;\r\n this.onTabChange();\r\n }, () => {\r\n for (const folderID in this.chatLists) {\r\n if (+folderID != this.filterID) {\r\n this.chatLists[folderID].innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n //selectTab(0);\r\n this.folders.menu.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.click();\r\n /* false && */ appStateManager_1.default.loadSavedState().then(() => {\r\n return appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.getDialogFilters();\r\n }).then(filters => {\r\n for (const filterID in filters) {\r\n this.addFilter(filters[filterID]);\r\n }\r\n return this.loadDialogs(this.filterID);\r\n }).then(result => {\r\n //this.setPinnedDelimiter();\r\n //appSidebarLeft.onChatsScroll();\r\n this.loadDialogs(1);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n updateDialog(dialog) {\r\n if (!dialog) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (!this.doms.hasOwnProperty(dialog.peerID)) {\r\n this.addDialog(dialog);\r\n }\r\n if (this.getDialogDom(dialog.peerID)) {\r\n this.setLastMessage(dialog);\r\n this.setDialogPosition(dialog);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setFilterUnreadCount(filterID, folder) {\r\n var _a;\r\n const unreadSpan = filterID == 0 ? this.allUnreadCount : (_a = this.filtersRendered[filterID]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.unread;\r\n if (!unreadSpan) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n folder = folder || appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.getFolder(filterID);\r\n const sum = folder.reduce((acc, dialog) => acc + +!!dialog.unread_count, 0);\r\n unreadSpan.innerText = sum ? '' + sum : '';\r\n }\r\n setFiltersUnreadCount() {\r\n for (const filterID in this.filtersRendered) {\r\n this.setFilterUnreadCount(+filterID);\r\n }\r\n this.setFilterUnreadCount(0);\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Удалит неподходящие чаты из списка, но не добавит их(!)\r\n */\r\n validateForFilter() {\r\n // !WARNING, возможно это было зачем-то, но комментарий исправил архивирование\r\n //if(this.filterID == 0) return;\r\n const folder = appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.getFolder(this.filterID);\r\n let affected = false;\r\n for (const _peerID in this.doms) {\r\n const peerID = +_peerID;\r\n // если больше не подходит по фильтру, удаляем\r\n if (folder.findIndex((dialog) => dialog.peerID == peerID) === -1) {\r\n const listEl = this.doms[peerID].listEl;\r\n listEl.remove();\r\n affected = true;\r\n if (this.lastActiveListElement == listEl) {\r\n this.lastActiveListElement = null;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (affected) {\r\n this.scroll.reorder();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n addFilter(filter) {\r\n if (this.filtersRendered[filter.id])\r\n return;\r\n const li = document.createElement('li');\r\n const span = document.createElement('span');\r\n const titleSpan = document.createElement('span');\r\n titleSpan.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(filter.title);\r\n const unreadSpan = document.createElement('span');\r\n unreadSpan.classList.add('unread-count');\r\n const i = document.createElement('i');\r\n span.append(titleSpan, unreadSpan, i);\r\n li.append(span);\r\n ripple_1.ripple(li);\r\n const containerToAppend = this.folders.menu.firstElementChild;\r\n utils_1.positionElementByIndex(li, containerToAppend, filter.orderIndex + 1); // because 0 is All\r\n //containerToAppend.append(li);\r\n const ul = document.createElement('ul');\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.append(ul);\r\n div.dataset.filterID = '' + filter.id;\r\n //this.folders.container.append(div);\r\n utils_1.positionElementByIndex(div, this.folders.container, filter.orderIndex + 1); // because 0 is All\r\n this.chatLists[filter.id] = ul;\r\n this.setListClickListener(ul, null, true);\r\n if (!this.showFiltersTimeout) {\r\n this.showFiltersTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.showFiltersTimeout = 0;\r\n this.folders.menuScrollContainer.classList.remove('hide');\r\n this.setFiltersUnreadCount();\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n this.filtersRendered[filter.id] = {\r\n menu: li,\r\n container: div,\r\n unread: unreadSpan,\r\n title: titleSpan\r\n };\r\n }\r\n loadDialogs(folderID) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (testScroll) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (this.loadDialogsPromise /* || 1 == 1 */)\r\n return this.loadDialogsPromise;\r\n if (!this.chatList.childElementCount) {\r\n const container = this.chatList.parentElement;\r\n container.append(this.chatsPreloader);\r\n }\r\n //return;\r\n const storage = appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.getFolder(folderID);\r\n let offsetIndex = 0;\r\n for (let i = storage.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\r\n const dialog = storage[i];\r\n if (this.getDialogDom(dialog.peerID)) {\r\n offsetIndex = dialog.index;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //let offset = storage[storage.length - 1]?.index || 0;\r\n try {\r\n //console.time('getDialogs time');\r\n const loadCount = 50 /*this.chatsLoadCount */;\r\n const getConversationPromise = (this.filterID > 1 ? appUsersManager_1.default.getContacts() : Promise.resolve()).then(() => {\r\n return appMessagesManager_1.default.getConversations('', offsetIndex, loadCount, folderID);\r\n });\r\n this.loadDialogsPromise = getConversationPromise;\r\n const result = yield getConversationPromise;\r\n //console.timeEnd('getDialogs time');\r\n if (result && result.dialogs && result.dialogs.length) {\r\n result.dialogs.forEach((dialog) => {\r\n this.addDialog(dialog);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (!result.dialogs.length || this.chatList.childElementCount == result.count) { // loaded all\r\n this.loadedAll = true;\r\n }\r\n this.log.debug('getDialogs ' + loadCount + ' dialogs by offset:', offsetIndex, result, this.chatList.childElementCount);\r\n this.scroll.onScroll();\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n this.log.error(err);\r\n }\r\n this.chatsPreloader.remove();\r\n this.loadDialogsPromise = undefined;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n setListClickListener(list, onFound, withContext = false) {\r\n list.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n this.log('dialogs click list');\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n let elem = target.classList.contains('rp') ? target : utils_1.findUpClassName(target, 'rp');\r\n if (!elem) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n elem = elem.parentElement;\r\n let samePeer = this.lastActiveListElement == elem;\r\n if (this.lastActiveListElement && !samePeer) {\r\n this.lastActiveListElement.classList.remove('active');\r\n }\r\n let result;\r\n //console.log('appDialogsManager: lock lazyLoadQueue');\r\n if (elem) {\r\n if (onFound)\r\n onFound();\r\n let peerID = +elem.getAttribute('data-peerID');\r\n let lastMsgID = +elem.dataset.mid || undefined;\r\n if (!samePeer) {\r\n elem.classList.add('active');\r\n this.lastActiveListElement = elem;\r\n }\r\n result = appImManager_1.default.setPeer(peerID, lastMsgID);\r\n /* if(result instanceof Promise) {\r\n this.lastGoodClickID = this.lastClickID;\r\n appImManager.lazyLoadQueue.lock();\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n result = appImManager_1.default.setPeer(0);\r\n }\r\n }, { capture: true });\r\n if (withContext) {\r\n misc_1.attachContextMenuListener(list, this.contextMenu.onContextMenu);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setDialogPosition(dialog, pos) {\r\n const dom = this.getDialogDom(dialog.peerID);\r\n if (!dom) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (pos === undefined) {\r\n pos = appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.getDialog(dialog.peerID, this.filterID)[1];\r\n }\r\n if (utils_1.positionElementByIndex(dom.listEl, this.chatList, pos)) {\r\n this.scroll.reorder();\r\n this.log.debug('setDialogPosition:', dialog, dom, pos);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n /* public setPinnedDelimiter() {\r\n if(!USEPINNEDDELIMITER) return;\r\n \r\n let index = -1;\r\n let dialogs = appMessagesManager.dialogsStorage.getFolder(0);\r\n for(let dialog of dialogs) {\r\n if(dialog.pFlags?.pinned) {\r\n index++;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n let currentIndex = (this.pinnedDelimiter.parentElement && whichChild(this.pinnedDelimiter.parentElement)) ?? -1;\r\n \r\n if(index == currentIndex) return;\r\n \r\n let children = this.chatList.children;\r\n \r\n let modifying: HTMLElement[] = [];\r\n if(currentIndex != -1 && children.length > currentIndex) {\r\n let li = children[currentIndex] as HTMLElement;\r\n modifying.push(li);\r\n }\r\n \r\n if(index != -1 && children.length > index) {\r\n let li = children[index] as HTMLElement;\r\n modifying.push(li);\r\n li.append(this.pinnedDelimiter);\r\n } else {\r\n this.pinnedDelimiter.remove();\r\n }\r\n \r\n modifying.forEach(elem => {\r\n this.scroll.updateElement(elem);\r\n });\r\n } */\r\n setLastMessage(dialog, lastMessage, dom, highlightWord) {\r\n if (!lastMessage) {\r\n lastMessage = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(dialog.top_message);\r\n }\r\n ///////console.log('setlastMessage:', lastMessage);\r\n if (!dom) {\r\n dom = this.getDialogDom(dialog.peerID);\r\n if (!dom) {\r\n //this.log.error('no dom for dialog:', dialog, lastMessage, dom, highlightWord);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (lastMessage._ == 'messageEmpty' || (lastMessage._ == 'messageService' && !lastMessage.rReply)) {\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = '';\r\n dom.lastTimeSpan.innerHTML = '';\r\n delete dom.listEl.dataset.mid;\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let peer = dialog.peer;\r\n let peerID = dialog.peerID;\r\n //let peerID = appMessagesManager.getMessagePeer(lastMessage);\r\n //console.log('setting last message:', lastMessage);\r\n /* if(!dom.lastMessageSpan.classList.contains('user-typing')) */ {\r\n if (highlightWord && lastMessage.message) {\r\n let lastMessageText = appMessagesManager_1.default.getRichReplyText(lastMessage, '');\r\n let messageText = lastMessage.message;\r\n let entities = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.parseEntities(messageText.replace(/\\n/g, ' '), { noLinebreakers: true });\r\n let regExp = new RegExp(utils_1.escapeRegExp(highlightWord), 'gi');\r\n let match;\r\n if (!entities)\r\n entities = [];\r\n let found = false;\r\n while ((match = regExp.exec(messageText)) !== null) {\r\n entities.push({ _: 'messageEntityHighlight', length: highlightWord.length, offset: match.index });\r\n found = true;\r\n }\r\n if (found) {\r\n entities.sort((a, b) => a.offset - b.offset);\r\n }\r\n let messageWrapped = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(messageText, {\r\n noLinebreakers: true,\r\n entities: entities,\r\n noTextFormat: true\r\n });\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = lastMessageText + messageWrapped;\r\n }\r\n else if (!lastMessage.deleted) {\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = lastMessage.rReply;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n /* if(lastMessage.from_id == auth.id) { // You: */\r\n if (peer._ != 'peerUser' && peerID != -lastMessage.from_id) {\r\n let sender = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(lastMessage.from_id);\r\n if (sender && sender.id) {\r\n let senderBold = document.createElement('b');\r\n let str = '';\r\n if (sender.id == utils_1.$rootScope.myID) {\r\n str = 'You';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n str = sender.first_name || sender.last_name || sender.username;\r\n }\r\n //senderBold.innerText = str + ': ';\r\n senderBold.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(str, { noLinebreakers: true }) + ': ';\r\n //console.log(sender, senderBold.innerText);\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.prepend(senderBold);\r\n } //////// else console.log('no sender', lastMessage, peerID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!lastMessage.deleted) {\r\n let timeStr = '';\r\n let timestamp = lastMessage.date;\r\n let now = Date.now() / 1000;\r\n let time = new Date(lastMessage.date * 1000);\r\n if ((now - timestamp) < 86400) { // if < 1 day\r\n timeStr = ('0' + time.getHours()).slice(-2) +\r\n ':' + ('0' + time.getMinutes()).slice(-2);\r\n }\r\n else if ((now - timestamp) < (86400 * 7)) { // week\r\n let date = new Date(timestamp * 1000);\r\n timeStr = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'][date.getDay()];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];\r\n timeStr = months[time.getMonth()] +\r\n ' ' + ('0' + time.getDate()).slice(-2);\r\n }\r\n dom.lastTimeSpan.innerHTML = timeStr;\r\n }\r\n else\r\n dom.lastTimeSpan.innerHTML = '';\r\n if (this.doms[peerID] == dom) {\r\n this.setUnreadMessages(dialog);\r\n }\r\n else { // means search\r\n dom.listEl.dataset.mid = lastMessage.mid;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setUnreadMessages(dialog) {\r\n var _a;\r\n const dom = this.getDialogDom(dialog.peerID);\r\n if (dialog.folder_id == 1) {\r\n this.accumulateArchivedUnread();\r\n }\r\n if (!dom) {\r\n //this.log.error('setUnreadMessages no dom!', dialog);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const isMuted = (((_a = dialog.notify_settings) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.mute_until) * 1000) > Date.now();\r\n dom.listEl.classList.toggle('is-muted', isMuted);\r\n const lastMessage = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(dialog.top_message);\r\n if (lastMessage._ != 'messageEmpty' && !lastMessage.deleted &&\r\n lastMessage.from_id == utils_1.$rootScope.myID && lastMessage.peerID != utils_1.$rootScope.myID &&\r\n dialog.read_outbox_max_id) { // maybe comment, 06.20.2020\r\n const outgoing = (lastMessage.pFlags && lastMessage.pFlags.unread); // maybe uncomment, 31.01.2020\r\n //console.log('outgoing', outgoing, lastMessage);\r\n if (outgoing) {\r\n dom.statusSpan.classList.remove('tgico-checks');\r\n dom.statusSpan.classList.add('tgico-check');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n dom.statusSpan.classList.remove('tgico-check');\r\n dom.statusSpan.classList.add('tgico-checks');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else\r\n dom.statusSpan.classList.remove('tgico-check', 'tgico-checks');\r\n dom.unreadMessagesSpan.innerText = '';\r\n dom.unreadMessagesSpan.classList.remove('tgico-pinnedchat');\r\n const filter = appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.filters[this.filterID];\r\n let isPinned;\r\n if (filter) {\r\n isPinned = filter.pinned_peers.findIndex(peerID => peerID == dialog.peerID) !== -1;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n isPinned = !!dialog.pFlags.pinned;\r\n }\r\n if (dialog.unread_count || dialog.pFlags.unread_mark) {\r\n //dom.unreadMessagesSpan.innerText = '' + (dialog.unread_count ? formatNumber(dialog.unread_count, 1) : ' ');\r\n dom.unreadMessagesSpan.innerText = '' + (dialog.unread_count || ' ');\r\n dom.unreadMessagesSpan.classList.add(isMuted ? 'unread-muted' : 'unread');\r\n }\r\n else if (isPinned) {\r\n dom.unreadMessagesSpan.classList.remove('unread', 'unread-muted');\r\n dom.unreadMessagesSpan.classList.add('tgico-pinnedchat');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n accumulateArchivedUnread() {\r\n if (this.accumulateArchivedTimeout)\r\n return;\r\n this.accumulateArchivedTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.accumulateArchivedTimeout = 0;\r\n const dialogs = appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.getFolder(1);\r\n const sum = dialogs.reduce((acc, dialog) => acc + dialog.unread_count, 0);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_archived_unread', { count: sum });\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n getDialogDom(peerID) {\r\n return this.doms[peerID];\r\n }\r\n addDialog(_dialog, container, drawStatus = true, rippleEnabled = true, onlyFirstName = false, meAsSaved = true) {\r\n var _a;\r\n let dialog;\r\n if (typeof (_dialog) === 'number') {\r\n let originalDialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(_dialog)[0];\r\n if (!originalDialog) {\r\n originalDialog = {\r\n peerID: _dialog,\r\n pFlags: {}\r\n };\r\n }\r\n dialog = originalDialog;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n dialog = _dialog;\r\n }\r\n let peerID = dialog.peerID;\r\n if (!container) {\r\n if (this.doms[peerID])\r\n return;\r\n const filter = appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.filters[this.filterID];\r\n if ((filter && !appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.testDialogForFilter(dialog, filter)) || (!filter && this.filterID != dialog.folder_id)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n let title = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(peerID, false, onlyFirstName);\r\n let avatarEl = new avatar_1.default();\r\n avatarEl.setAttribute('dialog', meAsSaved ? '1' : '0');\r\n avatarEl.setAttribute('peer', '' + peerID);\r\n avatarEl.classList.add('dialog-avatar');\r\n if (drawStatus && peerID != utils_1.$rootScope.myID && dialog.peer) {\r\n let peer = dialog.peer;\r\n switch (peer._) {\r\n case 'peerUser':\r\n let user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(peerID);\r\n //console.log('found user', user);\r\n if (user.status && user.status._ == 'userStatusOnline') {\r\n avatarEl.classList.add('is-online');\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n let captionDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n captionDiv.classList.add('user-caption');\r\n let titleSpan = document.createElement('span');\r\n titleSpan.classList.add('user-title');\r\n if (peerID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID && meAsSaved) {\r\n title = onlyFirstName ? 'Saved' : 'Saved Messages';\r\n }\r\n titleSpan.innerHTML = title;\r\n //p.classList.add('')\r\n // в других случаях иконка верификации не нужна (а первый - это главные чатлисты)\r\n if (!container) {\r\n let peer;\r\n // for muted icon\r\n titleSpan.classList.add('tgico');\r\n if (peerID < 0) {\r\n peer = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-peerID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n peer = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(peerID);\r\n }\r\n if ((_a = peer === null || peer === void 0 ? void 0 : peer.pFlags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.verified) {\r\n titleSpan.classList.add('is-verified');\r\n const i = document.createElement('i');\r\n i.classList.add('verified-icon');\r\n titleSpan.append(i);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n let span = document.createElement('span');\r\n span.classList.add('user-last-message');\r\n //captionDiv.append(titleSpan);\r\n //captionDiv.append(span);\r\n let paddingDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n paddingDiv.classList.add('rp');\r\n paddingDiv.append(avatarEl, captionDiv);\r\n if (rippleEnabled) {\r\n ripple_1.ripple(paddingDiv);\r\n /* ripple(paddingDiv, (id) => {\r\n this.log('dialogs click element');\r\n this.lastClickID = id;\r\n \r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n this.rippleCallback = resolve;\r\n //setTimeout(() => resolve(), 100);\r\n //window.requestAnimationFrame(() => window.requestAnimationFrame(() => resolve()));\r\n });\r\n }, (id) => {\r\n //console.log('appDialogsManager: ripple onEnd called!');\r\n if(id == this.lastGoodClickID) {\r\n appImManager.lazyLoadQueue.unlock();\r\n }\r\n }); */\r\n }\r\n let li = document.createElement('li');\r\n li.append(paddingDiv);\r\n li.setAttribute('data-peerID', '' + peerID);\r\n let statusSpan = document.createElement('span');\r\n statusSpan.classList.add('message-status');\r\n let lastTimeSpan = document.createElement('span');\r\n lastTimeSpan.classList.add('message-time');\r\n let unreadMessagesSpan = document.createElement('span');\r\n let titleP = document.createElement('p');\r\n let rightSpan = document.createElement('span');\r\n rightSpan.append(statusSpan, lastTimeSpan);\r\n titleP.append(titleSpan, rightSpan);\r\n let messageP = document.createElement('p');\r\n messageP.append(span, unreadMessagesSpan);\r\n captionDiv.append(titleP, messageP);\r\n let dom = {\r\n avatarEl,\r\n captionDiv,\r\n titleSpan,\r\n statusSpan,\r\n lastTimeSpan,\r\n unreadMessagesSpan,\r\n lastMessageSpan: span,\r\n containerEl: paddingDiv,\r\n listEl: li\r\n };\r\n /* let good = false;\r\n for(const folderID in this.chatLists) {\r\n if(this.chatLists[folderID] == container) {\r\n good = true;\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n if (!container /* || good */) {\r\n this.scroll.append(li);\r\n this.doms[dialog.peerID] = dom;\r\n if (utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID == peerID) {\r\n li.classList.add('active');\r\n this.lastActiveListElement = li;\r\n }\r\n /* if(container) {\r\n container.append(li);\r\n } */\r\n this.setLastMessage(dialog);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n container.append(li);\r\n }\r\n return { dom, dialog };\r\n }\r\n setTyping(dialog, user) {\r\n const dom = this.getDialogDom(dialog.peerID);\r\n if (!dom) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let str = '';\r\n if (dialog.peerID < 0) {\r\n let s = user.rFirstName || user.username;\r\n if (!s)\r\n return;\r\n str = s + ' ';\r\n }\r\n const senderBold = document.createElement('i');\r\n str += 'typing...';\r\n senderBold.innerHTML = str;\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = '';\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.append(senderBold);\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.classList.add('user-typing');\r\n }\r\n unsetTyping(dialog) {\r\n const dom = this.getDialogDom(dialog.peerID);\r\n if (!dom) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.classList.remove('user-typing');\r\n this.setLastMessage(dialog, null, dom);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppDialogsManager = AppDialogsManager;\r\nconst appDialogsManager = new AppDialogsManager();\r\nexports.default = appDialogsManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 17, "identifier": 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elem.classList.contains('rp-square');\r\n if (isSquare) {\r\n r.classList.add('is-square');\r\n }\r\n const duration = isSquare ? 200 : 700;\r\n elem.append(r);\r\n let handler;\r\n let drawRipple = (clientX, clientY) => {\r\n let startTime = Date.now();\r\n let span = document.createElement('span');\r\n let clickID = rippleClickID++;\r\n //console.log('ripple drawRipple');\r\n handler = () => {\r\n let elapsedTime = Date.now() - startTime;\r\n if (elapsedTime < duration) {\r\n let delay = Math.max(duration - elapsedTime, duration / 2);\r\n setTimeout(() => span.classList.add('hiding'), Math.max(delay - duration / 2, 0));\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n //console.log('ripple elapsedTime total pre-remove:', Date.now() - startTime);\r\n span.remove();\r\n if (onEnd)\r\n onEnd(clickID);\r\n }, delay);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n span.classList.add('hiding');\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n //console.log('ripple elapsedTime total pre-remove:', Date.now() - startTime);\r\n span.remove();\r\n if (onEnd)\r\n onEnd(clickID);\r\n }, duration / 2);\r\n }\r\n handler = null;\r\n };\r\n callback && callback(clickID);\r\n /* callback().then((bad) => {\r\n if(bad) {\r\n span.remove();\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n //console.log('ripple after promise', Date.now() - startTime);\r\n //console.log('ripple tooSlow:', tooSlow);\r\n /* if(tooSlow) {\r\n span.remove();\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n span.classList.add('c-ripple__circle');\r\n let rect = r.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n let clickX = clientX - rect.left;\r\n let clickY = clientY - rect.top;\r\n let size, clickPos;\r\n if (rect.width > rect.height) {\r\n size = rect.width;\r\n clickPos = clickX;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n size = rect.height;\r\n clickPos = clickY;\r\n }\r\n let offsetFromCenter = clickPos > (size / 2) ? size - clickPos : clickPos;\r\n size = size - offsetFromCenter;\r\n size *= 1.1;\r\n // center of circle\r\n let x = clickX - size / 2;\r\n let y = clickY - size / 2;\r\n //console.log('ripple click', offsetFromCenter, size, clickX, clickY);\r\n span.style.width = span.style.height = size + 'px';\r\n span.style.left = x + 'px';\r\n span.style.top = y + 'px';\r\n r.append(span);\r\n //r.classList.add('active');\r\n //handler();\r\n });\r\n //});\r\n };\r\n let touchStartFired = false;\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n let touchEnd = () => {\r\n handler && handler();\r\n };\r\n elem.addEventListener('touchstart', (e) => {\r\n //console.log('ripple touchstart', e);\r\n if (e.touches.length > 1 || (e.target.tagName == 'BUTTON' && e.target != elem)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('touchstart', e);\r\n touchStartFired = true;\r\n let { clientX, clientY } = e.touches[0];\r\n drawRipple(clientX, clientY);\r\n window.addEventListener('touchend', touchEnd, { once: true });\r\n window.addEventListener('touchmove', (e) => {\r\n e.cancelBubble = true;\r\n e.stopPropagation();\r\n handler && handler();\r\n window.removeEventListener('touchend', touchEnd);\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n }, { passive: true });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n elem.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => {\r\n if (elem.dataset.ripple == '0') {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n else if (touchStartFired) {\r\n touchStartFired = false;\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n let { clientX, clientY } = e;\r\n drawRipple(clientX, clientY);\r\n window.addEventListener('mouseup', handler, { once: true });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ripple = ripple;\r\n" }, { "id": 18, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\wrappers.ts", "name": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "index": 69, "index2": 66, "size": 31712, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": 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Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.wrapPoll = exports.wrapAlbum = exports.wrapReply = exports.wrapSticker = exports.wrapPhoto = exports.wrapAudio = exports.wrapDocument = exports.formatDate = exports.wrapVideo = void 0;\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst lottieLoader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/lottieLoader\"));\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nconst preloader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./preloader\"));\r\nconst mediaPlayer_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/mediaPlayer\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"./misc\");\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst groupedLayout_1 = require(\"./groupedLayout\");\r\nconst poll_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./poll\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../lib/config\");\r\nconst animationIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./animationIntersector\"));\r\nconst audio_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./audio\"));\r\nconst webpWorkerController_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/webp/webpWorkerController\"));\r\nconst blob_1 = require(\"../helpers/blob\");\r\nconst appMediaPlaybackController_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMediaPlaybackController\"));\r\nconst cancellablePromise_1 = require(\"../helpers/cancellablePromise\");\r\nfunction wrapVideo({ doc, container, message, boxWidth, boxHeight, withTail, isOut, middleware, lazyLoadQueue, noInfo, group }) {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n if (!noInfo) {\r\n if (doc.type != 'round') {\r\n let span, spanPlay;\r\n span = document.createElement('span');\r\n span.classList.add('video-time');\r\n container.append(span);\r\n if (doc.type != 'gif') {\r\n span.innerText = (doc.duration + '').toHHMMSS(false);\r\n spanPlay = document.createElement('span');\r\n spanPlay.classList.add('video-play', 'tgico-largeplay', 'btn-circle', 'position-center');\r\n container.append(spanPlay);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n span.innerText = 'GIF';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (doc.mime_type == 'image/gif') {\r\n return wrapPhoto(doc, message, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, withTail, isOut, lazyLoadQueue, middleware);\r\n }\r\n /* const video = doc.type == 'round' ? appMediaPlaybackController.addMedia(doc, message.mid) as HTMLVideoElement : document.createElement('video');\r\n if(video.parentElement) {\r\n video.remove();\r\n } */\r\n const video = document.createElement('video');\r\n video.muted = true;\r\n video.setAttribute('playsinline', '');\r\n if (doc.type == 'round') {\r\n //video.muted = true;\r\n const globalVideo = appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.addMedia(doc, message.mid);\r\n video.addEventListener('canplay', () => {\r\n if (globalVideo.currentTime > 0) {\r\n video.currentTime = globalVideo.currentTime;\r\n }\r\n if (!globalVideo.paused) {\r\n // с закоментированными настройками - хром выключал видео при скролле, для этого нужно было включить видео - выйти из диалога, зайти заново и проскроллить вверх\r\n /* video.autoplay = true;\r\n video.loop = false; */\r\n video.play();\r\n }\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n const clear = () => {\r\n //console.log('clearing video');\r\n globalVideo.removeEventListener('timeupdate', onTimeUpdate);\r\n globalVideo.removeEventListener('play', onGlobalPlay);\r\n globalVideo.removeEventListener('pause', onGlobalPause);\r\n video.removeEventListener('play', onVideoPlay);\r\n video.removeEventListener('pause', onVideoPause);\r\n };\r\n const onTimeUpdate = () => {\r\n if (!utils_1.isInDOM(video)) {\r\n clear();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n const onGlobalPlay = () => {\r\n video.play();\r\n };\r\n const onGlobalPause = () => {\r\n video.pause();\r\n };\r\n const onVideoPlay = () => {\r\n globalVideo.play();\r\n };\r\n const onVideoPause = () => {\r\n //console.log('video pause event');\r\n if (utils_1.isInDOM(video)) {\r\n globalVideo.pause();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n clear();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n globalVideo.addEventListener('timeupdate', onTimeUpdate);\r\n globalVideo.addEventListener('play', onGlobalPlay);\r\n globalVideo.addEventListener('pause', onGlobalPause);\r\n video.addEventListener('play', onVideoPlay);\r\n video.addEventListener('pause', onVideoPause);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n video.autoplay = true; // для safari\r\n }\r\n let img;\r\n if (message) {\r\n if (doc.type == 'video' && ((_a = doc.thumbs) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length)) {\r\n return wrapPhoto(doc, message, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, withTail, isOut, lazyLoadQueue, middleware);\r\n }\r\n if (withTail) {\r\n img = wrapMediaWithTail(doc, message, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, isOut);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (boxWidth && boxHeight) { // !album\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.setAttachmentSize(doc, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, false, true);\r\n }\r\n if (((_b = doc.thumbs) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length) && 'bytes' in doc.thumbs[0]) {\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.setAttachmentPreview(doc.thumbs[0].bytes, container, false);\r\n }\r\n img = container.lastElementChild;\r\n if ((img === null || img === void 0 ? void 0 : img.tagName) != 'IMG') {\r\n container.append(img = new Image());\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (img) {\r\n img.classList.add('thumbnail');\r\n }\r\n if (withTail) {\r\n const foreignObject = img.parentElement;\r\n video.width = +foreignObject.getAttributeNS(null, 'width');\r\n video.height = +foreignObject.getAttributeNS(null, 'height');\r\n foreignObject.append(video);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!(img === null || img === void 0 ? void 0 : img.parentElement)) {\r\n const gotThumb = appDocsManager_1.default.getThumb(doc, false);\r\n if (gotThumb) {\r\n gotThumb.promise.then(() => {\r\n video.poster = gotThumb.thumb.url;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!video.parentElement && container) {\r\n container.append(video);\r\n }\r\n const loadVideo = () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n var _c;\r\n if (middleware && !middleware()) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let preloader;\r\n if ((_c = message === null || message === void 0 ? void 0 : message.media) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.preloader) { // means upload\r\n preloader = message.media.preloader;\r\n preloader.attach(container, undefined, undefined, true);\r\n }\r\n else if (!doc.downloaded && !doc.supportsStreaming) {\r\n const promise = appDocsManager_1.default.downloadDocNew(doc);\r\n preloader = new preloader_1.default(container, true);\r\n preloader.attach(container, true, promise, true);\r\n /* video.addEventListener('canplay', () => {\r\n if(preloader) {\r\n preloader.detach();\r\n }\r\n }, {once: true}); */\r\n yield promise;\r\n }\r\n else if (doc.supportsStreaming) {\r\n preloader = new preloader_1.default(container, false);\r\n video.addEventListener('canplay', () => {\r\n preloader.detach();\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n }\r\n if (middleware && !middleware()) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('loaded doc:', doc, doc.url, container);\r\n const deferred = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n //if(doc.type == 'gif'/* || true */) {\r\n video.addEventListener('canplay', () => {\r\n if (img === null || img === void 0 ? void 0 : img.parentElement) {\r\n img.remove();\r\n }\r\n /* if(!video.paused) {\r\n video.pause();\r\n } */\r\n if (doc.type == 'gif' && group) {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.addAnimation(video, group);\r\n }\r\n // test lazyLoadQueue\r\n //setTimeout(() => {\r\n deferred.resolve();\r\n //}, 5000);\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n //}\r\n video.addEventListener('error', deferred.reject);\r\n //if(doc.type != 'round') {\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(video, doc.url);\r\n //}\r\n /* if(!container.parentElement) {\r\n container.append(video);\r\n } */\r\n if (doc.type == 'gif' /* || true */) {\r\n video.muted = true;\r\n video.loop = true;\r\n //video.play();\r\n video.autoplay = true;\r\n }\r\n else if (doc.type == 'round') {\r\n video.dataset.ckin = 'circle';\r\n video.dataset.overlay = '1';\r\n new mediaPlayer_1.default(video);\r\n }\r\n return deferred;\r\n });\r\n /* if(doc.size >= 20e6 && !doc.downloaded) {\r\n let downloadDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n downloadDiv.classList.add('download');\r\n \r\n let span = document.createElement('span');\r\n span.classList.add('btn-circle', 'tgico-download');\r\n downloadDiv.append(span);\r\n \r\n downloadDiv.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n downloadDiv.remove();\r\n loadVideo();\r\n });\r\n \r\n container.prepend(downloadDiv);\r\n \r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n return /* doc.downloaded || */ !lazyLoadQueue /* && false */ ? loadVideo() : (lazyLoadQueue.push({ div: container, load: loadVideo /* , wasSeen: true */ }), Promise.resolve());\r\n}\r\nexports.wrapVideo = wrapVideo;\r\nexports.formatDate = (timestamp, monthShort = false, withYear = true) => {\r\n const months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'Octomber', 'November', 'December'];\r\n const date = new Date(timestamp * 1000);\r\n let month = months[date.getMonth()];\r\n if (monthShort)\r\n month = month.slice(0, 3);\r\n let str = month + ' ' + date.getDate();\r\n if (withYear) {\r\n str += ', ' + date.getFullYear();\r\n }\r\n return str + ' at ' + date.getHours() + ':' + ('0' + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2);\r\n};\r\nfunction wrapDocument(doc, withTime = false, uploading = false, mid) {\r\n if (doc.type == 'audio' || doc.type == 'voice') {\r\n return wrapAudio(doc, withTime, mid);\r\n }\r\n let extSplitted = doc.file_name ? doc.file_name.split('.') : '';\r\n let ext = '';\r\n ext = extSplitted.length > 1 && Array.isArray(extSplitted) ? extSplitted.pop().toLowerCase() : 'file';\r\n let docDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n docDiv.classList.add('document', `ext-${ext}`);\r\n const icoDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n icoDiv.classList.add('document-ico');\r\n if (doc.type == 'photo') {\r\n docDiv.classList.add('photo');\r\n if (uploading) {\r\n icoDiv.innerHTML = ``;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n wrapPhoto(doc, null, icoDiv, 54, 54, false, null, null, null);\r\n icoDiv.style.width = icoDiv.style.height = '';\r\n }\r\n const img = icoDiv.querySelector('img');\r\n if (img)\r\n img.classList.add('document-thumb');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n icoDiv.innerText = ext;\r\n }\r\n let fileName = doc.file_name || 'Unknown.file';\r\n let size = utils_1.formatBytes(doc.size);\r\n if (withTime) {\r\n size += ' · ' + exports.formatDate(doc.date);\r\n }\r\n docDiv.innerHTML = `\r\n ${!uploading ? `
` : ''}\r\n
\r\n `;\r\n docDiv.prepend(icoDiv);\r\n if (!uploading) {\r\n let downloadDiv = docDiv.querySelector('.document-download');\r\n let preloader;\r\n let download;\r\n docDiv.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n if (!download) {\r\n if (downloadDiv.classList.contains('downloading')) {\r\n return; // means not ready yet\r\n }\r\n if (!preloader) {\r\n preloader = new preloader_1.default(null, true);\r\n }\r\n download = appDocsManager_1.default.saveDocFile(doc);\r\n preloader.attach(downloadDiv, true, download);\r\n download.then(() => {\r\n downloadDiv.remove();\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n if (err.name === 'AbortError') {\r\n download = null;\r\n }\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n downloadDiv.classList.remove('downloading');\r\n });\r\n downloadDiv.classList.add('downloading');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n download.cancel();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return docDiv;\r\n}\r\nexports.wrapDocument = wrapDocument;\r\nfunction wrapAudio(doc, withTime = false, mid) {\r\n let elem = new audio_1.default();\r\n elem.setAttribute('doc-id', doc.id);\r\n elem.setAttribute('with-time', '' + +withTime);\r\n elem.setAttribute('message-id', '' + mid);\r\n return elem;\r\n}\r\nexports.wrapAudio = wrapAudio;\r\nfunction wrapMediaWithTail(photo, message, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, isOut) {\r\n const svg = document.createElementNS(\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\", \"svg\");\r\n svg.classList.add('bubble__media-container', isOut ? 'is-out' : 'is-in');\r\n const foreignObject = document.createElementNS(\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\", 'foreignObject');\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.setAttachmentSize(photo, foreignObject, boxWidth, boxHeight /* , false, true */);\r\n const width = +foreignObject.getAttributeNS(null, 'width');\r\n const height = +foreignObject.getAttributeNS(null, 'height');\r\n svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', '' + width);\r\n svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', '' + height);\r\n svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'viewBox', '0 0 ' + width + ' ' + height);\r\n svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'preserveAspectRatio', 'none');\r\n const clipID = 'clip' + message.mid;\r\n svg.dataset.clipID = clipID;\r\n const defs = document.createElementNS(\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\", 'defs');\r\n let clipPathHTML = '';\r\n if (message.message) {\r\n //clipPathHTML += ``;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (isOut) {\r\n clipPathHTML += `\r\n \r\n \r\n `;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n clipPathHTML += `\r\n \r\n \r\n `;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n defs.innerHTML = `${clipPathHTML}`;\r\n container.style.width = parseInt(container.style.width) - 9 + 'px';\r\n container.classList.add('with-tail');\r\n svg.append(defs, foreignObject);\r\n container.append(svg);\r\n let img = foreignObject.firstElementChild;\r\n if (!img) {\r\n foreignObject.append(img = new Image());\r\n }\r\n return img;\r\n}\r\nfunction wrapPhoto(photo, message, container, boxWidth = config_1.mediaSizes.active.regular.width, boxHeight = config_1.mediaSizes.active.regular.height, withTail, isOut, lazyLoadQueue, middleware, size = null) {\r\n var _a;\r\n let image;\r\n if (withTail) {\r\n image = wrapMediaWithTail(photo, message, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, isOut);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (boxWidth && boxHeight) { // !album\r\n size = appPhotosManager_1.default.setAttachmentSize(photo, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, false, true);\r\n }\r\n if (photo._ == 'document' || !photo.downloaded) {\r\n const thumbs = photo.sizes || photo.thumbs;\r\n if ((thumbs === null || thumbs === void 0 ? void 0 : thumbs.length) && 'bytes' in thumbs[0]) {\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.setAttachmentPreview(thumbs[0].bytes, container, false);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n image = container.lastElementChild;\r\n if (!image || image.tagName != 'IMG') {\r\n container.append(image = new Image());\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //console.log('wrapPhoto downloaded:', photo, photo.downloaded, container);\r\n const cacheContext = appPhotosManager_1.default.getCacheContext(photo);\r\n let preloader;\r\n if ((_a = message === null || message === void 0 ? void 0 : message.media) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.preloader) { // means upload\r\n message.media.preloader.attach(container);\r\n }\r\n else if (!cacheContext.downloaded) {\r\n preloader = new preloader_1.default(container, false);\r\n }\r\n const load = () => {\r\n const promise = photo._ == 'document' && photo.animated ? appDocsManager_1.default.downloadDocNew(photo) : appPhotosManager_1.default.preloadPhoto(photo, size);\r\n if (preloader) {\r\n preloader.attach(container, true, promise);\r\n }\r\n return promise.then(() => {\r\n if (middleware && !middleware())\r\n return;\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(image || container, cacheContext.url || photo.url);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n return cacheContext.downloaded || !lazyLoadQueue ? load() : (lazyLoadQueue.push({ div: container, load: load, wasSeen: true }), Promise.resolve());\r\n}\r\nexports.wrapPhoto = wrapPhoto;\r\nfunction wrapSticker({ doc, div, middleware, lazyLoadQueue, group, play, onlyThumb, emoji, width, height, withThumb, loop }) {\r\n var _a;\r\n const stickerType = doc.sticker;\r\n if (!width) {\r\n width = !emoji ? 200 : undefined;\r\n }\r\n if (!height) {\r\n height = !emoji ? 200 : undefined;\r\n }\r\n if (stickerType == 2 && !lottieLoader_1.default.loaded) {\r\n //LottieLoader.loadLottie();\r\n lottieLoader_1.default.loadLottieWorkers();\r\n }\r\n if (!stickerType) {\r\n console.error('wrong doc for wrapSticker!', doc);\r\n throw new Error('wrong doc for wrapSticker!');\r\n }\r\n div.dataset.docID = doc.id;\r\n //console.log('wrap sticker', doc, div, onlyThumb);\r\n const toneIndex = emoji ? utils_1.getEmojiToneIndex(emoji) : -1;\r\n if (((_a = doc.thumbs) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) && !div.firstElementChild && (!doc.downloaded || stickerType == 2 || onlyThumb) && toneIndex <= 0 /* && doc.thumbs[0]._ != 'photoSizeEmpty' */) {\r\n const thumb = doc.thumbs[0];\r\n //console.log('wrap sticker', thumb, div);\r\n let img;\r\n const afterRender = () => {\r\n if (!div.childElementCount) {\r\n div.append(img);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n if ('url' in thumb) {\r\n img = new Image();\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(img, thumb.url, afterRender);\r\n }\r\n else if ('bytes' in thumb) {\r\n img = new Image();\r\n if ((!config_1.isSafari || doc.pFlags.stickerThumbConverted || thumb.url) /* && false */) {\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(img, appPhotosManager_1.default.getPreviewURLFromThumb(thumb, true), afterRender);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n webpWorkerController_1.default.convert(doc.id, thumb.bytes).then(bytes => {\r\n thumb.bytes = bytes;\r\n doc.pFlags.stickerThumbConverted = true;\r\n if (middleware && !middleware())\r\n return;\r\n if (!div.childElementCount) {\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(img, appPhotosManager_1.default.getPreviewURLFromThumb(thumb, true), afterRender);\r\n }\r\n }).catch(() => { });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (stickerType == 2 && (withThumb || onlyThumb)) {\r\n img = new Image();\r\n const load = () => {\r\n if (div.childElementCount || (middleware && !middleware()))\r\n return;\r\n const r = () => {\r\n if (div.childElementCount || (middleware && !middleware()))\r\n return;\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(img, thumb.url, afterRender);\r\n };\r\n if (thumb.url) {\r\n r();\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return appDocsManager_1.default.getThumbURL(doc, thumb).promise.then(r);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n if (lazyLoadQueue && onlyThumb) {\r\n lazyLoadQueue.push({ div, load });\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n load();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (onlyThumb) { // for sticker panel\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n }\r\n let downloaded = doc.downloaded;\r\n let load = () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (middleware && !middleware())\r\n return;\r\n if (stickerType == 2) {\r\n /* if(doc.id == '1860749763008266301') {\r\n console.log('loaded sticker:', doc, div);\r\n } */\r\n //console.time('download sticker' + doc.id);\r\n //appDocsManager.downloadDocNew(doc.id).promise.then(res => res.json()).then(async(json) => {\r\n //fetch(doc.url).then(res => res.json()).then(async(json) => {\r\n /* return */ yield appDocsManager_1.default.downloadDocNew(doc)\r\n .then(blob_1.readBlobAsText)\r\n .then(JSON.parse)\r\n .then((json) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n //console.timeEnd('download sticker' + doc.id);\r\n //console.log('loaded sticker:', doc, div/* , blob */);\r\n if (middleware && !middleware())\r\n return;\r\n let animation = yield lottieLoader_1.default.loadAnimationWorker /* loadAnimation */({\r\n container: div,\r\n loop: loop && !emoji,\r\n autoplay: play,\r\n animationData: json,\r\n width,\r\n height\r\n }, group, toneIndex);\r\n //const deferred = deferredPromise();\r\n animation.addListener('firstFrame', () => {\r\n if (div.firstElementChild && div.firstElementChild.tagName == 'IMG') {\r\n div.firstElementChild.remove();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n animation.canvas.classList.add('fade-in');\r\n }\r\n //deferred.resolve();\r\n }, true);\r\n if (emoji) {\r\n div.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n let animation = lottieLoader_1.default.getAnimation(div);\r\n if (animation.paused) {\r\n animation.restart();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n //return deferred;\r\n //await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 5e3));\r\n }));\r\n //console.timeEnd('render sticker' + doc.id);\r\n }\r\n else if (stickerType == 1) {\r\n let img = new Image();\r\n if (!downloaded && (!div.firstElementChild || div.firstElementChild.tagName != 'IMG')) {\r\n img.classList.add('fade-in-transition');\r\n img.style.opacity = '0';\r\n img.addEventListener('load', () => {\r\n doc.downloaded = true;\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n img.style.opacity = '';\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n const r = () => {\r\n if (middleware && !middleware())\r\n return;\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(img, doc.url, () => {\r\n if (div.firstElementChild && div.firstElementChild != img) {\r\n div.firstElementChild.remove();\r\n }\r\n div.append(img);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n if (doc.url)\r\n r();\r\n else {\r\n appDocsManager_1.default.downloadDocNew(doc).then(r);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return lazyLoadQueue && (!doc.downloaded || stickerType == 2) ? (lazyLoadQueue.push({ div, load, wasSeen: group == 'chat' && stickerType != 2 }), Promise.resolve()) : load();\r\n}\r\nexports.wrapSticker = wrapSticker;\r\nfunction wrapReply(title, subtitle, message, isPinned) {\r\n const prefix = isPinned ? 'pinned-message' : 'reply';\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add(prefix);\r\n const replyBorder = document.createElement('div');\r\n replyBorder.classList.add(prefix + '-border');\r\n const replyContent = document.createElement('div');\r\n replyContent.classList.add(prefix + '-content');\r\n const replyTitle = document.createElement('div');\r\n replyTitle.classList.add(prefix + '-title');\r\n const replySubtitle = document.createElement('div');\r\n replySubtitle.classList.add(prefix + '-subtitle');\r\n replyTitle.innerHTML = title ? richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(title) : '';\r\n const media = message && message.media;\r\n if (media) {\r\n replySubtitle.innerHTML = message.rReply;\r\n //console.log('wrap reply', media);\r\n if (media.photo || (media.document && ['video'].indexOf(media.document.type) !== -1)) {\r\n let replyMedia = document.createElement('div');\r\n replyMedia.classList.add(prefix + '-media');\r\n let photo = media.photo || media.document;\r\n let sizes = photo.sizes || photo.thumbs;\r\n if (sizes && sizes[0].bytes) {\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.setAttachmentPreview(sizes[0].bytes, replyMedia, false, true);\r\n }\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.preloadPhoto(photo, appPhotosManager_1.default.choosePhotoSize(photo, 32, 32))\r\n .then(() => {\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(replyMedia, photo._ == 'photo' ? photo.url : appPhotosManager_1.default.getDocumentCachedThumb(photo.id).url);\r\n });\r\n replyContent.append(replyMedia);\r\n div.classList.add('is-media');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n replySubtitle.innerHTML = subtitle ? richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(subtitle) : '';\r\n }\r\n replyContent.append(replyTitle, replySubtitle);\r\n div.append(replyBorder, replyContent);\r\n /////////console.log('wrapReply', title, subtitle, media);\r\n return div;\r\n}\r\nexports.wrapReply = wrapReply;\r\nfunction wrapAlbum({ groupID, attachmentDiv, middleware, uploading, lazyLoadQueue, isOut }) {\r\n const items = [];\r\n // !higher msgID will be the FIRST in album\r\n const storage = Object.keys(appMessagesManager_1.default.groupedMessagesStorage[groupID]).map(id => +id).sort((a, b) => a - b);\r\n for (const mid of storage) {\r\n const m = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n const media = m.media.photo || m.media.document;\r\n const size = media._ == 'photo' ? appPhotosManager_1.default.choosePhotoSize(media, 480, 480) : { w: media.w, h: media.h };\r\n items.push({ size, media, message: m });\r\n }\r\n const spacing = 2;\r\n const layouter = new groupedLayout_1.Layouter(items.map(i => ({ w: i.size.w, h: i.size.h })), config_1.mediaSizes.active.album.width, 100, spacing);\r\n const layout = layouter.layout();\r\n //console.log('layout:', layout, items.map(i => ({w: i.size.w, h: i.size.h})));\r\n /* let borderRadius = window.getComputedStyle(realParent).getPropertyValue('border-radius');\r\n let brSplitted = fillPropertyValue(borderRadius); */\r\n for (const { geometry, sides } of layout) {\r\n const item = items.shift();\r\n if (!item) {\r\n console.error('no item for layout!');\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n const { size, media, message } = item;\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('album-item');\r\n div.dataset.mid = message.mid;\r\n div.style.width = geometry.width + 'px';\r\n div.style.height = geometry.height + 'px';\r\n div.style.top = geometry.y + 'px';\r\n div.style.left = geometry.x + 'px';\r\n if (sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Right) {\r\n attachmentDiv.style.width = geometry.width + geometry.x + 'px';\r\n }\r\n if (sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Bottom) {\r\n attachmentDiv.style.height = geometry.height + geometry.y + 'px';\r\n }\r\n if (sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Left && sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Top) {\r\n div.style.borderTopLeftRadius = 'inherit';\r\n }\r\n if (sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Left && sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Bottom) {\r\n div.style.borderBottomLeftRadius = 'inherit';\r\n }\r\n if (sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Right && sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Top) {\r\n div.style.borderTopRightRadius = 'inherit';\r\n }\r\n if (sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Right && sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Bottom) {\r\n div.style.borderBottomRightRadius = 'inherit';\r\n }\r\n if (media._ == 'photo') {\r\n wrapPhoto(media, message, div, 0, 0, false, isOut, lazyLoadQueue, middleware, size);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n wrapVideo({\r\n doc: message.media.document,\r\n container: div,\r\n message,\r\n boxWidth: 0,\r\n boxHeight: 0,\r\n withTail: false,\r\n isOut,\r\n lazyLoadQueue,\r\n middleware\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n //div.style.backgroundColor = '#' + Math.floor(Math.random() * (2 ** 24 - 1)).toString(16).padStart(6, '0');\r\n attachmentDiv.append(div);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.wrapAlbum = wrapAlbum;\r\nfunction wrapPoll(pollID, mid) {\r\n const elem = new poll_1.default();\r\n elem.setAttribute('poll-id', pollID);\r\n elem.setAttribute('message-id', '' + mid);\r\n return elem;\r\n}\r\nexports.wrapPoll = wrapPoll;\r\n" }, { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\storage.ts", "name": "./src/lib/storage.ts", "index": 11, "index2": 11, "size": 6067, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "issuerId": 67, "issuerName": "./src/index.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, 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= false;\r\n if (!Array.isArray(keys)) {\r\n keys = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);\r\n callback = keys.pop();\r\n single = keys.length == 1;\r\n }\r\n var result = [], value;\r\n var allFound = true;\r\n var prefix = this.storageGetPrefix(), i, key;\r\n for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\r\n key = keys[i] = prefix + keys[i];\r\n if (key.substr(0, 3) != 'xt_' && this.cache[key] !== undefined) {\r\n result.push(this.cache[key]);\r\n }\r\n else if (this.useLs) {\r\n try {\r\n value = localStorage.getItem(key);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.useLs = false;\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n value = (value === undefined || value === null) ? false : JSON.parse(value);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n value = false;\r\n }\r\n result.push(this.cache[key] = value);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n allFound = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (allFound) {\r\n return callback(single ? result[0] : result);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n set(obj, callback) {\r\n var keyValues = {};\r\n var prefix = this.storageGetPrefix(), key, value;\r\n //console.log('storageSetValue', obj, callback, arguments);\r\n for (key in obj) {\r\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\r\n value = obj[key];\r\n key = prefix + key;\r\n this.cache[key] = value;\r\n value = JSON.stringify(value, (key, value) => {\r\n if (key == 'downloaded' || (key == 'url' && value.indexOf('blob:') === 0))\r\n return undefined;\r\n return value;\r\n });\r\n if (this.useLs) {\r\n try {\r\n //console.log('setItem', key, value);\r\n localStorage.setItem(key, value);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.useLs = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n keyValues[key] = value;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (this.useLs) {\r\n if (callback) {\r\n callback();\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n remove(keys, callback) {\r\n if (!Array.isArray(keys)) {\r\n keys = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);\r\n if (typeof keys[keys.length - 1] === 'function') {\r\n callback = keys.pop();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n var prefix = this.storageGetPrefix(), i, key;\r\n for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\r\n key = keys[i] = prefix + keys[i];\r\n delete this.cache[key];\r\n if (this.useLs) {\r\n try {\r\n localStorage.removeItem(key);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.useLs = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (callback) {\r\n callback();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n clear(callback) {\r\n if (this.useLs) {\r\n try {\r\n localStorage.clear();\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.useLs = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.cache = {};\r\n callback();\r\n }\r\n}\r\nclass AppStorage {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.taskID = 0;\r\n this.tasks = {};\r\n //private log = (...args: any[]) => console.log('[SW LS]', ...args);\r\n this.log = (...args) => { };\r\n if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.test) {\r\n this.setPrefix('t_');\r\n }\r\n if (!context_1.isWorker) {\r\n this.configStorage = new ConfigStorage();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setPrefix(newPrefix) {\r\n if (this.configStorage) {\r\n this.configStorage.keyPrefix = newPrefix;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n noPrefix() {\r\n if (this.configStorage) {\r\n this.configStorage.noPrefix = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n finishTask(taskID, result) {\r\n this.log('finishTask:', taskID, result, Object.keys(this.tasks));\r\n if (!this.tasks.hasOwnProperty(taskID)) {\r\n this.log('no such task:', taskID, result);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.tasks[taskID](result);\r\n delete this.tasks[taskID];\r\n }\r\n proxy(methodName, ..._args) {\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n if (context_1.isWorker) {\r\n const taskID = this.taskID++;\r\n this.tasks[taskID] = resolve;\r\n const task = { useLs: true, task: methodName, taskID, args: _args };\r\n context_1.notifySomeone(task);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let args = Array.prototype.slice.call(_args);\r\n args.push((result) => {\r\n resolve(result);\r\n });\r\n this.configStorage[methodName].apply(this.configStorage, args);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n get(...args) {\r\n return this.proxy('get', ...args);\r\n }\r\n set(...args) {\r\n //console.trace(...args);\r\n return this.proxy('set', ...args);\r\n }\r\n remove(...args) {\r\n return this.proxy('remove', ...args);\r\n }\r\n clear(...args) {\r\n return this.proxy('clear', ...args);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = new AppStorage();\r\n" }, { "id": 20, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\lottieLoader.ts", "name": "./src/lib/lottieLoader.ts", "index": 35, "index2": 29, "size": 25080, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageAuthCode.ts", "issuerId": 79, "issuerName": "./src/pages/pageAuthCode.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 49, "identifier": 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= (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.RLottiePlayer = void 0;\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"./config\");\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"./logger\");\r\nconst animationIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../components/animationIntersector\"));\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"./utils\");\r\nlet convert = (value) => {\r\n return Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(value, 0), 1) * 255);\r\n};\r\nlet RLottiePlayer = /** @class */ (() => {\r\n class RLottiePlayer {\r\n constructor({ el, worker, options }) {\r\n this.reqId = 0;\r\n this.width = 0;\r\n this.height = 0;\r\n this.listeners = {};\r\n this.listenerResults = {};\r\n this.paused = true;\r\n //public paused = false;\r\n this.direction = 1;\r\n this.speed = 1;\r\n this.autoplay = true;\r\n this.loop = true;\r\n this.group = '';\r\n //private caching = false;\r\n //private removed = false;\r\n this.frames = {};\r\n this.cachingDelta = 0;\r\n this.reqId = ++RLottiePlayer['reqId'];\r\n this.el = el;\r\n this.worker = worker;\r\n for (let i in options) {\r\n if (this.hasOwnProperty(i)) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n this[i] = options[i];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;\r\n if (pixelRatio > 1) {\r\n //this.cachingEnabled = true;//this.width < 100 && this.height < 100;\r\n if (options.needUpscale) {\r\n this.width = Math.round(this.width * pixelRatio);\r\n this.height = Math.round(this.height * pixelRatio);\r\n }\r\n else if (pixelRatio > 1 && this.width > 100 && this.height > 100) {\r\n if (config_1.isApple || !config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile) {\r\n /* this.width = Math.round(this.width * (pixelRatio - 1));\r\n this.height = Math.round(this.height * (pixelRatio - 1)); */\r\n this.width = Math.round(this.width * pixelRatio);\r\n this.height = Math.round(this.height * pixelRatio);\r\n }\r\n else if (pixelRatio > 2.5) {\r\n this.width = Math.round(this.width * (pixelRatio - 1.5));\r\n this.height = Math.round(this.height * (pixelRatio - 1.5));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!options.noCache) {\r\n // проверка на размер уже после скейлинга, сделано для попапа и сайдбарfа, где стикеры 80х80 и 68х68, туда нужно 75%\r\n if (config_1.isApple && this.width > 100 && this.height > 100) {\r\n this.cachingDelta = 2; //2 // 50%\r\n }\r\n else if (this.width < 100 && this.height < 100) {\r\n this.cachingDelta = Infinity; // 100%\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.cachingDelta = 4; // 75%\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // if(isApple) {\r\n // this.cachingDelta = 0; //2 // 50%\r\n // }\r\n /* this.width *= 0.8;\r\n this.height *= 0.8; */\r\n //console.log(\"RLottiePlayer width:\", this.width, this.height, options);\r\n this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');\r\n this.canvas.classList.add('rlottie');\r\n this.canvas.width = this.width;\r\n this.canvas.height = this.height;\r\n this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');\r\n this.clamped = new Uint8ClampedArray(this.width * this.height * 4);\r\n this.imageData = new ImageData(this.width, this.height);\r\n }\r\n clearCache() {\r\n this.frames = {};\r\n }\r\n addListener(name, callback, once) {\r\n var _a;\r\n ((_a = this.listeners[name]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.listeners[name] = [])).push({ callback, once });\r\n if (this.listenerResults.hasOwnProperty(name)) {\r\n callback(this.listenerResults[name]);\r\n if (once) {\r\n this.removeListener(name, callback);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n removeListener(name, callback) {\r\n if (this.listeners[name]) {\r\n this.listeners[name].findAndSplice(l => l.callback == callback);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setListenerResult(name, value) {\r\n this.listenerResults[name] = value;\r\n if (this.listeners[name]) {\r\n this.listeners[name].forEach(listener => {\r\n listener.callback(value);\r\n if (listener.once) {\r\n this.removeListener(name, listener.callback);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n sendQuery(methodName, ...args) {\r\n //console.trace('RLottie sendQuery:', methodName);\r\n this.worker.sendQuery(methodName, this.reqId, ...args);\r\n }\r\n loadFromData(json) {\r\n this.sendQuery('loadFromData', json, this.width, this.height, {\r\n paused: this.paused,\r\n direction: this.direction,\r\n speed: this.speed\r\n });\r\n }\r\n play() {\r\n if (!this.paused)\r\n return;\r\n //console.log('RLOTTIE PLAY' + this.reqId);\r\n this.paused = false;\r\n this.setMainLoop();\r\n }\r\n pause() {\r\n if (this.paused)\r\n return;\r\n this.paused = true;\r\n clearTimeout(this.rafId);\r\n //window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.rafId);\r\n }\r\n stop(renderFirstFrame = true) {\r\n this.pause();\r\n this.curFrame = this.direction == 1 ? 0 : this.frameCount;\r\n if (renderFirstFrame) {\r\n this.requestFrame(this.curFrame);\r\n //this.sendQuery('renderFrame', this.curFrame);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n restart() {\r\n this.stop(false);\r\n this.play();\r\n }\r\n setSpeed(speed) {\r\n this.speed = speed;\r\n if (!this.paused) {\r\n this.setMainLoop();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setDirection(direction) {\r\n this.direction = direction;\r\n if (!this.paused) {\r\n this.setMainLoop();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n remove() {\r\n //alert('remove');\r\n lottieLoader.onDestroy(this.reqId);\r\n this.pause();\r\n this.sendQuery('destroy');\r\n //this.removed = true;\r\n }\r\n renderFrame2(frame, frameNo) {\r\n /* this.setListenerResult('enterFrame', frameNo);\r\n return; */\r\n try {\r\n this.imageData.data.set(frame);\r\n //this.context.putImageData(new ImageData(frame, this.width, this.height), 0, 0);\r\n this.context.putImageData(this.imageData, 0, 0);\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n console.error('RLottiePlayer renderFrame error:', err /* , frame */, this.width, this.height);\r\n this.autoplay = false;\r\n this.pause();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('set result enterFrame', frameNo);\r\n this.setListenerResult('enterFrame', frameNo);\r\n }\r\n renderFrame(frame, frameNo) {\r\n //console.log('renderFrame', frameNo, this);\r\n if (this.cachingDelta && (frameNo % this.cachingDelta || !frameNo) && !this.frames[frameNo]) {\r\n this.frames[frameNo] = new Uint8ClampedArray(frame); //frame;\r\n }\r\n /* if(!this.listenerResults.hasOwnProperty('cached')) {\r\n this.setListenerResult('enterFrame', frameNo);\r\n if(frameNo == (this.frameCount - 1)) {\r\n this.setListenerResult('cached');\r\n }\r\n \r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n if (this.frInterval) {\r\n const now = Date.now(), delta = now - this.frThen;\r\n //console.log(`renderFrame delta${this.reqId}:`, this, delta, this.frInterval);\r\n if (delta < 0) {\r\n if (this.rafId)\r\n clearTimeout(this.rafId);\r\n return this.rafId = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.renderFrame2(frame, frameNo);\r\n }, this.frInterval > -delta ? -delta % this.frInterval : this.frInterval);\r\n //await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, -delta % this.frInterval));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.renderFrame2(frame, frameNo);\r\n }\r\n requestFrame(frameNo) {\r\n if (this.frames[frameNo]) {\r\n this.renderFrame(this.frames[frameNo], frameNo);\r\n }\r\n else if (config_1.isSafari) {\r\n this.sendQuery('renderFrame', frameNo);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (!this.clamped.length) { // fix detached\r\n this.clamped = new Uint8ClampedArray(this.width * this.height * 4);\r\n }\r\n this.sendQuery('renderFrame', frameNo, this.clamped);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n mainLoopForwards() {\r\n this.requestFrame(this.curFrame++);\r\n if (this.curFrame >= this.frameCount) {\r\n //this.playedTimes++;\r\n if (!this.loop) {\r\n this.pause();\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n this.curFrame = 0;\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n mainLoopBackwards() {\r\n this.requestFrame(this.curFrame--);\r\n if (this.curFrame < 0) {\r\n //this.playedTimes++;\r\n if (!this.loop) {\r\n this.pause();\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n this.curFrame = this.frameCount - 1;\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n setMainLoop() {\r\n //window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.rafId);\r\n clearTimeout(this.rafId);\r\n this.frInterval = 1000 / this.fps / this.speed;\r\n this.frThen = Date.now() - this.frInterval;\r\n //console.trace('setMainLoop', this.frInterval, this.direction, this, JSON.stringify(this.listenerResults), this.listenerResults);\r\n const method = (this.direction == 1 ? this.mainLoopForwards : this.mainLoopBackwards).bind(this);\r\n this.currentMethod = method;\r\n //this.frameListener && this.removeListener('enterFrame', this.frameListener);\r\n //setTimeout(() => {\r\n //this.addListener('enterFrame', this.frameListener);\r\n //}, 0);\r\n if (this.frameListener && this.listenerResults.hasOwnProperty('enterFrame')) {\r\n this.frameListener();\r\n }\r\n //this.mainLoop(method);\r\n //this.r(method);\r\n //method();\r\n }\r\n onLoad(frameCount, fps) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n this.curFrame = this.direction == 1 ? 0 : frameCount - 1;\r\n this.frameCount = frameCount;\r\n this.fps = fps;\r\n this.frInterval = 1000 / this.fps / this.speed;\r\n this.frThen = Date.now() - this.frInterval;\r\n //this.sendQuery('renderFrame', 0);\r\n // Кешировать сразу не получится, рендер стикера (тайгер) занимает 519мс, \r\n // если рендерить 75% с получением каждого кадра из воркера, будет 475мс, т.е. при 100% было бы 593мс, потеря на передаче 84мс. \r\n /* console.time('cache' + this.reqId);\r\n for(let i = 0; i < frameCount; ++i) {\r\n //if(this.removed) return;\r\n \r\n if(i % 4) {\r\n await new Promise((resolve) => {\r\n delete this.listenerResults.enterFrame;\r\n this.addListener('enterFrame', resolve, true);\r\n this.requestFrame(i);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n console.timeEnd('cache' + this.reqId); */\r\n //console.log('cached');\r\n //return;\r\n this.requestFrame(0);\r\n this.setListenerResult('ready');\r\n this.addListener('enterFrame', () => {\r\n this.setListenerResult('firstFrame');\r\n this.el.appendChild(this.canvas);\r\n //console.log('enterFrame firstFrame');\r\n //let lastTime = this.frThen;\r\n this.frameListener = () => {\r\n if (this.paused) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const time = Date.now();\r\n //console.log(`enterFrame handle${this.reqId}`, time, (time - lastTime), this.frInterval);\r\n /* if(Math.round(time - lastTime + this.frInterval * 0.25) < Math.round(this.frInterval)) {\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n //lastTime = time;\r\n this.frThen = time + this.frInterval;\r\n const canContinue = this.currentMethod();\r\n if (!canContinue && !this.loop && this.autoplay) {\r\n this.autoplay = false;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.addListener('enterFrame', this.frameListener);\r\n }, true);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n RLottiePlayer.reqId = 0;\r\n return RLottiePlayer;\r\n})();\r\nexports.RLottiePlayer = RLottiePlayer;\r\nclass QueryableWorker {\r\n constructor(url, defaultListener = () => { }, onError) {\r\n this.defaultListener = defaultListener;\r\n this.listeners = {};\r\n this.worker = new Worker(url);\r\n if (onError) {\r\n this.worker.onerror = onError;\r\n }\r\n this.worker.onmessage = (event) => {\r\n //return;\r\n //console.log('worker onmessage', event.data);\r\n if (event.data instanceof Object &&\r\n event.data.hasOwnProperty('queryMethodListener') &&\r\n event.data.hasOwnProperty('queryMethodArguments')) {\r\n /* if(event.data.queryMethodListener == 'frame') {\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n this.listeners[event.data.queryMethodListener](...event.data.queryMethodArguments);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.defaultListener.call(this, event.data);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n }\r\n postMessage(message) {\r\n this.worker.postMessage(message);\r\n }\r\n terminate() {\r\n this.worker.terminate();\r\n }\r\n addListener(name, listener) {\r\n this.listeners[name] = listener;\r\n }\r\n removeListener(name) {\r\n delete this.listeners[name];\r\n }\r\n sendQuery(queryMethod, ...args) {\r\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);\r\n if (config_1.isSafari) {\r\n this.worker.postMessage({\r\n 'queryMethod': queryMethod,\r\n 'queryMethodArguments': args\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n var transfer = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {\r\n if (args[i] instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n transfer.push(args[i]);\r\n }\r\n if (args[i].buffer && args[i].buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n transfer.push(args[i].buffer);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //console.log('transfer', transfer);\r\n this.worker.postMessage({\r\n 'queryMethod': queryMethod,\r\n 'queryMethodArguments': args\r\n }, transfer);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nlet LottieLoader = /** @class */ (() => {\r\n class LottieLoader {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.loaded = false;\r\n this.workersLimit = 4;\r\n this.players = {};\r\n this.workers = [];\r\n this.curWorkerNum = 0;\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('LOTTIE', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n }\r\n getAnimation(element) {\r\n for (let i in this.players) {\r\n if (this.players[i].el == element) {\r\n return this.players[i];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n loadLottieWorkers() {\r\n if (typeof (WebAssembly) === 'undefined')\r\n return Promise.reject();\r\n if (this.loadPromise)\r\n return this.loadPromise;\r\n const onFrame = this.onFrame.bind(this);\r\n const onPlayerLoaded = this.onPlayerLoaded.bind(this);\r\n return this.loadPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n let remain = this.workersLimit;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < this.workersLimit; ++i) {\r\n const worker = this.workers[i] = new QueryableWorker('rlottie.worker.js');\r\n worker.addListener('ready', () => {\r\n this.log('worker #' + i + ' ready');\r\n worker.addListener('frame', onFrame);\r\n worker.addListener('loaded', onPlayerLoaded);\r\n --remain;\r\n if (!remain) {\r\n this.log('workers ready');\r\n resolve();\r\n this.loaded = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n applyReplacements(object, toneIndex) {\r\n const replacements = LottieLoader.COLORREPLACEMENTS[Math.max(toneIndex - 1, 0)];\r\n const iterateIt = (it) => {\r\n for (let smth of it) {\r\n switch (smth.ty) {\r\n case 'st':\r\n case 'fl':\r\n let k = smth.c.k;\r\n let color = convert(k[2]) | (convert(k[1]) << 8) | (convert(k[0]) << 16);\r\n let foundReplacement = replacements.find(p => p[0] == color);\r\n if (foundReplacement) {\r\n k[0] = ((foundReplacement[1] >> 16) & 255) / 255;\r\n k[1] = ((foundReplacement[1] >> 8) & 255) / 255;\r\n k[2] = (foundReplacement[1] & 255) / 255;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('foundReplacement!', foundReplacement, color.toString(16), k);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if (smth.hasOwnProperty('it')) {\r\n iterateIt(smth.it);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n for (let layer of object.layers) {\r\n if (!layer.shapes)\r\n continue;\r\n for (let shape of layer.shapes) {\r\n iterateIt(shape.it);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n loadAnimationFromURL(params, url) {\r\n if (!this.loaded) {\r\n this.loadLottieWorkers();\r\n }\r\n return fetch(url)\r\n .then(res => res.arrayBuffer())\r\n .then(data => mtprotoworker_1.default.gzipUncompress(data, true))\r\n .then(str => {\r\n return this.loadAnimationWorker(Object.assign(params, { animationData: JSON.parse(str), needUpscale: true }));\r\n });\r\n }\r\n loadAnimationWorker(params, group = '', toneIndex = -1) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n //params.autoplay = true;\r\n if (toneIndex >= 1 && toneIndex <= 5) {\r\n params.animationData = utils_1.copy(params.animationData);\r\n this.applyReplacements(params.animationData, toneIndex);\r\n }\r\n if (!this.loaded) {\r\n yield this.loadLottieWorkers();\r\n }\r\n if (!params.width || !params.height) {\r\n params.width = parseInt(params.container.style.width);\r\n params.height = parseInt(params.container.style.height);\r\n }\r\n if (!params.width || !params.height) {\r\n throw new Error('No size for sticker!');\r\n }\r\n params.group = group;\r\n const player = this.initPlayer(params.container, params);\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.addAnimation(player, group);\r\n return player;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n onPlayerLoaded(reqId, frameCount, fps) {\r\n const rlPlayer = this.players[reqId];\r\n if (!rlPlayer) {\r\n this.log.warn('onPlayerLoaded on destroyed player:', reqId, frameCount);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.log.debug('onPlayerLoaded');\r\n rlPlayer.onLoad(frameCount, fps);\r\n //rlPlayer.addListener('firstFrame', () => {\r\n //animationIntersector.addAnimation(player, group);\r\n //}, true);\r\n }\r\n onFrame(reqId, frameNo, frame) {\r\n const rlPlayer = this.players[reqId];\r\n if (!rlPlayer) {\r\n this.log.warn('onFrame on destroyed player:', reqId, frameNo);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n rlPlayer.clamped = frame;\r\n rlPlayer.renderFrame(frame, frameNo);\r\n }\r\n onDestroy(reqId) {\r\n delete this.players[reqId];\r\n }\r\n destroyWorkers() {\r\n this.workers.forEach((worker, idx) => {\r\n worker.terminate();\r\n this.log('worker #' + idx + ' terminated');\r\n });\r\n this.log('workers destroyed');\r\n this.workers.length = 0;\r\n }\r\n initPlayer(el, options) {\r\n const rlPlayer = new RLottiePlayer({\r\n el,\r\n worker: this.workers[this.curWorkerNum++],\r\n options\r\n });\r\n this.players[rlPlayer.reqId] = rlPlayer;\r\n if (this.curWorkerNum >= this.workers.length) {\r\n this.curWorkerNum = 0;\r\n }\r\n rlPlayer.loadFromData(options.animationData);\r\n return rlPlayer;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/35e575c2d7b56446be95561e4565628859fb53d3/Telegram/SourceFiles/chat_helpers/stickers_emoji_pack.cpp#L65\r\n LottieLoader.COLORREPLACEMENTS = [\r\n [\r\n [0xf77e41, 0xca907a],\r\n [0xffb139, 0xedc5a5],\r\n [0xffd140, 0xf7e3c3],\r\n [0xffdf79, 0xfbefd6],\r\n ],\r\n [\r\n [0xf77e41, 0xaa7c60],\r\n [0xffb139, 0xc8a987],\r\n [0xffd140, 0xddc89f],\r\n [0xffdf79, 0xe6d6b2],\r\n ],\r\n [\r\n [0xf77e41, 0x8c6148],\r\n [0xffb139, 0xad8562],\r\n [0xffd140, 0xc49e76],\r\n [0xffdf79, 0xd4b188],\r\n ],\r\n [\r\n [0xf77e41, 0x6e3c2c],\r\n [0xffb139, 0x925a34],\r\n [0xffd140, 0xa16e46],\r\n [0xffdf79, 0xac7a52],\r\n ],\r\n [\r\n [0xf77e41, 0x291c12],\r\n [0xffb139, 0x472a22],\r\n [0xffd140, 0x573b30],\r\n [0xffdf79, 0x68493c],\r\n ]\r\n ];\r\n return LottieLoader;\r\n})();\r\nconst lottieLoader = new LottieLoader();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.lottieLoader = lottieLoader;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = lottieLoader;\r\n" }, { "id": 21, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\lazyLoadQueue.ts", "name": "./src/components/lazyLoadQueue.ts", "index": 65, "index2": 58, "size": 9700, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": 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"optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.LazyLoadQueueRepeat2 = exports.LazyLoadQueueRepeat = exports.LazyLoadQueueIntersector = exports.LazyLoadQueueBase = void 0;\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../lib/logger\");\r\nconst visibilityIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./visibilityIntersector\"));\r\nconst PARALLEL_LIMIT = 5;\r\nclass LazyLoadQueueBase {\r\n constructor(parallelLimit = PARALLEL_LIMIT) {\r\n this.parallelLimit = parallelLimit;\r\n this.queue = [];\r\n this.inProcess = new Set();\r\n this.lockPromise = null;\r\n this.unlockResolve = null;\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('LL', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n }\r\n clear() {\r\n this.inProcess.clear(); // ацтеки забьются, будет плохо\r\n this.queue.length = 0;\r\n // unreachable code\r\n /* for(let item of this.inProcess) {\r\n this.lazyLoadMedia.push(item);\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n lock() {\r\n if (this.lockPromise)\r\n return;\r\n const perf = performance.now();\r\n this.lockPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n this.unlockResolve = resolve;\r\n });\r\n this.lockPromise.then(() => {\r\n this.log('was locked for:', performance.now() - perf);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n unlock() {\r\n if (!this.unlockResolve)\r\n return;\r\n this.unlockResolve();\r\n this.unlockResolve = this.lockPromise = null;\r\n this.processQueue();\r\n }\r\n processItem(item) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (this.lockPromise) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.inProcess.add(item);\r\n this.log('will load media', this.lockPromise, item);\r\n try {\r\n //await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2e3));\r\n //await new Promise((resolve, reject) => window.requestAnimationFrame(() => window.requestAnimationFrame(resolve)));\r\n //await item.load(item.div);\r\n yield this.loadItem(item);\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n this.log.error('loadMediaQueue error:', err /* , item */);\r\n }\r\n this.inProcess.delete(item);\r\n this.log('loaded media', item);\r\n this.processQueue();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n loadItem(item) {\r\n return item.load();\r\n }\r\n getItem() {\r\n return this.queue.shift();\r\n }\r\n addElement(method, el) {\r\n this.queue[method](el);\r\n this.processQueue();\r\n }\r\n processQueue(item) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (!this.queue.length || this.lockPromise || (this.parallelLimit > 0 && this.inProcess.size >= this.parallelLimit))\r\n return;\r\n do {\r\n if (item) {\r\n this.queue.findAndSplice(i => i == item);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n item = this.getItem();\r\n }\r\n if (item) {\r\n this.processItem(item);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n item = null;\r\n } while (this.inProcess.size < this.parallelLimit && this.queue.length);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n push(el) {\r\n this.addElement('push', el);\r\n }\r\n unshift(el) {\r\n this.addElement('unshift', el);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.LazyLoadQueueBase = LazyLoadQueueBase;\r\nclass LazyLoadQueueIntersector extends LazyLoadQueueBase {\r\n constructor(parallelLimit = PARALLEL_LIMIT) {\r\n super(parallelLimit);\r\n this.parallelLimit = parallelLimit;\r\n this.queue = [];\r\n this.inProcess = new Set();\r\n }\r\n lock() {\r\n super.lock();\r\n this.intersector.lock();\r\n }\r\n unlock() {\r\n super.unlock();\r\n this.intersector.unlock();\r\n }\r\n unlockAndRefresh() {\r\n super.unlock();\r\n this.intersector.unlockAndRefresh();\r\n }\r\n clear() {\r\n super.clear();\r\n this.intersector.disconnect();\r\n }\r\n refresh() {\r\n this.intersector.refresh();\r\n }\r\n loadItem(item) {\r\n return item.load(item.div);\r\n }\r\n addElement(method, el) {\r\n const item = this.queue.find(i => i.div == el.div);\r\n if (item) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n for (const item of this.inProcess) {\r\n if (item.div == el.div) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.queue[method](el);\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n setProcessQueueTimeout() {\r\n if (!this.intersectorTimeout) {\r\n this.intersectorTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.intersectorTimeout = 0;\r\n this.processQueue();\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n push(el) {\r\n super.push(el);\r\n }\r\n unshift(el) {\r\n super.unshift(el);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.LazyLoadQueueIntersector = LazyLoadQueueIntersector;\r\nclass LazyLoadQueue extends LazyLoadQueueIntersector {\r\n constructor(parallelLimit = PARALLEL_LIMIT) {\r\n super(parallelLimit);\r\n this.parallelLimit = parallelLimit;\r\n this.onVisibilityChange = (target, visible) => {\r\n if (visible) {\r\n this.log('isIntersecting', target);\r\n // need for set element first if scrolled\r\n const item = this.queue.findAndSplice(i => i.div == target);\r\n if (item) {\r\n item.wasSeen = true;\r\n this.queue.unshift(item);\r\n //this.processQueue(item);\r\n }\r\n this.setProcessQueueTimeout();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.intersector = new visibilityIntersector_1.default(this.onVisibilityChange);\r\n }\r\n getItem() {\r\n return this.queue.findAndSplice(item => item.wasSeen);\r\n }\r\n processItem(item) {\r\n const _super = Object.create(null, {\r\n processItem: { get: () => super.processItem }\r\n });\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n yield _super.processItem.call(this, item);\r\n this.intersector.unobserve(item.div);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n addElement(method, el) {\r\n const inserted = super.addElement(method, el);\r\n if (!inserted)\r\n return false;\r\n this.intersector.observe(el.div);\r\n if (el.wasSeen) {\r\n this.processQueue(el);\r\n }\r\n else if (!el.hasOwnProperty('wasSeen')) {\r\n el.wasSeen = false;\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = LazyLoadQueue;\r\nclass LazyLoadQueueRepeat extends LazyLoadQueueIntersector {\r\n constructor(parallelLimit = PARALLEL_LIMIT, onVisibilityChange) {\r\n super(parallelLimit);\r\n this.parallelLimit = parallelLimit;\r\n this.onVisibilityChange = onVisibilityChange;\r\n this._queue = new Map();\r\n this.intersector = new visibilityIntersector_1.default((target, visible) => {\r\n if (visible) {\r\n const item = this.queue.findAndSplice(i => i.div == target);\r\n this.queue.unshift(item || this._queue.get(target));\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.queue.findAndSplice(i => i.div == target);\r\n }\r\n this.onVisibilityChange && this.onVisibilityChange(target, visible);\r\n this.setProcessQueueTimeout();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n clear() {\r\n super.clear();\r\n this._queue.clear();\r\n }\r\n /* public async processItem(item: LazyLoadElement) {\r\n //await super.processItem(item);\r\n await LazyLoadQueueBase.prototype.processItem.call(this, item);\r\n \r\n if(this.lazyLoadMedia.length) {\r\n this.processQueue();\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n observe(el) {\r\n this._queue.set(el.div, el);\r\n this.intersector.observe(el.div);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.LazyLoadQueueRepeat = LazyLoadQueueRepeat;\r\nclass LazyLoadQueueRepeat2 extends LazyLoadQueueIntersector {\r\n constructor(parallelLimit = PARALLEL_LIMIT, onVisibilityChange) {\r\n super(parallelLimit);\r\n this.parallelLimit = parallelLimit;\r\n this.onVisibilityChange = onVisibilityChange;\r\n this.intersector = new visibilityIntersector_1.default((target, visible) => {\r\n const item = this.queue.findAndSplice(i => i.div == target);\r\n if (visible && item) {\r\n this.queue.unshift(item);\r\n }\r\n this.onVisibilityChange && this.onVisibilityChange(target, visible);\r\n this.setProcessQueueTimeout();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n observe(el) {\r\n this.intersector.observe(el);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.LazyLoadQueueRepeat2 = LazyLoadQueueRepeat2;\r\n" }, { "id": 22, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\bin_utils.ts", "name": "./src/lib/bin_utils.ts", "index": 15, "index2": 13, "size": 13166, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\polyfill.ts", "issuerId": 75, "issuerName": "./src/lib/polyfill.ts", "issuerPath": [ { 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exports.bytesToWordss = exports.bytesFromWordss = exports.bytesFromWords = exports.longToInts = exports.bufferConcats = exports.bufferConcat = exports.bytesFromArrayBuffer = exports.convertToByteArray = exports.convertToUint8Array = exports.convertToArrayBuffer = exports.bytesToArrayBuffer = exports.bytesFromBigInt = exports.bytesXor = exports.bytesCmp = exports.blobSafeMimeType = exports.blobConstruct = exports.dataUrlToBlob = exports.base64ToBlob = exports.uint6ToBase64 = exports.bytesToBase64 = exports.bytesFromHex = exports.bytesToHex = exports.bigStringInt = exports.bigint = exports.isObject = exports.dT = void 0;\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nconst jsbn_1 = require(\"jsbn\");\r\n///////////////////////\r\n/////////////\r\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n///////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n////////////////\r\n//////////\r\nvar _logTimer = Date.now();\r\nfunction dT() {\r\n return '[' + ((Date.now() - _logTimer) / 1000).toFixed(3) + ']';\r\n}\r\nexports.dT = dT;\r\nfunction isObject(object) {\r\n return typeof (object) === 'object' && object !== null;\r\n}\r\nexports.isObject = isObject;\r\nfunction bigint(num) {\r\n return new jsbn_1.BigInteger(num.toString(16), 16);\r\n}\r\nexports.bigint = bigint;\r\nfunction bigStringInt(strNum) {\r\n return new jsbn_1.BigInteger(strNum, 10);\r\n}\r\nexports.bigStringInt = bigStringInt;\r\nfunction bytesToHex(bytes) {\r\n bytes = bytes || [];\r\n var arr = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {\r\n arr.push((bytes[i] < 16 ? '0' : '') + (bytes[i] || 0).toString(16));\r\n }\r\n return arr.join('');\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesToHex = bytesToHex;\r\nfunction bytesFromHex(hexString) {\r\n var len = hexString.length, i;\r\n var start = 0;\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n if (hexString.length % 2) {\r\n bytes.push(parseInt(hexString.charAt(0), 16));\r\n start++;\r\n }\r\n for (i = start; i < len; i += 2) {\r\n bytes.push(parseInt(hexString.substr(i, 2), 16));\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromHex = bytesFromHex;\r\nfunction bytesToBase64(bytes) {\r\n var mod3;\r\n var result = '';\r\n for (var nLen = bytes.length, nUint24 = 0, nIdx = 0; nIdx < nLen; nIdx++) {\r\n mod3 = nIdx % 3;\r\n nUint24 |= bytes[nIdx] << (16 >>> mod3 & 24);\r\n if (mod3 === 2 || nLen - nIdx === 1) {\r\n result += String.fromCharCode(uint6ToBase64(nUint24 >>> 18 & 63), uint6ToBase64(nUint24 >>> 12 & 63), uint6ToBase64(nUint24 >>> 6 & 63), uint6ToBase64(nUint24 & 63));\r\n nUint24 = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return result.replace(/A(?=A$|$)/g, '=');\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesToBase64 = bytesToBase64;\r\nfunction uint6ToBase64(nUint6) {\r\n return nUint6 < 26\r\n ? nUint6 + 65\r\n : nUint6 < 52\r\n ? nUint6 + 71\r\n : nUint6 < 62\r\n ? nUint6 - 4\r\n : nUint6 === 62\r\n ? 43\r\n : nUint6 === 63\r\n ? 47\r\n : 65;\r\n}\r\nexports.uint6ToBase64 = uint6ToBase64;\r\nfunction base64ToBlob(base64str, mimeType) {\r\n var sliceSize = 1024;\r\n var byteCharacters = atob(base64str);\r\n var bytesLength = byteCharacters.length;\r\n var slicesCount = Math.ceil(bytesLength / sliceSize);\r\n var byteArrays = new Array(slicesCount);\r\n for (var sliceIndex = 0; sliceIndex < slicesCount; ++sliceIndex) {\r\n var begin = sliceIndex * sliceSize;\r\n var end = Math.min(begin + sliceSize, bytesLength);\r\n var bytes = new Array(end - begin);\r\n for (var offset = begin, i = 0; offset < end; ++i, ++offset) {\r\n bytes[i] = byteCharacters[offset].charCodeAt(0);\r\n }\r\n byteArrays[sliceIndex] = new Uint8Array(bytes);\r\n }\r\n return blobConstruct(byteArrays, mimeType);\r\n}\r\nexports.base64ToBlob = base64ToBlob;\r\nfunction dataUrlToBlob(url) {\r\n // var name = 'b64blob ' + url.length\r\n // console.time(name)\r\n var urlParts = url.split(',');\r\n var base64str = urlParts[1];\r\n var mimeType = urlParts[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0];\r\n var blob = base64ToBlob(base64str, mimeType);\r\n // console.timeEnd(name)\r\n return blob;\r\n}\r\nexports.dataUrlToBlob = dataUrlToBlob;\r\nfunction blobConstruct(blobParts, mimeType = '') {\r\n let blob;\r\n const safeMimeType = blobSafeMimeType(mimeType);\r\n try {\r\n blob = new Blob(blobParts, { type: safeMimeType });\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n let bb = new BlobBuilder;\r\n blobParts.forEach((blobPart) => {\r\n bb.append(blobPart);\r\n });\r\n blob = bb.getBlob(safeMimeType);\r\n }\r\n return blob;\r\n}\r\nexports.blobConstruct = blobConstruct;\r\nfunction blobSafeMimeType(mimeType) {\r\n if ([\r\n 'image/jpeg',\r\n 'image/png',\r\n 'image/gif',\r\n 'image/webp',\r\n 'image/bmp',\r\n 'video/mp4',\r\n 'video/webm',\r\n 'video/quicktime',\r\n 'audio/ogg',\r\n 'audio/mpeg',\r\n 'audio/mp4',\r\n 'application/json'\r\n ].indexOf(mimeType) === -1) {\r\n return 'application/octet-stream';\r\n }\r\n return mimeType;\r\n}\r\nexports.blobSafeMimeType = blobSafeMimeType;\r\nfunction bytesCmp(bytes1, bytes2) {\r\n var len = bytes1.length;\r\n if (len != bytes2.length) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n if (bytes1[i] != bytes2[i]) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesCmp = bytesCmp;\r\nfunction bytesXor(bytes1, bytes2) {\r\n var len = bytes1.length;\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {\r\n bytes[i] = bytes1[i] ^ bytes2[i];\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesXor = bytesXor;\r\nfunction bytesFromBigInt(bigInt, len) {\r\n var bytes = bigInt.toByteArray();\r\n if (len && bytes.length < len) {\r\n var padding = [];\r\n for (var i = 0, needPadding = len - bytes.length; i < needPadding; i++) {\r\n padding[i] = 0;\r\n }\r\n if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n bytes = bufferConcat(padding, bytes);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n bytes = padding.concat(bytes);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n while (!bytes[0] && (!len || bytes.length > len)) {\r\n bytes = bytes.slice(1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromBigInt = bytesFromBigInt;\r\nfunction bytesToArrayBuffer(b) {\r\n return (new Uint8Array(b)).buffer;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesToArrayBuffer = bytesToArrayBuffer;\r\nfunction convertToArrayBuffer(bytes) {\r\n // Be careful with converting subarrays!!\r\n if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n if (bytes.buffer !== undefined &&\r\n bytes.buffer.byteLength == bytes.length * bytes.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) {\r\n return bytes.buffer;\r\n }\r\n return bytesToArrayBuffer(bytes);\r\n}\r\nexports.convertToArrayBuffer = convertToArrayBuffer;\r\nfunction convertToUint8Array(bytes) {\r\n if (bytes.buffer !== undefined) {\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n return new Uint8Array(bytes);\r\n}\r\nexports.convertToUint8Array = convertToUint8Array;\r\nfunction convertToByteArray(bytes) {\r\n if (Array.isArray(bytes)) {\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n bytes = convertToUint8Array(bytes);\r\n var newBytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0, len = bytes.length; i < len; i++) {\r\n newBytes.push(bytes[i]);\r\n }\r\n return newBytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.convertToByteArray = convertToByteArray;\r\nfunction bytesFromArrayBuffer(buffer) {\r\n var len = buffer.byteLength;\r\n var byteView = new Uint8Array(buffer);\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {\r\n bytes[i] = byteView[i];\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromArrayBuffer = bytesFromArrayBuffer;\r\nfunction bufferConcat(buffer1, buffer2) {\r\n var l1 = buffer1.byteLength || buffer1.length;\r\n var l2 = buffer2.byteLength || buffer2.length;\r\n var tmp = new Uint8Array(l1 + l2);\r\n tmp.set(buffer1 instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(buffer1) : buffer1, 0);\r\n tmp.set(buffer2 instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(buffer2) : buffer2, l1);\r\n return tmp.buffer;\r\n}\r\nexports.bufferConcat = bufferConcat;\r\nfunction bufferConcats(...args) {\r\n let length = 0;\r\n args.forEach(b => length += b.byteLength || b.length);\r\n var tmp = new Uint8Array(length);\r\n let lastLength = 0;\r\n args.forEach(b => {\r\n tmp.set(b instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(b) : b, lastLength);\r\n lastLength += b.byteLength || b.length;\r\n });\r\n return tmp /* .buffer */;\r\n}\r\nexports.bufferConcats = bufferConcats;\r\nfunction longToInts(sLong) {\r\n var divRem = bigStringInt(sLong).divideAndRemainder(bigint(0x100000000));\r\n return [divRem[0].intValue(), divRem[1].intValue()];\r\n}\r\nexports.longToInts = longToInts;\r\nfunction bytesFromWords(wordArray) {\r\n var words = wordArray.words;\r\n var sigBytes = wordArray.sigBytes;\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < sigBytes; i++) {\r\n bytes.push((words[i >>> 2] >>> (24 - (i % 4) * 8)) & 0xff);\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromWords = bytesFromWords;\r\nfunction bytesFromWordss(input) {\r\n var o = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < input.length * 4; i++) {\r\n o.push((input[i >>> 2] >>> (24 - (i % 4) * 8)) & 0xff);\r\n }\r\n return o;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromWordss = bytesFromWordss;\r\nfunction bytesToWordss(input) {\r\n let bytes;\r\n if (input instanceof ArrayBuffer)\r\n bytes = new Uint8Array(input);\r\n else\r\n bytes = input;\r\n var len = bytes.length;\r\n var words = [];\r\n var i;\r\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n words[i >>> 2] |= bytes[i] << (24 - (i % 4) * 8);\r\n }\r\n return new Uint32Array(words);\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesToWordss = bytesToWordss;\r\nfunction longToBytes(sLong) {\r\n return bytesFromWords({ words: longToInts(sLong), sigBytes: 8 }).reverse();\r\n}\r\nexports.longToBytes = longToBytes;\r\nfunction longFromInts(high, low) {\r\n return bigint(high).shiftLeft(32).add(bigint(low)).toString(10);\r\n}\r\nexports.longFromInts = longFromInts;\r\nfunction addPadding(bytes, blockSize = 16, zeroes, full = false, prepend = false) {\r\n let len = bytes.byteLength || bytes.length;\r\n let needPadding = blockSize - (len % blockSize);\r\n if (needPadding > 0 && (needPadding < blockSize || full)) {\r\n ////console.log('addPadding()', len, blockSize, needPadding);\r\n let padding = new Array(needPadding);\r\n if (zeroes) {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < needPadding; i++) {\r\n padding[i] = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n (new jsbn_1.SecureRandom()).nextBytes(padding);\r\n }\r\n if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n bytes = prepend ? bufferConcat(padding, bytes) : bufferConcat(bytes, padding);\r\n }\r\n else if (bytes instanceof Uint8Array) {\r\n let _bytes = new Uint8Array(bytes.length + padding.length);\r\n if (prepend) {\r\n _bytes.set(padding);\r\n _bytes.set(bytes, padding.length);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n _bytes.set(bytes);\r\n _bytes.set(padding, bytes.length);\r\n }\r\n bytes = _bytes;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n bytes = prepend ? padding.concat(bytes) : bytes.concat(padding);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.addPadding = addPadding;\r\nfunction nextRandomInt(maxValue) {\r\n return Math.floor(Math.random() * maxValue);\r\n}\r\nexports.nextRandomInt = nextRandomInt;\r\nfunction getFileNameByLocation(location, options) {\r\n const fileName = ''; //(options?.fileName || '').split('.');\r\n const ext = fileName[fileName.length - 1] || '';\r\n switch (location._) {\r\n case 'inputPhotoFileLocation':\r\n case 'inputDocumentFileLocation': {\r\n const thumbPart = location.thumb_size ? '_' + location.thumb_size : '';\r\n return (fileName[0] ? fileName[0] + '_' : '') + location.id + thumbPart + (ext ? '.' + ext : ext);\r\n }\r\n case 'fileLocationToBeDeprecated':\r\n case 'inputPeerPhotoFileLocation':\r\n case 'inputStickerSetThumb':\r\n case 'inputFileLocation': {\r\n return location.volume_id + '_' + location.local_id + (ext ? '.' + ext : ext);\r\n }\r\n default: {\r\n console.error('Unrecognized location:', location);\r\n return '';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.getFileNameByLocation = getFileNameByLocation;\r\n" }, { "id": 23, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\helpers\\cancellablePromise.ts", "name": "./src/helpers/cancellablePromise.ts", "index": 20, "index2": 17, "size": 1438, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webpWorkerController.ts", "issuerId": 53, "issuerName": "./src/lib/webp/webpWorkerController.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", 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deferred.lastNotify = null;\r\n });\r\n Object.assign(deferred, deferredHelper);\r\n return deferred;\r\n}\r\nexports.deferredPromise = deferredPromise;\r\n" }, { "id": 24, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "index": 61, "index2": 78, "size": 40896, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { 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(function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppSidebarRight = void 0;\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../components/misc\");\r\n//import Scrollable from '../../components/scrollable';\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst appProfileManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appProfileManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appImManager\"));\r\nconst appMediaViewer_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMediaViewer\"));\r\nconst lazyLoadQueue_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/lazyLoadQueue\"));\r\nconst wrappers_1 = require(\"../../components/wrappers\");\r\nconst appSearch_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../components/appSearch\"));\r\nconst appForward_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/appForward\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../config\");\r\nconst slider_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/slider\"));\r\nconst searchInput_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/searchInput\"));\r\nconst horizontalMenu_1 = require(\"../../components/horizontalMenu\");\r\nconst stickers_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarRight/stickers\"));\r\nconst pollResults_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarRight/pollResults\"));\r\nconst gifs_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarRight/gifs\"));\r\nconst testScroll = false;\r\nconst COLUMN_ACTIVE_CLASSNAME = 'is-right-column-shown';\r\nlet setText = (text, el) => {\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n if (el.childElementCount > 1) {\r\n el.firstElementChild.remove();\r\n }\r\n let p = document.createElement('p');\r\n p.innerHTML = text;\r\n el.prepend(p);\r\n el.style.display = '';\r\n });\r\n};\r\nconst stickersTab = new stickers_1.default();\r\nconst pollResultsTab = new pollResults_1.default();\r\nconst gifsTab = new gifs_1.default();\r\nconst contentToSharedMap = {\r\n contentMembers: 'inputMessagesFilterContacts',\r\n contentMedia: 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo',\r\n contentDocuments: 'inputMessagesFilterDocument',\r\n contentLinks: 'inputMessagesFilterUrl',\r\n contentAudio: 'inputMessagesFilterMusic'\r\n};\r\n// TODO: отправленное сообщение с картинкой, или же новое полученное апдейтом сообщение не отобразится в медии\r\n// TODO: по-хорошему, нужно просто сделать апдейты для всего сайдбара\r\nlet AppSidebarRight = /** @class */ (() => {\r\n class AppSidebarRight extends slider_1.default {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super(document.getElementById('column-right'), {\r\n [AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS.stickers]: stickersTab,\r\n [AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS.pollResults]: pollResultsTab,\r\n [AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS.gifs]: gifsTab\r\n });\r\n this.profileElements = {};\r\n this.sharedMedia = {};\r\n this.loadSidebarMediaPromises = {};\r\n this.loadedAllMedia = {};\r\n this.sharedMediaTypes = [\r\n //'members',\r\n 'inputMessagesFilterContacts',\r\n 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo',\r\n 'inputMessagesFilterDocument',\r\n 'inputMessagesFilterUrl',\r\n 'inputMessagesFilterMusic'\r\n ];\r\n this.sharedMediaType = 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo';\r\n this.sharedMediaSelected = null;\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue = new lazyLoadQueue_1.default();\r\n this.historiesStorage = {};\r\n this.usedFromHistory = {};\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('SR', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n this.peerID = 0;\r\n this.scroll = null;\r\n this.prevTabID = -1;\r\n this.mediaDivsByIDs = {};\r\n this.urlsToRevoke = [];\r\n this.loadMutex = Promise.resolve();\r\n this.onTransitionStart = () => {\r\n // Jolly Cobra's // Workaround for scrollable content flickering during animation.\r\n const container = this.scroll.container;\r\n if (container.style.overflowY !== 'hidden') {\r\n const scrollBarWidth = container.offsetWidth - container.clientWidth;\r\n container.style.overflowY = 'hidden';\r\n container.style.paddingRight = `${scrollBarWidth}px`;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.onTransitionEnd = () => {\r\n // Jolly Cobra's // Workaround for scrollable content flickering during animation.\r\n const container = this.scroll.container;\r\n container.style.overflowY = 'scroll';\r\n container.style.paddingRight = '0';\r\n };\r\n //this._selectTab(3);\r\n this.stickersTab = stickersTab;\r\n this.pollResultsTab = pollResultsTab;\r\n this.gifsTab = gifsTab;\r\n this.profileContainer = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.profile-container');\r\n this.profileContentEl = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.profile-content');\r\n this.contentContainer = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.content-container');\r\n this.profileElements = {\r\n avatar: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-avatar'),\r\n name: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-name'),\r\n subtitle: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-subtitle'),\r\n bio: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-row-bio'),\r\n username: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-row-username'),\r\n phone: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-row-phone'),\r\n notificationsRow: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-row-notifications'),\r\n notificationsCheckbox: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('#profile-notifications'),\r\n notificationsStatus: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-row-notifications > p')\r\n };\r\n this.sharedMedia = {\r\n contentMembers: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('#content-members'),\r\n contentMedia: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('#content-media'),\r\n contentDocuments: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('#content-docs'),\r\n contentLinks: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('#content-links'),\r\n contentAudio: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('#content-audio'),\r\n };\r\n this.searchContainer = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('#search-private-container');\r\n this.searchCloseBtn = this.searchContainer.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n this.searchInput = new searchInput_1.default('Search');\r\n this.searchCloseBtn.parentElement.append(this.searchInput.container);\r\n this.privateSearch = new appSearch_1.default(this.searchContainer.querySelector('.chats-container'), this.searchInput, {\r\n messages: new appSearch_1.SearchGroup('Private Search', 'messages')\r\n });\r\n let container = this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.content-container .tabs-container');\r\n this.profileTabs = this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-tabs');\r\n this.scroll = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.profileContainer, 'y', 'SR', undefined, 400);\r\n this.scroll.onScrolledBottom = () => {\r\n if (this.sharedMediaSelected && this.sharedMediaSelected.childElementCount /* && false */) {\r\n this.log('onScrolledBottom will load media');\r\n this.loadSidebarMedia(true);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n //this.scroll.attachSentinels(undefined, 400);\r\n horizontalMenu_1.horizontalMenu(this.profileTabs, container, (id, tabContent) => {\r\n if (this.prevTabID == id)\r\n return;\r\n if (this.prevTabID != -1) {\r\n this.onTransitionStart();\r\n }\r\n this.sharedMediaType = this.sharedMediaTypes[id];\r\n this.sharedMediaSelected = tabContent.firstElementChild;\r\n if (this.prevTabID != -1 && this.profileTabs.offsetTop) {\r\n this.scroll.scrollTop -= this.profileTabs.offsetTop;\r\n }\r\n /* this.log('setVirtualContainer', id, this.sharedMediaSelected, this.sharedMediaSelected.childElementCount);\r\n this.scroll.setVirtualContainer(this.sharedMediaSelected); */\r\n if (this.prevTabID != -1 && !this.sharedMediaSelected.childElementCount) { // quick brown fix\r\n //this.contentContainer.classList.remove('loaded');\r\n this.loadSidebarMedia(true);\r\n }\r\n this.prevTabID = id;\r\n }, () => {\r\n this.scroll.onScroll();\r\n this.onTransitionEnd();\r\n });\r\n let sidebarCloseBtn = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n sidebarCloseBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.toggleSidebar(false);\r\n });\r\n this.searchCloseBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.searchContainer.classList.remove('active');\r\n this.privateSearch.reset();\r\n });\r\n this.sharedMedia.contentMedia.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n const target = e.target;\r\n const messageID = +target.dataset.mid;\r\n if (!messageID) {\r\n this.log.warn('no messageID by click on target:', target);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(messageID);\r\n const ids = Object.keys(this.mediaDivsByIDs).map(k => +k).sort((a, b) => a - b);\r\n const idx = ids.findIndex(i => i == messageID);\r\n const targets = ids.map(id => {\r\n const element = this.mediaDivsByIDs[id];\r\n //element = element.querySelector('img') || element;\r\n return { element, mid: id };\r\n });\r\n appMediaViewer_1.default.openMedia(message, target, false, this.sidebarEl, targets.slice(idx + 1).reverse(), targets.slice(0, idx).reverse(), true);\r\n });\r\n this.profileElements.notificationsCheckbox.addEventListener('change', () => {\r\n //let checked = this.profileElements.notificationsCheckbox.checked;\r\n appImManager_1.default.mutePeer(this.peerID);\r\n });\r\n window.addEventListener('resize', () => {\r\n });\r\n }\r\n ;\r\n beginSearch() {\r\n this.toggleSidebar(true);\r\n this.searchContainer.classList.add('active');\r\n this.privateSearch.beginSearch(this.peerID);\r\n }\r\n toggleSidebar(enable) {\r\n /////this.log('sidebarEl', this.sidebarEl, enable, isElementInViewport(this.sidebarEl));\r\n const active = document.body.classList.contains(COLUMN_ACTIVE_CLASSNAME);\r\n let willChange;\r\n if (enable !== undefined) {\r\n if (enable) {\r\n if (!active) {\r\n willChange = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (active) {\r\n willChange = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n willChange = true;\r\n }\r\n if (!willChange)\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n //console.log('sidebar selectTab', enable, willChange);\r\n if (config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile) {\r\n appImManager_1.default.selectTab(active ? 1 : 2);\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n }\r\n const set = () => {\r\n document.body.classList.toggle(COLUMN_ACTIVE_CLASSNAME, enable);\r\n };\r\n set();\r\n return new Promise(resolve => {\r\n setTimeout(resolve, 200);\r\n });\r\n //return Promise.resolve();\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n const hidden = [];\r\n const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {\r\n for (const entry of entries) {\r\n const bubble = entry.target;\r\n if (!entry.isIntersecting) {\r\n hidden.push({ element: bubble, height: bubble.scrollHeight });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n for (const item of hidden) {\r\n item.element.style.minHeight = item.height + 'px';\r\n item.element.firstElementChild.style.display = 'none';\r\n item.element.style.width = '1px';\r\n }\r\n //console.log('hidden', hidden);\r\n observer.disconnect();\r\n set();\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n for (const item of hidden) {\r\n item.element.style.minHeight = '';\r\n item.element.style.width = '';\r\n item.element.firstElementChild.style.display = '';\r\n }\r\n if (active) {\r\n appForward_1.default.close();\r\n this.searchCloseBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n resolve();\r\n }, 200);\r\n });\r\n const length = Object.keys(appImManager_1.default.bubbles).length;\r\n if (length) {\r\n for (const i in appImManager_1.default.bubbles) {\r\n observer.observe(appImManager_1.default.bubbles[i]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n set();\r\n setTimeout(resolve, 200);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n filterMessagesByType(ids, type) {\r\n let messages = [];\r\n for (let mid of ids) {\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n if (message.media)\r\n messages.push(message);\r\n }\r\n let filtered = [];\r\n switch (type) {\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo': {\r\n for (let message of messages) {\r\n let media = message.media.photo || message.media.document || (message.media.webpage && message.media.webpage.document);\r\n if (!media) {\r\n //this.log('no media!', message);\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n if (media._ == 'document' && media.type != 'video' /* && media.type != 'gif' */) {\r\n //this.log('broken video', media);\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n filtered.push(message);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterDocument': {\r\n for (let message of messages) {\r\n if (!message.media.document || message.media.document.type == 'voice' || message.media.document.type == 'audio') {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n let doc = message.media.document;\r\n if (doc.attributes) {\r\n if (doc.attributes.find((a) => a._ == \"documentAttributeSticker\")) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n filtered.push(message);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterUrl': {\r\n for (let message of messages) {\r\n if (!message.media.webpage || message.media.webpage._ == 'webPageEmpty') {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n filtered.push(message);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterMusic': {\r\n for (let message of messages) {\r\n if (!message.media.document || message.media.document.type != 'audio') {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n filtered.push(message);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n default:\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n return filtered;\r\n }\r\n performSearchResult(messages, type) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const peerID = this.peerID;\r\n const elemsToAppend = [];\r\n const promises = [];\r\n let sharedMediaDiv;\r\n /* for(let contentType in contentToSharedMap) {\r\n if(contentToSharedMap[contentType as ContentType] == type) {\r\n sharedMediaDiv = this.sharedMedia[contentType as ContentType];\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n // https://core.telegram.org/type/MessagesFilter\r\n switch (type) {\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo': {\r\n sharedMediaDiv = this.sharedMedia.contentMedia;\r\n for (const message of messages) {\r\n const media = message.media.photo || message.media.document || (message.media.webpage && message.media.webpage.document);\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('media-item');\r\n //console.log(message, photo);\r\n const isPhoto = media._ == 'photo';\r\n const photo = isPhoto ? appPhotosManager_1.default.getPhoto(media.id) : null;\r\n let isDownloaded;\r\n if (photo) {\r\n isDownloaded = photo.downloaded > 0;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const cachedThumb = appPhotosManager_1.default.getDocumentCachedThumb(media.id);\r\n isDownloaded = (cachedThumb === null || cachedThumb === void 0 ? void 0 : cachedThumb.downloaded) > 0;\r\n }\r\n //this.log('inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo', message, media);\r\n if (!isPhoto) {\r\n const span = document.createElement('span');\r\n span.classList.add('video-time');\r\n div.append(span);\r\n if (media.type != 'gif') {\r\n span.innerText = (media.duration + '').toHHMMSS(false);\r\n /* const spanPlay = document.createElement('span');\r\n spanPlay.classList.add('video-play', 'tgico-largeplay', 'btn-circle', 'position-center');\r\n div.append(spanPlay); */\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n span.innerText = 'GIF';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const load = () => appPhotosManager_1.default.preloadPhoto(isPhoto ? media.id : media, appPhotosManager_1.default.choosePhotoSize(media, 200, 200))\r\n .then(() => {\r\n if (utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID != peerID) {\r\n this.log.warn('peer changed');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const url = (photo && photo.url) || appPhotosManager_1.default.getDocumentCachedThumb(media.id).url;\r\n if (url) {\r\n //if(needBlur) return;\r\n const needBlurCallback = needBlur ? () => {\r\n //void img.offsetLeft; // reflow\r\n img.style.opacity = '';\r\n if (thumb) {\r\n window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n thumb.remove();\r\n }, 200);\r\n }\r\n } : undefined;\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(img, url, needBlurCallback);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n let thumb;\r\n const sizes = media.sizes || media.thumbs;\r\n const willHaveThumb = !isDownloaded && sizes && sizes[0].bytes;\r\n if (willHaveThumb) {\r\n thumb = new Image();\r\n thumb.classList.add('media-image', 'thumbnail');\r\n thumb.dataset.mid = '' + message.mid;\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.setAttachmentPreview(sizes[0].bytes, thumb, false, false);\r\n div.append(thumb);\r\n }\r\n const needBlur = !isDownloaded || !willHaveThumb;\r\n const img = new Image();\r\n img.dataset.mid = '' + message.mid;\r\n img.classList.add('media-image');\r\n if (needBlur)\r\n img.style.opacity = '0';\r\n div.append(img);\r\n if (isDownloaded || willHaveThumb) {\r\n const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n (thumb || img).addEventListener('load', () => {\r\n clearTimeout(timeout);\r\n resolve();\r\n });\r\n const timeout = setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.log('didn\\'t load', thumb, media, isDownloaded, sizes);\r\n reject();\r\n }, 1e3);\r\n });\r\n promises.push(promise);\r\n }\r\n if (sizes === null || sizes === void 0 ? void 0 : sizes.length) {\r\n if (isDownloaded)\r\n load();\r\n else\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.push({ div, load });\r\n }\r\n elemsToAppend.push(div);\r\n this.mediaDivsByIDs[message.mid] = div;\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterDocument': {\r\n sharedMediaDiv = this.sharedMedia.contentDocuments;\r\n for (let message of messages) {\r\n let div = wrappers_1.wrapDocument(message.media.document, true, false, message.mid);\r\n elemsToAppend.push(div);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterUrl': {\r\n sharedMediaDiv = this.sharedMedia.contentLinks;\r\n for (let message of messages) {\r\n let webpage = message.media.webpage;\r\n let div = document.createElement('div');\r\n let previewDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n previewDiv.classList.add('preview');\r\n //this.log('wrapping webpage', webpage);\r\n previewDiv.innerText = (webpage.title || webpage.description || webpage.url || webpage.display_url).slice(0, 1);\r\n previewDiv.classList.add('empty');\r\n if (webpage.photo) {\r\n let load = () => appPhotosManager_1.default.preloadPhoto(webpage.photo.id, appPhotosManager_1.default.choosePhotoSize(webpage.photo, 60, 60))\r\n .then(() => {\r\n if (utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID != peerID) {\r\n this.log.warn('peer changed');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n previewDiv.classList.remove('empty');\r\n previewDiv.innerText = '';\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(previewDiv, webpage.photo.url);\r\n });\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.push({ div: previewDiv, load });\r\n }\r\n let title = webpage.rTitle || '';\r\n let subtitle = webpage.rDescription || '';\r\n let url = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(webpage.url || '');\r\n if (!title) {\r\n //title = new URL(webpage.url).hostname;\r\n title = webpage.display_url.split('/', 1)[0];\r\n }\r\n div.append(previewDiv);\r\n div.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `\r\n
\r\n `);\r\n if (div.innerText.trim().length) {\r\n elemsToAppend.push(div);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterMusic': {\r\n sharedMediaDiv = this.sharedMedia.contentAudio;\r\n for (let message of messages) {\r\n let div = wrappers_1.wrapAudio(message.media.document, true, message.mid);\r\n elemsToAppend.push(div);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n default:\r\n console.warn('death is my friend', messages);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if (this.loadMutex) {\r\n promises.push(this.loadMutex);\r\n }\r\n if (promises.length) {\r\n yield Promise.all(promises);\r\n if (this.peerID != peerID) {\r\n this.log.warn('peer changed');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (elemsToAppend.length) {\r\n sharedMediaDiv.append(...elemsToAppend);\r\n }\r\n if (sharedMediaDiv) {\r\n const parent = sharedMediaDiv.parentElement;\r\n Array.from(parent.children).slice(1).forEach(child => {\r\n child.remove();\r\n });\r\n //this.contentContainer.classList.add('loaded');\r\n if (!messages.length && !sharedMediaDiv.childElementCount) {\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.innerText = 'Nothing interesting here yet...';\r\n div.classList.add('position-center', 'text-center', 'content-empty', 'no-select');\r\n parent.append(div);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n loadSidebarMedia(single = false) {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (testScroll /* || 1 == 1 */) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.log('loadSidebarMedia', single, this.peerID, this.loadSidebarMediaPromises);\r\n const peerID = this.peerID;\r\n let typesToLoad = single ? [this.sharedMediaType] : this.sharedMediaTypes;\r\n typesToLoad = typesToLoad.filter(type => !this.loadedAllMedia[type]);\r\n if (!typesToLoad.length)\r\n return;\r\n const loadCount = (appPhotosManager_1.default.windowH / 130 | 0) * 3; // that's good for all types\r\n const historyStorage = (_a = this.historiesStorage[peerID]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.historiesStorage[peerID] = {});\r\n const promises = typesToLoad.map(type => {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (this.loadSidebarMediaPromises[type])\r\n return this.loadSidebarMediaPromises[type];\r\n const history = (_a = historyStorage[type]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (historyStorage[type] = []);\r\n // render from cache\r\n if (history.length && this.usedFromHistory[type] < history.length) {\r\n let messages = [];\r\n let used = this.usedFromHistory[type];\r\n do {\r\n let ids = history.slice(used, used + loadCount);\r\n this.log('loadSidebarMedia: will render from cache', used, history, ids, loadCount);\r\n used += ids.length;\r\n messages.push(...this.filterMessagesByType(ids, type));\r\n } while (messages.length < loadCount && used < history.length);\r\n // если перебор\r\n if (messages.length > loadCount) {\r\n let diff = messages.length - loadCount;\r\n messages = messages.slice(0, messages.length - diff);\r\n used -= diff;\r\n }\r\n this.usedFromHistory[type] = used;\r\n //if(messages.length) {\r\n return this.performSearchResult(messages, type);\r\n //}\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n }\r\n // заливать новую картинку сюда только после полной отправки!\r\n let maxID = history[history.length - 1] || 0;\r\n let ids = !maxID && appMessagesManager_1.default.historiesStorage[peerID]\r\n ? appMessagesManager_1.default.historiesStorage[peerID].history.slice() : [];\r\n maxID = !maxID && ids.length ? ids[ids.length - 1] : maxID;\r\n this.log('loadSidebarMedia: search house of glass pre', type, ids, maxID);\r\n //let loadCount = history.length ? 50 : 15;\r\n return this.loadSidebarMediaPromises[type] = appMessagesManager_1.default.getSearch(peerID, '', { _: type }, maxID, loadCount)\r\n .then(value => {\r\n ids = ids.concat(value.history);\r\n history.push(...ids);\r\n this.log('loadSidebarMedia: search house of glass', type, value, ids);\r\n if (utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID != peerID) {\r\n this.log.warn('peer changed');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (value.history.length < loadCount) {\r\n this.loadedAllMedia[type] = true;\r\n }\r\n this.usedFromHistory[type] = history.length;\r\n //if(ids.length) {\r\n return this.performSearchResult(this.filterMessagesByType(ids, type), type);\r\n //}\r\n }, (err) => {\r\n this.log.error('load error:', err);\r\n }).then(() => {\r\n this.loadSidebarMediaPromises[type] = null;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n return Promise.all(promises);\r\n }\r\n cleanup() {\r\n this.loadSidebarMediaPromises = {};\r\n this.loadedAllMedia = {};\r\n this.prevTabID = -1;\r\n this.mediaDivsByIDs = {};\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.clear();\r\n this.sharedMediaTypes.forEach(type => {\r\n this.usedFromHistory[type] = 0;\r\n });\r\n this.sharedMediaType = 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo';\r\n }\r\n cleanupHTML() {\r\n //this.contentContainer.classList.remove('loaded');\r\n //this.profileContentEl.parentElement.scrollTop = 0;\r\n this.profileElements.bio.style.display = 'none';\r\n this.profileElements.phone.style.display = 'none';\r\n this.profileElements.username.style.display = 'none';\r\n this.profileElements.notificationsRow.style.display = '';\r\n this.profileElements.notificationsCheckbox.checked = true;\r\n this.profileElements.notificationsStatus.innerText = 'Enabled';\r\n if (this.urlsToRevoke.length) {\r\n this.urlsToRevoke.forEach(url => {\r\n URL.revokeObjectURL(url);\r\n });\r\n this.urlsToRevoke.length = 0;\r\n }\r\n Object.keys(this.sharedMedia).forEach(key => {\r\n this.sharedMedia[key].innerHTML = '';\r\n const inputFilter = contentToSharedMap[key];\r\n if (!this.historiesStorage[this.peerID] || !this.historiesStorage[this.peerID][inputFilter]) {\r\n const parent = this.sharedMedia[key].parentElement;\r\n if (!testScroll) {\r\n if (!parent.querySelector('.preloader')) {\r\n misc_1.putPreloader(parent, true);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const empty = parent.querySelector('.content-empty');\r\n if (empty) {\r\n empty.remove();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (testScroll) {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < 1500; ++i) {\r\n let div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ``);\r\n div.classList.add('media-item');\r\n div.dataset.id = '' + (i / 3 | 0);\r\n //div.innerText = '' + (i / 3 | 0);\r\n this.sharedMedia.contentMedia.append(div);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.profileTabs.firstElementChild.children[1].click(); // set media\r\n }\r\n setLoadMutex(promise) {\r\n this.loadMutex = promise;\r\n }\r\n setPeer(peerID) {\r\n this.peerID = peerID;\r\n this.cleanup();\r\n }\r\n fillProfileElements() {\r\n let peerID = this.peerID = utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID;\r\n this.cleanupHTML();\r\n this.profileElements.avatar.setAttribute('peer', '' + peerID);\r\n // username\r\n if (peerID != utils_1.$rootScope.myID) {\r\n let username = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerUsername(peerID);\r\n if (username) {\r\n setText(appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerUsername(peerID), this.profileElements.username);\r\n }\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n if (dialog) {\r\n let muted = false;\r\n if (dialog.notify_settings && dialog.notify_settings.mute_until) {\r\n muted = new Date(dialog.notify_settings.mute_until * 1000) > new Date();\r\n }\r\n appImManager_1.default.setMutedState(muted);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n this.profileElements.notificationsRow.style.display = 'none';\r\n });\r\n }\r\n //let membersLi = this.profileTabs.firstElementChild.children[0] as HTMLLIElement;\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n //membersLi.style.display = 'none';\r\n let user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(peerID);\r\n if (user.phone && peerID != utils_1.$rootScope.myID) {\r\n setText(user.rPhone, this.profileElements.phone);\r\n }\r\n appProfileManager_1.default.getProfile(peerID, true).then(userFull => {\r\n if (this.peerID != peerID) {\r\n this.log.warn('peer changed');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (userFull.rAbout && peerID != utils_1.$rootScope.myID) {\r\n setText(userFull.rAbout, this.profileElements.bio);\r\n }\r\n //this.log('userFull', userFull);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n //membersLi.style.display = appPeersManager.isBroadcast(peerID) ? 'none' : '';\r\n let chat = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeer(peerID);\r\n appProfileManager_1.default.getChatFull(chat.id).then((chatFull) => {\r\n if (this.peerID != peerID) {\r\n this.log.warn('peer changed');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //this.log('chatInfo res 2:', chatFull);\r\n if (chatFull.about) {\r\n setText(richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(chatFull.about), this.profileElements.bio);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS = {\r\n search: 1,\r\n forward: 2,\r\n stickers: 3,\r\n pollResults: 4,\r\n gifs: 5,\r\n };\r\n return AppSidebarRight;\r\n})();\r\nexports.AppSidebarRight = AppSidebarRight;\r\nconst appSidebarRight = new AppSidebarRight();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.appSidebarRight = appSidebarRight;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = appSidebarRight;\r\n" }, { "id": 25, "identifier": 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result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst pagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pagesManager\"));\r\nclass Page {\r\n constructor(className, isAuthPage, onFirstMount, onMount) {\r\n this.isAuthPage = isAuthPage;\r\n this.onFirstMount = onFirstMount;\r\n this.onMount = onMount;\r\n this.installed = false;\r\n this.pageEl = document.body.getElementsByClassName(className)[0];\r\n }\r\n mount(...args) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n //this.pageEl.style.display = '';\r\n if (this.onMount) {\r\n this.onMount(...args);\r\n }\r\n if (!this.installed) {\r\n if (this.onFirstMount) {\r\n try {\r\n const res = this.onFirstMount(...args);\r\n if (res instanceof Promise) {\r\n yield res;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n console.error('PAGE MOUNT ERROR:', err);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.installed = true;\r\n }\r\n pagesManager_1.default.setPage(this);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = Page;\r\n" }, { "id": 26, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\horizontalMenu.ts", "name": "./src/components/horizontalMenu.ts", "index": 37, "index2": 30, "size": 6164, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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tabContent.style.transform = `translateX(-25%)`;\r\n prevTabContent.style.transform = `translateX(20%)`;\r\n } */\r\n const width = prevTabContent.getBoundingClientRect().width;\r\n if (toRight) {\r\n prevTabContent.style.filter = `brightness(80%)`;\r\n prevTabContent.style.transform = `translate3d(${-width * .25}px, 0, 0)`;\r\n tabContent.style.transform = `translate3d(${width}px, 0, 0)`;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n tabContent.style.filter = `brightness(80%)`;\r\n tabContent.style.transform = `translate3d(${-width * .25}px, 0, 0)`;\r\n prevTabContent.style.transform = `translate3d(${width}px, 0, 0)`;\r\n }\r\n tabContent.classList.add('active');\r\n void tabContent.offsetWidth; // reflow\r\n tabContent.style.transform = '';\r\n tabContent.style.filter = '';\r\n}\r\nfunction slideTabs(tabContent, prevTabContent, toRight) {\r\n const width = prevTabContent.getBoundingClientRect().width;\r\n if (toRight) {\r\n tabContent.style.transform = `translate3d(${width}px, 0, 0)`;\r\n prevTabContent.style.transform = `translate3d(${-width}px, 0, 0)`;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n tabContent.style.transform = `translate3d(${-width}px, 0, 0)`;\r\n prevTabContent.style.transform = `translate3d(${width}px, 0, 0)`;\r\n }\r\n tabContent.classList.add('active');\r\n void tabContent.offsetWidth; // reflow\r\n tabContent.style.transform = '';\r\n}\r\nfunction horizontalMenu(tabs, content, onClick, onTransitionEnd, transitionTime = 250) {\r\n const hideTimeouts = {};\r\n let prevTabContent = null;\r\n let prevId = -1;\r\n const selectTab = (id) => {\r\n if (id == prevId)\r\n return false;\r\n //console.log('selectTab id:', id);\r\n const p = prevTabContent;\r\n const tabContent = content.children[id];\r\n if (content.dataset.slider == 'none') {\r\n if (p) {\r\n p.classList.remove('active');\r\n }\r\n tabContent.classList.add('active');\r\n prevId = id;\r\n prevTabContent = tabContent;\r\n if (onTransitionEnd)\r\n onTransitionEnd();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const toRight = prevId < id;\r\n if (prevId != -1) {\r\n if (tabs || content.dataset.slider == 'tabs') {\r\n slideTabs(tabContent, prevTabContent, toRight);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n slideNavigation(tabContent, prevTabContent, toRight);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n tabContent.classList.add('active');\r\n }\r\n const _prevId = prevId;\r\n if (hideTimeouts.hasOwnProperty(id))\r\n clearTimeout(hideTimeouts[id]);\r\n if (p /* && false */) {\r\n hideTimeouts[_prevId] = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n p.style.transform = '';\r\n p.style.filter = '';\r\n p.classList.remove('active');\r\n delete hideTimeouts[_prevId];\r\n if (onTransitionEnd)\r\n onTransitionEnd();\r\n }, /* 420 */ transitionTime);\r\n }\r\n prevId = id;\r\n prevTabContent = tabContent;\r\n };\r\n if (tabs) {\r\n const useStripe = !tabs.classList.contains('no-stripe');\r\n const tagName = 'LI'; //tabs.firstElementChild.tagName;\r\n tabs.addEventListener('click', function (e) {\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n if (target.tagName != tagName) {\r\n target = utils_1.findUpTag(target, tagName);\r\n }\r\n //console.log('tabs click:', target);\r\n if (!target)\r\n return false;\r\n let id;\r\n if (target.dataset.tab) {\r\n id = +target.dataset.tab;\r\n if (id == -1) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n id = utils_1.whichChild(target);\r\n }\r\n const tabContent = content.children[id];\r\n if (onClick)\r\n onClick(id, tabContent);\r\n if (target.classList.contains('active') || id == prevId) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n const prev = tabs.querySelector(tagName.toLowerCase() + '.active');\r\n prev && prev.classList.remove('active');\r\n // stripe from ZINCHUK\r\n if (useStripe && prevId != -1) {\r\n const indicator = target.querySelector('i');\r\n const currentIndicator = target.parentElement.children[prevId].querySelector('i');\r\n currentIndicator.classList.remove('animate');\r\n indicator.classList.remove('animate');\r\n // We move and resize our indicator so it repeats the position and size of the previous one.\r\n const shiftLeft = currentIndicator.parentElement.parentElement.offsetLeft - indicator.parentElement.parentElement.offsetLeft;\r\n const scaleFactor = currentIndicator.clientWidth / indicator.clientWidth;\r\n indicator.style.transform = `translate3d(${shiftLeft}px, 0, 0) scale3d(${scaleFactor}, 1, 1)`;\r\n //console.log(`translate3d(${shiftLeft}px, 0, 0) scale3d(${scaleFactor}, 1, 1)`);\r\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n // Now we remove the transform to let it animate to its own position and size.\r\n indicator.classList.add('animate');\r\n indicator.style.transform = 'none';\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // stripe END\r\n target.classList.add('active');\r\n selectTab(id);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return selectTab;\r\n}\r\nexports.horizontalMenu = horizontalMenu;\r\n" }, { "id": 27, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appProfileManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appProfileManager.ts", 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"ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppProfileManager = void 0;\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst appMessagesIDsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesIDsManager\"));\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst apiUpdatesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./apiUpdatesManager\"));\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\n//import apiManager from '../mtproto/apiManager';\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../components/misc\");\r\nconst searchIndexManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../searchIndexManager\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst appDownloadManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDownloadManager\"));\r\nclass AppProfileManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.botInfos = {};\r\n this.usersFull = {};\r\n this.chatsFull = {};\r\n this.chatFullPromises = {};\r\n this.chatParticipantsPromises = {};\r\n this.savedAvatarURLs = {};\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e) => {\r\n let update = e.detail;\r\n // console.log('on apiUpdate', update)\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateChatParticipants':\r\n var participants = update.participants;\r\n var chatFull = this.chatsFull[participants.id];\r\n if (chatFull !== undefined) {\r\n chatFull.participants = update.participants;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('chat_full_update', update.chat_id);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'updateChatParticipantAdd':\r\n var chatFull = this.chatsFull[update.chat_id];\r\n if (chatFull !== undefined) {\r\n var participants = chatFull.participants.participants || [];\r\n for (var i = 0, length = participants.length; i < length; i++) {\r\n if (participants[i].user_id == update.user_id) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n participants.push({\r\n _: 'chatParticipant',\r\n user_id: update.user_id,\r\n inviter_id: update.inviter_id,\r\n date: utils_1.tsNow(true)\r\n });\r\n chatFull.participants.version = update.version;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('chat_full_update', update.chat_id);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'updateChatParticipantDelete':\r\n var chatFull = this.chatsFull[update.chat_id];\r\n if (chatFull !== undefined) {\r\n var participants = chatFull.participants.participants || [];\r\n for (var i = 0, length = participants.length; i < length; i++) {\r\n if (participants[i].user_id == update.user_id) {\r\n participants.splice(i, 1);\r\n chatFull.participants.version = update.version;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('chat_full_update', update.chat_id);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'updateChannelPinnedMessage':\r\n var channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n var fullChannel = this.chatsFull[channelID];\r\n if (fullChannel !== undefined) {\r\n fullChannel.pinned_msg_id = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(update.id, channelID);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('peer_pinned_message', -channelID);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('chat_update', (e) => {\r\n let chatID = e.detail;\r\n let fullChat = this.chatsFull[chatID];\r\n let chat = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(chatID);\r\n if (!chat.photo || !fullChat) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let emptyPhoto = chat.photo._ == 'chatPhotoEmpty';\r\n //////console.log('chat_update:', fullChat);\r\n if (fullChat.chat_photo && emptyPhoto != (fullChat.chat_photo._ == 'photoEmpty')) {\r\n delete this.chatsFull[chatID];\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('chat_full_update', chatID);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (emptyPhoto) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let smallUserpic = chat.photo.photo_small;\r\n let smallPhotoSize = appPhotosManager_1.default.choosePhotoSize(fullChat.chat_photo, 0, 0);\r\n if (JSON.stringify(smallUserpic) !== JSON.stringify(smallPhotoSize.location)) {\r\n delete this.chatsFull[chatID];\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('chat_full_update', chatID);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n saveBotInfo(botInfo) {\r\n let botID = botInfo && botInfo.user_id;\r\n if (!botID) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n let commands = {};\r\n botInfo.commands.forEach((botCommand) => {\r\n commands[botCommand.command] = botCommand.description;\r\n });\r\n return this.botInfos[botID] = {\r\n id: botID,\r\n version: botInfo.version,\r\n shareText: botInfo.share_text,\r\n description: botInfo.description,\r\n commands: commands\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getProfile(id, override) {\r\n if (this.usersFull[id]) {\r\n return Promise.resolve(this.usersFull[id]);\r\n }\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('users.getFullUser', {\r\n id: appUsersManager_1.default.getUserInput(id)\r\n }).then((userFull) => {\r\n if (override && override.phone_number) {\r\n userFull.user.phone = override.phone_number;\r\n if (override.first_name || override.last_name) {\r\n userFull.user.first_name = override.first_name;\r\n userFull.user.last_name = override.last_name;\r\n }\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUser(userFull.user);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUser(userFull.user, true);\r\n }\r\n if (userFull.profile_photo) {\r\n userFull.profile_photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(userFull.profile_photo, { user_id: id });\r\n /* appPhotosManager.savePhoto(userFull.profile_photo, {user_id: id}); */\r\n }\r\n if (userFull.about !== undefined) {\r\n userFull.rAbout = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(userFull.about, { noLinebreaks: true });\r\n }\r\n // NotificationsManager.savePeerSettings(id, userFull.notify_settings); // warning\r\n if (userFull.bot_info) {\r\n userFull.bot_info = this.saveBotInfo(userFull.bot_info);\r\n }\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.savePinnedMessage(id, userFull.pinned_msg_id);\r\n return this.usersFull[id] = userFull;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getPeerBots(peerID) {\r\n var peerBots = [];\r\n if (peerID >= 0 && !appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(peerID) ||\r\n (appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID) && !appPeersManager_1.default.isMegagroup(peerID))) {\r\n return Promise.resolve(peerBots);\r\n }\r\n if (peerID >= 0) {\r\n return this.getProfile(peerID).then((userFull) => {\r\n var botInfo = userFull.bot_info;\r\n if (botInfo && botInfo._ != 'botInfoEmpty') {\r\n peerBots.push(botInfo);\r\n }\r\n return peerBots;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return this.getChatFull(-peerID).then((chatFull) => {\r\n chatFull.bot_info.forEach((botInfo) => {\r\n peerBots.push(this.saveBotInfo(botInfo));\r\n });\r\n return peerBots;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getChatFull(id) {\r\n if (appChatsManager_1.default.isChannel(id)) {\r\n return this.getChannelFull(id);\r\n }\r\n if (this.chatsFull[id] !== undefined) {\r\n var chat = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(id);\r\n if (chat.version == this.chatsFull[id].participants.version ||\r\n chat.pFlags.left) {\r\n return Promise.resolve(this.chatsFull[id]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (this.chatFullPromises[id] !== undefined) {\r\n return this.chatFullPromises[id];\r\n }\r\n // console.trace(dT(), 'Get chat full', id, appChatsManager.getChat(id))\r\n return this.chatFullPromises[id] = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getFullChat', {\r\n chat_id: id\r\n }).then((result) => {\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(result.chats);\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(result.users);\r\n const fullChat = result.full_chat;\r\n if (fullChat && fullChat.chat_photo && fullChat.chat_photo.id) {\r\n fullChat.chat_photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(fullChat.chat_photo);\r\n //appPhotosManager.savePhoto(fullChat.chat_photo);\r\n }\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.savePinnedMessage(-id, fullChat.pinned_msg_id);\r\n /* NotificationsManager.savePeerSettings(-id, fullChat.notify_settings); */ // warning\r\n delete this.chatFullPromises[id];\r\n this.chatsFull[id] = fullChat;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('chat_full_update', id);\r\n return fullChat;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n /* public getChatInviteLink(id: number, force?: boolean) {\r\n return this.getChatFull(id).then((chatFull: any) => {\r\n if(!force &&\r\n chatFull.exported_invite &&\r\n chatFull.exported_invite._ == 'chatInviteExported') {\r\n return chatFull.exported_invite.link;\r\n }\r\n \r\n let promise;\r\n if(appChatsManager.isChannel(id)) {\r\n promise = apiManager.invokeApi('channels.exportInvite', {\r\n channel: appChatsManager.getChannelInput(id)\r\n });\r\n } else {\r\n promise = apiManager.invokeApi('messages.exportChatInvite', {\r\n chat_id: id\r\n });\r\n }\r\n \r\n return promise.then((exportedInvite: any) => {\r\n if(this.chatsFull[id] !== undefined) {\r\n this.chatsFull[id].exported_invite = exportedInvite;\r\n }\r\n \r\n return exportedInvite.link;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n } */\r\n /* public getChannelParticipants(id: number, filter: any, limit: number, offset: number) {\r\n filter = filter || {_: 'channelParticipantsRecent'};\r\n limit = limit || 200;\r\n offset = offset || 0;\r\n let promiseKey = [id, filter._, offset, limit].join('_');\r\n let promiseData = this.chatParticipantsPromises[promiseKey];\r\n \r\n if(filter._ == 'channelParticipantsRecent') {\r\n let chat = appChatsManager.getChat(id);\r\n if(chat &&\r\n chat.pFlags && (\r\n chat.pFlags.kicked ||\r\n chat.pFlags.broadcast && !chat.pFlags.creator && !chat.admin_rights\r\n )) {\r\n return Promise.reject();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n let fetchParticipants = (cachedParticipants?: any[]) => {\r\n let hash = 0;\r\n if(cachedParticipants) {\r\n let userIDs: number[] = [];\r\n cachedParticipants.forEach((participant: any) => {\r\n userIDs.push(participant.user_id);\r\n });\r\n \r\n userIDs.sort((a, b) => a - b);\r\n userIDs.forEach((userID) => {\r\n hash = ((hash * 20261) + 0x80000000 + userID) % 0x80000000\r\n });\r\n }\r\n \r\n return apiManager.invokeApi('channels.getParticipants', {\r\n channel: appChatsManager.getChannelInput(id),\r\n filter: filter,\r\n offset: offset,\r\n limit: limit,\r\n hash: hash\r\n }).then((result: any) => {\r\n if(result._ == 'channels.channelParticipantsNotModified') {\r\n return cachedParticipants;\r\n }\r\n \r\n appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(result.users);\r\n return result.participants;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n \r\n let maybeAddSelf = (participants: any[]) => {\r\n let chat = appChatsManager.getChat(id);\r\n let selfMustBeFirst = filter._ == 'channelParticipantsRecent' &&\r\n !offset &&\r\n !chat.pFlags.kicked &&\r\n !chat.pFlags.left;\r\n \r\n if(selfMustBeFirst) {\r\n participants = copy(participants);\r\n let myID = appUsersManager.getSelf().id;\r\n let myIndex = participants.findIndex(p => p.user_id == myID);\r\n let myParticipant;\r\n \r\n if(myIndex !== -1) {\r\n myParticipant = participants[myIndex];\r\n participants.splice(myIndex, 1);\r\n } else {\r\n myParticipant = {_: 'channelParticipantSelf', user_id: myID};\r\n }\r\n \r\n participants.unshift(myParticipant);\r\n }\r\n \r\n return participants;\r\n }\r\n \r\n let timeNow = tsNow();\r\n if(promiseData !== undefined) {\r\n let promise = promiseData[1];\r\n if(promiseData[0] > timeNow - 60000) {\r\n return promise;\r\n }\r\n let newPromise = promise.then((cachedParticipants: any) => {\r\n return fetchParticipants(cachedParticipants).then(maybeAddSelf)\r\n });\r\n this.chatParticipantsPromises[promiseKey] = [timeNow, newPromise];\r\n return newPromise;\r\n }\r\n \r\n let newPromise = fetchParticipants().then(maybeAddSelf);\r\n this.chatParticipantsPromises[promiseKey] = [timeNow, newPromise];\r\n return newPromise;\r\n } */\r\n getChannelFull(id, force) {\r\n if (this.chatsFull[id] !== undefined && !force) {\r\n return Promise.resolve(this.chatsFull[id]);\r\n }\r\n if (this.chatFullPromises[id] !== undefined) {\r\n return this.chatFullPromises[id];\r\n }\r\n return this.chatFullPromises[id] = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.getFullChannel', {\r\n channel: appChatsManager_1.default.getChannelInput(id)\r\n }).then((result) => {\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(result.chats);\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(result.users);\r\n let fullChannel = result.full_chat;\r\n if (fullChannel && fullChannel.chat_photo.id) {\r\n fullChannel.chat_photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(fullChannel.chat_photo);\r\n //appPhotosManager.savePhoto(fullChannel.chat_photo);\r\n }\r\n /* NotificationsManager.savePeerSettings(-id, fullChannel.notify_settings) */ // warning\r\n if (fullChannel.pinned_msg_id) {\r\n fullChannel.pinned_msg_id = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(fullChannel.pinned_msg_id, id);\r\n }\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.savePinnedMessage(-id, fullChannel.pinned_msg_id);\r\n delete this.chatFullPromises[id];\r\n this.chatsFull[id] = fullChannel;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('chat_full_update', id);\r\n return fullChannel;\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n switch (error.type) {\r\n case 'CHANNEL_PRIVATE':\r\n let channel = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(id);\r\n channel = { _: 'channelForbidden', access_hash: channel.access_hash, title: channel.title };\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updates',\r\n updates: [{\r\n _: 'updateChannel',\r\n channel_id: id\r\n }],\r\n chats: [channel],\r\n users: []\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n return Promise.reject(error);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n invalidateChannelParticipants(id) {\r\n delete this.chatsFull[id];\r\n delete this.chatFullPromises[id];\r\n for (let key in this.chatParticipantsPromises) {\r\n //let val = this.chatParticipantsPromises[key];\r\n if (+key.split('_')[0] == id) {\r\n delete this.chatParticipantsPromises[key];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('chat_full_update', id);\r\n }\r\n getChannelPinnedMessage(id) {\r\n return this.getChannelFull(id).then((fullChannel) => {\r\n let pinnedMessageID = fullChannel && fullChannel.pinned_msg_id;\r\n if (!pinnedMessageID) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n return storage_1.default.get('pinned_hidden' + id).then((hiddenMessageID) => {\r\n if (appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(pinnedMessageID) == hiddenMessageID) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n return pinnedMessageID;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n hideChannelPinnedMessage(id, pinnedMessageID) {\r\n let setKeys = {};\r\n setKeys['pinned_hidden' + id] = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(pinnedMessageID);\r\n storage_1.default.set(setKeys);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('peer_pinned_message', -id);\r\n }\r\n updateProfile(first_name, last_name, about) {\r\n /* let flags = 0;\r\n if(first_name) flags |= 1;\r\n if(last_name) flags |= 2;\r\n if(about) flags |= 4; */\r\n let flags = (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 2);\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('account.updateProfile', {\r\n flags,\r\n first_name,\r\n last_name,\r\n about\r\n }).then(user => {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUser(user);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n uploadProfilePhoto(inputFile) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('photos.uploadProfilePhoto', {\r\n file: inputFile\r\n }).then((updateResult) => {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(updateResult.users);\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.getUserID().then((id) => {\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(updateResult.photo, {\r\n user_id: id\r\n });\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updateShort',\r\n update: {\r\n _: 'updateUserPhoto',\r\n user_id: id,\r\n date: utils_1.tsNow(true),\r\n photo: appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(id).photo,\r\n previous: true\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n updateUsername(username) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('account.updateUsername', {\r\n username: username\r\n }).then((user) => {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUser(user);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n removeFromAvatarsCache(peerID) {\r\n if (this.savedAvatarURLs[peerID]) {\r\n delete this.savedAvatarURLs[peerID];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n putAvatar(div, peerID, location) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const inputPeer = appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID);\r\n if (!this.savedAvatarURLs[peerID]) {\r\n //console.warn('will invoke downloadSmallFile:', peerID);\r\n const peerPhotoFileLocation = {\r\n _: 'inputPeerPhotoFileLocation',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n peer: inputPeer,\r\n volume_id: location.photo_small.volume_id,\r\n local_id: location.photo_small.local_id\r\n };\r\n const downloadOptions = { dcID: location.dc_id, location: peerPhotoFileLocation };\r\n yield appDownloadManager_1.default.download(downloadOptions).then(blob => {\r\n this.savedAvatarURLs[peerID] = URL.createObjectURL(blob);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n const img = new Image();\r\n const cached = misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(img, this.savedAvatarURLs[peerID]);\r\n if (cached) {\r\n // смотри в misc.ts: renderImageFromUrl\r\n //img.addEventListener('load', () => {\r\n div.innerHTML = '';\r\n div.append(img);\r\n //});\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n img.classList.add('fade-in');\r\n img.addEventListener('load', () => {\r\n div.innerHTML = '';\r\n div.append(img);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // peerID == peerID || title\r\n putPhoto(div, peerID, isDialog = false, title = '') {\r\n var _a;\r\n const location = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerPhoto(peerID);\r\n const avatarAvailable = location && !location.empty && location.photo_small;\r\n const avatarRendered = !!div.firstElementChild;\r\n const myID = utils_1.$rootScope.myID;\r\n //console.log('loadDialogPhoto location:', location, inputPeer);\r\n if (peerID == myID && isDialog) {\r\n div.innerHTML = '';\r\n div.style.backgroundColor = '';\r\n div.classList.add('tgico-savedmessages');\r\n div.classList.remove('tgico-avatar_deletedaccount');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n const user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(peerID);\r\n if (user && user.pFlags && user.pFlags.deleted) {\r\n div.innerHTML = '';\r\n div.style.backgroundColor = '';\r\n div.classList.add('tgico-avatar_deletedaccount');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!avatarAvailable || !avatarRendered || !this.savedAvatarURLs[peerID]) {\r\n let color = '';\r\n if (peerID && peerID != myID) {\r\n color = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerColorByID(peerID);\r\n }\r\n div.innerHTML = '';\r\n div.classList.remove('tgico-savedmessages', 'tgico-avatar_deletedaccount');\r\n div.style.backgroundColor = color;\r\n let abbr;\r\n if (!title) {\r\n abbr = (_a = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeer(peerID).initials) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const name = searchIndexManager_1.default.cleanSearchText(title, false);\r\n const nameWords = name.split(' ');\r\n const firstWord = nameWords.shift();\r\n const lastWord = nameWords.pop();\r\n abbr = firstWord.charAt(0) + (lastWord ? lastWord.charAt(0) : '');\r\n }\r\n div.innerText = abbr.toUpperCase();\r\n //return Promise.resolve(true);\r\n }\r\n if (avatarAvailable) {\r\n this.putAvatar(div, peerID, location);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppProfileManager = AppProfileManager;\r\nexports.default = new AppProfileManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 28, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appDownloadManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appDownloadManager.ts", "index": 46, "index2": 36, "size": 5623, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appMessagesManager.ts", "issuerId": 7, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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"userRequest": "./appDownloadManager", "loc": "19:45-76" }, { "moduleId": 13, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appPhotosManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appPhotosManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appPhotosManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./appDownloadManager", "loc": "9:45-76" }, { "moduleId": 27, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appProfileManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appProfileManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appProfileManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./appDownloadManager", "loc": "30:45-76" }, { "moduleId": 46, "moduleIdentifier": 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__importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppDownloadManager = void 0;\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst cancellablePromise_1 = require(\"../../helpers/cancellablePromise\");\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nclass AppDownloadManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.downloads = {};\r\n this.progress = {};\r\n this.progressCallbacks = {};\r\n this.uploadID = 0;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('download_progress', (e) => {\r\n const details = e.detail;\r\n this.progress[details.fileName] = details;\r\n const callbacks = this.progressCallbacks[details.fileName];\r\n if (callbacks) {\r\n callbacks.forEach(callback => callback(details));\r\n }\r\n const download = this.downloads[details.fileName];\r\n if (download) {\r\n download.notifyAll(details);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getNewDeferred(fileName) {\r\n const deferred = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n deferred.cancel = () => {\r\n const error = new Error('Download canceled');\r\n error.name = 'AbortError';\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.cancelDownload(fileName);\r\n this.clearDownload(fileName);\r\n deferred.reject(error);\r\n deferred.cancel = () => { };\r\n };\r\n deferred.finally(() => {\r\n delete this.progress[fileName];\r\n delete this.progressCallbacks[fileName];\r\n });\r\n return this.downloads[fileName] = deferred;\r\n }\r\n clearDownload(fileName) {\r\n delete this.downloads[fileName];\r\n }\r\n download(options) {\r\n const fileName = bin_utils_1.getFileNameByLocation(options.location, { fileName: options.fileName });\r\n if (this.downloads.hasOwnProperty(fileName))\r\n return this.downloads[fileName];\r\n const deferred = this.getNewDeferred(fileName);\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.downloadFile(options).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject);\r\n //console.log('Will download file:', fileName, url);\r\n return deferred;\r\n }\r\n upload(file, fileName) {\r\n if (!fileName) {\r\n const mimeType = file === null || file === void 0 ? void 0 : file.type;\r\n if (mimeType) { // the same like apiFileName in appMessagesManager for upload!\r\n const ext = this.uploadID++ + '.' + mimeType.split('/')[1];\r\n if (['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/bmp'].indexOf(mimeType) >= 0) {\r\n fileName = 'photo' + ext;\r\n }\r\n else if (mimeType.indexOf('audio/') === 0 || ['video/ogg'].indexOf(mimeType) >= 0) {\r\n fileName = 'audio' + ext;\r\n }\r\n else if (mimeType.indexOf('video/') === 0) {\r\n fileName = 'video' + ext;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n fileName = 'document' + ext;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n fileName = 'upload-' + this.uploadID++;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const deferred = this.getNewDeferred(fileName);\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.uploadFile({ file, fileName }).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject);\r\n deferred.finally(() => {\r\n this.clearDownload(fileName);\r\n });\r\n return deferred;\r\n }\r\n getDownload(fileName) {\r\n return this.downloads[fileName];\r\n }\r\n addProgressCallback(fileName, callback) {\r\n var _a;\r\n const progress = this.progress[fileName];\r\n ((_a = this.progressCallbacks[fileName]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.progressCallbacks[fileName] = [])).push(callback);\r\n if (progress) {\r\n callback(progress);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n createDownloadAnchor(url, fileName, onRemove) {\r\n const a = document.createElement('a');\r\n a.href = url;\r\n a.download = fileName;\r\n a.target = '_blank';\r\n a.style.position = 'absolute';\r\n a.style.top = '1px';\r\n a.style.left = '1px';\r\n document.body.append(a);\r\n try {\r\n var clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');\r\n clickEvent.initMouseEvent('click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);\r\n a.dispatchEvent(clickEvent);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n console.error('Download click error', e);\r\n try {\r\n a.click();\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n window.open(url, '_blank');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n a.remove();\r\n onRemove && onRemove();\r\n }, 100);\r\n }\r\n /* public downloadToDisc(fileName: string, url: string) {\r\n this.createDownloadAnchor(url);\r\n \r\n return this.download(fileName, url);\r\n } */\r\n downloadToDisc(options, discFileName) {\r\n const download = this.download(options);\r\n download /* .promise */.then(blob => {\r\n const objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);\r\n this.createDownloadAnchor(objectURL, discFileName, () => {\r\n URL.revokeObjectURL(objectURL);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n return download;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppDownloadManager = AppDownloadManager;\r\nexports.default = new AppDownloadManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 29, "identifier": 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promise.finally(() => {\r\n //alert('pageIm!');\r\n //AudioContext && global.navigator && global.navigator.mediaDevices && global.navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia && global.WebAssembly;\r\n /* // @ts-ignore\r\n var AudioContext = globalThis.AudioContext || globalThis.webkitAudioContext;\r\n alert('AudioContext:' + typeof(AudioContext));\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n alert('global.navigator:' + typeof(navigator));\r\n alert('navigator.mediaDevices:' + typeof(navigator.mediaDevices));\r\n alert('navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia:' + typeof(navigator.mediaDevices?.getUserMedia));\r\n alert('global.WebAssembly:' + typeof(WebAssembly)); */\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('../lib/services')));\r\n }\r\n //(Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('rp')) as HTMLElement[]).forEach(el => ripple(el));\r\n Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('btn-menu-toggle')).forEach((el) => {\r\n el.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n //console.log('click pageIm');\r\n if (!el.classList.contains('btn-menu-toggle'))\r\n return false;\r\n //window.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove);\r\n let openedMenu = el.querySelector('.btn-menu');\r\n e.cancelBubble = true;\r\n //cancelEvent(e);\r\n if (el.classList.contains('menu-open')) {\r\n el.classList.remove('menu-open');\r\n openedMenu.classList.remove('active');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n misc_1.openBtnMenu(openedMenu);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n });\r\n //let promise = /* Promise.resolve() */.then(() => {//import('../lib/services').then(services => {\r\n /* fetch('assets/img/camomile.jpg')\r\n .then(res => res.blob())\r\n .then(blob => {\r\n let img = new Image();\r\n let url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);\r\n img.src = url;\r\n img.onload = () => {\r\n let id = 'chat-background-canvas';\r\n var canvas = document.getElementById(id) as HTMLCanvasElement;\r\n //URL.revokeObjectURL(url);\r\n \r\n let elements = ['.chat-container'].map(selector => {\r\n return document.querySelector(selector) as HTMLDivElement;\r\n });\r\n \r\n stackBlurImage(img, id, 15, 0);\r\n \r\n canvas.toBlob(blob => {\r\n //let dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 1);\r\n let dataUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);\r\n \r\n elements.forEach(el => {\r\n el.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + dataUrl + ')';\r\n });\r\n }, 'image/jpeg', 1);\r\n };\r\n }); */\r\n /* toggleEmoticons.onclick = (e) => {\r\n if(!emoticonsDropdown) {\r\n emoticonsDropdown = initEmoticonsDropdown(pageEl, appImManager,\r\n appMessagesManager, messageInput, toggleEmoticons);\r\n } else {\r\n emoticonsDropdown.classList.toggle('active');\r\n }\r\n \r\n toggleEmoticons.classList.toggle('active');\r\n }; */\r\n //});\r\n return promise;\r\n};\r\nconst page = new page_1.default('page-chats', false, onFirstMount);\r\nexports.default = page;\r\n" }, { "id": 32, "identifier": 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__importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nclass ApiUpdatesManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.updatesState = {\r\n pendingPtsUpdates: [],\r\n pendingSeqUpdates: {},\r\n syncPending: false,\r\n syncLoading: true\r\n };\r\n this.channelStates = {};\r\n this.attached = false;\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('UPDATES', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n }\r\n popPendingSeqUpdate() {\r\n var nextSeq = this.updatesState.seq + 1;\r\n var pendingUpdatesData = this.updatesState.pendingSeqUpdates[nextSeq];\r\n if (!pendingUpdatesData) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n var updates = pendingUpdatesData.updates;\r\n var length;\r\n for (var i = 0, length = updates.length; i < length; i++) {\r\n this.saveUpdate(updates[i]);\r\n }\r\n this.updatesState.seq = pendingUpdatesData.seq;\r\n if (pendingUpdatesData.date && this.updatesState.date < pendingUpdatesData.date) {\r\n this.updatesState.date = pendingUpdatesData.date;\r\n }\r\n delete this.updatesState.pendingSeqUpdates[nextSeq];\r\n if (!this.popPendingSeqUpdate() &&\r\n this.updatesState.syncPending &&\r\n this.updatesState.syncPending.seqAwaiting &&\r\n this.updatesState.seq >= this.updatesState.syncPending.seqAwaiting) {\r\n if (!this.updatesState.syncPending.ptsAwaiting) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.updatesState.syncPending.timeout);\r\n this.updatesState.syncPending = false;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n delete this.updatesState.syncPending.seqAwaiting;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n popPendingPtsUpdate(channelID) {\r\n var curState = channelID ? this.getChannelState(channelID) : this.updatesState;\r\n if (!curState.pendingPtsUpdates.length) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n curState.pendingPtsUpdates.sort((a, b) => {\r\n return a.pts - b.pts;\r\n });\r\n // this.log('pop update', channelID, curState.pendingPtsUpdates)\r\n var curPts = curState.pts;\r\n var goodPts = false;\r\n var goodIndex = 0;\r\n var update;\r\n for (var i = 0, length = curState.pendingPtsUpdates.length; i < length; i++) {\r\n update = curState.pendingPtsUpdates[i];\r\n curPts += update.pts_count;\r\n if (curPts >= update.pts) {\r\n goodPts = update.pts;\r\n goodIndex = i;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!goodPts) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n this.log('pop pending pts updates', goodPts, curState.pendingPtsUpdates.slice(0, goodIndex + 1));\r\n curState.pts = goodPts;\r\n for (i = 0; i <= goodIndex; i++) {\r\n update = curState.pendingPtsUpdates[i];\r\n this.saveUpdate(update);\r\n }\r\n curState.pendingPtsUpdates.splice(0, goodIndex + 1);\r\n if (!curState.pendingPtsUpdates.length && curState.syncPending) {\r\n if (!curState.syncPending.seqAwaiting) {\r\n clearTimeout(curState.syncPending.timeout);\r\n curState.syncPending = false;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n delete curState.syncPending.ptsAwaiting;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n forceGetDifference() {\r\n if (!this.updatesState.syncLoading) {\r\n this.getDifference();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n processUpdateMessage(updateMessage) {\r\n // return forceGetDifference()\r\n var processOpts = {\r\n date: updateMessage.date,\r\n seq: updateMessage.seq,\r\n seqStart: updateMessage.seq_start\r\n };\r\n switch (updateMessage._) {\r\n case 'updatesTooLong':\r\n case 'new_session_created':\r\n this.forceGetDifference();\r\n break;\r\n case 'updateShort':\r\n this.processUpdate(updateMessage.update, processOpts);\r\n break;\r\n case 'updateShortMessage':\r\n case 'updateShortChatMessage':\r\n var isOut = updateMessage.flags & 2;\r\n var fromID = updateMessage.from_id || (isOut ? utils_1.$rootScope.myID : updateMessage.user_id);\r\n var toID = updateMessage.chat_id\r\n ? -updateMessage.chat_id\r\n : (isOut ? updateMessage.user_id : utils_1.$rootScope.myID);\r\n this.processUpdate({\r\n _: 'updateNewMessage',\r\n message: {\r\n _: 'message',\r\n flags: updateMessage.flags,\r\n pFlags: updateMessage.pFlags,\r\n id: updateMessage.id,\r\n from_id: fromID,\r\n to_id: appPeersManager_1.default.getOutputPeer(toID),\r\n date: updateMessage.date,\r\n message: updateMessage.message,\r\n fwd_from: updateMessage.fwd_from,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: updateMessage.reply_to_msg_id,\r\n entities: updateMessage.entities\r\n },\r\n pts: updateMessage.pts,\r\n pts_count: updateMessage.pts_count\r\n }, processOpts);\r\n break;\r\n case 'updatesCombined':\r\n case 'updates':\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(updateMessage.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(updateMessage.chats);\r\n updateMessage.updates.forEach((update) => {\r\n this.processUpdate(update, processOpts);\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n this.log.warn('Unknown update message', updateMessage);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n getDifference() {\r\n // this.trace('Get full diff')\r\n const updatesState = this.updatesState;\r\n if (!updatesState.syncLoading) {\r\n updatesState.syncLoading = true;\r\n updatesState.pendingSeqUpdates = {};\r\n updatesState.pendingPtsUpdates = [];\r\n }\r\n if (updatesState.syncPending) {\r\n clearTimeout(updatesState.syncPending.timeout);\r\n updatesState.syncPending = false;\r\n }\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('updates.getDifference', {\r\n flags: 0,\r\n pts: updatesState.pts,\r\n date: updatesState.date,\r\n qts: -1\r\n }, {\r\n timeout: 0x7fffffff\r\n }).then((differenceResult) => {\r\n if (differenceResult._ == 'updates.differenceEmpty') {\r\n this.log('apply empty diff', differenceResult.seq);\r\n updatesState.date = differenceResult.date;\r\n updatesState.seq = differenceResult.seq;\r\n updatesState.syncLoading = false;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('stateSynchronized');\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (differenceResult._ != 'updates.differenceTooLong') {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(differenceResult.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(differenceResult.chats);\r\n // Should be first because of updateMessageID\r\n // this.log('applying', differenceResult.other_updates.length, 'other updates')\r\n differenceResult.other_updates.forEach((update) => {\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateChannelTooLong':\r\n case 'updateNewChannelMessage':\r\n case 'updateEditChannelMessage':\r\n this.processUpdate(update);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.saveUpdate(update);\r\n });\r\n // this.log('applying', differenceResult.new_messages.length, 'new messages')\r\n differenceResult.new_messages.forEach((apiMessage) => {\r\n this.saveUpdate({\r\n _: 'updateNewMessage',\r\n message: apiMessage,\r\n pts: updatesState.pts,\r\n pts_count: 0\r\n });\r\n });\r\n const nextState = differenceResult._ == 'updates.difference' ? differenceResult.state : differenceResult.intermediate_state;\r\n updatesState.seq = nextState.seq;\r\n updatesState.pts = nextState.pts;\r\n updatesState.date = nextState.date;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n updatesState.pts = differenceResult.pts;\r\n delete updatesState.seq;\r\n delete updatesState.date;\r\n }\r\n // this.log('apply diff', updatesState.seq, updatesState.pts)\r\n if (differenceResult._ == 'updates.differenceSlice') {\r\n this.getDifference();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // this.log('finished get diff')\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('stateSynchronized');\r\n updatesState.syncLoading = false;\r\n }\r\n }, () => {\r\n updatesState.syncLoading = false;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getChannelDifference(channelID) {\r\n const channelState = this.getChannelState(channelID);\r\n if (!channelState.syncLoading) {\r\n channelState.syncLoading = true;\r\n channelState.pendingPtsUpdates = [];\r\n }\r\n if (channelState.syncPending) {\r\n clearTimeout(channelState.syncPending.timeout);\r\n channelState.syncPending = false;\r\n }\r\n // this.log('Get channel diff', appChatsManager.getChat(channelID), channelState.pts)\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('updates.getChannelDifference', {\r\n channel: appChatsManager_1.default.getChannelInput(channelID),\r\n filter: { _: 'channelMessagesFilterEmpty' },\r\n pts: channelState.pts,\r\n limit: 30\r\n }, { timeout: 0x7fffffff }).then((differenceResult) => {\r\n // this.log('channel diff result', differenceResult)\r\n channelState.pts = 'pts' in differenceResult ? differenceResult.pts : undefined;\r\n if (differenceResult._ == 'updates.channelDifferenceEmpty') {\r\n this.log('apply channel empty diff', differenceResult);\r\n channelState.syncLoading = false;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('stateSynchronized');\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (differenceResult._ == 'updates.channelDifferenceTooLong') {\r\n this.log('channel diff too long', differenceResult);\r\n channelState.syncLoading = false;\r\n delete this.channelStates[channelID];\r\n this.saveUpdate({ _: 'updateChannelReload', channel_id: channelID });\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(differenceResult.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(differenceResult.chats);\r\n // Should be first because of updateMessageID\r\n this.log('applying', differenceResult.other_updates.length, 'channel other updates');\r\n differenceResult.other_updates.forEach((update) => {\r\n this.saveUpdate(update);\r\n });\r\n this.log('applying', differenceResult.new_messages.length, 'channel new messages');\r\n differenceResult.new_messages.forEach((apiMessage) => {\r\n this.saveUpdate({\r\n _: 'updateNewChannelMessage',\r\n message: apiMessage,\r\n pts: channelState.pts,\r\n pts_count: 0\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.log('apply channel diff', channelState.pts);\r\n if (differenceResult._ == 'updates.channelDifference' &&\r\n !differenceResult.pFlags['final']) {\r\n this.getChannelDifference(channelID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.log('finished channel get diff');\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('stateSynchronized');\r\n channelState.syncLoading = false;\r\n }\r\n }, () => {\r\n channelState.syncLoading = false;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n addChannelState(channelID, pts) {\r\n if (!pts) {\r\n throw new Error('Add channel state without pts ' + channelID);\r\n }\r\n if (!(channelID in this.channelStates)) {\r\n this.channelStates[channelID] = {\r\n pts: pts,\r\n pendingPtsUpdates: [],\r\n syncPending: false,\r\n syncLoading: false\r\n };\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n getChannelState(channelID, pts) {\r\n if (this.channelStates[channelID] === undefined) {\r\n this.addChannelState(channelID, pts);\r\n }\r\n return this.channelStates[channelID];\r\n }\r\n processUpdate(update, options = {}) {\r\n var channelID = false;\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateNewChannelMessage':\r\n case 'updateEditChannelMessage':\r\n channelID = -appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(update.message.to_id);\r\n break;\r\n case 'updateDeleteChannelMessages':\r\n channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n break;\r\n case 'updateChannelTooLong':\r\n channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n if (!(channelID in this.channelStates)) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n var curState = channelID ? this.getChannelState(channelID, update.pts) : this.updatesState;\r\n // this.log.log('process', channelID, curState.pts, update)\r\n if (curState.syncLoading) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (update._ == 'updateChannelTooLong') {\r\n if (!curState.lastPtsUpdateTime ||\r\n curState.lastPtsUpdateTime < utils_1.tsNow() - 10000) {\r\n // this.log.trace('channel too long, get diff', channelID, update)\r\n this.getChannelDifference(channelID);\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (update._ == 'updateNewMessage' ||\r\n update._ == 'updateEditMessage' ||\r\n update._ == 'updateNewChannelMessage' ||\r\n update._ == 'updateEditChannelMessage') {\r\n var message = update.message;\r\n var toPeerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(message.to_id);\r\n var fwdHeader = message.fwd_from || {};\r\n var reason = false;\r\n if (message.from_id && !appUsersManager_1.default.hasUser(message.from_id, message.pFlags.post /* || channelID*/) && (reason = 'author') ||\r\n fwdHeader.from_id && !appUsersManager_1.default.hasUser(fwdHeader.from_id, !!fwdHeader.channel_id) && (reason = 'fwdAuthor') ||\r\n fwdHeader.channel_id && !appChatsManager_1.default.hasChat(fwdHeader.channel_id, true) && (reason = 'fwdChannel') ||\r\n toPeerID > 0 && !appUsersManager_1.default.hasUser(toPeerID) && (reason = 'toPeer User') ||\r\n toPeerID < 0 && !appChatsManager_1.default.hasChat(-toPeerID) && (reason = 'toPeer Chat')) {\r\n this.log.warn('Not enough data for message update', toPeerID, reason, message);\r\n if (channelID && appChatsManager_1.default.hasChat(channelID)) {\r\n this.getChannelDifference(channelID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.forceGetDifference();\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (channelID && !appChatsManager_1.default.hasChat(channelID)) {\r\n // this.log.log('skip update, missing channel', channelID, update)\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n var popPts;\r\n var popSeq;\r\n if (update.pts) {\r\n var newPts = curState.pts + (update.pts_count || 0);\r\n if (newPts < update.pts) {\r\n this.log.warn('Pts hole', curState, update, channelID && appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(channelID));\r\n curState.pendingPtsUpdates.push(update);\r\n if (!curState.syncPending) {\r\n curState.syncPending = {\r\n timeout: setTimeout(() => {\r\n if (channelID) {\r\n this.getChannelDifference(channelID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.getDifference();\r\n }\r\n }, 5000)\r\n };\r\n }\r\n curState.syncPending.ptsAwaiting = true;\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (update.pts > curState.pts) {\r\n curState.pts = update.pts;\r\n popPts = true;\r\n curState.lastPtsUpdateTime = utils_1.tsNow();\r\n }\r\n else if (update.pts_count) {\r\n // this.log.warn('Duplicate update', update)\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (channelID && options.date && this.updatesState.date < options.date) {\r\n this.updatesState.date = options.date;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (!channelID && options.seq > 0) {\r\n var seq = options.seq;\r\n var seqStart = options.seqStart || seq;\r\n if (seqStart != curState.seq + 1) {\r\n if (seqStart > curState.seq) {\r\n this.log.warn('Seq hole', curState, curState.syncPending && curState.syncPending.seqAwaiting);\r\n if (curState.pendingSeqUpdates[seqStart] === undefined) {\r\n curState.pendingSeqUpdates[seqStart] = { seq: seq, date: options.date, updates: [] };\r\n }\r\n curState.pendingSeqUpdates[seqStart].updates.push(update);\r\n if (!curState.syncPending) {\r\n curState.syncPending = {\r\n timeout: setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.getDifference();\r\n }, 5000)\r\n };\r\n }\r\n if (!curState.syncPending.seqAwaiting ||\r\n curState.syncPending.seqAwaiting < seqStart) {\r\n curState.syncPending.seqAwaiting = seqStart;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (curState.seq != seq) {\r\n curState.seq = seq;\r\n if (options.date && curState.date < options.date) {\r\n curState.date = options.date;\r\n }\r\n popSeq = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.saveUpdate(update);\r\n if (popPts) {\r\n this.popPendingPtsUpdate(channelID);\r\n }\r\n else if (popSeq) {\r\n this.popPendingSeqUpdate();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n saveUpdate(update) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('apiUpdate', update);\r\n }\r\n attach(state) {\r\n if (this.attached)\r\n return;\r\n //return;\r\n this.attached = true;\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.setUpdatesProcessor(this.processUpdateMessage.bind(this));\r\n if (!state || !state.pts || !state.date || !state.seq) {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('updates.getState', {}, { noErrorBox: true }).then((stateResult) => {\r\n this.updatesState.seq = stateResult.seq;\r\n this.updatesState.pts = stateResult.pts;\r\n this.updatesState.date = stateResult.date;\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.updatesState.syncLoading = false;\r\n }, 1000);\r\n // updatesState.seq = 1\r\n // updatesState.pts = stateResult.pts - 5000\r\n // updatesState.date = 1\r\n // getDifference()\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n Object.assign(this.updatesState, state);\r\n this.getDifference();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ApiUpdatesManager = ApiUpdatesManager;\r\nexports.default = new ApiUpdatesManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 33, "identifier": 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this.channelsByLocals[localStart] = channelID;\r\n this.channelLocals[channelID] = localStart;\r\n }\r\n return localStart + msgID;\r\n }\r\n getMessageIDInfo(fullMsgID) {\r\n if (fullMsgID < this.fullMsgIDModulus) {\r\n return [fullMsgID, 0];\r\n }\r\n var msgID = fullMsgID % this.fullMsgIDModulus;\r\n var channelID = this.channelsByLocals[fullMsgID - msgID];\r\n return [msgID, channelID];\r\n }\r\n getMessageLocalID(fullMsgID) {\r\n if (!fullMsgID) {\r\n return 0;\r\n }\r\n return fullMsgID % this.fullMsgIDModulus;\r\n }\r\n splitMessageIDsByChannels(mids) {\r\n var msgIDsByChannels = {};\r\n var midsByChannels = {};\r\n var i;\r\n var mid, msgChannel;\r\n var channelID;\r\n for (i = 0; i < mids.length; i++) {\r\n mid = mids[i];\r\n msgChannel = this.getMessageIDInfo(mid);\r\n channelID = msgChannel[1];\r\n if (msgIDsByChannels[channelID] === undefined) {\r\n msgIDsByChannels[channelID] = [];\r\n midsByChannels[channelID] = [];\r\n }\r\n msgIDsByChannels[channelID].push(msgChannel[0]);\r\n midsByChannels[channelID].push(mid);\r\n }\r\n return {\r\n msgIDs: msgIDsByChannels,\r\n mids: midsByChannels\r\n };\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppMessagesIDsManager = AppMessagesIDsManager;\r\nexports.default = new AppMessagesIDsManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 34, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\serverTimeManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/serverTimeManager.ts", "index": 50, "index2": 40, "size": 1249, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignQR.ts", "issuerId": 109, "issuerName": "./src/pages/pageSignQR.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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storage_1.default.get('server_time_offset').then((to) => {\r\n if (to) {\r\n this.serverTimeOffset = to;\r\n this.timeParams.serverTimeOffset = to;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ServerTimeManager = ServerTimeManager;\r\nexports.default = new ServerTimeManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 35, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\preloader.ts", "name": "./src/components/preloader.ts", "index": 53, "index2": 43, "size": 4241, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../lib/config\");\r\nconst cancellablePromise_1 = require(\"../helpers/cancellablePromise\");\r\nclass AppMediaPlaybackController {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.media = {};\r\n this.waitingMediaForLoad = {};\r\n this.onPause = (e) => {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('audio_pause');\r\n };\r\n this.onEnded = (e) => {\r\n this.onPause(e);\r\n //console.log('on media end');\r\n if (this.nextMid) {\r\n const media = this.media[this.nextMid];\r\n /* if(isSafari) {\r\n media.autoplay = true;\r\n } */\r\n this.resolveWaitingForLoadMedia(this.nextMid);\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n media.play(); //.catch(() => {});\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.container = document.createElement('div');\r\n //this.container.style.cssText = 'position: absolute; top: -10000px; left: -10000px;';\r\n this.container.style.cssText = 'display: none;';\r\n document.body.append(this.container);\r\n }\r\n addMedia(doc, mid, autoload = true) {\r\n if (this.media[mid])\r\n return this.media[mid];\r\n const media = document.createElement(doc.type == 'round' ? 'video' : 'audio');\r\n //const source = document.createElement('source');\r\n //source.type = doc.type == 'voice' && !opusDecodeController.isPlaySupported() ? 'audio/wav' : doc.mime_type;\r\n if (doc.type == 'round') {\r\n media.setAttribute('playsinline', '');\r\n }\r\n media.dataset.mid = '' + mid;\r\n media.dataset.type = doc.type;\r\n //media.autoplay = true;\r\n media.volume = 1;\r\n //media.append(source);\r\n this.container.append(media);\r\n media.addEventListener('playing', () => {\r\n if (this.playingMedia != media) {\r\n if (this.playingMedia && !this.playingMedia.paused) {\r\n this.playingMedia.pause();\r\n }\r\n this.playingMedia = media;\r\n this.loadSiblingsMedia(doc.type, mid);\r\n }\r\n // audio_pause не успеет сработать без таймаута\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('audio_play', { doc, mid });\r\n }, 0);\r\n });\r\n media.addEventListener('pause', this.onPause);\r\n media.addEventListener('ended', this.onEnded);\r\n const onError = (e) => {\r\n if (this.nextMid == mid) {\r\n this.loadSiblingsMedia(doc.type, mid).then(() => {\r\n if (this.nextMid && this.media[this.nextMid]) {\r\n this.media[this.nextMid].play();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n };\r\n media.addEventListener('error', onError);\r\n const deferred = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n if (autoload) {\r\n deferred.resolve();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.waitingMediaForLoad[mid] = deferred;\r\n }\r\n // если что - загрузит voice или round заранее, так правильнее\r\n const downloadPromise = !doc.supportsStreaming ? appDocsManager_1.default.downloadDocNew(doc) : Promise.resolve();\r\n Promise.all([deferred, downloadPromise]).then(() => {\r\n //media.autoplay = true;\r\n //console.log('will set media url:', media, doc, doc.type, doc.url);\r\n if (doc.type == 'audio' && doc.supportsStreaming && config_1.isSafari) {\r\n this.handleSafariStreamable(media);\r\n }\r\n media.src = doc.url;\r\n }, onError);\r\n return this.media[mid] = media;\r\n }\r\n // safari подгрузит последний чанк и песня включится,\r\n // при этом этот чанк нельзя руками отдать из SW, потому что браузер тогда теряется\r\n handleSafariStreamable(media) {\r\n media.addEventListener('play', () => {\r\n /* if(media.readyState == 4) { // https://developer.mozilla.org/ru/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/readyState\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n //media.volume = 0;\r\n const currentTime = media.currentTime;\r\n //this.setSafariBuffering(media, true);\r\n media.addEventListener('progress', () => {\r\n media.currentTime = media.duration - 1;\r\n media.addEventListener('progress', () => {\r\n media.currentTime = currentTime;\r\n //media.volume = 1;\r\n //this.setSafariBuffering(media, false);\r\n if (!media.paused) {\r\n media.play() /* .catch(() => {}) */;\r\n }\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n } /* , {once: true} */);\r\n }\r\n resolveWaitingForLoadMedia(mid) {\r\n const promise = this.waitingMediaForLoad[mid];\r\n if (promise) {\r\n promise.resolve();\r\n delete this.waitingMediaForLoad[mid];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Only for audio\r\n */\r\n isSafariBuffering(media) {\r\n /// @ts-ignore\r\n return !!media.safariBuffering;\r\n }\r\n setSafariBuffering(media, value) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n media.safariBuffering = value;\r\n }\r\n loadSiblingsMedia(type, mid) {\r\n const media = this.playingMedia;\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n this.prevMid = this.nextMid = 0;\r\n return appMessagesManager_1.default.getSearch(message.peerID, '', {\r\n //_: type == 'audio' ? 'inputMessagesFilterMusic' : (type == 'round' ? 'inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo' : 'inputMessagesFilterVoice')\r\n _: type == 'audio' ? 'inputMessagesFilterMusic' : 'inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice'\r\n }, mid, 3, 0, 2).then(value => {\r\n if (this.playingMedia != media) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n for (let m of value.history) {\r\n if (m > mid) {\r\n this.nextMid = m;\r\n }\r\n else if (m < mid) {\r\n this.prevMid = m;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n [this.prevMid, this.nextMid].filter(Boolean).forEach(mid => {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n this.addMedia(message.media.document, mid, false);\r\n });\r\n //console.log('loadSiblingsAudio', audio, type, mid, value, this.prevMid, this.nextMid);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n toggle() {\r\n if (!this.playingMedia)\r\n return;\r\n if (this.playingMedia.paused) {\r\n this.playingMedia.play();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.playingMedia.pause();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n pause() {\r\n if (!this.playingMedia || this.playingMedia.paused)\r\n return;\r\n this.playingMedia.pause();\r\n }\r\n willBePlayed(media) {\r\n this.willBePlayedMedia = media;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nconst appMediaPlaybackController = new AppMediaPlaybackController();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.appMediaPlaybackController = appMediaPlaybackController;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = appMediaPlaybackController;\r\n" }, { "id": 38, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\searchIndexManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/searchIndexManager.ts", "index": 47, "index2": 38, "size": 3779, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appUsersManager.ts", "issuerId": 5, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appUsersManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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cleanUsername(username) {\r\n return username && username.toLowerCase() || '';\r\n }\r\n indexObject(id, searchText, searchIndex) {\r\n if (searchIndex.fullTexts[id] !== undefined) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n searchText = this.cleanSearchText(searchText);\r\n if (!searchText.length) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n const shortIndexes = searchIndex.shortIndexes;\r\n searchIndex.fullTexts[id] = searchText;\r\n searchText.split(' ').forEach((searchWord) => {\r\n let len = Math.min(searchWord.length, 3), wordPart, i;\r\n for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {\r\n wordPart = searchWord.substr(0, i);\r\n if (shortIndexes[wordPart] === undefined) {\r\n shortIndexes[wordPart] = [id];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n shortIndexes[wordPart].push(id);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n search(query, searchIndex) {\r\n const shortIndexes = searchIndex.shortIndexes;\r\n const fullTexts = searchIndex.fullTexts;\r\n query = this.cleanSearchText(query);\r\n const queryWords = query.split(' ');\r\n let foundObjs = false, newFoundObjs, i;\r\n let j, searchText;\r\n let found;\r\n for (i = 0; i < queryWords.length; i++) {\r\n newFoundObjs = shortIndexes[queryWords[i].substr(0, 3)];\r\n if (!newFoundObjs) {\r\n foundObjs = [];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if (foundObjs === false || foundObjs.length > newFoundObjs.length) {\r\n foundObjs = newFoundObjs;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n newFoundObjs = {};\r\n for (j = 0; j < foundObjs.length; j++) {\r\n found = true;\r\n searchText = fullTexts[foundObjs[j]];\r\n for (i = 0; i < queryWords.length; i++) {\r\n if (searchText.indexOf(queryWords[i]) == -1) {\r\n found = false;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (found) {\r\n newFoundObjs[foundObjs[j]] = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return newFoundObjs;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n SearchIndexManager.badCharsRe = /[`~!@#$%^&*()\\-_=+\\[\\]\\\\|{}'\";:\\/?.>,<]+/g;\r\n SearchIndexManager.trimRe = /^\\s+|\\s$/g;\r\n return SearchIndexManager;\r\n})();\r\nexports.default = new SearchIndexManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 39, "identifier": 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"./src/lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./appPollsManager", "loc": "35:42-70" }, { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./appPollsManager", "loc": "40:42-70" }, { "moduleId": 58, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\poll.ts", "module": "./src/components/poll.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/poll.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../lib/appManagers/appPollsManager", "loc": "7:42-87" }, { "moduleId": 86, "moduleIdentifier": 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__importDefault(require(\"./appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst apiUpdatesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./apiUpdatesManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nclass AppPollsManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.polls = {};\r\n this.results = {};\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('POLLS', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e) => {\r\n let update = e.detail;\r\n this.handleUpdate(update);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n handleUpdate(update) {\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateMessagePoll': { // when someone voted, we too\r\n this.log('updateMessagePoll:', update);\r\n let poll = update.poll;\r\n if (!poll) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n poll = this.savePoll(poll, update.results);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('poll_update', { poll, results: update.results });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n default:\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n savePoll(poll, results) {\r\n const id = poll.id;\r\n if (this.polls[id]) {\r\n poll = Object.assign(this.polls[id], poll);\r\n this.saveResults(poll, results);\r\n return poll;\r\n }\r\n this.polls[id] = poll;\r\n poll.rQuestion = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(poll.question);\r\n poll.rReply = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText('📊') + ' ' + (poll.rQuestion || 'poll');\r\n poll.chosenIndexes = [];\r\n this.saveResults(poll, results);\r\n return poll;\r\n }\r\n saveResults(poll, results) {\r\n var _a;\r\n this.results[poll.id] = results;\r\n poll.chosenIndexes.length = 0;\r\n if ((_a = results === null || results === void 0 ? void 0 : results.results) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) {\r\n results.results.forEach((answer, idx) => {\r\n var _a;\r\n if ((_a = answer.pFlags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.chosen) {\r\n poll.chosenIndexes.push(idx);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n getPoll(pollID) {\r\n return {\r\n poll: this.polls[pollID],\r\n results: this.results[pollID]\r\n };\r\n }\r\n sendVote(mid, optionIDs) {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n const poll = message.media.poll;\r\n const options = optionIDs.map(index => {\r\n return poll.answers[index].option;\r\n });\r\n const inputPeer = appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(message.peerID);\r\n const messageID = message.id;\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.sendVote', {\r\n peer: inputPeer,\r\n msg_id: messageID,\r\n options\r\n }).then(updates => {\r\n this.log('sendVote updates:', updates);\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getResults(mid) {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n const inputPeer = appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(message.peerID);\r\n const messageID = message.id;\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getPollResults', {\r\n peer: inputPeer,\r\n msg_id: messageID\r\n }).then(updates => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n this.log('getResults updates:', updates);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getVotes(mid, option, offset, limit = 20) {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n const inputPeer = appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(message.peerID);\r\n const messageID = message.id;\r\n let flags = 0;\r\n if (option) {\r\n flags |= 1 << 0;\r\n }\r\n if (offset) {\r\n flags |= 1 << 1;\r\n }\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getPollVotes', {\r\n flags,\r\n peer: inputPeer,\r\n id: messageID,\r\n option,\r\n offset,\r\n limit\r\n }).then((votesList) => {\r\n this.log('getPollVotes messages:', votesList);\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(votesList.users);\r\n return votesList;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nconst appPollsManager = new AppPollsManager();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.appPollsManager = appPollsManager;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = appPollsManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 40, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appStateManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appStateManager.ts", "index": 56, "index2": 49, "size": 8581, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appUsersManager.ts", "issuerId": 5, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appUsersManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 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__importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppStateManager = void 0;\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst appMessagesIDsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesIDsManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst apiUpdatesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./apiUpdatesManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst REFRESH_EVERY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 1 day\r\nclass AppStateManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('STATE' /* , LogLevels.error */);\r\n this.state = {};\r\n this.loadSavedState();\r\n }\r\n loadSavedState() {\r\n if (this.loaded)\r\n return this.loaded;\r\n return this.loaded = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n storage_1.default.get('state').then((state) => {\r\n var _a;\r\n const time = Date.now();\r\n if (((_a = state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.stateCreatedTime) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0) + REFRESH_EVERY < time) {\r\n this.log('will refresh state', state.stateCreatedTime, time);\r\n ['dialogs', 'allDialogsLoaded', 'messages', 'contactsList', 'stateCreatedTime',\r\n 'updates', 'maxSeenMsgID', 'filters', 'topPeers'].forEach(key => {\r\n delete state[key];\r\n });\r\n //state = {};\r\n }\r\n const { dialogs, allDialogsLoaded, peers, messages, contactsList, maxSeenMsgID, updates, filters } = state;\r\n this.state = state || {};\r\n this.state.peers = peers || {};\r\n if (!this.state.hasOwnProperty('stateCreatedTime')) {\r\n this.state.stateCreatedTime = Date.now();\r\n }\r\n this.log('state res', dialogs, messages);\r\n if (maxSeenMsgID && !appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageIDInfo(maxSeenMsgID)[1]) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.maxSeenID = maxSeenMsgID;\r\n }\r\n //return resolve();\r\n if (peers) {\r\n for (let peerID in peers) {\r\n let peer = peers[peerID];\r\n if (+peerID < 0)\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChat(peer);\r\n else\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUser(peer);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (contactsList && Array.isArray(contactsList) && contactsList.length) {\r\n contactsList.forEach(userID => {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.pushContact(userID);\r\n });\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.contactsFillPromise = Promise.resolve(appUsersManager_1.default.contactsList);\r\n }\r\n if (messages) {\r\n /* let tempID = this.tempID;\r\n \r\n for(let message of messages) {\r\n if(message.id < tempID) {\r\n tempID = message.id;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n if(tempID != this.tempID) {\r\n this.log('Set tempID to:', tempID);\r\n this.tempID = tempID;\r\n } */\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.saveMessages(messages);\r\n // FIX FILE_REFERENCE_EXPIRED KOSTIL'1999\r\n for (let message of messages) {\r\n if (message.media) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.wrapSingleMessage(message.mid, true);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (allDialogsLoaded) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.allDialogsLoaded = allDialogsLoaded;\r\n }\r\n if (filters) {\r\n for (const filterID in filters) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.saveDialogFilter(filters[filterID], false);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (dialogs) {\r\n dialogs.forEachReverse(dialog => {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.saveConversation(dialog);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.attach(updates !== null && updates !== void 0 ? updates : null);\r\n resolve(state);\r\n }).catch(resolve).finally(() => {\r\n setInterval(() => this.saveState(), 10000);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getState() {\r\n return this.loadSavedState();\r\n }\r\n saveState() {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n const messages = [];\r\n const dialogs = [];\r\n const peers = this.state.peers;\r\n for (const folderID in appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.byFolders) {\r\n const folder = appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.getFolder(+folderID);\r\n for (let dialog of folder) {\r\n const historyStorage = appMessagesManager_1.default.historiesStorage[dialog.peerID];\r\n const history = [].concat((_a = historyStorage === null || historyStorage === void 0 ? void 0 : historyStorage.pending) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [], (_b = historyStorage === null || historyStorage === void 0 ? void 0 : historyStorage.history) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : []);\r\n dialog = utils_1.copy(dialog);\r\n let removeUnread = 0;\r\n for (const mid of history) {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n if ( /* message._ != 'messageEmpty' && */message.id > 0) {\r\n messages.push(message);\r\n if (message.fromID != dialog.peerID) {\r\n peers[message.fromID] = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeer(message.fromID);\r\n }\r\n dialog.top_message = message.mid;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n else if (message.pFlags && message.pFlags.unread) {\r\n ++removeUnread;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (removeUnread && dialog.unread_count)\r\n dialog.unread_count -= removeUnread;\r\n dialogs.push(dialog);\r\n peers[dialog.peerID] = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeer(dialog.peerID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const us = apiUpdatesManager_1.default.updatesState;\r\n const updates = {\r\n seq: us.seq,\r\n pts: us.pts,\r\n date: us.date\r\n };\r\n const contactsList = [...appUsersManager_1.default.contactsList];\r\n for (const userID of contactsList) {\r\n if (!peers[userID]) {\r\n peers[userID] = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(userID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const filters = appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.filters;\r\n //const pinnedOrders = appMessagesManager.dialogsStorage.pinnedOrders;\r\n storage_1.default.set({\r\n state: Object.assign({}, this.state, {\r\n dialogs,\r\n messages,\r\n allDialogsLoaded: appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.allDialogsLoaded,\r\n peers,\r\n contactsList,\r\n filters,\r\n //pinnedOrders,\r\n updates,\r\n maxSeenMsgID: appMessagesManager_1.default.maxSeenID\r\n })\r\n });\r\n }\r\n pushToState(key, value) {\r\n this.state[key] = value;\r\n }\r\n pushPeer(peerID) {\r\n this.state.peers[peerID] = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeer(peerID);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppStateManager = AppStateManager;\r\nconst appStateManager = new AppStateManager();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.appStateManager = appStateManager;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = appStateManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 41, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\avatar.ts", "name": "./src/components/avatar.ts", "index": 58, "index2": 51, "size": 2864, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": 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"../../components/avatar", "loc": "34:33-67" }, { "moduleId": 16, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appDialogsManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/avatar", "loc": "27:33-67" }, { "moduleId": 36, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\popup.ts", "module": "./src/components/popup.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/popup.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./avatar", "loc": "7:33-52" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst appProfileManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appProfileManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nutils_1.$rootScope.$on('avatar_update', (e) => {\r\n let peerID = e.detail;\r\n appProfileManager_1.default.removeFromAvatarsCache(peerID);\r\n Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('avatar-element[peer=\"' + peerID + '\"]')).forEach(elem => {\r\n //console.log('updating avatar:', elem);\r\n elem.update();\r\n });\r\n});\r\nclass AvatarElement extends HTMLElement {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super();\r\n this.isDialog = false;\r\n // элемент создан\r\n }\r\n connectedCallback() {\r\n // браузер вызывает этот метод при добавлении элемента в документ\r\n // (может вызываться много раз, если элемент многократно добавляется/удаляется)\r\n this.isDialog = !!this.getAttribute('dialog');\r\n }\r\n disconnectedCallback() {\r\n // браузер вызывает этот метод при удалении элемента из документа\r\n // (может вызываться много раз, если элемент многократно добавляется/удаляется)\r\n }\r\n static get observedAttributes() {\r\n return ['peer', 'dialog', 'peer-title' /* массив имён атрибутов для отслеживания их изменений */];\r\n }\r\n attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {\r\n //console.log('avatar changed attribute:', name, oldValue, newValue);\r\n // вызывается при изменении одного из перечисленных выше атрибутов\r\n if (name == 'peer') {\r\n if (this.peerID == +newValue) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.peerID = +newValue;\r\n this.update();\r\n }\r\n else if (name == 'peer-title') {\r\n this.peerTitle = newValue;\r\n }\r\n else if (name == 'dialog') {\r\n this.isDialog = !!+newValue;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n update() {\r\n appProfileManager_1.default.putPhoto(this, this.peerID, this.isDialog, this.peerTitle);\r\n }\r\n adoptedCallback() {\r\n // вызывается, когда элемент перемещается в новый документ\r\n // (происходит в document.adoptNode, используется очень редко)\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AvatarElement;\r\ncustomElements.define(\"avatar-element\", AvatarElement);\r\n" }, { "id": 42, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\appForward.ts", "name": "./src/components/appForward.ts", "index": 67, "index2": 60, "size": 3152, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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__importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"./misc\");\r\nconst appSelectPeers_1 = require(\"./appSelectPeers\");\r\nclass AppForward {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.getElementById('forward-container');\r\n this.closeBtn = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n this.sendBtn = this.container.querySelector('.btn-circle');\r\n this.msgIDs = [];\r\n this.closeBtn.addEventListener('click', this.close.bind(this));\r\n this.sendBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n let peerIDs = this.selector.getSelected();\r\n if (this.msgIDs.length && peerIDs.length) {\r\n this.sendBtn.classList.remove('tgico-send');\r\n this.sendBtn.disabled = true;\r\n misc_1.putPreloader(this.sendBtn);\r\n this.selector.freezed = true;\r\n let s = () => {\r\n let promises = peerIDs.splice(0, 3).map(peerID => {\r\n return appMessagesManager_1.default.forwardMessages(peerID, this.msgIDs);\r\n });\r\n Promise.all(promises).then(() => {\r\n if (peerIDs.length) {\r\n return s();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.closeBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n };\r\n s();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n close() {\r\n (this.sidebarWasActive ? Promise.resolve() : appSidebarRight_1.default.toggleSidebar(false)).then(() => {\r\n this.cleanup();\r\n this.container.classList.remove('active');\r\n });\r\n }\r\n cleanup() {\r\n if (this.selector) {\r\n this.selector.container.remove();\r\n this.selector = null;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n init(ids) {\r\n this.cleanup();\r\n this.msgIDs = ids;\r\n this.container.classList.add('active');\r\n this.sendBtn.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.sendBtn.classList.add('tgico-send');\r\n this.sendBtn.disabled = false;\r\n this.selector = new appSelectPeers_1.AppSelectPeers(this.container, (length) => {\r\n if (length) {\r\n this.sendBtn.classList.add('is-visible');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.sendBtn.classList.remove('is-visible');\r\n }\r\n }, ['dialogs', 'contacts'], () => {\r\n //console.log('forward rendered:', this.container.querySelector('.selector ul').childElementCount);\r\n this.sidebarWasActive = appSidebarRight_1.default.sidebarEl.classList.contains('active');\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.toggleSidebar(true);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = new AppForward();\r\n" }, { "id": 43, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\appSearch.ts", "name": "./src/components/appSearch.ts", "index": 74, "index2": 67, "size": 11163, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "issuerId": 24, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\newGroup.ts", "module": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/newGroup.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/newGroup.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../appSearch", "loc": "25:20-43" }, { "moduleId": 107, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\search.ts", "module": "./src/components/chat/search.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/chat/search.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../appSearch", "loc": "28:33-56" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.SearchGroup = void 0;\r\nconst appDialogsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager\"));\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst appMessagesIDsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appMessagesIDsManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"./misc\");\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager\"));\r\nclass SearchGroup {\r\n constructor(name, type, clearable = true, className, clickable = true) {\r\n this.name = name;\r\n this.type = type;\r\n this.clearable = clearable;\r\n this.list = document.createElement('ul');\r\n this.container = document.createElement('div');\r\n if (className)\r\n this.container.className = className;\r\n if (name) {\r\n this.nameEl = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.nameEl.classList.add('search-group__name');\r\n this.nameEl.innerText = name;\r\n this.container.append(this.nameEl);\r\n }\r\n this.container.classList.add('search-group', 'search-group-' + type);\r\n this.container.append(this.list);\r\n this.container.style.display = 'none';\r\n if (clickable) {\r\n appDialogsManager_1.default.setListClickListener(this.list);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n clear() {\r\n this.container.style.display = 'none';\r\n if (this.clearable) {\r\n this.list.innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setActive() {\r\n this.container.style.display = '';\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.SearchGroup = SearchGroup;\r\nclass AppSearch {\r\n constructor(container, searchInput, searchGroups, onSearch) {\r\n this.container = container;\r\n this.searchInput = searchInput;\r\n this.searchGroups = searchGroups;\r\n this.onSearch = onSearch;\r\n this.minMsgID = 0;\r\n this.loadedCount = -1;\r\n this.foundCount = -1;\r\n this.offsetRate = 0;\r\n this.loadedContacts = false;\r\n this.searchPromise = null;\r\n this.searchTimeout = 0;\r\n this.query = '';\r\n this.listsContainer = null;\r\n this.peerID = 0; // 0 - means global\r\n this.scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.container);\r\n this.listsContainer = this.scrollable.container;\r\n for (let i in this.searchGroups) {\r\n this.listsContainer.append(this.searchGroups[i].container);\r\n }\r\n if (this.searchGroups.messages) {\r\n this.scrollable.setVirtualContainer(this.searchGroups.messages.list);\r\n }\r\n this.searchInput.onChange = (value) => {\r\n /* if(!value.trim()) {\r\n //this.peerID = 0;\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n this.query = value;\r\n this.reset(false);\r\n this.searchMore();\r\n };\r\n this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = () => {\r\n if (!this.query.trim())\r\n return;\r\n if (!this.searchTimeout) {\r\n this.searchTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.searchMore();\r\n this.searchTimeout = 0;\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n }\r\n reset(all = true) {\r\n if (all) {\r\n this.searchInput.value = '';\r\n this.query = '';\r\n this.peerID = 0;\r\n }\r\n this.minMsgID = 0;\r\n this.loadedCount = -1;\r\n this.foundCount = -1;\r\n this.offsetRate = 0;\r\n this.loadedContacts = false;\r\n for (let i in this.searchGroups) {\r\n this.searchGroups[i].clear();\r\n }\r\n this.searchPromise = null;\r\n }\r\n beginSearch(peerID) {\r\n if (peerID) {\r\n this.peerID = peerID;\r\n }\r\n this.searchInput.input.focus();\r\n }\r\n renderSaved() {\r\n const group = this.searchGroups.contacts;\r\n let { dialog, dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(utils_1.$rootScope.myID, group.list, false);\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = 'chat with yourself';\r\n group.setActive();\r\n }\r\n searchMore() {\r\n if (this.searchPromise)\r\n return this.searchPromise;\r\n const query = this.query;\r\n if (!query.trim()) {\r\n this.onSearch && this.onSearch(0);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (this.foundCount != -1 && this.loadedCount >= this.foundCount) {\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n }\r\n const maxID = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageIDInfo(this.minMsgID)[0] || 0;\r\n if (!this.peerID && !maxID && !this.loadedContacts) {\r\n let renderedSaved = false;\r\n if ('saved messages'.includes(query.toLowerCase())\r\n || appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(utils_1.$rootScope.myID).sortName.includes(query.toLowerCase()) /* && this.searchGroups.hasOwnProperty('saved') */) {\r\n this.renderSaved();\r\n renderedSaved = true;\r\n }\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.searchContacts(query, 20).then((contacts) => {\r\n if (this.searchInput.value != query) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.loadedContacts = true;\r\n // set saved message as first peer to render\r\n const peer = contacts.my_results.findAndSplice(p => p.user_id == utils_1.$rootScope.myID);\r\n if (peer) {\r\n contacts.my_results.unshift(peer);\r\n }\r\n //console.log('input search contacts result:', contacts);\r\n let setResults = (results, group, showMembersCount = false) => {\r\n results.forEach((inputPeer) => {\r\n let peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(inputPeer);\r\n if (peerID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID) {\r\n if (!renderedSaved) {\r\n this.renderSaved();\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let peer = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeer(peerID);\r\n let originalDialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n //////////this.log('contacts peer', peer);\r\n if (!originalDialog) {\r\n /////////this.log('no original dialog by peerID:', peerID);\r\n originalDialog = {\r\n peerID: peerID,\r\n pFlags: {},\r\n peer: peer\r\n };\r\n }\r\n let { dialog, dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(originalDialog, group.list, false);\r\n if (showMembersCount && (peer.participants_count || peer.participants)) {\r\n let regExp = new RegExp(`(${utils_1.escapeRegExp(query)})`, 'gi');\r\n dom.titleSpan.innerHTML = dom.titleSpan.innerHTML.replace(regExp, '$1');\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerText = appChatsManager_1.default.getChatMembersString(-peerID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let username = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerUsername(peerID);\r\n if (!username) {\r\n let user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(peerID);\r\n if (user && user.phone) {\r\n username = '+' + misc_1.formatPhoneNumber(user.phone).formatted;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n username = '@' + username;\r\n }\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = '' + username + '';\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (results.length)\r\n group.setActive();\r\n else if (renderedSaved) { // удалить все пункты снизу\r\n Array.from(group.list.children).slice(1).forEach(c => c.remove());\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n group.clear();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n setResults(contacts.my_results, this.searchGroups.contacts, true);\r\n setResults(contacts.results, this.searchGroups.globalContacts);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return this.searchPromise = appMessagesManager_1.default.getSearch(this.peerID, query, null, maxID, 20, this.offsetRate).then(res => {\r\n this.searchPromise = null;\r\n if (this.searchInput.value != query) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('input search result:', this.peerID, query, null, maxID, 20, res);\r\n const { count, history, next_rate } = res;\r\n if (history[0] == this.minMsgID) {\r\n history.shift();\r\n }\r\n const searchGroup = this.searchGroups.messages;\r\n searchGroup.setActive();\r\n history.forEach((msgID) => {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(msgID);\r\n let originalDialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(message.peerID)[0];\r\n if (!originalDialog) {\r\n ////////this.log('no original dialog by message:', message);\r\n originalDialog = {\r\n peerID: message.peerID,\r\n pFlags: {},\r\n peer: message.to_id\r\n };\r\n }\r\n const { dialog, dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(originalDialog, this.scrollable /* searchGroup.list */, false);\r\n appDialogsManager_1.default.setLastMessage(dialog, message, dom, query);\r\n });\r\n this.minMsgID = history[history.length - 1];\r\n this.offsetRate = next_rate;\r\n this.loadedCount += history.length;\r\n if (this.loadedCount == -1) {\r\n this.loadedCount = 0;\r\n }\r\n if (this.foundCount == -1) {\r\n this.foundCount = count;\r\n this.onSearch && this.onSearch(this.foundCount);\r\n }\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n console.error('search error', err);\r\n this.searchPromise = null;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppSearch;\r\n" }, { "id": 44, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appStickersManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appStickersManager.ts", "index": 78, "index2": 70, "size": 10171, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, 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"../lib/appManagers/appStickersManager", "loc": "7:45-93" }, { "moduleId": 85, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarRight\\stickers.ts", "module": "./src/components/sidebarRight/stickers.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/sidebarRight/stickers.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../lib/appManagers/appStickersManager", "loc": "30:45-96" }, { "moduleId": 102, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\emoticonsDropdown\\tabs\\stickers.ts", "module": "./src/components/emoticonsDropdown/tabs/stickers.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/emoticonsDropdown/tabs/stickers.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../../lib/appManagers/appStickersManager", "loc": "37:45-99" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\n//import apiManager from '../mtproto/apiManager';\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nclass AppStickersManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.stickerSets = {};\r\n this.hashes = {\r\n featured: {},\r\n search: {}\r\n };\r\n storage_1.default.get('stickerSets').then((sets) => {\r\n if (sets) {\r\n for (let id in sets) {\r\n let set = sets[id];\r\n this.saveStickers(set.documents);\r\n }\r\n this.stickerSets = sets;\r\n }\r\n //if(!this.stickerSets['emoji']) {\r\n this.getStickerSet({ id: 'emoji', access_hash: '' }, { overwrite: true });\r\n //}\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e) => {\r\n const update = e.detail;\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateNewStickerSet': {\r\n this.saveStickerSet(update.stickerset, update.stickerset.set.id);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('stickers_installed', update.stickerset.set);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n saveStickers(docs) {\r\n docs.forEachReverse((doc, idx) => {\r\n doc = appDocsManager_1.default.saveDoc(doc);\r\n if (!doc)\r\n docs.splice(idx, 1);\r\n else\r\n docs[idx] = doc;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getStickerSet(set, params = {}) {\r\n var _a;\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (this.stickerSets[set.id] && !params.overwrite && ((_a = this.stickerSets[set.id].documents) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length))\r\n return this.stickerSets[set.id];\r\n const stickerSet = yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getStickerSet', {\r\n stickerset: this.getStickerSetInput(set)\r\n });\r\n this.saveStickerSet(stickerSet, set.id);\r\n return stickerSet;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getRecentStickers() {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const res = yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getRecentStickers', { flags: 0, hash: 0 });\r\n if (res._ == 'messages.recentStickers') {\r\n this.saveStickers(res.stickers);\r\n }\r\n return res;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getAnimatedEmojiSticker(emoji) {\r\n let stickerSet = this.stickerSets.emoji;\r\n if (!stickerSet || !stickerSet.documents)\r\n return undefined;\r\n emoji = emoji.replace(/\\ufe0f/g, '').replace(/🏻|🏼|🏽|🏾|🏿/g, '');\r\n return stickerSet.documents.find(doc => doc.stickerEmojiRaw == emoji);\r\n }\r\n saveStickerSet(res, id) {\r\n //console.log('stickers save set', res);w\r\n const newSet = {\r\n _: 'messages.stickerSet',\r\n set: res.set,\r\n packs: res.packs,\r\n documents: res.documents\r\n };\r\n if (this.stickerSets[id]) {\r\n Object.assign(this.stickerSets[id], newSet);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.stickerSets[id] = newSet;\r\n }\r\n this.saveStickers(res.documents);\r\n //console.log('stickers wrote', this.stickerSets);\r\n if (this.saveSetsTimeout)\r\n return;\r\n this.saveSetsTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n const savedSets = {};\r\n for (const id in this.stickerSets) {\r\n const set = this.stickerSets[id];\r\n if (set.set.installed_date || id == 'emoji') {\r\n savedSets[id] = set;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n storage_1.default.set({\r\n stickerSets: savedSets\r\n });\r\n this.saveSetsTimeout = 0;\r\n }, 100);\r\n }\r\n getStickerSetThumbDownloadOptions(stickerSet) {\r\n var _a;\r\n const thumb = stickerSet.thumb;\r\n const dcID = stickerSet.thumb_dc_id;\r\n const isAnimated = (_a = stickerSet.pFlags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.animated;\r\n const input = {\r\n _: 'inputStickerSetThumb',\r\n stickerset: this.getStickerSetInput(stickerSet),\r\n volume_id: thumb.location.volume_id,\r\n local_id: thumb.location.local_id\r\n };\r\n return { dcID, location: input, size: thumb.size, mimeType: isAnimated ? \"application/x-tgsticker\" : 'image/webp' };\r\n }\r\n /* public getStickerSetThumbURL(stickerSet: MTStickerSet) {\r\n const thumb = stickerSet.thumb;\r\n const dcID = stickerSet.thumb_dc_id;\r\n \r\n const isAnimated = stickerSet.pFlags?.animated;\r\n \r\n const input: inputStickerSetThumb = {\r\n _: 'inputStickerSetThumb',\r\n stickerset: this.getStickerSetInput(stickerSet),\r\n volume_id: thumb.location.volume_id,\r\n local_id: thumb.location.local_id\r\n };\r\n \r\n const url = getFileURL('document', this.getStickerSetThumbDownloadOptions(stickerSet));\r\n return url;\r\n \r\n //return promise;\r\n } */\r\n getStickerSetInput(set) {\r\n return set.id == 'emoji' ? {\r\n _: 'inputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji'\r\n } : {\r\n _: 'inputStickerSetID',\r\n id: set.id,\r\n access_hash: set.access_hash\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getFeaturedStickers() {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const res = yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getFeaturedStickers', {\r\n hash: ((_a = this.hashes.featured) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hash) || 0\r\n });\r\n const hashed = (_b = this.hashes.featured) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : (this.hashes.featured = {});\r\n if (res._ != 'messages.featuredStickersNotModified') {\r\n hashed.hash = res.hash;\r\n hashed.result = res.sets;\r\n }\r\n hashed.result.forEach(covered => {\r\n this.saveStickerSet({ set: covered.set, documents: [], packs: [] }, covered.set.id);\r\n });\r\n return hashed.result;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n toggleStickerSet(set) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (set.installed_date) {\r\n const res = yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.uninstallStickerSet', {\r\n stickerset: this.getStickerSetInput(set)\r\n });\r\n if (res) {\r\n delete set.installed_date;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('stickers_deleted', set);\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const res = yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.installStickerSet', {\r\n stickerset: this.getStickerSetInput(set),\r\n archived: false\r\n });\r\n if (res) {\r\n set.installed_date = Date.now() / 1000 | 0;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('stickers_installed', set);\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n searchStickerSets(query, excludeFeatured = true) {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const flags = excludeFeatured ? 1 : 0;\r\n const res = yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.searchStickerSets', {\r\n flags,\r\n exclude_featured: excludeFeatured || undefined,\r\n q: query,\r\n hash: ((_a = this.hashes.search[query]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hash) || 0\r\n });\r\n const hashed = (_b = this.hashes.search[query]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : (this.hashes.search[query] = {});\r\n if (res._ != 'messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified') {\r\n hashed.hash = res.hash;\r\n hashed.result = res.sets;\r\n }\r\n hashed.result.forEach(covered => {\r\n this.saveStickerSet({ set: covered.set, documents: [], packs: [] }, covered.set.id);\r\n });\r\n const foundSaved = [];\r\n for (let id in this.stickerSets) {\r\n const { set } = this.stickerSets[id];\r\n if (set.title.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase()) && !hashed.result.find(c => c.set.id == set.id)) {\r\n foundSaved.push({ _: 'stickerSetCovered', set, cover: null });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return hashed.result.concat(foundSaved);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n cleanup() {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n yield storage_1.default.remove('stickerSets');\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nconst appStickersManager = new AppStickersManager();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.appStickersManager = appStickersManager;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = appStickersManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 45, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\toast.ts", "name": "./src/components/toast.ts", "index": 83, "index2": 74, "size": 524, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": 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*/\r\n this.container.classList.remove('hide');\r\n void this.container.offsetWidth; // reflow\r\n this.container.classList.add('active');\r\n this.cropper = cropper_1.default(this.image, this.canvas);\r\n this.input.value = '';\r\n };\r\n };\r\n reader.readAsDataURL(file);\r\n }, false);\r\n // apply\r\n this.container.querySelector('.btn-crop').addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.cropper.crop();\r\n this.closeBtn.click();\r\n this.canvas.toBlob(blob => {\r\n this.blob = blob; // save blob to send after reg\r\n this.darkenCanvas();\r\n this.resolve();\r\n }, 'image/jpeg', 1);\r\n });\r\n this.closeBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.cropper.removeHandlers();\r\n if (this.image) {\r\n this.image.remove();\r\n }\r\n this.container.classList.add('hide');\r\n }, 200);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n resolve() {\r\n this.onCrop(() => {\r\n return appDownloadManager_1.default.upload(this.blob);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n open(postCanvas, onCrop) {\r\n this.canvas = postCanvas;\r\n this.onCrop = onCrop;\r\n this.input.click();\r\n }\r\n darkenCanvas() {\r\n let ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');\r\n ctx.fillStyle = \"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)\";\r\n ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.PopupAvatar = PopupAvatar;\r\nexports.default = new PopupAvatar();\r\n" }, { "id": 47, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\emoticonsDropdown\\index.ts", "name": "./src/components/emoticonsDropdown/index.ts", "index": 99, "index2": 96, "size": 13705, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\input.ts", "issuerId": 98, "issuerName": "./src/components/chat/input.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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__importDefault(require(\"../lazyLoadQueue\"));\r\nconst gifs_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./tabs/gifs\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../../lib/config\");\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst horizontalMenu_1 = require(\"../horizontalMenu\");\r\nconst animationIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../animationIntersector\"));\r\nconst appSidebarRight_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight\"));\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nconst emoji_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./tabs/emoji\"));\r\nconst stickers_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./tabs/stickers\"));\r\nconst stickyIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../stickyIntersector\"));\r\nexports.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP = 'emoticons-dropdown';\r\nconst test = false;\r\nlet EmoticonsDropdown = /** @class */ (() => {\r\n class EmoticonsDropdown {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.tabID = -1;\r\n this.events = {\r\n onClose: [],\r\n onCloseAfter: [],\r\n onOpen: [],\r\n onOpenAfter: []\r\n };\r\n this.toggle = (enable) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n //if(!this.element) return;\r\n const willBeActive = (!!this.element.style.display && enable === undefined) || enable;\r\n if (this.init) {\r\n if (willBeActive) {\r\n this.init();\r\n this.init = null;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n this.toggleEl.classList.toggle('flip-icon', willBeActive);\r\n if (willBeActive) {\r\n appImManager_1.default.chatInputC.saveScroll();\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n document.activeElement.blur();\r\n yield new Promise((resolve) => {\r\n setTimeout(resolve, 100);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.toggleEl.classList.toggle('active', enable);\r\n }\r\n if ((this.element.style.display && enable === undefined) || enable) {\r\n this.events.onOpen.forEach(cb => cb());\r\n EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue.lock();\r\n //EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue.unlock();\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.lockIntersectionGroup(exports.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n this.element.style.display = '';\r\n void this.element.offsetLeft; // reflow\r\n this.element.classList.add('active');\r\n clearTimeout(this.displayTimeout);\r\n this.displayTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.unlockIntersectionGroup(exports.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue.unlock();\r\n EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue.refresh();\r\n this.events.onOpenAfter.forEach(cb => cb());\r\n }, config_1.touchSupport ? 0 : 200);\r\n /* if(touchSupport) {\r\n this.restoreScroll();\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.events.onClose.forEach(cb => cb());\r\n EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue.lock();\r\n //EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue.lock();\r\n // нужно залочить группу и выключить стикеры\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.lockIntersectionGroup(exports.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(true, exports.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n this.element.classList.remove('active');\r\n clearTimeout(this.displayTimeout);\r\n this.displayTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.element.style.display = 'none';\r\n // теперь можно убрать visible, чтобы они не включились после фокуса\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.unlockIntersectionGroup(exports.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue.unlock();\r\n EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue.refresh();\r\n this.events.onCloseAfter.forEach(cb => cb());\r\n }, config_1.touchSupport ? 0 : 200);\r\n /* if(touchSupport) {\r\n this.restoreScroll();\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n //animationIntersector.checkAnimations(false, EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n });\r\n this.element = document.getElementById('emoji-dropdown');\r\n let firstTime = true;\r\n this.toggleEl = document.getElementById('toggle-emoticons');\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n this.toggleEl.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n if (firstTime) {\r\n firstTime = false;\r\n this.toggle(true);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.toggle();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.toggleEl.onmouseover = (e) => {\r\n clearTimeout(this.displayTimeout);\r\n //this.displayTimeout = setTimeout(() => {\r\n if (firstTime) {\r\n this.toggleEl.onmouseout = this.element.onmouseout = (e) => {\r\n if (test)\r\n return;\r\n if (!this.element.classList.contains('active'))\r\n return;\r\n const toElement = e.toElement;\r\n if (toElement && utils_1.findUpClassName(toElement, 'emoji-dropdown')) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n clearTimeout(this.displayTimeout);\r\n this.displayTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.toggle(false);\r\n }, 200);\r\n };\r\n this.element.onmouseover = (e) => {\r\n clearTimeout(this.displayTimeout);\r\n };\r\n firstTime = false;\r\n }\r\n this.toggle(true);\r\n //}, 0/* 200 */);\r\n };\r\n }\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n this.emojiTab = new emoji_1.default();\r\n this.stickersTab = new stickers_1.default();\r\n this.gifsTab = new gifs_1.default();\r\n this.tabs = {\r\n 0: this.emojiTab,\r\n 1: this.stickersTab,\r\n 2: this.gifsTab\r\n };\r\n this.container = this.element.querySelector('.emoji-container .tabs-container');\r\n this.tabsEl = this.element.querySelector('.emoji-tabs');\r\n horizontalMenu_1.horizontalMenu(this.tabsEl, this.container, (id) => {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(true, exports.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n this.tabID = id;\r\n this.searchButton.classList.toggle('hide', this.tabID == 0);\r\n this.deleteBtn.classList.toggle('hide', this.tabID != 0);\r\n }, () => {\r\n const tab = this.tabs[this.tabID];\r\n if (tab.init) {\r\n tab.init();\r\n }\r\n tab.onCloseAfterTimeout && tab.onCloseAfterTimeout();\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(false, exports.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n });\r\n this.searchButton = this.element.querySelector('.emoji-tabs-search');\r\n this.searchButton.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n if (this.tabID == 1) {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.stickersTab.init();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.gifsTab.init();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.deleteBtn = this.element.querySelector('.emoji-tabs-delete');\r\n this.deleteBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n var _a;\r\n const input = appImManager_1.default.chatInputC.messageInput;\r\n if ((_a = input.lastChild) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagName) {\r\n input.lastElementChild.remove();\r\n }\r\n else if (input.lastChild) {\r\n if (!input.lastChild.textContent.length) {\r\n input.lastChild.remove();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n input.lastChild.textContent = input.lastChild.textContent.slice(0, -1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const event = new Event('input', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true });\r\n appImManager_1.default.chatInputC.messageInput.dispatchEvent(event);\r\n //appSidebarRight.stickersTab.init();\r\n });\r\n this.tabsEl.firstElementChild.children[1].click(); // set emoji tab\r\n this.tabs[0].init(); // onTransitionEnd не вызовется, т.к. это первая открытая вкладка\r\n }\r\n }\r\n EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue = new lazyLoadQueue_1.default();\r\n EmoticonsDropdown.menuOnClick = (menu, scroll, menuScroll) => {\r\n let prevId = 0;\r\n let jumpedTo = -1;\r\n const setActive = (id) => {\r\n if (id == prevId) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n menu.children[prevId].classList.remove('active');\r\n menu.children[id].classList.add('active');\r\n prevId = id;\r\n return true;\r\n };\r\n const stickyIntersector = new stickyIntersector_1.default(scroll.container, (stuck, target) => {\r\n //console.log('sticky scrollTOp', stuck, target, scroll.container.scrollTop);\r\n if (Math.abs(jumpedTo - scroll.container.scrollTop) <= 1) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n jumpedTo = -1;\r\n }\r\n const which = utils_1.whichChild(target);\r\n if (!stuck && which) { // * due to stickyIntersector\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n setActive(which);\r\n if (menuScroll) {\r\n if (which < menu.childElementCount - 4) {\r\n menuScroll.container.scrollLeft = (which - 3) * 47;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n menuScroll.container.scrollLeft = which * 47;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n menu.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n target = utils_1.findUpTag(target, 'LI');\r\n if (!target) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const which = utils_1.whichChild(target);\r\n if (!setActive(which)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const element = (scroll.splitUp || scroll.container).children[which];\r\n const offsetTop = element.offsetTop + 1; // * due to stickyIntersector\r\n scroll.container.scrollTop = jumpedTo = offsetTop;\r\n //console.log('set scrollTop:', offsetTop);\r\n });\r\n return stickyIntersector;\r\n };\r\n EmoticonsDropdown.onMediaClick = (e) => {\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n target = utils_1.findUpTag(target, 'DIV');\r\n if (!target)\r\n return;\r\n const fileID = target.dataset.docID;\r\n if (!fileID)\r\n return;\r\n if (appImManager_1.default.chatInputC.sendMessageWithDocument(fileID)) {\r\n /* dropdown.classList.remove('active');\r\n toggleEl.classList.remove('active'); */\r\n emoticonsDropdown.toggle(false);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n console.warn('got no doc by id:', fileID);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n return EmoticonsDropdown;\r\n})();\r\nexports.EmoticonsDropdown = EmoticonsDropdown;\r\nconst emoticonsDropdown = new EmoticonsDropdown();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.emoticonsDropdown = emoticonsDropdown;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = emoticonsDropdown;\r\n" }, { "id": 48, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\helpers\\userAgent.ts", "name": "./src/helpers/userAgent.ts", "index": 8, "index2": 6, "size": 1248, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\config.ts", "issuerId": 1, "issuerName": "./src/lib/config.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, 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exports.isAppleMobile = exports.isAndroid = exports.isApple = exports.userAgent = void 0;\r\nexports.userAgent = navigator ? navigator.userAgent : null;\r\nexports.isApple = navigator.userAgent.search(/OS X|iPhone|iPad|iOS/i) != -1;\r\nexports.isAndroid = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('android') != -1;\r\n/**\r\n * Returns true when run in WebKit derived browsers.\r\n * This is used as a workaround for a memory leak in Safari caused by using Transferable objects to\r\n * transfer data between WebWorkers and the main thread.\r\n * https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/issues/8771\r\n *\r\n * This should be removed once the underlying Safari issue is fixed.\r\n */\r\nconst ctx = typeof (window) !== 'undefined' ? window : self;\r\n// https://stackoverflow.com/a/58065241\r\nexports.isAppleMobile = (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) ||\r\n (navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1)) &&\r\n !ctx.MSStream;\r\nexports.isSafari = !!('safari' in ctx) || !!(exports.userAgent && (/\\b(iPad|iPhone|iPod)\\b/.test(exports.userAgent) || (!!exports.userAgent.match('Safari') && !exports.userAgent.match('Chrome')))) /* || true */;\r\n" }, { "id": 49, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignIn.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "index": 23, "index2": 112, "size": 11141, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "issuerId": 67, "issuerName": "./src/index.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } } ], "profile": { 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__importDefault(require(\"./pageSignQR\"));\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst page_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./page\"));\r\nconst mtproto_config_1 = require(\"../lib/mtproto/mtproto_config\");\r\n//import _countries from '../countries_pretty.json';\r\nlet btnNext = null;\r\nlet onFirstMount = () => {\r\n if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.test) {\r\n config_1.default.Countries.push({\r\n name: 'Test Country',\r\n phoneCode: '999 66',\r\n code: 'TC',\r\n emoji: '🤔',\r\n pattern: '999 66 XXX XX'\r\n });\r\n console.log('Added test country to list!');\r\n }\r\n //const countries: Country[] = _countries.default.filter(c => c.emoji);\r\n const countries = config_1.default.Countries.filter(c => c.emoji).sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));\r\n let lastCountrySelected = null;\r\n var selectCountryCode = page.pageEl.querySelector('input[name=\"countryCode\"]');\r\n var parent = selectCountryCode.parentElement;\r\n var wrapper = document.createElement('div');\r\n wrapper.classList.add('select-wrapper', 'z-depth-3', 'hide');\r\n var list = document.createElement('ul');\r\n wrapper.appendChild(list);\r\n //let wrapperScroll = OverlayScrollbars(wrapper, (window as any).scrollbarOptions);\r\n let scroll = new scrollable_new_1.default(wrapper);\r\n let initedSelect = false;\r\n page.pageEl.querySelector('.a-qr').addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n pageSignQR_1.default.mount();\r\n });\r\n let initSelect = () => {\r\n initSelect = null;\r\n countries.forEach((c) => {\r\n initedSelect = true;\r\n /* let unified = unifiedCountryCodeEmoji(c.code);\r\n let emoji = unified.split('-').reduce((prev, curr) => prev + String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(curr, 16)), ''); */\r\n //let emoji = countryCodeEmoji(c.code);\r\n let emoji = c.emoji;\r\n let liArr = [];\r\n c.phoneCode.split(' and ').forEach((phoneCode) => {\r\n let li = document.createElement('li');\r\n var spanEmoji = document.createElement('span');\r\n /* spanEmoji.innerHTML = countryCodeEmoji(c.code); */\r\n //spanEmoji.classList.add('emoji-outer', 'emoji-sizer');\r\n //spanEmoji.innerHTML = ``;\r\n let kek = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(emoji);\r\n //console.log(c.name, emoji, kek, spanEmoji.innerHTML);\r\n li.appendChild(spanEmoji);\r\n spanEmoji.outerHTML = kek;\r\n li.append(c.name);\r\n var span = document.createElement('span');\r\n span.classList.add('phone-code');\r\n span.innerText = '+' + phoneCode;\r\n li.appendChild(span);\r\n liArr.push(li);\r\n list.append(li);\r\n });\r\n c.li = liArr;\r\n });\r\n list.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) {\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n if (target.tagName != 'LI')\r\n target = utils_1.findUpTag(target, 'LI');\r\n let countryName = target.childNodes[1].textContent; //target.innerText.split('\\n').shift();\r\n let phoneCode = target.querySelector('.phone-code').innerText;\r\n selectCountryCode.value = countryName;\r\n lastCountrySelected = countries.find(c => c.name == countryName);\r\n telEl.value = phoneCode;\r\n setTimeout(() => telEl.focus(), 0);\r\n //console.log('clicked', e, countryName, phoneCode);\r\n });\r\n parent.appendChild(wrapper);\r\n };\r\n initSelect();\r\n let hideTimeout;\r\n selectCountryCode.addEventListener('focus', function (e) {\r\n if (initSelect) {\r\n initSelect();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n countries.forEach((c) => {\r\n c.li.forEach(li => li.style.display = '');\r\n });\r\n }\r\n clearTimeout(hideTimeout);\r\n wrapper.classList.remove('hide');\r\n void wrapper.offsetWidth; // reflow\r\n wrapper.classList.add('active');\r\n });\r\n selectCountryCode.addEventListener('blur', function (e) {\r\n wrapper.classList.remove('active');\r\n hideTimeout = setTimeout(() => {\r\n wrapper.classList.add('hide');\r\n }, 200);\r\n e.cancelBubble = true;\r\n }, { capture: true });\r\n selectCountryCode.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {\r\n if (e.ctrlKey || e.key == 'Control')\r\n return false;\r\n //let i = new RegExp('^' + this.value, 'i');\r\n let _value = this.value.toLowerCase();\r\n let matches = [];\r\n countries.forEach((c) => {\r\n let good = c.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(_value) !== -1 /* == 0 */; //i.test(c.name);\r\n c.li.forEach(li => li.style.display = good ? '' : 'none');\r\n if (good)\r\n matches.push(c);\r\n });\r\n // Код ниже автоматически выберет страну если она осталась одна при поиске\r\n /* if(matches.length == 1 && matches[0].li.length == 1) {\r\n if(matches[0].name == lastCountrySelected) return false;\r\n //console.log('clicking', matches[0]);\r\n \r\n var clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');\r\n clickEvent.initEvent('mousedown', true, true);\r\n matches[0].li[0].dispatchEvent(clickEvent);\r\n return false;\r\n } else */ if (matches.length == 0) {\r\n countries.forEach((c) => {\r\n c.li.forEach(li => li.style.display = '');\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n let arrowDown = page.pageEl.querySelector('.arrow-down');\r\n arrowDown.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) {\r\n e.cancelBubble = true;\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n if (selectCountryCode.matches(':focus'))\r\n selectCountryCode.blur();\r\n else\r\n selectCountryCode.focus();\r\n });\r\n let sortedCountries = countries.slice().sort((a, b) => b.phoneCode.length - a.phoneCode.length);\r\n let telEl = page.pageEl.querySelector('input[name=\"phone\"]');\r\n const telLabel = telEl.nextElementSibling;\r\n telEl.addEventListener('input', function (e) {\r\n this.classList.remove('error');\r\n telLabel.innerText = 'Phone Number';\r\n let { formatted, country } = misc_1.formatPhoneNumber(this.value);\r\n this.value = formatted ? '+' + formatted : '';\r\n //console.log(formatted, country);\r\n let countryName = country ? country.name : '' /* 'Unknown' */;\r\n if (countryName != selectCountryCode.value && (!lastCountrySelected || !country || lastCountrySelected.phoneCode != country.phoneCode)) {\r\n selectCountryCode.value = countryName;\r\n lastCountrySelected = country;\r\n }\r\n //if(country && (this.value.length - 1) >= (country.pattern ? country.pattern.length : 9)) {\r\n if (country || (this.value.length - 1) > 1) {\r\n btnNext.style.visibility = '';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n btnNext.style.visibility = 'hidden';\r\n }\r\n });\r\n telEl.addEventListener('keypress', function (e) {\r\n if (!btnNext.style.visibility && /* this.value.length >= 9 && */ e.key == 'Enter') {\r\n return btnNext.click();\r\n }\r\n else if (/\\D/.test(e.key)) {\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n /* telEl.addEventListener('focus', function(this: typeof telEl, e) {\r\n this.removeAttribute('readonly'); // fix autocomplete\r\n });*/\r\n /* authorizer.auth(2);\r\n networkerFactory.startAll(); */\r\n btnNext.addEventListener('click', function (e) {\r\n this.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n this.textContent = 'PLEASE WAIT...';\r\n misc_1.putPreloader(this);\r\n //this.innerHTML = 'PLEASE WAIT...';\r\n //return;\r\n let phone_number = telEl.value;\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('auth.sendCode', {\r\n //flags: 0,\r\n phone_number: phone_number,\r\n api_id: mtproto_config_1.App.id,\r\n api_hash: mtproto_config_1.App.hash,\r\n settings: {\r\n _: 'codeSettings',\r\n flags: 0\r\n }\r\n //lang_code: navigator.language || 'en'\r\n }).then((code) => {\r\n //console.log('got code', code);\r\n pageAuthCode_1.default.mount(Object.assign(code, { phone_number: phone_number }));\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n this.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n this.innerText = 'NEXT';\r\n switch (err.type) {\r\n case 'PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID':\r\n telLabel.innerText = 'Phone Number Invalid';\r\n telEl.classList.add('error');\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n console.error('auth.sendCode error:', err);\r\n this.innerText = err.type;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n let tryAgain = () => {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('help.getNearestDc').then((nearestDcResult) => {\r\n if (nearestDcResult.nearest_dc != nearestDcResult.this_dc) {\r\n //MTProto.apiManager.baseDcID = nearestDcResult.nearest_dc;\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.getNetworker(nearestDcResult.nearest_dc);\r\n }\r\n return nearestDcResult;\r\n }).then((nearestDcResult) => {\r\n let country = countries.find((c) => c.code == nearestDcResult.country);\r\n if (country) {\r\n if (!selectCountryCode.value.length && !telEl.value.length) {\r\n selectCountryCode.value = country.name;\r\n lastCountrySelected = country;\r\n telEl.value = '+' + country.phoneCode.split(' and ').shift();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //console.log('woohoo', nearestDcResult, country);\r\n }); //.catch(tryAgain);\r\n };\r\n tryAgain();\r\n};\r\nconst page = new page_1.default('page-sign', true, onFirstMount, () => {\r\n if (!btnNext) {\r\n btnNext = page.pageEl.querySelector('button');\r\n }\r\n btnNext.textContent = 'NEXT';\r\n btnNext.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n});\r\nexports.default = page;\r\n" }, { "id": 50, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mediaPlayer.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mediaPlayer.ts", "index": 63, "index2": 56, "size": 25659, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appMediaViewer.ts", "issuerId": 56, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMediaViewer.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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__importDefault(require(\"../components/appMediaPlaybackController\"));\r\nconst userAgent_1 = require(\"../helpers/userAgent\");\r\nclass ProgressLine {\r\n constructor(initialValue = 0) {\r\n this.duration = 1;\r\n this.mousedown = false;\r\n this.events = {};\r\n this.onMouseMove = (e) => {\r\n this.mousedown && this.scrub(e);\r\n };\r\n this.onMouseDown = (e) => {\r\n var _a;\r\n this.scrub(e);\r\n this.mousedown = true;\r\n ((_a = this.events) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onMouseDown) && this.events.onMouseDown(e);\r\n };\r\n this.onMouseUp = (e) => {\r\n var _a;\r\n this.mousedown = false;\r\n ((_a = this.events) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onMouseUp) && this.events.onMouseUp(e);\r\n };\r\n this.container = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.container.classList.add('progress-line');\r\n this.filled = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.filled.classList.add('progress-line__filled');\r\n const seek = this.seek = document.createElement('input');\r\n seek.classList.add('progress-line__seek');\r\n seek.value = '' + initialValue;\r\n seek.setAttribute('min', '0');\r\n //seek.setAttribute('max', '0');\r\n seek.type = 'range';\r\n seek.step = '0.1';\r\n seek.max = '' + (this.duration * 1000);\r\n if (initialValue > 0) {\r\n this.setProgress(initialValue);\r\n }\r\n //this.setListeners();\r\n this.container.append(this.filled, seek);\r\n }\r\n setHandlers(events) {\r\n this.events = events;\r\n }\r\n setListeners() {\r\n this.container.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove);\r\n this.container.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onMouseDown);\r\n this.container.addEventListener('mouseup', this.onMouseUp);\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n this.container.addEventListener('touchmove', this.onMouseMove);\r\n this.container.addEventListener('touchstart', this.onMouseDown);\r\n this.container.addEventListener('touchend', this.onMouseUp);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setProgress(scrubTime) {\r\n this.setFilled(scrubTime);\r\n this.seek.value = '' + (scrubTime * 1000);\r\n }\r\n setFilled(scrubTime) {\r\n let scaleX = scrubTime / this.duration;\r\n scaleX = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, scaleX));\r\n this.filled.style.transform = 'scaleX(' + scaleX + ')';\r\n }\r\n scrub(e) {\r\n var _a;\r\n let offsetX;\r\n if (e instanceof MouseEvent) {\r\n offsetX = e.offsetX;\r\n }\r\n else { // touch\r\n const rect = e.target.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n offsetX = e.targetTouches[0].pageX - rect.left;\r\n }\r\n const scrubTime = offsetX / this.container.offsetWidth * this.duration;\r\n this.setFilled(scrubTime);\r\n ((_a = this.events) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onScrub) && this.events.onScrub(scrubTime);\r\n return scrubTime;\r\n }\r\n removeListeners() {\r\n this.container.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove);\r\n this.container.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.onMouseDown);\r\n this.container.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.onMouseUp);\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n this.container.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.onMouseMove);\r\n this.container.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.onMouseDown);\r\n this.container.removeEventListener('touchend', this.onMouseUp);\r\n }\r\n this.events = {};\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ProgressLine = ProgressLine;\r\nclass MediaProgressLine extends ProgressLine {\r\n constructor(media, streamable = false) {\r\n super();\r\n this.media = media;\r\n this.streamable = streamable;\r\n this.stopAndScrubTimeout = 0;\r\n this.progressRAF = 0;\r\n this.onLoadedData = () => {\r\n this.duration = this.media.duration;\r\n this.seek.setAttribute('max', '' + this.duration * 1000);\r\n };\r\n this.onEnded = () => {\r\n this.setProgress();\r\n };\r\n this.onPlay = () => {\r\n let r = () => {\r\n this.setProgress();\r\n this.progressRAF = this.media.paused ? 0 : window.requestAnimationFrame(r);\r\n };\r\n if (this.progressRAF) {\r\n window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.progressRAF);\r\n }\r\n if (this.streamable) {\r\n this.setLoadProgress();\r\n }\r\n this.progressRAF = window.requestAnimationFrame(r);\r\n };\r\n this.onProgress = (e) => {\r\n this.setLoadProgress();\r\n };\r\n if (streamable) {\r\n this.filledLoad = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.filledLoad.classList.add('progress-line__filled', 'progress-line__loaded');\r\n this.container.prepend(this.filledLoad);\r\n //this.setLoadProgress();\r\n }\r\n if (!media.paused || media.currentTime > 0) {\r\n this.onPlay();\r\n }\r\n this.setSeekMax();\r\n this.setListeners();\r\n this.setHandlers({\r\n onMouseDown: (e) => {\r\n //super.onMouseDown(e);\r\n //Таймер для того, чтобы стопать видео, если зажал мышку и не отпустил клик\r\n if (this.stopAndScrubTimeout) { // возможно лишнее\r\n clearTimeout(this.stopAndScrubTimeout);\r\n }\r\n this.stopAndScrubTimeout = setTimeout(() => {\r\n !this.media.paused && this.media.pause();\r\n this.stopAndScrubTimeout = 0;\r\n }, 150);\r\n },\r\n onMouseUp: (e) => {\r\n //super.onMouseUp(e);\r\n if (this.stopAndScrubTimeout) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.stopAndScrubTimeout);\r\n this.stopAndScrubTimeout = 0;\r\n }\r\n this.media.paused && this.media.play();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n scrub(e) {\r\n const scrubTime = super.scrub(e);\r\n this.media.currentTime = scrubTime;\r\n return scrubTime;\r\n }\r\n setLoadProgress() {\r\n if (appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.isSafariBuffering(this.media))\r\n return;\r\n const buf = this.media.buffered;\r\n const numRanges = buf.length;\r\n const currentTime = this.media.currentTime;\r\n let nearestStart = 0, end = 0;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < numRanges; ++i) {\r\n const start = buf.start(i);\r\n if (currentTime >= start && start >= nearestStart) {\r\n nearestStart = start;\r\n end = buf.end(i);\r\n }\r\n //console.log('onProgress range:', i, buf.start(i), buf.end(i), this.media);\r\n }\r\n //console.log('onProgress correct range:', nearestStart, end, this.media);\r\n const percents = this.media.duration ? end / this.media.duration : 0;\r\n this.filledLoad.style.transform = 'scaleX(' + percents + ')';\r\n }\r\n setSeekMax() {\r\n this.duration = this.media.duration;\r\n if (this.duration > 0) {\r\n this.onLoadedData();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.media.addEventListener('loadeddata', this.onLoadedData);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setProgress() {\r\n if (appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.isSafariBuffering(this.media))\r\n return;\r\n const currentTime = this.media.currentTime;\r\n super.setProgress(currentTime);\r\n }\r\n setListeners() {\r\n super.setListeners();\r\n this.media.addEventListener('ended', this.onEnded);\r\n this.media.addEventListener('play', this.onPlay);\r\n this.streamable && this.media.addEventListener('progress', this.onProgress);\r\n }\r\n removeListeners() {\r\n super.removeListeners();\r\n this.media.removeEventListener('loadeddata', this.onLoadedData);\r\n this.media.removeEventListener('ended', this.onEnded);\r\n this.media.removeEventListener('play', this.onPlay);\r\n this.streamable && this.media.removeEventListener('progress', this.onProgress);\r\n if (this.stopAndScrubTimeout) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.stopAndScrubTimeout);\r\n }\r\n if (this.progressRAF) {\r\n window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.progressRAF);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.MediaProgressLine = MediaProgressLine;\r\nlet lastVolume = 1, muted = !lastVolume;\r\nclass VideoPlayer {\r\n /* private videoParent: HTMLElement;\r\n private videoWhichChild: number; */\r\n constructor(video, play = false, streamable = false) {\r\n var _a;\r\n this.video = video;\r\n this.onFullScreen = () => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n const isFullscreenNow = document.webkitFullscreenElement !== null;\r\n if (!isFullscreenNow) {\r\n this.wrapper.classList.remove('ckin__fullscreen');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.wrapper = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.wrapper.classList.add('ckin__player');\r\n video.parentNode.insertBefore(this.wrapper, video);\r\n this.wrapper.appendChild(video);\r\n this.skin = (_a = video.dataset.ckin) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 'default';\r\n this.stylePlayer();\r\n if (this.skin == 'default') {\r\n let controls = this.wrapper.querySelector('.default__controls.ckin__controls');\r\n this.progress = new MediaProgressLine(video, streamable);\r\n controls.prepend(this.progress.container);\r\n }\r\n if (play /* && video.paused */) {\r\n const promise = video.play();\r\n promise.catch((err) => {\r\n if (err.name == 'NotAllowedError') {\r\n video.muted = true;\r\n video.autoplay = true;\r\n video.play();\r\n }\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n this.wrapper.classList.toggle('is-playing', !this.video.paused);\r\n });\r\n //(this.wrapper.querySelector('.toggle') as HTMLButtonElement).click();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n stylePlayer() {\r\n const { wrapper: player, video, skin } = this;\r\n player.classList.add(skin);\r\n const html = this.buildControls();\r\n player.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html);\r\n let updateInterval = 0;\r\n let elapsed = 0;\r\n let prevTime = 0;\r\n if (skin === 'default') {\r\n const toggle = player.querySelectorAll('.toggle');\r\n const fullScreenButton = player.querySelector('.fullscreen');\r\n var timeElapsed = player.querySelector('#time-elapsed');\r\n var timeDuration = player.querySelector('#time-duration');\r\n timeDuration.innerHTML = String(video.duration | 0).toHHMMSS();\r\n const volumeDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n volumeDiv.classList.add('player-volume');\r\n volumeDiv.innerHTML = `\r\n \r\n `;\r\n const volumeSvg = volumeDiv.firstElementChild;\r\n volumeSvg.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n video.muted = !video.muted;\r\n });\r\n const volumeProgress = new ProgressLine();\r\n volumeProgress.setListeners();\r\n volumeProgress.setHandlers({\r\n onScrub: currentTime => {\r\n const value = Math.max(Math.min(currentTime, 1), 0);\r\n //console.log('volume scrub:', currentTime, value);\r\n video.muted = false;\r\n video.volume = value;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n volumeDiv.append(volumeProgress.container);\r\n const setVolume = () => {\r\n const volume = video.volume;\r\n let d;\r\n if (!volume || video.muted) {\r\n d = `M16.5 12c0-1.77-1.02-3.29-2.5-4.03v2.21l2.45 2.45c.03-.2.05-.41.05-.63zm2.5 0c0 .94-.2 1.82-.54 2.64l1.51 1.51C20.63 14.91 21 13.5 21 12c0-4.28-2.99-7.86-7-8.77v2.06c2.89.86 5 3.54 5 6.71zM4.27 3L3 4.27 7.73 9H3v6h4l5 5v-6.73l4.25 4.25c-.67.52-1.42.93-2.25 1.18v2.06c1.38-.31 2.63-.95 3.69-1.81L19.73 21 21 19.73l-9-9L4.27 3zM12 4L9.91 6.09 12 8.18V4z`;\r\n }\r\n else if (volume > .5) {\r\n d = `M3 9v6h4l5 5V4L7 9H3zm13.5 3c0-1.77-1.02-3.29-2.5-4.03v8.05c1.48-.73 2.5-2.25 2.5-4.02zM14 3.23v2.06c2.89.86 5 3.54 5 6.71s-2.11 5.85-5 6.71v2.06c4.01-.91 7-4.49 7-8.77s-2.99-7.86-7-8.77z`;\r\n }\r\n else if (volume > 0 && volume < .25) {\r\n d = `M7 9v6h4l5 5V4l-5 5H7z`;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n d = `M18.5 12c0-1.77-1.02-3.29-2.5-4.03v8.05c1.48-.73 2.5-2.25 2.5-4.02zM5 9v6h4l5 5V4L9 9H5z`;\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n volumeSvg.innerHTML = ``;\r\n }\r\n catch (err) { }\r\n if (!volumeProgress.mousedown) {\r\n volumeProgress.setProgress(video.muted ? 0 : volume);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n // не вызовется повторно если на 1 установить 1\r\n video.addEventListener('volumechange', () => {\r\n muted = video.muted;\r\n lastVolume = video.volume;\r\n setVolume();\r\n });\r\n video.volume = lastVolume;\r\n video.muted = muted;\r\n setVolume();\r\n // volume end\r\n const leftControls = player.querySelector('.left-controls');\r\n leftControls.insertBefore(volumeDiv, timeElapsed.parentElement);\r\n Array.from(toggle).forEach((button) => {\r\n return button.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.togglePlay();\r\n });\r\n });\r\n video.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n if (!config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n this.togglePlay();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n let showControlsTimeout = 0;\r\n const t = () => {\r\n showControlsTimeout = setTimeout(() => {\r\n showControlsTimeout = 0;\r\n player.classList.remove('show-controls');\r\n }, 3e3);\r\n };\r\n player.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n if (showControlsTimeout) {\r\n clearTimeout(showControlsTimeout);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n player.classList.add('show-controls');\r\n }\r\n t();\r\n });\r\n player.addEventListener('touchstart', () => {\r\n player.classList.add('show-controls');\r\n clearTimeout(showControlsTimeout);\r\n });\r\n player.addEventListener('touchend', () => {\r\n if (player.classList.contains('is-playing')) {\r\n t();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n /* player.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n if(e.target != player) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n \r\n this.togglePlay();\r\n }); */\r\n /* video.addEventListener('play', () => {\r\n }); */\r\n video.addEventListener('pause', () => {\r\n clearInterval(updateInterval);\r\n });\r\n video.addEventListener('dblclick', () => {\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n return this.toggleFullScreen(fullScreenButton);\r\n });\r\n fullScreenButton.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n return this.toggleFullScreen(fullScreenButton);\r\n });\r\n 'webkitfullscreenchange mozfullscreenchange fullscreenchange MSFullscreenChange'.split(' ').forEach(eventName => {\r\n player.addEventListener(eventName, this.onFullScreen, false);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else if (skin === 'circle') {\r\n const wrapper = document.createElement('div');\r\n wrapper.classList.add('circle-time-left');\r\n video.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, video);\r\n wrapper.innerHTML = '
';\r\n var circle = player.querySelector('.progress-ring__circle');\r\n const radius = circle.r.baseVal.value;\r\n var circumference = 2 * Math.PI * radius;\r\n var timeDuration = player.querySelector('.circle-time');\r\n const iconVolume = player.querySelector('.iconVolume');\r\n circle.style.strokeDasharray = circumference + ' ' + circumference;\r\n circle.style.strokeDashoffset = '' + circumference;\r\n circle.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.togglePlay();\r\n });\r\n video.addEventListener('play', () => {\r\n iconVolume.style.display = 'none';\r\n updateInterval = setInterval(() => {\r\n //elapsed += 0.02; // Increase with timer interval\r\n if (video.currentTime != prevTime) {\r\n elapsed = video.currentTime; // Update if getCurrentTime was changed\r\n prevTime = video.currentTime;\r\n }\r\n const offset = circumference - elapsed / video.duration * circumference;\r\n circle.style.strokeDashoffset = '' + offset;\r\n if (video.paused)\r\n clearInterval(updateInterval);\r\n }, 20);\r\n });\r\n video.addEventListener('pause', () => {\r\n iconVolume.style.display = '';\r\n });\r\n }\r\n video.addEventListener('play', () => {\r\n this.wrapper.classList.add('is-playing');\r\n });\r\n video.addEventListener('pause', () => {\r\n this.wrapper.classList.remove('is-playing');\r\n });\r\n if (video.duration > 0) {\r\n timeDuration.innerHTML = String(Math.round(video.duration)).toHHMMSS();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n video.addEventListener('loadeddata', () => {\r\n timeDuration.innerHTML = String(Math.round(video.duration)).toHHMMSS();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n video.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => {\r\n if (skin == 'default') {\r\n timeElapsed.innerHTML = String(video.currentTime | 0).toHHMMSS();\r\n }\r\n updateInterval = this.handleProgress(timeDuration, circumference, circle, updateInterval);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n togglePlay(stop) {\r\n if (stop) {\r\n this.video.pause();\r\n this.wrapper.classList.remove('is-playing');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (stop === false) {\r\n this.video.play();\r\n this.wrapper.classList.add('is-playing');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.video[this.video.paused ? 'play' : 'pause']();\r\n //this.wrapper.classList.toggle('is-playing', !this.video.paused);\r\n }\r\n handleProgress(timeDuration, circumference, circle, updateInterval) {\r\n const { video, skin } = this;\r\n clearInterval(updateInterval);\r\n let elapsed = 0;\r\n let prevTime = 0;\r\n if (skin === 'circle') {\r\n updateInterval = setInterval(() => {\r\n if (video.currentTime != prevTime) {\r\n elapsed = video.currentTime; // Update if getCurrentTime was changed\r\n prevTime = video.currentTime;\r\n }\r\n const offset = circumference - elapsed / video.duration * circumference;\r\n circle.style.strokeDashoffset = '' + offset;\r\n if (video.paused)\r\n clearInterval(updateInterval);\r\n }, 20);\r\n const timeLeft = String((video.duration - video.currentTime) | 0).toHHMMSS();\r\n if (timeLeft != '0')\r\n timeDuration.innerHTML = timeLeft;\r\n return updateInterval;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n buildControls() {\r\n const skin = this.skin;\r\n if (skin === 'default') {\r\n return `\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n / \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n
`;\r\n }\r\n else if (skin === 'circle') {\r\n return `\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n `;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n static isFullScreen() {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n return !!(document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement);\r\n }\r\n toggleFullScreen(fullScreenButton) {\r\n // alternative standard method\r\n const player = this.wrapper;\r\n // * https://caniuse.com/#feat=fullscreen\r\n if (userAgent_1.isAppleMobile) {\r\n const video = this.video;\r\n video.webkitEnterFullscreen();\r\n video.enterFullscreen();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (!VideoPlayer.isFullScreen()) {\r\n player.classList.add('ckin__fullscreen');\r\n /* const videoParent = this.video.parentElement;\r\n const videoWhichChild = whichChild(this.video);\r\n const needVideoRemount = videoParent != player;\r\n \r\n if(needVideoRemount) {\r\n this.videoParent = videoParent;\r\n this.videoWhichChild = videoWhichChild;\r\n player.prepend(this.video);\r\n } */\r\n if (player.requestFullscreen) {\r\n player.requestFullscreen();\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n }\r\n else if (player.mozRequestFullScreen) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n player.mozRequestFullScreen(); // Firefox\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n }\r\n else if (player.webkitRequestFullscreen) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n player.webkitRequestFullscreen(); // Chrome and Safari\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n }\r\n else if (player.msRequestFullscreen) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n player.msRequestFullscreen();\r\n }\r\n fullScreenButton.classList.remove('tgico-fullscreen');\r\n fullScreenButton.classList.add('tgico-smallscreen');\r\n fullScreenButton.setAttribute('title', 'Exit Full Screen');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n player.classList.remove('ckin__fullscreen');\r\n /* if(this.videoParent) {\r\n const {videoWhichChild, videoParent} = this;\r\n if(!videoWhichChild) {\r\n videoParent.prepend(this.video);\r\n } else {\r\n videoParent.insertBefore(this.video, videoParent.children[videoWhichChild]);\r\n }\r\n \r\n this.videoParent = null;\r\n this.videoWhichChild = -1;\r\n } */\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n if (document.cancelFullScreen) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n document.cancelFullScreen();\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n }\r\n else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n document.mozCancelFullScreen();\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n }\r\n else if (document.webkitCancelFullScreen) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n document.webkitCancelFullScreen();\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n }\r\n else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n document.msExitFullscreen();\r\n }\r\n fullScreenButton.classList.remove('tgico-smallscreen');\r\n fullScreenButton.classList.add('tgico-fullscreen');\r\n fullScreenButton.setAttribute('title', 'Full Screen');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = VideoPlayer;\r\n" }, { "id": 51, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\appSelectPeers.ts", "name": "./src/components/appSelectPeers.ts", "index": 68, "index2": 59, "size": 13957, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\appForward.ts", "issuerId": 42, "issuerName": "./src/components/appForward.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 42, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\appForward.ts", "name": "./src/components/appForward.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 949, "building": 1498, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 42, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\appForward.ts", "module": "./src/components/appForward.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/appForward.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./appSelectPeers", "loc": "9:25-52" }, { "moduleId": 90, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\addMembers.ts", "module": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/addMembers.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/addMembers.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../appSelectPeers", "loc": "25:25-53" }, { "moduleId": 97, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\includedChats.ts", "module": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/includedChats.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/includedChats.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../appSelectPeers", "loc": "25:25-53" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppSelectPeers = void 0;\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appDialogsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager\"));\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appPhotosManager\"));\r\n// TODO: правильная сортировка для addMembers, т.е. для peerType: 'contacts', потому что там идут сначала контакты - потом неконтакты, а должно всё сортироваться по имени\r\nlet loadedAllDialogs = false;\r\nclass AppSelectPeers {\r\n constructor(appendTo, onChange, peerType = ['dialogs'], onFirstRender, renderResultsFunc) {\r\n this.appendTo = appendTo;\r\n this.onChange = onChange;\r\n this.peerType = peerType;\r\n this.renderResultsFunc = renderResultsFunc;\r\n this.container = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.list = document.createElement('ul');\r\n this.chatsContainer = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.selectedContainer = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.input = document.createElement('input');\r\n //public selected: {[peerID: number]: HTMLElement} = {};\r\n this.selected = new Set();\r\n this.freezed = false;\r\n this.folderID = 0;\r\n this.offsetIndex = 0;\r\n this.query = '';\r\n this.loadedWhat = {};\r\n this.container.classList.add('selector');\r\n if (!this.renderResultsFunc) {\r\n this.renderResultsFunc = this.renderResults;\r\n }\r\n let topContainer = document.createElement('div');\r\n topContainer.classList.add('selector-search-container');\r\n this.selectedContainer.classList.add('selector-search');\r\n this.input.placeholder = !peerType.includes('dialogs') ? 'Add People...' : 'Select chat';\r\n this.input.type = 'text';\r\n this.selectedContainer.append(this.input);\r\n topContainer.append(this.selectedContainer);\r\n this.selectedScrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(topContainer);\r\n let delimiter = document.createElement('hr');\r\n this.chatsContainer.classList.add('chats-container');\r\n this.chatsContainer.append(this.list);\r\n this.scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.chatsContainer);\r\n this.scrollable.setVirtualContainer(this.list);\r\n this.chatsContainer.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n const target = utils_1.findUpAttribute(e.target, 'data-peerID');\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n if (!target)\r\n return;\r\n if (this.freezed)\r\n return;\r\n let key = target.getAttribute('data-peerID');\r\n key = +key || key;\r\n target.classList.toggle('active');\r\n if (this.selected.has(key)) {\r\n this.remove(key);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.add(key);\r\n }\r\n const checkbox = target.querySelector('input');\r\n checkbox.checked = !checkbox.checked;\r\n });\r\n this.selectedContainer.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n if (this.freezed)\r\n return;\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n target = utils_1.findUpClassName(target, 'selector-user');\r\n if (!target)\r\n return;\r\n const peerID = target.dataset.key;\r\n const li = this.chatsContainer.querySelector('[data-peerid=\"' + peerID + '\"]');\r\n if (!li) {\r\n this.remove(+peerID || peerID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n li.click();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.input.addEventListener('input', () => {\r\n const value = this.input.value;\r\n if (this.query != value) {\r\n if (this.peerType.includes('contacts')) {\r\n delete this.loadedWhat.contacts;\r\n this.cachedContacts = null;\r\n }\r\n //if(this.peerType.includes('dialogs')) {\r\n delete this.loadedWhat.dialogs;\r\n delete this.loadedWhat.archived;\r\n this.folderID = 0;\r\n this.offsetIndex = 0;\r\n //}\r\n this.promise = null;\r\n this.list.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.query = value;\r\n //console.log('selectPeers input:', this.query);\r\n this.getMoreResults();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = () => {\r\n this.getMoreResults();\r\n };\r\n this.container.append(topContainer, delimiter, this.chatsContainer);\r\n appendTo.append(this.container);\r\n // WARNING TIMEOUT\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n let getResultsPromise = this.getMoreResults();\r\n if (onFirstRender) {\r\n getResultsPromise.then(() => {\r\n onFirstRender();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n getMoreDialogs() {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (this.promise)\r\n return this.promise;\r\n if (this.loadedWhat.dialogs && this.loadedWhat.archived) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n // в десктопе - сначала без группы, потом архивные, потом контакты без сообщений\r\n const pageCount = appPhotosManager_1.default.windowH / 72 * 1.25 | 0;\r\n this.promise = appMessagesManager_1.default.getConversations(this.query, this.offsetIndex, pageCount, this.folderID);\r\n const value = yield this.promise;\r\n this.promise = null;\r\n let dialogs = value.dialogs;\r\n if (dialogs.length) {\r\n const newOffsetIndex = dialogs[dialogs.length - 1].index || 0;\r\n dialogs = dialogs.slice();\r\n dialogs.findAndSplice(d => d.peerID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID); // no my account\r\n if (!this.offsetIndex && this.folderID == 0 &&\r\n (!this.query || 'saved messages'.includes(this.query.toLowerCase())) &&\r\n this.peerType.includes('dialogs')) {\r\n dialogs.unshift({\r\n peerID: utils_1.$rootScope.myID,\r\n pFlags: {}\r\n });\r\n }\r\n this.offsetIndex = newOffsetIndex;\r\n this.renderResultsFunc(dialogs.map(dialog => dialog.peerID));\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (!this.loadedWhat.dialogs) {\r\n this.loadedWhat.dialogs = true;\r\n this.offsetIndex = 0;\r\n this.folderID = 1;\r\n return this.getMoreDialogs();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.loadedWhat.archived = true;\r\n if (!this.loadedWhat.contacts && this.peerType.includes('contacts')) {\r\n return this.getMoreContacts();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getMoreContacts() {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (this.promise)\r\n return this.promise;\r\n if (this.loadedWhat.contacts) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (!this.cachedContacts) {\r\n /* const promises: Promise[] = [appUsersManager.getContacts(this.query)];\r\n if(!this.peerType.includes('dialogs')) {\r\n promises.push(appMessagesManager.getConversationsAll());\r\n }\r\n \r\n this.promise = Promise.all(promises);\r\n this.cachedContacts = (await this.promise)[0].slice(); */\r\n this.promise = appUsersManager_1.default.getContacts(this.query);\r\n this.cachedContacts = (yield this.promise).slice();\r\n this.cachedContacts.findAndSplice(userID => userID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID); // no my account\r\n this.promise = null;\r\n }\r\n if (this.cachedContacts.length) {\r\n const pageCount = appPhotosManager_1.default.windowH / 72 * 1.25 | 0;\r\n const arr = this.cachedContacts.splice(0, pageCount);\r\n this.renderResultsFunc(arr);\r\n }\r\n if (!this.cachedContacts.length) {\r\n this.loadedWhat.contacts = true;\r\n // need to load non-contacts\r\n if (!this.peerType.includes('dialogs')) {\r\n return this.getMoreDialogs();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getMoreResults() {\r\n const promises = [];\r\n if (!loadedAllDialogs) {\r\n promises.push(appMessagesManager_1.default.getConversationsAll());\r\n }\r\n if ((this.peerType.includes('dialogs') || this.loadedWhat.contacts) && !this.loadedWhat.archived) { // to load non-contacts\r\n promises.push(this.getMoreDialogs());\r\n if (!this.loadedWhat.archived) {\r\n return Promise.all(promises);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (this.peerType.includes('contacts') && !this.loadedWhat.contacts) {\r\n promises.push(this.getMoreContacts());\r\n }\r\n return Promise.all(promises);\r\n }\r\n renderResults(peerIDs) {\r\n //console.log('will renderResults:', peerIDs);\r\n // оставим только неконтакты с диалогов\r\n if (!this.peerType.includes('dialogs') && this.loadedWhat.contacts) {\r\n peerIDs = peerIDs.filter(peerID => {\r\n return appUsersManager_1.default.isNonContactUser(peerID);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n peerIDs.forEach(peerID => {\r\n const { dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(peerID, this.scrollable, false, false);\r\n const selected = this.selected.has(peerID);\r\n dom.containerEl.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `
`);\r\n if (selected)\r\n dom.listEl.classList.add('active');\r\n let subtitle = '';\r\n if (peerID < 0) {\r\n subtitle = appChatsManager_1.default.getChatMembersString(-peerID);\r\n }\r\n else if (peerID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID) {\r\n subtitle = 'chat with yourself';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n subtitle = appUsersManager_1.default.getUserStatusString(peerID);\r\n if (subtitle == 'online') {\r\n subtitle = `${subtitle}`;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = subtitle;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n add(peerID, title) {\r\n //console.trace('add');\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('selector-user', 'scale-in');\r\n const avatarEl = document.createElement('avatar-element');\r\n avatarEl.classList.add('selector-user-avatar', 'tgico');\r\n avatarEl.setAttribute('dialog', '1');\r\n div.dataset.key = '' + peerID;\r\n this.selected.add(peerID);\r\n if (typeof (peerID) === 'number') {\r\n if (title === undefined) {\r\n title = peerID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID ? 'Saved' : appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(peerID, false, true);\r\n }\r\n avatarEl.setAttribute('peer', '' + peerID);\r\n }\r\n if (title) {\r\n div.innerHTML = title;\r\n }\r\n div.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', avatarEl);\r\n this.selectedContainer.insertBefore(div, this.input);\r\n //this.selectedScrollable.scrollTop = this.selectedScrollable.scrollHeight;\r\n this.selectedScrollable.scrollTo(this.selectedScrollable.scrollHeight, true, true);\r\n this.onChange && this.onChange(this.selected.size);\r\n return div;\r\n }\r\n remove(key) {\r\n //const div = this.selected[peerID];\r\n const div = this.selectedContainer.querySelector(`[data-key=\"${key}\"]`);\r\n div.classList.remove('scale-in');\r\n void div.offsetWidth;\r\n div.classList.add('scale-out');\r\n div.addEventListener('animationend', () => {\r\n this.selected.delete(key);\r\n div.remove();\r\n this.onChange && this.onChange(this.selected.size);\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n }\r\n getSelected() {\r\n return [...this.selected];\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppSelectPeers = AppSelectPeers;\r\n" }, { "id": 53, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webpWorkerController.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webpWorkerController.ts", "index": 18, "index2": 18, "size": 2095, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtprotoworker.ts", "issuerId": 2, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 2, "identifier": 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"module": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../lib/webp/webpWorkerController", "loc": "30:47-90" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.WebpWorkerController = void 0;\r\nconst webp_worker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"worker-loader!./webp.worker\"));\r\nconst cancellablePromise_1 = require(\"../../helpers/cancellablePromise\");\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nclass WebpWorkerController {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.convertPromises = {};\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n this.worker = new webp_worker_1.default();\r\n this.worker.addEventListener('message', (e) => {\r\n const payload = e.data.payload;\r\n if (payload.fileName.indexOf('main-') === 0) {\r\n const promise = this.convertPromises[payload.fileName];\r\n if (promise) {\r\n payload.bytes ? promise.resolve(payload.bytes) : promise.reject();\r\n delete this.convertPromises[payload.fileName];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.postMessage(e.data);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n postMessage(data) {\r\n if (this.init) {\r\n this.init();\r\n this.init = null;\r\n }\r\n this.worker.postMessage(data);\r\n }\r\n convert(fileName, bytes) {\r\n fileName = 'main-' + fileName;\r\n if (this.convertPromises.hasOwnProperty(fileName)) {\r\n return this.convertPromises[fileName];\r\n }\r\n const convertPromise = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n this.postMessage({ type: 'convertWebp', payload: { fileName, bytes } });\r\n return this.convertPromises[fileName] = convertPromise;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.WebpWorkerController = WebpWorkerController;\r\nconst webpWorkerController = new WebpWorkerController();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.webpWorkerController = webpWorkerController;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = webpWorkerController;\r\n" }, { "id": 54, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\opusDecodeController.ts", "name": "./src/lib/opusDecodeController.ts", "index": 52, "index2": 41, "size": 6088, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appDocsManager.ts", "issuerId": 12, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appDocsManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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"../../lib/opusDecodeController", "loc": "18:47-88" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.OpusDecodeController = void 0;\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"./config\");\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"./logger\");\r\nclass OpusDecodeController {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.sampleRate = 48000;\r\n this.tasks = [];\r\n this.keepAlive = false;\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('OPUS', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n }\r\n isPlaySupported() {\r\n if (this.isPlaySupportedResult !== undefined)\r\n return this.isPlaySupportedResult;\r\n const audio = document.createElement('audio');\r\n return this.isPlaySupportedResult = !!(audio.canPlayType && audio.canPlayType('audio/ogg;').replace(/no/, '')) /* && false */;\r\n }\r\n loadWavWorker() {\r\n if (this.wavWorker)\r\n return;\r\n this.wavWorker = new Worker('waveWorker.min.js');\r\n this.wavWorker.addEventListener('message', (e) => {\r\n const data = e.data;\r\n this.log('[WAV] got message:', data);\r\n if (data && data.page) {\r\n const bytes = data.page;\r\n this.onTaskEnd(this.tasks.shift(), bytes);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n loadWorker() {\r\n if (this.worker)\r\n return;\r\n this.worker = new Worker('decoderWorker.min.js');\r\n this.worker.addEventListener('message', (e) => {\r\n const data = e.data;\r\n this.log('[DECODER] got message', data);\r\n if (data.type == 'done') {\r\n //this.log('[DECODER] send done to wav');\r\n this.wavWorker.postMessage({ command: 'done' });\r\n if (data.waveform) {\r\n this.tasks[0].waveform = data.waveform;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else { // e.data contains decoded buffers as float32 values\r\n //this.log('[DECODER] send encode to wav');\r\n this.wavWorker.postMessage({\r\n command: 'encode',\r\n buffers: e.data\r\n }, config_1.isSafari ? undefined : data.map((typedArray) => typedArray.buffer));\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n setKeepAlive(keepAlive) {\r\n this.keepAlive = keepAlive;\r\n if (this.keepAlive) {\r\n this.loadWorker();\r\n this.loadWavWorker();\r\n }\r\n else if (!this.tasks.length) {\r\n this.terminateWorkers();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n onTaskEnd(task, result) {\r\n if (!result) {\r\n task.callback.reject('timeout');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n clearTimeout(task.timeout);\r\n task.callback.resolve({ bytes: result, waveform: task.waveform });\r\n }\r\n if (this.tasks.length) {\r\n this.executeNewTask(this.tasks[0]);\r\n }\r\n this.terminateWorkers();\r\n }\r\n terminateWorkers(kill = false) {\r\n if ((this.keepAlive || this.tasks.length) && !kill)\r\n return;\r\n if (this.worker) {\r\n this.worker.terminate();\r\n this.worker = null;\r\n }\r\n if (this.wavWorker) {\r\n this.wavWorker.terminate();\r\n this.wavWorker = null;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n executeNewTask(task) {\r\n this.worker.postMessage({\r\n command: 'init',\r\n decoderSampleRate: this.sampleRate,\r\n outputBufferSampleRate: this.sampleRate\r\n });\r\n this.wavWorker.postMessage({\r\n command: 'init',\r\n wavBitDepth: 16,\r\n wavSampleRate: this.sampleRate\r\n });\r\n //console.log('sending command to worker:', task);\r\n //setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.log('[DECODER] send decode');\r\n this.worker.postMessage({\r\n command: 'decode',\r\n pages: task.pages,\r\n waveform: task.withWaveform\r\n }, config_1.isSafari ? undefined : [task.pages.buffer]);\r\n //}, 1e3);\r\n task.timeout = setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.log.error('decode timeout' /* , task */);\r\n this.terminateWorkers(true);\r\n if (this.tasks.length) {\r\n this.loadWorker();\r\n this.loadWavWorker();\r\n }\r\n this.onTaskEnd(this.tasks.shift());\r\n }, 10e3);\r\n }\r\n pushDecodeTask(pages, withWaveform) {\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n const task = {\r\n pages,\r\n withWaveform,\r\n callback: { resolve, reject },\r\n timeout: 0\r\n };\r\n this.loadWorker();\r\n this.loadWavWorker();\r\n if (this.tasks.push(task) == 1) {\r\n this.executeNewTask(task);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n decode(typedArray, withWaveform = false) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n return this.pushDecodeTask(typedArray, withWaveform).then(result => {\r\n const dataBlob = new Blob([result.bytes], { type: \"audio/wav\" });\r\n return { url: URL.createObjectURL(dataBlob), waveform: result.waveform };\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.OpusDecodeController = OpusDecodeController;\r\nconst opusDecodeController = new OpusDecodeController();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.opusDecodeController = opusDecodeController;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = opusDecodeController;\r\n" }, { "id": 55, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appWebPagesManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appWebPagesManager.ts", "index": 54, "index2": 44, "size": 4219, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appMessagesManager.ts", "issuerId": 7, "issuerName": 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appMessagesManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 2083, "building": 945, "dependencies": 16 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 7, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appMessagesManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./appWebPagesManager", "loc": "33:45-76" }, { "moduleId": 98, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\input.ts", "module": "./src/components/chat/input.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/chat/input.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../lib/appManagers/appWebPagesManager", "loc": "10:45-96" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nclass AppWebPagesManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.webpages = {};\r\n this.pendingWebPages = {};\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e) => {\r\n let update = e.detail;\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateWebPage':\r\n this.saveWebPage(update.webpage);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n saveWebPage(apiWebPage, messageID, mediaContext) {\r\n if (apiWebPage.photo && apiWebPage.photo._ === 'photo') {\r\n //appPhotosManager.savePhoto(apiWebPage.photo, mediaContext);\r\n apiWebPage.photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(apiWebPage.photo, mediaContext);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n delete apiWebPage.photo;\r\n }\r\n if (apiWebPage.document && apiWebPage.document._ === 'document') {\r\n apiWebPage.document = appDocsManager_1.default.saveDoc(apiWebPage.document, mediaContext); // warning 11.04.2020\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (apiWebPage.type == 'document') {\r\n delete apiWebPage.type;\r\n }\r\n delete apiWebPage.document;\r\n }\r\n var siteName = apiWebPage.site_name;\r\n var shortTitle = apiWebPage.title || apiWebPage.author || siteName || '';\r\n if (siteName && shortTitle == siteName) {\r\n delete apiWebPage.site_name;\r\n }\r\n if (shortTitle.length > 100) {\r\n shortTitle = shortTitle.substr(0, 80) + '...';\r\n }\r\n apiWebPage.rTitle = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(shortTitle, { noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true });\r\n var contextHashtag = '';\r\n if (siteName == 'GitHub') {\r\n var matches = apiWebPage.url.match(/(https?:\\/\\/github\\.com\\/[^\\/]+\\/[^\\/]+)/);\r\n if (matches) {\r\n contextHashtag = matches[0] + '/issues/{1}';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // delete apiWebPage.description\r\n var shortDescriptionText = (apiWebPage.description || '');\r\n if (shortDescriptionText.length > 180) {\r\n shortDescriptionText = shortDescriptionText.substr(0, 150).replace(/(\\n|\\s)+$/, '') + '...';\r\n }\r\n apiWebPage.rDescription = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(shortDescriptionText, {\r\n contextSite: siteName || 'external',\r\n contextHashtag: contextHashtag\r\n });\r\n if (apiWebPage.type != 'photo' &&\r\n apiWebPage.type != 'video' &&\r\n apiWebPage.type != 'gif' &&\r\n apiWebPage.type != 'document' &&\r\n !apiWebPage.description &&\r\n apiWebPage.photo) {\r\n apiWebPage.type = 'photo';\r\n }\r\n if (messageID) {\r\n if (this.pendingWebPages[apiWebPage.id] === undefined) {\r\n this.pendingWebPages[apiWebPage.id] = {};\r\n }\r\n this.pendingWebPages[apiWebPage.id][messageID] = true;\r\n this.webpages[apiWebPage.id] = apiWebPage;\r\n }\r\n if (this.webpages[apiWebPage.id] === undefined) {\r\n this.webpages[apiWebPage.id] = apiWebPage;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n utils_1.safeReplaceObject(this.webpages[apiWebPage.id], apiWebPage);\r\n }\r\n if (!messageID && this.pendingWebPages[apiWebPage.id] !== undefined) {\r\n const msgs = [];\r\n for (let msgID in this.pendingWebPages[apiWebPage.id]) {\r\n msgs.push(+msgID);\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('webpage_updated', {\r\n id: apiWebPage.id,\r\n msgs: msgs\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n getWebPage(id) {\r\n return this.webpages[id];\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = new AppWebPagesManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 56, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appMediaViewer.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMediaViewer.ts", "index": 62, "index2": 61, "size": 49644, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./appMediaViewer", "loc": "19:41-68" }, { "moduleId": 24, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./appMediaViewer", "loc": "47:41-68" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppMediaViewer = void 0;\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst preloader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/preloader\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst mediaPlayer_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mediaPlayer\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../components/misc\");\r\nconst lazyLoadQueue_1 = require(\"../../components/lazyLoadQueue\");\r\nconst appForward_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/appForward\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../config\");\r\nconst appMediaPlaybackController_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/appMediaPlaybackController\"));\r\nconst cancellablePromise_1 = require(\"../../helpers/cancellablePromise\");\r\n// TODO: масштабирование картинок (не SVG) при ресайзе, и правильный возврат на исходную позицию\r\n// TODO: картинки \"обрезаются\" если возвращаются или появляются с места, где есть их перекрытие (топбар, поле ввода)\r\n// TODO: видео в мобильной вёрстке, если показываются элементы управления: если свайпнуть в сторону, то элементы вернутся на место, т.е. прыгнут - это не ок, надо бы замаскировать\r\nclass SwipeHandler {\r\n constructor(element, onSwipe) {\r\n this.onSwipe = onSwipe;\r\n this.handleTouchStart = (evt) => {\r\n // * Fix for seek input\r\n if (evt.target.tagName == 'INPUT') {\r\n this.xDown = this.yDown = null;\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const firstTouch = evt.touches[0];\r\n this.xDown = firstTouch.clientX;\r\n this.yDown = firstTouch.clientY;\r\n };\r\n this.handleTouchMove = (evt) => {\r\n if (this.xDown == null || this.yDown == null) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const xUp = evt.touches[0].clientX;\r\n const yUp = evt.touches[0].clientY;\r\n const xDiff = this.xDown - xUp;\r\n const yDiff = this.yDown - yUp;\r\n // if(Math.abs(xDiff) > Math.abs(yDiff)) { /*most significant*/\r\n // if(xDiff > 0) { /* left swipe */ \r\n // } else { /* right swipe */\r\n // } \r\n // } else {\r\n // if(yDiff > 0) { /* up swipe */ \r\n // } else { /* down swipe */\r\n // }\r\n // }\r\n /* reset values */\r\n if (this.onSwipe(xDiff, yDiff)) {\r\n this.xDown = null;\r\n this.yDown = null;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n element.addEventListener('touchstart', this.handleTouchStart, false);\r\n element.addEventListener('touchmove', this.handleTouchMove, false);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nclass AppMediaViewer {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.wholeDiv = document.querySelector('.media-viewer-whole');\r\n this.overlaysDiv = this.wholeDiv.firstElementChild;\r\n this.author = {\r\n avatarEl: this.overlaysDiv.querySelector('.media-viewer-userpic'),\r\n nameEl: this.overlaysDiv.querySelector('.media-viewer-name'),\r\n date: this.overlaysDiv.querySelector('.media-viewer-date')\r\n };\r\n this.buttons = {};\r\n this.content = {\r\n container: this.overlaysDiv.querySelector('.media-viewer-media'),\r\n caption: this.overlaysDiv.querySelector('.media-viewer-caption'),\r\n mover: null\r\n };\r\n this.currentMessageID = 0;\r\n this.preloader = null;\r\n this.preloaderStreamable = null;\r\n this.lastTarget = null;\r\n this.prevTargets = [];\r\n this.nextTargets = [];\r\n this.peerID = 0;\r\n this.loadMediaPromiseUp = null;\r\n this.loadMediaPromiseDown = null;\r\n this.loadedAllMediaUp = false;\r\n this.loadedAllMediaDown = false;\r\n this.reverse = false; // reverse means next = higher msgid\r\n this.needLoadMore = true;\r\n this.pageEl = document.getElementById('page-chats');\r\n this.onClickDownload = (e) => {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(this.currentMessageID);\r\n if (message.media.photo) {\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhotoFile(message.media.photo);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let document = null;\r\n if (message.media.webpage)\r\n document = message.media.webpage.document;\r\n else\r\n document = message.media.document;\r\n if (document) {\r\n //console.log('will save document:', document);\r\n appDocsManager_1.default.saveDocFile(document);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.onClick = (e) => {\r\n if (this.setMoverAnimationPromise)\r\n return;\r\n const target = e.target;\r\n if (target.tagName == 'A')\r\n return;\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n if (this.highlightSwitchersTimeout) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.highlightSwitchersTimeout);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.wholeDiv.classList.add('highlight-switchers');\r\n }\r\n this.highlightSwitchersTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.wholeDiv.classList.remove('highlight-switchers');\r\n this.highlightSwitchersTimeout = 0;\r\n }, 3e3);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let mover = null;\r\n ['media-viewer-mover', 'media-viewer-buttons', 'media-viewer-author'].find(s => {\r\n try {\r\n mover = utils_1.findUpClassName(target, s);\r\n if (mover)\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if ( /* target == this.mediaViewerDiv */!mover || target.tagName == 'IMG' || target.tagName == 'image') {\r\n this.buttons.close.click();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.onKeyDown = (e) => {\r\n //this.log('onKeyDown', e);\r\n if (e.key == 'ArrowRight') {\r\n this.buttons.next.click();\r\n }\r\n else if (e.key == 'ArrowLeft') {\r\n this.buttons.prev.click();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('AMV');\r\n this.preloader = new preloader_1.default();\r\n this.preloaderStreamable = new preloader_1.default(undefined, false, true);\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue = new lazyLoadQueue_1.LazyLoadQueueBase();\r\n misc_1.parseMenuButtonsTo(this.buttons, this.wholeDiv.querySelectorAll(`[class*='menu']`));\r\n const close = (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n //this.overlaysDiv.classList.remove('active');\r\n this.content.container.innerHTML = '';\r\n /* if(this.content.container.firstElementChild) {\r\n URL.revokeObjectURL((this.content.container.firstElementChild as HTMLImageElement).src);\r\n } */\r\n this.peerID = 0;\r\n this.currentMessageID = 0;\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.clear();\r\n this.setMoverToTarget(this.lastTarget, true);\r\n this.lastTarget = null;\r\n this.prevTargets = [];\r\n this.nextTargets = [];\r\n this.loadedAllMediaUp = this.loadedAllMediaDown = false;\r\n this.loadMediaPromiseUp = this.loadMediaPromiseDown = null;\r\n this.setMoverPromise = null;\r\n if (appForward_1.default.container.classList.contains('active')) {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n appForward_1.default.close();\r\n }, 200);\r\n }\r\n window.removeEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown);\r\n };\r\n [this.buttons.close, this.buttons[\"mobile-close\"], this.preloaderStreamable.preloader].forEach(el => {\r\n el.addEventListener('click', close);\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.prev.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n if (this.setMoverPromise)\r\n return;\r\n let target = this.prevTargets.pop();\r\n if (target) {\r\n this.nextTargets.unshift({ element: this.lastTarget, mid: this.currentMessageID });\r\n this.openMedia(appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(target.mid), target.element);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.buttons.prev.style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.next.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n if (this.setMoverPromise)\r\n return;\r\n let target = this.nextTargets.shift();\r\n if (target) {\r\n this.prevTargets.push({ element: this.lastTarget, mid: this.currentMessageID });\r\n this.openMedia(appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(target.mid), target.element);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.buttons.next.style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n });\r\n [this.buttons.download, this.buttons[\"menu-download\"]].forEach(el => {\r\n el.addEventListener('click', this.onClickDownload);\r\n });\r\n const forward = (e) => {\r\n appForward_1.default.init([this.currentMessageID]);\r\n };\r\n [this.buttons.forward, this.buttons[\"menu-forward\"]].forEach(el => {\r\n el.addEventListener('click', forward);\r\n });\r\n this.wholeDiv.addEventListener('click', this.onClick);\r\n //this.content.mover.addEventListener('click', this.onClickBinded);\r\n //this.content.mover.append(this.buttons.prev, this.buttons.next);\r\n this.setNewMover();\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n const swipeHandler = new SwipeHandler(this.wholeDiv, (xDiff, yDiff) => {\r\n if (mediaPlayer_1.default.isFullScreen()) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //console.log(xDiff, yDiff);\r\n const percents = Math.abs(xDiff) / appPhotosManager_1.default.windowW;\r\n if (percents > .2 || xDiff > 125) {\r\n //console.log('will swipe', xDiff);\r\n if (xDiff < 0) {\r\n this.buttons.prev.click();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.buttons.next.click();\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n const percentsY = Math.abs(yDiff) / appPhotosManager_1.default.windowH;\r\n if (percentsY > .2 || yDiff > 125) {\r\n this.buttons.close.click();\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setMoverToTarget(target, closing = false, fromRight = 0) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const mover = this.content.mover;\r\n if (!target) {\r\n target = this.content.container;\r\n }\r\n if (!closing) {\r\n mover.innerHTML = '';\r\n //mover.append(this.buttons.prev, this.buttons.next);\r\n }\r\n this.removeCenterFromMover(mover);\r\n const wasActive = fromRight !== 0;\r\n const delay = wasActive ? 350 : 200;\r\n //let delay = wasActive ? 350 : 10000;\r\n /* if(wasActive) {\r\n this.moveTheMover(mover);\r\n mover = this.setNewMover();\r\n } */\r\n this.log('setMoverToTarget', target, closing, wasActive, fromRight);\r\n let realParent;\r\n let rect;\r\n if (target) {\r\n if (target instanceof SVGImageElement || target.parentElement instanceof SVGForeignObjectElement) {\r\n realParent = utils_1.findUpClassName(target, 'attachment');\r\n rect = realParent.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n realParent = target.parentElement;\r\n rect = target.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const containerRect = this.content.container.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n let transform = '';\r\n let left;\r\n let top;\r\n if (wasActive) {\r\n left = fromRight === 1 ? appPhotosManager_1.default.windowW : -containerRect.width;\r\n top = containerRect.top;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n left = rect.left;\r\n top = rect.top;\r\n }\r\n transform += `translate3d(${left}px,${top}px,0) `;\r\n /* if(wasActive) {\r\n left = fromRight === 1 ? appPhotosManager.windowW / 2 : -(containerRect.width + appPhotosManager.windowW / 2);\r\n transform += `translate(${left}px,-50%) `;\r\n } else {\r\n left = rect.left - (appPhotosManager.windowW / 2);\r\n top = rect.top - (appPhotosManager.windowH / 2);\r\n transform += `translate(${left}px,${top}px) `;\r\n } */\r\n let aspecter;\r\n if (target instanceof HTMLImageElement || target instanceof HTMLVideoElement || target.tagName == 'DIV') {\r\n if (mover.firstElementChild && mover.firstElementChild.classList.contains('media-viewer-aspecter')) {\r\n aspecter = mover.firstElementChild;\r\n const player = aspecter.querySelector('.ckin__player');\r\n if (player) {\r\n const video = player.firstElementChild;\r\n aspecter.append(video);\r\n player.remove();\r\n }\r\n if (!aspecter.style.cssText) { // всё из-за видео, элементы управления скейлятся, так бы можно было этого не делать\r\n mover.classList.remove('active');\r\n this.setFullAspect(aspecter, containerRect, rect);\r\n void mover.offsetLeft; // reflow\r\n mover.classList.add('active');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n aspecter = document.createElement('div');\r\n aspecter.classList.add('media-viewer-aspecter' /* , 'disable-hover' */);\r\n mover.prepend(aspecter);\r\n }\r\n aspecter.style.cssText = `width: ${rect.width}px; height: ${rect.height}px; transform: scale(${containerRect.width / rect.width}, ${containerRect.height / rect.height});`;\r\n }\r\n mover.style.width = containerRect.width + 'px';\r\n mover.style.height = containerRect.height + 'px';\r\n const scaleX = rect.width / containerRect.width;\r\n const scaleY = rect.height / containerRect.height;\r\n if (!wasActive) {\r\n transform += `scale(${scaleX},${scaleY}) `;\r\n }\r\n let borderRadius = window.getComputedStyle(realParent).getPropertyValue('border-radius');\r\n const brSplitted = utils_1.fillPropertyValue(borderRadius);\r\n borderRadius = brSplitted.map(r => (parseInt(r) / scaleX) + 'px').join(' ');\r\n if (!wasActive) {\r\n mover.style.borderRadius = borderRadius;\r\n }\r\n mover.style.transform = transform;\r\n /* if(wasActive) {\r\n this.log('setMoverToTarget', mover.style.transform);\r\n } */\r\n let path;\r\n const isOut = target.classList.contains('is-out');\r\n const deferred = this.setMoverAnimationPromise = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n const ret = { onAnimationEnd: deferred };\r\n this.setMoverAnimationPromise.then(() => {\r\n this.setMoverAnimationPromise = null;\r\n });\r\n if (!closing) {\r\n let mediaElement;\r\n let src;\r\n if (target.tagName == 'DIV') { // useContainerAsTarget\r\n if (target.firstElementChild) {\r\n mediaElement = new Image();\r\n src = target.firstElementChild.src;\r\n mover.append(mediaElement);\r\n }\r\n /* mediaElement = new Image();\r\n src = target.style.backgroundImage.slice(5, -2); */\r\n }\r\n else if (target instanceof HTMLImageElement) {\r\n mediaElement = new Image();\r\n src = target.src;\r\n }\r\n else if (target instanceof HTMLVideoElement) {\r\n const video = mediaElement = document.createElement('video');\r\n video.src = target === null || target === void 0 ? void 0 : target.src;\r\n }\r\n else if (target instanceof SVGSVGElement) {\r\n const clipID = target.dataset.clipID;\r\n const newClipID = clipID + '-mv';\r\n const { width, height } = containerRect;\r\n const newSvg = document.createElementNS(\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\", \"svg\");\r\n newSvg.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', '' + width);\r\n newSvg.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', '' + height);\r\n // нижние два свойства для масштабирования\r\n newSvg.setAttributeNS(null, 'viewBox', `0 0 ${width} ${height}`);\r\n newSvg.setAttributeNS(null, 'preserveAspectRatio', 'xMidYMid meet');\r\n newSvg.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', target.firstElementChild.outerHTML.replace(clipID, newClipID));\r\n newSvg.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', target.lastElementChild.outerHTML.replace(clipID, newClipID));\r\n // теперь надо выставить новую позицию для хвостика\r\n const defs = newSvg.firstElementChild;\r\n const use = defs.firstElementChild.firstElementChild;\r\n if (use instanceof SVGUseElement) {\r\n let transform = use.getAttributeNS(null, 'transform');\r\n transform = transform.replace(/translate\\((.+?), (.+?)\\) scale\\((.+?), (.+?)\\)/, (match, x, y, sX, sY) => {\r\n x = +x;\r\n if (x != 2) {\r\n x = width - (2 / scaleX);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n x = 2 / scaleX;\r\n }\r\n y = height;\r\n return `translate(${x}, ${y}) scale(${+sX / scaleX}, ${+sY / scaleY})`;\r\n });\r\n use.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', transform);\r\n // и новый RECT\r\n path = defs.firstElementChild.lastElementChild;\r\n // код ниже нужен только чтобы скрыть моргание до момента как сработает таймаут\r\n let d;\r\n const br = borderRadius.split(' ').map(v => parseInt(v));\r\n if (isOut)\r\n d = utils_1.generatePathData(0, 0, width - 9 / scaleX, height, ...br);\r\n else\r\n d = utils_1.generatePathData(9 / scaleX, 0, width - 9 / scaleX, height, ...br);\r\n path.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', d);\r\n }\r\n const foreignObject = newSvg.lastElementChild;\r\n foreignObject.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', '' + containerRect.width);\r\n foreignObject.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', '' + containerRect.height);\r\n mover.prepend(newSvg);\r\n }\r\n if (aspecter) {\r\n aspecter.style.borderRadius = borderRadius;\r\n if (mediaElement) {\r\n aspecter.append(mediaElement);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n mediaElement = mover.querySelector('video, img');\r\n if (mediaElement instanceof HTMLImageElement) {\r\n mediaElement.classList.add('thumbnail');\r\n if (!aspecter) {\r\n mediaElement.style.width = containerRect.width + 'px';\r\n mediaElement.style.height = containerRect.height + 'px';\r\n }\r\n if (src) {\r\n yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n mediaElement.addEventListener('load', resolve);\r\n if (src) {\r\n mediaElement.src = src;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n } /* else if(mediaElement instanceof HTMLVideoElement && mediaElement.firstElementChild && ((mediaElement.firstElementChild as HTMLSourceElement).src || src)) {\r\n await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n mediaElement.addEventListener('loadeddata', resolve);\r\n \r\n if(src) {\r\n (mediaElement.firstElementChild as HTMLSourceElement).src = src;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n } */\r\n mover.style.display = '';\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n mover.classList.add(wasActive ? 'moving' : 'active');\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n /* if(mover.classList.contains('center')) {\r\n mover.classList.remove('center');\r\n void mover.offsetLeft; // reflow\r\n } */\r\n if (target instanceof SVGSVGElement) {\r\n path = mover.querySelector('path');\r\n if (path) {\r\n this.sizeTailPath(path, containerRect, scaleX, delay, false, isOut, borderRadius);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (target.classList.contains('media-viewer-media')) {\r\n mover.classList.add('hiding');\r\n }\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.wholeDiv.classList.remove('active');\r\n }, 0);\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n mover.style.borderRadius = borderRadius;\r\n if (mover.firstElementChild) {\r\n mover.firstElementChild.style.borderRadius = borderRadius;\r\n }\r\n }, delay / 2);\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n mover.innerHTML = '';\r\n mover.classList.remove('moving', 'active', 'hiding');\r\n mover.style.cssText = 'display: none;';\r\n deferred.resolve();\r\n }, delay);\r\n return ret;\r\n }\r\n //await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 0));\r\n yield new Promise((resolve) => window.requestAnimationFrame(resolve));\r\n // чтобы проверить установленную позицию - раскомментировать\r\n //throw '';\r\n mover.style.transform = `translate3d(${containerRect.left}px,${containerRect.top}px,0) scale(1,1)`;\r\n //mover.style.transform = `translate(-50%,-50%) scale(1,1)`;\r\n if (aspecter) {\r\n this.setFullAspect(aspecter, containerRect, rect);\r\n }\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n mover.style.borderRadius = '';\r\n if (mover.firstElementChild) {\r\n mover.firstElementChild.style.borderRadius = '';\r\n }\r\n }, delay / 2);\r\n mover.dataset.timeout = '' + setTimeout(() => {\r\n mover.classList.remove('moving');\r\n if (aspecter) { // всё из-за видео, элементы управления скейлятся, так бы можно было этого не делать\r\n if (mover.querySelector('video') || true) {\r\n mover.classList.remove('active');\r\n aspecter.style.cssText = '';\r\n void mover.offsetLeft; // reflow\r\n }\r\n //aspecter.classList.remove('disable-hover');\r\n }\r\n // эти строки нужны для установки центральной позиции, в случае ресайза это будет нужно\r\n mover.classList.add('center', 'no-transition');\r\n /* mover.style.left = mover.style.top = '50%';\r\n mover.style.transform = 'translate(-50%, -50%)';\r\n void mover.offsetLeft; // reflow */\r\n // это уже нужно для будущих анимаций\r\n mover.classList.add('active');\r\n delete mover.dataset.timeout;\r\n deferred.resolve();\r\n }, delay);\r\n if (path) {\r\n this.sizeTailPath(path, containerRect, scaleX, delay, true, isOut, borderRadius);\r\n }\r\n return ret;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n setFullAspect(aspecter, containerRect, rect) {\r\n /* let media = aspecter.firstElementChild;\r\n let proportion: number;\r\n if(media instanceof HTMLImageElement) {\r\n proportion = media.naturalWidth / media.naturalHeight;\r\n } else if(media instanceof HTMLVideoElement) {\r\n proportion = media.videoWidth / media.videoHeight;\r\n } */\r\n const proportion = containerRect.width / containerRect.height;\r\n let { width, height } = rect;\r\n /* if(proportion == 1) {\r\n aspecter.style.cssText = '';\r\n } else { */\r\n if (proportion > 0) {\r\n width = height * proportion;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n height = width * proportion;\r\n }\r\n //this.log('will set style aspecter:', `width: ${width}px; height: ${height}px; transform: scale(${containerRect.width / width}, ${containerRect.height / height});`);\r\n aspecter.style.cssText = `width: ${width}px; height: ${height}px; transform: scale(${containerRect.width / width}, ${containerRect.height / height});`;\r\n //}\r\n }\r\n sizeTailPath(path, rect, scaleX, delay, upscale, isOut, borderRadius) {\r\n const start = Date.now();\r\n const { width, height } = rect;\r\n delay = delay / 2;\r\n const br = borderRadius.split(' ').map(v => parseInt(v));\r\n const step = () => {\r\n const diff = Date.now() - start;\r\n let progress = diff / delay;\r\n if (progress > 1)\r\n progress = 1;\r\n if (upscale)\r\n progress = 1 - progress;\r\n const _br = br.map(v => v * progress);\r\n let d;\r\n if (isOut)\r\n d = utils_1.generatePathData(0, 0, width - (9 / scaleX * progress), height, ..._br);\r\n else\r\n d = utils_1.generatePathData(9 / scaleX * progress, 0, width /* width - (9 / scaleX * progress) */, height, ..._br);\r\n path.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', d);\r\n if (diff < delay)\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(step);\r\n };\r\n //window.requestAnimationFrame(step);\r\n step();\r\n }\r\n removeCenterFromMover(mover) {\r\n if (mover.classList.contains('center')) {\r\n //const rect = mover.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n const rect = this.content.container.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n mover.style.transform = `translate3d(${rect.left}px,${rect.top}px,0)`;\r\n mover.classList.remove('center');\r\n void mover.offsetLeft; // reflow\r\n mover.classList.remove('no-transition');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n moveTheMover(mover, toLeft = true) {\r\n const windowW = appPhotosManager_1.default.windowW;\r\n this.removeCenterFromMover(mover);\r\n //mover.classList.remove('active');\r\n mover.classList.add('moving');\r\n if (mover.dataset.timeout) { // и это тоже всё из-за скейла видео, так бы это не нужно было\r\n clearTimeout(+mover.dataset.timeout);\r\n }\r\n const rect = mover.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n const newTransform = mover.style.transform.replace(/translate\\((.+?),/, (match, p1) => {\r\n const x = toLeft ? -rect.width : windowW;\r\n //const x = toLeft ? -(rect.right + (rect.width / 2)) : windowW / 2;\r\n return match.replace(p1, x + 'px');\r\n });\r\n ////////this.log('set newTransform:', newTransform, mover.style.transform, toLeft);\r\n mover.style.transform = newTransform;\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n mover.remove();\r\n }, 350);\r\n }\r\n setNewMover() {\r\n const newMover = document.createElement('div');\r\n newMover.classList.add('media-viewer-mover');\r\n if (this.content.mover) {\r\n const oldMover = this.content.mover;\r\n oldMover.parentElement.append(newMover);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.wholeDiv.append(newMover);\r\n }\r\n return this.content.mover = newMover;\r\n }\r\n /* public isElementVisible(container: HTMLElement, target: HTMLElement) {\r\n const rect = container.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n const targetRect = target.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n \r\n return targetRect.bottom > rect.top && targetRect.top < rect.bottom;\r\n } */\r\n // нет смысла делать проверку для reverse и loadMediaPromise\r\n loadMoreMedia(older = true) {\r\n //if(!older && this.reverse) return;\r\n if (older && this.loadedAllMediaDown)\r\n return;\r\n else if (!older && this.loadedAllMediaUp)\r\n return;\r\n if (older && this.loadMediaPromiseDown)\r\n return this.loadMediaPromiseDown;\r\n else if (!older && this.loadMediaPromiseUp)\r\n return this.loadMediaPromiseUp;\r\n const loadCount = 50;\r\n const backLimit = older ? 0 : loadCount;\r\n let maxID = this.currentMessageID;\r\n let anchor;\r\n if (older) {\r\n anchor = this.reverse ? this.prevTargets[0] : this.nextTargets[this.nextTargets.length - 1];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n anchor = this.reverse ? this.nextTargets[this.nextTargets.length - 1] : this.prevTargets[0];\r\n }\r\n if (anchor)\r\n maxID = anchor.mid;\r\n if (!older)\r\n maxID += 1;\r\n const peerID = this.peerID;\r\n const promise = appMessagesManager_1.default.getSearch(peerID, '', { _: 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo' }, maxID, loadCount /* older ? loadCount : 0 */, 0, backLimit).then(value => {\r\n if (this.peerID != peerID) {\r\n this.log.warn('peer changed');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.log('loaded more media by maxID:', maxID, value, older, this.reverse);\r\n if (value.history.length < loadCount) {\r\n /* if(this.reverse) {\r\n if(older) this.loadedAllMediaUp = true;\r\n else this.loadedAllMediaDown = true;\r\n } else { */\r\n if (older)\r\n this.loadedAllMediaDown = true;\r\n else\r\n this.loadedAllMediaUp = true;\r\n //}\r\n }\r\n const method = older ? value.history.forEach : value.history.forEachReverse;\r\n method.call(value.history, mid => {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n const media = message.media;\r\n if (!media || !(media.photo || media.document || (media.webpage && media.webpage.document)))\r\n return;\r\n if (media._ == 'document' && media.type != 'video')\r\n return;\r\n const t = { element: null, mid: mid };\r\n if (older) {\r\n if (this.reverse)\r\n this.prevTargets.unshift(t);\r\n else\r\n this.nextTargets.push(t);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (this.reverse)\r\n this.nextTargets.push(t);\r\n else\r\n this.prevTargets.unshift(t);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.prev.style.display = this.prevTargets.length ? '' : 'none';\r\n this.buttons.next.style.display = this.nextTargets.length ? '' : 'none';\r\n }, () => { }).then(() => {\r\n if (older)\r\n this.loadMediaPromiseDown = null;\r\n else\r\n this.loadMediaPromiseUp = null;\r\n });\r\n if (older)\r\n this.loadMediaPromiseDown = promise;\r\n else\r\n this.loadMediaPromiseUp = promise;\r\n return promise;\r\n }\r\n updateMediaSource(target, url, tagName) {\r\n //if(target instanceof SVGSVGElement) {\r\n const el = target.querySelector(tagName);\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(el, url);\r\n /* } else {\r\n \r\n } */\r\n }\r\n openMedia(message, target, reverse = false, targetContainer, prevTargets = [], nextTargets = [], needLoadMore = true) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (this.setMoverPromise)\r\n return this.setMoverPromise;\r\n this.log('openMedia doc:', message);\r\n const media = message.media.photo || message.media.document || message.media.webpage.document || message.media.webpage.photo;\r\n const isVideo = media.type == 'video' || media.type == 'gif';\r\n const isFirstOpen = !this.peerID;\r\n if (isFirstOpen) {\r\n this.peerID = utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID;\r\n //this.targetContainer = targetContainer;\r\n this.prevTargets = prevTargets;\r\n this.nextTargets = nextTargets;\r\n this.reverse = reverse;\r\n this.needLoadMore = needLoadMore;\r\n //this.loadMore = loadMore;\r\n if (appForward_1.default.container.classList.contains('active')) {\r\n appForward_1.default.close();\r\n yield new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 200));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n /* if(this.nextTargets.length < 10 && this.loadMore) {\r\n this.loadMore();\r\n } */\r\n let fromRight = 0;\r\n if (!isFirstOpen) {\r\n //if(this.lastTarget === prevTarget) {\r\n if (this.reverse)\r\n fromRight = this.currentMessageID < message.mid ? 1 : -1;\r\n else\r\n fromRight = this.currentMessageID > message.mid ? 1 : -1;\r\n }\r\n //if(prevTarget && (!prevTarget.parentElement || !this.isElementVisible(this.targetContainer, prevTarget))) prevTarget = null;\r\n //if(nextTarget && (!nextTarget.parentElement || !this.isElementVisible(this.targetContainer, nextTarget))) nextTarget = null;\r\n this.buttons.prev.style.display = this.prevTargets.length ? '' : 'none';\r\n this.buttons.next.style.display = this.nextTargets.length ? '' : 'none';\r\n const container = this.content.container;\r\n const useContainerAsTarget = !target;\r\n if (useContainerAsTarget)\r\n target = container;\r\n this.currentMessageID = message.mid;\r\n this.lastTarget = target;\r\n if (this.needLoadMore) {\r\n if (this.nextTargets.length < 20) {\r\n this.loadMoreMedia(!this.reverse);\r\n }\r\n if (this.prevTargets.length < 20) {\r\n this.loadMoreMedia(this.reverse);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (container.firstElementChild) {\r\n container.innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n const date = new Date(media.date * 1000);\r\n const months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];\r\n const dateStr = months[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getDate() + ' at ' + date.getHours() + ':' + ('0' + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2);\r\n this.author.date.innerText = dateStr;\r\n const name = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(message.fromID);\r\n this.author.nameEl.innerHTML = name;\r\n if (message.message) {\r\n this.content.caption.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(message.message, {\r\n entities: message.totalEntities\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.content.caption.innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n let oldAvatar = this.author.avatarEl;\r\n this.author.avatarEl = this.author.avatarEl.cloneNode();\r\n this.author.avatarEl.setAttribute('peer', '' + message.fromID);\r\n oldAvatar.parentElement.replaceChild(this.author.avatarEl, oldAvatar);\r\n // ok set\r\n const wasActive = fromRight !== 0;\r\n if (wasActive) {\r\n this.moveTheMover(this.content.mover, fromRight === 1);\r\n this.setNewMover();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n window.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown);\r\n this.wholeDiv.classList.add('active');\r\n }\r\n ////////this.log('wasActive:', wasActive);\r\n const mover = this.content.mover;\r\n //const maxWidth = appPhotosManager.windowW - 16;\r\n const maxWidth = config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile ? this.pageEl.scrollWidth : this.pageEl.scrollWidth - 16;\r\n const maxHeight = appPhotosManager_1.default.windowH - 100;\r\n const size = appPhotosManager_1.default.setAttachmentSize(media, container, maxWidth, maxHeight);\r\n // need after setAttachmentSize\r\n /* if(useContainerAsTarget) {\r\n target = target.querySelector('img, video') || target;\r\n } */\r\n const preloader = media.supportsStreaming ? this.preloaderStreamable : this.preloader;\r\n let setMoverPromise;\r\n if (isVideo) {\r\n ////////this.log('will wrap video', media, size);\r\n // потому что для safari нужно создать элемент из event'а\r\n const video = document.createElement('video');\r\n setMoverPromise = this.setMoverToTarget(target, false, fromRight).then(({ onAnimationEnd }) => {\r\n //return; // set and don't move\r\n //if(wasActive) return;\r\n //return;\r\n const div = mover.firstElementChild && mover.firstElementChild.classList.contains('media-viewer-aspecter') ? mover.firstElementChild : mover;\r\n //const video = mover.querySelector('video') || document.createElement('video');\r\n const moverVideo = mover.querySelector('video');\r\n if (moverVideo) {\r\n moverVideo.remove();\r\n }\r\n //video.src = '';\r\n video.setAttribute('playsinline', '');\r\n if (config_1.isSafari) {\r\n video.autoplay = true;\r\n }\r\n if (media.type == 'gif') {\r\n video.muted = true;\r\n video.autoplay = true;\r\n video.loop = true;\r\n }\r\n if (!video.parentElement) {\r\n div.append(video);\r\n }\r\n const canPlayThrough = new Promise((resolve) => {\r\n video.addEventListener('canplay', resolve, { once: true });\r\n });\r\n const createPlayer = () => {\r\n if (media.type != 'gif') {\r\n video.dataset.ckin = 'default';\r\n video.dataset.overlay = '1';\r\n // fix for simultaneous play\r\n appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.pause();\r\n appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.willBePlayedMedia = null;\r\n Promise.all([canPlayThrough, onAnimationEnd]).then(() => {\r\n const player = new mediaPlayer_1.default(video, true, media.supportsStreaming);\r\n /* div.append(video);\r\n mover.append(player.wrapper); */\r\n });\r\n }\r\n };\r\n if (media.supportsStreaming) {\r\n onAnimationEnd.then(() => {\r\n if (video.readyState < video.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA) {\r\n preloader.attach(mover, true);\r\n }\r\n /* canPlayThrough.then(() => {\r\n preloader.detach();\r\n }); */\r\n });\r\n const attachCanPlay = () => {\r\n video.addEventListener('canplay', () => {\r\n //this.log('video waited and progress loaded');\r\n preloader.detach();\r\n video.parentElement.classList.remove('is-buffering');\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n };\r\n video.addEventListener('waiting', (e) => {\r\n const loading = video.networkState === video.NETWORK_LOADING;\r\n const isntEnoughData = video.readyState < video.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA;\r\n //this.log('video waiting for progress', loading, isntEnoughData);\r\n if (loading && isntEnoughData) {\r\n attachCanPlay();\r\n preloader.attach(mover, true);\r\n // поставлю класс для плеера, чтобы убрать большую иконку пока прелоадер на месте\r\n video.parentElement.classList.add('is-buffering');\r\n }\r\n });\r\n attachCanPlay();\r\n }\r\n //if(!video.src || media.url != video.src) {\r\n const load = () => {\r\n const promise = media.supportsStreaming ? Promise.resolve() : appDocsManager_1.default.downloadDocNew(media);\r\n if (!media.supportsStreaming) {\r\n onAnimationEnd.then(() => {\r\n preloader.attach(mover, true, promise);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n promise.then(() => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (this.currentMessageID != message.mid) {\r\n this.log.warn('media viewer changed video');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const url = media.url;\r\n if (target instanceof SVGSVGElement /* && (video.parentElement || !isSafari) */) { // if video exists\r\n //if(!video.parentElement) {\r\n div.firstElementChild.lastElementChild.append(video);\r\n //}\r\n this.updateMediaSource(mover, url, 'video');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(video, url);\r\n }\r\n createPlayer();\r\n }));\r\n return promise;\r\n };\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.unshift({ load });\r\n //} else createPlayer();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n setMoverPromise = this.setMoverToTarget(target, false, fromRight).then(({ onAnimationEnd }) => {\r\n //return; // set and don't move\r\n //if(wasActive) return;\r\n //return;\r\n const load = () => {\r\n const cancellablePromise = appPhotosManager_1.default.preloadPhoto(media.id, size);\r\n onAnimationEnd.then(() => {\r\n this.preloader.attach(mover, true, cancellablePromise);\r\n });\r\n cancellablePromise.then(() => {\r\n if (this.currentMessageID != message.mid) {\r\n this.log.warn('media viewer changed photo');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n ///////this.log('indochina', blob);\r\n const url = media.url;\r\n if (target instanceof SVGSVGElement) {\r\n this.updateMediaSource(target, url, 'img');\r\n this.updateMediaSource(mover, url, 'img');\r\n if (config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile) {\r\n const imgs = mover.querySelectorAll('img');\r\n if (imgs && imgs.length) {\r\n imgs.forEach(img => {\r\n img.classList.remove('thumbnail'); // может здесь это вообще не нужно\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const div = mover.firstElementChild && mover.firstElementChild.classList.contains('media-viewer-aspecter') ? mover.firstElementChild : mover;\r\n let image = div.firstElementChild;\r\n if (!image || image.tagName != 'IMG') {\r\n image = new Image();\r\n }\r\n //this.log('will renderImageFromUrl:', image, div, target);\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(image, url, () => {\r\n if (config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile) {\r\n image.classList.remove('thumbnail'); // может здесь это вообще не нужно\r\n }\r\n div.append(image);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n this.preloader.detach();\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n this.log.error(err);\r\n });\r\n return cancellablePromise;\r\n };\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.unshift({ load });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return this.setMoverPromise = setMoverPromise.catch(() => {\r\n this.setMoverAnimationPromise = null;\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n this.setMoverPromise = null;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppMediaViewer = AppMediaViewer;\r\nexports.default = new AppMediaViewer();\r\n" }, { "id": 57, "identifier": 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copyright information please follow this link:\r\nhttps://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL\r\n*/\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.Layouter = exports.RectPart = void 0;\r\nexports.RectPart = {\r\n None: 0,\r\n Top: 1,\r\n Right: 2,\r\n Bottom: 4,\r\n Left: 8\r\n};\r\nlet accumulate = (arr, initialValue) => arr.reduce((acc, value) => acc + value, initialValue);\r\n// https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/74d848311b31ef0eb6d2c43a4d30ade8f1d2d9fb/Telegram/SourceFiles/core/utils.h#L128\r\nfunction snap(v, _min, _max) {\r\n return (v < _min) ? _min : ((v > _max) ? _max : v);\r\n}\r\n// https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/4669c07dc5335cbf4795bbbe5b0ab7c007b9aee2/Telegram/SourceFiles/ui/grouped_layout.cpp\r\nclass Layouter {\r\n constructor(sizes, maxWidth, minWidth, spacing, maxHeight = maxWidth) {\r\n this.sizes = sizes;\r\n this.maxWidth = maxWidth;\r\n this.minWidth = minWidth;\r\n this.spacing = spacing;\r\n this.maxHeight = maxHeight;\r\n this.count = sizes.length;\r\n this.ratios = Layouter.countRatios(sizes);\r\n this.proportions = Layouter.countProportions(this.ratios);\r\n this.averageRatio = accumulate(this.ratios, 1) / this.count; // warn\r\n this.maxSizeRatio = maxWidth / this.maxHeight;\r\n }\r\n layout() {\r\n if (!this.count)\r\n return [];\r\n //else if(this.count == 1) return this.layoutOne();\r\n if (this.count >= 5 || this.ratios.find(r => r > 2)) {\r\n return new ComplexLayouter(this.ratios, this.averageRatio, this.maxWidth, this.minWidth, this.spacing).layout();\r\n }\r\n if (this.count == 2)\r\n return this.layoutTwo();\r\n else if (this.count == 3)\r\n return this.layoutThree();\r\n return this.layoutFour();\r\n }\r\n layoutTwo() {\r\n if ((this.proportions == \"ww\")\r\n && (this.averageRatio > 1.4 * this.maxSizeRatio)\r\n && (this.ratios[1] - this.ratios[0] < 0.2)) {\r\n return this.layoutTwoTopBottom();\r\n }\r\n else if (this.proportions == \"ww\" || this.proportions == \"qq\") {\r\n return this.layoutTwoLeftRightEqual();\r\n }\r\n return this.layoutTwoLeftRight();\r\n }\r\n layoutThree() {\r\n //console.log('layoutThree:', this);\r\n if (this.proportions[0] == 'n') {\r\n return this.layoutThreeLeftAndOther();\r\n }\r\n return this.layoutThreeTopAndOther();\r\n }\r\n layoutFour() {\r\n if (this.proportions[0] == 'w') {\r\n return this.layoutFourTopAndOther();\r\n }\r\n return this.layoutFourLeftAndOther();\r\n }\r\n layoutTwoTopBottom() {\r\n const width = this.maxWidth;\r\n const height = Math.round(Math.min(width / this.ratios[0], Math.min(width / this.ratios[1], (this.maxHeight - this.spacing) / 2)));\r\n return [\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: 0, width, height },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Left | exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: height + this.spacing, width, height },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Left | exports.RectPart.Bottom | exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n ];\r\n }\r\n layoutTwoLeftRightEqual() {\r\n const width = (this.maxWidth - this.spacing) / 2;\r\n const height = Math.round(Math.min(width / this.ratios[0], Math.min(width / this.ratios[1], this.maxHeight * 1)));\r\n return [\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: 0, width, height },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Left | exports.RectPart.Bottom\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: width + this.spacing, y: 0, width, height },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Right | exports.RectPart.Bottom\r\n },\r\n ];\r\n }\r\n layoutTwoLeftRight() {\r\n const minimalWidth = Math.round(this.minWidth * 1.5);\r\n const secondWidth = Math.min(Math.round(Math.max(0.4 * (this.maxWidth - this.spacing), (this.maxWidth - this.spacing) / this.ratios[0]\r\n / (1 / this.ratios[0] + 1 / this.ratios[1]))), this.maxWidth - this.spacing - minimalWidth);\r\n const firstWidth = this.maxWidth\r\n - secondWidth\r\n - this.spacing;\r\n const height = Math.min(this.maxHeight, Math.round(Math.min(firstWidth / this.ratios[0], secondWidth / this.ratios[1])));\r\n return [\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: 0, width: firstWidth, height },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Left | exports.RectPart.Bottom\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: firstWidth + this.spacing, y: 0, width: secondWidth, height },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Right | exports.RectPart.Bottom\r\n },\r\n ];\r\n }\r\n layoutThreeLeftAndOther() {\r\n const firstHeight = this.maxHeight;\r\n const thirdHeight = Math.round(Math.min((this.maxHeight - this.spacing) / 2., (this.ratios[1] * (this.maxWidth - this.spacing)\r\n / (this.ratios[2] + this.ratios[1]))));\r\n const secondHeight = firstHeight\r\n - thirdHeight\r\n - this.spacing;\r\n const rightWidth = Math.max(this.minWidth, Math.round(Math.min((this.maxWidth - this.spacing) / 2., Math.min(thirdHeight * this.ratios[2], secondHeight * this.ratios[1]))));\r\n const leftWidth = Math.min(Math.round(firstHeight * this.ratios[0]), this.maxWidth - this.spacing - rightWidth);\r\n return [\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: 0, width: leftWidth, height: firstHeight },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Left | exports.RectPart.Bottom\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: leftWidth + this.spacing, y: 0, width: rightWidth, height: secondHeight },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: leftWidth + this.spacing, y: secondHeight + this.spacing, width: rightWidth, height: thirdHeight },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Bottom | exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n ];\r\n }\r\n layoutThreeTopAndOther() {\r\n const firstWidth = this.maxWidth;\r\n const firstHeight = Math.round(Math.min(firstWidth / this.ratios[0], (this.maxHeight - this.spacing) * 0.66));\r\n const secondWidth = (this.maxWidth - this.spacing) / 2;\r\n const secondHeight = Math.min(this.maxHeight - firstHeight - this.spacing, Math.round(Math.min(secondWidth / this.ratios[1], secondWidth / this.ratios[2])));\r\n const thirdWidth = firstWidth - secondWidth - this.spacing;\r\n return [\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: 0, width: firstWidth, height: firstHeight },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Left | exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: firstHeight + this.spacing, width: secondWidth, height: secondHeight },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Bottom | exports.RectPart.Left\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: secondWidth + this.spacing, y: firstHeight + this.spacing, width: thirdWidth, height: secondHeight },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Bottom | exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n ];\r\n }\r\n layoutFourTopAndOther() {\r\n const w = this.maxWidth;\r\n const h0 = Math.round(Math.min(w / this.ratios[0], (this.maxHeight - this.spacing) * 0.66));\r\n const h = Math.round((this.maxWidth - 2 * this.spacing)\r\n / (this.ratios[1] + this.ratios[2] + this.ratios[3]));\r\n const w0 = Math.max(this.minWidth, Math.round(Math.min((this.maxWidth - 2 * this.spacing) * 0.4, h * this.ratios[1])));\r\n const w2 = Math.round(Math.max(Math.max(this.minWidth * 1., (this.maxWidth - 2 * this.spacing) * 0.33), h * this.ratios[3]));\r\n const w1 = w - w0 - w2 - 2 * this.spacing;\r\n const h1 = Math.min(this.maxHeight - h0 - this.spacing, h);\r\n return [\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: 0, width: w, height: h0 },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Left | exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: h0 + this.spacing, width: w0, height: h1 },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Bottom | exports.RectPart.Left\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: w0 + this.spacing, y: h0 + this.spacing, width: w1, height: h1 },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Bottom,\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: w0 + this.spacing + w1 + this.spacing, y: h0 + this.spacing, width: w2, height: h1 },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Right | exports.RectPart.Bottom\r\n },\r\n ];\r\n }\r\n layoutFourLeftAndOther() {\r\n const h = this.maxHeight;\r\n const w0 = Math.round(Math.min(h * this.ratios[0], (this.maxWidth - this.spacing) * 0.6));\r\n const w = Math.round((this.maxHeight - 2 * this.spacing)\r\n / (1. / this.ratios[1] + 1. / this.ratios[2] + 1. / this.ratios[3]));\r\n const h0 = Math.round(w / this.ratios[1]);\r\n const h1 = Math.round(w / this.ratios[2]);\r\n const h2 = h - h0 - h1 - 2 * this.spacing;\r\n const w1 = Math.max(this.minWidth, Math.min(this.maxWidth - w0 - this.spacing, w));\r\n return [\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: 0, width: w0, height: h },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Left | exports.RectPart.Bottom\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: w0 + this.spacing, y: 0, width: w1, height: h0 },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: w0 + this.spacing, y: h0 + this.spacing, width: w1, height: h1 },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: w0 + this.spacing, y: h0 + h1 + 2 * this.spacing, width: w1, height: h2 },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Bottom | exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n ];\r\n }\r\n static countRatios(sizes) {\r\n return sizes.map(size => size.w / size.h);\r\n }\r\n static countProportions(ratios) {\r\n return ratios.map(ratio => (ratio > 1.2) ? 'w' : (ratio < 0.8) ? 'n' : 'q').join('');\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.Layouter = Layouter;\r\nclass ComplexLayouter {\r\n constructor(ratios, averageRatio, maxWidth, minWidth, spacing, maxHeight = maxWidth * 4 / 3) {\r\n this.averageRatio = averageRatio;\r\n this.maxWidth = maxWidth;\r\n this.minWidth = minWidth;\r\n this.spacing = spacing;\r\n this.maxHeight = maxHeight;\r\n this.ratios = ComplexLayouter.cropRatios(ratios, averageRatio);\r\n this.count = ratios.length;\r\n }\r\n static cropRatios(ratios, averageRatio) {\r\n const kMaxRatio = 2.75;\r\n const kMinRatio = 0.6667;\r\n return ratios.map(ratio => {\r\n return averageRatio > 1.1\r\n ? snap(ratio, 1., kMaxRatio)\r\n : snap(ratio, kMinRatio, 1.);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n layout() {\r\n let result = new Array(this.count);\r\n let attempts = [];\r\n const multiHeight = (offset, count) => {\r\n const ratios = this.ratios.slice(offset, offset + count); // warn\r\n const sum = accumulate(ratios, 0);\r\n return (this.maxWidth - (count - 1) * this.spacing) / sum;\r\n };\r\n const pushAttempt = (lineCounts) => {\r\n let heights = [];\r\n let offset = 0;\r\n for (let count of lineCounts) {\r\n heights.push(multiHeight(offset, count));\r\n offset += count;\r\n }\r\n attempts.push({ lineCounts, heights }); // warn\r\n };\r\n for (let first = 1; first != this.count; ++first) {\r\n const second = this.count - first;\r\n if (first > 3 || second > 3) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n pushAttempt([first, second]);\r\n }\r\n for (let first = 1; first != this.count - 1; ++first) {\r\n for (let second = 1; second != this.count - first; ++second) {\r\n const third = this.count - first - second;\r\n if ((first > 3)\r\n || (second > ((this.averageRatio < 0.85) ? 4 : 3))\r\n || (third > 3)) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n pushAttempt([first, second, third]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n for (let first = 1; first != this.count - 1; ++first) {\r\n for (let second = 1; second != this.count - first; ++second) {\r\n for (let third = 1; third != this.count - first - second; ++third) {\r\n const fourth = this.count - first - second - third;\r\n if (first > 3 || second > 3 || third > 3 || fourth > 3) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n pushAttempt([first, second, third, fourth]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n let optimalAttempt = null;\r\n let optimalDiff = 0;\r\n for (const attempt of attempts) {\r\n const { heights, lineCounts: counts } = attempt;\r\n const lineCount = counts.length;\r\n const totalHeight = accumulate(heights, 0)\r\n + this.spacing * (lineCount - 1);\r\n const minLineHeight = Math.min(...heights);\r\n const maxLineHeight = Math.max(...heights);\r\n const bad1 = (minLineHeight < this.minWidth) ? 1.5 : 1;\r\n const bad2 = (() => {\r\n for (let line = 1; line != lineCount; ++line) {\r\n if (counts[line - 1] > counts[line]) {\r\n return 1.5;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return 1.;\r\n })();\r\n const diff = Math.abs(totalHeight - this.maxHeight) * bad1 * bad2;\r\n if (!optimalAttempt || diff < optimalDiff) {\r\n optimalAttempt = attempt;\r\n optimalDiff = diff;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const optimalCounts = optimalAttempt.lineCounts;\r\n const optimalHeights = optimalAttempt.heights;\r\n const rowCount = optimalCounts.length;\r\n let index = 0;\r\n let y = 0;\r\n for (let row = 0; row != rowCount; ++row) {\r\n const colCount = optimalCounts[row];\r\n const lineHeight = optimalHeights[row];\r\n const height = Math.round(lineHeight);\r\n let x = 0;\r\n for (let col = 0; col != colCount; ++col) {\r\n const sides = exports.RectPart.None\r\n | (row == 0 ? exports.RectPart.Top : exports.RectPart.None)\r\n | (row == rowCount - 1 ? exports.RectPart.Bottom : exports.RectPart.None)\r\n | (col == 0 ? exports.RectPart.Left : exports.RectPart.None)\r\n | (col == colCount - 1 ? exports.RectPart.Right : exports.RectPart.None);\r\n const ratio = this.ratios[index];\r\n const width = (col == colCount - 1)\r\n ? (this.maxWidth - x)\r\n : Math.round(ratio * lineHeight);\r\n result[index] = {\r\n geometry: { x, y, width, height },\r\n sides\r\n };\r\n x += width + this.spacing;\r\n ++index;\r\n }\r\n y += height + this.spacing;\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n" }, { "id": 58, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\poll.ts", "name": "./src/components/poll.ts", "index": 71, "index2": 63, "size": 24245, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\wrappers.ts", "issuerId": 18, "issuerName": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 18, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\wrappers.ts", "name": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1092, "building": 1418, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 18, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\wrappers.ts", "module": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./poll", "loc": "26:31-48" }, { "moduleId": 86, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarRight\\pollResults.ts", "module": "./src/components/sidebarRight/pollResults.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/sidebarRight/pollResults.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../poll", "loc": "28:15-33" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.roundPercents = void 0;\r\nconst appPollsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appPollsManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../lib/config\");\r\nconst appSidebarRight_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight\"));\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nconst serverTimeManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/mtproto/serverTimeManager\"));\r\nconst ripple_1 = require(\"./ripple\");\r\nlet lineTotalLength = 0;\r\nconst tailLength = 9;\r\nconst times = 10;\r\nconst fullTime = 340;\r\nconst oneTime = fullTime / times;\r\nexports.roundPercents = (percents) => {\r\n //console.log('roundPercents before percents:', percents);\r\n const sum = percents.reduce((acc, p) => acc + Math.round(p), 0);\r\n if (sum > 100) {\r\n const diff = sum - 100;\r\n const length = percents.length;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < diff; ++i) {\r\n let minIndex = -1, minRemainder = 1;\r\n for (let k = 0; k < length; ++k) {\r\n let remainder = percents[k] % 1;\r\n if (remainder >= 0.5 && remainder < minRemainder) {\r\n minRemainder = remainder;\r\n minIndex = k;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (minIndex == -1) {\r\n //throw new Error('lol chto');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n percents[minIndex] -= minRemainder;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (sum < 100) {\r\n const diff = 100 - sum;\r\n const length = percents.length;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < diff; ++i) {\r\n let minIndex = -1, maxRemainder = 0;\r\n for (let k = 0; k < length; ++k) {\r\n let remainder = percents[k] % 1;\r\n if (remainder < 0.5 && remainder > maxRemainder) {\r\n maxRemainder = remainder;\r\n minIndex = k;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (minIndex == -1) {\r\n //throw new Error('lol chto');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n percents[minIndex] += 1 - maxRemainder;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //console.log('roundPercents after percents:', percents);\r\n};\r\nconst connectedPolls = [];\r\nutils_1.$rootScope.$on('poll_update', (e) => {\r\n const { poll, results } = e.detail;\r\n //console.log('poll_update', poll, results);\r\n for (const connected of connectedPolls) {\r\n if (connected.id == poll.id) {\r\n const pollElement = connected.element;\r\n pollElement.isClosed = !!poll.pFlags.closed;\r\n pollElement.performResults(results, poll.chosenIndexes);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n});\r\nutils_1.$rootScope.$on('peer_changed', () => {\r\n if (prevQuizHint) {\r\n hideQuizHint(prevQuizHint, prevQuizHintOnHide, prevQuizHintTimeout);\r\n }\r\n});\r\nconst hideQuizHint = (element, onHide, timeout) => {\r\n element.classList.remove('active');\r\n clearTimeout(timeout);\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n onHide();\r\n element.remove();\r\n if (prevQuizHint == element && prevQuizHintOnHide == onHide && prevQuizHintTimeout == timeout) {\r\n prevQuizHint = prevQuizHintOnHide = null;\r\n prevQuizHintTimeout = 0;\r\n }\r\n }, 200);\r\n};\r\nlet prevQuizHint, prevQuizHintOnHide, prevQuizHintTimeout;\r\nconst setQuizHint = (solution, solution_entities, onHide) => {\r\n if (prevQuizHint) {\r\n hideQuizHint(prevQuizHint, prevQuizHintOnHide, prevQuizHintTimeout);\r\n }\r\n const element = document.createElement('div');\r\n element.classList.add('quiz-hint');\r\n const container = document.createElement('div');\r\n container.classList.add('container', 'tgico');\r\n const textEl = document.createElement('div');\r\n textEl.classList.add('text');\r\n container.append(textEl);\r\n element.append(container);\r\n textEl.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(solution, { entities: solution_entities });\r\n appImManager_1.default.bubblesContainer.append(element);\r\n void element.offsetLeft; // reflow\r\n element.classList.add('active');\r\n prevQuizHint = element;\r\n prevQuizHintOnHide = onHide;\r\n prevQuizHintTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n hideQuizHint(element, onHide, prevQuizHintTimeout);\r\n }, config_1.touchSupport ? 5000 : 7000);\r\n};\r\nclass PollElement extends HTMLElement {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super();\r\n this.maxOffset = -46.5;\r\n this.isClosed = false;\r\n this.isQuiz = false;\r\n this.isRetracted = false;\r\n this.isPublic = false;\r\n this.isMultiple = false;\r\n this.chosenIndexes = [];\r\n this.chosingIndexes = [];\r\n this.sentVote = false;\r\n // элемент создан\r\n }\r\n connectedCallback() {\r\n // браузер вызывает этот метод при добавлении элемента в документ\r\n // (может вызываться много раз, если элемент многократно добавляется/удаляется)\r\n if (!lineTotalLength) {\r\n lineTotalLength = document.getElementById('poll-line').getTotalLength();\r\n //console.log('line total length:', lineTotalLength);\r\n }\r\n this.pollID = this.getAttribute('poll-id');\r\n this.mid = +this.getAttribute('message-id');\r\n const { poll, results } = appPollsManager_1.default.getPoll(this.pollID);\r\n connectedPolls.push({ id: this.pollID, element: this });\r\n //console.log('pollElement poll:', poll, results);\r\n let desc = '';\r\n if (poll.pFlags) {\r\n this.isPublic = !!poll.pFlags.public_voters;\r\n this.isQuiz = !!poll.pFlags.quiz;\r\n this.isClosed = !!poll.pFlags.closed;\r\n this.isMultiple = !!poll.pFlags.multiple_choice;\r\n if (this.isClosed) {\r\n desc = 'Final results';\r\n this.classList.add('is-closed');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let type = this.isQuiz ? 'Quiz' : 'Poll';\r\n desc = (this.isPublic ? '' : 'Anonymous ') + type;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const multipleSelect = this.isMultiple ? '' : '';\r\n const votes = poll.answers.map((answer, idx) => {\r\n return `\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n ${multipleSelect}\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n `;\r\n }).join('');\r\n this.innerHTML = `\r\n
\r\n ${votes}\r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n `;\r\n this.descDiv = this.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling;\r\n this.typeDiv = this.descDiv.firstElementChild;\r\n this.avatarsDiv = this.descDiv.lastElementChild;\r\n if (this.isQuiz) {\r\n this.classList.add('is-quiz');\r\n if (poll.close_period && poll.close_date) {\r\n const timeLeftDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n timeLeftDiv.classList.add('poll-time');\r\n this.descDiv.append(timeLeftDiv);\r\n const svg = document.createElementNS(\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\", \"svg\");\r\n //svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'viewBox', '0 0 15 15');\r\n svg.classList.add('poll-quiz-timer');\r\n this.quizTimer = svg;\r\n const strokeWidth = 2;\r\n const radius = 7;\r\n const circumference = 2 * Math.PI * radius;\r\n const circle = document.createElementNS(\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\", \"circle\");\r\n circle.classList.add('poll-quiz-timer-circle');\r\n circle.setAttributeNS(null, 'cx', '16');\r\n circle.setAttributeNS(null, 'cy', '16');\r\n circle.setAttributeNS(null, 'r', '' + radius);\r\n circle.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-width', '' + strokeWidth);\r\n svg.append(circle);\r\n this.descDiv.append(svg);\r\n const period = poll.close_period * 1000;\r\n const closeTime = (poll.close_date - serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset) * 1000;\r\n //console.log('closeTime:', poll.close_date, serverTimeManager.serverTimeOffset, Date.now() / 1000 | 0);\r\n // let time = Date.now();\r\n // let percents = (closeTime - time) / period;\r\n // timeLeftDiv.innerHTML = String((closeTime - time) / 1000 + 1 | 0).toHHMMSS();\r\n // // @ts-ignore\r\n // circle.style.strokeDashoffset = circumference + percents * circumference;\r\n // circle.style.strokeDasharray = ${circumference} ${circumference};\r\n this.quizInterval = window.setInterval(() => {\r\n const time = Date.now();\r\n const percents = (closeTime - time) / period;\r\n const timeLeft = (closeTime - time) / 1000 + 1 | 0;\r\n timeLeftDiv.innerHTML = String(timeLeft).toHHMMSS();\r\n if (timeLeft <= 5) {\r\n timeLeftDiv.style.color = '#ee545c';\r\n circle.style.stroke = '#ee545c';\r\n }\r\n //timeLeftDiv.style.visibility = 'visible';\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n circle.style.strokeDashoffset = circumference + percents * circumference;\r\n circle.style.strokeDasharray = `${circumference} ${circumference}`;\r\n if (time >= closeTime) {\r\n clearInterval(this.quizInterval);\r\n timeLeftDiv.innerHTML = '';\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n circle.style.strokeDashoffset = circumference;\r\n this.quizInterval = 0;\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n // нужно запросить апдейт чтобы опрос обновился\r\n appPollsManager_1.default.getResults(this.mid);\r\n }, 3e3);\r\n }\r\n }, 1e3);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.answerDivs = Array.from(this.querySelectorAll('.poll-answer'));\r\n this.svgLines = Array.from(this.querySelectorAll('.poll-line'));\r\n this.numberDivs = Array.from(this.querySelectorAll('.poll-answer-percents'));\r\n const footerDiv = this.lastElementChild;\r\n this.viewResults = footerDiv.firstElementChild;\r\n this.votersCountDiv = footerDiv.lastElementChild;\r\n this.viewResults.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.pollResultsTab.init(this.pollID, this.mid);\r\n });\r\n ripple_1.ripple(this.viewResults);\r\n if (this.isMultiple) {\r\n this.sendVoteBtn = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.sendVoteBtn.classList.add('poll-footer-button', 'poll-send-vote');\r\n this.sendVoteBtn.innerText = 'Vote';\r\n ripple_1.ripple(this.sendVoteBtn);\r\n if (!poll.chosenIndexes.length) {\r\n this.votersCountDiv.classList.add('hide');\r\n }\r\n this.sendVoteBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n /* const indexes = this.answerDivs.filter(el => el.classList.contains('is-chosing')).map(el => +el.dataset.index);\r\n if(indexes.length) {\r\n \r\n } */\r\n if (this.chosingIndexes.length) {\r\n this.sendVotes(this.chosingIndexes).then(() => {\r\n this.chosingIndexes.length = 0;\r\n this.answerDivs.forEach(el => {\r\n el.classList.remove('is-chosing');\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n footerDiv.append(this.sendVoteBtn);\r\n }\r\n const width = this.getBoundingClientRect().width;\r\n this.maxLength = width + tailLength + this.maxOffset + -13.7; // 13 - position left\r\n if (poll.chosenIndexes.length || this.isClosed) {\r\n this.performResults(results, poll.chosenIndexes);\r\n }\r\n else if (!this.isClosed) {\r\n this.setVotersCount(results);\r\n this.addEventListener('click', this.clickHandler);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n disconnectedCallback() {\r\n // браузер вызывает этот метод при удалении элемента из документа\r\n // (может вызываться много раз, если элемент многократно добавляется/удаляется)\r\n connectedPolls.findAndSplice(c => c.element == this);\r\n }\r\n static get observedAttributes() {\r\n return ['poll-id', 'message-id' /* массив имён атрибутов для отслеживания их изменений */];\r\n }\r\n attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {\r\n // вызывается при изменении одного из перечисленных выше атрибутов\r\n if (name == 'poll-id') {\r\n this.pollID = newValue;\r\n }\r\n else if (name == 'message-id') {\r\n this.mid = +newValue;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n adoptedCallback() {\r\n // вызывается, когда элемент перемещается в новый документ\r\n // (происходит в document.adoptNode, используется очень редко)\r\n }\r\n initQuizHint(results) {\r\n if (results.solution && results.solution_entities) {\r\n const toggleHint = document.createElement('div');\r\n toggleHint.classList.add('tgico-tip', 'poll-hint');\r\n this.descDiv.append(toggleHint);\r\n //let active = false;\r\n toggleHint.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n //active = true;\r\n toggleHint.classList.add('active');\r\n setQuizHint(results.solution, results.solution_entities, () => {\r\n //active = false;\r\n toggleHint.classList.remove('active');\r\n });\r\n });\r\n if (this.sentVote) {\r\n const correctResult = results.results.find(r => r.pFlags.correct);\r\n if (correctResult && !correctResult.pFlags.chosen) {\r\n toggleHint.click();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n clickHandler(e) {\r\n const target = utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'poll-answer');\r\n if (!target) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const answerIndex = +target.dataset.index;\r\n if (this.isMultiple) {\r\n target.classList.toggle('is-chosing');\r\n const foundIndex = this.chosingIndexes.indexOf(answerIndex);\r\n if (foundIndex !== -1) {\r\n this.chosingIndexes.splice(foundIndex, 1);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.chosingIndexes.push(answerIndex);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.sendVotes([answerIndex]);\r\n }\r\n /* target.classList.add('is-voting');\r\n setTimeout(() => { // simulate\r\n this.setResults([100, 0], answerIndex);\r\n target.classList.remove('is-voting');\r\n }, 1000); */\r\n }\r\n sendVotes(indexes) {\r\n if (this.sendVotePromise)\r\n return this.sendVotePromise;\r\n const targets = this.answerDivs.filter((_, idx) => indexes.includes(idx));\r\n targets.forEach(target => {\r\n target.classList.add('is-voting');\r\n });\r\n this.classList.add('disable-hover');\r\n this.sentVote = true;\r\n return this.sendVotePromise = appPollsManager_1.default.sendVote(this.mid, indexes).then(() => {\r\n targets.forEach(target => {\r\n target.classList.remove('is-voting');\r\n });\r\n this.classList.remove('disable-hover');\r\n }).catch(() => {\r\n this.sentVote = false;\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n this.sendVotePromise = null;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n performResults(results, chosenIndexes) {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n if (this.isQuiz && (((_a = results.results) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) || this.isClosed)) {\r\n this.answerDivs.forEach((el, idx) => {\r\n el.classList.toggle('is-correct', !!results.results[idx].pFlags.correct);\r\n });\r\n if (this.initQuizHint) {\r\n this.initQuizHint(results);\r\n this.initQuizHint = null;\r\n }\r\n if (this.quizInterval) {\r\n clearInterval(this.quizInterval);\r\n this.quizInterval = 0;\r\n }\r\n if ((_b = this.quizTimer) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.parentElement) {\r\n this.quizTimer.remove();\r\n }\r\n const timeEl = this.descDiv.querySelector('.poll-time');\r\n if (timeEl) {\r\n timeEl.remove();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (this.isClosed) {\r\n this.classList.add('is-closed');\r\n this.typeDiv.innerText = 'Final results';\r\n }\r\n // set chosen\r\n if (this.chosenIndexes.length != chosenIndexes.length || this.isClosed) { // if we voted\r\n this.isRetracted = this.chosenIndexes.length && !chosenIndexes.length;\r\n this.chosenIndexes = chosenIndexes.slice();\r\n if (this.isRetracted) {\r\n this.addEventListener('click', this.clickHandler);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.removeEventListener('click', this.clickHandler);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // is need update\r\n if (this.chosenIndexes.length || this.isRetracted || this.isClosed) {\r\n const percents = results.results.map(v => results.total_voters ? v.voters / results.total_voters * 100 : 0);\r\n this.setResults(this.isRetracted ? this.percents : percents, this.chosenIndexes);\r\n this.percents = percents;\r\n this.isRetracted = false;\r\n }\r\n this.setVotersCount(results);\r\n if (this.isPublic) {\r\n if (!this.isMultiple) {\r\n this.viewResults.classList.toggle('hide', !results.total_voters || !this.chosenIndexes.length);\r\n this.votersCountDiv.classList.toggle('hide', !!this.chosenIndexes.length);\r\n }\r\n let html = '';\r\n /**\r\n * MACOS, ANDROID - без реверса\r\n * WINDOWS DESKTOP - реверс\r\n * все приложения накладывают аватарку первую на вторую, а в макете зато вторая на первую, ЛОЛ!\r\n */\r\n results.recent_voters /* .slice().reverse() */.forEach((userID, idx) => {\r\n const style = idx == 0 ? '' : `style=\"transform: translateX(-${idx * 3}px);\"`;\r\n html += ``;\r\n });\r\n this.avatarsDiv.innerHTML = html;\r\n }\r\n if (this.isMultiple) {\r\n this.sendVoteBtn.classList.toggle('hide', !!this.chosenIndexes.length);\r\n if (!this.chosenIndexes.length) {\r\n this.votersCountDiv.classList.add('hide');\r\n this.viewResults.classList.add('hide');\r\n }\r\n else if (this.isPublic) {\r\n this.viewResults.classList.toggle('hide', !results.total_voters || !this.chosenIndexes.length);\r\n this.votersCountDiv.classList.toggle('hide', !!this.chosenIndexes.length);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.votersCountDiv.classList.toggle('hide', !this.chosenIndexes.length);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setResults(percents, chosenIndexes) {\r\n this.svgLines.forEach(svg => svg.style.display = '');\r\n this.answerDivs.forEach((el, idx) => {\r\n el.classList.toggle('is-chosen', chosenIndexes.includes(idx));\r\n });\r\n const maxValue = Math.max(...percents);\r\n this.maxLengths = percents.map(p => p / maxValue * this.maxLength);\r\n // line\r\n if (this.isRetracted) {\r\n this.svgLines.forEach((svg, idx) => {\r\n this.setLineProgress(idx, -1);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.svgLines.forEach((svg, idx) => {\r\n void svg.getBoundingClientRect(); // reflow\r\n this.setLineProgress(idx, 1);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n percents = percents.slice();\r\n exports.roundPercents(percents);\r\n // numbers\r\n if (this.isRetracted) {\r\n for (let i = (times - 1), k = 0; i >= 0; --i, ++k) {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n percents.forEach((percents, idx) => {\r\n const value = Math.round(percents / times * i);\r\n this.numberDivs[idx].innerText = value + '%';\r\n });\r\n }, oneTime * k);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < times; ++i) {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n percents.forEach((percents, idx) => {\r\n const value = Math.round(percents / times * (i + 1));\r\n this.numberDivs[idx].innerText = value + '%';\r\n });\r\n }, oneTime * i);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (this.isRetracted) {\r\n this.classList.add('is-retracting');\r\n this.classList.remove('is-voted');\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.classList.remove('is-retracting');\r\n this.svgLines.forEach(svg => svg.style.display = 'none');\r\n }, fullTime);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.classList.add('is-voted');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setVotersCount(results) {\r\n const votersCount = results.total_voters || 0;\r\n const votersOrAnswers = this.isQuiz ? (votersCount > 1 || !votersCount ? 'answers' : 'answer') : (votersCount > 1 || !votersCount ? 'votes' : 'vote');\r\n this.votersCountDiv.innerText = `${results.total_voters ? results.total_voters + ' ' + votersOrAnswers : 'No ' + votersOrAnswers}`;\r\n }\r\n setLineProgress(index, percents) {\r\n const svg = this.svgLines[index];\r\n if (percents == -1) {\r\n svg.style.strokeDasharray = '';\r\n svg.style.strokeDashoffset = '';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n svg.style.strokeDasharray = (percents * this.maxLengths[index]) + ', 485.9';\r\n svg.style.strokeDashoffset = '' + percents * this.maxOffset;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = PollElement;\r\ncustomElements.define(\"poll-element\", PollElement);\r\n" }, { "id": 59, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\helpers\\blob.ts", "name": "./src/helpers/blob.ts", "index": 73, "index2": 65, "size": 413, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": 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true });\r\nconst horizontalMenu_1 = require(\"./horizontalMenu\");\r\nconst TRANSITIONTIME = 250;\r\nclass SidebarSlider {\r\n constructor(sidebarEl, tabs) {\r\n this.sidebarEl = sidebarEl;\r\n this.tabs = tabs;\r\n this.historyTabIDs = [];\r\n this._selectTab = horizontalMenu_1.horizontalMenu(null, this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.sidebar-slider'), null, null, TRANSITIONTIME);\r\n this._selectTab(0);\r\n let onCloseBtnClick = () => {\r\n //console.log('sidebar-close-button click:', this.historyTabIDs);\r\n let closingID = this.historyTabIDs.pop(); // pop current\r\n this.onCloseTab(closingID);\r\n this._selectTab(this.historyTabIDs[this.historyTabIDs.length - 1] || 0);\r\n };\r\n Array.from(this.sidebarEl.querySelectorAll('.sidebar-close-button')).forEach(el => {\r\n el.addEventListener('click', onCloseBtnClick);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n selectTab(id) {\r\n if (this.historyTabIDs[this.historyTabIDs.length - 1] == id) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const tab = this.tabs[id];\r\n if (tab) {\r\n if (tab.onOpen) {\r\n tab.onOpen();\r\n }\r\n if (tab.onOpenAfterTimeout) {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n tab.onOpenAfterTimeout();\r\n }, TRANSITIONTIME);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.historyTabIDs.push(id);\r\n this._selectTab(id);\r\n }\r\n removeTabFromHistory(id) {\r\n this.historyTabIDs.findAndSplice(i => i == id);\r\n this.onCloseTab(id);\r\n }\r\n onCloseTab(id) {\r\n let tab = this.tabs[id];\r\n if (tab) {\r\n if (tab.onClose) {\r\n tab.onClose();\r\n }\r\n if (tab.onCloseAfterTimeout) {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n tab.onCloseAfterTimeout();\r\n }, TRANSITIONTIME);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = SidebarSlider;\r\n" }, { "id": 61, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\popupStickers.ts", "name": "./src/components/popupStickers.ts", "index": 79, "index2": 71, "size": 5430, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": 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"31:40-67" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst popup_1 = require(\"./popup\");\r\nconst appStickersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appStickersManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst wrappers_1 = require(\"./wrappers\");\r\nconst lazyLoadQueue_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./lazyLoadQueue\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"./misc\");\r\nconst animationIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./animationIntersector\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nclass PopupStickers extends popup_1.PopupElement {\r\n constructor(stickerSetInput) {\r\n super('popup-stickers', null, { closable: true, body: true });\r\n this.stickerSetInput = stickerSetInput;\r\n this.onFooterClick = () => {\r\n this.stickersFooter.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n appStickersManager_1.default.toggleStickerSet(this.set).then(() => {\r\n this.closeBtn.click();\r\n }).catch(() => {\r\n this.stickersFooter.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n });\r\n };\r\n this.onStickersClick = (e) => {\r\n const target = utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'sticker-set-sticker');\r\n if (!target)\r\n return;\r\n const fileID = target.dataset.docID;\r\n if (appImManager_1.default.chatInputC.sendMessageWithDocument(fileID)) {\r\n this.closeBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n console.warn('got no doc by id:', fileID);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.h6 = document.createElement('h6');\r\n this.h6.innerText = 'Loading...';\r\n this.header.append(this.h6);\r\n this.onClose = () => {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(false);\r\n this.stickersFooter.removeEventListener('click', this.onFooterClick);\r\n this.stickersDiv.removeEventListener('click', this.onStickersClick);\r\n this.element.removeEventListener('click', onOverlayClick);\r\n };\r\n this.onCloseAfterTimeout = () => {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(undefined, 'STICKERS-POPUP');\r\n };\r\n const onOverlayClick = (e) => {\r\n if (!utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'popup-container')) {\r\n this.closeBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.element.addEventListener('click', onOverlayClick);\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('sticker-set');\r\n this.stickersDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.stickersDiv.classList.add('sticker-set-stickers');\r\n misc_1.putPreloader(this.stickersDiv);\r\n this.stickersFooter = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.stickersFooter.classList.add('sticker-set-footer');\r\n div.append(this.stickersDiv);\r\n this.stickersFooter.innerText = 'Loading...';\r\n this.body.append(div);\r\n const scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.body, 'y', undefined);\r\n this.body.append(this.stickersFooter);\r\n // const editButton = document.createElement('button');\r\n // editButton.classList.add('btn-primary');\r\n // this.stickersFooter.append(editButton);\r\n this.loadStickerSet();\r\n }\r\n loadStickerSet() {\r\n return appStickersManager_1.default.getStickerSet(this.stickerSetInput).then(set => {\r\n //console.log('PopupStickers loadStickerSet got set:', set);\r\n this.set = set.set;\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(true);\r\n this.h6.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(set.set.title);\r\n !set.set.installed_date ? this.stickersFooter.classList.add('add') : this.stickersFooter.classList.remove('add');\r\n this.stickersFooter.innerHTML = set.set.hasOwnProperty('installed_date') ? '
Remove stickers
' : ``;\r\n this.stickersFooter.addEventListener('click', this.onFooterClick);\r\n if (set.documents.length) {\r\n this.stickersDiv.addEventListener('click', this.onStickersClick);\r\n }\r\n const lazyLoadQueue = new lazyLoadQueue_1.default();\r\n this.stickersDiv.innerHTML = '';\r\n for (let doc of set.documents) {\r\n if (doc._ == 'documentEmpty') {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('sticker-set-sticker');\r\n wrappers_1.wrapSticker({\r\n doc,\r\n div,\r\n lazyLoadQueue,\r\n group: 'STICKERS-POPUP',\r\n play: true,\r\n loop: true,\r\n width: 80,\r\n height: 80\r\n });\r\n this.stickersDiv.append(div);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = PopupStickers;\r\n" }, { "id": 62, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\AppInlineBotsManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/AppInlineBotsManager.ts", "index": 82, 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarRight\\gifs.ts", "module": "./src/components/sidebarRight/gifs.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/sidebarRight/gifs.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../lib/appManagers/AppInlineBotsManager", "loc": "39:47-100" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppInlineBotsManager = void 0;\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../appManagers/appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appMessagesIDsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesIDsManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst toast_1 = require(\"../../components/toast\");\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDocsManager\"));\r\nclass AppInlineBotsManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.inlineResults = {};\r\n /* function gameButtonClick (id) {\r\n var message = AppMessagesManager.getMessage(id)\r\n var peerID = AppMessagesManager.getMessagePeer(message)\r\n \r\n return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('messages.getBotCallbackAnswer', {\r\n flags: 2,\r\n peer: AppPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n msg_id: AppMessagesIDsManager.getMessageLocalID(id)\r\n }, {timeout: 1, stopTime: -1, noErrorBox: true}).then(function (callbackAnswer) {\r\n if (typeof callbackAnswer.message === 'string' &&\r\n callbackAnswer.message.length) {\r\n showCallbackMessage(callbackAnswer.message, callbackAnswer.pFlags.alert)\r\n }\r\n else if (typeof callbackAnswer.url === 'string') {\r\n AppGamesManager.openGame(message.media.game.id, id, callbackAnswer.url)\r\n }\r\n })\r\n }\r\n \r\n function sendInlineResult (peerID, qID, options) {\r\n var inlineResult = inlineResults[qID]\r\n if (inlineResult === undefined) {\r\n return false\r\n }\r\n pushPopularBot(inlineResult.botID)\r\n var splitted = qID.split('_')\r\n var queryID = splitted.shift()\r\n var resultID = splitted.join('_')\r\n options = options || {}\r\n options.viaBotID = inlineResult.botID\r\n options.queryID = queryID\r\n options.resultID = resultID\r\n if (inlineResult.send_message.reply_markup) {\r\n options.reply_markup = inlineResult.send_message.reply_markup\r\n }\r\n \r\n if (inlineResult.send_message._ == 'botInlineMessageText') {\r\n options.entities = inlineResult.send_message.entities\r\n AppMessagesManager.sendText(peerID, inlineResult.send_message.message, options)\r\n } else {\r\n var caption = ''\r\n var inputMedia = false\r\n switch (inlineResult.send_message._) {\r\n case 'botInlineMessageMediaAuto':\r\n caption = inlineResult.send_message.caption\r\n if (inlineResult._ == 'botInlineMediaResult') {\r\n var doc = inlineResult.document\r\n var photo = inlineResult.photo\r\n if (doc) {\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaDocument',\r\n id: {_: 'inputDocument', id: doc.id, access_hash: doc.access_hash},\r\n caption: caption\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaPhoto',\r\n id: {_: 'inputPhoto', id: photo.id, access_hash: photo.access_hash},\r\n caption: caption\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break\r\n \r\n case 'botInlineMessageMediaGeo':\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaGeoPoint',\r\n geo_point: {\r\n _: 'inputGeoPoint',\r\n 'lat': inlineResult.send_message.geo['lat'],\r\n 'long': inlineResult.send_message.geo['long']\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break\r\n \r\n case 'botInlineMessageMediaVenue':\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaVenue',\r\n geo_point: {\r\n _: 'inputGeoPoint',\r\n 'lat': inlineResult.send_message.geo['lat'],\r\n 'long': inlineResult.send_message.geo['long']\r\n },\r\n title: inlineResult.send_message.title,\r\n address: inlineResult.send_message.address,\r\n provider: inlineResult.send_message.provider,\r\n venue_id: inlineResult.send_message.venue_id\r\n }\r\n break\r\n \r\n case 'botInlineMessageMediaContact':\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaContact',\r\n phone_number: inlineResult.send_message.phone_number,\r\n first_name: inlineResult.send_message.first_name,\r\n last_name: inlineResult.send_message.last_name\r\n }\r\n break\r\n }\r\n if (!inputMedia) {\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaPending',\r\n type: inlineResult.type,\r\n file_name: inlineResult.title || inlineResult.content_url || inlineResult.url,\r\n size: 0,\r\n progress: {percent: 30, total: 0}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n AppMessagesManager.sendOther(peerID, inputMedia, options)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n function checkGeoLocationAccess (botID) {\r\n var key = 'bot_access_geo' + botID\r\n return Storage.get(key).then(function (geoAccess) {\r\n if (geoAccess && geoAccess.granted) {\r\n return true\r\n }\r\n return ErrorService.confirm({\r\n type: 'BOT_ACCESS_GEO_INLINE'\r\n }).then(function () {\r\n var setHash = {}\r\n setHash[key] = {granted: true, time: tsNow()}\r\n Storage.set(setHash)\r\n return true\r\n }, function () {\r\n var setHash = {}\r\n setHash[key] = {denied: true, time: tsNow()}\r\n Storage.set(setHash)\r\n return $q.reject()\r\n })\r\n })\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n getInlineResults(peerID, botID, query = '', offset = '', geo) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getInlineBotResults', {\r\n flags: 0 | (geo ? 1 : 0),\r\n bot: appUsersManager_1.default.getUserInput(botID),\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n query: query,\r\n geo_point: geo && { _: 'inputGeoPoint', lat: geo['lat'], long: geo['long'] },\r\n offset\r\n }, { /* timeout: 1, */ stopTime: -1, noErrorBox: true }).then(botResults => {\r\n const queryID = botResults.query_id;\r\n /* delete botResults._;\r\n delete botResults.flags;\r\n delete botResults.query_id; */\r\n /* if(botResults.switch_pm) {\r\n botResults.switch_pm.rText = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(botResults.switch_pm.text, {noLinebreaks: true, noLinks: true});\r\n } */\r\n botResults.results.forEach(result => {\r\n const qID = queryID + '_' + result.id;\r\n /* result.qID = qID;\r\n result.botID = botID;\r\n \r\n result.rTitle = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(result.title, {noLinebreaks: true, noLinks: true});\r\n result.rDescription = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(result.description, {noLinebreaks: true, noLinks: true});\r\n result.initials = ((result as botInlineResult).url || result.title || result.type || '').substr(0, 1); */\r\n if (result._ == 'botInlineMediaResult') {\r\n if (result.document) {\r\n result.document = appDocsManager_1.default.saveDoc(result.document);\r\n }\r\n if (result.photo) {\r\n result.photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(result.photo);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.inlineResults[qID] = result;\r\n });\r\n return botResults;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n /* function getPopularBots () {\r\n return Storage.get('inline_bots_popular').then(function (bots) {\r\n var result = []\r\n var i, len\r\n var userID\r\n if (bots && bots.length) {\r\n var now = tsNow(true)\r\n for (i = 0, len = bots.length; i < len; i++) {\r\n if ((now - bots[i][3]) > 14 * 86400) {\r\n continue\r\n }\r\n userID = bots[i][0]\r\n if (!AppUsersManager.hasUser(userID)) {\r\n AppUsersManager.saveApiUser(bots[i][1])\r\n }\r\n result.push({id: userID, rate: bots[i][2], date: bots[i][3]})\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return result\r\n })\r\n }\r\n \r\n function pushPopularBot (id) {\r\n getPopularBots().then(function (bots) {\r\n var exists = false\r\n var count = bots.length\r\n var result = []\r\n for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {\r\n if (bots[i].id == id) {\r\n exists = true\r\n bots[i].rate++\r\n bots[i].date = tsNow(true)\r\n }\r\n var user = AppUsersManager.getUser(bots[i].id)\r\n result.push([bots[i].id, user, bots[i].rate, bots[i].date])\r\n }\r\n if (exists) {\r\n result.sort(function (a, b) {\r\n return b[2] - a[2]\r\n })\r\n } else {\r\n if (result.length > 15) {\r\n result = result.slice(0, 15)\r\n }\r\n result.push([id, AppUsersManager.getUser(id), 1, tsNow(true)])\r\n }\r\n ConfigStorage.set({inline_bots_popular: result})\r\n \r\n $rootScope.$broadcast('inline_bots_popular')\r\n })\r\n }\r\n \r\n function resolveInlineMention (username) {\r\n return AppPeersManager.resolveUsername(username).then(function (peerID) {\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n var bot = AppUsersManager.getUser(peerID)\r\n if (bot.pFlags.bot && bot.bot_inline_placeholder !== undefined) {\r\n var resolvedBot = {\r\n username: username,\r\n id: peerID,\r\n placeholder: bot.bot_inline_placeholder\r\n }\r\n if (bot.pFlags.bot_inline_geo &&\r\n GeoLocationManager.isAvailable()) {\r\n return checkGeoLocationAccess(peerID).then(function () {\r\n return GeoLocationManager.getPosition().then(function (coords) {\r\n resolvedBot.geo = coords\r\n return qSync.when(resolvedBot)\r\n })\r\n })['catch'](function () {\r\n return qSync.when(resolvedBot)\r\n })\r\n }\r\n return qSync.when(resolvedBot)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return $q.reject()\r\n }, function (error) {\r\n error.handled = true\r\n return $q.reject(error)\r\n })\r\n }\r\n \r\n function regroupWrappedResults (results, rowW, rowH) {\r\n if (!results ||\r\n !results[0] ||\r\n ['photo', 'gif', 'sticker'].indexOf(results[0].type) == -1) {\r\n return\r\n }\r\n var ratios = []\r\n angular.forEach(results, function (result) {\r\n var w\r\n var h, doc\r\n var photo\r\n if (result._ == 'botInlineMediaResult') {\r\n if (doc = result.document) {\r\n w = result.document.w\r\n h = result.document.h\r\n }\r\n else if (photo = result.photo) {\r\n var photoSize = (photo.sizes || [])[0]\r\n w = photoSize && photoSize.w\r\n h = photoSize && photoSize.h\r\n }\r\n }else {\r\n w = result.w\r\n h = result.h\r\n }\r\n if (!w || !h) {\r\n w = h = 1\r\n }\r\n ratios.push(w / h)\r\n })\r\n \r\n var rows = []\r\n var curCnt = 0\r\n var curW = 0\r\n angular.forEach(ratios, function (ratio) {\r\n var w = ratio * rowH\r\n curW += w\r\n if (!curCnt || curCnt < 4 && curW < (rowW * 1.1)) {\r\n curCnt++\r\n } else {\r\n rows.push(curCnt)\r\n curCnt = 1\r\n curW = w\r\n }\r\n })\r\n if (curCnt) {\r\n rows.push(curCnt)\r\n }\r\n \r\n var i = 0\r\n var thumbs = []\r\n var lastRowI = rows.length - 1\r\n angular.forEach(rows, function (rowCnt, rowI) {\r\n var lastRow = rowI == lastRowI\r\n var curRatios = ratios.slice(i, i + rowCnt)\r\n var sumRatios = 0\r\n angular.forEach(curRatios, function (ratio) {\r\n sumRatios += ratio\r\n })\r\n angular.forEach(curRatios, function (ratio, j) {\r\n var thumbH = rowH\r\n var thumbW = rowW * ratio / sumRatios\r\n var realW = thumbH * ratio\r\n if (lastRow && thumbW > realW) {\r\n thumbW = realW\r\n }\r\n var result = results[i + j]\r\n result.thumbW = Math.floor(thumbW) - 2\r\n result.thumbH = Math.floor(thumbH) - 2\r\n })\r\n \r\n i += rowCnt\r\n })\r\n }\r\n \r\n function switchToPM (fromPeerID, botID, startParam) {\r\n var peerString = AppPeersManager.getPeerString(fromPeerID)\r\n var setHash = {}\r\n setHash['inline_switch_pm' + botID] = {peer: peerString, time: tsNow()}\r\n Storage.set(setHash)\r\n $rootScope.$broadcast('history_focus', {peerString: AppPeersManager.getPeerString(botID)})\r\n AppMessagesManager.startBot(botID, 0, startParam)\r\n }\r\n \r\n function checkSwitchReturn (botID) {\r\n var bot = AppUsersManager.getUser(botID)\r\n if (!bot || !bot.pFlags.bot || !bot.bot_inline_placeholder) {\r\n return qSync.when(false)\r\n }\r\n var key = 'inline_switch_pm' + botID\r\n return Storage.get(key).then(function (peerData) {\r\n if (peerData) {\r\n Storage.remove(key)\r\n if (tsNow() - peerData.time < 3600000) {\r\n return peerData.peer\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return false\r\n })\r\n }\r\n \r\n function switchInlineQuery (botID, toPeerString, query) {\r\n $rootScope.$broadcast('history_focus', {\r\n peerString: toPeerString,\r\n attachment: {\r\n _: 'inline_query',\r\n mention: '@' + AppUsersManager.getUser(botID).username,\r\n query: query\r\n }\r\n })\r\n }\r\n \r\n function switchInlineButtonClick (id, button) {\r\n var message = AppMessagesManager.getMessage(id)\r\n var botID = message.viaBotID || message.fromID\r\n if (button.pFlags && button.pFlags.same_peer) {\r\n var peerID = AppMessagesManager.getMessagePeer(message)\r\n var toPeerString = AppPeersManager.getPeerString(peerID)\r\n switchInlineQuery(botID, toPeerString, button.query)\r\n return\r\n }\r\n return checkSwitchReturn(botID).then(function (retPeerString) {\r\n if (retPeerString) {\r\n return switchInlineQuery(botID, retPeerString, button.query)\r\n }\r\n PeersSelectService.selectPeer({\r\n canSend: true\r\n }).then(function (toPeerString) {\r\n return switchInlineQuery(botID, toPeerString, button.query)\r\n })\r\n })\r\n } */\r\n callbackButtonClick(mid, button) {\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n let peerID = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessagePeer(message);\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getBotCallbackAnswer', {\r\n flags: 1,\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(mid),\r\n data: button.data\r\n }, { timeout: 1, stopTime: -1, noErrorBox: true }).then((callbackAnswer) => {\r\n if (typeof callbackAnswer.message === 'string' && callbackAnswer.message.length) {\r\n toast_1.toast(richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(callbackAnswer.message, { noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true }));\r\n }\r\n //console.log('callbackButtonClick callbackAnswer:', callbackAnswer);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppInlineBotsManager = AppInlineBotsManager;\r\nconst appInlineBotsManager = new AppInlineBotsManager();\r\nexports.default = appInlineBotsManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 63, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\gifsMasonry.ts", "name": "./src/components/gifsMasonry.ts", "index": 84, "index2": 76, "size": 8378, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarRight\\gifs.ts", "issuerId": 87, "issuerName": "./src/components/sidebarRight/gifs.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", 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catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst wrappers_1 = require(\"./wrappers\");\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"./misc\");\r\nconst lazyLoadQueue_1 = require(\"./lazyLoadQueue\");\r\nconst animationIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./animationIntersector\"));\r\nconst cancellablePromise_1 = require(\"../helpers/cancellablePromise\");\r\nconst width = 400;\r\nconst maxSingleWidth = width - 100;\r\nconst height = 100;\r\nclass GifsMasonry {\r\n constructor(element, group, scrollable) {\r\n this.element = element;\r\n this.group = group;\r\n this.scrollable = scrollable;\r\n this.scrollPromise = Promise.resolve();\r\n this.processVisibleDiv = (div) => {\r\n const video = div.querySelector('video');\r\n if (video) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const load = () => {\r\n const docID = div.dataset.docID;\r\n const doc = appDocsManager_1.default.getDoc(docID);\r\n const promise = this.scrollPromise.then(() => {\r\n const promise = wrappers_1.wrapVideo({\r\n doc,\r\n container: div,\r\n lazyLoadQueue: null,\r\n //lazyLoadQueue: EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue,\r\n group: this.group,\r\n noInfo: true,\r\n });\r\n promise.finally(() => {\r\n const video = div.querySelector('video');\r\n div.style.opacity = '';\r\n const img = div.querySelector('img');\r\n img && img.classList.add('hide');\r\n if (video && !video.parentElement) {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n video.src = '';\r\n video.load();\r\n const animations = animationIntersector_1.default.getAnimations(video);\r\n animations.forEach(item => {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimation(item, true, true);\r\n });\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n //clearTimeout(timeout);\r\n if (!this.lazyLoadQueue.intersector.isVisible(div)) {\r\n this.processInvisibleDiv(div);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return promise;\r\n });\r\n /* let timeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n console.error('processVisibleDiv timeout', div, doc);\r\n }, 1e3); */\r\n return promise;\r\n };\r\n //return load();\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.push({ div, load });\r\n };\r\n this.processInvisibleDiv = (div) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n return this.scrollPromise.then(() => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n //return;\r\n if (this.lazyLoadQueue.intersector.isVisible(div)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const video = div.querySelector('video');\r\n const img = div.querySelector('img');\r\n if (img) {\r\n img && img.classList.remove('hide');\r\n yield new Promise((resolve) => {\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => window.requestAnimationFrame(resolve));\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (this.lazyLoadQueue.intersector.isVisible(div)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (video) {\r\n video.remove();\r\n video.src = '';\r\n video.load();\r\n const animations = animationIntersector_1.default.getAnimations(video);\r\n animations.forEach(item => {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimation(item, true, true);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }));\r\n });\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue = new lazyLoadQueue_1.LazyLoadQueueRepeat2(undefined, (target, visible) => {\r\n if (visible) {\r\n this.processVisibleDiv(target);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.processInvisibleDiv(target);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n setInterval(() => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n const players = animationIntersector_1.default.byGroups[group];\r\n if (players) {\r\n console.log(`GIFS RENDERED IN ${group}:`, players.length, players.filter(p => !p.animation.paused).length, this.lazyLoadQueue.intersector.getVisible().length);\r\n }\r\n }, .25e3);\r\n let timeout = 0;\r\n // memory leak\r\n scrollable.container.addEventListener('scroll', () => {\r\n if (timeout) {\r\n clearTimeout(timeout);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.scrollPromise = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n //animationIntersector.checkAnimations(true, group);\r\n }\r\n timeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n timeout = 0;\r\n this.scrollPromise.resolve();\r\n //animationIntersector.checkAnimations(false, group);\r\n }, 150);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n add(doc) {\r\n var _a;\r\n let gifWidth = doc.w;\r\n let gifHeight = doc.h;\r\n if (gifHeight < height) {\r\n gifWidth = height / gifHeight * gifWidth;\r\n gifHeight = height;\r\n }\r\n const willUseWidth = Math.min(maxSingleWidth, width, gifWidth);\r\n const { w, h } = utils_1.calcImageInBox(gifWidth, gifHeight, willUseWidth, height);\r\n /* wastedWidth += w;\r\n \r\n if(wastedWidth == width || h < height) {\r\n wastedWidth = 0;\r\n console.log('completed line', i, line);\r\n line = [];\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n \r\n line.push(gif); */\r\n //console.log('gif:', gif, w, h);\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('gif', 'fade-in-transition');\r\n div.style.width = w + 'px';\r\n div.style.opacity = '0';\r\n //div.style.height = h + 'px';\r\n div.dataset.docID = doc.id;\r\n this.element.append(div);\r\n //this.lazyLoadQueue.observe({div, load: this.processVisibleDiv});\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.observe(div);\r\n //let preloader = new ProgressivePreloader(div);\r\n const gotThumb = appDocsManager_1.default.getThumb(doc, false);\r\n const willBeAPoster = !!gotThumb;\r\n let img;\r\n if (willBeAPoster) {\r\n img = new Image();\r\n if (!gotThumb.thumb.url) {\r\n gotThumb.promise.then(() => {\r\n img.src = gotThumb.thumb.url;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const afterRender = () => {\r\n if (img) {\r\n div.append(img);\r\n div.style.opacity = '';\r\n }\r\n };\r\n (((_a = gotThumb === null || gotThumb === void 0 ? void 0 : gotThumb.thumb) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.url) ? misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(img, gotThumb.thumb.url, afterRender) : afterRender());\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = GifsMasonry;\r\n" }, { "id": 64, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\stickyIntersector.ts", "name": "./src/components/stickyIntersector.ts", "index": 103, "index2": 95, "size": 2877, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 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up an intersection observer to notify when elements with the class\r\n * `.sticky_sentinel--top` become visible/invisible at the top of the container.\r\n * @param {!Element} container\r\n */\r\n observeHeaders() {\r\n this.headersObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {\r\n for (const entry of entries) {\r\n const targetInfo = entry.boundingClientRect;\r\n const stickyTarget = entry.target.parentElement;\r\n const rootBoundsInfo = entry.rootBounds;\r\n // Started sticking.\r\n if (targetInfo.bottom < rootBoundsInfo.top) {\r\n this.handler(true, stickyTarget);\r\n }\r\n // Stopped sticking.\r\n if (targetInfo.bottom >= rootBoundsInfo.top &&\r\n targetInfo.bottom < rootBoundsInfo.bottom) {\r\n this.handler(false, stickyTarget);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, { threshold: 0, root: this.container });\r\n }\r\n observeElements() {\r\n this.elementsObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {\r\n let entry = entries.filter(entry => entry.boundingClientRect.top < 0).sort((a, b) => a.boundingClientRect.top - b.boundingClientRect.top)[0];\r\n if (!entry)\r\n return;\r\n let container = entry.isIntersecting ? entry.target : entry.target.nextElementSibling;\r\n this.handler(true, container);\r\n }, { root: this.container });\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * @param {!Element} container\r\n * @param {string} className\r\n */\r\n addSentinel(container, className) {\r\n const sentinel = document.createElement('div');\r\n sentinel.classList.add('sticky_sentinel', className);\r\n return container.appendChild(sentinel);\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Notifies when elements w/ the `sticky` class begin to stick or stop sticking.\r\n * Note: the elements should be children of `container`.\r\n * @param {!Element} container\r\n */\r\n observeStickyHeaderChanges(element) {\r\n const headerSentinel = this.addSentinel(element, 'sticky_sentinel--top');\r\n this.headersObserver.observe(headerSentinel);\r\n this.elementsObserver.observe(element);\r\n }\r\n disconnect() {\r\n this.headersObserver.disconnect();\r\n this.elementsObserver.disconnect();\r\n }\r\n unobserve(element, headerSentinel) {\r\n this.elementsObserver.unobserve(element);\r\n this.headersObserver.unobserve(headerSentinel);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = StickyIntersector;\r\n" }, { "id": 65, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\popupDatepicker.ts", "name": "./src/components/popupDatepicker.ts", "index": 106, "index2": 100, "size": 6481, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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require(\"./popup\");\r\nclass PopupDatePicker extends popup_1.PopupElement {\r\n constructor(initDate, onPick) {\r\n super('popup-date-picker', [{\r\n text: 'CANCEL',\r\n isCancel: true\r\n }, {\r\n text: 'JUMP TO DATE',\r\n callback: () => {\r\n if (this.onPick) {\r\n this.onPick(this.selectedDate.getTime() / 1000 | 0);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }]);\r\n this.onPick = onPick;\r\n this.minDate = new Date('2013-08-01T00:00:00');\r\n this.onPrevClick = (e) => {\r\n this.selectedMonth.setMonth(this.selectedMonth.getMonth() - 1);\r\n this.setMonth();\r\n if (this.selectedMonth.getTime() == this.minMonth.getTime()) {\r\n this.prevBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n }\r\n this.nextBtn.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n };\r\n this.onNextClick = (e) => {\r\n this.selectedMonth.setMonth(this.selectedMonth.getMonth() + 1);\r\n this.setMonth();\r\n if (this.selectedMonth.getTime() == this.maxMonth.getTime()) {\r\n this.nextBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n }\r\n this.prevBtn.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n };\r\n this.onDateClick = (e) => {\r\n //cancelEvent(e);\r\n const target = e.target;\r\n if (!target.dataset.timestamp)\r\n return;\r\n if (this.selectedEl) {\r\n if (this.selectedEl == target)\r\n return;\r\n this.selectedEl.classList.remove('active');\r\n }\r\n target.classList.add('active');\r\n const timestamp = +target.dataset.timestamp;\r\n this.selectedDate = new Date(timestamp);\r\n this.setTitle();\r\n this.setMonth();\r\n };\r\n const popupBody = document.createElement('div');\r\n popupBody.classList.add('popup-body');\r\n // Controls\r\n this.controlsDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.controlsDiv.classList.add('date-picker-controls');\r\n this.prevBtn = document.createElement('button');\r\n this.prevBtn.classList.add('btn-icon', 'tgico-down', 'date-picker-prev');\r\n this.prevBtn.addEventListener('click', this.onPrevClick);\r\n this.nextBtn = document.createElement('button');\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.add('btn-icon', 'tgico-down', 'date-picker-next');\r\n this.nextBtn.addEventListener('click', this.onNextClick);\r\n this.monthTitle = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.monthTitle.classList.add('date-picker-month-title');\r\n this.controlsDiv.append(this.prevBtn, this.monthTitle, this.nextBtn);\r\n // Month\r\n this.monthsContainer = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.monthsContainer.classList.add('date-picker-months');\r\n this.monthsContainer.addEventListener('click', this.onDateClick);\r\n popupBody.append(this.controlsDiv, this.monthsContainer);\r\n this.container.append(popupBody);\r\n const popupCenterer = document.createElement('div');\r\n popupCenterer.classList.add('popup-centerer');\r\n popupCenterer.append(this.container);\r\n this.element.append(popupCenterer);\r\n //const passed = (initDate.getTime() - (initDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)) % 86400000;\r\n //this.selectedDate = this.maxDate = new Date(initDate.getTime() - passed);\r\n initDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\r\n this.selectedDate = initDate;\r\n this.maxDate = new Date();\r\n this.maxDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\r\n this.selectedMonth = new Date(this.selectedDate);\r\n this.selectedMonth.setDate(1);\r\n this.maxMonth = new Date(this.maxDate);\r\n this.maxMonth.setDate(1);\r\n this.minMonth = new Date(this.minDate);\r\n this.minMonth.setDate(1);\r\n if (this.selectedMonth.getTime() == this.minMonth.getTime()) {\r\n this.prevBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n }\r\n if (this.selectedMonth.getTime() == this.maxMonth.getTime()) {\r\n this.nextBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n }\r\n this.setTitle();\r\n this.setMonth();\r\n }\r\n setTitle() {\r\n const splitted = this.selectedDate.toString().split(' ', 3);\r\n this.title.innerText = splitted[0] + ', ' + splitted[1] + ' ' + splitted[2];\r\n }\r\n setMonth() {\r\n const months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];\r\n this.monthTitle.innerText = months[this.selectedMonth.getMonth()] + ' ' + this.selectedMonth.getFullYear();\r\n if (this.month) {\r\n this.month.remove();\r\n }\r\n this.month = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.month.classList.add('date-picker-month');\r\n const days = ['M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S', 'S'];\r\n this.month.append(...days.map(s => {\r\n const el = document.createElement('span');\r\n el.innerText = s;\r\n return el;\r\n }));\r\n const firstDate = new Date(this.selectedMonth);\r\n // 0 - sunday\r\n let dayIndex = firstDate.getDay() - 1;\r\n if (dayIndex == -1)\r\n dayIndex = days.length - 1;\r\n // Padding first week\r\n for (let i = 0; i < dayIndex; ++i) {\r\n const el = document.createElement('span');\r\n this.month.append(el);\r\n }\r\n do {\r\n const date = firstDate.getDate();\r\n const el = document.createElement('button');\r\n el.classList.add('btn-icon');\r\n el.innerText = '' + date;\r\n el.dataset.timestamp = '' + firstDate.getTime();\r\n if (firstDate > this.maxDate) {\r\n el.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n }\r\n if (firstDate.getTime() == this.selectedDate.getTime()) {\r\n this.selectedEl = el;\r\n el.classList.add('active');\r\n }\r\n this.month.append(el);\r\n firstDate.setDate(date + 1);\r\n } while (firstDate.getDate() != 1);\r\n this.container.classList.toggle('is-max-lines', (this.month.childElementCount / 7) > 6);\r\n this.monthsContainer.append(this.month);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = PopupDatePicker;\r\n" }, { "id": 66, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pagePassword.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pagePassword.ts", "index": 110, "index2": 108, "size": 5113, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageAuthCode.ts", "issuerId": 79, "issuerName": 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\"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst pageIm_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pageIm\"));\r\n//import CryptoWorker from '../lib/crypto/cryptoworker';\r\n//import apiManager from '../lib/mtproto/apiManager';\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../components/misc\");\r\nconst lottieLoader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/lottieLoader\"));\r\n//import passwordManager from '../lib/mtproto/passwordManager';\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst page_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./page\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../lib/config\");\r\nconst passwordManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/mtproto/passwordManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nlet onFirstMount = () => {\r\n let needFrame = 0;\r\n let animation;\r\n let passwordVisible = false;\r\n const btnNext = page.pageEl.querySelector('button');\r\n const passwordInput = document.getElementById('password');\r\n const passwordInputLabel = passwordInput.nextElementSibling;\r\n const toggleVisible = page.pageEl.querySelector('.toggle-visible');\r\n let getState = () => {\r\n return passwordManager_1.default.getState().then(_state => {\r\n var _a;\r\n state = _state;\r\n passwordInputLabel.innerText = (_a = state.hint) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 'Password';\r\n });\r\n };\r\n let handleError = (err) => {\r\n btnNext.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n switch (err.type) {\r\n default:\r\n btnNext.innerText = err.type;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n getState();\r\n };\r\n const onVisibilityClick = function (e) {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n passwordVisible = !passwordVisible;\r\n this.classList.toggle('tgico-eye2', passwordVisible);\r\n if (passwordVisible) {\r\n passwordInput.setAttribute('type', 'text');\r\n animation.setDirection(1);\r\n animation.curFrame = 0;\r\n needFrame = 16;\r\n animation.play();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n passwordInput.setAttribute('type', 'password');\r\n animation.setDirection(-1);\r\n animation.curFrame = 16;\r\n needFrame = 0;\r\n animation.play();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n toggleVisible.addEventListener('click', onVisibilityClick);\r\n toggleVisible.addEventListener('touchend', onVisibilityClick);\r\n let state;\r\n btnNext.addEventListener('click', function (e) {\r\n if (!passwordInput.value.length) {\r\n passwordInput.classList.add('error');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n let value = passwordInput.value;\r\n this.textContent = 'PLEASE WAIT...';\r\n misc_1.putPreloader(this);\r\n passwordManager_1.default.check(value, state).then((response) => {\r\n //console.log('passwordManager response:', response);\r\n switch (response._) {\r\n case 'auth.authorization':\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.setUserAuth({\r\n id: response.user.id\r\n });\r\n pageIm_1.default.mount();\r\n if (animation)\r\n animation.remove();\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n btnNext.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n btnNext.innerText = response._;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }).catch(handleError);\r\n });\r\n passwordInput.addEventListener('keypress', function (e) {\r\n this.classList.remove('error');\r\n if (e.key == 'Enter') {\r\n return btnNext.click();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n /* passwordInput.addEventListener('input', function(this, e) {\r\n \r\n }); */\r\n const size = config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile ? 100 : 166;\r\n return Promise.all([\r\n lottieLoader_1.default.loadAnimationFromURL({\r\n container: page.pageEl.querySelector('.auth-image'),\r\n loop: false,\r\n autoplay: false,\r\n width: size,\r\n height: size,\r\n noCache: true\r\n //}, 'assets/img/TwoFactorSetupMonkeyClose.tgs').then(_animation => {\r\n }, 'assets/img/TwoFactorSetupMonkeyPeek.tgs').then(_animation => {\r\n //return;\r\n animation = _animation;\r\n animation.addListener('enterFrame', currentFrame => {\r\n //console.log('enterFrame', e, needFrame);\r\n if ((animation.direction == 1 && currentFrame >= needFrame) ||\r\n (animation.direction == -1 && currentFrame <= needFrame)) {\r\n animation.setSpeed(1);\r\n animation.pause();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n needFrame = 49;\r\n //animation.play();\r\n }),\r\n getState()\r\n ]);\r\n};\r\nconst page = new page_1.default('page-password', true, onFirstMount);\r\nexports.default = page;\r\n" }, { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "index": 0, "index2": 113, "size": 6409, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": null, "issuerId": null, "issuerName": null, "issuerPath": null, "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": null, "moduleIdentifier": null, "module": null, "moduleName": null, "type": "single entry", "userRequest": "./src/index.ts", "loc": "main" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 0, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nrequire(\"./materialize.scss\");\r\nrequire(\"./scss/style.scss\");\r\nrequire(\"./scss/tgico.scss\");\r\n/* import { computeCheck } from './lib/crypto/srp';\r\nimport { salt1, salt2, g, p, srp_id, secure_random, srp_B, password } from './mock/srp'; */\r\n//console.log('pineapples in my head');\r\n/* Promise.all([\r\n import('./components/pageIm'),\r\n import('./components/pageSignIn'),\r\n import('./components/misc'),\r\n import('./lib/storage')\r\n]).then(imports => {\r\n let [pageIm, pageSignIn, misc, AppStorage] = imports; */\r\ndocument.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n //let socket = new Socket(2);\r\n // We listen to the resize event (https://css-tricks.com/the-trick-to-viewport-units-on-mobile/)\r\n const setVH = () => {\r\n const vh = window.innerHeight * 0.01;\r\n document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--vh', `${vh}px`);\r\n };\r\n window.addEventListener('resize', setVH);\r\n setVH();\r\n /* authorizer.auth(2).then((auth: any) => {\r\n console.log('authorized', auth);\r\n }, (error: any) => {\r\n console.log('Get networker error', error, error.stack);\r\n return Promise.reject(error);\r\n });\r\n \r\n return; */\r\n const [config, _, __, AppStorage] = yield Promise.all([\r\n Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('./lib/config'))),\r\n Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('./lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker'))),\r\n Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('./lib/polyfill'))),\r\n Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('./lib/storage')))\r\n ]);\r\n /* if(config.isServiceWorkerSupported) {\r\n await navigator.serviceWorker.ready;\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.controller ? true : await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('controllerchange', resolve);\r\n });\r\n } */\r\n //console.time('get storage');\r\n const auth = yield AppStorage.default.get('user_auth');\r\n //console.log('got auth:', auth);\r\n //console.timeEnd('get storage');\r\n if (config.isApple) {\r\n document.documentElement.classList.add('is-mac', 'emoji-supported');\r\n if (config.isAppleMobile) {\r\n document.documentElement.classList.add('is-ios');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (config.isAndroid) {\r\n document.documentElement.classList.add('is-android');\r\n }\r\n if (!config.touchSupport) {\r\n document.documentElement.classList.add('no-touch');\r\n }\r\n const userID = auth.id || 0;\r\n if (!userID /* || 1 == 1 */) {\r\n (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('./pages/pageSignIn')))).default.mount();\r\n /* computeCheck(password, {\r\n current_algo: {\r\n salt1,\r\n salt2,\r\n p,\r\n g\r\n },\r\n srp_id,\r\n srp_B,\r\n secure_random,\r\n }).then(res => {\r\n console.log(res);\r\n 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factorize(bytes) {\r\n bytes = bin_utils_1.convertToByteArray(bytes);\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('factorize', bytes);\r\n }\r\n modPow(x, y, m) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('mod-pow', x, y, m);\r\n }\r\n gzipUncompress(bytes, toString) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('gzipUncompress', bytes, toString);\r\n }\r\n computeSRP(password, state) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('computeSRP', password, state);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = CryptoWorkerMethods;\r\n" }, { "id": 73, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\worker-loader\\dist\\cjs.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/worker-loader/dist/cjs.js!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "index": 19, "index2": 16, "size": 113, "cacheable": false, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": 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enumerable: true,\r\n configurable: true\r\n});\r\nUint8Array.prototype.randomize = function () {\r\n exports.secureRandom.nextBytes(this);\r\n return this;\r\n};\r\nUint8Array.prototype.concat = function (...args) {\r\n return bin_utils_1.bufferConcats(this, ...args);\r\n};\r\nUint8Array.prototype.toString = function () {\r\n return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, [...this]);\r\n};\r\nUint8Array.prototype.toJSON = function () {\r\n return [...this];\r\n};\r\nArray.prototype.forEachReverse = function (callback) {\r\n let length = this.length;\r\n for (var i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\r\n callback(this[i], i, this);\r\n }\r\n};\r\nArray.prototype.findAndSplice = function (verify) {\r\n let index = this.findIndex(verify);\r\n return index !== -1 ? this.splice(index, 1)[0] : undefined;\r\n};\r\nString.prototype.toHHMMSS = function (leadZero = false) {\r\n const sec_num = parseInt(this + '', 10);\r\n const hours = Math.floor(sec_num / 3600);\r\n let minutes = Math.floor((sec_num - (hours * 3600)) / 60);\r\n let seconds = sec_num - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60);\r\n if (hours)\r\n leadZero = true;\r\n if (minutes < 10)\r\n minutes = leadZero ? \"0\" + minutes : minutes;\r\n if (seconds < 10)\r\n seconds = \"0\" + seconds;\r\n return (hours ? /* ('0' + hours).slice(-2) */ hours + ':' : '') + minutes + ':' + seconds;\r\n};\r\n" }, { "id": 76, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\src\\vendor\\smoothscroll.js", "name": "./src/vendor/smoothscroll.js", "index": 26, "index2": 23, "size": 4025, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\scrollable_new.ts", "issuerId": 6, "issuerName": "./src/components/scrollable_new.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", 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"./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 3, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\richtextprocessor.ts", "name": "./src/lib/richtextprocessor.ts", "profile": { "factory": 104, "building": 1053, "dependencies": 527 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 7333, "building": 114 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 3, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\richtextprocessor.ts", "module": "./src/lib/richtextprocessor.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/richtextprocessor.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../emoji", "loc": "10:16-35" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\n// https://github.com/twitter/twemoji-parser/blob/master/src/lib/regex.js\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.toCodePoints = exports.encodeEmoji = void 0;\r\nfunction encodeEmoji(emojiText) {\r\n const codepoints = toCodePoints(removeVS16s(emojiText)).join('-');\r\n return codepoints;\r\n}\r\nexports.encodeEmoji = encodeEmoji;\r\nconst vs16RegExp = /\\uFE0F/g;\r\n// avoid using a string literal like '\\u200D' here because minifiers expand it inline\r\nconst zeroWidthJoiner = String.fromCharCode(0x200d);\r\nconst removeVS16s = (rawEmoji) => (rawEmoji.indexOf(zeroWidthJoiner) < 0 ? rawEmoji.replace(vs16RegExp, '') : rawEmoji);\r\nfunction toCodePoints(unicodeSurrogates) {\r\n const points = [];\r\n let char = 0;\r\n let previous = 0;\r\n let i = 0;\r\n while (i < unicodeSurrogates.length) {\r\n char = unicodeSurrogates.charCodeAt(i++);\r\n if (previous) {\r\n points.push((0x10000 + ((previous - 0xd800) << 10) + (char - 0xdc00)).toString(16));\r\n previous = 0;\r\n }\r\n else if (char > 0xd800 && char <= 0xdbff) {\r\n previous = char;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n points.push(char.toString(16));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (points.length && points[0].length == 2) {\r\n points[0] = '00' + points[0];\r\n }\r\n return points;\r\n}\r\nexports.toCodePoints = toCodePoints;\r\n" }, { "id": 79, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageAuthCode.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageAuthCode.ts", "index": 30, "index2": 109, "size": 10897, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignIn.ts", "issuerId": 49, "issuerName": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst pageSignIn_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pageSignIn\"));\r\nconst pageSignUp_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pageSignUp\"));\r\nconst pageIm_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pageIm\"));\r\nconst pagePassword_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pagePassword\"));\r\nconst lottieLoader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/lottieLoader\"));\r\n//import CryptoWorker from '../lib/crypto/cryptoworker';\r\n//import apiManager from '../lib/mtproto/apiManager';\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst page_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./page\"));\r\nconst mtproto_config_1 = require(\"../lib/mtproto/mtproto_config\");\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../lib/config\");\r\nlet authCode = null;\r\nconst EDITONSAMEPAGE = false;\r\nlet headerElement = null;\r\nlet sentTypeElement = null;\r\nlet onFirstMount = () => {\r\n let needFrame = 0, lastLength = 0;\r\n let animation;\r\n let idleAnimation;\r\n const CODELENGTH = authCode.type.length;\r\n const codeInput = page.pageEl.querySelector('#code');\r\n const codeInputLabel = codeInput.nextElementSibling;\r\n const editButton = page.pageEl.querySelector('.phone-edit');\r\n codeInput.focus();\r\n if (EDITONSAMEPAGE) {\r\n let editable = false;\r\n let changePhonePromise;\r\n let changePhone = () => {\r\n if (changePhonePromise)\r\n return;\r\n let phone_number = '+' + headerElement.innerText.replace(/\\D/g, '');\r\n if (authCode.phone_number == phone_number)\r\n return;\r\n codeInput.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n changePhonePromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('auth.sendCode', {\r\n /* flags: 0, */\r\n phone_number: phone_number,\r\n api_id: mtproto_config_1.App.id,\r\n api_hash: mtproto_config_1.App.hash,\r\n settings: {\r\n _: 'codeSettings',\r\n flags: 0\r\n }\r\n /* lang_code: navigator.language || 'en' */\r\n }).then((code) => {\r\n console.log('got code 2', code);\r\n authCode = Object.assign(code, { phone_number });\r\n changePhonePromise = undefined;\r\n codeInput.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n codeInput.focus();\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n switch (err.type) {\r\n case 'PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID':\r\n headerElement.classList.add('error');\r\n editable = true;\r\n headerElement.setAttribute('contenteditable', '' + editable);\r\n headerElement.focus();\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n codeInputLabel.innerText = err.type;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n changePhonePromise = undefined;\r\n codeInput.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n });\r\n };\r\n headerElement.addEventListener('keypress', function (e) {\r\n if (e.key == 'Enter') {\r\n editable = false;\r\n headerElement.setAttribute('contenteditable', '' + editable);\r\n changePhone();\r\n }\r\n if (/\\D/.test(e.key)) {\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n this.classList.remove('error');\r\n });\r\n editButton.addEventListener('click', function () {\r\n if (changePhonePromise)\r\n return;\r\n editable = !editable;\r\n headerElement.setAttribute('contenteditable', '' + editable);\r\n if (!editable)\r\n changePhone();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n editButton.addEventListener('click', function () {\r\n return pageSignIn_1.default.mount();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n let cleanup = () => {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n if (animation)\r\n animation.remove();\r\n if (idleAnimation)\r\n idleAnimation.remove();\r\n }, 300);\r\n };\r\n let submitCode = (code) => {\r\n codeInput.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n let params = {\r\n phone_number: authCode.phone_number,\r\n phone_code_hash: authCode.phone_code_hash,\r\n phone_code: code\r\n };\r\n //console.log('invoking auth.signIn with params:', params);\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('auth.signIn', params, { ignoreErrors: true })\r\n .then((response) => {\r\n //console.log('auth.signIn response:', response);\r\n switch (response._) {\r\n case 'auth.authorization':\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.setUserAuth({\r\n id: response.user.id\r\n });\r\n pageIm_1.default.mount();\r\n cleanup();\r\n break;\r\n case 'auth.authorizationSignUpRequired':\r\n //console.log('Registration needed!');\r\n pageSignUp_1.default.mount({\r\n 'phone_number': authCode.phone_number,\r\n 'phone_code_hash': authCode.phone_code_hash\r\n });\r\n cleanup();\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n codeInput.innerText = response._;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n codeInput.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n switch (err.type) {\r\n case 'SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED':\r\n //console.warn('pageAuthCode: SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED');\r\n err.handled = true;\r\n cleanup();\r\n pagePassword_1.default.mount();\r\n break;\r\n case 'PHONE_CODE_EMPTY':\r\n case 'PHONE_CODE_INVALID':\r\n codeInput.classList.add('error');\r\n codeInputLabel.innerText = 'Invalid Code';\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n codeInputLabel.innerText = err.type;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n };\r\n const max = 45;\r\n // 1st symbol = frame 15\r\n // end symbol = frame 165\r\n codeInput.addEventListener('input', function (e) {\r\n this.classList.remove('error');\r\n this.value = this.value.replace(/\\D/g, '');\r\n if (this.value.length > CODELENGTH) {\r\n this.value = this.value.slice(0, CODELENGTH);\r\n }\r\n let length = this.value.length;\r\n if (length == CODELENGTH) { // submit code\r\n submitCode(this.value);\r\n }\r\n else if (length == lastLength) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n lastLength = length;\r\n if (!animation)\r\n return;\r\n let frame;\r\n if (length) {\r\n frame = Math.round(Math.min(max, length) * (165 / max) + 11.33);\r\n idleAnimation.canvas.style.display = 'none';\r\n animation.canvas.style.display = '';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n frame = 0;\r\n }\r\n //animation.playSegments([1, 2]);\r\n let direction = needFrame > frame ? -1 : 1;\r\n //console.log('keydown', length, frame, direction);\r\n animation.setDirection(direction);\r\n if (needFrame != 0 && frame == 0) {\r\n animation.setSpeed(7);\r\n }\r\n /* let diff = Math.abs(needFrame - frame * direction);\r\n if((diff / 20) > 1) animation.setSpeed(diff / 20 | 0); */\r\n needFrame = frame;\r\n animation.play();\r\n /* animation.goToAndStop(15, true); */\r\n //animation.goToAndStop(length / max * );\r\n });\r\n let imageDiv = page.pageEl.querySelector('.auth-image');\r\n const size = config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile ? 100 : 166;\r\n return Promise.all([\r\n lottieLoader_1.default.loadAnimationFromURL({\r\n container: imageDiv,\r\n loop: true,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n width: size,\r\n height: size\r\n }, 'assets/img/TwoFactorSetupMonkeyIdle.tgs').then(animation => {\r\n idleAnimation = animation;\r\n }),\r\n lottieLoader_1.default.loadAnimationFromURL({\r\n container: imageDiv,\r\n loop: false,\r\n autoplay: false,\r\n width: size,\r\n height: size\r\n }, 'assets/img/TwoFactorSetupMonkeyTracking.tgs').then(_animation => {\r\n animation = _animation;\r\n if (!codeInput.value.length) {\r\n animation.canvas.style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n animation.addListener('enterFrame', currentFrame => {\r\n //console.log('enterFrame', currentFrame, needFrame);\r\n //let currentFrame = Math.round(e.currentTime);\r\n if ((animation.direction == 1 && currentFrame >= needFrame) ||\r\n (animation.direction == -1 && currentFrame <= needFrame)) {\r\n animation.setSpeed(1);\r\n animation.pause();\r\n }\r\n if (currentFrame == 0 && needFrame == 0) {\r\n animation.curFrame = 0;\r\n if (idleAnimation) {\r\n animation.canvas.style.display = 'none';\r\n idleAnimation.canvas.style.display = '';\r\n idleAnimation.restart();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n //console.log(animation.getDuration(), animation.getDuration(true));\r\n })\r\n ]);\r\n};\r\nconst page = new page_1.default('page-authCode', true, onFirstMount, (_authCode) => {\r\n authCode = _authCode;\r\n if (!headerElement) {\r\n headerElement = page.pageEl.getElementsByClassName('phone')[0];\r\n sentTypeElement = page.pageEl.getElementsByClassName('sent-type')[0];\r\n }\r\n //let LottieLoader = (await import('../lib/lottieLoader')).default;\r\n headerElement.innerText = authCode.phone_number;\r\n switch (authCode.type._) {\r\n case 'auth.sentCodeTypeSms':\r\n sentTypeElement.innerHTML = 'We have sent you an SMS
with the code.';\r\n break;\r\n case 'auth.sentCodeTypeApp':\r\n sentTypeElement.innerHTML = 'We have sent you a message in Telegram
with the code.';\r\n break;\r\n case 'auth.sentCodeTypeCall':\r\n sentTypeElement.innerHTML = 'We will call you and voice
the code.';\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n sentTypeElement.innerHTML = `Please check everything
for a code (type: ${authCode.type._})`;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n});\r\nexports.default = page;\r\n" }, { "id": 80, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignUp.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageSignUp.ts", "index": 31, "index2": 106, "size": 5208, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageAuthCode.ts", "issuerId": 79, "issuerName": "./src/pages/pageAuthCode.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 49, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignIn.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 79, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageAuthCode.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageAuthCode.ts", "profile": { "factory": 104, "building": 1053, "dependencies": 527 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 575, "building": 2297, "dependencies": 2 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 79, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageAuthCode.ts", "module": "./src/pages/pageAuthCode.ts", "moduleName": "./src/pages/pageAuthCode.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./pageSignUp", "loc": "7:37-60" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../components/misc\");\r\nconst pageIm_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pageIm\"));\r\n//import apiManager from '../lib/mtproto/apiManager';\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst page_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./page\"));\r\nconst popupAvatar_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../components/popupAvatar\"));\r\nlet authCode = null;\r\nlet onFirstMount = () => Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('../lib/appManagers/appProfileManager'))).then(imported => {\r\n const pageElement = page.pageEl;\r\n const avatarPreview = pageElement.querySelector('#canvas-avatar');\r\n const appProfileManager = imported.default;\r\n let uploadAvatar;\r\n pageElement.querySelector('.auth-image').addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n popupAvatar_1.default.open(avatarPreview, (_uploadAvatar) => {\r\n uploadAvatar = _uploadAvatar;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n const headerName = pageElement.getElementsByClassName('fullName')[0];\r\n let handleInput = function (e) {\r\n let name = fieldName.value || '';\r\n let lastName = fieldLastName.value || '';\r\n let fullName = name || lastName\r\n ? (name + ' ' + lastName).trim()\r\n : 'Your Name';\r\n if (headerName.innerText != fullName)\r\n headerName.innerText = fullName;\r\n this.classList.remove('error');\r\n };\r\n let sendAvatar = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n if (!uploadAvatar) {\r\n //console.log('User has not selected avatar');\r\n return resolve();\r\n }\r\n //console.log('invoking uploadFile...');\r\n uploadAvatar().then((inputFile) => {\r\n //console.log('uploaded smthn', inputFile);\r\n appProfileManager.uploadProfilePhoto(inputFile).then(resolve, reject);\r\n }, reject);\r\n });\r\n const fieldName = document.getElementById('name');\r\n fieldName.addEventListener('input', handleInput);\r\n const fieldLastName = document.getElementById('lastName');\r\n fieldLastName.addEventListener('input', handleInput);\r\n const signUpButton = document.getElementById('signUp');\r\n signUpButton.addEventListener('click', function (e) {\r\n this.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n if (!fieldName.value.length) {\r\n fieldName.classList.add('error');\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n let name = fieldName.value;\r\n let lastName = fieldLastName.value;\r\n let params = {\r\n 'phone_number': authCode.phone_number,\r\n 'phone_code_hash': authCode.phone_code_hash,\r\n 'first_name': name,\r\n 'last_name': lastName\r\n };\r\n //console.log('invoking auth.signUp with params:', params);\r\n this.textContent = 'PLEASE WAIT...';\r\n misc_1.putPreloader(this);\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('auth.signUp', params)\r\n .then((response) => {\r\n //console.log('auth.signUp response:', response);\r\n switch (response._) {\r\n case 'auth.authorization': // success\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.setUserAuth({\r\n id: response.user.id\r\n });\r\n sendAvatar().then(() => {\r\n pageIm_1.default.mount();\r\n }, () => {\r\n pageIm_1.default.mount();\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n this.innerText = response._;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n /* (document.body.getElementsByClassName('page-sign')[0] as HTMLDivElement).style.display = 'none';\r\n pageAuthCode(Object.assign(code, {phoneNumber})); */\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n this.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n switch (err.type) {\r\n default:\r\n this.innerText = err.type;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n});\r\nconst page = new page_1.default('page-signUp', true, onFirstMount, (_authCode) => {\r\n authCode = _authCode;\r\n});\r\nexports.default = page;\r\n" }, { "id": 81, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pagesManager.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pagesManager.ts", "index": 34, "index2": 31, "size": 1412, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\page.ts", "issuerId": 25, "issuerName": "./src/pages/page.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 49, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignIn.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 25, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\page.ts", "name": "./src/pages/page.ts", "profile": { "factory": 104, "building": 1053, "dependencies": 527 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 565, "building": 2305, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 25, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\page.ts", "module": "./src/pages/page.ts", "moduleName": "./src/pages/page.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./pagesManager", "loc": "15:39-64" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nconst lottieLoader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/lottieLoader\"));\r\nconst horizontalMenu_1 = require(\"../components/horizontalMenu\");\r\nclass PagesManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.pageID = -1;\r\n this.pagesDiv = document.getElementById('auth-pages');\r\n this.selectTab = horizontalMenu_1.horizontalMenu(null, this.pagesDiv.firstElementChild, null, null);\r\n }\r\n setPage(page) {\r\n if (page.isAuthPage) {\r\n this.pagesDiv.style.display = '';\r\n let id = utils_1.whichChild(page.pageEl);\r\n if (this.pageID == id)\r\n return;\r\n this.selectTab(id);\r\n if (this.pageID != -1 && id > 1) {\r\n lottieLoader_1.default.loadLottieWorkers();\r\n }\r\n this.pageID = id;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.pagesDiv.style.display = 'none';\r\n page.pageEl.style.display = '';\r\n this.pageID = -1;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nconst pagesManager = new PagesManager();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.pagesManager = pagesManager;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = pagesManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 82, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.ts", "index": 49, "index2": 39, "size": 2926, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appMessagesManager.ts", "issuerId": 7, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 7, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appMessagesManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 2083, "building": 945, "dependencies": 16 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 7, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appMessagesManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../mtproto/mtproto", "loc": "22:18-47" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.telegramMeWebService = exports.TelegramMeWebService = void 0;\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\nconst mtproto_config_1 = require(\"./mtproto_config\");\r\n/* import PasswordManager from './passwordManager';\r\nimport DcConfigurator from './dcConfigurator';\r\nimport RSAKeysManager from './rsaKeysManager';\r\nimport TimeManager from './timeManager';\r\nimport ServerTimeManager from './serverTimeManager';\r\nimport Authorizer from './authorizer';\r\nimport NetworkerFactory from './networkerFactory';\r\nimport ApiManager from './apiManager';\r\nimport ApiFileManager from './apiFileManager'; */\r\nclass TelegramMeWebService {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.disabled = mtproto_config_1.Modes.test ||\r\n mtproto_config_1.App.domains.indexOf(location.hostname) == -1 ||\r\n location.protocol != 'http:' && location.protocol != 'https:' ||\r\n location.protocol == 'https:' && location.hostname != 'web.telegram.org';\r\n }\r\n setAuthorized(canRedirect) {\r\n if (this.disabled) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n storage_1.default.get('tgme_sync').then((curValue) => {\r\n var ts = Date.now() / 1000;\r\n if (canRedirect &&\r\n curValue &&\r\n curValue.canRedirect == canRedirect &&\r\n curValue.ts + 86400 > ts) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n storage_1.default.set({ tgme_sync: { canRedirect: canRedirect, ts: ts } });\r\n var urls = [\r\n '//telegram.me/_websync_?authed=' + (canRedirect ? '1' : '0'),\r\n '//t.me/_websync_?authed=' + (canRedirect ? '1' : '0')\r\n ];\r\n urls.forEach(url => {\r\n let script = document.createElement('script');\r\n script.onload = script.onerror = function () {\r\n script.remove();\r\n };\r\n script.src = url;\r\n document.body.appendChild(script);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.TelegramMeWebService = TelegramMeWebService;\r\nexports.telegramMeWebService = new TelegramMeWebService();\r\n/* export namespace MTProto {\r\n //$($window).on('click keydown', rng_seed_time); // WARNING!\r\n\r\n export const passwordManager = PasswordManager;\r\n export const dcConfigurator = DcConfigurator;\r\n export const rsaKeysManager = RSAKeysManager;\r\n export const timeManager = TimeManager;\r\n export const authorizer = Authorizer;\r\n export const networkerFactory = NetworkerFactory;\r\n export const apiManager = ApiManager;\r\n export const apiFileManager = ApiFileManager;\r\n export const serverTimeManager = ServerTimeManager;\r\n}\r\n\r\n//(window as any).MTProto = MTProto; */\r\n" }, { "id": 83, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\visibilityIntersector.ts", "name": "./src/components/visibilityIntersector.ts", "index": 66, "index2": 57, "size": 2816, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\lazyLoadQueue.ts", "issuerId": 21, "issuerName": "./src/components/lazyLoadQueue.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 21, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\lazyLoadQueue.ts", "name": "./src/components/lazyLoadQueue.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1009, "building": 1430 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 21, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\lazyLoadQueue.ts", "module": "./src/components/lazyLoadQueue.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/lazyLoadQueue.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./visibilityIntersector", "loc": "17:48-82" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nclass VisibilityIntersector {\r\n constructor(onVisibilityChange) {\r\n this.items = new Map();\r\n this.locked = false;\r\n this.observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {\r\n if (this.locked) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const changed = [];\r\n entries.forEach(entry => {\r\n const target = entry.target;\r\n if (this.items.get(target) == entry.isIntersecting) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.items.set(target, entry.isIntersecting);\r\n }\r\n /* if(entry.isIntersecting) {\r\n console.log('ooo', entry);\r\n } */\r\n /* if(this.locked) {\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n changed[entry.isIntersecting ? 'unshift' : 'push']({ target, visible: entry.isIntersecting });\r\n //onVisibilityChange(target, entry.isIntersecting);\r\n });\r\n changed.forEach(smth => {\r\n onVisibilityChange(smth.target, smth.visible);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getVisible() {\r\n const items = [];\r\n this.items.forEach((value, key) => {\r\n if (value) {\r\n items.push(key);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return items;\r\n }\r\n clearVisible() {\r\n const visible = this.getVisible();\r\n for (const target of visible) {\r\n this.items.set(target, false);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n isVisible(target) {\r\n return this.items.get(target);\r\n }\r\n disconnect() {\r\n this.observer.disconnect();\r\n this.items.clear();\r\n }\r\n refresh() {\r\n this.observer.disconnect();\r\n //window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n const targets = [...this.items.keys()];\r\n for (const target of targets) {\r\n //this.items.set(target, false);\r\n this.observer.observe(target);\r\n }\r\n //});\r\n }\r\n refreshVisible() {\r\n const visible = this.getVisible();\r\n for (const target of visible) {\r\n this.observer.unobserve(target);\r\n }\r\n for (const target of visible) {\r\n this.observer.observe(target);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n observe(target) {\r\n this.items.set(target, false);\r\n this.observer.observe(target);\r\n }\r\n unobserve(target) {\r\n this.observer.unobserve(target);\r\n this.items.delete(target);\r\n }\r\n unlock() {\r\n this.locked = false;\r\n }\r\n unlockAndRefresh() {\r\n this.unlock();\r\n this.refresh();\r\n }\r\n lock() {\r\n this.locked = true;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = VisibilityIntersector;\r\n" }, { "id": 84, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\audio.ts", "name": "./src/components/audio.ts", "index": 72, "index2": 64, "size": 18005, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\wrappers.ts", "issuerId": 18, "issuerName": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 18, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\wrappers.ts", "name": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1092, "building": 1418, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 18, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\wrappers.ts", "module": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./audio", "loc": "29:32-50" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.decodeWaveform = void 0;\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst wrappers_1 = require(\"./wrappers\");\r\nconst preloader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./preloader\"));\r\nconst mediaPlayer_1 = require(\"../lib/mediaPlayer\");\r\nconst appMediaPlaybackController_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMediaPlaybackController\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../lib/config\");\r\n// https://github.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon/blob/4393ec0b83d511b6a20d8a20334138730f084375/telethon/utils.py#L1285\r\nfunction decodeWaveform(waveform) {\r\n if (!(waveform instanceof Uint8Array)) {\r\n waveform = new Uint8Array(waveform);\r\n }\r\n var bitCount = waveform.length * 8;\r\n var valueCount = bitCount / 5 | 0;\r\n if (!valueCount) {\r\n return new Uint8Array([]);\r\n }\r\n var dataView = new DataView(waveform.buffer);\r\n var result = new Uint8Array(valueCount);\r\n for (var i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) {\r\n var byteIndex = i * 5 / 8 | 0;\r\n var bitShift = i * 5 % 8;\r\n var value = dataView.getUint16(byteIndex, true);\r\n result[i] = (value >> bitShift) & 0b00011111;\r\n }\r\n /* var byteIndex = (valueCount - 1) / 8 | 0;\r\n var bitShift = (valueCount - 1) % 8;\r\n if(byteIndex == waveform.length - 1) {\r\n var value = waveform[byteIndex];\r\n } else {\r\n var value = dataView.getUint16(byteIndex, true);\r\n }\r\n \r\n console.log('decoded waveform, setting last value:', value, byteIndex, bitShift);\r\n result[valueCount - 1] = (value >> bitShift) & 0b00011111; */\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\nexports.decodeWaveform = decodeWaveform;\r\nfunction wrapVoiceMessage(doc, audioEl) {\r\n audioEl.classList.add('is-voice');\r\n const barWidth = 2;\r\n const barMargin = config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile ? 2 : 1;\r\n const barHeightMin = config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile ? 3 : 2;\r\n const barHeightMax = config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile ? 16 : 23;\r\n const availW = config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile ? 152 : 190;\r\n const svg = document.createElementNS(\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\", \"svg\");\r\n svg.classList.add('audio-waveform');\r\n svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', '' + availW);\r\n svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', '' + barHeightMax);\r\n svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'viewBox', `0 0 ${availW} ${barHeightMax}`);\r\n const timeDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n timeDiv.classList.add('audio-time');\r\n audioEl.append(svg, timeDiv);\r\n let waveform = doc.attributes.find(attribute => attribute._ == 'documentAttributeAudio').waveform || [];\r\n waveform = decodeWaveform(waveform.slice());\r\n //console.log('decoded waveform:', waveform);\r\n const normValue = Math.max(...waveform);\r\n const wfSize = waveform.length ? waveform.length : 100;\r\n const barCount = Math.min((availW / (barWidth + barMargin)) | 0, wfSize);\r\n let maxValue = 0;\r\n const maxDelta = barHeightMax - barHeightMin;\r\n let html = '';\r\n for (let i = 0, barX = 0, sumI = 0; i < wfSize; ++i) {\r\n const value = waveform[i] || 0;\r\n if ((sumI + barCount) >= wfSize) { // draw bar\r\n sumI = sumI + barCount - wfSize;\r\n if (sumI < (barCount + 1) / 2) {\r\n if (maxValue < value)\r\n maxValue = value;\r\n }\r\n const bar_value = Math.max(((maxValue * maxDelta) + ((normValue + 1) / 2)) / (normValue + 1), barHeightMin);\r\n const h = `\r\n \r\n `;\r\n html += h;\r\n barX += barWidth + barMargin;\r\n if (sumI < (barCount + 1) / 2) {\r\n maxValue = 0;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n maxValue = value;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (maxValue < value)\r\n maxValue = value;\r\n sumI += barCount;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n svg.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html);\r\n const rects = Array.from(svg.children);\r\n let progress = audioEl.querySelector('.audio-waveform');\r\n const onLoad = () => {\r\n let interval = 0;\r\n let lastIndex = 0;\r\n let audio = audioEl.audio;\r\n if (!audio.paused || (audio.currentTime > 0 && audio.currentTime != audio.duration)) {\r\n lastIndex = Math.round(audio.currentTime / audio.duration * barCount);\r\n rects.slice(0, lastIndex + 1).forEach(node => node.classList.add('active'));\r\n }\r\n let start = () => {\r\n clearInterval(interval);\r\n interval = setInterval(() => {\r\n if (lastIndex > svg.childElementCount || isNaN(audio.duration) || audio.paused) {\r\n clearInterval(interval);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n lastIndex = Math.round(audio.currentTime / audio.duration * barCount);\r\n //svg.children[lastIndex].setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', '#000');\r\n //svg.children[lastIndex].classList.add('active'); #Иногда пропускает полоски..\r\n rects.slice(0, lastIndex + 1).forEach(node => node.classList.add('active'));\r\n //++lastIndex;\r\n //console.log('lastIndex:', lastIndex, audio.currentTime);\r\n //}, duration * 1000 / svg.childElementCount | 0/* 63 * duration / 10 */);\r\n }, 20);\r\n };\r\n if (!audio.paused) {\r\n start();\r\n }\r\n audioEl.addAudioListener('playing', () => {\r\n //rects.forEach(node => node.classList.remove('active'));\r\n start();\r\n });\r\n audioEl.addAudioListener('pause', () => {\r\n clearInterval(interval);\r\n });\r\n audioEl.addAudioListener('ended', () => {\r\n clearInterval(interval);\r\n rects.forEach(node => node.classList.remove('active'));\r\n });\r\n let mousedown = false, mousemove = false;\r\n progress.addEventListener('mouseleave', (e) => {\r\n if (mousedown) {\r\n audio.play();\r\n mousedown = false;\r\n }\r\n mousemove = false;\r\n });\r\n progress.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => {\r\n mousemove = true;\r\n if (mousedown)\r\n scrub(e);\r\n });\r\n progress.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => {\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n if (!audio.paused) {\r\n audio.pause();\r\n scrub(e);\r\n mousedown = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n progress.addEventListener('mouseup', (e) => {\r\n if (mousemove && mousedown) {\r\n audio.play();\r\n mousedown = false;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n progress.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n if (!audio.paused)\r\n scrub(e);\r\n });\r\n function scrub(e) {\r\n const scrubTime = e.offsetX / availW /* width */ * audio.duration;\r\n lastIndex = Math.round(scrubTime / audio.duration * barCount);\r\n rects.slice(0, lastIndex + 1).forEach(node => node.classList.add('active'));\r\n for (let i = lastIndex + 1; i < rects.length; ++i) {\r\n rects[i].classList.remove('active');\r\n }\r\n audio.currentTime = scrubTime;\r\n }\r\n return () => {\r\n clearInterval(interval);\r\n progress.remove();\r\n progress = null;\r\n audio = null;\r\n };\r\n };\r\n return onLoad;\r\n}\r\nfunction wrapAudio(doc, audioEl) {\r\n const withTime = !!+audioEl.getAttribute('with-time');\r\n const title = doc.audioTitle || doc.file_name;\r\n let subtitle = doc.audioPerformer ? richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapPlainText(doc.audioPerformer) : '';\r\n if (withTime) {\r\n subtitle += (subtitle ? ' · ' : '') + wrappers_1.formatDate(doc.date);\r\n }\r\n else if (!subtitle) {\r\n subtitle = 'Unknown Artist';\r\n }\r\n const html = `\r\n
`;\r\n audioEl.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html);\r\n const onLoad = () => {\r\n const subtitleDiv = audioEl.querySelector('.audio-subtitle');\r\n let launched = false;\r\n let progressLine = new mediaPlayer_1.MediaProgressLine(audioEl.audio, doc.supportsStreaming);\r\n audioEl.addAudioListener('ended', () => {\r\n audioEl.classList.remove('audio-show-progress');\r\n // Reset subtitle\r\n subtitleDiv.innerHTML = subtitle;\r\n launched = false;\r\n });\r\n const onPlaying = () => {\r\n if (!launched) {\r\n audioEl.classList.add('audio-show-progress');\r\n launched = true;\r\n subtitleDiv.innerHTML = '';\r\n if (progressLine) {\r\n subtitleDiv.append(progressLine.container);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n audioEl.addAudioListener('playing', onPlaying);\r\n if (!audioEl.audio.paused || audioEl.audio.currentTime > 0) {\r\n onPlaying();\r\n }\r\n return () => {\r\n progressLine.removeListeners();\r\n progressLine.container.remove();\r\n progressLine = null;\r\n };\r\n };\r\n return onLoad;\r\n}\r\nclass AudioElement extends HTMLElement {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super();\r\n this.attachedHandlers = {};\r\n // элемент создан\r\n }\r\n connectedCallback() {\r\n // браузер вызывает этот метод при добавлении элемента в документ\r\n // (может вызываться много раз, если элемент многократно добавляется/удаляется)\r\n this.classList.add('audio');\r\n const mid = +this.getAttribute('message-id');\r\n const docID = this.getAttribute('doc-id');\r\n const doc = appDocsManager_1.default.getDoc(docID);\r\n const uploading = +doc.id < 0;\r\n const durationStr = String(doc.duration | 0).toHHMMSS(true);\r\n this.innerHTML = `
`;\r\n const downloadDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n downloadDiv.classList.add('audio-download');\r\n if (!uploading && doc.type != 'audio') {\r\n downloadDiv.innerHTML = '
';\r\n }\r\n if (doc.type != 'audio' || uploading) {\r\n this.append(downloadDiv);\r\n }\r\n const onTypeLoad = doc.type == 'voice' ? wrapVoiceMessage(doc, this) : wrapAudio(doc, this);\r\n const audioTimeDiv = this.querySelector('.audio-time');\r\n audioTimeDiv.innerHTML = durationStr;\r\n const onLoad = (autoload = true) => {\r\n const audio = this.audio = appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.addMedia(doc, mid, autoload);\r\n this.onTypeDisconnect = onTypeLoad();\r\n const toggle = this.querySelector('.audio-toggle');\r\n const onPlaying = () => {\r\n audioTimeDiv.innerText = String(audio.currentTime | 0).toHHMMSS(true) + ' / ' + durationStr;\r\n if (!audio.paused) {\r\n toggle.classList.remove('tgico-largeplay');\r\n toggle.classList.add('tgico-largepause');\r\n }\r\n };\r\n if (!audio.paused || (audio.currentTime > 0 && audio.currentTime != audio.duration)) {\r\n onPlaying();\r\n audioTimeDiv.innerText = String(audio.currentTime | 0).toHHMMSS(true) + ' / ' + durationStr;\r\n }\r\n toggle.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n if (audio.paused)\r\n audio.play().catch(() => { });\r\n else\r\n audio.pause();\r\n });\r\n this.addAudioListener('ended', () => {\r\n toggle.classList.add('tgico-largeplay');\r\n toggle.classList.remove('tgico-largepause');\r\n });\r\n this.addAudioListener('timeupdate', () => {\r\n if (appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.isSafariBuffering(audio))\r\n return;\r\n audioTimeDiv.innerText = String(audio.currentTime | 0).toHHMMSS(true) + ' / ' + durationStr;\r\n });\r\n this.addAudioListener('pause', () => {\r\n toggle.classList.add('tgico-largeplay');\r\n toggle.classList.remove('tgico-largepause');\r\n });\r\n this.addAudioListener('playing', onPlaying);\r\n };\r\n if (!uploading) {\r\n let preloader = this.preloader;\r\n if (doc.type == 'voice') {\r\n let download;\r\n const onClick = () => {\r\n if (!download) {\r\n if (!preloader) {\r\n preloader = new preloader_1.default(null, true);\r\n }\r\n download = appDocsManager_1.default.downloadDocNew(doc);\r\n preloader.attach(downloadDiv, true, download);\r\n download.then(() => {\r\n downloadDiv.remove();\r\n this.removeEventListener('click', onClick);\r\n onLoad();\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n if (err.name === 'AbortError') {\r\n download = null;\r\n }\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n downloadDiv.classList.remove('downloading');\r\n });\r\n downloadDiv.classList.add('downloading');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n download.cancel();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.addEventListener('click', onClick);\r\n this.click();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n onLoad(false);\r\n //if(appMediaPlaybackController.mediaExists(mid)) { // чтобы показать прогресс, если аудио уже было скачано\r\n //onLoad();\r\n //} else {\r\n const r = () => {\r\n //onLoad();\r\n appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.resolveWaitingForLoadMedia(mid);\r\n appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.willBePlayed(this.audio); // prepare for loading audio\r\n if (!preloader) {\r\n preloader = new preloader_1.default(null, false);\r\n }\r\n if (config_1.isSafari) {\r\n this.audio.autoplay = true;\r\n this.audio.play().catch(() => { });\r\n }\r\n preloader.attach(downloadDiv);\r\n this.append(downloadDiv);\r\n new Promise((resolve) => {\r\n if (this.audio.readyState >= 2)\r\n resolve();\r\n else\r\n this.addAudioListener('canplay', resolve);\r\n }).then(() => {\r\n downloadDiv.remove();\r\n //setTimeout(() => {\r\n // release loaded audio\r\n if (appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.willBePlayedMedia == this.audio) {\r\n this.audio.play();\r\n appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.willBePlayedMedia = null;\r\n }\r\n //}, 10e3);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n this.addEventListener('click', r, { once: true });\r\n //}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.preloader.attach(downloadDiv, false);\r\n //onLoad();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n addAudioListener(name, callback) {\r\n if (!this.attachedHandlers[name])\r\n this.attachedHandlers[name] = [];\r\n this.attachedHandlers[name].push(callback);\r\n this.audio.addEventListener(name, callback);\r\n }\r\n disconnectedCallback() {\r\n // браузер вызывает этот метод при удалении элемента из документа\r\n // (может вызываться много раз, если элемент многократно добавляется/удаляется)\r\n if (this.onTypeDisconnect) {\r\n this.onTypeDisconnect();\r\n this.onTypeDisconnect = null;\r\n }\r\n for (let name in this.attachedHandlers) {\r\n for (let callback of this.attachedHandlers[name]) {\r\n this.audio.removeEventListener(name, callback);\r\n }\r\n delete this.attachedHandlers[name];\r\n }\r\n this.preloader = null;\r\n }\r\n static get observedAttributes() {\r\n return [ /* массив имён атрибутов для отслеживания их изменений */];\r\n }\r\n attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {\r\n // вызывается при изменении одного из перечисленных выше атрибутов\r\n }\r\n adoptedCallback() {\r\n // вызывается, когда элемент перемещается в новый документ\r\n // (происходит в document.adoptNode, используется очень редко)\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AudioElement;\r\ncustomElements.define(\"audio-element\", AudioElement);\r\n" }, { "id": 85, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarRight\\stickers.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarRight/stickers.ts", "index": 77, "index2": 72, "size": 9850, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "issuerId": 24, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 24, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1584, "building": 1606, "dependencies": 2 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 24, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/sidebarRight/stickers", "loc": "56:35-84" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst searchInput_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../searchInput\"));\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst lazyLoadQueue_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lazyLoadQueue\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nconst appStickersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appStickersManager\"));\r\nconst popupStickers_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../popupStickers\"));\r\nconst animationIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../animationIntersector\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst wrappers_1 = require(\"../wrappers\");\r\nconst appSidebarRight_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight\"));\r\nclass AppStickersTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.getElementById('stickers-container');\r\n this.contentDiv = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-content');\r\n this.backBtn = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n this.setsDiv = this.contentDiv.firstElementChild;\r\n this.scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.contentDiv, 'y', 'STICKERS-SEARCH', undefined, undefined, 2);\r\n this.scrollable.setVirtualContainer(this.setsDiv);\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue = new lazyLoadQueue_1.default();\r\n this.searchInput = new searchInput_1.default('Search Stickers', (value) => {\r\n this.search(value);\r\n });\r\n this.backBtn.parentElement.append(this.searchInput.container);\r\n this.setsDiv.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n const sticker = utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'sticker-set-sticker');\r\n if (sticker) {\r\n const docID = sticker.dataset.docID;\r\n appImManager_1.default.chatInputC.sendMessageWithDocument(docID);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const target = utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'sticker-set');\r\n if (!target)\r\n return;\r\n const id = target.dataset.stickerSet;\r\n const access_hash = target.dataset.stickerSet;\r\n const button = utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'sticker-set-button');\r\n if (button) {\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n e.cancelBubble = true;\r\n button.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n appStickersManager_1.default.getStickerSet({ id, access_hash }).then(full => {\r\n appStickersManager_1.default.toggleStickerSet(full.set).then(changed => {\r\n if (changed) {\r\n button.innerText = full.set.installed_date ? 'Added' : 'Add';\r\n button.classList.toggle('gray', !!full.set.installed_date);\r\n }\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n //button.style.width = set.installed_date ? '68px' : '52px';\r\n button.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n appStickersManager_1.default.getStickerSet({ id, access_hash }).then(full => {\r\n new popupStickers_1.default(full.set).show();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n this.setsDiv.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.searchInput.value = '';\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(undefined, 'STICKERS-SEARCH');\r\n }\r\n renderSet(set) {\r\n //console.log('renderSet:', set);\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('sticker-set');\r\n const header = document.createElement('div');\r\n header.classList.add('sticker-set-header');\r\n const details = document.createElement('div');\r\n details.classList.add('sticker-set-details');\r\n details.innerHTML = `\r\n
${set.count} stickers
\r\n `;\r\n const button = document.createElement('button');\r\n button.classList.add('btn-primary', 'sticker-set-button');\r\n button.innerText = set.installed_date ? 'Added' : 'Add';\r\n // button.style.width = set.installed_date ? '68px' : '52px';\r\n if (set.installed_date) {\r\n button.classList.add('gray');\r\n }\r\n //ripple(button);\r\n header.append(details, button);\r\n const stickersDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n stickersDiv.classList.add('sticker-set-stickers');\r\n const count = Math.min(5, set.count);\r\n for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {\r\n const stickerDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n stickerDiv.classList.add('sticker-set-sticker');\r\n stickersDiv.append(stickerDiv);\r\n }\r\n appStickersManager_1.default.getStickerSet(set).then(set => {\r\n //console.log('renderSet got set:', set);\r\n for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {\r\n const div = stickersDiv.children[i];\r\n const doc = set.documents[i];\r\n if (doc._ == 'documentEmpty') {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n wrappers_1.wrapSticker({\r\n doc,\r\n div,\r\n lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue,\r\n group: 'STICKERS-SEARCH',\r\n /* play: false,\r\n loop: false, */\r\n play: true,\r\n loop: true,\r\n width: 68,\r\n height: 68\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n /* const onMouseOver = () => {\r\n const animations: AnimationItem['animation'][] = [];\r\n for(let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {\r\n const stickerDiv = stickersDiv.children[i] as HTMLElement;\r\n const animationItem = animationIntersector.getAnimation(stickerDiv);\r\n if(!animationItem) continue;\r\n \r\n const animation = animationItem.animation;\r\n \r\n animations.push(animation);\r\n animation.loop = true;\r\n animation.play();\r\n }\r\n \r\n div.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {\r\n animations.forEach(animation => {\r\n animation.loop = false;\r\n });\r\n \r\n div.addEventListener('mouseover', onMouseOver, {once: true});\r\n }, {once: true});\r\n };\r\n \r\n div.addEventListener('mouseover', onMouseOver, {once: true}); */\r\n div.dataset.stickerSet = set.id;\r\n div.dataset.access_hash = set.access_hash;\r\n div.dataset.title = set.title;\r\n div.append(header, stickersDiv);\r\n this.scrollable.append(div);\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarRight_1.AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS.stickers);\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.toggleSidebar(true).then(() => {\r\n this.renderFeatured();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n renderFeatured() {\r\n return appStickersManager_1.default.getFeaturedStickers().then(coveredSets => {\r\n if (this.searchInput.value) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n coveredSets = this.filterRendered('', coveredSets);\r\n coveredSets.forEach(set => {\r\n this.renderSet(set.set);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n filterRendered(query, coveredSets) {\r\n coveredSets = coveredSets.slice();\r\n const children = Array.from(this.setsDiv.children);\r\n children.forEachReverse(el => {\r\n const id = el.dataset.stickerSet;\r\n const index = coveredSets.findIndex(covered => covered.set.id == id);\r\n if (index !== -1) {\r\n coveredSets.splice(index, 1);\r\n }\r\n else if (!query || !el.dataset.title.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase())) {\r\n el.remove();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(undefined, 'STICKERS-SEARCH');\r\n return coveredSets;\r\n }\r\n search(query) {\r\n if (!query) {\r\n return this.renderFeatured();\r\n }\r\n return appStickersManager_1.default.searchStickerSets(query, false).then(coveredSets => {\r\n if (this.searchInput.value != query) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('search result:', coveredSets);\r\n coveredSets = this.filterRendered(query, coveredSets);\r\n coveredSets.forEach(set => {\r\n this.renderSet(set.set);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppStickersTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 86, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarRight\\pollResults.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarRight/pollResults.ts", "index": 80, "index2": 73, "size": 5816, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "issuerId": 24, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 24, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1584, "building": 1606, "dependencies": 2 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 24, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/sidebarRight/pollResults", "loc": "57:38-90" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst appSidebarRight_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight\"));\r\nconst appPollsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appPollsManager\"));\r\nconst poll_1 = require(\"../poll\");\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst appDialogsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager\"));\r\nconst ripple_1 = require(\"../ripple\");\r\nclass AppPollResultsTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.getElementById('poll-results-container');\r\n this.contentDiv = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-content');\r\n this.resultsDiv = this.contentDiv.firstElementChild;\r\n this.scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.contentDiv, 'y', 'POLL-RESULTS', undefined, undefined, 2);\r\n }\r\n cleanup() {\r\n this.resultsDiv.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.pollID = '';\r\n this.mid = 0;\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n this.cleanup();\r\n }\r\n init(pollID, mid) {\r\n if (this.pollID == pollID && this.mid == mid)\r\n return;\r\n this.cleanup();\r\n this.pollID = pollID;\r\n this.mid = mid;\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarRight_1.AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS.pollResults);\r\n const poll = appPollsManager_1.default.getPoll(pollID);\r\n const title = document.createElement('h3');\r\n title.innerHTML = poll.poll.rQuestion;\r\n const percents = poll.results.results.map(v => v.voters / poll.results.total_voters * 100);\r\n poll_1.roundPercents(percents);\r\n const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();\r\n poll.results.results.forEach((result, idx) => {\r\n if (!result.voters)\r\n return;\r\n const hr = document.createElement('hr');\r\n const answer = poll.poll.answers[idx];\r\n // Head\r\n const answerEl = document.createElement('div');\r\n answerEl.classList.add('poll-results-answer');\r\n const answerTitle = document.createElement('div');\r\n answerTitle.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(answer.text);\r\n const answerPercents = document.createElement('div');\r\n answerPercents.innerText = Math.round(percents[idx]) + '%';\r\n answerEl.append(answerTitle, answerPercents);\r\n // Humans\r\n const list = document.createElement('ul');\r\n list.classList.add('poll-results-voters');\r\n appDialogsManager_1.default.setListClickListener(list);\r\n list.style.minHeight = Math.min(result.voters, 4) * 50 + 'px';\r\n fragment.append(hr, answerEl, list);\r\n let offset, limit = 4, loading = false, left = result.voters - 4;\r\n const load = () => {\r\n if (loading)\r\n return;\r\n loading = true;\r\n appPollsManager_1.default.getVotes(mid, answer.option, offset, limit).then(votesList => {\r\n votesList.votes.forEach(vote => {\r\n const { dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(vote.user_id, list, false, false, undefined, false);\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.parentElement.remove();\r\n });\r\n if (offset) {\r\n left -= votesList.votes.length;\r\n showMore.lastElementChild.innerText = `Show ${Math.min(20, left)} more voter${left > 1 ? 's' : ''}`;\r\n }\r\n offset = votesList.next_offset;\r\n limit = 20;\r\n if (!left || !votesList.votes.length) {\r\n showMore.remove();\r\n }\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n loading = false;\r\n });\r\n };\r\n load();\r\n if (left <= 0)\r\n return;\r\n const showMore = document.createElement('div');\r\n showMore.classList.add('poll-results-more', 'show-more');\r\n showMore.addEventListener('click', load);\r\n showMore.innerHTML = `
Show ${Math.min(20, left)} more voter${left > 1 ? 's' : ''}
`;\r\n ripple_1.ripple(showMore);\r\n fragment.append(showMore);\r\n });\r\n this.resultsDiv.append(title, fragment);\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.toggleSidebar(true).then(() => {\r\n /* appPollsManager.getVotes(mid).then(votes => {\r\n console.log('gOt VotEs', votes);\r\n }); */\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppPollResultsTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 87, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarRight\\gifs.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarRight/gifs.ts", "index": 81, "index2": 77, "size": 6363, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "issuerId": 24, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 24, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1584, "building": 1606, "dependencies": 2 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 24, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/sidebarRight/gifs", "loc": "58:31-76" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst searchInput_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../searchInput\"));\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst animationIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../animationIntersector\"));\r\nconst appSidebarRight_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst AppInlineBotsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/AppInlineBotsManager\"));\r\nconst gifsMasonry_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../gifsMasonry\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nconst ANIMATIONGROUP = 'GIFS-SEARCH';\r\nclass AppGifsTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.getElementById('search-gifs-container');\r\n this.contentDiv = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-content');\r\n this.backBtn = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n this.gifsDiv = this.contentDiv.firstElementChild;\r\n this.nextOffset = '';\r\n this.loadedAll = false;\r\n this.onGifsClick = (e) => {\r\n const target = utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'gif');\r\n if (!target)\r\n return;\r\n const fileID = target.dataset.docID;\r\n if (appImManager_1.default.chatInputC.sendMessageWithDocument(fileID)) {\r\n //this.closeBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n console.warn('got no doc by id:', fileID);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.contentDiv, 'y', ANIMATIONGROUP, undefined, undefined, 2);\r\n this.scrollable.setVirtualContainer(this.gifsDiv);\r\n this.masonry = new gifsMasonry_1.default(this.gifsDiv, ANIMATIONGROUP, this.scrollable);\r\n this.searchInput = new searchInput_1.default('Search GIFs', (value) => {\r\n this.reset();\r\n this.search(value);\r\n });\r\n this.gifsDiv.addEventListener('click', this.onGifsClick);\r\n this.backBtn.parentElement.append(this.searchInput.container);\r\n }\r\n onClose() {\r\n this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = () => { };\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n this.reset();\r\n this.gifsDiv.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.searchInput.value = '';\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(undefined, ANIMATIONGROUP);\r\n }\r\n reset() {\r\n this.searchPromise = null;\r\n this.nextOffset = '';\r\n this.loadedAll = false;\r\n this.masonry.lazyLoadQueue.clear();\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarRight_1.AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS.gifs);\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.toggleSidebar(true).then(() => {\r\n //this.renderFeatured();\r\n this.search('', true);\r\n this.reset();\r\n this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = () => {\r\n this.search(this.searchInput.value, false);\r\n };\r\n });\r\n }\r\n search(query, newSearch = true) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (this.searchPromise || this.loadedAll)\r\n return;\r\n if (!this.gifBotPeerID) {\r\n this.gifBotPeerID = (yield appUsersManager_1.default.resolveUsername('gif')).id;\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n this.searchPromise = AppInlineBotsManager_1.default.getInlineResults(0, this.gifBotPeerID, query, this.nextOffset);\r\n const { results, next_offset } = yield this.searchPromise;\r\n if (this.searchInput.value != query) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.searchPromise = null;\r\n this.nextOffset = next_offset;\r\n if (newSearch) {\r\n this.gifsDiv.innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n if (results.length) {\r\n results.forEach((result) => {\r\n if (result._ === 'botInlineMediaResult' && result.document) {\r\n this.masonry.add(result.document);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.loadedAll = true;\r\n }\r\n this.scrollable.onScroll();\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n this.searchPromise = null;\r\n throw new Error(JSON.stringify(err));\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppGifsTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 88, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\newChannel.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/newChannel.ts", "index": 86, "index2": 81, "size": 3600, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerId": 14, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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(function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst popupAvatar_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../popupAvatar\"));\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nclass AppNewChannelTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.querySelector('.new-channel-container');\r\n this.canvas = this.container.querySelector('.avatar-edit-canvas');\r\n this.channelNameInput = this.container.querySelector('.new-channel-name');\r\n this.channelDescriptionInput = this.container.querySelector('.new-channel-description');\r\n this.nextBtn = this.container.querySelector('.btn-corner');\r\n this.backBtn = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n this.uploadAvatar = null;\r\n this.container.querySelector('.avatar-edit').addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n popupAvatar_1.default.open(this.canvas, (_upload) => {\r\n this.uploadAvatar = _upload;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.channelNameInput.addEventListener('input', () => {\r\n let value = this.channelNameInput.value;\r\n if (value.length) {\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.add('is-visible');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.remove('is-visible');\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.nextBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n let title = this.channelNameInput.value;\r\n let about = this.channelDescriptionInput.value;\r\n this.nextBtn.disabled = true;\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.createChannel(title, about).then((channelID) => {\r\n if (this.uploadAvatar) {\r\n this.uploadAvatar().then((inputFile) => {\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.editPhoto(channelID, inputFile);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.removeTabFromHistory(appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.newChannel);\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.addMembersTab.init(channelID, 'channel', true);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n let ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');\r\n ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);\r\n this.uploadAvatar = null;\r\n this.channelNameInput.value = '';\r\n this.channelDescriptionInput.value = '';\r\n this.nextBtn.disabled = false;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppNewChannelTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 89, "identifier": 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init();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n image_target.onload = init;\r\n }\r\n function removeHandlers() {\r\n container.removeEventListener('mousedown', startMoving);\r\n container.removeEventListener('touchstart', startMoving);\r\n container.removeEventListener('wheel', resizing);\r\n document.removeEventListener('mouseup', endMoving);\r\n document.removeEventListener('touchend', endMoving);\r\n document.removeEventListener('mousemove', moving);\r\n document.removeEventListener('touchmove', moving);\r\n document.removeEventListener('keypress', keyHandler);\r\n cropComponent.remove();\r\n container.remove();\r\n crop_img.remove();\r\n }\r\n function addHandlers() {\r\n container.addEventListener('mousedown', startMoving, false);\r\n container.addEventListener('touchstart', startMoving, false);\r\n container.addEventListener('wheel', resizing, false);\r\n document.addEventListener('keypress', keyHandler, false);\r\n //document.querySelector('.btn-crop').addEventListener('click', openCropCanvasImg);\r\n }\r\n function init() {\r\n var wraper, left, top;\r\n if (image_target.dataset.isCrop) {\r\n throw 'image is already crop';\r\n }\r\n image_target.dataset.isCrop = 'true';\r\n image_target.classList.add('crop-blur');\r\n image_target.draggable = false;\r\n crop_img = new Image();\r\n crop_img.crossOrigin = image_target.crossOrigin;\r\n crop_img.src = image_target.src;\r\n crop_img.draggable = false;\r\n if (!resize_canvas) {\r\n resize_canvas = document.createElement('canvas');\r\n }\r\n cropComponent = document.createElement('div');\r\n cropComponent.classList.add('crop-component');\r\n container = document.createElement('div');\r\n container.classList.add('overlay');\r\n let overlayColor = document.createElement('div');\r\n overlayColor.classList.add('crop-overlay-color');\r\n cropComponent.appendChild(container);\r\n wraper = image_target.parentNode;\r\n wraper.appendChild(cropComponent);\r\n cropComponent.appendChild(crop_img);\r\n cropComponent.appendChild(image_target);\r\n cropComponent.appendChild(overlayColor);\r\n container.appendChild(crop_img);\r\n crop_img.style.maxWidth = image_target.width + 'px';\r\n left = image_target.offsetWidth / 2 - CROPWIDTH / 2;\r\n top = image_target.offsetHeight / 2 - CROPHEIGHT / 2;\r\n updateCropImage(left, top);\r\n addHandlers();\r\n }\r\n function updateCropSize(width, height) {\r\n container.style.width = width + 'px';\r\n container.style.height = height + 'px';\r\n }\r\n function updateCropImage(left, top) {\r\n cropLeft = -left * ratio;\r\n cropTop = -top * ratio;\r\n crop_img.style.top = -top + 'px';\r\n crop_img.style.left = -left + 'px';\r\n }\r\n function updateContainer(left, top) {\r\n let _top = top + (CROPWIDTH / 2) + 'px';\r\n let _left = left + (CROPHEIGHT / 2) + 'px';\r\n container.style.top = _top;\r\n container.style.left = _left;\r\n }\r\n // Save the initial event details and container state\r\n function saveEventState(e) {\r\n event_state.container_width = container.offsetWidth;\r\n event_state.container_height = container.offsetHeight;\r\n event_state.container_left = container.offsetLeft;\r\n event_state.container_top = container.offsetTop;\r\n event_state.mouse_x = (e.clientX || e.pageX || e.touches && e.touches[0].clientX) + window.scrollX;\r\n event_state.mouse_y = (e.clientY || e.pageY || e.touches && e.touches[0].clientY) + window.scrollY;\r\n }\r\n function imgZoom(zoom) {\r\n zoom = zoom * Math.PI * 2;\r\n var newWidth = Math.floor(container.clientWidth + zoom), newHeight = Math.floor(container.clientHeight + zoom), w = crop_img.clientWidth, h = crop_img.clientHeight, left, top, right, bottom;\r\n if (newWidth < MINWIDTH) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (newWidth > w) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n left = container.offsetLeft - (zoom / 2);\r\n top = container.offsetTop - (zoom / 2);\r\n right = left + newWidth;\r\n bottom = top + newHeight;\r\n if (left < 0) {\r\n left = 0;\r\n }\r\n if (top < 0) {\r\n top = 0;\r\n }\r\n if (right > w) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (bottom > h) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n ratio = CROPWIDTH / newWidth;\r\n updateCropSize(newWidth, newWidth);\r\n updateCropImage(left, top);\r\n updateContainer(left, top);\r\n //crop();\r\n }\r\n function keyHandler(e) {\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n switch (String.fromCharCode(e.charCode)) {\r\n case '+':\r\n imgZoom(keyZoomValue);\r\n break;\r\n case '-':\r\n imgZoom(-keyZoomValue);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function resizing(e) {\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n imgZoom(e.deltaY > 0 ? 1 : -1);\r\n }\r\n function startMoving(e) {\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n e.stopPropagation();\r\n saveEventState(e);\r\n document.addEventListener('mousemove', moving);\r\n document.addEventListener('touchmove', moving);\r\n document.addEventListener('mouseup', endMoving);\r\n document.addEventListener('touchend', endMoving);\r\n }\r\n function endMoving(e) {\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n document.removeEventListener('mouseup', endMoving);\r\n document.removeEventListener('touchend', endMoving);\r\n document.removeEventListener('mousemove', moving);\r\n document.removeEventListener('touchmove', moving);\r\n }\r\n function moving(e) {\r\n var curuntTouch = { x: 0, y: 0 }, left, top, w, h;\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n e.stopPropagation();\r\n curuntTouch.x = e.pageX || e.touches && e.touches[0].pageX;\r\n curuntTouch.y = e.pageY || e.touches && e.touches[0].pageY;\r\n left = curuntTouch.x - (event_state.mouse_x - event_state.container_left);\r\n top = curuntTouch.y - (event_state.mouse_y - event_state.container_top);\r\n w = container.offsetWidth;\r\n h = container.offsetHeight;\r\n if (left < 0) {\r\n left = 0;\r\n }\r\n else if (left > crop_img.offsetWidth - w) {\r\n left = crop_img.offsetWidth - w;\r\n }\r\n if (top < 0) {\r\n top = 0;\r\n }\r\n else if (top > crop_img.offsetHeight - h) {\r\n top = crop_img.offsetHeight - h;\r\n }\r\n updateCropImage(left, top);\r\n updateContainer(left, top);\r\n }\r\n function crop() {\r\n cropWidth = crop_img.width * ratio;\r\n cropHeight = crop_img.height * ratio;\r\n resize_canvas.width = CROPWIDTH;\r\n resize_canvas.height = CROPHEIGHT;\r\n var ctx = resize_canvas.getContext('2d');\r\n ctx.drawImage(crop_img, cropLeft, cropTop, cropWidth, cropHeight);\r\n }\r\n return { crop, removeHandlers };\r\n /* function openCropCanvasImg() {\r\n crop();\r\n \r\n try {\r\n var base64Img = resize_canvas.toDataURL('image/png', 1.0);\r\n window.open(base64Img);\r\n } catch(e) {\r\n alert(e);\r\n } finally {\r\n // removeHandlers();\r\n }\r\n \r\n } */\r\n}\r\n//resizeableImage(document.querySelector('.crop-image'));\r\nexports.default = resizeableImage;\r\n" }, { "id": 90, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\addMembers.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/addMembers.ts", "index": 89, "index2": 82, "size": 3413, "cacheable": true, "built": true, 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(function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst appSelectPeers_1 = require(\"../appSelectPeers\");\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../misc\");\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nclass AppAddMembersTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.querySelector('.addmembers-container');\r\n this.contentDiv = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-content');\r\n this.backBtn = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n this.nextBtn = this.contentDiv.querySelector('.btn-corner');\r\n this.nextBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n if (this.skippable) {\r\n this.backBtn.click();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const peerIDs = this.selector.getSelected();\r\n if (peerIDs.length) {\r\n if (this.takeOut) {\r\n this.takeOut(peerIDs);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.remove('tgico-next');\r\n this.nextBtn.disabled = true;\r\n misc_1.putPreloader(this.nextBtn);\r\n this.selector.freezed = true;\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.inviteToChannel(this.peerID, peerIDs).then(() => {\r\n this.backBtn.click();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n if (this.selector) {\r\n this.selector.container.remove();\r\n this.selector = null;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n init(id, type, skippable, takeOut) {\r\n this.peerID = Math.abs(id);\r\n this.peerType = type;\r\n this.takeOut = takeOut;\r\n this.skippable = skippable;\r\n this.onCloseAfterTimeout();\r\n this.selector = new appSelectPeers_1.AppSelectPeers(this.contentDiv, skippable ? null : (length) => {\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.toggle('is-visible', !!length);\r\n }, ['contacts']);\r\n this.nextBtn.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.nextBtn.disabled = false;\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.add('tgico-next');\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.toggle('is-visible', skippable);\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.addMembers);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppAddMembersTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 91, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\contacts.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/contacts.ts", "index": 90, "index2": 83, "size": 5220, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerId": 14, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 14, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1308, "building": 1919, "dependencies": 4 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 14, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/sidebarLeft/contacts", "loc": "37:35-83" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst appDialogsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst searchInput_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../searchInput\"));\r\n// TODO: поиск по людям глобальный, если не нашло в контактах никого\r\nclass AppContactsTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.getElementById('contacts-container');\r\n this.list = this.container.querySelector('#contacts');\r\n appDialogsManager_1.default.setListClickListener(this.list);\r\n this.scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.list.parentElement);\r\n this.searchInput = new searchInput_1.default('Search', (value) => {\r\n this.list.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.openContacts(value);\r\n });\r\n this.container.firstElementChild.append(this.searchInput.container);\r\n // preload contacts\r\n // appUsersManager.getContacts();\r\n }\r\n // need to clear, and left 1 page for smooth slide\r\n onClose() {\r\n let pageCount = appPhotosManager_1.default.windowH / 72 * 1.25 | 0;\r\n Array.from(this.list.children).slice(pageCount).forEach(el => el.remove());\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n this.list.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.searchInput.value = '';\r\n }\r\n openContacts(query) {\r\n if (appSidebarLeft_1.default.historyTabIDs.indexOf(appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.contacts) === -1) {\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.contacts);\r\n }\r\n if (this.promise)\r\n return this.promise;\r\n this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = null;\r\n this.promise = appUsersManager_1.default.getContacts(query).then(_contacts => {\r\n this.promise = null;\r\n if (appSidebarLeft_1.default.historyTabIDs[appSidebarLeft_1.default.historyTabIDs.length - 1] != appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.contacts) {\r\n console.warn('user closed contacts before it\\'s loaded');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const contacts = [..._contacts];\r\n if (!query) {\r\n contacts.findAndSplice(u => u == utils_1.$rootScope.myID);\r\n }\r\n /* if(query && 'saved messages'.includes(query.toLowerCase())) {\r\n contacts.unshift($rootScope.myID);\r\n } */\r\n let sorted = contacts\r\n .map(userID => {\r\n let user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(userID);\r\n let status = appUsersManager_1.default.getUserStatusForSort(user.status);\r\n return { user, status };\r\n })\r\n .sort((a, b) => b.status - a.status);\r\n let renderPage = () => {\r\n let pageCount = appPhotosManager_1.default.windowH / 72 * 1.25 | 0;\r\n let arr = sorted.splice(0, pageCount); // надо splice!\r\n arr.forEach(({ user }) => {\r\n let { dialog, dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(user.id, this.list, false);\r\n let status = appUsersManager_1.default.getUserStatusString(user.id);\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = status == 'online' ? `${status}` : status;\r\n });\r\n if (!sorted.length)\r\n renderPage = undefined;\r\n };\r\n renderPage();\r\n this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = () => {\r\n if (renderPage) {\r\n renderPage();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = null;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppContactsTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 92, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\newGroup.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/newGroup.ts", "index": 91, "index2": 84, "size": 4686, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerId": 14, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 14, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1308, "building": 1919, "dependencies": 4 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 14, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/sidebarLeft/newGroup", "loc": "38:35-83" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst appSearch_1 = require(\"../appSearch\");\r\nconst popupAvatar_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../popupAvatar\"));\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst appDialogsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager\"));\r\nclass AppNewGroupTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.querySelector('.new-group-container');\r\n this.contentDiv = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-content');\r\n this.canvas = this.container.querySelector('.avatar-edit-canvas');\r\n this.groupNameInput = this.container.querySelector('.new-group-name');\r\n this.nextBtn = this.container.querySelector('.btn-corner');\r\n this.searchGroup = new appSearch_1.SearchGroup(' ', 'contacts', true, 'new-group-members disable-hover', false);\r\n this.uploadAvatar = null;\r\n this.container.querySelector('.avatar-edit').addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n popupAvatar_1.default.open(this.canvas, (_upload) => {\r\n this.uploadAvatar = _upload;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.groupNameInput.addEventListener('input', () => {\r\n const value = this.groupNameInput.value;\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.toggle('is-visible', !!value.length);\r\n });\r\n this.nextBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n const title = this.groupNameInput.value;\r\n this.nextBtn.disabled = true;\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.createChat(title, this.userIDs).then((chatID) => {\r\n if (this.uploadAvatar) {\r\n this.uploadAvatar().then((inputFile) => {\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.editPhoto(chatID, inputFile);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.selectTab(0);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n const chatsContainer = document.createElement('div');\r\n chatsContainer.classList.add('chats-container');\r\n chatsContainer.append(this.searchGroup.container);\r\n const scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(chatsContainer);\r\n this.contentDiv.append(chatsContainer);\r\n }\r\n onClose() {\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n this.searchGroup.clear();\r\n const ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');\r\n ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);\r\n this.uploadAvatar = null;\r\n this.groupNameInput.value = '';\r\n this.nextBtn.disabled = false;\r\n this.searchGroup.clear();\r\n }\r\n init(userIDs) {\r\n this.userIDs = userIDs;\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.newGroup);\r\n this.userIDs.forEach(userID => {\r\n let { dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(userID, this.searchGroup.list, false, false);\r\n let subtitle = '';\r\n subtitle = appUsersManager_1.default.getUserStatusString(userID);\r\n if (subtitle == 'online') {\r\n subtitle = `${subtitle}`;\r\n }\r\n if (subtitle) {\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = subtitle;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.searchGroup.nameEl.innerText = this.userIDs.length + ' members';\r\n this.searchGroup.setActive();\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppNewGroupTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 93, "identifier": 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(function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../misc\");\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager\"));\r\nclass AppSettingsTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.querySelector('.settings-container');\r\n this.avatarElem = this.container.querySelector('.profile-avatar');\r\n this.nameDiv = this.container.querySelector('.profile-name');\r\n this.phoneDiv = this.container.querySelector('.profile-subtitle');\r\n this.logOutBtn = this.container.querySelector('.menu-logout');\r\n this.buttons = {};\r\n misc_1.parseMenuButtonsTo(this.buttons, this.container.querySelector('.profile-buttons').children);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('user_auth', (e) => {\r\n this.fillElements();\r\n });\r\n this.logOutBtn.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.logOut().finally(() => {\r\n localStorage.clear();\r\n location.reload();\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.edit.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.editProfileTab.fillElements();\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.editProfile);\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.folders.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.chatFolders);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n fillElements() {\r\n let user = appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf();\r\n this.avatarElem.setAttribute('peer', '' + user.id);\r\n this.nameDiv.innerHTML = user.rFullName || '';\r\n this.phoneDiv.innerHTML = user.rPhone || '';\r\n }\r\n onClose() {\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppSettingsTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 94, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\editProfile.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/editProfile.ts", "index": 93, "index2": 86, "size": 8926, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": 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"optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst popupAvatar_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../popupAvatar\"));\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst appProfileManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appProfileManager\"));\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\n// TODO: аватарка не поменяется в этой вкладке после изменения почему-то (если поставить в другом клиенте, и потом тут проверить, для этого ещё вышел в чатлист)\r\nclass AppEditProfileTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.querySelector('.edit-profile-container');\r\n this.scrollWrapper = this.container.querySelector('.scroll-wrapper');\r\n this.nextBtn = this.container.querySelector('.btn-corner');\r\n this.canvas = this.container.querySelector('.avatar-edit-canvas');\r\n this.uploadAvatar = null;\r\n this.firstNameInput = this.container.querySelector('.firstname');\r\n this.lastNameInput = this.container.querySelector('.lastname');\r\n this.bioInput = this.container.querySelector('.bio');\r\n this.userNameInput = this.container.querySelector('.username');\r\n this.avatarElem = document.createElement('avatar-element');\r\n this.profileUrlContainer = this.container.querySelector('.profile-url-container');\r\n this.profileUrlAnchor = this.profileUrlContainer.lastElementChild;\r\n this.originalValues = {\r\n firstName: '',\r\n lastName: '',\r\n userName: '',\r\n bio: ''\r\n };\r\n this.container.querySelector('.avatar-edit').addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n popupAvatar_1.default.open(this.canvas, (_upload) => {\r\n this.uploadAvatar = _upload;\r\n this.handleChange();\r\n this.avatarElem.remove();\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.avatarElem.classList.add('avatar-placeholder');\r\n let userNameLabel = this.userNameInput.nextElementSibling;\r\n this.firstNameInput.addEventListener('input', () => this.handleChange());\r\n this.lastNameInput.addEventListener('input', () => this.handleChange());\r\n this.bioInput.addEventListener('input', () => this.handleChange());\r\n this.userNameInput.addEventListener('input', () => {\r\n let value = this.userNameInput.value;\r\n //console.log('userNameInput:', value);\r\n if (value == this.originalValues.userName || !value.length) {\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.remove('valid', 'error');\r\n userNameLabel.innerText = 'Username (optional)';\r\n this.setProfileUrl();\r\n this.handleChange();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (!this.isUsernameValid(value)) { // does not check the last underscore\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.add('error');\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.remove('valid');\r\n userNameLabel.innerText = 'Username is invalid';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.remove('valid', 'error');\r\n }\r\n if (this.userNameInput.classList.contains('error')) {\r\n this.setProfileUrl();\r\n this.handleChange();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('account.checkUsername', {\r\n username: value\r\n }).then(available => {\r\n if (this.userNameInput.value != value)\r\n return;\r\n if (available) {\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.add('valid');\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.remove('error');\r\n userNameLabel.innerText = 'Username is available';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.add('error');\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.remove('valid');\r\n userNameLabel.innerText = 'Username is already taken';\r\n }\r\n }, (err) => {\r\n if (this.userNameInput.value != value)\r\n return;\r\n switch (err.type) {\r\n case 'USERNAME_INVALID': {\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.add('error');\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.remove('valid');\r\n userNameLabel.innerText = 'Username is invalid';\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }).then(() => {\r\n this.handleChange();\r\n this.setProfileUrl();\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.nextBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.nextBtn.disabled = true;\r\n let promises = [];\r\n promises.push(appProfileManager_1.default.updateProfile(this.firstNameInput.value, this.lastNameInput.value, this.bioInput.value).then(() => {\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.selectTab(0);\r\n }, (err) => {\r\n console.error('updateProfile error:', err);\r\n }));\r\n if (this.uploadAvatar) {\r\n promises.push(this.uploadAvatar().then(inputFile => {\r\n appProfileManager_1.default.uploadProfilePhoto(inputFile);\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n if (this.userNameInput.value != this.originalValues.userName && this.userNameInput.classList.contains('valid')) {\r\n promises.push(appProfileManager_1.default.updateUsername(this.userNameInput.value));\r\n }\r\n Promise.race(promises).then(() => {\r\n this.nextBtn.disabled = false;\r\n }, () => {\r\n this.nextBtn.disabled = false;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n let scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.scrollWrapper, 'y');\r\n }\r\n fillElements() {\r\n var _a, _b, _c;\r\n let user = appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf();\r\n this.firstNameInput.value = this.originalValues.firstName = (_a = user.first_name) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '';\r\n this.lastNameInput.value = this.originalValues.lastName = (_b = user.last_name) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : '';\r\n this.userNameInput.value = this.originalValues.userName = (_c = user.username) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : '';\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.remove('valid', 'error');\r\n this.userNameInput.nextElementSibling.innerHTML = 'Username (optional)';\r\n appProfileManager_1.default.getProfile(user.id).then(userFull => {\r\n if (userFull.rAbout) {\r\n this.bioInput.value = this.originalValues.bio = userFull.rAbout;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.avatarElem.setAttribute('peer', '' + utils_1.$rootScope.myID);\r\n if (!this.avatarElem.parentElement) {\r\n this.canvas.parentElement.append(this.avatarElem);\r\n }\r\n this.uploadAvatar = null;\r\n this.setProfileUrl();\r\n }\r\n isUsernameValid(username) {\r\n return ((username.length >= 5 && username.length <= 32) || !username.length) && /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/.test(username);\r\n }\r\n isChanged() {\r\n return !!this.uploadAvatar\r\n || this.firstNameInput.value != this.originalValues.firstName\r\n || this.lastNameInput.value != this.originalValues.lastName\r\n || (this.userNameInput.value != this.originalValues.userName && !this.userNameInput.classList.contains('error'))\r\n || this.bioInput.value != this.originalValues.bio;\r\n }\r\n setProfileUrl() {\r\n if (this.userNameInput.classList.contains('error') || !this.userNameInput.value.length) {\r\n this.profileUrlContainer.style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.profileUrlContainer.style.display = '';\r\n let url = 'https://t.me/' + this.userNameInput.value;\r\n this.profileUrlAnchor.innerText = url;\r\n this.profileUrlAnchor.href = url;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n handleChange() {\r\n if (this.isChanged()) {\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.add('is-visible');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.remove('is-visible');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.remove('is-visible');\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppEditProfileTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 95, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\chatFolders.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/chatFolders.ts", "index": 94, "index2": 87, "size": 8187, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": 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"./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/sidebarLeft/chatFolders", "loc": "41:38-89" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst lottieLoader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/lottieLoader\"));\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nconst ripple_1 = require(\"../ripple\");\r\nconst toast_1 = require(\"../toast\");\r\nclass AppChatFoldersTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.filtersRendered = {};\r\n }\r\n renderFolder(dialogFilter, container, div = document.createElement('div')) {\r\n let filter;\r\n let description = '';\r\n let d = [];\r\n if (dialogFilter._ == 'dialogFilterSuggested') {\r\n filter = dialogFilter.filter;\r\n description = dialogFilter.description;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n filter = dialogFilter;\r\n description = '';\r\n const filterID = filter.id;\r\n if (!this.filtersRendered.hasOwnProperty(filter.id)) {\r\n div.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.editFolderTab.open(appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.filters[filterID]);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n this.filtersRendered[filter.id] = div;\r\n let enabledFilters = Object.keys(filter.pFlags).length;\r\n /* (['include_peers', 'exclude_peers'] as ['include_peers', 'exclude_peers']).forEach(key => {\r\n enabledFilters += +!!filter[key].length;\r\n }); */\r\n if (enabledFilters == 1) {\r\n description = 'All ';\r\n const pFlags = filter.pFlags;\r\n if (pFlags.contacts)\r\n description += 'Contacts';\r\n else if (pFlags.non_contacts)\r\n description += 'Non-Contacts';\r\n else if (pFlags.groups)\r\n description += 'Groups';\r\n else if (pFlags.broadcasts)\r\n description += 'Channels';\r\n else if (pFlags.bots)\r\n description += 'Bots';\r\n else if (pFlags.exclude_muted)\r\n description += 'Unmuted';\r\n else if (pFlags.exclude_read)\r\n description += 'Unread';\r\n else if (pFlags.exclude_archived)\r\n description += 'Unarchived';\r\n d.push(description);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const folder = appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.getFolder(filter.id);\r\n let chats = 0, channels = 0, groups = 0;\r\n for (const dialog of folder) {\r\n if (appPeersManager_1.default.isAnyGroup(dialog.peerID))\r\n groups++;\r\n else if (appPeersManager_1.default.isBroadcast(dialog.peerID))\r\n channels++;\r\n else\r\n chats++;\r\n }\r\n if (chats)\r\n d.push(chats + ' chats');\r\n if (channels)\r\n d.push(channels + ' channels');\r\n if (groups)\r\n d.push(groups + ' groups');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n div.classList.add('category', 'rp-square');\r\n div.innerHTML = `\r\n



