/* * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE * * Originally from: * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram * Copyright (C) 2014 Igor Zhukov * https://github.com/zhukov/webogram/blob/master/LICENSE */ //import apiManager from '../mtproto/apiManager'; import DEBUG, { MOUNT_CLASS_TO } from '../../config/debug'; import { Message, MessageEntity, MessageFwdHeader, Peer, Update, Updates } from '../../layer'; import { logger, LogTypes } from '../logger'; import apiManager from '../mtproto/mtprotoworker'; import rootScope from '../rootScope'; //import networkerFactory from '../mtproto/networkerFactory'; import appUsersManager from "./appUsersManager"; import appChatsManager from "./appChatsManager"; import appPeersManager from "./appPeersManager"; import appStateManager from './appStateManager'; import serverTimeManager from '../mtproto/serverTimeManager'; import assumeType from '../../helpers/assumeType'; import noop from '../../helpers/noop'; import RichTextProcessor from '../richtextprocessor'; type UpdatesState = { pendingPtsUpdates: (Update & {pts: number, pts_count: number})[], pendingSeqUpdates?: {[seq: number]: {seq: number, date: number, updates: any[]}}, syncPending: { seqAwaiting?: number, ptsAwaiting?: true, timeout: number }, syncLoading: Promise, seq?: number, pts?: number, date?: number, lastPtsUpdateTime?: number }; const SYNC_DELAY = 6; export class ApiUpdatesManager { public updatesState: UpdatesState = { pendingPtsUpdates: [], pendingSeqUpdates: {}, syncPending: null, syncLoading: null }; private channelStates: {[channelId: number]: UpdatesState} = {}; private attached = false; private log = logger('UPDATES', LogTypes.Error | LogTypes.Warn | LogTypes.Log/* | LogTypes.Debug */); private debug = DEBUG; private setProxy() { const self = this; this.updatesState = new Proxy(this.updatesState, { set: function(target: ApiUpdatesManager['updatesState'], key: keyof ApiUpdatesManager['updatesState'], value: ApiUpdatesManager['updatesState'][typeof key]) { // @ts-ignore target[key] = value; self.saveUpdatesState(); return true; } }); } public saveUpdatesState() { const us = this.updatesState; appStateManager.pushToState('updates', { seq: us.seq, pts: us.pts, date: us.date }); } private popPendingSeqUpdate() { const state = this.updatesState; const nextSeq = state.seq + 1; const pendingUpdatesData = state.pendingSeqUpdates[nextSeq]; if(!pendingUpdatesData) { return false; } const updates = pendingUpdatesData.updates; for(let i = 0, length = updates.length; i < length; ++i) { this.saveUpdate(updates[i]); } state.seq = pendingUpdatesData.seq; if(pendingUpdatesData.date && state.date < pendingUpdatesData.date) { state.date = pendingUpdatesData.date; } delete state.pendingSeqUpdates[nextSeq]; if(!this.popPendingSeqUpdate() && state.syncPending && state.syncPending.seqAwaiting && state.seq >= state.syncPending.seqAwaiting) { if(!state.syncPending.ptsAwaiting) { clearTimeout(state.syncPending.timeout); state.syncPending = null; } else { delete state.syncPending.seqAwaiting; } } return true; } private popPendingPtsUpdate(channelId: number) { const curState = channelId ? this.getChannelState(channelId) : this.updatesState; if(!curState.pendingPtsUpdates.length) { return false; } curState.pendingPtsUpdates.sort((a, b) => { return a.pts - b.pts; }); // this.log('pop update', channelId, curState.pendingPtsUpdates) let curPts = curState.pts; let goodPts = 0; let goodIndex = 0; for(let i = 0, length = curState.pendingPtsUpdates.length; i < length; ++i) { const update = curState.pendingPtsUpdates[i]; curPts += update.pts_count; if(curPts >= update.pts) { goodPts = update.pts; goodIndex = i; } } if(!goodPts) { return false; } this.debug && this.log.debug('pop pending pts updates', goodPts, curState.pendingPtsUpdates.slice(0, goodIndex + 1)); curState.pts = goodPts; for(let i = 0; i <= goodIndex; ++i) { const update = curState.pendingPtsUpdates[i]; // @ts-ignore this.saveUpdate(update); } curState.pendingPtsUpdates.splice(0, goodIndex + 1); if(!curState.pendingPtsUpdates.length && curState.syncPending) { if(!curState.syncPending.seqAwaiting) { clearTimeout(curState.syncPending.timeout); curState.syncPending = null; } else { delete curState.syncPending.ptsAwaiting; } } return true; } public forceGetDifference() { if(!this.updatesState.syncLoading) { this.getDifference(); } } public processLocalUpdate(update: Update) { this.processUpdateMessage({ _: 'updateShort', update } as Updates); } public processUpdateMessage = (updateMessage: any, options: Partial<{ override: boolean }> = {}) => { // return forceGetDifference() const processOpts = { date: updateMessage.date, seq: updateMessage.seq, seqStart: updateMessage.seq_start, //ignoreSyncLoading: options.ignoreSyncLoading }; this.debug && this.log.debug('processUpdateMessage', updateMessage); switch(updateMessage._) { case 'updatesTooLong': case 'new_session_created': this.forceGetDifference(); break; case 'updateShort': this.processUpdate(updateMessage.update, processOpts); break; case 'updateShortMessage': case 'updateShortChatMessage': { assumeType(updateMessage); this.debug && this.log.debug('updateShortMessage | updateShortChatMessage', {...updateMessage}); const isOut = updateMessage.pFlags.out; const fromId = (updateMessage as Updates.updateShortChatMessage).from_id || (isOut ? rootScope.myId : (updateMessage as Updates.updateShortMessage).user_id); const toId = (updateMessage as Updates.updateShortChatMessage).chat_id ? -(updateMessage as Updates.updateShortChatMessage).chat_id : ((updateMessage as Updates.updateShortMessage).user_id || rootScope.myId); this.processUpdate({ _: 'updateNewMessage', message: { _: 'message', pFlags: updateMessage.pFlags, id: updateMessage.id, from_id: appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(fromId), peer_id: appPeersManager.getOutputPeer(toId), date: updateMessage.date, message: updateMessage.message, fwd_from: updateMessage.fwd_from, reply_to: updateMessage.reply_to, entities: updateMessage.entities }, pts: updateMessage.pts, pts_count: updateMessage.pts_count }, processOpts); break; } case 'updatesCombined': case 'updates': appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(updateMessage.users, options.override); appChatsManager.saveApiChats(updateMessage.chats, options.override); updateMessage.updates.forEach((update: Update) => { this.processUpdate(update, processOpts); }); break; default: this.log.warn('Unknown update message', updateMessage); } }; private getDifference(first = false): Promise { // this.trace('Get full diff') const updatesState = this.updatesState; let wasSyncing = updatesState.syncLoading; if(!wasSyncing) { updatesState.pendingSeqUpdates = {}; updatesState.pendingPtsUpdates = []; } if(updatesState.syncPending) { clearTimeout(updatesState.syncPending.timeout); updatesState.syncPending = null; } const promise = apiManager.invokeApi('updates.getDifference', { pts: updatesState.pts, pts_total_limit: first /* && false */? /* 50 */1200 : undefined, date: updatesState.date, qts: -1 }, { timeout: 0x7fffffff }).then((differenceResult) => { this.debug && this.log.debug('Get diff result', differenceResult); if(differenceResult._ === 'updates.differenceEmpty') { this.debug && this.log.debug('apply empty diff', differenceResult.seq); updatesState.date = differenceResult.date; updatesState.seq = differenceResult.seq; return; } // ! SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY if(first) { rootScope.dispatchEvent('state_synchronizing'); } if(differenceResult._ !