/* * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE */ import {MOUNT_CLASS_TO} from '../config/debug'; import {IS_MOBILE_SAFARI} from '../environment/userAgent'; import {logger} from '../lib/logger'; import blurActiveElement from '../helpers/dom/blurActiveElement'; import cancelEvent from '../helpers/dom/cancelEvent'; import isSwipingBackSafari from '../helpers/dom/isSwipingBackSafari'; import indexOfAndSplice from '../helpers/array/indexOfAndSplice'; export type NavigationItem = { type: 'left' | 'right' | 'im' | 'chat' | 'popup' | 'media' | 'menu' | 'esg' | 'multiselect' | 'input-helper' | 'autocomplete-helper' | 'markup' | 'global-search' | 'voice' | 'mobile-search' | 'filters' | 'global-search-focus' | 'toast', onPop: (canAnimate: boolean) => boolean | void, onEscape?: () => boolean, noHistory?: boolean, noBlurOnPop?: boolean, }; export class AppNavigationController { private navigations: Array; private id: number; private manual: boolean; private log: ReturnType; private debug: boolean; private currentHash: string; // have to start with # if not empty private overriddenHash: string; // have to start with # if not empty private isPossibleSwipe: boolean; public onHashChange: () => void; constructor() { this.navigations = []; this.id = Date.now(); this.manual = false; this.log = logger('NC'); this.debug = true; this.currentHash = window.location.hash; this.overriddenHash = ''; this.isPossibleSwipe = false; window.addEventListener('popstate', this.onPopState); window.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown, {capture: true, passive: false}); if(IS_MOBILE_SAFARI) { const options = {passive: true}; window.addEventListener('touchstart', this.onTouchStart, options); } history.scrollRestoration = 'manual'; this.pushState(); // * push init state } private onPopState = (e: PopStateEvent) => { const hash = window.location.hash; const id: number = e.state; this.debug && this.log('popstate', e, this.isPossibleSwipe, hash); if(hash !== this.currentHash) { this.debug && this.log.warn(`hash changed, new=${hash}, current=${this.currentHash}, overridden=${this.overriddenHash}`); // fix for returning to wrong hash (e.g. chat -> archive -> chat -> 3x back) if(id === this.id && this.overriddenHash && this.overriddenHash !== hash) { this.overrideHash(this.overriddenHash); } else if(id/* === this.id */ && !this.overriddenHash && hash) { this.overrideHash(); } else { this.currentHash = hash; this.onHashChange && this.onHashChange(); // this.replaceState(); return; } } if(id !== this.id/* && !this.navigations.length */) { this.pushState(); if(!this.navigations.length) { return; } } const item = this.navigations.pop(); if(!item) { this.pushState(); return; } this.manual = !this.isPossibleSwipe; this.handleItem(item); // this.pushState(); // * prevent adding forward arrow }; private onKeyDown = (e: KeyboardEvent) => { const item = this.navigations[this.navigations.length - 1]; if(!item) return; if(e.key === 'Escape' && (item.onEscape ? item.onEscape() : true)) { cancelEvent(e); this.back(item.type); } }; private onTouchStart = (e: TouchEvent) => { if(e.touches.length > 1) return; this.debug && this.log('touchstart'); if(isSwipingBackSafari(e)) { this.isPossibleSwipe = true; window.addEventListener('touchend', () => { setTimeout(() => { this.isPossibleSwipe = false; }, 100); }, {passive: true, once: true}); } /* const detach = () => { window.removeEventListener('touchend', onTouchEnd); window.removeEventListener('touchmove', onTouchMove); }; let moved = false; const onTouchMove = (e: TouchEvent) => { this.debug && this.log('touchmove'); if(e.touches.length > 1) { detach(); return; } moved = true; }; const onTouchEnd = (e: TouchEvent) => { this.debug && this.log('touchend'); if(e.touches.length > 1 || !moved) { detach(); return; } isPossibleSwipe = true; doubleRaf().then(() => { isPossibleSwipe = false; }); detach(); }; window.addEventListener('touchend', onTouchEnd, options); window.addEventListener('touchmove', onTouchMove, options); */ }; public overrideHash(hash: string = '') { if(hash && hash[0] !== '#') hash = '#' + hash; else if(hash === '#') hash = ''; this.overriddenHash = this.currentHash = hash; this.replaceState(); this.pushState(); } private handleItem(item: NavigationItem) { const good = item.onPop(!this.manual ? false : undefined); this.debug && this.log('popstate, navigation:', item, this.navigations); if(good === false) { this.pushItem(item); } else if(!item.noBlurOnPop) { blurActiveElement(); // no better place for it } this.manual = false; } public findItemByType(type: NavigationItem['type']) { for(let i = this.navigations.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const item = this.navigations[i]; if(item.type === type) { return {item, index: i}; } } } public back(type?: NavigationItem['type']) { if(type) { const ret = this.findItemByType(type); if(ret) { this.backByItem(ret.item, ret.index); return; } } history.back(); } public backByItem(item: NavigationItem, index = this.navigations.indexOf(item)) { this.manual = true; // ! commented because 'popstate' event will be fired with delay // if(index !== (this.navigations.length - 1)) { this.navigations.splice(index, 1); this.handleItem(item); // } } private onItemAdded(item: NavigationItem) { this.debug && this.log('onItemAdded', item, this.navigations); if(!item.noHistory) { this.pushState(); } } public pushItem(item: NavigationItem) { this.navigations.push(item); this.onItemAdded(item); } public unshiftItem(item: NavigationItem) { this.navigations.unshift(item); this.onItemAdded(item); } public spliceItems(index: number, length: number, ...items: NavigationItem[]) { this.navigations.splice(index, length, ...items); items.forEach((item) => { this.onItemAdded(item); }); } private pushState() { this.debug && this.log('push'); this.manual = false; history.pushState(this.id, ''); } public replaceState() { this.debug && this.log.warn('replace'); const url = location.origin + location.pathname + location.search + this.overriddenHash; history.replaceState(this.id, '', url); } public removeItem(item: NavigationItem) { if(!item) { return; } indexOfAndSplice(this.navigations, item); } public removeByType(type: NavigationItem['type'], single = false) { for(let i = this.navigations.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const item = this.navigations[i]; if(item.type === type) { this.navigations.splice(i, 1); if(single) { break; } } } } } const appNavigationController = new AppNavigationController(); MOUNT_CLASS_TO.appNavigationController = appNavigationController; export default appNavigationController;