${d.length ? d.join(', ') : description}

\r\n `;\r\n ripple_1.ripple(div);\r\n if (container)\r\n container.append(div);\r\n return div;\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n this.container = document.querySelector('.chat-folders-container');\r\n this.stickerContainer = this.container.querySelector('.sticker-container');\r\n this.foldersContainer = this.container.querySelector('.folders-my');\r\n this.suggestedContainer = this.container.querySelector('.folders-suggested');\r\n this.createFolderBtn = this.container.querySelector('.btn-create-folder');\r\n this.createFolderBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n if (Object.keys(this.filtersRendered).length >= 10) {\r\n toast_1.toast('Sorry, you can\\'t create more folders.');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.editFolderTab.open();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n lottieLoader_1.default.loadAnimationFromURL({\r\n container: this.stickerContainer,\r\n loop: false,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n width: 86,\r\n height: 86\r\n }, 'assets/img/Folders_1.tgs').then(player => {\r\n this.animation = player;\r\n });\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.getDialogFilters().then(filters => {\r\n for (const filterID in filters) {\r\n const filter = filters[filterID];\r\n this.renderFolder(filter, this.foldersContainer);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('filter_update', (e) => {\r\n const filter = e.detail;\r\n if (this.filtersRendered.hasOwnProperty(filter.id)) {\r\n this.renderFolder(filter, null, this.filtersRendered[filter.id]);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.renderFolder(filter, this.foldersContainer);\r\n }\r\n this.getSuggestedFilters();\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('filter_delete', (e) => {\r\n const filter = e.detail;\r\n if (this.filtersRendered.hasOwnProperty(filter.id)) {\r\n /* for(const suggested of this.suggestedFilters) {\r\n if(deepEqual(suggested.filter, filter)) {\r\n \r\n }\r\n } */\r\n this.getSuggestedFilters();\r\n this.filtersRendered[filter.id].remove();\r\n delete this.filtersRendered[filter.id];\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.getSuggestedFilters();\r\n }\r\n getSuggestedFilters() {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getSuggestedDialogFilters').then(suggestedFilters => {\r\n this.suggestedContainer.style.display = suggestedFilters.length ? '' : 'none';\r\n Array.from(this.suggestedContainer.children).slice(1).forEach(el => el.remove());\r\n suggestedFilters.forEach(filter => {\r\n const div = this.renderFolder(filter);\r\n const button = document.createElement('button');\r\n button.classList.add('btn-primary');\r\n button.innerText = 'Add';\r\n div.append(button);\r\n this.suggestedContainer.append(div);\r\n button.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n if (Object.keys(this.filtersRendered).length >= 10) {\r\n toast_1.toast('Sorry, you can\\'t create more folders.');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n button.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.createDialogFilter(filter.filter).then(bool => {\r\n if (bool) {\r\n div.remove();\r\n }\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n button.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n });\r\n });\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n onOpen() {\r\n if (this.init) {\r\n this.init();\r\n this.init = null;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (this.animation) {\r\n this.animation.restart();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppChatFoldersTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 96, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\editFolder.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/editFolder.ts", "index": 95, "index2": 88, "size": 10311, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerId": 14, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 14, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1308, "building": 1919, "dependencies": 4 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 14, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/sidebarLeft/editFolder", "loc": "42:37-87" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nconst lottieLoader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/lottieLoader\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../misc\");\r\nconst appDialogsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst toast_1 = require(\"../toast\");\r\nconst ripple_1 = require(\"../ripple\");\r\nconst MAX_FOLDER_NAME_LENGTH = 12;\r\nclass AppEditFolderTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.flags = {};\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n this.container = document.querySelector('.edit-folder-container');\r\n this.closeBtn = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n this.title = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-header__title');\r\n this.caption = this.container.querySelector('.caption');\r\n this.stickerContainer = this.container.querySelector('.sticker-container');\r\n this.confirmBtn = this.container.querySelector('.btn-confirm');\r\n this.menuBtn = this.container.querySelector('.btn-menu-toggle');\r\n this.deleteFolderBtn = this.menuBtn.querySelector('.menu-delete');\r\n this.nameInput = this.container.querySelector('#folder-name');\r\n this.include_peers = this.container.querySelector('.folder-list-included');\r\n this.exclude_peers = this.container.querySelector('.folder-list-excluded');\r\n const includedFlagsContainer = this.include_peers.querySelector('.folder-categories');\r\n const excludedFlagsContainer = this.exclude_peers.querySelector('.folder-categories');\r\n misc_1.parseMenuButtonsTo(this.flags, includedFlagsContainer.children);\r\n misc_1.parseMenuButtonsTo(this.flags, excludedFlagsContainer.children);\r\n includedFlagsContainer.firstElementChild.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.includedChatsTab.open(this.filter, 'included');\r\n });\r\n excludedFlagsContainer.firstElementChild.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.includedChatsTab.open(this.filter, 'excluded');\r\n });\r\n lottieLoader_1.default.loadAnimationFromURL({\r\n container: this.stickerContainer,\r\n loop: true,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n width: 86,\r\n height: 86\r\n }, 'assets/img/Folders_2.tgs').then(player => {\r\n this.animation = player;\r\n });\r\n this.deleteFolderBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.deleteFolderBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.updateDialogFilter(this.filter, true).then(bool => {\r\n if (bool) {\r\n this.closeBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n this.deleteFolderBtn.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.confirmBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n if (!this.nameInput.value.trim()) {\r\n this.nameInput.classList.add('error');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let include = Array.from(includedFlagsContainer.children).slice(1).reduce((acc, el) => acc + +!el.style.display, 0);\r\n if (this.include_peers.lastElementChild.tagName == 'UL') {\r\n include += this.include_peers.lastElementChild.childElementCount;\r\n }\r\n if (!include) {\r\n toast_1.toast('Please choose at least one chat for this folder.');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.confirmBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n let promise;\r\n if (!this.filter.id) {\r\n promise = appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.createDialogFilter(this.filter);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n promise = appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.updateDialogFilter(this.filter);\r\n }\r\n promise.then(bool => {\r\n if (bool) {\r\n this.closeBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n if (err.type == 'DIALOG_FILTERS_TOO_MUCH') {\r\n toast_1.toast('Sorry, you can\\'t create more folders.');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n console.error('updateDialogFilter error:', err);\r\n }\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n this.confirmBtn.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.nameInput.addEventListener('input', () => {\r\n if (this.nameInput.value.length > MAX_FOLDER_NAME_LENGTH) {\r\n this.nameInput.value = this.nameInput.value.slice(0, MAX_FOLDER_NAME_LENGTH);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.filter.title = this.nameInput.value;\r\n this.nameInput.classList.remove('error');\r\n this.editCheckForChange();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n onOpen() {\r\n if (this.init) {\r\n this.init();\r\n this.init = null;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (this.animation) {\r\n this.animation.restart();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n Array.from(this.container.querySelectorAll('ul, .show-more')).forEach(el => el.remove());\r\n }\r\n onCreateOpen() {\r\n this.caption.style.display = '';\r\n this.title.innerText = 'New Folder';\r\n this.menuBtn.classList.add('hide');\r\n this.confirmBtn.classList.remove('hide');\r\n this.nameInput.value = '';\r\n for (const flag in this.flags) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n this.flags[flag].style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n onEditOpen() {\r\n this.caption.style.display = 'none';\r\n this.title.innerText = this.type == 'create' ? 'New Folder' : 'Edit Folder';\r\n if (this.type == 'edit') {\r\n this.menuBtn.classList.remove('hide');\r\n this.confirmBtn.classList.add('hide');\r\n }\r\n const filter = this.filter;\r\n this.nameInput.value = filter.title;\r\n for (const flag in this.flags) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n this.flags[flag].style.display = !!filter.pFlags[flag] ? '' : 'none';\r\n }\r\n ['include_peers', 'exclude_peers'].forEach(key => {\r\n const container = this[key];\r\n const ul = document.createElement('ul');\r\n const peers = filter[key].slice();\r\n const renderMore = (_length) => {\r\n for (let i = 0, length = Math.min(peers.length, _length); i < length; ++i) {\r\n const peerID = peers.shift();\r\n const { dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(peerID, ul, false, false, undefined, true);\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.parentElement.remove();\r\n }\r\n if (peers.length) {\r\n showMore.innerHTML = `
Show ${Math.min(20, peers.length)} more chat${peers.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}
`;\r\n }\r\n else if (showMore) {\r\n showMore.remove();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n container.append(ul);\r\n let showMore;\r\n if (peers.length) {\r\n showMore = document.createElement('div');\r\n showMore.classList.add('show-more');\r\n showMore.addEventListener('click', () => renderMore(20));\r\n showMore.innerHTML = `
Show ${Math.min(20, peers.length)} more chat${peers.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}
`;\r\n ripple_1.ripple(showMore);\r\n container.append(showMore);\r\n }\r\n renderMore(4);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n editCheckForChange() {\r\n if (this.type == 'edit') {\r\n const changed = !utils_1.deepEqual(this.originalFilter, this.filter);\r\n this.confirmBtn.classList.toggle('hide', !changed);\r\n this.menuBtn.classList.toggle('hide', changed);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ;\r\n setFilter(filter, firstTime) {\r\n // cleanup\r\n this.onCloseAfterTimeout();\r\n if (firstTime) {\r\n this.originalFilter = filter;\r\n this.filter = utils_1.copy(filter);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.filter = filter;\r\n this.onEditOpen();\r\n this.editCheckForChange();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n open(filter) {\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.editFolder);\r\n if (filter === undefined) {\r\n this.setFilter({\r\n _: 'dialogFilter',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n id: 0,\r\n title: '',\r\n pFlags: {},\r\n pinned_peers: [],\r\n include_peers: [],\r\n exclude_peers: []\r\n }, true);\r\n this.type = 'create';\r\n this.onCreateOpen();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.setFilter(filter, true);\r\n this.type = 'edit';\r\n this.onEditOpen();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppEditFolderTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 97, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\includedChats.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/includedChats.ts", "index": 96, "index2": 89, "size": 8766, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerId": 14, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 14, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1308, "building": 1919, "dependencies": 4 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 14, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/sidebarLeft/includedChats", "loc": "43:40-93" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst appSelectPeers_1 = require(\"../appSelectPeers\");\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nconst appDialogsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nclass AppIncludedChatsTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.renderResults = (peerIDs) => {\r\n const other = this.type == 'included' ? this.filter.exclude_peers : this.filter.include_peers;\r\n peerIDs.forEach(peerID => {\r\n if (other.includes(peerID))\r\n return;\r\n const { dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(peerID, this.selector.scrollable, false, false);\r\n const selected = this.selector.selected.has(peerID);\r\n dom.containerEl.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', this.checkbox(selected));\r\n if (selected)\r\n dom.listEl.classList.add('active');\r\n let subtitle = '';\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n if (peerID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID) {\r\n subtitle = 'Chat with yourself';\r\n }\r\n else if (appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(peerID)) {\r\n subtitle = 'Bot';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n subtitle = appUsersManager_1.default.contactsList.has(peerID) ? 'Contact' : 'Non-Contact';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n subtitle = appPeersManager_1.default.isBroadcast(peerID) ? 'Channel' : 'Group';\r\n }\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = subtitle;\r\n });\r\n };\r\n this.onSelectChange = (length) => {\r\n //const changed = !deepEqual(this.filter, this.originalFilter);\r\n if (this.type == 'included') {\r\n this.confirmBtn.style.display = length ? '' : 'none';\r\n }\r\n };\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n this.container = document.querySelector('.included-chats-container');\r\n this.closeBtn = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n this.confirmBtn = this.container.querySelector('.btn-confirm');\r\n this.title = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-header__title');\r\n this.confirmBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n const selected = this.selector.getSelected();\r\n //this.filter.pFlags = {};\r\n if (this.type == 'included') {\r\n for (const key in this.filter.pFlags) {\r\n if (key.indexOf('exclude_') === 0) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n delete this.filter.pFlags[key];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n for (const key in this.filter.pFlags) {\r\n if (key.indexOf('exclude_') !== 0) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n delete this.filter.pFlags[key];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const peers = [];\r\n for (const key of selected) {\r\n if (typeof (key) === 'number') {\r\n peers.push(key);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n this.filter.pFlags[key] = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.filter[this.type == 'included' ? 'include_peers' : 'exclude_peers'] = peers;\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.editFolderTab.setFilter(this.filter, false);\r\n this.closeBtn.click();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n checkbox(selected) {\r\n return `
`;\r\n }\r\n onOpen() {\r\n if (this.init) {\r\n this.init();\r\n this.init = null;\r\n }\r\n this.confirmBtn.style.display = this.type == 'excluded' ? '' : 'none';\r\n this.title.innerText = this.type == 'included' ? 'Included Chats' : 'Excluded Chats';\r\n const filter = this.filter;\r\n const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();\r\n const dd = document.createElement('div');\r\n dd.classList.add('sidebar-left-h2');\r\n dd.innerText = 'Chat types';\r\n const categories = document.createElement('div');\r\n categories.classList.add('folder-categories');\r\n let details;\r\n if (this.type == 'excluded') {\r\n details = {\r\n exclude_muted: { ico: 'tgico-mute', text: 'Muted' },\r\n exclude_archived: { ico: 'tgico-archive', text: 'Archived' },\r\n exclude_read: { ico: 'tgico-readchats', text: 'Read' }\r\n };\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n details = {\r\n contacts: { ico: 'tgico-newprivate', text: 'Contacts' },\r\n non_contacts: { ico: 'tgico-noncontacts', text: 'Non-Contacts' },\r\n groups: { ico: 'tgico-group', text: 'Groups' },\r\n broadcasts: { ico: 'tgico-newchannel', text: 'Channels' },\r\n bots: { ico: 'tgico-bots', text: 'Bots' }\r\n };\r\n }\r\n let html = '';\r\n for (const key in details) {\r\n html += `


`;\r\n }\r\n categories.innerHTML = html;\r\n const hr = document.createElement('hr');\r\n hr.style.margin = '7px 0 9px';\r\n const d = document.createElement('div');\r\n d.classList.add('sidebar-left-h2');\r\n d.innerText = 'Chats';\r\n fragment.append(dd, categories, hr, d);\r\n /////////////////\r\n const selectedPeers = (this.type == 'included' ? filter.include_peers : filter.exclude_peers).slice();\r\n this.selector = new appSelectPeers_1.AppSelectPeers(this.container, this.onSelectChange, ['dialogs'], null, this.renderResults);\r\n this.selector.selected = new Set(selectedPeers);\r\n this.selector.input.placeholder = 'Search';\r\n const _add = this.selector.add.bind(this.selector);\r\n this.selector.add = (peerID, title) => {\r\n var _a;\r\n const div = _add(peerID, (_a = details[peerID]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.text);\r\n if (details[peerID]) {\r\n div.querySelector('avatar-element').classList.add(details[peerID].ico);\r\n }\r\n return div;\r\n };\r\n this.selector.list.parentElement.insertBefore(fragment, this.selector.list);\r\n selectedPeers.forEach(peerID => {\r\n this.selector.add(peerID);\r\n });\r\n for (const flag in filter.pFlags) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n if (details.hasOwnProperty(flag) && !!filter.pFlags[flag]) {\r\n categories.querySelector(`[data-peerID=\"${flag}\"]`).click();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n if (this.selector) {\r\n this.selector.container.remove();\r\n this.selector = null;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n open(filter, type) {\r\n this.originalFilter = filter;\r\n this.filter = utils_1.copy(this.originalFilter);\r\n this.type = type;\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.includedChats);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppIncludedChatsTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 98, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\input.ts", "name": "./src/components/chat/input.ts", "index": 97, "index2": 98, "size": 33710, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/chat/input", "loc": "25:16-54" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.ChatInput = void 0;\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst appWebPagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appWebPagesManager\"));\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst wrappers_1 = require(\"../wrappers\");\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst groupedLayout_1 = require(\"../groupedLayout\");\r\nconst recorder_min_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../public/recorder.min\"));\r\n//import Recorder from '../opus-recorder/dist/recorder.min';\r\nconst opusDecodeController_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/opusDecodeController\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../../lib/config\");\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst emoticonsDropdown_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../emoticonsDropdown\"));\r\nconst popupCreatePoll_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../popupCreatePoll\"));\r\nclass ChatInput {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.pageEl = document.getElementById('page-chats');\r\n this.messageInput = document.getElementById('input-message') /* HTMLInputElement */;\r\n this.fileInput = document.getElementById('input-file');\r\n this.inputMessageContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('input-message-container')[0];\r\n this.inputScroll = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.inputMessageContainer);\r\n this.btnSend = document.getElementById('btn-send');\r\n this.btnCancelRecord = this.btnSend.parentElement.previousElementSibling;\r\n this.lastUrl = '';\r\n this.lastTimeType = 0;\r\n this.inputContainer = this.btnSend.parentElement.parentElement;\r\n this.chatInput = this.inputContainer.parentElement;\r\n this.attachMenu = {};\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp = {};\r\n this.replyElements = {};\r\n this.willSendWebPage = null;\r\n this.replyToMsgID = 0;\r\n this.editMsgID = 0;\r\n this.noWebPage = false;\r\n this.recording = false;\r\n this.recordCanceled = false;\r\n this.recordTimeEl = this.inputContainer.querySelector('.record-time');\r\n this.recordRippleEl = this.inputContainer.querySelector('.record-ripple');\r\n this.recordStartTime = 0;\r\n this.scrollTop = 0;\r\n this.scrollOffsetTop = 0;\r\n this.scrollDiff = 0;\r\n this.attachMenu.container = document.getElementById('attach-file');\r\n this.attachMenu.media = this.attachMenu.container.querySelector('.menu-media');\r\n this.attachMenu.document = this.attachMenu.container.querySelector('.menu-document');\r\n this.attachMenu.poll = this.attachMenu.container.querySelector('.menu-poll');\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.container = this.pageEl.querySelector('.popup-send-photo');\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.titleEl = this.attachMediaPopUp.container.querySelector('.popup-title');\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.sendBtn = this.attachMediaPopUp.container.querySelector('.btn-primary');\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer = this.attachMediaPopUp.container.querySelector('.popup-photo');\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.captionInput = this.attachMediaPopUp.container.querySelector('input');\r\n this.replyElements.container = this.pageEl.querySelector('.reply-wrapper');\r\n this.replyElements.cancelBtn = this.replyElements.container.querySelector('.reply-cancel');\r\n this.replyElements.titleEl = this.replyElements.container.querySelector('.reply-title');\r\n this.replyElements.subtitleEl = this.replyElements.container.querySelector('.reply-subtitle');\r\n try {\r\n this.recorder = new recorder_min_1.default({\r\n //encoderBitRate: 32,\r\n //encoderPath: \"../dist/encoderWorker.min.js\",\r\n encoderSampleRate: 48000,\r\n monitorGain: 0,\r\n numberOfChannels: 1,\r\n recordingGain: 1,\r\n reuseWorker: true\r\n });\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-microphone2');\r\n this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-send');\r\n console.error('Recorder constructor error:', err);\r\n }\r\n this.messageInput.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {\r\n if (e.key == 'Enter' && !config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n /* if(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {\r\n this.messageInput.innerHTML += '
';\r\n placeCaretAtEnd(this.message)\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n if (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.sendMessage();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n this.messageInput.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => {\r\n this.saveScroll();\r\n emoticonsDropdown_1.default.toggle(false);\r\n });\r\n window.addEventListener('resize', () => {\r\n this.restoreScroll();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n this.messageInput.addEventListener('input', (e) => {\r\n //console.log('messageInput input', this.messageInput.innerText, this.serializeNodes(Array.from(this.messageInput.childNodes)));\r\n let value = this.messageInput.innerText;\r\n let entities = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.parseEntities(value);\r\n //console.log('messageInput entities', entities);\r\n let entityUrl = entities.find(e => e._ == 'messageEntityUrl');\r\n if (entityUrl) { // need to get webpage\r\n let url = value.slice(entityUrl.offset, entityUrl.offset + entityUrl.length);\r\n //console.log('messageInput url:', url);\r\n if (this.lastUrl != url) {\r\n this.lastUrl = url;\r\n this.willSendWebPage = null;\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getWebPage', {\r\n url: url,\r\n hash: 0\r\n }).then((webpage) => {\r\n appWebPagesManager_1.default.saveWebPage(webpage);\r\n if (this.lastUrl != url)\r\n return;\r\n //console.log('got webpage: ', webpage);\r\n this.setTopInfo(webpage.site_name || webpage.title, webpage.description || webpage.url);\r\n this.replyToMsgID = 0;\r\n this.noWebPage = false;\r\n this.willSendWebPage = webpage;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!value.trim() && !this.serializeNodes(Array.from(this.messageInput.childNodes)).trim()) {\r\n this.messageInput.innerHTML = '';\r\n if (this.recorder) {\r\n this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-send');\r\n this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-microphone2');\r\n }\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.setTyping('sendMessageCancelAction');\r\n }\r\n else if (!this.btnSend.classList.contains('tgico-send') || !this.recorder) {\r\n if (this.recorder) {\r\n this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-send');\r\n this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-microphone2');\r\n }\r\n let time = Date.now();\r\n if (time - this.lastTimeType >= 6000) {\r\n this.lastTimeType = time;\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.setTyping('sendMessageTypingAction');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (!richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.emojiSupported) {\r\n this.messageInput.addEventListener('copy', (e) => {\r\n const selection = document.getSelection();\r\n let range = selection.getRangeAt(0);\r\n let ancestorContainer = range.commonAncestorContainer;\r\n let str = '';\r\n let selectedNodes = Array.from(ancestorContainer.childNodes).slice(range.startOffset, range.endOffset);\r\n if (selectedNodes.length) {\r\n str = this.serializeNodes(selectedNodes);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n str = selection.toString();\r\n }\r\n //console.log('messageInput copy', str, ancestorContainer.childNodes, range);\r\n //let str = getRichValueWithCaret(this.messageInput);\r\n //console.log('messageInput childNode copy:', str);\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n event.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', str);\r\n event.preventDefault();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n this.messageInput.addEventListener('paste', (e) => {\r\n //console.log('messageInput paste');\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n let text = (e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData.getData('text/plain');\r\n // console.log('messageInput paste', text);\r\n text = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(text);\r\n // console.log('messageInput paste after', text);\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n //let html = (e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData.getData('text/html');\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n //console.log('paste text', text, );\r\n window.document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, text);\r\n });\r\n let attachFile = (file) => {\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n let params = {};\r\n params.file = file;\r\n //console.log('selected file:', file, typeof(file), willAttach);\r\n let itemDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n switch (willAttach.type) {\r\n case 'media': {\r\n let isVideo = file.type.indexOf('video/') === 0;\r\n itemDiv.classList.add('popup-item-media');\r\n if (isVideo) {\r\n let video = document.createElement('video');\r\n let source = document.createElement('source');\r\n source.src = params.objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);\r\n video.autoplay = false;\r\n video.controls = false;\r\n video.muted = true;\r\n video.setAttribute('playsinline', '');\r\n video.onloadeddata = () => {\r\n params.width = video.videoWidth;\r\n params.height = video.videoHeight;\r\n params.duration = Math.floor(video.duration);\r\n itemDiv.append(video);\r\n resolve(itemDiv);\r\n };\r\n video.append(source);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let img = new Image();\r\n img.src = params.objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);\r\n img.onload = () => {\r\n params.width = img.naturalWidth;\r\n params.height = img.naturalHeight;\r\n itemDiv.append(img);\r\n resolve(itemDiv);\r\n };\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'document': {\r\n const isPhoto = file.type.indexOf('image/') !== -1;\r\n params.objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);\r\n let docDiv = wrappers_1.wrapDocument({\r\n file: file,\r\n file_name: file.name || '',\r\n size: file.size,\r\n type: isPhoto ? 'photo' : 'doc',\r\n url: params.objectURL\r\n }, false, true);\r\n const finish = () => {\r\n itemDiv.append(docDiv);\r\n resolve(itemDiv);\r\n };\r\n if (isPhoto) {\r\n let img = new Image();\r\n img.src = params.objectURL;\r\n img.onload = () => {\r\n params.width = img.naturalWidth;\r\n params.height = img.naturalHeight;\r\n finish();\r\n };\r\n img.onerror = finish;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n finish();\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n willAttach.sendFileDetails.push(params);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n let attachFiles = (files) => {\r\n this.fileInput.value = '';\r\n let container = this.attachMediaPopUp.container.firstElementChild;\r\n container.classList.remove('is-media', 'is-document', 'is-album');\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.captionInput.value = '';\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.style.width = this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.style.height = '';\r\n //willAttach.sendFileDetails.length = 0;\r\n willAttach.sendFileDetails = []; // need new array\r\n files = files.filter(file => {\r\n if (willAttach.type == 'media') {\r\n return ['image/', 'video/'].find(s => file.type.indexOf(s) === 0);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (files.length) {\r\n if (willAttach.type == 'document') {\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.titleEl.innerText = 'Send ' + (files.length > 1 ? files.length + ' Files' : 'File');\r\n container.classList.add('is-document');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n container.classList.add('is-media');\r\n let foundPhotos = 0;\r\n let foundVideos = 0;\r\n files.forEach(file => {\r\n if (file.type.indexOf('image/') === 0)\r\n ++foundPhotos;\r\n else if (file.type.indexOf('video/') === 0)\r\n ++foundVideos;\r\n });\r\n if (foundPhotos && foundVideos) {\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.titleEl.innerText = 'Send Album';\r\n }\r\n else if (foundPhotos) {\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.titleEl.innerText = 'Send ' + (foundPhotos > 1 ? foundPhotos + ' Photos' : 'Photo');\r\n }\r\n else if (foundVideos) {\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.titleEl.innerText = 'Send ' + (foundVideos > 1 ? foundVideos + ' Videos' : 'Video');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n Promise.all(files.map(attachFile)).then(results => {\r\n if (willAttach.type == 'media') {\r\n if (willAttach.sendFileDetails.length > 1) {\r\n container.classList.add('is-album');\r\n let layouter = new groupedLayout_1.Layouter(willAttach.sendFileDetails.map(o => ({ w: o.width, h: o.height })), 380, 100, 4);\r\n let layout = layouter.layout();\r\n for (let { geometry, sides } of layout) {\r\n let div = results.shift();\r\n div.style.width = geometry.width + 'px';\r\n div.style.height = geometry.height + 'px';\r\n div.style.top = geometry.y + 'px';\r\n div.style.left = geometry.x + 'px';\r\n if (sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Right) {\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.style.width = geometry.width + geometry.x + 'px';\r\n }\r\n if (sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Bottom) {\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.style.height = geometry.height + geometry.y + 'px';\r\n }\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.append(div);\r\n }\r\n //console.log('chatInput album layout:', layout);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let params = willAttach.sendFileDetails[0];\r\n let div = results[0];\r\n let { w, h } = utils_1.calcImageInBox(params.width, params.height, 380, 320);\r\n div.style.width = w + 'px';\r\n div.style.height = h + 'px';\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.append(div);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.append(...results);\r\n }\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.container.classList.add('active');\r\n });\r\n };\r\n let willAttach = {\r\n sendFileDetails: []\r\n };\r\n this.fileInput.addEventListener('change', (e) => {\r\n let files = e.target.files;\r\n if (!files.length) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n attachFiles(Array.from(files));\r\n }, false);\r\n this.attachMenu.media.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.fileInput.setAttribute('accept', 'image/*, video/*');\r\n willAttach.type = 'media';\r\n this.fileInput.click();\r\n });\r\n this.attachMenu.document.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.fileInput.removeAttribute('accept');\r\n willAttach.type = 'document';\r\n this.fileInput.click();\r\n });\r\n this.attachMenu.poll.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n new popupCreatePoll_1.default().show();\r\n });\r\n document.addEventListener('paste', (event) => {\r\n if (!appImManager_1.default.peerID || this.attachMediaPopUp.container.classList.contains('active')) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('document paste');\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n var items = (event.clipboardData || event.originalEvent.clipboardData).items;\r\n //console.log('item', event.clipboardData.getData());\r\n for (let i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {\r\n if (items[i].kind == 'file') {\r\n event.preventDefault();\r\n event.cancelBubble = true;\r\n event.stopPropagation();\r\n let file = items[i].getAsFile();\r\n //console.log(items[i], file);\r\n if (!file)\r\n continue;\r\n willAttach.type = file.type.indexOf('image/') === 0 ? 'media' : \"document\";\r\n attachFiles([file]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, true);\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.sendBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.container.classList.remove('active');\r\n let caption = this.attachMediaPopUp.captionInput.value;\r\n willAttach.isMedia = willAttach.type == 'media';\r\n //console.log('will send files with options:', willAttach);\r\n let peerID = appImManager_1.default.peerID;\r\n if (willAttach.sendFileDetails.length > 1 && willAttach.isMedia) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.sendAlbum(peerID, willAttach.sendFileDetails.map(d => d.file), Object.assign({\r\n caption,\r\n replyToMsgID: this.replyToMsgID\r\n }, willAttach));\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (caption) {\r\n if (willAttach.sendFileDetails.length > 1) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.sendText(peerID, caption, { replyToMsgID: this.replyToMsgID });\r\n caption = '';\r\n this.replyToMsgID = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n let promises = willAttach.sendFileDetails.map(params => {\r\n let promise = appMessagesManager_1.default.sendFile(peerID, params.file, Object.assign({\r\n //isMedia: willAttach.isMedia, \r\n isMedia: params.file.type.includes('audio/') || willAttach.isMedia,\r\n caption,\r\n replyToMsgID: this.replyToMsgID\r\n }, params));\r\n caption = '';\r\n this.replyToMsgID = 0;\r\n return promise;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n //Promise.all(promises);\r\n //appMessagesManager.sendFile(appImManager.peerID, willAttach.file, willAttach);\r\n this.onMessageSent();\r\n });\r\n const onBtnSendClick = (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n if (this.btnSend.classList.contains('tgico-send') || !this.recorder) {\r\n if (this.recording) {\r\n this.recorder.stop();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.sendMessage();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.recorder.start().then(() => {\r\n this.recordCanceled = false;\r\n this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-send');\r\n this.chatInput.classList.add('is-recording');\r\n this.recording = true;\r\n opusDecodeController_1.default.setKeepAlive(true);\r\n this.recordStartTime = Date.now();\r\n const sourceNode = this.recorder.sourceNode;\r\n const context = sourceNode.context;\r\n const analyser = context.createAnalyser();\r\n sourceNode.connect(analyser);\r\n //analyser.connect(context.destination);\r\n analyser.fftSize = 32;\r\n const frequencyData = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);\r\n const max = frequencyData.length * 255;\r\n const min = 54 / 150;\r\n let r = () => {\r\n if (!this.recording)\r\n return;\r\n analyser.getByteFrequencyData(frequencyData);\r\n let sum = 0;\r\n frequencyData.forEach(value => {\r\n sum += value;\r\n });\r\n let percents = Math.min(1, (sum / max) + min);\r\n //console.log('frequencyData', frequencyData, percents);\r\n this.recordRippleEl.style.transform = `scale(${percents})`;\r\n let diff = Date.now() - this.recordStartTime;\r\n let ms = diff % 1000;\r\n let formatted = ('' + (diff / 1000)).toHHMMSS() + ',' + ('00' + Math.round(ms / 10)).slice(-2);\r\n this.recordTimeEl.innerText = formatted;\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(r);\r\n };\r\n r();\r\n }).catch((e) => {\r\n console.error('Recorder start error:', e);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.btnSend.addEventListener('touchend', onBtnSendClick);\r\n this.btnSend.addEventListener('click', onBtnSendClick);\r\n if (this.recorder) {\r\n const onCancelRecordClick = (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n this.recordCanceled = true;\r\n this.recorder.stop();\r\n opusDecodeController_1.default.setKeepAlive(false);\r\n };\r\n this.btnCancelRecord.addEventListener('touchend', onCancelRecordClick);\r\n this.btnCancelRecord.addEventListener('click', onCancelRecordClick);\r\n this.recorder.onstop = () => {\r\n this.recording = false;\r\n this.chatInput.classList.remove('is-recording');\r\n this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-send');\r\n this.recordRippleEl.style.transform = '';\r\n };\r\n this.recorder.ondataavailable = (typedArray) => {\r\n if (this.recordCanceled)\r\n return;\r\n const duration = (Date.now() - this.recordStartTime) / 1000 | 0;\r\n const dataBlob = new Blob([typedArray], { type: 'audio/ogg' });\r\n /* const fileName = new Date().toISOString() + \".opus\";\r\n console.log('Recorder data received', typedArray, dataBlob); */\r\n /* var url = URL.createObjectURL( dataBlob );\r\n \r\n var audio = document.createElement('audio');\r\n audio.controls = true;\r\n audio.src = url;\r\n \r\n var link = document.createElement('a');\r\n link.href = url;\r\n link.download = fileName;\r\n link.innerHTML = link.download;\r\n \r\n var li = document.createElement('li');\r\n li.appendChild(link);\r\n li.appendChild(audio);\r\n \r\n document.body.append(li);\r\n \r\n return; */\r\n let perf = performance.now();\r\n opusDecodeController_1.default.decode(typedArray, true).then(result => {\r\n //console.log('WAVEFORM!:', /* waveform, */performance.now() - perf);\r\n opusDecodeController_1.default.setKeepAlive(false);\r\n let peerID = appImManager_1.default.peerID;\r\n // тут objectURL ставится уже с audio/wav\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.sendFile(peerID, dataBlob, {\r\n isVoiceMessage: true,\r\n isMedia: true,\r\n duration,\r\n waveform: result.waveform,\r\n objectURL: result.url,\r\n replyToMsgID: this.replyToMsgID\r\n });\r\n this.onMessageSent(false, true);\r\n });\r\n /* const url = URL.createObjectURL(dataBlob);\r\n \r\n var audio = document.createElement('audio');\r\n audio.controls = true;\r\n audio.src = url;\r\n \r\n var link = document.createElement('a');\r\n link.href = url;\r\n link.download = fileName;\r\n link.innerHTML = link.download;\r\n \r\n var li = document.createElement('li');\r\n li.appendChild(link);\r\n li.appendChild(audio);\r\n \r\n recordingslist.appendChild(li); */\r\n };\r\n }\r\n this.replyElements.cancelBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.replyElements.container.classList.remove('active');\r\n this.replyToMsgID = 0;\r\n if (this.editMsgID) {\r\n if (this.willSendWebPage) {\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(this.editMsgID);\r\n this.setTopInfo('Editing', message.message);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.editMsgID = 0;\r\n this.messageInput.innerHTML = '';\r\n if (this.recorder) {\r\n this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-send');\r\n this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-microphone2');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.noWebPage = true;\r\n this.willSendWebPage = null;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n serializeNodes(nodes) {\r\n return nodes.reduce((str, child) => {\r\n //console.log('childNode', str, child, typeof(child), typeof(child) === 'string', child.innerText);\r\n if (typeof (child) === 'object' && child.textContent)\r\n return str += child.textContent;\r\n if (child.innerText)\r\n return str += child.innerText;\r\n if (child.tagName == 'IMG' && child.classList && child.classList.contains('emoji'))\r\n return str += child.getAttribute('alt');\r\n return str;\r\n }, '');\r\n }\r\n ;\r\n onMessageSent(clearInput = true, clearReply) {\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(appImManager_1.default.peerID)[0];\r\n if (dialog && dialog.top_message) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.readHistory(appImManager_1.default.peerID, dialog.top_message); // lol\r\n }\r\n if (clearInput) {\r\n this.lastUrl = '';\r\n this.editMsgID = 0;\r\n this.noWebPage = false;\r\n this.willSendWebPage = null;\r\n this.messageInput.innerText = '';\r\n if (this.recorder) {\r\n this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-send');\r\n this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-microphone2');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (clearReply || clearInput) {\r\n this.replyToMsgID = 0;\r\n this.replyElements.container.classList.remove('active');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n sendMessage() {\r\n //let str = this.serializeNodes(Array.from(this.messageInput.childNodes));\r\n let str = utils_1.getRichValue(this.messageInput);\r\n //console.log('childnode str after:', str/* , getRichValue(this.messageInput) */);\r\n //return;\r\n if (this.editMsgID) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.editMessage(this.editMsgID, str, {\r\n noWebPage: this.noWebPage\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.sendText(appImManager_1.default.peerID, str, {\r\n replyToMsgID: this.replyToMsgID == 0 ? undefined : this.replyToMsgID,\r\n noWebPage: this.noWebPage,\r\n webPage: this.willSendWebPage\r\n });\r\n }\r\n this.onMessageSent();\r\n }\r\n sendMessageWithDocument(document) {\r\n document = appDocsManager_1.default.getDoc(document);\r\n if (document && document._ != 'documentEmpty') {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.sendFile(appImManager_1.default.peerID, document, { isMedia: true, replyToMsgID: this.replyToMsgID });\r\n this.onMessageSent(false, true);\r\n if (document.type == 'sticker') {\r\n emoticonsDropdown_1.default.stickersTab.pushRecentSticker(document);\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n setTopInfo(title, subtitle, input, message) {\r\n //appImManager.scrollPosition.prepareFor('down');\r\n if (this.replyElements.container.lastElementChild.tagName == 'DIV') {\r\n this.replyElements.container.lastElementChild.remove();\r\n this.replyElements.container.append(wrappers_1.wrapReply(title, subtitle, message));\r\n }\r\n //this.replyElements.titleEl.innerHTML = title ? RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(title) : '';\r\n //this.replyElements.subtitleEl.innerHTML = subtitle ? RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(subtitle) : '';\r\n this.replyElements.container.classList.add('active');\r\n if (input !== undefined) {\r\n this.messageInput.innerHTML = input ? richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(input) : '';\r\n this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-microphone2');\r\n this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-send');\r\n }\r\n //appImManager.scrollPosition.restore();\r\n }\r\n saveScroll() {\r\n this.scrollTop = appImManager_1.default.scrollable.container.scrollTop;\r\n this.scrollOffsetTop = this.chatInput.offsetTop;\r\n }\r\n restoreScroll() {\r\n if (this.chatInput.style.display)\r\n return;\r\n //console.log('input resize', offsetTop, this.chatInput.offsetTop);\r\n let newOffsetTop = this.chatInput.offsetTop;\r\n let container = appImManager_1.default.scrollable.container;\r\n let scrollTop = container.scrollTop;\r\n let clientHeight = container.clientHeight;\r\n let maxScrollTop = container.scrollHeight;\r\n if (newOffsetTop < this.scrollOffsetTop) {\r\n this.scrollDiff = this.scrollOffsetTop - newOffsetTop;\r\n container.scrollTop += this.scrollDiff;\r\n }\r\n else if (scrollTop != this.scrollTop) {\r\n let endDiff = maxScrollTop - (scrollTop + clientHeight);\r\n if (endDiff < this.scrollDiff /* && false */) {\r\n //container.scrollTop -= endDiff;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n container.scrollTop -= this.scrollDiff;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ChatInput = ChatInput;\r\n" }, { "id": 99, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\public\\recorder.min.js", "name": "./public/recorder.min.js", "index": 98, "index2": 91, "size": 6805, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\input.ts", "issuerId": 98, "issuerName": "./src/components/chat/input.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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__importDefault(require(\"../../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../misc\");\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/appManagers/appDocsManager\"));\r\nclass GifsTab {\r\n init() {\r\n this.content = document.getElementById('content-gifs');\r\n const gifsContainer = this.content.firstElementChild;\r\n gifsContainer.addEventListener('click', __1.EmoticonsDropdown.onMediaClick);\r\n const scroll = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.content, 'y', 'GIFS', null);\r\n const masonry = new gifsMasonry_1.default(gifsContainer, __1.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP, scroll);\r\n const preloader = misc_1.putPreloader(this.content, true);\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getSavedGifs', { hash: 0 }).then((res) => {\r\n //console.log('getSavedGifs res:', res);\r\n if (res._ == 'messages.savedGifs') {\r\n res.gifs.forEach((doc, idx) => {\r\n res.gifs[idx] = doc = appDocsManager_1.default.saveDoc(doc);\r\n //if(doc._ == 'documentEmpty') return;\r\n //masonry.add(doc as MyDocument);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n //let line: MTDocument[] = [];\r\n preloader.remove();\r\n });\r\n this.init = null;\r\n }\r\n onClose() {\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = GifsTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 101, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\emoticonsDropdown\\tabs\\emoji.ts", "name": "./src/components/emoticonsDropdown/tabs/emoji.ts", "index": 101, "index2": 93, "size": 7695, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\emoticonsDropdown\\index.ts", "issuerId": 47, "issuerName": "./src/components/emoticonsDropdown/index.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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"providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 5, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst __1 = require(\"..\");\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst config_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/config\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../misc\");\r\nconst appStateManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/appManagers/appStateManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../../../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nclass EmojiTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.recent = [];\r\n this.onContentClick = (e) => {\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n //if(target.tagName != 'SPAN') return;\r\n if (target.tagName == 'SPAN' && !target.classList.contains('emoji')) {\r\n target = target.firstElementChild;\r\n }\r\n else if (target.tagName == 'DIV')\r\n return;\r\n //console.log('contentEmoji div', target);\r\n appImManager_1.default.chatInputC.messageInput.innerHTML += target.outerHTML;\r\n // Recent\r\n const emoji = this.getEmojiFromElement(target);\r\n Array.from(this.recentItemsDiv.children).forEach((el, idx) => {\r\n const _emoji = this.getEmojiFromElement(el);\r\n if (emoji == _emoji) {\r\n el.remove();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n const scrollHeight = this.recentItemsDiv.scrollHeight;\r\n this.appendEmoji(emoji, this.recentItemsDiv, true);\r\n this.recent.findAndSplice(e => e == emoji);\r\n this.recent.unshift(emoji);\r\n if (this.recent.length > 36) {\r\n this.recent.length = 36;\r\n }\r\n appStateManager_1.default.pushToState('recentEmoji', this.recent);\r\n // Append to input\r\n const event = new Event('input', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true });\r\n appImManager_1.default.chatInputC.messageInput.dispatchEvent(event);\r\n };\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n this.content = document.getElementById('content-emoji');\r\n const categories = [\"Smileys & Emotion\", \"Animals & Nature\", \"Food & Drink\", \"Travel & Places\", \"Activities\", \"Objects\", /* \"Symbols\", */ \"Flags\", \"Skin Tones\"];\r\n const divs = {};\r\n const sorted = {\r\n 'Recent': []\r\n };\r\n for (const emoji in config_1.default.Emoji) {\r\n const details = config_1.default.Emoji[emoji];\r\n const i = '' + details;\r\n const category = categories[+i[0] - 1];\r\n if (!category)\r\n continue; // maybe it's skin tones\r\n if (!sorted[category])\r\n sorted[category] = [];\r\n sorted[category][+i.slice(1) || 0] = emoji;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('emoticons sorted:', sorted);\r\n //Object.keys(sorted).forEach(c => sorted[c].sort((a, b) => a - b));\r\n categories.pop();\r\n delete sorted[\"Skin Tones\"];\r\n //console.time('emojiParse');\r\n for (const category in sorted) {\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('emoji-category');\r\n const titleDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n titleDiv.classList.add('category-title');\r\n titleDiv.innerText = category;\r\n const itemsDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n itemsDiv.classList.add('category-items');\r\n div.append(titleDiv, itemsDiv);\r\n const emojis = sorted[category];\r\n emojis.forEach(emoji => {\r\n /* if(emojiUnicode(emoji) == '1f481-200d-2642') {\r\n console.log('append emoji', emoji, emojiUnicode(emoji));\r\n } */\r\n emoji = emoji.split('-').reduce((prev, curr) => prev + String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(curr, 16)), '');\r\n this.appendEmoji(emoji /* .replace(/[\\ufe0f\\u2640\\u2642\\u2695]/g, '') */, itemsDiv, false /* , false */);\r\n /* if(category == 'Smileys & Emotion') {\r\n console.log('appended emoji', emoji, itemsDiv.children[itemsDiv.childElementCount - 1].innerHTML, emojiUnicode(emoji));\r\n } */\r\n });\r\n divs[category] = div;\r\n }\r\n //console.timeEnd('emojiParse');\r\n const menu = this.content.previousElementSibling.firstElementChild;\r\n const emojiScroll = this.scroll = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.content, 'y', 'EMOJI', null);\r\n //emojiScroll.setVirtualContainer(emojiScroll.container);\r\n const preloader = misc_1.putPreloader(this.content, true);\r\n Promise.all([\r\n new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 200)),\r\n appStateManager_1.default.getState().then(state => {\r\n if (Array.isArray(state.recentEmoji)) {\r\n this.recent = state.recentEmoji;\r\n }\r\n })\r\n ]).then(() => {\r\n preloader.remove();\r\n this.recentItemsDiv = divs['Recent'].querySelector('.category-items');\r\n for (const emoji of this.recent) {\r\n this.appendEmoji(emoji, this.recentItemsDiv);\r\n }\r\n categories.unshift('Recent');\r\n categories.map(category => {\r\n const div = divs[category];\r\n if (!div) {\r\n console.error('no div by category:', category);\r\n }\r\n emojiScroll.append(div);\r\n this.stickyIntersector.observeStickyHeaderChanges(div);\r\n return div;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.content.addEventListener('click', this.onContentClick);\r\n this.stickyIntersector = __1.EmoticonsDropdown.menuOnClick(menu, emojiScroll);\r\n this.init = null;\r\n }\r\n appendEmoji(emoji, container, prepend = false /* , unified = false */) {\r\n //const emoji = details.unified;\r\n //const emoji = (details.unified as string).split('-')\r\n //.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(curr, 16)), '');\r\n const spanEmoji = document.createElement('span');\r\n let kek;\r\n /* if(unified) {\r\n kek = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText('_', {\r\n entities: [{\r\n _: 'messageEntityEmoji',\r\n offset: 0,\r\n length: emoji.split('-').length,\r\n unicode: emoji\r\n }]\r\n });\r\n } else { */\r\n kek = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(emoji);\r\n //}\r\n /* if(!kek.includes('emoji')) {\r\n console.log(emoji, kek, spanEmoji, emoji.length, new TextEncoder().encode(emoji), emojiUnicode(emoji));\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n //console.log(kek);\r\n spanEmoji.innerHTML = kek;\r\n if (spanEmoji.firstElementChild) {\r\n spanEmoji.firstElementChild.setAttribute('loading', 'lazy');\r\n }\r\n //spanEmoji = spanEmoji.firstElementChild as HTMLSpanElement;\r\n //spanEmoji.setAttribute('emoji', emoji);\r\n if (prepend)\r\n container.prepend(spanEmoji);\r\n else\r\n container.appendChild(spanEmoji);\r\n }\r\n getEmojiFromElement(element) {\r\n if (element.tagName == 'SPAN' && !element.classList.contains('emoji')) {\r\n element = element.firstElementChild;\r\n }\r\n return element.getAttribute('alt') || element.innerText;\r\n }\r\n onClose() {\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = EmojiTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 102, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\emoticonsDropdown\\tabs\\stickers.ts", "name": 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0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 47, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\emoticonsDropdown\\index.ts", "module": "./src/components/emoticonsDropdown/index.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/emoticonsDropdown/index.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./tabs/stickers", "loc": "25:35-61" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 5, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst __1 = __importStar(require(\"..\"));\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst wrappers_1 = require(\"../../wrappers\");\r\nconst appStickersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/appManagers/appStickersManager\"));\r\nconst appDownloadManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/appManagers/appDownloadManager\"));\r\nconst blob_1 = require(\"../../../helpers/blob\");\r\nconst lottieLoader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/lottieLoader\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../misc\");\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../../../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/appManagers/appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst animationIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../animationIntersector\"));\r\nconst lazyLoadQueue_1 = require(\"../../lazyLoadQueue\");\r\nclass StickersTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.stickerSets = {};\r\n this.recentStickers = [];\r\n this.mounted = false;\r\n this.queueCategoryPush = [];\r\n this.animatedDivs = new Set();\r\n this.checkAnimationContainer = (div, visible) => {\r\n //console.error('checkAnimationContainer', div, visible);\r\n const players = animationIntersector_1.default.getAnimations(div);\r\n players.forEach(player => {\r\n if (!visible) {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimation(player, true, true);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimation(player, false);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n };\r\n this.processVisibleDiv = (div) => {\r\n const docID = div.dataset.docID;\r\n const doc = appDocsManager_1.default.getDoc(docID);\r\n const promise = wrappers_1.wrapSticker({\r\n doc,\r\n div: div,\r\n width: 80,\r\n height: 80,\r\n lazyLoadQueue: null,\r\n group: __1.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP,\r\n onlyThumb: false,\r\n play: true,\r\n loop: true\r\n });\r\n promise.then(() => {\r\n //clearTimeout(timeout);\r\n this.checkAnimationContainer(div, this.lazyLoadQueue.intersector.isVisible(div));\r\n });\r\n /* let timeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n console.error('processVisibleDiv timeout', div, doc);\r\n }, 1e3); */\r\n return promise;\r\n };\r\n this.processInvisibleDiv = (div) => {\r\n const docID = div.dataset.docID;\r\n const doc = appDocsManager_1.default.getDoc(docID);\r\n //console.log('STICKER INvisible:', /* div, */docID);\r\n this.checkAnimationContainer(div, false);\r\n div.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.renderSticker(doc, div);\r\n };\r\n }\r\n categoryPush(categoryDiv, categoryTitle, promise, prepend) {\r\n //if((docs.length % 5) != 0) categoryDiv.classList.add('not-full');\r\n const itemsDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n itemsDiv.classList.add('category-items');\r\n const titleDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n titleDiv.classList.add('category-title');\r\n titleDiv.innerHTML = categoryTitle;\r\n categoryDiv.append(titleDiv, itemsDiv);\r\n this.stickyIntersector.observeStickyHeaderChanges(categoryDiv);\r\n this.queueCategoryPush.push({ element: categoryDiv, prepend });\r\n promise.then(documents => {\r\n documents.forEach(doc => {\r\n //if(doc._ == 'documentEmpty') return;\r\n itemsDiv.append(this.renderSticker(doc));\r\n });\r\n if (this.queueCategoryPush.length) {\r\n this.queueCategoryPush.forEach(({ element, prepend }) => {\r\n if (prepend) {\r\n if (this.recentDiv.parentElement) {\r\n this.scroll.prepend(element);\r\n this.scroll.prepend(this.recentDiv);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.scroll.prepend(element);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else\r\n this.scroll.append(element);\r\n });\r\n this.queueCategoryPush.length = 0;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n renderSticker(doc, div) {\r\n if (!div) {\r\n div = document.createElement('div');\r\n if (doc.sticker == 2) {\r\n this.animatedDivs.add(div);\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.observe({\r\n div,\r\n load: this.processVisibleDiv\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n wrappers_1.wrapSticker({\r\n doc,\r\n div,\r\n /* width: 80,\r\n height: 80,\r\n play: false,\r\n loop: false, */\r\n lazyLoadQueue: __1.EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue,\r\n group: __1.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP,\r\n onlyThumb: doc.sticker == 2\r\n });\r\n return div;\r\n }\r\n renderStickerSet(set, prepend = false) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const categoryDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n categoryDiv.classList.add('sticker-category');\r\n const li = document.createElement('li');\r\n li.classList.add('btn-icon');\r\n this.stickerSets[set.id] = {\r\n stickers: categoryDiv,\r\n tab: li\r\n };\r\n if (prepend) {\r\n this.menu.insertBefore(li, this.menu.firstElementChild.nextSibling);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.menu.append(li);\r\n }\r\n //stickersScroll.append(categoryDiv);\r\n const promise = appStickersManager_1.default.getStickerSet(set);\r\n this.categoryPush(categoryDiv, richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(set.title), promise.then(stickerSet => stickerSet.documents), prepend);\r\n const stickerSet = yield promise;\r\n //console.log('got stickerSet', stickerSet, li);\r\n if (stickerSet.set.thumb) {\r\n const downloadOptions = appStickersManager_1.default.getStickerSetThumbDownloadOptions(stickerSet.set);\r\n const promise = appDownloadManager_1.default.download(downloadOptions);\r\n if (stickerSet.set.pFlags.animated) {\r\n promise\r\n .then(blob_1.readBlobAsText)\r\n .then(JSON.parse)\r\n .then(json => {\r\n lottieLoader_1.default.loadAnimationWorker({\r\n container: li,\r\n loop: true,\r\n autoplay: false,\r\n animationData: json,\r\n width: 32,\r\n height: 32\r\n }, __1.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const image = new Image();\r\n promise.then(blob => {\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(image, URL.createObjectURL(blob), () => {\r\n li.append(image);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (stickerSet.documents[0]._ != 'documentEmpty') { // as thumb will be used first sticker\r\n wrappers_1.wrapSticker({\r\n doc: stickerSet.documents[0],\r\n div: li,\r\n group: __1.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP\r\n }); // kostil\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n this.content = document.getElementById('content-stickers');\r\n //let stickersDiv = contentStickersDiv.querySelector('.os-content') as HTMLDivElement;\r\n this.recentDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.recentDiv.classList.add('sticker-category');\r\n let menuWrapper = this.content.previousElementSibling;\r\n this.menu = menuWrapper.firstElementChild.firstElementChild;\r\n let menuScroll = new scrollable_new_1.default(menuWrapper, 'x');\r\n let stickersDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n stickersDiv.classList.add('stickers-categories');\r\n this.content.append(stickersDiv);\r\n /* stickersDiv.addEventListener('mouseover', (e) => {\r\n let target = e.target as HTMLElement;\r\n \r\n if(target.tagName == 'CANVAS') { // turn on sticker\r\n let animation = lottieLoader.getAnimation(target.parentElement, EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n \r\n if(animation) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n if(animation.currentFrame == animation.totalFrames - 1) {\r\n animation.goToAndPlay(0, true);\r\n } else {\r\n animation.play();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }); */\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('stickers_installed', (e) => {\r\n const set = e.detail;\r\n if (!this.stickerSets[set.id] && this.mounted) {\r\n this.renderStickerSet(set, true);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('stickers_deleted', (e) => {\r\n const set = e.detail;\r\n if (this.stickerSets[set.id] && this.mounted) {\r\n const elements = this.stickerSets[set.id];\r\n elements.stickers.remove();\r\n elements.tab.remove();\r\n delete this.stickerSets[set.id];\r\n }\r\n });\r\n stickersDiv.addEventListener('click', __1.EmoticonsDropdown.onMediaClick);\r\n this.scroll = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.content, 'y', 'STICKERS', undefined, undefined, 2);\r\n this.scroll.setVirtualContainer(stickersDiv);\r\n this.stickyIntersector = __1.EmoticonsDropdown.menuOnClick(this.menu, this.scroll, menuScroll);\r\n const preloader = misc_1.putPreloader(this.content, true);\r\n Promise.all([\r\n appStickersManager_1.default.getRecentStickers().then(stickers => {\r\n this.recentStickers = stickers.stickers.slice(0, 20);\r\n //stickersScroll.prepend(categoryDiv);\r\n this.stickerSets['recent'] = {\r\n stickers: this.recentDiv,\r\n tab: this.menu.firstElementChild\r\n };\r\n preloader.remove();\r\n this.categoryPush(this.recentDiv, 'Recent', Promise.resolve(this.recentStickers), true);\r\n }),\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getAllStickers', { hash: 0 }).then((res) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n let stickers = res;\r\n preloader.remove();\r\n for (let set of stickers.sets) {\r\n this.renderStickerSet(set);\r\n }\r\n }))\r\n ]).finally(() => {\r\n this.mounted = true;\r\n });\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue = new lazyLoadQueue_1.LazyLoadQueueRepeat(undefined, (target, visible) => {\r\n if (!visible) {\r\n this.processInvisibleDiv(target);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n __1.default.events.onClose.push(() => {\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.lock();\r\n });\r\n __1.default.events.onCloseAfter.push(() => {\r\n const divs = this.lazyLoadQueue.intersector.getVisible();\r\n for (const div of divs) {\r\n this.processInvisibleDiv(div);\r\n }\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.intersector.clearVisible();\r\n });\r\n __1.default.events.onOpenAfter.push(() => {\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.unlockAndRefresh();\r\n });\r\n /* setInterval(() => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n const players = Object.values(lottieLoader.players).filter(p => p.width == 80);\r\n \r\n console.log('STICKERS RENDERED IN PANEL:', players.length, players.filter(p => !p.paused).length, this.lazyLoadQueue.intersector.getVisible().length);\r\n }, .25e3); */\r\n this.init = null;\r\n }\r\n pushRecentSticker(doc) {\r\n if (!this.recentDiv.parentElement) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let div = this.recentDiv.querySelector(`[data-doc-i-d=\"${doc.id}\"]`);\r\n if (!div) {\r\n div = this.renderSticker(doc);\r\n }\r\n const items = this.recentDiv.querySelector('.category-items');\r\n items.prepend(div);\r\n if (items.childElementCount > 20) {\r\n Array.from(items.children).slice(20).forEach(el => el.remove());\r\n }\r\n }\r\n onClose() {\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = StickersTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 103, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\popupCreatePoll.ts", 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 98, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\input.ts", "name": "./src/components/chat/input.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 2199, "building": 778, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 98, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\input.ts", "module": "./src/components/chat/input.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/chat/input.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../popupCreatePoll", "loc": "22:42-71" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst popup_1 = require(\"./popup\");\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nconst toast_1 = require(\"./toast\");\r\nconst InputField = (placeholder, label, name) => {\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('input-field');\r\n div.innerHTML = `\r\n \r\n \r\n `;\r\n return div;\r\n};\r\nclass PopupCreatePoll extends popup_1.PopupElement {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super('popup-create-poll popup-new-media', null, { closable: true, withConfirm: 'CREATE', body: true });\r\n this.tempID = 0;\r\n this.onSubmitClick = (e) => {\r\n const question = this.questionInput.value;\r\n if (!question.trim()) {\r\n toast_1.toast('Please enter a question');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const answers = Array.from(this.questions.children).map((el, idx) => {\r\n const input = el.firstElementChild;\r\n return input.value;\r\n }).filter(v => !!v.trim());\r\n if (answers.length < 2) {\r\n toast_1.toast('Please enter at least two options');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.closeBtn.click();\r\n this.confirmBtn.removeEventListener('click', this.onSubmitClick);\r\n //const randomID = [nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)];\r\n //const randomIDS = bigint(randomID[0]).shiftLeft(32).add(bigint(randomID[1])).toString();\r\n const poll = {};\r\n poll._ = 'poll';\r\n //poll.id = randomIDS;\r\n poll.flags = 0;\r\n poll.question = question;\r\n poll.answers = answers.map((value, idx) => {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'pollAnswer',\r\n text: value,\r\n option: new Uint8Array([idx])\r\n };\r\n });\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.sendOther(utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID, {\r\n _: 'inputMediaPoll',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n poll\r\n });\r\n };\r\n this.onInput = (e) => {\r\n const target = e.target;\r\n if (target.value.length) {\r\n target.parentElement.classList.add('is-filled');\r\n }\r\n const isLast = !target.parentElement.nextElementSibling;\r\n if (isLast && target.value.length && this.questions.childElementCount < 10) {\r\n this.appendMoreField();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.onDeleteClick = (e) => {\r\n const target = e.target;\r\n target.parentElement.remove();\r\n Array.from(this.questions.children).forEach((el, idx) => {\r\n const label = el.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling;\r\n label.innerText = 'Option ' + (idx + 1);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n this.title.innerText = 'New Poll';\r\n const questionField = InputField('Ask a Question', 'Ask a Question', 'question');\r\n this.questionInput = questionField.firstElementChild;\r\n this.header.append(questionField);\r\n const hr = document.createElement('hr');\r\n const d = document.createElement('div');\r\n d.classList.add('caption');\r\n d.innerText = 'Options';\r\n this.questions = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.questions.classList.add('poll-create-questions');\r\n this.body.parentElement.insertBefore(hr, this.body);\r\n this.body.append(d, this.questions);\r\n this.confirmBtn.addEventListener('click', this.onSubmitClick);\r\n this.scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.body, 'y', undefined);\r\n this.appendMoreField();\r\n }\r\n appendMoreField() {\r\n const idx = this.questions.childElementCount + 1;\r\n const questionField = InputField('Add an Option', 'Option ' + idx, 'question-' + this.tempID++);\r\n questionField.firstElementChild.addEventListener('input', this.onInput);\r\n const deleteBtn = document.createElement('span');\r\n deleteBtn.classList.add('btn-icon', 'tgico-close');\r\n questionField.append(deleteBtn);\r\n deleteBtn.addEventListener('click', this.onDeleteClick, { once: true });\r\n this.questions.append(questionField);\r\n this.scrollable.scrollTo(this.scrollable.scrollHeight, true, true);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = PopupCreatePoll;\r\n" }, { "id": 104, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\bubbleGroups.ts", "name": "./src/components/bubbleGroups.ts", "index": 105, "index2": 99, "size": 6546, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, 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details.group.findAndSplice(d => d == bubble);\r\n if (!details.group.length) {\r\n this.groups.findAndSplice(g => g == details.group);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.updateGroup(details.group);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n addBubble(bubble, message, reverse) {\r\n let timestamp = message.date;\r\n let fromID = message.fromID;\r\n let group;\r\n // fix for saved messages forward to self\r\n if (fromID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID && utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID && message.fwdFromID == fromID) {\r\n fromID = -fromID;\r\n }\r\n // try to find added\r\n //this.removeBubble(message.mid);\r\n if (this.bubblesByGroups.length) {\r\n if (reverse) {\r\n let g = this.bubblesByGroups[0];\r\n if (g.fromID == fromID && (g.timestamp - timestamp) < this.newGroupDiff) {\r\n group = g.group;\r\n group.unshift(bubble);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.groups.unshift(group = [bubble]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let g = this.bubblesByGroups[this.bubblesByGroups.length - 1];\r\n if (g.fromID == fromID && (timestamp - g.timestamp) < this.newGroupDiff) {\r\n group = g.group;\r\n group.push(bubble);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.groups.push(group = [bubble]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.groups.push(group = [bubble]);\r\n }\r\n //console.log('[BUBBLE]: addBubble', bubble, message.mid, fromID, reverse, group);\r\n this.bubblesByGroups[reverse ? 'unshift' : 'push']({ timestamp, fromID, mid: message.mid, group });\r\n this.updateGroup(group);\r\n }\r\n setClipIfNeeded(bubble, remove = false) {\r\n //console.log('setClipIfNeeded', bubble, remove);\r\n if (bubble.classList.contains('is-message-empty') /* && !bubble.classList.contains('is-reply') */\r\n && (bubble.classList.contains('photo') || bubble.classList.contains('video'))) {\r\n let container = bubble.querySelector('.bubble__media-container');\r\n //console.log('setClipIfNeeded', bubble, remove, container);\r\n if (!container)\r\n return;\r\n Array.from(container.children).forEach(object => {\r\n if (object instanceof SVGDefsElement)\r\n return;\r\n if (remove) {\r\n object.removeAttributeNS(null, 'clip-path');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let clipID = container.dataset.clipID;\r\n let path = container.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.lastElementChild;\r\n let width = +object.getAttributeNS(null, 'width');\r\n let height = +object.getAttributeNS(null, 'height');\r\n let isOut = bubble.classList.contains('is-out');\r\n let isReply = bubble.classList.contains('is-reply');\r\n let d = '';\r\n //console.log('setClipIfNeeded', object, width, height, isOut);\r\n let tr, tl;\r\n if (bubble.classList.contains('forwarded') || isReply) {\r\n tr = tl = 0;\r\n }\r\n else if (isOut) {\r\n tr = bubble.classList.contains('is-group-first') ? 12 : 6;\r\n tl = 12;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n tr = 12;\r\n tl = bubble.classList.contains('is-group-first') ? 12 : 6;\r\n }\r\n if (isOut) {\r\n d = utils_1.generatePathData(0, 0, width - 9, height, tl, tr, 0, 12);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n d = utils_1.generatePathData(9, 0, width - 9, height, tl, tr, 12, 0);\r\n }\r\n path.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', d);\r\n object.setAttributeNS(null, 'clip-path', 'url(#' + clipID + ')');\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n updateGroup(group) {\r\n /* if(this.updateRAFs.has(group)) {\r\n window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.updateRAFs.get(group));\r\n this.updateRAFs.delete(group);\r\n } */\r\n //this.updateRAFs.set(group, window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n //this.updateRAFs.delete(group);\r\n if (!group.length) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let first = group[0];\r\n //console.log('[BUBBLE]: updateGroup', group, first);\r\n if (group.length == 1) {\r\n first.classList.add('is-group-first', 'is-group-last');\r\n this.setClipIfNeeded(first);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n first.classList.remove('is-group-last');\r\n first.classList.add('is-group-first');\r\n this.setClipIfNeeded(first, true);\r\n }\r\n let length = group.length - 1;\r\n for (let i = 1; i < length; ++i) {\r\n let bubble = group[i];\r\n bubble.classList.remove('is-group-last', 'is-group-first');\r\n this.setClipIfNeeded(bubble, true);\r\n }\r\n let last = group[group.length - 1];\r\n last.classList.remove('is-group-first');\r\n last.classList.add('is-group-last');\r\n this.setClipIfNeeded(last);\r\n //}));\r\n }\r\n updateGroupByMessageID(mid) {\r\n let details = this.bubblesByGroups.find(g => g.mid == mid);\r\n if (details) {\r\n this.updateGroup(details.group);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n cleanup() {\r\n this.bubblesByGroups = [];\r\n this.groups = [];\r\n /* for(let value of this.updateRAFs.values()) {\r\n window.cancelAnimationFrame(value);\r\n }\r\n this.updateRAFs.clear(); */\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = BubbleGroups;\r\n" }, { "id": 105, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\audio.ts", "name": "./src/components/chat/audio.ts", "index": 107, "index2": 101, "size": 4010, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/chat/audio", "loc": "43:16-54" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.ChatAudio = void 0;\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appMediaPlaybackController_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../appMediaPlaybackController\"));\r\nconst wrappers_1 = require(\"../wrappers\");\r\nclass ChatAudio {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.container.classList.add('pinned-audio', 'pinned-container');\r\n this.container.style.display = 'none';\r\n this.toggle = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.toggle.classList.add('pinned-audio-ico', 'tgico');\r\n this.title = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.title.classList.add('pinned-audio-title');\r\n this.subtitle = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.subtitle.classList.add('pinned-audio-subtitle');\r\n this.close = document.createElement('button');\r\n this.close.classList.add('pinned-audio-close', 'btn-icon', 'tgico-close');\r\n this.container.append(this.toggle, this.title, this.subtitle, this.close);\r\n this.close.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n const scrollTop = appImManager_1.default.scrollable.scrollTop;\r\n this.container.style.display = 'none';\r\n appImManager_1.default.topbar.classList.remove('is-audio-shown');\r\n if (this.toggle.classList.contains('flip-icon')) {\r\n appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.toggle();\r\n }\r\n if (!appImManager_1.default.topbar.classList.contains('is-pinned-shown')) {\r\n appImManager_1.default.scrollable.scrollTop = scrollTop - height;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.toggle.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.toggle();\r\n });\r\n const height = 52;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('audio_play', (e) => {\r\n const { doc, mid } = e.detail;\r\n let title, subtitle;\r\n if (doc.type == 'voice' || doc.type == 'round') {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n title = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(message.fromID, false, true);\r\n //subtitle = 'Voice message';\r\n subtitle = wrappers_1.formatDate(message.date, false, false);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n title = doc.audioTitle || doc.file_name;\r\n subtitle = doc.audioPerformer ? richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapPlainText(doc.audioPerformer) : 'Unknown Artist';\r\n }\r\n this.title.innerHTML = title;\r\n this.subtitle.innerHTML = subtitle;\r\n this.toggle.classList.add('flip-icon');\r\n this.container.dataset.mid = '' + mid;\r\n if (this.container.style.display) {\r\n const scrollTop = appImManager_1.default.scrollable.scrollTop;\r\n this.container.style.display = '';\r\n appImManager_1.default.topbar.classList.add('is-audio-shown');\r\n if (!appImManager_1.default.topbar.classList.contains('is-pinned-shown')) {\r\n appImManager_1.default.scrollable.scrollTop = scrollTop + height;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('audio_pause', () => {\r\n this.toggle.classList.remove('flip-icon');\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ChatAudio = ChatAudio;\r\n" }, { "id": 106, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\contextMenu.ts", "name": "./src/components/chat/contextMenu.ts", "index": 108, "index2": 102, "size": 6645, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/chat/contextMenu", "loc": "44:22-66" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.ChatContextMenu = void 0;\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appForward_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../appForward\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../misc\");\r\nconst popup_1 = require(\"../popup\");\r\nclass ChatContextMenu {\r\n constructor(attachTo) {\r\n this.attachTo = attachTo;\r\n this.element = document.getElementById('bubble-contextmenu');\r\n this.buttons = {};\r\n misc_1.parseMenuButtonsTo(this.buttons, this.element.children);\r\n misc_1.attachContextMenuListener(attachTo, (e) => {\r\n let bubble = null;\r\n try {\r\n bubble = utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'bubble__container');\r\n }\r\n catch (e) { }\r\n if (!bubble)\r\n return;\r\n if (e instanceof MouseEvent)\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n if (this.element.classList.contains('active')) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (e instanceof MouseEvent)\r\n e.cancelBubble = true;\r\n bubble = bubble.parentElement; // bc container\r\n let msgID = +bubble.dataset.mid;\r\n if (!msgID)\r\n return;\r\n let peerID = utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID;\r\n this.msgID = msgID;\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(msgID);\r\n this.buttons.copy.style.display = message.message ? '' : 'none';\r\n if (utils_1.$rootScope.myID == peerID || (peerID < 0 && appChatsManager_1.default.hasRights(-peerID, 'pin'))) {\r\n this.buttons.pin.style.display = '';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.buttons.pin.style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n this.buttons.edit.style.display = appMessagesManager_1.default.canEditMessage(msgID) ? '' : 'none';\r\n let side = bubble.classList.contains('is-in') ? 'left' : 'right';\r\n misc_1.positionMenu(e, this.element, side);\r\n misc_1.openBtnMenu(this.element);\r\n /////this.log('contextmenu', e, bubble, msgID, side);\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.copy.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(this.msgID);\r\n let str = message ? message.message : '';\r\n var textArea = document.createElement(\"textarea\");\r\n textArea.value = str;\r\n textArea.style.position = \"fixed\"; //avoid scrolling to bottom\r\n document.body.appendChild(textArea);\r\n textArea.focus();\r\n textArea.select();\r\n try {\r\n document.execCommand('copy');\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n console.error('Oops, unable to copy', err);\r\n }\r\n document.body.removeChild(textArea);\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.delete.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n let peerID = utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID;\r\n let firstName = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(peerID, false, true);\r\n let callback = (revoke) => {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.deleteMessages([this.msgID], revoke);\r\n };\r\n let title, description, buttons;\r\n title = 'Delete Message?';\r\n description = `Are you sure you want to delete this message?`;\r\n if (peerID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID) {\r\n buttons = [{\r\n text: 'DELETE',\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: () => callback(false)\r\n }];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n buttons = [{\r\n text: 'DELETE JUST FOR ME',\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: () => callback(false)\r\n }];\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n buttons.push({\r\n text: 'DELETE FOR ME AND ' + firstName,\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: () => callback(true)\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else if (appChatsManager_1.default.hasRights(-peerID, 'deleteRevoke')) {\r\n buttons.push({\r\n text: 'DELETE FOR ALL',\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: () => callback(true)\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n buttons.push({\r\n text: 'CANCEL',\r\n isCancel: true\r\n });\r\n let popup = new popup_1.PopupPeer('popup-delete-chat', {\r\n peerID: peerID,\r\n title: title,\r\n description: description,\r\n buttons: buttons\r\n });\r\n popup.show();\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.reply.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(this.msgID);\r\n const chatInputC = appImManager_1.default.chatInputC;\r\n chatInputC.setTopInfo(appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(message.fromID, true), message.message, undefined, message);\r\n chatInputC.replyToMsgID = this.msgID;\r\n chatInputC.editMsgID = 0;\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.forward.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appForward_1.default.init([this.msgID]);\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.edit.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(this.msgID);\r\n const chatInputC = appImManager_1.default.chatInputC;\r\n chatInputC.setTopInfo('Editing', message.message, message.message, message);\r\n chatInputC.replyToMsgID = 0;\r\n chatInputC.editMsgID = this.msgID;\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.pin.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.updatePinnedMessage(utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID, this.msgID);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ChatContextMenu = ChatContextMenu;\r\n" }, { "id": 107, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\search.ts", "name": "./src/components/chat/search.ts", "index": 109, "index2": 103, "size": 8283, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { 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(function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.ChatSearch = void 0;\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appSearch_1 = __importStar(require(\"../appSearch\"));\r\nconst popupDatepicker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../popupDatepicker\"));\r\nconst ripple_1 = require(\"../ripple\");\r\nconst searchInput_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../searchInput\"));\r\nclass ChatSearch {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.foundCount = 0;\r\n this.selectedIndex = 0;\r\n this.onDateClick = (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n new popupDatepicker_1.default(new Date(), appImManager_1.default.onDatePick).show();\r\n };\r\n this.selectResult = (elem) => {\r\n if (this.setPeerPromise)\r\n return this.setPeerPromise;\r\n const peerID = +elem.getAttribute('data-peerID');\r\n const lastMsgID = +elem.dataset.mid || undefined;\r\n const index = utils_1.whichChild(elem);\r\n if (index == (this.foundCount - 1)) {\r\n this.upBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.upBtn.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n }\r\n if (!index) {\r\n this.downBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.downBtn.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n }\r\n this.results.classList.remove('active');\r\n appImManager_1.default.bubblesContainer.classList.remove('search-results-active');\r\n const res = appImManager_1.default.setPeer(peerID, lastMsgID);\r\n this.setPeerPromise = (res instanceof Promise ? res : Promise.resolve(res)).then(() => {\r\n this.selectedIndex = index;\r\n this.foundCountEl.innerText = `${index + 1} of ${this.foundCount}`;\r\n const renderedCount = this.searchGroup.list.childElementCount;\r\n if (this.selectedIndex >= (renderedCount - 6)) {\r\n this.appSearch.searchMore();\r\n }\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n this.setPeerPromise = null;\r\n });\r\n };\r\n this.onResultsClick = (e) => {\r\n const target = utils_1.findUpTag(e.target, 'LI');\r\n if (target) {\r\n this.selectResult(target);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.onFooterClick = (e) => {\r\n if (this.foundCount) {\r\n appImManager_1.default.bubblesContainer.classList.toggle('search-results-active');\r\n this.results.classList.toggle('active');\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.onUpClick = (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n this.selectResult(this.searchGroup.list.children[this.selectedIndex + 1]);\r\n };\r\n this.onDownClick = (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n this.selectResult(this.searchGroup.list.children[this.selectedIndex - 1]);\r\n };\r\n this.element = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.element.classList.add('sidebar-header', 'chat-search', 'chats-container');\r\n this.backBtn = document.createElement('button');\r\n this.backBtn.classList.add('btn-icon', 'tgico-back', 'sidebar-close-button');\r\n ripple_1.ripple(this.backBtn);\r\n this.backBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appImManager_1.default.topbar.classList.remove('hide-pinned');\r\n this.element.remove();\r\n this.searchInput.remove();\r\n this.results.remove();\r\n this.footer.remove();\r\n this.footer.removeEventListener('click', this.onFooterClick);\r\n this.dateBtn.removeEventListener('click', this.onDateClick);\r\n this.upBtn.removeEventListener('click', this.onUpClick);\r\n this.downBtn.removeEventListener('click', this.onDownClick);\r\n this.searchGroup.list.removeEventListener('click', this.onResultsClick);\r\n appImManager_1.default.bubblesContainer.classList.remove('search-results-active');\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n this.searchInput = new searchInput_1.default('Search');\r\n // Results\r\n this.results = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.results.classList.add('chat-search-results', 'chats-container');\r\n this.searchGroup = new appSearch_1.SearchGroup('', 'messages', undefined, '', false);\r\n this.searchGroup.list.addEventListener('click', this.onResultsClick);\r\n this.appSearch = new appSearch_1.default(this.results, this.searchInput, {\r\n messages: this.searchGroup\r\n }, (count) => {\r\n this.foundCount = count;\r\n if (!this.foundCount) {\r\n this.foundCountEl.innerText = this.searchInput.value ? 'No results' : '';\r\n this.results.classList.remove('active');\r\n appImManager_1.default.bubblesContainer.classList.remove('search-results-active');\r\n this.upBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n this.downBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.selectResult(this.searchGroup.list.children[0]);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.appSearch.beginSearch(utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID);\r\n //appImManager.topbar.parentElement.insertBefore(this.results, appImManager.bubblesContainer);\r\n appImManager_1.default.bubblesContainer.append(this.results);\r\n // Footer\r\n this.footer = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.footer.classList.add('chat-search-footer');\r\n this.footer.addEventListener('click', this.onFooterClick);\r\n ripple_1.ripple(this.footer);\r\n this.foundCountEl = document.createElement('span');\r\n this.foundCountEl.classList.add('chat-search-count');\r\n this.dateBtn = document.createElement('button');\r\n this.dateBtn.classList.add('btn-icon', 'tgico-calendar');\r\n this.controls = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.controls.classList.add('chat-search-controls');\r\n this.upBtn = document.createElement('button');\r\n this.upBtn.classList.add('btn-icon', 'tgico-up');\r\n this.downBtn = document.createElement('button');\r\n this.downBtn.classList.add('btn-icon', 'tgico-down');\r\n this.upBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n this.downBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n this.dateBtn.addEventListener('click', this.onDateClick);\r\n this.upBtn.addEventListener('click', this.onUpClick);\r\n this.downBtn.addEventListener('click', this.onDownClick);\r\n this.controls.append(this.upBtn, this.downBtn);\r\n this.footer.append(this.foundCountEl, this.dateBtn, this.controls);\r\n appImManager_1.default.topbar.parentElement.insertBefore(this.footer, appImManager_1.default.chatInput);\r\n // Append container\r\n this.element.append(this.backBtn, this.searchInput.container);\r\n appImManager_1.default.topbar.classList.add('hide-pinned');\r\n appImManager_1.default.topbar.parentElement.append(this.element);\r\n this.searchInput.input.focus();\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ChatSearch = ChatSearch;\r\n" }, { "id": 108, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\passwordManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/passwordManager.ts", "index": 111, "index2": 107, "size": 3129, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pagePassword.ts", "issuerId": 66, "issuerName": "./src/pages/pagePassword.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 49, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignIn.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 79, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageAuthCode.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageAuthCode.ts", "profile": { "factory": 104, "building": 1053, "dependencies": 527 } }, { "id": 66, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pagePassword.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pagePassword.ts", "profile": { "factory": 575, "building": 2297, "dependencies": 2 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 4390, "building": 785, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 66, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pagePassword.ts", "module": "./src/pages/pagePassword.ts", "moduleName": "./src/pages/pagePassword.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../lib/mtproto/passwordManager", "loc": "15:42-83" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.PasswordManager = void 0;\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./mtprotoworker\"));\r\n//import { computeCheck } from \"../crypto/srp\";\r\nclass PasswordManager {\r\n getState(options = {}) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('account.getPassword', {}, options).then((result) => {\r\n return result;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n /* public updateSettings(state: any, settings: any) {\r\n var currentHashPromise;\r\n var newHashPromise;\r\n var params: any = {\r\n new_settings: {\r\n _: 'account.passwordInputSettings',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n hint: settings.hint || ''\r\n }\r\n };\r\n \r\n if(typeof settings.cur_password === 'string' &&\r\n settings.cur_password.length > 0) {\r\n currentHashPromise = this.makePasswordHash(state.current_salt, settings.cur_password);\r\n } else {\r\n currentHashPromise = Promise.resolve([]);\r\n }\r\n \r\n if (typeof settings.new_password === 'string' &&\r\n settings.new_password.length > 0) {\r\n var saltRandom = new Array(8);\r\n var newSalt = bufferConcat(state.new_salt, saltRandom);\r\n secureRandom.nextBytes(saltRandom);\r\n newHashPromise = this.makePasswordHash(newSalt, settings.new_password);\r\n params.new_settings.new_salt = newSalt;\r\n params.new_settings.flags |= 1;\r\n } else {\r\n if(typeof settings.new_password === 'string') {\r\n params.new_settings.flags |= 1;\r\n params.new_settings.new_salt = [];\r\n }\r\n newHashPromise = Promise.resolve([]);\r\n }\r\n \r\n if(typeof settings.email === 'string') {\r\n params.new_settings.flags |= 2;\r\n params.new_settings.email = settings.email || '';\r\n }\r\n \r\n return Promise.all([currentHashPromise, newHashPromise]).then((hashes) => {\r\n params.current_password_hash = hashes[0];\r\n params.new_settings.new_password_hash = hashes[1];\r\n \r\n return apiManager.invokeApi('account.updatePasswordSettings', params);\r\n });\r\n } */\r\n check(password, state, options = {}) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.computeSRP(password, state).then((inputCheckPassword) => {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('auth.checkPassword', {\r\n password: inputCheckPassword\r\n }, options);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n requestRecovery(options = {}) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('auth.requestPasswordRecovery', {}, options);\r\n }\r\n recover(code, options = {}) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('auth.recoverPassword', {\r\n code: code\r\n }, options);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.PasswordManager = PasswordManager;\r\nconst passwordManager = new PasswordManager();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n self.passwordManager = passwordManager;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = passwordManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 109, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignQR.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageSignQR.ts", "index": 112, "index2": 111, "size": 7042, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignIn.ts", "issuerId": 49, "issuerName": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 49, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignIn.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 104, "building": 1053, "dependencies": 527 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 49, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignIn.ts", "module": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "moduleName": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./pageSignQR", "loc": "12:37-60" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\n//import apiManager from '../lib/mtproto/apiManager';\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst page_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./page\"));\r\nconst pageIm_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pageIm\"));\r\nconst pagePassword_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pagePassword\"));\r\nconst pageSignIn_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pageSignIn\"));\r\nconst mtproto_config_1 = require(\"../lib/mtproto/mtproto_config\");\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../lib/bin_utils\");\r\nconst serverTimeManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/mtproto/serverTimeManager\"));\r\nlet onFirstMount = () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const pageElement = page.pageEl;\r\n const imageDiv = pageElement.querySelector('.auth-image');\r\n page.pageEl.querySelector('.a-qr').addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n pageSignIn_1.default.mount();\r\n stop = true;\r\n });\r\n const results = yield Promise.all([\r\n Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('qr-code-styling')))\r\n ]);\r\n const QRCodeStyling = results[0].default;\r\n let stop = false;\r\n document.addEventListener('user_auth', () => {\r\n stop = true;\r\n cachedPromise = null;\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n let options = { ignoreErrors: true };\r\n let prevToken;\r\n return () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n stop = false;\r\n do {\r\n if (stop) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n let loginToken = yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('auth.exportLoginToken', {\r\n api_id: mtproto_config_1.App.id,\r\n api_hash: mtproto_config_1.App.hash,\r\n except_ids: []\r\n }, { ignoreErrors: true });\r\n if (loginToken._ == 'auth.loginTokenMigrateTo') {\r\n if (!options.dcID) {\r\n options.dcID = loginToken.dc_id;\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.setBaseDcID(loginToken.dc_id);\r\n //continue;\r\n }\r\n loginToken = (yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('auth.importLoginToken', {\r\n token: loginToken.token\r\n }, options));\r\n }\r\n if (loginToken._ == 'auth.loginTokenSuccess') {\r\n const authorization = loginToken.authorization;\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.setUserAuth({\r\n id: authorization.user.id\r\n });\r\n pageIm_1.default.mount();\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n /* // to base64\r\n var decoder = new TextDecoder('utf8');\r\n var b64encoded = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, [...loginToken.token])); */\r\n if (!prevToken || !bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(prevToken, loginToken.token)) {\r\n prevToken = loginToken.token;\r\n let encoded = bin_utils_1.bytesToBase64(loginToken.token);\r\n let url = \"tg://login?token=\" + encoded.replace(/\\+/g, \"-\").replace(/\\//g, \"_\").replace(/\\=+$/, \"\");\r\n imageDiv.innerHTML = '';\r\n const qrCode = new QRCodeStyling({\r\n width: 166,\r\n height: 166,\r\n data: url,\r\n image: \"assets/img/logo_padded.svg\",\r\n dotsOptions: {\r\n color: \"#000000\",\r\n type: \"rounded\"\r\n },\r\n imageOptions: {\r\n imageSize: .75\r\n },\r\n backgroundOptions: {\r\n color: \"#ffffff\"\r\n },\r\n qrOptions: {\r\n errorCorrectionLevel: \"L\"\r\n }\r\n });\r\n qrCode.append(imageDiv);\r\n }\r\n let timestamp = Date.now() / 1000;\r\n let diff = loginToken.expires - timestamp - serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, diff > 5 ? 5e3 : 1e3 * diff | 0));\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n switch (err.type) {\r\n case 'SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED':\r\n console.warn('pageSignQR: SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED');\r\n err.handled = true;\r\n pagePassword_1.default.mount();\r\n stop = true;\r\n cachedPromise = null;\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n console.error('pageSignQR: default error:', err);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } while (true);\r\n });\r\n});\r\nlet cachedPromise;\r\nconst page = new page_1.default('page-signQR', true, () => {\r\n return cachedPromise;\r\n}, () => {\r\n //console.log('onMount');\r\n if (!cachedPromise)\r\n cachedPromise = onFirstMount();\r\n cachedPromise.then(func => {\r\n func();\r\n });\r\n});\r\nexports.default = page;\r\n" }, { "id": 110, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\qr-code-styling\\lib\\qr-code-styling.js", "name": "./node_modules/qr-code-styling/lib/qr-code-styling.js", "index": 113, "index2": 110, "size": 28504, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignQR.ts", "issuerId": 109, "issuerName": "./src/pages/pageSignQR.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 49, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignIn.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 109, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignQR.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageSignQR.ts", "profile": { "factory": 104, "building": 1053, "dependencies": 527 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 7122, "building": 761, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 109, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignQR.ts", "module": "./src/pages/pageSignQR.ts", "moduleName": "./src/pages/pageSignQR.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "qr-code-styling", "loc": "51:50-76" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "!function(t,r){\"object\"==typeof exports&&\"object\"==typeof module?module.exports=r():\"function\"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],r):\"object\"==typeof exports?exports.QRCodeStyling=r():t.QRCodeStyling=r()}(window,function(){return function(t){var r={};function e(n){if(r[n])return r[n].exports;var o=r[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return t[n].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,e),o.l=!0,o.exports}return e.m=t,e.c=r,e.d=function(t,r,n){e.o(t,r)||Object.defineProperty(t,r,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},e.r=function(t){\"undefined\"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(t,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:\"Module\"}),Object.defineProperty(t,\"__esModule\",{value:!0})},e.t=function(t,r){if(1&r&&(t=e(t)),8&r)return t;if(4&r&&\"object\"==typeof t&&t&&t.__esModule)return t;var n=Object.create(null);if(e.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,\"default\",{enumerable:!0,value:t}),2&r&&\"string\"!=typeof t)for(var o in t)e.d(n,o,function(r){return t[r]}.bind(null,o));return n},e.n=function(t){var r=t&&t.__esModule?function(){return t.default}:function(){return t};return e.d(r,\"a\",r),r},e.o=function(t,r){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,r)},e.p=\"\",e(e.s=1)}([function(t,r,e){var n,o,i,a=function(){var t=function(t,r){var e=t,n=f[r],o=null,i=0,a=null,u=[],c={},s=function(t,r){o=function(t){for(var r=new Array(t),e=0;e=7&&d(t),null==a&&(a=w(e,n,u)),p(a,r)},h=function(t,r){for(var e=-1;e<=7;e+=1)if(!(t+e<=-1||i<=t+e))for(var n=-1;n<=7;n+=1)r+n<=-1||i<=r+n||(o[t+e][r+n]=0<=e&&e<=6&&(0==n||6==n)||0<=n&&n<=6&&(0==e||6==e)||2<=e&&e<=4&&2<=n&&n<=4)},l=function(){for(var t=8;t>n&1);o[Math.floor(n/3)][n%3+i-8-3]=a}for(n=0;n<18;n+=1){a=!t&&1==(r>>n&1);o[n%3+i-8-3][Math.floor(n/3)]=a}},v=function(t,r){for(var e=n<<3|r,a=y.getBCHTypeInfo(e),u=0;u<15;u+=1){var f=!t&&1==(a>>u&1);u<6?o[u][8]=f:u<8?o[u+1][8]=f:o[i-15+u][8]=f}for(u=0;u<15;u+=1){f=!t&&1==(a>>u&1);u<8?o[8][i-u-1]=f:u<9?o[8][15-u-1+1]=f:o[8][15-u-1]=f}o[i-8][8]=!t},p=function(t,r){for(var e=-1,n=i-1,a=7,u=0,f=y.getMaskFunction(r),c=i-1;c>0;c-=2)for(6==c&&(c-=1);;){for(var s=0;s<2;s+=1)if(null==o[n][c-s]){var h=!1;u>>a&1)),f(n,c-s)&&(h=!h),o[n][c-s]=h,-1==(a-=1)&&(u+=1,a=7)}if((n+=e)<0||i<=n){n-=e,e=-e;break}}},w=function(t,r,e){for(var n=x.getRSBlocks(t,r),o=b(),i=0;i8*u)throw\"code length overflow. 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JavaScript engine analysis\n var canary = 0xdeadbeefcafe;\n var j_lm = ((canary&0xffffff)==0xefcafe);\n\n // (public) Constructor\n function BigInteger(a,b,c) {\n if(a != null)\n if(\"number\" == typeof a) this.fromNumber(a,b,c);\n else if(b == null && \"string\" != typeof a) this.fromString(a,256);\n else this.fromString(a,b);\n }\n\n // return new, unset BigInteger\n function nbi() { return new BigInteger(null); }\n\n // am: Compute w_j += (x*this_i), propagate carries,\n // c is initial carry, returns final carry.\n // c < 3*dvalue, x < 2*dvalue, this_i < dvalue\n // We need to select the fastest one that works in this environment.\n\n // am1: use a single mult and divide to get the high bits,\n // max digit bits should be 26 because\n // max internal value = 2*dvalue^2-2*dvalue (< 2^53)\n function am1(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var v = x*this[i++]+w[j]+c;\n c = Math.floor(v/0x4000000);\n w[j++] = v&0x3ffffff;\n }\n return c;\n }\n // am2 avoids a big mult-and-extract completely.\n // Max digit bits should be <= 30 because we do bitwise ops\n // on values up to 2*hdvalue^2-hdvalue-1 (< 2^31)\n function am2(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n var xl = x&0x7fff, xh = x>>15;\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var l = this[i]&0x7fff;\n var h = this[i++]>>15;\n var m = xh*l+h*xl;\n l = xl*l+((m&0x7fff)<<15)+w[j]+(c&0x3fffffff);\n c = (l>>>30)+(m>>>15)+xh*h+(c>>>30);\n w[j++] = l&0x3fffffff;\n }\n return c;\n }\n // Alternately, set max digit bits to 28 since some\n // browsers slow down when dealing with 32-bit numbers.\n function am3(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n var xl = x&0x3fff, xh = x>>14;\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var l = this[i]&0x3fff;\n var h = this[i++]>>14;\n var m = xh*l+h*xl;\n l = xl*l+((m&0x3fff)<<14)+w[j]+c;\n c = (l>>28)+(m>>14)+xh*h;\n w[j++] = l&0xfffffff;\n }\n return c;\n }\n var inBrowser = typeof navigator !== \"undefined\";\n if(inBrowser && j_lm && (navigator.appName == \"Microsoft Internet Explorer\")) {\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am2;\n dbits = 30;\n }\n else if(inBrowser && j_lm && (navigator.appName != \"Netscape\")) {\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am1;\n dbits = 26;\n }\n else { // Mozilla/Netscape seems to prefer am3\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am3;\n dbits = 28;\n }\n\n BigInteger.prototype.DB = dbits;\n BigInteger.prototype.DM = ((1<= 0; --i) r[i] = this[i];\n r.t = this.t;\n r.s = this.s;\n }\n\n // (protected) set from integer value x, -DV <= x < DV\n function bnpFromInt(x) {\n this.t = 1;\n this.s = (x<0)?-1:0;\n if(x > 0) this[0] = x;\n else if(x < -1) this[0] = x+this.DV;\n else this.t = 0;\n }\n\n // return bigint initialized to value\n function nbv(i) { var r = nbi(); r.fromInt(i); return r; }\n\n // (protected) set from string and radix\n function bnpFromString(s,b) {\n var k;\n if(b == 16) k = 4;\n else if(b == 8) k = 3;\n else if(b == 256) k = 8; // byte array\n else if(b == 2) k = 1;\n else if(b == 32) k = 5;\n else if(b == 4) k = 2;\n else { this.fromRadix(s,b); return; }\n this.t = 0;\n this.s = 0;\n var i = s.length, mi = false, sh = 0;\n while(--i >= 0) {\n var x = (k==8)?s[i]&0xff:intAt(s,i);\n if(x < 0) {\n if(s.charAt(i) == \"-\") mi = true;\n continue;\n }\n mi = false;\n if(sh == 0)\n this[this.t++] = x;\n else if(sh+k > this.DB) {\n this[this.t-1] |= (x&((1<<(this.DB-sh))-1))<>(this.DB-sh));\n }\n else\n this[this.t-1] |= x<= this.DB) sh -= this.DB;\n }\n if(k == 8 && (s[0]&0x80) != 0) {\n this.s = -1;\n if(sh > 0) this[this.t-1] |= ((1<<(this.DB-sh))-1)< 0 && this[this.t-1] == c) --this.t;\n }\n\n // (public) return string representation in given radix\n function bnToString(b) {\n if(this.s < 0) return \"-\"+this.negate().toString(b);\n var k;\n if(b == 16) k = 4;\n else if(b == 8) k = 3;\n else if(b == 2) k = 1;\n else if(b == 32) k = 5;\n else if(b == 4) k = 2;\n else return this.toRadix(b);\n var km = (1< 0) {\n if(p < this.DB && (d = this[i]>>p) > 0) { m = true; r = int2char(d); }\n while(i >= 0) {\n if(p < k) {\n d = (this[i]&((1<>(p+=this.DB-k);\n }\n else {\n d = (this[i]>>(p-=k))&km;\n if(p <= 0) { p += this.DB; --i; }\n }\n if(d > 0) m = true;\n if(m) r += int2char(d);\n }\n }\n return m?r:\"0\";\n }\n\n // (public) -this\n function bnNegate() { var r = nbi(); BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) |this|\n function bnAbs() { return (this.s<0)?this.negate():this; }\n\n // (public) return + if this > a, - if this < a, 0 if equal\n function bnCompareTo(a) {\n var r = this.s-a.s;\n if(r != 0) return r;\n var i = this.t;\n r = i-a.t;\n if(r != 0) return (this.s<0)?-r:r;\n while(--i >= 0) if((r=this[i]-a[i]) != 0) return r;\n return 0;\n }\n\n // returns bit length of the integer x\n function nbits(x) {\n var r = 1, t;\n if((t=x>>>16) != 0) { x = t; r += 16; }\n if((t=x>>8) != 0) { x = t; r += 8; }\n if((t=x>>4) != 0) { x = t; r += 4; }\n if((t=x>>2) != 0) { x = t; r += 2; }\n if((t=x>>1) != 0) { x = t; r += 1; }\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) return the number of bits in \"this\"\n function bnBitLength() {\n if(this.t <= 0) return 0;\n return this.DB*(this.t-1)+nbits(this[this.t-1]^(this.s&this.DM));\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this << n*DB\n function bnpDLShiftTo(n,r) {\n var i;\n for(i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r[i+n] = this[i];\n for(i = n-1; i >= 0; --i) r[i] = 0;\n r.t = this.t+n;\n r.s = this.s;\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this >> n*DB\n function bnpDRShiftTo(n,r) {\n for(var i = n; i < this.t; ++i) r[i-n] = this[i];\n r.t = Math.max(this.t-n,0);\n r.s = this.s;\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this << n\n function bnpLShiftTo(n,r) {\n var bs = n%this.DB;\n var cbs = this.DB-bs;\n var bm = (1<= 0; --i) {\n r[i+ds+1] = (this[i]>>cbs)|c;\n c = (this[i]&bm)<= 0; --i) r[i] = 0;\n r[ds] = c;\n r.t = this.t+ds+1;\n r.s = this.s;\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this >> n\n function bnpRShiftTo(n,r) {\n r.s = this.s;\n var ds = Math.floor(n/this.DB);\n if(ds >= this.t) { r.t = 0; return; }\n var bs = n%this.DB;\n var cbs = this.DB-bs;\n var bm = (1<>bs;\n for(var i = ds+1; i < this.t; ++i) {\n r[i-ds-1] |= (this[i]&bm)<>bs;\n }\n if(bs > 0) r[this.t-ds-1] |= (this.s&bm)<>= this.DB;\n }\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n c -= a.s;\n while(i < this.t) {\n c += this[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += this.s;\n }\n else {\n c += this.s;\n while(i < a.t) {\n c -= a[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c -= a.s;\n }\n r.s = (c<0)?-1:0;\n if(c < -1) r[i++] = this.DV+c;\n else if(c > 0) r[i++] = c;\n r.t = i;\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this * a, r != this,a (HAC 14.12)\n // \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\n function bnpMultiplyTo(a,r) {\n var x = this.abs(), y = a.abs();\n var i = x.t;\n r.t = i+y.t;\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < y.t; ++i) r[i+x.t] = x.am(0,y[i],r,i,0,x.t);\n r.s = 0;\n r.clamp();\n if(this.s != a.s) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r,r);\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this^2, r != this (HAC 14.16)\n function bnpSquareTo(r) {\n var x = this.abs();\n var i = r.t = 2*x.t;\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < x.t-1; ++i) {\n var c = x.am(i,x[i],r,2*i,0,1);\n if((r[i+x.t]+=x.am(i+1,2*x[i],r,2*i+1,c,x.t-i-1)) >= x.DV) {\n r[i+x.t] -= x.DV;\n r[i+x.t+1] = 1;\n }\n }\n if(r.t > 0) r[r.t-1] += x.am(i,x[i],r,2*i,0,1);\n r.s = 0;\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) divide this by m, quotient and remainder to q, r (HAC 14.20)\n // r != q, this != m. q or r may be null.\n function bnpDivRemTo(m,q,r) {\n var pm = m.abs();\n if(pm.t <= 0) return;\n var pt = this.abs();\n if(pt.t < pm.t) {\n if(q != null) q.fromInt(0);\n if(r != null) this.copyTo(r);\n return;\n }\n if(r == null) r = nbi();\n var y = nbi(), ts = this.s, ms = m.s;\n var nsh = this.DB-nbits(pm[pm.t-1]); // normalize modulus\n if(nsh > 0) { pm.lShiftTo(nsh,y); pt.lShiftTo(nsh,r); }\n else { pm.copyTo(y); pt.copyTo(r); }\n var ys = y.t;\n var y0 = y[ys-1];\n if(y0 == 0) return;\n var yt = y0*(1<1)?y[ys-2]>>this.F2:0);\n var d1 = this.FV/yt, d2 = (1<= 0) {\n r[r.t++] = 1;\n r.subTo(t,r);\n }\n BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(ys,t);\n t.subTo(y,y); // \"negative\" y so we can replace sub with am later\n while(y.t < ys) y[y.t++] = 0;\n while(--j >= 0) {\n // Estimate quotient digit\n var qd = (r[--i]==y0)?this.DM:Math.floor(r[i]*d1+(r[i-1]+e)*d2);\n if((r[i]+=y.am(0,qd,r,j,0,ys)) < qd) { // Try it out\n y.dlShiftTo(j,t);\n r.subTo(t,r);\n while(r[i] < --qd) r.subTo(t,r);\n }\n }\n if(q != null) {\n r.drShiftTo(ys,q);\n if(ts != ms) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(q,q);\n }\n r.t = ys;\n r.clamp();\n if(nsh > 0) r.rShiftTo(nsh,r); // Denormalize remainder\n if(ts < 0) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r,r);\n }\n\n // (public) this mod a\n function bnMod(a) {\n var r = nbi();\n this.abs().divRemTo(a,null,r);\n if(this.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) a.subTo(r,r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // Modular reduction using \"classic\" algorithm\n function Classic(m) { this.m = m; }\n function cConvert(x) {\n if(x.s < 0 || x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) return x.mod(this.m);\n else return x;\n }\n function cRevert(x) { return x; }\n function cReduce(x) { x.divRemTo(this.m,null,x); }\n function cMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n function cSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n Classic.prototype.convert = cConvert;\n Classic.prototype.revert = cRevert;\n Classic.prototype.reduce = cReduce;\n Classic.prototype.mulTo = cMulTo;\n Classic.prototype.sqrTo = cSqrTo;\n\n // (protected) return \"-1/this % 2^DB\"; useful for Mont. reduction\n // justification:\n // xy == 1 (mod m)\n // xy = 1+km\n // xy(2-xy) = (1+km)(1-km)\n // x[y(2-xy)] = 1-k^2m^2\n // x[y(2-xy)] == 1 (mod m^2)\n // if y is 1/x mod m, then y(2-xy) is 1/x mod m^2\n // should reduce x and y(2-xy) by m^2 at each step to keep size bounded.\n // JS multiply \"overflows\" differently from C/C++, so care is needed here.\n function bnpInvDigit() {\n if(this.t < 1) return 0;\n var x = this[0];\n if((x&1) == 0) return 0;\n var y = x&3; // y == 1/x mod 2^2\n y = (y*(2-(x&0xf)*y))&0xf; // y == 1/x mod 2^4\n y = (y*(2-(x&0xff)*y))&0xff; // y == 1/x mod 2^8\n y = (y*(2-(((x&0xffff)*y)&0xffff)))&0xffff; // y == 1/x mod 2^16\n // last step - calculate inverse mod DV directly;\n // assumes 16 < DB <= 32 and assumes ability to handle 48-bit ints\n y = (y*(2-x*y%this.DV))%this.DV; // y == 1/x mod 2^dbits\n // we really want the negative inverse, and -DV < y < DV\n return (y>0)?this.DV-y:-y;\n }\n\n // Montgomery reduction\n function Montgomery(m) {\n this.m = m;\n this.mp = m.invDigit();\n this.mpl = this.mp&0x7fff;\n this.mph = this.mp>>15;\n this.um = (1<<(m.DB-15))-1;\n this.mt2 = 2*m.t;\n }\n\n // xR mod m\n function montConvert(x) {\n var r = nbi();\n x.abs().dlShiftTo(this.m.t,r);\n r.divRemTo(this.m,null,r);\n if(x.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) this.m.subTo(r,r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // x/R mod m\n function montRevert(x) {\n var r = nbi();\n x.copyTo(r);\n this.reduce(r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // x = x/R mod m (HAC 14.32)\n function montReduce(x) {\n while(x.t <= this.mt2) // pad x so am has enough room later\n x[x.t++] = 0;\n for(var i = 0; i < this.m.t; ++i) {\n // faster way of calculating u0 = x[i]*mp mod DV\n var j = x[i]&0x7fff;\n var u0 = (j*this.mpl+(((j*this.mph+(x[i]>>15)*this.mpl)&this.um)<<15))&x.DM;\n // use am to combine the multiply-shift-add into one call\n j = i+this.m.t;\n x[j] += this.m.am(0,u0,x,i,0,this.m.t);\n // propagate carry\n while(x[j] >= x.DV) { x[j] -= x.DV; x[++j]++; }\n }\n x.clamp();\n x.drShiftTo(this.m.t,x);\n if(x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m,x);\n }\n\n // r = \"x^2/R mod m\"; x != r\n function montSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n // r = \"xy/R mod m\"; x,y != r\n function montMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n Montgomery.prototype.convert = montConvert;\n Montgomery.prototype.revert = montRevert;\n Montgomery.prototype.reduce = montReduce;\n Montgomery.prototype.mulTo = montMulTo;\n Montgomery.prototype.sqrTo = montSqrTo;\n\n // (protected) true iff this is even\n function bnpIsEven() { return ((this.t>0)?(this[0]&1):this.s) == 0; }\n\n // (protected) this^e, e < 2^32, doing sqr and mul with \"r\" (HAC 14.79)\n function bnpExp(e,z) {\n if(e > 0xffffffff || e < 1) return BigInteger.ONE;\n var r = nbi(), r2 = nbi(), g = z.convert(this), i = nbits(e)-1;\n g.copyTo(r);\n while(--i >= 0) {\n z.sqrTo(r,r2);\n if((e&(1< 0) z.mulTo(r2,g,r);\n else { var t = r; r = r2; r2 = t; }\n }\n return z.revert(r);\n }\n\n // (public) this^e % m, 0 <= e < 2^32\n function bnModPowInt(e,m) {\n var z;\n if(e < 256 || m.isEven()) z = new Classic(m); else z = new Montgomery(m);\n return this.exp(e,z);\n }\n\n // protected\n BigInteger.prototype.copyTo = bnpCopyTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.fromInt = bnpFromInt;\n BigInteger.prototype.fromString = bnpFromString;\n BigInteger.prototype.clamp = bnpClamp;\n BigInteger.prototype.dlShiftTo = bnpDLShiftTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.drShiftTo = bnpDRShiftTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.lShiftTo = bnpLShiftTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.rShiftTo = bnpRShiftTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.subTo = bnpSubTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.multiplyTo = bnpMultiplyTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.squareTo = bnpSquareTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.divRemTo = bnpDivRemTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.invDigit = bnpInvDigit;\n BigInteger.prototype.isEven = bnpIsEven;\n BigInteger.prototype.exp = bnpExp;\n\n // public\n BigInteger.prototype.toString = bnToString;\n BigInteger.prototype.negate = bnNegate;\n BigInteger.prototype.abs = bnAbs;\n BigInteger.prototype.compareTo = bnCompareTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.bitLength = bnBitLength;\n BigInteger.prototype.mod = bnMod;\n BigInteger.prototype.modPowInt = bnModPowInt;\n\n // \"constants\"\n BigInteger.ZERO = nbv(0);\n BigInteger.ONE = nbv(1);\n\n // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Tom Wu\n // All Rights Reserved.\n // See \"LICENSE\" for details.\n\n // Extended JavaScript BN functions, required for RSA private ops.\n\n // Version 1.1: new BigInteger(\"0\", 10) returns \"proper\" zero\n // Version 1.2: square() API, isProbablePrime fix\n\n // (public)\n function bnClone() { var r = nbi(); this.copyTo(r); return r; }\n\n // (public) return value as integer\n function bnIntValue() {\n if(this.s < 0) {\n if(this.t == 1) return this[0]-this.DV;\n else if(this.t == 0) return -1;\n }\n else if(this.t == 1) return this[0];\n else if(this.t == 0) return 0;\n // assumes 16 < DB < 32\n return ((this[1]&((1<<(32-this.DB))-1))<>24; }\n\n // (public) return value as short (assumes DB>=16)\n function bnShortValue() { return (this.t==0)?this.s:(this[0]<<16)>>16; }\n\n // (protected) return x s.t. r^x < DV\n function bnpChunkSize(r) { return Math.floor(Math.LN2*this.DB/Math.log(r)); }\n\n // (public) 0 if this == 0, 1 if this > 0\n function bnSigNum() {\n if(this.s < 0) return -1;\n else if(this.t <= 0 || (this.t == 1 && this[0] <= 0)) return 0;\n else return 1;\n }\n\n // (protected) convert to radix string\n function bnpToRadix(b) {\n if(b == null) b = 10;\n if(this.signum() == 0 || b < 2 || b > 36) return \"0\";\n var cs = this.chunkSize(b);\n var a = Math.pow(b,cs);\n var d = nbv(a), y = nbi(), z = nbi(), r = \"\";\n this.divRemTo(d,y,z);\n while(y.signum() > 0) {\n r = (a+z.intValue()).toString(b).substr(1) + r;\n y.divRemTo(d,y,z);\n }\n return z.intValue().toString(b) + r;\n }\n\n // (protected) convert from radix string\n function bnpFromRadix(s,b) {\n this.fromInt(0);\n if(b == null) b = 10;\n var cs = this.chunkSize(b);\n var d = Math.pow(b,cs), mi = false, j = 0, w = 0;\n for(var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {\n var x = intAt(s,i);\n if(x < 0) {\n if(s.charAt(i) == \"-\" && this.signum() == 0) mi = true;\n continue;\n }\n w = b*w+x;\n if(++j >= cs) {\n this.dMultiply(d);\n this.dAddOffset(w,0);\n j = 0;\n w = 0;\n }\n }\n if(j > 0) {\n this.dMultiply(Math.pow(b,j));\n this.dAddOffset(w,0);\n }\n if(mi) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,this);\n }\n\n // (protected) alternate constructor\n function bnpFromNumber(a,b,c) {\n if(\"number\" == typeof b) {\n // new BigInteger(int,int,RNG)\n if(a < 2) this.fromInt(1);\n else {\n this.fromNumber(a,c);\n if(!this.testBit(a-1)) // force MSB set\n this.bitwiseTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a-1),op_or,this);\n if(this.isEven()) this.dAddOffset(1,0); // force odd\n while(!this.isProbablePrime(b)) {\n this.dAddOffset(2,0);\n if(this.bitLength() > a) this.subTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a-1),this);\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n // new BigInteger(int,RNG)\n var x = new Array(), t = a&7;\n x.length = (a>>3)+1;\n b.nextBytes(x);\n if(t > 0) x[0] &= ((1< 0) {\n if(p < this.DB && (d = this[i]>>p) != (this.s&this.DM)>>p)\n r[k++] = d|(this.s<<(this.DB-p));\n while(i >= 0) {\n if(p < 8) {\n d = (this[i]&((1<>(p+=this.DB-8);\n }\n else {\n d = (this[i]>>(p-=8))&0xff;\n if(p <= 0) { p += this.DB; --i; }\n }\n if((d&0x80) != 0) d |= -256;\n if(k == 0 && (this.s&0x80) != (d&0x80)) ++k;\n if(k > 0 || d != this.s) r[k++] = d;\n }\n }\n return r;\n }\n\n function bnEquals(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)==0); }\n function bnMin(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)<0)?this:a; }\n function bnMax(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)>0)?this:a; }\n\n // (protected) r = this op a (bitwise)\n function bnpBitwiseTo(a,op,r) {\n var i, f, m = Math.min(a.t,this.t);\n for(i = 0; i < m; ++i) r[i] = op(this[i],a[i]);\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n f = a.s&this.DM;\n for(i = m; i < this.t; ++i) r[i] = op(this[i],f);\n r.t = this.t;\n }\n else {\n f = this.s&this.DM;\n for(i = m; i < a.t; ++i) r[i] = op(f,a[i]);\n r.t = a.t;\n }\n r.s = op(this.s,a.s);\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (public) this & a\n function op_and(x,y) { return x&y; }\n function bnAnd(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_and,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this | a\n function op_or(x,y) { return x|y; }\n function bnOr(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_or,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this ^ a\n function op_xor(x,y) { return x^y; }\n function bnXor(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_xor,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this & ~a\n function op_andnot(x,y) { return x&~y; }\n function bnAndNot(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_andnot,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) ~this\n function bnNot() {\n var r = nbi();\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r[i] = this.DM&~this[i];\n r.t = this.t;\n r.s = ~this.s;\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) this << n\n function bnShiftLeft(n) {\n var r = nbi();\n if(n < 0) this.rShiftTo(-n,r); else this.lShiftTo(n,r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) this >> n\n function bnShiftRight(n) {\n var r = nbi();\n if(n < 0) this.lShiftTo(-n,r); else this.rShiftTo(n,r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // return index of lowest 1-bit in x, x < 2^31\n function lbit(x) {\n if(x == 0) return -1;\n var r = 0;\n if((x&0xffff) == 0) { x >>= 16; r += 16; }\n if((x&0xff) == 0) { x >>= 8; r += 8; }\n if((x&0xf) == 0) { x >>= 4; r += 4; }\n if((x&3) == 0) { x >>= 2; r += 2; }\n if((x&1) == 0) ++r;\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) returns index of lowest 1-bit (or -1 if none)\n function bnGetLowestSetBit() {\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i)\n if(this[i] != 0) return i*this.DB+lbit(this[i]);\n if(this.s < 0) return this.t*this.DB;\n return -1;\n }\n\n // return number of 1 bits in x\n function cbit(x) {\n var r = 0;\n while(x != 0) { x &= x-1; ++r; }\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) return number of set bits\n function bnBitCount() {\n var r = 0, x = this.s&this.DM;\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r += cbit(this[i]^x);\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) true iff nth bit is set\n function bnTestBit(n) {\n var j = Math.floor(n/this.DB);\n if(j >= this.t) return(this.s!=0);\n return((this[j]&(1<<(n%this.DB)))!=0);\n }\n\n // (protected) this op (1<>= this.DB;\n }\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n c += a.s;\n while(i < this.t) {\n c += this[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += this.s;\n }\n else {\n c += this.s;\n while(i < a.t) {\n c += a[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += a.s;\n }\n r.s = (c<0)?-1:0;\n if(c > 0) r[i++] = c;\n else if(c < -1) r[i++] = this.DV+c;\n r.t = i;\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (public) this + a\n function bnAdd(a) { var r = nbi(); this.addTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this - a\n function bnSubtract(a) { var r = nbi(); this.subTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this * a\n function bnMultiply(a) { var r = nbi(); this.multiplyTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this^2\n function bnSquare() { var r = nbi(); this.squareTo(r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this / a\n function bnDivide(a) { var r = nbi(); this.divRemTo(a,r,null); return r; }\n\n // (public) this % a\n function bnRemainder(a) { var r = nbi(); this.divRemTo(a,null,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) [this/a,this%a]\n function bnDivideAndRemainder(a) {\n var q = nbi(), r = nbi();\n this.divRemTo(a,q,r);\n return new Array(q,r);\n }\n\n // (protected) this *= n, this >= 0, 1 < n < DV\n function bnpDMultiply(n) {\n this[this.t] = this.am(0,n-1,this,0,0,this.t);\n ++this.t;\n this.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) this += n << w words, this >= 0\n function bnpDAddOffset(n,w) {\n if(n == 0) return;\n while(this.t <= w) this[this.t++] = 0;\n this[w] += n;\n while(this[w] >= this.DV) {\n this[w] -= this.DV;\n if(++w >= this.t) this[this.t++] = 0;\n ++this[w];\n }\n }\n\n // A \"null\" reducer\n function NullExp() {}\n function nNop(x) { return x; }\n function nMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); }\n function nSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); }\n\n NullExp.prototype.convert = nNop;\n NullExp.prototype.revert = nNop;\n NullExp.prototype.mulTo = nMulTo;\n NullExp.prototype.sqrTo = nSqrTo;\n\n // (public) this^e\n function bnPow(e) { return this.exp(e,new NullExp()); }\n\n // (protected) r = lower n words of \"this * a\", a.t <= n\n // \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\n function bnpMultiplyLowerTo(a,n,r) {\n var i = Math.min(this.t+a.t,n);\n r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0\n r.t = i;\n while(i > 0) r[--i] = 0;\n var j;\n for(j = r.t-this.t; i < j; ++i) r[i+this.t] = this.am(0,a[i],r,i,0,this.t);\n for(j = Math.min(a.t,n); i < j; ++i) this.am(0,a[i],r,i,0,n-i);\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) r = \"this * a\" without lower n words, n > 0\n // \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\n function bnpMultiplyUpperTo(a,n,r) {\n --n;\n var i = r.t = this.t+a.t-n;\n r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = Math.max(n-this.t,0); i < a.t; ++i)\n r[this.t+i-n] = this.am(n-i,a[i],r,0,0,this.t+i-n);\n r.clamp();\n r.drShiftTo(1,r);\n }\n\n // Barrett modular reduction\n function Barrett(m) {\n // setup Barrett\n this.r2 = nbi();\n this.q3 = nbi();\n BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(2*m.t,this.r2);\n this.mu = this.r2.divide(m);\n this.m = m;\n }\n\n function barrettConvert(x) {\n if(x.s < 0 || x.t > 2*this.m.t) return x.mod(this.m);\n else if(x.compareTo(this.m) < 0) return x;\n else { var r = nbi(); x.copyTo(r); this.reduce(r); return r; }\n }\n\n function barrettRevert(x) { return x; }\n\n // x = x mod m (HAC 14.42)\n function barrettReduce(x) {\n x.drShiftTo(this.m.t-1,this.r2);\n if(x.t > this.m.t+1) { x.t = this.m.t+1; x.clamp(); }\n this.mu.multiplyUpperTo(this.r2,this.m.t+1,this.q3);\n this.m.multiplyLowerTo(this.q3,this.m.t+1,this.r2);\n while(x.compareTo(this.r2) < 0) x.dAddOffset(1,this.m.t+1);\n x.subTo(this.r2,x);\n while(x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m,x);\n }\n\n // r = x^2 mod m; x != r\n function barrettSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n // r = x*y mod m; x,y != r\n function barrettMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n Barrett.prototype.convert = barrettConvert;\n Barrett.prototype.revert = barrettRevert;\n Barrett.prototype.reduce = barrettReduce;\n Barrett.prototype.mulTo = barrettMulTo;\n Barrett.prototype.sqrTo = barrettSqrTo;\n\n // (public) this^e % m (HAC 14.85)\n function bnModPow(e,m) {\n var i = e.bitLength(), k, r = nbv(1), z;\n if(i <= 0) return r;\n else if(i < 18) k = 1;\n else if(i < 48) k = 3;\n else if(i < 144) k = 4;\n else if(i < 768) k = 5;\n else k = 6;\n if(i < 8)\n z = new Classic(m);\n else if(m.isEven())\n z = new Barrett(m);\n else\n z = new Montgomery(m);\n\n // precomputation\n var g = new Array(), n = 3, k1 = k-1, km = (1< 1) {\n var g2 = nbi();\n z.sqrTo(g[1],g2);\n while(n <= km) {\n g[n] = nbi();\n z.mulTo(g2,g[n-2],g[n]);\n n += 2;\n }\n }\n\n var j = e.t-1, w, is1 = true, r2 = nbi(), t;\n i = nbits(e[j])-1;\n while(j >= 0) {\n if(i >= k1) w = (e[j]>>(i-k1))&km;\n else {\n w = (e[j]&((1<<(i+1))-1))<<(k1-i);\n if(j > 0) w |= e[j-1]>>(this.DB+i-k1);\n }\n\n n = k;\n while((w&1) == 0) { w >>= 1; --n; }\n if((i -= n) < 0) { i += this.DB; --j; }\n if(is1) { // ret == 1, don't bother squaring or multiplying it\n g[w].copyTo(r);\n is1 = false;\n }\n else {\n while(n > 1) { z.sqrTo(r,r2); z.sqrTo(r2,r); n -= 2; }\n if(n > 0) z.sqrTo(r,r2); else { t = r; r = r2; r2 = t; }\n z.mulTo(r2,g[w],r);\n }\n\n while(j >= 0 && (e[j]&(1< 0) {\n x.rShiftTo(g,x);\n y.rShiftTo(g,y);\n }\n while(x.signum() > 0) {\n if((i = x.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) x.rShiftTo(i,x);\n if((i = y.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) y.rShiftTo(i,y);\n if(x.compareTo(y) >= 0) {\n x.subTo(y,x);\n x.rShiftTo(1,x);\n }\n else {\n y.subTo(x,y);\n y.rShiftTo(1,y);\n }\n }\n if(g > 0) y.lShiftTo(g,y);\n return y;\n }\n\n // (protected) this % n, n < 2^26\n function bnpModInt(n) {\n if(n <= 0) return 0;\n var d = this.DV%n, r = (this.s<0)?n-1:0;\n if(this.t > 0)\n if(d == 0) r = this[0]%n;\n else for(var i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r = (d*r+this[i])%n;\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) 1/this % m (HAC 14.61)\n function bnModInverse(m) {\n var ac = m.isEven();\n if((this.isEven() && ac) || m.signum() == 0) return BigInteger.ZERO;\n var u = m.clone(), v = this.clone();\n var a = nbv(1), b = nbv(0), c = nbv(0), d = nbv(1);\n while(u.signum() != 0) {\n while(u.isEven()) {\n u.rShiftTo(1,u);\n if(ac) {\n if(!a.isEven() || !b.isEven()) { a.addTo(this,a); b.subTo(m,b); }\n a.rShiftTo(1,a);\n }\n else if(!b.isEven()) b.subTo(m,b);\n b.rShiftTo(1,b);\n }\n while(v.isEven()) {\n v.rShiftTo(1,v);\n if(ac) {\n if(!c.isEven() || !d.isEven()) { c.addTo(this,c); d.subTo(m,d); }\n c.rShiftTo(1,c);\n }\n else if(!d.isEven()) d.subTo(m,d);\n d.rShiftTo(1,d);\n }\n if(u.compareTo(v) >= 0) {\n u.subTo(v,u);\n if(ac) a.subTo(c,a);\n b.subTo(d,b);\n }\n else {\n v.subTo(u,v);\n if(ac) c.subTo(a,c);\n d.subTo(b,d);\n }\n }\n if(v.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0) return BigInteger.ZERO;\n if(d.compareTo(m) >= 0) return d.subtract(m);\n if(d.signum() < 0) d.addTo(m,d); else return d;\n if(d.signum() < 0) return d.add(m); else return d;\n }\n\n var lowprimes = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199,211,223,227,229,233,239,241,251,257,263,269,271,277,281,283,293,307,311,313,317,331,337,347,349,353,359,367,373,379,383,389,397,401,409,419,421,431,433,439,443,449,457,461,463,467,479,487,491,499,503,509,521,523,541,547,557,563,569,571,577,587,593,599,601,607,613,617,619,631,641,643,647,653,659,661,673,677,683,691,701,709,719,727,733,739,743,751,757,761,769,773,787,797,809,811,821,823,827,829,839,853,857,859,863,877,881,883,887,907,911,919,929,937,941,947,953,967,971,977,983,991,997];\n var lplim = (1<<26)/lowprimes[lowprimes.length-1];\n\n // (public) test primality with certainty >= 1-.5^t\n function bnIsProbablePrime(t) {\n var i, x = this.abs();\n if(x.t == 1 && x[0] <= lowprimes[lowprimes.length-1]) {\n for(i = 0; i < lowprimes.length; ++i)\n if(x[0] == lowprimes[i]) return true;\n return false;\n }\n if(x.isEven()) return false;\n i = 1;\n while(i < lowprimes.length) {\n var m = lowprimes[i], j = i+1;\n while(j < lowprimes.length && m < lplim) m *= lowprimes[j++];\n m = x.modInt(m);\n while(i < j) if(m%lowprimes[i++] == 0) return false;\n }\n return x.millerRabin(t);\n }\n\n // (protected) true if probably prime (HAC 4.24, Miller-Rabin)\n function bnpMillerRabin(t) {\n var n1 = this.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);\n var k = n1.getLowestSetBit();\n if(k <= 0) return false;\n var r = n1.shiftRight(k);\n t = (t+1)>>1;\n if(t > lowprimes.length) t = lowprimes.length;\n var a = nbi();\n for(var i = 0; i < t; ++i) {\n //Pick bases at random, instead of starting at 2\n a.fromInt(lowprimes[Math.floor(Math.random()*lowprimes.length)]);\n var y = a.modPow(r,this);\n if(y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0 && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {\n var j = 1;\n while(j++ < k && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {\n y = y.modPowInt(2,this);\n if(y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) == 0) return false;\n }\n if(y.compareTo(n1) != 0) return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n // protected\n BigInteger.prototype.chunkSize = bnpChunkSize;\n BigInteger.prototype.toRadix = bnpToRadix;\n BigInteger.prototype.fromRadix = bnpFromRadix;\n BigInteger.prototype.fromNumber = bnpFromNumber;\n BigInteger.prototype.bitwiseTo = bnpBitwiseTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.changeBit = bnpChangeBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.addTo = bnpAddTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.dMultiply = bnpDMultiply;\n BigInteger.prototype.dAddOffset = bnpDAddOffset;\n BigInteger.prototype.multiplyLowerTo = bnpMultiplyLowerTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.multiplyUpperTo = bnpMultiplyUpperTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.modInt = bnpModInt;\n BigInteger.prototype.millerRabin = bnpMillerRabin;\n\n // public\n BigInteger.prototype.clone = bnClone;\n BigInteger.prototype.intValue = bnIntValue;\n BigInteger.prototype.byteValue = bnByteValue;\n BigInteger.prototype.shortValue = bnShortValue;\n BigInteger.prototype.signum = bnSigNum;\n BigInteger.prototype.toByteArray = bnToByteArray;\n BigInteger.prototype.equals = bnEquals;\n BigInteger.prototype.min = bnMin;\n BigInteger.prototype.max = bnMax;\n BigInteger.prototype.and = bnAnd;\n BigInteger.prototype.or = bnOr;\n BigInteger.prototype.xor = bnXor;\n BigInteger.prototype.andNot = bnAndNot;\n BigInteger.prototype.not = bnNot;\n BigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = bnShiftLeft;\n BigInteger.prototype.shiftRight = bnShiftRight;\n BigInteger.prototype.getLowestSetBit = bnGetLowestSetBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.bitCount = bnBitCount;\n BigInteger.prototype.testBit = bnTestBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.setBit = bnSetBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.clearBit = bnClearBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.flipBit = bnFlipBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.add = bnAdd;\n BigInteger.prototype.subtract = bnSubtract;\n BigInteger.prototype.multiply = bnMultiply;\n BigInteger.prototype.divide = bnDivide;\n BigInteger.prototype.remainder = bnRemainder;\n BigInteger.prototype.divideAndRemainder = bnDivideAndRemainder;\n BigInteger.prototype.modPow = bnModPow;\n BigInteger.prototype.modInverse = bnModInverse;\n BigInteger.prototype.pow = bnPow;\n BigInteger.prototype.gcd = bnGCD;\n BigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = bnIsProbablePrime;\n\n // JSBN-specific extension\n BigInteger.prototype.square = bnSquare;\n\n // Expose the Barrett function\n BigInteger.prototype.Barrett = Barrett\n\n // BigInteger interfaces not implemented in jsbn:\n\n // BigInteger(int signum, byte[] magnitude)\n // double doubleValue()\n // float floatValue()\n // int hashCode()\n // long longValue()\n // static BigInteger valueOf(long val)\n\n // Random number generator - requires a PRNG backend, e.g. prng4.js\n\n // For best results, put code like\n // \n // in your main HTML document.\n\n var rng_state;\n var rng_pool;\n var rng_pptr;\n\n // Mix in a 32-bit integer into the pool\n function rng_seed_int(x) {\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= x & 255;\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= (x >> 8) & 255;\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= (x >> 16) & 255;\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= (x >> 24) & 255;\n if(rng_pptr >= rng_psize) rng_pptr -= rng_psize;\n }\n\n // Mix in the current time (w/milliseconds) into the pool\n function rng_seed_time() {\n rng_seed_int(new Date().getTime());\n }\n\n // Initialize the pool with junk if needed.\n if(rng_pool == null) {\n rng_pool = new Array();\n rng_pptr = 0;\n var t;\n if(typeof window !== \"undefined\" && window.crypto) {\n if (window.crypto.getRandomValues) {\n // Use webcrypto if available\n var ua = new Uint8Array(32);\n window.crypto.getRandomValues(ua);\n for(t = 0; t < 32; ++t)\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = ua[t];\n }\n else if(navigator.appName == \"Netscape\" && navigator.appVersion < \"5\") {\n // Extract entropy (256 bits) from NS4 RNG if available\n var z = window.crypto.random(32);\n for(t = 0; t < z.length; ++t)\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = z.charCodeAt(t) & 255;\n }\n }\n while(rng_pptr < rng_psize) { // extract some randomness from Math.random()\n t = Math.floor(65536 * Math.random());\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = t >>> 8;\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = t & 255;\n }\n rng_pptr = 0;\n rng_seed_time();\n //rng_seed_int(window.screenX);\n //rng_seed_int(window.screenY);\n }\n\n function rng_get_byte() {\n if(rng_state == null) {\n rng_seed_time();\n rng_state = prng_newstate();\n rng_state.init(rng_pool);\n for(rng_pptr = 0; rng_pptr < rng_pool.length; ++rng_pptr)\n rng_pool[rng_pptr] = 0;\n rng_pptr = 0;\n //rng_pool = null;\n }\n // TODO: allow reseeding after first request\n return rng_state.next();\n }\n\n function rng_get_bytes(ba) {\n var i;\n for(i = 0; i < ba.length; ++i) ba[i] = rng_get_byte();\n }\n\n function SecureRandom() {}\n\n SecureRandom.prototype.nextBytes = rng_get_bytes;\n\n // prng4.js - uses Arcfour as a PRNG\n\n function Arcfour() {\n this.i = 0;\n this.j = 0;\n this.S = new Array();\n }\n\n // Initialize arcfour context from key, an array of ints, each from [0..255]\n function ARC4init(key) {\n var i, j, t;\n for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)\n this.S[i] = i;\n j = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {\n j = (j + this.S[i] + key[i % key.length]) & 255;\n t = this.S[i];\n this.S[i] = this.S[j];\n this.S[j] = t;\n }\n this.i = 0;\n this.j = 0;\n }\n\n function ARC4next() {\n var t;\n this.i = (this.i + 1) & 255;\n this.j = (this.j + this.S[this.i]) & 255;\n t = this.S[this.i];\n this.S[this.i] = this.S[this.j];\n this.S[this.j] = t;\n return this.S[(t + this.S[this.i]) & 255];\n }\n\n Arcfour.prototype.init = ARC4init;\n Arcfour.prototype.next = ARC4next;\n\n // Plug in your RNG constructor here\n function prng_newstate() {\n return new Arcfour();\n }\n\n // Pool size must be a multiple of 4 and greater than 32.\n // An array of bytes the size of the pool will be passed to init()\n var rng_psize = 256;\n\n if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {\n exports = module.exports = {\n default: BigInteger,\n BigInteger: BigInteger,\n SecureRandom: SecureRandom,\n };\n } else {\n this.jsbn = {\n BigInteger: BigInteger,\n SecureRandom: SecureRandom\n };\n }\n\n}).call(this);\n" } ], "filteredModules": 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exports.checkDragEvent = exports.isInDOM = exports.dT = void 0;\r\nvar _logTimer = Date.now();\r\nfunction dT() {\r\n return '[' + ((Date.now() - _logTimer) / 1000).toFixed(3) + ']';\r\n}\r\nexports.dT = dT;\r\nfunction isInDOM(element, parentNode) {\r\n if (!element) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n parentNode = parentNode || document.body;\r\n if (element == parentNode) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return isInDOM(element.parentNode, parentNode);\r\n}\r\nexports.isInDOM = isInDOM;\r\nfunction checkDragEvent(e) {\r\n if (!e || e.target && (e.target.tagName == 'IMG' || e.target.tagName == 'A'))\r\n return false;\r\n if (e.dataTransfer && e.dataTransfer.types) {\r\n for (var i = 0; i < e.dataTransfer.types.length; i++) {\r\n if (e.dataTransfer.types[i] == 'Files') {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n}\r\nexports.checkDragEvent = checkDragEvent;\r\nfunction cancelEvent(event) {\r\n event = event || window.event;\r\n if (event) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n event = event.originalEvent || event;\r\n try {\r\n if (event.stopPropagation)\r\n event.stopPropagation();\r\n if (event.preventDefault)\r\n event.preventDefault();\r\n event.returnValue = false;\r\n event.cancelBubble = true;\r\n }\r\n catch (err) { }\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n}\r\nexports.cancelEvent = cancelEvent;\r\nfunction getRichValue(field) {\r\n if (!field) {\r\n return '';\r\n }\r\n var lines = [];\r\n var line = [];\r\n getRichElementValue(field, lines, line);\r\n if (line.length) {\r\n lines.push(line.join(''));\r\n }\r\n var value = lines.join('\\n');\r\n value = value.replace(/\\u00A0/g, ' ');\r\n return value;\r\n}\r\nexports.getRichValue = getRichValue;\r\nfunction placeCaretAtEnd(el) {\r\n el.focus();\r\n if (typeof window.getSelection != \"undefined\" && typeof document.createRange != \"undefined\") {\r\n var range = document.createRange();\r\n range.selectNodeContents(el);\r\n range.collapse(false);\r\n var sel = window.getSelection();\r\n 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@ts-ignore\r\n document.removeEventListener(name, callback);\r\n },\r\n selectedPeerID: 0,\r\n myID: 0,\r\n idle: {\r\n isIDLE: false\r\n }\r\n};\r\n// generate a path's arc data parameter\r\n// http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathDataEllipticalArcCommands\r\nvar arcParameter = function (rx, ry, xAxisRotation, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag, x, y) {\r\n return [rx, ',', ry, ' ',\r\n xAxisRotation, ' ',\r\n largeArcFlag, ',',\r\n sweepFlag, ' ',\r\n x, ',', y].join('');\r\n};\r\nfunction generatePathData(x, y, width, height, tl, tr, br, bl) {\r\n var data = [];\r\n // start point in top-middle of the rectangle\r\n data.push('M' + (x + width / 2) + ',' + y);\r\n // next we go to the right\r\n data.push('H' + (x + width - tr));\r\n if (tr > 0) {\r\n // now we draw the arc in the top-right corner\r\n data.push('A' + arcParameter(tr, tr, 0, 0, 1, (x + width), (y + tr)));\r\n }\r\n // next we go down\r\n data.push('V' + (y + height - br));\r\n if (br > 0) {\r\n // now we draw the arc in the lower-right corner\r\n data.push('A' + arcParameter(br, br, 0, 0, 1, (x + width - br), (y + height)));\r\n }\r\n // now we go to the left\r\n data.push('H' + (x + bl));\r\n if (bl > 0) {\r\n // now we draw the arc in the lower-left corner\r\n data.push('A' + arcParameter(bl, bl, 0, 0, 1, (x + 0), (y + height - bl)));\r\n }\r\n // next we go up\r\n data.push('V' + (y + tl));\r\n if (tl > 0) {\r\n // now we draw the arc in the top-left corner\r\n data.push('A' + arcParameter(tl, tl, 0, 0, 1, (x + tl), (y + 0)));\r\n }\r\n // and we close the path\r\n data.push('Z');\r\n return data.join(' ');\r\n}\r\nexports.generatePathData = generatePathData;\r\n;\r\nexports.langPack = {\r\n \"messageActionChatCreate\": \"created the group\",\r\n \"messageActionChatEditTitle\": \"changed group name\",\r\n \"messageActionChatEditPhoto\": \"changed group photo\",\r\n \"messageActionChatDeletePhoto\": \"removed group photo\",\r\n \"messageActionChatReturn\": \"returned to group\",\r\n \"messageActionChatJoined\": \"joined the group\",\r\n \"messageActionChatAddUser\": \"invited {user}\",\r\n \"messageActionChatAddUsers\": \"invited {} users\",\r\n \"messageActionChatLeave\": \"left the group\",\r\n \"messageActionChatDeleteUser\": \"removed user\",\r\n \"messageActionChatJoinedByLink\": \"joined the group\",\r\n \"messageActionPinMessage\": \"pinned message\",\r\n \"messageActionContactSignUp\": \"joined Telegram\",\r\n \"messageActionChannelCreate\": \"Channel created\",\r\n \"messageActionChannelEditTitle\": \"Channel renamed\",\r\n \"messageActionChannelEditPhoto\": \"Channel photo updated\",\r\n \"messageActionChannelDeletePhoto\": \"Channel photo removed\",\r\n \"messageActionHistoryClear\": \"\",\r\n \"messageActionChannelMigrateFrom\": \"\",\r\n \"messageActionPhoneCall.in_ok\": \"Incoming Call\",\r\n \"messageActionPhoneCall.out_ok\": \"Outgoing Call\",\r\n \"messageActionPhoneCall.in_missed\": \"Missed Call\",\r\n \"messageActionPhoneCall.out_missed\": \"Cancelled Call\",\r\n};\r\nfunction isObject(object) {\r\n return typeof (object) === 'object' && object !== null;\r\n}\r\nexports.isObject = isObject;\r\nfunction tsNow(seconds) {\r\n var t = +new Date();\r\n return seconds ? Math.floor(t / 1000) : t;\r\n}\r\nexports.tsNow = tsNow;\r\nfunction safeReplaceObject(wasObject, newObject) {\r\n for (var key in wasObject) {\r\n if (!newObject.hasOwnProperty(key) && key.charAt(0) != '$') {\r\n delete wasObject[key];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n for (var key in newObject) {\r\n //if (newObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // useless\r\n wasObject[key] = newObject[key];\r\n //}\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.safeReplaceObject = safeReplaceObject;\r\nfunction numberWithCommas(x) {\r\n var parts = x.toString().split(\".\");\r\n parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\\B(?=(\\d{3})+(?!\\d))/g, \",\");\r\n return parts.join(\".\");\r\n}\r\nexports.numberWithCommas = numberWithCommas;\r\n//export function findUpClassName(el: any, className: string): T;\r\nfunction findUpClassName(el, className) {\r\n if (el.classList.contains(className))\r\n return el; // 03.02.2020\r\n while (el.parentElement) {\r\n el = el.parentElement;\r\n if (el.classList.contains(className))\r\n return el;\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n}\r\nexports.findUpClassName = findUpClassName;\r\nfunction findUpTag(el, tag) {\r\n if (el.tagName == tag)\r\n return el; // 03.02.2020\r\n while (el.parentElement) {\r\n el = el.parentElement;\r\n if (el.tagName === tag)\r\n return el;\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n}\r\nexports.findUpTag = findUpTag;\r\nfunction findUpAttribute(el, attribute) {\r\n if (el.getAttribute(attribute) != null)\r\n return el; // 03.02.2020\r\n while (el.parentElement) {\r\n el = el.parentElement;\r\n if (el.getAttribute(attribute) != null)\r\n return el;\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n}\r\nexports.findUpAttribute = findUpAttribute;\r\nfunction getObjectKeysAndSort(object, sort = 'asc') {\r\n const ids = Object.keys(object).map(i => +i);\r\n if (sort == 'asc')\r\n return ids.sort((a, b) => a - b);\r\n else\r\n return ids.sort((a, b) => b - a);\r\n}\r\nexports.getObjectKeysAndSort = getObjectKeysAndSort;\r\nfunction whichChild(elem) {\r\n if (!elem.parentNode) {\r\n return -1;\r\n }\r\n let i = 0;\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n while ((elem = elem.previousElementSibling) != null)\r\n ++i;\r\n return i;\r\n}\r\nexports.whichChild = whichChild;\r\n;\r\nfunction copy(obj) {\r\n //in case of premitives\r\n if (obj === null || typeof obj !== \"object\") {\r\n return obj;\r\n }\r\n //date objects should be \r\n if (obj instanceof Date) {\r\n return new Date(obj.getTime());\r\n }\r\n //handle Array\r\n if (Array.isArray(obj)) {\r\n var clonedArr = [];\r\n obj.forEach(function (element) {\r\n clonedArr.push(copy(element));\r\n });\r\n return clonedArr;\r\n }\r\n //lastly, handle objects\r\n let clonedObj = new obj.constructor();\r\n for (var prop in obj) {\r\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {\r\n clonedObj[prop] = copy(obj[prop]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return clonedObj;\r\n}\r\nexports.copy = copy;\r\nfunction formatBytes(bytes, decimals = 2) {\r\n if (bytes === 0)\r\n return '0 Bytes';\r\n const k = 1024;\r\n const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals;\r\n const sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'];\r\n const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k));\r\n return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + ' ' + sizes[i];\r\n}\r\nexports.formatBytes = formatBytes;\r\nfunction formatNumber(bytes, decimals = 2) {\r\n if (bytes === 0)\r\n return '0';\r\n const k = 1000;\r\n const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals;\r\n const sizes = ['', 'K', 'M', 'B', 'T'];\r\n const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k));\r\n return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + sizes[i];\r\n}\r\nexports.formatNumber = formatNumber;\r\nfunction deepEqual(x, y) {\r\n const ok = Object.keys, tx = typeof x, ty = typeof y;\r\n return x && y && tx === 'object' && tx === ty ? (ok(x).length === ok(y).length &&\r\n ok(x).every(key => deepEqual(x[key], y[key]))) : (x === y);\r\n}\r\nexports.deepEqual = deepEqual;\r\nfunction listMergeSorted(list1, list2) {\r\n list1 = list1 || [];\r\n list2 = list2 || [];\r\n var result = copy(list1);\r\n var minID = list1.length ? list1[list1.length - 1] : 0xFFFFFFFF;\r\n for (var i = 0; i < list2.length; i++) {\r\n if (list2[i] < minID) {\r\n result.push(list2[i]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\nexports.listMergeSorted = listMergeSorted;\r\n// credits to https://github.com/sindresorhus/escape-string-regexp/blob/master/index.js\r\nfunction escapeRegExp(str) {\r\n return str\r\n .replace(/[|\\\\{}()[\\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\\\$&')\r\n .replace(/-/g, '\\\\x2d');\r\n}\r\nexports.escapeRegExp = escapeRegExp;\r\nfunction encodeEntities(value) {\r\n return value.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/[\\uD800-\\uDBFF][\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]/g, (value) => {\r\n var hi = value.charCodeAt(0);\r\n var low = value.charCodeAt(1);\r\n return '&#' + (((hi - 0xD800) * 0x400) + (low - 0xDC00) + 0x10000) + ';';\r\n }).replace(/([^\\#-~| |!])/g, (value) => {\r\n return '&#' + value.charCodeAt(0) + ';';\r\n }).replace(//g, '>');\r\n}\r\nexports.encodeEntities = encodeEntities;\r\nfunction fillPropertyValue(str) {\r\n let splitted = str.split(' ');\r\n if (splitted.length != 4) {\r\n if (!splitted[0])\r\n splitted[0] = '0px';\r\n for (let i = splitted.length; i < 4; ++i) {\r\n splitted[i] = splitted[i % 2] || splitted[0] || '0px';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return splitted;\r\n}\r\nexports.fillPropertyValue = fillPropertyValue;\r\nfunction calcImageInBox(imageW, imageH, boxW, boxH, noZoom) {\r\n if (imageW < boxW && imageH < boxH) {\r\n return { w: imageW, h: imageH };\r\n }\r\n var boxedImageW = boxW;\r\n var boxedImageH = boxH;\r\n if ((imageW / imageH) > (boxW / boxH)) {\r\n boxedImageH = (imageH * boxW / imageW) | 0;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n boxedImageW = (imageW * boxH / imageH) | 0;\r\n if (boxedImageW > boxW) {\r\n boxedImageH = (boxedImageH * boxW / boxedImageW) | 0;\r\n boxedImageW = boxW;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // if (Config.Navigator.retina) {\r\n // imageW = Math.floor(imageW / 2)\r\n // imageH = Math.floor(imageH / 2)\r\n // }\r\n if (noZoom && boxedImageW >= imageW && boxedImageH >= imageH) {\r\n boxedImageW = imageW;\r\n boxedImageH = imageH;\r\n }\r\n return { w: boxedImageW, h: boxedImageH };\r\n}\r\nexports.calcImageInBox = calcImageInBox;\r\nfunction getEmojiToneIndex(input) {\r\n let match = input.match(/[\\uDFFB-\\uDFFF]/);\r\n return match ? 5 - (57343 - match[0].charCodeAt(0)) : 0;\r\n}\r\nexports.getEmojiToneIndex = getEmojiToneIndex;\r\nfunction getFileURL(type, options) {\r\n //console.log('getFileURL', location);\r\n //const perf = performance.now();\r\n const encoded = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(options));\r\n //console.log('getFileURL encode:', performance.now() - perf, encoded);\r\n return '/' + type + '/' + encoded;\r\n}\r\nexports.getFileURL = getFileURL;\r\nfunction positionElementByIndex(element, container, pos) {\r\n const prevPos = whichChild(element);\r\n if (prevPos == pos) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n else if (prevPos != -1 && prevPos < pos) { // was higher\r\n pos += 1;\r\n }\r\n if (container.childElementCount > pos) {\r\n container.insertBefore(element, container.children[pos]);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n container.append(element);\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n}\r\nexports.positionElementByIndex = positionElementByIndex;\r\n" }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\config.ts", "name": "./src/lib/config.ts", "index": 7, "index2": 7, "size": 117449, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "issuerId": 67, "issuerName": "./src/index.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, 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https://github.com/zhukov/webogram\r\n * Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Zhukov \r\n * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram/blob/master/LICENSE\r\n */\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.isServiceWorkerSupported = exports.touchSupport = exports.mediaSizes = exports.LatinizeMap = exports.TLD = exports.Countries = exports.Emoji = exports.isAppleMobile = exports.isApple = exports.isAndroid = exports.isSafari = void 0;\r\n/*\r\n\r\n IMPORTANT NOTICE\r\n ================\r\n\r\n Do not publish your Webogram fork with my app credentials (below), or your application may be blocked.\r\n You can get your own api_id, api_hash at https://my.telegram.org, see manual at https://core.telegram.org/api/obtaining_api_id.\r\n\r\n*/\r\nconst userAgent_1 = require(\"../helpers/userAgent\");\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"isSafari\", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return userAgent_1.isSafari; } });\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"isAndroid\", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return userAgent_1.isAndroid; } });\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"isApple\", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return userAgent_1.isApple; } });\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"isAppleMobile\", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return userAgent_1.isAppleMobile; } });\r\n// !WARNING, ТУТ СЛОЖНО! по-хорошему, надо бы это переделать без fe0f, но они здесь необходимы чтобы отрендерить панель, и ниже дописаны 3 элемента которые не воспроизводятся без fe0f\r\nexports.Emoji = { \"2049\": 6356, \"2122\": 6364, \"2139\": 6389, \"2194\": 6269, \"2195\": 6268, \"2196\": 6267, \"2197\": 6261, \"2198\": 6263, \"2199\": 6265, \"2328\": 680, \"2600\": 4177, \"2601\": 4185, \"2602\": 4200, \"2603\": 4205, \"2604\": 4207, \"2611\": 6341, \"2614\": 4201, \"2615\": 3101, \"2618\": 2123, \"2620\": 194, \"2622\": 6258, \"2623\": 6259, \"2626\": 6288, \"2638\": 6285, \"2639\": 166, \"2648\": 6293, \"2649\": 6294, \"2650\": 6301, \"2651\": 6302, \"2652\": 6303, 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'Х': 'H', 'Ъ': '', 'ё': 'yo', 'й': 'i', 'ц': 'ts', 'у': 'u', 'к': 'k', 'е': 'e', 'н': 'n', 'г': 'g', 'ш': 'sh', 'щ': 'sch', 'з': 'z', 'х': 'h', 'ъ': '', 'Ф': 'F', 'Ы': 'I', 'В': 'V', 'А': 'A', 'П': 'P', 'Р': 'R', 'О': 'O', 'Л': 'L', 'Д': 'D', 'Ж': 'ZH', 'Э': 'E', 'ф': 'f', 'ы': 'i', 'в': 'v', 'а': 'a', 'п': 'p', 'р': 'r', 'о': 'o', 'л': 'l', 'д': 'd', 'ж': 'zh', 'э': 'e', 'Я': 'Ya', 'Ч': 'CH', 'С': 'S', 'М': 'M', 'И': 'I', 'Т': 'T', 'Ь': '', 'Б': 'B', 'Ю': 'YU', 'я': 'ya', 'ч': 'ch', 'с': 's', 'м': 'm', 'и': 'i', 'т': 't', 'ь': '', 'б': 'b', 'ю': 'yu' };\r\nconst MOBILE_SIZE = 896;\r\nconst MEDIUM_SIZE = 1275;\r\nconst LARGE_SIZE = 1680;\r\nclass MediaSizes {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.screenSizes = [\r\n { key: 'mobile', value: MOBILE_SIZE - 1 },\r\n { key: 'medium', value: MEDIUM_SIZE },\r\n { key: 'large', value: LARGE_SIZE }\r\n ];\r\n this.sizes = {\r\n handhelds: {\r\n regular: {\r\n width: 293,\r\n height: 293\r\n },\r\n webpage: {\r\n width: 293,\r\n height: 213\r\n },\r\n album: {\r\n width: 293,\r\n height: 0\r\n }\r\n },\r\n desktop: {\r\n regular: {\r\n width: 480,\r\n height: 480\r\n },\r\n webpage: {\r\n width: 480,\r\n height: 400\r\n },\r\n album: {\r\n width: 451,\r\n height: 0\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.isMobile = false;\r\n this.handleResize = () => {\r\n const innerWidth = window.innerWidth;\r\n //this.isMobile = innerWidth <= 720;\r\n let activeScreen = this.screenSizes[0].key;\r\n for (let i = this.screenSizes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\r\n if (this.screenSizes[i].value < innerWidth) {\r\n activeScreen = this.screenSizes[i].key;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.activeScreen = activeScreen;\r\n this.isMobile = this.activeScreen == 'mobile';\r\n this.active = this.isMobile ? this.sizes.handhelds : this.sizes.desktop;\r\n /* if(this.isMobile) {\r\n for(let i in this.active) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n let size = this.active[i];\r\n size.width = innerWidth\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n };\r\n window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize);\r\n this.handleResize();\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.mediaSizes = new MediaSizes();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nexports.touchSupport = ('ontouchstart' in window) || (window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch);\r\nexports.isServiceWorkerSupported = 'serviceWorker' in navigator;\r\nconst Config = {\r\n Emoji: exports.Emoji,\r\n LatinizeMap: exports.LatinizeMap,\r\n TLD: exports.TLD,\r\n Countries: exports.Countries,\r\n MediaSizes: exports.mediaSizes,\r\n touchSupport: exports.touchSupport,\r\n isApple: userAgent_1.isApple,\r\n isSafari: userAgent_1.isSafari,\r\n isAndroid: userAgent_1.isAndroid\r\n};\r\nwindow.Config = Config;\r\nexports.default = Config;\r\n" }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtprotoworker.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker.ts", "index": 9, "index2": 20, "size": 6585, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, 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\"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\nconst crypto_methods_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../crypto/crypto_methods\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst webpWorkerController_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../webp/webpWorkerController\"));\r\nconst mtproto_worker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"worker-loader!./mtproto.worker\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../config\");\r\nconst USEWORKERASWORKER = true;\r\nclass ApiManagerProxy extends crypto_methods_1.default {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super();\r\n this.taskID = 0;\r\n this.awaiting = {};\r\n this.pending = [];\r\n this.updatesProcessor = null;\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('API-PROXY');\r\n this.log('constructor');\r\n this.registerServiceWorker();\r\n this.registerWorker();\r\n }\r\n registerServiceWorker() {\r\n if (!config_1.isServiceWorkerSupported)\r\n return;\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.register('./sw.js', { scope: './' }).then(registration => {\r\n }, (err) => {\r\n this.log.error('SW registration failed!', err);\r\n });\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then((registration) => {\r\n this.log('set SW');\r\n this.releasePending();\r\n if (!USEWORKERASWORKER) {\r\n this.postMessage = navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage.bind(navigator.serviceWorker.controller);\r\n }\r\n //registration.update();\r\n });\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('controllerchange', () => {\r\n this.log.warn('controllerchange');\r\n this.releasePending();\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.controller.addEventListener('error', (e) => {\r\n this.log.error('controller error:', e);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n /**\r\n * Message resolver\r\n */\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('message', (e) => {\r\n const task = e.data;\r\n if (!utils_1.isObject(task)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.postMessage(task);\r\n });\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('messageerror', (e) => {\r\n this.log.error('SW messageerror:', e);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n registerWorker() {\r\n const worker = new mtproto_worker_1.default();\r\n worker.addEventListener('message', (e) => {\r\n if (!this.worker) {\r\n this.worker = worker;\r\n this.log('set webWorker');\r\n if (USEWORKERASWORKER) {\r\n this.postMessage = this.worker.postMessage.bind(this.worker);\r\n }\r\n this.releasePending();\r\n }\r\n //this.log('got message from worker:', e.data);\r\n const task = e.data;\r\n if (!utils_1.isObject(task)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (task.useLs) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n storage_1.default[task.task](...task.args).then(res => {\r\n this.postMessage({ useLs: true, taskID: task.taskID, args: res });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else if (task.update) {\r\n if (this.updatesProcessor) {\r\n this.updatesProcessor(task.update.obj, task.update.bool);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (task.progress) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('download_progress', task.progress);\r\n }\r\n else if (task.type == 'convertWebp') {\r\n webpWorkerController_1.default.postMessage(task);\r\n }\r\n else if (task.type == 'requestFilePart') {\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage(task);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.finalizeTask(task.taskID, task.result, task.error);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n finalizeTask(taskID, result, error) {\r\n const deferred = this.awaiting[taskID];\r\n if (deferred !== undefined) {\r\n this.log.debug('done', deferred.taskName, result, error);\r\n result === undefined ? deferred.reject(error) : deferred.resolve(result);\r\n delete this.awaiting[taskID];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n performTaskWorker(task, ...args) {\r\n this.log.debug('start', task, args);\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n this.awaiting[this.taskID] = { resolve, reject, taskName: task };\r\n const params = {\r\n task,\r\n taskID: this.taskID,\r\n args\r\n };\r\n this.pending.push(params);\r\n this.releasePending();\r\n this.taskID++;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n releasePending() {\r\n if (this.postMessage) {\r\n this.log.debug('releasing tasks, length:', this.pending.length);\r\n this.pending.forEach(pending => {\r\n this.postMessage(pending);\r\n });\r\n this.log.debug('released tasks');\r\n this.pending.length = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setUpdatesProcessor(callback) {\r\n this.updatesProcessor = callback;\r\n }\r\n invokeApi(method, params = {}, options = {}) {\r\n //console.log('will invokeApi:', method, params, options);\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('invokeApi', method, params, options);\r\n }\r\n setBaseDcID(dcID) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('setBaseDcID', dcID);\r\n }\r\n setUserAuth(userAuth) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('user_auth', userAuth);\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('setUserAuth', userAuth);\r\n }\r\n getNetworker(dc_id) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('getNetworker', dc_id);\r\n }\r\n getUserID() {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('getUserID');\r\n }\r\n logOut() {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('logOut');\r\n }\r\n cancelDownload(fileName) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('cancelDownload', fileName);\r\n }\r\n downloadFile(options) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('downloadFile', options);\r\n }\r\n uploadFile(options) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('uploadFile', options);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nconst apiManagerProxy = new ApiManagerProxy();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.apiManagerProxy = apiManagerProxy;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = apiManagerProxy;\r\n" }, { "id": 3, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\richtextprocessor.ts", "name": "./src/lib/richtextprocessor.ts", "index": 27, "index2": 27, "size": 27232, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": 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+\r\n '\\\\u00c0-\\\\u00d6\\\\u00d8-\\\\u00f6\\\\u00f8-\\\\u00ff' + // Latin-1\r\n '\\\\u0100-\\\\u024f' + // Latin Extended A and B\r\n '\\\\u0253\\\\u0254\\\\u0256\\\\u0257\\\\u0259\\\\u025b\\\\u0263\\\\u0268\\\\u026f\\\\u0272\\\\u0289\\\\u028b' + // IPA Extensions\r\n '\\\\u02bb' + // Hawaiian\r\n '\\\\u0300-\\\\u036f' + // Combining diacritics\r\n '\\\\u1e00-\\\\u1eff' + // Latin Extended Additional (mostly for Vietnamese)\r\n '\\\\u0400-\\\\u04ff\\\\u0500-\\\\u0527' + // Cyrillic\r\n '\\\\u2de0-\\\\u2dff\\\\ua640-\\\\ua69f' + // Cyrillic Extended A/B\r\n '\\\\u0591-\\\\u05bf\\\\u05c1-\\\\u05c2\\\\u05c4-\\\\u05c5\\\\u05c7' +\r\n '\\\\u05d0-\\\\u05ea\\\\u05f0-\\\\u05f4' + // Hebrew\r\n '\\\\ufb1d-\\\\ufb28\\\\ufb2a-\\\\ufb36\\\\ufb38-\\\\ufb3c\\\\ufb3e\\\\ufb40-\\\\ufb41' +\r\n '\\\\ufb43-\\\\ufb44\\\\ufb46-\\\\ufb4f' + // Hebrew Pres. Forms\r\n '\\\\u0610-\\\\u061a\\\\u0620-\\\\u065f\\\\u066e-\\\\u06d3\\\\u06d5-\\\\u06dc' +\r\n '\\\\u06de-\\\\u06e8\\\\u06ea-\\\\u06ef\\\\u06fa-\\\\u06fc\\\\u06ff' + // Arabic\r\n '\\\\u0750-\\\\u077f\\\\u08a0\\\\u08a2-\\\\u08ac\\\\u08e4-\\\\u08fe' + // Arabic Supplement and Extended A\r\n '\\\\ufb50-\\\\ufbb1\\\\ufbd3-\\\\ufd3d\\\\ufd50-\\\\ufd8f\\\\ufd92-\\\\ufdc7\\\\ufdf0-\\\\ufdfb' + // Pres. Forms A\r\n '\\\\ufe70-\\\\ufe74\\\\ufe76-\\\\ufefc' + // Pres. Forms B\r\n '\\\\u200c' + // Zero-Width Non-Joiner\r\n '\\\\u0e01-\\\\u0e3a\\\\u0e40-\\\\u0e4e' + // Thai\r\n '\\\\u1100-\\\\u11ff\\\\u3130-\\\\u3185\\\\uA960-\\\\uA97F\\\\uAC00-\\\\uD7AF\\\\uD7B0-\\\\uD7FF' + // Hangul (Korean)\r\n '\\\\u3003\\\\u3005\\\\u303b' + // Kanji/Han iteration marks\r\n '\\\\uff21-\\\\uff3a\\\\uff41-\\\\uff5a' + // full width Alphabet\r\n '\\\\uff66-\\\\uff9f' + // half width Katakana\r\n '\\\\uffa1-\\\\uffdc'; // half width Hangul (Korean)\r\nvar alphaNumericRegExp = '0-9\\_' + alphaCharsRegExp;\r\nvar domainAddChars = '\\u00b7';\r\n// Based on Regular Expression for URL validation by Diego Perini\r\nvar urlRegExp = '((?:https?|ftp)://|mailto:)?' +\r\n // user:pass authentication\r\n '(?:\\\\S{1,64}(?::\\\\S{0,64})?@)?' +\r\n '(?:' +\r\n // sindresorhus/ip-regexp\r\n '(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])(?:\\\\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])){3}' +\r\n '|' +\r\n // host name\r\n '[' + alphaCharsRegExp + '0-9][' + alphaCharsRegExp + domainAddChars + '0-9\\-]{0,64}' +\r\n // domain name\r\n '(?:\\\\.[' + alphaCharsRegExp + '0-9][' + alphaCharsRegExp + domainAddChars + '0-9\\-]{0,64}){0,10}' +\r\n // TLD identifier\r\n '(?:\\\\.(xn--[0-9a-z]{2,16}|[' + alphaCharsRegExp + ']{2,24}))' +\r\n ')' +\r\n // port number\r\n '(?::\\\\d{2,5})?' +\r\n // resource path\r\n '(?:/(?:\\\\S{0,255}[^\\\\s.;,(\\\\[\\\\]{}<>\"\\'])?)?';\r\nvar usernameRegExp = '[a-zA-Z\\\\d_]{5,32}';\r\nvar botCommandRegExp = '\\\\/([a-zA-Z\\\\d_]{1,32})(?:@(' + usernameRegExp + '))?(\\\\b|$)';\r\nvar fullRegExp = new RegExp('(^| )(@)(' + usernameRegExp + ')|(' + urlRegExp + ')|(\\\\n)|(' + regex_1.default + ')|(^|[\\\\s\\\\(\\\\]])(#[' + alphaNumericRegExp + ']{2,64})|(^|\\\\s)' + botCommandRegExp, 'i');\r\nvar emailRegExp = /^(([^<>()[\\]\\\\.,;:\\s@\\\"]+(\\.[^<>()[\\]\\\\.,;:\\s@\\\"]+)*)|(\\\".+\\\"))@((\\[[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\])|(([a-zA-Z\\-0-9]+\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;\r\nvar markdownTestRegExp = /[`_*@]/;\r\nvar markdownRegExp = /(^|\\s|\\n)(````?)([\\s\\S]+?)(````?)([\\s\\n\\.,:?!;]|$)|(^|\\s)(`|\\*\\*|__)([^\\n]+?)\\7([\\s\\.,:?!;]|$)|@(\\d+)\\s*\\((.+?)\\)/m;\r\nvar siteHashtags = {\r\n Telegram: 'tg://search_hashtag?hashtag={1}',\r\n Twitter: 'https://twitter.com/hashtag/{1}',\r\n Instagram: 'https://instagram.com/explore/tags/{1}/',\r\n 'Google Plus': 'https://plus.google.com/explore/{1}'\r\n};\r\nvar siteMentions = {\r\n Telegram: '#/im?p=%40{1}',\r\n Twitter: 'https://twitter.com/{1}',\r\n Instagram: 'https://instagram.com/{1}/',\r\n GitHub: 'https://github.com/{1}'\r\n};\r\nvar markdownEntities = {\r\n '`': 'messageEntityCode',\r\n '**': 'messageEntityBold',\r\n '__': 'messageEntityItalic'\r\n};\r\nfunction getEmojiSpritesheetCoords(emojiCode) {\r\n let unified = emoji_1.encodeEmoji(emojiCode) /* .replace(/(-fe0f|fe0f)/g, '') */;\r\n if (unified == '1f441-200d-1f5e8') {\r\n unified = '1f441-fe0f-200d-1f5e8-fe0f';\r\n }\r\n if (!emojiData.hasOwnProperty(unified) /* && !emojiData.hasOwnProperty(unified.replace(/(-fe0f|fe0f)/g, '')) */) {\r\n //if(!emojiData.hasOwnProperty(emojiCode) && !emojiData.hasOwnProperty(emojiCode.replace(/[\\ufe0f\\u200d]/g, ''))) {\r\n //console.error('lol', unified);\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n return unified.replace(/(-fe0f|fe0f)/g, '');\r\n}\r\nfunction parseEntities(text, options = {}) {\r\n var match;\r\n var raw = text, url;\r\n var entities = [], matchIndex;\r\n var rawOffset = 0;\r\n // var start = tsNow()\r\n while ((match = raw.match(fullRegExp))) {\r\n matchIndex = rawOffset + match.index;\r\n //console.log('parseEntities match:', match);\r\n if (match[3]) { // mentions\r\n entities.push({\r\n _: 'messageEntityMention',\r\n offset: matchIndex + match[1].length,\r\n length: match[2].length + match[3].length\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else if (match[4]) {\r\n if (emailRegExp.test(match[4])) { // email\r\n entities.push({\r\n _: 'messageEntityEmail',\r\n offset: matchIndex,\r\n length: match[4].length\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n var url = false;\r\n var protocol = match[5];\r\n var tld = match[6];\r\n var excluded = '';\r\n if (tld) { // URL\r\n if (!protocol && (tld.substr(0, 4) === 'xn--' || config_1.default.TLD.indexOf(tld.toLowerCase()) !== -1)) {\r\n protocol = 'http://';\r\n }\r\n if (protocol) {\r\n var balanced = checkBrackets(match[4]);\r\n if (balanced.length !== match[4].length) {\r\n excluded = match[4].substring(balanced.length);\r\n match[4] = balanced;\r\n }\r\n url = (match[5] ? '' : protocol) + match[4];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else { // IP address\r\n url = (match[5] ? '' : 'http://') + match[4];\r\n }\r\n if (url) {\r\n entities.push({\r\n _: 'messageEntityUrl',\r\n offset: matchIndex,\r\n length: match[4].length\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (match[7]) { // New line\r\n entities.push({\r\n _: 'messageEntityLinebreak',\r\n offset: matchIndex,\r\n length: 1\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else if (match[8]) { // Emoji\r\n //console.log('hit', match[8]);\r\n let emojiCoords = getEmojiSpritesheetCoords(match[8]);\r\n if (emojiCoords) {\r\n entities.push({\r\n _: 'messageEntityEmoji',\r\n offset: matchIndex,\r\n length: match[8].length,\r\n unicode: emojiCoords\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (match[10]) { // Hashtag\r\n entities.push({\r\n _: 'messageEntityHashtag',\r\n offset: matchIndex + (match[9] ? match[9].length : 0),\r\n length: match[10].length\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else if (match[12]) { // Bot command\r\n entities.push({\r\n _: 'messageEntityBotCommand',\r\n offset: matchIndex + (match[11] ? match[11].length : 0),\r\n length: 1 + match[12].length + (match[13] ? 1 + match[13].length : 0)\r\n });\r\n }\r\n raw = raw.substr(match.index + match[0].length);\r\n rawOffset += match.index + match[0].length;\r\n }\r\n // if (entities.length) {\r\n // console.log('parse entities', text, entities.slice())\r\n // }\r\n return entities;\r\n}\r\nfunction parseEmojis(text) {\r\n return text.replace(/:([a-z0-9\\-\\+\\*_]+?):/gi, function (all, shortcut) {\r\n var emojiCode = EmojiHelper.shortcuts[shortcut];\r\n if (emojiCode !== undefined) {\r\n return EmojiHelper.emojis[emojiCode][0];\r\n }\r\n return all;\r\n });\r\n}\r\nfunction parseMarkdown(text, entities, noTrim) {\r\n if (!markdownTestRegExp.test(text)) {\r\n return noTrim ? text : text.trim();\r\n }\r\n var raw = text;\r\n var match;\r\n var newText = [];\r\n var rawOffset = 0;\r\n var matchIndex;\r\n while (match = raw.match(markdownRegExp)) {\r\n matchIndex = rawOffset + match.index;\r\n newText.push(raw.substr(0, match.index));\r\n var text = (match[3] || match[8] || match[11]);\r\n rawOffset -= text.length;\r\n text = text.replace(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g, '');\r\n rawOffset += text.length;\r\n if (text.match(/^`*$/)) {\r\n newText.push(match[0]);\r\n }\r\n else if (match[3]) { // pre\r\n if (match[5] == '\\n') {\r\n match[5] = '';\r\n rawOffset -= 1;\r\n }\r\n newText.push(match[1] + text + match[5]);\r\n entities.push({\r\n _: 'messageEntityPre',\r\n language: '',\r\n offset: matchIndex + match[1].length,\r\n length: text.length\r\n });\r\n rawOffset -= match[2].length + match[4].length;\r\n }\r\n else if (match[7]) { // code|italic|bold\r\n newText.push(match[6] + text + match[9]);\r\n entities.push({\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n _: markdownEntities[match[7]],\r\n offset: matchIndex + match[6].length,\r\n length: text.length\r\n });\r\n rawOffset -= match[7].length * 2;\r\n }\r\n else if (match[11]) { // custom mention\r\n newText.push(text);\r\n entities.push({\r\n _: 'messageEntityMentionName',\r\n user_id: match[10],\r\n offset: matchIndex,\r\n length: text.length\r\n });\r\n rawOffset -= match[0].length - text.length;\r\n }\r\n raw = raw.substr(match.index + match[0].length);\r\n rawOffset += match.index + match[0].length;\r\n }\r\n newText.push(raw);\r\n newText = newText.join('');\r\n if (!newText.replace(/\\s+/g, '').length) {\r\n newText = text;\r\n entities.splice(0, entities.length);\r\n }\r\n if (!entities.length && !noTrim) {\r\n newText = newText.trim();\r\n }\r\n return newText;\r\n}\r\nfunction mergeEntities(currentEntities, newEntities, fromApi) {\r\n var totalEntities = newEntities.slice();\r\n var i;\r\n var len = currentEntities.length;\r\n var j;\r\n var len2 = newEntities.length;\r\n var startJ = 0;\r\n var curEntity;\r\n var newEntity;\r\n var start, end;\r\n var cStart, cEnd;\r\n var bad;\r\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n curEntity = currentEntities[i];\r\n if (fromApi &&\r\n curEntity._ != 'messageEntityLinebreak' &&\r\n curEntity._ != 'messageEntityEmoji') {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n // console.log('s', curEntity, newEntities);\r\n start = curEntity.offset;\r\n end = start + curEntity.length;\r\n bad = false;\r\n for (j = startJ; j < len2; j++) {\r\n newEntity = newEntities[j];\r\n cStart = newEntity.offset;\r\n cEnd = cStart + newEntity.length;\r\n if (cStart <= start) {\r\n startJ = j;\r\n }\r\n if (start >= cStart && start < cEnd ||\r\n end > cStart && end <= cEnd) {\r\n // console.log('bad', curEntity, newEntity)\r\n if (fromApi &&\r\n start >= cStart && end <= cEnd) {\r\n if (newEntity.nested === undefined) {\r\n newEntity.nested = [];\r\n }\r\n curEntity.offset -= cStart;\r\n newEntity.nested.push(utils_1.copy(curEntity));\r\n }\r\n bad = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if (cStart >= end) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (bad) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n totalEntities.push(curEntity);\r\n }\r\n totalEntities.sort((a, b) => {\r\n return a.offset - b.offset;\r\n });\r\n // console.log('merge', currentEntities, newEntities, totalEntities)\r\n return totalEntities;\r\n}\r\nfunction wrapRichNestedText(text, nested, options) {\r\n if (nested === undefined) {\r\n return utils_1.encodeEntities(text);\r\n }\r\n options.hasNested = true;\r\n return wrapRichText(text, { entities: nested, nested: true });\r\n}\r\nfunction wrapRichText(text, options = {}) {\r\n if (!text || !text.length) {\r\n return '';\r\n }\r\n var entities = options.entities;\r\n var contextSite = options.contextSite || 'Telegram';\r\n var contextExternal = contextSite != 'Telegram';\r\n var emojiFound = false;\r\n if (entities === undefined) {\r\n entities = parseEntities(text, options);\r\n }\r\n //console.log('wrapRichText got entities:', text, entities);\r\n var len = entities.length;\r\n var entity;\r\n var entityText;\r\n var skipEntity;\r\n var url;\r\n var html = [];\r\n var lastOffset = 0;\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n entity = entities[i];\r\n if (entity.offset > lastOffset) {\r\n html.push(utils_1.encodeEntities(text.substr(lastOffset, entity.offset - lastOffset)));\r\n }\r\n else if (entity.offset < lastOffset) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n skipEntity = false;\r\n entityText = text.substr(entity.offset, entity.length);\r\n switch (entity._) {\r\n case 'messageEntityMention':\r\n var contextUrl = !options.noLinks && siteMentions[contextSite];\r\n if (!contextUrl) {\r\n skipEntity = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n var username = entityText.substr(1);\r\n var attr = '';\r\n if (options.highlightUsername &&\r\n options.highlightUsername.toLowerCase() == username.toLowerCase()) {\r\n attr = 'class=\"im_message_mymention\"';\r\n }\r\n html.push('', utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText), '');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityMentionName':\r\n if (options.noLinks) {\r\n skipEntity = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n html.push('', utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText), '');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityHashtag':\r\n var contextUrl = !options.noLinks && siteHashtags[contextSite];\r\n if (!contextUrl) {\r\n skipEntity = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n var hashtag = entityText.substr(1);\r\n html.push('', utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText), '');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityEmail':\r\n if (options.noLinks) {\r\n skipEntity = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n html.push('', utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText), '');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityUrl':\r\n case 'messageEntityTextUrl':\r\n var inner;\r\n if (entity._ == 'messageEntityTextUrl') {\r\n url = entity.url;\r\n url = wrapUrl(url, true);\r\n inner = wrapRichNestedText(entityText, entity.nested, options);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n url = wrapUrl(entityText, false);\r\n inner = utils_1.encodeEntities(replaceUrlEncodings(entityText));\r\n }\r\n if (options.noLinks) {\r\n html.push(inner);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n html.push('', inner, '');\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityLinebreak':\r\n html.push(options.noLinebreaks ? ' ' : '
');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityEmoji':\r\n html.push(emojiSupported ?\r\n `${utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText)}` :\r\n `\"${utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText)}\"`);\r\n emojiFound = true;\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityBotCommand':\r\n if (options.noLinks || options.noCommands || contextExternal) {\r\n skipEntity = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n var command = entityText.substr(1);\r\n var bot;\r\n var atPos;\r\n if ((atPos = command.indexOf('@')) != -1) {\r\n bot = command.substr(atPos + 1);\r\n command = command.substr(0, atPos);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n bot = options.fromBot;\r\n }\r\n html.push('', utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText), '');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityBold':\r\n if (options.noTextFormat) {\r\n html.push(wrapRichNestedText(entityText, entity.nested, options));\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n html.push('', wrapRichNestedText(entityText, entity.nested, options), '');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityItalic':\r\n if (options.noTextFormat) {\r\n html.push(wrapRichNestedText(entityText, entity.nested, options));\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n html.push('', wrapRichNestedText(entityText, entity.nested, options), '');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityHighlight':\r\n html.push('', wrapRichNestedText(entityText, entity.nested, options), '');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityCode':\r\n if (options.noTextFormat) {\r\n html.push(utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText));\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n html.push('', utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText), '');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityPre':\r\n if (options.noTextFormat) {\r\n html.push(utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText));\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n html.push('
', utils_1.encodeEntities(entityText), '
');\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n skipEntity = true;\r\n }\r\n lastOffset = entity.offset + (skipEntity ? 0 : entity.length);\r\n }\r\n html.push(utils_1.encodeEntities(text.substr(lastOffset))); // may be empty string\r\n //console.log(html);\r\n text = html.join(''); //$sanitize(html.join(''))\r\n /* if (!options.nested && (emojiFound || options.hasNested)) {\r\n text = text.replace(/\\ufe0f|️|�|‍/g, '', text)\r\n var emojiSizeClass = curEmojiSize == 18 ? '' : (' emoji-w' + curEmojiSize)\r\n text = text.replace(/]*)?) class=\"emoji emoji-(\\d)-(\\d+)-(\\d+)\"(.+?)<\\/span>/g,\r\n '')\r\n } */\r\n return text; //$sce.trustAs('html', text)\r\n}\r\nfunction wrapDraftText(text, options = {}) {\r\n if (!text || !text.length) {\r\n return '';\r\n }\r\n var entities = options.entities;\r\n if (entities === undefined) {\r\n entities = parseEntities(text, options);\r\n }\r\n var i = 0;\r\n var len = entities.length;\r\n var entity;\r\n var entityText;\r\n var skipEntity;\r\n var code = [];\r\n var lastOffset = 0;\r\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n entity = entities[i];\r\n if (entity.offset > lastOffset) {\r\n code.push(text.substr(lastOffset, entity.offset - lastOffset));\r\n }\r\n else if (entity.offset < lastOffset) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n skipEntity = false;\r\n entityText = text.substr(entity.offset, entity.length);\r\n switch (entity._) {\r\n case 'messageEntityEmoji':\r\n code.push(':', entity.title, ':');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityCode':\r\n code.push('`', entityText, '`');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityBold':\r\n code.push('**', entityText, '**');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityItalic':\r\n code.push('__', entityText, '__');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityPre':\r\n code.push('```', entityText, '```');\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageEntityMentionName':\r\n code.push('@', entity.user_id, ' (', entityText, ')');\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n skipEntity = true;\r\n }\r\n lastOffset = entity.offset + (skipEntity ? 0 : entity.length);\r\n }\r\n code.push(text.substr(lastOffset));\r\n return code.join('');\r\n}\r\nfunction checkBrackets(url) {\r\n var urlLength = url.length;\r\n var urlOpenBrackets = url.split('(').length - 1;\r\n var urlCloseBrackets = url.split(')').length - 1;\r\n while (urlCloseBrackets > urlOpenBrackets &&\r\n url.charAt(urlLength - 1) === ')') {\r\n url = url.substr(0, urlLength - 1);\r\n urlCloseBrackets--;\r\n urlLength--;\r\n }\r\n if (urlOpenBrackets > urlCloseBrackets) {\r\n url = url.replace(/\\)+$/, '');\r\n }\r\n return url;\r\n}\r\nfunction replaceUrlEncodings(urlWithEncoded) {\r\n return urlWithEncoded.replace(/(%[A-Z\\d]{2})+/g, (str) => {\r\n try {\r\n return decodeURIComponent(str);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n return str;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n}\r\nfunction wrapPlainText(text, options = {}) {\r\n if (emojiSupported) {\r\n return text;\r\n }\r\n if (!text || !text.length) {\r\n return '';\r\n }\r\n text = text.replace(/\\ufe0f/g, '', text);\r\n var match;\r\n var raw = text;\r\n var text = [], emojiTitle;\r\n while ((match = raw.match(fullRegExp))) {\r\n text.push(raw.substr(0, match.index));\r\n if (match[8]) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n if ((emojiCode = EmojiHelper.emojiMap[match[8]]) &&\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n (emojiTitle = emojiData[emojiCode][1][0])) {\r\n text.push(':' + emojiTitle + ':');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n text.push(match[0]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n text.push(match[0]);\r\n }\r\n raw = raw.substr(match.index + match[0].length);\r\n }\r\n text.push(raw);\r\n return text.join('');\r\n}\r\nfunction wrapEmojiText(text) {\r\n if (!text)\r\n return '';\r\n let entities = parseEntities(text).filter(e => e._ == 'messageEntityEmoji');\r\n return wrapRichText(text, { entities });\r\n}\r\nfunction wrapUrl(url, unsafe) {\r\n if (!url.match(/^https?:\\/\\//i)) {\r\n url = 'http://' + url;\r\n }\r\n var tgMeMatch;\r\n var telescoPeMatch;\r\n if (unsafe == 2) {\r\n url = 'tg://unsafe_url?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url);\r\n }\r\n else if ((tgMeMatch = url.match(/^https?:\\/\\/t(?:elegram)?\\.me\\/(.+)/))) {\r\n var fullPath = tgMeMatch[1];\r\n var path = fullPath.split('/');\r\n switch (path[0]) {\r\n case 'joinchat':\r\n url = 'tg://join?invite=' + path[1];\r\n break;\r\n case 'addstickers':\r\n url = 'tg://addstickers?set=' + path[1];\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n if (path[1] && path[1].match(/^\\d+$/)) {\r\n url = 'tg://resolve?domain=' + path[0] + '&post=' + path[1];\r\n }\r\n else if (path.length == 1) {\r\n var domainQuery = path[0].split('?');\r\n var domain = domainQuery[0];\r\n var query = domainQuery[1];\r\n if (domain == 'iv') {\r\n var match = (query || '').match(/url=([^&=]+)/);\r\n if (match) {\r\n url = match[1];\r\n try {\r\n url = decodeURIComponent(url);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) { }\r\n return wrapUrl(url, unsafe);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n url = 'tg://resolve?domain=' + domain + (query ? '&' + query : '');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if ((telescoPeMatch = url.match(/^https?:\\/\\/telesco\\.pe\\/([^/?]+)\\/(\\d+)/))) {\r\n url = 'tg://resolve?domain=' + telescoPeMatch[1] + '&post=' + telescoPeMatch[2];\r\n }\r\n else if (unsafe) {\r\n url = 'tg://unsafe_url?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url);\r\n }\r\n return url;\r\n}\r\nlet RichTextProcessor = {\r\n wrapRichText: wrapRichText,\r\n wrapPlainText: wrapPlainText,\r\n wrapDraftText: wrapDraftText,\r\n wrapUrl: wrapUrl,\r\n wrapEmojiText: wrapEmojiText,\r\n parseEntities: parseEntities,\r\n parseMarkdown: parseMarkdown,\r\n parseEmojis: parseEmojis,\r\n mergeEntities: mergeEntities,\r\n getEmojiSpritesheetCoords: getEmojiSpritesheetCoords,\r\n emojiSupported: emojiSupported\r\n};\r\nexports.RichTextProcessor = RichTextProcessor;\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.RichTextProcessor = RichTextProcessor;\r\n}\r\n" }, { "id": 4, "identifier": 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(function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.attachContextMenuListener = exports.positionMenu = exports.openBtnMenu = exports.parseMenuButtonsTo = exports.formatPhoneNumber = exports.putPreloader = exports.renderImageFromUrl = exports.loadedURLs = void 0;\r\nconst config_1 = __importStar(require(\"../lib/config\"));\r\nexports.loadedURLs = {};\r\nconst set = (elem, url) => {\r\n if (elem instanceof HTMLImageElement || elem instanceof HTMLVideoElement)\r\n elem.src = url;\r\n else if (elem instanceof SVGImageElement)\r\n elem.setAttributeNS(null, 'href', url);\r\n else\r\n elem.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + url + ')';\r\n};\r\n// проблема функции в том, что она не подходит для ссылок, пригодна только для blob'ов, потому что обычным ссылкам нужен 'load' каждый раз.\r\nfunction renderImageFromUrl(elem, url, callback) {\r\n if ((exports.loadedURLs[url] /* && false */) || elem instanceof HTMLVideoElement) {\r\n set(elem, url);\r\n callback && callback();\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const isImage = elem instanceof HTMLImageElement;\r\n const loader = isImage ? elem : new Image();\r\n //const loader = new Image();\r\n loader.src = url;\r\n //let perf = performance.now();\r\n loader.addEventListener('load', () => {\r\n if (!isImage) {\r\n set(elem, url);\r\n }\r\n exports.loadedURLs[url] = true;\r\n //console.log('onload:', url, performance.now() - perf);\r\n callback && callback();\r\n });\r\n if (callback) {\r\n loader.addEventListener('error', callback);\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.renderImageFromUrl = renderImageFromUrl;\r\nfunction putPreloader(elem, returnDiv = false) {\r\n const html = `\r\n \r\n \r\n `;\r\n if (returnDiv) {\r\n let div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('preloader');\r\n div.innerHTML = html;\r\n if (elem) {\r\n elem.appendChild(div);\r\n }\r\n return div;\r\n }\r\n elem.innerHTML += html;\r\n}\r\nexports.putPreloader = putPreloader;\r\nfunction formatPhoneNumber(str) {\r\n str = str.replace(/\\D/g, '');\r\n let phoneCode = str.slice(0, 6);\r\n ////console.log('str', str, phoneCode);\r\n let sortedCountries = config_1.default.Countries.slice().sort((a, b) => b.phoneCode.length - a.phoneCode.length);\r\n let country = sortedCountries.find((c) => {\r\n return c.phoneCode.split(' and ').find((c) => phoneCode.indexOf(c.replace(/\\D/g, '')) == 0);\r\n });\r\n let pattern = country ? country.pattern || country.phoneCode : '';\r\n if (country) {\r\n pattern.split('').forEach((symbol, idx) => {\r\n if (symbol == ' ' && str[idx] != ' ' && str.length > idx) {\r\n str = str.slice(0, idx) + ' ' + str.slice(idx);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n /* if(country.pattern) {\r\n str = str.slice(0, country.pattern.length);\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n return { formatted: str, country };\r\n}\r\nexports.formatPhoneNumber = formatPhoneNumber;\r\nfunction parseMenuButtonsTo(to, elements) {\r\n Array.from(elements).forEach(el => {\r\n const match = el.className.match(/(?:^|\\s)menu-(.+?)(?:$|\\s)/);\r\n if (!match)\r\n return;\r\n to[match[1]] = el;\r\n });\r\n}\r\nexports.parseMenuButtonsTo = parseMenuButtonsTo;\r\nlet onMouseMove = (e) => {\r\n let rect = openedMenu.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n let { clientX, clientY } = e;\r\n let diffX = clientX >= rect.right ? clientX - rect.right : rect.left - clientX;\r\n let diffY = clientY >= rect.bottom ? clientY - rect.bottom : rect.top - clientY;\r\n if (diffX >= 100 || diffY >= 100) {\r\n closeBtnMenu();\r\n //openedMenu.parentElement.click();\r\n }\r\n //console.log('mousemove', diffX, diffY);\r\n};\r\nlet onClick = (e) => {\r\n /* if(touchSupport && e.type == 'touchstart') {\r\n const target = findUpClassName(e.target, 'btn-menu');\r\n if(!target) {\r\n window.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => {\r\n return cancelEvent(e);\r\n }, {once: true});\r\n }\r\n } */ /* else if(!touchSupport && e.type == 'mousedown') {\r\n const target = findUpClassName(e.target, 'btn-menu');\r\n if(!target) {\r\n closeBtnMenu();\r\n return cancelEvent(e);\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n //e.preventDefault();\r\n closeBtnMenu();\r\n};\r\nlet closeBtnMenu = () => {\r\n if (openedMenu) {\r\n openedMenu.classList.remove('active');\r\n openedMenu.parentElement.classList.remove('menu-open');\r\n openedMenu = null;\r\n }\r\n if (openedMenuOnClose) {\r\n openedMenuOnClose();\r\n openedMenuOnClose = null;\r\n }\r\n //document.body.classList.remove('disable-hover');\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n window.removeEventListener('touchmove', onClick);\r\n //window.removeEventListener('touchstart', onClick);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n window.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove);\r\n //window.removeEventListener('mousedown', onClick);\r\n //window.removeEventListener('click', onClick);\r\n }\r\n window.removeEventListener('click', onClick);\r\n window.removeEventListener('contextmenu', onClick);\r\n};\r\nwindow.addEventListener('resize', () => {\r\n if (openedMenu) {\r\n closeBtnMenu();\r\n }\r\n /* if(openedMenu && (openedMenu.style.top || openedMenu.style.left)) {\r\n const rect = openedMenu.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n const {innerWidth, innerHeight} = window;\r\n \r\n console.log(innerWidth, innerHeight, rect);\r\n } */\r\n});\r\nlet openedMenu = null, openedMenuOnClose = null;\r\nfunction openBtnMenu(menuElement, onClose) {\r\n closeBtnMenu();\r\n openedMenu = menuElement;\r\n openedMenu.classList.add('active');\r\n openedMenu.parentElement.classList.add('menu-open');\r\n //document.body.classList.add('disable-hover');\r\n openedMenuOnClose = onClose;\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n window.addEventListener('touchmove', onClick, { once: true });\r\n //window.addEventListener('touchstart', onClick);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n window.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove);\r\n //window.addEventListener('mousedown', onClick);\r\n //window.addEventListener('click', onClick, {once: true});\r\n }\r\n window.addEventListener('click', onClick, { once: true });\r\n window.addEventListener('contextmenu', onClick, { once: true });\r\n}\r\nexports.openBtnMenu = openBtnMenu;\r\nfunction positionMenu({ clientX, clientY } /* e: MouseEvent */, elem, side) {\r\n //let {clientX, clientY} = e;\r\n let { scrollWidth, scrollHeight } = elem;\r\n let { innerWidth, innerHeight } = window;\r\n if (config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile) {\r\n side = undefined;\r\n }\r\n if (side === undefined) {\r\n if ((clientX + scrollWidth) > innerWidth) {\r\n if ((clientX - scrollWidth) < 0) {\r\n elem.style.left = (innerWidth - scrollWidth) + 'px';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n side = 'right';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!side) {\r\n side = 'left';\r\n }\r\n elem.classList.remove('bottom-left', 'bottom-right');\r\n if (side !== undefined) {\r\n elem.style.left = (side == 'right' ? clientX - scrollWidth : clientX) + 'px';\r\n elem.classList.add(side == 'left' ? 'bottom-right' : 'bottom-left');\r\n }\r\n if ((clientY + scrollHeight) > innerHeight) {\r\n elem.style.top = (innerHeight - scrollHeight) + 'px';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n elem.style.top = clientY + 'px';\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.positionMenu = positionMenu;\r\nfunction attachContextMenuListener(element, callback) {\r\n if (config_1.isApple && config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n let timeout;\r\n const onCancel = () => {\r\n clearTimeout(timeout);\r\n element.removeEventListener('touchmove', onCancel);\r\n element.removeEventListener('touchend', onCancel);\r\n element.removeEventListener('touchcancel', onCancel);\r\n };\r\n element.addEventListener('touchstart', (e) => {\r\n if (e.touches.length > 1) {\r\n clearTimeout(timeout);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n element.addEventListener('touchmove', onCancel, { once: true });\r\n element.addEventListener('touchend', onCancel, { once: true });\r\n element.addEventListener('touchcancel', onCancel, { once: true });\r\n /* let eee = (e: TouchEvent) => {\r\n const target = findUpClassName(e.target, 'btn-menu');\r\n if(!target) {\r\n closeBtnMenu();\r\n window.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => {\r\n return cancelEvent(e);\r\n }, {once: true});\r\n }\r\n }; */\r\n timeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n callback(e.touches[0]);\r\n onCancel();\r\n /* window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n window.addEventListener('touchstart', eee);\r\n window.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => {\r\n window.removeEventListener('touchstart', eee);\r\n }, {once: true});\r\n }); */\r\n }, .4e3);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n element.addEventListener('contextmenu', callback);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.attachContextMenuListener = attachContextMenuListener;\r\n;\r\n" }, { "id": 5, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appUsersManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appUsersManager.ts", "index": 39, "index2": 50, "size": 21672, "cacheable": true, 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"./src/lib/appManagers/AppInlineBotsManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/AppInlineBotsManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./appUsersManager", "loc": "13:42-70" }, { "moduleId": 87, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarRight\\gifs.ts", "module": "./src/components/sidebarRight/gifs.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/sidebarRight/gifs.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager", "loc": "38:42-90" }, { "moduleId": 91, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\contacts.ts", "module": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/contacts.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/contacts.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager", "loc": "27:42-90" }, { "moduleId": 92, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\newGroup.ts", "module": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/newGroup.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/newGroup.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager", "loc": "31:42-90" }, { "moduleId": 93, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\settings.ts", "module": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/settings.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/settings.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager", "loc": "29:42-90" }, { "moduleId": 94, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\editProfile.ts", "module": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/editProfile.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/editProfile.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager", "loc": "11:42-90" }, { "moduleId": 97, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\includedChats.ts", "module": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/includedChats.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/includedChats.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager", "loc": "29:42-90" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppUsersManager = void 0;\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appChatsManager\"));\r\n//import apiManager from '../mtproto/apiManager';\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst serverTimeManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/serverTimeManager\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../components/misc\");\r\nconst searchIndexManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../searchIndexManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appStateManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appStateManager\"));\r\nclass AppUsersManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.users = {};\r\n this.usernames = {};\r\n this.userAccess = {};\r\n this.cachedPhotoLocations = {};\r\n this.contactsIndex = searchIndexManager_1.default.createIndex();\r\n this.contactsList = new Set();\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.getUserID().then((id) => {\r\n this.myID = id;\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('user_auth', (e) => {\r\n let userAuth = e.detail;\r\n this.myID = userAuth ? userAuth.id : 0;\r\n });\r\n setInterval(this.updateUsersStatuses.bind(this), 60000);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('stateSynchronized', this.updateUsersStatuses.bind(this));\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e) => {\r\n let update = e.detail;\r\n //console.log('on apiUpdate', update);\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateUserStatus':\r\n var userID = update.user_id;\r\n var user = this.users[userID];\r\n if (user) {\r\n user.status = update.status;\r\n if (user.status) {\r\n if ('expires' in user.status) {\r\n user.status.expires -= serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n }\r\n if ('was_online' in user.status) {\r\n user.status.was_online -= serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n user.sortStatus = this.getUserStatusForSort(user.status);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('user_update', userID);\r\n } //////else console.warn('No user by id:', userID);\r\n break;\r\n case 'updateUserPhoto':\r\n var userID = update.user_id;\r\n var user = this.users[userID];\r\n if (user) {\r\n this.forceUserOnline(userID);\r\n if (!user.photo) {\r\n user.photo = update.photo;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n utils_1.safeReplaceObject(user.photo, update.photo);\r\n }\r\n if (this.cachedPhotoLocations[userID] !== undefined) {\r\n utils_1.safeReplaceObject(this.cachedPhotoLocations[userID], update.photo ?\r\n update.photo : { empty: true });\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('user_update', userID);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('avatar_update', userID);\r\n }\r\n else\r\n console.warn('No user by id:', userID);\r\n break;\r\n /* case 'updateContactLink':\r\n this.onContactUpdated(update.user_id, update.my_link._ == 'contactLinkContact');\r\n break; */\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n fillContacts() {\r\n if (this.contactsFillPromise) {\r\n return this.contactsFillPromise;\r\n }\r\n return this.contactsFillPromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('contacts.getContacts', {\r\n hash: 0\r\n }).then((result) => {\r\n this.saveApiUsers(result.users);\r\n result.contacts.forEach((contact) => {\r\n this.pushContact(contact.user_id);\r\n });\r\n return this.contactsList;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n resolveUsername(username) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (this.usernames[username]) {\r\n return this.users[this.usernames[username]];\r\n }\r\n return yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('contacts.resolveUsername', { username }).then(resolvedPeer => {\r\n this.saveApiUser(resolvedPeer.users[0]);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(resolvedPeer.chats);\r\n return this.users[this.usernames[username]];\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n pushContact(userID) {\r\n this.contactsList.add(userID);\r\n searchIndexManager_1.default.indexObject(userID, this.getUserSearchText(userID), this.contactsIndex);\r\n }\r\n getUserSearchText(id) {\r\n const user = this.users[id];\r\n if (!user) {\r\n return '';\r\n }\r\n const serviceText = user.pFlags.self ? 'user_name_saved_msgs_raw' : '';\r\n return (user.first_name || '') +\r\n ' ' + (user.last_name || '') +\r\n ' ' + (user.phone || '') +\r\n ' ' + (user.username || '') +\r\n ' ' + serviceText;\r\n }\r\n getContacts(query) {\r\n return this.fillContacts().then(_contactsList => {\r\n let contactsList = [..._contactsList];\r\n if (query) {\r\n const results = searchIndexManager_1.default.search(query, this.contactsIndex);\r\n const filteredContactsList = [...contactsList].filter(id => !!results[id]);\r\n contactsList = filteredContactsList;\r\n }\r\n contactsList.sort((userID1, userID2) => {\r\n const sortName1 = (this.users[userID1] || {}).sortName || '';\r\n const sortName2 = (this.users[userID2] || {}).sortName || '';\r\n return sortName1.localeCompare(sortName2);\r\n });\r\n /* contactsList.sort((userID1: number, userID2: number) => {\r\n const sortName1 = (this.users[userID1] || {}).sortName || '';\r\n const sortName2 = (this.users[userID2] || {}).sortName || '';\r\n if(sortName1 == sortName2) {\r\n return 0;\r\n }\r\n \r\n return sortName1 > sortName2 ? 1 : -1;\r\n }); */\r\n return contactsList;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n /* public resolveUsername(username: string) {\r\n return this.usernames[username] || 0;\r\n } */\r\n saveApiUsers(apiUsers) {\r\n apiUsers.forEach((user) => this.saveApiUser(user));\r\n }\r\n saveApiUser(apiUser, noReplace) {\r\n if (!utils_1.isObject(apiUser) ||\r\n noReplace && utils_1.isObject(this.users[apiUser.id]) && this.users[apiUser.id].first_name) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n var userID = apiUser.id;\r\n var result = this.users[userID];\r\n if (apiUser.pFlags === undefined) {\r\n apiUser.pFlags = {};\r\n }\r\n if (apiUser.pFlags.min) {\r\n if (result !== undefined) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (apiUser.phone) {\r\n apiUser.rPhone = '+' + misc_1.formatPhoneNumber(apiUser.phone).formatted;\r\n }\r\n if (apiUser.first_name) {\r\n apiUser.rFirstName = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(apiUser.first_name, { noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true });\r\n apiUser.rFullName = apiUser.last_name ? richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(apiUser.first_name + ' ' + (apiUser.last_name || ''), { noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true }) : apiUser.rFirstName;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n apiUser.rFirstName = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(apiUser.last_name, { noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true }) || apiUser.rPhone || 'user_first_name_deleted';\r\n apiUser.rFullName = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(apiUser.last_name, { noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true }) || apiUser.rPhone || 'user_name_deleted';\r\n }\r\n if (apiUser.username) {\r\n var searchUsername = searchIndexManager_1.default.cleanUsername(apiUser.username);\r\n this.usernames[searchUsername] = userID;\r\n }\r\n apiUser.sortName = apiUser.pFlags.deleted ? '' : searchIndexManager_1.default.cleanSearchText(apiUser.first_name + ' ' + (apiUser.last_name || ''), false);\r\n var nameWords = apiUser.sortName.split(' ');\r\n var firstWord = nameWords.shift();\r\n var lastWord = nameWords.pop();\r\n apiUser.initials = firstWord.charAt(0) + (lastWord ? lastWord.charAt(0) : '');\r\n if (apiUser.status) {\r\n if (apiUser.status.expires) {\r\n apiUser.status.expires -= serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n }\r\n if (apiUser.status.was_online) {\r\n apiUser.status.was_online -= serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (apiUser.pFlags.bot) {\r\n apiUser.sortStatus = -1;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n apiUser.sortStatus = this.getUserStatusForSort(apiUser.status);\r\n }\r\n var result = this.users[userID];\r\n if (result === undefined) {\r\n result = this.users[userID] = apiUser;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n utils_1.safeReplaceObject(result, apiUser);\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('user_update', userID);\r\n if (this.cachedPhotoLocations[userID] !== undefined) {\r\n utils_1.safeReplaceObject(this.cachedPhotoLocations[userID], apiUser &&\r\n apiUser.photo ? apiUser.photo : { empty: true });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n saveUserAccess(id, accessHash) {\r\n this.userAccess[id] = accessHash;\r\n }\r\n getUserStatusForSort(status) {\r\n if (status) {\r\n const expires = status._ == 'userStatusOnline' ? status.expires : (status._ == 'userStatusOffline' ? status.was_online : 0);\r\n if (expires) {\r\n return expires;\r\n }\r\n const timeNow = utils_1.tsNow(true);\r\n switch (status._) {\r\n case 'userStatusRecently':\r\n return timeNow - 86400 * 3;\r\n case 'userStatusLastWeek':\r\n return timeNow - 86400 * 7;\r\n case 'userStatusLastMonth':\r\n return timeNow - 86400 * 30;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return 0;\r\n }\r\n getUser(id) {\r\n if (utils_1.isObject(id)) {\r\n return id;\r\n }\r\n return this.users[id] || { id: id, pFlags: { deleted: true }, access_hash: this.userAccess[id] };\r\n }\r\n getSelf() {\r\n return this.getUser(this.myID);\r\n }\r\n getUserStatusString(userID) {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (this.isBot(userID)) {\r\n return 'bot';\r\n }\r\n const user = this.getUser(userID);\r\n if (!user) {\r\n return '';\r\n }\r\n let str = '';\r\n switch ((_a = user.status) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a._) {\r\n case 'userStatusRecently': {\r\n str = 'last seen recently';\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'userStatusLastWeek': {\r\n str = 'last seen last week';\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'userStatusLastMonth': {\r\n str = 'last seen last month';\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'userStatusOffline': {\r\n str = 'last seen ';\r\n const date = user.status.was_online;\r\n const now = Date.now() / 1000;\r\n if ((now - date) < 60) {\r\n str += ' just now';\r\n }\r\n else if ((now - date) < 3600) {\r\n const c = (now - date) / 60 | 0;\r\n str += c + ' ' + (c == 1 ? 'minute' : 'minutes') + ' ago';\r\n }\r\n else if (now - date < 86400) {\r\n const c = (now - date) / 3600 | 0;\r\n str += c + ' ' + (c == 1 ? 'hour' : 'hours') + ' ago';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const d = new Date(date * 1000);\r\n str += ('0' + d.getDate()).slice(-2) + '.' + ('0' + (d.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + ' at ' +\r\n ('0' + d.getHours()).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + d.getMinutes()).slice(-2);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'userStatusOnline': {\r\n str = 'online';\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n default: {\r\n str = 'last seen a long time ago';\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return str;\r\n }\r\n isBot(id) {\r\n return this.users[id] && this.users[id].pFlags.bot;\r\n }\r\n isContact(id) {\r\n return this.contactsList.has(id);\r\n }\r\n isRegularUser(id) {\r\n const user = this.users[id];\r\n return user && !this.isBot(id) && !user.pFlags.deleted && !user.pFlags.support;\r\n }\r\n isNonContactUser(id) {\r\n return this.isRegularUser(id) && !this.isContact(id) && id != utils_1.$rootScope.myID;\r\n }\r\n hasUser(id, allowMin) {\r\n var user = this.users[id];\r\n return utils_1.isObject(user) && (allowMin || !user.pFlags.min);\r\n }\r\n getUserPhoto(id) {\r\n var user = this.getUser(id);\r\n if (this.cachedPhotoLocations[id] === undefined) {\r\n this.cachedPhotoLocations[id] = user && user.photo ? user.photo : { empty: true };\r\n }\r\n return this.cachedPhotoLocations[id];\r\n }\r\n getUserString(id) {\r\n const user = this.getUser(id);\r\n return 'u' + id + (user.access_hash ? '_' + user.access_hash : '');\r\n }\r\n getUserInput(id) {\r\n const user = this.getUser(id);\r\n if (user.pFlags && user.pFlags.self) {\r\n return { _: 'inputUserSelf' };\r\n }\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputUser',\r\n user_id: id,\r\n access_hash: user.access_hash\r\n };\r\n }\r\n updateUsersStatuses() {\r\n const timestampNow = utils_1.tsNow(true);\r\n for (const i in this.users) {\r\n const user = this.users[i];\r\n if (user.status &&\r\n user.status._ == 'userStatusOnline' &&\r\n user.status.expires < timestampNow) {\r\n user.status = { _: 'userStatusOffline', was_online: user.status.expires };\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('user_update', user.id);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n forceUserOnline(id) {\r\n if (this.isBot(id)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const user = this.getUser(id);\r\n if (user &&\r\n user.status &&\r\n user.status._ != 'userStatusOnline' &&\r\n user.status._ != 'userStatusEmpty' &&\r\n !user.pFlags.support) {\r\n user.status = {\r\n _: 'userStatusOnline',\r\n expires: utils_1.tsNow(true) + 60\r\n };\r\n user.sortStatus = this.getUserStatusForSort(user.status);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('user_update', id);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n /* function importContact (phone, firstName, lastName) {\r\n return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('contacts.importContacts', {\r\n contacts: [{\r\n _: 'inputPhoneContact',\r\n client_id: '1',\r\n phone: phone,\r\n first_name: firstName,\r\n last_name: lastName\r\n }],\r\n replace: false\r\n }).then(function (importedContactsResult) {\r\n saveApiUsers(importedContactsResult.users)\r\n \r\n var foundUserID = false\r\n angular.forEach(importedContactsResult.imported, function (importedContact) {\r\n onContactUpdated(foundUserID = importedContact.user_id, true)\r\n })\r\n \r\n return foundUserID || false\r\n })\r\n }\r\n \r\n function importContacts (contacts) {\r\n var inputContacts = [],\r\n i\r\n var j\r\n \r\n for (i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {\r\n for (j = 0; j < contacts[i].phones.length; j++) {\r\n inputContacts.push({\r\n _: 'inputPhoneContact',\r\n client_id: (i << 16 | j).toString(10),\r\n phone: contacts[i].phones[j],\r\n first_name: contacts[i].first_name,\r\n last_name: contacts[i].last_name\r\n })\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('contacts.importContacts', {\r\n contacts: inputContacts,\r\n replace: false\r\n }).then(function (importedContactsResult) {\r\n saveApiUsers(importedContactsResult.users)\r\n \r\n var result = []\r\n angular.forEach(importedContactsResult.imported, function (importedContact) {\r\n onContactUpdated(importedContact.user_id, true)\r\n result.push(importedContact.user_id)\r\n })\r\n \r\n return result\r\n })\r\n } */\r\n /* public deleteContacts(userIDs: number[]) {\r\n var ids: any[] = [];\r\n userIDs.forEach((userID) => {\r\n ids.push(this.getUserInput(userID));\r\n })\r\n \r\n return apiManager.invokeApi('contacts.deleteContacts', {\r\n id: ids\r\n }).then(() => {\r\n userIDs.forEach((userID) => {\r\n this.onContactUpdated(userID, false);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n } */\r\n getTopPeers() {\r\n if (this.getPeersPromise)\r\n return this.getPeersPromise;\r\n return this.getPeersPromise = appStateManager_1.default.getState().then((state) => {\r\n var _a;\r\n if ((_a = state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.topPeers) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) {\r\n return state.topPeers;\r\n }\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('contacts.getTopPeers', {\r\n flags: 1,\r\n correspondents: true,\r\n offset: 0,\r\n limit: 30,\r\n hash: 0,\r\n }).then((result) => {\r\n let peerIDs;\r\n if (result._ == 'contacts.topPeers') {\r\n //console.log(result);\r\n this.saveApiUsers(result.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(result.chats);\r\n peerIDs = result.categories[0].peers.map((topPeer) => {\r\n const peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(topPeer.peer);\r\n appStateManager_1.default.pushPeer(peerID);\r\n return peerID;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n appStateManager_1.default.pushToState('topPeers', peerIDs);\r\n return peerIDs;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n searchContacts(query, limit = 20) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('contacts.search', {\r\n q: query,\r\n limit\r\n }).then((peers) => {\r\n //console.log(peers);\r\n this.saveApiUsers(peers.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(peers.chats);\r\n return peers;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n /* public onContactUpdated(userID: number, isContact: boolean) {\r\n userID = parseInt('' + userID);\r\n \r\n if(Array.isArray(this.contactsList)) {\r\n var curPos = this.contactsList.indexOf(userID);\r\n var curIsContact = curPos != -1;\r\n \r\n if(isContact != curIsContact) {\r\n if(isContact) {\r\n this.contactsList.push(userID)\r\n searchIndexManager.indexObject(userID, this.getUserSearchText(userID), this.contactsIndex);\r\n } else {\r\n this.contactsList.splice(curPos, 1);\r\n }\r\n \r\n $rootScope.$broadcast('contacts_update', userID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n setUserStatus(userID, offline) {\r\n if (this.isBot(userID)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n var user = this.users[userID];\r\n if (user) {\r\n var status = offline ? {\r\n _: 'userStatusOffline',\r\n was_online: utils_1.tsNow(true)\r\n } : {\r\n _: 'userStatusOnline',\r\n expires: utils_1.tsNow(true) + 500\r\n };\r\n user.status = status;\r\n user.sortStatus = this.getUserStatusForSort(user.status);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('user_update', userID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppUsersManager = AppUsersManager;\r\nexports.default = new AppUsersManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 6, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\scrollable_new.ts", "name": "./src/components/scrollable_new.ts", "index": 25, "index2": 24, "size": 17773, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": 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this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../lib/logger\");\r\nconst smoothscroll_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../vendor/smoothscroll\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../lib/config\");\r\n//import { CancellablePromise, deferredPromise } from \"../lib/polyfill\";\r\n//import { isInDOM } from \"../lib/utils\";\r\nwindow.__forceSmoothScrollPolyfill__ = true;\r\nsmoothscroll_1.default.polyfill();\r\n/*\r\nvar el = $0;\r\nvar height = 0;\r\nvar checkUp = false;\r\n\r\ndo {\r\n height += el.scrollHeight;\r\n} while(el = (checkUp ? el.previousElementSibling : el.nextElementSibling));\r\nconsole.log(height);\r\n*/\r\n/*\r\nArray.from($0.querySelectorAll('.bubble__container')).forEach(_el => {\r\n //_el.style.display = '';\r\n //return;\r\n\r\n let el = _el.parentElement;\r\n let height = el.scrollHeight;\r\n let width = el.scrollWidth;\r\n el.style.width = width + 'px';\r\n el.style.height = height + 'px';\r\n _el.style.display = 'none';\r\n});\r\n*/\r\n/* const scrollables: Map = new Map();\r\nconst scrollsIntersector = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {\r\n for(let entry of entries) {\r\n const scrollable = scrollables.get(entry.target as HTMLElement);\r\n\r\n if(entry.isIntersecting) {\r\n scrollable.isVisible = true;\r\n } else {\r\n scrollable.isVisible = false;\r\n\r\n if(!isInDOM(entry.target)) {\r\n scrollsIntersector.unobserve(scrollable.container);\r\n scrollables.delete(scrollable.container);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}); */\r\nclass Scrollable {\r\n constructor(el, axis = 'y', logPrefix = '', appendTo = el, onScrollOffset = 300, splitCount = 15, container = document.createElement('div')) {\r\n this.el = el;\r\n this.appendTo = appendTo;\r\n this.onScrollOffset = onScrollOffset;\r\n this.splitCount = splitCount;\r\n this.container = container;\r\n this.onScrolledTop = null;\r\n this.onScrolledBottom = null;\r\n this.onScrollMeasure = null;\r\n this.lastScrollTop = 0;\r\n this.disableHoverTimeout = 0;\r\n this.virtualTempIDTop = 0;\r\n this.virtualTempIDBottom = 0;\r\n this.lastTopID = 0;\r\n this.lastBottomID = 0;\r\n this.lastScrollDirection = 0; // true = bottom\r\n /* private onScrolledTopFired = false;\r\n private onScrolledBottomFired = false; */\r\n this.scrollLocked = 0;\r\n //public scrollLockedPromise: CancellablePromise = Promise.resolve();\r\n this.isVisible = false;\r\n this.onScroll = () => {\r\n /* let scrollTop = this.scrollTop;\r\n this.lastScrollDirection = this.lastScrollTop < scrollTop;\r\n this.lastScrollTop = scrollTop;\r\n return; */\r\n //if(!this.isVisible) return;\r\n //if(this.debug) {\r\n //this.log('onScroll call', this.onScrollMeasure);\r\n //}\r\n //let appendTo = this.splitUp || this.appendTo;\r\n // this.log('onScroll:', this.container.scrollTop);\r\n // if(this.container.scrollTop <= 0) {\r\n // /* touchSupport && */(this.container.style.overflow = 'hidden');\r\n // this.scrollTop = 0;\r\n // /* touchSupport && */(this.container.style.overflow = '');\r\n // }\r\n if (this.splitUp) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.disableHoverTimeout);\r\n this.disableHoverTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n //appendTo.classList.remove('disable-hover');\r\n this.lastScrollDirection = 0;\r\n }, 100);\r\n }\r\n /* if(this.el != this.appendTo && this.appendTo != this.container) {\r\n if(!appendTo.classList.contains('disable-hover')) {\r\n appendTo.classList.add('disable-hover');\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n if (this.onScrollMeasure || ((this.scrollLocked || (!this.onScrolledTop && !this.onScrolledBottom)) && !this.splitUp))\r\n return;\r\n this.onScrollMeasure = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n //if(!this.isVisible) return;\r\n this.checkForTriggers(this.overflowContainer);\r\n this.onScrollMeasure = 0;\r\n if (!this.splitUp)\r\n return;\r\n const scrollTop = this.overflowContainer.scrollTop;\r\n if (this.lastScrollTop != scrollTop) {\r\n this.lastScrollDirection = this.lastScrollTop < scrollTop ? 1 : -1;\r\n this.lastScrollTop = scrollTop;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.lastScrollDirection = 0;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n };\r\n this.container.classList.add('scrollable');\r\n this.visible = new Set();\r\n this.observer = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {\r\n const filtered = entries.filter(entry => entry.isIntersecting);\r\n //return;\r\n //this.log('entries:', entries);\r\n entries.forEach(entry => {\r\n const target = entry.target;\r\n if (entry.isIntersecting) {\r\n this.setVisible(target);\r\n this.log.debug('intersection entry:', entry, this.lastTopID, this.lastBottomID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const id = +target.dataset.virtual;\r\n const isTop = entry.boundingClientRect.top < 0;\r\n if (isTop) {\r\n this.lastTopID = id + 1;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.lastBottomID = id - 1;\r\n }\r\n //this.setHidden(target);\r\n //this.log('intersection entry setHidden:', entry);\r\n }\r\n //this.debug && this.log('intersection entry:', entry, isTop, isBottom, this.lastTopID, this.lastBottomID);\r\n });\r\n if (!filtered.length || this.lastScrollDirection === 0) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (this.lastScrollDirection === 1) { // bottom\r\n let target = filtered[filtered.length - 1].target;\r\n this.lastBottomID = +target.dataset.virtual;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < this.splitCount; ++i) {\r\n target = target.nextElementSibling;\r\n if (!target)\r\n break;\r\n this.setVisible(target);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let target = filtered[0].target;\r\n this.lastTopID = +target.dataset.virtual;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < this.splitCount; ++i) {\r\n target = target.previousElementSibling;\r\n if (!target)\r\n break;\r\n this.setVisible(target);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.log.debug('entries:', entries, filtered, this.lastScrollDirection, this.lastTopID, this.lastBottomID);\r\n const minVisibleID = this.lastTopID - this.splitCount;\r\n const maxVisibleID = this.lastBottomID + this.splitCount;\r\n for (const target of this.visible) {\r\n const id = +target.dataset.virtual;\r\n if (id < minVisibleID || id > maxVisibleID) {\r\n this.setHidden(target);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (!appendTo) {\r\n this.appendTo = this.container;\r\n }\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('SCROLL' + (logPrefix ? '-' + logPrefix : ''), logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n if (axis == 'x') {\r\n this.container.classList.add('scrollable-x');\r\n if (!config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n const scrollHorizontally = (e) => {\r\n e = window.event || e;\r\n if (e.which == 1) {\r\n // maybe horizontal scroll is natively supports, works on macbook\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const delta = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, (e.wheelDelta || -e.detail)));\r\n this.container.scrollLeft -= (delta * 20);\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n };\r\n if (this.container.addEventListener) {\r\n // IE9, Chrome, Safari, Opera\r\n this.container.addEventListener(\"mousewheel\", scrollHorizontally, false);\r\n // Firefox\r\n this.container.addEventListener(\"DOMMouseScroll\", scrollHorizontally, false);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // IE 6/7/8\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n this.container.attachEvent(\"onmousewheel\", scrollHorizontally);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (axis == 'y') {\r\n this.container.classList.add('scrollable-y');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n throw new Error('no side for scroll');\r\n }\r\n window.addEventListener('resize', () => {\r\n this.overflowContainer = config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile && false ? document.documentElement : this.container;\r\n this.onScroll();\r\n });\r\n this.container.addEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll, { passive: true, capture: true });\r\n //document.documentElement.addEventListener('scroll', binded, {passive: true, capture: true});\r\n //window.addEventListener('scroll', binded, {passive: true, capture: true});\r\n if (el) {\r\n Array.from(el.children).forEach(c => this.container.append(c));\r\n el.append(this.container);\r\n }\r\n //this.onScroll();\r\n this.overflowContainer = config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile && false ? document.documentElement : this.container;\r\n /* scrollables.set(this.container, this);\r\n scrollsIntersector.observe(this.container); */\r\n }\r\n setVisible(element) {\r\n if (this.visible.has(element))\r\n return;\r\n this.log.debug('setVisible id:', element.dataset.virtual);\r\n element.firstElementChild.style.display = '';\r\n this.visible.add(element);\r\n }\r\n setHidden(element) {\r\n if (!this.visible.has(element))\r\n return;\r\n this.log.debug('setHidden id:', element.dataset.virtual);\r\n element.firstElementChild.style.display = 'none';\r\n this.visible.delete(element);\r\n }\r\n // public attachSentinels(container = this.container, offset = this.onScrollOffset) {\r\n // if(!this.sentinelsObserver) {\r\n // this.topSentinel = document.createElement('div');\r\n // this.topSentinel.classList.add('scrollable-sentinel');\r\n // this.topSentinel.style.top = offset + 'px';\r\n // this.bottomSentinel = document.createElement('div');\r\n // this.bottomSentinel.classList.add('scrollable-sentinel');\r\n // this.bottomSentinel.style.bottom = offset + 'px';\r\n // this.container.append(this.topSentinel, this.bottomSentinel);\r\n // //let fire: () => void;\r\n // this.sentinelsObserver = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {\r\n // for(let entry of entries) {\r\n // let top = entry.target == this.topSentinel;\r\n // if(top) {\r\n // this.onScrolledTopFired = entry.isIntersecting;\r\n // } else {\r\n // this.onScrolledBottomFired = entry.isIntersecting;\r\n // }\r\n // }\r\n // /* this.debug && */this.log('Set onScrolledFires:', this.onScrolledTopFired, this.onScrolledBottomFired);\r\n // /* if((this.onScrolledTopFired || this.onScrolledBottomFired) && !fire) {\r\n // fire = () => window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n // if(!this.scrollLocked) {\r\n // if(this.onScrolledTopFired && this.onScrolledTop) this.onScrolledTop();\r\n // if(this.onScrolledBottomFired && this.onScrolledBottom) this.onScrolledBottom(); \r\n // }\r\n // if(!this.onScrolledTopFired && !this.onScrolledBottomFired) {\r\n // fire = undefined;\r\n // } else {\r\n // fire();\r\n // }\r\n // });\r\n // fire();\r\n // } */\r\n // });\r\n // this.sentinelsObserver.observe(this.topSentinel);\r\n // this.sentinelsObserver.observe(this.bottomSentinel);\r\n // }\r\n // container.prepend(this.topSentinel);\r\n // container.append(this.bottomSentinel);\r\n // }\r\n setVirtualContainer(el) {\r\n this.splitUp = el;\r\n this.lastScrollTop = 0;\r\n this.log('setVirtualContainer:', el, this);\r\n }\r\n checkForTriggers(container) {\r\n if (this.scrollLocked || (!this.onScrolledTop && !this.onScrolledBottom))\r\n return;\r\n const scrollHeight = container.scrollHeight;\r\n if (!scrollHeight) { // незачем вызывать триггеры если блок пустой или не виден\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const { clientHeight, scrollTop } = container;\r\n const maxScrollTop = scrollHeight - clientHeight;\r\n //this.log('checkForTriggers:', scrollTop, maxScrollTop);\r\n if (this.onScrolledTop && scrollTop <= this.onScrollOffset) {\r\n this.onScrolledTop();\r\n }\r\n if (this.onScrolledBottom && (maxScrollTop - scrollTop) <= this.onScrollOffset) {\r\n this.onScrolledBottom();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n reorder() {\r\n if (!this.splitUp || this.reorderTimeout)\r\n return;\r\n this.reorderTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.reorderTimeout = 0;\r\n Array.from(this.splitUp.children).forEach((el, idx) => {\r\n el.dataset.virtual = '' + idx;\r\n });\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n updateElement(element) {\r\n element.style.minHeight = '';\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n const height = element.scrollHeight;\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n element.style.minHeight = height + 'px';\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n prepareElement(element, append = true) {\r\n if (!this.splitUp)\r\n return;\r\n //return;\r\n element.dataset.virtual = '' + (append ? this.virtualTempIDBottom++ : this.virtualTempIDTop--);\r\n this.log.debug('prepareElement: prepared');\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n const { scrollHeight /* , scrollWidth */ } = element;\r\n this.log.debug('prepareElement: first rAF');\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n //element.style.height = scrollHeight + 'px';\r\n element.style.minHeight = scrollHeight + 'px'; // height doesn't work for safari\r\n //element.style.width = scrollWidth + 'px';\r\n //(element.firstElementChild as HTMLElement).style.display = 'none';\r\n });\r\n this.visible.add(element);\r\n this.observer.observe(element);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n prepend(element, splitable = true) {\r\n if (splitable)\r\n this.prepareElement(element, false);\r\n if (this.splitUp)\r\n this.splitUp.prepend(element);\r\n else\r\n this.appendTo.prepend(element);\r\n }\r\n append(element, splitable = true) {\r\n if (splitable)\r\n this.prepareElement(element);\r\n if (this.splitUp)\r\n this.splitUp.append(element);\r\n else\r\n this.appendTo.append(element);\r\n }\r\n contains(element) {\r\n if (!this.splitUp) {\r\n return this.appendTo.contains(element);\r\n }\r\n return !!element.parentElement;\r\n }\r\n scrollIntoView(element, smooth = true) {\r\n if (element.parentElement && !this.scrollLocked) {\r\n const isFirstUnread = element.classList.contains('is-first-unread');\r\n let offsetTop = element.getBoundingClientRect().top - this.container.getBoundingClientRect().top;\r\n offsetTop = this.container.scrollTop + offsetTop;\r\n if (!smooth && isFirstUnread) {\r\n this.scrollTo(offsetTop, false);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const clientHeight = this.container.clientHeight;\r\n const height = element.scrollHeight;\r\n const d = (clientHeight - height) / 2;\r\n offsetTop -= d;\r\n this.scrollTo(offsetTop, smooth);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n scrollTo(top, smooth = true, important = false) {\r\n if (this.scrollLocked && !important)\r\n return;\r\n const scrollTop = this.scrollTop;\r\n if (scrollTop == Math.floor(top)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (this.scrollLocked)\r\n clearTimeout(this.scrollLocked);\r\n /* else {\r\n this.scrollLockedPromise = deferredPromise();\r\n } */\r\n this.scrollLocked = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.scrollLocked = 0;\r\n //this.scrollLockedPromise.resolve();\r\n //this.onScroll();\r\n this.container.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('scroll'));\r\n }, 468);\r\n this.container.scrollTo({ behavior: smooth ? 'smooth' : 'auto', top });\r\n }\r\n removeElement(element) {\r\n element.remove();\r\n }\r\n set scrollTop(y) {\r\n this.container.scrollTop = y;\r\n }\r\n get scrollTop() {\r\n //this.log.trace('get scrollTop');\r\n return this.container.scrollTop;\r\n }\r\n get scrollHeight() {\r\n return this.container.scrollHeight;\r\n }\r\n get length() {\r\n return this.appendTo.childElementCount;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = Scrollable;\r\n" }, { "id": 7, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appMessagesManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager.ts", "index": 48, "index2": 46, "size": 170131, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", 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&& this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppMessagesManager = exports.FiltersStorage = exports.DialogsStorage = void 0;\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst appMessagesIDsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesIDsManager\"));\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst mtproto_1 = require(\"../mtproto/mtproto\");\r\nconst apiUpdatesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./apiUpdatesManager\"));\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst serverTimeManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/serverTimeManager\"));\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst preloader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/preloader\"));\r\nconst serverTimeManager_2 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/serverTimeManager\"));\r\n//import apiManager from '../mtproto/apiManager';\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst appWebPagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appWebPagesManager\"));\r\nconst cancellablePromise_1 = require(\"../../helpers/cancellablePromise\");\r\nconst appPollsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPollsManager\"));\r\nconst searchIndexManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../searchIndexManager\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst appDownloadManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDownloadManager\"));\r\n//console.trace('include');\r\n// TODO: если удалить сообщение в непрогруженном диалоге, то при обновлении, из-за стейта, последнего сообщения в чатлисте не будет\r\nconst APITIMEOUT = 0;\r\nclass DialogsStorage {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.dialogs = {};\r\n this.byFolders = {};\r\n this.allDialogsLoaded = {};\r\n this.dialogsOffsetDate = {};\r\n this.pinnedOrders = {\r\n 0: [],\r\n 1: []\r\n };\r\n this.dialogsNum = 0;\r\n }\r\n getFolder(id) {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n if (id <= 1) {\r\n return (_a = this.byFolders[id]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.byFolders[id] = []);\r\n }\r\n const dialogs = [];\r\n const filter = appMessagesManager.filtersStorage.filters[id];\r\n for (const peerID in this.dialogs) {\r\n const dialog = this.dialogs[peerID];\r\n if (appMessagesManager.filtersStorage.testDialogForFilter(dialog, filter)) {\r\n let index;\r\n const pinnedIndex = filter.pinned_peers.indexOf(dialog.peerID);\r\n if (pinnedIndex !== -1) {\r\n index = this.generateDialogIndex(this.generateDialogPinnedDateByIndex(filter.pinned_peers.length - 1 - pinnedIndex));\r\n }\r\n else if ((_b = dialog.pFlags) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.pinned) {\r\n index = this.generateIndexForDialog(dialog, true);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n index = dialog.index;\r\n }\r\n dialogs.push({ dialog, index });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n dialogs.sort((a, b) => b.index - a.index);\r\n return dialogs.map(d => d.dialog);\r\n }\r\n getDialog(peerID, folderID) {\r\n const folders = [];\r\n if (folderID === undefined) {\r\n const dialogs = this.byFolders;\r\n for (const folderID in dialogs) {\r\n folders.push(dialogs[folderID]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n folders.push(this.getFolder(folderID));\r\n }\r\n for (let folder of folders) {\r\n const index = folder.findIndex(dialog => dialog.peerID == peerID);\r\n if (index !== -1) {\r\n return [folder[index], index];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return [];\r\n }\r\n /*\r\n var date = Date.now() / 1000 | 0;\r\n var m = date * 0x10000;\r\n \r\n var k = (date + 1) * 0x10000;\r\n k - m;\r\n 65536\r\n */\r\n generateDialogIndex(date) {\r\n if (date === undefined) {\r\n date = utils_1.tsNow(true) + serverTimeManager_2.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n }\r\n return (date * 0x10000) + ((++this.dialogsNum) & 0xFFFF);\r\n }\r\n generateIndexForDialog(dialog, justReturn = false) {\r\n const channelID = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(dialog.peerID) ? -dialog.peerID : 0;\r\n const mid = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(dialog.top_message, channelID);\r\n const message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(mid);\r\n let topDate = message.date;\r\n if (channelID) {\r\n const channel = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(channelID);\r\n if (!topDate || channel.date && channel.date > topDate) {\r\n topDate = channel.date;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const savedDraft = {}; // DraftsManager.saveDraft(peerID, dialog.draft); // warning\r\n if (savedDraft && savedDraft.date > topDate) {\r\n topDate = savedDraft.date;\r\n }\r\n if (dialog.pFlags.pinned && !justReturn) {\r\n topDate = this.generateDialogPinnedDate(dialog);\r\n //this.log('topDate', peerID, topDate);\r\n }\r\n const index = this.generateDialogIndex(topDate);\r\n if (justReturn)\r\n return index;\r\n dialog.index = index;\r\n }\r\n generateDialogPinnedDateByIndex(pinnedIndex) {\r\n return 0x7fff0000 + (pinnedIndex & 0xFFFF); // 0xFFFF - потому что в папках может быть бесконечное число пиннедов\r\n }\r\n generateDialogPinnedDate(dialog) {\r\n const order = this.pinnedOrders[dialog.folder_id];\r\n const foundIndex = order.indexOf(dialog.peerID);\r\n const pinnedIndex = foundIndex === -1 ? order.push(dialog.peerID) - 1 : foundIndex;\r\n return this.generateDialogPinnedDateByIndex(pinnedIndex);\r\n }\r\n pushDialog(dialog, offsetDate) {\r\n const dialogs = this.getFolder(dialog.folder_id);\r\n const pos = dialogs.findIndex(d => d.peerID == dialog.peerID);\r\n if (pos !== -1) {\r\n dialogs.splice(pos, 1);\r\n }\r\n //if(!this.dialogs[dialog.peerID]) {\r\n this.dialogs[dialog.peerID] = dialog;\r\n //}\r\n if (offsetDate &&\r\n !dialog.pFlags.pinned &&\r\n (!this.dialogsOffsetDate[dialog.folder_id] || offsetDate < this.dialogsOffsetDate[dialog.folder_id])) {\r\n if (pos !== -1) {\r\n // So the dialog jumped to the last position\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n this.dialogsOffsetDate[dialog.folder_id] = offsetDate;\r\n }\r\n const index = dialog.index;\r\n const len = dialogs.length;\r\n if (!len || index < dialogs[len - 1].index) {\r\n dialogs.push(dialog);\r\n }\r\n else if (index >= dialogs[0].index) {\r\n dialogs.unshift(dialog);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n if (index > dialogs[i].index) {\r\n dialogs.splice(i, 0, dialog);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n dropDialog(peerID) {\r\n const foundDialog = this.getDialog(peerID);\r\n if (foundDialog[0]) {\r\n this.byFolders[foundDialog[0].folder_id].splice(foundDialog[1], 1);\r\n delete this.dialogs[peerID];\r\n }\r\n return foundDialog;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.DialogsStorage = DialogsStorage;\r\nclass FiltersStorage {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.filters = {};\r\n this.orderIndex = 0;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e) => {\r\n this.handleUpdate(e.detail);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n handleUpdate(update) {\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateDialogFilter': {\r\n //console.log('updateDialogFilter', update);\r\n if (update.filter) {\r\n this.saveDialogFilter(update.filter);\r\n }\r\n else if (this.filters[update.id]) { // Папка удалена\r\n //this.getDialogFilters(true);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('filter_delete', this.filters[update.id]);\r\n delete this.filters[update.id];\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n testDialogForFilter(dialog, filter) {\r\n var _a;\r\n // exclude_peers\r\n for (const peerID of filter.exclude_peers) {\r\n if (peerID == dialog.peerID) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // include_peers\r\n for (const peerID of filter.include_peers) {\r\n if (peerID == dialog.peerID) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const pFlags = filter.pFlags;\r\n // exclude_archived\r\n if (pFlags.exclude_archived && dialog.folder_id == 1) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n // exclude_read\r\n if (pFlags.exclude_read && !dialog.unread_count) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n // exclude_muted\r\n if (pFlags.exclude_muted) {\r\n const isMuted = (((_a = dialog.notify_settings) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.mute_until) * 1000) > Date.now();\r\n if (isMuted) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const peerID = dialog.peerID;\r\n if (peerID < 0) {\r\n // broadcasts\r\n if (pFlags.broadcasts && appPeersManager_1.default.isBroadcast(peerID)) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n // groups\r\n if (pFlags.groups && appPeersManager_1.default.isAnyGroup(peerID)) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // bots\r\n if (appPeersManager_1.default.isBot(peerID)) {\r\n return !!pFlags.bots;\r\n }\r\n // non_contacts\r\n if (pFlags.non_contacts && !appUsersManager_1.default.contactsList.has(peerID)) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n // contacts\r\n if (pFlags.contacts && appUsersManager_1.default.contactsList.has(peerID)) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n toggleDialogPin(peerID, filterID) {\r\n const filter = this.filters[filterID];\r\n const wasPinned = filter.pinned_peers.findAndSplice(p => p == peerID);\r\n if (!wasPinned) {\r\n filter.pinned_peers.unshift(peerID);\r\n }\r\n return this.updateDialogFilter(filter);\r\n }\r\n createDialogFilter(filter) {\r\n let maxID = Math.max(1, ...Object.keys(this.filters).map(i => +i));\r\n filter = utils_1.copy(filter);\r\n filter.id = maxID + 1;\r\n return this.updateDialogFilter(filter);\r\n }\r\n updateDialogFilter(filter, remove = false) {\r\n const flags = remove ? 0 : 1;\r\n if (!remove) {\r\n filter.flags = 0;\r\n const f = {\r\n contacts: 0,\r\n non_contacts: 1,\r\n groups: 2,\r\n broadcasts: 3,\r\n bots: 4,\r\n exclude_muted: 11,\r\n exclude_read: 12,\r\n exclude_archived: 13\r\n };\r\n for (const key in f) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n if (filter.pFlags[key]) {\r\n filter.flags |= 1 << f[key];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (filter.emoticon) {\r\n filter.flags |= 1 << 25;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.updateDialogFilter', {\r\n flags,\r\n id: filter.id,\r\n filter: remove ? undefined : this.getOutputDialogFilter(filter)\r\n }).then((bool) => {\r\n //console.log('updateDialogFilter bool:', bool);\r\n if (bool) {\r\n /* if(!this.filters[filter.id]) {\r\n this.saveDialogFilter(filter);\r\n }\r\n \r\n $rootScope.$broadcast('filter_update', filter); */\r\n this.handleUpdate({\r\n _: 'updateDialogFilter',\r\n id: filter.id,\r\n filter: remove ? undefined : filter\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return bool;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getOutputDialogFilter(filter) {\r\n const c = utils_1.copy(filter);\r\n ['pinned_peers', 'exclude_peers', 'include_peers'].forEach(key => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n c[key] = c[key].map((peerID) => appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID));\r\n });\r\n c.include_peers.forEachReverse((peerID, idx) => {\r\n if (c.pinned_peers.includes(peerID)) {\r\n c.include_peers.splice(idx, 1);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return c;\r\n }\r\n getDialogFilters(overwrite = false) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (Object.keys(this.filters).length && !overwrite) {\r\n return this.filters;\r\n }\r\n const filters = yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getDialogFilters');\r\n for (const filter of filters) {\r\n this.saveDialogFilter(filter, false);\r\n }\r\n //console.log(this.filters);\r\n return this.filters;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n saveDialogFilter(filter, update = true) {\r\n ['pinned_peers', 'exclude_peers', 'include_peers'].forEach(key => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n filter[key] = filter[key].map((peer) => appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(peer));\r\n });\r\n filter.include_peers.forEachReverse((peerID, idx) => {\r\n if (filter.pinned_peers.includes(peerID)) {\r\n filter.include_peers.splice(idx, 1);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n filter.include_peers = filter.pinned_peers.concat(filter.include_peers);\r\n if (this.filters[filter.id]) {\r\n Object.assign(this.filters[filter.id], filter);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.filters[filter.id] = filter;\r\n }\r\n this.setOrderIndex(filter);\r\n if (update) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('filter_update', filter);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setOrderIndex(filter) {\r\n if (filter.hasOwnProperty('orderIndex')) {\r\n if (filter.orderIndex > this.orderIndex) {\r\n this.orderIndex = filter.orderIndex;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n filter.orderIndex = this.orderIndex++;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.FiltersStorage = FiltersStorage;\r\nclass AppMessagesManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.messagesStorage = {};\r\n this.groupedMessagesStorage = {}; // will be used for albums\r\n this.historiesStorage = {};\r\n this.pinnedMessages = {};\r\n this.pendingByRandomID = {};\r\n this.pendingByMessageID = {};\r\n this.pendingAfterMsgs = {};\r\n this.pendingTopMsgs = {};\r\n this.sendFilePromise = Promise.resolve();\r\n this.tempID = -1;\r\n this.tempFinalizeCallbacks = {};\r\n this.lastSearchFilter = {};\r\n this.lastSearchResults = [];\r\n this.needSingleMessages = [];\r\n this.fetchSingleMessagesTimeout = 0;\r\n this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise = null;\r\n this.maxSeenID = 0;\r\n this.migratedFromTo = {};\r\n this.migratedToFrom = {};\r\n this.newMessagesHandlePromise = 0;\r\n this.newMessagesToHandle = {};\r\n this.newDialogsHandlePromise = 0;\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle = {};\r\n this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle = {};\r\n this.reloadConversationsPeers = [];\r\n this.dialogsIndex = searchIndexManager_1.default.createIndex();\r\n this.cachedResults = {\r\n query: '',\r\n count: 0,\r\n dialogs: []\r\n };\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('MESSAGES', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n this.dialogsStorage = new DialogsStorage();\r\n this.filtersStorage = new FiltersStorage();\r\n this.handleNewMessages = () => {\r\n clearTimeout(this.newMessagesHandlePromise);\r\n this.newMessagesHandlePromise = 0;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_multiappend', this.newMessagesToHandle);\r\n this.newMessagesToHandle = {};\r\n };\r\n this.handleNewDialogs = () => {\r\n clearTimeout(this.newDialogsHandlePromise);\r\n this.newDialogsHandlePromise = 0;\r\n let newMaxSeenID = 0;\r\n for (const peerID in this.newDialogsToHandle) {\r\n const dialog = this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID];\r\n if ('reload' in dialog) {\r\n this.reloadConversation(+peerID);\r\n delete this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.dialogsStorage.pushDialog(dialog);\r\n if (!appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(+peerID)) {\r\n newMaxSeenID = Math.max(newMaxSeenID, dialog.top_message || 0);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //this.log('after order:', this.dialogsStorage[0].map(d => d.peerID));\r\n if (newMaxSeenID != 0) {\r\n this.incrementMaxSeenID(newMaxSeenID);\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', this.newDialogsToHandle);\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle = {};\r\n };\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e) => {\r\n this.handleUpdate(e.detail);\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('webpage_updated', (e) => {\r\n let eventData = e.detail;\r\n eventData.msgs.forEach((msgID) => {\r\n let message = this.getMessage(msgID);\r\n message.webpage = appWebPagesManager_1.default.getWebPage(eventData.id); // warning\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('message_edit', {\r\n peerID: this.getMessagePeer(message),\r\n id: message.id,\r\n mid: msgID,\r\n justMedia: true\r\n });\r\n });\r\n });\r\n /* $rootScope.$on('draft_updated', (e) => {\r\n let eventData = e.detail;;\r\n var peerID = eventData.peerID;\r\n var draft = eventData.draft;\r\n \r\n var dialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n if(dialog) {\r\n var topDate;\r\n if(draft && draft.date) {\r\n topDate = draft.date;\r\n } else {\r\n var channelID = appPeersManager.isChannel(peerID) ? -peerID : 0\r\n var topDate = this.getMessage(dialog.top_message).date;\r\n \r\n if(channelID) {\r\n var channel = appChatsManager.getChat(channelID);\r\n if(!topDate || channel.date && channel.date > topDate) {\r\n topDate = channel.date;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n if(!dialog.pFlags.pinned) {\r\n dialog.index = this.dialogsStorage.generateDialogIndex(topDate);\r\n }\r\n \r\n this.dialogsStorage.pushDialog(dialog);\r\n \r\n $rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_draft', {\r\n peerID,\r\n draft,\r\n index: dialog.index\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }); */\r\n }\r\n getInputEntities(entities) {\r\n var sendEntites = utils_1.copy(entities);\r\n sendEntites.forEach((entity) => {\r\n if (entity._ == 'messageEntityMentionName') {\r\n entity._ = 'inputMessageEntityMentionName';\r\n entity.user_id = appUsersManager_1.default.getUserInput(entity.user_id);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return sendEntites;\r\n }\r\n editMessage(messageID, text, options = {}) {\r\n if (typeof (text) !== 'string' || !this.canEditMessage(messageID)) {\r\n return Promise.reject();\r\n }\r\n if (messageID < 0) {\r\n if (this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[messageID] === undefined) {\r\n this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[messageID] = {};\r\n }\r\n let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[messageID].edit = (mid) => {\r\n this.log('invoke callback', mid);\r\n this.editMessage(mid, text).then(resolve, reject);\r\n };\r\n });\r\n return promise;\r\n }\r\n var entities = [];\r\n text = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.parseMarkdown(text, entities);\r\n var message = this.getMessage(messageID);\r\n var peerID = this.getMessagePeer(message);\r\n var flags = 0;\r\n let noWebPage = options.noWebPage || false;\r\n if (noWebPage) {\r\n flags |= 2;\r\n }\r\n if (text) {\r\n flags |= 8 | 1 << 11;\r\n }\r\n /* if(message.media) {\r\n flags |= 1 << 14;\r\n } */\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.editMessage', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(messageID),\r\n message: text,\r\n media: message.media,\r\n entities: this.getInputEntities(entities),\r\n no_webpage: noWebPage || undefined,\r\n }).then((updates) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n if (error && error.type == 'MESSAGE_NOT_MODIFIED') {\r\n error.handled = true;\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (error && error.type == 'MESSAGE_EMPTY') {\r\n error.handled = true;\r\n }\r\n return Promise.reject(error);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n sendText(peerID, text, options = {}) {\r\n if (typeof (text) != 'string') {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerMigratedTo(peerID) || peerID;\r\n var entities = options.entities || [];\r\n if (!options.viaBotID) {\r\n text = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.parseMarkdown(text, entities);\r\n }\r\n if (!text.length) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n var sendEntites = this.getInputEntities(entities);\r\n var messageID = this.tempID--;\r\n var randomID = [bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)];\r\n var randomIDS = bin_utils_1.bigint(randomID[0]).shiftLeft(32).add(bin_utils_1.bigint(randomID[1])).toString();\r\n var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n var flags = 0;\r\n var pFlags = {};\r\n var replyToMsgID = options.replyToMsgID;\r\n var isChannel = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID);\r\n var isMegagroup = isChannel && appPeersManager_1.default.isMegagroup(peerID);\r\n var asChannel = isChannel && !isMegagroup ? true : false;\r\n var message;\r\n let noWebPage = options.noWebPage || false;\r\n if (historyStorage === undefined) {\r\n historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID] = { count: null, history: [], pending: [] };\r\n }\r\n var fromID = appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf().id;\r\n if (peerID != fromID) {\r\n flags |= 2;\r\n pFlags.out = true;\r\n if (!isChannel && !appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(peerID)) {\r\n flags |= 1;\r\n pFlags.unread = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (replyToMsgID) {\r\n flags |= 8;\r\n }\r\n if (asChannel) {\r\n fromID = 0;\r\n pFlags.post = true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n flags |= 256;\r\n }\r\n message = {\r\n _: 'message',\r\n id: messageID,\r\n from_id: fromID,\r\n to_id: appPeersManager_1.default.getOutputPeer(peerID),\r\n flags: flags,\r\n pFlags: pFlags,\r\n date: utils_1.tsNow(true) + serverTimeManager_2.default.serverTimeOffset,\r\n message: text,\r\n random_id: randomIDS,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: replyToMsgID,\r\n via_bot_id: options.viaBotID,\r\n reply_markup: options.reply_markup,\r\n entities: entities,\r\n views: asChannel && 1,\r\n pending: true\r\n };\r\n if (options.webPage) {\r\n message.media = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaWebPage',\r\n webpage: options.webPage\r\n };\r\n }\r\n var toggleError = (on) => {\r\n if (on) {\r\n message.error = true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n delete message.error;\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('messages_pending');\r\n };\r\n message.send = () => {\r\n toggleError(false);\r\n var sentRequestOptions = {};\r\n if (this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID]) {\r\n sentRequestOptions.afterMessageID = this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID].messageID;\r\n }\r\n var flags = 0;\r\n if (replyToMsgID) {\r\n flags |= 1;\r\n }\r\n if (asChannel) {\r\n flags |= 16;\r\n }\r\n if (options.clearDraft) {\r\n flags |= 128;\r\n }\r\n if (noWebPage) {\r\n flags |= 2;\r\n }\r\n var apiPromise;\r\n if (options.viaBotID) {\r\n apiPromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.sendInlineBotResult', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n random_id: randomID,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(replyToMsgID),\r\n query_id: options.queryID,\r\n id: options.resultID\r\n }, sentRequestOptions);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (sendEntites.length) {\r\n flags |= 8;\r\n }\r\n apiPromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.sendMessage', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n no_webpage: noWebPage || undefined,\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n message: text,\r\n random_id: randomID,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(replyToMsgID),\r\n entities: sendEntites\r\n }, sentRequestOptions);\r\n }\r\n // this.log(flags, entities)\r\n apiPromise.then((updates) => {\r\n if (updates._ == 'updateShortSentMessage') {\r\n message.flags = updates.flags;\r\n message.date = updates.date;\r\n message.id = updates.id;\r\n message.media = updates.media;\r\n message.entities = updates.entities;\r\n updates = {\r\n _: 'updates',\r\n users: [],\r\n chats: [],\r\n seq: 0,\r\n updates: [{\r\n _: 'updateMessageID',\r\n random_id: randomIDS,\r\n id: updates.id\r\n }, {\r\n _: isChannel\r\n ? 'updateNewChannelMessage'\r\n : 'updateNewMessage',\r\n message: message,\r\n pts: updates.pts,\r\n pts_count: updates.pts_count\r\n }]\r\n };\r\n }\r\n else if (updates.updates) {\r\n updates.updates.forEach((update) => {\r\n if (update._ == 'updateDraftMessage') {\r\n update.local = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // Testing bad situations\r\n // var upd = angular.copy(updates)\r\n // updates.updates.splice(0, 1)\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n // $timeout(function () {\r\n // ApiUpdatesManager.processUpdateMessage(upd)\r\n // }, 5000)\r\n }, ( /* error: any */) => {\r\n toggleError(true);\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n if (this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID] === sentRequestOptions) {\r\n delete this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID];\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID] = sentRequestOptions;\r\n };\r\n this.saveMessages([message]);\r\n historyStorage.pending.unshift(messageID);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_append', { peerID, messageID, my: true });\r\n setTimeout(() => message.send(), 0);\r\n // setTimeout(function () {\r\n // message.send()\r\n // }, 5000)\r\n /* if(options.clearDraft) { // WARNING\r\n DraftsManager.clearDraft(peerID)\r\n } */\r\n this.pendingByRandomID[randomIDS] = [peerID, messageID];\r\n }\r\n sendFile(peerID, file, options = {}) {\r\n var _a;\r\n peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerMigratedTo(peerID) || peerID;\r\n var messageID = this.tempID--;\r\n var randomID = [bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)];\r\n var randomIDS = bin_utils_1.bigint(randomID[0]).shiftLeft(32).add(bin_utils_1.bigint(randomID[1])).toString();\r\n var historyStorage = (_a = this.historiesStorage[peerID]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.historiesStorage[peerID] = { count: null, history: [], pending: [] });\r\n var flags = 0;\r\n var pFlags = {};\r\n var replyToMsgID = options.replyToMsgID;\r\n var isChannel = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID);\r\n var isMegagroup = isChannel && appPeersManager_1.default.isMegagroup(peerID);\r\n var asChannel = isChannel && !isMegagroup ? true : false;\r\n var attachType, apiFileName;\r\n const fileType = 'mime_type' in file ? file.mime_type : file.type;\r\n const fileName = file instanceof File ? file.name : '';\r\n const isDocument = !(file instanceof File) && !(file instanceof Blob);\r\n let caption = options.caption || '';\r\n const date = utils_1.tsNow(true) + serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n this.log('sendFile', file, fileType);\r\n if (caption) {\r\n let entities = options.entities || [];\r\n caption = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.parseMarkdown(caption, entities);\r\n }\r\n const attributes = [];\r\n const isPhoto = ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/bmp'].indexOf(fileType) >= 0;\r\n let actionName = '';\r\n if (!options.isMedia) {\r\n attachType = 'document';\r\n apiFileName = 'document.' + fileType.split('/')[1];\r\n actionName = 'sendMessageUploadDocumentAction';\r\n }\r\n else if (isDocument) { // maybe it's a sticker or gif\r\n attachType = 'document';\r\n apiFileName = '';\r\n }\r\n else if (isPhoto) {\r\n attachType = 'photo';\r\n apiFileName = 'photo.' + fileType.split('/')[1];\r\n actionName = 'sendMessageUploadPhotoAction';\r\n let photo = {\r\n _: 'photo',\r\n id: '' + messageID,\r\n sizes: [{\r\n _: 'photoSize',\r\n w: options.width,\r\n h: options.height,\r\n type: 'full',\r\n location: null,\r\n size: file.size\r\n }],\r\n w: options.width,\r\n h: options.height,\r\n downloaded: file.size,\r\n url: options.objectURL || ''\r\n };\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(photo);\r\n }\r\n else if (fileType.indexOf('audio/') === 0 || ['video/ogg'].indexOf(fileType) >= 0) {\r\n attachType = 'audio';\r\n apiFileName = 'audio.' + (fileType.split('/')[1] == 'ogg' ? 'ogg' : 'mp3');\r\n actionName = 'sendMessageUploadAudioAction';\r\n let flags = 0;\r\n if (options.isVoiceMessage) {\r\n flags |= 1 << 10;\r\n flags |= 1 << 2;\r\n attachType = 'voice';\r\n }\r\n let attribute = {\r\n _: 'documentAttributeAudio',\r\n flags: flags,\r\n pFlags: {\r\n voice: options.isVoiceMessage || undefined\r\n },\r\n waveform: options.waveform,\r\n duration: options.duration || 0\r\n };\r\n attributes.push(attribute);\r\n }\r\n else if (fileType.indexOf('video/') === 0) {\r\n attachType = 'video';\r\n apiFileName = 'video.mp4';\r\n actionName = 'sendMessageUploadVideoAction';\r\n let flags = 1;\r\n if (options.isRoundMessage)\r\n flags |= 2;\r\n let videoAttribute = {\r\n _: 'documentAttributeVideo',\r\n flags: flags,\r\n pFlags: {\r\n supports_streaming: true,\r\n round_message: options.isRoundMessage || undefined\r\n },\r\n duration: options.duration,\r\n w: options.width,\r\n h: options.height\r\n };\r\n attributes.push(videoAttribute);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n attachType = 'document';\r\n apiFileName = 'document.' + fileType.split('/')[1];\r\n actionName = 'sendMessageUploadDocumentAction';\r\n }\r\n attributes.push({ _: 'documentAttributeFilename', file_name: fileName || apiFileName });\r\n if (['document', 'video', 'audio', 'voice'].indexOf(attachType) !== -1 && !isDocument) {\r\n const thumbs = [];\r\n const doc = {\r\n _: 'document',\r\n id: '' + messageID,\r\n duration: options.duration,\r\n attributes,\r\n w: options.width,\r\n h: options.height,\r\n downloaded: file.size,\r\n thumbs,\r\n mime_type: fileType,\r\n url: options.objectURL || '',\r\n size: file.size\r\n };\r\n if (isPhoto) {\r\n attributes.push({\r\n _: 'documentAttributeImageSize',\r\n w: options.width,\r\n h: options.height\r\n });\r\n thumbs.push({\r\n _: 'photoSize',\r\n w: options.width,\r\n h: options.height,\r\n type: 'full',\r\n location: null,\r\n size: file.size,\r\n url: options.objectURL\r\n });\r\n }\r\n appDocsManager_1.default.saveDoc(doc);\r\n }\r\n this.log('AMM: sendFile', attachType, apiFileName, file.type, options);\r\n var fromID = appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf().id;\r\n if (peerID != fromID) {\r\n flags |= 2;\r\n pFlags.out = true;\r\n if (!isChannel && !appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(peerID)) {\r\n flags |= 1;\r\n pFlags.unread = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (replyToMsgID) {\r\n flags |= 8;\r\n }\r\n if (asChannel) {\r\n fromID = 0;\r\n pFlags.post = true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n flags |= 256;\r\n }\r\n const preloader = new preloader_1.default(null, true);\r\n const media = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaPending',\r\n type: attachType,\r\n file_name: fileName || apiFileName,\r\n size: file.size,\r\n file: file,\r\n preloader: preloader,\r\n w: options.width,\r\n h: options.height,\r\n url: options.objectURL\r\n };\r\n const message = {\r\n _: 'message',\r\n id: messageID,\r\n from_id: fromID,\r\n to_id: appPeersManager_1.default.getOutputPeer(peerID),\r\n flags: flags,\r\n pFlags: pFlags,\r\n date: date,\r\n message: caption,\r\n media: isDocument ? {\r\n _: 'messageMediaDocument',\r\n pFlags: {},\r\n flags: 1,\r\n document: file\r\n } : media,\r\n random_id: randomIDS,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: replyToMsgID,\r\n views: asChannel && 1,\r\n pending: true\r\n };\r\n const toggleError = (on) => {\r\n if (on) {\r\n message.error = true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n delete message.error;\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('messages_pending');\r\n };\r\n let uploaded = false, uploadPromise = null;\r\n const invoke = (flags, inputMedia) => {\r\n this.setTyping('sendMessageCancelAction');\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.sendMedia', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n background: options.background || undefined,\r\n clear_draft: true,\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n media: inputMedia,\r\n message: caption,\r\n random_id: randomID,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(replyToMsgID)\r\n }).then((updates) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n if (attachType == 'photo' &&\r\n error.code == 400 &&\r\n (error.type == 'PHOTO_INVALID_DIMENSIONS' ||\r\n error.type == 'PHOTO_SAVE_FILE_INVALID')) {\r\n error.handled = true;\r\n attachType = 'document';\r\n message.send();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n toggleError(true);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n message.send = () => {\r\n let flags = 0;\r\n if (replyToMsgID) {\r\n flags |= 1;\r\n }\r\n if (options.background) {\r\n flags |= 64;\r\n }\r\n flags |= 128; // clear_draft\r\n if (isDocument) {\r\n const { id, access_hash, file_reference } = file;\r\n const inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaDocument',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n id: {\r\n _: 'inputDocument',\r\n id: id,\r\n access_hash: access_hash,\r\n file_reference: file_reference\r\n }\r\n };\r\n invoke(flags, inputMedia);\r\n }\r\n else if (file instanceof File || file instanceof Blob) {\r\n const deferred = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n this.sendFilePromise.then(() => {\r\n if (!uploaded || message.error) {\r\n uploaded = false;\r\n uploadPromise = appDownloadManager_1.default.upload(file);\r\n preloader.attachPromise(uploadPromise);\r\n }\r\n uploadPromise && uploadPromise.then((inputFile) => {\r\n this.log('appMessagesManager: sendFile uploaded:', inputFile);\r\n inputFile.name = apiFileName;\r\n uploaded = true;\r\n var inputMedia;\r\n switch (attachType) {\r\n case 'photo':\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaUploadedPhoto',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n file: inputFile\r\n };\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaUploadedDocument',\r\n file: inputFile,\r\n mime_type: fileType,\r\n attributes: attributes\r\n };\r\n }\r\n invoke(flags, inputMedia);\r\n }, ( /* error */) => {\r\n toggleError(true);\r\n });\r\n uploadPromise.addNotifyListener((progress) => {\r\n this.log('upload progress', progress);\r\n const percents = Math.max(1, Math.floor(100 * progress.done / progress.total));\r\n this.setTyping({ _: actionName, progress: percents | 0 });\r\n });\r\n uploadPromise.catch(err => {\r\n if (err.name === 'AbortError' && !uploaded) {\r\n this.log('cancelling upload', media);\r\n deferred.resolve();\r\n this.cancelPendingMessage(randomIDS);\r\n this.setTyping('sendMessageCancelAction');\r\n }\r\n });\r\n uploadPromise.finally(deferred.resolve);\r\n });\r\n this.sendFilePromise = deferred;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.saveMessages([message]);\r\n historyStorage.pending.unshift(messageID);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_append', { peerID, messageID, my: true });\r\n setTimeout(message.send.bind(this), 0);\r\n this.pendingByRandomID[randomIDS] = [peerID, messageID];\r\n }\r\n sendAlbum(peerID, files, options = {}) {\r\n var _a;\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerMigratedTo(peerID) || peerID;\r\n let groupID;\r\n let historyStorage = (_a = this.historiesStorage[peerID]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.historiesStorage[peerID] = { count: null, history: [], pending: [] });\r\n let flags = 0;\r\n let pFlags = {};\r\n let replyToMsgID = options.replyToMsgID;\r\n let isChannel = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID);\r\n let isMegagroup = isChannel && appPeersManager_1.default.isMegagroup(peerID);\r\n let asChannel = isChannel && !isMegagroup ? true : false;\r\n let caption = options.caption || '';\r\n let date = utils_1.tsNow(true) + serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n if (caption) {\r\n let entities = options.entities || [];\r\n caption = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.parseMarkdown(caption, entities);\r\n }\r\n this.log('AMM: sendAlbum', files, options);\r\n let fromID = appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf().id;\r\n if (peerID != fromID) {\r\n pFlags.out = true;\r\n if (!isChannel && !appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(peerID)) {\r\n pFlags.unread = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (replyToMsgID) {\r\n flags |= 1;\r\n }\r\n if (asChannel) {\r\n fromID = 0;\r\n pFlags.post = true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n flags |= 128; // clear_draft\r\n }\r\n let ids = files.map(() => this.tempID--).reverse();\r\n groupID = ids[ids.length - 1];\r\n let messages = files.map((file, idx) => {\r\n //let messageID = this.tempID--;\r\n //if(!groupID) groupID = messageID;\r\n let messageID = ids[idx];\r\n let randomID = [bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)];\r\n let randomIDS = bin_utils_1.bigint(randomID[0]).shiftLeft(32).add(bin_utils_1.bigint(randomID[1])).toString();\r\n let preloader = new preloader_1.default(null, true);\r\n let details = options.sendFileDetails[idx];\r\n let media = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaPending',\r\n type: 'album',\r\n preloader: preloader,\r\n document: undefined,\r\n photo: undefined\r\n };\r\n if (file.type.indexOf('video/') === 0) {\r\n let flags = 1;\r\n let videoAttribute = {\r\n _: 'documentAttributeVideo',\r\n flags: flags,\r\n pFlags: {\r\n supports_streaming: true\r\n },\r\n duration: details.duration,\r\n w: details.width,\r\n h: details.height\r\n };\r\n let doc = {\r\n _: 'document',\r\n id: '' + messageID,\r\n attributes: [videoAttribute],\r\n downloaded: file.size,\r\n thumbs: [],\r\n mime_type: file.type,\r\n url: details.objectURL || '',\r\n size: file.size\r\n };\r\n appDocsManager_1.default.saveDoc(doc);\r\n media.document = doc;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let photo = {\r\n _: 'photo',\r\n id: '' + messageID,\r\n sizes: [{\r\n _: 'photoSize',\r\n w: details.width,\r\n h: details.height,\r\n type: 'm',\r\n size: file.size\r\n }],\r\n w: details.width,\r\n h: details.height,\r\n downloaded: file.size,\r\n url: details.objectURL || ''\r\n };\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(photo);\r\n media.photo = photo;\r\n }\r\n let message = {\r\n _: 'message',\r\n id: messageID,\r\n from_id: fromID,\r\n grouped_id: groupID,\r\n to_id: appPeersManager_1.default.getOutputPeer(peerID),\r\n flags: flags,\r\n pFlags: pFlags,\r\n date: date,\r\n message: caption,\r\n media: media,\r\n random_id: randomIDS,\r\n randomID: randomID,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: replyToMsgID,\r\n views: asChannel && 1,\r\n pending: true,\r\n error: false\r\n };\r\n this.saveMessages([message]);\r\n historyStorage.pending.unshift(messageID);\r\n //$rootScope.$broadcast('history_append', {peerID: peerID, messageID: messageID, my: true});\r\n this.pendingByRandomID[randomIDS] = [peerID, messageID];\r\n return message;\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_append', { peerID, messageID: messages[messages.length - 1].id, my: true });\r\n let toggleError = (message, on) => {\r\n if (on) {\r\n message.error = true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n delete message.error;\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('messages_pending');\r\n };\r\n let uploaded = false, uploadPromise = null;\r\n let inputPeer = appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID);\r\n let invoke = (multiMedia) => {\r\n this.setTyping('sendMessageCancelAction');\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.sendMultiMedia', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n peer: inputPeer,\r\n multi_media: multiMedia,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(replyToMsgID)\r\n }).then((updates) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n messages.forEach(message => toggleError(message, true));\r\n });\r\n };\r\n let inputs = [];\r\n for (let i = 0, length = files.length; i < length; ++i) {\r\n const file = files[i];\r\n const message = messages[i];\r\n const media = message.media;\r\n const preloader = media.preloader;\r\n const actionName = file.type.indexOf('video/') === 0 ? 'sendMessageUploadVideoAction' : 'sendMessageUploadPhotoAction';\r\n const deferred = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n let canceled = false;\r\n let apiFileName;\r\n if (file.type.indexOf('video/') === 0) {\r\n apiFileName = 'video.mp4';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n apiFileName = 'photo.' + file.type.split('/')[1];\r\n }\r\n yield this.sendFilePromise;\r\n this.sendFilePromise = deferred;\r\n if (!uploaded || message.error) {\r\n uploaded = false;\r\n uploadPromise = appDownloadManager_1.default.upload(file);\r\n preloader.attachPromise(uploadPromise);\r\n }\r\n uploadPromise.addNotifyListener((progress) => {\r\n this.log('upload progress', progress);\r\n const percents = Math.max(1, Math.floor(100 * progress.done / progress.total));\r\n this.setTyping({ _: actionName, progress: percents | 0 });\r\n });\r\n uploadPromise.catch(err => {\r\n if (err.name === 'AbortError' && !uploaded) {\r\n this.log('cancelling upload item', media);\r\n canceled = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n yield uploadPromise.then((inputFile) => {\r\n this.log('appMessagesManager: sendAlbum file uploaded:', inputFile);\r\n if (canceled) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n inputFile.name = apiFileName;\r\n let inputMedia;\r\n let details = options.sendFileDetails[i];\r\n if (details.duration) {\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaUploadedDocument',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n file: inputFile,\r\n mime_type: file.type,\r\n attributes: [{\r\n _: 'documentAttributeVideo',\r\n flags: 2,\r\n supports_streaming: true,\r\n duration: details.duration,\r\n w: details.width,\r\n h: details.height\r\n }]\r\n };\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaUploadedPhoto',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n file: inputFile\r\n };\r\n }\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.uploadMedia', {\r\n peer: inputPeer,\r\n media: inputMedia\r\n }).then(messageMedia => {\r\n if (canceled) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let inputMedia;\r\n if (messageMedia._ == 'messageMediaPhoto') {\r\n const photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(messageMedia.photo);\r\n inputMedia = appPhotosManager_1.default.getInput(photo);\r\n }\r\n else if (messageMedia._ == 'messageMediaDocument') {\r\n const doc = appDocsManager_1.default.saveDoc(messageMedia.document);\r\n inputMedia = appDocsManager_1.default.getMediaInput(doc);\r\n }\r\n inputs.push({\r\n _: 'inputSingleMedia',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n media: inputMedia,\r\n random_id: message.randomID,\r\n message: caption,\r\n entities: []\r\n });\r\n caption = ''; // only 1 caption for all inputs\r\n }, () => {\r\n toggleError(message, true);\r\n });\r\n }, () => {\r\n toggleError(message, true);\r\n });\r\n this.log('appMessagesManager: sendAlbum uploadPromise.finally!');\r\n deferred.resolve();\r\n }\r\n uploaded = true;\r\n invoke(inputs);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n sendOther(peerID, inputMedia, options = {}) {\r\n var _a;\r\n peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerMigratedTo(peerID) || peerID;\r\n const messageID = this.tempID--;\r\n const randomID = [bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)];\r\n const randomIDS = bin_utils_1.bigint(randomID[0]).shiftLeft(32).add(bin_utils_1.bigint(randomID[1])).toString();\r\n const historyStorage = (_a = this.historiesStorage[peerID]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.historiesStorage[peerID] = { count: null, history: [], pending: [] });\r\n const replyToMsgID = options.replyToMsgID;\r\n const isChannel = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID);\r\n const isMegagroup = isChannel && appPeersManager_1.default.isMegagroup(peerID);\r\n const asChannel = isChannel && !isMegagroup ? true : false;\r\n let fromID = appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf().id;\r\n let media;\r\n switch (inputMedia._) {\r\n case 'inputMediaPoll': {\r\n inputMedia.poll.id = messageID;\r\n appPollsManager_1.default.savePoll(inputMedia.poll, {\r\n _: 'pollResults',\r\n flags: 4,\r\n total_voters: 0,\r\n pFlags: {},\r\n });\r\n const { poll, results } = appPollsManager_1.default.getPoll('' + messageID);\r\n media = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaPoll',\r\n poll,\r\n results\r\n };\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n /* case 'inputMediaPhoto':\r\n media = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaPhoto',\r\n photo: appPhotosManager.getPhoto(inputMedia.id.id),\r\n caption: inputMedia.caption || ''\r\n };\r\n break;\r\n \r\n case 'inputMediaDocument':\r\n var doc = appDocsManager.getDoc(inputMedia.id.id);\r\n if(doc.sticker && doc.stickerSetInput) {\r\n appStickersManager.pushPopularSticker(doc.id);\r\n }\r\n media = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaDocument',\r\n 'document': doc,\r\n caption: inputMedia.caption || ''\r\n };\r\n break;\r\n \r\n case 'inputMediaContact':\r\n media = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaContact',\r\n phone_number: inputMedia.phone_number,\r\n first_name: inputMedia.first_name,\r\n last_name: inputMedia.last_name,\r\n user_id: 0\r\n };\r\n break;\r\n \r\n case 'inputMediaGeoPoint':\r\n media = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaGeo',\r\n geo: {\r\n _: 'geoPoint',\r\n 'lat': inputMedia.geo_point['lat'],\r\n 'long': inputMedia.geo_point['long']\r\n }\r\n };\r\n break;\r\n \r\n case 'inputMediaVenue':\r\n media = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaVenue',\r\n geo: {\r\n _: 'geoPoint',\r\n 'lat': inputMedia.geo_point['lat'],\r\n 'long': inputMedia.geo_point['long']\r\n },\r\n title: inputMedia.title,\r\n address: inputMedia.address,\r\n provider: inputMedia.provider,\r\n venue_id: inputMedia.venue_id\r\n };\r\n break;\r\n \r\n case 'messageMediaPending':\r\n media = inputMedia;\r\n break; */\r\n }\r\n let flags = 0;\r\n let pFlags = {};\r\n if (peerID != fromID) {\r\n flags |= 2;\r\n pFlags.out = true;\r\n if (!appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(peerID)) {\r\n flags |= 1;\r\n pFlags.unread = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (replyToMsgID) {\r\n flags |= 8;\r\n }\r\n if (asChannel) {\r\n fromID = 0;\r\n pFlags.post = true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n flags |= 256;\r\n }\r\n const message = {\r\n _: 'message',\r\n id: messageID,\r\n from_id: fromID,\r\n to_id: appPeersManager_1.default.getOutputPeer(peerID),\r\n flags: flags,\r\n pFlags: pFlags,\r\n date: utils_1.tsNow(true) + serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset,\r\n message: '',\r\n media: media,\r\n random_id: randomIDS,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: replyToMsgID,\r\n via_bot_id: options.viaBotID,\r\n reply_markup: options.reply_markup,\r\n views: asChannel && 1,\r\n pending: true,\r\n };\r\n let toggleError = (on) => {\r\n /* const historyMessage = this.messagesForHistory[messageID];\r\n if (on) {\r\n message.error = true\r\n if (historyMessage) {\r\n historyMessage.error = true\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n delete message.error\r\n if (historyMessage) {\r\n delete historyMessage.error\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('messages_pending');\r\n };\r\n message.send = () => {\r\n let flags = 0;\r\n if (replyToMsgID) {\r\n flags |= 1;\r\n }\r\n if (asChannel) {\r\n flags |= 16;\r\n }\r\n if (options.clearDraft) {\r\n flags |= 128;\r\n }\r\n const sentRequestOptions = {};\r\n if (this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID]) {\r\n sentRequestOptions.afterMessageID = this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID].messageID;\r\n }\r\n let apiPromise;\r\n if (options.viaBotID) {\r\n apiPromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.sendInlineBotResult', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n random_id: randomID,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(replyToMsgID),\r\n query_id: options.queryID,\r\n id: options.resultID\r\n }, sentRequestOptions);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n apiPromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.sendMedia', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n media: inputMedia,\r\n random_id: randomID,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(replyToMsgID),\r\n message: ''\r\n }, sentRequestOptions);\r\n }\r\n apiPromise.then((updates) => {\r\n if (updates.updates) {\r\n updates.updates.forEach((update) => {\r\n if (update._ == 'updateDraftMessage') {\r\n update.local = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n toggleError(true);\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n if (this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID] === sentRequestOptions) {\r\n delete this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID];\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID] = sentRequestOptions;\r\n };\r\n this.saveMessages([message]);\r\n historyStorage.pending.unshift(messageID);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_append', { peerID, messageID, my: true });\r\n setTimeout(message.send, 0);\r\n /* if(options.clearDraft) {\r\n DraftsManager.clearDraft(peerID)\r\n } */\r\n this.pendingByRandomID[randomIDS] = [peerID, messageID];\r\n }\r\n cancelPendingMessage(randomID) {\r\n var pendingData = this.pendingByRandomID[randomID];\r\n this.log('cancelPendingMessage', randomID, pendingData);\r\n if (pendingData) {\r\n var peerID = pendingData[0];\r\n var tempID = pendingData[1];\r\n var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n var pos = historyStorage.pending.indexOf(tempID);\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updateShort',\r\n update: {\r\n _: 'updateDeleteMessages',\r\n messages: [tempID]\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (pos != -1) {\r\n historyStorage.pending.splice(pos, 1);\r\n }\r\n delete this.messagesStorage[tempID];\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n getConversationsAll(query = '') {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const limit = 100, outDialogs = [];\r\n for (let folderID = 0; folderID < 2; ++folderID) {\r\n let offsetIndex = 0;\r\n for (;;) {\r\n const { dialogs } = yield appMessagesManager.getConversations(query, offsetIndex, limit, folderID);\r\n if (dialogs.length) {\r\n outDialogs.push(...dialogs);\r\n offsetIndex = dialogs[dialogs.length - 1].index || 0;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return outDialogs;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getConversations(query = '', offsetIndex, limit = 20, folderID = 0) {\r\n const realFolderID = folderID > 1 ? 0 : folderID;\r\n let curDialogStorage = this.dialogsStorage.getFolder(folderID);\r\n if (query) {\r\n if (!limit || this.cachedResults.query !== query) {\r\n this.cachedResults.query = query;\r\n const results = searchIndexManager_1.default.search(query, this.dialogsIndex);\r\n this.cachedResults.dialogs = [];\r\n /* for(const folderID in this.dialogsStorage) {\r\n const dialogs = this.dialogsStorage[folderID];\r\n dialogs.forEach(dialog => {\r\n if(results[dialog.peerID]) {\r\n this.cachedResults.dialogs.push(dialog);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n } */\r\n for (const peerID in this.dialogsStorage.dialogs) {\r\n const dialog = this.dialogsStorage.dialogs[peerID];\r\n if (results[dialog.peerID]) {\r\n this.cachedResults.dialogs.push(dialog);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.cachedResults.count = this.cachedResults.dialogs.length;\r\n }\r\n curDialogStorage = this.cachedResults.dialogs;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.cachedResults.query = '';\r\n }\r\n let offset = 0;\r\n if (offsetIndex > 0) {\r\n for (; offset < curDialogStorage.length; offset++) {\r\n if (offsetIndex > curDialogStorage[offset].index) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (query || this.dialogsStorage.allDialogsLoaded[realFolderID] || curDialogStorage.length >= offset + limit) {\r\n return Promise.resolve({\r\n dialogs: curDialogStorage.slice(offset, offset + limit),\r\n count: this.dialogsStorage.allDialogsLoaded[realFolderID] ? curDialogStorage.length : null\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return this.getTopMessages(limit, realFolderID).then(totalCount => {\r\n //const curDialogStorage = this.dialogsStorage[folderID];\r\n offset = 0;\r\n if (offsetIndex > 0) {\r\n for (; offset < curDialogStorage.length; offset++) {\r\n if (offsetIndex > curDialogStorage[offset].index) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //this.log.warn(offset, offset + limit, curDialogStorage.dialogs.length, this.dialogsStorage.dialogs.length);\r\n return {\r\n dialogs: curDialogStorage.slice(offset, offset + limit),\r\n count: totalCount\r\n };\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getTopMessages(limit, folderID) {\r\n const dialogs = this.dialogsStorage.getFolder(folderID);\r\n let offsetID = 0;\r\n let offsetDate = 0;\r\n let offsetPeerID = 0;\r\n let offsetIndex = 0;\r\n let flags = 0;\r\n if (this.dialogsStorage.dialogsOffsetDate[folderID]) {\r\n offsetDate = this.dialogsStorage.dialogsOffsetDate[folderID] + serverTimeManager_2.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n offsetIndex = this.dialogsStorage.dialogsOffsetDate[folderID] * 0x10000;\r\n //flags |= 1; // means pinned already loaded\r\n }\r\n /* if(this.dialogsStorage.dialogsOffsetDate[0]) {\r\n flags |= 1; // means pinned already loaded\r\n } */\r\n //if(folderID > 0) {\r\n //flags |= 1;\r\n flags |= 2;\r\n //}\r\n // ! ВНИМАНИЕ: ОЧЕНЬ СЛОЖНАЯ ЛОГИКА:\r\n // ! если делать запрос сначала по папке 0, потом по папке 1, по индексу 0 в массиве будет один и тот же диалог, с dialog.pFlags.pinned, ЛОЛ???\r\n // ! т.е., с запросом folder_id: 1, и exclude_pinned: 0, в результате будут ещё и закреплённые с папки 0\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getDialogs', {\r\n flags,\r\n folder_id: folderID,\r\n offset_date: offsetDate,\r\n offset_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(offsetID),\r\n offset_peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(offsetPeerID),\r\n limit,\r\n hash: 0\r\n }, {\r\n //timeout: APITIMEOUT,\r\n noErrorBox: true\r\n }).then((dialogsResult) => {\r\n if (dialogsResult._ == 'messages.dialogsNotModified')\r\n return null;\r\n //this.log.error('messages.getDialogs result:', dialogsResult.dialogs, {...dialogsResult.dialogs[0]});\r\n if (!offsetDate) {\r\n mtproto_1.telegramMeWebService.setAuthorized(true);\r\n }\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(dialogsResult.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(dialogsResult.chats);\r\n this.saveMessages(dialogsResult.messages);\r\n let maxSeenIdIncremented = offsetDate ? true : false;\r\n let hasPrepend = false;\r\n const noIDsDialogs = {};\r\n dialogsResult.dialogs.forEachReverse(dialog => {\r\n //const d = Object.assign({}, dialog);\r\n // ! нужно передавать folderID, так как по папке != 0 нет свойства folder_id\r\n this.saveConversation(dialog, folderID);\r\n /* if(dialog.peerID == -1213511294) {\r\n this.log.error('lun bot', folderID, d);\r\n } */\r\n if (offsetIndex && dialog.index > offsetIndex) {\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[dialog.peerID] = dialog;\r\n hasPrepend = true;\r\n }\r\n // ! это может случиться, если запрос идёт не по папке 0, а по 1. почему-то read'ов нет\r\n // ! в итоге, чтобы получить 1 диалог, делается первый запрос по папке 0, потом запрос для архивных по папке 1, и потом ещё перезагрузка архивного диалога\r\n if (!dialog.read_inbox_max_id && !dialog.read_outbox_max_id) {\r\n noIDsDialogs[dialog.peerID] = dialog;\r\n /* if(dialog.peerID == -1213511294) {\r\n this.log.error('lun bot', folderID);\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n if (!maxSeenIdIncremented &&\r\n !appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(dialog.peer))) {\r\n this.incrementMaxSeenID(dialog.top_message);\r\n maxSeenIdIncremented = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (Object.keys(noIDsDialogs).length) {\r\n //setTimeout(() => { // test bad situation\r\n this.reloadConversation(Object.keys(noIDsDialogs).map(id => +id)).then(() => {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', noIDsDialogs);\r\n for (let peerID in noIDsDialogs) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_unread', { peerID: +peerID });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n //}, 10e3);\r\n }\r\n const count = dialogsResult.count;\r\n if (!dialogsResult.dialogs.length ||\r\n !count ||\r\n dialogs.length >= count) {\r\n this.dialogsStorage.allDialogsLoaded[folderID] = true;\r\n }\r\n if (hasPrepend) {\r\n this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', {});\r\n }\r\n return count;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n forwardMessages(peerID, mids, options = {}) {\r\n peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerMigratedTo(peerID) || peerID;\r\n mids = mids.sort((a, b) => a - b);\r\n var flags = 0;\r\n if (options.withMyScore) {\r\n flags |= 256;\r\n }\r\n let splitted = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.splitMessageIDsByChannels(mids);\r\n let promises = [];\r\n for (let channelID in splitted.msgIDs) {\r\n let msgIDs = splitted.msgIDs[channelID];\r\n let len = msgIDs.length;\r\n let randomIDs = [];\r\n for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n randomIDs.push([bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)]);\r\n }\r\n let sentRequestOptions = {};\r\n if (this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID]) {\r\n sentRequestOptions.afterMessageID = this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID].messageID;\r\n }\r\n let promise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.forwardMessages', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n from_peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(-channelID),\r\n id: msgIDs,\r\n random_id: randomIDs,\r\n to_peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID)\r\n }, sentRequestOptions).then((updates) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n }, () => { }).then(() => {\r\n if (this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID] === sentRequestOptions) {\r\n delete this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID];\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.pendingAfterMsgs[peerID] = sentRequestOptions;\r\n promises.push(promise);\r\n }\r\n return Promise.all(promises);\r\n }\r\n getMessage(messageID) {\r\n return this.messagesStorage[messageID] || {\r\n _: 'messageEmpty',\r\n deleted: true,\r\n pFlags: { out: false, unread: false }\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getMessagePeer(message) {\r\n var toID = message.to_id && appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(message.to_id) || 0;\r\n if (toID < 0) {\r\n return toID;\r\n }\r\n else if (message.pFlags && message.pFlags.out || message.flags & 2) {\r\n return toID;\r\n }\r\n return message.from_id;\r\n }\r\n getDialogByPeerID(peerID) {\r\n return this.dialogsStorage.getDialog(peerID);\r\n }\r\n reloadConversation(peerID) {\r\n [].concat(peerID).forEach(peerID => {\r\n if (!this.reloadConversationsPeers.includes(peerID)) {\r\n this.reloadConversationsPeers.push(peerID);\r\n this.log('will reloadConversation', peerID);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (this.reloadConversationsPromise)\r\n return this.reloadConversationsPromise;\r\n return this.reloadConversationsPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n const peers = this.reloadConversationsPeers.map(peerID => appPeersManager_1.default.getInputDialogPeerByID(peerID));\r\n this.reloadConversationsPeers.length = 0;\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getPeerDialogs', { peers }).then((result) => {\r\n this.applyConversations(result);\r\n resolve();\r\n }, reject).finally(() => {\r\n this.reloadConversationsPromise = null;\r\n });\r\n }, 0);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n doFlushHistory(inputPeer, justClear) {\r\n let flags = 0;\r\n if (justClear) {\r\n flags |= 1;\r\n }\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.deleteHistory', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n peer: inputPeer,\r\n max_id: 0\r\n }).then((affectedHistory) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updateShort',\r\n update: {\r\n _: 'updatePts',\r\n pts: affectedHistory.pts,\r\n pts_count: affectedHistory.pts_count\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (!affectedHistory.offset) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return this.doFlushHistory(inputPeer, justClear);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n flushHistory(peerID, justClear) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID)) {\r\n let promise = this.getHistory(peerID, 0, 1);\r\n let historyResult = promise instanceof Promise ? yield promise : promise;\r\n let channelID = -peerID;\r\n let maxID = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(historyResult.history[0] || 0);\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.deleteHistory', {\r\n channel: appChatsManager_1.default.getChannelInput(channelID),\r\n max_id: maxID\r\n }).then(() => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updateShort',\r\n update: {\r\n _: 'updateChannelAvailableMessages',\r\n channel_id: channelID,\r\n available_min_id: maxID\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return true;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return this.doFlushHistory(appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID), justClear).then(() => {\r\n delete this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n for (let mid in this.messagesStorage) {\r\n let message = this.messagesStorage[mid];\r\n if (message.peerID == peerID) {\r\n delete this.messagesStorage[mid];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (justClear) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_flush', { peerID });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.dialogsStorage.dropDialog(peerID);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_drop', { peerID });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n savePinnedMessage(peerID, mid) {\r\n if (!mid) {\r\n delete this.pinnedMessages[peerID];\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.pinnedMessages[peerID] = mid;\r\n this.wrapSingleMessage(mid);\r\n }\r\n getPinnedMessage(peerID) {\r\n return this.getMessage(this.pinnedMessages[peerID] || 0);\r\n }\r\n updatePinnedMessage(peerID, msgID) {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.updatePinnedMessage', {\r\n flags: 0,\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n id: msgID\r\n }).then(updates => {\r\n /////this.log('pinned updates:', updates);\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n saveMessages(apiMessages, options = {}) {\r\n apiMessages.forEach((apiMessage) => {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (apiMessage.pFlags === undefined) {\r\n apiMessage.pFlags = {};\r\n }\r\n if (!apiMessage.pFlags.out) {\r\n apiMessage.pFlags.out = false;\r\n }\r\n if (!apiMessage.pFlags.unread) {\r\n apiMessage.pFlags.unread = false;\r\n }\r\n if (apiMessage._ == 'messageEmpty') {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const peerID = this.getMessagePeer(apiMessage);\r\n const isChannel = apiMessage.to_id._ == 'peerChannel';\r\n const channelID = isChannel ? -peerID : 0;\r\n const isBroadcast = isChannel && appChatsManager_1.default.isBroadcast(channelID);\r\n const mid = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(apiMessage.id, channelID);\r\n apiMessage.mid = mid;\r\n if (apiMessage.grouped_id) {\r\n const storage = (_a = this.groupedMessagesStorage[apiMessage.grouped_id]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.groupedMessagesStorage[apiMessage.grouped_id] = {});\r\n storage[mid] = apiMessage;\r\n }\r\n const dialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n if (dialog && mid > 0) {\r\n apiMessage.pFlags.unread = mid > dialog[apiMessage.pFlags.out\r\n ? 'read_outbox_max_id'\r\n : 'read_inbox_max_id'];\r\n }\r\n else if (options.isNew) {\r\n apiMessage.pFlags.unread = true;\r\n }\r\n // this.log(dT(), 'msg unread', mid, apiMessage.pFlags.out, dialog && dialog[apiMessage.pFlags.out ? 'read_outbox_max_id' : 'read_inbox_max_id'])\r\n if (apiMessage.reply_to_msg_id) {\r\n apiMessage.reply_to_mid = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(apiMessage.reply_to_msg_id, channelID);\r\n }\r\n apiMessage.date -= serverTimeManager_2.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n apiMessage.peerID = peerID;\r\n apiMessage.fromID = apiMessage.pFlags.post ? peerID : apiMessage.from_id;\r\n const fwdHeader = apiMessage.fwd_from;\r\n if (fwdHeader) {\r\n if (peerID == appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf().id) {\r\n if (fwdHeader.saved_from_peer && fwdHeader.saved_from_msg_id) {\r\n const savedFromPeerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(fwdHeader.saved_from_peer);\r\n const savedFromMid = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(fwdHeader.saved_from_msg_id, appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(savedFromPeerID) ? -savedFromPeerID : 0);\r\n apiMessage.savedFrom = savedFromPeerID + '_' + savedFromMid;\r\n }\r\n apiMessage.fromID = fwdHeader.channel_id ? -fwdHeader.channel_id : fwdHeader.from_id;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n apiMessage.fwdPostID = fwdHeader.channel_post;\r\n }\r\n apiMessage.fwdFromID = fwdHeader.channel_id ? -fwdHeader.channel_id : fwdHeader.from_id;\r\n fwdHeader.date -= serverTimeManager_2.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n }\r\n if (apiMessage.via_bot_id > 0) {\r\n apiMessage.viaBotID = apiMessage.via_bot_id;\r\n }\r\n const mediaContext = {\r\n user_id: apiMessage.fromID,\r\n date: apiMessage.date\r\n };\r\n if (apiMessage.media) {\r\n switch (apiMessage.media._) {\r\n case 'messageMediaEmpty':\r\n delete apiMessage.media;\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageMediaPhoto':\r\n if (apiMessage.media.ttl_seconds) {\r\n apiMessage.media = { _: 'messageMediaUnsupportedWeb' };\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n apiMessage.media.photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(apiMessage.media.photo, mediaContext);\r\n //appPhotosManager.savePhoto(apiMessage.media.photo, mediaContext);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageMediaPoll':\r\n apiMessage.media.poll = appPollsManager_1.default.savePoll(apiMessage.media.poll, apiMessage.media.results);\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageMediaDocument':\r\n if (apiMessage.media.ttl_seconds) {\r\n apiMessage.media = { _: 'messageMediaUnsupportedWeb' };\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n apiMessage.media.document = appDocsManager_1.default.saveDoc(apiMessage.media.document, mediaContext); // 11.04.2020 warning\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageMediaWebPage':\r\n /* if(apiMessage.media.webpage.document) {\r\n appDocsManager.saveDoc(apiMessage.media.webpage.document, mediaContext);\r\n } */\r\n appWebPagesManager_1.default.saveWebPage(apiMessage.media.webpage, apiMessage.mid, mediaContext);\r\n break;\r\n /*case 'messageMediaGame':\r\n AppGamesManager.saveGame(apiMessage.media.game, apiMessage.mid, mediaContext);\r\n apiMessage.media.handleMessage = true;\r\n break; */\r\n case 'messageMediaInvoice':\r\n apiMessage.media = { _: 'messageMediaUnsupportedWeb' };\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageMediaGeoLive':\r\n apiMessage.media._ = 'messageMediaGeo';\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (apiMessage.action) {\r\n let migrateFrom;\r\n let migrateTo;\r\n switch (apiMessage.action._) {\r\n case 'messageActionChatEditPhoto':\r\n apiMessage.action.photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(apiMessage.action.photo, mediaContext);\r\n //appPhotosManager.savePhoto(apiMessage.action.photo, mediaContext);\r\n if (isBroadcast) {\r\n apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChannelEditPhoto';\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageActionChatEditTitle':\r\n if (isBroadcast) {\r\n apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChannelEditTitle';\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageActionChatDeletePhoto':\r\n if (isBroadcast) {\r\n apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChannelDeletePhoto';\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageActionChatAddUser':\r\n if (apiMessage.action.users.length == 1) {\r\n apiMessage.action.user_id = apiMessage.action.users[0];\r\n if (apiMessage.fromID == apiMessage.action.user_id) {\r\n if (isChannel) {\r\n apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChatJoined';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChatReturn';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (apiMessage.action.users.length > 1) {\r\n apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChatAddUsers';\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageActionChatDeleteUser':\r\n if (apiMessage.fromID == apiMessage.action.user_id) {\r\n apiMessage.action._ = 'messageActionChatLeave';\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageActionChannelMigrateFrom':\r\n migrateFrom = -apiMessage.action.chat_id;\r\n migrateTo = -channelID;\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageActionChatMigrateTo':\r\n migrateFrom = -channelID;\r\n migrateTo = -apiMessage.action.channel_id;\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageActionHistoryClear':\r\n //apiMessage.deleted = true;\r\n apiMessage.clear_history = true;\r\n apiMessage.pFlags.out = false;\r\n apiMessage.pFlags.unread = false;\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageActionPhoneCall':\r\n delete apiMessage.fromID;\r\n apiMessage.action.type =\r\n (apiMessage.pFlags.out ? 'out_' : 'in_') +\r\n (apiMessage.action.reason._ == 'phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed' ||\r\n apiMessage.action.reason._ == 'phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy'\r\n ? 'missed'\r\n : 'ok');\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if (migrateFrom &&\r\n migrateTo &&\r\n !this.migratedFromTo[migrateFrom] &&\r\n !this.migratedToFrom[migrateTo]) {\r\n this.migrateChecks(migrateFrom, migrateTo);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n apiMessage.rReply = this.getRichReplyText(apiMessage);\r\n if (apiMessage.message && apiMessage.message.length) {\r\n const myEntities = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.parseEntities(apiMessage.message);\r\n const apiEntities = apiMessage.entities || [];\r\n apiMessage.totalEntities = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.mergeEntities(myEntities, apiEntities, !apiMessage.pending);\r\n }\r\n apiMessage.canBeEdited = this.canMessageBeEdited(apiMessage);\r\n if (!options.isEdited) {\r\n this.messagesStorage[mid] = apiMessage;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getRichReplyText(message, text = message.message) {\r\n let messageText = '';\r\n if (message.media) {\r\n if (message.grouped_id) {\r\n messageText += 'Album' + (message.message ? ', ' : '') + '';\r\n }\r\n else\r\n switch (message.media._) {\r\n case 'messageMediaPhoto':\r\n messageText += 'Photo' + (message.message ? ', ' : '') + '';\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageMediaGeo':\r\n messageText += 'Geolocation';\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageMediaPoll':\r\n messageText += '' + message.media.poll.rReply + '';\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageMediaContact':\r\n messageText += 'Contact';\r\n break;\r\n case 'messageMediaDocument':\r\n let document = message.media.document;\r\n if (document.type == 'video') {\r\n messageText = 'Video' + (message.message ? ', ' : '') + '';\r\n }\r\n else if (document.type == 'voice') {\r\n messageText = 'Voice message';\r\n }\r\n else if (document.type == 'gif') {\r\n messageText = 'GIF' + (message.message ? ', ' : '') + '';\r\n }\r\n else if (document.type == 'round') {\r\n messageText = 'Video message' + (message.message ? ', ' : '') + '';\r\n }\r\n else if (document.type == 'sticker') {\r\n messageText = (document.stickerEmoji || '') + 'Sticker';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n messageText = '' + document.file_name + '';\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n ///////this.log.warn('Got unknown message.media type!', message);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (message.action) {\r\n let action = message.action;\r\n let str = '';\r\n if (action.message) {\r\n str = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(action.message, { noLinebreaks: true });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let suffix = '';\r\n let _ = action._;\r\n if (_ == \"messageActionPhoneCall\") {\r\n _ += '.' + action.type;\r\n let duration = action.duration;\r\n if (duration) {\r\n let d = [];\r\n d.push(duration % 60 + ' s');\r\n if (duration >= 60)\r\n d.push((duration / 60 | 0) + ' min');\r\n //if(duration >= 3600) d.push((duration / 3600 | 0) + ' h');\r\n suffix = ' (' + d.reverse().join(' ') + ')';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n str = (utils_1.langPack[_] || action._) + suffix;\r\n }\r\n //this.log('message action:', action);\r\n messageText = str ? '' + str + '' : '';\r\n }\r\n let messageWrapped = '';\r\n if (text) {\r\n let entities = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.parseEntities(text.replace(/\\n/g, ' '), { noLinebreakers: true });\r\n messageWrapped = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(text, {\r\n noLinebreakers: true,\r\n entities: entities,\r\n noTextFormat: true\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return messageText + messageWrapped;\r\n }\r\n editPeerFolders(peerIDs, folderID) {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('folders.editPeerFolders', {\r\n folder_peers: peerIDs.map(peerID => {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputFolderPeer',\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n folder_id: folderID\r\n };\r\n })\r\n }).then(updates => {\r\n this.log('editPeerFolders updates:', updates);\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates); // WARNING! возможно тут нужно добавлять channelID, и вызывать апдейт для каждого канала отдельно\r\n });\r\n }\r\n toggleDialogPin(peerID, filterID) {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (filterID > 1) {\r\n this.filtersStorage.toggleDialogPin(peerID, filterID);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const dialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n if (!dialog)\r\n return Promise.reject();\r\n const peer = appPeersManager_1.default.getInputDialogPeerByID(peerID);\r\n const flags = ((_a = dialog.pFlags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.pinned) ? 0 : 1;\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.toggleDialogPin', {\r\n flags,\r\n peer\r\n }).then(bool => {\r\n if (bool) {\r\n this.handleUpdate({\r\n _: 'updateDialogPinned',\r\n peer: peer,\r\n pFlags: {\r\n pinned: flags\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n markDialogUnread(peerID, read) {\r\n var _a;\r\n const dialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n if (!dialog)\r\n return Promise.reject();\r\n const peer = appPeersManager_1.default.getInputDialogPeerByID(peerID);\r\n const flags = read || ((_a = dialog.pFlags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.unread_mark) ? 0 : 1;\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.markDialogUnread', {\r\n flags,\r\n peer\r\n }).then(bool => {\r\n if (bool) {\r\n this.handleUpdate({\r\n _: 'updateDialogUnreadMark',\r\n peer: peer,\r\n pFlags: {\r\n unread: flags\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n migrateChecks(migrateFrom, migrateTo) {\r\n if (!this.migratedFromTo[migrateFrom] &&\r\n !this.migratedToFrom[migrateTo] &&\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.hasChat(-migrateTo)) {\r\n const fromChat = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-migrateFrom);\r\n if (fromChat &&\r\n fromChat.migrated_to &&\r\n fromChat.migrated_to.channel_id == -migrateTo) {\r\n this.migratedFromTo[migrateFrom] = migrateTo;\r\n this.migratedToFrom[migrateTo] = migrateFrom;\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n const dropped = this.dialogsStorage.dropDialog(migrateFrom);\r\n if (dropped.length) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_drop', { peerID: migrateFrom, dialog: dropped[0] });\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_migrate', { migrateFrom, migrateTo });\r\n }, 100);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n canMessageBeEdited(message) {\r\n var goodMedias = [\r\n 'messageMediaPhoto',\r\n 'messageMediaDocument',\r\n 'messageMediaWebPage',\r\n 'messageMediaPending'\r\n ];\r\n if (message._ != 'message' ||\r\n message.deleted ||\r\n message.fwd_from ||\r\n message.via_bot_id ||\r\n message.media && goodMedias.indexOf(message.media._) == -1 ||\r\n message.fromID && appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(message.fromID)) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (message.media &&\r\n message.media._ == 'messageMediaDocument' &&\r\n message.media.document.sticker) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n canEditMessage(messageID) {\r\n if (!this.messagesStorage[messageID]) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n const message = this.messagesStorage[messageID];\r\n if (!message || !message.canBeEdited) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (this.getMessagePeer(message) == appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf().id) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n if (message.date < utils_1.tsNow(true) - 2 * 86400 || !message.pFlags.out) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n applyConversations(dialogsResult) {\r\n // * В эту функцию попадут только те диалоги, в которых есть read_inbox_max_id и read_outbox_max_id, в отличие от тех, что будут в getTopMessages\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(dialogsResult.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(dialogsResult.chats);\r\n this.saveMessages(dialogsResult.messages);\r\n //this.log('applyConversation', dialogsResult);\r\n const updatedDialogs = {};\r\n let hasUpdated = false;\r\n dialogsResult.dialogs.forEach((dialog) => {\r\n const peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(dialog.peer);\r\n let topMessage = dialog.top_message;\r\n const topPendingMessage = this.pendingTopMsgs[peerID];\r\n if (topPendingMessage) {\r\n if (!topMessage || this.getMessage(topPendingMessage).date > this.getMessage(topMessage).date) {\r\n dialog.top_message = topMessage = topPendingMessage;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n /* const d = Object.assign({}, dialog);\r\n if(peerID == 239602833) {\r\n this.log.error('applyConversation lun', dialog, d);\r\n } */\r\n if (topMessage) {\r\n const wasDialogBefore = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n // here need to just replace, not FULL replace dialog! WARNING\r\n /* if(wasDialogBefore?.pFlags?.pinned && !dialog?.pFlags?.pinned) {\r\n this.log.error('here need to just replace, not FULL replace dialog! WARNING', wasDialogBefore, dialog);\r\n if(!dialog.pFlags) dialog.pFlags = {};\r\n dialog.pFlags.pinned = true;\r\n } */\r\n this.saveConversation(dialog);\r\n if (wasDialogBefore) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_top', dialog);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n updatedDialogs[peerID] = dialog;\r\n hasUpdated = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const dropped = this.dialogsStorage.dropDialog(peerID);\r\n if (dropped.length) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_drop', { peerID: peerID, dialog: dropped[0] });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID] !== undefined) {\r\n for (const i in this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID]) {\r\n const update = this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID][i];\r\n this.handleUpdate(update);\r\n }\r\n delete this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID];\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (hasUpdated) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', updatedDialogs);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n saveConversation(dialog, folderID = 0) {\r\n const peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(dialog.peer);\r\n if (!peerID) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (dialog._ != 'dialog' /* || peerID == 239602833 */) {\r\n console.error('saveConversation not regular dialog', dialog, Object.assign({}, dialog));\r\n }\r\n const channelID = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID) ? -peerID : 0;\r\n const peerText = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerSearchText(peerID);\r\n searchIndexManager_1.default.indexObject(peerID, peerText, this.dialogsIndex);\r\n let mid, message;\r\n if (dialog.top_message) {\r\n mid = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(dialog.top_message, channelID);\r\n message = this.getMessage(mid);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n mid = this.tempID--;\r\n message = {\r\n _: 'message',\r\n id: mid,\r\n mid: mid,\r\n from_id: appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf().id,\r\n to_id: appPeersManager_1.default.getOutputPeer(peerID),\r\n deleted: true,\r\n flags: 0,\r\n pFlags: { unread: false, out: true },\r\n date: 0,\r\n message: ''\r\n };\r\n this.saveMessages([message]);\r\n }\r\n if (!channelID && peerID < 0) {\r\n const chat = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-peerID);\r\n if (chat && chat.migrated_to && chat.pFlags.deactivated) {\r\n const migratedToPeer = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(chat.migrated_to);\r\n this.migratedFromTo[peerID] = migratedToPeer;\r\n this.migratedToFrom[migratedToPeer] = peerID;\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n dialog.top_message = mid;\r\n dialog.read_inbox_max_id = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(dialog.read_inbox_max_id, channelID);\r\n dialog.read_outbox_max_id = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(dialog.read_outbox_max_id, channelID);\r\n if (!dialog.hasOwnProperty('folder_id')) {\r\n if (dialog._ == 'dialog') {\r\n // ! СЛОЖНО ! СМОТРИ В getTopMessages\r\n const wasDialogBefore = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n dialog.folder_id = wasDialogBefore ? wasDialogBefore.folder_id : folderID;\r\n } /* else if(dialog._ == 'dialogFolder') {\r\n dialog.folder_id = dialog.folder.id;\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n dialog.peerID = peerID;\r\n this.dialogsStorage.generateIndexForDialog(dialog);\r\n this.dialogsStorage.pushDialog(dialog, message.date);\r\n // Because we saved message without dialog present\r\n if (message.mid > 0) {\r\n if (message.mid > dialog[message.pFlags.out ? 'read_outbox_max_id' : 'read_inbox_max_id'])\r\n message.pFlags.unread = true;\r\n else\r\n message.pFlags.unread = false;\r\n }\r\n if (this.historiesStorage[peerID] === undefined /* && !message.deleted */) { // warning\r\n const historyStorage = { count: null, history: [], pending: [] };\r\n historyStorage[mid > 0 ? 'history' : 'pending'].push(mid);\r\n if (mid < 0 && message.pFlags.unread) {\r\n dialog.unread_count++;\r\n }\r\n this.historiesStorage[peerID] = historyStorage;\r\n if (this.mergeReplyKeyboard(historyStorage, message)) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_reply_markup', { peerID });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (channelID && dialog.pts) {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.addChannelState(channelID, dialog.pts);\r\n }\r\n //if(this.filtersStorage.inited) {\r\n //this.filtersStorage.processDialog(dialog);\r\n //}\r\n }\r\n mergeReplyKeyboard(historyStorage, message) {\r\n // this.log('merge', message.mid, message.reply_markup, historyStorage.reply_markup)\r\n if (!message.reply_markup &&\r\n !message.pFlags.out &&\r\n !message.action) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (message.reply_markup &&\r\n message.reply_markup._ == 'replyInlineMarkup') {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n var messageReplyMarkup = message.reply_markup;\r\n var lastReplyMarkup = historyStorage.reply_markup;\r\n if (messageReplyMarkup) {\r\n if (lastReplyMarkup && lastReplyMarkup.mid >= message.mid) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (messageReplyMarkup.pFlags.selective &&\r\n !(message.flags & 16)) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (historyStorage.maxOutID &&\r\n message.mid < historyStorage.maxOutID &&\r\n messageReplyMarkup.pFlags.single_use) {\r\n messageReplyMarkup.pFlags.hidden = true;\r\n }\r\n messageReplyMarkup = Object.assign({\r\n mid: message.mid\r\n }, messageReplyMarkup);\r\n if (messageReplyMarkup._ != 'replyKeyboardHide') {\r\n messageReplyMarkup.fromID = message.from_id;\r\n }\r\n historyStorage.reply_markup = messageReplyMarkup;\r\n // this.log('set', historyStorage.reply_markup)\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n if (message.pFlags.out) {\r\n if (lastReplyMarkup) {\r\n if (lastReplyMarkup.pFlags.single_use &&\r\n !lastReplyMarkup.pFlags.hidden &&\r\n (message.mid > lastReplyMarkup.mid || message.mid < 0) &&\r\n message.message) {\r\n lastReplyMarkup.pFlags.hidden = true;\r\n // this.log('set', historyStorage.reply_markup)\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (!historyStorage.maxOutID ||\r\n message.mid > historyStorage.maxOutID) {\r\n historyStorage.maxOutID = message.mid;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (message.action &&\r\n message.action._ == 'messageActionChatDeleteUser' &&\r\n (lastReplyMarkup\r\n ? message.action.user_id == lastReplyMarkup.fromID\r\n : appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(message.action.user_id))) {\r\n historyStorage.reply_markup = {\r\n _: 'replyKeyboardHide',\r\n mid: message.mid,\r\n flags: 0,\r\n pFlags: {}\r\n };\r\n // this.log('set', historyStorage.reply_markup)\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n getSearch(peerID = 0, query = '', inputFilter = { _: 'inputMessagesFilterEmpty' }, maxID, limit, offsetRate = 0, backLimit = 0) {\r\n //peerID = peerID ? parseInt(peerID) : 0;\r\n var foundMsgs = [];\r\n var useSearchCache = !query;\r\n var newSearchFilter = { peer: peerID, filter: inputFilter };\r\n var sameSearchCache = useSearchCache && utils_1.deepEqual(this.lastSearchFilter, newSearchFilter);\r\n if (useSearchCache && !sameSearchCache) {\r\n // this.log.warn(dT(), 'new search filter', lastSearchFilter, newSearchFilter)\r\n this.lastSearchFilter = newSearchFilter;\r\n this.lastSearchResults = [];\r\n }\r\n //this.log(dT(), 'search', useSearchCache, sameSearchCache, this.lastSearchResults, maxID);\r\n if (peerID && !maxID && !query) {\r\n var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n if (historyStorage !== undefined && historyStorage.history.length) {\r\n var neededContents = {}, neededDocTypes = [];\r\n var neededLimit = limit || 20;\r\n var message;\r\n switch (inputFilter._) {\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterPhotos':\r\n neededContents['messageMediaPhoto'] = true;\r\n break;\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo':\r\n neededContents['messageMediaPhoto'] = true;\r\n neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true;\r\n neededDocTypes.push('video');\r\n break;\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterVideo':\r\n neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true;\r\n neededDocTypes.push('video');\r\n break;\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterDocument':\r\n neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true;\r\n break;\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterVoice':\r\n neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true;\r\n neededDocTypes.push('voice');\r\n break;\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice':\r\n neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true;\r\n neededDocTypes.push('round', 'voice');\r\n break;\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo':\r\n neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true;\r\n neededDocTypes.push('round');\r\n break;\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterMusic':\r\n neededContents['messageMediaDocument'] = true;\r\n neededDocTypes.push('audio');\r\n break;\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterUrl':\r\n neededContents['url'] = true;\r\n break;\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterMyMentions':\r\n neededContents['mentioned'] = true;\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n return Promise.resolve({\r\n count: 0,\r\n next_rate: 0,\r\n history: []\r\n });\r\n }\r\n for (let i = 0; i < historyStorage.history.length; i++) {\r\n message = this.messagesStorage[historyStorage.history[i]];\r\n if (message.media && neededContents[message.media._]) {\r\n if (neededDocTypes.length &&\r\n message.media._ == 'messageMediaDocument' &&\r\n !neededDocTypes.includes(message.media.document.type)) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n foundMsgs.push(message.mid);\r\n if (foundMsgs.length >= neededLimit) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // this.log.warn(dT(), 'before append', foundMsgs)\r\n if (foundMsgs.length < neededLimit && this.lastSearchResults.length && sameSearchCache) {\r\n var minID = foundMsgs.length ? foundMsgs[foundMsgs.length - 1] : false;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < this.lastSearchResults.length; i++) {\r\n if (minID === false || this.lastSearchResults[i] < minID) {\r\n foundMsgs.push(this.lastSearchResults[i]);\r\n if (foundMsgs.length >= neededLimit) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // this.log.warn(dT(), 'after append', foundMsgs)\r\n }\r\n if (foundMsgs.length || limit == 1000) {\r\n if (useSearchCache) {\r\n this.lastSearchResults = utils_1.listMergeSorted(this.lastSearchResults, foundMsgs);\r\n }\r\n return Promise.resolve({\r\n count: 0,\r\n next_rate: 0,\r\n history: foundMsgs\r\n });\r\n }\r\n let apiPromise;\r\n if (peerID || !query) {\r\n apiPromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.search', {\r\n flags: 0,\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n q: query || '',\r\n filter: (inputFilter || { _: 'inputMessagesFilterEmpty' }),\r\n min_date: 0,\r\n max_date: 0,\r\n limit: limit,\r\n offset_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(maxID) || 0,\r\n add_offset: backLimit ? -backLimit : 0,\r\n max_id: 0,\r\n min_id: 0,\r\n hash: 0\r\n }, {\r\n //timeout: APITIMEOUT,\r\n noErrorBox: true\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n var offsetDate = 0;\r\n var offsetPeerID = 0;\r\n var offsetID = 0;\r\n var offsetMessage = maxID && this.getMessage(maxID);\r\n if (offsetMessage && offsetMessage.date) {\r\n offsetDate = offsetMessage.date + serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n offsetID = offsetMessage.id;\r\n offsetPeerID = this.getMessagePeer(offsetMessage);\r\n }\r\n apiPromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.searchGlobal', {\r\n flags: 0,\r\n q: query,\r\n offset_rate: offsetRate,\r\n offset_peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(offsetPeerID),\r\n offset_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(offsetID),\r\n limit: limit || 20\r\n }, {\r\n //timeout: APITIMEOUT,\r\n noErrorBox: true\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return apiPromise.then((searchResult) => {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(searchResult.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(searchResult.chats);\r\n this.saveMessages(searchResult.messages);\r\n ///////////this.log('messages.search result:', searchResult);\r\n var foundCount = searchResult.count || searchResult.messages.length;\r\n foundMsgs = [];\r\n searchResult.messages.forEach((message) => {\r\n var peerID = this.getMessagePeer(message);\r\n if (peerID < 0) {\r\n var chat = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-peerID);\r\n if (chat.migrated_to) {\r\n this.migrateChecks(peerID, -chat.migrated_to.channel_id);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n foundMsgs.push(message.mid);\r\n });\r\n if (useSearchCache &&\r\n (!maxID || sameSearchCache && this.lastSearchResults.indexOf(maxID) >= 0)) {\r\n this.lastSearchResults = utils_1.listMergeSorted(this.lastSearchResults, foundMsgs);\r\n }\r\n // this.log(dT(), 'after API', foundMsgs, lastSearchResults)\r\n return {\r\n count: foundCount,\r\n next_rate: searchResult.next_rate,\r\n history: foundMsgs\r\n };\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n if (error.code == 400) {\r\n error.handled = true;\r\n }\r\n return Promise.reject(error);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n scheduleHandleNewDialogs() {\r\n if (!this.newDialogsHandlePromise) {\r\n this.newDialogsHandlePromise = window.setTimeout(this.handleNewDialogs, 0);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n deleteMessages(messageIDs, revoke) {\r\n const splitted = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.splitMessageIDsByChannels(messageIDs);\r\n const promises = [];\r\n for (const channelIDStr in splitted.msgIDs) {\r\n const channelID = +channelIDStr;\r\n let msgIDs = splitted.msgIDs[channelID];\r\n let promise;\r\n if (channelID > 0) {\r\n const channel = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(channelID);\r\n if (!channel.pFlags.creator && !(channel.pFlags.editor && channel.pFlags.megagroup)) {\r\n const goodMsgIDs = [];\r\n if (channel.pFlags.editor || channel.pFlags.megagroup) {\r\n msgIDs.forEach((msgID, i) => {\r\n const message = this.getMessage(splitted.mids[channelID][i]);\r\n if (message.pFlags.out) {\r\n goodMsgIDs.push(msgID);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (!goodMsgIDs.length) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n msgIDs = goodMsgIDs;\r\n }\r\n promise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.deleteMessages', {\r\n channel: appChatsManager_1.default.getChannelInput(channelID),\r\n id: msgIDs\r\n }).then((affectedMessages) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updateShort',\r\n update: {\r\n _: 'updateDeleteChannelMessages',\r\n channel_id: channelID,\r\n messages: msgIDs,\r\n pts: affectedMessages.pts,\r\n pts_count: affectedMessages.pts_count\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let flags = 0;\r\n if (revoke) {\r\n flags |= 1;\r\n }\r\n promise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.deleteMessages', {\r\n flags: flags,\r\n id: msgIDs\r\n }).then((affectedMessages) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updateShort',\r\n update: {\r\n _: 'updateDeleteMessages',\r\n messages: msgIDs,\r\n pts: affectedMessages.pts,\r\n pts_count: affectedMessages.pts_count\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n promises.push(promise);\r\n }\r\n return Promise.all(promises);\r\n }\r\n readHistory(peerID, maxID = 0, readLength = 0) {\r\n // console.trace('start read')\r\n const isChannel = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID);\r\n const historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n const foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n if (!foundDialog || !foundDialog.unread_count) {\r\n if (!historyStorage || !historyStorage.history.length) {\r\n return Promise.resolve(false);\r\n }\r\n let foundUnread = !!historyStorage.history.find(messageID => {\r\n const message = this.messagesStorage[messageID];\r\n return message && !message.pFlags.out && message.pFlags.unread;\r\n });\r\n if (!foundUnread) {\r\n return Promise.resolve(false);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (historyStorage.readPromise) {\r\n return historyStorage.readPromise;\r\n }\r\n let apiPromise;\r\n if (isChannel) {\r\n apiPromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.readHistory', {\r\n channel: appChatsManager_1.default.getChannelInput(-peerID),\r\n max_id: maxID\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n apiPromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.readHistory', {\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n max_id: maxID\r\n }).then((affectedMessages) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updateShort',\r\n update: {\r\n _: 'updatePts',\r\n pts: affectedMessages.pts,\r\n pts_count: affectedMessages.pts_count\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n historyStorage.readPromise = apiPromise.then(() => {\r\n let index = -1;\r\n if (maxID != 0 && historyStorage.history.length) {\r\n index = historyStorage.history.indexOf(maxID);\r\n }\r\n let readedLength = 1;\r\n if (historyStorage.history.length && maxID) {\r\n for (let i = index == -1 ? 0 : index, length = historyStorage.history.length; i < length; i++) {\r\n const messageID = historyStorage.history[i];\r\n if (messageID > maxID)\r\n continue;\r\n const message = this.messagesStorage[messageID];\r\n if (message && !message.pFlags.out) {\r\n message.pFlags.unread = false;\r\n readedLength++;\r\n //NotificationsManager.cancel('msg' + messageID); // warning\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (foundDialog) {\r\n // this.log('done read history', peerID)\r\n if (historyStorage.history.length) {\r\n ////////this.log.warn('readPromise:', index, historyStorage.history[index != -1 ? index : 0]);\r\n foundDialog.read_inbox_max_id = maxID;\r\n }\r\n if (foundDialog.read_inbox_max_id == foundDialog.top_message || foundDialog.read_inbox_max_id == foundDialog.read_outbox_max_id) {\r\n foundDialog.unread_count = 0;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n foundDialog.unread_count = Math.max(foundDialog.unread_count - (readLength || readedLength), 0);\r\n }\r\n this.log('readHistory set unread_count to:', foundDialog.unread_count, foundDialog);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_unread', { peerID: peerID, count: foundDialog.unread_count });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('messages_read');\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n delete historyStorage.readPromise;\r\n });\r\n // NotificationsManager.soundReset(appPeersManager.getPeerString(peerID)) // warning\r\n return historyStorage.readPromise;\r\n }\r\n readMessages(messageIDs) {\r\n var splitted = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.splitMessageIDsByChannels(messageIDs);\r\n Object.keys(splitted.msgIDs).forEach((channelID) => {\r\n channelID = +channelID;\r\n let msgIDs = splitted.msgIDs[channelID];\r\n if (channelID > 0) {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.readMessageContents', {\r\n channel: appChatsManager_1.default.getChannelInput(channelID),\r\n id: msgIDs\r\n }).then(() => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updateShort',\r\n update: {\r\n _: 'updateChannelReadMessagesContents',\r\n channel_id: channelID,\r\n messages: msgIDs\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.readMessageContents', {\r\n id: msgIDs\r\n }).then((affectedMessages) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updateShort',\r\n update: {\r\n _: 'updateReadMessagesContents',\r\n messages: msgIDs,\r\n pts: affectedMessages.pts,\r\n pts_count: affectedMessages.pts_count\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n handleUpdate(update) {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n this.log('AMM: handleUpdate:', update._);\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateMessageID': {\r\n var randomID = update.random_id;\r\n var pendingData = this.pendingByRandomID[randomID];\r\n //this.log('AMM updateMessageID:', update, pendingData);\r\n if (pendingData) {\r\n var peerID = pendingData[0];\r\n var tempID = pendingData[1];\r\n var channelID = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID) ? -peerID : 0;\r\n var mid = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(update.id, channelID);\r\n var message = this.messagesStorage[mid];\r\n if (message) {\r\n var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n var pos = historyStorage.pending.indexOf(tempID);\r\n if (pos != -1) {\r\n historyStorage.pending.splice(pos, 1);\r\n }\r\n delete this.messagesStorage[tempID];\r\n this.finalizePendingMessageCallbacks(tempID, mid);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.pendingByMessageID[mid] = randomID;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateNewMessage':\r\n case 'updateNewChannelMessage': {\r\n var message = update.message;\r\n var peerID = this.getMessagePeer(message);\r\n var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n var foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID);\r\n if (!foundDialog.length) {\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = { reload: true };\r\n this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs();\r\n if (this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID] === undefined) {\r\n this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID] = [];\r\n }\r\n this.newUpdatesAfterReloadToHandle[peerID].push(update);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if (update._ == 'updateNewChannelMessage') {\r\n var chat = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-peerID);\r\n if (chat.pFlags && (chat.pFlags.left || chat.pFlags.kicked)) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.saveMessages([message], { isNew: true });\r\n // this.log.warn(dT(), 'message unread', message.mid, message.pFlags.unread)\r\n if (historyStorage === undefined) {\r\n historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID] = {\r\n count: null,\r\n history: [],\r\n pending: []\r\n };\r\n }\r\n var history = message.mid > 0 ? historyStorage.history : historyStorage.pending;\r\n if (history.indexOf(message.mid) != -1) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n var topMsgID = history[0];\r\n history.unshift(message.mid);\r\n if (message.mid > 0 && message.mid < topMsgID) {\r\n history.sort((a, b) => {\r\n return b - a;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (message.mid > 0 &&\r\n historyStorage.count !== null) {\r\n historyStorage.count++;\r\n }\r\n if (this.mergeReplyKeyboard(historyStorage, message)) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_reply_markup', { peerID });\r\n }\r\n if (!message.pFlags.out && message.from_id) {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.forceUserOnline(message.from_id);\r\n }\r\n var randomID = this.pendingByMessageID[message.mid], pendingMessage;\r\n if (randomID) {\r\n if (pendingMessage = this.finalizePendingMessage(randomID, message)) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_update', { peerID, mid: message.mid });\r\n }\r\n delete this.pendingByMessageID[message.mid];\r\n }\r\n if (!pendingMessage) {\r\n if (this.newMessagesToHandle[peerID] === undefined) {\r\n this.newMessagesToHandle[peerID] = [];\r\n }\r\n this.newMessagesToHandle[peerID].push(message.mid);\r\n if (!this.newMessagesHandlePromise) {\r\n this.newMessagesHandlePromise = window.setTimeout(this.handleNewMessages, 0);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n var inboxUnread = !message.pFlags.out && message.pFlags.unread;\r\n var dialog = foundDialog[0];\r\n dialog.top_message = message.mid;\r\n if (inboxUnread) {\r\n dialog.unread_count++;\r\n }\r\n if (!dialog.pFlags.pinned || !dialog.index) {\r\n dialog.index = this.dialogsStorage.generateDialogIndex(message.date);\r\n }\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = dialog;\r\n this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs();\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateDialogUnreadMark': {\r\n this.log('updateDialogUnreadMark', update);\r\n let peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(update.peer.peer);\r\n let foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID);\r\n if (!foundDialog.length) {\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = { reload: true };\r\n this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let dialog = foundDialog[0];\r\n if (!update.pFlags.unread) {\r\n delete dialog.pFlags.unread_mark;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n dialog.pFlags.unread_mark = true;\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', { peerID: dialog });\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateFolderPeers': { // only 0 and 1 folders\r\n this.log('updateFolderPeers', update);\r\n const peers = update.folder_peers;\r\n this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs();\r\n peers.forEach((folderPeer) => {\r\n var _a;\r\n const { folder_id, peer } = folderPeer;\r\n const peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(peer);\r\n const dropped = this.dialogsStorage.dropDialog(peerID);\r\n if (!dropped.length) {\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = { reload: true };\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const dialog = dropped[0];\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = dialog;\r\n if ((_a = dialog.pFlags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.pinned) {\r\n delete dialog.pFlags.pinned;\r\n this.dialogsStorage.pinnedOrders[folder_id].findAndSplice(p => p == dialog.peerID);\r\n }\r\n dialog.folder_id = folder_id;\r\n this.dialogsStorage.generateIndexForDialog(dialog);\r\n this.dialogsStorage.pushDialog(dialog); // need for simultaneously updatePinnedDialogs\r\n }\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateDialogPinned': {\r\n const folderID = (_a = update.folder_id) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0;\r\n this.log('updateDialogPinned', update);\r\n const peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(update.peer.peer);\r\n const foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID);\r\n // этот код внизу никогда не сработает, в папках за пиннед отвечает updateDialogFilter\r\n /* if(update.folder_id > 1) {\r\n const filter = this.filtersStorage.filters[update.folder_id];\r\n if(update.pFlags.pinned) {\r\n filter.pinned_peers.unshift(peerID);\r\n } else {\r\n filter.pinned_peers.findAndSplice(p => p == peerID);\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs();\r\n if (!foundDialog.length) {\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = { reload: true };\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const dialog = foundDialog[0];\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = dialog;\r\n if (!update.pFlags.pinned) {\r\n delete dialog.pFlags.pinned;\r\n this.dialogsStorage.pinnedOrders[folderID].findAndSplice(p => p == dialog.peerID);\r\n }\r\n else { // means set\r\n dialog.pFlags.pinned = true;\r\n }\r\n this.dialogsStorage.generateIndexForDialog(dialog);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updatePinnedDialogs': {\r\n const folderID = (_b = update.folder_id) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0;\r\n this.log('updatePinnedDialogs', update);\r\n const newPinned = {};\r\n if (!update.order) {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getPinnedDialogs', {\r\n folder_id: folderID\r\n }).then((dialogsResult) => {\r\n dialogsResult.dialogs.reverse();\r\n this.applyConversations(dialogsResult);\r\n dialogsResult.dialogs.forEach((dialog) => {\r\n newPinned[dialog.peerID] = true;\r\n });\r\n this.dialogsStorage.getFolder(folderID).forEach((dialog) => {\r\n const peerID = dialog.peerID;\r\n if (dialog.pFlags.pinned && !newPinned[peerID]) {\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = { reload: true };\r\n this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n //this.log('before order:', this.dialogsStorage[0].map(d => d.peerID));\r\n this.dialogsStorage.pinnedOrders[folderID].length = 0;\r\n let willHandle = false;\r\n update.order.reverse(); // index must be higher\r\n update.order.forEach((peer) => {\r\n const peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(peer.peer);\r\n newPinned[peerID] = true;\r\n const foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID);\r\n if (!foundDialog.length) {\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = { reload: true };\r\n willHandle = true;\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const dialog = foundDialog[0];\r\n dialog.pFlags.pinned = true;\r\n this.dialogsStorage.generateIndexForDialog(dialog);\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = dialog;\r\n willHandle = true;\r\n });\r\n this.dialogsStorage.getFolder(folderID).forEach(dialog => {\r\n const peerID = dialog.peerID;\r\n if (dialog.pFlags.pinned && !newPinned[peerID]) {\r\n this.newDialogsToHandle[peerID] = { reload: true };\r\n willHandle = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (willHandle) {\r\n this.scheduleHandleNewDialogs();\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateEditMessage':\r\n case 'updateEditChannelMessage': {\r\n var message = update.message;\r\n var peerID = this.getMessagePeer(message);\r\n var channelID = message.to_id._ == 'peerChannel' ? -peerID : 0;\r\n var mid = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(message.id, channelID);\r\n if (this.messagesStorage[mid] === undefined) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n // console.trace(dT(), 'edit message', message)\r\n this.saveMessages([message], { isEdited: true });\r\n utils_1.safeReplaceObject(this.messagesStorage[mid], message);\r\n var dialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n var isTopMessage = dialog && dialog.top_message == mid;\r\n if (message.clear_history) { // that's will never happen\r\n if (isTopMessage) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_flush', { peerID: peerID });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('message_edit', {\r\n peerID: peerID,\r\n id: message.id,\r\n mid: mid,\r\n justMedia: false\r\n });\r\n if (isTopMessage) {\r\n var updatedDialogs = {};\r\n updatedDialogs[peerID] = dialog;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_multiupdate', updatedDialogs);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateReadHistoryInbox':\r\n case 'updateReadHistoryOutbox':\r\n case 'updateReadChannelInbox':\r\n case 'updateReadChannelOutbox': {\r\n var isOut = update._ == 'updateReadHistoryOutbox' || update._ == 'updateReadChannelOutbox';\r\n var channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n var maxID = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(update.max_id, channelID);\r\n var peerID = channelID ? -channelID : appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(update.peer);\r\n var foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID);\r\n var history = (this.historiesStorage[peerID] || {}).history || [];\r\n var newUnreadCount = 0;\r\n var length = history.length;\r\n var foundAffected = false;\r\n var messageID, message;\r\n var i;\r\n //this.log.warn(dT(), 'read', peerID, isOut ? 'out' : 'in', maxID)\r\n if (peerID > 0 && isOut) {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.forceUserOnline(peerID);\r\n }\r\n for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {\r\n messageID = history[i];\r\n if (messageID > maxID) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n message = this.messagesStorage[messageID];\r\n if (!message) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n if (message.pFlags.out != isOut) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n if (!message.pFlags.unread) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n // this.log.warn('read', messageID, message.pFlags.unread, message)\r\n if (message && message.pFlags.unread) {\r\n message.pFlags.unread = false;\r\n if (!foundAffected) {\r\n foundAffected = true;\r\n }\r\n if (!message.pFlags.out) {\r\n if (foundDialog[0]) {\r\n newUnreadCount = --foundDialog[0].unread_count;\r\n }\r\n //NotificationsManager.cancel('msg' + messageID); // warning\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (foundDialog[0]) {\r\n if (!isOut && newUnreadCount && foundDialog[0].top_message <= maxID) {\r\n newUnreadCount = foundDialog[0].unread_count = 0;\r\n }\r\n foundDialog[0][isOut ? 'read_outbox_max_id' : 'read_inbox_max_id'] = maxID;\r\n }\r\n // need be commented for read out messages\r\n //if(newUnreadCount != 0 || !isOut) { // fix 16.11.2019 (maybe not)\r\n //////////this.log.warn(dT(), 'cnt', peerID, newUnreadCount, isOut, foundDialog, update, foundAffected);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_unread', { peerID: peerID, count: newUnreadCount });\r\n //}\r\n if (foundAffected) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('messages_read');\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateChannelReadMessagesContents': {\r\n var channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n var newMessages = [];\r\n update.messages.forEach((msgID) => {\r\n newMessages.push(appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(msgID, channelID));\r\n });\r\n update.messages = newMessages;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateReadMessagesContents': {\r\n var messages = update.messages;\r\n var len = messages.length;\r\n var i;\r\n var messageID, message;\r\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n messageID = messages[i];\r\n if (message = this.messagesStorage[messageID]) {\r\n delete message.pFlags.media_unread;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateChannelAvailableMessages': {\r\n var channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n var messages = [];\r\n var peerID = -channelID;\r\n var history = (this.historiesStorage[peerID] || {}).history || [];\r\n if (history.length) {\r\n history.forEach((msgID) => {\r\n if (!update.available_min_id ||\r\n appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(msgID) <= update.available_min_id) {\r\n messages.push(msgID);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n update.messages = messages;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateDeleteMessages':\r\n case 'updateDeleteChannelMessages': {\r\n let historiesUpdated = {};\r\n let channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < update.messages.length; i++) {\r\n let messageID = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(update.messages[i], channelID);\r\n let message = this.messagesStorage[messageID];\r\n if (message) {\r\n let peerID = this.getMessagePeer(message);\r\n let history = historiesUpdated[peerID] || (historiesUpdated[peerID] = { count: 0, unread: 0, msgs: {} });\r\n if (!message.pFlags.out && message.pFlags.unread) {\r\n history.unread++;\r\n }\r\n history.count++;\r\n history.msgs[messageID] = true;\r\n message.deleted = true;\r\n this.messagesStorage[messageID] = {\r\n deleted: true,\r\n id: messageID,\r\n from_id: message.from_id,\r\n to_id: message.to_id,\r\n flags: message.flags,\r\n pFlags: message.pFlags,\r\n date: message.date\r\n };\r\n let peerMessagesToHandle = this.newMessagesToHandle[peerID];\r\n if (peerMessagesToHandle && peerMessagesToHandle.length) {\r\n let peerMessagesHandlePos = peerMessagesToHandle.indexOf(messageID);\r\n if (peerMessagesHandlePos != -1) {\r\n peerMessagesToHandle.splice(peerMessagesHandlePos);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n Object.keys(historiesUpdated).forEach(_peerID => {\r\n const peerID = +_peerID;\r\n let updatedData = historiesUpdated[peerID];\r\n let historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n if (historyStorage !== undefined) {\r\n let newHistory = [];\r\n let newPending = [];\r\n for (let i = 0; i < historyStorage.history.length; i++) {\r\n if (!updatedData.msgs[historyStorage.history[i]]) {\r\n newHistory.push(historyStorage.history[i]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n historyStorage.history = newHistory;\r\n if (updatedData.count &&\r\n historyStorage.count !== null &&\r\n historyStorage.count > 0) {\r\n historyStorage.count -= updatedData.count;\r\n if (historyStorage.count < 0) {\r\n historyStorage.count = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n for (let i = 0; i < historyStorage.pending.length; i++) {\r\n if (!updatedData.msgs[historyStorage.pending[i]]) {\r\n newPending.push(historyStorage.pending[i]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n historyStorage.pending = newPending;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_delete', { peerID, msgs: updatedData.msgs });\r\n }\r\n let foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n if (foundDialog) {\r\n if (updatedData.unread) {\r\n foundDialog.unread_count -= updatedData.unread;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_unread', {\r\n peerID,\r\n count: foundDialog.unread_count\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (updatedData.msgs[foundDialog.top_message]) {\r\n this.reloadConversation(peerID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateChannel': {\r\n const channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n const peerID = -channelID;\r\n const channel = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(channelID);\r\n const needDialog = channel._ == 'channel' && (!channel.pFlags.left && !channel.pFlags.kicked);\r\n const foundDialog = this.getDialogByPeerID(peerID);\r\n const hasDialog = foundDialog.length > 0;\r\n const canViewHistory = channel._ == 'channel' && (channel.username || !channel.pFlags.left && !channel.pFlags.kicked) && true || false;\r\n const hasHistory = this.historiesStorage[peerID] !== undefined;\r\n if (canViewHistory != hasHistory) {\r\n delete this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_forbidden', peerID);\r\n }\r\n if (hasDialog != needDialog) {\r\n if (needDialog) {\r\n this.reloadConversation(-channelID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (foundDialog[0]) {\r\n this.dialogsStorage.dropDialog(peerID);\r\n //this.dialogsStorage[foundDialog[0].folder_id].splice(foundDialog[1], 1);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_drop', { peerID: peerID, dialog: foundDialog[0] });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateChannelReload': {\r\n const channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n const peerID = -channelID;\r\n this.dialogsStorage.dropDialog(peerID);\r\n delete this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n this.reloadConversation(-channelID).then(() => {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_reload', peerID);\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateChannelMessageViews': {\r\n let views = update.views;\r\n let mid = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(update.id, update.channel_id);\r\n let message = this.getMessage(mid);\r\n if (message && message.views && message.views < views) {\r\n message.views = views;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('message_views', { mid, views });\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateServiceNotification': {\r\n this.log('updateServiceNotification', update);\r\n var fromID = 777000;\r\n var peerID = fromID;\r\n var messageID = this.tempID--;\r\n var message = {\r\n _: 'message',\r\n id: messageID,\r\n from_id: fromID,\r\n to_id: appPeersManager_1.default.getOutputPeer(peerID),\r\n flags: 0,\r\n pFlags: { unread: true },\r\n date: (update.inbox_date || utils_1.tsNow(true)) + serverTimeManager_2.default.serverTimeOffset,\r\n message: update.message,\r\n media: update.media,\r\n entities: update.entities\r\n };\r\n if (!appUsersManager_1.default.hasUser(fromID)) {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers([{\r\n _: 'user',\r\n id: fromID,\r\n pFlags: { verified: true },\r\n access_hash: 0,\r\n first_name: 'Telegram',\r\n phone: '42777'\r\n }]);\r\n }\r\n this.saveMessages([message]);\r\n if (update.inbox_date) {\r\n this.pendingTopMsgs[peerID] = messageID;\r\n this.handleUpdate({\r\n _: 'updateNewMessage',\r\n message: message\r\n });\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateChatPinnedMessage':\r\n case 'updateUserPinnedMessage': {\r\n let { id } = update;\r\n // hz nado li tut appMessagesIDsManager.getFullMessageID(update.max_id, channelID);\r\n let peerID = update.user_id || -update.chat_id || -update.channel_id;\r\n this.savePinnedMessage(peerID, id);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n finalizePendingMessage(randomID, finalMessage) {\r\n var pendingData = this.pendingByRandomID[randomID];\r\n // this.log('pdata', randomID, pendingData)\r\n if (pendingData) {\r\n var peerID = pendingData[0];\r\n var tempID = pendingData[1];\r\n var historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID], message;\r\n // this.log('pending', randomID, historyStorage.pending)\r\n var pos = historyStorage.pending.indexOf(tempID);\r\n if (pos != -1) {\r\n historyStorage.pending.splice(pos, 1);\r\n }\r\n if (message = this.messagesStorage[tempID]) {\r\n delete message.pending;\r\n delete message.error;\r\n delete message.random_id;\r\n delete message.send;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('messages_pending');\r\n }\r\n delete this.messagesStorage[tempID];\r\n this.finalizePendingMessageCallbacks(tempID, finalMessage.mid);\r\n return message;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n finalizePendingMessageCallbacks(tempID, mid) {\r\n var callbacks = this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[tempID];\r\n this.log.warn(callbacks, tempID);\r\n if (callbacks !== undefined) {\r\n callbacks.forEach((callback) => {\r\n callback(mid);\r\n });\r\n delete this.tempFinalizeCallbacks[tempID];\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('message_sent', { tempID, mid });\r\n }\r\n incrementMaxSeenID(maxID) {\r\n if (!maxID || !(!this.maxSeenID || maxID > this.maxSeenID)) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n this.maxSeenID = maxID;\r\n storage_1.default.set({ max_seen_msg: maxID });\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.receivedMessages', {\r\n max_id: maxID\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getHistory(peerID, maxID = 0, limit, backLimit) {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (this.migratedFromTo[peerID]) {\r\n peerID = this.migratedFromTo[peerID];\r\n }\r\n const historyStorage = (_a = this.historiesStorage[peerID]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.historiesStorage[peerID] = { count: null, history: [], pending: [] });\r\n const unreadOffset = 0;\r\n const unreadSkip = false;\r\n let offset = 0;\r\n let offsetNotFound = false;\r\n let isMigrated = false;\r\n let reqPeerID = peerID;\r\n if (this.migratedToFrom[peerID]) {\r\n isMigrated = true;\r\n if (maxID && maxID < appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.fullMsgIDModulus) {\r\n reqPeerID = this.migratedToFrom[peerID];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (maxID > 0) {\r\n offsetNotFound = true;\r\n for (; offset < historyStorage.history.length; offset++) {\r\n if (maxID > historyStorage.history[offset]) {\r\n offsetNotFound = false;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!offsetNotFound && (historyStorage.count !== null && historyStorage.history.length == historyStorage.count ||\r\n historyStorage.history.length >= offset + limit)) {\r\n if (backLimit) {\r\n backLimit = Math.min(offset, backLimit);\r\n offset = Math.max(0, offset - backLimit);\r\n limit += backLimit;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n limit = limit;\r\n }\r\n let history = historyStorage.history.slice(offset, offset + limit);\r\n if (!maxID && historyStorage.pending.length) {\r\n history = historyStorage.pending.slice().concat(history);\r\n }\r\n return this.wrapHistoryResult({\r\n count: historyStorage.count,\r\n history: history,\r\n unreadOffset: unreadOffset,\r\n unreadSkip: unreadSkip\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (offsetNotFound) {\r\n offset = 0;\r\n }\r\n if ((backLimit || unreadSkip || maxID) && historyStorage.history.indexOf(maxID) == -1) {\r\n if (backLimit) {\r\n offset = -backLimit;\r\n limit += backLimit;\r\n }\r\n return this.requestHistory(reqPeerID, maxID, limit, offset).then((historyResult) => {\r\n historyStorage.count = historyResult.count || historyResult.messages.length;\r\n if (isMigrated) {\r\n historyStorage.count++;\r\n }\r\n let history = [];\r\n historyResult.messages.forEach((message) => {\r\n history.push(message.mid);\r\n });\r\n if (!maxID && historyStorage.pending.length) {\r\n history = historyStorage.pending.slice().concat(history);\r\n }\r\n return this.wrapHistoryResult({\r\n count: historyStorage.count,\r\n history: history,\r\n unreadOffset: unreadOffset,\r\n unreadSkip: unreadSkip\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return this.fillHistoryStorage(peerID, maxID, limit, historyStorage).then(() => {\r\n offset = 0;\r\n if (maxID > 0) {\r\n for (offset = 0; offset < historyStorage.history.length; offset++) {\r\n if (maxID > historyStorage.history[offset]) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n let history = historyStorage.history.slice(backLimit ? Math.max(offset - backLimit, 0) : offset, offset + limit);\r\n if (!maxID && historyStorage.pending.length) {\r\n history = historyStorage.pending.slice().concat(history);\r\n }\r\n return this.wrapHistoryResult({\r\n count: historyStorage.count,\r\n history: history,\r\n unreadOffset: unreadOffset,\r\n unreadSkip: unreadSkip\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n fillHistoryStorage(peerID, maxID, fullLimit, historyStorage) {\r\n // this.log('fill history storage', peerID, maxID, fullLimit, angular.copy(historyStorage))\r\n const offset = (this.migratedFromTo[peerID] && !maxID) ? 1 : 0;\r\n return this.requestHistory(peerID, maxID, fullLimit, offset).then((historyResult) => {\r\n historyStorage.count = historyResult.count || historyResult.messages.length;\r\n if (!maxID && historyResult.messages.length) {\r\n maxID = historyResult.messages[0].mid + 1;\r\n }\r\n let offset = 0;\r\n if (maxID > 0) {\r\n for (; offset < historyStorage.history.length; offset++) {\r\n if (maxID > historyStorage.history[offset]) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const wasTotalCount = historyStorage.history.length;\r\n historyStorage.history.splice(offset, historyStorage.history.length - offset);\r\n historyResult.messages.forEach((message) => {\r\n if (this.mergeReplyKeyboard(historyStorage, message)) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_reply_markup', { peerID });\r\n }\r\n historyStorage.history.push(message.mid);\r\n });\r\n const totalCount = historyStorage.history.length;\r\n fullLimit -= (totalCount - wasTotalCount);\r\n const migratedNextPeer = this.migratedFromTo[peerID];\r\n const migratedPrevPeer = this.migratedToFrom[peerID];\r\n const isMigrated = migratedNextPeer !== undefined || migratedPrevPeer !== undefined;\r\n if (isMigrated) {\r\n historyStorage.count = Math.max(historyStorage.count, totalCount) + 1;\r\n }\r\n if (fullLimit > 0) {\r\n maxID = historyStorage.history[totalCount - 1];\r\n if (isMigrated) {\r\n if (!historyResult.messages.length) {\r\n if (migratedPrevPeer) {\r\n maxID = 0;\r\n peerID = migratedPrevPeer;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n historyStorage.count = totalCount;\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return this.fillHistoryStorage(peerID, maxID, fullLimit, historyStorage);\r\n }\r\n else if (totalCount < historyStorage.count) {\r\n return this.fillHistoryStorage(peerID, maxID, fullLimit, historyStorage);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n wrapHistoryResult(result) {\r\n if (result.unreadOffset) {\r\n for (let i = result.history.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\r\n const message = this.messagesStorage[result.history[i]];\r\n if (message && !message.pFlags.out && message.pFlags.unread) {\r\n result.unreadOffset = i + 1;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n }\r\n requestHistory(peerID, maxID, limit = 0, offset = 0, offsetDate = 0) {\r\n const isChannel = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID);\r\n //console.trace('requestHistory', peerID, maxID, limit, offset);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('history_request');\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getHistory', {\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n offset_id: maxID ? appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(maxID) : 0,\r\n offset_date: offsetDate,\r\n add_offset: offset,\r\n limit: limit,\r\n max_id: 0,\r\n min_id: 0,\r\n hash: 0\r\n }, {\r\n //timeout: APITIMEOUT,\r\n noErrorBox: true\r\n }).then((historyResult) => {\r\n this.log('requestHistory result:', historyResult, maxID, limit, offset);\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(historyResult.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(historyResult.chats);\r\n this.saveMessages(historyResult.messages);\r\n if (isChannel) {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.addChannelState(-peerID, historyResult.pts);\r\n }\r\n let length = historyResult.messages.length;\r\n if (length && historyResult.messages[length - 1].deleted) {\r\n historyResult.messages.splice(length - 1, 1);\r\n length--;\r\n historyResult.count--;\r\n }\r\n // will load more history if last message is album grouped (because it can be not last item)\r\n const historyStorage = this.historiesStorage[peerID];\r\n // historyResult.messages: desc sorted\r\n if (length && historyResult.messages[length - 1].grouped_id && (historyStorage.history.length + historyResult.messages.length) < historyResult.count) {\r\n return this.requestHistory(peerID, historyResult.messages[length - 1].mid, 10, 0).then((_historyResult) => {\r\n return historyResult;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // don't need the intro now\r\n /* if(peerID < 0 || !appUsersManager.isBot(peerID) || (length == limit && limit < historyResult.count)) {\r\n return historyResult;\r\n } */\r\n return historyResult;\r\n /* return appProfileManager.getProfile(peerID).then((userFull: any) => {\r\n var description = userFull.bot_info && userFull.bot_info.description;\r\n if(description) {\r\n var messageID = this.tempID--;\r\n var message = {\r\n _: 'messageService',\r\n id: messageID,\r\n from_id: peerID,\r\n to_id: appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(peerID),\r\n flags: 0,\r\n pFlags: {},\r\n date: tsNow(true) + serverTimeManager.serverTimeOffset,\r\n action: {\r\n _: 'messageActionBotIntro',\r\n description: description\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n this.saveMessages([message]);\r\n historyResult.messages.push(message);\r\n if(historyResult.count) {\r\n historyResult.count++;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n return historyResult;\r\n }); */\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n switch (error.type) {\r\n case 'CHANNEL_PRIVATE':\r\n let channel = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-peerID);\r\n channel = { _: 'channelForbidden', access_hash: channel.access_hash, title: channel.title };\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updates',\r\n updates: [{\r\n _: 'updateChannel',\r\n channel_id: -peerID\r\n }],\r\n chats: [channel],\r\n users: []\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n throw error;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n fetchSingleMessages() {\r\n if (this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise) {\r\n return this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise;\r\n }\r\n const mids = this.needSingleMessages.slice();\r\n this.needSingleMessages.length = 0;\r\n const splitted = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.splitMessageIDsByChannels(mids);\r\n let promises = [];\r\n Object.keys(splitted.msgIDs).forEach((channelID) => {\r\n channelID = +channelID;\r\n const msgIDs = splitted.msgIDs[channelID].map((msgID) => {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputMessageID',\r\n id: msgID\r\n };\r\n });\r\n let promise;\r\n if (channelID > 0) {\r\n promise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.getMessages', {\r\n channel: appChatsManager_1.default.getChannelInput(channelID),\r\n id: msgIDs\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n promise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getMessages', {\r\n id: msgIDs\r\n });\r\n }\r\n promises.push(promise.then(getMessagesResult => {\r\n if (getMessagesResult._ != 'messages.messagesNotModified') {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(getMessagesResult.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(getMessagesResult.chats);\r\n this.saveMessages(getMessagesResult.messages);\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('messages_downloaded', splitted.mids[+channelID]);\r\n }));\r\n });\r\n this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise = Promise.all(promises).finally(() => {\r\n this.fetchSingleMessagesTimeout = 0;\r\n this.fetchSingleMessagesPromise = null;\r\n if (this.needSingleMessages.length)\r\n this.fetchSingleMessages();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n wrapSingleMessage(msgID, overwrite = false) {\r\n if (this.messagesStorage[msgID] && !overwrite) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('messages_downloaded', [msgID]);\r\n }\r\n else if (this.needSingleMessages.indexOf(msgID) == -1) {\r\n this.needSingleMessages.push(msgID);\r\n if (this.fetchSingleMessagesTimeout == 0) {\r\n this.fetchSingleMessagesTimeout = window.setTimeout(this.fetchSingleMessages.bind(this), 10);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setTyping(action) {\r\n if (!utils_1.$rootScope.myID)\r\n return Promise.resolve(false);\r\n if (typeof (action) == 'string') {\r\n action = { _: action };\r\n }\r\n let input = appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(utils_1.$rootScope.myID);\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.setTyping', {\r\n peer: input,\r\n action: action\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppMessagesManager = AppMessagesManager;\r\nconst appMessagesManager = new AppMessagesManager();\r\nexports.default = appMessagesManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appPeersManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appPeersManager.ts", "index": 42, "index2": 33, "size": 7100, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": 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HTML-color IRC-color Description\r\n #c03d33 4 red\r\n #4fad2d 3 green\r\n #d09306 7 yellow\r\n #168acd 10 blue\r\n #8544d6 6 purple\r\n #cd4073 13 pink\r\n #2996ad 11 sea\r\n #ce671b 5 orange\r\n */\r\nconst DialogColorsFg = ['#c03d33', '#4fad2d', '#d09306', '#168acd', '#8544d6', '#cd4073', '#2996ad', '#ce671b'];\r\nconst DialogColors = ['#e17076', '#7bc862', '#e5ca77', '#65AADD', '#a695e7', '#ee7aae', '#6ec9cb', '#faa774'];\r\nconst DialogColorsMap = [0, 7, 4, 1, 6, 3, 5];\r\nclass AppPeersManager {\r\n getPeerPhoto(peerID) {\r\n return peerID > 0\r\n ? appUsersManager_1.default.getUserPhoto(peerID)\r\n : appChatsManager_1.default.getChatPhoto(-peerID);\r\n }\r\n getPeerMigratedTo(peerID) {\r\n if (peerID >= 0) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n let chat = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-peerID);\r\n if (chat && chat.migrated_to && chat.pFlags.deactivated) {\r\n return this.getPeerID(chat.migrated_to);\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n getPeerTitle(peerID, plainText = false, onlyFirstName = false) {\r\n let peer = {};\r\n if (!utils_1.isObject(peerID)) {\r\n peer = this.getPeer(peerID);\r\n }\r\n else\r\n peer = peerID;\r\n let title = '';\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n if (peer.first_name)\r\n title += peer.first_name;\r\n if (peer.last_name)\r\n title += ' ' + peer.last_name;\r\n if (!title)\r\n title = peer.pFlags.deleted ? 'Deleted account' : peer.username;\r\n else\r\n title = title.trim();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n title = peer.title;\r\n }\r\n if (onlyFirstName) {\r\n title = title.split(' ')[0];\r\n }\r\n return plainText ? title : richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(title);\r\n }\r\n getOutputPeer(peerID) {\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n return { _: 'peerUser', user_id: peerID };\r\n }\r\n let chatID = -peerID;\r\n if (appChatsManager_1.default.isChannel(chatID)) {\r\n return { _: 'peerChannel', channel_id: chatID };\r\n }\r\n return { _: 'peerChat', chat_id: chatID };\r\n }\r\n getPeerString(peerID) {\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n return appUsersManager_1.default.getUserString(peerID);\r\n }\r\n return appChatsManager_1.default.getChatString(-peerID);\r\n }\r\n getPeerUsername(peerID) {\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n return appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(peerID).username || '';\r\n }\r\n return appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-peerID).username || '';\r\n }\r\n getPeer(peerID) {\r\n return peerID > 0\r\n ? appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(peerID)\r\n : appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-peerID);\r\n }\r\n getPeerID(peerString /* Peer | number | string */) {\r\n if (typeof (peerString) === 'number')\r\n return peerString;\r\n else if (utils_1.isObject(peerString))\r\n return peerString.user_id ? peerString.user_id : -(peerString.channel_id || peerString.chat_id);\r\n else if (!peerString)\r\n return 0;\r\n const isUser = peerString.charAt(0) == 'u';\r\n const peerParams = peerString.substr(1).split('_');\r\n return isUser ? peerParams[0] : -peerParams[0] || 0;\r\n }\r\n isChannel(peerID) {\r\n return (peerID < 0) && appChatsManager_1.default.isChannel(-peerID);\r\n }\r\n isMegagroup(peerID) {\r\n return (peerID < 0) && appChatsManager_1.default.isMegagroup(-peerID);\r\n }\r\n isAnyGroup(peerID) {\r\n return (peerID < 0) && !appChatsManager_1.default.isBroadcast(-peerID);\r\n }\r\n isBroadcast(id) {\r\n return this.isChannel(id) && !this.isMegagroup(id);\r\n }\r\n isBot(peerID) {\r\n return (peerID > 0) && appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(peerID);\r\n }\r\n getInputPeer(peerString) {\r\n var firstChar = peerString.charAt(0);\r\n var peerParams = peerString.substr(1).split('_');\r\n let id = +peerParams[0];\r\n if (firstChar == 'u') {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveUserAccess(id, peerParams[1]);\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputPeerUser',\r\n user_id: id,\r\n access_hash: peerParams[1]\r\n };\r\n }\r\n else if (firstChar == 'c' || firstChar == 's') {\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveChannelAccess(id, peerParams[1]);\r\n if (firstChar == 's') {\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveIsMegagroup(id);\r\n }\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputPeerChannel',\r\n channel_id: id,\r\n access_hash: peerParams[1] || '0'\r\n };\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputPeerChat',\r\n chat_id: id\r\n };\r\n }\r\n }\r\n getInputPeerByID(peerID) {\r\n if (!peerID) {\r\n return { _: 'inputPeerEmpty' };\r\n }\r\n if (peerID < 0) {\r\n const chatID = -peerID;\r\n if (!appChatsManager_1.default.isChannel(chatID)) {\r\n return appChatsManager_1.default.getChatInputPeer(chatID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return appChatsManager_1.default.getChannelInputPeer(chatID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputPeerUser',\r\n user_id: peerID,\r\n access_hash: appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(peerID).access_hash\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getInputDialogPeerByID(peerID) {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputDialogPeer',\r\n peer: this.getInputPeerByID(peerID)\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getPeerColorByID(peerID, pic = true) {\r\n const idx = DialogColorsMap[(peerID < 0 ? -peerID : peerID) % 7];\r\n const color = (pic ? DialogColors : DialogColorsFg)[idx];\r\n return color;\r\n }\r\n getPeerSearchText(peerID) {\r\n let text;\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n text = '%pu ' + appUsersManager_1.default.getUserSearchText(peerID);\r\n }\r\n else if (peerID < 0) {\r\n const chat = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-peerID);\r\n text = '%pg ' + (chat.title || '');\r\n }\r\n return text;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppPeersManager = AppPeersManager;\r\nconst appPeersManager = new AppPeersManager();\r\nexports.default = appPeersManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appChatsManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appChatsManager.ts", "index": 40, "index2": 48, "size": 16290, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": 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reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppChatsManager = void 0;\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst apiUpdatesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./apiUpdatesManager\"));\r\nconst appProfileManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appProfileManager\"));\r\nconst searchIndexManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../searchIndexManager\"));\r\nclass AppChatsManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.chats = {};\r\n this.usernames = {};\r\n this.channelAccess = {};\r\n this.megagroups = {};\r\n this.cachedPhotoLocations = {};\r\n this.megagroupOnlines = {};\r\n this.onChatUpdated = (chatID, updates) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n if (updates &&\r\n updates.updates &&\r\n updates.updates.length &&\r\n this.isChannel(chatID)) {\r\n appProfileManager_1.default.invalidateChannelParticipants(chatID);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e) => {\r\n // console.log('on apiUpdate', update)\r\n const update = e.detail;\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateChannel':\r\n const channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n //console.log('updateChannel:', update);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('channel_settings', { channelID: channelID });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n saveApiChats(apiChats) {\r\n apiChats.forEach(chat => this.saveApiChat(chat));\r\n }\r\n saveApiChat(apiChat) {\r\n if (!utils_1.isObject(apiChat)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n apiChat.rTitle = apiChat.title || 'chat_title_deleted';\r\n apiChat.rTitle = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(apiChat.title, { noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true }) || 'chat_title_deleted';\r\n let oldChat = this.chats[apiChat.id];\r\n let titleWords = searchIndexManager_1.default.cleanSearchText(apiChat.title || '', false).split(' ');\r\n let firstWord = titleWords.shift();\r\n let lastWord = titleWords.pop();\r\n apiChat.initials = firstWord.charAt(0) + (lastWord ? lastWord.charAt(0) : '');\r\n if (apiChat.pFlags === undefined) {\r\n apiChat.pFlags = {};\r\n }\r\n if (apiChat.pFlags.min) {\r\n if (oldChat !== undefined) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (apiChat._ == 'channel' &&\r\n apiChat.participants_count === undefined &&\r\n oldChat !== undefined &&\r\n oldChat.participants_count) {\r\n apiChat.participants_count = oldChat.participants_count;\r\n }\r\n if (apiChat.username) {\r\n let searchUsername = searchIndexManager_1.default.cleanUsername(apiChat.username);\r\n this.usernames[searchUsername] = apiChat.id;\r\n }\r\n let changedPhoto = false;\r\n if (oldChat === undefined) {\r\n oldChat = this.chats[apiChat.id] = apiChat;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let oldPhoto = oldChat.photo && oldChat.photo.photo_small;\r\n let newPhoto = apiChat.photo && apiChat.photo.photo_small;\r\n if (JSON.stringify(oldPhoto) !== JSON.stringify(newPhoto)) {\r\n changedPhoto = true;\r\n }\r\n utils_1.safeReplaceObject(oldChat, apiChat);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('chat_update', apiChat.id);\r\n }\r\n if (this.cachedPhotoLocations[apiChat.id] !== undefined) {\r\n utils_1.safeReplaceObject(this.cachedPhotoLocations[apiChat.id], apiChat &&\r\n apiChat.photo ? apiChat.photo : { empty: true });\r\n }\r\n if (changedPhoto) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('avatar_update', -apiChat.id);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n getChat(id) {\r\n if (id < 0)\r\n id = -id;\r\n return this.chats[id] || { _: 'chatEmpty', id: id, deleted: true, access_hash: this.channelAccess[id] };\r\n }\r\n hasRights(id, action) {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n const chat = this.getChat(id);\r\n if (chat._ == 'chatEmpty')\r\n return false;\r\n if (chat._ == 'chatForbidden' ||\r\n chat._ == 'channelForbidden' ||\r\n chat.pFlags.kicked ||\r\n chat.pFlags.left) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (chat.pFlags.creator) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n let myFlags = (_b = (_a = (chat.admin_rights || chat.banned_rights || chat.default_banned_rights)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.pFlags) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {};\r\n switch (action) {\r\n // good\r\n case 'send': {\r\n if (chat._ == 'channel' &&\r\n !chat.pFlags.megagroup &&\r\n !myFlags.post_messages) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n // good\r\n case 'deleteRevoke': {\r\n if (chat._ == 'channel') {\r\n return !!myFlags.delete_messages;\r\n }\r\n else if (!chat.pFlags.admin) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n // good\r\n case 'pin': {\r\n if (chat._ == 'channel') {\r\n return chat.admin_rights ? !!myFlags.pin_messages || !!myFlags.post_messages : !myFlags.pin_messages;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (myFlags.pin_messages && !chat.pFlags.admin) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'edit_title':\r\n case 'edit_photo':\r\n case 'invite': {\r\n if (chat._ == 'channel') {\r\n if (chat.pFlags.megagroup) {\r\n if (!(action == 'invite' && chat.pFlags.democracy)) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (chat.pFlags.admins_enabled &&\r\n !chat.pFlags.admin) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n resolveUsername(username) {\r\n return this.usernames[username] || 0;\r\n }\r\n saveChannelAccess(id, accessHash) {\r\n this.channelAccess[id] = accessHash;\r\n }\r\n saveIsMegagroup(id) {\r\n this.megagroups[id] = true;\r\n }\r\n isChannel(id) {\r\n if (id < 0)\r\n id = -id;\r\n let chat = this.chats[id];\r\n if (chat && (chat._ == 'channel' || chat._ == 'channelForbidden') || this.channelAccess[id]) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n isMegagroup(id) {\r\n if (this.megagroups[id]) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n let chat = this.chats[id];\r\n if (chat && chat._ == 'channel' && chat.pFlags.megagroup) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n isBroadcast(id) {\r\n return this.isChannel(id) && !this.isMegagroup(id);\r\n }\r\n getChannelInput(id) {\r\n if (id < 0)\r\n id = -id;\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputChannel',\r\n channel_id: id,\r\n access_hash: this.getChat(id).access_hash || this.channelAccess[id] || 0\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getChatInputPeer(id) {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputPeerChat',\r\n chat_id: id\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getChannelInputPeer(id) {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputPeerChannel',\r\n channel_id: id,\r\n access_hash: this.getChat(id).access_hash || this.channelAccess[id] || 0\r\n };\r\n }\r\n hasChat(id, allowMin) {\r\n let chat = this.chats[id];\r\n return utils_1.isObject(chat) && (allowMin || !chat.pFlags.min);\r\n }\r\n getChatPhoto(id) {\r\n let chat = this.getChat(id);\r\n if (this.cachedPhotoLocations[id] === undefined) {\r\n this.cachedPhotoLocations[id] = chat && chat.photo ? chat.photo : { empty: true };\r\n }\r\n return this.cachedPhotoLocations[id];\r\n }\r\n getChatString(id) {\r\n let chat = this.getChat(id);\r\n if (this.isChannel(id)) {\r\n return (this.isMegagroup(id) ? 's' : 'c') + id + '_' + chat.access_hash;\r\n }\r\n return 'g' + id;\r\n }\r\n getChatMembersString(id) {\r\n var _a;\r\n const chat = this.getChat(id);\r\n const isChannel = this.isBroadcast(id);\r\n const participants_count = chat.participants_count || ((_a = chat.participants) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.participants.length) || 0;\r\n return utils_1.numberWithCommas(participants_count) + ' ' + (isChannel ? 'followers' : 'members');\r\n }\r\n wrapForFull(id, fullChat) {\r\n let chatFull = utils_1.copy(fullChat);\r\n let chat = this.getChat(id);\r\n if (!chatFull.participants_count) {\r\n chatFull.participants_count = chat.participants_count;\r\n }\r\n if (chatFull.participants &&\r\n chatFull.participants._ == 'chatParticipants') {\r\n chatFull.participants.participants = this.wrapParticipants(id, chatFull.participants.participants);\r\n }\r\n if (chatFull.about) {\r\n chatFull.rAbout = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(chatFull.about, { noLinebreaks: true });\r\n }\r\n chatFull.peerString = this.getChatString(id);\r\n chatFull.chat = chat;\r\n return chatFull;\r\n }\r\n wrapParticipants(id, participants) {\r\n let chat = this.getChat(id);\r\n let myID = appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf().id;\r\n if (this.isChannel(id)) {\r\n let isAdmin = chat.pFlags.creator;\r\n participants.forEach((participant) => {\r\n participant.canLeave = myID == participant.user_id;\r\n participant.canKick = isAdmin && participant._ == 'channelParticipant';\r\n // just for order by last seen\r\n participant.user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(participant.user_id);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let isAdmin = chat.pFlags.creator || chat.pFlags.admins_enabled && chat.pFlags.admin;\r\n participants.forEach((participant) => {\r\n participant.canLeave = myID == participant.user_id;\r\n participant.canKick = !participant.canLeave && (chat.pFlags.creator ||\r\n participant._ == 'chatParticipant' && (isAdmin || myID == participant.inviter_id));\r\n // just for order by last seen\r\n participant.user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(participant.user_id);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return participants;\r\n }\r\n createChannel(title, about) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.createChannel', {\r\n flags: 1,\r\n broadcast: true,\r\n title: title,\r\n about: about\r\n }).then((updates) => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n return updates.chats[0].id;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n inviteToChannel(id, userIDs) {\r\n let input = this.getChannelInput(id);\r\n let usersInputs = userIDs.map(u => appUsersManager_1.default.getUserInput(u));\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.inviteToChannel', {\r\n channel: input,\r\n users: usersInputs\r\n }).then(updates => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n createChat(title, userIDs) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.createChat', {\r\n users: userIDs.map(u => appUsersManager_1.default.getUserInput(u)),\r\n title: title\r\n }).then(updates => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n return updates.chats[0].id;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n editPhoto(id, inputFile) {\r\n const isChannel = this.isChannel(id);\r\n const inputChatPhoto = {\r\n _: 'inputChatUploadedPhoto',\r\n file: inputFile\r\n };\r\n if (isChannel) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.editPhoto', {\r\n channel: this.getChannelInput(id),\r\n photo: inputChatPhoto\r\n }).then(updates => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.editChatPhoto', {\r\n chat_id: id,\r\n photo: inputChatPhoto\r\n }).then(updates => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n getOnlines(id) {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (this.isMegagroup(id)) {\r\n let timestamp = Date.now() / 1000 | 0;\r\n let cached = (_a = this.megagroupOnlines[id]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.megagroupOnlines[id] = { timestamp: 0, onlines: 1 });\r\n if ((timestamp - cached.timestamp) < 60) {\r\n return cached.onlines;\r\n }\r\n let res = yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getOnlines', {\r\n peer: this.getChannelInputPeer(id)\r\n });\r\n let onlines = (_b = res.onlines) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 1;\r\n cached.timestamp = timestamp;\r\n cached.onlines = onlines;\r\n return onlines;\r\n }\r\n else if (this.isBroadcast(id)) {\r\n return 1;\r\n }\r\n let chatInfo = appProfileManager_1.default.getChatFull(id);\r\n if (chatInfo._ == 'chatFull' && chatInfo.participants && chatInfo.participants.participants) {\r\n let participants = chatInfo.participants.participants;\r\n return participants.reduce((acc, participant) => {\r\n let user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(participant.user_id);\r\n if (user && user.status && user.status._ == 'userStatusOnline') {\r\n return acc + 1;\r\n }\r\n return acc;\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return 1;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n leaveChannel(id) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.leaveChannel', {\r\n channel: this.getChannelInput(id)\r\n }).then(this.onChatUpdated.bind(this, id));\r\n }\r\n joinChannel(id) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.joinChannel', {\r\n channel: this.getChannelInput(id)\r\n }).then(this.onChatUpdated.bind(this, id));\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppChatsManager = AppChatsManager;\r\nexports.default = new AppChatsManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "index": 38, "index2": 104, "size": 114943, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "issuerId": 31, "issuerName": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, 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"providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppImManager = void 0;\r\n//import apiManager from '../mtproto/apiManager';\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appProfileManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appProfileManager\"));\r\nconst appDialogsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDialogsManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst appSidebarRight_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appSidebarRight\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst appMediaViewer_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMediaViewer\"));\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst wrappers_1 = require(\"../../components/wrappers\");\r\nconst preloader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/preloader\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../components/misc\");\r\nconst input_1 = require(\"../../components/chat/input\");\r\n//import Scrollable from '../../components/scrollable';\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst bubbleGroups_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/bubbleGroups\"));\r\nconst lazyLoadQueue_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/lazyLoadQueue\"));\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst appForward_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/appForward\"));\r\nconst appStickersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appStickersManager\"));\r\nconst avatar_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/avatar\"));\r\nconst AppInlineBotsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./AppInlineBotsManager\"));\r\nconst stickyIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/stickyIntersector\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../config\");\r\nconst animationIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/animationIntersector\"));\r\nconst popupStickers_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/popupStickers\"));\r\nconst popupDatepicker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/popupDatepicker\"));\r\nconst appPollsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPollsManager\"));\r\nconst ripple_1 = require(\"../../components/ripple\");\r\nconst horizontalMenu_1 = require(\"../../components/horizontalMenu\");\r\nconst audio_1 = require(\"../../components/chat/audio\");\r\nconst contextMenu_1 = require(\"../../components/chat/contextMenu\");\r\nconst search_1 = require(\"../../components/chat/search\");\r\n//console.log('appImManager included33!');\r\nappSidebarLeft_1.default; // just to include\r\nconst testScroll = false;\r\nconst ANIMATIONGROUP = 'chat';\r\nclass AppImManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.columnEl = document.getElementById('column-center');\r\n this.btnJoin = this.columnEl.querySelector('.chat-join');\r\n this.btnMute = this.columnEl.querySelector('.chat-mute-button');\r\n this.avatarEl = document.getElementById('im-avatar');\r\n this.titleEl = document.getElementById('im-title');\r\n this.subtitleEl = document.getElementById('im-subtitle');\r\n this.bubblesContainer = document.getElementById('bubbles');\r\n this.chatInner = document.getElementById('bubbles-inner');\r\n this.searchBtn = this.columnEl.querySelector('.chat-search-button');\r\n this.goDownBtn = this.columnEl.querySelector('#bubbles-go-down');\r\n this.menuButtons = {};\r\n this.myID = 0;\r\n this.peerID = 0;\r\n this.bubbles = {};\r\n this.dateMessages = {};\r\n this.unreadOut = new Set();\r\n this.needUpdate = []; // if need wrapSingleMessage\r\n this.offline = false;\r\n this.updateStatusInterval = 0;\r\n this.pinnedMsgID = 0;\r\n this.pinnedMessageContainer = null;\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue = new lazyLoadQueue_1.default();\r\n this.scroll = null;\r\n this.scrollable = null;\r\n this.preloader = null;\r\n this.typingTimeouts = {};\r\n this.typingUsers = {}; // to peerID\r\n this.topbar = document.getElementById('topbar');\r\n this.chatInput = document.getElementById('chat-input');\r\n this.chatInfo = this.columnEl.querySelector('.chat-info');\r\n this.contextMenu = new contextMenu_1.ChatContextMenu(this.bubblesContainer);\r\n this.setPeerPromise = null;\r\n this.bubbleGroups = new bubbleGroups_1.default();\r\n this.scrolledDown = true;\r\n this.onScrollRAF = 0;\r\n this.isScrollingTimeout = 0;\r\n this.unreadedObserver = null;\r\n this.unreaded = [];\r\n this.loadedTopTimes = 0;\r\n this.loadedBottomTimes = 0;\r\n this.messagesQueuePromise = null;\r\n this.messagesQueue = [];\r\n this.messagesQueueOnRender = null;\r\n this.firstUnreadBubble = null;\r\n this.stickyIntersector = null;\r\n this.cleanupID = 0;\r\n this.selectTab = horizontalMenu_1.horizontalMenu(null, document.getElementById('main-columns'));\r\n this.closeBtn = this.topbar.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n this.onDatePick = (timestamp) => {\r\n const peerID = this.peerID;\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.requestHistory(peerID, 0, 2, -1, timestamp).then(history => {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (!((_a = history === null || history === void 0 ? void 0 : history.messages) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length)) {\r\n this.log.error('no history!');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (this.peerID != peerID) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n appImManager.setPeer(this.peerID, history.messages[0].mid);\r\n //console.log('got history date:', history);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('IM', logger_1.LogLevels.log | logger_1.LogLevels.warn | logger_1.LogLevels.debug | logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n this.chatInputC = new input_1.ChatInput();\r\n this.preloader = new preloader_1.default(null, false);\r\n this.selectTab(0);\r\n misc_1.parseMenuButtonsTo(this.menuButtons, this.columnEl.querySelector('.chat-more-button').firstElementChild.children);\r\n this.chatAudio = new audio_1.ChatAudio();\r\n this.chatInfo.nextElementSibling.prepend(this.chatAudio.container);\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.getUserID().then((id) => {\r\n this.myID = utils_1.$rootScope.myID = id;\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('user_auth', (e) => {\r\n let userAuth = e.detail;\r\n this.myID = utils_1.$rootScope.myID = userAuth ? userAuth.id : 0;\r\n });\r\n // will call when message is sent (only 1)\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('history_append', (e) => {\r\n let details = e.detail;\r\n if (!this.scrolledAllDown) {\r\n this.setPeer(this.peerID, 0);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.renderNewMessagesByIDs([details.messageID], true);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n // will call when sent for update pos\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('history_update', (e) => {\r\n let details = e.detail;\r\n if (details.mid && details.peerID == this.peerID) {\r\n let mid = details.mid;\r\n let bubble = this.bubbles[mid];\r\n if (!bubble)\r\n return;\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n //this.log('history_update', this.bubbles[mid], mid, message);\r\n let dateMessage = this.getDateContainerByMessage(message, false);\r\n dateMessage.container.append(bubble);\r\n this.bubbleGroups.addBubble(bubble, message, false);\r\n //this.renderMessage(message, false, false, bubble);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('history_multiappend', (e) => {\r\n let msgIDsByPeer = e.detail;\r\n if (!(this.peerID in msgIDsByPeer))\r\n return;\r\n let msgIDs = msgIDsByPeer[this.peerID];\r\n this.renderNewMessagesByIDs(msgIDs);\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('history_delete', (e) => {\r\n let detail = e.detail;\r\n this.deleteMessagesByIDs(Object.keys(detail.msgs).map(s => +s));\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('dialog_flush', (e) => {\r\n let peerID = e.detail.peerID;\r\n if (this.peerID == peerID) {\r\n this.deleteMessagesByIDs(Object.keys(this.bubbles).map(m => +m));\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('chat_update', (e) => {\r\n var _a;\r\n const peerID = e.detail;\r\n if (this.peerID == -peerID) {\r\n const chat = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(peerID);\r\n this.btnJoin.classList.toggle('hide', !((_a = chat === null || chat === void 0 ? void 0 : chat.pFlags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.left));\r\n }\r\n });\r\n // Calls when message successfully sent and we have an ID\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('message_sent', (e) => {\r\n var _a, _b, _c;\r\n const { tempID, mid } = e.detail;\r\n this.log('message_sent', e.detail);\r\n // set cached url to media\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n if (message.media) {\r\n if (message.media.photo) {\r\n const photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.getPhoto('' + tempID);\r\n if ( /* photo._ != 'photoEmpty' */photo) {\r\n const newPhoto = message.media.photo;\r\n newPhoto.downloaded = photo.downloaded;\r\n newPhoto.url = photo.url;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (message.media.document) {\r\n const doc = appDocsManager_1.default.getDoc('' + tempID);\r\n if ( /* doc._ != 'documentEmpty' && */(doc === null || doc === void 0 ? void 0 : doc.type) && doc.type != 'sticker') {\r\n const newDoc = message.media.document;\r\n newDoc.downloaded = doc.downloaded;\r\n newDoc.url = doc.url;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n let bubble = this.bubbles[tempID];\r\n if (bubble) {\r\n this.bubbles[mid] = bubble;\r\n /////this.log('message_sent', bubble);\r\n // set new mids to album items for mediaViewer\r\n if (message.grouped_id) {\r\n let items = bubble.querySelectorAll('.album-item');\r\n let groupIDs = utils_1.getObjectKeysAndSort(appMessagesManager_1.default.groupedMessagesStorage[message.grouped_id]);\r\n Array.from(items).forEach((item, idx) => {\r\n item.dataset.mid = '' + groupIDs[idx];\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if ((_a = message.media) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.poll) {\r\n const newPoll = message.media.poll;\r\n const pollElement = bubble.querySelector('poll-element');\r\n if (pollElement) {\r\n pollElement.setAttribute('poll-id', newPoll.id);\r\n pollElement.setAttribute('message-id', '' + mid);\r\n delete appPollsManager_1.default.polls[tempID];\r\n delete appPollsManager_1.default.results[tempID];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (['audio', 'voice'].includes((_c = (_b = message.media) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.document) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.type)) {\r\n const audio = bubble.querySelector('audio-element');\r\n audio.setAttribute('doc-id', message.media.document.id);\r\n audio.setAttribute('message-id', '' + mid);\r\n }\r\n bubble.classList.remove('is-sending');\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-sent');\r\n bubble.dataset.mid = '' + mid;\r\n this.bubbleGroups.removeBubble(bubble, tempID);\r\n delete this.bubbles[tempID];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.log.warn('message_sent there is no bubble', e.detail);\r\n }\r\n if (this.unreadOut.has(tempID)) {\r\n this.unreadOut.delete(tempID);\r\n this.unreadOut.add(mid);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('message_edit', (e) => {\r\n let { peerID, mid, id, justMedia } = e.detail;\r\n if (peerID != this.peerID)\r\n return;\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n let bubble = this.bubbles[mid];\r\n if (!bubble && message.grouped_id) {\r\n let a = this.getAlbumBubble(message.grouped_id);\r\n bubble = a.bubble;\r\n message = a.message;\r\n }\r\n if (!bubble)\r\n return;\r\n this.renderMessage(message, true, false, bubble, false);\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('messages_downloaded', (e) => {\r\n const mids = e.detail;\r\n const pinnedMessage = appMessagesManager_1.default.getPinnedMessage(this.peerID);\r\n mids.forEach(mid => {\r\n if (pinnedMessage.mid == mid) {\r\n (this.messagesQueuePromise || Promise.resolve()).then(() => {\r\n this.setPinnedMessage(pinnedMessage);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n this.needUpdate.forEachReverse((obj, idx) => {\r\n if (obj.replyMid == mid) {\r\n let { mid, replyMid } = this.needUpdate.splice(idx, 1)[0];\r\n //this.log('messages_downloaded', mid, replyMid, i, this.needUpdate, this.needUpdate.length, mids, this.bubbles[mid]);\r\n let bubble = this.bubbles[mid];\r\n if (!bubble)\r\n return;\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n let repliedMessage = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(replyMid);\r\n if (repliedMessage.deleted) { // чтобы не пыталось бесконечно загрузить удалённое сообщение\r\n delete message.reply_to_mid; // WARNING!\r\n }\r\n this.renderMessage(message, true, false, bubble, false);\r\n //this.renderMessage(message, true, true, bubble, false);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e) => {\r\n let update = e.detail;\r\n this.handleUpdate(update);\r\n });\r\n window.addEventListener('blur', () => {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(true);\r\n this.offline = utils_1.$rootScope.idle.isIDLE = true;\r\n this.updateStatus();\r\n clearInterval(this.updateStatusInterval);\r\n window.addEventListener('focus', () => {\r\n this.offline = utils_1.$rootScope.idle.isIDLE = false;\r\n this.updateStatus();\r\n this.updateStatusInterval = window.setInterval(() => this.updateStatus(), 50e3);\r\n // в обратном порядке\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(false);\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n });\r\n this.topbar.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n const pinned = utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'pinned-container');\r\n if (pinned) {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n const mid = +pinned.dataset.mid;\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n this.setPeer(message.peerID, mid);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.toggleSidebar(true);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.bubblesContainer.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n let bubble = null;\r\n try {\r\n bubble = utils_1.findUpClassName(target, 'bubble');\r\n }\r\n catch (err) { }\r\n if (!bubble)\r\n return;\r\n if (bubble.classList.contains('is-date') && utils_1.findUpClassName(target, 'bubble__container')) {\r\n if (bubble.classList.contains('is-sticky') && !this.chatInner.classList.contains('is-scrolling')) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n for (let timestamp in this.dateMessages) {\r\n let d = this.dateMessages[timestamp];\r\n if (d.div == bubble) {\r\n new popupDatepicker_1.default(new Date(+timestamp), this.onDatePick).show();\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let contactDiv = utils_1.findUpClassName(target, 'contact');\r\n if (contactDiv) {\r\n this.setPeer(+contactDiv.dataset.peerID);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //this.log('chatInner click:', target);\r\n const isVideoComponentElement = target.tagName == 'SPAN';\r\n /* if(isVideoComponentElement) {\r\n const video = target.parentElement.querySelector('video') as HTMLElement;\r\n if(video) {\r\n video.click(); // hot-fix for time and play button\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n if (bubble.classList.contains('sticker') && target.parentElement.classList.contains('attachment')) {\r\n const messageID = +bubble.dataset.mid;\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(messageID);\r\n const doc = (_a = message.media) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.document;\r\n if (doc === null || doc === void 0 ? void 0 : doc.stickerSetInput) {\r\n new popupStickers_1.default(doc.stickerSetInput).show();\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if ((target.tagName == 'IMG' && !target.classList.contains('emoji') && target.parentElement.tagName != \"AVATAR-ELEMENT\" && !target.classList.contains('document-thumb'))\r\n || target.classList.contains('album-item')\r\n || isVideoComponentElement\r\n || (target.tagName == 'VIDEO' && !bubble.classList.contains('round'))) {\r\n let messageID = +((_b = utils_1.findUpClassName(target, 'album-item')) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.dataset.mid) || +bubble.dataset.mid;\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(messageID);\r\n if (!message) {\r\n this.log.warn('no message by messageID:', messageID);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let targets = [];\r\n let ids = Object.keys(this.bubbles).map(k => +k).filter(id => {\r\n //if(!this.scrollable.visibleElements.find(e => e.element == this.bubbles[id])) return false;\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(id);\r\n return message.media && (message.media.photo || (message.media.document && (message.media.document.type == 'video' || message.media.document.type == 'gif')) || (message.media.webpage && (message.media.webpage.document || message.media.webpage.photo)));\r\n }).sort((a, b) => a - b);\r\n ids.forEach(id => {\r\n let withTail = this.bubbles[id].classList.contains('with-media-tail');\r\n let str = '.album-item img, .album-item video, .preview img, .preview video, ';\r\n if (withTail) {\r\n str += '.bubble__media-container';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n str += '.attachment img, .attachment video';\r\n }\r\n let elements = this.bubbles[id].querySelectorAll(str);\r\n Array.from(elements).forEach((element) => {\r\n let albumItem = utils_1.findUpClassName(element, 'album-item');\r\n targets.push({\r\n element,\r\n mid: +(albumItem === null || albumItem === void 0 ? void 0 : albumItem.dataset.mid) || id\r\n });\r\n });\r\n });\r\n targets.sort((a, b) => a.mid - b.mid);\r\n let idx = targets.findIndex(t => t.mid == messageID);\r\n this.log('open mediaViewer single with ids:', ids, idx, targets);\r\n if (!targets[idx]) {\r\n this.log('no target for media viewer!', target);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n appMediaViewer_1.default.openMedia(message, targets[idx].element, true, this.scroll.parentElement, targets.slice(0, idx), targets.slice(idx + 1) /* , !message.grouped_id */);\r\n //appMediaViewer.openMedia(message, target as HTMLImageElement);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (['IMG', 'DIV', \"AVATAR-ELEMENT\"].indexOf(target.tagName) === -1)\r\n target = utils_1.findUpTag(target, 'DIV');\r\n if (target.tagName == 'DIV' || target.tagName == \"AVATAR-ELEMENT\") {\r\n if (target.classList.contains('goto-original')) {\r\n let savedFrom = bubble.dataset.savedFrom;\r\n let splitted = savedFrom.split('_');\r\n let peerID = +splitted[0];\r\n let msgID = +splitted[1];\r\n ////this.log('savedFrom', peerID, msgID);\r\n this.setPeer(peerID, msgID);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (target.classList.contains('forward')) {\r\n const mid = +bubble.dataset.mid;\r\n appForward_1.default.init([mid]);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (target.classList.contains('name')) {\r\n let peerID = +target.dataset.peerID;\r\n if (!isNaN(peerID)) {\r\n this.setPeer(peerID);\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (target.tagName == \"AVATAR-ELEMENT\") {\r\n let peerID = +target.getAttribute('peer');\r\n if (!isNaN(peerID)) {\r\n this.setPeer(peerID);\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let isReplyClick = false;\r\n try {\r\n isReplyClick = !!utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'reply');\r\n }\r\n catch (err) { }\r\n if (isReplyClick && bubble.classList.contains('is-reply') /* || bubble.classList.contains('forwarded') */) {\r\n let originalMessageID = +bubble.getAttribute('data-original-mid');\r\n this.setPeer(this.peerID, originalMessageID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (target.tagName == 'IMG' && target.parentElement.tagName == \"AVATAR-ELEMENT\") {\r\n let peerID = +target.parentElement.getAttribute('peer');\r\n if (!isNaN(peerID)) {\r\n this.setPeer(peerID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //console.log('chatInner click', e);\r\n });\r\n this.closeBtn.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n this.setPeer(0);\r\n });\r\n this.searchBtn.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n if (this.peerID) {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.beginSearch();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.btnMute.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n this.mutePeer(this.peerID);\r\n });\r\n this.btnJoin.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n this.btnJoin.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.joinChannel(-this.peerID).finally(() => {\r\n this.btnJoin.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.menuButtons.mute.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n this.mutePeer(this.peerID);\r\n });\r\n this.menuButtons.search.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n new search_1.ChatSearch();\r\n });\r\n let onKeyDown = (e) => {\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n //if(target.tagName == 'INPUT') return;\r\n //this.log('onkeydown', e);\r\n if (this.chatInputC.attachMediaPopUp.container.classList.contains('active')) {\r\n if (target.tagName != 'INPUT') {\r\n this.chatInputC.attachMediaPopUp.captionInput.focus();\r\n }\r\n if (e.key == 'Enter' && !config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n this.chatInputC.attachMediaPopUp.sendBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n else if (e.key == 'Escape') {\r\n this.chatInputC.attachMediaPopUp.container.classList.remove('active');\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (e.key == 'Escape') {\r\n if (appMediaViewer_1.default.wholeDiv.classList.contains('active')) {\r\n appMediaViewer_1.default.buttons.close.click();\r\n }\r\n else if (appForward_1.default.container.classList.contains('active')) {\r\n appForward_1.default.close();\r\n }\r\n else if (this.chatInputC.replyElements.container.classList.contains('active')) {\r\n this.chatInputC.replyElements.cancelBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n else if (this.peerID != 0) { // hide current dialog\r\n this.setPeer(0);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (e.key == 'Meta' || e.key == 'Control') {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (e.code == \"KeyC\" && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && target.tagName != 'INPUT') {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (e.target != this.chatInputC.messageInput && target.tagName != 'INPUT') {\r\n this.chatInputC.messageInput.focus();\r\n utils_1.placeCaretAtEnd(this.chatInputC.messageInput);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n document.body.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown);\r\n this.goDownBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(this.peerID)[0];\r\n if (dialog) {\r\n this.setPeer(this.peerID /* , dialog.top_message */);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.log('will scroll down 3');\r\n this.scroll.scrollTop = this.scroll.scrollHeight;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.updateStatusInterval = window.setInterval(() => this.updateStatus(), 50e3);\r\n this.updateStatus();\r\n setInterval(() => this.setPeerStatus(), 60e3);\r\n this.setScroll();\r\n //apiUpdatesManager.attach();\r\n this.stickyIntersector = new stickyIntersector_1.default(this.scrollable.container, (stuck, target) => {\r\n for (let timestamp in this.dateMessages) {\r\n let dateMessage = this.dateMessages[timestamp];\r\n if (dateMessage.container == target) {\r\n dateMessage.div.classList.toggle('is-sticky', stuck);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.unreadedObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {\r\n if (this.offline) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let readed = [];\r\n entries.forEach(entry => {\r\n if (entry.isIntersecting) {\r\n let target = entry.target;\r\n let mid = +target.dataset.mid;\r\n readed.push(mid);\r\n this.unreadedObserver.unobserve(target);\r\n this.unreaded.findAndSplice(id => id == mid);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (readed.length) {\r\n let max = Math.max(...readed);\r\n let length = readed.length;\r\n for (let i = this.unreaded.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\r\n let mid = this.unreaded[i];\r\n if (mid < max) {\r\n length++;\r\n this.unreaded.splice(i, 1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.log('will readHistory by ids:', max, length);\r\n /* if(this.peerID < 0) {\r\n max = appMessagesIDsManager.getMessageIDInfo(max)[0];\r\n } */\r\n //appMessagesManager.readMessages(readed);\r\n /* false && */ appMessagesManager_1.default.readHistory(this.peerID, max, length).catch((err) => {\r\n this.log.error('readHistory err:', err);\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.readHistory(this.peerID, max, length);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n setPinnedMessage(message) {\r\n /////this.log('setting pinned message', message);\r\n //return;\r\n const height = 52;\r\n const scrollTop = this.scrollable.container.scrollTop;\r\n const newPinned = wrappers_1.wrapReply('Pinned Message', message.message, message, true);\r\n newPinned.dataset.mid = '' + message.mid;\r\n newPinned.classList.add('pinned-container');\r\n const close = document.createElement('button');\r\n close.classList.add('pinned-message-close', 'btn-icon', 'tgico-close');\r\n close.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n const scrollTop = this.scrollable.scrollTop;\r\n newPinned.remove();\r\n this.topbar.classList.remove('is-pinned-shown');\r\n this.pinnedMessageContainer = null;\r\n this.scrollable.scrollTop = scrollTop - height;\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n newPinned.append(close);\r\n this.btnJoin.parentElement.insertBefore(newPinned, this.btnJoin);\r\n this.topbar.classList.add('is-pinned-shown');\r\n if (this.pinnedMessageContainer) {\r\n this.pinnedMessageContainer.remove();\r\n }\r\n this.pinnedMessageContainer = newPinned;\r\n //this.pinnedMessageContent.innerHTML = message.rReply;\r\n this.scrollable.scrollTop = scrollTop + height;\r\n }\r\n updateStatus() {\r\n if (!this.myID)\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.setUserStatus(this.myID, this.offline);\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('account.updateStatus', { offline: this.offline });\r\n }\r\n getAlbumBubble(groupID) {\r\n let group = appMessagesManager_1.default.groupedMessagesStorage[groupID];\r\n for (let i in group) {\r\n let mid = +i;\r\n if (this.bubbles[mid])\r\n return {\r\n bubble: this.bubbles[mid],\r\n message: appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid)\r\n };\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n loadMoreHistory(top, justLoad = false) {\r\n //this.log('loadMoreHistory', top);\r\n if (!this.peerID || testScroll || this.setPeerPromise || (top && this.getHistoryTopPromise) || (!top && this.getHistoryBottomPromise))\r\n return;\r\n // warning, если иды только отрицательные то вниз не попадёт (хотя мб и так не попадёт)\r\n let history = Object.keys(this.bubbles).map(id => +id).filter(id => id > 0).sort((a, b) => a - b);\r\n if (!history.length)\r\n return;\r\n if (top && !this.scrolledAll) {\r\n this.log('Will load more (up) history by id:', history[0], 'maxID:', history[history.length - 1], history);\r\n /* if(history.length == 75) {\r\n this.log('load more', this.scrollable.scrollHeight, this.scrollable.scrollTop, this.scrollable);\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n /* false && */ this.getHistory(history[0], true, undefined, undefined, justLoad);\r\n }\r\n if (this.scrolledAllDown)\r\n return;\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(this.peerID)[0];\r\n // if scroll down after search\r\n if (!top && (!dialog || history.indexOf(dialog.top_message) === -1)) {\r\n this.log('Will load more (down) history by maxID:', history[history.length - 1], history);\r\n /* false && */ this.getHistory(history[history.length - 1], false, true, undefined, justLoad);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n onScroll(e) {\r\n if (this.onScrollRAF)\r\n window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.onScrollRAF);\r\n // * В таком случае, кнопка не будет моргать если чат в самом низу, и правильно отработает случай написания нового сообщения и проскролла вниз\r\n if (this.scrollable.scrollLocked && this.scrolledDown)\r\n return;\r\n this.onScrollRAF = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n //lottieLoader.checkAnimations(false, 'chat');\r\n if (!config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n if (this.isScrollingTimeout) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.isScrollingTimeout);\r\n }\r\n else if (!this.chatInner.classList.contains('is-scrolling')) {\r\n this.chatInner.classList.add('is-scrolling');\r\n }\r\n this.isScrollingTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.chatInner.classList.remove('is-scrolling');\r\n this.isScrollingTimeout = 0;\r\n }, 1350);\r\n }\r\n if (this.scroll.scrollHeight - Math.round(this.scroll.scrollTop + this.scroll.offsetHeight) <= 1 /* <= 5 */) {\r\n this.scroll.parentElement.classList.add('scrolled-down');\r\n this.scrolledDown = true;\r\n }\r\n else if (this.scroll.parentElement.classList.contains('scrolled-down')) {\r\n this.scroll.parentElement.classList.remove('scrolled-down');\r\n this.scrolledDown = false;\r\n }\r\n this.onScrollRAF = 0;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n setScroll() {\r\n this.scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.bubblesContainer, 'y', 'IM', this.chatInner, 300);\r\n /* const getScrollOffset = () => {\r\n //return Math.round(Math.max(300, appPhotosManager.windowH / 1.5));\r\n return 300;\r\n };\r\n \r\n window.addEventListener('resize', () => {\r\n this.scrollable.onScrollOffset = getScrollOffset();\r\n });\r\n \r\n this.scrollable = new Scrollable(this.bubblesContainer, 'y', 'IM', this.chatInner, getScrollOffset()); */\r\n this.scroll = this.scrollable.container;\r\n this.bubblesContainer.append(this.goDownBtn);\r\n this.scrollable.onScrolledTop = () => this.loadMoreHistory(true);\r\n this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = () => this.loadMoreHistory(false);\r\n //this.scrollable.attachSentinels(undefined, 300);\r\n this.scroll.addEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll.bind(this));\r\n this.scroll.parentElement.classList.add('scrolled-down');\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n this.scroll.addEventListener('touchmove', () => {\r\n if (this.isScrollingTimeout) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.isScrollingTimeout);\r\n }\r\n else if (!this.chatInner.classList.contains('is-scrolling')) {\r\n this.chatInner.classList.add('is-scrolling');\r\n }\r\n }, { passive: true });\r\n this.scroll.addEventListener('touchend', () => {\r\n if (!this.chatInner.classList.contains('is-scrolling')) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (this.isScrollingTimeout) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.isScrollingTimeout);\r\n }\r\n this.isScrollingTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.chatInner.classList.remove('is-scrolling');\r\n this.isScrollingTimeout = 0;\r\n }, 1350);\r\n }, { passive: true });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setPeerStatus(needClear = false) {\r\n if (!this.myID)\r\n return;\r\n if (this.peerID < 0) { // not human\r\n let chat = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeer(this.peerID);\r\n let isChannel = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(this.peerID) && !appPeersManager_1.default.isMegagroup(this.peerID);\r\n this.subtitleEl.classList.remove('online');\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.subtitle.classList.remove('online');\r\n ///////this.log('setPeerStatus', chat);\r\n if (needClear) {\r\n this.subtitleEl.innerText = appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.subtitle.innerText = '';\r\n }\r\n appProfileManager_1.default.getChatFull(chat.id).then((chatInfo) => {\r\n this.log('chatInfo res:', chatInfo);\r\n let participants_count = chatInfo.participants_count || (chatInfo.participants && chatInfo.participants.participants && chatInfo.participants.participants.length);\r\n if (participants_count) {\r\n let subtitle = utils_1.numberWithCommas(participants_count) + ' ' + (isChannel ? 'followers' : 'members');\r\n this.subtitleEl.innerText = appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.subtitle.innerText = subtitle;\r\n if (participants_count < 2)\r\n return;\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.getOnlines(chat.id).then(onlines => {\r\n if (onlines > 1) {\r\n subtitle += ', ' + utils_1.numberWithCommas(onlines) + ' online';\r\n }\r\n this.subtitleEl.innerText = appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.subtitle.innerText = subtitle;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else if (!appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(this.peerID)) { // user\r\n let user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(this.peerID);\r\n if (this.myID == this.peerID) {\r\n this.subtitleEl.innerText = appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.subtitle.innerText = '';\r\n }\r\n else if (user && user.status) {\r\n let subtitle = appUsersManager_1.default.getUserStatusString(user.id);\r\n if (subtitle == 'online') {\r\n this.subtitleEl.classList.add('online');\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.subtitle.classList.add('online');\r\n }\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.subtitle.innerText = subtitle;\r\n if (this.typingUsers[this.peerID] == this.peerID) {\r\n this.subtitleEl.innerText = 'typing...';\r\n this.subtitleEl.classList.add('online');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.subtitleEl.innerText = subtitle;\r\n if (subtitle != 'online') {\r\n this.subtitleEl.classList.remove('online');\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.subtitle.classList.remove('online');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.subtitleEl.innerText = 'bot';\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.subtitle.innerText = 'bot';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n cleanup(bubblesToo = false) {\r\n ////console.time('appImManager cleanup');\r\n this.scrolledAll = false;\r\n this.scrolledAllDown = false;\r\n this.bubbles = {};\r\n this.dateMessages = {};\r\n this.bubbleGroups.cleanup();\r\n this.unreadOut.clear();\r\n this.needUpdate.length = 0;\r\n //this.lazyLoadQueue.clear();\r\n // clear input \r\n this.chatInputC.messageInput.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.chatInputC.replyElements.cancelBtn.click();\r\n // clear messages\r\n if (bubblesToo) {\r\n this.scrollable.container.innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n this.peerChanged = false;\r\n this.firstUnreadBubble = null;\r\n this.attachedUnreadBubble = false;\r\n this.messagesQueue.length = 0;\r\n this.messagesQueuePromise = null;\r\n this.getHistoryTopPromise = this.getHistoryBottomPromise = undefined;\r\n this.stickyIntersector.disconnect();\r\n this.unreadedObserver.disconnect();\r\n this.unreaded.length = 0;\r\n this.loadedTopTimes = this.loadedBottomTimes = 0;\r\n this.cleanupID++;\r\n ////console.timeEnd('appImManager cleanup');\r\n }\r\n findMountedBubbleByMsgID(mid) {\r\n return this.bubbles[utils_1.getObjectKeysAndSort(this.bubbles).find(id => {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (id < mid)\r\n return false;\r\n return !!((_a = this.bubbles[id]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.parentElement);\r\n })];\r\n }\r\n setPeer(peerID, lastMsgID) {\r\n var _a;\r\n //console.time('appImManager setPeer');\r\n //console.time('appImManager setPeer pre promise');\r\n ////console.time('appImManager: pre render start');\r\n if (peerID == 0) {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.toggleSidebar(false);\r\n this.topbar.style.display = this.chatInput.style.display = this.goDownBtn.style.display = 'none';\r\n this.cleanup(true);\r\n this.peerID = utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID = 0;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('peer_changed', this.peerID);\r\n if (config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile) {\r\n this.selectTab(0);\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n const samePeer = this.peerID == peerID;\r\n if (this.setPeerPromise && samePeer)\r\n return this.setPeerPromise;\r\n const dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0] || null;\r\n let topMessage = lastMsgID <= 0 ? lastMsgID : (_a = dialog === null || dialog === void 0 ? void 0 : dialog.top_message) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0; // убрать + 1 после создания базы референсов\r\n const isTarget = lastMsgID !== undefined;\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n /* if(topMessage && dialog && dialog.top_message == topMessage && dialog.refetchTopMessage) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n dialog.refetchTopMessage = false;\r\n topMessage += 1;\r\n } */\r\n if (!isTarget && dialog) {\r\n if (dialog.unread_count && !samePeer) {\r\n lastMsgID = dialog.read_inbox_max_id;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n lastMsgID = dialog.top_message;\r\n //lastMsgID = topMessage;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (samePeer) {\r\n if (this.bubbles[lastMsgID]) {\r\n if (isTarget) {\r\n const bubble = this.findMountedBubbleByMsgID(lastMsgID);\r\n this.scrollable.scrollIntoView(bubble);\r\n this.highlightBubble(bubble);\r\n }\r\n else if (dialog && lastMsgID == topMessage) {\r\n this.log('will scroll down', this.scroll.scrollTop, this.scroll.scrollHeight);\r\n this.scroll.scrollTop = this.scroll.scrollHeight;\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.searchCloseBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n // set new\r\n this.peerID = utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID = peerID;\r\n this.log('setPeer peerID:', this.peerID, dialog, lastMsgID, topMessage);\r\n const isJump = lastMsgID != topMessage;\r\n // add last message, bc in getHistory will load < max_id\r\n const additionMsgID = isJump ? 0 : topMessage;\r\n /* this.setPeerPromise = null;\r\n this.preloader.detach();\r\n return true; */\r\n //////appSidebarRight.toggleSidebar(true);\r\n const maxBubbleID = samePeer && Math.max(...Object.keys(this.bubbles).map(mid => +mid));\r\n const oldChatInner = this.chatInner;\r\n this.cleanup();\r\n this.chatInner = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.chatInner.id = 'bubbles-inner';\r\n this.scrollable.appendTo = this.chatInner;\r\n this.chatInner.className = oldChatInner.className;\r\n this.chatInner.classList.add('disable-hover', 'is-scrolling');\r\n if (!samePeer) {\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.clear();\r\n }\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.lock();\r\n const { promise, cached } = this.getHistory(lastMsgID, true, isJump, additionMsgID);\r\n if (!samePeer) {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.setPeer(this.peerID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.peerChanged = true;\r\n }\r\n // clear \r\n if (!cached) {\r\n this.scrollable.container.innerHTML = '';\r\n //oldChatInner.remove();\r\n if (!samePeer) {\r\n this.finishPeerChange();\r\n }\r\n this.preloader.attach(this.bubblesContainer);\r\n if (config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile) {\r\n this.selectTab(1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //console.timeEnd('appImManager setPeer pre promise');\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.lockGroup(ANIMATIONGROUP);\r\n this.setPeerPromise = Promise.all([\r\n promise.then(() => {\r\n ////this.log('setPeer removing preloader');\r\n var _a;\r\n if (cached) {\r\n this.scrollable.container.innerHTML = '';\r\n //oldChatInner.remove();\r\n if (!samePeer) {\r\n this.finishPeerChange();\r\n }\r\n if (config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile) {\r\n this.selectTab(1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.preloader.detach();\r\n }\r\n this.scrollable.container.append(this.chatInner);\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.unlockGroup(ANIMATIONGROUP);\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(false, ANIMATIONGROUP /* , true */);\r\n //this.scrollable.attachSentinels();\r\n //this.scrollable.container.insertBefore(this.chatInner, this.scrollable.container.lastElementChild);\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.unlock();\r\n //if(dialog && lastMsgID && lastMsgID != topMessage && (this.bubbles[lastMsgID] || this.firstUnreadBubble)) {\r\n if (dialog && (isTarget || (lastMsgID != topMessage)) && (this.bubbles[lastMsgID] || this.firstUnreadBubble)) {\r\n if (this.scrollable.scrollLocked) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.scrollable.scrollLocked);\r\n this.scrollable.scrollLocked = 0;\r\n }\r\n const fromUp = maxBubbleID > 0 && (maxBubbleID < lastMsgID || lastMsgID < 0);\r\n const forwardingUnread = dialog.read_inbox_max_id == lastMsgID && !isTarget;\r\n if (!fromUp && (samePeer || forwardingUnread)) {\r\n this.scrollable.scrollTop = this.scrollable.scrollHeight;\r\n }\r\n let bubble = forwardingUnread ? (this.firstUnreadBubble || this.bubbles[lastMsgID]) : this.bubbles[lastMsgID];\r\n if (!(bubble === null || bubble === void 0 ? void 0 : bubble.parentElement)) {\r\n bubble = this.findMountedBubbleByMsgID(lastMsgID);\r\n }\r\n this.scrollable.scrollIntoView(bubble, samePeer /* , fromUp */);\r\n if (!forwardingUnread) {\r\n this.highlightBubble(bubble);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.scrollable.scrollTop = this.scrollable.scrollHeight;\r\n }\r\n // warning\r\n if (!lastMsgID || this.bubbles[topMessage] || lastMsgID == topMessage) {\r\n this.scrolledAllDown = true;\r\n }\r\n this.log('scrolledAllDown:', this.scrolledAllDown);\r\n //if(!this.unreaded.length && dialog) { // lol\r\n if (this.scrolledAllDown && dialog) { // lol\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.readHistory(peerID, dialog.top_message);\r\n }\r\n if ((_a = dialog === null || dialog === void 0 ? void 0 : dialog.pFlags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.unread_mark) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.markDialogUnread(peerID, true);\r\n }\r\n this.chatInner.classList.remove('disable-hover', 'is-scrolling'); // warning, performance!\r\n //console.timeEnd('appImManager setPeer');\r\n return true;\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n this.log.error('getHistory promise error:', err);\r\n throw err;\r\n })\r\n ]).catch(err => {\r\n this.log.error('setPeer promises error:', err);\r\n this.preloader.detach();\r\n //oldChatInner.remove();\r\n return false;\r\n }).then(res => {\r\n if (this.peerID == peerID) {\r\n this.setPeerPromise = null;\r\n }\r\n return !!res;\r\n });\r\n //if(this.messagesQueuePromise) {\r\n //appSidebarRight.setLoadMutex(this.setPeerPromise);\r\n //}\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.setLoadMutex(this.setPeerPromise);\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.loadSidebarMedia(true);\r\n return this.setPeerPromise;\r\n }\r\n finishPeerChange() {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n if (this.peerChanged)\r\n return;\r\n let peerID = this.peerID;\r\n this.peerChanged = true;\r\n this.avatarEl.setAttribute('peer', '' + this.peerID);\r\n this.avatarEl.update();\r\n const isAnyGroup = appPeersManager_1.default.isAnyGroup(peerID);\r\n const isChannel = appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID);\r\n const hasRights = isChannel && appChatsManager_1.default.hasRights(-peerID, 'send');\r\n this.chatInner.classList.toggle('has-rights', hasRights);\r\n this.chatInput.style.display = !isChannel || hasRights ? '' : 'none';\r\n this.topbar.classList.remove('is-pinned-shown');\r\n this.topbar.style.display = '';\r\n this.chatInner.classList.toggle('is-chat', isAnyGroup || peerID == this.myID);\r\n this.chatInner.classList.toggle('is-channel', isChannel);\r\n this.btnMute.classList.toggle('hide', !appPeersManager_1.default.isBroadcast(peerID));\r\n this.btnJoin.classList.toggle('hide', !((_b = (_a = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-this.peerID)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.pFlags) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.left));\r\n this.menuButtons.mute.style.display = this.myID == this.peerID ? 'none' : '';\r\n const pinned = appMessagesManager_1.default.getPinnedMessage(peerID);\r\n if (pinned && !pinned.deleted) {\r\n this.setPinnedMessage(pinned);\r\n }\r\n else if (this.pinnedMessageContainer) {\r\n this.pinnedMessageContainer.remove();\r\n this.pinnedMessageContainer = null;\r\n }\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n let title = '';\r\n if (this.peerID == this.myID)\r\n title = 'Saved Messages';\r\n else\r\n title = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(this.peerID);\r\n this.titleEl.innerHTML = appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.name.innerHTML = title;\r\n this.goDownBtn.style.display = '';\r\n this.setPeerStatus(true);\r\n });\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.fillProfileElements();\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('peer_changed', this.peerID);\r\n }\r\n updateUnreadByDialog(dialog) {\r\n let maxID = this.peerID == this.myID ? dialog.read_inbox_max_id : dialog.read_outbox_max_id;\r\n ///////this.log('updateUnreadByDialog', maxID, dialog, this.unreadOut);\r\n for (let msgID of this.unreadOut) {\r\n if (msgID > 0 && msgID <= maxID) {\r\n let bubble = this.bubbles[msgID];\r\n if (bubble) {\r\n bubble.classList.remove('is-sent');\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-read');\r\n }\r\n this.unreadOut.delete(msgID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n deleteMessagesByIDs(msgIDs) {\r\n msgIDs.forEach(id => {\r\n if (!(id in this.bubbles))\r\n return;\r\n let bubble = this.bubbles[id];\r\n delete this.bubbles[id];\r\n if (this.firstUnreadBubble == bubble) {\r\n this.firstUnreadBubble = null;\r\n }\r\n this.bubbleGroups.removeBubble(bubble, id);\r\n this.unreadedObserver.unobserve(bubble);\r\n //this.unreaded.findAndSplice(mid => mid == id);\r\n this.scrollable.removeElement(bubble);\r\n //bubble.remove();\r\n });\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(false, ANIMATIONGROUP);\r\n this.deleteEmptyDateGroups();\r\n }\r\n renderNewMessagesByIDs(msgIDs, scrolledDown = this.scrolledDown) {\r\n if (!this.scrolledAllDown) { // seems search active or sliced\r\n this.log('seems search is active, skipping render:', msgIDs);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n msgIDs.forEach((msgID) => {\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(msgID);\r\n /////////this.log('got new message to append:', message);\r\n //this.unreaded.push(msgID);\r\n this.renderMessage(message);\r\n });\r\n //if(scrolledDown) this.scrollable.scrollTop = this.scrollable.scrollHeight;\r\n if (this.messagesQueuePromise && scrolledDown) {\r\n this.scrollable.scrollTo(this.scrollable.scrollHeight - 1, false, true);\r\n this.messagesQueuePromise.then(() => {\r\n this.log('messagesQueuePromise after:', this.chatInner.childElementCount, this.scrollable.scrollHeight);\r\n this.scrollable.scrollTo(this.scrollable.scrollHeight, true, true);\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.log('messagesQueuePromise afterafter:', this.chatInner.childElementCount, this.scrollable.scrollHeight);\r\n }, 10);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n highlightBubble(element) {\r\n if (element.dataset.timeout) {\r\n clearTimeout(+element.dataset.timeout);\r\n element.classList.remove('is-selected');\r\n void element.offsetWidth; // reflow\r\n }\r\n element.classList.add('is-selected');\r\n element.dataset.timeout = '' + setTimeout(() => {\r\n element.classList.remove('is-selected');\r\n delete element.dataset.timeout;\r\n }, 2000);\r\n }\r\n getDateContainerByMessage(message, reverse) {\r\n const date = new Date(message.date * 1000);\r\n date.setHours(0, 0, 0);\r\n const dateTimestamp = date.getTime();\r\n if (!(dateTimestamp in this.dateMessages)) {\r\n let str = '';\r\n const today = new Date();\r\n today.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\r\n if (today.getTime() == date.getTime()) {\r\n str = 'Today';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];\r\n str = months[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getDate();\r\n if (date.getFullYear() != today.getFullYear()) {\r\n str += ', ' + date.getFullYear();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.className = 'bubble service is-date';\r\n div.innerHTML = `
`;\r\n ////////this.log('need to render date message', dateTimestamp, str);\r\n const container = document.createElement('div');\r\n container.className = 'bubbles-date-group';\r\n this.dateMessages[dateTimestamp] = {\r\n div,\r\n container,\r\n firstTimestamp: date.getTime()\r\n };\r\n container.append(div);\r\n if (reverse) {\r\n this.scrollable.prepend(container, false);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.scrollable.append(container, false);\r\n }\r\n this.stickyIntersector.observeStickyHeaderChanges(container);\r\n }\r\n return this.dateMessages[dateTimestamp];\r\n }\r\n renderMessagesQueue(message, bubble, reverse) {\r\n /* let dateMessage = this.getDateContainerByMessage(message, reverse);\r\n if(reverse) dateMessage.container.insertBefore(bubble, dateMessage.div.nextSibling);\r\n else dateMessage.container.append(bubble);\r\n return; */\r\n let promises = [];\r\n Array.from(bubble.querySelectorAll('img, video')).forEach(el => {\r\n if (el instanceof HTMLVideoElement) {\r\n if (!el.src) {\r\n //this.log.warn('no source', el, source, 'src', source.src);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (el.readyState >= 4)\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (el.complete || !el.src)\r\n return;\r\n let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n let r;\r\n let onLoad = () => {\r\n clearTimeout(timeout);\r\n resolve();\r\n // lol\r\n el.removeEventListener(el instanceof HTMLVideoElement ? 'canplay' : 'load', onLoad);\r\n };\r\n if (el instanceof HTMLVideoElement) {\r\n el.addEventListener('canplay', onLoad);\r\n r = () => el.readyState >= 1;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n el.addEventListener('load', onLoad);\r\n r = () => el.complete;\r\n }\r\n // for safari\r\n let c = () => r() ? onLoad() : window.requestAnimationFrame(c);\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(c);\r\n let timeout = setTimeout(() => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n //this.log.error('did not called', el, el.parentElement, el.complete, el.readyState, src);\r\n resolve();\r\n }, 1500);\r\n });\r\n promises.push(promise);\r\n });\r\n this.messagesQueue.push({ message, bubble, reverse, promises });\r\n if (!this.messagesQueuePromise) {\r\n this.messagesQueuePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n let chatInner = this.chatInner;\r\n let queue = this.messagesQueue.slice();\r\n this.messagesQueue.length = 0;\r\n let promises = queue.reduce((acc, { promises }) => acc.concat(promises), []);\r\n //console.log('promises to call', promises, queue);\r\n Promise.all(promises).then(() => {\r\n if (this.chatInner != chatInner) {\r\n //this.log.warn('chatInner changed!', this.chatInner, chatInner);\r\n return reject('chatInner changed!');\r\n }\r\n if (this.messagesQueueOnRender) {\r\n this.messagesQueueOnRender();\r\n }\r\n queue.forEach(({ message, bubble, reverse }) => {\r\n let dateMessage = this.getDateContainerByMessage(message, reverse);\r\n if (reverse) {\r\n dateMessage.container.insertBefore(bubble, dateMessage.div.nextSibling);\r\n //this.scrollable.prepareElement(bubble, false);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n dateMessage.container.append(bubble);\r\n //this.scrollable.prepareElement(bubble, true);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n resolve();\r\n this.messagesQueuePromise = null;\r\n }, reject);\r\n }, 0);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n getMiddleware() {\r\n let cleanupID = this.cleanupID;\r\n return () => {\r\n return this.cleanupID == cleanupID;\r\n };\r\n }\r\n // reverse means top\r\n renderMessage(message, reverse = false, multipleRender = false, bubble = null, updatePosition = true) {\r\n this.log.debug('message to render:', message);\r\n //return;\r\n if (message.deleted)\r\n return;\r\n else if (message.grouped_id) { // will render only last album's message\r\n let storage = appMessagesManager_1.default.groupedMessagesStorage[message.grouped_id];\r\n let maxID = Math.max(...Object.keys(storage).map(i => +i));\r\n if (message.mid < maxID) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n let peerID = this.peerID;\r\n let our = message.fromID == this.myID;\r\n let messageDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n messageDiv.classList.add('message');\r\n //messageDiv.innerText = message.message;\r\n let bubbleContainer;\r\n // bubble\r\n if (!bubble) {\r\n bubbleContainer = document.createElement('div');\r\n bubbleContainer.classList.add('bubble__container');\r\n bubble = document.createElement('div');\r\n bubble.classList.add('bubble');\r\n bubble.appendChild(bubbleContainer);\r\n this.bubbles[+message.mid] = bubble;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n bubble.className = 'bubble';\r\n bubbleContainer = bubble.firstElementChild;\r\n bubbleContainer.innerHTML = '';\r\n bubbleContainer.style.marginBottom = '';\r\n if (bubble == this.firstUnreadBubble) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-first-unread');\r\n }\r\n //bubble.innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n bubble.dataset.mid = message.mid;\r\n if (message._ == 'messageService') {\r\n let action = message.action;\r\n let _ = action._;\r\n if (utils_1.langPack.hasOwnProperty(_) && !utils_1.langPack[_]) {\r\n return bubble;\r\n }\r\n bubble.className = 'bubble service';\r\n let title = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(message.fromID);\r\n let name = document.createElement('div');\r\n name.classList.add('name');\r\n name.dataset.peerID = message.fromID;\r\n name.innerHTML = title;\r\n let str = '';\r\n if (action.message) {\r\n str = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(action.message, { noLinebreaks: true });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (_ == \"messageActionPhoneCall\") {\r\n _ += '.' + action.type;\r\n }\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n let l = utils_1.langPack[_];\r\n if (!l) {\r\n l = '[' + _ + ']';\r\n }\r\n str = l[0].toUpperCase() == l[0] ? l : (name.innerText ? name.outerHTML + ' ' : '') + l;\r\n }\r\n bubbleContainer.innerHTML = `
`;\r\n if (updatePosition) {\r\n this.renderMessagesQueue(message, bubble, reverse);\r\n }\r\n return bubble;\r\n }\r\n // time section\r\n let date = new Date(message.date * 1000);\r\n let time = ('0' + date.getHours()).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2);\r\n if (message.views) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('channel-post');\r\n time = utils_1.formatNumber(message.views, 1) + ' ' + time;\r\n if (!message.savedFrom) {\r\n let forward = document.createElement('div');\r\n forward.classList.add('bubble-beside-button', 'forward');\r\n forward.innerHTML = `\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n `;\r\n bubbleContainer.append(forward);\r\n bubble.classList.add('with-beside-button');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (message.edit_date) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-edited');\r\n time = 'edited ' + time;\r\n }\r\n let timeSpan = document.createElement('span');\r\n timeSpan.classList.add('time');\r\n let timeInner = document.createElement('div');\r\n timeInner.classList.add('inner', 'tgico');\r\n timeInner.innerHTML = time;\r\n let messageMessage, totalEntities;\r\n if (message.grouped_id) {\r\n let group = appMessagesManager_1.default.groupedMessagesStorage[message.grouped_id];\r\n let foundMessages = 0;\r\n for (let i in group) {\r\n let m = group[i];\r\n if (m.message) {\r\n if (++foundMessages > 1)\r\n break;\r\n messageMessage = m.message;\r\n totalEntities = m.totalEntities;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (foundMessages > 1) {\r\n messageMessage = undefined;\r\n totalEntities = undefined;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!messageMessage && !totalEntities) {\r\n messageMessage = message.message;\r\n totalEntities = message.totalEntities;\r\n }\r\n let richText = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(messageMessage, {\r\n entities: totalEntities\r\n });\r\n let messageMedia = message.media;\r\n if (totalEntities && !messageMedia) {\r\n let emojiEntities = totalEntities.filter((e) => e._ == 'messageEntityEmoji');\r\n let strLength = messageMessage.length;\r\n let emojiStrLength = emojiEntities.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr.length, 0);\r\n if (emojiStrLength == strLength && emojiEntities.length <= 3) {\r\n let sticker = appStickersManager_1.default.getAnimatedEmojiSticker(messageMessage);\r\n if (emojiEntities.length == 1 && !messageMedia && sticker) {\r\n messageMedia = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaDocument',\r\n document: sticker\r\n };\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let attachmentDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n attachmentDiv.classList.add('attachment');\r\n attachmentDiv.innerHTML = richText;\r\n bubble.classList.add('emoji-' + emojiEntities.length + 'x');\r\n bubbleContainer.append(attachmentDiv);\r\n }\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-message-empty', 'emoji-big');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n messageDiv.innerHTML = richText;\r\n }\r\n /* if(strLength == emojiStrLength) {\r\n messageDiv.classList.add('emoji-only');\r\n messageDiv.classList.add('message-empty');\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n messageDiv.innerHTML = richText;\r\n }\r\n timeSpan.appendChild(timeInner);\r\n messageDiv.append(timeSpan);\r\n bubbleContainer.prepend(messageDiv);\r\n //bubble.prepend(timeSpan, messageDiv); // that's bad\r\n if (message.reply_markup && message.reply_markup._ == 'replyInlineMarkup' && message.reply_markup.rows && message.reply_markup.rows.length) {\r\n const rows = message.reply_markup.rows;\r\n const containerDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n containerDiv.classList.add('reply-markup');\r\n rows.forEach((row) => {\r\n const buttons = row.buttons;\r\n if (!buttons || !buttons.length)\r\n return;\r\n const rowDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n rowDiv.classList.add('reply-markup-row');\r\n buttons.forEach((button) => {\r\n const text = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(button.text, { noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true });\r\n let buttonEl;\r\n switch (button._) {\r\n case 'keyboardButtonUrl': {\r\n const from = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(message.fromID);\r\n const unsafe = !(from && from.pFlags && from.pFlags.verified);\r\n const url = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapUrl(button.url, unsafe);\r\n buttonEl = document.createElement('a');\r\n buttonEl.href = url;\r\n buttonEl.rel = 'noopener noreferrer';\r\n buttonEl.target = '_blank';\r\n buttonEl.classList.add('is-link', 'tgico');\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n default: {\r\n buttonEl = document.createElement('button');\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n buttonEl.classList.add('reply-markup-button', 'rp');\r\n buttonEl.innerHTML = text;\r\n ripple_1.ripple(buttonEl);\r\n rowDiv.append(buttonEl);\r\n });\r\n containerDiv.append(rowDiv);\r\n });\r\n containerDiv.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n if (!target.classList.contains('reply-markup-button'))\r\n target = utils_1.findUpClassName(target, 'reply-markup-button');\r\n if (!target)\r\n return;\r\n const column = utils_1.whichChild(target);\r\n const row = rows[utils_1.whichChild(target.parentElement)];\r\n if (!row.buttons || !row.buttons[column]) {\r\n this.log.warn('no such button', row, column, message);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const button = row.buttons[column];\r\n AppInlineBotsManager_1.default.callbackButtonClick(message.mid, button);\r\n });\r\n const offset = rows.length * 45 + 'px';\r\n bubbleContainer.style.marginBottom = offset;\r\n containerDiv.style.bottom = '-' + offset;\r\n bubbleContainer.prepend(containerDiv);\r\n }\r\n if (our) {\r\n if (message.pFlags.unread || message.mid < 0)\r\n this.unreadOut.add(message.mid); // message.mid < 0 added 11.02.2020\r\n let status = '';\r\n if (message.mid < 0)\r\n status = 'is-sending';\r\n else\r\n status = message.pFlags.unread ? 'is-sent' : 'is-read';\r\n bubble.classList.add(status);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n //this.log('not our message', message, message.pFlags.unread);\r\n if (message.pFlags.unread) {\r\n this.unreadedObserver.observe(bubble);\r\n if (!this.unreaded.indexOf(message.mid)) {\r\n this.unreaded.push(message.mid);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const isOut = our && (!message.fwd_from || this.peerID != this.myID);\r\n // media\r\n if (messageMedia /* && messageMedia._ == 'messageMediaPhoto' */) {\r\n let attachmentDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n attachmentDiv.classList.add('attachment');\r\n if (!messageMessage) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-message-empty');\r\n }\r\n let processingWebPage = false;\r\n switch (messageMedia._) {\r\n case 'messageMediaPending': {\r\n let pending = messageMedia;\r\n let preloader = pending.preloader;\r\n switch (pending.type) {\r\n case 'album': {\r\n this.log('will wrap pending album');\r\n bubble.classList.add('hide-name', 'photo', 'is-album');\r\n wrappers_1.wrapAlbum({\r\n groupID: '' + message.id,\r\n attachmentDiv,\r\n uploading: true,\r\n isOut: true\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'photo': {\r\n //if(pending.size < 5e6) {\r\n const photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.getPhoto(message.id);\r\n //if(photo._ == 'photoEmpty') break;\r\n this.log('will wrap pending photo:', pending, message, photo);\r\n const tailSupported = !config_1.isAndroid;\r\n if (tailSupported)\r\n bubble.classList.add('with-media-tail');\r\n wrappers_1.wrapPhoto(photo, message, attachmentDiv, undefined, undefined, tailSupported, true, this.lazyLoadQueue, null);\r\n bubble.classList.add('hide-name', 'photo');\r\n //}\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'video': {\r\n //if(pending.size < 5e6) {\r\n let doc = appDocsManager_1.default.getDoc(message.id);\r\n //if(doc._ == 'documentEmpty') break;\r\n this.log('will wrap pending video:', pending, message, doc);\r\n const tailSupported = !config_1.isAndroid && !config_1.isApple && doc.type != 'round';\r\n if (tailSupported)\r\n bubble.classList.add('with-media-tail');\r\n wrappers_1.wrapVideo({\r\n doc,\r\n container: attachmentDiv,\r\n message,\r\n boxWidth: config_1.mediaSizes.active.regular.width,\r\n boxHeight: config_1.mediaSizes.active.regular.height,\r\n withTail: tailSupported,\r\n isOut: isOut,\r\n lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue,\r\n middleware: null,\r\n group: ANIMATIONGROUP\r\n });\r\n preloader.attach(attachmentDiv, false);\r\n bubble.classList.add('hide-name', 'video');\r\n //}\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'audio':\r\n case 'voice':\r\n case 'document': {\r\n const doc = appDocsManager_1.default.getDoc(message.id);\r\n //if(doc._ == 'documentEmpty') break;\r\n this.log('will wrap pending doc:', doc);\r\n const docDiv = wrappers_1.wrapDocument(doc, false, true, message.id);\r\n if (doc.type == 'audio' || doc.type == 'voice') {\r\n docDiv.preloader = preloader;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const icoDiv = docDiv.querySelector('.audio-download, .document-ico');\r\n preloader.attach(icoDiv, false);\r\n }\r\n if (pending.type == 'voice') {\r\n bubble.classList.add('bubble-audio');\r\n }\r\n bubble.classList.remove('is-message-empty');\r\n messageDiv.classList.add((pending.type || 'document') + '-message');\r\n messageDiv.append(docDiv);\r\n processingWebPage = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'messageMediaPhoto': {\r\n let photo = messageMedia.photo;\r\n ////////this.log('messageMediaPhoto', photo);\r\n bubble.classList.add('hide-name', 'photo');\r\n const tailSupported = !config_1.isAndroid;\r\n if (tailSupported)\r\n bubble.classList.add('with-media-tail');\r\n if (message.grouped_id) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-album');\r\n let storage = appMessagesManager_1.default.groupedMessagesStorage[message.grouped_id];\r\n if (Object.keys(storage).length != 1) {\r\n wrappers_1.wrapAlbum({\r\n groupID: message.grouped_id,\r\n attachmentDiv,\r\n middleware: this.getMiddleware(),\r\n isOut: our,\r\n lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n wrappers_1.wrapPhoto(photo, message, attachmentDiv, undefined, undefined, tailSupported, isOut, this.lazyLoadQueue, this.getMiddleware());\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'messageMediaWebPage': {\r\n processingWebPage = true;\r\n let webpage = messageMedia.webpage;\r\n ////////this.log('messageMediaWebPage', webpage);\r\n if (webpage._ == 'webPageEmpty') {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n bubble.classList.add('webpage');\r\n let box = document.createElement('div');\r\n box.classList.add('box', 'web');\r\n let quote = document.createElement('div');\r\n quote.classList.add('quote');\r\n let previewResizer, preview;\r\n if (webpage.photo || webpage.document) {\r\n previewResizer = document.createElement('div');\r\n previewResizer.classList.add('preview-resizer');\r\n preview = document.createElement('div');\r\n preview.classList.add('preview');\r\n previewResizer.append(preview);\r\n }\r\n let doc = null;\r\n if (webpage.document) {\r\n doc = webpage.document;\r\n if (doc.type == 'gif' || doc.type == 'video') {\r\n //if(doc.size <= 20e6) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('video');\r\n wrappers_1.wrapVideo({\r\n doc,\r\n container: preview,\r\n message,\r\n boxWidth: config_1.mediaSizes.active.webpage.width,\r\n boxHeight: config_1.mediaSizes.active.webpage.height,\r\n lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue,\r\n middleware: this.getMiddleware(),\r\n isOut,\r\n group: ANIMATIONGROUP\r\n });\r\n //}\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n doc = null;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (previewResizer) {\r\n quote.append(previewResizer);\r\n }\r\n let quoteTextDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n quoteTextDiv.classList.add('quote-text');\r\n if (webpage.site_name) {\r\n let nameEl = document.createElement('a');\r\n nameEl.classList.add('name');\r\n nameEl.setAttribute('target', '_blank');\r\n nameEl.href = webpage.url || '#';\r\n nameEl.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(webpage.site_name);\r\n quoteTextDiv.append(nameEl);\r\n }\r\n if (webpage.title) {\r\n let titleDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n titleDiv.classList.add('title');\r\n titleDiv.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(webpage.title);\r\n quoteTextDiv.append(titleDiv);\r\n }\r\n if (webpage.description) {\r\n let textDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n textDiv.classList.add('text');\r\n textDiv.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(webpage.description);\r\n quoteTextDiv.append(textDiv);\r\n }\r\n quote.append(quoteTextDiv);\r\n if (webpage.photo && !doc) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('photo');\r\n const size = webpage.photo.sizes[webpage.photo.sizes.length - 1];\r\n if (size.w == size.h && quoteTextDiv.childElementCount) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-square-photo');\r\n }\r\n else if (size.h > size.w) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-vertical-photo');\r\n }\r\n wrappers_1.wrapPhoto(webpage.photo, message, preview, config_1.mediaSizes.active.webpage.width, config_1.mediaSizes.active.webpage.height, false, isOut, this.lazyLoadQueue, this.getMiddleware());\r\n }\r\n box.append(quote);\r\n //bubble.prepend(box);\r\n bubbleContainer.prepend(timeSpan, box);\r\n //this.log('night running', bubble.scrollHeight);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'messageMediaDocument': {\r\n let doc = messageMedia.document;\r\n //this.log('messageMediaDocument', doc, bubble);\r\n if (doc.sticker /* && doc.size <= 1e6 */) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('sticker');\r\n if (doc.animated) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('sticker-animated');\r\n }\r\n let size = bubble.classList.contains('emoji-big') ? 140 : 200;\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.setAttachmentSize(doc, attachmentDiv, size, size, true);\r\n //let preloader = new ProgressivePreloader(attachmentDiv, false);\r\n bubbleContainer.style.height = attachmentDiv.style.height;\r\n bubbleContainer.style.width = attachmentDiv.style.width;\r\n //appPhotosManager.setAttachmentSize(doc, bubble);\r\n wrappers_1.wrapSticker({\r\n doc,\r\n div: attachmentDiv,\r\n middleware: this.getMiddleware(),\r\n lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue,\r\n group: ANIMATIONGROUP,\r\n //play: !!message.pending || !multipleRender,\r\n play: true,\r\n loop: true,\r\n emoji: bubble.classList.contains('emoji-big') ? messageMessage : undefined,\r\n withThumb: true\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n else if (doc.type == 'video' || doc.type == 'gif' || doc.type == 'round' /* && doc.size <= 20e6 */) {\r\n //this.log('never get free 2', doc);\r\n bubble.classList.add('hide-name', doc.type == 'round' ? 'round' : 'video');\r\n if (message.grouped_id) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-album');\r\n wrappers_1.wrapAlbum({\r\n groupID: message.grouped_id,\r\n attachmentDiv,\r\n middleware: this.getMiddleware(),\r\n isOut: our,\r\n lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const tailSupported = !config_1.isAndroid && !config_1.isApple && doc.type != 'round';\r\n if (tailSupported)\r\n bubble.classList.add('with-media-tail');\r\n wrappers_1.wrapVideo({\r\n doc,\r\n container: attachmentDiv,\r\n message,\r\n boxWidth: config_1.mediaSizes.active.regular.width,\r\n boxHeight: config_1.mediaSizes.active.regular.height,\r\n withTail: tailSupported,\r\n isOut: isOut,\r\n lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue,\r\n middleware: this.getMiddleware(),\r\n group: ANIMATIONGROUP\r\n });\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n else if (doc.mime_type == 'audio/ogg') {\r\n let docDiv = wrappers_1.wrapDocument(doc, false, false, message.mid);\r\n bubble.classList.remove('is-message-empty');\r\n bubble.classList.add('bubble-audio');\r\n messageDiv.append(docDiv);\r\n processingWebPage = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let docDiv = wrappers_1.wrapDocument(doc, false, false, message.mid);\r\n bubble.classList.remove('is-message-empty');\r\n messageDiv.append(docDiv);\r\n messageDiv.classList.add((doc.type || 'document') + '-message');\r\n processingWebPage = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'messageMediaContact': {\r\n //this.log('wrapping contact', message);\r\n let contactDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n contactDiv.classList.add('contact');\r\n contactDiv.dataset.peerID = '' + messageMedia.user_id;\r\n messageDiv.classList.add('contact-message');\r\n processingWebPage = true;\r\n let texts = [];\r\n if (message.media.first_name)\r\n texts.push(richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(message.media.first_name));\r\n if (message.media.last_name)\r\n texts.push(richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(message.media.last_name));\r\n contactDiv.innerHTML = `\r\n
${texts.join(' ')}
${message.media.phone_number ? '+' + misc_1.formatPhoneNumber(message.media.phone_number).formatted : 'Unknown phone number'}
`;\r\n let avatarElem = new avatar_1.default();\r\n avatarElem.setAttribute('peer', '' + message.media.user_id);\r\n avatarElem.classList.add('contact-avatar');\r\n contactDiv.prepend(avatarElem);\r\n bubble.classList.remove('is-message-empty');\r\n messageDiv.append(contactDiv);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'messageMediaPoll': {\r\n bubble.classList.remove('is-message-empty');\r\n let pollElement = wrappers_1.wrapPoll(message.media.poll.id, message.mid);\r\n messageDiv.prepend(pollElement);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n default:\r\n bubble.classList.remove('is-message-empty');\r\n messageDiv.innerHTML = 'unrecognized media type: ' + message.media._;\r\n messageDiv.append(timeSpan);\r\n this.log.warn('unrecognized media type:', message.media._, message);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if (!processingWebPage) {\r\n bubbleContainer.append(attachmentDiv);\r\n }\r\n /* if(bubble.classList.contains('is-message-empty') && (bubble.classList.contains('photo') || bubble.classList.contains('video'))) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('no-tail');\r\n \r\n if(!bubble.classList.contains('with-media-tail')) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('use-border-radius');\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n if ((this.peerID < 0 && !our) || message.fwd_from || message.reply_to_mid) { // chat\r\n let title = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(message.fwdFromID || message.fromID);\r\n const isForwardFromChannel = !message.fromID && message.fwd_from;\r\n let isHidden = message.fwd_from && !message.fwd_from.from_id && !message.fwd_from.channel_id;\r\n if (isHidden) {\r\n ///////this.log('message to render hidden', message);\r\n title = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(message.fwd_from.from_name);\r\n //title = message.fwd_from.from_name;\r\n bubble.classList.add('hidden-profile');\r\n }\r\n //this.log(title);\r\n if ((message.fwdFromID || message.fwd_from)) {\r\n if (this.peerID != this.myID) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('forwarded');\r\n }\r\n if (message.savedFrom) {\r\n let goto = document.createElement('div');\r\n goto.classList.add('bubble-beside-button', 'goto-original', 'tgico-next');\r\n bubbleContainer.append(goto);\r\n bubble.dataset.savedFrom = message.savedFrom;\r\n bubble.classList.add('with-beside-button');\r\n }\r\n if (!bubble.classList.contains('sticker')) {\r\n let nameDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n nameDiv.classList.add('name');\r\n nameDiv.dataset.peerID = message.fwdFromID;\r\n if (this.peerID == this.myID || isForwardFromChannel) {\r\n nameDiv.style.color = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerColorByID(message.fwdFromID, false);\r\n nameDiv.innerHTML = title;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n nameDiv.innerHTML = 'Forwarded from ' + title;\r\n }\r\n bubbleContainer.append(nameDiv);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (message.reply_to_mid) {\r\n let originalMessage = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(message.reply_to_mid);\r\n let originalPeerTitle = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(originalMessage.fromID || originalMessage.fwdFromID, true) || '';\r\n /////////this.log('message to render reply', originalMessage, originalPeerTitle, bubble, message);\r\n // need to download separately\r\n if (originalMessage._ == 'messageEmpty') {\r\n //////////this.log('message to render reply empty, need download', message, message.reply_to_mid);\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.wrapSingleMessage(message.reply_to_mid);\r\n this.needUpdate.push({ replyMid: message.reply_to_mid, mid: message.mid });\r\n originalPeerTitle = 'Loading...';\r\n }\r\n if (originalMessage.mid) {\r\n bubble.setAttribute('data-original-mid', originalMessage.mid);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n bubble.setAttribute('data-original-mid', message.reply_to_mid);\r\n }\r\n bubbleContainer.append(wrappers_1.wrapReply(originalPeerTitle, originalMessage.message || '', originalMessage));\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-reply');\r\n }\r\n if (!bubble.classList.contains('sticker') && (peerID < 0 && peerID != message.fromID)) {\r\n let nameDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n nameDiv.classList.add('name');\r\n nameDiv.innerHTML = title;\r\n nameDiv.style.color = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerColorByID(message.fromID, false);\r\n nameDiv.dataset.peerID = message.fromID;\r\n bubbleContainer.append(nameDiv);\r\n }\r\n else /* if(!message.reply_to_mid) */ {\r\n bubble.classList.add('hide-name');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if ((!our && this.peerID < 0 && (!appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(this.peerID) || appPeersManager_1.default.isMegagroup(this.peerID)))\r\n || (this.peerID == this.myID && !message.reply_to_mid)) {\r\n let avatarElem = new avatar_1.default();\r\n avatarElem.classList.add('user-avatar');\r\n if (!message.fromID && message.fwd_from && message.fwd_from.from_name) {\r\n avatarElem.setAttribute('peer-title', message.fwd_from.from_name);\r\n }\r\n avatarElem.setAttribute('peer', '' + (((message.fwd_from && this.peerID == this.myID) || isForwardFromChannel ? message.fwdFromID : message.fromID) || 0));\r\n avatarElem.update();\r\n //this.log('exec loadDialogPhoto', message);\r\n bubbleContainer.append(avatarElem);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n bubble.classList.add('hide-name');\r\n }\r\n bubble.classList.add(isOut ? 'is-out' : 'is-in');\r\n if (updatePosition) {\r\n this.bubbleGroups.addBubble(bubble, message, reverse);\r\n this.renderMessagesQueue(message, bubble, reverse);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.bubbleGroups.updateGroupByMessageID(message.mid);\r\n }\r\n return bubble;\r\n }\r\n performHistoryResult(history, reverse, isBackLimit, additionMsgID) {\r\n // commented bot getProfile in getHistory!\r\n if (!history /* .filter((id: number) => id > 0) */.length) {\r\n if (!isBackLimit) {\r\n this.scrolledAll = true;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.scrolledAllDown = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n history = history.slice(); // need\r\n if (additionMsgID) {\r\n history.unshift(additionMsgID);\r\n }\r\n /* if(testScroll && additionMsgID) {\r\n for(let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {\r\n let _history = history.slice();\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.performHistoryResult(_history, reverse, isBackLimit, 0, resetPromises);\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(this.peerID)[0];\r\n if (dialog && dialog.top_message) {\r\n for (let mid of history) {\r\n if (mid == dialog.top_message) {\r\n this.scrolledAllDown = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //console.time('appImManager render history');\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n let method = (reverse ? history.shift : history.pop).bind(history);\r\n let realLength = this.scrollable.length;\r\n let previousScrollHeightMinusTop;\r\n if (realLength > 0 && reverse) { // for safari need set when scrolling bottom too\r\n this.messagesQueueOnRender = () => {\r\n let scrollTop = this.scrollable.scrollTop;\r\n previousScrollHeightMinusTop = this.scrollable.scrollHeight - scrollTop;\r\n //this.chatInner.style.height = '100%';\r\n //previousScrollHeightMinusTop = 0;\r\n /* if(reverse) {\r\n previousScrollHeightMinusTop = this.scrollable.scrollHeight - scrollTop;\r\n } else {\r\n previousScrollHeightMinusTop = scrollTop;\r\n } */\r\n this.log('performHistoryResult: messagesQueueOnRender, scrollTop:', scrollTop, previousScrollHeightMinusTop);\r\n this.messagesQueueOnRender = undefined;\r\n };\r\n }\r\n while (history.length) {\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(method());\r\n this.renderMessage(message, reverse, true);\r\n }\r\n (this.messagesQueuePromise || Promise.resolve()).then(() => {\r\n if (previousScrollHeightMinusTop !== undefined) {\r\n const newScrollTop = reverse ? this.scrollable.scrollHeight - previousScrollHeightMinusTop : previousScrollHeightMinusTop;\r\n this.log('performHistoryResult: will set scrollTop', this.scrollable.scrollHeight, newScrollTop, this.scrollable.container.clientHeight);\r\n // touchSupport for safari iOS\r\n config_1.touchSupport && config_1.isApple && (this.scrollable.container.style.overflow = 'hidden');\r\n this.scrollable.scrollTop = newScrollTop;\r\n config_1.touchSupport && config_1.isApple && (this.scrollable.container.style.overflow = '');\r\n }\r\n resolve(true);\r\n }, reject);\r\n }).then(() => {\r\n //console.timeEnd('appImManager render history');\r\n return true;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Load and render history\r\n * @param maxID max message id\r\n * @param reverse 'true' means up\r\n * @param isBackLimit is search\r\n * @param additionMsgID for the last message\r\n * @param justLoad do not render\r\n */\r\n getHistory(maxID = 0, reverse = false, isBackLimit = false, additionMsgID = 0, justLoad = false) {\r\n const peerID = this.peerID;\r\n //console.time('appImManager call getHistory');\r\n const pageCount = appPhotosManager_1.default.windowH / 38 /* * 1.25 */ | 0;\r\n //const loadCount = Object.keys(this.bubbles).length > 0 ? 50 : pageCount;\r\n const realLoadCount = Object.keys(this.bubbles).length > 0 ? Math.max(40, pageCount) : pageCount; //const realLoadCount = 50;\r\n let loadCount = realLoadCount;\r\n if (testScroll) {\r\n //loadCount = 1;\r\n if (Object.keys(this.bubbles).length > 0)\r\n return { cached: false, promise: Promise.resolve(true) };\r\n }\r\n ////console.time('render history total');\r\n let backLimit = 0;\r\n if (isBackLimit) {\r\n backLimit = loadCount;\r\n if (!reverse) { // if not jump\r\n loadCount = 0;\r\n maxID += 1;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const result = appMessagesManager_1.default.getHistory(this.peerID, maxID, loadCount, backLimit);\r\n let promise, cached;\r\n if (result instanceof Promise) {\r\n cached = false;\r\n promise = result.then((result) => {\r\n this.log('getHistory not cached result by maxID:', maxID, reverse, isBackLimit, result, peerID, justLoad);\r\n if (justLoad) {\r\n this.scrollable.onScroll(); // нужно делать из-за ранней прогрузки\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n //console.timeEnd('appImManager call getHistory');\r\n if (this.peerID != peerID || (this.getHistoryTopPromise != promise && this.getHistoryBottomPromise != promise)) {\r\n this.log.warn('peer changed');\r\n ////console.timeEnd('render history total');\r\n return Promise.reject();\r\n }\r\n ////console.timeEnd('render history total');\r\n return this.performHistoryResult(result.history || [], reverse, isBackLimit, additionMsgID);\r\n }, (err) => {\r\n this.log.error('getHistory error:', err);\r\n return false;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else if (justLoad) {\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n cached = true;\r\n this.log('getHistory cached result by maxID:', maxID, reverse, isBackLimit, result, peerID, justLoad);\r\n promise = this.performHistoryResult(result.history || [], reverse, isBackLimit, additionMsgID);\r\n //return (reverse ? this.getHistoryTopPromise = promise : this.getHistoryBottomPromise = promise);\r\n //return this.performHistoryResult(result.history || [], reverse, isBackLimit, additionMsgID, true);\r\n }\r\n (reverse ? this.getHistoryTopPromise = promise : this.getHistoryBottomPromise = promise);\r\n promise.finally(() => {\r\n (reverse ? this.getHistoryTopPromise = undefined : this.getHistoryBottomPromise = undefined);\r\n });\r\n if (justLoad) {\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n /* false && */ promise.then(() => {\r\n if (reverse) {\r\n this.loadedTopTimes++;\r\n this.loadedBottomTimes = Math.max(0, --this.loadedBottomTimes);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.loadedBottomTimes++;\r\n this.loadedTopTimes = Math.max(0, --this.loadedTopTimes);\r\n }\r\n let ids;\r\n if ((reverse && this.loadedTopTimes > 2) || (!reverse && this.loadedBottomTimes > 2)) {\r\n ids = utils_1.getObjectKeysAndSort(this.bubbles);\r\n }\r\n //let removeCount = loadCount / 2;\r\n const safeCount = realLoadCount * 2; // cause i've been runningrunningrunning all day\r\n this.log('getHistory: slice loadedTimes:', reverse, pageCount, this.loadedTopTimes, this.loadedBottomTimes, ids && ids.length, safeCount);\r\n if (ids && ids.length > safeCount) {\r\n if (reverse) {\r\n //ids = ids.slice(-removeCount);\r\n //ids = ids.slice(removeCount * 2);\r\n ids = ids.slice(safeCount);\r\n this.scrolledAllDown = false;\r\n this.log('getHistory: slice bottom messages:', ids.length, loadCount);\r\n this.getHistoryBottomPromise = undefined; // !WARNING, это нужно для обратной загрузки истории, если запрос словил флуд\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n //ids = ids.slice(0, removeCount);\r\n //ids = ids.slice(0, ids.length - (removeCount * 2));\r\n ids = ids.slice(0, ids.length - safeCount);\r\n this.scrolledAll = false;\r\n this.log('getHistory: slice up messages:', ids.length, loadCount);\r\n this.getHistoryTopPromise = undefined; // !WARNING, это нужно для обратной загрузки истории, если запрос словил флуд\r\n }\r\n this.log('getHistory: will slice ids:', ids, reverse);\r\n this.deleteMessagesByIDs(ids);\r\n }\r\n this.setUnreadDelimiter(); // не нашёл места лучше\r\n // preload more\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.loadMoreHistory(true, true);\r\n this.loadMoreHistory(false, true);\r\n }, 0);\r\n });\r\n return { cached, promise };\r\n }\r\n setUnreadDelimiter() {\r\n if (this.attachedUnreadBubble) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(this.peerID)[0];\r\n if (!(dialog === null || dialog === void 0 ? void 0 : dialog.unread_count))\r\n return;\r\n let maxID = dialog.read_inbox_max_id;\r\n maxID = Object.keys(this.bubbles).filter(mid => !this.bubbles[mid].classList.contains('is-out')).map(i => +i).sort((a, b) => a - b).find(i => i > maxID);\r\n if (maxID && this.bubbles[maxID]) {\r\n let bubble = this.bubbles[maxID];\r\n if (this.firstUnreadBubble && this.firstUnreadBubble != bubble) {\r\n this.firstUnreadBubble.classList.remove('is-first-unread');\r\n this.firstUnreadBubble = null;\r\n }\r\n if (maxID != dialog.top_message) {\r\n bubble.classList.add('is-first-unread');\r\n }\r\n this.firstUnreadBubble = bubble;\r\n this.attachedUnreadBubble = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n deleteEmptyDateGroups() {\r\n for (let i in this.dateMessages) {\r\n let dateMessage = this.dateMessages[i];\r\n if (dateMessage.container.childElementCount == 2) { // only date div + sentinel div\r\n dateMessage.container.remove();\r\n this.stickyIntersector.unobserve(dateMessage.container, dateMessage.div);\r\n delete this.dateMessages[i];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setMutedState(muted = false) {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.notificationsCheckbox.checked = !muted;\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.profileElements.notificationsStatus.innerText = muted ? 'Disabled' : 'Enabled';\r\n if (appPeersManager_1.default.isBroadcast(this.peerID)) { // not human\r\n this.btnMute.classList.remove('tgico-mute', 'tgico-unmute');\r\n this.btnMute.classList.add(muted ? 'tgico-unmute' : 'tgico-mute');\r\n this.btnMute.style.display = '';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.btnMute.style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n const menuButton = this.menuButtons.mute;\r\n menuButton.classList.remove('tgico-mute', 'tgico-unmute');\r\n menuButton.classList.add(muted ? 'tgico-unmute' : 'tgico-mute');\r\n let rp = menuButton.firstElementChild;\r\n menuButton.innerText = muted ? 'Unmute' : 'Mute';\r\n rp && menuButton.appendChild(rp);\r\n }\r\n mutePeer(peerID) {\r\n let inputPeer = appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID);\r\n let inputNotifyPeer = {\r\n _: 'inputNotifyPeer',\r\n peer: inputPeer\r\n };\r\n let settings = {\r\n _: 'inputPeerNotifySettings',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n mute_until: 0\r\n };\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n let muted = true;\r\n if (dialog && dialog.notify_settings) {\r\n muted = dialog.notify_settings.mute_until > (Date.now() / 1000 | 0);\r\n }\r\n if (!muted) {\r\n settings.flags |= 1 << 2;\r\n settings.mute_until = 2147483647;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n settings.flags |= 2;\r\n }\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('account.updateNotifySettings', {\r\n peer: inputNotifyPeer,\r\n settings: settings\r\n }).then(bool => {\r\n this.handleUpdate({ _: 'updateNotifySettings', peer: inputNotifyPeer, notify_settings: settings });\r\n });\r\n /* return apiManager.invokeApi('account.getNotifySettings', {\r\n peer: inputNotifyPeer\r\n }).then((settings: any) => {\r\n settings.flags |= 2 << 1;\r\n settings.mute_until = 2000000000; // 2147483646\r\n \r\n return apiManager.invokeApi('account.updateNotifySettings', {\r\n peer: inputNotifyPeer,\r\n settings: Object.assign(settings, {\r\n _: 'inputPeerNotifySettings'\r\n })\r\n }).then(res => {\r\n this.log('mute result:', res);\r\n });\r\n }); */\r\n }\r\n handleUpdate(update) {\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateUserTyping':\r\n case 'updateChatUserTyping': {\r\n if (this.myID == update.user_id) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n var peerID = update._ == 'updateUserTyping' ? update.user_id : -update.chat_id;\r\n this.typingUsers[update.user_id] = peerID;\r\n if (!appUsersManager_1.default.hasUser(update.user_id)) {\r\n if (update.chat_id && appChatsManager_1.default.hasChat(update.chat_id) && !appChatsManager_1.default.isChannel(update.chat_id)) {\r\n appProfileManager_1.default.getChatFull(update.chat_id);\r\n }\r\n //return;\r\n }\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.forceUserOnline(update.user_id);\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n let currentPeer = this.peerID == peerID;\r\n if (this.typingTimeouts[peerID])\r\n clearTimeout(this.typingTimeouts[peerID]);\r\n else if (dialog) {\r\n appDialogsManager_1.default.setTyping(dialog, appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(update.user_id));\r\n if (currentPeer) { // user\r\n this.setPeerStatus();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.typingTimeouts[peerID] = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.typingTimeouts[peerID] = 0;\r\n delete this.typingUsers[update.user_id];\r\n if (dialog) {\r\n appDialogsManager_1.default.unsetTyping(dialog);\r\n }\r\n // лень просчитывать случаи\r\n this.setPeerStatus();\r\n }, 6000);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'updateNotifySettings': {\r\n let { peer, notify_settings } = update;\r\n // peer was NotifyPeer\r\n peer = peer.peer;\r\n let peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(peer);\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n if (dialog) {\r\n dialog.notify_settings = notify_settings;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialog_notify_settings', peerID);\r\n }\r\n if (peerID == this.peerID) {\r\n let muted = notify_settings.mute_until ? new Date(notify_settings.mute_until * 1000) > new Date() : false;\r\n this.setMutedState(muted);\r\n }\r\n /////this.log('updateNotifySettings', peerID, notify_settings);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppImManager = AppImManager;\r\nconst appImManager = new AppImManager();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.appImManager = appImManager;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = appImManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 11, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\logger.ts", "name": "./src/lib/logger.ts", "index": 17, "index2": 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'production' /* || true */) {\r\n level = LogLevels.error;\r\n }\r\n //level = LogLevels.log | LogLevels.warn | LogLevels.error | LogLevels.debug\r\n function Log(...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.log && console.log(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n }\r\n Log.warn = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.warn && console.warn(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n Log.info = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.log && console.info(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n Log.error = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.error && console.error(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n Log.trace = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.log && console.trace(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n /* Log.debug = function(...args: any[]) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.debug && console.log(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n }; */\r\n Log.debug = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.debug && console.debug(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n return Log;\r\n}\r\nexports.logger = logger;\r\n;\r\n" }, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appDocsManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appDocsManager.ts", "index": 51, "index2": 42, "size": 12121, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 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"loc": "45:41-91" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst opusDecodeController_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../opusDecodeController\"));\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst appDownloadManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDownloadManager\"));\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../config\");\r\n// TODO: если залить картинку файлом, а потом перезайти в диалог - превьюшка заново скачается\r\nclass AppDocsManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.docs = {};\r\n }\r\n saveDoc(doc, context) {\r\n if (doc._ == 'documentEmpty') {\r\n return undefined;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('saveDoc', apiDoc, this.docs[apiDoc.id]);\r\n if (this.docs[doc.id]) {\r\n const d = this.docs[doc.id];\r\n //if(doc._ != 'documentEmpty' && doc._ == d._) {\r\n if (doc.thumbs) {\r\n if (!d.thumbs)\r\n d.thumbs = doc.thumbs;\r\n /* else if(apiDoc.thumbs[0].bytes && !d.thumbs[0].bytes) {\r\n d.thumbs.unshift(apiDoc.thumbs[0]);\r\n } else if(d.thumbs[0].url) { // fix for converted thumb in safari\r\n apiDoc.thumbs[0] = d.thumbs[0];\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n d.file_reference = doc.file_reference;\r\n //}\r\n return d;\r\n //return Object.assign(d, apiDoc, context);\r\n //return context ? Object.assign(d, context) : d;\r\n }\r\n if (context) {\r\n Object.assign(doc, context);\r\n }\r\n this.docs[doc.id] = doc;\r\n doc.attributes.forEach(attribute => {\r\n switch (attribute._) {\r\n case 'documentAttributeFilename':\r\n doc.file_name = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapPlainText(attribute.file_name);\r\n break;\r\n case 'documentAttributeAudio':\r\n doc.duration = attribute.duration;\r\n doc.audioTitle = attribute.title;\r\n doc.audioPerformer = attribute.performer;\r\n doc.type = attribute.pFlags.voice && doc.mime_type == \"audio/ogg\" ? 'voice' : 'audio';\r\n /* if(apiDoc.type == 'audio') {\r\n apiDoc.supportsStreaming = true;\r\n } */\r\n break;\r\n case 'documentAttributeVideo':\r\n doc.duration = attribute.duration;\r\n doc.w = attribute.w;\r\n doc.h = attribute.h;\r\n //apiDoc.supportsStreaming = attribute.pFlags?.supports_streaming/* && apiDoc.size > 524288 */;\r\n if ( /* apiDoc.thumbs && */attribute.pFlags.round_message) {\r\n doc.type = 'round';\r\n }\r\n else /* if(apiDoc.thumbs) */ {\r\n doc.type = 'video';\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'documentAttributeSticker':\r\n if (attribute.alt !== undefined) {\r\n doc.stickerEmojiRaw = attribute.alt;\r\n doc.stickerEmoji = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(doc.stickerEmojiRaw, { noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true });\r\n }\r\n if (attribute.stickerset) {\r\n if (attribute.stickerset._ == 'inputStickerSetEmpty') {\r\n delete attribute.stickerset;\r\n }\r\n else if (attribute.stickerset._ == 'inputStickerSetID') {\r\n doc.stickerSetInput = attribute.stickerset;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if ( /* apiDoc.thumbs && */doc.mime_type == 'image/webp') {\r\n doc.type = 'sticker';\r\n doc.sticker = 1;\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'documentAttributeImageSize':\r\n doc.type = 'photo';\r\n doc.w = attribute.w;\r\n doc.h = attribute.h;\r\n break;\r\n case 'documentAttributeAnimated':\r\n if ((doc.mime_type == 'image/gif' || doc.mime_type == 'video/mp4') /* && apiDoc.thumbs */) {\r\n doc.type = 'gif';\r\n }\r\n doc.animated = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (!doc.mime_type) {\r\n switch (doc.type) {\r\n case 'gif':\r\n case 'video':\r\n case 'round':\r\n doc.mime_type = 'video/mp4';\r\n break;\r\n case 'sticker':\r\n doc.mime_type = 'image/webp';\r\n break;\r\n case 'audio':\r\n doc.mime_type = 'audio/mpeg';\r\n break;\r\n case 'voice':\r\n doc.mime_type = 'audio/ogg';\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n doc.mime_type = 'application/octet-stream';\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (config_1.isServiceWorkerSupported) {\r\n if ((doc.type == 'gif' && doc.size > 8e6) || doc.type == 'audio' || doc.type == 'video') {\r\n doc.supportsStreaming = true;\r\n if (!doc.url) {\r\n doc.url = this.getFileURL(doc);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // for testing purposes\r\n //doc.supportsStreaming = false;\r\n if (!doc.file_name) {\r\n doc.file_name = '';\r\n }\r\n if (doc.mime_type == 'application/x-tgsticker' && doc.file_name == \"AnimatedSticker.tgs\") {\r\n doc.type = 'sticker';\r\n doc.animated = true;\r\n doc.sticker = 2;\r\n }\r\n /* if(!doc.url) {\r\n doc.url = this.getFileURL(doc);\r\n } */\r\n return doc;\r\n }\r\n getDoc(docID) {\r\n return utils_1.isObject(docID) && typeof (docID) !== 'string' ? docID : this.docs[docID];\r\n }\r\n getMediaInput(doc) {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputMediaDocument',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n id: {\r\n _: 'inputDocument',\r\n id: doc.id,\r\n access_hash: doc.access_hash,\r\n file_reference: doc.file_reference\r\n },\r\n ttl_seconds: 0\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getInput(doc, thumbSize) {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputDocumentFileLocation',\r\n id: doc.id,\r\n access_hash: doc.access_hash,\r\n file_reference: doc.file_reference,\r\n thumb_size: thumbSize\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getFileDownloadOptions(doc, thumb) {\r\n const inputFileLocation = this.getInput(doc, thumb === null || thumb === void 0 ? void 0 : thumb.type);\r\n let mimeType;\r\n if (thumb) {\r\n mimeType = doc.sticker ? 'image/webp' : 'image/jpeg' /* doc.mime_type */;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n mimeType = doc.mime_type || 'application/octet-stream';\r\n }\r\n return {\r\n dcID: doc.dc_id,\r\n location: inputFileLocation,\r\n size: thumb ? thumb.size : doc.size,\r\n mimeType: mimeType,\r\n fileName: doc.file_name\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getFileURL(doc, download = false, thumb) {\r\n let type;\r\n if (download) {\r\n type = 'download';\r\n }\r\n else if (thumb) {\r\n type = 'thumb';\r\n }\r\n else if (doc.supportsStreaming) {\r\n type = 'stream';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n type = 'document';\r\n }\r\n return utils_1.getFileURL(type, this.getFileDownloadOptions(doc, thumb));\r\n }\r\n getThumbURL(doc, thumb) {\r\n let promise = Promise.resolve();\r\n if (!thumb.url) {\r\n if ('bytes' in thumb) {\r\n thumb.url = appPhotosManager_1.default.getPreviewURLFromBytes(thumb.bytes, !!doc.sticker);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n //return this.getFileURL(doc, false, thumb);\r\n promise = this.downloadDocNew(doc, thumb);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return { thumb, promise };\r\n }\r\n getThumb(doc, useBytes = true) {\r\n var _a;\r\n if ((_a = doc.thumbs) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) {\r\n let thumb;\r\n if (!useBytes) {\r\n thumb = doc.thumbs.find(t => !('bytes' in t));\r\n }\r\n if (!thumb) {\r\n thumb = doc.thumbs[0];\r\n }\r\n return this.getThumbURL(doc, thumb);\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n getInputFileName(doc, thumbSize) {\r\n return bin_utils_1.getFileNameByLocation(this.getInput(doc, thumbSize), { fileName: doc.file_name });\r\n }\r\n downloadDocNew(doc, thumb) {\r\n const fileName = this.getInputFileName(doc, thumb === null || thumb === void 0 ? void 0 : thumb.type);\r\n let download = appDownloadManager_1.default.getDownload(fileName);\r\n if (download) {\r\n return download;\r\n }\r\n const downloadOptions = this.getFileDownloadOptions(doc, thumb);\r\n download = appDownloadManager_1.default.download(downloadOptions);\r\n const originalPromise = download;\r\n originalPromise.then((blob) => {\r\n if (thumb) {\r\n thumb.url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (!doc.supportsStreaming) {\r\n doc.url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);\r\n }\r\n doc.downloaded = true;\r\n });\r\n if (doc.type == 'voice' && !opusDecodeController_1.default.isPlaySupported()) {\r\n download = originalPromise.then((blob) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n let reader = new FileReader();\r\n yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n reader.onloadend = (e) => {\r\n let uint8 = new Uint8Array(e.target.result);\r\n //console.log('sending uint8 to decoder:', uint8);\r\n opusDecodeController_1.default.decode(uint8).then(result => {\r\n doc.url = result.url;\r\n resolve();\r\n }, (err) => {\r\n delete doc.downloaded;\r\n reject(err);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob);\r\n });\r\n return blob;\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n return download;\r\n }\r\n saveDocFile(doc) {\r\n const options = this.getFileDownloadOptions(doc);\r\n return appDownloadManager_1.default.downloadToDisc(options, doc.file_name);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nconst appDocsManager = new AppDocsManager();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.appDocsManager = appDocsManager;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = appDocsManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 13, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appPhotosManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appPhotosManager.ts", "index": 45, "index2": 37, "size": 13161, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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__importDefault(require(\"./appDownloadManager\"));\r\nconst userAgent_1 = require(\"../../helpers/userAgent\");\r\nlet AppPhotosManager = /** @class */ (() => {\r\n class AppPhotosManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.photos = {};\r\n this.documentThumbsCache = {};\r\n this.windowW = 0;\r\n this.windowH = 0;\r\n window.addEventListener('resize', (e) => {\r\n this.windowW = document.body.scrollWidth;\r\n this.windowH = document.body.scrollHeight;\r\n });\r\n this.windowW = document.body.scrollWidth;\r\n this.windowH = document.body.scrollHeight;\r\n }\r\n savePhoto(photo, context) {\r\n if (photo._ == 'photoEmpty')\r\n return undefined;\r\n if (this.photos[photo.id])\r\n return Object.assign(this.photos[photo.id], photo);\r\n /* if(context) {\r\n Object.assign(photo, context);\r\n } */ // warning\r\n if (!photo.id) {\r\n console.warn('no apiPhoto.id', photo);\r\n }\r\n else\r\n this.photos[photo.id] = photo;\r\n return photo;\r\n }\r\n choosePhotoSize(photo, width = 0, height = 0) {\r\n //if(Config.Navigator.retina) {\r\n if (window.devicePixelRatio > 1) {\r\n width *= 2;\r\n height *= 2;\r\n }\r\n /*\r\n s\tbox\t100x100\r\n m\tbox\t320x320\r\n x\tbox\t800x800\r\n y\tbox\t1280x1280\r\n w\tbox\t2560x2560\r\n a\tcrop\t160x160\r\n b\tcrop\t320x320\r\n c\tcrop\t640x640\r\n d\tcrop\t1280x1280 */\r\n let bestPhotoSize = { _: 'photoSizeEmpty', type: '' };\r\n const sizes = (photo.sizes || photo.thumbs);\r\n if (sizes) {\r\n for (const photoSize of sizes) {\r\n if (!('w' in photoSize) && !('h' in photoSize))\r\n continue;\r\n bestPhotoSize = photoSize;\r\n const { w, h } = utils_1.calcImageInBox(photoSize.w, photoSize.h, width, height);\r\n if (w == width || h == height) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return bestPhotoSize;\r\n }\r\n /* public getUserPhotos(userID: number, maxID: number, limit: number) {\r\n var inputUser = appUsersManager.getUserInput(userID);\r\n return apiManager.invokeApi('photos.getUserPhotos', {\r\n user_id: inputUser,\r\n offset: 0,\r\n limit: limit || 20,\r\n max_id: maxID || 0\r\n }).then((photosResult: any) => {\r\n appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(photosResult.users);\r\n var photoIDs = [];\r\n var context = {user_id: userID};\r\n for(var i = 0; i < photosResult.photos.length; i++) {\r\n //this.savePhoto(photosResult.photos[i], context);\r\n photosResult.photos[i] = this.savePhoto(photosResult.photos[i], context);\r\n photoIDs.push(photosResult.photos[i].id);\r\n }\r\n \r\n return {\r\n count: photosResult.count || photosResult.photos.length,\r\n photos: photoIDs\r\n };\r\n });\r\n } */\r\n getPreviewURLFromBytes(bytes, isSticker = false) {\r\n let arr;\r\n if (!isSticker) {\r\n arr = AppPhotosManager.jf.concat(bytes.slice(3), AppPhotosManager.Df);\r\n arr[164] = bytes[1];\r\n arr[166] = bytes[2];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n arr = bytes instanceof Uint8Array ? bytes : new Uint8Array(bytes);\r\n }\r\n let mimeType;\r\n if (isSticker) {\r\n mimeType = userAgent_1.isSafari ? 'image/png' : 'image/webp';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n mimeType = 'image/jpeg';\r\n }\r\n const blob = new Blob([arr], { type: mimeType });\r\n return URL.createObjectURL(blob);\r\n }\r\n getPreviewURLFromThumb(thumb, isSticker = false) {\r\n var _a;\r\n return (_a = thumb.url) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (thumb.url = this.getPreviewURLFromBytes(thumb.bytes, isSticker));\r\n }\r\n setAttachmentPreview(bytes, element, isSticker = false, background = false) {\r\n let url = this.getPreviewURLFromBytes(bytes, isSticker);\r\n if (background) {\r\n let img = new Image();\r\n img.src = url;\r\n img.addEventListener('load', () => {\r\n element.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + url + ')';\r\n });\r\n return element;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (element instanceof HTMLImageElement) {\r\n element.src = url;\r\n return element;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let img = new Image();\r\n img.src = url;\r\n element.append(img);\r\n return img;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setAttachmentSize(photo, element, boxWidth, boxHeight, isSticker = false, dontRenderPreview = false) {\r\n const photoSize = this.choosePhotoSize(photo, boxWidth, boxHeight);\r\n //console.log('setAttachmentSize', photo, photo.sizes[0].bytes, div);\r\n const sizes = photo.sizes || photo.thumbs;\r\n const thumb = (sizes === null || sizes === void 0 ? void 0 : sizes.length) ? sizes[0] : null;\r\n if (thumb && ('bytes' in thumb)) {\r\n if ((!photo.downloaded || photo.type == 'video' || photo.type == 'gif') && !isSticker && !dontRenderPreview) {\r\n this.setAttachmentPreview(thumb.bytes, element, isSticker);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n let width;\r\n let height;\r\n if (photo._ == 'document') {\r\n width = photo.w || 512;\r\n height = photo.h || 512;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n width = 'w' in photoSize ? photoSize.w : 100;\r\n height = 'h' in photoSize ? photoSize.h : 100;\r\n }\r\n const { w, h } = utils_1.calcImageInBox(width, height, boxWidth, boxHeight);\r\n if (element instanceof SVGForeignObjectElement) {\r\n element.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', '' + w);\r\n element.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', '' + h);\r\n //console.log('set dimensions to svg element:', element, w, h);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n element.style.width = w + 'px';\r\n element.style.height = h + 'px';\r\n }\r\n return photoSize;\r\n }\r\n getPhotoDownloadOptions(photo, photoSize) {\r\n const isMyDocument = photo._ == 'document';\r\n if (!photoSize || photoSize._ == 'photoSizeEmpty') {\r\n //console.error('no photoSize by photo:', photo);\r\n throw new Error('photoSizeEmpty!');\r\n }\r\n // maybe it's a thumb\r\n const isPhoto = photoSize._ == 'photoSize' && photo.access_hash && photo.file_reference;\r\n const location = isPhoto ? {\r\n _: isMyDocument ? 'inputDocumentFileLocation' : 'inputPhotoFileLocation',\r\n id: photo.id,\r\n access_hash: photo.access_hash,\r\n file_reference: photo.file_reference,\r\n thumb_size: photoSize.type\r\n } : photoSize.location;\r\n return { dcID: photo.dc_id, location, size: isPhoto ? photoSize.size : undefined };\r\n }\r\n /* public getPhotoURL(photo: MTPhoto | MTMyDocument, photoSize: MTPhotoSize) {\r\n const downloadOptions = this.getPhotoDownloadOptions(photo, photoSize);\r\n \r\n return {url: getFileURL('photo', downloadOptions), location: downloadOptions.location};\r\n } */\r\n preloadPhoto(photoID, photoSize) {\r\n const photo = this.getPhoto(photoID);\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n if (!photo || photo._ == 'photoEmpty') {\r\n throw new Error('preloadPhoto photoEmpty!');\r\n }\r\n if (!photoSize) {\r\n const fullWidth = this.windowW;\r\n const fullHeight = this.windowH;\r\n photoSize = this.choosePhotoSize(photo, fullWidth, fullHeight);\r\n }\r\n const cacheContext = this.getCacheContext(photo);\r\n if (cacheContext.downloaded >= ('size' in photoSize ? photoSize.size : 0) && cacheContext.url) {\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n }\r\n const downloadOptions = this.getPhotoDownloadOptions(photo, photoSize);\r\n const fileName = bin_utils_1.getFileNameByLocation(downloadOptions.location);\r\n let download = appDownloadManager_1.default.getDownload(fileName);\r\n if (download) {\r\n return download;\r\n }\r\n download = appDownloadManager_1.default.download(downloadOptions);\r\n download.then(blob => {\r\n if (!cacheContext.downloaded || cacheContext.downloaded < blob.size) {\r\n cacheContext.downloaded = blob.size;\r\n cacheContext.url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);\r\n //console.log('wrote photo:', photo, photoSize, cacheContext, blob);\r\n }\r\n return blob;\r\n });\r\n return download;\r\n }\r\n getCacheContext(photo) {\r\n return photo._ == 'document' ? this.getDocumentCachedThumb(photo.id) : photo;\r\n }\r\n getDocumentCachedThumb(docID) {\r\n var _a;\r\n return (_a = this.documentThumbsCache[docID]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.documentThumbsCache[docID] = { downloaded: 0, url: '' });\r\n }\r\n getPhoto(photoID) {\r\n return utils_1.isObject(photoID) ? photoID : this.photos[photoID];\r\n }\r\n getInput(photo) {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'inputMediaPhoto',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n id: {\r\n _: 'inputPhoto',\r\n id: photo.id,\r\n access_hash: photo.access_hash,\r\n file_reference: photo.file_reference\r\n },\r\n ttl_seconds: 0\r\n };\r\n }\r\n savePhotoFile(photo) {\r\n const fullPhotoSize = this.choosePhotoSize(photo, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF);\r\n if (fullPhotoSize._ != 'photoSize') {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const location = {\r\n _: photo._ == 'document' ? 'inputDocumentFileLocation' : 'inputPhotoFileLocation',\r\n id: photo.id,\r\n access_hash: photo.access_hash,\r\n file_reference: photo.file_reference,\r\n thumb_size: fullPhotoSize.type\r\n };\r\n appDownloadManager_1.default.downloadToDisc({\r\n dcID: photo.dc_id,\r\n location,\r\n size: fullPhotoSize.size,\r\n fileName: 'photo' + photo.id + '.jpg'\r\n }, 'photo' + photo.id + '.jpg');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n AppPhotosManager.jf = new Uint8Array(bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex('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'));\r\n AppPhotosManager.Df = bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex('ffd9');\r\n return AppPhotosManager;\r\n})();\r\nexports.AppPhotosManager = AppPhotosManager;\r\nexports.default = new AppPhotosManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 14, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "index": 85, "index2": 90, "size": 14086, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": 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(function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppSidebarLeft = void 0;\r\n//import { logger } from \"../polyfill\";\r\nconst appDialogsManager_1 = __importStar(require(\"./appDialogsManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appImManager\"));\r\nconst appSearch_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../components/appSearch\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../components/misc\");\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst avatar_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/avatar\"));\r\nconst newChannel_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarLeft/newChannel\"));\r\nconst addMembers_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarLeft/addMembers\"));\r\nconst contacts_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarLeft/contacts\"));\r\nconst newGroup_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarLeft/newGroup\"));\r\nconst settings_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarLeft/settings\"));\r\nconst editProfile_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarLeft/editProfile\"));\r\nconst chatFolders_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarLeft/chatFolders\"));\r\nconst editFolder_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarLeft/editFolder\"));\r\nconst includedChats_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarLeft/includedChats\"));\r\nconst slider_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/slider\"));\r\nconst searchInput_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/searchInput\"));\r\nconst appStateManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appStateManager\"));\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appChatsManager\"));\r\navatar_1.default;\r\nconst newChannelTab = new newChannel_1.default();\r\nconst addMembersTab = new addMembers_1.default();\r\nconst contactsTab = new contacts_1.default();\r\nconst newGroupTab = new newGroup_1.default();\r\nconst settingsTab = new settings_1.default();\r\nconst editProfileTab = new editProfile_1.default();\r\nconst chatFoldersTab = new chatFolders_1.default();\r\nconst editFolderTab = new editFolder_1.default();\r\nconst includedChatsTab = new includedChats_1.default();\r\nlet AppSidebarLeft = /** @class */ (() => {\r\n class AppSidebarLeft extends slider_1.default {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super(document.getElementById('column-left'), {\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.archived]: appDialogsManager_1.archivedTab,\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.newChannel]: newChannelTab,\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.contacts]: contactsTab,\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.addMembers]: addMembersTab,\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.newGroup]: newGroupTab,\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.settings]: settingsTab,\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.editProfile]: editProfileTab,\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.chatFolders]: chatFoldersTab,\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.editFolder]: editFolderTab,\r\n [AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.includedChats]: includedChatsTab,\r\n });\r\n this.buttons = {};\r\n this.newButtons = {};\r\n //private log = logger('SL');\r\n this.searchGroups = {\r\n //saved: new SearchGroup('', 'contacts'),\r\n contacts: new appSearch_1.SearchGroup('Chats', 'contacts'),\r\n globalContacts: new appSearch_1.SearchGroup('Global Search', 'contacts'),\r\n messages: new appSearch_1.SearchGroup('Global Search', 'messages'),\r\n people: new appSearch_1.SearchGroup('People', 'contacts', false, 'search-group-people'),\r\n recent: new appSearch_1.SearchGroup('Recent', 'contacts', false, 'search-group-recent')\r\n };\r\n // peerIDs\r\n this.recentSearch = [];\r\n this.recentSearchLoaded = false;\r\n this.searchInput = new searchInput_1.default('Telegram Search');\r\n this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.item-main .sidebar-header').append(this.searchInput.container);\r\n this.toolsBtn = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.sidebar-tools-button');\r\n this.backBtn = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.sidebar-back-button');\r\n this.searchContainer = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('#search-container');\r\n this.archivedTab = appDialogsManager_1.archivedTab;\r\n this.newChannelTab = newChannelTab;\r\n this.addMembersTab = addMembersTab;\r\n this.contactsTab = contactsTab;\r\n this.newGroupTab = newGroupTab;\r\n this.settingsTab = settingsTab;\r\n this.editProfileTab = editProfileTab;\r\n this.chatFoldersTab = chatFoldersTab;\r\n this.editFolderTab = editFolderTab;\r\n this.includedChatsTab = includedChatsTab;\r\n this.menuEl = this.toolsBtn.querySelector('.btn-menu');\r\n this.newBtnMenu = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('#new-menu');\r\n this.globalSearch = new appSearch_1.default(this.searchContainer, this.searchInput, this.searchGroups, (count) => {\r\n if (!count && !this.searchInput.value.trim()) {\r\n this.globalSearch.reset();\r\n this.searchGroups.people.setActive();\r\n this.renderRecentSearch();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.searchContainer.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n const target = utils_1.findUpTag(e.target, 'LI');\r\n if (!target) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const searchGroup = utils_1.findUpClassName(target, 'search-group');\r\n if (!searchGroup || searchGroup.classList.contains('search-group-recent') || searchGroup.classList.contains('search-group-people')) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const peerID = +target.getAttribute('data-peerID');\r\n if (this.recentSearch[0] != peerID) {\r\n this.recentSearch.findAndSplice(p => p == peerID);\r\n this.recentSearch.unshift(peerID);\r\n if (this.recentSearch.length > 20) {\r\n this.recentSearch.length = 20;\r\n }\r\n this.renderRecentSearch();\r\n appStateManager_1.default.pushToState('recentSearch', this.recentSearch);\r\n for (const peerID of this.recentSearch) {\r\n appStateManager_1.default.pushPeer(peerID);\r\n }\r\n clearRecentSearchBtn.style.display = '';\r\n }\r\n }, { capture: true });\r\n let peopleContainer = document.createElement('div');\r\n peopleContainer.classList.add('search-group-scrollable');\r\n peopleContainer.append(this.searchGroups.people.list);\r\n this.searchGroups.people.container.append(peopleContainer);\r\n let peopleScrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(peopleContainer, 'x');\r\n misc_1.parseMenuButtonsTo(this.buttons, this.menuEl.children);\r\n misc_1.parseMenuButtonsTo(this.newButtons, this.newBtnMenu.firstElementChild.children);\r\n this.archivedCount = this.buttons.archived.querySelector('.archived-count');\r\n this.buttons.saved.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n ///////this.log('savedbtn click');\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n appImManager_1.default.setPeer(appImManager_1.default.myID);\r\n }, 0);\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.archived.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n this.selectTab(AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.archived);\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.contacts.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n this.contactsTab.openContacts();\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.settings.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n this.settingsTab.fillElements();\r\n this.selectTab(AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.settings);\r\n });\r\n let firstTime = true;\r\n this.searchInput.input.addEventListener('focus', (e) => {\r\n this.toolsBtn.classList.remove('active');\r\n this.backBtn.classList.add('active');\r\n this.searchContainer.classList.remove('hide');\r\n void this.searchContainer.offsetWidth; // reflow\r\n this.searchContainer.classList.add('active');\r\n if (firstTime) {\r\n this.searchGroups.people.setActive();\r\n this.renderRecentSearch();\r\n firstTime = false;\r\n }\r\n /* this.searchInput.addEventListener('blur', (e) => {\r\n if(!this.searchInput.value) {\r\n this.toolsBtn.classList.add('active');\r\n this.backBtn.classList.remove('active');\r\n this.backBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n }, {once: true}); */\r\n });\r\n this.backBtn.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n //appDialogsManager.chatsArchivedContainer.classList.remove('active');\r\n this.toolsBtn.classList.add('active');\r\n this.backBtn.classList.remove('active');\r\n this.searchContainer.classList.remove('active');\r\n firstTime = true;\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.searchContainer.classList.add('hide');\r\n this.globalSearch.reset();\r\n }, 150);\r\n });\r\n this.newButtons.channel.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n this.selectTab(AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.newChannel);\r\n });\r\n [this.newButtons.group, this.buttons.newGroup].forEach(btn => {\r\n btn.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n this.addMembersTab.init(0, 'chat', false, (peerIDs) => {\r\n this.newGroupTab.init(peerIDs);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('dialogs_archived_unread', (e) => {\r\n this.archivedCount.innerText = '' + e.detail.count;\r\n });\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.getTopPeers().then(peers => {\r\n //console.log('got top categories:', categories);\r\n peers.forEach((peerID) => {\r\n let { dialog, dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(peerID, this.searchGroups.people.list, false, true, true);\r\n this.searchGroups.people.setActive();\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.renderRecentSearch();\r\n const clearRecentSearchBtn = this.recentSearchClearBtn = document.createElement('button');\r\n clearRecentSearchBtn.classList.add('btn-icon', 'tgico-close');\r\n this.searchGroups.recent.nameEl.append(clearRecentSearchBtn);\r\n clearRecentSearchBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.recentSearch = [];\r\n appStateManager_1.default.pushToState('recentSearch', this.recentSearch);\r\n this.renderRecentSearch(false);\r\n clearRecentSearchBtn.style.display = 'none';\r\n });\r\n }\r\n renderRecentSearch(setActive = true) {\r\n appStateManager_1.default.getState().then(state => {\r\n if (state && !this.recentSearchLoaded && Array.isArray(state.recentSearch)) {\r\n this.recentSearch = state.recentSearch;\r\n this.recentSearchLoaded = true;\r\n }\r\n this.searchGroups.recent.list.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.recentSearchClearBtn.style.display = this.recentSearch.length ? '' : 'none';\r\n this.recentSearch.slice(0, 20).forEach(peerID => {\r\n let { dialog, dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(peerID, this.searchGroups.recent.list, false, true, false, true);\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerText = peerID > 0 ? appUsersManager_1.default.getUserStatusString(peerID) : appChatsManager_1.default.getChatMembersString(peerID);\r\n });\r\n if (setActive) {\r\n this.searchGroups.recent.setActive();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS = {\r\n archived: 1,\r\n contacts: 2,\r\n newChannel: 3,\r\n addMembers: 4,\r\n newGroup: 5,\r\n settings: 6,\r\n editProfile: 7,\r\n chatFolders: 8,\r\n editFolder: 9,\r\n includedChats: 10,\r\n };\r\n return AppSidebarLeft;\r\n})();\r\nexports.AppSidebarLeft = AppSidebarLeft;\r\nconst appSidebarLeft = new AppSidebarLeft();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.appSidebarLeft = appSidebarLeft;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = appSidebarLeft;\r\n" }, { "id": 15, "identifier": 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IntersectionObserver((entries) => {\r\n if (utils_1.$rootScope.idle.isIDLE)\r\n return;\r\n for (const entry of entries) {\r\n const target = entry.target;\r\n for (const group in this.byGroups) {\r\n if (this.intersectionLockedGroups[group]) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n const player = this.byGroups[group].find(p => p.el == target);\r\n if (player) {\r\n if (entry.isIntersecting) {\r\n this.visible.add(player);\r\n this.checkAnimation(player, false);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.visible.delete(player);\r\n this.checkAnimation(player, true);\r\n if (player.animation instanceof lottieLoader_1.RLottiePlayer /* && player.animation.cachingDelta == 2 */) {\r\n //console.warn('will clear cache', player);\r\n player.animation.clearCache();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getAnimations(element) {\r\n const found = [];\r\n for (const group in this.byGroups) {\r\n for (const player of this.byGroups[group]) {\r\n if (player.el == element) {\r\n found.push(player);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return found;\r\n }\r\n addAnimation(animation, group = '') {\r\n var _a;\r\n const player = {\r\n el: animation instanceof lottieLoader_1.RLottiePlayer ? animation.el : animation,\r\n animation: animation,\r\n group\r\n };\r\n ((_a = this.byGroups[group]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.byGroups[group] = [])).push(player);\r\n this.observer.observe(player.el);\r\n }\r\n checkAnimations(blurred, group, destroy = false) {\r\n if (utils_1.$rootScope.idle.isIDLE)\r\n return;\r\n const groups = group /* && false */ ? [group] : Object.keys(this.byGroups);\r\n if (group && !this.byGroups[group]) {\r\n //console.warn('no animation group:', group);\r\n this.byGroups[group] = [];\r\n //return;\r\n }\r\n for (const group of groups) {\r\n const animations = this.byGroups[group];\r\n animations.forEach(player => {\r\n this.checkAnimation(player, blurred, destroy);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n checkAnimation(player, blurred = false, destroy = false) {\r\n const { el, animation, group } = player;\r\n //return;\r\n if ((destroy || (!utils_1.isInDOM(el) && !this.lockedGroups[group])) /* && false */) {\r\n //console.log('destroy animation');\r\n animation.remove();\r\n if (animation instanceof HTMLVideoElement) {\r\n animation.src = '';\r\n animation.load();\r\n }\r\n for (const group in this.byGroups) {\r\n this.byGroups[group].findAndSplice(p => p == player);\r\n }\r\n this.observer.unobserve(el);\r\n this.visible.delete(player);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (blurred) {\r\n if (!animation.paused) {\r\n //console.warn('pause animation:', animation);\r\n animation.pause();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (animation.paused && this.visible.has(player) && animation.autoplay) {\r\n //console.warn('play animation:', animation);\r\n animation.play();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n lockGroup(group) {\r\n this.lockedGroups[group] = true;\r\n }\r\n unlockGroup(group) {\r\n delete this.lockedGroups[group];\r\n this.checkAnimations(undefined, group);\r\n }\r\n refreshGroup(group) {\r\n const animations = this.byGroups[group];\r\n if (animations && animations.length) {\r\n animations.forEach(animation => {\r\n this.observer.unobserve(animation.el);\r\n });\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n animations.forEach(animation => {\r\n this.observer.observe(animation.el);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n lockIntersectionGroup(group) {\r\n this.intersectionLockedGroups[group] = true;\r\n }\r\n unlockIntersectionGroup(group) {\r\n delete this.intersectionLockedGroups[group];\r\n this.refreshGroup(group);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AnimationIntersector = AnimationIntersector;\r\nconst animationIntersector = new AnimationIntersector();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV == 'development') {\r\n window.animationIntersector = animationIntersector;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = animationIntersector;\r\n" }, { "id": 16, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appDialogsManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager.ts", "index": 57, "index2": 54, "size": 49292, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppDialogsManager = exports.archivedTab = exports.AppArchivedTab = void 0;\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appImManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../components/misc\");\r\n//import Scrollable from \"../../components/scrollable\";\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst avatar_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/avatar\"));\r\nconst popup_1 = require(\"../../components/popup\");\r\nconst appStateManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appStateManager\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../config\");\r\nconst horizontalMenu_1 = require(\"../../components/horizontalMenu\");\r\nconst ripple_1 = require(\"../../components/ripple\");\r\nconst testScroll = false;\r\n//const USEPINNEDDELIMITER = false;\r\nclass DialogsContextMenu {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.element = document.getElementById('dialogs-contextmenu');\r\n this.buttons = {};\r\n this.onContextMenu = (e) => {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n let li = null;\r\n try {\r\n li = utils_1.findUpTag(e.target, 'LI');\r\n }\r\n catch (e) { }\r\n if (!li)\r\n return;\r\n if (e instanceof MouseEvent)\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n if (this.element.classList.contains('active')) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (e instanceof MouseEvent)\r\n e.cancelBubble = true;\r\n this.filterID = appDialogsManager.filterID;\r\n this.selectedID = +li.getAttribute('data-peerID');\r\n const dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(this.selectedID)[0];\r\n const notOurDialog = dialog.peerID != utils_1.$rootScope.myID;\r\n // archive button\r\n if (notOurDialog) {\r\n const button = this.buttons.archive;\r\n const condition = dialog.folder_id == 1;\r\n button.classList.toggle('flip-icon', condition);\r\n button.innerText = condition ? 'Unarchive' : 'Archive';\r\n this.buttons.archive.style.display = '';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.buttons.archive.style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n // pin button\r\n {\r\n const button = this.buttons.pin;\r\n //const condition = !!dialog.pFlags?.pinned;\r\n const condition = this.filterID > 1 ? appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.filters[this.filterID].pinned_peers.includes(dialog.peerID) : !!((_a = dialog.pFlags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.pinned);\r\n button.classList.toggle('flip-icon', condition);\r\n button.innerText = condition ? 'Unpin' : 'Pin';\r\n }\r\n // mute button\r\n if (notOurDialog) {\r\n const button = this.buttons.mute;\r\n const condition = dialog.notify_settings && dialog.notify_settings.mute_until > (Date.now() / 1000 | 0);\r\n button.classList.toggle('flip-icon', condition);\r\n button.innerText = condition ? 'Unmute' : 'Mute';\r\n this.buttons.mute.style.display = '';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.buttons.mute.style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n // unread button\r\n {\r\n const button = this.buttons.unread;\r\n const condition = !!(((_b = dialog.pFlags) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.unread_mark) || dialog.unread_count);\r\n button.classList.toggle('flip-icon', condition);\r\n button.innerText = condition ? 'Mark as Read' : 'Mark as Unread';\r\n }\r\n /* // clear history button\r\n if(appPeersManager.isChannel(this.selectedID)) {\r\n this.buttons.clear.style.display = 'none';\r\n } else {\r\n this.buttons.clear.style.display = '';\r\n } */\r\n // delete button\r\n let deleteButtonText = '';\r\n if (appPeersManager_1.default.isMegagroup(this.selectedID)) {\r\n deleteButtonText = 'Leave';\r\n //deleteButtonText = 'Leave group';\r\n this.peerType = 'megagroup';\r\n }\r\n else if (appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(this.selectedID)) {\r\n deleteButtonText = 'Leave';\r\n //deleteButtonText = 'Leave channel';\r\n this.peerType = 'channel';\r\n }\r\n else if (this.selectedID < 0) {\r\n deleteButtonText = 'Delete';\r\n //deleteButtonText = 'Delete and leave';\r\n this.peerType = 'group';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n deleteButtonText = 'Delete';\r\n //deleteButtonText = 'Delete chat';\r\n this.peerType = this.selectedID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID ? 'saved' : 'chat';\r\n }\r\n this.buttons.delete.innerText = deleteButtonText;\r\n li.classList.add('menu-open');\r\n misc_1.positionMenu(e, this.element);\r\n misc_1.openBtnMenu(this.element, () => {\r\n li.classList.remove('menu-open');\r\n });\r\n };\r\n misc_1.parseMenuButtonsTo(this.buttons, this.element.children);\r\n this.buttons.archive.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(this.selectedID)[0];\r\n if (dialog) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.editPeerFolders([dialog.peerID], +!dialog.folder_id);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.pin.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.toggleDialogPin(this.selectedID, this.filterID);\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.mute.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appImManager_1.default.mutePeer(this.selectedID);\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.unread.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n const dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(this.selectedID)[0];\r\n if (!dialog)\r\n return;\r\n if (dialog.unread_count) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.readHistory(this.selectedID, dialog.top_message);\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.markDialogUnread(this.selectedID, true);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.markDialogUnread(this.selectedID);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.delete.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n let firstName = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(this.selectedID, false, true);\r\n let callbackFlush = (justClear) => {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.flushHistory(this.selectedID, justClear);\r\n };\r\n let callbackLeave = () => {\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.leaveChannel(-this.selectedID);\r\n };\r\n let title, description, buttons;\r\n switch (this.peerType) {\r\n case 'channel': {\r\n title = 'Leave Channel?';\r\n description = `Are you sure you want to leave this channel?`;\r\n buttons = [{\r\n text: 'LEAVE ' + firstName,\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: callbackLeave\r\n }];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'megagroup': {\r\n title = 'Leave Group?';\r\n description = `Are you sure you want to leave this group?`;\r\n buttons = [{\r\n text: 'LEAVE ' + firstName,\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: callbackLeave\r\n }];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'chat': {\r\n title = 'Delete Chat?';\r\n description = `Are you sure you want to delete chat with ${firstName}?`;\r\n buttons = [{\r\n text: 'DELETE FOR ME AND ' + firstName,\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: () => callbackFlush(false)\r\n }, {\r\n text: 'DELETE JUST FOR ME',\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: () => callbackFlush(true)\r\n }];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'saved': {\r\n title = 'Delete Saved Messages?';\r\n description = `Are you sure you want to delete all your saved messages?`;\r\n buttons = [{\r\n text: 'DELETE SAVED MESSAGES',\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: () => callbackFlush(false)\r\n }];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'group': {\r\n title = 'Delete and leave Group?';\r\n description = `Are you sure you want to delete all message history and leave ${firstName}?`;\r\n buttons = [{\r\n text: 'DELETE AND LEAVE ' + firstName,\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: () => callbackFlush(true)\r\n }];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n buttons.push({\r\n text: 'CANCEL',\r\n isCancel: true\r\n });\r\n let popup = new popup_1.PopupPeer('popup-delete-chat', {\r\n peerID: this.selectedID,\r\n title: title,\r\n description: description,\r\n buttons: buttons\r\n });\r\n popup.show();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nclass AppArchivedTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.getElementById('chats-archived-container');\r\n this.chatList = document.getElementById('dialogs-archived');\r\n this.scroll = null;\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n this.scroll = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.container, 'y', 'CLA', this.chatList, 500);\r\n this.scroll.setVirtualContainer(this.chatList);\r\n this.scroll.onScrolledBottom = appDialogsManager.onChatsScroll;\r\n ///this.scroll.attachSentinels();\r\n appDialogsManager.setListClickListener(this.chatList, null, true);\r\n window.addEventListener('resize', () => {\r\n setTimeout(appDialogsManager.onChatsScroll, 0);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n onOpen() {\r\n if (this.init) {\r\n this.init();\r\n this.init = null;\r\n }\r\n this.wasFilterID = appDialogsManager.filterID;\r\n appDialogsManager.scroll = this.scroll;\r\n appDialogsManager.filterID = 1;\r\n appDialogsManager.onTabChange();\r\n }\r\n // вообще, так делать нельзя, но нет времени чтобы переделать главный чатлист на слайд...\r\n onOpenAfterTimeout() {\r\n appDialogsManager.chatLists[this.wasFilterID].innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n onClose() {\r\n appDialogsManager.scroll = appDialogsManager._scroll;\r\n appDialogsManager.filterID = this.wasFilterID;\r\n appDialogsManager.onTabChange();\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n this.chatList.innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppArchivedTab = AppArchivedTab;\r\nexports.archivedTab = new AppArchivedTab();\r\nclass AppDialogsManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this._chatList = document.getElementById('dialogs');\r\n this.chatList = this._chatList;\r\n //public pinnedDelimiter: HTMLDivElement;\r\n this.doms = {};\r\n this.lastActiveListElement = null;\r\n /* private rippleCallback: (value?: boolean | PromiseLike) => void = null;\r\n private lastClickID = 0;\r\n private lastGoodClickID = 0; */\r\n this.chatsContainer = document.getElementById('chats-container');\r\n this.loadedAll = false;\r\n this.scroll = null;\r\n this._scroll = null;\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('DIALOGS', logger_1.LogLevels.log | logger_1.LogLevels.error | logger_1.LogLevels.warn | logger_1.LogLevels.debug);\r\n this.contextMenu = new DialogsContextMenu();\r\n this.chatLists = {\r\n 0: this.chatList,\r\n 1: exports.archivedTab.chatList\r\n };\r\n this.filterID = 0;\r\n this.folders = {\r\n menu: document.getElementById('folders-tabs'),\r\n menuScrollContainer: null,\r\n container: document.getElementById('folders-container')\r\n };\r\n this.filtersRendered = {};\r\n this.onTabChange = () => {\r\n this.doms = {};\r\n this.loadedAll = false;\r\n this.lastActiveListElement = null;\r\n this.chatList = this.chatLists[this.filterID];\r\n this.loadDialogs(this.filterID);\r\n };\r\n this.onChatsScroll = () => {\r\n if (this.loadedAll || this.loadDialogsPromise)\r\n return;\r\n this.log('onChatsScroll');\r\n this.loadDialogs(this.filterID);\r\n };\r\n this.chatsPreloader = misc_1.putPreloader(null, true);\r\n this.allUnreadCount = this.folders.menu.querySelector('.unread-count');\r\n /* if(USEPINNEDDELIMITER) {\r\n this.pinnedDelimiter = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.pinnedDelimiter.classList.add('pinned-delimiter');\r\n this.pinnedDelimiter.appendChild(document.createElement('span'));\r\n } */\r\n this.folders.menuScrollContainer = this.folders.menu.parentElement;\r\n this.scroll = this._scroll = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.chatsContainer, 'y', 'CL', this.chatList, 500);\r\n this.scroll.onScrolledBottom = this.onChatsScroll;\r\n this.scroll.setVirtualContainer(this.chatList);\r\n //this.scroll.attachSentinels();\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport && config_1.isSafari) {\r\n let allowUp, allowDown, slideBeginY;\r\n const container = this.scroll.container;\r\n container.addEventListener('touchstart', (event) => {\r\n allowUp = container.scrollTop > 0;\r\n allowDown = (container.scrollTop < container.scrollHeight - container.clientHeight);\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n slideBeginY = event.pageY;\r\n });\r\n container.addEventListener('touchmove', (event) => {\r\n var up = (event.pageY > slideBeginY);\r\n var down = (event.pageY < slideBeginY);\r\n slideBeginY = event.pageY;\r\n if ((up && allowUp) || (down && allowDown)) {\r\n event.stopPropagation();\r\n }\r\n else if (up || down) {\r\n event.preventDefault();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n this.setListClickListener(this.chatList, null, true);\r\n /* if(testScroll) {\r\n let i = 0;\r\n let add = () => {\r\n let li = document.createElement('li');\r\n li.dataset.id = '' + i;\r\n li.id = '' + i;\r\n li.innerHTML = `