== 'updates.differenceTooLong') { appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(differenceResult.users); appChatsManager.saveApiChats(differenceResult.chats); // Should be first because of updateMessageID // this.log('applying', differenceResult.other_updates.length, 'other updates') differenceResult.other_updates.forEach((update) => { switch(update._) { case 'updateChannelTooLong': case 'updateNewChannelMessage': case 'updateEditChannelMessage': this.processUpdate(update); return; } this.saveUpdate(update); }); // this.log('applying', differenceResult.new_messages.length, 'new messages') differenceResult.new_messages.forEach((apiMessage) => { this.saveUpdate({ _: 'updateNewMessage', message: apiMessage, pts: updatesState.pts, pts_count: 0 }); }); const nextState = differenceResult._ === 'updates.difference' ? differenceResult.state : differenceResult.intermediate_state; updatesState.seq = nextState.seq; updatesState.pts = nextState.pts; updatesState.date = nextState.date; } else { updatesState.pts = differenceResult.pts; updatesState.date = (Date.now() / 1000 | 0) + serverTimeManager.serverTimeOffset; delete updatesState.seq; this.channelStates = {}; this.log.warn('getDifference:', differenceResult._); rootScope.dispatchEvent('state_cleared'); } // this.log('apply diff', updatesState.seq, updatesState.pts) if(differenceResult._ === 'updates.differenceSlice') { return this.getDifference(); } else { this.debug && this.log.debug('finished get diff'); } }); if(!wasSyncing) { this.justAName(updatesState, promise); } return promise; } private getChannelDifference(channelId: number): Promise { const channelState = this.getChannelState(channelId); const wasSyncing = channelState.syncLoading; if(!wasSyncing) { channelState.pendingPtsUpdates = []; } if(channelState.syncPending) { clearTimeout(channelState.syncPending.timeout); channelState.syncPending = null; } //this.log.trace('Get channel diff', appChatsManager.getChat(channelId), channelState.pts); const promise = apiManager.invokeApi('updates.getChannelDifference', { channel: appChatsManager.getChannelInput(channelId), filter: {_: 'channelMessagesFilterEmpty'}, pts: channelState.pts, limit: 30 }, {timeout: 0x7fffffff}).then((differenceResult) => { this.debug && this.log.debug('Get channel diff result', differenceResult) channelState.pts = 'pts' in differenceResult ? differenceResult.pts : undefined; if(differenceResult._ === 'updates.channelDifferenceEmpty') { this.debug && this.log.debug('apply channel empty diff', differenceResult); return; } if(differenceResult._ === 'updates.channelDifferenceTooLong') { this.debug && this.log.debug('channel diff too long', differenceResult); delete this.channelStates[channelId]; this.saveUpdate({_: 'updateChannelReload', channel_id: channelId}); return; } appUsersManager.saveApiUsers(differenceResult.users); appChatsManager.saveApiChats(differenceResult.chats); // Should be first because of updateMessageID this.debug && this.log.debug('applying', differenceResult.other_updates.length, 'channel other updates'); differenceResult.other_updates.forEach((update) => { this.saveUpdate(update); }); this.debug && this.log.debug('applying', differenceResult.new_messages.length, 'channel new messages'); differenceResult.new_messages.forEach((apiMessage) => { this.saveUpdate({ _: 'updateNewChannelMessage', message: apiMessage, pts: channelState.pts, pts_count: 0 }); }); this.debug && this.log.debug('apply channel diff', channelState.pts); if(differenceResult._ === 'updates.channelDifference' && !differenceResult.pFlags['final']) { return this.getChannelDifference(channelId); } else { this.debug && this.log.debug('finished channel get diff'); } }); if(!wasSyncing) { this.justAName(channelState, promise, channelId); } return promise; } private justAName(state: UpdatesState, promise: UpdatesState['syncLoading'], channelId?: number) { state.syncLoading = promise; rootScope.dispatchEvent('state_synchronizing', channelId); promise.then(() => { state.syncLoading = null; rootScope.dispatchEvent('state_synchronized', channelId); }, () => { state.syncLoading = null; }); } public addChannelState(channelId: number, pts: number) { if(!pts) { throw new Error('Add channel state without pts ' + channelId); } if(!