/* * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE */ import attachGrabListeners, {GrabEvent} from '../helpers/dom/attachGrabListeners'; import clamp from '../helpers/number/clamp'; import safeAssign from '../helpers/object/safeAssign'; export default class RangeSelector { public container: HTMLDivElement; protected filled: HTMLDivElement; protected seek: HTMLInputElement; public mousedown = false; protected rect: DOMRect; protected _removeListeners: () => void; private events: Partial<{ // onMouseMove: ProgressLine['onMouseMove'], onMouseDown: RangeSelector['onMouseDown'], onMouseUp: RangeSelector['onMouseUp'], onScrub: (value: number) => void }> = {}; protected decimals: number; protected step: number; protected min: number; protected max: number; protected withTransition = false; protected useTransform = false; protected vertical = false; constructor( options: { step: RangeSelector['step'], min: RangeSelector['min'], max: RangeSelector['max'], withTransition?: RangeSelector['withTransition'], useTransform?: RangeSelector['useTransform'], vertical?: RangeSelector['vertical'] }, value = 0 ) { safeAssign(this, options); this.container = document.createElement('div'); this.container.classList.add('progress-line'); // there is no sense in using transition with transform, because it is updating every frame if(this.useTransform) { this.container.classList.add('use-transform'); } else if(this.withTransition) { this.container.classList.add('with-transition'); } this.filled = document.createElement('div'); this.filled.classList.add('progress-line__filled'); const seek = this.seek = document.createElement('input'); seek.classList.add('progress-line__seek'); // seek.setAttribute('max', '0'); seek.type = 'range'; seek.step = '' + this.step; seek.min = '' + this.min; seek.max = '' + this.max; seek.value = '' + value; if(value) { this.setProgress(value); } const stepStr = '' + this.step; const index = stepStr.indexOf('.'); this.decimals = index === -1 ? 0 : stepStr.length - index - 1; // this.setListeners(); this.container.append(this.filled, seek); } get value() { return +this.seek.value; } public setHandlers(events: RangeSelector['events']) { this.events = events; } protected onMouseMove = (event: GrabEvent) => { this.scrub(event); }; protected onMouseDown = (event: GrabEvent) => { this.rect = this.container.getBoundingClientRect(); this.mousedown = true; this.scrub(event); this.container.classList.add('is-focused'); this.events?.onMouseDown && this.events.onMouseDown(event); }; protected onMouseUp = (event: GrabEvent) => { this.mousedown = false; this.container.classList.remove('is-focused'); this.events?.onMouseUp && this.events.onMouseUp(event); }; public setListeners() { this.seek.addEventListener('input', this.onInput); this._removeListeners = attachGrabListeners(this.container, this.onMouseDown, this.onMouseMove, this.onMouseUp); } public onInput = () => { const value = +this.seek.value; this.setFilled(value); this.events?.onScrub && this.events.onScrub(value); }; public setProgress(value: number) { this.seek.value = '' + value; this.setFilled(+this.seek.value); // clamp } public addProgress(value: number) { this.seek.value = '' + (+this.seek.value + value); this.setFilled(+this.seek.value); // clamp } public setFilled(value: number) { let percents = (value - this.min) / (this.max - this.min); percents = clamp(percents, 0, 1); // using scaleX and width even with vertical because it will be rotated if(this.useTransform) { this.filled.style.transform = `scaleX(${percents})`; } else { this.filled.style.width = (percents * 100) + '%'; } } protected scrub(event: GrabEvent) { const rectMax = this.vertical ? this.rect.height : this.rect.width; const offsetAxisValue = clamp(this.vertical ? -(event.y - this.rect.bottom) : event.x - this.rect.left, 0, rectMax); let value = this.min + (offsetAxisValue / rectMax * (this.max - this.min)); if((value - this.min) < ((this.max - this.min) / 2)) { value -= this.step / 10; } value = +value.toFixed(this.decimals); value = clamp(value, this.min, this.max); // this.seek.value = '' + value; // this.onInput(); this.setProgress(value); this.events?.onScrub && this.events.onScrub(value); return value; } public removeListeners() { if(this._removeListeners) { this._removeListeners(); this._removeListeners = null; } this.seek.removeEventListener('input', this.onInput); this.events = {}; } }