-_-_-_-: qweasd

`;\r\n i++;\r\n this.scroll.append(li);\r\n };\r\n for(let i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {\r\n add();\r\n }\r\n (window as any).addElement = add;\r\n } */\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('user_update', (e) => {\r\n let userID = e.detail;\r\n let user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(userID);\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(user.id)[0];\r\n //console.log('updating user:', user, dialog);\r\n if (dialog && !appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(dialog.peerID) && dialog.peerID != utils_1.$rootScope.myID) {\r\n let online = user.status && user.status._ == 'userStatusOnline';\r\n let dom = this.getDialogDom(dialog.peerID);\r\n if (dom) {\r\n if (online) {\r\n dom.avatarEl.classList.add('is-online');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n dom.avatarEl.classList.remove('is-online');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID == user.id) {\r\n appImManager_1.default.setPeerStatus();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('dialog_top', (e) => {\r\n let dialog = e.detail;\r\n this.setLastMessage(dialog);\r\n this.setDialogPosition(dialog);\r\n //this.setPinnedDelimiter();\r\n this.setFiltersUnreadCount();\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('dialog_flush', (e) => {\r\n let peerID = e.detail.peerID;\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n if (dialog) {\r\n this.setLastMessage(dialog);\r\n this.validateForFilter();\r\n this.setFiltersUnreadCount();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('dialogs_multiupdate', (e) => {\r\n const dialogs = e.detail;\r\n for (const id in dialogs) {\r\n const dialog = dialogs[id];\r\n this.updateDialog(dialog);\r\n }\r\n //this.setPinnedDelimiter();\r\n this.validateForFilter();\r\n this.setFiltersUnreadCount();\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('dialog_drop', (e) => {\r\n let { peerID, dialog } = e.detail;\r\n let dom = this.getDialogDom(peerID);\r\n if (dom) {\r\n dom.listEl.remove();\r\n delete this.doms[peerID];\r\n this.scroll.reorder();\r\n }\r\n this.setFiltersUnreadCount();\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('dialog_unread', (e) => {\r\n let info = e.detail;\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(info.peerID)[0];\r\n if (dialog) {\r\n this.setUnreadMessages(dialog);\r\n if (dialog.peerID == utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID) {\r\n appImManager_1.default.updateUnreadByDialog(dialog);\r\n }\r\n this.validateForFilter();\r\n this.setFiltersUnreadCount();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('dialog_notify_settings', e => {\r\n const dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(e.detail)[0];\r\n if (dialog) {\r\n this.setUnreadMessages(dialog); // возможно это не нужно, но нужно менять is-muted\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('peer_changed', (e) => {\r\n let peerID = e.detail;\r\n let lastPeerID = this.lastActiveListElement && +this.lastActiveListElement.getAttribute('data-peerID');\r\n if (this.lastActiveListElement && lastPeerID != peerID) {\r\n this.lastActiveListElement.classList.remove('active');\r\n this.lastActiveListElement = null;\r\n }\r\n if (lastPeerID != peerID) {\r\n let dom = this.getDialogDom(peerID);\r\n if (dom) {\r\n this.lastActiveListElement = dom.listEl;\r\n dom.listEl.classList.add('active');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('filter_update', (e) => {\r\n const filter = e.detail;\r\n if (!this.filtersRendered[filter.id]) {\r\n this.addFilter(filter);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (filter.id == this.filterID) { // это нет тут смысла вызывать, так как будет dialogs_multiupdate\r\n //this.validateForFilter();\r\n const folder = appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.getFolder(filter.id);\r\n this.validateForFilter();\r\n for (let i = 0, length = folder.length; i < length; ++i) {\r\n const dialog = folder[i];\r\n this.updateDialog(dialog);\r\n }\r\n this.setFiltersUnreadCount();\r\n }\r\n const elements = this.filtersRendered[filter.id];\r\n elements.title.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(filter.title);\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('filter_delete', (e) => {\r\n const filter = e.detail;\r\n const elements = this.filtersRendered[filter.id];\r\n if (!elements)\r\n return;\r\n // set tab\r\n //(this.folders.menu.firstElementChild.children[Math.max(0, filter.id - 2)] as HTMLElement).click();\r\n this.folders.menu.firstElementChild.children[0].click();\r\n elements.container.remove();\r\n elements.menu.remove();\r\n delete this.chatLists[filter.id];\r\n delete this.filtersRendered[filter.id];\r\n if (!Object.keys(this.filtersRendered).length) {\r\n this.folders.menuScrollContainer.classList.add('hide');\r\n }\r\n });\r\n /* $rootScope.$on('filter_pinned_order', (e) => {\r\n const {order, id} = e.detail as {order: number[], id: number};\r\n if(this.prevTabID != id) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n \r\n for(const peerID of order) {\r\n this.updateDialog(appMessagesManager.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0]);\r\n }\r\n }); */\r\n new scrollable_new_1.default(this.folders.menuScrollContainer, 'x');\r\n this.chatsContainer.prepend(this.folders.menuScrollContainer);\r\n const selectTab = horizontalMenu_1.horizontalMenu(this.folders.menu, this.folders.container, (id, tabContent) => {\r\n /* if(id != 0) {\r\n id += 1;\r\n } */\r\n id = +tabContent.dataset.filterID || 0;\r\n if (this.filterID == id)\r\n return;\r\n this.chatLists[id].innerHTML = '';\r\n this.scroll.setVirtualContainer(this.chatLists[id]);\r\n this.filterID = id;\r\n this.onTabChange();\r\n }, () => {\r\n for (const folderID in this.chatLists) {\r\n if (+folderID != this.filterID) {\r\n this.chatLists[folderID].innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n //selectTab(0);\r\n this.folders.menu.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.click();\r\n /* false && */ appStateManager_1.default.loadSavedState().then(() => {\r\n return appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.getDialogFilters();\r\n }).then(filters => {\r\n for (const filterID in filters) {\r\n this.addFilter(filters[filterID]);\r\n }\r\n return this.loadDialogs(this.filterID);\r\n }).then(result => {\r\n //this.setPinnedDelimiter();\r\n //appSidebarLeft.onChatsScroll();\r\n this.loadDialogs(1);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n updateDialog(dialog) {\r\n if (!dialog) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (!this.doms.hasOwnProperty(dialog.peerID)) {\r\n this.addDialog(dialog);\r\n }\r\n if (this.getDialogDom(dialog.peerID)) {\r\n this.setLastMessage(dialog);\r\n this.setDialogPosition(dialog);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setFilterUnreadCount(filterID, folder) {\r\n var _a;\r\n const unreadSpan = filterID == 0 ? this.allUnreadCount : (_a = this.filtersRendered[filterID]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.unread;\r\n if (!unreadSpan) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n folder = folder || appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.getFolder(filterID);\r\n const sum = folder.reduce((acc, dialog) => acc + +!!dialog.unread_count, 0);\r\n unreadSpan.innerText = sum ? '' + sum : '';\r\n }\r\n setFiltersUnreadCount() {\r\n for (const filterID in this.filtersRendered) {\r\n this.setFilterUnreadCount(+filterID);\r\n }\r\n this.setFilterUnreadCount(0);\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Удалит неподходящие чаты из списка, но не добавит их(!)\r\n */\r\n validateForFilter() {\r\n // !WARNING, возможно это было зачем-то, но комментарий исправил архивирование\r\n //if(this.filterID == 0) return;\r\n const folder = appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.getFolder(this.filterID);\r\n let affected = false;\r\n for (const _peerID in this.doms) {\r\n const peerID = +_peerID;\r\n // если больше не подходит по фильтру, удаляем\r\n if (folder.findIndex((dialog) => dialog.peerID == peerID) === -1) {\r\n const listEl = this.doms[peerID].listEl;\r\n listEl.remove();\r\n affected = true;\r\n if (this.lastActiveListElement == listEl) {\r\n this.lastActiveListElement = null;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (affected) {\r\n this.scroll.reorder();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n addFilter(filter) {\r\n if (this.filtersRendered[filter.id])\r\n return;\r\n const li = document.createElement('li');\r\n const span = document.createElement('span');\r\n const titleSpan = document.createElement('span');\r\n titleSpan.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(filter.title);\r\n const unreadSpan = document.createElement('span');\r\n unreadSpan.classList.add('unread-count');\r\n const i = document.createElement('i');\r\n span.append(titleSpan, unreadSpan, i);\r\n li.append(span);\r\n ripple_1.ripple(li);\r\n const containerToAppend = this.folders.menu.firstElementChild;\r\n utils_1.positionElementByIndex(li, containerToAppend, filter.orderIndex + 1); // because 0 is All\r\n //containerToAppend.append(li);\r\n const ul = document.createElement('ul');\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.append(ul);\r\n div.dataset.filterID = '' + filter.id;\r\n //this.folders.container.append(div);\r\n utils_1.positionElementByIndex(div, this.folders.container, filter.orderIndex + 1); // because 0 is All\r\n this.chatLists[filter.id] = ul;\r\n this.setListClickListener(ul, null, true);\r\n if (!this.showFiltersTimeout) {\r\n this.showFiltersTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.showFiltersTimeout = 0;\r\n this.folders.menuScrollContainer.classList.remove('hide');\r\n this.setFiltersUnreadCount();\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n this.filtersRendered[filter.id] = {\r\n menu: li,\r\n container: div,\r\n unread: unreadSpan,\r\n title: titleSpan\r\n };\r\n }\r\n loadDialogs(folderID) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (testScroll) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (this.loadDialogsPromise /* || 1 == 1 */)\r\n return this.loadDialogsPromise;\r\n if (!this.chatList.childElementCount) {\r\n const container = this.chatList.parentElement;\r\n container.append(this.chatsPreloader);\r\n }\r\n //return;\r\n const storage = appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.getFolder(folderID);\r\n let offsetIndex = 0;\r\n for (let i = storage.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\r\n const dialog = storage[i];\r\n if (this.getDialogDom(dialog.peerID)) {\r\n offsetIndex = dialog.index;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //let offset = storage[storage.length - 1]?.index || 0;\r\n try {\r\n //console.time('getDialogs time');\r\n const loadCount = 50 /*this.chatsLoadCount */;\r\n const getConversationPromise = (this.filterID > 1 ? appUsersManager_1.default.getContacts() : Promise.resolve()).then(() => {\r\n return appMessagesManager_1.default.getConversations('', offsetIndex, loadCount, folderID);\r\n });\r\n this.loadDialogsPromise = getConversationPromise;\r\n const result = yield getConversationPromise;\r\n //console.timeEnd('getDialogs time');\r\n if (result && result.dialogs && result.dialogs.length) {\r\n result.dialogs.forEach((dialog) => {\r\n this.addDialog(dialog);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (!result.dialogs.length || this.chatList.childElementCount == result.count) { // loaded all\r\n this.loadedAll = true;\r\n }\r\n this.log.debug('getDialogs ' + loadCount + ' dialogs by offset:', offsetIndex, result, this.chatList.childElementCount);\r\n this.scroll.onScroll();\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n this.log.error(err);\r\n }\r\n this.chatsPreloader.remove();\r\n this.loadDialogsPromise = undefined;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n setListClickListener(list, onFound, withContext = false) {\r\n list.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n this.log('dialogs click list');\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n let elem = target.classList.contains('rp') ? target : utils_1.findUpClassName(target, 'rp');\r\n if (!elem) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n elem = elem.parentElement;\r\n let samePeer = this.lastActiveListElement == elem;\r\n if (this.lastActiveListElement && !samePeer) {\r\n this.lastActiveListElement.classList.remove('active');\r\n }\r\n let result;\r\n //console.log('appDialogsManager: lock lazyLoadQueue');\r\n if (elem) {\r\n if (onFound)\r\n onFound();\r\n let peerID = +elem.getAttribute('data-peerID');\r\n let lastMsgID = +elem.dataset.mid || undefined;\r\n if (!samePeer) {\r\n elem.classList.add('active');\r\n this.lastActiveListElement = elem;\r\n }\r\n result = appImManager_1.default.setPeer(peerID, lastMsgID);\r\n /* if(result instanceof Promise) {\r\n this.lastGoodClickID = this.lastClickID;\r\n appImManager.lazyLoadQueue.lock();\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n result = appImManager_1.default.setPeer(0);\r\n }\r\n }, { capture: true });\r\n if (withContext) {\r\n misc_1.attachContextMenuListener(list, this.contextMenu.onContextMenu);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setDialogPosition(dialog, pos) {\r\n const dom = this.getDialogDom(dialog.peerID);\r\n if (!dom) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (pos === undefined) {\r\n pos = appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.getDialog(dialog.peerID, this.filterID)[1];\r\n }\r\n if (utils_1.positionElementByIndex(dom.listEl, this.chatList, pos)) {\r\n this.scroll.reorder();\r\n this.log.debug('setDialogPosition:', dialog, dom, pos);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n /* public setPinnedDelimiter() {\r\n if(!USEPINNEDDELIMITER) return;\r\n \r\n let index = -1;\r\n let dialogs = appMessagesManager.dialogsStorage.getFolder(0);\r\n for(let dialog of dialogs) {\r\n if(dialog.pFlags?.pinned) {\r\n index++;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n let currentIndex = (this.pinnedDelimiter.parentElement && whichChild(this.pinnedDelimiter.parentElement)) ?? -1;\r\n \r\n if(index == currentIndex) return;\r\n \r\n let children = this.chatList.children;\r\n \r\n let modifying: HTMLElement[] = [];\r\n if(currentIndex != -1 && children.length > currentIndex) {\r\n let li = children[currentIndex] as HTMLElement;\r\n modifying.push(li);\r\n }\r\n \r\n if(index != -1 && children.length > index) {\r\n let li = children[index] as HTMLElement;\r\n modifying.push(li);\r\n li.append(this.pinnedDelimiter);\r\n } else {\r\n this.pinnedDelimiter.remove();\r\n }\r\n \r\n modifying.forEach(elem => {\r\n this.scroll.updateElement(elem);\r\n });\r\n } */\r\n setLastMessage(dialog, lastMessage, dom, highlightWord) {\r\n if (!lastMessage) {\r\n lastMessage = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(dialog.top_message);\r\n }\r\n ///////console.log('setlastMessage:', lastMessage);\r\n if (!dom) {\r\n dom = this.getDialogDom(dialog.peerID);\r\n if (!dom) {\r\n //this.log.error('no dom for dialog:', dialog, lastMessage, dom, highlightWord);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (lastMessage._ == 'messageEmpty' || (lastMessage._ == 'messageService' && !lastMessage.rReply)) {\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = '';\r\n dom.lastTimeSpan.innerHTML = '';\r\n delete dom.listEl.dataset.mid;\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let peer = dialog.peer;\r\n let peerID = dialog.peerID;\r\n //let peerID = appMessagesManager.getMessagePeer(lastMessage);\r\n //console.log('setting last message:', lastMessage);\r\n /* if(!dom.lastMessageSpan.classList.contains('user-typing')) */ {\r\n if (highlightWord && lastMessage.message) {\r\n let lastMessageText = appMessagesManager_1.default.getRichReplyText(lastMessage, '');\r\n let messageText = lastMessage.message;\r\n let entities = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.parseEntities(messageText.replace(/\\n/g, ' '), { noLinebreakers: true });\r\n let regExp = new RegExp(utils_1.escapeRegExp(highlightWord), 'gi');\r\n let match;\r\n if (!entities)\r\n entities = [];\r\n let found = false;\r\n while ((match = regExp.exec(messageText)) !== null) {\r\n entities.push({ _: 'messageEntityHighlight', length: highlightWord.length, offset: match.index });\r\n found = true;\r\n }\r\n if (found) {\r\n entities.sort((a, b) => a.offset - b.offset);\r\n }\r\n let messageWrapped = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(messageText, {\r\n noLinebreakers: true,\r\n entities: entities,\r\n noTextFormat: true\r\n });\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = lastMessageText + messageWrapped;\r\n }\r\n else if (!lastMessage.deleted) {\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = lastMessage.rReply;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n /* if(lastMessage.from_id == auth.id) { // You: */\r\n if (peer._ != 'peerUser' && peerID != -lastMessage.from_id) {\r\n let sender = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(lastMessage.from_id);\r\n if (sender && sender.id) {\r\n let senderBold = document.createElement('b');\r\n let str = '';\r\n if (sender.id == utils_1.$rootScope.myID) {\r\n str = 'You';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n str = sender.first_name || sender.last_name || sender.username;\r\n }\r\n //senderBold.innerText = str + ': ';\r\n senderBold.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(str, { noLinebreakers: true }) + ': ';\r\n //console.log(sender, senderBold.innerText);\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.prepend(senderBold);\r\n } //////// else console.log('no sender', lastMessage, peerID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!lastMessage.deleted) {\r\n let timeStr = '';\r\n let timestamp = lastMessage.date;\r\n let now = Date.now() / 1000;\r\n let time = new Date(lastMessage.date * 1000);\r\n if ((now - timestamp) < 86400) { // if < 1 day\r\n timeStr = ('0' + time.getHours()).slice(-2) +\r\n ':' + ('0' + time.getMinutes()).slice(-2);\r\n }\r\n else if ((now - timestamp) < (86400 * 7)) { // week\r\n let date = new Date(timestamp * 1000);\r\n timeStr = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'][date.getDay()];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];\r\n timeStr = months[time.getMonth()] +\r\n ' ' + ('0' + time.getDate()).slice(-2);\r\n }\r\n dom.lastTimeSpan.innerHTML = timeStr;\r\n }\r\n else\r\n dom.lastTimeSpan.innerHTML = '';\r\n if (this.doms[peerID] == dom) {\r\n this.setUnreadMessages(dialog);\r\n }\r\n else { // means search\r\n dom.listEl.dataset.mid = lastMessage.mid;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setUnreadMessages(dialog) {\r\n var _a;\r\n const dom = this.getDialogDom(dialog.peerID);\r\n if (dialog.folder_id == 1) {\r\n this.accumulateArchivedUnread();\r\n }\r\n if (!dom) {\r\n //this.log.error('setUnreadMessages no dom!', dialog);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const isMuted = (((_a = dialog.notify_settings) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.mute_until) * 1000) > Date.now();\r\n dom.listEl.classList.toggle('is-muted', isMuted);\r\n const lastMessage = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(dialog.top_message);\r\n if (lastMessage._ != 'messageEmpty' && !lastMessage.deleted &&\r\n lastMessage.from_id == utils_1.$rootScope.myID && lastMessage.peerID != utils_1.$rootScope.myID &&\r\n dialog.read_outbox_max_id) { // maybe comment, 06.20.2020\r\n const outgoing = (lastMessage.pFlags && lastMessage.pFlags.unread); // maybe uncomment, 31.01.2020\r\n //console.log('outgoing', outgoing, lastMessage);\r\n if (outgoing) {\r\n dom.statusSpan.classList.remove('tgico-checks');\r\n dom.statusSpan.classList.add('tgico-check');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n dom.statusSpan.classList.remove('tgico-check');\r\n dom.statusSpan.classList.add('tgico-checks');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else\r\n dom.statusSpan.classList.remove('tgico-check', 'tgico-checks');\r\n dom.unreadMessagesSpan.innerText = '';\r\n dom.unreadMessagesSpan.classList.remove('tgico-pinnedchat');\r\n const filter = appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.filters[this.filterID];\r\n let isPinned;\r\n if (filter) {\r\n isPinned = filter.pinned_peers.findIndex(peerID => peerID == dialog.peerID) !== -1;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n isPinned = !!dialog.pFlags.pinned;\r\n }\r\n if (dialog.unread_count || dialog.pFlags.unread_mark) {\r\n //dom.unreadMessagesSpan.innerText = '' + (dialog.unread_count ? formatNumber(dialog.unread_count, 1) : ' ');\r\n dom.unreadMessagesSpan.innerText = '' + (dialog.unread_count || ' ');\r\n dom.unreadMessagesSpan.classList.add(isMuted ? 'unread-muted' : 'unread');\r\n }\r\n else if (isPinned) {\r\n dom.unreadMessagesSpan.classList.remove('unread', 'unread-muted');\r\n dom.unreadMessagesSpan.classList.add('tgico-pinnedchat');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n accumulateArchivedUnread() {\r\n if (this.accumulateArchivedTimeout)\r\n return;\r\n this.accumulateArchivedTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.accumulateArchivedTimeout = 0;\r\n const dialogs = appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.getFolder(1);\r\n const sum = dialogs.reduce((acc, dialog) => acc + dialog.unread_count, 0);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('dialogs_archived_unread', { count: sum });\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n getDialogDom(peerID) {\r\n return this.doms[peerID];\r\n }\r\n addDialog(_dialog, container, drawStatus = true, rippleEnabled = true, onlyFirstName = false, meAsSaved = true) {\r\n var _a;\r\n let dialog;\r\n if (typeof (_dialog) === 'number') {\r\n let originalDialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(_dialog)[0];\r\n if (!originalDialog) {\r\n originalDialog = {\r\n peerID: _dialog,\r\n pFlags: {}\r\n };\r\n }\r\n dialog = originalDialog;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n dialog = _dialog;\r\n }\r\n let peerID = dialog.peerID;\r\n if (!container) {\r\n if (this.doms[peerID])\r\n return;\r\n const filter = appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.filters[this.filterID];\r\n if ((filter && !appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.testDialogForFilter(dialog, filter)) || (!filter && this.filterID != dialog.folder_id)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n let title = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(peerID, false, onlyFirstName);\r\n let avatarEl = new avatar_1.default();\r\n avatarEl.setAttribute('dialog', meAsSaved ? '1' : '0');\r\n avatarEl.setAttribute('peer', '' + peerID);\r\n avatarEl.classList.add('dialog-avatar');\r\n if (drawStatus && peerID != utils_1.$rootScope.myID && dialog.peer) {\r\n let peer = dialog.peer;\r\n switch (peer._) {\r\n case 'peerUser':\r\n let user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(peerID);\r\n //console.log('found user', user);\r\n if (user.status && user.status._ == 'userStatusOnline') {\r\n avatarEl.classList.add('is-online');\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n let captionDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n captionDiv.classList.add('user-caption');\r\n let titleSpan = document.createElement('span');\r\n titleSpan.classList.add('user-title');\r\n if (peerID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID && meAsSaved) {\r\n title = onlyFirstName ? 'Saved' : 'Saved Messages';\r\n }\r\n titleSpan.innerHTML = title;\r\n //p.classList.add('')\r\n // в других случаях иконка верификации не нужна (а первый - это главные чатлисты)\r\n if (!container) {\r\n let peer;\r\n // for muted icon\r\n titleSpan.classList.add('tgico');\r\n if (peerID < 0) {\r\n peer = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(-peerID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n peer = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(peerID);\r\n }\r\n if ((_a = peer === null || peer === void 0 ? void 0 : peer.pFlags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.verified) {\r\n titleSpan.classList.add('is-verified');\r\n const i = document.createElement('i');\r\n i.classList.add('verified-icon');\r\n titleSpan.append(i);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n let span = document.createElement('span');\r\n span.classList.add('user-last-message');\r\n //captionDiv.append(titleSpan);\r\n //captionDiv.append(span);\r\n let paddingDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n paddingDiv.classList.add('rp');\r\n paddingDiv.append(avatarEl, captionDiv);\r\n if (rippleEnabled) {\r\n ripple_1.ripple(paddingDiv);\r\n /* ripple(paddingDiv, (id) => {\r\n this.log('dialogs click element');\r\n this.lastClickID = id;\r\n \r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n this.rippleCallback = resolve;\r\n //setTimeout(() => resolve(), 100);\r\n //window.requestAnimationFrame(() => window.requestAnimationFrame(() => resolve()));\r\n });\r\n }, (id) => {\r\n //console.log('appDialogsManager: ripple onEnd called!');\r\n if(id == this.lastGoodClickID) {\r\n appImManager.lazyLoadQueue.unlock();\r\n }\r\n }); */\r\n }\r\n let li = document.createElement('li');\r\n li.append(paddingDiv);\r\n li.setAttribute('data-peerID', '' + peerID);\r\n let statusSpan = document.createElement('span');\r\n statusSpan.classList.add('message-status');\r\n let lastTimeSpan = document.createElement('span');\r\n lastTimeSpan.classList.add('message-time');\r\n let unreadMessagesSpan = document.createElement('span');\r\n let titleP = document.createElement('p');\r\n let rightSpan = document.createElement('span');\r\n rightSpan.append(statusSpan, lastTimeSpan);\r\n titleP.append(titleSpan, rightSpan);\r\n let messageP = document.createElement('p');\r\n messageP.append(span, unreadMessagesSpan);\r\n captionDiv.append(titleP, messageP);\r\n let dom = {\r\n avatarEl,\r\n captionDiv,\r\n titleSpan,\r\n statusSpan,\r\n lastTimeSpan,\r\n unreadMessagesSpan,\r\n lastMessageSpan: span,\r\n containerEl: paddingDiv,\r\n listEl: li\r\n };\r\n /* let good = false;\r\n for(const folderID in this.chatLists) {\r\n if(this.chatLists[folderID] == container) {\r\n good = true;\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n if (!container /* || good */) {\r\n this.scroll.append(li);\r\n this.doms[dialog.peerID] = dom;\r\n if (utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID == peerID) {\r\n li.classList.add('active');\r\n this.lastActiveListElement = li;\r\n }\r\n /* if(container) {\r\n container.append(li);\r\n } */\r\n this.setLastMessage(dialog);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n container.append(li);\r\n }\r\n return { dom, dialog };\r\n }\r\n setTyping(dialog, user) {\r\n const dom = this.getDialogDom(dialog.peerID);\r\n if (!dom) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let str = '';\r\n if (dialog.peerID < 0) {\r\n let s = user.rFirstName || user.username;\r\n if (!s)\r\n return;\r\n str = s + ' ';\r\n }\r\n const senderBold = document.createElement('i');\r\n str += 'typing...';\r\n senderBold.innerHTML = str;\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = '';\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.append(senderBold);\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.classList.add('user-typing');\r\n }\r\n unsetTyping(dialog) {\r\n const dom = this.getDialogDom(dialog.peerID);\r\n if (!dom) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.classList.remove('user-typing');\r\n this.setLastMessage(dialog, null, dom);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppDialogsManager = AppDialogsManager;\r\nconst appDialogsManager = new AppDialogsManager();\r\nexports.default = appDialogsManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 17, "identifier": 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elem.classList.contains('rp-square');\r\n if (isSquare) {\r\n r.classList.add('is-square');\r\n }\r\n const duration = isSquare ? 200 : 700;\r\n elem.append(r);\r\n let handler;\r\n let drawRipple = (clientX, clientY) => {\r\n let startTime = Date.now();\r\n let span = document.createElement('span');\r\n let clickID = rippleClickID++;\r\n //console.log('ripple drawRipple');\r\n handler = () => {\r\n let elapsedTime = Date.now() - startTime;\r\n if (elapsedTime < duration) {\r\n let delay = Math.max(duration - elapsedTime, duration / 2);\r\n setTimeout(() => span.classList.add('hiding'), Math.max(delay - duration / 2, 0));\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n //console.log('ripple elapsedTime total pre-remove:', Date.now() - startTime);\r\n span.remove();\r\n if (onEnd)\r\n onEnd(clickID);\r\n }, delay);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n span.classList.add('hiding');\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n //console.log('ripple elapsedTime total pre-remove:', Date.now() - startTime);\r\n span.remove();\r\n if (onEnd)\r\n onEnd(clickID);\r\n }, duration / 2);\r\n }\r\n handler = null;\r\n };\r\n callback && callback(clickID);\r\n /* callback().then((bad) => {\r\n if(bad) {\r\n span.remove();\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n //console.log('ripple after promise', Date.now() - startTime);\r\n //console.log('ripple tooSlow:', tooSlow);\r\n /* if(tooSlow) {\r\n span.remove();\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n span.classList.add('c-ripple__circle');\r\n let rect = r.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n let clickX = clientX - rect.left;\r\n let clickY = clientY - rect.top;\r\n let size, clickPos;\r\n if (rect.width > rect.height) {\r\n size = rect.width;\r\n clickPos = clickX;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n size = rect.height;\r\n clickPos = clickY;\r\n }\r\n let offsetFromCenter = clickPos > (size / 2) ? size - clickPos : clickPos;\r\n size = size - offsetFromCenter;\r\n size *= 1.1;\r\n // center of circle\r\n let x = clickX - size / 2;\r\n let y = clickY - size / 2;\r\n //console.log('ripple click', offsetFromCenter, size, clickX, clickY);\r\n span.style.width = span.style.height = size + 'px';\r\n span.style.left = x + 'px';\r\n span.style.top = y + 'px';\r\n r.append(span);\r\n //r.classList.add('active');\r\n //handler();\r\n });\r\n //});\r\n };\r\n let touchStartFired = false;\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n let touchEnd = () => {\r\n handler && handler();\r\n };\r\n elem.addEventListener('touchstart', (e) => {\r\n //console.log('ripple touchstart', e);\r\n if (e.touches.length > 1 || (e.target.tagName == 'BUTTON' && e.target != elem)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('touchstart', e);\r\n touchStartFired = true;\r\n let { clientX, clientY } = e.touches[0];\r\n drawRipple(clientX, clientY);\r\n window.addEventListener('touchend', touchEnd, { once: true });\r\n window.addEventListener('touchmove', (e) => {\r\n e.cancelBubble = true;\r\n e.stopPropagation();\r\n handler && handler();\r\n window.removeEventListener('touchend', touchEnd);\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n }, { passive: true });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n elem.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => {\r\n if (elem.dataset.ripple == '0') {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n else if (touchStartFired) {\r\n touchStartFired = false;\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n let { clientX, clientY } = e;\r\n drawRipple(clientX, clientY);\r\n window.addEventListener('mouseup', handler, { once: true });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ripple = ripple;\r\n" }, { "id": 18, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\wrappers.ts", "name": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "index": 69, "index2": 66, "size": 31712, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": 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Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.wrapPoll = exports.wrapAlbum = exports.wrapReply = exports.wrapSticker = exports.wrapPhoto = exports.wrapAudio = exports.wrapDocument = exports.formatDate = exports.wrapVideo = void 0;\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst lottieLoader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/lottieLoader\"));\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nconst preloader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./preloader\"));\r\nconst mediaPlayer_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/mediaPlayer\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"./misc\");\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst groupedLayout_1 = require(\"./groupedLayout\");\r\nconst poll_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./poll\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../lib/config\");\r\nconst animationIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./animationIntersector\"));\r\nconst audio_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./audio\"));\r\nconst webpWorkerController_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/webp/webpWorkerController\"));\r\nconst blob_1 = require(\"../helpers/blob\");\r\nconst appMediaPlaybackController_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMediaPlaybackController\"));\r\nconst cancellablePromise_1 = require(\"../helpers/cancellablePromise\");\r\nfunction wrapVideo({ doc, container, message, boxWidth, boxHeight, withTail, isOut, middleware, lazyLoadQueue, noInfo, group }) {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n if (!noInfo) {\r\n if (doc.type != 'round') {\r\n let span, spanPlay;\r\n span = document.createElement('span');\r\n span.classList.add('video-time');\r\n container.append(span);\r\n if (doc.type != 'gif') {\r\n span.innerText = (doc.duration + '').toHHMMSS(false);\r\n spanPlay = document.createElement('span');\r\n spanPlay.classList.add('video-play', 'tgico-largeplay', 'btn-circle', 'position-center');\r\n container.append(spanPlay);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n span.innerText = 'GIF';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (doc.mime_type == 'image/gif') {\r\n return wrapPhoto(doc, message, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, withTail, isOut, lazyLoadQueue, middleware);\r\n }\r\n /* const video = doc.type == 'round' ? appMediaPlaybackController.addMedia(doc, message.mid) as HTMLVideoElement : document.createElement('video');\r\n if(video.parentElement) {\r\n video.remove();\r\n } */\r\n const video = document.createElement('video');\r\n video.muted = true;\r\n video.setAttribute('playsinline', '');\r\n if (doc.type == 'round') {\r\n //video.muted = true;\r\n const globalVideo = appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.addMedia(doc, message.mid);\r\n video.addEventListener('canplay', () => {\r\n if (globalVideo.currentTime > 0) {\r\n video.currentTime = globalVideo.currentTime;\r\n }\r\n if (!globalVideo.paused) {\r\n // с закоментированными настройками - хром выключал видео при скролле, для этого нужно было включить видео - выйти из диалога, зайти заново и проскроллить вверх\r\n /* video.autoplay = true;\r\n video.loop = false; */\r\n video.play();\r\n }\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n const clear = () => {\r\n //console.log('clearing video');\r\n globalVideo.removeEventListener('timeupdate', onTimeUpdate);\r\n globalVideo.removeEventListener('play', onGlobalPlay);\r\n globalVideo.removeEventListener('pause', onGlobalPause);\r\n video.removeEventListener('play', onVideoPlay);\r\n video.removeEventListener('pause', onVideoPause);\r\n };\r\n const onTimeUpdate = () => {\r\n if (!utils_1.isInDOM(video)) {\r\n clear();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n const onGlobalPlay = () => {\r\n video.play();\r\n };\r\n const onGlobalPause = () => {\r\n video.pause();\r\n };\r\n const onVideoPlay = () => {\r\n globalVideo.play();\r\n };\r\n const onVideoPause = () => {\r\n //console.log('video pause event');\r\n if (utils_1.isInDOM(video)) {\r\n globalVideo.pause();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n clear();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n globalVideo.addEventListener('timeupdate', onTimeUpdate);\r\n globalVideo.addEventListener('play', onGlobalPlay);\r\n globalVideo.addEventListener('pause', onGlobalPause);\r\n video.addEventListener('play', onVideoPlay);\r\n video.addEventListener('pause', onVideoPause);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n video.autoplay = true; // для safari\r\n }\r\n let img;\r\n if (message) {\r\n if (doc.type == 'video' && ((_a = doc.thumbs) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length)) {\r\n return wrapPhoto(doc, message, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, withTail, isOut, lazyLoadQueue, middleware);\r\n }\r\n if (withTail) {\r\n img = wrapMediaWithTail(doc, message, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, isOut);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (boxWidth && boxHeight) { // !album\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.setAttachmentSize(doc, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, false, true);\r\n }\r\n if (((_b = doc.thumbs) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length) && 'bytes' in doc.thumbs[0]) {\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.setAttachmentPreview(doc.thumbs[0].bytes, container, false);\r\n }\r\n img = container.lastElementChild;\r\n if ((img === null || img === void 0 ? void 0 : img.tagName) != 'IMG') {\r\n container.append(img = new Image());\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (img) {\r\n img.classList.add('thumbnail');\r\n }\r\n if (withTail) {\r\n const foreignObject = img.parentElement;\r\n video.width = +foreignObject.getAttributeNS(null, 'width');\r\n video.height = +foreignObject.getAttributeNS(null, 'height');\r\n foreignObject.append(video);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!(img === null || img === void 0 ? void 0 : img.parentElement)) {\r\n const gotThumb = appDocsManager_1.default.getThumb(doc, false);\r\n if (gotThumb) {\r\n gotThumb.promise.then(() => {\r\n video.poster = gotThumb.thumb.url;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!video.parentElement && container) {\r\n container.append(video);\r\n }\r\n const loadVideo = () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n var _c;\r\n if (middleware && !middleware()) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let preloader;\r\n if ((_c = message === null || message === void 0 ? void 0 : message.media) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.preloader) { // means upload\r\n preloader = message.media.preloader;\r\n preloader.attach(container, undefined, undefined, true);\r\n }\r\n else if (!doc.downloaded && !doc.supportsStreaming) {\r\n const promise = appDocsManager_1.default.downloadDocNew(doc);\r\n preloader = new preloader_1.default(container, true);\r\n preloader.attach(container, true, promise, true);\r\n /* video.addEventListener('canplay', () => {\r\n if(preloader) {\r\n preloader.detach();\r\n }\r\n }, {once: true}); */\r\n yield promise;\r\n }\r\n else if (doc.supportsStreaming) {\r\n preloader = new preloader_1.default(container, false);\r\n video.addEventListener('canplay', () => {\r\n preloader.detach();\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n }\r\n if (middleware && !middleware()) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('loaded doc:', doc, doc.url, container);\r\n const deferred = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n //if(doc.type == 'gif'/* || true */) {\r\n video.addEventListener('canplay', () => {\r\n if (img === null || img === void 0 ? void 0 : img.parentElement) {\r\n img.remove();\r\n }\r\n /* if(!video.paused) {\r\n video.pause();\r\n } */\r\n if (doc.type == 'gif' && group) {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.addAnimation(video, group);\r\n }\r\n // test lazyLoadQueue\r\n //setTimeout(() => {\r\n deferred.resolve();\r\n //}, 5000);\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n //}\r\n video.addEventListener('error', deferred.reject);\r\n //if(doc.type != 'round') {\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(video, doc.url);\r\n //}\r\n /* if(!container.parentElement) {\r\n container.append(video);\r\n } */\r\n if (doc.type == 'gif' /* || true */) {\r\n video.muted = true;\r\n video.loop = true;\r\n //video.play();\r\n video.autoplay = true;\r\n }\r\n else if (doc.type == 'round') {\r\n video.dataset.ckin = 'circle';\r\n video.dataset.overlay = '1';\r\n new mediaPlayer_1.default(video);\r\n }\r\n return deferred;\r\n });\r\n /* if(doc.size >= 20e6 && !doc.downloaded) {\r\n let downloadDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n downloadDiv.classList.add('download');\r\n \r\n let span = document.createElement('span');\r\n span.classList.add('btn-circle', 'tgico-download');\r\n downloadDiv.append(span);\r\n \r\n downloadDiv.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n downloadDiv.remove();\r\n loadVideo();\r\n });\r\n \r\n container.prepend(downloadDiv);\r\n \r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n return /* doc.downloaded || */ !lazyLoadQueue /* && false */ ? loadVideo() : (lazyLoadQueue.push({ div: container, load: loadVideo /* , wasSeen: true */ }), Promise.resolve());\r\n}\r\nexports.wrapVideo = wrapVideo;\r\nexports.formatDate = (timestamp, monthShort = false, withYear = true) => {\r\n const months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'Octomber', 'November', 'December'];\r\n const date = new Date(timestamp * 1000);\r\n let month = months[date.getMonth()];\r\n if (monthShort)\r\n month = month.slice(0, 3);\r\n let str = month + ' ' + date.getDate();\r\n if (withYear) {\r\n str += ', ' + date.getFullYear();\r\n }\r\n return str + ' at ' + date.getHours() + ':' + ('0' + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2);\r\n};\r\nfunction wrapDocument(doc, withTime = false, uploading = false, mid) {\r\n if (doc.type == 'audio' || doc.type == 'voice') {\r\n return wrapAudio(doc, withTime, mid);\r\n }\r\n let extSplitted = doc.file_name ? doc.file_name.split('.') : '';\r\n let ext = '';\r\n ext = extSplitted.length > 1 && Array.isArray(extSplitted) ? extSplitted.pop().toLowerCase() : 'file';\r\n let docDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n docDiv.classList.add('document', `ext-${ext}`);\r\n const icoDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n icoDiv.classList.add('document-ico');\r\n if (doc.type == 'photo') {\r\n docDiv.classList.add('photo');\r\n if (uploading) {\r\n icoDiv.innerHTML = ``;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n wrapPhoto(doc, null, icoDiv, 54, 54, false, null, null, null);\r\n icoDiv.style.width = icoDiv.style.height = '';\r\n }\r\n const img = icoDiv.querySelector('img');\r\n if (img)\r\n img.classList.add('document-thumb');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n icoDiv.innerText = ext;\r\n }\r\n let fileName = doc.file_name || 'Unknown.file';\r\n let size = utils_1.formatBytes(doc.size);\r\n if (withTime) {\r\n size += ' · ' + exports.formatDate(doc.date);\r\n }\r\n docDiv.innerHTML = `\r\n ${!uploading ? `
` : ''}\r\n
\r\n `;\r\n docDiv.prepend(icoDiv);\r\n if (!uploading) {\r\n let downloadDiv = docDiv.querySelector('.document-download');\r\n let preloader;\r\n let download;\r\n docDiv.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n if (!download) {\r\n if (downloadDiv.classList.contains('downloading')) {\r\n return; // means not ready yet\r\n }\r\n if (!preloader) {\r\n preloader = new preloader_1.default(null, true);\r\n }\r\n download = appDocsManager_1.default.saveDocFile(doc);\r\n preloader.attach(downloadDiv, true, download);\r\n download.then(() => {\r\n downloadDiv.remove();\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n if (err.name === 'AbortError') {\r\n download = null;\r\n }\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n downloadDiv.classList.remove('downloading');\r\n });\r\n downloadDiv.classList.add('downloading');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n download.cancel();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return docDiv;\r\n}\r\nexports.wrapDocument = wrapDocument;\r\nfunction wrapAudio(doc, withTime = false, mid) {\r\n let elem = new audio_1.default();\r\n elem.setAttribute('doc-id', doc.id);\r\n elem.setAttribute('with-time', '' + +withTime);\r\n elem.setAttribute('message-id', '' + mid);\r\n return elem;\r\n}\r\nexports.wrapAudio = wrapAudio;\r\nfunction wrapMediaWithTail(photo, message, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, isOut) {\r\n const svg = document.createElementNS(\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\", \"svg\");\r\n svg.classList.add('bubble__media-container', isOut ? 'is-out' : 'is-in');\r\n const foreignObject = document.createElementNS(\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\", 'foreignObject');\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.setAttachmentSize(photo, foreignObject, boxWidth, boxHeight /* , false, true */);\r\n const width = +foreignObject.getAttributeNS(null, 'width');\r\n const height = +foreignObject.getAttributeNS(null, 'height');\r\n svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', '' + width);\r\n svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', '' + height);\r\n svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'viewBox', '0 0 ' + width + ' ' + height);\r\n svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'preserveAspectRatio', 'none');\r\n const clipID = 'clip' + message.mid;\r\n svg.dataset.clipID = clipID;\r\n const defs = document.createElementNS(\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\", 'defs');\r\n let clipPathHTML = '';\r\n if (message.message) {\r\n //clipPathHTML += ``;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (isOut) {\r\n clipPathHTML += `\r\n \r\n \r\n `;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n clipPathHTML += `\r\n \r\n \r\n `;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n defs.innerHTML = `${clipPathHTML}`;\r\n container.style.width = parseInt(container.style.width) - 9 + 'px';\r\n container.classList.add('with-tail');\r\n svg.append(defs, foreignObject);\r\n container.append(svg);\r\n let img = foreignObject.firstElementChild;\r\n if (!img) {\r\n foreignObject.append(img = new Image());\r\n }\r\n return img;\r\n}\r\nfunction wrapPhoto(photo, message, container, boxWidth = config_1.mediaSizes.active.regular.width, boxHeight = config_1.mediaSizes.active.regular.height, withTail, isOut, lazyLoadQueue, middleware, size = null) {\r\n var _a;\r\n let image;\r\n if (withTail) {\r\n image = wrapMediaWithTail(photo, message, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, isOut);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (boxWidth && boxHeight) { // !album\r\n size = appPhotosManager_1.default.setAttachmentSize(photo, container, boxWidth, boxHeight, false, true);\r\n }\r\n if (photo._ == 'document' || !photo.downloaded) {\r\n const thumbs = photo.sizes || photo.thumbs;\r\n if ((thumbs === null || thumbs === void 0 ? void 0 : thumbs.length) && 'bytes' in thumbs[0]) {\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.setAttachmentPreview(thumbs[0].bytes, container, false);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n image = container.lastElementChild;\r\n if (!image || image.tagName != 'IMG') {\r\n container.append(image = new Image());\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //console.log('wrapPhoto downloaded:', photo, photo.downloaded, container);\r\n const cacheContext = appPhotosManager_1.default.getCacheContext(photo);\r\n let preloader;\r\n if ((_a = message === null || message === void 0 ? void 0 : message.media) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.preloader) { // means upload\r\n message.media.preloader.attach(container);\r\n }\r\n else if (!cacheContext.downloaded) {\r\n preloader = new preloader_1.default(container, false);\r\n }\r\n const load = () => {\r\n const promise = photo._ == 'document' && photo.animated ? appDocsManager_1.default.downloadDocNew(photo) : appPhotosManager_1.default.preloadPhoto(photo, size);\r\n if (preloader) {\r\n preloader.attach(container, true, promise);\r\n }\r\n return promise.then(() => {\r\n if (middleware && !middleware())\r\n return;\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(image || container, cacheContext.url || photo.url);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n return cacheContext.downloaded || !lazyLoadQueue ? load() : (lazyLoadQueue.push({ div: container, load: load, wasSeen: true }), Promise.resolve());\r\n}\r\nexports.wrapPhoto = wrapPhoto;\r\nfunction wrapSticker({ doc, div, middleware, lazyLoadQueue, group, play, onlyThumb, emoji, width, height, withThumb, loop }) {\r\n var _a;\r\n const stickerType = doc.sticker;\r\n if (!width) {\r\n width = !emoji ? 200 : undefined;\r\n }\r\n if (!height) {\r\n height = !emoji ? 200 : undefined;\r\n }\r\n if (stickerType == 2 && !lottieLoader_1.default.loaded) {\r\n //LottieLoader.loadLottie();\r\n lottieLoader_1.default.loadLottieWorkers();\r\n }\r\n if (!stickerType) {\r\n console.error('wrong doc for wrapSticker!', doc);\r\n throw new Error('wrong doc for wrapSticker!');\r\n }\r\n div.dataset.docID = doc.id;\r\n //console.log('wrap sticker', doc, div, onlyThumb);\r\n const toneIndex = emoji ? utils_1.getEmojiToneIndex(emoji) : -1;\r\n if (((_a = doc.thumbs) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) && !div.firstElementChild && (!doc.downloaded || stickerType == 2 || onlyThumb) && toneIndex <= 0 /* && doc.thumbs[0]._ != 'photoSizeEmpty' */) {\r\n const thumb = doc.thumbs[0];\r\n //console.log('wrap sticker', thumb, div);\r\n let img;\r\n const afterRender = () => {\r\n if (!div.childElementCount) {\r\n div.append(img);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n if ('url' in thumb) {\r\n img = new Image();\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(img, thumb.url, afterRender);\r\n }\r\n else if ('bytes' in thumb) {\r\n img = new Image();\r\n if ((!config_1.isSafari || doc.pFlags.stickerThumbConverted || thumb.url) /* && false */) {\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(img, appPhotosManager_1.default.getPreviewURLFromThumb(thumb, true), afterRender);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n webpWorkerController_1.default.convert(doc.id, thumb.bytes).then(bytes => {\r\n thumb.bytes = bytes;\r\n doc.pFlags.stickerThumbConverted = true;\r\n if (middleware && !middleware())\r\n return;\r\n if (!div.childElementCount) {\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(img, appPhotosManager_1.default.getPreviewURLFromThumb(thumb, true), afterRender);\r\n }\r\n }).catch(() => { });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (stickerType == 2 && (withThumb || onlyThumb)) {\r\n img = new Image();\r\n const load = () => {\r\n if (div.childElementCount || (middleware && !middleware()))\r\n return;\r\n const r = () => {\r\n if (div.childElementCount || (middleware && !middleware()))\r\n return;\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(img, thumb.url, afterRender);\r\n };\r\n if (thumb.url) {\r\n r();\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return appDocsManager_1.default.getThumbURL(doc, thumb).promise.then(r);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n if (lazyLoadQueue && onlyThumb) {\r\n lazyLoadQueue.push({ div, load });\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n load();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (onlyThumb) { // for sticker panel\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n }\r\n let downloaded = doc.downloaded;\r\n let load = () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (middleware && !middleware())\r\n return;\r\n if (stickerType == 2) {\r\n /* if(doc.id == '1860749763008266301') {\r\n console.log('loaded sticker:', doc, div);\r\n } */\r\n //console.time('download sticker' + doc.id);\r\n //appDocsManager.downloadDocNew(doc.id).promise.then(res => res.json()).then(async(json) => {\r\n //fetch(doc.url).then(res => res.json()).then(async(json) => {\r\n /* return */ yield appDocsManager_1.default.downloadDocNew(doc)\r\n .then(blob_1.readBlobAsText)\r\n .then(JSON.parse)\r\n .then((json) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n //console.timeEnd('download sticker' + doc.id);\r\n //console.log('loaded sticker:', doc, div/* , blob */);\r\n if (middleware && !middleware())\r\n return;\r\n let animation = yield lottieLoader_1.default.loadAnimationWorker /* loadAnimation */({\r\n container: div,\r\n loop: loop && !emoji,\r\n autoplay: play,\r\n animationData: json,\r\n width,\r\n height\r\n }, group, toneIndex);\r\n //const deferred = deferredPromise();\r\n animation.addListener('firstFrame', () => {\r\n if (div.firstElementChild && div.firstElementChild.tagName == 'IMG') {\r\n div.firstElementChild.remove();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n animation.canvas.classList.add('fade-in');\r\n }\r\n //deferred.resolve();\r\n }, true);\r\n if (emoji) {\r\n div.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n let animation = lottieLoader_1.default.getAnimation(div);\r\n if (animation.paused) {\r\n animation.restart();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n //return deferred;\r\n //await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 5e3));\r\n }));\r\n //console.timeEnd('render sticker' + doc.id);\r\n }\r\n else if (stickerType == 1) {\r\n let img = new Image();\r\n if (!downloaded && (!div.firstElementChild || div.firstElementChild.tagName != 'IMG')) {\r\n img.classList.add('fade-in-transition');\r\n img.style.opacity = '0';\r\n img.addEventListener('load', () => {\r\n doc.downloaded = true;\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n img.style.opacity = '';\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n const r = () => {\r\n if (middleware && !middleware())\r\n return;\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(img, doc.url, () => {\r\n if (div.firstElementChild && div.firstElementChild != img) {\r\n div.firstElementChild.remove();\r\n }\r\n div.append(img);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n if (doc.url)\r\n r();\r\n else {\r\n appDocsManager_1.default.downloadDocNew(doc).then(r);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return lazyLoadQueue && (!doc.downloaded || stickerType == 2) ? (lazyLoadQueue.push({ div, load, wasSeen: group == 'chat' && stickerType != 2 }), Promise.resolve()) : load();\r\n}\r\nexports.wrapSticker = wrapSticker;\r\nfunction wrapReply(title, subtitle, message, isPinned) {\r\n const prefix = isPinned ? 'pinned-message' : 'reply';\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add(prefix);\r\n const replyBorder = document.createElement('div');\r\n replyBorder.classList.add(prefix + '-border');\r\n const replyContent = document.createElement('div');\r\n replyContent.classList.add(prefix + '-content');\r\n const replyTitle = document.createElement('div');\r\n replyTitle.classList.add(prefix + '-title');\r\n const replySubtitle = document.createElement('div');\r\n replySubtitle.classList.add(prefix + '-subtitle');\r\n replyTitle.innerHTML = title ? richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(title) : '';\r\n const media = message && message.media;\r\n if (media) {\r\n replySubtitle.innerHTML = message.rReply;\r\n //console.log('wrap reply', media);\r\n if (media.photo || (media.document && ['video'].indexOf(media.document.type) !== -1)) {\r\n let replyMedia = document.createElement('div');\r\n replyMedia.classList.add(prefix + '-media');\r\n let photo = media.photo || media.document;\r\n let sizes = photo.sizes || photo.thumbs;\r\n if (sizes && sizes[0].bytes) {\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.setAttachmentPreview(sizes[0].bytes, replyMedia, false, true);\r\n }\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.preloadPhoto(photo, appPhotosManager_1.default.choosePhotoSize(photo, 32, 32))\r\n .then(() => {\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(replyMedia, photo._ == 'photo' ? photo.url : appPhotosManager_1.default.getDocumentCachedThumb(photo.id).url);\r\n });\r\n replyContent.append(replyMedia);\r\n div.classList.add('is-media');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n replySubtitle.innerHTML = subtitle ? richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(subtitle) : '';\r\n }\r\n replyContent.append(replyTitle, replySubtitle);\r\n div.append(replyBorder, replyContent);\r\n /////////console.log('wrapReply', title, subtitle, media);\r\n return div;\r\n}\r\nexports.wrapReply = wrapReply;\r\nfunction wrapAlbum({ groupID, attachmentDiv, middleware, uploading, lazyLoadQueue, isOut }) {\r\n const items = [];\r\n // !higher msgID will be the FIRST in album\r\n const storage = Object.keys(appMessagesManager_1.default.groupedMessagesStorage[groupID]).map(id => +id).sort((a, b) => a - b);\r\n for (const mid of storage) {\r\n const m = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n const media = m.media.photo || m.media.document;\r\n const size = media._ == 'photo' ? appPhotosManager_1.default.choosePhotoSize(media, 480, 480) : { w: media.w, h: media.h };\r\n items.push({ size, media, message: m });\r\n }\r\n const spacing = 2;\r\n const layouter = new groupedLayout_1.Layouter(items.map(i => ({ w: i.size.w, h: i.size.h })), config_1.mediaSizes.active.album.width, 100, spacing);\r\n const layout = layouter.layout();\r\n //console.log('layout:', layout, items.map(i => ({w: i.size.w, h: i.size.h})));\r\n /* let borderRadius = window.getComputedStyle(realParent).getPropertyValue('border-radius');\r\n let brSplitted = fillPropertyValue(borderRadius); */\r\n for (const { geometry, sides } of layout) {\r\n const item = items.shift();\r\n if (!item) {\r\n console.error('no item for layout!');\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n const { size, media, message } = item;\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('album-item');\r\n div.dataset.mid = message.mid;\r\n div.style.width = geometry.width + 'px';\r\n div.style.height = geometry.height + 'px';\r\n div.style.top = geometry.y + 'px';\r\n div.style.left = geometry.x + 'px';\r\n if (sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Right) {\r\n attachmentDiv.style.width = geometry.width + geometry.x + 'px';\r\n }\r\n if (sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Bottom) {\r\n attachmentDiv.style.height = geometry.height + geometry.y + 'px';\r\n }\r\n if (sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Left && sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Top) {\r\n div.style.borderTopLeftRadius = 'inherit';\r\n }\r\n if (sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Left && sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Bottom) {\r\n div.style.borderBottomLeftRadius = 'inherit';\r\n }\r\n if (sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Right && sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Top) {\r\n div.style.borderTopRightRadius = 'inherit';\r\n }\r\n if (sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Right && sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Bottom) {\r\n div.style.borderBottomRightRadius = 'inherit';\r\n }\r\n if (media._ == 'photo') {\r\n wrapPhoto(media, message, div, 0, 0, false, isOut, lazyLoadQueue, middleware, size);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n wrapVideo({\r\n doc: message.media.document,\r\n container: div,\r\n message,\r\n boxWidth: 0,\r\n boxHeight: 0,\r\n withTail: false,\r\n isOut,\r\n lazyLoadQueue,\r\n middleware\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n //div.style.backgroundColor = '#' + Math.floor(Math.random() * (2 ** 24 - 1)).toString(16).padStart(6, '0');\r\n attachmentDiv.append(div);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.wrapAlbum = wrapAlbum;\r\nfunction wrapPoll(pollID, mid) {\r\n const elem = new poll_1.default();\r\n elem.setAttribute('poll-id', pollID);\r\n elem.setAttribute('message-id', '' + mid);\r\n return elem;\r\n}\r\nexports.wrapPoll = wrapPoll;\r\n" }, { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\storage.ts", "name": "./src/lib/storage.ts", "index": 11, "index2": 11, "size": 6067, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "issuerId": 67, "issuerName": "./src/index.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, 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= false;\r\n if (!Array.isArray(keys)) {\r\n keys = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);\r\n callback = keys.pop();\r\n single = keys.length == 1;\r\n }\r\n var result = [], value;\r\n var allFound = true;\r\n var prefix = this.storageGetPrefix(), i, key;\r\n for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\r\n key = keys[i] = prefix + keys[i];\r\n if (key.substr(0, 3) != 'xt_' && this.cache[key] !== undefined) {\r\n result.push(this.cache[key]);\r\n }\r\n else if (this.useLs) {\r\n try {\r\n value = localStorage.getItem(key);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.useLs = false;\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n value = (value === undefined || value === null) ? false : JSON.parse(value);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n value = false;\r\n }\r\n result.push(this.cache[key] = value);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n allFound = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (allFound) {\r\n return callback(single ? result[0] : result);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n set(obj, callback) {\r\n var keyValues = {};\r\n var prefix = this.storageGetPrefix(), key, value;\r\n //console.log('storageSetValue', obj, callback, arguments);\r\n for (key in obj) {\r\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\r\n value = obj[key];\r\n key = prefix + key;\r\n this.cache[key] = value;\r\n value = JSON.stringify(value, (key, value) => {\r\n if (key == 'downloaded' || (key == 'url' && value.indexOf('blob:') === 0))\r\n return undefined;\r\n return value;\r\n });\r\n if (this.useLs) {\r\n try {\r\n //console.log('setItem', key, value);\r\n localStorage.setItem(key, value);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.useLs = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n keyValues[key] = value;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (this.useLs) {\r\n if (callback) {\r\n callback();\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n remove(keys, callback) {\r\n if (!Array.isArray(keys)) {\r\n keys = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);\r\n if (typeof keys[keys.length - 1] === 'function') {\r\n callback = keys.pop();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n var prefix = this.storageGetPrefix(), i, key;\r\n for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\r\n key = keys[i] = prefix + keys[i];\r\n delete this.cache[key];\r\n if (this.useLs) {\r\n try {\r\n localStorage.removeItem(key);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.useLs = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (callback) {\r\n callback();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n clear(callback) {\r\n if (this.useLs) {\r\n try {\r\n localStorage.clear();\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.useLs = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.cache = {};\r\n callback();\r\n }\r\n}\r\nclass AppStorage {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.taskID = 0;\r\n this.tasks = {};\r\n //private log = (...args: any[]) => console.log('[SW LS]', ...args);\r\n this.log = (...args) => { };\r\n if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.test) {\r\n this.setPrefix('t_');\r\n }\r\n if (!context_1.isWorker) {\r\n this.configStorage = new ConfigStorage();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setPrefix(newPrefix) {\r\n if (this.configStorage) {\r\n this.configStorage.keyPrefix = newPrefix;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n noPrefix() {\r\n if (this.configStorage) {\r\n this.configStorage.noPrefix = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n finishTask(taskID, result) {\r\n this.log('finishTask:', taskID, result, Object.keys(this.tasks));\r\n if (!this.tasks.hasOwnProperty(taskID)) {\r\n this.log('no such task:', taskID, result);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.tasks[taskID](result);\r\n delete this.tasks[taskID];\r\n }\r\n proxy(methodName, ..._args) {\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n if (context_1.isWorker) {\r\n const taskID = this.taskID++;\r\n this.tasks[taskID] = resolve;\r\n const task = { useLs: true, task: methodName, taskID, args: _args };\r\n context_1.notifySomeone(task);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let args = Array.prototype.slice.call(_args);\r\n args.push((result) => {\r\n resolve(result);\r\n });\r\n this.configStorage[methodName].apply(this.configStorage, args);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n get(...args) {\r\n return this.proxy('get', ...args);\r\n }\r\n set(...args) {\r\n //console.trace(...args);\r\n return this.proxy('set', ...args);\r\n }\r\n remove(...args) {\r\n return this.proxy('remove', ...args);\r\n }\r\n clear(...args) {\r\n return this.proxy('clear', ...args);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = new AppStorage();\r\n" }, { "id": 20, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\lottieLoader.ts", "name": "./src/lib/lottieLoader.ts", "index": 35, "index2": 29, "size": 25080, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageAuthCode.ts", "issuerId": 79, "issuerName": "./src/pages/pageAuthCode.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 49, "identifier": 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= (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.RLottiePlayer = void 0;\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"./config\");\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"./logger\");\r\nconst animationIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../components/animationIntersector\"));\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"./utils\");\r\nlet convert = (value) => {\r\n return Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(value, 0), 1) * 255);\r\n};\r\nlet RLottiePlayer = /** @class */ (() => {\r\n class RLottiePlayer {\r\n constructor({ el, worker, options }) {\r\n this.reqId = 0;\r\n this.width = 0;\r\n this.height = 0;\r\n this.listeners = {};\r\n this.listenerResults = {};\r\n this.paused = true;\r\n //public paused = false;\r\n this.direction = 1;\r\n this.speed = 1;\r\n this.autoplay = true;\r\n this.loop = true;\r\n this.group = '';\r\n //private caching = false;\r\n //private removed = false;\r\n this.frames = {};\r\n this.cachingDelta = 0;\r\n this.reqId = ++RLottiePlayer['reqId'];\r\n this.el = el;\r\n this.worker = worker;\r\n for (let i in options) {\r\n if (this.hasOwnProperty(i)) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n this[i] = options[i];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;\r\n if (pixelRatio > 1) {\r\n //this.cachingEnabled = true;//this.width < 100 && this.height < 100;\r\n if (options.needUpscale) {\r\n this.width = Math.round(this.width * pixelRatio);\r\n this.height = Math.round(this.height * pixelRatio);\r\n }\r\n else if (pixelRatio > 1 && this.width > 100 && this.height > 100) {\r\n if (config_1.isApple || !config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile) {\r\n /* this.width = Math.round(this.width * (pixelRatio - 1));\r\n this.height = Math.round(this.height * (pixelRatio - 1)); */\r\n this.width = Math.round(this.width * pixelRatio);\r\n this.height = Math.round(this.height * pixelRatio);\r\n }\r\n else if (pixelRatio > 2.5) {\r\n this.width = Math.round(this.width * (pixelRatio - 1.5));\r\n this.height = Math.round(this.height * (pixelRatio - 1.5));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!options.noCache) {\r\n // проверка на размер уже после скейлинга, сделано для попапа и сайдбарfа, где стикеры 80х80 и 68х68, туда нужно 75%\r\n if (config_1.isApple && this.width > 100 && this.height > 100) {\r\n this.cachingDelta = 2; //2 // 50%\r\n }\r\n else if (this.width < 100 && this.height < 100) {\r\n this.cachingDelta = Infinity; // 100%\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.cachingDelta = 4; // 75%\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // if(isApple) {\r\n // this.cachingDelta = 0; //2 // 50%\r\n // }\r\n /* this.width *= 0.8;\r\n this.height *= 0.8; */\r\n //console.log(\"RLottiePlayer width:\", this.width, this.height, options);\r\n this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');\r\n this.canvas.classList.add('rlottie');\r\n this.canvas.width = this.width;\r\n this.canvas.height = this.height;\r\n this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');\r\n this.clamped = new Uint8ClampedArray(this.width * this.height * 4);\r\n this.imageData = new ImageData(this.width, this.height);\r\n }\r\n clearCache() {\r\n this.frames = {};\r\n }\r\n addListener(name, callback, once) {\r\n var _a;\r\n ((_a = this.listeners[name]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.listeners[name] = [])).push({ callback, once });\r\n if (this.listenerResults.hasOwnProperty(name)) {\r\n callback(this.listenerResults[name]);\r\n if (once) {\r\n this.removeListener(name, callback);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n removeListener(name, callback) {\r\n if (this.listeners[name]) {\r\n this.listeners[name].findAndSplice(l => l.callback == callback);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setListenerResult(name, value) {\r\n this.listenerResults[name] = value;\r\n if (this.listeners[name]) {\r\n this.listeners[name].forEach(listener => {\r\n listener.callback(value);\r\n if (listener.once) {\r\n this.removeListener(name, listener.callback);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n sendQuery(methodName, ...args) {\r\n //console.trace('RLottie sendQuery:', methodName);\r\n this.worker.sendQuery(methodName, this.reqId, ...args);\r\n }\r\n loadFromData(json) {\r\n this.sendQuery('loadFromData', json, this.width, this.height, {\r\n paused: this.paused,\r\n direction: this.direction,\r\n speed: this.speed\r\n });\r\n }\r\n play() {\r\n if (!this.paused)\r\n return;\r\n //console.log('RLOTTIE PLAY' + this.reqId);\r\n this.paused = false;\r\n this.setMainLoop();\r\n }\r\n pause() {\r\n if (this.paused)\r\n return;\r\n this.paused = true;\r\n clearTimeout(this.rafId);\r\n //window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.rafId);\r\n }\r\n stop(renderFirstFrame = true) {\r\n this.pause();\r\n this.curFrame = this.direction == 1 ? 0 : this.frameCount;\r\n if (renderFirstFrame) {\r\n this.requestFrame(this.curFrame);\r\n //this.sendQuery('renderFrame', this.curFrame);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n restart() {\r\n this.stop(false);\r\n this.play();\r\n }\r\n setSpeed(speed) {\r\n this.speed = speed;\r\n if (!this.paused) {\r\n this.setMainLoop();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setDirection(direction) {\r\n this.direction = direction;\r\n if (!this.paused) {\r\n this.setMainLoop();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n remove() {\r\n //alert('remove');\r\n lottieLoader.onDestroy(this.reqId);\r\n this.pause();\r\n this.sendQuery('destroy');\r\n //this.removed = true;\r\n }\r\n renderFrame2(frame, frameNo) {\r\n /* this.setListenerResult('enterFrame', frameNo);\r\n return; */\r\n try {\r\n this.imageData.data.set(frame);\r\n //this.context.putImageData(new ImageData(frame, this.width, this.height), 0, 0);\r\n this.context.putImageData(this.imageData, 0, 0);\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n console.error('RLottiePlayer renderFrame error:', err /* , frame */, this.width, this.height);\r\n this.autoplay = false;\r\n this.pause();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('set result enterFrame', frameNo);\r\n this.setListenerResult('enterFrame', frameNo);\r\n }\r\n renderFrame(frame, frameNo) {\r\n //console.log('renderFrame', frameNo, this);\r\n if (this.cachingDelta && (frameNo % this.cachingDelta || !frameNo) && !this.frames[frameNo]) {\r\n this.frames[frameNo] = new Uint8ClampedArray(frame); //frame;\r\n }\r\n /* if(!this.listenerResults.hasOwnProperty('cached')) {\r\n this.setListenerResult('enterFrame', frameNo);\r\n if(frameNo == (this.frameCount - 1)) {\r\n this.setListenerResult('cached');\r\n }\r\n \r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n if (this.frInterval) {\r\n const now = Date.now(), delta = now - this.frThen;\r\n //console.log(`renderFrame delta${this.reqId}:`, this, delta, this.frInterval);\r\n if (delta < 0) {\r\n if (this.rafId)\r\n clearTimeout(this.rafId);\r\n return this.rafId = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.renderFrame2(frame, frameNo);\r\n }, this.frInterval > -delta ? -delta % this.frInterval : this.frInterval);\r\n //await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, -delta % this.frInterval));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.renderFrame2(frame, frameNo);\r\n }\r\n requestFrame(frameNo) {\r\n if (this.frames[frameNo]) {\r\n this.renderFrame(this.frames[frameNo], frameNo);\r\n }\r\n else if (config_1.isSafari) {\r\n this.sendQuery('renderFrame', frameNo);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (!this.clamped.length) { // fix detached\r\n this.clamped = new Uint8ClampedArray(this.width * this.height * 4);\r\n }\r\n this.sendQuery('renderFrame', frameNo, this.clamped);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n mainLoopForwards() {\r\n this.requestFrame(this.curFrame++);\r\n if (this.curFrame >= this.frameCount) {\r\n //this.playedTimes++;\r\n if (!this.loop) {\r\n this.pause();\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n this.curFrame = 0;\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n mainLoopBackwards() {\r\n this.requestFrame(this.curFrame--);\r\n if (this.curFrame < 0) {\r\n //this.playedTimes++;\r\n if (!this.loop) {\r\n this.pause();\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n this.curFrame = this.frameCount - 1;\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n setMainLoop() {\r\n //window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.rafId);\r\n clearTimeout(this.rafId);\r\n this.frInterval = 1000 / this.fps / this.speed;\r\n this.frThen = Date.now() - this.frInterval;\r\n //console.trace('setMainLoop', this.frInterval, this.direction, this, JSON.stringify(this.listenerResults), this.listenerResults);\r\n const method = (this.direction == 1 ? this.mainLoopForwards : this.mainLoopBackwards).bind(this);\r\n this.currentMethod = method;\r\n //this.frameListener && this.removeListener('enterFrame', this.frameListener);\r\n //setTimeout(() => {\r\n //this.addListener('enterFrame', this.frameListener);\r\n //}, 0);\r\n if (this.frameListener && this.listenerResults.hasOwnProperty('enterFrame')) {\r\n this.frameListener();\r\n }\r\n //this.mainLoop(method);\r\n //this.r(method);\r\n //method();\r\n }\r\n onLoad(frameCount, fps) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n this.curFrame = this.direction == 1 ? 0 : frameCount - 1;\r\n this.frameCount = frameCount;\r\n this.fps = fps;\r\n this.frInterval = 1000 / this.fps / this.speed;\r\n this.frThen = Date.now() - this.frInterval;\r\n //this.sendQuery('renderFrame', 0);\r\n // Кешировать сразу не получится, рендер стикера (тайгер) занимает 519мс, \r\n // если рендерить 75% с получением каждого кадра из воркера, будет 475мс, т.е. при 100% было бы 593мс, потеря на передаче 84мс. \r\n /* console.time('cache' + this.reqId);\r\n for(let i = 0; i < frameCount; ++i) {\r\n //if(this.removed) return;\r\n \r\n if(i % 4) {\r\n await new Promise((resolve) => {\r\n delete this.listenerResults.enterFrame;\r\n this.addListener('enterFrame', resolve, true);\r\n this.requestFrame(i);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n console.timeEnd('cache' + this.reqId); */\r\n //console.log('cached');\r\n //return;\r\n this.requestFrame(0);\r\n this.setListenerResult('ready');\r\n this.addListener('enterFrame', () => {\r\n this.setListenerResult('firstFrame');\r\n this.el.appendChild(this.canvas);\r\n //console.log('enterFrame firstFrame');\r\n //let lastTime = this.frThen;\r\n this.frameListener = () => {\r\n if (this.paused) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const time = Date.now();\r\n //console.log(`enterFrame handle${this.reqId}`, time, (time - lastTime), this.frInterval);\r\n /* if(Math.round(time - lastTime + this.frInterval * 0.25) < Math.round(this.frInterval)) {\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n //lastTime = time;\r\n this.frThen = time + this.frInterval;\r\n const canContinue = this.currentMethod();\r\n if (!canContinue && !this.loop && this.autoplay) {\r\n this.autoplay = false;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.addListener('enterFrame', this.frameListener);\r\n }, true);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n RLottiePlayer.reqId = 0;\r\n return RLottiePlayer;\r\n})();\r\nexports.RLottiePlayer = RLottiePlayer;\r\nclass QueryableWorker {\r\n constructor(url, defaultListener = () => { }, onError) {\r\n this.defaultListener = defaultListener;\r\n this.listeners = {};\r\n this.worker = new Worker(url);\r\n if (onError) {\r\n this.worker.onerror = onError;\r\n }\r\n this.worker.onmessage = (event) => {\r\n //return;\r\n //console.log('worker onmessage', event.data);\r\n if (event.data instanceof Object &&\r\n event.data.hasOwnProperty('queryMethodListener') &&\r\n event.data.hasOwnProperty('queryMethodArguments')) {\r\n /* if(event.data.queryMethodListener == 'frame') {\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n this.listeners[event.data.queryMethodListener](...event.data.queryMethodArguments);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.defaultListener.call(this, event.data);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n }\r\n postMessage(message) {\r\n this.worker.postMessage(message);\r\n }\r\n terminate() {\r\n this.worker.terminate();\r\n }\r\n addListener(name, listener) {\r\n this.listeners[name] = listener;\r\n }\r\n removeListener(name) {\r\n delete this.listeners[name];\r\n }\r\n sendQuery(queryMethod, ...args) {\r\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);\r\n if (config_1.isSafari) {\r\n this.worker.postMessage({\r\n 'queryMethod': queryMethod,\r\n 'queryMethodArguments': args\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n var transfer = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {\r\n if (args[i] instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n transfer.push(args[i]);\r\n }\r\n if (args[i].buffer && args[i].buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n transfer.push(args[i].buffer);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //console.log('transfer', transfer);\r\n this.worker.postMessage({\r\n 'queryMethod': queryMethod,\r\n 'queryMethodArguments': args\r\n }, transfer);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nlet LottieLoader = /** @class */ (() => {\r\n class LottieLoader {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.loaded = false;\r\n this.workersLimit = 4;\r\n this.players = {};\r\n this.workers = [];\r\n this.curWorkerNum = 0;\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('LOTTIE', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n }\r\n getAnimation(element) {\r\n for (let i in this.players) {\r\n if (this.players[i].el == element) {\r\n return this.players[i];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n loadLottieWorkers() {\r\n if (typeof (WebAssembly) === 'undefined')\r\n return Promise.reject();\r\n if (this.loadPromise)\r\n return this.loadPromise;\r\n const onFrame = this.onFrame.bind(this);\r\n const onPlayerLoaded = this.onPlayerLoaded.bind(this);\r\n return this.loadPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n let remain = this.workersLimit;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < this.workersLimit; ++i) {\r\n const worker = this.workers[i] = new QueryableWorker('rlottie.worker.js');\r\n worker.addListener('ready', () => {\r\n this.log('worker #' + i + ' ready');\r\n worker.addListener('frame', onFrame);\r\n worker.addListener('loaded', onPlayerLoaded);\r\n --remain;\r\n if (!remain) {\r\n this.log('workers ready');\r\n resolve();\r\n this.loaded = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n applyReplacements(object, toneIndex) {\r\n const replacements = LottieLoader.COLORREPLACEMENTS[Math.max(toneIndex - 1, 0)];\r\n const iterateIt = (it) => {\r\n for (let smth of it) {\r\n switch (smth.ty) {\r\n case 'st':\r\n case 'fl':\r\n let k = smth.c.k;\r\n let color = convert(k[2]) | (convert(k[1]) << 8) | (convert(k[0]) << 16);\r\n let foundReplacement = replacements.find(p => p[0] == color);\r\n if (foundReplacement) {\r\n k[0] = ((foundReplacement[1] >> 16) & 255) / 255;\r\n k[1] = ((foundReplacement[1] >> 8) & 255) / 255;\r\n k[2] = (foundReplacement[1] & 255) / 255;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('foundReplacement!', foundReplacement, color.toString(16), k);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if (smth.hasOwnProperty('it')) {\r\n iterateIt(smth.it);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n for (let layer of object.layers) {\r\n if (!layer.shapes)\r\n continue;\r\n for (let shape of layer.shapes) {\r\n iterateIt(shape.it);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n loadAnimationFromURL(params, url) {\r\n if (!this.loaded) {\r\n this.loadLottieWorkers();\r\n }\r\n return fetch(url)\r\n .then(res => res.arrayBuffer())\r\n .then(data => mtprotoworker_1.default.gzipUncompress(data, true))\r\n .then(str => {\r\n return this.loadAnimationWorker(Object.assign(params, { animationData: JSON.parse(str), needUpscale: true }));\r\n });\r\n }\r\n loadAnimationWorker(params, group = '', toneIndex = -1) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n //params.autoplay = true;\r\n if (toneIndex >= 1 && toneIndex <= 5) {\r\n params.animationData = utils_1.copy(params.animationData);\r\n this.applyReplacements(params.animationData, toneIndex);\r\n }\r\n if (!this.loaded) {\r\n yield this.loadLottieWorkers();\r\n }\r\n if (!params.width || !params.height) {\r\n params.width = parseInt(params.container.style.width);\r\n params.height = parseInt(params.container.style.height);\r\n }\r\n if (!params.width || !params.height) {\r\n throw new Error('No size for sticker!');\r\n }\r\n params.group = group;\r\n const player = this.initPlayer(params.container, params);\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.addAnimation(player, group);\r\n return player;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n onPlayerLoaded(reqId, frameCount, fps) {\r\n const rlPlayer = this.players[reqId];\r\n if (!rlPlayer) {\r\n this.log.warn('onPlayerLoaded on destroyed player:', reqId, frameCount);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.log.debug('onPlayerLoaded');\r\n rlPlayer.onLoad(frameCount, fps);\r\n //rlPlayer.addListener('firstFrame', () => {\r\n //animationIntersector.addAnimation(player, group);\r\n //}, true);\r\n }\r\n onFrame(reqId, frameNo, frame) {\r\n const rlPlayer = this.players[reqId];\r\n if (!rlPlayer) {\r\n this.log.warn('onFrame on destroyed player:', reqId, frameNo);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n rlPlayer.clamped = frame;\r\n rlPlayer.renderFrame(frame, frameNo);\r\n }\r\n onDestroy(reqId) {\r\n delete this.players[reqId];\r\n }\r\n destroyWorkers() {\r\n this.workers.forEach((worker, idx) => {\r\n worker.terminate();\r\n this.log('worker #' + idx + ' terminated');\r\n });\r\n this.log('workers destroyed');\r\n this.workers.length = 0;\r\n }\r\n initPlayer(el, options) {\r\n const rlPlayer = new RLottiePlayer({\r\n el,\r\n worker: this.workers[this.curWorkerNum++],\r\n options\r\n });\r\n this.players[rlPlayer.reqId] = rlPlayer;\r\n if (this.curWorkerNum >= this.workers.length) {\r\n this.curWorkerNum = 0;\r\n }\r\n rlPlayer.loadFromData(options.animationData);\r\n return rlPlayer;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/35e575c2d7b56446be95561e4565628859fb53d3/Telegram/SourceFiles/chat_helpers/stickers_emoji_pack.cpp#L65\r\n LottieLoader.COLORREPLACEMENTS = [\r\n [\r\n [0xf77e41, 0xca907a],\r\n [0xffb139, 0xedc5a5],\r\n [0xffd140, 0xf7e3c3],\r\n [0xffdf79, 0xfbefd6],\r\n ],\r\n [\r\n [0xf77e41, 0xaa7c60],\r\n [0xffb139, 0xc8a987],\r\n [0xffd140, 0xddc89f],\r\n [0xffdf79, 0xe6d6b2],\r\n ],\r\n [\r\n [0xf77e41, 0x8c6148],\r\n [0xffb139, 0xad8562],\r\n [0xffd140, 0xc49e76],\r\n [0xffdf79, 0xd4b188],\r\n ],\r\n [\r\n [0xf77e41, 0x6e3c2c],\r\n [0xffb139, 0x925a34],\r\n [0xffd140, 0xa16e46],\r\n [0xffdf79, 0xac7a52],\r\n ],\r\n [\r\n [0xf77e41, 0x291c12],\r\n [0xffb139, 0x472a22],\r\n [0xffd140, 0x573b30],\r\n [0xffdf79, 0x68493c],\r\n ]\r\n ];\r\n return LottieLoader;\r\n})();\r\nconst lottieLoader = new LottieLoader();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.lottieLoader = lottieLoader;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = lottieLoader;\r\n" }, { "id": 21, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\lazyLoadQueue.ts", "name": "./src/components/lazyLoadQueue.ts", "index": 65, "index2": 58, "size": 9700, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": 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"optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.LazyLoadQueueRepeat2 = exports.LazyLoadQueueRepeat = exports.LazyLoadQueueIntersector = exports.LazyLoadQueueBase = void 0;\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../lib/logger\");\r\nconst visibilityIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./visibilityIntersector\"));\r\nconst PARALLEL_LIMIT = 5;\r\nclass LazyLoadQueueBase {\r\n constructor(parallelLimit = PARALLEL_LIMIT) {\r\n this.parallelLimit = parallelLimit;\r\n this.queue = [];\r\n this.inProcess = new Set();\r\n this.lockPromise = null;\r\n this.unlockResolve = null;\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('LL', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n }\r\n clear() {\r\n this.inProcess.clear(); // ацтеки забьются, будет плохо\r\n this.queue.length = 0;\r\n // unreachable code\r\n /* for(let item of this.inProcess) {\r\n this.lazyLoadMedia.push(item);\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n lock() {\r\n if (this.lockPromise)\r\n return;\r\n const perf = performance.now();\r\n this.lockPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n this.unlockResolve = resolve;\r\n });\r\n this.lockPromise.then(() => {\r\n this.log('was locked for:', performance.now() - perf);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n unlock() {\r\n if (!this.unlockResolve)\r\n return;\r\n this.unlockResolve();\r\n this.unlockResolve = this.lockPromise = null;\r\n this.processQueue();\r\n }\r\n processItem(item) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (this.lockPromise) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.inProcess.add(item);\r\n this.log('will load media', this.lockPromise, item);\r\n try {\r\n //await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2e3));\r\n //await new Promise((resolve, reject) => window.requestAnimationFrame(() => window.requestAnimationFrame(resolve)));\r\n //await item.load(item.div);\r\n yield this.loadItem(item);\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n this.log.error('loadMediaQueue error:', err /* , item */);\r\n }\r\n this.inProcess.delete(item);\r\n this.log('loaded media', item);\r\n this.processQueue();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n loadItem(item) {\r\n return item.load();\r\n }\r\n getItem() {\r\n return this.queue.shift();\r\n }\r\n addElement(method, el) {\r\n this.queue[method](el);\r\n this.processQueue();\r\n }\r\n processQueue(item) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (!this.queue.length || this.lockPromise || (this.parallelLimit > 0 && this.inProcess.size >= this.parallelLimit))\r\n return;\r\n do {\r\n if (item) {\r\n this.queue.findAndSplice(i => i == item);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n item = this.getItem();\r\n }\r\n if (item) {\r\n this.processItem(item);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n item = null;\r\n } while (this.inProcess.size < this.parallelLimit && this.queue.length);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n push(el) {\r\n this.addElement('push', el);\r\n }\r\n unshift(el) {\r\n this.addElement('unshift', el);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.LazyLoadQueueBase = LazyLoadQueueBase;\r\nclass LazyLoadQueueIntersector extends LazyLoadQueueBase {\r\n constructor(parallelLimit = PARALLEL_LIMIT) {\r\n super(parallelLimit);\r\n this.parallelLimit = parallelLimit;\r\n this.queue = [];\r\n this.inProcess = new Set();\r\n }\r\n lock() {\r\n super.lock();\r\n this.intersector.lock();\r\n }\r\n unlock() {\r\n super.unlock();\r\n this.intersector.unlock();\r\n }\r\n unlockAndRefresh() {\r\n super.unlock();\r\n this.intersector.unlockAndRefresh();\r\n }\r\n clear() {\r\n super.clear();\r\n this.intersector.disconnect();\r\n }\r\n refresh() {\r\n this.intersector.refresh();\r\n }\r\n loadItem(item) {\r\n return item.load(item.div);\r\n }\r\n addElement(method, el) {\r\n const item = this.queue.find(i => i.div == el.div);\r\n if (item) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n for (const item of this.inProcess) {\r\n if (item.div == el.div) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.queue[method](el);\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n setProcessQueueTimeout() {\r\n if (!this.intersectorTimeout) {\r\n this.intersectorTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.intersectorTimeout = 0;\r\n this.processQueue();\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n push(el) {\r\n super.push(el);\r\n }\r\n unshift(el) {\r\n super.unshift(el);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.LazyLoadQueueIntersector = LazyLoadQueueIntersector;\r\nclass LazyLoadQueue extends LazyLoadQueueIntersector {\r\n constructor(parallelLimit = PARALLEL_LIMIT) {\r\n super(parallelLimit);\r\n this.parallelLimit = parallelLimit;\r\n this.onVisibilityChange = (target, visible) => {\r\n if (visible) {\r\n this.log('isIntersecting', target);\r\n // need for set element first if scrolled\r\n const item = this.queue.findAndSplice(i => i.div == target);\r\n if (item) {\r\n item.wasSeen = true;\r\n this.queue.unshift(item);\r\n //this.processQueue(item);\r\n }\r\n this.setProcessQueueTimeout();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.intersector = new visibilityIntersector_1.default(this.onVisibilityChange);\r\n }\r\n getItem() {\r\n return this.queue.findAndSplice(item => item.wasSeen);\r\n }\r\n processItem(item) {\r\n const _super = Object.create(null, {\r\n processItem: { get: () => super.processItem }\r\n });\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n yield _super.processItem.call(this, item);\r\n this.intersector.unobserve(item.div);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n addElement(method, el) {\r\n const inserted = super.addElement(method, el);\r\n if (!inserted)\r\n return false;\r\n this.intersector.observe(el.div);\r\n if (el.wasSeen) {\r\n this.processQueue(el);\r\n }\r\n else if (!el.hasOwnProperty('wasSeen')) {\r\n el.wasSeen = false;\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = LazyLoadQueue;\r\nclass LazyLoadQueueRepeat extends LazyLoadQueueIntersector {\r\n constructor(parallelLimit = PARALLEL_LIMIT, onVisibilityChange) {\r\n super(parallelLimit);\r\n this.parallelLimit = parallelLimit;\r\n this.onVisibilityChange = onVisibilityChange;\r\n this._queue = new Map();\r\n this.intersector = new visibilityIntersector_1.default((target, visible) => {\r\n if (visible) {\r\n const item = this.queue.findAndSplice(i => i.div == target);\r\n this.queue.unshift(item || this._queue.get(target));\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.queue.findAndSplice(i => i.div == target);\r\n }\r\n this.onVisibilityChange && this.onVisibilityChange(target, visible);\r\n this.setProcessQueueTimeout();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n clear() {\r\n super.clear();\r\n this._queue.clear();\r\n }\r\n /* public async processItem(item: LazyLoadElement) {\r\n //await super.processItem(item);\r\n await LazyLoadQueueBase.prototype.processItem.call(this, item);\r\n \r\n if(this.lazyLoadMedia.length) {\r\n this.processQueue();\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n observe(el) {\r\n this._queue.set(el.div, el);\r\n this.intersector.observe(el.div);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.LazyLoadQueueRepeat = LazyLoadQueueRepeat;\r\nclass LazyLoadQueueRepeat2 extends LazyLoadQueueIntersector {\r\n constructor(parallelLimit = PARALLEL_LIMIT, onVisibilityChange) {\r\n super(parallelLimit);\r\n this.parallelLimit = parallelLimit;\r\n this.onVisibilityChange = onVisibilityChange;\r\n this.intersector = new visibilityIntersector_1.default((target, visible) => {\r\n const item = this.queue.findAndSplice(i => i.div == target);\r\n if (visible && item) {\r\n this.queue.unshift(item);\r\n }\r\n this.onVisibilityChange && this.onVisibilityChange(target, visible);\r\n this.setProcessQueueTimeout();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n observe(el) {\r\n this.intersector.observe(el);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.LazyLoadQueueRepeat2 = LazyLoadQueueRepeat2;\r\n" }, { "id": 22, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\bin_utils.ts", "name": "./src/lib/bin_utils.ts", "index": 15, "index2": 13, "size": 13166, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\polyfill.ts", "issuerId": 75, "issuerName": "./src/lib/polyfill.ts", "issuerPath": [ { 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exports.bytesToWordss = exports.bytesFromWordss = exports.bytesFromWords = exports.longToInts = exports.bufferConcats = exports.bufferConcat = exports.bytesFromArrayBuffer = exports.convertToByteArray = exports.convertToUint8Array = exports.convertToArrayBuffer = exports.bytesToArrayBuffer = exports.bytesFromBigInt = exports.bytesXor = exports.bytesCmp = exports.blobSafeMimeType = exports.blobConstruct = exports.dataUrlToBlob = exports.base64ToBlob = exports.uint6ToBase64 = exports.bytesToBase64 = exports.bytesFromHex = exports.bytesToHex = exports.bigStringInt = exports.bigint = exports.isObject = exports.dT = void 0;\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nconst jsbn_1 = require(\"jsbn\");\r\n///////////////////////\r\n/////////////\r\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n///////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n////////////////\r\n//////////\r\nvar _logTimer = Date.now();\r\nfunction dT() {\r\n return '[' + ((Date.now() - _logTimer) / 1000).toFixed(3) + ']';\r\n}\r\nexports.dT = dT;\r\nfunction isObject(object) {\r\n return typeof (object) === 'object' && object !== null;\r\n}\r\nexports.isObject = isObject;\r\nfunction bigint(num) {\r\n return new jsbn_1.BigInteger(num.toString(16), 16);\r\n}\r\nexports.bigint = bigint;\r\nfunction bigStringInt(strNum) {\r\n return new jsbn_1.BigInteger(strNum, 10);\r\n}\r\nexports.bigStringInt = bigStringInt;\r\nfunction bytesToHex(bytes) {\r\n bytes = bytes || [];\r\n var arr = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {\r\n arr.push((bytes[i] < 16 ? '0' : '') + (bytes[i] || 0).toString(16));\r\n }\r\n return arr.join('');\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesToHex = bytesToHex;\r\nfunction bytesFromHex(hexString) {\r\n var len = hexString.length, i;\r\n var start = 0;\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n if (hexString.length % 2) {\r\n bytes.push(parseInt(hexString.charAt(0), 16));\r\n start++;\r\n }\r\n for (i = start; i < len; i += 2) {\r\n bytes.push(parseInt(hexString.substr(i, 2), 16));\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromHex = bytesFromHex;\r\nfunction bytesToBase64(bytes) {\r\n var mod3;\r\n var result = '';\r\n for (var nLen = bytes.length, nUint24 = 0, nIdx = 0; nIdx < nLen; nIdx++) {\r\n mod3 = nIdx % 3;\r\n nUint24 |= bytes[nIdx] << (16 >>> mod3 & 24);\r\n if (mod3 === 2 || nLen - nIdx === 1) {\r\n result += String.fromCharCode(uint6ToBase64(nUint24 >>> 18 & 63), uint6ToBase64(nUint24 >>> 12 & 63), uint6ToBase64(nUint24 >>> 6 & 63), uint6ToBase64(nUint24 & 63));\r\n nUint24 = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return result.replace(/A(?=A$|$)/g, '=');\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesToBase64 = bytesToBase64;\r\nfunction uint6ToBase64(nUint6) {\r\n return nUint6 < 26\r\n ? nUint6 + 65\r\n : nUint6 < 52\r\n ? nUint6 + 71\r\n : nUint6 < 62\r\n ? nUint6 - 4\r\n : nUint6 === 62\r\n ? 43\r\n : nUint6 === 63\r\n ? 47\r\n : 65;\r\n}\r\nexports.uint6ToBase64 = uint6ToBase64;\r\nfunction base64ToBlob(base64str, mimeType) {\r\n var sliceSize = 1024;\r\n var byteCharacters = atob(base64str);\r\n var bytesLength = byteCharacters.length;\r\n var slicesCount = Math.ceil(bytesLength / sliceSize);\r\n var byteArrays = new Array(slicesCount);\r\n for (var sliceIndex = 0; sliceIndex < slicesCount; ++sliceIndex) {\r\n var begin = sliceIndex * sliceSize;\r\n var end = Math.min(begin + sliceSize, bytesLength);\r\n var bytes = new Array(end - begin);\r\n for (var offset = begin, i = 0; offset < end; ++i, ++offset) {\r\n bytes[i] = byteCharacters[offset].charCodeAt(0);\r\n }\r\n byteArrays[sliceIndex] = new Uint8Array(bytes);\r\n }\r\n return blobConstruct(byteArrays, mimeType);\r\n}\r\nexports.base64ToBlob = base64ToBlob;\r\nfunction dataUrlToBlob(url) {\r\n // var name = 'b64blob ' + url.length\r\n // console.time(name)\r\n var urlParts = url.split(',');\r\n var base64str = urlParts[1];\r\n var mimeType = urlParts[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0];\r\n var blob = base64ToBlob(base64str, mimeType);\r\n // console.timeEnd(name)\r\n return blob;\r\n}\r\nexports.dataUrlToBlob = dataUrlToBlob;\r\nfunction blobConstruct(blobParts, mimeType = '') {\r\n let blob;\r\n const safeMimeType = blobSafeMimeType(mimeType);\r\n try {\r\n blob = new Blob(blobParts, { type: safeMimeType });\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n let bb = new BlobBuilder;\r\n blobParts.forEach((blobPart) => {\r\n bb.append(blobPart);\r\n });\r\n blob = bb.getBlob(safeMimeType);\r\n }\r\n return blob;\r\n}\r\nexports.blobConstruct = blobConstruct;\r\nfunction blobSafeMimeType(mimeType) {\r\n if ([\r\n 'image/jpeg',\r\n 'image/png',\r\n 'image/gif',\r\n 'image/webp',\r\n 'image/bmp',\r\n 'video/mp4',\r\n 'video/webm',\r\n 'video/quicktime',\r\n 'audio/ogg',\r\n 'audio/mpeg',\r\n 'audio/mp4',\r\n 'application/json'\r\n ].indexOf(mimeType) === -1) {\r\n return 'application/octet-stream';\r\n }\r\n return mimeType;\r\n}\r\nexports.blobSafeMimeType = blobSafeMimeType;\r\nfunction bytesCmp(bytes1, bytes2) {\r\n var len = bytes1.length;\r\n if (len != bytes2.length) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n if (bytes1[i] != bytes2[i]) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesCmp = bytesCmp;\r\nfunction bytesXor(bytes1, bytes2) {\r\n var len = bytes1.length;\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {\r\n bytes[i] = bytes1[i] ^ bytes2[i];\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesXor = bytesXor;\r\nfunction bytesFromBigInt(bigInt, len) {\r\n var bytes = bigInt.toByteArray();\r\n if (len && bytes.length < len) {\r\n var padding = [];\r\n for (var i = 0, needPadding = len - bytes.length; i < needPadding; i++) {\r\n padding[i] = 0;\r\n }\r\n if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n bytes = bufferConcat(padding, bytes);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n bytes = padding.concat(bytes);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n while (!bytes[0] && (!len || bytes.length > len)) {\r\n bytes = bytes.slice(1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromBigInt = bytesFromBigInt;\r\nfunction bytesToArrayBuffer(b) {\r\n return (new Uint8Array(b)).buffer;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesToArrayBuffer = bytesToArrayBuffer;\r\nfunction convertToArrayBuffer(bytes) {\r\n // Be careful with converting subarrays!!\r\n if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n if (bytes.buffer !== undefined &&\r\n bytes.buffer.byteLength == bytes.length * bytes.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) {\r\n return bytes.buffer;\r\n }\r\n return bytesToArrayBuffer(bytes);\r\n}\r\nexports.convertToArrayBuffer = convertToArrayBuffer;\r\nfunction convertToUint8Array(bytes) {\r\n if (bytes.buffer !== undefined) {\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n return new Uint8Array(bytes);\r\n}\r\nexports.convertToUint8Array = convertToUint8Array;\r\nfunction convertToByteArray(bytes) {\r\n if (Array.isArray(bytes)) {\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n bytes = convertToUint8Array(bytes);\r\n var newBytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0, len = bytes.length; i < len; i++) {\r\n newBytes.push(bytes[i]);\r\n }\r\n return newBytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.convertToByteArray = convertToByteArray;\r\nfunction bytesFromArrayBuffer(buffer) {\r\n var len = buffer.byteLength;\r\n var byteView = new Uint8Array(buffer);\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {\r\n bytes[i] = byteView[i];\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromArrayBuffer = bytesFromArrayBuffer;\r\nfunction bufferConcat(buffer1, buffer2) {\r\n var l1 = buffer1.byteLength || buffer1.length;\r\n var l2 = buffer2.byteLength || buffer2.length;\r\n var tmp = new Uint8Array(l1 + l2);\r\n tmp.set(buffer1 instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(buffer1) : buffer1, 0);\r\n tmp.set(buffer2 instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(buffer2) : buffer2, l1);\r\n return tmp.buffer;\r\n}\r\nexports.bufferConcat = bufferConcat;\r\nfunction bufferConcats(...args) {\r\n let length = 0;\r\n args.forEach(b => length += b.byteLength || b.length);\r\n var tmp = new Uint8Array(length);\r\n let lastLength = 0;\r\n args.forEach(b => {\r\n tmp.set(b instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(b) : b, lastLength);\r\n lastLength += b.byteLength || b.length;\r\n });\r\n return tmp /* .buffer */;\r\n}\r\nexports.bufferConcats = bufferConcats;\r\nfunction longToInts(sLong) {\r\n var divRem = bigStringInt(sLong).divideAndRemainder(bigint(0x100000000));\r\n return [divRem[0].intValue(), divRem[1].intValue()];\r\n}\r\nexports.longToInts = longToInts;\r\nfunction bytesFromWords(wordArray) {\r\n var words = wordArray.words;\r\n var sigBytes = wordArray.sigBytes;\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < sigBytes; i++) {\r\n bytes.push((words[i >>> 2] >>> (24 - (i % 4) * 8)) & 0xff);\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromWords = bytesFromWords;\r\nfunction bytesFromWordss(input) {\r\n var o = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < input.length * 4; i++) {\r\n o.push((input[i >>> 2] >>> (24 - (i % 4) * 8)) & 0xff);\r\n }\r\n return o;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromWordss = bytesFromWordss;\r\nfunction bytesToWordss(input) {\r\n let bytes;\r\n if (input instanceof ArrayBuffer)\r\n bytes = new Uint8Array(input);\r\n else\r\n bytes = input;\r\n var len = bytes.length;\r\n var words = [];\r\n var i;\r\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n words[i >>> 2] |= bytes[i] << (24 - (i % 4) * 8);\r\n }\r\n return new Uint32Array(words);\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesToWordss = bytesToWordss;\r\nfunction longToBytes(sLong) {\r\n return bytesFromWords({ words: longToInts(sLong), sigBytes: 8 }).reverse();\r\n}\r\nexports.longToBytes = longToBytes;\r\nfunction longFromInts(high, low) {\r\n return bigint(high).shiftLeft(32).add(bigint(low)).toString(10);\r\n}\r\nexports.longFromInts = longFromInts;\r\nfunction addPadding(bytes, blockSize = 16, zeroes, full = false, prepend = false) {\r\n let len = bytes.byteLength || bytes.length;\r\n let needPadding = blockSize - (len % blockSize);\r\n if (needPadding > 0 && (needPadding < blockSize || full)) {\r\n ////console.log('addPadding()', len, blockSize, needPadding);\r\n let padding = new Array(needPadding);\r\n if (zeroes) {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < needPadding; i++) {\r\n padding[i] = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n (new jsbn_1.SecureRandom()).nextBytes(padding);\r\n }\r\n if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n bytes = prepend ? bufferConcat(padding, bytes) : bufferConcat(bytes, padding);\r\n }\r\n else if (bytes instanceof Uint8Array) {\r\n let _bytes = new Uint8Array(bytes.length + padding.length);\r\n if (prepend) {\r\n _bytes.set(padding);\r\n _bytes.set(bytes, padding.length);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n _bytes.set(bytes);\r\n _bytes.set(padding, bytes.length);\r\n }\r\n bytes = _bytes;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n bytes = prepend ? padding.concat(bytes) : bytes.concat(padding);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.addPadding = addPadding;\r\nfunction nextRandomInt(maxValue) {\r\n return Math.floor(Math.random() * maxValue);\r\n}\r\nexports.nextRandomInt = nextRandomInt;\r\nfunction getFileNameByLocation(location, options) {\r\n const fileName = ''; //(options?.fileName || '').split('.');\r\n const ext = fileName[fileName.length - 1] || '';\r\n switch (location._) {\r\n case 'inputPhotoFileLocation':\r\n case 'inputDocumentFileLocation': {\r\n const thumbPart = location.thumb_size ? '_' + location.thumb_size : '';\r\n return (fileName[0] ? fileName[0] + '_' : '') + location.id + thumbPart + (ext ? '.' + ext : ext);\r\n }\r\n case 'fileLocationToBeDeprecated':\r\n case 'inputPeerPhotoFileLocation':\r\n case 'inputStickerSetThumb':\r\n case 'inputFileLocation': {\r\n return location.volume_id + '_' + location.local_id + (ext ? '.' + ext : ext);\r\n }\r\n default: {\r\n console.error('Unrecognized location:', location);\r\n return '';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.getFileNameByLocation = getFileNameByLocation;\r\n" }, { "id": 23, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\helpers\\cancellablePromise.ts", "name": "./src/helpers/cancellablePromise.ts", "index": 20, "index2": 17, "size": 1438, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webpWorkerController.ts", "issuerId": 53, "issuerName": "./src/lib/webp/webpWorkerController.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", 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deferred.lastNotify = null;\r\n });\r\n Object.assign(deferred, deferredHelper);\r\n return deferred;\r\n}\r\nexports.deferredPromise = deferredPromise;\r\n" }, { "id": 24, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "index": 61, "index2": 78, "size": 40896, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { 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(function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppSidebarRight = void 0;\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../components/misc\");\r\n//import Scrollable from '../../components/scrollable';\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst appProfileManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appProfileManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appImManager\"));\r\nconst appMediaViewer_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMediaViewer\"));\r\nconst lazyLoadQueue_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/lazyLoadQueue\"));\r\nconst wrappers_1 = require(\"../../components/wrappers\");\r\nconst appSearch_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../components/appSearch\"));\r\nconst appForward_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/appForward\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../config\");\r\nconst slider_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/slider\"));\r\nconst searchInput_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/searchInput\"));\r\nconst horizontalMenu_1 = require(\"../../components/horizontalMenu\");\r\nconst stickers_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarRight/stickers\"));\r\nconst pollResults_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarRight/pollResults\"));\r\nconst gifs_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/sidebarRight/gifs\"));\r\nconst testScroll = false;\r\nconst COLUMN_ACTIVE_CLASSNAME = 'is-right-column-shown';\r\nlet setText = (text, el) => {\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n if (el.childElementCount > 1) {\r\n el.firstElementChild.remove();\r\n }\r\n let p = document.createElement('p');\r\n p.innerHTML = text;\r\n el.prepend(p);\r\n el.style.display = '';\r\n });\r\n};\r\nconst stickersTab = new stickers_1.default();\r\nconst pollResultsTab = new pollResults_1.default();\r\nconst gifsTab = new gifs_1.default();\r\nconst contentToSharedMap = {\r\n contentMembers: 'inputMessagesFilterContacts',\r\n contentMedia: 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo',\r\n contentDocuments: 'inputMessagesFilterDocument',\r\n contentLinks: 'inputMessagesFilterUrl',\r\n contentAudio: 'inputMessagesFilterMusic'\r\n};\r\n// TODO: отправленное сообщение с картинкой, или же новое полученное апдейтом сообщение не отобразится в медии\r\n// TODO: по-хорошему, нужно просто сделать апдейты для всего сайдбара\r\nlet AppSidebarRight = /** @class */ (() => {\r\n class AppSidebarRight extends slider_1.default {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super(document.getElementById('column-right'), {\r\n [AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS.stickers]: stickersTab,\r\n [AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS.pollResults]: pollResultsTab,\r\n [AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS.gifs]: gifsTab\r\n });\r\n this.profileElements = {};\r\n this.sharedMedia = {};\r\n this.loadSidebarMediaPromises = {};\r\n this.loadedAllMedia = {};\r\n this.sharedMediaTypes = [\r\n //'members',\r\n 'inputMessagesFilterContacts',\r\n 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo',\r\n 'inputMessagesFilterDocument',\r\n 'inputMessagesFilterUrl',\r\n 'inputMessagesFilterMusic'\r\n ];\r\n this.sharedMediaType = 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo';\r\n this.sharedMediaSelected = null;\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue = new lazyLoadQueue_1.default();\r\n this.historiesStorage = {};\r\n this.usedFromHistory = {};\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('SR', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n this.peerID = 0;\r\n this.scroll = null;\r\n this.prevTabID = -1;\r\n this.mediaDivsByIDs = {};\r\n this.urlsToRevoke = [];\r\n this.loadMutex = Promise.resolve();\r\n this.onTransitionStart = () => {\r\n // Jolly Cobra's // Workaround for scrollable content flickering during animation.\r\n const container = this.scroll.container;\r\n if (container.style.overflowY !== 'hidden') {\r\n const scrollBarWidth = container.offsetWidth - container.clientWidth;\r\n container.style.overflowY = 'hidden';\r\n container.style.paddingRight = `${scrollBarWidth}px`;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.onTransitionEnd = () => {\r\n // Jolly Cobra's // Workaround for scrollable content flickering during animation.\r\n const container = this.scroll.container;\r\n container.style.overflowY = 'scroll';\r\n container.style.paddingRight = '0';\r\n };\r\n //this._selectTab(3);\r\n this.stickersTab = stickersTab;\r\n this.pollResultsTab = pollResultsTab;\r\n this.gifsTab = gifsTab;\r\n this.profileContainer = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.profile-container');\r\n this.profileContentEl = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.profile-content');\r\n this.contentContainer = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.content-container');\r\n this.profileElements = {\r\n avatar: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-avatar'),\r\n name: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-name'),\r\n subtitle: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-subtitle'),\r\n bio: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-row-bio'),\r\n username: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-row-username'),\r\n phone: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-row-phone'),\r\n notificationsRow: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-row-notifications'),\r\n notificationsCheckbox: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('#profile-notifications'),\r\n notificationsStatus: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-row-notifications > p')\r\n };\r\n this.sharedMedia = {\r\n contentMembers: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('#content-members'),\r\n contentMedia: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('#content-media'),\r\n contentDocuments: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('#content-docs'),\r\n contentLinks: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('#content-links'),\r\n contentAudio: this.profileContentEl.querySelector('#content-audio'),\r\n };\r\n this.searchContainer = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('#search-private-container');\r\n this.searchCloseBtn = this.searchContainer.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n this.searchInput = new searchInput_1.default('Search');\r\n this.searchCloseBtn.parentElement.append(this.searchInput.container);\r\n this.privateSearch = new appSearch_1.default(this.searchContainer.querySelector('.chats-container'), this.searchInput, {\r\n messages: new appSearch_1.SearchGroup('Private Search', 'messages')\r\n });\r\n let container = this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.content-container .tabs-container');\r\n this.profileTabs = this.profileContentEl.querySelector('.profile-tabs');\r\n this.scroll = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.profileContainer, 'y', 'SR', undefined, 400);\r\n this.scroll.onScrolledBottom = () => {\r\n if (this.sharedMediaSelected && this.sharedMediaSelected.childElementCount /* && false */) {\r\n this.log('onScrolledBottom will load media');\r\n this.loadSidebarMedia(true);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n //this.scroll.attachSentinels(undefined, 400);\r\n horizontalMenu_1.horizontalMenu(this.profileTabs, container, (id, tabContent) => {\r\n if (this.prevTabID == id)\r\n return;\r\n if (this.prevTabID != -1) {\r\n this.onTransitionStart();\r\n }\r\n this.sharedMediaType = this.sharedMediaTypes[id];\r\n this.sharedMediaSelected = tabContent.firstElementChild;\r\n if (this.prevTabID != -1 && this.profileTabs.offsetTop) {\r\n this.scroll.scrollTop -= this.profileTabs.offsetTop;\r\n }\r\n /* this.log('setVirtualContainer', id, this.sharedMediaSelected, this.sharedMediaSelected.childElementCount);\r\n this.scroll.setVirtualContainer(this.sharedMediaSelected); */\r\n if (this.prevTabID != -1 && !this.sharedMediaSelected.childElementCount) { // quick brown fix\r\n //this.contentContainer.classList.remove('loaded');\r\n this.loadSidebarMedia(true);\r\n }\r\n this.prevTabID = id;\r\n }, () => {\r\n this.scroll.onScroll();\r\n this.onTransitionEnd();\r\n });\r\n let sidebarCloseBtn = this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n sidebarCloseBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.toggleSidebar(false);\r\n });\r\n this.searchCloseBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.searchContainer.classList.remove('active');\r\n this.privateSearch.reset();\r\n });\r\n this.sharedMedia.contentMedia.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n const target = e.target;\r\n const messageID = +target.dataset.mid;\r\n if (!messageID) {\r\n this.log.warn('no messageID by click on target:', target);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(messageID);\r\n const ids = Object.keys(this.mediaDivsByIDs).map(k => +k).sort((a, b) => a - b);\r\n const idx = ids.findIndex(i => i == messageID);\r\n const targets = ids.map(id => {\r\n const element = this.mediaDivsByIDs[id];\r\n //element = element.querySelector('img') || element;\r\n return { element, mid: id };\r\n });\r\n appMediaViewer_1.default.openMedia(message, target, false, this.sidebarEl, targets.slice(idx + 1).reverse(), targets.slice(0, idx).reverse(), true);\r\n });\r\n this.profileElements.notificationsCheckbox.addEventListener('change', () => {\r\n //let checked = this.profileElements.notificationsCheckbox.checked;\r\n appImManager_1.default.mutePeer(this.peerID);\r\n });\r\n window.addEventListener('resize', () => {\r\n });\r\n }\r\n ;\r\n beginSearch() {\r\n this.toggleSidebar(true);\r\n this.searchContainer.classList.add('active');\r\n this.privateSearch.beginSearch(this.peerID);\r\n }\r\n toggleSidebar(enable) {\r\n /////this.log('sidebarEl', this.sidebarEl, enable, isElementInViewport(this.sidebarEl));\r\n const active = document.body.classList.contains(COLUMN_ACTIVE_CLASSNAME);\r\n let willChange;\r\n if (enable !== undefined) {\r\n if (enable) {\r\n if (!active) {\r\n willChange = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (active) {\r\n willChange = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n willChange = true;\r\n }\r\n if (!willChange)\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n //console.log('sidebar selectTab', enable, willChange);\r\n if (config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile) {\r\n appImManager_1.default.selectTab(active ? 1 : 2);\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n }\r\n const set = () => {\r\n document.body.classList.toggle(COLUMN_ACTIVE_CLASSNAME, enable);\r\n };\r\n set();\r\n return new Promise(resolve => {\r\n setTimeout(resolve, 200);\r\n });\r\n //return Promise.resolve();\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n const hidden = [];\r\n const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {\r\n for (const entry of entries) {\r\n const bubble = entry.target;\r\n if (!entry.isIntersecting) {\r\n hidden.push({ element: bubble, height: bubble.scrollHeight });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n for (const item of hidden) {\r\n item.element.style.minHeight = item.height + 'px';\r\n item.element.firstElementChild.style.display = 'none';\r\n item.element.style.width = '1px';\r\n }\r\n //console.log('hidden', hidden);\r\n observer.disconnect();\r\n set();\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n for (const item of hidden) {\r\n item.element.style.minHeight = '';\r\n item.element.style.width = '';\r\n item.element.firstElementChild.style.display = '';\r\n }\r\n if (active) {\r\n appForward_1.default.close();\r\n this.searchCloseBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n resolve();\r\n }, 200);\r\n });\r\n const length = Object.keys(appImManager_1.default.bubbles).length;\r\n if (length) {\r\n for (const i in appImManager_1.default.bubbles) {\r\n observer.observe(appImManager_1.default.bubbles[i]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n set();\r\n setTimeout(resolve, 200);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n filterMessagesByType(ids, type) {\r\n let messages = [];\r\n for (let mid of ids) {\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n if (message.media)\r\n messages.push(message);\r\n }\r\n let filtered = [];\r\n switch (type) {\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo': {\r\n for (let message of messages) {\r\n let media = message.media.photo || message.media.document || (message.media.webpage && message.media.webpage.document);\r\n if (!media) {\r\n //this.log('no media!', message);\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n if (media._ == 'document' && media.type != 'video' /* && media.type != 'gif' */) {\r\n //this.log('broken video', media);\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n filtered.push(message);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterDocument': {\r\n for (let message of messages) {\r\n if (!message.media.document || message.media.document.type == 'voice' || message.media.document.type == 'audio') {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n let doc = message.media.document;\r\n if (doc.attributes) {\r\n if (doc.attributes.find((a) => a._ == \"documentAttributeSticker\")) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n filtered.push(message);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterUrl': {\r\n for (let message of messages) {\r\n if (!message.media.webpage || message.media.webpage._ == 'webPageEmpty') {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n filtered.push(message);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterMusic': {\r\n for (let message of messages) {\r\n if (!message.media.document || message.media.document.type != 'audio') {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n filtered.push(message);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n default:\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n return filtered;\r\n }\r\n performSearchResult(messages, type) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const peerID = this.peerID;\r\n const elemsToAppend = [];\r\n const promises = [];\r\n let sharedMediaDiv;\r\n /* for(let contentType in contentToSharedMap) {\r\n if(contentToSharedMap[contentType as ContentType] == type) {\r\n sharedMediaDiv = this.sharedMedia[contentType as ContentType];\r\n }\r\n } */\r\n // https://core.telegram.org/type/MessagesFilter\r\n switch (type) {\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo': {\r\n sharedMediaDiv = this.sharedMedia.contentMedia;\r\n for (const message of messages) {\r\n const media = message.media.photo || message.media.document || (message.media.webpage && message.media.webpage.document);\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('media-item');\r\n //console.log(message, photo);\r\n const isPhoto = media._ == 'photo';\r\n const photo = isPhoto ? appPhotosManager_1.default.getPhoto(media.id) : null;\r\n let isDownloaded;\r\n if (photo) {\r\n isDownloaded = photo.downloaded > 0;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const cachedThumb = appPhotosManager_1.default.getDocumentCachedThumb(media.id);\r\n isDownloaded = (cachedThumb === null || cachedThumb === void 0 ? void 0 : cachedThumb.downloaded) > 0;\r\n }\r\n //this.log('inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo', message, media);\r\n if (!isPhoto) {\r\n const span = document.createElement('span');\r\n span.classList.add('video-time');\r\n div.append(span);\r\n if (media.type != 'gif') {\r\n span.innerText = (media.duration + '').toHHMMSS(false);\r\n /* const spanPlay = document.createElement('span');\r\n spanPlay.classList.add('video-play', 'tgico-largeplay', 'btn-circle', 'position-center');\r\n div.append(spanPlay); */\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n span.innerText = 'GIF';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const load = () => appPhotosManager_1.default.preloadPhoto(isPhoto ? media.id : media, appPhotosManager_1.default.choosePhotoSize(media, 200, 200))\r\n .then(() => {\r\n if (utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID != peerID) {\r\n this.log.warn('peer changed');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const url = (photo && photo.url) || appPhotosManager_1.default.getDocumentCachedThumb(media.id).url;\r\n if (url) {\r\n //if(needBlur) return;\r\n const needBlurCallback = needBlur ? () => {\r\n //void img.offsetLeft; // reflow\r\n img.style.opacity = '';\r\n if (thumb) {\r\n window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n thumb.remove();\r\n }, 200);\r\n }\r\n } : undefined;\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(img, url, needBlurCallback);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n let thumb;\r\n const sizes = media.sizes || media.thumbs;\r\n const willHaveThumb = !isDownloaded && sizes && sizes[0].bytes;\r\n if (willHaveThumb) {\r\n thumb = new Image();\r\n thumb.classList.add('media-image', 'thumbnail');\r\n thumb.dataset.mid = '' + message.mid;\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.setAttachmentPreview(sizes[0].bytes, thumb, false, false);\r\n div.append(thumb);\r\n }\r\n const needBlur = !isDownloaded || !willHaveThumb;\r\n const img = new Image();\r\n img.dataset.mid = '' + message.mid;\r\n img.classList.add('media-image');\r\n if (needBlur)\r\n img.style.opacity = '0';\r\n div.append(img);\r\n if (isDownloaded || willHaveThumb) {\r\n const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n (thumb || img).addEventListener('load', () => {\r\n clearTimeout(timeout);\r\n resolve();\r\n });\r\n const timeout = setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.log('didn\\'t load', thumb, media, isDownloaded, sizes);\r\n reject();\r\n }, 1e3);\r\n });\r\n promises.push(promise);\r\n }\r\n if (sizes === null || sizes === void 0 ? void 0 : sizes.length) {\r\n if (isDownloaded)\r\n load();\r\n else\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.push({ div, load });\r\n }\r\n elemsToAppend.push(div);\r\n this.mediaDivsByIDs[message.mid] = div;\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterDocument': {\r\n sharedMediaDiv = this.sharedMedia.contentDocuments;\r\n for (let message of messages) {\r\n let div = wrappers_1.wrapDocument(message.media.document, true, false, message.mid);\r\n elemsToAppend.push(div);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterUrl': {\r\n sharedMediaDiv = this.sharedMedia.contentLinks;\r\n for (let message of messages) {\r\n let webpage = message.media.webpage;\r\n let div = document.createElement('div');\r\n let previewDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n previewDiv.classList.add('preview');\r\n //this.log('wrapping webpage', webpage);\r\n previewDiv.innerText = (webpage.title || webpage.description || webpage.url || webpage.display_url).slice(0, 1);\r\n previewDiv.classList.add('empty');\r\n if (webpage.photo) {\r\n let load = () => appPhotosManager_1.default.preloadPhoto(webpage.photo.id, appPhotosManager_1.default.choosePhotoSize(webpage.photo, 60, 60))\r\n .then(() => {\r\n if (utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID != peerID) {\r\n this.log.warn('peer changed');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n previewDiv.classList.remove('empty');\r\n previewDiv.innerText = '';\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(previewDiv, webpage.photo.url);\r\n });\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.push({ div: previewDiv, load });\r\n }\r\n let title = webpage.rTitle || '';\r\n let subtitle = webpage.rDescription || '';\r\n let url = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(webpage.url || '');\r\n if (!title) {\r\n //title = new URL(webpage.url).hostname;\r\n title = webpage.display_url.split('/', 1)[0];\r\n }\r\n div.append(previewDiv);\r\n div.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `\r\n
\r\n `);\r\n if (div.innerText.trim().length) {\r\n elemsToAppend.push(div);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'inputMessagesFilterMusic': {\r\n sharedMediaDiv = this.sharedMedia.contentAudio;\r\n for (let message of messages) {\r\n let div = wrappers_1.wrapAudio(message.media.document, true, message.mid);\r\n elemsToAppend.push(div);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n default:\r\n console.warn('death is my friend', messages);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if (this.loadMutex) {\r\n promises.push(this.loadMutex);\r\n }\r\n if (promises.length) {\r\n yield Promise.all(promises);\r\n if (this.peerID != peerID) {\r\n this.log.warn('peer changed');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (elemsToAppend.length) {\r\n sharedMediaDiv.append(...elemsToAppend);\r\n }\r\n if (sharedMediaDiv) {\r\n const parent = sharedMediaDiv.parentElement;\r\n Array.from(parent.children).slice(1).forEach(child => {\r\n child.remove();\r\n });\r\n //this.contentContainer.classList.add('loaded');\r\n if (!messages.length && !sharedMediaDiv.childElementCount) {\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.innerText = 'Nothing interesting here yet...';\r\n div.classList.add('position-center', 'text-center', 'content-empty', 'no-select');\r\n parent.append(div);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n loadSidebarMedia(single = false) {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (testScroll /* || 1 == 1 */) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.log('loadSidebarMedia', single, this.peerID, this.loadSidebarMediaPromises);\r\n const peerID = this.peerID;\r\n let typesToLoad = single ? [this.sharedMediaType] : this.sharedMediaTypes;\r\n typesToLoad = typesToLoad.filter(type => !this.loadedAllMedia[type]);\r\n if (!typesToLoad.length)\r\n return;\r\n const loadCount = (appPhotosManager_1.default.windowH / 130 | 0) * 3; // that's good for all types\r\n const historyStorage = (_a = this.historiesStorage[peerID]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.historiesStorage[peerID] = {});\r\n const promises = typesToLoad.map(type => {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (this.loadSidebarMediaPromises[type])\r\n return this.loadSidebarMediaPromises[type];\r\n const history = (_a = historyStorage[type]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (historyStorage[type] = []);\r\n // render from cache\r\n if (history.length && this.usedFromHistory[type] < history.length) {\r\n let messages = [];\r\n let used = this.usedFromHistory[type];\r\n do {\r\n let ids = history.slice(used, used + loadCount);\r\n this.log('loadSidebarMedia: will render from cache', used, history, ids, loadCount);\r\n used += ids.length;\r\n messages.push(...this.filterMessagesByType(ids, type));\r\n } while (messages.length < loadCount && used < history.length);\r\n // если перебор\r\n if (messages.length > loadCount) {\r\n let diff = messages.length - loadCount;\r\n messages = messages.slice(0, messages.length - diff);\r\n used -= diff;\r\n }\r\n this.usedFromHistory[type] = used;\r\n //if(messages.length) {\r\n return this.performSearchResult(messages, type);\r\n //}\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n }\r\n // заливать новую картинку сюда только после полной отправки!\r\n let maxID = history[history.length - 1] || 0;\r\n let ids = !maxID && appMessagesManager_1.default.historiesStorage[peerID]\r\n ? appMessagesManager_1.default.historiesStorage[peerID].history.slice() : [];\r\n maxID = !maxID && ids.length ? ids[ids.length - 1] : maxID;\r\n this.log('loadSidebarMedia: search house of glass pre', type, ids, maxID);\r\n //let loadCount = history.length ? 50 : 15;\r\n return this.loadSidebarMediaPromises[type] = appMessagesManager_1.default.getSearch(peerID, '', { _: type }, maxID, loadCount)\r\n .then(value => {\r\n ids = ids.concat(value.history);\r\n history.push(...ids);\r\n this.log('loadSidebarMedia: search house of glass', type, value, ids);\r\n if (utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID != peerID) {\r\n this.log.warn('peer changed');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (value.history.length < loadCount) {\r\n this.loadedAllMedia[type] = true;\r\n }\r\n this.usedFromHistory[type] = history.length;\r\n //if(ids.length) {\r\n return this.performSearchResult(this.filterMessagesByType(ids, type), type);\r\n //}\r\n }, (err) => {\r\n this.log.error('load error:', err);\r\n }).then(() => {\r\n this.loadSidebarMediaPromises[type] = null;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n return Promise.all(promises);\r\n }\r\n cleanup() {\r\n this.loadSidebarMediaPromises = {};\r\n this.loadedAllMedia = {};\r\n this.prevTabID = -1;\r\n this.mediaDivsByIDs = {};\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.clear();\r\n this.sharedMediaTypes.forEach(type => {\r\n this.usedFromHistory[type] = 0;\r\n });\r\n this.sharedMediaType = 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo';\r\n }\r\n cleanupHTML() {\r\n //this.contentContainer.classList.remove('loaded');\r\n //this.profileContentEl.parentElement.scrollTop = 0;\r\n this.profileElements.bio.style.display = 'none';\r\n this.profileElements.phone.style.display = 'none';\r\n this.profileElements.username.style.display = 'none';\r\n this.profileElements.notificationsRow.style.display = '';\r\n this.profileElements.notificationsCheckbox.checked = true;\r\n this.profileElements.notificationsStatus.innerText = 'Enabled';\r\n if (this.urlsToRevoke.length) {\r\n this.urlsToRevoke.forEach(url => {\r\n URL.revokeObjectURL(url);\r\n });\r\n this.urlsToRevoke.length = 0;\r\n }\r\n Object.keys(this.sharedMedia).forEach(key => {\r\n this.sharedMedia[key].innerHTML = '';\r\n const inputFilter = contentToSharedMap[key];\r\n if (!this.historiesStorage[this.peerID] || !this.historiesStorage[this.peerID][inputFilter]) {\r\n const parent = this.sharedMedia[key].parentElement;\r\n if (!testScroll) {\r\n if (!parent.querySelector('.preloader')) {\r\n misc_1.putPreloader(parent, true);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const empty = parent.querySelector('.content-empty');\r\n if (empty) {\r\n empty.remove();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (testScroll) {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < 1500; ++i) {\r\n let div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ``);\r\n div.classList.add('media-item');\r\n div.dataset.id = '' + (i / 3 | 0);\r\n //div.innerText = '' + (i / 3 | 0);\r\n this.sharedMedia.contentMedia.append(div);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.profileTabs.firstElementChild.children[1].click(); // set media\r\n }\r\n setLoadMutex(promise) {\r\n this.loadMutex = promise;\r\n }\r\n setPeer(peerID) {\r\n this.peerID = peerID;\r\n this.cleanup();\r\n }\r\n fillProfileElements() {\r\n let peerID = this.peerID = utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID;\r\n this.cleanupHTML();\r\n this.profileElements.avatar.setAttribute('peer', '' + peerID);\r\n // username\r\n if (peerID != utils_1.$rootScope.myID) {\r\n let username = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerUsername(peerID);\r\n if (username) {\r\n setText(appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerUsername(peerID), this.profileElements.username);\r\n }\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n if (dialog) {\r\n let muted = false;\r\n if (dialog.notify_settings && dialog.notify_settings.mute_until) {\r\n muted = new Date(dialog.notify_settings.mute_until * 1000) > new Date();\r\n }\r\n appImManager_1.default.setMutedState(muted);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n this.profileElements.notificationsRow.style.display = 'none';\r\n });\r\n }\r\n //let membersLi = this.profileTabs.firstElementChild.children[0] as HTMLLIElement;\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n //membersLi.style.display = 'none';\r\n let user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(peerID);\r\n if (user.phone && peerID != utils_1.$rootScope.myID) {\r\n setText(user.rPhone, this.profileElements.phone);\r\n }\r\n appProfileManager_1.default.getProfile(peerID, true).then(userFull => {\r\n if (this.peerID != peerID) {\r\n this.log.warn('peer changed');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (userFull.rAbout && peerID != utils_1.$rootScope.myID) {\r\n setText(userFull.rAbout, this.profileElements.bio);\r\n }\r\n //this.log('userFull', userFull);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n //membersLi.style.display = appPeersManager.isBroadcast(peerID) ? 'none' : '';\r\n let chat = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeer(peerID);\r\n appProfileManager_1.default.getChatFull(chat.id).then((chatFull) => {\r\n if (this.peerID != peerID) {\r\n this.log.warn('peer changed');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //this.log('chatInfo res 2:', chatFull);\r\n if (chatFull.about) {\r\n setText(richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(chatFull.about), this.profileElements.bio);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS = {\r\n search: 1,\r\n forward: 2,\r\n stickers: 3,\r\n pollResults: 4,\r\n gifs: 5,\r\n };\r\n return AppSidebarRight;\r\n})();\r\nexports.AppSidebarRight = AppSidebarRight;\r\nconst appSidebarRight = new AppSidebarRight();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.appSidebarRight = appSidebarRight;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = appSidebarRight;\r\n" }, { "id": 25, "identifier": 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result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst pagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pagesManager\"));\r\nclass Page {\r\n constructor(className, isAuthPage, onFirstMount, onMount) {\r\n this.isAuthPage = isAuthPage;\r\n this.onFirstMount = onFirstMount;\r\n this.onMount = onMount;\r\n this.installed = false;\r\n this.pageEl = document.body.getElementsByClassName(className)[0];\r\n }\r\n mount(...args) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n //this.pageEl.style.display = '';\r\n if (this.onMount) {\r\n this.onMount(...args);\r\n }\r\n if (!this.installed) {\r\n if (this.onFirstMount) {\r\n try {\r\n const res = this.onFirstMount(...args);\r\n if (res instanceof Promise) {\r\n yield res;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n console.error('PAGE MOUNT ERROR:', err);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.installed = true;\r\n }\r\n pagesManager_1.default.setPage(this);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = Page;\r\n" }, { "id": 26, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\horizontalMenu.ts", "name": "./src/components/horizontalMenu.ts", "index": 37, "index2": 30, "size": 6164, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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tabContent.style.transform = `translateX(-25%)`;\r\n prevTabContent.style.transform = `translateX(20%)`;\r\n } */\r\n const width = prevTabContent.getBoundingClientRect().width;\r\n if (toRight) {\r\n prevTabContent.style.filter = `brightness(80%)`;\r\n prevTabContent.style.transform = `translate3d(${-width * .25}px, 0, 0)`;\r\n tabContent.style.transform = `translate3d(${width}px, 0, 0)`;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n tabContent.style.filter = `brightness(80%)`;\r\n tabContent.style.transform = `translate3d(${-width * .25}px, 0, 0)`;\r\n prevTabContent.style.transform = `translate3d(${width}px, 0, 0)`;\r\n }\r\n tabContent.classList.add('active');\r\n void tabContent.offsetWidth; // reflow\r\n tabContent.style.transform = '';\r\n tabContent.style.filter = '';\r\n}\r\nfunction slideTabs(tabContent, prevTabContent, toRight) {\r\n const width = prevTabContent.getBoundingClientRect().width;\r\n if (toRight) {\r\n tabContent.style.transform = `translate3d(${width}px, 0, 0)`;\r\n prevTabContent.style.transform = `translate3d(${-width}px, 0, 0)`;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n tabContent.style.transform = `translate3d(${-width}px, 0, 0)`;\r\n prevTabContent.style.transform = `translate3d(${width}px, 0, 0)`;\r\n }\r\n tabContent.classList.add('active');\r\n void tabContent.offsetWidth; // reflow\r\n tabContent.style.transform = '';\r\n}\r\nfunction horizontalMenu(tabs, content, onClick, onTransitionEnd, transitionTime = 250) {\r\n const hideTimeouts = {};\r\n let prevTabContent = null;\r\n let prevId = -1;\r\n const selectTab = (id) => {\r\n if (id == prevId)\r\n return false;\r\n //console.log('selectTab id:', id);\r\n const p = prevTabContent;\r\n const tabContent = content.children[id];\r\n if (content.dataset.slider == 'none') {\r\n if (p) {\r\n p.classList.remove('active');\r\n }\r\n tabContent.classList.add('active');\r\n prevId = id;\r\n prevTabContent = tabContent;\r\n if (onTransitionEnd)\r\n onTransitionEnd();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const toRight = prevId < id;\r\n if (prevId != -1) {\r\n if (tabs || content.dataset.slider == 'tabs') {\r\n slideTabs(tabContent, prevTabContent, toRight);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n slideNavigation(tabContent, prevTabContent, toRight);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n tabContent.classList.add('active');\r\n }\r\n const _prevId = prevId;\r\n if (hideTimeouts.hasOwnProperty(id))\r\n clearTimeout(hideTimeouts[id]);\r\n if (p /* && false */) {\r\n hideTimeouts[_prevId] = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n p.style.transform = '';\r\n p.style.filter = '';\r\n p.classList.remove('active');\r\n delete hideTimeouts[_prevId];\r\n if (onTransitionEnd)\r\n onTransitionEnd();\r\n }, /* 420 */ transitionTime);\r\n }\r\n prevId = id;\r\n prevTabContent = tabContent;\r\n };\r\n if (tabs) {\r\n const useStripe = !tabs.classList.contains('no-stripe');\r\n const tagName = 'LI'; //tabs.firstElementChild.tagName;\r\n tabs.addEventListener('click', function (e) {\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n if (target.tagName != tagName) {\r\n target = utils_1.findUpTag(target, tagName);\r\n }\r\n //console.log('tabs click:', target);\r\n if (!target)\r\n return false;\r\n let id;\r\n if (target.dataset.tab) {\r\n id = +target.dataset.tab;\r\n if (id == -1) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n id = utils_1.whichChild(target);\r\n }\r\n const tabContent = content.children[id];\r\n if (onClick)\r\n onClick(id, tabContent);\r\n if (target.classList.contains('active') || id == prevId) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n const prev = tabs.querySelector(tagName.toLowerCase() + '.active');\r\n prev && prev.classList.remove('active');\r\n // stripe from ZINCHUK\r\n if (useStripe && prevId != -1) {\r\n const indicator = target.querySelector('i');\r\n const currentIndicator = target.parentElement.children[prevId].querySelector('i');\r\n currentIndicator.classList.remove('animate');\r\n indicator.classList.remove('animate');\r\n // We move and resize our indicator so it repeats the position and size of the previous one.\r\n const shiftLeft = currentIndicator.parentElement.parentElement.offsetLeft - indicator.parentElement.parentElement.offsetLeft;\r\n const scaleFactor = currentIndicator.clientWidth / indicator.clientWidth;\r\n indicator.style.transform = `translate3d(${shiftLeft}px, 0, 0) scale3d(${scaleFactor}, 1, 1)`;\r\n //console.log(`translate3d(${shiftLeft}px, 0, 0) scale3d(${scaleFactor}, 1, 1)`);\r\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n // Now we remove the transform to let it animate to its own position and size.\r\n indicator.classList.add('animate');\r\n indicator.style.transform = 'none';\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // stripe END\r\n target.classList.add('active');\r\n selectTab(id);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return selectTab;\r\n}\r\nexports.horizontalMenu = horizontalMenu;\r\n" }, { "id": 27, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appProfileManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appProfileManager.ts", 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"ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppProfileManager = void 0;\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst appMessagesIDsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesIDsManager\"));\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst apiUpdatesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./apiUpdatesManager\"));\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\n//import apiManager from '../mtproto/apiManager';\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../components/misc\");\r\nconst searchIndexManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../searchIndexManager\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst appDownloadManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDownloadManager\"));\r\nclass AppProfileManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.botInfos = {};\r\n this.usersFull = {};\r\n this.chatsFull = {};\r\n this.chatFullPromises = {};\r\n this.chatParticipantsPromises = {};\r\n this.savedAvatarURLs = {};\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e) => {\r\n let update = e.detail;\r\n // console.log('on apiUpdate', update)\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateChatParticipants':\r\n var participants = update.participants;\r\n var chatFull = this.chatsFull[participants.id];\r\n if (chatFull !== undefined) {\r\n chatFull.participants = update.participants;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('chat_full_update', update.chat_id);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'updateChatParticipantAdd':\r\n var chatFull = this.chatsFull[update.chat_id];\r\n if (chatFull !== undefined) {\r\n var participants = chatFull.participants.participants || [];\r\n for (var i = 0, length = participants.length; i < length; i++) {\r\n if (participants[i].user_id == update.user_id) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n participants.push({\r\n _: 'chatParticipant',\r\n user_id: update.user_id,\r\n inviter_id: update.inviter_id,\r\n date: utils_1.tsNow(true)\r\n });\r\n chatFull.participants.version = update.version;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('chat_full_update', update.chat_id);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'updateChatParticipantDelete':\r\n var chatFull = this.chatsFull[update.chat_id];\r\n if (chatFull !== undefined) {\r\n var participants = chatFull.participants.participants || [];\r\n for (var i = 0, length = participants.length; i < length; i++) {\r\n if (participants[i].user_id == update.user_id) {\r\n participants.splice(i, 1);\r\n chatFull.participants.version = update.version;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('chat_full_update', update.chat_id);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'updateChannelPinnedMessage':\r\n var channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n var fullChannel = this.chatsFull[channelID];\r\n if (fullChannel !== undefined) {\r\n fullChannel.pinned_msg_id = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(update.id, channelID);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('peer_pinned_message', -channelID);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('chat_update', (e) => {\r\n let chatID = e.detail;\r\n let fullChat = this.chatsFull[chatID];\r\n let chat = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(chatID);\r\n if (!chat.photo || !fullChat) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let emptyPhoto = chat.photo._ == 'chatPhotoEmpty';\r\n //////console.log('chat_update:', fullChat);\r\n if (fullChat.chat_photo && emptyPhoto != (fullChat.chat_photo._ == 'photoEmpty')) {\r\n delete this.chatsFull[chatID];\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('chat_full_update', chatID);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (emptyPhoto) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let smallUserpic = chat.photo.photo_small;\r\n let smallPhotoSize = appPhotosManager_1.default.choosePhotoSize(fullChat.chat_photo, 0, 0);\r\n if (JSON.stringify(smallUserpic) !== JSON.stringify(smallPhotoSize.location)) {\r\n delete this.chatsFull[chatID];\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('chat_full_update', chatID);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n saveBotInfo(botInfo) {\r\n let botID = botInfo && botInfo.user_id;\r\n if (!botID) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n let commands = {};\r\n botInfo.commands.forEach((botCommand) => {\r\n commands[botCommand.command] = botCommand.description;\r\n });\r\n return this.botInfos[botID] = {\r\n id: botID,\r\n version: botInfo.version,\r\n shareText: botInfo.share_text,\r\n description: botInfo.description,\r\n commands: commands\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getProfile(id, override) {\r\n if (this.usersFull[id]) {\r\n return Promise.resolve(this.usersFull[id]);\r\n }\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('users.getFullUser', {\r\n id: appUsersManager_1.default.getUserInput(id)\r\n }).then((userFull) => {\r\n if (override && override.phone_number) {\r\n userFull.user.phone = override.phone_number;\r\n if (override.first_name || override.last_name) {\r\n userFull.user.first_name = override.first_name;\r\n userFull.user.last_name = override.last_name;\r\n }\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUser(userFull.user);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUser(userFull.user, true);\r\n }\r\n if (userFull.profile_photo) {\r\n userFull.profile_photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(userFull.profile_photo, { user_id: id });\r\n /* appPhotosManager.savePhoto(userFull.profile_photo, {user_id: id}); */\r\n }\r\n if (userFull.about !== undefined) {\r\n userFull.rAbout = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(userFull.about, { noLinebreaks: true });\r\n }\r\n // NotificationsManager.savePeerSettings(id, userFull.notify_settings); // warning\r\n if (userFull.bot_info) {\r\n userFull.bot_info = this.saveBotInfo(userFull.bot_info);\r\n }\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.savePinnedMessage(id, userFull.pinned_msg_id);\r\n return this.usersFull[id] = userFull;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getPeerBots(peerID) {\r\n var peerBots = [];\r\n if (peerID >= 0 && !appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(peerID) ||\r\n (appPeersManager_1.default.isChannel(peerID) && !appPeersManager_1.default.isMegagroup(peerID))) {\r\n return Promise.resolve(peerBots);\r\n }\r\n if (peerID >= 0) {\r\n return this.getProfile(peerID).then((userFull) => {\r\n var botInfo = userFull.bot_info;\r\n if (botInfo && botInfo._ != 'botInfoEmpty') {\r\n peerBots.push(botInfo);\r\n }\r\n return peerBots;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return this.getChatFull(-peerID).then((chatFull) => {\r\n chatFull.bot_info.forEach((botInfo) => {\r\n peerBots.push(this.saveBotInfo(botInfo));\r\n });\r\n return peerBots;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getChatFull(id) {\r\n if (appChatsManager_1.default.isChannel(id)) {\r\n return this.getChannelFull(id);\r\n }\r\n if (this.chatsFull[id] !== undefined) {\r\n var chat = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(id);\r\n if (chat.version == this.chatsFull[id].participants.version ||\r\n chat.pFlags.left) {\r\n return Promise.resolve(this.chatsFull[id]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (this.chatFullPromises[id] !== undefined) {\r\n return this.chatFullPromises[id];\r\n }\r\n // console.trace(dT(), 'Get chat full', id, appChatsManager.getChat(id))\r\n return this.chatFullPromises[id] = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getFullChat', {\r\n chat_id: id\r\n }).then((result) => {\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(result.chats);\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(result.users);\r\n const fullChat = result.full_chat;\r\n if (fullChat && fullChat.chat_photo && fullChat.chat_photo.id) {\r\n fullChat.chat_photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(fullChat.chat_photo);\r\n //appPhotosManager.savePhoto(fullChat.chat_photo);\r\n }\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.savePinnedMessage(-id, fullChat.pinned_msg_id);\r\n /* NotificationsManager.savePeerSettings(-id, fullChat.notify_settings); */ // warning\r\n delete this.chatFullPromises[id];\r\n this.chatsFull[id] = fullChat;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('chat_full_update', id);\r\n return fullChat;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n /* public getChatInviteLink(id: number, force?: boolean) {\r\n return this.getChatFull(id).then((chatFull: any) => {\r\n if(!force &&\r\n chatFull.exported_invite &&\r\n chatFull.exported_invite._ == 'chatInviteExported') {\r\n return chatFull.exported_invite.link;\r\n }\r\n \r\n let promise;\r\n if(appChatsManager.isChannel(id)) {\r\n promise = apiManager.invokeApi('channels.exportInvite', {\r\n channel: appChatsManager.getChannelInput(id)\r\n });\r\n } else {\r\n promise = apiManager.invokeApi('messages.exportChatInvite', {\r\n chat_id: id\r\n });\r\n }\r\n \r\n return promise.then((exportedInvite: any) => {\r\n if(this.chatsFull[id] !== undefined) {\r\n this.chatsFull[id].exported_invite = exportedInvite;\r\n }\r\n \r\n return exportedInvite.link;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n } */\r\n /* public getChannelParticipants(id: number, filter: any, limit: number, offset: number) {\r\n filter = filter || {_: 'channelParticipantsRecent'};\r\n limit = limit || 200;\r\n offset = offset || 0;\r\n let promiseKey = [id, filter._, offset, limit].join('_');\r\n let promiseData = this.chatParticipantsPromises[promiseKey];\r\n \r\n if(filter._ == 'channelParticipantsRecent') {\r\n let chat = appChatsManager.getChat(id);\r\n if(chat &&\r\n chat.pFlags && (\r\n chat.pFlags.kicked ||\r\n chat.pFlags.broadcast && !chat.pFlags.creator && !chat.admin_rights\r\n )) {\r\n return Promise.reject();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n let fetchParticipants = (cachedParticipants?: any[]) => {\r\n let hash = 0;\r\n if(cachedParticipants) {\r\n let userIDs: number[] = [];\r\n cachedParticipants.forEach((participant: any) => {\r\n userIDs.push(participant.user_id);\r\n });\r\n \r\n userIDs.sort((a, b) => a - b);\r\n userIDs.forEach((userID) => {\r\n hash = ((hash * 20261) + 0x80000000 + userID) % 0x80000000\r\n });\r\n }\r\n \r\n return apiManager.invokeApi('channels.getParticipants', {\r\n channel: appChatsManager.getChannelInput(id),\r\n filter: filter,\r\n offset: offset,\r\n limit: limit,\r\n hash: hash\r\n }).then((result: any) => {\r\n if(result._ == 'channels.channelParticipantsNotModified') {\r\n return cachedParticipants;\r\n }\r\n \r\n appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(result.users);\r\n return result.participants;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n \r\n let maybeAddSelf = (participants: any[]) => {\r\n let chat = appChatsManager.getChat(id);\r\n let selfMustBeFirst = filter._ == 'channelParticipantsRecent' &&\r\n !offset &&\r\n !chat.pFlags.kicked &&\r\n !chat.pFlags.left;\r\n \r\n if(selfMustBeFirst) {\r\n participants = copy(participants);\r\n let myID = appUsersManager.getSelf().id;\r\n let myIndex = participants.findIndex(p => p.user_id == myID);\r\n let myParticipant;\r\n \r\n if(myIndex !== -1) {\r\n myParticipant = participants[myIndex];\r\n participants.splice(myIndex, 1);\r\n } else {\r\n myParticipant = {_: 'channelParticipantSelf', user_id: myID};\r\n }\r\n \r\n participants.unshift(myParticipant);\r\n }\r\n \r\n return participants;\r\n }\r\n \r\n let timeNow = tsNow();\r\n if(promiseData !== undefined) {\r\n let promise = promiseData[1];\r\n if(promiseData[0] > timeNow - 60000) {\r\n return promise;\r\n }\r\n let newPromise = promise.then((cachedParticipants: any) => {\r\n return fetchParticipants(cachedParticipants).then(maybeAddSelf)\r\n });\r\n this.chatParticipantsPromises[promiseKey] = [timeNow, newPromise];\r\n return newPromise;\r\n }\r\n \r\n let newPromise = fetchParticipants().then(maybeAddSelf);\r\n this.chatParticipantsPromises[promiseKey] = [timeNow, newPromise];\r\n return newPromise;\r\n } */\r\n getChannelFull(id, force) {\r\n if (this.chatsFull[id] !== undefined && !force) {\r\n return Promise.resolve(this.chatsFull[id]);\r\n }\r\n if (this.chatFullPromises[id] !== undefined) {\r\n return this.chatFullPromises[id];\r\n }\r\n return this.chatFullPromises[id] = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('channels.getFullChannel', {\r\n channel: appChatsManager_1.default.getChannelInput(id)\r\n }).then((result) => {\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(result.chats);\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(result.users);\r\n let fullChannel = result.full_chat;\r\n if (fullChannel && fullChannel.chat_photo.id) {\r\n fullChannel.chat_photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(fullChannel.chat_photo);\r\n //appPhotosManager.savePhoto(fullChannel.chat_photo);\r\n }\r\n /* NotificationsManager.savePeerSettings(-id, fullChannel.notify_settings) */ // warning\r\n if (fullChannel.pinned_msg_id) {\r\n fullChannel.pinned_msg_id = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getFullMessageID(fullChannel.pinned_msg_id, id);\r\n }\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.savePinnedMessage(-id, fullChannel.pinned_msg_id);\r\n delete this.chatFullPromises[id];\r\n this.chatsFull[id] = fullChannel;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('chat_full_update', id);\r\n return fullChannel;\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n switch (error.type) {\r\n case 'CHANNEL_PRIVATE':\r\n let channel = appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(id);\r\n channel = { _: 'channelForbidden', access_hash: channel.access_hash, title: channel.title };\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updates',\r\n updates: [{\r\n _: 'updateChannel',\r\n channel_id: id\r\n }],\r\n chats: [channel],\r\n users: []\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n return Promise.reject(error);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n invalidateChannelParticipants(id) {\r\n delete this.chatsFull[id];\r\n delete this.chatFullPromises[id];\r\n for (let key in this.chatParticipantsPromises) {\r\n //let val = this.chatParticipantsPromises[key];\r\n if (+key.split('_')[0] == id) {\r\n delete this.chatParticipantsPromises[key];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('chat_full_update', id);\r\n }\r\n getChannelPinnedMessage(id) {\r\n return this.getChannelFull(id).then((fullChannel) => {\r\n let pinnedMessageID = fullChannel && fullChannel.pinned_msg_id;\r\n if (!pinnedMessageID) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n return storage_1.default.get('pinned_hidden' + id).then((hiddenMessageID) => {\r\n if (appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(pinnedMessageID) == hiddenMessageID) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n return pinnedMessageID;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n hideChannelPinnedMessage(id, pinnedMessageID) {\r\n let setKeys = {};\r\n setKeys['pinned_hidden' + id] = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(pinnedMessageID);\r\n storage_1.default.set(setKeys);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('peer_pinned_message', -id);\r\n }\r\n updateProfile(first_name, last_name, about) {\r\n /* let flags = 0;\r\n if(first_name) flags |= 1;\r\n if(last_name) flags |= 2;\r\n if(about) flags |= 4; */\r\n let flags = (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 2);\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('account.updateProfile', {\r\n flags,\r\n first_name,\r\n last_name,\r\n about\r\n }).then(user => {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUser(user);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n uploadProfilePhoto(inputFile) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('photos.uploadProfilePhoto', {\r\n file: inputFile\r\n }).then((updateResult) => {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(updateResult.users);\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.getUserID().then((id) => {\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(updateResult.photo, {\r\n user_id: id\r\n });\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage({\r\n _: 'updateShort',\r\n update: {\r\n _: 'updateUserPhoto',\r\n user_id: id,\r\n date: utils_1.tsNow(true),\r\n photo: appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(id).photo,\r\n previous: true\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n updateUsername(username) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('account.updateUsername', {\r\n username: username\r\n }).then((user) => {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUser(user);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n removeFromAvatarsCache(peerID) {\r\n if (this.savedAvatarURLs[peerID]) {\r\n delete this.savedAvatarURLs[peerID];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n putAvatar(div, peerID, location) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const inputPeer = appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID);\r\n if (!this.savedAvatarURLs[peerID]) {\r\n //console.warn('will invoke downloadSmallFile:', peerID);\r\n const peerPhotoFileLocation = {\r\n _: 'inputPeerPhotoFileLocation',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n peer: inputPeer,\r\n volume_id: location.photo_small.volume_id,\r\n local_id: location.photo_small.local_id\r\n };\r\n const downloadOptions = { dcID: location.dc_id, location: peerPhotoFileLocation };\r\n yield appDownloadManager_1.default.download(downloadOptions).then(blob => {\r\n this.savedAvatarURLs[peerID] = URL.createObjectURL(blob);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n const img = new Image();\r\n const cached = misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(img, this.savedAvatarURLs[peerID]);\r\n if (cached) {\r\n // смотри в misc.ts: renderImageFromUrl\r\n //img.addEventListener('load', () => {\r\n div.innerHTML = '';\r\n div.append(img);\r\n //});\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n img.classList.add('fade-in');\r\n img.addEventListener('load', () => {\r\n div.innerHTML = '';\r\n div.append(img);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // peerID == peerID || title\r\n putPhoto(div, peerID, isDialog = false, title = '') {\r\n var _a;\r\n const location = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerPhoto(peerID);\r\n const avatarAvailable = location && !location.empty && location.photo_small;\r\n const avatarRendered = !!div.firstElementChild;\r\n const myID = utils_1.$rootScope.myID;\r\n //console.log('loadDialogPhoto location:', location, inputPeer);\r\n if (peerID == myID && isDialog) {\r\n div.innerHTML = '';\r\n div.style.backgroundColor = '';\r\n div.classList.add('tgico-savedmessages');\r\n div.classList.remove('tgico-avatar_deletedaccount');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n const user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(peerID);\r\n if (user && user.pFlags && user.pFlags.deleted) {\r\n div.innerHTML = '';\r\n div.style.backgroundColor = '';\r\n div.classList.add('tgico-avatar_deletedaccount');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!avatarAvailable || !avatarRendered || !this.savedAvatarURLs[peerID]) {\r\n let color = '';\r\n if (peerID && peerID != myID) {\r\n color = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerColorByID(peerID);\r\n }\r\n div.innerHTML = '';\r\n div.classList.remove('tgico-savedmessages', 'tgico-avatar_deletedaccount');\r\n div.style.backgroundColor = color;\r\n let abbr;\r\n if (!title) {\r\n abbr = (_a = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeer(peerID).initials) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const name = searchIndexManager_1.default.cleanSearchText(title, false);\r\n const nameWords = name.split(' ');\r\n const firstWord = nameWords.shift();\r\n const lastWord = nameWords.pop();\r\n abbr = firstWord.charAt(0) + (lastWord ? lastWord.charAt(0) : '');\r\n }\r\n div.innerText = abbr.toUpperCase();\r\n //return Promise.resolve(true);\r\n }\r\n if (avatarAvailable) {\r\n this.putAvatar(div, peerID, location);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppProfileManager = AppProfileManager;\r\nexports.default = new AppProfileManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 28, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appDownloadManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appDownloadManager.ts", "index": 46, "index2": 36, "size": 5623, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appMessagesManager.ts", "issuerId": 7, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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"userRequest": "./appDownloadManager", "loc": "19:45-76" }, { "moduleId": 13, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appPhotosManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appPhotosManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appPhotosManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./appDownloadManager", "loc": "9:45-76" }, { "moduleId": 27, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appProfileManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appProfileManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appProfileManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./appDownloadManager", "loc": "30:45-76" }, { "moduleId": 46, "moduleIdentifier": 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__importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppDownloadManager = void 0;\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst cancellablePromise_1 = require(\"../../helpers/cancellablePromise\");\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nclass AppDownloadManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.downloads = {};\r\n this.progress = {};\r\n this.progressCallbacks = {};\r\n this.uploadID = 0;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('download_progress', (e) => {\r\n const details = e.detail;\r\n this.progress[details.fileName] = details;\r\n const callbacks = this.progressCallbacks[details.fileName];\r\n if (callbacks) {\r\n callbacks.forEach(callback => callback(details));\r\n }\r\n const download = this.downloads[details.fileName];\r\n if (download) {\r\n download.notifyAll(details);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getNewDeferred(fileName) {\r\n const deferred = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n deferred.cancel = () => {\r\n const error = new Error('Download canceled');\r\n error.name = 'AbortError';\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.cancelDownload(fileName);\r\n this.clearDownload(fileName);\r\n deferred.reject(error);\r\n deferred.cancel = () => { };\r\n };\r\n deferred.finally(() => {\r\n delete this.progress[fileName];\r\n delete this.progressCallbacks[fileName];\r\n });\r\n return this.downloads[fileName] = deferred;\r\n }\r\n clearDownload(fileName) {\r\n delete this.downloads[fileName];\r\n }\r\n download(options) {\r\n const fileName = bin_utils_1.getFileNameByLocation(options.location, { fileName: options.fileName });\r\n if (this.downloads.hasOwnProperty(fileName))\r\n return this.downloads[fileName];\r\n const deferred = this.getNewDeferred(fileName);\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.downloadFile(options).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject);\r\n //console.log('Will download file:', fileName, url);\r\n return deferred;\r\n }\r\n upload(file, fileName) {\r\n if (!fileName) {\r\n const mimeType = file === null || file === void 0 ? void 0 : file.type;\r\n if (mimeType) { // the same like apiFileName in appMessagesManager for upload!\r\n const ext = this.uploadID++ + '.' + mimeType.split('/')[1];\r\n if (['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/bmp'].indexOf(mimeType) >= 0) {\r\n fileName = 'photo' + ext;\r\n }\r\n else if (mimeType.indexOf('audio/') === 0 || ['video/ogg'].indexOf(mimeType) >= 0) {\r\n fileName = 'audio' + ext;\r\n }\r\n else if (mimeType.indexOf('video/') === 0) {\r\n fileName = 'video' + ext;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n fileName = 'document' + ext;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n fileName = 'upload-' + this.uploadID++;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const deferred = this.getNewDeferred(fileName);\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.uploadFile({ file, fileName }).then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject);\r\n deferred.finally(() => {\r\n this.clearDownload(fileName);\r\n });\r\n return deferred;\r\n }\r\n getDownload(fileName) {\r\n return this.downloads[fileName];\r\n }\r\n addProgressCallback(fileName, callback) {\r\n var _a;\r\n const progress = this.progress[fileName];\r\n ((_a = this.progressCallbacks[fileName]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (this.progressCallbacks[fileName] = [])).push(callback);\r\n if (progress) {\r\n callback(progress);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n createDownloadAnchor(url, fileName, onRemove) {\r\n const a = document.createElement('a');\r\n a.href = url;\r\n a.download = fileName;\r\n a.target = '_blank';\r\n a.style.position = 'absolute';\r\n a.style.top = '1px';\r\n a.style.left = '1px';\r\n document.body.append(a);\r\n try {\r\n var clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');\r\n clickEvent.initMouseEvent('click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);\r\n a.dispatchEvent(clickEvent);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n console.error('Download click error', e);\r\n try {\r\n a.click();\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n window.open(url, '_blank');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n a.remove();\r\n onRemove && onRemove();\r\n }, 100);\r\n }\r\n /* public downloadToDisc(fileName: string, url: string) {\r\n this.createDownloadAnchor(url);\r\n \r\n return this.download(fileName, url);\r\n } */\r\n downloadToDisc(options, discFileName) {\r\n const download = this.download(options);\r\n download /* .promise */.then(blob => {\r\n const objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);\r\n this.createDownloadAnchor(objectURL, discFileName, () => {\r\n URL.revokeObjectURL(objectURL);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n return download;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppDownloadManager = AppDownloadManager;\r\nexports.default = new AppDownloadManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 29, "identifier": 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promise.finally(() => {\r\n //alert('pageIm!');\r\n //AudioContext && global.navigator && global.navigator.mediaDevices && global.navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia && global.WebAssembly;\r\n /* // @ts-ignore\r\n var AudioContext = globalThis.AudioContext || globalThis.webkitAudioContext;\r\n alert('AudioContext:' + typeof(AudioContext));\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n alert('global.navigator:' + typeof(navigator));\r\n alert('navigator.mediaDevices:' + typeof(navigator.mediaDevices));\r\n alert('navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia:' + typeof(navigator.mediaDevices?.getUserMedia));\r\n alert('global.WebAssembly:' + typeof(WebAssembly)); */\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('../lib/services')));\r\n }\r\n //(Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('rp')) as HTMLElement[]).forEach(el => ripple(el));\r\n Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('btn-menu-toggle')).forEach((el) => {\r\n el.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n //console.log('click pageIm');\r\n if (!el.classList.contains('btn-menu-toggle'))\r\n return false;\r\n //window.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove);\r\n let openedMenu = el.querySelector('.btn-menu');\r\n e.cancelBubble = true;\r\n //cancelEvent(e);\r\n if (el.classList.contains('menu-open')) {\r\n el.classList.remove('menu-open');\r\n openedMenu.classList.remove('active');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n misc_1.openBtnMenu(openedMenu);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n });\r\n //let promise = /* Promise.resolve() */.then(() => {//import('../lib/services').then(services => {\r\n /* fetch('assets/img/camomile.jpg')\r\n .then(res => res.blob())\r\n .then(blob => {\r\n let img = new Image();\r\n let url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);\r\n img.src = url;\r\n img.onload = () => {\r\n let id = 'chat-background-canvas';\r\n var canvas = document.getElementById(id) as HTMLCanvasElement;\r\n //URL.revokeObjectURL(url);\r\n \r\n let elements = ['.chat-container'].map(selector => {\r\n return document.querySelector(selector) as HTMLDivElement;\r\n });\r\n \r\n stackBlurImage(img, id, 15, 0);\r\n \r\n canvas.toBlob(blob => {\r\n //let dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 1);\r\n let dataUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);\r\n \r\n elements.forEach(el => {\r\n el.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + dataUrl + ')';\r\n });\r\n }, 'image/jpeg', 1);\r\n };\r\n }); */\r\n /* toggleEmoticons.onclick = (e) => {\r\n if(!emoticonsDropdown) {\r\n emoticonsDropdown = initEmoticonsDropdown(pageEl, appImManager,\r\n appMessagesManager, messageInput, toggleEmoticons);\r\n } else {\r\n emoticonsDropdown.classList.toggle('active');\r\n }\r\n \r\n toggleEmoticons.classList.toggle('active');\r\n }; */\r\n //});\r\n return promise;\r\n};\r\nconst page = new page_1.default('page-chats', false, onFirstMount);\r\nexports.default = page;\r\n" }, { "id": 32, "identifier": 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__importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nclass ApiUpdatesManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.updatesState = {\r\n pendingPtsUpdates: [],\r\n pendingSeqUpdates: {},\r\n syncPending: false,\r\n syncLoading: true\r\n };\r\n this.channelStates = {};\r\n this.attached = false;\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('UPDATES', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n }\r\n popPendingSeqUpdate() {\r\n var nextSeq = this.updatesState.seq + 1;\r\n var pendingUpdatesData = this.updatesState.pendingSeqUpdates[nextSeq];\r\n if (!pendingUpdatesData) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n var updates = pendingUpdatesData.updates;\r\n var length;\r\n for (var i = 0, length = updates.length; i < length; i++) {\r\n this.saveUpdate(updates[i]);\r\n }\r\n this.updatesState.seq = pendingUpdatesData.seq;\r\n if (pendingUpdatesData.date && this.updatesState.date < pendingUpdatesData.date) {\r\n this.updatesState.date = pendingUpdatesData.date;\r\n }\r\n delete this.updatesState.pendingSeqUpdates[nextSeq];\r\n if (!this.popPendingSeqUpdate() &&\r\n this.updatesState.syncPending &&\r\n this.updatesState.syncPending.seqAwaiting &&\r\n this.updatesState.seq >= this.updatesState.syncPending.seqAwaiting) {\r\n if (!this.updatesState.syncPending.ptsAwaiting) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.updatesState.syncPending.timeout);\r\n this.updatesState.syncPending = false;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n delete this.updatesState.syncPending.seqAwaiting;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n popPendingPtsUpdate(channelID) {\r\n var curState = channelID ? this.getChannelState(channelID) : this.updatesState;\r\n if (!curState.pendingPtsUpdates.length) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n curState.pendingPtsUpdates.sort((a, b) => {\r\n return a.pts - b.pts;\r\n });\r\n // this.log('pop update', channelID, curState.pendingPtsUpdates)\r\n var curPts = curState.pts;\r\n var goodPts = false;\r\n var goodIndex = 0;\r\n var update;\r\n for (var i = 0, length = curState.pendingPtsUpdates.length; i < length; i++) {\r\n update = curState.pendingPtsUpdates[i];\r\n curPts += update.pts_count;\r\n if (curPts >= update.pts) {\r\n goodPts = update.pts;\r\n goodIndex = i;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!goodPts) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n this.log('pop pending pts updates', goodPts, curState.pendingPtsUpdates.slice(0, goodIndex + 1));\r\n curState.pts = goodPts;\r\n for (i = 0; i <= goodIndex; i++) {\r\n update = curState.pendingPtsUpdates[i];\r\n this.saveUpdate(update);\r\n }\r\n curState.pendingPtsUpdates.splice(0, goodIndex + 1);\r\n if (!curState.pendingPtsUpdates.length && curState.syncPending) {\r\n if (!curState.syncPending.seqAwaiting) {\r\n clearTimeout(curState.syncPending.timeout);\r\n curState.syncPending = false;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n delete curState.syncPending.ptsAwaiting;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n forceGetDifference() {\r\n if (!this.updatesState.syncLoading) {\r\n this.getDifference();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n processUpdateMessage(updateMessage) {\r\n // return forceGetDifference()\r\n var processOpts = {\r\n date: updateMessage.date,\r\n seq: updateMessage.seq,\r\n seqStart: updateMessage.seq_start\r\n };\r\n switch (updateMessage._) {\r\n case 'updatesTooLong':\r\n case 'new_session_created':\r\n this.forceGetDifference();\r\n break;\r\n case 'updateShort':\r\n this.processUpdate(updateMessage.update, processOpts);\r\n break;\r\n case 'updateShortMessage':\r\n case 'updateShortChatMessage':\r\n var isOut = updateMessage.flags & 2;\r\n var fromID = updateMessage.from_id || (isOut ? utils_1.$rootScope.myID : updateMessage.user_id);\r\n var toID = updateMessage.chat_id\r\n ? -updateMessage.chat_id\r\n : (isOut ? updateMessage.user_id : utils_1.$rootScope.myID);\r\n this.processUpdate({\r\n _: 'updateNewMessage',\r\n message: {\r\n _: 'message',\r\n flags: updateMessage.flags,\r\n pFlags: updateMessage.pFlags,\r\n id: updateMessage.id,\r\n from_id: fromID,\r\n to_id: appPeersManager_1.default.getOutputPeer(toID),\r\n date: updateMessage.date,\r\n message: updateMessage.message,\r\n fwd_from: updateMessage.fwd_from,\r\n reply_to_msg_id: updateMessage.reply_to_msg_id,\r\n entities: updateMessage.entities\r\n },\r\n pts: updateMessage.pts,\r\n pts_count: updateMessage.pts_count\r\n }, processOpts);\r\n break;\r\n case 'updatesCombined':\r\n case 'updates':\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(updateMessage.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(updateMessage.chats);\r\n updateMessage.updates.forEach((update) => {\r\n this.processUpdate(update, processOpts);\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n this.log.warn('Unknown update message', updateMessage);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n getDifference() {\r\n // this.trace('Get full diff')\r\n const updatesState = this.updatesState;\r\n if (!updatesState.syncLoading) {\r\n updatesState.syncLoading = true;\r\n updatesState.pendingSeqUpdates = {};\r\n updatesState.pendingPtsUpdates = [];\r\n }\r\n if (updatesState.syncPending) {\r\n clearTimeout(updatesState.syncPending.timeout);\r\n updatesState.syncPending = false;\r\n }\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('updates.getDifference', {\r\n flags: 0,\r\n pts: updatesState.pts,\r\n date: updatesState.date,\r\n qts: -1\r\n }, {\r\n timeout: 0x7fffffff\r\n }).then((differenceResult) => {\r\n if (differenceResult._ == 'updates.differenceEmpty') {\r\n this.log('apply empty diff', differenceResult.seq);\r\n updatesState.date = differenceResult.date;\r\n updatesState.seq = differenceResult.seq;\r\n updatesState.syncLoading = false;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('stateSynchronized');\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (differenceResult._ != 'updates.differenceTooLong') {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(differenceResult.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(differenceResult.chats);\r\n // Should be first because of updateMessageID\r\n // this.log('applying', differenceResult.other_updates.length, 'other updates')\r\n differenceResult.other_updates.forEach((update) => {\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateChannelTooLong':\r\n case 'updateNewChannelMessage':\r\n case 'updateEditChannelMessage':\r\n this.processUpdate(update);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.saveUpdate(update);\r\n });\r\n // this.log('applying', differenceResult.new_messages.length, 'new messages')\r\n differenceResult.new_messages.forEach((apiMessage) => {\r\n this.saveUpdate({\r\n _: 'updateNewMessage',\r\n message: apiMessage,\r\n pts: updatesState.pts,\r\n pts_count: 0\r\n });\r\n });\r\n const nextState = differenceResult._ == 'updates.difference' ? differenceResult.state : differenceResult.intermediate_state;\r\n updatesState.seq = nextState.seq;\r\n updatesState.pts = nextState.pts;\r\n updatesState.date = nextState.date;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n updatesState.pts = differenceResult.pts;\r\n delete updatesState.seq;\r\n delete updatesState.date;\r\n }\r\n // this.log('apply diff', updatesState.seq, updatesState.pts)\r\n if (differenceResult._ == 'updates.differenceSlice') {\r\n this.getDifference();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // this.log('finished get diff')\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('stateSynchronized');\r\n updatesState.syncLoading = false;\r\n }\r\n }, () => {\r\n updatesState.syncLoading = false;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getChannelDifference(channelID) {\r\n const channelState = this.getChannelState(channelID);\r\n if (!channelState.syncLoading) {\r\n channelState.syncLoading = true;\r\n channelState.pendingPtsUpdates = [];\r\n }\r\n if (channelState.syncPending) {\r\n clearTimeout(channelState.syncPending.timeout);\r\n channelState.syncPending = false;\r\n }\r\n // this.log('Get channel diff', appChatsManager.getChat(channelID), channelState.pts)\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('updates.getChannelDifference', {\r\n channel: appChatsManager_1.default.getChannelInput(channelID),\r\n filter: { _: 'channelMessagesFilterEmpty' },\r\n pts: channelState.pts,\r\n limit: 30\r\n }, { timeout: 0x7fffffff }).then((differenceResult) => {\r\n // this.log('channel diff result', differenceResult)\r\n channelState.pts = 'pts' in differenceResult ? differenceResult.pts : undefined;\r\n if (differenceResult._ == 'updates.channelDifferenceEmpty') {\r\n this.log('apply channel empty diff', differenceResult);\r\n channelState.syncLoading = false;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('stateSynchronized');\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (differenceResult._ == 'updates.channelDifferenceTooLong') {\r\n this.log('channel diff too long', differenceResult);\r\n channelState.syncLoading = false;\r\n delete this.channelStates[channelID];\r\n this.saveUpdate({ _: 'updateChannelReload', channel_id: channelID });\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(differenceResult.users);\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChats(differenceResult.chats);\r\n // Should be first because of updateMessageID\r\n this.log('applying', differenceResult.other_updates.length, 'channel other updates');\r\n differenceResult.other_updates.forEach((update) => {\r\n this.saveUpdate(update);\r\n });\r\n this.log('applying', differenceResult.new_messages.length, 'channel new messages');\r\n differenceResult.new_messages.forEach((apiMessage) => {\r\n this.saveUpdate({\r\n _: 'updateNewChannelMessage',\r\n message: apiMessage,\r\n pts: channelState.pts,\r\n pts_count: 0\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.log('apply channel diff', channelState.pts);\r\n if (differenceResult._ == 'updates.channelDifference' &&\r\n !differenceResult.pFlags['final']) {\r\n this.getChannelDifference(channelID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.log('finished channel get diff');\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('stateSynchronized');\r\n channelState.syncLoading = false;\r\n }\r\n }, () => {\r\n channelState.syncLoading = false;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n addChannelState(channelID, pts) {\r\n if (!pts) {\r\n throw new Error('Add channel state without pts ' + channelID);\r\n }\r\n if (!(channelID in this.channelStates)) {\r\n this.channelStates[channelID] = {\r\n pts: pts,\r\n pendingPtsUpdates: [],\r\n syncPending: false,\r\n syncLoading: false\r\n };\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n getChannelState(channelID, pts) {\r\n if (this.channelStates[channelID] === undefined) {\r\n this.addChannelState(channelID, pts);\r\n }\r\n return this.channelStates[channelID];\r\n }\r\n processUpdate(update, options = {}) {\r\n var channelID = false;\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateNewChannelMessage':\r\n case 'updateEditChannelMessage':\r\n channelID = -appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(update.message.to_id);\r\n break;\r\n case 'updateDeleteChannelMessages':\r\n channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n break;\r\n case 'updateChannelTooLong':\r\n channelID = update.channel_id;\r\n if (!(channelID in this.channelStates)) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n var curState = channelID ? this.getChannelState(channelID, update.pts) : this.updatesState;\r\n // this.log.log('process', channelID, curState.pts, update)\r\n if (curState.syncLoading) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (update._ == 'updateChannelTooLong') {\r\n if (!curState.lastPtsUpdateTime ||\r\n curState.lastPtsUpdateTime < utils_1.tsNow() - 10000) {\r\n // this.log.trace('channel too long, get diff', channelID, update)\r\n this.getChannelDifference(channelID);\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (update._ == 'updateNewMessage' ||\r\n update._ == 'updateEditMessage' ||\r\n update._ == 'updateNewChannelMessage' ||\r\n update._ == 'updateEditChannelMessage') {\r\n var message = update.message;\r\n var toPeerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(message.to_id);\r\n var fwdHeader = message.fwd_from || {};\r\n var reason = false;\r\n if (message.from_id && !appUsersManager_1.default.hasUser(message.from_id, message.pFlags.post /* || channelID*/) && (reason = 'author') ||\r\n fwdHeader.from_id && !appUsersManager_1.default.hasUser(fwdHeader.from_id, !!fwdHeader.channel_id) && (reason = 'fwdAuthor') ||\r\n fwdHeader.channel_id && !appChatsManager_1.default.hasChat(fwdHeader.channel_id, true) && (reason = 'fwdChannel') ||\r\n toPeerID > 0 && !appUsersManager_1.default.hasUser(toPeerID) && (reason = 'toPeer User') ||\r\n toPeerID < 0 && !appChatsManager_1.default.hasChat(-toPeerID) && (reason = 'toPeer Chat')) {\r\n this.log.warn('Not enough data for message update', toPeerID, reason, message);\r\n if (channelID && appChatsManager_1.default.hasChat(channelID)) {\r\n this.getChannelDifference(channelID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.forceGetDifference();\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (channelID && !appChatsManager_1.default.hasChat(channelID)) {\r\n // this.log.log('skip update, missing channel', channelID, update)\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n var popPts;\r\n var popSeq;\r\n if (update.pts) {\r\n var newPts = curState.pts + (update.pts_count || 0);\r\n if (newPts < update.pts) {\r\n this.log.warn('Pts hole', curState, update, channelID && appChatsManager_1.default.getChat(channelID));\r\n curState.pendingPtsUpdates.push(update);\r\n if (!curState.syncPending) {\r\n curState.syncPending = {\r\n timeout: setTimeout(() => {\r\n if (channelID) {\r\n this.getChannelDifference(channelID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.getDifference();\r\n }\r\n }, 5000)\r\n };\r\n }\r\n curState.syncPending.ptsAwaiting = true;\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (update.pts > curState.pts) {\r\n curState.pts = update.pts;\r\n popPts = true;\r\n curState.lastPtsUpdateTime = utils_1.tsNow();\r\n }\r\n else if (update.pts_count) {\r\n // this.log.warn('Duplicate update', update)\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (channelID && options.date && this.updatesState.date < options.date) {\r\n this.updatesState.date = options.date;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (!channelID && options.seq > 0) {\r\n var seq = options.seq;\r\n var seqStart = options.seqStart || seq;\r\n if (seqStart != curState.seq + 1) {\r\n if (seqStart > curState.seq) {\r\n this.log.warn('Seq hole', curState, curState.syncPending && curState.syncPending.seqAwaiting);\r\n if (curState.pendingSeqUpdates[seqStart] === undefined) {\r\n curState.pendingSeqUpdates[seqStart] = { seq: seq, date: options.date, updates: [] };\r\n }\r\n curState.pendingSeqUpdates[seqStart].updates.push(update);\r\n if (!curState.syncPending) {\r\n curState.syncPending = {\r\n timeout: setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.getDifference();\r\n }, 5000)\r\n };\r\n }\r\n if (!curState.syncPending.seqAwaiting ||\r\n curState.syncPending.seqAwaiting < seqStart) {\r\n curState.syncPending.seqAwaiting = seqStart;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (curState.seq != seq) {\r\n curState.seq = seq;\r\n if (options.date && curState.date < options.date) {\r\n curState.date = options.date;\r\n }\r\n popSeq = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.saveUpdate(update);\r\n if (popPts) {\r\n this.popPendingPtsUpdate(channelID);\r\n }\r\n else if (popSeq) {\r\n this.popPendingSeqUpdate();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n saveUpdate(update) {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('apiUpdate', update);\r\n }\r\n attach(state) {\r\n if (this.attached)\r\n return;\r\n //return;\r\n this.attached = true;\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.setUpdatesProcessor(this.processUpdateMessage.bind(this));\r\n if (!state || !state.pts || !state.date || !state.seq) {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('updates.getState', {}, { noErrorBox: true }).then((stateResult) => {\r\n this.updatesState.seq = stateResult.seq;\r\n this.updatesState.pts = stateResult.pts;\r\n this.updatesState.date = stateResult.date;\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.updatesState.syncLoading = false;\r\n }, 1000);\r\n // updatesState.seq = 1\r\n // updatesState.pts = stateResult.pts - 5000\r\n // updatesState.date = 1\r\n // getDifference()\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n Object.assign(this.updatesState, state);\r\n this.getDifference();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ApiUpdatesManager = ApiUpdatesManager;\r\nexports.default = new ApiUpdatesManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 33, "identifier": 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this.channelsByLocals[localStart] = channelID;\r\n this.channelLocals[channelID] = localStart;\r\n }\r\n return localStart + msgID;\r\n }\r\n getMessageIDInfo(fullMsgID) {\r\n if (fullMsgID < this.fullMsgIDModulus) {\r\n return [fullMsgID, 0];\r\n }\r\n var msgID = fullMsgID % this.fullMsgIDModulus;\r\n var channelID = this.channelsByLocals[fullMsgID - msgID];\r\n return [msgID, channelID];\r\n }\r\n getMessageLocalID(fullMsgID) {\r\n if (!fullMsgID) {\r\n return 0;\r\n }\r\n return fullMsgID % this.fullMsgIDModulus;\r\n }\r\n splitMessageIDsByChannels(mids) {\r\n var msgIDsByChannels = {};\r\n var midsByChannels = {};\r\n var i;\r\n var mid, msgChannel;\r\n var channelID;\r\n for (i = 0; i < mids.length; i++) {\r\n mid = mids[i];\r\n msgChannel = this.getMessageIDInfo(mid);\r\n channelID = msgChannel[1];\r\n if (msgIDsByChannels[channelID] === undefined) {\r\n msgIDsByChannels[channelID] = [];\r\n midsByChannels[channelID] = [];\r\n }\r\n msgIDsByChannels[channelID].push(msgChannel[0]);\r\n midsByChannels[channelID].push(mid);\r\n }\r\n return {\r\n msgIDs: msgIDsByChannels,\r\n mids: midsByChannels\r\n };\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppMessagesIDsManager = AppMessagesIDsManager;\r\nexports.default = new AppMessagesIDsManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 34, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\serverTimeManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/serverTimeManager.ts", "index": 50, "index2": 40, "size": 1249, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignQR.ts", "issuerId": 109, "issuerName": "./src/pages/pageSignQR.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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storage_1.default.get('server_time_offset').then((to) => {\r\n if (to) {\r\n this.serverTimeOffset = to;\r\n this.timeParams.serverTimeOffset = to;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ServerTimeManager = ServerTimeManager;\r\nexports.default = new ServerTimeManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 35, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\preloader.ts", "name": "./src/components/preloader.ts", "index": 53, "index2": 43, "size": 4241, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../lib/config\");\r\nconst cancellablePromise_1 = require(\"../helpers/cancellablePromise\");\r\nclass AppMediaPlaybackController {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.media = {};\r\n this.waitingMediaForLoad = {};\r\n this.onPause = (e) => {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('audio_pause');\r\n };\r\n this.onEnded = (e) => {\r\n this.onPause(e);\r\n //console.log('on media end');\r\n if (this.nextMid) {\r\n const media = this.media[this.nextMid];\r\n /* if(isSafari) {\r\n media.autoplay = true;\r\n } */\r\n this.resolveWaitingForLoadMedia(this.nextMid);\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n media.play(); //.catch(() => {});\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.container = document.createElement('div');\r\n //this.container.style.cssText = 'position: absolute; top: -10000px; left: -10000px;';\r\n this.container.style.cssText = 'display: none;';\r\n document.body.append(this.container);\r\n }\r\n addMedia(doc, mid, autoload = true) {\r\n if (this.media[mid])\r\n return this.media[mid];\r\n const media = document.createElement(doc.type == 'round' ? 'video' : 'audio');\r\n //const source = document.createElement('source');\r\n //source.type = doc.type == 'voice' && !opusDecodeController.isPlaySupported() ? 'audio/wav' : doc.mime_type;\r\n if (doc.type == 'round') {\r\n media.setAttribute('playsinline', '');\r\n }\r\n media.dataset.mid = '' + mid;\r\n media.dataset.type = doc.type;\r\n //media.autoplay = true;\r\n media.volume = 1;\r\n //media.append(source);\r\n this.container.append(media);\r\n media.addEventListener('playing', () => {\r\n if (this.playingMedia != media) {\r\n if (this.playingMedia && !this.playingMedia.paused) {\r\n this.playingMedia.pause();\r\n }\r\n this.playingMedia = media;\r\n this.loadSiblingsMedia(doc.type, mid);\r\n }\r\n // audio_pause не успеет сработать без таймаута\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('audio_play', { doc, mid });\r\n }, 0);\r\n });\r\n media.addEventListener('pause', this.onPause);\r\n media.addEventListener('ended', this.onEnded);\r\n const onError = (e) => {\r\n if (this.nextMid == mid) {\r\n this.loadSiblingsMedia(doc.type, mid).then(() => {\r\n if (this.nextMid && this.media[this.nextMid]) {\r\n this.media[this.nextMid].play();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n };\r\n media.addEventListener('error', onError);\r\n const deferred = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n if (autoload) {\r\n deferred.resolve();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.waitingMediaForLoad[mid] = deferred;\r\n }\r\n // если что - загрузит voice или round заранее, так правильнее\r\n const downloadPromise = !doc.supportsStreaming ? appDocsManager_1.default.downloadDocNew(doc) : Promise.resolve();\r\n Promise.all([deferred, downloadPromise]).then(() => {\r\n //media.autoplay = true;\r\n //console.log('will set media url:', media, doc, doc.type, doc.url);\r\n if (doc.type == 'audio' && doc.supportsStreaming && config_1.isSafari) {\r\n this.handleSafariStreamable(media);\r\n }\r\n media.src = doc.url;\r\n }, onError);\r\n return this.media[mid] = media;\r\n }\r\n // safari подгрузит последний чанк и песня включится,\r\n // при этом этот чанк нельзя руками отдать из SW, потому что браузер тогда теряется\r\n handleSafariStreamable(media) {\r\n media.addEventListener('play', () => {\r\n /* if(media.readyState == 4) { // https://developer.mozilla.org/ru/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/readyState\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n //media.volume = 0;\r\n const currentTime = media.currentTime;\r\n //this.setSafariBuffering(media, true);\r\n media.addEventListener('progress', () => {\r\n media.currentTime = media.duration - 1;\r\n media.addEventListener('progress', () => {\r\n media.currentTime = currentTime;\r\n //media.volume = 1;\r\n //this.setSafariBuffering(media, false);\r\n if (!media.paused) {\r\n media.play() /* .catch(() => {}) */;\r\n }\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n } /* , {once: true} */);\r\n }\r\n resolveWaitingForLoadMedia(mid) {\r\n const promise = this.waitingMediaForLoad[mid];\r\n if (promise) {\r\n promise.resolve();\r\n delete this.waitingMediaForLoad[mid];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Only for audio\r\n */\r\n isSafariBuffering(media) {\r\n /// @ts-ignore\r\n return !!media.safariBuffering;\r\n }\r\n setSafariBuffering(media, value) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n media.safariBuffering = value;\r\n }\r\n loadSiblingsMedia(type, mid) {\r\n const media = this.playingMedia;\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n this.prevMid = this.nextMid = 0;\r\n return appMessagesManager_1.default.getSearch(message.peerID, '', {\r\n //_: type == 'audio' ? 'inputMessagesFilterMusic' : (type == 'round' ? 'inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo' : 'inputMessagesFilterVoice')\r\n _: type == 'audio' ? 'inputMessagesFilterMusic' : 'inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice'\r\n }, mid, 3, 0, 2).then(value => {\r\n if (this.playingMedia != media) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n for (let m of value.history) {\r\n if (m > mid) {\r\n this.nextMid = m;\r\n }\r\n else if (m < mid) {\r\n this.prevMid = m;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n [this.prevMid, this.nextMid].filter(Boolean).forEach(mid => {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n this.addMedia(message.media.document, mid, false);\r\n });\r\n //console.log('loadSiblingsAudio', audio, type, mid, value, this.prevMid, this.nextMid);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n toggle() {\r\n if (!this.playingMedia)\r\n return;\r\n if (this.playingMedia.paused) {\r\n this.playingMedia.play();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.playingMedia.pause();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n pause() {\r\n if (!this.playingMedia || this.playingMedia.paused)\r\n return;\r\n this.playingMedia.pause();\r\n }\r\n willBePlayed(media) {\r\n this.willBePlayedMedia = media;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nconst appMediaPlaybackController = new AppMediaPlaybackController();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.appMediaPlaybackController = appMediaPlaybackController;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = appMediaPlaybackController;\r\n" }, { "id": 38, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\searchIndexManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/searchIndexManager.ts", "index": 47, "index2": 38, "size": 3779, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appUsersManager.ts", "issuerId": 5, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appUsersManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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cleanUsername(username) {\r\n return username && username.toLowerCase() || '';\r\n }\r\n indexObject(id, searchText, searchIndex) {\r\n if (searchIndex.fullTexts[id] !== undefined) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n searchText = this.cleanSearchText(searchText);\r\n if (!searchText.length) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n const shortIndexes = searchIndex.shortIndexes;\r\n searchIndex.fullTexts[id] = searchText;\r\n searchText.split(' ').forEach((searchWord) => {\r\n let len = Math.min(searchWord.length, 3), wordPart, i;\r\n for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {\r\n wordPart = searchWord.substr(0, i);\r\n if (shortIndexes[wordPart] === undefined) {\r\n shortIndexes[wordPart] = [id];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n shortIndexes[wordPart].push(id);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n search(query, searchIndex) {\r\n const shortIndexes = searchIndex.shortIndexes;\r\n const fullTexts = searchIndex.fullTexts;\r\n query = this.cleanSearchText(query);\r\n const queryWords = query.split(' ');\r\n let foundObjs = false, newFoundObjs, i;\r\n let j, searchText;\r\n let found;\r\n for (i = 0; i < queryWords.length; i++) {\r\n newFoundObjs = shortIndexes[queryWords[i].substr(0, 3)];\r\n if (!newFoundObjs) {\r\n foundObjs = [];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if (foundObjs === false || foundObjs.length > newFoundObjs.length) {\r\n foundObjs = newFoundObjs;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n newFoundObjs = {};\r\n for (j = 0; j < foundObjs.length; j++) {\r\n found = true;\r\n searchText = fullTexts[foundObjs[j]];\r\n for (i = 0; i < queryWords.length; i++) {\r\n if (searchText.indexOf(queryWords[i]) == -1) {\r\n found = false;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (found) {\r\n newFoundObjs[foundObjs[j]] = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return newFoundObjs;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n SearchIndexManager.badCharsRe = /[`~!@#$%^&*()\\-_=+\\[\\]\\\\|{}'\";:\\/?.>,<]+/g;\r\n SearchIndexManager.trimRe = /^\\s+|\\s$/g;\r\n return SearchIndexManager;\r\n})();\r\nexports.default = new SearchIndexManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 39, "identifier": 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"./src/lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./appPollsManager", "loc": "35:42-70" }, { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./appPollsManager", "loc": "40:42-70" }, { "moduleId": 58, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\poll.ts", "module": "./src/components/poll.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/poll.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../lib/appManagers/appPollsManager", "loc": "7:42-87" }, { "moduleId": 86, "moduleIdentifier": 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__importDefault(require(\"./appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst apiUpdatesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./apiUpdatesManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nclass AppPollsManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.polls = {};\r\n this.results = {};\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('POLLS', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e) => {\r\n let update = e.detail;\r\n this.handleUpdate(update);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n handleUpdate(update) {\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateMessagePoll': { // when someone voted, we too\r\n this.log('updateMessagePoll:', update);\r\n let poll = update.poll;\r\n if (!poll) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n poll = this.savePoll(poll, update.results);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('poll_update', { poll, results: update.results });\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n default:\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n savePoll(poll, results) {\r\n const id = poll.id;\r\n if (this.polls[id]) {\r\n poll = Object.assign(this.polls[id], poll);\r\n this.saveResults(poll, results);\r\n return poll;\r\n }\r\n this.polls[id] = poll;\r\n poll.rQuestion = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(poll.question);\r\n poll.rReply = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText('📊') + ' ' + (poll.rQuestion || 'poll');\r\n poll.chosenIndexes = [];\r\n this.saveResults(poll, results);\r\n return poll;\r\n }\r\n saveResults(poll, results) {\r\n var _a;\r\n this.results[poll.id] = results;\r\n poll.chosenIndexes.length = 0;\r\n if ((_a = results === null || results === void 0 ? void 0 : results.results) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) {\r\n results.results.forEach((answer, idx) => {\r\n var _a;\r\n if ((_a = answer.pFlags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.chosen) {\r\n poll.chosenIndexes.push(idx);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n getPoll(pollID) {\r\n return {\r\n poll: this.polls[pollID],\r\n results: this.results[pollID]\r\n };\r\n }\r\n sendVote(mid, optionIDs) {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n const poll = message.media.poll;\r\n const options = optionIDs.map(index => {\r\n return poll.answers[index].option;\r\n });\r\n const inputPeer = appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(message.peerID);\r\n const messageID = message.id;\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.sendVote', {\r\n peer: inputPeer,\r\n msg_id: messageID,\r\n options\r\n }).then(updates => {\r\n this.log('sendVote updates:', updates);\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getResults(mid) {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n const inputPeer = appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(message.peerID);\r\n const messageID = message.id;\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getPollResults', {\r\n peer: inputPeer,\r\n msg_id: messageID\r\n }).then(updates => {\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.processUpdateMessage(updates);\r\n this.log('getResults updates:', updates);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getVotes(mid, option, offset, limit = 20) {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n const inputPeer = appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(message.peerID);\r\n const messageID = message.id;\r\n let flags = 0;\r\n if (option) {\r\n flags |= 1 << 0;\r\n }\r\n if (offset) {\r\n flags |= 1 << 1;\r\n }\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getPollVotes', {\r\n flags,\r\n peer: inputPeer,\r\n id: messageID,\r\n option,\r\n offset,\r\n limit\r\n }).then((votesList) => {\r\n this.log('getPollVotes messages:', votesList);\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUsers(votesList.users);\r\n return votesList;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nconst appPollsManager = new AppPollsManager();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.appPollsManager = appPollsManager;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = appPollsManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 40, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appStateManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appStateManager.ts", "index": 56, "index2": 49, "size": 8581, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appUsersManager.ts", "issuerId": 5, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appUsersManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 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__importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppStateManager = void 0;\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst appMessagesIDsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesIDsManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst apiUpdatesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./apiUpdatesManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst REFRESH_EVERY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 1 day\r\nclass AppStateManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('STATE' /* , LogLevels.error */);\r\n this.state = {};\r\n this.loadSavedState();\r\n }\r\n loadSavedState() {\r\n if (this.loaded)\r\n return this.loaded;\r\n return this.loaded = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n storage_1.default.get('state').then((state) => {\r\n var _a;\r\n const time = Date.now();\r\n if (((_a = state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.stateCreatedTime) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0) + REFRESH_EVERY < time) {\r\n this.log('will refresh state', state.stateCreatedTime, time);\r\n ['dialogs', 'allDialogsLoaded', 'messages', 'contactsList', 'stateCreatedTime',\r\n 'updates', 'maxSeenMsgID', 'filters', 'topPeers'].forEach(key => {\r\n delete state[key];\r\n });\r\n //state = {};\r\n }\r\n const { dialogs, allDialogsLoaded, peers, messages, contactsList, maxSeenMsgID, updates, filters } = state;\r\n this.state = state || {};\r\n this.state.peers = peers || {};\r\n if (!this.state.hasOwnProperty('stateCreatedTime')) {\r\n this.state.stateCreatedTime = Date.now();\r\n }\r\n this.log('state res', dialogs, messages);\r\n if (maxSeenMsgID && !appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageIDInfo(maxSeenMsgID)[1]) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.maxSeenID = maxSeenMsgID;\r\n }\r\n //return resolve();\r\n if (peers) {\r\n for (let peerID in peers) {\r\n let peer = peers[peerID];\r\n if (+peerID < 0)\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.saveApiChat(peer);\r\n else\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.saveApiUser(peer);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (contactsList && Array.isArray(contactsList) && contactsList.length) {\r\n contactsList.forEach(userID => {\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.pushContact(userID);\r\n });\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.contactsFillPromise = Promise.resolve(appUsersManager_1.default.contactsList);\r\n }\r\n if (messages) {\r\n /* let tempID = this.tempID;\r\n \r\n for(let message of messages) {\r\n if(message.id < tempID) {\r\n tempID = message.id;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n if(tempID != this.tempID) {\r\n this.log('Set tempID to:', tempID);\r\n this.tempID = tempID;\r\n } */\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.saveMessages(messages);\r\n // FIX FILE_REFERENCE_EXPIRED KOSTIL'1999\r\n for (let message of messages) {\r\n if (message.media) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.wrapSingleMessage(message.mid, true);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (allDialogsLoaded) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.allDialogsLoaded = allDialogsLoaded;\r\n }\r\n if (filters) {\r\n for (const filterID in filters) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.saveDialogFilter(filters[filterID], false);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (dialogs) {\r\n dialogs.forEachReverse(dialog => {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.saveConversation(dialog);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n apiUpdatesManager_1.default.attach(updates !== null && updates !== void 0 ? updates : null);\r\n resolve(state);\r\n }).catch(resolve).finally(() => {\r\n setInterval(() => this.saveState(), 10000);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getState() {\r\n return this.loadSavedState();\r\n }\r\n saveState() {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n const messages = [];\r\n const dialogs = [];\r\n const peers = this.state.peers;\r\n for (const folderID in appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.byFolders) {\r\n const folder = appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.getFolder(+folderID);\r\n for (let dialog of folder) {\r\n const historyStorage = appMessagesManager_1.default.historiesStorage[dialog.peerID];\r\n const history = [].concat((_a = historyStorage === null || historyStorage === void 0 ? void 0 : historyStorage.pending) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [], (_b = historyStorage === null || historyStorage === void 0 ? void 0 : historyStorage.history) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : []);\r\n dialog = utils_1.copy(dialog);\r\n let removeUnread = 0;\r\n for (const mid of history) {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n if ( /* message._ != 'messageEmpty' && */message.id > 0) {\r\n messages.push(message);\r\n if (message.fromID != dialog.peerID) {\r\n peers[message.fromID] = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeer(message.fromID);\r\n }\r\n dialog.top_message = message.mid;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n else if (message.pFlags && message.pFlags.unread) {\r\n ++removeUnread;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (removeUnread && dialog.unread_count)\r\n dialog.unread_count -= removeUnread;\r\n dialogs.push(dialog);\r\n peers[dialog.peerID] = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeer(dialog.peerID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const us = apiUpdatesManager_1.default.updatesState;\r\n const updates = {\r\n seq: us.seq,\r\n pts: us.pts,\r\n date: us.date\r\n };\r\n const contactsList = [...appUsersManager_1.default.contactsList];\r\n for (const userID of contactsList) {\r\n if (!peers[userID]) {\r\n peers[userID] = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(userID);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const filters = appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.filters;\r\n //const pinnedOrders = appMessagesManager.dialogsStorage.pinnedOrders;\r\n storage_1.default.set({\r\n state: Object.assign({}, this.state, {\r\n dialogs,\r\n messages,\r\n allDialogsLoaded: appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.allDialogsLoaded,\r\n peers,\r\n contactsList,\r\n filters,\r\n //pinnedOrders,\r\n updates,\r\n maxSeenMsgID: appMessagesManager_1.default.maxSeenID\r\n })\r\n });\r\n }\r\n pushToState(key, value) {\r\n this.state[key] = value;\r\n }\r\n pushPeer(peerID) {\r\n this.state.peers[peerID] = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeer(peerID);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppStateManager = AppStateManager;\r\nconst appStateManager = new AppStateManager();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.appStateManager = appStateManager;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = appStateManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 41, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\avatar.ts", "name": "./src/components/avatar.ts", "index": 58, "index2": 51, "size": 2864, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": 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"../../components/avatar", "loc": "34:33-67" }, { "moduleId": 16, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appDialogsManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/avatar", "loc": "27:33-67" }, { "moduleId": 36, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\popup.ts", "module": "./src/components/popup.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/popup.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./avatar", "loc": "7:33-52" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst appProfileManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appProfileManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nutils_1.$rootScope.$on('avatar_update', (e) => {\r\n let peerID = e.detail;\r\n appProfileManager_1.default.removeFromAvatarsCache(peerID);\r\n Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('avatar-element[peer=\"' + peerID + '\"]')).forEach(elem => {\r\n //console.log('updating avatar:', elem);\r\n elem.update();\r\n });\r\n});\r\nclass AvatarElement extends HTMLElement {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super();\r\n this.isDialog = false;\r\n // элемент создан\r\n }\r\n connectedCallback() {\r\n // браузер вызывает этот метод при добавлении элемента в документ\r\n // (может вызываться много раз, если элемент многократно добавляется/удаляется)\r\n this.isDialog = !!this.getAttribute('dialog');\r\n }\r\n disconnectedCallback() {\r\n // браузер вызывает этот метод при удалении элемента из документа\r\n // (может вызываться много раз, если элемент многократно добавляется/удаляется)\r\n }\r\n static get observedAttributes() {\r\n return ['peer', 'dialog', 'peer-title' /* массив имён атрибутов для отслеживания их изменений */];\r\n }\r\n attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {\r\n //console.log('avatar changed attribute:', name, oldValue, newValue);\r\n // вызывается при изменении одного из перечисленных выше атрибутов\r\n if (name == 'peer') {\r\n if (this.peerID == +newValue) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.peerID = +newValue;\r\n this.update();\r\n }\r\n else if (name == 'peer-title') {\r\n this.peerTitle = newValue;\r\n }\r\n else if (name == 'dialog') {\r\n this.isDialog = !!+newValue;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n update() {\r\n appProfileManager_1.default.putPhoto(this, this.peerID, this.isDialog, this.peerTitle);\r\n }\r\n adoptedCallback() {\r\n // вызывается, когда элемент перемещается в новый документ\r\n // (происходит в document.adoptNode, используется очень редко)\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AvatarElement;\r\ncustomElements.define(\"avatar-element\", AvatarElement);\r\n" }, { "id": 42, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\appForward.ts", "name": "./src/components/appForward.ts", "index": 67, "index2": 60, "size": 3152, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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__importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"./misc\");\r\nconst appSelectPeers_1 = require(\"./appSelectPeers\");\r\nclass AppForward {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.getElementById('forward-container');\r\n this.closeBtn = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n this.sendBtn = this.container.querySelector('.btn-circle');\r\n this.msgIDs = [];\r\n this.closeBtn.addEventListener('click', this.close.bind(this));\r\n this.sendBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n let peerIDs = this.selector.getSelected();\r\n if (this.msgIDs.length && peerIDs.length) {\r\n this.sendBtn.classList.remove('tgico-send');\r\n this.sendBtn.disabled = true;\r\n misc_1.putPreloader(this.sendBtn);\r\n this.selector.freezed = true;\r\n let s = () => {\r\n let promises = peerIDs.splice(0, 3).map(peerID => {\r\n return appMessagesManager_1.default.forwardMessages(peerID, this.msgIDs);\r\n });\r\n Promise.all(promises).then(() => {\r\n if (peerIDs.length) {\r\n return s();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.closeBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n };\r\n s();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n close() {\r\n (this.sidebarWasActive ? Promise.resolve() : appSidebarRight_1.default.toggleSidebar(false)).then(() => {\r\n this.cleanup();\r\n this.container.classList.remove('active');\r\n });\r\n }\r\n cleanup() {\r\n if (this.selector) {\r\n this.selector.container.remove();\r\n this.selector = null;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n init(ids) {\r\n this.cleanup();\r\n this.msgIDs = ids;\r\n this.container.classList.add('active');\r\n this.sendBtn.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.sendBtn.classList.add('tgico-send');\r\n this.sendBtn.disabled = false;\r\n this.selector = new appSelectPeers_1.AppSelectPeers(this.container, (length) => {\r\n if (length) {\r\n this.sendBtn.classList.add('is-visible');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.sendBtn.classList.remove('is-visible');\r\n }\r\n }, ['dialogs', 'contacts'], () => {\r\n //console.log('forward rendered:', this.container.querySelector('.selector ul').childElementCount);\r\n this.sidebarWasActive = appSidebarRight_1.default.sidebarEl.classList.contains('active');\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.toggleSidebar(true);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = new AppForward();\r\n" }, { "id": 43, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\appSearch.ts", "name": "./src/components/appSearch.ts", "index": 74, "index2": 67, "size": 11163, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "issuerId": 24, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\newGroup.ts", "module": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/newGroup.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/newGroup.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../appSearch", "loc": "25:20-43" }, { "moduleId": 107, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\search.ts", "module": "./src/components/chat/search.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/chat/search.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../appSearch", "loc": "28:33-56" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.SearchGroup = void 0;\r\nconst appDialogsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager\"));\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst appMessagesIDsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appMessagesIDsManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"./misc\");\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager\"));\r\nclass SearchGroup {\r\n constructor(name, type, clearable = true, className, clickable = true) {\r\n this.name = name;\r\n this.type = type;\r\n this.clearable = clearable;\r\n this.list = document.createElement('ul');\r\n this.container = document.createElement('div');\r\n if (className)\r\n this.container.className = className;\r\n if (name) {\r\n this.nameEl = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.nameEl.classList.add('search-group__name');\r\n this.nameEl.innerText = name;\r\n this.container.append(this.nameEl);\r\n }\r\n this.container.classList.add('search-group', 'search-group-' + type);\r\n this.container.append(this.list);\r\n this.container.style.display = 'none';\r\n if (clickable) {\r\n appDialogsManager_1.default.setListClickListener(this.list);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n clear() {\r\n this.container.style.display = 'none';\r\n if (this.clearable) {\r\n this.list.innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setActive() {\r\n this.container.style.display = '';\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.SearchGroup = SearchGroup;\r\nclass AppSearch {\r\n constructor(container, searchInput, searchGroups, onSearch) {\r\n this.container = container;\r\n this.searchInput = searchInput;\r\n this.searchGroups = searchGroups;\r\n this.onSearch = onSearch;\r\n this.minMsgID = 0;\r\n this.loadedCount = -1;\r\n this.foundCount = -1;\r\n this.offsetRate = 0;\r\n this.loadedContacts = false;\r\n this.searchPromise = null;\r\n this.searchTimeout = 0;\r\n this.query = '';\r\n this.listsContainer = null;\r\n this.peerID = 0; // 0 - means global\r\n this.scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.container);\r\n this.listsContainer = this.scrollable.container;\r\n for (let i in this.searchGroups) {\r\n this.listsContainer.append(this.searchGroups[i].container);\r\n }\r\n if (this.searchGroups.messages) {\r\n this.scrollable.setVirtualContainer(this.searchGroups.messages.list);\r\n }\r\n this.searchInput.onChange = (value) => {\r\n /* if(!value.trim()) {\r\n //this.peerID = 0;\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n this.query = value;\r\n this.reset(false);\r\n this.searchMore();\r\n };\r\n this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = () => {\r\n if (!this.query.trim())\r\n return;\r\n if (!this.searchTimeout) {\r\n this.searchTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.searchMore();\r\n this.searchTimeout = 0;\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n }\r\n reset(all = true) {\r\n if (all) {\r\n this.searchInput.value = '';\r\n this.query = '';\r\n this.peerID = 0;\r\n }\r\n this.minMsgID = 0;\r\n this.loadedCount = -1;\r\n this.foundCount = -1;\r\n this.offsetRate = 0;\r\n this.loadedContacts = false;\r\n for (let i in this.searchGroups) {\r\n this.searchGroups[i].clear();\r\n }\r\n this.searchPromise = null;\r\n }\r\n beginSearch(peerID) {\r\n if (peerID) {\r\n this.peerID = peerID;\r\n }\r\n this.searchInput.input.focus();\r\n }\r\n renderSaved() {\r\n const group = this.searchGroups.contacts;\r\n let { dialog, dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(utils_1.$rootScope.myID, group.list, false);\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = 'chat with yourself';\r\n group.setActive();\r\n }\r\n searchMore() {\r\n if (this.searchPromise)\r\n return this.searchPromise;\r\n const query = this.query;\r\n if (!query.trim()) {\r\n this.onSearch && this.onSearch(0);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (this.foundCount != -1 && this.loadedCount >= this.foundCount) {\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n }\r\n const maxID = appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageIDInfo(this.minMsgID)[0] || 0;\r\n if (!this.peerID && !maxID && !this.loadedContacts) {\r\n let renderedSaved = false;\r\n if ('saved messages'.includes(query.toLowerCase())\r\n || appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(utils_1.$rootScope.myID).sortName.includes(query.toLowerCase()) /* && this.searchGroups.hasOwnProperty('saved') */) {\r\n this.renderSaved();\r\n renderedSaved = true;\r\n }\r\n appUsersManager_1.default.searchContacts(query, 20).then((contacts) => {\r\n if (this.searchInput.value != query) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.loadedContacts = true;\r\n // set saved message as first peer to render\r\n const peer = contacts.my_results.findAndSplice(p => p.user_id == utils_1.$rootScope.myID);\r\n if (peer) {\r\n contacts.my_results.unshift(peer);\r\n }\r\n //console.log('input search contacts result:', contacts);\r\n let setResults = (results, group, showMembersCount = false) => {\r\n results.forEach((inputPeer) => {\r\n let peerID = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerID(inputPeer);\r\n if (peerID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID) {\r\n if (!renderedSaved) {\r\n this.renderSaved();\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let peer = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeer(peerID);\r\n let originalDialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(peerID)[0];\r\n //////////this.log('contacts peer', peer);\r\n if (!originalDialog) {\r\n /////////this.log('no original dialog by peerID:', peerID);\r\n originalDialog = {\r\n peerID: peerID,\r\n pFlags: {},\r\n peer: peer\r\n };\r\n }\r\n let { dialog, dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(originalDialog, group.list, false);\r\n if (showMembersCount && (peer.participants_count || peer.participants)) {\r\n let regExp = new RegExp(`(${utils_1.escapeRegExp(query)})`, 'gi');\r\n dom.titleSpan.innerHTML = dom.titleSpan.innerHTML.replace(regExp, '$1');\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerText = appChatsManager_1.default.getChatMembersString(-peerID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let username = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerUsername(peerID);\r\n if (!username) {\r\n let user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(peerID);\r\n if (user && user.phone) {\r\n username = '+' + misc_1.formatPhoneNumber(user.phone).formatted;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n username = '@' + username;\r\n }\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = '' + username + '';\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (results.length)\r\n group.setActive();\r\n else if (renderedSaved) { // удалить все пункты снизу\r\n Array.from(group.list.children).slice(1).forEach(c => c.remove());\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n group.clear();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n setResults(contacts.my_results, this.searchGroups.contacts, true);\r\n setResults(contacts.results, this.searchGroups.globalContacts);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return this.searchPromise = appMessagesManager_1.default.getSearch(this.peerID, query, null, maxID, 20, this.offsetRate).then(res => {\r\n this.searchPromise = null;\r\n if (this.searchInput.value != query) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('input search result:', this.peerID, query, null, maxID, 20, res);\r\n const { count, history, next_rate } = res;\r\n if (history[0] == this.minMsgID) {\r\n history.shift();\r\n }\r\n const searchGroup = this.searchGroups.messages;\r\n searchGroup.setActive();\r\n history.forEach((msgID) => {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(msgID);\r\n let originalDialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(message.peerID)[0];\r\n if (!originalDialog) {\r\n ////////this.log('no original dialog by message:', message);\r\n originalDialog = {\r\n peerID: message.peerID,\r\n pFlags: {},\r\n peer: message.to_id\r\n };\r\n }\r\n const { dialog, dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(originalDialog, this.scrollable /* searchGroup.list */, false);\r\n appDialogsManager_1.default.setLastMessage(dialog, message, dom, query);\r\n });\r\n this.minMsgID = history[history.length - 1];\r\n this.offsetRate = next_rate;\r\n this.loadedCount += history.length;\r\n if (this.loadedCount == -1) {\r\n this.loadedCount = 0;\r\n }\r\n if (this.foundCount == -1) {\r\n this.foundCount = count;\r\n this.onSearch && this.onSearch(this.foundCount);\r\n }\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n console.error('search error', err);\r\n this.searchPromise = null;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppSearch;\r\n" }, { "id": 44, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appStickersManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appStickersManager.ts", "index": 78, "index2": 70, "size": 10171, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, 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"../lib/appManagers/appStickersManager", "loc": "7:45-93" }, { "moduleId": 85, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarRight\\stickers.ts", "module": "./src/components/sidebarRight/stickers.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/sidebarRight/stickers.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../lib/appManagers/appStickersManager", "loc": "30:45-96" }, { "moduleId": 102, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\emoticonsDropdown\\tabs\\stickers.ts", "module": "./src/components/emoticonsDropdown/tabs/stickers.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/emoticonsDropdown/tabs/stickers.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../../lib/appManagers/appStickersManager", "loc": "37:45-99" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\n//import apiManager from '../mtproto/apiManager';\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nclass AppStickersManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.stickerSets = {};\r\n this.hashes = {\r\n featured: {},\r\n search: {}\r\n };\r\n storage_1.default.get('stickerSets').then((sets) => {\r\n if (sets) {\r\n for (let id in sets) {\r\n let set = sets[id];\r\n this.saveStickers(set.documents);\r\n }\r\n this.stickerSets = sets;\r\n }\r\n //if(!this.stickerSets['emoji']) {\r\n this.getStickerSet({ id: 'emoji', access_hash: '' }, { overwrite: true });\r\n //}\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e) => {\r\n const update = e.detail;\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateNewStickerSet': {\r\n this.saveStickerSet(update.stickerset, update.stickerset.set.id);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('stickers_installed', update.stickerset.set);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n saveStickers(docs) {\r\n docs.forEachReverse((doc, idx) => {\r\n doc = appDocsManager_1.default.saveDoc(doc);\r\n if (!doc)\r\n docs.splice(idx, 1);\r\n else\r\n docs[idx] = doc;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getStickerSet(set, params = {}) {\r\n var _a;\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (this.stickerSets[set.id] && !params.overwrite && ((_a = this.stickerSets[set.id].documents) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length))\r\n return this.stickerSets[set.id];\r\n const stickerSet = yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getStickerSet', {\r\n stickerset: this.getStickerSetInput(set)\r\n });\r\n this.saveStickerSet(stickerSet, set.id);\r\n return stickerSet;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getRecentStickers() {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const res = yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getRecentStickers', { flags: 0, hash: 0 });\r\n if (res._ == 'messages.recentStickers') {\r\n this.saveStickers(res.stickers);\r\n }\r\n return res;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getAnimatedEmojiSticker(emoji) {\r\n let stickerSet = this.stickerSets.emoji;\r\n if (!stickerSet || !stickerSet.documents)\r\n return undefined;\r\n emoji = emoji.replace(/\\ufe0f/g, '').replace(/🏻|🏼|🏽|🏾|🏿/g, '');\r\n return stickerSet.documents.find(doc => doc.stickerEmojiRaw == emoji);\r\n }\r\n saveStickerSet(res, id) {\r\n //console.log('stickers save set', res);w\r\n const newSet = {\r\n _: 'messages.stickerSet',\r\n set: res.set,\r\n packs: res.packs,\r\n documents: res.documents\r\n };\r\n if (this.stickerSets[id]) {\r\n Object.assign(this.stickerSets[id], newSet);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.stickerSets[id] = newSet;\r\n }\r\n this.saveStickers(res.documents);\r\n //console.log('stickers wrote', this.stickerSets);\r\n if (this.saveSetsTimeout)\r\n return;\r\n this.saveSetsTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n const savedSets = {};\r\n for (const id in this.stickerSets) {\r\n const set = this.stickerSets[id];\r\n if (set.set.installed_date || id == 'emoji') {\r\n savedSets[id] = set;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n storage_1.default.set({\r\n stickerSets: savedSets\r\n });\r\n this.saveSetsTimeout = 0;\r\n }, 100);\r\n }\r\n getStickerSetThumbDownloadOptions(stickerSet) {\r\n var _a;\r\n const thumb = stickerSet.thumb;\r\n const dcID = stickerSet.thumb_dc_id;\r\n const isAnimated = (_a = stickerSet.pFlags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.animated;\r\n const input = {\r\n _: 'inputStickerSetThumb',\r\n stickerset: this.getStickerSetInput(stickerSet),\r\n volume_id: thumb.location.volume_id,\r\n local_id: thumb.location.local_id\r\n };\r\n return { dcID, location: input, size: thumb.size, mimeType: isAnimated ? \"application/x-tgsticker\" : 'image/webp' };\r\n }\r\n /* public getStickerSetThumbURL(stickerSet: MTStickerSet) {\r\n const thumb = stickerSet.thumb;\r\n const dcID = stickerSet.thumb_dc_id;\r\n \r\n const isAnimated = stickerSet.pFlags?.animated;\r\n \r\n const input: inputStickerSetThumb = {\r\n _: 'inputStickerSetThumb',\r\n stickerset: this.getStickerSetInput(stickerSet),\r\n volume_id: thumb.location.volume_id,\r\n local_id: thumb.location.local_id\r\n };\r\n \r\n const url = getFileURL('document', this.getStickerSetThumbDownloadOptions(stickerSet));\r\n return url;\r\n \r\n //return promise;\r\n } */\r\n getStickerSetInput(set) {\r\n return set.id == 'emoji' ? {\r\n _: 'inputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji'\r\n } : {\r\n _: 'inputStickerSetID',\r\n id: set.id,\r\n access_hash: set.access_hash\r\n };\r\n }\r\n getFeaturedStickers() {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const res = yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getFeaturedStickers', {\r\n hash: ((_a = this.hashes.featured) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hash) || 0\r\n });\r\n const hashed = (_b = this.hashes.featured) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : (this.hashes.featured = {});\r\n if (res._ != 'messages.featuredStickersNotModified') {\r\n hashed.hash = res.hash;\r\n hashed.result = res.sets;\r\n }\r\n hashed.result.forEach(covered => {\r\n this.saveStickerSet({ set: covered.set, documents: [], packs: [] }, covered.set.id);\r\n });\r\n return hashed.result;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n toggleStickerSet(set) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (set.installed_date) {\r\n const res = yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.uninstallStickerSet', {\r\n stickerset: this.getStickerSetInput(set)\r\n });\r\n if (res) {\r\n delete set.installed_date;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('stickers_deleted', set);\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const res = yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.installStickerSet', {\r\n stickerset: this.getStickerSetInput(set),\r\n archived: false\r\n });\r\n if (res) {\r\n set.installed_date = Date.now() / 1000 | 0;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('stickers_installed', set);\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n searchStickerSets(query, excludeFeatured = true) {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const flags = excludeFeatured ? 1 : 0;\r\n const res = yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.searchStickerSets', {\r\n flags,\r\n exclude_featured: excludeFeatured || undefined,\r\n q: query,\r\n hash: ((_a = this.hashes.search[query]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hash) || 0\r\n });\r\n const hashed = (_b = this.hashes.search[query]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : (this.hashes.search[query] = {});\r\n if (res._ != 'messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified') {\r\n hashed.hash = res.hash;\r\n hashed.result = res.sets;\r\n }\r\n hashed.result.forEach(covered => {\r\n this.saveStickerSet({ set: covered.set, documents: [], packs: [] }, covered.set.id);\r\n });\r\n const foundSaved = [];\r\n for (let id in this.stickerSets) {\r\n const { set } = this.stickerSets[id];\r\n if (set.title.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase()) && !hashed.result.find(c => c.set.id == set.id)) {\r\n foundSaved.push({ _: 'stickerSetCovered', set, cover: null });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return hashed.result.concat(foundSaved);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n cleanup() {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n yield storage_1.default.remove('stickerSets');\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nconst appStickersManager = new AppStickersManager();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.appStickersManager = appStickersManager;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = appStickersManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 45, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\toast.ts", "name": "./src/components/toast.ts", "index": 83, "index2": 74, "size": 524, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": 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*/\r\n this.container.classList.remove('hide');\r\n void this.container.offsetWidth; // reflow\r\n this.container.classList.add('active');\r\n this.cropper = cropper_1.default(this.image, this.canvas);\r\n this.input.value = '';\r\n };\r\n };\r\n reader.readAsDataURL(file);\r\n }, false);\r\n // apply\r\n this.container.querySelector('.btn-crop').addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.cropper.crop();\r\n this.closeBtn.click();\r\n this.canvas.toBlob(blob => {\r\n this.blob = blob; // save blob to send after reg\r\n this.darkenCanvas();\r\n this.resolve();\r\n }, 'image/jpeg', 1);\r\n });\r\n this.closeBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.cropper.removeHandlers();\r\n if (this.image) {\r\n this.image.remove();\r\n }\r\n this.container.classList.add('hide');\r\n }, 200);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n resolve() {\r\n this.onCrop(() => {\r\n return appDownloadManager_1.default.upload(this.blob);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n open(postCanvas, onCrop) {\r\n this.canvas = postCanvas;\r\n this.onCrop = onCrop;\r\n this.input.click();\r\n }\r\n darkenCanvas() {\r\n let ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');\r\n ctx.fillStyle = \"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)\";\r\n ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.PopupAvatar = PopupAvatar;\r\nexports.default = new PopupAvatar();\r\n" }, { "id": 47, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\emoticonsDropdown\\index.ts", "name": "./src/components/emoticonsDropdown/index.ts", "index": 99, "index2": 96, "size": 13705, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\input.ts", "issuerId": 98, "issuerName": "./src/components/chat/input.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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__importDefault(require(\"../lazyLoadQueue\"));\r\nconst gifs_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./tabs/gifs\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../../lib/config\");\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst horizontalMenu_1 = require(\"../horizontalMenu\");\r\nconst animationIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../animationIntersector\"));\r\nconst appSidebarRight_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight\"));\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nconst emoji_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./tabs/emoji\"));\r\nconst stickers_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./tabs/stickers\"));\r\nconst stickyIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../stickyIntersector\"));\r\nexports.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP = 'emoticons-dropdown';\r\nconst test = false;\r\nlet EmoticonsDropdown = /** @class */ (() => {\r\n class EmoticonsDropdown {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.tabID = -1;\r\n this.events = {\r\n onClose: [],\r\n onCloseAfter: [],\r\n onOpen: [],\r\n onOpenAfter: []\r\n };\r\n this.toggle = (enable) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n //if(!this.element) return;\r\n const willBeActive = (!!this.element.style.display && enable === undefined) || enable;\r\n if (this.init) {\r\n if (willBeActive) {\r\n this.init();\r\n this.init = null;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n this.toggleEl.classList.toggle('flip-icon', willBeActive);\r\n if (willBeActive) {\r\n appImManager_1.default.chatInputC.saveScroll();\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n document.activeElement.blur();\r\n yield new Promise((resolve) => {\r\n setTimeout(resolve, 100);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.toggleEl.classList.toggle('active', enable);\r\n }\r\n if ((this.element.style.display && enable === undefined) || enable) {\r\n this.events.onOpen.forEach(cb => cb());\r\n EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue.lock();\r\n //EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue.unlock();\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.lockIntersectionGroup(exports.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n this.element.style.display = '';\r\n void this.element.offsetLeft; // reflow\r\n this.element.classList.add('active');\r\n clearTimeout(this.displayTimeout);\r\n this.displayTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.unlockIntersectionGroup(exports.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue.unlock();\r\n EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue.refresh();\r\n this.events.onOpenAfter.forEach(cb => cb());\r\n }, config_1.touchSupport ? 0 : 200);\r\n /* if(touchSupport) {\r\n this.restoreScroll();\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.events.onClose.forEach(cb => cb());\r\n EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue.lock();\r\n //EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue.lock();\r\n // нужно залочить группу и выключить стикеры\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.lockIntersectionGroup(exports.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(true, exports.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n this.element.classList.remove('active');\r\n clearTimeout(this.displayTimeout);\r\n this.displayTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.element.style.display = 'none';\r\n // теперь можно убрать visible, чтобы они не включились после фокуса\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.unlockIntersectionGroup(exports.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue.unlock();\r\n EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue.refresh();\r\n this.events.onCloseAfter.forEach(cb => cb());\r\n }, config_1.touchSupport ? 0 : 200);\r\n /* if(touchSupport) {\r\n this.restoreScroll();\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n //animationIntersector.checkAnimations(false, EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n });\r\n this.element = document.getElementById('emoji-dropdown');\r\n let firstTime = true;\r\n this.toggleEl = document.getElementById('toggle-emoticons');\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n this.toggleEl.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n if (firstTime) {\r\n firstTime = false;\r\n this.toggle(true);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.toggle();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.toggleEl.onmouseover = (e) => {\r\n clearTimeout(this.displayTimeout);\r\n //this.displayTimeout = setTimeout(() => {\r\n if (firstTime) {\r\n this.toggleEl.onmouseout = this.element.onmouseout = (e) => {\r\n if (test)\r\n return;\r\n if (!this.element.classList.contains('active'))\r\n return;\r\n const toElement = e.toElement;\r\n if (toElement && utils_1.findUpClassName(toElement, 'emoji-dropdown')) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n clearTimeout(this.displayTimeout);\r\n this.displayTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.toggle(false);\r\n }, 200);\r\n };\r\n this.element.onmouseover = (e) => {\r\n clearTimeout(this.displayTimeout);\r\n };\r\n firstTime = false;\r\n }\r\n this.toggle(true);\r\n //}, 0/* 200 */);\r\n };\r\n }\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n this.emojiTab = new emoji_1.default();\r\n this.stickersTab = new stickers_1.default();\r\n this.gifsTab = new gifs_1.default();\r\n this.tabs = {\r\n 0: this.emojiTab,\r\n 1: this.stickersTab,\r\n 2: this.gifsTab\r\n };\r\n this.container = this.element.querySelector('.emoji-container .tabs-container');\r\n this.tabsEl = this.element.querySelector('.emoji-tabs');\r\n horizontalMenu_1.horizontalMenu(this.tabsEl, this.container, (id) => {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(true, exports.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n this.tabID = id;\r\n this.searchButton.classList.toggle('hide', this.tabID == 0);\r\n this.deleteBtn.classList.toggle('hide', this.tabID != 0);\r\n }, () => {\r\n const tab = this.tabs[this.tabID];\r\n if (tab.init) {\r\n tab.init();\r\n }\r\n tab.onCloseAfterTimeout && tab.onCloseAfterTimeout();\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(false, exports.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n });\r\n this.searchButton = this.element.querySelector('.emoji-tabs-search');\r\n this.searchButton.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n if (this.tabID == 1) {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.stickersTab.init();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.gifsTab.init();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.deleteBtn = this.element.querySelector('.emoji-tabs-delete');\r\n this.deleteBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n var _a;\r\n const input = appImManager_1.default.chatInputC.messageInput;\r\n if ((_a = input.lastChild) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagName) {\r\n input.lastElementChild.remove();\r\n }\r\n else if (input.lastChild) {\r\n if (!input.lastChild.textContent.length) {\r\n input.lastChild.remove();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n input.lastChild.textContent = input.lastChild.textContent.slice(0, -1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const event = new Event('input', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true });\r\n appImManager_1.default.chatInputC.messageInput.dispatchEvent(event);\r\n //appSidebarRight.stickersTab.init();\r\n });\r\n this.tabsEl.firstElementChild.children[1].click(); // set emoji tab\r\n this.tabs[0].init(); // onTransitionEnd не вызовется, т.к. это первая открытая вкладка\r\n }\r\n }\r\n EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue = new lazyLoadQueue_1.default();\r\n EmoticonsDropdown.menuOnClick = (menu, scroll, menuScroll) => {\r\n let prevId = 0;\r\n let jumpedTo = -1;\r\n const setActive = (id) => {\r\n if (id == prevId) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n menu.children[prevId].classList.remove('active');\r\n menu.children[id].classList.add('active');\r\n prevId = id;\r\n return true;\r\n };\r\n const stickyIntersector = new stickyIntersector_1.default(scroll.container, (stuck, target) => {\r\n //console.log('sticky scrollTOp', stuck, target, scroll.container.scrollTop);\r\n if (Math.abs(jumpedTo - scroll.container.scrollTop) <= 1) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n jumpedTo = -1;\r\n }\r\n const which = utils_1.whichChild(target);\r\n if (!stuck && which) { // * due to stickyIntersector\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n setActive(which);\r\n if (menuScroll) {\r\n if (which < menu.childElementCount - 4) {\r\n menuScroll.container.scrollLeft = (which - 3) * 47;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n menuScroll.container.scrollLeft = which * 47;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n menu.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n target = utils_1.findUpTag(target, 'LI');\r\n if (!target) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const which = utils_1.whichChild(target);\r\n if (!setActive(which)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const element = (scroll.splitUp || scroll.container).children[which];\r\n const offsetTop = element.offsetTop + 1; // * due to stickyIntersector\r\n scroll.container.scrollTop = jumpedTo = offsetTop;\r\n //console.log('set scrollTop:', offsetTop);\r\n });\r\n return stickyIntersector;\r\n };\r\n EmoticonsDropdown.onMediaClick = (e) => {\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n target = utils_1.findUpTag(target, 'DIV');\r\n if (!target)\r\n return;\r\n const fileID = target.dataset.docID;\r\n if (!fileID)\r\n return;\r\n if (appImManager_1.default.chatInputC.sendMessageWithDocument(fileID)) {\r\n /* dropdown.classList.remove('active');\r\n toggleEl.classList.remove('active'); */\r\n emoticonsDropdown.toggle(false);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n console.warn('got no doc by id:', fileID);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n return EmoticonsDropdown;\r\n})();\r\nexports.EmoticonsDropdown = EmoticonsDropdown;\r\nconst emoticonsDropdown = new EmoticonsDropdown();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.emoticonsDropdown = emoticonsDropdown;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = emoticonsDropdown;\r\n" }, { "id": 48, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\helpers\\userAgent.ts", "name": "./src/helpers/userAgent.ts", "index": 8, "index2": 6, "size": 1248, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\config.ts", "issuerId": 1, "issuerName": "./src/lib/config.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, 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exports.isAppleMobile = exports.isAndroid = exports.isApple = exports.userAgent = void 0;\r\nexports.userAgent = navigator ? navigator.userAgent : null;\r\nexports.isApple = navigator.userAgent.search(/OS X|iPhone|iPad|iOS/i) != -1;\r\nexports.isAndroid = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('android') != -1;\r\n/**\r\n * Returns true when run in WebKit derived browsers.\r\n * This is used as a workaround for a memory leak in Safari caused by using Transferable objects to\r\n * transfer data between WebWorkers and the main thread.\r\n * https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/issues/8771\r\n *\r\n * This should be removed once the underlying Safari issue is fixed.\r\n */\r\nconst ctx = typeof (window) !== 'undefined' ? window : self;\r\n// https://stackoverflow.com/a/58065241\r\nexports.isAppleMobile = (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) ||\r\n (navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1)) &&\r\n !ctx.MSStream;\r\nexports.isSafari = !!('safari' in ctx) || !!(exports.userAgent && (/\\b(iPad|iPhone|iPod)\\b/.test(exports.userAgent) || (!!exports.userAgent.match('Safari') && !exports.userAgent.match('Chrome')))) /* || true */;\r\n" }, { "id": 49, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignIn.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "index": 23, "index2": 112, "size": 11141, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "issuerId": 67, "issuerName": "./src/index.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } } ], "profile": { 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__importDefault(require(\"./pageSignQR\"));\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst page_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./page\"));\r\nconst mtproto_config_1 = require(\"../lib/mtproto/mtproto_config\");\r\n//import _countries from '../countries_pretty.json';\r\nlet btnNext = null;\r\nlet onFirstMount = () => {\r\n if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.test) {\r\n config_1.default.Countries.push({\r\n name: 'Test Country',\r\n phoneCode: '999 66',\r\n code: 'TC',\r\n emoji: '🤔',\r\n pattern: '999 66 XXX XX'\r\n });\r\n console.log('Added test country to list!');\r\n }\r\n //const countries: Country[] = _countries.default.filter(c => c.emoji);\r\n const countries = config_1.default.Countries.filter(c => c.emoji).sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));\r\n let lastCountrySelected = null;\r\n var selectCountryCode = page.pageEl.querySelector('input[name=\"countryCode\"]');\r\n var parent = selectCountryCode.parentElement;\r\n var wrapper = document.createElement('div');\r\n wrapper.classList.add('select-wrapper', 'z-depth-3', 'hide');\r\n var list = document.createElement('ul');\r\n wrapper.appendChild(list);\r\n //let wrapperScroll = OverlayScrollbars(wrapper, (window as any).scrollbarOptions);\r\n let scroll = new scrollable_new_1.default(wrapper);\r\n let initedSelect = false;\r\n page.pageEl.querySelector('.a-qr').addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n pageSignQR_1.default.mount();\r\n });\r\n let initSelect = () => {\r\n initSelect = null;\r\n countries.forEach((c) => {\r\n initedSelect = true;\r\n /* let unified = unifiedCountryCodeEmoji(c.code);\r\n let emoji = unified.split('-').reduce((prev, curr) => prev + String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(curr, 16)), ''); */\r\n //let emoji = countryCodeEmoji(c.code);\r\n let emoji = c.emoji;\r\n let liArr = [];\r\n c.phoneCode.split(' and ').forEach((phoneCode) => {\r\n let li = document.createElement('li');\r\n var spanEmoji = document.createElement('span');\r\n /* spanEmoji.innerHTML = countryCodeEmoji(c.code); */\r\n //spanEmoji.classList.add('emoji-outer', 'emoji-sizer');\r\n //spanEmoji.innerHTML = ``;\r\n let kek = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(emoji);\r\n //console.log(c.name, emoji, kek, spanEmoji.innerHTML);\r\n li.appendChild(spanEmoji);\r\n spanEmoji.outerHTML = kek;\r\n li.append(c.name);\r\n var span = document.createElement('span');\r\n span.classList.add('phone-code');\r\n span.innerText = '+' + phoneCode;\r\n li.appendChild(span);\r\n liArr.push(li);\r\n list.append(li);\r\n });\r\n c.li = liArr;\r\n });\r\n list.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) {\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n if (target.tagName != 'LI')\r\n target = utils_1.findUpTag(target, 'LI');\r\n let countryName = target.childNodes[1].textContent; //target.innerText.split('\\n').shift();\r\n let phoneCode = target.querySelector('.phone-code').innerText;\r\n selectCountryCode.value = countryName;\r\n lastCountrySelected = countries.find(c => c.name == countryName);\r\n telEl.value = phoneCode;\r\n setTimeout(() => telEl.focus(), 0);\r\n //console.log('clicked', e, countryName, phoneCode);\r\n });\r\n parent.appendChild(wrapper);\r\n };\r\n initSelect();\r\n let hideTimeout;\r\n selectCountryCode.addEventListener('focus', function (e) {\r\n if (initSelect) {\r\n initSelect();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n countries.forEach((c) => {\r\n c.li.forEach(li => li.style.display = '');\r\n });\r\n }\r\n clearTimeout(hideTimeout);\r\n wrapper.classList.remove('hide');\r\n void wrapper.offsetWidth; // reflow\r\n wrapper.classList.add('active');\r\n });\r\n selectCountryCode.addEventListener('blur', function (e) {\r\n wrapper.classList.remove('active');\r\n hideTimeout = setTimeout(() => {\r\n wrapper.classList.add('hide');\r\n }, 200);\r\n e.cancelBubble = true;\r\n }, { capture: true });\r\n selectCountryCode.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {\r\n if (e.ctrlKey || e.key == 'Control')\r\n return false;\r\n //let i = new RegExp('^' + this.value, 'i');\r\n let _value = this.value.toLowerCase();\r\n let matches = [];\r\n countries.forEach((c) => {\r\n let good = c.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(_value) !== -1 /* == 0 */; //i.test(c.name);\r\n c.li.forEach(li => li.style.display = good ? '' : 'none');\r\n if (good)\r\n matches.push(c);\r\n });\r\n // Код ниже автоматически выберет страну если она осталась одна при поиске\r\n /* if(matches.length == 1 && matches[0].li.length == 1) {\r\n if(matches[0].name == lastCountrySelected) return false;\r\n //console.log('clicking', matches[0]);\r\n \r\n var clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');\r\n clickEvent.initEvent('mousedown', true, true);\r\n matches[0].li[0].dispatchEvent(clickEvent);\r\n return false;\r\n } else */ if (matches.length == 0) {\r\n countries.forEach((c) => {\r\n c.li.forEach(li => li.style.display = '');\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n let arrowDown = page.pageEl.querySelector('.arrow-down');\r\n arrowDown.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) {\r\n e.cancelBubble = true;\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n if (selectCountryCode.matches(':focus'))\r\n selectCountryCode.blur();\r\n else\r\n selectCountryCode.focus();\r\n });\r\n let sortedCountries = countries.slice().sort((a, b) => b.phoneCode.length - a.phoneCode.length);\r\n let telEl = page.pageEl.querySelector('input[name=\"phone\"]');\r\n const telLabel = telEl.nextElementSibling;\r\n telEl.addEventListener('input', function (e) {\r\n this.classList.remove('error');\r\n telLabel.innerText = 'Phone Number';\r\n let { formatted, country } = misc_1.formatPhoneNumber(this.value);\r\n this.value = formatted ? '+' + formatted : '';\r\n //console.log(formatted, country);\r\n let countryName = country ? country.name : '' /* 'Unknown' */;\r\n if (countryName != selectCountryCode.value && (!lastCountrySelected || !country || lastCountrySelected.phoneCode != country.phoneCode)) {\r\n selectCountryCode.value = countryName;\r\n lastCountrySelected = country;\r\n }\r\n //if(country && (this.value.length - 1) >= (country.pattern ? country.pattern.length : 9)) {\r\n if (country || (this.value.length - 1) > 1) {\r\n btnNext.style.visibility = '';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n btnNext.style.visibility = 'hidden';\r\n }\r\n });\r\n telEl.addEventListener('keypress', function (e) {\r\n if (!btnNext.style.visibility && /* this.value.length >= 9 && */ e.key == 'Enter') {\r\n return btnNext.click();\r\n }\r\n else if (/\\D/.test(e.key)) {\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n /* telEl.addEventListener('focus', function(this: typeof telEl, e) {\r\n this.removeAttribute('readonly'); // fix autocomplete\r\n });*/\r\n /* authorizer.auth(2);\r\n networkerFactory.startAll(); */\r\n btnNext.addEventListener('click', function (e) {\r\n this.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n this.textContent = 'PLEASE WAIT...';\r\n misc_1.putPreloader(this);\r\n //this.innerHTML = 'PLEASE WAIT...';\r\n //return;\r\n let phone_number = telEl.value;\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('auth.sendCode', {\r\n //flags: 0,\r\n phone_number: phone_number,\r\n api_id: mtproto_config_1.App.id,\r\n api_hash: mtproto_config_1.App.hash,\r\n settings: {\r\n _: 'codeSettings',\r\n flags: 0\r\n }\r\n //lang_code: navigator.language || 'en'\r\n }).then((code) => {\r\n //console.log('got code', code);\r\n pageAuthCode_1.default.mount(Object.assign(code, { phone_number: phone_number }));\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n this.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n this.innerText = 'NEXT';\r\n switch (err.type) {\r\n case 'PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID':\r\n telLabel.innerText = 'Phone Number Invalid';\r\n telEl.classList.add('error');\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n console.error('auth.sendCode error:', err);\r\n this.innerText = err.type;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n let tryAgain = () => {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('help.getNearestDc').then((nearestDcResult) => {\r\n if (nearestDcResult.nearest_dc != nearestDcResult.this_dc) {\r\n //MTProto.apiManager.baseDcID = nearestDcResult.nearest_dc;\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.getNetworker(nearestDcResult.nearest_dc);\r\n }\r\n return nearestDcResult;\r\n }).then((nearestDcResult) => {\r\n let country = countries.find((c) => c.code == nearestDcResult.country);\r\n if (country) {\r\n if (!selectCountryCode.value.length && !telEl.value.length) {\r\n selectCountryCode.value = country.name;\r\n lastCountrySelected = country;\r\n telEl.value = '+' + country.phoneCode.split(' and ').shift();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //console.log('woohoo', nearestDcResult, country);\r\n }); //.catch(tryAgain);\r\n };\r\n tryAgain();\r\n};\r\nconst page = new page_1.default('page-sign', true, onFirstMount, () => {\r\n if (!btnNext) {\r\n btnNext = page.pageEl.querySelector('button');\r\n }\r\n btnNext.textContent = 'NEXT';\r\n btnNext.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n});\r\nexports.default = page;\r\n" }, { "id": 50, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mediaPlayer.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mediaPlayer.ts", "index": 63, "index2": 56, "size": 25659, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appMediaViewer.ts", "issuerId": 56, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMediaViewer.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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__importDefault(require(\"../components/appMediaPlaybackController\"));\r\nconst userAgent_1 = require(\"../helpers/userAgent\");\r\nclass ProgressLine {\r\n constructor(initialValue = 0) {\r\n this.duration = 1;\r\n this.mousedown = false;\r\n this.events = {};\r\n this.onMouseMove = (e) => {\r\n this.mousedown && this.scrub(e);\r\n };\r\n this.onMouseDown = (e) => {\r\n var _a;\r\n this.scrub(e);\r\n this.mousedown = true;\r\n ((_a = this.events) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onMouseDown) && this.events.onMouseDown(e);\r\n };\r\n this.onMouseUp = (e) => {\r\n var _a;\r\n this.mousedown = false;\r\n ((_a = this.events) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onMouseUp) && this.events.onMouseUp(e);\r\n };\r\n this.container = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.container.classList.add('progress-line');\r\n this.filled = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.filled.classList.add('progress-line__filled');\r\n const seek = this.seek = document.createElement('input');\r\n seek.classList.add('progress-line__seek');\r\n seek.value = '' + initialValue;\r\n seek.setAttribute('min', '0');\r\n //seek.setAttribute('max', '0');\r\n seek.type = 'range';\r\n seek.step = '0.1';\r\n seek.max = '' + (this.duration * 1000);\r\n if (initialValue > 0) {\r\n this.setProgress(initialValue);\r\n }\r\n //this.setListeners();\r\n this.container.append(this.filled, seek);\r\n }\r\n setHandlers(events) {\r\n this.events = events;\r\n }\r\n setListeners() {\r\n this.container.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove);\r\n this.container.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onMouseDown);\r\n this.container.addEventListener('mouseup', this.onMouseUp);\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n this.container.addEventListener('touchmove', this.onMouseMove);\r\n this.container.addEventListener('touchstart', this.onMouseDown);\r\n this.container.addEventListener('touchend', this.onMouseUp);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setProgress(scrubTime) {\r\n this.setFilled(scrubTime);\r\n this.seek.value = '' + (scrubTime * 1000);\r\n }\r\n setFilled(scrubTime) {\r\n let scaleX = scrubTime / this.duration;\r\n scaleX = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, scaleX));\r\n this.filled.style.transform = 'scaleX(' + scaleX + ')';\r\n }\r\n scrub(e) {\r\n var _a;\r\n let offsetX;\r\n if (e instanceof MouseEvent) {\r\n offsetX = e.offsetX;\r\n }\r\n else { // touch\r\n const rect = e.target.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n offsetX = e.targetTouches[0].pageX - rect.left;\r\n }\r\n const scrubTime = offsetX / this.container.offsetWidth * this.duration;\r\n this.setFilled(scrubTime);\r\n ((_a = this.events) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.onScrub) && this.events.onScrub(scrubTime);\r\n return scrubTime;\r\n }\r\n removeListeners() {\r\n this.container.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove);\r\n this.container.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.onMouseDown);\r\n this.container.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.onMouseUp);\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n this.container.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.onMouseMove);\r\n this.container.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.onMouseDown);\r\n this.container.removeEventListener('touchend', this.onMouseUp);\r\n }\r\n this.events = {};\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ProgressLine = ProgressLine;\r\nclass MediaProgressLine extends ProgressLine {\r\n constructor(media, streamable = false) {\r\n super();\r\n this.media = media;\r\n this.streamable = streamable;\r\n this.stopAndScrubTimeout = 0;\r\n this.progressRAF = 0;\r\n this.onLoadedData = () => {\r\n this.duration = this.media.duration;\r\n this.seek.setAttribute('max', '' + this.duration * 1000);\r\n };\r\n this.onEnded = () => {\r\n this.setProgress();\r\n };\r\n this.onPlay = () => {\r\n let r = () => {\r\n this.setProgress();\r\n this.progressRAF = this.media.paused ? 0 : window.requestAnimationFrame(r);\r\n };\r\n if (this.progressRAF) {\r\n window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.progressRAF);\r\n }\r\n if (this.streamable) {\r\n this.setLoadProgress();\r\n }\r\n this.progressRAF = window.requestAnimationFrame(r);\r\n };\r\n this.onProgress = (e) => {\r\n this.setLoadProgress();\r\n };\r\n if (streamable) {\r\n this.filledLoad = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.filledLoad.classList.add('progress-line__filled', 'progress-line__loaded');\r\n this.container.prepend(this.filledLoad);\r\n //this.setLoadProgress();\r\n }\r\n if (!media.paused || media.currentTime > 0) {\r\n this.onPlay();\r\n }\r\n this.setSeekMax();\r\n this.setListeners();\r\n this.setHandlers({\r\n onMouseDown: (e) => {\r\n //super.onMouseDown(e);\r\n //Таймер для того, чтобы стопать видео, если зажал мышку и не отпустил клик\r\n if (this.stopAndScrubTimeout) { // возможно лишнее\r\n clearTimeout(this.stopAndScrubTimeout);\r\n }\r\n this.stopAndScrubTimeout = setTimeout(() => {\r\n !this.media.paused && this.media.pause();\r\n this.stopAndScrubTimeout = 0;\r\n }, 150);\r\n },\r\n onMouseUp: (e) => {\r\n //super.onMouseUp(e);\r\n if (this.stopAndScrubTimeout) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.stopAndScrubTimeout);\r\n this.stopAndScrubTimeout = 0;\r\n }\r\n this.media.paused && this.media.play();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n scrub(e) {\r\n const scrubTime = super.scrub(e);\r\n this.media.currentTime = scrubTime;\r\n return scrubTime;\r\n }\r\n setLoadProgress() {\r\n if (appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.isSafariBuffering(this.media))\r\n return;\r\n const buf = this.media.buffered;\r\n const numRanges = buf.length;\r\n const currentTime = this.media.currentTime;\r\n let nearestStart = 0, end = 0;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < numRanges; ++i) {\r\n const start = buf.start(i);\r\n if (currentTime >= start && start >= nearestStart) {\r\n nearestStart = start;\r\n end = buf.end(i);\r\n }\r\n //console.log('onProgress range:', i, buf.start(i), buf.end(i), this.media);\r\n }\r\n //console.log('onProgress correct range:', nearestStart, end, this.media);\r\n const percents = this.media.duration ? end / this.media.duration : 0;\r\n this.filledLoad.style.transform = 'scaleX(' + percents + ')';\r\n }\r\n setSeekMax() {\r\n this.duration = this.media.duration;\r\n if (this.duration > 0) {\r\n this.onLoadedData();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.media.addEventListener('loadeddata', this.onLoadedData);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setProgress() {\r\n if (appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.isSafariBuffering(this.media))\r\n return;\r\n const currentTime = this.media.currentTime;\r\n super.setProgress(currentTime);\r\n }\r\n setListeners() {\r\n super.setListeners();\r\n this.media.addEventListener('ended', this.onEnded);\r\n this.media.addEventListener('play', this.onPlay);\r\n this.streamable && this.media.addEventListener('progress', this.onProgress);\r\n }\r\n removeListeners() {\r\n super.removeListeners();\r\n this.media.removeEventListener('loadeddata', this.onLoadedData);\r\n this.media.removeEventListener('ended', this.onEnded);\r\n this.media.removeEventListener('play', this.onPlay);\r\n this.streamable && this.media.removeEventListener('progress', this.onProgress);\r\n if (this.stopAndScrubTimeout) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.stopAndScrubTimeout);\r\n }\r\n if (this.progressRAF) {\r\n window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.progressRAF);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.MediaProgressLine = MediaProgressLine;\r\nlet lastVolume = 1, muted = !lastVolume;\r\nclass VideoPlayer {\r\n /* private videoParent: HTMLElement;\r\n private videoWhichChild: number; */\r\n constructor(video, play = false, streamable = false) {\r\n var _a;\r\n this.video = video;\r\n this.onFullScreen = () => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n const isFullscreenNow = document.webkitFullscreenElement !== null;\r\n if (!isFullscreenNow) {\r\n this.wrapper.classList.remove('ckin__fullscreen');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.wrapper = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.wrapper.classList.add('ckin__player');\r\n video.parentNode.insertBefore(this.wrapper, video);\r\n this.wrapper.appendChild(video);\r\n this.skin = (_a = video.dataset.ckin) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 'default';\r\n this.stylePlayer();\r\n if (this.skin == 'default') {\r\n let controls = this.wrapper.querySelector('.default__controls.ckin__controls');\r\n this.progress = new MediaProgressLine(video, streamable);\r\n controls.prepend(this.progress.container);\r\n }\r\n if (play /* && video.paused */) {\r\n const promise = video.play();\r\n promise.catch((err) => {\r\n if (err.name == 'NotAllowedError') {\r\n video.muted = true;\r\n video.autoplay = true;\r\n video.play();\r\n }\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n this.wrapper.classList.toggle('is-playing', !this.video.paused);\r\n });\r\n //(this.wrapper.querySelector('.toggle') as HTMLButtonElement).click();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n stylePlayer() {\r\n const { wrapper: player, video, skin } = this;\r\n player.classList.add(skin);\r\n const html = this.buildControls();\r\n player.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html);\r\n let updateInterval = 0;\r\n let elapsed = 0;\r\n let prevTime = 0;\r\n if (skin === 'default') {\r\n const toggle = player.querySelectorAll('.toggle');\r\n const fullScreenButton = player.querySelector('.fullscreen');\r\n var timeElapsed = player.querySelector('#time-elapsed');\r\n var timeDuration = player.querySelector('#time-duration');\r\n timeDuration.innerHTML = String(video.duration | 0).toHHMMSS();\r\n const volumeDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n volumeDiv.classList.add('player-volume');\r\n volumeDiv.innerHTML = `\r\n \r\n `;\r\n const volumeSvg = volumeDiv.firstElementChild;\r\n volumeSvg.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n video.muted = !video.muted;\r\n });\r\n const volumeProgress = new ProgressLine();\r\n volumeProgress.setListeners();\r\n volumeProgress.setHandlers({\r\n onScrub: currentTime => {\r\n const value = Math.max(Math.min(currentTime, 1), 0);\r\n //console.log('volume scrub:', currentTime, value);\r\n video.muted = false;\r\n video.volume = value;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n volumeDiv.append(volumeProgress.container);\r\n const setVolume = () => {\r\n const volume = video.volume;\r\n let d;\r\n if (!volume || video.muted) {\r\n d = `M16.5 12c0-1.77-1.02-3.29-2.5-4.03v2.21l2.45 2.45c.03-.2.05-.41.05-.63zm2.5 0c0 .94-.2 1.82-.54 2.64l1.51 1.51C20.63 14.91 21 13.5 21 12c0-4.28-2.99-7.86-7-8.77v2.06c2.89.86 5 3.54 5 6.71zM4.27 3L3 4.27 7.73 9H3v6h4l5 5v-6.73l4.25 4.25c-.67.52-1.42.93-2.25 1.18v2.06c1.38-.31 2.63-.95 3.69-1.81L19.73 21 21 19.73l-9-9L4.27 3zM12 4L9.91 6.09 12 8.18V4z`;\r\n }\r\n else if (volume > .5) {\r\n d = `M3 9v6h4l5 5V4L7 9H3zm13.5 3c0-1.77-1.02-3.29-2.5-4.03v8.05c1.48-.73 2.5-2.25 2.5-4.02zM14 3.23v2.06c2.89.86 5 3.54 5 6.71s-2.11 5.85-5 6.71v2.06c4.01-.91 7-4.49 7-8.77s-2.99-7.86-7-8.77z`;\r\n }\r\n else if (volume > 0 && volume < .25) {\r\n d = `M7 9v6h4l5 5V4l-5 5H7z`;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n d = `M18.5 12c0-1.77-1.02-3.29-2.5-4.03v8.05c1.48-.73 2.5-2.25 2.5-4.02zM5 9v6h4l5 5V4L9 9H5z`;\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n volumeSvg.innerHTML = ``;\r\n }\r\n catch (err) { }\r\n if (!volumeProgress.mousedown) {\r\n volumeProgress.setProgress(video.muted ? 0 : volume);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n // не вызовется повторно если на 1 установить 1\r\n video.addEventListener('volumechange', () => {\r\n muted = video.muted;\r\n lastVolume = video.volume;\r\n setVolume();\r\n });\r\n video.volume = lastVolume;\r\n video.muted = muted;\r\n setVolume();\r\n // volume end\r\n const leftControls = player.querySelector('.left-controls');\r\n leftControls.insertBefore(volumeDiv, timeElapsed.parentElement);\r\n Array.from(toggle).forEach((button) => {\r\n return button.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.togglePlay();\r\n });\r\n });\r\n video.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n if (!config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n this.togglePlay();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n let showControlsTimeout = 0;\r\n const t = () => {\r\n showControlsTimeout = setTimeout(() => {\r\n showControlsTimeout = 0;\r\n player.classList.remove('show-controls');\r\n }, 3e3);\r\n };\r\n player.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n if (showControlsTimeout) {\r\n clearTimeout(showControlsTimeout);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n player.classList.add('show-controls');\r\n }\r\n t();\r\n });\r\n player.addEventListener('touchstart', () => {\r\n player.classList.add('show-controls');\r\n clearTimeout(showControlsTimeout);\r\n });\r\n player.addEventListener('touchend', () => {\r\n if (player.classList.contains('is-playing')) {\r\n t();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n /* player.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n if(e.target != player) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n \r\n this.togglePlay();\r\n }); */\r\n /* video.addEventListener('play', () => {\r\n }); */\r\n video.addEventListener('pause', () => {\r\n clearInterval(updateInterval);\r\n });\r\n video.addEventListener('dblclick', () => {\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n return this.toggleFullScreen(fullScreenButton);\r\n });\r\n fullScreenButton.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n return this.toggleFullScreen(fullScreenButton);\r\n });\r\n 'webkitfullscreenchange mozfullscreenchange fullscreenchange MSFullscreenChange'.split(' ').forEach(eventName => {\r\n player.addEventListener(eventName, this.onFullScreen, false);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else if (skin === 'circle') {\r\n const wrapper = document.createElement('div');\r\n wrapper.classList.add('circle-time-left');\r\n video.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, video);\r\n wrapper.innerHTML = '
';\r\n var circle = player.querySelector('.progress-ring__circle');\r\n const radius = circle.r.baseVal.value;\r\n var circumference = 2 * Math.PI * radius;\r\n var timeDuration = player.querySelector('.circle-time');\r\n const iconVolume = player.querySelector('.iconVolume');\r\n circle.style.strokeDasharray = circumference + ' ' + circumference;\r\n circle.style.strokeDashoffset = '' + circumference;\r\n circle.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.togglePlay();\r\n });\r\n video.addEventListener('play', () => {\r\n iconVolume.style.display = 'none';\r\n updateInterval = setInterval(() => {\r\n //elapsed += 0.02; // Increase with timer interval\r\n if (video.currentTime != prevTime) {\r\n elapsed = video.currentTime; // Update if getCurrentTime was changed\r\n prevTime = video.currentTime;\r\n }\r\n const offset = circumference - elapsed / video.duration * circumference;\r\n circle.style.strokeDashoffset = '' + offset;\r\n if (video.paused)\r\n clearInterval(updateInterval);\r\n }, 20);\r\n });\r\n video.addEventListener('pause', () => {\r\n iconVolume.style.display = '';\r\n });\r\n }\r\n video.addEventListener('play', () => {\r\n this.wrapper.classList.add('is-playing');\r\n });\r\n video.addEventListener('pause', () => {\r\n this.wrapper.classList.remove('is-playing');\r\n });\r\n if (video.duration > 0) {\r\n timeDuration.innerHTML = String(Math.round(video.duration)).toHHMMSS();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n video.addEventListener('loadeddata', () => {\r\n timeDuration.innerHTML = String(Math.round(video.duration)).toHHMMSS();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n video.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => {\r\n if (skin == 'default') {\r\n timeElapsed.innerHTML = String(video.currentTime | 0).toHHMMSS();\r\n }\r\n updateInterval = this.handleProgress(timeDuration, circumference, circle, updateInterval);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n togglePlay(stop) {\r\n if (stop) {\r\n this.video.pause();\r\n this.wrapper.classList.remove('is-playing');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (stop === false) {\r\n this.video.play();\r\n this.wrapper.classList.add('is-playing');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.video[this.video.paused ? 'play' : 'pause']();\r\n //this.wrapper.classList.toggle('is-playing', !this.video.paused);\r\n }\r\n handleProgress(timeDuration, circumference, circle, updateInterval) {\r\n const { video, skin } = this;\r\n clearInterval(updateInterval);\r\n let elapsed = 0;\r\n let prevTime = 0;\r\n if (skin === 'circle') {\r\n updateInterval = setInterval(() => {\r\n if (video.currentTime != prevTime) {\r\n elapsed = video.currentTime; // Update if getCurrentTime was changed\r\n prevTime = video.currentTime;\r\n }\r\n const offset = circumference - elapsed / video.duration * circumference;\r\n circle.style.strokeDashoffset = '' + offset;\r\n if (video.paused)\r\n clearInterval(updateInterval);\r\n }, 20);\r\n const timeLeft = String((video.duration - video.currentTime) | 0).toHHMMSS();\r\n if (timeLeft != '0')\r\n timeDuration.innerHTML = timeLeft;\r\n return updateInterval;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n buildControls() {\r\n const skin = this.skin;\r\n if (skin === 'default') {\r\n return `\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n / \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n
`;\r\n }\r\n else if (skin === 'circle') {\r\n return `\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n `;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n static isFullScreen() {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n return !!(document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement);\r\n }\r\n toggleFullScreen(fullScreenButton) {\r\n // alternative standard method\r\n const player = this.wrapper;\r\n // * https://caniuse.com/#feat=fullscreen\r\n if (userAgent_1.isAppleMobile) {\r\n const video = this.video;\r\n video.webkitEnterFullscreen();\r\n video.enterFullscreen();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (!VideoPlayer.isFullScreen()) {\r\n player.classList.add('ckin__fullscreen');\r\n /* const videoParent = this.video.parentElement;\r\n const videoWhichChild = whichChild(this.video);\r\n const needVideoRemount = videoParent != player;\r\n \r\n if(needVideoRemount) {\r\n this.videoParent = videoParent;\r\n this.videoWhichChild = videoWhichChild;\r\n player.prepend(this.video);\r\n } */\r\n if (player.requestFullscreen) {\r\n player.requestFullscreen();\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n }\r\n else if (player.mozRequestFullScreen) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n player.mozRequestFullScreen(); // Firefox\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n }\r\n else if (player.webkitRequestFullscreen) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n player.webkitRequestFullscreen(); // Chrome and Safari\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n }\r\n else if (player.msRequestFullscreen) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n player.msRequestFullscreen();\r\n }\r\n fullScreenButton.classList.remove('tgico-fullscreen');\r\n fullScreenButton.classList.add('tgico-smallscreen');\r\n fullScreenButton.setAttribute('title', 'Exit Full Screen');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n player.classList.remove('ckin__fullscreen');\r\n /* if(this.videoParent) {\r\n const {videoWhichChild, videoParent} = this;\r\n if(!videoWhichChild) {\r\n videoParent.prepend(this.video);\r\n } else {\r\n videoParent.insertBefore(this.video, videoParent.children[videoWhichChild]);\r\n }\r\n \r\n this.videoParent = null;\r\n this.videoWhichChild = -1;\r\n } */\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n if (document.cancelFullScreen) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n document.cancelFullScreen();\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n }\r\n else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n document.mozCancelFullScreen();\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n }\r\n else if (document.webkitCancelFullScreen) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n document.webkitCancelFullScreen();\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n }\r\n else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n document.msExitFullscreen();\r\n }\r\n fullScreenButton.classList.remove('tgico-smallscreen');\r\n fullScreenButton.classList.add('tgico-fullscreen');\r\n fullScreenButton.setAttribute('title', 'Full Screen');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = VideoPlayer;\r\n" }, { "id": 51, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\appSelectPeers.ts", "name": "./src/components/appSelectPeers.ts", "index": 68, "index2": 59, "size": 13957, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\appForward.ts", "issuerId": 42, "issuerName": "./src/components/appForward.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 42, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\appForward.ts", "name": "./src/components/appForward.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 949, "building": 1498, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 42, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\appForward.ts", "module": "./src/components/appForward.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/appForward.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./appSelectPeers", "loc": "9:25-52" }, { "moduleId": 90, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\addMembers.ts", "module": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/addMembers.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/addMembers.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../appSelectPeers", "loc": "25:25-53" }, { "moduleId": 97, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\includedChats.ts", "module": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/includedChats.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/includedChats.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../appSelectPeers", "loc": "25:25-53" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppSelectPeers = void 0;\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appDialogsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager\"));\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appPhotosManager\"));\r\n// TODO: правильная сортировка для addMembers, т.е. для peerType: 'contacts', потому что там идут сначала контакты - потом неконтакты, а должно всё сортироваться по имени\r\nlet loadedAllDialogs = false;\r\nclass AppSelectPeers {\r\n constructor(appendTo, onChange, peerType = ['dialogs'], onFirstRender, renderResultsFunc) {\r\n this.appendTo = appendTo;\r\n this.onChange = onChange;\r\n this.peerType = peerType;\r\n this.renderResultsFunc = renderResultsFunc;\r\n this.container = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.list = document.createElement('ul');\r\n this.chatsContainer = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.selectedContainer = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.input = document.createElement('input');\r\n //public selected: {[peerID: number]: HTMLElement} = {};\r\n this.selected = new Set();\r\n this.freezed = false;\r\n this.folderID = 0;\r\n this.offsetIndex = 0;\r\n this.query = '';\r\n this.loadedWhat = {};\r\n this.container.classList.add('selector');\r\n if (!this.renderResultsFunc) {\r\n this.renderResultsFunc = this.renderResults;\r\n }\r\n let topContainer = document.createElement('div');\r\n topContainer.classList.add('selector-search-container');\r\n this.selectedContainer.classList.add('selector-search');\r\n this.input.placeholder = !peerType.includes('dialogs') ? 'Add People...' : 'Select chat';\r\n this.input.type = 'text';\r\n this.selectedContainer.append(this.input);\r\n topContainer.append(this.selectedContainer);\r\n this.selectedScrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(topContainer);\r\n let delimiter = document.createElement('hr');\r\n this.chatsContainer.classList.add('chats-container');\r\n this.chatsContainer.append(this.list);\r\n this.scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.chatsContainer);\r\n this.scrollable.setVirtualContainer(this.list);\r\n this.chatsContainer.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n const target = utils_1.findUpAttribute(e.target, 'data-peerID');\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n if (!target)\r\n return;\r\n if (this.freezed)\r\n return;\r\n let key = target.getAttribute('data-peerID');\r\n key = +key || key;\r\n target.classList.toggle('active');\r\n if (this.selected.has(key)) {\r\n this.remove(key);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.add(key);\r\n }\r\n const checkbox = target.querySelector('input');\r\n checkbox.checked = !checkbox.checked;\r\n });\r\n this.selectedContainer.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n if (this.freezed)\r\n return;\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n target = utils_1.findUpClassName(target, 'selector-user');\r\n if (!target)\r\n return;\r\n const peerID = target.dataset.key;\r\n const li = this.chatsContainer.querySelector('[data-peerid=\"' + peerID + '\"]');\r\n if (!li) {\r\n this.remove(+peerID || peerID);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n li.click();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.input.addEventListener('input', () => {\r\n const value = this.input.value;\r\n if (this.query != value) {\r\n if (this.peerType.includes('contacts')) {\r\n delete this.loadedWhat.contacts;\r\n this.cachedContacts = null;\r\n }\r\n //if(this.peerType.includes('dialogs')) {\r\n delete this.loadedWhat.dialogs;\r\n delete this.loadedWhat.archived;\r\n this.folderID = 0;\r\n this.offsetIndex = 0;\r\n //}\r\n this.promise = null;\r\n this.list.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.query = value;\r\n //console.log('selectPeers input:', this.query);\r\n this.getMoreResults();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = () => {\r\n this.getMoreResults();\r\n };\r\n this.container.append(topContainer, delimiter, this.chatsContainer);\r\n appendTo.append(this.container);\r\n // WARNING TIMEOUT\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n let getResultsPromise = this.getMoreResults();\r\n if (onFirstRender) {\r\n getResultsPromise.then(() => {\r\n onFirstRender();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n getMoreDialogs() {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (this.promise)\r\n return this.promise;\r\n if (this.loadedWhat.dialogs && this.loadedWhat.archived) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n // в десктопе - сначала без группы, потом архивные, потом контакты без сообщений\r\n const pageCount = appPhotosManager_1.default.windowH / 72 * 1.25 | 0;\r\n this.promise = appMessagesManager_1.default.getConversations(this.query, this.offsetIndex, pageCount, this.folderID);\r\n const value = yield this.promise;\r\n this.promise = null;\r\n let dialogs = value.dialogs;\r\n if (dialogs.length) {\r\n const newOffsetIndex = dialogs[dialogs.length - 1].index || 0;\r\n dialogs = dialogs.slice();\r\n dialogs.findAndSplice(d => d.peerID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID); // no my account\r\n if (!this.offsetIndex && this.folderID == 0 &&\r\n (!this.query || 'saved messages'.includes(this.query.toLowerCase())) &&\r\n this.peerType.includes('dialogs')) {\r\n dialogs.unshift({\r\n peerID: utils_1.$rootScope.myID,\r\n pFlags: {}\r\n });\r\n }\r\n this.offsetIndex = newOffsetIndex;\r\n this.renderResultsFunc(dialogs.map(dialog => dialog.peerID));\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (!this.loadedWhat.dialogs) {\r\n this.loadedWhat.dialogs = true;\r\n this.offsetIndex = 0;\r\n this.folderID = 1;\r\n return this.getMoreDialogs();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.loadedWhat.archived = true;\r\n if (!this.loadedWhat.contacts && this.peerType.includes('contacts')) {\r\n return this.getMoreContacts();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getMoreContacts() {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (this.promise)\r\n return this.promise;\r\n if (this.loadedWhat.contacts) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (!this.cachedContacts) {\r\n /* const promises: Promise[] = [appUsersManager.getContacts(this.query)];\r\n if(!this.peerType.includes('dialogs')) {\r\n promises.push(appMessagesManager.getConversationsAll());\r\n }\r\n \r\n this.promise = Promise.all(promises);\r\n this.cachedContacts = (await this.promise)[0].slice(); */\r\n this.promise = appUsersManager_1.default.getContacts(this.query);\r\n this.cachedContacts = (yield this.promise).slice();\r\n this.cachedContacts.findAndSplice(userID => userID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID); // no my account\r\n this.promise = null;\r\n }\r\n if (this.cachedContacts.length) {\r\n const pageCount = appPhotosManager_1.default.windowH / 72 * 1.25 | 0;\r\n const arr = this.cachedContacts.splice(0, pageCount);\r\n this.renderResultsFunc(arr);\r\n }\r\n if (!this.cachedContacts.length) {\r\n this.loadedWhat.contacts = true;\r\n // need to load non-contacts\r\n if (!this.peerType.includes('dialogs')) {\r\n return this.getMoreDialogs();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getMoreResults() {\r\n const promises = [];\r\n if (!loadedAllDialogs) {\r\n promises.push(appMessagesManager_1.default.getConversationsAll());\r\n }\r\n if ((this.peerType.includes('dialogs') || this.loadedWhat.contacts) && !this.loadedWhat.archived) { // to load non-contacts\r\n promises.push(this.getMoreDialogs());\r\n if (!this.loadedWhat.archived) {\r\n return Promise.all(promises);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (this.peerType.includes('contacts') && !this.loadedWhat.contacts) {\r\n promises.push(this.getMoreContacts());\r\n }\r\n return Promise.all(promises);\r\n }\r\n renderResults(peerIDs) {\r\n //console.log('will renderResults:', peerIDs);\r\n // оставим только неконтакты с диалогов\r\n if (!this.peerType.includes('dialogs') && this.loadedWhat.contacts) {\r\n peerIDs = peerIDs.filter(peerID => {\r\n return appUsersManager_1.default.isNonContactUser(peerID);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n peerIDs.forEach(peerID => {\r\n const { dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(peerID, this.scrollable, false, false);\r\n const selected = this.selected.has(peerID);\r\n dom.containerEl.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `
`);\r\n if (selected)\r\n dom.listEl.classList.add('active');\r\n let subtitle = '';\r\n if (peerID < 0) {\r\n subtitle = appChatsManager_1.default.getChatMembersString(-peerID);\r\n }\r\n else if (peerID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID) {\r\n subtitle = 'chat with yourself';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n subtitle = appUsersManager_1.default.getUserStatusString(peerID);\r\n if (subtitle == 'online') {\r\n subtitle = `${subtitle}`;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = subtitle;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n add(peerID, title) {\r\n //console.trace('add');\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('selector-user', 'scale-in');\r\n const avatarEl = document.createElement('avatar-element');\r\n avatarEl.classList.add('selector-user-avatar', 'tgico');\r\n avatarEl.setAttribute('dialog', '1');\r\n div.dataset.key = '' + peerID;\r\n this.selected.add(peerID);\r\n if (typeof (peerID) === 'number') {\r\n if (title === undefined) {\r\n title = peerID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID ? 'Saved' : appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(peerID, false, true);\r\n }\r\n avatarEl.setAttribute('peer', '' + peerID);\r\n }\r\n if (title) {\r\n div.innerHTML = title;\r\n }\r\n div.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', avatarEl);\r\n this.selectedContainer.insertBefore(div, this.input);\r\n //this.selectedScrollable.scrollTop = this.selectedScrollable.scrollHeight;\r\n this.selectedScrollable.scrollTo(this.selectedScrollable.scrollHeight, true, true);\r\n this.onChange && this.onChange(this.selected.size);\r\n return div;\r\n }\r\n remove(key) {\r\n //const div = this.selected[peerID];\r\n const div = this.selectedContainer.querySelector(`[data-key=\"${key}\"]`);\r\n div.classList.remove('scale-in');\r\n void div.offsetWidth;\r\n div.classList.add('scale-out');\r\n div.addEventListener('animationend', () => {\r\n this.selected.delete(key);\r\n div.remove();\r\n this.onChange && this.onChange(this.selected.size);\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n }\r\n getSelected() {\r\n return [...this.selected];\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppSelectPeers = AppSelectPeers;\r\n" }, { "id": 52, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\jsbn\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/jsbn/index.js", "index": 16, "index2": 12, "size": 42308, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 1 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\polyfill.ts", "issuerId": 75, "issuerName": "./src/lib/polyfill.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 75, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\polyfill.ts", "name": "./src/lib/polyfill.ts", "profile": { 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"depth": 2, "source": "(function(){\n\n // Copyright (c) 2005 Tom Wu\n // All Rights Reserved.\n // See \"LICENSE\" for details.\n\n // Basic JavaScript BN library - subset useful for RSA encryption.\n\n // Bits per digit\n var dbits;\n\n // JavaScript engine analysis\n var canary = 0xdeadbeefcafe;\n var j_lm = ((canary&0xffffff)==0xefcafe);\n\n // (public) Constructor\n function BigInteger(a,b,c) {\n if(a != null)\n if(\"number\" == typeof a) this.fromNumber(a,b,c);\n else if(b == null && \"string\" != typeof a) this.fromString(a,256);\n else this.fromString(a,b);\n }\n\n // return new, unset BigInteger\n function nbi() { return new BigInteger(null); }\n\n // am: Compute w_j += (x*this_i), propagate carries,\n // c is initial carry, returns final carry.\n // c < 3*dvalue, x < 2*dvalue, this_i < dvalue\n // We need to select the fastest one that works in this environment.\n\n // am1: use a single mult and divide to get the high bits,\n // max digit bits should be 26 because\n // max internal value = 2*dvalue^2-2*dvalue (< 2^53)\n function am1(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var v = x*this[i++]+w[j]+c;\n c = Math.floor(v/0x4000000);\n w[j++] = v&0x3ffffff;\n }\n return c;\n }\n // am2 avoids a big mult-and-extract completely.\n // Max digit bits should be <= 30 because we do bitwise ops\n // on values up to 2*hdvalue^2-hdvalue-1 (< 2^31)\n function am2(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n var xl = x&0x7fff, xh = x>>15;\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var l = this[i]&0x7fff;\n var h = this[i++]>>15;\n var m = xh*l+h*xl;\n l = xl*l+((m&0x7fff)<<15)+w[j]+(c&0x3fffffff);\n c = (l>>>30)+(m>>>15)+xh*h+(c>>>30);\n w[j++] = l&0x3fffffff;\n }\n return c;\n }\n // Alternately, set max digit bits to 28 since some\n // browsers slow down when dealing with 32-bit numbers.\n function am3(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n var xl = x&0x3fff, xh = x>>14;\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var l = this[i]&0x3fff;\n var h = this[i++]>>14;\n var m = xh*l+h*xl;\n l = xl*l+((m&0x3fff)<<14)+w[j]+c;\n c = (l>>28)+(m>>14)+xh*h;\n w[j++] = l&0xfffffff;\n }\n return c;\n }\n var inBrowser = typeof navigator !== \"undefined\";\n if(inBrowser && j_lm && (navigator.appName == \"Microsoft Internet Explorer\")) {\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am2;\n dbits = 30;\n }\n else if(inBrowser && j_lm && (navigator.appName != \"Netscape\")) {\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am1;\n dbits = 26;\n }\n else { // Mozilla/Netscape seems to prefer am3\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am3;\n dbits = 28;\n }\n\n BigInteger.prototype.DB = dbits;\n BigInteger.prototype.DM = ((1<= 0; --i) r[i] = this[i];\n r.t = this.t;\n r.s = this.s;\n }\n\n // (protected) set from integer value x, -DV <= x < DV\n function bnpFromInt(x) {\n this.t = 1;\n this.s = (x<0)?-1:0;\n if(x > 0) this[0] = x;\n else if(x < -1) this[0] = x+this.DV;\n else this.t = 0;\n }\n\n // return bigint initialized to value\n function nbv(i) { var r = nbi(); r.fromInt(i); return r; }\n\n // (protected) set from string and radix\n function bnpFromString(s,b) {\n var k;\n if(b == 16) k = 4;\n else if(b == 8) k = 3;\n else if(b == 256) k = 8; // byte array\n else if(b == 2) k = 1;\n else if(b == 32) k = 5;\n else if(b == 4) k = 2;\n else { this.fromRadix(s,b); return; }\n this.t = 0;\n this.s = 0;\n var i = s.length, mi = false, sh = 0;\n while(--i >= 0) {\n var x = (k==8)?s[i]&0xff:intAt(s,i);\n if(x < 0) {\n if(s.charAt(i) == \"-\") mi = true;\n continue;\n }\n mi = false;\n if(sh == 0)\n this[this.t++] = x;\n else if(sh+k > this.DB) {\n this[this.t-1] |= (x&((1<<(this.DB-sh))-1))<>(this.DB-sh));\n }\n else\n this[this.t-1] |= x<= this.DB) sh -= this.DB;\n }\n if(k == 8 && (s[0]&0x80) != 0) {\n this.s = -1;\n if(sh > 0) this[this.t-1] |= ((1<<(this.DB-sh))-1)< 0 && this[this.t-1] == c) --this.t;\n }\n\n // (public) return string representation in given radix\n function bnToString(b) {\n if(this.s < 0) return \"-\"+this.negate().toString(b);\n var k;\n if(b == 16) k = 4;\n else if(b == 8) k = 3;\n else if(b == 2) k = 1;\n else if(b == 32) k = 5;\n else if(b == 4) k = 2;\n else return this.toRadix(b);\n var km = (1< 0) {\n if(p < this.DB && (d = this[i]>>p) > 0) { m = true; r = int2char(d); }\n while(i >= 0) {\n if(p < k) {\n d = (this[i]&((1<>(p+=this.DB-k);\n }\n else {\n d = (this[i]>>(p-=k))&km;\n if(p <= 0) { p += this.DB; --i; }\n }\n if(d > 0) m = true;\n if(m) r += int2char(d);\n }\n }\n return m?r:\"0\";\n }\n\n // (public) -this\n function bnNegate() { var r = nbi(); BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) |this|\n function bnAbs() { return (this.s<0)?this.negate():this; }\n\n // (public) return + if this > a, - if this < a, 0 if equal\n function bnCompareTo(a) {\n var r = this.s-a.s;\n if(r != 0) return r;\n var i = this.t;\n r = i-a.t;\n if(r != 0) return (this.s<0)?-r:r;\n while(--i >= 0) if((r=this[i]-a[i]) != 0) return r;\n return 0;\n }\n\n // returns bit length of the integer x\n function nbits(x) {\n var r = 1, t;\n if((t=x>>>16) != 0) { x = t; r += 16; }\n if((t=x>>8) != 0) { x = t; r += 8; }\n if((t=x>>4) != 0) { x = t; r += 4; }\n if((t=x>>2) != 0) { x = t; r += 2; }\n if((t=x>>1) != 0) { x = t; r += 1; }\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) return the number of bits in \"this\"\n function bnBitLength() {\n if(this.t <= 0) return 0;\n return this.DB*(this.t-1)+nbits(this[this.t-1]^(this.s&this.DM));\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this << n*DB\n function bnpDLShiftTo(n,r) {\n var i;\n for(i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r[i+n] = this[i];\n for(i = n-1; i >= 0; --i) r[i] = 0;\n r.t = this.t+n;\n r.s = this.s;\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this >> n*DB\n function bnpDRShiftTo(n,r) {\n for(var i = n; i < this.t; ++i) r[i-n] = this[i];\n r.t = Math.max(this.t-n,0);\n r.s = this.s;\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this << n\n function bnpLShiftTo(n,r) {\n var bs = n%this.DB;\n var cbs = this.DB-bs;\n var bm = (1<= 0; --i) {\n r[i+ds+1] = (this[i]>>cbs)|c;\n c = (this[i]&bm)<= 0; --i) r[i] = 0;\n r[ds] = c;\n r.t = this.t+ds+1;\n r.s = this.s;\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this >> n\n function bnpRShiftTo(n,r) {\n r.s = this.s;\n var ds = Math.floor(n/this.DB);\n if(ds >= this.t) { r.t = 0; return; }\n var bs = n%this.DB;\n var cbs = this.DB-bs;\n var bm = (1<>bs;\n for(var i = ds+1; i < this.t; ++i) {\n r[i-ds-1] |= (this[i]&bm)<>bs;\n }\n if(bs > 0) r[this.t-ds-1] |= (this.s&bm)<>= this.DB;\n }\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n c -= a.s;\n while(i < this.t) {\n c += this[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += this.s;\n }\n else {\n c += this.s;\n while(i < a.t) {\n c -= a[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c -= a.s;\n }\n r.s = (c<0)?-1:0;\n if(c < -1) r[i++] = this.DV+c;\n else if(c > 0) r[i++] = c;\n r.t = i;\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this * a, r != this,a (HAC 14.12)\n // \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\n function bnpMultiplyTo(a,r) {\n var x = this.abs(), y = a.abs();\n var i = x.t;\n r.t = i+y.t;\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < y.t; ++i) r[i+x.t] = x.am(0,y[i],r,i,0,x.t);\n r.s = 0;\n r.clamp();\n if(this.s != a.s) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r,r);\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this^2, r != this (HAC 14.16)\n function bnpSquareTo(r) {\n var x = this.abs();\n var i = r.t = 2*x.t;\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < x.t-1; ++i) {\n var c = x.am(i,x[i],r,2*i,0,1);\n if((r[i+x.t]+=x.am(i+1,2*x[i],r,2*i+1,c,x.t-i-1)) >= x.DV) {\n r[i+x.t] -= x.DV;\n r[i+x.t+1] = 1;\n }\n }\n if(r.t > 0) r[r.t-1] += x.am(i,x[i],r,2*i,0,1);\n r.s = 0;\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) divide this by m, quotient and remainder to q, r (HAC 14.20)\n // r != q, this != m. q or r may be null.\n function bnpDivRemTo(m,q,r) {\n var pm = m.abs();\n if(pm.t <= 0) return;\n var pt = this.abs();\n if(pt.t < pm.t) {\n if(q != null) q.fromInt(0);\n if(r != null) this.copyTo(r);\n return;\n }\n if(r == null) r = nbi();\n var y = nbi(), ts = this.s, ms = m.s;\n var nsh = this.DB-nbits(pm[pm.t-1]); // normalize modulus\n if(nsh > 0) { pm.lShiftTo(nsh,y); pt.lShiftTo(nsh,r); }\n else { pm.copyTo(y); pt.copyTo(r); }\n var ys = y.t;\n var y0 = y[ys-1];\n if(y0 == 0) return;\n var yt = y0*(1<1)?y[ys-2]>>this.F2:0);\n var d1 = this.FV/yt, d2 = (1<= 0) {\n r[r.t++] = 1;\n r.subTo(t,r);\n }\n BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(ys,t);\n t.subTo(y,y); // \"negative\" y so we can replace sub with am later\n while(y.t < ys) y[y.t++] = 0;\n while(--j >= 0) {\n // Estimate quotient digit\n var qd = (r[--i]==y0)?this.DM:Math.floor(r[i]*d1+(r[i-1]+e)*d2);\n if((r[i]+=y.am(0,qd,r,j,0,ys)) < qd) { // Try it out\n y.dlShiftTo(j,t);\n r.subTo(t,r);\n while(r[i] < --qd) r.subTo(t,r);\n }\n }\n if(q != null) {\n r.drShiftTo(ys,q);\n if(ts != ms) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(q,q);\n }\n r.t = ys;\n r.clamp();\n if(nsh > 0) r.rShiftTo(nsh,r); // Denormalize remainder\n if(ts < 0) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r,r);\n }\n\n // (public) this mod a\n function bnMod(a) {\n var r = nbi();\n this.abs().divRemTo(a,null,r);\n if(this.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) a.subTo(r,r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // Modular reduction using \"classic\" algorithm\n function Classic(m) { this.m = m; }\n function cConvert(x) {\n if(x.s < 0 || x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) return x.mod(this.m);\n else return x;\n }\n function cRevert(x) { return x; }\n function cReduce(x) { x.divRemTo(this.m,null,x); }\n function cMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n function cSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n Classic.prototype.convert = cConvert;\n Classic.prototype.revert = cRevert;\n Classic.prototype.reduce = cReduce;\n Classic.prototype.mulTo = cMulTo;\n Classic.prototype.sqrTo = cSqrTo;\n\n // (protected) return \"-1/this % 2^DB\"; useful for Mont. reduction\n // justification:\n // xy == 1 (mod m)\n // xy = 1+km\n // xy(2-xy) = (1+km)(1-km)\n // x[y(2-xy)] = 1-k^2m^2\n // x[y(2-xy)] == 1 (mod m^2)\n // if y is 1/x mod m, then y(2-xy) is 1/x mod m^2\n // should reduce x and y(2-xy) by m^2 at each step to keep size bounded.\n // JS multiply \"overflows\" differently from C/C++, so care is needed here.\n function bnpInvDigit() {\n if(this.t < 1) return 0;\n var x = this[0];\n if((x&1) == 0) return 0;\n var y = x&3; // y == 1/x mod 2^2\n y = (y*(2-(x&0xf)*y))&0xf; // y == 1/x mod 2^4\n y = (y*(2-(x&0xff)*y))&0xff; // y == 1/x mod 2^8\n y = (y*(2-(((x&0xffff)*y)&0xffff)))&0xffff; // y == 1/x mod 2^16\n // last step - calculate inverse mod DV directly;\n // assumes 16 < DB <= 32 and assumes ability to handle 48-bit ints\n y = (y*(2-x*y%this.DV))%this.DV; // y == 1/x mod 2^dbits\n // we really want the negative inverse, and -DV < y < DV\n return (y>0)?this.DV-y:-y;\n }\n\n // Montgomery reduction\n function Montgomery(m) {\n this.m = m;\n this.mp = m.invDigit();\n this.mpl = this.mp&0x7fff;\n this.mph = this.mp>>15;\n this.um = (1<<(m.DB-15))-1;\n this.mt2 = 2*m.t;\n }\n\n // xR mod m\n function montConvert(x) {\n var r = nbi();\n x.abs().dlShiftTo(this.m.t,r);\n r.divRemTo(this.m,null,r);\n if(x.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) this.m.subTo(r,r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // x/R mod m\n function montRevert(x) {\n var r = nbi();\n x.copyTo(r);\n this.reduce(r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // x = x/R mod m (HAC 14.32)\n function montReduce(x) {\n while(x.t <= this.mt2) // pad x so am has enough room later\n x[x.t++] = 0;\n for(var i = 0; i < this.m.t; ++i) {\n // faster way of calculating u0 = x[i]*mp mod DV\n var j = x[i]&0x7fff;\n var u0 = (j*this.mpl+(((j*this.mph+(x[i]>>15)*this.mpl)&this.um)<<15))&x.DM;\n // use am to combine the multiply-shift-add into one call\n j = i+this.m.t;\n x[j] += this.m.am(0,u0,x,i,0,this.m.t);\n // propagate carry\n while(x[j] >= x.DV) { x[j] -= x.DV; x[++j]++; }\n }\n x.clamp();\n x.drShiftTo(this.m.t,x);\n if(x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m,x);\n }\n\n // r = \"x^2/R mod m\"; x != r\n function montSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n // r = \"xy/R mod m\"; x,y != r\n function montMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n Montgomery.prototype.convert = montConvert;\n Montgomery.prototype.revert = montRevert;\n Montgomery.prototype.reduce = montReduce;\n Montgomery.prototype.mulTo = montMulTo;\n Montgomery.prototype.sqrTo = montSqrTo;\n\n // (protected) true iff this is even\n function bnpIsEven() { return ((this.t>0)?(this[0]&1):this.s) == 0; }\n\n // (protected) this^e, e < 2^32, doing sqr and mul with \"r\" (HAC 14.79)\n function bnpExp(e,z) {\n if(e > 0xffffffff || e < 1) return BigInteger.ONE;\n var r = nbi(), r2 = nbi(), g = z.convert(this), i = nbits(e)-1;\n g.copyTo(r);\n while(--i >= 0) {\n z.sqrTo(r,r2);\n if((e&(1< 0) z.mulTo(r2,g,r);\n else { var t = r; r = r2; r2 = t; }\n }\n return z.revert(r);\n }\n\n // (public) this^e % m, 0 <= e < 2^32\n function bnModPowInt(e,m) {\n var z;\n if(e < 256 || m.isEven()) z = new Classic(m); else z = new Montgomery(m);\n return this.exp(e,z);\n }\n\n // protected\n BigInteger.prototype.copyTo = bnpCopyTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.fromInt = bnpFromInt;\n BigInteger.prototype.fromString = bnpFromString;\n BigInteger.prototype.clamp = bnpClamp;\n BigInteger.prototype.dlShiftTo = bnpDLShiftTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.drShiftTo = bnpDRShiftTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.lShiftTo = bnpLShiftTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.rShiftTo = bnpRShiftTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.subTo = bnpSubTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.multiplyTo = bnpMultiplyTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.squareTo = bnpSquareTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.divRemTo = bnpDivRemTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.invDigit = bnpInvDigit;\n BigInteger.prototype.isEven = bnpIsEven;\n BigInteger.prototype.exp = bnpExp;\n\n // public\n BigInteger.prototype.toString = bnToString;\n BigInteger.prototype.negate = bnNegate;\n BigInteger.prototype.abs = bnAbs;\n BigInteger.prototype.compareTo = bnCompareTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.bitLength = bnBitLength;\n BigInteger.prototype.mod = bnMod;\n BigInteger.prototype.modPowInt = bnModPowInt;\n\n // \"constants\"\n BigInteger.ZERO = nbv(0);\n BigInteger.ONE = nbv(1);\n\n // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Tom Wu\n // All Rights Reserved.\n // See \"LICENSE\" for details.\n\n // Extended JavaScript BN functions, required for RSA private ops.\n\n // Version 1.1: new BigInteger(\"0\", 10) returns \"proper\" zero\n // Version 1.2: square() API, isProbablePrime fix\n\n // (public)\n function bnClone() { var r = nbi(); this.copyTo(r); return r; }\n\n // (public) return value as integer\n function bnIntValue() {\n if(this.s < 0) {\n if(this.t == 1) return this[0]-this.DV;\n else if(this.t == 0) return -1;\n }\n else if(this.t == 1) return this[0];\n else if(this.t == 0) return 0;\n // assumes 16 < DB < 32\n return ((this[1]&((1<<(32-this.DB))-1))<>24; }\n\n // (public) return value as short (assumes DB>=16)\n function bnShortValue() { return (this.t==0)?this.s:(this[0]<<16)>>16; }\n\n // (protected) return x s.t. r^x < DV\n function bnpChunkSize(r) { return Math.floor(Math.LN2*this.DB/Math.log(r)); }\n\n // (public) 0 if this == 0, 1 if this > 0\n function bnSigNum() {\n if(this.s < 0) return -1;\n else if(this.t <= 0 || (this.t == 1 && this[0] <= 0)) return 0;\n else return 1;\n }\n\n // (protected) convert to radix string\n function bnpToRadix(b) {\n if(b == null) b = 10;\n if(this.signum() == 0 || b < 2 || b > 36) return \"0\";\n var cs = this.chunkSize(b);\n var a = Math.pow(b,cs);\n var d = nbv(a), y = nbi(), z = nbi(), r = \"\";\n this.divRemTo(d,y,z);\n while(y.signum() > 0) {\n r = (a+z.intValue()).toString(b).substr(1) + r;\n y.divRemTo(d,y,z);\n }\n return z.intValue().toString(b) + r;\n }\n\n // (protected) convert from radix string\n function bnpFromRadix(s,b) {\n this.fromInt(0);\n if(b == null) b = 10;\n var cs = this.chunkSize(b);\n var d = Math.pow(b,cs), mi = false, j = 0, w = 0;\n for(var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {\n var x = intAt(s,i);\n if(x < 0) {\n if(s.charAt(i) == \"-\" && this.signum() == 0) mi = true;\n continue;\n }\n w = b*w+x;\n if(++j >= cs) {\n this.dMultiply(d);\n this.dAddOffset(w,0);\n j = 0;\n w = 0;\n }\n }\n if(j > 0) {\n this.dMultiply(Math.pow(b,j));\n this.dAddOffset(w,0);\n }\n if(mi) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,this);\n }\n\n // (protected) alternate constructor\n function bnpFromNumber(a,b,c) {\n if(\"number\" == typeof b) {\n // new BigInteger(int,int,RNG)\n if(a < 2) this.fromInt(1);\n else {\n this.fromNumber(a,c);\n if(!this.testBit(a-1)) // force MSB set\n this.bitwiseTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a-1),op_or,this);\n if(this.isEven()) this.dAddOffset(1,0); // force odd\n while(!this.isProbablePrime(b)) {\n this.dAddOffset(2,0);\n if(this.bitLength() > a) this.subTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a-1),this);\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n // new BigInteger(int,RNG)\n var x = new Array(), t = a&7;\n x.length = (a>>3)+1;\n b.nextBytes(x);\n if(t > 0) x[0] &= ((1< 0) {\n if(p < this.DB && (d = this[i]>>p) != (this.s&this.DM)>>p)\n r[k++] = d|(this.s<<(this.DB-p));\n while(i >= 0) {\n if(p < 8) {\n d = (this[i]&((1<>(p+=this.DB-8);\n }\n else {\n d = (this[i]>>(p-=8))&0xff;\n if(p <= 0) { p += this.DB; --i; }\n }\n if((d&0x80) != 0) d |= -256;\n if(k == 0 && (this.s&0x80) != (d&0x80)) ++k;\n if(k > 0 || d != this.s) r[k++] = d;\n }\n }\n return r;\n }\n\n function bnEquals(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)==0); }\n function bnMin(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)<0)?this:a; }\n function bnMax(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)>0)?this:a; }\n\n // (protected) r = this op a (bitwise)\n function bnpBitwiseTo(a,op,r) {\n var i, f, m = Math.min(a.t,this.t);\n for(i = 0; i < m; ++i) r[i] = op(this[i],a[i]);\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n f = a.s&this.DM;\n for(i = m; i < this.t; ++i) r[i] = op(this[i],f);\n r.t = this.t;\n }\n else {\n f = this.s&this.DM;\n for(i = m; i < a.t; ++i) r[i] = op(f,a[i]);\n r.t = a.t;\n }\n r.s = op(this.s,a.s);\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (public) this & a\n function op_and(x,y) { return x&y; }\n function bnAnd(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_and,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this | a\n function op_or(x,y) { return x|y; }\n function bnOr(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_or,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this ^ a\n function op_xor(x,y) { return x^y; }\n function bnXor(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_xor,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this & ~a\n function op_andnot(x,y) { return x&~y; }\n function bnAndNot(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_andnot,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) ~this\n function bnNot() {\n var r = nbi();\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r[i] = this.DM&~this[i];\n r.t = this.t;\n r.s = ~this.s;\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) this << n\n function bnShiftLeft(n) {\n var r = nbi();\n if(n < 0) this.rShiftTo(-n,r); else this.lShiftTo(n,r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) this >> n\n function bnShiftRight(n) {\n var r = nbi();\n if(n < 0) this.lShiftTo(-n,r); else this.rShiftTo(n,r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // return index of lowest 1-bit in x, x < 2^31\n function lbit(x) {\n if(x == 0) return -1;\n var r = 0;\n if((x&0xffff) == 0) { x >>= 16; r += 16; }\n if((x&0xff) == 0) { x >>= 8; r += 8; }\n if((x&0xf) == 0) { x >>= 4; r += 4; }\n if((x&3) == 0) { x >>= 2; r += 2; }\n if((x&1) == 0) ++r;\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) returns index of lowest 1-bit (or -1 if none)\n function bnGetLowestSetBit() {\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i)\n if(this[i] != 0) return i*this.DB+lbit(this[i]);\n if(this.s < 0) return this.t*this.DB;\n return -1;\n }\n\n // return number of 1 bits in x\n function cbit(x) {\n var r = 0;\n while(x != 0) { x &= x-1; ++r; }\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) return number of set bits\n function bnBitCount() {\n var r = 0, x = this.s&this.DM;\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r += cbit(this[i]^x);\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) true iff nth bit is set\n function bnTestBit(n) {\n var j = Math.floor(n/this.DB);\n if(j >= this.t) return(this.s!=0);\n return((this[j]&(1<<(n%this.DB)))!=0);\n }\n\n // (protected) this op (1<>= this.DB;\n }\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n c += a.s;\n while(i < this.t) {\n c += this[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += this.s;\n }\n else {\n c += this.s;\n while(i < a.t) {\n c += a[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += a.s;\n }\n r.s = (c<0)?-1:0;\n if(c > 0) r[i++] = c;\n else if(c < -1) r[i++] = this.DV+c;\n r.t = i;\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (public) this + a\n function bnAdd(a) { var r = nbi(); this.addTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this - a\n function bnSubtract(a) { var r = nbi(); this.subTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this * a\n function bnMultiply(a) { var r = nbi(); this.multiplyTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this^2\n function bnSquare() { var r = nbi(); this.squareTo(r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this / a\n function bnDivide(a) { var r = nbi(); this.divRemTo(a,r,null); return r; }\n\n // (public) this % a\n function bnRemainder(a) { var r = nbi(); this.divRemTo(a,null,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) [this/a,this%a]\n function bnDivideAndRemainder(a) {\n var q = nbi(), r = nbi();\n this.divRemTo(a,q,r);\n return new Array(q,r);\n }\n\n // (protected) this *= n, this >= 0, 1 < n < DV\n function bnpDMultiply(n) {\n this[this.t] = this.am(0,n-1,this,0,0,this.t);\n ++this.t;\n this.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) this += n << w words, this >= 0\n function bnpDAddOffset(n,w) {\n if(n == 0) return;\n while(this.t <= w) this[this.t++] = 0;\n this[w] += n;\n while(this[w] >= this.DV) {\n this[w] -= this.DV;\n if(++w >= this.t) this[this.t++] = 0;\n ++this[w];\n }\n }\n\n // A \"null\" reducer\n function NullExp() {}\n function nNop(x) { return x; }\n function nMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); }\n function nSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); }\n\n NullExp.prototype.convert = nNop;\n NullExp.prototype.revert = nNop;\n NullExp.prototype.mulTo = nMulTo;\n NullExp.prototype.sqrTo = nSqrTo;\n\n // (public) this^e\n function bnPow(e) { return this.exp(e,new NullExp()); }\n\n // (protected) r = lower n words of \"this * a\", a.t <= n\n // \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\n function bnpMultiplyLowerTo(a,n,r) {\n var i = Math.min(this.t+a.t,n);\n r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0\n r.t = i;\n while(i > 0) r[--i] = 0;\n var j;\n for(j = r.t-this.t; i < j; ++i) r[i+this.t] = this.am(0,a[i],r,i,0,this.t);\n for(j = Math.min(a.t,n); i < j; ++i) this.am(0,a[i],r,i,0,n-i);\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) r = \"this * a\" without lower n words, n > 0\n // \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\n function bnpMultiplyUpperTo(a,n,r) {\n --n;\n var i = r.t = this.t+a.t-n;\n r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = Math.max(n-this.t,0); i < a.t; ++i)\n r[this.t+i-n] = this.am(n-i,a[i],r,0,0,this.t+i-n);\n r.clamp();\n r.drShiftTo(1,r);\n }\n\n // Barrett modular reduction\n function Barrett(m) {\n // setup Barrett\n this.r2 = nbi();\n this.q3 = nbi();\n BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(2*m.t,this.r2);\n this.mu = this.r2.divide(m);\n this.m = m;\n }\n\n function barrettConvert(x) {\n if(x.s < 0 || x.t > 2*this.m.t) return x.mod(this.m);\n else if(x.compareTo(this.m) < 0) return x;\n else { var r = nbi(); x.copyTo(r); this.reduce(r); return r; }\n }\n\n function barrettRevert(x) { return x; }\n\n // x = x mod m (HAC 14.42)\n function barrettReduce(x) {\n x.drShiftTo(this.m.t-1,this.r2);\n if(x.t > this.m.t+1) { x.t = this.m.t+1; x.clamp(); }\n this.mu.multiplyUpperTo(this.r2,this.m.t+1,this.q3);\n this.m.multiplyLowerTo(this.q3,this.m.t+1,this.r2);\n while(x.compareTo(this.r2) < 0) x.dAddOffset(1,this.m.t+1);\n x.subTo(this.r2,x);\n while(x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m,x);\n }\n\n // r = x^2 mod m; x != r\n function barrettSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n // r = x*y mod m; x,y != r\n function barrettMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n Barrett.prototype.convert = barrettConvert;\n Barrett.prototype.revert = barrettRevert;\n Barrett.prototype.reduce = barrettReduce;\n Barrett.prototype.mulTo = barrettMulTo;\n Barrett.prototype.sqrTo = barrettSqrTo;\n\n // (public) this^e % m (HAC 14.85)\n function bnModPow(e,m) {\n var i = e.bitLength(), k, r = nbv(1), z;\n if(i <= 0) return r;\n else if(i < 18) k = 1;\n else if(i < 48) k = 3;\n else if(i < 144) k = 4;\n else if(i < 768) k = 5;\n else k = 6;\n if(i < 8)\n z = new Classic(m);\n else if(m.isEven())\n z = new Barrett(m);\n else\n z = new Montgomery(m);\n\n // precomputation\n var g = new Array(), n = 3, k1 = k-1, km = (1< 1) {\n var g2 = nbi();\n z.sqrTo(g[1],g2);\n while(n <= km) {\n g[n] = nbi();\n z.mulTo(g2,g[n-2],g[n]);\n n += 2;\n }\n }\n\n var j = e.t-1, w, is1 = true, r2 = nbi(), t;\n i = nbits(e[j])-1;\n while(j >= 0) {\n if(i >= k1) w = (e[j]>>(i-k1))&km;\n else {\n w = (e[j]&((1<<(i+1))-1))<<(k1-i);\n if(j > 0) w |= e[j-1]>>(this.DB+i-k1);\n }\n\n n = k;\n while((w&1) == 0) { w >>= 1; --n; }\n if((i -= n) < 0) { i += this.DB; --j; }\n if(is1) { // ret == 1, don't bother squaring or multiplying it\n g[w].copyTo(r);\n is1 = false;\n }\n else {\n while(n > 1) { z.sqrTo(r,r2); z.sqrTo(r2,r); n -= 2; }\n if(n > 0) z.sqrTo(r,r2); else { t = r; r = r2; r2 = t; }\n z.mulTo(r2,g[w],r);\n }\n\n while(j >= 0 && (e[j]&(1< 0) {\n x.rShiftTo(g,x);\n y.rShiftTo(g,y);\n }\n while(x.signum() > 0) {\n if((i = x.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) x.rShiftTo(i,x);\n if((i = y.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) y.rShiftTo(i,y);\n if(x.compareTo(y) >= 0) {\n x.subTo(y,x);\n x.rShiftTo(1,x);\n }\n else {\n y.subTo(x,y);\n y.rShiftTo(1,y);\n }\n }\n if(g > 0) y.lShiftTo(g,y);\n return y;\n }\n\n // (protected) this % n, n < 2^26\n function bnpModInt(n) {\n if(n <= 0) return 0;\n var d = this.DV%n, r = (this.s<0)?n-1:0;\n if(this.t > 0)\n if(d == 0) r = this[0]%n;\n else for(var i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r = (d*r+this[i])%n;\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) 1/this % m (HAC 14.61)\n function bnModInverse(m) {\n var ac = m.isEven();\n if((this.isEven() && ac) || m.signum() == 0) return BigInteger.ZERO;\n var u = m.clone(), v = this.clone();\n var a = nbv(1), b = nbv(0), c = nbv(0), d = nbv(1);\n while(u.signum() != 0) {\n while(u.isEven()) {\n u.rShiftTo(1,u);\n if(ac) {\n if(!a.isEven() || !b.isEven()) { a.addTo(this,a); b.subTo(m,b); }\n a.rShiftTo(1,a);\n }\n else if(!b.isEven()) b.subTo(m,b);\n b.rShiftTo(1,b);\n }\n while(v.isEven()) {\n v.rShiftTo(1,v);\n if(ac) {\n if(!c.isEven() || !d.isEven()) { c.addTo(this,c); d.subTo(m,d); }\n c.rShiftTo(1,c);\n }\n else if(!d.isEven()) d.subTo(m,d);\n d.rShiftTo(1,d);\n }\n if(u.compareTo(v) >= 0) {\n u.subTo(v,u);\n if(ac) a.subTo(c,a);\n b.subTo(d,b);\n }\n else {\n v.subTo(u,v);\n if(ac) c.subTo(a,c);\n d.subTo(b,d);\n }\n }\n if(v.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0) return BigInteger.ZERO;\n if(d.compareTo(m) >= 0) return d.subtract(m);\n if(d.signum() < 0) d.addTo(m,d); else return d;\n if(d.signum() < 0) return d.add(m); else return d;\n }\n\n var lowprimes = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199,211,223,227,229,233,239,241,251,257,263,269,271,277,281,283,293,307,311,313,317,331,337,347,349,353,359,367,373,379,383,389,397,401,409,419,421,431,433,439,443,449,457,461,463,467,479,487,491,499,503,509,521,523,541,547,557,563,569,571,577,587,593,599,601,607,613,617,619,631,641,643,647,653,659,661,673,677,683,691,701,709,719,727,733,739,743,751,757,761,769,773,787,797,809,811,821,823,827,829,839,853,857,859,863,877,881,883,887,907,911,919,929,937,941,947,953,967,971,977,983,991,997];\n var lplim = (1<<26)/lowprimes[lowprimes.length-1];\n\n // (public) test primality with certainty >= 1-.5^t\n function bnIsProbablePrime(t) {\n var i, x = this.abs();\n if(x.t == 1 && x[0] <= lowprimes[lowprimes.length-1]) {\n for(i = 0; i < lowprimes.length; ++i)\n if(x[0] == lowprimes[i]) return true;\n return false;\n }\n if(x.isEven()) return false;\n i = 1;\n while(i < lowprimes.length) {\n var m = lowprimes[i], j = i+1;\n while(j < lowprimes.length && m < lplim) m *= lowprimes[j++];\n m = x.modInt(m);\n while(i < j) if(m%lowprimes[i++] == 0) return false;\n }\n return x.millerRabin(t);\n }\n\n // (protected) true if probably prime (HAC 4.24, Miller-Rabin)\n function bnpMillerRabin(t) {\n var n1 = this.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);\n var k = n1.getLowestSetBit();\n if(k <= 0) return false;\n var r = n1.shiftRight(k);\n t = (t+1)>>1;\n if(t > lowprimes.length) t = lowprimes.length;\n var a = nbi();\n for(var i = 0; i < t; ++i) {\n //Pick bases at random, instead of starting at 2\n a.fromInt(lowprimes[Math.floor(Math.random()*lowprimes.length)]);\n var y = a.modPow(r,this);\n if(y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0 && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {\n var j = 1;\n while(j++ < k && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {\n y = y.modPowInt(2,this);\n if(y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) == 0) return false;\n }\n if(y.compareTo(n1) != 0) return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n // protected\n BigInteger.prototype.chunkSize = bnpChunkSize;\n BigInteger.prototype.toRadix = bnpToRadix;\n BigInteger.prototype.fromRadix = bnpFromRadix;\n BigInteger.prototype.fromNumber = bnpFromNumber;\n BigInteger.prototype.bitwiseTo = bnpBitwiseTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.changeBit = bnpChangeBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.addTo = bnpAddTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.dMultiply = bnpDMultiply;\n BigInteger.prototype.dAddOffset = bnpDAddOffset;\n BigInteger.prototype.multiplyLowerTo = bnpMultiplyLowerTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.multiplyUpperTo = bnpMultiplyUpperTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.modInt = bnpModInt;\n BigInteger.prototype.millerRabin = bnpMillerRabin;\n\n // public\n BigInteger.prototype.clone = bnClone;\n BigInteger.prototype.intValue = bnIntValue;\n BigInteger.prototype.byteValue = bnByteValue;\n BigInteger.prototype.shortValue = bnShortValue;\n BigInteger.prototype.signum = bnSigNum;\n BigInteger.prototype.toByteArray = bnToByteArray;\n BigInteger.prototype.equals = bnEquals;\n BigInteger.prototype.min = bnMin;\n BigInteger.prototype.max = bnMax;\n BigInteger.prototype.and = bnAnd;\n BigInteger.prototype.or = bnOr;\n BigInteger.prototype.xor = bnXor;\n BigInteger.prototype.andNot = bnAndNot;\n BigInteger.prototype.not = bnNot;\n BigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = bnShiftLeft;\n BigInteger.prototype.shiftRight = bnShiftRight;\n BigInteger.prototype.getLowestSetBit = bnGetLowestSetBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.bitCount = bnBitCount;\n BigInteger.prototype.testBit = bnTestBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.setBit = bnSetBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.clearBit = bnClearBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.flipBit = bnFlipBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.add = bnAdd;\n BigInteger.prototype.subtract = bnSubtract;\n BigInteger.prototype.multiply = bnMultiply;\n BigInteger.prototype.divide = bnDivide;\n BigInteger.prototype.remainder = bnRemainder;\n BigInteger.prototype.divideAndRemainder = bnDivideAndRemainder;\n BigInteger.prototype.modPow = bnModPow;\n BigInteger.prototype.modInverse = bnModInverse;\n BigInteger.prototype.pow = bnPow;\n BigInteger.prototype.gcd = bnGCD;\n BigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = bnIsProbablePrime;\n\n // JSBN-specific extension\n BigInteger.prototype.square = bnSquare;\n\n // Expose the Barrett function\n BigInteger.prototype.Barrett = Barrett\n\n // BigInteger interfaces not implemented in jsbn:\n\n // BigInteger(int signum, byte[] magnitude)\n // double doubleValue()\n // float floatValue()\n // int hashCode()\n // long longValue()\n // static BigInteger valueOf(long val)\n\n // Random number generator - requires a PRNG backend, e.g. prng4.js\n\n // For best results, put code like\n // \n // in your main HTML document.\n\n var rng_state;\n var rng_pool;\n var rng_pptr;\n\n // Mix in a 32-bit integer into the pool\n function rng_seed_int(x) {\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= x & 255;\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= (x >> 8) & 255;\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= (x >> 16) & 255;\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= (x >> 24) & 255;\n if(rng_pptr >= rng_psize) rng_pptr -= rng_psize;\n }\n\n // Mix in the current time (w/milliseconds) into the pool\n function rng_seed_time() {\n rng_seed_int(new Date().getTime());\n }\n\n // Initialize the pool with junk if needed.\n if(rng_pool == null) {\n rng_pool = new Array();\n rng_pptr = 0;\n var t;\n if(typeof window !== \"undefined\" && window.crypto) {\n if (window.crypto.getRandomValues) {\n // Use webcrypto if available\n var ua = new Uint8Array(32);\n window.crypto.getRandomValues(ua);\n for(t = 0; t < 32; ++t)\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = ua[t];\n }\n else if(navigator.appName == \"Netscape\" && navigator.appVersion < \"5\") {\n // Extract entropy (256 bits) from NS4 RNG if available\n var z = window.crypto.random(32);\n for(t = 0; t < z.length; ++t)\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = z.charCodeAt(t) & 255;\n }\n }\n while(rng_pptr < rng_psize) { // extract some randomness from Math.random()\n t = Math.floor(65536 * Math.random());\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = t >>> 8;\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = t & 255;\n }\n rng_pptr = 0;\n rng_seed_time();\n //rng_seed_int(window.screenX);\n //rng_seed_int(window.screenY);\n }\n\n function rng_get_byte() {\n if(rng_state == null) {\n rng_seed_time();\n rng_state = prng_newstate();\n rng_state.init(rng_pool);\n for(rng_pptr = 0; rng_pptr < rng_pool.length; ++rng_pptr)\n rng_pool[rng_pptr] = 0;\n rng_pptr = 0;\n //rng_pool = null;\n }\n // TODO: allow reseeding after first request\n return rng_state.next();\n }\n\n function rng_get_bytes(ba) {\n var i;\n for(i = 0; i < ba.length; ++i) ba[i] = rng_get_byte();\n }\n\n function SecureRandom() {}\n\n SecureRandom.prototype.nextBytes = rng_get_bytes;\n\n // prng4.js - uses Arcfour as a PRNG\n\n function Arcfour() {\n this.i = 0;\n this.j = 0;\n this.S = new Array();\n }\n\n // Initialize arcfour context from key, an array of ints, each from [0..255]\n function ARC4init(key) {\n var i, j, t;\n for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)\n this.S[i] = i;\n j = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {\n j = (j + this.S[i] + key[i % key.length]) & 255;\n t = this.S[i];\n this.S[i] = this.S[j];\n this.S[j] = t;\n }\n this.i = 0;\n this.j = 0;\n }\n\n function ARC4next() {\n var t;\n this.i = (this.i + 1) & 255;\n this.j = (this.j + this.S[this.i]) & 255;\n t = this.S[this.i];\n this.S[this.i] = this.S[this.j];\n this.S[this.j] = t;\n return this.S[(t + this.S[this.i]) & 255];\n }\n\n Arcfour.prototype.init = ARC4init;\n Arcfour.prototype.next = ARC4next;\n\n // Plug in your RNG constructor here\n function prng_newstate() {\n return new Arcfour();\n }\n\n // Pool size must be a multiple of 4 and greater than 32.\n // An array of bytes the size of the pool will be passed to init()\n var rng_psize = 256;\n\n if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {\n exports = module.exports = {\n default: BigInteger,\n BigInteger: BigInteger,\n SecureRandom: SecureRandom,\n };\n } else {\n this.jsbn = {\n BigInteger: BigInteger,\n SecureRandom: SecureRandom\n };\n }\n\n}).call(this);\n" }, { "id": 53, 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"module": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../lib/webp/webpWorkerController", "loc": "30:47-90" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.WebpWorkerController = void 0;\r\nconst webp_worker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"worker-loader!./webp.worker\"));\r\nconst cancellablePromise_1 = require(\"../../helpers/cancellablePromise\");\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nclass WebpWorkerController {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.convertPromises = {};\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n this.worker = new webp_worker_1.default();\r\n this.worker.addEventListener('message', (e) => {\r\n const payload = e.data.payload;\r\n if (payload.fileName.indexOf('main-') === 0) {\r\n const promise = this.convertPromises[payload.fileName];\r\n if (promise) {\r\n payload.bytes ? promise.resolve(payload.bytes) : promise.reject();\r\n delete this.convertPromises[payload.fileName];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.postMessage(e.data);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n postMessage(data) {\r\n if (this.init) {\r\n this.init();\r\n this.init = null;\r\n }\r\n this.worker.postMessage(data);\r\n }\r\n convert(fileName, bytes) {\r\n fileName = 'main-' + fileName;\r\n if (this.convertPromises.hasOwnProperty(fileName)) {\r\n return this.convertPromises[fileName];\r\n }\r\n const convertPromise = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n this.postMessage({ type: 'convertWebp', payload: { fileName, bytes } });\r\n return this.convertPromises[fileName] = convertPromise;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.WebpWorkerController = WebpWorkerController;\r\nconst webpWorkerController = new WebpWorkerController();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.webpWorkerController = webpWorkerController;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = webpWorkerController;\r\n" }, { "id": 54, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\opusDecodeController.ts", "name": "./src/lib/opusDecodeController.ts", "index": 52, "index2": 41, "size": 6088, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appDocsManager.ts", "issuerId": 12, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appDocsManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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"../../lib/opusDecodeController", "loc": "18:47-88" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.OpusDecodeController = void 0;\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"./config\");\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"./logger\");\r\nclass OpusDecodeController {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.sampleRate = 48000;\r\n this.tasks = [];\r\n this.keepAlive = false;\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('OPUS', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n }\r\n isPlaySupported() {\r\n if (this.isPlaySupportedResult !== undefined)\r\n return this.isPlaySupportedResult;\r\n const audio = document.createElement('audio');\r\n return this.isPlaySupportedResult = !!(audio.canPlayType && audio.canPlayType('audio/ogg;').replace(/no/, '')) /* && false */;\r\n }\r\n loadWavWorker() {\r\n if (this.wavWorker)\r\n return;\r\n this.wavWorker = new Worker('waveWorker.min.js');\r\n this.wavWorker.addEventListener('message', (e) => {\r\n const data = e.data;\r\n this.log('[WAV] got message:', data);\r\n if (data && data.page) {\r\n const bytes = data.page;\r\n this.onTaskEnd(this.tasks.shift(), bytes);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n loadWorker() {\r\n if (this.worker)\r\n return;\r\n this.worker = new Worker('decoderWorker.min.js');\r\n this.worker.addEventListener('message', (e) => {\r\n const data = e.data;\r\n this.log('[DECODER] got message', data);\r\n if (data.type == 'done') {\r\n //this.log('[DECODER] send done to wav');\r\n this.wavWorker.postMessage({ command: 'done' });\r\n if (data.waveform) {\r\n this.tasks[0].waveform = data.waveform;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else { // e.data contains decoded buffers as float32 values\r\n //this.log('[DECODER] send encode to wav');\r\n this.wavWorker.postMessage({\r\n command: 'encode',\r\n buffers: e.data\r\n }, config_1.isSafari ? undefined : data.map((typedArray) => typedArray.buffer));\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n setKeepAlive(keepAlive) {\r\n this.keepAlive = keepAlive;\r\n if (this.keepAlive) {\r\n this.loadWorker();\r\n this.loadWavWorker();\r\n }\r\n else if (!this.tasks.length) {\r\n this.terminateWorkers();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n onTaskEnd(task, result) {\r\n if (!result) {\r\n task.callback.reject('timeout');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n clearTimeout(task.timeout);\r\n task.callback.resolve({ bytes: result, waveform: task.waveform });\r\n }\r\n if (this.tasks.length) {\r\n this.executeNewTask(this.tasks[0]);\r\n }\r\n this.terminateWorkers();\r\n }\r\n terminateWorkers(kill = false) {\r\n if ((this.keepAlive || this.tasks.length) && !kill)\r\n return;\r\n if (this.worker) {\r\n this.worker.terminate();\r\n this.worker = null;\r\n }\r\n if (this.wavWorker) {\r\n this.wavWorker.terminate();\r\n this.wavWorker = null;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n executeNewTask(task) {\r\n this.worker.postMessage({\r\n command: 'init',\r\n decoderSampleRate: this.sampleRate,\r\n outputBufferSampleRate: this.sampleRate\r\n });\r\n this.wavWorker.postMessage({\r\n command: 'init',\r\n wavBitDepth: 16,\r\n wavSampleRate: this.sampleRate\r\n });\r\n //console.log('sending command to worker:', task);\r\n //setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.log('[DECODER] send decode');\r\n this.worker.postMessage({\r\n command: 'decode',\r\n pages: task.pages,\r\n waveform: task.withWaveform\r\n }, config_1.isSafari ? undefined : [task.pages.buffer]);\r\n //}, 1e3);\r\n task.timeout = setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.log.error('decode timeout' /* , task */);\r\n this.terminateWorkers(true);\r\n if (this.tasks.length) {\r\n this.loadWorker();\r\n this.loadWavWorker();\r\n }\r\n this.onTaskEnd(this.tasks.shift());\r\n }, 10e3);\r\n }\r\n pushDecodeTask(pages, withWaveform) {\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n const task = {\r\n pages,\r\n withWaveform,\r\n callback: { resolve, reject },\r\n timeout: 0\r\n };\r\n this.loadWorker();\r\n this.loadWavWorker();\r\n if (this.tasks.push(task) == 1) {\r\n this.executeNewTask(task);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n decode(typedArray, withWaveform = false) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n return this.pushDecodeTask(typedArray, withWaveform).then(result => {\r\n const dataBlob = new Blob([result.bytes], { type: \"audio/wav\" });\r\n return { url: URL.createObjectURL(dataBlob), waveform: result.waveform };\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.OpusDecodeController = OpusDecodeController;\r\nconst opusDecodeController = new OpusDecodeController();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.opusDecodeController = opusDecodeController;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = opusDecodeController;\r\n" }, { "id": 55, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appWebPagesManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appWebPagesManager.ts", "index": 54, "index2": 44, "size": 4219, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appMessagesManager.ts", "issuerId": 7, "issuerName": 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\input.ts", "module": "./src/components/chat/input.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/chat/input.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../lib/appManagers/appWebPagesManager", "loc": "10:45-96" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nclass AppWebPagesManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.webpages = {};\r\n this.pendingWebPages = {};\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('apiUpdate', (e) => {\r\n let update = e.detail;\r\n switch (update._) {\r\n case 'updateWebPage':\r\n this.saveWebPage(update.webpage);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n saveWebPage(apiWebPage, messageID, mediaContext) {\r\n if (apiWebPage.photo && apiWebPage.photo._ === 'photo') {\r\n //appPhotosManager.savePhoto(apiWebPage.photo, mediaContext);\r\n apiWebPage.photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(apiWebPage.photo, mediaContext);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n delete apiWebPage.photo;\r\n }\r\n if (apiWebPage.document && apiWebPage.document._ === 'document') {\r\n apiWebPage.document = appDocsManager_1.default.saveDoc(apiWebPage.document, mediaContext); // warning 11.04.2020\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (apiWebPage.type == 'document') {\r\n delete apiWebPage.type;\r\n }\r\n delete apiWebPage.document;\r\n }\r\n var siteName = apiWebPage.site_name;\r\n var shortTitle = apiWebPage.title || apiWebPage.author || siteName || '';\r\n if (siteName && shortTitle == siteName) {\r\n delete apiWebPage.site_name;\r\n }\r\n if (shortTitle.length > 100) {\r\n shortTitle = shortTitle.substr(0, 80) + '...';\r\n }\r\n apiWebPage.rTitle = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(shortTitle, { noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true });\r\n var contextHashtag = '';\r\n if (siteName == 'GitHub') {\r\n var matches = apiWebPage.url.match(/(https?:\\/\\/github\\.com\\/[^\\/]+\\/[^\\/]+)/);\r\n if (matches) {\r\n contextHashtag = matches[0] + '/issues/{1}';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // delete apiWebPage.description\r\n var shortDescriptionText = (apiWebPage.description || '');\r\n if (shortDescriptionText.length > 180) {\r\n shortDescriptionText = shortDescriptionText.substr(0, 150).replace(/(\\n|\\s)+$/, '') + '...';\r\n }\r\n apiWebPage.rDescription = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(shortDescriptionText, {\r\n contextSite: siteName || 'external',\r\n contextHashtag: contextHashtag\r\n });\r\n if (apiWebPage.type != 'photo' &&\r\n apiWebPage.type != 'video' &&\r\n apiWebPage.type != 'gif' &&\r\n apiWebPage.type != 'document' &&\r\n !apiWebPage.description &&\r\n apiWebPage.photo) {\r\n apiWebPage.type = 'photo';\r\n }\r\n if (messageID) {\r\n if (this.pendingWebPages[apiWebPage.id] === undefined) {\r\n this.pendingWebPages[apiWebPage.id] = {};\r\n }\r\n this.pendingWebPages[apiWebPage.id][messageID] = true;\r\n this.webpages[apiWebPage.id] = apiWebPage;\r\n }\r\n if (this.webpages[apiWebPage.id] === undefined) {\r\n this.webpages[apiWebPage.id] = apiWebPage;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n utils_1.safeReplaceObject(this.webpages[apiWebPage.id], apiWebPage);\r\n }\r\n if (!messageID && this.pendingWebPages[apiWebPage.id] !== undefined) {\r\n const msgs = [];\r\n for (let msgID in this.pendingWebPages[apiWebPage.id]) {\r\n msgs.push(+msgID);\r\n }\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$broadcast('webpage_updated', {\r\n id: apiWebPage.id,\r\n msgs: msgs\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n getWebPage(id) {\r\n return this.webpages[id];\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = new AppWebPagesManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 56, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appMediaViewer.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMediaViewer.ts", "index": 62, "index2": 61, "size": 49644, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { 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(resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppMediaViewer = void 0;\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst preloader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/preloader\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../utils\");\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst mediaPlayer_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mediaPlayer\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../components/misc\");\r\nconst lazyLoadQueue_1 = require(\"../../components/lazyLoadQueue\");\r\nconst appForward_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/appForward\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../config\");\r\nconst appMediaPlaybackController_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../components/appMediaPlaybackController\"));\r\nconst cancellablePromise_1 = require(\"../../helpers/cancellablePromise\");\r\n// TODO: масштабирование картинок (не SVG) при ресайзе, и правильный возврат на исходную позицию\r\n// TODO: картинки \"обрезаются\" если возвращаются или появляются с места, где есть их перекрытие (топбар, поле ввода)\r\n// TODO: видео в мобильной вёрстке, если показываются элементы управления: если свайпнуть в сторону, то элементы вернутся на место, т.е. прыгнут - это не ок, надо бы замаскировать\r\nclass SwipeHandler {\r\n constructor(element, onSwipe) {\r\n this.onSwipe = onSwipe;\r\n this.handleTouchStart = (evt) => {\r\n // * Fix for seek input\r\n if (evt.target.tagName == 'INPUT') {\r\n this.xDown = this.yDown = null;\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const firstTouch = evt.touches[0];\r\n this.xDown = firstTouch.clientX;\r\n this.yDown = firstTouch.clientY;\r\n };\r\n this.handleTouchMove = (evt) => {\r\n if (this.xDown == null || this.yDown == null) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const xUp = evt.touches[0].clientX;\r\n const yUp = evt.touches[0].clientY;\r\n const xDiff = this.xDown - xUp;\r\n const yDiff = this.yDown - yUp;\r\n // if(Math.abs(xDiff) > Math.abs(yDiff)) { /*most significant*/\r\n // if(xDiff > 0) { /* left swipe */ \r\n // } else { /* right swipe */\r\n // } \r\n // } else {\r\n // if(yDiff > 0) { /* up swipe */ \r\n // } else { /* down swipe */\r\n // }\r\n // }\r\n /* reset values */\r\n if (this.onSwipe(xDiff, yDiff)) {\r\n this.xDown = null;\r\n this.yDown = null;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n element.addEventListener('touchstart', this.handleTouchStart, false);\r\n element.addEventListener('touchmove', this.handleTouchMove, false);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nclass AppMediaViewer {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.wholeDiv = document.querySelector('.media-viewer-whole');\r\n this.overlaysDiv = this.wholeDiv.firstElementChild;\r\n this.author = {\r\n avatarEl: this.overlaysDiv.querySelector('.media-viewer-userpic'),\r\n nameEl: this.overlaysDiv.querySelector('.media-viewer-name'),\r\n date: this.overlaysDiv.querySelector('.media-viewer-date')\r\n };\r\n this.buttons = {};\r\n this.content = {\r\n container: this.overlaysDiv.querySelector('.media-viewer-media'),\r\n caption: this.overlaysDiv.querySelector('.media-viewer-caption'),\r\n mover: null\r\n };\r\n this.currentMessageID = 0;\r\n this.preloader = null;\r\n this.preloaderStreamable = null;\r\n this.lastTarget = null;\r\n this.prevTargets = [];\r\n this.nextTargets = [];\r\n this.peerID = 0;\r\n this.loadMediaPromiseUp = null;\r\n this.loadMediaPromiseDown = null;\r\n this.loadedAllMediaUp = false;\r\n this.loadedAllMediaDown = false;\r\n this.reverse = false; // reverse means next = higher msgid\r\n this.needLoadMore = true;\r\n this.pageEl = document.getElementById('page-chats');\r\n this.onClickDownload = (e) => {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(this.currentMessageID);\r\n if (message.media.photo) {\r\n appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhotoFile(message.media.photo);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let document = null;\r\n if (message.media.webpage)\r\n document = message.media.webpage.document;\r\n else\r\n document = message.media.document;\r\n if (document) {\r\n //console.log('will save document:', document);\r\n appDocsManager_1.default.saveDocFile(document);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.onClick = (e) => {\r\n if (this.setMoverAnimationPromise)\r\n return;\r\n const target = e.target;\r\n if (target.tagName == 'A')\r\n return;\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n if (this.highlightSwitchersTimeout) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.highlightSwitchersTimeout);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.wholeDiv.classList.add('highlight-switchers');\r\n }\r\n this.highlightSwitchersTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.wholeDiv.classList.remove('highlight-switchers');\r\n this.highlightSwitchersTimeout = 0;\r\n }, 3e3);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let mover = null;\r\n ['media-viewer-mover', 'media-viewer-buttons', 'media-viewer-author'].find(s => {\r\n try {\r\n mover = utils_1.findUpClassName(target, s);\r\n if (mover)\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if ( /* target == this.mediaViewerDiv */!mover || target.tagName == 'IMG' || target.tagName == 'image') {\r\n this.buttons.close.click();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.onKeyDown = (e) => {\r\n //this.log('onKeyDown', e);\r\n if (e.key == 'ArrowRight') {\r\n this.buttons.next.click();\r\n }\r\n else if (e.key == 'ArrowLeft') {\r\n this.buttons.prev.click();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('AMV');\r\n this.preloader = new preloader_1.default();\r\n this.preloaderStreamable = new preloader_1.default(undefined, false, true);\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue = new lazyLoadQueue_1.LazyLoadQueueBase();\r\n misc_1.parseMenuButtonsTo(this.buttons, this.wholeDiv.querySelectorAll(`[class*='menu']`));\r\n const close = (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n //this.overlaysDiv.classList.remove('active');\r\n this.content.container.innerHTML = '';\r\n /* if(this.content.container.firstElementChild) {\r\n URL.revokeObjectURL((this.content.container.firstElementChild as HTMLImageElement).src);\r\n } */\r\n this.peerID = 0;\r\n this.currentMessageID = 0;\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.clear();\r\n this.setMoverToTarget(this.lastTarget, true);\r\n this.lastTarget = null;\r\n this.prevTargets = [];\r\n this.nextTargets = [];\r\n this.loadedAllMediaUp = this.loadedAllMediaDown = false;\r\n this.loadMediaPromiseUp = this.loadMediaPromiseDown = null;\r\n this.setMoverPromise = null;\r\n if (appForward_1.default.container.classList.contains('active')) {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n appForward_1.default.close();\r\n }, 200);\r\n }\r\n window.removeEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown);\r\n };\r\n [this.buttons.close, this.buttons[\"mobile-close\"], this.preloaderStreamable.preloader].forEach(el => {\r\n el.addEventListener('click', close);\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.prev.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n if (this.setMoverPromise)\r\n return;\r\n let target = this.prevTargets.pop();\r\n if (target) {\r\n this.nextTargets.unshift({ element: this.lastTarget, mid: this.currentMessageID });\r\n this.openMedia(appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(target.mid), target.element);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.buttons.prev.style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.next.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n if (this.setMoverPromise)\r\n return;\r\n let target = this.nextTargets.shift();\r\n if (target) {\r\n this.prevTargets.push({ element: this.lastTarget, mid: this.currentMessageID });\r\n this.openMedia(appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(target.mid), target.element);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.buttons.next.style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n });\r\n [this.buttons.download, this.buttons[\"menu-download\"]].forEach(el => {\r\n el.addEventListener('click', this.onClickDownload);\r\n });\r\n const forward = (e) => {\r\n appForward_1.default.init([this.currentMessageID]);\r\n };\r\n [this.buttons.forward, this.buttons[\"menu-forward\"]].forEach(el => {\r\n el.addEventListener('click', forward);\r\n });\r\n this.wholeDiv.addEventListener('click', this.onClick);\r\n //this.content.mover.addEventListener('click', this.onClickBinded);\r\n //this.content.mover.append(this.buttons.prev, this.buttons.next);\r\n this.setNewMover();\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n const swipeHandler = new SwipeHandler(this.wholeDiv, (xDiff, yDiff) => {\r\n if (mediaPlayer_1.default.isFullScreen()) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //console.log(xDiff, yDiff);\r\n const percents = Math.abs(xDiff) / appPhotosManager_1.default.windowW;\r\n if (percents > .2 || xDiff > 125) {\r\n //console.log('will swipe', xDiff);\r\n if (xDiff < 0) {\r\n this.buttons.prev.click();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.buttons.next.click();\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n const percentsY = Math.abs(yDiff) / appPhotosManager_1.default.windowH;\r\n if (percentsY > .2 || yDiff > 125) {\r\n this.buttons.close.click();\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setMoverToTarget(target, closing = false, fromRight = 0) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const mover = this.content.mover;\r\n if (!target) {\r\n target = this.content.container;\r\n }\r\n if (!closing) {\r\n mover.innerHTML = '';\r\n //mover.append(this.buttons.prev, this.buttons.next);\r\n }\r\n this.removeCenterFromMover(mover);\r\n const wasActive = fromRight !== 0;\r\n const delay = wasActive ? 350 : 200;\r\n //let delay = wasActive ? 350 : 10000;\r\n /* if(wasActive) {\r\n this.moveTheMover(mover);\r\n mover = this.setNewMover();\r\n } */\r\n this.log('setMoverToTarget', target, closing, wasActive, fromRight);\r\n let realParent;\r\n let rect;\r\n if (target) {\r\n if (target instanceof SVGImageElement || target.parentElement instanceof SVGForeignObjectElement) {\r\n realParent = utils_1.findUpClassName(target, 'attachment');\r\n rect = realParent.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n realParent = target.parentElement;\r\n rect = target.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const containerRect = this.content.container.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n let transform = '';\r\n let left;\r\n let top;\r\n if (wasActive) {\r\n left = fromRight === 1 ? appPhotosManager_1.default.windowW : -containerRect.width;\r\n top = containerRect.top;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n left = rect.left;\r\n top = rect.top;\r\n }\r\n transform += `translate3d(${left}px,${top}px,0) `;\r\n /* if(wasActive) {\r\n left = fromRight === 1 ? appPhotosManager.windowW / 2 : -(containerRect.width + appPhotosManager.windowW / 2);\r\n transform += `translate(${left}px,-50%) `;\r\n } else {\r\n left = rect.left - (appPhotosManager.windowW / 2);\r\n top = rect.top - (appPhotosManager.windowH / 2);\r\n transform += `translate(${left}px,${top}px) `;\r\n } */\r\n let aspecter;\r\n if (target instanceof HTMLImageElement || target instanceof HTMLVideoElement || target.tagName == 'DIV') {\r\n if (mover.firstElementChild && mover.firstElementChild.classList.contains('media-viewer-aspecter')) {\r\n aspecter = mover.firstElementChild;\r\n const player = aspecter.querySelector('.ckin__player');\r\n if (player) {\r\n const video = player.firstElementChild;\r\n aspecter.append(video);\r\n player.remove();\r\n }\r\n if (!aspecter.style.cssText) { // всё из-за видео, элементы управления скейлятся, так бы можно было этого не делать\r\n mover.classList.remove('active');\r\n this.setFullAspect(aspecter, containerRect, rect);\r\n void mover.offsetLeft; // reflow\r\n mover.classList.add('active');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n aspecter = document.createElement('div');\r\n aspecter.classList.add('media-viewer-aspecter' /* , 'disable-hover' */);\r\n mover.prepend(aspecter);\r\n }\r\n aspecter.style.cssText = `width: ${rect.width}px; height: ${rect.height}px; transform: scale(${containerRect.width / rect.width}, ${containerRect.height / rect.height});`;\r\n }\r\n mover.style.width = containerRect.width + 'px';\r\n mover.style.height = containerRect.height + 'px';\r\n const scaleX = rect.width / containerRect.width;\r\n const scaleY = rect.height / containerRect.height;\r\n if (!wasActive) {\r\n transform += `scale(${scaleX},${scaleY}) `;\r\n }\r\n let borderRadius = window.getComputedStyle(realParent).getPropertyValue('border-radius');\r\n const brSplitted = utils_1.fillPropertyValue(borderRadius);\r\n borderRadius = brSplitted.map(r => (parseInt(r) / scaleX) + 'px').join(' ');\r\n if (!wasActive) {\r\n mover.style.borderRadius = borderRadius;\r\n }\r\n mover.style.transform = transform;\r\n /* if(wasActive) {\r\n this.log('setMoverToTarget', mover.style.transform);\r\n } */\r\n let path;\r\n const isOut = target.classList.contains('is-out');\r\n const deferred = this.setMoverAnimationPromise = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n const ret = { onAnimationEnd: deferred };\r\n this.setMoverAnimationPromise.then(() => {\r\n this.setMoverAnimationPromise = null;\r\n });\r\n if (!closing) {\r\n let mediaElement;\r\n let src;\r\n if (target.tagName == 'DIV') { // useContainerAsTarget\r\n if (target.firstElementChild) {\r\n mediaElement = new Image();\r\n src = target.firstElementChild.src;\r\n mover.append(mediaElement);\r\n }\r\n /* mediaElement = new Image();\r\n src = target.style.backgroundImage.slice(5, -2); */\r\n }\r\n else if (target instanceof HTMLImageElement) {\r\n mediaElement = new Image();\r\n src = target.src;\r\n }\r\n else if (target instanceof HTMLVideoElement) {\r\n const video = mediaElement = document.createElement('video');\r\n video.src = target === null || target === void 0 ? void 0 : target.src;\r\n }\r\n else if (target instanceof SVGSVGElement) {\r\n const clipID = target.dataset.clipID;\r\n const newClipID = clipID + '-mv';\r\n const { width, height } = containerRect;\r\n const newSvg = document.createElementNS(\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\", \"svg\");\r\n newSvg.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', '' + width);\r\n newSvg.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', '' + height);\r\n // нижние два свойства для масштабирования\r\n newSvg.setAttributeNS(null, 'viewBox', `0 0 ${width} ${height}`);\r\n newSvg.setAttributeNS(null, 'preserveAspectRatio', 'xMidYMid meet');\r\n newSvg.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', target.firstElementChild.outerHTML.replace(clipID, newClipID));\r\n newSvg.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', target.lastElementChild.outerHTML.replace(clipID, newClipID));\r\n // теперь надо выставить новую позицию для хвостика\r\n const defs = newSvg.firstElementChild;\r\n const use = defs.firstElementChild.firstElementChild;\r\n if (use instanceof SVGUseElement) {\r\n let transform = use.getAttributeNS(null, 'transform');\r\n transform = transform.replace(/translate\\((.+?), (.+?)\\) scale\\((.+?), (.+?)\\)/, (match, x, y, sX, sY) => {\r\n x = +x;\r\n if (x != 2) {\r\n x = width - (2 / scaleX);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n x = 2 / scaleX;\r\n }\r\n y = height;\r\n return `translate(${x}, ${y}) scale(${+sX / scaleX}, ${+sY / scaleY})`;\r\n });\r\n use.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', transform);\r\n // и новый RECT\r\n path = defs.firstElementChild.lastElementChild;\r\n // код ниже нужен только чтобы скрыть моргание до момента как сработает таймаут\r\n let d;\r\n const br = borderRadius.split(' ').map(v => parseInt(v));\r\n if (isOut)\r\n d = utils_1.generatePathData(0, 0, width - 9 / scaleX, height, ...br);\r\n else\r\n d = utils_1.generatePathData(9 / scaleX, 0, width - 9 / scaleX, height, ...br);\r\n path.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', d);\r\n }\r\n const foreignObject = newSvg.lastElementChild;\r\n foreignObject.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', '' + containerRect.width);\r\n foreignObject.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', '' + containerRect.height);\r\n mover.prepend(newSvg);\r\n }\r\n if (aspecter) {\r\n aspecter.style.borderRadius = borderRadius;\r\n if (mediaElement) {\r\n aspecter.append(mediaElement);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n mediaElement = mover.querySelector('video, img');\r\n if (mediaElement instanceof HTMLImageElement) {\r\n mediaElement.classList.add('thumbnail');\r\n if (!aspecter) {\r\n mediaElement.style.width = containerRect.width + 'px';\r\n mediaElement.style.height = containerRect.height + 'px';\r\n }\r\n if (src) {\r\n yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n mediaElement.addEventListener('load', resolve);\r\n if (src) {\r\n mediaElement.src = src;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n } /* else if(mediaElement instanceof HTMLVideoElement && mediaElement.firstElementChild && ((mediaElement.firstElementChild as HTMLSourceElement).src || src)) {\r\n await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n mediaElement.addEventListener('loadeddata', resolve);\r\n \r\n if(src) {\r\n (mediaElement.firstElementChild as HTMLSourceElement).src = src;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n } */\r\n mover.style.display = '';\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n mover.classList.add(wasActive ? 'moving' : 'active');\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n /* if(mover.classList.contains('center')) {\r\n mover.classList.remove('center');\r\n void mover.offsetLeft; // reflow\r\n } */\r\n if (target instanceof SVGSVGElement) {\r\n path = mover.querySelector('path');\r\n if (path) {\r\n this.sizeTailPath(path, containerRect, scaleX, delay, false, isOut, borderRadius);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (target.classList.contains('media-viewer-media')) {\r\n mover.classList.add('hiding');\r\n }\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.wholeDiv.classList.remove('active');\r\n }, 0);\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n mover.style.borderRadius = borderRadius;\r\n if (mover.firstElementChild) {\r\n mover.firstElementChild.style.borderRadius = borderRadius;\r\n }\r\n }, delay / 2);\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n mover.innerHTML = '';\r\n mover.classList.remove('moving', 'active', 'hiding');\r\n mover.style.cssText = 'display: none;';\r\n deferred.resolve();\r\n }, delay);\r\n return ret;\r\n }\r\n //await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 0));\r\n yield new Promise((resolve) => window.requestAnimationFrame(resolve));\r\n // чтобы проверить установленную позицию - раскомментировать\r\n //throw '';\r\n mover.style.transform = `translate3d(${containerRect.left}px,${containerRect.top}px,0) scale(1,1)`;\r\n //mover.style.transform = `translate(-50%,-50%) scale(1,1)`;\r\n if (aspecter) {\r\n this.setFullAspect(aspecter, containerRect, rect);\r\n }\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n mover.style.borderRadius = '';\r\n if (mover.firstElementChild) {\r\n mover.firstElementChild.style.borderRadius = '';\r\n }\r\n }, delay / 2);\r\n mover.dataset.timeout = '' + setTimeout(() => {\r\n mover.classList.remove('moving');\r\n if (aspecter) { // всё из-за видео, элементы управления скейлятся, так бы можно было этого не делать\r\n if (mover.querySelector('video') || true) {\r\n mover.classList.remove('active');\r\n aspecter.style.cssText = '';\r\n void mover.offsetLeft; // reflow\r\n }\r\n //aspecter.classList.remove('disable-hover');\r\n }\r\n // эти строки нужны для установки центральной позиции, в случае ресайза это будет нужно\r\n mover.classList.add('center', 'no-transition');\r\n /* mover.style.left = mover.style.top = '50%';\r\n mover.style.transform = 'translate(-50%, -50%)';\r\n void mover.offsetLeft; // reflow */\r\n // это уже нужно для будущих анимаций\r\n mover.classList.add('active');\r\n delete mover.dataset.timeout;\r\n deferred.resolve();\r\n }, delay);\r\n if (path) {\r\n this.sizeTailPath(path, containerRect, scaleX, delay, true, isOut, borderRadius);\r\n }\r\n return ret;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n setFullAspect(aspecter, containerRect, rect) {\r\n /* let media = aspecter.firstElementChild;\r\n let proportion: number;\r\n if(media instanceof HTMLImageElement) {\r\n proportion = media.naturalWidth / media.naturalHeight;\r\n } else if(media instanceof HTMLVideoElement) {\r\n proportion = media.videoWidth / media.videoHeight;\r\n } */\r\n const proportion = containerRect.width / containerRect.height;\r\n let { width, height } = rect;\r\n /* if(proportion == 1) {\r\n aspecter.style.cssText = '';\r\n } else { */\r\n if (proportion > 0) {\r\n width = height * proportion;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n height = width * proportion;\r\n }\r\n //this.log('will set style aspecter:', `width: ${width}px; height: ${height}px; transform: scale(${containerRect.width / width}, ${containerRect.height / height});`);\r\n aspecter.style.cssText = `width: ${width}px; height: ${height}px; transform: scale(${containerRect.width / width}, ${containerRect.height / height});`;\r\n //}\r\n }\r\n sizeTailPath(path, rect, scaleX, delay, upscale, isOut, borderRadius) {\r\n const start = Date.now();\r\n const { width, height } = rect;\r\n delay = delay / 2;\r\n const br = borderRadius.split(' ').map(v => parseInt(v));\r\n const step = () => {\r\n const diff = Date.now() - start;\r\n let progress = diff / delay;\r\n if (progress > 1)\r\n progress = 1;\r\n if (upscale)\r\n progress = 1 - progress;\r\n const _br = br.map(v => v * progress);\r\n let d;\r\n if (isOut)\r\n d = utils_1.generatePathData(0, 0, width - (9 / scaleX * progress), height, ..._br);\r\n else\r\n d = utils_1.generatePathData(9 / scaleX * progress, 0, width /* width - (9 / scaleX * progress) */, height, ..._br);\r\n path.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', d);\r\n if (diff < delay)\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(step);\r\n };\r\n //window.requestAnimationFrame(step);\r\n step();\r\n }\r\n removeCenterFromMover(mover) {\r\n if (mover.classList.contains('center')) {\r\n //const rect = mover.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n const rect = this.content.container.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n mover.style.transform = `translate3d(${rect.left}px,${rect.top}px,0)`;\r\n mover.classList.remove('center');\r\n void mover.offsetLeft; // reflow\r\n mover.classList.remove('no-transition');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n moveTheMover(mover, toLeft = true) {\r\n const windowW = appPhotosManager_1.default.windowW;\r\n this.removeCenterFromMover(mover);\r\n //mover.classList.remove('active');\r\n mover.classList.add('moving');\r\n if (mover.dataset.timeout) { // и это тоже всё из-за скейла видео, так бы это не нужно было\r\n clearTimeout(+mover.dataset.timeout);\r\n }\r\n const rect = mover.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n const newTransform = mover.style.transform.replace(/translate\\((.+?),/, (match, p1) => {\r\n const x = toLeft ? -rect.width : windowW;\r\n //const x = toLeft ? -(rect.right + (rect.width / 2)) : windowW / 2;\r\n return match.replace(p1, x + 'px');\r\n });\r\n ////////this.log('set newTransform:', newTransform, mover.style.transform, toLeft);\r\n mover.style.transform = newTransform;\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n mover.remove();\r\n }, 350);\r\n }\r\n setNewMover() {\r\n const newMover = document.createElement('div');\r\n newMover.classList.add('media-viewer-mover');\r\n if (this.content.mover) {\r\n const oldMover = this.content.mover;\r\n oldMover.parentElement.append(newMover);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.wholeDiv.append(newMover);\r\n }\r\n return this.content.mover = newMover;\r\n }\r\n /* public isElementVisible(container: HTMLElement, target: HTMLElement) {\r\n const rect = container.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n const targetRect = target.getBoundingClientRect();\r\n \r\n return targetRect.bottom > rect.top && targetRect.top < rect.bottom;\r\n } */\r\n // нет смысла делать проверку для reverse и loadMediaPromise\r\n loadMoreMedia(older = true) {\r\n //if(!older && this.reverse) return;\r\n if (older && this.loadedAllMediaDown)\r\n return;\r\n else if (!older && this.loadedAllMediaUp)\r\n return;\r\n if (older && this.loadMediaPromiseDown)\r\n return this.loadMediaPromiseDown;\r\n else if (!older && this.loadMediaPromiseUp)\r\n return this.loadMediaPromiseUp;\r\n const loadCount = 50;\r\n const backLimit = older ? 0 : loadCount;\r\n let maxID = this.currentMessageID;\r\n let anchor;\r\n if (older) {\r\n anchor = this.reverse ? this.prevTargets[0] : this.nextTargets[this.nextTargets.length - 1];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n anchor = this.reverse ? this.nextTargets[this.nextTargets.length - 1] : this.prevTargets[0];\r\n }\r\n if (anchor)\r\n maxID = anchor.mid;\r\n if (!older)\r\n maxID += 1;\r\n const peerID = this.peerID;\r\n const promise = appMessagesManager_1.default.getSearch(peerID, '', { _: 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo' }, maxID, loadCount /* older ? loadCount : 0 */, 0, backLimit).then(value => {\r\n if (this.peerID != peerID) {\r\n this.log.warn('peer changed');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.log('loaded more media by maxID:', maxID, value, older, this.reverse);\r\n if (value.history.length < loadCount) {\r\n /* if(this.reverse) {\r\n if(older) this.loadedAllMediaUp = true;\r\n else this.loadedAllMediaDown = true;\r\n } else { */\r\n if (older)\r\n this.loadedAllMediaDown = true;\r\n else\r\n this.loadedAllMediaUp = true;\r\n //}\r\n }\r\n const method = older ? value.history.forEach : value.history.forEachReverse;\r\n method.call(value.history, mid => {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n const media = message.media;\r\n if (!media || !(media.photo || media.document || (media.webpage && media.webpage.document)))\r\n return;\r\n if (media._ == 'document' && media.type != 'video')\r\n return;\r\n const t = { element: null, mid: mid };\r\n if (older) {\r\n if (this.reverse)\r\n this.prevTargets.unshift(t);\r\n else\r\n this.nextTargets.push(t);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (this.reverse)\r\n this.nextTargets.push(t);\r\n else\r\n this.prevTargets.unshift(t);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.prev.style.display = this.prevTargets.length ? '' : 'none';\r\n this.buttons.next.style.display = this.nextTargets.length ? '' : 'none';\r\n }, () => { }).then(() => {\r\n if (older)\r\n this.loadMediaPromiseDown = null;\r\n else\r\n this.loadMediaPromiseUp = null;\r\n });\r\n if (older)\r\n this.loadMediaPromiseDown = promise;\r\n else\r\n this.loadMediaPromiseUp = promise;\r\n return promise;\r\n }\r\n updateMediaSource(target, url, tagName) {\r\n //if(target instanceof SVGSVGElement) {\r\n const el = target.querySelector(tagName);\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(el, url);\r\n /* } else {\r\n \r\n } */\r\n }\r\n openMedia(message, target, reverse = false, targetContainer, prevTargets = [], nextTargets = [], needLoadMore = true) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (this.setMoverPromise)\r\n return this.setMoverPromise;\r\n this.log('openMedia doc:', message);\r\n const media = message.media.photo || message.media.document || message.media.webpage.document || message.media.webpage.photo;\r\n const isVideo = media.type == 'video' || media.type == 'gif';\r\n const isFirstOpen = !this.peerID;\r\n if (isFirstOpen) {\r\n this.peerID = utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID;\r\n //this.targetContainer = targetContainer;\r\n this.prevTargets = prevTargets;\r\n this.nextTargets = nextTargets;\r\n this.reverse = reverse;\r\n this.needLoadMore = needLoadMore;\r\n //this.loadMore = loadMore;\r\n if (appForward_1.default.container.classList.contains('active')) {\r\n appForward_1.default.close();\r\n yield new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 200));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n /* if(this.nextTargets.length < 10 && this.loadMore) {\r\n this.loadMore();\r\n } */\r\n let fromRight = 0;\r\n if (!isFirstOpen) {\r\n //if(this.lastTarget === prevTarget) {\r\n if (this.reverse)\r\n fromRight = this.currentMessageID < message.mid ? 1 : -1;\r\n else\r\n fromRight = this.currentMessageID > message.mid ? 1 : -1;\r\n }\r\n //if(prevTarget && (!prevTarget.parentElement || !this.isElementVisible(this.targetContainer, prevTarget))) prevTarget = null;\r\n //if(nextTarget && (!nextTarget.parentElement || !this.isElementVisible(this.targetContainer, nextTarget))) nextTarget = null;\r\n this.buttons.prev.style.display = this.prevTargets.length ? '' : 'none';\r\n this.buttons.next.style.display = this.nextTargets.length ? '' : 'none';\r\n const container = this.content.container;\r\n const useContainerAsTarget = !target;\r\n if (useContainerAsTarget)\r\n target = container;\r\n this.currentMessageID = message.mid;\r\n this.lastTarget = target;\r\n if (this.needLoadMore) {\r\n if (this.nextTargets.length < 20) {\r\n this.loadMoreMedia(!this.reverse);\r\n }\r\n if (this.prevTargets.length < 20) {\r\n this.loadMoreMedia(this.reverse);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (container.firstElementChild) {\r\n container.innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n const date = new Date(media.date * 1000);\r\n const months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];\r\n const dateStr = months[date.getMonth()] + ' ' + date.getDate() + ' at ' + date.getHours() + ':' + ('0' + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2);\r\n this.author.date.innerText = dateStr;\r\n const name = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(message.fromID);\r\n this.author.nameEl.innerHTML = name;\r\n if (message.message) {\r\n this.content.caption.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(message.message, {\r\n entities: message.totalEntities\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.content.caption.innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n let oldAvatar = this.author.avatarEl;\r\n this.author.avatarEl = this.author.avatarEl.cloneNode();\r\n this.author.avatarEl.setAttribute('peer', '' + message.fromID);\r\n oldAvatar.parentElement.replaceChild(this.author.avatarEl, oldAvatar);\r\n // ok set\r\n const wasActive = fromRight !== 0;\r\n if (wasActive) {\r\n this.moveTheMover(this.content.mover, fromRight === 1);\r\n this.setNewMover();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n window.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown);\r\n this.wholeDiv.classList.add('active');\r\n }\r\n ////////this.log('wasActive:', wasActive);\r\n const mover = this.content.mover;\r\n //const maxWidth = appPhotosManager.windowW - 16;\r\n const maxWidth = config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile ? this.pageEl.scrollWidth : this.pageEl.scrollWidth - 16;\r\n const maxHeight = appPhotosManager_1.default.windowH - 100;\r\n const size = appPhotosManager_1.default.setAttachmentSize(media, container, maxWidth, maxHeight);\r\n // need after setAttachmentSize\r\n /* if(useContainerAsTarget) {\r\n target = target.querySelector('img, video') || target;\r\n } */\r\n const preloader = media.supportsStreaming ? this.preloaderStreamable : this.preloader;\r\n let setMoverPromise;\r\n if (isVideo) {\r\n ////////this.log('will wrap video', media, size);\r\n // потому что для safari нужно создать элемент из event'а\r\n const video = document.createElement('video');\r\n setMoverPromise = this.setMoverToTarget(target, false, fromRight).then(({ onAnimationEnd }) => {\r\n //return; // set and don't move\r\n //if(wasActive) return;\r\n //return;\r\n const div = mover.firstElementChild && mover.firstElementChild.classList.contains('media-viewer-aspecter') ? mover.firstElementChild : mover;\r\n //const video = mover.querySelector('video') || document.createElement('video');\r\n const moverVideo = mover.querySelector('video');\r\n if (moverVideo) {\r\n moverVideo.remove();\r\n }\r\n //video.src = '';\r\n video.setAttribute('playsinline', '');\r\n if (config_1.isSafari) {\r\n video.autoplay = true;\r\n }\r\n if (media.type == 'gif') {\r\n video.muted = true;\r\n video.autoplay = true;\r\n video.loop = true;\r\n }\r\n if (!video.parentElement) {\r\n div.append(video);\r\n }\r\n const canPlayThrough = new Promise((resolve) => {\r\n video.addEventListener('canplay', resolve, { once: true });\r\n });\r\n const createPlayer = () => {\r\n if (media.type != 'gif') {\r\n video.dataset.ckin = 'default';\r\n video.dataset.overlay = '1';\r\n // fix for simultaneous play\r\n appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.pause();\r\n appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.willBePlayedMedia = null;\r\n Promise.all([canPlayThrough, onAnimationEnd]).then(() => {\r\n const player = new mediaPlayer_1.default(video, true, media.supportsStreaming);\r\n /* div.append(video);\r\n mover.append(player.wrapper); */\r\n });\r\n }\r\n };\r\n if (media.supportsStreaming) {\r\n onAnimationEnd.then(() => {\r\n if (video.readyState < video.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA) {\r\n preloader.attach(mover, true);\r\n }\r\n /* canPlayThrough.then(() => {\r\n preloader.detach();\r\n }); */\r\n });\r\n const attachCanPlay = () => {\r\n video.addEventListener('canplay', () => {\r\n //this.log('video waited and progress loaded');\r\n preloader.detach();\r\n video.parentElement.classList.remove('is-buffering');\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n };\r\n video.addEventListener('waiting', (e) => {\r\n const loading = video.networkState === video.NETWORK_LOADING;\r\n const isntEnoughData = video.readyState < video.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA;\r\n //this.log('video waiting for progress', loading, isntEnoughData);\r\n if (loading && isntEnoughData) {\r\n attachCanPlay();\r\n preloader.attach(mover, true);\r\n // поставлю класс для плеера, чтобы убрать большую иконку пока прелоадер на месте\r\n video.parentElement.classList.add('is-buffering');\r\n }\r\n });\r\n attachCanPlay();\r\n }\r\n //if(!video.src || media.url != video.src) {\r\n const load = () => {\r\n const promise = media.supportsStreaming ? Promise.resolve() : appDocsManager_1.default.downloadDocNew(media);\r\n if (!media.supportsStreaming) {\r\n onAnimationEnd.then(() => {\r\n preloader.attach(mover, true, promise);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n promise.then(() => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (this.currentMessageID != message.mid) {\r\n this.log.warn('media viewer changed video');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const url = media.url;\r\n if (target instanceof SVGSVGElement /* && (video.parentElement || !isSafari) */) { // if video exists\r\n //if(!video.parentElement) {\r\n div.firstElementChild.lastElementChild.append(video);\r\n //}\r\n this.updateMediaSource(mover, url, 'video');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(video, url);\r\n }\r\n createPlayer();\r\n }));\r\n return promise;\r\n };\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.unshift({ load });\r\n //} else createPlayer();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n setMoverPromise = this.setMoverToTarget(target, false, fromRight).then(({ onAnimationEnd }) => {\r\n //return; // set and don't move\r\n //if(wasActive) return;\r\n //return;\r\n const load = () => {\r\n const cancellablePromise = appPhotosManager_1.default.preloadPhoto(media.id, size);\r\n onAnimationEnd.then(() => {\r\n this.preloader.attach(mover, true, cancellablePromise);\r\n });\r\n cancellablePromise.then(() => {\r\n if (this.currentMessageID != message.mid) {\r\n this.log.warn('media viewer changed photo');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n ///////this.log('indochina', blob);\r\n const url = media.url;\r\n if (target instanceof SVGSVGElement) {\r\n this.updateMediaSource(target, url, 'img');\r\n this.updateMediaSource(mover, url, 'img');\r\n if (config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile) {\r\n const imgs = mover.querySelectorAll('img');\r\n if (imgs && imgs.length) {\r\n imgs.forEach(img => {\r\n img.classList.remove('thumbnail'); // может здесь это вообще не нужно\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const div = mover.firstElementChild && mover.firstElementChild.classList.contains('media-viewer-aspecter') ? mover.firstElementChild : mover;\r\n let image = div.firstElementChild;\r\n if (!image || image.tagName != 'IMG') {\r\n image = new Image();\r\n }\r\n //this.log('will renderImageFromUrl:', image, div, target);\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(image, url, () => {\r\n if (config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile) {\r\n image.classList.remove('thumbnail'); // может здесь это вообще не нужно\r\n }\r\n div.append(image);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n this.preloader.detach();\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n this.log.error(err);\r\n });\r\n return cancellablePromise;\r\n };\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.unshift({ load });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return this.setMoverPromise = setMoverPromise.catch(() => {\r\n this.setMoverAnimationPromise = null;\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n this.setMoverPromise = null;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppMediaViewer = AppMediaViewer;\r\nexports.default = new AppMediaViewer();\r\n" }, { "id": 57, "identifier": 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copyright information please follow this link:\r\nhttps://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL\r\n*/\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.Layouter = exports.RectPart = void 0;\r\nexports.RectPart = {\r\n None: 0,\r\n Top: 1,\r\n Right: 2,\r\n Bottom: 4,\r\n Left: 8\r\n};\r\nlet accumulate = (arr, initialValue) => arr.reduce((acc, value) => acc + value, initialValue);\r\n// https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/74d848311b31ef0eb6d2c43a4d30ade8f1d2d9fb/Telegram/SourceFiles/core/utils.h#L128\r\nfunction snap(v, _min, _max) {\r\n return (v < _min) ? _min : ((v > _max) ? _max : v);\r\n}\r\n// https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/4669c07dc5335cbf4795bbbe5b0ab7c007b9aee2/Telegram/SourceFiles/ui/grouped_layout.cpp\r\nclass Layouter {\r\n constructor(sizes, maxWidth, minWidth, spacing, maxHeight = maxWidth) {\r\n this.sizes = sizes;\r\n this.maxWidth = maxWidth;\r\n this.minWidth = minWidth;\r\n this.spacing = spacing;\r\n this.maxHeight = maxHeight;\r\n this.count = sizes.length;\r\n this.ratios = Layouter.countRatios(sizes);\r\n this.proportions = Layouter.countProportions(this.ratios);\r\n this.averageRatio = accumulate(this.ratios, 1) / this.count; // warn\r\n this.maxSizeRatio = maxWidth / this.maxHeight;\r\n }\r\n layout() {\r\n if (!this.count)\r\n return [];\r\n //else if(this.count == 1) return this.layoutOne();\r\n if (this.count >= 5 || this.ratios.find(r => r > 2)) {\r\n return new ComplexLayouter(this.ratios, this.averageRatio, this.maxWidth, this.minWidth, this.spacing).layout();\r\n }\r\n if (this.count == 2)\r\n return this.layoutTwo();\r\n else if (this.count == 3)\r\n return this.layoutThree();\r\n return this.layoutFour();\r\n }\r\n layoutTwo() {\r\n if ((this.proportions == \"ww\")\r\n && (this.averageRatio > 1.4 * this.maxSizeRatio)\r\n && (this.ratios[1] - this.ratios[0] < 0.2)) {\r\n return this.layoutTwoTopBottom();\r\n }\r\n else if (this.proportions == \"ww\" || this.proportions == \"qq\") {\r\n return this.layoutTwoLeftRightEqual();\r\n }\r\n return this.layoutTwoLeftRight();\r\n }\r\n layoutThree() {\r\n //console.log('layoutThree:', this);\r\n if (this.proportions[0] == 'n') {\r\n return this.layoutThreeLeftAndOther();\r\n }\r\n return this.layoutThreeTopAndOther();\r\n }\r\n layoutFour() {\r\n if (this.proportions[0] == 'w') {\r\n return this.layoutFourTopAndOther();\r\n }\r\n return this.layoutFourLeftAndOther();\r\n }\r\n layoutTwoTopBottom() {\r\n const width = this.maxWidth;\r\n const height = Math.round(Math.min(width / this.ratios[0], Math.min(width / this.ratios[1], (this.maxHeight - this.spacing) / 2)));\r\n return [\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: 0, width, height },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Left | exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: height + this.spacing, width, height },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Left | exports.RectPart.Bottom | exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n ];\r\n }\r\n layoutTwoLeftRightEqual() {\r\n const width = (this.maxWidth - this.spacing) / 2;\r\n const height = Math.round(Math.min(width / this.ratios[0], Math.min(width / this.ratios[1], this.maxHeight * 1)));\r\n return [\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: 0, width, height },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Left | exports.RectPart.Bottom\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: width + this.spacing, y: 0, width, height },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Right | exports.RectPart.Bottom\r\n },\r\n ];\r\n }\r\n layoutTwoLeftRight() {\r\n const minimalWidth = Math.round(this.minWidth * 1.5);\r\n const secondWidth = Math.min(Math.round(Math.max(0.4 * (this.maxWidth - this.spacing), (this.maxWidth - this.spacing) / this.ratios[0]\r\n / (1 / this.ratios[0] + 1 / this.ratios[1]))), this.maxWidth - this.spacing - minimalWidth);\r\n const firstWidth = this.maxWidth\r\n - secondWidth\r\n - this.spacing;\r\n const height = Math.min(this.maxHeight, Math.round(Math.min(firstWidth / this.ratios[0], secondWidth / this.ratios[1])));\r\n return [\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: 0, width: firstWidth, height },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Left | exports.RectPart.Bottom\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: firstWidth + this.spacing, y: 0, width: secondWidth, height },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Right | exports.RectPart.Bottom\r\n },\r\n ];\r\n }\r\n layoutThreeLeftAndOther() {\r\n const firstHeight = this.maxHeight;\r\n const thirdHeight = Math.round(Math.min((this.maxHeight - this.spacing) / 2., (this.ratios[1] * (this.maxWidth - this.spacing)\r\n / (this.ratios[2] + this.ratios[1]))));\r\n const secondHeight = firstHeight\r\n - thirdHeight\r\n - this.spacing;\r\n const rightWidth = Math.max(this.minWidth, Math.round(Math.min((this.maxWidth - this.spacing) / 2., Math.min(thirdHeight * this.ratios[2], secondHeight * this.ratios[1]))));\r\n const leftWidth = Math.min(Math.round(firstHeight * this.ratios[0]), this.maxWidth - this.spacing - rightWidth);\r\n return [\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: 0, width: leftWidth, height: firstHeight },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Left | exports.RectPart.Bottom\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: leftWidth + this.spacing, y: 0, width: rightWidth, height: secondHeight },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: leftWidth + this.spacing, y: secondHeight + this.spacing, width: rightWidth, height: thirdHeight },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Bottom | exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n ];\r\n }\r\n layoutThreeTopAndOther() {\r\n const firstWidth = this.maxWidth;\r\n const firstHeight = Math.round(Math.min(firstWidth / this.ratios[0], (this.maxHeight - this.spacing) * 0.66));\r\n const secondWidth = (this.maxWidth - this.spacing) / 2;\r\n const secondHeight = Math.min(this.maxHeight - firstHeight - this.spacing, Math.round(Math.min(secondWidth / this.ratios[1], secondWidth / this.ratios[2])));\r\n const thirdWidth = firstWidth - secondWidth - this.spacing;\r\n return [\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: 0, width: firstWidth, height: firstHeight },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Left | exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: firstHeight + this.spacing, width: secondWidth, height: secondHeight },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Bottom | exports.RectPart.Left\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: secondWidth + this.spacing, y: firstHeight + this.spacing, width: thirdWidth, height: secondHeight },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Bottom | exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n ];\r\n }\r\n layoutFourTopAndOther() {\r\n const w = this.maxWidth;\r\n const h0 = Math.round(Math.min(w / this.ratios[0], (this.maxHeight - this.spacing) * 0.66));\r\n const h = Math.round((this.maxWidth - 2 * this.spacing)\r\n / (this.ratios[1] + this.ratios[2] + this.ratios[3]));\r\n const w0 = Math.max(this.minWidth, Math.round(Math.min((this.maxWidth - 2 * this.spacing) * 0.4, h * this.ratios[1])));\r\n const w2 = Math.round(Math.max(Math.max(this.minWidth * 1., (this.maxWidth - 2 * this.spacing) * 0.33), h * this.ratios[3]));\r\n const w1 = w - w0 - w2 - 2 * this.spacing;\r\n const h1 = Math.min(this.maxHeight - h0 - this.spacing, h);\r\n return [\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: 0, width: w, height: h0 },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Left | exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: h0 + this.spacing, width: w0, height: h1 },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Bottom | exports.RectPart.Left\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: w0 + this.spacing, y: h0 + this.spacing, width: w1, height: h1 },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Bottom,\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: w0 + this.spacing + w1 + this.spacing, y: h0 + this.spacing, width: w2, height: h1 },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Right | exports.RectPart.Bottom\r\n },\r\n ];\r\n }\r\n layoutFourLeftAndOther() {\r\n const h = this.maxHeight;\r\n const w0 = Math.round(Math.min(h * this.ratios[0], (this.maxWidth - this.spacing) * 0.6));\r\n const w = Math.round((this.maxHeight - 2 * this.spacing)\r\n / (1. / this.ratios[1] + 1. / this.ratios[2] + 1. / this.ratios[3]));\r\n const h0 = Math.round(w / this.ratios[1]);\r\n const h1 = Math.round(w / this.ratios[2]);\r\n const h2 = h - h0 - h1 - 2 * this.spacing;\r\n const w1 = Math.max(this.minWidth, Math.min(this.maxWidth - w0 - this.spacing, w));\r\n return [\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: 0, y: 0, width: w0, height: h },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Left | exports.RectPart.Bottom\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: w0 + this.spacing, y: 0, width: w1, height: h0 },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Top | exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: w0 + this.spacing, y: h0 + this.spacing, width: w1, height: h1 },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n {\r\n geometry: { x: w0 + this.spacing, y: h0 + h1 + 2 * this.spacing, width: w1, height: h2 },\r\n sides: exports.RectPart.Bottom | exports.RectPart.Right\r\n },\r\n ];\r\n }\r\n static countRatios(sizes) {\r\n return sizes.map(size => size.w / size.h);\r\n }\r\n static countProportions(ratios) {\r\n return ratios.map(ratio => (ratio > 1.2) ? 'w' : (ratio < 0.8) ? 'n' : 'q').join('');\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.Layouter = Layouter;\r\nclass ComplexLayouter {\r\n constructor(ratios, averageRatio, maxWidth, minWidth, spacing, maxHeight = maxWidth * 4 / 3) {\r\n this.averageRatio = averageRatio;\r\n this.maxWidth = maxWidth;\r\n this.minWidth = minWidth;\r\n this.spacing = spacing;\r\n this.maxHeight = maxHeight;\r\n this.ratios = ComplexLayouter.cropRatios(ratios, averageRatio);\r\n this.count = ratios.length;\r\n }\r\n static cropRatios(ratios, averageRatio) {\r\n const kMaxRatio = 2.75;\r\n const kMinRatio = 0.6667;\r\n return ratios.map(ratio => {\r\n return averageRatio > 1.1\r\n ? snap(ratio, 1., kMaxRatio)\r\n : snap(ratio, kMinRatio, 1.);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n layout() {\r\n let result = new Array(this.count);\r\n let attempts = [];\r\n const multiHeight = (offset, count) => {\r\n const ratios = this.ratios.slice(offset, offset + count); // warn\r\n const sum = accumulate(ratios, 0);\r\n return (this.maxWidth - (count - 1) * this.spacing) / sum;\r\n };\r\n const pushAttempt = (lineCounts) => {\r\n let heights = [];\r\n let offset = 0;\r\n for (let count of lineCounts) {\r\n heights.push(multiHeight(offset, count));\r\n offset += count;\r\n }\r\n attempts.push({ lineCounts, heights }); // warn\r\n };\r\n for (let first = 1; first != this.count; ++first) {\r\n const second = this.count - first;\r\n if (first > 3 || second > 3) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n pushAttempt([first, second]);\r\n }\r\n for (let first = 1; first != this.count - 1; ++first) {\r\n for (let second = 1; second != this.count - first; ++second) {\r\n const third = this.count - first - second;\r\n if ((first > 3)\r\n || (second > ((this.averageRatio < 0.85) ? 4 : 3))\r\n || (third > 3)) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n pushAttempt([first, second, third]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n for (let first = 1; first != this.count - 1; ++first) {\r\n for (let second = 1; second != this.count - first; ++second) {\r\n for (let third = 1; third != this.count - first - second; ++third) {\r\n const fourth = this.count - first - second - third;\r\n if (first > 3 || second > 3 || third > 3 || fourth > 3) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n pushAttempt([first, second, third, fourth]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n let optimalAttempt = null;\r\n let optimalDiff = 0;\r\n for (const attempt of attempts) {\r\n const { heights, lineCounts: counts } = attempt;\r\n const lineCount = counts.length;\r\n const totalHeight = accumulate(heights, 0)\r\n + this.spacing * (lineCount - 1);\r\n const minLineHeight = Math.min(...heights);\r\n const maxLineHeight = Math.max(...heights);\r\n const bad1 = (minLineHeight < this.minWidth) ? 1.5 : 1;\r\n const bad2 = (() => {\r\n for (let line = 1; line != lineCount; ++line) {\r\n if (counts[line - 1] > counts[line]) {\r\n return 1.5;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return 1.;\r\n })();\r\n const diff = Math.abs(totalHeight - this.maxHeight) * bad1 * bad2;\r\n if (!optimalAttempt || diff < optimalDiff) {\r\n optimalAttempt = attempt;\r\n optimalDiff = diff;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const optimalCounts = optimalAttempt.lineCounts;\r\n const optimalHeights = optimalAttempt.heights;\r\n const rowCount = optimalCounts.length;\r\n let index = 0;\r\n let y = 0;\r\n for (let row = 0; row != rowCount; ++row) {\r\n const colCount = optimalCounts[row];\r\n const lineHeight = optimalHeights[row];\r\n const height = Math.round(lineHeight);\r\n let x = 0;\r\n for (let col = 0; col != colCount; ++col) {\r\n const sides = exports.RectPart.None\r\n | (row == 0 ? exports.RectPart.Top : exports.RectPart.None)\r\n | (row == rowCount - 1 ? exports.RectPart.Bottom : exports.RectPart.None)\r\n | (col == 0 ? exports.RectPart.Left : exports.RectPart.None)\r\n | (col == colCount - 1 ? exports.RectPart.Right : exports.RectPart.None);\r\n const ratio = this.ratios[index];\r\n const width = (col == colCount - 1)\r\n ? (this.maxWidth - x)\r\n : Math.round(ratio * lineHeight);\r\n result[index] = {\r\n geometry: { x, y, width, height },\r\n sides\r\n };\r\n x += width + this.spacing;\r\n ++index;\r\n }\r\n y += height + this.spacing;\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n" }, { "id": 58, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\poll.ts", "name": "./src/components/poll.ts", "index": 71, "index2": 63, "size": 24245, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\wrappers.ts", "issuerId": 18, "issuerName": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 18, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\wrappers.ts", "name": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1092, "building": 1418, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 18, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\wrappers.ts", "module": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./poll", "loc": "26:31-48" }, { "moduleId": 86, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarRight\\pollResults.ts", "module": "./src/components/sidebarRight/pollResults.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/sidebarRight/pollResults.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../poll", "loc": "28:15-33" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.roundPercents = void 0;\r\nconst appPollsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appPollsManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../lib/config\");\r\nconst appSidebarRight_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight\"));\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nconst serverTimeManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/mtproto/serverTimeManager\"));\r\nconst ripple_1 = require(\"./ripple\");\r\nlet lineTotalLength = 0;\r\nconst tailLength = 9;\r\nconst times = 10;\r\nconst fullTime = 340;\r\nconst oneTime = fullTime / times;\r\nexports.roundPercents = (percents) => {\r\n //console.log('roundPercents before percents:', percents);\r\n const sum = percents.reduce((acc, p) => acc + Math.round(p), 0);\r\n if (sum > 100) {\r\n const diff = sum - 100;\r\n const length = percents.length;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < diff; ++i) {\r\n let minIndex = -1, minRemainder = 1;\r\n for (let k = 0; k < length; ++k) {\r\n let remainder = percents[k] % 1;\r\n if (remainder >= 0.5 && remainder < minRemainder) {\r\n minRemainder = remainder;\r\n minIndex = k;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (minIndex == -1) {\r\n //throw new Error('lol chto');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n percents[minIndex] -= minRemainder;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (sum < 100) {\r\n const diff = 100 - sum;\r\n const length = percents.length;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < diff; ++i) {\r\n let minIndex = -1, maxRemainder = 0;\r\n for (let k = 0; k < length; ++k) {\r\n let remainder = percents[k] % 1;\r\n if (remainder < 0.5 && remainder > maxRemainder) {\r\n maxRemainder = remainder;\r\n minIndex = k;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (minIndex == -1) {\r\n //throw new Error('lol chto');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n percents[minIndex] += 1 - maxRemainder;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n //console.log('roundPercents after percents:', percents);\r\n};\r\nconst connectedPolls = [];\r\nutils_1.$rootScope.$on('poll_update', (e) => {\r\n const { poll, results } = e.detail;\r\n //console.log('poll_update', poll, results);\r\n for (const connected of connectedPolls) {\r\n if (connected.id == poll.id) {\r\n const pollElement = connected.element;\r\n pollElement.isClosed = !!poll.pFlags.closed;\r\n pollElement.performResults(results, poll.chosenIndexes);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n});\r\nutils_1.$rootScope.$on('peer_changed', () => {\r\n if (prevQuizHint) {\r\n hideQuizHint(prevQuizHint, prevQuizHintOnHide, prevQuizHintTimeout);\r\n }\r\n});\r\nconst hideQuizHint = (element, onHide, timeout) => {\r\n element.classList.remove('active');\r\n clearTimeout(timeout);\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n onHide();\r\n element.remove();\r\n if (prevQuizHint == element && prevQuizHintOnHide == onHide && prevQuizHintTimeout == timeout) {\r\n prevQuizHint = prevQuizHintOnHide = null;\r\n prevQuizHintTimeout = 0;\r\n }\r\n }, 200);\r\n};\r\nlet prevQuizHint, prevQuizHintOnHide, prevQuizHintTimeout;\r\nconst setQuizHint = (solution, solution_entities, onHide) => {\r\n if (prevQuizHint) {\r\n hideQuizHint(prevQuizHint, prevQuizHintOnHide, prevQuizHintTimeout);\r\n }\r\n const element = document.createElement('div');\r\n element.classList.add('quiz-hint');\r\n const container = document.createElement('div');\r\n container.classList.add('container', 'tgico');\r\n const textEl = document.createElement('div');\r\n textEl.classList.add('text');\r\n container.append(textEl);\r\n element.append(container);\r\n textEl.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(solution, { entities: solution_entities });\r\n appImManager_1.default.bubblesContainer.append(element);\r\n void element.offsetLeft; // reflow\r\n element.classList.add('active');\r\n prevQuizHint = element;\r\n prevQuizHintOnHide = onHide;\r\n prevQuizHintTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n hideQuizHint(element, onHide, prevQuizHintTimeout);\r\n }, config_1.touchSupport ? 5000 : 7000);\r\n};\r\nclass PollElement extends HTMLElement {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super();\r\n this.maxOffset = -46.5;\r\n this.isClosed = false;\r\n this.isQuiz = false;\r\n this.isRetracted = false;\r\n this.isPublic = false;\r\n this.isMultiple = false;\r\n this.chosenIndexes = [];\r\n this.chosingIndexes = [];\r\n this.sentVote = false;\r\n // элемент создан\r\n }\r\n connectedCallback() {\r\n // браузер вызывает этот метод при добавлении элемента в документ\r\n // (может вызываться много раз, если элемент многократно добавляется/удаляется)\r\n if (!lineTotalLength) {\r\n lineTotalLength = document.getElementById('poll-line').getTotalLength();\r\n //console.log('line total length:', lineTotalLength);\r\n }\r\n this.pollID = this.getAttribute('poll-id');\r\n this.mid = +this.getAttribute('message-id');\r\n const { poll, results } = appPollsManager_1.default.getPoll(this.pollID);\r\n connectedPolls.push({ id: this.pollID, element: this });\r\n //console.log('pollElement poll:', poll, results);\r\n let desc = '';\r\n if (poll.pFlags) {\r\n this.isPublic = !!poll.pFlags.public_voters;\r\n this.isQuiz = !!poll.pFlags.quiz;\r\n this.isClosed = !!poll.pFlags.closed;\r\n this.isMultiple = !!poll.pFlags.multiple_choice;\r\n if (this.isClosed) {\r\n desc = 'Final results';\r\n this.classList.add('is-closed');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let type = this.isQuiz ? 'Quiz' : 'Poll';\r\n desc = (this.isPublic ? '' : 'Anonymous ') + type;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const multipleSelect = this.isMultiple ? '' : '';\r\n const votes = poll.answers.map((answer, idx) => {\r\n return `\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n ${multipleSelect}\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n `;\r\n }).join('');\r\n this.innerHTML = `\r\n
\r\n ${votes}\r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n `;\r\n this.descDiv = this.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling;\r\n this.typeDiv = this.descDiv.firstElementChild;\r\n this.avatarsDiv = this.descDiv.lastElementChild;\r\n if (this.isQuiz) {\r\n this.classList.add('is-quiz');\r\n if (poll.close_period && poll.close_date) {\r\n const timeLeftDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n timeLeftDiv.classList.add('poll-time');\r\n this.descDiv.append(timeLeftDiv);\r\n const svg = document.createElementNS(\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\", \"svg\");\r\n //svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'viewBox', '0 0 15 15');\r\n svg.classList.add('poll-quiz-timer');\r\n this.quizTimer = svg;\r\n const strokeWidth = 2;\r\n const radius = 7;\r\n const circumference = 2 * Math.PI * radius;\r\n const circle = document.createElementNS(\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\", \"circle\");\r\n circle.classList.add('poll-quiz-timer-circle');\r\n circle.setAttributeNS(null, 'cx', '16');\r\n circle.setAttributeNS(null, 'cy', '16');\r\n circle.setAttributeNS(null, 'r', '' + radius);\r\n circle.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-width', '' + strokeWidth);\r\n svg.append(circle);\r\n this.descDiv.append(svg);\r\n const period = poll.close_period * 1000;\r\n const closeTime = (poll.close_date - serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset) * 1000;\r\n //console.log('closeTime:', poll.close_date, serverTimeManager.serverTimeOffset, Date.now() / 1000 | 0);\r\n // let time = Date.now();\r\n // let percents = (closeTime - time) / period;\r\n // timeLeftDiv.innerHTML = String((closeTime - time) / 1000 + 1 | 0).toHHMMSS();\r\n // // @ts-ignore\r\n // circle.style.strokeDashoffset = circumference + percents * circumference;\r\n // circle.style.strokeDasharray = ${circumference} ${circumference};\r\n this.quizInterval = window.setInterval(() => {\r\n const time = Date.now();\r\n const percents = (closeTime - time) / period;\r\n const timeLeft = (closeTime - time) / 1000 + 1 | 0;\r\n timeLeftDiv.innerHTML = String(timeLeft).toHHMMSS();\r\n if (timeLeft <= 5) {\r\n timeLeftDiv.style.color = '#ee545c';\r\n circle.style.stroke = '#ee545c';\r\n }\r\n //timeLeftDiv.style.visibility = 'visible';\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n circle.style.strokeDashoffset = circumference + percents * circumference;\r\n circle.style.strokeDasharray = `${circumference} ${circumference}`;\r\n if (time >= closeTime) {\r\n clearInterval(this.quizInterval);\r\n timeLeftDiv.innerHTML = '';\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n circle.style.strokeDashoffset = circumference;\r\n this.quizInterval = 0;\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n // нужно запросить апдейт чтобы опрос обновился\r\n appPollsManager_1.default.getResults(this.mid);\r\n }, 3e3);\r\n }\r\n }, 1e3);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.answerDivs = Array.from(this.querySelectorAll('.poll-answer'));\r\n this.svgLines = Array.from(this.querySelectorAll('.poll-line'));\r\n this.numberDivs = Array.from(this.querySelectorAll('.poll-answer-percents'));\r\n const footerDiv = this.lastElementChild;\r\n this.viewResults = footerDiv.firstElementChild;\r\n this.votersCountDiv = footerDiv.lastElementChild;\r\n this.viewResults.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.pollResultsTab.init(this.pollID, this.mid);\r\n });\r\n ripple_1.ripple(this.viewResults);\r\n if (this.isMultiple) {\r\n this.sendVoteBtn = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.sendVoteBtn.classList.add('poll-footer-button', 'poll-send-vote');\r\n this.sendVoteBtn.innerText = 'Vote';\r\n ripple_1.ripple(this.sendVoteBtn);\r\n if (!poll.chosenIndexes.length) {\r\n this.votersCountDiv.classList.add('hide');\r\n }\r\n this.sendVoteBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n /* const indexes = this.answerDivs.filter(el => el.classList.contains('is-chosing')).map(el => +el.dataset.index);\r\n if(indexes.length) {\r\n \r\n } */\r\n if (this.chosingIndexes.length) {\r\n this.sendVotes(this.chosingIndexes).then(() => {\r\n this.chosingIndexes.length = 0;\r\n this.answerDivs.forEach(el => {\r\n el.classList.remove('is-chosing');\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n footerDiv.append(this.sendVoteBtn);\r\n }\r\n const width = this.getBoundingClientRect().width;\r\n this.maxLength = width + tailLength + this.maxOffset + -13.7; // 13 - position left\r\n if (poll.chosenIndexes.length || this.isClosed) {\r\n this.performResults(results, poll.chosenIndexes);\r\n }\r\n else if (!this.isClosed) {\r\n this.setVotersCount(results);\r\n this.addEventListener('click', this.clickHandler);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n disconnectedCallback() {\r\n // браузер вызывает этот метод при удалении элемента из документа\r\n // (может вызываться много раз, если элемент многократно добавляется/удаляется)\r\n connectedPolls.findAndSplice(c => c.element == this);\r\n }\r\n static get observedAttributes() {\r\n return ['poll-id', 'message-id' /* массив имён атрибутов для отслеживания их изменений */];\r\n }\r\n attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {\r\n // вызывается при изменении одного из перечисленных выше атрибутов\r\n if (name == 'poll-id') {\r\n this.pollID = newValue;\r\n }\r\n else if (name == 'message-id') {\r\n this.mid = +newValue;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n adoptedCallback() {\r\n // вызывается, когда элемент перемещается в новый документ\r\n // (происходит в document.adoptNode, используется очень редко)\r\n }\r\n initQuizHint(results) {\r\n if (results.solution && results.solution_entities) {\r\n const toggleHint = document.createElement('div');\r\n toggleHint.classList.add('tgico-tip', 'poll-hint');\r\n this.descDiv.append(toggleHint);\r\n //let active = false;\r\n toggleHint.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n //active = true;\r\n toggleHint.classList.add('active');\r\n setQuizHint(results.solution, results.solution_entities, () => {\r\n //active = false;\r\n toggleHint.classList.remove('active');\r\n });\r\n });\r\n if (this.sentVote) {\r\n const correctResult = results.results.find(r => r.pFlags.correct);\r\n if (correctResult && !correctResult.pFlags.chosen) {\r\n toggleHint.click();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n clickHandler(e) {\r\n const target = utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'poll-answer');\r\n if (!target) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const answerIndex = +target.dataset.index;\r\n if (this.isMultiple) {\r\n target.classList.toggle('is-chosing');\r\n const foundIndex = this.chosingIndexes.indexOf(answerIndex);\r\n if (foundIndex !== -1) {\r\n this.chosingIndexes.splice(foundIndex, 1);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.chosingIndexes.push(answerIndex);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.sendVotes([answerIndex]);\r\n }\r\n /* target.classList.add('is-voting');\r\n setTimeout(() => { // simulate\r\n this.setResults([100, 0], answerIndex);\r\n target.classList.remove('is-voting');\r\n }, 1000); */\r\n }\r\n sendVotes(indexes) {\r\n if (this.sendVotePromise)\r\n return this.sendVotePromise;\r\n const targets = this.answerDivs.filter((_, idx) => indexes.includes(idx));\r\n targets.forEach(target => {\r\n target.classList.add('is-voting');\r\n });\r\n this.classList.add('disable-hover');\r\n this.sentVote = true;\r\n return this.sendVotePromise = appPollsManager_1.default.sendVote(this.mid, indexes).then(() => {\r\n targets.forEach(target => {\r\n target.classList.remove('is-voting');\r\n });\r\n this.classList.remove('disable-hover');\r\n }).catch(() => {\r\n this.sentVote = false;\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n this.sendVotePromise = null;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n performResults(results, chosenIndexes) {\r\n var _a, _b;\r\n if (this.isQuiz && (((_a = results.results) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) || this.isClosed)) {\r\n this.answerDivs.forEach((el, idx) => {\r\n el.classList.toggle('is-correct', !!results.results[idx].pFlags.correct);\r\n });\r\n if (this.initQuizHint) {\r\n this.initQuizHint(results);\r\n this.initQuizHint = null;\r\n }\r\n if (this.quizInterval) {\r\n clearInterval(this.quizInterval);\r\n this.quizInterval = 0;\r\n }\r\n if ((_b = this.quizTimer) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.parentElement) {\r\n this.quizTimer.remove();\r\n }\r\n const timeEl = this.descDiv.querySelector('.poll-time');\r\n if (timeEl) {\r\n timeEl.remove();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (this.isClosed) {\r\n this.classList.add('is-closed');\r\n this.typeDiv.innerText = 'Final results';\r\n }\r\n // set chosen\r\n if (this.chosenIndexes.length != chosenIndexes.length || this.isClosed) { // if we voted\r\n this.isRetracted = this.chosenIndexes.length && !chosenIndexes.length;\r\n this.chosenIndexes = chosenIndexes.slice();\r\n if (this.isRetracted) {\r\n this.addEventListener('click', this.clickHandler);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.removeEventListener('click', this.clickHandler);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // is need update\r\n if (this.chosenIndexes.length || this.isRetracted || this.isClosed) {\r\n const percents = results.results.map(v => results.total_voters ? v.voters / results.total_voters * 100 : 0);\r\n this.setResults(this.isRetracted ? this.percents : percents, this.chosenIndexes);\r\n this.percents = percents;\r\n this.isRetracted = false;\r\n }\r\n this.setVotersCount(results);\r\n if (this.isPublic) {\r\n if (!this.isMultiple) {\r\n this.viewResults.classList.toggle('hide', !results.total_voters || !this.chosenIndexes.length);\r\n this.votersCountDiv.classList.toggle('hide', !!this.chosenIndexes.length);\r\n }\r\n let html = '';\r\n /**\r\n * MACOS, ANDROID - без реверса\r\n * WINDOWS DESKTOP - реверс\r\n * все приложения накладывают аватарку первую на вторую, а в макете зато вторая на первую, ЛОЛ!\r\n */\r\n results.recent_voters /* .slice().reverse() */.forEach((userID, idx) => {\r\n const style = idx == 0 ? '' : `style=\"transform: translateX(-${idx * 3}px);\"`;\r\n html += ``;\r\n });\r\n this.avatarsDiv.innerHTML = html;\r\n }\r\n if (this.isMultiple) {\r\n this.sendVoteBtn.classList.toggle('hide', !!this.chosenIndexes.length);\r\n if (!this.chosenIndexes.length) {\r\n this.votersCountDiv.classList.add('hide');\r\n this.viewResults.classList.add('hide');\r\n }\r\n else if (this.isPublic) {\r\n this.viewResults.classList.toggle('hide', !results.total_voters || !this.chosenIndexes.length);\r\n this.votersCountDiv.classList.toggle('hide', !!this.chosenIndexes.length);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.votersCountDiv.classList.toggle('hide', !this.chosenIndexes.length);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setResults(percents, chosenIndexes) {\r\n this.svgLines.forEach(svg => svg.style.display = '');\r\n this.answerDivs.forEach((el, idx) => {\r\n el.classList.toggle('is-chosen', chosenIndexes.includes(idx));\r\n });\r\n const maxValue = Math.max(...percents);\r\n this.maxLengths = percents.map(p => p / maxValue * this.maxLength);\r\n // line\r\n if (this.isRetracted) {\r\n this.svgLines.forEach((svg, idx) => {\r\n this.setLineProgress(idx, -1);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.svgLines.forEach((svg, idx) => {\r\n void svg.getBoundingClientRect(); // reflow\r\n this.setLineProgress(idx, 1);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n percents = percents.slice();\r\n exports.roundPercents(percents);\r\n // numbers\r\n if (this.isRetracted) {\r\n for (let i = (times - 1), k = 0; i >= 0; --i, ++k) {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n percents.forEach((percents, idx) => {\r\n const value = Math.round(percents / times * i);\r\n this.numberDivs[idx].innerText = value + '%';\r\n });\r\n }, oneTime * k);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < times; ++i) {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n percents.forEach((percents, idx) => {\r\n const value = Math.round(percents / times * (i + 1));\r\n this.numberDivs[idx].innerText = value + '%';\r\n });\r\n }, oneTime * i);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (this.isRetracted) {\r\n this.classList.add('is-retracting');\r\n this.classList.remove('is-voted');\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.classList.remove('is-retracting');\r\n this.svgLines.forEach(svg => svg.style.display = 'none');\r\n }, fullTime);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.classList.add('is-voted');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setVotersCount(results) {\r\n const votersCount = results.total_voters || 0;\r\n const votersOrAnswers = this.isQuiz ? (votersCount > 1 || !votersCount ? 'answers' : 'answer') : (votersCount > 1 || !votersCount ? 'votes' : 'vote');\r\n this.votersCountDiv.innerText = `${results.total_voters ? results.total_voters + ' ' + votersOrAnswers : 'No ' + votersOrAnswers}`;\r\n }\r\n setLineProgress(index, percents) {\r\n const svg = this.svgLines[index];\r\n if (percents == -1) {\r\n svg.style.strokeDasharray = '';\r\n svg.style.strokeDashoffset = '';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n svg.style.strokeDasharray = (percents * this.maxLengths[index]) + ', 485.9';\r\n svg.style.strokeDashoffset = '' + percents * this.maxOffset;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = PollElement;\r\ncustomElements.define(\"poll-element\", PollElement);\r\n" }, { "id": 59, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\helpers\\blob.ts", "name": "./src/helpers/blob.ts", "index": 73, "index2": 65, "size": 413, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": 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true });\r\nconst horizontalMenu_1 = require(\"./horizontalMenu\");\r\nconst TRANSITIONTIME = 250;\r\nclass SidebarSlider {\r\n constructor(sidebarEl, tabs) {\r\n this.sidebarEl = sidebarEl;\r\n this.tabs = tabs;\r\n this.historyTabIDs = [];\r\n this._selectTab = horizontalMenu_1.horizontalMenu(null, this.sidebarEl.querySelector('.sidebar-slider'), null, null, TRANSITIONTIME);\r\n this._selectTab(0);\r\n let onCloseBtnClick = () => {\r\n //console.log('sidebar-close-button click:', this.historyTabIDs);\r\n let closingID = this.historyTabIDs.pop(); // pop current\r\n this.onCloseTab(closingID);\r\n this._selectTab(this.historyTabIDs[this.historyTabIDs.length - 1] || 0);\r\n };\r\n Array.from(this.sidebarEl.querySelectorAll('.sidebar-close-button')).forEach(el => {\r\n el.addEventListener('click', onCloseBtnClick);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n selectTab(id) {\r\n if (this.historyTabIDs[this.historyTabIDs.length - 1] == id) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const tab = this.tabs[id];\r\n if (tab) {\r\n if (tab.onOpen) {\r\n tab.onOpen();\r\n }\r\n if (tab.onOpenAfterTimeout) {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n tab.onOpenAfterTimeout();\r\n }, TRANSITIONTIME);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.historyTabIDs.push(id);\r\n this._selectTab(id);\r\n }\r\n removeTabFromHistory(id) {\r\n this.historyTabIDs.findAndSplice(i => i == id);\r\n this.onCloseTab(id);\r\n }\r\n onCloseTab(id) {\r\n let tab = this.tabs[id];\r\n if (tab) {\r\n if (tab.onClose) {\r\n tab.onClose();\r\n }\r\n if (tab.onCloseAfterTimeout) {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n tab.onCloseAfterTimeout();\r\n }, TRANSITIONTIME);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = SidebarSlider;\r\n" }, { "id": 61, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\popupStickers.ts", "name": "./src/components/popupStickers.ts", "index": 79, "index2": 71, "size": 5430, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": 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"31:40-67" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst popup_1 = require(\"./popup\");\r\nconst appStickersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appStickersManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst wrappers_1 = require(\"./wrappers\");\r\nconst lazyLoadQueue_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./lazyLoadQueue\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"./misc\");\r\nconst animationIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./animationIntersector\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nclass PopupStickers extends popup_1.PopupElement {\r\n constructor(stickerSetInput) {\r\n super('popup-stickers', null, { closable: true, body: true });\r\n this.stickerSetInput = stickerSetInput;\r\n this.onFooterClick = () => {\r\n this.stickersFooter.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n appStickersManager_1.default.toggleStickerSet(this.set).then(() => {\r\n this.closeBtn.click();\r\n }).catch(() => {\r\n this.stickersFooter.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n });\r\n };\r\n this.onStickersClick = (e) => {\r\n const target = utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'sticker-set-sticker');\r\n if (!target)\r\n return;\r\n const fileID = target.dataset.docID;\r\n if (appImManager_1.default.chatInputC.sendMessageWithDocument(fileID)) {\r\n this.closeBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n console.warn('got no doc by id:', fileID);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.h6 = document.createElement('h6');\r\n this.h6.innerText = 'Loading...';\r\n this.header.append(this.h6);\r\n this.onClose = () => {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(false);\r\n this.stickersFooter.removeEventListener('click', this.onFooterClick);\r\n this.stickersDiv.removeEventListener('click', this.onStickersClick);\r\n this.element.removeEventListener('click', onOverlayClick);\r\n };\r\n this.onCloseAfterTimeout = () => {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(undefined, 'STICKERS-POPUP');\r\n };\r\n const onOverlayClick = (e) => {\r\n if (!utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'popup-container')) {\r\n this.closeBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.element.addEventListener('click', onOverlayClick);\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('sticker-set');\r\n this.stickersDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.stickersDiv.classList.add('sticker-set-stickers');\r\n misc_1.putPreloader(this.stickersDiv);\r\n this.stickersFooter = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.stickersFooter.classList.add('sticker-set-footer');\r\n div.append(this.stickersDiv);\r\n this.stickersFooter.innerText = 'Loading...';\r\n this.body.append(div);\r\n const scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.body, 'y', undefined);\r\n this.body.append(this.stickersFooter);\r\n // const editButton = document.createElement('button');\r\n // editButton.classList.add('btn-primary');\r\n // this.stickersFooter.append(editButton);\r\n this.loadStickerSet();\r\n }\r\n loadStickerSet() {\r\n return appStickersManager_1.default.getStickerSet(this.stickerSetInput).then(set => {\r\n //console.log('PopupStickers loadStickerSet got set:', set);\r\n this.set = set.set;\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(true);\r\n this.h6.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(set.set.title);\r\n !set.set.installed_date ? this.stickersFooter.classList.add('add') : this.stickersFooter.classList.remove('add');\r\n this.stickersFooter.innerHTML = set.set.hasOwnProperty('installed_date') ? '
Remove stickers
' : ``;\r\n this.stickersFooter.addEventListener('click', this.onFooterClick);\r\n if (set.documents.length) {\r\n this.stickersDiv.addEventListener('click', this.onStickersClick);\r\n }\r\n const lazyLoadQueue = new lazyLoadQueue_1.default();\r\n this.stickersDiv.innerHTML = '';\r\n for (let doc of set.documents) {\r\n if (doc._ == 'documentEmpty') {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('sticker-set-sticker');\r\n wrappers_1.wrapSticker({\r\n doc,\r\n div,\r\n lazyLoadQueue,\r\n group: 'STICKERS-POPUP',\r\n play: true,\r\n loop: true,\r\n width: 80,\r\n height: 80\r\n });\r\n this.stickersDiv.append(div);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = PopupStickers;\r\n" }, { "id": 62, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\AppInlineBotsManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/AppInlineBotsManager.ts", "index": 82, 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarRight\\gifs.ts", "module": "./src/components/sidebarRight/gifs.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/sidebarRight/gifs.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../lib/appManagers/AppInlineBotsManager", "loc": "39:47-100" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.AppInlineBotsManager = void 0;\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../appManagers/appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appMessagesIDsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMessagesIDsManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst toast_1 = require(\"../../components/toast\");\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appDocsManager\"));\r\nclass AppInlineBotsManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.inlineResults = {};\r\n /* function gameButtonClick (id) {\r\n var message = AppMessagesManager.getMessage(id)\r\n var peerID = AppMessagesManager.getMessagePeer(message)\r\n \r\n return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('messages.getBotCallbackAnswer', {\r\n flags: 2,\r\n peer: AppPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n msg_id: AppMessagesIDsManager.getMessageLocalID(id)\r\n }, {timeout: 1, stopTime: -1, noErrorBox: true}).then(function (callbackAnswer) {\r\n if (typeof callbackAnswer.message === 'string' &&\r\n callbackAnswer.message.length) {\r\n showCallbackMessage(callbackAnswer.message, callbackAnswer.pFlags.alert)\r\n }\r\n else if (typeof callbackAnswer.url === 'string') {\r\n AppGamesManager.openGame(message.media.game.id, id, callbackAnswer.url)\r\n }\r\n })\r\n }\r\n \r\n function sendInlineResult (peerID, qID, options) {\r\n var inlineResult = inlineResults[qID]\r\n if (inlineResult === undefined) {\r\n return false\r\n }\r\n pushPopularBot(inlineResult.botID)\r\n var splitted = qID.split('_')\r\n var queryID = splitted.shift()\r\n var resultID = splitted.join('_')\r\n options = options || {}\r\n options.viaBotID = inlineResult.botID\r\n options.queryID = queryID\r\n options.resultID = resultID\r\n if (inlineResult.send_message.reply_markup) {\r\n options.reply_markup = inlineResult.send_message.reply_markup\r\n }\r\n \r\n if (inlineResult.send_message._ == 'botInlineMessageText') {\r\n options.entities = inlineResult.send_message.entities\r\n AppMessagesManager.sendText(peerID, inlineResult.send_message.message, options)\r\n } else {\r\n var caption = ''\r\n var inputMedia = false\r\n switch (inlineResult.send_message._) {\r\n case 'botInlineMessageMediaAuto':\r\n caption = inlineResult.send_message.caption\r\n if (inlineResult._ == 'botInlineMediaResult') {\r\n var doc = inlineResult.document\r\n var photo = inlineResult.photo\r\n if (doc) {\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaDocument',\r\n id: {_: 'inputDocument', id: doc.id, access_hash: doc.access_hash},\r\n caption: caption\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaPhoto',\r\n id: {_: 'inputPhoto', id: photo.id, access_hash: photo.access_hash},\r\n caption: caption\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break\r\n \r\n case 'botInlineMessageMediaGeo':\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaGeoPoint',\r\n geo_point: {\r\n _: 'inputGeoPoint',\r\n 'lat': inlineResult.send_message.geo['lat'],\r\n 'long': inlineResult.send_message.geo['long']\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break\r\n \r\n case 'botInlineMessageMediaVenue':\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaVenue',\r\n geo_point: {\r\n _: 'inputGeoPoint',\r\n 'lat': inlineResult.send_message.geo['lat'],\r\n 'long': inlineResult.send_message.geo['long']\r\n },\r\n title: inlineResult.send_message.title,\r\n address: inlineResult.send_message.address,\r\n provider: inlineResult.send_message.provider,\r\n venue_id: inlineResult.send_message.venue_id\r\n }\r\n break\r\n \r\n case 'botInlineMessageMediaContact':\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'inputMediaContact',\r\n phone_number: inlineResult.send_message.phone_number,\r\n first_name: inlineResult.send_message.first_name,\r\n last_name: inlineResult.send_message.last_name\r\n }\r\n break\r\n }\r\n if (!inputMedia) {\r\n inputMedia = {\r\n _: 'messageMediaPending',\r\n type: inlineResult.type,\r\n file_name: inlineResult.title || inlineResult.content_url || inlineResult.url,\r\n size: 0,\r\n progress: {percent: 30, total: 0}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n AppMessagesManager.sendOther(peerID, inputMedia, options)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n \r\n function checkGeoLocationAccess (botID) {\r\n var key = 'bot_access_geo' + botID\r\n return Storage.get(key).then(function (geoAccess) {\r\n if (geoAccess && geoAccess.granted) {\r\n return true\r\n }\r\n return ErrorService.confirm({\r\n type: 'BOT_ACCESS_GEO_INLINE'\r\n }).then(function () {\r\n var setHash = {}\r\n setHash[key] = {granted: true, time: tsNow()}\r\n Storage.set(setHash)\r\n return true\r\n }, function () {\r\n var setHash = {}\r\n setHash[key] = {denied: true, time: tsNow()}\r\n Storage.set(setHash)\r\n return $q.reject()\r\n })\r\n })\r\n } */\r\n }\r\n getInlineResults(peerID, botID, query = '', offset = '', geo) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getInlineBotResults', {\r\n flags: 0 | (geo ? 1 : 0),\r\n bot: appUsersManager_1.default.getUserInput(botID),\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n query: query,\r\n geo_point: geo && { _: 'inputGeoPoint', lat: geo['lat'], long: geo['long'] },\r\n offset\r\n }, { /* timeout: 1, */ stopTime: -1, noErrorBox: true }).then(botResults => {\r\n const queryID = botResults.query_id;\r\n /* delete botResults._;\r\n delete botResults.flags;\r\n delete botResults.query_id; */\r\n /* if(botResults.switch_pm) {\r\n botResults.switch_pm.rText = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(botResults.switch_pm.text, {noLinebreaks: true, noLinks: true});\r\n } */\r\n botResults.results.forEach(result => {\r\n const qID = queryID + '_' + result.id;\r\n /* result.qID = qID;\r\n result.botID = botID;\r\n \r\n result.rTitle = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(result.title, {noLinebreaks: true, noLinks: true});\r\n result.rDescription = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(result.description, {noLinebreaks: true, noLinks: true});\r\n result.initials = ((result as botInlineResult).url || result.title || result.type || '').substr(0, 1); */\r\n if (result._ == 'botInlineMediaResult') {\r\n if (result.document) {\r\n result.document = appDocsManager_1.default.saveDoc(result.document);\r\n }\r\n if (result.photo) {\r\n result.photo = appPhotosManager_1.default.savePhoto(result.photo);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.inlineResults[qID] = result;\r\n });\r\n return botResults;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n /* function getPopularBots () {\r\n return Storage.get('inline_bots_popular').then(function (bots) {\r\n var result = []\r\n var i, len\r\n var userID\r\n if (bots && bots.length) {\r\n var now = tsNow(true)\r\n for (i = 0, len = bots.length; i < len; i++) {\r\n if ((now - bots[i][3]) > 14 * 86400) {\r\n continue\r\n }\r\n userID = bots[i][0]\r\n if (!AppUsersManager.hasUser(userID)) {\r\n AppUsersManager.saveApiUser(bots[i][1])\r\n }\r\n result.push({id: userID, rate: bots[i][2], date: bots[i][3]})\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return result\r\n })\r\n }\r\n \r\n function pushPopularBot (id) {\r\n getPopularBots().then(function (bots) {\r\n var exists = false\r\n var count = bots.length\r\n var result = []\r\n for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {\r\n if (bots[i].id == id) {\r\n exists = true\r\n bots[i].rate++\r\n bots[i].date = tsNow(true)\r\n }\r\n var user = AppUsersManager.getUser(bots[i].id)\r\n result.push([bots[i].id, user, bots[i].rate, bots[i].date])\r\n }\r\n if (exists) {\r\n result.sort(function (a, b) {\r\n return b[2] - a[2]\r\n })\r\n } else {\r\n if (result.length > 15) {\r\n result = result.slice(0, 15)\r\n }\r\n result.push([id, AppUsersManager.getUser(id), 1, tsNow(true)])\r\n }\r\n ConfigStorage.set({inline_bots_popular: result})\r\n \r\n $rootScope.$broadcast('inline_bots_popular')\r\n })\r\n }\r\n \r\n function resolveInlineMention (username) {\r\n return AppPeersManager.resolveUsername(username).then(function (peerID) {\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n var bot = AppUsersManager.getUser(peerID)\r\n if (bot.pFlags.bot && bot.bot_inline_placeholder !== undefined) {\r\n var resolvedBot = {\r\n username: username,\r\n id: peerID,\r\n placeholder: bot.bot_inline_placeholder\r\n }\r\n if (bot.pFlags.bot_inline_geo &&\r\n GeoLocationManager.isAvailable()) {\r\n return checkGeoLocationAccess(peerID).then(function () {\r\n return GeoLocationManager.getPosition().then(function (coords) {\r\n resolvedBot.geo = coords\r\n return qSync.when(resolvedBot)\r\n })\r\n })['catch'](function () {\r\n return qSync.when(resolvedBot)\r\n })\r\n }\r\n return qSync.when(resolvedBot)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return $q.reject()\r\n }, function (error) {\r\n error.handled = true\r\n return $q.reject(error)\r\n })\r\n }\r\n \r\n function regroupWrappedResults (results, rowW, rowH) {\r\n if (!results ||\r\n !results[0] ||\r\n ['photo', 'gif', 'sticker'].indexOf(results[0].type) == -1) {\r\n return\r\n }\r\n var ratios = []\r\n angular.forEach(results, function (result) {\r\n var w\r\n var h, doc\r\n var photo\r\n if (result._ == 'botInlineMediaResult') {\r\n if (doc = result.document) {\r\n w = result.document.w\r\n h = result.document.h\r\n }\r\n else if (photo = result.photo) {\r\n var photoSize = (photo.sizes || [])[0]\r\n w = photoSize && photoSize.w\r\n h = photoSize && photoSize.h\r\n }\r\n }else {\r\n w = result.w\r\n h = result.h\r\n }\r\n if (!w || !h) {\r\n w = h = 1\r\n }\r\n ratios.push(w / h)\r\n })\r\n \r\n var rows = []\r\n var curCnt = 0\r\n var curW = 0\r\n angular.forEach(ratios, function (ratio) {\r\n var w = ratio * rowH\r\n curW += w\r\n if (!curCnt || curCnt < 4 && curW < (rowW * 1.1)) {\r\n curCnt++\r\n } else {\r\n rows.push(curCnt)\r\n curCnt = 1\r\n curW = w\r\n }\r\n })\r\n if (curCnt) {\r\n rows.push(curCnt)\r\n }\r\n \r\n var i = 0\r\n var thumbs = []\r\n var lastRowI = rows.length - 1\r\n angular.forEach(rows, function (rowCnt, rowI) {\r\n var lastRow = rowI == lastRowI\r\n var curRatios = ratios.slice(i, i + rowCnt)\r\n var sumRatios = 0\r\n angular.forEach(curRatios, function (ratio) {\r\n sumRatios += ratio\r\n })\r\n angular.forEach(curRatios, function (ratio, j) {\r\n var thumbH = rowH\r\n var thumbW = rowW * ratio / sumRatios\r\n var realW = thumbH * ratio\r\n if (lastRow && thumbW > realW) {\r\n thumbW = realW\r\n }\r\n var result = results[i + j]\r\n result.thumbW = Math.floor(thumbW) - 2\r\n result.thumbH = Math.floor(thumbH) - 2\r\n })\r\n \r\n i += rowCnt\r\n })\r\n }\r\n \r\n function switchToPM (fromPeerID, botID, startParam) {\r\n var peerString = AppPeersManager.getPeerString(fromPeerID)\r\n var setHash = {}\r\n setHash['inline_switch_pm' + botID] = {peer: peerString, time: tsNow()}\r\n Storage.set(setHash)\r\n $rootScope.$broadcast('history_focus', {peerString: AppPeersManager.getPeerString(botID)})\r\n AppMessagesManager.startBot(botID, 0, startParam)\r\n }\r\n \r\n function checkSwitchReturn (botID) {\r\n var bot = AppUsersManager.getUser(botID)\r\n if (!bot || !bot.pFlags.bot || !bot.bot_inline_placeholder) {\r\n return qSync.when(false)\r\n }\r\n var key = 'inline_switch_pm' + botID\r\n return Storage.get(key).then(function (peerData) {\r\n if (peerData) {\r\n Storage.remove(key)\r\n if (tsNow() - peerData.time < 3600000) {\r\n return peerData.peer\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return false\r\n })\r\n }\r\n \r\n function switchInlineQuery (botID, toPeerString, query) {\r\n $rootScope.$broadcast('history_focus', {\r\n peerString: toPeerString,\r\n attachment: {\r\n _: 'inline_query',\r\n mention: '@' + AppUsersManager.getUser(botID).username,\r\n query: query\r\n }\r\n })\r\n }\r\n \r\n function switchInlineButtonClick (id, button) {\r\n var message = AppMessagesManager.getMessage(id)\r\n var botID = message.viaBotID || message.fromID\r\n if (button.pFlags && button.pFlags.same_peer) {\r\n var peerID = AppMessagesManager.getMessagePeer(message)\r\n var toPeerString = AppPeersManager.getPeerString(peerID)\r\n switchInlineQuery(botID, toPeerString, button.query)\r\n return\r\n }\r\n return checkSwitchReturn(botID).then(function (retPeerString) {\r\n if (retPeerString) {\r\n return switchInlineQuery(botID, retPeerString, button.query)\r\n }\r\n PeersSelectService.selectPeer({\r\n canSend: true\r\n }).then(function (toPeerString) {\r\n return switchInlineQuery(botID, toPeerString, button.query)\r\n })\r\n })\r\n } */\r\n callbackButtonClick(mid, button) {\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n let peerID = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessagePeer(message);\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getBotCallbackAnswer', {\r\n flags: 1,\r\n peer: appPeersManager_1.default.getInputPeerByID(peerID),\r\n msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager_1.default.getMessageLocalID(mid),\r\n data: button.data\r\n }, { timeout: 1, stopTime: -1, noErrorBox: true }).then((callbackAnswer) => {\r\n if (typeof callbackAnswer.message === 'string' && callbackAnswer.message.length) {\r\n toast_1.toast(richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(callbackAnswer.message, { noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true }));\r\n }\r\n //console.log('callbackButtonClick callbackAnswer:', callbackAnswer);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.AppInlineBotsManager = AppInlineBotsManager;\r\nconst appInlineBotsManager = new AppInlineBotsManager();\r\nexports.default = appInlineBotsManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 63, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\gifsMasonry.ts", "name": "./src/components/gifsMasonry.ts", "index": 84, "index2": 76, "size": 8378, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarRight\\gifs.ts", "issuerId": 87, "issuerName": "./src/components/sidebarRight/gifs.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", 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catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst wrappers_1 = require(\"./wrappers\");\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"./misc\");\r\nconst lazyLoadQueue_1 = require(\"./lazyLoadQueue\");\r\nconst animationIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./animationIntersector\"));\r\nconst cancellablePromise_1 = require(\"../helpers/cancellablePromise\");\r\nconst width = 400;\r\nconst maxSingleWidth = width - 100;\r\nconst height = 100;\r\nclass GifsMasonry {\r\n constructor(element, group, scrollable) {\r\n this.element = element;\r\n this.group = group;\r\n this.scrollable = scrollable;\r\n this.scrollPromise = Promise.resolve();\r\n this.processVisibleDiv = (div) => {\r\n const video = div.querySelector('video');\r\n if (video) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const load = () => {\r\n const docID = div.dataset.docID;\r\n const doc = appDocsManager_1.default.getDoc(docID);\r\n const promise = this.scrollPromise.then(() => {\r\n const promise = wrappers_1.wrapVideo({\r\n doc,\r\n container: div,\r\n lazyLoadQueue: null,\r\n //lazyLoadQueue: EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue,\r\n group: this.group,\r\n noInfo: true,\r\n });\r\n promise.finally(() => {\r\n const video = div.querySelector('video');\r\n div.style.opacity = '';\r\n const img = div.querySelector('img');\r\n img && img.classList.add('hide');\r\n if (video && !video.parentElement) {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n video.src = '';\r\n video.load();\r\n const animations = animationIntersector_1.default.getAnimations(video);\r\n animations.forEach(item => {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimation(item, true, true);\r\n });\r\n }, 0);\r\n }\r\n //clearTimeout(timeout);\r\n if (!this.lazyLoadQueue.intersector.isVisible(div)) {\r\n this.processInvisibleDiv(div);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return promise;\r\n });\r\n /* let timeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n console.error('processVisibleDiv timeout', div, doc);\r\n }, 1e3); */\r\n return promise;\r\n };\r\n //return load();\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.push({ div, load });\r\n };\r\n this.processInvisibleDiv = (div) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n return this.scrollPromise.then(() => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n //return;\r\n if (this.lazyLoadQueue.intersector.isVisible(div)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const video = div.querySelector('video');\r\n const img = div.querySelector('img');\r\n if (img) {\r\n img && img.classList.remove('hide');\r\n yield new Promise((resolve) => {\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(() => window.requestAnimationFrame(resolve));\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (this.lazyLoadQueue.intersector.isVisible(div)) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (video) {\r\n video.remove();\r\n video.src = '';\r\n video.load();\r\n const animations = animationIntersector_1.default.getAnimations(video);\r\n animations.forEach(item => {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimation(item, true, true);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }));\r\n });\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue = new lazyLoadQueue_1.LazyLoadQueueRepeat2(undefined, (target, visible) => {\r\n if (visible) {\r\n this.processVisibleDiv(target);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.processInvisibleDiv(target);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n setInterval(() => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n const players = animationIntersector_1.default.byGroups[group];\r\n if (players) {\r\n console.log(`GIFS RENDERED IN ${group}:`, players.length, players.filter(p => !p.animation.paused).length, this.lazyLoadQueue.intersector.getVisible().length);\r\n }\r\n }, .25e3);\r\n let timeout = 0;\r\n // memory leak\r\n scrollable.container.addEventListener('scroll', () => {\r\n if (timeout) {\r\n clearTimeout(timeout);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.scrollPromise = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n //animationIntersector.checkAnimations(true, group);\r\n }\r\n timeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n timeout = 0;\r\n this.scrollPromise.resolve();\r\n //animationIntersector.checkAnimations(false, group);\r\n }, 150);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n add(doc) {\r\n var _a;\r\n let gifWidth = doc.w;\r\n let gifHeight = doc.h;\r\n if (gifHeight < height) {\r\n gifWidth = height / gifHeight * gifWidth;\r\n gifHeight = height;\r\n }\r\n const willUseWidth = Math.min(maxSingleWidth, width, gifWidth);\r\n const { w, h } = utils_1.calcImageInBox(gifWidth, gifHeight, willUseWidth, height);\r\n /* wastedWidth += w;\r\n \r\n if(wastedWidth == width || h < height) {\r\n wastedWidth = 0;\r\n console.log('completed line', i, line);\r\n line = [];\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n \r\n line.push(gif); */\r\n //console.log('gif:', gif, w, h);\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('gif', 'fade-in-transition');\r\n div.style.width = w + 'px';\r\n div.style.opacity = '0';\r\n //div.style.height = h + 'px';\r\n div.dataset.docID = doc.id;\r\n this.element.append(div);\r\n //this.lazyLoadQueue.observe({div, load: this.processVisibleDiv});\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.observe(div);\r\n //let preloader = new ProgressivePreloader(div);\r\n const gotThumb = appDocsManager_1.default.getThumb(doc, false);\r\n const willBeAPoster = !!gotThumb;\r\n let img;\r\n if (willBeAPoster) {\r\n img = new Image();\r\n if (!gotThumb.thumb.url) {\r\n gotThumb.promise.then(() => {\r\n img.src = gotThumb.thumb.url;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const afterRender = () => {\r\n if (img) {\r\n div.append(img);\r\n div.style.opacity = '';\r\n }\r\n };\r\n (((_a = gotThumb === null || gotThumb === void 0 ? void 0 : gotThumb.thumb) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.url) ? misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(img, gotThumb.thumb.url, afterRender) : afterRender());\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = GifsMasonry;\r\n" }, { "id": 64, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\stickyIntersector.ts", "name": "./src/components/stickyIntersector.ts", "index": 103, "index2": 95, "size": 2877, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 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up an intersection observer to notify when elements with the class\r\n * `.sticky_sentinel--top` become visible/invisible at the top of the container.\r\n * @param {!Element} container\r\n */\r\n observeHeaders() {\r\n this.headersObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {\r\n for (const entry of entries) {\r\n const targetInfo = entry.boundingClientRect;\r\n const stickyTarget = entry.target.parentElement;\r\n const rootBoundsInfo = entry.rootBounds;\r\n // Started sticking.\r\n if (targetInfo.bottom < rootBoundsInfo.top) {\r\n this.handler(true, stickyTarget);\r\n }\r\n // Stopped sticking.\r\n if (targetInfo.bottom >= rootBoundsInfo.top &&\r\n targetInfo.bottom < rootBoundsInfo.bottom) {\r\n this.handler(false, stickyTarget);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, { threshold: 0, root: this.container });\r\n }\r\n observeElements() {\r\n this.elementsObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {\r\n let entry = entries.filter(entry => entry.boundingClientRect.top < 0).sort((a, b) => a.boundingClientRect.top - b.boundingClientRect.top)[0];\r\n if (!entry)\r\n return;\r\n let container = entry.isIntersecting ? entry.target : entry.target.nextElementSibling;\r\n this.handler(true, container);\r\n }, { root: this.container });\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * @param {!Element} container\r\n * @param {string} className\r\n */\r\n addSentinel(container, className) {\r\n const sentinel = document.createElement('div');\r\n sentinel.classList.add('sticky_sentinel', className);\r\n return container.appendChild(sentinel);\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Notifies when elements w/ the `sticky` class begin to stick or stop sticking.\r\n * Note: the elements should be children of `container`.\r\n * @param {!Element} container\r\n */\r\n observeStickyHeaderChanges(element) {\r\n const headerSentinel = this.addSentinel(element, 'sticky_sentinel--top');\r\n this.headersObserver.observe(headerSentinel);\r\n this.elementsObserver.observe(element);\r\n }\r\n disconnect() {\r\n this.headersObserver.disconnect();\r\n this.elementsObserver.disconnect();\r\n }\r\n unobserve(element, headerSentinel) {\r\n this.elementsObserver.unobserve(element);\r\n this.headersObserver.unobserve(headerSentinel);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = StickyIntersector;\r\n" }, { "id": 65, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\popupDatepicker.ts", "name": "./src/components/popupDatepicker.ts", "index": 106, "index2": 100, "size": 6481, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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require(\"./popup\");\r\nclass PopupDatePicker extends popup_1.PopupElement {\r\n constructor(initDate, onPick) {\r\n super('popup-date-picker', [{\r\n text: 'CANCEL',\r\n isCancel: true\r\n }, {\r\n text: 'JUMP TO DATE',\r\n callback: () => {\r\n if (this.onPick) {\r\n this.onPick(this.selectedDate.getTime() / 1000 | 0);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }]);\r\n this.onPick = onPick;\r\n this.minDate = new Date('2013-08-01T00:00:00');\r\n this.onPrevClick = (e) => {\r\n this.selectedMonth.setMonth(this.selectedMonth.getMonth() - 1);\r\n this.setMonth();\r\n if (this.selectedMonth.getTime() == this.minMonth.getTime()) {\r\n this.prevBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n }\r\n this.nextBtn.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n };\r\n this.onNextClick = (e) => {\r\n this.selectedMonth.setMonth(this.selectedMonth.getMonth() + 1);\r\n this.setMonth();\r\n if (this.selectedMonth.getTime() == this.maxMonth.getTime()) {\r\n this.nextBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n }\r\n this.prevBtn.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n };\r\n this.onDateClick = (e) => {\r\n //cancelEvent(e);\r\n const target = e.target;\r\n if (!target.dataset.timestamp)\r\n return;\r\n if (this.selectedEl) {\r\n if (this.selectedEl == target)\r\n return;\r\n this.selectedEl.classList.remove('active');\r\n }\r\n target.classList.add('active');\r\n const timestamp = +target.dataset.timestamp;\r\n this.selectedDate = new Date(timestamp);\r\n this.setTitle();\r\n this.setMonth();\r\n };\r\n const popupBody = document.createElement('div');\r\n popupBody.classList.add('popup-body');\r\n // Controls\r\n this.controlsDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.controlsDiv.classList.add('date-picker-controls');\r\n this.prevBtn = document.createElement('button');\r\n this.prevBtn.classList.add('btn-icon', 'tgico-down', 'date-picker-prev');\r\n this.prevBtn.addEventListener('click', this.onPrevClick);\r\n this.nextBtn = document.createElement('button');\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.add('btn-icon', 'tgico-down', 'date-picker-next');\r\n this.nextBtn.addEventListener('click', this.onNextClick);\r\n this.monthTitle = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.monthTitle.classList.add('date-picker-month-title');\r\n this.controlsDiv.append(this.prevBtn, this.monthTitle, this.nextBtn);\r\n // Month\r\n this.monthsContainer = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.monthsContainer.classList.add('date-picker-months');\r\n this.monthsContainer.addEventListener('click', this.onDateClick);\r\n popupBody.append(this.controlsDiv, this.monthsContainer);\r\n this.container.append(popupBody);\r\n const popupCenterer = document.createElement('div');\r\n popupCenterer.classList.add('popup-centerer');\r\n popupCenterer.append(this.container);\r\n this.element.append(popupCenterer);\r\n //const passed = (initDate.getTime() - (initDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)) % 86400000;\r\n //this.selectedDate = this.maxDate = new Date(initDate.getTime() - passed);\r\n initDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\r\n this.selectedDate = initDate;\r\n this.maxDate = new Date();\r\n this.maxDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\r\n this.selectedMonth = new Date(this.selectedDate);\r\n this.selectedMonth.setDate(1);\r\n this.maxMonth = new Date(this.maxDate);\r\n this.maxMonth.setDate(1);\r\n this.minMonth = new Date(this.minDate);\r\n this.minMonth.setDate(1);\r\n if (this.selectedMonth.getTime() == this.minMonth.getTime()) {\r\n this.prevBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n }\r\n if (this.selectedMonth.getTime() == this.maxMonth.getTime()) {\r\n this.nextBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n }\r\n this.setTitle();\r\n this.setMonth();\r\n }\r\n setTitle() {\r\n const splitted = this.selectedDate.toString().split(' ', 3);\r\n this.title.innerText = splitted[0] + ', ' + splitted[1] + ' ' + splitted[2];\r\n }\r\n setMonth() {\r\n const months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];\r\n this.monthTitle.innerText = months[this.selectedMonth.getMonth()] + ' ' + this.selectedMonth.getFullYear();\r\n if (this.month) {\r\n this.month.remove();\r\n }\r\n this.month = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.month.classList.add('date-picker-month');\r\n const days = ['M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S', 'S'];\r\n this.month.append(...days.map(s => {\r\n const el = document.createElement('span');\r\n el.innerText = s;\r\n return el;\r\n }));\r\n const firstDate = new Date(this.selectedMonth);\r\n // 0 - sunday\r\n let dayIndex = firstDate.getDay() - 1;\r\n if (dayIndex == -1)\r\n dayIndex = days.length - 1;\r\n // Padding first week\r\n for (let i = 0; i < dayIndex; ++i) {\r\n const el = document.createElement('span');\r\n this.month.append(el);\r\n }\r\n do {\r\n const date = firstDate.getDate();\r\n const el = document.createElement('button');\r\n el.classList.add('btn-icon');\r\n el.innerText = '' + date;\r\n el.dataset.timestamp = '' + firstDate.getTime();\r\n if (firstDate > this.maxDate) {\r\n el.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n }\r\n if (firstDate.getTime() == this.selectedDate.getTime()) {\r\n this.selectedEl = el;\r\n el.classList.add('active');\r\n }\r\n this.month.append(el);\r\n firstDate.setDate(date + 1);\r\n } while (firstDate.getDate() != 1);\r\n this.container.classList.toggle('is-max-lines', (this.month.childElementCount / 7) > 6);\r\n this.monthsContainer.append(this.month);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = PopupDatePicker;\r\n" }, { "id": 66, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pagePassword.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pagePassword.ts", "index": 110, "index2": 108, "size": 5113, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageAuthCode.ts", "issuerId": 79, "issuerName": 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\"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst pageIm_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pageIm\"));\r\n//import CryptoWorker from '../lib/crypto/cryptoworker';\r\n//import apiManager from '../lib/mtproto/apiManager';\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../components/misc\");\r\nconst lottieLoader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/lottieLoader\"));\r\n//import passwordManager from '../lib/mtproto/passwordManager';\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst page_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./page\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../lib/config\");\r\nconst passwordManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/mtproto/passwordManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nlet onFirstMount = () => {\r\n let needFrame = 0;\r\n let animation;\r\n let passwordVisible = false;\r\n const btnNext = page.pageEl.querySelector('button');\r\n const passwordInput = document.getElementById('password');\r\n const passwordInputLabel = passwordInput.nextElementSibling;\r\n const toggleVisible = page.pageEl.querySelector('.toggle-visible');\r\n let getState = () => {\r\n return passwordManager_1.default.getState().then(_state => {\r\n var _a;\r\n state = _state;\r\n passwordInputLabel.innerText = (_a = state.hint) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 'Password';\r\n });\r\n };\r\n let handleError = (err) => {\r\n btnNext.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n switch (err.type) {\r\n default:\r\n btnNext.innerText = err.type;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n getState();\r\n };\r\n const onVisibilityClick = function (e) {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n passwordVisible = !passwordVisible;\r\n this.classList.toggle('tgico-eye2', passwordVisible);\r\n if (passwordVisible) {\r\n passwordInput.setAttribute('type', 'text');\r\n animation.setDirection(1);\r\n animation.curFrame = 0;\r\n needFrame = 16;\r\n animation.play();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n passwordInput.setAttribute('type', 'password');\r\n animation.setDirection(-1);\r\n animation.curFrame = 16;\r\n needFrame = 0;\r\n animation.play();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n toggleVisible.addEventListener('click', onVisibilityClick);\r\n toggleVisible.addEventListener('touchend', onVisibilityClick);\r\n let state;\r\n btnNext.addEventListener('click', function (e) {\r\n if (!passwordInput.value.length) {\r\n passwordInput.classList.add('error');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n let value = passwordInput.value;\r\n this.textContent = 'PLEASE WAIT...';\r\n misc_1.putPreloader(this);\r\n passwordManager_1.default.check(value, state).then((response) => {\r\n //console.log('passwordManager response:', response);\r\n switch (response._) {\r\n case 'auth.authorization':\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.setUserAuth({\r\n id: response.user.id\r\n });\r\n pageIm_1.default.mount();\r\n if (animation)\r\n animation.remove();\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n btnNext.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n btnNext.innerText = response._;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }).catch(handleError);\r\n });\r\n passwordInput.addEventListener('keypress', function (e) {\r\n this.classList.remove('error');\r\n if (e.key == 'Enter') {\r\n return btnNext.click();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n /* passwordInput.addEventListener('input', function(this, e) {\r\n \r\n }); */\r\n const size = config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile ? 100 : 166;\r\n return Promise.all([\r\n lottieLoader_1.default.loadAnimationFromURL({\r\n container: page.pageEl.querySelector('.auth-image'),\r\n loop: false,\r\n autoplay: false,\r\n width: size,\r\n height: size,\r\n noCache: true\r\n //}, 'assets/img/TwoFactorSetupMonkeyClose.tgs').then(_animation => {\r\n }, 'assets/img/TwoFactorSetupMonkeyPeek.tgs').then(_animation => {\r\n //return;\r\n animation = _animation;\r\n animation.addListener('enterFrame', currentFrame => {\r\n //console.log('enterFrame', e, needFrame);\r\n if ((animation.direction == 1 && currentFrame >= needFrame) ||\r\n (animation.direction == -1 && currentFrame <= needFrame)) {\r\n animation.setSpeed(1);\r\n animation.pause();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n needFrame = 49;\r\n //animation.play();\r\n }),\r\n getState()\r\n ]);\r\n};\r\nconst page = new page_1.default('page-password', true, onFirstMount);\r\nexports.default = page;\r\n" }, { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "index": 0, "index2": 113, "size": 6409, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": null, "issuerId": null, "issuerName": null, "issuerPath": null, "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": null, "moduleIdentifier": null, "module": null, "moduleName": null, "type": "single entry", "userRequest": "./src/index.ts", "loc": "main" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 0, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nrequire(\"./materialize.scss\");\r\nrequire(\"./scss/style.scss\");\r\nrequire(\"./scss/tgico.scss\");\r\n/* import { computeCheck } from './lib/crypto/srp';\r\nimport { salt1, salt2, g, p, srp_id, secure_random, srp_B, password } from './mock/srp'; */\r\n//console.log('pineapples in my head');\r\n/* Promise.all([\r\n import('./components/pageIm'),\r\n import('./components/pageSignIn'),\r\n import('./components/misc'),\r\n import('./lib/storage')\r\n]).then(imports => {\r\n let [pageIm, pageSignIn, misc, AppStorage] = imports; */\r\ndocument.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n //let socket = new Socket(2);\r\n // We listen to the resize event (https://css-tricks.com/the-trick-to-viewport-units-on-mobile/)\r\n const setVH = () => {\r\n const vh = window.innerHeight * 0.01;\r\n document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--vh', `${vh}px`);\r\n };\r\n window.addEventListener('resize', setVH);\r\n setVH();\r\n /* authorizer.auth(2).then((auth: any) => {\r\n console.log('authorized', auth);\r\n }, (error: any) => {\r\n console.log('Get networker error', error, error.stack);\r\n return Promise.reject(error);\r\n });\r\n \r\n return; */\r\n const [config, _, __, AppStorage] = yield Promise.all([\r\n Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('./lib/config'))),\r\n Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('./lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker'))),\r\n Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('./lib/polyfill'))),\r\n Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('./lib/storage')))\r\n ]);\r\n /* if(config.isServiceWorkerSupported) {\r\n await navigator.serviceWorker.ready;\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.controller ? true : await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('controllerchange', resolve);\r\n });\r\n } */\r\n //console.time('get storage');\r\n const auth = yield AppStorage.default.get('user_auth');\r\n //console.log('got auth:', auth);\r\n //console.timeEnd('get storage');\r\n if (config.isApple) {\r\n document.documentElement.classList.add('is-mac', 'emoji-supported');\r\n if (config.isAppleMobile) {\r\n document.documentElement.classList.add('is-ios');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (config.isAndroid) {\r\n document.documentElement.classList.add('is-android');\r\n }\r\n if (!config.touchSupport) {\r\n document.documentElement.classList.add('no-touch');\r\n }\r\n const userID = auth.id || 0;\r\n if (!userID /* || 1 == 1 */) {\r\n (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('./pages/pageSignIn')))).default.mount();\r\n /* computeCheck(password, {\r\n current_algo: {\r\n salt1,\r\n salt2,\r\n p,\r\n g\r\n },\r\n srp_id,\r\n srp_B,\r\n secure_random,\r\n }).then(res => {\r\n console.log(res);\r\n 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factorize(bytes) {\r\n bytes = bin_utils_1.convertToByteArray(bytes);\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('factorize', bytes);\r\n }\r\n modPow(x, y, m) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('mod-pow', x, y, m);\r\n }\r\n gzipUncompress(bytes, toString) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('gzipUncompress', bytes, toString);\r\n }\r\n computeSRP(password, state) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('computeSRP', password, state);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = CryptoWorkerMethods;\r\n" }, { "id": 73, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\worker-loader\\dist\\cjs.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/worker-loader/dist/cjs.js!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "index": 19, "index2": 16, "size": 113, "cacheable": false, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": 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enumerable: true,\r\n configurable: true\r\n});\r\nUint8Array.prototype.randomize = function () {\r\n exports.secureRandom.nextBytes(this);\r\n return this;\r\n};\r\nUint8Array.prototype.concat = function (...args) {\r\n return bin_utils_1.bufferConcats(this, ...args);\r\n};\r\nUint8Array.prototype.toString = function () {\r\n return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, [...this]);\r\n};\r\nUint8Array.prototype.toJSON = function () {\r\n return [...this];\r\n};\r\nArray.prototype.forEachReverse = function (callback) {\r\n let length = this.length;\r\n for (var i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\r\n callback(this[i], i, this);\r\n }\r\n};\r\nArray.prototype.findAndSplice = function (verify) {\r\n let index = this.findIndex(verify);\r\n return index !== -1 ? this.splice(index, 1)[0] : undefined;\r\n};\r\nString.prototype.toHHMMSS = function (leadZero = false) {\r\n const sec_num = parseInt(this + '', 10);\r\n const hours = Math.floor(sec_num / 3600);\r\n let minutes = Math.floor((sec_num - (hours * 3600)) / 60);\r\n let seconds = sec_num - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60);\r\n if (hours)\r\n leadZero = true;\r\n if (minutes < 10)\r\n minutes = leadZero ? \"0\" + minutes : minutes;\r\n if (seconds < 10)\r\n seconds = \"0\" + seconds;\r\n return (hours ? /* ('0' + hours).slice(-2) */ hours + ':' : '') + minutes + ':' + seconds;\r\n};\r\n" }, { "id": 76, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\src\\vendor\\smoothscroll.js", "name": "./src/vendor/smoothscroll.js", "index": 26, "index2": 23, "size": 4025, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\scrollable_new.ts", "issuerId": 6, "issuerName": "./src/components/scrollable_new.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", 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"./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 3, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\richtextprocessor.ts", "name": "./src/lib/richtextprocessor.ts", "profile": { "factory": 104, "building": 1053, "dependencies": 527 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 7333, "building": 114 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 3, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\richtextprocessor.ts", "module": "./src/lib/richtextprocessor.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/richtextprocessor.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../emoji", "loc": "10:16-35" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\n// https://github.com/twitter/twemoji-parser/blob/master/src/lib/regex.js\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.toCodePoints = exports.encodeEmoji = void 0;\r\nfunction encodeEmoji(emojiText) {\r\n const codepoints = toCodePoints(removeVS16s(emojiText)).join('-');\r\n return codepoints;\r\n}\r\nexports.encodeEmoji = encodeEmoji;\r\nconst vs16RegExp = /\\uFE0F/g;\r\n// avoid using a string literal like '\\u200D' here because minifiers expand it inline\r\nconst zeroWidthJoiner = String.fromCharCode(0x200d);\r\nconst removeVS16s = (rawEmoji) => (rawEmoji.indexOf(zeroWidthJoiner) < 0 ? rawEmoji.replace(vs16RegExp, '') : rawEmoji);\r\nfunction toCodePoints(unicodeSurrogates) {\r\n const points = [];\r\n let char = 0;\r\n let previous = 0;\r\n let i = 0;\r\n while (i < unicodeSurrogates.length) {\r\n char = unicodeSurrogates.charCodeAt(i++);\r\n if (previous) {\r\n points.push((0x10000 + ((previous - 0xd800) << 10) + (char - 0xdc00)).toString(16));\r\n previous = 0;\r\n }\r\n else if (char > 0xd800 && char <= 0xdbff) {\r\n previous = char;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n points.push(char.toString(16));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (points.length && points[0].length == 2) {\r\n points[0] = '00' + points[0];\r\n }\r\n return points;\r\n}\r\nexports.toCodePoints = toCodePoints;\r\n" }, { "id": 79, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageAuthCode.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageAuthCode.ts", "index": 30, "index2": 109, "size": 10897, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignIn.ts", "issuerId": 49, "issuerName": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst pageSignIn_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pageSignIn\"));\r\nconst pageSignUp_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pageSignUp\"));\r\nconst pageIm_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pageIm\"));\r\nconst pagePassword_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pagePassword\"));\r\nconst lottieLoader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/lottieLoader\"));\r\n//import CryptoWorker from '../lib/crypto/cryptoworker';\r\n//import apiManager from '../lib/mtproto/apiManager';\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst page_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./page\"));\r\nconst mtproto_config_1 = require(\"../lib/mtproto/mtproto_config\");\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../lib/config\");\r\nlet authCode = null;\r\nconst EDITONSAMEPAGE = false;\r\nlet headerElement = null;\r\nlet sentTypeElement = null;\r\nlet onFirstMount = () => {\r\n let needFrame = 0, lastLength = 0;\r\n let animation;\r\n let idleAnimation;\r\n const CODELENGTH = authCode.type.length;\r\n const codeInput = page.pageEl.querySelector('#code');\r\n const codeInputLabel = codeInput.nextElementSibling;\r\n const editButton = page.pageEl.querySelector('.phone-edit');\r\n codeInput.focus();\r\n if (EDITONSAMEPAGE) {\r\n let editable = false;\r\n let changePhonePromise;\r\n let changePhone = () => {\r\n if (changePhonePromise)\r\n return;\r\n let phone_number = '+' + headerElement.innerText.replace(/\\D/g, '');\r\n if (authCode.phone_number == phone_number)\r\n return;\r\n codeInput.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n changePhonePromise = mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('auth.sendCode', {\r\n /* flags: 0, */\r\n phone_number: phone_number,\r\n api_id: mtproto_config_1.App.id,\r\n api_hash: mtproto_config_1.App.hash,\r\n settings: {\r\n _: 'codeSettings',\r\n flags: 0\r\n }\r\n /* lang_code: navigator.language || 'en' */\r\n }).then((code) => {\r\n console.log('got code 2', code);\r\n authCode = Object.assign(code, { phone_number });\r\n changePhonePromise = undefined;\r\n codeInput.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n codeInput.focus();\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n switch (err.type) {\r\n case 'PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID':\r\n headerElement.classList.add('error');\r\n editable = true;\r\n headerElement.setAttribute('contenteditable', '' + editable);\r\n headerElement.focus();\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n codeInputLabel.innerText = err.type;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n changePhonePromise = undefined;\r\n codeInput.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n });\r\n };\r\n headerElement.addEventListener('keypress', function (e) {\r\n if (e.key == 'Enter') {\r\n editable = false;\r\n headerElement.setAttribute('contenteditable', '' + editable);\r\n changePhone();\r\n }\r\n if (/\\D/.test(e.key)) {\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n this.classList.remove('error');\r\n });\r\n editButton.addEventListener('click', function () {\r\n if (changePhonePromise)\r\n return;\r\n editable = !editable;\r\n headerElement.setAttribute('contenteditable', '' + editable);\r\n if (!editable)\r\n changePhone();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n editButton.addEventListener('click', function () {\r\n return pageSignIn_1.default.mount();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n let cleanup = () => {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n if (animation)\r\n animation.remove();\r\n if (idleAnimation)\r\n idleAnimation.remove();\r\n }, 300);\r\n };\r\n let submitCode = (code) => {\r\n codeInput.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n let params = {\r\n phone_number: authCode.phone_number,\r\n phone_code_hash: authCode.phone_code_hash,\r\n phone_code: code\r\n };\r\n //console.log('invoking auth.signIn with params:', params);\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('auth.signIn', params, { ignoreErrors: true })\r\n .then((response) => {\r\n //console.log('auth.signIn response:', response);\r\n switch (response._) {\r\n case 'auth.authorization':\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.setUserAuth({\r\n id: response.user.id\r\n });\r\n pageIm_1.default.mount();\r\n cleanup();\r\n break;\r\n case 'auth.authorizationSignUpRequired':\r\n //console.log('Registration needed!');\r\n pageSignUp_1.default.mount({\r\n 'phone_number': authCode.phone_number,\r\n 'phone_code_hash': authCode.phone_code_hash\r\n });\r\n cleanup();\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n codeInput.innerText = response._;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n codeInput.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n switch (err.type) {\r\n case 'SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED':\r\n //console.warn('pageAuthCode: SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED');\r\n err.handled = true;\r\n cleanup();\r\n pagePassword_1.default.mount();\r\n break;\r\n case 'PHONE_CODE_EMPTY':\r\n case 'PHONE_CODE_INVALID':\r\n codeInput.classList.add('error');\r\n codeInputLabel.innerText = 'Invalid Code';\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n codeInputLabel.innerText = err.type;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n };\r\n const max = 45;\r\n // 1st symbol = frame 15\r\n // end symbol = frame 165\r\n codeInput.addEventListener('input', function (e) {\r\n this.classList.remove('error');\r\n this.value = this.value.replace(/\\D/g, '');\r\n if (this.value.length > CODELENGTH) {\r\n this.value = this.value.slice(0, CODELENGTH);\r\n }\r\n let length = this.value.length;\r\n if (length == CODELENGTH) { // submit code\r\n submitCode(this.value);\r\n }\r\n else if (length == lastLength) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n lastLength = length;\r\n if (!animation)\r\n return;\r\n let frame;\r\n if (length) {\r\n frame = Math.round(Math.min(max, length) * (165 / max) + 11.33);\r\n idleAnimation.canvas.style.display = 'none';\r\n animation.canvas.style.display = '';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n frame = 0;\r\n }\r\n //animation.playSegments([1, 2]);\r\n let direction = needFrame > frame ? -1 : 1;\r\n //console.log('keydown', length, frame, direction);\r\n animation.setDirection(direction);\r\n if (needFrame != 0 && frame == 0) {\r\n animation.setSpeed(7);\r\n }\r\n /* let diff = Math.abs(needFrame - frame * direction);\r\n if((diff / 20) > 1) animation.setSpeed(diff / 20 | 0); */\r\n needFrame = frame;\r\n animation.play();\r\n /* animation.goToAndStop(15, true); */\r\n //animation.goToAndStop(length / max * );\r\n });\r\n let imageDiv = page.pageEl.querySelector('.auth-image');\r\n const size = config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile ? 100 : 166;\r\n return Promise.all([\r\n lottieLoader_1.default.loadAnimationFromURL({\r\n container: imageDiv,\r\n loop: true,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n width: size,\r\n height: size\r\n }, 'assets/img/TwoFactorSetupMonkeyIdle.tgs').then(animation => {\r\n idleAnimation = animation;\r\n }),\r\n lottieLoader_1.default.loadAnimationFromURL({\r\n container: imageDiv,\r\n loop: false,\r\n autoplay: false,\r\n width: size,\r\n height: size\r\n }, 'assets/img/TwoFactorSetupMonkeyTracking.tgs').then(_animation => {\r\n animation = _animation;\r\n if (!codeInput.value.length) {\r\n animation.canvas.style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n animation.addListener('enterFrame', currentFrame => {\r\n //console.log('enterFrame', currentFrame, needFrame);\r\n //let currentFrame = Math.round(e.currentTime);\r\n if ((animation.direction == 1 && currentFrame >= needFrame) ||\r\n (animation.direction == -1 && currentFrame <= needFrame)) {\r\n animation.setSpeed(1);\r\n animation.pause();\r\n }\r\n if (currentFrame == 0 && needFrame == 0) {\r\n animation.curFrame = 0;\r\n if (idleAnimation) {\r\n animation.canvas.style.display = 'none';\r\n idleAnimation.canvas.style.display = '';\r\n idleAnimation.restart();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n //console.log(animation.getDuration(), animation.getDuration(true));\r\n })\r\n ]);\r\n};\r\nconst page = new page_1.default('page-authCode', true, onFirstMount, (_authCode) => {\r\n authCode = _authCode;\r\n if (!headerElement) {\r\n headerElement = page.pageEl.getElementsByClassName('phone')[0];\r\n sentTypeElement = page.pageEl.getElementsByClassName('sent-type')[0];\r\n }\r\n //let LottieLoader = (await import('../lib/lottieLoader')).default;\r\n headerElement.innerText = authCode.phone_number;\r\n switch (authCode.type._) {\r\n case 'auth.sentCodeTypeSms':\r\n sentTypeElement.innerHTML = 'We have sent you an SMS
with the code.';\r\n break;\r\n case 'auth.sentCodeTypeApp':\r\n sentTypeElement.innerHTML = 'We have sent you a message in Telegram
with the code.';\r\n break;\r\n case 'auth.sentCodeTypeCall':\r\n sentTypeElement.innerHTML = 'We will call you and voice
the code.';\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n sentTypeElement.innerHTML = `Please check everything
for a code (type: ${authCode.type._})`;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n});\r\nexports.default = page;\r\n" }, { "id": 80, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignUp.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageSignUp.ts", "index": 31, "index2": 106, "size": 5208, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageAuthCode.ts", "issuerId": 79, "issuerName": "./src/pages/pageAuthCode.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 49, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignIn.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 79, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageAuthCode.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageAuthCode.ts", "profile": { "factory": 104, "building": 1053, "dependencies": 527 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 575, "building": 2297, "dependencies": 2 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 79, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageAuthCode.ts", "module": "./src/pages/pageAuthCode.ts", "moduleName": "./src/pages/pageAuthCode.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./pageSignUp", "loc": "7:37-60" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../components/misc\");\r\nconst pageIm_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pageIm\"));\r\n//import apiManager from '../lib/mtproto/apiManager';\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst page_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./page\"));\r\nconst popupAvatar_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../components/popupAvatar\"));\r\nlet authCode = null;\r\nlet onFirstMount = () => Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('../lib/appManagers/appProfileManager'))).then(imported => {\r\n const pageElement = page.pageEl;\r\n const avatarPreview = pageElement.querySelector('#canvas-avatar');\r\n const appProfileManager = imported.default;\r\n let uploadAvatar;\r\n pageElement.querySelector('.auth-image').addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n popupAvatar_1.default.open(avatarPreview, (_uploadAvatar) => {\r\n uploadAvatar = _uploadAvatar;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n const headerName = pageElement.getElementsByClassName('fullName')[0];\r\n let handleInput = function (e) {\r\n let name = fieldName.value || '';\r\n let lastName = fieldLastName.value || '';\r\n let fullName = name || lastName\r\n ? (name + ' ' + lastName).trim()\r\n : 'Your Name';\r\n if (headerName.innerText != fullName)\r\n headerName.innerText = fullName;\r\n this.classList.remove('error');\r\n };\r\n let sendAvatar = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n if (!uploadAvatar) {\r\n //console.log('User has not selected avatar');\r\n return resolve();\r\n }\r\n //console.log('invoking uploadFile...');\r\n uploadAvatar().then((inputFile) => {\r\n //console.log('uploaded smthn', inputFile);\r\n appProfileManager.uploadProfilePhoto(inputFile).then(resolve, reject);\r\n }, reject);\r\n });\r\n const fieldName = document.getElementById('name');\r\n fieldName.addEventListener('input', handleInput);\r\n const fieldLastName = document.getElementById('lastName');\r\n fieldLastName.addEventListener('input', handleInput);\r\n const signUpButton = document.getElementById('signUp');\r\n signUpButton.addEventListener('click', function (e) {\r\n this.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n if (!fieldName.value.length) {\r\n fieldName.classList.add('error');\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n let name = fieldName.value;\r\n let lastName = fieldLastName.value;\r\n let params = {\r\n 'phone_number': authCode.phone_number,\r\n 'phone_code_hash': authCode.phone_code_hash,\r\n 'first_name': name,\r\n 'last_name': lastName\r\n };\r\n //console.log('invoking auth.signUp with params:', params);\r\n this.textContent = 'PLEASE WAIT...';\r\n misc_1.putPreloader(this);\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('auth.signUp', params)\r\n .then((response) => {\r\n //console.log('auth.signUp response:', response);\r\n switch (response._) {\r\n case 'auth.authorization': // success\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.setUserAuth({\r\n id: response.user.id\r\n });\r\n sendAvatar().then(() => {\r\n pageIm_1.default.mount();\r\n }, () => {\r\n pageIm_1.default.mount();\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n this.innerText = response._;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n /* (document.body.getElementsByClassName('page-sign')[0] as HTMLDivElement).style.display = 'none';\r\n pageAuthCode(Object.assign(code, {phoneNumber})); */\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n this.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n switch (err.type) {\r\n default:\r\n this.innerText = err.type;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n});\r\nconst page = new page_1.default('page-signUp', true, onFirstMount, (_authCode) => {\r\n authCode = _authCode;\r\n});\r\nexports.default = page;\r\n" }, { "id": 81, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pagesManager.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pagesManager.ts", "index": 34, "index2": 31, "size": 1412, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\page.ts", "issuerId": 25, "issuerName": "./src/pages/page.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 49, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignIn.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 25, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\page.ts", "name": "./src/pages/page.ts", "profile": { "factory": 104, "building": 1053, "dependencies": 527 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 565, "building": 2305, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 25, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\page.ts", "module": "./src/pages/page.ts", "moduleName": "./src/pages/page.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./pagesManager", "loc": "15:39-64" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nconst lottieLoader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/lottieLoader\"));\r\nconst horizontalMenu_1 = require(\"../components/horizontalMenu\");\r\nclass PagesManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.pageID = -1;\r\n this.pagesDiv = document.getElementById('auth-pages');\r\n this.selectTab = horizontalMenu_1.horizontalMenu(null, this.pagesDiv.firstElementChild, null, null);\r\n }\r\n setPage(page) {\r\n if (page.isAuthPage) {\r\n this.pagesDiv.style.display = '';\r\n let id = utils_1.whichChild(page.pageEl);\r\n if (this.pageID == id)\r\n return;\r\n this.selectTab(id);\r\n if (this.pageID != -1 && id > 1) {\r\n lottieLoader_1.default.loadLottieWorkers();\r\n }\r\n this.pageID = id;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.pagesDiv.style.display = 'none';\r\n page.pageEl.style.display = '';\r\n this.pageID = -1;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nconst pagesManager = new PagesManager();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n window.pagesManager = pagesManager;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = pagesManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 82, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.ts", "index": 49, "index2": 39, "size": 2926, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appMessagesManager.ts", "issuerId": 7, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 7, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appMessagesManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 2083, "building": 945, "dependencies": 16 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 7, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appMessagesManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../mtproto/mtproto", "loc": "22:18-47" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.telegramMeWebService = exports.TelegramMeWebService = void 0;\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\nconst mtproto_config_1 = require(\"./mtproto_config\");\r\n/* import PasswordManager from './passwordManager';\r\nimport DcConfigurator from './dcConfigurator';\r\nimport RSAKeysManager from './rsaKeysManager';\r\nimport TimeManager from './timeManager';\r\nimport ServerTimeManager from './serverTimeManager';\r\nimport Authorizer from './authorizer';\r\nimport NetworkerFactory from './networkerFactory';\r\nimport ApiManager from './apiManager';\r\nimport ApiFileManager from './apiFileManager'; */\r\nclass TelegramMeWebService {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.disabled = mtproto_config_1.Modes.test ||\r\n mtproto_config_1.App.domains.indexOf(location.hostname) == -1 ||\r\n location.protocol != 'http:' && location.protocol != 'https:' ||\r\n location.protocol == 'https:' && location.hostname != 'web.telegram.org';\r\n }\r\n setAuthorized(canRedirect) {\r\n if (this.disabled) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n storage_1.default.get('tgme_sync').then((curValue) => {\r\n var ts = Date.now() / 1000;\r\n if (canRedirect &&\r\n curValue &&\r\n curValue.canRedirect == canRedirect &&\r\n curValue.ts + 86400 > ts) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n storage_1.default.set({ tgme_sync: { canRedirect: canRedirect, ts: ts } });\r\n var urls = [\r\n '//telegram.me/_websync_?authed=' + (canRedirect ? '1' : '0'),\r\n '//t.me/_websync_?authed=' + (canRedirect ? '1' : '0')\r\n ];\r\n urls.forEach(url => {\r\n let script = document.createElement('script');\r\n script.onload = script.onerror = function () {\r\n script.remove();\r\n };\r\n script.src = url;\r\n document.body.appendChild(script);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.TelegramMeWebService = TelegramMeWebService;\r\nexports.telegramMeWebService = new TelegramMeWebService();\r\n/* export namespace MTProto {\r\n //$($window).on('click keydown', rng_seed_time); // WARNING!\r\n\r\n export const passwordManager = PasswordManager;\r\n export const dcConfigurator = DcConfigurator;\r\n export const rsaKeysManager = RSAKeysManager;\r\n export const timeManager = TimeManager;\r\n export const authorizer = Authorizer;\r\n export const networkerFactory = NetworkerFactory;\r\n export const apiManager = ApiManager;\r\n export const apiFileManager = ApiFileManager;\r\n export const serverTimeManager = ServerTimeManager;\r\n}\r\n\r\n//(window as any).MTProto = MTProto; */\r\n" }, { "id": 83, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\visibilityIntersector.ts", "name": "./src/components/visibilityIntersector.ts", "index": 66, "index2": 57, "size": 2816, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\lazyLoadQueue.ts", "issuerId": 21, "issuerName": "./src/components/lazyLoadQueue.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 21, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\lazyLoadQueue.ts", "name": "./src/components/lazyLoadQueue.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1009, "building": 1430 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 21, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\lazyLoadQueue.ts", "module": "./src/components/lazyLoadQueue.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/lazyLoadQueue.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./visibilityIntersector", "loc": "17:48-82" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nclass VisibilityIntersector {\r\n constructor(onVisibilityChange) {\r\n this.items = new Map();\r\n this.locked = false;\r\n this.observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {\r\n if (this.locked) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const changed = [];\r\n entries.forEach(entry => {\r\n const target = entry.target;\r\n if (this.items.get(target) == entry.isIntersecting) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.items.set(target, entry.isIntersecting);\r\n }\r\n /* if(entry.isIntersecting) {\r\n console.log('ooo', entry);\r\n } */\r\n /* if(this.locked) {\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n changed[entry.isIntersecting ? 'unshift' : 'push']({ target, visible: entry.isIntersecting });\r\n //onVisibilityChange(target, entry.isIntersecting);\r\n });\r\n changed.forEach(smth => {\r\n onVisibilityChange(smth.target, smth.visible);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getVisible() {\r\n const items = [];\r\n this.items.forEach((value, key) => {\r\n if (value) {\r\n items.push(key);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return items;\r\n }\r\n clearVisible() {\r\n const visible = this.getVisible();\r\n for (const target of visible) {\r\n this.items.set(target, false);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n isVisible(target) {\r\n return this.items.get(target);\r\n }\r\n disconnect() {\r\n this.observer.disconnect();\r\n this.items.clear();\r\n }\r\n refresh() {\r\n this.observer.disconnect();\r\n //window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n const targets = [...this.items.keys()];\r\n for (const target of targets) {\r\n //this.items.set(target, false);\r\n this.observer.observe(target);\r\n }\r\n //});\r\n }\r\n refreshVisible() {\r\n const visible = this.getVisible();\r\n for (const target of visible) {\r\n this.observer.unobserve(target);\r\n }\r\n for (const target of visible) {\r\n this.observer.observe(target);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n observe(target) {\r\n this.items.set(target, false);\r\n this.observer.observe(target);\r\n }\r\n unobserve(target) {\r\n this.observer.unobserve(target);\r\n this.items.delete(target);\r\n }\r\n unlock() {\r\n this.locked = false;\r\n }\r\n unlockAndRefresh() {\r\n this.unlock();\r\n this.refresh();\r\n }\r\n lock() {\r\n this.locked = true;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = VisibilityIntersector;\r\n" }, { "id": 84, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\audio.ts", "name": "./src/components/audio.ts", "index": 72, "index2": 64, "size": 18005, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\wrappers.ts", "issuerId": 18, "issuerName": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 18, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\wrappers.ts", "name": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1092, "building": 1418, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 18, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\wrappers.ts", "module": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/wrappers.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./audio", "loc": "29:32-50" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.decodeWaveform = void 0;\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst wrappers_1 = require(\"./wrappers\");\r\nconst preloader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./preloader\"));\r\nconst mediaPlayer_1 = require(\"../lib/mediaPlayer\");\r\nconst appMediaPlaybackController_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./appMediaPlaybackController\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../lib/config\");\r\n// https://github.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon/blob/4393ec0b83d511b6a20d8a20334138730f084375/telethon/utils.py#L1285\r\nfunction decodeWaveform(waveform) {\r\n if (!(waveform instanceof Uint8Array)) {\r\n waveform = new Uint8Array(waveform);\r\n }\r\n var bitCount = waveform.length * 8;\r\n var valueCount = bitCount / 5 | 0;\r\n if (!valueCount) {\r\n return new Uint8Array([]);\r\n }\r\n var dataView = new DataView(waveform.buffer);\r\n var result = new Uint8Array(valueCount);\r\n for (var i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) {\r\n var byteIndex = i * 5 / 8 | 0;\r\n var bitShift = i * 5 % 8;\r\n var value = dataView.getUint16(byteIndex, true);\r\n result[i] = (value >> bitShift) & 0b00011111;\r\n }\r\n /* var byteIndex = (valueCount - 1) / 8 | 0;\r\n var bitShift = (valueCount - 1) % 8;\r\n if(byteIndex == waveform.length - 1) {\r\n var value = waveform[byteIndex];\r\n } else {\r\n var value = dataView.getUint16(byteIndex, true);\r\n }\r\n \r\n console.log('decoded waveform, setting last value:', value, byteIndex, bitShift);\r\n result[valueCount - 1] = (value >> bitShift) & 0b00011111; */\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\nexports.decodeWaveform = decodeWaveform;\r\nfunction wrapVoiceMessage(doc, audioEl) {\r\n audioEl.classList.add('is-voice');\r\n const barWidth = 2;\r\n const barMargin = config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile ? 2 : 1;\r\n const barHeightMin = config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile ? 3 : 2;\r\n const barHeightMax = config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile ? 16 : 23;\r\n const availW = config_1.mediaSizes.isMobile ? 152 : 190;\r\n const svg = document.createElementNS(\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\", \"svg\");\r\n svg.classList.add('audio-waveform');\r\n svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', '' + availW);\r\n svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', '' + barHeightMax);\r\n svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'viewBox', `0 0 ${availW} ${barHeightMax}`);\r\n const timeDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n timeDiv.classList.add('audio-time');\r\n audioEl.append(svg, timeDiv);\r\n let waveform = doc.attributes.find(attribute => attribute._ == 'documentAttributeAudio').waveform || [];\r\n waveform = decodeWaveform(waveform.slice());\r\n //console.log('decoded waveform:', waveform);\r\n const normValue = Math.max(...waveform);\r\n const wfSize = waveform.length ? waveform.length : 100;\r\n const barCount = Math.min((availW / (barWidth + barMargin)) | 0, wfSize);\r\n let maxValue = 0;\r\n const maxDelta = barHeightMax - barHeightMin;\r\n let html = '';\r\n for (let i = 0, barX = 0, sumI = 0; i < wfSize; ++i) {\r\n const value = waveform[i] || 0;\r\n if ((sumI + barCount) >= wfSize) { // draw bar\r\n sumI = sumI + barCount - wfSize;\r\n if (sumI < (barCount + 1) / 2) {\r\n if (maxValue < value)\r\n maxValue = value;\r\n }\r\n const bar_value = Math.max(((maxValue * maxDelta) + ((normValue + 1) / 2)) / (normValue + 1), barHeightMin);\r\n const h = `\r\n \r\n `;\r\n html += h;\r\n barX += barWidth + barMargin;\r\n if (sumI < (barCount + 1) / 2) {\r\n maxValue = 0;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n maxValue = value;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (maxValue < value)\r\n maxValue = value;\r\n sumI += barCount;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n svg.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html);\r\n const rects = Array.from(svg.children);\r\n let progress = audioEl.querySelector('.audio-waveform');\r\n const onLoad = () => {\r\n let interval = 0;\r\n let lastIndex = 0;\r\n let audio = audioEl.audio;\r\n if (!audio.paused || (audio.currentTime > 0 && audio.currentTime != audio.duration)) {\r\n lastIndex = Math.round(audio.currentTime / audio.duration * barCount);\r\n rects.slice(0, lastIndex + 1).forEach(node => node.classList.add('active'));\r\n }\r\n let start = () => {\r\n clearInterval(interval);\r\n interval = setInterval(() => {\r\n if (lastIndex > svg.childElementCount || isNaN(audio.duration) || audio.paused) {\r\n clearInterval(interval);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n lastIndex = Math.round(audio.currentTime / audio.duration * barCount);\r\n //svg.children[lastIndex].setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', '#000');\r\n //svg.children[lastIndex].classList.add('active'); #Иногда пропускает полоски..\r\n rects.slice(0, lastIndex + 1).forEach(node => node.classList.add('active'));\r\n //++lastIndex;\r\n //console.log('lastIndex:', lastIndex, audio.currentTime);\r\n //}, duration * 1000 / svg.childElementCount | 0/* 63 * duration / 10 */);\r\n }, 20);\r\n };\r\n if (!audio.paused) {\r\n start();\r\n }\r\n audioEl.addAudioListener('playing', () => {\r\n //rects.forEach(node => node.classList.remove('active'));\r\n start();\r\n });\r\n audioEl.addAudioListener('pause', () => {\r\n clearInterval(interval);\r\n });\r\n audioEl.addAudioListener('ended', () => {\r\n clearInterval(interval);\r\n rects.forEach(node => node.classList.remove('active'));\r\n });\r\n let mousedown = false, mousemove = false;\r\n progress.addEventListener('mouseleave', (e) => {\r\n if (mousedown) {\r\n audio.play();\r\n mousedown = false;\r\n }\r\n mousemove = false;\r\n });\r\n progress.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => {\r\n mousemove = true;\r\n if (mousedown)\r\n scrub(e);\r\n });\r\n progress.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => {\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n if (!audio.paused) {\r\n audio.pause();\r\n scrub(e);\r\n mousedown = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n progress.addEventListener('mouseup', (e) => {\r\n if (mousemove && mousedown) {\r\n audio.play();\r\n mousedown = false;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n progress.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n if (!audio.paused)\r\n scrub(e);\r\n });\r\n function scrub(e) {\r\n const scrubTime = e.offsetX / availW /* width */ * audio.duration;\r\n lastIndex = Math.round(scrubTime / audio.duration * barCount);\r\n rects.slice(0, lastIndex + 1).forEach(node => node.classList.add('active'));\r\n for (let i = lastIndex + 1; i < rects.length; ++i) {\r\n rects[i].classList.remove('active');\r\n }\r\n audio.currentTime = scrubTime;\r\n }\r\n return () => {\r\n clearInterval(interval);\r\n progress.remove();\r\n progress = null;\r\n audio = null;\r\n };\r\n };\r\n return onLoad;\r\n}\r\nfunction wrapAudio(doc, audioEl) {\r\n const withTime = !!+audioEl.getAttribute('with-time');\r\n const title = doc.audioTitle || doc.file_name;\r\n let subtitle = doc.audioPerformer ? richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapPlainText(doc.audioPerformer) : '';\r\n if (withTime) {\r\n subtitle += (subtitle ? ' · ' : '') + wrappers_1.formatDate(doc.date);\r\n }\r\n else if (!subtitle) {\r\n subtitle = 'Unknown Artist';\r\n }\r\n const html = `\r\n
`;\r\n audioEl.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html);\r\n const onLoad = () => {\r\n const subtitleDiv = audioEl.querySelector('.audio-subtitle');\r\n let launched = false;\r\n let progressLine = new mediaPlayer_1.MediaProgressLine(audioEl.audio, doc.supportsStreaming);\r\n audioEl.addAudioListener('ended', () => {\r\n audioEl.classList.remove('audio-show-progress');\r\n // Reset subtitle\r\n subtitleDiv.innerHTML = subtitle;\r\n launched = false;\r\n });\r\n const onPlaying = () => {\r\n if (!launched) {\r\n audioEl.classList.add('audio-show-progress');\r\n launched = true;\r\n subtitleDiv.innerHTML = '';\r\n if (progressLine) {\r\n subtitleDiv.append(progressLine.container);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n audioEl.addAudioListener('playing', onPlaying);\r\n if (!audioEl.audio.paused || audioEl.audio.currentTime > 0) {\r\n onPlaying();\r\n }\r\n return () => {\r\n progressLine.removeListeners();\r\n progressLine.container.remove();\r\n progressLine = null;\r\n };\r\n };\r\n return onLoad;\r\n}\r\nclass AudioElement extends HTMLElement {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super();\r\n this.attachedHandlers = {};\r\n // элемент создан\r\n }\r\n connectedCallback() {\r\n // браузер вызывает этот метод при добавлении элемента в документ\r\n // (может вызываться много раз, если элемент многократно добавляется/удаляется)\r\n this.classList.add('audio');\r\n const mid = +this.getAttribute('message-id');\r\n const docID = this.getAttribute('doc-id');\r\n const doc = appDocsManager_1.default.getDoc(docID);\r\n const uploading = +doc.id < 0;\r\n const durationStr = String(doc.duration | 0).toHHMMSS(true);\r\n this.innerHTML = `
`;\r\n const downloadDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n downloadDiv.classList.add('audio-download');\r\n if (!uploading && doc.type != 'audio') {\r\n downloadDiv.innerHTML = '
';\r\n }\r\n if (doc.type != 'audio' || uploading) {\r\n this.append(downloadDiv);\r\n }\r\n const onTypeLoad = doc.type == 'voice' ? wrapVoiceMessage(doc, this) : wrapAudio(doc, this);\r\n const audioTimeDiv = this.querySelector('.audio-time');\r\n audioTimeDiv.innerHTML = durationStr;\r\n const onLoad = (autoload = true) => {\r\n const audio = this.audio = appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.addMedia(doc, mid, autoload);\r\n this.onTypeDisconnect = onTypeLoad();\r\n const toggle = this.querySelector('.audio-toggle');\r\n const onPlaying = () => {\r\n audioTimeDiv.innerText = String(audio.currentTime | 0).toHHMMSS(true) + ' / ' + durationStr;\r\n if (!audio.paused) {\r\n toggle.classList.remove('tgico-largeplay');\r\n toggle.classList.add('tgico-largepause');\r\n }\r\n };\r\n if (!audio.paused || (audio.currentTime > 0 && audio.currentTime != audio.duration)) {\r\n onPlaying();\r\n audioTimeDiv.innerText = String(audio.currentTime | 0).toHHMMSS(true) + ' / ' + durationStr;\r\n }\r\n toggle.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n if (audio.paused)\r\n audio.play().catch(() => { });\r\n else\r\n audio.pause();\r\n });\r\n this.addAudioListener('ended', () => {\r\n toggle.classList.add('tgico-largeplay');\r\n toggle.classList.remove('tgico-largepause');\r\n });\r\n this.addAudioListener('timeupdate', () => {\r\n if (appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.isSafariBuffering(audio))\r\n return;\r\n audioTimeDiv.innerText = String(audio.currentTime | 0).toHHMMSS(true) + ' / ' + durationStr;\r\n });\r\n this.addAudioListener('pause', () => {\r\n toggle.classList.add('tgico-largeplay');\r\n toggle.classList.remove('tgico-largepause');\r\n });\r\n this.addAudioListener('playing', onPlaying);\r\n };\r\n if (!uploading) {\r\n let preloader = this.preloader;\r\n if (doc.type == 'voice') {\r\n let download;\r\n const onClick = () => {\r\n if (!download) {\r\n if (!preloader) {\r\n preloader = new preloader_1.default(null, true);\r\n }\r\n download = appDocsManager_1.default.downloadDocNew(doc);\r\n preloader.attach(downloadDiv, true, download);\r\n download.then(() => {\r\n downloadDiv.remove();\r\n this.removeEventListener('click', onClick);\r\n onLoad();\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n if (err.name === 'AbortError') {\r\n download = null;\r\n }\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n downloadDiv.classList.remove('downloading');\r\n });\r\n downloadDiv.classList.add('downloading');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n download.cancel();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.addEventListener('click', onClick);\r\n this.click();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n onLoad(false);\r\n //if(appMediaPlaybackController.mediaExists(mid)) { // чтобы показать прогресс, если аудио уже было скачано\r\n //onLoad();\r\n //} else {\r\n const r = () => {\r\n //onLoad();\r\n appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.resolveWaitingForLoadMedia(mid);\r\n appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.willBePlayed(this.audio); // prepare for loading audio\r\n if (!preloader) {\r\n preloader = new preloader_1.default(null, false);\r\n }\r\n if (config_1.isSafari) {\r\n this.audio.autoplay = true;\r\n this.audio.play().catch(() => { });\r\n }\r\n preloader.attach(downloadDiv);\r\n this.append(downloadDiv);\r\n new Promise((resolve) => {\r\n if (this.audio.readyState >= 2)\r\n resolve();\r\n else\r\n this.addAudioListener('canplay', resolve);\r\n }).then(() => {\r\n downloadDiv.remove();\r\n //setTimeout(() => {\r\n // release loaded audio\r\n if (appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.willBePlayedMedia == this.audio) {\r\n this.audio.play();\r\n appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.willBePlayedMedia = null;\r\n }\r\n //}, 10e3);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n this.addEventListener('click', r, { once: true });\r\n //}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.preloader.attach(downloadDiv, false);\r\n //onLoad();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n addAudioListener(name, callback) {\r\n if (!this.attachedHandlers[name])\r\n this.attachedHandlers[name] = [];\r\n this.attachedHandlers[name].push(callback);\r\n this.audio.addEventListener(name, callback);\r\n }\r\n disconnectedCallback() {\r\n // браузер вызывает этот метод при удалении элемента из документа\r\n // (может вызываться много раз, если элемент многократно добавляется/удаляется)\r\n if (this.onTypeDisconnect) {\r\n this.onTypeDisconnect();\r\n this.onTypeDisconnect = null;\r\n }\r\n for (let name in this.attachedHandlers) {\r\n for (let callback of this.attachedHandlers[name]) {\r\n this.audio.removeEventListener(name, callback);\r\n }\r\n delete this.attachedHandlers[name];\r\n }\r\n this.preloader = null;\r\n }\r\n static get observedAttributes() {\r\n return [ /* массив имён атрибутов для отслеживания их изменений */];\r\n }\r\n attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {\r\n // вызывается при изменении одного из перечисленных выше атрибутов\r\n }\r\n adoptedCallback() {\r\n // вызывается, когда элемент перемещается в новый документ\r\n // (происходит в document.adoptNode, используется очень редко)\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AudioElement;\r\ncustomElements.define(\"audio-element\", AudioElement);\r\n" }, { "id": 85, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarRight\\stickers.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarRight/stickers.ts", "index": 77, "index2": 72, "size": 9850, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "issuerId": 24, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 24, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1584, "building": 1606, "dependencies": 2 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 24, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/sidebarRight/stickers", "loc": "56:35-84" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst searchInput_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../searchInput\"));\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst lazyLoadQueue_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lazyLoadQueue\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nconst appStickersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appStickersManager\"));\r\nconst popupStickers_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../popupStickers\"));\r\nconst animationIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../animationIntersector\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst wrappers_1 = require(\"../wrappers\");\r\nconst appSidebarRight_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight\"));\r\nclass AppStickersTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.getElementById('stickers-container');\r\n this.contentDiv = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-content');\r\n this.backBtn = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n this.setsDiv = this.contentDiv.firstElementChild;\r\n this.scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.contentDiv, 'y', 'STICKERS-SEARCH', undefined, undefined, 2);\r\n this.scrollable.setVirtualContainer(this.setsDiv);\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue = new lazyLoadQueue_1.default();\r\n this.searchInput = new searchInput_1.default('Search Stickers', (value) => {\r\n this.search(value);\r\n });\r\n this.backBtn.parentElement.append(this.searchInput.container);\r\n this.setsDiv.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n const sticker = utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'sticker-set-sticker');\r\n if (sticker) {\r\n const docID = sticker.dataset.docID;\r\n appImManager_1.default.chatInputC.sendMessageWithDocument(docID);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const target = utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'sticker-set');\r\n if (!target)\r\n return;\r\n const id = target.dataset.stickerSet;\r\n const access_hash = target.dataset.stickerSet;\r\n const button = utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'sticker-set-button');\r\n if (button) {\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n e.cancelBubble = true;\r\n button.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n appStickersManager_1.default.getStickerSet({ id, access_hash }).then(full => {\r\n appStickersManager_1.default.toggleStickerSet(full.set).then(changed => {\r\n if (changed) {\r\n button.innerText = full.set.installed_date ? 'Added' : 'Add';\r\n button.classList.toggle('gray', !!full.set.installed_date);\r\n }\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n //button.style.width = set.installed_date ? '68px' : '52px';\r\n button.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n appStickersManager_1.default.getStickerSet({ id, access_hash }).then(full => {\r\n new popupStickers_1.default(full.set).show();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n this.setsDiv.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.searchInput.value = '';\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(undefined, 'STICKERS-SEARCH');\r\n }\r\n renderSet(set) {\r\n //console.log('renderSet:', set);\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('sticker-set');\r\n const header = document.createElement('div');\r\n header.classList.add('sticker-set-header');\r\n const details = document.createElement('div');\r\n details.classList.add('sticker-set-details');\r\n details.innerHTML = `\r\n
${set.count} stickers
\r\n `;\r\n const button = document.createElement('button');\r\n button.classList.add('btn-primary', 'sticker-set-button');\r\n button.innerText = set.installed_date ? 'Added' : 'Add';\r\n // button.style.width = set.installed_date ? '68px' : '52px';\r\n if (set.installed_date) {\r\n button.classList.add('gray');\r\n }\r\n //ripple(button);\r\n header.append(details, button);\r\n const stickersDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n stickersDiv.classList.add('sticker-set-stickers');\r\n const count = Math.min(5, set.count);\r\n for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {\r\n const stickerDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n stickerDiv.classList.add('sticker-set-sticker');\r\n stickersDiv.append(stickerDiv);\r\n }\r\n appStickersManager_1.default.getStickerSet(set).then(set => {\r\n //console.log('renderSet got set:', set);\r\n for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {\r\n const div = stickersDiv.children[i];\r\n const doc = set.documents[i];\r\n if (doc._ == 'documentEmpty') {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n wrappers_1.wrapSticker({\r\n doc,\r\n div,\r\n lazyLoadQueue: this.lazyLoadQueue,\r\n group: 'STICKERS-SEARCH',\r\n /* play: false,\r\n loop: false, */\r\n play: true,\r\n loop: true,\r\n width: 68,\r\n height: 68\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n /* const onMouseOver = () => {\r\n const animations: AnimationItem['animation'][] = [];\r\n for(let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {\r\n const stickerDiv = stickersDiv.children[i] as HTMLElement;\r\n const animationItem = animationIntersector.getAnimation(stickerDiv);\r\n if(!animationItem) continue;\r\n \r\n const animation = animationItem.animation;\r\n \r\n animations.push(animation);\r\n animation.loop = true;\r\n animation.play();\r\n }\r\n \r\n div.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {\r\n animations.forEach(animation => {\r\n animation.loop = false;\r\n });\r\n \r\n div.addEventListener('mouseover', onMouseOver, {once: true});\r\n }, {once: true});\r\n };\r\n \r\n div.addEventListener('mouseover', onMouseOver, {once: true}); */\r\n div.dataset.stickerSet = set.id;\r\n div.dataset.access_hash = set.access_hash;\r\n div.dataset.title = set.title;\r\n div.append(header, stickersDiv);\r\n this.scrollable.append(div);\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarRight_1.AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS.stickers);\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.toggleSidebar(true).then(() => {\r\n this.renderFeatured();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n renderFeatured() {\r\n return appStickersManager_1.default.getFeaturedStickers().then(coveredSets => {\r\n if (this.searchInput.value) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n coveredSets = this.filterRendered('', coveredSets);\r\n coveredSets.forEach(set => {\r\n this.renderSet(set.set);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n filterRendered(query, coveredSets) {\r\n coveredSets = coveredSets.slice();\r\n const children = Array.from(this.setsDiv.children);\r\n children.forEachReverse(el => {\r\n const id = el.dataset.stickerSet;\r\n const index = coveredSets.findIndex(covered => covered.set.id == id);\r\n if (index !== -1) {\r\n coveredSets.splice(index, 1);\r\n }\r\n else if (!query || !el.dataset.title.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase())) {\r\n el.remove();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(undefined, 'STICKERS-SEARCH');\r\n return coveredSets;\r\n }\r\n search(query) {\r\n if (!query) {\r\n return this.renderFeatured();\r\n }\r\n return appStickersManager_1.default.searchStickerSets(query, false).then(coveredSets => {\r\n if (this.searchInput.value != query) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('search result:', coveredSets);\r\n coveredSets = this.filterRendered(query, coveredSets);\r\n coveredSets.forEach(set => {\r\n this.renderSet(set.set);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppStickersTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 86, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarRight\\pollResults.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarRight/pollResults.ts", "index": 80, "index2": 73, "size": 5816, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "issuerId": 24, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 24, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1584, "building": 1606, "dependencies": 2 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 24, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/sidebarRight/pollResults", "loc": "57:38-90" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst appSidebarRight_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight\"));\r\nconst appPollsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appPollsManager\"));\r\nconst poll_1 = require(\"../poll\");\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst appDialogsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager\"));\r\nconst ripple_1 = require(\"../ripple\");\r\nclass AppPollResultsTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.getElementById('poll-results-container');\r\n this.contentDiv = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-content');\r\n this.resultsDiv = this.contentDiv.firstElementChild;\r\n this.scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.contentDiv, 'y', 'POLL-RESULTS', undefined, undefined, 2);\r\n }\r\n cleanup() {\r\n this.resultsDiv.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.pollID = '';\r\n this.mid = 0;\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n this.cleanup();\r\n }\r\n init(pollID, mid) {\r\n if (this.pollID == pollID && this.mid == mid)\r\n return;\r\n this.cleanup();\r\n this.pollID = pollID;\r\n this.mid = mid;\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarRight_1.AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS.pollResults);\r\n const poll = appPollsManager_1.default.getPoll(pollID);\r\n const title = document.createElement('h3');\r\n title.innerHTML = poll.poll.rQuestion;\r\n const percents = poll.results.results.map(v => v.voters / poll.results.total_voters * 100);\r\n poll_1.roundPercents(percents);\r\n const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();\r\n poll.results.results.forEach((result, idx) => {\r\n if (!result.voters)\r\n return;\r\n const hr = document.createElement('hr');\r\n const answer = poll.poll.answers[idx];\r\n // Head\r\n const answerEl = document.createElement('div');\r\n answerEl.classList.add('poll-results-answer');\r\n const answerTitle = document.createElement('div');\r\n answerTitle.innerHTML = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(answer.text);\r\n const answerPercents = document.createElement('div');\r\n answerPercents.innerText = Math.round(percents[idx]) + '%';\r\n answerEl.append(answerTitle, answerPercents);\r\n // Humans\r\n const list = document.createElement('ul');\r\n list.classList.add('poll-results-voters');\r\n appDialogsManager_1.default.setListClickListener(list);\r\n list.style.minHeight = Math.min(result.voters, 4) * 50 + 'px';\r\n fragment.append(hr, answerEl, list);\r\n let offset, limit = 4, loading = false, left = result.voters - 4;\r\n const load = () => {\r\n if (loading)\r\n return;\r\n loading = true;\r\n appPollsManager_1.default.getVotes(mid, answer.option, offset, limit).then(votesList => {\r\n votesList.votes.forEach(vote => {\r\n const { dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(vote.user_id, list, false, false, undefined, false);\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.parentElement.remove();\r\n });\r\n if (offset) {\r\n left -= votesList.votes.length;\r\n showMore.lastElementChild.innerText = `Show ${Math.min(20, left)} more voter${left > 1 ? 's' : ''}`;\r\n }\r\n offset = votesList.next_offset;\r\n limit = 20;\r\n if (!left || !votesList.votes.length) {\r\n showMore.remove();\r\n }\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n loading = false;\r\n });\r\n };\r\n load();\r\n if (left <= 0)\r\n return;\r\n const showMore = document.createElement('div');\r\n showMore.classList.add('poll-results-more', 'show-more');\r\n showMore.addEventListener('click', load);\r\n showMore.innerHTML = `
Show ${Math.min(20, left)} more voter${left > 1 ? 's' : ''}
`;\r\n ripple_1.ripple(showMore);\r\n fragment.append(showMore);\r\n });\r\n this.resultsDiv.append(title, fragment);\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.toggleSidebar(true).then(() => {\r\n /* appPollsManager.getVotes(mid).then(votes => {\r\n console.log('gOt VotEs', votes);\r\n }); */\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppPollResultsTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 87, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarRight\\gifs.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarRight/gifs.ts", "index": 81, "index2": 77, "size": 6363, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "issuerId": 24, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 24, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1584, "building": 1606, "dependencies": 2 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 24, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarRight.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/sidebarRight/gifs", "loc": "58:31-76" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst searchInput_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../searchInput\"));\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst animationIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../animationIntersector\"));\r\nconst appSidebarRight_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarRight\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst AppInlineBotsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/AppInlineBotsManager\"));\r\nconst gifsMasonry_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../gifsMasonry\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nconst ANIMATIONGROUP = 'GIFS-SEARCH';\r\nclass AppGifsTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.getElementById('search-gifs-container');\r\n this.contentDiv = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-content');\r\n this.backBtn = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n this.gifsDiv = this.contentDiv.firstElementChild;\r\n this.nextOffset = '';\r\n this.loadedAll = false;\r\n this.onGifsClick = (e) => {\r\n const target = utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'gif');\r\n if (!target)\r\n return;\r\n const fileID = target.dataset.docID;\r\n if (appImManager_1.default.chatInputC.sendMessageWithDocument(fileID)) {\r\n //this.closeBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n console.warn('got no doc by id:', fileID);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.contentDiv, 'y', ANIMATIONGROUP, undefined, undefined, 2);\r\n this.scrollable.setVirtualContainer(this.gifsDiv);\r\n this.masonry = new gifsMasonry_1.default(this.gifsDiv, ANIMATIONGROUP, this.scrollable);\r\n this.searchInput = new searchInput_1.default('Search GIFs', (value) => {\r\n this.reset();\r\n this.search(value);\r\n });\r\n this.gifsDiv.addEventListener('click', this.onGifsClick);\r\n this.backBtn.parentElement.append(this.searchInput.container);\r\n }\r\n onClose() {\r\n this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = () => { };\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n this.reset();\r\n this.gifsDiv.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.searchInput.value = '';\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimations(undefined, ANIMATIONGROUP);\r\n }\r\n reset() {\r\n this.searchPromise = null;\r\n this.nextOffset = '';\r\n this.loadedAll = false;\r\n this.masonry.lazyLoadQueue.clear();\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarRight_1.AppSidebarRight.SLIDERITEMSIDS.gifs);\r\n appSidebarRight_1.default.toggleSidebar(true).then(() => {\r\n //this.renderFeatured();\r\n this.search('', true);\r\n this.reset();\r\n this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = () => {\r\n this.search(this.searchInput.value, false);\r\n };\r\n });\r\n }\r\n search(query, newSearch = true) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (this.searchPromise || this.loadedAll)\r\n return;\r\n if (!this.gifBotPeerID) {\r\n this.gifBotPeerID = (yield appUsersManager_1.default.resolveUsername('gif')).id;\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n this.searchPromise = AppInlineBotsManager_1.default.getInlineResults(0, this.gifBotPeerID, query, this.nextOffset);\r\n const { results, next_offset } = yield this.searchPromise;\r\n if (this.searchInput.value != query) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.searchPromise = null;\r\n this.nextOffset = next_offset;\r\n if (newSearch) {\r\n this.gifsDiv.innerHTML = '';\r\n }\r\n if (results.length) {\r\n results.forEach((result) => {\r\n if (result._ === 'botInlineMediaResult' && result.document) {\r\n this.masonry.add(result.document);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.loadedAll = true;\r\n }\r\n this.scrollable.onScroll();\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n this.searchPromise = null;\r\n throw new Error(JSON.stringify(err));\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppGifsTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 88, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\newChannel.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/newChannel.ts", "index": 86, "index2": 81, "size": 3600, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerId": 14, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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(function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst popupAvatar_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../popupAvatar\"));\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nclass AppNewChannelTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.querySelector('.new-channel-container');\r\n this.canvas = this.container.querySelector('.avatar-edit-canvas');\r\n this.channelNameInput = this.container.querySelector('.new-channel-name');\r\n this.channelDescriptionInput = this.container.querySelector('.new-channel-description');\r\n this.nextBtn = this.container.querySelector('.btn-corner');\r\n this.backBtn = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n this.uploadAvatar = null;\r\n this.container.querySelector('.avatar-edit').addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n popupAvatar_1.default.open(this.canvas, (_upload) => {\r\n this.uploadAvatar = _upload;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.channelNameInput.addEventListener('input', () => {\r\n let value = this.channelNameInput.value;\r\n if (value.length) {\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.add('is-visible');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.remove('is-visible');\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.nextBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n let title = this.channelNameInput.value;\r\n let about = this.channelDescriptionInput.value;\r\n this.nextBtn.disabled = true;\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.createChannel(title, about).then((channelID) => {\r\n if (this.uploadAvatar) {\r\n this.uploadAvatar().then((inputFile) => {\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.editPhoto(channelID, inputFile);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.removeTabFromHistory(appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.newChannel);\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.addMembersTab.init(channelID, 'channel', true);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n let ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');\r\n ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);\r\n this.uploadAvatar = null;\r\n this.channelNameInput.value = '';\r\n this.channelDescriptionInput.value = '';\r\n this.nextBtn.disabled = false;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppNewChannelTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 89, "identifier": 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init();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n image_target.onload = init;\r\n }\r\n function removeHandlers() {\r\n container.removeEventListener('mousedown', startMoving);\r\n container.removeEventListener('touchstart', startMoving);\r\n container.removeEventListener('wheel', resizing);\r\n document.removeEventListener('mouseup', endMoving);\r\n document.removeEventListener('touchend', endMoving);\r\n document.removeEventListener('mousemove', moving);\r\n document.removeEventListener('touchmove', moving);\r\n document.removeEventListener('keypress', keyHandler);\r\n cropComponent.remove();\r\n container.remove();\r\n crop_img.remove();\r\n }\r\n function addHandlers() {\r\n container.addEventListener('mousedown', startMoving, false);\r\n container.addEventListener('touchstart', startMoving, false);\r\n container.addEventListener('wheel', resizing, false);\r\n document.addEventListener('keypress', keyHandler, false);\r\n //document.querySelector('.btn-crop').addEventListener('click', openCropCanvasImg);\r\n }\r\n function init() {\r\n var wraper, left, top;\r\n if (image_target.dataset.isCrop) {\r\n throw 'image is already crop';\r\n }\r\n image_target.dataset.isCrop = 'true';\r\n image_target.classList.add('crop-blur');\r\n image_target.draggable = false;\r\n crop_img = new Image();\r\n crop_img.crossOrigin = image_target.crossOrigin;\r\n crop_img.src = image_target.src;\r\n crop_img.draggable = false;\r\n if (!resize_canvas) {\r\n resize_canvas = document.createElement('canvas');\r\n }\r\n cropComponent = document.createElement('div');\r\n cropComponent.classList.add('crop-component');\r\n container = document.createElement('div');\r\n container.classList.add('overlay');\r\n let overlayColor = document.createElement('div');\r\n overlayColor.classList.add('crop-overlay-color');\r\n cropComponent.appendChild(container);\r\n wraper = image_target.parentNode;\r\n wraper.appendChild(cropComponent);\r\n cropComponent.appendChild(crop_img);\r\n cropComponent.appendChild(image_target);\r\n cropComponent.appendChild(overlayColor);\r\n container.appendChild(crop_img);\r\n crop_img.style.maxWidth = image_target.width + 'px';\r\n left = image_target.offsetWidth / 2 - CROPWIDTH / 2;\r\n top = image_target.offsetHeight / 2 - CROPHEIGHT / 2;\r\n updateCropImage(left, top);\r\n addHandlers();\r\n }\r\n function updateCropSize(width, height) {\r\n container.style.width = width + 'px';\r\n container.style.height = height + 'px';\r\n }\r\n function updateCropImage(left, top) {\r\n cropLeft = -left * ratio;\r\n cropTop = -top * ratio;\r\n crop_img.style.top = -top + 'px';\r\n crop_img.style.left = -left + 'px';\r\n }\r\n function updateContainer(left, top) {\r\n let _top = top + (CROPWIDTH / 2) + 'px';\r\n let _left = left + (CROPHEIGHT / 2) + 'px';\r\n container.style.top = _top;\r\n container.style.left = _left;\r\n }\r\n // Save the initial event details and container state\r\n function saveEventState(e) {\r\n event_state.container_width = container.offsetWidth;\r\n event_state.container_height = container.offsetHeight;\r\n event_state.container_left = container.offsetLeft;\r\n event_state.container_top = container.offsetTop;\r\n event_state.mouse_x = (e.clientX || e.pageX || e.touches && e.touches[0].clientX) + window.scrollX;\r\n event_state.mouse_y = (e.clientY || e.pageY || e.touches && e.touches[0].clientY) + window.scrollY;\r\n }\r\n function imgZoom(zoom) {\r\n zoom = zoom * Math.PI * 2;\r\n var newWidth = Math.floor(container.clientWidth + zoom), newHeight = Math.floor(container.clientHeight + zoom), w = crop_img.clientWidth, h = crop_img.clientHeight, left, top, right, bottom;\r\n if (newWidth < MINWIDTH) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (newWidth > w) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n left = container.offsetLeft - (zoom / 2);\r\n top = container.offsetTop - (zoom / 2);\r\n right = left + newWidth;\r\n bottom = top + newHeight;\r\n if (left < 0) {\r\n left = 0;\r\n }\r\n if (top < 0) {\r\n top = 0;\r\n }\r\n if (right > w) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (bottom > h) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n ratio = CROPWIDTH / newWidth;\r\n updateCropSize(newWidth, newWidth);\r\n updateCropImage(left, top);\r\n updateContainer(left, top);\r\n //crop();\r\n }\r\n function keyHandler(e) {\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n switch (String.fromCharCode(e.charCode)) {\r\n case '+':\r\n imgZoom(keyZoomValue);\r\n break;\r\n case '-':\r\n imgZoom(-keyZoomValue);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n function resizing(e) {\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n imgZoom(e.deltaY > 0 ? 1 : -1);\r\n }\r\n function startMoving(e) {\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n e.stopPropagation();\r\n saveEventState(e);\r\n document.addEventListener('mousemove', moving);\r\n document.addEventListener('touchmove', moving);\r\n document.addEventListener('mouseup', endMoving);\r\n document.addEventListener('touchend', endMoving);\r\n }\r\n function endMoving(e) {\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n document.removeEventListener('mouseup', endMoving);\r\n document.removeEventListener('touchend', endMoving);\r\n document.removeEventListener('mousemove', moving);\r\n document.removeEventListener('touchmove', moving);\r\n }\r\n function moving(e) {\r\n var curuntTouch = { x: 0, y: 0 }, left, top, w, h;\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n e.stopPropagation();\r\n curuntTouch.x = e.pageX || e.touches && e.touches[0].pageX;\r\n curuntTouch.y = e.pageY || e.touches && e.touches[0].pageY;\r\n left = curuntTouch.x - (event_state.mouse_x - event_state.container_left);\r\n top = curuntTouch.y - (event_state.mouse_y - event_state.container_top);\r\n w = container.offsetWidth;\r\n h = container.offsetHeight;\r\n if (left < 0) {\r\n left = 0;\r\n }\r\n else if (left > crop_img.offsetWidth - w) {\r\n left = crop_img.offsetWidth - w;\r\n }\r\n if (top < 0) {\r\n top = 0;\r\n }\r\n else if (top > crop_img.offsetHeight - h) {\r\n top = crop_img.offsetHeight - h;\r\n }\r\n updateCropImage(left, top);\r\n updateContainer(left, top);\r\n }\r\n function crop() {\r\n cropWidth = crop_img.width * ratio;\r\n cropHeight = crop_img.height * ratio;\r\n resize_canvas.width = CROPWIDTH;\r\n resize_canvas.height = CROPHEIGHT;\r\n var ctx = resize_canvas.getContext('2d');\r\n ctx.drawImage(crop_img, cropLeft, cropTop, cropWidth, cropHeight);\r\n }\r\n return { crop, removeHandlers };\r\n /* function openCropCanvasImg() {\r\n crop();\r\n \r\n try {\r\n var base64Img = resize_canvas.toDataURL('image/png', 1.0);\r\n window.open(base64Img);\r\n } catch(e) {\r\n alert(e);\r\n } finally {\r\n // removeHandlers();\r\n }\r\n \r\n } */\r\n}\r\n//resizeableImage(document.querySelector('.crop-image'));\r\nexports.default = resizeableImage;\r\n" }, { "id": 90, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\addMembers.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/addMembers.ts", "index": 89, "index2": 82, "size": 3413, "cacheable": true, "built": true, 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(function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst appSelectPeers_1 = require(\"../appSelectPeers\");\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../misc\");\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nclass AppAddMembersTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.querySelector('.addmembers-container');\r\n this.contentDiv = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-content');\r\n this.backBtn = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n this.nextBtn = this.contentDiv.querySelector('.btn-corner');\r\n this.nextBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n if (this.skippable) {\r\n this.backBtn.click();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const peerIDs = this.selector.getSelected();\r\n if (peerIDs.length) {\r\n if (this.takeOut) {\r\n this.takeOut(peerIDs);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.remove('tgico-next');\r\n this.nextBtn.disabled = true;\r\n misc_1.putPreloader(this.nextBtn);\r\n this.selector.freezed = true;\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.inviteToChannel(this.peerID, peerIDs).then(() => {\r\n this.backBtn.click();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n if (this.selector) {\r\n this.selector.container.remove();\r\n this.selector = null;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n init(id, type, skippable, takeOut) {\r\n this.peerID = Math.abs(id);\r\n this.peerType = type;\r\n this.takeOut = takeOut;\r\n this.skippable = skippable;\r\n this.onCloseAfterTimeout();\r\n this.selector = new appSelectPeers_1.AppSelectPeers(this.contentDiv, skippable ? null : (length) => {\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.toggle('is-visible', !!length);\r\n }, ['contacts']);\r\n this.nextBtn.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.nextBtn.disabled = false;\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.add('tgico-next');\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.toggle('is-visible', skippable);\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.addMembers);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppAddMembersTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 91, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\contacts.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/contacts.ts", "index": 90, "index2": 83, "size": 5220, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerId": 14, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 14, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1308, "building": 1919, "dependencies": 4 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 14, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/sidebarLeft/contacts", "loc": "37:35-83" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst appDialogsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst appPhotosManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appPhotosManager\"));\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst searchInput_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../searchInput\"));\r\n// TODO: поиск по людям глобальный, если не нашло в контактах никого\r\nclass AppContactsTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.getElementById('contacts-container');\r\n this.list = this.container.querySelector('#contacts');\r\n appDialogsManager_1.default.setListClickListener(this.list);\r\n this.scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.list.parentElement);\r\n this.searchInput = new searchInput_1.default('Search', (value) => {\r\n this.list.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.openContacts(value);\r\n });\r\n this.container.firstElementChild.append(this.searchInput.container);\r\n // preload contacts\r\n // appUsersManager.getContacts();\r\n }\r\n // need to clear, and left 1 page for smooth slide\r\n onClose() {\r\n let pageCount = appPhotosManager_1.default.windowH / 72 * 1.25 | 0;\r\n Array.from(this.list.children).slice(pageCount).forEach(el => el.remove());\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n this.list.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.searchInput.value = '';\r\n }\r\n openContacts(query) {\r\n if (appSidebarLeft_1.default.historyTabIDs.indexOf(appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.contacts) === -1) {\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.contacts);\r\n }\r\n if (this.promise)\r\n return this.promise;\r\n this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = null;\r\n this.promise = appUsersManager_1.default.getContacts(query).then(_contacts => {\r\n this.promise = null;\r\n if (appSidebarLeft_1.default.historyTabIDs[appSidebarLeft_1.default.historyTabIDs.length - 1] != appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.contacts) {\r\n console.warn('user closed contacts before it\\'s loaded');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const contacts = [..._contacts];\r\n if (!query) {\r\n contacts.findAndSplice(u => u == utils_1.$rootScope.myID);\r\n }\r\n /* if(query && 'saved messages'.includes(query.toLowerCase())) {\r\n contacts.unshift($rootScope.myID);\r\n } */\r\n let sorted = contacts\r\n .map(userID => {\r\n let user = appUsersManager_1.default.getUser(userID);\r\n let status = appUsersManager_1.default.getUserStatusForSort(user.status);\r\n return { user, status };\r\n })\r\n .sort((a, b) => b.status - a.status);\r\n let renderPage = () => {\r\n let pageCount = appPhotosManager_1.default.windowH / 72 * 1.25 | 0;\r\n let arr = sorted.splice(0, pageCount); // надо splice!\r\n arr.forEach(({ user }) => {\r\n let { dialog, dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(user.id, this.list, false);\r\n let status = appUsersManager_1.default.getUserStatusString(user.id);\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = status == 'online' ? `${status}` : status;\r\n });\r\n if (!sorted.length)\r\n renderPage = undefined;\r\n };\r\n renderPage();\r\n this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = () => {\r\n if (renderPage) {\r\n renderPage();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = null;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppContactsTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 92, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\newGroup.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/newGroup.ts", "index": 91, "index2": 84, "size": 4686, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerId": 14, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 14, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1308, "building": 1919, "dependencies": 4 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 14, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/sidebarLeft/newGroup", "loc": "38:35-83" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst appSearch_1 = require(\"../appSearch\");\r\nconst popupAvatar_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../popupAvatar\"));\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst appDialogsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager\"));\r\nclass AppNewGroupTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.querySelector('.new-group-container');\r\n this.contentDiv = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-content');\r\n this.canvas = this.container.querySelector('.avatar-edit-canvas');\r\n this.groupNameInput = this.container.querySelector('.new-group-name');\r\n this.nextBtn = this.container.querySelector('.btn-corner');\r\n this.searchGroup = new appSearch_1.SearchGroup(' ', 'contacts', true, 'new-group-members disable-hover', false);\r\n this.uploadAvatar = null;\r\n this.container.querySelector('.avatar-edit').addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n popupAvatar_1.default.open(this.canvas, (_upload) => {\r\n this.uploadAvatar = _upload;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.groupNameInput.addEventListener('input', () => {\r\n const value = this.groupNameInput.value;\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.toggle('is-visible', !!value.length);\r\n });\r\n this.nextBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n const title = this.groupNameInput.value;\r\n this.nextBtn.disabled = true;\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.createChat(title, this.userIDs).then((chatID) => {\r\n if (this.uploadAvatar) {\r\n this.uploadAvatar().then((inputFile) => {\r\n appChatsManager_1.default.editPhoto(chatID, inputFile);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.selectTab(0);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n const chatsContainer = document.createElement('div');\r\n chatsContainer.classList.add('chats-container');\r\n chatsContainer.append(this.searchGroup.container);\r\n const scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(chatsContainer);\r\n this.contentDiv.append(chatsContainer);\r\n }\r\n onClose() {\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n this.searchGroup.clear();\r\n const ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');\r\n ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);\r\n this.uploadAvatar = null;\r\n this.groupNameInput.value = '';\r\n this.nextBtn.disabled = false;\r\n this.searchGroup.clear();\r\n }\r\n init(userIDs) {\r\n this.userIDs = userIDs;\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.newGroup);\r\n this.userIDs.forEach(userID => {\r\n let { dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(userID, this.searchGroup.list, false, false);\r\n let subtitle = '';\r\n subtitle = appUsersManager_1.default.getUserStatusString(userID);\r\n if (subtitle == 'online') {\r\n subtitle = `${subtitle}`;\r\n }\r\n if (subtitle) {\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = subtitle;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.searchGroup.nameEl.innerText = this.userIDs.length + ' members';\r\n this.searchGroup.setActive();\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppNewGroupTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 93, "identifier": 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(function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../misc\");\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager\"));\r\nclass AppSettingsTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.querySelector('.settings-container');\r\n this.avatarElem = this.container.querySelector('.profile-avatar');\r\n this.nameDiv = this.container.querySelector('.profile-name');\r\n this.phoneDiv = this.container.querySelector('.profile-subtitle');\r\n this.logOutBtn = this.container.querySelector('.menu-logout');\r\n this.buttons = {};\r\n misc_1.parseMenuButtonsTo(this.buttons, this.container.querySelector('.profile-buttons').children);\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('user_auth', (e) => {\r\n this.fillElements();\r\n });\r\n this.logOutBtn.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.logOut().finally(() => {\r\n localStorage.clear();\r\n location.reload();\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.edit.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.editProfileTab.fillElements();\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.editProfile);\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.folders.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.chatFolders);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n fillElements() {\r\n let user = appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf();\r\n this.avatarElem.setAttribute('peer', '' + user.id);\r\n this.nameDiv.innerHTML = user.rFullName || '';\r\n this.phoneDiv.innerHTML = user.rPhone || '';\r\n }\r\n onClose() {\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppSettingsTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 94, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\editProfile.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/editProfile.ts", "index": 93, "index2": 86, "size": 8926, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": 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"optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst popupAvatar_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../popupAvatar\"));\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst appProfileManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appProfileManager\"));\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\n// TODO: аватарка не поменяется в этой вкладке после изменения почему-то (если поставить в другом клиенте, и потом тут проверить, для этого ещё вышел в чатлист)\r\nclass AppEditProfileTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.querySelector('.edit-profile-container');\r\n this.scrollWrapper = this.container.querySelector('.scroll-wrapper');\r\n this.nextBtn = this.container.querySelector('.btn-corner');\r\n this.canvas = this.container.querySelector('.avatar-edit-canvas');\r\n this.uploadAvatar = null;\r\n this.firstNameInput = this.container.querySelector('.firstname');\r\n this.lastNameInput = this.container.querySelector('.lastname');\r\n this.bioInput = this.container.querySelector('.bio');\r\n this.userNameInput = this.container.querySelector('.username');\r\n this.avatarElem = document.createElement('avatar-element');\r\n this.profileUrlContainer = this.container.querySelector('.profile-url-container');\r\n this.profileUrlAnchor = this.profileUrlContainer.lastElementChild;\r\n this.originalValues = {\r\n firstName: '',\r\n lastName: '',\r\n userName: '',\r\n bio: ''\r\n };\r\n this.container.querySelector('.avatar-edit').addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n popupAvatar_1.default.open(this.canvas, (_upload) => {\r\n this.uploadAvatar = _upload;\r\n this.handleChange();\r\n this.avatarElem.remove();\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.avatarElem.classList.add('avatar-placeholder');\r\n let userNameLabel = this.userNameInput.nextElementSibling;\r\n this.firstNameInput.addEventListener('input', () => this.handleChange());\r\n this.lastNameInput.addEventListener('input', () => this.handleChange());\r\n this.bioInput.addEventListener('input', () => this.handleChange());\r\n this.userNameInput.addEventListener('input', () => {\r\n let value = this.userNameInput.value;\r\n //console.log('userNameInput:', value);\r\n if (value == this.originalValues.userName || !value.length) {\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.remove('valid', 'error');\r\n userNameLabel.innerText = 'Username (optional)';\r\n this.setProfileUrl();\r\n this.handleChange();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (!this.isUsernameValid(value)) { // does not check the last underscore\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.add('error');\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.remove('valid');\r\n userNameLabel.innerText = 'Username is invalid';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.remove('valid', 'error');\r\n }\r\n if (this.userNameInput.classList.contains('error')) {\r\n this.setProfileUrl();\r\n this.handleChange();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('account.checkUsername', {\r\n username: value\r\n }).then(available => {\r\n if (this.userNameInput.value != value)\r\n return;\r\n if (available) {\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.add('valid');\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.remove('error');\r\n userNameLabel.innerText = 'Username is available';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.add('error');\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.remove('valid');\r\n userNameLabel.innerText = 'Username is already taken';\r\n }\r\n }, (err) => {\r\n if (this.userNameInput.value != value)\r\n return;\r\n switch (err.type) {\r\n case 'USERNAME_INVALID': {\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.add('error');\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.remove('valid');\r\n userNameLabel.innerText = 'Username is invalid';\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }).then(() => {\r\n this.handleChange();\r\n this.setProfileUrl();\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.nextBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.nextBtn.disabled = true;\r\n let promises = [];\r\n promises.push(appProfileManager_1.default.updateProfile(this.firstNameInput.value, this.lastNameInput.value, this.bioInput.value).then(() => {\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.selectTab(0);\r\n }, (err) => {\r\n console.error('updateProfile error:', err);\r\n }));\r\n if (this.uploadAvatar) {\r\n promises.push(this.uploadAvatar().then(inputFile => {\r\n appProfileManager_1.default.uploadProfilePhoto(inputFile);\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n if (this.userNameInput.value != this.originalValues.userName && this.userNameInput.classList.contains('valid')) {\r\n promises.push(appProfileManager_1.default.updateUsername(this.userNameInput.value));\r\n }\r\n Promise.race(promises).then(() => {\r\n this.nextBtn.disabled = false;\r\n }, () => {\r\n this.nextBtn.disabled = false;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n let scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.scrollWrapper, 'y');\r\n }\r\n fillElements() {\r\n var _a, _b, _c;\r\n let user = appUsersManager_1.default.getSelf();\r\n this.firstNameInput.value = this.originalValues.firstName = (_a = user.first_name) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '';\r\n this.lastNameInput.value = this.originalValues.lastName = (_b = user.last_name) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : '';\r\n this.userNameInput.value = this.originalValues.userName = (_c = user.username) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : '';\r\n this.userNameInput.classList.remove('valid', 'error');\r\n this.userNameInput.nextElementSibling.innerHTML = 'Username (optional)';\r\n appProfileManager_1.default.getProfile(user.id).then(userFull => {\r\n if (userFull.rAbout) {\r\n this.bioInput.value = this.originalValues.bio = userFull.rAbout;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.avatarElem.setAttribute('peer', '' + utils_1.$rootScope.myID);\r\n if (!this.avatarElem.parentElement) {\r\n this.canvas.parentElement.append(this.avatarElem);\r\n }\r\n this.uploadAvatar = null;\r\n this.setProfileUrl();\r\n }\r\n isUsernameValid(username) {\r\n return ((username.length >= 5 && username.length <= 32) || !username.length) && /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/.test(username);\r\n }\r\n isChanged() {\r\n return !!this.uploadAvatar\r\n || this.firstNameInput.value != this.originalValues.firstName\r\n || this.lastNameInput.value != this.originalValues.lastName\r\n || (this.userNameInput.value != this.originalValues.userName && !this.userNameInput.classList.contains('error'))\r\n || this.bioInput.value != this.originalValues.bio;\r\n }\r\n setProfileUrl() {\r\n if (this.userNameInput.classList.contains('error') || !this.userNameInput.value.length) {\r\n this.profileUrlContainer.style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.profileUrlContainer.style.display = '';\r\n let url = 'https://t.me/' + this.userNameInput.value;\r\n this.profileUrlAnchor.innerText = url;\r\n this.profileUrlAnchor.href = url;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n handleChange() {\r\n if (this.isChanged()) {\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.add('is-visible');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.remove('is-visible');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n this.nextBtn.classList.remove('is-visible');\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppEditProfileTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 95, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\chatFolders.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/chatFolders.ts", "index": 94, "index2": 87, "size": 8187, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": 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"./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/sidebarLeft/chatFolders", "loc": "41:38-89" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst lottieLoader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/lottieLoader\"));\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nconst ripple_1 = require(\"../ripple\");\r\nconst toast_1 = require(\"../toast\");\r\nclass AppChatFoldersTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.filtersRendered = {};\r\n }\r\n renderFolder(dialogFilter, container, div = document.createElement('div')) {\r\n let filter;\r\n let description = '';\r\n let d = [];\r\n if (dialogFilter._ == 'dialogFilterSuggested') {\r\n filter = dialogFilter.filter;\r\n description = dialogFilter.description;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n filter = dialogFilter;\r\n description = '';\r\n const filterID = filter.id;\r\n if (!this.filtersRendered.hasOwnProperty(filter.id)) {\r\n div.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.editFolderTab.open(appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.filters[filterID]);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n this.filtersRendered[filter.id] = div;\r\n let enabledFilters = Object.keys(filter.pFlags).length;\r\n /* (['include_peers', 'exclude_peers'] as ['include_peers', 'exclude_peers']).forEach(key => {\r\n enabledFilters += +!!filter[key].length;\r\n }); */\r\n if (enabledFilters == 1) {\r\n description = 'All ';\r\n const pFlags = filter.pFlags;\r\n if (pFlags.contacts)\r\n description += 'Contacts';\r\n else if (pFlags.non_contacts)\r\n description += 'Non-Contacts';\r\n else if (pFlags.groups)\r\n description += 'Groups';\r\n else if (pFlags.broadcasts)\r\n description += 'Channels';\r\n else if (pFlags.bots)\r\n description += 'Bots';\r\n else if (pFlags.exclude_muted)\r\n description += 'Unmuted';\r\n else if (pFlags.exclude_read)\r\n description += 'Unread';\r\n else if (pFlags.exclude_archived)\r\n description += 'Unarchived';\r\n d.push(description);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const folder = appMessagesManager_1.default.dialogsStorage.getFolder(filter.id);\r\n let chats = 0, channels = 0, groups = 0;\r\n for (const dialog of folder) {\r\n if (appPeersManager_1.default.isAnyGroup(dialog.peerID))\r\n groups++;\r\n else if (appPeersManager_1.default.isBroadcast(dialog.peerID))\r\n channels++;\r\n else\r\n chats++;\r\n }\r\n if (chats)\r\n d.push(chats + ' chats');\r\n if (channels)\r\n d.push(channels + ' channels');\r\n if (groups)\r\n d.push(groups + ' groups');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n div.classList.add('category', 'rp-square');\r\n div.innerHTML = `\r\n



${d.length ? d.join(', ') : description}

\r\n `;\r\n ripple_1.ripple(div);\r\n if (container)\r\n container.append(div);\r\n return div;\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n this.container = document.querySelector('.chat-folders-container');\r\n this.stickerContainer = this.container.querySelector('.sticker-container');\r\n this.foldersContainer = this.container.querySelector('.folders-my');\r\n this.suggestedContainer = this.container.querySelector('.folders-suggested');\r\n this.createFolderBtn = this.container.querySelector('.btn-create-folder');\r\n this.createFolderBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n if (Object.keys(this.filtersRendered).length >= 10) {\r\n toast_1.toast('Sorry, you can\\'t create more folders.');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.editFolderTab.open();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n lottieLoader_1.default.loadAnimationFromURL({\r\n container: this.stickerContainer,\r\n loop: false,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n width: 86,\r\n height: 86\r\n }, 'assets/img/Folders_1.tgs').then(player => {\r\n this.animation = player;\r\n });\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.getDialogFilters().then(filters => {\r\n for (const filterID in filters) {\r\n const filter = filters[filterID];\r\n this.renderFolder(filter, this.foldersContainer);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('filter_update', (e) => {\r\n const filter = e.detail;\r\n if (this.filtersRendered.hasOwnProperty(filter.id)) {\r\n this.renderFolder(filter, null, this.filtersRendered[filter.id]);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.renderFolder(filter, this.foldersContainer);\r\n }\r\n this.getSuggestedFilters();\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('filter_delete', (e) => {\r\n const filter = e.detail;\r\n if (this.filtersRendered.hasOwnProperty(filter.id)) {\r\n /* for(const suggested of this.suggestedFilters) {\r\n if(deepEqual(suggested.filter, filter)) {\r\n \r\n }\r\n } */\r\n this.getSuggestedFilters();\r\n this.filtersRendered[filter.id].remove();\r\n delete this.filtersRendered[filter.id];\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.getSuggestedFilters();\r\n }\r\n getSuggestedFilters() {\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getSuggestedDialogFilters').then(suggestedFilters => {\r\n this.suggestedContainer.style.display = suggestedFilters.length ? '' : 'none';\r\n Array.from(this.suggestedContainer.children).slice(1).forEach(el => el.remove());\r\n suggestedFilters.forEach(filter => {\r\n const div = this.renderFolder(filter);\r\n const button = document.createElement('button');\r\n button.classList.add('btn-primary');\r\n button.innerText = 'Add';\r\n div.append(button);\r\n this.suggestedContainer.append(div);\r\n button.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n if (Object.keys(this.filtersRendered).length >= 10) {\r\n toast_1.toast('Sorry, you can\\'t create more folders.');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n button.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.createDialogFilter(filter.filter).then(bool => {\r\n if (bool) {\r\n div.remove();\r\n }\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n button.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n });\r\n });\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n onOpen() {\r\n if (this.init) {\r\n this.init();\r\n this.init = null;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (this.animation) {\r\n this.animation.restart();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppChatFoldersTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 96, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\editFolder.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/editFolder.ts", "index": 95, "index2": 88, "size": 10311, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerId": 14, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 14, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1308, "building": 1919, "dependencies": 4 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 14, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/sidebarLeft/editFolder", "loc": "42:37-87" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nconst lottieLoader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/lottieLoader\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../misc\");\r\nconst appDialogsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst toast_1 = require(\"../toast\");\r\nconst ripple_1 = require(\"../ripple\");\r\nconst MAX_FOLDER_NAME_LENGTH = 12;\r\nclass AppEditFolderTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.flags = {};\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n this.container = document.querySelector('.edit-folder-container');\r\n this.closeBtn = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n this.title = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-header__title');\r\n this.caption = this.container.querySelector('.caption');\r\n this.stickerContainer = this.container.querySelector('.sticker-container');\r\n this.confirmBtn = this.container.querySelector('.btn-confirm');\r\n this.menuBtn = this.container.querySelector('.btn-menu-toggle');\r\n this.deleteFolderBtn = this.menuBtn.querySelector('.menu-delete');\r\n this.nameInput = this.container.querySelector('#folder-name');\r\n this.include_peers = this.container.querySelector('.folder-list-included');\r\n this.exclude_peers = this.container.querySelector('.folder-list-excluded');\r\n const includedFlagsContainer = this.include_peers.querySelector('.folder-categories');\r\n const excludedFlagsContainer = this.exclude_peers.querySelector('.folder-categories');\r\n misc_1.parseMenuButtonsTo(this.flags, includedFlagsContainer.children);\r\n misc_1.parseMenuButtonsTo(this.flags, excludedFlagsContainer.children);\r\n includedFlagsContainer.firstElementChild.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.includedChatsTab.open(this.filter, 'included');\r\n });\r\n excludedFlagsContainer.firstElementChild.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.includedChatsTab.open(this.filter, 'excluded');\r\n });\r\n lottieLoader_1.default.loadAnimationFromURL({\r\n container: this.stickerContainer,\r\n loop: true,\r\n autoplay: true,\r\n width: 86,\r\n height: 86\r\n }, 'assets/img/Folders_2.tgs').then(player => {\r\n this.animation = player;\r\n });\r\n this.deleteFolderBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.deleteFolderBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.updateDialogFilter(this.filter, true).then(bool => {\r\n if (bool) {\r\n this.closeBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n this.deleteFolderBtn.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.confirmBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n if (!this.nameInput.value.trim()) {\r\n this.nameInput.classList.add('error');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let include = Array.from(includedFlagsContainer.children).slice(1).reduce((acc, el) => acc + +!el.style.display, 0);\r\n if (this.include_peers.lastElementChild.tagName == 'UL') {\r\n include += this.include_peers.lastElementChild.childElementCount;\r\n }\r\n if (!include) {\r\n toast_1.toast('Please choose at least one chat for this folder.');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.confirmBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n let promise;\r\n if (!this.filter.id) {\r\n promise = appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.createDialogFilter(this.filter);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n promise = appMessagesManager_1.default.filtersStorage.updateDialogFilter(this.filter);\r\n }\r\n promise.then(bool => {\r\n if (bool) {\r\n this.closeBtn.click();\r\n }\r\n }).catch(err => {\r\n if (err.type == 'DIALOG_FILTERS_TOO_MUCH') {\r\n toast_1.toast('Sorry, you can\\'t create more folders.');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n console.error('updateDialogFilter error:', err);\r\n }\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n this.confirmBtn.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.nameInput.addEventListener('input', () => {\r\n if (this.nameInput.value.length > MAX_FOLDER_NAME_LENGTH) {\r\n this.nameInput.value = this.nameInput.value.slice(0, MAX_FOLDER_NAME_LENGTH);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.filter.title = this.nameInput.value;\r\n this.nameInput.classList.remove('error');\r\n this.editCheckForChange();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n onOpen() {\r\n if (this.init) {\r\n this.init();\r\n this.init = null;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (this.animation) {\r\n this.animation.restart();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n Array.from(this.container.querySelectorAll('ul, .show-more')).forEach(el => el.remove());\r\n }\r\n onCreateOpen() {\r\n this.caption.style.display = '';\r\n this.title.innerText = 'New Folder';\r\n this.menuBtn.classList.add('hide');\r\n this.confirmBtn.classList.remove('hide');\r\n this.nameInput.value = '';\r\n for (const flag in this.flags) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n this.flags[flag].style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n onEditOpen() {\r\n this.caption.style.display = 'none';\r\n this.title.innerText = this.type == 'create' ? 'New Folder' : 'Edit Folder';\r\n if (this.type == 'edit') {\r\n this.menuBtn.classList.remove('hide');\r\n this.confirmBtn.classList.add('hide');\r\n }\r\n const filter = this.filter;\r\n this.nameInput.value = filter.title;\r\n for (const flag in this.flags) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n this.flags[flag].style.display = !!filter.pFlags[flag] ? '' : 'none';\r\n }\r\n ['include_peers', 'exclude_peers'].forEach(key => {\r\n const container = this[key];\r\n const ul = document.createElement('ul');\r\n const peers = filter[key].slice();\r\n const renderMore = (_length) => {\r\n for (let i = 0, length = Math.min(peers.length, _length); i < length; ++i) {\r\n const peerID = peers.shift();\r\n const { dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(peerID, ul, false, false, undefined, true);\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.parentElement.remove();\r\n }\r\n if (peers.length) {\r\n showMore.innerHTML = `
Show ${Math.min(20, peers.length)} more chat${peers.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}
`;\r\n }\r\n else if (showMore) {\r\n showMore.remove();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n container.append(ul);\r\n let showMore;\r\n if (peers.length) {\r\n showMore = document.createElement('div');\r\n showMore.classList.add('show-more');\r\n showMore.addEventListener('click', () => renderMore(20));\r\n showMore.innerHTML = `
Show ${Math.min(20, peers.length)} more chat${peers.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}
`;\r\n ripple_1.ripple(showMore);\r\n container.append(showMore);\r\n }\r\n renderMore(4);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n editCheckForChange() {\r\n if (this.type == 'edit') {\r\n const changed = !utils_1.deepEqual(this.originalFilter, this.filter);\r\n this.confirmBtn.classList.toggle('hide', !changed);\r\n this.menuBtn.classList.toggle('hide', changed);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n ;\r\n setFilter(filter, firstTime) {\r\n // cleanup\r\n this.onCloseAfterTimeout();\r\n if (firstTime) {\r\n this.originalFilter = filter;\r\n this.filter = utils_1.copy(filter);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.filter = filter;\r\n this.onEditOpen();\r\n this.editCheckForChange();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n open(filter) {\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.editFolder);\r\n if (filter === undefined) {\r\n this.setFilter({\r\n _: 'dialogFilter',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n id: 0,\r\n title: '',\r\n pFlags: {},\r\n pinned_peers: [],\r\n include_peers: [],\r\n exclude_peers: []\r\n }, true);\r\n this.type = 'create';\r\n this.onCreateOpen();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.setFilter(filter, true);\r\n this.type = 'edit';\r\n this.onEditOpen();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppEditFolderTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 97, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\sidebarLeft\\includedChats.ts", "name": "./src/components/sidebarLeft/includedChats.ts", "index": 96, "index2": 89, "size": 8766, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerId": 14, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 14, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1308, "building": 1919, "dependencies": 4 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 14, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appSidebarLeft.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/sidebarLeft/includedChats", "loc": "43:40-93" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst appSelectPeers_1 = require(\"../appSelectPeers\");\r\nconst appSidebarLeft_1 = __importStar(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appSidebarLeft\"));\r\nconst appDialogsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst appUsersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nclass AppIncludedChatsTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.renderResults = (peerIDs) => {\r\n const other = this.type == 'included' ? this.filter.exclude_peers : this.filter.include_peers;\r\n peerIDs.forEach(peerID => {\r\n if (other.includes(peerID))\r\n return;\r\n const { dom } = appDialogsManager_1.default.addDialog(peerID, this.selector.scrollable, false, false);\r\n const selected = this.selector.selected.has(peerID);\r\n dom.containerEl.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', this.checkbox(selected));\r\n if (selected)\r\n dom.listEl.classList.add('active');\r\n let subtitle = '';\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n if (peerID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID) {\r\n subtitle = 'Chat with yourself';\r\n }\r\n else if (appUsersManager_1.default.isBot(peerID)) {\r\n subtitle = 'Bot';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n subtitle = appUsersManager_1.default.contactsList.has(peerID) ? 'Contact' : 'Non-Contact';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n subtitle = appPeersManager_1.default.isBroadcast(peerID) ? 'Channel' : 'Group';\r\n }\r\n dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = subtitle;\r\n });\r\n };\r\n this.onSelectChange = (length) => {\r\n //const changed = !deepEqual(this.filter, this.originalFilter);\r\n if (this.type == 'included') {\r\n this.confirmBtn.style.display = length ? '' : 'none';\r\n }\r\n };\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n this.container = document.querySelector('.included-chats-container');\r\n this.closeBtn = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');\r\n this.confirmBtn = this.container.querySelector('.btn-confirm');\r\n this.title = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-header__title');\r\n this.confirmBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n const selected = this.selector.getSelected();\r\n //this.filter.pFlags = {};\r\n if (this.type == 'included') {\r\n for (const key in this.filter.pFlags) {\r\n if (key.indexOf('exclude_') === 0) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n delete this.filter.pFlags[key];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n for (const key in this.filter.pFlags) {\r\n if (key.indexOf('exclude_') !== 0) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n delete this.filter.pFlags[key];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const peers = [];\r\n for (const key of selected) {\r\n if (typeof (key) === 'number') {\r\n peers.push(key);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n this.filter.pFlags[key] = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.filter[this.type == 'included' ? 'include_peers' : 'exclude_peers'] = peers;\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.editFolderTab.setFilter(this.filter, false);\r\n this.closeBtn.click();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n checkbox(selected) {\r\n return `
`;\r\n }\r\n onOpen() {\r\n if (this.init) {\r\n this.init();\r\n this.init = null;\r\n }\r\n this.confirmBtn.style.display = this.type == 'excluded' ? '' : 'none';\r\n this.title.innerText = this.type == 'included' ? 'Included Chats' : 'Excluded Chats';\r\n const filter = this.filter;\r\n const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();\r\n const dd = document.createElement('div');\r\n dd.classList.add('sidebar-left-h2');\r\n dd.innerText = 'Chat types';\r\n const categories = document.createElement('div');\r\n categories.classList.add('folder-categories');\r\n let details;\r\n if (this.type == 'excluded') {\r\n details = {\r\n exclude_muted: { ico: 'tgico-mute', text: 'Muted' },\r\n exclude_archived: { ico: 'tgico-archive', text: 'Archived' },\r\n exclude_read: { ico: 'tgico-readchats', text: 'Read' }\r\n };\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n details = {\r\n contacts: { ico: 'tgico-newprivate', text: 'Contacts' },\r\n non_contacts: { ico: 'tgico-noncontacts', text: 'Non-Contacts' },\r\n groups: { ico: 'tgico-group', text: 'Groups' },\r\n broadcasts: { ico: 'tgico-newchannel', text: 'Channels' },\r\n bots: { ico: 'tgico-bots', text: 'Bots' }\r\n };\r\n }\r\n let html = '';\r\n for (const key in details) {\r\n html += `


`;\r\n }\r\n categories.innerHTML = html;\r\n const hr = document.createElement('hr');\r\n hr.style.margin = '7px 0 9px';\r\n const d = document.createElement('div');\r\n d.classList.add('sidebar-left-h2');\r\n d.innerText = 'Chats';\r\n fragment.append(dd, categories, hr, d);\r\n /////////////////\r\n const selectedPeers = (this.type == 'included' ? filter.include_peers : filter.exclude_peers).slice();\r\n this.selector = new appSelectPeers_1.AppSelectPeers(this.container, this.onSelectChange, ['dialogs'], null, this.renderResults);\r\n this.selector.selected = new Set(selectedPeers);\r\n this.selector.input.placeholder = 'Search';\r\n const _add = this.selector.add.bind(this.selector);\r\n this.selector.add = (peerID, title) => {\r\n var _a;\r\n const div = _add(peerID, (_a = details[peerID]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.text);\r\n if (details[peerID]) {\r\n div.querySelector('avatar-element').classList.add(details[peerID].ico);\r\n }\r\n return div;\r\n };\r\n this.selector.list.parentElement.insertBefore(fragment, this.selector.list);\r\n selectedPeers.forEach(peerID => {\r\n this.selector.add(peerID);\r\n });\r\n for (const flag in filter.pFlags) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n if (details.hasOwnProperty(flag) && !!filter.pFlags[flag]) {\r\n categories.querySelector(`[data-peerID=\"${flag}\"]`).click();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n onCloseAfterTimeout() {\r\n if (this.selector) {\r\n this.selector.container.remove();\r\n this.selector = null;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n open(filter, type) {\r\n this.originalFilter = filter;\r\n this.filter = utils_1.copy(this.originalFilter);\r\n this.type = type;\r\n appSidebarLeft_1.default.selectTab(appSidebarLeft_1.AppSidebarLeft.SLIDERITEMSIDS.includedChats);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = AppIncludedChatsTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 98, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\input.ts", "name": "./src/components/chat/input.ts", "index": 97, "index2": 98, "size": 33710, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/chat/input", "loc": "25:16-54" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.ChatInput = void 0;\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst appWebPagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appWebPagesManager\"));\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst wrappers_1 = require(\"../wrappers\");\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst groupedLayout_1 = require(\"../groupedLayout\");\r\nconst recorder_min_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../public/recorder.min\"));\r\n//import Recorder from '../opus-recorder/dist/recorder.min';\r\nconst opusDecodeController_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/opusDecodeController\"));\r\nconst config_1 = require(\"../../lib/config\");\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst emoticonsDropdown_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../emoticonsDropdown\"));\r\nconst popupCreatePoll_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../popupCreatePoll\"));\r\nclass ChatInput {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.pageEl = document.getElementById('page-chats');\r\n this.messageInput = document.getElementById('input-message') /* HTMLInputElement */;\r\n this.fileInput = document.getElementById('input-file');\r\n this.inputMessageContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('input-message-container')[0];\r\n this.inputScroll = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.inputMessageContainer);\r\n this.btnSend = document.getElementById('btn-send');\r\n this.btnCancelRecord = this.btnSend.parentElement.previousElementSibling;\r\n this.lastUrl = '';\r\n this.lastTimeType = 0;\r\n this.inputContainer = this.btnSend.parentElement.parentElement;\r\n this.chatInput = this.inputContainer.parentElement;\r\n this.attachMenu = {};\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp = {};\r\n this.replyElements = {};\r\n this.willSendWebPage = null;\r\n this.replyToMsgID = 0;\r\n this.editMsgID = 0;\r\n this.noWebPage = false;\r\n this.recording = false;\r\n this.recordCanceled = false;\r\n this.recordTimeEl = this.inputContainer.querySelector('.record-time');\r\n this.recordRippleEl = this.inputContainer.querySelector('.record-ripple');\r\n this.recordStartTime = 0;\r\n this.scrollTop = 0;\r\n this.scrollOffsetTop = 0;\r\n this.scrollDiff = 0;\r\n this.attachMenu.container = document.getElementById('attach-file');\r\n this.attachMenu.media = this.attachMenu.container.querySelector('.menu-media');\r\n this.attachMenu.document = this.attachMenu.container.querySelector('.menu-document');\r\n this.attachMenu.poll = this.attachMenu.container.querySelector('.menu-poll');\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.container = this.pageEl.querySelector('.popup-send-photo');\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.titleEl = this.attachMediaPopUp.container.querySelector('.popup-title');\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.sendBtn = this.attachMediaPopUp.container.querySelector('.btn-primary');\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer = this.attachMediaPopUp.container.querySelector('.popup-photo');\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.captionInput = this.attachMediaPopUp.container.querySelector('input');\r\n this.replyElements.container = this.pageEl.querySelector('.reply-wrapper');\r\n this.replyElements.cancelBtn = this.replyElements.container.querySelector('.reply-cancel');\r\n this.replyElements.titleEl = this.replyElements.container.querySelector('.reply-title');\r\n this.replyElements.subtitleEl = this.replyElements.container.querySelector('.reply-subtitle');\r\n try {\r\n this.recorder = new recorder_min_1.default({\r\n //encoderBitRate: 32,\r\n //encoderPath: \"../dist/encoderWorker.min.js\",\r\n encoderSampleRate: 48000,\r\n monitorGain: 0,\r\n numberOfChannels: 1,\r\n recordingGain: 1,\r\n reuseWorker: true\r\n });\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-microphone2');\r\n this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-send');\r\n console.error('Recorder constructor error:', err);\r\n }\r\n this.messageInput.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {\r\n if (e.key == 'Enter' && !config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n /* if(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {\r\n this.messageInput.innerHTML += '
';\r\n placeCaretAtEnd(this.message)\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n if (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.sendMessage();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (config_1.touchSupport) {\r\n this.messageInput.addEventListener('touchend', (e) => {\r\n this.saveScroll();\r\n emoticonsDropdown_1.default.toggle(false);\r\n });\r\n window.addEventListener('resize', () => {\r\n this.restoreScroll();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n this.messageInput.addEventListener('input', (e) => {\r\n //console.log('messageInput input', this.messageInput.innerText, this.serializeNodes(Array.from(this.messageInput.childNodes)));\r\n let value = this.messageInput.innerText;\r\n let entities = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.parseEntities(value);\r\n //console.log('messageInput entities', entities);\r\n let entityUrl = entities.find(e => e._ == 'messageEntityUrl');\r\n if (entityUrl) { // need to get webpage\r\n let url = value.slice(entityUrl.offset, entityUrl.offset + entityUrl.length);\r\n //console.log('messageInput url:', url);\r\n if (this.lastUrl != url) {\r\n this.lastUrl = url;\r\n this.willSendWebPage = null;\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getWebPage', {\r\n url: url,\r\n hash: 0\r\n }).then((webpage) => {\r\n appWebPagesManager_1.default.saveWebPage(webpage);\r\n if (this.lastUrl != url)\r\n return;\r\n //console.log('got webpage: ', webpage);\r\n this.setTopInfo(webpage.site_name || webpage.title, webpage.description || webpage.url);\r\n this.replyToMsgID = 0;\r\n this.noWebPage = false;\r\n this.willSendWebPage = webpage;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!value.trim() && !this.serializeNodes(Array.from(this.messageInput.childNodes)).trim()) {\r\n this.messageInput.innerHTML = '';\r\n if (this.recorder) {\r\n this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-send');\r\n this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-microphone2');\r\n }\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.setTyping('sendMessageCancelAction');\r\n }\r\n else if (!this.btnSend.classList.contains('tgico-send') || !this.recorder) {\r\n if (this.recorder) {\r\n this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-send');\r\n this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-microphone2');\r\n }\r\n let time = Date.now();\r\n if (time - this.lastTimeType >= 6000) {\r\n this.lastTimeType = time;\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.setTyping('sendMessageTypingAction');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (!richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.emojiSupported) {\r\n this.messageInput.addEventListener('copy', (e) => {\r\n const selection = document.getSelection();\r\n let range = selection.getRangeAt(0);\r\n let ancestorContainer = range.commonAncestorContainer;\r\n let str = '';\r\n let selectedNodes = Array.from(ancestorContainer.childNodes).slice(range.startOffset, range.endOffset);\r\n if (selectedNodes.length) {\r\n str = this.serializeNodes(selectedNodes);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n str = selection.toString();\r\n }\r\n //console.log('messageInput copy', str, ancestorContainer.childNodes, range);\r\n //let str = getRichValueWithCaret(this.messageInput);\r\n //console.log('messageInput childNode copy:', str);\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n event.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', str);\r\n event.preventDefault();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n this.messageInput.addEventListener('paste', (e) => {\r\n //console.log('messageInput paste');\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n let text = (e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData.getData('text/plain');\r\n // console.log('messageInput paste', text);\r\n text = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(text);\r\n // console.log('messageInput paste after', text);\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n //let html = (e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData.getData('text/html');\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n //console.log('paste text', text, );\r\n window.document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, text);\r\n });\r\n let attachFile = (file) => {\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n let params = {};\r\n params.file = file;\r\n //console.log('selected file:', file, typeof(file), willAttach);\r\n let itemDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n switch (willAttach.type) {\r\n case 'media': {\r\n let isVideo = file.type.indexOf('video/') === 0;\r\n itemDiv.classList.add('popup-item-media');\r\n if (isVideo) {\r\n let video = document.createElement('video');\r\n let source = document.createElement('source');\r\n source.src = params.objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);\r\n video.autoplay = false;\r\n video.controls = false;\r\n video.muted = true;\r\n video.setAttribute('playsinline', '');\r\n video.onloadeddata = () => {\r\n params.width = video.videoWidth;\r\n params.height = video.videoHeight;\r\n params.duration = Math.floor(video.duration);\r\n itemDiv.append(video);\r\n resolve(itemDiv);\r\n };\r\n video.append(source);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let img = new Image();\r\n img.src = params.objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);\r\n img.onload = () => {\r\n params.width = img.naturalWidth;\r\n params.height = img.naturalHeight;\r\n itemDiv.append(img);\r\n resolve(itemDiv);\r\n };\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'document': {\r\n const isPhoto = file.type.indexOf('image/') !== -1;\r\n params.objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);\r\n let docDiv = wrappers_1.wrapDocument({\r\n file: file,\r\n file_name: file.name || '',\r\n size: file.size,\r\n type: isPhoto ? 'photo' : 'doc',\r\n url: params.objectURL\r\n }, false, true);\r\n const finish = () => {\r\n itemDiv.append(docDiv);\r\n resolve(itemDiv);\r\n };\r\n if (isPhoto) {\r\n let img = new Image();\r\n img.src = params.objectURL;\r\n img.onload = () => {\r\n params.width = img.naturalWidth;\r\n params.height = img.naturalHeight;\r\n finish();\r\n };\r\n img.onerror = finish;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n finish();\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n willAttach.sendFileDetails.push(params);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n let attachFiles = (files) => {\r\n this.fileInput.value = '';\r\n let container = this.attachMediaPopUp.container.firstElementChild;\r\n container.classList.remove('is-media', 'is-document', 'is-album');\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.captionInput.value = '';\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.style.width = this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.style.height = '';\r\n //willAttach.sendFileDetails.length = 0;\r\n willAttach.sendFileDetails = []; // need new array\r\n files = files.filter(file => {\r\n if (willAttach.type == 'media') {\r\n return ['image/', 'video/'].find(s => file.type.indexOf(s) === 0);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (files.length) {\r\n if (willAttach.type == 'document') {\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.titleEl.innerText = 'Send ' + (files.length > 1 ? files.length + ' Files' : 'File');\r\n container.classList.add('is-document');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n container.classList.add('is-media');\r\n let foundPhotos = 0;\r\n let foundVideos = 0;\r\n files.forEach(file => {\r\n if (file.type.indexOf('image/') === 0)\r\n ++foundPhotos;\r\n else if (file.type.indexOf('video/') === 0)\r\n ++foundVideos;\r\n });\r\n if (foundPhotos && foundVideos) {\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.titleEl.innerText = 'Send Album';\r\n }\r\n else if (foundPhotos) {\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.titleEl.innerText = 'Send ' + (foundPhotos > 1 ? foundPhotos + ' Photos' : 'Photo');\r\n }\r\n else if (foundVideos) {\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.titleEl.innerText = 'Send ' + (foundVideos > 1 ? foundVideos + ' Videos' : 'Video');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n Promise.all(files.map(attachFile)).then(results => {\r\n if (willAttach.type == 'media') {\r\n if (willAttach.sendFileDetails.length > 1) {\r\n container.classList.add('is-album');\r\n let layouter = new groupedLayout_1.Layouter(willAttach.sendFileDetails.map(o => ({ w: o.width, h: o.height })), 380, 100, 4);\r\n let layout = layouter.layout();\r\n for (let { geometry, sides } of layout) {\r\n let div = results.shift();\r\n div.style.width = geometry.width + 'px';\r\n div.style.height = geometry.height + 'px';\r\n div.style.top = geometry.y + 'px';\r\n div.style.left = geometry.x + 'px';\r\n if (sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Right) {\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.style.width = geometry.width + geometry.x + 'px';\r\n }\r\n if (sides & groupedLayout_1.RectPart.Bottom) {\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.style.height = geometry.height + geometry.y + 'px';\r\n }\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.append(div);\r\n }\r\n //console.log('chatInput album layout:', layout);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let params = willAttach.sendFileDetails[0];\r\n let div = results[0];\r\n let { w, h } = utils_1.calcImageInBox(params.width, params.height, 380, 320);\r\n div.style.width = w + 'px';\r\n div.style.height = h + 'px';\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.append(div);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.mediaContainer.append(...results);\r\n }\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.container.classList.add('active');\r\n });\r\n };\r\n let willAttach = {\r\n sendFileDetails: []\r\n };\r\n this.fileInput.addEventListener('change', (e) => {\r\n let files = e.target.files;\r\n if (!files.length) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n attachFiles(Array.from(files));\r\n }, false);\r\n this.attachMenu.media.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.fileInput.setAttribute('accept', 'image/*, video/*');\r\n willAttach.type = 'media';\r\n this.fileInput.click();\r\n });\r\n this.attachMenu.document.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.fileInput.removeAttribute('accept');\r\n willAttach.type = 'document';\r\n this.fileInput.click();\r\n });\r\n this.attachMenu.poll.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n new popupCreatePoll_1.default().show();\r\n });\r\n document.addEventListener('paste', (event) => {\r\n if (!appImManager_1.default.peerID || this.attachMediaPopUp.container.classList.contains('active')) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('document paste');\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n var items = (event.clipboardData || event.originalEvent.clipboardData).items;\r\n //console.log('item', event.clipboardData.getData());\r\n for (let i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {\r\n if (items[i].kind == 'file') {\r\n event.preventDefault();\r\n event.cancelBubble = true;\r\n event.stopPropagation();\r\n let file = items[i].getAsFile();\r\n //console.log(items[i], file);\r\n if (!file)\r\n continue;\r\n willAttach.type = file.type.indexOf('image/') === 0 ? 'media' : \"document\";\r\n attachFiles([file]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }, true);\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.sendBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.attachMediaPopUp.container.classList.remove('active');\r\n let caption = this.attachMediaPopUp.captionInput.value;\r\n willAttach.isMedia = willAttach.type == 'media';\r\n //console.log('will send files with options:', willAttach);\r\n let peerID = appImManager_1.default.peerID;\r\n if (willAttach.sendFileDetails.length > 1 && willAttach.isMedia) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.sendAlbum(peerID, willAttach.sendFileDetails.map(d => d.file), Object.assign({\r\n caption,\r\n replyToMsgID: this.replyToMsgID\r\n }, willAttach));\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (caption) {\r\n if (willAttach.sendFileDetails.length > 1) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.sendText(peerID, caption, { replyToMsgID: this.replyToMsgID });\r\n caption = '';\r\n this.replyToMsgID = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n let promises = willAttach.sendFileDetails.map(params => {\r\n let promise = appMessagesManager_1.default.sendFile(peerID, params.file, Object.assign({\r\n //isMedia: willAttach.isMedia, \r\n isMedia: params.file.type.includes('audio/') || willAttach.isMedia,\r\n caption,\r\n replyToMsgID: this.replyToMsgID\r\n }, params));\r\n caption = '';\r\n this.replyToMsgID = 0;\r\n return promise;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n //Promise.all(promises);\r\n //appMessagesManager.sendFile(appImManager.peerID, willAttach.file, willAttach);\r\n this.onMessageSent();\r\n });\r\n const onBtnSendClick = (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n if (this.btnSend.classList.contains('tgico-send') || !this.recorder) {\r\n if (this.recording) {\r\n this.recorder.stop();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.sendMessage();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.recorder.start().then(() => {\r\n this.recordCanceled = false;\r\n this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-send');\r\n this.chatInput.classList.add('is-recording');\r\n this.recording = true;\r\n opusDecodeController_1.default.setKeepAlive(true);\r\n this.recordStartTime = Date.now();\r\n const sourceNode = this.recorder.sourceNode;\r\n const context = sourceNode.context;\r\n const analyser = context.createAnalyser();\r\n sourceNode.connect(analyser);\r\n //analyser.connect(context.destination);\r\n analyser.fftSize = 32;\r\n const frequencyData = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);\r\n const max = frequencyData.length * 255;\r\n const min = 54 / 150;\r\n let r = () => {\r\n if (!this.recording)\r\n return;\r\n analyser.getByteFrequencyData(frequencyData);\r\n let sum = 0;\r\n frequencyData.forEach(value => {\r\n sum += value;\r\n });\r\n let percents = Math.min(1, (sum / max) + min);\r\n //console.log('frequencyData', frequencyData, percents);\r\n this.recordRippleEl.style.transform = `scale(${percents})`;\r\n let diff = Date.now() - this.recordStartTime;\r\n let ms = diff % 1000;\r\n let formatted = ('' + (diff / 1000)).toHHMMSS() + ',' + ('00' + Math.round(ms / 10)).slice(-2);\r\n this.recordTimeEl.innerText = formatted;\r\n window.requestAnimationFrame(r);\r\n };\r\n r();\r\n }).catch((e) => {\r\n console.error('Recorder start error:', e);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.btnSend.addEventListener('touchend', onBtnSendClick);\r\n this.btnSend.addEventListener('click', onBtnSendClick);\r\n if (this.recorder) {\r\n const onCancelRecordClick = (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n this.recordCanceled = true;\r\n this.recorder.stop();\r\n opusDecodeController_1.default.setKeepAlive(false);\r\n };\r\n this.btnCancelRecord.addEventListener('touchend', onCancelRecordClick);\r\n this.btnCancelRecord.addEventListener('click', onCancelRecordClick);\r\n this.recorder.onstop = () => {\r\n this.recording = false;\r\n this.chatInput.classList.remove('is-recording');\r\n this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-send');\r\n this.recordRippleEl.style.transform = '';\r\n };\r\n this.recorder.ondataavailable = (typedArray) => {\r\n if (this.recordCanceled)\r\n return;\r\n const duration = (Date.now() - this.recordStartTime) / 1000 | 0;\r\n const dataBlob = new Blob([typedArray], { type: 'audio/ogg' });\r\n /* const fileName = new Date().toISOString() + \".opus\";\r\n console.log('Recorder data received', typedArray, dataBlob); */\r\n /* var url = URL.createObjectURL( dataBlob );\r\n \r\n var audio = document.createElement('audio');\r\n audio.controls = true;\r\n audio.src = url;\r\n \r\n var link = document.createElement('a');\r\n link.href = url;\r\n link.download = fileName;\r\n link.innerHTML = link.download;\r\n \r\n var li = document.createElement('li');\r\n li.appendChild(link);\r\n li.appendChild(audio);\r\n \r\n document.body.append(li);\r\n \r\n return; */\r\n let perf = performance.now();\r\n opusDecodeController_1.default.decode(typedArray, true).then(result => {\r\n //console.log('WAVEFORM!:', /* waveform, */performance.now() - perf);\r\n opusDecodeController_1.default.setKeepAlive(false);\r\n let peerID = appImManager_1.default.peerID;\r\n // тут objectURL ставится уже с audio/wav\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.sendFile(peerID, dataBlob, {\r\n isVoiceMessage: true,\r\n isMedia: true,\r\n duration,\r\n waveform: result.waveform,\r\n objectURL: result.url,\r\n replyToMsgID: this.replyToMsgID\r\n });\r\n this.onMessageSent(false, true);\r\n });\r\n /* const url = URL.createObjectURL(dataBlob);\r\n \r\n var audio = document.createElement('audio');\r\n audio.controls = true;\r\n audio.src = url;\r\n \r\n var link = document.createElement('a');\r\n link.href = url;\r\n link.download = fileName;\r\n link.innerHTML = link.download;\r\n \r\n var li = document.createElement('li');\r\n li.appendChild(link);\r\n li.appendChild(audio);\r\n \r\n recordingslist.appendChild(li); */\r\n };\r\n }\r\n this.replyElements.cancelBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n this.replyElements.container.classList.remove('active');\r\n this.replyToMsgID = 0;\r\n if (this.editMsgID) {\r\n if (this.willSendWebPage) {\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(this.editMsgID);\r\n this.setTopInfo('Editing', message.message);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.editMsgID = 0;\r\n this.messageInput.innerHTML = '';\r\n if (this.recorder) {\r\n this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-send');\r\n this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-microphone2');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.noWebPage = true;\r\n this.willSendWebPage = null;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n serializeNodes(nodes) {\r\n return nodes.reduce((str, child) => {\r\n //console.log('childNode', str, child, typeof(child), typeof(child) === 'string', child.innerText);\r\n if (typeof (child) === 'object' && child.textContent)\r\n return str += child.textContent;\r\n if (child.innerText)\r\n return str += child.innerText;\r\n if (child.tagName == 'IMG' && child.classList && child.classList.contains('emoji'))\r\n return str += child.getAttribute('alt');\r\n return str;\r\n }, '');\r\n }\r\n ;\r\n onMessageSent(clearInput = true, clearReply) {\r\n let dialog = appMessagesManager_1.default.getDialogByPeerID(appImManager_1.default.peerID)[0];\r\n if (dialog && dialog.top_message) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.readHistory(appImManager_1.default.peerID, dialog.top_message); // lol\r\n }\r\n if (clearInput) {\r\n this.lastUrl = '';\r\n this.editMsgID = 0;\r\n this.noWebPage = false;\r\n this.willSendWebPage = null;\r\n this.messageInput.innerText = '';\r\n if (this.recorder) {\r\n this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-send');\r\n this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-microphone2');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (clearReply || clearInput) {\r\n this.replyToMsgID = 0;\r\n this.replyElements.container.classList.remove('active');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n sendMessage() {\r\n //let str = this.serializeNodes(Array.from(this.messageInput.childNodes));\r\n let str = utils_1.getRichValue(this.messageInput);\r\n //console.log('childnode str after:', str/* , getRichValue(this.messageInput) */);\r\n //return;\r\n if (this.editMsgID) {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.editMessage(this.editMsgID, str, {\r\n noWebPage: this.noWebPage\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.sendText(appImManager_1.default.peerID, str, {\r\n replyToMsgID: this.replyToMsgID == 0 ? undefined : this.replyToMsgID,\r\n noWebPage: this.noWebPage,\r\n webPage: this.willSendWebPage\r\n });\r\n }\r\n this.onMessageSent();\r\n }\r\n sendMessageWithDocument(document) {\r\n document = appDocsManager_1.default.getDoc(document);\r\n if (document && document._ != 'documentEmpty') {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.sendFile(appImManager_1.default.peerID, document, { isMedia: true, replyToMsgID: this.replyToMsgID });\r\n this.onMessageSent(false, true);\r\n if (document.type == 'sticker') {\r\n emoticonsDropdown_1.default.stickersTab.pushRecentSticker(document);\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n setTopInfo(title, subtitle, input, message) {\r\n //appImManager.scrollPosition.prepareFor('down');\r\n if (this.replyElements.container.lastElementChild.tagName == 'DIV') {\r\n this.replyElements.container.lastElementChild.remove();\r\n this.replyElements.container.append(wrappers_1.wrapReply(title, subtitle, message));\r\n }\r\n //this.replyElements.titleEl.innerHTML = title ? RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(title) : '';\r\n //this.replyElements.subtitleEl.innerHTML = subtitle ? RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(subtitle) : '';\r\n this.replyElements.container.classList.add('active');\r\n if (input !== undefined) {\r\n this.messageInput.innerHTML = input ? richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(input) : '';\r\n this.btnSend.classList.remove('tgico-microphone2');\r\n this.btnSend.classList.add('tgico-send');\r\n }\r\n //appImManager.scrollPosition.restore();\r\n }\r\n saveScroll() {\r\n this.scrollTop = appImManager_1.default.scrollable.container.scrollTop;\r\n this.scrollOffsetTop = this.chatInput.offsetTop;\r\n }\r\n restoreScroll() {\r\n if (this.chatInput.style.display)\r\n return;\r\n //console.log('input resize', offsetTop, this.chatInput.offsetTop);\r\n let newOffsetTop = this.chatInput.offsetTop;\r\n let container = appImManager_1.default.scrollable.container;\r\n let scrollTop = container.scrollTop;\r\n let clientHeight = container.clientHeight;\r\n let maxScrollTop = container.scrollHeight;\r\n if (newOffsetTop < this.scrollOffsetTop) {\r\n this.scrollDiff = this.scrollOffsetTop - newOffsetTop;\r\n container.scrollTop += this.scrollDiff;\r\n }\r\n else if (scrollTop != this.scrollTop) {\r\n let endDiff = maxScrollTop - (scrollTop + clientHeight);\r\n if (endDiff < this.scrollDiff /* && false */) {\r\n //container.scrollTop -= endDiff;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n container.scrollTop -= this.scrollDiff;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ChatInput = ChatInput;\r\n" }, { "id": 99, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\public\\recorder.min.js", "name": "./public/recorder.min.js", "index": 98, "index2": 91, "size": 6805, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\input.ts", "issuerId": 98, "issuerName": "./src/components/chat/input.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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__importDefault(require(\"../../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../misc\");\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/appManagers/appDocsManager\"));\r\nclass GifsTab {\r\n init() {\r\n this.content = document.getElementById('content-gifs');\r\n const gifsContainer = this.content.firstElementChild;\r\n gifsContainer.addEventListener('click', __1.EmoticonsDropdown.onMediaClick);\r\n const scroll = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.content, 'y', 'GIFS', null);\r\n const masonry = new gifsMasonry_1.default(gifsContainer, __1.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP, scroll);\r\n const preloader = misc_1.putPreloader(this.content, true);\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getSavedGifs', { hash: 0 }).then((res) => {\r\n //console.log('getSavedGifs res:', res);\r\n if (res._ == 'messages.savedGifs') {\r\n res.gifs.forEach((doc, idx) => {\r\n res.gifs[idx] = doc = appDocsManager_1.default.saveDoc(doc);\r\n //if(doc._ == 'documentEmpty') return;\r\n //masonry.add(doc as MyDocument);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n //let line: MTDocument[] = [];\r\n preloader.remove();\r\n });\r\n this.init = null;\r\n }\r\n onClose() {\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = GifsTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 101, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\emoticonsDropdown\\tabs\\emoji.ts", "name": "./src/components/emoticonsDropdown/tabs/emoji.ts", "index": 101, "index2": 93, "size": 7695, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\emoticonsDropdown\\index.ts", "issuerId": 47, "issuerName": "./src/components/emoticonsDropdown/index.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": 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"providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 5, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst __1 = require(\"..\");\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst config_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/config\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../misc\");\r\nconst appStateManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/appManagers/appStateManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../../../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nclass EmojiTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.recent = [];\r\n this.onContentClick = (e) => {\r\n let target = e.target;\r\n //if(target.tagName != 'SPAN') return;\r\n if (target.tagName == 'SPAN' && !target.classList.contains('emoji')) {\r\n target = target.firstElementChild;\r\n }\r\n else if (target.tagName == 'DIV')\r\n return;\r\n //console.log('contentEmoji div', target);\r\n appImManager_1.default.chatInputC.messageInput.innerHTML += target.outerHTML;\r\n // Recent\r\n const emoji = this.getEmojiFromElement(target);\r\n Array.from(this.recentItemsDiv.children).forEach((el, idx) => {\r\n const _emoji = this.getEmojiFromElement(el);\r\n if (emoji == _emoji) {\r\n el.remove();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n const scrollHeight = this.recentItemsDiv.scrollHeight;\r\n this.appendEmoji(emoji, this.recentItemsDiv, true);\r\n this.recent.findAndSplice(e => e == emoji);\r\n this.recent.unshift(emoji);\r\n if (this.recent.length > 36) {\r\n this.recent.length = 36;\r\n }\r\n appStateManager_1.default.pushToState('recentEmoji', this.recent);\r\n // Append to input\r\n const event = new Event('input', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true });\r\n appImManager_1.default.chatInputC.messageInput.dispatchEvent(event);\r\n };\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n this.content = document.getElementById('content-emoji');\r\n const categories = [\"Smileys & Emotion\", \"Animals & Nature\", \"Food & Drink\", \"Travel & Places\", \"Activities\", \"Objects\", /* \"Symbols\", */ \"Flags\", \"Skin Tones\"];\r\n const divs = {};\r\n const sorted = {\r\n 'Recent': []\r\n };\r\n for (const emoji in config_1.default.Emoji) {\r\n const details = config_1.default.Emoji[emoji];\r\n const i = '' + details;\r\n const category = categories[+i[0] - 1];\r\n if (!category)\r\n continue; // maybe it's skin tones\r\n if (!sorted[category])\r\n sorted[category] = [];\r\n sorted[category][+i.slice(1) || 0] = emoji;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('emoticons sorted:', sorted);\r\n //Object.keys(sorted).forEach(c => sorted[c].sort((a, b) => a - b));\r\n categories.pop();\r\n delete sorted[\"Skin Tones\"];\r\n //console.time('emojiParse');\r\n for (const category in sorted) {\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('emoji-category');\r\n const titleDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n titleDiv.classList.add('category-title');\r\n titleDiv.innerText = category;\r\n const itemsDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n itemsDiv.classList.add('category-items');\r\n div.append(titleDiv, itemsDiv);\r\n const emojis = sorted[category];\r\n emojis.forEach(emoji => {\r\n /* if(emojiUnicode(emoji) == '1f481-200d-2642') {\r\n console.log('append emoji', emoji, emojiUnicode(emoji));\r\n } */\r\n emoji = emoji.split('-').reduce((prev, curr) => prev + String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(curr, 16)), '');\r\n this.appendEmoji(emoji /* .replace(/[\\ufe0f\\u2640\\u2642\\u2695]/g, '') */, itemsDiv, false /* , false */);\r\n /* if(category == 'Smileys & Emotion') {\r\n console.log('appended emoji', emoji, itemsDiv.children[itemsDiv.childElementCount - 1].innerHTML, emojiUnicode(emoji));\r\n } */\r\n });\r\n divs[category] = div;\r\n }\r\n //console.timeEnd('emojiParse');\r\n const menu = this.content.previousElementSibling.firstElementChild;\r\n const emojiScroll = this.scroll = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.content, 'y', 'EMOJI', null);\r\n //emojiScroll.setVirtualContainer(emojiScroll.container);\r\n const preloader = misc_1.putPreloader(this.content, true);\r\n Promise.all([\r\n new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 200)),\r\n appStateManager_1.default.getState().then(state => {\r\n if (Array.isArray(state.recentEmoji)) {\r\n this.recent = state.recentEmoji;\r\n }\r\n })\r\n ]).then(() => {\r\n preloader.remove();\r\n this.recentItemsDiv = divs['Recent'].querySelector('.category-items');\r\n for (const emoji of this.recent) {\r\n this.appendEmoji(emoji, this.recentItemsDiv);\r\n }\r\n categories.unshift('Recent');\r\n categories.map(category => {\r\n const div = divs[category];\r\n if (!div) {\r\n console.error('no div by category:', category);\r\n }\r\n emojiScroll.append(div);\r\n this.stickyIntersector.observeStickyHeaderChanges(div);\r\n return div;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n this.content.addEventListener('click', this.onContentClick);\r\n this.stickyIntersector = __1.EmoticonsDropdown.menuOnClick(menu, emojiScroll);\r\n this.init = null;\r\n }\r\n appendEmoji(emoji, container, prepend = false /* , unified = false */) {\r\n //const emoji = details.unified;\r\n //const emoji = (details.unified as string).split('-')\r\n //.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(curr, 16)), '');\r\n const spanEmoji = document.createElement('span');\r\n let kek;\r\n /* if(unified) {\r\n kek = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText('_', {\r\n entities: [{\r\n _: 'messageEntityEmoji',\r\n offset: 0,\r\n length: emoji.split('-').length,\r\n unicode: emoji\r\n }]\r\n });\r\n } else { */\r\n kek = richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(emoji);\r\n //}\r\n /* if(!kek.includes('emoji')) {\r\n console.log(emoji, kek, spanEmoji, emoji.length, new TextEncoder().encode(emoji), emojiUnicode(emoji));\r\n return;\r\n } */\r\n //console.log(kek);\r\n spanEmoji.innerHTML = kek;\r\n if (spanEmoji.firstElementChild) {\r\n spanEmoji.firstElementChild.setAttribute('loading', 'lazy');\r\n }\r\n //spanEmoji = spanEmoji.firstElementChild as HTMLSpanElement;\r\n //spanEmoji.setAttribute('emoji', emoji);\r\n if (prepend)\r\n container.prepend(spanEmoji);\r\n else\r\n container.appendChild(spanEmoji);\r\n }\r\n getEmojiFromElement(element) {\r\n if (element.tagName == 'SPAN' && !element.classList.contains('emoji')) {\r\n element = element.firstElementChild;\r\n }\r\n return element.getAttribute('alt') || element.innerText;\r\n }\r\n onClose() {\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = EmojiTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 102, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\emoticonsDropdown\\tabs\\stickers.ts", "name": 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0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 47, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\emoticonsDropdown\\index.ts", "module": "./src/components/emoticonsDropdown/index.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/emoticonsDropdown/index.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./tabs/stickers", "loc": "25:35-61" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 5, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst __1 = __importStar(require(\"..\"));\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst wrappers_1 = require(\"../../wrappers\");\r\nconst appStickersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/appManagers/appStickersManager\"));\r\nconst appDownloadManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/appManagers/appDownloadManager\"));\r\nconst blob_1 = require(\"../../../helpers/blob\");\r\nconst lottieLoader_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/lottieLoader\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../../misc\");\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../../../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst appDocsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../../lib/appManagers/appDocsManager\"));\r\nconst animationIntersector_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../animationIntersector\"));\r\nconst lazyLoadQueue_1 = require(\"../../lazyLoadQueue\");\r\nclass StickersTab {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.stickerSets = {};\r\n this.recentStickers = [];\r\n this.mounted = false;\r\n this.queueCategoryPush = [];\r\n this.animatedDivs = new Set();\r\n this.checkAnimationContainer = (div, visible) => {\r\n //console.error('checkAnimationContainer', div, visible);\r\n const players = animationIntersector_1.default.getAnimations(div);\r\n players.forEach(player => {\r\n if (!visible) {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimation(player, true, true);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n animationIntersector_1.default.checkAnimation(player, false);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n };\r\n this.processVisibleDiv = (div) => {\r\n const docID = div.dataset.docID;\r\n const doc = appDocsManager_1.default.getDoc(docID);\r\n const promise = wrappers_1.wrapSticker({\r\n doc,\r\n div: div,\r\n width: 80,\r\n height: 80,\r\n lazyLoadQueue: null,\r\n group: __1.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP,\r\n onlyThumb: false,\r\n play: true,\r\n loop: true\r\n });\r\n promise.then(() => {\r\n //clearTimeout(timeout);\r\n this.checkAnimationContainer(div, this.lazyLoadQueue.intersector.isVisible(div));\r\n });\r\n /* let timeout = window.setTimeout(() => {\r\n console.error('processVisibleDiv timeout', div, doc);\r\n }, 1e3); */\r\n return promise;\r\n };\r\n this.processInvisibleDiv = (div) => {\r\n const docID = div.dataset.docID;\r\n const doc = appDocsManager_1.default.getDoc(docID);\r\n //console.log('STICKER INvisible:', /* div, */docID);\r\n this.checkAnimationContainer(div, false);\r\n div.innerHTML = '';\r\n this.renderSticker(doc, div);\r\n };\r\n }\r\n categoryPush(categoryDiv, categoryTitle, promise, prepend) {\r\n //if((docs.length % 5) != 0) categoryDiv.classList.add('not-full');\r\n const itemsDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n itemsDiv.classList.add('category-items');\r\n const titleDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n titleDiv.classList.add('category-title');\r\n titleDiv.innerHTML = categoryTitle;\r\n categoryDiv.append(titleDiv, itemsDiv);\r\n this.stickyIntersector.observeStickyHeaderChanges(categoryDiv);\r\n this.queueCategoryPush.push({ element: categoryDiv, prepend });\r\n promise.then(documents => {\r\n documents.forEach(doc => {\r\n //if(doc._ == 'documentEmpty') return;\r\n itemsDiv.append(this.renderSticker(doc));\r\n });\r\n if (this.queueCategoryPush.length) {\r\n this.queueCategoryPush.forEach(({ element, prepend }) => {\r\n if (prepend) {\r\n if (this.recentDiv.parentElement) {\r\n this.scroll.prepend(element);\r\n this.scroll.prepend(this.recentDiv);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.scroll.prepend(element);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else\r\n this.scroll.append(element);\r\n });\r\n this.queueCategoryPush.length = 0;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n renderSticker(doc, div) {\r\n if (!div) {\r\n div = document.createElement('div');\r\n if (doc.sticker == 2) {\r\n this.animatedDivs.add(div);\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.observe({\r\n div,\r\n load: this.processVisibleDiv\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n wrappers_1.wrapSticker({\r\n doc,\r\n div,\r\n /* width: 80,\r\n height: 80,\r\n play: false,\r\n loop: false, */\r\n lazyLoadQueue: __1.EmoticonsDropdown.lazyLoadQueue,\r\n group: __1.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP,\r\n onlyThumb: doc.sticker == 2\r\n });\r\n return div;\r\n }\r\n renderStickerSet(set, prepend = false) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const categoryDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n categoryDiv.classList.add('sticker-category');\r\n const li = document.createElement('li');\r\n li.classList.add('btn-icon');\r\n this.stickerSets[set.id] = {\r\n stickers: categoryDiv,\r\n tab: li\r\n };\r\n if (prepend) {\r\n this.menu.insertBefore(li, this.menu.firstElementChild.nextSibling);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.menu.append(li);\r\n }\r\n //stickersScroll.append(categoryDiv);\r\n const promise = appStickersManager_1.default.getStickerSet(set);\r\n this.categoryPush(categoryDiv, richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(set.title), promise.then(stickerSet => stickerSet.documents), prepend);\r\n const stickerSet = yield promise;\r\n //console.log('got stickerSet', stickerSet, li);\r\n if (stickerSet.set.thumb) {\r\n const downloadOptions = appStickersManager_1.default.getStickerSetThumbDownloadOptions(stickerSet.set);\r\n const promise = appDownloadManager_1.default.download(downloadOptions);\r\n if (stickerSet.set.pFlags.animated) {\r\n promise\r\n .then(blob_1.readBlobAsText)\r\n .then(JSON.parse)\r\n .then(json => {\r\n lottieLoader_1.default.loadAnimationWorker({\r\n container: li,\r\n loop: true,\r\n autoplay: false,\r\n animationData: json,\r\n width: 32,\r\n height: 32\r\n }, __1.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n const image = new Image();\r\n promise.then(blob => {\r\n misc_1.renderImageFromUrl(image, URL.createObjectURL(blob), () => {\r\n li.append(image);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (stickerSet.documents[0]._ != 'documentEmpty') { // as thumb will be used first sticker\r\n wrappers_1.wrapSticker({\r\n doc: stickerSet.documents[0],\r\n div: li,\r\n group: __1.EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP\r\n }); // kostil\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n init() {\r\n this.content = document.getElementById('content-stickers');\r\n //let stickersDiv = contentStickersDiv.querySelector('.os-content') as HTMLDivElement;\r\n this.recentDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.recentDiv.classList.add('sticker-category');\r\n let menuWrapper = this.content.previousElementSibling;\r\n this.menu = menuWrapper.firstElementChild.firstElementChild;\r\n let menuScroll = new scrollable_new_1.default(menuWrapper, 'x');\r\n let stickersDiv = document.createElement('div');\r\n stickersDiv.classList.add('stickers-categories');\r\n this.content.append(stickersDiv);\r\n /* stickersDiv.addEventListener('mouseover', (e) => {\r\n let target = e.target as HTMLElement;\r\n \r\n if(target.tagName == 'CANVAS') { // turn on sticker\r\n let animation = lottieLoader.getAnimation(target.parentElement, EMOTICONSSTICKERGROUP);\r\n \r\n if(animation) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n if(animation.currentFrame == animation.totalFrames - 1) {\r\n animation.goToAndPlay(0, true);\r\n } else {\r\n animation.play();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }); */\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('stickers_installed', (e) => {\r\n const set = e.detail;\r\n if (!this.stickerSets[set.id] && this.mounted) {\r\n this.renderStickerSet(set, true);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('stickers_deleted', (e) => {\r\n const set = e.detail;\r\n if (this.stickerSets[set.id] && this.mounted) {\r\n const elements = this.stickerSets[set.id];\r\n elements.stickers.remove();\r\n elements.tab.remove();\r\n delete this.stickerSets[set.id];\r\n }\r\n });\r\n stickersDiv.addEventListener('click', __1.EmoticonsDropdown.onMediaClick);\r\n this.scroll = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.content, 'y', 'STICKERS', undefined, undefined, 2);\r\n this.scroll.setVirtualContainer(stickersDiv);\r\n this.stickyIntersector = __1.EmoticonsDropdown.menuOnClick(this.menu, this.scroll, menuScroll);\r\n const preloader = misc_1.putPreloader(this.content, true);\r\n Promise.all([\r\n appStickersManager_1.default.getRecentStickers().then(stickers => {\r\n this.recentStickers = stickers.stickers.slice(0, 20);\r\n //stickersScroll.prepend(categoryDiv);\r\n this.stickerSets['recent'] = {\r\n stickers: this.recentDiv,\r\n tab: this.menu.firstElementChild\r\n };\r\n preloader.remove();\r\n this.categoryPush(this.recentDiv, 'Recent', Promise.resolve(this.recentStickers), true);\r\n }),\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('messages.getAllStickers', { hash: 0 }).then((res) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n let stickers = res;\r\n preloader.remove();\r\n for (let set of stickers.sets) {\r\n this.renderStickerSet(set);\r\n }\r\n }))\r\n ]).finally(() => {\r\n this.mounted = true;\r\n });\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue = new lazyLoadQueue_1.LazyLoadQueueRepeat(undefined, (target, visible) => {\r\n if (!visible) {\r\n this.processInvisibleDiv(target);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n __1.default.events.onClose.push(() => {\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.lock();\r\n });\r\n __1.default.events.onCloseAfter.push(() => {\r\n const divs = this.lazyLoadQueue.intersector.getVisible();\r\n for (const div of divs) {\r\n this.processInvisibleDiv(div);\r\n }\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.intersector.clearVisible();\r\n });\r\n __1.default.events.onOpenAfter.push(() => {\r\n this.lazyLoadQueue.unlockAndRefresh();\r\n });\r\n /* setInterval(() => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n const players = Object.values(lottieLoader.players).filter(p => p.width == 80);\r\n \r\n console.log('STICKERS RENDERED IN PANEL:', players.length, players.filter(p => !p.paused).length, this.lazyLoadQueue.intersector.getVisible().length);\r\n }, .25e3); */\r\n this.init = null;\r\n }\r\n pushRecentSticker(doc) {\r\n if (!this.recentDiv.parentElement) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let div = this.recentDiv.querySelector(`[data-doc-i-d=\"${doc.id}\"]`);\r\n if (!div) {\r\n div = this.renderSticker(doc);\r\n }\r\n const items = this.recentDiv.querySelector('.category-items');\r\n items.prepend(div);\r\n if (items.childElementCount > 20) {\r\n Array.from(items.children).slice(20).forEach(el => el.remove());\r\n }\r\n }\r\n onClose() {\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = StickersTab;\r\n" }, { "id": 103, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\popupCreatePoll.ts", 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } }, { "id": 98, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\input.ts", "name": "./src/components/chat/input.ts", "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 2199, "building": 778, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 98, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\input.ts", "module": "./src/components/chat/input.ts", "moduleName": "./src/components/chat/input.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../popupCreatePoll", "loc": "22:42-71" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst popup_1 = require(\"./popup\");\r\nconst scrollable_new_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./scrollable_new\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../lib/utils\");\r\nconst toast_1 = require(\"./toast\");\r\nconst InputField = (placeholder, label, name) => {\r\n const div = document.createElement('div');\r\n div.classList.add('input-field');\r\n div.innerHTML = `\r\n \r\n \r\n `;\r\n return div;\r\n};\r\nclass PopupCreatePoll extends popup_1.PopupElement {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super('popup-create-poll popup-new-media', null, { closable: true, withConfirm: 'CREATE', body: true });\r\n this.tempID = 0;\r\n this.onSubmitClick = (e) => {\r\n const question = this.questionInput.value;\r\n if (!question.trim()) {\r\n toast_1.toast('Please enter a question');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n const answers = Array.from(this.questions.children).map((el, idx) => {\r\n const input = el.firstElementChild;\r\n return input.value;\r\n }).filter(v => !!v.trim());\r\n if (answers.length < 2) {\r\n toast_1.toast('Please enter at least two options');\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.closeBtn.click();\r\n this.confirmBtn.removeEventListener('click', this.onSubmitClick);\r\n //const randomID = [nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)];\r\n //const randomIDS = bigint(randomID[0]).shiftLeft(32).add(bigint(randomID[1])).toString();\r\n const poll = {};\r\n poll._ = 'poll';\r\n //poll.id = randomIDS;\r\n poll.flags = 0;\r\n poll.question = question;\r\n poll.answers = answers.map((value, idx) => {\r\n return {\r\n _: 'pollAnswer',\r\n text: value,\r\n option: new Uint8Array([idx])\r\n };\r\n });\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.sendOther(utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID, {\r\n _: 'inputMediaPoll',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n poll\r\n });\r\n };\r\n this.onInput = (e) => {\r\n const target = e.target;\r\n if (target.value.length) {\r\n target.parentElement.classList.add('is-filled');\r\n }\r\n const isLast = !target.parentElement.nextElementSibling;\r\n if (isLast && target.value.length && this.questions.childElementCount < 10) {\r\n this.appendMoreField();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.onDeleteClick = (e) => {\r\n const target = e.target;\r\n target.parentElement.remove();\r\n Array.from(this.questions.children).forEach((el, idx) => {\r\n const label = el.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling;\r\n label.innerText = 'Option ' + (idx + 1);\r\n });\r\n };\r\n this.title.innerText = 'New Poll';\r\n const questionField = InputField('Ask a Question', 'Ask a Question', 'question');\r\n this.questionInput = questionField.firstElementChild;\r\n this.header.append(questionField);\r\n const hr = document.createElement('hr');\r\n const d = document.createElement('div');\r\n d.classList.add('caption');\r\n d.innerText = 'Options';\r\n this.questions = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.questions.classList.add('poll-create-questions');\r\n this.body.parentElement.insertBefore(hr, this.body);\r\n this.body.append(d, this.questions);\r\n this.confirmBtn.addEventListener('click', this.onSubmitClick);\r\n this.scrollable = new scrollable_new_1.default(this.body, 'y', undefined);\r\n this.appendMoreField();\r\n }\r\n appendMoreField() {\r\n const idx = this.questions.childElementCount + 1;\r\n const questionField = InputField('Add an Option', 'Option ' + idx, 'question-' + this.tempID++);\r\n questionField.firstElementChild.addEventListener('input', this.onInput);\r\n const deleteBtn = document.createElement('span');\r\n deleteBtn.classList.add('btn-icon', 'tgico-close');\r\n questionField.append(deleteBtn);\r\n deleteBtn.addEventListener('click', this.onDeleteClick, { once: true });\r\n this.questions.append(questionField);\r\n this.scrollable.scrollTo(this.scrollable.scrollHeight, true, true);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = PopupCreatePoll;\r\n" }, { "id": 104, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\bubbleGroups.ts", "name": "./src/components/bubbleGroups.ts", "index": 105, "index2": 99, "size": 6546, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, 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details.group.findAndSplice(d => d == bubble);\r\n if (!details.group.length) {\r\n this.groups.findAndSplice(g => g == details.group);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.updateGroup(details.group);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n addBubble(bubble, message, reverse) {\r\n let timestamp = message.date;\r\n let fromID = message.fromID;\r\n let group;\r\n // fix for saved messages forward to self\r\n if (fromID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID && utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID && message.fwdFromID == fromID) {\r\n fromID = -fromID;\r\n }\r\n // try to find added\r\n //this.removeBubble(message.mid);\r\n if (this.bubblesByGroups.length) {\r\n if (reverse) {\r\n let g = this.bubblesByGroups[0];\r\n if (g.fromID == fromID && (g.timestamp - timestamp) < this.newGroupDiff) {\r\n group = g.group;\r\n group.unshift(bubble);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.groups.unshift(group = [bubble]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let g = this.bubblesByGroups[this.bubblesByGroups.length - 1];\r\n if (g.fromID == fromID && (timestamp - g.timestamp) < this.newGroupDiff) {\r\n group = g.group;\r\n group.push(bubble);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.groups.push(group = [bubble]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.groups.push(group = [bubble]);\r\n }\r\n //console.log('[BUBBLE]: addBubble', bubble, message.mid, fromID, reverse, group);\r\n this.bubblesByGroups[reverse ? 'unshift' : 'push']({ timestamp, fromID, mid: message.mid, group });\r\n this.updateGroup(group);\r\n }\r\n setClipIfNeeded(bubble, remove = false) {\r\n //console.log('setClipIfNeeded', bubble, remove);\r\n if (bubble.classList.contains('is-message-empty') /* && !bubble.classList.contains('is-reply') */\r\n && (bubble.classList.contains('photo') || bubble.classList.contains('video'))) {\r\n let container = bubble.querySelector('.bubble__media-container');\r\n //console.log('setClipIfNeeded', bubble, remove, container);\r\n if (!container)\r\n return;\r\n Array.from(container.children).forEach(object => {\r\n if (object instanceof SVGDefsElement)\r\n return;\r\n if (remove) {\r\n object.removeAttributeNS(null, 'clip-path');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let clipID = container.dataset.clipID;\r\n let path = container.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.lastElementChild;\r\n let width = +object.getAttributeNS(null, 'width');\r\n let height = +object.getAttributeNS(null, 'height');\r\n let isOut = bubble.classList.contains('is-out');\r\n let isReply = bubble.classList.contains('is-reply');\r\n let d = '';\r\n //console.log('setClipIfNeeded', object, width, height, isOut);\r\n let tr, tl;\r\n if (bubble.classList.contains('forwarded') || isReply) {\r\n tr = tl = 0;\r\n }\r\n else if (isOut) {\r\n tr = bubble.classList.contains('is-group-first') ? 12 : 6;\r\n tl = 12;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n tr = 12;\r\n tl = bubble.classList.contains('is-group-first') ? 12 : 6;\r\n }\r\n if (isOut) {\r\n d = utils_1.generatePathData(0, 0, width - 9, height, tl, tr, 0, 12);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n d = utils_1.generatePathData(9, 0, width - 9, height, tl, tr, 12, 0);\r\n }\r\n path.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', d);\r\n object.setAttributeNS(null, 'clip-path', 'url(#' + clipID + ')');\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n updateGroup(group) {\r\n /* if(this.updateRAFs.has(group)) {\r\n window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.updateRAFs.get(group));\r\n this.updateRAFs.delete(group);\r\n } */\r\n //this.updateRAFs.set(group, window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\r\n //this.updateRAFs.delete(group);\r\n if (!group.length) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n let first = group[0];\r\n //console.log('[BUBBLE]: updateGroup', group, first);\r\n if (group.length == 1) {\r\n first.classList.add('is-group-first', 'is-group-last');\r\n this.setClipIfNeeded(first);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n first.classList.remove('is-group-last');\r\n first.classList.add('is-group-first');\r\n this.setClipIfNeeded(first, true);\r\n }\r\n let length = group.length - 1;\r\n for (let i = 1; i < length; ++i) {\r\n let bubble = group[i];\r\n bubble.classList.remove('is-group-last', 'is-group-first');\r\n this.setClipIfNeeded(bubble, true);\r\n }\r\n let last = group[group.length - 1];\r\n last.classList.remove('is-group-first');\r\n last.classList.add('is-group-last');\r\n this.setClipIfNeeded(last);\r\n //}));\r\n }\r\n updateGroupByMessageID(mid) {\r\n let details = this.bubblesByGroups.find(g => g.mid == mid);\r\n if (details) {\r\n this.updateGroup(details.group);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n cleanup() {\r\n this.bubblesByGroups = [];\r\n this.groups = [];\r\n /* for(let value of this.updateRAFs.values()) {\r\n window.cancelAnimationFrame(value);\r\n }\r\n this.updateRAFs.clear(); */\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = BubbleGroups;\r\n" }, { "id": 105, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\audio.ts", "name": "./src/components/chat/audio.ts", "index": 107, "index2": 101, "size": 4010, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/chat/audio", "loc": "43:16-54" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.ChatAudio = void 0;\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst richtextprocessor_1 = require(\"../../lib/richtextprocessor\");\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appMediaPlaybackController_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../appMediaPlaybackController\"));\r\nconst wrappers_1 = require(\"../wrappers\");\r\nclass ChatAudio {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.container = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.container.classList.add('pinned-audio', 'pinned-container');\r\n this.container.style.display = 'none';\r\n this.toggle = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.toggle.classList.add('pinned-audio-ico', 'tgico');\r\n this.title = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.title.classList.add('pinned-audio-title');\r\n this.subtitle = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.subtitle.classList.add('pinned-audio-subtitle');\r\n this.close = document.createElement('button');\r\n this.close.classList.add('pinned-audio-close', 'btn-icon', 'tgico-close');\r\n this.container.append(this.toggle, this.title, this.subtitle, this.close);\r\n this.close.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n const scrollTop = appImManager_1.default.scrollable.scrollTop;\r\n this.container.style.display = 'none';\r\n appImManager_1.default.topbar.classList.remove('is-audio-shown');\r\n if (this.toggle.classList.contains('flip-icon')) {\r\n appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.toggle();\r\n }\r\n if (!appImManager_1.default.topbar.classList.contains('is-pinned-shown')) {\r\n appImManager_1.default.scrollable.scrollTop = scrollTop - height;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.toggle.addEventListener('click', (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n appMediaPlaybackController_1.default.toggle();\r\n });\r\n const height = 52;\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('audio_play', (e) => {\r\n const { doc, mid } = e.detail;\r\n let title, subtitle;\r\n if (doc.type == 'voice' || doc.type == 'round') {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(mid);\r\n title = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(message.fromID, false, true);\r\n //subtitle = 'Voice message';\r\n subtitle = wrappers_1.formatDate(message.date, false, false);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n title = doc.audioTitle || doc.file_name;\r\n subtitle = doc.audioPerformer ? richtextprocessor_1.RichTextProcessor.wrapPlainText(doc.audioPerformer) : 'Unknown Artist';\r\n }\r\n this.title.innerHTML = title;\r\n this.subtitle.innerHTML = subtitle;\r\n this.toggle.classList.add('flip-icon');\r\n this.container.dataset.mid = '' + mid;\r\n if (this.container.style.display) {\r\n const scrollTop = appImManager_1.default.scrollable.scrollTop;\r\n this.container.style.display = '';\r\n appImManager_1.default.topbar.classList.add('is-audio-shown');\r\n if (!appImManager_1.default.topbar.classList.contains('is-pinned-shown')) {\r\n appImManager_1.default.scrollable.scrollTop = scrollTop + height;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n utils_1.$rootScope.$on('audio_pause', () => {\r\n this.toggle.classList.remove('flip-icon');\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ChatAudio = ChatAudio;\r\n" }, { "id": 106, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\contextMenu.ts", "name": "./src/components/chat/contextMenu.ts", "index": 108, "index2": 102, "size": 6645, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageIm.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageIm.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 92, "building": 1518, "dependencies": 5 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 67, "building": 6575, "dependencies": 2082 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../components/chat/contextMenu", "loc": "44:22-66" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.ChatContextMenu = void 0;\r\nconst appChatsManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager\"));\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nconst appMessagesManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager\"));\r\nconst appPeersManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appForward_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../appForward\"));\r\nconst misc_1 = require(\"../misc\");\r\nconst popup_1 = require(\"../popup\");\r\nclass ChatContextMenu {\r\n constructor(attachTo) {\r\n this.attachTo = attachTo;\r\n this.element = document.getElementById('bubble-contextmenu');\r\n this.buttons = {};\r\n misc_1.parseMenuButtonsTo(this.buttons, this.element.children);\r\n misc_1.attachContextMenuListener(attachTo, (e) => {\r\n let bubble = null;\r\n try {\r\n bubble = utils_1.findUpClassName(e.target, 'bubble__container');\r\n }\r\n catch (e) { }\r\n if (!bubble)\r\n return;\r\n if (e instanceof MouseEvent)\r\n e.preventDefault();\r\n if (this.element.classList.contains('active')) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n if (e instanceof MouseEvent)\r\n e.cancelBubble = true;\r\n bubble = bubble.parentElement; // bc container\r\n let msgID = +bubble.dataset.mid;\r\n if (!msgID)\r\n return;\r\n let peerID = utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID;\r\n this.msgID = msgID;\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(msgID);\r\n this.buttons.copy.style.display = message.message ? '' : 'none';\r\n if (utils_1.$rootScope.myID == peerID || (peerID < 0 && appChatsManager_1.default.hasRights(-peerID, 'pin'))) {\r\n this.buttons.pin.style.display = '';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.buttons.pin.style.display = 'none';\r\n }\r\n this.buttons.edit.style.display = appMessagesManager_1.default.canEditMessage(msgID) ? '' : 'none';\r\n let side = bubble.classList.contains('is-in') ? 'left' : 'right';\r\n misc_1.positionMenu(e, this.element, side);\r\n misc_1.openBtnMenu(this.element);\r\n /////this.log('contextmenu', e, bubble, msgID, side);\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.copy.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n let message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(this.msgID);\r\n let str = message ? message.message : '';\r\n var textArea = document.createElement(\"textarea\");\r\n textArea.value = str;\r\n textArea.style.position = \"fixed\"; //avoid scrolling to bottom\r\n document.body.appendChild(textArea);\r\n textArea.focus();\r\n textArea.select();\r\n try {\r\n document.execCommand('copy');\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n console.error('Oops, unable to copy', err);\r\n }\r\n document.body.removeChild(textArea);\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.delete.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n let peerID = utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID;\r\n let firstName = appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(peerID, false, true);\r\n let callback = (revoke) => {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.deleteMessages([this.msgID], revoke);\r\n };\r\n let title, description, buttons;\r\n title = 'Delete Message?';\r\n description = `Are you sure you want to delete this message?`;\r\n if (peerID == utils_1.$rootScope.myID) {\r\n buttons = [{\r\n text: 'DELETE',\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: () => callback(false)\r\n }];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n buttons = [{\r\n text: 'DELETE JUST FOR ME',\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: () => callback(false)\r\n }];\r\n if (peerID > 0) {\r\n buttons.push({\r\n text: 'DELETE FOR ME AND ' + firstName,\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: () => callback(true)\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else if (appChatsManager_1.default.hasRights(-peerID, 'deleteRevoke')) {\r\n buttons.push({\r\n text: 'DELETE FOR ALL',\r\n isDanger: true,\r\n callback: () => callback(true)\r\n });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n buttons.push({\r\n text: 'CANCEL',\r\n isCancel: true\r\n });\r\n let popup = new popup_1.PopupPeer('popup-delete-chat', {\r\n peerID: peerID,\r\n title: title,\r\n description: description,\r\n buttons: buttons\r\n });\r\n popup.show();\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.reply.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(this.msgID);\r\n const chatInputC = appImManager_1.default.chatInputC;\r\n chatInputC.setTopInfo(appPeersManager_1.default.getPeerTitle(message.fromID, true), message.message, undefined, message);\r\n chatInputC.replyToMsgID = this.msgID;\r\n chatInputC.editMsgID = 0;\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.forward.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appForward_1.default.init([this.msgID]);\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.edit.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n const message = appMessagesManager_1.default.getMessage(this.msgID);\r\n const chatInputC = appImManager_1.default.chatInputC;\r\n chatInputC.setTopInfo('Editing', message.message, message.message, message);\r\n chatInputC.replyToMsgID = 0;\r\n chatInputC.editMsgID = this.msgID;\r\n });\r\n this.buttons.pin.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appMessagesManager_1.default.updatePinnedMessage(utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID, this.msgID);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ChatContextMenu = ChatContextMenu;\r\n" }, { "id": 107, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\components\\chat\\search.ts", "name": "./src/components/chat/search.ts", "index": 109, "index2": 103, "size": 8283, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\appManagers\\appImManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/appManagers/appImManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { 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(function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.ChatSearch = void 0;\r\nconst appImManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../../lib/appManagers/appImManager\"));\r\nconst utils_1 = require(\"../../lib/utils\");\r\nconst appSearch_1 = __importStar(require(\"../appSearch\"));\r\nconst popupDatepicker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../popupDatepicker\"));\r\nconst ripple_1 = require(\"../ripple\");\r\nconst searchInput_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../searchInput\"));\r\nclass ChatSearch {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.foundCount = 0;\r\n this.selectedIndex = 0;\r\n this.onDateClick = (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n new popupDatepicker_1.default(new Date(), appImManager_1.default.onDatePick).show();\r\n };\r\n this.selectResult = (elem) => {\r\n if (this.setPeerPromise)\r\n return this.setPeerPromise;\r\n const peerID = +elem.getAttribute('data-peerID');\r\n const lastMsgID = +elem.dataset.mid || undefined;\r\n const index = utils_1.whichChild(elem);\r\n if (index == (this.foundCount - 1)) {\r\n this.upBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.upBtn.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n }\r\n if (!index) {\r\n this.downBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.downBtn.removeAttribute('disabled');\r\n }\r\n this.results.classList.remove('active');\r\n appImManager_1.default.bubblesContainer.classList.remove('search-results-active');\r\n const res = appImManager_1.default.setPeer(peerID, lastMsgID);\r\n this.setPeerPromise = (res instanceof Promise ? res : Promise.resolve(res)).then(() => {\r\n this.selectedIndex = index;\r\n this.foundCountEl.innerText = `${index + 1} of ${this.foundCount}`;\r\n const renderedCount = this.searchGroup.list.childElementCount;\r\n if (this.selectedIndex >= (renderedCount - 6)) {\r\n this.appSearch.searchMore();\r\n }\r\n }).finally(() => {\r\n this.setPeerPromise = null;\r\n });\r\n };\r\n this.onResultsClick = (e) => {\r\n const target = utils_1.findUpTag(e.target, 'LI');\r\n if (target) {\r\n this.selectResult(target);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.onFooterClick = (e) => {\r\n if (this.foundCount) {\r\n appImManager_1.default.bubblesContainer.classList.toggle('search-results-active');\r\n this.results.classList.toggle('active');\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.onUpClick = (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n this.selectResult(this.searchGroup.list.children[this.selectedIndex + 1]);\r\n };\r\n this.onDownClick = (e) => {\r\n utils_1.cancelEvent(e);\r\n this.selectResult(this.searchGroup.list.children[this.selectedIndex - 1]);\r\n };\r\n this.element = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.element.classList.add('sidebar-header', 'chat-search', 'chats-container');\r\n this.backBtn = document.createElement('button');\r\n this.backBtn.classList.add('btn-icon', 'tgico-back', 'sidebar-close-button');\r\n ripple_1.ripple(this.backBtn);\r\n this.backBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n appImManager_1.default.topbar.classList.remove('hide-pinned');\r\n this.element.remove();\r\n this.searchInput.remove();\r\n this.results.remove();\r\n this.footer.remove();\r\n this.footer.removeEventListener('click', this.onFooterClick);\r\n this.dateBtn.removeEventListener('click', this.onDateClick);\r\n this.upBtn.removeEventListener('click', this.onUpClick);\r\n this.downBtn.removeEventListener('click', this.onDownClick);\r\n this.searchGroup.list.removeEventListener('click', this.onResultsClick);\r\n appImManager_1.default.bubblesContainer.classList.remove('search-results-active');\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n this.searchInput = new searchInput_1.default('Search');\r\n // Results\r\n this.results = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.results.classList.add('chat-search-results', 'chats-container');\r\n this.searchGroup = new appSearch_1.SearchGroup('', 'messages', undefined, '', false);\r\n this.searchGroup.list.addEventListener('click', this.onResultsClick);\r\n this.appSearch = new appSearch_1.default(this.results, this.searchInput, {\r\n messages: this.searchGroup\r\n }, (count) => {\r\n this.foundCount = count;\r\n if (!this.foundCount) {\r\n this.foundCountEl.innerText = this.searchInput.value ? 'No results' : '';\r\n this.results.classList.remove('active');\r\n appImManager_1.default.bubblesContainer.classList.remove('search-results-active');\r\n this.upBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n this.downBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.selectResult(this.searchGroup.list.children[0]);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n this.appSearch.beginSearch(utils_1.$rootScope.selectedPeerID);\r\n //appImManager.topbar.parentElement.insertBefore(this.results, appImManager.bubblesContainer);\r\n appImManager_1.default.bubblesContainer.append(this.results);\r\n // Footer\r\n this.footer = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.footer.classList.add('chat-search-footer');\r\n this.footer.addEventListener('click', this.onFooterClick);\r\n ripple_1.ripple(this.footer);\r\n this.foundCountEl = document.createElement('span');\r\n this.foundCountEl.classList.add('chat-search-count');\r\n this.dateBtn = document.createElement('button');\r\n this.dateBtn.classList.add('btn-icon', 'tgico-calendar');\r\n this.controls = document.createElement('div');\r\n this.controls.classList.add('chat-search-controls');\r\n this.upBtn = document.createElement('button');\r\n this.upBtn.classList.add('btn-icon', 'tgico-up');\r\n this.downBtn = document.createElement('button');\r\n this.downBtn.classList.add('btn-icon', 'tgico-down');\r\n this.upBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n this.downBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'true');\r\n this.dateBtn.addEventListener('click', this.onDateClick);\r\n this.upBtn.addEventListener('click', this.onUpClick);\r\n this.downBtn.addEventListener('click', this.onDownClick);\r\n this.controls.append(this.upBtn, this.downBtn);\r\n this.footer.append(this.foundCountEl, this.dateBtn, this.controls);\r\n appImManager_1.default.topbar.parentElement.insertBefore(this.footer, appImManager_1.default.chatInput);\r\n // Append container\r\n this.element.append(this.backBtn, this.searchInput.container);\r\n appImManager_1.default.topbar.classList.add('hide-pinned');\r\n appImManager_1.default.topbar.parentElement.append(this.element);\r\n this.searchInput.input.focus();\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ChatSearch = ChatSearch;\r\n" }, { "id": 108, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\passwordManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/passwordManager.ts", "index": 111, "index2": 107, "size": 3129, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pagePassword.ts", "issuerId": 66, "issuerName": "./src/pages/pagePassword.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 49, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignIn.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 79, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageAuthCode.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageAuthCode.ts", "profile": { "factory": 104, "building": 1053, "dependencies": 527 } }, { "id": 66, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pagePassword.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pagePassword.ts", "profile": { "factory": 575, "building": 2297, "dependencies": 2 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 4390, "building": 785, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 66, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pagePassword.ts", "module": "./src/pages/pagePassword.ts", "moduleName": "./src/pages/pagePassword.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../lib/mtproto/passwordManager", "loc": "15:42-83" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.PasswordManager = void 0;\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./mtprotoworker\"));\r\n//import { computeCheck } from \"../crypto/srp\";\r\nclass PasswordManager {\r\n getState(options = {}) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('account.getPassword', {}, options).then((result) => {\r\n return result;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n /* public updateSettings(state: any, settings: any) {\r\n var currentHashPromise;\r\n var newHashPromise;\r\n var params: any = {\r\n new_settings: {\r\n _: 'account.passwordInputSettings',\r\n flags: 0,\r\n hint: settings.hint || ''\r\n }\r\n };\r\n \r\n if(typeof settings.cur_password === 'string' &&\r\n settings.cur_password.length > 0) {\r\n currentHashPromise = this.makePasswordHash(state.current_salt, settings.cur_password);\r\n } else {\r\n currentHashPromise = Promise.resolve([]);\r\n }\r\n \r\n if (typeof settings.new_password === 'string' &&\r\n settings.new_password.length > 0) {\r\n var saltRandom = new Array(8);\r\n var newSalt = bufferConcat(state.new_salt, saltRandom);\r\n secureRandom.nextBytes(saltRandom);\r\n newHashPromise = this.makePasswordHash(newSalt, settings.new_password);\r\n params.new_settings.new_salt = newSalt;\r\n params.new_settings.flags |= 1;\r\n } else {\r\n if(typeof settings.new_password === 'string') {\r\n params.new_settings.flags |= 1;\r\n params.new_settings.new_salt = [];\r\n }\r\n newHashPromise = Promise.resolve([]);\r\n }\r\n \r\n if(typeof settings.email === 'string') {\r\n params.new_settings.flags |= 2;\r\n params.new_settings.email = settings.email || '';\r\n }\r\n \r\n return Promise.all([currentHashPromise, newHashPromise]).then((hashes) => {\r\n params.current_password_hash = hashes[0];\r\n params.new_settings.new_password_hash = hashes[1];\r\n \r\n return apiManager.invokeApi('account.updatePasswordSettings', params);\r\n });\r\n } */\r\n check(password, state, options = {}) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.computeSRP(password, state).then((inputCheckPassword) => {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('auth.checkPassword', {\r\n password: inputCheckPassword\r\n }, options);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n requestRecovery(options = {}) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('auth.requestPasswordRecovery', {}, options);\r\n }\r\n recover(code, options = {}) {\r\n return mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('auth.recoverPassword', {\r\n code: code\r\n }, options);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.PasswordManager = PasswordManager;\r\nconst passwordManager = new PasswordManager();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n self.passwordManager = passwordManager;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = passwordManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 109, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignQR.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageSignQR.ts", "index": 112, "index2": 111, "size": 7042, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignIn.ts", "issuerId": 49, "issuerName": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 49, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignIn.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 104, "building": 1053, "dependencies": 527 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 49, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignIn.ts", "module": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "moduleName": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./pageSignQR", "loc": "12:37-60" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\n//import apiManager from '../lib/mtproto/apiManager';\r\nconst mtprotoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker\"));\r\nconst page_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./page\"));\r\nconst pageIm_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pageIm\"));\r\nconst pagePassword_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pagePassword\"));\r\nconst pageSignIn_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./pageSignIn\"));\r\nconst mtproto_config_1 = require(\"../lib/mtproto/mtproto_config\");\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../lib/bin_utils\");\r\nconst serverTimeManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../lib/mtproto/serverTimeManager\"));\r\nlet onFirstMount = () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const pageElement = page.pageEl;\r\n const imageDiv = pageElement.querySelector('.auth-image');\r\n page.pageEl.querySelector('.a-qr').addEventListener('click', () => {\r\n pageSignIn_1.default.mount();\r\n stop = true;\r\n });\r\n const results = yield Promise.all([\r\n Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('qr-code-styling')))\r\n ]);\r\n const QRCodeStyling = results[0].default;\r\n let stop = false;\r\n document.addEventListener('user_auth', () => {\r\n stop = true;\r\n cachedPromise = null;\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n let options = { ignoreErrors: true };\r\n let prevToken;\r\n return () => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n stop = false;\r\n do {\r\n if (stop) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n let loginToken = yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('auth.exportLoginToken', {\r\n api_id: mtproto_config_1.App.id,\r\n api_hash: mtproto_config_1.App.hash,\r\n except_ids: []\r\n }, { ignoreErrors: true });\r\n if (loginToken._ == 'auth.loginTokenMigrateTo') {\r\n if (!options.dcID) {\r\n options.dcID = loginToken.dc_id;\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.setBaseDcID(loginToken.dc_id);\r\n //continue;\r\n }\r\n loginToken = (yield mtprotoworker_1.default.invokeApi('auth.importLoginToken', {\r\n token: loginToken.token\r\n }, options));\r\n }\r\n if (loginToken._ == 'auth.loginTokenSuccess') {\r\n const authorization = loginToken.authorization;\r\n mtprotoworker_1.default.setUserAuth({\r\n id: authorization.user.id\r\n });\r\n pageIm_1.default.mount();\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n /* // to base64\r\n var decoder = new TextDecoder('utf8');\r\n var b64encoded = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, [...loginToken.token])); */\r\n if (!prevToken || !bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(prevToken, loginToken.token)) {\r\n prevToken = loginToken.token;\r\n let encoded = bin_utils_1.bytesToBase64(loginToken.token);\r\n let url = \"tg://login?token=\" + encoded.replace(/\\+/g, \"-\").replace(/\\//g, \"_\").replace(/\\=+$/, \"\");\r\n imageDiv.innerHTML = '';\r\n const qrCode = new QRCodeStyling({\r\n width: 166,\r\n height: 166,\r\n data: url,\r\n image: \"assets/img/logo_padded.svg\",\r\n dotsOptions: {\r\n color: \"#000000\",\r\n type: \"rounded\"\r\n },\r\n imageOptions: {\r\n imageSize: .75\r\n },\r\n backgroundOptions: {\r\n color: \"#ffffff\"\r\n },\r\n qrOptions: {\r\n errorCorrectionLevel: \"L\"\r\n }\r\n });\r\n qrCode.append(imageDiv);\r\n }\r\n let timestamp = Date.now() / 1000;\r\n let diff = loginToken.expires - timestamp - serverTimeManager_1.default.serverTimeOffset;\r\n yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, diff > 5 ? 5e3 : 1e3 * diff | 0));\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n switch (err.type) {\r\n case 'SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED':\r\n console.warn('pageSignQR: SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED');\r\n err.handled = true;\r\n pagePassword_1.default.mount();\r\n stop = true;\r\n cachedPromise = null;\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n console.error('pageSignQR: default error:', err);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } while (true);\r\n });\r\n});\r\nlet cachedPromise;\r\nconst page = new page_1.default('page-signQR', true, () => {\r\n return cachedPromise;\r\n}, () => {\r\n //console.log('onMount');\r\n if (!cachedPromise)\r\n cachedPromise = onFirstMount();\r\n cachedPromise.then(func => {\r\n func();\r\n });\r\n});\r\nexports.default = page;\r\n" }, { "id": 110, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\qr-code-styling\\lib\\qr-code-styling.js", "name": "./node_modules/qr-code-styling/lib/qr-code-styling.js", "index": 113, "index2": 110, "size": 28504, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignQR.ts", "issuerId": 109, "issuerName": "./src/pages/pageSignQR.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 67, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.ts", "name": "./src/index.ts", "profile": { "factory": 24, "building": 3521 } }, { "id": 49, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignIn.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageSignIn.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2887, "building": 13097, "dependencies": 100 } }, { "id": 109, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignQR.ts", "name": "./src/pages/pageSignQR.ts", "profile": { "factory": 104, "building": 1053, "dependencies": 527 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 7122, "building": 761, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 109, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\pages\\pageSignQR.ts", "module": "./src/pages/pageSignQR.ts", "moduleName": "./src/pages/pageSignQR.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "qr-code-styling", "loc": "51:50-76" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "!function(t,r){\"object\"==typeof exports&&\"object\"==typeof module?module.exports=r():\"function\"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],r):\"object\"==typeof exports?exports.QRCodeStyling=r():t.QRCodeStyling=r()}(window,function(){return function(t){var r={};function e(n){if(r[n])return r[n].exports;var o=r[n]={i:n,l:!1,exports:{}};return t[n].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,e),o.l=!0,o.exports}return e.m=t,e.c=r,e.d=function(t,r,n){e.o(t,r)||Object.defineProperty(t,r,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},e.r=function(t){\"undefined\"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(t,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:\"Module\"}),Object.defineProperty(t,\"__esModule\",{value:!0})},e.t=function(t,r){if(1&r&&(t=e(t)),8&r)return t;if(4&r&&\"object\"==typeof t&&t&&t.__esModule)return t;var n=Object.create(null);if(e.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,\"default\",{enumerable:!0,value:t}),2&r&&\"string\"!=typeof t)for(var o in t)e.d(n,o,function(r){return t[r]}.bind(null,o));return n},e.n=function(t){var r=t&&t.__esModule?function(){return t.default}:function(){return t};return e.d(r,\"a\",r),r},e.o=function(t,r){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t,r)},e.p=\"\",e(e.s=1)}([function(t,r,e){var n,o,i,a=function(){var t=function(t,r){var e=t,n=f[r],o=null,i=0,a=null,u=[],c={},s=function(t,r){o=function(t){for(var r=new Array(t),e=0;e=7&&d(t),null==a&&(a=w(e,n,u)),p(a,r)},h=function(t,r){for(var e=-1;e<=7;e+=1)if(!(t+e<=-1||i<=t+e))for(var n=-1;n<=7;n+=1)r+n<=-1||i<=r+n||(o[t+e][r+n]=0<=e&&e<=6&&(0==n||6==n)||0<=n&&n<=6&&(0==e||6==e)||2<=e&&e<=4&&2<=n&&n<=4)},l=function(){for(var t=8;t>n&1);o[Math.floor(n/3)][n%3+i-8-3]=a}for(n=0;n<18;n+=1){a=!t&&1==(r>>n&1);o[n%3+i-8-3][Math.floor(n/3)]=a}},v=function(t,r){for(var e=n<<3|r,a=y.getBCHTypeInfo(e),u=0;u<15;u+=1){var f=!t&&1==(a>>u&1);u<6?o[u][8]=f:u<8?o[u+1][8]=f:o[i-15+u][8]=f}for(u=0;u<15;u+=1){f=!t&&1==(a>>u&1);u<8?o[8][i-u-1]=f:u<9?o[8][15-u-1+1]=f:o[8][15-u-1]=f}o[i-8][8]=!t},p=function(t,r){for(var e=-1,n=i-1,a=7,u=0,f=y.getMaskFunction(r),c=i-1;c>0;c-=2)for(6==c&&(c-=1);;){for(var s=0;s<2;s+=1)if(null==o[n][c-s]){var h=!1;u>>a&1)),f(n,c-s)&&(h=!h),o[n][c-s]=h,-1==(a-=1)&&(u+=1,a=7)}if((n+=e)<0||i<=n){n-=e,e=-e;break}}},w=function(t,r,e){for(var n=x.getRSBlocks(t,r),o=b(),i=0;i8*u)throw\"code length overflow. 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https://github.com/bestiejs/lodash/blob/master/LICENSE.txt\n/* eslint-disable func-style */\nvar isFunction = function isFunction(value) {\n return typeof value === 'function';\n};\n// fallback for older versions of Chrome and Safari\n/* istanbul ignore next */\nif (isFunction(/x/)) {\n exports.isFunction = isFunction = function (value) {\n return typeof value === 'function' && toString.call(value) === '[object Function]';\n };\n}\nexports.isFunction = isFunction;\n\n/* eslint-enable func-style */\n\n/* istanbul ignore next */\nvar isArray = Array.isArray || function (value) {\n return value && typeof value === 'object' ? toString.call(value) === '[object Array]' : false;\n};\n\nexports.isArray = isArray;\n// Older IE versions do not directly support indexOf so we must implement our own, sadly.\n\nfunction indexOf(array, value) {\n for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {\n if (array[i] === value) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n return -1;\n}\n\nfunction escapeExpression(string) {\n if (typeof string !== 'string') {\n // don't escape SafeStrings, since they're already safe\n if (string && string.toHTML) {\n return string.toHTML();\n } else if (string == null) {\n return '';\n } else if (!string) {\n return string + '';\n }\n\n // Force a string conversion as this will be done by the append regardless and\n // the regex test will do this transparently behind the scenes, causing issues if\n // an object's to string has escaped characters in it.\n string = '' + string;\n }\n\n if (!possible.test(string)) {\n return string;\n }\n return string.replace(badChars, escapeChar);\n}\n\nfunction isEmpty(value) {\n if (!value && value !== 0) {\n return true;\n } else if (isArray(value) && value.length === 0) {\n return true;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\nfunction createFrame(object) {\n var frame = extend({}, object);\n frame._parent = object;\n return frame;\n}\n\nfunction blockParams(params, ids) {\n params.path = ids;\n return params;\n}\n\nfunction appendContextPath(contextPath, id) {\n return (contextPath ? contextPath + '.' : '') + id;\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,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"moduleId": 11, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers\\each.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/each.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/each.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../exception", "loc": "10:17-40" }, { "moduleId": 12, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers\\helper-missing.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/helper-missing.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/helper-missing.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../exception", "loc": "8:17-40" }, { "moduleId": 13, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers\\if.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/if.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/if.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../exception", "loc": "10:17-40" }, { "moduleId": 16, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers\\with.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/with.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/with.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../exception", "loc": "10:17-40" }, { "moduleId": 21, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\runtime.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/runtime.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/runtime.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./exception", "loc": "22:17-39" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nvar errorProps = ['description', 'fileName', 'lineNumber', 'endLineNumber', 'message', 'name', 'number', 'stack'];\n\nfunction Exception(message, node) {\n var loc = node && node.loc,\n line = undefined,\n endLineNumber = undefined,\n column = undefined,\n endColumn = undefined;\n\n if (loc) {\n line = loc.start.line;\n endLineNumber = loc.end.line;\n column = loc.start.column;\n endColumn = loc.end.column;\n\n message += ' - ' + line + ':' + column;\n }\n\n var tmp = Error.prototype.constructor.call(this, message);\n\n // Unfortunately errors are not enumerable in Chrome (at least), so `for prop in tmp` doesn't work.\n for (var idx = 0; idx < errorProps.length; idx++) {\n this[errorProps[idx]] = tmp[errorProps[idx]];\n }\n\n /* istanbul ignore else */\n if (Error.captureStackTrace) {\n Error.captureStackTrace(this, Exception);\n }\n\n try {\n if (loc) {\n this.lineNumber = line;\n this.endLineNumber = endLineNumber;\n\n // Work around issue under safari where we can't directly set the column value\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n if (Object.defineProperty) {\n Object.defineProperty(this, 'column', {\n value: column,\n enumerable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(this, 'endColumn', {\n value: endColumn,\n enumerable: true\n });\n } else {\n this.column = column;\n this.endColumn = endColumn;\n }\n }\n } catch (nop) {\n /* Ignore if the browser is very particular */\n }\n}\n\nException.prototype = new Error();\n\nexports['default'] = Exception;\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,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\n" 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars.runtime.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "profile": { "factory": 1871, "building": 495 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 895, "building": 15, "dependencies": 1092 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 9, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars.runtime.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./handlebars/base", "loc": "12:22-50" }, { "moduleId": 21, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\runtime.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/runtime.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/runtime.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./base", "loc": "26:12-29" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nexports.HandlebarsEnvironment = HandlebarsEnvironment;\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }\n\nvar _utils = require('./utils');\n\nvar _exception = require('./exception');\n\nvar _exception2 = _interopRequireDefault(_exception);\n\nvar _helpers = require('./helpers');\n\nvar _decorators = require('./decorators');\n\nvar _logger = require('./logger');\n\nvar _logger2 = _interopRequireDefault(_logger);\n\nvar _internalProtoAccess = require('./internal/proto-access');\n\nvar VERSION = '4.7.6';\nexports.VERSION = VERSION;\nvar COMPILER_REVISION = 8;\nexports.COMPILER_REVISION = COMPILER_REVISION;\nvar LAST_COMPATIBLE_COMPILER_REVISION = 7;\n\nexports.LAST_COMPATIBLE_COMPILER_REVISION = LAST_COMPATIBLE_COMPILER_REVISION;\nvar REVISION_CHANGES = {\n 1: '<= 1.0.rc.2', // 1.0.rc.2 is actually rev2 but doesn't report it\n 2: '== 1.0.0-rc.3',\n 3: '== 1.0.0-rc.4',\n 4: '== 1.x.x',\n 5: '== 2.0.0-alpha.x',\n 6: '>= 2.0.0-beta.1',\n 7: '>= 4.0.0 <4.3.0',\n 8: '>= 4.3.0'\n};\n\nexports.REVISION_CHANGES = REVISION_CHANGES;\nvar objectType = '[object Object]';\n\nfunction HandlebarsEnvironment(helpers, partials, decorators) {\n this.helpers = helpers || {};\n this.partials = partials || {};\n this.decorators = decorators || {};\n\n _helpers.registerDefaultHelpers(this);\n _decorators.registerDefaultDecorators(this);\n}\n\nHandlebarsEnvironment.prototype = {\n constructor: HandlebarsEnvironment,\n\n logger: _logger2['default'],\n log: _logger2['default'].log,\n\n registerHelper: function registerHelper(name, fn) {\n if (_utils.toString.call(name) === objectType) {\n if (fn) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('Arg not supported with multiple helpers');\n }\n _utils.extend(this.helpers, name);\n } else {\n this.helpers[name] = fn;\n }\n },\n unregisterHelper: function unregisterHelper(name) {\n delete this.helpers[name];\n },\n\n registerPartial: function registerPartial(name, partial) {\n if (_utils.toString.call(name) === objectType) {\n _utils.extend(this.partials, name);\n } else {\n if (typeof partial === 'undefined') {\n throw new _exception2['default']('Attempting to register a partial called \"' + name + '\" as undefined');\n }\n this.partials[name] = partial;\n }\n },\n unregisterPartial: function unregisterPartial(name) {\n delete this.partials[name];\n },\n\n registerDecorator: function registerDecorator(name, fn) {\n if (_utils.toString.call(name) === objectType) {\n if (fn) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('Arg not supported with multiple decorators');\n }\n _utils.extend(this.decorators, name);\n } else {\n this.decorators[name] = fn;\n }\n },\n unregisterDecorator: function unregisterDecorator(name) {\n delete this.decorators[name];\n },\n /**\n * Reset the memory of illegal property accesses that have already been logged.\n * @deprecated should only be used in handlebars test-cases\n */\n resetLoggedPropertyAccesses: function resetLoggedPropertyAccesses() {\n _internalProtoAccess.resetLoggedProperties();\n }\n};\n\nvar log = _logger2['default'].log;\n\nexports.log = log;\nexports.createFrame = _utils.createFrame;\nexports.logger = _logger2['default'];\n//# 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars.runtime.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "profile": { "factory": 1871, "building": 495 } }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\base.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/base.js", "profile": { "factory": 895, "building": 15, "dependencies": 1092 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1099, "building": 75, "dependencies": 0 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 2, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\base.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/base.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/base.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./helpers", "loc": "15:15-35" }, { "moduleId": 21, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\runtime.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/runtime.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/runtime.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./helpers", "loc": "28:15-35" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nexports.registerDefaultHelpers = registerDefaultHelpers;\nexports.moveHelperToHooks = moveHelperToHooks;\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }\n\nvar _helpersBlockHelperMissing = require('./helpers/block-helper-missing');\n\nvar _helpersBlockHelperMissing2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helpersBlockHelperMissing);\n\nvar _helpersEach = require('./helpers/each');\n\nvar _helpersEach2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helpersEach);\n\nvar _helpersHelperMissing = require('./helpers/helper-missing');\n\nvar _helpersHelperMissing2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helpersHelperMissing);\n\nvar _helpersIf = require('./helpers/if');\n\nvar _helpersIf2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helpersIf);\n\nvar _helpersLog = require('./helpers/log');\n\nvar _helpersLog2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helpersLog);\n\nvar _helpersLookup = require('./helpers/lookup');\n\nvar _helpersLookup2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helpersLookup);\n\nvar _helpersWith = require('./helpers/with');\n\nvar _helpersWith2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helpersWith);\n\nfunction registerDefaultHelpers(instance) {\n _helpersBlockHelperMissing2['default'](instance);\n _helpersEach2['default'](instance);\n _helpersHelperMissing2['default'](instance);\n _helpersIf2['default'](instance);\n _helpersLog2['default'](instance);\n _helpersLookup2['default'](instance);\n _helpersWith2['default'](instance);\n}\n\nfunction moveHelperToHooks(instance, helperName, keepHelper) {\n if (instance.helpers[helperName]) {\n instance.hooks[helperName] = instance.helpers[helperName];\n if (!keepHelper) {\n delete instance.helpers[helperName];\n }\n }\n}\n//# 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// Can be overridden in the host environment\n log: function log(level) {\n level = logger.lookupLevel(level);\n\n if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && logger.lookupLevel(logger.level) <= level) {\n var method = logger.methodMap[level];\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n if (!console[method]) {\n method = 'log';\n }\n\n for (var _len = arguments.length, message = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {\n message[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n console[method].apply(console, message); // eslint-disable-line no-console\n }\n }\n};\n\nexports['default'] = logger;\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# 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_createNewLookupObject = require('./create-new-lookup-object');\n\nvar _logger = require('../logger');\n\nvar logger = _interopRequireWildcard(_logger);\n\nvar loggedProperties = Object.create(null);\n\nfunction createProtoAccessControl(runtimeOptions) {\n var defaultMethodWhiteList = Object.create(null);\n defaultMethodWhiteList['constructor'] = false;\n defaultMethodWhiteList['__defineGetter__'] = false;\n defaultMethodWhiteList['__defineSetter__'] = false;\n defaultMethodWhiteList['__lookupGetter__'] = false;\n\n var defaultPropertyWhiteList = Object.create(null);\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-proto\n defaultPropertyWhiteList['__proto__'] = false;\n\n return {\n properties: {\n whitelist: _createNewLookupObject.createNewLookupObject(defaultPropertyWhiteList, runtimeOptions.allowedProtoProperties),\n defaultValue: runtimeOptions.allowProtoPropertiesByDefault\n },\n methods: {\n whitelist: _createNewLookupObject.createNewLookupObject(defaultMethodWhiteList, runtimeOptions.allowedProtoMethods),\n defaultValue: runtimeOptions.allowProtoMethodsByDefault\n }\n };\n}\n\nfunction resultIsAllowed(result, protoAccessControl, propertyName) {\n if (typeof result === 'function') {\n return checkWhiteList(protoAccessControl.methods, propertyName);\n } else {\n return checkWhiteList(protoAccessControl.properties, propertyName);\n }\n}\n\nfunction checkWhiteList(protoAccessControlForType, propertyName) {\n if (protoAccessControlForType.whitelist[propertyName] !== undefined) {\n return protoAccessControlForType.whitelist[propertyName] === true;\n }\n if (protoAccessControlForType.defaultValue !== undefined) {\n return protoAccessControlForType.defaultValue;\n }\n logUnexpecedPropertyAccessOnce(propertyName);\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction logUnexpecedPropertyAccessOnce(propertyName) {\n if (loggedProperties[propertyName] !== true) {\n loggedProperties[propertyName] = true;\n logger.log('error', 'Handlebars: Access has been denied to resolve the property \"' + propertyName + '\" because it is not an \"own property\" of its parent.\\n' + 'You can add a runtime option to disable the check or this warning:\\n' + 'See https://handlebarsjs.com/api-reference/runtime-options.html#options-to-control-prototype-access for details');\n }\n}\n\nfunction resetLoggedProperties() {\n Object.keys(loggedProperties).forEach(function (propertyName) {\n delete loggedProperties[propertyName];\n });\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJzb3VyY2VzIjpbIi4uLy4uLy4uLy4uL2xpYi9oYW5kbGViYXJzL2ludGVybmFsL3Byb3RvLWFjY2Vzcy5qcyJdLCJuYW1lcyI6W10sIm1hcHBpbmdzIjoiOzs7Ozs7Ozs7O3FDQUFzQyw0QkFBNEI7O3NCQUMxQyxXQUFXOztJQUF2QixNQUFNOztBQUVsQixJQUFNLGdCQUFnQixHQUFHLE1BQU0sQ0FBQyxNQUFNLENBQUMsSUFBSSxDQUFDLENBQUM7O0FBRXRDLFNBQVMsd0JBQXdCLENBQUMsY0FBYyxFQUFFO0FBQ3ZELE1BQUksc0JBQXNCLEdBQUcsTUFBTSxDQUFDLE1BQU0sQ0FBQyxJQUFJLENBQUMsQ0FBQztBQUNqRCx3QkFBc0IsQ0FBQyxhQUFhLENBQUMsR0FBRyxLQUFLLENBQUM7QUFDOUMsd0JBQXNCLENBQUMsa0JBQWtCLENBQUMsR0FBRyxLQUFLLENBQUM7QUFDbkQsd0JBQXNCLENBQUMsa0JBQWtCLENBQUMsR0FBRyxLQUFLLENBQUM7QUFDbkQsd0JBQXNCLENBQUMsa0JBQWtCLENBQUMsR0FBRyxLQUFLLENBQUM7O0FBRW5ELE1BQUksd0JBQXdCLEdBQUcsTUFBTSxDQUFDLE1BQU0sQ0FBQyxJQUFJLENBQUMsQ0FBQzs7QUFFbkQsMEJBQXdCLENBQUMsV0FBVyxDQUFDLEdBQUcsS0FBSyxDQUFDOztBQUU5QyxTQUFPO0FBQ0wsY0FBVSxFQUFFO0FBQ1YsZUFBUyxFQUFFLDZDQUNULHdCQUF3QixFQUN4QixjQUFjLENBQUMsc0JBQXNCLENBQ3RDO0FBQ0Qsa0JBQVksRUFBRSxjQUFjLENBQUMsNkJBQTZCO0tBQzNEO0FBQ0QsV0FBTyxFQUFFO0FBQ1AsZUFBUyxFQUFFLDZDQUNULHNCQUFzQixFQUN0QixjQUFjLENBQUMsbUJBQW1CLENBQ25DO0FBQ0Qsa0JBQVksRUFBRSxjQUFjLENBQUMsMEJBQTBCO0tBQ3hEO0dBQ0YsQ0FBQztDQUNIOztBQUVNLFNBQVMsZUFBZSxDQUFDLE1BQU0sRUFBRSxrQkFBa0IsRUFBRSxZQUFZLEVBQUU7QUFDeEUsTUFBSSxPQUFPLE1BQU0sS0FBSyxVQUFVLEVBQUU7QUFDaEMsV0FBTyxjQUFjLENBQUMsa0JBQWtCLENBQUMsT0FBTyxFQUFFLFlBQVksQ0FBQyxDQUFDO0dBQ2pFLE1BQU07QUFDTCxXQUFPLGNBQWMsQ0FBQyxrQkFBa0IsQ0FBQyxVQUFVLEVBQUUsWUFBWSxDQUFDLENBQUM7R0FDcEU7Q0FDRjs7QUFFRCxTQUFTLGNBQWMsQ0FBQyx5QkFBeUIsRUFBRSxZQUFZLEVBQUU7QUFDL0QsTUFBSSx5QkFBeUIsQ0FBQyxTQUFTLENBQUMsWUFBWSxDQUFDLEtBQUssU0FBUyxFQUFFO0FBQ25FLFdBQU8seUJBQXlCLENBQUMsU0FBUyxDQUFDLFlBQVksQ0FBQyxLQUFLLElBQUksQ0FBQztHQUNuRTtBQUNELE1BQUkseUJBQXlCLENBQUMsWUFBWSxLQUFLLFNBQVMsRUFBRTtBQUN4RCxXQUFPLHlCQUF5QixDQUFDLFlBQVksQ0FBQztHQUMvQztBQUNELGdDQUE4QixDQUFDLFlBQVksQ0FBQyxDQUFDO0FBQzdDLFNBQU8sS0FBSyxDQUFDO0NBQ2Q7O0FBRUQsU0FBUyw4QkFBOEIsQ0FBQyxZQUFZLEVBQUU7QUFDcEQsTUFBSSxnQkFBZ0IsQ0FBQyxZQUFZLENBQUMsS0FBSyxJQUFJLEVBQUU7QUFDM0Msb0JBQWdCLENBQUMsWUFBWSxDQUFDLEdBQUcsSUFBSSxDQUFDO0FBQ3RDLFVBQU0sQ0FBQyxHQUFHLENBQ1IsT0FBTyxFQUNQLGlFQUErRCxZQUFZLG9JQUNILG9IQUMyQyxDQUNwSCxDQUFDO0dBQ0g7Q0FDRjs7QUFFTSxTQUFTLHFCQUFxQixHQUFHO0FBQ3RDLFFBQU0sQ0FBQyxJQUFJLENBQUMsZ0JBQWdCLENBQUMsQ0FBQyxPQUFPLENBQUMsVUFBQSxZQUFZLEVBQUk7QUFDcEQsV0FBTyxnQkFBZ0IsQ0FBQyxZQUFZLENBQUMsQ0FBQztHQUN2QyxDQUFDLENBQUM7Q0FDSiIsImZpbGUiOiJwcm90by1hY2Nlc3MuanMiLCJzb3VyY2VzQ29udGVudCI6WyJpbXBvcnQgeyBjcmVhdGVOZXdMb29rdXBPYmplY3QgfSBmcm9tICcuL2NyZWF0ZS1uZXctbG9va3VwLW9iamVjdCc7XG5pbXBvcnQgKiBhcyBsb2dnZXIgZnJvbSAnLi4vbG9nZ2VyJztcblxuY29uc3QgbG9nZ2VkUHJvcGVydGllcyA9IE9iamVjdC5jcmVhdGUobnVsbCk7XG5cbmV4cG9ydCBmdW5jdGlvbiBjcmVhdGVQcm90b0FjY2Vzc0NvbnRyb2wocnVudGltZU9wdGlvbnMpIHtcbiAgbGV0IGRlZmF1bHRNZXRob2RXaGl0ZUxpc3QgPSBPYmplY3QuY3JlYXRlKG51bGwpO1xuICBkZWZhdWx0TWV0aG9kV2hpdGVMaXN0Wydjb25zdHJ1Y3RvciddID0gZmFsc2U7XG4gIGRlZmF1bHRNZXRob2RXaGl0ZUxpc3RbJ19fZGVmaW5lR2V0dGVyX18nXSA9IGZhbHNlO1xuICBkZWZhdWx0TWV0aG9kV2hpdGVMaXN0WydfX2RlZmluZVNldHRlcl9fJ10gPSBmYWxzZTtcbiAgZGVmYXVsdE1ldGhvZFdoaXRlTGlzdFsnX19sb29rdXBHZXR0ZXJfXyddID0gZmFsc2U7XG5cbiAgbGV0IGRlZmF1bHRQcm9wZXJ0eVdoaXRlTGlzdCA9IE9iamVjdC5jcmVhdGUobnVsbCk7XG4gIC8vIGVzbGludC1kaXNhYmxlLW5leHQtbGluZSBuby1wcm90b1xuICBkZWZhdWx0UHJvcGVydHlXaGl0ZUxpc3RbJ19fcHJvdG9fXyddID0gZmFsc2U7XG5cbiAgcmV0dXJuIHtcbiAgICBwcm9wZXJ0aWVzOiB7XG4gICAgICB3aGl0ZWxpc3Q6IGNyZWF0ZU5ld0xvb2t1cE9iamVjdChcbiAgICAgICAgZGVmYXVsdFByb3BlcnR5V2hpdGVMaXN0LFxuICAgICAgICBydW50aW1lT3B0aW9ucy5hbGxvd2VkUHJvdG9Qcm9wZXJ0aWVzXG4gICAgICApLFxuICAgICAgZGVmYXVsdFZhbHVlOiBydW50aW1lT3B0aW9ucy5hbGxvd1Byb3RvUHJvcGVydGllc0J5RGVmYXVsdFxuICAgIH0sXG4gICAgbWV0aG9kczoge1xuICAgICAgd2hpdGVsaXN0OiBjcmVhdGVOZXdMb29rdXBPYmplY3QoXG4gICAgICAgIGRlZmF1bHRNZXRob2RXaGl0ZUxpc3QsXG4gICAgICAgIHJ1bnRpbWVPcHRpb25zLmFsbG93ZWRQcm90b01ldGhvZHNcbiAgICAgICksXG4gICAgICBkZWZhdWx0VmFsdWU6IHJ1bnRpbWVPcHRpb25zLmFsbG93UHJvdG9NZXRob2RzQnlEZWZhdWx0XG4gICAgfVxuICB9O1xufVxuXG5leHBvcnQgZnVuY3Rpb24gcmVzdWx0SXNBbGxvd2VkKHJlc3VsdCwgcHJvdG9BY2Nlc3NDb250cm9sLCBwcm9wZXJ0eU5hbWUpIHtcbiAgaWYgKHR5cGVvZiByZXN1bHQgPT09ICdmdW5jdGlvbicpIHtcbiAgICByZXR1cm4gY2hlY2tXaGl0ZUxpc3QocHJvdG9BY2Nlc3NDb250cm9sLm1ldGhvZHMsIHByb3BlcnR5TmFtZSk7XG4gIH0gZWxzZSB7XG4gICAgcmV0dXJuIGNoZWNrV2hpdGVMaXN0KHByb3RvQWNjZXNzQ29udHJvbC5wcm9wZXJ0aWVzLCBwcm9wZXJ0eU5hbWUpO1xuICB9XG59XG5cbmZ1bmN0aW9uIGNoZWNrV2hpdGVMaXN0KHByb3RvQWNjZXNzQ29udHJvbEZvclR5cGUsIHByb3BlcnR5TmFtZSkge1xuICBpZiAocHJvdG9BY2Nlc3NDb250cm9sRm9yVHlwZS53aGl0ZWxpc3RbcHJvcGVydHlOYW1lXSAhPT0gdW5kZWZpbmVkKSB7XG4gICAgcmV0dXJuIHByb3RvQWNjZXNzQ29udHJvbEZvclR5cGUud2hpdGVsaXN0W3Byb3BlcnR5TmFtZV0gPT09IHRydWU7XG4gIH1cbiAgaWYgKHByb3RvQWNjZXNzQ29udHJvbEZvclR5cGUuZGVmYXVsdFZhbHVlICE9PSB1bmRlZmluZWQpIHtcbiAgICByZXR1cm4gcHJvdG9BY2Nlc3NDb250cm9sRm9yVHlwZS5kZWZhdWx0VmFsdWU7XG4gIH1cbiAgbG9nVW5leHBlY2VkUHJvcGVydHlBY2Nlc3NPbmNlKHByb3BlcnR5TmFtZSk7XG4gIHJldHVybiBmYWxzZTtcbn1cblxuZnVuY3Rpb24gbG9nVW5leHBlY2VkUHJvcGVydHlBY2Nlc3NPbmNlKHByb3BlcnR5TmFtZSkge1xuICBpZiAobG9nZ2VkUHJvcGVydGllc1twcm9wZXJ0eU5hbWVdICE9PSB0cnVlKSB7XG4gICAgbG9nZ2VkUHJvcGVydGllc1twcm9wZXJ0eU5hbWVdID0gdHJ1ZTtcbiAg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}, { "id": 7, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\html-webpack-plugin\\lib\\loader.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.hbs", "name": "./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/index.hbs", "index": 0, "index2": 23, "size": 44779, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": null, "issuerId": null, "issuerName": null, "issuerPath": null, "profile": { "factory": 3548, "building": 3389 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": null, "moduleIdentifier": null, "module": null, "moduleName": null, "type": "single entry", "userRequest": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\html-webpack-plugin\\lib\\loader.js!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.hbs" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 0, "source": "var Handlebars = require(\"../node_modules/handlebars/runtime.js\");\nfunction __default(obj) { return obj && (obj.__esModule ? obj[\"default\"] : obj); }\nmodule.exports = (Handlebars[\"default\"] || Handlebars).template({\"1\":function(container,depth0,helpers,partials,data) {\n return \" \\r\\n\";\n},\"3\":function(container,depth0,helpers,partials,data) {\n var alias1=container.lambda, alias2=container.escapeExpression, lookupProperty = container.lookupProperty || function(parent, propertyName) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(parent, propertyName)) {\n return parent[propertyName];\n }\n return undefined\n };\n\n return \" \\r\\n\";\n},\"5\":function(container,depth0,helpers,partials,data) {\n return \" \\r\\n\";\n},\"7\":function(container,depth0,helpers,partials,data) {\n var lookupProperty = container.lookupProperty || function(parent, propertyName) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(parent, propertyName)) {\n return parent[propertyName];\n }\n return undefined\n };\n\n return \" \\r\\n\";\n},\"compiler\":[8,\">= 4.3.0\"],\"main\":function(container,depth0,helpers,partials,data) {\n var stack1, alias1=depth0 != null ? depth0 : (container.nullContext || {}), lookupProperty = container.lookupProperty || function(parent, propertyName) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(parent, propertyName)) {\n return parent[propertyName];\n }\n return undefined\n };\n\n return \"\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n \\r\\n Telegram Web\\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n\\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n\"\n + ((stack1 = lookupProperty(helpers,\"each\").call(alias1,((stack1 = ((stack1 = (depth0 != null ? lookupProperty(depth0,\"htmlWebpackPlugin\") : depth0)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"files\") : stack1)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"css\") : stack1),{\"name\":\"each\",\"hash\":{},\"fn\":container.program(1, data, 0),\"inverse\":container.noop,\"data\":data,\"loc\":{\"start\":{\"line\":17,\"column\":2},\"end\":{\"line\":19,\"column\":13}}})) != null ? stack1 : \"\")\n + ((stack1 = lookupProperty(helpers,\"each\").call(alias1,((stack1 = ((stack1 = ((stack1 = (depth0 != null ? lookupProperty(depth0,\"htmlWebpackPlugin\") : depth0)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"files\") : stack1)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"extracted\") : stack1)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"css\") : stack1),{\"name\":\"each\",\"hash\":{},\"fn\":container.program(3, data, 0),\"inverse\":container.noop,\"data\":data,\"loc\":{\"start\":{\"line\":20,\"column\":2},\"end\":{\"line\":22,\"column\":13}}})) != null ? stack1 : \"\")\n + \"\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n
\\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n

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2. Go to settings > Devices > Scan QR
3. Scan this image to Log in

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        23 y.o. designer from San Francisco.
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        You can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores. Minimum length is 5 characters.