(channelId in this.channelStates)) { this.channelStates[channelId] = { pts, pendingPtsUpdates: [], syncPending: null, syncLoading: null }; return true; } return false; } public getChannelState(channelId: number, pts?: number) { if(this.channelStates[channelId] === undefined) { this.addChannelState(channelId, pts); } return this.channelStates[channelId]; } private processUpdate(update: Update, options: Partial<{ date: number, seq: number, seqStart: number/* , ignoreSyncLoading: boolean */ }> = {}) { let channelId = 0; switch(update._) { case 'updateNewChannelMessage': case 'updateEditChannelMessage': channelId = -appPeersManager.getPeerId(update.message.peer_id); break; /* case 'updateDeleteChannelMessages': channelId = update.channel_id; break; */ case 'updateChannelTooLong': channelId = update.channel_id; if(!(channelId in this.channelStates)) { return false; } break; default: if('channel_id' in update && 'pts' in update) { channelId = update.channel_id; } break; } const {pts, pts_count} = update as Update.updateNewMessage; const curState = channelId ? this.getChannelState(channelId, pts) : this.updatesState; // this.log.log('process', channelId, curState.pts, update) if(curState.syncLoading/* && !options.ignoreSyncLoading */) { return false; } if(update._ === 'updateChannelTooLong') { if(!curState.lastPtsUpdateTime || curState.lastPtsUpdateTime < (Date.now() - SYNC_DELAY)) { // this.log.trace('channel too long, get diff', channelId, update) this.getChannelDifference(channelId); } return false; } if(update._ === 'updateNewMessage' || update._ === 'updateEditMessage' || update._ === 'updateNewChannelMessage' || update._ === 'updateEditChannelMessage') { const message = update.message as Message.message; const toPeerId = appPeersManager.getPeerId(message.peer_id); const fwdHeader: MessageFwdHeader.messageFwdHeader = message.fwd_from || {} as any; let reason: string; if(message.from_id && !appUsersManager.hasUser(appPeersManager.getPeerId(message.from_id), message.pFlags.post/* || channelId*/) && (reason = 'author') || fwdHeader.from_id && !appUsersManager.hasUser(appPeersManager.getPeerId(fwdHeader.from_id), !!(fwdHeader.from_id as Peer.peerChannel).channel_id) && (reason = 'fwdAuthor') || (fwdHeader.from_id as Peer.peerChannel)?.channel_id && !appChatsManager.hasChat((fwdHeader.from_id as Peer.peerChannel).channel_id, true) && (reason = 'fwdChannel') || toPeerId > 0 && !appUsersManager.hasUser(toPeerId) && (reason = 'toPeer User') || toPeerId < 0 && !appChatsManager.hasChat(-toPeerId) && (reason = 'toPeer Chat')) { this.log.warn('Not enough data for message update', toPeerId, reason, message); if(channelId && appChatsManager.hasChat(channelId)) { this.getChannelDifference(channelId); } else { this.forceGetDifference(); } return false; } } else if(channelId && !appChatsManager.hasChat(channelId)) { // this.log.log('skip update, missing channel', channelId, update) return false; } let popPts: boolean; let popSeq: boolean; if(pts) { const newPts = curState.pts + (pts_count || 0); if(newPts < pts) { this.debug && this.log.warn('Pts hole', curState, update, channelId && appChatsManager.getChat(channelId)); curState.pendingPtsUpdates.push(update as Update.updateNewMessage); if(!curState.syncPending && !curState.syncLoading) { curState.syncPending = { timeout: window.setTimeout(() => { curState.syncPending = null; if(curState.syncLoading) { return; } if(channelId) { this.getChannelDifference(channelId); } else { this.getDifference(); } }, SYNC_DELAY) }; } curState.syncPending.ptsAwaiting = true; return false; } if(pts > curState.pts) { curState.pts = pts; popPts = true; curState.lastPtsUpdateTime = Date.now(); } else if(pts_count) { // this.log.warn('Duplicate update', update) return false; } if(channelId && options.date && this.updatesState.date < options.date) { this.updatesState.date = options.date; } } else if(!channelId && options.seq > 0) { const seq = options.seq; const seqStart = options.seqStart || seq; if(seqStart !