/* * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE */ import noop from '../helpers/noop'; import safeAssign from '../helpers/object/safeAssign'; import {LottieAssetName} from '../lib/rlottie/lottieLoader'; import RLottieIcon, {RLottieIconItemPartOptions, RLottieIconItemPart} from '../lib/rlottie/rlottieIcon'; import {RLottieColor} from '../lib/rlottie/rlottiePlayer'; export type SuperRLottieIconAddItemOptions = {name: LottieAssetName, parts: RLottieIconItemPartOptions}; export type SuperRLottieIconGetInfoResult = RLottieIconItemPart; export class SuperRLottieIcon extends RLottieIcon { protected getPart: (state: Options['PartState'], prevState?: Options['PartState']) => SuperRLottieIconGetInfoResult; protected getColor?: (state: Options['ColorState'], prevState?: Options['ColorState']) => RLottieColor; protected partState: Options['PartState']; protected colorState: Options['ColorState']; protected loaded: boolean; constructor(options: { width: number, height: number, skipAnimation?: boolean, getPart: (state: Options['PartState'], prevState?: Options['PartState']) => SuperRLottieIconGetInfoResult, getColor?: (state: Options['ColorState'], prevState?: Options['ColorState']) => RLottieColor, }) { super({ width: options.width, height: options.height }); safeAssign(this, options); // hook the first call /* const originalFunction = this.setState.bind(this); this.setState = (partState, colorState) => { this.setState = originalFunction; this.load(partState, colorState); return originalFunction(partState, colorState); }; */ } public load(partState: Options['PartState'], colorState?: Options['ColorState']) { if(this.loaded) { return this.loadPromise; } this.loaded = true; this.partState = partState; this.colorState = colorState; const part = this.getPart(partState); const color = colorState !== undefined && this.getColor && this.getColor(colorState); const item = part.item; item.initFrame = part.endFrame; item.color = color; const promises = [...this.items.values()].map((item) => item.load()); return Promise.all(promises).then(noop); } /** * Will redirect setting color state to part callback to synchronize the rendering */ public setState(partState: Options['PartState'], colorState?: Options['ColorState'], partCallback?: () => void) { if(!this.loaded) this.load(partState, colorState); let changedPartState = false, changedColorState = false; if(partState !== undefined) changedPartState = this.setPartState(partState, colorState, partCallback); else if(colorState !== undefined) changedColorState = this.setColorState(colorState); return changedPartState || changedColorState; } public setPartState(state: Options['PartState'], colorState?: Options['ColorState'], callback?: () => void) { const {partState: prevState} = this; if(prevState === state) { return colorState !== undefined ? this.setColorState(colorState) : false; } if(colorState !== undefined) { this.setColorState(colorState, false); } this.partState = state; const part = this.getPart(state, prevState); part.play(callback); return true; } public setColorState(state: Options['ColorState'], renderIfPaused = true) { const {colorState: prevState} = this; if(prevState === state || !this.getColor) { return false; } this.colorState = state; const item = this.getItem(); const color = this.getColor(state, prevState); const invoke = () => { item.player.setColor(color, renderIfPaused); }; if(item.player) { invoke(); } else { item.onLoadForColor = invoke; } return true; } public destroy() { this.items.forEach((item) => { item.loadPromise.then(() => { item.player.remove(); }); }); } }