        This link opens a chat with you:\\r\\n
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        \\r\\n \\r\\n


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        \\r\\n \\r\\n
        \\r\\n \\r\\n
        \\r\\n\"\n + ((stack1 = lookupProperty(helpers,\"each\").call(alias1,((stack1 = ((stack1 = (depth0 != null ? lookupProperty(depth0,\"htmlWebpackPlugin\") : depth0)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"files\") : stack1)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"js\") : stack1),{\"name\":\"each\",\"hash\":{},\"fn\":container.program(5, data, 0),\"inverse\":container.noop,\"data\":data,\"loc\":{\"start\":{\"line\":688,\"column\":2},\"end\":{\"line\":690,\"column\":12}}})) != null ? stack1 : \"\")\n + ((stack1 = lookupProperty(helpers,\"each\").call(alias1,((stack1 = ((stack1 = ((stack1 = (depth0 != null ? lookupProperty(depth0,\"htmlWebpackPlugin\") : depth0)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"files\") : stack1)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"extracted\") : stack1)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"js\") : stack1),{\"name\":\"each\",\"hash\":{},\"fn\":container.program(7, data, 0),\"inverse\":container.noop,\"data\":data,\"loc\":{\"start\":{\"line\":691,\"column\":2},\"end\":{\"line\":693,\"column\":12}}})) != null ? stack1 : \"\")\n + \"\\r\\n\";\n},\"useData\":true});" }, { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\runtime.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/runtime.js", "index": 1, "index2": 22, "size": 167, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\html-webpack-plugin\\lib\\loader.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.hbs", "issuerId": 7, "issuerName": "./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/index.hbs", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 7, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\html-webpack-plugin\\lib\\loader.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.hbs", "name": "./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/index.hbs", "profile": { "factory": 3548, "building": 3389 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1060, "building": 6324 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 7, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\html-webpack-plugin\\lib\\loader.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.hbs", "module": "./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/index.hbs", "moduleName": "./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/index.hbs", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../node_modules/handlebars/runtime.js", "loc": "1:17-65" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 1, "source": "// Create a simple path alias to allow browserify to resolve\n// the runtime on a supported path.\nmodule.exports = require('./dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime')['default'];\n" }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars.runtime.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "index": 2, "index2": 21, "size": 4606, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\runtime.js", "issuerId": 8, "issuerName": "./node_modules/handlebars/runtime.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 7, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\html-webpack-plugin\\lib\\loader.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.hbs", "name": "./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/index.hbs", "profile": { "factory": 3548, "building": 3389 } }, { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\runtime.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/runtime.js", "profile": { "factory": 1060, "building": 6324 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1871, "building": 495 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 8, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\runtime.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/runtime.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/runtime.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime", "loc": "3:17-57" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }\n\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj['default'] = obj; return newObj; } }\n\nvar _handlebarsBase = require('./handlebars/base');\n\nvar base = _interopRequireWildcard(_handlebarsBase);\n\n// Each of these augment the Handlebars object. No need to setup here.\n// (This is done to easily share code between commonjs and browse envs)\n\nvar _handlebarsSafeString = require('./handlebars/safe-string');\n\nvar _handlebarsSafeString2 = _interopRequireDefault(_handlebarsSafeString);\n\nvar _handlebarsException = require('./handlebars/exception');\n\nvar _handlebarsException2 = _interopRequireDefault(_handlebarsException);\n\nvar _handlebarsUtils = require('./handlebars/utils');\n\nvar Utils = _interopRequireWildcard(_handlebarsUtils);\n\nvar _handlebarsRuntime = require('./handlebars/runtime');\n\nvar runtime = _interopRequireWildcard(_handlebarsRuntime);\n\nvar _handlebarsNoConflict = require('./handlebars/no-conflict');\n\nvar _handlebarsNoConflict2 = _interopRequireDefault(_handlebarsNoConflict);\n\n// For compatibility and usage outside of module systems, make the Handlebars object a namespace\nfunction create() {\n var hb = new base.HandlebarsEnvironment();\n\n Utils.extend(hb, base);\n hb.SafeString = _handlebarsSafeString2['default'];\n hb.Exception = _handlebarsException2['default'];\n hb.Utils = Utils;\n hb.escapeExpression = Utils.escapeExpression;\n\n hb.VM = runtime;\n hb.template = function (spec) {\n return runtime.template(spec, hb);\n };\n\n return hb;\n}\n\nvar inst = create();\ninst.create = create;\n\n_handlebarsNoConflict2['default'](inst);\n\ninst['default'] = inst;\n\nexports['default'] = inst;\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# 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"moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./helpers/block-helper-missing", "loc": "10:33-74" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 5, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\n\nvar _utils = require('../utils');\n\nexports['default'] = function (instance) {\n instance.registerHelper('blockHelperMissing', function (context, options) {\n var inverse = options.inverse,\n fn = options.fn;\n\n if (context === true) {\n return fn(this);\n } else if (context === false || context == null) {\n return inverse(this);\n } else if (_utils.isArray(context)) {\n if (context.length > 0) {\n if (options.ids) {\n options.ids = [options.name];\n }\n\n return instance.helpers.each(context, options);\n } else {\n return inverse(this);\n }\n } else {\n if (options.data && options.ids) {\n var data = _utils.createFrame(options.data);\n data.contextPath = _utils.appendContextPath(options.data.contextPath, options.name);\n options = { data: data };\n }\n\n return fn(context, options);\n }\n });\n};\n\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars.runtime.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "profile": { "factory": 1871, "building": 495 } }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\base.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/base.js", "profile": { "factory": 895, "building": 15, "dependencies": 1092 } }, { "id": 3, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers.js", "profile": { "factory": 1099, "building": 75, "dependencies": 0 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 27, "building": 17, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 3, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./helpers/each", "loc": "14:19-44" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 5, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }\n\nvar _utils = require('../utils');\n\nvar _exception = require('../exception');\n\nvar _exception2 = _interopRequireDefault(_exception);\n\nexports['default'] = function (instance) {\n instance.registerHelper('each', function (context, options) {\n if (!options) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('Must pass iterator to #each');\n }\n\n var fn = options.fn,\n inverse = options.inverse,\n i = 0,\n ret = '',\n data = undefined,\n contextPath = undefined;\n\n if (options.data && options.ids) {\n contextPath = _utils.appendContextPath(options.data.contextPath, options.ids[0]) + '.';\n }\n\n if (_utils.isFunction(context)) {\n context = context.call(this);\n }\n\n if (options.data) {\n data = _utils.createFrame(options.data);\n }\n\n function execIteration(field, index, last) {\n if (data) {\n data.key = field;\n data.index = index;\n data.first = index === 0;\n data.last = !!last;\n\n if (contextPath) {\n data.contextPath = contextPath + field;\n }\n }\n\n ret = ret + fn(context[field], {\n data: data,\n blockParams: _utils.blockParams([context[field], field], [contextPath + field, null])\n });\n }\n\n if (context && typeof context === 'object') {\n if (_utils.isArray(context)) {\n for (var j = context.length; i < j; i++) {\n if (i in context) {\n execIteration(i, i, i === context.length - 1);\n }\n }\n } else if (global.Symbol && context[global.Symbol.iterator]) {\n var newContext = [];\n var iterator = context[global.Symbol.iterator]();\n for (var it = iterator.next(); !it.done; it = iterator.next()) {\n newContext.push(it.value);\n }\n context = newContext;\n for (var j = context.length; i < j; i++) {\n execIteration(i, i, i === context.length - 1);\n }\n } else {\n (function () {\n var priorKey = undefined;\n\n Object.keys(context).forEach(function (key) {\n // We're running the iterations one step out of sync so we can detect\n // the last iteration without have to scan the object twice and create\n // an itermediate keys array.\n if (priorKey !== undefined) {\n execIteration(priorKey, i - 1);\n }\n priorKey = key;\n i++;\n });\n if (priorKey !== undefined) {\n execIteration(priorKey, i - 1, true);\n }\n })();\n }\n }\n\n if (i === 0) {\n ret = inverse(this);\n }\n\n return ret;\n });\n};\n\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,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}, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers\\helper-missing.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/helper-missing.js", "index": 10, "index2": 5, "size": 2013, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers.js", "issuerId": 3, "issuerName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 7, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\html-webpack-plugin\\lib\\loader.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.hbs", "name": "./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/index.hbs", "profile": { "factory": 3548, "building": 3389 } }, { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\runtime.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/runtime.js", "profile": { "factory": 1060, "building": 6324 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars.runtime.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "profile": { "factory": 1871, "building": 495 } }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\base.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/base.js", "profile": { "factory": 895, "building": 15, "dependencies": 1092 } }, { "id": 3, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers.js", "profile": { "factory": 1099, "building": 75, "dependencies": 0 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 27, "building": 17, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 3, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./helpers/helper-missing", "loc": "18:28-63" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 5, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }\n\nvar _exception = require('../exception');\n\nvar _exception2 = _interopRequireDefault(_exception);\n\nexports['default'] = function (instance) {\n instance.registerHelper('helperMissing', function () /* [args, ]options */{\n if (arguments.length === 1) {\n // A missing field in a {{foo}} construct.\n return undefined;\n } else {\n // Someone is actually trying to call something, blow up.\n throw new _exception2['default']('Missing helper: \"' + arguments[arguments.length - 1].name + '\"');\n }\n });\n};\n\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# 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empty.\n // The `includeZero` option may be set to treat the condtional as purely not empty based on the\n // behavior of isEmpty. Effectively this determines if 0 is handled by the positive path or negative.\n if (!options.hash.includeZero && !conditional || _utils.isEmpty(conditional)) {\n return options.inverse(this);\n } else {\n return options.fn(this);\n }\n });\n\n instance.registerHelper('unless', function (conditional, options) {\n if (arguments.length != 2) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('#unless requires exactly one argument');\n }\n return instance.helpers['if'].call(this, conditional, {\n fn: options.inverse,\n inverse: options.fn,\n hash: options.hash\n });\n });\n};\n\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# 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"./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./helpers/with", "loc": "34:19-44" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 5, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }\n\nvar _utils = require('../utils');\n\nvar _exception = require('../exception');\n\nvar _exception2 = _interopRequireDefault(_exception);\n\nexports['default'] = function (instance) {\n instance.registerHelper('with', function (context, options) {\n if (arguments.length != 2) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('#with requires exactly one argument');\n }\n if (_utils.isFunction(context)) {\n context = context.call(this);\n }\n\n var fn = options.fn;\n\n if (!_utils.isEmpty(context)) {\n var data = options.data;\n if (options.data && options.ids) {\n data = _utils.createFrame(options.data);\n data.contextPath = _utils.appendContextPath(options.data.contextPath, options.ids[0]);\n }\n\n return fn(context, {\n data: data,\n blockParams: _utils.blockParams([context], [data && data.contextPath])\n });\n } else {\n return options.inverse(this);\n }\n });\n};\n\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# 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an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nexports.registerDefaultDecorators = registerDefaultDecorators;\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }\n\nvar _decoratorsInline = require('./decorators/inline');\n\nvar _decoratorsInline2 = _interopRequireDefault(_decoratorsInline);\n\nfunction registerDefaultDecorators(instance) {\n _decoratorsInline2['default'](instance);\n}\n//# 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function (instance) {\n instance.registerDecorator('inline', function (fn, props, container, options) {\n var ret = fn;\n if (!props.partials) {\n props.partials = {};\n ret = function (context, options) {\n // Create a new partials stack frame prior to exec.\n var original = container.partials;\n container.partials = _utils.extend({}, original, props.partials);\n var ret = fn(context, options);\n container.partials = original;\n return ret;\n };\n }\n\n props.partials[options.args[0]] = options.fn;\n\n return ret;\n });\n};\n\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# 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{\n for (var _len = arguments.length, sources = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n sources[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n return _utils.extend.apply(undefined, [Object.create(null)].concat(sources));\n}\n//# 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars.runtime.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "profile": { "factory": 1871, "building": 495 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 895, "building": 15, "dependencies": 1092 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 9, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars.runtime.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./handlebars/safe-string", "loc": "19:28-63" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "// Build out our basic SafeString type\n'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nfunction SafeString(string) {\n this.string = string;\n}\n\nSafeString.prototype.toString = SafeString.prototype.toHTML = function () {\n return '' + this.string;\n};\n\nexports['default'] = SafeString;\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# 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"./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "profile": { "factory": 1871, "building": 495 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 895, "building": 15, "dependencies": 1092 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 9, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars.runtime.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./handlebars/runtime", "loc": "31:25-56" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nexports.checkRevision = checkRevision;\nexports.template = template;\nexports.wrapProgram = wrapProgram;\nexports.resolvePartial = resolvePartial;\nexports.invokePartial = invokePartial;\nexports.noop = noop;\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }\n\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj['default'] = obj; return newObj; } }\n\nvar _utils = require('./utils');\n\nvar Utils = _interopRequireWildcard(_utils);\n\nvar _exception = require('./exception');\n\nvar _exception2 = _interopRequireDefault(_exception);\n\nvar _base = require('./base');\n\nvar _helpers = require('./helpers');\n\nvar _internalWrapHelper = require('./internal/wrapHelper');\n\nvar _internalProtoAccess = require('./internal/proto-access');\n\nfunction checkRevision(compilerInfo) {\n var compilerRevision = compilerInfo && compilerInfo[0] || 1,\n currentRevision = _base.COMPILER_REVISION;\n\n if (compilerRevision >= _base.LAST_COMPATIBLE_COMPILER_REVISION && compilerRevision <= _base.COMPILER_REVISION) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (compilerRevision < _base.LAST_COMPATIBLE_COMPILER_REVISION) {\n var runtimeVersions = _base.REVISION_CHANGES[currentRevision],\n compilerVersions = _base.REVISION_CHANGES[compilerRevision];\n throw new _exception2['default']('Template was precompiled with an older version of Handlebars than the current runtime. ' + 'Please update your precompiler to a newer version (' + runtimeVersions + ') or downgrade your runtime to an older version (' + compilerVersions + ').');\n } else {\n // Use the embedded version info since the runtime doesn't know about this revision yet\n throw new _exception2['default']('Template was precompiled with a newer version of Handlebars than the current runtime. ' + 'Please update your runtime to a newer version (' + compilerInfo[1] + ').');\n }\n}\n\nfunction template(templateSpec, env) {\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n if (!env) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('No environment passed to template');\n }\n if (!templateSpec || !templateSpec.main) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('Unknown template object: ' + typeof templateSpec);\n }\n\n templateSpec.main.decorator = templateSpec.main_d;\n\n // Note: Using env.VM references rather than local var references throughout this section to allow\n // for external users to override these as pseudo-supported APIs.\n env.VM.checkRevision(templateSpec.compiler);\n\n // backwards compatibility for precompiled templates with compiler-version 7 (<4.3.0)\n var templateWasPrecompiledWithCompilerV7 = templateSpec.compiler && templateSpec.compiler[0] === 7;\n\n function invokePartialWrapper(partial, context, options) {\n if (options.hash) {\n context = Utils.extend({}, context, options.hash);\n if (options.ids) {\n options.ids[0] = true;\n }\n }\n partial = env.VM.resolvePartial.call(this, partial, context, options);\n\n var extendedOptions = Utils.extend({}, options, {\n hooks: this.hooks,\n protoAccessControl: this.protoAccessControl\n });\n\n var result = env.VM.invokePartial.call(this, partial, context, extendedOptions);\n\n if (result == null && env.compile) {\n options.partials[options.name] = env.compile(partial, templateSpec.compilerOptions, env);\n result = options.partials[options.name](context, extendedOptions);\n }\n if (result != null) {\n if (options.indent) {\n var lines = result.split('\\n');\n for (var i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i++) {\n if (!lines[i] && i + 1 === l) {\n break;\n }\n\n lines[i] = options.indent + lines[i];\n }\n result = lines.join('\\n');\n }\n return result;\n } else {\n throw new _exception2['default']('The partial ' + options.name + ' could not be compiled when running in runtime-only mode');\n }\n }\n\n // Just add water\n var container = {\n strict: function strict(obj, name, loc) {\n if (!obj || !(name in obj)) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('\"' + name + '\" not defined in ' + obj, {\n loc: loc\n });\n }\n return obj[name];\n },\n lookupProperty: function lookupProperty(parent, propertyName) {\n var result = parent[propertyName];\n if (result == null) {\n return result;\n }\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(parent, propertyName)) {\n return result;\n }\n\n if (_internalProtoAccess.resultIsAllowed(result, container.protoAccessControl, propertyName)) {\n return result;\n }\n return undefined;\n },\n lookup: function lookup(depths, name) {\n var len = depths.length;\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n var result = depths[i] && container.lookupProperty(depths[i], name);\n if (result != null) {\n return depths[i][name];\n }\n }\n },\n lambda: function lambda(current, context) {\n return typeof current === 'function' ? current.call(context) : current;\n },\n\n escapeExpression: Utils.escapeExpression,\n invokePartial: invokePartialWrapper,\n\n fn: function fn(i) {\n var ret = templateSpec[i];\n ret.decorator = templateSpec[i + '_d'];\n return ret;\n },\n\n programs: [],\n program: function program(i, data, declaredBlockParams, blockParams, depths) {\n var programWrapper = this.programs[i],\n fn = this.fn(i);\n if (data || depths || blockParams || declaredBlockParams) {\n programWrapper = wrapProgram(this, i, fn, data, declaredBlockParams, blockParams, depths);\n } else if (!programWrapper) {\n programWrapper = this.programs[i] = wrapProgram(this, i, fn);\n }\n return programWrapper;\n },\n\n data: function data(value, depth) {\n while (value && depth--) {\n value = value._parent;\n }\n return value;\n },\n mergeIfNeeded: function mergeIfNeeded(param, common) {\n var obj = param || common;\n\n if (param && common && param !== common) {\n obj = Utils.extend({}, common, param);\n }\n\n return obj;\n },\n // An empty object to use as replacement for null-contexts\n nullContext: Object.seal({}),\n\n noop: env.VM.noop,\n compilerInfo: templateSpec.compiler\n };\n\n function ret(context) {\n var options = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? {} : arguments[1];\n\n var data = options.data;\n\n ret._setup(options);\n if (!options.partial && templateSpec.useData) {\n data = initData(context, data);\n }\n var depths = undefined,\n blockParams = templateSpec.useBlockParams ? [] : undefined;\n if (templateSpec.useDepths) {\n if (options.depths) {\n depths = context != options.depths[0] ? [context].concat(options.depths) : options.depths;\n } else {\n depths = [context];\n }\n }\n\n function main(context /*, options*/) {\n return '' + templateSpec.main(container, context, container.helpers, container.partials, data, blockParams, depths);\n }\n\n main = executeDecorators(templateSpec.main, main, container, options.depths || [], data, blockParams);\n return main(context, options);\n }\n\n ret.isTop = true;\n\n ret._setup = function (options) {\n if (!options.partial) {\n var mergedHelpers = Utils.extend({}, env.helpers, options.helpers);\n wrapHelpersToPassLookupProperty(mergedHelpers, container);\n container.helpers = mergedHelpers;\n\n if (templateSpec.usePartial) {\n // Use mergeIfNeeded here to prevent compiling global partials multiple times\n container.partials = container.mergeIfNeeded(options.partials, env.partials);\n }\n if (templateSpec.usePartial || templateSpec.useDecorators) {\n container.decorators = Utils.extend({}, env.decorators, options.decorators);\n }\n\n container.hooks = {};\n container.protoAccessControl = _internalProtoAccess.createProtoAccessControl(options);\n\n var keepHelperInHelpers = options.allowCallsToHelperMissing || templateWasPrecompiledWithCompilerV7;\n _helpers.moveHelperToHooks(container, 'helperMissing', keepHelperInHelpers);\n _helpers.moveHelperToHooks(container, 'blockHelperMissing', keepHelperInHelpers);\n } else {\n container.protoAccessControl = options.protoAccessControl; // internal option\n container.helpers = options.helpers;\n container.partials = options.partials;\n container.decorators = options.decorators;\n container.hooks = options.hooks;\n }\n };\n\n ret._child = function (i, data, blockParams, depths) {\n if (templateSpec.useBlockParams && !blockParams) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('must pass block params');\n }\n if (templateSpec.useDepths && !depths) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('must pass parent depths');\n }\n\n return wrapProgram(container, i, templateSpec[i], data, 0, blockParams, depths);\n };\n return ret;\n}\n\nfunction wrapProgram(container, i, fn, data, declaredBlockParams, blockParams, depths) {\n function prog(context) {\n var options = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? {} : arguments[1];\n\n var currentDepths = depths;\n if (depths && context != depths[0] && !(context === container.nullContext && depths[0] === null)) {\n currentDepths = [context].concat(depths);\n }\n\n return fn(container, context, container.helpers, container.partials, options.data || data, blockParams && [options.blockParams].concat(blockParams), currentDepths);\n }\n\n prog = executeDecorators(fn, prog, container, depths, data, blockParams);\n\n prog.program = i;\n prog.depth = depths ? depths.length : 0;\n prog.blockParams = declaredBlockParams || 0;\n return prog;\n}\n\n/**\n * This is currently part of the official API, therefore implementation details should not be changed.\n */\n\nfunction resolvePartial(partial, context, options) {\n if (!partial) {\n if (options.name === '@partial-block') {\n partial = options.data['partial-block'];\n } else {\n partial = options.partials[options.name];\n }\n } else if (!partial.call && !options.name) {\n // This is a dynamic partial that returned a string\n options.name = partial;\n partial = options.partials[partial];\n }\n return partial;\n}\n\nfunction invokePartial(partial, context, options) {\n // Use the current closure context to save the partial-block if this partial\n var currentPartialBlock = options.data && options.data['partial-block'];\n options.partial = true;\n if (options.ids) {\n options.data.contextPath = options.ids[0] || options.data.contextPath;\n }\n\n var partialBlock = undefined;\n if (options.fn && options.fn !== noop) {\n (function () {\n options.data = _base.createFrame(options.data);\n // Wrapper function to get access to currentPartialBlock from the closure\n var fn = options.fn;\n partialBlock = options.data['partial-block'] = function partialBlockWrapper(context) {\n var options = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? {} : arguments[1];\n\n // Restore the partial-block from the closure for the execution of the block\n // i.e. the part inside the block of the partial call.\n options.data = _base.createFrame(options.data);\n options.data['partial-block'] = currentPartialBlock;\n return fn(context, options);\n };\n if (fn.partials) {\n options.partials = Utils.extend({}, options.partials, fn.partials);\n }\n })();\n }\n\n if (partial === undefined && partialBlock) {\n partial = partialBlock;\n }\n\n if (partial === undefined) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('The partial ' + options.name + ' could not be found');\n } else if (partial instanceof Function) {\n return partial(context, options);\n }\n}\n\nfunction noop() {\n return '';\n}\n\nfunction initData(context, data) {\n if (!data || !('root' in data)) {\n data = data ? _base.createFrame(data) : {};\n data.root = context;\n }\n return data;\n}\n\nfunction executeDecorators(fn, prog, container, depths, data, blockParams) {\n if (fn.decorator) {\n var props = {};\n prog = fn.decorator(prog, props, container, depths && depths[0], data, blockParams, depths);\n Utils.extend(prog, props);\n }\n return prog;\n}\n\nfunction wrapHelpersToPassLookupProperty(mergedHelpers, container) {\n Object.keys(mergedHelpers).forEach(function (helperName) {\n var helper = mergedHelpers[helperName];\n mergedHelpers[helperName] = passLookupPropertyOption(helper, container);\n });\n}\n\nfunction passLookupPropertyOption(helper, container) {\n var lookupProperty = container.lookupProperty;\n return _internalWrapHelper.wrapHelper(helper, function (options) {\n return Utils.extend({ lookupProperty: lookupProperty }, options);\n });\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,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bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nexports.wrapHelper = wrapHelper;\n\nfunction wrapHelper(helper, transformOptionsFn) {\n if (typeof helper !== 'function') {\n // This should not happen, but apparently it does in https://github.com/wycats/handlebars.js/issues/1639\n // We try to make the wrapper least-invasive by not wrapping it, if the helper is not a function.\n return helper;\n }\n var wrapper = function wrapper() /* dynamic arguments */{\n var options = arguments[arguments.length - 1];\n arguments[arguments.length - 1] = transformOptionsFn(options);\n return helper.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n return wrapper;\n}\n//# 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'undefined' ? global : window,\n $Handlebars = root.Handlebars;\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n Handlebars.noConflict = function () {\n if (root.Handlebars === Handlebars) {\n root.Handlebars = $Handlebars;\n }\n return Handlebars;\n };\n};\n\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# 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obj;\n}\n\nvar toString = Object.prototype.toString;\n\nexports.toString = toString;\n// Sourced from lodash\n// https://github.com/bestiejs/lodash/blob/master/LICENSE.txt\n/* eslint-disable func-style */\nvar isFunction = function isFunction(value) {\n return typeof value === 'function';\n};\n// fallback for older versions of Chrome and Safari\n/* istanbul ignore next */\nif (isFunction(/x/)) {\n exports.isFunction = isFunction = function (value) {\n return typeof value === 'function' && toString.call(value) === '[object Function]';\n };\n}\nexports.isFunction = isFunction;\n\n/* eslint-enable func-style */\n\n/* istanbul ignore next */\nvar isArray = Array.isArray || function (value) {\n return value && typeof value === 'object' ? toString.call(value) === '[object Array]' : false;\n};\n\nexports.isArray = isArray;\n// Older IE versions do not directly support indexOf so we must implement our own, sadly.\n\nfunction indexOf(array, value) {\n for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {\n if (array[i] === value) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n return -1;\n}\n\nfunction escapeExpression(string) {\n if (typeof string !== 'string') {\n // don't escape SafeStrings, since they're already safe\n if (string && string.toHTML) {\n return string.toHTML();\n } else if (string == null) {\n return '';\n } else if (!string) {\n return string + '';\n }\n\n // Force a string conversion as this will be done by the append regardless and\n // the regex test will do this transparently behind the scenes, causing issues if\n // an object's to string has escaped characters in it.\n string = '' + string;\n }\n\n if (!possible.test(string)) {\n return string;\n }\n return string.replace(badChars, escapeChar);\n}\n\nfunction isEmpty(value) {\n if (!value && value !== 0) {\n return true;\n } else if (isArray(value) && value.length === 0) {\n return true;\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\nfunction createFrame(object) {\n var frame = extend({}, object);\n frame._parent = object;\n return frame;\n}\n\nfunction blockParams(params, ids) {\n params.path = ids;\n return params;\n}\n\nfunction appendContextPath(contextPath, id) {\n return (contextPath ? contextPath + '.' : '') + id;\n}\n//# 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"moduleId": 11, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers\\each.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/each.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/each.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../exception", "loc": "10:17-40" }, { "moduleId": 12, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers\\helper-missing.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/helper-missing.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/helper-missing.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../exception", "loc": "8:17-40" }, { "moduleId": 13, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers\\if.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/if.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/if.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../exception", "loc": "10:17-40" }, { "moduleId": 16, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers\\with.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/with.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/with.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../exception", "loc": "10:17-40" }, { "moduleId": 21, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\runtime.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/runtime.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/runtime.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./exception", "loc": "22:17-39" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nvar errorProps = ['description', 'fileName', 'lineNumber', 'endLineNumber', 'message', 'name', 'number', 'stack'];\n\nfunction Exception(message, node) {\n var loc = node && node.loc,\n line = undefined,\n endLineNumber = undefined,\n column = undefined,\n endColumn = undefined;\n\n if (loc) {\n line = loc.start.line;\n endLineNumber = loc.end.line;\n column = loc.start.column;\n endColumn = loc.end.column;\n\n message += ' - ' + line + ':' + column;\n }\n\n var tmp = Error.prototype.constructor.call(this, message);\n\n // Unfortunately errors are not enumerable in Chrome (at least), so `for prop in tmp` doesn't work.\n for (var idx = 0; idx < errorProps.length; idx++) {\n this[errorProps[idx]] = tmp[errorProps[idx]];\n }\n\n /* istanbul ignore else */\n if (Error.captureStackTrace) {\n Error.captureStackTrace(this, Exception);\n }\n\n try {\n if (loc) {\n this.lineNumber = line;\n this.endLineNumber = endLineNumber;\n\n // Work around issue under safari where we can't directly set the column value\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n if (Object.defineProperty) {\n Object.defineProperty(this, 'column', {\n value: column,\n enumerable: true\n });\n Object.defineProperty(this, 'endColumn', {\n value: endColumn,\n enumerable: true\n });\n } else {\n this.column = column;\n this.endColumn = endColumn;\n }\n }\n } catch (nop) {\n /* Ignore if the browser is very particular */\n }\n}\n\nException.prototype = new Error();\n\nexports['default'] = Exception;\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,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\n" 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars.runtime.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "profile": { "factory": 1871, "building": 495 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 895, "building": 15, "dependencies": 1092 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 9, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars.runtime.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./handlebars/base", "loc": "12:22-50" }, { "moduleId": 21, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\runtime.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/runtime.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/runtime.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./base", "loc": "26:12-29" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nexports.HandlebarsEnvironment = HandlebarsEnvironment;\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }\n\nvar _utils = require('./utils');\n\nvar _exception = require('./exception');\n\nvar _exception2 = _interopRequireDefault(_exception);\n\nvar _helpers = require('./helpers');\n\nvar _decorators = require('./decorators');\n\nvar _logger = require('./logger');\n\nvar _logger2 = _interopRequireDefault(_logger);\n\nvar _internalProtoAccess = require('./internal/proto-access');\n\nvar VERSION = '4.7.6';\nexports.VERSION = VERSION;\nvar COMPILER_REVISION = 8;\nexports.COMPILER_REVISION = COMPILER_REVISION;\nvar LAST_COMPATIBLE_COMPILER_REVISION = 7;\n\nexports.LAST_COMPATIBLE_COMPILER_REVISION = LAST_COMPATIBLE_COMPILER_REVISION;\nvar REVISION_CHANGES = {\n 1: '<= 1.0.rc.2', // 1.0.rc.2 is actually rev2 but doesn't report it\n 2: '== 1.0.0-rc.3',\n 3: '== 1.0.0-rc.4',\n 4: '== 1.x.x',\n 5: '== 2.0.0-alpha.x',\n 6: '>= 2.0.0-beta.1',\n 7: '>= 4.0.0 <4.3.0',\n 8: '>= 4.3.0'\n};\n\nexports.REVISION_CHANGES = REVISION_CHANGES;\nvar objectType = '[object Object]';\n\nfunction HandlebarsEnvironment(helpers, partials, decorators) {\n this.helpers = helpers || {};\n this.partials = partials || {};\n this.decorators = decorators || {};\n\n _helpers.registerDefaultHelpers(this);\n _decorators.registerDefaultDecorators(this);\n}\n\nHandlebarsEnvironment.prototype = {\n constructor: HandlebarsEnvironment,\n\n logger: _logger2['default'],\n log: _logger2['default'].log,\n\n registerHelper: function registerHelper(name, fn) {\n if (_utils.toString.call(name) === objectType) {\n if (fn) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('Arg not supported with multiple helpers');\n }\n _utils.extend(this.helpers, name);\n } else {\n this.helpers[name] = fn;\n }\n },\n unregisterHelper: function unregisterHelper(name) {\n delete this.helpers[name];\n },\n\n registerPartial: function registerPartial(name, partial) {\n if (_utils.toString.call(name) === objectType) {\n _utils.extend(this.partials, name);\n } else {\n if (typeof partial === 'undefined') {\n throw new _exception2['default']('Attempting to register a partial called \"' + name + '\" as undefined');\n }\n this.partials[name] = partial;\n }\n },\n unregisterPartial: function unregisterPartial(name) {\n delete this.partials[name];\n },\n\n registerDecorator: function registerDecorator(name, fn) {\n if (_utils.toString.call(name) === objectType) {\n if (fn) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('Arg not supported with multiple decorators');\n }\n _utils.extend(this.decorators, name);\n } else {\n this.decorators[name] = fn;\n }\n },\n unregisterDecorator: function unregisterDecorator(name) {\n delete this.decorators[name];\n },\n /**\n * Reset the memory of illegal property accesses that have already been logged.\n * @deprecated should only be used in handlebars test-cases\n */\n resetLoggedPropertyAccesses: function resetLoggedPropertyAccesses() {\n _internalProtoAccess.resetLoggedProperties();\n }\n};\n\nvar log = _logger2['default'].log;\n\nexports.log = log;\nexports.createFrame = _utils.createFrame;\nexports.logger = _logger2['default'];\n//# 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars.runtime.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "profile": { "factory": 1871, "building": 495 } }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\base.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/base.js", "profile": { "factory": 895, "building": 15, "dependencies": 1092 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1099, "building": 75, "dependencies": 0 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 2, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\base.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/base.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/base.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./helpers", "loc": "15:15-35" }, { "moduleId": 21, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\runtime.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/runtime.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/runtime.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./helpers", "loc": "28:15-35" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nexports.registerDefaultHelpers = registerDefaultHelpers;\nexports.moveHelperToHooks = moveHelperToHooks;\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }\n\nvar _helpersBlockHelperMissing = require('./helpers/block-helper-missing');\n\nvar _helpersBlockHelperMissing2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helpersBlockHelperMissing);\n\nvar _helpersEach = require('./helpers/each');\n\nvar _helpersEach2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helpersEach);\n\nvar _helpersHelperMissing = require('./helpers/helper-missing');\n\nvar _helpersHelperMissing2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helpersHelperMissing);\n\nvar _helpersIf = require('./helpers/if');\n\nvar _helpersIf2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helpersIf);\n\nvar _helpersLog = require('./helpers/log');\n\nvar _helpersLog2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helpersLog);\n\nvar _helpersLookup = require('./helpers/lookup');\n\nvar _helpersLookup2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helpersLookup);\n\nvar _helpersWith = require('./helpers/with');\n\nvar _helpersWith2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helpersWith);\n\nfunction registerDefaultHelpers(instance) {\n _helpersBlockHelperMissing2['default'](instance);\n _helpersEach2['default'](instance);\n _helpersHelperMissing2['default'](instance);\n _helpersIf2['default'](instance);\n _helpersLog2['default'](instance);\n _helpersLookup2['default'](instance);\n _helpersWith2['default'](instance);\n}\n\nfunction moveHelperToHooks(instance, helperName, keepHelper) {\n if (instance.helpers[helperName]) {\n instance.hooks[helperName] = instance.helpers[helperName];\n if (!keepHelper) {\n delete instance.helpers[helperName];\n }\n }\n}\n//# 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// Can be overridden in the host environment\n log: function log(level) {\n level = logger.lookupLevel(level);\n\n if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && logger.lookupLevel(logger.level) <= level) {\n var method = logger.methodMap[level];\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-console\n if (!console[method]) {\n method = 'log';\n }\n\n for (var _len = arguments.length, message = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {\n message[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n console[method].apply(console, message); // eslint-disable-line no-console\n }\n }\n};\n\nexports['default'] = logger;\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# 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_createNewLookupObject = require('./create-new-lookup-object');\n\nvar _logger = require('../logger');\n\nvar logger = _interopRequireWildcard(_logger);\n\nvar loggedProperties = Object.create(null);\n\nfunction createProtoAccessControl(runtimeOptions) {\n var defaultMethodWhiteList = Object.create(null);\n defaultMethodWhiteList['constructor'] = false;\n defaultMethodWhiteList['__defineGetter__'] = false;\n defaultMethodWhiteList['__defineSetter__'] = false;\n defaultMethodWhiteList['__lookupGetter__'] = false;\n\n var defaultPropertyWhiteList = Object.create(null);\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-proto\n defaultPropertyWhiteList['__proto__'] = false;\n\n return {\n properties: {\n whitelist: _createNewLookupObject.createNewLookupObject(defaultPropertyWhiteList, runtimeOptions.allowedProtoProperties),\n defaultValue: runtimeOptions.allowProtoPropertiesByDefault\n },\n methods: {\n whitelist: _createNewLookupObject.createNewLookupObject(defaultMethodWhiteList, runtimeOptions.allowedProtoMethods),\n defaultValue: runtimeOptions.allowProtoMethodsByDefault\n }\n };\n}\n\nfunction resultIsAllowed(result, protoAccessControl, propertyName) {\n if (typeof result === 'function') {\n return checkWhiteList(protoAccessControl.methods, propertyName);\n } else {\n return checkWhiteList(protoAccessControl.properties, propertyName);\n }\n}\n\nfunction checkWhiteList(protoAccessControlForType, propertyName) {\n if (protoAccessControlForType.whitelist[propertyName] !== undefined) {\n return protoAccessControlForType.whitelist[propertyName] === true;\n }\n if (protoAccessControlForType.defaultValue !== undefined) {\n return protoAccessControlForType.defaultValue;\n }\n logUnexpecedPropertyAccessOnce(propertyName);\n return false;\n}\n\nfunction logUnexpecedPropertyAccessOnce(propertyName) {\n if (loggedProperties[propertyName] !== true) {\n loggedProperties[propertyName] = true;\n logger.log('error', 'Handlebars: Access has been denied to resolve the property \"' + propertyName + '\" because it is not an \"own property\" of its parent.\\n' + 'You can add a runtime option to disable the check or this warning:\\n' + 'See https://handlebarsjs.com/api-reference/runtime-options.html#options-to-control-prototype-access for details');\n }\n}\n\nfunction resetLoggedProperties() {\n Object.keys(loggedProperties).forEach(function (propertyName) {\n delete loggedProperties[propertyName];\n });\n}\n//# 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}, { "id": 7, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\html-webpack-plugin\\lib\\loader.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.hbs", "name": "./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/index.hbs", "index": 0, "index2": 23, "size": 44779, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": null, "issuerId": null, "issuerName": null, "issuerPath": null, "profile": { "factory": 3548, "building": 3389 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": null, "moduleIdentifier": null, "module": null, "moduleName": null, "type": "single entry", "userRequest": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\html-webpack-plugin\\lib\\loader.js!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.hbs" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 0, "source": "var Handlebars = require(\"../node_modules/handlebars/runtime.js\");\nfunction __default(obj) { return obj && (obj.__esModule ? obj[\"default\"] : obj); }\nmodule.exports = (Handlebars[\"default\"] || Handlebars).template({\"1\":function(container,depth0,helpers,partials,data) {\n return \" \\r\\n\";\n},\"3\":function(container,depth0,helpers,partials,data) {\n var alias1=container.lambda, alias2=container.escapeExpression, lookupProperty = container.lookupProperty || function(parent, propertyName) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(parent, propertyName)) {\n return parent[propertyName];\n }\n return undefined\n };\n\n return \" \\r\\n\";\n},\"5\":function(container,depth0,helpers,partials,data) {\n return \" \\r\\n\";\n},\"7\":function(container,depth0,helpers,partials,data) {\n var lookupProperty = container.lookupProperty || function(parent, propertyName) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(parent, propertyName)) {\n return parent[propertyName];\n }\n return undefined\n };\n\n return \" \\r\\n\";\n},\"compiler\":[8,\">= 4.3.0\"],\"main\":function(container,depth0,helpers,partials,data) {\n var stack1, alias1=depth0 != null ? depth0 : (container.nullContext || {}), lookupProperty = container.lookupProperty || function(parent, propertyName) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(parent, propertyName)) {\n return parent[propertyName];\n }\n return undefined\n };\n\n return \"\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n \\r\\n Telegram Web\\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n\\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n\"\n + ((stack1 = lookupProperty(helpers,\"each\").call(alias1,((stack1 = ((stack1 = (depth0 != null ? lookupProperty(depth0,\"htmlWebpackPlugin\") : depth0)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"files\") : stack1)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"css\") : stack1),{\"name\":\"each\",\"hash\":{},\"fn\":container.program(1, data, 0),\"inverse\":container.noop,\"data\":data,\"loc\":{\"start\":{\"line\":17,\"column\":2},\"end\":{\"line\":19,\"column\":13}}})) != null ? stack1 : \"\")\n + ((stack1 = lookupProperty(helpers,\"each\").call(alias1,((stack1 = ((stack1 = ((stack1 = (depth0 != null ? lookupProperty(depth0,\"htmlWebpackPlugin\") : depth0)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"files\") : stack1)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"extracted\") : stack1)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"css\") : stack1),{\"name\":\"each\",\"hash\":{},\"fn\":container.program(3, data, 0),\"inverse\":container.noop,\"data\":data,\"loc\":{\"start\":{\"line\":20,\"column\":2},\"end\":{\"line\":22,\"column\":13}}})) != null ? stack1 : \"\")\n + \"\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n
        \\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n \\r\\n

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        2. Go to settings > Devices > Scan QR
        3. Scan this image to Log in

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              Any details such as age, occupation or city. Example:
              23 y.o. designer from San Francisco.
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              You can use a-z, 0-9 and underscores. Minimum length is 5 characters.

              This link opens a chat with you:\\r\\n
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              \\r\\n \\r\\n









