import Config from './config'; export type SearchIndex = { fullTexts: { [peerId: string]: string }/* , shortIndexes: { [shortStr: string]: number[] } */ }; class SearchIndexManager { public static badCharsRe = /[`~!@#$%^&*()\-_=+\[\]\\|{}'";:\/?.>,<]+/g; public static trimRe = /^\s+|\s$/g; public createIndex(): SearchIndex { return { fullTexts: {}/* , shortIndexes: {} */ }; } public cleanSearchText(text: string, latinize = true) { const hasTag = text.charAt(0) === '%'; text = text.replace(SearchIndexManager['badCharsRe'], '').replace(SearchIndexManager['trimRe'], ''); if(latinize) { text = text.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, (ch) => { const latinizeCh = Config.LatinizeMap[ch]; return latinizeCh !== undefined ? latinizeCh : ch; }); } text = text.toLowerCase(); if(hasTag) { text = '%' + text; } return text; } public cleanUsername(username: string) { return username && username.toLowerCase() || ''; } public indexObject(id: number, searchText: string, searchIndex: SearchIndex) { if(searchIndex.fullTexts.hasOwnProperty(id)) { return false; } searchText = this.cleanSearchText(searchText); if(!searchText.length) { return false; } searchIndex.fullTexts[id] = searchText; /* const shortIndexes = searchIndex.shortIndexes; searchText.split(' ').forEach((searchWord) => { let len = Math.min(searchWord.length, 3), wordPart, i; for(i = 1; i <= len; i++) { wordPart = searchWord.substr(0, i); if(shortIndexes[wordPart] === undefined) { shortIndexes[wordPart] = [id]; } else { shortIndexes[wordPart].push(id); } } }); */ } public search(query: string, searchIndex: SearchIndex) { const fullTexts = searchIndex.fullTexts; //const shortIndexes = searchIndex.shortIndexes; query = this.cleanSearchText(query); const newFoundObjs: {[peerId: string]: true} = {}; const queryWords = query.split(' '); for(const peerId in fullTexts) { const fullText = fullTexts[peerId]; let found = true; for(const word of queryWords) { // * verify that all words are found const idx = fullText.indexOf(word); if(idx === -1 || (idx !== 0 && fullText[idx - 1] !== ' ')) { // * search only from word beginning found = false; break; } } if(found) { newFoundObjs[peerId] = true; } } /* const queryWords = query.split(' '); let foundArr: number[]; for(let i = 0; i < queryWords.length; i++) { const newFound = shortIndexes[queryWords[i].substr(0, 3)]; if(!newFound) { foundArr = []; break; } if(foundArr === undefined || foundArr.length > newFound.length) { foundArr = newFound; } } for(let j = 0; j < foundArr.length; j++) { let found = true; let searchText = fullTexts[foundArr[j]]; for(let i = 0; i < queryWords.length; i++) { if(searchText.indexOf(queryWords[i]) === -1) { found = false; break; } } if(found) { newFoundObjs[foundArr[j]] = true; } } */ return newFoundObjs; } } export default new SearchIndexManager();