== curState.seq + 1) { if(seqStart > curState.seq) { this.debug && this.log.warn('Seq hole', curState, curState.syncPending && curState.syncPending.seqAwaiting); if(curState.pendingSeqUpdates[seqStart] === undefined) { curState.pendingSeqUpdates[seqStart] = {seq, date: options.date, updates: []}; } curState.pendingSeqUpdates[seqStart].updates.push(update); if(!curState.syncPending) { curState.syncPending = { timeout: window.setTimeout(() => { curState.syncPending = null; if(curState.syncLoading) { return; } this.getDifference(); }, SYNC_DELAY) }; } if(!curState.syncPending.seqAwaiting || curState.syncPending.seqAwaiting < seqStart) { curState.syncPending.seqAwaiting = seqStart; } return false; } } if(curState.seq !== seq) { curState.seq = seq; if(options.date && curState.date < options.date) { curState.date = options.date; } popSeq = true; } } this.saveUpdate(update); if(popPts) { this.popPendingPtsUpdate(channelId); } else if(popSeq) { this.popPendingSeqUpdate(); } } public saveUpdate(update: Update) { //this.debug && this.log('saveUpdate', update); rootScope.dispatchEvent(update._, update as any); } public attach() { if(this.attached) return; //return; this.log('attach'); this.attached = true; appStateManager.getState().then(_state => { const state = _state.updates; const newVersion = appStateManager.newVersion/* || '0.8.6' */; //rootScope.broadcast('state_synchronizing'); if(!state || !state.pts || !state.date || !state.seq) { this.log('will get new state'); this.updatesState.syncLoading = new Promise((resolve) => { apiManager.invokeApi('updates.getState', {}, {noErrorBox: true}).then((stateResult) => { this.updatesState.seq = stateResult.seq; this.updatesState.pts = stateResult.pts; this.updatesState.date = stateResult.date; this.saveUpdatesState(); //setTimeout(() => { this.updatesState.syncLoading = null; resolve(); //rootScope.broadcast('state_synchronized'); //}, 1000); // ! for testing // updatesState.seq = 1 // updatesState.pts = stateResult.pts - 5000 // updatesState.date = 1 // getDifference() }); }); } else { // ! for testing /* state.seq = 1; state.pts = state.pts - 15; state.date = 1; */ // state.pts -= 100; Object.assign(this.updatesState, state); this.log('will get difference', Object.assign({}, state)); this.getDifference(true)/* .finally(() => { if(this.updatesState.syncLoading) { rootScope.broadcast('state_synchronizing'); } }) */; } apiManager.setUpdatesProcessor(this.processUpdateMessage); // this.updatesState.syncLoading.then(() => { this.setProxy(); // }); if(newVersion) { this.updatesState.syncLoading.then(() => { fetch('changelogs/' + newVersion + '.md') .then(res => res.text()) .then(text => { const pre = `**Telegram was updated to version alpha ${newVersion}**\n\n`; text = pre + text; const entities: MessageEntity[] = []; const message = RichTextProcessor.parseMarkdown(text, entities); const update: Update.updateServiceNotification = { _: 'updateServiceNotification', entities, message, type: 'local', pFlags: {}, inbox_date: Date.now() / 1000 | 0, media: undefined }; this.processLocalUpdate(update); }) .catch(noop); }); } }); } } const apiUpdatesManager = new ApiUpdatesManager(); MOUNT_CLASS_TO.apiUpdatesManager = apiUpdatesManager; export default apiUpdatesManager