              \\r\\n \\r\\n


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              \\r\\n \\r\\n
              \\r\\n \\r\\n
              \\r\\n\"\n + ((stack1 = lookupProperty(helpers,\"each\").call(alias1,((stack1 = ((stack1 = (depth0 != null ? lookupProperty(depth0,\"htmlWebpackPlugin\") : depth0)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"files\") : stack1)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"js\") : stack1),{\"name\":\"each\",\"hash\":{},\"fn\":container.program(5, data, 0),\"inverse\":container.noop,\"data\":data,\"loc\":{\"start\":{\"line\":688,\"column\":2},\"end\":{\"line\":690,\"column\":12}}})) != null ? stack1 : \"\")\n + ((stack1 = lookupProperty(helpers,\"each\").call(alias1,((stack1 = ((stack1 = ((stack1 = (depth0 != null ? lookupProperty(depth0,\"htmlWebpackPlugin\") : depth0)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"files\") : stack1)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"extracted\") : stack1)) != null ? lookupProperty(stack1,\"js\") : stack1),{\"name\":\"each\",\"hash\":{},\"fn\":container.program(7, data, 0),\"inverse\":container.noop,\"data\":data,\"loc\":{\"start\":{\"line\":691,\"column\":2},\"end\":{\"line\":693,\"column\":12}}})) != null ? stack1 : \"\")\n + \"\\r\\n\";\n},\"useData\":true});" }, { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\runtime.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/runtime.js", "index": 1, "index2": 22, "size": 167, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\html-webpack-plugin\\lib\\loader.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.hbs", "issuerId": 7, "issuerName": "./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/index.hbs", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 7, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\html-webpack-plugin\\lib\\loader.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.hbs", "name": "./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/index.hbs", "profile": { "factory": 3548, "building": 3389 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1060, "building": 6324 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 7, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\html-webpack-plugin\\lib\\loader.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.hbs", "module": "./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/index.hbs", "moduleName": "./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/index.hbs", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../node_modules/handlebars/runtime.js", "loc": "1:17-65" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 1, "source": "// Create a simple path alias to allow browserify to resolve\n// the runtime on a supported path.\nmodule.exports = require('./dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime')['default'];\n" }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars.runtime.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "index": 2, "index2": 21, "size": 4606, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\runtime.js", "issuerId": 8, "issuerName": "./node_modules/handlebars/runtime.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 7, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\html-webpack-plugin\\lib\\loader.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.hbs", "name": "./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/index.hbs", "profile": { "factory": 3548, "building": 3389 } }, { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\runtime.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/runtime.js", "profile": { "factory": 1060, "building": 6324 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1871, "building": 495 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 8, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\runtime.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/runtime.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/runtime.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime", "loc": "3:17-57" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }\n\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj['default'] = obj; return newObj; } }\n\nvar _handlebarsBase = require('./handlebars/base');\n\nvar base = _interopRequireWildcard(_handlebarsBase);\n\n// Each of these augment the Handlebars object. No need to setup here.\n// (This is done to easily share code between commonjs and browse envs)\n\nvar _handlebarsSafeString = require('./handlebars/safe-string');\n\nvar _handlebarsSafeString2 = _interopRequireDefault(_handlebarsSafeString);\n\nvar _handlebarsException = require('./handlebars/exception');\n\nvar _handlebarsException2 = _interopRequireDefault(_handlebarsException);\n\nvar _handlebarsUtils = require('./handlebars/utils');\n\nvar Utils = _interopRequireWildcard(_handlebarsUtils);\n\nvar _handlebarsRuntime = require('./handlebars/runtime');\n\nvar runtime = _interopRequireWildcard(_handlebarsRuntime);\n\nvar _handlebarsNoConflict = require('./handlebars/no-conflict');\n\nvar _handlebarsNoConflict2 = _interopRequireDefault(_handlebarsNoConflict);\n\n// For compatibility and usage outside of module systems, make the Handlebars object a namespace\nfunction create() {\n var hb = new base.HandlebarsEnvironment();\n\n Utils.extend(hb, base);\n hb.SafeString = _handlebarsSafeString2['default'];\n hb.Exception = _handlebarsException2['default'];\n hb.Utils = Utils;\n hb.escapeExpression = Utils.escapeExpression;\n\n hb.VM = runtime;\n hb.template = function (spec) {\n return runtime.template(spec, hb);\n };\n\n return hb;\n}\n\nvar inst = create();\ninst.create = create;\n\n_handlebarsNoConflict2['default'](inst);\n\ninst['default'] = inst;\n\nexports['default'] = inst;\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# 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"moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./helpers/block-helper-missing", "loc": "10:33-74" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 5, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\n\nvar _utils = require('../utils');\n\nexports['default'] = function (instance) {\n instance.registerHelper('blockHelperMissing', function (context, options) {\n var inverse = options.inverse,\n fn = options.fn;\n\n if (context === true) {\n return fn(this);\n } else if (context === false || context == null) {\n return inverse(this);\n } else if (_utils.isArray(context)) {\n if (context.length > 0) {\n if (options.ids) {\n options.ids = [options.name];\n }\n\n return instance.helpers.each(context, options);\n } else {\n return inverse(this);\n }\n } else {\n if (options.data && options.ids) {\n var data = _utils.createFrame(options.data);\n data.contextPath = _utils.appendContextPath(options.data.contextPath, options.name);\n options = { data: data };\n }\n\n return fn(context, options);\n }\n });\n};\n\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars.runtime.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "profile": { "factory": 1871, "building": 495 } }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\base.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/base.js", "profile": { "factory": 895, "building": 15, "dependencies": 1092 } }, { "id": 3, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers.js", "profile": { "factory": 1099, "building": 75, "dependencies": 0 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 27, "building": 17, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 3, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./helpers/each", "loc": "14:19-44" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 5, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }\n\nvar _utils = require('../utils');\n\nvar _exception = require('../exception');\n\nvar _exception2 = _interopRequireDefault(_exception);\n\nexports['default'] = function (instance) {\n instance.registerHelper('each', function (context, options) {\n if (!options) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('Must pass iterator to #each');\n }\n\n var fn = options.fn,\n inverse = options.inverse,\n i = 0,\n ret = '',\n data = undefined,\n contextPath = undefined;\n\n if (options.data && options.ids) {\n contextPath = _utils.appendContextPath(options.data.contextPath, options.ids[0]) + '.';\n }\n\n if (_utils.isFunction(context)) {\n context = context.call(this);\n }\n\n if (options.data) {\n data = _utils.createFrame(options.data);\n }\n\n function execIteration(field, index, last) {\n if (data) {\n data.key = field;\n data.index = index;\n data.first = index === 0;\n data.last = !!last;\n\n if (contextPath) {\n data.contextPath = contextPath + field;\n }\n }\n\n ret = ret + fn(context[field], {\n data: data,\n blockParams: _utils.blockParams([context[field], field], [contextPath + field, null])\n });\n }\n\n if (context && typeof context === 'object') {\n if (_utils.isArray(context)) {\n for (var j = context.length; i < j; i++) {\n if (i in context) {\n execIteration(i, i, i === context.length - 1);\n }\n }\n } else if (global.Symbol && context[global.Symbol.iterator]) {\n var newContext = [];\n var iterator = context[global.Symbol.iterator]();\n for (var it = iterator.next(); !it.done; it = iterator.next()) {\n newContext.push(it.value);\n }\n context = newContext;\n for (var j = context.length; i < j; i++) {\n execIteration(i, i, i === context.length - 1);\n }\n } else {\n (function () {\n var priorKey = undefined;\n\n Object.keys(context).forEach(function (key) {\n // We're running the iterations one step out of sync so we can detect\n // the last iteration without have to scan the object twice and create\n // an itermediate keys array.\n if (priorKey !== undefined) {\n execIteration(priorKey, i - 1);\n }\n priorKey = key;\n i++;\n });\n if (priorKey !== undefined) {\n execIteration(priorKey, i - 1, true);\n }\n })();\n }\n }\n\n if (i === 0) {\n ret = inverse(this);\n }\n\n return ret;\n });\n};\n\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,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}, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers\\helper-missing.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/helper-missing.js", "index": 10, "index2": 5, "size": 2013, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers.js", "issuerId": 3, "issuerName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 7, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\html-webpack-plugin\\lib\\loader.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\src\\index.hbs", "name": "./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/index.hbs", "profile": { "factory": 3548, "building": 3389 } }, { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\runtime.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/runtime.js", "profile": { "factory": 1060, "building": 6324 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars.runtime.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "profile": { "factory": 1871, "building": 495 } }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\base.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/base.js", "profile": { "factory": 895, "building": 15, "dependencies": 1092 } }, { "id": 3, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers.js", "profile": { "factory": 1099, "building": 75, "dependencies": 0 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 27, "building": 17, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 3, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars\\helpers.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./helpers/helper-missing", "loc": "18:28-63" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 5, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }\n\nvar _exception = require('../exception');\n\nvar _exception2 = _interopRequireDefault(_exception);\n\nexports['default'] = function (instance) {\n instance.registerHelper('helperMissing', function () /* [args, ]options */{\n if (arguments.length === 1) {\n // A missing field in a {{foo}} construct.\n return undefined;\n } else {\n // Someone is actually trying to call something, blow up.\n throw new _exception2['default']('Missing helper: \"' + arguments[arguments.length - 1].name + '\"');\n }\n });\n};\n\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# 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empty.\n // The `includeZero` option may be set to treat the condtional as purely not empty based on the\n // behavior of isEmpty. Effectively this determines if 0 is handled by the positive path or negative.\n if (!options.hash.includeZero && !conditional || _utils.isEmpty(conditional)) {\n return options.inverse(this);\n } else {\n return options.fn(this);\n }\n });\n\n instance.registerHelper('unless', function (conditional, options) {\n if (arguments.length != 2) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('#unless requires exactly one argument');\n }\n return instance.helpers['if'].call(this, conditional, {\n fn: options.inverse,\n inverse: options.fn,\n hash: options.hash\n });\n });\n};\n\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# 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"./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./helpers/with", "loc": "34:19-44" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 5, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }\n\nvar _utils = require('../utils');\n\nvar _exception = require('../exception');\n\nvar _exception2 = _interopRequireDefault(_exception);\n\nexports['default'] = function (instance) {\n instance.registerHelper('with', function (context, options) {\n if (arguments.length != 2) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('#with requires exactly one argument');\n }\n if (_utils.isFunction(context)) {\n context = context.call(this);\n }\n\n var fn = options.fn;\n\n if (!_utils.isEmpty(context)) {\n var data = options.data;\n if (options.data && options.ids) {\n data = _utils.createFrame(options.data);\n data.contextPath = _utils.appendContextPath(options.data.contextPath, options.ids[0]);\n }\n\n return fn(context, {\n data: data,\n blockParams: _utils.blockParams([context], [data && data.contextPath])\n });\n } else {\n return options.inverse(this);\n }\n });\n};\n\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# 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an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nexports.registerDefaultDecorators = registerDefaultDecorators;\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }\n\nvar _decoratorsInline = require('./decorators/inline');\n\nvar _decoratorsInline2 = _interopRequireDefault(_decoratorsInline);\n\nfunction registerDefaultDecorators(instance) {\n _decoratorsInline2['default'](instance);\n}\n//# 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function (instance) {\n instance.registerDecorator('inline', function (fn, props, container, options) {\n var ret = fn;\n if (!props.partials) {\n props.partials = {};\n ret = function (context, options) {\n // Create a new partials stack frame prior to exec.\n var original = container.partials;\n container.partials = _utils.extend({}, original, props.partials);\n var ret = fn(context, options);\n container.partials = original;\n return ret;\n };\n }\n\n props.partials[options.args[0]] = options.fn;\n\n return ret;\n });\n};\n\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# 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{\n for (var _len = arguments.length, sources = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n sources[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n return _utils.extend.apply(undefined, [Object.create(null)].concat(sources));\n}\n//# 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars.runtime.js", "name": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "profile": { "factory": 1871, "building": 495 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 895, "building": 15, "dependencies": 1092 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 9, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars.runtime.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./handlebars/safe-string", "loc": "19:28-63" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "// Build out our basic SafeString type\n'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nfunction SafeString(string) {\n this.string = string;\n}\n\nSafeString.prototype.toString = SafeString.prototype.toHTML = function () {\n return '' + this.string;\n};\n\nexports['default'] = SafeString;\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# 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"./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "profile": { "factory": 1871, "building": 495 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 895, "building": 15, "dependencies": 1092 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 9, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\handlebars\\dist\\cjs\\handlebars.runtime.js", "module": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./handlebars/runtime", "loc": "31:25-56" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nexports.checkRevision = checkRevision;\nexports.template = template;\nexports.wrapProgram = wrapProgram;\nexports.resolvePartial = resolvePartial;\nexports.invokePartial = invokePartial;\nexports.noop = noop;\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }\n\n// istanbul ignore next\n\nfunction _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj['default'] = obj; return newObj; } }\n\nvar _utils = require('./utils');\n\nvar Utils = _interopRequireWildcard(_utils);\n\nvar _exception = require('./exception');\n\nvar _exception2 = _interopRequireDefault(_exception);\n\nvar _base = require('./base');\n\nvar _helpers = require('./helpers');\n\nvar _internalWrapHelper = require('./internal/wrapHelper');\n\nvar _internalProtoAccess = require('./internal/proto-access');\n\nfunction checkRevision(compilerInfo) {\n var compilerRevision = compilerInfo && compilerInfo[0] || 1,\n currentRevision = _base.COMPILER_REVISION;\n\n if (compilerRevision >= _base.LAST_COMPATIBLE_COMPILER_REVISION && compilerRevision <= _base.COMPILER_REVISION) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (compilerRevision < _base.LAST_COMPATIBLE_COMPILER_REVISION) {\n var runtimeVersions = _base.REVISION_CHANGES[currentRevision],\n compilerVersions = _base.REVISION_CHANGES[compilerRevision];\n throw new _exception2['default']('Template was precompiled with an older version of Handlebars than the current runtime. ' + 'Please update your precompiler to a newer version (' + runtimeVersions + ') or downgrade your runtime to an older version (' + compilerVersions + ').');\n } else {\n // Use the embedded version info since the runtime doesn't know about this revision yet\n throw new _exception2['default']('Template was precompiled with a newer version of Handlebars than the current runtime. ' + 'Please update your runtime to a newer version (' + compilerInfo[1] + ').');\n }\n}\n\nfunction template(templateSpec, env) {\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n if (!env) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('No environment passed to template');\n }\n if (!templateSpec || !templateSpec.main) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('Unknown template object: ' + typeof templateSpec);\n }\n\n templateSpec.main.decorator = templateSpec.main_d;\n\n // Note: Using env.VM references rather than local var references throughout this section to allow\n // for external users to override these as pseudo-supported APIs.\n env.VM.checkRevision(templateSpec.compiler);\n\n // backwards compatibility for precompiled templates with compiler-version 7 (<4.3.0)\n var templateWasPrecompiledWithCompilerV7 = templateSpec.compiler && templateSpec.compiler[0] === 7;\n\n function invokePartialWrapper(partial, context, options) {\n if (options.hash) {\n context = Utils.extend({}, context, options.hash);\n if (options.ids) {\n options.ids[0] = true;\n }\n }\n partial = env.VM.resolvePartial.call(this, partial, context, options);\n\n var extendedOptions = Utils.extend({}, options, {\n hooks: this.hooks,\n protoAccessControl: this.protoAccessControl\n });\n\n var result = env.VM.invokePartial.call(this, partial, context, extendedOptions);\n\n if (result == null && env.compile) {\n options.partials[options.name] = env.compile(partial, templateSpec.compilerOptions, env);\n result = options.partials[options.name](context, extendedOptions);\n }\n if (result != null) {\n if (options.indent) {\n var lines = result.split('\\n');\n for (var i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i++) {\n if (!lines[i] && i + 1 === l) {\n break;\n }\n\n lines[i] = options.indent + lines[i];\n }\n result = lines.join('\\n');\n }\n return result;\n } else {\n throw new _exception2['default']('The partial ' + options.name + ' could not be compiled when running in runtime-only mode');\n }\n }\n\n // Just add water\n var container = {\n strict: function strict(obj, name, loc) {\n if (!obj || !(name in obj)) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('\"' + name + '\" not defined in ' + obj, {\n loc: loc\n });\n }\n return obj[name];\n },\n lookupProperty: function lookupProperty(parent, propertyName) {\n var result = parent[propertyName];\n if (result == null) {\n return result;\n }\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(parent, propertyName)) {\n return result;\n }\n\n if (_internalProtoAccess.resultIsAllowed(result, container.protoAccessControl, propertyName)) {\n return result;\n }\n return undefined;\n },\n lookup: function lookup(depths, name) {\n var len = depths.length;\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n var result = depths[i] && container.lookupProperty(depths[i], name);\n if (result != null) {\n return depths[i][name];\n }\n }\n },\n lambda: function lambda(current, context) {\n return typeof current === 'function' ? current.call(context) : current;\n },\n\n escapeExpression: Utils.escapeExpression,\n invokePartial: invokePartialWrapper,\n\n fn: function fn(i) {\n var ret = templateSpec[i];\n ret.decorator = templateSpec[i + '_d'];\n return ret;\n },\n\n programs: [],\n program: function program(i, data, declaredBlockParams, blockParams, depths) {\n var programWrapper = this.programs[i],\n fn = this.fn(i);\n if (data || depths || blockParams || declaredBlockParams) {\n programWrapper = wrapProgram(this, i, fn, data, declaredBlockParams, blockParams, depths);\n } else if (!programWrapper) {\n programWrapper = this.programs[i] = wrapProgram(this, i, fn);\n }\n return programWrapper;\n },\n\n data: function data(value, depth) {\n while (value && depth--) {\n value = value._parent;\n }\n return value;\n },\n mergeIfNeeded: function mergeIfNeeded(param, common) {\n var obj = param || common;\n\n if (param && common && param !== common) {\n obj = Utils.extend({}, common, param);\n }\n\n return obj;\n },\n // An empty object to use as replacement for null-contexts\n nullContext: Object.seal({}),\n\n noop: env.VM.noop,\n compilerInfo: templateSpec.compiler\n };\n\n function ret(context) {\n var options = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? {} : arguments[1];\n\n var data = options.data;\n\n ret._setup(options);\n if (!options.partial && templateSpec.useData) {\n data = initData(context, data);\n }\n var depths = undefined,\n blockParams = templateSpec.useBlockParams ? [] : undefined;\n if (templateSpec.useDepths) {\n if (options.depths) {\n depths = context != options.depths[0] ? [context].concat(options.depths) : options.depths;\n } else {\n depths = [context];\n }\n }\n\n function main(context /*, options*/) {\n return '' + templateSpec.main(container, context, container.helpers, container.partials, data, blockParams, depths);\n }\n\n main = executeDecorators(templateSpec.main, main, container, options.depths || [], data, blockParams);\n return main(context, options);\n }\n\n ret.isTop = true;\n\n ret._setup = function (options) {\n if (!options.partial) {\n var mergedHelpers = Utils.extend({}, env.helpers, options.helpers);\n wrapHelpersToPassLookupProperty(mergedHelpers, container);\n container.helpers = mergedHelpers;\n\n if (templateSpec.usePartial) {\n // Use mergeIfNeeded here to prevent compiling global partials multiple times\n container.partials = container.mergeIfNeeded(options.partials, env.partials);\n }\n if (templateSpec.usePartial || templateSpec.useDecorators) {\n container.decorators = Utils.extend({}, env.decorators, options.decorators);\n }\n\n container.hooks = {};\n container.protoAccessControl = _internalProtoAccess.createProtoAccessControl(options);\n\n var keepHelperInHelpers = options.allowCallsToHelperMissing || templateWasPrecompiledWithCompilerV7;\n _helpers.moveHelperToHooks(container, 'helperMissing', keepHelperInHelpers);\n _helpers.moveHelperToHooks(container, 'blockHelperMissing', keepHelperInHelpers);\n } else {\n container.protoAccessControl = options.protoAccessControl; // internal option\n container.helpers = options.helpers;\n container.partials = options.partials;\n container.decorators = options.decorators;\n container.hooks = options.hooks;\n }\n };\n\n ret._child = function (i, data, blockParams, depths) {\n if (templateSpec.useBlockParams && !blockParams) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('must pass block params');\n }\n if (templateSpec.useDepths && !depths) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('must pass parent depths');\n }\n\n return wrapProgram(container, i, templateSpec[i], data, 0, blockParams, depths);\n };\n return ret;\n}\n\nfunction wrapProgram(container, i, fn, data, declaredBlockParams, blockParams, depths) {\n function prog(context) {\n var options = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? {} : arguments[1];\n\n var currentDepths = depths;\n if (depths && context != depths[0] && !(context === container.nullContext && depths[0] === null)) {\n currentDepths = [context].concat(depths);\n }\n\n return fn(container, context, container.helpers, container.partials, options.data || data, blockParams && [options.blockParams].concat(blockParams), currentDepths);\n }\n\n prog = executeDecorators(fn, prog, container, depths, data, blockParams);\n\n prog.program = i;\n prog.depth = depths ? depths.length : 0;\n prog.blockParams = declaredBlockParams || 0;\n return prog;\n}\n\n/**\n * This is currently part of the official API, therefore implementation details should not be changed.\n */\n\nfunction resolvePartial(partial, context, options) {\n if (!partial) {\n if (options.name === '@partial-block') {\n partial = options.data['partial-block'];\n } else {\n partial = options.partials[options.name];\n }\n } else if (!partial.call && !options.name) {\n // This is a dynamic partial that returned a string\n options.name = partial;\n partial = options.partials[partial];\n }\n return partial;\n}\n\nfunction invokePartial(partial, context, options) {\n // Use the current closure context to save the partial-block if this partial\n var currentPartialBlock = options.data && options.data['partial-block'];\n options.partial = true;\n if (options.ids) {\n options.data.contextPath = options.ids[0] || options.data.contextPath;\n }\n\n var partialBlock = undefined;\n if (options.fn && options.fn !== noop) {\n (function () {\n options.data = _base.createFrame(options.data);\n // Wrapper function to get access to currentPartialBlock from the closure\n var fn = options.fn;\n partialBlock = options.data['partial-block'] = function partialBlockWrapper(context) {\n var options = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? {} : arguments[1];\n\n // Restore the partial-block from the closure for the execution of the block\n // i.e. the part inside the block of the partial call.\n options.data = _base.createFrame(options.data);\n options.data['partial-block'] = currentPartialBlock;\n return fn(context, options);\n };\n if (fn.partials) {\n options.partials = Utils.extend({}, options.partials, fn.partials);\n }\n })();\n }\n\n if (partial === undefined && partialBlock) {\n partial = partialBlock;\n }\n\n if (partial === undefined) {\n throw new _exception2['default']('The partial ' + options.name + ' could not be found');\n } else if (partial instanceof Function) {\n return partial(context, options);\n }\n}\n\nfunction noop() {\n return '';\n}\n\nfunction initData(context, data) {\n if (!data || !('root' in data)) {\n data = data ? _base.createFrame(data) : {};\n data.root = context;\n }\n return data;\n}\n\nfunction executeDecorators(fn, prog, container, depths, data, blockParams) {\n if (fn.decorator) {\n var props = {};\n prog = fn.decorator(prog, props, container, depths && depths[0], data, blockParams, depths);\n Utils.extend(prog, props);\n }\n return prog;\n}\n\nfunction wrapHelpersToPassLookupProperty(mergedHelpers, container) {\n Object.keys(mergedHelpers).forEach(function (helperName) {\n var helper = mergedHelpers[helperName];\n mergedHelpers[helperName] = passLookupPropertyOption(helper, container);\n });\n}\n\nfunction passLookupPropertyOption(helper, container) {\n var lookupProperty = container.lookupProperty;\n return _internalWrapHelper.wrapHelper(helper, function (options) {\n return Utils.extend({ lookupProperty: lookupProperty }, options);\n });\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,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bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "'use strict';\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\nexports.wrapHelper = wrapHelper;\n\nfunction wrapHelper(helper, transformOptionsFn) {\n if (typeof helper !== 'function') {\n // This should not happen, but apparently it does in https://github.com/wycats/handlebars.js/issues/1639\n // We try to make the wrapper least-invasive by not wrapping it, if the helper is not a function.\n return helper;\n }\n var wrapper = function wrapper() /* dynamic arguments */{\n var options = arguments[arguments.length - 1];\n arguments[arguments.length - 1] = transformOptionsFn(options);\n return helper.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n return wrapper;\n}\n//# 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'undefined' ? global : window,\n $Handlebars = root.Handlebars;\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n Handlebars.noConflict = function () {\n if (root.Handlebars === Handlebars) {\n root.Handlebars = $Handlebars;\n }\n return Handlebars;\n };\n};\n\nmodule.exports = exports['default'];\n//# 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id = this[i][0];\n\n if (id != null) {\n alreadyImportedModules[id] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n for (var _i = 0; _i < modules.length; _i++) {\n var item = [].concat(modules[_i]);\n\n if (dedupe && alreadyImportedModules[item[0]]) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-continue\n continue;\n }\n\n if (mediaQuery) {\n if (!item[2]) {\n item[2] = mediaQuery;\n } else {\n item[2] = \"\".concat(mediaQuery, \" and \").concat(item[2]);\n }\n }\n\n list.push(item);\n }\n };\n\n return list;\n};\n\nfunction cssWithMappingToString(item, useSourceMap) {\n var content = item[1] || ''; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring\n\n var cssMapping = item[3];\n\n if (!cssMapping) {\n return content;\n }\n\n if (useSourceMap && typeof btoa === 'function') {\n var sourceMapping = toComment(cssMapping);\n var sourceURLs = cssMapping.sources.map(function (source) {\n return \"/*# sourceURL=\".concat(cssMapping.sourceRoot || '').concat(source, \" */\");\n });\n return [content].concat(sourceURLs).concat([sourceMapping]).join('\\n');\n }\n\n return [content].join('\\n');\n} // Adapted from convert-source-map (MIT)\n\n\nfunction toComment(sourceMap) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef\n var base64 = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap))));\n var data = \"sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,\".concat(base64);\n return \"/*# \".concat(data, \" */\");\n}" } ], "filteredModules": 0, "origins": [ { "module": "", "moduleIdentifier": "", "moduleName": "", "loc": "mini-css-extract-plugin", "request": "!!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\css-loader\\dist\\cjs.js?url=false!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\media-query-plugin\\src\\loader.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\postcss-loader\\src\\index.js??postcss!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\sass-loader\\dist\\cjs.js??ref--4-4!F:\\tweb\\src\\materialize.scss", "reasons": [] } ] } ], "modules": [ { "id": 0, "identifier": 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[content].concat(sourceURLs).concat([sourceMapping]).join('\\n');\n }\n\n return [content].join('\\n');\n} // Adapted from convert-source-map (MIT)\n\n\nfunction toComment(sourceMap) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef\n var base64 = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap))));\n var data = \"sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,\".concat(base64);\n return \"/*# \".concat(data, \" */\");\n}" } ], "filteredModules": 0, "logging": { "webpack.buildChunkGraph.visitModules": { "entries": [], "filteredEntries": 2, "debug": false } }, "children": [], "name": "mini-css-extract-plugin node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js?url=false!node_modules/media-query-plugin/src/loader.js!node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js??postcss!node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--4-4!src/materialize.scss" }, { "errors": [], "warnings": [], "publicPath": "", "outputPath": "F:\\tweb\\public", "assetsByChunkName": {}, "assets": [], "filteredAssets": 0, 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{\").concat(content, \"}\");\n }\n\n return content;\n }).join('');\n }; // import a list of modules into the list\n // eslint-disable-next-line func-names\n\n\n list.i = function (modules, mediaQuery, dedupe) {\n if (typeof modules === 'string') {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign\n modules = [[null, modules, '']];\n }\n\n var alreadyImportedModules = {};\n\n if (dedupe) {\n for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring\n var id = this[i][0];\n\n if (id != null) {\n alreadyImportedModules[id] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n for (var _i = 0; _i < modules.length; _i++) {\n var item = [].concat(modules[_i]);\n\n if (dedupe && alreadyImportedModules[item[0]]) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-continue\n continue;\n }\n\n if (mediaQuery) {\n if (!item[2]) {\n item[2] = mediaQuery;\n } else {\n item[2] = \"\".concat(mediaQuery, \" and \").concat(item[2]);\n }\n }\n\n list.push(item);\n }\n };\n\n return list;\n};\n\nfunction cssWithMappingToString(item, useSourceMap) {\n var content = item[1] || ''; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring\n\n var cssMapping = item[3];\n\n if (!cssMapping) {\n return content;\n }\n\n if (useSourceMap && typeof btoa === 'function') {\n var sourceMapping = toComment(cssMapping);\n var sourceURLs = cssMapping.sources.map(function (source) {\n return \"/*# sourceURL=\".concat(cssMapping.sourceRoot || '').concat(source, \" */\");\n });\n return [content].concat(sourceURLs).concat([sourceMapping]).join('\\n');\n }\n\n return [content].join('\\n');\n} // Adapted from convert-source-map (MIT)\n\n\nfunction toComment(sourceMap) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef\n var base64 = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap))));\n var data = \"sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,\".concat(base64);\n return \"/*# \".concat(data, \" */\");\n}" } ], "filteredModules": 0, "origins": [ { "module": "", "moduleIdentifier": "", "moduleName": 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{\").concat(content, \"}\");\n }\n\n return content;\n }).join('');\n }; // import a list of modules into the list\n // eslint-disable-next-line func-names\n\n\n list.i = function (modules, mediaQuery, dedupe) {\n if (typeof modules === 'string') {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign\n modules = [[null, modules, '']];\n }\n\n var alreadyImportedModules = {};\n\n if (dedupe) {\n for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring\n var id = this[i][0];\n\n if (id != null) {\n alreadyImportedModules[id] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n for (var _i = 0; _i < modules.length; _i++) {\n var item = [].concat(modules[_i]);\n\n if (dedupe && alreadyImportedModules[item[0]]) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-continue\n continue;\n }\n\n if (mediaQuery) {\n if (!item[2]) {\n item[2] = mediaQuery;\n } else {\n item[2] = \"\".concat(mediaQuery, \" and \").concat(item[2]);\n }\n }\n\n list.push(item);\n }\n };\n\n return list;\n};\n\nfunction cssWithMappingToString(item, useSourceMap) {\n var content = item[1] || ''; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring\n\n var cssMapping = item[3];\n\n if (!cssMapping) {\n return content;\n }\n\n if (useSourceMap && typeof btoa === 'function') {\n var sourceMapping = toComment(cssMapping);\n var sourceURLs = cssMapping.sources.map(function (source) {\n return \"/*# sourceURL=\".concat(cssMapping.sourceRoot || '').concat(source, \" */\");\n });\n return [content].concat(sourceURLs).concat([sourceMapping]).join('\\n');\n }\n\n return [content].join('\\n');\n} // Adapted from convert-source-map (MIT)\n\n\nfunction toComment(sourceMap) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef\n var base64 = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap))));\n var data = \"sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,\".concat(base64);\n return \"/*# \".concat(data, \" */\");\n}" } ], "filteredModules": 0, "logging": { "webpack.buildChunkGraph.visitModules": { "entries": 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list of modules as css string\n\n list.toString = function toString() {\n return this.map(function (item) {\n var content = cssWithMappingToString(item, useSourceMap);\n\n if (item[2]) {\n return \"@media \".concat(item[2], \" {\").concat(content, \"}\");\n }\n\n return content;\n }).join('');\n }; // import a list of modules into the list\n // eslint-disable-next-line func-names\n\n\n list.i = function (modules, mediaQuery, dedupe) {\n if (typeof modules === 'string') {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign\n modules = [[null, modules, '']];\n }\n\n var alreadyImportedModules = {};\n\n if (dedupe) {\n for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring\n var id = this[i][0];\n\n if (id != null) {\n alreadyImportedModules[id] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n for (var _i = 0; _i < modules.length; _i++) {\n var item = [].concat(modules[_i]);\n\n if (dedupe && alreadyImportedModules[item[0]]) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-continue\n continue;\n }\n\n if (mediaQuery) {\n if (!item[2]) {\n item[2] = mediaQuery;\n } else {\n item[2] = \"\".concat(mediaQuery, \" and \").concat(item[2]);\n }\n }\n\n list.push(item);\n }\n };\n\n return list;\n};\n\nfunction cssWithMappingToString(item, useSourceMap) {\n var content = item[1] || ''; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring\n\n var cssMapping = item[3];\n\n if (!cssMapping) {\n return content;\n }\n\n if (useSourceMap && typeof btoa === 'function') {\n var sourceMapping = toComment(cssMapping);\n var sourceURLs = cssMapping.sources.map(function (source) {\n return \"/*# sourceURL=\".concat(cssMapping.sourceRoot || '').concat(source, \" */\");\n });\n return [content].concat(sourceURLs).concat([sourceMapping]).join('\\n');\n }\n\n return [content].join('\\n');\n} // Adapted from convert-source-map (MIT)\n\n\nfunction toComment(sourceMap) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef\n var base64 = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap))));\n var data = \"sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,\".concat(base64);\n return \"/*# \".concat(data, \" */\");\n}" } ], "filteredModules": 0, "origins": [ { "module": "", "moduleIdentifier": "", "moduleName": "", "loc": "mini-css-extract-plugin", "request": "!!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\css-loader\\dist\\cjs.js?url=false!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\media-query-plugin\\src\\loader.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\postcss-loader\\src\\index.js??postcss!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\sass-loader\\dist\\cjs.js??ref--4-4!F:\\tweb\\src\\scss\\tgico.scss", "reasons": [] } ] } ], "modules": [ { "id": 0, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\css-loader\\dist\\cjs.js?url=false!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\media-query-plugin\\src\\loader.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\postcss-loader\\src\\index.js??postcss!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\sass-loader\\dist\\cjs.js??ref--4-4!F:\\tweb\\src\\scss\\tgico.scss", "name": 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list of modules as css string\n\n list.toString = function toString() {\n return this.map(function (item) {\n var content = cssWithMappingToString(item, useSourceMap);\n\n if (item[2]) {\n return \"@media \".concat(item[2], \" {\").concat(content, \"}\");\n }\n\n return content;\n }).join('');\n }; // import a list of modules into the list\n // eslint-disable-next-line func-names\n\n\n list.i = function (modules, mediaQuery, dedupe) {\n if (typeof modules === 'string') {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign\n modules = [[null, modules, '']];\n }\n\n var alreadyImportedModules = {};\n\n if (dedupe) {\n for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring\n var id = this[i][0];\n\n if (id != null) {\n alreadyImportedModules[id] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n for (var _i = 0; _i < modules.length; _i++) {\n var item = [].concat(modules[_i]);\n\n if (dedupe && alreadyImportedModules[item[0]]) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-continue\n continue;\n }\n\n if (mediaQuery) {\n if (!item[2]) {\n item[2] = mediaQuery;\n } else {\n item[2] = \"\".concat(mediaQuery, \" and \").concat(item[2]);\n }\n }\n\n list.push(item);\n }\n };\n\n return list;\n};\n\nfunction cssWithMappingToString(item, useSourceMap) {\n var content = item[1] || ''; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring\n\n var cssMapping = item[3];\n\n if (!cssMapping) {\n return content;\n }\n\n if (useSourceMap && typeof btoa === 'function') {\n var sourceMapping = toComment(cssMapping);\n var sourceURLs = cssMapping.sources.map(function (source) {\n return \"/*# sourceURL=\".concat(cssMapping.sourceRoot || '').concat(source, \" */\");\n });\n return [content].concat(sourceURLs).concat([sourceMapping]).join('\\n');\n }\n\n return [content].join('\\n');\n} // Adapted from convert-source-map (MIT)\n\n\nfunction toComment(sourceMap) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef\n var base64 = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap))));\n var data = \"sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,\".concat(base64);\n return \"/*# \".concat(data, \" */\");\n}" } ], "filteredModules": 0, "logging": { "webpack.buildChunkGraph.visitModules": { "entries": [], "filteredEntries": 2, "debug": false } }, "children": [], "name": "mini-css-extract-plugin node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js?url=false!node_modules/media-query-plugin/src/loader.js!node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js??postcss!node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--4-4!src/scss/tgico.scss" }, { "errors": [], "warnings": [], "publicPath": "", "outputPath": "F:\\tweb\\public", "assetsByChunkName": {}, "assets": [ { "name": "sw.js", "size": 6025, "chunks": [ 0 ], "chunkNames": [], "info": {}, "emitted": false } ], "filteredAssets": 0, "entrypoints": { "undefined": { "chunks": [ 0 ], "assets": [ "sw.js" ], "children": {}, "childAssets": {} } }, "namedChunkGroups": { "undefined": { "chunks": [ 0 ], "assets": [ "sw.js" ], "children": {}, "childAssets": {} } }, 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"providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 0, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst userAgent_1 = require(\"../../helpers/userAgent\");\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst context_1 = require(\"../../helpers/context\");\r\nconst cancellablePromise_1 = require(\"../../helpers/cancellablePromise\");\r\nconst log = logger_1.logger('SW', logger_1.LogLevels.error /* | LogLevels.debug | LogLevels.log */);\r\nconst ctx = self;\r\nconst deferredPromises = {};\r\nctx.addEventListener('message', (e) => {\r\n const task = e.data;\r\n const promise = deferredPromises[task.id];\r\n if (task.payload) {\r\n promise.resolve(task.payload);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n promise.reject();\r\n }\r\n delete deferredPromises[task.id];\r\n});\r\nlet taskID = 0;\r\n;\r\n;\r\nconst onFetch = (event) => {\r\n try {\r\n const [, url, scope, params] = /http[:s]+\\/\\/.*?(\\/(.*?)(?:$|\\/(.*)$))/.exec(event.request.url) || [];\r\n log.debug('[fetch]:', event);\r\n switch (scope) {\r\n case 'stream': {\r\n const range = parseRange(event.request.headers.get('Range'));\r\n let [offset, end] = range;\r\n const info = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(params));\r\n //const fileName = getFileNameByLocation(info.location);\r\n const limitPart = STREAM_CHUNK_UPPER_LIMIT;\r\n /* if(info.size > limitPart && isSafari && offset == limitPart) {\r\n //end = info.size - 1;\r\n //offset = info.size - 1 - limitPart;\r\n offset = info.size - (info.size % limitPart);\r\n } */\r\n log.debug('[stream]', url, offset, end);\r\n event.respondWith(Promise.race([\r\n timeout(45 * 1000),\r\n new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n // safari workaround\r\n const possibleResponse = responseForSafariFirstRange(range, info.mimeType, info.size);\r\n if (possibleResponse) {\r\n return resolve(possibleResponse);\r\n }\r\n const limit = end && end < limitPart ? alignLimit(end - offset + 1) : limitPart;\r\n const alignedOffset = alignOffset(offset, limit);\r\n log.debug('[stream] requestFilePart:', /* info.dcID, info.location, */ alignedOffset, limit);\r\n const task = {\r\n type: 'requestFilePart',\r\n id: taskID++,\r\n payload: [info.dcID, info.location, alignedOffset, limit]\r\n };\r\n const deferred = deferredPromises[task.id] = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n deferred.then(result => {\r\n let ab = result.bytes;\r\n log.debug('[stream] requestFilePart result:', result);\r\n const headers = {\r\n 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes',\r\n 'Content-Range': `bytes ${alignedOffset}-${alignedOffset + ab.byteLength - 1}/${info.size || '*'}`,\r\n 'Content-Length': `${ab.byteLength}`,\r\n };\r\n if (info.mimeType)\r\n headers['Content-Type'] = info.mimeType;\r\n if (userAgent_1.isSafari) {\r\n ab = ab.slice(offset - alignedOffset, end - alignedOffset + 1);\r\n headers['Content-Range'] = `bytes ${offset}-${offset + ab.byteLength - 1}/${info.size || '*'}`;\r\n headers['Content-Length'] = `${ab.byteLength}`;\r\n }\r\n // simulate slow connection\r\n //setTimeout(() => {\r\n resolve(new Response(ab, {\r\n status: 206,\r\n statusText: 'Partial Content',\r\n headers,\r\n }));\r\n //}, 2.5e3);\r\n }).catch(err => { });\r\n context_1.notifySomeone(task);\r\n })\r\n ]));\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n event.respondWith(new Response('', {\r\n status: 500,\r\n statusText: 'Internal Server Error',\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n};\r\nconst onChangeState = () => {\r\n ctx.onfetch = onFetch;\r\n};\r\n/**\r\n * Service Worker Installation\r\n */\r\nctx.addEventListener('install', (event) => {\r\n log('installing');\r\n /* initCache();\r\n \r\n event.waitUntil(\r\n initNetwork(),\r\n ); */\r\n event.waitUntil(ctx.skipWaiting()); // Activate worker immediately\r\n});\r\n/**\r\n * Service Worker Activation\r\n */\r\nctx.addEventListener('activate', (event) => {\r\n log('activating', ctx);\r\n /* if (!ctx.cache) initCache();\r\n if (!ctx.network) initNetwork(); */\r\n event.waitUntil(ctx.clients.claim());\r\n});\r\nfunction timeout(delay) {\r\n return new Promise(((resolve) => {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n resolve(new Response('', {\r\n status: 408,\r\n statusText: 'Request timed out.',\r\n }));\r\n }, delay);\r\n }));\r\n}\r\nfunction responseForSafariFirstRange(range, mimeType, size) {\r\n if (range[0] === 0 && range[1] === 1) {\r\n return new Response(new Uint8Array(2).buffer, {\r\n status: 206,\r\n statusText: 'Partial Content',\r\n headers: {\r\n 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes',\r\n 'Content-Range': `bytes 0-1/${size || '*'}`,\r\n 'Content-Length': '2',\r\n 'Content-Type': mimeType || 'video/mp4',\r\n },\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n}\r\nctx.onerror = (error) => {\r\n log.error('error:', error);\r\n};\r\nctx.onunhandledrejection = (error) => {\r\n log.error('onunhandledrejection:', error);\r\n};\r\nctx.onoffline = ctx.ononline = onChangeState;\r\nonChangeState();\r\nconst DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_LIMIT = 512 * 1024;\r\n/* const STREAM_CHUNK_UPPER_LIMIT = 256 * 1024;\r\nconst SMALLEST_CHUNK_LIMIT = 256 * 4; */\r\n/* const STREAM_CHUNK_UPPER_LIMIT = 1024 * 1024;\r\nconst SMALLEST_CHUNK_LIMIT = 1024 * 4; */\r\nconst STREAM_CHUNK_UPPER_LIMIT = 512 * 1024;\r\nconst SMALLEST_CHUNK_LIMIT = 512 * 4;\r\nfunction parseRange(header) {\r\n if (!header)\r\n return [0, 0];\r\n const [, chunks] = header.split('=');\r\n const ranges = chunks.split(', ');\r\n const [offset, end] = ranges[0].split('-');\r\n return [+offset, +end || 0];\r\n}\r\nfunction alignOffset(offset, base = SMALLEST_CHUNK_LIMIT) {\r\n return offset - (offset % base);\r\n}\r\nfunction alignLimit(limit) {\r\n return 2 ** Math.ceil(Math.log(limit) / Math.log(2));\r\n}\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n ctx.onFetch = onFetch;\r\n}\r\n" }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\helpers\\userAgent.ts", 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browsers.\r\n * This is used as a workaround for a memory leak in Safari caused by using Transferable objects to\r\n * transfer data between WebWorkers and the main thread.\r\n * https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/issues/8771\r\n *\r\n * This should be removed once the underlying Safari issue is fixed.\r\n */\r\nconst ctx = typeof (window) !== 'undefined' ? window : self;\r\n// https://stackoverflow.com/a/58065241\r\nexports.isAppleMobile = (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) ||\r\n (navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1)) &&\r\n !ctx.MSStream;\r\nexports.isSafari = !!('safari' in ctx) || !!(exports.userAgent && (/\\b(iPad|iPhone|iPod)\\b/.test(exports.userAgent) || (!!exports.userAgent.match('Safari') && !exports.userAgent.match('Chrome')))) /* || true */;\r\n" }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\logger.ts", "name": "./src/lib/logger.ts", "index": 2, "index2": 1, "size": 1851, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.service.ts", "issuerId": 0, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 0, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.service.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "profile": { "factory": 141, "building": 5364 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 20, "building": 870 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 0, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.service.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../logger", "loc": "4:17-37" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 1, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.logger = exports.LogLevels = void 0;\r\nvar LogLevels;\r\n(function (LogLevels) {\r\n LogLevels[LogLevels[\"log\"] = 1] = \"log\";\r\n LogLevels[LogLevels[\"warn\"] = 2] = \"warn\";\r\n LogLevels[LogLevels[\"error\"] = 4] = \"error\";\r\n LogLevels[LogLevels[\"debug\"] = 8] = \"debug\";\r\n})(LogLevels = exports.LogLevels || (exports.LogLevels = {}));\r\n;\r\nvar _logTimer = Date.now();\r\nfunction dT() {\r\n return '[' + ((Date.now() - _logTimer) / 1000).toFixed(3) + ']';\r\n}\r\nfunction logger(prefix, level = LogLevels.log | LogLevels.warn | LogLevels.error) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV == 'production' /* || true */) {\r\n level = LogLevels.error;\r\n }\r\n //level = LogLevels.log | LogLevels.warn | LogLevels.error | LogLevels.debug\r\n function Log(...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.log && console.log(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n }\r\n Log.warn = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.warn && console.warn(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n Log.info = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.log && console.info(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n Log.error = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.error && console.error(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n Log.trace = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.log && console.trace(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n /* Log.debug = function(...args: any[]) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.debug && console.log(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n }; */\r\n Log.debug = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.debug && console.debug(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n return Log;\r\n}\r\nexports.logger = logger;\r\n;\r\n" }, { "id": 3, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\helpers\\context.ts", "name": "./src/helpers/context.ts", "index": 3, "index2": 2, "size": 1471, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.service.ts", "issuerId": 0, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 0, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.service.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "profile": { "factory": 141, "building": 5364 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 20, "building": 870 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 0, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.service.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../helpers/context", "loc": "5:18-50" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 1, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.notifyAll = exports.notifySomeone = exports.isWorker = exports.isServiceWorker = exports.isWebWorker = void 0;\r\nexports.isWebWorker = typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== 'undefined' && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope;\r\nexports.isServiceWorker = typeof ServiceWorkerGlobalScope !== 'undefined' && self instanceof ServiceWorkerGlobalScope;\r\nexports.isWorker = exports.isWebWorker || exports.isServiceWorker;\r\n// в SW может быть сразу две переменных TRUE, поэтому проверяю по последней\r\nconst notifyServiceWorker = (all, ...args) => {\r\n self\r\n .clients\r\n .matchAll({ includeUncontrolled: false, type: 'window' })\r\n .then((listeners) => {\r\n if (!listeners.length) {\r\n //console.trace('no listeners?', self, listeners);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n listeners.slice(all ? 0 : -1).forEach(listener => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n listener.postMessage(...args);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n};\r\nconst notifyWorker = (...args) => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n self.postMessage(...args);\r\n};\r\nconst empty = () => { };\r\nexports.notifySomeone = exports.isServiceWorker ? notifyServiceWorker.bind(null, false) : (exports.isWebWorker ? notifyWorker : empty);\r\nexports.notifyAll = exports.isServiceWorker ? notifyServiceWorker.bind(null, true) : (exports.isWebWorker ? notifyWorker : empty);\r\n" }, { "id": 4, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\helpers\\cancellablePromise.ts", "name": "./src/helpers/cancellablePromise.ts", "index": 4, "index2": 3, "size": 1438, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.service.ts", "issuerId": 0, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 0, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.service.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "profile": { "factory": 141, "building": 5364 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 20, "building": 870 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 0, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.service.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../helpers/cancellablePromise", "loc": "6:29-72" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 1, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.deferredPromise = void 0;\r\nfunction deferredPromise() {\r\n let deferredHelper = {\r\n isFulfilled: false,\r\n isRejected: false,\r\n notify: () => { },\r\n notifyAll: (...args) => {\r\n deferredHelper.lastNotify = args;\r\n deferredHelper.listeners.forEach((callback) => callback(...args));\r\n },\r\n lastNotify: undefined,\r\n listeners: [],\r\n addNotifyListener: (callback) => {\r\n if (deferredHelper.lastNotify) {\r\n callback(...deferredHelper.lastNotify);\r\n }\r\n deferredHelper.listeners.push(callback);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n let deferred = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n deferredHelper.resolve = (value) => {\r\n if (deferred.isFulfilled)\r\n return;\r\n deferred.isFulfilled = true;\r\n resolve(value);\r\n };\r\n deferredHelper.reject = (...args) => {\r\n if (deferred.isRejected)\r\n return;\r\n deferred.isRejected = true;\r\n reject(...args);\r\n };\r\n });\r\n deferred.finally(() => {\r\n deferred.notify = null;\r\n deferred.listeners.length = 0;\r\n deferred.lastNotify = null;\r\n });\r\n Object.assign(deferred, deferredHelper);\r\n return deferred;\r\n}\r\nexports.deferredPromise = deferredPromise;\r\n" } ], "filteredModules": 0, "origins": [ { "module": "", "moduleIdentifier": "", "moduleName": "", "loc": "", "request": "F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.service.ts", "reasons": [] } ] } ], "modules": [ { "id": 0, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.service.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "index": 0, "index2": 4, "size": 6996, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": null, "issuerId": null, "issuerName": null, "issuerPath": null, "profile": { "factory": 141, "building": 5364 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": null, "moduleIdentifier": null, "module": null, "moduleName": null, "type": "single entry", "userRequest": "F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.service.ts" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 0, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst userAgent_1 = require(\"../../helpers/userAgent\");\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst context_1 = require(\"../../helpers/context\");\r\nconst cancellablePromise_1 = require(\"../../helpers/cancellablePromise\");\r\nconst log = logger_1.logger('SW', logger_1.LogLevels.error /* | LogLevels.debug | LogLevels.log */);\r\nconst ctx = self;\r\nconst deferredPromises = {};\r\nctx.addEventListener('message', (e) => {\r\n const task = e.data;\r\n const promise = deferredPromises[task.id];\r\n if (task.payload) {\r\n promise.resolve(task.payload);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n promise.reject();\r\n }\r\n delete deferredPromises[task.id];\r\n});\r\nlet taskID = 0;\r\n;\r\n;\r\nconst onFetch = (event) => {\r\n try {\r\n const [, url, scope, params] = /http[:s]+\\/\\/.*?(\\/(.*?)(?:$|\\/(.*)$))/.exec(event.request.url) || [];\r\n log.debug('[fetch]:', event);\r\n switch (scope) {\r\n case 'stream': {\r\n const range = parseRange(event.request.headers.get('Range'));\r\n let [offset, end] = range;\r\n const info = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(params));\r\n //const fileName = getFileNameByLocation(info.location);\r\n const limitPart = STREAM_CHUNK_UPPER_LIMIT;\r\n /* if(info.size > limitPart && isSafari && offset == limitPart) {\r\n //end = info.size - 1;\r\n //offset = info.size - 1 - limitPart;\r\n offset = info.size - (info.size % limitPart);\r\n } */\r\n log.debug('[stream]', url, offset, end);\r\n event.respondWith(Promise.race([\r\n timeout(45 * 1000),\r\n new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n // safari workaround\r\n const possibleResponse = responseForSafariFirstRange(range, info.mimeType, info.size);\r\n if (possibleResponse) {\r\n return resolve(possibleResponse);\r\n }\r\n const limit = end && end < limitPart ? alignLimit(end - offset + 1) : limitPart;\r\n const alignedOffset = alignOffset(offset, limit);\r\n log.debug('[stream] requestFilePart:', /* info.dcID, info.location, */ alignedOffset, limit);\r\n const task = {\r\n type: 'requestFilePart',\r\n id: taskID++,\r\n payload: [info.dcID, info.location, alignedOffset, limit]\r\n };\r\n const deferred = deferredPromises[task.id] = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n deferred.then(result => {\r\n let ab = result.bytes;\r\n log.debug('[stream] requestFilePart result:', result);\r\n const headers = {\r\n 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes',\r\n 'Content-Range': `bytes ${alignedOffset}-${alignedOffset + ab.byteLength - 1}/${info.size || '*'}`,\r\n 'Content-Length': `${ab.byteLength}`,\r\n };\r\n if (info.mimeType)\r\n headers['Content-Type'] = info.mimeType;\r\n if (userAgent_1.isSafari) {\r\n ab = ab.slice(offset - alignedOffset, end - alignedOffset + 1);\r\n headers['Content-Range'] = `bytes ${offset}-${offset + ab.byteLength - 1}/${info.size || '*'}`;\r\n headers['Content-Length'] = `${ab.byteLength}`;\r\n }\r\n // simulate slow connection\r\n //setTimeout(() => {\r\n resolve(new Response(ab, {\r\n status: 206,\r\n statusText: 'Partial Content',\r\n headers,\r\n }));\r\n //}, 2.5e3);\r\n }).catch(err => { });\r\n context_1.notifySomeone(task);\r\n })\r\n ]));\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n event.respondWith(new Response('', {\r\n status: 500,\r\n statusText: 'Internal Server Error',\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n};\r\nconst onChangeState = () => {\r\n ctx.onfetch = onFetch;\r\n};\r\n/**\r\n * Service Worker Installation\r\n */\r\nctx.addEventListener('install', (event) => {\r\n log('installing');\r\n /* initCache();\r\n \r\n event.waitUntil(\r\n initNetwork(),\r\n ); */\r\n event.waitUntil(ctx.skipWaiting()); // Activate worker immediately\r\n});\r\n/**\r\n * Service Worker Activation\r\n */\r\nctx.addEventListener('activate', (event) => {\r\n log('activating', ctx);\r\n /* if (!ctx.cache) initCache();\r\n if (!ctx.network) initNetwork(); */\r\n event.waitUntil(ctx.clients.claim());\r\n});\r\nfunction timeout(delay) {\r\n return new Promise(((resolve) => {\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n resolve(new Response('', {\r\n status: 408,\r\n statusText: 'Request timed out.',\r\n }));\r\n }, delay);\r\n }));\r\n}\r\nfunction responseForSafariFirstRange(range, mimeType, size) {\r\n if (range[0] === 0 && range[1] === 1) {\r\n return new Response(new Uint8Array(2).buffer, {\r\n status: 206,\r\n statusText: 'Partial Content',\r\n headers: {\r\n 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes',\r\n 'Content-Range': `bytes 0-1/${size || '*'}`,\r\n 'Content-Length': '2',\r\n 'Content-Type': mimeType || 'video/mp4',\r\n },\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return null;\r\n}\r\nctx.onerror = (error) => {\r\n log.error('error:', error);\r\n};\r\nctx.onunhandledrejection = (error) => {\r\n log.error('onunhandledrejection:', error);\r\n};\r\nctx.onoffline = ctx.ononline = onChangeState;\r\nonChangeState();\r\nconst DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_LIMIT = 512 * 1024;\r\n/* const STREAM_CHUNK_UPPER_LIMIT = 256 * 1024;\r\nconst SMALLEST_CHUNK_LIMIT = 256 * 4; */\r\n/* const STREAM_CHUNK_UPPER_LIMIT = 1024 * 1024;\r\nconst SMALLEST_CHUNK_LIMIT = 1024 * 4; */\r\nconst STREAM_CHUNK_UPPER_LIMIT = 512 * 1024;\r\nconst SMALLEST_CHUNK_LIMIT = 512 * 4;\r\nfunction parseRange(header) {\r\n if (!header)\r\n return [0, 0];\r\n const [, chunks] = header.split('=');\r\n const ranges = chunks.split(', ');\r\n const [offset, end] = ranges[0].split('-');\r\n return [+offset, +end || 0];\r\n}\r\nfunction alignOffset(offset, base = SMALLEST_CHUNK_LIMIT) {\r\n return offset - (offset % base);\r\n}\r\nfunction alignLimit(limit) {\r\n return 2 ** Math.ceil(Math.log(limit) / Math.log(2));\r\n}\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n ctx.onFetch = onFetch;\r\n}\r\n" }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\helpers\\userAgent.ts", "name": "./src/helpers/userAgent.ts", "index": 1, "index2": 0, "size": 1248, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.service.ts", "issuerId": 0, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 0, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.service.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "profile": { "factory": 141, "building": 5364 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 20, "building": 870 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 0, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.service.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../helpers/userAgent", "loc": "3:20-54" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 1, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.isSafari = exports.isAppleMobile = exports.isAndroid = exports.isApple = exports.userAgent = void 0;\r\nexports.userAgent = navigator ? navigator.userAgent : null;\r\nexports.isApple = navigator.userAgent.search(/OS X|iPhone|iPad|iOS/i) != -1;\r\nexports.isAndroid = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('android') != -1;\r\n/**\r\n * Returns true when run in WebKit derived browsers.\r\n * This is used as a workaround for a memory leak in Safari caused by using Transferable objects to\r\n * transfer data between WebWorkers and the main thread.\r\n * https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/issues/8771\r\n *\r\n * This should be removed once the underlying Safari issue is fixed.\r\n */\r\nconst ctx = typeof (window) !== 'undefined' ? window : self;\r\n// https://stackoverflow.com/a/58065241\r\nexports.isAppleMobile = (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) ||\r\n (navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1)) &&\r\n !ctx.MSStream;\r\nexports.isSafari = !!('safari' in ctx) || !!(exports.userAgent && (/\\b(iPad|iPhone|iPod)\\b/.test(exports.userAgent) || (!!exports.userAgent.match('Safari') && !exports.userAgent.match('Chrome')))) /* || true */;\r\n" }, { "id": 2, "identifier": 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{\r\n return '[' + ((Date.now() - _logTimer) / 1000).toFixed(3) + ']';\r\n}\r\nfunction logger(prefix, level = LogLevels.log | LogLevels.warn | LogLevels.error) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV == 'production' /* || true */) {\r\n level = LogLevels.error;\r\n }\r\n //level = LogLevels.log | LogLevels.warn | LogLevels.error | LogLevels.debug\r\n function Log(...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.log && console.log(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n }\r\n Log.warn = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.warn && console.warn(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n Log.info = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.log && console.info(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n Log.error = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.error && console.error(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n Log.trace = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.log && console.trace(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n /* Log.debug = function(...args: any[]) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.debug && console.log(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n }; */\r\n Log.debug = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.debug && console.debug(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n return Log;\r\n}\r\nexports.logger = logger;\r\n;\r\n" }, { "id": 3, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\helpers\\context.ts", "name": "./src/helpers/context.ts", "index": 3, "index2": 2, "size": 1471, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.service.ts", "issuerId": 0, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 0, "identifier": 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value: true });\r\nexports.notifyAll = exports.notifySomeone = exports.isWorker = exports.isServiceWorker = exports.isWebWorker = void 0;\r\nexports.isWebWorker = typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== 'undefined' && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope;\r\nexports.isServiceWorker = typeof ServiceWorkerGlobalScope !== 'undefined' && self instanceof ServiceWorkerGlobalScope;\r\nexports.isWorker = exports.isWebWorker || exports.isServiceWorker;\r\n// в SW может быть сразу две переменных TRUE, поэтому проверяю по последней\r\nconst notifyServiceWorker = (all, ...args) => {\r\n self\r\n .clients\r\n .matchAll({ includeUncontrolled: false, type: 'window' })\r\n .then((listeners) => {\r\n if (!listeners.length) {\r\n //console.trace('no listeners?', self, listeners);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n listeners.slice(all ? 0 : -1).forEach(listener => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n listener.postMessage(...args);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n};\r\nconst notifyWorker = (...args) => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n self.postMessage(...args);\r\n};\r\nconst empty = () => { };\r\nexports.notifySomeone = exports.isServiceWorker ? notifyServiceWorker.bind(null, false) : (exports.isWebWorker ? notifyWorker : empty);\r\nexports.notifyAll = exports.isServiceWorker ? notifyServiceWorker.bind(null, true) : (exports.isWebWorker ? notifyWorker : empty);\r\n" }, { "id": 4, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\helpers\\cancellablePromise.ts", "name": "./src/helpers/cancellablePromise.ts", "index": 4, "index2": 3, "size": 1438, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.service.ts", "issuerId": 0, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.service.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 0, "identifier": 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deferred.listeners.length = 0;\r\n deferred.lastNotify = null;\r\n });\r\n Object.assign(deferred, deferredHelper);\r\n return deferred;\r\n}\r\nexports.deferredPromise = deferredPromise;\r\n" } ], "filteredModules": 0, "logging": { "webpack.buildChunkGraph.visitModules": { "entries": [], "filteredEntries": 2, "debug": false } }, "children": [], "name": "serviceworker-plugin" }, { "errors": [], "warnings": [], "publicPath": "", "outputPath": "F:\\tweb\\public", "assetsByChunkName": { "main": "608dbdcf64455bd4cc24.worker.js" }, "assets": [ { "name": "608dbdcf64455bd4cc24.worker.js", "size": 123301, "chunks": [ 0 ], "chunkNames": [ "main" ], "info": { "immutable": true }, "emitted": true } ], "filteredAssets": 0, "entrypoints": { "main": { "chunks": [ 0 ], "assets": [ "608dbdcf64455bd4cc24.worker.js" ], "children": {}, "childAssets": {} } }, "namedChunkGroups": { "main": { "chunks": [ 0 ], "assets": [ "608dbdcf64455bd4cc24.worker.js" ], "children": {}, "childAssets": {} } }, "chunks": [ 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obj;\n};\n\n\n// reduce buffer size, avoiding mem copy\nexports.shrinkBuf = function (buf, size) {\n if (buf.length === size) { return buf; }\n if (buf.subarray) { return buf.subarray(0, size); }\n buf.length = size;\n return buf;\n};\n\n\nvar fnTyped = {\n arraySet: function (dest, src, src_offs, len, dest_offs) {\n if (src.subarray && dest.subarray) {\n dest.set(src.subarray(src_offs, src_offs + len), dest_offs);\n return;\n }\n // Fallback to ordinary array\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n dest[dest_offs + i] = src[src_offs + i];\n }\n },\n // Join array of chunks to single array.\n flattenChunks: function (chunks) {\n var i, l, len, pos, chunk, result;\n\n // calculate data length\n len = 0;\n for (i = 0, l = chunks.length; i < l; i++) {\n len += chunks[i].length;\n }\n\n // join chunks\n result = new Uint8Array(len);\n pos = 0;\n for (i = 0, l = chunks.length; i < l; i++) {\n chunk = chunks[i];\n result.set(chunk, pos);\n pos += chunk.length;\n }\n\n return result;\n }\n};\n\nvar fnUntyped = {\n arraySet: function (dest, src, src_offs, len, dest_offs) {\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n dest[dest_offs + i] = src[src_offs + i];\n }\n },\n // Join array of chunks to single array.\n flattenChunks: function (chunks) {\n return [].concat.apply([], chunks);\n }\n};\n\n\n// Enable/Disable typed arrays use, for testing\n//\nexports.setTyped = function (on) {\n if (on) {\n exports.Buf8 = Uint8Array;\n exports.Buf16 = Uint16Array;\n exports.Buf32 = Int32Array;\n exports.assign(exports, fnTyped);\n } else {\n exports.Buf8 = Array;\n exports.Buf16 = Array;\n exports.Buf32 = Array;\n exports.assign(exports, fnUntyped);\n }\n};\n\nexports.setTyped(TYPED_OK);\n" }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "index": 8, "index2": 19, "size": 347, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": 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require('./lib/utils/common').assign;\n\nvar deflate = require('./lib/deflate');\nvar inflate = require('./lib/inflate');\nvar constants = require('./lib/zlib/constants');\n\nvar pako = {};\n\nassign(pako, deflate, inflate, constants);\n\nmodule.exports = pako;\n" }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\messages.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/messages.js", "index": 15, "index2": 8, "size": 1538, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "issuerId": 12, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 16, "building": 21, "dependencies": 2 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 12, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./zlib/messages", "loc": "7:19-45" }, { "moduleId": 13, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./messages", "loc": "26:14-35" }, { "moduleId": 15, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./zlib/messages", "loc": "8:19-45" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 6, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\nmodule.exports = {\n 2: 'need dictionary', /* Z_NEED_DICT 2 */\n 1: 'stream end', /* Z_STREAM_END 1 */\n 0: '', /* Z_OK 0 */\n '-1': 'file error', /* Z_ERRNO (-1) */\n '-2': 'stream error', /* Z_STREAM_ERROR (-2) */\n '-3': 'data error', /* Z_DATA_ERROR (-3) */\n '-4': 'insufficient memory', /* Z_MEM_ERROR (-4) */\n '-5': 'buffer error', /* Z_BUF_ERROR (-5) */\n '-6': 'incompatible version' /* Z_VERSION_ERROR (-6) */\n};\n" }, { "id": 3, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\adler32.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/adler32.js", "index": 13, "index2": 6, "size": 1656, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "issuerId": 13, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } }, { "id": 13, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 16, "building": 21, "dependencies": 2 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 40, "building": 27, "dependencies": 0 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 13, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./adler32", "loc": "24:14-34" }, { "moduleId": 16, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./adler32", "loc": "23:20-40" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 7, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// Note: adler32 takes 12% for level 0 and 2% for level 6.\n// It isn't worth it to make additional optimizations as in original.\n// Small size is preferable.\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\nfunction adler32(adler, buf, len, pos) {\n var s1 = (adler & 0xffff) |0,\n s2 = ((adler >>> 16) & 0xffff) |0,\n n = 0;\n\n while (len !== 0) {\n // Set limit ~ twice less than 5552, to keep\n // s2 in 31-bits, because we force signed ints.\n // in other case %= will fail.\n n = len > 2000 ? 2000 : len;\n len -= n;\n\n do {\n s1 = (s1 + buf[pos++]) |0;\n s2 = (s2 + s1) |0;\n } while (--n);\n\n s1 %= 65521;\n s2 %= 65521;\n }\n\n return (s1 | (s2 << 16)) |0;\n}\n\n\nmodule.exports = adler32;\n" }, { "id": 4, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\crc32.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/crc32.js", "index": 14, "index2": 7, "size": 1750, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "issuerId": 13, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } }, { "id": 13, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 16, "building": 21, "dependencies": 2 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 40, "building": 27, "dependencies": 0 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 13, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./crc32", "loc": "25:14-32" }, { "moduleId": 16, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./crc32", "loc": "24:20-38" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 7, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// Note: we can't get significant speed boost here.\n// So write code to minimize size - no pregenerated tables\n// and array tools dependencies.\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\n// Use ordinary array, since untyped makes no boost here\nfunction makeTable() {\n var c, table = [];\n\n for (var n = 0; n < 256; n++) {\n c = n;\n for (var k = 0; k < 8; k++) {\n c = ((c & 1) ? (0xEDB88320 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));\n }\n table[n] = c;\n }\n\n return table;\n}\n\n// Create table on load. Just 255 signed longs. Not a problem.\nvar crcTable = makeTable();\n\n\nfunction crc32(crc, buf, len, pos) {\n var t = crcTable,\n end = pos + len;\n\n crc ^= -1;\n\n for (var i = pos; i < end; i++) {\n crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ t[(crc ^ buf[i]) & 0xFF];\n }\n\n return (crc ^ (-1)); // >>> 0;\n}\n\n\nmodule.exports = crc32;\n" }, { "id": 5, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\utils\\strings.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/utils/strings.js", "index": 16, "index2": 10, "size": 5293, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "issuerId": 12, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 16, "building": 21, "dependencies": 2 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 12, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./utils/strings", "loc": "6:19-45" }, { "moduleId": 15, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./utils/strings", "loc": "6:19-45" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 6, "source": "// String encode/decode helpers\n'use strict';\n\n\nvar utils = require('./common');\n\n\n// Quick check if we can use fast array to bin string conversion\n//\n// - apply(Array) can fail on Android 2.2\n// - apply(Uint8Array) can fail on iOS 5.1 Safari\n//\nvar STR_APPLY_OK = true;\nvar STR_APPLY_UIA_OK = true;\n\ntry { String.fromCharCode.apply(null, [ 0 ]); } catch (__) { STR_APPLY_OK = false; }\ntry { String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1)); } catch (__) { STR_APPLY_UIA_OK = false; }\n\n\n// Table with utf8 lengths (calculated by first byte of sequence)\n// Note, that 5 & 6-byte values and some 4-byte values can not be represented in JS,\n// because max possible codepoint is 0x10ffff\nvar _utf8len = new utils.Buf8(256);\nfor (var q = 0; q < 256; q++) {\n _utf8len[q] = (q >= 252 ? 6 : q >= 248 ? 5 : q >= 240 ? 4 : q >= 224 ? 3 : q >= 192 ? 2 : 1);\n}\n_utf8len[254] = _utf8len[254] = 1; // Invalid sequence start\n\n\n// convert string to array (typed, when possible)\nexports.string2buf = function (str) {\n var buf, c, c2, m_pos, i, str_len = str.length, buf_len = 0;\n\n // count binary size\n for (m_pos = 0; m_pos < str_len; m_pos++) {\n c = str.charCodeAt(m_pos);\n if ((c & 0xfc00) === 0xd800 && (m_pos + 1 < str_len)) {\n c2 = str.charCodeAt(m_pos + 1);\n if ((c2 & 0xfc00) === 0xdc00) {\n c = 0x10000 + ((c - 0xd800) << 10) + (c2 - 0xdc00);\n m_pos++;\n }\n }\n buf_len += c < 0x80 ? 1 : c < 0x800 ? 2 : c < 0x10000 ? 3 : 4;\n }\n\n // allocate buffer\n buf = new utils.Buf8(buf_len);\n\n // convert\n for (i = 0, m_pos = 0; i < buf_len; m_pos++) {\n c = str.charCodeAt(m_pos);\n if ((c & 0xfc00) === 0xd800 && (m_pos + 1 < str_len)) {\n c2 = str.charCodeAt(m_pos + 1);\n if ((c2 & 0xfc00) === 0xdc00) {\n c = 0x10000 + ((c - 0xd800) << 10) + (c2 - 0xdc00);\n m_pos++;\n }\n }\n if (c < 0x80) {\n /* one byte */\n buf[i++] = c;\n } else if (c < 0x800) {\n /* two bytes */\n buf[i++] = 0xC0 | (c >>> 6);\n buf[i++] = 0x80 | (c & 0x3f);\n } else if (c < 0x10000) {\n /* three bytes */\n buf[i++] = 0xE0 | (c >>> 12);\n buf[i++] = 0x80 | (c >>> 6 & 0x3f);\n buf[i++] = 0x80 | (c & 0x3f);\n } else {\n /* four bytes */\n buf[i++] = 0xf0 | (c >>> 18);\n buf[i++] = 0x80 | (c >>> 12 & 0x3f);\n buf[i++] = 0x80 | (c >>> 6 & 0x3f);\n buf[i++] = 0x80 | (c & 0x3f);\n }\n }\n\n return buf;\n};\n\n// Helper (used in 2 places)\nfunction buf2binstring(buf, len) {\n // On Chrome, the arguments in a function call that are allowed is `65534`.\n // If the length of the buffer is smaller than that, we can use this optimization,\n // otherwise we will take a slower path.\n if (len < 65534) {\n if ((buf.subarray && STR_APPLY_UIA_OK) || (!buf.subarray && STR_APPLY_OK)) {\n return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, utils.shrinkBuf(buf, len));\n }\n }\n\n var result = '';\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n result += String.fromCharCode(buf[i]);\n }\n return result;\n}\n\n\n// Convert byte array to binary string\nexports.buf2binstring = function (buf) {\n return buf2binstring(buf, buf.length);\n};\n\n\n// Convert binary string (typed, when possible)\nexports.binstring2buf = function (str) {\n var buf = new utils.Buf8(str.length);\n for (var i = 0, len = buf.length; i < len; i++) {\n buf[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);\n }\n return buf;\n};\n\n\n// convert array to string\nexports.buf2string = function (buf, max) {\n var i, out, c, c_len;\n var len = max || buf.length;\n\n // Reserve max possible length (2 words per char)\n // NB: by unknown reasons, Array is significantly faster for\n // String.fromCharCode.apply than Uint16Array.\n var utf16buf = new Array(len * 2);\n\n for (out = 0, i = 0; i < len;) {\n c = buf[i++];\n // quick process ascii\n if (c < 0x80) { utf16buf[out++] = c; continue; }\n\n c_len = _utf8len[c];\n // skip 5 & 6 byte codes\n if (c_len > 4) { utf16buf[out++] = 0xfffd; i += c_len - 1; continue; }\n\n // apply mask on first byte\n c &= c_len === 2 ? 0x1f : c_len === 3 ? 0x0f : 0x07;\n // join the rest\n while (c_len > 1 && i < len) {\n c = (c << 6) | (buf[i++] & 0x3f);\n c_len--;\n }\n\n // terminated by end of string?\n if (c_len > 1) { utf16buf[out++] = 0xfffd; continue; }\n\n if (c < 0x10000) {\n utf16buf[out++] = c;\n } else {\n c -= 0x10000;\n utf16buf[out++] = 0xd800 | ((c >> 10) & 0x3ff);\n utf16buf[out++] = 0xdc00 | (c & 0x3ff);\n }\n }\n\n return buf2binstring(utf16buf, out);\n};\n\n\n// Calculate max possible position in utf8 buffer,\n// that will not break sequence. If that's not possible\n// - (very small limits) return max size as is.\n//\n// buf[] - utf8 bytes array\n// max - length limit (mandatory);\nexports.utf8border = function (buf, max) {\n var pos;\n\n max = max || buf.length;\n if (max > buf.length) { max = buf.length; }\n\n // go back from last position, until start of sequence found\n pos = max - 1;\n while (pos >= 0 && (buf[pos] & 0xC0) === 0x80) { pos--; }\n\n // Very small and broken sequence,\n // return max, because we should return something anyway.\n if (pos < 0) { return max; }\n\n // If we came to start of buffer - that means buffer is too small,\n // return max too.\n if (pos === 0) { return max; }\n\n return (pos + _utf8len[buf[pos]] > max) ? pos : max;\n};\n" }, { "id": 6, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\zstream.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/zstream.js", "index": 17, "index2": 11, "size": 1811, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "issuerId": 12, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 16, "building": 21, "dependencies": 2 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 12, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./zlib/zstream", "loc": "8:19-44" }, { "moduleId": 15, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./zlib/zstream", "loc": "9:19-44" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 6, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\nfunction ZStream() {\n /* next input byte */\n this.input = null; // JS specific, because we have no pointers\n this.next_in = 0;\n /* number of bytes available at input */\n this.avail_in = 0;\n /* total number of input bytes read so far */\n this.total_in = 0;\n /* next output byte should be put there */\n this.output = null; // JS specific, because we have no pointers\n this.next_out = 0;\n /* remaining free space at output */\n this.avail_out = 0;\n /* total number of bytes output so far */\n this.total_out = 0;\n /* last error message, NULL if no error */\n this.msg = ''/*Z_NULL*/;\n /* not visible by applications */\n this.state = null;\n /* best guess about the data type: binary or text */\n this.data_type = 2/*Z_UNKNOWN*/;\n /* adler32 value of the uncompressed data */\n this.adler = 0;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = ZStream;\n" }, { "id": 7, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\constants.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/constants.js", "index": 22, "index2": 16, "size": 2312, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "issuerId": 1, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 1, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./lib/zlib/constants", "loc": "8:16-47" }, { "moduleId": 15, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./zlib/constants", "loc": "7:19-46" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 5, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\nmodule.exports = {\n\n /* Allowed flush values; see deflate() and inflate() below for details */\n Z_NO_FLUSH: 0,\n Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH: 1,\n Z_SYNC_FLUSH: 2,\n Z_FULL_FLUSH: 3,\n Z_FINISH: 4,\n Z_BLOCK: 5,\n Z_TREES: 6,\n\n /* Return codes for the compression/decompression functions. Negative values\n * are errors, positive values are used for special but normal events.\n */\n Z_OK: 0,\n Z_STREAM_END: 1,\n Z_NEED_DICT: 2,\n Z_ERRNO: -1,\n Z_STREAM_ERROR: -2,\n Z_DATA_ERROR: -3,\n //Z_MEM_ERROR: -4,\n Z_BUF_ERROR: -5,\n //Z_VERSION_ERROR: -6,\n\n /* compression levels */\n Z_NO_COMPRESSION: 0,\n Z_BEST_SPEED: 1,\n Z_BEST_COMPRESSION: 9,\n Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION: -1,\n\n\n Z_FILTERED: 1,\n Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY: 2,\n Z_RLE: 3,\n Z_FIXED: 4,\n Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY: 0,\n\n /* Possible values of the data_type field (though see inflate()) */\n Z_BINARY: 0,\n Z_TEXT: 1,\n //Z_ASCII: 1, // = Z_TEXT (deprecated)\n Z_UNKNOWN: 2,\n\n /* The deflate compression method */\n Z_DEFLATED: 8\n //Z_NULL: null // Use -1 or null inline, depending on var type\n};\n" }, { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": 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require(\"./webp\");\r\nconst ctx = self;\r\nconst tasks = [];\r\n//let isProcessing = false;\r\nfunction finishTask() {\r\n //isProcessing = false;\r\n processTasks();\r\n}\r\nfunction processTasks() {\r\n //if(isProcessing) return;\r\n const task = tasks.shift();\r\n if (!task)\r\n return;\r\n //isProcessing = true;\r\n switch (task.type) {\r\n case 'convertWebp': {\r\n const { fileName, bytes } = task.payload;\r\n let convertedBytes;\r\n try {\r\n convertedBytes = webp_1.webp2png(bytes).bytes;\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n console.error('Convert webp2png error:', err, 'payload:', task.payload);\r\n }\r\n ctx.postMessage({\r\n type: 'convertWebp',\r\n payload: {\r\n fileName,\r\n bytes: convertedBytes\r\n }\r\n });\r\n finishTask();\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n default:\r\n finishTask();\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction scheduleTask(task) {\r\n tasks.push(task);\r\n /* if(task.payload.fileName.indexOf('main-') === 0) {\r\n tasks.push(task);\r\n } else {\r\n tasks.unshift(task);\r\n } */\r\n processTasks();\r\n}\r\nctx.addEventListener('message', (event) => {\r\n scheduleTask(event.data);\r\n});\r\n" }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "index": 1, "index2": 26, "size": 1358, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "issuerId": 8, "issuerName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": 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strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.webp2pngAsBlob = exports.webp2png = void 0;\r\nconst libwebp_0_2_0_1 = require(\"../../vendor/libwebp-0.2.0\");\r\nconst fast_png_1 = require(\"fast-png\");\r\nfunction webp2png(data) {\r\n const decoder = new libwebp_0_2_0_1.WebPDecoder();\r\n const config = decoder.WebPDecoderConfig;\r\n const buffer = config.j || config.output;\r\n const bitstream = config.input;\r\n decoder.WebPInitDecoderConfig(config);\r\n decoder.WebPGetFeatures(data, data.length, bitstream);\r\n /** MODE_RGBA = 1 MODE_ARGB = 4, */\r\n buffer.J = 1;\r\n let status;\r\n try {\r\n status = decoder.WebPDecode(data, data.length, config);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n status = e;\r\n }\r\n if (status === 0) {\r\n const rgbaData = buffer.Jb;\r\n const pngData = fast_png_1.encode({\r\n data: rgbaData,\r\n width: buffer.width,\r\n height: buffer.height,\r\n channels: 4,\r\n depth: 8,\r\n });\r\n return { status, bytes: pngData };\r\n }\r\n return { status, bytes: data };\r\n}\r\nexports.webp2png = webp2png;\r\nfunction webp2pngAsBlob(data) {\r\n const { status, bytes } = webp2png(data);\r\n return new Blob([bytes], { type: status === 0 ? 'image/png' : 'image/webp' });\r\n}\r\nexports.webp2pngAsBlob = webp2pngAsBlob;\r\n" }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\src\\vendor\\libwebp-0.2.0.js", "name": "./src/vendor/libwebp-0.2.0.js", "index": 2, "index2": 0, "size": 119427, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "issuerId": 9, "issuerName": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 9, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "module": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../vendor/libwebp-0.2.0", "loc": "4:24-61" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": [ "WebPDecoder" ], "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is referenced from these modules with unsupported syntax: ./src/lib/webp/webp.ts (referenced with cjs require)" ], "depth": 2, "source": "// Copyright 2011 Google Inc.\n//\n// This code is licensed under the same terms as WebM:\n// Software License Agreement: http://www.webmproject.org/license/software/\n// Additional IP Rights Grant: http://www.webmproject.org/license/additional/\n// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n//\n// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\" AND\n// ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n// WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED.\n// IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT,\n// INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING,\n// BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,\n// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY\n// OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING\n// NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE,\n// EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n//\n// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n//\n// Copyright 2011-2013 Dominik Homberger\n// Libwebp Javascript / libwebpjs - the libwebp implementation in javascript (v0.2.0)\n//\n// Author: Dominik Homberger (dominik.homberger@gmail.com)\n\nlet i;\nlet a;\nlet self;\nconst ca = 0;\nconst p = null;\nconst s = 0;\nconst x = 0;\nconst la = s;\nconst E = s;\nconst bb = 0;\nconst Mb = 0;\n\nfunction M(F) {\n return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(F));\n}\n\nfunction N(F, G, w, D, S) {\n for (i = 0; i < S; ++i) F[G + i] = w[D + i];\n}\n\nfunction Nb(F) {\n const G = [];\n const w = F.length;\n let D;\n for (D = 0; D < w; ++D) G.push(F[D]);\n return G;\n}\n\nfunction ic(F, G) {\n const w = [];\n w.push(M(F));\n let D;\n for (D = 0; D < G; ++D) w.push(M(F));\n w.push(0);\n return w;\n}\n\nfunction rc(F, G) {\n const w = [];\n let D;\n for (D = 0; D < G; ++D) w.push(F);\n w.push(0);\n return w;\n}\n\nfunction memmove(arr1, index1, arr2, index2, length) {\n let i;\n for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n arr1[index1 + i] = arr2[index2 + i];\n }\n}\n\nfunction jd(F, G, w, D) {\n let S;\n for (S = 0; S < D; ++S) F[G + S] = w;\n}\n\nfunction kd(F, G, w, D) {\n let S = '';\n let ga;\n for (ga = 0; ga < D; ++ga) S += String.fromCharCode(F[G + ga]);\n return w == S ? 0 : 1;\n}\n\nfunction U(F, G) {\n let w; const\n D = [];\n for (w = 0; w < F; ++w) D.push(G);\n return D;\n}\n\nfunction ld(F, G) {\n let w; const\n D = [];\n for (w = 0; w < F; ++w) D.push(M(G));\n return D;\n}\n\nfunction md(F, G) {\n let w;\n for (w = F.length - 1; w >= 0; --w) G = M(U(F[w], G));\n return G;\n}\n\nfunction $(F) {\n if (!F) throw Error('assert :P');\n}\nexport const WebPDecoder = function () {\n function F(a) {\n return a == Ob || a == Pb || a == Bb || a == Qb;\n }\n\n function G(a) {\n return S(a, 1);\n }\n\n function w(a, b) {\n const c = 1 + ((a.la - 1) * b >> 8);\n const d = c << 8;\n let e = s;\n a.Z >= d ? (e = 1, a.la -= c, a.Z -= d) : (e = 0, a.la = c);\n for (; a.la < 128;) a.Z <<= 1, a.la <<= 1, ++a.gc == 8 && (a.gc = 0, a.bc && (a.Z += a.qa[a.Ia++], a.bc--));\n return e;\n }\n\n function D(a, b, c, d) {\n d -= c;\n d >= 2 ? (a.Z = b[c + 0] << 8 | b[c + 1], a.qa = b, a.Ia = c + 2, a.bc = d - 2) : (a.Z = 0, a.qa = p, a.bc = 0);\n a.la = 255;\n a.gc = 0;\n }\n\n function S(a, b) {\n for (var c = 0, d = s, d = b - 1; d >= 0; d--) c |= w(a, 128) << d;\n return c;\n }\n\n function ga(a, b) {\n const c = S(a, b);\n return G(a) ? -c : c;\n }\n\n function Rb(a, b, c, d) {\n let e = Mb;\n $(a != p);\n $(b != p);\n $(d < 4294967288);\n a.qa = b;\n a.Ia = c;\n a.ya = d;\n a.T = 0;\n a.Q = 0;\n a.g = 0;\n a.L = 0;\n for (e = a.fa = 0; e < 4 && e < a.ya; ++e) a.T |= a.qa[a.Ia + a.Q] << 8 * e, ++a.Q;\n }\n\n function Sb(a) {\n for (; a.g >= 8 && a.Q < a.ya;) a.T >>>= 8, a.T += a.qa[a.Ia + a.Q] << 24 >>> 0, ++a.Q, a.g -= 8;\n }\n\n function Da(a) {\n a.g >= 8 && Sb(a);\n a.Q == a.ya && a.g == 32 && (a.L = 1);\n }\n\n function T(a, b) {\n let c = 0;\n $(b >= 0);\n if (!a.L && b < gf) {\n if (a.Q == a.ya && a.g + b >= 32 && (a.L = 1, a.g + b > 32)) return c;\n c = a.T >> a.g & hf[b];\n a.g += b;\n a.g >= 8 && a.g >= 8 && Sb(a);\n } else a.fa = 1;\n return c;\n }\n\n function ma(a) {\n return a.Pa == a.gb;\n }\n\n function nd(a, b) {\n $(a != p);\n if (b == 0) return 0;\n a.gb = 2 * b - 1;\n a.Y = ld(a.gb, jf);\n if (a.Y == p) return 0;\n a.Y[0].s = -1;\n return a.Pa = 1;\n }\n\n function ja(a) {\n a != p && (a.Y = p, a.Y = p, a.gb = 0, a.Pa = 0);\n }\n\n function jc(a, b, c, d) {\n for (var e = a.Y, g = 0, k = +a.gb; d-- > 0;) {\n if (g >= k) return 0;\n if (e[g].s < 0) {\n if (ma(a)) return 0;\n const h = a;\n const n = h.Y;\n const l = +h.Pa;\n e[g].s = l - g;\n h.Pa += 2;\n n[l + 0].s = -1;\n n[l + 1].s = -1;\n } else if (e[g].s == 0) return 0;\n g += e[g].s + (c >> d & 1);\n }\n if (e[g].s < 0) e[g].s = 0;\n else if (e[g].s != 0) return 0;\n e[g].kc = b;\n return 1;\n }\n\n function od(a, b, c) {\n var d = s;\n let e = 0;\n let g = 0;\n $(a != p);\n $(b != p);\n for (d = 0; d < c; ++d) b[d] > 0 && (++e, g = d);\n if (!nd(a, e)) return 0;\n if (e == 1) return g < 0 || g >= c ? (ja(a), 0) : jc(a, g, 0, 0);\n e = 0;\n g = U(c, s);\n if (g == p) return (e = e && ma(a)) || ja(a), e;\n var k = s;\n var k = s;\n var d = U(Tb + 1, 0);\n let h = s;\n const n = U(Tb + 1, 0);\n let l = 0;\n $(b != p);\n $(c > 0);\n $(g != p);\n for (k = 0; k < c; ++k) b[k] > l && (l = b[k]);\n if (l > Tb) d = 0;\n else {\n for (k = 0; k < c; ++k) ++d[b[k]];\n h = d[0] = 0;\n n[0] = -1;\n for (k = 1; k <= l; ++k) h = h + d[k - 1] << 1, n[k] = h;\n for (k = 0; k < c; ++k) g[k] = b[k] > 0 ? n[b[k]]++ : pd;\n d = 1;\n }\n if (!d) return (e = e && ma(a)) || ja(a), e;\n for (d = 0; d < c; ++d) {\n if (b[d] > 0 && !jc(a, d, g[d], b[d])) {\n return (e = e && ma(a)) || ja(a), e;\n }\n }\n (e = ma(a)) || ja(a);\n return e;\n }\n\n function Ea(a, b, c, d, e, g, k) {\n for (var h = s, h = 0; h < k; ++h) e[g + h] = a[b + h] + c[d + h] & 255;\n }\n\n function qd(a, b, c) {\n const d = a.P.l;\n if (!(c = b < 0 || c < 0 || b + c > a.P.v)) {\n if (c = b == 0) {\n a: {\n let e = a.Ga;\n var g = a.G;\n var k = a.ub;\n c = a.P.l;\n let h = a.P.v;\n const n = a.Xb;\n var l = [p];\n let m = p;\n let f = h * c;\n var q = p;\n var r = p;\n var r = 'WEBP_FILTER_TYPE';\n let u = s;\n var l = s;\n var v = 0;\n let C = s;\n $(c > 0 && h > 0 && d >= c);\n $(e != p && n != p);\n if (k <= Ub) c = 0;\n else if (C = e[g + 0] >> 0 & 3, r = e[g + 0] >> 2 & 3, u = e[g + 0] >> 4 & 3, l = e[g + 0] >> 6 & 3, C < kc || C > kf || r >= lf || u > rd || l != 0) c = 0;\n else {\n if (C == kc) v = k >= f, l = e, m = g + Ub;\n else {\n l = U(f, 0);\n m = 0;\n if (l\n == p) {\n c = 0;\n break a;\n }\n var v = g + Ub;\n var k = k - Ub;\n var g = l;\n var q = M(Vb);\n let A = 0;\n const z = sd();\n z == p ? v = 0 : (z.l = c, z.v = h, z.N = q, td(na), q.put = ud, q.Mb = vd, q.Pb = wd, q.ka = p, q.ka = g, q.fd = 0, q.width = c, q.height = h, z.a = L, Rb(z.o, e, v, k), z.Wa = Cb, Ka(c, h, 1, z, p) && xd(z, c) && (z.Wa = Db, A = lc(z, z.V, z.Ha, z.l, z.v, mf)), z != p && sa(z), v = A);\n }\n if (v) {\n e = nf[r];\n e != p ? (q = U(f, 0), r = 0, q == p && (v = 0, C != kc && (m = l = p)), e(l, m, c, h, 1, c, q, r), f = q, C = r) : (f = l, C = m);\n for (e = 0; h-- > 0;) N(n, e, f, C, c), C += c, e += d;\n u == rd && (v = l == p || m <= 0 || c <= 0 ? 0 : 1);\n }\n c = v;\n }\n }\n c = !c;\n }\n }\n return c ? p : b == 0 ? a.Xb : +b * d;\n }\n\n function of(a) {\n let b = a.width;\n const c = a.height;\n let d = a.J;\n if (b <= 0 || c <= 0 || !(d >= Qa && d < Cc)) return ta;\n if (!a.Fc && a.Jb == p) {\n var e = p;\n var g = 0;\n var k = 0;\n var h = 0;\n var n = 0;\n var e = bb;\n var l = b * yd[d];\n var m = l * c;\n d < ua || (g = parseInt((b + 1) / 2, 10), h = g * parseInt((c + 1) / 2, 10), d == Ra && (k = b, n = k * c));\n e = m + 2 * h + n;\n if (e != e) return ta;\n e = U(e, 205);\n if (e == p) return cb;\n a.Jb = e;\n a.jc = p;\n d < ua ? (b = a.c.RGBA, b.ma = e, b.Sa = p, b.f = l, b.size = m) : (b = a.c.Va, b.y = e, b.D = p, b.F = l, b.Wc = m, b.c = e, b.B = p + m, b.nb = g, b.Rc = h, b.S = e, b.C = p + m + h, b.rb = g, b.Uc = h, d == Ra && (b.p = e, b.q = p + m + 2 * h), b.Wb = n, b.Fa = k);\n }\n d = 1;\n g = a.J;\n k = a.width;\n h = a.height;\n g >= Qa && g < Cc ? g < ua ? (a = a.c.RGBA, d\n &= a.f * h <= a.size, d &= a.f >= k * yd[g], d &= a.ma != p) : (a = a.c.Va, n = a.nb * parseInt((h + 1) / 2, 10), l = a.rb * parseInt((h + 1) / 2, 10), m = a.Fa * h, d &= a.F * h <= a.Wc, d &= n <= a.Rc, d &= l <= a.Uc, d &= m <= a.Wb, d &= a.F >= k, d &= a.nb >= parseInt((k + 1) / 2, 10), d &= a.rb >= parseInt((k + 1) / 2, 10), d &= a.y != p, d &= a.c != p, d &= a.S != p, g == Ra && (d &= a.Fa >= k, d &= m <= a.Wb, d &= a.p != p)) : d = 0;\n return d ? L : ta;\n }\n\n function zd(a, b, c, d) {\n if (d == p || a <= 0 || b <= 0) return ta;\n if (c != p) {\n if (c.Ua) {\n const e = c.wc;\n const g = c.vc;\n const k = c.t & -2;\n const h = c.k & -2;\n if (k < 0 || h < 0 || e <= 0 || g <= 0 || k + e > a || h + g > b) return ta;\n a = e;\n b = g;\n }\n if (c.I) {\n if (c.Ba <= 0\n || c.Aa <= 0) return ta;\n a = c.Ba;\n b = c.Aa;\n }\n }\n d.width = a;\n d.height = b;\n return of(d);\n }\n\n function mb(a) {\n return !(a & -256) ? a : a < 0 ? 0 : 255;\n }\n\n function Ad(a, b, c, d) {\n const e = U(16, 0);\n let g;\n g = 0;\n let k;\n for (k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {\n var h = a[b + 0] + a[b + 8];\n var n = a[b + 0] - a[b + 8];\n var l = (a[b + 4] * Wb >> 16) - (a[b + 12] * Xb >> 16);\n var m = (a[b + 4] * Xb >> 16) + (a[b + 12] * Wb >> 16);\n e[g + 0] = h + m;\n e[g + 1] = n + l;\n e[g + 2] = n - l;\n e[g + 3] = h - m;\n g += 4;\n b++;\n }\n for (k = g = 0; k < 4; ++k) {\n a = e[g + 0] + 4, h = a + e[g + 8], n = a - e[g + 8], l = (e[g + 4] * Wb >> 16) - (e[g + 12] * Xb >> 16), m = (e[g + 4] * Xb >> 16) + (e[g + 12] * Wb >> 16), c[d + 0 + 0 * f] = mb(c[d + 0 + 0 * f] + (h + m >> 3)), c[d + 1 + 0 * f] = mb(c[d\n + 1 + 0 * f] + (n + l >> 3)), c[d + 2 + 0 * f] = mb(c[d + 2 + 0 * f] + (n - l >> 3)), c[d + 3 + 0 * f] = mb(c[d + 3 + 0 * f] + (h - m >> 3)), g++, d += f;\n }\n }\n\n function pf(a, b, c, d, e) {\n Ad(a, b, c, d);\n e && Ad(a, b + 16, c, d + 4);\n }\n\n function qf(a, b, c, d) {\n mc(a, b + 0, c, d + 0, 1);\n mc(a, b + 32, c, d + 4 * f, 1);\n }\n\n function nc(a, b, c, d) {\n a = a[b + 0] + 4;\n let e;\n for (e = 0; e < 4; ++e) for (b = 0; b < 4; ++b) c[d + b + e * f] = mb(c[d + b + e * f] + (a >> 3));\n }\n\n function rf(a, b, c, d) {\n a[b + 0] && nc(a, b + 0, c, d + 0);\n a[b + 16] && nc(a, b + 16, c, d + 4);\n a[b + 32] && nc(a, b + 32, c, d + 4 * f);\n a[b + 48] && nc(a, b + 48, c, d + 4 * f + 4);\n }\n\n function Dc(a, b, c) {\n const d = b - f;\n const e = oa;\n const g = 255 - a[d - 1];\n let k;\n for (k = 0; k\n < c; ++k) {\n const h = e;\n const n = g + a[b - 1];\n var l;\n for (l = 0; l < c; ++l) a[b + l] = h[n + a[d + l]];\n b += f;\n }\n }\n\n function Yb(a, b, c) {\n let d;\n for (d = 0; d < 16; ++d) for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) b[c + d * f + i] = a;\n }\n\n function y(a, b, c) {\n return a + 2 * b + c + 2 >> 2;\n }\n\n function Zb(a, b, c) {\n let d; let\n e;\n for (d = 0; d < 8; ++d) for (e = 0; e < 8; ++e) b[c + e + d * f] = a;\n }\n\n function nb(a, b, c) {\n const d = a[b - c];\n const e = a[b + 0];\n const g = 3 * (e - d) + sc[1020 + a[b - 2 * c] - a[b + c]];\n const k = oc[112 + (g + 4 >> 3)];\n a[b - c] = oa[255 + d + oc[112 + (g + 3 >> 3)]];\n a[b + 0] = oa[255 + e - k];\n }\n\n function Bd(a, b, c, d) {\n const e = a[b + 0];\n const g = a[b + c];\n return va[255 + a[b - 2 * c] - a[b - c]] > d || va[255 + g - e] > d;\n }\n\n function Cd(a,\n b, c, d, e) {\n const g = a[b - 3 * c];\n const k = a[b - 2 * c];\n const h = a[b - c];\n const n = a[b + 0];\n const l = a[b + c];\n const m = a[b + 2 * c];\n const f = a[b + 3 * c];\n return 2 * va[255 + h - n] + tc[255 + k - l] > d ? 0 : va[255 + a[b - 4 * c] - g] <= e && va[255 + g - k] <= e && va[255 + k - h] <= e && va[255 + f - m] <= e && va[255 + m - l] <= e && va[255 + l - n] <= e;\n }\n\n function Dd(a, b, c, d) {\n let e;\n for (e = 0; e < 16; ++e) 2 * va[255 + a[b + e - c] - a[b + e + 0]] + tc[255 + a[b + e - 2 * c] - a[b + e + c]] <= d && nb(a, b + e, c);\n }\n\n function Ed(a, b, c, d) {\n let e;\n for (e = 0; e < 16; ++e) 2 * va[255 + a[b + e * c - 1] - a[b + e * c + 0]] + tc[255 + a[b + e * c - 2] - a[b + e * c + 1]] <= d && nb(a, b + e * c, 1);\n }\n\n function sf(a, b, c, d) {\n let e;\n for (e = 3; e > 0; --e) {\n b\n += 4 * c, Dd(a, b + 0, c, d);\n }\n }\n\n function tf(a, b, c, d) {\n let e;\n for (e = 3; e > 0; --e) b += 4, Ed(a, b + 0, c, d);\n }\n\n function Fa(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h) {\n for (; e-- > 0;) {\n if (Cd(a, b + 0, c, g, k)) {\n if (Bd(a, b + 0, c, h)) nb(a, b + 0, c);\n else {\n const n = a;\n const l = b + 0;\n const m = c;\n const f = n[l - 2 * m];\n const q = n[l - m];\n const r = n[l + 0];\n const u = n[l + m];\n const v = n[l + 2 * m];\n var C = sc[1020 + 3 * (r - q) + sc[1020 + f - u]];\n const A = 27 * C + 63 >> 7;\n const z = 18 * C + 63 >> 7;\n var C = 9 * C + 63 >> 7;\n n[l - 3 * m] = oa[255 + n[l - 3 * m] + C];\n n[l - 2 * m] = oa[255 + f + z];\n n[l - m] = oa[255 + q + A];\n n[l + 0] = oa[255 + r - A];\n n[l + m] = oa[255 + u - z];\n n[l + 2 * m] = oa[255 + v - C];\n }\n }\n b += d;\n }\n }\n\n function Ga(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h) {\n for (; e-- > 0;) {\n if (Cd(a, b + 0, c,\n g, k)) {\n if (Bd(a, b + 0, c, h)) nb(a, b + 0, c);\n else {\n const n = a;\n const l = b + 0;\n const m = c;\n const f = n[l - m];\n const q = n[l + 0];\n const r = n[l + m];\n var u = 3 * (q - f);\n const v = oc[112 + (u + 4 >> 3)];\n var u = oc[112 + (u + 3 >> 3)];\n const C = v + 1 >> 1;\n n[l - 2 * m] = oa[255 + n[l - 2 * m] + C];\n n[l - m] = oa[255 + f + u];\n n[l + 0] = oa[255 + q - v];\n n[l + m] = oa[255 + r - C];\n }\n }\n b += d;\n }\n }\n\n function uf(a, b, c, d, e, g) {\n Fa(a, b + 0, c, 1, 16, d, e, g);\n }\n\n function vf(a, b, c, d, e, g) {\n Fa(a, b + 0, 1, c, 16, d, e, g);\n }\n\n function wf(a, b, c, d, e, g) {\n let k;\n for (k = 3; k > 0; --k) b += 4 * c, Ga(a, b + 0, c, 1, 16, d, e, g);\n }\n\n function xf(a, b, c, d, e, g) {\n let k;\n for (k = 3; k > 0; --k) b += 4, Ga(a, b + 0, 1, c, 16, d, e, g);\n }\n\n function yf(a, b, c, d, e,\n g, k, h) {\n Fa(a, b, e, 1, 8, g, k, h);\n Fa(c, d, e, 1, 8, g, k, h);\n }\n\n function zf(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h) {\n Fa(a, b, 1, e, 8, g, k, h);\n Fa(c, d, 1, e, 8, g, k, h);\n }\n\n function Af(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h) {\n Ga(a, b + 4 * e, e, 1, 8, g, k, h);\n Ga(c, d + 4 * e, e, 1, 8, g, k, h);\n }\n\n function Bf(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h) {\n Ga(a, b + 4, 1, e, 8, g, k, h);\n Ga(c, d + 4, 1, e, 8, g, k, h);\n }\n\n function Fd(a, b) {\n return b == $b ? a.i == 0 ? a.d == 0 ? Cf : Df : a.d == 0 ? Ef : $b : b;\n }\n\n function Ec(a, b, c, d) {\n for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) a[b + i] = c[d + i];\n }\n\n function wa(a, b) {\n return a < 0 ? 0 : a > b ? b : a;\n }\n\n function Gd(a) {\n a.a = 'VP8_STATUS_OK';\n a.xc = 'OK';\n }\n\n function td(a) {\n a >>> 8 != na >>> 8 && alert('mismatch error');\n }\n\n function Y(a, b, c) {\n a.a == L && (a.a = b, a.xc = c, a.za = 0);\n // alert(b + \": \" + c);\n return 0;\n }\n\n function Hd(a, b) {\n let c = [0];\n let d = x;\n var e = [Mb];\n var g = M(Id);\n var k = M(Jd);\n let h = M(Fc);\n var e = 'VP8StatusCode';\n var g = M(Gc);\n if (a == p) return alert('(dec == null)'), 0;\n Gd(a);\n if (b == p) return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM', 'null VP8Io passed to VP8GetHeaders()');\n g.data = b.data;\n g.b = b.b;\n g.e = b.e;\n g.b = [g.b];\n g.e = [g.e];\n g = [g];\n e = Kd(g);\n if (e != L) return Y(a, e, 'Incorrect/incomplete header.');\n g = g[0];\n g.b = g.b[0];\n g.e = g.e[0];\n if (g.ia) return Y(a, W, 'Unexpected lossless format encountered.');\n a.Ga == p && ($(a.ub == 0), a.Ga = g.$, a.G = g.G, a.ub = g.pa);\n d = g.data;\n c = g.b + g.offset;\n e = g.e - g.offset;\n $(g.e >= g.offset);\n if (e[0] < 4) return Y(a, Z, 'Truncated header.');\n h = d[c + 0] | d[c + 1] << 8 | d[c + 2] << 16;\n g = a.Ac;\n g.fb = !(h & 1) + 0;\n g.Jc = h >> 1 & 7;\n g.Nc = h >> 4 & 1;\n g.Ra = h >> 5;\n if (g.Jc > 3) return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_BITSTREAM_ERROR', 'Incorrect keyframe parameters.');\n if (!g.Nc) return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE', 'Frame not displayable.');\n c += 3;\n e -= 3;\n k = a.P;\n if (g.fb) {\n if (e < 7) return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA', 'cannot parse picture header');\n if (!(e\n >= 3 && d[c + 0] == 157 && d[c + 1] == 1 && d[c + 2] == 42)) return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_BITSTREAM_ERROR', 'Bad code word');\n k.l = (d[c + 4] << 8 | d[c + 3]) & 16383;\n k.gd = d[c + 4] >> 6;\n k.v = (d[c + 6] << 8 | d[c + 5]) & 16383;\n k.hd = d[c + 6] >> 6;\n c += 7;\n e -= 7;\n a.Ma = k.l + 15 >> 4;\n a.hb = k.v + 15 >> 4;\n b.width = k.l;\n b.height = k.v;\n b.I = 0;\n b.Ua = 0;\n b.k = 0;\n b.t = 0;\n b.Ka = b.width;\n b.K = b.height;\n b.m = b.width;\n b.h = b.height;\n h = a.R;\n for (i = 0; i < h.Ta.length; ++i) h.Ta[i] = 255;\n h.z = M(Ff);\n h = a.Ca;\n $(h != p);\n h.pb = 0;\n h.ob = 0;\n h.tb = 1;\n for (i = 0; i < h.Kb.length; ++i) h.Kb[i] = 0;\n for (i = 0; i < h.Cb.length; ++i) h.Cb[i] = 0;\n a.Lb = 0;\n }\n if (g.Ra\n > e) return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA', 'bad partition length');\n h = a.o;\n D(h, d, c, c + g.Ra);\n c += g.Ra;\n e -= g.Ra;\n g.fb && (k.uc = G(h), k.$c = G(h));\n var k = h;\n var n = a.Ca;\n let l = a.R;\n $(k != p);\n $(n != p);\n n.pb = G(k);\n if (n.pb) {\n n.ob = G(k);\n if (G(k)) {\n var m;\n n.tb = G(k);\n for (m = 0; m < xa; ++m) n.Kb[m] = G(k) ? ga(k, 7) : 0;\n for (m = 0; m < xa; ++m) n.Cb[m] = G(k) ? ga(k, 6) : 0;\n }\n if (n.ob) for (m = 0; m < Ld; ++m) l.Ta[m] = G(k) ? S(k, 8) : 255;\n } else n.ob = 0;\n if (k.Ab) return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_BITSTREAM_ERROR', 'cannot parse segment header');\n k = h;\n n = a.ga;\n n.Oc = G(k);\n n.Fb = S(k, 6);\n n.kb = S(k, 3);\n n.oc = G(k);\n if (n.oc\n && G(k)) {\n for (l = 0; l < Hc; ++l) G(k) && (n.Lc[l] = ga(k, 6));\n for (l = 0; l < Gf; ++l) G(k) && (n.Gc[l] = ga(k, 6));\n }\n a.A = n.Fb == 0 ? 0 : n.Oc ? 1 : 2;\n if (a.A > 0) {\n if (a.Ca.pb) for (l = 0; l < xa; ++l) m = a.Ca.Cb[l], a.Ca.tb || (m += n.Fb), a.Zb[l] = m;\n else a.Zb[0] = n.Fb;\n }\n if (k.Ab) return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_BITSTREAM_ERROR', 'cannot parse filter header');\n var k = d;\n var f = c;\n var n = f;\n var e = f + e;\n m = 0;\n let q = s;\n let r = s;\n a.Hb = 1 << S(a.o, 2);\n q = a.Hb - 1;\n l = k;\n m = f + 3 * q;\n if (e < m) e = 'VP8_STATUS_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA';\n else {\n for (r = 0; r < q; ++r) {\n var f = l;\n var u = m + (k[n + 0] | k[n + 1] << 8 | k[n + 2] << 16);\n u > e && (f = k);\n D(a.ic[+r], l, m, u);\n l = f;\n m = u;\n n += 3;\n }\n D(a.ic[+q], l, m, e);\n e = m < e ? 'VP8_STATUS_OK' : 'VP8_STATUS_SUSPENDED';\n }\n if (e != 'VP8_STATUS_OK') return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_BITSTREAM_ERROR', 'cannot parse partitions');\n q = a.o;\n e = S(q, 7);\n k = G(q) ? ga(q, 4) : 0;\n n = G(q) ? ga(q, 4) : 0;\n l = G(q) ? ga(q, 4) : 0;\n m = G(q) ? ga(q, 4) : 0;\n q = G(q) ? ga(q, 4) : 0;\n r = a.Ca;\n f = s;\n for (f = 0; f < xa; ++f) {\n u = s;\n if (r.pb) u = r.Kb[f], r.tb || (u += e);\n else if (f > 0) {\n a.yb[f] = a.yb[0];\n continue;\n } else u = e;\n const v = a.yb[f];\n v.sc[0] = Ic[wa(u + k, 127)];\n v.sc[1] = Jc[wa(u + 0, 127)];\n v.sb[0] = 2 * Ic[wa(u + n, 127)];\n v.sb[1] = 101581 * Jc[wa(u + l, 127)] >> 16;\n v.sb[1] < 8\n && (v.sb[1] = 8);\n v.qc[0] = Ic[wa(u + m, 117)];\n v.qc[1] = Jc[wa(u + q, 127)];\n }\n if (g.fb) a.Zc = 259;\n else return Y(a, Hf, 'Not a key frame.');\n G(h);\n e = a.R;\n for (k = 0; k < Md; ++k) for (n = 0; n < Nd; ++n) for (l = 0; l < Kc; ++l) for (m = 0; m < Lc; ++m) w(h, If[k][n][l][m]) && (e.z[k][n][l][m] = S(h, 8));\n a.pc = G(h);\n a.pc && (a.Pc = S(h, 8));\n if (a.P.uc) {\n c -= 8;\n h = Mb;\n if (g.Ra < 8 || d[c + 8 - 1] != 1) return Y(a, W, 'RIFF: Inconsistent extra information.');\n h = d[c + 0] << 0 | d[c + 1] << 8 | d[c + 2] << 16;\n a.fc = h;\n a.dd = p;\n a.cd = d[c + 3];\n }\n return a.za = 1;\n }\n\n function Mc(a, b, c, d, e, g) {\n let k = b[e][c];\n if (!w(a, k[0])) return 0;\n for (;;) {\n ++e;\n if (w(a, k[1])) {\n var h;\n if (w(a, k[2])) {\n if (w(a, k[3])) {\n if (w(a, k[6])) {\n h = x;\n c = w(a, k[8]);\n k = w(a, k[9 + c]);\n k = 2 * c + k;\n c = 0;\n h = Jf[k];\n var n;\n for (n = 0; n < h.length - 1; ++n) c += c + w(a, h[n]);\n c += 3 + (8 << k);\n } else w(a, k[7]) ? (c = 7 + 2 * w(a, 165), c += w(a, 145)) : c = 5 + w(a, 159);\n } else c = w(a, k[4]) ? 3 + w(a, k[5]) : 2;\n k = b[Nc[e]][2];\n } else k = b[Nc[e]][1], c = 1;\n h = Kf[e - 1];\n g[g[g.length - 1] + h] = (w(a, 128) ? -c : c) * d[(h > 0) + 0];\n if (e == 16 || !w(a, k[0])) return e;\n } else k = b[Nc[e]][0];\n if (e == 16) return 16;\n }\n }\n\n function ob(a, b) {\n return ((16777216 * a[0] + 65536 * a[1] + 256 * a[2] + 1 * a[3]) * Lf\n & 4278190080) >> b;\n }\n\n function Mf(a, b) {\n let c = 0;\n if (a == p) return 0;\n if (b == p) return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM', 'NULL VP8Io parameter in VP8Decode().');\n if (!a.za && !Hd(a, b)) return 0;\n $(a.za);\n let d;\n if (b.Mb && !b.Mb(b)) Y(a, Nf, 'Frame setup failed'), d = a.a;\n else {\n b.Za && (a.A = 0);\n const e = uc[a.A];\n a.A == 2 ? (a.lb = 0, a.mb = 0) : (a.lb = b.t - e >> 4, a.mb = b.k - e >> 4, a.lb < 0 && (a.lb = 0), a.mb < 0 && (a.mb = 0));\n a.Ya = b.K + 15 + e >> 4;\n a.wb = b.Ka + 15 + e >> 4;\n a.wb > a.Ma && (a.wb = a.Ma);\n a.Ya > a.hb && (a.Ya = a.hb);\n d = L;\n }\n if (c = d == L) {\n if (c) {\n let g;\n b: {\n a.Ja = 0;\n if (a.qb) {\n const k = a.rc;\n if (!WebPWorkerReset(k)) {\n g = Y(a, cb, 'thread initialization failed.');\n break b;\n }\n k.Qd = a;\n k.Rd = a.oa.N;\n k.Ud = FinishRow;\n a.jb = a.A > 0 ? Od : Od - 1;\n } else a.jb = Of;\n g = 1;\n }\n let h;\n if (!(h = !g)) {\n let n;\n b: {\n const l = a.jb;\n const m = a.Ma;\n const t = 4 * m;\n const q = 32 * m;\n const r = m + 1;\n const u = a.A > 0 ? m * (a.qb ? 2 : 1) : 0;\n const v = Pf;\n const C = q * (16 * l + parseInt(3 * uc[a.A] / 2, 10));\n const A = a.Ga != p ? a.P.l * a.P.v : 0;\n const z = t + q + r + u + v + 384 + C + A + Pd;\n if (z != z) n = 0;\n else {\n if (z > a.Gb) {\n a.ib = 0;\n a.Gb = 0;\n if (a.ib == p) {\n n = Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY', 'no memory during frame initialization.');\n break b;\n }\n a.Gb = z;\n }\n a.dc = 205;\n a.Xc = rc(205, 16 * m);\n a.Sc = rc(205, 8 * m);\n a.Vc = rc(205, 8 * m);\n a.M = u ? ic(Oc, u) : p;\n a.Sd = u ? 0 : p;\n a.oa.ha = 0;\n a.oa.M = a.M;\n $((v & Pd) == 0);\n a.Ea = rc(205, 1 * v);\n a.z = -12851;\n a.H = 16 * m;\n a.r = 8 * m;\n const Ha = uc[a.A];\n const G = Ha * a.H;\n const y = Ha / 2 * a.r;\n a.ca = U(C, 205);\n a.da = +G;\n a.aa = a.ca;\n a.ba = a.da + 16 * l * a.H + y;\n a.ra = a.aa;\n a.sa = a.ba + 8 * l * a.r + y;\n a.Xb = A ? U(A, x) : p;\n a.La = ic(Qd, r);\n a.dc = rc($b, t);\n n = 1;\n }\n }\n h = !n;\n }\n if (h) c = 0;\n else {\n b.width = a.P.l;\n b.height = a.P.v;\n b.w = 0;\n b.y = a.ca;\n b.D = a.da;\n b.c = a.aa;\n b.B = a.ba;\n b.S = a.ra;\n b.C = a.sa;\n b.F = a.H;\n b.Da = a.r;\n b.p = p;\n b.q = p;\n if (!Rd) {\n let B;\n for (B = -255; B <= 255; ++B) va[255 + B] = B < 0 ? -B : B, tc[255 + B] = va[255 + B] >> 1;\n for (B = -1020; B\n <= 1020; ++B) sc[1020 + B] = B < -128 ? -128 : B > 127 ? 127 : B;\n for (B = -112; B <= 112; ++B) oc[112 + B] = B < -16 ? -16 : B > 15 ? 15 : B;\n for (B = -255; B <= 510; ++B) oa[255 + B] = B < 0 ? 0 : B > 255 ? 255 : B;\n Rd = 1;\n }\n mc = pf;\n Pc = qf;\n Qc = nc;\n Rc = rf;\n Sd = uf;\n Td = vf;\n Ud = yf;\n Vd = zf;\n Wd = wf;\n Xd = xf;\n Yd = Af;\n Zd = Bf;\n $d = Dd;\n ae = Ed;\n be = sf;\n ce = tf;\n c = 1;\n }\n }\n if (c) {\n a: {\n for (a.d = 0; a.d < a.Ya; ++a.d) {\n const Qf = a.ic[a.d & a.Hb - 1];\n const db = a;\n const F = db.La[0];\n F.X = 0;\n F.ua = 0;\n jd(db.cc, 0, $b, db.cc.length);\n db.W = (db.A > 0 && db.d >= db.mb && db.d <= db.Ya) + 0;\n for (a.i = 0; a.i < a.Ma; a.i++) {\n var D;\n const H = a;\n const T = Qf;\n const ya = H.o;\n const S = H.La[0];\n const J = H.La[1 + H.i];\n H.Ca.ob && (H.Lb = !w(ya,\n H.R.Ta[0]) ? 0 + w(ya, H.R.Ta[1]) : 2 + w(ya, H.R.Ta[2]));\n J.Nb = H.pc ? w(ya, H.Pc) : 0;\n const O = H.dc;\n O[O.length - 1] = 0 + 4 * H.i;\n const Sc = H.cc;\n H.wa = !w(ya, 145);\n if (H.wa) {\n for (var ga = H.Eb, ja = 0, Z = ca, Z = 0; Z < 4; ++Z) {\n var V = Sc[Z];\n var R;\n for (R = 0; R < 4; ++R) {\n const ta = Rf[O[O[O.length - 1] + R]][V];\n var za = 0;\n do za = Sf[2 * za + w(ya, ta[za])]; while (za > 0);\n V = -za;\n O[O[O.length - 1] + R] = V;\n ga[ja] = V;\n ja++;\n }\n Sc[Z] = V;\n }\n } else {\n var V = w(ya, 156) ? w(ya, 128) ? de : ee : w(ya, 163) ? fe : ge;\n H.Eb[0] = V;\n for (za = 0; za < 4; ++za) O[za + O[O.length - 1]] = V;\n for (za = 0; za < 4; ++za) Sc[za] = V;\n }\n H.Tc = !w(ya, 142) ? ge : !w(ya, 114) ? fe\n : w(ya, 183) ? de : ee;\n if (ya.Ab) D = 0;\n else {\n if (J.Nb) S.X = J.X = 0, H.wa || (S.ua = J.ua = 0), H.ja = 0, H.Oa = 0;\n else {\n let ia = ca;\n let ka = ca;\n var sa = ca;\n var wa = Tf;\n const Aa = H.yb[H.Lb];\n var aa = H.z;\n const ma = H.La[0];\n const ua = U(4, 0);\n const xa = U(4, 0);\n let ea = U(4, 0);\n let pb = U(4, 0);\n let na = 0;\n let Ba = 0;\n var pa = ca;\n let qa = ca;\n let Sa = ca;\n var aa = rc(0, 384);\n if (H.wa) sa = 0, wa = H.R.z[3];\n else {\n const ab = U(16, 0);\n var Ca = J.ua + ma.ua;\n J.ua = ma.ua = (Mc(T, H.R.z[1], Ca, Aa.sb, 0, ab) > 0) + 0;\n for (var sa = 1, wa = H.R.z[0], qb = ab, Ta = aa, La = U(16, s), X = s, X = 0; X < 4; ++X) {\n var Da = qb[0 + X] + qb[12 + X];\n var Ea = qb[4 + X] + qb[8 + X];\n var Fa = qb[4 + X] - qb[8 + X];\n var Ga = qb[0 + X] - qb[12 + X];\n La[0 + X] = Da + Ea;\n La[8\n + X] = Da - Ea;\n La[4 + X] = Ga + Fa;\n La[12 + X] = Ga - Fa;\n }\n for (X = 0; X < 4; ++X) {\n const Oa = Ta[Ta.length - 1];\n const lb = La[0 + 4 * X] + 3;\n var Da = lb + La[3 + 4 * X];\n var Ea = La[1 + 4 * X] + La[2 + 4 * X];\n var Fa = La[1 + 4 * X] - La[2 + 4 * X];\n var Ga = lb - La[3 + 4 * X];\n Ta[Oa + 0] = Da + Ea >> 3;\n Ta[Oa + 16] = Ga + Fa >> 3;\n Ta[Oa + 32] = Da - Ea >> 3;\n Ta[Oa + 48] = Ga - Fa >> 3;\n Ta[Ta.length - 1] += 64;\n }\n aa[aa.length - 1] = 0;\n }\n ea = Nb(vc[J.X & 15]);\n pb = Nb(vc[ma.X & 15]);\n for (qa = 0; qa < 4; ++qa) {\n for (var Eb = pb[qa], pa = 0; pa < 4; ++pa) {\n var Ca = Eb + ea[pa];\n var Ka = Mc(T, wa, Ca, Aa.sc, sa, aa);\n ea[pa] = Eb = (Ka > 0) + 0;\n xa[pa] = (aa[aa[aa.length - 1] + 0] != 0) + 0;\n ua[pa] = (Ka > 1) + 0;\n aa[aa.length\n - 1] += 16;\n }\n pb[qa] = Eb;\n Ba |= ob(xa, 24 - 4 * qa);\n na |= ob(ua, 24 - 4 * qa);\n }\n ia = ob(ea, 24);\n ka = ob(pb, 24);\n ea = Nb(vc[J.X >> 4]);\n pb = Nb(vc[ma.X >> 4]);\n for (Sa = 0; Sa < 4; Sa += 2) {\n for (qa = 0; qa < 2; ++qa) {\n Eb = pb[Sa + qa];\n for (pa = 0; pa < 2; ++pa) Ca = Eb + ea[Sa + pa], Ka = Mc(T, H.R.z[2], Ca, Aa.qc, 0, aa), ea[Sa + pa] = Eb = (Ka > 0) + 0, xa[2 * qa + pa] = (aa[aa[aa.length - 1] + 0] != 0) + 0, ua[2 * qa + pa] = (Ka > 1) + 0, aa[aa.length - 1] += 16;\n pb[Sa + qa] = Eb;\n }\n Ba |= ob(xa, 8 - 2 * Sa);\n na |= ob(ua, 8 - 2 * Sa);\n }\n ia |= ob(ea, 20);\n ka |= ob(pb, 20);\n J.X = ia;\n ma.X = ka;\n H.z = aa;\n H.Oa = na + 0;\n H.ja = na | Ba;\n J.Nb = !H.ja + 0;\n }\n D = !T.Ab;\n }\n if (!D) {\n c = Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA',\n `Premature end-of-file encountered.${a.i} ${a.d}`);\n break a;\n }\n const P = a;\n const da = P.Ea;\n const Ma = Tc;\n const Ua = P.Ea;\n const Va = Uc;\n const Wa = P.Ea;\n const Xa = he;\n if (P.i > 0) {\n for (var ba = ca, ba = -1; ba < 16; ++ba) Ec(da, Ma + ba * f - 4, da, Ma + ba * f + 12);\n for (ba = -1; ba < 8; ++ba) Ec(Ua, Va + ba * f - 4, Ua, Va + ba * f + 4), Ec(Wa, Xa + ba * f - 4, Wa, Xa + ba * f + 4);\n } else {\n for (ba = 0; ba < 16; ++ba) da[Ma + ba * f - 1] = 129;\n for (ba = 0; ba < 8; ++ba) Ua[Va + ba * f - 1] = 129, Wa[Xa + ba * f - 1] = 129;\n P.d > 0 && (da[Ma - 1 - f] = Ua[Va - 1 - f] = Wa[Xa - 1 - f] = 129);\n }\n const Qa = P.Xc;\n const Ra = 16 * +P.i;\n const mb = P.Sc;\n const vb = 8 * +P.i;\n const wb = P.Vc;\n const xb = 8 * +P.i;\n const Za = P.z;\n let fa = ca;\n if (P.d > 0) {\n N(da, Ma - f, Qa, Ra,\n 16), N(Ua, Va - f, mb, vb, 8), N(Wa, Xa - f, wb, xb, 8);\n } else if (P.i == 0) {\n for (i = 0; i < 21; ++i) da[Ma - f - 1 + i] = 127;\n for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) Ua[Va - f - 1 + i] = 127;\n for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) Wa[Xa - f - 1 + i] = 127;\n }\n if (P.wa) {\n const Ya = Ma - f + 16;\n P.d > 0 && (P.i >= P.Ma - 1 ? da[Ya + 0] = da[Ya + 1] = da[Ya + 2] = da[Ya + 3] = Qa[Ra + 15] : N(da, Ya + 0, Qa, Ra + 16, 4));\n for (let Fb = 0; Fb < 4; ++Fb) da[Fb + Ya + 4 * f] = da[Fb + Ya + 4 * f] = da[Fb + Ya + 8 * f] = da[Fb + Ya + 12 * f] = da[Fb + Ya + 0];\n for (fa = 0; fa < 16; fa++) {\n var ac = da;\n var bc = Ma + ie[fa];\n Uf[P.Eb[fa]](ac, bc);\n P.Oa & 1 << fa ? mc(Za, 16 * +fa, ac, bc, 0) : P.ja & 1 << fa && Qc(Za, 16 * +fa, ac, bc);\n }\n } else {\n var $a = Fd(P, P.Eb[0]);\n Vf[$a](da, Ma);\n if (P.ja) for (fa = 0; fa < 16; fa++) ac = da, bc = Ma + ie[fa], P.Oa & 1 << fa ? mc(Za, 16 * +fa, ac, bc, 0) : P.ja & 1 << fa && Qc(Za, 16 * +fa, ac, bc);\n }\n $a = Fd(P, P.Tc);\n je[$a](Ua, Va);\n je[$a](Wa, Xa);\n if (P.ja & 983040) {\n const zb = P.z;\n var Pa = 256;\n P.Oa & 983040 ? Pc(zb, Pa, Ua, Va) : Rc(zb, Pa, Ua, Va);\n }\n if (P.ja & 15728640) {\n const Ab = P.z;\n var Pa = 320;\n P.Oa & 15728640 ? Pc(Ab, Pa, Wa, Xa) : Rc(Ab, Pa, Wa, Xa);\n }\n P.d < P.hb - 1 && (N(Qa, Ra, da, Ma + 15 * f, 16), N(mb, vb, Ua, Va + 7 * f, 8), N(wb, xb, Wa, Xa + 7 * f, 8));\n const Q = a;\n if (Q.A > 0) {\n const kb = Q.M[1 + Q.i];\n const Kb = Q.La[1 + Q.i].Nb;\n let ha = Q.Zb[Q.Lb];\n Q.ga.oc && (ha\n += Q.ga.Lc[0], Q.wa && (ha += Q.ga.Gc[0]));\n ha = ha < 0 ? 0 : ha > 63 ? 63 : ha;\n kb.zc = ha;\n Q.ga.kb > 0 && (ha = Q.ga.kb > 4 ? ha >> 2 : ha >> 1, ha > 9 - Q.ga.kb && (ha = 9 - Q.ga.kb));\n kb.yc = ha < 1 ? 1 : ha;\n kb.ab = (!Kb || Q.wa) + 0;\n }\n for (var Ia = ca, Bb = 8 * Q.Ja * Q.r, Qb = Q.ca, Ub = Q.da + 16 * Q.i + 16 * Q.Ja * Q.H, Wb = Q.aa, Xb = Q.ba + 8 * Q.i + Bb, Yb = Q.ra, Zb = Q.sa + 8 * Q.i + Bb, Ia = 0; Ia < 16; ++Ia) N(Qb, Ub + Ia * Q.H, Q.Ea, +Tc + Ia * f, 16);\n for (Ia = 0; Ia < 8; ++Ia) N(Wb, Xb + Ia * Q.r, Q.Ea, +Uc + Ia * f, 8), N(Yb, Zb + Ia * Q.r, Q.Ea, +he + Ia * f, 8);\n }\n const K = a;\n const I = b;\n var cc = 1;\n const eb = K.oa;\n if (K.qb) {\n const nb = K.rc;\n var cc = cc & WebPWorkerSync(nb);\n $(nb.a == OK);\n if (cc) {\n eb.N = I;\n eb.ha = K.Ja;\n eb.d = K.d;\n eb.W = K.W;\n if (eb.W) {\n const hc = eb.M;\n eb.M = K.M;\n K.M = hc;\n }\n WebPWorkerLaunch(nb);\n ++K.Ja == K.jb && (K.Ja = 0);\n }\n } else {\n eb.d = K.d;\n eb.W = K.W;\n b: {\n let Hb = 1;\n const rb = K.oa;\n const ib = uc[K.A];\n const yb = ib * K.H;\n const dc = parseInt(ib / 2) * K.r;\n const Ib = 16 * rb.ha * K.H;\n const jb = 8 * rb.ha * K.r;\n const Jb = K.ca;\n const Lb = K.da - yb + Ib;\n const Ob = K.aa;\n const Pb = K.ba - dc + jb;\n const Rb = K.ra;\n const Sb = K.sa - dc + jb;\n const jc = rb.d == 0;\n const Tb = (rb.d >= K.hb - 1) + 0;\n var ra = 16 * rb.d;\n let fb = 16 * (rb.d + 1);\n if (rb.W) {\n const pc = K;\n let wc = s;\n const kc = pc.oa.d;\n $(pc.oa.W);\n for (wc = pc.lb; wc < pc.wb; ++wc) {\n const Na = pc;\n const ec = wc;\n const Vb = kc;\n const xc = Na.oa;\n const gb = Na.H;\n const fc = xc.M[1 + ec];\n const sb = Na.ca;\n const tb = Na.da + 16 * xc.ha\n * gb + 16 * ec;\n const Gb = fc.zc;\n const hb = fc.yc;\n const Ja = 2 * Gb + hb;\n if (Gb != 0) {\n if (Na.A == 1) ec > 0 && ae(sb, tb, gb, Ja + 4), fc.ab && ce(sb, tb, gb, Ja), Vb > 0 && $d(sb, tb, gb, Ja + 4), fc.ab && be(sb, tb, gb, Ja);\n else {\n const gc = Na.r;\n const yc = Na.aa;\n const zc = Na.ba + 8 * xc.ha * gc + 8 * ec;\n const Ac = Na.ra;\n const Bc = Na.sa + 8 * xc.ha * gc + 8 * ec;\n const ub = Na.Ac.fb ? Gb >= 40 ? 2 : Gb >= 15 ? 1 : 0 : Gb >= 40 ? 3 : Gb >= 20 ? 2 : Gb >= 15 ? 1 : 0;\n ec > 0 && (Td(sb, tb, gb, Ja + 4, hb, ub), Vd(yc, zc, Ac, Bc, gc, Ja + 4, hb, ub));\n fc.ab && (Xd(sb, tb, gb, Ja, hb, ub), Zd(yc, zc, Ac, Bc, gc, Ja, hb, ub));\n Vb > 0 && (Sd(sb, tb, gb, Ja + 4, hb, ub), Ud(yc, zc, Ac, Bc, gc, Ja + 4, hb, ub));\n fc.ab && (Wd(sb, tb, gb,\n Ja, hb, ub), Yd(yc, zc, Ac, Bc, gc, Ja, hb, ub));\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (I.put) {\n jc ? (I.y = K.ca, I.D = K.da + Ib, I.c = K.aa, I.B = K.ba + jb, I.S = K.ra, I.C = K.sa + jb) : (ra -= ib, I.y = Jb, I.D = Lb, I.c = Ob, I.B = Pb, I.S = Rb, I.C = Sb);\n Tb || (fb -= ib);\n fb > I.K && (fb = I.K);\n if (K.Ga != p && ra < fb && (ra == 0 ? (I.p = qd(K, ra, fb - ra), I.q = 0) : I.q = qd(K, ra, fb - ra), I.p == p)) {\n cc = Y(K, W, 'Could not decode alpha data.');\n break b;\n }\n if (ra < I.k) {\n const qc = I.k - ra;\n var ra = I.k;\n $(!(qc & 1));\n I.D += K.H * qc;\n I.B += K.r * (qc >> 1);\n I.C += K.r * (qc >> 1);\n I.p != p && (I.q += I.width * qc);\n }\n ra < fb && (I.D += I.t, I.B += I.t >> 1, I.C += I.t >> 1, I.p != p && (I.q += I.t),\n I.w = ra - I.k, I.m = I.Ka - I.t, I.h = fb - ra, Hb = I.put(I));\n }\n rb.ha + 1 == K.jb && !Tb && (N(K.ca, K.da - yb, Jb, Lb + 16 * K.H, yb), N(K.aa, K.ba - dc, Ob, Pb + 8 * K.r, dc), N(K.ra, K.sa - dc, Rb, Sb + 8 * K.r, dc));\n cc = Hb;\n }\n }\n if (!cc) {\n c = Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_USER_ABORT', 'Output aborted.');\n break a;\n }\n }\n let Cb;\n if (!(Cb = a.qb && !WebPWorkerSync(a.rc))) {\n let Db;\n if (Db = a.fc > 0) $(a), $(a.fc > 0), Db = !1;\n Cb = Db;\n }\n c = Cb ? 0 : 1;\n }\n }\n const lc = c;\n b.Pb && b.Pb(b);\n c = lc & 1;\n }\n if (!c) return ke(a), 0;\n a.za = 0;\n return c;\n }\n\n function ke(a) {\n a != p && (a.ib && (a.ib = 0), a.ib = p, a.Gb = 0, a.za = 0);\n }\n\n function Aa(a, b) {\n return a + (1 << b) - 1 >> b;\n }\n\n function hc(a, b, c, d, e) {\n const g = vb[c] + wb[b] >> ea;\n b = xb[b];\n d[e + 0] = ia[a + Za[c] - J];\n d[e + 1] = ia[a + g - J];\n d[e + 2] = ia[a + b - J];\n }\n\n function le(a, b, c, d, e) {\n const g = vb[c] + wb[b] >> ea;\n b = xb[b];\n d[e + 0] = ia[a + Za[c] - J] & 248 | ia[a + g - J] >> 5;\n d[e + 1] = ia[a + g - J] << 3 & 224 | ia[a + b - J] >> 3;\n }\n\n function me(a, b, c, d, e) {\n d[e + 0] = 255;\n hc(a, b, c, d, e + 1);\n }\n\n function ne(a, b, c, d, e) {\n const g = xb[b];\n d[e + 0] = Hb[a + Za[c] - J] << 4 | Hb[a + (vb[c] + wb[b] >> ea) - J];\n d[e + 1] = 15 | Hb[a + g - J] << 4;\n }\n\n function Vc(a, b, c, d, e) {\n const g = Za[c];\n c = vb[c] + wb[b] >> ea;\n d[e + 0] = ia[a + xb[b] - J];\n d[e + 1] = ia[a + c - J];\n d[e + 2] = ia[a + g - J];\n }\n\n function oe(a, b, c, d, e) {\n Vc(a, b, c, d, e);\n d[e + 3] = 255;\n }\n\n function pe(a, b, c, d, e) {\n hc(a, b, c, d, e);\n d[e + 3] = 255;\n }\n\n function ib(a, b, c) {\n a[b] = ((((a[b] & 4278255360) >>> 0) + ((c & 4278255360) >>> 0) & 4278255360) >>> 0 | (a[b] & 16711935) + (c & 16711935) & 16711935) >>> 0;\n }\n\n function ka(a, b) {\n return (((a ^ b) & 4278124286) >>> 1) + ((a & b) >>> 0) >>> 0;\n }\n\n function $a(a) {\n return a < 256 && a > 0 ? a : a <= 0 ? 0 : ~a >> 24 & 255;\n }\n\n function yb(a, b) {\n return $a(a + parseInt((a - b) / 2, 10));\n }\n\n function Wc() {\n return qe;\n }\n\n function Xc(a, b) {\n a &= 255;\n b &= 255;\n a > 127 && (a -= 256);\n b > 127 && (b -= 256);\n return a * b >>> 5;\n }\n\n function re(a,\n b, c, d, e, g, k) {\n var h = s;\n const n = 8 >> a.n;\n const l = a.U;\n const f = a.u;\n if (n < 8) {\n a = (1 << a.n) - 1;\n for (var t = (1 << n) - 1, h = b; h < c; ++h) {\n b = 0;\n for (var q = s, q = 0; q < l; ++q) (q & a) == 0 && (b = d[e++] >> 8 & 255), g[k++] = f[b & t], b >>= n;\n }\n } else for (h = b; h < c; ++h) for (q = 0; q < l; ++q) g[k++] = f[d[e++] >> 8 & 255];\n }\n\n function se(a, b, c, d, e) {\n for (c = b + c; b < c;) {\n const g = a[b++];\n d[e++] = g >> 16 & 255;\n d[e++] = g >> 8 & 255;\n d[e++] = g >> 0 & 255;\n d[e++] = g >> 24 & 255;\n }\n }\n\n function te(a, b, c, d, e) {\n for (c = b + c; b < c;) {\n const g = a[b++];\n d[e++] = g >> 16 & 240 | g >> 12 & 15;\n d[e++] = g >> 0 & 240 | g >> 28 & 15;\n }\n }\n\n function Ib(a, b, c, d, e) {\n for (c = b + c; b < c;) {\n const g = a[b++];\n d[e++] = g >> 24 & 255;\n d[e++] = g >> 16 & 255;\n d[e++] = g >> 8 & 255;\n d[e++] = g >> 0 & 255;\n }\n }\n\n function ue(a, b, c, d) {\n if (T(a, 8) != ve) return 0;\n b[0] = T(a, we) + 1;\n c[0] = T(a, we) + 1;\n d[0] = T(a, 1);\n T(a, Wf);\n return 1;\n }\n\n function xe(a, b) {\n let c = s;\n if (a < 4) return a + 1;\n c = a - 2 >> 1;\n return (2 + (a & 1) << c) + T(b, c) + 1;\n }\n\n function Oa(a, b) {\n if (b.Q + 8 > b.ya) {\n var c = a.Y;\n var d = 0;\n for ($(c != p); c[d].s != 0;) {\n var e = c;\n var g = b;\n const k = g.T >> g.g & 1;\n g.L ? g.fa = 1 : (++g.g, g.g >= 8 && Sb(g), g.Q == g.ya && g.g == 32 && (g.L = 1));\n d = d + e[d].s + k;\n }\n return c[d].kc;\n }\n c = a.Y;\n d = 0;\n for ($(c != p); c[d].s != 0;) {\n e = c, g = b.T >> b.g & 1, ++b.g, d = d\n + e[d].s + g;\n }\n return c[d].kc;\n }\n\n function zb(a, b) {\n if (a != p) for (var c = s, d = s, c = 0; c < b; ++c) for (var e = a[c].va, d = 0; d < Yc; ++d) ja(e[d]);\n }\n\n function ye(a, b, c) {\n b = a.eb == 0 ? 0 : a.ac[a.bd + a.Ec * (c >> a.eb) + (b >> a.eb)];\n $(b < a.hc);\n return a.Db[+b];\n }\n\n function ze(a, b, c, d) {\n let e = a.Na;\n const g = a.O;\n const k = g + b;\n var h = c;\n var f = d;\n d = a.Xa;\n c = a.vb;\n for (N(d, c, h, f, a.l * b); e-- > 0;) {\n b = a.nc[e];\n let l = g;\n var m = k;\n var t = h;\n var q = f;\n var f = d;\n var h = c;\n $(l < m);\n $(m <= b.Vb);\n switch (b.Qc) {\n case Ae:\n t = 0;\n for (b = h + (m - l) * b.U; h < b;) {\n var m = f;\n var q = h;\n var r = m[q] >> 8 & 255;\n var u = (m[q] & 16711935) >>> 0;\n var u = u + (r << 16 | r);\n var u = u & 16711935;\n f[h++] = ((m[q] & 4278255360)\n >>> 0 | u) >>> 0;\n l == 32 && t++;\n }\n break;\n case Be:\n var v = b;\n var C = l;\n var t = m;\n var q = f;\n var r = h;\n var u = v.U;\n if (C == 0) {\n var A = s;\n ib(q, r, qe);\n for (A = 1; A < u; ++A) ib(q, r + A, q[r + A - 1]);\n r += u;\n ++C;\n }\n for (var z = (1 << v.n) - 1, Ha = Aa(u, v.n), w = v.u, v = +(C >> v.n) * Ha; C < t;) {\n var y = w;\n var B = v;\n let G = p;\n ib(q, r, q[r - u + 0]);\n G = Ce[y[B++] >> 8 & 15];\n for (A = 1; A < u; ++A) {\n let F = E;\n (A & z) == 0 && (G = Ce[y[B++] >> 8 & 15]);\n F = G(q[r + A - 1], q, r + A - u);\n ib(q, r + A, F);\n }\n r += u;\n ++C;\n (C & z) == 0 && (v += Ha);\n }\n m != b.Vb && (b = b.U, N(f, h - b, f, h + (m - l - 1) * b, b));\n break;\n case De:\n t = b.U;\n q = (1 << b.n) - 1;\n r = Aa(t, b.n);\n u = b.u;\n for (b = +(l >> b.n) * r; l < m;) {\n A = u;\n C = b;\n z = M(Xf);\n Ha = s;\n for (Ha = 0; Ha < t; ++Ha) (Ha & q) == 0 && (w = A[C++], v = z, v.Cc = w >> 0 & 255, v.Bc = w >> 8 & 255, v.Kc = w >> 16 & 255), w = f[h + Ha], v = w >>> 8, y = w >>> 16, B = w, y += Xc(z.Cc, v), y &= 255, B += Xc(z.Bc, v), B += Xc(z.Kc, y), B &= 255, f[h + Ha] = (w & 4278255360 | y << 16 | B) >>> 0;\n h += t;\n ++l;\n (l & q) == 0 && (b += r);\n }\n break;\n case Ee:\n t == f && b.n > 0 ? (t = (m - l) * Aa(b.U, b.n), q = h + (m - l) * b.U - t, memmove(f, q, f, h, t), re(b, l, m, f, q, f, h)) : re(b, l, m, t, q, f, h);\n }\n h = d;\n f = c;\n }\n }\n\n function Yf(a, b) {\n var c = a.V;\n var d = a.Ha + a.l * a.O;\n var e = b - a.O;\n if (!(e <= 0)) {\n ze(a, e, c, d);\n var g = a.N;\n var c = a.Xa;\n let k = [a.vb];\n var d = a.O;\n var e = b;\n var h = k;\n var f = g.width;\n $(d < e);\n $(g.t < g.Ka);\n e > g.K && (e = g.K);\n if (d < g.k) {\n var l = g.k - d;\n var d = g.k;\n h[0] += f * l;\n }\n d >= e ? d = 0 : (h[0] += g.t, g.w = d - g.k, g.m = g.Ka - g.t, g.h = e - d, d = 1);\n if (d) {\n k = k[0];\n d = a.Ib;\n e = g.width;\n if (d.J < ua) {\n var m = d.c.RGBA;\n var h = m.ma;\n let t = m.Sa + a.xa * m.f;\n if (g.I) c = EmitRescaledRows(a, c, k, e, g.h, h, t, m.f);\n else {\n for (var f = d.J, l = g.m, g = g.h, m = m.f, q = g; q-- > 0;) {\n const r = c;\n let u = k;\n let v = l;\n const C = h;\n let A = t;\n switch (f) {\n case Qa:\n for (v = u + v; u < v;) {\n var z = r[u++];\n C[A++] = z >> 16 & 255;\n C[A++] = z >> 8 & 255;\n C[A++] = z >> 0 & 255;\n }\n break;\n case jb:\n se(r, u, v, C, A);\n break;\n case Ob:\n se(r, u, v, C, A);\n WebPApplyAlphaMultiply(C, 0, v,\n 1, 0);\n break;\n case Zc:\n for (v = u + v; u < v;) z = r[u++], C[A++] = z >> 0 & 255, C[A++] = z >> 8 & 255, C[A++] = z >> 16 & 255;\n break;\n case Pa:\n Ib(r, u, v, C, A);\n break;\n case Pb:\n Ib(r, u, v, C, A);\n WebPApplyAlphaMultiply(C, 0, v, 1, 0);\n break;\n case Ab:\n Ib(r, u, v, C, A);\n break;\n case Bb:\n Ib(r, u, v, C, A);\n WebPApplyAlphaMultiply(C, 1, v, 1, 0);\n break;\n case kb:\n te(r, u, v, C, A);\n break;\n case Qb:\n te(r, u, v, C, A);\n WebPApplyAlphaMultiply4444(C, v, 1, 0);\n break;\n case Fe:\n for (v = u + v; u < v;) z = r[u++], C[A++] = z >> 16 & 248 | z >> 13 & 7, C[A++] = z >> 5 & 224 | z >> 3 & 31;\n break;\n default:\n $(0);\n }\n k += e;\n t += m;\n }\n c = g;\n }\n a.xa += c;\n } else {\n a.xa = g.I ? EmitRescaledRowsYUVA(a, c, k, e, g.h) : EmitRowsYUVA(a, c, k, e, g.m, g.h);\n }\n $(a.xa <= d.height);\n }\n a.O = b;\n $(a.O <= a.v);\n }\n }\n\n function lc(a, b, c, d, e, g) {\n let k = 1;\n let h = 0;\n let f = 0;\n const l = a.o;\n const m = a.cb;\n let t = m.Db;\n let q = c;\n let r = c;\n c += d * e;\n e = Ba + Ge;\n const u = e + m.xb;\n const v = m.xb > 0 ? m.Yb : p;\n const C = m.Dc;\n let A = !1;\n $(t != p);\n for (; !l.L && q < c;) {\n let z = s;\n A || ((h & C) == 0 && (t = ye(m, h, f)), Da(l), z = Oa(t.va[Zf], l));\n if (z < Ba || A) {\n if (!A) {\n var w = k = A = s;\n var y = s;\n Da(l);\n A = Oa(t.va[$f], l);\n k = z;\n Da(l);\n w = Oa(t.va[ag], l);\n Da(l);\n y = Oa(t.va[bg], l);\n b[q] = (y << 24 >>> 0) + (A << 16) + (k << 8) + w;\n }\n A = !1;\n ++q;\n ++h;\n if (h >= d && (h = 0, ++f, g != p && f\n % $c == 0 && g(a, f), v != p)) for (; r < q;) k = b[r++], v.ea[ad * k >>> v.bb] = k;\n } else if (z < e) {\n w = w = s;\n k = xe(z - Ba, l);\n z = Oa(t.va[cg], l);\n Da(l);\n w = xe(z, l);\n w > He ? w -= He : (z = dg[w - 1], z = (z >> 4) * d + (8 - (z & 15)), w = z >= 1 ? z : 1);\n z = s;\n for (z = 0; z < k; ++z) b[q + z] = b[q + z - w];\n q += k;\n for (h += k; h >= d;) h -= d, ++f, g != p && f % $c == 0 && g(a, f);\n if (q < c && (t = ye(m, h, f), v != p)) for (; r < q;) k = b[r++], v.ea[ad * k >>> v.bb] = k;\n } else if (z < u) {\n A = z - e;\n for ($(v != p); r < q;) z = b[r++], v.ea[ad * z >>> v.bb] = z;\n z = b;\n w = q;\n y = v;\n $(A <= -1 >>> y.bb);\n z[w] = y.ea[A];\n A = !0;\n continue;\n }(k = !l.fa) || End;\n }\n g != p && g(a, f);\n l.fa || !k || l.L && q < c ? (k = 0, a.a = !l.L ? W : Ie) : q == c && (a.Ob = Db);\n return k;\n }\n\n function bd(a) {\n $(a);\n a.ac = p;\n zb(a.Db, a.hc);\n const b = a.Yb;\n b != p && (b.ea = p, b.ea = p);\n $(a);\n }\n\n function sd() {\n const a = M(eg);\n if (a == p) return p;\n a.a = L;\n a.Wa = cd;\n a.Ob = cd;\n return a;\n }\n\n function sa(a) {\n let b = s;\n if (a != p) {\n bd(a.cb);\n a.V = p;\n a.V = p;\n for (b = 0; b < a.Na; ++b) {\n const c = a.nc[b];\n c.u = p;\n c.u = p;\n }\n a.Na = 0;\n a.Ub = 0;\n a.Mc = p;\n a.Mc = p;\n a.Ib = p;\n }\n }\n\n function Ka(a, b, c, d, e) {\n var g = 1;\n a = [a];\n b = [b];\n for (var k = d.o, h = d.cb, f = p, l = p, l = 0; ;) {\n if (c) {\n for (; g && T(k, 1);) {\n var m = a;\n var t = b;\n var q = d;\n var r = 1;\n var u = q.o;\n var g = q.nc[q.Na];\n var v = T(u, 2);\n if (q.Ub & 1 << v) g = 0;\n else {\n q.Ub\n |= 1 << v;\n g.Qc = v;\n g.U = m[0];\n g.Vb = t[0];\n g.u = [p];\n g.b = 0;\n ++q.Na;\n $(q.Na <= Je);\n switch (v) {\n case Be:\n case De:\n g.n = T(u, 3) + 2;\n r = Ka(Aa(g.U, g.n), Aa(g.Vb, g.n), 0, q, g.u);\n break;\n case Ee:\n t = T(u, 8) + 1;\n r = t > 16 ? 0 : t > 4 ? 1 : t > 2 ? 2 : 3;\n m[0] = Aa(g.U, r);\n g.n = r;\n if (m = r = Ka(t, 1, 0, q, g.u)) {\n if (m = t, q = g, r = s, t = 1 << (8 >>> q.n) >>> 0, u = Array(t), u == p) m = 0;\n else {\n var v = q.u[0];\n var C = q.b;\n u[0] = q.u[0][q.b + 0];\n for (r = 1; r < m; ++r) u[r] = ((((v[C + r] & 4278255360) >>> 0) + ((u[r - 1] & 4278255360) >>> 0) & 4278255360) >>> 0 | (v[C + r] & 16711935) + (u[r - 1] & 16711935) & 16711935) >>> 0;\n for (; r < t; ++r) u[r] = 0;\n q.u[0] = p;\n q.b = p;\n q.u[0] = u;\n q.b = 0;\n m = 1;\n }\n }\n r = m;\n break;\n case Ae:\n break;\n default:\n $(0);\n }\n g.u = g.u[0];\n g = r;\n }\n }\n }\n if (g && T(k, 1) && (l = T(k, 4), g = l >= 1 && l <= fg, !g)) {\n d.a = W;\n break;\n }\n if (g) {\n a: {\n var g = d;\n var A = a[0];\n var z = b[0];\n var m = l;\n var C = v = s;\n var C = g.o;\n var q = g.cb;\n var r = [p];\n var t = p;\n var u = 1;\n if (c && T(C, 1)) {\n var v = T(C, 3) + 2;\n var A = Aa(A, v);\n var w = Aa(z, v);\n var z = A * w;\n if (!Ka(A, w, 0, g, r)) {\n g.a = W;\n zb(t, u);\n g = 0;\n break a;\n }\n r = r[0];\n q.eb = v;\n for (v = 0; v < z; ++v) A = r[v] >>> 8 & 65535, r[v] = A, A >= u && (u = A + 1);\n }\n if (C.fa) zb(t, u), g = 0;\n else if ($(u <= 65536), t = ld(u, gg), t == p) g.a = cb, zb(t, u), g = 0;\n else {\n for (v = 0; v < u; ++v) {\n z = t[v].va;\n for (C = 0; C < Yc; ++C) {\n A = hg[C];\n C == 0 && m > 0 && (A += 1 << m);\n b: {\n const y = A;\n var A = g;\n const G = z[+C];\n var B = 0;\n var w = A.o;\n if (T(w, 1)) {\n var F = Array(2);\n var D = Array(2);\n var L = Array(2);\n var B = T(w, 1) + 1;\n var J = T(w, 1);\n F[0] = T(w, J == 0 ? 1 : 8);\n D[0] = 0;\n L[0] = B - 1;\n B == 2 && (F[1] = T(w, 8), D[1] = 1, L[1] = B - 1);\n c: {\n var J = 0;\n var H = s;\n $(G != p);\n $(L != p);\n $(D != p);\n $(F != p);\n if (nd(G, B)) {\n for (H = 0; H < B; ++H) {\n if (D[H] != pd) {\n if (F[H] < 0 || F[H] >= y) {\n (J = J && ma(G)) || ja(G);\n B = J;\n break c;\n }\n if (!jc(G, F[H], D[H], L[H])) {\n (J = J && ma(G)) || ja(G);\n B = J;\n break c;\n }\n }\n }(J = (J = 1) && ma(G)) || ja(G);\n B = J;\n } else B = 0;\n }\n } else {\n B = s;\n D = [];\n F = T(w, 4) + 4;\n if (F > Ke) {\n A.a = W;\n A = 0;\n break b;\n }\n L = Array(y);\n if (L == p) {\n A.a = cb;\n A = 0;\n break b;\n }\n for (B = 0; B < F; ++B) D[ig[B]] = T(w, 3);\n c: {\n var B = A;\n var O = D;\n var D = y;\n var F = L;\n var J = 0;\n var H = B.o;\n let S = s;\n let V = s;\n let Y = jg;\n const Z = M(Le);\n if (od(Z, O, Ke)) {\n if (T(H, 1)) {\n if (S = 2 + 2 * T(H, 3), V = 2 + T(H, S), V > D) {\n B.a = W;\n ja(Z);\n B = J;\n break c;\n }\n } else V = D;\n for (S = 0; S < D;) {\n var R = s;\n if (V-- == 0) break;\n Da(H);\n R = Oa(Z, H);\n if (R < Me) F[S++] = R, R != 0 && (Y = R);\n else {\n var O = R == kg;\n var R = R - Me;\n const ea = lg[R];\n var R = T(H, mg[R]) + ea;\n if (S + R > D) {\n B.a = W;\n ja(Z);\n B = J;\n break c;\n }\n for (O = O ? Y : 0; R-- > 0;) F[S++] = O;\n }\n }\n J = 1;\n ja(Z);\n B = J;\n } else B.a = W, B = 0;\n }\n B && (B = od(G, L, y));\n }(B = B && !w.fa) ? A = 1 : (A.a = W, A = 0);\n }\n if (!A) {\n zb(t, u);\n g = 0;\n break a;\n }\n }\n }\n q.ac = r;\n q.hc = u;\n q.Db = t;\n g = 1;\n }\n }\n }\n if (!g) {\n d.a = W;\n break;\n }\n if (l > 0) {\n if (h.xb = 1 << l, m = h.Yb, q = 1 << l, $(m != p), $(l > 0), m.ea = U(q, 0), m.ea == p ? l = 0 : (m.bb = 32 - l, l = 1), !l) {\n d.a = cb;\n g = 0;\n break;\n }\n } else h.xb = 0;\n l = d;\n m = a[0];\n q = b[0];\n r = l.cb;\n t = r.eb;\n l.l = m;\n l.v = q;\n r.Ec = Aa(m, t);\n r.Dc = t == 0 ? -1 : (1 << t) - 1;\n if (c) {\n d.Ob = Cb;\n break;\n }\n f = Array(a * b);\n l = 0;\n if (f == p) {\n d.a = cb;\n g = 0;\n break;\n }\n g = (g = lc(d, f, l, a, b, p)) && !k.fa;\n break;\n }\n g ? (e != p ? e[0] = f : ($(f == p), $(c)), c || bd(h)) : (bd(h), d.a == W && d.o.L && (d.a = Ie));\n return g;\n }\n\n function xd(a, b) {\n const c = a.l * a.v;\n const d = c + b + b * $c;\n $(a.l <= b);\n a.V = Array(d);\n a.Ha = 0;\n if (a.V == p) {\n return a.Xa = p, a.a = cb, 0;\n }\n a.Xa = a.V;\n a.vb = a.Ha + c + b;\n return 1;\n }\n\n function mf(a, b) {\n var c = b - a.O;\n var d = a.V;\n var e = a.Ha + a.l * a.O;\n if (!(c <= 0)) {\n ze(a, c, d, e);\n for (var e = a.N.width, c = e * c, d = a.N.ka, e = a.N.fd + e * a.O, g = a.Xa, k = a.vb, h = s, h = 0; h < c; ++h) d[e + h] = g[k + h] >>> 8 & 255;\n a.O = a.xa = b;\n }\n }\n\n function ng(a, b) {\n const c = [s];\n const d = [s];\n const e = [s];\n if (a == p) return 0;\n if (b == p) return a.a = ta, 0;\n a.N = b;\n a.a = L;\n Rb(a.o, b.data, b.b, b.e);\n if (!ue(a.o, c, d, e)) return a.a = W, sa(a), $(a.a != L), 0;\n a.Ob = cd;\n b.width = c[0];\n b.height = d[0];\n a.Wa = Cb;\n return !Ka(c[0], d[0], 1, a, p) ? (sa(a), $(a.a != L), 0) : 1;\n }\n\n function og(a) {\n let b = p;\n let c = p;\n if (a == p) return 0;\n b = a.N;\n $(b != p);\n c = b.ka;\n $(c != p);\n a.Ib = c.j;\n a.Hc = c.Hc;\n $(a.Ib != p);\n if (!Ne(c.Qa, b, Pa)) return a.a = ta, sa(a), $(a.a != L), 0;\n if (!xd(a, b.width) || b.I && !AllocateAndInitRescaler(a, b)) return sa(a), $(a.a != L), 0;\n a.Wa = Db;\n if (!lc(a, a.V, a.Ha, a.l, a.v, Yf)) return sa(a), $(a.a != L), 0;\n c.ec = a.xa;\n sa(a);\n return 1;\n }\n\n function wa(a, b) {\n return a < 0 ? 0 : a > b ? b : a;\n }\n\n function ab(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, C, w, z) {\n let y; const G = C - 1 >> 1;\n let F = e[g + 0] | k[h + 0] << 16;\n let B = f[l + 0] | m[t + 0] << 16;\n if (a) {\n var D = 3 * F + B + 131074 >> 2;\n w(a[b + 0], D & 255, D >> 16, q, r);\n }\n c && (D = 3 * B + F + 131074 >> 2, w(c[d + 0], D & 255, D >> 16, u, v));\n for (y = 1; y <= G; ++y) {\n const J = e[g + y] | k[h + y] << 16;\n const L = f[l + y] | m[t + y] << 16;\n var D = F + J + B + L + 524296;\n const O = D + 2 * (J + B) >> 3;\n const H = D + 2 * (F + L) >> 3;\n a && (D = O + F >> 1, F = H + J >> 1, w(a[b + 2 * y - 1], D & 255, D >> 16, q, r + (2 * y - 1) * z), w(a[b + 2 * y - 0], F & 255, F >> 16, q, r + (2 * y - 0) * z));\n c && (D = H + B >> 1, F = O + L >> 1, w(c[d + 2 * y - 1], D & 255, D >> 16, u, v + (2 * y - 1) * z), w(c[d + 2 * y + 0], F & 255, F >> 16, u, v + (2 * y + 0) * z));\n F = J;\n B = L;\n }\n C & 1 || (a && (D = 3 * F + B + 131074 >> 2, w(a[b + C - 1], D & 255, D >> 16, q, r + (C - 1) * z)), c && (D = 3 * B + F + 131074 >> 2, w(c[d + C - 1], D & 255, D >> 16, u, v + (C - 1) * z)));\n }\n\n function pg(a,\n b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w) {\n ab(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w, hc, 3);\n }\n\n function qg(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w) {\n ab(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w, Vc, 3);\n }\n\n function Oe(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w) {\n ab(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w, pe, 4);\n }\n\n function Pe(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w) {\n ab(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w, oe, 4);\n }\n\n function Qe(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w) {\n ab(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w, me, 4);\n }\n\n function Re(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w) {\n ab(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h,\n f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w, ne, 2);\n }\n\n function rg(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w) {\n ab(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w, le, 2);\n }\n\n function Ca(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u) {\n let v;\n for (v = 0; v < q - 1; v += 2) r(a[b + 0], e[g + 0], k[h + 0], f, l), r(a[b + 1], e[g + 0], k[h + 0], f, l + u), r(c[d + 0], e[g + 0], k[h + 0], m, t), r(c[d + 1], e[g + 0], k[h + 0], m, t + u), b += 2, d += 2, g++, h++, l += 2 * u, t += 2 * u;\n v == q - 1 && (r(a[b + 0], e[g + 0], k[h + 0], f, l), r(c[d + 0], e[g + 0], k[h + 0], m, t));\n }\n\n function Se(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, f, n, l, m, t, q) {\n Ca(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, f, n, l, m, t, q, pe, 4);\n }\n\n function Te(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, f, n, l,\n m, t, q) {\n Ca(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, f, n, l, m, t, q, oe, 4);\n }\n\n function Ue(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, f, n, l, m, t, q) {\n Ca(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, f, n, l, m, t, q, me, 4);\n }\n\n function Ve(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, f, n, l, m, t, q) {\n Ca(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, f, n, l, m, t, q, ne, 2);\n }\n\n function sg(a, b, c, d, e, g) {\n for (; e-- > 0;) {\n for (var k = a, f = b + (c ? 1 : 0), n = a, l = b + (c ? 0 : 3), m = s, m = 0; m < d; ++m) {\n var t = n[l + 4 * m];\n if (t != 255) {\n var t = 32897 * t;\n let q = k;\n let r = f + 4 * m + 0;\n k[f + 4 * m + 0] * t >>> 23;\n q[r] = ca;\n q = k;\n r = f + 4 * m + 1;\n k[f + 4 * m + 1] * t >>> 23;\n q[r] = ca;\n q = k;\n r = f + 4 * m + 2;\n k[f + 4 * m + 2] * t >>> 23;\n q[r] = ca;\n }\n }\n b += g;\n }\n }\n\n function tg(a, b) {\n const c = b.j.c.Va;\n const d = c.y;\n const e = c.D + a.w * c.F;\n const g = c.c;\n const k = c.B + (a.w >> 1) * c.nb;\n const f = c.S;\n const n = c.C + (a.w >> 1) * c.rb;\n const l = a.m;\n const m = a.h;\n const t = parseInt((l + 1) / 2, 10);\n const q = parseInt((m + 1) / 2, 10);\n let r;\n for (r = 0; r < m; ++r) N(d, e + r * c.F, a.y, a.D + r * a.F, l);\n for (r = 0; r < q; ++r) N(g, k + r * c.nb, a.c, a.B + r * a.Da, t), N(f, n + r * c.rb, a.S, a.C + r * a.Da, t);\n return a.h;\n }\n\n function ug(a, b) {\n var c = b.j;\n const d = c.c.RGBA;\n const e = d.ma;\n let g = d.Sa + a.w * d.f;\n const k = a.y;\n let f = a.D;\n const n = a.c;\n let l = a.B;\n const m = a.S;\n let t = a.C;\n var c = vg[c.J];\n const q = a.m;\n const r = a.h - 1;\n let u;\n for (u = 0; u < r; u += 2) c(k, f, k, f + a.F, n, l, m, t, e, g, e, g + d.f, q), f += 2 * a.F, l += a.Da, t += a.Da, g += 2 * d.f;\n u == r && c(k, f, k, f, n, l, m, t, e, g, e, g, q);\n return a.h;\n }\n\n function wg(a, b) {\n let c = a.h;\n const d = b.j.c.RGBA;\n const e = d.ma;\n let g = d.Sa + a.w * d.f;\n const k = V[b.j.J];\n const f = a.y;\n let n = a.D;\n const l = a.c;\n let m = a.B;\n const t = a.S;\n let q = a.C;\n let r = b.Qb;\n let u = b.Rb;\n let v = b.lc;\n let w = b.mc;\n let A = a.w;\n const z = a.w + a.h;\n const y = a.m;\n const D = parseInt((y + 1) / 2, 10);\n A == 0 ? k(p, p, f, n, l, m, t, q, l, m, t, q, p, p, e, g, y) : (k(b.Sb, b.Tb, f, n, r, u, v, w, l, m, t, q, e, g - d.f, e, g, y), ++c);\n for (; A + 2 < z; A += 2) r = l, u = m, v = t, w = q, m += a.Da, q += a.Da, g += 2 * d.f, n += 2 * a.F, k(f, n - a.F, f, n, r, u, v, w, l, m, t, q, e, g - d.f, e, g, y);\n n += a.F;\n a.k + z < a.K ? (N(b.Sb, b.Tb, f, n, 1 * y), N(b.Qb, b.Rb, l, m, 1 * D), N(b.lc, b.mc, t, q, 1 * D), c--) : z & 1 || k(f, n, p, p, l, m, t, q, l, m,\n t, q, e, g + d.f, p, p, y);\n return c;\n }\n\n function xg(a, b) {\n var c = a.p;\n var d = a.q;\n const e = b.j.c.Va;\n const g = a.m;\n const f = a.h;\n const h = e.p;\n let n = e.q + a.w * e.Fa;\n var c = a.p;\n var d = a.q;\n let l = s;\n if (c != p) for (l = 0; l < f; ++l) N(h, n, c, d, 1 * g), d += a.width, n += e.Fa;\n else if (e.p != p) for (l = 0; l < f; ++l) jd(h, n, 255, g), n += e.Fa;\n return 0;\n }\n\n function We(a, b, c) {\n let d = a.w;\n c[0] = a.h;\n a.Bb && (d == 0 ? --c[0] : (--d, b[0] -= a.width), a.k + a.w + a.h == a.K && (c[0] = a.K - a.k - d));\n return d;\n }\n\n function yg(a, b) {\n const c = a.p;\n var d = [a.q];\n if (c != p) {\n for (var e = a.m, g = b.j.J, f = g == Ab || g == Bb, h = b.j.c.RGBA, n = [s], l = We(a, d, n), d = d[0], m = h.ma, l = h.Sa + l * h.f,\n t = l + (f ? 0 : 3), q = 255, r = s, u = s, u = 0; u < n[0]; ++u) {\n for (r = 0; r < e; ++r) {\n const v = c[d + r];\n m[t + 4 * r] = v;\n q &= v;\n }\n d += a.width;\n t += h.f;\n }\n q != 255 && F(g) && WebPApplyAlphaMultiply(m, l, f, e, n, h.f);\n }\n return 0;\n }\n\n function zg(a, b) {\n const c = a.p;\n var d = [a.q];\n if (c != p) {\n const e = a.m;\n const g = b.j.J;\n const f = b.j.c.RGBA;\n const h = [s];\n var n = We(a, d, h);\n var d = d[0];\n const l = f.ma;\n var n = f.Sa + n * f.f;\n let m = n + 1;\n let t = 15;\n let q = s;\n for (j = 0; j < h[0]; ++j) {\n for (q = 0; q < e; ++q) {\n const r = c[d + q] >> 4;\n l[m + 2 * q] = l[m + 2 * q] & 240 | r;\n t &= r;\n }\n d += a.width;\n m += f.f;\n }\n t != 15 && F(g) && WebPApplyAlphaMultiply4444(l, n, e, h, f.f);\n }\n return 0;\n }\n\n function vd(a) {\n let b = a.ka;\n const c = b.j.J;\n const d = c\n < ua;\n const e = c == jb || c == Pa || c == Ab || c == kb || c == Ra || F(c);\n b.memory = p;\n b.$a = p;\n b.zb = p;\n b.ad = p;\n if (!Ne(b.Qa, a, e ? ua : Ra)) return 0;\n if (a.I) {\n if (!(d ? InitRGBRescaler(a, b) : InitYUVRescaler(a, b))) return alert('memory error #1'), 0;\n } else {\n if (d) {\n if (b.$a = ug, a.Bb) {\n const g = a.m + 1 >> 1;\n const f = a.m + 2 * g;\n let h; const\n n = [];\n for (h = 0; h < f; ++h) n.push(205);\n n.push(0);\n b.memory = n;\n if (b.memory == p) return alert('memory error #2'), 0;\n b.Sb = b.memory;\n b.Tb = 0;\n b.Qb = b.Sb;\n b.Rb = b.Tb + a.m;\n b.lc = b.Qb;\n b.mc = b.Rb + g;\n b.$a = wg;\n V[Qa] = pg;\n V[jb] = Oe;\n V[Zc] = qg;\n V[Pa] = Pe;\n V[Ab] = Qe;\n V[kb] = Re;\n V[Fe] = rg;\n }\n } else {\n b.$a = tg;\n }\n e && (F(c) && (WebPApplyAlphaMultiply = sg, V[Ob] = Oe, V[Pb] = Pe, V[Bb] = Qe, V[Qb] = Re), b.zb = c == kb || c == Qb ? zg : d ? yg : xg);\n }\n if (d && !Xe) {\n for (a = 0; a < 256; ++a) Za[a] = 89858 * (a - 128) + Jb >> ea, wb[a] = -22014 * (a - 128) + Jb, vb[a] = -45773 * (a - 128), xb[a] = 113618 * (a - 128) + Jb >> ea;\n for (a = J; a < dd; ++a) b = 76283 * (a - 16) + Jb >> ea, ia[a - J] = wa(b, 255), Hb[a - J] = wa(b + 8 >> 4, 15);\n Xe = 1;\n }\n return 1;\n }\n\n function ud(a) {\n const b = a.ka;\n let c = a.m;\n const d = a.h;\n $(!(a.w & 1));\n if (c <= 0 || d <= 0) return 0;\n c = b.$a(a, b);\n b.ec += c;\n b.zb && b.zb(a, b);\n return 1;\n }\n\n function wd(a) {\n a = a.ka;\n a.memory = '';\n a.memory = p;\n }\n\n function ed(a,\n b) {\n return a[b + 0] | a[b + 1] << 8 | a[b + 2] << 16;\n }\n\n function Kb(a, b) {\n return (ed(a, b) | a[b + 3] << 24) >>> 0;\n }\n\n function Ye(a, b, c, d, e, g, f) {\n var h = 0;\n var n = [0];\n var l = 'VP8StatusCode';\n const m = M(Gc);\n if (a == p || c[0] < Lb) return Z;\n m.data = a;\n m.b = [b[0]];\n m.e = [c[0]];\n m.na = [m.na];\n a: {\n h = m.na;\n $(a != p);\n $(c != p);\n $(h != p);\n h[0] = 0;\n if (c[0] >= Lb && !kd(a, b[0], 'RIFF', O)) {\n if (kd(a, b[0] + 8, 'WEBP', O)) {\n l = W;\n break a;\n }\n var t = Kb(a, b[0] + O);\n if (t < O + R) {\n l = W;\n break a;\n }\n h[0] = t;\n b[0] += Lb;\n c[0] -= Lb;\n } else h[0] = 0;\n l = L;\n }\n m.na = m.na[0];\n if (l != L) return l;\n h = m.na > 0;\n t = [0];\n a: if (l = R + fd, $(a != p), $(c != p), $(n != p), n[0] = 0, c[0] < R) l = Z;\n else {\n if (!kd(a, b[0], 'VP8X', O)) {\n var q = s;\n var r = s;\n var u = E;\n if (Kb(a, b[0] + O) != fd) {\n l = W;\n break a;\n }\n if (c[0] < l) {\n l = Z;\n break a;\n }\n u = Kb(a, b[0] + 8);\n q = 1 + ed(a, b[0] + 12);\n r = 1 + ed(a, b[0] + 15);\n if (q * r >= Ag) {\n l = W;\n break a;\n }\n t != p && (t[0] = u);\n d != p && (d[0] = q);\n e != p && (e[0] = r);\n b[0] += l;\n c[0] -= l;\n n[0] = 1;\n }\n l = L;\n }\n if (l != L) return l;\n if (!h && n[0]) return W;\n g != p && (g[0] = !!(t[0] & Bg));\n if (n && f == p) return L;\n if (c < O) return Z;\n if (h && n[0] || !h && !n[0] && !kd(a, b[0], 'ALPH', O)) {\n m.$ = [m.$];\n m.G = [m.G];\n m.pa = [m.pa];\n a: {\n var n = m.na;\n var h = m.$;\n var t = m.G;\n var l = m.pa;\n var q = x;\n var r = 0;\n var u = Mb;\n let v = O + R + fd;\n $(a != p);\n $(c != p);\n q = a;\n r = b[0];\n u = c[0];\n $(h != p);\n $(l != p);\n h[0] = p;\n t[0] = p;\n for (l[0] = 0; ;) {\n let w = E;\n let y = E;\n b[0] = r;\n c[0] = u;\n if (u < R) {\n l = Z;\n break a;\n }\n w = Kb(q, r + O);\n y = R + w + 1 & -2;\n v += y;\n if (n > 0 && v > n) {\n l = W;\n break a;\n }\n if (u < y) {\n l = Z;\n break a;\n }\n if (kd(q, r, 'ALPH', O)) {\n if (!kd(q, r, 'VP8 ', O) || !kd(q, 'VP8L', O)) {\n l = L;\n break a;\n }\n } else h[0] = q, t[0] = r + R, l[0] = w;\n r += y;\n u -= y;\n }\n l = ca;\n }\n m.$ = m.$[0];\n m.G = m.G[0];\n m.pa = m.pa[0];\n if (l != L) return l;\n }\n m.ta = [m.ta];\n m.ia = [m.ia];\n a: if (n = m.na, h = m.ta, t = m.ia, r = !kd(a, b[0], 'VP8 ', O), l = !kd(a, b[0], 'VP8L', O), q = O + R, $(a != p), $(c != p), $(h != p), $(t != p), c[0] < R) l = Z;\n else {\n if (r || l) {\n r = Kb(a, b[0] + O);\n if (n >= q && r > n - q) {\n l = W;\n break a;\n }\n h[0] = r;\n b[0] += R;\n c[0] -= R;\n t[0] = l;\n } else t[0] = c >= 1 && a[b + 0] == ve, h[0] = c[0];\n l = L;\n }\n m.ta = m.ta[0];\n m.ia = m.ia[0];\n if (l != L) return l;\n if (m.ta > Ze) return W;\n if (m.ia) {\n if (c[0] < $e) return Z;\n n = b[0];\n h = c[0];\n d = d ? d[0] : p;\n e = e ? e[0] : p;\n t = g ? g[0] : p;\n a == p || h < $e ? a = 0 : (l = [s], q = [s], r = [s], u = M(af), Rb(u, a, n, h), ue(u, l, q, r) ? (d != p && (d[0] = l[0]), e != p && (e[0] = q[0]), t != p && (t[0] = r[0]), a = 1) : a = 0);\n } else {\n if (c < bf) return Z;\n n = b[0];\n h = c[0];\n d = d ? d[0] : p;\n e = e ? e[0] : p;\n !(a == p || h < bf) && h - 3 >= 3 && a[n + 3 + 0] == 157 && a[n\n + 3 + 1] == 1 && a[n + 3 + 2] == 42 ? (h = a[n + 0] | a[n + 1] << 8 | a[n + 2] << 16, t = (a[n + 7] << 8 | a[n + 6]) & 16383, a = (a[n + 9] << 8 | a[n + 8]) & 16383, !(!(h & 1) + 0) || (h >> 1 & 7) > 3 || !(h >> 4 & 1) || h >> 5 >= m.ta ? a = 0 : (d && (d[0] = t), e && (e[0] = a), a = 1)) : a = 0;\n }\n if (!a) return W;\n g != p && (g[0] |= m.$ != p);\n f != p && (f[0] = m, f[0].offset = b[0] - f[0].b, $(b[0] - f[0].b < Ze), $(f[0].offset == f[0].e - c[0]));\n return L;\n }\n\n function Kd(a) {\n $(a != p);\n return Ye(a[0].data, a[0].b, a[0].e, p, p, p, a);\n }\n\n function cf(a, b, c, d) {\n let e = 'VP8StatusCode';\n const g = M(Vb);\n let f = M(Gc);\n f.data = a;\n f.b = b;\n f.e = c;\n f.b = [f.b];\n f.e = [f.e];\n f = [f];\n e = Kd(f);\n if (e\n != L) return e;\n f = f[0];\n f.b = f.b[0];\n f.e = f.e[0];\n $(d != p);\n td(na);\n g.data = f.data;\n g.b = b + f.offset;\n g.e = f.e - f.offset;\n g.put = ud;\n g.Mb = vd;\n g.Pb = wd;\n g.ka = d;\n if (f.ia) {\n a = sd();\n if (a == p) return cb;\n ng(a, g) ? (e = zd(g.width, g.height, d.Qa, d.j), e == L && !og(a) && (e = a.a)) : e = a.a;\n a != p && sa(a);\n } else {\n e = M(Cg);\n e != p && (Gd(e), e.za = 0, e.Hb = 1);\n a = e;\n if (a == p) return cb;\n a.qb = 0;\n a.Ga = f.$;\n a.G = f.G;\n a.ub = f.pa;\n Hd(a, g) ? (e = zd(g.width, g.height, d.Qa, d.j), e == L && !Mf(a, g) && (e = a.a)) : e = a.a;\n a != p && ke(a);\n }\n e != L && (self || this).Yc(d.j);\n return e;\n }\n\n function lb(a, b, c, d, e) {\n const g = {\n value: 0,\n };\n c = {\n value: c,\n };\n const f = M(df);\n const h = M(gd);\n f.j = h;\n h.J = a;\n const n = {\n value: h.width,\n };\n const l = {\n value: h.height,\n };\n let m;\n m = c;\n const t = M(ef);\n hd(b, g, m, t) != L ? m = 0 : (n != p && (n.value = t.width), l != p && (l.value = t.height), m = 1);\n if (!m) return p;\n h.width = n.value;\n h.height = l.value;\n d != p && (d.value = h.width.value);\n e != p && (e.value = h.height.value);\n return cf(b, g.value, c.value, f) != L ? p : a < ua ? h.c.RGBA.ma : h.c.Va.y;\n }\n\n function hd(a, b, c, d) {\n if (d == p || a == p) return ta;\n $(d != p);\n d.tc = 0;\n d.width = [d.width];\n d.height = [d.height];\n d.$b = [d.$b];\n return Ye(a, b, c, d.width, d.height, d.$b, p);\n }\n\n function Ne(a,\n b, c) {\n const d = b.width;\n const e = b.height;\n let g = 0;\n let f = 0;\n let h = d;\n let n = e;\n b.Ua = a != p && a.Ua > 0;\n if (b.Ua && (h = a.wc, n = a.vc, g = a.t, f = a.k, c < ua || (g &= -2, f &= -2), g < 0 || f < 0 || h <= 0 || n <= 0 || g + h > d || f + n > e)) return 0;\n b.t = g;\n b.k = f;\n b.Ka = g + h;\n b.K = f + n;\n b.m = h;\n b.h = n;\n b.I = a != p && a.I > 0;\n if (b.I) {\n if (a.Ba <= 0 || a.Aa <= 0) return 0;\n b.Ba = a.Ba;\n b.Aa = a.Aa;\n }\n b.Za = a && a.Za;\n b.Bb = a == p || !a.ed;\n b.I && (b.Za = b.Ba < 3 * d / 4 && b.Aa < 3 * e / 4, b.Bb = 0);\n return 1;\n }\n var na = 512;\n var Qa = 0;\n var jb = 1;\n var Zc = 2;\n var Pa = 3;\n var Ab = 4;\n var kb = 5;\n var Fe = 6;\n var Ob = 7;\n var Pb = 8;\n var Bb = 9;\n var Qb = 10;\n var ua = 11;\n var Ra = 12;\n var Cc = 13;\n this.WEBP_CSP_MODE = this.Cd = {\n nd: 0,\n od: 1,\n kd: 2,\n ld: 3,\n jd: 4,\n pd: 5,\n qd: 6,\n rd: 7,\n sd: 8,\n md: 9,\n };\n var gd = {\n J: 'WEBP_CSP_MODE',\n width: s,\n height: s,\n Fc: s,\n c: {\n RGBA: {\n ma: x,\n Sa: 0,\n f: s,\n size: Mb,\n },\n Va: {\n y: x,\n c: x,\n S: x,\n p: x,\n D: x,\n B: x,\n C: x,\n q: x,\n F: s,\n nb: s,\n rb: s,\n Fa: s,\n Wc: Mb,\n Rc: Mb,\n Uc: Mb,\n Wb: Mb,\n },\n },\n Ic: U(4, E),\n Jb: p,\n jc: x,\n };\n var L = 0;\n var cb = 1;\n var ta = 2;\n var W = 3;\n var Hf = 4;\n var Ie = 5;\n var Nf = 6;\n var Z = 7;\n this.VP8StatusCode = this.td = {\n xd: 0,\n yd: 1,\n vd: 2,\n ud: 3,\n Ad: 4,\n zd: 5,\n Bd: 6,\n wd: 7,\n };\n var ef = {\n width: {\n value: s,\n },\n height: {\n value: s,\n },\n $b: {\n value: s,\n },\n tc: s,\n Yd: s,\n rotate: s,\n be: s,\n Ic: U(3, E),\n };\n this.WebPGetFeatures = this.Md = function (a, b, c) {\n let d = 'VP8StatusCode';\n na >>> 8 != na >>> 8 || c == p ? a = ta : (b = [b], d = hd(a, [0], b, c), a = d == Z ? W : d);\n return a;\n };\n const ff = {\n Za: s,\n ed: s,\n Ua: s,\n t: s,\n k: s,\n wc: s,\n vc: s,\n I: s,\n Ba: s,\n Aa: s,\n ae: s,\n Td: s,\n Xd: s,\n Ic: U(6, E),\n };\n this.WebPDecoderConfig = this.Kd = {\n input: M(ef),\n j: M(gd),\n options: M(ff),\n };\n this.WebPInitDecoderConfig = this.Nd = function (a) {\n na >>> 8 != na >>> 8 || a == p ? a = 0 : (a = a.input, $(a != p), a.tc = 0, a = 1);\n return a;\n };\n var Vb = {\n width: s,\n height: s,\n w: s,\n m: s,\n h: s,\n y: x,\n c: x,\n S: x,\n D: 0,\n B: 0,\n C: 0,\n F: s,\n Da: s,\n ka: 0,\n put: 0,\n Mb: 0,\n Pb: 0,\n Bb: s,\n e: Mb,\n data: x,\n b: 0,\n Za: s,\n Ua: s,\n t: s,\n Ka: s,\n k: s,\n K: s,\n I: s,\n Ba: s,\n Aa: s,\n p: x,\n q: 0,\n };\n var df = {\n j: M(gd),\n Sb: x,\n Qb: x,\n lc: x,\n Tb: 0,\n Rb: 0,\n mc: 0,\n ec: s,\n Qa: M(ff),\n memory: 0,\n $a: '(OutputFunc)',\n zb: '(OutputFunc)',\n ad: '(OutputRowFunc)',\n };\n var Gc = {\n data: x,\n b: x,\n e: Mb,\n offset: Mb,\n $: p,\n G: x,\n pa: Mb,\n ta: Mb,\n na: Mb,\n ia: s,\n };\n var Fc = {\n qa: x,\n Ia: p,\n Pd: x,\n Ab: s,\n la: E,\n Z: E,\n gc: s,\n };\n var af = {\n T: bb,\n qa: x,\n Ia: x,\n ya: Mb,\n Q: Mb,\n g: s,\n L: s,\n fa: s,\n };\n var gf = 25;\n var hf = [0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, 511, 1023, 2047, 4095, 8191, 16383, 32767, 65535, 131071, 262143, 524287, 1048575, 2097151, 4194303, 8388607, 16777215];\n var bf = 10;\n var ve = 47;\n var we = 14;\n var Wf = 3;\n var $e = 5;\n var fg = 11;\n var Yc = 5;\n var qe = 4278190080;\n var jg = 8;\n var Tb = 15;\n var Ba = 256;\n var Ge = 24;\n var Je = 4;\n var Be = 0;\n var De = 1;\n var Ae = 2;\n var Ee = 3;\n var Ub = 1;\n var kc = 0;\n var kf = 1;\n var rd = 1;\n var O = 4;\n var R = 8;\n var Lb = 12;\n var fd = 10;\n var Bg = 16;\n var Ag = 1 * Math.pow(2, 32);\n var Ze = -1 - R - 1 >>> 0;\n var jf = {\n kc: s,\n s,\n };\n var Le = {\n Y: 'HuffmanTreeNode*',\n gb: s,\n Pa: s,\n };\n var pd = -1;\n const Dg = {\n ea: E,\n bb: s,\n };\n var ad = 506832829;\n var $b = 0;\n var ge = $b;\n var fe = 2;\n var ee = 3;\n var de = 1;\n var Ef = 4;\n var Df = 5;\n var Cf = 6;\n var Ld = 3;\n var xa = 4;\n var Hc = 4;\n var Gf = 4;\n var Md = 4;\n var Nd = 8;\n var Kc = 3;\n var Lc = 11;\n var f = 32;\n var Pf = 17 * f + 9 * f;\n var Tc = 1 * f + 8;\n var Uc = Tc + 16 * f + f;\n var he = Uc + 16;\n var Id = {\n fb: x,\n Jc: x,\n Nc: x,\n Ra: E,\n };\n var Jd = {\n l: 0,\n v: 0,\n gd: x,\n hd: x,\n uc: x,\n $c: x,\n };\n const Eg = {\n pb: s,\n ob: s,\n tb: s,\n Kb: U(xa, 0),\n Cb: U(xa, 0),\n };\n const Fg = {\n Ta: U(Ld, x),\n z: md([Md, Nd, Kc, Lc], x),\n };\n const Gg = {\n Oc: s,\n Fb: s,\n kb: s,\n oc: s,\n Lc: U(Hc, s),\n Gc: U(Hc, s),\n };\n var Oc = {\n zc: s,\n yc: s,\n ab: s,\n };\n var Qd = {\n X: s,\n ua: s,\n Nb: s,\n };\n const id = U(2, s);\n const Hg = {\n sc: M(id),\n sb: M(id),\n qc: M(id),\n };\n const Ig = {\n ha: s,\n d: s,\n W: s,\n M: Oc,\n N: Vb,\n };\n var Cg = {\n a: 'VP8StatusCode',\n za: s,\n xc: 0,\n o: M(Fc),\n Ac: M(Id),\n P: M(Jd),\n ga: M(Gg),\n Ca: M(Eg),\n rc: 'WebPWorker',\n qb: s,\n Ja: s,\n jb: s,\n oa: Ig,\n Ma: s,\n hb: s,\n lb: s,\n mb: s,\n wb: s,\n Ya: s,\n Hb: s,\n ic: ld(8, Fc),\n Zc: E,\n yb: ld(xa, Hg),\n R: M(Fg),\n pc: s,\n Pc: x,\n dc: x,\n cc: U(4, x),\n Xc: x,\n Sc: x,\n Vc: x,\n La: M(Qd),\n M: M(Oc),\n Ea: x,\n z: 0,\n ca: x,\n aa: x,\n ra: x,\n da: s,\n ba: s,\n sa: s,\n H: s,\n r: s,\n ib: 0,\n Gb: Mb,\n i: s,\n d: s,\n wa: x,\n Eb: U(16, x),\n Vd: 0,\n Tc: x,\n Lb: x,\n ja: E,\n Oa: E,\n A: s,\n W: s,\n Zb: U(xa, x),\n Ga: p,\n G: 0,\n ub: Mb,\n Xb: x,\n Od: 0,\n cd: s,\n dd: x,\n Wd: 0,\n fc: Mb,\n };\n var Db = 0;\n var Cb = 1;\n var cd = 2;\n const Jg = {\n Qc: 'VP8LImageTransformType',\n n: s,\n U: s,\n Vb: s,\n u: E,\n b: E,\n };\n var gg = {\n va: ld(Yc, Le),\n };\n const Kg = {\n xb: s,\n Yb: M(Dg),\n Dc: s,\n eb: s,\n Ec: s,\n ac: E,\n bd: E,\n hc: s,\n Db: 'HTreeGroup',\n };\n var eg = {\n a: 'VP8StatusCode',\n Wa: 'VP8LDecodeState',\n Ob: 'VP8LDecodeState',\n N: 'VP8Io',\n Ib: 'WebPDecBuffer',\n Hc: 'WebPDecBuffer',\n V: E,\n Ha: E,\n Xa: E,\n vb: E,\n o: M(af),\n l: s,\n v: s,\n O: s,\n xa: s,\n cb: M(Kg),\n Na: s,\n nc: ld(Je, Jg),\n Ub: E,\n Mc: x,\n $d: x,\n Zd: '*WebPRescaler',\n };\n var lf = 4;\n var nf = [p, function (a, b, c, d, e, g, f, h) {\n let n = s;\n let l = h;\n $(a != p);\n $(f != p);\n $(c > 0);\n $(d > 0);\n $(e > 0);\n $(g >= c * e);\n for (n = 0; n < d; ++n) {\n n == 0 ? N(f, h, a, b, e) : Ea(a, b, f, l - g, f, h, e), Ea(a, b + e, f, l, f, h + e, e * (c - 1)),\n l += g, b += g, h += g;\n }\n }, function (a, b, c, d, e, f, k, h) {\n let n = s;\n let l = h;\n $(a != p);\n $(k != p);\n $(c > 0);\n $(d > 0);\n $(e > 0);\n $(f >= c * e);\n N(k, h, a, b, e);\n Ea(a, b + e, k, l, k, h + e, e * (c - 1));\n for (n = 1; n < d; ++n) b += f, h += f, Ea(a, b, k, l, k, h, e * c), l += f;\n }, function (a, b, c, d, e, f, k, h) {\n var n = h;\n let l = s;\n $(a != p);\n $(k != p);\n $(c > 0);\n $(d > 0);\n $(e > 0);\n $(f >= c * e);\n N(k, h, a, b, e);\n Ea(a, b + e, k, n, k, h + e, e * (c - 1));\n for (l = 1; l < d; ++l) {\n let m = s;\n var n = n + f;\n b += f;\n h += f;\n Ea(a, b, k, n - f, k, h, e);\n for (m = e; m < c * e; ++m) {\n const t = k[n + m - e] + k[n + m - f] - k[n + m - f - e];\n k[h + m] = a[b + m] + (t < 0 ? 0 : t > 255 ? 255 : t) & 255;\n }\n }\n }];\n var yd = [3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4,\n 2, 1, 1,\n ];\n this.WebPFreeDecBuffer = this.Yc = function (a) {\n a != p && (a.Fc || (a.Jb = ''), a.jc = 0, a.Jb = a.jc = p);\n };\n self = this;\n var va = U(511, x);\n var tc = U(511, x);\n var sc = U(2041, 0);\n var oc = U(225, 0);\n var oa = U(766, x);\n var Rd = 0;\n var Xb = 85627;\n var Wb = 35468;\n var Uf = [function (a, b) {\n let c = 4;\n let d;\n for (d = 0; d < 4; ++d) c += a[b + d - f] + a[b - 1 + d * f];\n c >>= 3;\n for (d = 0; d < 4; ++d) jd(a, b + d * f, c, 4);\n }, function (a, b) {\n Dc(a, b, 4);\n }, function (a, b) {\n let c = b - f;\n const d = [];\n d.push(y(a[c - 1], a[c + 0], a[c + 1]));\n d.push(y(a[c + 0], a[c + 1], a[c + 2]));\n d.push(y(a[c + 1], a[c + 2], a[c + 3]));\n d.push(y(a[c + 2], a[c + 3], a[c + 4]));\n for (c = 0; c < 4; ++c) N(a, b + c * f, d, 0, 4);\n },\n function (a, b) {\n const c = a[b - 1];\n const d = a[b - 1 + f];\n const e = a[b - 1 + 2 * f];\n const g = a[b - 1 + 3 * f];\n a[b + 0 + 0 * f] = a[b + 1 + 0 * f] = a[b + 2 + 0 * f] = a[b + 3 + 0 * f] = y(a[b - 1 - f], c, d);\n a[b + 0 + 1 * f] = a[b + 1 + 1 * f] = a[b + 2 + 1 * f] = a[b + 3 + 1 * f] = y(c, d, e);\n a[b + 0 + 2 * f] = a[b + 1 + 2 * f] = a[b + 2 + 2 * f] = a[b + 3 + 2 * f] = y(d, e, g);\n a[b + 0 + 3 * f] = a[b + 1 + 3 * f] = a[b + 2 + 3 * f] = a[b + 3 + 3 * f] = y(e, g, g);\n },\n function (a, b) {\n const c = a[b - 1 + 0 * f];\n const d = a[b - 1 + 1 * f];\n const e = a[b - 1 + 2 * f];\n const g = a[b - 1 - f];\n const k = a[b + 0 - f];\n const h = a[b + 1 - f];\n const n = a[b + 2 - f];\n const l = a[b + 3 - f];\n a[b + 0 + 3 * f] = y(d, e, a[b - 1 + 3 * f]);\n a[b + 0 + 2 * f] = a[b + 1 + 3 * f] = y(c, d, e);\n a[b + 0 + 1 * f] = a[b + 1 + 2 * f] = a[b + 2 + 3 * f] = y(g, c, d);\n a[b\n + 0 + 0 * f] = a[b + 1 + 1 * f] = a[b + 2 + 2 * f] = a[b + 3 + 3 * f] = y(k, g, c);\n a[b + 1 + 0 * f] = a[b + 2 + 1 * f] = a[b + 3 + 2 * f] = y(h, k, g);\n a[b + 2 + 0 * f] = a[b + 3 + 1 * f] = y(n, h, k);\n a[b + 3 + 0 * f] = y(l, n, h);\n },\n function (a, b) {\n const c = a[b - 1 + 0 * f];\n const d = a[b - 1 + 1 * f];\n const e = a[b - 1 + 2 * f];\n const g = a[b - 1 - f];\n const k = a[b + 0 - f];\n const h = a[b + 1 - f];\n const n = a[b + 2 - f];\n const l = a[b + 3 - f];\n a[b + 0 + 0 * f] = a[b + 1 + 2 * f] = g + k + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 1 + 0 * f] = a[b + 2 + 2 * f] = k + h + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 2 + 0 * f] = a[b + 3 + 2 * f] = h + n + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 3 + 0 * f] = n + l + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 0 + 3 * f] = y(e, d, c);\n a[b + 0 + 2 * f] = y(d, c, g);\n a[b + 0 + 1 * f] = a[b + 1 + 3 * f] = y(c, g, k);\n a[b + 1 + 1 * f] = a[b + 2 + 3 * f] = y(g, k, h);\n a[b + 2 + 1 * f] = a[b + 3 + 3 * f] = y(k, h, n);\n a[b + 3 + 1 * f] = y(h, n, l);\n },\n function (a, b) {\n const c = a[b + 1 - f];\n const d = a[b + 2 - f];\n const e = a[b + 3 - f];\n const g = a[b + 4 - f];\n const k = a[b + 5 - f];\n const h = a[b + 6 - f];\n const n = a[b + 7 - f];\n a[b + 0 + 0 * f] = y(a[b + 0 - f], c, d);\n a[b + 1 + 0 * f] = a[b + 0 + 1 * f] = y(c, d, e);\n a[b + 2 + 0 * f] = a[b + 1 + 1 * f] = a[b + 0 + 2 * f] = y(d, e, g);\n a[b + 3 + 0 * f] = a[b + 2 + 1 * f] = a[b + 1 + 2 * f] = a[b + 0 + 3 * f] = y(e, g, k);\n a[b + 3 + 1 * f] = a[b + 2 + 2 * f] = a[b + 1 + 3 * f] = y(g, k, h);\n a[b + 3 + 2 * f] = a[b + 2 + 3 * f] = y(k, h, n);\n a[b + 3 + 3 * f] = y(h, n, n);\n },\n function (a, b) {\n const c = a[b + 0 - f];\n const d = a[b + 1 - f];\n const e = a[b + 2 - f];\n const g = a[b + 3 - f];\n const k = a[b + 4 - f];\n const h = a[b + 5 - f];\n const n = a[b + 6 - f];\n const l = a[b + 7 - f];\n a[b + 0 + 0 * f] = c + d + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 1 + 0 * f] = a[b\n + 0 + 2 * f] = d + e + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 2 + 0 * f] = a[b + 1 + 2 * f] = e + g + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 3 + 0 * f] = a[b + 2 + 2 * f] = g + k + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 0 + 1 * f] = y(c, d, e);\n a[b + 1 + 1 * f] = a[b + 0 + 3 * f] = y(d, e, g);\n a[b + 2 + 1 * f] = a[b + 1 + 3 * f] = y(e, g, k);\n a[b + 3 + 1 * f] = a[b + 2 + 3 * f] = y(g, k, h);\n a[b + 3 + 2 * f] = y(k, h, n);\n a[b + 3 + 3 * f] = y(h, n, l);\n },\n function (a, b) {\n const c = a[b - 1 + 0 * f];\n const d = a[b - 1 + 1 * f];\n const e = a[b - 1 + 2 * f];\n const g = a[b - 1 + 3 * f];\n const k = a[b - 1 - f];\n const h = a[b + 0 - f];\n const n = a[b + 1 - f];\n const l = a[b + 2 - f];\n a[b + 0 + 0 * f] = a[b + 2 + 1 * f] = c + k + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 0 + 1 * f] = a[b + 2 + 2 * f] = d + c + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 0 + 2 * f] = a[b + 2 + 3 * f] = e + d + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 0 + 3 * f] = g + e + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 3 + 0 * f] = y(h, n, l);\n a[b + 2 + 0 * f] = y(k, h, n);\n a[b\n + 1 + 0 * f] = a[b + 3 + 1 * f] = y(c, k, h);\n a[b + 1 + 1 * f] = a[b + 3 + 2 * f] = y(d, c, k);\n a[b + 1 + 2 * f] = a[b + 3 + 3 * f] = y(e, d, c);\n a[b + 1 + 3 * f] = y(g, e, d);\n },\n function (a, b) {\n const c = a[b - 1 + 0 * f];\n const d = a[b - 1 + 1 * f];\n const e = a[b - 1 + 2 * f];\n const g = a[b - 1 + 3 * f];\n a[b + 0 + 0 * f] = c + d + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 2 + 0 * f] = a[b + 0 + 1 * f] = d + e + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 2 + 1 * f] = a[b + 0 + 2 * f] = e + g + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 1 + 0 * f] = y(c, d, e);\n a[b + 3 + 0 * f] = a[b + 1 + 1 * f] = y(d, e, g);\n a[b + 3 + 1 * f] = a[b + 1 + 2 * f] = y(e, g, g);\n a[b + 3 + 2 * f] = a[b + 2 + 2 * f] = a[b + 0 + 3 * f] = a[b + 1 + 3 * f] = a[b + 2 + 3 * f] = a[b + 3 + 3 * f] = g;\n },\n ];\n var Vf = [function (a, b) {\n let c = 16;\n let d;\n for (d = 0; d < 16; ++d) c += a[b - 1 + d * f] + a[b + d - f];\n Yb(c >> 5, a, b);\n }, function (a,\n b) {\n Dc(a, b, 16);\n }, function (a, b) {\n let c;\n for (c = 0; c < 16; ++c) N(a, b + c * f, a, b - f, 16);\n }, function (a, b) {\n let c;\n for (c = 16; c > 0; --c) jd(a, b + 0, a[b - 1], 16), b += f;\n }, function (a, b) {\n let c = 8;\n let d;\n for (d = 0; d < 16; ++d) c += a[b - 1 + d * f];\n Yb(c >> 4, a, b);\n }, function (a, b) {\n let c = 8;\n let d;\n for (d = 0; d < 16; ++d) c += a[b + d - f];\n Yb(c >> 4, a, b);\n }, function (a, b) {\n Yb(128, a, b);\n }];\n var je = [function (a, b) {\n let c = 8;\n let d;\n for (d = 0; d < 8; ++d) c += a[b + d - f] + a[b - 1 + d * f];\n Zb(1 * (c >> 4), a, b);\n }, function (a, b) {\n Dc(a, b, 8);\n }, function (a, b) {\n let c;\n for (c = 0; c < 8; ++c) N(a, b + c * f, a, b - f, 8);\n }, function (a, b) {\n let c;\n for (c = 0; c < 8; ++c) {\n jd(a,\n b + 0, a[b - 1], 8), b += f;\n }\n }, function (a, b) {\n let c = 4;\n let d;\n for (d = 0; d < 8; ++d) c += a[b - 1 + d * f];\n Zb(1 * (c >> 3), a, b);\n }, function (a, b) {\n let c = 4;\n let d;\n for (d = 0; d < 8; ++d) c += a[b + d - f];\n Zb(1 * (c >> 3), a, b);\n }, function (a, b) {\n Zb(128, a, b);\n }];\n let mc; let Pc; let Qc; let Rc; let Sd; let Td; let Ud; let Vd; let Wd; let Xd; let Yd; let Zd; let $d; let ae; let be; let ce; var Pd = 31;\n var uc = [0, 2, 8];\n var Od = 3;\n var Of = 1;\n var ie = [0 + 0 * f, 4 + 0 * f, 8 + 0 * f, 12 + 0 * f, 0 + 4 * f, 4 + 4 * f, 8 + 4 * f, 12 + 4 * f, 0 + 8 * f, 4 + 8 * f, 8 + 8 * f, 12 + 8 * f, 0 + 12 * f, 4 + 12 * f, 8 + 12 * f, 12 + 12 * f];\n var Ic = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 17, 18, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 25, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 37, 38,\n 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 93, 95, 96, 98, 100, 101, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 143, 145, 148, 151, 154, 157,\n ];\n var Jc = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96,\n 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 119, 122, 125, 128, 131, 134, 137, 140, 143, 146, 149, 152, 155, 158, 161, 164, 167, 170, 173, 177, 181, 185, 189, 193, 197, 201, 205, 209, 213, 217, 221, 225, 229, 234, 239, 245, 249, 254, 259, 264, 269, 274, 279, 284,\n ];\n var Sf = [-$b, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, 4, 6, -3, 5, -4, -5, -6, 7, -7, 8, -8, -9];\n var Ff = [\n [\n [\n [128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [253, 136, 254, 255, 228, 219, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [189, 129, 242, 255, 227, 213, 255, 219, 128, 128,\n 128,\n ],\n [106, 126, 227, 252, 214, 209, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 98, 248, 255, 236, 226, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [181, 133, 238, 254, 221, 234, 255, 154, 128, 128, 128],\n [78, 134, 202, 247, 198, 180, 255, 219, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 185, 249, 255, 243, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [184, 150, 247, 255, 236, 224, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [77, 110, 216, 255, 236, 230, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 101, 251, 255, 241, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [170, 139, 241, 252, 236, 209, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [37, 116, 196, 243, 228, 255, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 204, 254, 255, 245, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128,\n 128,\n ],\n [207, 160, 250, 255, 238, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [102, 103, 231, 255, 211, 171, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 152, 252, 255, 240, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [177, 135, 243, 255, 234, 225, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [80, 129, 211, 255, 194, 224, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 1, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [246, 1, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n ],\n [\n [\n [198, 35, 237, 223, 193, 187, 162, 160, 145, 155, 62],\n [131, 45, 198, 221, 172, 176, 220, 157, 252, 221, 1],\n [68, 47, 146, 208, 149, 167, 221, 162, 255, 223, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 149, 241, 255, 221, 224, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [184, 141, 234, 253, 222, 220, 255, 199, 128, 128, 128],\n [81, 99, 181, 242, 176, 190, 249, 202, 255, 255, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 129, 232, 253, 214, 197, 242, 196, 255, 255, 128],\n [99, 121, 210, 250, 201, 198, 255, 202, 128, 128, 128],\n [23, 91, 163, 242, 170, 187, 247, 210, 255, 255, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 200, 246, 255, 234, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [109, 178, 241, 255, 231, 245, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [44, 130, 201, 253, 205, 192, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 132, 239, 251, 219, 209, 255, 165, 128, 128, 128],\n [94, 136, 225, 251, 218, 190, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [22,\n 100, 174, 245, 186, 161, 255, 199, 128, 128, 128,\n ],\n ],\n [\n [1, 182, 249, 255, 232, 235, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [124, 143, 241, 255, 227, 234, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [35, 77, 181, 251, 193, 211, 255, 205, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 157, 247, 255, 236, 231, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [121, 141, 235, 255, 225, 227, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [45, 99, 188, 251, 195, 217, 255, 224, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 1, 251, 255, 213, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [203, 1, 248, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [137, 1, 177, 255, 224, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n ],\n [\n [\n [253, 9, 248, 251, 207, 208, 255, 192, 128, 128, 128],\n [175, 13,\n 224, 243, 193, 185, 249, 198, 255, 255, 128,\n ],\n [73, 17, 171, 221, 161, 179, 236, 167, 255, 234, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 95, 247, 253, 212, 183, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [239, 90, 244, 250, 211, 209, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [155, 77, 195, 248, 188, 195, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 24, 239, 251, 218, 219, 255, 205, 128, 128, 128],\n [201, 51, 219, 255, 196, 186, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [69, 46, 190, 239, 201, 218, 255, 228, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 191, 251, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [223, 165, 249, 255, 213, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [141, 124, 248, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 16, 248, 255,\n 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128,\n ],\n [190, 36, 230, 255, 236, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [149, 1, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 226, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [247, 192, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [240, 128, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 134, 252, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [213, 62, 250, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [55, 93, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [128, 128, 128, 128,\n 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128,\n ],\n ],\n ],\n [\n [\n [202, 24, 213, 235, 186, 191, 220, 160, 240, 175, 255],\n [126, 38, 182, 232, 169, 184, 228, 174, 255, 187, 128],\n [61, 46, 138, 219, 151, 178, 240, 170, 255, 216, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 112, 230, 250, 199, 191, 247, 159, 255, 255, 128],\n [166, 109, 228, 252, 211, 215, 255, 174, 128, 128, 128],\n [39, 77, 162, 232, 172, 180, 245, 178, 255, 255, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 52, 220, 246, 198, 199, 249, 220, 255, 255, 128],\n [124, 74, 191, 243, 183, 193, 250, 221, 255, 255, 128],\n [24, 71, 130, 219, 154, 170, 243, 182, 255, 255, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 182, 225, 249, 219, 240, 255, 224, 128, 128, 128],\n [149, 150, 226, 252, 216,\n 205, 255, 171, 128, 128, 128,\n ],\n [28, 108, 170, 242, 183, 194, 254, 223, 255, 255, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 81, 230, 252, 204, 203, 255, 192, 128, 128, 128],\n [123, 102, 209, 247, 188, 196, 255, 233, 128, 128, 128],\n [20, 95, 153, 243, 164, 173, 255, 203, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 222, 248, 255, 216, 213, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [168, 175, 246, 252, 235, 205, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [47, 116, 215, 255, 211, 212, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 121, 236, 253, 212, 214, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [141, 84, 213, 252, 201, 202, 255, 219, 128, 128, 128],\n [42, 80, 160, 240, 162, 185, 255, 205, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 1, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128,\n 128, 128, 128, 128,\n ],\n [244, 1, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [238, 1, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n ],\n ];\n var Rf = [\n [\n [231, 120, 48, 89, 115, 113, 120, 152, 112],\n [152, 179, 64, 126, 170, 118, 46, 70, 95],\n [175, 69, 143, 80, 85, 82, 72, 155, 103],\n [56, 58, 10, 171, 218, 189, 17, 13, 152],\n [114, 26, 17, 163, 44, 195, 21, 10, 173],\n [121, 24, 80, 195, 26, 62, 44, 64, 85],\n [144, 71, 10, 38, 171, 213, 144, 34, 26],\n [170, 46, 55, 19, 136, 160, 33, 206, 71],\n [63, 20, 8, 114, 114, 208, 12, 9, 226],\n [81, 40, 11, 96, 182, 84, 29, 16, 36],\n ],\n [\n [134, 183, 89, 137, 98, 101, 106, 165, 148],\n [72, 187, 100, 130, 157, 111,\n 32, 75, 80,\n ],\n [66, 102, 167, 99, 74, 62, 40, 234, 128],\n [41, 53, 9, 178, 241, 141, 26, 8, 107],\n [74, 43, 26, 146, 73, 166, 49, 23, 157],\n [65, 38, 105, 160, 51, 52, 31, 115, 128],\n [104, 79, 12, 27, 217, 255, 87, 17, 7],\n [87, 68, 71, 44, 114, 51, 15, 186, 23],\n [47, 41, 14, 110, 182, 183, 21, 17, 194],\n [66, 45, 25, 102, 197, 189, 23, 18, 22],\n ],\n [\n [88, 88, 147, 150, 42, 46, 45, 196, 205],\n [43, 97, 183, 117, 85, 38, 35, 179, 61],\n [39, 53, 200, 87, 26, 21, 43, 232, 171],\n [56, 34, 51, 104, 114, 102, 29, 93, 77],\n [39, 28, 85, 171, 58, 165, 90, 98, 64],\n [34, 22, 116, 206, 23, 34, 43, 166, 73],\n [107, 54, 32, 26, 51, 1, 81, 43, 31],\n [68, 25, 106, 22,\n 64, 171, 36, 225, 114,\n ],\n [34, 19, 21, 102, 132, 188, 16, 76, 124],\n [62, 18, 78, 95, 85, 57, 50, 48, 51],\n ],\n [\n [193, 101, 35, 159, 215, 111, 89, 46, 111],\n [60, 148, 31, 172, 219, 228, 21, 18, 111],\n [112, 113, 77, 85, 179, 255, 38, 120, 114],\n [40, 42, 1, 196, 245, 209, 10, 25, 109],\n [88, 43, 29, 140, 166, 213, 37, 43, 154],\n [61, 63, 30, 155, 67, 45, 68, 1, 209],\n [100, 80, 8, 43, 154, 1, 51, 26, 71],\n [142, 78, 78, 16, 255, 128, 34, 197, 171],\n [41, 40, 5, 102, 211, 183, 4, 1, 221],\n [51, 50, 17, 168, 209, 192, 23, 25, 82],\n ],\n [\n [138, 31, 36, 171, 27, 166, 38, 44, 229],\n [67, 87, 58, 169, 82, 115, 26, 59, 179],\n [63, 59, 90, 180, 59, 166, 93, 73,\n 154,\n ],\n [40, 40, 21, 116, 143, 209, 34, 39, 175],\n [47, 15, 16, 183, 34, 223, 49, 45, 183],\n [46, 17, 33, 183, 6, 98, 15, 32, 183],\n [57, 46, 22, 24, 128, 1, 54, 17, 37],\n [65, 32, 73, 115, 28, 128, 23, 128, 205],\n [40, 3, 9, 115, 51, 192, 18, 6, 223],\n [87, 37, 9, 115, 59, 77, 64, 21, 47],\n ],\n [\n [104, 55, 44, 218, 9, 54, 53, 130, 226],\n [64, 90, 70, 205, 40, 41, 23, 26, 57],\n [54, 57, 112, 184, 5, 41, 38, 166, 213],\n [30, 34, 26, 133, 152, 116, 10, 32, 134],\n [39, 19, 53, 221, 26, 114, 32, 73, 255],\n [31, 9, 65, 234, 2, 15, 1, 118, 73],\n [75, 32, 12, 51, 192, 255, 160, 43, 51],\n [88, 31, 35, 67, 102, 85, 55, 186, 85],\n [56, 21, 23, 111, 59, 205, 45, 37, 192],\n [55, 38, 70, 124, 73, 102, 1, 34, 98],\n ],\n [\n [125, 98, 42, 88, 104, 85, 117, 175, 82],\n [95, 84, 53, 89, 128, 100, 113, 101, 45],\n [75, 79, 123, 47, 51, 128, 81, 171, 1],\n [57, 17, 5, 71, 102, 57, 53, 41, 49],\n [38, 33, 13, 121, 57, 73, 26, 1, 85],\n [41, 10, 67, 138, 77, 110, 90, 47, 114],\n [115, 21, 2, 10, 102, 255, 166, 23, 6],\n [101, 29, 16, 10, 85, 128, 101, 196, 26],\n [57, 18, 10, 102, 102, 213, 34, 20, 43],\n [117, 20, 15, 36, 163, 128, 68, 1, 26],\n ],\n [\n [102, 61, 71, 37, 34, 53, 31, 243, 192],\n [69, 60, 71, 38, 73, 119, 28, 222, 37],\n [68, 45, 128, 34, 1, 47, 11, 245, 171],\n [62, 17, 19, 70, 146, 85, 55, 62, 70],\n [37, 43, 37, 154, 100, 163, 85, 160,\n 1,\n ],\n [63, 9, 92, 136, 28, 64, 32, 201, 85],\n [75, 15, 9, 9, 64, 255, 184, 119, 16],\n [86, 6, 28, 5, 64, 255, 25, 248, 1],\n [56, 8, 17, 132, 137, 255, 55, 116, 128],\n [58, 15, 20, 82, 135, 57, 26, 121, 40],\n ],\n [\n [164, 50, 31, 137, 154, 133, 25, 35, 218],\n [51, 103, 44, 131, 131, 123, 31, 6, 158],\n [86, 40, 64, 135, 148, 224, 45, 183, 128],\n [22, 26, 17, 131, 240, 154, 14, 1, 209],\n [45, 16, 21, 91, 64, 222, 7, 1, 197],\n [56, 21, 39, 155, 60, 138, 23, 102, 213],\n [83, 12, 13, 54, 192, 255, 68, 47, 28],\n [85, 26, 85, 85, 128, 128, 32, 146, 171],\n [18, 11, 7, 63, 144, 171, 4, 4, 246],\n [35, 27, 10, 146, 174, 171, 12, 26, 128],\n ],\n [\n [190, 80, 35, 99, 180, 80,\n 126, 54, 45,\n ],\n [85, 126, 47, 87, 176, 51, 41, 20, 32],\n [101, 75, 128, 139, 118, 146, 116, 128, 85],\n [56, 41, 15, 176, 236, 85, 37, 9, 62],\n [71, 30, 17, 119, 118, 255, 17, 18, 138],\n [101, 38, 60, 138, 55, 70, 43, 26, 142],\n [146, 36, 19, 30, 171, 255, 97, 27, 20],\n [138, 45, 61, 62, 219, 1, 81, 188, 64],\n [32, 41, 20, 117, 151, 142, 20, 21, 163],\n [112, 19, 12, 61, 195, 128, 48, 4, 24],\n ],\n ];\n var If = [\n [\n [\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [176, 246, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [223, 241,\n 252, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,\n ],\n [249, 253, 253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 244, 252, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [234, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 246, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [239, 253, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [254, 255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 248, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [251, 255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 253, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [251, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [254, 255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 254, 253, 255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [250, 255, 254, 255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n ],\n [\n [\n [217, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [225, 252, 241, 253, 255, 255, 254, 255,\n 255, 255, 255,\n ],\n [234, 250, 241, 250, 253, 255, 253, 254, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [223, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [238, 253, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 248, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [249, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [247, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 253, 254, 255, 255,\n 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,\n ],\n [252, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 254, 253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [250, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255,\n 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,\n ],\n ],\n ],\n [\n [\n [186, 251, 250, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [234, 251, 244, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [251, 251, 243, 253, 254, 255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 253, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [236, 253, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [251, 253, 253, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [254, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,\n 255, 255,\n ],\n ],\n [\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n ],\n [\n [\n [248, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [250, 254, 252, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [248, 254, 249, 253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 253, 253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [246, 253, 253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [252, 254, 251, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 254, 252, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [248, 254, 253, 255, 255, 255,\n 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,\n ],\n [253, 255, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 251, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [245, 251, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [253, 253, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 251, 253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [252, 253, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 252, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [249, 255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 255, 253,\n 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,\n ],\n [250, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n ],\n ];\n this.WebPGetDecoderVersion = this.Ld = function () {\n return 512;\n };\n var Nc = [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 0];\n var Jf = [\n [173, 148, 140, 0],\n [176, 155, 140, 135, 0],\n [180, 157, 141, 134, 130, 0],\n [254, 254, 243, 230, 196, 177, 153, 140, 133, 130, 129, 0],\n ];\n var Kf = [0, 1, 4, 8, 5, 2, 3, 6,\n 9, 12, 13, 10, 7, 11, 14, 15,\n ];\n var Tf = md([Kc, Lc], '');\n U(4, x);\n var vc = [\n [0, 0, 0, 0],\n [1, 0, 0, 0],\n [0, 1, 0, 0],\n [1, 1, 0, 0],\n [0, 0, 1, 0],\n [1, 0, 1, 0],\n [0, 1, 1, 0],\n [1, 1, 1, 0],\n [0, 0, 0, 1],\n [1, 0, 0, 1],\n [0, 1, 0, 1],\n [1, 1, 0, 1],\n [0, 0, 1, 1],\n [1, 0, 1, 1],\n [0, 1, 1, 1],\n [1, 1, 1, 1],\n ];\n var Lf = 134480385;\n var ea = 16;\n var J = -227;\n var dd = 482;\n var Ce = [Wc, function (a) {\n return a;\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return b[c + 0];\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return b[c + 1];\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return b[c - 1];\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return ka(ka(a, b[c + 1]), b[c + 0]);\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return ka(a, b[c - 1]);\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return ka(a, b[c + 0]);\n }, function (a,\n b, c) {\n return ka(b[c - 1], b[c + 0]);\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return ka(b[c + 0], b[c + 1]);\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return ka(ka(a, b[c - 1]), ka(b[c + 0], b[c + 1]));\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return Math.abs((a >> 24 & 255) - (b[c - 1] >> 24 & 255)) - Math.abs((b[c + 0] >> 24 & 255) - (b[c - 1] >> 24 & 255)) + (Math.abs((a >> 16 & 255) - (b[c - 1] >> 16 & 255)) - Math.abs((b[c + 0] >> 16 & 255) - (b[c - 1] >> 16 & 255))) + (Math.abs((a >> 8 & 255) - (b[c - 1] >> 8 & 255)) - Math.abs((b[c + 0] >> 8 & 255) - (b[c - 1] >> 8 & 255))) + (Math.abs((a & 255) - (b[c - 1] & 255)) - Math.abs((b[c + 0] & 255) - (b[c - 1] & 255))) <= 0 ? b[c + 0] : a;\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return ($a((a\n >> 24 & 255) + (b[c + 0] >> 24 & 255) - (b[c - 1] >> 24 & 255)) << 24 | $a((a >> 16 & 255) + (b[c + 0] >> 16 & 255) - (b[c - 1] >> 16 & 255)) << 16 | $a((a >> 8 & 255) + (b[c + 0] >> 8 & 255) - (b[c - 1] >> 8 & 255)) << 8 | $a((a & 255) + (b[c + 0] & 255) - (b[c - 1] & 255))) >>> 0;\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n const d = b[c - 1];\n a = ka(a, b[c + 0]);\n return (yb(a >> 24 & 255, d >> 24 & 255) << 24 | yb(a >> 16 & 255, d >> 16 & 255) << 16 | yb(a >> 8 & 255, d >> 8 & 255) << 8 | yb(a >> 0 & 255, d >> 0 & 255)) >>> 0;\n }, Wc, Wc];\n var Xf = {\n Cc: x,\n Bc: x,\n Kc: x,\n };\n var $c = 16;\n var Me = 16;\n var kg = 16;\n var mg = [2, 3, 7];\n var lg = [3, 3, 11];\n var Zf = 0;\n var $f = 1;\n var ag = 2;\n var bg = 3;\n var cg = 4;\n var hg = [Ba + Ge, Ba, Ba, Ba, 40];\n var Ke = 19;\n var ig = [17, 18, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 16,\n 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,\n ];\n var He = 120;\n var dg = [24, 7, 23, 25, 40, 6, 39, 41, 22, 26, 38, 42, 56, 5, 55, 57, 21, 27, 54, 58, 37, 43, 72, 4, 71, 73, 20, 28, 53, 59, 70, 74, 36, 44, 88, 69, 75, 52, 60, 3, 87, 89, 19, 29, 86, 90, 35, 45, 68, 76, 85, 91, 51, 61, 104, 2, 103, 105, 18, 30, 102, 106, 34, 46, 84, 92, 67, 77, 101, 107, 50, 62, 120, 1, 119, 121, 83, 93, 17, 31, 100, 108, 66, 78, 118, 122, 33, 47, 117, 123, 49, 63, 99, 109, 82, 94, 0, 116, 124, 65, 79, 16, 32, 98, 110, 48, 115, 125, 81, 95, 64, 114, 126, 97, 111, 80, 113, 127, 96, 112];\n var Jb = 1 << ea - 1;\n var Za = U(256, 0);\n var xb = U(256, 0);\n var vb = U(256, la);\n var wb = U(256, la);\n var ia = U(dd - J, x);\n var Hb = U(dd\n - J, x);\n var Xe = 0;\n var V = Array(Cc);\n var vg = [function (a, b, c, d, e, f, k, h, n, l, m, t, q) {\n Ca(a, b, c, d, e, f, k, h, n, l, m, t, q, hc, 3);\n }, Se, function (a, b, c, d, e, f, k, h, n, l, m, t, q) {\n Ca(a, b, c, d, e, f, k, h, n, l, m, t, q, Vc, 3);\n }, Te, Ue, Ve, function (a, b, c, d, e, f, k, h, n, l, m, t, q) {\n Ca(a, b, c, d, e, f, k, h, n, l, m, t, q, le, 2);\n }, Se, Te, Ue, Ve];\n this.Hd = function (a, b, c, d) {\n return lb(Qa, a, b, c, d);\n };\n this.Id = function (a, b, c, d) {\n return lb(jb, a, b, c, d);\n };\n this.Jd = function (a, b, c, d) {\n return lb(kb, a, b, c, d);\n };\n this.Ed = function (a, b, c, d) {\n return lb(Ab, a, b, c, d);\n };\n this.Fd = function (a, b, c, d) {\n return lb(Zc,\n a, b, c, d);\n };\n this.Gd = function (a, b, c, d) {\n return lb(Pa, a, b, c, d);\n };\n this.WebPDecode = this.Dd = function (a, b, c) {\n const d = M(df);\n let e = 'VP8StatusCode';\n if (c == p) return ta;\n e = hd(a, [0], [b], c.input);\n if (e != L) return e == Z ? W : e;\n d.j = c.j;\n d.Qa = c.Qa;\n return e = cf(a, 0, [b], d);\n };\n};\n" }, { "id": 11, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\iobuffer\\lib-esm\\text-encoding-polyfill.js", "name": "./node_modules/iobuffer/lib-esm/text-encoding-polyfill.js", "index": 7, "index2": 1, "size": 7028, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\iobuffer\\lib-esm\\utf8.browser.js", "issuerId": null, "issuerName": "./node_modules/iobuffer/lib-esm/utf8.browser.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\iobuffer\\lib-esm\\IOBuffer.js", "name": "./node_modules/iobuffer/lib-esm/IOBuffer.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\iobuffer\\lib-esm\\utf8.browser.js", "name": "./node_modules/iobuffer/lib-esm/utf8.browser.js", "profile": { "factory": 6, "building": 16 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 51, "building": 5 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 20, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js 1f5c27d337cdd358fe6548a5eda250ca", "module": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js + 7 modules", "moduleName": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js + 7 modules", "type": "harmony side effect evaluation", "userRequest": "./text-encoding-polyfill", "loc": "1:0-34" } ], "usedExports": false, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 6, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\n/*\r\n * Copyright 2017 Sam Thorogood. All rights reserved.\r\n *\r\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you may not\r\n * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of\r\n * the License at\r\n *\r\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\r\n *\r\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\r\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT\r\n * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the\r\n * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under\r\n * the License.\r\n */\r\n(function (scope) {\r\n 'use strict';\r\n // fail early\r\n if (scope['TextEncoder'] && scope['TextDecoder']) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * @constructor\r\n * @param {string=} utfLabel\r\n */\r\n function FastTextEncoder(utfLabel = 'utf-8') {\r\n if (utfLabel !== 'utf-8') {\r\n throw new RangeError(`Failed to construct 'TextEncoder': The encoding label provided ('${utfLabel}') is invalid.`);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n Object.defineProperty(FastTextEncoder.prototype, 'encoding', {\r\n value: 'utf-8',\r\n });\r\n /**\r\n * @param {string} string\r\n * @param {{stream: boolean}=} options\r\n * @return {!Uint8Array}\r\n */\r\n FastTextEncoder.prototype.encode = function (string, options = { stream: false }) {\r\n if (options.stream) {\r\n throw new Error(`Failed to encode: the 'stream' option is unsupported.`);\r\n }\r\n let pos = 0;\r\n const len = string.length;\r\n const out = [];\r\n let at = 0; // output position\r\n let tlen = Math.max(32, len + (len >> 1) + 7); // 1.5x size\r\n let target = new Uint8Array((tlen >> 3) << 3); // ... but at 8 byte offset\r\n while (pos < len) {\r\n let value = string.charCodeAt(pos++);\r\n if (value >= 0xd800 && value <= 0xdbff) {\r\n // high surrogate\r\n if (pos < len) {\r\n const extra = string.charCodeAt(pos);\r\n if ((extra & 0xfc00) === 0xdc00) {\r\n ++pos;\r\n value = ((value & 0x3ff) << 10) + (extra & 0x3ff) + 0x10000;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (value >= 0xd800 && value <= 0xdbff) {\r\n continue; // drop lone surrogate\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // expand the buffer if we couldn't write 4 bytes\r\n if (at + 4 > target.length) {\r\n tlen += 8; // minimum extra\r\n tlen *= 1.0 + (pos / string.length) * 2; // take 2x the remaining\r\n tlen = (tlen >> 3) << 3; // 8 byte offset\r\n const update = new Uint8Array(tlen);\r\n update.set(target);\r\n target = update;\r\n }\r\n if ((value & 0xffffff80) === 0) {\r\n // 1-byte\r\n target[at++] = value; // ASCII\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n else if ((value & 0xfffff800) === 0) {\r\n // 2-byte\r\n target[at++] = ((value >> 6) & 0x1f) | 0xc0;\r\n }\r\n else if ((value & 0xffff0000) === 0) {\r\n // 3-byte\r\n target[at++] = ((value >> 12) & 0x0f) | 0xe0;\r\n target[at++] = ((value >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80;\r\n }\r\n else if ((value & 0xffe00000) === 0) {\r\n // 4-byte\r\n target[at++] = ((value >> 18) & 0x07) | 0xf0;\r\n target[at++] = ((value >> 12) & 0x3f) | 0x80;\r\n target[at++] = ((value >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // FIXME: do we care\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n target[at++] = (value & 0x3f) | 0x80;\r\n }\r\n return target.slice(0, at);\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * @constructor\r\n * @param {string=} utfLabel\r\n * @param {{fatal: boolean}=} options\r\n */\r\n function FastTextDecoder(utfLabel = 'utf-8', options = { fatal: false }) {\r\n if (utfLabel !== 'utf-8') {\r\n throw new RangeError(`Failed to construct 'TextDecoder': The encoding label provided ('${utfLabel}') is invalid.`);\r\n }\r\n if (options.fatal) {\r\n throw new Error(`Failed to construct 'TextDecoder': the 'fatal' option is unsupported.`);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n Object.defineProperty(FastTextDecoder.prototype, 'encoding', {\r\n value: 'utf-8',\r\n });\r\n Object.defineProperty(FastTextDecoder.prototype, 'fatal', { value: false });\r\n Object.defineProperty(FastTextDecoder.prototype, 'ignoreBOM', {\r\n value: false,\r\n });\r\n /**\r\n * @param {(!ArrayBuffer|!ArrayBufferView)} buffer\r\n * @param {{stream: boolean}=} options\r\n */\r\n FastTextDecoder.prototype.decode = function (buffer, options = { stream: false }) {\r\n if (options['stream']) {\r\n throw new Error(`Failed to decode: the 'stream' option is unsupported.`);\r\n }\r\n const bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);\r\n let pos = 0;\r\n const len = bytes.length;\r\n const out = [];\r\n while (pos < len) {\r\n const byte1 = bytes[pos++];\r\n if (byte1 === 0) {\r\n break; // NULL\r\n }\r\n if ((byte1 & 0x80) === 0) {\r\n // 1-byte\r\n out.push(byte1);\r\n }\r\n else if ((byte1 & 0xe0) === 0xc0) {\r\n // 2-byte\r\n const byte2 = bytes[pos++] & 0x3f;\r\n out.push(((byte1 & 0x1f) << 6) | byte2);\r\n }\r\n else if ((byte1 & 0xf0) === 0xe0) {\r\n const byte2 = bytes[pos++] & 0x3f;\r\n const byte3 = bytes[pos++] & 0x3f;\r\n out.push(((byte1 & 0x1f) << 12) | (byte2 << 6) | byte3);\r\n }\r\n else if ((byte1 & 0xf8) === 0xf0) {\r\n const byte2 = bytes[pos++] & 0x3f;\r\n const byte3 = bytes[pos++] & 0x3f;\r\n const byte4 = bytes[pos++] & 0x3f;\r\n // this can be > 0xffff, so possibly generate surrogates\r\n let codepoint = ((byte1 & 0x07) << 0x12) | (byte2 << 0x0c) | (byte3 << 0x06) | byte4;\r\n if (codepoint > 0xffff) {\r\n // codepoint &= ~0x10000;\r\n codepoint -= 0x10000;\r\n out.push(((codepoint >>> 10) & 0x3ff) | 0xd800);\r\n codepoint = 0xdc00 | (codepoint & 0x3ff);\r\n }\r\n out.push(codepoint);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // FIXME: we're ignoring this\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, out);\r\n };\r\n scope['TextEncoder'] = FastTextEncoder;\r\n scope['TextDecoder'] = FastTextDecoder;\r\n})(typeof window !== 'undefined'\r\n ? window\r\n : typeof self !== 'undefined'\r\n ? self\r\n : this);\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=text-encoding-polyfill.js.map" }, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "index": 10, "index2": 12, "size": 11074, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "issuerId": 1, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 1, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./lib/deflate", "loc": "6:16-40" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 5, "source": "'use strict';\n\n\nvar zlib_deflate = require('./zlib/deflate');\nvar utils = require('./utils/common');\nvar strings = require('./utils/strings');\nvar msg = require('./zlib/messages');\nvar ZStream = require('./zlib/zstream');\n\nvar toString = Object.prototype.toString;\n\n/* Public constants ==========================================================*/\n/* ===========================================================================*/\n\nvar Z_NO_FLUSH = 0;\nvar Z_FINISH = 4;\n\nvar Z_OK = 0;\nvar Z_STREAM_END = 1;\nvar Z_SYNC_FLUSH = 2;\n\nvar Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION = -1;\n\nvar Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY = 0;\n\nvar Z_DEFLATED = 8;\n\n/* ===========================================================================*/\n\n\n/**\n * class Deflate\n *\n * Generic JS-style wrapper for zlib calls. If you don't need\n * streaming behaviour - use more simple functions: [[deflate]],\n * [[deflateRaw]] and [[gzip]].\n **/\n\n/* internal\n * Deflate.chunks -> Array\n *\n * Chunks of output data, if [[Deflate#onData]] not overridden.\n **/\n\n/**\n * Deflate.result -> Uint8Array|Array\n *\n * Compressed result, generated by default [[Deflate#onData]]\n * and [[Deflate#onEnd]] handlers. Filled after you push last chunk\n * (call [[Deflate#push]] with `Z_FINISH` / `true` param) or if you\n * push a chunk with explicit flush (call [[Deflate#push]] with\n * `Z_SYNC_FLUSH` param).\n **/\n\n/**\n * Deflate.err -> Number\n *\n * Error code after deflate finished. 0 (Z_OK) on success.\n * You will not need it in real life, because deflate errors\n * are possible only on wrong options or bad `onData` / `onEnd`\n * custom handlers.\n **/\n\n/**\n * Deflate.msg -> String\n *\n * Error message, if [[Deflate.err]] != 0\n **/\n\n\n/**\n * new Deflate(options)\n * - options (Object): zlib deflate options.\n *\n * Creates new deflator instance with specified params. Throws exception\n * on bad params. Supported options:\n *\n * - `level`\n * - `windowBits`\n * - `memLevel`\n * - `strategy`\n * - `dictionary`\n *\n * [http://zlib.net/manual.html#Advanced](http://zlib.net/manual.html#Advanced)\n * for more information on these.\n *\n * Additional options, for internal needs:\n *\n * - `chunkSize` - size of generated data chunks (16K by default)\n * - `raw` (Boolean) - do raw deflate\n * - `gzip` (Boolean) - create gzip wrapper\n * - `to` (String) - if equal to 'string', then result will be \"binary string\"\n * (each char code [0..255])\n * - `header` (Object) - custom header for gzip\n * - `text` (Boolean) - true if compressed data believed to be text\n * - `time` (Number) - modification time, unix timestamp\n * - `os` (Number) - operation system code\n * - `extra` (Array) - array of bytes with extra data (max 65536)\n * - `name` (String) - file name (binary string)\n * - `comment` (String) - comment (binary string)\n * - `hcrc` (Boolean) - true if header crc should be added\n *\n * ##### Example:\n *\n * ```javascript\n * var pako = require('pako')\n * , chunk1 = Uint8Array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])\n * , chunk2 = Uint8Array([10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19]);\n *\n * var deflate = new pako.Deflate({ level: 3});\n *\n * deflate.push(chunk1, false);\n * deflate.push(chunk2, true); // true -> last chunk\n *\n * if (deflate.err) { throw new Error(deflate.err); }\n *\n * console.log(deflate.result);\n * ```\n **/\nfunction Deflate(options) {\n if (!(this instanceof Deflate)) return new Deflate(options);\n\n this.options = utils.assign({\n level: Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION,\n method: Z_DEFLATED,\n chunkSize: 16384,\n windowBits: 15,\n memLevel: 8,\n strategy: Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY,\n to: ''\n }, options || {});\n\n var opt = this.options;\n\n if (opt.raw && (opt.windowBits > 0)) {\n opt.windowBits = -opt.windowBits;\n }\n\n else if (opt.gzip && (opt.windowBits > 0) && (opt.windowBits < 16)) {\n opt.windowBits += 16;\n }\n\n this.err = 0; // error code, if happens (0 = Z_OK)\n this.msg = ''; // error message\n this.ended = false; // used to avoid multiple onEnd() calls\n this.chunks = []; // chunks of compressed data\n\n this.strm = new ZStream();\n this.strm.avail_out = 0;\n\n var status = zlib_deflate.deflateInit2(\n this.strm,\n opt.level,\n opt.method,\n opt.windowBits,\n opt.memLevel,\n opt.strategy\n );\n\n if (status !== Z_OK) {\n throw new Error(msg[status]);\n }\n\n if (opt.header) {\n zlib_deflate.deflateSetHeader(this.strm, opt.header);\n }\n\n if (opt.dictionary) {\n var dict;\n // Convert data if needed\n if (typeof opt.dictionary === 'string') {\n // If we need to compress text, change encoding to utf8.\n dict = strings.string2buf(opt.dictionary);\n } else if (toString.call(opt.dictionary) === '[object ArrayBuffer]') {\n dict = new Uint8Array(opt.dictionary);\n } else {\n dict = opt.dictionary;\n }\n\n status = zlib_deflate.deflateSetDictionary(this.strm, dict);\n\n if (status !== Z_OK) {\n throw new Error(msg[status]);\n }\n\n this._dict_set = true;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Deflate#push(data[, mode]) -> Boolean\n * - data (Uint8Array|Array|ArrayBuffer|String): input data. Strings will be\n * converted to utf8 byte sequence.\n * - mode (Number|Boolean): 0..6 for corresponding Z_NO_FLUSH..Z_TREE modes.\n * See constants. Skipped or `false` means Z_NO_FLUSH, `true` means Z_FINISH.\n *\n * Sends input data to deflate pipe, generating [[Deflate#onData]] calls with\n * new compressed chunks. Returns `true` on success. The last data block must have\n * mode Z_FINISH (or `true`). That will flush internal pending buffers and call\n * [[Deflate#onEnd]]. For interim explicit flushes (without ending the stream) you\n * can use mode Z_SYNC_FLUSH, keeping the compression context.\n *\n * On fail call [[Deflate#onEnd]] with error code and return false.\n *\n * We strongly recommend to use `Uint8Array` on input for best speed (output\n * array format is detected automatically). Also, don't skip last param and always\n * use the same type in your code (boolean or number). That will improve JS speed.\n *\n * For regular `Array`-s make sure all elements are [0..255].\n *\n * ##### Example\n *\n * ```javascript\n * push(chunk, false); // push one of data chunks\n * ...\n * push(chunk, true); // push last chunk\n * ```\n **/\nDeflate.prototype.push = function (data, mode) {\n var strm = this.strm;\n var chunkSize = this.options.chunkSize;\n var status, _mode;\n\n if (this.ended) { return false; }\n\n _mode = (mode === ~~mode) ? mode : ((mode === true) ? Z_FINISH : Z_NO_FLUSH);\n\n // Convert data if needed\n if (typeof data === 'string') {\n // If we need to compress text, change encoding to utf8.\n strm.input = strings.string2buf(data);\n } else if (toString.call(data) === '[object ArrayBuffer]') {\n strm.input = new Uint8Array(data);\n } else {\n strm.input = data;\n }\n\n strm.next_in = 0;\n strm.avail_in = strm.input.length;\n\n do {\n if (strm.avail_out === 0) {\n strm.output = new utils.Buf8(chunkSize);\n strm.next_out = 0;\n strm.avail_out = chunkSize;\n }\n status = zlib_deflate.deflate(strm, _mode); /* no bad return value */\n\n if (status !== Z_STREAM_END && status !== Z_OK) {\n this.onEnd(status);\n this.ended = true;\n return false;\n }\n if (strm.avail_out === 0 || (strm.avail_in === 0 && (_mode === Z_FINISH || _mode === Z_SYNC_FLUSH))) {\n if (this.options.to === 'string') {\n this.onData(strings.buf2binstring(utils.shrinkBuf(strm.output, strm.next_out)));\n } else {\n this.onData(utils.shrinkBuf(strm.output, strm.next_out));\n }\n }\n } while ((strm.avail_in > 0 || strm.avail_out === 0) && status !== Z_STREAM_END);\n\n // Finalize on the last chunk.\n if (_mode === Z_FINISH) {\n status = zlib_deflate.deflateEnd(this.strm);\n this.onEnd(status);\n this.ended = true;\n return status === Z_OK;\n }\n\n // callback interim results if Z_SYNC_FLUSH.\n if (_mode === Z_SYNC_FLUSH) {\n this.onEnd(Z_OK);\n strm.avail_out = 0;\n return true;\n }\n\n return true;\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Deflate#onData(chunk) -> Void\n * - chunk (Uint8Array|Array|String): output data. Type of array depends\n * on js engine support. When string output requested, each chunk\n * will be string.\n *\n * By default, stores data blocks in `chunks[]` property and glue\n * those in `onEnd`. Override this handler, if you need another behaviour.\n **/\nDeflate.prototype.onData = function (chunk) {\n this.chunks.push(chunk);\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Deflate#onEnd(status) -> Void\n * - status (Number): deflate status. 0 (Z_OK) on success,\n * other if not.\n *\n * Called once after you tell deflate that the input stream is\n * complete (Z_FINISH) or should be flushed (Z_SYNC_FLUSH)\n * or if an error happened. By default - join collected chunks,\n * free memory and fill `results` / `err` properties.\n **/\nDeflate.prototype.onEnd = function (status) {\n // On success - join\n if (status === Z_OK) {\n if (this.options.to === 'string') {\n this.result = this.chunks.join('');\n } else {\n this.result = utils.flattenChunks(this.chunks);\n }\n }\n this.chunks = [];\n this.err = status;\n this.msg = this.strm.msg;\n};\n\n\n/**\n * deflate(data[, options]) -> Uint8Array|Array|String\n * - data (Uint8Array|Array|String): input data to compress.\n * - options (Object): zlib deflate options.\n *\n * Compress `data` with deflate algorithm and `options`.\n *\n * Supported options are:\n *\n * - level\n * - windowBits\n * - memLevel\n * - strategy\n * - dictionary\n *\n * [http://zlib.net/manual.html#Advanced](http://zlib.net/manual.html#Advanced)\n * for more information on these.\n *\n * Sugar (options):\n *\n * - `raw` (Boolean) - say that we work with raw stream, if you don't wish to specify\n * negative windowBits implicitly.\n * - `to` (String) - if equal to 'string', then result will be \"binary string\"\n * (each char code [0..255])\n *\n * ##### Example:\n *\n * ```javascript\n * var pako = require('pako')\n * , data = Uint8Array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]);\n *\n * console.log(pako.deflate(data));\n * ```\n **/\nfunction deflate(input, options) {\n var deflator = new Deflate(options);\n\n deflator.push(input, true);\n\n // That will never happens, if you don't cheat with options :)\n if (deflator.err) { throw deflator.msg || msg[deflator.err]; }\n\n return deflator.result;\n}\n\n\n/**\n * deflateRaw(data[, options]) -> Uint8Array|Array|String\n * - data (Uint8Array|Array|String): input data to compress.\n * - options (Object): zlib deflate options.\n *\n * The same as [[deflate]], but creates raw data, without wrapper\n * (header and adler32 crc).\n **/\nfunction deflateRaw(input, options) {\n options = options || {};\n options.raw = true;\n return deflate(input, options);\n}\n\n\n/**\n * gzip(data[, options]) -> Uint8Array|Array|String\n * - data (Uint8Array|Array|String): input data to compress.\n * - options (Object): zlib deflate options.\n *\n * The same as [[deflate]], but create gzip wrapper instead of\n * deflate one.\n **/\nfunction gzip(input, options) {\n options = options || {};\n options.gzip = true;\n return deflate(input, options);\n}\n\n\nexports.Deflate = Deflate;\nexports.deflate = deflate;\nexports.deflateRaw = deflateRaw;\nexports.gzip = gzip;\n" }, { "id": 13, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "index": 11, "index2": 9, "size": 61184, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "issuerId": 12, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 16, "building": 21, "dependencies": 2 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 12, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./zlib/deflate", "loc": "4:19-44" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 6, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\nvar utils = require('../utils/common');\nvar trees = require('./trees');\nvar adler32 = require('./adler32');\nvar crc32 = require('./crc32');\nvar msg = require('./messages');\n\n/* Public constants ==========================================================*/\n/* ===========================================================================*/\n\n\n/* Allowed flush values; see deflate() and inflate() below for details */\nvar Z_NO_FLUSH = 0;\nvar Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH = 1;\n//var Z_SYNC_FLUSH = 2;\nvar Z_FULL_FLUSH = 3;\nvar Z_FINISH = 4;\nvar Z_BLOCK = 5;\n//var Z_TREES = 6;\n\n\n/* Return codes for the compression/decompression functions. Negative values\n * are errors, positive values are used for special but normal events.\n */\nvar Z_OK = 0;\nvar Z_STREAM_END = 1;\n//var Z_NEED_DICT = 2;\n//var Z_ERRNO = -1;\nvar Z_STREAM_ERROR = -2;\nvar Z_DATA_ERROR = -3;\n//var Z_MEM_ERROR = -4;\nvar Z_BUF_ERROR = -5;\n//var Z_VERSION_ERROR = -6;\n\n\n/* compression levels */\n//var Z_NO_COMPRESSION = 0;\n//var Z_BEST_SPEED = 1;\n//var Z_BEST_COMPRESSION = 9;\nvar Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION = -1;\n\n\nvar Z_FILTERED = 1;\nvar Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY = 2;\nvar Z_RLE = 3;\nvar Z_FIXED = 4;\nvar Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY = 0;\n\n/* Possible values of the data_type field (though see inflate()) */\n//var Z_BINARY = 0;\n//var Z_TEXT = 1;\n//var Z_ASCII = 1; // = Z_TEXT\nvar Z_UNKNOWN = 2;\n\n\n/* The deflate compression method */\nvar Z_DEFLATED = 8;\n\n/*============================================================================*/\n\n\nvar MAX_MEM_LEVEL = 9;\n/* Maximum value for memLevel in deflateInit2 */\nvar MAX_WBITS = 15;\n/* 32K LZ77 window */\nvar DEF_MEM_LEVEL = 8;\n\n\nvar LENGTH_CODES = 29;\n/* number of length codes, not counting the special END_BLOCK code */\nvar LITERALS = 256;\n/* number of literal bytes 0..255 */\nvar L_CODES = LITERALS + 1 + LENGTH_CODES;\n/* number of Literal or Length codes, including the END_BLOCK code */\nvar D_CODES = 30;\n/* number of distance codes */\nvar BL_CODES = 19;\n/* number of codes used to transfer the bit lengths */\nvar HEAP_SIZE = 2 * L_CODES + 1;\n/* maximum heap size */\nvar MAX_BITS = 15;\n/* All codes must not exceed MAX_BITS bits */\n\nvar MIN_MATCH = 3;\nvar MAX_MATCH = 258;\nvar MIN_LOOKAHEAD = (MAX_MATCH + MIN_MATCH + 1);\n\nvar PRESET_DICT = 0x20;\n\nvar INIT_STATE = 42;\nvar EXTRA_STATE = 69;\nvar NAME_STATE = 73;\nvar COMMENT_STATE = 91;\nvar HCRC_STATE = 103;\nvar BUSY_STATE = 113;\nvar FINISH_STATE = 666;\n\nvar BS_NEED_MORE = 1; /* block not completed, need more input or more output */\nvar BS_BLOCK_DONE = 2; /* block flush performed */\nvar BS_FINISH_STARTED = 3; /* finish started, need only more output at next deflate */\nvar BS_FINISH_DONE = 4; /* finish done, accept no more input or output */\n\nvar OS_CODE = 0x03; // Unix :) . Don't detect, use this default.\n\nfunction err(strm, errorCode) {\n strm.msg = msg[errorCode];\n return errorCode;\n}\n\nfunction rank(f) {\n return ((f) << 1) - ((f) > 4 ? 9 : 0);\n}\n\nfunction zero(buf) { var len = buf.length; while (--len >= 0) { buf[len] = 0; } }\n\n\n/* =========================================================================\n * Flush as much pending output as possible. All deflate() output goes\n * through this function so some applications may wish to modify it\n * to avoid allocating a large strm->output buffer and copying into it.\n * (See also read_buf()).\n */\nfunction flush_pending(strm) {\n var s = strm.state;\n\n //_tr_flush_bits(s);\n var len = s.pending;\n if (len > strm.avail_out) {\n len = strm.avail_out;\n }\n if (len === 0) { return; }\n\n utils.arraySet(strm.output, s.pending_buf, s.pending_out, len, strm.next_out);\n strm.next_out += len;\n s.pending_out += len;\n strm.total_out += len;\n strm.avail_out -= len;\n s.pending -= len;\n if (s.pending === 0) {\n s.pending_out = 0;\n }\n}\n\n\nfunction flush_block_only(s, last) {\n trees._tr_flush_block(s, (s.block_start >= 0 ? s.block_start : -1), s.strstart - s.block_start, last);\n s.block_start = s.strstart;\n flush_pending(s.strm);\n}\n\n\nfunction put_byte(s, b) {\n s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = b;\n}\n\n\n/* =========================================================================\n * Put a short in the pending buffer. The 16-bit value is put in MSB order.\n * IN assertion: the stream state is correct and there is enough room in\n * pending_buf.\n */\nfunction putShortMSB(s, b) {\n// put_byte(s, (Byte)(b >> 8));\n// put_byte(s, (Byte)(b & 0xff));\n s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = (b >>> 8) & 0xff;\n s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = b & 0xff;\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Read a new buffer from the current input stream, update the adler32\n * and total number of bytes read. All deflate() input goes through\n * this function so some applications may wish to modify it to avoid\n * allocating a large strm->input buffer and copying from it.\n * (See also flush_pending()).\n */\nfunction read_buf(strm, buf, start, size) {\n var len = strm.avail_in;\n\n if (len > size) { len = size; }\n if (len === 0) { return 0; }\n\n strm.avail_in -= len;\n\n // zmemcpy(buf, strm->next_in, len);\n utils.arraySet(buf, strm.input, strm.next_in, len, start);\n if (strm.state.wrap === 1) {\n strm.adler = adler32(strm.adler, buf, len, start);\n }\n\n else if (strm.state.wrap === 2) {\n strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, buf, len, start);\n }\n\n strm.next_in += len;\n strm.total_in += len;\n\n return len;\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Set match_start to the longest match starting at the given string and\n * return its length. Matches shorter or equal to prev_length are discarded,\n * in which case the result is equal to prev_length and match_start is\n * garbage.\n * IN assertions: cur_match is the head of the hash chain for the current\n * string (strstart) and its distance is <= MAX_DIST, and prev_length >= 1\n * OUT assertion: the match length is not greater than s->lookahead.\n */\nfunction longest_match(s, cur_match) {\n var chain_length = s.max_chain_length; /* max hash chain length */\n var scan = s.strstart; /* current string */\n var match; /* matched string */\n var len; /* length of current match */\n var best_len = s.prev_length; /* best match length so far */\n var nice_match = s.nice_match; /* stop if match long enough */\n var limit = (s.strstart > (s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD)) ?\n s.strstart - (s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD) : 0/*NIL*/;\n\n var _win = s.window; // shortcut\n\n var wmask = s.w_mask;\n var prev = s.prev;\n\n /* Stop when cur_match becomes <= limit. To simplify the code,\n * we prevent matches with the string of window index 0.\n */\n\n var strend = s.strstart + MAX_MATCH;\n var scan_end1 = _win[scan + best_len - 1];\n var scan_end = _win[scan + best_len];\n\n /* The code is optimized for HASH_BITS >= 8 and MAX_MATCH-2 multiple of 16.\n * It is easy to get rid of this optimization if necessary.\n */\n // Assert(s->hash_bits >= 8 && MAX_MATCH == 258, \"Code too clever\");\n\n /* Do not waste too much time if we already have a good match: */\n if (s.prev_length >= s.good_match) {\n chain_length >>= 2;\n }\n /* Do not look for matches beyond the end of the input. This is necessary\n * to make deflate deterministic.\n */\n if (nice_match > s.lookahead) { nice_match = s.lookahead; }\n\n // Assert((ulg)s->strstart <= s->window_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD, \"need lookahead\");\n\n do {\n // Assert(cur_match < s->strstart, \"no future\");\n match = cur_match;\n\n /* Skip to next match if the match length cannot increase\n * or if the match length is less than 2. Note that the checks below\n * for insufficient lookahead only occur occasionally for performance\n * reasons. Therefore uninitialized memory will be accessed, and\n * conditional jumps will be made that depend on those values.\n * However the length of the match is limited to the lookahead, so\n * the output of deflate is not affected by the uninitialized values.\n */\n\n if (_win[match + best_len] !== scan_end ||\n _win[match + best_len - 1] !== scan_end1 ||\n _win[match] !== _win[scan] ||\n _win[++match] !== _win[scan + 1]) {\n continue;\n }\n\n /* The check at best_len-1 can be removed because it will be made\n * again later. (This heuristic is not always a win.)\n * It is not necessary to compare scan[2] and match[2] since they\n * are always equal when the other bytes match, given that\n * the hash keys are equal and that HASH_BITS >= 8.\n */\n scan += 2;\n match++;\n // Assert(*scan == *match, \"match[2]?\");\n\n /* We check for insufficient lookahead only every 8th comparison;\n * the 256th check will be made at strstart+258.\n */\n do {\n /*jshint noempty:false*/\n } while (_win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] &&\n _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] &&\n _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] &&\n _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] &&\n scan < strend);\n\n // Assert(scan <= s->window+(unsigned)(s->window_size-1), \"wild scan\");\n\n len = MAX_MATCH - (strend - scan);\n scan = strend - MAX_MATCH;\n\n if (len > best_len) {\n s.match_start = cur_match;\n best_len = len;\n if (len >= nice_match) {\n break;\n }\n scan_end1 = _win[scan + best_len - 1];\n scan_end = _win[scan + best_len];\n }\n } while ((cur_match = prev[cur_match & wmask]) > limit && --chain_length !== 0);\n\n if (best_len <= s.lookahead) {\n return best_len;\n }\n return s.lookahead;\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Fill the window when the lookahead becomes insufficient.\n * Updates strstart and lookahead.\n *\n * IN assertion: lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD\n * OUT assertions: strstart <= window_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD\n * At least one byte has been read, or avail_in == 0; reads are\n * performed for at least two bytes (required for the zip translate_eol\n * option -- not supported here).\n */\nfunction fill_window(s) {\n var _w_size = s.w_size;\n var p, n, m, more, str;\n\n //Assert(s->lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD, \"already enough lookahead\");\n\n do {\n more = s.window_size - s.lookahead - s.strstart;\n\n // JS ints have 32 bit, block below not needed\n /* Deal with !@#$% 64K limit: */\n //if (sizeof(int) <= 2) {\n // if (more == 0 && s->strstart == 0 && s->lookahead == 0) {\n // more = wsize;\n //\n // } else if (more == (unsigned)(-1)) {\n // /* Very unlikely, but possible on 16 bit machine if\n // * strstart == 0 && lookahead == 1 (input done a byte at time)\n // */\n // more--;\n // }\n //}\n\n\n /* If the window is almost full and there is insufficient lookahead,\n * move the upper half to the lower one to make room in the upper half.\n */\n if (s.strstart >= _w_size + (_w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD)) {\n\n utils.arraySet(s.window, s.window, _w_size, _w_size, 0);\n s.match_start -= _w_size;\n s.strstart -= _w_size;\n /* we now have strstart >= MAX_DIST */\n s.block_start -= _w_size;\n\n /* Slide the hash table (could be avoided with 32 bit values\n at the expense of memory usage). We slide even when level == 0\n to keep the hash table consistent if we switch back to level > 0\n later. (Using level 0 permanently is not an optimal usage of\n zlib, so we don't care about this pathological case.)\n */\n\n n = s.hash_size;\n p = n;\n do {\n m = s.head[--p];\n s.head[p] = (m >= _w_size ? m - _w_size : 0);\n } while (--n);\n\n n = _w_size;\n p = n;\n do {\n m = s.prev[--p];\n s.prev[p] = (m >= _w_size ? m - _w_size : 0);\n /* If n is not on any hash chain, prev[n] is garbage but\n * its value will never be used.\n */\n } while (--n);\n\n more += _w_size;\n }\n if (s.strm.avail_in === 0) {\n break;\n }\n\n /* If there was no sliding:\n * strstart <= WSIZE+MAX_DIST-1 && lookahead <= MIN_LOOKAHEAD - 1 &&\n * more == window_size - lookahead - strstart\n * => more >= window_size - (MIN_LOOKAHEAD-1 + WSIZE + MAX_DIST-1)\n * => more >= window_size - 2*WSIZE + 2\n * In the BIG_MEM or MMAP case (not yet supported),\n * window_size == input_size + MIN_LOOKAHEAD &&\n * strstart + s->lookahead <= input_size => more >= MIN_LOOKAHEAD.\n * Otherwise, window_size == 2*WSIZE so more >= 2.\n * If there was sliding, more >= WSIZE. So in all cases, more >= 2.\n */\n //Assert(more >= 2, \"more < 2\");\n n = read_buf(s.strm, s.window, s.strstart + s.lookahead, more);\n s.lookahead += n;\n\n /* Initialize the hash value now that we have some input: */\n if (s.lookahead + s.insert >= MIN_MATCH) {\n str = s.strstart - s.insert;\n s.ins_h = s.window[str];\n\n /* UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, s->window[str + 1]); */\n s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[str + 1]) & s.hash_mask;\n//#if MIN_MATCH != 3\n// Call update_hash() MIN_MATCH-3 more times\n//#endif\n while (s.insert) {\n /* UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, s->window[str + MIN_MATCH-1]); */\n s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[str + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask;\n\n s.prev[str & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h];\n s.head[s.ins_h] = str;\n str++;\n s.insert--;\n if (s.lookahead + s.insert < MIN_MATCH) {\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n /* If the whole input has less than MIN_MATCH bytes, ins_h is garbage,\n * but this is not important since only literal bytes will be emitted.\n */\n\n } while (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && s.strm.avail_in !== 0);\n\n /* If the WIN_INIT bytes after the end of the current data have never been\n * written, then zero those bytes in order to avoid memory check reports of\n * the use of uninitialized (or uninitialised as Julian writes) bytes by\n * the longest match routines. Update the high water mark for the next\n * time through here. WIN_INIT is set to MAX_MATCH since the longest match\n * routines allow scanning to strstart + MAX_MATCH, ignoring lookahead.\n */\n// if (s.high_water < s.window_size) {\n// var curr = s.strstart + s.lookahead;\n// var init = 0;\n//\n// if (s.high_water < curr) {\n// /* Previous high water mark below current data -- zero WIN_INIT\n// * bytes or up to end of window, whichever is less.\n// */\n// init = s.window_size - curr;\n// if (init > WIN_INIT)\n// init = WIN_INIT;\n// zmemzero(s->window + curr, (unsigned)init);\n// s->high_water = curr + init;\n// }\n// else if (s->high_water < (ulg)curr + WIN_INIT) {\n// /* High water mark at or above current data, but below current data\n// * plus WIN_INIT -- zero out to current data plus WIN_INIT, or up\n// * to end of window, whichever is less.\n// */\n// init = (ulg)curr + WIN_INIT - s->high_water;\n// if (init > s->window_size - s->high_water)\n// init = s->window_size - s->high_water;\n// zmemzero(s->window + s->high_water, (unsigned)init);\n// s->high_water += init;\n// }\n// }\n//\n// Assert((ulg)s->strstart <= s->window_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD,\n// \"not enough room for search\");\n}\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Copy without compression as much as possible from the input stream, return\n * the current block state.\n * This function does not insert new strings in the dictionary since\n * uncompressible data is probably not useful. This function is used\n * only for the level=0 compression option.\n * NOTE: this function should be optimized to avoid extra copying from\n * window to pending_buf.\n */\nfunction deflate_stored(s, flush) {\n /* Stored blocks are limited to 0xffff bytes, pending_buf is limited\n * to pending_buf_size, and each stored block has a 5 byte header:\n */\n var max_block_size = 0xffff;\n\n if (max_block_size > s.pending_buf_size - 5) {\n max_block_size = s.pending_buf_size - 5;\n }\n\n /* Copy as much as possible from input to output: */\n for (;;) {\n /* Fill the window as much as possible: */\n if (s.lookahead <= 1) {\n\n //Assert(s->strstart < s->w_size+MAX_DIST(s) ||\n // s->block_start >= (long)s->w_size, \"slide too late\");\n// if (!(s.strstart < s.w_size + (s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD) ||\n// s.block_start >= s.w_size)) {\n// throw new Error(\"slide too late\");\n// }\n\n fill_window(s);\n if (s.lookahead === 0 && flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n\n if (s.lookahead === 0) {\n break;\n }\n /* flush the current block */\n }\n //Assert(s->block_start >= 0L, \"block gone\");\n// if (s.block_start < 0) throw new Error(\"block gone\");\n\n s.strstart += s.lookahead;\n s.lookahead = 0;\n\n /* Emit a stored block if pending_buf will be full: */\n var max_start = s.block_start + max_block_size;\n\n if (s.strstart === 0 || s.strstart >= max_start) {\n /* strstart == 0 is possible when wraparound on 16-bit machine */\n s.lookahead = s.strstart - max_start;\n s.strstart = max_start;\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n\n\n }\n /* Flush if we may have to slide, otherwise block_start may become\n * negative and the data will be gone:\n */\n if (s.strstart - s.block_start >= (s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD)) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n }\n\n s.insert = 0;\n\n if (flush === Z_FINISH) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, true);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_FINISH_STARTED;\n }\n /***/\n return BS_FINISH_DONE;\n }\n\n if (s.strstart > s.block_start) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n}\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Compress as much as possible from the input stream, return the current\n * block state.\n * This function does not perform lazy evaluation of matches and inserts\n * new strings in the dictionary only for unmatched strings or for short\n * matches. It is used only for the fast compression options.\n */\nfunction deflate_fast(s, flush) {\n var hash_head; /* head of the hash chain */\n var bflush; /* set if current block must be flushed */\n\n for (;;) {\n /* Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except\n * at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes\n * for the next match, plus MIN_MATCH bytes to insert the\n * string following the next match.\n */\n if (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD) {\n fill_window(s);\n if (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n if (s.lookahead === 0) {\n break; /* flush the current block */\n }\n }\n\n /* Insert the string window[strstart .. strstart+2] in the\n * dictionary, and set hash_head to the head of the hash chain:\n */\n hash_head = 0/*NIL*/;\n if (s.lookahead >= MIN_MATCH) {\n /*** INSERT_STRING(s, s.strstart, hash_head); ***/\n s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[s.strstart + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask;\n hash_head = s.prev[s.strstart & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h];\n s.head[s.ins_h] = s.strstart;\n /***/\n }\n\n /* Find the longest match, discarding those <= prev_length.\n * At this point we have always match_length < MIN_MATCH\n */\n if (hash_head !== 0/*NIL*/ && ((s.strstart - hash_head) <= (s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD))) {\n /* To simplify the code, we prevent matches with the string\n * of window index 0 (in particular we have to avoid a match\n * of the string with itself at the start of the input file).\n */\n s.match_length = longest_match(s, hash_head);\n /* longest_match() sets match_start */\n }\n if (s.match_length >= MIN_MATCH) {\n // check_match(s, s.strstart, s.match_start, s.match_length); // for debug only\n\n /*** _tr_tally_dist(s, s.strstart - s.match_start,\n s.match_length - MIN_MATCH, bflush); ***/\n bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, s.strstart - s.match_start, s.match_length - MIN_MATCH);\n\n s.lookahead -= s.match_length;\n\n /* Insert new strings in the hash table only if the match length\n * is not too large. This saves time but degrades compression.\n */\n if (s.match_length <= s.max_lazy_match/*max_insert_length*/ && s.lookahead >= MIN_MATCH) {\n s.match_length--; /* string at strstart already in table */\n do {\n s.strstart++;\n /*** INSERT_STRING(s, s.strstart, hash_head); ***/\n s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[s.strstart + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask;\n hash_head = s.prev[s.strstart & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h];\n s.head[s.ins_h] = s.strstart;\n /***/\n /* strstart never exceeds WSIZE-MAX_MATCH, so there are\n * always MIN_MATCH bytes ahead.\n */\n } while (--s.match_length !== 0);\n s.strstart++;\n } else\n {\n s.strstart += s.match_length;\n s.match_length = 0;\n s.ins_h = s.window[s.strstart];\n /* UPDATE_HASH(s, s.ins_h, s.window[s.strstart+1]); */\n s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[s.strstart + 1]) & s.hash_mask;\n\n//#if MIN_MATCH != 3\n// Call UPDATE_HASH() MIN_MATCH-3 more times\n//#endif\n /* If lookahead < MIN_MATCH, ins_h is garbage, but it does not\n * matter since it will be recomputed at next deflate call.\n */\n }\n } else {\n /* No match, output a literal byte */\n //Tracevv((stderr,\"%c\", s.window[s.strstart]));\n /*** _tr_tally_lit(s, s.window[s.strstart], bflush); ***/\n bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart]);\n\n s.lookahead--;\n s.strstart++;\n }\n if (bflush) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n }\n s.insert = ((s.strstart < (MIN_MATCH - 1)) ? s.strstart : MIN_MATCH - 1);\n if (flush === Z_FINISH) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, true);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_FINISH_STARTED;\n }\n /***/\n return BS_FINISH_DONE;\n }\n if (s.last_lit) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n return BS_BLOCK_DONE;\n}\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Same as above, but achieves better compression. We use a lazy\n * evaluation for matches: a match is finally adopted only if there is\n * no better match at the next window position.\n */\nfunction deflate_slow(s, flush) {\n var hash_head; /* head of hash chain */\n var bflush; /* set if current block must be flushed */\n\n var max_insert;\n\n /* Process the input block. */\n for (;;) {\n /* Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except\n * at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes\n * for the next match, plus MIN_MATCH bytes to insert the\n * string following the next match.\n */\n if (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD) {\n fill_window(s);\n if (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n if (s.lookahead === 0) { break; } /* flush the current block */\n }\n\n /* Insert the string window[strstart .. strstart+2] in the\n * dictionary, and set hash_head to the head of the hash chain:\n */\n hash_head = 0/*NIL*/;\n if (s.lookahead >= MIN_MATCH) {\n /*** INSERT_STRING(s, s.strstart, hash_head); ***/\n s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[s.strstart + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask;\n hash_head = s.prev[s.strstart & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h];\n s.head[s.ins_h] = s.strstart;\n /***/\n }\n\n /* Find the longest match, discarding those <= prev_length.\n */\n s.prev_length = s.match_length;\n s.prev_match = s.match_start;\n s.match_length = MIN_MATCH - 1;\n\n if (hash_head !== 0/*NIL*/ && s.prev_length < s.max_lazy_match &&\n s.strstart - hash_head <= (s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD)/*MAX_DIST(s)*/) {\n /* To simplify the code, we prevent matches with the string\n * of window index 0 (in particular we have to avoid a match\n * of the string with itself at the start of the input file).\n */\n s.match_length = longest_match(s, hash_head);\n /* longest_match() sets match_start */\n\n if (s.match_length <= 5 &&\n (s.strategy === Z_FILTERED || (s.match_length === MIN_MATCH && s.strstart - s.match_start > 4096/*TOO_FAR*/))) {\n\n /* If prev_match is also MIN_MATCH, match_start is garbage\n * but we will ignore the current match anyway.\n */\n s.match_length = MIN_MATCH - 1;\n }\n }\n /* If there was a match at the previous step and the current\n * match is not better, output the previous match:\n */\n if (s.prev_length >= MIN_MATCH && s.match_length <= s.prev_length) {\n max_insert = s.strstart + s.lookahead - MIN_MATCH;\n /* Do not insert strings in hash table beyond this. */\n\n //check_match(s, s.strstart-1, s.prev_match, s.prev_length);\n\n /***_tr_tally_dist(s, s.strstart - 1 - s.prev_match,\n s.prev_length - MIN_MATCH, bflush);***/\n bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, s.strstart - 1 - s.prev_match, s.prev_length - MIN_MATCH);\n /* Insert in hash table all strings up to the end of the match.\n * strstart-1 and strstart are already inserted. If there is not\n * enough lookahead, the last two strings are not inserted in\n * the hash table.\n */\n s.lookahead -= s.prev_length - 1;\n s.prev_length -= 2;\n do {\n if (++s.strstart <= max_insert) {\n /*** INSERT_STRING(s, s.strstart, hash_head); ***/\n s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[s.strstart + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask;\n hash_head = s.prev[s.strstart & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h];\n s.head[s.ins_h] = s.strstart;\n /***/\n }\n } while (--s.prev_length !== 0);\n s.match_available = 0;\n s.match_length = MIN_MATCH - 1;\n s.strstart++;\n\n if (bflush) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n\n } else if (s.match_available) {\n /* If there was no match at the previous position, output a\n * single literal. If there was a match but the current match\n * is longer, truncate the previous match to a single literal.\n */\n //Tracevv((stderr,\"%c\", s->window[s->strstart-1]));\n /*** _tr_tally_lit(s, s.window[s.strstart-1], bflush); ***/\n bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart - 1]);\n\n if (bflush) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK_ONLY(s, 0) ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n /***/\n }\n s.strstart++;\n s.lookahead--;\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n } else {\n /* There is no previous match to compare with, wait for\n * the next step to decide.\n */\n s.match_available = 1;\n s.strstart++;\n s.lookahead--;\n }\n }\n //Assert (flush != Z_NO_FLUSH, \"no flush?\");\n if (s.match_available) {\n //Tracevv((stderr,\"%c\", s->window[s->strstart-1]));\n /*** _tr_tally_lit(s, s.window[s.strstart-1], bflush); ***/\n bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart - 1]);\n\n s.match_available = 0;\n }\n s.insert = s.strstart < MIN_MATCH - 1 ? s.strstart : MIN_MATCH - 1;\n if (flush === Z_FINISH) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, true);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_FINISH_STARTED;\n }\n /***/\n return BS_FINISH_DONE;\n }\n if (s.last_lit) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n\n return BS_BLOCK_DONE;\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * For Z_RLE, simply look for runs of bytes, generate matches only of distance\n * one. Do not maintain a hash table. (It will be regenerated if this run of\n * deflate switches away from Z_RLE.)\n */\nfunction deflate_rle(s, flush) {\n var bflush; /* set if current block must be flushed */\n var prev; /* byte at distance one to match */\n var scan, strend; /* scan goes up to strend for length of run */\n\n var _win = s.window;\n\n for (;;) {\n /* Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except\n * at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes\n * for the longest run, plus one for the unrolled loop.\n */\n if (s.lookahead <= MAX_MATCH) {\n fill_window(s);\n if (s.lookahead <= MAX_MATCH && flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n if (s.lookahead === 0) { break; } /* flush the current block */\n }\n\n /* See how many times the previous byte repeats */\n s.match_length = 0;\n if (s.lookahead >= MIN_MATCH && s.strstart > 0) {\n scan = s.strstart - 1;\n prev = _win[scan];\n if (prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan]) {\n strend = s.strstart + MAX_MATCH;\n do {\n /*jshint noempty:false*/\n } while (prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] &&\n prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] &&\n prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] &&\n prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] &&\n scan < strend);\n s.match_length = MAX_MATCH - (strend - scan);\n if (s.match_length > s.lookahead) {\n s.match_length = s.lookahead;\n }\n }\n //Assert(scan <= s->window+(uInt)(s->window_size-1), \"wild scan\");\n }\n\n /* Emit match if have run of MIN_MATCH or longer, else emit literal */\n if (s.match_length >= MIN_MATCH) {\n //check_match(s, s.strstart, s.strstart - 1, s.match_length);\n\n /*** _tr_tally_dist(s, 1, s.match_length - MIN_MATCH, bflush); ***/\n bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 1, s.match_length - MIN_MATCH);\n\n s.lookahead -= s.match_length;\n s.strstart += s.match_length;\n s.match_length = 0;\n } else {\n /* No match, output a literal byte */\n //Tracevv((stderr,\"%c\", s->window[s->strstart]));\n /*** _tr_tally_lit(s, s.window[s.strstart], bflush); ***/\n bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart]);\n\n s.lookahead--;\n s.strstart++;\n }\n if (bflush) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n }\n s.insert = 0;\n if (flush === Z_FINISH) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, true);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_FINISH_STARTED;\n }\n /***/\n return BS_FINISH_DONE;\n }\n if (s.last_lit) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n return BS_BLOCK_DONE;\n}\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * For Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY, do not look for matches. Do not maintain a hash table.\n * (It will be regenerated if this run of deflate switches away from Huffman.)\n */\nfunction deflate_huff(s, flush) {\n var bflush; /* set if current block must be flushed */\n\n for (;;) {\n /* Make sure that we have a literal to write. */\n if (s.lookahead === 0) {\n fill_window(s);\n if (s.lookahead === 0) {\n if (flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n break; /* flush the current block */\n }\n }\n\n /* Output a literal byte */\n s.match_length = 0;\n //Tracevv((stderr,\"%c\", s->window[s->strstart]));\n /*** _tr_tally_lit(s, s.window[s.strstart], bflush); ***/\n bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart]);\n s.lookahead--;\n s.strstart++;\n if (bflush) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n }\n s.insert = 0;\n if (flush === Z_FINISH) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, true);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_FINISH_STARTED;\n }\n /***/\n return BS_FINISH_DONE;\n }\n if (s.last_lit) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n return BS_BLOCK_DONE;\n}\n\n/* Values for max_lazy_match, good_match and max_chain_length, depending on\n * the desired pack level (0..9). The values given below have been tuned to\n * exclude worst case performance for pathological files. Better values may be\n * found for specific files.\n */\nfunction Config(good_length, max_lazy, nice_length, max_chain, func) {\n this.good_length = good_length;\n this.max_lazy = max_lazy;\n this.nice_length = nice_length;\n this.max_chain = max_chain;\n this.func = func;\n}\n\nvar configuration_table;\n\nconfiguration_table = [\n /* good lazy nice chain */\n new Config(0, 0, 0, 0, deflate_stored), /* 0 store only */\n new Config(4, 4, 8, 4, deflate_fast), /* 1 max speed, no lazy matches */\n new Config(4, 5, 16, 8, deflate_fast), /* 2 */\n new Config(4, 6, 32, 32, deflate_fast), /* 3 */\n\n new Config(4, 4, 16, 16, deflate_slow), /* 4 lazy matches */\n new Config(8, 16, 32, 32, deflate_slow), /* 5 */\n new Config(8, 16, 128, 128, deflate_slow), /* 6 */\n new Config(8, 32, 128, 256, deflate_slow), /* 7 */\n new Config(32, 128, 258, 1024, deflate_slow), /* 8 */\n new Config(32, 258, 258, 4096, deflate_slow) /* 9 max compression */\n];\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Initialize the \"longest match\" routines for a new zlib stream\n */\nfunction lm_init(s) {\n s.window_size = 2 * s.w_size;\n\n /*** CLEAR_HASH(s); ***/\n zero(s.head); // Fill with NIL (= 0);\n\n /* Set the default configuration parameters:\n */\n s.max_lazy_match = configuration_table[s.level].max_lazy;\n s.good_match = configuration_table[s.level].good_length;\n s.nice_match = configuration_table[s.level].nice_length;\n s.max_chain_length = configuration_table[s.level].max_chain;\n\n s.strstart = 0;\n s.block_start = 0;\n s.lookahead = 0;\n s.insert = 0;\n s.match_length = s.prev_length = MIN_MATCH - 1;\n s.match_available = 0;\n s.ins_h = 0;\n}\n\n\nfunction DeflateState() {\n this.strm = null; /* pointer back to this zlib stream */\n this.status = 0; /* as the name implies */\n this.pending_buf = null; /* output still pending */\n this.pending_buf_size = 0; /* size of pending_buf */\n this.pending_out = 0; /* next pending byte to output to the stream */\n this.pending = 0; /* nb of bytes in the pending buffer */\n this.wrap = 0; /* bit 0 true for zlib, bit 1 true for gzip */\n this.gzhead = null; /* gzip header information to write */\n this.gzindex = 0; /* where in extra, name, or comment */\n this.method = Z_DEFLATED; /* can only be DEFLATED */\n this.last_flush = -1; /* value of flush param for previous deflate call */\n\n this.w_size = 0; /* LZ77 window size (32K by default) */\n this.w_bits = 0; /* log2(w_size) (8..16) */\n this.w_mask = 0; /* w_size - 1 */\n\n this.window = null;\n /* Sliding window. Input bytes are read into the second half of the window,\n * and move to the first half later to keep a dictionary of at least wSize\n * bytes. With this organization, matches are limited to a distance of\n * wSize-MAX_MATCH bytes, but this ensures that IO is always\n * performed with a length multiple of the block size.\n */\n\n this.window_size = 0;\n /* Actual size of window: 2*wSize, except when the user input buffer\n * is directly used as sliding window.\n */\n\n this.prev = null;\n /* Link to older string with same hash index. To limit the size of this\n * array to 64K, this link is maintained only for the last 32K strings.\n * An index in this array is thus a window index modulo 32K.\n */\n\n this.head = null; /* Heads of the hash chains or NIL. */\n\n this.ins_h = 0; /* hash index of string to be inserted */\n this.hash_size = 0; /* number of elements in hash table */\n this.hash_bits = 0; /* log2(hash_size) */\n this.hash_mask = 0; /* hash_size-1 */\n\n this.hash_shift = 0;\n /* Number of bits by which ins_h must be shifted at each input\n * step. It must be such that after MIN_MATCH steps, the oldest\n * byte no longer takes part in the hash key, that is:\n * hash_shift * MIN_MATCH >= hash_bits\n */\n\n this.block_start = 0;\n /* Window position at the beginning of the current output block. Gets\n * negative when the window is moved backwards.\n */\n\n this.match_length = 0; /* length of best match */\n this.prev_match = 0; /* previous match */\n this.match_available = 0; /* set if previous match exists */\n this.strstart = 0; /* start of string to insert */\n this.match_start = 0; /* start of matching string */\n this.lookahead = 0; /* number of valid bytes ahead in window */\n\n this.prev_length = 0;\n /* Length of the best match at previous step. Matches not greater than this\n * are discarded. This is used in the lazy match evaluation.\n */\n\n this.max_chain_length = 0;\n /* To speed up deflation, hash chains are never searched beyond this\n * length. A higher limit improves compression ratio but degrades the\n * speed.\n */\n\n this.max_lazy_match = 0;\n /* Attempt to find a better match only when the current match is strictly\n * smaller than this value. This mechanism is used only for compression\n * levels >= 4.\n */\n // That's alias to max_lazy_match, don't use directly\n //this.max_insert_length = 0;\n /* Insert new strings in the hash table only if the match length is not\n * greater than this length. This saves time but degrades compression.\n * max_insert_length is used only for compression levels <= 3.\n */\n\n this.level = 0; /* compression level (1..9) */\n this.strategy = 0; /* favor or force Huffman coding*/\n\n this.good_match = 0;\n /* Use a faster search when the previous match is longer than this */\n\n this.nice_match = 0; /* Stop searching when current match exceeds this */\n\n /* used by trees.c: */\n\n /* Didn't use ct_data typedef below to suppress compiler warning */\n\n // struct ct_data_s dyn_ltree[HEAP_SIZE]; /* literal and length tree */\n // struct ct_data_s dyn_dtree[2*D_CODES+1]; /* distance tree */\n // struct ct_data_s bl_tree[2*BL_CODES+1]; /* Huffman tree for bit lengths */\n\n // Use flat array of DOUBLE size, with interleaved fata,\n // because JS does not support effective\n this.dyn_ltree = new utils.Buf16(HEAP_SIZE * 2);\n this.dyn_dtree = new utils.Buf16((2 * D_CODES + 1) * 2);\n this.bl_tree = new utils.Buf16((2 * BL_CODES + 1) * 2);\n zero(this.dyn_ltree);\n zero(this.dyn_dtree);\n zero(this.bl_tree);\n\n this.l_desc = null; /* desc. for literal tree */\n this.d_desc = null; /* desc. for distance tree */\n this.bl_desc = null; /* desc. for bit length tree */\n\n //ush bl_count[MAX_BITS+1];\n this.bl_count = new utils.Buf16(MAX_BITS + 1);\n /* number of codes at each bit length for an optimal tree */\n\n //int heap[2*L_CODES+1]; /* heap used to build the Huffman trees */\n this.heap = new utils.Buf16(2 * L_CODES + 1); /* heap used to build the Huffman trees */\n zero(this.heap);\n\n this.heap_len = 0; /* number of elements in the heap */\n this.heap_max = 0; /* element of largest frequency */\n /* The sons of heap[n] are heap[2*n] and heap[2*n+1]. heap[0] is not used.\n * The same heap array is used to build all trees.\n */\n\n this.depth = new utils.Buf16(2 * L_CODES + 1); //uch depth[2*L_CODES+1];\n zero(this.depth);\n /* Depth of each subtree used as tie breaker for trees of equal frequency\n */\n\n this.l_buf = 0; /* buffer index for literals or lengths */\n\n this.lit_bufsize = 0;\n /* Size of match buffer for literals/lengths. There are 4 reasons for\n * limiting lit_bufsize to 64K:\n * - frequencies can be kept in 16 bit counters\n * - if compression is not successful for the first block, all input\n * data is still in the window so we can still emit a stored block even\n * when input comes from standard input. (This can also be done for\n * all blocks if lit_bufsize is not greater than 32K.)\n * - if compression is not successful for a file smaller than 64K, we can\n * even emit a stored file instead of a stored block (saving 5 bytes).\n * This is applicable only for zip (not gzip or zlib).\n * - creating new Huffman trees less frequently may not provide fast\n * adaptation to changes in the input data statistics. (Take for\n * example a binary file with poorly compressible code followed by\n * a highly compressible string table.) Smaller buffer sizes give\n * fast adaptation but have of course the overhead of transmitting\n * trees more frequently.\n * - I can't count above 4\n */\n\n this.last_lit = 0; /* running index in l_buf */\n\n this.d_buf = 0;\n /* Buffer index for distances. To simplify the code, d_buf and l_buf have\n * the same number of elements. To use different lengths, an extra flag\n * array would be necessary.\n */\n\n this.opt_len = 0; /* bit length of current block with optimal trees */\n this.static_len = 0; /* bit length of current block with static trees */\n this.matches = 0; /* number of string matches in current block */\n this.insert = 0; /* bytes at end of window left to insert */\n\n\n this.bi_buf = 0;\n /* Output buffer. bits are inserted starting at the bottom (least\n * significant bits).\n */\n this.bi_valid = 0;\n /* Number of valid bits in bi_buf. All bits above the last valid bit\n * are always zero.\n */\n\n // Used for window memory init. We safely ignore it for JS. That makes\n // sense only for pointers and memory check tools.\n //this.high_water = 0;\n /* High water mark offset in window for initialized bytes -- bytes above\n * this are set to zero in order to avoid memory check warnings when\n * longest match routines access bytes past the input. This is then\n * updated to the new high water mark.\n */\n}\n\n\nfunction deflateResetKeep(strm) {\n var s;\n\n if (!strm || !strm.state) {\n return err(strm, Z_STREAM_ERROR);\n }\n\n strm.total_in = strm.total_out = 0;\n strm.data_type = Z_UNKNOWN;\n\n s = strm.state;\n s.pending = 0;\n s.pending_out = 0;\n\n if (s.wrap < 0) {\n s.wrap = -s.wrap;\n /* was made negative by deflate(..., Z_FINISH); */\n }\n s.status = (s.wrap ? INIT_STATE : BUSY_STATE);\n strm.adler = (s.wrap === 2) ?\n 0 // crc32(0, Z_NULL, 0)\n :\n 1; // adler32(0, Z_NULL, 0)\n s.last_flush = Z_NO_FLUSH;\n trees._tr_init(s);\n return Z_OK;\n}\n\n\nfunction deflateReset(strm) {\n var ret = deflateResetKeep(strm);\n if (ret === Z_OK) {\n lm_init(strm.state);\n }\n return ret;\n}\n\n\nfunction deflateSetHeader(strm, head) {\n if (!strm || !strm.state) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; }\n if (strm.state.wrap !== 2) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; }\n strm.state.gzhead = head;\n return Z_OK;\n}\n\n\nfunction deflateInit2(strm, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy) {\n if (!strm) { // === Z_NULL\n return Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n var wrap = 1;\n\n if (level === Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) {\n level = 6;\n }\n\n if (windowBits < 0) { /* suppress zlib wrapper */\n wrap = 0;\n windowBits = -windowBits;\n }\n\n else if (windowBits > 15) {\n wrap = 2; /* write gzip wrapper instead */\n windowBits -= 16;\n }\n\n\n if (memLevel < 1 || memLevel > MAX_MEM_LEVEL || method !== Z_DEFLATED ||\n windowBits < 8 || windowBits > 15 || level < 0 || level > 9 ||\n strategy < 0 || strategy > Z_FIXED) {\n return err(strm, Z_STREAM_ERROR);\n }\n\n\n if (windowBits === 8) {\n windowBits = 9;\n }\n /* until 256-byte window bug fixed */\n\n var s = new DeflateState();\n\n strm.state = s;\n s.strm = strm;\n\n s.wrap = wrap;\n s.gzhead = null;\n s.w_bits = windowBits;\n s.w_size = 1 << s.w_bits;\n s.w_mask = s.w_size - 1;\n\n s.hash_bits = memLevel + 7;\n s.hash_size = 1 << s.hash_bits;\n s.hash_mask = s.hash_size - 1;\n s.hash_shift = ~~((s.hash_bits + MIN_MATCH - 1) / MIN_MATCH);\n\n s.window = new utils.Buf8(s.w_size * 2);\n s.head = new utils.Buf16(s.hash_size);\n s.prev = new utils.Buf16(s.w_size);\n\n // Don't need mem init magic for JS.\n //s.high_water = 0; /* nothing written to s->window yet */\n\n s.lit_bufsize = 1 << (memLevel + 6); /* 16K elements by default */\n\n s.pending_buf_size = s.lit_bufsize * 4;\n\n //overlay = (ushf *) ZALLOC(strm, s->lit_bufsize, sizeof(ush)+2);\n //s->pending_buf = (uchf *) overlay;\n s.pending_buf = new utils.Buf8(s.pending_buf_size);\n\n // It is offset from `s.pending_buf` (size is `s.lit_bufsize * 2`)\n //s->d_buf = overlay + s->lit_bufsize/sizeof(ush);\n s.d_buf = 1 * s.lit_bufsize;\n\n //s->l_buf = s->pending_buf + (1+sizeof(ush))*s->lit_bufsize;\n s.l_buf = (1 + 2) * s.lit_bufsize;\n\n s.level = level;\n s.strategy = strategy;\n s.method = method;\n\n return deflateReset(strm);\n}\n\nfunction deflateInit(strm, level) {\n return deflateInit2(strm, level, Z_DEFLATED, MAX_WBITS, DEF_MEM_LEVEL, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY);\n}\n\n\nfunction deflate(strm, flush) {\n var old_flush, s;\n var beg, val; // for gzip header write only\n\n if (!strm || !strm.state ||\n flush > Z_BLOCK || flush < 0) {\n return strm ? err(strm, Z_STREAM_ERROR) : Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n\n s = strm.state;\n\n if (!strm.output ||\n (!strm.input && strm.avail_in !== 0) ||\n (s.status === FINISH_STATE && flush !== Z_FINISH)) {\n return err(strm, (strm.avail_out === 0) ? Z_BUF_ERROR : Z_STREAM_ERROR);\n }\n\n s.strm = strm; /* just in case */\n old_flush = s.last_flush;\n s.last_flush = flush;\n\n /* Write the header */\n if (s.status === INIT_STATE) {\n\n if (s.wrap === 2) { // GZIP header\n strm.adler = 0; //crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);\n put_byte(s, 31);\n put_byte(s, 139);\n put_byte(s, 8);\n if (!s.gzhead) { // s->gzhead == Z_NULL\n put_byte(s, 0);\n put_byte(s, 0);\n put_byte(s, 0);\n put_byte(s, 0);\n put_byte(s, 0);\n put_byte(s, s.level === 9 ? 2 :\n (s.strategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY || s.level < 2 ?\n 4 : 0));\n put_byte(s, OS_CODE);\n s.status = BUSY_STATE;\n }\n else {\n put_byte(s, (s.gzhead.text ? 1 : 0) +\n (s.gzhead.hcrc ? 2 : 0) +\n (!s.gzhead.extra ? 0 : 4) +\n (!s.gzhead.name ? 0 : 8) +\n (!s.gzhead.comment ? 0 : 16)\n );\n put_byte(s, s.gzhead.time & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (s.gzhead.time >> 8) & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (s.gzhead.time >> 16) & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (s.gzhead.time >> 24) & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, s.level === 9 ? 2 :\n (s.strategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY || s.level < 2 ?\n 4 : 0));\n put_byte(s, s.gzhead.os & 0xff);\n if (s.gzhead.extra && s.gzhead.extra.length) {\n put_byte(s, s.gzhead.extra.length & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (s.gzhead.extra.length >> 8) & 0xff);\n }\n if (s.gzhead.hcrc) {\n strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending, 0);\n }\n s.gzindex = 0;\n s.status = EXTRA_STATE;\n }\n }\n else // DEFLATE header\n {\n var header = (Z_DEFLATED + ((s.w_bits - 8) << 4)) << 8;\n var level_flags = -1;\n\n if (s.strategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY || s.level < 2) {\n level_flags = 0;\n } else if (s.level < 6) {\n level_flags = 1;\n } else if (s.level === 6) {\n level_flags = 2;\n } else {\n level_flags = 3;\n }\n header |= (level_flags << 6);\n if (s.strstart !== 0) { header |= PRESET_DICT; }\n header += 31 - (header % 31);\n\n s.status = BUSY_STATE;\n putShortMSB(s, header);\n\n /* Save the adler32 of the preset dictionary: */\n if (s.strstart !== 0) {\n putShortMSB(s, strm.adler >>> 16);\n putShortMSB(s, strm.adler & 0xffff);\n }\n strm.adler = 1; // adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);\n }\n }\n\n//#ifdef GZIP\n if (s.status === EXTRA_STATE) {\n if (s.gzhead.extra/* != Z_NULL*/) {\n beg = s.pending; /* start of bytes to update crc */\n\n while (s.gzindex < (s.gzhead.extra.length & 0xffff)) {\n if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) {\n if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) {\n strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg);\n }\n flush_pending(strm);\n beg = s.pending;\n if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) {\n break;\n }\n }\n put_byte(s, s.gzhead.extra[s.gzindex] & 0xff);\n s.gzindex++;\n }\n if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) {\n strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg);\n }\n if (s.gzindex === s.gzhead.extra.length) {\n s.gzindex = 0;\n s.status = NAME_STATE;\n }\n }\n else {\n s.status = NAME_STATE;\n }\n }\n if (s.status === NAME_STATE) {\n if (s.gzhead.name/* != Z_NULL*/) {\n beg = s.pending; /* start of bytes to update crc */\n //int val;\n\n do {\n if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) {\n if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) {\n strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg);\n }\n flush_pending(strm);\n beg = s.pending;\n if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) {\n val = 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n // JS specific: little magic to add zero terminator to end of string\n if (s.gzindex < s.gzhead.name.length) {\n val = s.gzhead.name.charCodeAt(s.gzindex++) & 0xff;\n } else {\n val = 0;\n }\n put_byte(s, val);\n } while (val !== 0);\n\n if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) {\n strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg);\n }\n if (val === 0) {\n s.gzindex = 0;\n s.status = COMMENT_STATE;\n }\n }\n else {\n s.status = COMMENT_STATE;\n }\n }\n if (s.status === COMMENT_STATE) {\n if (s.gzhead.comment/* != Z_NULL*/) {\n beg = s.pending; /* start of bytes to update crc */\n //int val;\n\n do {\n if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) {\n if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) {\n strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg);\n }\n flush_pending(strm);\n beg = s.pending;\n if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) {\n val = 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n // JS specific: little magic to add zero terminator to end of string\n if (s.gzindex < s.gzhead.comment.length) {\n val = s.gzhead.comment.charCodeAt(s.gzindex++) & 0xff;\n } else {\n val = 0;\n }\n put_byte(s, val);\n } while (val !== 0);\n\n if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) {\n strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg);\n }\n if (val === 0) {\n s.status = HCRC_STATE;\n }\n }\n else {\n s.status = HCRC_STATE;\n }\n }\n if (s.status === HCRC_STATE) {\n if (s.gzhead.hcrc) {\n if (s.pending + 2 > s.pending_buf_size) {\n flush_pending(strm);\n }\n if (s.pending + 2 <= s.pending_buf_size) {\n put_byte(s, strm.adler & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (strm.adler >> 8) & 0xff);\n strm.adler = 0; //crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);\n s.status = BUSY_STATE;\n }\n }\n else {\n s.status = BUSY_STATE;\n }\n }\n//#endif\n\n /* Flush as much pending output as possible */\n if (s.pending !== 0) {\n flush_pending(strm);\n if (strm.avail_out === 0) {\n /* Since avail_out is 0, deflate will be called again with\n * more output space, but possibly with both pending and\n * avail_in equal to zero. There won't be anything to do,\n * but this is not an error situation so make sure we\n * return OK instead of BUF_ERROR at next call of deflate:\n */\n s.last_flush = -1;\n return Z_OK;\n }\n\n /* Make sure there is something to do and avoid duplicate consecutive\n * flushes. For repeated and useless calls with Z_FINISH, we keep\n * returning Z_STREAM_END instead of Z_BUF_ERROR.\n */\n } else if (strm.avail_in === 0 && rank(flush) <= rank(old_flush) &&\n flush !== Z_FINISH) {\n return err(strm, Z_BUF_ERROR);\n }\n\n /* User must not provide more input after the first FINISH: */\n if (s.status === FINISH_STATE && strm.avail_in !== 0) {\n return err(strm, Z_BUF_ERROR);\n }\n\n /* Start a new block or continue the current one.\n */\n if (strm.avail_in !== 0 || s.lookahead !== 0 ||\n (flush !== Z_NO_FLUSH && s.status !== FINISH_STATE)) {\n var bstate = (s.strategy === Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY) ? deflate_huff(s, flush) :\n (s.strategy === Z_RLE ? deflate_rle(s, flush) :\n configuration_table[s.level].func(s, flush));\n\n if (bstate === BS_FINISH_STARTED || bstate === BS_FINISH_DONE) {\n s.status = FINISH_STATE;\n }\n if (bstate === BS_NEED_MORE || bstate === BS_FINISH_STARTED) {\n if (strm.avail_out === 0) {\n s.last_flush = -1;\n /* avoid BUF_ERROR next call, see above */\n }\n return Z_OK;\n /* If flush != Z_NO_FLUSH && avail_out == 0, the next call\n * of deflate should use the same flush parameter to make sure\n * that the flush is complete. So we don't have to output an\n * empty block here, this will be done at next call. This also\n * ensures that for a very small output buffer, we emit at most\n * one empty block.\n */\n }\n if (bstate === BS_BLOCK_DONE) {\n if (flush === Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH) {\n trees._tr_align(s);\n }\n else if (flush !== Z_BLOCK) { /* FULL_FLUSH or SYNC_FLUSH */\n\n trees._tr_stored_block(s, 0, 0, false);\n /* For a full flush, this empty block will be recognized\n * as a special marker by inflate_sync().\n */\n if (flush === Z_FULL_FLUSH) {\n /*** CLEAR_HASH(s); ***/ /* forget history */\n zero(s.head); // Fill with NIL (= 0);\n\n if (s.lookahead === 0) {\n s.strstart = 0;\n s.block_start = 0;\n s.insert = 0;\n }\n }\n }\n flush_pending(strm);\n if (strm.avail_out === 0) {\n s.last_flush = -1; /* avoid BUF_ERROR at next call, see above */\n return Z_OK;\n }\n }\n }\n //Assert(strm->avail_out > 0, \"bug2\");\n //if (strm.avail_out <= 0) { throw new Error(\"bug2\");}\n\n if (flush !== Z_FINISH) { return Z_OK; }\n if (s.wrap <= 0) { return Z_STREAM_END; }\n\n /* Write the trailer */\n if (s.wrap === 2) {\n put_byte(s, strm.adler & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (strm.adler >> 8) & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (strm.adler >> 16) & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (strm.adler >> 24) & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, strm.total_in & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (strm.total_in >> 8) & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (strm.total_in >> 16) & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (strm.total_in >> 24) & 0xff);\n }\n else\n {\n putShortMSB(s, strm.adler >>> 16);\n putShortMSB(s, strm.adler & 0xffff);\n }\n\n flush_pending(strm);\n /* If avail_out is zero, the application will call deflate again\n * to flush the rest.\n */\n if (s.wrap > 0) { s.wrap = -s.wrap; }\n /* write the trailer only once! */\n return s.pending !== 0 ? Z_OK : Z_STREAM_END;\n}\n\nfunction deflateEnd(strm) {\n var status;\n\n if (!strm/*== Z_NULL*/ || !strm.state/*== Z_NULL*/) {\n return Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n\n status = strm.state.status;\n if (status !== INIT_STATE &&\n status !== EXTRA_STATE &&\n status !== NAME_STATE &&\n status !== COMMENT_STATE &&\n status !== HCRC_STATE &&\n status !== BUSY_STATE &&\n status !== FINISH_STATE\n ) {\n return err(strm, Z_STREAM_ERROR);\n }\n\n strm.state = null;\n\n return status === BUSY_STATE ? err(strm, Z_DATA_ERROR) : Z_OK;\n}\n\n\n/* =========================================================================\n * Initializes the compression dictionary from the given byte\n * sequence without producing any compressed output.\n */\nfunction deflateSetDictionary(strm, dictionary) {\n var dictLength = dictionary.length;\n\n var s;\n var str, n;\n var wrap;\n var avail;\n var next;\n var input;\n var tmpDict;\n\n if (!strm/*== Z_NULL*/ || !strm.state/*== Z_NULL*/) {\n return Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n\n s = strm.state;\n wrap = s.wrap;\n\n if (wrap === 2 || (wrap === 1 && s.status !== INIT_STATE) || s.lookahead) {\n return Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n\n /* when using zlib wrappers, compute Adler-32 for provided dictionary */\n if (wrap === 1) {\n /* adler32(strm->adler, dictionary, dictLength); */\n strm.adler = adler32(strm.adler, dictionary, dictLength, 0);\n }\n\n s.wrap = 0; /* avoid computing Adler-32 in read_buf */\n\n /* if dictionary would fill window, just replace the history */\n if (dictLength >= s.w_size) {\n if (wrap === 0) { /* already empty otherwise */\n /*** CLEAR_HASH(s); ***/\n zero(s.head); // Fill with NIL (= 0);\n s.strstart = 0;\n s.block_start = 0;\n s.insert = 0;\n }\n /* use the tail */\n // dictionary = dictionary.slice(dictLength - s.w_size);\n tmpDict = new utils.Buf8(s.w_size);\n utils.arraySet(tmpDict, dictionary, dictLength - s.w_size, s.w_size, 0);\n dictionary = tmpDict;\n dictLength = s.w_size;\n }\n /* insert dictionary into window and hash */\n avail = strm.avail_in;\n next = strm.next_in;\n input = strm.input;\n strm.avail_in = dictLength;\n strm.next_in = 0;\n strm.input = dictionary;\n fill_window(s);\n while (s.lookahead >= MIN_MATCH) {\n str = s.strstart;\n n = s.lookahead - (MIN_MATCH - 1);\n do {\n /* UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, s->window[str + MIN_MATCH-1]); */\n s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[str + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask;\n\n s.prev[str & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h];\n\n s.head[s.ins_h] = str;\n str++;\n } while (--n);\n s.strstart = str;\n s.lookahead = MIN_MATCH - 1;\n fill_window(s);\n }\n s.strstart += s.lookahead;\n s.block_start = s.strstart;\n s.insert = s.lookahead;\n s.lookahead = 0;\n s.match_length = s.prev_length = MIN_MATCH - 1;\n s.match_available = 0;\n strm.next_in = next;\n strm.input = input;\n strm.avail_in = avail;\n s.wrap = wrap;\n return Z_OK;\n}\n\n\nexports.deflateInit = deflateInit;\nexports.deflateInit2 = deflateInit2;\nexports.deflateReset = deflateReset;\nexports.deflateResetKeep = deflateResetKeep;\nexports.deflateSetHeader = deflateSetHeader;\nexports.deflate = deflate;\nexports.deflateEnd = deflateEnd;\nexports.deflateSetDictionary = deflateSetDictionary;\nexports.deflateInfo = 'pako deflate (from Nodeca project)';\n\n/* Not implemented\nexports.deflateBound = deflateBound;\nexports.deflateCopy = deflateCopy;\nexports.deflateParams = deflateParams;\nexports.deflatePending = deflatePending;\nexports.deflatePrime = deflatePrime;\nexports.deflateTune = deflateTune;\n*/\n" }, { "id": 14, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\trees.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/trees.js", "index": 12, "index2": 5, "size": 39879, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "issuerId": 13, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } }, { "id": 13, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 16, "building": 21, "dependencies": 2 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 40, "building": 27, "dependencies": 0 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 13, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./trees", "loc": "23:14-32" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 7, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\n/* eslint-disable space-unary-ops */\n\nvar utils = require('../utils/common');\n\n/* Public constants ==========================================================*/\n/* ===========================================================================*/\n\n\n//var Z_FILTERED = 1;\n//var Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY = 2;\n//var Z_RLE = 3;\nvar Z_FIXED = 4;\n//var Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY = 0;\n\n/* Possible values of the data_type field (though see inflate()) */\nvar Z_BINARY = 0;\nvar Z_TEXT = 1;\n//var Z_ASCII = 1; // = Z_TEXT\nvar Z_UNKNOWN = 2;\n\n/*============================================================================*/\n\n\nfunction zero(buf) { var len = buf.length; while (--len >= 0) { buf[len] = 0; } }\n\n// From zutil.h\n\nvar STORED_BLOCK = 0;\nvar STATIC_TREES = 1;\nvar DYN_TREES = 2;\n/* The three kinds of block type */\n\nvar MIN_MATCH = 3;\nvar MAX_MATCH = 258;\n/* The minimum and maximum match lengths */\n\n// From deflate.h\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Internal compression state.\n */\n\nvar LENGTH_CODES = 29;\n/* number of length codes, not counting the special END_BLOCK code */\n\nvar LITERALS = 256;\n/* number of literal bytes 0..255 */\n\nvar L_CODES = LITERALS + 1 + LENGTH_CODES;\n/* number of Literal or Length codes, including the END_BLOCK code */\n\nvar D_CODES = 30;\n/* number of distance codes */\n\nvar BL_CODES = 19;\n/* number of codes used to transfer the bit lengths */\n\nvar HEAP_SIZE = 2 * L_CODES + 1;\n/* maximum heap size */\n\nvar MAX_BITS = 15;\n/* All codes must not exceed MAX_BITS bits */\n\nvar Buf_size = 16;\n/* size of bit buffer in bi_buf */\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Constants\n */\n\nvar MAX_BL_BITS = 7;\n/* Bit length codes must not exceed MAX_BL_BITS bits */\n\nvar END_BLOCK = 256;\n/* end of block literal code */\n\nvar REP_3_6 = 16;\n/* repeat previous bit length 3-6 times (2 bits of repeat count) */\n\nvar REPZ_3_10 = 17;\n/* repeat a zero length 3-10 times (3 bits of repeat count) */\n\nvar REPZ_11_138 = 18;\n/* repeat a zero length 11-138 times (7 bits of repeat count) */\n\n/* eslint-disable comma-spacing,array-bracket-spacing */\nvar extra_lbits = /* extra bits for each length code */\n [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,0];\n\nvar extra_dbits = /* extra bits for each distance code */\n [0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13];\n\nvar extra_blbits = /* extra bits for each bit length code */\n [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,3,7];\n\nvar bl_order =\n [16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15];\n/* eslint-enable comma-spacing,array-bracket-spacing */\n\n/* The lengths of the bit length codes are sent in order of decreasing\n * probability, to avoid transmitting the lengths for unused bit length codes.\n */\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Local data. These are initialized only once.\n */\n\n// We pre-fill arrays with 0 to avoid uninitialized gaps\n\nvar DIST_CODE_LEN = 512; /* see definition of array dist_code below */\n\n// !!!! Use flat array instead of structure, Freq = i*2, Len = i*2+1\nvar static_ltree = new Array((L_CODES + 2) * 2);\nzero(static_ltree);\n/* The static literal tree. Since the bit lengths are imposed, there is no\n * need for the L_CODES extra codes used during heap construction. However\n * The codes 286 and 287 are needed to build a canonical tree (see _tr_init\n * below).\n */\n\nvar static_dtree = new Array(D_CODES * 2);\nzero(static_dtree);\n/* The static distance tree. (Actually a trivial tree since all codes use\n * 5 bits.)\n */\n\nvar _dist_code = new Array(DIST_CODE_LEN);\nzero(_dist_code);\n/* Distance codes. The first 256 values correspond to the distances\n * 3 .. 258, the last 256 values correspond to the top 8 bits of\n * the 15 bit distances.\n */\n\nvar _length_code = new Array(MAX_MATCH - MIN_MATCH + 1);\nzero(_length_code);\n/* length code for each normalized match length (0 == MIN_MATCH) */\n\nvar base_length = new Array(LENGTH_CODES);\nzero(base_length);\n/* First normalized length for each code (0 = MIN_MATCH) */\n\nvar base_dist = new Array(D_CODES);\nzero(base_dist);\n/* First normalized distance for each code (0 = distance of 1) */\n\n\nfunction StaticTreeDesc(static_tree, extra_bits, extra_base, elems, max_length) {\n\n this.static_tree = static_tree; /* static tree or NULL */\n this.extra_bits = extra_bits; /* extra bits for each code or NULL */\n this.extra_base = extra_base; /* base index for extra_bits */\n this.elems = elems; /* max number of elements in the tree */\n this.max_length = max_length; /* max bit length for the codes */\n\n // show if `static_tree` has data or dummy - needed for monomorphic objects\n this.has_stree = static_tree && static_tree.length;\n}\n\n\nvar static_l_desc;\nvar static_d_desc;\nvar static_bl_desc;\n\n\nfunction TreeDesc(dyn_tree, stat_desc) {\n this.dyn_tree = dyn_tree; /* the dynamic tree */\n this.max_code = 0; /* largest code with non zero frequency */\n this.stat_desc = stat_desc; /* the corresponding static tree */\n}\n\n\n\nfunction d_code(dist) {\n return dist < 256 ? _dist_code[dist] : _dist_code[256 + (dist >>> 7)];\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Output a short LSB first on the stream.\n * IN assertion: there is enough room in pendingBuf.\n */\nfunction put_short(s, w) {\n// put_byte(s, (uch)((w) & 0xff));\n// put_byte(s, (uch)((ush)(w) >> 8));\n s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = (w) & 0xff;\n s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = (w >>> 8) & 0xff;\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Send a value on a given number of bits.\n * IN assertion: length <= 16 and value fits in length bits.\n */\nfunction send_bits(s, value, length) {\n if (s.bi_valid > (Buf_size - length)) {\n s.bi_buf |= (value << s.bi_valid) & 0xffff;\n put_short(s, s.bi_buf);\n s.bi_buf = value >> (Buf_size - s.bi_valid);\n s.bi_valid += length - Buf_size;\n } else {\n s.bi_buf |= (value << s.bi_valid) & 0xffff;\n s.bi_valid += length;\n }\n}\n\n\nfunction send_code(s, c, tree) {\n send_bits(s, tree[c * 2]/*.Code*/, tree[c * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/);\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Reverse the first len bits of a code, using straightforward code (a faster\n * method would use a table)\n * IN assertion: 1 <= len <= 15\n */\nfunction bi_reverse(code, len) {\n var res = 0;\n do {\n res |= code & 1;\n code >>>= 1;\n res <<= 1;\n } while (--len > 0);\n return res >>> 1;\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Flush the bit buffer, keeping at most 7 bits in it.\n */\nfunction bi_flush(s) {\n if (s.bi_valid === 16) {\n put_short(s, s.bi_buf);\n s.bi_buf = 0;\n s.bi_valid = 0;\n\n } else if (s.bi_valid >= 8) {\n s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = s.bi_buf & 0xff;\n s.bi_buf >>= 8;\n s.bi_valid -= 8;\n }\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Compute the optimal bit lengths for a tree and update the total bit length\n * for the current block.\n * IN assertion: the fields freq and dad are set, heap[heap_max] and\n * above are the tree nodes sorted by increasing frequency.\n * OUT assertions: the field len is set to the optimal bit length, the\n * array bl_count contains the frequencies for each bit length.\n * The length opt_len is updated; static_len is also updated if stree is\n * not null.\n */\nfunction gen_bitlen(s, desc)\n// deflate_state *s;\n// tree_desc *desc; /* the tree descriptor */\n{\n var tree = desc.dyn_tree;\n var max_code = desc.max_code;\n var stree = desc.stat_desc.static_tree;\n var has_stree = desc.stat_desc.has_stree;\n var extra = desc.stat_desc.extra_bits;\n var base = desc.stat_desc.extra_base;\n var max_length = desc.stat_desc.max_length;\n var h; /* heap index */\n var n, m; /* iterate over the tree elements */\n var bits; /* bit length */\n var xbits; /* extra bits */\n var f; /* frequency */\n var overflow = 0; /* number of elements with bit length too large */\n\n for (bits = 0; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) {\n s.bl_count[bits] = 0;\n }\n\n /* In a first pass, compute the optimal bit lengths (which may\n * overflow in the case of the bit length tree).\n */\n tree[s.heap[s.heap_max] * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 0; /* root of the heap */\n\n for (h = s.heap_max + 1; h < HEAP_SIZE; h++) {\n n = s.heap[h];\n bits = tree[tree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Dad*/ * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ + 1;\n if (bits > max_length) {\n bits = max_length;\n overflow++;\n }\n tree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = bits;\n /* We overwrite tree[n].Dad which is no longer needed */\n\n if (n > max_code) { continue; } /* not a leaf node */\n\n s.bl_count[bits]++;\n xbits = 0;\n if (n >= base) {\n xbits = extra[n - base];\n }\n f = tree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/;\n s.opt_len += f * (bits + xbits);\n if (has_stree) {\n s.static_len += f * (stree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ + xbits);\n }\n }\n if (overflow === 0) { return; }\n\n // Trace((stderr,\"\\nbit length overflow\\n\"));\n /* This happens for example on obj2 and pic of the Calgary corpus */\n\n /* Find the first bit length which could increase: */\n do {\n bits = max_length - 1;\n while (s.bl_count[bits] === 0) { bits--; }\n s.bl_count[bits]--; /* move one leaf down the tree */\n s.bl_count[bits + 1] += 2; /* move one overflow item as its brother */\n s.bl_count[max_length]--;\n /* The brother of the overflow item also moves one step up,\n * but this does not affect bl_count[max_length]\n */\n overflow -= 2;\n } while (overflow > 0);\n\n /* Now recompute all bit lengths, scanning in increasing frequency.\n * h is still equal to HEAP_SIZE. (It is simpler to reconstruct all\n * lengths instead of fixing only the wrong ones. This idea is taken\n * from 'ar' written by Haruhiko Okumura.)\n */\n for (bits = max_length; bits !== 0; bits--) {\n n = s.bl_count[bits];\n while (n !== 0) {\n m = s.heap[--h];\n if (m > max_code) { continue; }\n if (tree[m * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ !== bits) {\n // Trace((stderr,\"code %d bits %d->%d\\n\", m, tree[m].Len, bits));\n s.opt_len += (bits - tree[m * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/) * tree[m * 2]/*.Freq*/;\n tree[m * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = bits;\n }\n n--;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Generate the codes for a given tree and bit counts (which need not be\n * optimal).\n * IN assertion: the array bl_count contains the bit length statistics for\n * the given tree and the field len is set for all tree elements.\n * OUT assertion: the field code is set for all tree elements of non\n * zero code length.\n */\nfunction gen_codes(tree, max_code, bl_count)\n// ct_data *tree; /* the tree to decorate */\n// int max_code; /* largest code with non zero frequency */\n// ushf *bl_count; /* number of codes at each bit length */\n{\n var next_code = new Array(MAX_BITS + 1); /* next code value for each bit length */\n var code = 0; /* running code value */\n var bits; /* bit index */\n var n; /* code index */\n\n /* The distribution counts are first used to generate the code values\n * without bit reversal.\n */\n for (bits = 1; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) {\n next_code[bits] = code = (code + bl_count[bits - 1]) << 1;\n }\n /* Check that the bit counts in bl_count are consistent. The last code\n * must be all ones.\n */\n //Assert (code + bl_count[MAX_BITS]-1 == (1< length code (0..28) */\n length = 0;\n for (code = 0; code < LENGTH_CODES - 1; code++) {\n base_length[code] = length;\n for (n = 0; n < (1 << extra_lbits[code]); n++) {\n _length_code[length++] = code;\n }\n }\n //Assert (length == 256, \"tr_static_init: length != 256\");\n /* Note that the length 255 (match length 258) can be represented\n * in two different ways: code 284 + 5 bits or code 285, so we\n * overwrite length_code[255] to use the best encoding:\n */\n _length_code[length - 1] = code;\n\n /* Initialize the mapping dist (0..32K) -> dist code (0..29) */\n dist = 0;\n for (code = 0; code < 16; code++) {\n base_dist[code] = dist;\n for (n = 0; n < (1 << extra_dbits[code]); n++) {\n _dist_code[dist++] = code;\n }\n }\n //Assert (dist == 256, \"tr_static_init: dist != 256\");\n dist >>= 7; /* from now on, all distances are divided by 128 */\n for (; code < D_CODES; code++) {\n base_dist[code] = dist << 7;\n for (n = 0; n < (1 << (extra_dbits[code] - 7)); n++) {\n _dist_code[256 + dist++] = code;\n }\n }\n //Assert (dist == 256, \"tr_static_init: 256+dist != 512\");\n\n /* Construct the codes of the static literal tree */\n for (bits = 0; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) {\n bl_count[bits] = 0;\n }\n\n n = 0;\n while (n <= 143) {\n static_ltree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 8;\n n++;\n bl_count[8]++;\n }\n while (n <= 255) {\n static_ltree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 9;\n n++;\n bl_count[9]++;\n }\n while (n <= 279) {\n static_ltree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 7;\n n++;\n bl_count[7]++;\n }\n while (n <= 287) {\n static_ltree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 8;\n n++;\n bl_count[8]++;\n }\n /* Codes 286 and 287 do not exist, but we must include them in the\n * tree construction to get a canonical Huffman tree (longest code\n * all ones)\n */\n gen_codes(static_ltree, L_CODES + 1, bl_count);\n\n /* The static distance tree is trivial: */\n for (n = 0; n < D_CODES; n++) {\n static_dtree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 5;\n static_dtree[n * 2]/*.Code*/ = bi_reverse(n, 5);\n }\n\n // Now data ready and we can init static trees\n static_l_desc = new StaticTreeDesc(static_ltree, extra_lbits, LITERALS + 1, L_CODES, MAX_BITS);\n static_d_desc = new StaticTreeDesc(static_dtree, extra_dbits, 0, D_CODES, MAX_BITS);\n static_bl_desc = new StaticTreeDesc(new Array(0), extra_blbits, 0, BL_CODES, MAX_BL_BITS);\n\n //static_init_done = true;\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Initialize a new block.\n */\nfunction init_block(s) {\n var n; /* iterates over tree elements */\n\n /* Initialize the trees. */\n for (n = 0; n < L_CODES; n++) { s.dyn_ltree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/ = 0; }\n for (n = 0; n < D_CODES; n++) { s.dyn_dtree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/ = 0; }\n for (n = 0; n < BL_CODES; n++) { s.bl_tree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/ = 0; }\n\n s.dyn_ltree[END_BLOCK * 2]/*.Freq*/ = 1;\n s.opt_len = s.static_len = 0;\n s.last_lit = s.matches = 0;\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Flush the bit buffer and align the output on a byte boundary\n */\nfunction bi_windup(s)\n{\n if (s.bi_valid > 8) {\n put_short(s, s.bi_buf);\n } else if (s.bi_valid > 0) {\n //put_byte(s, (Byte)s->bi_buf);\n s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = s.bi_buf;\n }\n s.bi_buf = 0;\n s.bi_valid = 0;\n}\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Copy a stored block, storing first the length and its\n * one's complement if requested.\n */\nfunction copy_block(s, buf, len, header)\n//DeflateState *s;\n//charf *buf; /* the input data */\n//unsigned len; /* its length */\n//int header; /* true if block header must be written */\n{\n bi_windup(s); /* align on byte boundary */\n\n if (header) {\n put_short(s, len);\n put_short(s, ~len);\n }\n// while (len--) {\n// put_byte(s, *buf++);\n// }\n utils.arraySet(s.pending_buf, s.window, buf, len, s.pending);\n s.pending += len;\n}\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Compares to subtrees, using the tree depth as tie breaker when\n * the subtrees have equal frequency. This minimizes the worst case length.\n */\nfunction smaller(tree, n, m, depth) {\n var _n2 = n * 2;\n var _m2 = m * 2;\n return (tree[_n2]/*.Freq*/ < tree[_m2]/*.Freq*/ ||\n (tree[_n2]/*.Freq*/ === tree[_m2]/*.Freq*/ && depth[n] <= depth[m]));\n}\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Restore the heap property by moving down the tree starting at node k,\n * exchanging a node with the smallest of its two sons if necessary, stopping\n * when the heap property is re-established (each father smaller than its\n * two sons).\n */\nfunction pqdownheap(s, tree, k)\n// deflate_state *s;\n// ct_data *tree; /* the tree to restore */\n// int k; /* node to move down */\n{\n var v = s.heap[k];\n var j = k << 1; /* left son of k */\n while (j <= s.heap_len) {\n /* Set j to the smallest of the two sons: */\n if (j < s.heap_len &&\n smaller(tree, s.heap[j + 1], s.heap[j], s.depth)) {\n j++;\n }\n /* Exit if v is smaller than both sons */\n if (smaller(tree, v, s.heap[j], s.depth)) { break; }\n\n /* Exchange v with the smallest son */\n s.heap[k] = s.heap[j];\n k = j;\n\n /* And continue down the tree, setting j to the left son of k */\n j <<= 1;\n }\n s.heap[k] = v;\n}\n\n\n// inlined manually\n// var SMALLEST = 1;\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Send the block data compressed using the given Huffman trees\n */\nfunction compress_block(s, ltree, dtree)\n// deflate_state *s;\n// const ct_data *ltree; /* literal tree */\n// const ct_data *dtree; /* distance tree */\n{\n var dist; /* distance of matched string */\n var lc; /* match length or unmatched char (if dist == 0) */\n var lx = 0; /* running index in l_buf */\n var code; /* the code to send */\n var extra; /* number of extra bits to send */\n\n if (s.last_lit !== 0) {\n do {\n dist = (s.pending_buf[s.d_buf + lx * 2] << 8) | (s.pending_buf[s.d_buf + lx * 2 + 1]);\n lc = s.pending_buf[s.l_buf + lx];\n lx++;\n\n if (dist === 0) {\n send_code(s, lc, ltree); /* send a literal byte */\n //Tracecv(isgraph(lc), (stderr,\" '%c' \", lc));\n } else {\n /* Here, lc is the match length - MIN_MATCH */\n code = _length_code[lc];\n send_code(s, code + LITERALS + 1, ltree); /* send the length code */\n extra = extra_lbits[code];\n if (extra !== 0) {\n lc -= base_length[code];\n send_bits(s, lc, extra); /* send the extra length bits */\n }\n dist--; /* dist is now the match distance - 1 */\n code = d_code(dist);\n //Assert (code < D_CODES, \"bad d_code\");\n\n send_code(s, code, dtree); /* send the distance code */\n extra = extra_dbits[code];\n if (extra !== 0) {\n dist -= base_dist[code];\n send_bits(s, dist, extra); /* send the extra distance bits */\n }\n } /* literal or match pair ? */\n\n /* Check that the overlay between pending_buf and d_buf+l_buf is ok: */\n //Assert((uInt)(s->pending) < s->lit_bufsize + 2*lx,\n // \"pendingBuf overflow\");\n\n } while (lx < s.last_lit);\n }\n\n send_code(s, END_BLOCK, ltree);\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Construct one Huffman tree and assigns the code bit strings and lengths.\n * Update the total bit length for the current block.\n * IN assertion: the field freq is set for all tree elements.\n * OUT assertions: the fields len and code are set to the optimal bit length\n * and corresponding code. The length opt_len is updated; static_len is\n * also updated if stree is not null. The field max_code is set.\n */\nfunction build_tree(s, desc)\n// deflate_state *s;\n// tree_desc *desc; /* the tree descriptor */\n{\n var tree = desc.dyn_tree;\n var stree = desc.stat_desc.static_tree;\n var has_stree = desc.stat_desc.has_stree;\n var elems = desc.stat_desc.elems;\n var n, m; /* iterate over heap elements */\n var max_code = -1; /* largest code with non zero frequency */\n var node; /* new node being created */\n\n /* Construct the initial heap, with least frequent element in\n * heap[SMALLEST]. The sons of heap[n] are heap[2*n] and heap[2*n+1].\n * heap[0] is not used.\n */\n s.heap_len = 0;\n s.heap_max = HEAP_SIZE;\n\n for (n = 0; n < elems; n++) {\n if (tree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/ !== 0) {\n s.heap[++s.heap_len] = max_code = n;\n s.depth[n] = 0;\n\n } else {\n tree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 0;\n }\n }\n\n /* The pkzip format requires that at least one distance code exists,\n * and that at least one bit should be sent even if there is only one\n * possible code. So to avoid special checks later on we force at least\n * two codes of non zero frequency.\n */\n while (s.heap_len < 2) {\n node = s.heap[++s.heap_len] = (max_code < 2 ? ++max_code : 0);\n tree[node * 2]/*.Freq*/ = 1;\n s.depth[node] = 0;\n s.opt_len--;\n\n if (has_stree) {\n s.static_len -= stree[node * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/;\n }\n /* node is 0 or 1 so it does not have extra bits */\n }\n desc.max_code = max_code;\n\n /* The elements heap[heap_len/2+1 .. heap_len] are leaves of the tree,\n * establish sub-heaps of increasing lengths:\n */\n for (n = (s.heap_len >> 1/*int /2*/); n >= 1; n--) { pqdownheap(s, tree, n); }\n\n /* Construct the Huffman tree by repeatedly combining the least two\n * frequent nodes.\n */\n node = elems; /* next internal node of the tree */\n do {\n //pqremove(s, tree, n); /* n = node of least frequency */\n /*** pqremove ***/\n n = s.heap[1/*SMALLEST*/];\n s.heap[1/*SMALLEST*/] = s.heap[s.heap_len--];\n pqdownheap(s, tree, 1/*SMALLEST*/);\n /***/\n\n m = s.heap[1/*SMALLEST*/]; /* m = node of next least frequency */\n\n s.heap[--s.heap_max] = n; /* keep the nodes sorted by frequency */\n s.heap[--s.heap_max] = m;\n\n /* Create a new node father of n and m */\n tree[node * 2]/*.Freq*/ = tree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/ + tree[m * 2]/*.Freq*/;\n s.depth[node] = (s.depth[n] >= s.depth[m] ? s.depth[n] : s.depth[m]) + 1;\n tree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Dad*/ = tree[m * 2 + 1]/*.Dad*/ = node;\n\n /* and insert the new node in the heap */\n s.heap[1/*SMALLEST*/] = node++;\n pqdownheap(s, tree, 1/*SMALLEST*/);\n\n } while (s.heap_len >= 2);\n\n s.heap[--s.heap_max] = s.heap[1/*SMALLEST*/];\n\n /* At this point, the fields freq and dad are set. We can now\n * generate the bit lengths.\n */\n gen_bitlen(s, desc);\n\n /* The field len is now set, we can generate the bit codes */\n gen_codes(tree, max_code, s.bl_count);\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Scan a literal or distance tree to determine the frequencies of the codes\n * in the bit length tree.\n */\nfunction scan_tree(s, tree, max_code)\n// deflate_state *s;\n// ct_data *tree; /* the tree to be scanned */\n// int max_code; /* and its largest code of non zero frequency */\n{\n var n; /* iterates over all tree elements */\n var prevlen = -1; /* last emitted length */\n var curlen; /* length of current code */\n\n var nextlen = tree[0 * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/; /* length of next code */\n\n var count = 0; /* repeat count of the current code */\n var max_count = 7; /* max repeat count */\n var min_count = 4; /* min repeat count */\n\n if (nextlen === 0) {\n max_count = 138;\n min_count = 3;\n }\n tree[(max_code + 1) * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 0xffff; /* guard */\n\n for (n = 0; n <= max_code; n++) {\n curlen = nextlen;\n nextlen = tree[(n + 1) * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/;\n\n if (++count < max_count && curlen === nextlen) {\n continue;\n\n } else if (count < min_count) {\n s.bl_tree[curlen * 2]/*.Freq*/ += count;\n\n } else if (curlen !== 0) {\n\n if (curlen !== prevlen) { s.bl_tree[curlen * 2]/*.Freq*/++; }\n s.bl_tree[REP_3_6 * 2]/*.Freq*/++;\n\n } else if (count <= 10) {\n s.bl_tree[REPZ_3_10 * 2]/*.Freq*/++;\n\n } else {\n s.bl_tree[REPZ_11_138 * 2]/*.Freq*/++;\n }\n\n count = 0;\n prevlen = curlen;\n\n if (nextlen === 0) {\n max_count = 138;\n min_count = 3;\n\n } else if (curlen === nextlen) {\n max_count = 6;\n min_count = 3;\n\n } else {\n max_count = 7;\n min_count = 4;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Send a literal or distance tree in compressed form, using the codes in\n * bl_tree.\n */\nfunction send_tree(s, tree, max_code)\n// deflate_state *s;\n// ct_data *tree; /* the tree to be scanned */\n// int max_code; /* and its largest code of non zero frequency */\n{\n var n; /* iterates over all tree elements */\n var prevlen = -1; /* last emitted length */\n var curlen; /* length of current code */\n\n var nextlen = tree[0 * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/; /* length of next code */\n\n var count = 0; /* repeat count of the current code */\n var max_count = 7; /* max repeat count */\n var min_count = 4; /* min repeat count */\n\n /* tree[max_code+1].Len = -1; */ /* guard already set */\n if (nextlen === 0) {\n max_count = 138;\n min_count = 3;\n }\n\n for (n = 0; n <= max_code; n++) {\n curlen = nextlen;\n nextlen = tree[(n + 1) * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/;\n\n if (++count < max_count && curlen === nextlen) {\n continue;\n\n } else if (count < min_count) {\n do { send_code(s, curlen, s.bl_tree); } while (--count !== 0);\n\n } else if (curlen !== 0) {\n if (curlen !== prevlen) {\n send_code(s, curlen, s.bl_tree);\n count--;\n }\n //Assert(count >= 3 && count <= 6, \" 3_6?\");\n send_code(s, REP_3_6, s.bl_tree);\n send_bits(s, count - 3, 2);\n\n } else if (count <= 10) {\n send_code(s, REPZ_3_10, s.bl_tree);\n send_bits(s, count - 3, 3);\n\n } else {\n send_code(s, REPZ_11_138, s.bl_tree);\n send_bits(s, count - 11, 7);\n }\n\n count = 0;\n prevlen = curlen;\n if (nextlen === 0) {\n max_count = 138;\n min_count = 3;\n\n } else if (curlen === nextlen) {\n max_count = 6;\n min_count = 3;\n\n } else {\n max_count = 7;\n min_count = 4;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Construct the Huffman tree for the bit lengths and return the index in\n * bl_order of the last bit length code to send.\n */\nfunction build_bl_tree(s) {\n var max_blindex; /* index of last bit length code of non zero freq */\n\n /* Determine the bit length frequencies for literal and distance trees */\n scan_tree(s, s.dyn_ltree, s.l_desc.max_code);\n scan_tree(s, s.dyn_dtree, s.d_desc.max_code);\n\n /* Build the bit length tree: */\n build_tree(s, s.bl_desc);\n /* opt_len now includes the length of the tree representations, except\n * the lengths of the bit lengths codes and the 5+5+4 bits for the counts.\n */\n\n /* Determine the number of bit length codes to send. The pkzip format\n * requires that at least 4 bit length codes be sent. (appnote.txt says\n * 3 but the actual value used is 4.)\n */\n for (max_blindex = BL_CODES - 1; max_blindex >= 3; max_blindex--) {\n if (s.bl_tree[bl_order[max_blindex] * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ !== 0) {\n break;\n }\n }\n /* Update opt_len to include the bit length tree and counts */\n s.opt_len += 3 * (max_blindex + 1) + 5 + 5 + 4;\n //Tracev((stderr, \"\\ndyn trees: dyn %ld, stat %ld\",\n // s->opt_len, s->static_len));\n\n return max_blindex;\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Send the header for a block using dynamic Huffman trees: the counts, the\n * lengths of the bit length codes, the literal tree and the distance tree.\n * IN assertion: lcodes >= 257, dcodes >= 1, blcodes >= 4.\n */\nfunction send_all_trees(s, lcodes, dcodes, blcodes)\n// deflate_state *s;\n// int lcodes, dcodes, blcodes; /* number of codes for each tree */\n{\n var rank; /* index in bl_order */\n\n //Assert (lcodes >= 257 && dcodes >= 1 && blcodes >= 4, \"not enough codes\");\n //Assert (lcodes <= L_CODES && dcodes <= D_CODES && blcodes <= BL_CODES,\n // \"too many codes\");\n //Tracev((stderr, \"\\nbl counts: \"));\n send_bits(s, lcodes - 257, 5); /* not +255 as stated in appnote.txt */\n send_bits(s, dcodes - 1, 5);\n send_bits(s, blcodes - 4, 4); /* not -3 as stated in appnote.txt */\n for (rank = 0; rank < blcodes; rank++) {\n //Tracev((stderr, \"\\nbl code %2d \", bl_order[rank]));\n send_bits(s, s.bl_tree[bl_order[rank] * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/, 3);\n }\n //Tracev((stderr, \"\\nbl tree: sent %ld\", s->bits_sent));\n\n send_tree(s, s.dyn_ltree, lcodes - 1); /* literal tree */\n //Tracev((stderr, \"\\nlit tree: sent %ld\", s->bits_sent));\n\n send_tree(s, s.dyn_dtree, dcodes - 1); /* distance tree */\n //Tracev((stderr, \"\\ndist tree: sent %ld\", s->bits_sent));\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Check if the data type is TEXT or BINARY, using the following algorithm:\n * - TEXT if the two conditions below are satisfied:\n * a) There are no non-portable control characters belonging to the\n * \"black list\" (0..6, 14..25, 28..31).\n * b) There is at least one printable character belonging to the\n * \"white list\" (9 {TAB}, 10 {LF}, 13 {CR}, 32..255).\n * - BINARY otherwise.\n * - The following partially-portable control characters form a\n * \"gray list\" that is ignored in this detection algorithm:\n * (7 {BEL}, 8 {BS}, 11 {VT}, 12 {FF}, 26 {SUB}, 27 {ESC}).\n * IN assertion: the fields Freq of dyn_ltree are set.\n */\nfunction detect_data_type(s) {\n /* black_mask is the bit mask of black-listed bytes\n * set bits 0..6, 14..25, and 28..31\n * 0xf3ffc07f = binary 11110011111111111100000001111111\n */\n var black_mask = 0xf3ffc07f;\n var n;\n\n /* Check for non-textual (\"black-listed\") bytes. */\n for (n = 0; n <= 31; n++, black_mask >>>= 1) {\n if ((black_mask & 1) && (s.dyn_ltree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/ !== 0)) {\n return Z_BINARY;\n }\n }\n\n /* Check for textual (\"white-listed\") bytes. */\n if (s.dyn_ltree[9 * 2]/*.Freq*/ !== 0 || s.dyn_ltree[10 * 2]/*.Freq*/ !== 0 ||\n s.dyn_ltree[13 * 2]/*.Freq*/ !== 0) {\n return Z_TEXT;\n }\n for (n = 32; n < LITERALS; n++) {\n if (s.dyn_ltree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/ !== 0) {\n return Z_TEXT;\n }\n }\n\n /* There are no \"black-listed\" or \"white-listed\" bytes:\n * this stream either is empty or has tolerated (\"gray-listed\") bytes only.\n */\n return Z_BINARY;\n}\n\n\nvar static_init_done = false;\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Initialize the tree data structures for a new zlib stream.\n */\nfunction _tr_init(s)\n{\n\n if (!static_init_done) {\n tr_static_init();\n static_init_done = true;\n }\n\n s.l_desc = new TreeDesc(s.dyn_ltree, static_l_desc);\n s.d_desc = new TreeDesc(s.dyn_dtree, static_d_desc);\n s.bl_desc = new TreeDesc(s.bl_tree, static_bl_desc);\n\n s.bi_buf = 0;\n s.bi_valid = 0;\n\n /* Initialize the first block of the first file: */\n init_block(s);\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Send a stored block\n */\nfunction _tr_stored_block(s, buf, stored_len, last)\n//DeflateState *s;\n//charf *buf; /* input block */\n//ulg stored_len; /* length of input block */\n//int last; /* one if this is the last block for a file */\n{\n send_bits(s, (STORED_BLOCK << 1) + (last ? 1 : 0), 3); /* send block type */\n copy_block(s, buf, stored_len, true); /* with header */\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Send one empty static block to give enough lookahead for inflate.\n * This takes 10 bits, of which 7 may remain in the bit buffer.\n */\nfunction _tr_align(s) {\n send_bits(s, STATIC_TREES << 1, 3);\n send_code(s, END_BLOCK, static_ltree);\n bi_flush(s);\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Determine the best encoding for the current block: dynamic trees, static\n * trees or store, and output the encoded block to the zip file.\n */\nfunction _tr_flush_block(s, buf, stored_len, last)\n//DeflateState *s;\n//charf *buf; /* input block, or NULL if too old */\n//ulg stored_len; /* length of input block */\n//int last; /* one if this is the last block for a file */\n{\n var opt_lenb, static_lenb; /* opt_len and static_len in bytes */\n var max_blindex = 0; /* index of last bit length code of non zero freq */\n\n /* Build the Huffman trees unless a stored block is forced */\n if (s.level > 0) {\n\n /* Check if the file is binary or text */\n if (s.strm.data_type === Z_UNKNOWN) {\n s.strm.data_type = detect_data_type(s);\n }\n\n /* Construct the literal and distance trees */\n build_tree(s, s.l_desc);\n // Tracev((stderr, \"\\nlit data: dyn %ld, stat %ld\", s->opt_len,\n // s->static_len));\n\n build_tree(s, s.d_desc);\n // Tracev((stderr, \"\\ndist data: dyn %ld, stat %ld\", s->opt_len,\n // s->static_len));\n /* At this point, opt_len and static_len are the total bit lengths of\n * the compressed block data, excluding the tree representations.\n */\n\n /* Build the bit length tree for the above two trees, and get the index\n * in bl_order of the last bit length code to send.\n */\n max_blindex = build_bl_tree(s);\n\n /* Determine the best encoding. Compute the block lengths in bytes. */\n opt_lenb = (s.opt_len + 3 + 7) >>> 3;\n static_lenb = (s.static_len + 3 + 7) >>> 3;\n\n // Tracev((stderr, \"\\nopt %lu(%lu) stat %lu(%lu) stored %lu lit %u \",\n // opt_lenb, s->opt_len, static_lenb, s->static_len, stored_len,\n // s->last_lit));\n\n if (static_lenb <= opt_lenb) { opt_lenb = static_lenb; }\n\n } else {\n // Assert(buf != (char*)0, \"lost buf\");\n opt_lenb = static_lenb = stored_len + 5; /* force a stored block */\n }\n\n if ((stored_len + 4 <= opt_lenb) && (buf !== -1)) {\n /* 4: two words for the lengths */\n\n /* The test buf != NULL is only necessary if LIT_BUFSIZE > WSIZE.\n * Otherwise we can't have processed more than WSIZE input bytes since\n * the last block flush, because compression would have been\n * successful. If LIT_BUFSIZE <= WSIZE, it is never too late to\n * transform a block into a stored block.\n */\n _tr_stored_block(s, buf, stored_len, last);\n\n } else if (s.strategy === Z_FIXED || static_lenb === opt_lenb) {\n\n send_bits(s, (STATIC_TREES << 1) + (last ? 1 : 0), 3);\n compress_block(s, static_ltree, static_dtree);\n\n } else {\n send_bits(s, (DYN_TREES << 1) + (last ? 1 : 0), 3);\n send_all_trees(s, s.l_desc.max_code + 1, s.d_desc.max_code + 1, max_blindex + 1);\n compress_block(s, s.dyn_ltree, s.dyn_dtree);\n }\n // Assert (s->compressed_len == s->bits_sent, \"bad compressed size\");\n /* The above check is made mod 2^32, for files larger than 512 MB\n * and uLong implemented on 32 bits.\n */\n init_block(s);\n\n if (last) {\n bi_windup(s);\n }\n // Tracev((stderr,\"\\ncomprlen %lu(%lu) \", s->compressed_len>>3,\n // s->compressed_len-7*last));\n}\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Save the match info and tally the frequency counts. Return true if\n * the current block must be flushed.\n */\nfunction _tr_tally(s, dist, lc)\n// deflate_state *s;\n// unsigned dist; /* distance of matched string */\n// unsigned lc; /* match length-MIN_MATCH or unmatched char (if dist==0) */\n{\n //var out_length, in_length, dcode;\n\n s.pending_buf[s.d_buf + s.last_lit * 2] = (dist >>> 8) & 0xff;\n s.pending_buf[s.d_buf + s.last_lit * 2 + 1] = dist & 0xff;\n\n s.pending_buf[s.l_buf + s.last_lit] = lc & 0xff;\n s.last_lit++;\n\n if (dist === 0) {\n /* lc is the unmatched char */\n s.dyn_ltree[lc * 2]/*.Freq*/++;\n } else {\n s.matches++;\n /* Here, lc is the match length - MIN_MATCH */\n dist--; /* dist = match distance - 1 */\n //Assert((ush)dist < (ush)MAX_DIST(s) &&\n // (ush)lc <= (ush)(MAX_MATCH-MIN_MATCH) &&\n // (ush)d_code(dist) < (ush)D_CODES, \"_tr_tally: bad match\");\n\n s.dyn_ltree[(_length_code[lc] + LITERALS + 1) * 2]/*.Freq*/++;\n s.dyn_dtree[d_code(dist) * 2]/*.Freq*/++;\n }\n\n// (!) This block is disabled in zlib defaults,\n// don't enable it for binary compatibility\n\n//#ifdef TRUNCATE_BLOCK\n// /* Try to guess if it is profitable to stop the current block here */\n// if ((s.last_lit & 0x1fff) === 0 && s.level > 2) {\n// /* Compute an upper bound for the compressed length */\n// out_length = s.last_lit*8;\n// in_length = s.strstart - s.block_start;\n//\n// for (dcode = 0; dcode < D_CODES; dcode++) {\n// out_length += s.dyn_dtree[dcode*2]/*.Freq*/ * (5 + extra_dbits[dcode]);\n// }\n// out_length >>>= 3;\n// //Tracev((stderr,\"\\nlast_lit %u, in %ld, out ~%ld(%ld%%) \",\n// // s->last_lit, in_length, out_length,\n// // 100L - out_length*100L/in_length));\n// if (s.matches < (s.last_lit>>1)/*int /2*/ && out_length < (in_length>>1)/*int /2*/) {\n// return true;\n// }\n// }\n//#endif\n\n return (s.last_lit === s.lit_bufsize - 1);\n /* We avoid equality with lit_bufsize because of wraparound at 64K\n * on 16 bit machines and because stored blocks are restricted to\n * 64K-1 bytes.\n */\n}\n\nexports._tr_init = _tr_init;\nexports._tr_stored_block = _tr_stored_block;\nexports._tr_flush_block = _tr_flush_block;\nexports._tr_tally = _tr_tally;\nexports._tr_align = _tr_align;\n" }, { "id": 15, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "index": 18, "index2": 18, "size": 12412, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "issuerId": 1, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 1, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./lib/inflate", "loc": "7:16-40" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 5, "source": "'use strict';\n\n\nvar zlib_inflate = require('./zlib/inflate');\nvar utils = require('./utils/common');\nvar strings = require('./utils/strings');\nvar c = require('./zlib/constants');\nvar msg = require('./zlib/messages');\nvar ZStream = require('./zlib/zstream');\nvar GZheader = require('./zlib/gzheader');\n\nvar toString = Object.prototype.toString;\n\n/**\n * class Inflate\n *\n * Generic JS-style wrapper for zlib calls. If you don't need\n * streaming behaviour - use more simple functions: [[inflate]]\n * and [[inflateRaw]].\n **/\n\n/* internal\n * inflate.chunks -> Array\n *\n * Chunks of output data, if [[Inflate#onData]] not overridden.\n **/\n\n/**\n * Inflate.result -> Uint8Array|Array|String\n *\n * Uncompressed result, generated by default [[Inflate#onData]]\n * and [[Inflate#onEnd]] handlers. Filled after you push last chunk\n * (call [[Inflate#push]] with `Z_FINISH` / `true` param) or if you\n * push a chunk with explicit flush (call [[Inflate#push]] with\n * `Z_SYNC_FLUSH` param).\n **/\n\n/**\n * Inflate.err -> Number\n *\n * Error code after inflate finished. 0 (Z_OK) on success.\n * Should be checked if broken data possible.\n **/\n\n/**\n * Inflate.msg -> String\n *\n * Error message, if [[Inflate.err]] != 0\n **/\n\n\n/**\n * new Inflate(options)\n * - options (Object): zlib inflate options.\n *\n * Creates new inflator instance with specified params. Throws exception\n * on bad params. Supported options:\n *\n * - `windowBits`\n * - `dictionary`\n *\n * [http://zlib.net/manual.html#Advanced](http://zlib.net/manual.html#Advanced)\n * for more information on these.\n *\n * Additional options, for internal needs:\n *\n * - `chunkSize` - size of generated data chunks (16K by default)\n * - `raw` (Boolean) - do raw inflate\n * - `to` (String) - if equal to 'string', then result will be converted\n * from utf8 to utf16 (javascript) string. When string output requested,\n * chunk length can differ from `chunkSize`, depending on content.\n *\n * By default, when no options set, autodetect deflate/gzip data format via\n * wrapper header.\n *\n * ##### Example:\n *\n * ```javascript\n * var pako = require('pako')\n * , chunk1 = Uint8Array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])\n * , chunk2 = Uint8Array([10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19]);\n *\n * var inflate = new pako.Inflate({ level: 3});\n *\n * inflate.push(chunk1, false);\n * inflate.push(chunk2, true); // true -> last chunk\n *\n * if (inflate.err) { throw new Error(inflate.err); }\n *\n * console.log(inflate.result);\n * ```\n **/\nfunction Inflate(options) {\n if (!(this instanceof Inflate)) return new Inflate(options);\n\n this.options = utils.assign({\n chunkSize: 16384,\n windowBits: 0,\n to: ''\n }, options || {});\n\n var opt = this.options;\n\n // Force window size for `raw` data, if not set directly,\n // because we have no header for autodetect.\n if (opt.raw && (opt.windowBits >= 0) && (opt.windowBits < 16)) {\n opt.windowBits = -opt.windowBits;\n if (opt.windowBits === 0) { opt.windowBits = -15; }\n }\n\n // If `windowBits` not defined (and mode not raw) - set autodetect flag for gzip/deflate\n if ((opt.windowBits >= 0) && (opt.windowBits < 16) &&\n !(options && options.windowBits)) {\n opt.windowBits += 32;\n }\n\n // Gzip header has no info about windows size, we can do autodetect only\n // for deflate. So, if window size not set, force it to max when gzip possible\n if ((opt.windowBits > 15) && (opt.windowBits < 48)) {\n // bit 3 (16) -> gzipped data\n // bit 4 (32) -> autodetect gzip/deflate\n if ((opt.windowBits & 15) === 0) {\n opt.windowBits |= 15;\n }\n }\n\n this.err = 0; // error code, if happens (0 = Z_OK)\n this.msg = ''; // error message\n this.ended = false; // used to avoid multiple onEnd() calls\n this.chunks = []; // chunks of compressed data\n\n this.strm = new ZStream();\n this.strm.avail_out = 0;\n\n var status = zlib_inflate.inflateInit2(\n this.strm,\n opt.windowBits\n );\n\n if (status !== c.Z_OK) {\n throw new Error(msg[status]);\n }\n\n this.header = new GZheader();\n\n zlib_inflate.inflateGetHeader(this.strm, this.header);\n\n // Setup dictionary\n if (opt.dictionary) {\n // Convert data if needed\n if (typeof opt.dictionary === 'string') {\n opt.dictionary = strings.string2buf(opt.dictionary);\n } else if (toString.call(opt.dictionary) === '[object ArrayBuffer]') {\n opt.dictionary = new Uint8Array(opt.dictionary);\n }\n if (opt.raw) { //In raw mode we need to set the dictionary early\n status = zlib_inflate.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm, opt.dictionary);\n if (status !== c.Z_OK) {\n throw new Error(msg[status]);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Inflate#push(data[, mode]) -> Boolean\n * - data (Uint8Array|Array|ArrayBuffer|String): input data\n * - mode (Number|Boolean): 0..6 for corresponding Z_NO_FLUSH..Z_TREE modes.\n * See constants. Skipped or `false` means Z_NO_FLUSH, `true` means Z_FINISH.\n *\n * Sends input data to inflate pipe, generating [[Inflate#onData]] calls with\n * new output chunks. Returns `true` on success. The last data block must have\n * mode Z_FINISH (or `true`). That will flush internal pending buffers and call\n * [[Inflate#onEnd]]. For interim explicit flushes (without ending the stream) you\n * can use mode Z_SYNC_FLUSH, keeping the decompression context.\n *\n * On fail call [[Inflate#onEnd]] with error code and return false.\n *\n * We strongly recommend to use `Uint8Array` on input for best speed (output\n * format is detected automatically). Also, don't skip last param and always\n * use the same type in your code (boolean or number). That will improve JS speed.\n *\n * For regular `Array`-s make sure all elements are [0..255].\n *\n * ##### Example\n *\n * ```javascript\n * push(chunk, false); // push one of data chunks\n * ...\n * push(chunk, true); // push last chunk\n * ```\n **/\nInflate.prototype.push = function (data, mode) {\n var strm = this.strm;\n var chunkSize = this.options.chunkSize;\n var dictionary = this.options.dictionary;\n var status, _mode;\n var next_out_utf8, tail, utf8str;\n\n // Flag to properly process Z_BUF_ERROR on testing inflate call\n // when we check that all output data was flushed.\n var allowBufError = false;\n\n if (this.ended) { return false; }\n _mode = (mode === ~~mode) ? mode : ((mode === true) ? c.Z_FINISH : c.Z_NO_FLUSH);\n\n // Convert data if needed\n if (typeof data === 'string') {\n // Only binary strings can be decompressed on practice\n strm.input = strings.binstring2buf(data);\n } else if (toString.call(data) === '[object ArrayBuffer]') {\n strm.input = new Uint8Array(data);\n } else {\n strm.input = data;\n }\n\n strm.next_in = 0;\n strm.avail_in = strm.input.length;\n\n do {\n if (strm.avail_out === 0) {\n strm.output = new utils.Buf8(chunkSize);\n strm.next_out = 0;\n strm.avail_out = chunkSize;\n }\n\n status = zlib_inflate.inflate(strm, c.Z_NO_FLUSH); /* no bad return value */\n\n if (status === c.Z_NEED_DICT && dictionary) {\n status = zlib_inflate.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm, dictionary);\n }\n\n if (status === c.Z_BUF_ERROR && allowBufError === true) {\n status = c.Z_OK;\n allowBufError = false;\n }\n\n if (status !== c.Z_STREAM_END && status !== c.Z_OK) {\n this.onEnd(status);\n this.ended = true;\n return false;\n }\n\n if (strm.next_out) {\n if (strm.avail_out === 0 || status === c.Z_STREAM_END || (strm.avail_in === 0 && (_mode === c.Z_FINISH || _mode === c.Z_SYNC_FLUSH))) {\n\n if (this.options.to === 'string') {\n\n next_out_utf8 = strings.utf8border(strm.output, strm.next_out);\n\n tail = strm.next_out - next_out_utf8;\n utf8str = strings.buf2string(strm.output, next_out_utf8);\n\n // move tail\n strm.next_out = tail;\n strm.avail_out = chunkSize - tail;\n if (tail) { utils.arraySet(strm.output, strm.output, next_out_utf8, tail, 0); }\n\n this.onData(utf8str);\n\n } else {\n this.onData(utils.shrinkBuf(strm.output, strm.next_out));\n }\n }\n }\n\n // When no more input data, we should check that internal inflate buffers\n // are flushed. The only way to do it when avail_out = 0 - run one more\n // inflate pass. But if output data not exists, inflate return Z_BUF_ERROR.\n // Here we set flag to process this error properly.\n //\n // NOTE. Deflate does not return error in this case and does not needs such\n // logic.\n if (strm.avail_in === 0 && strm.avail_out === 0) {\n allowBufError = true;\n }\n\n } while ((strm.avail_in > 0 || strm.avail_out === 0) && status !== c.Z_STREAM_END);\n\n if (status === c.Z_STREAM_END) {\n _mode = c.Z_FINISH;\n }\n\n // Finalize on the last chunk.\n if (_mode === c.Z_FINISH) {\n status = zlib_inflate.inflateEnd(this.strm);\n this.onEnd(status);\n this.ended = true;\n return status === c.Z_OK;\n }\n\n // callback interim results if Z_SYNC_FLUSH.\n if (_mode === c.Z_SYNC_FLUSH) {\n this.onEnd(c.Z_OK);\n strm.avail_out = 0;\n return true;\n }\n\n return true;\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Inflate#onData(chunk) -> Void\n * - chunk (Uint8Array|Array|String): output data. Type of array depends\n * on js engine support. When string output requested, each chunk\n * will be string.\n *\n * By default, stores data blocks in `chunks[]` property and glue\n * those in `onEnd`. Override this handler, if you need another behaviour.\n **/\nInflate.prototype.onData = function (chunk) {\n this.chunks.push(chunk);\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Inflate#onEnd(status) -> Void\n * - status (Number): inflate status. 0 (Z_OK) on success,\n * other if not.\n *\n * Called either after you tell inflate that the input stream is\n * complete (Z_FINISH) or should be flushed (Z_SYNC_FLUSH)\n * or if an error happened. By default - join collected chunks,\n * free memory and fill `results` / `err` properties.\n **/\nInflate.prototype.onEnd = function (status) {\n // On success - join\n if (status === c.Z_OK) {\n if (this.options.to === 'string') {\n // Glue & convert here, until we teach pako to send\n // utf8 aligned strings to onData\n this.result = this.chunks.join('');\n } else {\n this.result = utils.flattenChunks(this.chunks);\n }\n }\n this.chunks = [];\n this.err = status;\n this.msg = this.strm.msg;\n};\n\n\n/**\n * inflate(data[, options]) -> Uint8Array|Array|String\n * - data (Uint8Array|Array|String): input data to decompress.\n * - options (Object): zlib inflate options.\n *\n * Decompress `data` with inflate/ungzip and `options`. Autodetect\n * format via wrapper header by default. That's why we don't provide\n * separate `ungzip` method.\n *\n * Supported options are:\n *\n * - windowBits\n *\n * [http://zlib.net/manual.html#Advanced](http://zlib.net/manual.html#Advanced)\n * for more information.\n *\n * Sugar (options):\n *\n * - `raw` (Boolean) - say that we work with raw stream, if you don't wish to specify\n * negative windowBits implicitly.\n * - `to` (String) - if equal to 'string', then result will be converted\n * from utf8 to utf16 (javascript) string. When string output requested,\n * chunk length can differ from `chunkSize`, depending on content.\n *\n *\n * ##### Example:\n *\n * ```javascript\n * var pako = require('pako')\n * , input = pako.deflate([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])\n * , output;\n *\n * try {\n * output = pako.inflate(input);\n * } catch (err)\n * console.log(err);\n * }\n * ```\n **/\nfunction inflate(input, options) {\n var inflator = new Inflate(options);\n\n inflator.push(input, true);\n\n // That will never happens, if you don't cheat with options :)\n if (inflator.err) { throw inflator.msg || msg[inflator.err]; }\n\n return inflator.result;\n}\n\n\n/**\n * inflateRaw(data[, options]) -> Uint8Array|Array|String\n * - data (Uint8Array|Array|String): input data to decompress.\n * - options (Object): zlib inflate options.\n *\n * The same as [[inflate]], but creates raw data, without wrapper\n * (header and adler32 crc).\n **/\nfunction inflateRaw(input, options) {\n options = options || {};\n options.raw = true;\n return inflate(input, options);\n}\n\n\n/**\n * ungzip(data[, options]) -> Uint8Array|Array|String\n * - data (Uint8Array|Array|String): input data to decompress.\n * - options (Object): zlib inflate options.\n *\n * Just shortcut to [[inflate]], because it autodetects format\n * by header.content. Done for convenience.\n **/\n\n\nexports.Inflate = Inflate;\nexports.inflate = inflate;\nexports.inflateRaw = inflateRaw;\nexports.ungzip = inflate;\n" }, { "id": 16, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "index": 19, "index2": 15, "size": 50284, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "issuerId": 15, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 15, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 9, "building": 47, "dependencies": 9 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 15, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./zlib/inflate", "loc": "4:19-44" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 6, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\nvar utils = require('../utils/common');\nvar adler32 = require('./adler32');\nvar crc32 = require('./crc32');\nvar inflate_fast = require('./inffast');\nvar inflate_table = require('./inftrees');\n\nvar CODES = 0;\nvar LENS = 1;\nvar DISTS = 2;\n\n/* Public constants ==========================================================*/\n/* ===========================================================================*/\n\n\n/* Allowed flush values; see deflate() and inflate() below for details */\n//var Z_NO_FLUSH = 0;\n//var Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH = 1;\n//var Z_SYNC_FLUSH = 2;\n//var Z_FULL_FLUSH = 3;\nvar Z_FINISH = 4;\nvar Z_BLOCK = 5;\nvar Z_TREES = 6;\n\n\n/* Return codes for the compression/decompression functions. Negative values\n * are errors, positive values are used for special but normal events.\n */\nvar Z_OK = 0;\nvar Z_STREAM_END = 1;\nvar Z_NEED_DICT = 2;\n//var Z_ERRNO = -1;\nvar Z_STREAM_ERROR = -2;\nvar Z_DATA_ERROR = -3;\nvar Z_MEM_ERROR = -4;\nvar Z_BUF_ERROR = -5;\n//var Z_VERSION_ERROR = -6;\n\n/* The deflate compression method */\nvar Z_DEFLATED = 8;\n\n\n/* STATES ====================================================================*/\n/* ===========================================================================*/\n\n\nvar HEAD = 1; /* i: waiting for magic header */\nvar FLAGS = 2; /* i: waiting for method and flags (gzip) */\nvar TIME = 3; /* i: waiting for modification time (gzip) */\nvar OS = 4; /* i: waiting for extra flags and operating system (gzip) */\nvar EXLEN = 5; /* i: waiting for extra length (gzip) */\nvar EXTRA = 6; /* i: waiting for extra bytes (gzip) */\nvar NAME = 7; /* i: waiting for end of file name (gzip) */\nvar COMMENT = 8; /* i: waiting for end of comment (gzip) */\nvar HCRC = 9; /* i: waiting for header crc (gzip) */\nvar DICTID = 10; /* i: waiting for dictionary check value */\nvar DICT = 11; /* waiting for inflateSetDictionary() call */\nvar TYPE = 12; /* i: waiting for type bits, including last-flag bit */\nvar TYPEDO = 13; /* i: same, but skip check to exit inflate on new block */\nvar STORED = 14; /* i: waiting for stored size (length and complement) */\nvar COPY_ = 15; /* i/o: same as COPY below, but only first time in */\nvar COPY = 16; /* i/o: waiting for input or output to copy stored block */\nvar TABLE = 17; /* i: waiting for dynamic block table lengths */\nvar LENLENS = 18; /* i: waiting for code length code lengths */\nvar CODELENS = 19; /* i: waiting for length/lit and distance code lengths */\nvar LEN_ = 20; /* i: same as LEN below, but only first time in */\nvar LEN = 21; /* i: waiting for length/lit/eob code */\nvar LENEXT = 22; /* i: waiting for length extra bits */\nvar DIST = 23; /* i: waiting for distance code */\nvar DISTEXT = 24; /* i: waiting for distance extra bits */\nvar MATCH = 25; /* o: waiting for output space to copy string */\nvar LIT = 26; /* o: waiting for output space to write literal */\nvar CHECK = 27; /* i: waiting for 32-bit check value */\nvar LENGTH = 28; /* i: waiting for 32-bit length (gzip) */\nvar DONE = 29; /* finished check, done -- remain here until reset */\nvar BAD = 30; /* got a data error -- remain here until reset */\nvar MEM = 31; /* got an inflate() memory error -- remain here until reset */\nvar SYNC = 32; /* looking for synchronization bytes to restart inflate() */\n\n/* ===========================================================================*/\n\n\n\nvar ENOUGH_LENS = 852;\nvar ENOUGH_DISTS = 592;\n//var ENOUGH = (ENOUGH_LENS+ENOUGH_DISTS);\n\nvar MAX_WBITS = 15;\n/* 32K LZ77 window */\nvar DEF_WBITS = MAX_WBITS;\n\n\nfunction zswap32(q) {\n return (((q >>> 24) & 0xff) +\n ((q >>> 8) & 0xff00) +\n ((q & 0xff00) << 8) +\n ((q & 0xff) << 24));\n}\n\n\nfunction InflateState() {\n this.mode = 0; /* current inflate mode */\n this.last = false; /* true if processing last block */\n this.wrap = 0; /* bit 0 true for zlib, bit 1 true for gzip */\n this.havedict = false; /* true if dictionary provided */\n this.flags = 0; /* gzip header method and flags (0 if zlib) */\n this.dmax = 0; /* zlib header max distance (INFLATE_STRICT) */\n this.check = 0; /* protected copy of check value */\n this.total = 0; /* protected copy of output count */\n // TODO: may be {}\n this.head = null; /* where to save gzip header information */\n\n /* sliding window */\n this.wbits = 0; /* log base 2 of requested window size */\n this.wsize = 0; /* window size or zero if not using window */\n this.whave = 0; /* valid bytes in the window */\n this.wnext = 0; /* window write index */\n this.window = null; /* allocated sliding window, if needed */\n\n /* bit accumulator */\n this.hold = 0; /* input bit accumulator */\n this.bits = 0; /* number of bits in \"in\" */\n\n /* for string and stored block copying */\n this.length = 0; /* literal or length of data to copy */\n this.offset = 0; /* distance back to copy string from */\n\n /* for table and code decoding */\n this.extra = 0; /* extra bits needed */\n\n /* fixed and dynamic code tables */\n this.lencode = null; /* starting table for length/literal codes */\n this.distcode = null; /* starting table for distance codes */\n this.lenbits = 0; /* index bits for lencode */\n this.distbits = 0; /* index bits for distcode */\n\n /* dynamic table building */\n this.ncode = 0; /* number of code length code lengths */\n this.nlen = 0; /* number of length code lengths */\n this.ndist = 0; /* number of distance code lengths */\n this.have = 0; /* number of code lengths in lens[] */\n this.next = null; /* next available space in codes[] */\n\n this.lens = new utils.Buf16(320); /* temporary storage for code lengths */\n this.work = new utils.Buf16(288); /* work area for code table building */\n\n /*\n because we don't have pointers in js, we use lencode and distcode directly\n as buffers so we don't need codes\n */\n //this.codes = new utils.Buf32(ENOUGH); /* space for code tables */\n this.lendyn = null; /* dynamic table for length/literal codes (JS specific) */\n this.distdyn = null; /* dynamic table for distance codes (JS specific) */\n this.sane = 0; /* if false, allow invalid distance too far */\n this.back = 0; /* bits back of last unprocessed length/lit */\n this.was = 0; /* initial length of match */\n}\n\nfunction inflateResetKeep(strm) {\n var state;\n\n if (!strm || !strm.state) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; }\n state = strm.state;\n strm.total_in = strm.total_out = state.total = 0;\n strm.msg = ''; /*Z_NULL*/\n if (state.wrap) { /* to support ill-conceived Java test suite */\n strm.adler = state.wrap & 1;\n }\n state.mode = HEAD;\n state.last = 0;\n state.havedict = 0;\n state.dmax = 32768;\n state.head = null/*Z_NULL*/;\n state.hold = 0;\n state.bits = 0;\n //state.lencode = state.distcode = state.next = state.codes;\n state.lencode = state.lendyn = new utils.Buf32(ENOUGH_LENS);\n state.distcode = state.distdyn = new utils.Buf32(ENOUGH_DISTS);\n\n state.sane = 1;\n state.back = -1;\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: reset\\n\"));\n return Z_OK;\n}\n\nfunction inflateReset(strm) {\n var state;\n\n if (!strm || !strm.state) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; }\n state = strm.state;\n state.wsize = 0;\n state.whave = 0;\n state.wnext = 0;\n return inflateResetKeep(strm);\n\n}\n\nfunction inflateReset2(strm, windowBits) {\n var wrap;\n var state;\n\n /* get the state */\n if (!strm || !strm.state) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; }\n state = strm.state;\n\n /* extract wrap request from windowBits parameter */\n if (windowBits < 0) {\n wrap = 0;\n windowBits = -windowBits;\n }\n else {\n wrap = (windowBits >> 4) + 1;\n if (windowBits < 48) {\n windowBits &= 15;\n }\n }\n\n /* set number of window bits, free window if different */\n if (windowBits && (windowBits < 8 || windowBits > 15)) {\n return Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n if (state.window !== null && state.wbits !== windowBits) {\n state.window = null;\n }\n\n /* update state and reset the rest of it */\n state.wrap = wrap;\n state.wbits = windowBits;\n return inflateReset(strm);\n}\n\nfunction inflateInit2(strm, windowBits) {\n var ret;\n var state;\n\n if (!strm) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; }\n //strm.msg = Z_NULL; /* in case we return an error */\n\n state = new InflateState();\n\n //if (state === Z_NULL) return Z_MEM_ERROR;\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: allocated\\n\"));\n strm.state = state;\n state.window = null/*Z_NULL*/;\n ret = inflateReset2(strm, windowBits);\n if (ret !== Z_OK) {\n strm.state = null/*Z_NULL*/;\n }\n return ret;\n}\n\nfunction inflateInit(strm) {\n return inflateInit2(strm, DEF_WBITS);\n}\n\n\n/*\n Return state with length and distance decoding tables and index sizes set to\n fixed code decoding. Normally this returns fixed tables from inffixed.h.\n If BUILDFIXED is defined, then instead this routine builds the tables the\n first time it's called, and returns those tables the first time and\n thereafter. This reduces the size of the code by about 2K bytes, in\n exchange for a little execution time. However, BUILDFIXED should not be\n used for threaded applications, since the rewriting of the tables and virgin\n may not be thread-safe.\n */\nvar virgin = true;\n\nvar lenfix, distfix; // We have no pointers in JS, so keep tables separate\n\nfunction fixedtables(state) {\n /* build fixed huffman tables if first call (may not be thread safe) */\n if (virgin) {\n var sym;\n\n lenfix = new utils.Buf32(512);\n distfix = new utils.Buf32(32);\n\n /* literal/length table */\n sym = 0;\n while (sym < 144) { state.lens[sym++] = 8; }\n while (sym < 256) { state.lens[sym++] = 9; }\n while (sym < 280) { state.lens[sym++] = 7; }\n while (sym < 288) { state.lens[sym++] = 8; }\n\n inflate_table(LENS, state.lens, 0, 288, lenfix, 0, state.work, { bits: 9 });\n\n /* distance table */\n sym = 0;\n while (sym < 32) { state.lens[sym++] = 5; }\n\n inflate_table(DISTS, state.lens, 0, 32, distfix, 0, state.work, { bits: 5 });\n\n /* do this just once */\n virgin = false;\n }\n\n state.lencode = lenfix;\n state.lenbits = 9;\n state.distcode = distfix;\n state.distbits = 5;\n}\n\n\n/*\n Update the window with the last wsize (normally 32K) bytes written before\n returning. If window does not exist yet, create it. This is only called\n when a window is already in use, or when output has been written during this\n inflate call, but the end of the deflate stream has not been reached yet.\n It is also called to create a window for dictionary data when a dictionary\n is loaded.\n\n Providing output buffers larger than 32K to inflate() should provide a speed\n advantage, since only the last 32K of output is copied to the sliding window\n upon return from inflate(), and since all distances after the first 32K of\n output will fall in the output data, making match copies simpler and faster.\n The advantage may be dependent on the size of the processor's data caches.\n */\nfunction updatewindow(strm, src, end, copy) {\n var dist;\n var state = strm.state;\n\n /* if it hasn't been done already, allocate space for the window */\n if (state.window === null) {\n state.wsize = 1 << state.wbits;\n state.wnext = 0;\n state.whave = 0;\n\n state.window = new utils.Buf8(state.wsize);\n }\n\n /* copy state->wsize or less output bytes into the circular window */\n if (copy >= state.wsize) {\n utils.arraySet(state.window, src, end - state.wsize, state.wsize, 0);\n state.wnext = 0;\n state.whave = state.wsize;\n }\n else {\n dist = state.wsize - state.wnext;\n if (dist > copy) {\n dist = copy;\n }\n //zmemcpy(state->window + state->wnext, end - copy, dist);\n utils.arraySet(state.window, src, end - copy, dist, state.wnext);\n copy -= dist;\n if (copy) {\n //zmemcpy(state->window, end - copy, copy);\n utils.arraySet(state.window, src, end - copy, copy, 0);\n state.wnext = copy;\n state.whave = state.wsize;\n }\n else {\n state.wnext += dist;\n if (state.wnext === state.wsize) { state.wnext = 0; }\n if (state.whave < state.wsize) { state.whave += dist; }\n }\n }\n return 0;\n}\n\nfunction inflate(strm, flush) {\n var state;\n var input, output; // input/output buffers\n var next; /* next input INDEX */\n var put; /* next output INDEX */\n var have, left; /* available input and output */\n var hold; /* bit buffer */\n var bits; /* bits in bit buffer */\n var _in, _out; /* save starting available input and output */\n var copy; /* number of stored or match bytes to copy */\n var from; /* where to copy match bytes from */\n var from_source;\n var here = 0; /* current decoding table entry */\n var here_bits, here_op, here_val; // paked \"here\" denormalized (JS specific)\n //var last; /* parent table entry */\n var last_bits, last_op, last_val; // paked \"last\" denormalized (JS specific)\n var len; /* length to copy for repeats, bits to drop */\n var ret; /* return code */\n var hbuf = new utils.Buf8(4); /* buffer for gzip header crc calculation */\n var opts;\n\n var n; // temporary var for NEED_BITS\n\n var order = /* permutation of code lengths */\n [ 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15 ];\n\n\n if (!strm || !strm.state || !strm.output ||\n (!strm.input && strm.avail_in !== 0)) {\n return Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n\n state = strm.state;\n if (state.mode === TYPE) { state.mode = TYPEDO; } /* skip check */\n\n\n //--- LOAD() ---\n put = strm.next_out;\n output = strm.output;\n left = strm.avail_out;\n next = strm.next_in;\n input = strm.input;\n have = strm.avail_in;\n hold = state.hold;\n bits = state.bits;\n //---\n\n _in = have;\n _out = left;\n ret = Z_OK;\n\n inf_leave: // goto emulation\n for (;;) {\n switch (state.mode) {\n case HEAD:\n if (state.wrap === 0) {\n state.mode = TYPEDO;\n break;\n }\n //=== NEEDBITS(16);\n while (bits < 16) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n if ((state.wrap & 2) && hold === 0x8b1f) { /* gzip header */\n state.check = 0/*crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0)*/;\n //=== CRC2(state.check, hold);\n hbuf[0] = hold & 0xff;\n hbuf[1] = (hold >>> 8) & 0xff;\n state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 2, 0);\n //===//\n\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n state.mode = FLAGS;\n break;\n }\n state.flags = 0; /* expect zlib header */\n if (state.head) {\n state.head.done = false;\n }\n if (!(state.wrap & 1) || /* check if zlib header allowed */\n (((hold & 0xff)/*BITS(8)*/ << 8) + (hold >> 8)) % 31) {\n strm.msg = 'incorrect header check';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n if ((hold & 0x0f)/*BITS(4)*/ !== Z_DEFLATED) {\n strm.msg = 'unknown compression method';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n //--- DROPBITS(4) ---//\n hold >>>= 4;\n bits -= 4;\n //---//\n len = (hold & 0x0f)/*BITS(4)*/ + 8;\n if (state.wbits === 0) {\n state.wbits = len;\n }\n else if (len > state.wbits) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid window size';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n state.dmax = 1 << len;\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: zlib header ok\\n\"));\n strm.adler = state.check = 1/*adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0)*/;\n state.mode = hold & 0x200 ? DICTID : TYPE;\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n break;\n case FLAGS:\n //=== NEEDBITS(16); */\n while (bits < 16) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n state.flags = hold;\n if ((state.flags & 0xff) !== Z_DEFLATED) {\n strm.msg = 'unknown compression method';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n if (state.flags & 0xe000) {\n strm.msg = 'unknown header flags set';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n if (state.head) {\n state.head.text = ((hold >> 8) & 1);\n }\n if (state.flags & 0x0200) {\n //=== CRC2(state.check, hold);\n hbuf[0] = hold & 0xff;\n hbuf[1] = (hold >>> 8) & 0xff;\n state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 2, 0);\n //===//\n }\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n state.mode = TIME;\n /* falls through */\n case TIME:\n //=== NEEDBITS(32); */\n while (bits < 32) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n if (state.head) {\n state.head.time = hold;\n }\n if (state.flags & 0x0200) {\n //=== CRC4(state.check, hold)\n hbuf[0] = hold & 0xff;\n hbuf[1] = (hold >>> 8) & 0xff;\n hbuf[2] = (hold >>> 16) & 0xff;\n hbuf[3] = (hold >>> 24) & 0xff;\n state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 4, 0);\n //===\n }\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n state.mode = OS;\n /* falls through */\n case OS:\n //=== NEEDBITS(16); */\n while (bits < 16) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n if (state.head) {\n state.head.xflags = (hold & 0xff);\n state.head.os = (hold >> 8);\n }\n if (state.flags & 0x0200) {\n //=== CRC2(state.check, hold);\n hbuf[0] = hold & 0xff;\n hbuf[1] = (hold >>> 8) & 0xff;\n state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 2, 0);\n //===//\n }\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n state.mode = EXLEN;\n /* falls through */\n case EXLEN:\n if (state.flags & 0x0400) {\n //=== NEEDBITS(16); */\n while (bits < 16) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n state.length = hold;\n if (state.head) {\n state.head.extra_len = hold;\n }\n if (state.flags & 0x0200) {\n //=== CRC2(state.check, hold);\n hbuf[0] = hold & 0xff;\n hbuf[1] = (hold >>> 8) & 0xff;\n state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 2, 0);\n //===//\n }\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n }\n else if (state.head) {\n state.head.extra = null/*Z_NULL*/;\n }\n state.mode = EXTRA;\n /* falls through */\n case EXTRA:\n if (state.flags & 0x0400) {\n copy = state.length;\n if (copy > have) { copy = have; }\n if (copy) {\n if (state.head) {\n len = state.head.extra_len - state.length;\n if (!state.head.extra) {\n // Use untyped array for more convenient processing later\n state.head.extra = new Array(state.head.extra_len);\n }\n utils.arraySet(\n state.head.extra,\n input,\n next,\n // extra field is limited to 65536 bytes\n // - no need for additional size check\n copy,\n /*len + copy > state.head.extra_max - len ? state.head.extra_max : copy,*/\n len\n );\n //zmemcpy(state.head.extra + len, next,\n // len + copy > state.head.extra_max ?\n // state.head.extra_max - len : copy);\n }\n if (state.flags & 0x0200) {\n state.check = crc32(state.check, input, copy, next);\n }\n have -= copy;\n next += copy;\n state.length -= copy;\n }\n if (state.length) { break inf_leave; }\n }\n state.length = 0;\n state.mode = NAME;\n /* falls through */\n case NAME:\n if (state.flags & 0x0800) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n copy = 0;\n do {\n // TODO: 2 or 1 bytes?\n len = input[next + copy++];\n /* use constant limit because in js we should not preallocate memory */\n if (state.head && len &&\n (state.length < 65536 /*state.head.name_max*/)) {\n state.head.name += String.fromCharCode(len);\n }\n } while (len && copy < have);\n\n if (state.flags & 0x0200) {\n state.check = crc32(state.check, input, copy, next);\n }\n have -= copy;\n next += copy;\n if (len) { break inf_leave; }\n }\n else if (state.head) {\n state.head.name = null;\n }\n state.length = 0;\n state.mode = COMMENT;\n /* falls through */\n case COMMENT:\n if (state.flags & 0x1000) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n copy = 0;\n do {\n len = input[next + copy++];\n /* use constant limit because in js we should not preallocate memory */\n if (state.head && len &&\n (state.length < 65536 /*state.head.comm_max*/)) {\n state.head.comment += String.fromCharCode(len);\n }\n } while (len && copy < have);\n if (state.flags & 0x0200) {\n state.check = crc32(state.check, input, copy, next);\n }\n have -= copy;\n next += copy;\n if (len) { break inf_leave; }\n }\n else if (state.head) {\n state.head.comment = null;\n }\n state.mode = HCRC;\n /* falls through */\n case HCRC:\n if (state.flags & 0x0200) {\n //=== NEEDBITS(16); */\n while (bits < 16) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n if (hold !== (state.check & 0xffff)) {\n strm.msg = 'header crc mismatch';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n }\n if (state.head) {\n state.head.hcrc = ((state.flags >> 9) & 1);\n state.head.done = true;\n }\n strm.adler = state.check = 0;\n state.mode = TYPE;\n break;\n case DICTID:\n //=== NEEDBITS(32); */\n while (bits < 32) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n strm.adler = state.check = zswap32(hold);\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n state.mode = DICT;\n /* falls through */\n case DICT:\n if (state.havedict === 0) {\n //--- RESTORE() ---\n strm.next_out = put;\n strm.avail_out = left;\n strm.next_in = next;\n strm.avail_in = have;\n state.hold = hold;\n state.bits = bits;\n //---\n return Z_NEED_DICT;\n }\n strm.adler = state.check = 1/*adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0)*/;\n state.mode = TYPE;\n /* falls through */\n case TYPE:\n if (flush === Z_BLOCK || flush === Z_TREES) { break inf_leave; }\n /* falls through */\n case TYPEDO:\n if (state.last) {\n //--- BYTEBITS() ---//\n hold >>>= bits & 7;\n bits -= bits & 7;\n //---//\n state.mode = CHECK;\n break;\n }\n //=== NEEDBITS(3); */\n while (bits < 3) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n state.last = (hold & 0x01)/*BITS(1)*/;\n //--- DROPBITS(1) ---//\n hold >>>= 1;\n bits -= 1;\n //---//\n\n switch ((hold & 0x03)/*BITS(2)*/) {\n case 0: /* stored block */\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: stored block%s\\n\",\n // state.last ? \" (last)\" : \"\"));\n state.mode = STORED;\n break;\n case 1: /* fixed block */\n fixedtables(state);\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: fixed codes block%s\\n\",\n // state.last ? \" (last)\" : \"\"));\n state.mode = LEN_; /* decode codes */\n if (flush === Z_TREES) {\n //--- DROPBITS(2) ---//\n hold >>>= 2;\n bits -= 2;\n //---//\n break inf_leave;\n }\n break;\n case 2: /* dynamic block */\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: dynamic codes block%s\\n\",\n // state.last ? \" (last)\" : \"\"));\n state.mode = TABLE;\n break;\n case 3:\n strm.msg = 'invalid block type';\n state.mode = BAD;\n }\n //--- DROPBITS(2) ---//\n hold >>>= 2;\n bits -= 2;\n //---//\n break;\n case STORED:\n //--- BYTEBITS() ---// /* go to byte boundary */\n hold >>>= bits & 7;\n bits -= bits & 7;\n //---//\n //=== NEEDBITS(32); */\n while (bits < 32) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n if ((hold & 0xffff) !== ((hold >>> 16) ^ 0xffff)) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid stored block lengths';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n state.length = hold & 0xffff;\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: stored length %u\\n\",\n // state.length));\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n state.mode = COPY_;\n if (flush === Z_TREES) { break inf_leave; }\n /* falls through */\n case COPY_:\n state.mode = COPY;\n /* falls through */\n case COPY:\n copy = state.length;\n if (copy) {\n if (copy > have) { copy = have; }\n if (copy > left) { copy = left; }\n if (copy === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n //--- zmemcpy(put, next, copy); ---\n utils.arraySet(output, input, next, copy, put);\n //---//\n have -= copy;\n next += copy;\n left -= copy;\n put += copy;\n state.length -= copy;\n break;\n }\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: stored end\\n\"));\n state.mode = TYPE;\n break;\n case TABLE:\n //=== NEEDBITS(14); */\n while (bits < 14) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n state.nlen = (hold & 0x1f)/*BITS(5)*/ + 257;\n //--- DROPBITS(5) ---//\n hold >>>= 5;\n bits -= 5;\n //---//\n state.ndist = (hold & 0x1f)/*BITS(5)*/ + 1;\n //--- DROPBITS(5) ---//\n hold >>>= 5;\n bits -= 5;\n //---//\n state.ncode = (hold & 0x0f)/*BITS(4)*/ + 4;\n //--- DROPBITS(4) ---//\n hold >>>= 4;\n bits -= 4;\n //---//\n//#ifndef PKZIP_BUG_WORKAROUND\n if (state.nlen > 286 || state.ndist > 30) {\n strm.msg = 'too many length or distance symbols';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n//#endif\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: table sizes ok\\n\"));\n state.have = 0;\n state.mode = LENLENS;\n /* falls through */\n case LENLENS:\n while (state.have < state.ncode) {\n //=== NEEDBITS(3);\n while (bits < 3) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n state.lens[order[state.have++]] = (hold & 0x07);//BITS(3);\n //--- DROPBITS(3) ---//\n hold >>>= 3;\n bits -= 3;\n //---//\n }\n while (state.have < 19) {\n state.lens[order[state.have++]] = 0;\n }\n // We have separate tables & no pointers. 2 commented lines below not needed.\n //state.next = state.codes;\n //state.lencode = state.next;\n // Switch to use dynamic table\n state.lencode = state.lendyn;\n state.lenbits = 7;\n\n opts = { bits: state.lenbits };\n ret = inflate_table(CODES, state.lens, 0, 19, state.lencode, 0, state.work, opts);\n state.lenbits = opts.bits;\n\n if (ret) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid code lengths set';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: code lengths ok\\n\"));\n state.have = 0;\n state.mode = CODELENS;\n /* falls through */\n case CODELENS:\n while (state.have < state.nlen + state.ndist) {\n for (;;) {\n here = state.lencode[hold & ((1 << state.lenbits) - 1)];/*BITS(state.lenbits)*/\n here_bits = here >>> 24;\n here_op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff;\n here_val = here & 0xffff;\n\n if ((here_bits) <= bits) { break; }\n //--- PULLBYTE() ---//\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n //---//\n }\n if (here_val < 16) {\n //--- DROPBITS(here.bits) ---//\n hold >>>= here_bits;\n bits -= here_bits;\n //---//\n state.lens[state.have++] = here_val;\n }\n else {\n if (here_val === 16) {\n //=== NEEDBITS(here.bits + 2);\n n = here_bits + 2;\n while (bits < n) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n //--- DROPBITS(here.bits) ---//\n hold >>>= here_bits;\n bits -= here_bits;\n //---//\n if (state.have === 0) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid bit length repeat';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n len = state.lens[state.have - 1];\n copy = 3 + (hold & 0x03);//BITS(2);\n //--- DROPBITS(2) ---//\n hold >>>= 2;\n bits -= 2;\n //---//\n }\n else if (here_val === 17) {\n //=== NEEDBITS(here.bits + 3);\n n = here_bits + 3;\n while (bits < n) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n //--- DROPBITS(here.bits) ---//\n hold >>>= here_bits;\n bits -= here_bits;\n //---//\n len = 0;\n copy = 3 + (hold & 0x07);//BITS(3);\n //--- DROPBITS(3) ---//\n hold >>>= 3;\n bits -= 3;\n //---//\n }\n else {\n //=== NEEDBITS(here.bits + 7);\n n = here_bits + 7;\n while (bits < n) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n //--- DROPBITS(here.bits) ---//\n hold >>>= here_bits;\n bits -= here_bits;\n //---//\n len = 0;\n copy = 11 + (hold & 0x7f);//BITS(7);\n //--- DROPBITS(7) ---//\n hold >>>= 7;\n bits -= 7;\n //---//\n }\n if (state.have + copy > state.nlen + state.ndist) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid bit length repeat';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n while (copy--) {\n state.lens[state.have++] = len;\n }\n }\n }\n\n /* handle error breaks in while */\n if (state.mode === BAD) { break; }\n\n /* check for end-of-block code (better have one) */\n if (state.lens[256] === 0) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid code -- missing end-of-block';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n\n /* build code tables -- note: do not change the lenbits or distbits\n values here (9 and 6) without reading the comments in inftrees.h\n concerning the ENOUGH constants, which depend on those values */\n state.lenbits = 9;\n\n opts = { bits: state.lenbits };\n ret = inflate_table(LENS, state.lens, 0, state.nlen, state.lencode, 0, state.work, opts);\n // We have separate tables & no pointers. 2 commented lines below not needed.\n // state.next_index = opts.table_index;\n state.lenbits = opts.bits;\n // state.lencode = state.next;\n\n if (ret) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid literal/lengths set';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n\n state.distbits = 6;\n //state.distcode.copy(state.codes);\n // Switch to use dynamic table\n state.distcode = state.distdyn;\n opts = { bits: state.distbits };\n ret = inflate_table(DISTS, state.lens, state.nlen, state.ndist, state.distcode, 0, state.work, opts);\n // We have separate tables & no pointers. 2 commented lines below not needed.\n // state.next_index = opts.table_index;\n state.distbits = opts.bits;\n // state.distcode = state.next;\n\n if (ret) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid distances set';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n //Tracev((stderr, 'inflate: codes ok\\n'));\n state.mode = LEN_;\n if (flush === Z_TREES) { break inf_leave; }\n /* falls through */\n case LEN_:\n state.mode = LEN;\n /* falls through */\n case LEN:\n if (have >= 6 && left >= 258) {\n //--- RESTORE() ---\n strm.next_out = put;\n strm.avail_out = left;\n strm.next_in = next;\n strm.avail_in = have;\n state.hold = hold;\n state.bits = bits;\n //---\n inflate_fast(strm, _out);\n //--- LOAD() ---\n put = strm.next_out;\n output = strm.output;\n left = strm.avail_out;\n next = strm.next_in;\n input = strm.input;\n have = strm.avail_in;\n hold = state.hold;\n bits = state.bits;\n //---\n\n if (state.mode === TYPE) {\n state.back = -1;\n }\n break;\n }\n state.back = 0;\n for (;;) {\n here = state.lencode[hold & ((1 << state.lenbits) - 1)]; /*BITS(state.lenbits)*/\n here_bits = here >>> 24;\n here_op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff;\n here_val = here & 0xffff;\n\n if (here_bits <= bits) { break; }\n //--- PULLBYTE() ---//\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n //---//\n }\n if (here_op && (here_op & 0xf0) === 0) {\n last_bits = here_bits;\n last_op = here_op;\n last_val = here_val;\n for (;;) {\n here = state.lencode[last_val +\n ((hold & ((1 << (last_bits + last_op)) - 1))/*BITS(last.bits + last.op)*/ >> last_bits)];\n here_bits = here >>> 24;\n here_op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff;\n here_val = here & 0xffff;\n\n if ((last_bits + here_bits) <= bits) { break; }\n //--- PULLBYTE() ---//\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n //---//\n }\n //--- DROPBITS(last.bits) ---//\n hold >>>= last_bits;\n bits -= last_bits;\n //---//\n state.back += last_bits;\n }\n //--- DROPBITS(here.bits) ---//\n hold >>>= here_bits;\n bits -= here_bits;\n //---//\n state.back += here_bits;\n state.length = here_val;\n if (here_op === 0) {\n //Tracevv((stderr, here.val >= 0x20 && here.val < 0x7f ?\n // \"inflate: literal '%c'\\n\" :\n // \"inflate: literal 0x%02x\\n\", here.val));\n state.mode = LIT;\n break;\n }\n if (here_op & 32) {\n //Tracevv((stderr, \"inflate: end of block\\n\"));\n state.back = -1;\n state.mode = TYPE;\n break;\n }\n if (here_op & 64) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid literal/length code';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n state.extra = here_op & 15;\n state.mode = LENEXT;\n /* falls through */\n case LENEXT:\n if (state.extra) {\n //=== NEEDBITS(state.extra);\n n = state.extra;\n while (bits < n) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n state.length += hold & ((1 << state.extra) - 1)/*BITS(state.extra)*/;\n //--- DROPBITS(state.extra) ---//\n hold >>>= state.extra;\n bits -= state.extra;\n //---//\n state.back += state.extra;\n }\n //Tracevv((stderr, \"inflate: length %u\\n\", state.length));\n state.was = state.length;\n state.mode = DIST;\n /* falls through */\n case DIST:\n for (;;) {\n here = state.distcode[hold & ((1 << state.distbits) - 1)];/*BITS(state.distbits)*/\n here_bits = here >>> 24;\n here_op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff;\n here_val = here & 0xffff;\n\n if ((here_bits) <= bits) { break; }\n //--- PULLBYTE() ---//\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n //---//\n }\n if ((here_op & 0xf0) === 0) {\n last_bits = here_bits;\n last_op = here_op;\n last_val = here_val;\n for (;;) {\n here = state.distcode[last_val +\n ((hold & ((1 << (last_bits + last_op)) - 1))/*BITS(last.bits + last.op)*/ >> last_bits)];\n here_bits = here >>> 24;\n here_op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff;\n here_val = here & 0xffff;\n\n if ((last_bits + here_bits) <= bits) { break; }\n //--- PULLBYTE() ---//\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n //---//\n }\n //--- DROPBITS(last.bits) ---//\n hold >>>= last_bits;\n bits -= last_bits;\n //---//\n state.back += last_bits;\n }\n //--- DROPBITS(here.bits) ---//\n hold >>>= here_bits;\n bits -= here_bits;\n //---//\n state.back += here_bits;\n if (here_op & 64) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid distance code';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n state.offset = here_val;\n state.extra = (here_op) & 15;\n state.mode = DISTEXT;\n /* falls through */\n case DISTEXT:\n if (state.extra) {\n //=== NEEDBITS(state.extra);\n n = state.extra;\n while (bits < n) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n state.offset += hold & ((1 << state.extra) - 1)/*BITS(state.extra)*/;\n //--- DROPBITS(state.extra) ---//\n hold >>>= state.extra;\n bits -= state.extra;\n //---//\n state.back += state.extra;\n }\n//#ifdef INFLATE_STRICT\n if (state.offset > state.dmax) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid distance too far back';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n//#endif\n //Tracevv((stderr, \"inflate: distance %u\\n\", state.offset));\n state.mode = MATCH;\n /* falls through */\n case MATCH:\n if (left === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n copy = _out - left;\n if (state.offset > copy) { /* copy from window */\n copy = state.offset - copy;\n if (copy > state.whave) {\n if (state.sane) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid distance too far back';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n// (!) This block is disabled in zlib defaults,\n// don't enable it for binary compatibility\n//#ifdef INFLATE_ALLOW_INVALID_DISTANCE_TOOFAR_ARRR\n// Trace((stderr, \"inflate.c too far\\n\"));\n// copy -= state.whave;\n// if (copy > state.length) { copy = state.length; }\n// if (copy > left) { copy = left; }\n// left -= copy;\n// state.length -= copy;\n// do {\n// output[put++] = 0;\n// } while (--copy);\n// if (state.length === 0) { state.mode = LEN; }\n// break;\n//#endif\n }\n if (copy > state.wnext) {\n copy -= state.wnext;\n from = state.wsize - copy;\n }\n else {\n from = state.wnext - copy;\n }\n if (copy > state.length) { copy = state.length; }\n from_source = state.window;\n }\n else { /* copy from output */\n from_source = output;\n from = put - state.offset;\n copy = state.length;\n }\n if (copy > left) { copy = left; }\n left -= copy;\n state.length -= copy;\n do {\n output[put++] = from_source[from++];\n } while (--copy);\n if (state.length === 0) { state.mode = LEN; }\n break;\n case LIT:\n if (left === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n output[put++] = state.length;\n left--;\n state.mode = LEN;\n break;\n case CHECK:\n if (state.wrap) {\n //=== NEEDBITS(32);\n while (bits < 32) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n // Use '|' instead of '+' to make sure that result is signed\n hold |= input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n _out -= left;\n strm.total_out += _out;\n state.total += _out;\n if (_out) {\n strm.adler = state.check =\n /*UPDATE(state.check, put - _out, _out);*/\n (state.flags ? crc32(state.check, output, _out, put - _out) : adler32(state.check, output, _out, put - _out));\n\n }\n _out = left;\n // NB: crc32 stored as signed 32-bit int, zswap32 returns signed too\n if ((state.flags ? hold : zswap32(hold)) !== state.check) {\n strm.msg = 'incorrect data check';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: check matches trailer\\n\"));\n }\n state.mode = LENGTH;\n /* falls through */\n case LENGTH:\n if (state.wrap && state.flags) {\n //=== NEEDBITS(32);\n while (bits < 32) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n if (hold !== (state.total & 0xffffffff)) {\n strm.msg = 'incorrect length check';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: length matches trailer\\n\"));\n }\n state.mode = DONE;\n /* falls through */\n case DONE:\n ret = Z_STREAM_END;\n break inf_leave;\n case BAD:\n ret = Z_DATA_ERROR;\n break inf_leave;\n case MEM:\n return Z_MEM_ERROR;\n case SYNC:\n /* falls through */\n default:\n return Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n }\n\n // inf_leave <- here is real place for \"goto inf_leave\", emulated via \"break inf_leave\"\n\n /*\n Return from inflate(), updating the total counts and the check value.\n If there was no progress during the inflate() call, return a buffer\n error. Call updatewindow() to create and/or update the window state.\n Note: a memory error from inflate() is non-recoverable.\n */\n\n //--- RESTORE() ---\n strm.next_out = put;\n strm.avail_out = left;\n strm.next_in = next;\n strm.avail_in = have;\n state.hold = hold;\n state.bits = bits;\n //---\n\n if (state.wsize || (_out !== strm.avail_out && state.mode < BAD &&\n (state.mode < CHECK || flush !== Z_FINISH))) {\n if (updatewindow(strm, strm.output, strm.next_out, _out - strm.avail_out)) {\n state.mode = MEM;\n return Z_MEM_ERROR;\n }\n }\n _in -= strm.avail_in;\n _out -= strm.avail_out;\n strm.total_in += _in;\n strm.total_out += _out;\n state.total += _out;\n if (state.wrap && _out) {\n strm.adler = state.check = /*UPDATE(state.check, strm.next_out - _out, _out);*/\n (state.flags ? crc32(state.check, output, _out, strm.next_out - _out) : adler32(state.check, output, _out, strm.next_out - _out));\n }\n strm.data_type = state.bits + (state.last ? 64 : 0) +\n (state.mode === TYPE ? 128 : 0) +\n (state.mode === LEN_ || state.mode === COPY_ ? 256 : 0);\n if (((_in === 0 && _out === 0) || flush === Z_FINISH) && ret === Z_OK) {\n ret = Z_BUF_ERROR;\n }\n return ret;\n}\n\nfunction inflateEnd(strm) {\n\n if (!strm || !strm.state /*|| strm->zfree == (free_func)0*/) {\n return Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n\n var state = strm.state;\n if (state.window) {\n state.window = null;\n }\n strm.state = null;\n return Z_OK;\n}\n\nfunction inflateGetHeader(strm, head) {\n var state;\n\n /* check state */\n if (!strm || !strm.state) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; }\n state = strm.state;\n if ((state.wrap & 2) === 0) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; }\n\n /* save header structure */\n state.head = head;\n head.done = false;\n return Z_OK;\n}\n\nfunction inflateSetDictionary(strm, dictionary) {\n var dictLength = dictionary.length;\n\n var state;\n var dictid;\n var ret;\n\n /* check state */\n if (!strm /* == Z_NULL */ || !strm.state /* == Z_NULL */) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; }\n state = strm.state;\n\n if (state.wrap !== 0 && state.mode !== DICT) {\n return Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n\n /* check for correct dictionary identifier */\n if (state.mode === DICT) {\n dictid = 1; /* adler32(0, null, 0)*/\n /* dictid = adler32(dictid, dictionary, dictLength); */\n dictid = adler32(dictid, dictionary, dictLength, 0);\n if (dictid !== state.check) {\n return Z_DATA_ERROR;\n }\n }\n /* copy dictionary to window using updatewindow(), which will amend the\n existing dictionary if appropriate */\n ret = updatewindow(strm, dictionary, dictLength, dictLength);\n if (ret) {\n state.mode = MEM;\n return Z_MEM_ERROR;\n }\n state.havedict = 1;\n // Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: dictionary set\\n\"));\n return Z_OK;\n}\n\nexports.inflateReset = inflateReset;\nexports.inflateReset2 = inflateReset2;\nexports.inflateResetKeep = inflateResetKeep;\nexports.inflateInit = inflateInit;\nexports.inflateInit2 = inflateInit2;\nexports.inflate = inflate;\nexports.inflateEnd = inflateEnd;\nexports.inflateGetHeader = inflateGetHeader;\nexports.inflateSetDictionary = inflateSetDictionary;\nexports.inflateInfo = 'pako inflate (from Nodeca project)';\n\n/* Not implemented\nexports.inflateCopy = inflateCopy;\nexports.inflateGetDictionary = inflateGetDictionary;\nexports.inflateMark = inflateMark;\nexports.inflatePrime = inflatePrime;\nexports.inflateSync = inflateSync;\nexports.inflateSyncPoint = inflateSyncPoint;\nexports.inflateUndermine = inflateUndermine;\n*/\n" }, { "id": 17, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inffast.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inffast.js", "index": 20, "index2": 13, "size": 12668, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inflate.js", "issuerId": 16, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 15, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } }, { "id": 16, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 9, "building": 47, "dependencies": 9 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 9, "building": 12, "dependencies": 0 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 16, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./inffast", "loc": "25:20-40" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 7, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\n// See state defs from inflate.js\nvar BAD = 30; /* got a data error -- remain here until reset */\nvar TYPE = 12; /* i: waiting for type bits, including last-flag bit */\n\n/*\n Decode literal, length, and distance codes and write out the resulting\n literal and match bytes until either not enough input or output is\n available, an end-of-block is encountered, or a data error is encountered.\n When large enough input and output buffers are supplied to inflate(), for\n example, a 16K input buffer and a 64K output buffer, more than 95% of the\n inflate execution time is spent in this routine.\n\n Entry assumptions:\n\n state.mode === LEN\n strm.avail_in >= 6\n strm.avail_out >= 258\n start >= strm.avail_out\n state.bits < 8\n\n On return, state.mode is one of:\n\n LEN -- ran out of enough output space or enough available input\n TYPE -- reached end of block code, inflate() to interpret next block\n BAD -- error in block data\n\n Notes:\n\n - The maximum input bits used by a length/distance pair is 15 bits for the\n length code, 5 bits for the length extra, 15 bits for the distance code,\n and 13 bits for the distance extra. This totals 48 bits, or six bytes.\n Therefore if strm.avail_in >= 6, then there is enough input to avoid\n checking for available input while decoding.\n\n - The maximum bytes that a single length/distance pair can output is 258\n bytes, which is the maximum length that can be coded. inflate_fast()\n requires strm.avail_out >= 258 for each loop to avoid checking for\n output space.\n */\nmodule.exports = function inflate_fast(strm, start) {\n var state;\n var _in; /* local strm.input */\n var last; /* have enough input while in < last */\n var _out; /* local strm.output */\n var beg; /* inflate()'s initial strm.output */\n var end; /* while out < end, enough space available */\n//#ifdef INFLATE_STRICT\n var dmax; /* maximum distance from zlib header */\n//#endif\n var wsize; /* window size or zero if not using window */\n var whave; /* valid bytes in the window */\n var wnext; /* window write index */\n // Use `s_window` instead `window`, avoid conflict with instrumentation tools\n var s_window; /* allocated sliding window, if wsize != 0 */\n var hold; /* local strm.hold */\n var bits; /* local strm.bits */\n var lcode; /* local strm.lencode */\n var dcode; /* local strm.distcode */\n var lmask; /* mask for first level of length codes */\n var dmask; /* mask for first level of distance codes */\n var here; /* retrieved table entry */\n var op; /* code bits, operation, extra bits, or */\n /* window position, window bytes to copy */\n var len; /* match length, unused bytes */\n var dist; /* match distance */\n var from; /* where to copy match from */\n var from_source;\n\n\n var input, output; // JS specific, because we have no pointers\n\n /* copy state to local variables */\n state = strm.state;\n //here = state.here;\n _in = strm.next_in;\n input = strm.input;\n last = _in + (strm.avail_in - 5);\n _out = strm.next_out;\n output = strm.output;\n beg = _out - (start - strm.avail_out);\n end = _out + (strm.avail_out - 257);\n//#ifdef INFLATE_STRICT\n dmax = state.dmax;\n//#endif\n wsize = state.wsize;\n whave = state.whave;\n wnext = state.wnext;\n s_window = state.window;\n hold = state.hold;\n bits = state.bits;\n lcode = state.lencode;\n dcode = state.distcode;\n lmask = (1 << state.lenbits) - 1;\n dmask = (1 << state.distbits) - 1;\n\n\n /* decode literals and length/distances until end-of-block or not enough\n input data or output space */\n\n top:\n do {\n if (bits < 15) {\n hold += input[_in++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n hold += input[_in++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n\n here = lcode[hold & lmask];\n\n dolen:\n for (;;) { // Goto emulation\n op = here >>> 24/*here.bits*/;\n hold >>>= op;\n bits -= op;\n op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff/*here.op*/;\n if (op === 0) { /* literal */\n //Tracevv((stderr, here.val >= 0x20 && here.val < 0x7f ?\n // \"inflate: literal '%c'\\n\" :\n // \"inflate: literal 0x%02x\\n\", here.val));\n output[_out++] = here & 0xffff/*here.val*/;\n }\n else if (op & 16) { /* length base */\n len = here & 0xffff/*here.val*/;\n op &= 15; /* number of extra bits */\n if (op) {\n if (bits < op) {\n hold += input[_in++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n len += hold & ((1 << op) - 1);\n hold >>>= op;\n bits -= op;\n }\n //Tracevv((stderr, \"inflate: length %u\\n\", len));\n if (bits < 15) {\n hold += input[_in++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n hold += input[_in++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n here = dcode[hold & dmask];\n\n dodist:\n for (;;) { // goto emulation\n op = here >>> 24/*here.bits*/;\n hold >>>= op;\n bits -= op;\n op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff/*here.op*/;\n\n if (op & 16) { /* distance base */\n dist = here & 0xffff/*here.val*/;\n op &= 15; /* number of extra bits */\n if (bits < op) {\n hold += input[_in++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n if (bits < op) {\n hold += input[_in++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n }\n dist += hold & ((1 << op) - 1);\n//#ifdef INFLATE_STRICT\n if (dist > dmax) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid distance too far back';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break top;\n }\n//#endif\n hold >>>= op;\n bits -= op;\n //Tracevv((stderr, \"inflate: distance %u\\n\", dist));\n op = _out - beg; /* max distance in output */\n if (dist > op) { /* see if copy from window */\n op = dist - op; /* distance back in window */\n if (op > whave) {\n if (state.sane) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid distance too far back';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break top;\n }\n\n// (!) This block is disabled in zlib defaults,\n// don't enable it for binary compatibility\n//#ifdef INFLATE_ALLOW_INVALID_DISTANCE_TOOFAR_ARRR\n// if (len <= op - whave) {\n// do {\n// output[_out++] = 0;\n// } while (--len);\n// continue top;\n// }\n// len -= op - whave;\n// do {\n// output[_out++] = 0;\n// } while (--op > whave);\n// if (op === 0) {\n// from = _out - dist;\n// do {\n// output[_out++] = output[from++];\n// } while (--len);\n// continue top;\n// }\n//#endif\n }\n from = 0; // window index\n from_source = s_window;\n if (wnext === 0) { /* very common case */\n from += wsize - op;\n if (op < len) { /* some from window */\n len -= op;\n do {\n output[_out++] = s_window[from++];\n } while (--op);\n from = _out - dist; /* rest from output */\n from_source = output;\n }\n }\n else if (wnext < op) { /* wrap around window */\n from += wsize + wnext - op;\n op -= wnext;\n if (op < len) { /* some from end of window */\n len -= op;\n do {\n output[_out++] = s_window[from++];\n } while (--op);\n from = 0;\n if (wnext < len) { /* some from start of window */\n op = wnext;\n len -= op;\n do {\n output[_out++] = s_window[from++];\n } while (--op);\n from = _out - dist; /* rest from output */\n from_source = output;\n }\n }\n }\n else { /* contiguous in window */\n from += wnext - op;\n if (op < len) { /* some from window */\n len -= op;\n do {\n output[_out++] = s_window[from++];\n } while (--op);\n from = _out - dist; /* rest from output */\n from_source = output;\n }\n }\n while (len > 2) {\n output[_out++] = from_source[from++];\n output[_out++] = from_source[from++];\n output[_out++] = from_source[from++];\n len -= 3;\n }\n if (len) {\n output[_out++] = from_source[from++];\n if (len > 1) {\n output[_out++] = from_source[from++];\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n from = _out - dist; /* copy direct from output */\n do { /* minimum length is three */\n output[_out++] = output[from++];\n output[_out++] = output[from++];\n output[_out++] = output[from++];\n len -= 3;\n } while (len > 2);\n if (len) {\n output[_out++] = output[from++];\n if (len > 1) {\n output[_out++] = output[from++];\n }\n }\n }\n }\n else if ((op & 64) === 0) { /* 2nd level distance code */\n here = dcode[(here & 0xffff)/*here.val*/ + (hold & ((1 << op) - 1))];\n continue dodist;\n }\n else {\n strm.msg = 'invalid distance code';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break top;\n }\n\n break; // need to emulate goto via \"continue\"\n }\n }\n else if ((op & 64) === 0) { /* 2nd level length code */\n here = lcode[(here & 0xffff)/*here.val*/ + (hold & ((1 << op) - 1))];\n continue dolen;\n }\n else if (op & 32) { /* end-of-block */\n //Tracevv((stderr, \"inflate: end of block\\n\"));\n state.mode = TYPE;\n break top;\n }\n else {\n strm.msg = 'invalid literal/length code';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break top;\n }\n\n break; // need to emulate goto via \"continue\"\n }\n } while (_in < last && _out < end);\n\n /* return unused bytes (on entry, bits < 8, so in won't go too far back) */\n len = bits >> 3;\n _in -= len;\n bits -= len << 3;\n hold &= (1 << bits) - 1;\n\n /* update state and return */\n strm.next_in = _in;\n strm.next_out = _out;\n strm.avail_in = (_in < last ? 5 + (last - _in) : 5 - (_in - last));\n strm.avail_out = (_out < end ? 257 + (end - _out) : 257 - (_out - end));\n state.hold = hold;\n state.bits = bits;\n return;\n};\n" }, { "id": 18, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inftrees.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inftrees.js", "index": 21, "index2": 14, "size": 12500, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inflate.js", "issuerId": 16, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 15, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } }, { "id": 16, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 9, "building": 47, "dependencies": 9 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 9, "building": 12, "dependencies": 0 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 16, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./inftrees", "loc": "26:20-41" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 7, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\nvar utils = require('../utils/common');\n\nvar MAXBITS = 15;\nvar ENOUGH_LENS = 852;\nvar ENOUGH_DISTS = 592;\n//var ENOUGH = (ENOUGH_LENS+ENOUGH_DISTS);\n\nvar CODES = 0;\nvar LENS = 1;\nvar DISTS = 2;\n\nvar lbase = [ /* Length codes 257..285 base */\n 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31,\n 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0\n];\n\nvar lext = [ /* Length codes 257..285 extra */\n 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18,\n 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 16, 72, 78\n];\n\nvar dbase = [ /* Distance codes 0..29 base */\n 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193,\n 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145,\n 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 0, 0\n];\n\nvar dext = [ /* Distance codes 0..29 extra */\n 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22,\n 23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 27,\n 28, 28, 29, 29, 64, 64\n];\n\nmodule.exports = function inflate_table(type, lens, lens_index, codes, table, table_index, work, opts)\n{\n var bits = opts.bits;\n //here = opts.here; /* table entry for duplication */\n\n var len = 0; /* a code's length in bits */\n var sym = 0; /* index of code symbols */\n var min = 0, max = 0; /* minimum and maximum code lengths */\n var root = 0; /* number of index bits for root table */\n var curr = 0; /* number of index bits for current table */\n var drop = 0; /* code bits to drop for sub-table */\n var left = 0; /* number of prefix codes available */\n var used = 0; /* code entries in table used */\n var huff = 0; /* Huffman code */\n var incr; /* for incrementing code, index */\n var fill; /* index for replicating entries */\n var low; /* low bits for current root entry */\n var mask; /* mask for low root bits */\n var next; /* next available space in table */\n var base = null; /* base value table to use */\n var base_index = 0;\n// var shoextra; /* extra bits table to use */\n var end; /* use base and extra for symbol > end */\n var count = new utils.Buf16(MAXBITS + 1); //[MAXBITS+1]; /* number of codes of each length */\n var offs = new utils.Buf16(MAXBITS + 1); //[MAXBITS+1]; /* offsets in table for each length */\n var extra = null;\n var extra_index = 0;\n\n var here_bits, here_op, here_val;\n\n /*\n Process a set of code lengths to create a canonical Huffman code. The\n code lengths are lens[0..codes-1]. Each length corresponds to the\n symbols 0..codes-1. The Huffman code is generated by first sorting the\n symbols by length from short to long, and retaining the symbol order\n for codes with equal lengths. Then the code starts with all zero bits\n for the first code of the shortest length, and the codes are integer\n increments for the same length, and zeros are appended as the length\n increases. For the deflate format, these bits are stored backwards\n from their more natural integer increment ordering, and so when the\n decoding tables are built in the large loop below, the integer codes\n are incremented backwards.\n\n This routine assumes, but does not check, that all of the entries in\n lens[] are in the range 0..MAXBITS. The caller must assure this.\n 1..MAXBITS is interpreted as that code length. zero means that that\n symbol does not occur in this code.\n\n The codes are sorted by computing a count of codes for each length,\n creating from that a table of starting indices for each length in the\n sorted table, and then entering the symbols in order in the sorted\n table. The sorted table is work[], with that space being provided by\n the caller.\n\n The length counts are used for other purposes as well, i.e. finding\n the minimum and maximum length codes, determining if there are any\n codes at all, checking for a valid set of lengths, and looking ahead\n at length counts to determine sub-table sizes when building the\n decoding tables.\n */\n\n /* accumulate lengths for codes (assumes lens[] all in 0..MAXBITS) */\n for (len = 0; len <= MAXBITS; len++) {\n count[len] = 0;\n }\n for (sym = 0; sym < codes; sym++) {\n count[lens[lens_index + sym]]++;\n }\n\n /* bound code lengths, force root to be within code lengths */\n root = bits;\n for (max = MAXBITS; max >= 1; max--) {\n if (count[max] !== 0) { break; }\n }\n if (root > max) {\n root = max;\n }\n if (max === 0) { /* no symbols to code at all */\n //table.op[opts.table_index] = 64; //here.op = (var char)64; /* invalid code marker */\n //table.bits[opts.table_index] = 1; //here.bits = (var char)1;\n //table.val[opts.table_index++] = 0; //here.val = (var short)0;\n table[table_index++] = (1 << 24) | (64 << 16) | 0;\n\n\n //table.op[opts.table_index] = 64;\n //table.bits[opts.table_index] = 1;\n //table.val[opts.table_index++] = 0;\n table[table_index++] = (1 << 24) | (64 << 16) | 0;\n\n opts.bits = 1;\n return 0; /* no symbols, but wait for decoding to report error */\n }\n for (min = 1; min < max; min++) {\n if (count[min] !== 0) { break; }\n }\n if (root < min) {\n root = min;\n }\n\n /* check for an over-subscribed or incomplete set of lengths */\n left = 1;\n for (len = 1; len <= MAXBITS; len++) {\n left <<= 1;\n left -= count[len];\n if (left < 0) {\n return -1;\n } /* over-subscribed */\n }\n if (left > 0 && (type === CODES || max !== 1)) {\n return -1; /* incomplete set */\n }\n\n /* generate offsets into symbol table for each length for sorting */\n offs[1] = 0;\n for (len = 1; len < MAXBITS; len++) {\n offs[len + 1] = offs[len] + count[len];\n }\n\n /* sort symbols by length, by symbol order within each length */\n for (sym = 0; sym < codes; sym++) {\n if (lens[lens_index + sym] !== 0) {\n work[offs[lens[lens_index + sym]]++] = sym;\n }\n }\n\n /*\n Create and fill in decoding tables. In this loop, the table being\n filled is at next and has curr index bits. The code being used is huff\n with length len. That code is converted to an index by dropping drop\n bits off of the bottom. For codes where len is less than drop + curr,\n those top drop + curr - len bits are incremented through all values to\n fill the table with replicated entries.\n\n root is the number of index bits for the root table. When len exceeds\n root, sub-tables are created pointed to by the root entry with an index\n of the low root bits of huff. This is saved in low to check for when a\n new sub-table should be started. drop is zero when the root table is\n being filled, and drop is root when sub-tables are being filled.\n\n When a new sub-table is needed, it is necessary to look ahead in the\n code lengths to determine what size sub-table is needed. The length\n counts are used for this, and so count[] is decremented as codes are\n entered in the tables.\n\n used keeps track of how many table entries have been allocated from the\n provided *table space. It is checked for LENS and DIST tables against\n the constants ENOUGH_LENS and ENOUGH_DISTS to guard against changes in\n the initial root table size constants. See the comments in inftrees.h\n for more information.\n\n sym increments through all symbols, and the loop terminates when\n all codes of length max, i.e. all codes, have been processed. This\n routine permits incomplete codes, so another loop after this one fills\n in the rest of the decoding tables with invalid code markers.\n */\n\n /* set up for code type */\n // poor man optimization - use if-else instead of switch,\n // to avoid deopts in old v8\n if (type === CODES) {\n base = extra = work; /* dummy value--not used */\n end = 19;\n\n } else if (type === LENS) {\n base = lbase;\n base_index -= 257;\n extra = lext;\n extra_index -= 257;\n end = 256;\n\n } else { /* DISTS */\n base = dbase;\n extra = dext;\n end = -1;\n }\n\n /* initialize opts for loop */\n huff = 0; /* starting code */\n sym = 0; /* starting code symbol */\n len = min; /* starting code length */\n next = table_index; /* current table to fill in */\n curr = root; /* current table index bits */\n drop = 0; /* current bits to drop from code for index */\n low = -1; /* trigger new sub-table when len > root */\n used = 1 << root; /* use root table entries */\n mask = used - 1; /* mask for comparing low */\n\n /* check available table space */\n if ((type === LENS && used > ENOUGH_LENS) ||\n (type === DISTS && used > ENOUGH_DISTS)) {\n return 1;\n }\n\n /* process all codes and make table entries */\n for (;;) {\n /* create table entry */\n here_bits = len - drop;\n if (work[sym] < end) {\n here_op = 0;\n here_val = work[sym];\n }\n else if (work[sym] > end) {\n here_op = extra[extra_index + work[sym]];\n here_val = base[base_index + work[sym]];\n }\n else {\n here_op = 32 + 64; /* end of block */\n here_val = 0;\n }\n\n /* replicate for those indices with low len bits equal to huff */\n incr = 1 << (len - drop);\n fill = 1 << curr;\n min = fill; /* save offset to next table */\n do {\n fill -= incr;\n table[next + (huff >> drop) + fill] = (here_bits << 24) | (here_op << 16) | here_val |0;\n } while (fill !== 0);\n\n /* backwards increment the len-bit code huff */\n incr = 1 << (len - 1);\n while (huff & incr) {\n incr >>= 1;\n }\n if (incr !== 0) {\n huff &= incr - 1;\n huff += incr;\n } else {\n huff = 0;\n }\n\n /* go to next symbol, update count, len */\n sym++;\n if (--count[len] === 0) {\n if (len === max) { break; }\n len = lens[lens_index + work[sym]];\n }\n\n /* create new sub-table if needed */\n if (len > root && (huff & mask) !== low) {\n /* if first time, transition to sub-tables */\n if (drop === 0) {\n drop = root;\n }\n\n /* increment past last table */\n next += min; /* here min is 1 << curr */\n\n /* determine length of next table */\n curr = len - drop;\n left = 1 << curr;\n while (curr + drop < max) {\n left -= count[curr + drop];\n if (left <= 0) { break; }\n curr++;\n left <<= 1;\n }\n\n /* check for enough space */\n used += 1 << curr;\n if ((type === LENS && used > ENOUGH_LENS) ||\n (type === DISTS && used > ENOUGH_DISTS)) {\n return 1;\n }\n\n /* point entry in root table to sub-table */\n low = huff & mask;\n /*table.op[low] = curr;\n table.bits[low] = root;\n table.val[low] = next - opts.table_index;*/\n table[low] = (root << 24) | (curr << 16) | (next - table_index) |0;\n }\n }\n\n /* fill in remaining table entry if code is incomplete (guaranteed to have\n at most one remaining entry, since if the code is incomplete, the\n maximum code length that was allowed to get this far is one bit) */\n if (huff !== 0) {\n //table.op[next + huff] = 64; /* invalid code marker */\n //table.bits[next + huff] = len - drop;\n //table.val[next + huff] = 0;\n table[next + huff] = ((len - drop) << 24) | (64 << 16) |0;\n }\n\n /* set return parameters */\n //opts.table_index += used;\n opts.bits = root;\n return 0;\n};\n" }, { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\gzheader.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/gzheader.js", "index": 23, "index2": 17, "size": 2240, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "issuerId": 15, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 15, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 9, "building": 47, "dependencies": 9 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 15, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./zlib/gzheader", "loc": "10:19-45" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 6, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\nfunction GZheader() {\n /* true if compressed data believed to be text */\n this.text = 0;\n /* modification time */\n this.time = 0;\n /* extra flags (not used when writing a gzip file) */\n this.xflags = 0;\n /* operating system */\n this.os = 0;\n /* pointer to extra field or Z_NULL if none */\n this.extra = null;\n /* extra field length (valid if extra != Z_NULL) */\n this.extra_len = 0; // Actually, we don't need it in JS,\n // but leave for few code modifications\n\n //\n // Setup limits is not necessary because in js we should not preallocate memory\n // for inflate use constant limit in 65536 bytes\n //\n\n /* space at extra (only when reading header) */\n // this.extra_max = 0;\n /* pointer to zero-terminated file name or Z_NULL */\n this.name = '';\n /* space at name (only when reading header) */\n // this.name_max = 0;\n /* pointer to zero-terminated comment or Z_NULL */\n this.comment = '';\n /* space at comment (only when reading header) */\n // this.comm_max = 0;\n /* true if there was or will be a header crc */\n this.hcrc = 0;\n /* true when done reading gzip header (not used when writing a gzip file) */\n this.done = false;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = GZheader;\n" }, { "id": 20, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js 1f5c27d337cdd358fe6548a5eda250ca", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js + 7 modules", "index": 3, "index2": 25, "size": 33920, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": null, "issuerId": null, "issuerName": null, "issuerPath": null, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 9, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "module": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "type": 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'\\0';\r\nconst uint16 = new Uint16Array([0x00ff]);\r\nconst uint8 = new Uint8Array(uint16.buffer);\r\nconst osIsLittleEndian = uint8[0] === 0xff;\r\nexport default class PNGDecoder extends IOBuffer {\r\n constructor(data, options = {}) {\r\n super(data);\r\n const { checkCrc = false } = options;\r\n this._checkCrc = checkCrc;\r\n this._inflator = new Inflator();\r\n this._png = {\r\n width: -1,\r\n height: -1,\r\n channels: -1,\r\n data: new Uint8Array(0),\r\n depth: 1,\r\n text: {},\r\n };\r\n this._end = false;\r\n this._hasPalette = false;\r\n this._palette = [];\r\n this._compressionMethod = CompressionMethod.UNKNOWN;\r\n this._filterMethod = FilterMethod.UNKNOWN;\r\n this._interlaceMethod = InterlaceMethod.UNKNOWN;\r\n this._colorType = -1;\r\n // PNG is always big endian\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#7Integers-and-byte-order\r\n this.setBigEndian();\r\n }\r\n decode() {\r\n this.decodeSignature();\r\n while (!this._end) {\r\n this.decodeChunk();\r\n }\r\n this.decodeImage();\r\n return this._png;\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#5PNG-file-signature\r\n decodeSignature() {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < pngSignature.length; i++) {\r\n if (this.readUint8() !== pngSignature[i]) {\r\n throw new Error(`wrong PNG signature. Byte at ${i} should be ${pngSignature[i]}.`);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#5Chunk-layout\r\n decodeChunk() {\r\n const length = this.readUint32();\r\n const type = this.readChars(4);\r\n const offset = this.offset;\r\n switch (type) {\r\n // 11.2 Critical chunks\r\n case 'IHDR': // 11.2.2 IHDR Image header\r\n this.decodeIHDR();\r\n break;\r\n case 'PLTE': // 11.2.3 PLTE Palette\r\n this.decodePLTE(length);\r\n break;\r\n case 'IDAT': // 11.2.4 IDAT Image data\r\n this.decodeIDAT(length);\r\n break;\r\n case 'IEND': // 11.2.5 IEND Image trailer\r\n this._end = true;\r\n break;\r\n // 11.3 Ancillary chunks\r\n case 'tRNS': // tRNS Transparency\r\n this.decodetRNS(length);\r\n break;\r\n case 'tEXt': // tEXt Textual data\r\n this.decodetEXt(length);\r\n break;\r\n case 'pHYs': // pHYs Physical pixel dimensions\r\n this.decodepHYs();\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n this.skip(length);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if (this.offset - offset !== length) {\r\n throw new Error(`Length mismatch while decoding chunk ${type}`);\r\n }\r\n if (this._checkCrc) {\r\n const expectedCrc = this.readUint32();\r\n const crcLength = length + 4; // includes type\r\n const actualCrc = crc(new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.byteOffset + this.offset - crcLength - 4, crcLength), crcLength); // \"- 4\" because we already advanced by reading the CRC\r\n if (actualCrc !== expectedCrc) {\r\n throw new Error(`CRC mismatch for chunk ${type}. Expected ${expectedCrc}, found ${actualCrc}`);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.skip(4);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IHDR\r\n decodeIHDR() {\r\n const image = this._png;\r\n image.width = this.readUint32();\r\n image.height = this.readUint32();\r\n image.depth = checkBitDepth(this.readUint8());\r\n const colorType = this.readUint8();\r\n this._colorType = colorType;\r\n let channels;\r\n switch (colorType) {\r\n case ColorType.GREYSCALE:\r\n channels = 1;\r\n break;\r\n case ColorType.TRUECOLOUR:\r\n channels = 3;\r\n break;\r\n case ColorType.INDEXED_COLOUR:\r\n channels = 1;\r\n break;\r\n case ColorType.GREYSCALE_ALPHA:\r\n channels = 2;\r\n break;\r\n case ColorType.TRUECOLOUR_ALPHA:\r\n channels = 4;\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n throw new Error(`Unknown color type: ${colorType}`);\r\n }\r\n this._png.channels = channels;\r\n this._compressionMethod = this.readUint8();\r\n if (this._compressionMethod !== CompressionMethod.DEFLATE) {\r\n throw new Error(`Unsupported compression method: ${this._compressionMethod}`);\r\n }\r\n this._filterMethod = this.readUint8();\r\n this._interlaceMethod = this.readUint8();\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11PLTE\r\n decodePLTE(length) {\r\n if (length % 3 !== 0) {\r\n throw new RangeError(`PLTE field length must be a multiple of 3. Got ${length}`);\r\n }\r\n const l = length / 3;\r\n this._hasPalette = true;\r\n const palette = [];\r\n this._palette = palette;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {\r\n palette.push([this.readUint8(), this.readUint8(), this.readUint8()]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IDAT\r\n decodeIDAT(length) {\r\n this._inflator.push(new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.offset + this.byteOffset, length), false);\r\n this.skip(length);\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11tRNS\r\n decodetRNS(length) {\r\n // TODO: support other color types.\r\n if (this._colorType === 3) {\r\n if (length > this._palette.length) {\r\n throw new Error(`tRNS chunk contains more alpha values than there are palette colors (${length} vs ${this._palette.length})`);\r\n }\r\n let i = 0;\r\n for (; i < length; i++) {\r\n const alpha = this.readByte();\r\n this._palette[i].push(alpha);\r\n }\r\n for (; i < this._palette.length; i++) {\r\n this._palette[i].push(255);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11tEXt\r\n decodetEXt(length) {\r\n let keyword = '';\r\n let char;\r\n while ((char = this.readChar()) !== NULL) {\r\n keyword += char;\r\n }\r\n this._png.text[keyword] = this.readChars(length - keyword.length - 1);\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11pHYs\r\n decodepHYs() {\r\n const ppuX = this.readUint32();\r\n const ppuY = this.readUint32();\r\n const unitSpecifier = this.readByte();\r\n this._png.resolution = { x: ppuX, y: ppuY, unit: unitSpecifier };\r\n }\r\n decodeImage() {\r\n this._inflator.push(empty, true);\r\n if (this._inflator.err) {\r\n throw new Error(`Error while decompressing the data: ${this._inflator.err}`);\r\n }\r\n const data = this._inflator.result;\r\n if (this._filterMethod !== FilterMethod.ADAPTIVE) {\r\n throw new Error(`Filter method ${this._filterMethod} not supported`);\r\n }\r\n if (this._interlaceMethod === InterlaceMethod.NO_INTERLACE) {\r\n this.decodeInterlaceNull(data);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n throw new Error(`Interlace method ${this._interlaceMethod} not supported`);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n decodeInterlaceNull(data) {\r\n const height = this._png.height;\r\n const bytesPerPixel = (this._png.channels * this._png.depth) / 8;\r\n const bytesPerLine = this._png.width * bytesPerPixel;\r\n const newData = new Uint8Array(this._png.height * bytesPerLine);\r\n let prevLine = empty;\r\n let offset = 0;\r\n let currentLine;\r\n let newLine;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {\r\n currentLine = data.subarray(offset + 1, offset + 1 + bytesPerLine);\r\n newLine = newData.subarray(i * bytesPerLine, (i + 1) * bytesPerLine);\r\n switch (data[offset]) {\r\n case 0:\r\n unfilterNone(currentLine, newLine, bytesPerLine);\r\n break;\r\n case 1:\r\n unfilterSub(currentLine, newLine, bytesPerLine, bytesPerPixel);\r\n break;\r\n case 2:\r\n unfilterUp(currentLine, newLine, prevLine, bytesPerLine);\r\n break;\r\n case 3:\r\n unfilterAverage(currentLine, newLine, prevLine, bytesPerLine, bytesPerPixel);\r\n break;\r\n case 4:\r\n unfilterPaeth(currentLine, newLine, prevLine, bytesPerLine, bytesPerPixel);\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n throw new Error(`Unsupported filter: ${data[offset]}`);\r\n }\r\n prevLine = newLine;\r\n offset += bytesPerLine + 1;\r\n }\r\n if (this._hasPalette) {\r\n this._png.palette = this._palette;\r\n }\r\n if (this._png.depth === 16) {\r\n const uint16Data = new Uint16Array(newData.buffer);\r\n if (osIsLittleEndian) {\r\n for (let k = 0; k < uint16Data.length; k++) {\r\n // PNG is always big endian. Swap the bytes.\r\n uint16Data[k] = swap16(uint16Data[k]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this._png.data = uint16Data;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this._png.data = newData;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction unfilterNone(currentLine, newLine, bytesPerLine) {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = currentLine[i];\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction unfilterSub(currentLine, newLine, bytesPerLine, bytesPerPixel) {\r\n let i = 0;\r\n for (; i < bytesPerPixel; i++) {\r\n // just copy first bytes\r\n newLine[i] = currentLine[i];\r\n }\r\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = (currentLine[i] + newLine[i - bytesPerPixel]) & 0xff;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction unfilterUp(currentLine, newLine, prevLine, bytesPerLine) {\r\n let i = 0;\r\n if (prevLine.length === 0) {\r\n // just copy bytes for first line\r\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = currentLine[i];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = (currentLine[i] + prevLine[i]) & 0xff;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction unfilterAverage(currentLine, newLine, prevLine, bytesPerLine, bytesPerPixel) {\r\n let i = 0;\r\n if (prevLine.length === 0) {\r\n for (; i < bytesPerPixel; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = currentLine[i];\r\n }\r\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = (currentLine[i] + (newLine[i - bytesPerPixel] >> 1)) & 0xff;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n for (; i < bytesPerPixel; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = (currentLine[i] + (prevLine[i] >> 1)) & 0xff;\r\n }\r\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] =\r\n (currentLine[i] + ((newLine[i - bytesPerPixel] + prevLine[i]) >> 1)) &\r\n 0xff;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction unfilterPaeth(currentLine, newLine, prevLine, bytesPerLine, bytesPerPixel) {\r\n let i = 0;\r\n if (prevLine.length === 0) {\r\n for (; i < bytesPerPixel; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = currentLine[i];\r\n }\r\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = (currentLine[i] + newLine[i - bytesPerPixel]) & 0xff;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n for (; i < bytesPerPixel; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = (currentLine[i] + prevLine[i]) & 0xff;\r\n }\r\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] =\r\n (currentLine[i] +\r\n paethPredictor(newLine[i - bytesPerPixel], prevLine[i], prevLine[i - bytesPerPixel])) &\r\n 0xff;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction paethPredictor(a, b, c) {\r\n const p = a + b - c;\r\n const pa = Math.abs(p - a);\r\n const pb = Math.abs(p - b);\r\n const pc = Math.abs(p - c);\r\n if (pa <= pb && pa <= pc)\r\n return a;\r\n else if (pb <= pc)\r\n return b;\r\n else\r\n return c;\r\n}\r\nfunction swap16(val) {\r\n return ((val & 0xff) << 8) | ((val >> 8) & 0xff);\r\n}\r\nfunction checkBitDepth(value) {\r\n if (value !== 1 &&\r\n value !== 2 &&\r\n value !== 4 &&\r\n value !== 8 &&\r\n value !== 16) {\r\n throw new Error(`invalid bit depth: ${value}`);\r\n }\r\n return value;\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=PNGDecoder.js.map" }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGEncoder.js", "name": 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"source": "import { IOBuffer } from 'iobuffer';\r\nimport { deflate } from 'pako';\r\nimport { pngSignature, crc } from './common';\r\nimport { ColorType, CompressionMethod, FilterMethod, InterlaceMethod, } from './internalTypes';\r\nconst defaultZlibOptions = {\r\n level: 3,\r\n};\r\nexport default class PNGEncoder extends IOBuffer {\r\n constructor(data, options = {}) {\r\n super();\r\n this._colorType = ColorType.UNKNOWN;\r\n this._zlibOptions = Object.assign({}, defaultZlibOptions, options.zlib);\r\n this._png = this._checkData(data);\r\n this.setBigEndian();\r\n }\r\n encode() {\r\n this.encodeSignature();\r\n this.encodeIHDR();\r\n this.encodeData();\r\n this.encodeIEND();\r\n return this.toArray();\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#5PNG-file-signature\r\n encodeSignature() {\r\n this.writeBytes(pngSignature);\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IHDR\r\n encodeIHDR() {\r\n this.writeUint32(13);\r\n this.writeChars('IHDR');\r\n this.writeUint32(this._png.width);\r\n this.writeUint32(this._png.height);\r\n this.writeByte(this._png.depth);\r\n this.writeByte(this._colorType);\r\n this.writeByte(CompressionMethod.DEFLATE);\r\n this.writeByte(FilterMethod.ADAPTIVE);\r\n this.writeByte(InterlaceMethod.NO_INTERLACE);\r\n this.writeCrc(17);\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IEND\r\n encodeIEND() {\r\n this.writeUint32(0);\r\n this.writeChars('IEND');\r\n this.writeCrc(4);\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IDAT\r\n encodeIDAT(data) {\r\n this.writeUint32(data.length);\r\n this.writeChars('IDAT');\r\n this.writeBytes(data);\r\n this.writeCrc(data.length + 4);\r\n }\r\n encodeData() {\r\n const { width, height, channels, depth, data } = this._png;\r\n const slotsPerLine = channels * width;\r\n const newData = new IOBuffer().setBigEndian();\r\n let offset = 0;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {\r\n newData.writeByte(0); // no filter\r\n /* istanbul ignore else */\r\n if (depth === 8) {\r\n offset = writeDataBytes(data, newData, slotsPerLine, offset);\r\n }\r\n else if (depth === 16) {\r\n offset = writeDataUint16(data, newData, slotsPerLine, offset);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n throw new Error('unreachable');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const buffer = newData.toArray();\r\n const compressed = deflate(buffer, this._zlibOptions);\r\n this.encodeIDAT(compressed);\r\n }\r\n _checkData(data) {\r\n const { colorType, channels, depth } = getColorType(data);\r\n const png = {\r\n width: checkInteger(data.width, 'width'),\r\n height: checkInteger(data.height, 'height'),\r\n channels: channels,\r\n data: data.data,\r\n depth: depth,\r\n text: {},\r\n };\r\n this._colorType = colorType;\r\n const expectedSize = png.width * png.height * channels;\r\n if (png.data.length !== expectedSize) {\r\n throw new RangeError(`wrong data size. Found ${png.data.length}, expected ${expectedSize}`);\r\n }\r\n return png;\r\n }\r\n writeCrc(length) {\r\n this.writeUint32(crc(new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.byteOffset + this.offset - length, length), length));\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction checkInteger(value, name) {\r\n if (Number.isInteger(value) && value > 0) {\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n throw new TypeError(`${name} must be a positive integer`);\r\n}\r\nfunction getColorType(data) {\r\n const { channels = 4, depth = 8 } = data;\r\n if (channels !== 4 && channels !== 3 && channels !== 2 && channels !== 1) {\r\n throw new RangeError(`unsupported number of channels: ${channels}`);\r\n }\r\n if (depth !== 8 && depth !== 16) {\r\n throw new RangeError(`unsupported bit depth: ${depth}`);\r\n }\r\n const returnValue = { channels, depth, colorType: ColorType.UNKNOWN };\r\n switch (channels) {\r\n case 4:\r\n returnValue.colorType = ColorType.TRUECOLOUR_ALPHA;\r\n break;\r\n case 3:\r\n returnValue.colorType = ColorType.TRUECOLOUR;\r\n break;\r\n case 1:\r\n returnValue.colorType = ColorType.GREYSCALE;\r\n break;\r\n case 2:\r\n returnValue.colorType = ColorType.GREYSCALE_ALPHA;\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n throw new Error(`unsupported number of channels: ${channels}`);\r\n }\r\n return returnValue;\r\n}\r\nfunction writeDataBytes(data, newData, slotsPerLine, offset) {\r\n for (let j = 0; j < slotsPerLine; j++) {\r\n newData.writeByte(data[offset++]);\r\n }\r\n return offset;\r\n}\r\nfunction writeDataUint16(data, newData, slotsPerLine, offset) {\r\n for (let j = 0; j < slotsPerLine; j++) {\r\n newData.writeUint16(data[offset++]);\r\n }\r\n return offset;\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=PNGEncoder.js.map" }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\types.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/types.js", "index": 27, "index2": 24, "size": 419, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [], "issuer": 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\"UNKNOWN\";\r\n /**\r\n * Unit is the metre\r\n */\r\n ResolutionUnitSpecifier[ResolutionUnitSpecifier[\"METRE\"] = 1] = \"METRE\";\r\n})(ResolutionUnitSpecifier || (ResolutionUnitSpecifier = {}));\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=types.js.map" }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\iobuffer\\lib-esm\\IOBuffer.js", "name": "./node_modules/iobuffer/lib-esm/IOBuffer.js", "index": 5, "index2": 3, "size": 13016, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "issuerId": null, "issuerName": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, 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specifier", "userRequest": "iobuffer", "loc": "10:40-48" }, { "moduleId": null, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGEncoder.js", "module": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGEncoder.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGEncoder.js", "type": "harmony import specifier", "userRequest": "iobuffer", "loc": "56:28-36" } ], "usedExports": [ "IOBuffer" ], "providedExports": [ "IOBuffer" ], "optimizationBailout": [], "depth": 4, "source": "import { decode, encode } from './utf8';\r\nconst defaultByteLength = 1024 * 8;\r\nexport class IOBuffer {\r\n /**\r\n * @param data - The data to construct the IOBuffer with.\r\n * If data is a number, it will be the new buffer's length
