import { MOUNT_CLASS_TO } from "../config/debug"; import { safeAssign } from "../helpers/object"; import type lang from "../lang"; import { LangPackDifference, LangPackString } from "../layer"; import apiManager from "./mtproto/mtprotoworker"; import sessionStorage from "./sessionStorage"; export const langPack: {[actionType: string]: string} = { "messageActionChatCreate": "created the group", "messageActionChatEditTitle": "changed group name", "messageActionChatEditPhoto": "changed group photo", "messageActionChatDeletePhoto": "removed group photo", "messageActionChatReturn": "returned to group", "messageActionChatJoined": "joined the group", "messageActionChatAddUser": "invited {}", "messageActionChatAddUsers": "invited {} users", "messageActionChatLeave": "left the group", "messageActionChatDeleteUser": "removed user {}", "messageActionChatJoinedByLink": "joined the group via invite link", "messageActionPinMessage": "pinned message", "messageActionContactSignUp": "joined Telegram", "messageActionChannelCreate": "Channel created", "messageActionChannelEditTitle": "Channel renamed", "messageActionChannelEditPhoto": "Channel photo updated", "messageActionChannelDeletePhoto": "Channel photo removed", "messageActionHistoryClear": "History was cleared", "messageActionChannelMigrateFrom": "", "messageActionPhoneCall.in_ok": "Incoming Call", "messageActionPhoneCall.out_ok": "Outgoing Call", "messageActionPhoneCall.in_missed": "Missed Call", "messageActionPhoneCall.out_missed": "Cancelled Call", "messageActionBotAllowed": "You allowed this bot to message you when logged in {}" }; export type LangPackKey = string | keyof typeof lang; namespace I18n { export const strings: Map = new Map(); let pluralRules: Intl.PluralRules; let lastRequestedLangCode: string; export function getCacheLangPack(): Promise { return Promise.all([ sessionStorage.get('langPack'), polyfillPromise ]).then(([langPack]) => { if(!langPack || true) { return getLangPack('en'); } if(!lastRequestedLangCode) { lastRequestedLangCode = langPack.lang_code; } applyLangPack(langPack); return langPack; }); } export function getLangPack(langCode: string) { lastRequestedLangCode = langCode; return Promise.all([ apiManager.invokeApi('langpack.getLangPack', { lang_code: langCode, lang_pack: 'macos' }), apiManager.invokeApi('langpack.getLangPack', { lang_code: langCode, lang_pack: 'android' }), import('../lang'), polyfillPromise ]).then(([langPack, _langPack, __langPack, _]) => { let strings: LangPackString[] = []; for(const i in __langPack.default) { // @ts-ignore const v = __langPack.default[i]; if(typeof(v) === 'string') { strings.push({ _: 'langPackString', key: i, value: v }); } else { strings.push({ _: 'langPackStringPluralized', key: i, ...v }); } } strings = strings.concat(langPack.strings); for(const string of _langPack.strings) { strings.push(string); } langPack.strings = strings; return sessionStorage.set({langPack}).then(() => { applyLangPack(langPack); return langPack; }); }); } export const polyfillPromise = (function checkIfPolyfillNeeded() { if(typeof(Intl) !== 'undefined' && typeof(Intl.PluralRules) !== 'undefined' && false) { return Promise.resolve(); } else { return import('./pluralPolyfill').then(_Intl => { (window as any).Intl = _Intl.default; }); } })(); export function applyLangPack(langPack: LangPackDifference) { if(langPack.lang_code !== lastRequestedLangCode) { return; } pluralRules = new Intl.PluralRules(langPack.lang_code); strings.clear(); for(const string of langPack.strings) { strings.set(string.key as LangPackKey, string); } const elements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`.i18n`)) as HTMLElement[]; elements.forEach(element => { const instance = weakMap.get(element); if(instance) { instance.update(); } }); } export function getString(key: LangPackKey, args?: any[]) { const str = strings.get(key); let out = ''; if(str) { if(str._ === 'langPackStringPluralized' && args?.length) { const v = args[0] as number; const s =; // @ts-ignore out = str[s + '_value'] || str['other_value']; } else if(str._ === 'langPackString') { out = str.value; } else { out = '[' + key + ']'; //out = key; } } else { out = '[' + key + ']'; //out = key; } out = out .replace(/\n/g, '
') .replace(/\*\*(.+?)\*\*/g, '$1'); if(args?.length) { out = out.replace(/%\d\$.|%./g, (match, offset, string) => { return '' + args.shift(); }); } return out; } const weakMap: WeakMap = new WeakMap(); export type IntlElementOptions = { element?: HTMLElement, property?: /* 'innerText' | */'innerHTML' | 'placeholder' key: LangPackKey, args?: any[] }; export class IntlElement { public element: IntlElementOptions['element']; public key: IntlElementOptions['key']; public args: IntlElementOptions['args']; public property: IntlElementOptions['property'] = 'innerHTML'; constructor(options: IntlElementOptions) { this.element = options.element || document.createElement('span'); this.element.classList.add('i18n'); this.update(options); weakMap.set(this.element, this); } public update(options?: IntlElementOptions) { safeAssign(this, options); const str = getString(this.key, this.args); (this.element as any)[] = str; } } export function i18n(key: LangPackKey, args?: any[]) { return new IntlElement({key, args}).element; } export function i18n_(options: IntlElementOptions) { return new IntlElement(options).element; } export function _i18n(element: HTMLElement, key: LangPackKey, args?: any[], property?: IntlElementOptions['property']) { return new IntlElement({element, key, args, property}).element; } } export {I18n}; export default I18n; const i18n = I18n.i18n; export {i18n}; const i18n_ = I18n.i18n_; export {i18n_}; const _i18n = I18n._i18n; export {_i18n}; MOUNT_CLASS_TO && (MOUNT_CLASS_TO.I18n = I18n);