              \r\n * If data is `undefined`, the buffer will be initialized with a default length of 8Kb
              \r\n * If data is an ArrayBuffer, SharedArrayBuffer, an ArrayBufferView (Typed Array), an IOBuffer instance,\r\n * or a Node.js Buffer, a view will be created over the underlying ArrayBuffer.\r\n * @param options\r\n */\r\n constructor(data = defaultByteLength, options = {}) {\r\n let dataIsGiven = false;\r\n if (typeof data === 'number') {\r\n data = new ArrayBuffer(data);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n dataIsGiven = true;\r\n this.lastWrittenByte = data.byteLength;\r\n }\r\n const offset = options.offset ? options.offset >>> 0 : 0;\r\n const byteLength = data.byteLength - offset;\r\n let dvOffset = offset;\r\n if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data) || data instanceof IOBuffer) {\r\n if (data.byteLength !== data.buffer.byteLength) {\r\n dvOffset = data.byteOffset + offset;\r\n }\r\n data = data.buffer;\r\n }\r\n if (dataIsGiven) {\r\n this.lastWrittenByte = byteLength;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.lastWrittenByte = 0;\r\n }\r\n this.buffer = data;\r\n this.length = byteLength;\r\n this.byteLength = byteLength;\r\n this.byteOffset = dvOffset;\r\n this.offset = 0;\r\n this.littleEndian = true;\r\n this._data = new DataView(this.buffer, dvOffset, byteLength);\r\n this._mark = 0;\r\n this._marks = [];\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Checks if the memory allocated to the buffer is sufficient to store more\r\n * bytes after the offset.\r\n * @param byteLength - The needed memory in bytes.\r\n * @returns `true` if there is sufficient space and `false` otherwise.\r\n */\r\n available(byteLength = 1) {\r\n return this.offset + byteLength <= this.length;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Check if little-endian mode is used for reading and writing multi-byte\r\n * values.\r\n * @returns `true` if little-endian mode is used, `false` otherwise.\r\n */\r\n isLittleEndian() {\r\n return this.littleEndian;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Set little-endian mode for reading and writing multi-byte values.\r\n */\r\n setLittleEndian() {\r\n this.littleEndian = true;\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Check if big-endian mode is used for reading and writing multi-byte values.\r\n * @returns `true` if big-endian mode is used, `false` otherwise.\r\n */\r\n isBigEndian() {\r\n return !this.littleEndian;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Switches to big-endian mode for reading and writing multi-byte values.\r\n */\r\n setBigEndian() {\r\n this.littleEndian = false;\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Move the pointer n bytes forward.\r\n * @param n - Number of bytes to skip.\r\n */\r\n skip(n = 1) {\r\n this.offset += n;\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Move the pointer to the given offset.\r\n * @param offset\r\n */\r\n seek(offset) {\r\n this.offset = offset;\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Store the current pointer offset.\r\n * @see {@link IOBuffer#reset}\r\n */\r\n mark() {\r\n this._mark = this.offset;\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Move the pointer back to the last pointer offset set by mark.\r\n * @see {@link IOBuffer#mark}\r\n */\r\n reset() {\r\n this.offset = this._mark;\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Push the current pointer offset to the mark stack.\r\n * @see {@link IOBuffer#popMark}\r\n */\r\n pushMark() {\r\n this._marks.push(this.offset);\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Pop the last pointer offset from the mark stack, and set the current\r\n * pointer offset to the popped value.\r\n * @see {@link IOBuffer#pushMark}\r\n */\r\n popMark() {\r\n const offset = this._marks.pop();\r\n if (offset === undefined) {\r\n throw new Error('Mark stack empty');\r\n }\r\n this.seek(offset);\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Move the pointer offset back to 0.\r\n */\r\n rewind() {\r\n this.offset = 0;\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Make sure the buffer has sufficient memory to write a given byteLength at\r\n * the current pointer offset.\r\n * If the buffer's memory is insufficient, this method will create a new\r\n * buffer (a copy) with a length that is twice (byteLength + current offset).\r\n * @param byteLength\r\n */\r\n ensureAvailable(byteLength = 1) {\r\n if (!this.available(byteLength)) {\r\n const lengthNeeded = this.offset + byteLength;\r\n const newLength = lengthNeeded * 2;\r\n const newArray = new Uint8Array(newLength);\r\n newArray.set(new Uint8Array(this.buffer));\r\n this.buffer = newArray.buffer;\r\n this.length = this.byteLength = newLength;\r\n this._data = new DataView(this.buffer);\r\n }\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read a byte and return false if the byte's value is 0, or true otherwise.\r\n * Moves pointer forward by one byte.\r\n */\r\n readBoolean() {\r\n return this.readUint8() !== 0;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read a signed 8-bit integer and move pointer forward by 1 byte.\r\n */\r\n readInt8() {\r\n return this._data.getInt8(this.offset++);\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read an unsigned 8-bit integer and move pointer forward by 1 byte.\r\n */\r\n readUint8() {\r\n return this._data.getUint8(this.offset++);\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Alias for {@link IOBuffer#readUint8}.\r\n */\r\n readByte() {\r\n return this.readUint8();\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read `n` bytes and move pointer forward by `n` bytes.\r\n */\r\n readBytes(n = 1) {\r\n const bytes = new Uint8Array(n);\r\n for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {\r\n bytes[i] = this.readByte();\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read a 16-bit signed integer and move pointer forward by 2 bytes.\r\n */\r\n readInt16() {\r\n const value = this._data.getInt16(this.offset, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 2;\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read a 16-bit unsigned integer and move pointer forward by 2 bytes.\r\n */\r\n readUint16() {\r\n const value = this._data.getUint16(this.offset, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 2;\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read a 32-bit signed integer and move pointer forward by 4 bytes.\r\n */\r\n readInt32() {\r\n const value = this._data.getInt32(this.offset, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 4;\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read a 32-bit unsigned integer and move pointer forward by 4 bytes.\r\n */\r\n readUint32() {\r\n const value = this._data.getUint32(this.offset, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 4;\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read a 32-bit floating number and move pointer forward by 4 bytes.\r\n */\r\n readFloat32() {\r\n const value = this._data.getFloat32(this.offset, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 4;\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read a 64-bit floating number and move pointer forward by 8 bytes.\r\n */\r\n readFloat64() {\r\n const value = this._data.getFloat64(this.offset, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 8;\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read a 1-byte ASCII character and move pointer forward by 1 byte.\r\n */\r\n readChar() {\r\n return String.fromCharCode(this.readInt8());\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read `n` 1-byte ASCII characters and move pointer forward by `n` bytes.\r\n */\r\n readChars(n = 1) {\r\n let result = '';\r\n for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {\r\n result += this.readChar();\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read the next `n` bytes, return a UTF-8 decoded string and move pointer\r\n * forward by `n` bytes.\r\n */\r\n readUtf8(n = 1) {\r\n return decode(this.readBytes(n));\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write 0xff if the passed value is truthy, 0x00 otherwise and move pointer\r\n * forward by 1 byte.\r\n */\r\n writeBoolean(value) {\r\n this.writeUint8(value ? 0xff : 0x00);\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write `value` as an 8-bit signed integer and move pointer forward by 1 byte.\r\n */\r\n writeInt8(value) {\r\n this.ensureAvailable(1);\r\n this._data.setInt8(this.offset++, value);\r\n this._updateLastWrittenByte();\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write `value` as an 8-bit unsigned integer and move pointer forward by 1\r\n * byte.\r\n */\r\n writeUint8(value) {\r\n this.ensureAvailable(1);\r\n this._data.setUint8(this.offset++, value);\r\n this._updateLastWrittenByte();\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * An alias for {@link IOBuffer#writeUint8}.\r\n */\r\n writeByte(value) {\r\n return this.writeUint8(value);\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write all elements of `bytes` as uint8 values and move pointer forward by\r\n * `bytes.length` bytes.\r\n */\r\n writeBytes(bytes) {\r\n this.ensureAvailable(bytes.length);\r\n for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {\r\n this._data.setUint8(this.offset++, bytes[i]);\r\n }\r\n this._updateLastWrittenByte();\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write `value` as a 16-bit signed integer and move pointer forward by 2\r\n * bytes.\r\n */\r\n writeInt16(value) {\r\n this.ensureAvailable(2);\r\n this._data.setInt16(this.offset, value, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 2;\r\n this._updateLastWrittenByte();\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write `value` as a 16-bit unsigned integer and move pointer forward by 2\r\n * bytes.\r\n */\r\n writeUint16(value) {\r\n this.ensureAvailable(2);\r\n this._data.setUint16(this.offset, value, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 2;\r\n this._updateLastWrittenByte();\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write `value` as a 32-bit signed integer and move pointer forward by 4\r\n * bytes.\r\n */\r\n writeInt32(value) {\r\n this.ensureAvailable(4);\r\n this._data.setInt32(this.offset, value, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 4;\r\n this._updateLastWrittenByte();\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write `value` as a 32-bit unsigned integer and move pointer forward by 4\r\n * bytes.\r\n */\r\n writeUint32(value) {\r\n this.ensureAvailable(4);\r\n this._data.setUint32(this.offset, value, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 4;\r\n this._updateLastWrittenByte();\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write `value` as a 32-bit floating number and move pointer forward by 4\r\n * bytes.\r\n */\r\n writeFloat32(value) {\r\n this.ensureAvailable(4);\r\n this._data.setFloat32(this.offset, value, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 4;\r\n this._updateLastWrittenByte();\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write `value` as a 64-bit floating number and move pointer forward by 8\r\n * bytes.\r\n */\r\n writeFloat64(value) {\r\n this.ensureAvailable(8);\r\n this._data.setFloat64(this.offset, value, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 8;\r\n this._updateLastWrittenByte();\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write the charCode of `str`'s first character as an 8-bit unsigned integer\r\n * and move pointer forward by 1 byte.\r\n */\r\n writeChar(str) {\r\n return this.writeUint8(str.charCodeAt(0));\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write the charCodes of all `str`'s characters as 8-bit unsigned integers\r\n * and move pointer forward by `str.length` bytes.\r\n */\r\n writeChars(str) {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {\r\n this.writeUint8(str.charCodeAt(i));\r\n }\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * UTF-8 encode and write `str` to the current pointer offset and move pointer\r\n * forward according to the encoded length.\r\n */\r\n writeUtf8(str) {\r\n return this.writeBytes(encode(str));\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Export a Uint8Array view of the internal buffer.\r\n * The view starts at the byte offset and its length\r\n * is calculated to stop at the last written byte or the original length.\r\n */\r\n toArray() {\r\n return new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.byteOffset, this.lastWrittenByte);\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Update the last written byte offset\r\n * @private\r\n */\r\n _updateLastWrittenByte() {\r\n if (this.offset > this.lastWrittenByte) {\r\n this.lastWrittenByte = this.offset;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=IOBuffer.js.map" }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\common.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/common.js", "index": 24, "index2": 20, "size": 700, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "issuerId": null, "issuerName": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": 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}\n\n for (var p in source) {\n if (_has(source, p)) {\n obj[p] = source[p];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return obj;\n};\n\n\n// reduce buffer size, avoiding mem copy\nexports.shrinkBuf = function (buf, size) {\n if (buf.length === size) { return buf; }\n if (buf.subarray) { return buf.subarray(0, size); }\n buf.length = size;\n return buf;\n};\n\n\nvar fnTyped = {\n arraySet: function (dest, src, src_offs, len, dest_offs) {\n if (src.subarray && dest.subarray) {\n dest.set(src.subarray(src_offs, src_offs + len), dest_offs);\n return;\n }\n // Fallback to ordinary array\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n dest[dest_offs + i] = src[src_offs + i];\n }\n },\n // Join array of chunks to single array.\n flattenChunks: function (chunks) {\n var i, l, len, pos, chunk, result;\n\n // calculate data length\n len = 0;\n for (i = 0, l = chunks.length; i < l; i++) {\n len += chunks[i].length;\n }\n\n // join chunks\n result = new Uint8Array(len);\n pos = 0;\n for (i = 0, l = chunks.length; i < l; i++) {\n chunk = chunks[i];\n result.set(chunk, pos);\n pos += chunk.length;\n }\n\n return result;\n }\n};\n\nvar fnUntyped = {\n arraySet: function (dest, src, src_offs, len, dest_offs) {\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n dest[dest_offs + i] = src[src_offs + i];\n }\n },\n // Join array of chunks to single array.\n flattenChunks: function (chunks) {\n return [].concat.apply([], chunks);\n }\n};\n\n\n// Enable/Disable typed arrays use, for testing\n//\nexports.setTyped = function (on) {\n if (on) {\n exports.Buf8 = Uint8Array;\n exports.Buf16 = Uint16Array;\n exports.Buf32 = Int32Array;\n exports.assign(exports, fnTyped);\n } else {\n exports.Buf8 = Array;\n exports.Buf16 = Array;\n exports.Buf32 = Array;\n exports.assign(exports, fnUntyped);\n }\n};\n\nexports.setTyped(TYPED_OK);\n" }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "index": 8, "index2": 19, "size": 347, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, 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require('./lib/utils/common').assign;\n\nvar deflate = require('./lib/deflate');\nvar inflate = require('./lib/inflate');\nvar constants = require('./lib/zlib/constants');\n\nvar pako = {};\n\nassign(pako, deflate, inflate, constants);\n\nmodule.exports = pako;\n" }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\messages.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/messages.js", "index": 15, "index2": 8, "size": 1538, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "issuerId": 12, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, 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"dependencies": 8 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 16, "building": 21, "dependencies": 2 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 12, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./zlib/messages", "loc": "7:19-45" }, { "moduleId": 13, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./messages", "loc": "26:14-35" }, { "moduleId": 15, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./zlib/messages", "loc": "8:19-45" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 6, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\nmodule.exports = {\n 2: 'need dictionary', /* Z_NEED_DICT 2 */\n 1: 'stream end', /* Z_STREAM_END 1 */\n 0: '', /* Z_OK 0 */\n '-1': 'file error', /* Z_ERRNO (-1) */\n '-2': 'stream error', /* Z_STREAM_ERROR (-2) */\n '-3': 'data error', /* Z_DATA_ERROR (-3) */\n '-4': 'insufficient memory', /* Z_MEM_ERROR (-4) */\n '-5': 'buffer error', /* Z_BUF_ERROR (-5) */\n '-6': 'incompatible version' /* Z_VERSION_ERROR (-6) */\n};\n" }, { "id": 3, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\adler32.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/adler32.js", "index": 13, "index2": 6, "size": 1656, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "issuerId": 13, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } }, { "id": 13, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 16, "building": 21, "dependencies": 2 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 40, "building": 27, "dependencies": 0 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 13, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./adler32", "loc": "24:14-34" }, { "moduleId": 16, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./adler32", "loc": "23:20-40" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 7, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// Note: adler32 takes 12% for level 0 and 2% for level 6.\n// It isn't worth it to make additional optimizations as in original.\n// Small size is preferable.\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\nfunction adler32(adler, buf, len, pos) {\n var s1 = (adler & 0xffff) |0,\n s2 = ((adler >>> 16) & 0xffff) |0,\n n = 0;\n\n while (len !== 0) {\n // Set limit ~ twice less than 5552, to keep\n // s2 in 31-bits, because we force signed ints.\n // in other case %= will fail.\n n = len > 2000 ? 2000 : len;\n len -= n;\n\n do {\n s1 = (s1 + buf[pos++]) |0;\n s2 = (s2 + s1) |0;\n } while (--n);\n\n s1 %= 65521;\n s2 %= 65521;\n }\n\n return (s1 | (s2 << 16)) |0;\n}\n\n\nmodule.exports = adler32;\n" }, { "id": 4, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\crc32.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/crc32.js", "index": 14, "index2": 7, "size": 1750, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "issuerId": 13, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } }, { "id": 13, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 16, "building": 21, "dependencies": 2 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 40, "building": 27, "dependencies": 0 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 13, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./crc32", "loc": "25:14-32" }, { "moduleId": 16, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./crc32", "loc": "24:20-38" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 7, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// Note: we can't get significant speed boost here.\n// So write code to minimize size - no pregenerated tables\n// and array tools dependencies.\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\n// Use ordinary array, since untyped makes no boost here\nfunction makeTable() {\n var c, table = [];\n\n for (var n = 0; n < 256; n++) {\n c = n;\n for (var k = 0; k < 8; k++) {\n c = ((c & 1) ? (0xEDB88320 ^ (c >>> 1)) : (c >>> 1));\n }\n table[n] = c;\n }\n\n return table;\n}\n\n// Create table on load. Just 255 signed longs. Not a problem.\nvar crcTable = makeTable();\n\n\nfunction crc32(crc, buf, len, pos) {\n var t = crcTable,\n end = pos + len;\n\n crc ^= -1;\n\n for (var i = pos; i < end; i++) {\n crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ t[(crc ^ buf[i]) & 0xFF];\n }\n\n return (crc ^ (-1)); // >>> 0;\n}\n\n\nmodule.exports = crc32;\n" }, { "id": 5, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\utils\\strings.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/utils/strings.js", "index": 16, "index2": 10, "size": 5293, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "issuerId": 12, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 16, "building": 21, "dependencies": 2 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 12, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./utils/strings", "loc": "6:19-45" }, { "moduleId": 15, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./utils/strings", "loc": "6:19-45" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 6, "source": "// String encode/decode helpers\n'use strict';\n\n\nvar utils = require('./common');\n\n\n// Quick check if we can use fast array to bin string conversion\n//\n// - apply(Array) can fail on Android 2.2\n// - apply(Uint8Array) can fail on iOS 5.1 Safari\n//\nvar STR_APPLY_OK = true;\nvar STR_APPLY_UIA_OK = true;\n\ntry { String.fromCharCode.apply(null, [ 0 ]); } catch (__) { STR_APPLY_OK = false; }\ntry { String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(1)); } catch (__) { STR_APPLY_UIA_OK = false; }\n\n\n// Table with utf8 lengths (calculated by first byte of sequence)\n// Note, that 5 & 6-byte values and some 4-byte values can not be represented in JS,\n// because max possible codepoint is 0x10ffff\nvar _utf8len = new utils.Buf8(256);\nfor (var q = 0; q < 256; q++) {\n _utf8len[q] = (q >= 252 ? 6 : q >= 248 ? 5 : q >= 240 ? 4 : q >= 224 ? 3 : q >= 192 ? 2 : 1);\n}\n_utf8len[254] = _utf8len[254] = 1; // Invalid sequence start\n\n\n// convert string to array (typed, when possible)\nexports.string2buf = function (str) {\n var buf, c, c2, m_pos, i, str_len = str.length, buf_len = 0;\n\n // count binary size\n for (m_pos = 0; m_pos < str_len; m_pos++) {\n c = str.charCodeAt(m_pos);\n if ((c & 0xfc00) === 0xd800 && (m_pos + 1 < str_len)) {\n c2 = str.charCodeAt(m_pos + 1);\n if ((c2 & 0xfc00) === 0xdc00) {\n c = 0x10000 + ((c - 0xd800) << 10) + (c2 - 0xdc00);\n m_pos++;\n }\n }\n buf_len += c < 0x80 ? 1 : c < 0x800 ? 2 : c < 0x10000 ? 3 : 4;\n }\n\n // allocate buffer\n buf = new utils.Buf8(buf_len);\n\n // convert\n for (i = 0, m_pos = 0; i < buf_len; m_pos++) {\n c = str.charCodeAt(m_pos);\n if ((c & 0xfc00) === 0xd800 && (m_pos + 1 < str_len)) {\n c2 = str.charCodeAt(m_pos + 1);\n if ((c2 & 0xfc00) === 0xdc00) {\n c = 0x10000 + ((c - 0xd800) << 10) + (c2 - 0xdc00);\n m_pos++;\n }\n }\n if (c < 0x80) {\n /* one byte */\n buf[i++] = c;\n } else if (c < 0x800) {\n /* two bytes */\n buf[i++] = 0xC0 | (c >>> 6);\n buf[i++] = 0x80 | (c & 0x3f);\n } else if (c < 0x10000) {\n /* three bytes */\n buf[i++] = 0xE0 | (c >>> 12);\n buf[i++] = 0x80 | (c >>> 6 & 0x3f);\n buf[i++] = 0x80 | (c & 0x3f);\n } else {\n /* four bytes */\n buf[i++] = 0xf0 | (c >>> 18);\n buf[i++] = 0x80 | (c >>> 12 & 0x3f);\n buf[i++] = 0x80 | (c >>> 6 & 0x3f);\n buf[i++] = 0x80 | (c & 0x3f);\n }\n }\n\n return buf;\n};\n\n// Helper (used in 2 places)\nfunction buf2binstring(buf, len) {\n // On Chrome, the arguments in a function call that are allowed is `65534`.\n // If the length of the buffer is smaller than that, we can use this optimization,\n // otherwise we will take a slower path.\n if (len < 65534) {\n if ((buf.subarray && STR_APPLY_UIA_OK) || (!buf.subarray && STR_APPLY_OK)) {\n return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, utils.shrinkBuf(buf, len));\n }\n }\n\n var result = '';\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n result += String.fromCharCode(buf[i]);\n }\n return result;\n}\n\n\n// Convert byte array to binary string\nexports.buf2binstring = function (buf) {\n return buf2binstring(buf, buf.length);\n};\n\n\n// Convert binary string (typed, when possible)\nexports.binstring2buf = function (str) {\n var buf = new utils.Buf8(str.length);\n for (var i = 0, len = buf.length; i < len; i++) {\n buf[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);\n }\n return buf;\n};\n\n\n// convert array to string\nexports.buf2string = function (buf, max) {\n var i, out, c, c_len;\n var len = max || buf.length;\n\n // Reserve max possible length (2 words per char)\n // NB: by unknown reasons, Array is significantly faster for\n // String.fromCharCode.apply than Uint16Array.\n var utf16buf = new Array(len * 2);\n\n for (out = 0, i = 0; i < len;) {\n c = buf[i++];\n // quick process ascii\n if (c < 0x80) { utf16buf[out++] = c; continue; }\n\n c_len = _utf8len[c];\n // skip 5 & 6 byte codes\n if (c_len > 4) { utf16buf[out++] = 0xfffd; i += c_len - 1; continue; }\n\n // apply mask on first byte\n c &= c_len === 2 ? 0x1f : c_len === 3 ? 0x0f : 0x07;\n // join the rest\n while (c_len > 1 && i < len) {\n c = (c << 6) | (buf[i++] & 0x3f);\n c_len--;\n }\n\n // terminated by end of string?\n if (c_len > 1) { utf16buf[out++] = 0xfffd; continue; }\n\n if (c < 0x10000) {\n utf16buf[out++] = c;\n } else {\n c -= 0x10000;\n utf16buf[out++] = 0xd800 | ((c >> 10) & 0x3ff);\n utf16buf[out++] = 0xdc00 | (c & 0x3ff);\n }\n }\n\n return buf2binstring(utf16buf, out);\n};\n\n\n// Calculate max possible position in utf8 buffer,\n// that will not break sequence. If that's not possible\n// - (very small limits) return max size as is.\n//\n// buf[] - utf8 bytes array\n// max - length limit (mandatory);\nexports.utf8border = function (buf, max) {\n var pos;\n\n max = max || buf.length;\n if (max > buf.length) { max = buf.length; }\n\n // go back from last position, until start of sequence found\n pos = max - 1;\n while (pos >= 0 && (buf[pos] & 0xC0) === 0x80) { pos--; }\n\n // Very small and broken sequence,\n // return max, because we should return something anyway.\n if (pos < 0) { return max; }\n\n // If we came to start of buffer - that means buffer is too small,\n // return max too.\n if (pos === 0) { return max; }\n\n return (pos + _utf8len[buf[pos]] > max) ? pos : max;\n};\n" }, { "id": 6, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\zstream.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/zstream.js", "index": 17, "index2": 11, "size": 1811, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "issuerId": 12, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 16, "building": 21, "dependencies": 2 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 12, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./zlib/zstream", "loc": "8:19-44" }, { "moduleId": 15, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./zlib/zstream", "loc": "9:19-44" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 6, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\nfunction ZStream() {\n /* next input byte */\n this.input = null; // JS specific, because we have no pointers\n this.next_in = 0;\n /* number of bytes available at input */\n this.avail_in = 0;\n /* total number of input bytes read so far */\n this.total_in = 0;\n /* next output byte should be put there */\n this.output = null; // JS specific, because we have no pointers\n this.next_out = 0;\n /* remaining free space at output */\n this.avail_out = 0;\n /* total number of bytes output so far */\n this.total_out = 0;\n /* last error message, NULL if no error */\n this.msg = ''/*Z_NULL*/;\n /* not visible by applications */\n this.state = null;\n /* best guess about the data type: binary or text */\n this.data_type = 2/*Z_UNKNOWN*/;\n /* adler32 value of the uncompressed data */\n this.adler = 0;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = ZStream;\n" }, { "id": 7, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\constants.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/constants.js", "index": 22, "index2": 16, "size": 2312, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "issuerId": 1, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 1, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./lib/zlib/constants", "loc": "8:16-47" }, { "moduleId": 15, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./zlib/constants", "loc": "7:19-46" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 5, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\nmodule.exports = {\n\n /* Allowed flush values; see deflate() and inflate() below for details */\n Z_NO_FLUSH: 0,\n Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH: 1,\n Z_SYNC_FLUSH: 2,\n Z_FULL_FLUSH: 3,\n Z_FINISH: 4,\n Z_BLOCK: 5,\n Z_TREES: 6,\n\n /* Return codes for the compression/decompression functions. Negative values\n * are errors, positive values are used for special but normal events.\n */\n Z_OK: 0,\n Z_STREAM_END: 1,\n Z_NEED_DICT: 2,\n Z_ERRNO: -1,\n Z_STREAM_ERROR: -2,\n Z_DATA_ERROR: -3,\n //Z_MEM_ERROR: -4,\n Z_BUF_ERROR: -5,\n //Z_VERSION_ERROR: -6,\n\n /* compression levels */\n Z_NO_COMPRESSION: 0,\n Z_BEST_SPEED: 1,\n Z_BEST_COMPRESSION: 9,\n Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION: -1,\n\n\n Z_FILTERED: 1,\n Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY: 2,\n Z_RLE: 3,\n Z_FIXED: 4,\n Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY: 0,\n\n /* Possible values of the data_type field (though see inflate()) */\n Z_BINARY: 0,\n Z_TEXT: 1,\n //Z_ASCII: 1, // = Z_TEXT (deprecated)\n Z_UNKNOWN: 2,\n\n /* The deflate compression method */\n Z_DEFLATED: 8\n //Z_NULL: null // Use -1 or null inline, depending on var type\n};\n" }, { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": 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require(\"./webp\");\r\nconst ctx = self;\r\nconst tasks = [];\r\n//let isProcessing = false;\r\nfunction finishTask() {\r\n //isProcessing = false;\r\n processTasks();\r\n}\r\nfunction processTasks() {\r\n //if(isProcessing) return;\r\n const task = tasks.shift();\r\n if (!task)\r\n return;\r\n //isProcessing = true;\r\n switch (task.type) {\r\n case 'convertWebp': {\r\n const { fileName, bytes } = task.payload;\r\n let convertedBytes;\r\n try {\r\n convertedBytes = webp_1.webp2png(bytes).bytes;\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n console.error('Convert webp2png error:', err, 'payload:', task.payload);\r\n }\r\n ctx.postMessage({\r\n type: 'convertWebp',\r\n payload: {\r\n fileName,\r\n bytes: convertedBytes\r\n }\r\n });\r\n finishTask();\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n default:\r\n finishTask();\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction scheduleTask(task) {\r\n tasks.push(task);\r\n /* if(task.payload.fileName.indexOf('main-') === 0) {\r\n tasks.push(task);\r\n } else {\r\n tasks.unshift(task);\r\n } */\r\n processTasks();\r\n}\r\nctx.addEventListener('message', (event) => {\r\n scheduleTask(event.data);\r\n});\r\n" }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "index": 1, "index2": 26, "size": 1358, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "issuerId": 8, "issuerName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": 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strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.webp2pngAsBlob = exports.webp2png = void 0;\r\nconst libwebp_0_2_0_1 = require(\"../../vendor/libwebp-0.2.0\");\r\nconst fast_png_1 = require(\"fast-png\");\r\nfunction webp2png(data) {\r\n const decoder = new libwebp_0_2_0_1.WebPDecoder();\r\n const config = decoder.WebPDecoderConfig;\r\n const buffer = config.j || config.output;\r\n const bitstream = config.input;\r\n decoder.WebPInitDecoderConfig(config);\r\n decoder.WebPGetFeatures(data, data.length, bitstream);\r\n /** MODE_RGBA = 1 MODE_ARGB = 4, */\r\n buffer.J = 1;\r\n let status;\r\n try {\r\n status = decoder.WebPDecode(data, data.length, config);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n status = e;\r\n }\r\n if (status === 0) {\r\n const rgbaData = buffer.Jb;\r\n const pngData = fast_png_1.encode({\r\n data: rgbaData,\r\n width: buffer.width,\r\n height: buffer.height,\r\n channels: 4,\r\n depth: 8,\r\n });\r\n return { status, bytes: pngData };\r\n }\r\n return { status, bytes: data };\r\n}\r\nexports.webp2png = webp2png;\r\nfunction webp2pngAsBlob(data) {\r\n const { status, bytes } = webp2png(data);\r\n return new Blob([bytes], { type: status === 0 ? 'image/png' : 'image/webp' });\r\n}\r\nexports.webp2pngAsBlob = webp2pngAsBlob;\r\n" }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\src\\vendor\\libwebp-0.2.0.js", "name": "./src/vendor/libwebp-0.2.0.js", "index": 2, "index2": 0, "size": 119427, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "issuerId": 9, "issuerName": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 9, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "module": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../vendor/libwebp-0.2.0", "loc": "4:24-61" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": [ "WebPDecoder" ], "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is referenced from these modules with unsupported syntax: ./src/lib/webp/webp.ts (referenced with cjs require)" ], "depth": 2, "source": "// Copyright 2011 Google Inc.\n//\n// This code is licensed under the same terms as WebM:\n// Software License Agreement: http://www.webmproject.org/license/software/\n// Additional IP Rights Grant: http://www.webmproject.org/license/additional/\n// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n//\n// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\" AND\n// ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n// WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED.\n// IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT,\n// INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING,\n// BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,\n// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY\n// OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING\n// NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE,\n// EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n//\n// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n//\n// Copyright 2011-2013 Dominik Homberger\n// Libwebp Javascript / libwebpjs - the libwebp implementation in javascript (v0.2.0)\n//\n// Author: Dominik Homberger (dominik.homberger@gmail.com)\n\nlet i;\nlet a;\nlet self;\nconst ca = 0;\nconst p = null;\nconst s = 0;\nconst x = 0;\nconst la = s;\nconst E = s;\nconst bb = 0;\nconst Mb = 0;\n\nfunction M(F) {\n return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(F));\n}\n\nfunction N(F, G, w, D, S) {\n for (i = 0; i < S; ++i) F[G + i] = w[D + i];\n}\n\nfunction Nb(F) {\n const G = [];\n const w = F.length;\n let D;\n for (D = 0; D < w; ++D) G.push(F[D]);\n return G;\n}\n\nfunction ic(F, G) {\n const w = [];\n w.push(M(F));\n let D;\n for (D = 0; D < G; ++D) w.push(M(F));\n w.push(0);\n return w;\n}\n\nfunction rc(F, G) {\n const w = [];\n let D;\n for (D = 0; D < G; ++D) w.push(F);\n w.push(0);\n return w;\n}\n\nfunction memmove(arr1, index1, arr2, index2, length) {\n let i;\n for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n arr1[index1 + i] = arr2[index2 + i];\n }\n}\n\nfunction jd(F, G, w, D) {\n let S;\n for (S = 0; S < D; ++S) F[G + S] = w;\n}\n\nfunction kd(F, G, w, D) {\n let S = '';\n let ga;\n for (ga = 0; ga < D; ++ga) S += String.fromCharCode(F[G + ga]);\n return w == S ? 0 : 1;\n}\n\nfunction U(F, G) {\n let w; const\n D = [];\n for (w = 0; w < F; ++w) D.push(G);\n return D;\n}\n\nfunction ld(F, G) {\n let w; const\n D = [];\n for (w = 0; w < F; ++w) D.push(M(G));\n return D;\n}\n\nfunction md(F, G) {\n let w;\n for (w = F.length - 1; w >= 0; --w) G = M(U(F[w], G));\n return G;\n}\n\nfunction $(F) {\n if (!F) throw Error('assert :P');\n}\nexport const WebPDecoder = function () {\n function F(a) {\n return a == Ob || a == Pb || a == Bb || a == Qb;\n }\n\n function G(a) {\n return S(a, 1);\n }\n\n function w(a, b) {\n const c = 1 + ((a.la - 1) * b >> 8);\n const d = c << 8;\n let e = s;\n a.Z >= d ? (e = 1, a.la -= c, a.Z -= d) : (e = 0, a.la = c);\n for (; a.la < 128;) a.Z <<= 1, a.la <<= 1, ++a.gc == 8 && (a.gc = 0, a.bc && (a.Z += a.qa[a.Ia++], a.bc--));\n return e;\n }\n\n function D(a, b, c, d) {\n d -= c;\n d >= 2 ? (a.Z = b[c + 0] << 8 | b[c + 1], a.qa = b, a.Ia = c + 2, a.bc = d - 2) : (a.Z = 0, a.qa = p, a.bc = 0);\n a.la = 255;\n a.gc = 0;\n }\n\n function S(a, b) {\n for (var c = 0, d = s, d = b - 1; d >= 0; d--) c |= w(a, 128) << d;\n return c;\n }\n\n function ga(a, b) {\n const c = S(a, b);\n return G(a) ? -c : c;\n }\n\n function Rb(a, b, c, d) {\n let e = Mb;\n $(a != p);\n $(b != p);\n $(d < 4294967288);\n a.qa = b;\n a.Ia = c;\n a.ya = d;\n a.T = 0;\n a.Q = 0;\n a.g = 0;\n a.L = 0;\n for (e = a.fa = 0; e < 4 && e < a.ya; ++e) a.T |= a.qa[a.Ia + a.Q] << 8 * e, ++a.Q;\n }\n\n function Sb(a) {\n for (; a.g >= 8 && a.Q < a.ya;) a.T >>>= 8, a.T += a.qa[a.Ia + a.Q] << 24 >>> 0, ++a.Q, a.g -= 8;\n }\n\n function Da(a) {\n a.g >= 8 && Sb(a);\n a.Q == a.ya && a.g == 32 && (a.L = 1);\n }\n\n function T(a, b) {\n let c = 0;\n $(b >= 0);\n if (!a.L && b < gf) {\n if (a.Q == a.ya && a.g + b >= 32 && (a.L = 1, a.g + b > 32)) return c;\n c = a.T >> a.g & hf[b];\n a.g += b;\n a.g >= 8 && a.g >= 8 && Sb(a);\n } else a.fa = 1;\n return c;\n }\n\n function ma(a) {\n return a.Pa == a.gb;\n }\n\n function nd(a, b) {\n $(a != p);\n if (b == 0) return 0;\n a.gb = 2 * b - 1;\n a.Y = ld(a.gb, jf);\n if (a.Y == p) return 0;\n a.Y[0].s = -1;\n return a.Pa = 1;\n }\n\n function ja(a) {\n a != p && (a.Y = p, a.Y = p, a.gb = 0, a.Pa = 0);\n }\n\n function jc(a, b, c, d) {\n for (var e = a.Y, g = 0, k = +a.gb; d-- > 0;) {\n if (g >= k) return 0;\n if (e[g].s < 0) {\n if (ma(a)) return 0;\n const h = a;\n const n = h.Y;\n const l = +h.Pa;\n e[g].s = l - g;\n h.Pa += 2;\n n[l + 0].s = -1;\n n[l + 1].s = -1;\n } else if (e[g].s == 0) return 0;\n g += e[g].s + (c >> d & 1);\n }\n if (e[g].s < 0) e[g].s = 0;\n else if (e[g].s != 0) return 0;\n e[g].kc = b;\n return 1;\n }\n\n function od(a, b, c) {\n var d = s;\n let e = 0;\n let g = 0;\n $(a != p);\n $(b != p);\n for (d = 0; d < c; ++d) b[d] > 0 && (++e, g = d);\n if (!nd(a, e)) return 0;\n if (e == 1) return g < 0 || g >= c ? (ja(a), 0) : jc(a, g, 0, 0);\n e = 0;\n g = U(c, s);\n if (g == p) return (e = e && ma(a)) || ja(a), e;\n var k = s;\n var k = s;\n var d = U(Tb + 1, 0);\n let h = s;\n const n = U(Tb + 1, 0);\n let l = 0;\n $(b != p);\n $(c > 0);\n $(g != p);\n for (k = 0; k < c; ++k) b[k] > l && (l = b[k]);\n if (l > Tb) d = 0;\n else {\n for (k = 0; k < c; ++k) ++d[b[k]];\n h = d[0] = 0;\n n[0] = -1;\n for (k = 1; k <= l; ++k) h = h + d[k - 1] << 1, n[k] = h;\n for (k = 0; k < c; ++k) g[k] = b[k] > 0 ? n[b[k]]++ : pd;\n d = 1;\n }\n if (!d) return (e = e && ma(a)) || ja(a), e;\n for (d = 0; d < c; ++d) {\n if (b[d] > 0 && !jc(a, d, g[d], b[d])) {\n return (e = e && ma(a)) || ja(a), e;\n }\n }\n (e = ma(a)) || ja(a);\n return e;\n }\n\n function Ea(a, b, c, d, e, g, k) {\n for (var h = s, h = 0; h < k; ++h) e[g + h] = a[b + h] + c[d + h] & 255;\n }\n\n function qd(a, b, c) {\n const d = a.P.l;\n if (!(c = b < 0 || c < 0 || b + c > a.P.v)) {\n if (c = b == 0) {\n a: {\n let e = a.Ga;\n var g = a.G;\n var k = a.ub;\n c = a.P.l;\n let h = a.P.v;\n const n = a.Xb;\n var l = [p];\n let m = p;\n let f = h * c;\n var q = p;\n var r = p;\n var r = 'WEBP_FILTER_TYPE';\n let u = s;\n var l = s;\n var v = 0;\n let C = s;\n $(c > 0 && h > 0 && d >= c);\n $(e != p && n != p);\n if (k <= Ub) c = 0;\n else if (C = e[g + 0] >> 0 & 3, r = e[g + 0] >> 2 & 3, u = e[g + 0] >> 4 & 3, l = e[g + 0] >> 6 & 3, C < kc || C > kf || r >= lf || u > rd || l != 0) c = 0;\n else {\n if (C == kc) v = k >= f, l = e, m = g + Ub;\n else {\n l = U(f, 0);\n m = 0;\n if (l\n == p) {\n c = 0;\n break a;\n }\n var v = g + Ub;\n var k = k - Ub;\n var g = l;\n var q = M(Vb);\n let A = 0;\n const z = sd();\n z == p ? v = 0 : (z.l = c, z.v = h, z.N = q, td(na), q.put = ud, q.Mb = vd, q.Pb = wd, q.ka = p, q.ka = g, q.fd = 0, q.width = c, q.height = h, z.a = L, Rb(z.o, e, v, k), z.Wa = Cb, Ka(c, h, 1, z, p) && xd(z, c) && (z.Wa = Db, A = lc(z, z.V, z.Ha, z.l, z.v, mf)), z != p && sa(z), v = A);\n }\n if (v) {\n e = nf[r];\n e != p ? (q = U(f, 0), r = 0, q == p && (v = 0, C != kc && (m = l = p)), e(l, m, c, h, 1, c, q, r), f = q, C = r) : (f = l, C = m);\n for (e = 0; h-- > 0;) N(n, e, f, C, c), C += c, e += d;\n u == rd && (v = l == p || m <= 0 || c <= 0 ? 0 : 1);\n }\n c = v;\n }\n }\n c = !c;\n }\n }\n return c ? p : b == 0 ? a.Xb : +b * d;\n }\n\n function of(a) {\n let b = a.width;\n const c = a.height;\n let d = a.J;\n if (b <= 0 || c <= 0 || !(d >= Qa && d < Cc)) return ta;\n if (!a.Fc && a.Jb == p) {\n var e = p;\n var g = 0;\n var k = 0;\n var h = 0;\n var n = 0;\n var e = bb;\n var l = b * yd[d];\n var m = l * c;\n d < ua || (g = parseInt((b + 1) / 2, 10), h = g * parseInt((c + 1) / 2, 10), d == Ra && (k = b, n = k * c));\n e = m + 2 * h + n;\n if (e != e) return ta;\n e = U(e, 205);\n if (e == p) return cb;\n a.Jb = e;\n a.jc = p;\n d < ua ? (b = a.c.RGBA, b.ma = e, b.Sa = p, b.f = l, b.size = m) : (b = a.c.Va, b.y = e, b.D = p, b.F = l, b.Wc = m, b.c = e, b.B = p + m, b.nb = g, b.Rc = h, b.S = e, b.C = p + m + h, b.rb = g, b.Uc = h, d == Ra && (b.p = e, b.q = p + m + 2 * h), b.Wb = n, b.Fa = k);\n }\n d = 1;\n g = a.J;\n k = a.width;\n h = a.height;\n g >= Qa && g < Cc ? g < ua ? (a = a.c.RGBA, d\n &= a.f * h <= a.size, d &= a.f >= k * yd[g], d &= a.ma != p) : (a = a.c.Va, n = a.nb * parseInt((h + 1) / 2, 10), l = a.rb * parseInt((h + 1) / 2, 10), m = a.Fa * h, d &= a.F * h <= a.Wc, d &= n <= a.Rc, d &= l <= a.Uc, d &= m <= a.Wb, d &= a.F >= k, d &= a.nb >= parseInt((k + 1) / 2, 10), d &= a.rb >= parseInt((k + 1) / 2, 10), d &= a.y != p, d &= a.c != p, d &= a.S != p, g == Ra && (d &= a.Fa >= k, d &= m <= a.Wb, d &= a.p != p)) : d = 0;\n return d ? L : ta;\n }\n\n function zd(a, b, c, d) {\n if (d == p || a <= 0 || b <= 0) return ta;\n if (c != p) {\n if (c.Ua) {\n const e = c.wc;\n const g = c.vc;\n const k = c.t & -2;\n const h = c.k & -2;\n if (k < 0 || h < 0 || e <= 0 || g <= 0 || k + e > a || h + g > b) return ta;\n a = e;\n b = g;\n }\n if (c.I) {\n if (c.Ba <= 0\n || c.Aa <= 0) return ta;\n a = c.Ba;\n b = c.Aa;\n }\n }\n d.width = a;\n d.height = b;\n return of(d);\n }\n\n function mb(a) {\n return !(a & -256) ? a : a < 0 ? 0 : 255;\n }\n\n function Ad(a, b, c, d) {\n const e = U(16, 0);\n let g;\n g = 0;\n let k;\n for (k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {\n var h = a[b + 0] + a[b + 8];\n var n = a[b + 0] - a[b + 8];\n var l = (a[b + 4] * Wb >> 16) - (a[b + 12] * Xb >> 16);\n var m = (a[b + 4] * Xb >> 16) + (a[b + 12] * Wb >> 16);\n e[g + 0] = h + m;\n e[g + 1] = n + l;\n e[g + 2] = n - l;\n e[g + 3] = h - m;\n g += 4;\n b++;\n }\n for (k = g = 0; k < 4; ++k) {\n a = e[g + 0] + 4, h = a + e[g + 8], n = a - e[g + 8], l = (e[g + 4] * Wb >> 16) - (e[g + 12] * Xb >> 16), m = (e[g + 4] * Xb >> 16) + (e[g + 12] * Wb >> 16), c[d + 0 + 0 * f] = mb(c[d + 0 + 0 * f] + (h + m >> 3)), c[d + 1 + 0 * f] = mb(c[d\n + 1 + 0 * f] + (n + l >> 3)), c[d + 2 + 0 * f] = mb(c[d + 2 + 0 * f] + (n - l >> 3)), c[d + 3 + 0 * f] = mb(c[d + 3 + 0 * f] + (h - m >> 3)), g++, d += f;\n }\n }\n\n function pf(a, b, c, d, e) {\n Ad(a, b, c, d);\n e && Ad(a, b + 16, c, d + 4);\n }\n\n function qf(a, b, c, d) {\n mc(a, b + 0, c, d + 0, 1);\n mc(a, b + 32, c, d + 4 * f, 1);\n }\n\n function nc(a, b, c, d) {\n a = a[b + 0] + 4;\n let e;\n for (e = 0; e < 4; ++e) for (b = 0; b < 4; ++b) c[d + b + e * f] = mb(c[d + b + e * f] + (a >> 3));\n }\n\n function rf(a, b, c, d) {\n a[b + 0] && nc(a, b + 0, c, d + 0);\n a[b + 16] && nc(a, b + 16, c, d + 4);\n a[b + 32] && nc(a, b + 32, c, d + 4 * f);\n a[b + 48] && nc(a, b + 48, c, d + 4 * f + 4);\n }\n\n function Dc(a, b, c) {\n const d = b - f;\n const e = oa;\n const g = 255 - a[d - 1];\n let k;\n for (k = 0; k\n < c; ++k) {\n const h = e;\n const n = g + a[b - 1];\n var l;\n for (l = 0; l < c; ++l) a[b + l] = h[n + a[d + l]];\n b += f;\n }\n }\n\n function Yb(a, b, c) {\n let d;\n for (d = 0; d < 16; ++d) for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) b[c + d * f + i] = a;\n }\n\n function y(a, b, c) {\n return a + 2 * b + c + 2 >> 2;\n }\n\n function Zb(a, b, c) {\n let d; let\n e;\n for (d = 0; d < 8; ++d) for (e = 0; e < 8; ++e) b[c + e + d * f] = a;\n }\n\n function nb(a, b, c) {\n const d = a[b - c];\n const e = a[b + 0];\n const g = 3 * (e - d) + sc[1020 + a[b - 2 * c] - a[b + c]];\n const k = oc[112 + (g + 4 >> 3)];\n a[b - c] = oa[255 + d + oc[112 + (g + 3 >> 3)]];\n a[b + 0] = oa[255 + e - k];\n }\n\n function Bd(a, b, c, d) {\n const e = a[b + 0];\n const g = a[b + c];\n return va[255 + a[b - 2 * c] - a[b - c]] > d || va[255 + g - e] > d;\n }\n\n function Cd(a,\n b, c, d, e) {\n const g = a[b - 3 * c];\n const k = a[b - 2 * c];\n const h = a[b - c];\n const n = a[b + 0];\n const l = a[b + c];\n const m = a[b + 2 * c];\n const f = a[b + 3 * c];\n return 2 * va[255 + h - n] + tc[255 + k - l] > d ? 0 : va[255 + a[b - 4 * c] - g] <= e && va[255 + g - k] <= e && va[255 + k - h] <= e && va[255 + f - m] <= e && va[255 + m - l] <= e && va[255 + l - n] <= e;\n }\n\n function Dd(a, b, c, d) {\n let e;\n for (e = 0; e < 16; ++e) 2 * va[255 + a[b + e - c] - a[b + e + 0]] + tc[255 + a[b + e - 2 * c] - a[b + e + c]] <= d && nb(a, b + e, c);\n }\n\n function Ed(a, b, c, d) {\n let e;\n for (e = 0; e < 16; ++e) 2 * va[255 + a[b + e * c - 1] - a[b + e * c + 0]] + tc[255 + a[b + e * c - 2] - a[b + e * c + 1]] <= d && nb(a, b + e * c, 1);\n }\n\n function sf(a, b, c, d) {\n let e;\n for (e = 3; e > 0; --e) {\n b\n += 4 * c, Dd(a, b + 0, c, d);\n }\n }\n\n function tf(a, b, c, d) {\n let e;\n for (e = 3; e > 0; --e) b += 4, Ed(a, b + 0, c, d);\n }\n\n function Fa(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h) {\n for (; e-- > 0;) {\n if (Cd(a, b + 0, c, g, k)) {\n if (Bd(a, b + 0, c, h)) nb(a, b + 0, c);\n else {\n const n = a;\n const l = b + 0;\n const m = c;\n const f = n[l - 2 * m];\n const q = n[l - m];\n const r = n[l + 0];\n const u = n[l + m];\n const v = n[l + 2 * m];\n var C = sc[1020 + 3 * (r - q) + sc[1020 + f - u]];\n const A = 27 * C + 63 >> 7;\n const z = 18 * C + 63 >> 7;\n var C = 9 * C + 63 >> 7;\n n[l - 3 * m] = oa[255 + n[l - 3 * m] + C];\n n[l - 2 * m] = oa[255 + f + z];\n n[l - m] = oa[255 + q + A];\n n[l + 0] = oa[255 + r - A];\n n[l + m] = oa[255 + u - z];\n n[l + 2 * m] = oa[255 + v - C];\n }\n }\n b += d;\n }\n }\n\n function Ga(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h) {\n for (; e-- > 0;) {\n if (Cd(a, b + 0, c,\n g, k)) {\n if (Bd(a, b + 0, c, h)) nb(a, b + 0, c);\n else {\n const n = a;\n const l = b + 0;\n const m = c;\n const f = n[l - m];\n const q = n[l + 0];\n const r = n[l + m];\n var u = 3 * (q - f);\n const v = oc[112 + (u + 4 >> 3)];\n var u = oc[112 + (u + 3 >> 3)];\n const C = v + 1 >> 1;\n n[l - 2 * m] = oa[255 + n[l - 2 * m] + C];\n n[l - m] = oa[255 + f + u];\n n[l + 0] = oa[255 + q - v];\n n[l + m] = oa[255 + r - C];\n }\n }\n b += d;\n }\n }\n\n function uf(a, b, c, d, e, g) {\n Fa(a, b + 0, c, 1, 16, d, e, g);\n }\n\n function vf(a, b, c, d, e, g) {\n Fa(a, b + 0, 1, c, 16, d, e, g);\n }\n\n function wf(a, b, c, d, e, g) {\n let k;\n for (k = 3; k > 0; --k) b += 4 * c, Ga(a, b + 0, c, 1, 16, d, e, g);\n }\n\n function xf(a, b, c, d, e, g) {\n let k;\n for (k = 3; k > 0; --k) b += 4, Ga(a, b + 0, 1, c, 16, d, e, g);\n }\n\n function yf(a, b, c, d, e,\n g, k, h) {\n Fa(a, b, e, 1, 8, g, k, h);\n Fa(c, d, e, 1, 8, g, k, h);\n }\n\n function zf(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h) {\n Fa(a, b, 1, e, 8, g, k, h);\n Fa(c, d, 1, e, 8, g, k, h);\n }\n\n function Af(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h) {\n Ga(a, b + 4 * e, e, 1, 8, g, k, h);\n Ga(c, d + 4 * e, e, 1, 8, g, k, h);\n }\n\n function Bf(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h) {\n Ga(a, b + 4, 1, e, 8, g, k, h);\n Ga(c, d + 4, 1, e, 8, g, k, h);\n }\n\n function Fd(a, b) {\n return b == $b ? a.i == 0 ? a.d == 0 ? Cf : Df : a.d == 0 ? Ef : $b : b;\n }\n\n function Ec(a, b, c, d) {\n for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) a[b + i] = c[d + i];\n }\n\n function wa(a, b) {\n return a < 0 ? 0 : a > b ? b : a;\n }\n\n function Gd(a) {\n a.a = 'VP8_STATUS_OK';\n a.xc = 'OK';\n }\n\n function td(a) {\n a >>> 8 != na >>> 8 && alert('mismatch error');\n }\n\n function Y(a, b, c) {\n a.a == L && (a.a = b, a.xc = c, a.za = 0);\n // alert(b + \": \" + c);\n return 0;\n }\n\n function Hd(a, b) {\n let c = [0];\n let d = x;\n var e = [Mb];\n var g = M(Id);\n var k = M(Jd);\n let h = M(Fc);\n var e = 'VP8StatusCode';\n var g = M(Gc);\n if (a == p) return alert('(dec == null)'), 0;\n Gd(a);\n if (b == p) return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM', 'null VP8Io passed to VP8GetHeaders()');\n g.data = b.data;\n g.b = b.b;\n g.e = b.e;\n g.b = [g.b];\n g.e = [g.e];\n g = [g];\n e = Kd(g);\n if (e != L) return Y(a, e, 'Incorrect/incomplete header.');\n g = g[0];\n g.b = g.b[0];\n g.e = g.e[0];\n if (g.ia) return Y(a, W, 'Unexpected lossless format encountered.');\n a.Ga == p && ($(a.ub == 0), a.Ga = g.$, a.G = g.G, a.ub = g.pa);\n d = g.data;\n c = g.b + g.offset;\n e = g.e - g.offset;\n $(g.e >= g.offset);\n if (e[0] < 4) return Y(a, Z, 'Truncated header.');\n h = d[c + 0] | d[c + 1] << 8 | d[c + 2] << 16;\n g = a.Ac;\n g.fb = !(h & 1) + 0;\n g.Jc = h >> 1 & 7;\n g.Nc = h >> 4 & 1;\n g.Ra = h >> 5;\n if (g.Jc > 3) return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_BITSTREAM_ERROR', 'Incorrect keyframe parameters.');\n if (!g.Nc) return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE', 'Frame not displayable.');\n c += 3;\n e -= 3;\n k = a.P;\n if (g.fb) {\n if (e < 7) return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA', 'cannot parse picture header');\n if (!(e\n >= 3 && d[c + 0] == 157 && d[c + 1] == 1 && d[c + 2] == 42)) return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_BITSTREAM_ERROR', 'Bad code word');\n k.l = (d[c + 4] << 8 | d[c + 3]) & 16383;\n k.gd = d[c + 4] >> 6;\n k.v = (d[c + 6] << 8 | d[c + 5]) & 16383;\n k.hd = d[c + 6] >> 6;\n c += 7;\n e -= 7;\n a.Ma = k.l + 15 >> 4;\n a.hb = k.v + 15 >> 4;\n b.width = k.l;\n b.height = k.v;\n b.I = 0;\n b.Ua = 0;\n b.k = 0;\n b.t = 0;\n b.Ka = b.width;\n b.K = b.height;\n b.m = b.width;\n b.h = b.height;\n h = a.R;\n for (i = 0; i < h.Ta.length; ++i) h.Ta[i] = 255;\n h.z = M(Ff);\n h = a.Ca;\n $(h != p);\n h.pb = 0;\n h.ob = 0;\n h.tb = 1;\n for (i = 0; i < h.Kb.length; ++i) h.Kb[i] = 0;\n for (i = 0; i < h.Cb.length; ++i) h.Cb[i] = 0;\n a.Lb = 0;\n }\n if (g.Ra\n > e) return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA', 'bad partition length');\n h = a.o;\n D(h, d, c, c + g.Ra);\n c += g.Ra;\n e -= g.Ra;\n g.fb && (k.uc = G(h), k.$c = G(h));\n var k = h;\n var n = a.Ca;\n let l = a.R;\n $(k != p);\n $(n != p);\n n.pb = G(k);\n if (n.pb) {\n n.ob = G(k);\n if (G(k)) {\n var m;\n n.tb = G(k);\n for (m = 0; m < xa; ++m) n.Kb[m] = G(k) ? ga(k, 7) : 0;\n for (m = 0; m < xa; ++m) n.Cb[m] = G(k) ? ga(k, 6) : 0;\n }\n if (n.ob) for (m = 0; m < Ld; ++m) l.Ta[m] = G(k) ? S(k, 8) : 255;\n } else n.ob = 0;\n if (k.Ab) return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_BITSTREAM_ERROR', 'cannot parse segment header');\n k = h;\n n = a.ga;\n n.Oc = G(k);\n n.Fb = S(k, 6);\n n.kb = S(k, 3);\n n.oc = G(k);\n if (n.oc\n && G(k)) {\n for (l = 0; l < Hc; ++l) G(k) && (n.Lc[l] = ga(k, 6));\n for (l = 0; l < Gf; ++l) G(k) && (n.Gc[l] = ga(k, 6));\n }\n a.A = n.Fb == 0 ? 0 : n.Oc ? 1 : 2;\n if (a.A > 0) {\n if (a.Ca.pb) for (l = 0; l < xa; ++l) m = a.Ca.Cb[l], a.Ca.tb || (m += n.Fb), a.Zb[l] = m;\n else a.Zb[0] = n.Fb;\n }\n if (k.Ab) return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_BITSTREAM_ERROR', 'cannot parse filter header');\n var k = d;\n var f = c;\n var n = f;\n var e = f + e;\n m = 0;\n let q = s;\n let r = s;\n a.Hb = 1 << S(a.o, 2);\n q = a.Hb - 1;\n l = k;\n m = f + 3 * q;\n if (e < m) e = 'VP8_STATUS_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA';\n else {\n for (r = 0; r < q; ++r) {\n var f = l;\n var u = m + (k[n + 0] | k[n + 1] << 8 | k[n + 2] << 16);\n u > e && (f = k);\n D(a.ic[+r], l, m, u);\n l = f;\n m = u;\n n += 3;\n }\n D(a.ic[+q], l, m, e);\n e = m < e ? 'VP8_STATUS_OK' : 'VP8_STATUS_SUSPENDED';\n }\n if (e != 'VP8_STATUS_OK') return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_BITSTREAM_ERROR', 'cannot parse partitions');\n q = a.o;\n e = S(q, 7);\n k = G(q) ? ga(q, 4) : 0;\n n = G(q) ? ga(q, 4) : 0;\n l = G(q) ? ga(q, 4) : 0;\n m = G(q) ? ga(q, 4) : 0;\n q = G(q) ? ga(q, 4) : 0;\n r = a.Ca;\n f = s;\n for (f = 0; f < xa; ++f) {\n u = s;\n if (r.pb) u = r.Kb[f], r.tb || (u += e);\n else if (f > 0) {\n a.yb[f] = a.yb[0];\n continue;\n } else u = e;\n const v = a.yb[f];\n v.sc[0] = Ic[wa(u + k, 127)];\n v.sc[1] = Jc[wa(u + 0, 127)];\n v.sb[0] = 2 * Ic[wa(u + n, 127)];\n v.sb[1] = 101581 * Jc[wa(u + l, 127)] >> 16;\n v.sb[1] < 8\n && (v.sb[1] = 8);\n v.qc[0] = Ic[wa(u + m, 117)];\n v.qc[1] = Jc[wa(u + q, 127)];\n }\n if (g.fb) a.Zc = 259;\n else return Y(a, Hf, 'Not a key frame.');\n G(h);\n e = a.R;\n for (k = 0; k < Md; ++k) for (n = 0; n < Nd; ++n) for (l = 0; l < Kc; ++l) for (m = 0; m < Lc; ++m) w(h, If[k][n][l][m]) && (e.z[k][n][l][m] = S(h, 8));\n a.pc = G(h);\n a.pc && (a.Pc = S(h, 8));\n if (a.P.uc) {\n c -= 8;\n h = Mb;\n if (g.Ra < 8 || d[c + 8 - 1] != 1) return Y(a, W, 'RIFF: Inconsistent extra information.');\n h = d[c + 0] << 0 | d[c + 1] << 8 | d[c + 2] << 16;\n a.fc = h;\n a.dd = p;\n a.cd = d[c + 3];\n }\n return a.za = 1;\n }\n\n function Mc(a, b, c, d, e, g) {\n let k = b[e][c];\n if (!w(a, k[0])) return 0;\n for (;;) {\n ++e;\n if (w(a, k[1])) {\n var h;\n if (w(a, k[2])) {\n if (w(a, k[3])) {\n if (w(a, k[6])) {\n h = x;\n c = w(a, k[8]);\n k = w(a, k[9 + c]);\n k = 2 * c + k;\n c = 0;\n h = Jf[k];\n var n;\n for (n = 0; n < h.length - 1; ++n) c += c + w(a, h[n]);\n c += 3 + (8 << k);\n } else w(a, k[7]) ? (c = 7 + 2 * w(a, 165), c += w(a, 145)) : c = 5 + w(a, 159);\n } else c = w(a, k[4]) ? 3 + w(a, k[5]) : 2;\n k = b[Nc[e]][2];\n } else k = b[Nc[e]][1], c = 1;\n h = Kf[e - 1];\n g[g[g.length - 1] + h] = (w(a, 128) ? -c : c) * d[(h > 0) + 0];\n if (e == 16 || !w(a, k[0])) return e;\n } else k = b[Nc[e]][0];\n if (e == 16) return 16;\n }\n }\n\n function ob(a, b) {\n return ((16777216 * a[0] + 65536 * a[1] + 256 * a[2] + 1 * a[3]) * Lf\n & 4278190080) >> b;\n }\n\n function Mf(a, b) {\n let c = 0;\n if (a == p) return 0;\n if (b == p) return Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_INVALID_PARAM', 'NULL VP8Io parameter in VP8Decode().');\n if (!a.za && !Hd(a, b)) return 0;\n $(a.za);\n let d;\n if (b.Mb && !b.Mb(b)) Y(a, Nf, 'Frame setup failed'), d = a.a;\n else {\n b.Za && (a.A = 0);\n const e = uc[a.A];\n a.A == 2 ? (a.lb = 0, a.mb = 0) : (a.lb = b.t - e >> 4, a.mb = b.k - e >> 4, a.lb < 0 && (a.lb = 0), a.mb < 0 && (a.mb = 0));\n a.Ya = b.K + 15 + e >> 4;\n a.wb = b.Ka + 15 + e >> 4;\n a.wb > a.Ma && (a.wb = a.Ma);\n a.Ya > a.hb && (a.Ya = a.hb);\n d = L;\n }\n if (c = d == L) {\n if (c) {\n let g;\n b: {\n a.Ja = 0;\n if (a.qb) {\n const k = a.rc;\n if (!WebPWorkerReset(k)) {\n g = Y(a, cb, 'thread initialization failed.');\n break b;\n }\n k.Qd = a;\n k.Rd = a.oa.N;\n k.Ud = FinishRow;\n a.jb = a.A > 0 ? Od : Od - 1;\n } else a.jb = Of;\n g = 1;\n }\n let h;\n if (!(h = !g)) {\n let n;\n b: {\n const l = a.jb;\n const m = a.Ma;\n const t = 4 * m;\n const q = 32 * m;\n const r = m + 1;\n const u = a.A > 0 ? m * (a.qb ? 2 : 1) : 0;\n const v = Pf;\n const C = q * (16 * l + parseInt(3 * uc[a.A] / 2, 10));\n const A = a.Ga != p ? a.P.l * a.P.v : 0;\n const z = t + q + r + u + v + 384 + C + A + Pd;\n if (z != z) n = 0;\n else {\n if (z > a.Gb) {\n a.ib = 0;\n a.Gb = 0;\n if (a.ib == p) {\n n = Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY', 'no memory during frame initialization.');\n break b;\n }\n a.Gb = z;\n }\n a.dc = 205;\n a.Xc = rc(205, 16 * m);\n a.Sc = rc(205, 8 * m);\n a.Vc = rc(205, 8 * m);\n a.M = u ? ic(Oc, u) : p;\n a.Sd = u ? 0 : p;\n a.oa.ha = 0;\n a.oa.M = a.M;\n $((v & Pd) == 0);\n a.Ea = rc(205, 1 * v);\n a.z = -12851;\n a.H = 16 * m;\n a.r = 8 * m;\n const Ha = uc[a.A];\n const G = Ha * a.H;\n const y = Ha / 2 * a.r;\n a.ca = U(C, 205);\n a.da = +G;\n a.aa = a.ca;\n a.ba = a.da + 16 * l * a.H + y;\n a.ra = a.aa;\n a.sa = a.ba + 8 * l * a.r + y;\n a.Xb = A ? U(A, x) : p;\n a.La = ic(Qd, r);\n a.dc = rc($b, t);\n n = 1;\n }\n }\n h = !n;\n }\n if (h) c = 0;\n else {\n b.width = a.P.l;\n b.height = a.P.v;\n b.w = 0;\n b.y = a.ca;\n b.D = a.da;\n b.c = a.aa;\n b.B = a.ba;\n b.S = a.ra;\n b.C = a.sa;\n b.F = a.H;\n b.Da = a.r;\n b.p = p;\n b.q = p;\n if (!Rd) {\n let B;\n for (B = -255; B <= 255; ++B) va[255 + B] = B < 0 ? -B : B, tc[255 + B] = va[255 + B] >> 1;\n for (B = -1020; B\n <= 1020; ++B) sc[1020 + B] = B < -128 ? -128 : B > 127 ? 127 : B;\n for (B = -112; B <= 112; ++B) oc[112 + B] = B < -16 ? -16 : B > 15 ? 15 : B;\n for (B = -255; B <= 510; ++B) oa[255 + B] = B < 0 ? 0 : B > 255 ? 255 : B;\n Rd = 1;\n }\n mc = pf;\n Pc = qf;\n Qc = nc;\n Rc = rf;\n Sd = uf;\n Td = vf;\n Ud = yf;\n Vd = zf;\n Wd = wf;\n Xd = xf;\n Yd = Af;\n Zd = Bf;\n $d = Dd;\n ae = Ed;\n be = sf;\n ce = tf;\n c = 1;\n }\n }\n if (c) {\n a: {\n for (a.d = 0; a.d < a.Ya; ++a.d) {\n const Qf = a.ic[a.d & a.Hb - 1];\n const db = a;\n const F = db.La[0];\n F.X = 0;\n F.ua = 0;\n jd(db.cc, 0, $b, db.cc.length);\n db.W = (db.A > 0 && db.d >= db.mb && db.d <= db.Ya) + 0;\n for (a.i = 0; a.i < a.Ma; a.i++) {\n var D;\n const H = a;\n const T = Qf;\n const ya = H.o;\n const S = H.La[0];\n const J = H.La[1 + H.i];\n H.Ca.ob && (H.Lb = !w(ya,\n H.R.Ta[0]) ? 0 + w(ya, H.R.Ta[1]) : 2 + w(ya, H.R.Ta[2]));\n J.Nb = H.pc ? w(ya, H.Pc) : 0;\n const O = H.dc;\n O[O.length - 1] = 0 + 4 * H.i;\n const Sc = H.cc;\n H.wa = !w(ya, 145);\n if (H.wa) {\n for (var ga = H.Eb, ja = 0, Z = ca, Z = 0; Z < 4; ++Z) {\n var V = Sc[Z];\n var R;\n for (R = 0; R < 4; ++R) {\n const ta = Rf[O[O[O.length - 1] + R]][V];\n var za = 0;\n do za = Sf[2 * za + w(ya, ta[za])]; while (za > 0);\n V = -za;\n O[O[O.length - 1] + R] = V;\n ga[ja] = V;\n ja++;\n }\n Sc[Z] = V;\n }\n } else {\n var V = w(ya, 156) ? w(ya, 128) ? de : ee : w(ya, 163) ? fe : ge;\n H.Eb[0] = V;\n for (za = 0; za < 4; ++za) O[za + O[O.length - 1]] = V;\n for (za = 0; za < 4; ++za) Sc[za] = V;\n }\n H.Tc = !w(ya, 142) ? ge : !w(ya, 114) ? fe\n : w(ya, 183) ? de : ee;\n if (ya.Ab) D = 0;\n else {\n if (J.Nb) S.X = J.X = 0, H.wa || (S.ua = J.ua = 0), H.ja = 0, H.Oa = 0;\n else {\n let ia = ca;\n let ka = ca;\n var sa = ca;\n var wa = Tf;\n const Aa = H.yb[H.Lb];\n var aa = H.z;\n const ma = H.La[0];\n const ua = U(4, 0);\n const xa = U(4, 0);\n let ea = U(4, 0);\n let pb = U(4, 0);\n let na = 0;\n let Ba = 0;\n var pa = ca;\n let qa = ca;\n let Sa = ca;\n var aa = rc(0, 384);\n if (H.wa) sa = 0, wa = H.R.z[3];\n else {\n const ab = U(16, 0);\n var Ca = J.ua + ma.ua;\n J.ua = ma.ua = (Mc(T, H.R.z[1], Ca, Aa.sb, 0, ab) > 0) + 0;\n for (var sa = 1, wa = H.R.z[0], qb = ab, Ta = aa, La = U(16, s), X = s, X = 0; X < 4; ++X) {\n var Da = qb[0 + X] + qb[12 + X];\n var Ea = qb[4 + X] + qb[8 + X];\n var Fa = qb[4 + X] - qb[8 + X];\n var Ga = qb[0 + X] - qb[12 + X];\n La[0 + X] = Da + Ea;\n La[8\n + X] = Da - Ea;\n La[4 + X] = Ga + Fa;\n La[12 + X] = Ga - Fa;\n }\n for (X = 0; X < 4; ++X) {\n const Oa = Ta[Ta.length - 1];\n const lb = La[0 + 4 * X] + 3;\n var Da = lb + La[3 + 4 * X];\n var Ea = La[1 + 4 * X] + La[2 + 4 * X];\n var Fa = La[1 + 4 * X] - La[2 + 4 * X];\n var Ga = lb - La[3 + 4 * X];\n Ta[Oa + 0] = Da + Ea >> 3;\n Ta[Oa + 16] = Ga + Fa >> 3;\n Ta[Oa + 32] = Da - Ea >> 3;\n Ta[Oa + 48] = Ga - Fa >> 3;\n Ta[Ta.length - 1] += 64;\n }\n aa[aa.length - 1] = 0;\n }\n ea = Nb(vc[J.X & 15]);\n pb = Nb(vc[ma.X & 15]);\n for (qa = 0; qa < 4; ++qa) {\n for (var Eb = pb[qa], pa = 0; pa < 4; ++pa) {\n var Ca = Eb + ea[pa];\n var Ka = Mc(T, wa, Ca, Aa.sc, sa, aa);\n ea[pa] = Eb = (Ka > 0) + 0;\n xa[pa] = (aa[aa[aa.length - 1] + 0] != 0) + 0;\n ua[pa] = (Ka > 1) + 0;\n aa[aa.length\n - 1] += 16;\n }\n pb[qa] = Eb;\n Ba |= ob(xa, 24 - 4 * qa);\n na |= ob(ua, 24 - 4 * qa);\n }\n ia = ob(ea, 24);\n ka = ob(pb, 24);\n ea = Nb(vc[J.X >> 4]);\n pb = Nb(vc[ma.X >> 4]);\n for (Sa = 0; Sa < 4; Sa += 2) {\n for (qa = 0; qa < 2; ++qa) {\n Eb = pb[Sa + qa];\n for (pa = 0; pa < 2; ++pa) Ca = Eb + ea[Sa + pa], Ka = Mc(T, H.R.z[2], Ca, Aa.qc, 0, aa), ea[Sa + pa] = Eb = (Ka > 0) + 0, xa[2 * qa + pa] = (aa[aa[aa.length - 1] + 0] != 0) + 0, ua[2 * qa + pa] = (Ka > 1) + 0, aa[aa.length - 1] += 16;\n pb[Sa + qa] = Eb;\n }\n Ba |= ob(xa, 8 - 2 * Sa);\n na |= ob(ua, 8 - 2 * Sa);\n }\n ia |= ob(ea, 20);\n ka |= ob(pb, 20);\n J.X = ia;\n ma.X = ka;\n H.z = aa;\n H.Oa = na + 0;\n H.ja = na | Ba;\n J.Nb = !H.ja + 0;\n }\n D = !T.Ab;\n }\n if (!D) {\n c = Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA',\n `Premature end-of-file encountered.${a.i} ${a.d}`);\n break a;\n }\n const P = a;\n const da = P.Ea;\n const Ma = Tc;\n const Ua = P.Ea;\n const Va = Uc;\n const Wa = P.Ea;\n const Xa = he;\n if (P.i > 0) {\n for (var ba = ca, ba = -1; ba < 16; ++ba) Ec(da, Ma + ba * f - 4, da, Ma + ba * f + 12);\n for (ba = -1; ba < 8; ++ba) Ec(Ua, Va + ba * f - 4, Ua, Va + ba * f + 4), Ec(Wa, Xa + ba * f - 4, Wa, Xa + ba * f + 4);\n } else {\n for (ba = 0; ba < 16; ++ba) da[Ma + ba * f - 1] = 129;\n for (ba = 0; ba < 8; ++ba) Ua[Va + ba * f - 1] = 129, Wa[Xa + ba * f - 1] = 129;\n P.d > 0 && (da[Ma - 1 - f] = Ua[Va - 1 - f] = Wa[Xa - 1 - f] = 129);\n }\n const Qa = P.Xc;\n const Ra = 16 * +P.i;\n const mb = P.Sc;\n const vb = 8 * +P.i;\n const wb = P.Vc;\n const xb = 8 * +P.i;\n const Za = P.z;\n let fa = ca;\n if (P.d > 0) {\n N(da, Ma - f, Qa, Ra,\n 16), N(Ua, Va - f, mb, vb, 8), N(Wa, Xa - f, wb, xb, 8);\n } else if (P.i == 0) {\n for (i = 0; i < 21; ++i) da[Ma - f - 1 + i] = 127;\n for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) Ua[Va - f - 1 + i] = 127;\n for (i = 0; i < 9; ++i) Wa[Xa - f - 1 + i] = 127;\n }\n if (P.wa) {\n const Ya = Ma - f + 16;\n P.d > 0 && (P.i >= P.Ma - 1 ? da[Ya + 0] = da[Ya + 1] = da[Ya + 2] = da[Ya + 3] = Qa[Ra + 15] : N(da, Ya + 0, Qa, Ra + 16, 4));\n for (let Fb = 0; Fb < 4; ++Fb) da[Fb + Ya + 4 * f] = da[Fb + Ya + 4 * f] = da[Fb + Ya + 8 * f] = da[Fb + Ya + 12 * f] = da[Fb + Ya + 0];\n for (fa = 0; fa < 16; fa++) {\n var ac = da;\n var bc = Ma + ie[fa];\n Uf[P.Eb[fa]](ac, bc);\n P.Oa & 1 << fa ? mc(Za, 16 * +fa, ac, bc, 0) : P.ja & 1 << fa && Qc(Za, 16 * +fa, ac, bc);\n }\n } else {\n var $a = Fd(P, P.Eb[0]);\n Vf[$a](da, Ma);\n if (P.ja) for (fa = 0; fa < 16; fa++) ac = da, bc = Ma + ie[fa], P.Oa & 1 << fa ? mc(Za, 16 * +fa, ac, bc, 0) : P.ja & 1 << fa && Qc(Za, 16 * +fa, ac, bc);\n }\n $a = Fd(P, P.Tc);\n je[$a](Ua, Va);\n je[$a](Wa, Xa);\n if (P.ja & 983040) {\n const zb = P.z;\n var Pa = 256;\n P.Oa & 983040 ? Pc(zb, Pa, Ua, Va) : Rc(zb, Pa, Ua, Va);\n }\n if (P.ja & 15728640) {\n const Ab = P.z;\n var Pa = 320;\n P.Oa & 15728640 ? Pc(Ab, Pa, Wa, Xa) : Rc(Ab, Pa, Wa, Xa);\n }\n P.d < P.hb - 1 && (N(Qa, Ra, da, Ma + 15 * f, 16), N(mb, vb, Ua, Va + 7 * f, 8), N(wb, xb, Wa, Xa + 7 * f, 8));\n const Q = a;\n if (Q.A > 0) {\n const kb = Q.M[1 + Q.i];\n const Kb = Q.La[1 + Q.i].Nb;\n let ha = Q.Zb[Q.Lb];\n Q.ga.oc && (ha\n += Q.ga.Lc[0], Q.wa && (ha += Q.ga.Gc[0]));\n ha = ha < 0 ? 0 : ha > 63 ? 63 : ha;\n kb.zc = ha;\n Q.ga.kb > 0 && (ha = Q.ga.kb > 4 ? ha >> 2 : ha >> 1, ha > 9 - Q.ga.kb && (ha = 9 - Q.ga.kb));\n kb.yc = ha < 1 ? 1 : ha;\n kb.ab = (!Kb || Q.wa) + 0;\n }\n for (var Ia = ca, Bb = 8 * Q.Ja * Q.r, Qb = Q.ca, Ub = Q.da + 16 * Q.i + 16 * Q.Ja * Q.H, Wb = Q.aa, Xb = Q.ba + 8 * Q.i + Bb, Yb = Q.ra, Zb = Q.sa + 8 * Q.i + Bb, Ia = 0; Ia < 16; ++Ia) N(Qb, Ub + Ia * Q.H, Q.Ea, +Tc + Ia * f, 16);\n for (Ia = 0; Ia < 8; ++Ia) N(Wb, Xb + Ia * Q.r, Q.Ea, +Uc + Ia * f, 8), N(Yb, Zb + Ia * Q.r, Q.Ea, +he + Ia * f, 8);\n }\n const K = a;\n const I = b;\n var cc = 1;\n const eb = K.oa;\n if (K.qb) {\n const nb = K.rc;\n var cc = cc & WebPWorkerSync(nb);\n $(nb.a == OK);\n if (cc) {\n eb.N = I;\n eb.ha = K.Ja;\n eb.d = K.d;\n eb.W = K.W;\n if (eb.W) {\n const hc = eb.M;\n eb.M = K.M;\n K.M = hc;\n }\n WebPWorkerLaunch(nb);\n ++K.Ja == K.jb && (K.Ja = 0);\n }\n } else {\n eb.d = K.d;\n eb.W = K.W;\n b: {\n let Hb = 1;\n const rb = K.oa;\n const ib = uc[K.A];\n const yb = ib * K.H;\n const dc = parseInt(ib / 2) * K.r;\n const Ib = 16 * rb.ha * K.H;\n const jb = 8 * rb.ha * K.r;\n const Jb = K.ca;\n const Lb = K.da - yb + Ib;\n const Ob = K.aa;\n const Pb = K.ba - dc + jb;\n const Rb = K.ra;\n const Sb = K.sa - dc + jb;\n const jc = rb.d == 0;\n const Tb = (rb.d >= K.hb - 1) + 0;\n var ra = 16 * rb.d;\n let fb = 16 * (rb.d + 1);\n if (rb.W) {\n const pc = K;\n let wc = s;\n const kc = pc.oa.d;\n $(pc.oa.W);\n for (wc = pc.lb; wc < pc.wb; ++wc) {\n const Na = pc;\n const ec = wc;\n const Vb = kc;\n const xc = Na.oa;\n const gb = Na.H;\n const fc = xc.M[1 + ec];\n const sb = Na.ca;\n const tb = Na.da + 16 * xc.ha\n * gb + 16 * ec;\n const Gb = fc.zc;\n const hb = fc.yc;\n const Ja = 2 * Gb + hb;\n if (Gb != 0) {\n if (Na.A == 1) ec > 0 && ae(sb, tb, gb, Ja + 4), fc.ab && ce(sb, tb, gb, Ja), Vb > 0 && $d(sb, tb, gb, Ja + 4), fc.ab && be(sb, tb, gb, Ja);\n else {\n const gc = Na.r;\n const yc = Na.aa;\n const zc = Na.ba + 8 * xc.ha * gc + 8 * ec;\n const Ac = Na.ra;\n const Bc = Na.sa + 8 * xc.ha * gc + 8 * ec;\n const ub = Na.Ac.fb ? Gb >= 40 ? 2 : Gb >= 15 ? 1 : 0 : Gb >= 40 ? 3 : Gb >= 20 ? 2 : Gb >= 15 ? 1 : 0;\n ec > 0 && (Td(sb, tb, gb, Ja + 4, hb, ub), Vd(yc, zc, Ac, Bc, gc, Ja + 4, hb, ub));\n fc.ab && (Xd(sb, tb, gb, Ja, hb, ub), Zd(yc, zc, Ac, Bc, gc, Ja, hb, ub));\n Vb > 0 && (Sd(sb, tb, gb, Ja + 4, hb, ub), Ud(yc, zc, Ac, Bc, gc, Ja + 4, hb, ub));\n fc.ab && (Wd(sb, tb, gb,\n Ja, hb, ub), Yd(yc, zc, Ac, Bc, gc, Ja, hb, ub));\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (I.put) {\n jc ? (I.y = K.ca, I.D = K.da + Ib, I.c = K.aa, I.B = K.ba + jb, I.S = K.ra, I.C = K.sa + jb) : (ra -= ib, I.y = Jb, I.D = Lb, I.c = Ob, I.B = Pb, I.S = Rb, I.C = Sb);\n Tb || (fb -= ib);\n fb > I.K && (fb = I.K);\n if (K.Ga != p && ra < fb && (ra == 0 ? (I.p = qd(K, ra, fb - ra), I.q = 0) : I.q = qd(K, ra, fb - ra), I.p == p)) {\n cc = Y(K, W, 'Could not decode alpha data.');\n break b;\n }\n if (ra < I.k) {\n const qc = I.k - ra;\n var ra = I.k;\n $(!(qc & 1));\n I.D += K.H * qc;\n I.B += K.r * (qc >> 1);\n I.C += K.r * (qc >> 1);\n I.p != p && (I.q += I.width * qc);\n }\n ra < fb && (I.D += I.t, I.B += I.t >> 1, I.C += I.t >> 1, I.p != p && (I.q += I.t),\n I.w = ra - I.k, I.m = I.Ka - I.t, I.h = fb - ra, Hb = I.put(I));\n }\n rb.ha + 1 == K.jb && !Tb && (N(K.ca, K.da - yb, Jb, Lb + 16 * K.H, yb), N(K.aa, K.ba - dc, Ob, Pb + 8 * K.r, dc), N(K.ra, K.sa - dc, Rb, Sb + 8 * K.r, dc));\n cc = Hb;\n }\n }\n if (!cc) {\n c = Y(a, 'VP8_STATUS_USER_ABORT', 'Output aborted.');\n break a;\n }\n }\n let Cb;\n if (!(Cb = a.qb && !WebPWorkerSync(a.rc))) {\n let Db;\n if (Db = a.fc > 0) $(a), $(a.fc > 0), Db = !1;\n Cb = Db;\n }\n c = Cb ? 0 : 1;\n }\n }\n const lc = c;\n b.Pb && b.Pb(b);\n c = lc & 1;\n }\n if (!c) return ke(a), 0;\n a.za = 0;\n return c;\n }\n\n function ke(a) {\n a != p && (a.ib && (a.ib = 0), a.ib = p, a.Gb = 0, a.za = 0);\n }\n\n function Aa(a, b) {\n return a + (1 << b) - 1 >> b;\n }\n\n function hc(a, b, c, d, e) {\n const g = vb[c] + wb[b] >> ea;\n b = xb[b];\n d[e + 0] = ia[a + Za[c] - J];\n d[e + 1] = ia[a + g - J];\n d[e + 2] = ia[a + b - J];\n }\n\n function le(a, b, c, d, e) {\n const g = vb[c] + wb[b] >> ea;\n b = xb[b];\n d[e + 0] = ia[a + Za[c] - J] & 248 | ia[a + g - J] >> 5;\n d[e + 1] = ia[a + g - J] << 3 & 224 | ia[a + b - J] >> 3;\n }\n\n function me(a, b, c, d, e) {\n d[e + 0] = 255;\n hc(a, b, c, d, e + 1);\n }\n\n function ne(a, b, c, d, e) {\n const g = xb[b];\n d[e + 0] = Hb[a + Za[c] - J] << 4 | Hb[a + (vb[c] + wb[b] >> ea) - J];\n d[e + 1] = 15 | Hb[a + g - J] << 4;\n }\n\n function Vc(a, b, c, d, e) {\n const g = Za[c];\n c = vb[c] + wb[b] >> ea;\n d[e + 0] = ia[a + xb[b] - J];\n d[e + 1] = ia[a + c - J];\n d[e + 2] = ia[a + g - J];\n }\n\n function oe(a, b, c, d, e) {\n Vc(a, b, c, d, e);\n d[e + 3] = 255;\n }\n\n function pe(a, b, c, d, e) {\n hc(a, b, c, d, e);\n d[e + 3] = 255;\n }\n\n function ib(a, b, c) {\n a[b] = ((((a[b] & 4278255360) >>> 0) + ((c & 4278255360) >>> 0) & 4278255360) >>> 0 | (a[b] & 16711935) + (c & 16711935) & 16711935) >>> 0;\n }\n\n function ka(a, b) {\n return (((a ^ b) & 4278124286) >>> 1) + ((a & b) >>> 0) >>> 0;\n }\n\n function $a(a) {\n return a < 256 && a > 0 ? a : a <= 0 ? 0 : ~a >> 24 & 255;\n }\n\n function yb(a, b) {\n return $a(a + parseInt((a - b) / 2, 10));\n }\n\n function Wc() {\n return qe;\n }\n\n function Xc(a, b) {\n a &= 255;\n b &= 255;\n a > 127 && (a -= 256);\n b > 127 && (b -= 256);\n return a * b >>> 5;\n }\n\n function re(a,\n b, c, d, e, g, k) {\n var h = s;\n const n = 8 >> a.n;\n const l = a.U;\n const f = a.u;\n if (n < 8) {\n a = (1 << a.n) - 1;\n for (var t = (1 << n) - 1, h = b; h < c; ++h) {\n b = 0;\n for (var q = s, q = 0; q < l; ++q) (q & a) == 0 && (b = d[e++] >> 8 & 255), g[k++] = f[b & t], b >>= n;\n }\n } else for (h = b; h < c; ++h) for (q = 0; q < l; ++q) g[k++] = f[d[e++] >> 8 & 255];\n }\n\n function se(a, b, c, d, e) {\n for (c = b + c; b < c;) {\n const g = a[b++];\n d[e++] = g >> 16 & 255;\n d[e++] = g >> 8 & 255;\n d[e++] = g >> 0 & 255;\n d[e++] = g >> 24 & 255;\n }\n }\n\n function te(a, b, c, d, e) {\n for (c = b + c; b < c;) {\n const g = a[b++];\n d[e++] = g >> 16 & 240 | g >> 12 & 15;\n d[e++] = g >> 0 & 240 | g >> 28 & 15;\n }\n }\n\n function Ib(a, b, c, d, e) {\n for (c = b + c; b < c;) {\n const g = a[b++];\n d[e++] = g >> 24 & 255;\n d[e++] = g >> 16 & 255;\n d[e++] = g >> 8 & 255;\n d[e++] = g >> 0 & 255;\n }\n }\n\n function ue(a, b, c, d) {\n if (T(a, 8) != ve) return 0;\n b[0] = T(a, we) + 1;\n c[0] = T(a, we) + 1;\n d[0] = T(a, 1);\n T(a, Wf);\n return 1;\n }\n\n function xe(a, b) {\n let c = s;\n if (a < 4) return a + 1;\n c = a - 2 >> 1;\n return (2 + (a & 1) << c) + T(b, c) + 1;\n }\n\n function Oa(a, b) {\n if (b.Q + 8 > b.ya) {\n var c = a.Y;\n var d = 0;\n for ($(c != p); c[d].s != 0;) {\n var e = c;\n var g = b;\n const k = g.T >> g.g & 1;\n g.L ? g.fa = 1 : (++g.g, g.g >= 8 && Sb(g), g.Q == g.ya && g.g == 32 && (g.L = 1));\n d = d + e[d].s + k;\n }\n return c[d].kc;\n }\n c = a.Y;\n d = 0;\n for ($(c != p); c[d].s != 0;) {\n e = c, g = b.T >> b.g & 1, ++b.g, d = d\n + e[d].s + g;\n }\n return c[d].kc;\n }\n\n function zb(a, b) {\n if (a != p) for (var c = s, d = s, c = 0; c < b; ++c) for (var e = a[c].va, d = 0; d < Yc; ++d) ja(e[d]);\n }\n\n function ye(a, b, c) {\n b = a.eb == 0 ? 0 : a.ac[a.bd + a.Ec * (c >> a.eb) + (b >> a.eb)];\n $(b < a.hc);\n return a.Db[+b];\n }\n\n function ze(a, b, c, d) {\n let e = a.Na;\n const g = a.O;\n const k = g + b;\n var h = c;\n var f = d;\n d = a.Xa;\n c = a.vb;\n for (N(d, c, h, f, a.l * b); e-- > 0;) {\n b = a.nc[e];\n let l = g;\n var m = k;\n var t = h;\n var q = f;\n var f = d;\n var h = c;\n $(l < m);\n $(m <= b.Vb);\n switch (b.Qc) {\n case Ae:\n t = 0;\n for (b = h + (m - l) * b.U; h < b;) {\n var m = f;\n var q = h;\n var r = m[q] >> 8 & 255;\n var u = (m[q] & 16711935) >>> 0;\n var u = u + (r << 16 | r);\n var u = u & 16711935;\n f[h++] = ((m[q] & 4278255360)\n >>> 0 | u) >>> 0;\n l == 32 && t++;\n }\n break;\n case Be:\n var v = b;\n var C = l;\n var t = m;\n var q = f;\n var r = h;\n var u = v.U;\n if (C == 0) {\n var A = s;\n ib(q, r, qe);\n for (A = 1; A < u; ++A) ib(q, r + A, q[r + A - 1]);\n r += u;\n ++C;\n }\n for (var z = (1 << v.n) - 1, Ha = Aa(u, v.n), w = v.u, v = +(C >> v.n) * Ha; C < t;) {\n var y = w;\n var B = v;\n let G = p;\n ib(q, r, q[r - u + 0]);\n G = Ce[y[B++] >> 8 & 15];\n for (A = 1; A < u; ++A) {\n let F = E;\n (A & z) == 0 && (G = Ce[y[B++] >> 8 & 15]);\n F = G(q[r + A - 1], q, r + A - u);\n ib(q, r + A, F);\n }\n r += u;\n ++C;\n (C & z) == 0 && (v += Ha);\n }\n m != b.Vb && (b = b.U, N(f, h - b, f, h + (m - l - 1) * b, b));\n break;\n case De:\n t = b.U;\n q = (1 << b.n) - 1;\n r = Aa(t, b.n);\n u = b.u;\n for (b = +(l >> b.n) * r; l < m;) {\n A = u;\n C = b;\n z = M(Xf);\n Ha = s;\n for (Ha = 0; Ha < t; ++Ha) (Ha & q) == 0 && (w = A[C++], v = z, v.Cc = w >> 0 & 255, v.Bc = w >> 8 & 255, v.Kc = w >> 16 & 255), w = f[h + Ha], v = w >>> 8, y = w >>> 16, B = w, y += Xc(z.Cc, v), y &= 255, B += Xc(z.Bc, v), B += Xc(z.Kc, y), B &= 255, f[h + Ha] = (w & 4278255360 | y << 16 | B) >>> 0;\n h += t;\n ++l;\n (l & q) == 0 && (b += r);\n }\n break;\n case Ee:\n t == f && b.n > 0 ? (t = (m - l) * Aa(b.U, b.n), q = h + (m - l) * b.U - t, memmove(f, q, f, h, t), re(b, l, m, f, q, f, h)) : re(b, l, m, t, q, f, h);\n }\n h = d;\n f = c;\n }\n }\n\n function Yf(a, b) {\n var c = a.V;\n var d = a.Ha + a.l * a.O;\n var e = b - a.O;\n if (!(e <= 0)) {\n ze(a, e, c, d);\n var g = a.N;\n var c = a.Xa;\n let k = [a.vb];\n var d = a.O;\n var e = b;\n var h = k;\n var f = g.width;\n $(d < e);\n $(g.t < g.Ka);\n e > g.K && (e = g.K);\n if (d < g.k) {\n var l = g.k - d;\n var d = g.k;\n h[0] += f * l;\n }\n d >= e ? d = 0 : (h[0] += g.t, g.w = d - g.k, g.m = g.Ka - g.t, g.h = e - d, d = 1);\n if (d) {\n k = k[0];\n d = a.Ib;\n e = g.width;\n if (d.J < ua) {\n var m = d.c.RGBA;\n var h = m.ma;\n let t = m.Sa + a.xa * m.f;\n if (g.I) c = EmitRescaledRows(a, c, k, e, g.h, h, t, m.f);\n else {\n for (var f = d.J, l = g.m, g = g.h, m = m.f, q = g; q-- > 0;) {\n const r = c;\n let u = k;\n let v = l;\n const C = h;\n let A = t;\n switch (f) {\n case Qa:\n for (v = u + v; u < v;) {\n var z = r[u++];\n C[A++] = z >> 16 & 255;\n C[A++] = z >> 8 & 255;\n C[A++] = z >> 0 & 255;\n }\n break;\n case jb:\n se(r, u, v, C, A);\n break;\n case Ob:\n se(r, u, v, C, A);\n WebPApplyAlphaMultiply(C, 0, v,\n 1, 0);\n break;\n case Zc:\n for (v = u + v; u < v;) z = r[u++], C[A++] = z >> 0 & 255, C[A++] = z >> 8 & 255, C[A++] = z >> 16 & 255;\n break;\n case Pa:\n Ib(r, u, v, C, A);\n break;\n case Pb:\n Ib(r, u, v, C, A);\n WebPApplyAlphaMultiply(C, 0, v, 1, 0);\n break;\n case Ab:\n Ib(r, u, v, C, A);\n break;\n case Bb:\n Ib(r, u, v, C, A);\n WebPApplyAlphaMultiply(C, 1, v, 1, 0);\n break;\n case kb:\n te(r, u, v, C, A);\n break;\n case Qb:\n te(r, u, v, C, A);\n WebPApplyAlphaMultiply4444(C, v, 1, 0);\n break;\n case Fe:\n for (v = u + v; u < v;) z = r[u++], C[A++] = z >> 16 & 248 | z >> 13 & 7, C[A++] = z >> 5 & 224 | z >> 3 & 31;\n break;\n default:\n $(0);\n }\n k += e;\n t += m;\n }\n c = g;\n }\n a.xa += c;\n } else {\n a.xa = g.I ? EmitRescaledRowsYUVA(a, c, k, e, g.h) : EmitRowsYUVA(a, c, k, e, g.m, g.h);\n }\n $(a.xa <= d.height);\n }\n a.O = b;\n $(a.O <= a.v);\n }\n }\n\n function lc(a, b, c, d, e, g) {\n let k = 1;\n let h = 0;\n let f = 0;\n const l = a.o;\n const m = a.cb;\n let t = m.Db;\n let q = c;\n let r = c;\n c += d * e;\n e = Ba + Ge;\n const u = e + m.xb;\n const v = m.xb > 0 ? m.Yb : p;\n const C = m.Dc;\n let A = !1;\n $(t != p);\n for (; !l.L && q < c;) {\n let z = s;\n A || ((h & C) == 0 && (t = ye(m, h, f)), Da(l), z = Oa(t.va[Zf], l));\n if (z < Ba || A) {\n if (!A) {\n var w = k = A = s;\n var y = s;\n Da(l);\n A = Oa(t.va[$f], l);\n k = z;\n Da(l);\n w = Oa(t.va[ag], l);\n Da(l);\n y = Oa(t.va[bg], l);\n b[q] = (y << 24 >>> 0) + (A << 16) + (k << 8) + w;\n }\n A = !1;\n ++q;\n ++h;\n if (h >= d && (h = 0, ++f, g != p && f\n % $c == 0 && g(a, f), v != p)) for (; r < q;) k = b[r++], v.ea[ad * k >>> v.bb] = k;\n } else if (z < e) {\n w = w = s;\n k = xe(z - Ba, l);\n z = Oa(t.va[cg], l);\n Da(l);\n w = xe(z, l);\n w > He ? w -= He : (z = dg[w - 1], z = (z >> 4) * d + (8 - (z & 15)), w = z >= 1 ? z : 1);\n z = s;\n for (z = 0; z < k; ++z) b[q + z] = b[q + z - w];\n q += k;\n for (h += k; h >= d;) h -= d, ++f, g != p && f % $c == 0 && g(a, f);\n if (q < c && (t = ye(m, h, f), v != p)) for (; r < q;) k = b[r++], v.ea[ad * k >>> v.bb] = k;\n } else if (z < u) {\n A = z - e;\n for ($(v != p); r < q;) z = b[r++], v.ea[ad * z >>> v.bb] = z;\n z = b;\n w = q;\n y = v;\n $(A <= -1 >>> y.bb);\n z[w] = y.ea[A];\n A = !0;\n continue;\n }(k = !l.fa) || End;\n }\n g != p && g(a, f);\n l.fa || !k || l.L && q < c ? (k = 0, a.a = !l.L ? W : Ie) : q == c && (a.Ob = Db);\n return k;\n }\n\n function bd(a) {\n $(a);\n a.ac = p;\n zb(a.Db, a.hc);\n const b = a.Yb;\n b != p && (b.ea = p, b.ea = p);\n $(a);\n }\n\n function sd() {\n const a = M(eg);\n if (a == p) return p;\n a.a = L;\n a.Wa = cd;\n a.Ob = cd;\n return a;\n }\n\n function sa(a) {\n let b = s;\n if (a != p) {\n bd(a.cb);\n a.V = p;\n a.V = p;\n for (b = 0; b < a.Na; ++b) {\n const c = a.nc[b];\n c.u = p;\n c.u = p;\n }\n a.Na = 0;\n a.Ub = 0;\n a.Mc = p;\n a.Mc = p;\n a.Ib = p;\n }\n }\n\n function Ka(a, b, c, d, e) {\n var g = 1;\n a = [a];\n b = [b];\n for (var k = d.o, h = d.cb, f = p, l = p, l = 0; ;) {\n if (c) {\n for (; g && T(k, 1);) {\n var m = a;\n var t = b;\n var q = d;\n var r = 1;\n var u = q.o;\n var g = q.nc[q.Na];\n var v = T(u, 2);\n if (q.Ub & 1 << v) g = 0;\n else {\n q.Ub\n |= 1 << v;\n g.Qc = v;\n g.U = m[0];\n g.Vb = t[0];\n g.u = [p];\n g.b = 0;\n ++q.Na;\n $(q.Na <= Je);\n switch (v) {\n case Be:\n case De:\n g.n = T(u, 3) + 2;\n r = Ka(Aa(g.U, g.n), Aa(g.Vb, g.n), 0, q, g.u);\n break;\n case Ee:\n t = T(u, 8) + 1;\n r = t > 16 ? 0 : t > 4 ? 1 : t > 2 ? 2 : 3;\n m[0] = Aa(g.U, r);\n g.n = r;\n if (m = r = Ka(t, 1, 0, q, g.u)) {\n if (m = t, q = g, r = s, t = 1 << (8 >>> q.n) >>> 0, u = Array(t), u == p) m = 0;\n else {\n var v = q.u[0];\n var C = q.b;\n u[0] = q.u[0][q.b + 0];\n for (r = 1; r < m; ++r) u[r] = ((((v[C + r] & 4278255360) >>> 0) + ((u[r - 1] & 4278255360) >>> 0) & 4278255360) >>> 0 | (v[C + r] & 16711935) + (u[r - 1] & 16711935) & 16711935) >>> 0;\n for (; r < t; ++r) u[r] = 0;\n q.u[0] = p;\n q.b = p;\n q.u[0] = u;\n q.b = 0;\n m = 1;\n }\n }\n r = m;\n break;\n case Ae:\n break;\n default:\n $(0);\n }\n g.u = g.u[0];\n g = r;\n }\n }\n }\n if (g && T(k, 1) && (l = T(k, 4), g = l >= 1 && l <= fg, !g)) {\n d.a = W;\n break;\n }\n if (g) {\n a: {\n var g = d;\n var A = a[0];\n var z = b[0];\n var m = l;\n var C = v = s;\n var C = g.o;\n var q = g.cb;\n var r = [p];\n var t = p;\n var u = 1;\n if (c && T(C, 1)) {\n var v = T(C, 3) + 2;\n var A = Aa(A, v);\n var w = Aa(z, v);\n var z = A * w;\n if (!Ka(A, w, 0, g, r)) {\n g.a = W;\n zb(t, u);\n g = 0;\n break a;\n }\n r = r[0];\n q.eb = v;\n for (v = 0; v < z; ++v) A = r[v] >>> 8 & 65535, r[v] = A, A >= u && (u = A + 1);\n }\n if (C.fa) zb(t, u), g = 0;\n else if ($(u <= 65536), t = ld(u, gg), t == p) g.a = cb, zb(t, u), g = 0;\n else {\n for (v = 0; v < u; ++v) {\n z = t[v].va;\n for (C = 0; C < Yc; ++C) {\n A = hg[C];\n C == 0 && m > 0 && (A += 1 << m);\n b: {\n const y = A;\n var A = g;\n const G = z[+C];\n var B = 0;\n var w = A.o;\n if (T(w, 1)) {\n var F = Array(2);\n var D = Array(2);\n var L = Array(2);\n var B = T(w, 1) + 1;\n var J = T(w, 1);\n F[0] = T(w, J == 0 ? 1 : 8);\n D[0] = 0;\n L[0] = B - 1;\n B == 2 && (F[1] = T(w, 8), D[1] = 1, L[1] = B - 1);\n c: {\n var J = 0;\n var H = s;\n $(G != p);\n $(L != p);\n $(D != p);\n $(F != p);\n if (nd(G, B)) {\n for (H = 0; H < B; ++H) {\n if (D[H] != pd) {\n if (F[H] < 0 || F[H] >= y) {\n (J = J && ma(G)) || ja(G);\n B = J;\n break c;\n }\n if (!jc(G, F[H], D[H], L[H])) {\n (J = J && ma(G)) || ja(G);\n B = J;\n break c;\n }\n }\n }(J = (J = 1) && ma(G)) || ja(G);\n B = J;\n } else B = 0;\n }\n } else {\n B = s;\n D = [];\n F = T(w, 4) + 4;\n if (F > Ke) {\n A.a = W;\n A = 0;\n break b;\n }\n L = Array(y);\n if (L == p) {\n A.a = cb;\n A = 0;\n break b;\n }\n for (B = 0; B < F; ++B) D[ig[B]] = T(w, 3);\n c: {\n var B = A;\n var O = D;\n var D = y;\n var F = L;\n var J = 0;\n var H = B.o;\n let S = s;\n let V = s;\n let Y = jg;\n const Z = M(Le);\n if (od(Z, O, Ke)) {\n if (T(H, 1)) {\n if (S = 2 + 2 * T(H, 3), V = 2 + T(H, S), V > D) {\n B.a = W;\n ja(Z);\n B = J;\n break c;\n }\n } else V = D;\n for (S = 0; S < D;) {\n var R = s;\n if (V-- == 0) break;\n Da(H);\n R = Oa(Z, H);\n if (R < Me) F[S++] = R, R != 0 && (Y = R);\n else {\n var O = R == kg;\n var R = R - Me;\n const ea = lg[R];\n var R = T(H, mg[R]) + ea;\n if (S + R > D) {\n B.a = W;\n ja(Z);\n B = J;\n break c;\n }\n for (O = O ? Y : 0; R-- > 0;) F[S++] = O;\n }\n }\n J = 1;\n ja(Z);\n B = J;\n } else B.a = W, B = 0;\n }\n B && (B = od(G, L, y));\n }(B = B && !w.fa) ? A = 1 : (A.a = W, A = 0);\n }\n if (!A) {\n zb(t, u);\n g = 0;\n break a;\n }\n }\n }\n q.ac = r;\n q.hc = u;\n q.Db = t;\n g = 1;\n }\n }\n }\n if (!g) {\n d.a = W;\n break;\n }\n if (l > 0) {\n if (h.xb = 1 << l, m = h.Yb, q = 1 << l, $(m != p), $(l > 0), m.ea = U(q, 0), m.ea == p ? l = 0 : (m.bb = 32 - l, l = 1), !l) {\n d.a = cb;\n g = 0;\n break;\n }\n } else h.xb = 0;\n l = d;\n m = a[0];\n q = b[0];\n r = l.cb;\n t = r.eb;\n l.l = m;\n l.v = q;\n r.Ec = Aa(m, t);\n r.Dc = t == 0 ? -1 : (1 << t) - 1;\n if (c) {\n d.Ob = Cb;\n break;\n }\n f = Array(a * b);\n l = 0;\n if (f == p) {\n d.a = cb;\n g = 0;\n break;\n }\n g = (g = lc(d, f, l, a, b, p)) && !k.fa;\n break;\n }\n g ? (e != p ? e[0] = f : ($(f == p), $(c)), c || bd(h)) : (bd(h), d.a == W && d.o.L && (d.a = Ie));\n return g;\n }\n\n function xd(a, b) {\n const c = a.l * a.v;\n const d = c + b + b * $c;\n $(a.l <= b);\n a.V = Array(d);\n a.Ha = 0;\n if (a.V == p) {\n return a.Xa = p, a.a = cb, 0;\n }\n a.Xa = a.V;\n a.vb = a.Ha + c + b;\n return 1;\n }\n\n function mf(a, b) {\n var c = b - a.O;\n var d = a.V;\n var e = a.Ha + a.l * a.O;\n if (!(c <= 0)) {\n ze(a, c, d, e);\n for (var e = a.N.width, c = e * c, d = a.N.ka, e = a.N.fd + e * a.O, g = a.Xa, k = a.vb, h = s, h = 0; h < c; ++h) d[e + h] = g[k + h] >>> 8 & 255;\n a.O = a.xa = b;\n }\n }\n\n function ng(a, b) {\n const c = [s];\n const d = [s];\n const e = [s];\n if (a == p) return 0;\n if (b == p) return a.a = ta, 0;\n a.N = b;\n a.a = L;\n Rb(a.o, b.data, b.b, b.e);\n if (!ue(a.o, c, d, e)) return a.a = W, sa(a), $(a.a != L), 0;\n a.Ob = cd;\n b.width = c[0];\n b.height = d[0];\n a.Wa = Cb;\n return !Ka(c[0], d[0], 1, a, p) ? (sa(a), $(a.a != L), 0) : 1;\n }\n\n function og(a) {\n let b = p;\n let c = p;\n if (a == p) return 0;\n b = a.N;\n $(b != p);\n c = b.ka;\n $(c != p);\n a.Ib = c.j;\n a.Hc = c.Hc;\n $(a.Ib != p);\n if (!Ne(c.Qa, b, Pa)) return a.a = ta, sa(a), $(a.a != L), 0;\n if (!xd(a, b.width) || b.I && !AllocateAndInitRescaler(a, b)) return sa(a), $(a.a != L), 0;\n a.Wa = Db;\n if (!lc(a, a.V, a.Ha, a.l, a.v, Yf)) return sa(a), $(a.a != L), 0;\n c.ec = a.xa;\n sa(a);\n return 1;\n }\n\n function wa(a, b) {\n return a < 0 ? 0 : a > b ? b : a;\n }\n\n function ab(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, C, w, z) {\n let y; const G = C - 1 >> 1;\n let F = e[g + 0] | k[h + 0] << 16;\n let B = f[l + 0] | m[t + 0] << 16;\n if (a) {\n var D = 3 * F + B + 131074 >> 2;\n w(a[b + 0], D & 255, D >> 16, q, r);\n }\n c && (D = 3 * B + F + 131074 >> 2, w(c[d + 0], D & 255, D >> 16, u, v));\n for (y = 1; y <= G; ++y) {\n const J = e[g + y] | k[h + y] << 16;\n const L = f[l + y] | m[t + y] << 16;\n var D = F + J + B + L + 524296;\n const O = D + 2 * (J + B) >> 3;\n const H = D + 2 * (F + L) >> 3;\n a && (D = O + F >> 1, F = H + J >> 1, w(a[b + 2 * y - 1], D & 255, D >> 16, q, r + (2 * y - 1) * z), w(a[b + 2 * y - 0], F & 255, F >> 16, q, r + (2 * y - 0) * z));\n c && (D = H + B >> 1, F = O + L >> 1, w(c[d + 2 * y - 1], D & 255, D >> 16, u, v + (2 * y - 1) * z), w(c[d + 2 * y + 0], F & 255, F >> 16, u, v + (2 * y + 0) * z));\n F = J;\n B = L;\n }\n C & 1 || (a && (D = 3 * F + B + 131074 >> 2, w(a[b + C - 1], D & 255, D >> 16, q, r + (C - 1) * z)), c && (D = 3 * B + F + 131074 >> 2, w(c[d + C - 1], D & 255, D >> 16, u, v + (C - 1) * z)));\n }\n\n function pg(a,\n b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w) {\n ab(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w, hc, 3);\n }\n\n function qg(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w) {\n ab(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w, Vc, 3);\n }\n\n function Oe(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w) {\n ab(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w, pe, 4);\n }\n\n function Pe(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w) {\n ab(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w, oe, 4);\n }\n\n function Qe(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w) {\n ab(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w, me, 4);\n }\n\n function Re(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w) {\n ab(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h,\n f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w, ne, 2);\n }\n\n function rg(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w) {\n ab(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u, v, w, le, 2);\n }\n\n function Ca(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, h, f, l, m, t, q, r, u) {\n let v;\n for (v = 0; v < q - 1; v += 2) r(a[b + 0], e[g + 0], k[h + 0], f, l), r(a[b + 1], e[g + 0], k[h + 0], f, l + u), r(c[d + 0], e[g + 0], k[h + 0], m, t), r(c[d + 1], e[g + 0], k[h + 0], m, t + u), b += 2, d += 2, g++, h++, l += 2 * u, t += 2 * u;\n v == q - 1 && (r(a[b + 0], e[g + 0], k[h + 0], f, l), r(c[d + 0], e[g + 0], k[h + 0], m, t));\n }\n\n function Se(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, f, n, l, m, t, q) {\n Ca(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, f, n, l, m, t, q, pe, 4);\n }\n\n function Te(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, f, n, l,\n m, t, q) {\n Ca(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, f, n, l, m, t, q, oe, 4);\n }\n\n function Ue(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, f, n, l, m, t, q) {\n Ca(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, f, n, l, m, t, q, me, 4);\n }\n\n function Ve(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, f, n, l, m, t, q) {\n Ca(a, b, c, d, e, g, k, f, n, l, m, t, q, ne, 2);\n }\n\n function sg(a, b, c, d, e, g) {\n for (; e-- > 0;) {\n for (var k = a, f = b + (c ? 1 : 0), n = a, l = b + (c ? 0 : 3), m = s, m = 0; m < d; ++m) {\n var t = n[l + 4 * m];\n if (t != 255) {\n var t = 32897 * t;\n let q = k;\n let r = f + 4 * m + 0;\n k[f + 4 * m + 0] * t >>> 23;\n q[r] = ca;\n q = k;\n r = f + 4 * m + 1;\n k[f + 4 * m + 1] * t >>> 23;\n q[r] = ca;\n q = k;\n r = f + 4 * m + 2;\n k[f + 4 * m + 2] * t >>> 23;\n q[r] = ca;\n }\n }\n b += g;\n }\n }\n\n function tg(a, b) {\n const c = b.j.c.Va;\n const d = c.y;\n const e = c.D + a.w * c.F;\n const g = c.c;\n const k = c.B + (a.w >> 1) * c.nb;\n const f = c.S;\n const n = c.C + (a.w >> 1) * c.rb;\n const l = a.m;\n const m = a.h;\n const t = parseInt((l + 1) / 2, 10);\n const q = parseInt((m + 1) / 2, 10);\n let r;\n for (r = 0; r < m; ++r) N(d, e + r * c.F, a.y, a.D + r * a.F, l);\n for (r = 0; r < q; ++r) N(g, k + r * c.nb, a.c, a.B + r * a.Da, t), N(f, n + r * c.rb, a.S, a.C + r * a.Da, t);\n return a.h;\n }\n\n function ug(a, b) {\n var c = b.j;\n const d = c.c.RGBA;\n const e = d.ma;\n let g = d.Sa + a.w * d.f;\n const k = a.y;\n let f = a.D;\n const n = a.c;\n let l = a.B;\n const m = a.S;\n let t = a.C;\n var c = vg[c.J];\n const q = a.m;\n const r = a.h - 1;\n let u;\n for (u = 0; u < r; u += 2) c(k, f, k, f + a.F, n, l, m, t, e, g, e, g + d.f, q), f += 2 * a.F, l += a.Da, t += a.Da, g += 2 * d.f;\n u == r && c(k, f, k, f, n, l, m, t, e, g, e, g, q);\n return a.h;\n }\n\n function wg(a, b) {\n let c = a.h;\n const d = b.j.c.RGBA;\n const e = d.ma;\n let g = d.Sa + a.w * d.f;\n const k = V[b.j.J];\n const f = a.y;\n let n = a.D;\n const l = a.c;\n let m = a.B;\n const t = a.S;\n let q = a.C;\n let r = b.Qb;\n let u = b.Rb;\n let v = b.lc;\n let w = b.mc;\n let A = a.w;\n const z = a.w + a.h;\n const y = a.m;\n const D = parseInt((y + 1) / 2, 10);\n A == 0 ? k(p, p, f, n, l, m, t, q, l, m, t, q, p, p, e, g, y) : (k(b.Sb, b.Tb, f, n, r, u, v, w, l, m, t, q, e, g - d.f, e, g, y), ++c);\n for (; A + 2 < z; A += 2) r = l, u = m, v = t, w = q, m += a.Da, q += a.Da, g += 2 * d.f, n += 2 * a.F, k(f, n - a.F, f, n, r, u, v, w, l, m, t, q, e, g - d.f, e, g, y);\n n += a.F;\n a.k + z < a.K ? (N(b.Sb, b.Tb, f, n, 1 * y), N(b.Qb, b.Rb, l, m, 1 * D), N(b.lc, b.mc, t, q, 1 * D), c--) : z & 1 || k(f, n, p, p, l, m, t, q, l, m,\n t, q, e, g + d.f, p, p, y);\n return c;\n }\n\n function xg(a, b) {\n var c = a.p;\n var d = a.q;\n const e = b.j.c.Va;\n const g = a.m;\n const f = a.h;\n const h = e.p;\n let n = e.q + a.w * e.Fa;\n var c = a.p;\n var d = a.q;\n let l = s;\n if (c != p) for (l = 0; l < f; ++l) N(h, n, c, d, 1 * g), d += a.width, n += e.Fa;\n else if (e.p != p) for (l = 0; l < f; ++l) jd(h, n, 255, g), n += e.Fa;\n return 0;\n }\n\n function We(a, b, c) {\n let d = a.w;\n c[0] = a.h;\n a.Bb && (d == 0 ? --c[0] : (--d, b[0] -= a.width), a.k + a.w + a.h == a.K && (c[0] = a.K - a.k - d));\n return d;\n }\n\n function yg(a, b) {\n const c = a.p;\n var d = [a.q];\n if (c != p) {\n for (var e = a.m, g = b.j.J, f = g == Ab || g == Bb, h = b.j.c.RGBA, n = [s], l = We(a, d, n), d = d[0], m = h.ma, l = h.Sa + l * h.f,\n t = l + (f ? 0 : 3), q = 255, r = s, u = s, u = 0; u < n[0]; ++u) {\n for (r = 0; r < e; ++r) {\n const v = c[d + r];\n m[t + 4 * r] = v;\n q &= v;\n }\n d += a.width;\n t += h.f;\n }\n q != 255 && F(g) && WebPApplyAlphaMultiply(m, l, f, e, n, h.f);\n }\n return 0;\n }\n\n function zg(a, b) {\n const c = a.p;\n var d = [a.q];\n if (c != p) {\n const e = a.m;\n const g = b.j.J;\n const f = b.j.c.RGBA;\n const h = [s];\n var n = We(a, d, h);\n var d = d[0];\n const l = f.ma;\n var n = f.Sa + n * f.f;\n let m = n + 1;\n let t = 15;\n let q = s;\n for (j = 0; j < h[0]; ++j) {\n for (q = 0; q < e; ++q) {\n const r = c[d + q] >> 4;\n l[m + 2 * q] = l[m + 2 * q] & 240 | r;\n t &= r;\n }\n d += a.width;\n m += f.f;\n }\n t != 15 && F(g) && WebPApplyAlphaMultiply4444(l, n, e, h, f.f);\n }\n return 0;\n }\n\n function vd(a) {\n let b = a.ka;\n const c = b.j.J;\n const d = c\n < ua;\n const e = c == jb || c == Pa || c == Ab || c == kb || c == Ra || F(c);\n b.memory = p;\n b.$a = p;\n b.zb = p;\n b.ad = p;\n if (!Ne(b.Qa, a, e ? ua : Ra)) return 0;\n if (a.I) {\n if (!(d ? InitRGBRescaler(a, b) : InitYUVRescaler(a, b))) return alert('memory error #1'), 0;\n } else {\n if (d) {\n if (b.$a = ug, a.Bb) {\n const g = a.m + 1 >> 1;\n const f = a.m + 2 * g;\n let h; const\n n = [];\n for (h = 0; h < f; ++h) n.push(205);\n n.push(0);\n b.memory = n;\n if (b.memory == p) return alert('memory error #2'), 0;\n b.Sb = b.memory;\n b.Tb = 0;\n b.Qb = b.Sb;\n b.Rb = b.Tb + a.m;\n b.lc = b.Qb;\n b.mc = b.Rb + g;\n b.$a = wg;\n V[Qa] = pg;\n V[jb] = Oe;\n V[Zc] = qg;\n V[Pa] = Pe;\n V[Ab] = Qe;\n V[kb] = Re;\n V[Fe] = rg;\n }\n } else {\n b.$a = tg;\n }\n e && (F(c) && (WebPApplyAlphaMultiply = sg, V[Ob] = Oe, V[Pb] = Pe, V[Bb] = Qe, V[Qb] = Re), b.zb = c == kb || c == Qb ? zg : d ? yg : xg);\n }\n if (d && !Xe) {\n for (a = 0; a < 256; ++a) Za[a] = 89858 * (a - 128) + Jb >> ea, wb[a] = -22014 * (a - 128) + Jb, vb[a] = -45773 * (a - 128), xb[a] = 113618 * (a - 128) + Jb >> ea;\n for (a = J; a < dd; ++a) b = 76283 * (a - 16) + Jb >> ea, ia[a - J] = wa(b, 255), Hb[a - J] = wa(b + 8 >> 4, 15);\n Xe = 1;\n }\n return 1;\n }\n\n function ud(a) {\n const b = a.ka;\n let c = a.m;\n const d = a.h;\n $(!(a.w & 1));\n if (c <= 0 || d <= 0) return 0;\n c = b.$a(a, b);\n b.ec += c;\n b.zb && b.zb(a, b);\n return 1;\n }\n\n function wd(a) {\n a = a.ka;\n a.memory = '';\n a.memory = p;\n }\n\n function ed(a,\n b) {\n return a[b + 0] | a[b + 1] << 8 | a[b + 2] << 16;\n }\n\n function Kb(a, b) {\n return (ed(a, b) | a[b + 3] << 24) >>> 0;\n }\n\n function Ye(a, b, c, d, e, g, f) {\n var h = 0;\n var n = [0];\n var l = 'VP8StatusCode';\n const m = M(Gc);\n if (a == p || c[0] < Lb) return Z;\n m.data = a;\n m.b = [b[0]];\n m.e = [c[0]];\n m.na = [m.na];\n a: {\n h = m.na;\n $(a != p);\n $(c != p);\n $(h != p);\n h[0] = 0;\n if (c[0] >= Lb && !kd(a, b[0], 'RIFF', O)) {\n if (kd(a, b[0] + 8, 'WEBP', O)) {\n l = W;\n break a;\n }\n var t = Kb(a, b[0] + O);\n if (t < O + R) {\n l = W;\n break a;\n }\n h[0] = t;\n b[0] += Lb;\n c[0] -= Lb;\n } else h[0] = 0;\n l = L;\n }\n m.na = m.na[0];\n if (l != L) return l;\n h = m.na > 0;\n t = [0];\n a: if (l = R + fd, $(a != p), $(c != p), $(n != p), n[0] = 0, c[0] < R) l = Z;\n else {\n if (!kd(a, b[0], 'VP8X', O)) {\n var q = s;\n var r = s;\n var u = E;\n if (Kb(a, b[0] + O) != fd) {\n l = W;\n break a;\n }\n if (c[0] < l) {\n l = Z;\n break a;\n }\n u = Kb(a, b[0] + 8);\n q = 1 + ed(a, b[0] + 12);\n r = 1 + ed(a, b[0] + 15);\n if (q * r >= Ag) {\n l = W;\n break a;\n }\n t != p && (t[0] = u);\n d != p && (d[0] = q);\n e != p && (e[0] = r);\n b[0] += l;\n c[0] -= l;\n n[0] = 1;\n }\n l = L;\n }\n if (l != L) return l;\n if (!h && n[0]) return W;\n g != p && (g[0] = !!(t[0] & Bg));\n if (n && f == p) return L;\n if (c < O) return Z;\n if (h && n[0] || !h && !n[0] && !kd(a, b[0], 'ALPH', O)) {\n m.$ = [m.$];\n m.G = [m.G];\n m.pa = [m.pa];\n a: {\n var n = m.na;\n var h = m.$;\n var t = m.G;\n var l = m.pa;\n var q = x;\n var r = 0;\n var u = Mb;\n let v = O + R + fd;\n $(a != p);\n $(c != p);\n q = a;\n r = b[0];\n u = c[0];\n $(h != p);\n $(l != p);\n h[0] = p;\n t[0] = p;\n for (l[0] = 0; ;) {\n let w = E;\n let y = E;\n b[0] = r;\n c[0] = u;\n if (u < R) {\n l = Z;\n break a;\n }\n w = Kb(q, r + O);\n y = R + w + 1 & -2;\n v += y;\n if (n > 0 && v > n) {\n l = W;\n break a;\n }\n if (u < y) {\n l = Z;\n break a;\n }\n if (kd(q, r, 'ALPH', O)) {\n if (!kd(q, r, 'VP8 ', O) || !kd(q, 'VP8L', O)) {\n l = L;\n break a;\n }\n } else h[0] = q, t[0] = r + R, l[0] = w;\n r += y;\n u -= y;\n }\n l = ca;\n }\n m.$ = m.$[0];\n m.G = m.G[0];\n m.pa = m.pa[0];\n if (l != L) return l;\n }\n m.ta = [m.ta];\n m.ia = [m.ia];\n a: if (n = m.na, h = m.ta, t = m.ia, r = !kd(a, b[0], 'VP8 ', O), l = !kd(a, b[0], 'VP8L', O), q = O + R, $(a != p), $(c != p), $(h != p), $(t != p), c[0] < R) l = Z;\n else {\n if (r || l) {\n r = Kb(a, b[0] + O);\n if (n >= q && r > n - q) {\n l = W;\n break a;\n }\n h[0] = r;\n b[0] += R;\n c[0] -= R;\n t[0] = l;\n } else t[0] = c >= 1 && a[b + 0] == ve, h[0] = c[0];\n l = L;\n }\n m.ta = m.ta[0];\n m.ia = m.ia[0];\n if (l != L) return l;\n if (m.ta > Ze) return W;\n if (m.ia) {\n if (c[0] < $e) return Z;\n n = b[0];\n h = c[0];\n d = d ? d[0] : p;\n e = e ? e[0] : p;\n t = g ? g[0] : p;\n a == p || h < $e ? a = 0 : (l = [s], q = [s], r = [s], u = M(af), Rb(u, a, n, h), ue(u, l, q, r) ? (d != p && (d[0] = l[0]), e != p && (e[0] = q[0]), t != p && (t[0] = r[0]), a = 1) : a = 0);\n } else {\n if (c < bf) return Z;\n n = b[0];\n h = c[0];\n d = d ? d[0] : p;\n e = e ? e[0] : p;\n !(a == p || h < bf) && h - 3 >= 3 && a[n + 3 + 0] == 157 && a[n\n + 3 + 1] == 1 && a[n + 3 + 2] == 42 ? (h = a[n + 0] | a[n + 1] << 8 | a[n + 2] << 16, t = (a[n + 7] << 8 | a[n + 6]) & 16383, a = (a[n + 9] << 8 | a[n + 8]) & 16383, !(!(h & 1) + 0) || (h >> 1 & 7) > 3 || !(h >> 4 & 1) || h >> 5 >= m.ta ? a = 0 : (d && (d[0] = t), e && (e[0] = a), a = 1)) : a = 0;\n }\n if (!a) return W;\n g != p && (g[0] |= m.$ != p);\n f != p && (f[0] = m, f[0].offset = b[0] - f[0].b, $(b[0] - f[0].b < Ze), $(f[0].offset == f[0].e - c[0]));\n return L;\n }\n\n function Kd(a) {\n $(a != p);\n return Ye(a[0].data, a[0].b, a[0].e, p, p, p, a);\n }\n\n function cf(a, b, c, d) {\n let e = 'VP8StatusCode';\n const g = M(Vb);\n let f = M(Gc);\n f.data = a;\n f.b = b;\n f.e = c;\n f.b = [f.b];\n f.e = [f.e];\n f = [f];\n e = Kd(f);\n if (e\n != L) return e;\n f = f[0];\n f.b = f.b[0];\n f.e = f.e[0];\n $(d != p);\n td(na);\n g.data = f.data;\n g.b = b + f.offset;\n g.e = f.e - f.offset;\n g.put = ud;\n g.Mb = vd;\n g.Pb = wd;\n g.ka = d;\n if (f.ia) {\n a = sd();\n if (a == p) return cb;\n ng(a, g) ? (e = zd(g.width, g.height, d.Qa, d.j), e == L && !og(a) && (e = a.a)) : e = a.a;\n a != p && sa(a);\n } else {\n e = M(Cg);\n e != p && (Gd(e), e.za = 0, e.Hb = 1);\n a = e;\n if (a == p) return cb;\n a.qb = 0;\n a.Ga = f.$;\n a.G = f.G;\n a.ub = f.pa;\n Hd(a, g) ? (e = zd(g.width, g.height, d.Qa, d.j), e == L && !Mf(a, g) && (e = a.a)) : e = a.a;\n a != p && ke(a);\n }\n e != L && (self || this).Yc(d.j);\n return e;\n }\n\n function lb(a, b, c, d, e) {\n const g = {\n value: 0,\n };\n c = {\n value: c,\n };\n const f = M(df);\n const h = M(gd);\n f.j = h;\n h.J = a;\n const n = {\n value: h.width,\n };\n const l = {\n value: h.height,\n };\n let m;\n m = c;\n const t = M(ef);\n hd(b, g, m, t) != L ? m = 0 : (n != p && (n.value = t.width), l != p && (l.value = t.height), m = 1);\n if (!m) return p;\n h.width = n.value;\n h.height = l.value;\n d != p && (d.value = h.width.value);\n e != p && (e.value = h.height.value);\n return cf(b, g.value, c.value, f) != L ? p : a < ua ? h.c.RGBA.ma : h.c.Va.y;\n }\n\n function hd(a, b, c, d) {\n if (d == p || a == p) return ta;\n $(d != p);\n d.tc = 0;\n d.width = [d.width];\n d.height = [d.height];\n d.$b = [d.$b];\n return Ye(a, b, c, d.width, d.height, d.$b, p);\n }\n\n function Ne(a,\n b, c) {\n const d = b.width;\n const e = b.height;\n let g = 0;\n let f = 0;\n let h = d;\n let n = e;\n b.Ua = a != p && a.Ua > 0;\n if (b.Ua && (h = a.wc, n = a.vc, g = a.t, f = a.k, c < ua || (g &= -2, f &= -2), g < 0 || f < 0 || h <= 0 || n <= 0 || g + h > d || f + n > e)) return 0;\n b.t = g;\n b.k = f;\n b.Ka = g + h;\n b.K = f + n;\n b.m = h;\n b.h = n;\n b.I = a != p && a.I > 0;\n if (b.I) {\n if (a.Ba <= 0 || a.Aa <= 0) return 0;\n b.Ba = a.Ba;\n b.Aa = a.Aa;\n }\n b.Za = a && a.Za;\n b.Bb = a == p || !a.ed;\n b.I && (b.Za = b.Ba < 3 * d / 4 && b.Aa < 3 * e / 4, b.Bb = 0);\n return 1;\n }\n var na = 512;\n var Qa = 0;\n var jb = 1;\n var Zc = 2;\n var Pa = 3;\n var Ab = 4;\n var kb = 5;\n var Fe = 6;\n var Ob = 7;\n var Pb = 8;\n var Bb = 9;\n var Qb = 10;\n var ua = 11;\n var Ra = 12;\n var Cc = 13;\n this.WEBP_CSP_MODE = this.Cd = {\n nd: 0,\n od: 1,\n kd: 2,\n ld: 3,\n jd: 4,\n pd: 5,\n qd: 6,\n rd: 7,\n sd: 8,\n md: 9,\n };\n var gd = {\n J: 'WEBP_CSP_MODE',\n width: s,\n height: s,\n Fc: s,\n c: {\n RGBA: {\n ma: x,\n Sa: 0,\n f: s,\n size: Mb,\n },\n Va: {\n y: x,\n c: x,\n S: x,\n p: x,\n D: x,\n B: x,\n C: x,\n q: x,\n F: s,\n nb: s,\n rb: s,\n Fa: s,\n Wc: Mb,\n Rc: Mb,\n Uc: Mb,\n Wb: Mb,\n },\n },\n Ic: U(4, E),\n Jb: p,\n jc: x,\n };\n var L = 0;\n var cb = 1;\n var ta = 2;\n var W = 3;\n var Hf = 4;\n var Ie = 5;\n var Nf = 6;\n var Z = 7;\n this.VP8StatusCode = this.td = {\n xd: 0,\n yd: 1,\n vd: 2,\n ud: 3,\n Ad: 4,\n zd: 5,\n Bd: 6,\n wd: 7,\n };\n var ef = {\n width: {\n value: s,\n },\n height: {\n value: s,\n },\n $b: {\n value: s,\n },\n tc: s,\n Yd: s,\n rotate: s,\n be: s,\n Ic: U(3, E),\n };\n this.WebPGetFeatures = this.Md = function (a, b, c) {\n let d = 'VP8StatusCode';\n na >>> 8 != na >>> 8 || c == p ? a = ta : (b = [b], d = hd(a, [0], b, c), a = d == Z ? W : d);\n return a;\n };\n const ff = {\n Za: s,\n ed: s,\n Ua: s,\n t: s,\n k: s,\n wc: s,\n vc: s,\n I: s,\n Ba: s,\n Aa: s,\n ae: s,\n Td: s,\n Xd: s,\n Ic: U(6, E),\n };\n this.WebPDecoderConfig = this.Kd = {\n input: M(ef),\n j: M(gd),\n options: M(ff),\n };\n this.WebPInitDecoderConfig = this.Nd = function (a) {\n na >>> 8 != na >>> 8 || a == p ? a = 0 : (a = a.input, $(a != p), a.tc = 0, a = 1);\n return a;\n };\n var Vb = {\n width: s,\n height: s,\n w: s,\n m: s,\n h: s,\n y: x,\n c: x,\n S: x,\n D: 0,\n B: 0,\n C: 0,\n F: s,\n Da: s,\n ka: 0,\n put: 0,\n Mb: 0,\n Pb: 0,\n Bb: s,\n e: Mb,\n data: x,\n b: 0,\n Za: s,\n Ua: s,\n t: s,\n Ka: s,\n k: s,\n K: s,\n I: s,\n Ba: s,\n Aa: s,\n p: x,\n q: 0,\n };\n var df = {\n j: M(gd),\n Sb: x,\n Qb: x,\n lc: x,\n Tb: 0,\n Rb: 0,\n mc: 0,\n ec: s,\n Qa: M(ff),\n memory: 0,\n $a: '(OutputFunc)',\n zb: '(OutputFunc)',\n ad: '(OutputRowFunc)',\n };\n var Gc = {\n data: x,\n b: x,\n e: Mb,\n offset: Mb,\n $: p,\n G: x,\n pa: Mb,\n ta: Mb,\n na: Mb,\n ia: s,\n };\n var Fc = {\n qa: x,\n Ia: p,\n Pd: x,\n Ab: s,\n la: E,\n Z: E,\n gc: s,\n };\n var af = {\n T: bb,\n qa: x,\n Ia: x,\n ya: Mb,\n Q: Mb,\n g: s,\n L: s,\n fa: s,\n };\n var gf = 25;\n var hf = [0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, 511, 1023, 2047, 4095, 8191, 16383, 32767, 65535, 131071, 262143, 524287, 1048575, 2097151, 4194303, 8388607, 16777215];\n var bf = 10;\n var ve = 47;\n var we = 14;\n var Wf = 3;\n var $e = 5;\n var fg = 11;\n var Yc = 5;\n var qe = 4278190080;\n var jg = 8;\n var Tb = 15;\n var Ba = 256;\n var Ge = 24;\n var Je = 4;\n var Be = 0;\n var De = 1;\n var Ae = 2;\n var Ee = 3;\n var Ub = 1;\n var kc = 0;\n var kf = 1;\n var rd = 1;\n var O = 4;\n var R = 8;\n var Lb = 12;\n var fd = 10;\n var Bg = 16;\n var Ag = 1 * Math.pow(2, 32);\n var Ze = -1 - R - 1 >>> 0;\n var jf = {\n kc: s,\n s,\n };\n var Le = {\n Y: 'HuffmanTreeNode*',\n gb: s,\n Pa: s,\n };\n var pd = -1;\n const Dg = {\n ea: E,\n bb: s,\n };\n var ad = 506832829;\n var $b = 0;\n var ge = $b;\n var fe = 2;\n var ee = 3;\n var de = 1;\n var Ef = 4;\n var Df = 5;\n var Cf = 6;\n var Ld = 3;\n var xa = 4;\n var Hc = 4;\n var Gf = 4;\n var Md = 4;\n var Nd = 8;\n var Kc = 3;\n var Lc = 11;\n var f = 32;\n var Pf = 17 * f + 9 * f;\n var Tc = 1 * f + 8;\n var Uc = Tc + 16 * f + f;\n var he = Uc + 16;\n var Id = {\n fb: x,\n Jc: x,\n Nc: x,\n Ra: E,\n };\n var Jd = {\n l: 0,\n v: 0,\n gd: x,\n hd: x,\n uc: x,\n $c: x,\n };\n const Eg = {\n pb: s,\n ob: s,\n tb: s,\n Kb: U(xa, 0),\n Cb: U(xa, 0),\n };\n const Fg = {\n Ta: U(Ld, x),\n z: md([Md, Nd, Kc, Lc], x),\n };\n const Gg = {\n Oc: s,\n Fb: s,\n kb: s,\n oc: s,\n Lc: U(Hc, s),\n Gc: U(Hc, s),\n };\n var Oc = {\n zc: s,\n yc: s,\n ab: s,\n };\n var Qd = {\n X: s,\n ua: s,\n Nb: s,\n };\n const id = U(2, s);\n const Hg = {\n sc: M(id),\n sb: M(id),\n qc: M(id),\n };\n const Ig = {\n ha: s,\n d: s,\n W: s,\n M: Oc,\n N: Vb,\n };\n var Cg = {\n a: 'VP8StatusCode',\n za: s,\n xc: 0,\n o: M(Fc),\n Ac: M(Id),\n P: M(Jd),\n ga: M(Gg),\n Ca: M(Eg),\n rc: 'WebPWorker',\n qb: s,\n Ja: s,\n jb: s,\n oa: Ig,\n Ma: s,\n hb: s,\n lb: s,\n mb: s,\n wb: s,\n Ya: s,\n Hb: s,\n ic: ld(8, Fc),\n Zc: E,\n yb: ld(xa, Hg),\n R: M(Fg),\n pc: s,\n Pc: x,\n dc: x,\n cc: U(4, x),\n Xc: x,\n Sc: x,\n Vc: x,\n La: M(Qd),\n M: M(Oc),\n Ea: x,\n z: 0,\n ca: x,\n aa: x,\n ra: x,\n da: s,\n ba: s,\n sa: s,\n H: s,\n r: s,\n ib: 0,\n Gb: Mb,\n i: s,\n d: s,\n wa: x,\n Eb: U(16, x),\n Vd: 0,\n Tc: x,\n Lb: x,\n ja: E,\n Oa: E,\n A: s,\n W: s,\n Zb: U(xa, x),\n Ga: p,\n G: 0,\n ub: Mb,\n Xb: x,\n Od: 0,\n cd: s,\n dd: x,\n Wd: 0,\n fc: Mb,\n };\n var Db = 0;\n var Cb = 1;\n var cd = 2;\n const Jg = {\n Qc: 'VP8LImageTransformType',\n n: s,\n U: s,\n Vb: s,\n u: E,\n b: E,\n };\n var gg = {\n va: ld(Yc, Le),\n };\n const Kg = {\n xb: s,\n Yb: M(Dg),\n Dc: s,\n eb: s,\n Ec: s,\n ac: E,\n bd: E,\n hc: s,\n Db: 'HTreeGroup',\n };\n var eg = {\n a: 'VP8StatusCode',\n Wa: 'VP8LDecodeState',\n Ob: 'VP8LDecodeState',\n N: 'VP8Io',\n Ib: 'WebPDecBuffer',\n Hc: 'WebPDecBuffer',\n V: E,\n Ha: E,\n Xa: E,\n vb: E,\n o: M(af),\n l: s,\n v: s,\n O: s,\n xa: s,\n cb: M(Kg),\n Na: s,\n nc: ld(Je, Jg),\n Ub: E,\n Mc: x,\n $d: x,\n Zd: '*WebPRescaler',\n };\n var lf = 4;\n var nf = [p, function (a, b, c, d, e, g, f, h) {\n let n = s;\n let l = h;\n $(a != p);\n $(f != p);\n $(c > 0);\n $(d > 0);\n $(e > 0);\n $(g >= c * e);\n for (n = 0; n < d; ++n) {\n n == 0 ? N(f, h, a, b, e) : Ea(a, b, f, l - g, f, h, e), Ea(a, b + e, f, l, f, h + e, e * (c - 1)),\n l += g, b += g, h += g;\n }\n }, function (a, b, c, d, e, f, k, h) {\n let n = s;\n let l = h;\n $(a != p);\n $(k != p);\n $(c > 0);\n $(d > 0);\n $(e > 0);\n $(f >= c * e);\n N(k, h, a, b, e);\n Ea(a, b + e, k, l, k, h + e, e * (c - 1));\n for (n = 1; n < d; ++n) b += f, h += f, Ea(a, b, k, l, k, h, e * c), l += f;\n }, function (a, b, c, d, e, f, k, h) {\n var n = h;\n let l = s;\n $(a != p);\n $(k != p);\n $(c > 0);\n $(d > 0);\n $(e > 0);\n $(f >= c * e);\n N(k, h, a, b, e);\n Ea(a, b + e, k, n, k, h + e, e * (c - 1));\n for (l = 1; l < d; ++l) {\n let m = s;\n var n = n + f;\n b += f;\n h += f;\n Ea(a, b, k, n - f, k, h, e);\n for (m = e; m < c * e; ++m) {\n const t = k[n + m - e] + k[n + m - f] - k[n + m - f - e];\n k[h + m] = a[b + m] + (t < 0 ? 0 : t > 255 ? 255 : t) & 255;\n }\n }\n }];\n var yd = [3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4,\n 2, 1, 1,\n ];\n this.WebPFreeDecBuffer = this.Yc = function (a) {\n a != p && (a.Fc || (a.Jb = ''), a.jc = 0, a.Jb = a.jc = p);\n };\n self = this;\n var va = U(511, x);\n var tc = U(511, x);\n var sc = U(2041, 0);\n var oc = U(225, 0);\n var oa = U(766, x);\n var Rd = 0;\n var Xb = 85627;\n var Wb = 35468;\n var Uf = [function (a, b) {\n let c = 4;\n let d;\n for (d = 0; d < 4; ++d) c += a[b + d - f] + a[b - 1 + d * f];\n c >>= 3;\n for (d = 0; d < 4; ++d) jd(a, b + d * f, c, 4);\n }, function (a, b) {\n Dc(a, b, 4);\n }, function (a, b) {\n let c = b - f;\n const d = [];\n d.push(y(a[c - 1], a[c + 0], a[c + 1]));\n d.push(y(a[c + 0], a[c + 1], a[c + 2]));\n d.push(y(a[c + 1], a[c + 2], a[c + 3]));\n d.push(y(a[c + 2], a[c + 3], a[c + 4]));\n for (c = 0; c < 4; ++c) N(a, b + c * f, d, 0, 4);\n },\n function (a, b) {\n const c = a[b - 1];\n const d = a[b - 1 + f];\n const e = a[b - 1 + 2 * f];\n const g = a[b - 1 + 3 * f];\n a[b + 0 + 0 * f] = a[b + 1 + 0 * f] = a[b + 2 + 0 * f] = a[b + 3 + 0 * f] = y(a[b - 1 - f], c, d);\n a[b + 0 + 1 * f] = a[b + 1 + 1 * f] = a[b + 2 + 1 * f] = a[b + 3 + 1 * f] = y(c, d, e);\n a[b + 0 + 2 * f] = a[b + 1 + 2 * f] = a[b + 2 + 2 * f] = a[b + 3 + 2 * f] = y(d, e, g);\n a[b + 0 + 3 * f] = a[b + 1 + 3 * f] = a[b + 2 + 3 * f] = a[b + 3 + 3 * f] = y(e, g, g);\n },\n function (a, b) {\n const c = a[b - 1 + 0 * f];\n const d = a[b - 1 + 1 * f];\n const e = a[b - 1 + 2 * f];\n const g = a[b - 1 - f];\n const k = a[b + 0 - f];\n const h = a[b + 1 - f];\n const n = a[b + 2 - f];\n const l = a[b + 3 - f];\n a[b + 0 + 3 * f] = y(d, e, a[b - 1 + 3 * f]);\n a[b + 0 + 2 * f] = a[b + 1 + 3 * f] = y(c, d, e);\n a[b + 0 + 1 * f] = a[b + 1 + 2 * f] = a[b + 2 + 3 * f] = y(g, c, d);\n a[b\n + 0 + 0 * f] = a[b + 1 + 1 * f] = a[b + 2 + 2 * f] = a[b + 3 + 3 * f] = y(k, g, c);\n a[b + 1 + 0 * f] = a[b + 2 + 1 * f] = a[b + 3 + 2 * f] = y(h, k, g);\n a[b + 2 + 0 * f] = a[b + 3 + 1 * f] = y(n, h, k);\n a[b + 3 + 0 * f] = y(l, n, h);\n },\n function (a, b) {\n const c = a[b - 1 + 0 * f];\n const d = a[b - 1 + 1 * f];\n const e = a[b - 1 + 2 * f];\n const g = a[b - 1 - f];\n const k = a[b + 0 - f];\n const h = a[b + 1 - f];\n const n = a[b + 2 - f];\n const l = a[b + 3 - f];\n a[b + 0 + 0 * f] = a[b + 1 + 2 * f] = g + k + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 1 + 0 * f] = a[b + 2 + 2 * f] = k + h + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 2 + 0 * f] = a[b + 3 + 2 * f] = h + n + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 3 + 0 * f] = n + l + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 0 + 3 * f] = y(e, d, c);\n a[b + 0 + 2 * f] = y(d, c, g);\n a[b + 0 + 1 * f] = a[b + 1 + 3 * f] = y(c, g, k);\n a[b + 1 + 1 * f] = a[b + 2 + 3 * f] = y(g, k, h);\n a[b + 2 + 1 * f] = a[b + 3 + 3 * f] = y(k, h, n);\n a[b + 3 + 1 * f] = y(h, n, l);\n },\n function (a, b) {\n const c = a[b + 1 - f];\n const d = a[b + 2 - f];\n const e = a[b + 3 - f];\n const g = a[b + 4 - f];\n const k = a[b + 5 - f];\n const h = a[b + 6 - f];\n const n = a[b + 7 - f];\n a[b + 0 + 0 * f] = y(a[b + 0 - f], c, d);\n a[b + 1 + 0 * f] = a[b + 0 + 1 * f] = y(c, d, e);\n a[b + 2 + 0 * f] = a[b + 1 + 1 * f] = a[b + 0 + 2 * f] = y(d, e, g);\n a[b + 3 + 0 * f] = a[b + 2 + 1 * f] = a[b + 1 + 2 * f] = a[b + 0 + 3 * f] = y(e, g, k);\n a[b + 3 + 1 * f] = a[b + 2 + 2 * f] = a[b + 1 + 3 * f] = y(g, k, h);\n a[b + 3 + 2 * f] = a[b + 2 + 3 * f] = y(k, h, n);\n a[b + 3 + 3 * f] = y(h, n, n);\n },\n function (a, b) {\n const c = a[b + 0 - f];\n const d = a[b + 1 - f];\n const e = a[b + 2 - f];\n const g = a[b + 3 - f];\n const k = a[b + 4 - f];\n const h = a[b + 5 - f];\n const n = a[b + 6 - f];\n const l = a[b + 7 - f];\n a[b + 0 + 0 * f] = c + d + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 1 + 0 * f] = a[b\n + 0 + 2 * f] = d + e + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 2 + 0 * f] = a[b + 1 + 2 * f] = e + g + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 3 + 0 * f] = a[b + 2 + 2 * f] = g + k + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 0 + 1 * f] = y(c, d, e);\n a[b + 1 + 1 * f] = a[b + 0 + 3 * f] = y(d, e, g);\n a[b + 2 + 1 * f] = a[b + 1 + 3 * f] = y(e, g, k);\n a[b + 3 + 1 * f] = a[b + 2 + 3 * f] = y(g, k, h);\n a[b + 3 + 2 * f] = y(k, h, n);\n a[b + 3 + 3 * f] = y(h, n, l);\n },\n function (a, b) {\n const c = a[b - 1 + 0 * f];\n const d = a[b - 1 + 1 * f];\n const e = a[b - 1 + 2 * f];\n const g = a[b - 1 + 3 * f];\n const k = a[b - 1 - f];\n const h = a[b + 0 - f];\n const n = a[b + 1 - f];\n const l = a[b + 2 - f];\n a[b + 0 + 0 * f] = a[b + 2 + 1 * f] = c + k + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 0 + 1 * f] = a[b + 2 + 2 * f] = d + c + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 0 + 2 * f] = a[b + 2 + 3 * f] = e + d + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 0 + 3 * f] = g + e + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 3 + 0 * f] = y(h, n, l);\n a[b + 2 + 0 * f] = y(k, h, n);\n a[b\n + 1 + 0 * f] = a[b + 3 + 1 * f] = y(c, k, h);\n a[b + 1 + 1 * f] = a[b + 3 + 2 * f] = y(d, c, k);\n a[b + 1 + 2 * f] = a[b + 3 + 3 * f] = y(e, d, c);\n a[b + 1 + 3 * f] = y(g, e, d);\n },\n function (a, b) {\n const c = a[b - 1 + 0 * f];\n const d = a[b - 1 + 1 * f];\n const e = a[b - 1 + 2 * f];\n const g = a[b - 1 + 3 * f];\n a[b + 0 + 0 * f] = c + d + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 2 + 0 * f] = a[b + 0 + 1 * f] = d + e + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 2 + 1 * f] = a[b + 0 + 2 * f] = e + g + 1 >> 1;\n a[b + 1 + 0 * f] = y(c, d, e);\n a[b + 3 + 0 * f] = a[b + 1 + 1 * f] = y(d, e, g);\n a[b + 3 + 1 * f] = a[b + 1 + 2 * f] = y(e, g, g);\n a[b + 3 + 2 * f] = a[b + 2 + 2 * f] = a[b + 0 + 3 * f] = a[b + 1 + 3 * f] = a[b + 2 + 3 * f] = a[b + 3 + 3 * f] = g;\n },\n ];\n var Vf = [function (a, b) {\n let c = 16;\n let d;\n for (d = 0; d < 16; ++d) c += a[b - 1 + d * f] + a[b + d - f];\n Yb(c >> 5, a, b);\n }, function (a,\n b) {\n Dc(a, b, 16);\n }, function (a, b) {\n let c;\n for (c = 0; c < 16; ++c) N(a, b + c * f, a, b - f, 16);\n }, function (a, b) {\n let c;\n for (c = 16; c > 0; --c) jd(a, b + 0, a[b - 1], 16), b += f;\n }, function (a, b) {\n let c = 8;\n let d;\n for (d = 0; d < 16; ++d) c += a[b - 1 + d * f];\n Yb(c >> 4, a, b);\n }, function (a, b) {\n let c = 8;\n let d;\n for (d = 0; d < 16; ++d) c += a[b + d - f];\n Yb(c >> 4, a, b);\n }, function (a, b) {\n Yb(128, a, b);\n }];\n var je = [function (a, b) {\n let c = 8;\n let d;\n for (d = 0; d < 8; ++d) c += a[b + d - f] + a[b - 1 + d * f];\n Zb(1 * (c >> 4), a, b);\n }, function (a, b) {\n Dc(a, b, 8);\n }, function (a, b) {\n let c;\n for (c = 0; c < 8; ++c) N(a, b + c * f, a, b - f, 8);\n }, function (a, b) {\n let c;\n for (c = 0; c < 8; ++c) {\n jd(a,\n b + 0, a[b - 1], 8), b += f;\n }\n }, function (a, b) {\n let c = 4;\n let d;\n for (d = 0; d < 8; ++d) c += a[b - 1 + d * f];\n Zb(1 * (c >> 3), a, b);\n }, function (a, b) {\n let c = 4;\n let d;\n for (d = 0; d < 8; ++d) c += a[b + d - f];\n Zb(1 * (c >> 3), a, b);\n }, function (a, b) {\n Zb(128, a, b);\n }];\n let mc; let Pc; let Qc; let Rc; let Sd; let Td; let Ud; let Vd; let Wd; let Xd; let Yd; let Zd; let $d; let ae; let be; let ce; var Pd = 31;\n var uc = [0, 2, 8];\n var Od = 3;\n var Of = 1;\n var ie = [0 + 0 * f, 4 + 0 * f, 8 + 0 * f, 12 + 0 * f, 0 + 4 * f, 4 + 4 * f, 8 + 4 * f, 12 + 4 * f, 0 + 8 * f, 4 + 8 * f, 8 + 8 * f, 12 + 8 * f, 0 + 12 * f, 4 + 12 * f, 8 + 12 * f, 12 + 12 * f];\n var Ic = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 17, 18, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 25, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 37, 38,\n 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 93, 95, 96, 98, 100, 101, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 143, 145, 148, 151, 154, 157,\n ];\n var Jc = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96,\n 98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 119, 122, 125, 128, 131, 134, 137, 140, 143, 146, 149, 152, 155, 158, 161, 164, 167, 170, 173, 177, 181, 185, 189, 193, 197, 201, 205, 209, 213, 217, 221, 225, 229, 234, 239, 245, 249, 254, 259, 264, 269, 274, 279, 284,\n ];\n var Sf = [-$b, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, 4, 6, -3, 5, -4, -5, -6, 7, -7, 8, -8, -9];\n var Ff = [\n [\n [\n [128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [253, 136, 254, 255, 228, 219, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [189, 129, 242, 255, 227, 213, 255, 219, 128, 128,\n 128,\n ],\n [106, 126, 227, 252, 214, 209, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 98, 248, 255, 236, 226, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [181, 133, 238, 254, 221, 234, 255, 154, 128, 128, 128],\n [78, 134, 202, 247, 198, 180, 255, 219, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 185, 249, 255, 243, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [184, 150, 247, 255, 236, 224, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [77, 110, 216, 255, 236, 230, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 101, 251, 255, 241, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [170, 139, 241, 252, 236, 209, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [37, 116, 196, 243, 228, 255, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 204, 254, 255, 245, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128,\n 128,\n ],\n [207, 160, 250, 255, 238, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [102, 103, 231, 255, 211, 171, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 152, 252, 255, 240, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [177, 135, 243, 255, 234, 225, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [80, 129, 211, 255, 194, 224, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 1, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [246, 1, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n ],\n [\n [\n [198, 35, 237, 223, 193, 187, 162, 160, 145, 155, 62],\n [131, 45, 198, 221, 172, 176, 220, 157, 252, 221, 1],\n [68, 47, 146, 208, 149, 167, 221, 162, 255, 223, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 149, 241, 255, 221, 224, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [184, 141, 234, 253, 222, 220, 255, 199, 128, 128, 128],\n [81, 99, 181, 242, 176, 190, 249, 202, 255, 255, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 129, 232, 253, 214, 197, 242, 196, 255, 255, 128],\n [99, 121, 210, 250, 201, 198, 255, 202, 128, 128, 128],\n [23, 91, 163, 242, 170, 187, 247, 210, 255, 255, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 200, 246, 255, 234, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [109, 178, 241, 255, 231, 245, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [44, 130, 201, 253, 205, 192, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 132, 239, 251, 219, 209, 255, 165, 128, 128, 128],\n [94, 136, 225, 251, 218, 190, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [22,\n 100, 174, 245, 186, 161, 255, 199, 128, 128, 128,\n ],\n ],\n [\n [1, 182, 249, 255, 232, 235, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [124, 143, 241, 255, 227, 234, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [35, 77, 181, 251, 193, 211, 255, 205, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 157, 247, 255, 236, 231, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [121, 141, 235, 255, 225, 227, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [45, 99, 188, 251, 195, 217, 255, 224, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 1, 251, 255, 213, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [203, 1, 248, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [137, 1, 177, 255, 224, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n ],\n [\n [\n [253, 9, 248, 251, 207, 208, 255, 192, 128, 128, 128],\n [175, 13,\n 224, 243, 193, 185, 249, 198, 255, 255, 128,\n ],\n [73, 17, 171, 221, 161, 179, 236, 167, 255, 234, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 95, 247, 253, 212, 183, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [239, 90, 244, 250, 211, 209, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [155, 77, 195, 248, 188, 195, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 24, 239, 251, 218, 219, 255, 205, 128, 128, 128],\n [201, 51, 219, 255, 196, 186, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [69, 46, 190, 239, 201, 218, 255, 228, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 191, 251, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [223, 165, 249, 255, 213, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [141, 124, 248, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 16, 248, 255,\n 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128,\n ],\n [190, 36, 230, 255, 236, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [149, 1, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 226, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [247, 192, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [240, 128, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 134, 252, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [213, 62, 250, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [55, 93, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [128, 128, 128, 128,\n 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128,\n ],\n ],\n ],\n [\n [\n [202, 24, 213, 235, 186, 191, 220, 160, 240, 175, 255],\n [126, 38, 182, 232, 169, 184, 228, 174, 255, 187, 128],\n [61, 46, 138, 219, 151, 178, 240, 170, 255, 216, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 112, 230, 250, 199, 191, 247, 159, 255, 255, 128],\n [166, 109, 228, 252, 211, 215, 255, 174, 128, 128, 128],\n [39, 77, 162, 232, 172, 180, 245, 178, 255, 255, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 52, 220, 246, 198, 199, 249, 220, 255, 255, 128],\n [124, 74, 191, 243, 183, 193, 250, 221, 255, 255, 128],\n [24, 71, 130, 219, 154, 170, 243, 182, 255, 255, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 182, 225, 249, 219, 240, 255, 224, 128, 128, 128],\n [149, 150, 226, 252, 216,\n 205, 255, 171, 128, 128, 128,\n ],\n [28, 108, 170, 242, 183, 194, 254, 223, 255, 255, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 81, 230, 252, 204, 203, 255, 192, 128, 128, 128],\n [123, 102, 209, 247, 188, 196, 255, 233, 128, 128, 128],\n [20, 95, 153, 243, 164, 173, 255, 203, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 222, 248, 255, 216, 213, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [168, 175, 246, 252, 235, 205, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [47, 116, 215, 255, 211, 212, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 121, 236, 253, 212, 214, 255, 255, 128, 128, 128],\n [141, 84, 213, 252, 201, 202, 255, 219, 128, 128, 128],\n [42, 80, 160, 240, 162, 185, 255, 205, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n [\n [1, 1, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128,\n 128, 128, 128, 128,\n ],\n [244, 1, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n [238, 1, 255, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128],\n ],\n ],\n ];\n var Rf = [\n [\n [231, 120, 48, 89, 115, 113, 120, 152, 112],\n [152, 179, 64, 126, 170, 118, 46, 70, 95],\n [175, 69, 143, 80, 85, 82, 72, 155, 103],\n [56, 58, 10, 171, 218, 189, 17, 13, 152],\n [114, 26, 17, 163, 44, 195, 21, 10, 173],\n [121, 24, 80, 195, 26, 62, 44, 64, 85],\n [144, 71, 10, 38, 171, 213, 144, 34, 26],\n [170, 46, 55, 19, 136, 160, 33, 206, 71],\n [63, 20, 8, 114, 114, 208, 12, 9, 226],\n [81, 40, 11, 96, 182, 84, 29, 16, 36],\n ],\n [\n [134, 183, 89, 137, 98, 101, 106, 165, 148],\n [72, 187, 100, 130, 157, 111,\n 32, 75, 80,\n ],\n [66, 102, 167, 99, 74, 62, 40, 234, 128],\n [41, 53, 9, 178, 241, 141, 26, 8, 107],\n [74, 43, 26, 146, 73, 166, 49, 23, 157],\n [65, 38, 105, 160, 51, 52, 31, 115, 128],\n [104, 79, 12, 27, 217, 255, 87, 17, 7],\n [87, 68, 71, 44, 114, 51, 15, 186, 23],\n [47, 41, 14, 110, 182, 183, 21, 17, 194],\n [66, 45, 25, 102, 197, 189, 23, 18, 22],\n ],\n [\n [88, 88, 147, 150, 42, 46, 45, 196, 205],\n [43, 97, 183, 117, 85, 38, 35, 179, 61],\n [39, 53, 200, 87, 26, 21, 43, 232, 171],\n [56, 34, 51, 104, 114, 102, 29, 93, 77],\n [39, 28, 85, 171, 58, 165, 90, 98, 64],\n [34, 22, 116, 206, 23, 34, 43, 166, 73],\n [107, 54, 32, 26, 51, 1, 81, 43, 31],\n [68, 25, 106, 22,\n 64, 171, 36, 225, 114,\n ],\n [34, 19, 21, 102, 132, 188, 16, 76, 124],\n [62, 18, 78, 95, 85, 57, 50, 48, 51],\n ],\n [\n [193, 101, 35, 159, 215, 111, 89, 46, 111],\n [60, 148, 31, 172, 219, 228, 21, 18, 111],\n [112, 113, 77, 85, 179, 255, 38, 120, 114],\n [40, 42, 1, 196, 245, 209, 10, 25, 109],\n [88, 43, 29, 140, 166, 213, 37, 43, 154],\n [61, 63, 30, 155, 67, 45, 68, 1, 209],\n [100, 80, 8, 43, 154, 1, 51, 26, 71],\n [142, 78, 78, 16, 255, 128, 34, 197, 171],\n [41, 40, 5, 102, 211, 183, 4, 1, 221],\n [51, 50, 17, 168, 209, 192, 23, 25, 82],\n ],\n [\n [138, 31, 36, 171, 27, 166, 38, 44, 229],\n [67, 87, 58, 169, 82, 115, 26, 59, 179],\n [63, 59, 90, 180, 59, 166, 93, 73,\n 154,\n ],\n [40, 40, 21, 116, 143, 209, 34, 39, 175],\n [47, 15, 16, 183, 34, 223, 49, 45, 183],\n [46, 17, 33, 183, 6, 98, 15, 32, 183],\n [57, 46, 22, 24, 128, 1, 54, 17, 37],\n [65, 32, 73, 115, 28, 128, 23, 128, 205],\n [40, 3, 9, 115, 51, 192, 18, 6, 223],\n [87, 37, 9, 115, 59, 77, 64, 21, 47],\n ],\n [\n [104, 55, 44, 218, 9, 54, 53, 130, 226],\n [64, 90, 70, 205, 40, 41, 23, 26, 57],\n [54, 57, 112, 184, 5, 41, 38, 166, 213],\n [30, 34, 26, 133, 152, 116, 10, 32, 134],\n [39, 19, 53, 221, 26, 114, 32, 73, 255],\n [31, 9, 65, 234, 2, 15, 1, 118, 73],\n [75, 32, 12, 51, 192, 255, 160, 43, 51],\n [88, 31, 35, 67, 102, 85, 55, 186, 85],\n [56, 21, 23, 111, 59, 205, 45, 37, 192],\n [55, 38, 70, 124, 73, 102, 1, 34, 98],\n ],\n [\n [125, 98, 42, 88, 104, 85, 117, 175, 82],\n [95, 84, 53, 89, 128, 100, 113, 101, 45],\n [75, 79, 123, 47, 51, 128, 81, 171, 1],\n [57, 17, 5, 71, 102, 57, 53, 41, 49],\n [38, 33, 13, 121, 57, 73, 26, 1, 85],\n [41, 10, 67, 138, 77, 110, 90, 47, 114],\n [115, 21, 2, 10, 102, 255, 166, 23, 6],\n [101, 29, 16, 10, 85, 128, 101, 196, 26],\n [57, 18, 10, 102, 102, 213, 34, 20, 43],\n [117, 20, 15, 36, 163, 128, 68, 1, 26],\n ],\n [\n [102, 61, 71, 37, 34, 53, 31, 243, 192],\n [69, 60, 71, 38, 73, 119, 28, 222, 37],\n [68, 45, 128, 34, 1, 47, 11, 245, 171],\n [62, 17, 19, 70, 146, 85, 55, 62, 70],\n [37, 43, 37, 154, 100, 163, 85, 160,\n 1,\n ],\n [63, 9, 92, 136, 28, 64, 32, 201, 85],\n [75, 15, 9, 9, 64, 255, 184, 119, 16],\n [86, 6, 28, 5, 64, 255, 25, 248, 1],\n [56, 8, 17, 132, 137, 255, 55, 116, 128],\n [58, 15, 20, 82, 135, 57, 26, 121, 40],\n ],\n [\n [164, 50, 31, 137, 154, 133, 25, 35, 218],\n [51, 103, 44, 131, 131, 123, 31, 6, 158],\n [86, 40, 64, 135, 148, 224, 45, 183, 128],\n [22, 26, 17, 131, 240, 154, 14, 1, 209],\n [45, 16, 21, 91, 64, 222, 7, 1, 197],\n [56, 21, 39, 155, 60, 138, 23, 102, 213],\n [83, 12, 13, 54, 192, 255, 68, 47, 28],\n [85, 26, 85, 85, 128, 128, 32, 146, 171],\n [18, 11, 7, 63, 144, 171, 4, 4, 246],\n [35, 27, 10, 146, 174, 171, 12, 26, 128],\n ],\n [\n [190, 80, 35, 99, 180, 80,\n 126, 54, 45,\n ],\n [85, 126, 47, 87, 176, 51, 41, 20, 32],\n [101, 75, 128, 139, 118, 146, 116, 128, 85],\n [56, 41, 15, 176, 236, 85, 37, 9, 62],\n [71, 30, 17, 119, 118, 255, 17, 18, 138],\n [101, 38, 60, 138, 55, 70, 43, 26, 142],\n [146, 36, 19, 30, 171, 255, 97, 27, 20],\n [138, 45, 61, 62, 219, 1, 81, 188, 64],\n [32, 41, 20, 117, 151, 142, 20, 21, 163],\n [112, 19, 12, 61, 195, 128, 48, 4, 24],\n ],\n ];\n var If = [\n [\n [\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [176, 246, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [223, 241,\n 252, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,\n ],\n [249, 253, 253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 244, 252, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [234, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 246, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [239, 253, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [254, 255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 248, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [251, 255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 253, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [251, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [254, 255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 254, 253, 255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [250, 255, 254, 255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n ],\n [\n [\n [217, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [225, 252, 241, 253, 255, 255, 254, 255,\n 255, 255, 255,\n ],\n [234, 250, 241, 250, 253, 255, 253, 254, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [223, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [238, 253, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 248, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [249, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [247, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 253, 254, 255, 255,\n 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,\n ],\n [252, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 254, 253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [250, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255,\n 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,\n ],\n ],\n ],\n [\n [\n [186, 251, 250, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [234, 251, 244, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [251, 251, 243, 253, 254, 255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 253, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [236, 253, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [251, 253, 253, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [254, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,\n 255, 255,\n ],\n ],\n [\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n ],\n [\n [\n [248, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [250, 254, 252, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [248, 254, 249, 253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 253, 253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [246, 253, 253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [252, 254, 251, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 254, 252, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [248, 254, 253, 255, 255, 255,\n 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,\n ],\n [253, 255, 254, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 251, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [245, 251, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [253, 253, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 251, 253, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [252, 253, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 252, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [249, 255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 255, 253,\n 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,\n ],\n [250, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n [\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255],\n ],\n ],\n ];\n this.WebPGetDecoderVersion = this.Ld = function () {\n return 512;\n };\n var Nc = [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 0];\n var Jf = [\n [173, 148, 140, 0],\n [176, 155, 140, 135, 0],\n [180, 157, 141, 134, 130, 0],\n [254, 254, 243, 230, 196, 177, 153, 140, 133, 130, 129, 0],\n ];\n var Kf = [0, 1, 4, 8, 5, 2, 3, 6,\n 9, 12, 13, 10, 7, 11, 14, 15,\n ];\n var Tf = md([Kc, Lc], '');\n U(4, x);\n var vc = [\n [0, 0, 0, 0],\n [1, 0, 0, 0],\n [0, 1, 0, 0],\n [1, 1, 0, 0],\n [0, 0, 1, 0],\n [1, 0, 1, 0],\n [0, 1, 1, 0],\n [1, 1, 1, 0],\n [0, 0, 0, 1],\n [1, 0, 0, 1],\n [0, 1, 0, 1],\n [1, 1, 0, 1],\n [0, 0, 1, 1],\n [1, 0, 1, 1],\n [0, 1, 1, 1],\n [1, 1, 1, 1],\n ];\n var Lf = 134480385;\n var ea = 16;\n var J = -227;\n var dd = 482;\n var Ce = [Wc, function (a) {\n return a;\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return b[c + 0];\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return b[c + 1];\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return b[c - 1];\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return ka(ka(a, b[c + 1]), b[c + 0]);\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return ka(a, b[c - 1]);\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return ka(a, b[c + 0]);\n }, function (a,\n b, c) {\n return ka(b[c - 1], b[c + 0]);\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return ka(b[c + 0], b[c + 1]);\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return ka(ka(a, b[c - 1]), ka(b[c + 0], b[c + 1]));\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return Math.abs((a >> 24 & 255) - (b[c - 1] >> 24 & 255)) - Math.abs((b[c + 0] >> 24 & 255) - (b[c - 1] >> 24 & 255)) + (Math.abs((a >> 16 & 255) - (b[c - 1] >> 16 & 255)) - Math.abs((b[c + 0] >> 16 & 255) - (b[c - 1] >> 16 & 255))) + (Math.abs((a >> 8 & 255) - (b[c - 1] >> 8 & 255)) - Math.abs((b[c + 0] >> 8 & 255) - (b[c - 1] >> 8 & 255))) + (Math.abs((a & 255) - (b[c - 1] & 255)) - Math.abs((b[c + 0] & 255) - (b[c - 1] & 255))) <= 0 ? b[c + 0] : a;\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n return ($a((a\n >> 24 & 255) + (b[c + 0] >> 24 & 255) - (b[c - 1] >> 24 & 255)) << 24 | $a((a >> 16 & 255) + (b[c + 0] >> 16 & 255) - (b[c - 1] >> 16 & 255)) << 16 | $a((a >> 8 & 255) + (b[c + 0] >> 8 & 255) - (b[c - 1] >> 8 & 255)) << 8 | $a((a & 255) + (b[c + 0] & 255) - (b[c - 1] & 255))) >>> 0;\n }, function (a, b, c) {\n const d = b[c - 1];\n a = ka(a, b[c + 0]);\n return (yb(a >> 24 & 255, d >> 24 & 255) << 24 | yb(a >> 16 & 255, d >> 16 & 255) << 16 | yb(a >> 8 & 255, d >> 8 & 255) << 8 | yb(a >> 0 & 255, d >> 0 & 255)) >>> 0;\n }, Wc, Wc];\n var Xf = {\n Cc: x,\n Bc: x,\n Kc: x,\n };\n var $c = 16;\n var Me = 16;\n var kg = 16;\n var mg = [2, 3, 7];\n var lg = [3, 3, 11];\n var Zf = 0;\n var $f = 1;\n var ag = 2;\n var bg = 3;\n var cg = 4;\n var hg = [Ba + Ge, Ba, Ba, Ba, 40];\n var Ke = 19;\n var ig = [17, 18, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 16,\n 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,\n ];\n var He = 120;\n var dg = [24, 7, 23, 25, 40, 6, 39, 41, 22, 26, 38, 42, 56, 5, 55, 57, 21, 27, 54, 58, 37, 43, 72, 4, 71, 73, 20, 28, 53, 59, 70, 74, 36, 44, 88, 69, 75, 52, 60, 3, 87, 89, 19, 29, 86, 90, 35, 45, 68, 76, 85, 91, 51, 61, 104, 2, 103, 105, 18, 30, 102, 106, 34, 46, 84, 92, 67, 77, 101, 107, 50, 62, 120, 1, 119, 121, 83, 93, 17, 31, 100, 108, 66, 78, 118, 122, 33, 47, 117, 123, 49, 63, 99, 109, 82, 94, 0, 116, 124, 65, 79, 16, 32, 98, 110, 48, 115, 125, 81, 95, 64, 114, 126, 97, 111, 80, 113, 127, 96, 112];\n var Jb = 1 << ea - 1;\n var Za = U(256, 0);\n var xb = U(256, 0);\n var vb = U(256, la);\n var wb = U(256, la);\n var ia = U(dd - J, x);\n var Hb = U(dd\n - J, x);\n var Xe = 0;\n var V = Array(Cc);\n var vg = [function (a, b, c, d, e, f, k, h, n, l, m, t, q) {\n Ca(a, b, c, d, e, f, k, h, n, l, m, t, q, hc, 3);\n }, Se, function (a, b, c, d, e, f, k, h, n, l, m, t, q) {\n Ca(a, b, c, d, e, f, k, h, n, l, m, t, q, Vc, 3);\n }, Te, Ue, Ve, function (a, b, c, d, e, f, k, h, n, l, m, t, q) {\n Ca(a, b, c, d, e, f, k, h, n, l, m, t, q, le, 2);\n }, Se, Te, Ue, Ve];\n this.Hd = function (a, b, c, d) {\n return lb(Qa, a, b, c, d);\n };\n this.Id = function (a, b, c, d) {\n return lb(jb, a, b, c, d);\n };\n this.Jd = function (a, b, c, d) {\n return lb(kb, a, b, c, d);\n };\n this.Ed = function (a, b, c, d) {\n return lb(Ab, a, b, c, d);\n };\n this.Fd = function (a, b, c, d) {\n return lb(Zc,\n a, b, c, d);\n };\n this.Gd = function (a, b, c, d) {\n return lb(Pa, a, b, c, d);\n };\n this.WebPDecode = this.Dd = function (a, b, c) {\n const d = M(df);\n let e = 'VP8StatusCode';\n if (c == p) return ta;\n e = hd(a, [0], [b], c.input);\n if (e != L) return e == Z ? W : e;\n d.j = c.j;\n d.Qa = c.Qa;\n return e = cf(a, 0, [b], d);\n };\n};\n" }, { "id": 11, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\iobuffer\\lib-esm\\text-encoding-polyfill.js", "name": "./node_modules/iobuffer/lib-esm/text-encoding-polyfill.js", "index": 7, "index2": 1, "size": 7028, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\iobuffer\\lib-esm\\utf8.browser.js", "issuerId": null, "issuerName": "./node_modules/iobuffer/lib-esm/utf8.browser.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\iobuffer\\lib-esm\\IOBuffer.js", "name": "./node_modules/iobuffer/lib-esm/IOBuffer.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\iobuffer\\lib-esm\\utf8.browser.js", "name": "./node_modules/iobuffer/lib-esm/utf8.browser.js", "profile": { "factory": 6, "building": 16 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 51, "building": 5 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 20, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js 1f5c27d337cdd358fe6548a5eda250ca", "module": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js + 7 modules", "moduleName": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js + 7 modules", "type": "harmony side effect evaluation", "userRequest": "./text-encoding-polyfill", "loc": "1:0-34" } ], "usedExports": false, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 6, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\n/*\r\n * Copyright 2017 Sam Thorogood. All rights reserved.\r\n *\r\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you may not\r\n * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of\r\n * the License at\r\n *\r\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\r\n *\r\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\r\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT\r\n * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the\r\n * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under\r\n * the License.\r\n */\r\n(function (scope) {\r\n 'use strict';\r\n // fail early\r\n if (scope['TextEncoder'] && scope['TextDecoder']) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * @constructor\r\n * @param {string=} utfLabel\r\n */\r\n function FastTextEncoder(utfLabel = 'utf-8') {\r\n if (utfLabel !== 'utf-8') {\r\n throw new RangeError(`Failed to construct 'TextEncoder': The encoding label provided ('${utfLabel}') is invalid.`);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n Object.defineProperty(FastTextEncoder.prototype, 'encoding', {\r\n value: 'utf-8',\r\n });\r\n /**\r\n * @param {string} string\r\n * @param {{stream: boolean}=} options\r\n * @return {!Uint8Array}\r\n */\r\n FastTextEncoder.prototype.encode = function (string, options = { stream: false }) {\r\n if (options.stream) {\r\n throw new Error(`Failed to encode: the 'stream' option is unsupported.`);\r\n }\r\n let pos = 0;\r\n const len = string.length;\r\n const out = [];\r\n let at = 0; // output position\r\n let tlen = Math.max(32, len + (len >> 1) + 7); // 1.5x size\r\n let target = new Uint8Array((tlen >> 3) << 3); // ... but at 8 byte offset\r\n while (pos < len) {\r\n let value = string.charCodeAt(pos++);\r\n if (value >= 0xd800 && value <= 0xdbff) {\r\n // high surrogate\r\n if (pos < len) {\r\n const extra = string.charCodeAt(pos);\r\n if ((extra & 0xfc00) === 0xdc00) {\r\n ++pos;\r\n value = ((value & 0x3ff) << 10) + (extra & 0x3ff) + 0x10000;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (value >= 0xd800 && value <= 0xdbff) {\r\n continue; // drop lone surrogate\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // expand the buffer if we couldn't write 4 bytes\r\n if (at + 4 > target.length) {\r\n tlen += 8; // minimum extra\r\n tlen *= 1.0 + (pos / string.length) * 2; // take 2x the remaining\r\n tlen = (tlen >> 3) << 3; // 8 byte offset\r\n const update = new Uint8Array(tlen);\r\n update.set(target);\r\n target = update;\r\n }\r\n if ((value & 0xffffff80) === 0) {\r\n // 1-byte\r\n target[at++] = value; // ASCII\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n else if ((value & 0xfffff800) === 0) {\r\n // 2-byte\r\n target[at++] = ((value >> 6) & 0x1f) | 0xc0;\r\n }\r\n else if ((value & 0xffff0000) === 0) {\r\n // 3-byte\r\n target[at++] = ((value >> 12) & 0x0f) | 0xe0;\r\n target[at++] = ((value >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80;\r\n }\r\n else if ((value & 0xffe00000) === 0) {\r\n // 4-byte\r\n target[at++] = ((value >> 18) & 0x07) | 0xf0;\r\n target[at++] = ((value >> 12) & 0x3f) | 0x80;\r\n target[at++] = ((value >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // FIXME: do we care\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n target[at++] = (value & 0x3f) | 0x80;\r\n }\r\n return target.slice(0, at);\r\n };\r\n /**\r\n * @constructor\r\n * @param {string=} utfLabel\r\n * @param {{fatal: boolean}=} options\r\n */\r\n function FastTextDecoder(utfLabel = 'utf-8', options = { fatal: false }) {\r\n if (utfLabel !== 'utf-8') {\r\n throw new RangeError(`Failed to construct 'TextDecoder': The encoding label provided ('${utfLabel}') is invalid.`);\r\n }\r\n if (options.fatal) {\r\n throw new Error(`Failed to construct 'TextDecoder': the 'fatal' option is unsupported.`);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n Object.defineProperty(FastTextDecoder.prototype, 'encoding', {\r\n value: 'utf-8',\r\n });\r\n Object.defineProperty(FastTextDecoder.prototype, 'fatal', { value: false });\r\n Object.defineProperty(FastTextDecoder.prototype, 'ignoreBOM', {\r\n value: false,\r\n });\r\n /**\r\n * @param {(!ArrayBuffer|!ArrayBufferView)} buffer\r\n * @param {{stream: boolean}=} options\r\n */\r\n FastTextDecoder.prototype.decode = function (buffer, options = { stream: false }) {\r\n if (options['stream']) {\r\n throw new Error(`Failed to decode: the 'stream' option is unsupported.`);\r\n }\r\n const bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);\r\n let pos = 0;\r\n const len = bytes.length;\r\n const out = [];\r\n while (pos < len) {\r\n const byte1 = bytes[pos++];\r\n if (byte1 === 0) {\r\n break; // NULL\r\n }\r\n if ((byte1 & 0x80) === 0) {\r\n // 1-byte\r\n out.push(byte1);\r\n }\r\n else if ((byte1 & 0xe0) === 0xc0) {\r\n // 2-byte\r\n const byte2 = bytes[pos++] & 0x3f;\r\n out.push(((byte1 & 0x1f) << 6) | byte2);\r\n }\r\n else if ((byte1 & 0xf0) === 0xe0) {\r\n const byte2 = bytes[pos++] & 0x3f;\r\n const byte3 = bytes[pos++] & 0x3f;\r\n out.push(((byte1 & 0x1f) << 12) | (byte2 << 6) | byte3);\r\n }\r\n else if ((byte1 & 0xf8) === 0xf0) {\r\n const byte2 = bytes[pos++] & 0x3f;\r\n const byte3 = bytes[pos++] & 0x3f;\r\n const byte4 = bytes[pos++] & 0x3f;\r\n // this can be > 0xffff, so possibly generate surrogates\r\n let codepoint = ((byte1 & 0x07) << 0x12) | (byte2 << 0x0c) | (byte3 << 0x06) | byte4;\r\n if (codepoint > 0xffff) {\r\n // codepoint &= ~0x10000;\r\n codepoint -= 0x10000;\r\n out.push(((codepoint >>> 10) & 0x3ff) | 0xd800);\r\n codepoint = 0xdc00 | (codepoint & 0x3ff);\r\n }\r\n out.push(codepoint);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // FIXME: we're ignoring this\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, out);\r\n };\r\n scope['TextEncoder'] = FastTextEncoder;\r\n scope['TextDecoder'] = FastTextDecoder;\r\n})(typeof window !== 'undefined'\r\n ? window\r\n : typeof self !== 'undefined'\r\n ? self\r\n : this);\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=text-encoding-polyfill.js.map" }, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "index": 10, "index2": 12, "size": 11074, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "issuerId": 1, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 1, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./lib/deflate", "loc": "6:16-40" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 5, "source": "'use strict';\n\n\nvar zlib_deflate = require('./zlib/deflate');\nvar utils = require('./utils/common');\nvar strings = require('./utils/strings');\nvar msg = require('./zlib/messages');\nvar ZStream = require('./zlib/zstream');\n\nvar toString = Object.prototype.toString;\n\n/* Public constants ==========================================================*/\n/* ===========================================================================*/\n\nvar Z_NO_FLUSH = 0;\nvar Z_FINISH = 4;\n\nvar Z_OK = 0;\nvar Z_STREAM_END = 1;\nvar Z_SYNC_FLUSH = 2;\n\nvar Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION = -1;\n\nvar Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY = 0;\n\nvar Z_DEFLATED = 8;\n\n/* ===========================================================================*/\n\n\n/**\n * class Deflate\n *\n * Generic JS-style wrapper for zlib calls. If you don't need\n * streaming behaviour - use more simple functions: [[deflate]],\n * [[deflateRaw]] and [[gzip]].\n **/\n\n/* internal\n * Deflate.chunks -> Array\n *\n * Chunks of output data, if [[Deflate#onData]] not overridden.\n **/\n\n/**\n * Deflate.result -> Uint8Array|Array\n *\n * Compressed result, generated by default [[Deflate#onData]]\n * and [[Deflate#onEnd]] handlers. Filled after you push last chunk\n * (call [[Deflate#push]] with `Z_FINISH` / `true` param) or if you\n * push a chunk with explicit flush (call [[Deflate#push]] with\n * `Z_SYNC_FLUSH` param).\n **/\n\n/**\n * Deflate.err -> Number\n *\n * Error code after deflate finished. 0 (Z_OK) on success.\n * You will not need it in real life, because deflate errors\n * are possible only on wrong options or bad `onData` / `onEnd`\n * custom handlers.\n **/\n\n/**\n * Deflate.msg -> String\n *\n * Error message, if [[Deflate.err]] != 0\n **/\n\n\n/**\n * new Deflate(options)\n * - options (Object): zlib deflate options.\n *\n * Creates new deflator instance with specified params. Throws exception\n * on bad params. Supported options:\n *\n * - `level`\n * - `windowBits`\n * - `memLevel`\n * - `strategy`\n * - `dictionary`\n *\n * [http://zlib.net/manual.html#Advanced](http://zlib.net/manual.html#Advanced)\n * for more information on these.\n *\n * Additional options, for internal needs:\n *\n * - `chunkSize` - size of generated data chunks (16K by default)\n * - `raw` (Boolean) - do raw deflate\n * - `gzip` (Boolean) - create gzip wrapper\n * - `to` (String) - if equal to 'string', then result will be \"binary string\"\n * (each char code [0..255])\n * - `header` (Object) - custom header for gzip\n * - `text` (Boolean) - true if compressed data believed to be text\n * - `time` (Number) - modification time, unix timestamp\n * - `os` (Number) - operation system code\n * - `extra` (Array) - array of bytes with extra data (max 65536)\n * - `name` (String) - file name (binary string)\n * - `comment` (String) - comment (binary string)\n * - `hcrc` (Boolean) - true if header crc should be added\n *\n * ##### Example:\n *\n * ```javascript\n * var pako = require('pako')\n * , chunk1 = Uint8Array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])\n * , chunk2 = Uint8Array([10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19]);\n *\n * var deflate = new pako.Deflate({ level: 3});\n *\n * deflate.push(chunk1, false);\n * deflate.push(chunk2, true); // true -> last chunk\n *\n * if (deflate.err) { throw new Error(deflate.err); }\n *\n * console.log(deflate.result);\n * ```\n **/\nfunction Deflate(options) {\n if (!(this instanceof Deflate)) return new Deflate(options);\n\n this.options = utils.assign({\n level: Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION,\n method: Z_DEFLATED,\n chunkSize: 16384,\n windowBits: 15,\n memLevel: 8,\n strategy: Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY,\n to: ''\n }, options || {});\n\n var opt = this.options;\n\n if (opt.raw && (opt.windowBits > 0)) {\n opt.windowBits = -opt.windowBits;\n }\n\n else if (opt.gzip && (opt.windowBits > 0) && (opt.windowBits < 16)) {\n opt.windowBits += 16;\n }\n\n this.err = 0; // error code, if happens (0 = Z_OK)\n this.msg = ''; // error message\n this.ended = false; // used to avoid multiple onEnd() calls\n this.chunks = []; // chunks of compressed data\n\n this.strm = new ZStream();\n this.strm.avail_out = 0;\n\n var status = zlib_deflate.deflateInit2(\n this.strm,\n opt.level,\n opt.method,\n opt.windowBits,\n opt.memLevel,\n opt.strategy\n );\n\n if (status !== Z_OK) {\n throw new Error(msg[status]);\n }\n\n if (opt.header) {\n zlib_deflate.deflateSetHeader(this.strm, opt.header);\n }\n\n if (opt.dictionary) {\n var dict;\n // Convert data if needed\n if (typeof opt.dictionary === 'string') {\n // If we need to compress text, change encoding to utf8.\n dict = strings.string2buf(opt.dictionary);\n } else if (toString.call(opt.dictionary) === '[object ArrayBuffer]') {\n dict = new Uint8Array(opt.dictionary);\n } else {\n dict = opt.dictionary;\n }\n\n status = zlib_deflate.deflateSetDictionary(this.strm, dict);\n\n if (status !== Z_OK) {\n throw new Error(msg[status]);\n }\n\n this._dict_set = true;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Deflate#push(data[, mode]) -> Boolean\n * - data (Uint8Array|Array|ArrayBuffer|String): input data. Strings will be\n * converted to utf8 byte sequence.\n * - mode (Number|Boolean): 0..6 for corresponding Z_NO_FLUSH..Z_TREE modes.\n * See constants. Skipped or `false` means Z_NO_FLUSH, `true` means Z_FINISH.\n *\n * Sends input data to deflate pipe, generating [[Deflate#onData]] calls with\n * new compressed chunks. Returns `true` on success. The last data block must have\n * mode Z_FINISH (or `true`). That will flush internal pending buffers and call\n * [[Deflate#onEnd]]. For interim explicit flushes (without ending the stream) you\n * can use mode Z_SYNC_FLUSH, keeping the compression context.\n *\n * On fail call [[Deflate#onEnd]] with error code and return false.\n *\n * We strongly recommend to use `Uint8Array` on input for best speed (output\n * array format is detected automatically). Also, don't skip last param and always\n * use the same type in your code (boolean or number). That will improve JS speed.\n *\n * For regular `Array`-s make sure all elements are [0..255].\n *\n * ##### Example\n *\n * ```javascript\n * push(chunk, false); // push one of data chunks\n * ...\n * push(chunk, true); // push last chunk\n * ```\n **/\nDeflate.prototype.push = function (data, mode) {\n var strm = this.strm;\n var chunkSize = this.options.chunkSize;\n var status, _mode;\n\n if (this.ended) { return false; }\n\n _mode = (mode === ~~mode) ? mode : ((mode === true) ? Z_FINISH : Z_NO_FLUSH);\n\n // Convert data if needed\n if (typeof data === 'string') {\n // If we need to compress text, change encoding to utf8.\n strm.input = strings.string2buf(data);\n } else if (toString.call(data) === '[object ArrayBuffer]') {\n strm.input = new Uint8Array(data);\n } else {\n strm.input = data;\n }\n\n strm.next_in = 0;\n strm.avail_in = strm.input.length;\n\n do {\n if (strm.avail_out === 0) {\n strm.output = new utils.Buf8(chunkSize);\n strm.next_out = 0;\n strm.avail_out = chunkSize;\n }\n status = zlib_deflate.deflate(strm, _mode); /* no bad return value */\n\n if (status !== Z_STREAM_END && status !== Z_OK) {\n this.onEnd(status);\n this.ended = true;\n return false;\n }\n if (strm.avail_out === 0 || (strm.avail_in === 0 && (_mode === Z_FINISH || _mode === Z_SYNC_FLUSH))) {\n if (this.options.to === 'string') {\n this.onData(strings.buf2binstring(utils.shrinkBuf(strm.output, strm.next_out)));\n } else {\n this.onData(utils.shrinkBuf(strm.output, strm.next_out));\n }\n }\n } while ((strm.avail_in > 0 || strm.avail_out === 0) && status !== Z_STREAM_END);\n\n // Finalize on the last chunk.\n if (_mode === Z_FINISH) {\n status = zlib_deflate.deflateEnd(this.strm);\n this.onEnd(status);\n this.ended = true;\n return status === Z_OK;\n }\n\n // callback interim results if Z_SYNC_FLUSH.\n if (_mode === Z_SYNC_FLUSH) {\n this.onEnd(Z_OK);\n strm.avail_out = 0;\n return true;\n }\n\n return true;\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Deflate#onData(chunk) -> Void\n * - chunk (Uint8Array|Array|String): output data. Type of array depends\n * on js engine support. When string output requested, each chunk\n * will be string.\n *\n * By default, stores data blocks in `chunks[]` property and glue\n * those in `onEnd`. Override this handler, if you need another behaviour.\n **/\nDeflate.prototype.onData = function (chunk) {\n this.chunks.push(chunk);\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Deflate#onEnd(status) -> Void\n * - status (Number): deflate status. 0 (Z_OK) on success,\n * other if not.\n *\n * Called once after you tell deflate that the input stream is\n * complete (Z_FINISH) or should be flushed (Z_SYNC_FLUSH)\n * or if an error happened. By default - join collected chunks,\n * free memory and fill `results` / `err` properties.\n **/\nDeflate.prototype.onEnd = function (status) {\n // On success - join\n if (status === Z_OK) {\n if (this.options.to === 'string') {\n this.result = this.chunks.join('');\n } else {\n this.result = utils.flattenChunks(this.chunks);\n }\n }\n this.chunks = [];\n this.err = status;\n this.msg = this.strm.msg;\n};\n\n\n/**\n * deflate(data[, options]) -> Uint8Array|Array|String\n * - data (Uint8Array|Array|String): input data to compress.\n * - options (Object): zlib deflate options.\n *\n * Compress `data` with deflate algorithm and `options`.\n *\n * Supported options are:\n *\n * - level\n * - windowBits\n * - memLevel\n * - strategy\n * - dictionary\n *\n * [http://zlib.net/manual.html#Advanced](http://zlib.net/manual.html#Advanced)\n * for more information on these.\n *\n * Sugar (options):\n *\n * - `raw` (Boolean) - say that we work with raw stream, if you don't wish to specify\n * negative windowBits implicitly.\n * - `to` (String) - if equal to 'string', then result will be \"binary string\"\n * (each char code [0..255])\n *\n * ##### Example:\n *\n * ```javascript\n * var pako = require('pako')\n * , data = Uint8Array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]);\n *\n * console.log(pako.deflate(data));\n * ```\n **/\nfunction deflate(input, options) {\n var deflator = new Deflate(options);\n\n deflator.push(input, true);\n\n // That will never happens, if you don't cheat with options :)\n if (deflator.err) { throw deflator.msg || msg[deflator.err]; }\n\n return deflator.result;\n}\n\n\n/**\n * deflateRaw(data[, options]) -> Uint8Array|Array|String\n * - data (Uint8Array|Array|String): input data to compress.\n * - options (Object): zlib deflate options.\n *\n * The same as [[deflate]], but creates raw data, without wrapper\n * (header and adler32 crc).\n **/\nfunction deflateRaw(input, options) {\n options = options || {};\n options.raw = true;\n return deflate(input, options);\n}\n\n\n/**\n * gzip(data[, options]) -> Uint8Array|Array|String\n * - data (Uint8Array|Array|String): input data to compress.\n * - options (Object): zlib deflate options.\n *\n * The same as [[deflate]], but create gzip wrapper instead of\n * deflate one.\n **/\nfunction gzip(input, options) {\n options = options || {};\n options.gzip = true;\n return deflate(input, options);\n}\n\n\nexports.Deflate = Deflate;\nexports.deflate = deflate;\nexports.deflateRaw = deflateRaw;\nexports.gzip = gzip;\n" }, { "id": 13, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "index": 11, "index2": 9, "size": 61184, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "issuerId": 12, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 16, "building": 21, "dependencies": 2 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 12, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./zlib/deflate", "loc": "4:19-44" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 6, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\nvar utils = require('../utils/common');\nvar trees = require('./trees');\nvar adler32 = require('./adler32');\nvar crc32 = require('./crc32');\nvar msg = require('./messages');\n\n/* Public constants ==========================================================*/\n/* ===========================================================================*/\n\n\n/* Allowed flush values; see deflate() and inflate() below for details */\nvar Z_NO_FLUSH = 0;\nvar Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH = 1;\n//var Z_SYNC_FLUSH = 2;\nvar Z_FULL_FLUSH = 3;\nvar Z_FINISH = 4;\nvar Z_BLOCK = 5;\n//var Z_TREES = 6;\n\n\n/* Return codes for the compression/decompression functions. Negative values\n * are errors, positive values are used for special but normal events.\n */\nvar Z_OK = 0;\nvar Z_STREAM_END = 1;\n//var Z_NEED_DICT = 2;\n//var Z_ERRNO = -1;\nvar Z_STREAM_ERROR = -2;\nvar Z_DATA_ERROR = -3;\n//var Z_MEM_ERROR = -4;\nvar Z_BUF_ERROR = -5;\n//var Z_VERSION_ERROR = -6;\n\n\n/* compression levels */\n//var Z_NO_COMPRESSION = 0;\n//var Z_BEST_SPEED = 1;\n//var Z_BEST_COMPRESSION = 9;\nvar Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION = -1;\n\n\nvar Z_FILTERED = 1;\nvar Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY = 2;\nvar Z_RLE = 3;\nvar Z_FIXED = 4;\nvar Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY = 0;\n\n/* Possible values of the data_type field (though see inflate()) */\n//var Z_BINARY = 0;\n//var Z_TEXT = 1;\n//var Z_ASCII = 1; // = Z_TEXT\nvar Z_UNKNOWN = 2;\n\n\n/* The deflate compression method */\nvar Z_DEFLATED = 8;\n\n/*============================================================================*/\n\n\nvar MAX_MEM_LEVEL = 9;\n/* Maximum value for memLevel in deflateInit2 */\nvar MAX_WBITS = 15;\n/* 32K LZ77 window */\nvar DEF_MEM_LEVEL = 8;\n\n\nvar LENGTH_CODES = 29;\n/* number of length codes, not counting the special END_BLOCK code */\nvar LITERALS = 256;\n/* number of literal bytes 0..255 */\nvar L_CODES = LITERALS + 1 + LENGTH_CODES;\n/* number of Literal or Length codes, including the END_BLOCK code */\nvar D_CODES = 30;\n/* number of distance codes */\nvar BL_CODES = 19;\n/* number of codes used to transfer the bit lengths */\nvar HEAP_SIZE = 2 * L_CODES + 1;\n/* maximum heap size */\nvar MAX_BITS = 15;\n/* All codes must not exceed MAX_BITS bits */\n\nvar MIN_MATCH = 3;\nvar MAX_MATCH = 258;\nvar MIN_LOOKAHEAD = (MAX_MATCH + MIN_MATCH + 1);\n\nvar PRESET_DICT = 0x20;\n\nvar INIT_STATE = 42;\nvar EXTRA_STATE = 69;\nvar NAME_STATE = 73;\nvar COMMENT_STATE = 91;\nvar HCRC_STATE = 103;\nvar BUSY_STATE = 113;\nvar FINISH_STATE = 666;\n\nvar BS_NEED_MORE = 1; /* block not completed, need more input or more output */\nvar BS_BLOCK_DONE = 2; /* block flush performed */\nvar BS_FINISH_STARTED = 3; /* finish started, need only more output at next deflate */\nvar BS_FINISH_DONE = 4; /* finish done, accept no more input or output */\n\nvar OS_CODE = 0x03; // Unix :) . Don't detect, use this default.\n\nfunction err(strm, errorCode) {\n strm.msg = msg[errorCode];\n return errorCode;\n}\n\nfunction rank(f) {\n return ((f) << 1) - ((f) > 4 ? 9 : 0);\n}\n\nfunction zero(buf) { var len = buf.length; while (--len >= 0) { buf[len] = 0; } }\n\n\n/* =========================================================================\n * Flush as much pending output as possible. All deflate() output goes\n * through this function so some applications may wish to modify it\n * to avoid allocating a large strm->output buffer and copying into it.\n * (See also read_buf()).\n */\nfunction flush_pending(strm) {\n var s = strm.state;\n\n //_tr_flush_bits(s);\n var len = s.pending;\n if (len > strm.avail_out) {\n len = strm.avail_out;\n }\n if (len === 0) { return; }\n\n utils.arraySet(strm.output, s.pending_buf, s.pending_out, len, strm.next_out);\n strm.next_out += len;\n s.pending_out += len;\n strm.total_out += len;\n strm.avail_out -= len;\n s.pending -= len;\n if (s.pending === 0) {\n s.pending_out = 0;\n }\n}\n\n\nfunction flush_block_only(s, last) {\n trees._tr_flush_block(s, (s.block_start >= 0 ? s.block_start : -1), s.strstart - s.block_start, last);\n s.block_start = s.strstart;\n flush_pending(s.strm);\n}\n\n\nfunction put_byte(s, b) {\n s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = b;\n}\n\n\n/* =========================================================================\n * Put a short in the pending buffer. The 16-bit value is put in MSB order.\n * IN assertion: the stream state is correct and there is enough room in\n * pending_buf.\n */\nfunction putShortMSB(s, b) {\n// put_byte(s, (Byte)(b >> 8));\n// put_byte(s, (Byte)(b & 0xff));\n s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = (b >>> 8) & 0xff;\n s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = b & 0xff;\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Read a new buffer from the current input stream, update the adler32\n * and total number of bytes read. All deflate() input goes through\n * this function so some applications may wish to modify it to avoid\n * allocating a large strm->input buffer and copying from it.\n * (See also flush_pending()).\n */\nfunction read_buf(strm, buf, start, size) {\n var len = strm.avail_in;\n\n if (len > size) { len = size; }\n if (len === 0) { return 0; }\n\n strm.avail_in -= len;\n\n // zmemcpy(buf, strm->next_in, len);\n utils.arraySet(buf, strm.input, strm.next_in, len, start);\n if (strm.state.wrap === 1) {\n strm.adler = adler32(strm.adler, buf, len, start);\n }\n\n else if (strm.state.wrap === 2) {\n strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, buf, len, start);\n }\n\n strm.next_in += len;\n strm.total_in += len;\n\n return len;\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Set match_start to the longest match starting at the given string and\n * return its length. Matches shorter or equal to prev_length are discarded,\n * in which case the result is equal to prev_length and match_start is\n * garbage.\n * IN assertions: cur_match is the head of the hash chain for the current\n * string (strstart) and its distance is <= MAX_DIST, and prev_length >= 1\n * OUT assertion: the match length is not greater than s->lookahead.\n */\nfunction longest_match(s, cur_match) {\n var chain_length = s.max_chain_length; /* max hash chain length */\n var scan = s.strstart; /* current string */\n var match; /* matched string */\n var len; /* length of current match */\n var best_len = s.prev_length; /* best match length so far */\n var nice_match = s.nice_match; /* stop if match long enough */\n var limit = (s.strstart > (s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD)) ?\n s.strstart - (s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD) : 0/*NIL*/;\n\n var _win = s.window; // shortcut\n\n var wmask = s.w_mask;\n var prev = s.prev;\n\n /* Stop when cur_match becomes <= limit. To simplify the code,\n * we prevent matches with the string of window index 0.\n */\n\n var strend = s.strstart + MAX_MATCH;\n var scan_end1 = _win[scan + best_len - 1];\n var scan_end = _win[scan + best_len];\n\n /* The code is optimized for HASH_BITS >= 8 and MAX_MATCH-2 multiple of 16.\n * It is easy to get rid of this optimization if necessary.\n */\n // Assert(s->hash_bits >= 8 && MAX_MATCH == 258, \"Code too clever\");\n\n /* Do not waste too much time if we already have a good match: */\n if (s.prev_length >= s.good_match) {\n chain_length >>= 2;\n }\n /* Do not look for matches beyond the end of the input. This is necessary\n * to make deflate deterministic.\n */\n if (nice_match > s.lookahead) { nice_match = s.lookahead; }\n\n // Assert((ulg)s->strstart <= s->window_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD, \"need lookahead\");\n\n do {\n // Assert(cur_match < s->strstart, \"no future\");\n match = cur_match;\n\n /* Skip to next match if the match length cannot increase\n * or if the match length is less than 2. Note that the checks below\n * for insufficient lookahead only occur occasionally for performance\n * reasons. Therefore uninitialized memory will be accessed, and\n * conditional jumps will be made that depend on those values.\n * However the length of the match is limited to the lookahead, so\n * the output of deflate is not affected by the uninitialized values.\n */\n\n if (_win[match + best_len] !== scan_end ||\n _win[match + best_len - 1] !== scan_end1 ||\n _win[match] !== _win[scan] ||\n _win[++match] !== _win[scan + 1]) {\n continue;\n }\n\n /* The check at best_len-1 can be removed because it will be made\n * again later. (This heuristic is not always a win.)\n * It is not necessary to compare scan[2] and match[2] since they\n * are always equal when the other bytes match, given that\n * the hash keys are equal and that HASH_BITS >= 8.\n */\n scan += 2;\n match++;\n // Assert(*scan == *match, \"match[2]?\");\n\n /* We check for insufficient lookahead only every 8th comparison;\n * the 256th check will be made at strstart+258.\n */\n do {\n /*jshint noempty:false*/\n } while (_win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] &&\n _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] &&\n _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] &&\n _win[++scan] === _win[++match] && _win[++scan] === _win[++match] &&\n scan < strend);\n\n // Assert(scan <= s->window+(unsigned)(s->window_size-1), \"wild scan\");\n\n len = MAX_MATCH - (strend - scan);\n scan = strend - MAX_MATCH;\n\n if (len > best_len) {\n s.match_start = cur_match;\n best_len = len;\n if (len >= nice_match) {\n break;\n }\n scan_end1 = _win[scan + best_len - 1];\n scan_end = _win[scan + best_len];\n }\n } while ((cur_match = prev[cur_match & wmask]) > limit && --chain_length !== 0);\n\n if (best_len <= s.lookahead) {\n return best_len;\n }\n return s.lookahead;\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Fill the window when the lookahead becomes insufficient.\n * Updates strstart and lookahead.\n *\n * IN assertion: lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD\n * OUT assertions: strstart <= window_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD\n * At least one byte has been read, or avail_in == 0; reads are\n * performed for at least two bytes (required for the zip translate_eol\n * option -- not supported here).\n */\nfunction fill_window(s) {\n var _w_size = s.w_size;\n var p, n, m, more, str;\n\n //Assert(s->lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD, \"already enough lookahead\");\n\n do {\n more = s.window_size - s.lookahead - s.strstart;\n\n // JS ints have 32 bit, block below not needed\n /* Deal with !@#$% 64K limit: */\n //if (sizeof(int) <= 2) {\n // if (more == 0 && s->strstart == 0 && s->lookahead == 0) {\n // more = wsize;\n //\n // } else if (more == (unsigned)(-1)) {\n // /* Very unlikely, but possible on 16 bit machine if\n // * strstart == 0 && lookahead == 1 (input done a byte at time)\n // */\n // more--;\n // }\n //}\n\n\n /* If the window is almost full and there is insufficient lookahead,\n * move the upper half to the lower one to make room in the upper half.\n */\n if (s.strstart >= _w_size + (_w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD)) {\n\n utils.arraySet(s.window, s.window, _w_size, _w_size, 0);\n s.match_start -= _w_size;\n s.strstart -= _w_size;\n /* we now have strstart >= MAX_DIST */\n s.block_start -= _w_size;\n\n /* Slide the hash table (could be avoided with 32 bit values\n at the expense of memory usage). We slide even when level == 0\n to keep the hash table consistent if we switch back to level > 0\n later. (Using level 0 permanently is not an optimal usage of\n zlib, so we don't care about this pathological case.)\n */\n\n n = s.hash_size;\n p = n;\n do {\n m = s.head[--p];\n s.head[p] = (m >= _w_size ? m - _w_size : 0);\n } while (--n);\n\n n = _w_size;\n p = n;\n do {\n m = s.prev[--p];\n s.prev[p] = (m >= _w_size ? m - _w_size : 0);\n /* If n is not on any hash chain, prev[n] is garbage but\n * its value will never be used.\n */\n } while (--n);\n\n more += _w_size;\n }\n if (s.strm.avail_in === 0) {\n break;\n }\n\n /* If there was no sliding:\n * strstart <= WSIZE+MAX_DIST-1 && lookahead <= MIN_LOOKAHEAD - 1 &&\n * more == window_size - lookahead - strstart\n * => more >= window_size - (MIN_LOOKAHEAD-1 + WSIZE + MAX_DIST-1)\n * => more >= window_size - 2*WSIZE + 2\n * In the BIG_MEM or MMAP case (not yet supported),\n * window_size == input_size + MIN_LOOKAHEAD &&\n * strstart + s->lookahead <= input_size => more >= MIN_LOOKAHEAD.\n * Otherwise, window_size == 2*WSIZE so more >= 2.\n * If there was sliding, more >= WSIZE. So in all cases, more >= 2.\n */\n //Assert(more >= 2, \"more < 2\");\n n = read_buf(s.strm, s.window, s.strstart + s.lookahead, more);\n s.lookahead += n;\n\n /* Initialize the hash value now that we have some input: */\n if (s.lookahead + s.insert >= MIN_MATCH) {\n str = s.strstart - s.insert;\n s.ins_h = s.window[str];\n\n /* UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, s->window[str + 1]); */\n s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[str + 1]) & s.hash_mask;\n//#if MIN_MATCH != 3\n// Call update_hash() MIN_MATCH-3 more times\n//#endif\n while (s.insert) {\n /* UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, s->window[str + MIN_MATCH-1]); */\n s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[str + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask;\n\n s.prev[str & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h];\n s.head[s.ins_h] = str;\n str++;\n s.insert--;\n if (s.lookahead + s.insert < MIN_MATCH) {\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n /* If the whole input has less than MIN_MATCH bytes, ins_h is garbage,\n * but this is not important since only literal bytes will be emitted.\n */\n\n } while (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && s.strm.avail_in !== 0);\n\n /* If the WIN_INIT bytes after the end of the current data have never been\n * written, then zero those bytes in order to avoid memory check reports of\n * the use of uninitialized (or uninitialised as Julian writes) bytes by\n * the longest match routines. Update the high water mark for the next\n * time through here. WIN_INIT is set to MAX_MATCH since the longest match\n * routines allow scanning to strstart + MAX_MATCH, ignoring lookahead.\n */\n// if (s.high_water < s.window_size) {\n// var curr = s.strstart + s.lookahead;\n// var init = 0;\n//\n// if (s.high_water < curr) {\n// /* Previous high water mark below current data -- zero WIN_INIT\n// * bytes or up to end of window, whichever is less.\n// */\n// init = s.window_size - curr;\n// if (init > WIN_INIT)\n// init = WIN_INIT;\n// zmemzero(s->window + curr, (unsigned)init);\n// s->high_water = curr + init;\n// }\n// else if (s->high_water < (ulg)curr + WIN_INIT) {\n// /* High water mark at or above current data, but below current data\n// * plus WIN_INIT -- zero out to current data plus WIN_INIT, or up\n// * to end of window, whichever is less.\n// */\n// init = (ulg)curr + WIN_INIT - s->high_water;\n// if (init > s->window_size - s->high_water)\n// init = s->window_size - s->high_water;\n// zmemzero(s->window + s->high_water, (unsigned)init);\n// s->high_water += init;\n// }\n// }\n//\n// Assert((ulg)s->strstart <= s->window_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD,\n// \"not enough room for search\");\n}\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Copy without compression as much as possible from the input stream, return\n * the current block state.\n * This function does not insert new strings in the dictionary since\n * uncompressible data is probably not useful. This function is used\n * only for the level=0 compression option.\n * NOTE: this function should be optimized to avoid extra copying from\n * window to pending_buf.\n */\nfunction deflate_stored(s, flush) {\n /* Stored blocks are limited to 0xffff bytes, pending_buf is limited\n * to pending_buf_size, and each stored block has a 5 byte header:\n */\n var max_block_size = 0xffff;\n\n if (max_block_size > s.pending_buf_size - 5) {\n max_block_size = s.pending_buf_size - 5;\n }\n\n /* Copy as much as possible from input to output: */\n for (;;) {\n /* Fill the window as much as possible: */\n if (s.lookahead <= 1) {\n\n //Assert(s->strstart < s->w_size+MAX_DIST(s) ||\n // s->block_start >= (long)s->w_size, \"slide too late\");\n// if (!(s.strstart < s.w_size + (s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD) ||\n// s.block_start >= s.w_size)) {\n// throw new Error(\"slide too late\");\n// }\n\n fill_window(s);\n if (s.lookahead === 0 && flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n\n if (s.lookahead === 0) {\n break;\n }\n /* flush the current block */\n }\n //Assert(s->block_start >= 0L, \"block gone\");\n// if (s.block_start < 0) throw new Error(\"block gone\");\n\n s.strstart += s.lookahead;\n s.lookahead = 0;\n\n /* Emit a stored block if pending_buf will be full: */\n var max_start = s.block_start + max_block_size;\n\n if (s.strstart === 0 || s.strstart >= max_start) {\n /* strstart == 0 is possible when wraparound on 16-bit machine */\n s.lookahead = s.strstart - max_start;\n s.strstart = max_start;\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n\n\n }\n /* Flush if we may have to slide, otherwise block_start may become\n * negative and the data will be gone:\n */\n if (s.strstart - s.block_start >= (s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD)) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n }\n\n s.insert = 0;\n\n if (flush === Z_FINISH) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, true);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_FINISH_STARTED;\n }\n /***/\n return BS_FINISH_DONE;\n }\n\n if (s.strstart > s.block_start) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n}\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Compress as much as possible from the input stream, return the current\n * block state.\n * This function does not perform lazy evaluation of matches and inserts\n * new strings in the dictionary only for unmatched strings or for short\n * matches. It is used only for the fast compression options.\n */\nfunction deflate_fast(s, flush) {\n var hash_head; /* head of the hash chain */\n var bflush; /* set if current block must be flushed */\n\n for (;;) {\n /* Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except\n * at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes\n * for the next match, plus MIN_MATCH bytes to insert the\n * string following the next match.\n */\n if (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD) {\n fill_window(s);\n if (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n if (s.lookahead === 0) {\n break; /* flush the current block */\n }\n }\n\n /* Insert the string window[strstart .. strstart+2] in the\n * dictionary, and set hash_head to the head of the hash chain:\n */\n hash_head = 0/*NIL*/;\n if (s.lookahead >= MIN_MATCH) {\n /*** INSERT_STRING(s, s.strstart, hash_head); ***/\n s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[s.strstart + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask;\n hash_head = s.prev[s.strstart & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h];\n s.head[s.ins_h] = s.strstart;\n /***/\n }\n\n /* Find the longest match, discarding those <= prev_length.\n * At this point we have always match_length < MIN_MATCH\n */\n if (hash_head !== 0/*NIL*/ && ((s.strstart - hash_head) <= (s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD))) {\n /* To simplify the code, we prevent matches with the string\n * of window index 0 (in particular we have to avoid a match\n * of the string with itself at the start of the input file).\n */\n s.match_length = longest_match(s, hash_head);\n /* longest_match() sets match_start */\n }\n if (s.match_length >= MIN_MATCH) {\n // check_match(s, s.strstart, s.match_start, s.match_length); // for debug only\n\n /*** _tr_tally_dist(s, s.strstart - s.match_start,\n s.match_length - MIN_MATCH, bflush); ***/\n bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, s.strstart - s.match_start, s.match_length - MIN_MATCH);\n\n s.lookahead -= s.match_length;\n\n /* Insert new strings in the hash table only if the match length\n * is not too large. This saves time but degrades compression.\n */\n if (s.match_length <= s.max_lazy_match/*max_insert_length*/ && s.lookahead >= MIN_MATCH) {\n s.match_length--; /* string at strstart already in table */\n do {\n s.strstart++;\n /*** INSERT_STRING(s, s.strstart, hash_head); ***/\n s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[s.strstart + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask;\n hash_head = s.prev[s.strstart & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h];\n s.head[s.ins_h] = s.strstart;\n /***/\n /* strstart never exceeds WSIZE-MAX_MATCH, so there are\n * always MIN_MATCH bytes ahead.\n */\n } while (--s.match_length !== 0);\n s.strstart++;\n } else\n {\n s.strstart += s.match_length;\n s.match_length = 0;\n s.ins_h = s.window[s.strstart];\n /* UPDATE_HASH(s, s.ins_h, s.window[s.strstart+1]); */\n s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[s.strstart + 1]) & s.hash_mask;\n\n//#if MIN_MATCH != 3\n// Call UPDATE_HASH() MIN_MATCH-3 more times\n//#endif\n /* If lookahead < MIN_MATCH, ins_h is garbage, but it does not\n * matter since it will be recomputed at next deflate call.\n */\n }\n } else {\n /* No match, output a literal byte */\n //Tracevv((stderr,\"%c\", s.window[s.strstart]));\n /*** _tr_tally_lit(s, s.window[s.strstart], bflush); ***/\n bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart]);\n\n s.lookahead--;\n s.strstart++;\n }\n if (bflush) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n }\n s.insert = ((s.strstart < (MIN_MATCH - 1)) ? s.strstart : MIN_MATCH - 1);\n if (flush === Z_FINISH) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, true);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_FINISH_STARTED;\n }\n /***/\n return BS_FINISH_DONE;\n }\n if (s.last_lit) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n return BS_BLOCK_DONE;\n}\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Same as above, but achieves better compression. We use a lazy\n * evaluation for matches: a match is finally adopted only if there is\n * no better match at the next window position.\n */\nfunction deflate_slow(s, flush) {\n var hash_head; /* head of hash chain */\n var bflush; /* set if current block must be flushed */\n\n var max_insert;\n\n /* Process the input block. */\n for (;;) {\n /* Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except\n * at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes\n * for the next match, plus MIN_MATCH bytes to insert the\n * string following the next match.\n */\n if (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD) {\n fill_window(s);\n if (s.lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n if (s.lookahead === 0) { break; } /* flush the current block */\n }\n\n /* Insert the string window[strstart .. strstart+2] in the\n * dictionary, and set hash_head to the head of the hash chain:\n */\n hash_head = 0/*NIL*/;\n if (s.lookahead >= MIN_MATCH) {\n /*** INSERT_STRING(s, s.strstart, hash_head); ***/\n s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[s.strstart + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask;\n hash_head = s.prev[s.strstart & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h];\n s.head[s.ins_h] = s.strstart;\n /***/\n }\n\n /* Find the longest match, discarding those <= prev_length.\n */\n s.prev_length = s.match_length;\n s.prev_match = s.match_start;\n s.match_length = MIN_MATCH - 1;\n\n if (hash_head !== 0/*NIL*/ && s.prev_length < s.max_lazy_match &&\n s.strstart - hash_head <= (s.w_size - MIN_LOOKAHEAD)/*MAX_DIST(s)*/) {\n /* To simplify the code, we prevent matches with the string\n * of window index 0 (in particular we have to avoid a match\n * of the string with itself at the start of the input file).\n */\n s.match_length = longest_match(s, hash_head);\n /* longest_match() sets match_start */\n\n if (s.match_length <= 5 &&\n (s.strategy === Z_FILTERED || (s.match_length === MIN_MATCH && s.strstart - s.match_start > 4096/*TOO_FAR*/))) {\n\n /* If prev_match is also MIN_MATCH, match_start is garbage\n * but we will ignore the current match anyway.\n */\n s.match_length = MIN_MATCH - 1;\n }\n }\n /* If there was a match at the previous step and the current\n * match is not better, output the previous match:\n */\n if (s.prev_length >= MIN_MATCH && s.match_length <= s.prev_length) {\n max_insert = s.strstart + s.lookahead - MIN_MATCH;\n /* Do not insert strings in hash table beyond this. */\n\n //check_match(s, s.strstart-1, s.prev_match, s.prev_length);\n\n /***_tr_tally_dist(s, s.strstart - 1 - s.prev_match,\n s.prev_length - MIN_MATCH, bflush);***/\n bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, s.strstart - 1 - s.prev_match, s.prev_length - MIN_MATCH);\n /* Insert in hash table all strings up to the end of the match.\n * strstart-1 and strstart are already inserted. If there is not\n * enough lookahead, the last two strings are not inserted in\n * the hash table.\n */\n s.lookahead -= s.prev_length - 1;\n s.prev_length -= 2;\n do {\n if (++s.strstart <= max_insert) {\n /*** INSERT_STRING(s, s.strstart, hash_head); ***/\n s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[s.strstart + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask;\n hash_head = s.prev[s.strstart & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h];\n s.head[s.ins_h] = s.strstart;\n /***/\n }\n } while (--s.prev_length !== 0);\n s.match_available = 0;\n s.match_length = MIN_MATCH - 1;\n s.strstart++;\n\n if (bflush) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n\n } else if (s.match_available) {\n /* If there was no match at the previous position, output a\n * single literal. If there was a match but the current match\n * is longer, truncate the previous match to a single literal.\n */\n //Tracevv((stderr,\"%c\", s->window[s->strstart-1]));\n /*** _tr_tally_lit(s, s.window[s.strstart-1], bflush); ***/\n bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart - 1]);\n\n if (bflush) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK_ONLY(s, 0) ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n /***/\n }\n s.strstart++;\n s.lookahead--;\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n } else {\n /* There is no previous match to compare with, wait for\n * the next step to decide.\n */\n s.match_available = 1;\n s.strstart++;\n s.lookahead--;\n }\n }\n //Assert (flush != Z_NO_FLUSH, \"no flush?\");\n if (s.match_available) {\n //Tracevv((stderr,\"%c\", s->window[s->strstart-1]));\n /*** _tr_tally_lit(s, s.window[s.strstart-1], bflush); ***/\n bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart - 1]);\n\n s.match_available = 0;\n }\n s.insert = s.strstart < MIN_MATCH - 1 ? s.strstart : MIN_MATCH - 1;\n if (flush === Z_FINISH) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, true);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_FINISH_STARTED;\n }\n /***/\n return BS_FINISH_DONE;\n }\n if (s.last_lit) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n\n return BS_BLOCK_DONE;\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * For Z_RLE, simply look for runs of bytes, generate matches only of distance\n * one. Do not maintain a hash table. (It will be regenerated if this run of\n * deflate switches away from Z_RLE.)\n */\nfunction deflate_rle(s, flush) {\n var bflush; /* set if current block must be flushed */\n var prev; /* byte at distance one to match */\n var scan, strend; /* scan goes up to strend for length of run */\n\n var _win = s.window;\n\n for (;;) {\n /* Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except\n * at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes\n * for the longest run, plus one for the unrolled loop.\n */\n if (s.lookahead <= MAX_MATCH) {\n fill_window(s);\n if (s.lookahead <= MAX_MATCH && flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n if (s.lookahead === 0) { break; } /* flush the current block */\n }\n\n /* See how many times the previous byte repeats */\n s.match_length = 0;\n if (s.lookahead >= MIN_MATCH && s.strstart > 0) {\n scan = s.strstart - 1;\n prev = _win[scan];\n if (prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan]) {\n strend = s.strstart + MAX_MATCH;\n do {\n /*jshint noempty:false*/\n } while (prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] &&\n prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] &&\n prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] &&\n prev === _win[++scan] && prev === _win[++scan] &&\n scan < strend);\n s.match_length = MAX_MATCH - (strend - scan);\n if (s.match_length > s.lookahead) {\n s.match_length = s.lookahead;\n }\n }\n //Assert(scan <= s->window+(uInt)(s->window_size-1), \"wild scan\");\n }\n\n /* Emit match if have run of MIN_MATCH or longer, else emit literal */\n if (s.match_length >= MIN_MATCH) {\n //check_match(s, s.strstart, s.strstart - 1, s.match_length);\n\n /*** _tr_tally_dist(s, 1, s.match_length - MIN_MATCH, bflush); ***/\n bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 1, s.match_length - MIN_MATCH);\n\n s.lookahead -= s.match_length;\n s.strstart += s.match_length;\n s.match_length = 0;\n } else {\n /* No match, output a literal byte */\n //Tracevv((stderr,\"%c\", s->window[s->strstart]));\n /*** _tr_tally_lit(s, s.window[s.strstart], bflush); ***/\n bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart]);\n\n s.lookahead--;\n s.strstart++;\n }\n if (bflush) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n }\n s.insert = 0;\n if (flush === Z_FINISH) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, true);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_FINISH_STARTED;\n }\n /***/\n return BS_FINISH_DONE;\n }\n if (s.last_lit) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n return BS_BLOCK_DONE;\n}\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * For Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY, do not look for matches. Do not maintain a hash table.\n * (It will be regenerated if this run of deflate switches away from Huffman.)\n */\nfunction deflate_huff(s, flush) {\n var bflush; /* set if current block must be flushed */\n\n for (;;) {\n /* Make sure that we have a literal to write. */\n if (s.lookahead === 0) {\n fill_window(s);\n if (s.lookahead === 0) {\n if (flush === Z_NO_FLUSH) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n break; /* flush the current block */\n }\n }\n\n /* Output a literal byte */\n s.match_length = 0;\n //Tracevv((stderr,\"%c\", s->window[s->strstart]));\n /*** _tr_tally_lit(s, s.window[s.strstart], bflush); ***/\n bflush = trees._tr_tally(s, 0, s.window[s.strstart]);\n s.lookahead--;\n s.strstart++;\n if (bflush) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n }\n s.insert = 0;\n if (flush === Z_FINISH) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 1); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, true);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_FINISH_STARTED;\n }\n /***/\n return BS_FINISH_DONE;\n }\n if (s.last_lit) {\n /*** FLUSH_BLOCK(s, 0); ***/\n flush_block_only(s, false);\n if (s.strm.avail_out === 0) {\n return BS_NEED_MORE;\n }\n /***/\n }\n return BS_BLOCK_DONE;\n}\n\n/* Values for max_lazy_match, good_match and max_chain_length, depending on\n * the desired pack level (0..9). The values given below have been tuned to\n * exclude worst case performance for pathological files. Better values may be\n * found for specific files.\n */\nfunction Config(good_length, max_lazy, nice_length, max_chain, func) {\n this.good_length = good_length;\n this.max_lazy = max_lazy;\n this.nice_length = nice_length;\n this.max_chain = max_chain;\n this.func = func;\n}\n\nvar configuration_table;\n\nconfiguration_table = [\n /* good lazy nice chain */\n new Config(0, 0, 0, 0, deflate_stored), /* 0 store only */\n new Config(4, 4, 8, 4, deflate_fast), /* 1 max speed, no lazy matches */\n new Config(4, 5, 16, 8, deflate_fast), /* 2 */\n new Config(4, 6, 32, 32, deflate_fast), /* 3 */\n\n new Config(4, 4, 16, 16, deflate_slow), /* 4 lazy matches */\n new Config(8, 16, 32, 32, deflate_slow), /* 5 */\n new Config(8, 16, 128, 128, deflate_slow), /* 6 */\n new Config(8, 32, 128, 256, deflate_slow), /* 7 */\n new Config(32, 128, 258, 1024, deflate_slow), /* 8 */\n new Config(32, 258, 258, 4096, deflate_slow) /* 9 max compression */\n];\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Initialize the \"longest match\" routines for a new zlib stream\n */\nfunction lm_init(s) {\n s.window_size = 2 * s.w_size;\n\n /*** CLEAR_HASH(s); ***/\n zero(s.head); // Fill with NIL (= 0);\n\n /* Set the default configuration parameters:\n */\n s.max_lazy_match = configuration_table[s.level].max_lazy;\n s.good_match = configuration_table[s.level].good_length;\n s.nice_match = configuration_table[s.level].nice_length;\n s.max_chain_length = configuration_table[s.level].max_chain;\n\n s.strstart = 0;\n s.block_start = 0;\n s.lookahead = 0;\n s.insert = 0;\n s.match_length = s.prev_length = MIN_MATCH - 1;\n s.match_available = 0;\n s.ins_h = 0;\n}\n\n\nfunction DeflateState() {\n this.strm = null; /* pointer back to this zlib stream */\n this.status = 0; /* as the name implies */\n this.pending_buf = null; /* output still pending */\n this.pending_buf_size = 0; /* size of pending_buf */\n this.pending_out = 0; /* next pending byte to output to the stream */\n this.pending = 0; /* nb of bytes in the pending buffer */\n this.wrap = 0; /* bit 0 true for zlib, bit 1 true for gzip */\n this.gzhead = null; /* gzip header information to write */\n this.gzindex = 0; /* where in extra, name, or comment */\n this.method = Z_DEFLATED; /* can only be DEFLATED */\n this.last_flush = -1; /* value of flush param for previous deflate call */\n\n this.w_size = 0; /* LZ77 window size (32K by default) */\n this.w_bits = 0; /* log2(w_size) (8..16) */\n this.w_mask = 0; /* w_size - 1 */\n\n this.window = null;\n /* Sliding window. Input bytes are read into the second half of the window,\n * and move to the first half later to keep a dictionary of at least wSize\n * bytes. With this organization, matches are limited to a distance of\n * wSize-MAX_MATCH bytes, but this ensures that IO is always\n * performed with a length multiple of the block size.\n */\n\n this.window_size = 0;\n /* Actual size of window: 2*wSize, except when the user input buffer\n * is directly used as sliding window.\n */\n\n this.prev = null;\n /* Link to older string with same hash index. To limit the size of this\n * array to 64K, this link is maintained only for the last 32K strings.\n * An index in this array is thus a window index modulo 32K.\n */\n\n this.head = null; /* Heads of the hash chains or NIL. */\n\n this.ins_h = 0; /* hash index of string to be inserted */\n this.hash_size = 0; /* number of elements in hash table */\n this.hash_bits = 0; /* log2(hash_size) */\n this.hash_mask = 0; /* hash_size-1 */\n\n this.hash_shift = 0;\n /* Number of bits by which ins_h must be shifted at each input\n * step. It must be such that after MIN_MATCH steps, the oldest\n * byte no longer takes part in the hash key, that is:\n * hash_shift * MIN_MATCH >= hash_bits\n */\n\n this.block_start = 0;\n /* Window position at the beginning of the current output block. Gets\n * negative when the window is moved backwards.\n */\n\n this.match_length = 0; /* length of best match */\n this.prev_match = 0; /* previous match */\n this.match_available = 0; /* set if previous match exists */\n this.strstart = 0; /* start of string to insert */\n this.match_start = 0; /* start of matching string */\n this.lookahead = 0; /* number of valid bytes ahead in window */\n\n this.prev_length = 0;\n /* Length of the best match at previous step. Matches not greater than this\n * are discarded. This is used in the lazy match evaluation.\n */\n\n this.max_chain_length = 0;\n /* To speed up deflation, hash chains are never searched beyond this\n * length. A higher limit improves compression ratio but degrades the\n * speed.\n */\n\n this.max_lazy_match = 0;\n /* Attempt to find a better match only when the current match is strictly\n * smaller than this value. This mechanism is used only for compression\n * levels >= 4.\n */\n // That's alias to max_lazy_match, don't use directly\n //this.max_insert_length = 0;\n /* Insert new strings in the hash table only if the match length is not\n * greater than this length. This saves time but degrades compression.\n * max_insert_length is used only for compression levels <= 3.\n */\n\n this.level = 0; /* compression level (1..9) */\n this.strategy = 0; /* favor or force Huffman coding*/\n\n this.good_match = 0;\n /* Use a faster search when the previous match is longer than this */\n\n this.nice_match = 0; /* Stop searching when current match exceeds this */\n\n /* used by trees.c: */\n\n /* Didn't use ct_data typedef below to suppress compiler warning */\n\n // struct ct_data_s dyn_ltree[HEAP_SIZE]; /* literal and length tree */\n // struct ct_data_s dyn_dtree[2*D_CODES+1]; /* distance tree */\n // struct ct_data_s bl_tree[2*BL_CODES+1]; /* Huffman tree for bit lengths */\n\n // Use flat array of DOUBLE size, with interleaved fata,\n // because JS does not support effective\n this.dyn_ltree = new utils.Buf16(HEAP_SIZE * 2);\n this.dyn_dtree = new utils.Buf16((2 * D_CODES + 1) * 2);\n this.bl_tree = new utils.Buf16((2 * BL_CODES + 1) * 2);\n zero(this.dyn_ltree);\n zero(this.dyn_dtree);\n zero(this.bl_tree);\n\n this.l_desc = null; /* desc. for literal tree */\n this.d_desc = null; /* desc. for distance tree */\n this.bl_desc = null; /* desc. for bit length tree */\n\n //ush bl_count[MAX_BITS+1];\n this.bl_count = new utils.Buf16(MAX_BITS + 1);\n /* number of codes at each bit length for an optimal tree */\n\n //int heap[2*L_CODES+1]; /* heap used to build the Huffman trees */\n this.heap = new utils.Buf16(2 * L_CODES + 1); /* heap used to build the Huffman trees */\n zero(this.heap);\n\n this.heap_len = 0; /* number of elements in the heap */\n this.heap_max = 0; /* element of largest frequency */\n /* The sons of heap[n] are heap[2*n] and heap[2*n+1]. heap[0] is not used.\n * The same heap array is used to build all trees.\n */\n\n this.depth = new utils.Buf16(2 * L_CODES + 1); //uch depth[2*L_CODES+1];\n zero(this.depth);\n /* Depth of each subtree used as tie breaker for trees of equal frequency\n */\n\n this.l_buf = 0; /* buffer index for literals or lengths */\n\n this.lit_bufsize = 0;\n /* Size of match buffer for literals/lengths. There are 4 reasons for\n * limiting lit_bufsize to 64K:\n * - frequencies can be kept in 16 bit counters\n * - if compression is not successful for the first block, all input\n * data is still in the window so we can still emit a stored block even\n * when input comes from standard input. (This can also be done for\n * all blocks if lit_bufsize is not greater than 32K.)\n * - if compression is not successful for a file smaller than 64K, we can\n * even emit a stored file instead of a stored block (saving 5 bytes).\n * This is applicable only for zip (not gzip or zlib).\n * - creating new Huffman trees less frequently may not provide fast\n * adaptation to changes in the input data statistics. (Take for\n * example a binary file with poorly compressible code followed by\n * a highly compressible string table.) Smaller buffer sizes give\n * fast adaptation but have of course the overhead of transmitting\n * trees more frequently.\n * - I can't count above 4\n */\n\n this.last_lit = 0; /* running index in l_buf */\n\n this.d_buf = 0;\n /* Buffer index for distances. To simplify the code, d_buf and l_buf have\n * the same number of elements. To use different lengths, an extra flag\n * array would be necessary.\n */\n\n this.opt_len = 0; /* bit length of current block with optimal trees */\n this.static_len = 0; /* bit length of current block with static trees */\n this.matches = 0; /* number of string matches in current block */\n this.insert = 0; /* bytes at end of window left to insert */\n\n\n this.bi_buf = 0;\n /* Output buffer. bits are inserted starting at the bottom (least\n * significant bits).\n */\n this.bi_valid = 0;\n /* Number of valid bits in bi_buf. All bits above the last valid bit\n * are always zero.\n */\n\n // Used for window memory init. We safely ignore it for JS. That makes\n // sense only for pointers and memory check tools.\n //this.high_water = 0;\n /* High water mark offset in window for initialized bytes -- bytes above\n * this are set to zero in order to avoid memory check warnings when\n * longest match routines access bytes past the input. This is then\n * updated to the new high water mark.\n */\n}\n\n\nfunction deflateResetKeep(strm) {\n var s;\n\n if (!strm || !strm.state) {\n return err(strm, Z_STREAM_ERROR);\n }\n\n strm.total_in = strm.total_out = 0;\n strm.data_type = Z_UNKNOWN;\n\n s = strm.state;\n s.pending = 0;\n s.pending_out = 0;\n\n if (s.wrap < 0) {\n s.wrap = -s.wrap;\n /* was made negative by deflate(..., Z_FINISH); */\n }\n s.status = (s.wrap ? INIT_STATE : BUSY_STATE);\n strm.adler = (s.wrap === 2) ?\n 0 // crc32(0, Z_NULL, 0)\n :\n 1; // adler32(0, Z_NULL, 0)\n s.last_flush = Z_NO_FLUSH;\n trees._tr_init(s);\n return Z_OK;\n}\n\n\nfunction deflateReset(strm) {\n var ret = deflateResetKeep(strm);\n if (ret === Z_OK) {\n lm_init(strm.state);\n }\n return ret;\n}\n\n\nfunction deflateSetHeader(strm, head) {\n if (!strm || !strm.state) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; }\n if (strm.state.wrap !== 2) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; }\n strm.state.gzhead = head;\n return Z_OK;\n}\n\n\nfunction deflateInit2(strm, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy) {\n if (!strm) { // === Z_NULL\n return Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n var wrap = 1;\n\n if (level === Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION) {\n level = 6;\n }\n\n if (windowBits < 0) { /* suppress zlib wrapper */\n wrap = 0;\n windowBits = -windowBits;\n }\n\n else if (windowBits > 15) {\n wrap = 2; /* write gzip wrapper instead */\n windowBits -= 16;\n }\n\n\n if (memLevel < 1 || memLevel > MAX_MEM_LEVEL || method !== Z_DEFLATED ||\n windowBits < 8 || windowBits > 15 || level < 0 || level > 9 ||\n strategy < 0 || strategy > Z_FIXED) {\n return err(strm, Z_STREAM_ERROR);\n }\n\n\n if (windowBits === 8) {\n windowBits = 9;\n }\n /* until 256-byte window bug fixed */\n\n var s = new DeflateState();\n\n strm.state = s;\n s.strm = strm;\n\n s.wrap = wrap;\n s.gzhead = null;\n s.w_bits = windowBits;\n s.w_size = 1 << s.w_bits;\n s.w_mask = s.w_size - 1;\n\n s.hash_bits = memLevel + 7;\n s.hash_size = 1 << s.hash_bits;\n s.hash_mask = s.hash_size - 1;\n s.hash_shift = ~~((s.hash_bits + MIN_MATCH - 1) / MIN_MATCH);\n\n s.window = new utils.Buf8(s.w_size * 2);\n s.head = new utils.Buf16(s.hash_size);\n s.prev = new utils.Buf16(s.w_size);\n\n // Don't need mem init magic for JS.\n //s.high_water = 0; /* nothing written to s->window yet */\n\n s.lit_bufsize = 1 << (memLevel + 6); /* 16K elements by default */\n\n s.pending_buf_size = s.lit_bufsize * 4;\n\n //overlay = (ushf *) ZALLOC(strm, s->lit_bufsize, sizeof(ush)+2);\n //s->pending_buf = (uchf *) overlay;\n s.pending_buf = new utils.Buf8(s.pending_buf_size);\n\n // It is offset from `s.pending_buf` (size is `s.lit_bufsize * 2`)\n //s->d_buf = overlay + s->lit_bufsize/sizeof(ush);\n s.d_buf = 1 * s.lit_bufsize;\n\n //s->l_buf = s->pending_buf + (1+sizeof(ush))*s->lit_bufsize;\n s.l_buf = (1 + 2) * s.lit_bufsize;\n\n s.level = level;\n s.strategy = strategy;\n s.method = method;\n\n return deflateReset(strm);\n}\n\nfunction deflateInit(strm, level) {\n return deflateInit2(strm, level, Z_DEFLATED, MAX_WBITS, DEF_MEM_LEVEL, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY);\n}\n\n\nfunction deflate(strm, flush) {\n var old_flush, s;\n var beg, val; // for gzip header write only\n\n if (!strm || !strm.state ||\n flush > Z_BLOCK || flush < 0) {\n return strm ? err(strm, Z_STREAM_ERROR) : Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n\n s = strm.state;\n\n if (!strm.output ||\n (!strm.input && strm.avail_in !== 0) ||\n (s.status === FINISH_STATE && flush !== Z_FINISH)) {\n return err(strm, (strm.avail_out === 0) ? Z_BUF_ERROR : Z_STREAM_ERROR);\n }\n\n s.strm = strm; /* just in case */\n old_flush = s.last_flush;\n s.last_flush = flush;\n\n /* Write the header */\n if (s.status === INIT_STATE) {\n\n if (s.wrap === 2) { // GZIP header\n strm.adler = 0; //crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);\n put_byte(s, 31);\n put_byte(s, 139);\n put_byte(s, 8);\n if (!s.gzhead) { // s->gzhead == Z_NULL\n put_byte(s, 0);\n put_byte(s, 0);\n put_byte(s, 0);\n put_byte(s, 0);\n put_byte(s, 0);\n put_byte(s, s.level === 9 ? 2 :\n (s.strategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY || s.level < 2 ?\n 4 : 0));\n put_byte(s, OS_CODE);\n s.status = BUSY_STATE;\n }\n else {\n put_byte(s, (s.gzhead.text ? 1 : 0) +\n (s.gzhead.hcrc ? 2 : 0) +\n (!s.gzhead.extra ? 0 : 4) +\n (!s.gzhead.name ? 0 : 8) +\n (!s.gzhead.comment ? 0 : 16)\n );\n put_byte(s, s.gzhead.time & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (s.gzhead.time >> 8) & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (s.gzhead.time >> 16) & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (s.gzhead.time >> 24) & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, s.level === 9 ? 2 :\n (s.strategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY || s.level < 2 ?\n 4 : 0));\n put_byte(s, s.gzhead.os & 0xff);\n if (s.gzhead.extra && s.gzhead.extra.length) {\n put_byte(s, s.gzhead.extra.length & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (s.gzhead.extra.length >> 8) & 0xff);\n }\n if (s.gzhead.hcrc) {\n strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending, 0);\n }\n s.gzindex = 0;\n s.status = EXTRA_STATE;\n }\n }\n else // DEFLATE header\n {\n var header = (Z_DEFLATED + ((s.w_bits - 8) << 4)) << 8;\n var level_flags = -1;\n\n if (s.strategy >= Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY || s.level < 2) {\n level_flags = 0;\n } else if (s.level < 6) {\n level_flags = 1;\n } else if (s.level === 6) {\n level_flags = 2;\n } else {\n level_flags = 3;\n }\n header |= (level_flags << 6);\n if (s.strstart !== 0) { header |= PRESET_DICT; }\n header += 31 - (header % 31);\n\n s.status = BUSY_STATE;\n putShortMSB(s, header);\n\n /* Save the adler32 of the preset dictionary: */\n if (s.strstart !== 0) {\n putShortMSB(s, strm.adler >>> 16);\n putShortMSB(s, strm.adler & 0xffff);\n }\n strm.adler = 1; // adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);\n }\n }\n\n//#ifdef GZIP\n if (s.status === EXTRA_STATE) {\n if (s.gzhead.extra/* != Z_NULL*/) {\n beg = s.pending; /* start of bytes to update crc */\n\n while (s.gzindex < (s.gzhead.extra.length & 0xffff)) {\n if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) {\n if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) {\n strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg);\n }\n flush_pending(strm);\n beg = s.pending;\n if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) {\n break;\n }\n }\n put_byte(s, s.gzhead.extra[s.gzindex] & 0xff);\n s.gzindex++;\n }\n if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) {\n strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg);\n }\n if (s.gzindex === s.gzhead.extra.length) {\n s.gzindex = 0;\n s.status = NAME_STATE;\n }\n }\n else {\n s.status = NAME_STATE;\n }\n }\n if (s.status === NAME_STATE) {\n if (s.gzhead.name/* != Z_NULL*/) {\n beg = s.pending; /* start of bytes to update crc */\n //int val;\n\n do {\n if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) {\n if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) {\n strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg);\n }\n flush_pending(strm);\n beg = s.pending;\n if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) {\n val = 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n // JS specific: little magic to add zero terminator to end of string\n if (s.gzindex < s.gzhead.name.length) {\n val = s.gzhead.name.charCodeAt(s.gzindex++) & 0xff;\n } else {\n val = 0;\n }\n put_byte(s, val);\n } while (val !== 0);\n\n if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) {\n strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg);\n }\n if (val === 0) {\n s.gzindex = 0;\n s.status = COMMENT_STATE;\n }\n }\n else {\n s.status = COMMENT_STATE;\n }\n }\n if (s.status === COMMENT_STATE) {\n if (s.gzhead.comment/* != Z_NULL*/) {\n beg = s.pending; /* start of bytes to update crc */\n //int val;\n\n do {\n if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) {\n if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) {\n strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg);\n }\n flush_pending(strm);\n beg = s.pending;\n if (s.pending === s.pending_buf_size) {\n val = 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n // JS specific: little magic to add zero terminator to end of string\n if (s.gzindex < s.gzhead.comment.length) {\n val = s.gzhead.comment.charCodeAt(s.gzindex++) & 0xff;\n } else {\n val = 0;\n }\n put_byte(s, val);\n } while (val !== 0);\n\n if (s.gzhead.hcrc && s.pending > beg) {\n strm.adler = crc32(strm.adler, s.pending_buf, s.pending - beg, beg);\n }\n if (val === 0) {\n s.status = HCRC_STATE;\n }\n }\n else {\n s.status = HCRC_STATE;\n }\n }\n if (s.status === HCRC_STATE) {\n if (s.gzhead.hcrc) {\n if (s.pending + 2 > s.pending_buf_size) {\n flush_pending(strm);\n }\n if (s.pending + 2 <= s.pending_buf_size) {\n put_byte(s, strm.adler & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (strm.adler >> 8) & 0xff);\n strm.adler = 0; //crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);\n s.status = BUSY_STATE;\n }\n }\n else {\n s.status = BUSY_STATE;\n }\n }\n//#endif\n\n /* Flush as much pending output as possible */\n if (s.pending !== 0) {\n flush_pending(strm);\n if (strm.avail_out === 0) {\n /* Since avail_out is 0, deflate will be called again with\n * more output space, but possibly with both pending and\n * avail_in equal to zero. There won't be anything to do,\n * but this is not an error situation so make sure we\n * return OK instead of BUF_ERROR at next call of deflate:\n */\n s.last_flush = -1;\n return Z_OK;\n }\n\n /* Make sure there is something to do and avoid duplicate consecutive\n * flushes. For repeated and useless calls with Z_FINISH, we keep\n * returning Z_STREAM_END instead of Z_BUF_ERROR.\n */\n } else if (strm.avail_in === 0 && rank(flush) <= rank(old_flush) &&\n flush !== Z_FINISH) {\n return err(strm, Z_BUF_ERROR);\n }\n\n /* User must not provide more input after the first FINISH: */\n if (s.status === FINISH_STATE && strm.avail_in !== 0) {\n return err(strm, Z_BUF_ERROR);\n }\n\n /* Start a new block or continue the current one.\n */\n if (strm.avail_in !== 0 || s.lookahead !== 0 ||\n (flush !== Z_NO_FLUSH && s.status !== FINISH_STATE)) {\n var bstate = (s.strategy === Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY) ? deflate_huff(s, flush) :\n (s.strategy === Z_RLE ? deflate_rle(s, flush) :\n configuration_table[s.level].func(s, flush));\n\n if (bstate === BS_FINISH_STARTED || bstate === BS_FINISH_DONE) {\n s.status = FINISH_STATE;\n }\n if (bstate === BS_NEED_MORE || bstate === BS_FINISH_STARTED) {\n if (strm.avail_out === 0) {\n s.last_flush = -1;\n /* avoid BUF_ERROR next call, see above */\n }\n return Z_OK;\n /* If flush != Z_NO_FLUSH && avail_out == 0, the next call\n * of deflate should use the same flush parameter to make sure\n * that the flush is complete. So we don't have to output an\n * empty block here, this will be done at next call. This also\n * ensures that for a very small output buffer, we emit at most\n * one empty block.\n */\n }\n if (bstate === BS_BLOCK_DONE) {\n if (flush === Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH) {\n trees._tr_align(s);\n }\n else if (flush !== Z_BLOCK) { /* FULL_FLUSH or SYNC_FLUSH */\n\n trees._tr_stored_block(s, 0, 0, false);\n /* For a full flush, this empty block will be recognized\n * as a special marker by inflate_sync().\n */\n if (flush === Z_FULL_FLUSH) {\n /*** CLEAR_HASH(s); ***/ /* forget history */\n zero(s.head); // Fill with NIL (= 0);\n\n if (s.lookahead === 0) {\n s.strstart = 0;\n s.block_start = 0;\n s.insert = 0;\n }\n }\n }\n flush_pending(strm);\n if (strm.avail_out === 0) {\n s.last_flush = -1; /* avoid BUF_ERROR at next call, see above */\n return Z_OK;\n }\n }\n }\n //Assert(strm->avail_out > 0, \"bug2\");\n //if (strm.avail_out <= 0) { throw new Error(\"bug2\");}\n\n if (flush !== Z_FINISH) { return Z_OK; }\n if (s.wrap <= 0) { return Z_STREAM_END; }\n\n /* Write the trailer */\n if (s.wrap === 2) {\n put_byte(s, strm.adler & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (strm.adler >> 8) & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (strm.adler >> 16) & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (strm.adler >> 24) & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, strm.total_in & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (strm.total_in >> 8) & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (strm.total_in >> 16) & 0xff);\n put_byte(s, (strm.total_in >> 24) & 0xff);\n }\n else\n {\n putShortMSB(s, strm.adler >>> 16);\n putShortMSB(s, strm.adler & 0xffff);\n }\n\n flush_pending(strm);\n /* If avail_out is zero, the application will call deflate again\n * to flush the rest.\n */\n if (s.wrap > 0) { s.wrap = -s.wrap; }\n /* write the trailer only once! */\n return s.pending !== 0 ? Z_OK : Z_STREAM_END;\n}\n\nfunction deflateEnd(strm) {\n var status;\n\n if (!strm/*== Z_NULL*/ || !strm.state/*== Z_NULL*/) {\n return Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n\n status = strm.state.status;\n if (status !== INIT_STATE &&\n status !== EXTRA_STATE &&\n status !== NAME_STATE &&\n status !== COMMENT_STATE &&\n status !== HCRC_STATE &&\n status !== BUSY_STATE &&\n status !== FINISH_STATE\n ) {\n return err(strm, Z_STREAM_ERROR);\n }\n\n strm.state = null;\n\n return status === BUSY_STATE ? err(strm, Z_DATA_ERROR) : Z_OK;\n}\n\n\n/* =========================================================================\n * Initializes the compression dictionary from the given byte\n * sequence without producing any compressed output.\n */\nfunction deflateSetDictionary(strm, dictionary) {\n var dictLength = dictionary.length;\n\n var s;\n var str, n;\n var wrap;\n var avail;\n var next;\n var input;\n var tmpDict;\n\n if (!strm/*== Z_NULL*/ || !strm.state/*== Z_NULL*/) {\n return Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n\n s = strm.state;\n wrap = s.wrap;\n\n if (wrap === 2 || (wrap === 1 && s.status !== INIT_STATE) || s.lookahead) {\n return Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n\n /* when using zlib wrappers, compute Adler-32 for provided dictionary */\n if (wrap === 1) {\n /* adler32(strm->adler, dictionary, dictLength); */\n strm.adler = adler32(strm.adler, dictionary, dictLength, 0);\n }\n\n s.wrap = 0; /* avoid computing Adler-32 in read_buf */\n\n /* if dictionary would fill window, just replace the history */\n if (dictLength >= s.w_size) {\n if (wrap === 0) { /* already empty otherwise */\n /*** CLEAR_HASH(s); ***/\n zero(s.head); // Fill with NIL (= 0);\n s.strstart = 0;\n s.block_start = 0;\n s.insert = 0;\n }\n /* use the tail */\n // dictionary = dictionary.slice(dictLength - s.w_size);\n tmpDict = new utils.Buf8(s.w_size);\n utils.arraySet(tmpDict, dictionary, dictLength - s.w_size, s.w_size, 0);\n dictionary = tmpDict;\n dictLength = s.w_size;\n }\n /* insert dictionary into window and hash */\n avail = strm.avail_in;\n next = strm.next_in;\n input = strm.input;\n strm.avail_in = dictLength;\n strm.next_in = 0;\n strm.input = dictionary;\n fill_window(s);\n while (s.lookahead >= MIN_MATCH) {\n str = s.strstart;\n n = s.lookahead - (MIN_MATCH - 1);\n do {\n /* UPDATE_HASH(s, s->ins_h, s->window[str + MIN_MATCH-1]); */\n s.ins_h = ((s.ins_h << s.hash_shift) ^ s.window[str + MIN_MATCH - 1]) & s.hash_mask;\n\n s.prev[str & s.w_mask] = s.head[s.ins_h];\n\n s.head[s.ins_h] = str;\n str++;\n } while (--n);\n s.strstart = str;\n s.lookahead = MIN_MATCH - 1;\n fill_window(s);\n }\n s.strstart += s.lookahead;\n s.block_start = s.strstart;\n s.insert = s.lookahead;\n s.lookahead = 0;\n s.match_length = s.prev_length = MIN_MATCH - 1;\n s.match_available = 0;\n strm.next_in = next;\n strm.input = input;\n strm.avail_in = avail;\n s.wrap = wrap;\n return Z_OK;\n}\n\n\nexports.deflateInit = deflateInit;\nexports.deflateInit2 = deflateInit2;\nexports.deflateReset = deflateReset;\nexports.deflateResetKeep = deflateResetKeep;\nexports.deflateSetHeader = deflateSetHeader;\nexports.deflate = deflate;\nexports.deflateEnd = deflateEnd;\nexports.deflateSetDictionary = deflateSetDictionary;\nexports.deflateInfo = 'pako deflate (from Nodeca project)';\n\n/* Not implemented\nexports.deflateBound = deflateBound;\nexports.deflateCopy = deflateCopy;\nexports.deflateParams = deflateParams;\nexports.deflatePending = deflatePending;\nexports.deflatePrime = deflatePrime;\nexports.deflateTune = deflateTune;\n*/\n" }, { "id": 14, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\trees.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/trees.js", "index": 12, "index2": 5, "size": 39879, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "issuerId": 13, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } }, { "id": 13, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 16, "building": 21, "dependencies": 2 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 40, "building": 27, "dependencies": 0 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 13, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\deflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/deflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./trees", "loc": "23:14-32" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 7, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\n/* eslint-disable space-unary-ops */\n\nvar utils = require('../utils/common');\n\n/* Public constants ==========================================================*/\n/* ===========================================================================*/\n\n\n//var Z_FILTERED = 1;\n//var Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY = 2;\n//var Z_RLE = 3;\nvar Z_FIXED = 4;\n//var Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY = 0;\n\n/* Possible values of the data_type field (though see inflate()) */\nvar Z_BINARY = 0;\nvar Z_TEXT = 1;\n//var Z_ASCII = 1; // = Z_TEXT\nvar Z_UNKNOWN = 2;\n\n/*============================================================================*/\n\n\nfunction zero(buf) { var len = buf.length; while (--len >= 0) { buf[len] = 0; } }\n\n// From zutil.h\n\nvar STORED_BLOCK = 0;\nvar STATIC_TREES = 1;\nvar DYN_TREES = 2;\n/* The three kinds of block type */\n\nvar MIN_MATCH = 3;\nvar MAX_MATCH = 258;\n/* The minimum and maximum match lengths */\n\n// From deflate.h\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Internal compression state.\n */\n\nvar LENGTH_CODES = 29;\n/* number of length codes, not counting the special END_BLOCK code */\n\nvar LITERALS = 256;\n/* number of literal bytes 0..255 */\n\nvar L_CODES = LITERALS + 1 + LENGTH_CODES;\n/* number of Literal or Length codes, including the END_BLOCK code */\n\nvar D_CODES = 30;\n/* number of distance codes */\n\nvar BL_CODES = 19;\n/* number of codes used to transfer the bit lengths */\n\nvar HEAP_SIZE = 2 * L_CODES + 1;\n/* maximum heap size */\n\nvar MAX_BITS = 15;\n/* All codes must not exceed MAX_BITS bits */\n\nvar Buf_size = 16;\n/* size of bit buffer in bi_buf */\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Constants\n */\n\nvar MAX_BL_BITS = 7;\n/* Bit length codes must not exceed MAX_BL_BITS bits */\n\nvar END_BLOCK = 256;\n/* end of block literal code */\n\nvar REP_3_6 = 16;\n/* repeat previous bit length 3-6 times (2 bits of repeat count) */\n\nvar REPZ_3_10 = 17;\n/* repeat a zero length 3-10 times (3 bits of repeat count) */\n\nvar REPZ_11_138 = 18;\n/* repeat a zero length 11-138 times (7 bits of repeat count) */\n\n/* eslint-disable comma-spacing,array-bracket-spacing */\nvar extra_lbits = /* extra bits for each length code */\n [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,0];\n\nvar extra_dbits = /* extra bits for each distance code */\n [0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13];\n\nvar extra_blbits = /* extra bits for each bit length code */\n [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,3,7];\n\nvar bl_order =\n [16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15];\n/* eslint-enable comma-spacing,array-bracket-spacing */\n\n/* The lengths of the bit length codes are sent in order of decreasing\n * probability, to avoid transmitting the lengths for unused bit length codes.\n */\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Local data. These are initialized only once.\n */\n\n// We pre-fill arrays with 0 to avoid uninitialized gaps\n\nvar DIST_CODE_LEN = 512; /* see definition of array dist_code below */\n\n// !!!! Use flat array instead of structure, Freq = i*2, Len = i*2+1\nvar static_ltree = new Array((L_CODES + 2) * 2);\nzero(static_ltree);\n/* The static literal tree. Since the bit lengths are imposed, there is no\n * need for the L_CODES extra codes used during heap construction. However\n * The codes 286 and 287 are needed to build a canonical tree (see _tr_init\n * below).\n */\n\nvar static_dtree = new Array(D_CODES * 2);\nzero(static_dtree);\n/* The static distance tree. (Actually a trivial tree since all codes use\n * 5 bits.)\n */\n\nvar _dist_code = new Array(DIST_CODE_LEN);\nzero(_dist_code);\n/* Distance codes. The first 256 values correspond to the distances\n * 3 .. 258, the last 256 values correspond to the top 8 bits of\n * the 15 bit distances.\n */\n\nvar _length_code = new Array(MAX_MATCH - MIN_MATCH + 1);\nzero(_length_code);\n/* length code for each normalized match length (0 == MIN_MATCH) */\n\nvar base_length = new Array(LENGTH_CODES);\nzero(base_length);\n/* First normalized length for each code (0 = MIN_MATCH) */\n\nvar base_dist = new Array(D_CODES);\nzero(base_dist);\n/* First normalized distance for each code (0 = distance of 1) */\n\n\nfunction StaticTreeDesc(static_tree, extra_bits, extra_base, elems, max_length) {\n\n this.static_tree = static_tree; /* static tree or NULL */\n this.extra_bits = extra_bits; /* extra bits for each code or NULL */\n this.extra_base = extra_base; /* base index for extra_bits */\n this.elems = elems; /* max number of elements in the tree */\n this.max_length = max_length; /* max bit length for the codes */\n\n // show if `static_tree` has data or dummy - needed for monomorphic objects\n this.has_stree = static_tree && static_tree.length;\n}\n\n\nvar static_l_desc;\nvar static_d_desc;\nvar static_bl_desc;\n\n\nfunction TreeDesc(dyn_tree, stat_desc) {\n this.dyn_tree = dyn_tree; /* the dynamic tree */\n this.max_code = 0; /* largest code with non zero frequency */\n this.stat_desc = stat_desc; /* the corresponding static tree */\n}\n\n\n\nfunction d_code(dist) {\n return dist < 256 ? _dist_code[dist] : _dist_code[256 + (dist >>> 7)];\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Output a short LSB first on the stream.\n * IN assertion: there is enough room in pendingBuf.\n */\nfunction put_short(s, w) {\n// put_byte(s, (uch)((w) & 0xff));\n// put_byte(s, (uch)((ush)(w) >> 8));\n s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = (w) & 0xff;\n s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = (w >>> 8) & 0xff;\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Send a value on a given number of bits.\n * IN assertion: length <= 16 and value fits in length bits.\n */\nfunction send_bits(s, value, length) {\n if (s.bi_valid > (Buf_size - length)) {\n s.bi_buf |= (value << s.bi_valid) & 0xffff;\n put_short(s, s.bi_buf);\n s.bi_buf = value >> (Buf_size - s.bi_valid);\n s.bi_valid += length - Buf_size;\n } else {\n s.bi_buf |= (value << s.bi_valid) & 0xffff;\n s.bi_valid += length;\n }\n}\n\n\nfunction send_code(s, c, tree) {\n send_bits(s, tree[c * 2]/*.Code*/, tree[c * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/);\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Reverse the first len bits of a code, using straightforward code (a faster\n * method would use a table)\n * IN assertion: 1 <= len <= 15\n */\nfunction bi_reverse(code, len) {\n var res = 0;\n do {\n res |= code & 1;\n code >>>= 1;\n res <<= 1;\n } while (--len > 0);\n return res >>> 1;\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Flush the bit buffer, keeping at most 7 bits in it.\n */\nfunction bi_flush(s) {\n if (s.bi_valid === 16) {\n put_short(s, s.bi_buf);\n s.bi_buf = 0;\n s.bi_valid = 0;\n\n } else if (s.bi_valid >= 8) {\n s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = s.bi_buf & 0xff;\n s.bi_buf >>= 8;\n s.bi_valid -= 8;\n }\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Compute the optimal bit lengths for a tree and update the total bit length\n * for the current block.\n * IN assertion: the fields freq and dad are set, heap[heap_max] and\n * above are the tree nodes sorted by increasing frequency.\n * OUT assertions: the field len is set to the optimal bit length, the\n * array bl_count contains the frequencies for each bit length.\n * The length opt_len is updated; static_len is also updated if stree is\n * not null.\n */\nfunction gen_bitlen(s, desc)\n// deflate_state *s;\n// tree_desc *desc; /* the tree descriptor */\n{\n var tree = desc.dyn_tree;\n var max_code = desc.max_code;\n var stree = desc.stat_desc.static_tree;\n var has_stree = desc.stat_desc.has_stree;\n var extra = desc.stat_desc.extra_bits;\n var base = desc.stat_desc.extra_base;\n var max_length = desc.stat_desc.max_length;\n var h; /* heap index */\n var n, m; /* iterate over the tree elements */\n var bits; /* bit length */\n var xbits; /* extra bits */\n var f; /* frequency */\n var overflow = 0; /* number of elements with bit length too large */\n\n for (bits = 0; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) {\n s.bl_count[bits] = 0;\n }\n\n /* In a first pass, compute the optimal bit lengths (which may\n * overflow in the case of the bit length tree).\n */\n tree[s.heap[s.heap_max] * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 0; /* root of the heap */\n\n for (h = s.heap_max + 1; h < HEAP_SIZE; h++) {\n n = s.heap[h];\n bits = tree[tree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Dad*/ * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ + 1;\n if (bits > max_length) {\n bits = max_length;\n overflow++;\n }\n tree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = bits;\n /* We overwrite tree[n].Dad which is no longer needed */\n\n if (n > max_code) { continue; } /* not a leaf node */\n\n s.bl_count[bits]++;\n xbits = 0;\n if (n >= base) {\n xbits = extra[n - base];\n }\n f = tree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/;\n s.opt_len += f * (bits + xbits);\n if (has_stree) {\n s.static_len += f * (stree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ + xbits);\n }\n }\n if (overflow === 0) { return; }\n\n // Trace((stderr,\"\\nbit length overflow\\n\"));\n /* This happens for example on obj2 and pic of the Calgary corpus */\n\n /* Find the first bit length which could increase: */\n do {\n bits = max_length - 1;\n while (s.bl_count[bits] === 0) { bits--; }\n s.bl_count[bits]--; /* move one leaf down the tree */\n s.bl_count[bits + 1] += 2; /* move one overflow item as its brother */\n s.bl_count[max_length]--;\n /* The brother of the overflow item also moves one step up,\n * but this does not affect bl_count[max_length]\n */\n overflow -= 2;\n } while (overflow > 0);\n\n /* Now recompute all bit lengths, scanning in increasing frequency.\n * h is still equal to HEAP_SIZE. (It is simpler to reconstruct all\n * lengths instead of fixing only the wrong ones. This idea is taken\n * from 'ar' written by Haruhiko Okumura.)\n */\n for (bits = max_length; bits !== 0; bits--) {\n n = s.bl_count[bits];\n while (n !== 0) {\n m = s.heap[--h];\n if (m > max_code) { continue; }\n if (tree[m * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ !== bits) {\n // Trace((stderr,\"code %d bits %d->%d\\n\", m, tree[m].Len, bits));\n s.opt_len += (bits - tree[m * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/) * tree[m * 2]/*.Freq*/;\n tree[m * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = bits;\n }\n n--;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Generate the codes for a given tree and bit counts (which need not be\n * optimal).\n * IN assertion: the array bl_count contains the bit length statistics for\n * the given tree and the field len is set for all tree elements.\n * OUT assertion: the field code is set for all tree elements of non\n * zero code length.\n */\nfunction gen_codes(tree, max_code, bl_count)\n// ct_data *tree; /* the tree to decorate */\n// int max_code; /* largest code with non zero frequency */\n// ushf *bl_count; /* number of codes at each bit length */\n{\n var next_code = new Array(MAX_BITS + 1); /* next code value for each bit length */\n var code = 0; /* running code value */\n var bits; /* bit index */\n var n; /* code index */\n\n /* The distribution counts are first used to generate the code values\n * without bit reversal.\n */\n for (bits = 1; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) {\n next_code[bits] = code = (code + bl_count[bits - 1]) << 1;\n }\n /* Check that the bit counts in bl_count are consistent. The last code\n * must be all ones.\n */\n //Assert (code + bl_count[MAX_BITS]-1 == (1< length code (0..28) */\n length = 0;\n for (code = 0; code < LENGTH_CODES - 1; code++) {\n base_length[code] = length;\n for (n = 0; n < (1 << extra_lbits[code]); n++) {\n _length_code[length++] = code;\n }\n }\n //Assert (length == 256, \"tr_static_init: length != 256\");\n /* Note that the length 255 (match length 258) can be represented\n * in two different ways: code 284 + 5 bits or code 285, so we\n * overwrite length_code[255] to use the best encoding:\n */\n _length_code[length - 1] = code;\n\n /* Initialize the mapping dist (0..32K) -> dist code (0..29) */\n dist = 0;\n for (code = 0; code < 16; code++) {\n base_dist[code] = dist;\n for (n = 0; n < (1 << extra_dbits[code]); n++) {\n _dist_code[dist++] = code;\n }\n }\n //Assert (dist == 256, \"tr_static_init: dist != 256\");\n dist >>= 7; /* from now on, all distances are divided by 128 */\n for (; code < D_CODES; code++) {\n base_dist[code] = dist << 7;\n for (n = 0; n < (1 << (extra_dbits[code] - 7)); n++) {\n _dist_code[256 + dist++] = code;\n }\n }\n //Assert (dist == 256, \"tr_static_init: 256+dist != 512\");\n\n /* Construct the codes of the static literal tree */\n for (bits = 0; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) {\n bl_count[bits] = 0;\n }\n\n n = 0;\n while (n <= 143) {\n static_ltree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 8;\n n++;\n bl_count[8]++;\n }\n while (n <= 255) {\n static_ltree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 9;\n n++;\n bl_count[9]++;\n }\n while (n <= 279) {\n static_ltree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 7;\n n++;\n bl_count[7]++;\n }\n while (n <= 287) {\n static_ltree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 8;\n n++;\n bl_count[8]++;\n }\n /* Codes 286 and 287 do not exist, but we must include them in the\n * tree construction to get a canonical Huffman tree (longest code\n * all ones)\n */\n gen_codes(static_ltree, L_CODES + 1, bl_count);\n\n /* The static distance tree is trivial: */\n for (n = 0; n < D_CODES; n++) {\n static_dtree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 5;\n static_dtree[n * 2]/*.Code*/ = bi_reverse(n, 5);\n }\n\n // Now data ready and we can init static trees\n static_l_desc = new StaticTreeDesc(static_ltree, extra_lbits, LITERALS + 1, L_CODES, MAX_BITS);\n static_d_desc = new StaticTreeDesc(static_dtree, extra_dbits, 0, D_CODES, MAX_BITS);\n static_bl_desc = new StaticTreeDesc(new Array(0), extra_blbits, 0, BL_CODES, MAX_BL_BITS);\n\n //static_init_done = true;\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Initialize a new block.\n */\nfunction init_block(s) {\n var n; /* iterates over tree elements */\n\n /* Initialize the trees. */\n for (n = 0; n < L_CODES; n++) { s.dyn_ltree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/ = 0; }\n for (n = 0; n < D_CODES; n++) { s.dyn_dtree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/ = 0; }\n for (n = 0; n < BL_CODES; n++) { s.bl_tree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/ = 0; }\n\n s.dyn_ltree[END_BLOCK * 2]/*.Freq*/ = 1;\n s.opt_len = s.static_len = 0;\n s.last_lit = s.matches = 0;\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Flush the bit buffer and align the output on a byte boundary\n */\nfunction bi_windup(s)\n{\n if (s.bi_valid > 8) {\n put_short(s, s.bi_buf);\n } else if (s.bi_valid > 0) {\n //put_byte(s, (Byte)s->bi_buf);\n s.pending_buf[s.pending++] = s.bi_buf;\n }\n s.bi_buf = 0;\n s.bi_valid = 0;\n}\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Copy a stored block, storing first the length and its\n * one's complement if requested.\n */\nfunction copy_block(s, buf, len, header)\n//DeflateState *s;\n//charf *buf; /* the input data */\n//unsigned len; /* its length */\n//int header; /* true if block header must be written */\n{\n bi_windup(s); /* align on byte boundary */\n\n if (header) {\n put_short(s, len);\n put_short(s, ~len);\n }\n// while (len--) {\n// put_byte(s, *buf++);\n// }\n utils.arraySet(s.pending_buf, s.window, buf, len, s.pending);\n s.pending += len;\n}\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Compares to subtrees, using the tree depth as tie breaker when\n * the subtrees have equal frequency. This minimizes the worst case length.\n */\nfunction smaller(tree, n, m, depth) {\n var _n2 = n * 2;\n var _m2 = m * 2;\n return (tree[_n2]/*.Freq*/ < tree[_m2]/*.Freq*/ ||\n (tree[_n2]/*.Freq*/ === tree[_m2]/*.Freq*/ && depth[n] <= depth[m]));\n}\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Restore the heap property by moving down the tree starting at node k,\n * exchanging a node with the smallest of its two sons if necessary, stopping\n * when the heap property is re-established (each father smaller than its\n * two sons).\n */\nfunction pqdownheap(s, tree, k)\n// deflate_state *s;\n// ct_data *tree; /* the tree to restore */\n// int k; /* node to move down */\n{\n var v = s.heap[k];\n var j = k << 1; /* left son of k */\n while (j <= s.heap_len) {\n /* Set j to the smallest of the two sons: */\n if (j < s.heap_len &&\n smaller(tree, s.heap[j + 1], s.heap[j], s.depth)) {\n j++;\n }\n /* Exit if v is smaller than both sons */\n if (smaller(tree, v, s.heap[j], s.depth)) { break; }\n\n /* Exchange v with the smallest son */\n s.heap[k] = s.heap[j];\n k = j;\n\n /* And continue down the tree, setting j to the left son of k */\n j <<= 1;\n }\n s.heap[k] = v;\n}\n\n\n// inlined manually\n// var SMALLEST = 1;\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Send the block data compressed using the given Huffman trees\n */\nfunction compress_block(s, ltree, dtree)\n// deflate_state *s;\n// const ct_data *ltree; /* literal tree */\n// const ct_data *dtree; /* distance tree */\n{\n var dist; /* distance of matched string */\n var lc; /* match length or unmatched char (if dist == 0) */\n var lx = 0; /* running index in l_buf */\n var code; /* the code to send */\n var extra; /* number of extra bits to send */\n\n if (s.last_lit !== 0) {\n do {\n dist = (s.pending_buf[s.d_buf + lx * 2] << 8) | (s.pending_buf[s.d_buf + lx * 2 + 1]);\n lc = s.pending_buf[s.l_buf + lx];\n lx++;\n\n if (dist === 0) {\n send_code(s, lc, ltree); /* send a literal byte */\n //Tracecv(isgraph(lc), (stderr,\" '%c' \", lc));\n } else {\n /* Here, lc is the match length - MIN_MATCH */\n code = _length_code[lc];\n send_code(s, code + LITERALS + 1, ltree); /* send the length code */\n extra = extra_lbits[code];\n if (extra !== 0) {\n lc -= base_length[code];\n send_bits(s, lc, extra); /* send the extra length bits */\n }\n dist--; /* dist is now the match distance - 1 */\n code = d_code(dist);\n //Assert (code < D_CODES, \"bad d_code\");\n\n send_code(s, code, dtree); /* send the distance code */\n extra = extra_dbits[code];\n if (extra !== 0) {\n dist -= base_dist[code];\n send_bits(s, dist, extra); /* send the extra distance bits */\n }\n } /* literal or match pair ? */\n\n /* Check that the overlay between pending_buf and d_buf+l_buf is ok: */\n //Assert((uInt)(s->pending) < s->lit_bufsize + 2*lx,\n // \"pendingBuf overflow\");\n\n } while (lx < s.last_lit);\n }\n\n send_code(s, END_BLOCK, ltree);\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Construct one Huffman tree and assigns the code bit strings and lengths.\n * Update the total bit length for the current block.\n * IN assertion: the field freq is set for all tree elements.\n * OUT assertions: the fields len and code are set to the optimal bit length\n * and corresponding code. The length opt_len is updated; static_len is\n * also updated if stree is not null. The field max_code is set.\n */\nfunction build_tree(s, desc)\n// deflate_state *s;\n// tree_desc *desc; /* the tree descriptor */\n{\n var tree = desc.dyn_tree;\n var stree = desc.stat_desc.static_tree;\n var has_stree = desc.stat_desc.has_stree;\n var elems = desc.stat_desc.elems;\n var n, m; /* iterate over heap elements */\n var max_code = -1; /* largest code with non zero frequency */\n var node; /* new node being created */\n\n /* Construct the initial heap, with least frequent element in\n * heap[SMALLEST]. The sons of heap[n] are heap[2*n] and heap[2*n+1].\n * heap[0] is not used.\n */\n s.heap_len = 0;\n s.heap_max = HEAP_SIZE;\n\n for (n = 0; n < elems; n++) {\n if (tree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/ !== 0) {\n s.heap[++s.heap_len] = max_code = n;\n s.depth[n] = 0;\n\n } else {\n tree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 0;\n }\n }\n\n /* The pkzip format requires that at least one distance code exists,\n * and that at least one bit should be sent even if there is only one\n * possible code. So to avoid special checks later on we force at least\n * two codes of non zero frequency.\n */\n while (s.heap_len < 2) {\n node = s.heap[++s.heap_len] = (max_code < 2 ? ++max_code : 0);\n tree[node * 2]/*.Freq*/ = 1;\n s.depth[node] = 0;\n s.opt_len--;\n\n if (has_stree) {\n s.static_len -= stree[node * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/;\n }\n /* node is 0 or 1 so it does not have extra bits */\n }\n desc.max_code = max_code;\n\n /* The elements heap[heap_len/2+1 .. heap_len] are leaves of the tree,\n * establish sub-heaps of increasing lengths:\n */\n for (n = (s.heap_len >> 1/*int /2*/); n >= 1; n--) { pqdownheap(s, tree, n); }\n\n /* Construct the Huffman tree by repeatedly combining the least two\n * frequent nodes.\n */\n node = elems; /* next internal node of the tree */\n do {\n //pqremove(s, tree, n); /* n = node of least frequency */\n /*** pqremove ***/\n n = s.heap[1/*SMALLEST*/];\n s.heap[1/*SMALLEST*/] = s.heap[s.heap_len--];\n pqdownheap(s, tree, 1/*SMALLEST*/);\n /***/\n\n m = s.heap[1/*SMALLEST*/]; /* m = node of next least frequency */\n\n s.heap[--s.heap_max] = n; /* keep the nodes sorted by frequency */\n s.heap[--s.heap_max] = m;\n\n /* Create a new node father of n and m */\n tree[node * 2]/*.Freq*/ = tree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/ + tree[m * 2]/*.Freq*/;\n s.depth[node] = (s.depth[n] >= s.depth[m] ? s.depth[n] : s.depth[m]) + 1;\n tree[n * 2 + 1]/*.Dad*/ = tree[m * 2 + 1]/*.Dad*/ = node;\n\n /* and insert the new node in the heap */\n s.heap[1/*SMALLEST*/] = node++;\n pqdownheap(s, tree, 1/*SMALLEST*/);\n\n } while (s.heap_len >= 2);\n\n s.heap[--s.heap_max] = s.heap[1/*SMALLEST*/];\n\n /* At this point, the fields freq and dad are set. We can now\n * generate the bit lengths.\n */\n gen_bitlen(s, desc);\n\n /* The field len is now set, we can generate the bit codes */\n gen_codes(tree, max_code, s.bl_count);\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Scan a literal or distance tree to determine the frequencies of the codes\n * in the bit length tree.\n */\nfunction scan_tree(s, tree, max_code)\n// deflate_state *s;\n// ct_data *tree; /* the tree to be scanned */\n// int max_code; /* and its largest code of non zero frequency */\n{\n var n; /* iterates over all tree elements */\n var prevlen = -1; /* last emitted length */\n var curlen; /* length of current code */\n\n var nextlen = tree[0 * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/; /* length of next code */\n\n var count = 0; /* repeat count of the current code */\n var max_count = 7; /* max repeat count */\n var min_count = 4; /* min repeat count */\n\n if (nextlen === 0) {\n max_count = 138;\n min_count = 3;\n }\n tree[(max_code + 1) * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ = 0xffff; /* guard */\n\n for (n = 0; n <= max_code; n++) {\n curlen = nextlen;\n nextlen = tree[(n + 1) * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/;\n\n if (++count < max_count && curlen === nextlen) {\n continue;\n\n } else if (count < min_count) {\n s.bl_tree[curlen * 2]/*.Freq*/ += count;\n\n } else if (curlen !== 0) {\n\n if (curlen !== prevlen) { s.bl_tree[curlen * 2]/*.Freq*/++; }\n s.bl_tree[REP_3_6 * 2]/*.Freq*/++;\n\n } else if (count <= 10) {\n s.bl_tree[REPZ_3_10 * 2]/*.Freq*/++;\n\n } else {\n s.bl_tree[REPZ_11_138 * 2]/*.Freq*/++;\n }\n\n count = 0;\n prevlen = curlen;\n\n if (nextlen === 0) {\n max_count = 138;\n min_count = 3;\n\n } else if (curlen === nextlen) {\n max_count = 6;\n min_count = 3;\n\n } else {\n max_count = 7;\n min_count = 4;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Send a literal or distance tree in compressed form, using the codes in\n * bl_tree.\n */\nfunction send_tree(s, tree, max_code)\n// deflate_state *s;\n// ct_data *tree; /* the tree to be scanned */\n// int max_code; /* and its largest code of non zero frequency */\n{\n var n; /* iterates over all tree elements */\n var prevlen = -1; /* last emitted length */\n var curlen; /* length of current code */\n\n var nextlen = tree[0 * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/; /* length of next code */\n\n var count = 0; /* repeat count of the current code */\n var max_count = 7; /* max repeat count */\n var min_count = 4; /* min repeat count */\n\n /* tree[max_code+1].Len = -1; */ /* guard already set */\n if (nextlen === 0) {\n max_count = 138;\n min_count = 3;\n }\n\n for (n = 0; n <= max_code; n++) {\n curlen = nextlen;\n nextlen = tree[(n + 1) * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/;\n\n if (++count < max_count && curlen === nextlen) {\n continue;\n\n } else if (count < min_count) {\n do { send_code(s, curlen, s.bl_tree); } while (--count !== 0);\n\n } else if (curlen !== 0) {\n if (curlen !== prevlen) {\n send_code(s, curlen, s.bl_tree);\n count--;\n }\n //Assert(count >= 3 && count <= 6, \" 3_6?\");\n send_code(s, REP_3_6, s.bl_tree);\n send_bits(s, count - 3, 2);\n\n } else if (count <= 10) {\n send_code(s, REPZ_3_10, s.bl_tree);\n send_bits(s, count - 3, 3);\n\n } else {\n send_code(s, REPZ_11_138, s.bl_tree);\n send_bits(s, count - 11, 7);\n }\n\n count = 0;\n prevlen = curlen;\n if (nextlen === 0) {\n max_count = 138;\n min_count = 3;\n\n } else if (curlen === nextlen) {\n max_count = 6;\n min_count = 3;\n\n } else {\n max_count = 7;\n min_count = 4;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Construct the Huffman tree for the bit lengths and return the index in\n * bl_order of the last bit length code to send.\n */\nfunction build_bl_tree(s) {\n var max_blindex; /* index of last bit length code of non zero freq */\n\n /* Determine the bit length frequencies for literal and distance trees */\n scan_tree(s, s.dyn_ltree, s.l_desc.max_code);\n scan_tree(s, s.dyn_dtree, s.d_desc.max_code);\n\n /* Build the bit length tree: */\n build_tree(s, s.bl_desc);\n /* opt_len now includes the length of the tree representations, except\n * the lengths of the bit lengths codes and the 5+5+4 bits for the counts.\n */\n\n /* Determine the number of bit length codes to send. The pkzip format\n * requires that at least 4 bit length codes be sent. (appnote.txt says\n * 3 but the actual value used is 4.)\n */\n for (max_blindex = BL_CODES - 1; max_blindex >= 3; max_blindex--) {\n if (s.bl_tree[bl_order[max_blindex] * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/ !== 0) {\n break;\n }\n }\n /* Update opt_len to include the bit length tree and counts */\n s.opt_len += 3 * (max_blindex + 1) + 5 + 5 + 4;\n //Tracev((stderr, \"\\ndyn trees: dyn %ld, stat %ld\",\n // s->opt_len, s->static_len));\n\n return max_blindex;\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Send the header for a block using dynamic Huffman trees: the counts, the\n * lengths of the bit length codes, the literal tree and the distance tree.\n * IN assertion: lcodes >= 257, dcodes >= 1, blcodes >= 4.\n */\nfunction send_all_trees(s, lcodes, dcodes, blcodes)\n// deflate_state *s;\n// int lcodes, dcodes, blcodes; /* number of codes for each tree */\n{\n var rank; /* index in bl_order */\n\n //Assert (lcodes >= 257 && dcodes >= 1 && blcodes >= 4, \"not enough codes\");\n //Assert (lcodes <= L_CODES && dcodes <= D_CODES && blcodes <= BL_CODES,\n // \"too many codes\");\n //Tracev((stderr, \"\\nbl counts: \"));\n send_bits(s, lcodes - 257, 5); /* not +255 as stated in appnote.txt */\n send_bits(s, dcodes - 1, 5);\n send_bits(s, blcodes - 4, 4); /* not -3 as stated in appnote.txt */\n for (rank = 0; rank < blcodes; rank++) {\n //Tracev((stderr, \"\\nbl code %2d \", bl_order[rank]));\n send_bits(s, s.bl_tree[bl_order[rank] * 2 + 1]/*.Len*/, 3);\n }\n //Tracev((stderr, \"\\nbl tree: sent %ld\", s->bits_sent));\n\n send_tree(s, s.dyn_ltree, lcodes - 1); /* literal tree */\n //Tracev((stderr, \"\\nlit tree: sent %ld\", s->bits_sent));\n\n send_tree(s, s.dyn_dtree, dcodes - 1); /* distance tree */\n //Tracev((stderr, \"\\ndist tree: sent %ld\", s->bits_sent));\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Check if the data type is TEXT or BINARY, using the following algorithm:\n * - TEXT if the two conditions below are satisfied:\n * a) There are no non-portable control characters belonging to the\n * \"black list\" (0..6, 14..25, 28..31).\n * b) There is at least one printable character belonging to the\n * \"white list\" (9 {TAB}, 10 {LF}, 13 {CR}, 32..255).\n * - BINARY otherwise.\n * - The following partially-portable control characters form a\n * \"gray list\" that is ignored in this detection algorithm:\n * (7 {BEL}, 8 {BS}, 11 {VT}, 12 {FF}, 26 {SUB}, 27 {ESC}).\n * IN assertion: the fields Freq of dyn_ltree are set.\n */\nfunction detect_data_type(s) {\n /* black_mask is the bit mask of black-listed bytes\n * set bits 0..6, 14..25, and 28..31\n * 0xf3ffc07f = binary 11110011111111111100000001111111\n */\n var black_mask = 0xf3ffc07f;\n var n;\n\n /* Check for non-textual (\"black-listed\") bytes. */\n for (n = 0; n <= 31; n++, black_mask >>>= 1) {\n if ((black_mask & 1) && (s.dyn_ltree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/ !== 0)) {\n return Z_BINARY;\n }\n }\n\n /* Check for textual (\"white-listed\") bytes. */\n if (s.dyn_ltree[9 * 2]/*.Freq*/ !== 0 || s.dyn_ltree[10 * 2]/*.Freq*/ !== 0 ||\n s.dyn_ltree[13 * 2]/*.Freq*/ !== 0) {\n return Z_TEXT;\n }\n for (n = 32; n < LITERALS; n++) {\n if (s.dyn_ltree[n * 2]/*.Freq*/ !== 0) {\n return Z_TEXT;\n }\n }\n\n /* There are no \"black-listed\" or \"white-listed\" bytes:\n * this stream either is empty or has tolerated (\"gray-listed\") bytes only.\n */\n return Z_BINARY;\n}\n\n\nvar static_init_done = false;\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Initialize the tree data structures for a new zlib stream.\n */\nfunction _tr_init(s)\n{\n\n if (!static_init_done) {\n tr_static_init();\n static_init_done = true;\n }\n\n s.l_desc = new TreeDesc(s.dyn_ltree, static_l_desc);\n s.d_desc = new TreeDesc(s.dyn_dtree, static_d_desc);\n s.bl_desc = new TreeDesc(s.bl_tree, static_bl_desc);\n\n s.bi_buf = 0;\n s.bi_valid = 0;\n\n /* Initialize the first block of the first file: */\n init_block(s);\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Send a stored block\n */\nfunction _tr_stored_block(s, buf, stored_len, last)\n//DeflateState *s;\n//charf *buf; /* input block */\n//ulg stored_len; /* length of input block */\n//int last; /* one if this is the last block for a file */\n{\n send_bits(s, (STORED_BLOCK << 1) + (last ? 1 : 0), 3); /* send block type */\n copy_block(s, buf, stored_len, true); /* with header */\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Send one empty static block to give enough lookahead for inflate.\n * This takes 10 bits, of which 7 may remain in the bit buffer.\n */\nfunction _tr_align(s) {\n send_bits(s, STATIC_TREES << 1, 3);\n send_code(s, END_BLOCK, static_ltree);\n bi_flush(s);\n}\n\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Determine the best encoding for the current block: dynamic trees, static\n * trees or store, and output the encoded block to the zip file.\n */\nfunction _tr_flush_block(s, buf, stored_len, last)\n//DeflateState *s;\n//charf *buf; /* input block, or NULL if too old */\n//ulg stored_len; /* length of input block */\n//int last; /* one if this is the last block for a file */\n{\n var opt_lenb, static_lenb; /* opt_len and static_len in bytes */\n var max_blindex = 0; /* index of last bit length code of non zero freq */\n\n /* Build the Huffman trees unless a stored block is forced */\n if (s.level > 0) {\n\n /* Check if the file is binary or text */\n if (s.strm.data_type === Z_UNKNOWN) {\n s.strm.data_type = detect_data_type(s);\n }\n\n /* Construct the literal and distance trees */\n build_tree(s, s.l_desc);\n // Tracev((stderr, \"\\nlit data: dyn %ld, stat %ld\", s->opt_len,\n // s->static_len));\n\n build_tree(s, s.d_desc);\n // Tracev((stderr, \"\\ndist data: dyn %ld, stat %ld\", s->opt_len,\n // s->static_len));\n /* At this point, opt_len and static_len are the total bit lengths of\n * the compressed block data, excluding the tree representations.\n */\n\n /* Build the bit length tree for the above two trees, and get the index\n * in bl_order of the last bit length code to send.\n */\n max_blindex = build_bl_tree(s);\n\n /* Determine the best encoding. Compute the block lengths in bytes. */\n opt_lenb = (s.opt_len + 3 + 7) >>> 3;\n static_lenb = (s.static_len + 3 + 7) >>> 3;\n\n // Tracev((stderr, \"\\nopt %lu(%lu) stat %lu(%lu) stored %lu lit %u \",\n // opt_lenb, s->opt_len, static_lenb, s->static_len, stored_len,\n // s->last_lit));\n\n if (static_lenb <= opt_lenb) { opt_lenb = static_lenb; }\n\n } else {\n // Assert(buf != (char*)0, \"lost buf\");\n opt_lenb = static_lenb = stored_len + 5; /* force a stored block */\n }\n\n if ((stored_len + 4 <= opt_lenb) && (buf !== -1)) {\n /* 4: two words for the lengths */\n\n /* The test buf != NULL is only necessary if LIT_BUFSIZE > WSIZE.\n * Otherwise we can't have processed more than WSIZE input bytes since\n * the last block flush, because compression would have been\n * successful. If LIT_BUFSIZE <= WSIZE, it is never too late to\n * transform a block into a stored block.\n */\n _tr_stored_block(s, buf, stored_len, last);\n\n } else if (s.strategy === Z_FIXED || static_lenb === opt_lenb) {\n\n send_bits(s, (STATIC_TREES << 1) + (last ? 1 : 0), 3);\n compress_block(s, static_ltree, static_dtree);\n\n } else {\n send_bits(s, (DYN_TREES << 1) + (last ? 1 : 0), 3);\n send_all_trees(s, s.l_desc.max_code + 1, s.d_desc.max_code + 1, max_blindex + 1);\n compress_block(s, s.dyn_ltree, s.dyn_dtree);\n }\n // Assert (s->compressed_len == s->bits_sent, \"bad compressed size\");\n /* The above check is made mod 2^32, for files larger than 512 MB\n * and uLong implemented on 32 bits.\n */\n init_block(s);\n\n if (last) {\n bi_windup(s);\n }\n // Tracev((stderr,\"\\ncomprlen %lu(%lu) \", s->compressed_len>>3,\n // s->compressed_len-7*last));\n}\n\n/* ===========================================================================\n * Save the match info and tally the frequency counts. Return true if\n * the current block must be flushed.\n */\nfunction _tr_tally(s, dist, lc)\n// deflate_state *s;\n// unsigned dist; /* distance of matched string */\n// unsigned lc; /* match length-MIN_MATCH or unmatched char (if dist==0) */\n{\n //var out_length, in_length, dcode;\n\n s.pending_buf[s.d_buf + s.last_lit * 2] = (dist >>> 8) & 0xff;\n s.pending_buf[s.d_buf + s.last_lit * 2 + 1] = dist & 0xff;\n\n s.pending_buf[s.l_buf + s.last_lit] = lc & 0xff;\n s.last_lit++;\n\n if (dist === 0) {\n /* lc is the unmatched char */\n s.dyn_ltree[lc * 2]/*.Freq*/++;\n } else {\n s.matches++;\n /* Here, lc is the match length - MIN_MATCH */\n dist--; /* dist = match distance - 1 */\n //Assert((ush)dist < (ush)MAX_DIST(s) &&\n // (ush)lc <= (ush)(MAX_MATCH-MIN_MATCH) &&\n // (ush)d_code(dist) < (ush)D_CODES, \"_tr_tally: bad match\");\n\n s.dyn_ltree[(_length_code[lc] + LITERALS + 1) * 2]/*.Freq*/++;\n s.dyn_dtree[d_code(dist) * 2]/*.Freq*/++;\n }\n\n// (!) This block is disabled in zlib defaults,\n// don't enable it for binary compatibility\n\n//#ifdef TRUNCATE_BLOCK\n// /* Try to guess if it is profitable to stop the current block here */\n// if ((s.last_lit & 0x1fff) === 0 && s.level > 2) {\n// /* Compute an upper bound for the compressed length */\n// out_length = s.last_lit*8;\n// in_length = s.strstart - s.block_start;\n//\n// for (dcode = 0; dcode < D_CODES; dcode++) {\n// out_length += s.dyn_dtree[dcode*2]/*.Freq*/ * (5 + extra_dbits[dcode]);\n// }\n// out_length >>>= 3;\n// //Tracev((stderr,\"\\nlast_lit %u, in %ld, out ~%ld(%ld%%) \",\n// // s->last_lit, in_length, out_length,\n// // 100L - out_length*100L/in_length));\n// if (s.matches < (s.last_lit>>1)/*int /2*/ && out_length < (in_length>>1)/*int /2*/) {\n// return true;\n// }\n// }\n//#endif\n\n return (s.last_lit === s.lit_bufsize - 1);\n /* We avoid equality with lit_bufsize because of wraparound at 64K\n * on 16 bit machines and because stored blocks are restricted to\n * 64K-1 bytes.\n */\n}\n\nexports._tr_init = _tr_init;\nexports._tr_stored_block = _tr_stored_block;\nexports._tr_flush_block = _tr_flush_block;\nexports._tr_tally = _tr_tally;\nexports._tr_align = _tr_align;\n" }, { "id": 15, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "index": 18, "index2": 18, "size": 12412, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "issuerId": 1, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 1, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./lib/inflate", "loc": "7:16-40" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 5, "source": "'use strict';\n\n\nvar zlib_inflate = require('./zlib/inflate');\nvar utils = require('./utils/common');\nvar strings = require('./utils/strings');\nvar c = require('./zlib/constants');\nvar msg = require('./zlib/messages');\nvar ZStream = require('./zlib/zstream');\nvar GZheader = require('./zlib/gzheader');\n\nvar toString = Object.prototype.toString;\n\n/**\n * class Inflate\n *\n * Generic JS-style wrapper for zlib calls. If you don't need\n * streaming behaviour - use more simple functions: [[inflate]]\n * and [[inflateRaw]].\n **/\n\n/* internal\n * inflate.chunks -> Array\n *\n * Chunks of output data, if [[Inflate#onData]] not overridden.\n **/\n\n/**\n * Inflate.result -> Uint8Array|Array|String\n *\n * Uncompressed result, generated by default [[Inflate#onData]]\n * and [[Inflate#onEnd]] handlers. Filled after you push last chunk\n * (call [[Inflate#push]] with `Z_FINISH` / `true` param) or if you\n * push a chunk with explicit flush (call [[Inflate#push]] with\n * `Z_SYNC_FLUSH` param).\n **/\n\n/**\n * Inflate.err -> Number\n *\n * Error code after inflate finished. 0 (Z_OK) on success.\n * Should be checked if broken data possible.\n **/\n\n/**\n * Inflate.msg -> String\n *\n * Error message, if [[Inflate.err]] != 0\n **/\n\n\n/**\n * new Inflate(options)\n * - options (Object): zlib inflate options.\n *\n * Creates new inflator instance with specified params. Throws exception\n * on bad params. Supported options:\n *\n * - `windowBits`\n * - `dictionary`\n *\n * [http://zlib.net/manual.html#Advanced](http://zlib.net/manual.html#Advanced)\n * for more information on these.\n *\n * Additional options, for internal needs:\n *\n * - `chunkSize` - size of generated data chunks (16K by default)\n * - `raw` (Boolean) - do raw inflate\n * - `to` (String) - if equal to 'string', then result will be converted\n * from utf8 to utf16 (javascript) string. When string output requested,\n * chunk length can differ from `chunkSize`, depending on content.\n *\n * By default, when no options set, autodetect deflate/gzip data format via\n * wrapper header.\n *\n * ##### Example:\n *\n * ```javascript\n * var pako = require('pako')\n * , chunk1 = Uint8Array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])\n * , chunk2 = Uint8Array([10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19]);\n *\n * var inflate = new pako.Inflate({ level: 3});\n *\n * inflate.push(chunk1, false);\n * inflate.push(chunk2, true); // true -> last chunk\n *\n * if (inflate.err) { throw new Error(inflate.err); }\n *\n * console.log(inflate.result);\n * ```\n **/\nfunction Inflate(options) {\n if (!(this instanceof Inflate)) return new Inflate(options);\n\n this.options = utils.assign({\n chunkSize: 16384,\n windowBits: 0,\n to: ''\n }, options || {});\n\n var opt = this.options;\n\n // Force window size for `raw` data, if not set directly,\n // because we have no header for autodetect.\n if (opt.raw && (opt.windowBits >= 0) && (opt.windowBits < 16)) {\n opt.windowBits = -opt.windowBits;\n if (opt.windowBits === 0) { opt.windowBits = -15; }\n }\n\n // If `windowBits` not defined (and mode not raw) - set autodetect flag for gzip/deflate\n if ((opt.windowBits >= 0) && (opt.windowBits < 16) &&\n !(options && options.windowBits)) {\n opt.windowBits += 32;\n }\n\n // Gzip header has no info about windows size, we can do autodetect only\n // for deflate. So, if window size not set, force it to max when gzip possible\n if ((opt.windowBits > 15) && (opt.windowBits < 48)) {\n // bit 3 (16) -> gzipped data\n // bit 4 (32) -> autodetect gzip/deflate\n if ((opt.windowBits & 15) === 0) {\n opt.windowBits |= 15;\n }\n }\n\n this.err = 0; // error code, if happens (0 = Z_OK)\n this.msg = ''; // error message\n this.ended = false; // used to avoid multiple onEnd() calls\n this.chunks = []; // chunks of compressed data\n\n this.strm = new ZStream();\n this.strm.avail_out = 0;\n\n var status = zlib_inflate.inflateInit2(\n this.strm,\n opt.windowBits\n );\n\n if (status !== c.Z_OK) {\n throw new Error(msg[status]);\n }\n\n this.header = new GZheader();\n\n zlib_inflate.inflateGetHeader(this.strm, this.header);\n\n // Setup dictionary\n if (opt.dictionary) {\n // Convert data if needed\n if (typeof opt.dictionary === 'string') {\n opt.dictionary = strings.string2buf(opt.dictionary);\n } else if (toString.call(opt.dictionary) === '[object ArrayBuffer]') {\n opt.dictionary = new Uint8Array(opt.dictionary);\n }\n if (opt.raw) { //In raw mode we need to set the dictionary early\n status = zlib_inflate.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm, opt.dictionary);\n if (status !== c.Z_OK) {\n throw new Error(msg[status]);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Inflate#push(data[, mode]) -> Boolean\n * - data (Uint8Array|Array|ArrayBuffer|String): input data\n * - mode (Number|Boolean): 0..6 for corresponding Z_NO_FLUSH..Z_TREE modes.\n * See constants. Skipped or `false` means Z_NO_FLUSH, `true` means Z_FINISH.\n *\n * Sends input data to inflate pipe, generating [[Inflate#onData]] calls with\n * new output chunks. Returns `true` on success. The last data block must have\n * mode Z_FINISH (or `true`). That will flush internal pending buffers and call\n * [[Inflate#onEnd]]. For interim explicit flushes (without ending the stream) you\n * can use mode Z_SYNC_FLUSH, keeping the decompression context.\n *\n * On fail call [[Inflate#onEnd]] with error code and return false.\n *\n * We strongly recommend to use `Uint8Array` on input for best speed (output\n * format is detected automatically). Also, don't skip last param and always\n * use the same type in your code (boolean or number). That will improve JS speed.\n *\n * For regular `Array`-s make sure all elements are [0..255].\n *\n * ##### Example\n *\n * ```javascript\n * push(chunk, false); // push one of data chunks\n * ...\n * push(chunk, true); // push last chunk\n * ```\n **/\nInflate.prototype.push = function (data, mode) {\n var strm = this.strm;\n var chunkSize = this.options.chunkSize;\n var dictionary = this.options.dictionary;\n var status, _mode;\n var next_out_utf8, tail, utf8str;\n\n // Flag to properly process Z_BUF_ERROR on testing inflate call\n // when we check that all output data was flushed.\n var allowBufError = false;\n\n if (this.ended) { return false; }\n _mode = (mode === ~~mode) ? mode : ((mode === true) ? c.Z_FINISH : c.Z_NO_FLUSH);\n\n // Convert data if needed\n if (typeof data === 'string') {\n // Only binary strings can be decompressed on practice\n strm.input = strings.binstring2buf(data);\n } else if (toString.call(data) === '[object ArrayBuffer]') {\n strm.input = new Uint8Array(data);\n } else {\n strm.input = data;\n }\n\n strm.next_in = 0;\n strm.avail_in = strm.input.length;\n\n do {\n if (strm.avail_out === 0) {\n strm.output = new utils.Buf8(chunkSize);\n strm.next_out = 0;\n strm.avail_out = chunkSize;\n }\n\n status = zlib_inflate.inflate(strm, c.Z_NO_FLUSH); /* no bad return value */\n\n if (status === c.Z_NEED_DICT && dictionary) {\n status = zlib_inflate.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm, dictionary);\n }\n\n if (status === c.Z_BUF_ERROR && allowBufError === true) {\n status = c.Z_OK;\n allowBufError = false;\n }\n\n if (status !== c.Z_STREAM_END && status !== c.Z_OK) {\n this.onEnd(status);\n this.ended = true;\n return false;\n }\n\n if (strm.next_out) {\n if (strm.avail_out === 0 || status === c.Z_STREAM_END || (strm.avail_in === 0 && (_mode === c.Z_FINISH || _mode === c.Z_SYNC_FLUSH))) {\n\n if (this.options.to === 'string') {\n\n next_out_utf8 = strings.utf8border(strm.output, strm.next_out);\n\n tail = strm.next_out - next_out_utf8;\n utf8str = strings.buf2string(strm.output, next_out_utf8);\n\n // move tail\n strm.next_out = tail;\n strm.avail_out = chunkSize - tail;\n if (tail) { utils.arraySet(strm.output, strm.output, next_out_utf8, tail, 0); }\n\n this.onData(utf8str);\n\n } else {\n this.onData(utils.shrinkBuf(strm.output, strm.next_out));\n }\n }\n }\n\n // When no more input data, we should check that internal inflate buffers\n // are flushed. The only way to do it when avail_out = 0 - run one more\n // inflate pass. But if output data not exists, inflate return Z_BUF_ERROR.\n // Here we set flag to process this error properly.\n //\n // NOTE. Deflate does not return error in this case and does not needs such\n // logic.\n if (strm.avail_in === 0 && strm.avail_out === 0) {\n allowBufError = true;\n }\n\n } while ((strm.avail_in > 0 || strm.avail_out === 0) && status !== c.Z_STREAM_END);\n\n if (status === c.Z_STREAM_END) {\n _mode = c.Z_FINISH;\n }\n\n // Finalize on the last chunk.\n if (_mode === c.Z_FINISH) {\n status = zlib_inflate.inflateEnd(this.strm);\n this.onEnd(status);\n this.ended = true;\n return status === c.Z_OK;\n }\n\n // callback interim results if Z_SYNC_FLUSH.\n if (_mode === c.Z_SYNC_FLUSH) {\n this.onEnd(c.Z_OK);\n strm.avail_out = 0;\n return true;\n }\n\n return true;\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Inflate#onData(chunk) -> Void\n * - chunk (Uint8Array|Array|String): output data. Type of array depends\n * on js engine support. When string output requested, each chunk\n * will be string.\n *\n * By default, stores data blocks in `chunks[]` property and glue\n * those in `onEnd`. Override this handler, if you need another behaviour.\n **/\nInflate.prototype.onData = function (chunk) {\n this.chunks.push(chunk);\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Inflate#onEnd(status) -> Void\n * - status (Number): inflate status. 0 (Z_OK) on success,\n * other if not.\n *\n * Called either after you tell inflate that the input stream is\n * complete (Z_FINISH) or should be flushed (Z_SYNC_FLUSH)\n * or if an error happened. By default - join collected chunks,\n * free memory and fill `results` / `err` properties.\n **/\nInflate.prototype.onEnd = function (status) {\n // On success - join\n if (status === c.Z_OK) {\n if (this.options.to === 'string') {\n // Glue & convert here, until we teach pako to send\n // utf8 aligned strings to onData\n this.result = this.chunks.join('');\n } else {\n this.result = utils.flattenChunks(this.chunks);\n }\n }\n this.chunks = [];\n this.err = status;\n this.msg = this.strm.msg;\n};\n\n\n/**\n * inflate(data[, options]) -> Uint8Array|Array|String\n * - data (Uint8Array|Array|String): input data to decompress.\n * - options (Object): zlib inflate options.\n *\n * Decompress `data` with inflate/ungzip and `options`. Autodetect\n * format via wrapper header by default. That's why we don't provide\n * separate `ungzip` method.\n *\n * Supported options are:\n *\n * - windowBits\n *\n * [http://zlib.net/manual.html#Advanced](http://zlib.net/manual.html#Advanced)\n * for more information.\n *\n * Sugar (options):\n *\n * - `raw` (Boolean) - say that we work with raw stream, if you don't wish to specify\n * negative windowBits implicitly.\n * - `to` (String) - if equal to 'string', then result will be converted\n * from utf8 to utf16 (javascript) string. When string output requested,\n * chunk length can differ from `chunkSize`, depending on content.\n *\n *\n * ##### Example:\n *\n * ```javascript\n * var pako = require('pako')\n * , input = pako.deflate([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])\n * , output;\n *\n * try {\n * output = pako.inflate(input);\n * } catch (err)\n * console.log(err);\n * }\n * ```\n **/\nfunction inflate(input, options) {\n var inflator = new Inflate(options);\n\n inflator.push(input, true);\n\n // That will never happens, if you don't cheat with options :)\n if (inflator.err) { throw inflator.msg || msg[inflator.err]; }\n\n return inflator.result;\n}\n\n\n/**\n * inflateRaw(data[, options]) -> Uint8Array|Array|String\n * - data (Uint8Array|Array|String): input data to decompress.\n * - options (Object): zlib inflate options.\n *\n * The same as [[inflate]], but creates raw data, without wrapper\n * (header and adler32 crc).\n **/\nfunction inflateRaw(input, options) {\n options = options || {};\n options.raw = true;\n return inflate(input, options);\n}\n\n\n/**\n * ungzip(data[, options]) -> Uint8Array|Array|String\n * - data (Uint8Array|Array|String): input data to decompress.\n * - options (Object): zlib inflate options.\n *\n * Just shortcut to [[inflate]], because it autodetects format\n * by header.content. Done for convenience.\n **/\n\n\nexports.Inflate = Inflate;\nexports.inflate = inflate;\nexports.inflateRaw = inflateRaw;\nexports.ungzip = inflate;\n" }, { "id": 16, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "index": 19, "index2": 15, "size": 50284, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "issuerId": 15, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 15, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 9, "building": 47, "dependencies": 9 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 15, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./zlib/inflate", "loc": "4:19-44" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 6, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\nvar utils = require('../utils/common');\nvar adler32 = require('./adler32');\nvar crc32 = require('./crc32');\nvar inflate_fast = require('./inffast');\nvar inflate_table = require('./inftrees');\n\nvar CODES = 0;\nvar LENS = 1;\nvar DISTS = 2;\n\n/* Public constants ==========================================================*/\n/* ===========================================================================*/\n\n\n/* Allowed flush values; see deflate() and inflate() below for details */\n//var Z_NO_FLUSH = 0;\n//var Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH = 1;\n//var Z_SYNC_FLUSH = 2;\n//var Z_FULL_FLUSH = 3;\nvar Z_FINISH = 4;\nvar Z_BLOCK = 5;\nvar Z_TREES = 6;\n\n\n/* Return codes for the compression/decompression functions. Negative values\n * are errors, positive values are used for special but normal events.\n */\nvar Z_OK = 0;\nvar Z_STREAM_END = 1;\nvar Z_NEED_DICT = 2;\n//var Z_ERRNO = -1;\nvar Z_STREAM_ERROR = -2;\nvar Z_DATA_ERROR = -3;\nvar Z_MEM_ERROR = -4;\nvar Z_BUF_ERROR = -5;\n//var Z_VERSION_ERROR = -6;\n\n/* The deflate compression method */\nvar Z_DEFLATED = 8;\n\n\n/* STATES ====================================================================*/\n/* ===========================================================================*/\n\n\nvar HEAD = 1; /* i: waiting for magic header */\nvar FLAGS = 2; /* i: waiting for method and flags (gzip) */\nvar TIME = 3; /* i: waiting for modification time (gzip) */\nvar OS = 4; /* i: waiting for extra flags and operating system (gzip) */\nvar EXLEN = 5; /* i: waiting for extra length (gzip) */\nvar EXTRA = 6; /* i: waiting for extra bytes (gzip) */\nvar NAME = 7; /* i: waiting for end of file name (gzip) */\nvar COMMENT = 8; /* i: waiting for end of comment (gzip) */\nvar HCRC = 9; /* i: waiting for header crc (gzip) */\nvar DICTID = 10; /* i: waiting for dictionary check value */\nvar DICT = 11; /* waiting for inflateSetDictionary() call */\nvar TYPE = 12; /* i: waiting for type bits, including last-flag bit */\nvar TYPEDO = 13; /* i: same, but skip check to exit inflate on new block */\nvar STORED = 14; /* i: waiting for stored size (length and complement) */\nvar COPY_ = 15; /* i/o: same as COPY below, but only first time in */\nvar COPY = 16; /* i/o: waiting for input or output to copy stored block */\nvar TABLE = 17; /* i: waiting for dynamic block table lengths */\nvar LENLENS = 18; /* i: waiting for code length code lengths */\nvar CODELENS = 19; /* i: waiting for length/lit and distance code lengths */\nvar LEN_ = 20; /* i: same as LEN below, but only first time in */\nvar LEN = 21; /* i: waiting for length/lit/eob code */\nvar LENEXT = 22; /* i: waiting for length extra bits */\nvar DIST = 23; /* i: waiting for distance code */\nvar DISTEXT = 24; /* i: waiting for distance extra bits */\nvar MATCH = 25; /* o: waiting for output space to copy string */\nvar LIT = 26; /* o: waiting for output space to write literal */\nvar CHECK = 27; /* i: waiting for 32-bit check value */\nvar LENGTH = 28; /* i: waiting for 32-bit length (gzip) */\nvar DONE = 29; /* finished check, done -- remain here until reset */\nvar BAD = 30; /* got a data error -- remain here until reset */\nvar MEM = 31; /* got an inflate() memory error -- remain here until reset */\nvar SYNC = 32; /* looking for synchronization bytes to restart inflate() */\n\n/* ===========================================================================*/\n\n\n\nvar ENOUGH_LENS = 852;\nvar ENOUGH_DISTS = 592;\n//var ENOUGH = (ENOUGH_LENS+ENOUGH_DISTS);\n\nvar MAX_WBITS = 15;\n/* 32K LZ77 window */\nvar DEF_WBITS = MAX_WBITS;\n\n\nfunction zswap32(q) {\n return (((q >>> 24) & 0xff) +\n ((q >>> 8) & 0xff00) +\n ((q & 0xff00) << 8) +\n ((q & 0xff) << 24));\n}\n\n\nfunction InflateState() {\n this.mode = 0; /* current inflate mode */\n this.last = false; /* true if processing last block */\n this.wrap = 0; /* bit 0 true for zlib, bit 1 true for gzip */\n this.havedict = false; /* true if dictionary provided */\n this.flags = 0; /* gzip header method and flags (0 if zlib) */\n this.dmax = 0; /* zlib header max distance (INFLATE_STRICT) */\n this.check = 0; /* protected copy of check value */\n this.total = 0; /* protected copy of output count */\n // TODO: may be {}\n this.head = null; /* where to save gzip header information */\n\n /* sliding window */\n this.wbits = 0; /* log base 2 of requested window size */\n this.wsize = 0; /* window size or zero if not using window */\n this.whave = 0; /* valid bytes in the window */\n this.wnext = 0; /* window write index */\n this.window = null; /* allocated sliding window, if needed */\n\n /* bit accumulator */\n this.hold = 0; /* input bit accumulator */\n this.bits = 0; /* number of bits in \"in\" */\n\n /* for string and stored block copying */\n this.length = 0; /* literal or length of data to copy */\n this.offset = 0; /* distance back to copy string from */\n\n /* for table and code decoding */\n this.extra = 0; /* extra bits needed */\n\n /* fixed and dynamic code tables */\n this.lencode = null; /* starting table for length/literal codes */\n this.distcode = null; /* starting table for distance codes */\n this.lenbits = 0; /* index bits for lencode */\n this.distbits = 0; /* index bits for distcode */\n\n /* dynamic table building */\n this.ncode = 0; /* number of code length code lengths */\n this.nlen = 0; /* number of length code lengths */\n this.ndist = 0; /* number of distance code lengths */\n this.have = 0; /* number of code lengths in lens[] */\n this.next = null; /* next available space in codes[] */\n\n this.lens = new utils.Buf16(320); /* temporary storage for code lengths */\n this.work = new utils.Buf16(288); /* work area for code table building */\n\n /*\n because we don't have pointers in js, we use lencode and distcode directly\n as buffers so we don't need codes\n */\n //this.codes = new utils.Buf32(ENOUGH); /* space for code tables */\n this.lendyn = null; /* dynamic table for length/literal codes (JS specific) */\n this.distdyn = null; /* dynamic table for distance codes (JS specific) */\n this.sane = 0; /* if false, allow invalid distance too far */\n this.back = 0; /* bits back of last unprocessed length/lit */\n this.was = 0; /* initial length of match */\n}\n\nfunction inflateResetKeep(strm) {\n var state;\n\n if (!strm || !strm.state) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; }\n state = strm.state;\n strm.total_in = strm.total_out = state.total = 0;\n strm.msg = ''; /*Z_NULL*/\n if (state.wrap) { /* to support ill-conceived Java test suite */\n strm.adler = state.wrap & 1;\n }\n state.mode = HEAD;\n state.last = 0;\n state.havedict = 0;\n state.dmax = 32768;\n state.head = null/*Z_NULL*/;\n state.hold = 0;\n state.bits = 0;\n //state.lencode = state.distcode = state.next = state.codes;\n state.lencode = state.lendyn = new utils.Buf32(ENOUGH_LENS);\n state.distcode = state.distdyn = new utils.Buf32(ENOUGH_DISTS);\n\n state.sane = 1;\n state.back = -1;\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: reset\\n\"));\n return Z_OK;\n}\n\nfunction inflateReset(strm) {\n var state;\n\n if (!strm || !strm.state) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; }\n state = strm.state;\n state.wsize = 0;\n state.whave = 0;\n state.wnext = 0;\n return inflateResetKeep(strm);\n\n}\n\nfunction inflateReset2(strm, windowBits) {\n var wrap;\n var state;\n\n /* get the state */\n if (!strm || !strm.state) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; }\n state = strm.state;\n\n /* extract wrap request from windowBits parameter */\n if (windowBits < 0) {\n wrap = 0;\n windowBits = -windowBits;\n }\n else {\n wrap = (windowBits >> 4) + 1;\n if (windowBits < 48) {\n windowBits &= 15;\n }\n }\n\n /* set number of window bits, free window if different */\n if (windowBits && (windowBits < 8 || windowBits > 15)) {\n return Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n if (state.window !== null && state.wbits !== windowBits) {\n state.window = null;\n }\n\n /* update state and reset the rest of it */\n state.wrap = wrap;\n state.wbits = windowBits;\n return inflateReset(strm);\n}\n\nfunction inflateInit2(strm, windowBits) {\n var ret;\n var state;\n\n if (!strm) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; }\n //strm.msg = Z_NULL; /* in case we return an error */\n\n state = new InflateState();\n\n //if (state === Z_NULL) return Z_MEM_ERROR;\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: allocated\\n\"));\n strm.state = state;\n state.window = null/*Z_NULL*/;\n ret = inflateReset2(strm, windowBits);\n if (ret !== Z_OK) {\n strm.state = null/*Z_NULL*/;\n }\n return ret;\n}\n\nfunction inflateInit(strm) {\n return inflateInit2(strm, DEF_WBITS);\n}\n\n\n/*\n Return state with length and distance decoding tables and index sizes set to\n fixed code decoding. Normally this returns fixed tables from inffixed.h.\n If BUILDFIXED is defined, then instead this routine builds the tables the\n first time it's called, and returns those tables the first time and\n thereafter. This reduces the size of the code by about 2K bytes, in\n exchange for a little execution time. However, BUILDFIXED should not be\n used for threaded applications, since the rewriting of the tables and virgin\n may not be thread-safe.\n */\nvar virgin = true;\n\nvar lenfix, distfix; // We have no pointers in JS, so keep tables separate\n\nfunction fixedtables(state) {\n /* build fixed huffman tables if first call (may not be thread safe) */\n if (virgin) {\n var sym;\n\n lenfix = new utils.Buf32(512);\n distfix = new utils.Buf32(32);\n\n /* literal/length table */\n sym = 0;\n while (sym < 144) { state.lens[sym++] = 8; }\n while (sym < 256) { state.lens[sym++] = 9; }\n while (sym < 280) { state.lens[sym++] = 7; }\n while (sym < 288) { state.lens[sym++] = 8; }\n\n inflate_table(LENS, state.lens, 0, 288, lenfix, 0, state.work, { bits: 9 });\n\n /* distance table */\n sym = 0;\n while (sym < 32) { state.lens[sym++] = 5; }\n\n inflate_table(DISTS, state.lens, 0, 32, distfix, 0, state.work, { bits: 5 });\n\n /* do this just once */\n virgin = false;\n }\n\n state.lencode = lenfix;\n state.lenbits = 9;\n state.distcode = distfix;\n state.distbits = 5;\n}\n\n\n/*\n Update the window with the last wsize (normally 32K) bytes written before\n returning. If window does not exist yet, create it. This is only called\n when a window is already in use, or when output has been written during this\n inflate call, but the end of the deflate stream has not been reached yet.\n It is also called to create a window for dictionary data when a dictionary\n is loaded.\n\n Providing output buffers larger than 32K to inflate() should provide a speed\n advantage, since only the last 32K of output is copied to the sliding window\n upon return from inflate(), and since all distances after the first 32K of\n output will fall in the output data, making match copies simpler and faster.\n The advantage may be dependent on the size of the processor's data caches.\n */\nfunction updatewindow(strm, src, end, copy) {\n var dist;\n var state = strm.state;\n\n /* if it hasn't been done already, allocate space for the window */\n if (state.window === null) {\n state.wsize = 1 << state.wbits;\n state.wnext = 0;\n state.whave = 0;\n\n state.window = new utils.Buf8(state.wsize);\n }\n\n /* copy state->wsize or less output bytes into the circular window */\n if (copy >= state.wsize) {\n utils.arraySet(state.window, src, end - state.wsize, state.wsize, 0);\n state.wnext = 0;\n state.whave = state.wsize;\n }\n else {\n dist = state.wsize - state.wnext;\n if (dist > copy) {\n dist = copy;\n }\n //zmemcpy(state->window + state->wnext, end - copy, dist);\n utils.arraySet(state.window, src, end - copy, dist, state.wnext);\n copy -= dist;\n if (copy) {\n //zmemcpy(state->window, end - copy, copy);\n utils.arraySet(state.window, src, end - copy, copy, 0);\n state.wnext = copy;\n state.whave = state.wsize;\n }\n else {\n state.wnext += dist;\n if (state.wnext === state.wsize) { state.wnext = 0; }\n if (state.whave < state.wsize) { state.whave += dist; }\n }\n }\n return 0;\n}\n\nfunction inflate(strm, flush) {\n var state;\n var input, output; // input/output buffers\n var next; /* next input INDEX */\n var put; /* next output INDEX */\n var have, left; /* available input and output */\n var hold; /* bit buffer */\n var bits; /* bits in bit buffer */\n var _in, _out; /* save starting available input and output */\n var copy; /* number of stored or match bytes to copy */\n var from; /* where to copy match bytes from */\n var from_source;\n var here = 0; /* current decoding table entry */\n var here_bits, here_op, here_val; // paked \"here\" denormalized (JS specific)\n //var last; /* parent table entry */\n var last_bits, last_op, last_val; // paked \"last\" denormalized (JS specific)\n var len; /* length to copy for repeats, bits to drop */\n var ret; /* return code */\n var hbuf = new utils.Buf8(4); /* buffer for gzip header crc calculation */\n var opts;\n\n var n; // temporary var for NEED_BITS\n\n var order = /* permutation of code lengths */\n [ 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15 ];\n\n\n if (!strm || !strm.state || !strm.output ||\n (!strm.input && strm.avail_in !== 0)) {\n return Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n\n state = strm.state;\n if (state.mode === TYPE) { state.mode = TYPEDO; } /* skip check */\n\n\n //--- LOAD() ---\n put = strm.next_out;\n output = strm.output;\n left = strm.avail_out;\n next = strm.next_in;\n input = strm.input;\n have = strm.avail_in;\n hold = state.hold;\n bits = state.bits;\n //---\n\n _in = have;\n _out = left;\n ret = Z_OK;\n\n inf_leave: // goto emulation\n for (;;) {\n switch (state.mode) {\n case HEAD:\n if (state.wrap === 0) {\n state.mode = TYPEDO;\n break;\n }\n //=== NEEDBITS(16);\n while (bits < 16) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n if ((state.wrap & 2) && hold === 0x8b1f) { /* gzip header */\n state.check = 0/*crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0)*/;\n //=== CRC2(state.check, hold);\n hbuf[0] = hold & 0xff;\n hbuf[1] = (hold >>> 8) & 0xff;\n state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 2, 0);\n //===//\n\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n state.mode = FLAGS;\n break;\n }\n state.flags = 0; /* expect zlib header */\n if (state.head) {\n state.head.done = false;\n }\n if (!(state.wrap & 1) || /* check if zlib header allowed */\n (((hold & 0xff)/*BITS(8)*/ << 8) + (hold >> 8)) % 31) {\n strm.msg = 'incorrect header check';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n if ((hold & 0x0f)/*BITS(4)*/ !== Z_DEFLATED) {\n strm.msg = 'unknown compression method';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n //--- DROPBITS(4) ---//\n hold >>>= 4;\n bits -= 4;\n //---//\n len = (hold & 0x0f)/*BITS(4)*/ + 8;\n if (state.wbits === 0) {\n state.wbits = len;\n }\n else if (len > state.wbits) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid window size';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n state.dmax = 1 << len;\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: zlib header ok\\n\"));\n strm.adler = state.check = 1/*adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0)*/;\n state.mode = hold & 0x200 ? DICTID : TYPE;\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n break;\n case FLAGS:\n //=== NEEDBITS(16); */\n while (bits < 16) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n state.flags = hold;\n if ((state.flags & 0xff) !== Z_DEFLATED) {\n strm.msg = 'unknown compression method';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n if (state.flags & 0xe000) {\n strm.msg = 'unknown header flags set';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n if (state.head) {\n state.head.text = ((hold >> 8) & 1);\n }\n if (state.flags & 0x0200) {\n //=== CRC2(state.check, hold);\n hbuf[0] = hold & 0xff;\n hbuf[1] = (hold >>> 8) & 0xff;\n state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 2, 0);\n //===//\n }\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n state.mode = TIME;\n /* falls through */\n case TIME:\n //=== NEEDBITS(32); */\n while (bits < 32) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n if (state.head) {\n state.head.time = hold;\n }\n if (state.flags & 0x0200) {\n //=== CRC4(state.check, hold)\n hbuf[0] = hold & 0xff;\n hbuf[1] = (hold >>> 8) & 0xff;\n hbuf[2] = (hold >>> 16) & 0xff;\n hbuf[3] = (hold >>> 24) & 0xff;\n state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 4, 0);\n //===\n }\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n state.mode = OS;\n /* falls through */\n case OS:\n //=== NEEDBITS(16); */\n while (bits < 16) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n if (state.head) {\n state.head.xflags = (hold & 0xff);\n state.head.os = (hold >> 8);\n }\n if (state.flags & 0x0200) {\n //=== CRC2(state.check, hold);\n hbuf[0] = hold & 0xff;\n hbuf[1] = (hold >>> 8) & 0xff;\n state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 2, 0);\n //===//\n }\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n state.mode = EXLEN;\n /* falls through */\n case EXLEN:\n if (state.flags & 0x0400) {\n //=== NEEDBITS(16); */\n while (bits < 16) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n state.length = hold;\n if (state.head) {\n state.head.extra_len = hold;\n }\n if (state.flags & 0x0200) {\n //=== CRC2(state.check, hold);\n hbuf[0] = hold & 0xff;\n hbuf[1] = (hold >>> 8) & 0xff;\n state.check = crc32(state.check, hbuf, 2, 0);\n //===//\n }\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n }\n else if (state.head) {\n state.head.extra = null/*Z_NULL*/;\n }\n state.mode = EXTRA;\n /* falls through */\n case EXTRA:\n if (state.flags & 0x0400) {\n copy = state.length;\n if (copy > have) { copy = have; }\n if (copy) {\n if (state.head) {\n len = state.head.extra_len - state.length;\n if (!state.head.extra) {\n // Use untyped array for more convenient processing later\n state.head.extra = new Array(state.head.extra_len);\n }\n utils.arraySet(\n state.head.extra,\n input,\n next,\n // extra field is limited to 65536 bytes\n // - no need for additional size check\n copy,\n /*len + copy > state.head.extra_max - len ? state.head.extra_max : copy,*/\n len\n );\n //zmemcpy(state.head.extra + len, next,\n // len + copy > state.head.extra_max ?\n // state.head.extra_max - len : copy);\n }\n if (state.flags & 0x0200) {\n state.check = crc32(state.check, input, copy, next);\n }\n have -= copy;\n next += copy;\n state.length -= copy;\n }\n if (state.length) { break inf_leave; }\n }\n state.length = 0;\n state.mode = NAME;\n /* falls through */\n case NAME:\n if (state.flags & 0x0800) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n copy = 0;\n do {\n // TODO: 2 or 1 bytes?\n len = input[next + copy++];\n /* use constant limit because in js we should not preallocate memory */\n if (state.head && len &&\n (state.length < 65536 /*state.head.name_max*/)) {\n state.head.name += String.fromCharCode(len);\n }\n } while (len && copy < have);\n\n if (state.flags & 0x0200) {\n state.check = crc32(state.check, input, copy, next);\n }\n have -= copy;\n next += copy;\n if (len) { break inf_leave; }\n }\n else if (state.head) {\n state.head.name = null;\n }\n state.length = 0;\n state.mode = COMMENT;\n /* falls through */\n case COMMENT:\n if (state.flags & 0x1000) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n copy = 0;\n do {\n len = input[next + copy++];\n /* use constant limit because in js we should not preallocate memory */\n if (state.head && len &&\n (state.length < 65536 /*state.head.comm_max*/)) {\n state.head.comment += String.fromCharCode(len);\n }\n } while (len && copy < have);\n if (state.flags & 0x0200) {\n state.check = crc32(state.check, input, copy, next);\n }\n have -= copy;\n next += copy;\n if (len) { break inf_leave; }\n }\n else if (state.head) {\n state.head.comment = null;\n }\n state.mode = HCRC;\n /* falls through */\n case HCRC:\n if (state.flags & 0x0200) {\n //=== NEEDBITS(16); */\n while (bits < 16) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n if (hold !== (state.check & 0xffff)) {\n strm.msg = 'header crc mismatch';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n }\n if (state.head) {\n state.head.hcrc = ((state.flags >> 9) & 1);\n state.head.done = true;\n }\n strm.adler = state.check = 0;\n state.mode = TYPE;\n break;\n case DICTID:\n //=== NEEDBITS(32); */\n while (bits < 32) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n strm.adler = state.check = zswap32(hold);\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n state.mode = DICT;\n /* falls through */\n case DICT:\n if (state.havedict === 0) {\n //--- RESTORE() ---\n strm.next_out = put;\n strm.avail_out = left;\n strm.next_in = next;\n strm.avail_in = have;\n state.hold = hold;\n state.bits = bits;\n //---\n return Z_NEED_DICT;\n }\n strm.adler = state.check = 1/*adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0)*/;\n state.mode = TYPE;\n /* falls through */\n case TYPE:\n if (flush === Z_BLOCK || flush === Z_TREES) { break inf_leave; }\n /* falls through */\n case TYPEDO:\n if (state.last) {\n //--- BYTEBITS() ---//\n hold >>>= bits & 7;\n bits -= bits & 7;\n //---//\n state.mode = CHECK;\n break;\n }\n //=== NEEDBITS(3); */\n while (bits < 3) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n state.last = (hold & 0x01)/*BITS(1)*/;\n //--- DROPBITS(1) ---//\n hold >>>= 1;\n bits -= 1;\n //---//\n\n switch ((hold & 0x03)/*BITS(2)*/) {\n case 0: /* stored block */\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: stored block%s\\n\",\n // state.last ? \" (last)\" : \"\"));\n state.mode = STORED;\n break;\n case 1: /* fixed block */\n fixedtables(state);\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: fixed codes block%s\\n\",\n // state.last ? \" (last)\" : \"\"));\n state.mode = LEN_; /* decode codes */\n if (flush === Z_TREES) {\n //--- DROPBITS(2) ---//\n hold >>>= 2;\n bits -= 2;\n //---//\n break inf_leave;\n }\n break;\n case 2: /* dynamic block */\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: dynamic codes block%s\\n\",\n // state.last ? \" (last)\" : \"\"));\n state.mode = TABLE;\n break;\n case 3:\n strm.msg = 'invalid block type';\n state.mode = BAD;\n }\n //--- DROPBITS(2) ---//\n hold >>>= 2;\n bits -= 2;\n //---//\n break;\n case STORED:\n //--- BYTEBITS() ---// /* go to byte boundary */\n hold >>>= bits & 7;\n bits -= bits & 7;\n //---//\n //=== NEEDBITS(32); */\n while (bits < 32) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n if ((hold & 0xffff) !== ((hold >>> 16) ^ 0xffff)) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid stored block lengths';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n state.length = hold & 0xffff;\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: stored length %u\\n\",\n // state.length));\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n state.mode = COPY_;\n if (flush === Z_TREES) { break inf_leave; }\n /* falls through */\n case COPY_:\n state.mode = COPY;\n /* falls through */\n case COPY:\n copy = state.length;\n if (copy) {\n if (copy > have) { copy = have; }\n if (copy > left) { copy = left; }\n if (copy === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n //--- zmemcpy(put, next, copy); ---\n utils.arraySet(output, input, next, copy, put);\n //---//\n have -= copy;\n next += copy;\n left -= copy;\n put += copy;\n state.length -= copy;\n break;\n }\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: stored end\\n\"));\n state.mode = TYPE;\n break;\n case TABLE:\n //=== NEEDBITS(14); */\n while (bits < 14) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n state.nlen = (hold & 0x1f)/*BITS(5)*/ + 257;\n //--- DROPBITS(5) ---//\n hold >>>= 5;\n bits -= 5;\n //---//\n state.ndist = (hold & 0x1f)/*BITS(5)*/ + 1;\n //--- DROPBITS(5) ---//\n hold >>>= 5;\n bits -= 5;\n //---//\n state.ncode = (hold & 0x0f)/*BITS(4)*/ + 4;\n //--- DROPBITS(4) ---//\n hold >>>= 4;\n bits -= 4;\n //---//\n//#ifndef PKZIP_BUG_WORKAROUND\n if (state.nlen > 286 || state.ndist > 30) {\n strm.msg = 'too many length or distance symbols';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n//#endif\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: table sizes ok\\n\"));\n state.have = 0;\n state.mode = LENLENS;\n /* falls through */\n case LENLENS:\n while (state.have < state.ncode) {\n //=== NEEDBITS(3);\n while (bits < 3) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n state.lens[order[state.have++]] = (hold & 0x07);//BITS(3);\n //--- DROPBITS(3) ---//\n hold >>>= 3;\n bits -= 3;\n //---//\n }\n while (state.have < 19) {\n state.lens[order[state.have++]] = 0;\n }\n // We have separate tables & no pointers. 2 commented lines below not needed.\n //state.next = state.codes;\n //state.lencode = state.next;\n // Switch to use dynamic table\n state.lencode = state.lendyn;\n state.lenbits = 7;\n\n opts = { bits: state.lenbits };\n ret = inflate_table(CODES, state.lens, 0, 19, state.lencode, 0, state.work, opts);\n state.lenbits = opts.bits;\n\n if (ret) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid code lengths set';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: code lengths ok\\n\"));\n state.have = 0;\n state.mode = CODELENS;\n /* falls through */\n case CODELENS:\n while (state.have < state.nlen + state.ndist) {\n for (;;) {\n here = state.lencode[hold & ((1 << state.lenbits) - 1)];/*BITS(state.lenbits)*/\n here_bits = here >>> 24;\n here_op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff;\n here_val = here & 0xffff;\n\n if ((here_bits) <= bits) { break; }\n //--- PULLBYTE() ---//\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n //---//\n }\n if (here_val < 16) {\n //--- DROPBITS(here.bits) ---//\n hold >>>= here_bits;\n bits -= here_bits;\n //---//\n state.lens[state.have++] = here_val;\n }\n else {\n if (here_val === 16) {\n //=== NEEDBITS(here.bits + 2);\n n = here_bits + 2;\n while (bits < n) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n //--- DROPBITS(here.bits) ---//\n hold >>>= here_bits;\n bits -= here_bits;\n //---//\n if (state.have === 0) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid bit length repeat';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n len = state.lens[state.have - 1];\n copy = 3 + (hold & 0x03);//BITS(2);\n //--- DROPBITS(2) ---//\n hold >>>= 2;\n bits -= 2;\n //---//\n }\n else if (here_val === 17) {\n //=== NEEDBITS(here.bits + 3);\n n = here_bits + 3;\n while (bits < n) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n //--- DROPBITS(here.bits) ---//\n hold >>>= here_bits;\n bits -= here_bits;\n //---//\n len = 0;\n copy = 3 + (hold & 0x07);//BITS(3);\n //--- DROPBITS(3) ---//\n hold >>>= 3;\n bits -= 3;\n //---//\n }\n else {\n //=== NEEDBITS(here.bits + 7);\n n = here_bits + 7;\n while (bits < n) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n //--- DROPBITS(here.bits) ---//\n hold >>>= here_bits;\n bits -= here_bits;\n //---//\n len = 0;\n copy = 11 + (hold & 0x7f);//BITS(7);\n //--- DROPBITS(7) ---//\n hold >>>= 7;\n bits -= 7;\n //---//\n }\n if (state.have + copy > state.nlen + state.ndist) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid bit length repeat';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n while (copy--) {\n state.lens[state.have++] = len;\n }\n }\n }\n\n /* handle error breaks in while */\n if (state.mode === BAD) { break; }\n\n /* check for end-of-block code (better have one) */\n if (state.lens[256] === 0) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid code -- missing end-of-block';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n\n /* build code tables -- note: do not change the lenbits or distbits\n values here (9 and 6) without reading the comments in inftrees.h\n concerning the ENOUGH constants, which depend on those values */\n state.lenbits = 9;\n\n opts = { bits: state.lenbits };\n ret = inflate_table(LENS, state.lens, 0, state.nlen, state.lencode, 0, state.work, opts);\n // We have separate tables & no pointers. 2 commented lines below not needed.\n // state.next_index = opts.table_index;\n state.lenbits = opts.bits;\n // state.lencode = state.next;\n\n if (ret) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid literal/lengths set';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n\n state.distbits = 6;\n //state.distcode.copy(state.codes);\n // Switch to use dynamic table\n state.distcode = state.distdyn;\n opts = { bits: state.distbits };\n ret = inflate_table(DISTS, state.lens, state.nlen, state.ndist, state.distcode, 0, state.work, opts);\n // We have separate tables & no pointers. 2 commented lines below not needed.\n // state.next_index = opts.table_index;\n state.distbits = opts.bits;\n // state.distcode = state.next;\n\n if (ret) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid distances set';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n //Tracev((stderr, 'inflate: codes ok\\n'));\n state.mode = LEN_;\n if (flush === Z_TREES) { break inf_leave; }\n /* falls through */\n case LEN_:\n state.mode = LEN;\n /* falls through */\n case LEN:\n if (have >= 6 && left >= 258) {\n //--- RESTORE() ---\n strm.next_out = put;\n strm.avail_out = left;\n strm.next_in = next;\n strm.avail_in = have;\n state.hold = hold;\n state.bits = bits;\n //---\n inflate_fast(strm, _out);\n //--- LOAD() ---\n put = strm.next_out;\n output = strm.output;\n left = strm.avail_out;\n next = strm.next_in;\n input = strm.input;\n have = strm.avail_in;\n hold = state.hold;\n bits = state.bits;\n //---\n\n if (state.mode === TYPE) {\n state.back = -1;\n }\n break;\n }\n state.back = 0;\n for (;;) {\n here = state.lencode[hold & ((1 << state.lenbits) - 1)]; /*BITS(state.lenbits)*/\n here_bits = here >>> 24;\n here_op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff;\n here_val = here & 0xffff;\n\n if (here_bits <= bits) { break; }\n //--- PULLBYTE() ---//\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n //---//\n }\n if (here_op && (here_op & 0xf0) === 0) {\n last_bits = here_bits;\n last_op = here_op;\n last_val = here_val;\n for (;;) {\n here = state.lencode[last_val +\n ((hold & ((1 << (last_bits + last_op)) - 1))/*BITS(last.bits + last.op)*/ >> last_bits)];\n here_bits = here >>> 24;\n here_op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff;\n here_val = here & 0xffff;\n\n if ((last_bits + here_bits) <= bits) { break; }\n //--- PULLBYTE() ---//\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n //---//\n }\n //--- DROPBITS(last.bits) ---//\n hold >>>= last_bits;\n bits -= last_bits;\n //---//\n state.back += last_bits;\n }\n //--- DROPBITS(here.bits) ---//\n hold >>>= here_bits;\n bits -= here_bits;\n //---//\n state.back += here_bits;\n state.length = here_val;\n if (here_op === 0) {\n //Tracevv((stderr, here.val >= 0x20 && here.val < 0x7f ?\n // \"inflate: literal '%c'\\n\" :\n // \"inflate: literal 0x%02x\\n\", here.val));\n state.mode = LIT;\n break;\n }\n if (here_op & 32) {\n //Tracevv((stderr, \"inflate: end of block\\n\"));\n state.back = -1;\n state.mode = TYPE;\n break;\n }\n if (here_op & 64) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid literal/length code';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n state.extra = here_op & 15;\n state.mode = LENEXT;\n /* falls through */\n case LENEXT:\n if (state.extra) {\n //=== NEEDBITS(state.extra);\n n = state.extra;\n while (bits < n) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n state.length += hold & ((1 << state.extra) - 1)/*BITS(state.extra)*/;\n //--- DROPBITS(state.extra) ---//\n hold >>>= state.extra;\n bits -= state.extra;\n //---//\n state.back += state.extra;\n }\n //Tracevv((stderr, \"inflate: length %u\\n\", state.length));\n state.was = state.length;\n state.mode = DIST;\n /* falls through */\n case DIST:\n for (;;) {\n here = state.distcode[hold & ((1 << state.distbits) - 1)];/*BITS(state.distbits)*/\n here_bits = here >>> 24;\n here_op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff;\n here_val = here & 0xffff;\n\n if ((here_bits) <= bits) { break; }\n //--- PULLBYTE() ---//\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n //---//\n }\n if ((here_op & 0xf0) === 0) {\n last_bits = here_bits;\n last_op = here_op;\n last_val = here_val;\n for (;;) {\n here = state.distcode[last_val +\n ((hold & ((1 << (last_bits + last_op)) - 1))/*BITS(last.bits + last.op)*/ >> last_bits)];\n here_bits = here >>> 24;\n here_op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff;\n here_val = here & 0xffff;\n\n if ((last_bits + here_bits) <= bits) { break; }\n //--- PULLBYTE() ---//\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n //---//\n }\n //--- DROPBITS(last.bits) ---//\n hold >>>= last_bits;\n bits -= last_bits;\n //---//\n state.back += last_bits;\n }\n //--- DROPBITS(here.bits) ---//\n hold >>>= here_bits;\n bits -= here_bits;\n //---//\n state.back += here_bits;\n if (here_op & 64) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid distance code';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n state.offset = here_val;\n state.extra = (here_op) & 15;\n state.mode = DISTEXT;\n /* falls through */\n case DISTEXT:\n if (state.extra) {\n //=== NEEDBITS(state.extra);\n n = state.extra;\n while (bits < n) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n state.offset += hold & ((1 << state.extra) - 1)/*BITS(state.extra)*/;\n //--- DROPBITS(state.extra) ---//\n hold >>>= state.extra;\n bits -= state.extra;\n //---//\n state.back += state.extra;\n }\n//#ifdef INFLATE_STRICT\n if (state.offset > state.dmax) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid distance too far back';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n//#endif\n //Tracevv((stderr, \"inflate: distance %u\\n\", state.offset));\n state.mode = MATCH;\n /* falls through */\n case MATCH:\n if (left === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n copy = _out - left;\n if (state.offset > copy) { /* copy from window */\n copy = state.offset - copy;\n if (copy > state.whave) {\n if (state.sane) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid distance too far back';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n// (!) This block is disabled in zlib defaults,\n// don't enable it for binary compatibility\n//#ifdef INFLATE_ALLOW_INVALID_DISTANCE_TOOFAR_ARRR\n// Trace((stderr, \"inflate.c too far\\n\"));\n// copy -= state.whave;\n// if (copy > state.length) { copy = state.length; }\n// if (copy > left) { copy = left; }\n// left -= copy;\n// state.length -= copy;\n// do {\n// output[put++] = 0;\n// } while (--copy);\n// if (state.length === 0) { state.mode = LEN; }\n// break;\n//#endif\n }\n if (copy > state.wnext) {\n copy -= state.wnext;\n from = state.wsize - copy;\n }\n else {\n from = state.wnext - copy;\n }\n if (copy > state.length) { copy = state.length; }\n from_source = state.window;\n }\n else { /* copy from output */\n from_source = output;\n from = put - state.offset;\n copy = state.length;\n }\n if (copy > left) { copy = left; }\n left -= copy;\n state.length -= copy;\n do {\n output[put++] = from_source[from++];\n } while (--copy);\n if (state.length === 0) { state.mode = LEN; }\n break;\n case LIT:\n if (left === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n output[put++] = state.length;\n left--;\n state.mode = LEN;\n break;\n case CHECK:\n if (state.wrap) {\n //=== NEEDBITS(32);\n while (bits < 32) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n // Use '|' instead of '+' to make sure that result is signed\n hold |= input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n _out -= left;\n strm.total_out += _out;\n state.total += _out;\n if (_out) {\n strm.adler = state.check =\n /*UPDATE(state.check, put - _out, _out);*/\n (state.flags ? crc32(state.check, output, _out, put - _out) : adler32(state.check, output, _out, put - _out));\n\n }\n _out = left;\n // NB: crc32 stored as signed 32-bit int, zswap32 returns signed too\n if ((state.flags ? hold : zswap32(hold)) !== state.check) {\n strm.msg = 'incorrect data check';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: check matches trailer\\n\"));\n }\n state.mode = LENGTH;\n /* falls through */\n case LENGTH:\n if (state.wrap && state.flags) {\n //=== NEEDBITS(32);\n while (bits < 32) {\n if (have === 0) { break inf_leave; }\n have--;\n hold += input[next++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n //===//\n if (hold !== (state.total & 0xffffffff)) {\n strm.msg = 'incorrect length check';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break;\n }\n //=== INITBITS();\n hold = 0;\n bits = 0;\n //===//\n //Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: length matches trailer\\n\"));\n }\n state.mode = DONE;\n /* falls through */\n case DONE:\n ret = Z_STREAM_END;\n break inf_leave;\n case BAD:\n ret = Z_DATA_ERROR;\n break inf_leave;\n case MEM:\n return Z_MEM_ERROR;\n case SYNC:\n /* falls through */\n default:\n return Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n }\n\n // inf_leave <- here is real place for \"goto inf_leave\", emulated via \"break inf_leave\"\n\n /*\n Return from inflate(), updating the total counts and the check value.\n If there was no progress during the inflate() call, return a buffer\n error. Call updatewindow() to create and/or update the window state.\n Note: a memory error from inflate() is non-recoverable.\n */\n\n //--- RESTORE() ---\n strm.next_out = put;\n strm.avail_out = left;\n strm.next_in = next;\n strm.avail_in = have;\n state.hold = hold;\n state.bits = bits;\n //---\n\n if (state.wsize || (_out !== strm.avail_out && state.mode < BAD &&\n (state.mode < CHECK || flush !== Z_FINISH))) {\n if (updatewindow(strm, strm.output, strm.next_out, _out - strm.avail_out)) {\n state.mode = MEM;\n return Z_MEM_ERROR;\n }\n }\n _in -= strm.avail_in;\n _out -= strm.avail_out;\n strm.total_in += _in;\n strm.total_out += _out;\n state.total += _out;\n if (state.wrap && _out) {\n strm.adler = state.check = /*UPDATE(state.check, strm.next_out - _out, _out);*/\n (state.flags ? crc32(state.check, output, _out, strm.next_out - _out) : adler32(state.check, output, _out, strm.next_out - _out));\n }\n strm.data_type = state.bits + (state.last ? 64 : 0) +\n (state.mode === TYPE ? 128 : 0) +\n (state.mode === LEN_ || state.mode === COPY_ ? 256 : 0);\n if (((_in === 0 && _out === 0) || flush === Z_FINISH) && ret === Z_OK) {\n ret = Z_BUF_ERROR;\n }\n return ret;\n}\n\nfunction inflateEnd(strm) {\n\n if (!strm || !strm.state /*|| strm->zfree == (free_func)0*/) {\n return Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n\n var state = strm.state;\n if (state.window) {\n state.window = null;\n }\n strm.state = null;\n return Z_OK;\n}\n\nfunction inflateGetHeader(strm, head) {\n var state;\n\n /* check state */\n if (!strm || !strm.state) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; }\n state = strm.state;\n if ((state.wrap & 2) === 0) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; }\n\n /* save header structure */\n state.head = head;\n head.done = false;\n return Z_OK;\n}\n\nfunction inflateSetDictionary(strm, dictionary) {\n var dictLength = dictionary.length;\n\n var state;\n var dictid;\n var ret;\n\n /* check state */\n if (!strm /* == Z_NULL */ || !strm.state /* == Z_NULL */) { return Z_STREAM_ERROR; }\n state = strm.state;\n\n if (state.wrap !== 0 && state.mode !== DICT) {\n return Z_STREAM_ERROR;\n }\n\n /* check for correct dictionary identifier */\n if (state.mode === DICT) {\n dictid = 1; /* adler32(0, null, 0)*/\n /* dictid = adler32(dictid, dictionary, dictLength); */\n dictid = adler32(dictid, dictionary, dictLength, 0);\n if (dictid !== state.check) {\n return Z_DATA_ERROR;\n }\n }\n /* copy dictionary to window using updatewindow(), which will amend the\n existing dictionary if appropriate */\n ret = updatewindow(strm, dictionary, dictLength, dictLength);\n if (ret) {\n state.mode = MEM;\n return Z_MEM_ERROR;\n }\n state.havedict = 1;\n // Tracev((stderr, \"inflate: dictionary set\\n\"));\n return Z_OK;\n}\n\nexports.inflateReset = inflateReset;\nexports.inflateReset2 = inflateReset2;\nexports.inflateResetKeep = inflateResetKeep;\nexports.inflateInit = inflateInit;\nexports.inflateInit2 = inflateInit2;\nexports.inflate = inflate;\nexports.inflateEnd = inflateEnd;\nexports.inflateGetHeader = inflateGetHeader;\nexports.inflateSetDictionary = inflateSetDictionary;\nexports.inflateInfo = 'pako inflate (from Nodeca project)';\n\n/* Not implemented\nexports.inflateCopy = inflateCopy;\nexports.inflateGetDictionary = inflateGetDictionary;\nexports.inflateMark = inflateMark;\nexports.inflatePrime = inflatePrime;\nexports.inflateSync = inflateSync;\nexports.inflateSyncPoint = inflateSyncPoint;\nexports.inflateUndermine = inflateUndermine;\n*/\n" }, { "id": 17, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inffast.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inffast.js", "index": 20, "index2": 13, "size": 12668, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inflate.js", "issuerId": 16, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 15, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } }, { "id": 16, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 9, "building": 47, "dependencies": 9 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 9, "building": 12, "dependencies": 0 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 16, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./inffast", "loc": "25:20-40" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 7, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\n// See state defs from inflate.js\nvar BAD = 30; /* got a data error -- remain here until reset */\nvar TYPE = 12; /* i: waiting for type bits, including last-flag bit */\n\n/*\n Decode literal, length, and distance codes and write out the resulting\n literal and match bytes until either not enough input or output is\n available, an end-of-block is encountered, or a data error is encountered.\n When large enough input and output buffers are supplied to inflate(), for\n example, a 16K input buffer and a 64K output buffer, more than 95% of the\n inflate execution time is spent in this routine.\n\n Entry assumptions:\n\n state.mode === LEN\n strm.avail_in >= 6\n strm.avail_out >= 258\n start >= strm.avail_out\n state.bits < 8\n\n On return, state.mode is one of:\n\n LEN -- ran out of enough output space or enough available input\n TYPE -- reached end of block code, inflate() to interpret next block\n BAD -- error in block data\n\n Notes:\n\n - The maximum input bits used by a length/distance pair is 15 bits for the\n length code, 5 bits for the length extra, 15 bits for the distance code,\n and 13 bits for the distance extra. This totals 48 bits, or six bytes.\n Therefore if strm.avail_in >= 6, then there is enough input to avoid\n checking for available input while decoding.\n\n - The maximum bytes that a single length/distance pair can output is 258\n bytes, which is the maximum length that can be coded. inflate_fast()\n requires strm.avail_out >= 258 for each loop to avoid checking for\n output space.\n */\nmodule.exports = function inflate_fast(strm, start) {\n var state;\n var _in; /* local strm.input */\n var last; /* have enough input while in < last */\n var _out; /* local strm.output */\n var beg; /* inflate()'s initial strm.output */\n var end; /* while out < end, enough space available */\n//#ifdef INFLATE_STRICT\n var dmax; /* maximum distance from zlib header */\n//#endif\n var wsize; /* window size or zero if not using window */\n var whave; /* valid bytes in the window */\n var wnext; /* window write index */\n // Use `s_window` instead `window`, avoid conflict with instrumentation tools\n var s_window; /* allocated sliding window, if wsize != 0 */\n var hold; /* local strm.hold */\n var bits; /* local strm.bits */\n var lcode; /* local strm.lencode */\n var dcode; /* local strm.distcode */\n var lmask; /* mask for first level of length codes */\n var dmask; /* mask for first level of distance codes */\n var here; /* retrieved table entry */\n var op; /* code bits, operation, extra bits, or */\n /* window position, window bytes to copy */\n var len; /* match length, unused bytes */\n var dist; /* match distance */\n var from; /* where to copy match from */\n var from_source;\n\n\n var input, output; // JS specific, because we have no pointers\n\n /* copy state to local variables */\n state = strm.state;\n //here = state.here;\n _in = strm.next_in;\n input = strm.input;\n last = _in + (strm.avail_in - 5);\n _out = strm.next_out;\n output = strm.output;\n beg = _out - (start - strm.avail_out);\n end = _out + (strm.avail_out - 257);\n//#ifdef INFLATE_STRICT\n dmax = state.dmax;\n//#endif\n wsize = state.wsize;\n whave = state.whave;\n wnext = state.wnext;\n s_window = state.window;\n hold = state.hold;\n bits = state.bits;\n lcode = state.lencode;\n dcode = state.distcode;\n lmask = (1 << state.lenbits) - 1;\n dmask = (1 << state.distbits) - 1;\n\n\n /* decode literals and length/distances until end-of-block or not enough\n input data or output space */\n\n top:\n do {\n if (bits < 15) {\n hold += input[_in++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n hold += input[_in++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n\n here = lcode[hold & lmask];\n\n dolen:\n for (;;) { // Goto emulation\n op = here >>> 24/*here.bits*/;\n hold >>>= op;\n bits -= op;\n op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff/*here.op*/;\n if (op === 0) { /* literal */\n //Tracevv((stderr, here.val >= 0x20 && here.val < 0x7f ?\n // \"inflate: literal '%c'\\n\" :\n // \"inflate: literal 0x%02x\\n\", here.val));\n output[_out++] = here & 0xffff/*here.val*/;\n }\n else if (op & 16) { /* length base */\n len = here & 0xffff/*here.val*/;\n op &= 15; /* number of extra bits */\n if (op) {\n if (bits < op) {\n hold += input[_in++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n len += hold & ((1 << op) - 1);\n hold >>>= op;\n bits -= op;\n }\n //Tracevv((stderr, \"inflate: length %u\\n\", len));\n if (bits < 15) {\n hold += input[_in++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n hold += input[_in++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n here = dcode[hold & dmask];\n\n dodist:\n for (;;) { // goto emulation\n op = here >>> 24/*here.bits*/;\n hold >>>= op;\n bits -= op;\n op = (here >>> 16) & 0xff/*here.op*/;\n\n if (op & 16) { /* distance base */\n dist = here & 0xffff/*here.val*/;\n op &= 15; /* number of extra bits */\n if (bits < op) {\n hold += input[_in++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n if (bits < op) {\n hold += input[_in++] << bits;\n bits += 8;\n }\n }\n dist += hold & ((1 << op) - 1);\n//#ifdef INFLATE_STRICT\n if (dist > dmax) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid distance too far back';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break top;\n }\n//#endif\n hold >>>= op;\n bits -= op;\n //Tracevv((stderr, \"inflate: distance %u\\n\", dist));\n op = _out - beg; /* max distance in output */\n if (dist > op) { /* see if copy from window */\n op = dist - op; /* distance back in window */\n if (op > whave) {\n if (state.sane) {\n strm.msg = 'invalid distance too far back';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break top;\n }\n\n// (!) This block is disabled in zlib defaults,\n// don't enable it for binary compatibility\n//#ifdef INFLATE_ALLOW_INVALID_DISTANCE_TOOFAR_ARRR\n// if (len <= op - whave) {\n// do {\n// output[_out++] = 0;\n// } while (--len);\n// continue top;\n// }\n// len -= op - whave;\n// do {\n// output[_out++] = 0;\n// } while (--op > whave);\n// if (op === 0) {\n// from = _out - dist;\n// do {\n// output[_out++] = output[from++];\n// } while (--len);\n// continue top;\n// }\n//#endif\n }\n from = 0; // window index\n from_source = s_window;\n if (wnext === 0) { /* very common case */\n from += wsize - op;\n if (op < len) { /* some from window */\n len -= op;\n do {\n output[_out++] = s_window[from++];\n } while (--op);\n from = _out - dist; /* rest from output */\n from_source = output;\n }\n }\n else if (wnext < op) { /* wrap around window */\n from += wsize + wnext - op;\n op -= wnext;\n if (op < len) { /* some from end of window */\n len -= op;\n do {\n output[_out++] = s_window[from++];\n } while (--op);\n from = 0;\n if (wnext < len) { /* some from start of window */\n op = wnext;\n len -= op;\n do {\n output[_out++] = s_window[from++];\n } while (--op);\n from = _out - dist; /* rest from output */\n from_source = output;\n }\n }\n }\n else { /* contiguous in window */\n from += wnext - op;\n if (op < len) { /* some from window */\n len -= op;\n do {\n output[_out++] = s_window[from++];\n } while (--op);\n from = _out - dist; /* rest from output */\n from_source = output;\n }\n }\n while (len > 2) {\n output[_out++] = from_source[from++];\n output[_out++] = from_source[from++];\n output[_out++] = from_source[from++];\n len -= 3;\n }\n if (len) {\n output[_out++] = from_source[from++];\n if (len > 1) {\n output[_out++] = from_source[from++];\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n from = _out - dist; /* copy direct from output */\n do { /* minimum length is three */\n output[_out++] = output[from++];\n output[_out++] = output[from++];\n output[_out++] = output[from++];\n len -= 3;\n } while (len > 2);\n if (len) {\n output[_out++] = output[from++];\n if (len > 1) {\n output[_out++] = output[from++];\n }\n }\n }\n }\n else if ((op & 64) === 0) { /* 2nd level distance code */\n here = dcode[(here & 0xffff)/*here.val*/ + (hold & ((1 << op) - 1))];\n continue dodist;\n }\n else {\n strm.msg = 'invalid distance code';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break top;\n }\n\n break; // need to emulate goto via \"continue\"\n }\n }\n else if ((op & 64) === 0) { /* 2nd level length code */\n here = lcode[(here & 0xffff)/*here.val*/ + (hold & ((1 << op) - 1))];\n continue dolen;\n }\n else if (op & 32) { /* end-of-block */\n //Tracevv((stderr, \"inflate: end of block\\n\"));\n state.mode = TYPE;\n break top;\n }\n else {\n strm.msg = 'invalid literal/length code';\n state.mode = BAD;\n break top;\n }\n\n break; // need to emulate goto via \"continue\"\n }\n } while (_in < last && _out < end);\n\n /* return unused bytes (on entry, bits < 8, so in won't go too far back) */\n len = bits >> 3;\n _in -= len;\n bits -= len << 3;\n hold &= (1 << bits) - 1;\n\n /* update state and return */\n strm.next_in = _in;\n strm.next_out = _out;\n strm.avail_in = (_in < last ? 5 + (last - _in) : 5 - (_in - last));\n strm.avail_out = (_out < end ? 257 + (end - _out) : 257 - (_out - end));\n state.hold = hold;\n state.bits = bits;\n return;\n};\n" }, { "id": 18, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inftrees.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inftrees.js", "index": 21, "index2": 14, "size": 12500, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inflate.js", "issuerId": 16, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 15, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } }, { "id": 16, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 9, "building": 47, "dependencies": 9 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 9, "building": 12, "dependencies": 0 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 16, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./inftrees", "loc": "26:20-41" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 7, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\nvar utils = require('../utils/common');\n\nvar MAXBITS = 15;\nvar ENOUGH_LENS = 852;\nvar ENOUGH_DISTS = 592;\n//var ENOUGH = (ENOUGH_LENS+ENOUGH_DISTS);\n\nvar CODES = 0;\nvar LENS = 1;\nvar DISTS = 2;\n\nvar lbase = [ /* Length codes 257..285 base */\n 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31,\n 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0\n];\n\nvar lext = [ /* Length codes 257..285 extra */\n 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18,\n 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 16, 72, 78\n];\n\nvar dbase = [ /* Distance codes 0..29 base */\n 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193,\n 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145,\n 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 0, 0\n];\n\nvar dext = [ /* Distance codes 0..29 extra */\n 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22,\n 23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 27,\n 28, 28, 29, 29, 64, 64\n];\n\nmodule.exports = function inflate_table(type, lens, lens_index, codes, table, table_index, work, opts)\n{\n var bits = opts.bits;\n //here = opts.here; /* table entry for duplication */\n\n var len = 0; /* a code's length in bits */\n var sym = 0; /* index of code symbols */\n var min = 0, max = 0; /* minimum and maximum code lengths */\n var root = 0; /* number of index bits for root table */\n var curr = 0; /* number of index bits for current table */\n var drop = 0; /* code bits to drop for sub-table */\n var left = 0; /* number of prefix codes available */\n var used = 0; /* code entries in table used */\n var huff = 0; /* Huffman code */\n var incr; /* for incrementing code, index */\n var fill; /* index for replicating entries */\n var low; /* low bits for current root entry */\n var mask; /* mask for low root bits */\n var next; /* next available space in table */\n var base = null; /* base value table to use */\n var base_index = 0;\n// var shoextra; /* extra bits table to use */\n var end; /* use base and extra for symbol > end */\n var count = new utils.Buf16(MAXBITS + 1); //[MAXBITS+1]; /* number of codes of each length */\n var offs = new utils.Buf16(MAXBITS + 1); //[MAXBITS+1]; /* offsets in table for each length */\n var extra = null;\n var extra_index = 0;\n\n var here_bits, here_op, here_val;\n\n /*\n Process a set of code lengths to create a canonical Huffman code. The\n code lengths are lens[0..codes-1]. Each length corresponds to the\n symbols 0..codes-1. The Huffman code is generated by first sorting the\n symbols by length from short to long, and retaining the symbol order\n for codes with equal lengths. Then the code starts with all zero bits\n for the first code of the shortest length, and the codes are integer\n increments for the same length, and zeros are appended as the length\n increases. For the deflate format, these bits are stored backwards\n from their more natural integer increment ordering, and so when the\n decoding tables are built in the large loop below, the integer codes\n are incremented backwards.\n\n This routine assumes, but does not check, that all of the entries in\n lens[] are in the range 0..MAXBITS. The caller must assure this.\n 1..MAXBITS is interpreted as that code length. zero means that that\n symbol does not occur in this code.\n\n The codes are sorted by computing a count of codes for each length,\n creating from that a table of starting indices for each length in the\n sorted table, and then entering the symbols in order in the sorted\n table. The sorted table is work[], with that space being provided by\n the caller.\n\n The length counts are used for other purposes as well, i.e. finding\n the minimum and maximum length codes, determining if there are any\n codes at all, checking for a valid set of lengths, and looking ahead\n at length counts to determine sub-table sizes when building the\n decoding tables.\n */\n\n /* accumulate lengths for codes (assumes lens[] all in 0..MAXBITS) */\n for (len = 0; len <= MAXBITS; len++) {\n count[len] = 0;\n }\n for (sym = 0; sym < codes; sym++) {\n count[lens[lens_index + sym]]++;\n }\n\n /* bound code lengths, force root to be within code lengths */\n root = bits;\n for (max = MAXBITS; max >= 1; max--) {\n if (count[max] !== 0) { break; }\n }\n if (root > max) {\n root = max;\n }\n if (max === 0) { /* no symbols to code at all */\n //table.op[opts.table_index] = 64; //here.op = (var char)64; /* invalid code marker */\n //table.bits[opts.table_index] = 1; //here.bits = (var char)1;\n //table.val[opts.table_index++] = 0; //here.val = (var short)0;\n table[table_index++] = (1 << 24) | (64 << 16) | 0;\n\n\n //table.op[opts.table_index] = 64;\n //table.bits[opts.table_index] = 1;\n //table.val[opts.table_index++] = 0;\n table[table_index++] = (1 << 24) | (64 << 16) | 0;\n\n opts.bits = 1;\n return 0; /* no symbols, but wait for decoding to report error */\n }\n for (min = 1; min < max; min++) {\n if (count[min] !== 0) { break; }\n }\n if (root < min) {\n root = min;\n }\n\n /* check for an over-subscribed or incomplete set of lengths */\n left = 1;\n for (len = 1; len <= MAXBITS; len++) {\n left <<= 1;\n left -= count[len];\n if (left < 0) {\n return -1;\n } /* over-subscribed */\n }\n if (left > 0 && (type === CODES || max !== 1)) {\n return -1; /* incomplete set */\n }\n\n /* generate offsets into symbol table for each length for sorting */\n offs[1] = 0;\n for (len = 1; len < MAXBITS; len++) {\n offs[len + 1] = offs[len] + count[len];\n }\n\n /* sort symbols by length, by symbol order within each length */\n for (sym = 0; sym < codes; sym++) {\n if (lens[lens_index + sym] !== 0) {\n work[offs[lens[lens_index + sym]]++] = sym;\n }\n }\n\n /*\n Create and fill in decoding tables. In this loop, the table being\n filled is at next and has curr index bits. The code being used is huff\n with length len. That code is converted to an index by dropping drop\n bits off of the bottom. For codes where len is less than drop + curr,\n those top drop + curr - len bits are incremented through all values to\n fill the table with replicated entries.\n\n root is the number of index bits for the root table. When len exceeds\n root, sub-tables are created pointed to by the root entry with an index\n of the low root bits of huff. This is saved in low to check for when a\n new sub-table should be started. drop is zero when the root table is\n being filled, and drop is root when sub-tables are being filled.\n\n When a new sub-table is needed, it is necessary to look ahead in the\n code lengths to determine what size sub-table is needed. The length\n counts are used for this, and so count[] is decremented as codes are\n entered in the tables.\n\n used keeps track of how many table entries have been allocated from the\n provided *table space. It is checked for LENS and DIST tables against\n the constants ENOUGH_LENS and ENOUGH_DISTS to guard against changes in\n the initial root table size constants. See the comments in inftrees.h\n for more information.\n\n sym increments through all symbols, and the loop terminates when\n all codes of length max, i.e. all codes, have been processed. This\n routine permits incomplete codes, so another loop after this one fills\n in the rest of the decoding tables with invalid code markers.\n */\n\n /* set up for code type */\n // poor man optimization - use if-else instead of switch,\n // to avoid deopts in old v8\n if (type === CODES) {\n base = extra = work; /* dummy value--not used */\n end = 19;\n\n } else if (type === LENS) {\n base = lbase;\n base_index -= 257;\n extra = lext;\n extra_index -= 257;\n end = 256;\n\n } else { /* DISTS */\n base = dbase;\n extra = dext;\n end = -1;\n }\n\n /* initialize opts for loop */\n huff = 0; /* starting code */\n sym = 0; /* starting code symbol */\n len = min; /* starting code length */\n next = table_index; /* current table to fill in */\n curr = root; /* current table index bits */\n drop = 0; /* current bits to drop from code for index */\n low = -1; /* trigger new sub-table when len > root */\n used = 1 << root; /* use root table entries */\n mask = used - 1; /* mask for comparing low */\n\n /* check available table space */\n if ((type === LENS && used > ENOUGH_LENS) ||\n (type === DISTS && used > ENOUGH_DISTS)) {\n return 1;\n }\n\n /* process all codes and make table entries */\n for (;;) {\n /* create table entry */\n here_bits = len - drop;\n if (work[sym] < end) {\n here_op = 0;\n here_val = work[sym];\n }\n else if (work[sym] > end) {\n here_op = extra[extra_index + work[sym]];\n here_val = base[base_index + work[sym]];\n }\n else {\n here_op = 32 + 64; /* end of block */\n here_val = 0;\n }\n\n /* replicate for those indices with low len bits equal to huff */\n incr = 1 << (len - drop);\n fill = 1 << curr;\n min = fill; /* save offset to next table */\n do {\n fill -= incr;\n table[next + (huff >> drop) + fill] = (here_bits << 24) | (here_op << 16) | here_val |0;\n } while (fill !== 0);\n\n /* backwards increment the len-bit code huff */\n incr = 1 << (len - 1);\n while (huff & incr) {\n incr >>= 1;\n }\n if (incr !== 0) {\n huff &= incr - 1;\n huff += incr;\n } else {\n huff = 0;\n }\n\n /* go to next symbol, update count, len */\n sym++;\n if (--count[len] === 0) {\n if (len === max) { break; }\n len = lens[lens_index + work[sym]];\n }\n\n /* create new sub-table if needed */\n if (len > root && (huff & mask) !== low) {\n /* if first time, transition to sub-tables */\n if (drop === 0) {\n drop = root;\n }\n\n /* increment past last table */\n next += min; /* here min is 1 << curr */\n\n /* determine length of next table */\n curr = len - drop;\n left = 1 << curr;\n while (curr + drop < max) {\n left -= count[curr + drop];\n if (left <= 0) { break; }\n curr++;\n left <<= 1;\n }\n\n /* check for enough space */\n used += 1 << curr;\n if ((type === LENS && used > ENOUGH_LENS) ||\n (type === DISTS && used > ENOUGH_DISTS)) {\n return 1;\n }\n\n /* point entry in root table to sub-table */\n low = huff & mask;\n /*table.op[low] = curr;\n table.bits[low] = root;\n table.val[low] = next - opts.table_index;*/\n table[low] = (root << 24) | (curr << 16) | (next - table_index) |0;\n }\n }\n\n /* fill in remaining table entry if code is incomplete (guaranteed to have\n at most one remaining entry, since if the code is incomplete, the\n maximum code length that was allowed to get this far is one bit) */\n if (huff !== 0) {\n //table.op[next + huff] = 64; /* invalid code marker */\n //table.bits[next + huff] = len - drop;\n //table.val[next + huff] = 0;\n table[next + huff] = ((len - drop) << 24) | (64 << 16) |0;\n }\n\n /* set return parameters */\n //opts.table_index += used;\n opts.bits = root;\n return 0;\n};\n" }, { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\zlib\\gzheader.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/zlib/gzheader.js", "index": 23, "index2": 17, "size": 2240, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "issuerId": 15, "issuerName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, "building": 3760 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "profile": { "factory": 2933, "building": 717 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 2180, "building": 1082 } }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "profile": { "factory": 21, "building": 92, "dependencies": 43 } }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/index.js", "profile": { "factory": 48, "building": 7 } }, { "id": 15, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "profile": { "factory": 11, "building": 13, "dependencies": 8 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 9, "building": 47, "dependencies": 9 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 15, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\lib\\inflate.js", "module": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/pako/lib/inflate.js", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./zlib/gzheader", "loc": "10:19-45" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 6, "source": "'use strict';\n\n// (C) 1995-2013 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler\n// (C) 2014-2017 Vitaly Puzrin and Andrey Tupitsin\n//\n// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n// arising from the use of this software.\n//\n// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n// freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n//\n// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n// appreciated but is not required.\n// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n// misrepresented as being the original software.\n// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.\n\nfunction GZheader() {\n /* true if compressed data believed to be text */\n this.text = 0;\n /* modification time */\n this.time = 0;\n /* extra flags (not used when writing a gzip file) */\n this.xflags = 0;\n /* operating system */\n this.os = 0;\n /* pointer to extra field or Z_NULL if none */\n this.extra = null;\n /* extra field length (valid if extra != Z_NULL) */\n this.extra_len = 0; // Actually, we don't need it in JS,\n // but leave for few code modifications\n\n //\n // Setup limits is not necessary because in js we should not preallocate memory\n // for inflate use constant limit in 65536 bytes\n //\n\n /* space at extra (only when reading header) */\n // this.extra_max = 0;\n /* pointer to zero-terminated file name or Z_NULL */\n this.name = '';\n /* space at name (only when reading header) */\n // this.name_max = 0;\n /* pointer to zero-terminated comment or Z_NULL */\n this.comment = '';\n /* space at comment (only when reading header) */\n // this.comm_max = 0;\n /* true if there was or will be a header crc */\n this.hcrc = 0;\n /* true when done reading gzip header (not used when writing a gzip file) */\n this.done = false;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = GZheader;\n" }, { "id": 20, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\index.js 1f5c27d337cdd358fe6548a5eda250ca", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/index.js + 7 modules", "index": 3, "index2": 25, "size": 33920, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": null, "issuerId": null, "issuerName": null, "issuerPath": null, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 9, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.ts", "module": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/webp/webp.ts", "type": 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'\\0';\r\nconst uint16 = new Uint16Array([0x00ff]);\r\nconst uint8 = new Uint8Array(uint16.buffer);\r\nconst osIsLittleEndian = uint8[0] === 0xff;\r\nexport default class PNGDecoder extends IOBuffer {\r\n constructor(data, options = {}) {\r\n super(data);\r\n const { checkCrc = false } = options;\r\n this._checkCrc = checkCrc;\r\n this._inflator = new Inflator();\r\n this._png = {\r\n width: -1,\r\n height: -1,\r\n channels: -1,\r\n data: new Uint8Array(0),\r\n depth: 1,\r\n text: {},\r\n };\r\n this._end = false;\r\n this._hasPalette = false;\r\n this._palette = [];\r\n this._compressionMethod = CompressionMethod.UNKNOWN;\r\n this._filterMethod = FilterMethod.UNKNOWN;\r\n this._interlaceMethod = InterlaceMethod.UNKNOWN;\r\n this._colorType = -1;\r\n // PNG is always big endian\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#7Integers-and-byte-order\r\n this.setBigEndian();\r\n }\r\n decode() {\r\n this.decodeSignature();\r\n while (!this._end) {\r\n this.decodeChunk();\r\n }\r\n this.decodeImage();\r\n return this._png;\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#5PNG-file-signature\r\n decodeSignature() {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < pngSignature.length; i++) {\r\n if (this.readUint8() !== pngSignature[i]) {\r\n throw new Error(`wrong PNG signature. Byte at ${i} should be ${pngSignature[i]}.`);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#5Chunk-layout\r\n decodeChunk() {\r\n const length = this.readUint32();\r\n const type = this.readChars(4);\r\n const offset = this.offset;\r\n switch (type) {\r\n // 11.2 Critical chunks\r\n case 'IHDR': // 11.2.2 IHDR Image header\r\n this.decodeIHDR();\r\n break;\r\n case 'PLTE': // 11.2.3 PLTE Palette\r\n this.decodePLTE(length);\r\n break;\r\n case 'IDAT': // 11.2.4 IDAT Image data\r\n this.decodeIDAT(length);\r\n break;\r\n case 'IEND': // 11.2.5 IEND Image trailer\r\n this._end = true;\r\n break;\r\n // 11.3 Ancillary chunks\r\n case 'tRNS': // tRNS Transparency\r\n this.decodetRNS(length);\r\n break;\r\n case 'tEXt': // tEXt Textual data\r\n this.decodetEXt(length);\r\n break;\r\n case 'pHYs': // pHYs Physical pixel dimensions\r\n this.decodepHYs();\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n this.skip(length);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if (this.offset - offset !== length) {\r\n throw new Error(`Length mismatch while decoding chunk ${type}`);\r\n }\r\n if (this._checkCrc) {\r\n const expectedCrc = this.readUint32();\r\n const crcLength = length + 4; // includes type\r\n const actualCrc = crc(new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.byteOffset + this.offset - crcLength - 4, crcLength), crcLength); // \"- 4\" because we already advanced by reading the CRC\r\n if (actualCrc !== expectedCrc) {\r\n throw new Error(`CRC mismatch for chunk ${type}. Expected ${expectedCrc}, found ${actualCrc}`);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.skip(4);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IHDR\r\n decodeIHDR() {\r\n const image = this._png;\r\n image.width = this.readUint32();\r\n image.height = this.readUint32();\r\n image.depth = checkBitDepth(this.readUint8());\r\n const colorType = this.readUint8();\r\n this._colorType = colorType;\r\n let channels;\r\n switch (colorType) {\r\n case ColorType.GREYSCALE:\r\n channels = 1;\r\n break;\r\n case ColorType.TRUECOLOUR:\r\n channels = 3;\r\n break;\r\n case ColorType.INDEXED_COLOUR:\r\n channels = 1;\r\n break;\r\n case ColorType.GREYSCALE_ALPHA:\r\n channels = 2;\r\n break;\r\n case ColorType.TRUECOLOUR_ALPHA:\r\n channels = 4;\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n throw new Error(`Unknown color type: ${colorType}`);\r\n }\r\n this._png.channels = channels;\r\n this._compressionMethod = this.readUint8();\r\n if (this._compressionMethod !== CompressionMethod.DEFLATE) {\r\n throw new Error(`Unsupported compression method: ${this._compressionMethod}`);\r\n }\r\n this._filterMethod = this.readUint8();\r\n this._interlaceMethod = this.readUint8();\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11PLTE\r\n decodePLTE(length) {\r\n if (length % 3 !== 0) {\r\n throw new RangeError(`PLTE field length must be a multiple of 3. Got ${length}`);\r\n }\r\n const l = length / 3;\r\n this._hasPalette = true;\r\n const palette = [];\r\n this._palette = palette;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {\r\n palette.push([this.readUint8(), this.readUint8(), this.readUint8()]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IDAT\r\n decodeIDAT(length) {\r\n this._inflator.push(new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.offset + this.byteOffset, length), false);\r\n this.skip(length);\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11tRNS\r\n decodetRNS(length) {\r\n // TODO: support other color types.\r\n if (this._colorType === 3) {\r\n if (length > this._palette.length) {\r\n throw new Error(`tRNS chunk contains more alpha values than there are palette colors (${length} vs ${this._palette.length})`);\r\n }\r\n let i = 0;\r\n for (; i < length; i++) {\r\n const alpha = this.readByte();\r\n this._palette[i].push(alpha);\r\n }\r\n for (; i < this._palette.length; i++) {\r\n this._palette[i].push(255);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11tEXt\r\n decodetEXt(length) {\r\n let keyword = '';\r\n let char;\r\n while ((char = this.readChar()) !== NULL) {\r\n keyword += char;\r\n }\r\n this._png.text[keyword] = this.readChars(length - keyword.length - 1);\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11pHYs\r\n decodepHYs() {\r\n const ppuX = this.readUint32();\r\n const ppuY = this.readUint32();\r\n const unitSpecifier = this.readByte();\r\n this._png.resolution = { x: ppuX, y: ppuY, unit: unitSpecifier };\r\n }\r\n decodeImage() {\r\n this._inflator.push(empty, true);\r\n if (this._inflator.err) {\r\n throw new Error(`Error while decompressing the data: ${this._inflator.err}`);\r\n }\r\n const data = this._inflator.result;\r\n if (this._filterMethod !== FilterMethod.ADAPTIVE) {\r\n throw new Error(`Filter method ${this._filterMethod} not supported`);\r\n }\r\n if (this._interlaceMethod === InterlaceMethod.NO_INTERLACE) {\r\n this.decodeInterlaceNull(data);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n throw new Error(`Interlace method ${this._interlaceMethod} not supported`);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n decodeInterlaceNull(data) {\r\n const height = this._png.height;\r\n const bytesPerPixel = (this._png.channels * this._png.depth) / 8;\r\n const bytesPerLine = this._png.width * bytesPerPixel;\r\n const newData = new Uint8Array(this._png.height * bytesPerLine);\r\n let prevLine = empty;\r\n let offset = 0;\r\n let currentLine;\r\n let newLine;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {\r\n currentLine = data.subarray(offset + 1, offset + 1 + bytesPerLine);\r\n newLine = newData.subarray(i * bytesPerLine, (i + 1) * bytesPerLine);\r\n switch (data[offset]) {\r\n case 0:\r\n unfilterNone(currentLine, newLine, bytesPerLine);\r\n break;\r\n case 1:\r\n unfilterSub(currentLine, newLine, bytesPerLine, bytesPerPixel);\r\n break;\r\n case 2:\r\n unfilterUp(currentLine, newLine, prevLine, bytesPerLine);\r\n break;\r\n case 3:\r\n unfilterAverage(currentLine, newLine, prevLine, bytesPerLine, bytesPerPixel);\r\n break;\r\n case 4:\r\n unfilterPaeth(currentLine, newLine, prevLine, bytesPerLine, bytesPerPixel);\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n throw new Error(`Unsupported filter: ${data[offset]}`);\r\n }\r\n prevLine = newLine;\r\n offset += bytesPerLine + 1;\r\n }\r\n if (this._hasPalette) {\r\n this._png.palette = this._palette;\r\n }\r\n if (this._png.depth === 16) {\r\n const uint16Data = new Uint16Array(newData.buffer);\r\n if (osIsLittleEndian) {\r\n for (let k = 0; k < uint16Data.length; k++) {\r\n // PNG is always big endian. Swap the bytes.\r\n uint16Data[k] = swap16(uint16Data[k]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this._png.data = uint16Data;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this._png.data = newData;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction unfilterNone(currentLine, newLine, bytesPerLine) {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = currentLine[i];\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction unfilterSub(currentLine, newLine, bytesPerLine, bytesPerPixel) {\r\n let i = 0;\r\n for (; i < bytesPerPixel; i++) {\r\n // just copy first bytes\r\n newLine[i] = currentLine[i];\r\n }\r\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = (currentLine[i] + newLine[i - bytesPerPixel]) & 0xff;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction unfilterUp(currentLine, newLine, prevLine, bytesPerLine) {\r\n let i = 0;\r\n if (prevLine.length === 0) {\r\n // just copy bytes for first line\r\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = currentLine[i];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = (currentLine[i] + prevLine[i]) & 0xff;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction unfilterAverage(currentLine, newLine, prevLine, bytesPerLine, bytesPerPixel) {\r\n let i = 0;\r\n if (prevLine.length === 0) {\r\n for (; i < bytesPerPixel; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = currentLine[i];\r\n }\r\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = (currentLine[i] + (newLine[i - bytesPerPixel] >> 1)) & 0xff;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n for (; i < bytesPerPixel; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = (currentLine[i] + (prevLine[i] >> 1)) & 0xff;\r\n }\r\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] =\r\n (currentLine[i] + ((newLine[i - bytesPerPixel] + prevLine[i]) >> 1)) &\r\n 0xff;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction unfilterPaeth(currentLine, newLine, prevLine, bytesPerLine, bytesPerPixel) {\r\n let i = 0;\r\n if (prevLine.length === 0) {\r\n for (; i < bytesPerPixel; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = currentLine[i];\r\n }\r\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = (currentLine[i] + newLine[i - bytesPerPixel]) & 0xff;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n for (; i < bytesPerPixel; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] = (currentLine[i] + prevLine[i]) & 0xff;\r\n }\r\n for (; i < bytesPerLine; i++) {\r\n newLine[i] =\r\n (currentLine[i] +\r\n paethPredictor(newLine[i - bytesPerPixel], prevLine[i], prevLine[i - bytesPerPixel])) &\r\n 0xff;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction paethPredictor(a, b, c) {\r\n const p = a + b - c;\r\n const pa = Math.abs(p - a);\r\n const pb = Math.abs(p - b);\r\n const pc = Math.abs(p - c);\r\n if (pa <= pb && pa <= pc)\r\n return a;\r\n else if (pb <= pc)\r\n return b;\r\n else\r\n return c;\r\n}\r\nfunction swap16(val) {\r\n return ((val & 0xff) << 8) | ((val >> 8) & 0xff);\r\n}\r\nfunction checkBitDepth(value) {\r\n if (value !== 1 &&\r\n value !== 2 &&\r\n value !== 4 &&\r\n value !== 8 &&\r\n value !== 16) {\r\n throw new Error(`invalid bit depth: ${value}`);\r\n }\r\n return value;\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=PNGDecoder.js.map" }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGEncoder.js", "name": 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"source": "import { IOBuffer } from 'iobuffer';\r\nimport { deflate } from 'pako';\r\nimport { pngSignature, crc } from './common';\r\nimport { ColorType, CompressionMethod, FilterMethod, InterlaceMethod, } from './internalTypes';\r\nconst defaultZlibOptions = {\r\n level: 3,\r\n};\r\nexport default class PNGEncoder extends IOBuffer {\r\n constructor(data, options = {}) {\r\n super();\r\n this._colorType = ColorType.UNKNOWN;\r\n this._zlibOptions = Object.assign({}, defaultZlibOptions, options.zlib);\r\n this._png = this._checkData(data);\r\n this.setBigEndian();\r\n }\r\n encode() {\r\n this.encodeSignature();\r\n this.encodeIHDR();\r\n this.encodeData();\r\n this.encodeIEND();\r\n return this.toArray();\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#5PNG-file-signature\r\n encodeSignature() {\r\n this.writeBytes(pngSignature);\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IHDR\r\n encodeIHDR() {\r\n this.writeUint32(13);\r\n this.writeChars('IHDR');\r\n this.writeUint32(this._png.width);\r\n this.writeUint32(this._png.height);\r\n this.writeByte(this._png.depth);\r\n this.writeByte(this._colorType);\r\n this.writeByte(CompressionMethod.DEFLATE);\r\n this.writeByte(FilterMethod.ADAPTIVE);\r\n this.writeByte(InterlaceMethod.NO_INTERLACE);\r\n this.writeCrc(17);\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IEND\r\n encodeIEND() {\r\n this.writeUint32(0);\r\n this.writeChars('IEND');\r\n this.writeCrc(4);\r\n }\r\n // https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/#11IDAT\r\n encodeIDAT(data) {\r\n this.writeUint32(data.length);\r\n this.writeChars('IDAT');\r\n this.writeBytes(data);\r\n this.writeCrc(data.length + 4);\r\n }\r\n encodeData() {\r\n const { width, height, channels, depth, data } = this._png;\r\n const slotsPerLine = channels * width;\r\n const newData = new IOBuffer().setBigEndian();\r\n let offset = 0;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {\r\n newData.writeByte(0); // no filter\r\n /* istanbul ignore else */\r\n if (depth === 8) {\r\n offset = writeDataBytes(data, newData, slotsPerLine, offset);\r\n }\r\n else if (depth === 16) {\r\n offset = writeDataUint16(data, newData, slotsPerLine, offset);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n throw new Error('unreachable');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const buffer = newData.toArray();\r\n const compressed = deflate(buffer, this._zlibOptions);\r\n this.encodeIDAT(compressed);\r\n }\r\n _checkData(data) {\r\n const { colorType, channels, depth } = getColorType(data);\r\n const png = {\r\n width: checkInteger(data.width, 'width'),\r\n height: checkInteger(data.height, 'height'),\r\n channels: channels,\r\n data: data.data,\r\n depth: depth,\r\n text: {},\r\n };\r\n this._colorType = colorType;\r\n const expectedSize = png.width * png.height * channels;\r\n if (png.data.length !== expectedSize) {\r\n throw new RangeError(`wrong data size. Found ${png.data.length}, expected ${expectedSize}`);\r\n }\r\n return png;\r\n }\r\n writeCrc(length) {\r\n this.writeUint32(crc(new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.byteOffset + this.offset - length, length), length));\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction checkInteger(value, name) {\r\n if (Number.isInteger(value) && value > 0) {\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n throw new TypeError(`${name} must be a positive integer`);\r\n}\r\nfunction getColorType(data) {\r\n const { channels = 4, depth = 8 } = data;\r\n if (channels !== 4 && channels !== 3 && channels !== 2 && channels !== 1) {\r\n throw new RangeError(`unsupported number of channels: ${channels}`);\r\n }\r\n if (depth !== 8 && depth !== 16) {\r\n throw new RangeError(`unsupported bit depth: ${depth}`);\r\n }\r\n const returnValue = { channels, depth, colorType: ColorType.UNKNOWN };\r\n switch (channels) {\r\n case 4:\r\n returnValue.colorType = ColorType.TRUECOLOUR_ALPHA;\r\n break;\r\n case 3:\r\n returnValue.colorType = ColorType.TRUECOLOUR;\r\n break;\r\n case 1:\r\n returnValue.colorType = ColorType.GREYSCALE;\r\n break;\r\n case 2:\r\n returnValue.colorType = ColorType.GREYSCALE_ALPHA;\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n throw new Error(`unsupported number of channels: ${channels}`);\r\n }\r\n return returnValue;\r\n}\r\nfunction writeDataBytes(data, newData, slotsPerLine, offset) {\r\n for (let j = 0; j < slotsPerLine; j++) {\r\n newData.writeByte(data[offset++]);\r\n }\r\n return offset;\r\n}\r\nfunction writeDataUint16(data, newData, slotsPerLine, offset) {\r\n for (let j = 0; j < slotsPerLine; j++) {\r\n newData.writeUint16(data[offset++]);\r\n }\r\n return offset;\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=PNGEncoder.js.map" }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\types.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/types.js", "index": 27, "index2": 24, "size": 419, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [], "issuer": 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\"UNKNOWN\";\r\n /**\r\n * Unit is the metre\r\n */\r\n ResolutionUnitSpecifier[ResolutionUnitSpecifier[\"METRE\"] = 1] = \"METRE\";\r\n})(ResolutionUnitSpecifier || (ResolutionUnitSpecifier = {}));\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=types.js.map" }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\iobuffer\\lib-esm\\IOBuffer.js", "name": "./node_modules/iobuffer/lib-esm/IOBuffer.js", "index": 5, "index2": 3, "size": 13016, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "issuerId": null, "issuerName": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\webp\\webp.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/webp/webp.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4, 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specifier", "userRequest": "iobuffer", "loc": "10:40-48" }, { "moduleId": null, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGEncoder.js", "module": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGEncoder.js", "moduleName": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGEncoder.js", "type": "harmony import specifier", "userRequest": "iobuffer", "loc": "56:28-36" } ], "usedExports": [ "IOBuffer" ], "providedExports": [ "IOBuffer" ], "optimizationBailout": [], "depth": 4, "source": "import { decode, encode } from './utf8';\r\nconst defaultByteLength = 1024 * 8;\r\nexport class IOBuffer {\r\n /**\r\n * @param data - The data to construct the IOBuffer with.\r\n * If data is a number, it will be the new buffer's length
              \r\n * If data is `undefined`, the buffer will be initialized with a default length of 8Kb
              \r\n * If data is an ArrayBuffer, SharedArrayBuffer, an ArrayBufferView (Typed Array), an IOBuffer instance,\r\n * or a Node.js Buffer, a view will be created over the underlying ArrayBuffer.\r\n * @param options\r\n */\r\n constructor(data = defaultByteLength, options = {}) {\r\n let dataIsGiven = false;\r\n if (typeof data === 'number') {\r\n data = new ArrayBuffer(data);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n dataIsGiven = true;\r\n this.lastWrittenByte = data.byteLength;\r\n }\r\n const offset = options.offset ? options.offset >>> 0 : 0;\r\n const byteLength = data.byteLength - offset;\r\n let dvOffset = offset;\r\n if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data) || data instanceof IOBuffer) {\r\n if (data.byteLength !== data.buffer.byteLength) {\r\n dvOffset = data.byteOffset + offset;\r\n }\r\n data = data.buffer;\r\n }\r\n if (dataIsGiven) {\r\n this.lastWrittenByte = byteLength;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.lastWrittenByte = 0;\r\n }\r\n this.buffer = data;\r\n this.length = byteLength;\r\n this.byteLength = byteLength;\r\n this.byteOffset = dvOffset;\r\n this.offset = 0;\r\n this.littleEndian = true;\r\n this._data = new DataView(this.buffer, dvOffset, byteLength);\r\n this._mark = 0;\r\n this._marks = [];\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Checks if the memory allocated to the buffer is sufficient to store more\r\n * bytes after the offset.\r\n * @param byteLength - The needed memory in bytes.\r\n * @returns `true` if there is sufficient space and `false` otherwise.\r\n */\r\n available(byteLength = 1) {\r\n return this.offset + byteLength <= this.length;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Check if little-endian mode is used for reading and writing multi-byte\r\n * values.\r\n * @returns `true` if little-endian mode is used, `false` otherwise.\r\n */\r\n isLittleEndian() {\r\n return this.littleEndian;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Set little-endian mode for reading and writing multi-byte values.\r\n */\r\n setLittleEndian() {\r\n this.littleEndian = true;\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Check if big-endian mode is used for reading and writing multi-byte values.\r\n * @returns `true` if big-endian mode is used, `false` otherwise.\r\n */\r\n isBigEndian() {\r\n return !this.littleEndian;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Switches to big-endian mode for reading and writing multi-byte values.\r\n */\r\n setBigEndian() {\r\n this.littleEndian = false;\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Move the pointer n bytes forward.\r\n * @param n - Number of bytes to skip.\r\n */\r\n skip(n = 1) {\r\n this.offset += n;\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Move the pointer to the given offset.\r\n * @param offset\r\n */\r\n seek(offset) {\r\n this.offset = offset;\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Store the current pointer offset.\r\n * @see {@link IOBuffer#reset}\r\n */\r\n mark() {\r\n this._mark = this.offset;\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Move the pointer back to the last pointer offset set by mark.\r\n * @see {@link IOBuffer#mark}\r\n */\r\n reset() {\r\n this.offset = this._mark;\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Push the current pointer offset to the mark stack.\r\n * @see {@link IOBuffer#popMark}\r\n */\r\n pushMark() {\r\n this._marks.push(this.offset);\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Pop the last pointer offset from the mark stack, and set the current\r\n * pointer offset to the popped value.\r\n * @see {@link IOBuffer#pushMark}\r\n */\r\n popMark() {\r\n const offset = this._marks.pop();\r\n if (offset === undefined) {\r\n throw new Error('Mark stack empty');\r\n }\r\n this.seek(offset);\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Move the pointer offset back to 0.\r\n */\r\n rewind() {\r\n this.offset = 0;\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Make sure the buffer has sufficient memory to write a given byteLength at\r\n * the current pointer offset.\r\n * If the buffer's memory is insufficient, this method will create a new\r\n * buffer (a copy) with a length that is twice (byteLength + current offset).\r\n * @param byteLength\r\n */\r\n ensureAvailable(byteLength = 1) {\r\n if (!this.available(byteLength)) {\r\n const lengthNeeded = this.offset + byteLength;\r\n const newLength = lengthNeeded * 2;\r\n const newArray = new Uint8Array(newLength);\r\n newArray.set(new Uint8Array(this.buffer));\r\n this.buffer = newArray.buffer;\r\n this.length = this.byteLength = newLength;\r\n this._data = new DataView(this.buffer);\r\n }\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read a byte and return false if the byte's value is 0, or true otherwise.\r\n * Moves pointer forward by one byte.\r\n */\r\n readBoolean() {\r\n return this.readUint8() !== 0;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read a signed 8-bit integer and move pointer forward by 1 byte.\r\n */\r\n readInt8() {\r\n return this._data.getInt8(this.offset++);\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read an unsigned 8-bit integer and move pointer forward by 1 byte.\r\n */\r\n readUint8() {\r\n return this._data.getUint8(this.offset++);\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Alias for {@link IOBuffer#readUint8}.\r\n */\r\n readByte() {\r\n return this.readUint8();\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read `n` bytes and move pointer forward by `n` bytes.\r\n */\r\n readBytes(n = 1) {\r\n const bytes = new Uint8Array(n);\r\n for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {\r\n bytes[i] = this.readByte();\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read a 16-bit signed integer and move pointer forward by 2 bytes.\r\n */\r\n readInt16() {\r\n const value = this._data.getInt16(this.offset, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 2;\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read a 16-bit unsigned integer and move pointer forward by 2 bytes.\r\n */\r\n readUint16() {\r\n const value = this._data.getUint16(this.offset, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 2;\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read a 32-bit signed integer and move pointer forward by 4 bytes.\r\n */\r\n readInt32() {\r\n const value = this._data.getInt32(this.offset, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 4;\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read a 32-bit unsigned integer and move pointer forward by 4 bytes.\r\n */\r\n readUint32() {\r\n const value = this._data.getUint32(this.offset, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 4;\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read a 32-bit floating number and move pointer forward by 4 bytes.\r\n */\r\n readFloat32() {\r\n const value = this._data.getFloat32(this.offset, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 4;\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read a 64-bit floating number and move pointer forward by 8 bytes.\r\n */\r\n readFloat64() {\r\n const value = this._data.getFloat64(this.offset, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 8;\r\n return value;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read a 1-byte ASCII character and move pointer forward by 1 byte.\r\n */\r\n readChar() {\r\n return String.fromCharCode(this.readInt8());\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read `n` 1-byte ASCII characters and move pointer forward by `n` bytes.\r\n */\r\n readChars(n = 1) {\r\n let result = '';\r\n for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {\r\n result += this.readChar();\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Read the next `n` bytes, return a UTF-8 decoded string and move pointer\r\n * forward by `n` bytes.\r\n */\r\n readUtf8(n = 1) {\r\n return decode(this.readBytes(n));\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write 0xff if the passed value is truthy, 0x00 otherwise and move pointer\r\n * forward by 1 byte.\r\n */\r\n writeBoolean(value) {\r\n this.writeUint8(value ? 0xff : 0x00);\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write `value` as an 8-bit signed integer and move pointer forward by 1 byte.\r\n */\r\n writeInt8(value) {\r\n this.ensureAvailable(1);\r\n this._data.setInt8(this.offset++, value);\r\n this._updateLastWrittenByte();\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write `value` as an 8-bit unsigned integer and move pointer forward by 1\r\n * byte.\r\n */\r\n writeUint8(value) {\r\n this.ensureAvailable(1);\r\n this._data.setUint8(this.offset++, value);\r\n this._updateLastWrittenByte();\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * An alias for {@link IOBuffer#writeUint8}.\r\n */\r\n writeByte(value) {\r\n return this.writeUint8(value);\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write all elements of `bytes` as uint8 values and move pointer forward by\r\n * `bytes.length` bytes.\r\n */\r\n writeBytes(bytes) {\r\n this.ensureAvailable(bytes.length);\r\n for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {\r\n this._data.setUint8(this.offset++, bytes[i]);\r\n }\r\n this._updateLastWrittenByte();\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write `value` as a 16-bit signed integer and move pointer forward by 2\r\n * bytes.\r\n */\r\n writeInt16(value) {\r\n this.ensureAvailable(2);\r\n this._data.setInt16(this.offset, value, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 2;\r\n this._updateLastWrittenByte();\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write `value` as a 16-bit unsigned integer and move pointer forward by 2\r\n * bytes.\r\n */\r\n writeUint16(value) {\r\n this.ensureAvailable(2);\r\n this._data.setUint16(this.offset, value, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 2;\r\n this._updateLastWrittenByte();\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write `value` as a 32-bit signed integer and move pointer forward by 4\r\n * bytes.\r\n */\r\n writeInt32(value) {\r\n this.ensureAvailable(4);\r\n this._data.setInt32(this.offset, value, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 4;\r\n this._updateLastWrittenByte();\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write `value` as a 32-bit unsigned integer and move pointer forward by 4\r\n * bytes.\r\n */\r\n writeUint32(value) {\r\n this.ensureAvailable(4);\r\n this._data.setUint32(this.offset, value, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 4;\r\n this._updateLastWrittenByte();\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write `value` as a 32-bit floating number and move pointer forward by 4\r\n * bytes.\r\n */\r\n writeFloat32(value) {\r\n this.ensureAvailable(4);\r\n this._data.setFloat32(this.offset, value, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 4;\r\n this._updateLastWrittenByte();\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write `value` as a 64-bit floating number and move pointer forward by 8\r\n * bytes.\r\n */\r\n writeFloat64(value) {\r\n this.ensureAvailable(8);\r\n this._data.setFloat64(this.offset, value, this.littleEndian);\r\n this.offset += 8;\r\n this._updateLastWrittenByte();\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write the charCode of `str`'s first character as an 8-bit unsigned integer\r\n * and move pointer forward by 1 byte.\r\n */\r\n writeChar(str) {\r\n return this.writeUint8(str.charCodeAt(0));\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Write the charCodes of all `str`'s characters as 8-bit unsigned integers\r\n * and move pointer forward by `str.length` bytes.\r\n */\r\n writeChars(str) {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {\r\n this.writeUint8(str.charCodeAt(i));\r\n }\r\n return this;\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * UTF-8 encode and write `str` to the current pointer offset and move pointer\r\n * forward according to the encoded length.\r\n */\r\n writeUtf8(str) {\r\n return this.writeBytes(encode(str));\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Export a Uint8Array view of the internal buffer.\r\n * The view starts at the byte offset and its length\r\n * is calculated to stop at the last written byte or the original length.\r\n */\r\n toArray() {\r\n return new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.byteOffset, this.lastWrittenByte);\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * Update the last written byte offset\r\n * @private\r\n */\r\n _updateLastWrittenByte() {\r\n if (this.offset > this.lastWrittenByte) {\r\n this.lastWrittenByte = this.offset;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n//# sourceMappingURL=IOBuffer.js.map" }, { "id": null, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\common.js", "name": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/common.js", "index": 24, "index2": 20, "size": 700, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\fast-png\\lib-esm\\PNGDecoder.js", "issuerId": null, "issuerName": "./node_modules/fast-png/lib-esm/PNGDecoder.js", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 8, "identifier": 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exports.longToBytes = exports.bytesToWordss = exports.bytesFromWordss = exports.bytesFromWords = exports.longToInts = exports.bufferConcats = exports.bufferConcat = exports.bytesFromArrayBuffer = exports.convertToByteArray = exports.convertToUint8Array = exports.convertToArrayBuffer = exports.bytesToArrayBuffer = exports.bytesFromBigInt = exports.bytesXor = exports.bytesCmp = exports.blobSafeMimeType = exports.blobConstruct = exports.dataUrlToBlob = exports.base64ToBlob = exports.uint6ToBase64 = exports.bytesToBase64 = exports.bytesFromHex = exports.bytesToHex = exports.bigStringInt = exports.bigint = exports.isObject = exports.dT = void 0;\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nconst jsbn_1 = require(\"jsbn\");\r\n///////////////////////\r\n/////////////\r\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n///////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n////////////////\r\n//////////\r\nvar _logTimer = Date.now();\r\nfunction dT() {\r\n return '[' + ((Date.now() - _logTimer) / 1000).toFixed(3) + ']';\r\n}\r\nexports.dT = dT;\r\nfunction isObject(object) {\r\n return typeof (object) === 'object' && object !== null;\r\n}\r\nexports.isObject = isObject;\r\nfunction bigint(num) {\r\n return new jsbn_1.BigInteger(num.toString(16), 16);\r\n}\r\nexports.bigint = bigint;\r\nfunction bigStringInt(strNum) {\r\n return new jsbn_1.BigInteger(strNum, 10);\r\n}\r\nexports.bigStringInt = bigStringInt;\r\nfunction bytesToHex(bytes) {\r\n bytes = bytes || [];\r\n var arr = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {\r\n arr.push((bytes[i] < 16 ? '0' : '') + (bytes[i] || 0).toString(16));\r\n }\r\n return arr.join('');\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesToHex = bytesToHex;\r\nfunction bytesFromHex(hexString) {\r\n var len = hexString.length, i;\r\n var start = 0;\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n if (hexString.length % 2) {\r\n bytes.push(parseInt(hexString.charAt(0), 16));\r\n start++;\r\n }\r\n for (i = start; i < len; i += 2) {\r\n bytes.push(parseInt(hexString.substr(i, 2), 16));\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromHex = bytesFromHex;\r\nfunction bytesToBase64(bytes) {\r\n var mod3;\r\n var result = '';\r\n for (var nLen = bytes.length, nUint24 = 0, nIdx = 0; nIdx < nLen; nIdx++) {\r\n mod3 = nIdx % 3;\r\n nUint24 |= bytes[nIdx] << (16 >>> mod3 & 24);\r\n if (mod3 === 2 || nLen - nIdx === 1) {\r\n result += String.fromCharCode(uint6ToBase64(nUint24 >>> 18 & 63), uint6ToBase64(nUint24 >>> 12 & 63), uint6ToBase64(nUint24 >>> 6 & 63), uint6ToBase64(nUint24 & 63));\r\n nUint24 = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return result.replace(/A(?=A$|$)/g, '=');\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesToBase64 = bytesToBase64;\r\nfunction uint6ToBase64(nUint6) {\r\n return nUint6 < 26\r\n ? nUint6 + 65\r\n : nUint6 < 52\r\n ? nUint6 + 71\r\n : nUint6 < 62\r\n ? nUint6 - 4\r\n : nUint6 === 62\r\n ? 43\r\n : nUint6 === 63\r\n ? 47\r\n : 65;\r\n}\r\nexports.uint6ToBase64 = uint6ToBase64;\r\nfunction base64ToBlob(base64str, mimeType) {\r\n var sliceSize = 1024;\r\n var byteCharacters = atob(base64str);\r\n var bytesLength = byteCharacters.length;\r\n var slicesCount = Math.ceil(bytesLength / sliceSize);\r\n var byteArrays = new Array(slicesCount);\r\n for (var sliceIndex = 0; sliceIndex < slicesCount; ++sliceIndex) {\r\n var begin = sliceIndex * sliceSize;\r\n var end = Math.min(begin + sliceSize, bytesLength);\r\n var bytes = new Array(end - begin);\r\n for (var offset = begin, i = 0; offset < end; ++i, ++offset) {\r\n bytes[i] = byteCharacters[offset].charCodeAt(0);\r\n }\r\n byteArrays[sliceIndex] = new Uint8Array(bytes);\r\n }\r\n return blobConstruct(byteArrays, mimeType);\r\n}\r\nexports.base64ToBlob = base64ToBlob;\r\nfunction dataUrlToBlob(url) {\r\n // var name = 'b64blob ' + url.length\r\n // console.time(name)\r\n var urlParts = url.split(',');\r\n var base64str = urlParts[1];\r\n var mimeType = urlParts[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0];\r\n var blob = base64ToBlob(base64str, mimeType);\r\n // console.timeEnd(name)\r\n return blob;\r\n}\r\nexports.dataUrlToBlob = dataUrlToBlob;\r\nfunction blobConstruct(blobParts, mimeType = '') {\r\n let blob;\r\n const safeMimeType = blobSafeMimeType(mimeType);\r\n try {\r\n blob = new Blob(blobParts, { type: safeMimeType });\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n let bb = new BlobBuilder;\r\n blobParts.forEach((blobPart) => {\r\n bb.append(blobPart);\r\n });\r\n blob = bb.getBlob(safeMimeType);\r\n }\r\n return blob;\r\n}\r\nexports.blobConstruct = blobConstruct;\r\nfunction blobSafeMimeType(mimeType) {\r\n if ([\r\n 'image/jpeg',\r\n 'image/png',\r\n 'image/gif',\r\n 'image/webp',\r\n 'image/bmp',\r\n 'video/mp4',\r\n 'video/webm',\r\n 'video/quicktime',\r\n 'audio/ogg',\r\n 'audio/mpeg',\r\n 'audio/mp4',\r\n 'application/json'\r\n ].indexOf(mimeType) === -1) {\r\n return 'application/octet-stream';\r\n }\r\n return mimeType;\r\n}\r\nexports.blobSafeMimeType = blobSafeMimeType;\r\nfunction bytesCmp(bytes1, bytes2) {\r\n var len = bytes1.length;\r\n if (len != bytes2.length) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n if (bytes1[i] != bytes2[i]) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesCmp = bytesCmp;\r\nfunction bytesXor(bytes1, bytes2) {\r\n var len = bytes1.length;\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {\r\n bytes[i] = bytes1[i] ^ bytes2[i];\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesXor = bytesXor;\r\nfunction bytesFromBigInt(bigInt, len) {\r\n var bytes = bigInt.toByteArray();\r\n if (len && bytes.length < len) {\r\n var padding = [];\r\n for (var i = 0, needPadding = len - bytes.length; i < needPadding; i++) {\r\n padding[i] = 0;\r\n }\r\n if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n bytes = bufferConcat(padding, bytes);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n bytes = padding.concat(bytes);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n while (!bytes[0] && (!len || bytes.length > len)) {\r\n bytes = bytes.slice(1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromBigInt = bytesFromBigInt;\r\nfunction bytesToArrayBuffer(b) {\r\n return (new Uint8Array(b)).buffer;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesToArrayBuffer = bytesToArrayBuffer;\r\nfunction convertToArrayBuffer(bytes) {\r\n // Be careful with converting subarrays!!\r\n if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n if (bytes.buffer !== undefined &&\r\n bytes.buffer.byteLength == bytes.length * bytes.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) {\r\n return bytes.buffer;\r\n }\r\n return bytesToArrayBuffer(bytes);\r\n}\r\nexports.convertToArrayBuffer = convertToArrayBuffer;\r\nfunction convertToUint8Array(bytes) {\r\n if (bytes.buffer !== undefined) {\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n return new Uint8Array(bytes);\r\n}\r\nexports.convertToUint8Array = convertToUint8Array;\r\nfunction convertToByteArray(bytes) {\r\n if (Array.isArray(bytes)) {\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n bytes = convertToUint8Array(bytes);\r\n var newBytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0, len = bytes.length; i < len; i++) {\r\n newBytes.push(bytes[i]);\r\n }\r\n return newBytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.convertToByteArray = convertToByteArray;\r\nfunction bytesFromArrayBuffer(buffer) {\r\n var len = buffer.byteLength;\r\n var byteView = new Uint8Array(buffer);\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {\r\n bytes[i] = byteView[i];\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromArrayBuffer = bytesFromArrayBuffer;\r\nfunction bufferConcat(buffer1, buffer2) {\r\n var l1 = buffer1.byteLength || buffer1.length;\r\n var l2 = buffer2.byteLength || buffer2.length;\r\n var tmp = new Uint8Array(l1 + l2);\r\n tmp.set(buffer1 instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(buffer1) : buffer1, 0);\r\n tmp.set(buffer2 instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(buffer2) : buffer2, l1);\r\n return tmp.buffer;\r\n}\r\nexports.bufferConcat = bufferConcat;\r\nfunction bufferConcats(...args) {\r\n let length = 0;\r\n args.forEach(b => length += b.byteLength || b.length);\r\n var tmp = new Uint8Array(length);\r\n let lastLength = 0;\r\n args.forEach(b => {\r\n tmp.set(b instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(b) : b, lastLength);\r\n lastLength += b.byteLength || b.length;\r\n });\r\n return tmp /* .buffer */;\r\n}\r\nexports.bufferConcats = bufferConcats;\r\nfunction longToInts(sLong) {\r\n var divRem = bigStringInt(sLong).divideAndRemainder(bigint(0x100000000));\r\n return [divRem[0].intValue(), divRem[1].intValue()];\r\n}\r\nexports.longToInts = longToInts;\r\nfunction bytesFromWords(wordArray) {\r\n var words = wordArray.words;\r\n var sigBytes = wordArray.sigBytes;\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < sigBytes; i++) {\r\n bytes.push((words[i >>> 2] >>> (24 - (i % 4) * 8)) & 0xff);\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromWords = bytesFromWords;\r\nfunction bytesFromWordss(input) {\r\n var o = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < input.length * 4; i++) {\r\n o.push((input[i >>> 2] >>> (24 - (i % 4) * 8)) & 0xff);\r\n }\r\n return o;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromWordss = bytesFromWordss;\r\nfunction bytesToWordss(input) {\r\n let bytes;\r\n if (input instanceof ArrayBuffer)\r\n bytes = new Uint8Array(input);\r\n else\r\n bytes = input;\r\n var len = bytes.length;\r\n var words = [];\r\n var i;\r\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n words[i >>> 2] |= bytes[i] << (24 - (i % 4) * 8);\r\n }\r\n return new Uint32Array(words);\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesToWordss = bytesToWordss;\r\nfunction longToBytes(sLong) {\r\n return bytesFromWords({ words: longToInts(sLong), sigBytes: 8 }).reverse();\r\n}\r\nexports.longToBytes = longToBytes;\r\nfunction longFromInts(high, low) {\r\n return bigint(high).shiftLeft(32).add(bigint(low)).toString(10);\r\n}\r\nexports.longFromInts = longFromInts;\r\nfunction addPadding(bytes, blockSize = 16, zeroes, full = false, prepend = false) {\r\n let len = bytes.byteLength || bytes.length;\r\n let needPadding = blockSize - (len % blockSize);\r\n if (needPadding > 0 && (needPadding < blockSize || full)) {\r\n ////console.log('addPadding()', len, blockSize, needPadding);\r\n let padding = new Array(needPadding);\r\n if (zeroes) {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < needPadding; i++) {\r\n padding[i] = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n (new jsbn_1.SecureRandom()).nextBytes(padding);\r\n }\r\n if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n bytes = prepend ? bufferConcat(padding, bytes) : bufferConcat(bytes, padding);\r\n }\r\n else if (bytes instanceof Uint8Array) {\r\n let _bytes = new Uint8Array(bytes.length + padding.length);\r\n if (prepend) {\r\n _bytes.set(padding);\r\n _bytes.set(bytes, padding.length);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n _bytes.set(bytes);\r\n _bytes.set(padding, bytes.length);\r\n }\r\n bytes = _bytes;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n bytes = prepend ? padding.concat(bytes) : bytes.concat(padding);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.addPadding = addPadding;\r\nfunction nextRandomInt(maxValue) {\r\n return Math.floor(Math.random() * maxValue);\r\n}\r\nexports.nextRandomInt = nextRandomInt;\r\nfunction getFileNameByLocation(location, options) {\r\n const fileName = ''; //(options?.fileName || '').split('.');\r\n const ext = fileName[fileName.length - 1] || '';\r\n switch (location._) {\r\n case 'inputPhotoFileLocation':\r\n case 'inputDocumentFileLocation': {\r\n const thumbPart = location.thumb_size ? '_' + location.thumb_size : '';\r\n return (fileName[0] ? fileName[0] + '_' : '') + location.id + thumbPart + (ext ? '.' + ext : ext);\r\n }\r\n case 'fileLocationToBeDeprecated':\r\n case 'inputPeerPhotoFileLocation':\r\n case 'inputStickerSetThumb':\r\n case 'inputFileLocation': {\r\n return location.volume_id + '_' + location.local_id + (ext ? '.' + ext : ext);\r\n }\r\n default: {\r\n console.error('Unrecognized location:', location);\r\n return '';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.getFileNameByLocation = getFileNameByLocation;\r\n" }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\logger.ts", "name": "./src/lib/logger.ts", "index": 21, "index2": 15, "size": 1851, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerId": 19, "issuerName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": 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exports.LogLevels || (exports.LogLevels = {}));\r\n;\r\nvar _logTimer = Date.now();\r\nfunction dT() {\r\n return '[' + ((Date.now() - _logTimer) / 1000).toFixed(3) + ']';\r\n}\r\nfunction logger(prefix, level = LogLevels.log | LogLevels.warn | LogLevels.error) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV == 'production' /* || true */) {\r\n level = LogLevels.error;\r\n }\r\n //level = LogLevels.log | LogLevels.warn | LogLevels.error | LogLevels.debug\r\n function Log(...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.log && console.log(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n }\r\n Log.warn = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.warn && console.warn(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n Log.info = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.log && console.info(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n Log.error = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.error && console.error(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n Log.trace = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.log && console.trace(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n /* Log.debug = function(...args: any[]) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.debug && console.log(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n }; */\r\n Log.debug = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.debug && console.debug(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n return Log;\r\n}\r\nexports.logger = logger;\r\n;\r\n" }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\cryptoworker.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "index": 18, "index2": 17, "size": 4865, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerId": 19, "issuerName": 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(function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst crypto_methods_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./crypto_methods\"));\r\nclass CryptoWorker extends crypto_methods_1.default {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super();\r\n this.webWorker = false;\r\n this.taskID = 0;\r\n this.awaiting = {};\r\n this.pending = [];\r\n this.debug = false;\r\n this.utils = {};\r\n console.log(bin_utils_1.dT(), 'CW constructor');\r\n //////////////////////////\r\n Promise.all([\r\n Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('./crypto_utils'))).then(utils => {\r\n Object.assign(this.utils, {\r\n 'sha1-hash': utils.sha1HashSync,\r\n 'sha256-hash': utils.sha256HashSync,\r\n 'pbkdf2': utils.hash_pbkdf2,\r\n 'aes-encrypt': utils.aesEncryptSync,\r\n 'aes-decrypt': utils.aesDecryptSync,\r\n 'rsa-encrypt': utils.rsaEncrypt,\r\n 'factorize': utils.pqPrimeFactorization,\r\n 'mod-pow': utils.bytesModPow,\r\n 'gzipUncompress': utils.gzipUncompress,\r\n });\r\n }),\r\n Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('./srp'))).then(srp => {\r\n this.utils.computeSRP = srp.computeSRP;\r\n }) /* ,\r\n \r\n import('../bin_utils').then(utils => {\r\n this.utils.unzip = utils.gzipUncompress;\r\n }) */\r\n ]);\r\n return;\r\n /////////////\r\n ///////////////////////\r\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n /////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n ///////////////////////////////////////\r\n ///////////////////////////////////////////\r\n ///////////////////////////////\r\n ///////////////////////////////////////\r\n ///////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n //////////////////////////////////\r\n //////////////////\r\n ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n ///////////\r\n //////////\r\n /////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n ///////////////////////////////////////////\r\n /////////////////////////////////\r\n //////////\r\n /////////\r\n /////\r\n //////////////\r\n }\r\n finalizeTask(taskID, result) {\r\n let deferred = this.awaiting[taskID];\r\n if (deferred !== undefined) {\r\n this.debug && console.log(bin_utils_1.dT(), 'CW done', deferred.taskName, result);\r\n deferred.resolve(result);\r\n delete this.awaiting[taskID];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n performTaskWorker(task, ...args) {\r\n this.debug && console.log(bin_utils_1.dT(), 'CW start', task, args);\r\n //////////////////////////\r\n return Promise.resolve(this.utils[task](...args));\r\n /////////////\r\n ////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n //\r\n ////////////////////\r\n /////////////\r\n ////////////////////////////\r\n ////////////\r\n ////////\r\n ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n ////////////////////////////////\r\n ////////////////////////////\r\n //\r\n ////////////////////\r\n ///////\r\n //////////////\r\n }\r\n releasePending() {\r\n if (this.webWorker) {\r\n this.pending.forEach(pending => {\r\n this.webWorker.postMessage(pending);\r\n });\r\n this.pending.length = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nconst cryptoWorker = new CryptoWorker();\r\n//(window as any).CryptoWorker = cryptoWorker;\r\nexports.default = cryptoWorker;\r\n" }, { "id": 3, "identifier": 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../storage", "loc": "7:34-55" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 1, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst mtproto_config_1 = require(\"./mtproto/mtproto_config\");\r\nconst context_1 = require(\"../helpers/context\");\r\nclass ConfigStorage {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.keyPrefix = '';\r\n this.noPrefix = false;\r\n this.cache = {};\r\n this.useLs = true;\r\n }\r\n storageGetPrefix() {\r\n if (this.noPrefix) {\r\n this.noPrefix = false;\r\n return '';\r\n }\r\n return this.keyPrefix;\r\n }\r\n get(keys, callback) {\r\n var single = false;\r\n if (!Array.isArray(keys)) {\r\n keys = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);\r\n callback = keys.pop();\r\n single = keys.length == 1;\r\n }\r\n var result = [], value;\r\n var allFound = true;\r\n var prefix = this.storageGetPrefix(), i, key;\r\n for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\r\n key = keys[i] = prefix + keys[i];\r\n if (key.substr(0, 3) != 'xt_' && this.cache[key] !== undefined) {\r\n result.push(this.cache[key]);\r\n }\r\n else if (this.useLs) {\r\n try {\r\n value = localStorage.getItem(key);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.useLs = false;\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n value = (value === undefined || value === null) ? false : JSON.parse(value);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n value = false;\r\n }\r\n result.push(this.cache[key] = value);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n allFound = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (allFound) {\r\n return callback(single ? result[0] : result);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n set(obj, callback) {\r\n var keyValues = {};\r\n var prefix = this.storageGetPrefix(), key, value;\r\n //console.log('storageSetValue', obj, callback, arguments);\r\n for (key in obj) {\r\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\r\n value = obj[key];\r\n key = prefix + key;\r\n this.cache[key] = value;\r\n value = JSON.stringify(value, (key, value) => {\r\n if (key == 'downloaded' || (key == 'url' && value.indexOf('blob:') === 0))\r\n return undefined;\r\n return value;\r\n });\r\n if (this.useLs) {\r\n try {\r\n //console.log('setItem', key, value);\r\n localStorage.setItem(key, value);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.useLs = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n keyValues[key] = value;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (this.useLs) {\r\n if (callback) {\r\n callback();\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n remove(keys, callback) {\r\n if (!Array.isArray(keys)) {\r\n keys = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);\r\n if (typeof keys[keys.length - 1] === 'function') {\r\n callback = keys.pop();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n var prefix = this.storageGetPrefix(), i, key;\r\n for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\r\n key = keys[i] = prefix + keys[i];\r\n delete this.cache[key];\r\n if (this.useLs) {\r\n try {\r\n localStorage.removeItem(key);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.useLs = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (callback) {\r\n callback();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n clear(callback) {\r\n if (this.useLs) {\r\n try {\r\n localStorage.clear();\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.useLs = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.cache = {};\r\n callback();\r\n }\r\n}\r\nclass AppStorage {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.taskID = 0;\r\n this.tasks = {};\r\n //private log = (...args: any[]) => console.log('[SW LS]', ...args);\r\n this.log = (...args) => { };\r\n if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.test) {\r\n this.setPrefix('t_');\r\n }\r\n if (!context_1.isWorker) {\r\n this.configStorage = new ConfigStorage();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setPrefix(newPrefix) {\r\n if (this.configStorage) {\r\n this.configStorage.keyPrefix = newPrefix;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n noPrefix() {\r\n if (this.configStorage) {\r\n this.configStorage.noPrefix = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n finishTask(taskID, result) {\r\n this.log('finishTask:', taskID, result, Object.keys(this.tasks));\r\n if (!this.tasks.hasOwnProperty(taskID)) {\r\n this.log('no such task:', taskID, result);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.tasks[taskID](result);\r\n delete this.tasks[taskID];\r\n }\r\n proxy(methodName, ..._args) {\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n if (context_1.isWorker) {\r\n const taskID = this.taskID++;\r\n this.tasks[taskID] = resolve;\r\n const task = { useLs: true, task: methodName, taskID, args: _args };\r\n context_1.notifySomeone(task);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let args = Array.prototype.slice.call(_args);\r\n args.push((result) => {\r\n resolve(result);\r\n });\r\n this.configStorage[methodName].apply(this.configStorage, args);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n get(...args) {\r\n return this.proxy('get', ...args);\r\n }\r\n set(...args) {\r\n //console.trace(...args);\r\n return this.proxy('set', ...args);\r\n }\r\n remove(...args) {\r\n return this.proxy('remove', ...args);\r\n }\r\n clear(...args) {\r\n return this.proxy('clear', ...args);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = new AppStorage();\r\n" }, { "id": 4, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto_config.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto_config.ts", "index": 6, "index2": 3, "size": 467, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\storage.ts", "issuerId": 3, "issuerName": "./src/lib/storage.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": 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for details.\n\n // Basic JavaScript BN library - subset useful for RSA encryption.\n\n // Bits per digit\n var dbits;\n\n // JavaScript engine analysis\n var canary = 0xdeadbeefcafe;\n var j_lm = ((canary&0xffffff)==0xefcafe);\n\n // (public) Constructor\n function BigInteger(a,b,c) {\n if(a != null)\n if(\"number\" == typeof a) this.fromNumber(a,b,c);\n else if(b == null && \"string\" != typeof a) this.fromString(a,256);\n else this.fromString(a,b);\n }\n\n // return new, unset BigInteger\n function nbi() { return new BigInteger(null); }\n\n // am: Compute w_j += (x*this_i), propagate carries,\n // c is initial carry, returns final carry.\n // c < 3*dvalue, x < 2*dvalue, this_i < dvalue\n // We need to select the fastest one that works in this environment.\n\n // am1: use a single mult and divide to get the high bits,\n // max digit bits should be 26 because\n // max internal value = 2*dvalue^2-2*dvalue (< 2^53)\n function am1(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var v = x*this[i++]+w[j]+c;\n c = Math.floor(v/0x4000000);\n w[j++] = v&0x3ffffff;\n }\n return c;\n }\n // am2 avoids a big mult-and-extract completely.\n // Max digit bits should be <= 30 because we do bitwise ops\n // on values up to 2*hdvalue^2-hdvalue-1 (< 2^31)\n function am2(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n var xl = x&0x7fff, xh = x>>15;\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var l = this[i]&0x7fff;\n var h = this[i++]>>15;\n var m = xh*l+h*xl;\n l = xl*l+((m&0x7fff)<<15)+w[j]+(c&0x3fffffff);\n c = (l>>>30)+(m>>>15)+xh*h+(c>>>30);\n w[j++] = l&0x3fffffff;\n }\n return c;\n }\n // Alternately, set max digit bits to 28 since some\n // browsers slow down when dealing with 32-bit numbers.\n function am3(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n var xl = x&0x3fff, xh = x>>14;\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var l = this[i]&0x3fff;\n var h = this[i++]>>14;\n var m = xh*l+h*xl;\n l = xl*l+((m&0x3fff)<<14)+w[j]+c;\n c = (l>>28)+(m>>14)+xh*h;\n w[j++] = l&0xfffffff;\n }\n return c;\n }\n var inBrowser = typeof navigator !== \"undefined\";\n if(inBrowser && j_lm && (navigator.appName == \"Microsoft Internet Explorer\")) {\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am2;\n dbits = 30;\n }\n else if(inBrowser && j_lm && (navigator.appName != \"Netscape\")) {\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am1;\n dbits = 26;\n }\n else { // Mozilla/Netscape seems to prefer am3\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am3;\n dbits = 28;\n }\n\n BigInteger.prototype.DB = dbits;\n BigInteger.prototype.DM = ((1<= 0; --i) r[i] = this[i];\n r.t = this.t;\n r.s = this.s;\n }\n\n // (protected) set from integer value x, -DV <= x < DV\n function bnpFromInt(x) {\n this.t = 1;\n this.s = (x<0)?-1:0;\n if(x > 0) this[0] = x;\n else if(x < -1) this[0] = x+this.DV;\n else this.t = 0;\n }\n\n // return bigint initialized to value\n function nbv(i) { var r = nbi(); r.fromInt(i); return r; }\n\n // (protected) set from string and radix\n function bnpFromString(s,b) {\n var k;\n if(b == 16) k = 4;\n else if(b == 8) k = 3;\n else if(b == 256) k = 8; // byte array\n else if(b == 2) k = 1;\n else if(b == 32) k = 5;\n else if(b == 4) k = 2;\n else { this.fromRadix(s,b); return; }\n this.t = 0;\n this.s = 0;\n var i = s.length, mi = false, sh = 0;\n while(--i >= 0) {\n var x = (k==8)?s[i]&0xff:intAt(s,i);\n if(x < 0) {\n if(s.charAt(i) == \"-\") mi = true;\n continue;\n }\n mi = false;\n if(sh == 0)\n this[this.t++] = x;\n else if(sh+k > this.DB) {\n this[this.t-1] |= (x&((1<<(this.DB-sh))-1))<>(this.DB-sh));\n }\n else\n this[this.t-1] |= x<= this.DB) sh -= this.DB;\n }\n if(k == 8 && (s[0]&0x80) != 0) {\n this.s = -1;\n if(sh > 0) this[this.t-1] |= ((1<<(this.DB-sh))-1)< 0 && this[this.t-1] == c) --this.t;\n }\n\n // (public) return string representation in given radix\n function bnToString(b) {\n if(this.s < 0) return \"-\"+this.negate().toString(b);\n var k;\n if(b == 16) k = 4;\n else if(b == 8) k = 3;\n else if(b == 2) k = 1;\n else if(b == 32) k = 5;\n else if(b == 4) k = 2;\n else return this.toRadix(b);\n var km = (1< 0) {\n if(p < this.DB && (d = this[i]>>p) > 0) { m = true; r = int2char(d); }\n while(i >= 0) {\n if(p < k) {\n d = (this[i]&((1<>(p+=this.DB-k);\n }\n else {\n d = (this[i]>>(p-=k))&km;\n if(p <= 0) { p += this.DB; --i; }\n }\n if(d > 0) m = true;\n if(m) r += int2char(d);\n }\n }\n return m?r:\"0\";\n }\n\n // (public) -this\n function bnNegate() { var r = nbi(); BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) |this|\n function bnAbs() { return (this.s<0)?this.negate():this; }\n\n // (public) return + if this > a, - if this < a, 0 if equal\n function bnCompareTo(a) {\n var r = this.s-a.s;\n if(r != 0) return r;\n var i = this.t;\n r = i-a.t;\n if(r != 0) return (this.s<0)?-r:r;\n while(--i >= 0) if((r=this[i]-a[i]) != 0) return r;\n return 0;\n }\n\n // returns bit length of the integer x\n function nbits(x) {\n var r = 1, t;\n if((t=x>>>16) != 0) { x = t; r += 16; }\n if((t=x>>8) != 0) { x = t; r += 8; }\n if((t=x>>4) != 0) { x = t; r += 4; }\n if((t=x>>2) != 0) { x = t; r += 2; }\n if((t=x>>1) != 0) { x = t; r += 1; }\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) return the number of bits in \"this\"\n function bnBitLength() {\n if(this.t <= 0) return 0;\n return this.DB*(this.t-1)+nbits(this[this.t-1]^(this.s&this.DM));\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this << n*DB\n function bnpDLShiftTo(n,r) {\n var i;\n for(i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r[i+n] = this[i];\n for(i = n-1; i >= 0; --i) r[i] = 0;\n r.t = this.t+n;\n r.s = this.s;\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this >> n*DB\n function bnpDRShiftTo(n,r) {\n for(var i = n; i < this.t; ++i) r[i-n] = this[i];\n r.t = Math.max(this.t-n,0);\n r.s = this.s;\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this << n\n function bnpLShiftTo(n,r) {\n var bs = n%this.DB;\n var cbs = this.DB-bs;\n var bm = (1<= 0; --i) {\n r[i+ds+1] = (this[i]>>cbs)|c;\n c = (this[i]&bm)<= 0; --i) r[i] = 0;\n r[ds] = c;\n r.t = this.t+ds+1;\n r.s = this.s;\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this >> n\n function bnpRShiftTo(n,r) {\n r.s = this.s;\n var ds = Math.floor(n/this.DB);\n if(ds >= this.t) { r.t = 0; return; }\n var bs = n%this.DB;\n var cbs = this.DB-bs;\n var bm = (1<>bs;\n for(var i = ds+1; i < this.t; ++i) {\n r[i-ds-1] |= (this[i]&bm)<>bs;\n }\n if(bs > 0) r[this.t-ds-1] |= (this.s&bm)<>= this.DB;\n }\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n c -= a.s;\n while(i < this.t) {\n c += this[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += this.s;\n }\n else {\n c += this.s;\n while(i < a.t) {\n c -= a[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c -= a.s;\n }\n r.s = (c<0)?-1:0;\n if(c < -1) r[i++] = this.DV+c;\n else if(c > 0) r[i++] = c;\n r.t = i;\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this * a, r != this,a (HAC 14.12)\n // \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\n function bnpMultiplyTo(a,r) {\n var x = this.abs(), y = a.abs();\n var i = x.t;\n r.t = i+y.t;\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < y.t; ++i) r[i+x.t] = x.am(0,y[i],r,i,0,x.t);\n r.s = 0;\n r.clamp();\n if(this.s != a.s) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r,r);\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this^2, r != this (HAC 14.16)\n function bnpSquareTo(r) {\n var x = this.abs();\n var i = r.t = 2*x.t;\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < x.t-1; ++i) {\n var c = x.am(i,x[i],r,2*i,0,1);\n if((r[i+x.t]+=x.am(i+1,2*x[i],r,2*i+1,c,x.t-i-1)) >= x.DV) {\n r[i+x.t] -= x.DV;\n r[i+x.t+1] = 1;\n }\n }\n if(r.t > 0) r[r.t-1] += x.am(i,x[i],r,2*i,0,1);\n r.s = 0;\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) divide this by m, quotient and remainder to q, r (HAC 14.20)\n // r != q, this != m. q or r may be null.\n function bnpDivRemTo(m,q,r) {\n var pm = m.abs();\n if(pm.t <= 0) return;\n var pt = this.abs();\n if(pt.t < pm.t) {\n if(q != null) q.fromInt(0);\n if(r != null) this.copyTo(r);\n return;\n }\n if(r == null) r = nbi();\n var y = nbi(), ts = this.s, ms = m.s;\n var nsh = this.DB-nbits(pm[pm.t-1]); // normalize modulus\n if(nsh > 0) { pm.lShiftTo(nsh,y); pt.lShiftTo(nsh,r); }\n else { pm.copyTo(y); pt.copyTo(r); }\n var ys = y.t;\n var y0 = y[ys-1];\n if(y0 == 0) return;\n var yt = y0*(1<1)?y[ys-2]>>this.F2:0);\n var d1 = this.FV/yt, d2 = (1<= 0) {\n r[r.t++] = 1;\n r.subTo(t,r);\n }\n BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(ys,t);\n t.subTo(y,y); // \"negative\" y so we can replace sub with am later\n while(y.t < ys) y[y.t++] = 0;\n while(--j >= 0) {\n // Estimate quotient digit\n var qd = (r[--i]==y0)?this.DM:Math.floor(r[i]*d1+(r[i-1]+e)*d2);\n if((r[i]+=y.am(0,qd,r,j,0,ys)) < qd) { // Try it out\n y.dlShiftTo(j,t);\n r.subTo(t,r);\n while(r[i] < --qd) r.subTo(t,r);\n }\n }\n if(q != null) {\n r.drShiftTo(ys,q);\n if(ts != ms) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(q,q);\n }\n r.t = ys;\n r.clamp();\n if(nsh > 0) r.rShiftTo(nsh,r); // Denormalize remainder\n if(ts < 0) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r,r);\n }\n\n // (public) this mod a\n function bnMod(a) {\n var r = nbi();\n this.abs().divRemTo(a,null,r);\n if(this.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) a.subTo(r,r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // Modular reduction using \"classic\" algorithm\n function Classic(m) { this.m = m; }\n function cConvert(x) {\n if(x.s < 0 || x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) return x.mod(this.m);\n else return x;\n }\n function cRevert(x) { return x; }\n function cReduce(x) { x.divRemTo(this.m,null,x); }\n function cMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n function cSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n Classic.prototype.convert = cConvert;\n Classic.prototype.revert = cRevert;\n Classic.prototype.reduce = cReduce;\n Classic.prototype.mulTo = cMulTo;\n Classic.prototype.sqrTo = cSqrTo;\n\n // (protected) return \"-1/this % 2^DB\"; useful for Mont. reduction\n // justification:\n // xy == 1 (mod m)\n // xy = 1+km\n // xy(2-xy) = (1+km)(1-km)\n // x[y(2-xy)] = 1-k^2m^2\n // x[y(2-xy)] == 1 (mod m^2)\n // if y is 1/x mod m, then y(2-xy) is 1/x mod m^2\n // should reduce x and y(2-xy) by m^2 at each step to keep size bounded.\n // JS multiply \"overflows\" differently from C/C++, so care is needed here.\n function bnpInvDigit() {\n if(this.t < 1) return 0;\n var x = this[0];\n if((x&1) == 0) return 0;\n var y = x&3; // y == 1/x mod 2^2\n y = (y*(2-(x&0xf)*y))&0xf; // y == 1/x mod 2^4\n y = (y*(2-(x&0xff)*y))&0xff; // y == 1/x mod 2^8\n y = (y*(2-(((x&0xffff)*y)&0xffff)))&0xffff; // y == 1/x mod 2^16\n // last step - calculate inverse mod DV directly;\n // assumes 16 < DB <= 32 and assumes ability to handle 48-bit ints\n y = (y*(2-x*y%this.DV))%this.DV; // y == 1/x mod 2^dbits\n // we really want the negative inverse, and -DV < y < DV\n return (y>0)?this.DV-y:-y;\n }\n\n // Montgomery reduction\n function Montgomery(m) {\n this.m = m;\n this.mp = m.invDigit();\n this.mpl = this.mp&0x7fff;\n this.mph = this.mp>>15;\n this.um = (1<<(m.DB-15))-1;\n this.mt2 = 2*m.t;\n }\n\n // xR mod m\n function montConvert(x) {\n var r = nbi();\n x.abs().dlShiftTo(this.m.t,r);\n r.divRemTo(this.m,null,r);\n if(x.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) this.m.subTo(r,r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // x/R mod m\n function montRevert(x) {\n var r = nbi();\n x.copyTo(r);\n this.reduce(r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // x = x/R mod m (HAC 14.32)\n function montReduce(x) {\n while(x.t <= this.mt2) // pad x so am has enough room later\n x[x.t++] = 0;\n for(var i = 0; i < this.m.t; ++i) {\n // faster way of calculating u0 = x[i]*mp mod DV\n var j = x[i]&0x7fff;\n var u0 = (j*this.mpl+(((j*this.mph+(x[i]>>15)*this.mpl)&this.um)<<15))&x.DM;\n // use am to combine the multiply-shift-add into one call\n j = i+this.m.t;\n x[j] += this.m.am(0,u0,x,i,0,this.m.t);\n // propagate carry\n while(x[j] >= x.DV) { x[j] -= x.DV; x[++j]++; }\n }\n x.clamp();\n x.drShiftTo(this.m.t,x);\n if(x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m,x);\n }\n\n // r = \"x^2/R mod m\"; x != r\n function montSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n // r = \"xy/R mod m\"; x,y != r\n function montMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n Montgomery.prototype.convert = montConvert;\n Montgomery.prototype.revert = montRevert;\n Montgomery.prototype.reduce = montReduce;\n Montgomery.prototype.mulTo = montMulTo;\n Montgomery.prototype.sqrTo = montSqrTo;\n\n // (protected) true iff this is even\n function bnpIsEven() { return ((this.t>0)?(this[0]&1):this.s) == 0; }\n\n // (protected) this^e, e < 2^32, doing sqr and mul with \"r\" (HAC 14.79)\n function bnpExp(e,z) {\n if(e > 0xffffffff || e < 1) return BigInteger.ONE;\n var r = nbi(), r2 = nbi(), g = z.convert(this), i = nbits(e)-1;\n g.copyTo(r);\n while(--i >= 0) {\n z.sqrTo(r,r2);\n if((e&(1< 0) z.mulTo(r2,g,r);\n else { var t = r; r = r2; r2 = t; }\n }\n return z.revert(r);\n }\n\n // (public) this^e % m, 0 <= e < 2^32\n function bnModPowInt(e,m) {\n var z;\n if(e < 256 || m.isEven()) z = new Classic(m); else z = new Montgomery(m);\n return this.exp(e,z);\n }\n\n // protected\n BigInteger.prototype.copyTo = bnpCopyTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.fromInt = bnpFromInt;\n BigInteger.prototype.fromString = bnpFromString;\n BigInteger.prototype.clamp = bnpClamp;\n BigInteger.prototype.dlShiftTo = bnpDLShiftTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.drShiftTo = bnpDRShiftTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.lShiftTo = bnpLShiftTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.rShiftTo = bnpRShiftTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.subTo = bnpSubTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.multiplyTo = bnpMultiplyTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.squareTo = bnpSquareTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.divRemTo = bnpDivRemTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.invDigit = bnpInvDigit;\n BigInteger.prototype.isEven = bnpIsEven;\n BigInteger.prototype.exp = bnpExp;\n\n // public\n BigInteger.prototype.toString = bnToString;\n BigInteger.prototype.negate = bnNegate;\n BigInteger.prototype.abs = bnAbs;\n BigInteger.prototype.compareTo = bnCompareTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.bitLength = bnBitLength;\n BigInteger.prototype.mod = bnMod;\n BigInteger.prototype.modPowInt = bnModPowInt;\n\n // \"constants\"\n BigInteger.ZERO = nbv(0);\n BigInteger.ONE = nbv(1);\n\n // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Tom Wu\n // All Rights Reserved.\n // See \"LICENSE\" for details.\n\n // Extended JavaScript BN functions, required for RSA private ops.\n\n // Version 1.1: new BigInteger(\"0\", 10) returns \"proper\" zero\n // Version 1.2: square() API, isProbablePrime fix\n\n // (public)\n function bnClone() { var r = nbi(); this.copyTo(r); return r; }\n\n // (public) return value as integer\n function bnIntValue() {\n if(this.s < 0) {\n if(this.t == 1) return this[0]-this.DV;\n else if(this.t == 0) return -1;\n }\n else if(this.t == 1) return this[0];\n else if(this.t == 0) return 0;\n // assumes 16 < DB < 32\n return ((this[1]&((1<<(32-this.DB))-1))<>24; }\n\n // (public) return value as short (assumes DB>=16)\n function bnShortValue() { return (this.t==0)?this.s:(this[0]<<16)>>16; }\n\n // (protected) return x s.t. r^x < DV\n function bnpChunkSize(r) { return Math.floor(Math.LN2*this.DB/Math.log(r)); }\n\n // (public) 0 if this == 0, 1 if this > 0\n function bnSigNum() {\n if(this.s < 0) return -1;\n else if(this.t <= 0 || (this.t == 1 && this[0] <= 0)) return 0;\n else return 1;\n }\n\n // (protected) convert to radix string\n function bnpToRadix(b) {\n if(b == null) b = 10;\n if(this.signum() == 0 || b < 2 || b > 36) return \"0\";\n var cs = this.chunkSize(b);\n var a = Math.pow(b,cs);\n var d = nbv(a), y = nbi(), z = nbi(), r = \"\";\n this.divRemTo(d,y,z);\n while(y.signum() > 0) {\n r = (a+z.intValue()).toString(b).substr(1) + r;\n y.divRemTo(d,y,z);\n }\n return z.intValue().toString(b) + r;\n }\n\n // (protected) convert from radix string\n function bnpFromRadix(s,b) {\n this.fromInt(0);\n if(b == null) b = 10;\n var cs = this.chunkSize(b);\n var d = Math.pow(b,cs), mi = false, j = 0, w = 0;\n for(var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {\n var x = intAt(s,i);\n if(x < 0) {\n if(s.charAt(i) == \"-\" && this.signum() == 0) mi = true;\n continue;\n }\n w = b*w+x;\n if(++j >= cs) {\n this.dMultiply(d);\n this.dAddOffset(w,0);\n j = 0;\n w = 0;\n }\n }\n if(j > 0) {\n this.dMultiply(Math.pow(b,j));\n this.dAddOffset(w,0);\n }\n if(mi) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,this);\n }\n\n // (protected) alternate constructor\n function bnpFromNumber(a,b,c) {\n if(\"number\" == typeof b) {\n // new BigInteger(int,int,RNG)\n if(a < 2) this.fromInt(1);\n else {\n this.fromNumber(a,c);\n if(!this.testBit(a-1)) // force MSB set\n this.bitwiseTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a-1),op_or,this);\n if(this.isEven()) this.dAddOffset(1,0); // force odd\n while(!this.isProbablePrime(b)) {\n this.dAddOffset(2,0);\n if(this.bitLength() > a) this.subTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a-1),this);\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n // new BigInteger(int,RNG)\n var x = new Array(), t = a&7;\n x.length = (a>>3)+1;\n b.nextBytes(x);\n if(t > 0) x[0] &= ((1< 0) {\n if(p < this.DB && (d = this[i]>>p) != (this.s&this.DM)>>p)\n r[k++] = d|(this.s<<(this.DB-p));\n while(i >= 0) {\n if(p < 8) {\n d = (this[i]&((1<>(p+=this.DB-8);\n }\n else {\n d = (this[i]>>(p-=8))&0xff;\n if(p <= 0) { p += this.DB; --i; }\n }\n if((d&0x80) != 0) d |= -256;\n if(k == 0 && (this.s&0x80) != (d&0x80)) ++k;\n if(k > 0 || d != this.s) r[k++] = d;\n }\n }\n return r;\n }\n\n function bnEquals(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)==0); }\n function bnMin(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)<0)?this:a; }\n function bnMax(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)>0)?this:a; }\n\n // (protected) r = this op a (bitwise)\n function bnpBitwiseTo(a,op,r) {\n var i, f, m = Math.min(a.t,this.t);\n for(i = 0; i < m; ++i) r[i] = op(this[i],a[i]);\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n f = a.s&this.DM;\n for(i = m; i < this.t; ++i) r[i] = op(this[i],f);\n r.t = this.t;\n }\n else {\n f = this.s&this.DM;\n for(i = m; i < a.t; ++i) r[i] = op(f,a[i]);\n r.t = a.t;\n }\n r.s = op(this.s,a.s);\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (public) this & a\n function op_and(x,y) { return x&y; }\n function bnAnd(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_and,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this | a\n function op_or(x,y) { return x|y; }\n function bnOr(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_or,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this ^ a\n function op_xor(x,y) { return x^y; }\n function bnXor(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_xor,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this & ~a\n function op_andnot(x,y) { return x&~y; }\n function bnAndNot(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_andnot,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) ~this\n function bnNot() {\n var r = nbi();\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r[i] = this.DM&~this[i];\n r.t = this.t;\n r.s = ~this.s;\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) this << n\n function bnShiftLeft(n) {\n var r = nbi();\n if(n < 0) this.rShiftTo(-n,r); else this.lShiftTo(n,r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) this >> n\n function bnShiftRight(n) {\n var r = nbi();\n if(n < 0) this.lShiftTo(-n,r); else this.rShiftTo(n,r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // return index of lowest 1-bit in x, x < 2^31\n function lbit(x) {\n if(x == 0) return -1;\n var r = 0;\n if((x&0xffff) == 0) { x >>= 16; r += 16; }\n if((x&0xff) == 0) { x >>= 8; r += 8; }\n if((x&0xf) == 0) { x >>= 4; r += 4; }\n if((x&3) == 0) { x >>= 2; r += 2; }\n if((x&1) == 0) ++r;\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) returns index of lowest 1-bit (or -1 if none)\n function bnGetLowestSetBit() {\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i)\n if(this[i] != 0) return i*this.DB+lbit(this[i]);\n if(this.s < 0) return this.t*this.DB;\n return -1;\n }\n\n // return number of 1 bits in x\n function cbit(x) {\n var r = 0;\n while(x != 0) { x &= x-1; ++r; }\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) return number of set bits\n function bnBitCount() {\n var r = 0, x = this.s&this.DM;\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r += cbit(this[i]^x);\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) true iff nth bit is set\n function bnTestBit(n) {\n var j = Math.floor(n/this.DB);\n if(j >= this.t) return(this.s!=0);\n return((this[j]&(1<<(n%this.DB)))!=0);\n }\n\n // (protected) this op (1<>= this.DB;\n }\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n c += a.s;\n while(i < this.t) {\n c += this[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += this.s;\n }\n else {\n c += this.s;\n while(i < a.t) {\n c += a[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += a.s;\n }\n r.s = (c<0)?-1:0;\n if(c > 0) r[i++] = c;\n else if(c < -1) r[i++] = this.DV+c;\n r.t = i;\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (public) this + a\n function bnAdd(a) { var r = nbi(); this.addTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this - a\n function bnSubtract(a) { var r = nbi(); this.subTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this * a\n function bnMultiply(a) { var r = nbi(); this.multiplyTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this^2\n function bnSquare() { var r = nbi(); this.squareTo(r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this / a\n function bnDivide(a) { var r = nbi(); this.divRemTo(a,r,null); return r; }\n\n // (public) this % a\n function bnRemainder(a) { var r = nbi(); this.divRemTo(a,null,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) [this/a,this%a]\n function bnDivideAndRemainder(a) {\n var q = nbi(), r = nbi();\n this.divRemTo(a,q,r);\n return new Array(q,r);\n }\n\n // (protected) this *= n, this >= 0, 1 < n < DV\n function bnpDMultiply(n) {\n this[this.t] = this.am(0,n-1,this,0,0,this.t);\n ++this.t;\n this.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) this += n << w words, this >= 0\n function bnpDAddOffset(n,w) {\n if(n == 0) return;\n while(this.t <= w) this[this.t++] = 0;\n this[w] += n;\n while(this[w] >= this.DV) {\n this[w] -= this.DV;\n if(++w >= this.t) this[this.t++] = 0;\n ++this[w];\n }\n }\n\n // A \"null\" reducer\n function NullExp() {}\n function nNop(x) { return x; }\n function nMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); }\n function nSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); }\n\n NullExp.prototype.convert = nNop;\n NullExp.prototype.revert = nNop;\n NullExp.prototype.mulTo = nMulTo;\n NullExp.prototype.sqrTo = nSqrTo;\n\n // (public) this^e\n function bnPow(e) { return this.exp(e,new NullExp()); }\n\n // (protected) r = lower n words of \"this * a\", a.t <= n\n // \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\n function bnpMultiplyLowerTo(a,n,r) {\n var i = Math.min(this.t+a.t,n);\n r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0\n r.t = i;\n while(i > 0) r[--i] = 0;\n var j;\n for(j = r.t-this.t; i < j; ++i) r[i+this.t] = this.am(0,a[i],r,i,0,this.t);\n for(j = Math.min(a.t,n); i < j; ++i) this.am(0,a[i],r,i,0,n-i);\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) r = \"this * a\" without lower n words, n > 0\n // \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\n function bnpMultiplyUpperTo(a,n,r) {\n --n;\n var i = r.t = this.t+a.t-n;\n r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = Math.max(n-this.t,0); i < a.t; ++i)\n r[this.t+i-n] = this.am(n-i,a[i],r,0,0,this.t+i-n);\n r.clamp();\n r.drShiftTo(1,r);\n }\n\n // Barrett modular reduction\n function Barrett(m) {\n // setup Barrett\n this.r2 = nbi();\n this.q3 = nbi();\n BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(2*m.t,this.r2);\n this.mu = this.r2.divide(m);\n this.m = m;\n }\n\n function barrettConvert(x) {\n if(x.s < 0 || x.t > 2*this.m.t) return x.mod(this.m);\n else if(x.compareTo(this.m) < 0) return x;\n else { var r = nbi(); x.copyTo(r); this.reduce(r); return r; }\n }\n\n function barrettRevert(x) { return x; }\n\n // x = x mod m (HAC 14.42)\n function barrettReduce(x) {\n x.drShiftTo(this.m.t-1,this.r2);\n if(x.t > this.m.t+1) { x.t = this.m.t+1; x.clamp(); }\n this.mu.multiplyUpperTo(this.r2,this.m.t+1,this.q3);\n this.m.multiplyLowerTo(this.q3,this.m.t+1,this.r2);\n while(x.compareTo(this.r2) < 0) x.dAddOffset(1,this.m.t+1);\n x.subTo(this.r2,x);\n while(x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m,x);\n }\n\n // r = x^2 mod m; x != r\n function barrettSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n // r = x*y mod m; x,y != r\n function barrettMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n Barrett.prototype.convert = barrettConvert;\n Barrett.prototype.revert = barrettRevert;\n Barrett.prototype.reduce = barrettReduce;\n Barrett.prototype.mulTo = barrettMulTo;\n Barrett.prototype.sqrTo = barrettSqrTo;\n\n // (public) this^e % m (HAC 14.85)\n function bnModPow(e,m) {\n var i = e.bitLength(), k, r = nbv(1), z;\n if(i <= 0) return r;\n else if(i < 18) k = 1;\n else if(i < 48) k = 3;\n else if(i < 144) k = 4;\n else if(i < 768) k = 5;\n else k = 6;\n if(i < 8)\n z = new Classic(m);\n else if(m.isEven())\n z = new Barrett(m);\n else\n z = new Montgomery(m);\n\n // precomputation\n var g = new Array(), n = 3, k1 = k-1, km = (1< 1) {\n var g2 = nbi();\n z.sqrTo(g[1],g2);\n while(n <= km) {\n g[n] = nbi();\n z.mulTo(g2,g[n-2],g[n]);\n n += 2;\n }\n }\n\n var j = e.t-1, w, is1 = true, r2 = nbi(), t;\n i = nbits(e[j])-1;\n while(j >= 0) {\n if(i >= k1) w = (e[j]>>(i-k1))&km;\n else {\n w = (e[j]&((1<<(i+1))-1))<<(k1-i);\n if(j > 0) w |= e[j-1]>>(this.DB+i-k1);\n }\n\n n = k;\n while((w&1) == 0) { w >>= 1; --n; }\n if((i -= n) < 0) { i += this.DB; --j; }\n if(is1) { // ret == 1, don't bother squaring or multiplying it\n g[w].copyTo(r);\n is1 = false;\n }\n else {\n while(n > 1) { z.sqrTo(r,r2); z.sqrTo(r2,r); n -= 2; }\n if(n > 0) z.sqrTo(r,r2); else { t = r; r = r2; r2 = t; }\n z.mulTo(r2,g[w],r);\n }\n\n while(j >= 0 && (e[j]&(1< 0) {\n x.rShiftTo(g,x);\n y.rShiftTo(g,y);\n }\n while(x.signum() > 0) {\n if((i = x.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) x.rShiftTo(i,x);\n if((i = y.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) y.rShiftTo(i,y);\n if(x.compareTo(y) >= 0) {\n x.subTo(y,x);\n x.rShiftTo(1,x);\n }\n else {\n y.subTo(x,y);\n y.rShiftTo(1,y);\n }\n }\n if(g > 0) y.lShiftTo(g,y);\n return y;\n }\n\n // (protected) this % n, n < 2^26\n function bnpModInt(n) {\n if(n <= 0) return 0;\n var d = this.DV%n, r = (this.s<0)?n-1:0;\n if(this.t > 0)\n if(d == 0) r = this[0]%n;\n else for(var i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r = (d*r+this[i])%n;\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) 1/this % m (HAC 14.61)\n function bnModInverse(m) {\n var ac = m.isEven();\n if((this.isEven() && ac) || m.signum() == 0) return BigInteger.ZERO;\n var u = m.clone(), v = this.clone();\n var a = nbv(1), b = nbv(0), c = nbv(0), d = nbv(1);\n while(u.signum() != 0) {\n while(u.isEven()) {\n u.rShiftTo(1,u);\n if(ac) {\n if(!a.isEven() || !b.isEven()) { a.addTo(this,a); b.subTo(m,b); }\n a.rShiftTo(1,a);\n }\n else if(!b.isEven()) b.subTo(m,b);\n b.rShiftTo(1,b);\n }\n while(v.isEven()) {\n v.rShiftTo(1,v);\n if(ac) {\n if(!c.isEven() || !d.isEven()) { c.addTo(this,c); d.subTo(m,d); }\n c.rShiftTo(1,c);\n }\n else if(!d.isEven()) d.subTo(m,d);\n d.rShiftTo(1,d);\n }\n if(u.compareTo(v) >= 0) {\n u.subTo(v,u);\n if(ac) a.subTo(c,a);\n b.subTo(d,b);\n }\n else {\n v.subTo(u,v);\n if(ac) c.subTo(a,c);\n d.subTo(b,d);\n }\n }\n if(v.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0) return BigInteger.ZERO;\n if(d.compareTo(m) >= 0) return d.subtract(m);\n if(d.signum() < 0) d.addTo(m,d); else return d;\n if(d.signum() < 0) return d.add(m); else return d;\n }\n\n var lowprimes = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199,211,223,227,229,233,239,241,251,257,263,269,271,277,281,283,293,307,311,313,317,331,337,347,349,353,359,367,373,379,383,389,397,401,409,419,421,431,433,439,443,449,457,461,463,467,479,487,491,499,503,509,521,523,541,547,557,563,569,571,577,587,593,599,601,607,613,617,619,631,641,643,647,653,659,661,673,677,683,691,701,709,719,727,733,739,743,751,757,761,769,773,787,797,809,811,821,823,827,829,839,853,857,859,863,877,881,883,887,907,911,919,929,937,941,947,953,967,971,977,983,991,997];\n var lplim = (1<<26)/lowprimes[lowprimes.length-1];\n\n // (public) test primality with certainty >= 1-.5^t\n function bnIsProbablePrime(t) {\n var i, x = this.abs();\n if(x.t == 1 && x[0] <= lowprimes[lowprimes.length-1]) {\n for(i = 0; i < lowprimes.length; ++i)\n if(x[0] == lowprimes[i]) return true;\n return false;\n }\n if(x.isEven()) return false;\n i = 1;\n while(i < lowprimes.length) {\n var m = lowprimes[i], j = i+1;\n while(j < lowprimes.length && m < lplim) m *= lowprimes[j++];\n m = x.modInt(m);\n while(i < j) if(m%lowprimes[i++] == 0) return false;\n }\n return x.millerRabin(t);\n }\n\n // (protected) true if probably prime (HAC 4.24, Miller-Rabin)\n function bnpMillerRabin(t) {\n var n1 = this.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);\n var k = n1.getLowestSetBit();\n if(k <= 0) return false;\n var r = n1.shiftRight(k);\n t = (t+1)>>1;\n if(t > lowprimes.length) t = lowprimes.length;\n var a = nbi();\n for(var i = 0; i < t; ++i) {\n //Pick bases at random, instead of starting at 2\n a.fromInt(lowprimes[Math.floor(Math.random()*lowprimes.length)]);\n var y = a.modPow(r,this);\n if(y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0 && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {\n var j = 1;\n while(j++ < k && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {\n y = y.modPowInt(2,this);\n if(y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) == 0) return false;\n }\n if(y.compareTo(n1) != 0) return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n // protected\n BigInteger.prototype.chunkSize = bnpChunkSize;\n BigInteger.prototype.toRadix = bnpToRadix;\n BigInteger.prototype.fromRadix = bnpFromRadix;\n BigInteger.prototype.fromNumber = bnpFromNumber;\n BigInteger.prototype.bitwiseTo = bnpBitwiseTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.changeBit = bnpChangeBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.addTo = bnpAddTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.dMultiply = bnpDMultiply;\n BigInteger.prototype.dAddOffset = bnpDAddOffset;\n BigInteger.prototype.multiplyLowerTo = bnpMultiplyLowerTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.multiplyUpperTo = bnpMultiplyUpperTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.modInt = bnpModInt;\n BigInteger.prototype.millerRabin = bnpMillerRabin;\n\n // public\n BigInteger.prototype.clone = bnClone;\n BigInteger.prototype.intValue = bnIntValue;\n BigInteger.prototype.byteValue = bnByteValue;\n BigInteger.prototype.shortValue = bnShortValue;\n BigInteger.prototype.signum = bnSigNum;\n BigInteger.prototype.toByteArray = bnToByteArray;\n BigInteger.prototype.equals = bnEquals;\n BigInteger.prototype.min = bnMin;\n BigInteger.prototype.max = bnMax;\n BigInteger.prototype.and = bnAnd;\n BigInteger.prototype.or = bnOr;\n BigInteger.prototype.xor = bnXor;\n BigInteger.prototype.andNot = bnAndNot;\n BigInteger.prototype.not = bnNot;\n BigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = bnShiftLeft;\n BigInteger.prototype.shiftRight = bnShiftRight;\n BigInteger.prototype.getLowestSetBit = bnGetLowestSetBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.bitCount = bnBitCount;\n BigInteger.prototype.testBit = bnTestBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.setBit = bnSetBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.clearBit = bnClearBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.flipBit = bnFlipBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.add = bnAdd;\n BigInteger.prototype.subtract = bnSubtract;\n BigInteger.prototype.multiply = bnMultiply;\n BigInteger.prototype.divide = bnDivide;\n BigInteger.prototype.remainder = bnRemainder;\n BigInteger.prototype.divideAndRemainder = bnDivideAndRemainder;\n BigInteger.prototype.modPow = bnModPow;\n BigInteger.prototype.modInverse = bnModInverse;\n BigInteger.prototype.pow = bnPow;\n BigInteger.prototype.gcd = bnGCD;\n BigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = bnIsProbablePrime;\n\n // JSBN-specific extension\n BigInteger.prototype.square = bnSquare;\n\n // Expose the Barrett function\n BigInteger.prototype.Barrett = Barrett\n\n // BigInteger interfaces not implemented in jsbn:\n\n // BigInteger(int signum, byte[] magnitude)\n // double doubleValue()\n // float floatValue()\n // int hashCode()\n // long longValue()\n // static BigInteger valueOf(long val)\n\n // Random number generator - requires a PRNG backend, e.g. prng4.js\n\n // For best results, put code like\n // \n // in your main HTML document.\n\n var rng_state;\n var rng_pool;\n var rng_pptr;\n\n // Mix in a 32-bit integer into the pool\n function rng_seed_int(x) {\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= x & 255;\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= (x >> 8) & 255;\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= (x >> 16) & 255;\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= (x >> 24) & 255;\n if(rng_pptr >= rng_psize) rng_pptr -= rng_psize;\n }\n\n // Mix in the current time (w/milliseconds) into the pool\n function rng_seed_time() {\n rng_seed_int(new Date().getTime());\n }\n\n // Initialize the pool with junk if needed.\n if(rng_pool == null) {\n rng_pool = new Array();\n rng_pptr = 0;\n var t;\n if(typeof window !== \"undefined\" && window.crypto) {\n if (window.crypto.getRandomValues) {\n // Use webcrypto if available\n var ua = new Uint8Array(32);\n window.crypto.getRandomValues(ua);\n for(t = 0; t < 32; ++t)\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = ua[t];\n }\n else if(navigator.appName == \"Netscape\" && navigator.appVersion < \"5\") {\n // Extract entropy (256 bits) from NS4 RNG if available\n var z = window.crypto.random(32);\n for(t = 0; t < z.length; ++t)\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = z.charCodeAt(t) & 255;\n }\n }\n while(rng_pptr < rng_psize) { // extract some randomness from Math.random()\n t = Math.floor(65536 * Math.random());\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = t >>> 8;\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = t & 255;\n }\n rng_pptr = 0;\n rng_seed_time();\n //rng_seed_int(window.screenX);\n //rng_seed_int(window.screenY);\n }\n\n function rng_get_byte() {\n if(rng_state == null) {\n rng_seed_time();\n rng_state = prng_newstate();\n rng_state.init(rng_pool);\n for(rng_pptr = 0; rng_pptr < rng_pool.length; ++rng_pptr)\n rng_pool[rng_pptr] = 0;\n rng_pptr = 0;\n //rng_pool = null;\n }\n // TODO: allow reseeding after first request\n return rng_state.next();\n }\n\n function rng_get_bytes(ba) {\n var i;\n for(i = 0; i < ba.length; ++i) ba[i] = rng_get_byte();\n }\n\n function SecureRandom() {}\n\n SecureRandom.prototype.nextBytes = rng_get_bytes;\n\n // prng4.js - uses Arcfour as a PRNG\n\n function Arcfour() {\n this.i = 0;\n this.j = 0;\n this.S = new Array();\n }\n\n // Initialize arcfour context from key, an array of ints, each from [0..255]\n function ARC4init(key) {\n var i, j, t;\n for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)\n this.S[i] = i;\n j = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {\n j = (j + this.S[i] + key[i % key.length]) & 255;\n t = this.S[i];\n this.S[i] = this.S[j];\n this.S[j] = t;\n }\n this.i = 0;\n this.j = 0;\n }\n\n function ARC4next() {\n var t;\n this.i = (this.i + 1) & 255;\n this.j = (this.j + this.S[this.i]) & 255;\n t = this.S[this.i];\n this.S[this.i] = this.S[this.j];\n this.S[this.j] = t;\n return this.S[(t + this.S[this.i]) & 255];\n }\n\n Arcfour.prototype.init = ARC4init;\n Arcfour.prototype.next = ARC4next;\n\n // Plug in your RNG constructor here\n function prng_newstate() {\n return new Arcfour();\n }\n\n // Pool size must be a multiple of 4 and greater than 32.\n // An array of bytes the size of the pool will be passed to init()\n var rng_psize = 256;\n\n if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {\n exports = module.exports = {\n default: BigInteger,\n BigInteger: BigInteger,\n SecureRandom: SecureRandom,\n };\n } else {\n this.jsbn = {\n BigInteger: BigInteger,\n SecureRandom: SecureRandom\n };\n }\n\n}).call(this);\n" }, { "id": 6, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\networkerFactory.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/networkerFactory.ts", "index": 8, "index2": 25, "size": 698, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerId": 19, "issuerName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./networkerFactory", "loc": "18:43-72" }, { "moduleId": 19, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "module": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "moduleName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./networkerFactory", "loc": "21:43-72" }, { "moduleId": 21, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\networker.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/networker.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/networker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./networkerFactory", "loc": "23:43-72" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 1, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.NetworkerFactory = void 0;\r\nconst networker_1 = require(\"./networker\");\r\nclass NetworkerFactory {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.updatesProcessor = null;\r\n }\r\n setUpdatesProcessor(callback) {\r\n this.updatesProcessor = callback;\r\n }\r\n getNetworker(dcID, authKey, authKeyID, serverSalt, options) {\r\n //console.log('NetworkerFactory: creating new instance of MTPNetworker:', dcID, options);\r\n return new networker_1.MTPNetworker(dcID, authKey, authKeyID, serverSalt, options);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.NetworkerFactory = NetworkerFactory;\r\nexports.default = new NetworkerFactory();\r\n" }, { "id": 7, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\tl_utils.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/tl_utils.ts", "index": 10, "index2": 13, "size": 25294, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\authorizer.ts", "issuerId": 30, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } }, { "id": 30, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\authorizer.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "profile": { "factory": 1707, "building": 782, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 790, "building": 652, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 21, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\networker.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/networker.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/networker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./tl_utils", "loc": "18:19-40" }, { "moduleId": 30, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\authorizer.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./tl_utils", "loc": "16:19-40" }, { "moduleId": 31, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\rsaKeysManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/rsaKeysManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/rsaKeysManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./tl_utils", "loc": "16:19-40" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\n/*!\r\n * Webogram v0.7.0 - messaging web application for MTProto\r\n * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram\r\n * Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Zhukov \r\n * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram/blob/master/LICENSE\r\n */\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.TLSerialization = exports.TLDeserialization = void 0;\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst schema_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./schema\"));\r\n//////////////////////\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nconst crypto_utils_1 = require(\"../crypto/crypto_utils\");\r\n/////////\r\n/////////////\r\n////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n//////////\r\nconst boolFalse = +schema_1.default.API.constructors.find(c => c.predicate == 'boolFalse').id >>> 0;\r\nconst boolTrue = +schema_1.default.API.constructors.find(c => c.predicate == 'boolTrue').id >>> 0;\r\nconst vector = +schema_1.default.API.constructors.find(c => c.predicate == 'vector').id >>> 0;\r\nconst gzipPacked = +schema_1.default.MTProto.constructors.find(c => c.predicate == 'gzip_packed').id >>> 0;\r\n//console.log('boolFalse', boolFalse == 0xbc799737);\r\nclass TLSerialization {\r\n constructor(options = {}) {\r\n this.maxLength = 2048; // 2Kb\r\n this.offset = 0; // in bytes\r\n this.mtproto = false;\r\n this.debug = false; //Modes.debug;\r\n this.maxLength = options.startMaxLength || 2048; // 2Kb\r\n this.mtproto = options.mtproto || false;\r\n this.createBuffer();\r\n }\r\n createBuffer() {\r\n this.buffer = new ArrayBuffer(this.maxLength);\r\n this.intView = new Int32Array(this.buffer);\r\n this.byteView = new Uint8Array(this.buffer);\r\n }\r\n getArray() {\r\n let resultBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(this.offset);\r\n let resultArray = new Int32Array(resultBuffer);\r\n resultArray.set(this.intView.subarray(0, this.offset / 4));\r\n return resultArray;\r\n }\r\n getBuffer() {\r\n return this.getArray().buffer;\r\n }\r\n getBytes(typed) {\r\n if (typed) {\r\n let resultBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(this.offset);\r\n let resultArray = new Uint8Array(resultBuffer);\r\n resultArray.set(this.byteView.subarray(0, this.offset));\r\n return resultArray;\r\n }\r\n let bytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < this.offset; i++) {\r\n bytes.push(this.byteView[i]);\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n checkLength(needBytes) {\r\n if (this.offset + needBytes < this.maxLength) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n ///console.trace('Increase buffer', this.offset, needBytes, this.maxLength);\r\n this.maxLength = Math.ceil(Math.max(this.maxLength * 2, this.offset + needBytes + 16) / 4) * 4;\r\n var previousBuffer = this.buffer;\r\n var previousArray = new Int32Array(previousBuffer);\r\n this.createBuffer();\r\n new Int32Array(this.buffer).set(previousArray);\r\n }\r\n writeInt(i, field) {\r\n this.debug && console.log('>>>', i.toString(16), i, field);\r\n this.checkLength(4);\r\n this.intView[this.offset / 4] = i;\r\n this.offset += 4;\r\n }\r\n storeInt(i, field) {\r\n this.writeInt(i, (field || '') + ':int');\r\n }\r\n storeBool(i, field) {\r\n if (i) {\r\n this.writeInt(boolTrue, (field || '') + ':bool');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.writeInt(boolFalse, (field || '') + ':bool');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n storeLongP(iHigh, iLow, field) {\r\n this.writeInt(iLow, (field || '') + ':long[low]');\r\n this.writeInt(iHigh, (field || '') + ':long[high]');\r\n }\r\n storeLong(sLong, field) {\r\n if (Array.isArray(sLong)) {\r\n if (sLong.length == 2) {\r\n return this.storeLongP(sLong[0], sLong[1], field);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return this.storeIntBytes(sLong, 64, field);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (typeof sLong != 'string') {\r\n sLong = sLong ? sLong.toString() : '0';\r\n }\r\n var divRem = bin_utils_1.bigStringInt(sLong).divideAndRemainder(bin_utils_1.bigint(0x100000000));\r\n this.writeInt(divRem[1].intValue(), (field || '') + ':long[low]');\r\n this.writeInt(divRem[0].intValue(), (field || '') + ':long[high]');\r\n }\r\n storeDouble(f, field) {\r\n var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);\r\n var intView = new Int32Array(buffer);\r\n var doubleView = new Float64Array(buffer);\r\n doubleView[0] = f;\r\n this.writeInt(intView[0], (field || '') + ':double[low]');\r\n this.writeInt(intView[1], (field || '') + ':double[high]');\r\n }\r\n storeString(s, field) {\r\n this.debug && console.log('>>>', s, (field || '') + ':string');\r\n if (s === undefined) {\r\n s = '';\r\n }\r\n var sUTF8 = unescape(encodeURIComponent(s));\r\n this.checkLength(sUTF8.length + 8);\r\n var len = sUTF8.length;\r\n if (len <= 253) {\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = len;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = 254;\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = len & 0xFF;\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = (len & 0xFF00) >> 8;\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = (len & 0xFF0000) >> 16;\r\n }\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = sUTF8.charCodeAt(i);\r\n }\r\n // Padding\r\n while (this.offset % 4) {\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n storeBytes(bytes, field) {\r\n if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n bytes = new Uint8Array(bytes);\r\n }\r\n else if (bytes === undefined) {\r\n bytes = [];\r\n }\r\n this.debug && console.log('>>>', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(bytes), (field || '') + ':bytes');\r\n // if uint8array were json.stringified, then will be: {'0': 123, '1': 123}\r\n var len = bytes.byteLength || bytes.length;\r\n this.checkLength(len + 8);\r\n if (len <= 253) {\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = len;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = 254;\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = len & 0xFF;\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = (len & 0xFF00) >> 8;\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = (len & 0xFF0000) >> 16;\r\n }\r\n this.byteView.set(bytes, this.offset);\r\n this.offset += len;\r\n // Padding\r\n while (this.offset % 4) {\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n storeIntBytes(bytes, bits, field) {\r\n if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n bytes = new Uint8Array(bytes);\r\n }\r\n var len = bytes.length;\r\n if ((bits % 32) || (len * 8) != bits) {\r\n throw new Error('Invalid bits: ' + bits + ', ' + bytes.length);\r\n }\r\n this.debug && console.log('>>>', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(bytes), (field || '') + ':int' + bits);\r\n this.checkLength(len);\r\n this.byteView.set(bytes, this.offset);\r\n this.offset += len;\r\n }\r\n storeRawBytes(bytes, field) {\r\n if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n bytes = new Uint8Array(bytes);\r\n }\r\n var len = bytes.length;\r\n this.debug && console.log('>>>', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(bytes), (field || ''));\r\n this.checkLength(len);\r\n this.byteView.set(bytes, this.offset);\r\n this.offset += len;\r\n }\r\n storeMethod(methodName, params) {\r\n var schema = this.mtproto ? schema_1.default.MTProto : schema_1.default.API;\r\n var methodData = false, i;\r\n for (i = 0; i < schema.methods.length; i++) {\r\n if (schema.methods[i].method == methodName) {\r\n methodData = schema.methods[i];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!methodData) {\r\n throw new Error('No method ' + methodName + ' found');\r\n }\r\n this.storeInt(methodData.id, methodName + '[id]');\r\n var param, type;\r\n var i, condType;\r\n var fieldBit;\r\n var len = methodData.params.length;\r\n //console.log('storeMethod', len, methodData);\r\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n param = methodData.params[i];\r\n type = param.type;\r\n if (type.indexOf('?') !== -1) {\r\n condType = type.split('?');\r\n fieldBit = condType[0].split('.');\r\n if (!(params[fieldBit[0]] & (1 << fieldBit[1]))) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n type = condType[1];\r\n }\r\n this.storeObject(params[param.name], type, methodName + '[' + param.name + ']');\r\n }\r\n return methodData.type;\r\n }\r\n storeObject(obj, type, field) {\r\n //console.log('storeObject', obj, type, field, this.offset, this.getBytes(true).hex);\r\n switch (type) {\r\n case '#':\r\n case 'int':\r\n return this.storeInt(obj, field);\r\n case 'long':\r\n return this.storeLong(obj, field);\r\n case 'int128':\r\n return this.storeIntBytes(obj, 128, field);\r\n case 'int256':\r\n return this.storeIntBytes(obj, 256, field);\r\n case 'int512':\r\n return this.storeIntBytes(obj, 512, field);\r\n case 'string':\r\n return this.storeString(obj, field);\r\n case 'bytes':\r\n return this.storeBytes(obj, field);\r\n case 'double':\r\n return this.storeDouble(obj, field);\r\n case 'Bool':\r\n return this.storeBool(obj, field);\r\n case 'true':\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (Array.isArray(obj)) {\r\n if (type.substr(0, 6) == 'Vector') {\r\n this.writeInt(vector, field + '[id]');\r\n }\r\n else if (type.substr(0, 6) != 'vector') {\r\n throw new Error('Invalid vector type ' + type);\r\n }\r\n var itemType = type.substr(7, type.length - 8); // for \"Vector\"\r\n this.writeInt(obj.length, field + '[count]');\r\n for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {\r\n this.storeObject(obj[i], itemType, field + '[' + i + ']');\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n else if (type.substr(0, 6).toLowerCase() == 'vector') {\r\n throw new Error('Invalid vector object');\r\n }\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.isObject(obj)) {\r\n throw new Error('Invalid object for type ' + type);\r\n }\r\n var schema = this.mtproto ? schema_1.default.MTProto : schema_1.default.API;\r\n var predicate = obj['_'];\r\n var isBare = false;\r\n var constructorData = false;\r\n if (isBare = (type.charAt(0) == '%')) {\r\n type = type.substr(1);\r\n }\r\n for (i = 0; i < schema.constructors.length; i++) {\r\n if (schema.constructors[i].predicate == predicate) {\r\n constructorData = schema.constructors[i];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!constructorData) {\r\n throw new Error('No predicate ' + predicate + ' found');\r\n }\r\n if (predicate == type) {\r\n isBare = true;\r\n }\r\n if (!isBare) {\r\n this.writeInt(constructorData.id, field + '[' + predicate + '][id]');\r\n }\r\n var param, type;\r\n var condType;\r\n var fieldBit;\r\n var len = constructorData.params.length;\r\n //console.log('storeObject', len, constructorData);\r\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n param = constructorData.params[i];\r\n type = param.type;\r\n //console.log('storeObject', param, type);\r\n if (type.indexOf('?') !== -1) {\r\n condType = type.split('?');\r\n fieldBit = condType[0].split('.');\r\n //console.log('storeObject fieldBit', fieldBit, obj[fieldBit[0]]);\r\n if (!(obj[fieldBit[0]] & (1 << +fieldBit[1]))) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n type = condType[1];\r\n }\r\n //console.log('storeObject', param, type);\r\n this.storeObject(obj[param.name], type, field + '[' + predicate + '][' + param.name + ']');\r\n }\r\n return constructorData.type;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.TLSerialization = TLSerialization;\r\nclass TLDeserialization {\r\n constructor(buffer, options = {}) {\r\n this.offset = 0; // in bytes\r\n // this.debug = \r\n this.mtproto = false;\r\n //buffer = addPadding(buffer, 4, true); // fix 21.01.2020 for wss\r\n if (buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n this.buffer = buffer;\r\n this.byteView = new Uint8Array(this.buffer);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.buffer = buffer.buffer;\r\n this.byteView = buffer;\r\n }\r\n //console.log(\"TCL: TLDeserialization -> constructor -> buffer\", buffer, this.byteView, this.byteView.hex);\r\n /* this.buffer = buffer;\r\n //this.intView = new Uint32Array(this.buffer);\r\n this.byteView = new Uint8Array(this.buffer); */\r\n //console.log(this.intView);\r\n this.override = 'override' in options ? options.override : {};\r\n this.mtproto = 'mtproto' in options ? options.mtproto : false;\r\n this.debug = options.debug !== undefined ? options.debug : /* Modes.debug */ false;\r\n }\r\n readInt(field) {\r\n //if(this.offset >= this.intView.length * 4) {\r\n if ((this.byteView.length - this.offset) < 4) {\r\n console.error(this.byteView, this.offset);\r\n throw new Error('Nothing to fetch: ' + field);\r\n }\r\n //var i = this.intView[this.offset / 4];\r\n let i = new Uint32Array(this.byteView.buffer.slice(this.offset, this.offset + 4))[0];\r\n this.debug /* || field.includes('[dialog][read_outbox_max_id]') */\r\n && console.log('<<<', i.toString(16), i, field, this.byteView.slice(this.offset - 16, this.offset + 16), this.byteView.slice(this.offset - 16, this.offset + 16).hex);\r\n this.offset += 4;\r\n return i;\r\n }\r\n fetchInt(field) {\r\n return this.readInt((field || '') + ':int');\r\n }\r\n fetchDouble(field) {\r\n var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);\r\n var intView = new Int32Array(buffer);\r\n var doubleView = new Float64Array(buffer);\r\n intView[0] = this.readInt((field || '') + ':double[low]'),\r\n intView[1] = this.readInt((field || '') + ':double[high]');\r\n return doubleView[0];\r\n }\r\n fetchLong(field) {\r\n var iLow = this.readInt((field || '') + ':long[low]');\r\n var iHigh = this.readInt((field || '') + ':long[high]');\r\n var longDec = bin_utils_1.bigint(iHigh).shiftLeft(32).add(bin_utils_1.bigint(iLow)).toString();\r\n return longDec;\r\n }\r\n fetchBool(field) {\r\n var i = this.readInt((field || '') + ':bool');\r\n if (i == boolTrue) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n else if (i == boolFalse) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n this.offset -= 4;\r\n return this.fetchObject('Object', field);\r\n }\r\n fetchString(field) {\r\n var len = this.byteView[this.offset++];\r\n if (len == 254) {\r\n var len = this.byteView[this.offset++] |\r\n (this.byteView[this.offset++] << 8) |\r\n (this.byteView[this.offset++] << 16);\r\n }\r\n var sUTF8 = '';\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n sUTF8 += String.fromCharCode(this.byteView[this.offset++]);\r\n }\r\n // Padding\r\n while (this.offset % 4) {\r\n this.offset++;\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n var s = decodeURIComponent(escape(sUTF8));\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n var s = sUTF8;\r\n }\r\n this.debug && console.log('<<<', s, (field || '') + ':string');\r\n return s;\r\n }\r\n fetchBytes(field) {\r\n var len = this.byteView[this.offset++];\r\n if (len == 254) {\r\n len = this.byteView[this.offset++] |\r\n (this.byteView[this.offset++] << 8) |\r\n (this.byteView[this.offset++] << 16);\r\n }\r\n var bytes = this.byteView.subarray(this.offset, this.offset + len);\r\n this.offset += len;\r\n // Padding\r\n while (this.offset % 4) {\r\n this.offset++;\r\n }\r\n this.debug && console.log('<<<', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(bytes), (field || '') + ':bytes');\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n fetchIntBytes(bits, typed, field) {\r\n if (bits % 32) {\r\n throw new Error('Invalid bits: ' + bits);\r\n }\r\n var len = bits / 8;\r\n if (typed) {\r\n var result = this.byteView.subarray(this.offset, this.offset + len);\r\n this.offset += len;\r\n return result;\r\n }\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n bytes.push(this.byteView[this.offset++]);\r\n }\r\n this.debug && console.log('<<<', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(bytes), (field || '') + ':int' + bits);\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n fetchRawBytes(len, typed, field) {\r\n if (len === false) {\r\n len = this.readInt((field || '') + '_length');\r\n if (len > this.byteView.byteLength) {\r\n throw new Error('Invalid raw bytes length: ' + len + ', buffer len: ' + this.byteView.byteLength);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (typed) {\r\n let bytes = new Uint8Array(len);\r\n bytes.set(this.byteView.subarray(this.offset, this.offset + len));\r\n this.offset += len;\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n bytes.push(this.byteView[this.offset++]);\r\n }\r\n this.debug && console.log('<<<', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(bytes), (field || ''));\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n fetchObject(type, field) {\r\n switch (type) {\r\n case '#':\r\n case 'int':\r\n return this.fetchInt(field);\r\n case 'long':\r\n return this.fetchLong(field);\r\n case 'int128':\r\n return this.fetchIntBytes(128, false, field);\r\n case 'int256':\r\n return this.fetchIntBytes(256, false, field);\r\n case 'int512':\r\n return this.fetchIntBytes(512, false, field);\r\n case 'string':\r\n return this.fetchString(field);\r\n case 'bytes':\r\n return this.fetchBytes(field);\r\n case 'double':\r\n return this.fetchDouble(field);\r\n case 'Bool':\r\n return this.fetchBool(field);\r\n case 'true':\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n field = field || type || 'Object';\r\n if (type.substr(0, 6) == 'Vector' || type.substr(0, 6) == 'vector') {\r\n if (type.charAt(0) == 'V') {\r\n var constructor = this.readInt(field + '[id]');\r\n var constructorCmp = constructor;\r\n if (constructorCmp == gzipPacked) { // Gzip packed\r\n var compressed = this.fetchBytes(field + '[packed_string]');\r\n var uncompressed = crypto_utils_1.gzipUncompress(compressed);\r\n var newDeserializer = new TLDeserialization(uncompressed);\r\n return newDeserializer.fetchObject(type, field);\r\n }\r\n if (constructorCmp != vector) {\r\n throw new Error('Invalid vector constructor ' + constructor);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n var len = this.readInt(field + '[count]');\r\n var result = [];\r\n if (len > 0) {\r\n var itemType = type.substr(7, type.length - 8); // for \"Vector\"\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n result.push(this.fetchObject(itemType, field + '[' + i + ']'));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n }\r\n var schema = this.mtproto ? schema_1.default.MTProto : schema_1.default.API;\r\n var predicate = false;\r\n var constructorData = false;\r\n if (type.charAt(0) == '%') {\r\n var checkType = type.substr(1);\r\n for (var i = 0; i < schema.constructors.length; i++) {\r\n if (schema.constructors[i].type == checkType) {\r\n constructorData = schema.constructors[i];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!constructorData) {\r\n throw new Error('Constructor not found for type: ' + type);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (type.charAt(0) >= 97 && type.charAt(0) <= 122) {\r\n for (var i = 0; i < schema.constructors.length; i++) {\r\n if (schema.constructors[i].predicate == type) {\r\n constructorData = schema.constructors[i];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!constructorData) {\r\n throw new Error('Constructor not found for predicate: ' + type);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n var constructor = this.readInt(field + '[id]');\r\n var constructorCmp = constructor;\r\n if (constructorCmp == gzipPacked) { // Gzip packed\r\n var compressed = this.fetchBytes(field + '[packed_string]');\r\n var uncompressed = crypto_utils_1.gzipUncompress(compressed);\r\n var newDeserializer = new TLDeserialization(uncompressed);\r\n return newDeserializer.fetchObject(type, field);\r\n }\r\n var index = schema.constructorsIndex;\r\n if (!index) {\r\n schema.constructorsIndex = index = {};\r\n for (var i = 0; i < schema.constructors.length; i++) {\r\n index[schema.constructors[i].id] = i;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n var i = index[constructorCmp];\r\n if (i) {\r\n constructorData = schema.constructors[i];\r\n }\r\n var fallback = false;\r\n if (!constructorData && this.mtproto) {\r\n var schemaFallback = schema_1.default.API;\r\n for (i = 0; i < schemaFallback.constructors.length; i++) {\r\n if (+schemaFallback.constructors[i].id == constructorCmp) {\r\n constructorData = schemaFallback.constructors[i];\r\n delete this.mtproto;\r\n fallback = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!constructorData) {\r\n throw new Error('Constructor not found: ' + constructor + ' ' + this.fetchInt() + ' ' + this.fetchInt() + ' ' + field);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n predicate = constructorData.predicate;\r\n var result = { '_': predicate };\r\n var overrideKey = (this.mtproto ? 'mt_' : '') + predicate;\r\n var self = this;\r\n if (this.override[overrideKey]) {\r\n this.override[overrideKey].apply(this, [result, field + '[' + predicate + ']']);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n var i, param;\r\n var type, isCond;\r\n var condType, fieldBit;\r\n var value;\r\n var len = constructorData.params.length;\r\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n param = constructorData.params[i];\r\n type = param.type;\r\n if (type == '#' && result.pFlags === undefined) {\r\n result.pFlags = {};\r\n }\r\n if (isCond = (type.indexOf('?') !== -1)) {\r\n condType = type.split('?');\r\n fieldBit = condType[0].split('.');\r\n if (!(result[fieldBit[0]] & (1 << fieldBit[1]))) {\r\n //console.log('fetchObject bad', constructorData, result[fieldBit[0]], fieldBit);\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('fetchObject good', constructorData, result[fieldBit[0]], fieldBit);\r\n type = condType[1];\r\n }\r\n value = self.fetchObject(type, field + '[' + predicate + '][' + param.name + ']');\r\n if (isCond && type === 'true') {\r\n result.pFlags[param.name] = value;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n /* if(param.name == 'read_outbox_max_id') {\r\n console.log(result, param.name, value, field + '[' + predicate + '][' + param.name + ']');\r\n } */\r\n result[param.name] = value;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (fallback) {\r\n this.mtproto = true;\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n }\r\n getOffset() {\r\n return this.offset;\r\n }\r\n fetchEnd() {\r\n if (this.offset != this.byteView.length) {\r\n throw new Error('Fetch end with non-empty buffer');\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.TLDeserialization = TLDeserialization;\r\n" }, { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\dcConfigurator.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/dcConfigurator.ts", "index": 23, "index2": 23, "size": 3537, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1707, "building": 782, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./dcConfigurator", "loc": "22:41-68" }, { "moduleId": 21, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\networker.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/networker.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/networker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./dcConfigurator", "loc": "24:41-68" }, { "moduleId": 30, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\authorizer.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./dcConfigurator", "loc": "17:41-68" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.DcConfigurator = void 0;\r\nconst websocket_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./transports/websocket\"));\r\nconst http_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./transports/http\"));\r\nconst mtproto_config_1 = require(\"./mtproto_config\");\r\nclass DcConfigurator {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.sslSubdomains = ['pluto', 'venus', 'aurora', 'vesta', 'flora'];\r\n this.dcOptions = mtproto_config_1.Modes.test\r\n ? [\r\n { id: 1, host: '', port: 80 },\r\n { id: 2, host: '', port: 80 },\r\n { id: 3, host: '', port: 80 }\r\n ]\r\n : [\r\n { id: 1, host: '', port: 80 },\r\n { id: 2, host: '', port: 80 },\r\n { id: 3, host: '', port: 80 },\r\n { id: 4, host: '', port: 80 },\r\n { id: 5, host: '', port: 80 }\r\n ];\r\n this.chosenServers = {\r\n websocket: {},\r\n https: {},\r\n http: {}\r\n };\r\n this.chosenUploadServers = {\r\n websocket: {},\r\n https: {},\r\n http: {}\r\n };\r\n }\r\n chooseServer(dcID, upload, transportType = 'websocket') {\r\n const servers = upload && (transportType != 'websocket' || mtproto_config_1.Modes.multipleConnections)\r\n ? this.chosenUploadServers[transportType]\r\n : this.chosenServers[transportType];\r\n if (!(dcID in servers)) {\r\n servers[dcID] = [];\r\n }\r\n const transports = servers[dcID];\r\n if (!transports.length || (upload && transports.length < 1)) {\r\n let transport;\r\n if (transportType == 'websocket') {\r\n const subdomain = this.sslSubdomains[dcID - 1];\r\n const path = mtproto_config_1.Modes.test ? 'apiws_test' : 'apiws';\r\n const chosenServer = 'wss://' + subdomain + '.web.telegram.org/' + path;\r\n transport = new websocket_1.default(dcID, chosenServer);\r\n }\r\n else if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.ssl || !mtproto_config_1.Modes.http || transportType == 'https') {\r\n const subdomain = this.sslSubdomains[dcID - 1] + (upload ? '-1' : '');\r\n const path = mtproto_config_1.Modes.test ? 'apiw_test1' : 'apiw1';\r\n const chosenServer = 'https://' + subdomain + '.web.telegram.org/' + path;\r\n transport = new http_1.default(dcID, chosenServer);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n for (let dcOption of this.dcOptions) {\r\n if (dcOption.id == dcID) {\r\n const chosenServer = 'http://' + dcOption.host + (dcOption.port != 80 ? ':' + dcOption.port : '') + '/apiw1';\r\n transport = new http_1.default(dcID, chosenServer);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!transport) {\r\n console.error('No chosenServer!', dcID);\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n transports.push(transport);\r\n return transport;\r\n }\r\n return transports[0];\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.DcConfigurator = DcConfigurator;\r\nexports.default = new DcConfigurator();\r\n" }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\transports\\http.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/transports/http.ts", "index": 27, "index2": 22, "size": 1204, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1707, "building": 782, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 8, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\dcConfigurator.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/dcConfigurator.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/dcConfigurator.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./transports/http", "loc": "8:31-59" }, { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./transports/http", "loc": "23:31-59" }, { "moduleId": 21, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\networker.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/networker.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/networker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./transports/http", "loc": "25:31-59" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst transport_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./transport\"));\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../../bin_utils\");\r\nclass HTTP extends transport_1.default {\r\n constructor(dcID, url) {\r\n super(dcID, url);\r\n this.send = (data) => {\r\n return fetch(this.url, { method: 'POST', body: data }).then(response => {\r\n //console.log('http response', response/* , response.arrayBuffer() */);\r\n if (response.status != 200) {\r\n response.arrayBuffer().then(buffer => {\r\n console.log('not 200', new TextDecoder(\"utf-8\").decode(new Uint8Array(bin_utils_1.bytesFromArrayBuffer(buffer))));\r\n });\r\n throw response;\r\n }\r\n return response.arrayBuffer().then(buffer => {\r\n return new Uint8Array(bin_utils_1.bytesFromArrayBuffer(buffer));\r\n });\r\n });\r\n };\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = HTTP;\r\n" }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "index": 4, "index2": 29, "size": 15242, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerId": 19, "issuerName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 19, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "module": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "moduleName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./apiManager", "loc": "18:37-60" }, { "moduleId": 32, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiFileManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./apiManager", "loc": "19:37-60" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 1, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.ApiManager = void 0;\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst networkerFactory_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./networkerFactory\"));\r\nconst mtproto_1 = require(\"./mtproto\");\r\nconst authorizer_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./authorizer\"));\r\nconst mtproto_config_1 = require(\"./mtproto_config\");\r\nconst dcConfigurator_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./dcConfigurator\"));\r\nconst http_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./transports/http\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\n///////////////////////\r\n//////////////////////////////////////\r\n///////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n//////////\r\n//console.error('apiManager included!');\r\n// TODO: если запрос словил флуд, нужно сохранять его параметры и возвращать тот же промис на новый такой же запрос, например - загрузка истории\r\nclass ApiManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n //MtpSingleInstanceService.start();\r\n this.cachedNetworkers = {};\r\n this.cachedUploadNetworkers = {};\r\n this.cachedExportPromise = {};\r\n this.gettingNetworkers = {};\r\n this.baseDcID = 0;\r\n this.telegramMeNotified = false;\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('API');\r\n /* AppStorage.get('dc').then((dcID) => {\r\n if(dcID) {\r\n this.baseDcID = dcID;\r\n }\r\n }); */\r\n }\r\n telegramMeNotify(newValue) {\r\n if (this.telegramMeNotified !== newValue) {\r\n this.telegramMeNotified = newValue;\r\n mtproto_1.telegramMeWebService.setAuthorized(this.telegramMeNotified);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // mtpSetUserAuth\r\n setUserAuth(userAuth) {\r\n var fullUserAuth = Object.assign({ dcID: this.baseDcID }, userAuth);\r\n storage_1.default.set({\r\n dc: this.baseDcID,\r\n user_auth: fullUserAuth\r\n });\r\n this.telegramMeNotify(true);\r\n ///////////////////////////\r\n /////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n //////////////\r\n }\r\n setBaseDcID(dcID) {\r\n this.baseDcID = dcID;\r\n }\r\n // mtpLogOut\r\n logOut() {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n let storageKeys = [];\r\n let prefix = mtproto_config_1.Modes.test ? 't_dc' : 'dc';\r\n for (let dcID = 1; dcID <= 5; dcID++) {\r\n storageKeys.push(prefix + dcID + '_auth_key');\r\n //storageKeys.push(prefix + dcID + '_auth_keyID');\r\n }\r\n // WebPushApiManager.forceUnsubscribe(); // WARNING\r\n let storageResult = yield storage_1.default.get(storageKeys);\r\n let logoutPromises = [];\r\n for (let i = 0; i < storageResult.length; i++) {\r\n if (storageResult[i]) {\r\n logoutPromises.push(this.invokeApi('auth.logOut', {}, { dcID: i + 1, ignoreErrors: true }));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return Promise.all(logoutPromises).then(() => {\r\n storage_1.default.remove('dc', 'user_auth', 'stickerSets');\r\n this.baseDcID = 0;\r\n this.telegramMeNotify(false);\r\n this.mtpClearStorage();\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n storageKeys.push('dc', 'user_auth', 'stickerSets');\r\n storage_1.default.remove(storageKeys);\r\n this.baseDcID = 0;\r\n error.handled = true;\r\n this.telegramMeNotify(false);\r\n this.mtpClearStorage();\r\n }) /* .then(() => {\r\n location.pathname = '/';\r\n }) */;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n mtpClearStorage() {\r\n var saveKeys = ['user_auth', 't_user_auth', 'dc', 't_dc'];\r\n for (var dcID = 1; dcID <= 5; dcID++) {\r\n saveKeys.push('dc' + dcID + '_auth_key');\r\n saveKeys.push('dc' + dcID + '_auth_keyID');\r\n saveKeys.push('dc' + dcID + '_server_salt'); // new\r\n saveKeys.push('t_dc' + dcID + '_auth_key');\r\n saveKeys.push('t_dc' + dcID + '_auth_keyID');\r\n saveKeys.push('t_dc' + dcID + '_server_salt'); // new\r\n }\r\n storage_1.default.noPrefix();\r\n storage_1.default.get(saveKeys).then((values) => {\r\n storage_1.default.clear().then(() => {\r\n var restoreObj = {};\r\n saveKeys.forEach((key, i) => {\r\n var value = values[i];\r\n if (value !== false && value !== undefined) {\r\n restoreObj[key] = value;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n storage_1.default.noPrefix();\r\n return storage_1.default.set(restoreObj);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // mtpGetNetworker\r\n getNetworker(dcID, options) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const upload = (options.fileUpload || options.fileDownload)\r\n && (dcConfigurator_1.default.chooseServer(dcID, true) instanceof http_1.default || mtproto_config_1.Modes.multipleConnections);\r\n const cache = upload ? this.cachedUploadNetworkers : this.cachedNetworkers;\r\n if (!dcID) {\r\n throw new Error('get Networker without dcID');\r\n }\r\n if (cache[dcID] !== undefined) {\r\n return cache[dcID];\r\n }\r\n const getKey = dcID + '-' + +upload;\r\n if (this.gettingNetworkers[getKey]) {\r\n return this.gettingNetworkers[getKey];\r\n }\r\n const ak = 'dc' + dcID + '_auth_key';\r\n const akID = 'dc' + dcID + '_auth_keyID';\r\n const ss = 'dc' + dcID + '_server_salt';\r\n return this.gettingNetworkers[getKey] = storage_1.default.get([ak, akID, ss])\r\n .then(([authKeyHex, authKeyIDHex, serverSaltHex]) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n /* if(authKeyHex && !authKeyIDHex && serverSaltHex) {\r\n this.log.warn('Updating to new version (+akID)');\r\n await AppStorage.remove(ak, akID, ss);\r\n authKeyHex = serverSaltHex = '';\r\n } */\r\n let networker;\r\n if (authKeyHex && authKeyHex.length == 512) {\r\n if (!serverSaltHex || serverSaltHex.length != 16) {\r\n serverSaltHex = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA';\r\n }\r\n const authKey = bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(authKeyHex);\r\n const authKeyID = new Uint8Array(bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(authKeyIDHex));\r\n const serverSalt = bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(serverSaltHex);\r\n networker = networkerFactory_1.default.getNetworker(dcID, authKey, authKeyID, serverSalt, options);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n try { // if no saved state\r\n const auth = yield authorizer_1.default.auth(dcID);\r\n const storeObj = {\r\n [ak]: bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(auth.authKey),\r\n [akID]: auth.authKeyID.hex,\r\n [ss]: bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(auth.serverSalt)\r\n };\r\n storage_1.default.set(storeObj);\r\n networker = networkerFactory_1.default.getNetworker(dcID, auth.authKey, auth.authKeyID, auth.serverSalt, options);\r\n }\r\n catch (error) {\r\n this.log('Get networker error', error, error.stack);\r\n delete this.gettingNetworkers[getKey];\r\n throw error;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n delete this.gettingNetworkers[getKey];\r\n return cache[dcID] = networker;\r\n }));\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // mtpInvokeApi\r\n invokeApi(method, params = {}, options = {}) {\r\n ///////this.log('Invoke api', method, params, options);\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n let rejectPromise = (error) => {\r\n if (!error) {\r\n error = { type: 'ERROR_EMPTY' };\r\n }\r\n else if (!bin_utils_1.isObject(error)) {\r\n error = { message: error };\r\n }\r\n reject(error);\r\n if (options.ignoreErrors) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (error.code == 406) {\r\n error.handled = true;\r\n }\r\n if (!options.noErrorBox) {\r\n error.input = method;\r\n error.stack = stack || (error.originalError && error.originalError.stack) || error.stack || (new Error()).stack;\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n if (!error.handled) {\r\n if (error.code == 401) {\r\n this.logOut();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // ErrorService.show({error: error}); // WARNING\r\n }\r\n error.handled = true;\r\n }\r\n }, 100);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n var dcID;\r\n var cachedNetworker;\r\n var stack = (new Error()).stack || 'empty stack';\r\n var performRequest = (networker) => {\r\n return (cachedNetworker = networker)\r\n .wrapApiCall(method, params, options)\r\n .then(resolve, (error) => {\r\n this.log.error('Error', error.code, error.type, this.baseDcID, dcID);\r\n if (error.code == 401 && this.baseDcID == dcID) {\r\n storage_1.default.remove('dc', 'user_auth');\r\n this.telegramMeNotify(false);\r\n rejectPromise(error);\r\n }\r\n else if (error.code == 401 && this.baseDcID && dcID != this.baseDcID) {\r\n if (this.cachedExportPromise[dcID] === undefined) {\r\n let promise = new Promise((exportResolve, exportReject) => {\r\n this.invokeApi('auth.exportAuthorization', { dc_id: dcID }, { noErrorBox: true }).then((exportedAuth) => {\r\n this.invokeApi('auth.importAuthorization', {\r\n id: exportedAuth.id,\r\n bytes: exportedAuth.bytes\r\n }, { dcID: dcID, noErrorBox: true }).then(exportResolve, exportReject);\r\n }, exportReject);\r\n });\r\n this.cachedExportPromise[dcID] = promise;\r\n }\r\n this.cachedExportPromise[dcID].then(() => {\r\n (cachedNetworker = networker).wrapApiCall(method, params, options).then(resolve, rejectPromise);\r\n }, rejectPromise);\r\n }\r\n else if (error.code == 303) {\r\n var newDcID = error.type.match(/^(PHONE_MIGRATE_|NETWORK_MIGRATE_|USER_MIGRATE_)(\\d+)/)[2];\r\n if (newDcID != dcID) {\r\n if (options.dcID) {\r\n options.dcID = newDcID;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n storage_1.default.set({ dc: this.baseDcID = newDcID });\r\n }\r\n this.getNetworker(newDcID, options).then((networker) => {\r\n networker.wrapApiCall(method, params, options).then(resolve, rejectPromise);\r\n }, rejectPromise);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (!options.rawError && error.code == 420) {\r\n var waitTime = error.type.match(/^FLOOD_WAIT_(\\d+)/)[1] || 10;\r\n if (waitTime > (options.timeout !== undefined ? options.timeout : 60)) {\r\n return rejectPromise(error);\r\n }\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n performRequest(cachedNetworker);\r\n }, waitTime /* (waitTime + 5) */ * 1000); // 03.02.2020\r\n }\r\n else if (!options.rawError && (error.code == 500 || error.type == 'MSG_WAIT_FAILED')) {\r\n var now = Date.now();\r\n if (options.stopTime) {\r\n if (now >= options.stopTime) {\r\n return rejectPromise(error);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n options.stopTime = now + (options.timeout !== undefined ? options.timeout : 10) * 1000;\r\n }\r\n options.waitTime = options.waitTime ? Math.min(60, options.waitTime * 1.5) : 1;\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n performRequest(cachedNetworker);\r\n }, options.waitTime * 1000);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n rejectPromise(error);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n };\r\n if (dcID = (options.dcID || this.baseDcID)) {\r\n this.getNetworker(dcID, options).then(performRequest, rejectPromise);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n storage_1.default.get('dc').then((baseDcID) => {\r\n this.getNetworker(this.baseDcID = dcID = baseDcID || mtproto_config_1.App.baseDcID, options).then(performRequest, rejectPromise);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // mtpGetUserID\r\n getUserID() {\r\n return storage_1.default.get('user_auth').then((auth) => {\r\n this.telegramMeNotify(auth && auth.id > 0 || false);\r\n return auth.id || 0;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ApiManager = ApiManager;\r\nexports.default = new ApiManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 11, "identifier": 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(!listeners.length) {\r\n //console.trace('no listeners?', self, listeners);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n listeners.slice(all ? 0 : -1).forEach(listener => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n listener.postMessage(...args);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n};\r\nconst notifyWorker = (...args) => {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n self.postMessage(...args);\r\n};\r\nconst empty = () => { };\r\nexports.notifySomeone = exports.isServiceWorker ? notifyServiceWorker.bind(null, false) : (exports.isWebWorker ? notifyWorker : empty);\r\nexports.notifyAll = exports.isServiceWorker ? notifyServiceWorker.bind(null, true) : (exports.isWebWorker ? notifyWorker : empty);\r\n" }, { "id": 12, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\schema.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/schema.ts", "index": 11, "index2": 6, "size": 259059, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\cryptoworker.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1524, "building": 711, "dependencies": 1293 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 2, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\cryptoworker.ts", "module": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./crypto_utils", "loc": "39:54-79" }, { "moduleId": 7, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\tl_utils.ts", "module": 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[])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.gzipUncompress = exports.bytesModPow = exports.pqPrimeLeemon = exports.pqPrimeFactorization = exports.hash_pbkdf2 = exports.rsaEncrypt = exports.aesDecryptSync = exports.aesEncryptSync = exports.sha256HashSync = exports.sha1HashSync = exports.bytesFromLeemonBigInt = void 0;\r\nconst sha1_1 = __importDefault(require(\"@cryptography/sha1\"));\r\nconst sha256_1 = __importDefault(require(\"@cryptography/sha256\"));\r\nconst aes_1 = require(\"@cryptography/aes\");\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nconst pako_inflate_min_js_1 = __importDefault(require(\"pako/dist/pako_inflate.min.js\"));\r\nconst leemon_1 = require(\"leemon\"); //from 'leemon';\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nconst jsbn_1 = require(\"jsbn\");\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nfunction bytesFromLeemonBigInt(bigInt) {\r\n var str = leemon_1.bigInt2str(bigInt, 16);\r\n return bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(str);\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromLeemonBigInt = bytesFromLeemonBigInt;\r\nfunction sha1HashSync(bytes) {\r\n //console.trace(dT(), 'SHA-1 hash start', bytes);\r\n const hashBytes = [];\r\n let hash = sha1_1.default(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bytes instanceof Uint8Array ? [...bytes] : [...new Uint8Array(bytes)]));\r\n for (let i = 0; i < hash.length; ++i) {\r\n hashBytes.push(hash.charCodeAt(i));\r\n }\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'SHA-1 hash finish', hashBytes, bytesToHex(hashBytes));\r\n return new Uint8Array(hashBytes);\r\n}\r\nexports.sha1HashSync = sha1HashSync;\r\nfunction sha256HashSync(bytes) {\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'SHA-256 hash start');\r\n let words = typeof (bytes) === 'string' ? bytes : bin_utils_1.bytesToWordss(bytes);\r\n let hash = sha256_1.default(words);\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'SHA-256 hash finish', hash);\r\n return bin_utils_1.bytesFromWordss(hash);\r\n}\r\nexports.sha256HashSync = sha256HashSync;\r\nfunction aesEncryptSync(bytes, keyBytes, ivBytes) {\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'AES encrypt start', bytes, keyBytes, ivBytes);\r\n // console.log('aes before padding bytes:', bytesToHex(bytes));\r\n bytes = bin_utils_1.addPadding(bytes);\r\n // console.log('aes after padding bytes:', bytesToHex(bytes));\r\n const cipher = new aes_1.IGE(bin_utils_1.bytesToWordss(keyBytes), bin_utils_1.bytesToWordss(ivBytes));\r\n const encryptedBytes = cipher.encrypt(bin_utils_1.bytesToWordss(bytes));\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'AES encrypt finish');\r\n return bin_utils_1.bytesFromWordss(encryptedBytes);\r\n}\r\nexports.aesEncryptSync = aesEncryptSync;\r\nfunction aesDecryptSync(bytes, keyBytes, ivBytes) {\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'AES decrypt start', bytes, keyBytes, ivBytes);\r\n const cipher = new aes_1.IGE(bin_utils_1.bytesToWordss(keyBytes), bin_utils_1.bytesToWordss(ivBytes));\r\n const decryptedBytes = cipher.decrypt(bin_utils_1.bytesToWordss(bytes));\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'AES decrypt finish');\r\n return bin_utils_1.bytesFromWordss(decryptedBytes);\r\n}\r\nexports.aesDecryptSync = aesDecryptSync;\r\nfunction rsaEncrypt(publicKey, bytes) {\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'RSA encrypt start', publicKey, bytes);\r\n bytes = bin_utils_1.addPadding(bytes, 255);\r\n var N = leemon_1.str2bigInt(publicKey.modulus, 16);\r\n var E = leemon_1.str2bigInt(publicKey.exponent, 16);\r\n var X = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(bytes), 16);\r\n var encryptedBigInt = leemon_1.powMod(X, E, N);\r\n var encryptedBytes = bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(leemon_1.bigInt2str(encryptedBigInt, 16));\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'RSA encrypt finish');\r\n return encryptedBytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.rsaEncrypt = rsaEncrypt;\r\nfunction hash_pbkdf2(/* hasher: 'string', */ buffer, salt, iterations) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n let subtle = typeof (window) !== 'undefined' && 'crypto' in window ? window.crypto.subtle : self.crypto.subtle;\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n let importKey = yield subtle.importKey(\"raw\", //only \"raw\" is allowed\r\n buffer, //your password\r\n {\r\n name: \"PBKDF2\",\r\n }, false, //whether the key is extractable (i.e. can be used in exportKey)\r\n [\"deriveKey\", \"deriveBits\"] //can be any combination of \"deriveKey\" and \"deriveBits\"\r\n );\r\n /* let deriveKey = */ yield subtle.deriveKey({\r\n \"name\": \"PBKDF2\",\r\n salt: salt,\r\n iterations: iterations,\r\n hash: { name: \"SHA-512\" },\r\n }, importKey, //your key from generateKey or importKey\r\n {\r\n name: \"AES-CTR\",\r\n //the generateKey parameters for that type of algorithm\r\n length: 256,\r\n }, false, //whether the derived key is extractable (i.e. can be used in exportKey)\r\n [\"encrypt\", \"decrypt\"] //limited to the options in that algorithm's importKey\r\n );\r\n let bits = subtle.deriveBits({\r\n \"name\": \"PBKDF2\",\r\n salt: salt,\r\n iterations: iterations,\r\n hash: { name: \"SHA-512\" },\r\n }, importKey, //your key from generateKey or importKey\r\n 512 //the number of bits you want to derive\r\n );\r\n return bits;\r\n });\r\n}\r\nexports.hash_pbkdf2 = hash_pbkdf2;\r\nfunction pqPrimeFactorization(pqBytes) {\r\n var what = new jsbn_1.BigInteger(pqBytes);\r\n var result = false;\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'PQ start', pqBytes, what.toString(16), what.bitLength())\r\n try {\r\n //console.time('PQ leemon');\r\n result = pqPrimeLeemon(leemon_1.str2bigInt(what.toString(16), 16, Math.ceil(64 / leemon_1.bpe) + 1));\r\n //console.timeEnd('PQ leemon');\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n console.error('Pq leemon Exception', e);\r\n }\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'PQ finish');\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\nexports.pqPrimeFactorization = pqPrimeFactorization;\r\nfunction pqPrimeLeemon(what) {\r\n var minBits = 64;\r\n var minLen = Math.ceil(minBits / leemon_1.bpe) + 1;\r\n var it = 0;\r\n var i, q;\r\n var j, lim;\r\n var P;\r\n var Q;\r\n var a = new Array(minLen);\r\n var b = new Array(minLen);\r\n var c = new Array(minLen);\r\n var g = new Array(minLen);\r\n var z = new Array(minLen);\r\n var x = new Array(minLen);\r\n var y = new Array(minLen);\r\n for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\r\n q = (bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(128) & 15) + 17;\r\n leemon_1.copyInt_(x, bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(1000000000) + 1);\r\n leemon_1.copy_(y, x);\r\n lim = 1 << (i + 18);\r\n for (j = 1; j < lim; j++) {\r\n ++it;\r\n leemon_1.copy_(a, x);\r\n leemon_1.copy_(b, x);\r\n leemon_1.copyInt_(c, q);\r\n while (!leemon_1.isZero(b)) {\r\n if (b[0] & 1) {\r\n leemon_1.add_(c, a);\r\n if (leemon_1.greater(c, what)) {\r\n leemon_1.sub_(c, what);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n leemon_1.add_(a, a);\r\n if (leemon_1.greater(a, what)) {\r\n leemon_1.sub_(a, what);\r\n }\r\n leemon_1.rightShift_(b, 1);\r\n }\r\n leemon_1.copy_(x, c);\r\n if (leemon_1.greater(x, y)) {\r\n leemon_1.copy_(z, x);\r\n leemon_1.sub_(z, y);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n leemon_1.copy_(z, y);\r\n leemon_1.sub_(z, x);\r\n }\r\n leemon_1.eGCD_(z, what, g, a, b);\r\n if (!leemon_1.equalsInt(g, 1)) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if ((j & (j - 1)) == 0) {\r\n leemon_1.copy_(y, x);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (leemon_1.greater(g, leemon_1.one)) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n leemon_1.divide_(what, g, x, y);\r\n if (leemon_1.greater(g, x)) {\r\n P = x;\r\n Q = g;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n P = g;\r\n Q = x;\r\n }\r\n // console.log(dT(), 'done', bigInt2str(what, 10), bigInt2str(P, 10), bigInt2str(Q, 10))\r\n return [bytesFromLeemonBigInt(P), bytesFromLeemonBigInt(Q), it];\r\n}\r\nexports.pqPrimeLeemon = pqPrimeLeemon;\r\nfunction bytesModPow(x, y, m) {\r\n try {\r\n var xBigInt = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(x), 16);\r\n var yBigInt = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(y), 16);\r\n var mBigInt = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(m), 16);\r\n var resBigInt = leemon_1.powMod(xBigInt, yBigInt, mBigInt);\r\n return bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(leemon_1.bigInt2str(resBigInt, 16));\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n console.error('mod pow error', e);\r\n }\r\n return bin_utils_1.bytesFromBigInt(new jsbn_1.BigInteger(x).modPow(new jsbn_1.BigInteger(y), new jsbn_1.BigInteger(m)), 256);\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesModPow = bytesModPow;\r\nfunction gzipUncompress(bytes, toString) {\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'Gzip uncompress start');\r\n var result = pako_inflate_min_js_1.default.inflate(bytes, toString ? { to: 'string' } : undefined);\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'Gzip uncompress finish'/* , result */);\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\nexports.gzipUncompress = gzipUncompress;\r\n" }, { "id": 14, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\@cryptography\\aes\\dist\\es\\aes.js", "name": "./node_modules/@cryptography/aes/dist/es/aes.js", "index": 15, "index2": 9, "size": 11143, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "issuerId": 13, "issuerName": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\cryptoworker.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } }, { "id": 13, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "profile": { "factory": 1524, "building": 711, "dependencies": 1293 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1827, "building": 56 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 13, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "module": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "@cryptography/aes", "loc": "18:14-42" }, { "moduleId": 27, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\transports\\websocket.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/transports/websocket.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/transports/websocket.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "@cryptography/aes", "loc": "9:14-42" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": [ "default", "CTR", "IGE" ], "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is referenced from these modules with unsupported syntax: ./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts (referenced with cjs require), ./src/lib/mtproto/transports/websocket.ts (referenced with cjs require)" ], "depth": 3, "source": "var S = new Uint8Array(256);\nvar Si = new Uint8Array(256);\nvar T1 = new Uint32Array(256);\nvar T2 = new Uint32Array(256);\nvar T3 = new Uint32Array(256);\nvar T4 = new Uint32Array(256);\nvar T5 = new Uint32Array(256);\nvar T6 = new Uint32Array(256);\nvar T7 = new Uint32Array(256);\nvar T8 = new Uint32Array(256);\nfunction computeTables() {\n var d = new Uint8Array(256);\n var t = new Uint8Array(256);\n var x2;\n var x4;\n var x8;\n var s;\n var tEnc;\n var tDec;\n var x = 0;\n var xInv = 0;\n // Compute double and third tables\n for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {\n d[i] = i << 1 ^ (i >> 7) * 283;\n t[d[i] ^ i] = i;\n }\n for (; !S[x]; x ^= x2 || 1) {\n // Compute sbox\n s = xInv ^ xInv << 1 ^ xInv << 2 ^ xInv << 3 ^ xInv << 4;\n s = s >> 8 ^ s & 255 ^ 99;\n S[x] = s;\n Si[s] = x;\n // Compute MixColumns\n x8 = d[x4 = d[x2 = d[x]]];\n tDec = x8 * 0x1010101 ^ x4 * 0x10001 ^ x2 * 0x101 ^ x * 0x1010100;\n tEnc = d[s] * 0x101 ^ s * 0x1010100;\n T1[x] = tEnc = tEnc << 24 ^ tEnc >>> 8;\n T2[x] = tEnc = tEnc << 24 ^ tEnc >>> 8;\n T3[x] = tEnc = tEnc << 24 ^ tEnc >>> 8;\n T4[x] = tEnc = tEnc << 24 ^ tEnc >>> 8;\n T5[s] = tDec = tDec << 24 ^ tDec >>> 8;\n T6[s] = tDec = tDec << 24 ^ tDec >>> 8;\n T7[s] = tDec = tDec << 24 ^ tDec >>> 8;\n T8[s] = tDec = tDec << 24 ^ tDec >>> 8;\n xInv = t[xInv] || 1;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Gets a uint32 from string in big-endian order order\n */\nfunction s2i(str, pos) {\n return (str.charCodeAt(pos) << 24\n ^ str.charCodeAt(pos + 1) << 16\n ^ str.charCodeAt(pos + 2) << 8\n ^ str.charCodeAt(pos + 3));\n}\n\n/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */\n/**\n * Helper function for transforming string key to Uint32Array\n */\nfunction getWords(key) {\n if (key instanceof Uint32Array) {\n return key;\n }\n if (typeof key === 'string') {\n if (key.length % 4 !== 0)\n for (var i = key.length % 4; i <= 4; i++)\n key += '\\0x00';\n var buf = new Uint32Array(key.length / 4);\n for (var i = 0; i < key.length; i += 4)\n buf[i / 4] = s2i(key, i);\n return buf;\n }\n if (key instanceof Uint8Array) {\n var buf = new Uint32Array(key.length / 4);\n for (var i = 0; i < key.length; i += 4) {\n buf[i / 4] = (key[i] << 24\n ^ key[i + 1] << 16\n ^ key[i + 2] << 8\n ^ key[i + 3]);\n }\n return buf;\n }\n throw new Error('Unable to create 32-bit words');\n}\nfunction xor(left, right, to) {\n if (to === void 0) { to = left; }\n for (var i = 0; i < left.length; i++)\n to[i] = left[i] ^ right[i];\n}\n\ncomputeTables();\n/**\n * Low-level AES Cipher\n */\nvar AES = /** @class */ (function () {\n function AES(_key) {\n var key = getWords(_key);\n if (key.length !== 4 && key.length !== 6 && key.length !== 8) {\n throw new Error('Invalid key size');\n }\n this.encKey = new Uint32Array(4 * key.length + 28);\n this.decKey = new Uint32Array(4 * key.length + 28);\n this.encKey.set(key);\n var rcon = 1;\n var i = key.length;\n var tmp;\n // schedule encryption keys\n for (; i < 4 * key.length + 28; i++) {\n tmp = this.encKey[i - 1];\n // apply sbox\n if (i % key.length === 0 || (key.length === 8 && i % key.length === 4)) {\n tmp = S[tmp >>> 24] << 24 ^ S[(tmp >> 16) & 255] << 16 ^ S[(tmp >> 8) & 255] << 8 ^ S[tmp & 255];\n // shift rows and add rcon\n if (i % key.length === 0) {\n tmp = tmp << 8 ^ tmp >>> 24 ^ (rcon << 24);\n rcon = rcon << 1 ^ (rcon >> 7) * 283;\n }\n }\n this.encKey[i] = this.encKey[i - key.length] ^ tmp;\n }\n // schedule decryption keys\n for (var j = 0; i; j++, i--) {\n tmp = this.encKey[j & 3 ? i : i - 4];\n if (i <= 4 || j < 4) {\n this.decKey[j] = tmp;\n }\n else {\n this.decKey[j] = (T5[S[tmp >>> 24]]\n ^ T6[S[(tmp >> 16) & 255]]\n ^ T7[S[(tmp >> 8) & 255]]\n ^ T8[S[tmp & 255]]);\n }\n }\n }\n AES.prototype.encrypt = function (_message) {\n var message = getWords(_message);\n var out = new Uint32Array(4);\n var a = message[0] ^ this.encKey[0];\n var b = message[1] ^ this.encKey[1];\n var c = message[2] ^ this.encKey[2];\n var d = message[3] ^ this.encKey[3];\n var rounds = this.encKey.length / 4 - 2;\n var k = 4;\n var a2;\n var b2;\n var c2;\n // Inner rounds. Cribbed from OpenSSL.\n for (var i = 0; i < rounds; i++) {\n a2 = T1[a >>> 24] ^ T2[(b >> 16) & 255] ^ T3[(c >> 8) & 255] ^ T4[d & 255] ^ this.encKey[k];\n b2 = T1[b >>> 24] ^ T2[(c >> 16) & 255] ^ T3[(d >> 8) & 255] ^ T4[a & 255] ^ this.encKey[k + 1];\n c2 = T1[c >>> 24] ^ T2[(d >> 16) & 255] ^ T3[(a >> 8) & 255] ^ T4[b & 255] ^ this.encKey[k + 2];\n d = T1[d >>> 24] ^ T2[(a >> 16) & 255] ^ T3[(b >> 8) & 255] ^ T4[c & 255] ^ this.encKey[k + 3];\n a = a2;\n b = b2;\n c = c2;\n k += 4;\n // console.log(a, b, c, d);\n }\n // Last round.\n for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n out[i] = (S[a >>> 24] << 24\n ^ S[(b >> 16) & 255] << 16\n ^ S[(c >> 8) & 255] << 8\n ^ S[d & 255]\n ^ this.encKey[k++]);\n a2 = a;\n a = b;\n b = c;\n c = d;\n d = a2;\n }\n return out;\n };\n AES.prototype.decrypt = function (_message) {\n var message = getWords(_message);\n var out = new Uint32Array(4);\n var a = message[0] ^ this.decKey[0];\n var b = message[3] ^ this.decKey[1];\n var c = message[2] ^ this.decKey[2];\n var d = message[1] ^ this.decKey[3];\n var rounds = this.decKey.length / 4 - 2;\n var a2;\n var b2;\n var c2;\n var k = 4;\n // Inner rounds. Cribbed from OpenSSL.\n for (var i = 0; i < rounds; i++) {\n a2 = T5[a >>> 24] ^ T6[(b >> 16) & 255] ^ T7[(c >> 8) & 255] ^ T8[d & 255] ^ this.decKey[k];\n b2 = T5[b >>> 24] ^ T6[(c >> 16) & 255] ^ T7[(d >> 8) & 255] ^ T8[a & 255] ^ this.decKey[k + 1];\n c2 = T5[c >>> 24] ^ T6[(d >> 16) & 255] ^ T7[(a >> 8) & 255] ^ T8[b & 255] ^ this.decKey[k + 2];\n d = T5[d >>> 24] ^ T6[(a >> 16) & 255] ^ T7[(b >> 8) & 255] ^ T8[c & 255] ^ this.decKey[k + 3];\n a = a2;\n b = b2;\n c = c2;\n k += 4;\n }\n // Last round.\n for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n out[3 & -i] = (Si[a >>> 24] << 24\n ^ Si[(b >> 16) & 255] << 16\n ^ Si[(c >> 8) & 255] << 8\n ^ Si[d & 255]\n ^ this.decKey[k++]);\n a2 = a;\n a = b;\n b = c;\n c = d;\n d = a2;\n }\n return out;\n };\n return AES;\n}());\n\n/**\n * AES-IGE mode.\n */\nvar AES_IGE = /** @class */ (function () {\n function AES_IGE(key, iv, blockSize) {\n if (blockSize === void 0) { blockSize = 16; }\n this.key = getWords(key);\n this.iv = getWords(iv);\n this.cipher = new AES(key);\n this.blockSize = blockSize / 4;\n }\n /**\n * Encrypts plain text with AES-IGE mode.\n */\n AES_IGE.prototype.encrypt = function (message, buf) {\n var text = getWords(message);\n var cipherText = buf || new Uint32Array(text.length);\n var prevX = this.iv.subarray(this.blockSize, this.iv.length);\n var prevY = this.iv.subarray(0, this.blockSize);\n var yXOR = new Uint32Array(this.blockSize);\n for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i += this.blockSize) {\n var x = text.subarray(i, i + this.blockSize);\n xor(x, prevY, yXOR);\n var y = this.cipher.encrypt(yXOR);\n xor(y, prevX);\n prevX = x;\n prevY = y;\n for (var j = i, k = 0; j < text.length && k < 4; j++, k++)\n cipherText[j] = y[k];\n }\n return cipherText;\n };\n /**\n * Decrypts cipher text with AES-IGE mode.\n */\n AES_IGE.prototype.decrypt = function (message, buf) {\n var cipherText = getWords(message);\n var text = buf || new Uint32Array(cipherText.length);\n var prevY = this.iv.subarray(this.blockSize, this.iv.length);\n var prevX = this.iv.subarray(0, this.blockSize);\n var yXOR = new Uint32Array(this.blockSize);\n for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i += this.blockSize) {\n var x = cipherText.subarray(i, i + this.blockSize);\n xor(x, prevY, yXOR);\n var y = this.cipher.decrypt(yXOR);\n xor(y, prevX);\n prevX = x;\n prevY = y;\n for (var j = i, k = 0; j < text.length && k < 4; j++, k++)\n text[j] = y[k];\n }\n return text;\n };\n return AES_IGE;\n}());\n\n/**\n * AES-IGE mode.\n */\nvar AES_IGE$1 = /** @class */ (function () {\n function AES_IGE(key, counter, blockSize) {\n if (blockSize === void 0) { blockSize = 16; }\n this.offset = 0;\n this.key = getWords(key);\n this.counter = getWords(counter);\n this.cipher = new AES(key);\n this.blockSize = blockSize / 4;\n if (this.counter.length !== 4) {\n throw new Error('AES-CTR mode counter must be 16 bytes length');\n }\n }\n /**\n * Encrypts plain text with AES-IGE mode.\n */\n AES_IGE.prototype.encrypt = function (message, buf) {\n var text = getWords(message);\n var cipherText = buf || new Uint32Array(text.length);\n var offset = this.offset;\n for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i += this.blockSize) {\n var x = this.cipher.encrypt(this.counter);\n for (var j = i, k = offset; j < text.length && k < this.blockSize; j++, k++)\n cipherText[j] = x[k] ^ text[j];\n if (text.length - i >= this.blockSize)\n this.incrementCounter();\n if (offset) {\n i -= offset;\n offset = 0;\n }\n }\n this.offset = (this.offset + (text.length % 4)) % 4;\n return cipherText;\n };\n /**\n * Decrypts cipher text with AES-IGE mode.\n */\n AES_IGE.prototype.decrypt = function (message, buf) {\n return this.encrypt(message, buf);\n };\n AES_IGE.prototype.incrementCounter = function () {\n // increment counter\n for (var carry = this.counter.length - 1; carry >= 0; carry--) {\n if (++this.counter[carry] < 0xFFFFFFFF)\n break; // If overflowing, it'll be 0 and we'll have to continue propagating the carry\n }\n };\n return AES_IGE;\n}());\n\nexport default AES;\nexport { AES_IGE$1 as CTR, AES_IGE as IGE };\n" }, { "id": 15, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\leemon\\es\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/leemon/es/index.js", "index": 17, "index2": 11, "size": 57067, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "issuerId": 13, "issuerName": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\cryptoworker.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } }, { "id": 13, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "profile": { "factory": 1524, "building": 711, "dependencies": 1293 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1827, "building": 56 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 13, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "module": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "leemon", "loc": "21:17-34" }, { "moduleId": 26, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\srp.ts", "module": "./src/lib/crypto/srp.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/crypto/srp.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "leemon", "loc": "18:17-34" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": [ "bpe", "one", "zero", "findPrimes", "millerRabinInt", "millerRabin", "bitSize", "expand", "randTruePrime", "randProbPrime", "randProbPrimeRounds", "mod", "addInt", "mult", "powMod", "sub", "add", "inverseMod", "multMod", "randTruePrime_", "randBigInt", "randBigInt_", "GCD", "GCD_", "inverseMod_", "inverseModInt", "eGCD_", "negative", "greaterShift", "greater", "divide_", "carry_", "modInt", "int2bigInt", "str2bigInt", "equalsInt", "equals", "isZero", "bigInt2str", "dup", "copy_", "copyInt_", "addInt_", "rightShift_", "halve_", "leftShift_", "multInt_", "divInt_", "linComb_", "linCombShift_", "addShift_", "subShift_", "sub_", "add_", "mult_", "mod_", "multMod_", "squareMod_", "trim", "powMod_", "mont_" ], "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is referenced from these modules with unsupported syntax: ./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts (referenced with cjs require), ./src/lib/crypto/srp.ts (referenced with cjs require)" ], "depth": 3, "source": "'use strict';\n/** * * * * * * * * * *\n * Big Integer Library *\n * Created 2000 *\n * Leemon Baird *\n * www.leemon.com *\n * * * * * * * * * * * */\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// These functions are designed to avoid frequent dynamic memory allocation in the inner loop.\n// For most functions, if it needs a BigInt as a local variable it will actually use\n// a global, and will only allocate to it only when it's not the right size. This ensures\n// that when a function is called repeatedly with same-sized parameters, it only allocates\n// memory on the first call.\n//\n// Note that for cryptographic purposes, the calls to Math.random() must\n// be replaced with calls to a better pseudorandom number generator.\n//\n// In the following, \"bigInt\" means a bigInt with at least one leading zero element,\n// and \"integer\" means a nonnegative integer less than radix. In some cases, integer\n// can be negative. Negative bigInts are 2s complement.\n//\n// The following functions do not modify their inputs.\n// Those returning a bigInt, string, or Array will dynamically allocate memory for that value.\n// Those returning a boolean will return the integer 0 (false) or 1 (true).\n// Those returning boolean or int will not allocate memory except possibly on the first\n// time they're called with a given parameter size.\n//\n// bigInt add(x,y) //return (x+y) for bigInts x and y.\n// bigInt addInt(x,n) //return (x+n) where x is a bigInt and n is an integer.\n// string bigInt2str(x,base) //return a string form of bigInt x in a given base, with 2 <= base <= 95\n// int bitSize(x) //return how many bits long the bigInt x is, not counting leading zeros\n// bigInt dup(x) //return a copy of bigInt x\n// boolean equals(x,y) //is the bigInt x equal to the bigint y?\n// boolean equalsInt(x,y) //is bigint x equal to integer y?\n// bigInt expand(x,n) //return a copy of x with at least n elements, adding leading zeros if needed\n// Array findPrimes(n) //return array of all primes less than integer n\n// bigInt GCD(x,y) //return greatest common divisor of bigInts x and y (each with same number of elements).\n// boolean greater(x,y) //is x>y? (x and y are nonnegative bigInts)\n// boolean greaterShift(x,y,shift)//is (x <<(shift*bpe)) > y?\n// bigInt int2bigInt(t,n,m) //return a bigInt equal to integer t, with at least n bits and m array elements\n// bigInt inverseMod(x,n) //return (x**(-1) mod n) for bigInts x and n. If no inverse exists, it returns null\n// int inverseModInt(x,n) //return x**(-1) mod n, for integers x and n. Return 0 if there is no inverse\n// boolean isZero(x) //is the bigInt x equal to zero?\n// boolean millerRabin(x,b) //does one round of Miller-Rabin base integer b say that bigInt x is possibly prime? (b is bigInt, 1=1). If s=1, then the most significant of those n bits is set to 1.\n// bigInt randTruePrime(k) //return a new, random, k-bit, true prime bigInt using Maurer's algorithm.\n// bigInt randProbPrime(k) //return a new, random, k-bit, probable prime bigInt (probability it's composite less than 2^-80).\n// bigInt str2bigInt(s,b,n,m) //return a bigInt for number represented in string s in base b with at least n bits and m array elements\n// bigInt sub(x,y) //return (x-y) for bigInts x and y. Negative answers will be 2s complement\n// bigInt trim(x,k) //return a copy of x with exactly k leading zero elements\n//\n//\n// The following functions each have a non-underscored version, which most users should call instead.\n// These functions each write to a single parameter, and the caller is responsible for ensuring the array\n// passed in is large enough to hold the result.\n//\n// void addInt_(x,n) //do x=x+n where x is a bigInt and n is an integer\n// void add_(x,y) //do x=x+y for bigInts x and y\n// void copy_(x,y) //do x=y on bigInts x and y\n// void copyInt_(x,n) //do x=n on bigInt x and integer n\n// void GCD_(x,y) //set x to the greatest common divisor of bigInts x and y, (y is destroyed). (This never overflows its array).\n// boolean inverseMod_(x,n) //do x=x**(-1) mod n, for bigInts x and n. Returns 1 (0) if inverse does (doesn't) exist\n// void mod_(x,n) //do x=x mod n for bigInts x and n. (This never overflows its array).\n// void mult_(x,y) //do x=x*y for bigInts x and y.\n// void multMod_(x,y,n) //do x=x*y mod n for bigInts x,y,n.\n// void powMod_(x,y,n) //do x=x**y mod n, where x,y,n are bigInts (n is odd) and ** is exponentiation. 0**0=1.\n// void randBigInt_(b,n,s) //do b = an n-bit random BigInt. if s=1, then nth bit (most significant bit) is set to 1. n>=1.\n// void randTruePrime_(ans,k) //do ans = a random k-bit true random prime (not just probable prime) with 1 in the msb.\n// void sub_(x,y) //do x=x-y for bigInts x and y. Negative answers will be 2s complement.\n//\n// The following functions do NOT have a non-underscored version.\n// They each write a bigInt result to one or more parameters. The caller is responsible for\n// ensuring the arrays passed in are large enough to hold the results.\n//\n// void addShift_(x,y,ys) //do x=x+(y<<(ys*bpe))\n// void carry_(x) //do carries and borrows so each element of the bigInt x fits in bpe bits.\n// void divide_(x,y,q,r) //divide x by y giving quotient q and remainder r\n// int divInt_(x,n) //do x=floor(x/n) for bigInt x and integer n, and return the remainder. (This never overflows its array).\n// void eGCD_(x,y,d,a,b) //sets a,b,d to positive bigInts such that d = GCD_(x,y) = a*x-b*y\n// void halve_(x) //do x=floor(|x|/2)*sgn(x) for bigInt x in 2's complement. (This never overflows its array).\n// void leftShift_(x,n) //left shift bigInt x by n bits. n64 multiplier, but not with JavaScript's 32*32->32)\n// - speeding up mont_(x,y,n,np) when x==y by doing a non-modular, non-Montgomery square\n// followed by a Montgomery reduction. The intermediate answer will be twice as long as x, so that\n// method would be slower. This is unfortunate because the code currently spends almost all of its time\n// doing mont_(x,x,...), both for randTruePrime_() and powMod_(). A faster method for Montgomery squaring\n// would have a large impact on the speed of randTruePrime_() and powMod_(). HAC has a couple of poorly-worded\n// sentences that seem to imply it's faster to do a non-modular square followed by a single\n// Montgomery reduction, but that's obviously wrong.\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n//globals\nexport var bpe = 0; //bits stored per array element\n\nvar mask = 0; //AND this with an array element to chop it down to bpe bits\n\nvar radix = mask + 1; //equals 2^bpe. A single 1 bit to the left of the last bit of mask.\n//the digits for converting to different bases\n\nvar digitsStr = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_=!@#$%^&*()[]{}|;:,.<>/?`~ \\\\\\'\"+-'; //initialize the global variables\n//bpe=number of bits in the mantissa on this platform\n\nfor (bpe = 0; 1 << bpe + 1 > 1 << bpe; bpe++) {\n ;\n}\n\nbpe >>= 1; //bpe=number of bits in one element of the array representing the bigInt\n\nmask = (1 << bpe) - 1; //AND the mask with an integer to get its bpe least significant bits\n\nradix = mask + 1; //2^bpe. a single 1 bit to the left of the first bit of mask\n\nexport var one = int2bigInt(1, 1, 1); //constant used in powMod_()\n\nexport var zero = int2bigInt(0, 1, 1); //the following global variables are scratchpad memory to\n//reduce dynamic memory allocation in the inner loop\n\nvar t = new Array(0);\nvar ss = t; //used in mult_()\n\nvar s0 = t; //used in multMod_(), squareMod_()\n// var s1=t; //used in powMod_(), multMod_(), squareMod_()\n// var s2=t; //used in powMod_(), multMod_()\n\nvar s3 = t; //used in powMod_()\n\nvar s4 = t,\n s5 = t; //used in mod_()\n\nvar s6 = t; //used in bigInt2str()\n\nvar s7 = t; //used in powMod_()\n\nvar T = t; //used in GCD_()\n\nvar sa = t; //used in mont_()\n\nvar mr_x1 = t,\n mr_r = t,\n mr_a = t,\n //used in millerRabin()\neg_v = t,\n eg_u = t,\n eg_A = t,\n eg_B = t,\n eg_C = t,\n eg_D = t,\n //used in eGCD_(), inverseMod_()\n//, md_q1=t, md_q2=t, md_q3=t, md_r=t, md_r1=t, md_r2=t, md_tt=t, //used in mod_()\nprimes = t,\n pows = t,\n s_i = t,\n s_i2 = t,\n s_R = t,\n s_rm = t,\n s_q = t,\n s_n1 = t,\n s_a = t,\n s_r2 = t,\n s_n = t,\n s_b = t,\n s_d = t,\n s_x1 = t,\n s_x2 = t,\n s_aa = t,\n //used in randTruePrime_()\nrpprb = t; //used in randProbPrimeRounds() (which also uses \"primes\")\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\nvar k, buff;\n/**\n * return array of all primes less than integer n\n *\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function findPrimes(n) {\n var i, s, p, ans;\n s = new Array(n);\n\n for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {\n s[i] = 0;\n }\n\n s[0] = 2;\n p = 0; //first p elements of s are primes, the rest are a sieve\n\n for (; s[p] < n;) {\n //s[p] is the pth prime\n for (i = s[p] * s[p]; i < n; i += s[p] //mark multiples of s[p]\n ) {\n s[i] = 1;\n }\n\n p++;\n s[p] = s[p - 1] + 1;\n\n for (; s[p] < n && s[s[p]]; s[p]++) {\n ;\n } //find next prime (where s[p]==0)\n\n }\n\n ans = new Array(p);\n\n for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {\n ans[i] = s[i];\n }\n\n return ans;\n}\n/**\n * does a single round of Miller-Rabin base b consider x to be a possible prime?\n *\n * x is a bigInt, and b is an integer, with b 0; j--) {\n ;\n }\n\n for (z = 0, w = x[j]; w; w >>= 1, z++) {\n ;\n }\n\n z += bpe * j;\n return z;\n}\n/**\n * return a copy of x with at least n elements, adding leading zeros if needed\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function expand(x, n) {\n var ans = int2bigInt(0, (x.length > n ? x.length : n) * bpe, 0);\n copy_(ans, x);\n return ans;\n}\n/**\n * return a k-bit true random prime using Maurer's algorithm.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number} k\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function randTruePrime(k) {\n var ans = int2bigInt(0, k, 0);\n randTruePrime_(ans, k);\n return trim(ans, 1);\n}\n/**\n * return a k-bit random probable prime with probability of error < 2^-80\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number} k\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function randProbPrime(k) {\n if (k >= 600) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 2); //numbers from HAC table 4.3\n\n if (k >= 550) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 4);\n if (k >= 500) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 5);\n if (k >= 400) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 6);\n if (k >= 350) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 7);\n if (k >= 300) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 9);\n if (k >= 250) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 12); //numbers from HAC table 4.4\n\n if (k >= 200) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 15);\n if (k >= 150) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 18);\n if (k >= 100) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 27);\n return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 40); //number from HAC remark 4.26 (only an estimate)\n}\n/**\n * return a k-bit probable random prime using n rounds of Miller Rabin\n * (after trial division with small primes)\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number} k\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function randProbPrimeRounds(k, n) {\n var ans, i, divisible, B;\n B = 30000; //B is largest prime to use in trial division\n\n ans = int2bigInt(0, k, 0); //optimization: try larger and smaller B to find the best limit.\n\n if (primes.length === 0) primes = findPrimes(30000); //check for divisibility by primes <=30000\n\n if (rpprb.length !== ans.length) rpprb = dup(ans);\n\n for (;;) {\n //keep trying random values for ans until one appears to be prime\n //optimization: pick a random number times L=2*3*5*...*p, plus a\n // random element of the list of all numbers in [0,L) not divisible by any prime up to p.\n // This can reduce the amount of random number generation.\n randBigInt_(ans, k, 0); //ans = a random odd number to check\n\n ans[0] |= 1;\n divisible = 0; //check ans for divisibility by small primes up to B\n\n for (i = 0; i < primes.length && primes[i] <= B; i++) {\n if (modInt(ans, primes[i]) === 0 && !equalsInt(ans, primes[i])) {\n divisible = 1;\n break;\n }\n } //optimization: change millerRabin so the base can be bigger than the number being checked, then eliminate the while here.\n //do n rounds of Miller Rabin, with random bases less than ans\n\n\n for (i = 0; i < n && !divisible; i++) {\n randBigInt_(rpprb, k, 0);\n\n while (!greater(ans, rpprb) //pick a random rpprb that's < ans\n ) {\n randBigInt_(rpprb, k, 0);\n }\n\n if (!millerRabin(ans, rpprb)) divisible = 1;\n }\n\n if (!divisible) return ans;\n }\n /*::\n declare var never: empty\n return never\n */\n\n}\n/**\n * return a new bigInt equal to (x mod n) for bigInts x and n.\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} n\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function mod(x, n) {\n var ans = dup(x);\n mod_(ans, n);\n return trim(ans, 1);\n}\n/**\n * return (x+n) where x is a bigInt and n is an integer.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function addInt(x, n) {\n var ans = expand(x, x.length + 1);\n addInt_(ans, n);\n return trim(ans, 1);\n}\n/**\n * return x*y for bigInts x and y. This is faster when y y.length ? x.length + 1 : y.length + 1);\n sub_(ans, y);\n return trim(ans, 1);\n}\n/**\n * return (x+y) for bigInts x and y\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function add(x, y) {\n var ans = expand(x, x.length > y.length ? x.length + 1 : y.length + 1);\n add_(ans, y);\n return trim(ans, 1);\n}\n/**\n * return (x**(-1) mod n) for bigInts x and n.\n *\n * If no inverse exists, it returns null\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} n\n * @returns {(number[] | null)}\n */\n\nexport function inverseMod(x, n) {\n var ans = expand(x, n.length);\n var s = inverseMod_(ans, n);\n return s ? trim(ans, 1) : null;\n}\n/**\n * return (x*y mod n) for bigInts x,y,n.\n *\n * For greater speed, let y= 2\n\n if (s_i2.length != ans.length) {\n s_i2 = dup(ans);\n s_R = dup(ans);\n s_n1 = dup(ans);\n s_r2 = dup(ans);\n s_d = dup(ans);\n s_x1 = dup(ans); //TODO Seems like a bug in eslint, reports as unused\n\n s_x2 = dup(ans);\n s_b = dup(ans);\n s_n = dup(ans);\n s_i = dup(ans);\n s_rm = dup(ans);\n s_q = dup(ans);\n s_a = dup(ans);\n s_aa = dup(ans);\n }\n\n if (k <= recLimit) {\n //generate small random primes by trial division up to its square root\n pm = (1 << (k + 2 >> 1)) - 1; //pm is binary number with all ones, just over sqrt(2^k)\n\n copyInt_(ans, 0);\n\n for (dd = 1; dd;) {\n dd = 0;\n ans[0] = 1 | 1 << k - 1 | Math.floor(Math.random() * (1 << k)); //random, k-bit, odd integer, with msb 1\n\n for (j = 1; j < primes.length && (primes[j] & pm) == primes[j]; j++) {\n //trial division by all primes 3...sqrt(2^k)\n if (0 == ans[0] % primes[j]) {\n dd = 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n\n carry_(ans);\n return;\n }\n\n B = c * k * k; //try small primes up to B (or all the primes[] array if the largest is less than B).\n\n if (k > 2 * m) //generate this k-bit number by first recursively generating a number that has between k/2 and k-m bits\n for (r = 1; k - k * r <= m;) {\n r = pows[Math.floor(Math.random() * 512)];\n } //r=Math.pow(2,Math.random()-1);\n else r = 0.5; //simulation suggests the more complex algorithm using r=.333 is only slightly faster.\n\n recSize = Math.floor(r * k) + 1;\n randTruePrime_(s_q, recSize);\n copyInt_(s_i2, 0);\n s_i2[Math.floor((k - 2) / bpe)] |= 1 << (k - 2) % bpe; //s_i2=2^(k-2)\n\n divide_(s_i2, s_q, s_i, s_rm); //s_i=floor((2^(k-1))/(2q))\n\n z = bitSize(s_i);\n\n for (;;) {\n for (;;) {\n //generate z-bit numbers until one falls in the range [0,s_i-1]\n randBigInt_(s_R, z, 0);\n if (greater(s_i, s_R)) break;\n } //now s_R is in the range [0,s_i-1]\n\n\n addInt_(s_R, 1); //now s_R is in the range [1,s_i]\n\n add_(s_R, s_i); //now s_R is in the range [s_i+1,2*s_i]\n\n copy_(s_n, s_q);\n mult_(s_n, s_R);\n multInt_(s_n, 2);\n addInt_(s_n, 1); //s_n=2*s_R*s_q+1\n\n copy_(s_r2, s_R);\n multInt_(s_r2, 2); //s_r2=2*s_R\n //check s_n for divisibility by small primes up to B\n\n for (divisible = 0, j = 0; j < primes.length && primes[j] < B; j++) {\n if (modInt(s_n, primes[j]) == 0 && !equalsInt(s_n, primes[j])) {\n divisible = 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (!divisible) if (!millerRabinInt(s_n, 2)) //if it passes small primes check, then try a single Miller-Rabin base 2\n //this line represents 75% of the total runtime for randTruePrime_\n divisible = 1;\n\n if (!divisible) {\n //if it passes that test, continue checking s_n\n addInt_(s_n, -3);\n\n for (j = s_n.length - 1; s_n[j] == 0 && j > 0; j--) {\n ;\n } //strip leading zeros\n\n\n for (zz = 0, w = s_n[j]; w; w >>= 1, zz++) {\n ;\n }\n\n zz += bpe * j; //zz=number of bits in s_n, ignoring leading zeros\n\n for (;;) {\n //generate z-bit numbers until one falls in the range [0,s_n-1]\n randBigInt_(s_a, zz, 0);\n if (greater(s_n, s_a)) break;\n } //now s_a is in the range [0,s_n-1]\n\n\n addInt_(s_n, 3); //now s_a is in the range [0,s_n-4]\n\n addInt_(s_a, 2); //now s_a is in the range [2,s_n-2]\n\n copy_(s_b, s_a);\n copy_(s_n1, s_n);\n addInt_(s_n1, -1);\n powMod_(s_b, s_n1, s_n); //s_b=s_a^(s_n-1) modulo s_n\n\n addInt_(s_b, -1);\n\n if (isZero(s_b)) {\n copy_(s_b, s_a);\n powMod_(s_b, s_r2, s_n);\n addInt_(s_b, -1);\n copy_(s_aa, s_n);\n copy_(s_d, s_b);\n GCD_(s_d, s_n); //if s_b and s_n are relatively prime, then s_n is a prime\n\n if (equalsInt(s_d, 1)) {\n copy_(ans, s_aa);\n return; //if we've made it this far, then s_n is absolutely guaranteed to be prime\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * Return an n-bit random BigInt (n>=1). If s=1, then the most significant of those n bits is set to 1.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number} n\n * @param {number} s\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function randBigInt(n, s) {\n var a, b;\n a = Math.floor((n - 1) / bpe) + 2; //# array elements to hold the BigInt with a leading 0 element\n\n b = int2bigInt(0, 0, a);\n randBigInt_(b, n, s);\n return b;\n}\n/**\n * Set b to an n-bit random BigInt. If s=1, then the most significant of those n bits is set to 1.\n *\n * Array b must be big enough to hold the result. Must have n>=1\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} b\n * @param {number} n\n * @param {number} s\n * @return {void}\n */\n\nexport function randBigInt_(b, n, s) {\n var i, a;\n\n for (i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {\n b[i] = 0;\n }\n\n a = Math.floor((n - 1) / bpe) + 1; //# array elements to hold the BigInt\n\n for (i = 0; i < a; i++) {\n b[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * (1 << bpe - 1));\n }\n\n b[a - 1] &= (2 << (n - 1) % bpe) - 1;\n if (s == 1) b[a - 1] |= 1 << (n - 1) % bpe;\n}\n/**\n * Return the greatest common divisor of bigInts x and y (each with same number of elements).\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function GCD(x, y) {\n var xc, yc;\n xc = dup(x);\n yc = dup(y);\n GCD_(xc, yc);\n return xc;\n}\n/**\n * set x to the greatest common divisor of bigInts x and y (each with same number of elements).\n *\n * y is destroyed.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n */\n\nexport function GCD_(x, y) {\n var i, xp, yp, A, B, C, D, q, sing;\n var qp;\n if (T.length !== x.length) T = dup(x);\n sing = 1;\n\n while (sing) {\n //while y has nonzero elements other than y[0]\n sing = 0;\n\n for (i = 1; i < y.length; i++ //check if y has nonzero elements other than 0\n ) {\n if (y[i]) {\n sing = 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (!sing) break; //quit when y all zero elements except possibly y[0]\n\n for (i = x.length; !x[i] && i >= 0; i--) {\n ;\n } //find most significant element of x\n\n\n xp = x[i];\n yp = y[i];\n A = 1;\n B = 0;\n C = 0;\n D = 1;\n\n while (yp + C && yp + D) {\n q = Math.floor((xp + A) / (yp + C));\n qp = Math.floor((xp + B) / (yp + D));\n if (q != qp) break;\n t = A - q * C;\n A = C;\n C = t; // do (A,B,xp, C,D,yp) = (C,D,yp, A,B,xp) - q*(0,0,0, C,D,yp)\n\n t = B - q * D;\n B = D;\n D = t;\n t = xp - q * yp;\n xp = yp;\n yp = t;\n }\n\n if (B) {\n copy_(T, x);\n linComb_(x, y, A, B); //x=A*x+B*y\n\n linComb_(y, T, D, C); //y=D*y+C*T\n } else {\n mod_(x, y);\n copy_(T, x);\n copy_(x, y);\n copy_(y, T);\n }\n }\n\n if (y[0] === 0) return;\n t = modInt(x, y[0]);\n copyInt_(x, y[0]);\n y[0] = t;\n\n while (y[0]) {\n x[0] %= y[0];\n t = x[0];\n x[0] = y[0];\n y[0] = t;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=x**(-1) mod n, for bigInts x and n.\n *\n * If no inverse exists, it sets x to zero and returns 0, else it returns 1.\n * The x array must be at least as large as the n array.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} n\n * @returns {(0 | 1)}\n */\n\nexport function inverseMod_(x, n) {\n var k = 1 + 2 * Math.max(x.length, n.length);\n\n if (!(x[0] & 1) && !(n[0] & 1)) {\n //if both inputs are even, then inverse doesn't exist\n copyInt_(x, 0);\n return 0;\n }\n\n if (eg_u.length != k) {\n eg_u = new Array(k);\n eg_v = new Array(k);\n eg_A = new Array(k);\n eg_B = new Array(k);\n eg_C = new Array(k);\n eg_D = new Array(k);\n }\n\n copy_(eg_u, x);\n copy_(eg_v, n);\n copyInt_(eg_A, 1);\n copyInt_(eg_B, 0);\n copyInt_(eg_C, 0);\n copyInt_(eg_D, 1);\n\n for (;;) {\n while (!(eg_u[0] & 1)) {\n //while eg_u is even\n halve_(eg_u);\n\n if (!(eg_A[0] & 1) && !(eg_B[0] & 1)) {\n //if eg_A==eg_B==0 mod 2\n halve_(eg_A);\n halve_(eg_B);\n } else {\n add_(eg_A, n);\n halve_(eg_A);\n sub_(eg_B, x);\n halve_(eg_B);\n }\n }\n\n while (!(eg_v[0] & 1)) {\n //while eg_v is even\n halve_(eg_v);\n\n if (!(eg_C[0] & 1) && !(eg_D[0] & 1)) {\n //if eg_C==eg_D==0 mod 2\n halve_(eg_C);\n halve_(eg_D);\n } else {\n add_(eg_C, n);\n halve_(eg_C);\n sub_(eg_D, x);\n halve_(eg_D);\n }\n }\n\n if (!greater(eg_v, eg_u)) {\n //eg_v <= eg_u\n sub_(eg_u, eg_v);\n sub_(eg_A, eg_C);\n sub_(eg_B, eg_D);\n } else {\n //eg_v > eg_u\n sub_(eg_v, eg_u);\n sub_(eg_C, eg_A);\n sub_(eg_D, eg_B);\n }\n\n if (equalsInt(eg_u, 0)) {\n while (negative(eg_C) //make sure answer is nonnegative\n ) {\n add_(eg_C, n);\n }\n\n copy_(x, eg_C);\n\n if (!equalsInt(eg_v, 1)) {\n //if GCD_(x,n)!=1, then there is no inverse\n copyInt_(x, 0);\n return 0;\n }\n\n return 1;\n }\n }\n /*::\n declare var never: empty\n return never\n */\n\n}\n/**\n * return x**(-1) mod n, for integers x and n.\n *\n * Return 0 if there is no inverse\n *\n * @param {number} x\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {number}\n */\n\nexport function inverseModInt(x, n) {\n var a = 1,\n b = 0,\n t;\n\n for (;;) {\n if (x === 1) return a;\n if (x === 0) return 0;\n b -= a * Math.floor(n / x); //$off\n\n n %= x;\n if (n === 1) return b; //to avoid negatives, change this b to n-b, and each -= to +=\n\n if (n === 0) return 0;\n a -= b * Math.floor(x / n); //$off\n\n x %= n;\n }\n /*::\n declare var never: empty\n return never\n */\n\n} //this deprecated function is for backward compatibility only.\n\nfunction inverseModInt_(x, n) {\n return inverseModInt(x, n);\n}\n/**\n * Given positive bigInts x and y, change the bigints v, a, and b to positive bigInts such that:\n *\n * v = GCD_(x,y) = a*x-b*y\n *\n * The bigInts v, a, b, must have exactly as many elements as the larger of x and y.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @param {number[]} v\n * @param {number[]} a\n * @param {number[]} b\n * @return {void}\n */\n\n\nexport function eGCD_(x, y, v, a, b) {\n var g = 0;\n var k = Math.max(x.length, y.length);\n\n if (eg_u.length != k) {\n eg_u = new Array(k);\n eg_A = new Array(k);\n eg_B = new Array(k);\n eg_C = new Array(k);\n eg_D = new Array(k);\n }\n\n while (!(x[0] & 1) && !(y[0] & 1)) {\n //while x and y both even\n halve_(x);\n halve_(y);\n g++;\n }\n\n copy_(eg_u, x);\n copy_(v, y);\n copyInt_(eg_A, 1);\n copyInt_(eg_B, 0);\n copyInt_(eg_C, 0);\n copyInt_(eg_D, 1);\n\n for (;;) {\n while (!(eg_u[0] & 1)) {\n //while u is even\n halve_(eg_u);\n\n if (!(eg_A[0] & 1) && !(eg_B[0] & 1)) {\n //if A==B==0 mod 2\n halve_(eg_A);\n halve_(eg_B);\n } else {\n add_(eg_A, y);\n halve_(eg_A);\n sub_(eg_B, x);\n halve_(eg_B);\n }\n }\n\n while (!(v[0] & 1)) {\n //while v is even\n halve_(v);\n\n if (!(eg_C[0] & 1) && !(eg_D[0] & 1)) {\n //if C==D==0 mod 2\n halve_(eg_C);\n halve_(eg_D);\n } else {\n add_(eg_C, y);\n halve_(eg_C);\n sub_(eg_D, x);\n halve_(eg_D);\n }\n }\n\n if (!greater(v, eg_u)) {\n //v<=u\n sub_(eg_u, v);\n sub_(eg_A, eg_C);\n sub_(eg_B, eg_D);\n } else {\n //v>u\n sub_(v, eg_u);\n sub_(eg_C, eg_A);\n sub_(eg_D, eg_B);\n }\n\n if (equalsInt(eg_u, 0)) {\n while (negative(eg_C)) {\n //make sure a (C) is nonnegative\n add_(eg_C, y);\n sub_(eg_D, x);\n }\n\n multInt_(eg_D, -1); ///make sure b (D) is nonnegative\n\n copy_(a, eg_C);\n copy_(b, eg_D);\n leftShift_(v, g);\n return;\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * is bigInt x negative?\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @returns {(1 | 0)}\n */\n\nexport function negative(x) {\n //TODO Flow Bool type inference\n return x[x.length - 1] >> bpe - 1 & 1;\n}\n/**\n * is (x << (shift*bpe)) > y?\n *\n * x and y are nonnegative bigInts\n * shift is a nonnegative integer\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @param {number} shift\n * @returns {(1 | 0)}\n */\n\nexport function greaterShift(x, y, shift) {\n var i,\n kx = x.length,\n ky = y.length;\n k = kx + shift < ky ? kx + shift : ky;\n\n for (i = ky - 1 - shift; i < kx && i >= 0; i++) {\n if (x[i] > 0) return 1;\n } //if there are nonzeros in x to the left of the first column of y, then x is bigger\n\n\n for (i = kx - 1 + shift; i < ky; i++) {\n if (y[i] > 0) return 0;\n } //if there are nonzeros in y to the left of the first column of x, then x is not bigger\n\n\n for (i = k - 1; i >= shift; i--) {\n if (x[i - shift] > y[i]) return 1;else if (x[i - shift] < y[i]) return 0;\n }\n\n return 0;\n}\n/**\n * is x > y?\n *\n * x and y both nonnegative\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @returns {(1 | 0)}\n */\n\nexport function greater(x, y) {\n var i;\n var k = x.length < y.length ? x.length : y.length;\n\n for (i = x.length; i < y.length; i++) {\n if (y[i]) return 0;\n } //y has more digits\n\n\n for (i = y.length; i < x.length; i++) {\n if (x[i]) return 1;\n } //x has more digits\n\n\n for (i = k - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n if (x[i] > y[i]) return 1;else if (x[i] < y[i]) return 0;\n }\n\n return 0;\n}\n/**\n * divide x by y giving quotient q and remainder r.\n *\n * q = floor(x/y)\n * r = x mod y\n *\n * All 4 are bigints.\n *\n * * x must have at least one leading zero element.\n * * y must be nonzero.\n * * q and r must be arrays that are exactly the same length as x. (Or q can have more).\n * * Must have x.length >= y.length >= 2.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @param {number[]} q\n * @param {number[]} r\n * @return {void}\n */\n\nexport function divide_(x, y, q, r) {\n var kx, ky;\n var i, j, y1, y2, c, a, b;\n copy_(r, x);\n\n for (ky = y.length; y[ky - 1] === 0; ky--) {\n ;\n } //ky is number of elements in y, not including leading zeros\n //normalize: ensure the most significant element of y has its highest bit set\n\n\n b = y[ky - 1];\n\n for (a = 0; b; a++) {\n b >>= 1;\n }\n\n a = bpe - a; //a is how many bits to shift so that the high order bit of y is leftmost in its array element\n\n leftShift_(y, a); //multiply both by 1< ky; kx--) {\n ;\n } //kx is number of elements in normalized x, not including leading zeros\n\n\n copyInt_(q, 0); // q=0\n\n while (!greaterShift(y, r, kx - ky)) {\n // while (leftShift_(y,kx-ky) <= r) {\n subShift_(r, y, kx - ky); // r=r-leftShift_(y,kx-ky)\n\n q[kx - ky]++; // q[kx-ky]++;\n } // }\n\n\n for (i = kx - 1; i >= ky; i--) {\n if (r[i] == y[ky - 1]) q[i - ky] = mask;else q[i - ky] = Math.floor((r[i] * radix + r[i - 1]) / y[ky - 1]); //The following for(;;) loop is equivalent to the commented while loop,\n //except that the uncommented version avoids overflow.\n //The commented loop comes from HAC, which assumes r[-1]==y[-1]==0\n // while (q[i-ky]*(y[ky-1]*radix+y[ky-2]) > r[i]*radix*radix+r[i-1]*radix+r[i-2])\n // q[i-ky]--;\n\n for (;;) {\n y2 = (ky > 1 ? y[ky - 2] : 0) * q[i - ky];\n c = y2 >> bpe;\n y2 = y2 & mask;\n y1 = c + q[i - ky] * y[ky - 1];\n c = y1 >> bpe;\n y1 = y1 & mask;\n if (c == r[i] ? y1 == r[i - 1] ? y2 > (i > 1 ? r[i - 2] : 0) : y1 > r[i - 1] : c > r[i]) q[i - ky]--;else break;\n }\n\n linCombShift_(r, y, -q[i - ky], i - ky); //r=r-q[i-ky]*leftShift_(y,i-ky)\n\n if (negative(r)) {\n addShift_(r, y, i - ky); //r=r+leftShift_(y,i-ky)\n\n q[i - ky]--;\n }\n }\n\n rightShift_(y, a); //undo the normalization step\n\n rightShift_(r, a); //undo the normalization step\n}\n/**\n * do carries and borrows so each element of the bigInt x fits in bpe bits.\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n */\n\nexport function carry_(x) {\n var i, k, c, b;\n k = x.length;\n c = 0;\n\n for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {\n c += x[i];\n b = 0;\n\n if (c < 0) {\n b = -(c >> bpe);\n c += b * radix;\n }\n\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c = (c >> bpe) - b;\n }\n}\n/**\n * return x mod n for bigInt x and integer n.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {number}\n */\n\nexport function modInt(x, n) {\n var i,\n c = 0;\n\n for (i = x.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n c = (c * radix + x[i]) % n;\n }\n\n return c;\n}\n/**\n * convert the integer t into a bigInt with at least the given number of bits.\n * the returned array stores the bigInt in bpe-bit chunks, little endian (buff[0] is least significant word)\n * Pad the array with leading zeros so that it has at least minSize elements.\n *\n * There will always be at least one leading 0 element.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number} t\n * @param {number} bits\n * @param {number} minSize\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function int2bigInt(t, bits, minSize) {\n var i, k;\n k = Math.ceil(bits / bpe) + 1;\n k = minSize > k ? minSize : k;\n var buff = new Array(k);\n copyInt_(buff, t);\n return buff;\n}\n/**\n * return the bigInt given a string representation in a given base.\n * Pad the array with leading zeros so that it has at least minSize elements.\n * If base=-1, then it reads in a space-separated list of array elements in decimal.\n *\n * The array will always have at least one leading zero, unless base=-1.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} s\n * @param {number} base\n * @param {number} [minSize]\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function str2bigInt(s, base, minSize) {\n var d, i, x, y, kk;\n var k = s.length;\n\n if (base === -1) {\n //comma-separated list of array elements in decimal\n x = new Array(0);\n\n for (;;) {\n y = new Array(x.length + 1);\n\n for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {\n y[i + 1] = x[i];\n }\n\n y[0] = parseInt(s, 10); //TODO PERF Should we replace that with ~~ (not not)? https://jsperf.com/number-vs-parseint-vs-plus/7\n\n x = y;\n d = s.indexOf(',', 0);\n if (d < 1) break; //$off\n\n s = s.substring(d + 1);\n if (s.length == 0) break;\n } //$off\n\n\n if (x.length < minSize) {\n //$off\n y = new Array(minSize);\n copy_(y, x);\n return y;\n }\n\n return x;\n }\n\n x = int2bigInt(0, base * k, 0);\n\n for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {\n d = digitsStr.indexOf(s.substring(i, i + 1), 0);\n if (base <= 36 && d >= 36) //convert lowercase to uppercase if base<=36\n d -= 26;\n\n if (d >= base || d < 0) {\n //stop at first illegal character\n break;\n }\n\n multInt_(x, base);\n addInt_(x, d);\n }\n\n for (k = x.length; k > 0 && !x[k - 1]; k--) {\n ;\n } //strip off leading zeros\n //$off\n\n\n k = minSize > k + 1 ? minSize : k + 1; //$off\n\n y = new Array(k); //$off\n\n kk = k < x.length ? k : x.length; //$off\n\n for (i = 0; i < kk; i++) {\n y[i] = x[i];\n } //$off\n\n\n for (; i < k; i++) {\n y[i] = 0;\n }\n\n return y;\n} //return the bigInt given a string representation in a given base.\n//Pad the array with leading zeros so that it has at least minSize elements.\n//If base=-1, then it reads in a space-separated list of array elements in decimal.\n//The array will always have at least one leading zero, unless base=-1.\n// function str2bigInt(s,b,minSize) {\n// var d, i, j, base, str, x, y, kk;\n// if (typeof b === 'string') {\n// base = b.length;\n// str = b;\n// } else {\n// base = b;\n// str = digitsStr;\n// }\n// var k=s.length;\n// if (base==-1) { //comma-separated list of array elements in decimal\n// x=new Array(0);\n// for (;;) {\n// y=new Array(x.length+1);\n// for (i=0;i=36) { //convert lowercase to uppercase if base<=36\n// d-=26;\n// }\n// if (d>=base || d<0) { //ignore illegal characters\n// continue;\n// }\n// multInt_(x,base);\n// addInt_(x,d);\n// }\n// for (k=x.length;k>0 && !x[k-1];k--); //strip off leading zeros\n// k=minSize>k+1 ? minSize : k+1;\n// y=new Array(k);\n// kk=k y.length) {\n for (; i < x.length; i++) {\n if (x[i]) return 0;\n }\n } else {\n for (; i < y.length; i++) {\n if (y[i]) return 0;\n }\n }\n\n return 1;\n}\n/**\n * is the bigInt x equal to zero?\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @returns {(1 | 0)}\n */\n\nexport function isZero(x) {\n var i;\n\n for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {\n if (x[i]) return 0;\n }\n\n return 1;\n}\n/**\n * Convert a bigInt into a string in a given base, from base 2 up to base 95.\n *\n * Base -1 prints the contents of the array representing the number.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} base\n * @returns {string}\n */\n\nexport function bigInt2str(x, base) {\n var i,\n t,\n s = '';\n if (s6.length !== x.length) s6 = dup(x);else copy_(s6, x);\n\n if (base === -1) {\n //return the list of array contents\n for (i = x.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {\n s += x[i] + ',';\n }\n\n s += x[0];\n } else {\n //return it in the given base\n while (!isZero(s6)) {\n t = divInt_(s6, base); //t=s6 % base; s6=floor(s6/base);\n\n s = digitsStr.substring(t, t + 1) + s;\n }\n }\n\n if (s.length === 0) s = '0';\n return s;\n}\n/**\n * Returns a duplicate of bigInt x\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function dup(x) {\n var i;\n buff = Array(x.length);\n copy_(buff, x);\n return buff;\n}\n/**\n * do x=y on bigInts x and y.\n *\n * x must be an array at least as big as y (not counting the leading zeros in y).\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @returns {void}\n */\n\nexport function copy_(x, y) {\n var i;\n var k = x.length < y.length ? x.length : y.length;\n\n for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {\n x[i] = y[i];\n }\n\n for (i = k; i < x.length; i++) {\n x[i] = 0;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=y on bigInt x and integer y.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {void}\n */\n\nexport function copyInt_(x, n) {\n var i, c;\n var len = x.length; //TODO .length in for loop have perfomance costs. Bench this\n\n for (c = n, i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=x+n where x is a bigInt and n is an integer.\n *\n * x must be large enough to hold the result.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {void}\n */\n\nexport function addInt_(x, n) {\n var i, k, c, b;\n x[0] += n;\n k = x.length;\n c = 0;\n\n for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {\n c += x[i];\n b = 0;\n\n if (c < 0) {\n b = -(c >> bpe);\n c += b * radix;\n }\n\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c = (c >> bpe) - b;\n if (!c) return; //stop carrying as soon as the carry is zero\n }\n}\n/**\n * right shift bigInt x by n bits.\n *\n * 0 <= n < bpe.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} n\n */\n\nexport function rightShift_(x, n) {\n var i;\n var k = Math.floor(n / bpe);\n\n if (k) {\n for (i = 0; i < x.length - k; i++ //right shift x by k elements\n ) {\n x[i] = x[i + k];\n }\n\n for (; i < x.length; i++) {\n x[i] = 0;\n } //$off\n\n\n n %= bpe;\n }\n\n for (i = 0; i < x.length - 1; i++) {\n x[i] = mask & (x[i + 1] << bpe - n | x[i] >> n);\n }\n\n x[i] >>= n;\n}\n/**\n * do x=floor(|x|/2)*sgn(x) for bigInt x in 2's complement\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @returns {void}\n */\n\nexport function halve_(x) {\n var i;\n\n for (i = 0; i < x.length - 1; i++) {\n x[i] = mask & (x[i + 1] << bpe - 1 | x[i] >> 1);\n }\n\n x[i] = x[i] >> 1 | x[i] & radix >> 1; //most significant bit stays the same\n}\n/**\n * left shift bigInt x by n bits\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {void}\n */\n\nexport function leftShift_(x, n) {\n var i;\n var k = Math.floor(n / bpe);\n\n if (k) {\n for (i = x.length; i >= k; i-- //left shift x by k elements\n ) {\n x[i] = x[i - k];\n }\n\n for (; i >= 0; i--) {\n x[i] = 0;\n } //$off\n\n\n n %= bpe;\n }\n\n if (!n) return;\n\n for (i = x.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {\n x[i] = mask & (x[i] << n | x[i - 1] >> bpe - n);\n }\n\n x[i] = mask & x[i] << n;\n}\n/**\n * do x=x*n where x is a bigInt and n is an integer.\n *\n * x must be large enough to hold the result.\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {void}\n */\n\nexport function multInt_(x, n) {\n var i, k, c, b;\n if (!n) return;\n k = x.length;\n c = 0;\n\n for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {\n c += x[i] * n;\n b = 0;\n\n if (c < 0) {\n b = -(c >> bpe);\n c += b * radix;\n }\n\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c = (c >> bpe) - b;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=floor(x/n) for bigInt x and integer n, and return the remainder\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {number} remainder\n */\n\nexport function divInt_(x, n) {\n var i,\n r = 0,\n s;\n\n for (i = x.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n s = r * radix + x[i];\n x[i] = Math.floor(s / n);\n r = s % n;\n }\n\n return r;\n}\n/**\n * do the linear combination x=a*x+b*y for bigInts x and y, and integers a and b.\n *\n * x must be large enough to hold the answer.\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @param {number} a\n * @param {number} b\n * @returns {void}\n */\n\nexport function linComb_(x, y, a, b) {\n var i, c, k, kk;\n k = x.length < y.length ? x.length : y.length;\n kk = x.length;\n\n for (c = 0, i = 0; i < k; i++) {\n c += a * x[i] + b * y[i];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n\n for (i = k; i < kk; i++) {\n c += a * x[i];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do the linear combination x=a*x+b*(y<<(ys*bpe)) for bigInts x and y, and integers a, b and ys.\n *\n * x must be large enough to hold the answer.\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @param {number} b\n * @param {number} ys\n * @returns {void}\n */\n\nexport function linCombShift_(x, y, b, ys) {\n var i, c, k, kk;\n k = x.length < ys + y.length ? x.length : ys + y.length;\n kk = x.length;\n\n for (c = 0, i = ys; i < k; i++) {\n c += x[i] + b * y[i - ys];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n\n for (i = k; c && i < kk; i++) {\n c += x[i];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=x+(y<<(ys*bpe)) for bigInts x and y, and integer ys.\n *\n * x must be large enough to hold the answer.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @param {number} ys\n * @return {void}\n */\n\nexport function addShift_(x, y, ys) {\n var i, c, k, kk;\n k = x.length < ys + y.length ? x.length : ys + y.length;\n kk = x.length;\n\n for (c = 0, i = ys; i < k; i++) {\n c += x[i] + y[i - ys];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n\n for (i = k; c && i < kk; i++) {\n c += x[i];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=x-(y<<(ys*bpe)) for bigInts x and y, and integer ys\n *\n * x must be large enough to hold the answer\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @param {number} ys\n * @return {void}\n */\n\nexport function subShift_(x, y, ys) {\n var i, c, k, kk;\n k = x.length < ys + y.length ? x.length : ys + y.length;\n kk = x.length;\n\n for (c = 0, i = ys; i < k; i++) {\n c += x[i] - y[i - ys];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n\n for (i = k; c && i < kk; i++) {\n c += x[i];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=x-y for bigInts x and y\n *\n * x must be large enough to hold the answer\n *\n * negative answers will be 2s complement\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @return {void}\n */\n\nexport function sub_(x, y) {\n var i, c, k, kk;\n k = x.length < y.length ? x.length : y.length;\n\n for (c = 0, i = 0; i < k; i++) {\n c += x[i] - y[i];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n\n for (i = k; c && i < x.length; i++) {\n c += x[i];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=x+y for bigInts x and y\n *\n * x must be large enough to hold the answer\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @return {void}\n */\n\nexport function add_(x, y) {\n var i, c, k, kk;\n k = x.length < y.length ? x.length : y.length;\n\n for (c = 0, i = 0; i < k; i++) {\n c += x[i] + y[i];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n\n for (i = k; c && i < x.length; i++) {\n c += x[i];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=x*y for bigInts x and y.\n *\n * This is faster when y 0 && !x[kx - 1]; kx--) {\n ;\n } //ignore leading zeros in x\n\n\n k = kx > n.length ? 2 * kx : 2 * n.length; //k=# elements in the product, which is twice the elements in the larger of x and n\n\n if (s0.length != k) s0 = new Array(k);\n copyInt_(s0, 0);\n\n for (i = 0; i < kx; i++) {\n c = s0[2 * i] + x[i] * x[i];\n s0[2 * i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n\n for (j = i + 1; j < kx; j++) {\n c = s0[i + j] + 2 * x[i] * x[j] + c;\n s0[i + j] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n\n s0[i + kx] = c;\n }\n\n mod_(s0, n);\n copy_(x, s0);\n}\n/**\n * return x with exactly k leading zero elements\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} k\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function trim(x, k) {\n var i, y;\n\n for (i = x.length; i > 0 && !x[i - 1]; i--) {\n ;\n }\n\n y = new Array(i + k);\n copy_(y, x);\n return y;\n}\n/**\n * do `x=x**y mod n`, where x,y,n are bigInts and `**` is exponentiation. `0**0=1`.\n *\n * this is faster when n is odd.\n *\n * x usually needs to have as many elements as n.\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @param {number[]} n\n * @return {void}\n */\n\nexport function powMod_(x, y, n) {\n var k1, k2, kn, np;\n if (s7.length != n.length) s7 = dup(n); //for even modulus, use a simple square-and-multiply algorithm,\n //rather than using the more complex Montgomery algorithm.\n\n if ((n[0] & 1) == 0) {\n copy_(s7, x);\n copyInt_(x, 1);\n\n while (!equalsInt(y, 0)) {\n if (y[0] & 1) multMod_(x, s7, n);\n divInt_(y, 2);\n squareMod_(s7, n);\n }\n\n return;\n } //calculate np from n for the Montgomery multiplications\n\n\n copyInt_(s7, 0);\n\n for (kn = n.length; kn > 0 && !n[kn - 1]; kn--) {\n ;\n }\n\n np = radix - inverseModInt(modInt(n, radix), radix);\n s7[kn] = 1;\n multMod_(x, s7, n); // x = x * 2**(kn*bp) mod n\n\n if (s3.length != x.length) s3 = dup(x);else copy_(s3, x); //$off\n\n for (k1 = y.length - 1; k1 > 0 & !y[k1]; k1--) {\n ;\n } //k1=first nonzero element of y\n\n\n if (y[k1] == 0) {\n //anything to the 0th power is 1\n copyInt_(x, 1);\n return;\n }\n\n for (k2 = 1 << bpe - 1; k2 && !(y[k1] & k2); k2 >>= 1) {\n ;\n } //k2=position of first 1 bit in y[k1]\n\n\n for (;;) {\n if (!(k2 >>= 1)) {\n //look at next bit of y\n k1--;\n\n if (k1 < 0) {\n mont_(x, one, n, np);\n return;\n }\n\n k2 = 1 << bpe - 1;\n }\n\n mont_(x, x, n, np);\n if (k2 & y[k1]) //if next bit is a 1\n mont_(x, s3, n, np);\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=x*y*Ri mod n for bigInts x,y,n,\n * where Ri = 2**(-kn*bpe) mod n, and kn is the\n * number of elements in the n array, not\n * counting leading zeros.\n *\n * x array must have at least as many elemnts as the n array\n * It's OK if x and y are the same variable.\n *\n * must have:\n * * x,y < n\n * * n is odd\n * * np = -(n^(-1)) mod radix\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @param {number[]} n\n * @param {number} np\n * @return {void}\n */\n\nexport function mont_(x, y, n, np) {\n var i, j, c, ui, t, ks;\n var kn = n.length;\n var ky = y.length;\n if (sa.length != kn) sa = new Array(kn);\n copyInt_(sa, 0);\n\n for (; kn > 0 && n[kn - 1] == 0; kn--) {\n ;\n } //ignore leading zeros of n\n\n\n for (; ky > 0 && y[ky - 1] == 0; ky--) {\n ;\n } //ignore leading zeros of y\n\n\n ks = sa.length - 1; //sa will never have more than this many nonzero elements.\n //the following loop consumes 95% of the runtime for randTruePrime_() and powMod_() for large numbers\n\n for (i = 0; i < kn; i++) {\n t = sa[0] + x[i] * y[0];\n ui = (t & mask) * np & mask; //the inner \"& mask\" was needed on Safari (but not MSIE) at one time\n\n c = t + ui * n[0] >> bpe;\n t = x[i]; //do sa=(sa+x[i]*y+ui*n)/b where b=2**bpe. Loop is unrolled 5-fold for speed\n\n j = 1;\n\n for (; j < ky - 4;) {\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j] + t * y[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j] + t * y[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j] + t * y[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j] + t * y[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j] + t * y[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n }\n\n for (; j < ky;) {\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j] + t * y[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n }\n\n for (; j < kn - 4;) {\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n }\n\n for (; j < kn;) {\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n }\n\n for (; j < ks;) {\n c += sa[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n }\n\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n }\n\n if (!greater(n, sa)) sub_(sa, n);\n copy_(x, sa);\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map" }, { "id": 16, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\timeManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/timeManager.ts", "index": 22, "index2": 18, "size": 1900, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\authorizer.ts", "issuerId": 30, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": 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this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.TimeManager = void 0;\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nclass TimeManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.lastMessageID = [0, 0];\r\n this.timeOffset = 0;\r\n storage_1.default.get('server_time_offset').then((to) => {\r\n if (to) {\r\n this.timeOffset = to;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n generateID() {\r\n var timeTicks = Date.now(), timeSec = Math.floor(timeTicks / 1000) + this.timeOffset, timeMSec = timeTicks % 1000, random = bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFF);\r\n var messageID = [timeSec, (timeMSec << 21) | (random << 3) | 4];\r\n if (this.lastMessageID[0] > messageID[0] ||\r\n this.lastMessageID[0] == messageID[0] && this.lastMessageID[1] >= messageID[1]) {\r\n messageID = [this.lastMessageID[0], this.lastMessageID[1] + 4];\r\n }\r\n this.lastMessageID = messageID;\r\n // console.log('generated msg id', messageID, timeOffset)\r\n return bin_utils_1.longFromInts(messageID[0], messageID[1]);\r\n }\r\n applyServerTime(serverTime, localTime) {\r\n var newTimeOffset = serverTime - Math.floor((localTime || Date.now()) / 1000);\r\n var changed = Math.abs(this.timeOffset - newTimeOffset) > 10;\r\n storage_1.default.set({\r\n server_time_offset: newTimeOffset\r\n });\r\n this.lastMessageID = [0, 0];\r\n this.timeOffset = newTimeOffset;\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'Apply server time', serverTime, localTime, newTimeOffset, changed);\r\n return changed;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.TimeManager = TimeManager;\r\nexports.default = new TimeManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 17, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\transports\\transport.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/transports/transport.ts", "index": 25, "index2": 19, 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"dependencies": 1 } }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\transports\\http.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/transports/http.ts", "profile": { "factory": 1707, "building": 782, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 112, "building": 937 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 9, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\transports\\http.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/transports/http.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/transports/http.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./transport", "loc": "6:36-58" }, { "moduleId": 27, "moduleIdentifier": 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module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.FileManager = void 0;\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"./bin_utils\");\r\nclass FileManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.blobSupported = true;\r\n try {\r\n bin_utils_1.blobConstruct([], '');\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.blobSupported = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n isAvailable() {\r\n return this.blobSupported;\r\n }\r\n write(fileWriter, bytes) {\r\n if (bytes instanceof Blob) { // is file bytes\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n let fileReader = new FileReader();\r\n fileReader.onload = function (event) {\r\n let arrayBuffer = event.target.result;\r\n let arr = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);\r\n fileWriter.write(arr).then(resolve, reject);\r\n };\r\n fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(bytes);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return fileWriter.write(bytes);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n getFakeFileWriter(mimeType, saveFileCallback) {\r\n const blobParts = [];\r\n const fakeFileWriter = {\r\n write: (part) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (!this.blobSupported) {\r\n throw false;\r\n }\r\n blobParts.push(part);\r\n }),\r\n truncate: () => {\r\n blobParts.length = 0;\r\n },\r\n finalize: (saveToStorage = true) => {\r\n const blob = bin_utils_1.blobConstruct(blobParts, mimeType);\r\n if (saveToStorage && saveFileCallback) {\r\n saveFileCallback(blob);\r\n }\r\n return blob;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n return fakeFileWriter;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.FileManager = FileManager;\r\nexports.default = new FileManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "index": 0, "index2": 35, "size": 5840, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": null, "issuerId": null, "issuerName": null, "issuerPath": null, "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": null, "moduleIdentifier": null, "module": null, "moduleName": null, "type": "single entry", "userRequest": "!!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "loc": "main" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 0, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\n// just to include\r\nconst polyfill_1 = require(\"../polyfill\");\r\npolyfill_1.secureRandom;\r\nconst apiManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./apiManager\"));\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\nconst cryptoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../crypto/cryptoworker\"));\r\nconst networkerFactory_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./networkerFactory\"));\r\nconst apiFileManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./apiFileManager\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst log = logger_1.logger('DW', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\nconst ctx = self;\r\n//console.error('INCLUDE !!!', new Error().stack);\r\n/* function isObject(object: any) {\r\n return typeof(object) === 'object' && object !== null;\r\n} */\r\n/* function fillTransfer(transfer: any, obj: any) {\r\n if(!obj) return;\r\n \r\n if(obj instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n transfer.add(obj);\r\n } else if(obj.buffer && obj.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n transfer.add(obj.buffer);\r\n } else if(isObject(obj)) {\r\n for(var i in obj) {\r\n fillTransfer(transfer, obj[i]);\r\n }\r\n } else if(Array.isArray(obj)) {\r\n obj.forEach(value => {\r\n fillTransfer(transfer, value);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n} */\r\nfunction respond(...args) {\r\n // отключил для всего потому что не успел пофиксить transfer detached\r\n //if(isSafari(self)/* || true */) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n ctx.postMessage(...args);\r\n /* } else {\r\n var transfer = new Set();\r\n fillTransfer(transfer, arguments);\r\n \r\n //console.log('reply', transfer, [...transfer]);\r\n ctx.postMessage(...arguments, [...transfer]);\r\n //console.log('reply', transfer, [...transfer]);\r\n } */\r\n}\r\nnetworkerFactory_1.default.setUpdatesProcessor((obj, bool) => {\r\n respond({ update: { obj, bool } });\r\n});\r\nctx.addEventListener('message', (e) => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n try {\r\n const task = e.data;\r\n const taskID = task.taskID;\r\n log.debug('got message:', taskID, task);\r\n //debugger;\r\n if (task.useLs) {\r\n storage_1.default.finishTask(task.taskID, task.args);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (task.type == 'convertWebp') {\r\n const { fileName, bytes } = task.payload;\r\n const deferred = apiFileManager_1.default.webpConvertPromises[fileName];\r\n if (deferred) {\r\n deferred.resolve(bytes);\r\n delete apiFileManager_1.default.webpConvertPromises[fileName];\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (task.type == 'requestFilePart') {\r\n const task = e.data;\r\n const responseTask = {\r\n type: task.type,\r\n id: task.id,\r\n payload: null\r\n };\r\n try {\r\n const res = yield apiFileManager_1.default.requestFilePart(...task.payload);\r\n responseTask.payload = res;\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n }\r\n respond(responseTask);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n switch (task.task) {\r\n case 'computeSRP':\r\n case 'gzipUncompress':\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n return cryptoworker_1.default[task.task].apply(cryptoworker_1.default, task.args).then(result => {\r\n respond({ taskID: taskID, result: result });\r\n });\r\n case 'cancelDownload':\r\n case 'uploadFile':\r\n case 'downloadFile': {\r\n try {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n let result = apiFileManager_1.default[task.task].apply(apiFileManager_1.default, task.args);\r\n if (result instanceof Promise) {\r\n /* (result as ReturnType).notify = (progress: {done: number, total: number, offset: number}) => {\r\n notify({progress: {fileName, ...progress}});\r\n }; */\r\n result = yield result;\r\n }\r\n respond({ taskID: taskID, result: result });\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n respond({ taskID: taskID, error: err });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n default: {\r\n try {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n let result = apiManager_1.default[task.task].apply(apiManager_1.default, task.args);\r\n if (result instanceof Promise) {\r\n result = yield result;\r\n }\r\n respond({ taskID: taskID, result: result });\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n respond({ taskID: taskID, error: err });\r\n }\r\n //throw new Error('Unknown task: ' + task.task);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n }\r\n}));\r\nctx.postMessage('ready');\r\n" }, { "id": 20, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\polyfill.ts", "name": "./src/lib/polyfill.ts", "index": 1, "index2": 2, "size": 1829, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerId": 19, "issuerName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 19, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "module": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "moduleName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../polyfill", "loc": "16:19-41" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 1, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.secureRandom = void 0;\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"./bin_utils\");\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nconst jsbn_1 = require(\"jsbn\");\r\nexports.secureRandom = new jsbn_1.SecureRandom();\r\nObject.defineProperty(Uint8Array.prototype, 'hex', {\r\n get: function () {\r\n return bin_utils_1.bytesToHex([...this]);\r\n },\r\n set: function (str) {\r\n this.set(bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(str));\r\n },\r\n enumerable: true,\r\n configurable: true\r\n});\r\nUint8Array.prototype.randomize = function () {\r\n exports.secureRandom.nextBytes(this);\r\n return this;\r\n};\r\nUint8Array.prototype.concat = function (...args) {\r\n return bin_utils_1.bufferConcats(this, ...args);\r\n};\r\nUint8Array.prototype.toString = function () {\r\n return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, [...this]);\r\n};\r\nUint8Array.prototype.toJSON = function () {\r\n return [...this];\r\n};\r\nArray.prototype.forEachReverse = function (callback) {\r\n let length = this.length;\r\n for (var i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\r\n callback(this[i], i, this);\r\n }\r\n};\r\nArray.prototype.findAndSplice = function (verify) {\r\n let index = this.findIndex(verify);\r\n return index !== -1 ? this.splice(index, 1)[0] : undefined;\r\n};\r\nString.prototype.toHHMMSS = function (leadZero = false) {\r\n const sec_num = parseInt(this + '', 10);\r\n const hours = Math.floor(sec_num / 3600);\r\n let minutes = Math.floor((sec_num - (hours * 3600)) / 60);\r\n let seconds = sec_num - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60);\r\n if (hours)\r\n leadZero = true;\r\n if (minutes < 10)\r\n minutes = leadZero ? \"0\" + minutes : minutes;\r\n if (seconds < 10)\r\n seconds = \"0\" + seconds;\r\n return (hours ? /* ('0' + hours).slice(-2) */ hours + ':' : '') + minutes + ':' + seconds;\r\n};\r\n" }, { "id": 21, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\networker.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/networker.ts", "index": 9, "index2": 24, "size": 46109, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\networkerFactory.ts", "issuerId": 6, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/networkerFactory.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 6, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\networkerFactory.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/networkerFactory.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1509, "building": 662, "dependencies": 242 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 6, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\networkerFactory.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/networkerFactory.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/networkerFactory.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./networker", "loc": "4:20-42" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.MTPNetworker = void 0;\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst bin_utils_2 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst tl_utils_1 = require(\"./tl_utils\");\r\nconst cryptoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../crypto/cryptoworker\"));\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\nconst schema_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./schema\"));\r\nconst timeManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./timeManager\"));\r\nconst networkerFactory_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./networkerFactory\"));\r\nconst dcConfigurator_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./dcConfigurator\"));\r\nconst http_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./transports/http\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst mtproto_config_1 = require(\"./mtproto_config\");\r\nclass MTPNetworker {\r\n constructor(dcID, authKey, authKeyID, serverSalt, options = {}) {\r\n this.dcID = dcID;\r\n this.authKey = authKey;\r\n this.authKeyID = authKeyID;\r\n this.serverSalt = serverSalt;\r\n this.options = options;\r\n this.lastServerMessages = [];\r\n this.sentMessages = {};\r\n this.pendingMessages = {};\r\n this.pendingAcks = [];\r\n this.pendingResends = [];\r\n this.connectionInited = false;\r\n //private longPollInt: number;\r\n this.longPollPending = 0;\r\n this.seqNo = 0;\r\n this.prevSessionID = [];\r\n this.sessionID = [];\r\n this.sleepAfter = 0;\r\n this.offline = false;\r\n this.checkConnectionPeriod = 0;\r\n this.nextReq = 0;\r\n this.onOnlineCb = this.checkConnection.bind(this);\r\n this.lastResendReq = null;\r\n this.authKeyUint8 = bin_utils_2.convertToUint8Array(this.authKey);\r\n //this.authKeyID = sha1BytesSync(this.authKey).slice(-8);\r\n this.upload = this.options.fileUpload || this.options.fileDownload || false;\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('NET-' + dcID + (this.upload ? '-U' : ''));\r\n this.log('constructor' /* , this.authKey, this.authKeyID, this.serverSalt */);\r\n /* // Test resend after bad_server_salt\r\n if(this.dcID == 1 && this.upload) {\r\n this.serverSalt[0] = 0;\r\n } */\r\n this.updateSession();\r\n // if(!NetworkerFactory.offlineInited) {\r\n // NetworkerFactory.offlineInited = true;\r\n // /* $rootScope.offline = true\r\n // $rootScope.offlineConnecting = true */\r\n // }\r\n this.transport = dcConfigurator_1.default.chooseServer(this.dcID, this.upload);\r\n if (this.transport instanceof http_1.default) {\r\n /* this.longPollInt = */ setInterval(this.checkLongPoll.bind(this), 10000);\r\n this.checkLongPoll();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.transport.networker = this;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n updateSession() {\r\n this.seqNo = 0;\r\n this.prevSessionID = this.sessionID;\r\n this.sessionID = new Array(8);\r\n this.sessionID = [...new Uint8Array(this.sessionID.length).randomize()];\r\n //MTProto.secureRandom.nextBytes(this.sessionID);\r\n }\r\n updateSentMessage(sentMessageID) {\r\n var sentMessage = this.sentMessages[sentMessageID];\r\n if (!sentMessage) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n var self = this;\r\n if (sentMessage.container) {\r\n var newInner = [];\r\n sentMessage.inner.forEach((innerSentMessageID) => {\r\n var innerSentMessage = self.updateSentMessage(innerSentMessageID);\r\n if (innerSentMessage) {\r\n newInner.push(innerSentMessage.msg_id);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n sentMessage.inner = newInner;\r\n }\r\n sentMessage.msg_id = timeManager_1.default.generateID();\r\n sentMessage.seq_no = this.generateSeqNo(sentMessage.notContentRelated ||\r\n sentMessage.container);\r\n this.sentMessages[sentMessage.msg_id] = sentMessage;\r\n delete self.sentMessages[sentMessageID];\r\n return sentMessage;\r\n }\r\n generateSeqNo(notContentRelated) {\r\n var seqNo = this.seqNo * 2;\r\n if (!notContentRelated) {\r\n seqNo++;\r\n this.seqNo++;\r\n }\r\n return seqNo;\r\n }\r\n wrapMtpCall(method, params = {}, options = {}) {\r\n var serializer = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({ mtproto: true });\r\n serializer.storeMethod(method, params);\r\n var messageID = timeManager_1.default.generateID();\r\n var seqNo = this.generateSeqNo();\r\n var message = {\r\n msg_id: messageID,\r\n seq_no: seqNo,\r\n body: serializer.getBytes()\r\n };\r\n if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.debug) {\r\n this.log('MT call', method, params, messageID, seqNo);\r\n }\r\n return this.pushMessage(message, options);\r\n }\r\n wrapMtpMessage(object = {}, options = {}) {\r\n var serializer = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({ mtproto: true });\r\n serializer.storeObject(object, 'Object');\r\n var messageID = timeManager_1.default.generateID();\r\n var seqNo = this.generateSeqNo(options.notContentRelated);\r\n var message = {\r\n msg_id: messageID,\r\n seq_no: seqNo,\r\n body: serializer.getBytes()\r\n };\r\n if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.debug) {\r\n this.log('MT message', object, messageID, seqNo);\r\n }\r\n return this.pushMessage(message, options);\r\n }\r\n wrapApiCall(method, params = {}, options = {}) {\r\n let serializer = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization(options);\r\n if (!this.connectionInited) { // this will call once for each new session\r\n ///////this.log('Wrap api call !this.connectionInited');\r\n let invokeWithLayer = schema_1.default.API.methods.find(m => m.method == 'invokeWithLayer');\r\n if (!invokeWithLayer)\r\n throw new Error('no invokeWithLayer!');\r\n serializer.storeInt(+invokeWithLayer.id >>> 0, 'invokeWithLayer');\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n serializer.storeInt(schema_1.default.layer, 'layer');\r\n let initConnection = schema_1.default.API.methods.find(m => m.method == 'initConnection');\r\n if (!initConnection)\r\n throw new Error('no initConnection!');\r\n serializer.storeInt(+initConnection.id >>> 0, 'initConnection');\r\n serializer.storeInt(0x0, 'flags');\r\n serializer.storeInt(mtproto_config_1.App.id, 'api_id');\r\n serializer.storeString(navigator.userAgent || 'Unknown UserAgent', 'device_model');\r\n serializer.storeString(navigator.platform || 'Unknown Platform', 'system_version');\r\n serializer.storeString(mtproto_config_1.App.version, 'app_version');\r\n serializer.storeString(navigator.language || 'en', 'system_lang_code');\r\n serializer.storeString('', 'lang_pack');\r\n serializer.storeString(navigator.language || 'en', 'lang_code');\r\n //serializer.storeInt(0x0, 'proxy');\r\n /* serializer.storeMethod('initConnection', {\r\n 'flags': 0,\r\n 'api_id': App.id,\r\n 'device_model': navigator.userAgent || 'Unknown UserAgent',\r\n 'system_version': navigator.platform || 'Unknown Platform',\r\n 'app_version': App.version,\r\n 'system_lang_code': navigator.language || 'en',\r\n 'lang_pack': '',\r\n 'lang_code': navigator.language || 'en'\r\n }); */\r\n }\r\n if (options.afterMessageID) {\r\n let invokeAfterMsg = schema_1.default.API.methods.find(m => m.method == 'invokeAfterMsg');\r\n if (!invokeAfterMsg)\r\n throw new Error('no invokeAfterMsg!');\r\n this.log('Api call options.afterMessageID!');\r\n serializer.storeInt(+invokeAfterMsg.id >>> 0, 'invokeAfterMsg');\r\n serializer.storeLong(options.afterMessageID, 'msg_id');\r\n }\r\n options.resultType = serializer.storeMethod(method, params);\r\n /* if(method == 'account.updateNotifySettings') {\r\n this.log('api call body:', serializer.getBytes(true));\r\n } */\r\n var messageID = timeManager_1.default.generateID();\r\n var seqNo = this.generateSeqNo();\r\n var message = {\r\n msg_id: messageID,\r\n seq_no: seqNo,\r\n body: serializer.getBytes(true),\r\n isAPI: true\r\n };\r\n if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.debug /* || true */) {\r\n this.log('Api call', method, message, params, options);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.log('Api call', method, params, options);\r\n }\r\n return this.pushMessage(message, options);\r\n }\r\n checkLongPoll() {\r\n const isClean = this.cleanupSent();\r\n //this.log('Check lp', this.longPollPending, tsNow(), this.dcID, isClean, this);\r\n if ((this.longPollPending && Date.now() < this.longPollPending) ||\r\n this.offline) {\r\n //this.log('No lp this time');\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n storage_1.default.get('dc').then((baseDcID) => {\r\n if (isClean && (baseDcID != this.dcID ||\r\n this.upload ||\r\n (this.sleepAfter && Date.now() > this.sleepAfter))) {\r\n //console.warn(dT(), 'Send long-poll for DC is delayed', this.dcID, this.sleepAfter);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.sendLongPoll();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n sendLongPoll() {\r\n let maxWait = 25000;\r\n this.longPollPending = Date.now() + maxWait;\r\n //this.log('Set lp', this.longPollPending, tsNow())\r\n this.wrapMtpCall('http_wait', {\r\n max_delay: 500,\r\n wait_after: 150,\r\n max_wait: maxWait\r\n }, {\r\n noResponse: true,\r\n longPoll: true\r\n }).then(() => {\r\n this.longPollPending = 0;\r\n setTimeout(this.checkLongPoll.bind(this), 0);\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n this.log('Long-poll failed', error);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // тут можно сделать таймаут и выводить дисконнект\r\n pushMessage(message, options = {}) {\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n this.sentMessages[message.msg_id] = Object.assign(message, options, {\r\n deferred: { resolve, reject }\r\n });\r\n // this.log('Networker pushMessage:', this.sentMessages[message.msg_id]);\r\n this.pendingMessages[message.msg_id] = 0;\r\n if (!options || !options.noSchedule) {\r\n this.scheduleRequest();\r\n }\r\n if (bin_utils_1.isObject(options)) {\r\n options.messageID = message.msg_id;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n pushResend(messageID, delay = 0) {\r\n const value = delay ? Date.now() + delay : 0;\r\n const sentMessage = this.sentMessages[messageID];\r\n if (sentMessage.container) {\r\n for (let i = 0, length = sentMessage.inner.length; i < length; i++) {\r\n this.pendingMessages[sentMessage.inner[i]] = value;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.pendingMessages[messageID] = value;\r\n }\r\n this.log('Resend due', messageID, this.pendingMessages);\r\n this.scheduleRequest(delay);\r\n }\r\n getMsgKey(dataWithPadding, isOut) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const authKey = this.authKeyUint8;\r\n const x = isOut ? 0 : 8;\r\n const msgKeyLargePlain = bin_utils_2.bufferConcat(authKey.subarray(88 + x, 88 + x + 32), dataWithPadding);\r\n const msgKeyLarge = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(msgKeyLargePlain);\r\n const msgKey = new Uint8Array(msgKeyLarge).subarray(8, 24);\r\n return msgKey;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n ;\r\n getAesKeyIv(msgKey, isOut) {\r\n var authKey = this.authKeyUint8;\r\n var x = isOut ? 0 : 8;\r\n var sha2aText = new Uint8Array(52);\r\n var sha2bText = new Uint8Array(52);\r\n var promises = [];\r\n sha2aText.set(msgKey, 0);\r\n sha2aText.set(authKey.subarray(x, x + 36), 16);\r\n promises.push(cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(sha2aText));\r\n sha2bText.set(authKey.subarray(40 + x, 40 + x + 36), 0);\r\n sha2bText.set(msgKey, 36);\r\n promises.push(cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(sha2bText));\r\n return Promise.all(promises).then((results) => {\r\n var aesKey = new Uint8Array(32);\r\n var aesIv = new Uint8Array(32);\r\n var sha2a = new Uint8Array(results[0]);\r\n var sha2b = new Uint8Array(results[1]);\r\n aesKey.set(sha2a.subarray(0, 8));\r\n aesKey.set(sha2b.subarray(8, 24), 8);\r\n aesKey.set(sha2a.subarray(24, 32), 24);\r\n aesIv.set(sha2b.subarray(0, 8));\r\n aesIv.set(sha2a.subarray(8, 24), 8);\r\n aesIv.set(sha2b.subarray(24, 32), 24);\r\n return [aesKey, aesIv];\r\n });\r\n }\r\n checkConnection(event) {\r\n /* $rootScope.offlineConnecting = true */\r\n this.log('Check connection', event);\r\n clearTimeout(this.checkConnectionTimeout);\r\n this.checkConnectionTimeout = 0;\r\n var serializer = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({ mtproto: true });\r\n var pingID = [bin_utils_2.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), bin_utils_2.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)];\r\n serializer.storeMethod('ping', {\r\n ping_id: pingID\r\n });\r\n var pingMessage = {\r\n msg_id: timeManager_1.default.generateID(),\r\n seq_no: this.generateSeqNo(true),\r\n body: serializer.getBytes()\r\n };\r\n var self = this;\r\n this.sendEncryptedRequest(pingMessage, {\r\n timeout: 15000\r\n }).then((result) => {\r\n /* delete $rootScope.offlineConnecting */\r\n self.toggleOffline(false);\r\n }, () => {\r\n this.log('Delay ', self.checkConnectionPeriod * 1000);\r\n self.checkConnectionTimeout = setTimeout(self.checkConnection.bind(self), self.checkConnectionPeriod * 1000 | 0);\r\n self.checkConnectionPeriod = Math.min(60, self.checkConnectionPeriod * 1.5);\r\n /* setTimeout(function() {\r\n delete $rootScope.offlineConnecting\r\n }, 1000); */\r\n });\r\n }\r\n toggleOffline(enabled) {\r\n // this.log('toggle ', enabled, this.dcID, this.iii)\r\n if (this.offline !== undefined && this.offline == enabled) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n this.offline = enabled;\r\n /* $rootScope.offline = enabled;\r\n $rootScope.offlineConnecting = false; */\r\n if (!(this.transport instanceof http_1.default)) {\r\n this.log('toggle ', enabled, this.dcID);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (this.offline) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.nextReqTimeout);\r\n this.nextReqTimeout = 0;\r\n this.nextReq = 0;\r\n if (this.checkConnectionPeriod < 1.5) {\r\n this.checkConnectionPeriod = 0;\r\n }\r\n this.checkConnectionTimeout = setTimeout(this.checkConnection.bind(this), this.checkConnectionPeriod * 1000 | 0);\r\n this.checkConnectionPeriod = Math.min(30, (1 + this.checkConnectionPeriod) * 1.5);\r\n document.body.addEventListener('online', this.onOnlineCb, false);\r\n document.body.addEventListener('focus', this.onOnlineCb, false);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.checkLongPoll();\r\n this.scheduleRequest();\r\n document.body.removeEventListener('online', this.onOnlineCb);\r\n document.body.removeEventListener('focus', this.onOnlineCb);\r\n clearTimeout(this.checkConnectionTimeout);\r\n this.checkConnectionTimeout = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n performScheduledRequest() {\r\n // this.log('scheduled', this.dcID, this.iii)\r\n if (this.offline) {\r\n this.log('Cancel scheduled');\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n this.nextReq = 0;\r\n if (this.pendingAcks.length) {\r\n var ackMsgIDs = this.pendingAcks.slice();\r\n /* for(var i = 0; i < this.pendingAcks.length; i++) {\r\n ackMsgIDs.push(this.pendingAcks[i]);\r\n } */\r\n // this.log('acking messages', ackMsgIDs)\r\n this.wrapMtpMessage({\r\n _: 'msgs_ack',\r\n msg_ids: ackMsgIDs\r\n }, {\r\n notContentRelated: true,\r\n noSchedule: true\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (this.pendingResends.length) {\r\n var resendMsgIDs = this.pendingResends.slice();\r\n var resendOpts = {\r\n noSchedule: true,\r\n notContentRelated: true,\r\n messageID: '' // will set in wrapMtpMessage->pushMessage\r\n };\r\n /* for(var i = 0; i < this.pendingResends.length; i++) {\r\n resendMsgIDs.push(this.pendingResends[i]);\r\n } */\r\n this.log('resendReq messages', resendMsgIDs);\r\n this.wrapMtpMessage({\r\n _: 'msg_resend_req',\r\n msg_ids: resendMsgIDs\r\n }, resendOpts);\r\n this.lastResendReq = {\r\n req_msg_id: resendOpts.messageID,\r\n resend_msg_ids: resendMsgIDs\r\n };\r\n }\r\n var messages = [], message;\r\n var messagesByteLen = 0;\r\n var currentTime = Date.now();\r\n var hasApiCall = false;\r\n var hasHttpWait = false;\r\n var lengthOverflow = false;\r\n var singlesCount = 0;\r\n var self = this;\r\n for (let messageID in this.pendingMessages) {\r\n let value = this.pendingMessages[messageID];\r\n if (!value || value >= currentTime) {\r\n if (message = this.sentMessages[messageID]) {\r\n //this.log('performScheduledRequest message:', message);\r\n var messageByteLength = ( /* message.body.byteLength || */message.body.length) + 32;\r\n if (!message.notContentRelated &&\r\n lengthOverflow) {\r\n continue; // maybe break here\r\n }\r\n if (!message.notContentRelated &&\r\n messagesByteLen &&\r\n messagesByteLen + messageByteLength > 655360) { // 640 Kb\r\n this.log.warn('lengthOverflow', message);\r\n lengthOverflow = true;\r\n continue; // maybe break here\r\n }\r\n if (message.singleInRequest) {\r\n singlesCount++;\r\n if (singlesCount > 1) {\r\n continue; // maybe break here\r\n }\r\n }\r\n messages.push(message);\r\n messagesByteLen += messageByteLength;\r\n if (message.isAPI) {\r\n hasApiCall = true;\r\n }\r\n else if (message.longPoll) {\r\n hasHttpWait = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // this.log(message, messageID)\r\n }\r\n delete self.pendingMessages[messageID];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (hasApiCall && !hasHttpWait && this.transport instanceof http_1.default) {\r\n var serializer = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({ mtproto: true });\r\n serializer.storeMethod('http_wait', {\r\n max_delay: 500,\r\n wait_after: 150,\r\n max_wait: 3000\r\n });\r\n messages.push({\r\n msg_id: timeManager_1.default.generateID(),\r\n seq_no: this.generateSeqNo(),\r\n body: serializer.getBytes()\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (!messages.length) {\r\n // this.log('no scheduled messages')\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n var noResponseMsgs = [];\r\n if (messages.length > 1) {\r\n var container = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({\r\n mtproto: true,\r\n startMaxLength: messagesByteLen + 64\r\n });\r\n container.storeInt(0x73f1f8dc, 'CONTAINER[id]');\r\n container.storeInt(messages.length, 'CONTAINER[count]');\r\n var innerMessages = [];\r\n messages.forEach((message, i) => {\r\n container.storeLong(message.msg_id, 'CONTAINER[' + i + '][msg_id]');\r\n innerMessages.push(message.msg_id);\r\n container.storeInt(message.seq_no, 'CONTAINER[' + i + '][seq_no]');\r\n container.storeInt(message.body.length, 'CONTAINER[' + i + '][bytes]');\r\n container.storeRawBytes(message.body, 'CONTAINER[' + i + '][body]');\r\n if (message.noResponse) {\r\n noResponseMsgs.push(message.msg_id);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n var containerSentMessage = {\r\n msg_id: timeManager_1.default.generateID(),\r\n seq_no: this.generateSeqNo(true),\r\n container: true,\r\n inner: innerMessages\r\n };\r\n message = Object.assign({\r\n body: container.getBytes(true)\r\n }, containerSentMessage);\r\n this.sentMessages[message.msg_id] = containerSentMessage;\r\n if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.debug || true) {\r\n this.log('Container', innerMessages, message.msg_id, message.seq_no);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (message.noResponse) {\r\n noResponseMsgs.push(message.msg_id);\r\n }\r\n this.sentMessages[message.msg_id] = message;\r\n }\r\n this.pendingAcks = [];\r\n let promise = this.sendEncryptedRequest(message);\r\n if (!(this.transport instanceof http_1.default)) {\r\n if (noResponseMsgs.length)\r\n this.log.error('noResponseMsgs length!', noResponseMsgs);\r\n }\r\n else\r\n promise.then((result) => {\r\n self.toggleOffline(false);\r\n // this.log('parse for', message)\r\n self.parseResponse(result).then((response) => {\r\n if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.debug) {\r\n this.log('Server response', self.dcID, response);\r\n }\r\n self.processMessage(response.response, response.messageID, response.sessionID);\r\n noResponseMsgs.forEach((msgID) => {\r\n if (self.sentMessages[msgID]) {\r\n var deferred = self.sentMessages[msgID].deferred;\r\n delete self.sentMessages[msgID];\r\n deferred.resolve();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (self.transport instanceof http_1.default) {\r\n self.checkLongPoll();\r\n this.checkConnectionPeriod = Math.max(1.1, Math.sqrt(this.checkConnectionPeriod));\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n this.log.error('Encrypted request failed', error, message);\r\n if (message.container) {\r\n message.inner.forEach((msgID) => {\r\n self.pendingMessages[msgID] = 0;\r\n });\r\n delete self.sentMessages[message.msg_id];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n self.pendingMessages[message.msg_id] = 0;\r\n }\r\n noResponseMsgs.forEach((msgID) => {\r\n if (self.sentMessages[msgID]) {\r\n var deferred = self.sentMessages[msgID].deferred;\r\n delete self.sentMessages[msgID];\r\n delete self.pendingMessages[msgID];\r\n deferred.reject();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n self.toggleOffline(true);\r\n });\r\n if (lengthOverflow || singlesCount > 1) {\r\n this.scheduleRequest();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n getEncryptedMessage(dataWithPadding) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n let msgKey = yield this.getMsgKey(dataWithPadding, true);\r\n let keyIv = yield this.getAesKeyIv(msgKey, true);\r\n // this.log('after msg key iv')\r\n let encryptedBytes = yield cryptoworker_1.default.aesEncrypt(dataWithPadding, keyIv[0], keyIv[1]);\r\n // this.log('Finish encrypt')\r\n return {\r\n bytes: encryptedBytes,\r\n msgKey: msgKey\r\n };\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getDecryptedMessage(msgKey, encryptedData) {\r\n // this.log('get decrypted start')\r\n return this.getAesKeyIv(msgKey, false).then((keyIv) => {\r\n // this.log('after msg key iv')\r\n return cryptoworker_1.default.aesDecrypt(encryptedData, keyIv[0], keyIv[1]);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n sendEncryptedRequest(message, options = {}) {\r\n var self = this;\r\n this.log.debug('Send encrypted', message, options, this.authKeyID);\r\n // console.trace()\r\n var data = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({\r\n startMaxLength: message.body.length + 2048\r\n });\r\n data.storeIntBytes(this.serverSalt, 64, 'salt');\r\n data.storeIntBytes(this.sessionID, 64, 'session_id');\r\n data.storeLong(message.msg_id, 'message_id');\r\n data.storeInt(message.seq_no, 'seq_no');\r\n data.storeInt(message.body.length, 'message_data_length');\r\n data.storeRawBytes(message.body, 'message_data');\r\n var dataBuffer = data.getBuffer();\r\n var paddingLength = (16 - (data.offset % 16)) + 16 * (1 + bin_utils_2.nextRandomInt(5));\r\n var padding = new Array(paddingLength);\r\n padding = [...new Uint8Array(padding.length).randomize()];\r\n //MTProto.secureRandom.nextBytes(padding);\r\n var dataWithPadding = bin_utils_2.bufferConcat(dataBuffer, padding);\r\n // this.log('Adding padding', dataBuffer, padding, dataWithPadding)\r\n // this.log('auth_key_id', bytesToHex(self.authKeyID))\r\n return this.getEncryptedMessage(dataWithPadding).then((encryptedResult) => {\r\n this.log.debug('Got encrypted out message', encryptedResult);\r\n let request = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({\r\n startMaxLength: encryptedResult.bytes.byteLength + 256\r\n });\r\n request.storeIntBytes(self.authKeyID, 64, 'auth_key_id');\r\n request.storeIntBytes(encryptedResult.msgKey, 128, 'msg_key');\r\n request.storeRawBytes(encryptedResult.bytes, 'encrypted_data');\r\n //var requestData = xhrSendBuffer ? request.getBuffer() : request.getBytes(true) as Uint8Array;\r\n let requestData = request.getBytes(true);\r\n let baseError = {\r\n code: 406,\r\n type: 'NETWORK_BAD_RESPONSE',\r\n transport: this.transport\r\n };\r\n let promise = this.transport.send(requestData);\r\n if (!(this.transport instanceof http_1.default))\r\n return promise;\r\n return promise.then((result) => {\r\n if (!result || !result.byteLength) {\r\n return Promise.reject(baseError);\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n if (!error.message && !error.type) {\r\n error = Object.assign(baseError, {\r\n type: 'NETWORK_BAD_REQUEST',\r\n originalError: error\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return Promise.reject(error);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n parseResponse(responseBuffer) {\r\n this.log.debug('Start parsing response' /* , responseBuffer */);\r\n let self = this;\r\n let deserializer = new tl_utils_1.TLDeserialization(responseBuffer);\r\n let authKeyID = deserializer.fetchIntBytes(64, true, 'auth_key_id');\r\n if (!bin_utils_2.bytesCmp(authKeyID, this.authKeyID)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Invalid server auth_key_id: ' + authKeyID.hex);\r\n }\r\n let msgKey = deserializer.fetchIntBytes(128, true, 'msg_key');\r\n let encryptedData = deserializer.fetchRawBytes(responseBuffer.byteLength - deserializer.getOffset(), true, 'encrypted_data');\r\n return self.getDecryptedMessage(msgKey, encryptedData).then((dataWithPadding) => {\r\n // this.log('after decrypt')\r\n return self.getMsgKey(dataWithPadding, false).then((calcMsgKey) => {\r\n if (!bin_utils_2.bytesCmp(msgKey, calcMsgKey)) {\r\n this.log.warn('[MT] msg_keys', msgKey, calcMsgKey);\r\n this.updateSession(); // fix 28.01.2020\r\n throw new Error('[MT] server msgKey mismatch, updating session');\r\n }\r\n // this.log('after msgKey check')\r\n let deserializer = new tl_utils_1.TLDeserialization(dataWithPadding, { mtproto: true });\r\n /* let salt = */ deserializer.fetchIntBytes(64, false, 'salt'); // need\r\n let sessionID = deserializer.fetchIntBytes(64, false, 'session_id');\r\n let messageID = deserializer.fetchLong('message_id');\r\n if (!bin_utils_2.bytesCmp(sessionID, self.sessionID) &&\r\n (!self.prevSessionID || !bin_utils_2.bytesCmp(sessionID, self.prevSessionID))) {\r\n this.log.warn('Sessions', sessionID, self.sessionID, self.prevSessionID, dataWithPadding);\r\n //this.updateSession();\r\n //this.sessionID = sessionID;\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Invalid server session_id: ' + bin_utils_2.bytesToHex(sessionID));\r\n }\r\n let seqNo = deserializer.fetchInt('seq_no');\r\n let totalLength = dataWithPadding.byteLength;\r\n let messageBodyLength = deserializer.fetchInt('message_data[length]');\r\n let offset = deserializer.getOffset();\r\n if ((messageBodyLength % 4) ||\r\n messageBodyLength > totalLength - offset) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Invalid body length: ' + messageBodyLength);\r\n }\r\n let messageBody = deserializer.fetchRawBytes(messageBodyLength, true, 'message_data');\r\n offset = deserializer.getOffset();\r\n let paddingLength = totalLength - offset;\r\n if (paddingLength < 12 || paddingLength > 1024) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Invalid padding length: ' + paddingLength);\r\n }\r\n //let buffer = bytesToArrayBuffer(messageBody);\r\n deserializer = new tl_utils_1.TLDeserialization(/* buffer */ messageBody, { mtproto: true });\r\n // костыль\r\n deserializer.override = {\r\n mt_message: (function (result, field) {\r\n result.msg_id = this.fetchLong(field + '[msg_id]');\r\n result.seqno = this.fetchInt(field + '[seqno]');\r\n result.bytes = this.fetchInt(field + '[bytes]');\r\n var offset = this.getOffset();\r\n //self.log('mt_message!!!!!', result, field);\r\n try {\r\n result.body = this.fetchObject('Object', field + '[body]');\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n self.log.error('parse error', e.message, e.stack);\r\n result.body = {\r\n _: 'parse_error',\r\n error: e\r\n };\r\n }\r\n if (this.offset != offset + result.bytes) {\r\n // console.warn(dT(), 'set offset', this.offset, offset, result.bytes)\r\n // this.log(result)\r\n this.offset = offset + result.bytes;\r\n }\r\n // this.log('override message', result)\r\n }).bind(deserializer),\r\n mt_rpc_result: (function (result, field) {\r\n result.req_msg_id = this.fetchLong(field + '[req_msg_id]');\r\n var sentMessage = self.sentMessages[result.req_msg_id];\r\n var type = sentMessage && sentMessage.resultType || 'Object';\r\n if (result.req_msg_id && !sentMessage) {\r\n // console.warn(dT(), 'Result for unknown message', result);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n result.result = this.fetchObject(type, field + '[result]');\r\n // self.log(dT(), 'override rpc_result', sentMessage, type, result);\r\n }).bind(deserializer)\r\n };\r\n var response = deserializer.fetchObject('', 'INPUT');\r\n return {\r\n response: response,\r\n messageID: messageID,\r\n sessionID: sessionID,\r\n seqNo: seqNo\r\n };\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n applyServerSalt(newServerSalt) {\r\n var serverSalt = bin_utils_2.longToBytes(newServerSalt);\r\n storage_1.default.set({\r\n ['dc' + this.dcID + '_server_salt']: bin_utils_2.bytesToHex(serverSalt)\r\n });\r\n this.serverSalt = serverSalt;\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n scheduleRequest(delay = 0) {\r\n if (!(this.transport instanceof http_1.default)) { // if socket\r\n return this.performScheduledRequest();\r\n }\r\n if (this.offline /* && this.transport instanceof HTTP */) {\r\n this.checkConnection('forced schedule');\r\n }\r\n /* if(delay && !(this.transport instanceof HTTP)) {\r\n delay = 0;\r\n } */\r\n var nextReq = Date.now() + delay;\r\n if (delay && this.nextReq && this.nextReq <= nextReq) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n // this.log('schedule req', delay)\r\n // console.trace()\r\n clearTimeout(this.nextReqTimeout);\r\n this.nextReqTimeout = 0;\r\n if (delay > 0) {\r\n this.nextReqTimeout = setTimeout(this.performScheduledRequest.bind(this), delay || 0);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n setTimeout(this.performScheduledRequest.bind(this), 0);\r\n }\r\n this.nextReq = nextReq;\r\n }\r\n ackMessage(msgID) {\r\n // this.log('ack message', msgID)\r\n this.pendingAcks.push(msgID);\r\n this.scheduleRequest(30000);\r\n }\r\n reqResendMessage(msgID) {\r\n this.log('Req resend', msgID);\r\n this.pendingResends.push(msgID);\r\n this.scheduleRequest(100);\r\n }\r\n cleanupSent() {\r\n let notEmpty = false;\r\n // this.log('clean start', this.dcID/*, this.sentMessages*/)\r\n Object.keys(this.sentMessages).forEach((msgID) => {\r\n const message = this.sentMessages[msgID];\r\n // this.log('clean iter', msgID, message)\r\n if (message.notContentRelated && this.pendingMessages[msgID] === undefined) {\r\n // this.log('clean notContentRelated', msgID)\r\n delete this.sentMessages[msgID];\r\n }\r\n else if (message.container) {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < message.inner.length; i++) {\r\n if (this.sentMessages[message.inner[i]] !== undefined) {\r\n // this.log('clean failed, found', msgID, message.inner[i], this.sentMessages[message.inner[i]].seq_no)\r\n notEmpty = true;\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // this.log('clean container', msgID)\r\n delete this.sentMessages[msgID];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n notEmpty = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return !notEmpty;\r\n }\r\n processMessageAck(messageID) {\r\n var sentMessage = this.sentMessages[messageID];\r\n if (sentMessage && !sentMessage.acked) {\r\n delete sentMessage.body;\r\n sentMessage.acked = true;\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n processError(rawError) {\r\n var matches = (rawError.error_message || '').match(/^([A-Z_0-9]+\\b)(: (.+))?/) || [];\r\n rawError.error_code = rawError.error_code;\r\n return {\r\n code: !rawError.error_code || rawError.error_code <= 0 ? 500 : rawError.error_code,\r\n type: matches[1] || 'UNKNOWN',\r\n description: matches[3] || ('CODE#' + rawError.error_code + ' ' + rawError.error_message),\r\n originalError: rawError\r\n };\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * только для сокета, возможно это будет неправильно работать, но в тесте сработало правильно\r\n */\r\n resend() {\r\n for (let id in this.sentMessages) {\r\n const msg = this.sentMessages[id];\r\n if (msg.body) {\r\n this.pushResend(id);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n processMessage(message, messageID, sessionID) {\r\n var msgidInt = parseInt(messageID /* .toString(10) */.substr(0, -10), 10);\r\n if (msgidInt % 2) {\r\n this.log.warn('[MT] Server even message id: ', messageID, message);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.log.debug('process message', message, messageID, sessionID);\r\n switch (message._) {\r\n case 'msg_container':\r\n var len = message.messages.length;\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n this.processMessage(message.messages[i], message.messages[i].msg_id, sessionID);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'bad_server_salt':\r\n this.log('Bad server salt', message);\r\n var sentMessage = this.sentMessages[message.bad_msg_id];\r\n if (!sentMessage || sentMessage.seq_no != message.bad_msg_seqno) {\r\n this.log(message.bad_msg_id, message.bad_msg_seqno);\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Bad server salt for invalid message');\r\n }\r\n this.applyServerSalt(message.new_server_salt);\r\n this.pushResend(message.bad_msg_id);\r\n this.ackMessage(messageID);\r\n /* // simulate disconnect\r\n try {\r\n this.log('networker state:', this);\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n this.transport.ws.close(1000);\r\n } catch(err) {\r\n this.log.error('transport', this.transport, err);\r\n } */\r\n break;\r\n case 'bad_msg_notification':\r\n this.log('Bad msg notification', message);\r\n var sentMessage = this.sentMessages[message.bad_msg_id];\r\n if (!sentMessage || sentMessage.seq_no != message.bad_msg_seqno) {\r\n this.log(message.bad_msg_id, message.bad_msg_seqno);\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Bad msg notification for invalid message');\r\n }\r\n if (message.error_code == 16 || message.error_code == 17) {\r\n if (timeManager_1.default.applyServerTime(bin_utils_2.bigStringInt(messageID).shiftRight(32).toString(10))) {\r\n this.log('Update session');\r\n this.updateSession();\r\n }\r\n var badMessage = this.updateSentMessage(message.bad_msg_id);\r\n if (badMessage)\r\n this.pushResend(badMessage.msg_id); // fix 23.01.2020\r\n this.ackMessage(messageID);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'message':\r\n if (this.lastServerMessages.indexOf(messageID) != -1) {\r\n // console.warn('[MT] Server same messageID: ', messageID)\r\n this.ackMessage(messageID);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.lastServerMessages.push(messageID);\r\n if (this.lastServerMessages.length > 100) {\r\n this.lastServerMessages.shift();\r\n }\r\n this.processMessage(message.body, message.msg_id, sessionID);\r\n break;\r\n case 'new_session_created':\r\n this.ackMessage(messageID);\r\n this.log.debug('new_session_created', message);\r\n //this.updateSession();\r\n this.processMessageAck(message.first_msg_id);\r\n this.applyServerSalt(message.server_salt);\r\n storage_1.default.get('dc').then((baseDcID) => {\r\n if (baseDcID == this.dcID && !this.upload && networkerFactory_1.default.updatesProcessor) {\r\n networkerFactory_1.default.updatesProcessor(message, true);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n case 'msgs_ack':\r\n for (var i = 0; i < message.msg_ids.length; i++) {\r\n this.processMessageAck(message.msg_ids[i]);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'msg_detailed_info':\r\n if (!this.sentMessages[message.msg_id]) {\r\n this.ackMessage(message.answer_msg_id);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'msg_new_detailed_info':\r\n if (this.pendingAcks.indexOf(message.answer_msg_id)) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n this.reqResendMessage(message.answer_msg_id);\r\n break;\r\n case 'msgs_state_info':\r\n this.ackMessage(message.answer_msg_id);\r\n if (this.lastResendReq &&\r\n this.lastResendReq.req_msg_id == message.req_msg_id &&\r\n this.pendingResends.length) {\r\n var badMsgID, pos;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < this.lastResendReq.resend_msg_ids.length; i++) {\r\n badMsgID = this.lastResendReq.resend_msg_ids[i];\r\n pos = this.pendingResends.indexOf(badMsgID);\r\n if (pos != -1) {\r\n this.pendingResends.splice(pos, 1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'rpc_result':\r\n this.ackMessage(messageID);\r\n var sentMessageID = message.req_msg_id;\r\n var sentMessage = this.sentMessages[sentMessageID];\r\n this.processMessageAck(sentMessageID);\r\n if (sentMessage) {\r\n var deferred = sentMessage.deferred;\r\n if (message.result._ == 'rpc_error') {\r\n var error = this.processError(message.result);\r\n this.log('Rpc error', error);\r\n if (deferred) {\r\n deferred.reject(error);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (deferred) {\r\n if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.debug) {\r\n this.log.debug('Rpc response', message.result);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n var dRes = message.result._;\r\n if (!dRes) {\r\n if (message.result.length > 5) {\r\n dRes = '[..' + message.result.length + '..]';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n dRes = message.result;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.log.debug('Rpc response', dRes, sentMessage);\r\n }\r\n sentMessage.deferred.resolve(message.result);\r\n }\r\n if (sentMessage.isAPI && !this.connectionInited) {\r\n this.connectionInited = true;\r\n ////this.log('Rpc set connectionInited to:', this.connectionInited);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n delete this.sentMessages[sentMessageID];\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n this.ackMessage(messageID);\r\n this.log.debug('Update', message);\r\n if (networkerFactory_1.default.updatesProcessor !== null) {\r\n networkerFactory_1.default.updatesProcessor(message, true);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.MTPNetworker = MTPNetworker;\r\n" }, { "id": 22, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\@cryptography\\sha1\\dist\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/@cryptography/sha1/dist/index.js", "index": 13, "index2": 7, "size": 6225, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "issuerId": 13, "issuerName": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\cryptoworker.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } }, { "id": 13, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "profile": { "factory": 1524, "building": 711, "dependencies": 1293 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1827, "building": 56 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 13, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "module": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "@cryptography/sha1", "loc": "16:31-60" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\n/** Gets a uint32 from string in big-endian order order */\nfunction strToInt32(str, pos) {\n return (str.charCodeAt(pos) << 24\n ^ str.charCodeAt(pos + 1) << 16\n ^ str.charCodeAt(pos + 2) << 8\n ^ str.charCodeAt(pos + 3));\n}\n/** Returns a uint32 as a string in big-endian order order */\nfunction int32ToStr(data) {\n return (String.fromCharCode((data >> 24) & 0xFF)\n + String.fromCharCode((data >> 16) & 0xFF)\n + String.fromCharCode((data >> 8) & 0xFF)\n + String.fromCharCode(data & 0xFF));\n}\n// padding\nvar _padding = String.fromCharCode(128);\nfor (var i = 64; i--;)\n _padding += String.fromCharCode(0);\n/**\n * Updates a SHA-1 state with the given byte buffer.\n */\nfunction update(data) {\n var a;\n var b;\n var c;\n var d;\n var e;\n var i = 0;\n var f = 0;\n var t = 0;\n // Array to use to store words.\n var words = new Uint32Array(80);\n // SHA-256 state contains five 32-bit integers\n var h1 = 0x67452301;\n var h2 = 0xEFCDAB89;\n var h3 = 0x98BADCFE;\n var h4 = 0x10325476;\n var h5 = 0xC3D2E1F0;\n var len = data.length;\n var p = 0; // let ni = 64;\n // consume 512 bit (64 byte) chunks\n // While decrementing loop is much faster than for\n while (len >= 64) {\n // initialize hash value for this chunk\n a = h1;\n b = h2;\n c = h3;\n d = h4;\n e = h5;\n // round 1\n for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 1) {\n words[i] = strToInt32(data, p);\n p += 4;\n f = d ^ (b & (c ^ d));\n t = ((a << 5) | (a >>> 27)) + f + e + 0x5A827999 + words[i];\n e = d;\n d = c;\n // `>>> 0` necessary to avoid iOS/Safari 10 optimization bug\n c = ((b << 30) | (b >>> 2)) >>> 0;\n b = a;\n a = t;\n }\n for (; i < 20; i += 1) {\n t = (words[i - 3] ^ words[i - 8] ^ words[i - 14] ^ words[i - 16]);\n t = (t << 1) | (t >>> 31);\n words[i] = t;\n f = d ^ (b & (c ^ d));\n t = ((a << 5) | (a >>> 27)) + f + e + 0x5A827999 + t;\n e = d;\n d = c;\n // `>>> 0` necessary to avoid iOS/Safari 10 optimization bug\n c = ((b << 30) | (b >>> 2)) >>> 0;\n b = a;\n a = t;\n }\n // round 2\n for (; i < 32; i += 1) {\n t = (words[i - 3] ^ words[i - 8] ^ words[i - 14] ^ words[i - 16]);\n t = (t << 1) | (t >>> 31);\n words[i] = t;\n f = b ^ c ^ d;\n t = ((a << 5) | (a >>> 27)) + f + e + 0x6ED9EBA1 + t;\n e = d;\n d = c;\n // `>>> 0` necessary to avoid iOS/Safari 10 optimization bug\n c = ((b << 30) | (b >>> 2)) >>> 0;\n b = a;\n a = t;\n }\n for (; i < 40; i += 1) {\n t = (words[i - 6] ^ words[i - 16] ^ words[i - 28] ^ words[i - 32]);\n t = (t << 2) | (t >>> 30);\n words[i] = t;\n f = b ^ c ^ d;\n t = ((a << 5) | (a >>> 27)) + f + e + 0x6ED9EBA1 + t;\n e = d;\n d = c;\n // `>>> 0` necessary to avoid iOS/Safari 10 optimization bug\n c = ((b << 30) | (b >>> 2)) >>> 0;\n b = a;\n a = t;\n }\n // round 3\n for (; i < 60; i += 1) {\n t = (words[i - 6] ^ words[i - 16] ^ words[i - 28] ^ words[i - 32]);\n t = (t << 2) | (t >>> 30);\n words[i] = t;\n f = (b & c) | (d & (b ^ c));\n t = ((a << 5) | (a >>> 27)) + f + e + 0x8F1BBCDC + t;\n e = d;\n d = c;\n // `>>> 0` necessary to avoid iOS/Safari 10 optimization bug\n c = ((b << 30) | (b >>> 2)) >>> 0;\n b = a;\n a = t;\n }\n // round 4\n for (; i < 80; i += 1) {\n t = (words[i - 6] ^ words[i - 16] ^ words[i - 28] ^ words[i - 32]);\n t = (t << 2) | (t >>> 30);\n words[i] = t;\n f = b ^ c ^ d;\n t = ((a << 5) | (a >>> 27)) + f + e + 0xCA62C1D6 + t;\n e = d;\n d = c;\n // `>>> 0` necessary to avoid iOS/Safari 10 optimization bug\n c = ((b << 30) | (b >>> 2)) >>> 0;\n b = a;\n a = t;\n }\n // update hash state\n h1 = (h1 + a) | 0;\n h2 = (h2 + b) | 0;\n h3 = (h3 + c) | 0;\n h4 = (h4 + d) | 0;\n h5 = (h5 + e) | 0;\n len -= 64;\n }\n return {\n h1: h1, h2: h2, h3: h3, h4: h4, h5: h5,\n };\n}\n/**\n * Calculates sha1 hash from string\n */\nfunction sha1(message) {\n // 56-bit length of message so far (does not including padding)\n var len = message.length;\n var len64hi = (len / 0x100000000) >>> 0;\n var len64lo = len >>> 0;\n var flen = [0, 0];\n for (var i = flen.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {\n flen[i] += len64lo;\n len64lo = len64hi + ((flen[i] / 0x100000000) >>> 0);\n flen[i] >>>= 0;\n len64hi = ((len64lo / 0x100000000) >>> 0);\n }\n var pad = message;\n // compute remaining size to be digested (include message length size)\n var remaining = flen[flen.length - 1] + 8;\n // add padding for overflow blockSize - overflow\n // _padding starts with 1 byte with first bit is set (byte value 128), then\n // there may be up to (blockSize - 1) other pad bytes\n var overflow = remaining & 63;\n pad += _padding.substr(0, 64 - overflow);\n // serialize message length in bits in big-endian order; since length\n // is stored in bytes we multiply by 8 and add carry from next int\n var next;\n var carry;\n var bits = flen[0] * 8;\n for (var i = 0; i < flen.length - 1; i += 1) {\n next = flen[i + 1] * 8;\n carry = (next / 0x100000000) >>> 0;\n bits += carry;\n pad += int32ToStr(bits >>> 0);\n bits = next >>> 0;\n }\n pad += int32ToStr(bits);\n var state = update(pad);\n return int32ToStr(state.h1)\n + int32ToStr(state.h2)\n + int32ToStr(state.h3)\n + int32ToStr(state.h4)\n + int32ToStr(state.h5);\n}\nexports.default = sha1;\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map" }, { "id": 23, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\@cryptography\\sha256\\dist\\es\\sha256.js", "name": "./node_modules/@cryptography/sha256/dist/es/sha256.js", "index": 14, "index2": 8, "size": 8334, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], 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require)" ], "depth": 3, "source": "/**\n * Gets a uint32 from string in big-endian order order\n */\nfunction s2i(str, pos) {\n return (str.charCodeAt(pos) << 24\n ^ str.charCodeAt(pos + 1) << 16\n ^ str.charCodeAt(pos + 2) << 8\n ^ str.charCodeAt(pos + 3));\n}\n/**\n * Returns a uint32 as a string in big-endian order order\n */\nfunction i2s(data) {\n return (String.fromCharCode((data >> 24) & 0xFF)\n + String.fromCharCode((data >> 16) & 0xFF)\n + String.fromCharCode((data >> 8) & 0xFF)\n + String.fromCharCode(data & 0xFF));\n}\n/**\n * Returns a uint32 as a hex-string in big-endian order order\n */\nfunction i2h(data) {\n return (\"00000000\" + data.toString(16)).slice(-8);\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates new SHA-256 state\n */\nfunction init(h) {\n if (!h)\n h = new Uint32Array(8);\n // SHA-256 state contains eight 32-bit integers\n h[0] = 0x6A09E667;\n h[1] = 0xBB67AE85;\n h[2] = 0x3C6EF372;\n h[3] = 0xA54FF53A;\n h[4] = 0x510E527F;\n h[5] = 0x9B05688C;\n h[6] = 0x1F83D9AB;\n h[7] = 0x5BE0CD19;\n return h;\n}\n/** Array to use to store round words. */\nvar words = new Uint32Array(64);\n/** K table for SHA-256 */\nvar _k = new Uint32Array([\n 0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5,\n 0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5,\n 0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3,\n 0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174,\n 0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc,\n 0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da,\n 0x983e5152, 0xa831c66d, 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7,\n 0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147, 0x06ca6351, 0x14292967,\n 0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x53380d13,\n 0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, 0x92722c85,\n 0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3,\n 0xd192e819, 0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070,\n 0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08, 0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5,\n 0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x682e6ff3,\n 0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208,\n 0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2,\n]);\n/**\n * Perform round function\n */\nfunction round(state, data) {\n // initialize hash value for this chunk\n var a = state[0];\n var b = state[1];\n var c = state[2];\n var d = state[3];\n var e = state[4];\n var f = state[5];\n var g = state[6];\n var h = state[7];\n words.set(data);\n for (var i = 16; i < 64; i += 1) {\n // XOR word 2 words ago rot right 17, rot right 19, shft right 10\n var t1 = words[i - 2];\n t1 = ((t1 >>> 17) | (t1 << 15))\n ^ ((t1 >>> 19) | (t1 << 13))\n ^ (t1 >>> 10);\n // XOR word 15 words ago rot right 7, rot right 18, shft right 3\n var t2 = words[i - 15];\n t2 = ((t2 >>> 7) | (t2 << 25))\n ^ ((t2 >>> 18) | (t2 << 14))\n ^ (t2 >>> 3);\n // sum(t1, word 7 ago, t2, word 16 ago) modulo 2^32\n words[i] = (t1 + words[i - 7] + t2 + words[i - 16]);\n }\n // Round Function\n for (var i = 0; i < 64; i += 1) {\n // Sum1(e)\n var s1 = ((e >>> 6) | (e << 26))\n ^ ((e >>> 11) | (e << 21))\n ^ ((e >>> 25) | (e << 7));\n // Ch(e, f, g) (optimized the same way as SHA-1)\n var ch = g ^ (e & (f ^ g));\n // Sum0(a)\n var s0 = ((a >>> 2) | (a << 30))\n ^ ((a >>> 13) | (a << 19))\n ^ ((a >>> 22) | (a << 10));\n // Maj(a, b, c) (optimized the same way as SHA-1)\n var maj = (a & b) | (c & (a ^ b));\n // main algorithm\n var t1 = h + s1 + ch + _k[i] + words[i];\n var t2 = s0 + maj;\n h = g;\n g = f;\n f = e;\n e = (d + t1) | 0;\n d = c;\n c = b;\n b = a;\n a = (t1 + t2) | 0;\n }\n // update hash state\n state[0] += a;\n state[1] += b;\n state[2] += c;\n state[3] += d;\n state[4] += e;\n state[5] += f;\n state[6] += g;\n state[7] += h;\n}\n/**\n * Pre-processing round buffer for string input\n */\nfunction preprocess(str, buf, state, offset) {\n if (offset === void 0) { offset = 0; }\n while (str.length >= 64) {\n for (var i = offset; i < 16; i++)\n buf[i] = s2i(str, i * 4);\n str = str.slice(64 - offset * 4);\n offset = 0;\n round(state, buf);\n }\n return str;\n}\n/**\n * Process input buffer\n */\nfunction process(input, buf, state, offset) {\n if (offset === void 0) { offset = 0; }\n while (input.length >= buf.length - offset) {\n buf.set(input.subarray(0, buf.length - offset), offset);\n input = input.subarray(buf.length - offset);\n offset = 0;\n round(state, buf);\n }\n if (input.length > 0) {\n buf.set(input, offset);\n offset += input.length;\n }\n return offset;\n}\n/**\n * Repeatable part\n */\nfunction finish(len, buf, state, offset) {\n if (offset === void 0) { offset = 0; }\n var len64hi = (len / 0x100000000) >>> 0;\n var len64lo = len >>> 0;\n for (var i = offset + 1; i < buf.length; i++)\n buf[i] = 0;\n if (offset >= 14) {\n round(state, buf);\n for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i++)\n buf[i] = 0;\n }\n buf[14] = (len64hi << 3) | (len64hi >>> 28);\n buf[15] = len64lo << 3;\n round(state, buf);\n}\n/**\n * Adds padding to message\n */\nfunction finalizestr(chunk, len, buf, state, offset) {\n if (offset === void 0) { offset = 0; }\n for (; chunk.length >= 4; offset++) {\n buf[offset] = s2i(chunk, 0);\n chunk = chunk.slice(4);\n }\n if (offset >= 16) {\n round(state, buf);\n offset = 0;\n }\n buf[offset] = s2i(chunk + \"\\u0080\\0\\0\\0\", 0);\n finish(len, buf, state, offset);\n}\n/**\n * Adds padding to buffer\n */\nfunction finalize(len, buf, state, offset) {\n if (offset === void 0) { offset = 0; }\n buf[offset] = 0x80000000;\n finish(len, buf, state, offset);\n}\nfunction out(state, format) {\n if (format === void 0) { format = 'array'; }\n switch (format) {\n case 'hex': return (i2h(state[0])\n + i2h(state[1])\n + i2h(state[2])\n + i2h(state[3])\n + i2h(state[4])\n + i2h(state[5])\n + i2h(state[6])\n + i2h(state[7]));\n case 'binary': return (i2s(state[0])\n + i2s(state[1])\n + i2s(state[2])\n + i2s(state[3])\n + i2s(state[4])\n + i2s(state[5])\n + i2s(state[6])\n + i2s(state[7]));\n default: return state;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Stream handler for hashing\n */\nvar Stream = /** @class */ (function () {\n function Stream(buf) {\n this.buffer = new Uint32Array(16);\n this.state = init(buf);\n this.length = 0;\n this.offset = 0;\n this.tail = '';\n }\n Stream.prototype.update = function (chunk) {\n if (typeof chunk === 'string') {\n this.length += chunk.length;\n this.tail = preprocess(this.tail + chunk, this.buffer, this.state, this.offset);\n this.offset = 0;\n }\n else {\n if (this.tail.length > 0)\n throw new Error('Unable to update hash-stream with array');\n this.length += chunk.length * 4;\n this.offset = process(chunk, this.buffer, this.state, this.offset);\n }\n return this;\n };\n Stream.prototype.digest = function (format) {\n if (format === void 0) { format = 'array'; }\n if (this.tail.length > 0) {\n finalizestr(this.tail, this.length, this.buffer, this.state, this.offset);\n }\n else {\n finalize(this.length, this.buffer, this.state, this.offset);\n }\n return out(this.state, format);\n };\n Stream.prototype.clear = function () {\n this.state = init();\n this.length = 0;\n this.offset = 0;\n this.tail = '';\n };\n return Stream;\n}());\nfunction sha256(message, format) {\n if (format === void 0) { format = 'array'; }\n var buf = new Uint32Array(16);\n var state = init();\n if (typeof message === 'string')\n finalizestr(preprocess(message, buf, state), message.length, buf, state);\n else\n finalize(message.length * 4, buf, state, process(message, buf, state));\n return out(state, format);\n}\n/**\n * Hash with stream constructor\n */\nsha256.stream = function (buf) { return new Stream(buf); };\nsha256.blockLength = 64;\nsha256.digestLength = 32;\n\nexport default sha256;\n" }, { "id": 24, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\dist\\pako_inflate.min.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/dist/pako_inflate.min.js", "index": 16, "index2": 10, "size": 22682, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "issuerId": 13, "issuerName": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", 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i=\"function\"==typeof require&&require;if(!e&&i)return i(t,!0);if(d)return d(t,!0);var n=new Error(\"Cannot find module '\"+t+\"'\");throw n.code=\"MODULE_NOT_FOUND\",n}var a=s[t]={exports:{}};o[t][0].call(a.exports,function(e){return l(o[t][1][e]||e)},a,a.exports,r,o,s,f)}return s[t].exports}for(var d=\"function\"==typeof require&&require,e=0;e>>6:(i<65536?t[r++]=224|i>>>12:(t[r++]=240|i>>>18,t[r++]=128|i>>>12&63),t[r++]=128|i>>>6&63),t[r++]=128|63&i);return t},i.buf2binstring=function(e){return d(e,e.length)},i.binstring2buf=function(e){for(var t=new f.Buf8(e.length),i=0,n=t.length;i>10&1023,s[n++]=56320|1023&a)}return d(s,n)},i.utf8border=function(e,t){var i;for((t=t||e.length)>e.length&&(t=e.length),i=t-1;0<=i&&128==(192&e[i]);)i--;return i<0?t:0===i?t:i+l[e[i]]>t?i:t}},{\"./common\":1}],3:[function(e,t,i){\"use strict\";t.exports=function(e,t,i,n){for(var a=65535&e|0,r=e>>>16&65535|0,o=0;0!==i;){for(i-=o=2e3>>1:e>>>1;t[i]=e}return t}();t.exports=function(e,t,i,n){var a=s,r=n+i;e^=-1;for(var o=n;o>>8^a[255&(e^t[o])];return-1^e}},{}],6:[function(e,t,i){\"use strict\";t.exports=function(){this.text=0,this.time=0,this.xflags=0,this.os=0,this.extra=null,this.extra_len=0,this.name=\"\",this.comment=\"\",this.hcrc=0,this.done=!1}},{}],7:[function(e,t,i){\"use strict\";t.exports=function(e,t){var i,n,a,r,o,s,f,l,d,c,u,h,b,m,w,k,_,g,v,p,x,y,S,E,Z;i=e.state,n=e.next_in,E=e.input,a=n+(e.avail_in-5),r=e.next_out,Z=e.output,o=r-(t-e.avail_out),s=r+(e.avail_out-257),f=i.dmax,l=i.wsize,d=i.whave,c=i.wnext,u=i.window,h=i.hold,b=i.bits,m=i.lencode,w=i.distcode,k=(1<>>=v=g>>>24,b-=v,0===(v=g>>>16&255))Z[r++]=65535&g;else{if(!(16&v)){if(0==(64&v)){g=m[(65535&g)+(h&(1<>>=v,b-=v),b<15&&(h+=E[n++]<>>=v=g>>>24,b-=v,!(16&(v=g>>>16&255))){if(0==(64&v)){g=w[(65535&g)+(h&(1<>>=v,b-=v,(v=r-o)>3,h&=(1<<(b-=p<<3))-1,e.next_in=n,e.next_out=r,e.avail_in=n>>24&255)+(e>>>8&65280)+((65280&e)<<8)+((255&e)<<24)}function r(){this.mode=0,this.last=!1,this.wrap=0,this.havedict=!1,this.flags=0,this.dmax=0,this.check=0,this.total=0,this.head=null,this.wbits=0,this.wsize=0,this.whave=0,this.wnext=0,this.window=null,this.hold=0,this.bits=0,this.length=0,this.offset=0,this.extra=0,this.lencode=null,this.distcode=null,this.lenbits=0,this.distbits=0,this.ncode=0,this.nlen=0,this.ndist=0,this.have=0,this.next=null,this.lens=new z.Buf16(320),this.work=new z.Buf16(288),this.lendyn=null,this.distdyn=null,this.sane=0,this.back=0,this.was=0}function o(e){var t;return e&&e.state?(t=e.state,e.total_in=e.total_out=t.total=0,e.msg=\"\",t.wrap&&(e.adler=1&t.wrap),t.mode=F,t.last=0,t.havedict=0,t.dmax=32768,t.head=null,t.hold=0,t.bits=0,t.lencode=t.lendyn=new z.Buf32(n),t.distcode=t.distdyn=new z.Buf32(a),t.sane=1,t.back=-1,T):U}function s(e){var t;return e&&e.state?((t=e.state).wsize=0,t.whave=0,t.wnext=0,o(e)):U}function f(e,t){var i,n;return e&&e.state?(n=e.state,t<0?(i=0,t=-t):(i=1+(t>>4),t<48&&(t&=15)),t&&(t<8||15=r.wsize?(z.arraySet(r.window,t,i-r.wsize,r.wsize,0),r.wnext=0,r.whave=r.wsize):(n<(a=r.wsize-r.wnext)&&(a=n),z.arraySet(r.window,t,i-n,a,r.wnext),(n-=a)?(z.arraySet(r.window,t,i-n,n,0),r.wnext=n,r.whave=r.wsize):(r.wnext+=a,r.wnext===r.wsize&&(r.wnext=0),r.whave>>8&255,i.check=N(i.check,B,2,0),d=l=0,i.mode=2;break}if(i.flags=0,i.head&&(i.head.done=!1),!(1&i.wrap)||(((255&l)<<8)+(l>>8))%31){e.msg=\"incorrect header check\",i.mode=30;break}if(8!=(15&l)){e.msg=\"unknown compression method\",i.mode=30;break}if(d-=4,x=8+(15&(l>>>=4)),0===i.wbits)i.wbits=x;else if(x>i.wbits){e.msg=\"invalid window size\",i.mode=30;break}i.dmax=1<>8&1),512&i.flags&&(B[0]=255&l,B[1]=l>>>8&255,i.check=N(i.check,B,2,0)),d=l=0,i.mode=3;case 3:for(;d<32;){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>>8&255,B[2]=l>>>16&255,B[3]=l>>>24&255,i.check=N(i.check,B,4,0)),d=l=0,i.mode=4;case 4:for(;d<16;){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>8),512&i.flags&&(B[0]=255&l,B[1]=l>>>8&255,i.check=N(i.check,B,2,0)),d=l=0,i.mode=5;case 5:if(1024&i.flags){for(;d<16;){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>>8&255,i.check=N(i.check,B,2,0)),d=l=0}else i.head&&(i.head.extra=null);i.mode=6;case 6:if(1024&i.flags&&(s<(h=i.length)&&(h=s),h&&(i.head&&(x=i.head.extra_len-i.length,i.head.extra||(i.head.extra=new Array(i.head.extra_len)),z.arraySet(i.head.extra,n,r,h,x)),512&i.flags&&(i.check=N(i.check,n,h,r)),s-=h,r+=h,i.length-=h),i.length))break e;i.length=0,i.mode=7;case 7:if(2048&i.flags){if(0===s)break e;for(h=0;x=n[r+h++],i.head&&x&&i.length<65536&&(i.head.name+=String.fromCharCode(x)),x&&h>9&1,i.head.done=!0),e.adler=i.check=0,i.mode=12;break;case 10:for(;d<32;){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>>=7&d,d-=7&d,i.mode=27;break}for(;d<3;){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>>=1)){case 0:i.mode=14;break;case 1:if(H(i),i.mode=20,6!==t)break;l>>>=2,d-=2;break e;case 2:i.mode=17;break;case 3:e.msg=\"invalid block type\",i.mode=30}l>>>=2,d-=2;break;case 14:for(l>>>=7&d,d-=7&d;d<32;){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>>16^65535)){e.msg=\"invalid stored block lengths\",i.mode=30;break}if(i.length=65535&l,d=l=0,i.mode=15,6===t)break e;case 15:i.mode=16;case 16:if(h=i.length){if(s>>=5,d-=5,i.ndist=1+(31&l),l>>>=5,d-=5,i.ncode=4+(15&l),l>>>=4,d-=4,286>>=3,d-=3}for(;i.have<19;)i.lens[A[i.have++]]=0;if(i.lencode=i.lendyn,i.lenbits=7,S={bits:i.lenbits},y=C(0,i.lens,0,19,i.lencode,0,i.work,S),i.lenbits=S.bits,y){e.msg=\"invalid code lengths set\",i.mode=30;break}i.have=0,i.mode=19;case 19:for(;i.have>>16&255,_=65535&Z,!((w=Z>>>24)<=d);){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>>=w,d-=w,i.lens[i.have++]=_;else{if(16===_){for(E=w+2;d>>=w,d-=w,0===i.have){e.msg=\"invalid bit length repeat\",i.mode=30;break}x=i.lens[i.have-1],h=3+(3&l),l>>>=2,d-=2}else if(17===_){for(E=w+3;d>>=w)),l>>>=3,d-=3}else{for(E=w+7;d>>=w)),l>>>=7,d-=7}if(i.have+h>i.nlen+i.ndist){e.msg=\"invalid bit length repeat\",i.mode=30;break}for(;h--;)i.lens[i.have++]=x}}if(30===i.mode)break;if(0===i.lens[256]){e.msg=\"invalid code -- missing end-of-block\",i.mode=30;break}if(i.lenbits=9,S={bits:i.lenbits},y=C(I,i.lens,0,i.nlen,i.lencode,0,i.work,S),i.lenbits=S.bits,y){e.msg=\"invalid literal/lengths set\",i.mode=30;break}if(i.distbits=6,i.distcode=i.distdyn,S={bits:i.distbits},y=C(D,i.lens,i.nlen,i.ndist,i.distcode,0,i.work,S),i.distbits=S.bits,y){e.msg=\"invalid distances set\",i.mode=30;break}if(i.mode=20,6===t)break e;case 20:i.mode=21;case 21:if(6<=s&&258<=f){e.next_out=o,e.avail_out=f,e.next_in=r,e.avail_in=s,i.hold=l,i.bits=d,O(e,u),o=e.next_out,a=e.output,f=e.avail_out,r=e.next_in,n=e.input,s=e.avail_in,l=i.hold,d=i.bits,12===i.mode&&(i.back=-1);break}for(i.back=0;k=(Z=i.lencode[l&(1<>>16&255,_=65535&Z,!((w=Z>>>24)<=d);){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>g)])>>>16&255,_=65535&Z,!(g+(w=Z>>>24)<=d);){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>>=g,d-=g,i.back+=g}if(l>>>=w,d-=w,i.back+=w,i.length=_,0===k){i.mode=26;break}if(32&k){i.back=-1,i.mode=12;break}if(64&k){e.msg=\"invalid literal/length code\",i.mode=30;break}i.extra=15&k,i.mode=22;case 22:if(i.extra){for(E=i.extra;d>>=i.extra,d-=i.extra,i.back+=i.extra}i.was=i.length,i.mode=23;case 23:for(;k=(Z=i.distcode[l&(1<>>16&255,_=65535&Z,!((w=Z>>>24)<=d);){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>g)])>>>16&255,_=65535&Z,!(g+(w=Z>>>24)<=d);){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>>=g,d-=g,i.back+=g}if(l>>>=w,d-=w,i.back+=w,64&k){e.msg=\"invalid distance code\",i.mode=30;break}i.offset=_,i.extra=15&k,i.mode=24;case 24:if(i.extra){for(E=i.extra;d>>=i.extra,d-=i.extra,i.back+=i.extra}if(i.offset>i.dmax){e.msg=\"invalid distance too far back\",i.mode=30;break}i.mode=25;case 25:if(0===f)break e;if(h=u-f,i.offset>h){if((h=i.offset-h)>i.whave&&i.sane){e.msg=\"invalid distance too far back\",i.mode=30;break}h>i.wnext?(h-=i.wnext,b=i.wsize-h):b=i.wnext-h,h>i.length&&(h=i.length),m=i.window}else m=a,b=o-i.offset,h=i.length;for(fh?(m=O[C+o[g]],w=A[z+o[g]]):(m=96,w=0),f=1<<_-S,v=l=1<>S)+(l-=f)]=b<<24|m<<16|w|0,0!==l;);for(f=1<<_-1;B&f;)f>>=1;if(0!==f?(B&=f-1,B+=f):B=0,g++,0==--R[_]){if(_===p)break;_=t[i+o[g]]}if(x<_&&(B&c)!==d){for(0===S&&(S=x),u+=v,E=1<<(y=_-S);y+S bin_utils_1.convertToArrayBuffer(bytes));\r\n }\r\n rsaEncrypt(publicKey, bytes) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('rsa-encrypt', publicKey, bytes);\r\n }\r\n factorize(bytes) {\r\n bytes = bin_utils_1.convertToByteArray(bytes);\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('factorize', bytes);\r\n }\r\n modPow(x, y, m) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('mod-pow', x, y, m);\r\n }\r\n gzipUncompress(bytes, toString) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('gzipUncompress', bytes, toString);\r\n }\r\n computeSRP(password, state) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('computeSRP', password, state);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = CryptoWorkerMethods;\r\n" }, { "id": 26, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\srp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/srp.ts", "index": 20, "index2": 16, "size": 10060, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\cryptoworker.ts", "issuerId": 2, "issuerName": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\cryptoworker.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1524, "building": 711, "dependencies": 1293 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 2, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\cryptoworker.ts", "module": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./srp", "loc": "52:54-70" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.computeSRP = exports.makePasswordHash = void 0;\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst cryptoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../crypto/cryptoworker\"));\r\nconst leemon_1 = require(\"leemon\");\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst log = logger_1.logger('SRP', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\nfunction makePasswordHash(password, client_salt, server_salt) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n let clientSaltString = '';\r\n for (let i = 0; i < client_salt.length; i++)\r\n clientSaltString += String.fromCharCode(client_salt[i]);\r\n let buffer = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(clientSaltString + password + clientSaltString);\r\n //log('encoded 1', bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(buffer)));\r\n buffer = bin_utils_1.bufferConcats(server_salt, buffer, server_salt);\r\n buffer = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(buffer);\r\n //log('encoded 2', buffer, bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(buffer)));\r\n let hash = yield cryptoworker_1.default.pbkdf2(new Uint8Array(buffer), client_salt, 100000);\r\n //log('encoded 3', hash, bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(hash)));\r\n hash = bin_utils_1.bufferConcats(server_salt, hash, server_salt);\r\n buffer = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(hash);\r\n //log('got password hash:', buffer, bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(buffer)));\r\n return buffer;\r\n });\r\n}\r\nexports.makePasswordHash = makePasswordHash;\r\nfunction computeSRP(password, state) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n //console.log('computeCheck:', password, state);\r\n let algo = state.current_algo;\r\n let p = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(algo.p), 16);\r\n let B = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(state.srp_B), 16);\r\n let g = leemon_1.int2bigInt(algo.g, 32, 256);\r\n log('p', leemon_1.bigInt2str(p, 16));\r\n log('B', leemon_1.bigInt2str(B, 16));\r\n /* if(B.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0) {\r\n console.error('srp_B < 0')\r\n }\r\n \r\n if(B.compareTo(p) <= 0) {\r\n console.error('srp_B <= p');\r\n } */\r\n /* let check_prime_and_good = (bytes: any, g: number) => {\r\n let good_prime = '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';\r\n \r\n if(bytesToHex(bytes) == good_prime && [3, 4, 5, 7].indexOf(g) !== -1) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n \r\n // TO-DO check_prime_and_good_check\r\n }; */\r\n //check_prime_and_good(algo.p, g);\r\n let pw_hash = yield makePasswordHash(password, new Uint8Array(algo.salt1), new Uint8Array(algo.salt2));\r\n let x = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(pw_hash)), 16);\r\n log('computed pw_hash:', pw_hash, x, bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(pw_hash)));\r\n var padArray = function (arr, len, fill = 0) {\r\n return Array(len).fill(fill).concat(arr).slice(-len);\r\n };\r\n let pForHash = padArray(bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(leemon_1.bigInt2str(p, 16)), 256);\r\n let gForHash = padArray(bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(leemon_1.bigInt2str(g, 16)), 256); // like uint8array\r\n let b_for_hash = padArray(bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(leemon_1.bigInt2str(B, 16)), 256);\r\n log(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(pForHash));\r\n log(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(gForHash));\r\n log(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(b_for_hash));\r\n let g_x = leemon_1.powMod(g, x, p);\r\n log('g_x', leemon_1.bigInt2str(g_x, 16));\r\n let k = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(bin_utils_1.bufferConcat(pForHash, gForHash));\r\n k = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(k)), 16);\r\n log('k', leemon_1.bigInt2str(k, 16));\r\n // kg_x = (k * g_x) % p\r\n let kg_x = leemon_1.mod(leemon_1.mult(k, g_x), p);\r\n // good\r\n log('kg_x', leemon_1.bigInt2str(kg_x, 16));\r\n let is_good_mod_exp_first = (modexp, prime) => {\r\n let diff = leemon_1.sub(prime, modexp);\r\n let min_diff_bits_count = 2048 - 64;\r\n let max_mod_exp_size = 256;\r\n if (leemon_1.negative(diff) ||\r\n leemon_1.bitSize(diff) < min_diff_bits_count ||\r\n leemon_1.bitSize(modexp) < min_diff_bits_count ||\r\n Math.floor((leemon_1.bitSize(modexp) + 7) / 8) > max_mod_exp_size)\r\n return false;\r\n return true;\r\n };\r\n var flipper = (arr) => {\r\n let out = new Uint8Array(arr.length);\r\n for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 4) {\r\n out[i] = arr[i + 3];\r\n out[i + 1] = arr[i + 2];\r\n out[i + 2] = arr[i + 1];\r\n out[i + 3] = arr[i];\r\n }\r\n return out;\r\n };\r\n let generate_and_check_random = () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n while (true) {\r\n const a = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(flipper(state.secure_random)), 16);\r\n //const a = str2bigInt('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', 16);\r\n //console.log('ITERATION');\r\n log('g a p', leemon_1.bigInt2str(g, 16), leemon_1.bigInt2str(a, 16), leemon_1.bigInt2str(p, 16));\r\n const A = leemon_1.powMod(g, a, p);\r\n log('A MODPOW', leemon_1.bigInt2str(A, 16));\r\n if (is_good_mod_exp_first(A, p)) {\r\n const a_for_hash = bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(leemon_1.bigInt2str(A, 16));\r\n const s = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(bin_utils_1.bufferConcat(new Uint8Array(a_for_hash), new Uint8Array(b_for_hash)));\r\n const u = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(s)), 16);\r\n if (!leemon_1.isZero(u) && !leemon_1.negative(u))\r\n return { a, a_for_hash, u };\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n let { a, a_for_hash, u } = yield generate_and_check_random();\r\n log('a', leemon_1.bigInt2str(a, 16));\r\n log('a_for_hash', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(a_for_hash));\r\n log('u', leemon_1.bigInt2str(u, 16));\r\n // g_b = (B - kg_x) % p\r\n /* log('B - kg_x', bigInt2str(sub(B, kg_x), 16));\r\n log('subtract', bigInt2str(B, 16), bigInt2str(kg_x, 16));\r\n log('B - kg_x', bigInt2str(sub(B, kg_x), 16)); */\r\n let g_b;\r\n if (!leemon_1.greater(B, kg_x)) {\r\n log('negative');\r\n g_b = leemon_1.add(B, p);\r\n }\r\n else\r\n g_b = B;\r\n g_b = leemon_1.mod(leemon_1.sub(g_b, kg_x), p);\r\n /* let g_b = sub(B, kg_x);\r\n if(negative(g_b)) g_b = add(g_b, p); */\r\n log('g_b', leemon_1.bigInt2str(g_b, 16));\r\n /* if(!is_good_mod_exp_first(g_b, p))\r\n throw new Error('bad g_b'); */\r\n let ux = leemon_1.mult(u, x);\r\n log('u and x multiply', leemon_1.bigInt2str(u, 16), leemon_1.bigInt2str(x, 16), leemon_1.bigInt2str(ux, 16));\r\n let a_ux = leemon_1.add(a, ux);\r\n let S = leemon_1.powMod(g_b, a_ux, p);\r\n let K = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(padArray(bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(leemon_1.bigInt2str(S, 16)), 256));\r\n log('K', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(K), new Uint32Array(new Uint8Array(K).buffer));\r\n let h1 = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(pForHash);\r\n let h2 = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(gForHash);\r\n h1 = bin_utils_1.bytesXor(new Uint8Array(h1), new Uint8Array(h2));\r\n let buff = bin_utils_1.bufferConcats(h1, yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(algo.salt1), yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(algo.salt2), a_for_hash, b_for_hash, K);\r\n let M1 = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(buff);\r\n let out = {\r\n _: 'inputCheckPasswordSRP',\r\n srp_id: state.srp_id,\r\n A: new Uint8Array(a_for_hash),\r\n M1: new Uint8Array(M1)\r\n };\r\n log('out', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(out.A), bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(out.M1));\r\n return out;\r\n /* console.log(gForHash, pForHash, bForHash); */\r\n });\r\n}\r\nexports.computeSRP = computeSRP;\r\n" }, { "id": 27, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\transports\\websocket.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/transports/websocket.ts", "index": 24, "index2": 21, "size": 8815, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\dcConfigurator.ts", "issuerId": 8, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/dcConfigurator.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } }, { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\dcConfigurator.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/dcConfigurator.ts", "profile": { "factory": 1707, "building": 782, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 863, "building": 41, "dependencies": 1062 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 8, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\dcConfigurator.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/dcConfigurator.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/dcConfigurator.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./transports/websocket", "loc": "7:36-69" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.Obfuscation = void 0;\r\nconst transport_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./transport\"));\r\n//import aesjs from 'aes-js';\r\nconst aes_1 = require(\"@cryptography/aes\");\r\n//import abridgetPacketCodec from './abridged';\r\nconst intermediate_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./intermediate\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../../logger\");\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../../bin_utils\");\r\n/*\r\n@cryptography/aes не работает с массивами которые не кратны 4, поэтому использую intermediate а не abridged\r\n*/\r\nclass Obfuscation {\r\n init(codec) {\r\n const initPayload = new Uint8Array(64);\r\n initPayload.randomize();\r\n while (true) {\r\n let val = (initPayload[3] << 24) | (initPayload[2] << 16) | (initPayload[1] << 8) | (initPayload[0]);\r\n let val2 = (initPayload[7] << 24) | (initPayload[6] << 16) | (initPayload[5] << 8) | (initPayload[4]);\r\n if (initPayload[0] != 0xef &&\r\n val != 0x44414548 &&\r\n val != 0x54534f50 &&\r\n val != 0x20544547 &&\r\n val != 0x4954504f &&\r\n val != 0xeeeeeeee &&\r\n val != 0xdddddddd &&\r\n val2 != 0x00000000) {\r\n //initPayload[56] = initPayload[57] = initPayload[58] = initPayload[59] = transport;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n initPayload.randomize();\r\n }\r\n ////////////////////////initPayload.subarray(60, 62).hex = dcID;\r\n const reversedPayload = initPayload.slice().reverse();\r\n let encKey = initPayload.slice(8, 40);\r\n let encIv = initPayload.slice(40, 56);\r\n let decKey = reversedPayload.slice(8, 40);\r\n let decIv = reversedPayload.slice(40, 56);\r\n /* this.enc = new aesjs.ModeOfOperation.ctr(encKey, new aesjs.Counter(encIv as any));\r\n this.dec = new aesjs.ModeOfOperation.ctr(decKey, new aesjs.Counter(decIv as any)); */\r\n this.encNew = new aes_1.CTR(encKey, encIv);\r\n this.decNew = new aes_1.CTR(decKey, decIv);\r\n initPayload.set(codec.obfuscateTag, 56);\r\n const encrypted = this.encode(initPayload);\r\n initPayload.set(encrypted.slice(56, 64), 56);\r\n return initPayload;\r\n }\r\n /* public encode(payload: Uint8Array) {\r\n let res = this.enc.encrypt(payload);\r\n \r\n try {\r\n let arr = this.encNew.encrypt(payload);\r\n //let resNew = bytesFromWords({words: arr, sigBytes: arr.length});\r\n let resNew = new Uint8Array(bytesFromWordss(arr));\r\n console.log('Obfuscation: encode comparison:', res, arr, resNew, res.hex == resNew.hex);\r\n } catch(err) {\r\n console.error('Obfuscation: error:', err);\r\n }\r\n \r\n return res;\r\n }\r\n \r\n public decode(payload: Uint8Array) {\r\n let res = this.dec.encrypt(payload);\r\n \r\n try {\r\n let arr = this.decNew.decrypt(payload);\r\n //let resNew = bytesFromWords({words: arr, sigBytes: arr.length});\r\n let resNew = new Uint8Array(bytesFromWordss(arr));\r\n console.log('Obfuscation: decode comparison:', res, arr, resNew, res.hex == resNew.hex);\r\n } catch(err) {\r\n console.error('Obfuscation: error:', err);\r\n }\r\n \r\n return res;\r\n } */\r\n encode(payload) {\r\n let res = this.encNew.encrypt(payload);\r\n let bytes = new Uint8Array(bin_utils_1.bytesFromWordss(res));\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n decode(payload) {\r\n let res = this.decNew.decrypt(payload);\r\n let bytes = new Uint8Array(bin_utils_1.bytesFromWordss(res));\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.Obfuscation = Obfuscation;\r\nclass Socket extends transport_1.default {\r\n constructor(dcID, url) {\r\n super(dcID, url);\r\n this.pending = [];\r\n this.connected = false;\r\n this.transport = 'websocket';\r\n this.obfuscation = new Obfuscation();\r\n this.codec = intermediate_1.default;\r\n this.connect = () => {\r\n if (this.ws) {\r\n this.ws.removeEventListener('open', this.handleOpen);\r\n this.ws.removeEventListener('close', this.handleClose);\r\n this.ws.removeEventListener('message', this.handleMessage);\r\n this.ws.close(1000);\r\n }\r\n this.ws = new WebSocket(this.url, 'binary');\r\n this.ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';\r\n this.ws.addEventListener('open', this.handleOpen);\r\n this.ws.addEventListener('close', this.handleClose);\r\n this.ws.addEventListener('message', this.handleMessage);\r\n };\r\n this.handleOpen = () => {\r\n this.log('opened');\r\n this.log.debug('sending init packet');\r\n this.ws.send(this.obfuscation.init(this.codec));\r\n //setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.connected = true;\r\n this.releasePending();\r\n //}, 3e3);\r\n };\r\n this.handleClose = (event) => {\r\n this.log('closed', event, this.pending);\r\n this.connected = false;\r\n //this.pending.length = 0;\r\n /* if(this.networker) {\r\n this.networker.resend();\r\n this.networker.cleanupSent();\r\n } */\r\n this.log('trying to reconnect...');\r\n this.connect();\r\n for (let pending of this.pending) {\r\n if (pending.bodySent) {\r\n pending.bodySent = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (this.networker) {\r\n this.ws.addEventListener('open', () => {\r\n this.networker.resend();\r\n this.networker.cleanupSent();\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.handleMessage = (event) => {\r\n this.log.debug('<-', 'handleMessage', event);\r\n let data = this.obfuscation.decode(new Uint8Array(event.data));\r\n data = this.codec.readPacket(data);\r\n if (this.networker) { // authenticated!\r\n //this.pending = this.pending.filter(p => p.body); // clear pending\r\n this.log.debug('redirecting to networker');\r\n return this.networker.parseResponse(data).then(response => {\r\n this.log.debug('redirecting to networker response:', response);\r\n this.networker.processMessage(response.response, response.messageID, response.sessionID);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n //console.log('got hex:', data.hex);\r\n let pending = this.pending.shift();\r\n if (!pending) {\r\n return this.log.debug('no pending for res:', data.hex);\r\n }\r\n pending.resolve(data);\r\n };\r\n this.send = (body) => {\r\n this.log.debug('-> body length to pending:', body.length);\r\n //return;\r\n if (this.networker) {\r\n this.pending.push({ body });\r\n this.releasePending();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n this.pending.push({ resolve, reject, body });\r\n });\r\n this.releasePending();\r\n return promise;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger(`WS-${dcID}`, logger_1.LogLevels.log /* | LogLevels.error | LogLevels.debug */);\r\n this.log('constructor');\r\n this.connect();\r\n }\r\n releasePending() {\r\n if (!this.connected) {\r\n //this.connect();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //this.log.error('Pending length:', this.pending.length);\r\n const length = this.pending.length;\r\n for (let i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\r\n const pending = this.pending[i];\r\n const { body, bodySent } = pending;\r\n if (body && !bodySent) {\r\n const toEncode = this.codec.encodePacket(body);\r\n //this.log('send before obf:', /* body.hex, nonce.hex, */ toEncode.hex);\r\n const enc = this.obfuscation.encode(toEncode);\r\n //this.log('send after obf:', enc.hex);\r\n this.log.debug('-> body length to send:', enc.length);\r\n this.ws.send(enc);\r\n if (!pending.resolve) { // remove if no response needed\r\n this.pending.splice(i, 1);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n pending.bodySent = true;\r\n }\r\n //delete pending.body;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = Socket;\r\n" }, 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1686 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } }, { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\dcConfigurator.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/dcConfigurator.ts", "profile": { "factory": 1707, "building": 782, "dependencies": 1 } }, { "id": 27, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\transports\\websocket.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/transports/websocket.ts", "profile": { "factory": 863, "building": 41, "dependencies": 1062 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1062, "building": 17, "dependencies": 0 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 27, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\transports\\websocket.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/transports/websocket.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/transports/websocket.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./intermediate", "loc": "11:39-64" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 4, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../../bin_utils\");\r\nclass IntermediatePacketCodec {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.tag = 0xee;\r\n this.obfuscateTag = new Uint8Array([this.tag, this.tag, this.tag, this.tag]);\r\n }\r\n encodePacket(data) {\r\n let len = data.byteLength;\r\n let header = new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([len]).buffer);\r\n return header.concat(data);\r\n }\r\n readPacket(data) {\r\n let length = data[0] | (data[1] << 8) | (data[2] << 16) | (data[3] << 24);\r\n return data.slice(4, 4 + length);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n/* Data packets are aligned to 4bytes. This codec adds random bytes of size\r\n from 0 to 3 bytes, which are ignored by decoder. */\r\nclass PaddedIntermediatePacketCodec extends IntermediatePacketCodec {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super(...arguments);\r\n this.tag = 0xdd;\r\n this.obfuscateTag = new Uint8Array([this.tag, this.tag, this.tag, this.tag]);\r\n }\r\n encodePacket(data) {\r\n let padding = new Uint8Array(bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(3)).randomize();\r\n let len = data.byteLength + padding.byteLength;\r\n let header = new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([len]).buffer);\r\n console.log('encodePacket', padding, len, data, header);\r\n return header.concat(data, padding);\r\n }\r\n readPacket(data) {\r\n let padLength = data.byteLength % 4;\r\n if (padLength > 0) {\r\n return data.slice(4, -padLength);\r\n }\r\n return data.slice(4);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = new IntermediatePacketCodec();\r\n//export default new PaddedIntermediatePacketCodec();\r\n" }, { "id": 29, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.ts", "index": 28, "index2": 26, "size": 2926, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1707, "building": 782, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./mtproto", "loc": "19:18-38" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.telegramMeWebService = exports.TelegramMeWebService = void 0;\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\nconst mtproto_config_1 = require(\"./mtproto_config\");\r\n/* import PasswordManager from './passwordManager';\r\nimport DcConfigurator from './dcConfigurator';\r\nimport RSAKeysManager from './rsaKeysManager';\r\nimport TimeManager from './timeManager';\r\nimport ServerTimeManager from './serverTimeManager';\r\nimport Authorizer from './authorizer';\r\nimport NetworkerFactory from './networkerFactory';\r\nimport ApiManager from './apiManager';\r\nimport ApiFileManager from './apiFileManager'; */\r\nclass TelegramMeWebService {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.disabled = mtproto_config_1.Modes.test ||\r\n mtproto_config_1.App.domains.indexOf(location.hostname) == -1 ||\r\n location.protocol != 'http:' && location.protocol != 'https:' ||\r\n location.protocol == 'https:' && location.hostname != 'web.telegram.org';\r\n }\r\n setAuthorized(canRedirect) {\r\n if (this.disabled) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n storage_1.default.get('tgme_sync').then((curValue) => {\r\n var ts = Date.now() / 1000;\r\n if (canRedirect &&\r\n curValue &&\r\n curValue.canRedirect == canRedirect &&\r\n curValue.ts + 86400 > ts) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n storage_1.default.set({ tgme_sync: { canRedirect: canRedirect, ts: ts } });\r\n var urls = [\r\n '//telegram.me/_websync_?authed=' + (canRedirect ? '1' : '0'),\r\n '//t.me/_websync_?authed=' + (canRedirect ? '1' : '0')\r\n ];\r\n urls.forEach(url => {\r\n let script = document.createElement('script');\r\n script.onload = script.onerror = function () {\r\n script.remove();\r\n };\r\n script.src = url;\r\n document.body.appendChild(script);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.TelegramMeWebService = TelegramMeWebService;\r\nexports.telegramMeWebService = new TelegramMeWebService();\r\n/* export namespace MTProto {\r\n //$($window).on('click keydown', rng_seed_time); // WARNING!\r\n\r\n export const passwordManager = PasswordManager;\r\n export const dcConfigurator = DcConfigurator;\r\n export const rsaKeysManager = RSAKeysManager;\r\n export const timeManager = TimeManager;\r\n export const authorizer = Authorizer;\r\n export const networkerFactory = NetworkerFactory;\r\n export const apiManager = ApiManager;\r\n export const apiFileManager = ApiFileManager;\r\n export const serverTimeManager = ServerTimeManager;\r\n}\r\n\r\n//(window as any).MTProto = MTProto; */\r\n" }, { "id": 30, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\authorizer.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "index": 29, "index2": 28, "size": 23081, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1707, "building": 782, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./authorizer", "loc": "20:37-60" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.Authorizer = void 0;\r\nconst tl_utils_1 = require(\"./tl_utils\");\r\nconst dcConfigurator_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./dcConfigurator\"));\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst rsaKeysManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./rsaKeysManager\"));\r\nconst timeManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./timeManager\"));\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nconst jsbn_1 = require(\"jsbn\");\r\nconst cryptoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../crypto/cryptoworker\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nclass Authorizer {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.cached = {};\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger(`AUTHORIZER` /* , LogLevels.error | LogLevels.log */);\r\n }\r\n mtpSendPlainRequest(dcID, requestArray) {\r\n var requestLength = requestArray.byteLength;\r\n //requestArray = new /* Int32Array */Uint8Array(requestBuffer);\r\n var header = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization();\r\n header.storeLongP(0, 0, 'auth_key_id'); // Auth key\r\n header.storeLong(timeManager_1.default.generateID(), 'msg_id'); // Msg_id\r\n header.storeInt(requestLength, 'request_length');\r\n let headerArray = header.getBytes(true);\r\n let resultArray = new Uint8Array(headerArray.byteLength + requestLength);\r\n resultArray.set(headerArray);\r\n resultArray.set(requestArray, headerArray.length);\r\n /* var headerBuffer = header.getBuffer(),\r\n headerArray = new Int32Array(headerBuffer);\r\n var headerLength = headerBuffer.byteLength;\r\n \r\n var resultBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(headerLength + requestLength),\r\n resultArray = new Int32Array(resultBuffer);\r\n \r\n resultArray.set(headerArray);\r\n resultArray.set(requestArray, headerArray.length);\r\n \r\n let requestData = xhrSendBuffer ? resultBuffer : resultArray; */\r\n let transport = dcConfigurator_1.default.chooseServer(dcID);\r\n let baseError = {\r\n code: 406,\r\n type: 'NETWORK_BAD_RESPONSE',\r\n transport: transport\r\n };\r\n this.log('mtpSendPlainRequest: creating requestPromise');\r\n return transport.send(resultArray).then(result => {\r\n this.log('mtpSendPlainRequest: in good sector', result);\r\n if (!result || !result.byteLength) {\r\n return Promise.reject(baseError);\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n /* result = fResult ? fResult : result;\r\n fResult = new Uint8Array(0); */\r\n let deserializer = new tl_utils_1.TLDeserialization(result, { mtproto: true });\r\n let auth_key_id = deserializer.fetchLong('auth_key_id');\r\n if (auth_key_id != 0)\r\n this.log.error('auth_key_id != 0', auth_key_id);\r\n let msg_id = deserializer.fetchLong('msg_id');\r\n if (msg_id == 0)\r\n this.log.error('msg_id == 0', msg_id);\r\n let msg_len = deserializer.fetchInt('msg_len');\r\n if (!msg_len)\r\n this.log.error('no msg_len', msg_len);\r\n return deserializer;\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.log.error('mtpSendPlainRequest: deserialization went bad', e);\r\n let error = Object.assign(baseError, { originalError: e });\r\n throw error;\r\n }\r\n }, error => {\r\n if (!error.message && !error.type) {\r\n error = Object.assign(baseError, {\r\n originalError: error\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return Promise.reject(error);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n mtpSendReqPQ(auth) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n var request = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({ mtproto: true });\r\n request.storeMethod('req_pq_multi', { nonce: auth.nonce });\r\n // need\r\n rsaKeysManager_1.default.prepare().then(() => { });\r\n this.log('Send req_pq', auth.nonce.hex);\r\n try {\r\n var deserializer = yield this.mtpSendPlainRequest(auth.dcID, request.getBytes(true));\r\n }\r\n catch (error) {\r\n this.log.error('req_pq error', error.message);\r\n throw error;\r\n }\r\n var response = deserializer.fetchObject('ResPQ');\r\n if (response._ != 'resPQ') {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] resPQ response invalid: ' + response._);\r\n }\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(auth.nonce, response.nonce)) {\r\n this.log.error(auth.nonce, response.nonce);\r\n throw new Error('[MT] resPQ nonce mismatch');\r\n }\r\n //auth.serverNonce = response.server_nonce;\r\n auth.serverNonce = new Uint8Array(response.server_nonce); // need\r\n auth.pq = response.pq;\r\n auth.fingerprints = response.server_public_key_fingerprints;\r\n this.log('Got ResPQ', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(auth.serverNonce), bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(auth.pq), auth.fingerprints);\r\n let publicKey = yield rsaKeysManager_1.default.select(auth.fingerprints);\r\n if (!publicKey) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] No public key found');\r\n }\r\n auth.publicKey = publicKey;\r\n this.log('PQ factorization start', auth.pq);\r\n try {\r\n var pAndQ = yield cryptoworker_1.default.factorize(auth.pq);\r\n }\r\n catch (error) {\r\n this.log.error('worker error factorize', error);\r\n throw error;\r\n }\r\n auth.p = pAndQ[0];\r\n auth.q = pAndQ[1];\r\n this.log('PQ factorization done', pAndQ);\r\n /* let p = new Uint32Array(new Uint8Array(auth.p).buffer)[0];\r\n let q = new Uint32Array(new Uint8Array(auth.q).buffer)[0];\r\n console.log(dT(), 'PQ factorization done', pAndQ, p.toString(16), q.toString(16)); */\r\n return this.mtpSendReqDhParams(auth);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n mtpSendReqDhParams(auth) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n auth.newNonce = new Uint8Array(32).randomize();\r\n /* auth.newNonce = new Array(32); // need array, not uint8array!\r\n MTProto.secureRandom.nextBytes(auth.newNonce); */\r\n //console.log(\"TCL: Authorizer -> mtpSendReqDhParams -> auth.newNonce\", auth.newNonce)\r\n // remove\r\n // auth.newNonce = fNewNonce ? fNewNonce : auth.newNonce;\r\n // console.log(\"TCL: Authorizer -> mtpSendReqDhParams -> auth.newNonce\", auth.newNonce);\r\n let p_q_inner_data = {\r\n _: 'p_q_inner_data',\r\n pq: auth.pq,\r\n p: auth.p,\r\n q: auth.q,\r\n nonce: auth.nonce,\r\n server_nonce: auth.serverNonce,\r\n new_nonce: auth.newNonce\r\n };\r\n let data = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({ mtproto: true });\r\n data.storeObject(p_q_inner_data, 'P_Q_inner_data', 'DECRYPTED_DATA');\r\n /* console.log('p_q_inner_data', p_q_inner_data,\r\n bytesToHex(bytesFromArrayBuffer(data.getBuffer())),\r\n sha1BytesSync(data.getBuffer()),\r\n bytesFromArrayBuffer(await CryptoWorker.sha1Hash(data.getBuffer()))); */\r\n let uint8Data = data.getBytes(true);\r\n let sha1Hashed = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(uint8Data);\r\n //var dataWithHash = sha1BytesSync(data.getBuffer()).concat(data.getBytes() as number[]);\r\n let dataWithHash = sha1Hashed.concat(uint8Data);\r\n //dataWithHash = addPadding(dataWithHash, 255);\r\n //dataWithHash = dataWithHash.concat(bytesFromHex('96228ea7790e71caaabc2ab67f4412e9aa224c664d232cc08617a32ce1796aa052da4a737083211689858f461e4473fd6394afd3aa0c8014840dc13f47beaf4fc3b9229aea9cfa83f9f6e676e50ee7676542fb75606879ee7e65cf3a2295b4ba0934ceec1011560c62395a6e9593bfb117cd0da75ba56723672d100ac17ec4d805aa59f7852e3a25a79ee4'));\r\n //console.log('sha1Hashed', bytesToHex(sha1Hashed), 'dataWithHash', bytesToHex(dataWithHash), dataWithHash.length);\r\n let rsaEncrypted = yield cryptoworker_1.default.rsaEncrypt(auth.publicKey, dataWithHash);\r\n //let rsaEncrypted = await CryptoWorker.rsaEncrypt(auth.publicKey, dataWithHash);\r\n //console.log('rsaEncrypted', rsaEncrypted, new Uint8Array(rsaEncrypted).hex);\r\n let req_DH_params = {\r\n nonce: auth.nonce,\r\n server_nonce: auth.serverNonce,\r\n p: auth.p,\r\n q: auth.q,\r\n public_key_fingerprint: auth.publicKey.fingerprint,\r\n encrypted_data: rsaEncrypted\r\n };\r\n var request = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({ mtproto: true });\r\n request.storeMethod('req_DH_params', req_DH_params);\r\n let requestBytes = request.getBytes(true);\r\n this.log('Send req_DH_params', req_DH_params /* , requestBytes.hex */);\r\n try {\r\n var deserializer = yield this.mtpSendPlainRequest(auth.dcID, requestBytes);\r\n }\r\n catch (error) {\r\n this.log('Send req_DH_params FAIL!', error);\r\n throw error;\r\n }\r\n var response = deserializer.fetchObject('Server_DH_Params', 'RESPONSE');\r\n this.log('Sent req_DH_params, response:', response);\r\n if (response._ != 'server_DH_params_fail' && response._ != 'server_DH_params_ok') {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Server_DH_Params response invalid: ' + response._);\r\n }\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(auth.nonce, response.nonce)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Server_DH_Params nonce mismatch');\r\n }\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(auth.serverNonce, response.server_nonce)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Server_DH_Params server_nonce mismatch');\r\n }\r\n if (response._ == 'server_DH_params_fail') {\r\n //var newNonceHash = sha1BytesSync(auth.newNonce).slice(-16);\r\n var newNonceHash = (yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(auth.newNonce)).slice(-16);\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(newNonceHash, response.new_nonce_hash)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] server_DH_params_fail new_nonce_hash mismatch');\r\n }\r\n throw new Error('[MT] server_DH_params_fail');\r\n }\r\n // fill auth object\r\n try {\r\n yield this.mtpDecryptServerDhDataAnswer(auth, response.encrypted_answer);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.log.error('mtpDecryptServerDhDataAnswer FAILED!', e);\r\n throw e;\r\n }\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'mtpSendReqDhParams: executing mtpSendSetClientDhParams...');\r\n return this.mtpSendSetClientDhParams(auth); // костыль\r\n });\r\n }\r\n mtpDecryptServerDhDataAnswer(auth, encryptedAnswer) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n auth.localTime = Date.now();\r\n // can't concat Array with Uint8Array!\r\n //auth.tmpAesKey = sha1BytesSync(auth.newNonce.concat(auth.serverNonce)).concat(sha1BytesSync(auth.serverNonce.concat(auth.newNonce)).slice(0, 12));\r\n //auth.tmpAesIv = sha1BytesSync(auth.serverNonce.concat(auth.newNonce)).slice(12).concat(sha1BytesSync([].concat(auth.newNonce, auth.newNonce)), auth.newNonce.slice(0, 4));\r\n auth.tmpAesKey = (yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(auth.newNonce.concat(auth.serverNonce)))\r\n .concat((yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(auth.serverNonce.concat(auth.newNonce))).slice(0, 12));\r\n auth.tmpAesIv = (yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(auth.serverNonce.concat(auth.newNonce))).slice(12)\r\n .concat(yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(auth.newNonce.concat(auth.newNonce)), auth.newNonce.slice(0, 4));\r\n /* console.log(auth.serverNonce.concat(auth.newNonce));\r\n console.log(auth.newNonce.concat(auth.serverNonce));\r\n console.log(auth.newNonce.concat(auth.newNonce)); */\r\n //var answerWithHash = aesDecryptSync(encryptedAnswer, auth.tmpAesKey, auth.tmpAesIv);\r\n var answerWithHash = new Uint8Array(yield cryptoworker_1.default.aesDecrypt(encryptedAnswer, auth.tmpAesKey, auth.tmpAesIv));\r\n var hash = answerWithHash.slice(0, 20);\r\n var answerWithPadding = answerWithHash.slice(20);\r\n // console.log('hash', hash);\r\n var deserializer = new tl_utils_1.TLDeserialization(answerWithPadding, { mtproto: true });\r\n var response = deserializer.fetchObject('Server_DH_inner_data');\r\n if (response._ != 'server_DH_inner_data') {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] server_DH_inner_data response invalid: ' + response);\r\n }\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(auth.nonce, response.nonce)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] server_DH_inner_data nonce mismatch');\r\n }\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(auth.serverNonce, response.server_nonce)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] server_DH_inner_data serverNonce mismatch');\r\n }\r\n this.log('Done decrypting answer');\r\n auth.g = response.g;\r\n auth.dhPrime = response.dh_prime;\r\n auth.gA = response.g_a;\r\n auth.serverTime = response.server_time;\r\n auth.retry = 0;\r\n this.mtpVerifyDhParams(auth.g, auth.dhPrime, auth.gA);\r\n var offset = deserializer.getOffset();\r\n //if(!bytesCmp(hash, sha1BytesSync(answerWithPadding.slice(0, offset)))) {\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(hash, yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(answerWithPadding.slice(0, offset)))) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] server_DH_inner_data SHA1-hash mismatch');\r\n }\r\n timeManager_1.default.applyServerTime(auth.serverTime, auth.localTime);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n mtpVerifyDhParams(g, dhPrime, gA) {\r\n this.log('Verifying DH params');\r\n var dhPrimeHex = bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(dhPrime);\r\n if (g != 3 || dhPrimeHex !== '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') {\r\n // The verified value is from https://core.telegram.org/mtproto/security_guidelines\r\n throw new Error('[MT] DH params are not verified: unknown dhPrime');\r\n }\r\n this.log('dhPrime cmp OK');\r\n var gABigInt = new jsbn_1.BigInteger(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(gA), 16);\r\n var dhPrimeBigInt = new jsbn_1.BigInteger(dhPrimeHex, 16);\r\n if (gABigInt.compareTo(jsbn_1.BigInteger.ONE) <= 0) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] DH params are not verified: gA <= 1');\r\n }\r\n if (gABigInt.compareTo(dhPrimeBigInt.subtract(jsbn_1.BigInteger.ONE)) >= 0) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] DH params are not verified: gA >= dhPrime - 1');\r\n }\r\n this.log('1 < gA < dhPrime-1 OK');\r\n var two = new jsbn_1.BigInteger(/* null */ '');\r\n two.fromInt(2);\r\n var twoPow = two.pow(2048 - 64);\r\n if (gABigInt.compareTo(twoPow) < 0) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] DH params are not verified: gA < 2^{2048-64}');\r\n }\r\n if (gABigInt.compareTo(dhPrimeBigInt.subtract(twoPow)) >= 0) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] DH params are not verified: gA > dhPrime - 2^{2048-64}');\r\n }\r\n this.log('2^{2048-64} < gA < dhPrime-2^{2048-64} OK');\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n mtpSendSetClientDhParams(auth) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n var gBytes = bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(auth.g.toString(16));\r\n auth.b = new Array(256);\r\n auth.b = [...new Uint8Array(auth.b.length).randomize()];\r\n //MTProto.secureRandom.nextBytes(auth.b);\r\n try {\r\n var gB = yield cryptoworker_1.default.modPow(gBytes, auth.b, auth.dhPrime);\r\n }\r\n catch (error) {\r\n throw error;\r\n }\r\n var data = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({ mtproto: true });\r\n data.storeObject({\r\n _: 'client_DH_inner_data',\r\n nonce: auth.nonce,\r\n server_nonce: auth.serverNonce,\r\n retry_id: [0, auth.retry++],\r\n g_b: gB\r\n }, 'Client_DH_Inner_Data');\r\n //var dataWithHash = sha1BytesSync(data.getBuffer()).concat(data.getBytes());\r\n var dataWithHash = (yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(data.getBuffer())).concat(data.getBytes());\r\n //var encryptedData = aesEncryptSync(dataWithHash, auth.tmpAesKey, auth.tmpAesIv);\r\n var encryptedData = yield cryptoworker_1.default.aesEncrypt(dataWithHash, auth.tmpAesKey, auth.tmpAesIv);\r\n var request = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({ mtproto: true });\r\n request.storeMethod('set_client_DH_params', {\r\n nonce: auth.nonce,\r\n server_nonce: auth.serverNonce,\r\n encrypted_data: encryptedData\r\n });\r\n this.log('Send set_client_DH_params');\r\n try {\r\n var deserializer = yield this.mtpSendPlainRequest(auth.dcID, request.getBytes(true));\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n throw err;\r\n }\r\n let response = deserializer.fetchObject('Set_client_DH_params_answer');\r\n if (response._ != 'dh_gen_ok' && response._ != 'dh_gen_retry' && response._ != 'dh_gen_fail') {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer response invalid: ' + response._);\r\n }\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(auth.nonce, response.nonce)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer nonce mismatch');\r\n }\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(auth.serverNonce, response.server_nonce)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer server_nonce mismatch');\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n var authKey = yield cryptoworker_1.default.modPow(auth.gA, auth.b, auth.dhPrime);\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n throw authKey;\r\n }\r\n //var authKeyHash = sha1BytesSync(authKey),\r\n let authKeyHash = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(authKey), authKeyAux = authKeyHash.slice(0, 8), authKeyID = authKeyHash.slice(-8);\r\n this.log('Got Set_client_DH_params_answer', response._, authKey);\r\n switch (response._) {\r\n case 'dh_gen_ok':\r\n var newNonceHash1 = (yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(auth.newNonce.concat([1], authKeyAux))).slice(-16);\r\n //var newNonceHash1 = sha1BytesSync(auth.newNonce.concat([1], authKeyAux)).slice(-16);\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(newNonceHash1, response.new_nonce_hash1)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer new_nonce_hash1 mismatch');\r\n }\r\n var serverSalt = bin_utils_1.bytesXor(auth.newNonce.slice(0, 8), auth.serverNonce.slice(0, 8));\r\n this.log('Auth successfull!', authKeyID, authKey, serverSalt);\r\n auth.authKeyID = authKeyID;\r\n auth.authKey = authKey;\r\n auth.serverSalt = serverSalt;\r\n return auth;\r\n break;\r\n case 'dh_gen_retry':\r\n //var newNonceHash2 = sha1BytesSync(auth.newNonce.concat([2], authKeyAux)).slice(-16);\r\n var newNonceHash2 = (yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(auth.newNonce.concat([2], authKeyAux))).slice(-16);\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(newNonceHash2, response.new_nonce_hash2)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer new_nonce_hash2 mismatch');\r\n }\r\n return this.mtpSendSetClientDhParams(auth);\r\n case 'dh_gen_fail':\r\n //var newNonceHash3 = sha1BytesSync(auth.newNonce.concat([3], authKeyAux)).slice(-16);\r\n var newNonceHash3 = (yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(auth.newNonce.concat([3], authKeyAux))).slice(-16);\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(newNonceHash3, response.new_nonce_hash3)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer new_nonce_hash3 mismatch');\r\n }\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer fail');\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // mtpAuth\r\n auth(dcID) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (dcID in this.cached) {\r\n return this.cached[dcID];\r\n }\r\n let nonce = /* fNonce ? fNonce : */ new Uint8Array(16).randomize();\r\n /* var nonce = new Array(16);\r\n MTProto.secureRandom.nextBytes(nonce); */\r\n if (!dcConfigurator_1.default.chooseServer(dcID)) {\r\n return Promise.reject(new Error('[MT] No server found for dc ' + dcID));\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n let promise = this.mtpSendReqPQ({ dcID, nonce });\r\n this.cached[dcID] = promise;\r\n return yield promise;\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n delete this.cached[dcID];\r\n throw err;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.Authorizer = Authorizer;\r\nexports.default = new Authorizer();\r\n" }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\rsaKeysManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/rsaKeysManager.ts", "index": 30, "index2": 27, "size": 9548, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 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function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.RSAKeysManager = void 0;\r\nconst tl_utils_1 = require(\"./tl_utils\");\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst cryptoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../crypto/cryptoworker\"));\r\nclass RSAKeysManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n /**\r\n * Server public key, obtained from here: https://core.telegram.org/api/obtaining_api_id\r\n *\r\n *\r\n * -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n * MIIBCgKCAQEAwVACPi9w23mF3tBkdZz+zwrzKOaaQdr01vAbU4E1pvkfj4sqDsm6\r\n * lyDONS789sVoD/xCS9Y0hkkC3gtL1tSfTlgCMOOul9lcixlEKzwKENj1Yz/s7daS\r\n * an9tqw3bfUV/nqgbhGX81v/+7RFAEd+RwFnK7a+XYl9sluzHRyVVaTTveB2GazTw\r\n * Efzk2DWgkBluml8OREmvfraX3bkHZJTKX4EQSjBbbdJ2ZXIsRrYOXfaA+xayEGB+\r\n * 8hdlLmAjbCVfaigxX0CDqWeR1yFL9kwd9P0NsZRPsmoqVwMbMu7mStFai6aIhc3n\r\n * Slv8kg9qv1m6XHVQY3PnEw+QQtqSIXklHwIDAQAB\r\n * -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n *\r\n * -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n * MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAruw2yP/BCcsJliRoW5eB\r\n * VBVle9dtjJw+OYED160Wybum9SXtBBLXriwt4rROd9csv0t0OHCaTmRqBcQ0J8fx\r\n * hN6/cpR1GWgOZRUAiQxoMnlt0R93LCX/j1dnVa/gVbCjdSxpbrfY2g2L4frzjJvd\r\n * l84Kd9ORYjDEAyFnEA7dD556OptgLQQ2e2iVNq8NZLYTzLp5YpOdO1doK+ttrltg\r\n * gTCy5SrKeLoCPPbOgGsdxJxyz5KKcZnSLj16yE5HvJQn0CNpRdENvRUXe6tBP78O\r\n * 39oJ8BTHp9oIjd6XWXAsp2CvK45Ol8wFXGF710w9lwCGNbmNxNYhtIkdqfsEcwR5\r\n * JwIDAQAB\r\n * -----END PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n *\r\n * -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n * MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAvfLHfYH2r9R70w8prHbl\r\n * Wt/nDkh+XkgpflqQVcnAfSuTtO05lNPspQmL8Y2XjVT4t8cT6xAkdgfmmvnvRPOO\r\n * KPi0OfJXoRVylFzAQG/j83u5K3kRLbae7fLccVhKZhY46lvsueI1hQdLgNV9n1cQ\r\n * 3TDS2pQOCtovG4eDl9wacrXOJTG2990VjgnIKNA0UMoP+KF03qzryqIt3oTvZq03\r\n * DyWdGK+AZjgBLaDKSnC6qD2cFY81UryRWOab8zKkWAnhw2kFpcqhI0jdV5QaSCEx\r\n * vnsjVaX0Y1N0870931/5Jb9ICe4nweZ9kSDF/gip3kWLG0o8XQpChDfyvsqB9OLV\r\n * /wIDAQAB\r\n * -----END PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n *\r\n * -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n * MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAs/ditzm+mPND6xkhzwFI\r\n * z6J/968CtkcSE/7Z2qAJiXbmZ3UDJPGrzqTDHkO30R8VeRM/Kz2f4nR05GIFiITl\r\n * 4bEjvpy7xqRDspJcCFIOcyXm8abVDhF+th6knSU0yLtNKuQVP6voMrnt9MV1X92L\r\n * GZQLgdHZbPQz0Z5qIpaKhdyA8DEvWWvSUwwc+yi1/gGaybwlzZwqXYoPOhwMebzK\r\n * Uk0xW14htcJrRrq+PXXQbRzTMynseCoPIoke0dtCodbA3qQxQovE16q9zz4Otv2k\r\n * 4j63cz53J+mhkVWAeWxVGI0lltJmWtEYK6er8VqqWot3nqmWMXogrgRLggv/Nbbo\r\n * oQIDAQAB\r\n * -----END PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n *\r\n * -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n * MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAvmpxVY7ld/8DAjz6F6q0\r\n * 5shjg8/4p6047bn6/m8yPy1RBsvIyvuDuGnP/RzPEhzXQ9UJ5Ynmh2XJZgHoE9xb\r\n * nfxL5BXHplJhMtADXKM9bWB11PU1Eioc3+AXBB8QiNFBn2XI5UkO5hPhbb9mJpjA\r\n * 9Uhw8EdfqJP8QetVsI/xrCEbwEXe0xvifRLJbY08/Gp66KpQvy7g8w7VB8wlgePe\r\n * xW3pT13Ap6vuC+mQuJPyiHvSxjEKHgqePji9NP3tJUFQjcECqcm0yV7/2d0t/pbC\r\n * m+ZH1sadZspQCEPPrtbkQBlvHb4OLiIWPGHKSMeRFvp3IWcmdJqXahxLCUS1Eh6M\r\n * AQIDAQAB\r\n * -----END PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n *\r\n * Bytes can be got via\r\n * $ openssl rsa -pubin -in key.pub -text -noout\r\n */\r\n this.publisKeysHex = [{\r\n modulus: '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',\r\n exponent: '010001'\r\n }, {\r\n modulus: 'aeec36c8ffc109cb099624685b97815415657bd76d8c9c3e398103d7ad16c9bba6f525ed0412d7ae2c2de2b44e77d72cbf4b7438709a4e646a05c43427c7f184debf72947519680e651500890c6832796dd11f772c25ff8f576755afe055b0a3752c696eb7d8da0d8be1faf38c9bdd97ce0a77d3916230c4032167100edd0f9e7a3a9b602d04367b689536af0d64b613ccba7962939d3b57682beb6dae5b608130b2e52aca78ba023cf6ce806b1dc49c72cf928a7199d22e3d7ac84e47bc9427d0236945d10dbd15177bab413fbf0edfda09f014c7a7da088dde9759702ca760af2b8e4e97cc055c617bd74c3d97008635b98dc4d621b4891da9fb0473047927',\r\n exponent: '010001'\r\n }, {\r\n modulus: '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',\r\n exponent: '010001'\r\n }, {\r\n modulus: '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',\r\n exponent: '010001'\r\n }, {\r\n modulus: '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',\r\n exponent: '010001'\r\n }];\r\n this.publicKeysParsed = {};\r\n this.prepared = false;\r\n this.preparePromise = null;\r\n }\r\n // prepareRsaKeys\r\n prepare() {\r\n if (this.preparePromise)\r\n return this.preparePromise;\r\n else if (this.prepared) {\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n }\r\n return this.preparePromise = Promise.all(this.publisKeysHex.map(keyParsed => {\r\n let RSAPublicKey = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization();\r\n RSAPublicKey.storeBytes(bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(keyParsed.modulus), 'n');\r\n RSAPublicKey.storeBytes(bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(keyParsed.exponent), 'e');\r\n let buffer = RSAPublicKey.getBuffer();\r\n return cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(buffer).then(hash => {\r\n let fingerprintBytes = bin_utils_1.bytesFromArrayBuffer(hash).slice(-8);\r\n fingerprintBytes.reverse();\r\n this.publicKeysParsed[bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(fingerprintBytes)] = {\r\n modulus: keyParsed.modulus,\r\n exponent: keyParsed.exponent\r\n };\r\n });\r\n })).then(() => {\r\n this.prepared = true;\r\n //console.log('[MT] Prepared keys');\r\n this.preparePromise = null;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // selectRsaKeyByFingerPrint\r\n select(fingerprints) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n yield this.prepare();\r\n var fingerprintHex, foundKey, i;\r\n for (i = 0; i < fingerprints.length; i++) {\r\n fingerprintHex = bin_utils_1.bigStringInt(fingerprints[i]).toString(16);\r\n if (fingerprintHex.length < 16) {\r\n fingerprintHex = new Array(16 - fingerprintHex.length).fill('0').join('') + fingerprintHex;\r\n }\r\n //console.log(fingerprintHex, this.publicKeysParsed);\r\n if (foundKey = this.publicKeysParsed[fingerprintHex]) {\r\n return Object.assign({\r\n fingerprint: fingerprints[i]\r\n }, foundKey);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.RSAKeysManager = RSAKeysManager;\r\nexports.default = new RSAKeysManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 32, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiFileManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "index": 31, "index2": 34, "size": 19189, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerId": 19, "issuerName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 19, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "module": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "moduleName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./apiFileManager", "loc": "22:41-68" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 1, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.ApiFileManager = void 0;\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst cacheStorage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../cacheStorage\"));\r\nconst filemanager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../filemanager\"));\r\nconst apiManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./apiManager\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst userAgent_1 = require(\"../../helpers/userAgent\");\r\nconst cryptoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../crypto/cryptoworker\"));\r\nconst context_1 = require(\"../../helpers/context\");\r\nconst cancellablePromise_1 = require(\"../../helpers/cancellablePromise\");\r\nconst MAX_FILE_SAVE_SIZE = 20e6;\r\nclass ApiFileManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.cachedDownloadPromises = {};\r\n this.uploadPromises = {};\r\n this.downloadPulls = {};\r\n this.downloadActives = {};\r\n this.webpConvertPromises = {};\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('AFM', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n this.uncompressTGS = (bytes, fileName) => {\r\n //this.log('uncompressTGS', bytes, bytes.slice().buffer);\r\n // slice нужен потому что в uint8array - 5053 length, в arraybuffer - 5084\r\n return cryptoworker_1.default.gzipUncompress(bytes.slice().buffer, true);\r\n };\r\n this.convertWebp = (bytes, fileName) => {\r\n const convertPromise = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n const task = { type: 'convertWebp', payload: { fileName, bytes } };\r\n context_1.notifySomeone(task);\r\n return this.webpConvertPromises[fileName] = convertPromise;\r\n };\r\n }\r\n downloadRequest(dcID, cb, activeDelta) {\r\n if (this.downloadPulls[dcID] === undefined) {\r\n this.downloadPulls[dcID] = [];\r\n this.downloadActives[dcID] = 0;\r\n }\r\n const downloadPull = this.downloadPulls[dcID];\r\n const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n downloadPull.push({ cb, deferred: { resolve, reject }, activeDelta });\r\n });\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.downloadCheck(dcID);\r\n }, 0);\r\n return promise;\r\n }\r\n downloadCheck(dcID) {\r\n const downloadPull = this.downloadPulls[dcID];\r\n //const downloadLimit = dcID == 'upload' ? 11 : 5;\r\n //const downloadLimit = 24;\r\n const downloadLimit = dcID == 'upload' ? 11 : 48;\r\n if (this.downloadActives[dcID] >= downloadLimit || !downloadPull || !downloadPull.length) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n const data = downloadPull.shift();\r\n const activeDelta = data.activeDelta || 1;\r\n this.downloadActives[dcID] += activeDelta;\r\n data.cb()\r\n .then((result) => {\r\n this.downloadActives[dcID] -= activeDelta;\r\n this.downloadCheck(dcID);\r\n data.deferred.resolve(result);\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n if (error) {\r\n this.log.error('downloadCheck error:', error);\r\n }\r\n this.downloadActives[dcID] -= activeDelta;\r\n this.downloadCheck(dcID);\r\n data.deferred.reject(error);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getFileStorage() {\r\n return cacheStorage_1.default;\r\n }\r\n cancelDownload(fileName) {\r\n const promise = this.cachedDownloadPromises[fileName] || this.uploadPromises[fileName];\r\n if (promise && !promise.isRejected && !promise.isFulfilled) {\r\n promise.cancel();\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n requestFilePart(dcID, location, offset, limit, checkCancel) {\r\n //const delta = limit / 1024 / 256;\r\n const delta = limit / 1024 / 128;\r\n return this.downloadRequest(dcID, () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n checkCancel && checkCancel();\r\n return apiManager_1.default.invokeApi('upload.getFile', {\r\n location,\r\n offset,\r\n limit\r\n }, {\r\n dcID,\r\n fileDownload: true /* ,\r\n singleInRequest: 'safari' in window */\r\n });\r\n }), delta);\r\n }\r\n convertBlobToBytes(blob) {\r\n return blob.arrayBuffer().then(buffer => new Uint8Array(buffer));\r\n }\r\n getLimitPart(size) {\r\n let bytes;\r\n bytes = 512;\r\n /* if(size < 1e6 || !size) bytes = 512;\r\n else if(size < 3e6) bytes = 256;\r\n else bytes = 128; */\r\n return bytes * 1024;\r\n }\r\n downloadFile(options) {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (!filemanager_1.default.isAvailable()) {\r\n return Promise.reject({ type: 'BROWSER_BLOB_NOT_SUPPORTED' });\r\n }\r\n let size = (_a = options.size) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0;\r\n let { dcID, location } = options;\r\n let process;\r\n if (options.mimeType == 'image/webp' && userAgent_1.isSafari) {\r\n process = this.convertWebp;\r\n options.mimeType = 'image/png';\r\n }\r\n else if (options.mimeType == 'application/x-tgsticker') {\r\n process = this.uncompressTGS;\r\n options.mimeType = 'application/json';\r\n }\r\n const fileName = bin_utils_1.getFileNameByLocation(location, { fileName: options.fileName });\r\n const cachedPromise = this.cachedDownloadPromises[fileName];\r\n const fileStorage = this.getFileStorage();\r\n this.log('downloadFile', fileName, size, location, options.mimeType, process);\r\n if (cachedPromise) {\r\n if (options.processPart) {\r\n return cachedPromise.then((blob) => {\r\n return this.convertBlobToBytes(blob).then(bytes => {\r\n options.processPart(bytes);\r\n return blob;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n //this.log('downloadFile cachedPromise');\r\n if (size) {\r\n return cachedPromise.then((blob) => {\r\n if (blob.size < size) {\r\n this.log('downloadFile need to deleteFile, wrong size:', blob.size, size);\r\n return this.deleteFile(fileName).then(() => {\r\n return this.downloadFile(options);\r\n }).catch(() => {\r\n return this.downloadFile(options);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return blob;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return cachedPromise;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const deferred = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n const mimeType = options.mimeType || 'image/jpeg';\r\n let canceled = false;\r\n let resolved = false;\r\n let cacheFileWriter;\r\n let errorHandler = (error) => {\r\n deferred.reject(error);\r\n errorHandler = () => { };\r\n if (cacheFileWriter && (!error || error.type != 'DOWNLOAD_CANCELED')) {\r\n cacheFileWriter.truncate();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n fileStorage.getFile(fileName).then((blob) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n //this.log('maybe cached', fileName);\r\n //throw '';\r\n if (blob.size < size) {\r\n //this.log('downloadFile need to deleteFile 2, wrong size:', blob.size, size);\r\n yield this.deleteFile(fileName);\r\n throw false;\r\n }\r\n if (options.processPart) {\r\n //FileManager.copy(blob, toFileEntry).then(deferred.resolve, errorHandler);\r\n yield this.convertBlobToBytes(blob).then(bytes => {\r\n options.processPart(bytes);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n deferred.resolve(blob);\r\n })).catch(() => {\r\n //this.log('not cached', fileName);\r\n const fileWriterPromise = fileStorage.getFileWriter(fileName, mimeType);\r\n fileWriterPromise.then((fileWriter) => {\r\n cacheFileWriter = fileWriter;\r\n const limit = options.limitPart || this.getLimitPart(size);\r\n let offset;\r\n let startOffset = 0;\r\n let writeFilePromise = Promise.resolve(), writeFileDeferred;\r\n const maxRequests = options.processPart ? 5 : 5;\r\n /* if(fileWriter.length) {\r\n startOffset = fileWriter.length;\r\n \r\n if(startOffset >= size) {\r\n if(toFileEntry) {\r\n deferred.resolve();\r\n } else {\r\n deferred.resolve(fileWriter.finalize());\r\n }\r\n \r\n return;\r\n }\r\n \r\n fileWriter.seek(startOffset);\r\n deferred.notify({done: startOffset, total: size});\r\n \r\n /////this.log('deferred notify 1:', {done: startOffset, total: size});\r\n } */\r\n const processDownloaded = (bytes, offset) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (options.processPart) {\r\n yield options.processPart(bytes, offset, delayed);\r\n }\r\n if (process) {\r\n //const perf = performance.now();\r\n const processed = yield process(bytes, fileName);\r\n //this.log('downloadFile process downloaded time', performance.now() - perf, mimeType, process);\r\n return processed;\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n });\r\n const delayed = [];\r\n offset = startOffset;\r\n do {\r\n ////this.log('offset:', startOffset);\r\n writeFileDeferred = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n delayed.push({ offset, writeFilePromise, writeFileDeferred });\r\n writeFilePromise = writeFileDeferred;\r\n offset += limit;\r\n } while (offset < size);\r\n // для потокового видео нужно скачать первый и последний чанки\r\n /* if(options.processPart && delayed.length > 2) {\r\n const last = delayed.splice(delayed.length - 1, 1)[0];\r\n delayed.splice(1, 0, last);\r\n } */\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n //deferred.queue = delayed;\r\n let done = 0;\r\n const superpuper = () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n //if(!delayed.length) return;\r\n const { offset, writeFilePromise, writeFileDeferred } = delayed.shift();\r\n try {\r\n const result = yield this.requestFilePart(dcID, location, offset, limit, checkCancel);\r\n const bytes = result.bytes;\r\n if (delayed.length) {\r\n superpuper();\r\n }\r\n this.log('downloadFile requestFilePart result:', fileName, result);\r\n const isFinal = offset + limit >= size || !bytes.byteLength;\r\n if (bytes.byteLength) {\r\n //done += limit;\r\n done += bytes.byteLength;\r\n //if(!isFinal) {\r\n ////this.log('deferred notify 2:', {done: offset + limit, total: size}, deferred);\r\n deferred.notify({ done, offset, total: size });\r\n //}\r\n const processedResult = yield processDownloaded(bytes, offset);\r\n checkCancel();\r\n yield writeFilePromise;\r\n checkCancel();\r\n yield filemanager_1.default.write(fileWriter, processedResult);\r\n }\r\n writeFileDeferred.resolve();\r\n if (isFinal) {\r\n resolved = true;\r\n if (options.processPart) {\r\n deferred.resolve();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n deferred.resolve(fileWriter.finalize(size < MAX_FILE_SAVE_SIZE));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n errorHandler(err);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n for (let i = 0, length = Math.min(maxRequests, delayed.length); i < length; ++i) {\r\n superpuper();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n const checkCancel = () => {\r\n if (canceled) {\r\n throw new Error('canceled');\r\n }\r\n };\r\n deferred.cancel = () => {\r\n if (!canceled && !resolved) {\r\n canceled = true;\r\n delete this.cachedDownloadPromises[fileName];\r\n errorHandler({ type: 'DOWNLOAD_CANCELED' });\r\n }\r\n };\r\n deferred.notify = (progress) => {\r\n context_1.notifyAll({ progress: Object.assign({ fileName }, progress) });\r\n };\r\n this.cachedDownloadPromises[fileName] = deferred;\r\n return deferred;\r\n }\r\n deleteFile(fileName) {\r\n //this.log('will delete file:', fileName);\r\n delete this.cachedDownloadPromises[fileName];\r\n return this.getFileStorage().deleteFile(fileName);\r\n }\r\n uploadFile({ file, fileName }) {\r\n const fileSize = file.size, isBigFile = fileSize >= 10485760;\r\n let canceled = false, resolved = false, doneParts = 0, partSize = 262144, // 256 Kb\r\n activeDelta = 2;\r\n if (fileSize > 67108864) {\r\n partSize = 524288;\r\n activeDelta = 4;\r\n }\r\n else if (fileSize < 102400) {\r\n partSize = 32768;\r\n activeDelta = 1;\r\n }\r\n const totalParts = Math.ceil(fileSize / partSize);\r\n const fileID = [bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)];\r\n let _part = 0;\r\n const resultInputFile = {\r\n _: isBigFile ? 'inputFileBig' : 'inputFile',\r\n id: fileID,\r\n parts: totalParts,\r\n name: fileName,\r\n md5_checksum: ''\r\n };\r\n const deferredHelper = {\r\n notify: (details) => { }\r\n };\r\n const deferred = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n if (totalParts > 3000) {\r\n return reject({ type: 'FILE_TOO_BIG' });\r\n }\r\n deferredHelper.resolve = resolve;\r\n deferredHelper.reject = reject;\r\n });\r\n Object.assign(deferred, deferredHelper);\r\n if (totalParts > 3000) {\r\n return deferred;\r\n }\r\n let errorHandler = (error) => {\r\n this.log.error('Up Error', error);\r\n deferred.reject(error);\r\n canceled = true;\r\n errorHandler = () => { };\r\n };\r\n const method = isBigFile ? 'upload.saveBigFilePart' : 'upload.saveFilePart';\r\n for (let offset = 0; offset < fileSize; offset += partSize) {\r\n const part = _part++; // 0, 1\r\n this.downloadRequest('upload', () => {\r\n return new Promise((uploadResolve, uploadReject) => {\r\n const reader = new FileReader();\r\n const blob = file.slice(offset, offset + partSize);\r\n reader.onloadend = (e) => {\r\n if (canceled) {\r\n uploadReject();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (e.target.readyState != FileReader.DONE) {\r\n this.log.error('wrong readyState!');\r\n uploadReject();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //////this.log('Starting to upload file, isBig:', isBigFile, fileID, part, e.target.result);\r\n apiManager_1.default.invokeApi(method, {\r\n file_id: fileID,\r\n file_part: part,\r\n file_total_parts: totalParts,\r\n bytes: e.target.result\r\n }, {\r\n startMaxLength: partSize + 256,\r\n fileUpload: true,\r\n singleInRequest: true\r\n }).then((result) => {\r\n doneParts++;\r\n uploadResolve();\r\n //////this.log('Progress', doneParts * partSize / fileSize);\r\n deferred.notify({ done: doneParts * partSize, total: fileSize });\r\n if (doneParts >= totalParts) {\r\n deferred.resolve(resultInputFile);\r\n resolved = true;\r\n }\r\n }, errorHandler);\r\n };\r\n reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob);\r\n });\r\n }, activeDelta).catch(errorHandler);\r\n }\r\n deferred.cancel = () => {\r\n this.log('cancel upload', canceled, resolved);\r\n if (!canceled && !resolved) {\r\n canceled = true;\r\n errorHandler({ type: 'UPLOAD_CANCELED' });\r\n }\r\n };\r\n deferred.notify = (progress) => {\r\n context_1.notifyAll({ progress: Object.assign({ fileName }, progress) });\r\n };\r\n deferred.finally(() => {\r\n delete this.uploadPromises[fileName];\r\n });\r\n return this.uploadPromises[fileName] = deferred;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ApiFileManager = ApiFileManager;\r\nconst apiFileManager = new ApiFileManager();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n self.apiFileManager = apiFileManager;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = apiFileManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 33, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\cacheStorage.ts", "name": "./src/lib/cacheStorage.ts", "index": 32, "index2": 31, "size": 3835, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiFileManager.ts", "issuerId": 32, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 32, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiFileManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1392, "building": 680, "dependencies": 0 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 32, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiFileManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../cacheStorage", "loc": "17:39-65" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"./bin_utils\");\r\nconst filemanager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./filemanager\"));\r\n//import { logger } from './polyfill';\r\nclass CacheStorageController {\r\n //private log: ReturnType = logger('CS');\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.dbName = 'cachedFiles';\r\n this.openDatabase();\r\n }\r\n openDatabase() {\r\n if (this.openDbPromise) {\r\n return this.openDbPromise;\r\n }\r\n return this.openDbPromise = caches.open(this.dbName);\r\n }\r\n deleteFile(fileName) {\r\n return this.timeoutOperation((cache) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const deleted = yield cache.delete('/' + fileName);\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n saveFile(fileName, blob) {\r\n //return Promise.resolve(blobConstruct([blob]));\r\n if (!(blob instanceof Blob)) {\r\n blob = bin_utils_1.blobConstruct(blob);\r\n }\r\n return this.timeoutOperation((cache) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n yield cache.put('/' + fileName, new Response(blob));\r\n return blob;\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n getBlobSize(blob) {\r\n return blob.size || blob.byteLength || blob.length;\r\n }\r\n getFile(fileName) {\r\n //return Promise.reject();\r\n return this.timeoutOperation((cache) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const response = yield cache.match('/' + fileName);\r\n if (!response || !cache) {\r\n //console.warn('getFile:', response, fileName);\r\n throw 'No response???';\r\n }\r\n return response.blob();\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n timeoutOperation(callback) {\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n let rejected = false;\r\n const timeout = setTimeout(() => {\r\n reject();\r\n //console.warn('CACHESTORAGE TIMEOUT');\r\n rejected = true;\r\n }, 5e3);\r\n try {\r\n const cache = yield this.openDatabase();\r\n if (!cache) {\r\n throw 'no cache?';\r\n }\r\n const res = yield callback(cache);\r\n if (rejected)\r\n return;\r\n resolve(res);\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n reject(err);\r\n }\r\n clearTimeout(timeout);\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n getFileWriter(fileName, mimeType) {\r\n const fakeWriter = filemanager_1.default.getFakeFileWriter(mimeType, (blob) => {\r\n return this.saveFile(fileName, blob);\r\n });\r\n return Promise.resolve(fakeWriter);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nconst cacheStorage = new CacheStorageController();\r\n/* // @ts-ignore\r\nif(process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n (window as any).cacheStorage = cacheStorage;\r\n} */\r\nexports.default = cacheStorage;\r\n" }, { "id": 34, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\helpers\\userAgent.ts", "name": "./src/helpers/userAgent.ts", "index": 34, "index2": 32, "size": 1248, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiFileManager.ts", "issuerId": 32, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", 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* This is used as a workaround for a memory leak in Safari caused by using Transferable objects to\r\n * transfer data between WebWorkers and the main thread.\r\n * https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/issues/8771\r\n *\r\n * This should be removed once the underlying Safari issue is fixed.\r\n */\r\nconst ctx = typeof (window) !== 'undefined' ? window : self;\r\n// https://stackoverflow.com/a/58065241\r\nexports.isAppleMobile = (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) ||\r\n (navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1)) &&\r\n !ctx.MSStream;\r\nexports.isSafari = !!('safari' in ctx) || !!(exports.userAgent && (/\\b(iPad|iPhone|iPod)\\b/.test(exports.userAgent) || (!!exports.userAgent.match('Safari') && !exports.userAgent.match('Chrome')))) /* || true */;\r\n" }, { "id": 35, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\helpers\\cancellablePromise.ts", "name": 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isFulfilled: false,\r\n isRejected: false,\r\n notify: () => { },\r\n notifyAll: (...args) => {\r\n deferredHelper.lastNotify = args;\r\n deferredHelper.listeners.forEach((callback) => callback(...args));\r\n },\r\n lastNotify: undefined,\r\n listeners: [],\r\n addNotifyListener: (callback) => {\r\n if (deferredHelper.lastNotify) {\r\n callback(...deferredHelper.lastNotify);\r\n }\r\n deferredHelper.listeners.push(callback);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n let deferred = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n deferredHelper.resolve = (value) => {\r\n if (deferred.isFulfilled)\r\n return;\r\n deferred.isFulfilled = true;\r\n resolve(value);\r\n };\r\n deferredHelper.reject = (...args) => {\r\n if (deferred.isRejected)\r\n return;\r\n deferred.isRejected = true;\r\n reject(...args);\r\n };\r\n });\r\n deferred.finally(() => {\r\n deferred.notify = null;\r\n deferred.listeners.length = 0;\r\n deferred.lastNotify = null;\r\n });\r\n Object.assign(deferred, deferredHelper);\r\n return deferred;\r\n}\r\nexports.deferredPromise = deferredPromise;\r\n" } ], "filteredModules": 0, "origins": [ { "module": "", "moduleIdentifier": "", "moduleName": "", "loc": "main", "request": "!!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "reasons": [] } ] } ], "modules": [ { "id": 0, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\bin_utils.ts", "name": "./src/lib/bin_utils.ts", "index": 2, "index2": 1, "size": 13166, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\polyfill.ts", "issuerId": 20, "issuerName": "./src/lib/polyfill.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": 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require(\"jsbn\");\r\n///////////////////////\r\n/////////////\r\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n///////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n////////////////\r\n//////////\r\nvar _logTimer = Date.now();\r\nfunction dT() {\r\n return '[' + ((Date.now() - _logTimer) / 1000).toFixed(3) + ']';\r\n}\r\nexports.dT = dT;\r\nfunction isObject(object) {\r\n return typeof (object) === 'object' && object !== null;\r\n}\r\nexports.isObject = isObject;\r\nfunction bigint(num) {\r\n return new jsbn_1.BigInteger(num.toString(16), 16);\r\n}\r\nexports.bigint = bigint;\r\nfunction bigStringInt(strNum) {\r\n return new jsbn_1.BigInteger(strNum, 10);\r\n}\r\nexports.bigStringInt = bigStringInt;\r\nfunction bytesToHex(bytes) {\r\n bytes = bytes || [];\r\n var arr = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {\r\n arr.push((bytes[i] < 16 ? '0' : '') + (bytes[i] || 0).toString(16));\r\n }\r\n return arr.join('');\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesToHex = bytesToHex;\r\nfunction bytesFromHex(hexString) {\r\n var len = hexString.length, i;\r\n var start = 0;\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n if (hexString.length % 2) {\r\n bytes.push(parseInt(hexString.charAt(0), 16));\r\n start++;\r\n }\r\n for (i = start; i < len; i += 2) {\r\n bytes.push(parseInt(hexString.substr(i, 2), 16));\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromHex = bytesFromHex;\r\nfunction bytesToBase64(bytes) {\r\n var mod3;\r\n var result = '';\r\n for (var nLen = bytes.length, nUint24 = 0, nIdx = 0; nIdx < nLen; nIdx++) {\r\n mod3 = nIdx % 3;\r\n nUint24 |= bytes[nIdx] << (16 >>> mod3 & 24);\r\n if (mod3 === 2 || nLen - nIdx === 1) {\r\n result += String.fromCharCode(uint6ToBase64(nUint24 >>> 18 & 63), uint6ToBase64(nUint24 >>> 12 & 63), uint6ToBase64(nUint24 >>> 6 & 63), uint6ToBase64(nUint24 & 63));\r\n nUint24 = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return result.replace(/A(?=A$|$)/g, '=');\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesToBase64 = bytesToBase64;\r\nfunction uint6ToBase64(nUint6) {\r\n return nUint6 < 26\r\n ? nUint6 + 65\r\n : nUint6 < 52\r\n ? nUint6 + 71\r\n : nUint6 < 62\r\n ? nUint6 - 4\r\n : nUint6 === 62\r\n ? 43\r\n : nUint6 === 63\r\n ? 47\r\n : 65;\r\n}\r\nexports.uint6ToBase64 = uint6ToBase64;\r\nfunction base64ToBlob(base64str, mimeType) {\r\n var sliceSize = 1024;\r\n var byteCharacters = atob(base64str);\r\n var bytesLength = byteCharacters.length;\r\n var slicesCount = Math.ceil(bytesLength / sliceSize);\r\n var byteArrays = new Array(slicesCount);\r\n for (var sliceIndex = 0; sliceIndex < slicesCount; ++sliceIndex) {\r\n var begin = sliceIndex * sliceSize;\r\n var end = Math.min(begin + sliceSize, bytesLength);\r\n var bytes = new Array(end - begin);\r\n for (var offset = begin, i = 0; offset < end; ++i, ++offset) {\r\n bytes[i] = byteCharacters[offset].charCodeAt(0);\r\n }\r\n byteArrays[sliceIndex] = new Uint8Array(bytes);\r\n }\r\n return blobConstruct(byteArrays, mimeType);\r\n}\r\nexports.base64ToBlob = base64ToBlob;\r\nfunction dataUrlToBlob(url) {\r\n // var name = 'b64blob ' + url.length\r\n // console.time(name)\r\n var urlParts = url.split(',');\r\n var base64str = urlParts[1];\r\n var mimeType = urlParts[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0];\r\n var blob = base64ToBlob(base64str, mimeType);\r\n // console.timeEnd(name)\r\n return blob;\r\n}\r\nexports.dataUrlToBlob = dataUrlToBlob;\r\nfunction blobConstruct(blobParts, mimeType = '') {\r\n let blob;\r\n const safeMimeType = blobSafeMimeType(mimeType);\r\n try {\r\n blob = new Blob(blobParts, { type: safeMimeType });\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n let bb = new BlobBuilder;\r\n blobParts.forEach((blobPart) => {\r\n bb.append(blobPart);\r\n });\r\n blob = bb.getBlob(safeMimeType);\r\n }\r\n return blob;\r\n}\r\nexports.blobConstruct = blobConstruct;\r\nfunction blobSafeMimeType(mimeType) {\r\n if ([\r\n 'image/jpeg',\r\n 'image/png',\r\n 'image/gif',\r\n 'image/webp',\r\n 'image/bmp',\r\n 'video/mp4',\r\n 'video/webm',\r\n 'video/quicktime',\r\n 'audio/ogg',\r\n 'audio/mpeg',\r\n 'audio/mp4',\r\n 'application/json'\r\n ].indexOf(mimeType) === -1) {\r\n return 'application/octet-stream';\r\n }\r\n return mimeType;\r\n}\r\nexports.blobSafeMimeType = blobSafeMimeType;\r\nfunction bytesCmp(bytes1, bytes2) {\r\n var len = bytes1.length;\r\n if (len != bytes2.length) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n if (bytes1[i] != bytes2[i]) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesCmp = bytesCmp;\r\nfunction bytesXor(bytes1, bytes2) {\r\n var len = bytes1.length;\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {\r\n bytes[i] = bytes1[i] ^ bytes2[i];\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesXor = bytesXor;\r\nfunction bytesFromBigInt(bigInt, len) {\r\n var bytes = bigInt.toByteArray();\r\n if (len && bytes.length < len) {\r\n var padding = [];\r\n for (var i = 0, needPadding = len - bytes.length; i < needPadding; i++) {\r\n padding[i] = 0;\r\n }\r\n if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n bytes = bufferConcat(padding, bytes);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n bytes = padding.concat(bytes);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n while (!bytes[0] && (!len || bytes.length > len)) {\r\n bytes = bytes.slice(1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromBigInt = bytesFromBigInt;\r\nfunction bytesToArrayBuffer(b) {\r\n return (new Uint8Array(b)).buffer;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesToArrayBuffer = bytesToArrayBuffer;\r\nfunction convertToArrayBuffer(bytes) {\r\n // Be careful with converting subarrays!!\r\n if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n if (bytes.buffer !== undefined &&\r\n bytes.buffer.byteLength == bytes.length * bytes.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) {\r\n return bytes.buffer;\r\n }\r\n return bytesToArrayBuffer(bytes);\r\n}\r\nexports.convertToArrayBuffer = convertToArrayBuffer;\r\nfunction convertToUint8Array(bytes) {\r\n if (bytes.buffer !== undefined) {\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n return new Uint8Array(bytes);\r\n}\r\nexports.convertToUint8Array = convertToUint8Array;\r\nfunction convertToByteArray(bytes) {\r\n if (Array.isArray(bytes)) {\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n bytes = convertToUint8Array(bytes);\r\n var newBytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0, len = bytes.length; i < len; i++) {\r\n newBytes.push(bytes[i]);\r\n }\r\n return newBytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.convertToByteArray = convertToByteArray;\r\nfunction bytesFromArrayBuffer(buffer) {\r\n var len = buffer.byteLength;\r\n var byteView = new Uint8Array(buffer);\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {\r\n bytes[i] = byteView[i];\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromArrayBuffer = bytesFromArrayBuffer;\r\nfunction bufferConcat(buffer1, buffer2) {\r\n var l1 = buffer1.byteLength || buffer1.length;\r\n var l2 = buffer2.byteLength || buffer2.length;\r\n var tmp = new Uint8Array(l1 + l2);\r\n tmp.set(buffer1 instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(buffer1) : buffer1, 0);\r\n tmp.set(buffer2 instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(buffer2) : buffer2, l1);\r\n return tmp.buffer;\r\n}\r\nexports.bufferConcat = bufferConcat;\r\nfunction bufferConcats(...args) {\r\n let length = 0;\r\n args.forEach(b => length += b.byteLength || b.length);\r\n var tmp = new Uint8Array(length);\r\n let lastLength = 0;\r\n args.forEach(b => {\r\n tmp.set(b instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(b) : b, lastLength);\r\n lastLength += b.byteLength || b.length;\r\n });\r\n return tmp /* .buffer */;\r\n}\r\nexports.bufferConcats = bufferConcats;\r\nfunction longToInts(sLong) {\r\n var divRem = bigStringInt(sLong).divideAndRemainder(bigint(0x100000000));\r\n return [divRem[0].intValue(), divRem[1].intValue()];\r\n}\r\nexports.longToInts = longToInts;\r\nfunction bytesFromWords(wordArray) {\r\n var words = wordArray.words;\r\n var sigBytes = wordArray.sigBytes;\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < sigBytes; i++) {\r\n bytes.push((words[i >>> 2] >>> (24 - (i % 4) * 8)) & 0xff);\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromWords = bytesFromWords;\r\nfunction bytesFromWordss(input) {\r\n var o = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < input.length * 4; i++) {\r\n o.push((input[i >>> 2] >>> (24 - (i % 4) * 8)) & 0xff);\r\n }\r\n return o;\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromWordss = bytesFromWordss;\r\nfunction bytesToWordss(input) {\r\n let bytes;\r\n if (input instanceof ArrayBuffer)\r\n bytes = new Uint8Array(input);\r\n else\r\n bytes = input;\r\n var len = bytes.length;\r\n var words = [];\r\n var i;\r\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n words[i >>> 2] |= bytes[i] << (24 - (i % 4) * 8);\r\n }\r\n return new Uint32Array(words);\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesToWordss = bytesToWordss;\r\nfunction longToBytes(sLong) {\r\n return bytesFromWords({ words: longToInts(sLong), sigBytes: 8 }).reverse();\r\n}\r\nexports.longToBytes = longToBytes;\r\nfunction longFromInts(high, low) {\r\n return bigint(high).shiftLeft(32).add(bigint(low)).toString(10);\r\n}\r\nexports.longFromInts = longFromInts;\r\nfunction addPadding(bytes, blockSize = 16, zeroes, full = false, prepend = false) {\r\n let len = bytes.byteLength || bytes.length;\r\n let needPadding = blockSize - (len % blockSize);\r\n if (needPadding > 0 && (needPadding < blockSize || full)) {\r\n ////console.log('addPadding()', len, blockSize, needPadding);\r\n let padding = new Array(needPadding);\r\n if (zeroes) {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < needPadding; i++) {\r\n padding[i] = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n (new jsbn_1.SecureRandom()).nextBytes(padding);\r\n }\r\n if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n bytes = prepend ? bufferConcat(padding, bytes) : bufferConcat(bytes, padding);\r\n }\r\n else if (bytes instanceof Uint8Array) {\r\n let _bytes = new Uint8Array(bytes.length + padding.length);\r\n if (prepend) {\r\n _bytes.set(padding);\r\n _bytes.set(bytes, padding.length);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n _bytes.set(bytes);\r\n _bytes.set(padding, bytes.length);\r\n }\r\n bytes = _bytes;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n bytes = prepend ? padding.concat(bytes) : bytes.concat(padding);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.addPadding = addPadding;\r\nfunction nextRandomInt(maxValue) {\r\n return Math.floor(Math.random() * maxValue);\r\n}\r\nexports.nextRandomInt = nextRandomInt;\r\nfunction getFileNameByLocation(location, options) {\r\n const fileName = ''; //(options?.fileName || '').split('.');\r\n const ext = fileName[fileName.length - 1] || '';\r\n switch (location._) {\r\n case 'inputPhotoFileLocation':\r\n case 'inputDocumentFileLocation': {\r\n const thumbPart = location.thumb_size ? '_' + location.thumb_size : '';\r\n return (fileName[0] ? fileName[0] + '_' : '') + location.id + thumbPart + (ext ? '.' + ext : ext);\r\n }\r\n case 'fileLocationToBeDeprecated':\r\n case 'inputPeerPhotoFileLocation':\r\n case 'inputStickerSetThumb':\r\n case 'inputFileLocation': {\r\n return location.volume_id + '_' + location.local_id + (ext ? '.' + ext : ext);\r\n }\r\n default: {\r\n console.error('Unrecognized location:', location);\r\n return '';\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.getFileNameByLocation = getFileNameByLocation;\r\n" }, { "id": 1, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\logger.ts", "name": "./src/lib/logger.ts", "index": 21, "index2": 15, "size": 1851, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerId": 19, "issuerName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": 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"userRequest": "../logger", "loc": "24:17-37" }, { "moduleId": 32, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiFileManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../logger", "loc": "20:17-37" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 1, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.logger = exports.LogLevels = void 0;\r\nvar LogLevels;\r\n(function (LogLevels) {\r\n LogLevels[LogLevels[\"log\"] = 1] = \"log\";\r\n LogLevels[LogLevels[\"warn\"] = 2] = \"warn\";\r\n LogLevels[LogLevels[\"error\"] = 4] = \"error\";\r\n LogLevels[LogLevels[\"debug\"] = 8] = \"debug\";\r\n})(LogLevels = exports.LogLevels || (exports.LogLevels = {}));\r\n;\r\nvar _logTimer = Date.now();\r\nfunction dT() {\r\n return '[' + ((Date.now() - _logTimer) / 1000).toFixed(3) + ']';\r\n}\r\nfunction logger(prefix, level = LogLevels.log | LogLevels.warn | LogLevels.error) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV == 'production' /* || true */) {\r\n level = LogLevels.error;\r\n }\r\n //level = LogLevels.log | LogLevels.warn | LogLevels.error | LogLevels.debug\r\n function Log(...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.log && console.log(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n }\r\n Log.warn = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.warn && console.warn(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n Log.info = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.log && console.info(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n Log.error = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.error && console.error(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n Log.trace = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.log && console.trace(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n /* Log.debug = function(...args: any[]) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.debug && console.log(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n }; */\r\n Log.debug = function (...args) {\r\n return level & LogLevels.debug && console.debug(dT(), '[' + prefix + ']:', ...args);\r\n };\r\n return Log;\r\n}\r\nexports.logger = logger;\r\n;\r\n" }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\cryptoworker.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "index": 18, "index2": 17, "size": 4865, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerId": 19, "issuerName": 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(function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });\r\n}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {\r\n if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;\r\n o[k2] = m[k];\r\n}));\r\nvar __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(o, \"default\", { enumerable: true, value: v });\r\n}) : function(o, v) {\r\n o[\"default\"] = v;\r\n});\r\nvar __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {\r\n if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;\r\n var result = {};\r\n if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);\r\n __setModuleDefault(result, mod);\r\n return result;\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst crypto_methods_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./crypto_methods\"));\r\nclass CryptoWorker extends crypto_methods_1.default {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super();\r\n this.webWorker = false;\r\n this.taskID = 0;\r\n this.awaiting = {};\r\n this.pending = [];\r\n this.debug = false;\r\n this.utils = {};\r\n console.log(bin_utils_1.dT(), 'CW constructor');\r\n //////////////////////////\r\n Promise.all([\r\n Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('./crypto_utils'))).then(utils => {\r\n Object.assign(this.utils, {\r\n 'sha1-hash': utils.sha1HashSync,\r\n 'sha256-hash': utils.sha256HashSync,\r\n 'pbkdf2': utils.hash_pbkdf2,\r\n 'aes-encrypt': utils.aesEncryptSync,\r\n 'aes-decrypt': utils.aesDecryptSync,\r\n 'rsa-encrypt': utils.rsaEncrypt,\r\n 'factorize': utils.pqPrimeFactorization,\r\n 'mod-pow': utils.bytesModPow,\r\n 'gzipUncompress': utils.gzipUncompress,\r\n });\r\n }),\r\n Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('./srp'))).then(srp => {\r\n this.utils.computeSRP = srp.computeSRP;\r\n }) /* ,\r\n \r\n import('../bin_utils').then(utils => {\r\n this.utils.unzip = utils.gzipUncompress;\r\n }) */\r\n ]);\r\n return;\r\n /////////////\r\n ///////////////////////\r\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n /////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n ///////////////////////////////////////\r\n ///////////////////////////////////////////\r\n ///////////////////////////////\r\n ///////////////////////////////////////\r\n ///////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n //////////////////////////////////\r\n //////////////////\r\n ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n ///////////\r\n //////////\r\n /////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n ///////////////////////////////////////////\r\n /////////////////////////////////\r\n //////////\r\n /////////\r\n /////\r\n //////////////\r\n }\r\n finalizeTask(taskID, result) {\r\n let deferred = this.awaiting[taskID];\r\n if (deferred !== undefined) {\r\n this.debug && console.log(bin_utils_1.dT(), 'CW done', deferred.taskName, result);\r\n deferred.resolve(result);\r\n delete this.awaiting[taskID];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n performTaskWorker(task, ...args) {\r\n this.debug && console.log(bin_utils_1.dT(), 'CW start', task, args);\r\n //////////////////////////\r\n return Promise.resolve(this.utils[task](...args));\r\n /////////////\r\n ////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n //\r\n ////////////////////\r\n /////////////\r\n ////////////////////////////\r\n ////////////\r\n ////////\r\n ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n ////////////////////////////////\r\n ////////////////////////////\r\n //\r\n ////////////////////\r\n ///////\r\n //////////////\r\n }\r\n releasePending() {\r\n if (this.webWorker) {\r\n this.pending.forEach(pending => {\r\n this.webWorker.postMessage(pending);\r\n });\r\n this.pending.length = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nconst cryptoWorker = new CryptoWorker();\r\n//(window as any).CryptoWorker = cryptoWorker;\r\nexports.default = cryptoWorker;\r\n" }, { "id": 3, "identifier": 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../storage", "loc": "7:34-55" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 1, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst mtproto_config_1 = require(\"./mtproto/mtproto_config\");\r\nconst context_1 = require(\"../helpers/context\");\r\nclass ConfigStorage {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.keyPrefix = '';\r\n this.noPrefix = false;\r\n this.cache = {};\r\n this.useLs = true;\r\n }\r\n storageGetPrefix() {\r\n if (this.noPrefix) {\r\n this.noPrefix = false;\r\n return '';\r\n }\r\n return this.keyPrefix;\r\n }\r\n get(keys, callback) {\r\n var single = false;\r\n if (!Array.isArray(keys)) {\r\n keys = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);\r\n callback = keys.pop();\r\n single = keys.length == 1;\r\n }\r\n var result = [], value;\r\n var allFound = true;\r\n var prefix = this.storageGetPrefix(), i, key;\r\n for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\r\n key = keys[i] = prefix + keys[i];\r\n if (key.substr(0, 3) != 'xt_' && this.cache[key] !== undefined) {\r\n result.push(this.cache[key]);\r\n }\r\n else if (this.useLs) {\r\n try {\r\n value = localStorage.getItem(key);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.useLs = false;\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n value = (value === undefined || value === null) ? false : JSON.parse(value);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n value = false;\r\n }\r\n result.push(this.cache[key] = value);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n allFound = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (allFound) {\r\n return callback(single ? result[0] : result);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n set(obj, callback) {\r\n var keyValues = {};\r\n var prefix = this.storageGetPrefix(), key, value;\r\n //console.log('storageSetValue', obj, callback, arguments);\r\n for (key in obj) {\r\n if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {\r\n value = obj[key];\r\n key = prefix + key;\r\n this.cache[key] = value;\r\n value = JSON.stringify(value, (key, value) => {\r\n if (key == 'downloaded' || (key == 'url' && value.indexOf('blob:') === 0))\r\n return undefined;\r\n return value;\r\n });\r\n if (this.useLs) {\r\n try {\r\n //console.log('setItem', key, value);\r\n localStorage.setItem(key, value);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.useLs = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n keyValues[key] = value;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (this.useLs) {\r\n if (callback) {\r\n callback();\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n remove(keys, callback) {\r\n if (!Array.isArray(keys)) {\r\n keys = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);\r\n if (typeof keys[keys.length - 1] === 'function') {\r\n callback = keys.pop();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n var prefix = this.storageGetPrefix(), i, key;\r\n for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {\r\n key = keys[i] = prefix + keys[i];\r\n delete this.cache[key];\r\n if (this.useLs) {\r\n try {\r\n localStorage.removeItem(key);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.useLs = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (callback) {\r\n callback();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n clear(callback) {\r\n if (this.useLs) {\r\n try {\r\n localStorage.clear();\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.useLs = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.cache = {};\r\n callback();\r\n }\r\n}\r\nclass AppStorage {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.taskID = 0;\r\n this.tasks = {};\r\n //private log = (...args: any[]) => console.log('[SW LS]', ...args);\r\n this.log = (...args) => { };\r\n if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.test) {\r\n this.setPrefix('t_');\r\n }\r\n if (!context_1.isWorker) {\r\n this.configStorage = new ConfigStorage();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n setPrefix(newPrefix) {\r\n if (this.configStorage) {\r\n this.configStorage.keyPrefix = newPrefix;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n noPrefix() {\r\n if (this.configStorage) {\r\n this.configStorage.noPrefix = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n finishTask(taskID, result) {\r\n this.log('finishTask:', taskID, result, Object.keys(this.tasks));\r\n if (!this.tasks.hasOwnProperty(taskID)) {\r\n this.log('no such task:', taskID, result);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.tasks[taskID](result);\r\n delete this.tasks[taskID];\r\n }\r\n proxy(methodName, ..._args) {\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n if (context_1.isWorker) {\r\n const taskID = this.taskID++;\r\n this.tasks[taskID] = resolve;\r\n const task = { useLs: true, task: methodName, taskID, args: _args };\r\n context_1.notifySomeone(task);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let args = Array.prototype.slice.call(_args);\r\n args.push((result) => {\r\n resolve(result);\r\n });\r\n this.configStorage[methodName].apply(this.configStorage, args);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n get(...args) {\r\n return this.proxy('get', ...args);\r\n }\r\n set(...args) {\r\n //console.trace(...args);\r\n return this.proxy('set', ...args);\r\n }\r\n remove(...args) {\r\n return this.proxy('remove', ...args);\r\n }\r\n clear(...args) {\r\n return this.proxy('clear', ...args);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = new AppStorage();\r\n" }, { "id": 4, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto_config.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto_config.ts", "index": 6, "index2": 3, "size": 467, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\storage.ts", "issuerId": 3, "issuerName": "./src/lib/storage.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": 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require", "userRequest": "./mtproto_config", "loc": "27:25-52" }, { "moduleId": 29, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./mtproto_config", "loc": "8:25-52" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.Modes = exports.App = void 0;\r\nexports.App = {\r\n id: 1025907,\r\n hash: '452b0359b988148995f22ff0f4229750',\r\n version: '0.3.0',\r\n domains: [],\r\n baseDcID: 2\r\n};\r\nexports.Modes = {\r\n test: location.search.indexOf('test=1') > 0 /* || true */,\r\n debug: location.search.indexOf('debug=1') > 0,\r\n http: false,\r\n ssl: true,\r\n multipleConnections: true\r\n};\r\n" }, { "id": 5, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\jsbn\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/jsbn/index.js", "index": 3, "index2": 0, "size": 42308, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\polyfill.ts", "issuerId": 20, "issuerName": "./src/lib/polyfill.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 20, "identifier": 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"type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "jsbn", "loc": "23:15-30" }, { "moduleId": 20, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\polyfill.ts", "module": "./src/lib/polyfill.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/polyfill.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "jsbn", "loc": "6:15-30" }, { "moduleId": 30, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\authorizer.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "jsbn", "loc": "22:15-30" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "(function(){\n\n // Copyright (c) 2005 Tom Wu\n // All Rights Reserved.\n // See \"LICENSE\" for details.\n\n // Basic JavaScript BN library - subset useful for RSA encryption.\n\n // Bits per digit\n var dbits;\n\n // JavaScript engine analysis\n var canary = 0xdeadbeefcafe;\n var j_lm = ((canary&0xffffff)==0xefcafe);\n\n // (public) Constructor\n function BigInteger(a,b,c) {\n if(a != null)\n if(\"number\" == typeof a) this.fromNumber(a,b,c);\n else if(b == null && \"string\" != typeof a) this.fromString(a,256);\n else this.fromString(a,b);\n }\n\n // return new, unset BigInteger\n function nbi() { return new BigInteger(null); }\n\n // am: Compute w_j += (x*this_i), propagate carries,\n // c is initial carry, returns final carry.\n // c < 3*dvalue, x < 2*dvalue, this_i < dvalue\n // We need to select the fastest one that works in this environment.\n\n // am1: use a single mult and divide to get the high bits,\n // max digit bits should be 26 because\n // max internal value = 2*dvalue^2-2*dvalue (< 2^53)\n function am1(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var v = x*this[i++]+w[j]+c;\n c = Math.floor(v/0x4000000);\n w[j++] = v&0x3ffffff;\n }\n return c;\n }\n // am2 avoids a big mult-and-extract completely.\n // Max digit bits should be <= 30 because we do bitwise ops\n // on values up to 2*hdvalue^2-hdvalue-1 (< 2^31)\n function am2(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n var xl = x&0x7fff, xh = x>>15;\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var l = this[i]&0x7fff;\n var h = this[i++]>>15;\n var m = xh*l+h*xl;\n l = xl*l+((m&0x7fff)<<15)+w[j]+(c&0x3fffffff);\n c = (l>>>30)+(m>>>15)+xh*h+(c>>>30);\n w[j++] = l&0x3fffffff;\n }\n return c;\n }\n // Alternately, set max digit bits to 28 since some\n // browsers slow down when dealing with 32-bit numbers.\n function am3(i,x,w,j,c,n) {\n var xl = x&0x3fff, xh = x>>14;\n while(--n >= 0) {\n var l = this[i]&0x3fff;\n var h = this[i++]>>14;\n var m = xh*l+h*xl;\n l = xl*l+((m&0x3fff)<<14)+w[j]+c;\n c = (l>>28)+(m>>14)+xh*h;\n w[j++] = l&0xfffffff;\n }\n return c;\n }\n var inBrowser = typeof navigator !== \"undefined\";\n if(inBrowser && j_lm && (navigator.appName == \"Microsoft Internet Explorer\")) {\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am2;\n dbits = 30;\n }\n else if(inBrowser && j_lm && (navigator.appName != \"Netscape\")) {\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am1;\n dbits = 26;\n }\n else { // Mozilla/Netscape seems to prefer am3\n BigInteger.prototype.am = am3;\n dbits = 28;\n }\n\n BigInteger.prototype.DB = dbits;\n BigInteger.prototype.DM = ((1<= 0; --i) r[i] = this[i];\n r.t = this.t;\n r.s = this.s;\n }\n\n // (protected) set from integer value x, -DV <= x < DV\n function bnpFromInt(x) {\n this.t = 1;\n this.s = (x<0)?-1:0;\n if(x > 0) this[0] = x;\n else if(x < -1) this[0] = x+this.DV;\n else this.t = 0;\n }\n\n // return bigint initialized to value\n function nbv(i) { var r = nbi(); r.fromInt(i); return r; }\n\n // (protected) set from string and radix\n function bnpFromString(s,b) {\n var k;\n if(b == 16) k = 4;\n else if(b == 8) k = 3;\n else if(b == 256) k = 8; // byte array\n else if(b == 2) k = 1;\n else if(b == 32) k = 5;\n else if(b == 4) k = 2;\n else { this.fromRadix(s,b); return; }\n this.t = 0;\n this.s = 0;\n var i = s.length, mi = false, sh = 0;\n while(--i >= 0) {\n var x = (k==8)?s[i]&0xff:intAt(s,i);\n if(x < 0) {\n if(s.charAt(i) == \"-\") mi = true;\n continue;\n }\n mi = false;\n if(sh == 0)\n this[this.t++] = x;\n else if(sh+k > this.DB) {\n this[this.t-1] |= (x&((1<<(this.DB-sh))-1))<>(this.DB-sh));\n }\n else\n this[this.t-1] |= x<= this.DB) sh -= this.DB;\n }\n if(k == 8 && (s[0]&0x80) != 0) {\n this.s = -1;\n if(sh > 0) this[this.t-1] |= ((1<<(this.DB-sh))-1)< 0 && this[this.t-1] == c) --this.t;\n }\n\n // (public) return string representation in given radix\n function bnToString(b) {\n if(this.s < 0) return \"-\"+this.negate().toString(b);\n var k;\n if(b == 16) k = 4;\n else if(b == 8) k = 3;\n else if(b == 2) k = 1;\n else if(b == 32) k = 5;\n else if(b == 4) k = 2;\n else return this.toRadix(b);\n var km = (1< 0) {\n if(p < this.DB && (d = this[i]>>p) > 0) { m = true; r = int2char(d); }\n while(i >= 0) {\n if(p < k) {\n d = (this[i]&((1<>(p+=this.DB-k);\n }\n else {\n d = (this[i]>>(p-=k))&km;\n if(p <= 0) { p += this.DB; --i; }\n }\n if(d > 0) m = true;\n if(m) r += int2char(d);\n }\n }\n return m?r:\"0\";\n }\n\n // (public) -this\n function bnNegate() { var r = nbi(); BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) |this|\n function bnAbs() { return (this.s<0)?this.negate():this; }\n\n // (public) return + if this > a, - if this < a, 0 if equal\n function bnCompareTo(a) {\n var r = this.s-a.s;\n if(r != 0) return r;\n var i = this.t;\n r = i-a.t;\n if(r != 0) return (this.s<0)?-r:r;\n while(--i >= 0) if((r=this[i]-a[i]) != 0) return r;\n return 0;\n }\n\n // returns bit length of the integer x\n function nbits(x) {\n var r = 1, t;\n if((t=x>>>16) != 0) { x = t; r += 16; }\n if((t=x>>8) != 0) { x = t; r += 8; }\n if((t=x>>4) != 0) { x = t; r += 4; }\n if((t=x>>2) != 0) { x = t; r += 2; }\n if((t=x>>1) != 0) { x = t; r += 1; }\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) return the number of bits in \"this\"\n function bnBitLength() {\n if(this.t <= 0) return 0;\n return this.DB*(this.t-1)+nbits(this[this.t-1]^(this.s&this.DM));\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this << n*DB\n function bnpDLShiftTo(n,r) {\n var i;\n for(i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r[i+n] = this[i];\n for(i = n-1; i >= 0; --i) r[i] = 0;\n r.t = this.t+n;\n r.s = this.s;\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this >> n*DB\n function bnpDRShiftTo(n,r) {\n for(var i = n; i < this.t; ++i) r[i-n] = this[i];\n r.t = Math.max(this.t-n,0);\n r.s = this.s;\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this << n\n function bnpLShiftTo(n,r) {\n var bs = n%this.DB;\n var cbs = this.DB-bs;\n var bm = (1<= 0; --i) {\n r[i+ds+1] = (this[i]>>cbs)|c;\n c = (this[i]&bm)<= 0; --i) r[i] = 0;\n r[ds] = c;\n r.t = this.t+ds+1;\n r.s = this.s;\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this >> n\n function bnpRShiftTo(n,r) {\n r.s = this.s;\n var ds = Math.floor(n/this.DB);\n if(ds >= this.t) { r.t = 0; return; }\n var bs = n%this.DB;\n var cbs = this.DB-bs;\n var bm = (1<>bs;\n for(var i = ds+1; i < this.t; ++i) {\n r[i-ds-1] |= (this[i]&bm)<>bs;\n }\n if(bs > 0) r[this.t-ds-1] |= (this.s&bm)<>= this.DB;\n }\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n c -= a.s;\n while(i < this.t) {\n c += this[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += this.s;\n }\n else {\n c += this.s;\n while(i < a.t) {\n c -= a[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c -= a.s;\n }\n r.s = (c<0)?-1:0;\n if(c < -1) r[i++] = this.DV+c;\n else if(c > 0) r[i++] = c;\n r.t = i;\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this * a, r != this,a (HAC 14.12)\n // \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\n function bnpMultiplyTo(a,r) {\n var x = this.abs(), y = a.abs();\n var i = x.t;\n r.t = i+y.t;\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < y.t; ++i) r[i+x.t] = x.am(0,y[i],r,i,0,x.t);\n r.s = 0;\n r.clamp();\n if(this.s != a.s) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r,r);\n }\n\n // (protected) r = this^2, r != this (HAC 14.16)\n function bnpSquareTo(r) {\n var x = this.abs();\n var i = r.t = 2*x.t;\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < x.t-1; ++i) {\n var c = x.am(i,x[i],r,2*i,0,1);\n if((r[i+x.t]+=x.am(i+1,2*x[i],r,2*i+1,c,x.t-i-1)) >= x.DV) {\n r[i+x.t] -= x.DV;\n r[i+x.t+1] = 1;\n }\n }\n if(r.t > 0) r[r.t-1] += x.am(i,x[i],r,2*i,0,1);\n r.s = 0;\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) divide this by m, quotient and remainder to q, r (HAC 14.20)\n // r != q, this != m. q or r may be null.\n function bnpDivRemTo(m,q,r) {\n var pm = m.abs();\n if(pm.t <= 0) return;\n var pt = this.abs();\n if(pt.t < pm.t) {\n if(q != null) q.fromInt(0);\n if(r != null) this.copyTo(r);\n return;\n }\n if(r == null) r = nbi();\n var y = nbi(), ts = this.s, ms = m.s;\n var nsh = this.DB-nbits(pm[pm.t-1]); // normalize modulus\n if(nsh > 0) { pm.lShiftTo(nsh,y); pt.lShiftTo(nsh,r); }\n else { pm.copyTo(y); pt.copyTo(r); }\n var ys = y.t;\n var y0 = y[ys-1];\n if(y0 == 0) return;\n var yt = y0*(1<1)?y[ys-2]>>this.F2:0);\n var d1 = this.FV/yt, d2 = (1<= 0) {\n r[r.t++] = 1;\n r.subTo(t,r);\n }\n BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(ys,t);\n t.subTo(y,y); // \"negative\" y so we can replace sub with am later\n while(y.t < ys) y[y.t++] = 0;\n while(--j >= 0) {\n // Estimate quotient digit\n var qd = (r[--i]==y0)?this.DM:Math.floor(r[i]*d1+(r[i-1]+e)*d2);\n if((r[i]+=y.am(0,qd,r,j,0,ys)) < qd) { // Try it out\n y.dlShiftTo(j,t);\n r.subTo(t,r);\n while(r[i] < --qd) r.subTo(t,r);\n }\n }\n if(q != null) {\n r.drShiftTo(ys,q);\n if(ts != ms) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(q,q);\n }\n r.t = ys;\n r.clamp();\n if(nsh > 0) r.rShiftTo(nsh,r); // Denormalize remainder\n if(ts < 0) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r,r);\n }\n\n // (public) this mod a\n function bnMod(a) {\n var r = nbi();\n this.abs().divRemTo(a,null,r);\n if(this.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) a.subTo(r,r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // Modular reduction using \"classic\" algorithm\n function Classic(m) { this.m = m; }\n function cConvert(x) {\n if(x.s < 0 || x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) return x.mod(this.m);\n else return x;\n }\n function cRevert(x) { return x; }\n function cReduce(x) { x.divRemTo(this.m,null,x); }\n function cMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n function cSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n Classic.prototype.convert = cConvert;\n Classic.prototype.revert = cRevert;\n Classic.prototype.reduce = cReduce;\n Classic.prototype.mulTo = cMulTo;\n Classic.prototype.sqrTo = cSqrTo;\n\n // (protected) return \"-1/this % 2^DB\"; useful for Mont. reduction\n // justification:\n // xy == 1 (mod m)\n // xy = 1+km\n // xy(2-xy) = (1+km)(1-km)\n // x[y(2-xy)] = 1-k^2m^2\n // x[y(2-xy)] == 1 (mod m^2)\n // if y is 1/x mod m, then y(2-xy) is 1/x mod m^2\n // should reduce x and y(2-xy) by m^2 at each step to keep size bounded.\n // JS multiply \"overflows\" differently from C/C++, so care is needed here.\n function bnpInvDigit() {\n if(this.t < 1) return 0;\n var x = this[0];\n if((x&1) == 0) return 0;\n var y = x&3; // y == 1/x mod 2^2\n y = (y*(2-(x&0xf)*y))&0xf; // y == 1/x mod 2^4\n y = (y*(2-(x&0xff)*y))&0xff; // y == 1/x mod 2^8\n y = (y*(2-(((x&0xffff)*y)&0xffff)))&0xffff; // y == 1/x mod 2^16\n // last step - calculate inverse mod DV directly;\n // assumes 16 < DB <= 32 and assumes ability to handle 48-bit ints\n y = (y*(2-x*y%this.DV))%this.DV; // y == 1/x mod 2^dbits\n // we really want the negative inverse, and -DV < y < DV\n return (y>0)?this.DV-y:-y;\n }\n\n // Montgomery reduction\n function Montgomery(m) {\n this.m = m;\n this.mp = m.invDigit();\n this.mpl = this.mp&0x7fff;\n this.mph = this.mp>>15;\n this.um = (1<<(m.DB-15))-1;\n this.mt2 = 2*m.t;\n }\n\n // xR mod m\n function montConvert(x) {\n var r = nbi();\n x.abs().dlShiftTo(this.m.t,r);\n r.divRemTo(this.m,null,r);\n if(x.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) this.m.subTo(r,r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // x/R mod m\n function montRevert(x) {\n var r = nbi();\n x.copyTo(r);\n this.reduce(r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // x = x/R mod m (HAC 14.32)\n function montReduce(x) {\n while(x.t <= this.mt2) // pad x so am has enough room later\n x[x.t++] = 0;\n for(var i = 0; i < this.m.t; ++i) {\n // faster way of calculating u0 = x[i]*mp mod DV\n var j = x[i]&0x7fff;\n var u0 = (j*this.mpl+(((j*this.mph+(x[i]>>15)*this.mpl)&this.um)<<15))&x.DM;\n // use am to combine the multiply-shift-add into one call\n j = i+this.m.t;\n x[j] += this.m.am(0,u0,x,i,0,this.m.t);\n // propagate carry\n while(x[j] >= x.DV) { x[j] -= x.DV; x[++j]++; }\n }\n x.clamp();\n x.drShiftTo(this.m.t,x);\n if(x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m,x);\n }\n\n // r = \"x^2/R mod m\"; x != r\n function montSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n // r = \"xy/R mod m\"; x,y != r\n function montMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n Montgomery.prototype.convert = montConvert;\n Montgomery.prototype.revert = montRevert;\n Montgomery.prototype.reduce = montReduce;\n Montgomery.prototype.mulTo = montMulTo;\n Montgomery.prototype.sqrTo = montSqrTo;\n\n // (protected) true iff this is even\n function bnpIsEven() { return ((this.t>0)?(this[0]&1):this.s) == 0; }\n\n // (protected) this^e, e < 2^32, doing sqr and mul with \"r\" (HAC 14.79)\n function bnpExp(e,z) {\n if(e > 0xffffffff || e < 1) return BigInteger.ONE;\n var r = nbi(), r2 = nbi(), g = z.convert(this), i = nbits(e)-1;\n g.copyTo(r);\n while(--i >= 0) {\n z.sqrTo(r,r2);\n if((e&(1< 0) z.mulTo(r2,g,r);\n else { var t = r; r = r2; r2 = t; }\n }\n return z.revert(r);\n }\n\n // (public) this^e % m, 0 <= e < 2^32\n function bnModPowInt(e,m) {\n var z;\n if(e < 256 || m.isEven()) z = new Classic(m); else z = new Montgomery(m);\n return this.exp(e,z);\n }\n\n // protected\n BigInteger.prototype.copyTo = bnpCopyTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.fromInt = bnpFromInt;\n BigInteger.prototype.fromString = bnpFromString;\n BigInteger.prototype.clamp = bnpClamp;\n BigInteger.prototype.dlShiftTo = bnpDLShiftTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.drShiftTo = bnpDRShiftTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.lShiftTo = bnpLShiftTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.rShiftTo = bnpRShiftTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.subTo = bnpSubTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.multiplyTo = bnpMultiplyTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.squareTo = bnpSquareTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.divRemTo = bnpDivRemTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.invDigit = bnpInvDigit;\n BigInteger.prototype.isEven = bnpIsEven;\n BigInteger.prototype.exp = bnpExp;\n\n // public\n BigInteger.prototype.toString = bnToString;\n BigInteger.prototype.negate = bnNegate;\n BigInteger.prototype.abs = bnAbs;\n BigInteger.prototype.compareTo = bnCompareTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.bitLength = bnBitLength;\n BigInteger.prototype.mod = bnMod;\n BigInteger.prototype.modPowInt = bnModPowInt;\n\n // \"constants\"\n BigInteger.ZERO = nbv(0);\n BigInteger.ONE = nbv(1);\n\n // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Tom Wu\n // All Rights Reserved.\n // See \"LICENSE\" for details.\n\n // Extended JavaScript BN functions, required for RSA private ops.\n\n // Version 1.1: new BigInteger(\"0\", 10) returns \"proper\" zero\n // Version 1.2: square() API, isProbablePrime fix\n\n // (public)\n function bnClone() { var r = nbi(); this.copyTo(r); return r; }\n\n // (public) return value as integer\n function bnIntValue() {\n if(this.s < 0) {\n if(this.t == 1) return this[0]-this.DV;\n else if(this.t == 0) return -1;\n }\n else if(this.t == 1) return this[0];\n else if(this.t == 0) return 0;\n // assumes 16 < DB < 32\n return ((this[1]&((1<<(32-this.DB))-1))<>24; }\n\n // (public) return value as short (assumes DB>=16)\n function bnShortValue() { return (this.t==0)?this.s:(this[0]<<16)>>16; }\n\n // (protected) return x s.t. r^x < DV\n function bnpChunkSize(r) { return Math.floor(Math.LN2*this.DB/Math.log(r)); }\n\n // (public) 0 if this == 0, 1 if this > 0\n function bnSigNum() {\n if(this.s < 0) return -1;\n else if(this.t <= 0 || (this.t == 1 && this[0] <= 0)) return 0;\n else return 1;\n }\n\n // (protected) convert to radix string\n function bnpToRadix(b) {\n if(b == null) b = 10;\n if(this.signum() == 0 || b < 2 || b > 36) return \"0\";\n var cs = this.chunkSize(b);\n var a = Math.pow(b,cs);\n var d = nbv(a), y = nbi(), z = nbi(), r = \"\";\n this.divRemTo(d,y,z);\n while(y.signum() > 0) {\n r = (a+z.intValue()).toString(b).substr(1) + r;\n y.divRemTo(d,y,z);\n }\n return z.intValue().toString(b) + r;\n }\n\n // (protected) convert from radix string\n function bnpFromRadix(s,b) {\n this.fromInt(0);\n if(b == null) b = 10;\n var cs = this.chunkSize(b);\n var d = Math.pow(b,cs), mi = false, j = 0, w = 0;\n for(var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {\n var x = intAt(s,i);\n if(x < 0) {\n if(s.charAt(i) == \"-\" && this.signum() == 0) mi = true;\n continue;\n }\n w = b*w+x;\n if(++j >= cs) {\n this.dMultiply(d);\n this.dAddOffset(w,0);\n j = 0;\n w = 0;\n }\n }\n if(j > 0) {\n this.dMultiply(Math.pow(b,j));\n this.dAddOffset(w,0);\n }\n if(mi) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,this);\n }\n\n // (protected) alternate constructor\n function bnpFromNumber(a,b,c) {\n if(\"number\" == typeof b) {\n // new BigInteger(int,int,RNG)\n if(a < 2) this.fromInt(1);\n else {\n this.fromNumber(a,c);\n if(!this.testBit(a-1)) // force MSB set\n this.bitwiseTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a-1),op_or,this);\n if(this.isEven()) this.dAddOffset(1,0); // force odd\n while(!this.isProbablePrime(b)) {\n this.dAddOffset(2,0);\n if(this.bitLength() > a) this.subTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a-1),this);\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n // new BigInteger(int,RNG)\n var x = new Array(), t = a&7;\n x.length = (a>>3)+1;\n b.nextBytes(x);\n if(t > 0) x[0] &= ((1< 0) {\n if(p < this.DB && (d = this[i]>>p) != (this.s&this.DM)>>p)\n r[k++] = d|(this.s<<(this.DB-p));\n while(i >= 0) {\n if(p < 8) {\n d = (this[i]&((1<>(p+=this.DB-8);\n }\n else {\n d = (this[i]>>(p-=8))&0xff;\n if(p <= 0) { p += this.DB; --i; }\n }\n if((d&0x80) != 0) d |= -256;\n if(k == 0 && (this.s&0x80) != (d&0x80)) ++k;\n if(k > 0 || d != this.s) r[k++] = d;\n }\n }\n return r;\n }\n\n function bnEquals(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)==0); }\n function bnMin(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)<0)?this:a; }\n function bnMax(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)>0)?this:a; }\n\n // (protected) r = this op a (bitwise)\n function bnpBitwiseTo(a,op,r) {\n var i, f, m = Math.min(a.t,this.t);\n for(i = 0; i < m; ++i) r[i] = op(this[i],a[i]);\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n f = a.s&this.DM;\n for(i = m; i < this.t; ++i) r[i] = op(this[i],f);\n r.t = this.t;\n }\n else {\n f = this.s&this.DM;\n for(i = m; i < a.t; ++i) r[i] = op(f,a[i]);\n r.t = a.t;\n }\n r.s = op(this.s,a.s);\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (public) this & a\n function op_and(x,y) { return x&y; }\n function bnAnd(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_and,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this | a\n function op_or(x,y) { return x|y; }\n function bnOr(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_or,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this ^ a\n function op_xor(x,y) { return x^y; }\n function bnXor(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_xor,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this & ~a\n function op_andnot(x,y) { return x&~y; }\n function bnAndNot(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_andnot,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) ~this\n function bnNot() {\n var r = nbi();\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r[i] = this.DM&~this[i];\n r.t = this.t;\n r.s = ~this.s;\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) this << n\n function bnShiftLeft(n) {\n var r = nbi();\n if(n < 0) this.rShiftTo(-n,r); else this.lShiftTo(n,r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) this >> n\n function bnShiftRight(n) {\n var r = nbi();\n if(n < 0) this.lShiftTo(-n,r); else this.rShiftTo(n,r);\n return r;\n }\n\n // return index of lowest 1-bit in x, x < 2^31\n function lbit(x) {\n if(x == 0) return -1;\n var r = 0;\n if((x&0xffff) == 0) { x >>= 16; r += 16; }\n if((x&0xff) == 0) { x >>= 8; r += 8; }\n if((x&0xf) == 0) { x >>= 4; r += 4; }\n if((x&3) == 0) { x >>= 2; r += 2; }\n if((x&1) == 0) ++r;\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) returns index of lowest 1-bit (or -1 if none)\n function bnGetLowestSetBit() {\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i)\n if(this[i] != 0) return i*this.DB+lbit(this[i]);\n if(this.s < 0) return this.t*this.DB;\n return -1;\n }\n\n // return number of 1 bits in x\n function cbit(x) {\n var r = 0;\n while(x != 0) { x &= x-1; ++r; }\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) return number of set bits\n function bnBitCount() {\n var r = 0, x = this.s&this.DM;\n for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r += cbit(this[i]^x);\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) true iff nth bit is set\n function bnTestBit(n) {\n var j = Math.floor(n/this.DB);\n if(j >= this.t) return(this.s!=0);\n return((this[j]&(1<<(n%this.DB)))!=0);\n }\n\n // (protected) this op (1<>= this.DB;\n }\n if(a.t < this.t) {\n c += a.s;\n while(i < this.t) {\n c += this[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += this.s;\n }\n else {\n c += this.s;\n while(i < a.t) {\n c += a[i];\n r[i++] = c&this.DM;\n c >>= this.DB;\n }\n c += a.s;\n }\n r.s = (c<0)?-1:0;\n if(c > 0) r[i++] = c;\n else if(c < -1) r[i++] = this.DV+c;\n r.t = i;\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (public) this + a\n function bnAdd(a) { var r = nbi(); this.addTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this - a\n function bnSubtract(a) { var r = nbi(); this.subTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this * a\n function bnMultiply(a) { var r = nbi(); this.multiplyTo(a,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this^2\n function bnSquare() { var r = nbi(); this.squareTo(r); return r; }\n\n // (public) this / a\n function bnDivide(a) { var r = nbi(); this.divRemTo(a,r,null); return r; }\n\n // (public) this % a\n function bnRemainder(a) { var r = nbi(); this.divRemTo(a,null,r); return r; }\n\n // (public) [this/a,this%a]\n function bnDivideAndRemainder(a) {\n var q = nbi(), r = nbi();\n this.divRemTo(a,q,r);\n return new Array(q,r);\n }\n\n // (protected) this *= n, this >= 0, 1 < n < DV\n function bnpDMultiply(n) {\n this[this.t] = this.am(0,n-1,this,0,0,this.t);\n ++this.t;\n this.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) this += n << w words, this >= 0\n function bnpDAddOffset(n,w) {\n if(n == 0) return;\n while(this.t <= w) this[this.t++] = 0;\n this[w] += n;\n while(this[w] >= this.DV) {\n this[w] -= this.DV;\n if(++w >= this.t) this[this.t++] = 0;\n ++this[w];\n }\n }\n\n // A \"null\" reducer\n function NullExp() {}\n function nNop(x) { return x; }\n function nMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); }\n function nSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); }\n\n NullExp.prototype.convert = nNop;\n NullExp.prototype.revert = nNop;\n NullExp.prototype.mulTo = nMulTo;\n NullExp.prototype.sqrTo = nSqrTo;\n\n // (public) this^e\n function bnPow(e) { return this.exp(e,new NullExp()); }\n\n // (protected) r = lower n words of \"this * a\", a.t <= n\n // \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\n function bnpMultiplyLowerTo(a,n,r) {\n var i = Math.min(this.t+a.t,n);\n r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0\n r.t = i;\n while(i > 0) r[--i] = 0;\n var j;\n for(j = r.t-this.t; i < j; ++i) r[i+this.t] = this.am(0,a[i],r,i,0,this.t);\n for(j = Math.min(a.t,n); i < j; ++i) this.am(0,a[i],r,i,0,n-i);\n r.clamp();\n }\n\n // (protected) r = \"this * a\" without lower n words, n > 0\n // \"this\" should be the larger one if appropriate.\n function bnpMultiplyUpperTo(a,n,r) {\n --n;\n var i = r.t = this.t+a.t-n;\n r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0\n while(--i >= 0) r[i] = 0;\n for(i = Math.max(n-this.t,0); i < a.t; ++i)\n r[this.t+i-n] = this.am(n-i,a[i],r,0,0,this.t+i-n);\n r.clamp();\n r.drShiftTo(1,r);\n }\n\n // Barrett modular reduction\n function Barrett(m) {\n // setup Barrett\n this.r2 = nbi();\n this.q3 = nbi();\n BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(2*m.t,this.r2);\n this.mu = this.r2.divide(m);\n this.m = m;\n }\n\n function barrettConvert(x) {\n if(x.s < 0 || x.t > 2*this.m.t) return x.mod(this.m);\n else if(x.compareTo(this.m) < 0) return x;\n else { var r = nbi(); x.copyTo(r); this.reduce(r); return r; }\n }\n\n function barrettRevert(x) { return x; }\n\n // x = x mod m (HAC 14.42)\n function barrettReduce(x) {\n x.drShiftTo(this.m.t-1,this.r2);\n if(x.t > this.m.t+1) { x.t = this.m.t+1; x.clamp(); }\n this.mu.multiplyUpperTo(this.r2,this.m.t+1,this.q3);\n this.m.multiplyLowerTo(this.q3,this.m.t+1,this.r2);\n while(x.compareTo(this.r2) < 0) x.dAddOffset(1,this.m.t+1);\n x.subTo(this.r2,x);\n while(x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m,x);\n }\n\n // r = x^2 mod m; x != r\n function barrettSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n // r = x*y mod m; x,y != r\n function barrettMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }\n\n Barrett.prototype.convert = barrettConvert;\n Barrett.prototype.revert = barrettRevert;\n Barrett.prototype.reduce = barrettReduce;\n Barrett.prototype.mulTo = barrettMulTo;\n Barrett.prototype.sqrTo = barrettSqrTo;\n\n // (public) this^e % m (HAC 14.85)\n function bnModPow(e,m) {\n var i = e.bitLength(), k, r = nbv(1), z;\n if(i <= 0) return r;\n else if(i < 18) k = 1;\n else if(i < 48) k = 3;\n else if(i < 144) k = 4;\n else if(i < 768) k = 5;\n else k = 6;\n if(i < 8)\n z = new Classic(m);\n else if(m.isEven())\n z = new Barrett(m);\n else\n z = new Montgomery(m);\n\n // precomputation\n var g = new Array(), n = 3, k1 = k-1, km = (1< 1) {\n var g2 = nbi();\n z.sqrTo(g[1],g2);\n while(n <= km) {\n g[n] = nbi();\n z.mulTo(g2,g[n-2],g[n]);\n n += 2;\n }\n }\n\n var j = e.t-1, w, is1 = true, r2 = nbi(), t;\n i = nbits(e[j])-1;\n while(j >= 0) {\n if(i >= k1) w = (e[j]>>(i-k1))&km;\n else {\n w = (e[j]&((1<<(i+1))-1))<<(k1-i);\n if(j > 0) w |= e[j-1]>>(this.DB+i-k1);\n }\n\n n = k;\n while((w&1) == 0) { w >>= 1; --n; }\n if((i -= n) < 0) { i += this.DB; --j; }\n if(is1) { // ret == 1, don't bother squaring or multiplying it\n g[w].copyTo(r);\n is1 = false;\n }\n else {\n while(n > 1) { z.sqrTo(r,r2); z.sqrTo(r2,r); n -= 2; }\n if(n > 0) z.sqrTo(r,r2); else { t = r; r = r2; r2 = t; }\n z.mulTo(r2,g[w],r);\n }\n\n while(j >= 0 && (e[j]&(1< 0) {\n x.rShiftTo(g,x);\n y.rShiftTo(g,y);\n }\n while(x.signum() > 0) {\n if((i = x.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) x.rShiftTo(i,x);\n if((i = y.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) y.rShiftTo(i,y);\n if(x.compareTo(y) >= 0) {\n x.subTo(y,x);\n x.rShiftTo(1,x);\n }\n else {\n y.subTo(x,y);\n y.rShiftTo(1,y);\n }\n }\n if(g > 0) y.lShiftTo(g,y);\n return y;\n }\n\n // (protected) this % n, n < 2^26\n function bnpModInt(n) {\n if(n <= 0) return 0;\n var d = this.DV%n, r = (this.s<0)?n-1:0;\n if(this.t > 0)\n if(d == 0) r = this[0]%n;\n else for(var i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r = (d*r+this[i])%n;\n return r;\n }\n\n // (public) 1/this % m (HAC 14.61)\n function bnModInverse(m) {\n var ac = m.isEven();\n if((this.isEven() && ac) || m.signum() == 0) return BigInteger.ZERO;\n var u = m.clone(), v = this.clone();\n var a = nbv(1), b = nbv(0), c = nbv(0), d = nbv(1);\n while(u.signum() != 0) {\n while(u.isEven()) {\n u.rShiftTo(1,u);\n if(ac) {\n if(!a.isEven() || !b.isEven()) { a.addTo(this,a); b.subTo(m,b); }\n a.rShiftTo(1,a);\n }\n else if(!b.isEven()) b.subTo(m,b);\n b.rShiftTo(1,b);\n }\n while(v.isEven()) {\n v.rShiftTo(1,v);\n if(ac) {\n if(!c.isEven() || !d.isEven()) { c.addTo(this,c); d.subTo(m,d); }\n c.rShiftTo(1,c);\n }\n else if(!d.isEven()) d.subTo(m,d);\n d.rShiftTo(1,d);\n }\n if(u.compareTo(v) >= 0) {\n u.subTo(v,u);\n if(ac) a.subTo(c,a);\n b.subTo(d,b);\n }\n else {\n v.subTo(u,v);\n if(ac) c.subTo(a,c);\n d.subTo(b,d);\n }\n }\n if(v.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0) return BigInteger.ZERO;\n if(d.compareTo(m) >= 0) return d.subtract(m);\n if(d.signum() < 0) d.addTo(m,d); else return d;\n if(d.signum() < 0) return d.add(m); else return d;\n }\n\n var lowprimes = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199,211,223,227,229,233,239,241,251,257,263,269,271,277,281,283,293,307,311,313,317,331,337,347,349,353,359,367,373,379,383,389,397,401,409,419,421,431,433,439,443,449,457,461,463,467,479,487,491,499,503,509,521,523,541,547,557,563,569,571,577,587,593,599,601,607,613,617,619,631,641,643,647,653,659,661,673,677,683,691,701,709,719,727,733,739,743,751,757,761,769,773,787,797,809,811,821,823,827,829,839,853,857,859,863,877,881,883,887,907,911,919,929,937,941,947,953,967,971,977,983,991,997];\n var lplim = (1<<26)/lowprimes[lowprimes.length-1];\n\n // (public) test primality with certainty >= 1-.5^t\n function bnIsProbablePrime(t) {\n var i, x = this.abs();\n if(x.t == 1 && x[0] <= lowprimes[lowprimes.length-1]) {\n for(i = 0; i < lowprimes.length; ++i)\n if(x[0] == lowprimes[i]) return true;\n return false;\n }\n if(x.isEven()) return false;\n i = 1;\n while(i < lowprimes.length) {\n var m = lowprimes[i], j = i+1;\n while(j < lowprimes.length && m < lplim) m *= lowprimes[j++];\n m = x.modInt(m);\n while(i < j) if(m%lowprimes[i++] == 0) return false;\n }\n return x.millerRabin(t);\n }\n\n // (protected) true if probably prime (HAC 4.24, Miller-Rabin)\n function bnpMillerRabin(t) {\n var n1 = this.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);\n var k = n1.getLowestSetBit();\n if(k <= 0) return false;\n var r = n1.shiftRight(k);\n t = (t+1)>>1;\n if(t > lowprimes.length) t = lowprimes.length;\n var a = nbi();\n for(var i = 0; i < t; ++i) {\n //Pick bases at random, instead of starting at 2\n a.fromInt(lowprimes[Math.floor(Math.random()*lowprimes.length)]);\n var y = a.modPow(r,this);\n if(y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0 && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {\n var j = 1;\n while(j++ < k && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {\n y = y.modPowInt(2,this);\n if(y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) == 0) return false;\n }\n if(y.compareTo(n1) != 0) return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n // protected\n BigInteger.prototype.chunkSize = bnpChunkSize;\n BigInteger.prototype.toRadix = bnpToRadix;\n BigInteger.prototype.fromRadix = bnpFromRadix;\n BigInteger.prototype.fromNumber = bnpFromNumber;\n BigInteger.prototype.bitwiseTo = bnpBitwiseTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.changeBit = bnpChangeBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.addTo = bnpAddTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.dMultiply = bnpDMultiply;\n BigInteger.prototype.dAddOffset = bnpDAddOffset;\n BigInteger.prototype.multiplyLowerTo = bnpMultiplyLowerTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.multiplyUpperTo = bnpMultiplyUpperTo;\n BigInteger.prototype.modInt = bnpModInt;\n BigInteger.prototype.millerRabin = bnpMillerRabin;\n\n // public\n BigInteger.prototype.clone = bnClone;\n BigInteger.prototype.intValue = bnIntValue;\n BigInteger.prototype.byteValue = bnByteValue;\n BigInteger.prototype.shortValue = bnShortValue;\n BigInteger.prototype.signum = bnSigNum;\n BigInteger.prototype.toByteArray = bnToByteArray;\n BigInteger.prototype.equals = bnEquals;\n BigInteger.prototype.min = bnMin;\n BigInteger.prototype.max = bnMax;\n BigInteger.prototype.and = bnAnd;\n BigInteger.prototype.or = bnOr;\n BigInteger.prototype.xor = bnXor;\n BigInteger.prototype.andNot = bnAndNot;\n BigInteger.prototype.not = bnNot;\n BigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = bnShiftLeft;\n BigInteger.prototype.shiftRight = bnShiftRight;\n BigInteger.prototype.getLowestSetBit = bnGetLowestSetBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.bitCount = bnBitCount;\n BigInteger.prototype.testBit = bnTestBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.setBit = bnSetBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.clearBit = bnClearBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.flipBit = bnFlipBit;\n BigInteger.prototype.add = bnAdd;\n BigInteger.prototype.subtract = bnSubtract;\n BigInteger.prototype.multiply = bnMultiply;\n BigInteger.prototype.divide = bnDivide;\n BigInteger.prototype.remainder = bnRemainder;\n BigInteger.prototype.divideAndRemainder = bnDivideAndRemainder;\n BigInteger.prototype.modPow = bnModPow;\n BigInteger.prototype.modInverse = bnModInverse;\n BigInteger.prototype.pow = bnPow;\n BigInteger.prototype.gcd = bnGCD;\n BigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = bnIsProbablePrime;\n\n // JSBN-specific extension\n BigInteger.prototype.square = bnSquare;\n\n // Expose the Barrett function\n BigInteger.prototype.Barrett = Barrett\n\n // BigInteger interfaces not implemented in jsbn:\n\n // BigInteger(int signum, byte[] magnitude)\n // double doubleValue()\n // float floatValue()\n // int hashCode()\n // long longValue()\n // static BigInteger valueOf(long val)\n\n // Random number generator - requires a PRNG backend, e.g. prng4.js\n\n // For best results, put code like\n // \n // in your main HTML document.\n\n var rng_state;\n var rng_pool;\n var rng_pptr;\n\n // Mix in a 32-bit integer into the pool\n function rng_seed_int(x) {\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= x & 255;\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= (x >> 8) & 255;\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= (x >> 16) & 255;\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= (x >> 24) & 255;\n if(rng_pptr >= rng_psize) rng_pptr -= rng_psize;\n }\n\n // Mix in the current time (w/milliseconds) into the pool\n function rng_seed_time() {\n rng_seed_int(new Date().getTime());\n }\n\n // Initialize the pool with junk if needed.\n if(rng_pool == null) {\n rng_pool = new Array();\n rng_pptr = 0;\n var t;\n if(typeof window !== \"undefined\" && window.crypto) {\n if (window.crypto.getRandomValues) {\n // Use webcrypto if available\n var ua = new Uint8Array(32);\n window.crypto.getRandomValues(ua);\n for(t = 0; t < 32; ++t)\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = ua[t];\n }\n else if(navigator.appName == \"Netscape\" && navigator.appVersion < \"5\") {\n // Extract entropy (256 bits) from NS4 RNG if available\n var z = window.crypto.random(32);\n for(t = 0; t < z.length; ++t)\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = z.charCodeAt(t) & 255;\n }\n }\n while(rng_pptr < rng_psize) { // extract some randomness from Math.random()\n t = Math.floor(65536 * Math.random());\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = t >>> 8;\n rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = t & 255;\n }\n rng_pptr = 0;\n rng_seed_time();\n //rng_seed_int(window.screenX);\n //rng_seed_int(window.screenY);\n }\n\n function rng_get_byte() {\n if(rng_state == null) {\n rng_seed_time();\n rng_state = prng_newstate();\n rng_state.init(rng_pool);\n for(rng_pptr = 0; rng_pptr < rng_pool.length; ++rng_pptr)\n rng_pool[rng_pptr] = 0;\n rng_pptr = 0;\n //rng_pool = null;\n }\n // TODO: allow reseeding after first request\n return rng_state.next();\n }\n\n function rng_get_bytes(ba) {\n var i;\n for(i = 0; i < ba.length; ++i) ba[i] = rng_get_byte();\n }\n\n function SecureRandom() {}\n\n SecureRandom.prototype.nextBytes = rng_get_bytes;\n\n // prng4.js - uses Arcfour as a PRNG\n\n function Arcfour() {\n this.i = 0;\n this.j = 0;\n this.S = new Array();\n }\n\n // Initialize arcfour context from key, an array of ints, each from [0..255]\n function ARC4init(key) {\n var i, j, t;\n for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)\n this.S[i] = i;\n j = 0;\n for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {\n j = (j + this.S[i] + key[i % key.length]) & 255;\n t = this.S[i];\n this.S[i] = this.S[j];\n this.S[j] = t;\n }\n this.i = 0;\n this.j = 0;\n }\n\n function ARC4next() {\n var t;\n this.i = (this.i + 1) & 255;\n this.j = (this.j + this.S[this.i]) & 255;\n t = this.S[this.i];\n this.S[this.i] = this.S[this.j];\n this.S[this.j] = t;\n return this.S[(t + this.S[this.i]) & 255];\n }\n\n Arcfour.prototype.init = ARC4init;\n Arcfour.prototype.next = ARC4next;\n\n // Plug in your RNG constructor here\n function prng_newstate() {\n return new Arcfour();\n }\n\n // Pool size must be a multiple of 4 and greater than 32.\n // An array of bytes the size of the pool will be passed to init()\n var rng_psize = 256;\n\n if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {\n exports = module.exports = {\n default: BigInteger,\n BigInteger: BigInteger,\n SecureRandom: SecureRandom,\n };\n } else {\n this.jsbn = {\n BigInteger: BigInteger,\n SecureRandom: SecureRandom\n };\n }\n\n}).call(this);\n" }, { "id": 6, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\networkerFactory.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/networkerFactory.ts", "index": 8, "index2": 25, "size": 698, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerId": 19, "issuerName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./networkerFactory", "loc": "18:43-72" }, { "moduleId": 19, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "module": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "moduleName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./networkerFactory", "loc": "21:43-72" }, { "moduleId": 21, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\networker.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/networker.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/networker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./networkerFactory", "loc": "23:43-72" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 1, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.NetworkerFactory = void 0;\r\nconst networker_1 = require(\"./networker\");\r\nclass NetworkerFactory {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.updatesProcessor = null;\r\n }\r\n setUpdatesProcessor(callback) {\r\n this.updatesProcessor = callback;\r\n }\r\n getNetworker(dcID, authKey, authKeyID, serverSalt, options) {\r\n //console.log('NetworkerFactory: creating new instance of MTPNetworker:', dcID, options);\r\n return new networker_1.MTPNetworker(dcID, authKey, authKeyID, serverSalt, options);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.NetworkerFactory = NetworkerFactory;\r\nexports.default = new NetworkerFactory();\r\n" }, { "id": 7, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\tl_utils.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/tl_utils.ts", "index": 10, "index2": 13, "size": 25294, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\authorizer.ts", "issuerId": 30, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } }, { "id": 30, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\authorizer.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "profile": { "factory": 1707, "building": 782, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 790, "building": 652, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 21, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\networker.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/networker.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/networker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./tl_utils", "loc": "18:19-40" }, { "moduleId": 30, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\authorizer.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./tl_utils", "loc": "16:19-40" }, { "moduleId": 31, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\rsaKeysManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/rsaKeysManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/rsaKeysManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./tl_utils", "loc": "16:19-40" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\n/*!\r\n * Webogram v0.7.0 - messaging web application for MTProto\r\n * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram\r\n * Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Zhukov \r\n * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram/blob/master/LICENSE\r\n */\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.TLSerialization = exports.TLDeserialization = void 0;\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst schema_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./schema\"));\r\n//////////////////////\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nconst crypto_utils_1 = require(\"../crypto/crypto_utils\");\r\n/////////\r\n/////////////\r\n////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n//////////\r\nconst boolFalse = +schema_1.default.API.constructors.find(c => c.predicate == 'boolFalse').id >>> 0;\r\nconst boolTrue = +schema_1.default.API.constructors.find(c => c.predicate == 'boolTrue').id >>> 0;\r\nconst vector = +schema_1.default.API.constructors.find(c => c.predicate == 'vector').id >>> 0;\r\nconst gzipPacked = +schema_1.default.MTProto.constructors.find(c => c.predicate == 'gzip_packed').id >>> 0;\r\n//console.log('boolFalse', boolFalse == 0xbc799737);\r\nclass TLSerialization {\r\n constructor(options = {}) {\r\n this.maxLength = 2048; // 2Kb\r\n this.offset = 0; // in bytes\r\n this.mtproto = false;\r\n this.debug = false; //Modes.debug;\r\n this.maxLength = options.startMaxLength || 2048; // 2Kb\r\n this.mtproto = options.mtproto || false;\r\n this.createBuffer();\r\n }\r\n createBuffer() {\r\n this.buffer = new ArrayBuffer(this.maxLength);\r\n this.intView = new Int32Array(this.buffer);\r\n this.byteView = new Uint8Array(this.buffer);\r\n }\r\n getArray() {\r\n let resultBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(this.offset);\r\n let resultArray = new Int32Array(resultBuffer);\r\n resultArray.set(this.intView.subarray(0, this.offset / 4));\r\n return resultArray;\r\n }\r\n getBuffer() {\r\n return this.getArray().buffer;\r\n }\r\n getBytes(typed) {\r\n if (typed) {\r\n let resultBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(this.offset);\r\n let resultArray = new Uint8Array(resultBuffer);\r\n resultArray.set(this.byteView.subarray(0, this.offset));\r\n return resultArray;\r\n }\r\n let bytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < this.offset; i++) {\r\n bytes.push(this.byteView[i]);\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n checkLength(needBytes) {\r\n if (this.offset + needBytes < this.maxLength) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n ///console.trace('Increase buffer', this.offset, needBytes, this.maxLength);\r\n this.maxLength = Math.ceil(Math.max(this.maxLength * 2, this.offset + needBytes + 16) / 4) * 4;\r\n var previousBuffer = this.buffer;\r\n var previousArray = new Int32Array(previousBuffer);\r\n this.createBuffer();\r\n new Int32Array(this.buffer).set(previousArray);\r\n }\r\n writeInt(i, field) {\r\n this.debug && console.log('>>>', i.toString(16), i, field);\r\n this.checkLength(4);\r\n this.intView[this.offset / 4] = i;\r\n this.offset += 4;\r\n }\r\n storeInt(i, field) {\r\n this.writeInt(i, (field || '') + ':int');\r\n }\r\n storeBool(i, field) {\r\n if (i) {\r\n this.writeInt(boolTrue, (field || '') + ':bool');\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.writeInt(boolFalse, (field || '') + ':bool');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n storeLongP(iHigh, iLow, field) {\r\n this.writeInt(iLow, (field || '') + ':long[low]');\r\n this.writeInt(iHigh, (field || '') + ':long[high]');\r\n }\r\n storeLong(sLong, field) {\r\n if (Array.isArray(sLong)) {\r\n if (sLong.length == 2) {\r\n return this.storeLongP(sLong[0], sLong[1], field);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return this.storeIntBytes(sLong, 64, field);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (typeof sLong != 'string') {\r\n sLong = sLong ? sLong.toString() : '0';\r\n }\r\n var divRem = bin_utils_1.bigStringInt(sLong).divideAndRemainder(bin_utils_1.bigint(0x100000000));\r\n this.writeInt(divRem[1].intValue(), (field || '') + ':long[low]');\r\n this.writeInt(divRem[0].intValue(), (field || '') + ':long[high]');\r\n }\r\n storeDouble(f, field) {\r\n var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);\r\n var intView = new Int32Array(buffer);\r\n var doubleView = new Float64Array(buffer);\r\n doubleView[0] = f;\r\n this.writeInt(intView[0], (field || '') + ':double[low]');\r\n this.writeInt(intView[1], (field || '') + ':double[high]');\r\n }\r\n storeString(s, field) {\r\n this.debug && console.log('>>>', s, (field || '') + ':string');\r\n if (s === undefined) {\r\n s = '';\r\n }\r\n var sUTF8 = unescape(encodeURIComponent(s));\r\n this.checkLength(sUTF8.length + 8);\r\n var len = sUTF8.length;\r\n if (len <= 253) {\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = len;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = 254;\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = len & 0xFF;\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = (len & 0xFF00) >> 8;\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = (len & 0xFF0000) >> 16;\r\n }\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = sUTF8.charCodeAt(i);\r\n }\r\n // Padding\r\n while (this.offset % 4) {\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n storeBytes(bytes, field) {\r\n if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n bytes = new Uint8Array(bytes);\r\n }\r\n else if (bytes === undefined) {\r\n bytes = [];\r\n }\r\n this.debug && console.log('>>>', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(bytes), (field || '') + ':bytes');\r\n // if uint8array were json.stringified, then will be: {'0': 123, '1': 123}\r\n var len = bytes.byteLength || bytes.length;\r\n this.checkLength(len + 8);\r\n if (len <= 253) {\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = len;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = 254;\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = len & 0xFF;\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = (len & 0xFF00) >> 8;\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = (len & 0xFF0000) >> 16;\r\n }\r\n this.byteView.set(bytes, this.offset);\r\n this.offset += len;\r\n // Padding\r\n while (this.offset % 4) {\r\n this.byteView[this.offset++] = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n storeIntBytes(bytes, bits, field) {\r\n if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n bytes = new Uint8Array(bytes);\r\n }\r\n var len = bytes.length;\r\n if ((bits % 32) || (len * 8) != bits) {\r\n throw new Error('Invalid bits: ' + bits + ', ' + bytes.length);\r\n }\r\n this.debug && console.log('>>>', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(bytes), (field || '') + ':int' + bits);\r\n this.checkLength(len);\r\n this.byteView.set(bytes, this.offset);\r\n this.offset += len;\r\n }\r\n storeRawBytes(bytes, field) {\r\n if (bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n bytes = new Uint8Array(bytes);\r\n }\r\n var len = bytes.length;\r\n this.debug && console.log('>>>', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(bytes), (field || ''));\r\n this.checkLength(len);\r\n this.byteView.set(bytes, this.offset);\r\n this.offset += len;\r\n }\r\n storeMethod(methodName, params) {\r\n var schema = this.mtproto ? schema_1.default.MTProto : schema_1.default.API;\r\n var methodData = false, i;\r\n for (i = 0; i < schema.methods.length; i++) {\r\n if (schema.methods[i].method == methodName) {\r\n methodData = schema.methods[i];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!methodData) {\r\n throw new Error('No method ' + methodName + ' found');\r\n }\r\n this.storeInt(methodData.id, methodName + '[id]');\r\n var param, type;\r\n var i, condType;\r\n var fieldBit;\r\n var len = methodData.params.length;\r\n //console.log('storeMethod', len, methodData);\r\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n param = methodData.params[i];\r\n type = param.type;\r\n if (type.indexOf('?') !== -1) {\r\n condType = type.split('?');\r\n fieldBit = condType[0].split('.');\r\n if (!(params[fieldBit[0]] & (1 << fieldBit[1]))) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n type = condType[1];\r\n }\r\n this.storeObject(params[param.name], type, methodName + '[' + param.name + ']');\r\n }\r\n return methodData.type;\r\n }\r\n storeObject(obj, type, field) {\r\n //console.log('storeObject', obj, type, field, this.offset, this.getBytes(true).hex);\r\n switch (type) {\r\n case '#':\r\n case 'int':\r\n return this.storeInt(obj, field);\r\n case 'long':\r\n return this.storeLong(obj, field);\r\n case 'int128':\r\n return this.storeIntBytes(obj, 128, field);\r\n case 'int256':\r\n return this.storeIntBytes(obj, 256, field);\r\n case 'int512':\r\n return this.storeIntBytes(obj, 512, field);\r\n case 'string':\r\n return this.storeString(obj, field);\r\n case 'bytes':\r\n return this.storeBytes(obj, field);\r\n case 'double':\r\n return this.storeDouble(obj, field);\r\n case 'Bool':\r\n return this.storeBool(obj, field);\r\n case 'true':\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (Array.isArray(obj)) {\r\n if (type.substr(0, 6) == 'Vector') {\r\n this.writeInt(vector, field + '[id]');\r\n }\r\n else if (type.substr(0, 6) != 'vector') {\r\n throw new Error('Invalid vector type ' + type);\r\n }\r\n var itemType = type.substr(7, type.length - 8); // for \"Vector\"\r\n this.writeInt(obj.length, field + '[count]');\r\n for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {\r\n this.storeObject(obj[i], itemType, field + '[' + i + ']');\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n else if (type.substr(0, 6).toLowerCase() == 'vector') {\r\n throw new Error('Invalid vector object');\r\n }\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.isObject(obj)) {\r\n throw new Error('Invalid object for type ' + type);\r\n }\r\n var schema = this.mtproto ? schema_1.default.MTProto : schema_1.default.API;\r\n var predicate = obj['_'];\r\n var isBare = false;\r\n var constructorData = false;\r\n if (isBare = (type.charAt(0) == '%')) {\r\n type = type.substr(1);\r\n }\r\n for (i = 0; i < schema.constructors.length; i++) {\r\n if (schema.constructors[i].predicate == predicate) {\r\n constructorData = schema.constructors[i];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!constructorData) {\r\n throw new Error('No predicate ' + predicate + ' found');\r\n }\r\n if (predicate == type) {\r\n isBare = true;\r\n }\r\n if (!isBare) {\r\n this.writeInt(constructorData.id, field + '[' + predicate + '][id]');\r\n }\r\n var param, type;\r\n var condType;\r\n var fieldBit;\r\n var len = constructorData.params.length;\r\n //console.log('storeObject', len, constructorData);\r\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n param = constructorData.params[i];\r\n type = param.type;\r\n //console.log('storeObject', param, type);\r\n if (type.indexOf('?') !== -1) {\r\n condType = type.split('?');\r\n fieldBit = condType[0].split('.');\r\n //console.log('storeObject fieldBit', fieldBit, obj[fieldBit[0]]);\r\n if (!(obj[fieldBit[0]] & (1 << +fieldBit[1]))) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n type = condType[1];\r\n }\r\n //console.log('storeObject', param, type);\r\n this.storeObject(obj[param.name], type, field + '[' + predicate + '][' + param.name + ']');\r\n }\r\n return constructorData.type;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.TLSerialization = TLSerialization;\r\nclass TLDeserialization {\r\n constructor(buffer, options = {}) {\r\n this.offset = 0; // in bytes\r\n // this.debug = \r\n this.mtproto = false;\r\n //buffer = addPadding(buffer, 4, true); // fix 21.01.2020 for wss\r\n if (buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n this.buffer = buffer;\r\n this.byteView = new Uint8Array(this.buffer);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.buffer = buffer.buffer;\r\n this.byteView = buffer;\r\n }\r\n //console.log(\"TCL: TLDeserialization -> constructor -> buffer\", buffer, this.byteView, this.byteView.hex);\r\n /* this.buffer = buffer;\r\n //this.intView = new Uint32Array(this.buffer);\r\n this.byteView = new Uint8Array(this.buffer); */\r\n //console.log(this.intView);\r\n this.override = 'override' in options ? options.override : {};\r\n this.mtproto = 'mtproto' in options ? options.mtproto : false;\r\n this.debug = options.debug !== undefined ? options.debug : /* Modes.debug */ false;\r\n }\r\n readInt(field) {\r\n //if(this.offset >= this.intView.length * 4) {\r\n if ((this.byteView.length - this.offset) < 4) {\r\n console.error(this.byteView, this.offset);\r\n throw new Error('Nothing to fetch: ' + field);\r\n }\r\n //var i = this.intView[this.offset / 4];\r\n let i = new Uint32Array(this.byteView.buffer.slice(this.offset, this.offset + 4))[0];\r\n this.debug /* || field.includes('[dialog][read_outbox_max_id]') */\r\n && console.log('<<<', i.toString(16), i, field, this.byteView.slice(this.offset - 16, this.offset + 16), this.byteView.slice(this.offset - 16, this.offset + 16).hex);\r\n this.offset += 4;\r\n return i;\r\n }\r\n fetchInt(field) {\r\n return this.readInt((field || '') + ':int');\r\n }\r\n fetchDouble(field) {\r\n var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);\r\n var intView = new Int32Array(buffer);\r\n var doubleView = new Float64Array(buffer);\r\n intView[0] = this.readInt((field || '') + ':double[low]'),\r\n intView[1] = this.readInt((field || '') + ':double[high]');\r\n return doubleView[0];\r\n }\r\n fetchLong(field) {\r\n var iLow = this.readInt((field || '') + ':long[low]');\r\n var iHigh = this.readInt((field || '') + ':long[high]');\r\n var longDec = bin_utils_1.bigint(iHigh).shiftLeft(32).add(bin_utils_1.bigint(iLow)).toString();\r\n return longDec;\r\n }\r\n fetchBool(field) {\r\n var i = this.readInt((field || '') + ':bool');\r\n if (i == boolTrue) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n else if (i == boolFalse) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n this.offset -= 4;\r\n return this.fetchObject('Object', field);\r\n }\r\n fetchString(field) {\r\n var len = this.byteView[this.offset++];\r\n if (len == 254) {\r\n var len = this.byteView[this.offset++] |\r\n (this.byteView[this.offset++] << 8) |\r\n (this.byteView[this.offset++] << 16);\r\n }\r\n var sUTF8 = '';\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n sUTF8 += String.fromCharCode(this.byteView[this.offset++]);\r\n }\r\n // Padding\r\n while (this.offset % 4) {\r\n this.offset++;\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n var s = decodeURIComponent(escape(sUTF8));\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n var s = sUTF8;\r\n }\r\n this.debug && console.log('<<<', s, (field || '') + ':string');\r\n return s;\r\n }\r\n fetchBytes(field) {\r\n var len = this.byteView[this.offset++];\r\n if (len == 254) {\r\n len = this.byteView[this.offset++] |\r\n (this.byteView[this.offset++] << 8) |\r\n (this.byteView[this.offset++] << 16);\r\n }\r\n var bytes = this.byteView.subarray(this.offset, this.offset + len);\r\n this.offset += len;\r\n // Padding\r\n while (this.offset % 4) {\r\n this.offset++;\r\n }\r\n this.debug && console.log('<<<', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(bytes), (field || '') + ':bytes');\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n fetchIntBytes(bits, typed, field) {\r\n if (bits % 32) {\r\n throw new Error('Invalid bits: ' + bits);\r\n }\r\n var len = bits / 8;\r\n if (typed) {\r\n var result = this.byteView.subarray(this.offset, this.offset + len);\r\n this.offset += len;\r\n return result;\r\n }\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n bytes.push(this.byteView[this.offset++]);\r\n }\r\n this.debug && console.log('<<<', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(bytes), (field || '') + ':int' + bits);\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n fetchRawBytes(len, typed, field) {\r\n if (len === false) {\r\n len = this.readInt((field || '') + '_length');\r\n if (len > this.byteView.byteLength) {\r\n throw new Error('Invalid raw bytes length: ' + len + ', buffer len: ' + this.byteView.byteLength);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (typed) {\r\n let bytes = new Uint8Array(len);\r\n bytes.set(this.byteView.subarray(this.offset, this.offset + len));\r\n this.offset += len;\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n var bytes = [];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n bytes.push(this.byteView[this.offset++]);\r\n }\r\n this.debug && console.log('<<<', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(bytes), (field || ''));\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n fetchObject(type, field) {\r\n switch (type) {\r\n case '#':\r\n case 'int':\r\n return this.fetchInt(field);\r\n case 'long':\r\n return this.fetchLong(field);\r\n case 'int128':\r\n return this.fetchIntBytes(128, false, field);\r\n case 'int256':\r\n return this.fetchIntBytes(256, false, field);\r\n case 'int512':\r\n return this.fetchIntBytes(512, false, field);\r\n case 'string':\r\n return this.fetchString(field);\r\n case 'bytes':\r\n return this.fetchBytes(field);\r\n case 'double':\r\n return this.fetchDouble(field);\r\n case 'Bool':\r\n return this.fetchBool(field);\r\n case 'true':\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n field = field || type || 'Object';\r\n if (type.substr(0, 6) == 'Vector' || type.substr(0, 6) == 'vector') {\r\n if (type.charAt(0) == 'V') {\r\n var constructor = this.readInt(field + '[id]');\r\n var constructorCmp = constructor;\r\n if (constructorCmp == gzipPacked) { // Gzip packed\r\n var compressed = this.fetchBytes(field + '[packed_string]');\r\n var uncompressed = crypto_utils_1.gzipUncompress(compressed);\r\n var newDeserializer = new TLDeserialization(uncompressed);\r\n return newDeserializer.fetchObject(type, field);\r\n }\r\n if (constructorCmp != vector) {\r\n throw new Error('Invalid vector constructor ' + constructor);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n var len = this.readInt(field + '[count]');\r\n var result = [];\r\n if (len > 0) {\r\n var itemType = type.substr(7, type.length - 8); // for \"Vector\"\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n result.push(this.fetchObject(itemType, field + '[' + i + ']'));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n }\r\n var schema = this.mtproto ? schema_1.default.MTProto : schema_1.default.API;\r\n var predicate = false;\r\n var constructorData = false;\r\n if (type.charAt(0) == '%') {\r\n var checkType = type.substr(1);\r\n for (var i = 0; i < schema.constructors.length; i++) {\r\n if (schema.constructors[i].type == checkType) {\r\n constructorData = schema.constructors[i];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!constructorData) {\r\n throw new Error('Constructor not found for type: ' + type);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (type.charAt(0) >= 97 && type.charAt(0) <= 122) {\r\n for (var i = 0; i < schema.constructors.length; i++) {\r\n if (schema.constructors[i].predicate == type) {\r\n constructorData = schema.constructors[i];\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!constructorData) {\r\n throw new Error('Constructor not found for predicate: ' + type);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n var constructor = this.readInt(field + '[id]');\r\n var constructorCmp = constructor;\r\n if (constructorCmp == gzipPacked) { // Gzip packed\r\n var compressed = this.fetchBytes(field + '[packed_string]');\r\n var uncompressed = crypto_utils_1.gzipUncompress(compressed);\r\n var newDeserializer = new TLDeserialization(uncompressed);\r\n return newDeserializer.fetchObject(type, field);\r\n }\r\n var index = schema.constructorsIndex;\r\n if (!index) {\r\n schema.constructorsIndex = index = {};\r\n for (var i = 0; i < schema.constructors.length; i++) {\r\n index[schema.constructors[i].id] = i;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n var i = index[constructorCmp];\r\n if (i) {\r\n constructorData = schema.constructors[i];\r\n }\r\n var fallback = false;\r\n if (!constructorData && this.mtproto) {\r\n var schemaFallback = schema_1.default.API;\r\n for (i = 0; i < schemaFallback.constructors.length; i++) {\r\n if (+schemaFallback.constructors[i].id == constructorCmp) {\r\n constructorData = schemaFallback.constructors[i];\r\n delete this.mtproto;\r\n fallback = true;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!constructorData) {\r\n throw new Error('Constructor not found: ' + constructor + ' ' + this.fetchInt() + ' ' + this.fetchInt() + ' ' + field);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n predicate = constructorData.predicate;\r\n var result = { '_': predicate };\r\n var overrideKey = (this.mtproto ? 'mt_' : '') + predicate;\r\n var self = this;\r\n if (this.override[overrideKey]) {\r\n this.override[overrideKey].apply(this, [result, field + '[' + predicate + ']']);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n var i, param;\r\n var type, isCond;\r\n var condType, fieldBit;\r\n var value;\r\n var len = constructorData.params.length;\r\n for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n param = constructorData.params[i];\r\n type = param.type;\r\n if (type == '#' && result.pFlags === undefined) {\r\n result.pFlags = {};\r\n }\r\n if (isCond = (type.indexOf('?') !== -1)) {\r\n condType = type.split('?');\r\n fieldBit = condType[0].split('.');\r\n if (!(result[fieldBit[0]] & (1 << fieldBit[1]))) {\r\n //console.log('fetchObject bad', constructorData, result[fieldBit[0]], fieldBit);\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n //console.log('fetchObject good', constructorData, result[fieldBit[0]], fieldBit);\r\n type = condType[1];\r\n }\r\n value = self.fetchObject(type, field + '[' + predicate + '][' + param.name + ']');\r\n if (isCond && type === 'true') {\r\n result.pFlags[param.name] = value;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n /* if(param.name == 'read_outbox_max_id') {\r\n console.log(result, param.name, value, field + '[' + predicate + '][' + param.name + ']');\r\n } */\r\n result[param.name] = value;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (fallback) {\r\n this.mtproto = true;\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n }\r\n getOffset() {\r\n return this.offset;\r\n }\r\n fetchEnd() {\r\n if (this.offset != this.byteView.length) {\r\n throw new Error('Fetch end with non-empty buffer');\r\n }\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.TLDeserialization = TLDeserialization;\r\n" }, { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\dcConfigurator.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/dcConfigurator.ts", "index": 23, "index2": 23, "size": 3537, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1707, "building": 782, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./dcConfigurator", "loc": "22:41-68" }, { "moduleId": 21, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\networker.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/networker.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/networker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./dcConfigurator", "loc": "24:41-68" }, { "moduleId": 30, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\authorizer.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./dcConfigurator", "loc": "17:41-68" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.DcConfigurator = void 0;\r\nconst websocket_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./transports/websocket\"));\r\nconst http_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./transports/http\"));\r\nconst mtproto_config_1 = require(\"./mtproto_config\");\r\nclass DcConfigurator {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.sslSubdomains = ['pluto', 'venus', 'aurora', 'vesta', 'flora'];\r\n this.dcOptions = mtproto_config_1.Modes.test\r\n ? [\r\n { id: 1, host: '', port: 80 },\r\n { id: 2, host: '', port: 80 },\r\n { id: 3, host: '', port: 80 }\r\n ]\r\n : [\r\n { id: 1, host: '', port: 80 },\r\n { id: 2, host: '', port: 80 },\r\n { id: 3, host: '', port: 80 },\r\n { id: 4, host: '', port: 80 },\r\n { id: 5, host: '', port: 80 }\r\n ];\r\n this.chosenServers = {\r\n websocket: {},\r\n https: {},\r\n http: {}\r\n };\r\n this.chosenUploadServers = {\r\n websocket: {},\r\n https: {},\r\n http: {}\r\n };\r\n }\r\n chooseServer(dcID, upload, transportType = 'websocket') {\r\n const servers = upload && (transportType != 'websocket' || mtproto_config_1.Modes.multipleConnections)\r\n ? this.chosenUploadServers[transportType]\r\n : this.chosenServers[transportType];\r\n if (!(dcID in servers)) {\r\n servers[dcID] = [];\r\n }\r\n const transports = servers[dcID];\r\n if (!transports.length || (upload && transports.length < 1)) {\r\n let transport;\r\n if (transportType == 'websocket') {\r\n const subdomain = this.sslSubdomains[dcID - 1];\r\n const path = mtproto_config_1.Modes.test ? 'apiws_test' : 'apiws';\r\n const chosenServer = 'wss://' + subdomain + '.web.telegram.org/' + path;\r\n transport = new websocket_1.default(dcID, chosenServer);\r\n }\r\n else if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.ssl || !mtproto_config_1.Modes.http || transportType == 'https') {\r\n const subdomain = this.sslSubdomains[dcID - 1] + (upload ? '-1' : '');\r\n const path = mtproto_config_1.Modes.test ? 'apiw_test1' : 'apiw1';\r\n const chosenServer = 'https://' + subdomain + '.web.telegram.org/' + path;\r\n transport = new http_1.default(dcID, chosenServer);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n for (let dcOption of this.dcOptions) {\r\n if (dcOption.id == dcID) {\r\n const chosenServer = 'http://' + dcOption.host + (dcOption.port != 80 ? ':' + dcOption.port : '') + '/apiw1';\r\n transport = new http_1.default(dcID, chosenServer);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!transport) {\r\n console.error('No chosenServer!', dcID);\r\n return null;\r\n }\r\n transports.push(transport);\r\n return transport;\r\n }\r\n return transports[0];\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.DcConfigurator = DcConfigurator;\r\nexports.default = new DcConfigurator();\r\n" }, { "id": 9, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\transports\\http.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/transports/http.ts", "index": 27, "index2": 22, "size": 1204, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1707, "building": 782, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 8, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\dcConfigurator.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/dcConfigurator.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/dcConfigurator.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./transports/http", "loc": "8:31-59" }, { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./transports/http", "loc": "23:31-59" }, { "moduleId": 21, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\networker.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/networker.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/networker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./transports/http", "loc": "25:31-59" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst transport_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./transport\"));\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../../bin_utils\");\r\nclass HTTP extends transport_1.default {\r\n constructor(dcID, url) {\r\n super(dcID, url);\r\n this.send = (data) => {\r\n return fetch(this.url, { method: 'POST', body: data }).then(response => {\r\n //console.log('http response', response/* , response.arrayBuffer() */);\r\n if (response.status != 200) {\r\n response.arrayBuffer().then(buffer => {\r\n console.log('not 200', new TextDecoder(\"utf-8\").decode(new Uint8Array(bin_utils_1.bytesFromArrayBuffer(buffer))));\r\n });\r\n throw response;\r\n }\r\n return response.arrayBuffer().then(buffer => {\r\n return new Uint8Array(bin_utils_1.bytesFromArrayBuffer(buffer));\r\n });\r\n });\r\n };\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = HTTP;\r\n" }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "index": 4, "index2": 29, "size": 15242, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerId": 19, "issuerName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 19, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "module": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "moduleName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./apiManager", "loc": "18:37-60" }, { "moduleId": 32, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiFileManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./apiManager", "loc": "19:37-60" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 1, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.ApiManager = void 0;\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst networkerFactory_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./networkerFactory\"));\r\nconst mtproto_1 = require(\"./mtproto\");\r\nconst authorizer_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./authorizer\"));\r\nconst mtproto_config_1 = require(\"./mtproto_config\");\r\nconst dcConfigurator_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./dcConfigurator\"));\r\nconst http_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./transports/http\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\n///////////////////////\r\n//////////////////////////////////////\r\n///////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n//////////\r\n//console.error('apiManager included!');\r\n// TODO: если запрос словил флуд, нужно сохранять его параметры и возвращать тот же промис на новый такой же запрос, например - загрузка истории\r\nclass ApiManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n //MtpSingleInstanceService.start();\r\n this.cachedNetworkers = {};\r\n this.cachedUploadNetworkers = {};\r\n this.cachedExportPromise = {};\r\n this.gettingNetworkers = {};\r\n this.baseDcID = 0;\r\n this.telegramMeNotified = false;\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('API');\r\n /* AppStorage.get('dc').then((dcID) => {\r\n if(dcID) {\r\n this.baseDcID = dcID;\r\n }\r\n }); */\r\n }\r\n telegramMeNotify(newValue) {\r\n if (this.telegramMeNotified !== newValue) {\r\n this.telegramMeNotified = newValue;\r\n mtproto_1.telegramMeWebService.setAuthorized(this.telegramMeNotified);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // mtpSetUserAuth\r\n setUserAuth(userAuth) {\r\n var fullUserAuth = Object.assign({ dcID: this.baseDcID }, userAuth);\r\n storage_1.default.set({\r\n dc: this.baseDcID,\r\n user_auth: fullUserAuth\r\n });\r\n this.telegramMeNotify(true);\r\n ///////////////////////////\r\n /////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n //////////////\r\n }\r\n setBaseDcID(dcID) {\r\n this.baseDcID = dcID;\r\n }\r\n // mtpLogOut\r\n logOut() {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n let storageKeys = [];\r\n let prefix = mtproto_config_1.Modes.test ? 't_dc' : 'dc';\r\n for (let dcID = 1; dcID <= 5; dcID++) {\r\n storageKeys.push(prefix + dcID + '_auth_key');\r\n //storageKeys.push(prefix + dcID + '_auth_keyID');\r\n }\r\n // WebPushApiManager.forceUnsubscribe(); // WARNING\r\n let storageResult = yield storage_1.default.get(storageKeys);\r\n let logoutPromises = [];\r\n for (let i = 0; i < storageResult.length; i++) {\r\n if (storageResult[i]) {\r\n logoutPromises.push(this.invokeApi('auth.logOut', {}, { dcID: i + 1, ignoreErrors: true }));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return Promise.all(logoutPromises).then(() => {\r\n storage_1.default.remove('dc', 'user_auth', 'stickerSets');\r\n this.baseDcID = 0;\r\n this.telegramMeNotify(false);\r\n this.mtpClearStorage();\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n storageKeys.push('dc', 'user_auth', 'stickerSets');\r\n storage_1.default.remove(storageKeys);\r\n this.baseDcID = 0;\r\n error.handled = true;\r\n this.telegramMeNotify(false);\r\n this.mtpClearStorage();\r\n }) /* .then(() => {\r\n location.pathname = '/';\r\n }) */;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n mtpClearStorage() {\r\n var saveKeys = ['user_auth', 't_user_auth', 'dc', 't_dc'];\r\n for (var dcID = 1; dcID <= 5; dcID++) {\r\n saveKeys.push('dc' + dcID + '_auth_key');\r\n saveKeys.push('dc' + dcID + '_auth_keyID');\r\n saveKeys.push('dc' + dcID + '_server_salt'); // new\r\n saveKeys.push('t_dc' + dcID + '_auth_key');\r\n saveKeys.push('t_dc' + dcID + '_auth_keyID');\r\n saveKeys.push('t_dc' + dcID + '_server_salt'); // new\r\n }\r\n storage_1.default.noPrefix();\r\n storage_1.default.get(saveKeys).then((values) => {\r\n storage_1.default.clear().then(() => {\r\n var restoreObj = {};\r\n saveKeys.forEach((key, i) => {\r\n var value = values[i];\r\n if (value !== false && value !== undefined) {\r\n restoreObj[key] = value;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n storage_1.default.noPrefix();\r\n return storage_1.default.set(restoreObj);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // mtpGetNetworker\r\n getNetworker(dcID, options) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const upload = (options.fileUpload || options.fileDownload)\r\n && (dcConfigurator_1.default.chooseServer(dcID, true) instanceof http_1.default || mtproto_config_1.Modes.multipleConnections);\r\n const cache = upload ? this.cachedUploadNetworkers : this.cachedNetworkers;\r\n if (!dcID) {\r\n throw new Error('get Networker without dcID');\r\n }\r\n if (cache[dcID] !== undefined) {\r\n return cache[dcID];\r\n }\r\n const getKey = dcID + '-' + +upload;\r\n if (this.gettingNetworkers[getKey]) {\r\n return this.gettingNetworkers[getKey];\r\n }\r\n const ak = 'dc' + dcID + '_auth_key';\r\n const akID = 'dc' + dcID + '_auth_keyID';\r\n const ss = 'dc' + dcID + '_server_salt';\r\n return this.gettingNetworkers[getKey] = storage_1.default.get([ak, akID, ss])\r\n .then(([authKeyHex, authKeyIDHex, serverSaltHex]) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n /* if(authKeyHex && !authKeyIDHex && serverSaltHex) {\r\n this.log.warn('Updating to new version (+akID)');\r\n await AppStorage.remove(ak, akID, ss);\r\n authKeyHex = serverSaltHex = '';\r\n } */\r\n let networker;\r\n if (authKeyHex && authKeyHex.length == 512) {\r\n if (!serverSaltHex || serverSaltHex.length != 16) {\r\n serverSaltHex = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA';\r\n }\r\n const authKey = bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(authKeyHex);\r\n const authKeyID = new Uint8Array(bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(authKeyIDHex));\r\n const serverSalt = bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(serverSaltHex);\r\n networker = networkerFactory_1.default.getNetworker(dcID, authKey, authKeyID, serverSalt, options);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n try { // if no saved state\r\n const auth = yield authorizer_1.default.auth(dcID);\r\n const storeObj = {\r\n [ak]: bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(auth.authKey),\r\n [akID]: auth.authKeyID.hex,\r\n [ss]: bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(auth.serverSalt)\r\n };\r\n storage_1.default.set(storeObj);\r\n networker = networkerFactory_1.default.getNetworker(dcID, auth.authKey, auth.authKeyID, auth.serverSalt, options);\r\n }\r\n catch (error) {\r\n this.log('Get networker error', error, error.stack);\r\n delete this.gettingNetworkers[getKey];\r\n throw error;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n delete this.gettingNetworkers[getKey];\r\n return cache[dcID] = networker;\r\n }));\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // mtpInvokeApi\r\n invokeApi(method, params = {}, options = {}) {\r\n ///////this.log('Invoke api', method, params, options);\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n let rejectPromise = (error) => {\r\n if (!error) {\r\n error = { type: 'ERROR_EMPTY' };\r\n }\r\n else if (!bin_utils_1.isObject(error)) {\r\n error = { message: error };\r\n }\r\n reject(error);\r\n if (options.ignoreErrors) {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (error.code == 406) {\r\n error.handled = true;\r\n }\r\n if (!options.noErrorBox) {\r\n error.input = method;\r\n error.stack = stack || (error.originalError && error.originalError.stack) || error.stack || (new Error()).stack;\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n if (!error.handled) {\r\n if (error.code == 401) {\r\n this.logOut();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // ErrorService.show({error: error}); // WARNING\r\n }\r\n error.handled = true;\r\n }\r\n }, 100);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n var dcID;\r\n var cachedNetworker;\r\n var stack = (new Error()).stack || 'empty stack';\r\n var performRequest = (networker) => {\r\n return (cachedNetworker = networker)\r\n .wrapApiCall(method, params, options)\r\n .then(resolve, (error) => {\r\n this.log.error('Error', error.code, error.type, this.baseDcID, dcID);\r\n if (error.code == 401 && this.baseDcID == dcID) {\r\n storage_1.default.remove('dc', 'user_auth');\r\n this.telegramMeNotify(false);\r\n rejectPromise(error);\r\n }\r\n else if (error.code == 401 && this.baseDcID && dcID != this.baseDcID) {\r\n if (this.cachedExportPromise[dcID] === undefined) {\r\n let promise = new Promise((exportResolve, exportReject) => {\r\n this.invokeApi('auth.exportAuthorization', { dc_id: dcID }, { noErrorBox: true }).then((exportedAuth) => {\r\n this.invokeApi('auth.importAuthorization', {\r\n id: exportedAuth.id,\r\n bytes: exportedAuth.bytes\r\n }, { dcID: dcID, noErrorBox: true }).then(exportResolve, exportReject);\r\n }, exportReject);\r\n });\r\n this.cachedExportPromise[dcID] = promise;\r\n }\r\n this.cachedExportPromise[dcID].then(() => {\r\n (cachedNetworker = networker).wrapApiCall(method, params, options).then(resolve, rejectPromise);\r\n }, rejectPromise);\r\n }\r\n else if (error.code == 303) {\r\n var newDcID = error.type.match(/^(PHONE_MIGRATE_|NETWORK_MIGRATE_|USER_MIGRATE_)(\\d+)/)[2];\r\n if (newDcID != dcID) {\r\n if (options.dcID) {\r\n options.dcID = newDcID;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n storage_1.default.set({ dc: this.baseDcID = newDcID });\r\n }\r\n this.getNetworker(newDcID, options).then((networker) => {\r\n networker.wrapApiCall(method, params, options).then(resolve, rejectPromise);\r\n }, rejectPromise);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (!options.rawError && error.code == 420) {\r\n var waitTime = error.type.match(/^FLOOD_WAIT_(\\d+)/)[1] || 10;\r\n if (waitTime > (options.timeout !== undefined ? options.timeout : 60)) {\r\n return rejectPromise(error);\r\n }\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n performRequest(cachedNetworker);\r\n }, waitTime /* (waitTime + 5) */ * 1000); // 03.02.2020\r\n }\r\n else if (!options.rawError && (error.code == 500 || error.type == 'MSG_WAIT_FAILED')) {\r\n var now = Date.now();\r\n if (options.stopTime) {\r\n if (now >= options.stopTime) {\r\n return rejectPromise(error);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n options.stopTime = now + (options.timeout !== undefined ? options.timeout : 10) * 1000;\r\n }\r\n options.waitTime = options.waitTime ? Math.min(60, options.waitTime * 1.5) : 1;\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n performRequest(cachedNetworker);\r\n }, options.waitTime * 1000);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n rejectPromise(error);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n };\r\n if (dcID = (options.dcID || this.baseDcID)) {\r\n this.getNetworker(dcID, options).then(performRequest, rejectPromise);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n storage_1.default.get('dc').then((baseDcID) => {\r\n this.getNetworker(this.baseDcID = dcID = baseDcID || mtproto_config_1.App.baseDcID, options).then(performRequest, rejectPromise);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // mtpGetUserID\r\n getUserID() {\r\n return storage_1.default.get('user_auth').then((auth) => {\r\n this.telegramMeNotify(auth && auth.id > 0 || false);\r\n return auth.id || 0;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ApiManager = ApiManager;\r\nexports.default = new ApiManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 11, "identifier": 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[])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.gzipUncompress = exports.bytesModPow = exports.pqPrimeLeemon = exports.pqPrimeFactorization = exports.hash_pbkdf2 = exports.rsaEncrypt = exports.aesDecryptSync = exports.aesEncryptSync = exports.sha256HashSync = exports.sha1HashSync = exports.bytesFromLeemonBigInt = void 0;\r\nconst sha1_1 = __importDefault(require(\"@cryptography/sha1\"));\r\nconst sha256_1 = __importDefault(require(\"@cryptography/sha256\"));\r\nconst aes_1 = require(\"@cryptography/aes\");\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nconst pako_inflate_min_js_1 = __importDefault(require(\"pako/dist/pako_inflate.min.js\"));\r\nconst leemon_1 = require(\"leemon\"); //from 'leemon';\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nconst jsbn_1 = require(\"jsbn\");\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nfunction bytesFromLeemonBigInt(bigInt) {\r\n var str = leemon_1.bigInt2str(bigInt, 16);\r\n return bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(str);\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesFromLeemonBigInt = bytesFromLeemonBigInt;\r\nfunction sha1HashSync(bytes) {\r\n //console.trace(dT(), 'SHA-1 hash start', bytes);\r\n const hashBytes = [];\r\n let hash = sha1_1.default(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bytes instanceof Uint8Array ? [...bytes] : [...new Uint8Array(bytes)]));\r\n for (let i = 0; i < hash.length; ++i) {\r\n hashBytes.push(hash.charCodeAt(i));\r\n }\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'SHA-1 hash finish', hashBytes, bytesToHex(hashBytes));\r\n return new Uint8Array(hashBytes);\r\n}\r\nexports.sha1HashSync = sha1HashSync;\r\nfunction sha256HashSync(bytes) {\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'SHA-256 hash start');\r\n let words = typeof (bytes) === 'string' ? bytes : bin_utils_1.bytesToWordss(bytes);\r\n let hash = sha256_1.default(words);\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'SHA-256 hash finish', hash);\r\n return bin_utils_1.bytesFromWordss(hash);\r\n}\r\nexports.sha256HashSync = sha256HashSync;\r\nfunction aesEncryptSync(bytes, keyBytes, ivBytes) {\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'AES encrypt start', bytes, keyBytes, ivBytes);\r\n // console.log('aes before padding bytes:', bytesToHex(bytes));\r\n bytes = bin_utils_1.addPadding(bytes);\r\n // console.log('aes after padding bytes:', bytesToHex(bytes));\r\n const cipher = new aes_1.IGE(bin_utils_1.bytesToWordss(keyBytes), bin_utils_1.bytesToWordss(ivBytes));\r\n const encryptedBytes = cipher.encrypt(bin_utils_1.bytesToWordss(bytes));\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'AES encrypt finish');\r\n return bin_utils_1.bytesFromWordss(encryptedBytes);\r\n}\r\nexports.aesEncryptSync = aesEncryptSync;\r\nfunction aesDecryptSync(bytes, keyBytes, ivBytes) {\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'AES decrypt start', bytes, keyBytes, ivBytes);\r\n const cipher = new aes_1.IGE(bin_utils_1.bytesToWordss(keyBytes), bin_utils_1.bytesToWordss(ivBytes));\r\n const decryptedBytes = cipher.decrypt(bin_utils_1.bytesToWordss(bytes));\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'AES decrypt finish');\r\n return bin_utils_1.bytesFromWordss(decryptedBytes);\r\n}\r\nexports.aesDecryptSync = aesDecryptSync;\r\nfunction rsaEncrypt(publicKey, bytes) {\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'RSA encrypt start', publicKey, bytes);\r\n bytes = bin_utils_1.addPadding(bytes, 255);\r\n var N = leemon_1.str2bigInt(publicKey.modulus, 16);\r\n var E = leemon_1.str2bigInt(publicKey.exponent, 16);\r\n var X = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(bytes), 16);\r\n var encryptedBigInt = leemon_1.powMod(X, E, N);\r\n var encryptedBytes = bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(leemon_1.bigInt2str(encryptedBigInt, 16));\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'RSA encrypt finish');\r\n return encryptedBytes;\r\n}\r\nexports.rsaEncrypt = rsaEncrypt;\r\nfunction hash_pbkdf2(/* hasher: 'string', */ buffer, salt, iterations) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n let subtle = typeof (window) !== 'undefined' && 'crypto' in window ? window.crypto.subtle : self.crypto.subtle;\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n let importKey = yield subtle.importKey(\"raw\", //only \"raw\" is allowed\r\n buffer, //your password\r\n {\r\n name: \"PBKDF2\",\r\n }, false, //whether the key is extractable (i.e. can be used in exportKey)\r\n [\"deriveKey\", \"deriveBits\"] //can be any combination of \"deriveKey\" and \"deriveBits\"\r\n );\r\n /* let deriveKey = */ yield subtle.deriveKey({\r\n \"name\": \"PBKDF2\",\r\n salt: salt,\r\n iterations: iterations,\r\n hash: { name: \"SHA-512\" },\r\n }, importKey, //your key from generateKey or importKey\r\n {\r\n name: \"AES-CTR\",\r\n //the generateKey parameters for that type of algorithm\r\n length: 256,\r\n }, false, //whether the derived key is extractable (i.e. can be used in exportKey)\r\n [\"encrypt\", \"decrypt\"] //limited to the options in that algorithm's importKey\r\n );\r\n let bits = subtle.deriveBits({\r\n \"name\": \"PBKDF2\",\r\n salt: salt,\r\n iterations: iterations,\r\n hash: { name: \"SHA-512\" },\r\n }, importKey, //your key from generateKey or importKey\r\n 512 //the number of bits you want to derive\r\n );\r\n return bits;\r\n });\r\n}\r\nexports.hash_pbkdf2 = hash_pbkdf2;\r\nfunction pqPrimeFactorization(pqBytes) {\r\n var what = new jsbn_1.BigInteger(pqBytes);\r\n var result = false;\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'PQ start', pqBytes, what.toString(16), what.bitLength())\r\n try {\r\n //console.time('PQ leemon');\r\n result = pqPrimeLeemon(leemon_1.str2bigInt(what.toString(16), 16, Math.ceil(64 / leemon_1.bpe) + 1));\r\n //console.timeEnd('PQ leemon');\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n console.error('Pq leemon Exception', e);\r\n }\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'PQ finish');\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\nexports.pqPrimeFactorization = pqPrimeFactorization;\r\nfunction pqPrimeLeemon(what) {\r\n var minBits = 64;\r\n var minLen = Math.ceil(minBits / leemon_1.bpe) + 1;\r\n var it = 0;\r\n var i, q;\r\n var j, lim;\r\n var P;\r\n var Q;\r\n var a = new Array(minLen);\r\n var b = new Array(minLen);\r\n var c = new Array(minLen);\r\n var g = new Array(minLen);\r\n var z = new Array(minLen);\r\n var x = new Array(minLen);\r\n var y = new Array(minLen);\r\n for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\r\n q = (bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(128) & 15) + 17;\r\n leemon_1.copyInt_(x, bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(1000000000) + 1);\r\n leemon_1.copy_(y, x);\r\n lim = 1 << (i + 18);\r\n for (j = 1; j < lim; j++) {\r\n ++it;\r\n leemon_1.copy_(a, x);\r\n leemon_1.copy_(b, x);\r\n leemon_1.copyInt_(c, q);\r\n while (!leemon_1.isZero(b)) {\r\n if (b[0] & 1) {\r\n leemon_1.add_(c, a);\r\n if (leemon_1.greater(c, what)) {\r\n leemon_1.sub_(c, what);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n leemon_1.add_(a, a);\r\n if (leemon_1.greater(a, what)) {\r\n leemon_1.sub_(a, what);\r\n }\r\n leemon_1.rightShift_(b, 1);\r\n }\r\n leemon_1.copy_(x, c);\r\n if (leemon_1.greater(x, y)) {\r\n leemon_1.copy_(z, x);\r\n leemon_1.sub_(z, y);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n leemon_1.copy_(z, y);\r\n leemon_1.sub_(z, x);\r\n }\r\n leemon_1.eGCD_(z, what, g, a, b);\r\n if (!leemon_1.equalsInt(g, 1)) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n if ((j & (j - 1)) == 0) {\r\n leemon_1.copy_(y, x);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (leemon_1.greater(g, leemon_1.one)) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n leemon_1.divide_(what, g, x, y);\r\n if (leemon_1.greater(g, x)) {\r\n P = x;\r\n Q = g;\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n P = g;\r\n Q = x;\r\n }\r\n // console.log(dT(), 'done', bigInt2str(what, 10), bigInt2str(P, 10), bigInt2str(Q, 10))\r\n return [bytesFromLeemonBigInt(P), bytesFromLeemonBigInt(Q), it];\r\n}\r\nexports.pqPrimeLeemon = pqPrimeLeemon;\r\nfunction bytesModPow(x, y, m) {\r\n try {\r\n var xBigInt = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(x), 16);\r\n var yBigInt = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(y), 16);\r\n var mBigInt = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(m), 16);\r\n var resBigInt = leemon_1.powMod(xBigInt, yBigInt, mBigInt);\r\n return bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(leemon_1.bigInt2str(resBigInt, 16));\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n console.error('mod pow error', e);\r\n }\r\n return bin_utils_1.bytesFromBigInt(new jsbn_1.BigInteger(x).modPow(new jsbn_1.BigInteger(y), new jsbn_1.BigInteger(m)), 256);\r\n}\r\nexports.bytesModPow = bytesModPow;\r\nfunction gzipUncompress(bytes, toString) {\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'Gzip uncompress start');\r\n var result = pako_inflate_min_js_1.default.inflate(bytes, toString ? { to: 'string' } : undefined);\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'Gzip uncompress finish'/* , result */);\r\n return result;\r\n}\r\nexports.gzipUncompress = gzipUncompress;\r\n" }, { "id": 14, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\@cryptography\\aes\\dist\\es\\aes.js", "name": "./node_modules/@cryptography/aes/dist/es/aes.js", "index": 15, "index2": 9, "size": 11143, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "issuerId": 13, "issuerName": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\cryptoworker.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } }, { "id": 13, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "profile": { "factory": 1524, "building": 711, "dependencies": 1293 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1827, "building": 56 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 13, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "module": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "@cryptography/aes", "loc": "18:14-42" }, { "moduleId": 27, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\transports\\websocket.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/transports/websocket.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/transports/websocket.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "@cryptography/aes", "loc": "9:14-42" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": [ "default", "CTR", "IGE" ], "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is referenced from these modules with unsupported syntax: ./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts (referenced with cjs require), ./src/lib/mtproto/transports/websocket.ts (referenced with cjs require)" ], "depth": 3, "source": "var S = new Uint8Array(256);\nvar Si = new Uint8Array(256);\nvar T1 = new Uint32Array(256);\nvar T2 = new Uint32Array(256);\nvar T3 = new Uint32Array(256);\nvar T4 = new Uint32Array(256);\nvar T5 = new Uint32Array(256);\nvar T6 = new Uint32Array(256);\nvar T7 = new Uint32Array(256);\nvar T8 = new Uint32Array(256);\nfunction computeTables() {\n var d = new Uint8Array(256);\n var t = new Uint8Array(256);\n var x2;\n var x4;\n var x8;\n var s;\n var tEnc;\n var tDec;\n var x = 0;\n var xInv = 0;\n // Compute double and third tables\n for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {\n d[i] = i << 1 ^ (i >> 7) * 283;\n t[d[i] ^ i] = i;\n }\n for (; !S[x]; x ^= x2 || 1) {\n // Compute sbox\n s = xInv ^ xInv << 1 ^ xInv << 2 ^ xInv << 3 ^ xInv << 4;\n s = s >> 8 ^ s & 255 ^ 99;\n S[x] = s;\n Si[s] = x;\n // Compute MixColumns\n x8 = d[x4 = d[x2 = d[x]]];\n tDec = x8 * 0x1010101 ^ x4 * 0x10001 ^ x2 * 0x101 ^ x * 0x1010100;\n tEnc = d[s] * 0x101 ^ s * 0x1010100;\n T1[x] = tEnc = tEnc << 24 ^ tEnc >>> 8;\n T2[x] = tEnc = tEnc << 24 ^ tEnc >>> 8;\n T3[x] = tEnc = tEnc << 24 ^ tEnc >>> 8;\n T4[x] = tEnc = tEnc << 24 ^ tEnc >>> 8;\n T5[s] = tDec = tDec << 24 ^ tDec >>> 8;\n T6[s] = tDec = tDec << 24 ^ tDec >>> 8;\n T7[s] = tDec = tDec << 24 ^ tDec >>> 8;\n T8[s] = tDec = tDec << 24 ^ tDec >>> 8;\n xInv = t[xInv] || 1;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Gets a uint32 from string in big-endian order order\n */\nfunction s2i(str, pos) {\n return (str.charCodeAt(pos) << 24\n ^ str.charCodeAt(pos + 1) << 16\n ^ str.charCodeAt(pos + 2) << 8\n ^ str.charCodeAt(pos + 3));\n}\n\n/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */\n/**\n * Helper function for transforming string key to Uint32Array\n */\nfunction getWords(key) {\n if (key instanceof Uint32Array) {\n return key;\n }\n if (typeof key === 'string') {\n if (key.length % 4 !== 0)\n for (var i = key.length % 4; i <= 4; i++)\n key += '\\0x00';\n var buf = new Uint32Array(key.length / 4);\n for (var i = 0; i < key.length; i += 4)\n buf[i / 4] = s2i(key, i);\n return buf;\n }\n if (key instanceof Uint8Array) {\n var buf = new Uint32Array(key.length / 4);\n for (var i = 0; i < key.length; i += 4) {\n buf[i / 4] = (key[i] << 24\n ^ key[i + 1] << 16\n ^ key[i + 2] << 8\n ^ key[i + 3]);\n }\n return buf;\n }\n throw new Error('Unable to create 32-bit words');\n}\nfunction xor(left, right, to) {\n if (to === void 0) { to = left; }\n for (var i = 0; i < left.length; i++)\n to[i] = left[i] ^ right[i];\n}\n\ncomputeTables();\n/**\n * Low-level AES Cipher\n */\nvar AES = /** @class */ (function () {\n function AES(_key) {\n var key = getWords(_key);\n if (key.length !== 4 && key.length !== 6 && key.length !== 8) {\n throw new Error('Invalid key size');\n }\n this.encKey = new Uint32Array(4 * key.length + 28);\n this.decKey = new Uint32Array(4 * key.length + 28);\n this.encKey.set(key);\n var rcon = 1;\n var i = key.length;\n var tmp;\n // schedule encryption keys\n for (; i < 4 * key.length + 28; i++) {\n tmp = this.encKey[i - 1];\n // apply sbox\n if (i % key.length === 0 || (key.length === 8 && i % key.length === 4)) {\n tmp = S[tmp >>> 24] << 24 ^ S[(tmp >> 16) & 255] << 16 ^ S[(tmp >> 8) & 255] << 8 ^ S[tmp & 255];\n // shift rows and add rcon\n if (i % key.length === 0) {\n tmp = tmp << 8 ^ tmp >>> 24 ^ (rcon << 24);\n rcon = rcon << 1 ^ (rcon >> 7) * 283;\n }\n }\n this.encKey[i] = this.encKey[i - key.length] ^ tmp;\n }\n // schedule decryption keys\n for (var j = 0; i; j++, i--) {\n tmp = this.encKey[j & 3 ? i : i - 4];\n if (i <= 4 || j < 4) {\n this.decKey[j] = tmp;\n }\n else {\n this.decKey[j] = (T5[S[tmp >>> 24]]\n ^ T6[S[(tmp >> 16) & 255]]\n ^ T7[S[(tmp >> 8) & 255]]\n ^ T8[S[tmp & 255]]);\n }\n }\n }\n AES.prototype.encrypt = function (_message) {\n var message = getWords(_message);\n var out = new Uint32Array(4);\n var a = message[0] ^ this.encKey[0];\n var b = message[1] ^ this.encKey[1];\n var c = message[2] ^ this.encKey[2];\n var d = message[3] ^ this.encKey[3];\n var rounds = this.encKey.length / 4 - 2;\n var k = 4;\n var a2;\n var b2;\n var c2;\n // Inner rounds. Cribbed from OpenSSL.\n for (var i = 0; i < rounds; i++) {\n a2 = T1[a >>> 24] ^ T2[(b >> 16) & 255] ^ T3[(c >> 8) & 255] ^ T4[d & 255] ^ this.encKey[k];\n b2 = T1[b >>> 24] ^ T2[(c >> 16) & 255] ^ T3[(d >> 8) & 255] ^ T4[a & 255] ^ this.encKey[k + 1];\n c2 = T1[c >>> 24] ^ T2[(d >> 16) & 255] ^ T3[(a >> 8) & 255] ^ T4[b & 255] ^ this.encKey[k + 2];\n d = T1[d >>> 24] ^ T2[(a >> 16) & 255] ^ T3[(b >> 8) & 255] ^ T4[c & 255] ^ this.encKey[k + 3];\n a = a2;\n b = b2;\n c = c2;\n k += 4;\n // console.log(a, b, c, d);\n }\n // Last round.\n for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n out[i] = (S[a >>> 24] << 24\n ^ S[(b >> 16) & 255] << 16\n ^ S[(c >> 8) & 255] << 8\n ^ S[d & 255]\n ^ this.encKey[k++]);\n a2 = a;\n a = b;\n b = c;\n c = d;\n d = a2;\n }\n return out;\n };\n AES.prototype.decrypt = function (_message) {\n var message = getWords(_message);\n var out = new Uint32Array(4);\n var a = message[0] ^ this.decKey[0];\n var b = message[3] ^ this.decKey[1];\n var c = message[2] ^ this.decKey[2];\n var d = message[1] ^ this.decKey[3];\n var rounds = this.decKey.length / 4 - 2;\n var a2;\n var b2;\n var c2;\n var k = 4;\n // Inner rounds. Cribbed from OpenSSL.\n for (var i = 0; i < rounds; i++) {\n a2 = T5[a >>> 24] ^ T6[(b >> 16) & 255] ^ T7[(c >> 8) & 255] ^ T8[d & 255] ^ this.decKey[k];\n b2 = T5[b >>> 24] ^ T6[(c >> 16) & 255] ^ T7[(d >> 8) & 255] ^ T8[a & 255] ^ this.decKey[k + 1];\n c2 = T5[c >>> 24] ^ T6[(d >> 16) & 255] ^ T7[(a >> 8) & 255] ^ T8[b & 255] ^ this.decKey[k + 2];\n d = T5[d >>> 24] ^ T6[(a >> 16) & 255] ^ T7[(b >> 8) & 255] ^ T8[c & 255] ^ this.decKey[k + 3];\n a = a2;\n b = b2;\n c = c2;\n k += 4;\n }\n // Last round.\n for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n out[3 & -i] = (Si[a >>> 24] << 24\n ^ Si[(b >> 16) & 255] << 16\n ^ Si[(c >> 8) & 255] << 8\n ^ Si[d & 255]\n ^ this.decKey[k++]);\n a2 = a;\n a = b;\n b = c;\n c = d;\n d = a2;\n }\n return out;\n };\n return AES;\n}());\n\n/**\n * AES-IGE mode.\n */\nvar AES_IGE = /** @class */ (function () {\n function AES_IGE(key, iv, blockSize) {\n if (blockSize === void 0) { blockSize = 16; }\n this.key = getWords(key);\n this.iv = getWords(iv);\n this.cipher = new AES(key);\n this.blockSize = blockSize / 4;\n }\n /**\n * Encrypts plain text with AES-IGE mode.\n */\n AES_IGE.prototype.encrypt = function (message, buf) {\n var text = getWords(message);\n var cipherText = buf || new Uint32Array(text.length);\n var prevX = this.iv.subarray(this.blockSize, this.iv.length);\n var prevY = this.iv.subarray(0, this.blockSize);\n var yXOR = new Uint32Array(this.blockSize);\n for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i += this.blockSize) {\n var x = text.subarray(i, i + this.blockSize);\n xor(x, prevY, yXOR);\n var y = this.cipher.encrypt(yXOR);\n xor(y, prevX);\n prevX = x;\n prevY = y;\n for (var j = i, k = 0; j < text.length && k < 4; j++, k++)\n cipherText[j] = y[k];\n }\n return cipherText;\n };\n /**\n * Decrypts cipher text with AES-IGE mode.\n */\n AES_IGE.prototype.decrypt = function (message, buf) {\n var cipherText = getWords(message);\n var text = buf || new Uint32Array(cipherText.length);\n var prevY = this.iv.subarray(this.blockSize, this.iv.length);\n var prevX = this.iv.subarray(0, this.blockSize);\n var yXOR = new Uint32Array(this.blockSize);\n for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i += this.blockSize) {\n var x = cipherText.subarray(i, i + this.blockSize);\n xor(x, prevY, yXOR);\n var y = this.cipher.decrypt(yXOR);\n xor(y, prevX);\n prevX = x;\n prevY = y;\n for (var j = i, k = 0; j < text.length && k < 4; j++, k++)\n text[j] = y[k];\n }\n return text;\n };\n return AES_IGE;\n}());\n\n/**\n * AES-IGE mode.\n */\nvar AES_IGE$1 = /** @class */ (function () {\n function AES_IGE(key, counter, blockSize) {\n if (blockSize === void 0) { blockSize = 16; }\n this.offset = 0;\n this.key = getWords(key);\n this.counter = getWords(counter);\n this.cipher = new AES(key);\n this.blockSize = blockSize / 4;\n if (this.counter.length !== 4) {\n throw new Error('AES-CTR mode counter must be 16 bytes length');\n }\n }\n /**\n * Encrypts plain text with AES-IGE mode.\n */\n AES_IGE.prototype.encrypt = function (message, buf) {\n var text = getWords(message);\n var cipherText = buf || new Uint32Array(text.length);\n var offset = this.offset;\n for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i += this.blockSize) {\n var x = this.cipher.encrypt(this.counter);\n for (var j = i, k = offset; j < text.length && k < this.blockSize; j++, k++)\n cipherText[j] = x[k] ^ text[j];\n if (text.length - i >= this.blockSize)\n this.incrementCounter();\n if (offset) {\n i -= offset;\n offset = 0;\n }\n }\n this.offset = (this.offset + (text.length % 4)) % 4;\n return cipherText;\n };\n /**\n * Decrypts cipher text with AES-IGE mode.\n */\n AES_IGE.prototype.decrypt = function (message, buf) {\n return this.encrypt(message, buf);\n };\n AES_IGE.prototype.incrementCounter = function () {\n // increment counter\n for (var carry = this.counter.length - 1; carry >= 0; carry--) {\n if (++this.counter[carry] < 0xFFFFFFFF)\n break; // If overflowing, it'll be 0 and we'll have to continue propagating the carry\n }\n };\n return AES_IGE;\n}());\n\nexport default AES;\nexport { AES_IGE$1 as CTR, AES_IGE as IGE };\n" }, { "id": 15, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\leemon\\es\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/leemon/es/index.js", "index": 17, "index2": 11, "size": 57067, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "issuerId": 13, "issuerName": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\cryptoworker.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } }, { "id": 13, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "profile": { "factory": 1524, "building": 711, "dependencies": 1293 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1827, "building": 56 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 13, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "module": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "leemon", "loc": "21:17-34" }, { "moduleId": 26, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\srp.ts", "module": "./src/lib/crypto/srp.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/crypto/srp.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "leemon", "loc": "18:17-34" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": [ "bpe", "one", "zero", "findPrimes", "millerRabinInt", "millerRabin", "bitSize", "expand", "randTruePrime", "randProbPrime", "randProbPrimeRounds", "mod", "addInt", "mult", "powMod", "sub", "add", "inverseMod", "multMod", "randTruePrime_", "randBigInt", "randBigInt_", "GCD", "GCD_", "inverseMod_", "inverseModInt", "eGCD_", "negative", "greaterShift", "greater", "divide_", "carry_", "modInt", "int2bigInt", "str2bigInt", "equalsInt", "equals", "isZero", "bigInt2str", "dup", "copy_", "copyInt_", "addInt_", "rightShift_", "halve_", "leftShift_", "multInt_", "divInt_", "linComb_", "linCombShift_", "addShift_", "subShift_", "sub_", "add_", "mult_", "mod_", "multMod_", "squareMod_", "trim", "powMod_", "mont_" ], "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is referenced from these modules with unsupported syntax: ./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts (referenced with cjs require), ./src/lib/crypto/srp.ts (referenced with cjs require)" ], "depth": 3, "source": "'use strict';\n/** * * * * * * * * * *\n * Big Integer Library *\n * Created 2000 *\n * Leemon Baird *\n * www.leemon.com *\n * * * * * * * * * * * */\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n// These functions are designed to avoid frequent dynamic memory allocation in the inner loop.\n// For most functions, if it needs a BigInt as a local variable it will actually use\n// a global, and will only allocate to it only when it's not the right size. This ensures\n// that when a function is called repeatedly with same-sized parameters, it only allocates\n// memory on the first call.\n//\n// Note that for cryptographic purposes, the calls to Math.random() must\n// be replaced with calls to a better pseudorandom number generator.\n//\n// In the following, \"bigInt\" means a bigInt with at least one leading zero element,\n// and \"integer\" means a nonnegative integer less than radix. In some cases, integer\n// can be negative. Negative bigInts are 2s complement.\n//\n// The following functions do not modify their inputs.\n// Those returning a bigInt, string, or Array will dynamically allocate memory for that value.\n// Those returning a boolean will return the integer 0 (false) or 1 (true).\n// Those returning boolean or int will not allocate memory except possibly on the first\n// time they're called with a given parameter size.\n//\n// bigInt add(x,y) //return (x+y) for bigInts x and y.\n// bigInt addInt(x,n) //return (x+n) where x is a bigInt and n is an integer.\n// string bigInt2str(x,base) //return a string form of bigInt x in a given base, with 2 <= base <= 95\n// int bitSize(x) //return how many bits long the bigInt x is, not counting leading zeros\n// bigInt dup(x) //return a copy of bigInt x\n// boolean equals(x,y) //is the bigInt x equal to the bigint y?\n// boolean equalsInt(x,y) //is bigint x equal to integer y?\n// bigInt expand(x,n) //return a copy of x with at least n elements, adding leading zeros if needed\n// Array findPrimes(n) //return array of all primes less than integer n\n// bigInt GCD(x,y) //return greatest common divisor of bigInts x and y (each with same number of elements).\n// boolean greater(x,y) //is x>y? (x and y are nonnegative bigInts)\n// boolean greaterShift(x,y,shift)//is (x <<(shift*bpe)) > y?\n// bigInt int2bigInt(t,n,m) //return a bigInt equal to integer t, with at least n bits and m array elements\n// bigInt inverseMod(x,n) //return (x**(-1) mod n) for bigInts x and n. If no inverse exists, it returns null\n// int inverseModInt(x,n) //return x**(-1) mod n, for integers x and n. Return 0 if there is no inverse\n// boolean isZero(x) //is the bigInt x equal to zero?\n// boolean millerRabin(x,b) //does one round of Miller-Rabin base integer b say that bigInt x is possibly prime? (b is bigInt, 1=1). If s=1, then the most significant of those n bits is set to 1.\n// bigInt randTruePrime(k) //return a new, random, k-bit, true prime bigInt using Maurer's algorithm.\n// bigInt randProbPrime(k) //return a new, random, k-bit, probable prime bigInt (probability it's composite less than 2^-80).\n// bigInt str2bigInt(s,b,n,m) //return a bigInt for number represented in string s in base b with at least n bits and m array elements\n// bigInt sub(x,y) //return (x-y) for bigInts x and y. Negative answers will be 2s complement\n// bigInt trim(x,k) //return a copy of x with exactly k leading zero elements\n//\n//\n// The following functions each have a non-underscored version, which most users should call instead.\n// These functions each write to a single parameter, and the caller is responsible for ensuring the array\n// passed in is large enough to hold the result.\n//\n// void addInt_(x,n) //do x=x+n where x is a bigInt and n is an integer\n// void add_(x,y) //do x=x+y for bigInts x and y\n// void copy_(x,y) //do x=y on bigInts x and y\n// void copyInt_(x,n) //do x=n on bigInt x and integer n\n// void GCD_(x,y) //set x to the greatest common divisor of bigInts x and y, (y is destroyed). (This never overflows its array).\n// boolean inverseMod_(x,n) //do x=x**(-1) mod n, for bigInts x and n. Returns 1 (0) if inverse does (doesn't) exist\n// void mod_(x,n) //do x=x mod n for bigInts x and n. (This never overflows its array).\n// void mult_(x,y) //do x=x*y for bigInts x and y.\n// void multMod_(x,y,n) //do x=x*y mod n for bigInts x,y,n.\n// void powMod_(x,y,n) //do x=x**y mod n, where x,y,n are bigInts (n is odd) and ** is exponentiation. 0**0=1.\n// void randBigInt_(b,n,s) //do b = an n-bit random BigInt. if s=1, then nth bit (most significant bit) is set to 1. n>=1.\n// void randTruePrime_(ans,k) //do ans = a random k-bit true random prime (not just probable prime) with 1 in the msb.\n// void sub_(x,y) //do x=x-y for bigInts x and y. Negative answers will be 2s complement.\n//\n// The following functions do NOT have a non-underscored version.\n// They each write a bigInt result to one or more parameters. The caller is responsible for\n// ensuring the arrays passed in are large enough to hold the results.\n//\n// void addShift_(x,y,ys) //do x=x+(y<<(ys*bpe))\n// void carry_(x) //do carries and borrows so each element of the bigInt x fits in bpe bits.\n// void divide_(x,y,q,r) //divide x by y giving quotient q and remainder r\n// int divInt_(x,n) //do x=floor(x/n) for bigInt x and integer n, and return the remainder. (This never overflows its array).\n// void eGCD_(x,y,d,a,b) //sets a,b,d to positive bigInts such that d = GCD_(x,y) = a*x-b*y\n// void halve_(x) //do x=floor(|x|/2)*sgn(x) for bigInt x in 2's complement. (This never overflows its array).\n// void leftShift_(x,n) //left shift bigInt x by n bits. n64 multiplier, but not with JavaScript's 32*32->32)\n// - speeding up mont_(x,y,n,np) when x==y by doing a non-modular, non-Montgomery square\n// followed by a Montgomery reduction. The intermediate answer will be twice as long as x, so that\n// method would be slower. This is unfortunate because the code currently spends almost all of its time\n// doing mont_(x,x,...), both for randTruePrime_() and powMod_(). A faster method for Montgomery squaring\n// would have a large impact on the speed of randTruePrime_() and powMod_(). HAC has a couple of poorly-worded\n// sentences that seem to imply it's faster to do a non-modular square followed by a single\n// Montgomery reduction, but that's obviously wrong.\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n//globals\nexport var bpe = 0; //bits stored per array element\n\nvar mask = 0; //AND this with an array element to chop it down to bpe bits\n\nvar radix = mask + 1; //equals 2^bpe. A single 1 bit to the left of the last bit of mask.\n//the digits for converting to different bases\n\nvar digitsStr = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_=!@#$%^&*()[]{}|;:,.<>/?`~ \\\\\\'\"+-'; //initialize the global variables\n//bpe=number of bits in the mantissa on this platform\n\nfor (bpe = 0; 1 << bpe + 1 > 1 << bpe; bpe++) {\n ;\n}\n\nbpe >>= 1; //bpe=number of bits in one element of the array representing the bigInt\n\nmask = (1 << bpe) - 1; //AND the mask with an integer to get its bpe least significant bits\n\nradix = mask + 1; //2^bpe. a single 1 bit to the left of the first bit of mask\n\nexport var one = int2bigInt(1, 1, 1); //constant used in powMod_()\n\nexport var zero = int2bigInt(0, 1, 1); //the following global variables are scratchpad memory to\n//reduce dynamic memory allocation in the inner loop\n\nvar t = new Array(0);\nvar ss = t; //used in mult_()\n\nvar s0 = t; //used in multMod_(), squareMod_()\n// var s1=t; //used in powMod_(), multMod_(), squareMod_()\n// var s2=t; //used in powMod_(), multMod_()\n\nvar s3 = t; //used in powMod_()\n\nvar s4 = t,\n s5 = t; //used in mod_()\n\nvar s6 = t; //used in bigInt2str()\n\nvar s7 = t; //used in powMod_()\n\nvar T = t; //used in GCD_()\n\nvar sa = t; //used in mont_()\n\nvar mr_x1 = t,\n mr_r = t,\n mr_a = t,\n //used in millerRabin()\neg_v = t,\n eg_u = t,\n eg_A = t,\n eg_B = t,\n eg_C = t,\n eg_D = t,\n //used in eGCD_(), inverseMod_()\n//, md_q1=t, md_q2=t, md_q3=t, md_r=t, md_r1=t, md_r2=t, md_tt=t, //used in mod_()\nprimes = t,\n pows = t,\n s_i = t,\n s_i2 = t,\n s_R = t,\n s_rm = t,\n s_q = t,\n s_n1 = t,\n s_a = t,\n s_r2 = t,\n s_n = t,\n s_b = t,\n s_d = t,\n s_x1 = t,\n s_x2 = t,\n s_aa = t,\n //used in randTruePrime_()\nrpprb = t; //used in randProbPrimeRounds() (which also uses \"primes\")\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\nvar k, buff;\n/**\n * return array of all primes less than integer n\n *\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function findPrimes(n) {\n var i, s, p, ans;\n s = new Array(n);\n\n for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {\n s[i] = 0;\n }\n\n s[0] = 2;\n p = 0; //first p elements of s are primes, the rest are a sieve\n\n for (; s[p] < n;) {\n //s[p] is the pth prime\n for (i = s[p] * s[p]; i < n; i += s[p] //mark multiples of s[p]\n ) {\n s[i] = 1;\n }\n\n p++;\n s[p] = s[p - 1] + 1;\n\n for (; s[p] < n && s[s[p]]; s[p]++) {\n ;\n } //find next prime (where s[p]==0)\n\n }\n\n ans = new Array(p);\n\n for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {\n ans[i] = s[i];\n }\n\n return ans;\n}\n/**\n * does a single round of Miller-Rabin base b consider x to be a possible prime?\n *\n * x is a bigInt, and b is an integer, with b 0; j--) {\n ;\n }\n\n for (z = 0, w = x[j]; w; w >>= 1, z++) {\n ;\n }\n\n z += bpe * j;\n return z;\n}\n/**\n * return a copy of x with at least n elements, adding leading zeros if needed\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function expand(x, n) {\n var ans = int2bigInt(0, (x.length > n ? x.length : n) * bpe, 0);\n copy_(ans, x);\n return ans;\n}\n/**\n * return a k-bit true random prime using Maurer's algorithm.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number} k\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function randTruePrime(k) {\n var ans = int2bigInt(0, k, 0);\n randTruePrime_(ans, k);\n return trim(ans, 1);\n}\n/**\n * return a k-bit random probable prime with probability of error < 2^-80\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number} k\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function randProbPrime(k) {\n if (k >= 600) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 2); //numbers from HAC table 4.3\n\n if (k >= 550) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 4);\n if (k >= 500) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 5);\n if (k >= 400) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 6);\n if (k >= 350) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 7);\n if (k >= 300) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 9);\n if (k >= 250) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 12); //numbers from HAC table 4.4\n\n if (k >= 200) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 15);\n if (k >= 150) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 18);\n if (k >= 100) return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 27);\n return randProbPrimeRounds(k, 40); //number from HAC remark 4.26 (only an estimate)\n}\n/**\n * return a k-bit probable random prime using n rounds of Miller Rabin\n * (after trial division with small primes)\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number} k\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function randProbPrimeRounds(k, n) {\n var ans, i, divisible, B;\n B = 30000; //B is largest prime to use in trial division\n\n ans = int2bigInt(0, k, 0); //optimization: try larger and smaller B to find the best limit.\n\n if (primes.length === 0) primes = findPrimes(30000); //check for divisibility by primes <=30000\n\n if (rpprb.length !== ans.length) rpprb = dup(ans);\n\n for (;;) {\n //keep trying random values for ans until one appears to be prime\n //optimization: pick a random number times L=2*3*5*...*p, plus a\n // random element of the list of all numbers in [0,L) not divisible by any prime up to p.\n // This can reduce the amount of random number generation.\n randBigInt_(ans, k, 0); //ans = a random odd number to check\n\n ans[0] |= 1;\n divisible = 0; //check ans for divisibility by small primes up to B\n\n for (i = 0; i < primes.length && primes[i] <= B; i++) {\n if (modInt(ans, primes[i]) === 0 && !equalsInt(ans, primes[i])) {\n divisible = 1;\n break;\n }\n } //optimization: change millerRabin so the base can be bigger than the number being checked, then eliminate the while here.\n //do n rounds of Miller Rabin, with random bases less than ans\n\n\n for (i = 0; i < n && !divisible; i++) {\n randBigInt_(rpprb, k, 0);\n\n while (!greater(ans, rpprb) //pick a random rpprb that's < ans\n ) {\n randBigInt_(rpprb, k, 0);\n }\n\n if (!millerRabin(ans, rpprb)) divisible = 1;\n }\n\n if (!divisible) return ans;\n }\n /*::\n declare var never: empty\n return never\n */\n\n}\n/**\n * return a new bigInt equal to (x mod n) for bigInts x and n.\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} n\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function mod(x, n) {\n var ans = dup(x);\n mod_(ans, n);\n return trim(ans, 1);\n}\n/**\n * return (x+n) where x is a bigInt and n is an integer.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function addInt(x, n) {\n var ans = expand(x, x.length + 1);\n addInt_(ans, n);\n return trim(ans, 1);\n}\n/**\n * return x*y for bigInts x and y. This is faster when y y.length ? x.length + 1 : y.length + 1);\n sub_(ans, y);\n return trim(ans, 1);\n}\n/**\n * return (x+y) for bigInts x and y\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function add(x, y) {\n var ans = expand(x, x.length > y.length ? x.length + 1 : y.length + 1);\n add_(ans, y);\n return trim(ans, 1);\n}\n/**\n * return (x**(-1) mod n) for bigInts x and n.\n *\n * If no inverse exists, it returns null\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} n\n * @returns {(number[] | null)}\n */\n\nexport function inverseMod(x, n) {\n var ans = expand(x, n.length);\n var s = inverseMod_(ans, n);\n return s ? trim(ans, 1) : null;\n}\n/**\n * return (x*y mod n) for bigInts x,y,n.\n *\n * For greater speed, let y= 2\n\n if (s_i2.length != ans.length) {\n s_i2 = dup(ans);\n s_R = dup(ans);\n s_n1 = dup(ans);\n s_r2 = dup(ans);\n s_d = dup(ans);\n s_x1 = dup(ans); //TODO Seems like a bug in eslint, reports as unused\n\n s_x2 = dup(ans);\n s_b = dup(ans);\n s_n = dup(ans);\n s_i = dup(ans);\n s_rm = dup(ans);\n s_q = dup(ans);\n s_a = dup(ans);\n s_aa = dup(ans);\n }\n\n if (k <= recLimit) {\n //generate small random primes by trial division up to its square root\n pm = (1 << (k + 2 >> 1)) - 1; //pm is binary number with all ones, just over sqrt(2^k)\n\n copyInt_(ans, 0);\n\n for (dd = 1; dd;) {\n dd = 0;\n ans[0] = 1 | 1 << k - 1 | Math.floor(Math.random() * (1 << k)); //random, k-bit, odd integer, with msb 1\n\n for (j = 1; j < primes.length && (primes[j] & pm) == primes[j]; j++) {\n //trial division by all primes 3...sqrt(2^k)\n if (0 == ans[0] % primes[j]) {\n dd = 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n\n carry_(ans);\n return;\n }\n\n B = c * k * k; //try small primes up to B (or all the primes[] array if the largest is less than B).\n\n if (k > 2 * m) //generate this k-bit number by first recursively generating a number that has between k/2 and k-m bits\n for (r = 1; k - k * r <= m;) {\n r = pows[Math.floor(Math.random() * 512)];\n } //r=Math.pow(2,Math.random()-1);\n else r = 0.5; //simulation suggests the more complex algorithm using r=.333 is only slightly faster.\n\n recSize = Math.floor(r * k) + 1;\n randTruePrime_(s_q, recSize);\n copyInt_(s_i2, 0);\n s_i2[Math.floor((k - 2) / bpe)] |= 1 << (k - 2) % bpe; //s_i2=2^(k-2)\n\n divide_(s_i2, s_q, s_i, s_rm); //s_i=floor((2^(k-1))/(2q))\n\n z = bitSize(s_i);\n\n for (;;) {\n for (;;) {\n //generate z-bit numbers until one falls in the range [0,s_i-1]\n randBigInt_(s_R, z, 0);\n if (greater(s_i, s_R)) break;\n } //now s_R is in the range [0,s_i-1]\n\n\n addInt_(s_R, 1); //now s_R is in the range [1,s_i]\n\n add_(s_R, s_i); //now s_R is in the range [s_i+1,2*s_i]\n\n copy_(s_n, s_q);\n mult_(s_n, s_R);\n multInt_(s_n, 2);\n addInt_(s_n, 1); //s_n=2*s_R*s_q+1\n\n copy_(s_r2, s_R);\n multInt_(s_r2, 2); //s_r2=2*s_R\n //check s_n for divisibility by small primes up to B\n\n for (divisible = 0, j = 0; j < primes.length && primes[j] < B; j++) {\n if (modInt(s_n, primes[j]) == 0 && !equalsInt(s_n, primes[j])) {\n divisible = 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (!divisible) if (!millerRabinInt(s_n, 2)) //if it passes small primes check, then try a single Miller-Rabin base 2\n //this line represents 75% of the total runtime for randTruePrime_\n divisible = 1;\n\n if (!divisible) {\n //if it passes that test, continue checking s_n\n addInt_(s_n, -3);\n\n for (j = s_n.length - 1; s_n[j] == 0 && j > 0; j--) {\n ;\n } //strip leading zeros\n\n\n for (zz = 0, w = s_n[j]; w; w >>= 1, zz++) {\n ;\n }\n\n zz += bpe * j; //zz=number of bits in s_n, ignoring leading zeros\n\n for (;;) {\n //generate z-bit numbers until one falls in the range [0,s_n-1]\n randBigInt_(s_a, zz, 0);\n if (greater(s_n, s_a)) break;\n } //now s_a is in the range [0,s_n-1]\n\n\n addInt_(s_n, 3); //now s_a is in the range [0,s_n-4]\n\n addInt_(s_a, 2); //now s_a is in the range [2,s_n-2]\n\n copy_(s_b, s_a);\n copy_(s_n1, s_n);\n addInt_(s_n1, -1);\n powMod_(s_b, s_n1, s_n); //s_b=s_a^(s_n-1) modulo s_n\n\n addInt_(s_b, -1);\n\n if (isZero(s_b)) {\n copy_(s_b, s_a);\n powMod_(s_b, s_r2, s_n);\n addInt_(s_b, -1);\n copy_(s_aa, s_n);\n copy_(s_d, s_b);\n GCD_(s_d, s_n); //if s_b and s_n are relatively prime, then s_n is a prime\n\n if (equalsInt(s_d, 1)) {\n copy_(ans, s_aa);\n return; //if we've made it this far, then s_n is absolutely guaranteed to be prime\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * Return an n-bit random BigInt (n>=1). If s=1, then the most significant of those n bits is set to 1.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number} n\n * @param {number} s\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function randBigInt(n, s) {\n var a, b;\n a = Math.floor((n - 1) / bpe) + 2; //# array elements to hold the BigInt with a leading 0 element\n\n b = int2bigInt(0, 0, a);\n randBigInt_(b, n, s);\n return b;\n}\n/**\n * Set b to an n-bit random BigInt. If s=1, then the most significant of those n bits is set to 1.\n *\n * Array b must be big enough to hold the result. Must have n>=1\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} b\n * @param {number} n\n * @param {number} s\n * @return {void}\n */\n\nexport function randBigInt_(b, n, s) {\n var i, a;\n\n for (i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {\n b[i] = 0;\n }\n\n a = Math.floor((n - 1) / bpe) + 1; //# array elements to hold the BigInt\n\n for (i = 0; i < a; i++) {\n b[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * (1 << bpe - 1));\n }\n\n b[a - 1] &= (2 << (n - 1) % bpe) - 1;\n if (s == 1) b[a - 1] |= 1 << (n - 1) % bpe;\n}\n/**\n * Return the greatest common divisor of bigInts x and y (each with same number of elements).\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function GCD(x, y) {\n var xc, yc;\n xc = dup(x);\n yc = dup(y);\n GCD_(xc, yc);\n return xc;\n}\n/**\n * set x to the greatest common divisor of bigInts x and y (each with same number of elements).\n *\n * y is destroyed.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n */\n\nexport function GCD_(x, y) {\n var i, xp, yp, A, B, C, D, q, sing;\n var qp;\n if (T.length !== x.length) T = dup(x);\n sing = 1;\n\n while (sing) {\n //while y has nonzero elements other than y[0]\n sing = 0;\n\n for (i = 1; i < y.length; i++ //check if y has nonzero elements other than 0\n ) {\n if (y[i]) {\n sing = 1;\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (!sing) break; //quit when y all zero elements except possibly y[0]\n\n for (i = x.length; !x[i] && i >= 0; i--) {\n ;\n } //find most significant element of x\n\n\n xp = x[i];\n yp = y[i];\n A = 1;\n B = 0;\n C = 0;\n D = 1;\n\n while (yp + C && yp + D) {\n q = Math.floor((xp + A) / (yp + C));\n qp = Math.floor((xp + B) / (yp + D));\n if (q != qp) break;\n t = A - q * C;\n A = C;\n C = t; // do (A,B,xp, C,D,yp) = (C,D,yp, A,B,xp) - q*(0,0,0, C,D,yp)\n\n t = B - q * D;\n B = D;\n D = t;\n t = xp - q * yp;\n xp = yp;\n yp = t;\n }\n\n if (B) {\n copy_(T, x);\n linComb_(x, y, A, B); //x=A*x+B*y\n\n linComb_(y, T, D, C); //y=D*y+C*T\n } else {\n mod_(x, y);\n copy_(T, x);\n copy_(x, y);\n copy_(y, T);\n }\n }\n\n if (y[0] === 0) return;\n t = modInt(x, y[0]);\n copyInt_(x, y[0]);\n y[0] = t;\n\n while (y[0]) {\n x[0] %= y[0];\n t = x[0];\n x[0] = y[0];\n y[0] = t;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=x**(-1) mod n, for bigInts x and n.\n *\n * If no inverse exists, it sets x to zero and returns 0, else it returns 1.\n * The x array must be at least as large as the n array.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} n\n * @returns {(0 | 1)}\n */\n\nexport function inverseMod_(x, n) {\n var k = 1 + 2 * Math.max(x.length, n.length);\n\n if (!(x[0] & 1) && !(n[0] & 1)) {\n //if both inputs are even, then inverse doesn't exist\n copyInt_(x, 0);\n return 0;\n }\n\n if (eg_u.length != k) {\n eg_u = new Array(k);\n eg_v = new Array(k);\n eg_A = new Array(k);\n eg_B = new Array(k);\n eg_C = new Array(k);\n eg_D = new Array(k);\n }\n\n copy_(eg_u, x);\n copy_(eg_v, n);\n copyInt_(eg_A, 1);\n copyInt_(eg_B, 0);\n copyInt_(eg_C, 0);\n copyInt_(eg_D, 1);\n\n for (;;) {\n while (!(eg_u[0] & 1)) {\n //while eg_u is even\n halve_(eg_u);\n\n if (!(eg_A[0] & 1) && !(eg_B[0] & 1)) {\n //if eg_A==eg_B==0 mod 2\n halve_(eg_A);\n halve_(eg_B);\n } else {\n add_(eg_A, n);\n halve_(eg_A);\n sub_(eg_B, x);\n halve_(eg_B);\n }\n }\n\n while (!(eg_v[0] & 1)) {\n //while eg_v is even\n halve_(eg_v);\n\n if (!(eg_C[0] & 1) && !(eg_D[0] & 1)) {\n //if eg_C==eg_D==0 mod 2\n halve_(eg_C);\n halve_(eg_D);\n } else {\n add_(eg_C, n);\n halve_(eg_C);\n sub_(eg_D, x);\n halve_(eg_D);\n }\n }\n\n if (!greater(eg_v, eg_u)) {\n //eg_v <= eg_u\n sub_(eg_u, eg_v);\n sub_(eg_A, eg_C);\n sub_(eg_B, eg_D);\n } else {\n //eg_v > eg_u\n sub_(eg_v, eg_u);\n sub_(eg_C, eg_A);\n sub_(eg_D, eg_B);\n }\n\n if (equalsInt(eg_u, 0)) {\n while (negative(eg_C) //make sure answer is nonnegative\n ) {\n add_(eg_C, n);\n }\n\n copy_(x, eg_C);\n\n if (!equalsInt(eg_v, 1)) {\n //if GCD_(x,n)!=1, then there is no inverse\n copyInt_(x, 0);\n return 0;\n }\n\n return 1;\n }\n }\n /*::\n declare var never: empty\n return never\n */\n\n}\n/**\n * return x**(-1) mod n, for integers x and n.\n *\n * Return 0 if there is no inverse\n *\n * @param {number} x\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {number}\n */\n\nexport function inverseModInt(x, n) {\n var a = 1,\n b = 0,\n t;\n\n for (;;) {\n if (x === 1) return a;\n if (x === 0) return 0;\n b -= a * Math.floor(n / x); //$off\n\n n %= x;\n if (n === 1) return b; //to avoid negatives, change this b to n-b, and each -= to +=\n\n if (n === 0) return 0;\n a -= b * Math.floor(x / n); //$off\n\n x %= n;\n }\n /*::\n declare var never: empty\n return never\n */\n\n} //this deprecated function is for backward compatibility only.\n\nfunction inverseModInt_(x, n) {\n return inverseModInt(x, n);\n}\n/**\n * Given positive bigInts x and y, change the bigints v, a, and b to positive bigInts such that:\n *\n * v = GCD_(x,y) = a*x-b*y\n *\n * The bigInts v, a, b, must have exactly as many elements as the larger of x and y.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @param {number[]} v\n * @param {number[]} a\n * @param {number[]} b\n * @return {void}\n */\n\n\nexport function eGCD_(x, y, v, a, b) {\n var g = 0;\n var k = Math.max(x.length, y.length);\n\n if (eg_u.length != k) {\n eg_u = new Array(k);\n eg_A = new Array(k);\n eg_B = new Array(k);\n eg_C = new Array(k);\n eg_D = new Array(k);\n }\n\n while (!(x[0] & 1) && !(y[0] & 1)) {\n //while x and y both even\n halve_(x);\n halve_(y);\n g++;\n }\n\n copy_(eg_u, x);\n copy_(v, y);\n copyInt_(eg_A, 1);\n copyInt_(eg_B, 0);\n copyInt_(eg_C, 0);\n copyInt_(eg_D, 1);\n\n for (;;) {\n while (!(eg_u[0] & 1)) {\n //while u is even\n halve_(eg_u);\n\n if (!(eg_A[0] & 1) && !(eg_B[0] & 1)) {\n //if A==B==0 mod 2\n halve_(eg_A);\n halve_(eg_B);\n } else {\n add_(eg_A, y);\n halve_(eg_A);\n sub_(eg_B, x);\n halve_(eg_B);\n }\n }\n\n while (!(v[0] & 1)) {\n //while v is even\n halve_(v);\n\n if (!(eg_C[0] & 1) && !(eg_D[0] & 1)) {\n //if C==D==0 mod 2\n halve_(eg_C);\n halve_(eg_D);\n } else {\n add_(eg_C, y);\n halve_(eg_C);\n sub_(eg_D, x);\n halve_(eg_D);\n }\n }\n\n if (!greater(v, eg_u)) {\n //v<=u\n sub_(eg_u, v);\n sub_(eg_A, eg_C);\n sub_(eg_B, eg_D);\n } else {\n //v>u\n sub_(v, eg_u);\n sub_(eg_C, eg_A);\n sub_(eg_D, eg_B);\n }\n\n if (equalsInt(eg_u, 0)) {\n while (negative(eg_C)) {\n //make sure a (C) is nonnegative\n add_(eg_C, y);\n sub_(eg_D, x);\n }\n\n multInt_(eg_D, -1); ///make sure b (D) is nonnegative\n\n copy_(a, eg_C);\n copy_(b, eg_D);\n leftShift_(v, g);\n return;\n }\n }\n}\n/**\n * is bigInt x negative?\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @returns {(1 | 0)}\n */\n\nexport function negative(x) {\n //TODO Flow Bool type inference\n return x[x.length - 1] >> bpe - 1 & 1;\n}\n/**\n * is (x << (shift*bpe)) > y?\n *\n * x and y are nonnegative bigInts\n * shift is a nonnegative integer\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @param {number} shift\n * @returns {(1 | 0)}\n */\n\nexport function greaterShift(x, y, shift) {\n var i,\n kx = x.length,\n ky = y.length;\n k = kx + shift < ky ? kx + shift : ky;\n\n for (i = ky - 1 - shift; i < kx && i >= 0; i++) {\n if (x[i] > 0) return 1;\n } //if there are nonzeros in x to the left of the first column of y, then x is bigger\n\n\n for (i = kx - 1 + shift; i < ky; i++) {\n if (y[i] > 0) return 0;\n } //if there are nonzeros in y to the left of the first column of x, then x is not bigger\n\n\n for (i = k - 1; i >= shift; i--) {\n if (x[i - shift] > y[i]) return 1;else if (x[i - shift] < y[i]) return 0;\n }\n\n return 0;\n}\n/**\n * is x > y?\n *\n * x and y both nonnegative\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @returns {(1 | 0)}\n */\n\nexport function greater(x, y) {\n var i;\n var k = x.length < y.length ? x.length : y.length;\n\n for (i = x.length; i < y.length; i++) {\n if (y[i]) return 0;\n } //y has more digits\n\n\n for (i = y.length; i < x.length; i++) {\n if (x[i]) return 1;\n } //x has more digits\n\n\n for (i = k - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n if (x[i] > y[i]) return 1;else if (x[i] < y[i]) return 0;\n }\n\n return 0;\n}\n/**\n * divide x by y giving quotient q and remainder r.\n *\n * q = floor(x/y)\n * r = x mod y\n *\n * All 4 are bigints.\n *\n * * x must have at least one leading zero element.\n * * y must be nonzero.\n * * q and r must be arrays that are exactly the same length as x. (Or q can have more).\n * * Must have x.length >= y.length >= 2.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @param {number[]} q\n * @param {number[]} r\n * @return {void}\n */\n\nexport function divide_(x, y, q, r) {\n var kx, ky;\n var i, j, y1, y2, c, a, b;\n copy_(r, x);\n\n for (ky = y.length; y[ky - 1] === 0; ky--) {\n ;\n } //ky is number of elements in y, not including leading zeros\n //normalize: ensure the most significant element of y has its highest bit set\n\n\n b = y[ky - 1];\n\n for (a = 0; b; a++) {\n b >>= 1;\n }\n\n a = bpe - a; //a is how many bits to shift so that the high order bit of y is leftmost in its array element\n\n leftShift_(y, a); //multiply both by 1< ky; kx--) {\n ;\n } //kx is number of elements in normalized x, not including leading zeros\n\n\n copyInt_(q, 0); // q=0\n\n while (!greaterShift(y, r, kx - ky)) {\n // while (leftShift_(y,kx-ky) <= r) {\n subShift_(r, y, kx - ky); // r=r-leftShift_(y,kx-ky)\n\n q[kx - ky]++; // q[kx-ky]++;\n } // }\n\n\n for (i = kx - 1; i >= ky; i--) {\n if (r[i] == y[ky - 1]) q[i - ky] = mask;else q[i - ky] = Math.floor((r[i] * radix + r[i - 1]) / y[ky - 1]); //The following for(;;) loop is equivalent to the commented while loop,\n //except that the uncommented version avoids overflow.\n //The commented loop comes from HAC, which assumes r[-1]==y[-1]==0\n // while (q[i-ky]*(y[ky-1]*radix+y[ky-2]) > r[i]*radix*radix+r[i-1]*radix+r[i-2])\n // q[i-ky]--;\n\n for (;;) {\n y2 = (ky > 1 ? y[ky - 2] : 0) * q[i - ky];\n c = y2 >> bpe;\n y2 = y2 & mask;\n y1 = c + q[i - ky] * y[ky - 1];\n c = y1 >> bpe;\n y1 = y1 & mask;\n if (c == r[i] ? y1 == r[i - 1] ? y2 > (i > 1 ? r[i - 2] : 0) : y1 > r[i - 1] : c > r[i]) q[i - ky]--;else break;\n }\n\n linCombShift_(r, y, -q[i - ky], i - ky); //r=r-q[i-ky]*leftShift_(y,i-ky)\n\n if (negative(r)) {\n addShift_(r, y, i - ky); //r=r+leftShift_(y,i-ky)\n\n q[i - ky]--;\n }\n }\n\n rightShift_(y, a); //undo the normalization step\n\n rightShift_(r, a); //undo the normalization step\n}\n/**\n * do carries and borrows so each element of the bigInt x fits in bpe bits.\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n */\n\nexport function carry_(x) {\n var i, k, c, b;\n k = x.length;\n c = 0;\n\n for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {\n c += x[i];\n b = 0;\n\n if (c < 0) {\n b = -(c >> bpe);\n c += b * radix;\n }\n\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c = (c >> bpe) - b;\n }\n}\n/**\n * return x mod n for bigInt x and integer n.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {number}\n */\n\nexport function modInt(x, n) {\n var i,\n c = 0;\n\n for (i = x.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n c = (c * radix + x[i]) % n;\n }\n\n return c;\n}\n/**\n * convert the integer t into a bigInt with at least the given number of bits.\n * the returned array stores the bigInt in bpe-bit chunks, little endian (buff[0] is least significant word)\n * Pad the array with leading zeros so that it has at least minSize elements.\n *\n * There will always be at least one leading 0 element.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number} t\n * @param {number} bits\n * @param {number} minSize\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function int2bigInt(t, bits, minSize) {\n var i, k;\n k = Math.ceil(bits / bpe) + 1;\n k = minSize > k ? minSize : k;\n var buff = new Array(k);\n copyInt_(buff, t);\n return buff;\n}\n/**\n * return the bigInt given a string representation in a given base.\n * Pad the array with leading zeros so that it has at least minSize elements.\n * If base=-1, then it reads in a space-separated list of array elements in decimal.\n *\n * The array will always have at least one leading zero, unless base=-1.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {string} s\n * @param {number} base\n * @param {number} [minSize]\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function str2bigInt(s, base, minSize) {\n var d, i, x, y, kk;\n var k = s.length;\n\n if (base === -1) {\n //comma-separated list of array elements in decimal\n x = new Array(0);\n\n for (;;) {\n y = new Array(x.length + 1);\n\n for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {\n y[i + 1] = x[i];\n }\n\n y[0] = parseInt(s, 10); //TODO PERF Should we replace that with ~~ (not not)? https://jsperf.com/number-vs-parseint-vs-plus/7\n\n x = y;\n d = s.indexOf(',', 0);\n if (d < 1) break; //$off\n\n s = s.substring(d + 1);\n if (s.length == 0) break;\n } //$off\n\n\n if (x.length < minSize) {\n //$off\n y = new Array(minSize);\n copy_(y, x);\n return y;\n }\n\n return x;\n }\n\n x = int2bigInt(0, base * k, 0);\n\n for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {\n d = digitsStr.indexOf(s.substring(i, i + 1), 0);\n if (base <= 36 && d >= 36) //convert lowercase to uppercase if base<=36\n d -= 26;\n\n if (d >= base || d < 0) {\n //stop at first illegal character\n break;\n }\n\n multInt_(x, base);\n addInt_(x, d);\n }\n\n for (k = x.length; k > 0 && !x[k - 1]; k--) {\n ;\n } //strip off leading zeros\n //$off\n\n\n k = minSize > k + 1 ? minSize : k + 1; //$off\n\n y = new Array(k); //$off\n\n kk = k < x.length ? k : x.length; //$off\n\n for (i = 0; i < kk; i++) {\n y[i] = x[i];\n } //$off\n\n\n for (; i < k; i++) {\n y[i] = 0;\n }\n\n return y;\n} //return the bigInt given a string representation in a given base.\n//Pad the array with leading zeros so that it has at least minSize elements.\n//If base=-1, then it reads in a space-separated list of array elements in decimal.\n//The array will always have at least one leading zero, unless base=-1.\n// function str2bigInt(s,b,minSize) {\n// var d, i, j, base, str, x, y, kk;\n// if (typeof b === 'string') {\n// base = b.length;\n// str = b;\n// } else {\n// base = b;\n// str = digitsStr;\n// }\n// var k=s.length;\n// if (base==-1) { //comma-separated list of array elements in decimal\n// x=new Array(0);\n// for (;;) {\n// y=new Array(x.length+1);\n// for (i=0;i=36) { //convert lowercase to uppercase if base<=36\n// d-=26;\n// }\n// if (d>=base || d<0) { //ignore illegal characters\n// continue;\n// }\n// multInt_(x,base);\n// addInt_(x,d);\n// }\n// for (k=x.length;k>0 && !x[k-1];k--); //strip off leading zeros\n// k=minSize>k+1 ? minSize : k+1;\n// y=new Array(k);\n// kk=k y.length) {\n for (; i < x.length; i++) {\n if (x[i]) return 0;\n }\n } else {\n for (; i < y.length; i++) {\n if (y[i]) return 0;\n }\n }\n\n return 1;\n}\n/**\n * is the bigInt x equal to zero?\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @returns {(1 | 0)}\n */\n\nexport function isZero(x) {\n var i;\n\n for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {\n if (x[i]) return 0;\n }\n\n return 1;\n}\n/**\n * Convert a bigInt into a string in a given base, from base 2 up to base 95.\n *\n * Base -1 prints the contents of the array representing the number.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} base\n * @returns {string}\n */\n\nexport function bigInt2str(x, base) {\n var i,\n t,\n s = '';\n if (s6.length !== x.length) s6 = dup(x);else copy_(s6, x);\n\n if (base === -1) {\n //return the list of array contents\n for (i = x.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {\n s += x[i] + ',';\n }\n\n s += x[0];\n } else {\n //return it in the given base\n while (!isZero(s6)) {\n t = divInt_(s6, base); //t=s6 % base; s6=floor(s6/base);\n\n s = digitsStr.substring(t, t + 1) + s;\n }\n }\n\n if (s.length === 0) s = '0';\n return s;\n}\n/**\n * Returns a duplicate of bigInt x\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function dup(x) {\n var i;\n buff = Array(x.length);\n copy_(buff, x);\n return buff;\n}\n/**\n * do x=y on bigInts x and y.\n *\n * x must be an array at least as big as y (not counting the leading zeros in y).\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @returns {void}\n */\n\nexport function copy_(x, y) {\n var i;\n var k = x.length < y.length ? x.length : y.length;\n\n for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {\n x[i] = y[i];\n }\n\n for (i = k; i < x.length; i++) {\n x[i] = 0;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=y on bigInt x and integer y.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {void}\n */\n\nexport function copyInt_(x, n) {\n var i, c;\n var len = x.length; //TODO .length in for loop have perfomance costs. Bench this\n\n for (c = n, i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=x+n where x is a bigInt and n is an integer.\n *\n * x must be large enough to hold the result.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {void}\n */\n\nexport function addInt_(x, n) {\n var i, k, c, b;\n x[0] += n;\n k = x.length;\n c = 0;\n\n for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {\n c += x[i];\n b = 0;\n\n if (c < 0) {\n b = -(c >> bpe);\n c += b * radix;\n }\n\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c = (c >> bpe) - b;\n if (!c) return; //stop carrying as soon as the carry is zero\n }\n}\n/**\n * right shift bigInt x by n bits.\n *\n * 0 <= n < bpe.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} n\n */\n\nexport function rightShift_(x, n) {\n var i;\n var k = Math.floor(n / bpe);\n\n if (k) {\n for (i = 0; i < x.length - k; i++ //right shift x by k elements\n ) {\n x[i] = x[i + k];\n }\n\n for (; i < x.length; i++) {\n x[i] = 0;\n } //$off\n\n\n n %= bpe;\n }\n\n for (i = 0; i < x.length - 1; i++) {\n x[i] = mask & (x[i + 1] << bpe - n | x[i] >> n);\n }\n\n x[i] >>= n;\n}\n/**\n * do x=floor(|x|/2)*sgn(x) for bigInt x in 2's complement\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @returns {void}\n */\n\nexport function halve_(x) {\n var i;\n\n for (i = 0; i < x.length - 1; i++) {\n x[i] = mask & (x[i + 1] << bpe - 1 | x[i] >> 1);\n }\n\n x[i] = x[i] >> 1 | x[i] & radix >> 1; //most significant bit stays the same\n}\n/**\n * left shift bigInt x by n bits\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {void}\n */\n\nexport function leftShift_(x, n) {\n var i;\n var k = Math.floor(n / bpe);\n\n if (k) {\n for (i = x.length; i >= k; i-- //left shift x by k elements\n ) {\n x[i] = x[i - k];\n }\n\n for (; i >= 0; i--) {\n x[i] = 0;\n } //$off\n\n\n n %= bpe;\n }\n\n if (!n) return;\n\n for (i = x.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {\n x[i] = mask & (x[i] << n | x[i - 1] >> bpe - n);\n }\n\n x[i] = mask & x[i] << n;\n}\n/**\n * do x=x*n where x is a bigInt and n is an integer.\n *\n * x must be large enough to hold the result.\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {void}\n */\n\nexport function multInt_(x, n) {\n var i, k, c, b;\n if (!n) return;\n k = x.length;\n c = 0;\n\n for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {\n c += x[i] * n;\n b = 0;\n\n if (c < 0) {\n b = -(c >> bpe);\n c += b * radix;\n }\n\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c = (c >> bpe) - b;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=floor(x/n) for bigInt x and integer n, and return the remainder\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} n\n * @returns {number} remainder\n */\n\nexport function divInt_(x, n) {\n var i,\n r = 0,\n s;\n\n for (i = x.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n s = r * radix + x[i];\n x[i] = Math.floor(s / n);\n r = s % n;\n }\n\n return r;\n}\n/**\n * do the linear combination x=a*x+b*y for bigInts x and y, and integers a and b.\n *\n * x must be large enough to hold the answer.\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @param {number} a\n * @param {number} b\n * @returns {void}\n */\n\nexport function linComb_(x, y, a, b) {\n var i, c, k, kk;\n k = x.length < y.length ? x.length : y.length;\n kk = x.length;\n\n for (c = 0, i = 0; i < k; i++) {\n c += a * x[i] + b * y[i];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n\n for (i = k; i < kk; i++) {\n c += a * x[i];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do the linear combination x=a*x+b*(y<<(ys*bpe)) for bigInts x and y, and integers a, b and ys.\n *\n * x must be large enough to hold the answer.\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @param {number} b\n * @param {number} ys\n * @returns {void}\n */\n\nexport function linCombShift_(x, y, b, ys) {\n var i, c, k, kk;\n k = x.length < ys + y.length ? x.length : ys + y.length;\n kk = x.length;\n\n for (c = 0, i = ys; i < k; i++) {\n c += x[i] + b * y[i - ys];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n\n for (i = k; c && i < kk; i++) {\n c += x[i];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=x+(y<<(ys*bpe)) for bigInts x and y, and integer ys.\n *\n * x must be large enough to hold the answer.\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @param {number} ys\n * @return {void}\n */\n\nexport function addShift_(x, y, ys) {\n var i, c, k, kk;\n k = x.length < ys + y.length ? x.length : ys + y.length;\n kk = x.length;\n\n for (c = 0, i = ys; i < k; i++) {\n c += x[i] + y[i - ys];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n\n for (i = k; c && i < kk; i++) {\n c += x[i];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=x-(y<<(ys*bpe)) for bigInts x and y, and integer ys\n *\n * x must be large enough to hold the answer\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @param {number} ys\n * @return {void}\n */\n\nexport function subShift_(x, y, ys) {\n var i, c, k, kk;\n k = x.length < ys + y.length ? x.length : ys + y.length;\n kk = x.length;\n\n for (c = 0, i = ys; i < k; i++) {\n c += x[i] - y[i - ys];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n\n for (i = k; c && i < kk; i++) {\n c += x[i];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=x-y for bigInts x and y\n *\n * x must be large enough to hold the answer\n *\n * negative answers will be 2s complement\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @return {void}\n */\n\nexport function sub_(x, y) {\n var i, c, k, kk;\n k = x.length < y.length ? x.length : y.length;\n\n for (c = 0, i = 0; i < k; i++) {\n c += x[i] - y[i];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n\n for (i = k; c && i < x.length; i++) {\n c += x[i];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=x+y for bigInts x and y\n *\n * x must be large enough to hold the answer\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @return {void}\n */\n\nexport function add_(x, y) {\n var i, c, k, kk;\n k = x.length < y.length ? x.length : y.length;\n\n for (c = 0, i = 0; i < k; i++) {\n c += x[i] + y[i];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n\n for (i = k; c && i < x.length; i++) {\n c += x[i];\n x[i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=x*y for bigInts x and y.\n *\n * This is faster when y 0 && !x[kx - 1]; kx--) {\n ;\n } //ignore leading zeros in x\n\n\n k = kx > n.length ? 2 * kx : 2 * n.length; //k=# elements in the product, which is twice the elements in the larger of x and n\n\n if (s0.length != k) s0 = new Array(k);\n copyInt_(s0, 0);\n\n for (i = 0; i < kx; i++) {\n c = s0[2 * i] + x[i] * x[i];\n s0[2 * i] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n\n for (j = i + 1; j < kx; j++) {\n c = s0[i + j] + 2 * x[i] * x[j] + c;\n s0[i + j] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n }\n\n s0[i + kx] = c;\n }\n\n mod_(s0, n);\n copy_(x, s0);\n}\n/**\n * return x with exactly k leading zero elements\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number} k\n * @returns {number[]}\n */\n\nexport function trim(x, k) {\n var i, y;\n\n for (i = x.length; i > 0 && !x[i - 1]; i--) {\n ;\n }\n\n y = new Array(i + k);\n copy_(y, x);\n return y;\n}\n/**\n * do `x=x**y mod n`, where x,y,n are bigInts and `**` is exponentiation. `0**0=1`.\n *\n * this is faster when n is odd.\n *\n * x usually needs to have as many elements as n.\n *\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @param {number[]} n\n * @return {void}\n */\n\nexport function powMod_(x, y, n) {\n var k1, k2, kn, np;\n if (s7.length != n.length) s7 = dup(n); //for even modulus, use a simple square-and-multiply algorithm,\n //rather than using the more complex Montgomery algorithm.\n\n if ((n[0] & 1) == 0) {\n copy_(s7, x);\n copyInt_(x, 1);\n\n while (!equalsInt(y, 0)) {\n if (y[0] & 1) multMod_(x, s7, n);\n divInt_(y, 2);\n squareMod_(s7, n);\n }\n\n return;\n } //calculate np from n for the Montgomery multiplications\n\n\n copyInt_(s7, 0);\n\n for (kn = n.length; kn > 0 && !n[kn - 1]; kn--) {\n ;\n }\n\n np = radix - inverseModInt(modInt(n, radix), radix);\n s7[kn] = 1;\n multMod_(x, s7, n); // x = x * 2**(kn*bp) mod n\n\n if (s3.length != x.length) s3 = dup(x);else copy_(s3, x); //$off\n\n for (k1 = y.length - 1; k1 > 0 & !y[k1]; k1--) {\n ;\n } //k1=first nonzero element of y\n\n\n if (y[k1] == 0) {\n //anything to the 0th power is 1\n copyInt_(x, 1);\n return;\n }\n\n for (k2 = 1 << bpe - 1; k2 && !(y[k1] & k2); k2 >>= 1) {\n ;\n } //k2=position of first 1 bit in y[k1]\n\n\n for (;;) {\n if (!(k2 >>= 1)) {\n //look at next bit of y\n k1--;\n\n if (k1 < 0) {\n mont_(x, one, n, np);\n return;\n }\n\n k2 = 1 << bpe - 1;\n }\n\n mont_(x, x, n, np);\n if (k2 & y[k1]) //if next bit is a 1\n mont_(x, s3, n, np);\n }\n}\n/**\n * do x=x*y*Ri mod n for bigInts x,y,n,\n * where Ri = 2**(-kn*bpe) mod n, and kn is the\n * number of elements in the n array, not\n * counting leading zeros.\n *\n * x array must have at least as many elemnts as the n array\n * It's OK if x and y are the same variable.\n *\n * must have:\n * * x,y < n\n * * n is odd\n * * np = -(n^(-1)) mod radix\n *\n * @export\n * @param {number[]} x\n * @param {number[]} y\n * @param {number[]} n\n * @param {number} np\n * @return {void}\n */\n\nexport function mont_(x, y, n, np) {\n var i, j, c, ui, t, ks;\n var kn = n.length;\n var ky = y.length;\n if (sa.length != kn) sa = new Array(kn);\n copyInt_(sa, 0);\n\n for (; kn > 0 && n[kn - 1] == 0; kn--) {\n ;\n } //ignore leading zeros of n\n\n\n for (; ky > 0 && y[ky - 1] == 0; ky--) {\n ;\n } //ignore leading zeros of y\n\n\n ks = sa.length - 1; //sa will never have more than this many nonzero elements.\n //the following loop consumes 95% of the runtime for randTruePrime_() and powMod_() for large numbers\n\n for (i = 0; i < kn; i++) {\n t = sa[0] + x[i] * y[0];\n ui = (t & mask) * np & mask; //the inner \"& mask\" was needed on Safari (but not MSIE) at one time\n\n c = t + ui * n[0] >> bpe;\n t = x[i]; //do sa=(sa+x[i]*y+ui*n)/b where b=2**bpe. Loop is unrolled 5-fold for speed\n\n j = 1;\n\n for (; j < ky - 4;) {\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j] + t * y[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j] + t * y[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j] + t * y[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j] + t * y[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j] + t * y[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n }\n\n for (; j < ky;) {\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j] + t * y[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n }\n\n for (; j < kn - 4;) {\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n }\n\n for (; j < kn;) {\n c += sa[j] + ui * n[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n }\n\n for (; j < ks;) {\n c += sa[j];\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n c >>= bpe;\n j++;\n }\n\n sa[j - 1] = c & mask;\n }\n\n if (!greater(n, sa)) sub_(sa, n);\n copy_(x, sa);\n}\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map" }, { "id": 16, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\timeManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/timeManager.ts", "index": 22, "index2": 18, "size": 1900, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\authorizer.ts", "issuerId": 30, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": 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this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.TimeManager = void 0;\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nclass TimeManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.lastMessageID = [0, 0];\r\n this.timeOffset = 0;\r\n storage_1.default.get('server_time_offset').then((to) => {\r\n if (to) {\r\n this.timeOffset = to;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n generateID() {\r\n var timeTicks = Date.now(), timeSec = Math.floor(timeTicks / 1000) + this.timeOffset, timeMSec = timeTicks % 1000, random = bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFF);\r\n var messageID = [timeSec, (timeMSec << 21) | (random << 3) | 4];\r\n if (this.lastMessageID[0] > messageID[0] ||\r\n this.lastMessageID[0] == messageID[0] && this.lastMessageID[1] >= messageID[1]) {\r\n messageID = [this.lastMessageID[0], this.lastMessageID[1] + 4];\r\n }\r\n this.lastMessageID = messageID;\r\n // console.log('generated msg id', messageID, timeOffset)\r\n return bin_utils_1.longFromInts(messageID[0], messageID[1]);\r\n }\r\n applyServerTime(serverTime, localTime) {\r\n var newTimeOffset = serverTime - Math.floor((localTime || Date.now()) / 1000);\r\n var changed = Math.abs(this.timeOffset - newTimeOffset) > 10;\r\n storage_1.default.set({\r\n server_time_offset: newTimeOffset\r\n });\r\n this.lastMessageID = [0, 0];\r\n this.timeOffset = newTimeOffset;\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'Apply server time', serverTime, localTime, newTimeOffset, changed);\r\n return changed;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.TimeManager = TimeManager;\r\nexports.default = new TimeManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 17, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\transports\\transport.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/transports/transport.ts", "index": 25, "index2": 19, 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module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.FileManager = void 0;\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"./bin_utils\");\r\nclass FileManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.blobSupported = true;\r\n try {\r\n bin_utils_1.blobConstruct([], '');\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.blobSupported = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n isAvailable() {\r\n return this.blobSupported;\r\n }\r\n write(fileWriter, bytes) {\r\n if (bytes instanceof Blob) { // is file bytes\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n let fileReader = new FileReader();\r\n fileReader.onload = function (event) {\r\n let arrayBuffer = event.target.result;\r\n let arr = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer);\r\n fileWriter.write(arr).then(resolve, reject);\r\n };\r\n fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(bytes);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return fileWriter.write(bytes);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n getFakeFileWriter(mimeType, saveFileCallback) {\r\n const blobParts = [];\r\n const fakeFileWriter = {\r\n write: (part) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (!this.blobSupported) {\r\n throw false;\r\n }\r\n blobParts.push(part);\r\n }),\r\n truncate: () => {\r\n blobParts.length = 0;\r\n },\r\n finalize: (saveToStorage = true) => {\r\n const blob = bin_utils_1.blobConstruct(blobParts, mimeType);\r\n if (saveToStorage && saveFileCallback) {\r\n saveFileCallback(blob);\r\n }\r\n return blob;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n return fakeFileWriter;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.FileManager = FileManager;\r\nexports.default = new FileManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "index": 0, "index2": 35, "size": 5840, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": null, "issuerId": null, "issuerName": null, "issuerPath": null, "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": null, "moduleIdentifier": null, "module": null, "moduleName": null, "type": "single entry", "userRequest": "!!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "loc": "main" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 0, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\n// just to include\r\nconst polyfill_1 = require(\"../polyfill\");\r\npolyfill_1.secureRandom;\r\nconst apiManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./apiManager\"));\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\nconst cryptoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../crypto/cryptoworker\"));\r\nconst networkerFactory_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./networkerFactory\"));\r\nconst apiFileManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./apiFileManager\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst log = logger_1.logger('DW', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\nconst ctx = self;\r\n//console.error('INCLUDE !!!', new Error().stack);\r\n/* function isObject(object: any) {\r\n return typeof(object) === 'object' && object !== null;\r\n} */\r\n/* function fillTransfer(transfer: any, obj: any) {\r\n if(!obj) return;\r\n \r\n if(obj instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n transfer.add(obj);\r\n } else if(obj.buffer && obj.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) {\r\n transfer.add(obj.buffer);\r\n } else if(isObject(obj)) {\r\n for(var i in obj) {\r\n fillTransfer(transfer, obj[i]);\r\n }\r\n } else if(Array.isArray(obj)) {\r\n obj.forEach(value => {\r\n fillTransfer(transfer, value);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n} */\r\nfunction respond(...args) {\r\n // отключил для всего потому что не успел пофиксить transfer detached\r\n //if(isSafari(self)/* || true */) {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n ctx.postMessage(...args);\r\n /* } else {\r\n var transfer = new Set();\r\n fillTransfer(transfer, arguments);\r\n \r\n //console.log('reply', transfer, [...transfer]);\r\n ctx.postMessage(...arguments, [...transfer]);\r\n //console.log('reply', transfer, [...transfer]);\r\n } */\r\n}\r\nnetworkerFactory_1.default.setUpdatesProcessor((obj, bool) => {\r\n respond({ update: { obj, bool } });\r\n});\r\nctx.addEventListener('message', (e) => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n try {\r\n const task = e.data;\r\n const taskID = task.taskID;\r\n log.debug('got message:', taskID, task);\r\n //debugger;\r\n if (task.useLs) {\r\n storage_1.default.finishTask(task.taskID, task.args);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (task.type == 'convertWebp') {\r\n const { fileName, bytes } = task.payload;\r\n const deferred = apiFileManager_1.default.webpConvertPromises[fileName];\r\n if (deferred) {\r\n deferred.resolve(bytes);\r\n delete apiFileManager_1.default.webpConvertPromises[fileName];\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n else if (task.type == 'requestFilePart') {\r\n const task = e.data;\r\n const responseTask = {\r\n type: task.type,\r\n id: task.id,\r\n payload: null\r\n };\r\n try {\r\n const res = yield apiFileManager_1.default.requestFilePart(...task.payload);\r\n responseTask.payload = res;\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n }\r\n respond(responseTask);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n switch (task.task) {\r\n case 'computeSRP':\r\n case 'gzipUncompress':\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n return cryptoworker_1.default[task.task].apply(cryptoworker_1.default, task.args).then(result => {\r\n respond({ taskID: taskID, result: result });\r\n });\r\n case 'cancelDownload':\r\n case 'uploadFile':\r\n case 'downloadFile': {\r\n try {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n let result = apiFileManager_1.default[task.task].apply(apiFileManager_1.default, task.args);\r\n if (result instanceof Promise) {\r\n /* (result as ReturnType).notify = (progress: {done: number, total: number, offset: number}) => {\r\n notify({progress: {fileName, ...progress}});\r\n }; */\r\n result = yield result;\r\n }\r\n respond({ taskID: taskID, result: result });\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n respond({ taskID: taskID, error: err });\r\n }\r\n }\r\n default: {\r\n try {\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n let result = apiManager_1.default[task.task].apply(apiManager_1.default, task.args);\r\n if (result instanceof Promise) {\r\n result = yield result;\r\n }\r\n respond({ taskID: taskID, result: result });\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n respond({ taskID: taskID, error: err });\r\n }\r\n //throw new Error('Unknown task: ' + task.task);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n }\r\n}));\r\nctx.postMessage('ready');\r\n" }, { "id": 20, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\polyfill.ts", "name": "./src/lib/polyfill.ts", "index": 1, "index2": 2, "size": 1829, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerId": 19, "issuerName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 19, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "module": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "moduleName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../polyfill", "loc": "16:19-41" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 1, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.secureRandom = void 0;\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"./bin_utils\");\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nconst jsbn_1 = require(\"jsbn\");\r\nexports.secureRandom = new jsbn_1.SecureRandom();\r\nObject.defineProperty(Uint8Array.prototype, 'hex', {\r\n get: function () {\r\n return bin_utils_1.bytesToHex([...this]);\r\n },\r\n set: function (str) {\r\n this.set(bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(str));\r\n },\r\n enumerable: true,\r\n configurable: true\r\n});\r\nUint8Array.prototype.randomize = function () {\r\n exports.secureRandom.nextBytes(this);\r\n return this;\r\n};\r\nUint8Array.prototype.concat = function (...args) {\r\n return bin_utils_1.bufferConcats(this, ...args);\r\n};\r\nUint8Array.prototype.toString = function () {\r\n return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, [...this]);\r\n};\r\nUint8Array.prototype.toJSON = function () {\r\n return [...this];\r\n};\r\nArray.prototype.forEachReverse = function (callback) {\r\n let length = this.length;\r\n for (var i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\r\n callback(this[i], i, this);\r\n }\r\n};\r\nArray.prototype.findAndSplice = function (verify) {\r\n let index = this.findIndex(verify);\r\n return index !== -1 ? this.splice(index, 1)[0] : undefined;\r\n};\r\nString.prototype.toHHMMSS = function (leadZero = false) {\r\n const sec_num = parseInt(this + '', 10);\r\n const hours = Math.floor(sec_num / 3600);\r\n let minutes = Math.floor((sec_num - (hours * 3600)) / 60);\r\n let seconds = sec_num - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60);\r\n if (hours)\r\n leadZero = true;\r\n if (minutes < 10)\r\n minutes = leadZero ? \"0\" + minutes : minutes;\r\n if (seconds < 10)\r\n seconds = \"0\" + seconds;\r\n return (hours ? /* ('0' + hours).slice(-2) */ hours + ':' : '') + minutes + ':' + seconds;\r\n};\r\n" }, { "id": 21, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\networker.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/networker.ts", "index": 9, "index2": 24, "size": 46109, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\networkerFactory.ts", "issuerId": 6, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/networkerFactory.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 6, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\networkerFactory.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/networkerFactory.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1509, "building": 662, "dependencies": 242 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 6, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\networkerFactory.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/networkerFactory.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/networkerFactory.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./networker", "loc": "4:20-42" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.MTPNetworker = void 0;\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst bin_utils_2 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst tl_utils_1 = require(\"./tl_utils\");\r\nconst cryptoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../crypto/cryptoworker\"));\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\nconst schema_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./schema\"));\r\nconst timeManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./timeManager\"));\r\nconst networkerFactory_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./networkerFactory\"));\r\nconst dcConfigurator_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./dcConfigurator\"));\r\nconst http_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./transports/http\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst mtproto_config_1 = require(\"./mtproto_config\");\r\nclass MTPNetworker {\r\n constructor(dcID, authKey, authKeyID, serverSalt, options = {}) {\r\n this.dcID = dcID;\r\n this.authKey = authKey;\r\n this.authKeyID = authKeyID;\r\n this.serverSalt = serverSalt;\r\n this.options = options;\r\n this.lastServerMessages = [];\r\n this.sentMessages = {};\r\n this.pendingMessages = {};\r\n this.pendingAcks = [];\r\n this.pendingResends = [];\r\n this.connectionInited = false;\r\n //private longPollInt: number;\r\n this.longPollPending = 0;\r\n this.seqNo = 0;\r\n this.prevSessionID = [];\r\n this.sessionID = [];\r\n this.sleepAfter = 0;\r\n this.offline = false;\r\n this.checkConnectionPeriod = 0;\r\n this.nextReq = 0;\r\n this.onOnlineCb = this.checkConnection.bind(this);\r\n this.lastResendReq = null;\r\n this.authKeyUint8 = bin_utils_2.convertToUint8Array(this.authKey);\r\n //this.authKeyID = sha1BytesSync(this.authKey).slice(-8);\r\n this.upload = this.options.fileUpload || this.options.fileDownload || false;\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('NET-' + dcID + (this.upload ? '-U' : ''));\r\n this.log('constructor' /* , this.authKey, this.authKeyID, this.serverSalt */);\r\n /* // Test resend after bad_server_salt\r\n if(this.dcID == 1 && this.upload) {\r\n this.serverSalt[0] = 0;\r\n } */\r\n this.updateSession();\r\n // if(!NetworkerFactory.offlineInited) {\r\n // NetworkerFactory.offlineInited = true;\r\n // /* $rootScope.offline = true\r\n // $rootScope.offlineConnecting = true */\r\n // }\r\n this.transport = dcConfigurator_1.default.chooseServer(this.dcID, this.upload);\r\n if (this.transport instanceof http_1.default) {\r\n /* this.longPollInt = */ setInterval(this.checkLongPoll.bind(this), 10000);\r\n this.checkLongPoll();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.transport.networker = this;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n updateSession() {\r\n this.seqNo = 0;\r\n this.prevSessionID = this.sessionID;\r\n this.sessionID = new Array(8);\r\n this.sessionID = [...new Uint8Array(this.sessionID.length).randomize()];\r\n //MTProto.secureRandom.nextBytes(this.sessionID);\r\n }\r\n updateSentMessage(sentMessageID) {\r\n var sentMessage = this.sentMessages[sentMessageID];\r\n if (!sentMessage) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n var self = this;\r\n if (sentMessage.container) {\r\n var newInner = [];\r\n sentMessage.inner.forEach((innerSentMessageID) => {\r\n var innerSentMessage = self.updateSentMessage(innerSentMessageID);\r\n if (innerSentMessage) {\r\n newInner.push(innerSentMessage.msg_id);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n sentMessage.inner = newInner;\r\n }\r\n sentMessage.msg_id = timeManager_1.default.generateID();\r\n sentMessage.seq_no = this.generateSeqNo(sentMessage.notContentRelated ||\r\n sentMessage.container);\r\n this.sentMessages[sentMessage.msg_id] = sentMessage;\r\n delete self.sentMessages[sentMessageID];\r\n return sentMessage;\r\n }\r\n generateSeqNo(notContentRelated) {\r\n var seqNo = this.seqNo * 2;\r\n if (!notContentRelated) {\r\n seqNo++;\r\n this.seqNo++;\r\n }\r\n return seqNo;\r\n }\r\n wrapMtpCall(method, params = {}, options = {}) {\r\n var serializer = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({ mtproto: true });\r\n serializer.storeMethod(method, params);\r\n var messageID = timeManager_1.default.generateID();\r\n var seqNo = this.generateSeqNo();\r\n var message = {\r\n msg_id: messageID,\r\n seq_no: seqNo,\r\n body: serializer.getBytes()\r\n };\r\n if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.debug) {\r\n this.log('MT call', method, params, messageID, seqNo);\r\n }\r\n return this.pushMessage(message, options);\r\n }\r\n wrapMtpMessage(object = {}, options = {}) {\r\n var serializer = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({ mtproto: true });\r\n serializer.storeObject(object, 'Object');\r\n var messageID = timeManager_1.default.generateID();\r\n var seqNo = this.generateSeqNo(options.notContentRelated);\r\n var message = {\r\n msg_id: messageID,\r\n seq_no: seqNo,\r\n body: serializer.getBytes()\r\n };\r\n if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.debug) {\r\n this.log('MT message', object, messageID, seqNo);\r\n }\r\n return this.pushMessage(message, options);\r\n }\r\n wrapApiCall(method, params = {}, options = {}) {\r\n let serializer = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization(options);\r\n if (!this.connectionInited) { // this will call once for each new session\r\n ///////this.log('Wrap api call !this.connectionInited');\r\n let invokeWithLayer = schema_1.default.API.methods.find(m => m.method == 'invokeWithLayer');\r\n if (!invokeWithLayer)\r\n throw new Error('no invokeWithLayer!');\r\n serializer.storeInt(+invokeWithLayer.id >>> 0, 'invokeWithLayer');\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n serializer.storeInt(schema_1.default.layer, 'layer');\r\n let initConnection = schema_1.default.API.methods.find(m => m.method == 'initConnection');\r\n if (!initConnection)\r\n throw new Error('no initConnection!');\r\n serializer.storeInt(+initConnection.id >>> 0, 'initConnection');\r\n serializer.storeInt(0x0, 'flags');\r\n serializer.storeInt(mtproto_config_1.App.id, 'api_id');\r\n serializer.storeString(navigator.userAgent || 'Unknown UserAgent', 'device_model');\r\n serializer.storeString(navigator.platform || 'Unknown Platform', 'system_version');\r\n serializer.storeString(mtproto_config_1.App.version, 'app_version');\r\n serializer.storeString(navigator.language || 'en', 'system_lang_code');\r\n serializer.storeString('', 'lang_pack');\r\n serializer.storeString(navigator.language || 'en', 'lang_code');\r\n //serializer.storeInt(0x0, 'proxy');\r\n /* serializer.storeMethod('initConnection', {\r\n 'flags': 0,\r\n 'api_id': App.id,\r\n 'device_model': navigator.userAgent || 'Unknown UserAgent',\r\n 'system_version': navigator.platform || 'Unknown Platform',\r\n 'app_version': App.version,\r\n 'system_lang_code': navigator.language || 'en',\r\n 'lang_pack': '',\r\n 'lang_code': navigator.language || 'en'\r\n }); */\r\n }\r\n if (options.afterMessageID) {\r\n let invokeAfterMsg = schema_1.default.API.methods.find(m => m.method == 'invokeAfterMsg');\r\n if (!invokeAfterMsg)\r\n throw new Error('no invokeAfterMsg!');\r\n this.log('Api call options.afterMessageID!');\r\n serializer.storeInt(+invokeAfterMsg.id >>> 0, 'invokeAfterMsg');\r\n serializer.storeLong(options.afterMessageID, 'msg_id');\r\n }\r\n options.resultType = serializer.storeMethod(method, params);\r\n /* if(method == 'account.updateNotifySettings') {\r\n this.log('api call body:', serializer.getBytes(true));\r\n } */\r\n var messageID = timeManager_1.default.generateID();\r\n var seqNo = this.generateSeqNo();\r\n var message = {\r\n msg_id: messageID,\r\n seq_no: seqNo,\r\n body: serializer.getBytes(true),\r\n isAPI: true\r\n };\r\n if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.debug /* || true */) {\r\n this.log('Api call', method, message, params, options);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.log('Api call', method, params, options);\r\n }\r\n return this.pushMessage(message, options);\r\n }\r\n checkLongPoll() {\r\n const isClean = this.cleanupSent();\r\n //this.log('Check lp', this.longPollPending, tsNow(), this.dcID, isClean, this);\r\n if ((this.longPollPending && Date.now() < this.longPollPending) ||\r\n this.offline) {\r\n //this.log('No lp this time');\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n storage_1.default.get('dc').then((baseDcID) => {\r\n if (isClean && (baseDcID != this.dcID ||\r\n this.upload ||\r\n (this.sleepAfter && Date.now() > this.sleepAfter))) {\r\n //console.warn(dT(), 'Send long-poll for DC is delayed', this.dcID, this.sleepAfter);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.sendLongPoll();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n sendLongPoll() {\r\n let maxWait = 25000;\r\n this.longPollPending = Date.now() + maxWait;\r\n //this.log('Set lp', this.longPollPending, tsNow())\r\n this.wrapMtpCall('http_wait', {\r\n max_delay: 500,\r\n wait_after: 150,\r\n max_wait: maxWait\r\n }, {\r\n noResponse: true,\r\n longPoll: true\r\n }).then(() => {\r\n this.longPollPending = 0;\r\n setTimeout(this.checkLongPoll.bind(this), 0);\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n this.log('Long-poll failed', error);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // тут можно сделать таймаут и выводить дисконнект\r\n pushMessage(message, options = {}) {\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n this.sentMessages[message.msg_id] = Object.assign(message, options, {\r\n deferred: { resolve, reject }\r\n });\r\n // this.log('Networker pushMessage:', this.sentMessages[message.msg_id]);\r\n this.pendingMessages[message.msg_id] = 0;\r\n if (!options || !options.noSchedule) {\r\n this.scheduleRequest();\r\n }\r\n if (bin_utils_1.isObject(options)) {\r\n options.messageID = message.msg_id;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n pushResend(messageID, delay = 0) {\r\n const value = delay ? Date.now() + delay : 0;\r\n const sentMessage = this.sentMessages[messageID];\r\n if (sentMessage.container) {\r\n for (let i = 0, length = sentMessage.inner.length; i < length; i++) {\r\n this.pendingMessages[sentMessage.inner[i]] = value;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.pendingMessages[messageID] = value;\r\n }\r\n this.log('Resend due', messageID, this.pendingMessages);\r\n this.scheduleRequest(delay);\r\n }\r\n getMsgKey(dataWithPadding, isOut) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const authKey = this.authKeyUint8;\r\n const x = isOut ? 0 : 8;\r\n const msgKeyLargePlain = bin_utils_2.bufferConcat(authKey.subarray(88 + x, 88 + x + 32), dataWithPadding);\r\n const msgKeyLarge = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(msgKeyLargePlain);\r\n const msgKey = new Uint8Array(msgKeyLarge).subarray(8, 24);\r\n return msgKey;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n ;\r\n getAesKeyIv(msgKey, isOut) {\r\n var authKey = this.authKeyUint8;\r\n var x = isOut ? 0 : 8;\r\n var sha2aText = new Uint8Array(52);\r\n var sha2bText = new Uint8Array(52);\r\n var promises = [];\r\n sha2aText.set(msgKey, 0);\r\n sha2aText.set(authKey.subarray(x, x + 36), 16);\r\n promises.push(cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(sha2aText));\r\n sha2bText.set(authKey.subarray(40 + x, 40 + x + 36), 0);\r\n sha2bText.set(msgKey, 36);\r\n promises.push(cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(sha2bText));\r\n return Promise.all(promises).then((results) => {\r\n var aesKey = new Uint8Array(32);\r\n var aesIv = new Uint8Array(32);\r\n var sha2a = new Uint8Array(results[0]);\r\n var sha2b = new Uint8Array(results[1]);\r\n aesKey.set(sha2a.subarray(0, 8));\r\n aesKey.set(sha2b.subarray(8, 24), 8);\r\n aesKey.set(sha2a.subarray(24, 32), 24);\r\n aesIv.set(sha2b.subarray(0, 8));\r\n aesIv.set(sha2a.subarray(8, 24), 8);\r\n aesIv.set(sha2b.subarray(24, 32), 24);\r\n return [aesKey, aesIv];\r\n });\r\n }\r\n checkConnection(event) {\r\n /* $rootScope.offlineConnecting = true */\r\n this.log('Check connection', event);\r\n clearTimeout(this.checkConnectionTimeout);\r\n this.checkConnectionTimeout = 0;\r\n var serializer = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({ mtproto: true });\r\n var pingID = [bin_utils_2.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), bin_utils_2.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)];\r\n serializer.storeMethod('ping', {\r\n ping_id: pingID\r\n });\r\n var pingMessage = {\r\n msg_id: timeManager_1.default.generateID(),\r\n seq_no: this.generateSeqNo(true),\r\n body: serializer.getBytes()\r\n };\r\n var self = this;\r\n this.sendEncryptedRequest(pingMessage, {\r\n timeout: 15000\r\n }).then((result) => {\r\n /* delete $rootScope.offlineConnecting */\r\n self.toggleOffline(false);\r\n }, () => {\r\n this.log('Delay ', self.checkConnectionPeriod * 1000);\r\n self.checkConnectionTimeout = setTimeout(self.checkConnection.bind(self), self.checkConnectionPeriod * 1000 | 0);\r\n self.checkConnectionPeriod = Math.min(60, self.checkConnectionPeriod * 1.5);\r\n /* setTimeout(function() {\r\n delete $rootScope.offlineConnecting\r\n }, 1000); */\r\n });\r\n }\r\n toggleOffline(enabled) {\r\n // this.log('toggle ', enabled, this.dcID, this.iii)\r\n if (this.offline !== undefined && this.offline == enabled) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n this.offline = enabled;\r\n /* $rootScope.offline = enabled;\r\n $rootScope.offlineConnecting = false; */\r\n if (!(this.transport instanceof http_1.default)) {\r\n this.log('toggle ', enabled, this.dcID);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (this.offline) {\r\n clearTimeout(this.nextReqTimeout);\r\n this.nextReqTimeout = 0;\r\n this.nextReq = 0;\r\n if (this.checkConnectionPeriod < 1.5) {\r\n this.checkConnectionPeriod = 0;\r\n }\r\n this.checkConnectionTimeout = setTimeout(this.checkConnection.bind(this), this.checkConnectionPeriod * 1000 | 0);\r\n this.checkConnectionPeriod = Math.min(30, (1 + this.checkConnectionPeriod) * 1.5);\r\n document.body.addEventListener('online', this.onOnlineCb, false);\r\n document.body.addEventListener('focus', this.onOnlineCb, false);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n this.checkLongPoll();\r\n this.scheduleRequest();\r\n document.body.removeEventListener('online', this.onOnlineCb);\r\n document.body.removeEventListener('focus', this.onOnlineCb);\r\n clearTimeout(this.checkConnectionTimeout);\r\n this.checkConnectionTimeout = 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n performScheduledRequest() {\r\n // this.log('scheduled', this.dcID, this.iii)\r\n if (this.offline) {\r\n this.log('Cancel scheduled');\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n this.nextReq = 0;\r\n if (this.pendingAcks.length) {\r\n var ackMsgIDs = this.pendingAcks.slice();\r\n /* for(var i = 0; i < this.pendingAcks.length; i++) {\r\n ackMsgIDs.push(this.pendingAcks[i]);\r\n } */\r\n // this.log('acking messages', ackMsgIDs)\r\n this.wrapMtpMessage({\r\n _: 'msgs_ack',\r\n msg_ids: ackMsgIDs\r\n }, {\r\n notContentRelated: true,\r\n noSchedule: true\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (this.pendingResends.length) {\r\n var resendMsgIDs = this.pendingResends.slice();\r\n var resendOpts = {\r\n noSchedule: true,\r\n notContentRelated: true,\r\n messageID: '' // will set in wrapMtpMessage->pushMessage\r\n };\r\n /* for(var i = 0; i < this.pendingResends.length; i++) {\r\n resendMsgIDs.push(this.pendingResends[i]);\r\n } */\r\n this.log('resendReq messages', resendMsgIDs);\r\n this.wrapMtpMessage({\r\n _: 'msg_resend_req',\r\n msg_ids: resendMsgIDs\r\n }, resendOpts);\r\n this.lastResendReq = {\r\n req_msg_id: resendOpts.messageID,\r\n resend_msg_ids: resendMsgIDs\r\n };\r\n }\r\n var messages = [], message;\r\n var messagesByteLen = 0;\r\n var currentTime = Date.now();\r\n var hasApiCall = false;\r\n var hasHttpWait = false;\r\n var lengthOverflow = false;\r\n var singlesCount = 0;\r\n var self = this;\r\n for (let messageID in this.pendingMessages) {\r\n let value = this.pendingMessages[messageID];\r\n if (!value || value >= currentTime) {\r\n if (message = this.sentMessages[messageID]) {\r\n //this.log('performScheduledRequest message:', message);\r\n var messageByteLength = ( /* message.body.byteLength || */message.body.length) + 32;\r\n if (!message.notContentRelated &&\r\n lengthOverflow) {\r\n continue; // maybe break here\r\n }\r\n if (!message.notContentRelated &&\r\n messagesByteLen &&\r\n messagesByteLen + messageByteLength > 655360) { // 640 Kb\r\n this.log.warn('lengthOverflow', message);\r\n lengthOverflow = true;\r\n continue; // maybe break here\r\n }\r\n if (message.singleInRequest) {\r\n singlesCount++;\r\n if (singlesCount > 1) {\r\n continue; // maybe break here\r\n }\r\n }\r\n messages.push(message);\r\n messagesByteLen += messageByteLength;\r\n if (message.isAPI) {\r\n hasApiCall = true;\r\n }\r\n else if (message.longPoll) {\r\n hasHttpWait = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n // this.log(message, messageID)\r\n }\r\n delete self.pendingMessages[messageID];\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (hasApiCall && !hasHttpWait && this.transport instanceof http_1.default) {\r\n var serializer = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({ mtproto: true });\r\n serializer.storeMethod('http_wait', {\r\n max_delay: 500,\r\n wait_after: 150,\r\n max_wait: 3000\r\n });\r\n messages.push({\r\n msg_id: timeManager_1.default.generateID(),\r\n seq_no: this.generateSeqNo(),\r\n body: serializer.getBytes()\r\n });\r\n }\r\n if (!messages.length) {\r\n // this.log('no scheduled messages')\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n var noResponseMsgs = [];\r\n if (messages.length > 1) {\r\n var container = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({\r\n mtproto: true,\r\n startMaxLength: messagesByteLen + 64\r\n });\r\n container.storeInt(0x73f1f8dc, 'CONTAINER[id]');\r\n container.storeInt(messages.length, 'CONTAINER[count]');\r\n var innerMessages = [];\r\n messages.forEach((message, i) => {\r\n container.storeLong(message.msg_id, 'CONTAINER[' + i + '][msg_id]');\r\n innerMessages.push(message.msg_id);\r\n container.storeInt(message.seq_no, 'CONTAINER[' + i + '][seq_no]');\r\n container.storeInt(message.body.length, 'CONTAINER[' + i + '][bytes]');\r\n container.storeRawBytes(message.body, 'CONTAINER[' + i + '][body]');\r\n if (message.noResponse) {\r\n noResponseMsgs.push(message.msg_id);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n var containerSentMessage = {\r\n msg_id: timeManager_1.default.generateID(),\r\n seq_no: this.generateSeqNo(true),\r\n container: true,\r\n inner: innerMessages\r\n };\r\n message = Object.assign({\r\n body: container.getBytes(true)\r\n }, containerSentMessage);\r\n this.sentMessages[message.msg_id] = containerSentMessage;\r\n if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.debug || true) {\r\n this.log('Container', innerMessages, message.msg_id, message.seq_no);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (message.noResponse) {\r\n noResponseMsgs.push(message.msg_id);\r\n }\r\n this.sentMessages[message.msg_id] = message;\r\n }\r\n this.pendingAcks = [];\r\n let promise = this.sendEncryptedRequest(message);\r\n if (!(this.transport instanceof http_1.default)) {\r\n if (noResponseMsgs.length)\r\n this.log.error('noResponseMsgs length!', noResponseMsgs);\r\n }\r\n else\r\n promise.then((result) => {\r\n self.toggleOffline(false);\r\n // this.log('parse for', message)\r\n self.parseResponse(result).then((response) => {\r\n if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.debug) {\r\n this.log('Server response', self.dcID, response);\r\n }\r\n self.processMessage(response.response, response.messageID, response.sessionID);\r\n noResponseMsgs.forEach((msgID) => {\r\n if (self.sentMessages[msgID]) {\r\n var deferred = self.sentMessages[msgID].deferred;\r\n delete self.sentMessages[msgID];\r\n deferred.resolve();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n if (self.transport instanceof http_1.default) {\r\n self.checkLongPoll();\r\n this.checkConnectionPeriod = Math.max(1.1, Math.sqrt(this.checkConnectionPeriod));\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n this.log.error('Encrypted request failed', error, message);\r\n if (message.container) {\r\n message.inner.forEach((msgID) => {\r\n self.pendingMessages[msgID] = 0;\r\n });\r\n delete self.sentMessages[message.msg_id];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n self.pendingMessages[message.msg_id] = 0;\r\n }\r\n noResponseMsgs.forEach((msgID) => {\r\n if (self.sentMessages[msgID]) {\r\n var deferred = self.sentMessages[msgID].deferred;\r\n delete self.sentMessages[msgID];\r\n delete self.pendingMessages[msgID];\r\n deferred.reject();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n self.toggleOffline(true);\r\n });\r\n if (lengthOverflow || singlesCount > 1) {\r\n this.scheduleRequest();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n getEncryptedMessage(dataWithPadding) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n let msgKey = yield this.getMsgKey(dataWithPadding, true);\r\n let keyIv = yield this.getAesKeyIv(msgKey, true);\r\n // this.log('after msg key iv')\r\n let encryptedBytes = yield cryptoworker_1.default.aesEncrypt(dataWithPadding, keyIv[0], keyIv[1]);\r\n // this.log('Finish encrypt')\r\n return {\r\n bytes: encryptedBytes,\r\n msgKey: msgKey\r\n };\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getDecryptedMessage(msgKey, encryptedData) {\r\n // this.log('get decrypted start')\r\n return this.getAesKeyIv(msgKey, false).then((keyIv) => {\r\n // this.log('after msg key iv')\r\n return cryptoworker_1.default.aesDecrypt(encryptedData, keyIv[0], keyIv[1]);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n sendEncryptedRequest(message, options = {}) {\r\n var self = this;\r\n this.log.debug('Send encrypted', message, options, this.authKeyID);\r\n // console.trace()\r\n var data = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({\r\n startMaxLength: message.body.length + 2048\r\n });\r\n data.storeIntBytes(this.serverSalt, 64, 'salt');\r\n data.storeIntBytes(this.sessionID, 64, 'session_id');\r\n data.storeLong(message.msg_id, 'message_id');\r\n data.storeInt(message.seq_no, 'seq_no');\r\n data.storeInt(message.body.length, 'message_data_length');\r\n data.storeRawBytes(message.body, 'message_data');\r\n var dataBuffer = data.getBuffer();\r\n var paddingLength = (16 - (data.offset % 16)) + 16 * (1 + bin_utils_2.nextRandomInt(5));\r\n var padding = new Array(paddingLength);\r\n padding = [...new Uint8Array(padding.length).randomize()];\r\n //MTProto.secureRandom.nextBytes(padding);\r\n var dataWithPadding = bin_utils_2.bufferConcat(dataBuffer, padding);\r\n // this.log('Adding padding', dataBuffer, padding, dataWithPadding)\r\n // this.log('auth_key_id', bytesToHex(self.authKeyID))\r\n return this.getEncryptedMessage(dataWithPadding).then((encryptedResult) => {\r\n this.log.debug('Got encrypted out message', encryptedResult);\r\n let request = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({\r\n startMaxLength: encryptedResult.bytes.byteLength + 256\r\n });\r\n request.storeIntBytes(self.authKeyID, 64, 'auth_key_id');\r\n request.storeIntBytes(encryptedResult.msgKey, 128, 'msg_key');\r\n request.storeRawBytes(encryptedResult.bytes, 'encrypted_data');\r\n //var requestData = xhrSendBuffer ? request.getBuffer() : request.getBytes(true) as Uint8Array;\r\n let requestData = request.getBytes(true);\r\n let baseError = {\r\n code: 406,\r\n type: 'NETWORK_BAD_RESPONSE',\r\n transport: this.transport\r\n };\r\n let promise = this.transport.send(requestData);\r\n if (!(this.transport instanceof http_1.default))\r\n return promise;\r\n return promise.then((result) => {\r\n if (!result || !result.byteLength) {\r\n return Promise.reject(baseError);\r\n }\r\n return result;\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n if (!error.message && !error.type) {\r\n error = Object.assign(baseError, {\r\n type: 'NETWORK_BAD_REQUEST',\r\n originalError: error\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return Promise.reject(error);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n parseResponse(responseBuffer) {\r\n this.log.debug('Start parsing response' /* , responseBuffer */);\r\n let self = this;\r\n let deserializer = new tl_utils_1.TLDeserialization(responseBuffer);\r\n let authKeyID = deserializer.fetchIntBytes(64, true, 'auth_key_id');\r\n if (!bin_utils_2.bytesCmp(authKeyID, this.authKeyID)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Invalid server auth_key_id: ' + authKeyID.hex);\r\n }\r\n let msgKey = deserializer.fetchIntBytes(128, true, 'msg_key');\r\n let encryptedData = deserializer.fetchRawBytes(responseBuffer.byteLength - deserializer.getOffset(), true, 'encrypted_data');\r\n return self.getDecryptedMessage(msgKey, encryptedData).then((dataWithPadding) => {\r\n // this.log('after decrypt')\r\n return self.getMsgKey(dataWithPadding, false).then((calcMsgKey) => {\r\n if (!bin_utils_2.bytesCmp(msgKey, calcMsgKey)) {\r\n this.log.warn('[MT] msg_keys', msgKey, calcMsgKey);\r\n this.updateSession(); // fix 28.01.2020\r\n throw new Error('[MT] server msgKey mismatch, updating session');\r\n }\r\n // this.log('after msgKey check')\r\n let deserializer = new tl_utils_1.TLDeserialization(dataWithPadding, { mtproto: true });\r\n /* let salt = */ deserializer.fetchIntBytes(64, false, 'salt'); // need\r\n let sessionID = deserializer.fetchIntBytes(64, false, 'session_id');\r\n let messageID = deserializer.fetchLong('message_id');\r\n if (!bin_utils_2.bytesCmp(sessionID, self.sessionID) &&\r\n (!self.prevSessionID || !bin_utils_2.bytesCmp(sessionID, self.prevSessionID))) {\r\n this.log.warn('Sessions', sessionID, self.sessionID, self.prevSessionID, dataWithPadding);\r\n //this.updateSession();\r\n //this.sessionID = sessionID;\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Invalid server session_id: ' + bin_utils_2.bytesToHex(sessionID));\r\n }\r\n let seqNo = deserializer.fetchInt('seq_no');\r\n let totalLength = dataWithPadding.byteLength;\r\n let messageBodyLength = deserializer.fetchInt('message_data[length]');\r\n let offset = deserializer.getOffset();\r\n if ((messageBodyLength % 4) ||\r\n messageBodyLength > totalLength - offset) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Invalid body length: ' + messageBodyLength);\r\n }\r\n let messageBody = deserializer.fetchRawBytes(messageBodyLength, true, 'message_data');\r\n offset = deserializer.getOffset();\r\n let paddingLength = totalLength - offset;\r\n if (paddingLength < 12 || paddingLength > 1024) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Invalid padding length: ' + paddingLength);\r\n }\r\n //let buffer = bytesToArrayBuffer(messageBody);\r\n deserializer = new tl_utils_1.TLDeserialization(/* buffer */ messageBody, { mtproto: true });\r\n // костыль\r\n deserializer.override = {\r\n mt_message: (function (result, field) {\r\n result.msg_id = this.fetchLong(field + '[msg_id]');\r\n result.seqno = this.fetchInt(field + '[seqno]');\r\n result.bytes = this.fetchInt(field + '[bytes]');\r\n var offset = this.getOffset();\r\n //self.log('mt_message!!!!!', result, field);\r\n try {\r\n result.body = this.fetchObject('Object', field + '[body]');\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n self.log.error('parse error', e.message, e.stack);\r\n result.body = {\r\n _: 'parse_error',\r\n error: e\r\n };\r\n }\r\n if (this.offset != offset + result.bytes) {\r\n // console.warn(dT(), 'set offset', this.offset, offset, result.bytes)\r\n // this.log(result)\r\n this.offset = offset + result.bytes;\r\n }\r\n // this.log('override message', result)\r\n }).bind(deserializer),\r\n mt_rpc_result: (function (result, field) {\r\n result.req_msg_id = this.fetchLong(field + '[req_msg_id]');\r\n var sentMessage = self.sentMessages[result.req_msg_id];\r\n var type = sentMessage && sentMessage.resultType || 'Object';\r\n if (result.req_msg_id && !sentMessage) {\r\n // console.warn(dT(), 'Result for unknown message', result);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n result.result = this.fetchObject(type, field + '[result]');\r\n // self.log(dT(), 'override rpc_result', sentMessage, type, result);\r\n }).bind(deserializer)\r\n };\r\n var response = deserializer.fetchObject('', 'INPUT');\r\n return {\r\n response: response,\r\n messageID: messageID,\r\n sessionID: sessionID,\r\n seqNo: seqNo\r\n };\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n applyServerSalt(newServerSalt) {\r\n var serverSalt = bin_utils_2.longToBytes(newServerSalt);\r\n storage_1.default.set({\r\n ['dc' + this.dcID + '_server_salt']: bin_utils_2.bytesToHex(serverSalt)\r\n });\r\n this.serverSalt = serverSalt;\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n scheduleRequest(delay = 0) {\r\n if (!(this.transport instanceof http_1.default)) { // if socket\r\n return this.performScheduledRequest();\r\n }\r\n if (this.offline /* && this.transport instanceof HTTP */) {\r\n this.checkConnection('forced schedule');\r\n }\r\n /* if(delay && !(this.transport instanceof HTTP)) {\r\n delay = 0;\r\n } */\r\n var nextReq = Date.now() + delay;\r\n if (delay && this.nextReq && this.nextReq <= nextReq) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n // this.log('schedule req', delay)\r\n // console.trace()\r\n clearTimeout(this.nextReqTimeout);\r\n this.nextReqTimeout = 0;\r\n if (delay > 0) {\r\n this.nextReqTimeout = setTimeout(this.performScheduledRequest.bind(this), delay || 0);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n setTimeout(this.performScheduledRequest.bind(this), 0);\r\n }\r\n this.nextReq = nextReq;\r\n }\r\n ackMessage(msgID) {\r\n // this.log('ack message', msgID)\r\n this.pendingAcks.push(msgID);\r\n this.scheduleRequest(30000);\r\n }\r\n reqResendMessage(msgID) {\r\n this.log('Req resend', msgID);\r\n this.pendingResends.push(msgID);\r\n this.scheduleRequest(100);\r\n }\r\n cleanupSent() {\r\n let notEmpty = false;\r\n // this.log('clean start', this.dcID/*, this.sentMessages*/)\r\n Object.keys(this.sentMessages).forEach((msgID) => {\r\n const message = this.sentMessages[msgID];\r\n // this.log('clean iter', msgID, message)\r\n if (message.notContentRelated && this.pendingMessages[msgID] === undefined) {\r\n // this.log('clean notContentRelated', msgID)\r\n delete this.sentMessages[msgID];\r\n }\r\n else if (message.container) {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < message.inner.length; i++) {\r\n if (this.sentMessages[message.inner[i]] !== undefined) {\r\n // this.log('clean failed, found', msgID, message.inner[i], this.sentMessages[message.inner[i]].seq_no)\r\n notEmpty = true;\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // this.log('clean container', msgID)\r\n delete this.sentMessages[msgID];\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n notEmpty = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n return !notEmpty;\r\n }\r\n processMessageAck(messageID) {\r\n var sentMessage = this.sentMessages[messageID];\r\n if (sentMessage && !sentMessage.acked) {\r\n delete sentMessage.body;\r\n sentMessage.acked = true;\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n processError(rawError) {\r\n var matches = (rawError.error_message || '').match(/^([A-Z_0-9]+\\b)(: (.+))?/) || [];\r\n rawError.error_code = rawError.error_code;\r\n return {\r\n code: !rawError.error_code || rawError.error_code <= 0 ? 500 : rawError.error_code,\r\n type: matches[1] || 'UNKNOWN',\r\n description: matches[3] || ('CODE#' + rawError.error_code + ' ' + rawError.error_message),\r\n originalError: rawError\r\n };\r\n }\r\n /**\r\n * только для сокета, возможно это будет неправильно работать, но в тесте сработало правильно\r\n */\r\n resend() {\r\n for (let id in this.sentMessages) {\r\n const msg = this.sentMessages[id];\r\n if (msg.body) {\r\n this.pushResend(id);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n processMessage(message, messageID, sessionID) {\r\n var msgidInt = parseInt(messageID /* .toString(10) */.substr(0, -10), 10);\r\n if (msgidInt % 2) {\r\n this.log.warn('[MT] Server even message id: ', messageID, message);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.log.debug('process message', message, messageID, sessionID);\r\n switch (message._) {\r\n case 'msg_container':\r\n var len = message.messages.length;\r\n for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {\r\n this.processMessage(message.messages[i], message.messages[i].msg_id, sessionID);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'bad_server_salt':\r\n this.log('Bad server salt', message);\r\n var sentMessage = this.sentMessages[message.bad_msg_id];\r\n if (!sentMessage || sentMessage.seq_no != message.bad_msg_seqno) {\r\n this.log(message.bad_msg_id, message.bad_msg_seqno);\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Bad server salt for invalid message');\r\n }\r\n this.applyServerSalt(message.new_server_salt);\r\n this.pushResend(message.bad_msg_id);\r\n this.ackMessage(messageID);\r\n /* // simulate disconnect\r\n try {\r\n this.log('networker state:', this);\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n this.transport.ws.close(1000);\r\n } catch(err) {\r\n this.log.error('transport', this.transport, err);\r\n } */\r\n break;\r\n case 'bad_msg_notification':\r\n this.log('Bad msg notification', message);\r\n var sentMessage = this.sentMessages[message.bad_msg_id];\r\n if (!sentMessage || sentMessage.seq_no != message.bad_msg_seqno) {\r\n this.log(message.bad_msg_id, message.bad_msg_seqno);\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Bad msg notification for invalid message');\r\n }\r\n if (message.error_code == 16 || message.error_code == 17) {\r\n if (timeManager_1.default.applyServerTime(bin_utils_2.bigStringInt(messageID).shiftRight(32).toString(10))) {\r\n this.log('Update session');\r\n this.updateSession();\r\n }\r\n var badMessage = this.updateSentMessage(message.bad_msg_id);\r\n if (badMessage)\r\n this.pushResend(badMessage.msg_id); // fix 23.01.2020\r\n this.ackMessage(messageID);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'message':\r\n if (this.lastServerMessages.indexOf(messageID) != -1) {\r\n // console.warn('[MT] Server same messageID: ', messageID)\r\n this.ackMessage(messageID);\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.lastServerMessages.push(messageID);\r\n if (this.lastServerMessages.length > 100) {\r\n this.lastServerMessages.shift();\r\n }\r\n this.processMessage(message.body, message.msg_id, sessionID);\r\n break;\r\n case 'new_session_created':\r\n this.ackMessage(messageID);\r\n this.log.debug('new_session_created', message);\r\n //this.updateSession();\r\n this.processMessageAck(message.first_msg_id);\r\n this.applyServerSalt(message.server_salt);\r\n storage_1.default.get('dc').then((baseDcID) => {\r\n if (baseDcID == this.dcID && !this.upload && networkerFactory_1.default.updatesProcessor) {\r\n networkerFactory_1.default.updatesProcessor(message, true);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n break;\r\n case 'msgs_ack':\r\n for (var i = 0; i < message.msg_ids.length; i++) {\r\n this.processMessageAck(message.msg_ids[i]);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'msg_detailed_info':\r\n if (!this.sentMessages[message.msg_id]) {\r\n this.ackMessage(message.answer_msg_id);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n case 'msg_new_detailed_info':\r\n if (this.pendingAcks.indexOf(message.answer_msg_id)) {\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n this.reqResendMessage(message.answer_msg_id);\r\n break;\r\n case 'msgs_state_info':\r\n this.ackMessage(message.answer_msg_id);\r\n if (this.lastResendReq &&\r\n this.lastResendReq.req_msg_id == message.req_msg_id &&\r\n this.pendingResends.length) {\r\n var badMsgID, pos;\r\n for (let i = 0; i < this.lastResendReq.resend_msg_ids.length; i++) {\r\n badMsgID = this.lastResendReq.resend_msg_ids[i];\r\n pos = this.pendingResends.indexOf(badMsgID);\r\n if (pos != -1) {\r\n this.pendingResends.splice(pos, 1);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n case 'rpc_result':\r\n this.ackMessage(messageID);\r\n var sentMessageID = message.req_msg_id;\r\n var sentMessage = this.sentMessages[sentMessageID];\r\n this.processMessageAck(sentMessageID);\r\n if (sentMessage) {\r\n var deferred = sentMessage.deferred;\r\n if (message.result._ == 'rpc_error') {\r\n var error = this.processError(message.result);\r\n this.log('Rpc error', error);\r\n if (deferred) {\r\n deferred.reject(error);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n if (deferred) {\r\n if (mtproto_config_1.Modes.debug) {\r\n this.log.debug('Rpc response', message.result);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n var dRes = message.result._;\r\n if (!dRes) {\r\n if (message.result.length > 5) {\r\n dRes = '[..' + message.result.length + '..]';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n dRes = message.result;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.log.debug('Rpc response', dRes, sentMessage);\r\n }\r\n sentMessage.deferred.resolve(message.result);\r\n }\r\n if (sentMessage.isAPI && !this.connectionInited) {\r\n this.connectionInited = true;\r\n ////this.log('Rpc set connectionInited to:', this.connectionInited);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n delete this.sentMessages[sentMessageID];\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n this.ackMessage(messageID);\r\n this.log.debug('Update', message);\r\n if (networkerFactory_1.default.updatesProcessor !== null) {\r\n networkerFactory_1.default.updatesProcessor(message, true);\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.MTPNetworker = MTPNetworker;\r\n" }, { "id": 22, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\@cryptography\\sha1\\dist\\index.js", "name": "./node_modules/@cryptography/sha1/dist/index.js", "index": 13, "index2": 7, "size": 6225, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "issuerId": 13, "issuerName": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\cryptoworker.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } }, { "id": 13, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "profile": { "factory": 1524, "building": 711, "dependencies": 1293 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1827, "building": 56 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 13, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "module": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "@cryptography/sha1", "loc": "16:31-60" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\n/** Gets a uint32 from string in big-endian order order */\nfunction strToInt32(str, pos) {\n return (str.charCodeAt(pos) << 24\n ^ str.charCodeAt(pos + 1) << 16\n ^ str.charCodeAt(pos + 2) << 8\n ^ str.charCodeAt(pos + 3));\n}\n/** Returns a uint32 as a string in big-endian order order */\nfunction int32ToStr(data) {\n return (String.fromCharCode((data >> 24) & 0xFF)\n + String.fromCharCode((data >> 16) & 0xFF)\n + String.fromCharCode((data >> 8) & 0xFF)\n + String.fromCharCode(data & 0xFF));\n}\n// padding\nvar _padding = String.fromCharCode(128);\nfor (var i = 64; i--;)\n _padding += String.fromCharCode(0);\n/**\n * Updates a SHA-1 state with the given byte buffer.\n */\nfunction update(data) {\n var a;\n var b;\n var c;\n var d;\n var e;\n var i = 0;\n var f = 0;\n var t = 0;\n // Array to use to store words.\n var words = new Uint32Array(80);\n // SHA-256 state contains five 32-bit integers\n var h1 = 0x67452301;\n var h2 = 0xEFCDAB89;\n var h3 = 0x98BADCFE;\n var h4 = 0x10325476;\n var h5 = 0xC3D2E1F0;\n var len = data.length;\n var p = 0; // let ni = 64;\n // consume 512 bit (64 byte) chunks\n // While decrementing loop is much faster than for\n while (len >= 64) {\n // initialize hash value for this chunk\n a = h1;\n b = h2;\n c = h3;\n d = h4;\n e = h5;\n // round 1\n for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 1) {\n words[i] = strToInt32(data, p);\n p += 4;\n f = d ^ (b & (c ^ d));\n t = ((a << 5) | (a >>> 27)) + f + e + 0x5A827999 + words[i];\n e = d;\n d = c;\n // `>>> 0` necessary to avoid iOS/Safari 10 optimization bug\n c = ((b << 30) | (b >>> 2)) >>> 0;\n b = a;\n a = t;\n }\n for (; i < 20; i += 1) {\n t = (words[i - 3] ^ words[i - 8] ^ words[i - 14] ^ words[i - 16]);\n t = (t << 1) | (t >>> 31);\n words[i] = t;\n f = d ^ (b & (c ^ d));\n t = ((a << 5) | (a >>> 27)) + f + e + 0x5A827999 + t;\n e = d;\n d = c;\n // `>>> 0` necessary to avoid iOS/Safari 10 optimization bug\n c = ((b << 30) | (b >>> 2)) >>> 0;\n b = a;\n a = t;\n }\n // round 2\n for (; i < 32; i += 1) {\n t = (words[i - 3] ^ words[i - 8] ^ words[i - 14] ^ words[i - 16]);\n t = (t << 1) | (t >>> 31);\n words[i] = t;\n f = b ^ c ^ d;\n t = ((a << 5) | (a >>> 27)) + f + e + 0x6ED9EBA1 + t;\n e = d;\n d = c;\n // `>>> 0` necessary to avoid iOS/Safari 10 optimization bug\n c = ((b << 30) | (b >>> 2)) >>> 0;\n b = a;\n a = t;\n }\n for (; i < 40; i += 1) {\n t = (words[i - 6] ^ words[i - 16] ^ words[i - 28] ^ words[i - 32]);\n t = (t << 2) | (t >>> 30);\n words[i] = t;\n f = b ^ c ^ d;\n t = ((a << 5) | (a >>> 27)) + f + e + 0x6ED9EBA1 + t;\n e = d;\n d = c;\n // `>>> 0` necessary to avoid iOS/Safari 10 optimization bug\n c = ((b << 30) | (b >>> 2)) >>> 0;\n b = a;\n a = t;\n }\n // round 3\n for (; i < 60; i += 1) {\n t = (words[i - 6] ^ words[i - 16] ^ words[i - 28] ^ words[i - 32]);\n t = (t << 2) | (t >>> 30);\n words[i] = t;\n f = (b & c) | (d & (b ^ c));\n t = ((a << 5) | (a >>> 27)) + f + e + 0x8F1BBCDC + t;\n e = d;\n d = c;\n // `>>> 0` necessary to avoid iOS/Safari 10 optimization bug\n c = ((b << 30) | (b >>> 2)) >>> 0;\n b = a;\n a = t;\n }\n // round 4\n for (; i < 80; i += 1) {\n t = (words[i - 6] ^ words[i - 16] ^ words[i - 28] ^ words[i - 32]);\n t = (t << 2) | (t >>> 30);\n words[i] = t;\n f = b ^ c ^ d;\n t = ((a << 5) | (a >>> 27)) + f + e + 0xCA62C1D6 + t;\n e = d;\n d = c;\n // `>>> 0` necessary to avoid iOS/Safari 10 optimization bug\n c = ((b << 30) | (b >>> 2)) >>> 0;\n b = a;\n a = t;\n }\n // update hash state\n h1 = (h1 + a) | 0;\n h2 = (h2 + b) | 0;\n h3 = (h3 + c) | 0;\n h4 = (h4 + d) | 0;\n h5 = (h5 + e) | 0;\n len -= 64;\n }\n return {\n h1: h1, h2: h2, h3: h3, h4: h4, h5: h5,\n };\n}\n/**\n * Calculates sha1 hash from string\n */\nfunction sha1(message) {\n // 56-bit length of message so far (does not including padding)\n var len = message.length;\n var len64hi = (len / 0x100000000) >>> 0;\n var len64lo = len >>> 0;\n var flen = [0, 0];\n for (var i = flen.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {\n flen[i] += len64lo;\n len64lo = len64hi + ((flen[i] / 0x100000000) >>> 0);\n flen[i] >>>= 0;\n len64hi = ((len64lo / 0x100000000) >>> 0);\n }\n var pad = message;\n // compute remaining size to be digested (include message length size)\n var remaining = flen[flen.length - 1] + 8;\n // add padding for overflow blockSize - overflow\n // _padding starts with 1 byte with first bit is set (byte value 128), then\n // there may be up to (blockSize - 1) other pad bytes\n var overflow = remaining & 63;\n pad += _padding.substr(0, 64 - overflow);\n // serialize message length in bits in big-endian order; since length\n // is stored in bytes we multiply by 8 and add carry from next int\n var next;\n var carry;\n var bits = flen[0] * 8;\n for (var i = 0; i < flen.length - 1; i += 1) {\n next = flen[i + 1] * 8;\n carry = (next / 0x100000000) >>> 0;\n bits += carry;\n pad += int32ToStr(bits >>> 0);\n bits = next >>> 0;\n }\n pad += int32ToStr(bits);\n var state = update(pad);\n return int32ToStr(state.h1)\n + int32ToStr(state.h2)\n + int32ToStr(state.h3)\n + int32ToStr(state.h4)\n + int32ToStr(state.h5);\n}\nexports.default = sha1;\n//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map" }, { "id": 23, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\@cryptography\\sha256\\dist\\es\\sha256.js", "name": "./node_modules/@cryptography/sha256/dist/es/sha256.js", "index": 14, "index2": 8, "size": 8334, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], 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require)" ], "depth": 3, "source": "/**\n * Gets a uint32 from string in big-endian order order\n */\nfunction s2i(str, pos) {\n return (str.charCodeAt(pos) << 24\n ^ str.charCodeAt(pos + 1) << 16\n ^ str.charCodeAt(pos + 2) << 8\n ^ str.charCodeAt(pos + 3));\n}\n/**\n * Returns a uint32 as a string in big-endian order order\n */\nfunction i2s(data) {\n return (String.fromCharCode((data >> 24) & 0xFF)\n + String.fromCharCode((data >> 16) & 0xFF)\n + String.fromCharCode((data >> 8) & 0xFF)\n + String.fromCharCode(data & 0xFF));\n}\n/**\n * Returns a uint32 as a hex-string in big-endian order order\n */\nfunction i2h(data) {\n return (\"00000000\" + data.toString(16)).slice(-8);\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates new SHA-256 state\n */\nfunction init(h) {\n if (!h)\n h = new Uint32Array(8);\n // SHA-256 state contains eight 32-bit integers\n h[0] = 0x6A09E667;\n h[1] = 0xBB67AE85;\n h[2] = 0x3C6EF372;\n h[3] = 0xA54FF53A;\n h[4] = 0x510E527F;\n h[5] = 0x9B05688C;\n h[6] = 0x1F83D9AB;\n h[7] = 0x5BE0CD19;\n return h;\n}\n/** Array to use to store round words. */\nvar words = new Uint32Array(64);\n/** K table for SHA-256 */\nvar _k = new Uint32Array([\n 0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5,\n 0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5,\n 0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3,\n 0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174,\n 0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc,\n 0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da,\n 0x983e5152, 0xa831c66d, 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7,\n 0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147, 0x06ca6351, 0x14292967,\n 0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x53380d13,\n 0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, 0x92722c85,\n 0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3,\n 0xd192e819, 0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070,\n 0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08, 0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5,\n 0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x682e6ff3,\n 0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208,\n 0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2,\n]);\n/**\n * Perform round function\n */\nfunction round(state, data) {\n // initialize hash value for this chunk\n var a = state[0];\n var b = state[1];\n var c = state[2];\n var d = state[3];\n var e = state[4];\n var f = state[5];\n var g = state[6];\n var h = state[7];\n words.set(data);\n for (var i = 16; i < 64; i += 1) {\n // XOR word 2 words ago rot right 17, rot right 19, shft right 10\n var t1 = words[i - 2];\n t1 = ((t1 >>> 17) | (t1 << 15))\n ^ ((t1 >>> 19) | (t1 << 13))\n ^ (t1 >>> 10);\n // XOR word 15 words ago rot right 7, rot right 18, shft right 3\n var t2 = words[i - 15];\n t2 = ((t2 >>> 7) | (t2 << 25))\n ^ ((t2 >>> 18) | (t2 << 14))\n ^ (t2 >>> 3);\n // sum(t1, word 7 ago, t2, word 16 ago) modulo 2^32\n words[i] = (t1 + words[i - 7] + t2 + words[i - 16]);\n }\n // Round Function\n for (var i = 0; i < 64; i += 1) {\n // Sum1(e)\n var s1 = ((e >>> 6) | (e << 26))\n ^ ((e >>> 11) | (e << 21))\n ^ ((e >>> 25) | (e << 7));\n // Ch(e, f, g) (optimized the same way as SHA-1)\n var ch = g ^ (e & (f ^ g));\n // Sum0(a)\n var s0 = ((a >>> 2) | (a << 30))\n ^ ((a >>> 13) | (a << 19))\n ^ ((a >>> 22) | (a << 10));\n // Maj(a, b, c) (optimized the same way as SHA-1)\n var maj = (a & b) | (c & (a ^ b));\n // main algorithm\n var t1 = h + s1 + ch + _k[i] + words[i];\n var t2 = s0 + maj;\n h = g;\n g = f;\n f = e;\n e = (d + t1) | 0;\n d = c;\n c = b;\n b = a;\n a = (t1 + t2) | 0;\n }\n // update hash state\n state[0] += a;\n state[1] += b;\n state[2] += c;\n state[3] += d;\n state[4] += e;\n state[5] += f;\n state[6] += g;\n state[7] += h;\n}\n/**\n * Pre-processing round buffer for string input\n */\nfunction preprocess(str, buf, state, offset) {\n if (offset === void 0) { offset = 0; }\n while (str.length >= 64) {\n for (var i = offset; i < 16; i++)\n buf[i] = s2i(str, i * 4);\n str = str.slice(64 - offset * 4);\n offset = 0;\n round(state, buf);\n }\n return str;\n}\n/**\n * Process input buffer\n */\nfunction process(input, buf, state, offset) {\n if (offset === void 0) { offset = 0; }\n while (input.length >= buf.length - offset) {\n buf.set(input.subarray(0, buf.length - offset), offset);\n input = input.subarray(buf.length - offset);\n offset = 0;\n round(state, buf);\n }\n if (input.length > 0) {\n buf.set(input, offset);\n offset += input.length;\n }\n return offset;\n}\n/**\n * Repeatable part\n */\nfunction finish(len, buf, state, offset) {\n if (offset === void 0) { offset = 0; }\n var len64hi = (len / 0x100000000) >>> 0;\n var len64lo = len >>> 0;\n for (var i = offset + 1; i < buf.length; i++)\n buf[i] = 0;\n if (offset >= 14) {\n round(state, buf);\n for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i++)\n buf[i] = 0;\n }\n buf[14] = (len64hi << 3) | (len64hi >>> 28);\n buf[15] = len64lo << 3;\n round(state, buf);\n}\n/**\n * Adds padding to message\n */\nfunction finalizestr(chunk, len, buf, state, offset) {\n if (offset === void 0) { offset = 0; }\n for (; chunk.length >= 4; offset++) {\n buf[offset] = s2i(chunk, 0);\n chunk = chunk.slice(4);\n }\n if (offset >= 16) {\n round(state, buf);\n offset = 0;\n }\n buf[offset] = s2i(chunk + \"\\u0080\\0\\0\\0\", 0);\n finish(len, buf, state, offset);\n}\n/**\n * Adds padding to buffer\n */\nfunction finalize(len, buf, state, offset) {\n if (offset === void 0) { offset = 0; }\n buf[offset] = 0x80000000;\n finish(len, buf, state, offset);\n}\nfunction out(state, format) {\n if (format === void 0) { format = 'array'; }\n switch (format) {\n case 'hex': return (i2h(state[0])\n + i2h(state[1])\n + i2h(state[2])\n + i2h(state[3])\n + i2h(state[4])\n + i2h(state[5])\n + i2h(state[6])\n + i2h(state[7]));\n case 'binary': return (i2s(state[0])\n + i2s(state[1])\n + i2s(state[2])\n + i2s(state[3])\n + i2s(state[4])\n + i2s(state[5])\n + i2s(state[6])\n + i2s(state[7]));\n default: return state;\n }\n}\n/**\n * Stream handler for hashing\n */\nvar Stream = /** @class */ (function () {\n function Stream(buf) {\n this.buffer = new Uint32Array(16);\n this.state = init(buf);\n this.length = 0;\n this.offset = 0;\n this.tail = '';\n }\n Stream.prototype.update = function (chunk) {\n if (typeof chunk === 'string') {\n this.length += chunk.length;\n this.tail = preprocess(this.tail + chunk, this.buffer, this.state, this.offset);\n this.offset = 0;\n }\n else {\n if (this.tail.length > 0)\n throw new Error('Unable to update hash-stream with array');\n this.length += chunk.length * 4;\n this.offset = process(chunk, this.buffer, this.state, this.offset);\n }\n return this;\n };\n Stream.prototype.digest = function (format) {\n if (format === void 0) { format = 'array'; }\n if (this.tail.length > 0) {\n finalizestr(this.tail, this.length, this.buffer, this.state, this.offset);\n }\n else {\n finalize(this.length, this.buffer, this.state, this.offset);\n }\n return out(this.state, format);\n };\n Stream.prototype.clear = function () {\n this.state = init();\n this.length = 0;\n this.offset = 0;\n this.tail = '';\n };\n return Stream;\n}());\nfunction sha256(message, format) {\n if (format === void 0) { format = 'array'; }\n var buf = new Uint32Array(16);\n var state = init();\n if (typeof message === 'string')\n finalizestr(preprocess(message, buf, state), message.length, buf, state);\n else\n finalize(message.length * 4, buf, state, process(message, buf, state));\n return out(state, format);\n}\n/**\n * Hash with stream constructor\n */\nsha256.stream = function (buf) { return new Stream(buf); };\nsha256.blockLength = 64;\nsha256.digestLength = 32;\n\nexport default sha256;\n" }, { "id": 24, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\pako\\dist\\pako_inflate.min.js", "name": "./node_modules/pako/dist/pako_inflate.min.js", "index": 16, "index2": 10, "size": 22682, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\crypto_utils.ts", "issuerId": 13, "issuerName": "./src/lib/crypto/crypto_utils.ts", 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i=\"function\"==typeof require&&require;if(!e&&i)return i(t,!0);if(d)return d(t,!0);var n=new Error(\"Cannot find module '\"+t+\"'\");throw n.code=\"MODULE_NOT_FOUND\",n}var a=s[t]={exports:{}};o[t][0].call(a.exports,function(e){return l(o[t][1][e]||e)},a,a.exports,r,o,s,f)}return s[t].exports}for(var d=\"function\"==typeof require&&require,e=0;e>>6:(i<65536?t[r++]=224|i>>>12:(t[r++]=240|i>>>18,t[r++]=128|i>>>12&63),t[r++]=128|i>>>6&63),t[r++]=128|63&i);return t},i.buf2binstring=function(e){return d(e,e.length)},i.binstring2buf=function(e){for(var t=new f.Buf8(e.length),i=0,n=t.length;i>10&1023,s[n++]=56320|1023&a)}return d(s,n)},i.utf8border=function(e,t){var i;for((t=t||e.length)>e.length&&(t=e.length),i=t-1;0<=i&&128==(192&e[i]);)i--;return i<0?t:0===i?t:i+l[e[i]]>t?i:t}},{\"./common\":1}],3:[function(e,t,i){\"use strict\";t.exports=function(e,t,i,n){for(var a=65535&e|0,r=e>>>16&65535|0,o=0;0!==i;){for(i-=o=2e3>>1:e>>>1;t[i]=e}return t}();t.exports=function(e,t,i,n){var a=s,r=n+i;e^=-1;for(var o=n;o>>8^a[255&(e^t[o])];return-1^e}},{}],6:[function(e,t,i){\"use strict\";t.exports=function(){this.text=0,this.time=0,this.xflags=0,this.os=0,this.extra=null,this.extra_len=0,this.name=\"\",this.comment=\"\",this.hcrc=0,this.done=!1}},{}],7:[function(e,t,i){\"use strict\";t.exports=function(e,t){var i,n,a,r,o,s,f,l,d,c,u,h,b,m,w,k,_,g,v,p,x,y,S,E,Z;i=e.state,n=e.next_in,E=e.input,a=n+(e.avail_in-5),r=e.next_out,Z=e.output,o=r-(t-e.avail_out),s=r+(e.avail_out-257),f=i.dmax,l=i.wsize,d=i.whave,c=i.wnext,u=i.window,h=i.hold,b=i.bits,m=i.lencode,w=i.distcode,k=(1<>>=v=g>>>24,b-=v,0===(v=g>>>16&255))Z[r++]=65535&g;else{if(!(16&v)){if(0==(64&v)){g=m[(65535&g)+(h&(1<>>=v,b-=v),b<15&&(h+=E[n++]<>>=v=g>>>24,b-=v,!(16&(v=g>>>16&255))){if(0==(64&v)){g=w[(65535&g)+(h&(1<>>=v,b-=v,(v=r-o)>3,h&=(1<<(b-=p<<3))-1,e.next_in=n,e.next_out=r,e.avail_in=n>>24&255)+(e>>>8&65280)+((65280&e)<<8)+((255&e)<<24)}function r(){this.mode=0,this.last=!1,this.wrap=0,this.havedict=!1,this.flags=0,this.dmax=0,this.check=0,this.total=0,this.head=null,this.wbits=0,this.wsize=0,this.whave=0,this.wnext=0,this.window=null,this.hold=0,this.bits=0,this.length=0,this.offset=0,this.extra=0,this.lencode=null,this.distcode=null,this.lenbits=0,this.distbits=0,this.ncode=0,this.nlen=0,this.ndist=0,this.have=0,this.next=null,this.lens=new z.Buf16(320),this.work=new z.Buf16(288),this.lendyn=null,this.distdyn=null,this.sane=0,this.back=0,this.was=0}function o(e){var t;return e&&e.state?(t=e.state,e.total_in=e.total_out=t.total=0,e.msg=\"\",t.wrap&&(e.adler=1&t.wrap),t.mode=F,t.last=0,t.havedict=0,t.dmax=32768,t.head=null,t.hold=0,t.bits=0,t.lencode=t.lendyn=new z.Buf32(n),t.distcode=t.distdyn=new z.Buf32(a),t.sane=1,t.back=-1,T):U}function s(e){var t;return e&&e.state?((t=e.state).wsize=0,t.whave=0,t.wnext=0,o(e)):U}function f(e,t){var i,n;return e&&e.state?(n=e.state,t<0?(i=0,t=-t):(i=1+(t>>4),t<48&&(t&=15)),t&&(t<8||15=r.wsize?(z.arraySet(r.window,t,i-r.wsize,r.wsize,0),r.wnext=0,r.whave=r.wsize):(n<(a=r.wsize-r.wnext)&&(a=n),z.arraySet(r.window,t,i-n,a,r.wnext),(n-=a)?(z.arraySet(r.window,t,i-n,n,0),r.wnext=n,r.whave=r.wsize):(r.wnext+=a,r.wnext===r.wsize&&(r.wnext=0),r.whave>>8&255,i.check=N(i.check,B,2,0),d=l=0,i.mode=2;break}if(i.flags=0,i.head&&(i.head.done=!1),!(1&i.wrap)||(((255&l)<<8)+(l>>8))%31){e.msg=\"incorrect header check\",i.mode=30;break}if(8!=(15&l)){e.msg=\"unknown compression method\",i.mode=30;break}if(d-=4,x=8+(15&(l>>>=4)),0===i.wbits)i.wbits=x;else if(x>i.wbits){e.msg=\"invalid window size\",i.mode=30;break}i.dmax=1<>8&1),512&i.flags&&(B[0]=255&l,B[1]=l>>>8&255,i.check=N(i.check,B,2,0)),d=l=0,i.mode=3;case 3:for(;d<32;){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>>8&255,B[2]=l>>>16&255,B[3]=l>>>24&255,i.check=N(i.check,B,4,0)),d=l=0,i.mode=4;case 4:for(;d<16;){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>8),512&i.flags&&(B[0]=255&l,B[1]=l>>>8&255,i.check=N(i.check,B,2,0)),d=l=0,i.mode=5;case 5:if(1024&i.flags){for(;d<16;){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>>8&255,i.check=N(i.check,B,2,0)),d=l=0}else i.head&&(i.head.extra=null);i.mode=6;case 6:if(1024&i.flags&&(s<(h=i.length)&&(h=s),h&&(i.head&&(x=i.head.extra_len-i.length,i.head.extra||(i.head.extra=new Array(i.head.extra_len)),z.arraySet(i.head.extra,n,r,h,x)),512&i.flags&&(i.check=N(i.check,n,h,r)),s-=h,r+=h,i.length-=h),i.length))break e;i.length=0,i.mode=7;case 7:if(2048&i.flags){if(0===s)break e;for(h=0;x=n[r+h++],i.head&&x&&i.length<65536&&(i.head.name+=String.fromCharCode(x)),x&&h>9&1,i.head.done=!0),e.adler=i.check=0,i.mode=12;break;case 10:for(;d<32;){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>>=7&d,d-=7&d,i.mode=27;break}for(;d<3;){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>>=1)){case 0:i.mode=14;break;case 1:if(H(i),i.mode=20,6!==t)break;l>>>=2,d-=2;break e;case 2:i.mode=17;break;case 3:e.msg=\"invalid block type\",i.mode=30}l>>>=2,d-=2;break;case 14:for(l>>>=7&d,d-=7&d;d<32;){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>>16^65535)){e.msg=\"invalid stored block lengths\",i.mode=30;break}if(i.length=65535&l,d=l=0,i.mode=15,6===t)break e;case 15:i.mode=16;case 16:if(h=i.length){if(s>>=5,d-=5,i.ndist=1+(31&l),l>>>=5,d-=5,i.ncode=4+(15&l),l>>>=4,d-=4,286>>=3,d-=3}for(;i.have<19;)i.lens[A[i.have++]]=0;if(i.lencode=i.lendyn,i.lenbits=7,S={bits:i.lenbits},y=C(0,i.lens,0,19,i.lencode,0,i.work,S),i.lenbits=S.bits,y){e.msg=\"invalid code lengths set\",i.mode=30;break}i.have=0,i.mode=19;case 19:for(;i.have>>16&255,_=65535&Z,!((w=Z>>>24)<=d);){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>>=w,d-=w,i.lens[i.have++]=_;else{if(16===_){for(E=w+2;d>>=w,d-=w,0===i.have){e.msg=\"invalid bit length repeat\",i.mode=30;break}x=i.lens[i.have-1],h=3+(3&l),l>>>=2,d-=2}else if(17===_){for(E=w+3;d>>=w)),l>>>=3,d-=3}else{for(E=w+7;d>>=w)),l>>>=7,d-=7}if(i.have+h>i.nlen+i.ndist){e.msg=\"invalid bit length repeat\",i.mode=30;break}for(;h--;)i.lens[i.have++]=x}}if(30===i.mode)break;if(0===i.lens[256]){e.msg=\"invalid code -- missing end-of-block\",i.mode=30;break}if(i.lenbits=9,S={bits:i.lenbits},y=C(I,i.lens,0,i.nlen,i.lencode,0,i.work,S),i.lenbits=S.bits,y){e.msg=\"invalid literal/lengths set\",i.mode=30;break}if(i.distbits=6,i.distcode=i.distdyn,S={bits:i.distbits},y=C(D,i.lens,i.nlen,i.ndist,i.distcode,0,i.work,S),i.distbits=S.bits,y){e.msg=\"invalid distances set\",i.mode=30;break}if(i.mode=20,6===t)break e;case 20:i.mode=21;case 21:if(6<=s&&258<=f){e.next_out=o,e.avail_out=f,e.next_in=r,e.avail_in=s,i.hold=l,i.bits=d,O(e,u),o=e.next_out,a=e.output,f=e.avail_out,r=e.next_in,n=e.input,s=e.avail_in,l=i.hold,d=i.bits,12===i.mode&&(i.back=-1);break}for(i.back=0;k=(Z=i.lencode[l&(1<>>16&255,_=65535&Z,!((w=Z>>>24)<=d);){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>g)])>>>16&255,_=65535&Z,!(g+(w=Z>>>24)<=d);){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>>=g,d-=g,i.back+=g}if(l>>>=w,d-=w,i.back+=w,i.length=_,0===k){i.mode=26;break}if(32&k){i.back=-1,i.mode=12;break}if(64&k){e.msg=\"invalid literal/length code\",i.mode=30;break}i.extra=15&k,i.mode=22;case 22:if(i.extra){for(E=i.extra;d>>=i.extra,d-=i.extra,i.back+=i.extra}i.was=i.length,i.mode=23;case 23:for(;k=(Z=i.distcode[l&(1<>>16&255,_=65535&Z,!((w=Z>>>24)<=d);){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>g)])>>>16&255,_=65535&Z,!(g+(w=Z>>>24)<=d);){if(0===s)break e;s--,l+=n[r++]<>>=g,d-=g,i.back+=g}if(l>>>=w,d-=w,i.back+=w,64&k){e.msg=\"invalid distance code\",i.mode=30;break}i.offset=_,i.extra=15&k,i.mode=24;case 24:if(i.extra){for(E=i.extra;d>>=i.extra,d-=i.extra,i.back+=i.extra}if(i.offset>i.dmax){e.msg=\"invalid distance too far back\",i.mode=30;break}i.mode=25;case 25:if(0===f)break e;if(h=u-f,i.offset>h){if((h=i.offset-h)>i.whave&&i.sane){e.msg=\"invalid distance too far back\",i.mode=30;break}h>i.wnext?(h-=i.wnext,b=i.wsize-h):b=i.wnext-h,h>i.length&&(h=i.length),m=i.window}else m=a,b=o-i.offset,h=i.length;for(fh?(m=O[C+o[g]],w=A[z+o[g]]):(m=96,w=0),f=1<<_-S,v=l=1<>S)+(l-=f)]=b<<24|m<<16|w|0,0!==l;);for(f=1<<_-1;B&f;)f>>=1;if(0!==f?(B&=f-1,B+=f):B=0,g++,0==--R[_]){if(_===p)break;_=t[i+o[g]]}if(x<_&&(B&c)!==d){for(0===S&&(S=x),u+=v,E=1<<(y=_-S);y+S bin_utils_1.convertToArrayBuffer(bytes));\r\n }\r\n rsaEncrypt(publicKey, bytes) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('rsa-encrypt', publicKey, bytes);\r\n }\r\n factorize(bytes) {\r\n bytes = bin_utils_1.convertToByteArray(bytes);\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('factorize', bytes);\r\n }\r\n modPow(x, y, m) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('mod-pow', x, y, m);\r\n }\r\n gzipUncompress(bytes, toString) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('gzipUncompress', bytes, toString);\r\n }\r\n computeSRP(password, state) {\r\n return this.performTaskWorker('computeSRP', password, state);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = CryptoWorkerMethods;\r\n" }, { "id": 26, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\srp.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/srp.ts", "index": 20, "index2": 16, "size": 10060, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\cryptoworker.ts", "issuerId": 2, "issuerName": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 2, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\cryptoworker.ts", "name": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1524, "building": 711, "dependencies": 1293 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 2, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\crypto\\cryptoworker.ts", "module": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/crypto/cryptoworker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./srp", "loc": "52:54-70" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.computeSRP = exports.makePasswordHash = void 0;\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst cryptoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../crypto/cryptoworker\"));\r\nconst leemon_1 = require(\"leemon\");\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst log = logger_1.logger('SRP', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\nfunction makePasswordHash(password, client_salt, server_salt) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n let clientSaltString = '';\r\n for (let i = 0; i < client_salt.length; i++)\r\n clientSaltString += String.fromCharCode(client_salt[i]);\r\n let buffer = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(clientSaltString + password + clientSaltString);\r\n //log('encoded 1', bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(buffer)));\r\n buffer = bin_utils_1.bufferConcats(server_salt, buffer, server_salt);\r\n buffer = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(buffer);\r\n //log('encoded 2', buffer, bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(buffer)));\r\n let hash = yield cryptoworker_1.default.pbkdf2(new Uint8Array(buffer), client_salt, 100000);\r\n //log('encoded 3', hash, bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(hash)));\r\n hash = bin_utils_1.bufferConcats(server_salt, hash, server_salt);\r\n buffer = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(hash);\r\n //log('got password hash:', buffer, bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(buffer)));\r\n return buffer;\r\n });\r\n}\r\nexports.makePasswordHash = makePasswordHash;\r\nfunction computeSRP(password, state) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n //console.log('computeCheck:', password, state);\r\n let algo = state.current_algo;\r\n let p = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(algo.p), 16);\r\n let B = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(state.srp_B), 16);\r\n let g = leemon_1.int2bigInt(algo.g, 32, 256);\r\n log('p', leemon_1.bigInt2str(p, 16));\r\n log('B', leemon_1.bigInt2str(B, 16));\r\n /* if(B.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0) {\r\n console.error('srp_B < 0')\r\n }\r\n \r\n if(B.compareTo(p) <= 0) {\r\n console.error('srp_B <= p');\r\n } */\r\n /* let check_prime_and_good = (bytes: any, g: number) => {\r\n let good_prime = 'c71caeb9c6b1c9048e6c522f70f13f73980d40238e3e21c14934d037563d930f48198a0aa7c14058229493d22530f4dbfa336f6e0ac925139543aed44cce7c3720fd51f69458705ac68cd4fe6b6b13abdc9746512969328454f18faf8c595f642477fe96bb2a941d5bcd1d4ac8cc49880708fa9b378e3c4f3a9060bee67cf9a4a4a695811051907e162753b56b0f6b410dba74d8a84b2a14b3144e0ef1284754fd17ed950d5965b4b9dd46582db1178d169c6bc465b0d6ff9ca3928fef5b9ae4e418fc15e83ebea0f87fa9ff5eed70050ded2849f47bf959d956850ce929851f0d8115f635b105ee2e4e15d04b2454bf6f4fadf034b10403119cd8e3b92fcc5b';\r\n \r\n if(bytesToHex(bytes) == good_prime && [3, 4, 5, 7].indexOf(g) !== -1) {\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n \r\n // TO-DO check_prime_and_good_check\r\n }; */\r\n //check_prime_and_good(algo.p, g);\r\n let pw_hash = yield makePasswordHash(password, new Uint8Array(algo.salt1), new Uint8Array(algo.salt2));\r\n let x = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(pw_hash)), 16);\r\n log('computed pw_hash:', pw_hash, x, bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(pw_hash)));\r\n var padArray = function (arr, len, fill = 0) {\r\n return Array(len).fill(fill).concat(arr).slice(-len);\r\n };\r\n let pForHash = padArray(bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(leemon_1.bigInt2str(p, 16)), 256);\r\n let gForHash = padArray(bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(leemon_1.bigInt2str(g, 16)), 256); // like uint8array\r\n let b_for_hash = padArray(bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(leemon_1.bigInt2str(B, 16)), 256);\r\n log(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(pForHash));\r\n log(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(gForHash));\r\n log(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(b_for_hash));\r\n let g_x = leemon_1.powMod(g, x, p);\r\n log('g_x', leemon_1.bigInt2str(g_x, 16));\r\n let k = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(bin_utils_1.bufferConcat(pForHash, gForHash));\r\n k = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(k)), 16);\r\n log('k', leemon_1.bigInt2str(k, 16));\r\n // kg_x = (k * g_x) % p\r\n let kg_x = leemon_1.mod(leemon_1.mult(k, g_x), p);\r\n // good\r\n log('kg_x', leemon_1.bigInt2str(kg_x, 16));\r\n let is_good_mod_exp_first = (modexp, prime) => {\r\n let diff = leemon_1.sub(prime, modexp);\r\n let min_diff_bits_count = 2048 - 64;\r\n let max_mod_exp_size = 256;\r\n if (leemon_1.negative(diff) ||\r\n leemon_1.bitSize(diff) < min_diff_bits_count ||\r\n leemon_1.bitSize(modexp) < min_diff_bits_count ||\r\n Math.floor((leemon_1.bitSize(modexp) + 7) / 8) > max_mod_exp_size)\r\n return false;\r\n return true;\r\n };\r\n var flipper = (arr) => {\r\n let out = new Uint8Array(arr.length);\r\n for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 4) {\r\n out[i] = arr[i + 3];\r\n out[i + 1] = arr[i + 2];\r\n out[i + 2] = arr[i + 1];\r\n out[i + 3] = arr[i];\r\n }\r\n return out;\r\n };\r\n let generate_and_check_random = () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n while (true) {\r\n const a = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(flipper(state.secure_random)), 16);\r\n //const a = str2bigInt('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', 16);\r\n //console.log('ITERATION');\r\n log('g a p', leemon_1.bigInt2str(g, 16), leemon_1.bigInt2str(a, 16), leemon_1.bigInt2str(p, 16));\r\n const A = leemon_1.powMod(g, a, p);\r\n log('A MODPOW', leemon_1.bigInt2str(A, 16));\r\n if (is_good_mod_exp_first(A, p)) {\r\n const a_for_hash = bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(leemon_1.bigInt2str(A, 16));\r\n const s = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(bin_utils_1.bufferConcat(new Uint8Array(a_for_hash), new Uint8Array(b_for_hash)));\r\n const u = leemon_1.str2bigInt(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(new Uint8Array(s)), 16);\r\n if (!leemon_1.isZero(u) && !leemon_1.negative(u))\r\n return { a, a_for_hash, u };\r\n }\r\n }\r\n });\r\n let { a, a_for_hash, u } = yield generate_and_check_random();\r\n log('a', leemon_1.bigInt2str(a, 16));\r\n log('a_for_hash', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(a_for_hash));\r\n log('u', leemon_1.bigInt2str(u, 16));\r\n // g_b = (B - kg_x) % p\r\n /* log('B - kg_x', bigInt2str(sub(B, kg_x), 16));\r\n log('subtract', bigInt2str(B, 16), bigInt2str(kg_x, 16));\r\n log('B - kg_x', bigInt2str(sub(B, kg_x), 16)); */\r\n let g_b;\r\n if (!leemon_1.greater(B, kg_x)) {\r\n log('negative');\r\n g_b = leemon_1.add(B, p);\r\n }\r\n else\r\n g_b = B;\r\n g_b = leemon_1.mod(leemon_1.sub(g_b, kg_x), p);\r\n /* let g_b = sub(B, kg_x);\r\n if(negative(g_b)) g_b = add(g_b, p); */\r\n log('g_b', leemon_1.bigInt2str(g_b, 16));\r\n /* if(!is_good_mod_exp_first(g_b, p))\r\n throw new Error('bad g_b'); */\r\n let ux = leemon_1.mult(u, x);\r\n log('u and x multiply', leemon_1.bigInt2str(u, 16), leemon_1.bigInt2str(x, 16), leemon_1.bigInt2str(ux, 16));\r\n let a_ux = leemon_1.add(a, ux);\r\n let S = leemon_1.powMod(g_b, a_ux, p);\r\n let K = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(padArray(bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(leemon_1.bigInt2str(S, 16)), 256));\r\n log('K', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(K), new Uint32Array(new Uint8Array(K).buffer));\r\n let h1 = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(pForHash);\r\n let h2 = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(gForHash);\r\n h1 = bin_utils_1.bytesXor(new Uint8Array(h1), new Uint8Array(h2));\r\n let buff = bin_utils_1.bufferConcats(h1, yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(algo.salt1), yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(algo.salt2), a_for_hash, b_for_hash, K);\r\n let M1 = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha256Hash(buff);\r\n let out = {\r\n _: 'inputCheckPasswordSRP',\r\n srp_id: state.srp_id,\r\n A: new Uint8Array(a_for_hash),\r\n M1: new Uint8Array(M1)\r\n };\r\n log('out', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(out.A), bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(out.M1));\r\n return out;\r\n /* console.log(gForHash, pForHash, bForHash); */\r\n });\r\n}\r\nexports.computeSRP = computeSRP;\r\n" }, { "id": 27, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\transports\\websocket.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/transports/websocket.ts", "index": 24, "index2": 21, "size": 8815, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\dcConfigurator.ts", "issuerId": 8, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/dcConfigurator.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } }, { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\dcConfigurator.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/dcConfigurator.ts", "profile": { "factory": 1707, "building": 782, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 863, "building": 41, "dependencies": 1062 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 8, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\dcConfigurator.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/dcConfigurator.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/dcConfigurator.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./transports/websocket", "loc": "7:36-69" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.Obfuscation = void 0;\r\nconst transport_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./transport\"));\r\n//import aesjs from 'aes-js';\r\nconst aes_1 = require(\"@cryptography/aes\");\r\n//import abridgetPacketCodec from './abridged';\r\nconst intermediate_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./intermediate\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../../logger\");\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../../bin_utils\");\r\n/*\r\n@cryptography/aes не работает с массивами которые не кратны 4, поэтому использую intermediate а не abridged\r\n*/\r\nclass Obfuscation {\r\n init(codec) {\r\n const initPayload = new Uint8Array(64);\r\n initPayload.randomize();\r\n while (true) {\r\n let val = (initPayload[3] << 24) | (initPayload[2] << 16) | (initPayload[1] << 8) | (initPayload[0]);\r\n let val2 = (initPayload[7] << 24) | (initPayload[6] << 16) | (initPayload[5] << 8) | (initPayload[4]);\r\n if (initPayload[0] != 0xef &&\r\n val != 0x44414548 &&\r\n val != 0x54534f50 &&\r\n val != 0x20544547 &&\r\n val != 0x4954504f &&\r\n val != 0xeeeeeeee &&\r\n val != 0xdddddddd &&\r\n val2 != 0x00000000) {\r\n //initPayload[56] = initPayload[57] = initPayload[58] = initPayload[59] = transport;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n initPayload.randomize();\r\n }\r\n ////////////////////////initPayload.subarray(60, 62).hex = dcID;\r\n const reversedPayload = initPayload.slice().reverse();\r\n let encKey = initPayload.slice(8, 40);\r\n let encIv = initPayload.slice(40, 56);\r\n let decKey = reversedPayload.slice(8, 40);\r\n let decIv = reversedPayload.slice(40, 56);\r\n /* this.enc = new aesjs.ModeOfOperation.ctr(encKey, new aesjs.Counter(encIv as any));\r\n this.dec = new aesjs.ModeOfOperation.ctr(decKey, new aesjs.Counter(decIv as any)); */\r\n this.encNew = new aes_1.CTR(encKey, encIv);\r\n this.decNew = new aes_1.CTR(decKey, decIv);\r\n initPayload.set(codec.obfuscateTag, 56);\r\n const encrypted = this.encode(initPayload);\r\n initPayload.set(encrypted.slice(56, 64), 56);\r\n return initPayload;\r\n }\r\n /* public encode(payload: Uint8Array) {\r\n let res = this.enc.encrypt(payload);\r\n \r\n try {\r\n let arr = this.encNew.encrypt(payload);\r\n //let resNew = bytesFromWords({words: arr, sigBytes: arr.length});\r\n let resNew = new Uint8Array(bytesFromWordss(arr));\r\n console.log('Obfuscation: encode comparison:', res, arr, resNew, res.hex == resNew.hex);\r\n } catch(err) {\r\n console.error('Obfuscation: error:', err);\r\n }\r\n \r\n return res;\r\n }\r\n \r\n public decode(payload: Uint8Array) {\r\n let res = this.dec.encrypt(payload);\r\n \r\n try {\r\n let arr = this.decNew.decrypt(payload);\r\n //let resNew = bytesFromWords({words: arr, sigBytes: arr.length});\r\n let resNew = new Uint8Array(bytesFromWordss(arr));\r\n console.log('Obfuscation: decode comparison:', res, arr, resNew, res.hex == resNew.hex);\r\n } catch(err) {\r\n console.error('Obfuscation: error:', err);\r\n }\r\n \r\n return res;\r\n } */\r\n encode(payload) {\r\n let res = this.encNew.encrypt(payload);\r\n let bytes = new Uint8Array(bin_utils_1.bytesFromWordss(res));\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n decode(payload) {\r\n let res = this.decNew.decrypt(payload);\r\n let bytes = new Uint8Array(bin_utils_1.bytesFromWordss(res));\r\n return bytes;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.Obfuscation = Obfuscation;\r\nclass Socket extends transport_1.default {\r\n constructor(dcID, url) {\r\n super(dcID, url);\r\n this.pending = [];\r\n this.connected = false;\r\n this.transport = 'websocket';\r\n this.obfuscation = new Obfuscation();\r\n this.codec = intermediate_1.default;\r\n this.connect = () => {\r\n if (this.ws) {\r\n this.ws.removeEventListener('open', this.handleOpen);\r\n this.ws.removeEventListener('close', this.handleClose);\r\n this.ws.removeEventListener('message', this.handleMessage);\r\n this.ws.close(1000);\r\n }\r\n this.ws = new WebSocket(this.url, 'binary');\r\n this.ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';\r\n this.ws.addEventListener('open', this.handleOpen);\r\n this.ws.addEventListener('close', this.handleClose);\r\n this.ws.addEventListener('message', this.handleMessage);\r\n };\r\n this.handleOpen = () => {\r\n this.log('opened');\r\n this.log.debug('sending init packet');\r\n this.ws.send(this.obfuscation.init(this.codec));\r\n //setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.connected = true;\r\n this.releasePending();\r\n //}, 3e3);\r\n };\r\n this.handleClose = (event) => {\r\n this.log('closed', event, this.pending);\r\n this.connected = false;\r\n //this.pending.length = 0;\r\n /* if(this.networker) {\r\n this.networker.resend();\r\n this.networker.cleanupSent();\r\n } */\r\n this.log('trying to reconnect...');\r\n this.connect();\r\n for (let pending of this.pending) {\r\n if (pending.bodySent) {\r\n pending.bodySent = false;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (this.networker) {\r\n this.ws.addEventListener('open', () => {\r\n this.networker.resend();\r\n this.networker.cleanupSent();\r\n }, { once: true });\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.handleMessage = (event) => {\r\n this.log.debug('<-', 'handleMessage', event);\r\n let data = this.obfuscation.decode(new Uint8Array(event.data));\r\n data = this.codec.readPacket(data);\r\n if (this.networker) { // authenticated!\r\n //this.pending = this.pending.filter(p => p.body); // clear pending\r\n this.log.debug('redirecting to networker');\r\n return this.networker.parseResponse(data).then(response => {\r\n this.log.debug('redirecting to networker response:', response);\r\n this.networker.processMessage(response.response, response.messageID, response.sessionID);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n //console.log('got hex:', data.hex);\r\n let pending = this.pending.shift();\r\n if (!pending) {\r\n return this.log.debug('no pending for res:', data.hex);\r\n }\r\n pending.resolve(data);\r\n };\r\n this.send = (body) => {\r\n this.log.debug('-> body length to pending:', body.length);\r\n //return;\r\n if (this.networker) {\r\n this.pending.push({ body });\r\n this.releasePending();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n this.pending.push({ resolve, reject, body });\r\n });\r\n this.releasePending();\r\n return promise;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger(`WS-${dcID}`, logger_1.LogLevels.log /* | LogLevels.error | LogLevels.debug */);\r\n this.log('constructor');\r\n this.connect();\r\n }\r\n releasePending() {\r\n if (!this.connected) {\r\n //this.connect();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //this.log.error('Pending length:', this.pending.length);\r\n const length = this.pending.length;\r\n for (let i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {\r\n const pending = this.pending[i];\r\n const { body, bodySent } = pending;\r\n if (body && !bodySent) {\r\n const toEncode = this.codec.encodePacket(body);\r\n //this.log('send before obf:', /* body.hex, nonce.hex, */ toEncode.hex);\r\n const enc = this.obfuscation.encode(toEncode);\r\n //this.log('send after obf:', enc.hex);\r\n this.log.debug('-> body length to send:', enc.length);\r\n this.ws.send(enc);\r\n if (!pending.resolve) { // remove if no response needed\r\n this.pending.splice(i, 1);\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n pending.bodySent = true;\r\n }\r\n //delete pending.body;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = Socket;\r\n" }, 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1686 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } }, { "id": 8, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\dcConfigurator.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/dcConfigurator.ts", "profile": { "factory": 1707, "building": 782, "dependencies": 1 } }, { "id": 27, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\transports\\websocket.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/transports/websocket.ts", "profile": { "factory": 863, "building": 41, "dependencies": 1062 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1062, "building": 17, "dependencies": 0 }, "failed": 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Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([len]).buffer);\r\n return header.concat(data);\r\n }\r\n readPacket(data) {\r\n let length = data[0] | (data[1] << 8) | (data[2] << 16) | (data[3] << 24);\r\n return data.slice(4, 4 + length);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n/* Data packets are aligned to 4bytes. This codec adds random bytes of size\r\n from 0 to 3 bytes, which are ignored by decoder. */\r\nclass PaddedIntermediatePacketCodec extends IntermediatePacketCodec {\r\n constructor() {\r\n super(...arguments);\r\n this.tag = 0xdd;\r\n this.obfuscateTag = new Uint8Array([this.tag, this.tag, this.tag, this.tag]);\r\n }\r\n encodePacket(data) {\r\n let padding = new Uint8Array(bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(3)).randomize();\r\n let len = data.byteLength + padding.byteLength;\r\n let header = new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([len]).buffer);\r\n console.log('encodePacket', padding, len, data, header);\r\n return header.concat(data, padding);\r\n }\r\n readPacket(data) {\r\n let padLength = data.byteLength % 4;\r\n if (padLength > 0) {\r\n return data.slice(4, -padLength);\r\n }\r\n return data.slice(4);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.default = new IntermediatePacketCodec();\r\n//export default new PaddedIntermediatePacketCodec();\r\n" }, { "id": 29, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.ts", "index": 28, "index2": 26, "size": 2926, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "issuerId": 10, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1707, "building": 782, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./mtproto", "loc": "19:18-38" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.telegramMeWebService = exports.TelegramMeWebService = void 0;\r\nconst storage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../storage\"));\r\nconst mtproto_config_1 = require(\"./mtproto_config\");\r\n/* import PasswordManager from './passwordManager';\r\nimport DcConfigurator from './dcConfigurator';\r\nimport RSAKeysManager from './rsaKeysManager';\r\nimport TimeManager from './timeManager';\r\nimport ServerTimeManager from './serverTimeManager';\r\nimport Authorizer from './authorizer';\r\nimport NetworkerFactory from './networkerFactory';\r\nimport ApiManager from './apiManager';\r\nimport ApiFileManager from './apiFileManager'; */\r\nclass TelegramMeWebService {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.disabled = mtproto_config_1.Modes.test ||\r\n mtproto_config_1.App.domains.indexOf(location.hostname) == -1 ||\r\n location.protocol != 'http:' && location.protocol != 'https:' ||\r\n location.protocol == 'https:' && location.hostname != 'web.telegram.org';\r\n }\r\n setAuthorized(canRedirect) {\r\n if (this.disabled) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n storage_1.default.get('tgme_sync').then((curValue) => {\r\n var ts = Date.now() / 1000;\r\n if (canRedirect &&\r\n curValue &&\r\n curValue.canRedirect == canRedirect &&\r\n curValue.ts + 86400 > ts) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n storage_1.default.set({ tgme_sync: { canRedirect: canRedirect, ts: ts } });\r\n var urls = [\r\n '//telegram.me/_websync_?authed=' + (canRedirect ? '1' : '0'),\r\n '//t.me/_websync_?authed=' + (canRedirect ? '1' : '0')\r\n ];\r\n urls.forEach(url => {\r\n let script = document.createElement('script');\r\n script.onload = script.onerror = function () {\r\n script.remove();\r\n };\r\n script.src = url;\r\n document.body.appendChild(script);\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.TelegramMeWebService = TelegramMeWebService;\r\nexports.telegramMeWebService = new TelegramMeWebService();\r\n/* export namespace MTProto {\r\n //$($window).on('click keydown', rng_seed_time); // WARNING!\r\n\r\n export const passwordManager = PasswordManager;\r\n export const dcConfigurator = DcConfigurator;\r\n export const rsaKeysManager = RSAKeysManager;\r\n export const timeManager = TimeManager;\r\n export const authorizer = Authorizer;\r\n export const networkerFactory = NetworkerFactory;\r\n export const apiManager = ApiManager;\r\n export const apiFileManager = ApiFileManager;\r\n export const serverTimeManager = ServerTimeManager;\r\n}\r\n\r\n//(window as any).MTProto = MTProto; */\r\n" }, { "id": 30, 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"F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1707, "building": 782, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 10, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./authorizer", "loc": "20:37-60" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.Authorizer = void 0;\r\nconst tl_utils_1 = require(\"./tl_utils\");\r\nconst dcConfigurator_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./dcConfigurator\"));\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst rsaKeysManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./rsaKeysManager\"));\r\nconst timeManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./timeManager\"));\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nconst jsbn_1 = require(\"jsbn\");\r\nconst cryptoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../crypto/cryptoworker\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nclass Authorizer {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.cached = {};\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger(`AUTHORIZER` /* , LogLevels.error | LogLevels.log */);\r\n }\r\n mtpSendPlainRequest(dcID, requestArray) {\r\n var requestLength = requestArray.byteLength;\r\n //requestArray = new /* Int32Array */Uint8Array(requestBuffer);\r\n var header = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization();\r\n header.storeLongP(0, 0, 'auth_key_id'); // Auth key\r\n header.storeLong(timeManager_1.default.generateID(), 'msg_id'); // Msg_id\r\n header.storeInt(requestLength, 'request_length');\r\n let headerArray = header.getBytes(true);\r\n let resultArray = new Uint8Array(headerArray.byteLength + requestLength);\r\n resultArray.set(headerArray);\r\n resultArray.set(requestArray, headerArray.length);\r\n /* var headerBuffer = header.getBuffer(),\r\n headerArray = new Int32Array(headerBuffer);\r\n var headerLength = headerBuffer.byteLength;\r\n \r\n var resultBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(headerLength + requestLength),\r\n resultArray = new Int32Array(resultBuffer);\r\n \r\n resultArray.set(headerArray);\r\n resultArray.set(requestArray, headerArray.length);\r\n \r\n let requestData = xhrSendBuffer ? resultBuffer : resultArray; */\r\n let transport = dcConfigurator_1.default.chooseServer(dcID);\r\n let baseError = {\r\n code: 406,\r\n type: 'NETWORK_BAD_RESPONSE',\r\n transport: transport\r\n };\r\n this.log('mtpSendPlainRequest: creating requestPromise');\r\n return transport.send(resultArray).then(result => {\r\n this.log('mtpSendPlainRequest: in good sector', result);\r\n if (!result || !result.byteLength) {\r\n return Promise.reject(baseError);\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n /* result = fResult ? fResult : result;\r\n fResult = new Uint8Array(0); */\r\n let deserializer = new tl_utils_1.TLDeserialization(result, { mtproto: true });\r\n let auth_key_id = deserializer.fetchLong('auth_key_id');\r\n if (auth_key_id != 0)\r\n this.log.error('auth_key_id != 0', auth_key_id);\r\n let msg_id = deserializer.fetchLong('msg_id');\r\n if (msg_id == 0)\r\n this.log.error('msg_id == 0', msg_id);\r\n let msg_len = deserializer.fetchInt('msg_len');\r\n if (!msg_len)\r\n this.log.error('no msg_len', msg_len);\r\n return deserializer;\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.log.error('mtpSendPlainRequest: deserialization went bad', e);\r\n let error = Object.assign(baseError, { originalError: e });\r\n throw error;\r\n }\r\n }, error => {\r\n if (!error.message && !error.type) {\r\n error = Object.assign(baseError, {\r\n originalError: error\r\n });\r\n }\r\n return Promise.reject(error);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n mtpSendReqPQ(auth) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n var request = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({ mtproto: true });\r\n request.storeMethod('req_pq_multi', { nonce: auth.nonce });\r\n // need\r\n rsaKeysManager_1.default.prepare().then(() => { });\r\n this.log('Send req_pq', auth.nonce.hex);\r\n try {\r\n var deserializer = yield this.mtpSendPlainRequest(auth.dcID, request.getBytes(true));\r\n }\r\n catch (error) {\r\n this.log.error('req_pq error', error.message);\r\n throw error;\r\n }\r\n var response = deserializer.fetchObject('ResPQ');\r\n if (response._ != 'resPQ') {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] resPQ response invalid: ' + response._);\r\n }\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(auth.nonce, response.nonce)) {\r\n this.log.error(auth.nonce, response.nonce);\r\n throw new Error('[MT] resPQ nonce mismatch');\r\n }\r\n //auth.serverNonce = response.server_nonce;\r\n auth.serverNonce = new Uint8Array(response.server_nonce); // need\r\n auth.pq = response.pq;\r\n auth.fingerprints = response.server_public_key_fingerprints;\r\n this.log('Got ResPQ', bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(auth.serverNonce), bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(auth.pq), auth.fingerprints);\r\n let publicKey = yield rsaKeysManager_1.default.select(auth.fingerprints);\r\n if (!publicKey) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] No public key found');\r\n }\r\n auth.publicKey = publicKey;\r\n this.log('PQ factorization start', auth.pq);\r\n try {\r\n var pAndQ = yield cryptoworker_1.default.factorize(auth.pq);\r\n }\r\n catch (error) {\r\n this.log.error('worker error factorize', error);\r\n throw error;\r\n }\r\n auth.p = pAndQ[0];\r\n auth.q = pAndQ[1];\r\n this.log('PQ factorization done', pAndQ);\r\n /* let p = new Uint32Array(new Uint8Array(auth.p).buffer)[0];\r\n let q = new Uint32Array(new Uint8Array(auth.q).buffer)[0];\r\n console.log(dT(), 'PQ factorization done', pAndQ, p.toString(16), q.toString(16)); */\r\n return this.mtpSendReqDhParams(auth);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n mtpSendReqDhParams(auth) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n auth.newNonce = new Uint8Array(32).randomize();\r\n /* auth.newNonce = new Array(32); // need array, not uint8array!\r\n MTProto.secureRandom.nextBytes(auth.newNonce); */\r\n //console.log(\"TCL: Authorizer -> mtpSendReqDhParams -> auth.newNonce\", auth.newNonce)\r\n // remove\r\n // auth.newNonce = fNewNonce ? fNewNonce : auth.newNonce;\r\n // console.log(\"TCL: Authorizer -> mtpSendReqDhParams -> auth.newNonce\", auth.newNonce);\r\n let p_q_inner_data = {\r\n _: 'p_q_inner_data',\r\n pq: auth.pq,\r\n p: auth.p,\r\n q: auth.q,\r\n nonce: auth.nonce,\r\n server_nonce: auth.serverNonce,\r\n new_nonce: auth.newNonce\r\n };\r\n let data = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({ mtproto: true });\r\n data.storeObject(p_q_inner_data, 'P_Q_inner_data', 'DECRYPTED_DATA');\r\n /* console.log('p_q_inner_data', p_q_inner_data,\r\n bytesToHex(bytesFromArrayBuffer(data.getBuffer())),\r\n sha1BytesSync(data.getBuffer()),\r\n bytesFromArrayBuffer(await CryptoWorker.sha1Hash(data.getBuffer()))); */\r\n let uint8Data = data.getBytes(true);\r\n let sha1Hashed = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(uint8Data);\r\n //var dataWithHash = sha1BytesSync(data.getBuffer()).concat(data.getBytes() as number[]);\r\n let dataWithHash = sha1Hashed.concat(uint8Data);\r\n //dataWithHash = addPadding(dataWithHash, 255);\r\n //dataWithHash = dataWithHash.concat(bytesFromHex('96228ea7790e71caaabc2ab67f4412e9aa224c664d232cc08617a32ce1796aa052da4a737083211689858f461e4473fd6394afd3aa0c8014840dc13f47beaf4fc3b9229aea9cfa83f9f6e676e50ee7676542fb75606879ee7e65cf3a2295b4ba0934ceec1011560c62395a6e9593bfb117cd0da75ba56723672d100ac17ec4d805aa59f7852e3a25a79ee4'));\r\n //console.log('sha1Hashed', bytesToHex(sha1Hashed), 'dataWithHash', bytesToHex(dataWithHash), dataWithHash.length);\r\n let rsaEncrypted = yield cryptoworker_1.default.rsaEncrypt(auth.publicKey, dataWithHash);\r\n //let rsaEncrypted = await CryptoWorker.rsaEncrypt(auth.publicKey, dataWithHash);\r\n //console.log('rsaEncrypted', rsaEncrypted, new Uint8Array(rsaEncrypted).hex);\r\n let req_DH_params = {\r\n nonce: auth.nonce,\r\n server_nonce: auth.serverNonce,\r\n p: auth.p,\r\n q: auth.q,\r\n public_key_fingerprint: auth.publicKey.fingerprint,\r\n encrypted_data: rsaEncrypted\r\n };\r\n var request = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({ mtproto: true });\r\n request.storeMethod('req_DH_params', req_DH_params);\r\n let requestBytes = request.getBytes(true);\r\n this.log('Send req_DH_params', req_DH_params /* , requestBytes.hex */);\r\n try {\r\n var deserializer = yield this.mtpSendPlainRequest(auth.dcID, requestBytes);\r\n }\r\n catch (error) {\r\n this.log('Send req_DH_params FAIL!', error);\r\n throw error;\r\n }\r\n var response = deserializer.fetchObject('Server_DH_Params', 'RESPONSE');\r\n this.log('Sent req_DH_params, response:', response);\r\n if (response._ != 'server_DH_params_fail' && response._ != 'server_DH_params_ok') {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Server_DH_Params response invalid: ' + response._);\r\n }\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(auth.nonce, response.nonce)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Server_DH_Params nonce mismatch');\r\n }\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(auth.serverNonce, response.server_nonce)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Server_DH_Params server_nonce mismatch');\r\n }\r\n if (response._ == 'server_DH_params_fail') {\r\n //var newNonceHash = sha1BytesSync(auth.newNonce).slice(-16);\r\n var newNonceHash = (yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(auth.newNonce)).slice(-16);\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(newNonceHash, response.new_nonce_hash)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] server_DH_params_fail new_nonce_hash mismatch');\r\n }\r\n throw new Error('[MT] server_DH_params_fail');\r\n }\r\n // fill auth object\r\n try {\r\n yield this.mtpDecryptServerDhDataAnswer(auth, response.encrypted_answer);\r\n }\r\n catch (e) {\r\n this.log.error('mtpDecryptServerDhDataAnswer FAILED!', e);\r\n throw e;\r\n }\r\n //console.log(dT(), 'mtpSendReqDhParams: executing mtpSendSetClientDhParams...');\r\n return this.mtpSendSetClientDhParams(auth); // костыль\r\n });\r\n }\r\n mtpDecryptServerDhDataAnswer(auth, encryptedAnswer) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n auth.localTime = Date.now();\r\n // can't concat Array with Uint8Array!\r\n //auth.tmpAesKey = sha1BytesSync(auth.newNonce.concat(auth.serverNonce)).concat(sha1BytesSync(auth.serverNonce.concat(auth.newNonce)).slice(0, 12));\r\n //auth.tmpAesIv = sha1BytesSync(auth.serverNonce.concat(auth.newNonce)).slice(12).concat(sha1BytesSync([].concat(auth.newNonce, auth.newNonce)), auth.newNonce.slice(0, 4));\r\n auth.tmpAesKey = (yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(auth.newNonce.concat(auth.serverNonce)))\r\n .concat((yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(auth.serverNonce.concat(auth.newNonce))).slice(0, 12));\r\n auth.tmpAesIv = (yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(auth.serverNonce.concat(auth.newNonce))).slice(12)\r\n .concat(yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(auth.newNonce.concat(auth.newNonce)), auth.newNonce.slice(0, 4));\r\n /* console.log(auth.serverNonce.concat(auth.newNonce));\r\n console.log(auth.newNonce.concat(auth.serverNonce));\r\n console.log(auth.newNonce.concat(auth.newNonce)); */\r\n //var answerWithHash = aesDecryptSync(encryptedAnswer, auth.tmpAesKey, auth.tmpAesIv);\r\n var answerWithHash = new Uint8Array(yield cryptoworker_1.default.aesDecrypt(encryptedAnswer, auth.tmpAesKey, auth.tmpAesIv));\r\n var hash = answerWithHash.slice(0, 20);\r\n var answerWithPadding = answerWithHash.slice(20);\r\n // console.log('hash', hash);\r\n var deserializer = new tl_utils_1.TLDeserialization(answerWithPadding, { mtproto: true });\r\n var response = deserializer.fetchObject('Server_DH_inner_data');\r\n if (response._ != 'server_DH_inner_data') {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] server_DH_inner_data response invalid: ' + response);\r\n }\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(auth.nonce, response.nonce)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] server_DH_inner_data nonce mismatch');\r\n }\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(auth.serverNonce, response.server_nonce)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] server_DH_inner_data serverNonce mismatch');\r\n }\r\n this.log('Done decrypting answer');\r\n auth.g = response.g;\r\n auth.dhPrime = response.dh_prime;\r\n auth.gA = response.g_a;\r\n auth.serverTime = response.server_time;\r\n auth.retry = 0;\r\n this.mtpVerifyDhParams(auth.g, auth.dhPrime, auth.gA);\r\n var offset = deserializer.getOffset();\r\n //if(!bytesCmp(hash, sha1BytesSync(answerWithPadding.slice(0, offset)))) {\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(hash, yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(answerWithPadding.slice(0, offset)))) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] server_DH_inner_data SHA1-hash mismatch');\r\n }\r\n timeManager_1.default.applyServerTime(auth.serverTime, auth.localTime);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n mtpVerifyDhParams(g, dhPrime, gA) {\r\n this.log('Verifying DH params');\r\n var dhPrimeHex = bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(dhPrime);\r\n if (g != 3 || dhPrimeHex !== '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') {\r\n // The verified value is from https://core.telegram.org/mtproto/security_guidelines\r\n throw new Error('[MT] DH params are not verified: unknown dhPrime');\r\n }\r\n this.log('dhPrime cmp OK');\r\n var gABigInt = new jsbn_1.BigInteger(bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(gA), 16);\r\n var dhPrimeBigInt = new jsbn_1.BigInteger(dhPrimeHex, 16);\r\n if (gABigInt.compareTo(jsbn_1.BigInteger.ONE) <= 0) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] DH params are not verified: gA <= 1');\r\n }\r\n if (gABigInt.compareTo(dhPrimeBigInt.subtract(jsbn_1.BigInteger.ONE)) >= 0) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] DH params are not verified: gA >= dhPrime - 1');\r\n }\r\n this.log('1 < gA < dhPrime-1 OK');\r\n var two = new jsbn_1.BigInteger(/* null */ '');\r\n two.fromInt(2);\r\n var twoPow = two.pow(2048 - 64);\r\n if (gABigInt.compareTo(twoPow) < 0) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] DH params are not verified: gA < 2^{2048-64}');\r\n }\r\n if (gABigInt.compareTo(dhPrimeBigInt.subtract(twoPow)) >= 0) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] DH params are not verified: gA > dhPrime - 2^{2048-64}');\r\n }\r\n this.log('2^{2048-64} < gA < dhPrime-2^{2048-64} OK');\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n mtpSendSetClientDhParams(auth) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n var gBytes = bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(auth.g.toString(16));\r\n auth.b = new Array(256);\r\n auth.b = [...new Uint8Array(auth.b.length).randomize()];\r\n //MTProto.secureRandom.nextBytes(auth.b);\r\n try {\r\n var gB = yield cryptoworker_1.default.modPow(gBytes, auth.b, auth.dhPrime);\r\n }\r\n catch (error) {\r\n throw error;\r\n }\r\n var data = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({ mtproto: true });\r\n data.storeObject({\r\n _: 'client_DH_inner_data',\r\n nonce: auth.nonce,\r\n server_nonce: auth.serverNonce,\r\n retry_id: [0, auth.retry++],\r\n g_b: gB\r\n }, 'Client_DH_Inner_Data');\r\n //var dataWithHash = sha1BytesSync(data.getBuffer()).concat(data.getBytes());\r\n var dataWithHash = (yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(data.getBuffer())).concat(data.getBytes());\r\n //var encryptedData = aesEncryptSync(dataWithHash, auth.tmpAesKey, auth.tmpAesIv);\r\n var encryptedData = yield cryptoworker_1.default.aesEncrypt(dataWithHash, auth.tmpAesKey, auth.tmpAesIv);\r\n var request = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization({ mtproto: true });\r\n request.storeMethod('set_client_DH_params', {\r\n nonce: auth.nonce,\r\n server_nonce: auth.serverNonce,\r\n encrypted_data: encryptedData\r\n });\r\n this.log('Send set_client_DH_params');\r\n try {\r\n var deserializer = yield this.mtpSendPlainRequest(auth.dcID, request.getBytes(true));\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n throw err;\r\n }\r\n let response = deserializer.fetchObject('Set_client_DH_params_answer');\r\n if (response._ != 'dh_gen_ok' && response._ != 'dh_gen_retry' && response._ != 'dh_gen_fail') {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer response invalid: ' + response._);\r\n }\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(auth.nonce, response.nonce)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer nonce mismatch');\r\n }\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(auth.serverNonce, response.server_nonce)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer server_nonce mismatch');\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n var authKey = yield cryptoworker_1.default.modPow(auth.gA, auth.b, auth.dhPrime);\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n throw authKey;\r\n }\r\n //var authKeyHash = sha1BytesSync(authKey),\r\n let authKeyHash = yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(authKey), authKeyAux = authKeyHash.slice(0, 8), authKeyID = authKeyHash.slice(-8);\r\n this.log('Got Set_client_DH_params_answer', response._, authKey);\r\n switch (response._) {\r\n case 'dh_gen_ok':\r\n var newNonceHash1 = (yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(auth.newNonce.concat([1], authKeyAux))).slice(-16);\r\n //var newNonceHash1 = sha1BytesSync(auth.newNonce.concat([1], authKeyAux)).slice(-16);\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(newNonceHash1, response.new_nonce_hash1)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer new_nonce_hash1 mismatch');\r\n }\r\n var serverSalt = bin_utils_1.bytesXor(auth.newNonce.slice(0, 8), auth.serverNonce.slice(0, 8));\r\n this.log('Auth successfull!', authKeyID, authKey, serverSalt);\r\n auth.authKeyID = authKeyID;\r\n auth.authKey = authKey;\r\n auth.serverSalt = serverSalt;\r\n return auth;\r\n break;\r\n case 'dh_gen_retry':\r\n //var newNonceHash2 = sha1BytesSync(auth.newNonce.concat([2], authKeyAux)).slice(-16);\r\n var newNonceHash2 = (yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(auth.newNonce.concat([2], authKeyAux))).slice(-16);\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(newNonceHash2, response.new_nonce_hash2)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer new_nonce_hash2 mismatch');\r\n }\r\n return this.mtpSendSetClientDhParams(auth);\r\n case 'dh_gen_fail':\r\n //var newNonceHash3 = sha1BytesSync(auth.newNonce.concat([3], authKeyAux)).slice(-16);\r\n var newNonceHash3 = (yield cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(auth.newNonce.concat([3], authKeyAux))).slice(-16);\r\n if (!bin_utils_1.bytesCmp(newNonceHash3, response.new_nonce_hash3)) {\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer new_nonce_hash3 mismatch');\r\n }\r\n throw new Error('[MT] Set_client_DH_params_answer fail');\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // mtpAuth\r\n auth(dcID) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (dcID in this.cached) {\r\n return this.cached[dcID];\r\n }\r\n let nonce = /* fNonce ? fNonce : */ new Uint8Array(16).randomize();\r\n /* var nonce = new Array(16);\r\n MTProto.secureRandom.nextBytes(nonce); */\r\n if (!dcConfigurator_1.default.chooseServer(dcID)) {\r\n return Promise.reject(new Error('[MT] No server found for dc ' + dcID));\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n let promise = this.mtpSendReqPQ({ dcID, nonce });\r\n this.cached[dcID] = promise;\r\n return yield promise;\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n delete this.cached[dcID];\r\n throw err;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.Authorizer = Authorizer;\r\nexports.default = new Authorizer();\r\n" }, { "id": 31, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\rsaKeysManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/rsaKeysManager.ts", "index": 30, "index2": 27, "size": 9548, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\authorizer.ts", "issuerId": 30, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 10, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } }, { "id": 30, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\authorizer.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "profile": { "factory": 1707, "building": 782, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 790, "building": 652, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 30, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\authorizer.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/authorizer.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./rsaKeysManager", "loc": "19:41-68" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 3, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.RSAKeysManager = void 0;\r\nconst tl_utils_1 = require(\"./tl_utils\");\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst cryptoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../crypto/cryptoworker\"));\r\nclass RSAKeysManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n /**\r\n * Server public key, obtained from here: https://core.telegram.org/api/obtaining_api_id\r\n *\r\n *\r\n * -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n * MIIBCgKCAQEAwVACPi9w23mF3tBkdZz+zwrzKOaaQdr01vAbU4E1pvkfj4sqDsm6\r\n * lyDONS789sVoD/xCS9Y0hkkC3gtL1tSfTlgCMOOul9lcixlEKzwKENj1Yz/s7daS\r\n * an9tqw3bfUV/nqgbhGX81v/+7RFAEd+RwFnK7a+XYl9sluzHRyVVaTTveB2GazTw\r\n * Efzk2DWgkBluml8OREmvfraX3bkHZJTKX4EQSjBbbdJ2ZXIsRrYOXfaA+xayEGB+\r\n * 8hdlLmAjbCVfaigxX0CDqWeR1yFL9kwd9P0NsZRPsmoqVwMbMu7mStFai6aIhc3n\r\n * Slv8kg9qv1m6XHVQY3PnEw+QQtqSIXklHwIDAQAB\r\n * -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n *\r\n * -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n * MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAruw2yP/BCcsJliRoW5eB\r\n * VBVle9dtjJw+OYED160Wybum9SXtBBLXriwt4rROd9csv0t0OHCaTmRqBcQ0J8fx\r\n * hN6/cpR1GWgOZRUAiQxoMnlt0R93LCX/j1dnVa/gVbCjdSxpbrfY2g2L4frzjJvd\r\n * l84Kd9ORYjDEAyFnEA7dD556OptgLQQ2e2iVNq8NZLYTzLp5YpOdO1doK+ttrltg\r\n * gTCy5SrKeLoCPPbOgGsdxJxyz5KKcZnSLj16yE5HvJQn0CNpRdENvRUXe6tBP78O\r\n * 39oJ8BTHp9oIjd6XWXAsp2CvK45Ol8wFXGF710w9lwCGNbmNxNYhtIkdqfsEcwR5\r\n * JwIDAQAB\r\n * -----END PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n *\r\n * -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n * MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAvfLHfYH2r9R70w8prHbl\r\n * Wt/nDkh+XkgpflqQVcnAfSuTtO05lNPspQmL8Y2XjVT4t8cT6xAkdgfmmvnvRPOO\r\n * KPi0OfJXoRVylFzAQG/j83u5K3kRLbae7fLccVhKZhY46lvsueI1hQdLgNV9n1cQ\r\n * 3TDS2pQOCtovG4eDl9wacrXOJTG2990VjgnIKNA0UMoP+KF03qzryqIt3oTvZq03\r\n * DyWdGK+AZjgBLaDKSnC6qD2cFY81UryRWOab8zKkWAnhw2kFpcqhI0jdV5QaSCEx\r\n * vnsjVaX0Y1N0870931/5Jb9ICe4nweZ9kSDF/gip3kWLG0o8XQpChDfyvsqB9OLV\r\n * /wIDAQAB\r\n * -----END PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n *\r\n * -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n * MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAs/ditzm+mPND6xkhzwFI\r\n * z6J/968CtkcSE/7Z2qAJiXbmZ3UDJPGrzqTDHkO30R8VeRM/Kz2f4nR05GIFiITl\r\n * 4bEjvpy7xqRDspJcCFIOcyXm8abVDhF+th6knSU0yLtNKuQVP6voMrnt9MV1X92L\r\n * GZQLgdHZbPQz0Z5qIpaKhdyA8DEvWWvSUwwc+yi1/gGaybwlzZwqXYoPOhwMebzK\r\n * Uk0xW14htcJrRrq+PXXQbRzTMynseCoPIoke0dtCodbA3qQxQovE16q9zz4Otv2k\r\n * 4j63cz53J+mhkVWAeWxVGI0lltJmWtEYK6er8VqqWot3nqmWMXogrgRLggv/Nbbo\r\n * oQIDAQAB\r\n * -----END PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n *\r\n * -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n * MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAvmpxVY7ld/8DAjz6F6q0\r\n * 5shjg8/4p6047bn6/m8yPy1RBsvIyvuDuGnP/RzPEhzXQ9UJ5Ynmh2XJZgHoE9xb\r\n * nfxL5BXHplJhMtADXKM9bWB11PU1Eioc3+AXBB8QiNFBn2XI5UkO5hPhbb9mJpjA\r\n * 9Uhw8EdfqJP8QetVsI/xrCEbwEXe0xvifRLJbY08/Gp66KpQvy7g8w7VB8wlgePe\r\n * xW3pT13Ap6vuC+mQuJPyiHvSxjEKHgqePji9NP3tJUFQjcECqcm0yV7/2d0t/pbC\r\n * m+ZH1sadZspQCEPPrtbkQBlvHb4OLiIWPGHKSMeRFvp3IWcmdJqXahxLCUS1Eh6M\r\n * AQIDAQAB\r\n * -----END PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n *\r\n * Bytes can be got via\r\n * $ openssl rsa -pubin -in key.pub -text -noout\r\n */\r\n this.publisKeysHex = [{\r\n modulus: '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',\r\n exponent: '010001'\r\n }, {\r\n modulus: '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',\r\n exponent: '010001'\r\n }, {\r\n modulus: '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',\r\n exponent: '010001'\r\n }, {\r\n modulus: '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',\r\n exponent: '010001'\r\n }, {\r\n modulus: 'be6a71558ee577ff03023cfa17aab4e6c86383cff8a7ad38edb9fafe6f323f2d5106cbc8cafb83b869cffd1ccf121cd743d509e589e68765c96601e813dc5b9dfc4be415c7a6526132d0035ca33d6d6075d4f535122a1cdfe017041f1088d1419f65c8e5490ee613e16dbf662698c0f54870f0475fa893fc41eb55b08ff1ac211bc045ded31be27d12c96d8d3cfc6a7ae8aa50bf2ee0f30ed507cc2581e3dec56de94f5dc0a7abee0be990b893f2887bd2c6310a1e0a9e3e38bd34fded2541508dc102a9c9b4c95effd9dd2dfe96c29be647d6c69d66ca500843cfaed6e440196f1dbe0e2e22163c61ca48c79116fa77216726749a976a1c4b0944b5121e8c01',\r\n exponent: '010001'\r\n }];\r\n this.publicKeysParsed = {};\r\n this.prepared = false;\r\n this.preparePromise = null;\r\n }\r\n // prepareRsaKeys\r\n prepare() {\r\n if (this.preparePromise)\r\n return this.preparePromise;\r\n else if (this.prepared) {\r\n return Promise.resolve();\r\n }\r\n return this.preparePromise = Promise.all(this.publisKeysHex.map(keyParsed => {\r\n let RSAPublicKey = new tl_utils_1.TLSerialization();\r\n RSAPublicKey.storeBytes(bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(keyParsed.modulus), 'n');\r\n RSAPublicKey.storeBytes(bin_utils_1.bytesFromHex(keyParsed.exponent), 'e');\r\n let buffer = RSAPublicKey.getBuffer();\r\n return cryptoworker_1.default.sha1Hash(buffer).then(hash => {\r\n let fingerprintBytes = bin_utils_1.bytesFromArrayBuffer(hash).slice(-8);\r\n fingerprintBytes.reverse();\r\n this.publicKeysParsed[bin_utils_1.bytesToHex(fingerprintBytes)] = {\r\n modulus: keyParsed.modulus,\r\n exponent: keyParsed.exponent\r\n };\r\n });\r\n })).then(() => {\r\n this.prepared = true;\r\n //console.log('[MT] Prepared keys');\r\n this.preparePromise = null;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n // selectRsaKeyByFingerPrint\r\n select(fingerprints) {\r\n return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n yield this.prepare();\r\n var fingerprintHex, foundKey, i;\r\n for (i = 0; i < fingerprints.length; i++) {\r\n fingerprintHex = bin_utils_1.bigStringInt(fingerprints[i]).toString(16);\r\n if (fingerprintHex.length < 16) {\r\n fingerprintHex = new Array(16 - fingerprintHex.length).fill('0').join('') + fingerprintHex;\r\n }\r\n //console.log(fingerprintHex, this.publicKeysParsed);\r\n if (foundKey = this.publicKeysParsed[fingerprintHex]) {\r\n return Object.assign({\r\n fingerprint: fingerprints[i]\r\n }, foundKey);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.RSAKeysManager = RSAKeysManager;\r\nexports.default = new RSAKeysManager();\r\n" }, { "id": 32, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiFileManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "index": 31, "index2": 34, "size": 19189, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerId": 19, "issuerName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 19, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "module": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "moduleName": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "./apiFileManager", "loc": "22:41-68" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 1, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.ApiFileManager = void 0;\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"../bin_utils\");\r\nconst cacheStorage_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../cacheStorage\"));\r\nconst filemanager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../filemanager\"));\r\nconst apiManager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./apiManager\"));\r\nconst logger_1 = require(\"../logger\");\r\nconst userAgent_1 = require(\"../../helpers/userAgent\");\r\nconst cryptoworker_1 = __importDefault(require(\"../crypto/cryptoworker\"));\r\nconst context_1 = require(\"../../helpers/context\");\r\nconst cancellablePromise_1 = require(\"../../helpers/cancellablePromise\");\r\nconst MAX_FILE_SAVE_SIZE = 20e6;\r\nclass ApiFileManager {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.cachedDownloadPromises = {};\r\n this.uploadPromises = {};\r\n this.downloadPulls = {};\r\n this.downloadActives = {};\r\n this.webpConvertPromises = {};\r\n this.log = logger_1.logger('AFM', logger_1.LogLevels.error);\r\n this.uncompressTGS = (bytes, fileName) => {\r\n //this.log('uncompressTGS', bytes, bytes.slice().buffer);\r\n // slice нужен потому что в uint8array - 5053 length, в arraybuffer - 5084\r\n return cryptoworker_1.default.gzipUncompress(bytes.slice().buffer, true);\r\n };\r\n this.convertWebp = (bytes, fileName) => {\r\n const convertPromise = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n const task = { type: 'convertWebp', payload: { fileName, bytes } };\r\n context_1.notifySomeone(task);\r\n return this.webpConvertPromises[fileName] = convertPromise;\r\n };\r\n }\r\n downloadRequest(dcID, cb, activeDelta) {\r\n if (this.downloadPulls[dcID] === undefined) {\r\n this.downloadPulls[dcID] = [];\r\n this.downloadActives[dcID] = 0;\r\n }\r\n const downloadPull = this.downloadPulls[dcID];\r\n const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n downloadPull.push({ cb, deferred: { resolve, reject }, activeDelta });\r\n });\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.downloadCheck(dcID);\r\n }, 0);\r\n return promise;\r\n }\r\n downloadCheck(dcID) {\r\n const downloadPull = this.downloadPulls[dcID];\r\n //const downloadLimit = dcID == 'upload' ? 11 : 5;\r\n //const downloadLimit = 24;\r\n const downloadLimit = dcID == 'upload' ? 11 : 48;\r\n if (this.downloadActives[dcID] >= downloadLimit || !downloadPull || !downloadPull.length) {\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n const data = downloadPull.shift();\r\n const activeDelta = data.activeDelta || 1;\r\n this.downloadActives[dcID] += activeDelta;\r\n data.cb()\r\n .then((result) => {\r\n this.downloadActives[dcID] -= activeDelta;\r\n this.downloadCheck(dcID);\r\n data.deferred.resolve(result);\r\n }, (error) => {\r\n if (error) {\r\n this.log.error('downloadCheck error:', error);\r\n }\r\n this.downloadActives[dcID] -= activeDelta;\r\n this.downloadCheck(dcID);\r\n data.deferred.reject(error);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n getFileStorage() {\r\n return cacheStorage_1.default;\r\n }\r\n cancelDownload(fileName) {\r\n const promise = this.cachedDownloadPromises[fileName] || this.uploadPromises[fileName];\r\n if (promise && !promise.isRejected && !promise.isFulfilled) {\r\n promise.cancel();\r\n return true;\r\n }\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n requestFilePart(dcID, location, offset, limit, checkCancel) {\r\n //const delta = limit / 1024 / 256;\r\n const delta = limit / 1024 / 128;\r\n return this.downloadRequest(dcID, () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n checkCancel && checkCancel();\r\n return apiManager_1.default.invokeApi('upload.getFile', {\r\n location,\r\n offset,\r\n limit\r\n }, {\r\n dcID,\r\n fileDownload: true /* ,\r\n singleInRequest: 'safari' in window */\r\n });\r\n }), delta);\r\n }\r\n convertBlobToBytes(blob) {\r\n return blob.arrayBuffer().then(buffer => new Uint8Array(buffer));\r\n }\r\n getLimitPart(size) {\r\n let bytes;\r\n bytes = 512;\r\n /* if(size < 1e6 || !size) bytes = 512;\r\n else if(size < 3e6) bytes = 256;\r\n else bytes = 128; */\r\n return bytes * 1024;\r\n }\r\n downloadFile(options) {\r\n var _a;\r\n if (!filemanager_1.default.isAvailable()) {\r\n return Promise.reject({ type: 'BROWSER_BLOB_NOT_SUPPORTED' });\r\n }\r\n let size = (_a = options.size) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0;\r\n let { dcID, location } = options;\r\n let process;\r\n if (options.mimeType == 'image/webp' && userAgent_1.isSafari) {\r\n process = this.convertWebp;\r\n options.mimeType = 'image/png';\r\n }\r\n else if (options.mimeType == 'application/x-tgsticker') {\r\n process = this.uncompressTGS;\r\n options.mimeType = 'application/json';\r\n }\r\n const fileName = bin_utils_1.getFileNameByLocation(location, { fileName: options.fileName });\r\n const cachedPromise = this.cachedDownloadPromises[fileName];\r\n const fileStorage = this.getFileStorage();\r\n this.log('downloadFile', fileName, size, location, options.mimeType, process);\r\n if (cachedPromise) {\r\n if (options.processPart) {\r\n return cachedPromise.then((blob) => {\r\n return this.convertBlobToBytes(blob).then(bytes => {\r\n options.processPart(bytes);\r\n return blob;\r\n });\r\n });\r\n }\r\n //this.log('downloadFile cachedPromise');\r\n if (size) {\r\n return cachedPromise.then((blob) => {\r\n if (blob.size < size) {\r\n this.log('downloadFile need to deleteFile, wrong size:', blob.size, size);\r\n return this.deleteFile(fileName).then(() => {\r\n return this.downloadFile(options);\r\n }).catch(() => {\r\n return this.downloadFile(options);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return blob;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n return cachedPromise;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n const deferred = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n const mimeType = options.mimeType || 'image/jpeg';\r\n let canceled = false;\r\n let resolved = false;\r\n let cacheFileWriter;\r\n let errorHandler = (error) => {\r\n deferred.reject(error);\r\n errorHandler = () => { };\r\n if (cacheFileWriter && (!error || error.type != 'DOWNLOAD_CANCELED')) {\r\n cacheFileWriter.truncate();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n fileStorage.getFile(fileName).then((blob) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n //this.log('maybe cached', fileName);\r\n //throw '';\r\n if (blob.size < size) {\r\n //this.log('downloadFile need to deleteFile 2, wrong size:', blob.size, size);\r\n yield this.deleteFile(fileName);\r\n throw false;\r\n }\r\n if (options.processPart) {\r\n //FileManager.copy(blob, toFileEntry).then(deferred.resolve, errorHandler);\r\n yield this.convertBlobToBytes(blob).then(bytes => {\r\n options.processPart(bytes);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n deferred.resolve(blob);\r\n })).catch(() => {\r\n //this.log('not cached', fileName);\r\n const fileWriterPromise = fileStorage.getFileWriter(fileName, mimeType);\r\n fileWriterPromise.then((fileWriter) => {\r\n cacheFileWriter = fileWriter;\r\n const limit = options.limitPart || this.getLimitPart(size);\r\n let offset;\r\n let startOffset = 0;\r\n let writeFilePromise = Promise.resolve(), writeFileDeferred;\r\n const maxRequests = options.processPart ? 5 : 5;\r\n /* if(fileWriter.length) {\r\n startOffset = fileWriter.length;\r\n \r\n if(startOffset >= size) {\r\n if(toFileEntry) {\r\n deferred.resolve();\r\n } else {\r\n deferred.resolve(fileWriter.finalize());\r\n }\r\n \r\n return;\r\n }\r\n \r\n fileWriter.seek(startOffset);\r\n deferred.notify({done: startOffset, total: size});\r\n \r\n /////this.log('deferred notify 1:', {done: startOffset, total: size});\r\n } */\r\n const processDownloaded = (bytes, offset) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n if (options.processPart) {\r\n yield options.processPart(bytes, offset, delayed);\r\n }\r\n if (process) {\r\n //const perf = performance.now();\r\n const processed = yield process(bytes, fileName);\r\n //this.log('downloadFile process downloaded time', performance.now() - perf, mimeType, process);\r\n return processed;\r\n }\r\n return bytes;\r\n });\r\n const delayed = [];\r\n offset = startOffset;\r\n do {\r\n ////this.log('offset:', startOffset);\r\n writeFileDeferred = cancellablePromise_1.deferredPromise();\r\n delayed.push({ offset, writeFilePromise, writeFileDeferred });\r\n writeFilePromise = writeFileDeferred;\r\n offset += limit;\r\n } while (offset < size);\r\n // для потокового видео нужно скачать первый и последний чанки\r\n /* if(options.processPart && delayed.length > 2) {\r\n const last = delayed.splice(delayed.length - 1, 1)[0];\r\n delayed.splice(1, 0, last);\r\n } */\r\n // @ts-ignore\r\n //deferred.queue = delayed;\r\n let done = 0;\r\n const superpuper = () => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n //if(!delayed.length) return;\r\n const { offset, writeFilePromise, writeFileDeferred } = delayed.shift();\r\n try {\r\n const result = yield this.requestFilePart(dcID, location, offset, limit, checkCancel);\r\n const bytes = result.bytes;\r\n if (delayed.length) {\r\n superpuper();\r\n }\r\n this.log('downloadFile requestFilePart result:', fileName, result);\r\n const isFinal = offset + limit >= size || !bytes.byteLength;\r\n if (bytes.byteLength) {\r\n //done += limit;\r\n done += bytes.byteLength;\r\n //if(!isFinal) {\r\n ////this.log('deferred notify 2:', {done: offset + limit, total: size}, deferred);\r\n deferred.notify({ done, offset, total: size });\r\n //}\r\n const processedResult = yield processDownloaded(bytes, offset);\r\n checkCancel();\r\n yield writeFilePromise;\r\n checkCancel();\r\n yield filemanager_1.default.write(fileWriter, processedResult);\r\n }\r\n writeFileDeferred.resolve();\r\n if (isFinal) {\r\n resolved = true;\r\n if (options.processPart) {\r\n deferred.resolve();\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n deferred.resolve(fileWriter.finalize(size < MAX_FILE_SAVE_SIZE));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n errorHandler(err);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n for (let i = 0, length = Math.min(maxRequests, delayed.length); i < length; ++i) {\r\n superpuper();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n });\r\n const checkCancel = () => {\r\n if (canceled) {\r\n throw new Error('canceled');\r\n }\r\n };\r\n deferred.cancel = () => {\r\n if (!canceled && !resolved) {\r\n canceled = true;\r\n delete this.cachedDownloadPromises[fileName];\r\n errorHandler({ type: 'DOWNLOAD_CANCELED' });\r\n }\r\n };\r\n deferred.notify = (progress) => {\r\n context_1.notifyAll({ progress: Object.assign({ fileName }, progress) });\r\n };\r\n this.cachedDownloadPromises[fileName] = deferred;\r\n return deferred;\r\n }\r\n deleteFile(fileName) {\r\n //this.log('will delete file:', fileName);\r\n delete this.cachedDownloadPromises[fileName];\r\n return this.getFileStorage().deleteFile(fileName);\r\n }\r\n uploadFile({ file, fileName }) {\r\n const fileSize = file.size, isBigFile = fileSize >= 10485760;\r\n let canceled = false, resolved = false, doneParts = 0, partSize = 262144, // 256 Kb\r\n activeDelta = 2;\r\n if (fileSize > 67108864) {\r\n partSize = 524288;\r\n activeDelta = 4;\r\n }\r\n else if (fileSize < 102400) {\r\n partSize = 32768;\r\n activeDelta = 1;\r\n }\r\n const totalParts = Math.ceil(fileSize / partSize);\r\n const fileID = [bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF), bin_utils_1.nextRandomInt(0xFFFFFFFF)];\r\n let _part = 0;\r\n const resultInputFile = {\r\n _: isBigFile ? 'inputFileBig' : 'inputFile',\r\n id: fileID,\r\n parts: totalParts,\r\n name: fileName,\r\n md5_checksum: ''\r\n };\r\n const deferredHelper = {\r\n notify: (details) => { }\r\n };\r\n const deferred = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n if (totalParts > 3000) {\r\n return reject({ type: 'FILE_TOO_BIG' });\r\n }\r\n deferredHelper.resolve = resolve;\r\n deferredHelper.reject = reject;\r\n });\r\n Object.assign(deferred, deferredHelper);\r\n if (totalParts > 3000) {\r\n return deferred;\r\n }\r\n let errorHandler = (error) => {\r\n this.log.error('Up Error', error);\r\n deferred.reject(error);\r\n canceled = true;\r\n errorHandler = () => { };\r\n };\r\n const method = isBigFile ? 'upload.saveBigFilePart' : 'upload.saveFilePart';\r\n for (let offset = 0; offset < fileSize; offset += partSize) {\r\n const part = _part++; // 0, 1\r\n this.downloadRequest('upload', () => {\r\n return new Promise((uploadResolve, uploadReject) => {\r\n const reader = new FileReader();\r\n const blob = file.slice(offset, offset + partSize);\r\n reader.onloadend = (e) => {\r\n if (canceled) {\r\n uploadReject();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n if (e.target.readyState != FileReader.DONE) {\r\n this.log.error('wrong readyState!');\r\n uploadReject();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n //////this.log('Starting to upload file, isBig:', isBigFile, fileID, part, e.target.result);\r\n apiManager_1.default.invokeApi(method, {\r\n file_id: fileID,\r\n file_part: part,\r\n file_total_parts: totalParts,\r\n bytes: e.target.result\r\n }, {\r\n startMaxLength: partSize + 256,\r\n fileUpload: true,\r\n singleInRequest: true\r\n }).then((result) => {\r\n doneParts++;\r\n uploadResolve();\r\n //////this.log('Progress', doneParts * partSize / fileSize);\r\n deferred.notify({ done: doneParts * partSize, total: fileSize });\r\n if (doneParts >= totalParts) {\r\n deferred.resolve(resultInputFile);\r\n resolved = true;\r\n }\r\n }, errorHandler);\r\n };\r\n reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob);\r\n });\r\n }, activeDelta).catch(errorHandler);\r\n }\r\n deferred.cancel = () => {\r\n this.log('cancel upload', canceled, resolved);\r\n if (!canceled && !resolved) {\r\n canceled = true;\r\n errorHandler({ type: 'UPLOAD_CANCELED' });\r\n }\r\n };\r\n deferred.notify = (progress) => {\r\n context_1.notifyAll({ progress: Object.assign({ fileName }, progress) });\r\n };\r\n deferred.finally(() => {\r\n delete this.uploadPromises[fileName];\r\n });\r\n return this.uploadPromises[fileName] = deferred;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nexports.ApiFileManager = ApiFileManager;\r\nconst apiFileManager = new ApiFileManager();\r\n// @ts-ignore\r\nif (process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n self.apiFileManager = apiFileManager;\r\n}\r\nexports.default = apiFileManager;\r\n" }, { "id": 33, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\cacheStorage.ts", "name": "./src/lib/cacheStorage.ts", "index": 32, "index2": 31, "size": 3835, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiFileManager.ts", "issuerId": 32, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 32, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiFileManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1392, "building": 680, "dependencies": 0 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 32, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiFileManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../cacheStorage", "loc": "17:39-65" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nvar __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\r\n function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\r\n return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\r\n function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function rejected(value) { try { step(generator[\"throw\"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }\r\n function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }\r\n step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());\r\n });\r\n};\r\nvar __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {\r\n return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { \"default\": mod };\r\n};\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nconst bin_utils_1 = require(\"./bin_utils\");\r\nconst filemanager_1 = __importDefault(require(\"./filemanager\"));\r\n//import { logger } from './polyfill';\r\nclass CacheStorageController {\r\n //private log: ReturnType = logger('CS');\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.dbName = 'cachedFiles';\r\n this.openDatabase();\r\n }\r\n openDatabase() {\r\n if (this.openDbPromise) {\r\n return this.openDbPromise;\r\n }\r\n return this.openDbPromise = caches.open(this.dbName);\r\n }\r\n deleteFile(fileName) {\r\n return this.timeoutOperation((cache) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const deleted = yield cache.delete('/' + fileName);\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n saveFile(fileName, blob) {\r\n //return Promise.resolve(blobConstruct([blob]));\r\n if (!(blob instanceof Blob)) {\r\n blob = bin_utils_1.blobConstruct(blob);\r\n }\r\n return this.timeoutOperation((cache) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n yield cache.put('/' + fileName, new Response(blob));\r\n return blob;\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n getBlobSize(blob) {\r\n return blob.size || blob.byteLength || blob.length;\r\n }\r\n getFile(fileName) {\r\n //return Promise.reject();\r\n return this.timeoutOperation((cache) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n const response = yield cache.match('/' + fileName);\r\n if (!response || !cache) {\r\n //console.warn('getFile:', response, fileName);\r\n throw 'No response???';\r\n }\r\n return response.blob();\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n timeoutOperation(callback) {\r\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\r\n let rejected = false;\r\n const timeout = setTimeout(() => {\r\n reject();\r\n //console.warn('CACHESTORAGE TIMEOUT');\r\n rejected = true;\r\n }, 5e3);\r\n try {\r\n const cache = yield this.openDatabase();\r\n if (!cache) {\r\n throw 'no cache?';\r\n }\r\n const res = yield callback(cache);\r\n if (rejected)\r\n return;\r\n resolve(res);\r\n }\r\n catch (err) {\r\n reject(err);\r\n }\r\n clearTimeout(timeout);\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n getFileWriter(fileName, mimeType) {\r\n const fakeWriter = filemanager_1.default.getFakeFileWriter(mimeType, (blob) => {\r\n return this.saveFile(fileName, blob);\r\n });\r\n return Promise.resolve(fakeWriter);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nconst cacheStorage = new CacheStorageController();\r\n/* // @ts-ignore\r\nif(process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {\r\n (window as any).cacheStorage = cacheStorage;\r\n} */\r\nexports.default = cacheStorage;\r\n" }, { "id": 34, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\helpers\\userAgent.ts", "name": "./src/helpers/userAgent.ts", "index": 34, "index2": 32, "size": 1248, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiFileManager.ts", "issuerId": 32, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 32, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiFileManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1392, "building": 680, "dependencies": 0 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 32, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiFileManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../helpers/userAgent", "loc": "21:20-54" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.isSafari = exports.isAppleMobile = exports.isAndroid = exports.isApple = exports.userAgent = void 0;\r\nexports.userAgent = navigator ? navigator.userAgent : null;\r\nexports.isApple = navigator.userAgent.search(/OS X|iPhone|iPad|iOS/i) != -1;\r\nexports.isAndroid = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('android') != -1;\r\n/**\r\n * Returns true when run in WebKit derived browsers.\r\n * This is used as a workaround for a memory leak in Safari caused by using Transferable objects to\r\n * transfer data between WebWorkers and the main thread.\r\n * https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/issues/8771\r\n *\r\n * This should be removed once the underlying Safari issue is fixed.\r\n */\r\nconst ctx = typeof (window) !== 'undefined' ? window : self;\r\n// https://stackoverflow.com/a/58065241\r\nexports.isAppleMobile = (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) ||\r\n (navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1)) &&\r\n !ctx.MSStream;\r\nexports.isSafari = !!('safari' in ctx) || !!(exports.userAgent && (/\\b(iPad|iPhone|iPod)\\b/.test(exports.userAgent) || (!!exports.userAgent.match('Safari') && !exports.userAgent.match('Chrome')))) /* || true */;\r\n" }, { "id": 35, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\helpers\\cancellablePromise.ts", "name": "./src/helpers/cancellablePromise.ts", "index": 35, "index2": 33, "size": 1438, "cacheable": true, "built": true, "optional": false, "prefetched": false, "chunks": [ 0 ], "issuer": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiFileManager.ts", "issuerId": 32, "issuerName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "issuerPath": [ { "id": 19, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\mtproto.worker.ts", "name": "./node_modules/ts-loader!./node_modules/ifdef-loader/ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!./src/lib/mtproto/mtproto.worker.ts", "profile": { "factory": 7, "building": 1686 } }, { "id": 32, "identifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiFileManager.ts", "name": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "profile": { "factory": 4909, "building": 701, "dependencies": 1 } } ], "profile": { "factory": 1392, "building": 680, "dependencies": 0 }, "failed": false, "errors": 0, "warnings": 0, "assets": [], "reasons": [ { "moduleId": 32, "moduleIdentifier": "F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ts-loader\\index.js!F:\\tweb\\node_modules\\ifdef-loader\\ifdef-loader.js??ref--5-1!F:\\tweb\\src\\lib\\mtproto\\apiFileManager.ts", "module": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "moduleName": "./src/lib/mtproto/apiFileManager.ts", "type": "cjs require", "userRequest": "../../helpers/cancellablePromise", "loc": "24:29-72" } ], "usedExports": true, "providedExports": null, "optimizationBailout": [ "ModuleConcatenation bailout: Module is not an ECMAScript module" ], "depth": 2, "source": "\"use strict\";\r\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", { value: true });\r\nexports.deferredPromise = void 0;\r\nfunction deferredPromise() {\r\n let deferredHelper = {\r\n isFulfilled: false,\r\n isRejected: false,\r\n notify: () => { },\r\n notifyAll: (...args) => {\r\n deferredHelper.lastNotify = args;\r\n deferredHelper.listeners.forEach((callback) => callback(...args));\r\n },\r\n lastNotify: undefined,\r\n listeners: [],\r\n addNotifyListener: (callback) => {\r\n if (deferredHelper.lastNotify) {\r\n callback(...deferredHelper.lastNotify);\r\n }\r\n deferredHelper.listeners.push(callback);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n let deferred = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\r\n deferredHelper.resolve = (value) => {\r\n if (deferred.isFulfilled)\r\n return;\r\n deferred.isFulfilled = true;\r\n resolve(value);\r\n };\r\n deferredHelper.reject = (...args) => {\r\n if (deferred.isRejected)\r\n return;\r\n deferred.isRejected = true;\r\n reject(...args);\r\n };\r\n });\r\n deferred.finally(() => {\r\n deferred.notify = null;\r\n deferred.listeners.length = 0;\r\n deferred.lastNotify = null;\r\n });\r\n Object.assign(deferred, deferredHelper);\r\n return deferred;\r\n}\r\nexports.deferredPromise = deferredPromise;\r\n" } ], "filteredModules": 0, "logging": { "webpack.buildChunkGraph.visitModules": { "entries": [], "filteredEntries": 2, "debug": false } }, "children": [], "name": "worker" } ] }