import { isElementInViewport, isScrolledIntoView, cancelEvent } from "../lib/utils"; export default class Scrollable { public container: HTMLDivElement; public thumb: HTMLDivElement; public type: string; public side: string; public scrollType: string; public scrollSide: string; public clientAxis: string; public scrollSize = -1; public size = 0; public thumbSize = 0; public hiddenElements: { up: {element: Element, height: number}[], down: {element: Element, height: number}[] } = { up: [], down: [] }; public paddings = {up: 0, down: 0}; public paddingTopDiv: HTMLDivElement; public paddingBottomDiv: HTMLDivElement; public splitUp: HTMLElement; public splitOffset = 0; public onAddedBottom: () => void = null; public topObserver: IntersectionObserver; public isTopIntersecting: boolean; public bottomObserver: IntersectionObserver; public isBottomIntersecting: boolean; public splitObserver: IntersectionObserver; constructor(public el: HTMLDivElement, x = false, y = true) { this.container = document.createElement('div'); this.container.classList.add('scrollable'); let arr = []; for(let i = 0.001; i < 1; i += 0.001) arr.push(i); this.topObserver = new IntersectionObserver(entries => { let entry = entries[0]; // console.log('top intersection:', entries, this.isTopIntersecting, entry.isIntersecting, entry.intersectionRatio > 0); if(this.isTopIntersecting = entry.isIntersecting) { this.onTopIntersection(entry); } // console.log('top intersection end'); }, {threshold: arr}); this.bottomObserver = new IntersectionObserver(entries => { let entry = entries[0]; // console.log('bottom intersection:', entries, this.isBottomIntersecting, entry.isIntersecting, entry.intersectionRatio > 0); if(this.isBottomIntersecting = entry.isIntersecting) { this.onBottomIntersection(entry); if(this.onScrolledBottom) this.onScrolledBottom(); } }, {threshold: arr}); this.splitObserver = new IntersectionObserver(entries => { //console.log('splitObserver', entries); for(let entry of entries) { //console.log('onscroll entry',, entry.isIntersecting, entry); if(!entry.isIntersecting && { let child =; //console.log('onscroll entry', entry.boundingClientRect, child, entry); let isTop = ( + this.splitOffset) <= 0; let isBottom = entry.rootBounds.height <=; if(isTop) { let sliced: Element[] = [child]; while(child.previousElementSibling) { sliced.push(child = child.previousElementSibling); } sliced.reverse(); sliced.forEach(child => { let height = child.scrollHeight; this.paddings.up += height; this.hiddenElements.up.push({element: child, height}); child.parentElement.removeChild(child); = this.paddings.up + 'px'; }); //console.log('onscroll sliced up', sliced); } else if(isBottom) { let sliced: Element[] = [child]; while(child.nextElementSibling) { sliced.push(child = child.nextElementSibling); } sliced.reverse(); sliced.forEach(child => { let height = child.scrollHeight; this.paddings.down += height; this.hiddenElements.down.unshift({element: child, height}); child.parentElement.removeChild(child); = this.paddings.down + 'px'; }); //console.log('onscroll sliced down', sliced); } //console.log('splitObserver', entry,, isTop); } } }); if(x) { this.container.classList.add('scrollable-x'); this.type = 'width'; this.side = 'left'; this.scrollType = 'scrollWidth'; this.scrollSide = 'scrollLeft'; this.clientAxis = 'clientX'; let scrollHorizontally = (e: any) => { e = window.event || e; var delta = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, (e.wheelDelta || -e.detail))); this.container.scrollLeft -= (delta * 20); e.preventDefault(); }; if(this.container.addEventListener) { // IE9, Chrome, Safari, Opera this.container.addEventListener("mousewheel", scrollHorizontally, false); // Firefox this.container.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", scrollHorizontally, false); } else { // IE 6/7/8 // @ts-ignore this.container.attachEvent("onmousewheel", scrollHorizontally); } } else if(y) { this.container.classList.add('scrollable-y'); this.type = 'height'; this.side = 'top'; this.scrollType = 'scrollHeight'; this.scrollSide = 'scrollTop'; this.clientAxis = 'clientY'; } else { throw new Error('no side for scroll'); } this.thumb = document.createElement('div'); this.thumb.className = 'scrollbar-thumb'; // @ts-ignore[this.type] = '30px'; let onMouseMove = (e: MouseEvent) => { let rect = this.thumb.getBoundingClientRect(); let diff: number; // @ts-ignore diff = e[this.clientAxis] - rect[this.side]; // @ts-ignore this.container[this.scrollSide] += diff * 0.5; // console.log('onMouseMove', e, diff); cancelEvent(e); }; this.thumb.addEventListener('mousedown', () => { window.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove); window.addEventListener('mouseup', () => { window.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove); }, {once: true}); }); //this.container.addEventListener('mouseover', this.resize.bind(this)); // omg window.addEventListener('resize', this.resize.bind(this)); this.paddingTopDiv = document.createElement('div'); this.paddingTopDiv.classList.add('scroll-padding'); this.paddingBottomDiv = document.createElement('div'); this.paddingBottomDiv.classList.add('scroll-padding'); this.topObserver.observe(this.paddingTopDiv); this.bottomObserver.observe(this.paddingBottomDiv); this.container.addEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll.bind(this)); //this.container.append(this.paddingTopDiv); Array.from(el.children).forEach(c => this.container.append(c)); //this.container.append(this.paddingBottomDiv); el.append(this.container);//container.append(el); this.container.parentElement.append(this.thumb); this.resize(); } public resize() { console.time('scroll resize'); // @ts-ignore this.scrollSize = this.container[this.scrollType]; let rect = this.container.getBoundingClientRect(); // @ts-ignore this.size = rect[this.type]; if(!this.size || this.size == this.scrollSize) { this.thumbSize = 0; // @ts-ignore[this.type] = this.thumbSize + 'px'; console.timeEnd('scroll resize'); return; } //if(!height) return; let divider = this.scrollSize / this.size / 0.5; this.thumbSize = this.size / divider; if(this.thumbSize < 20) this.thumbSize = 20; // @ts-ignore[this.type] = this.thumbSize + 'px'; console.timeEnd('scroll resize'); // @ts-ignore //console.log('onresize',[type], thumbHeight, height); } public setVirtualContainer(el?: HTMLElement) { this.splitUp = el; this.hiddenElements.up.length = this.hiddenElements.down.length = 0; this.paddings.up = this.paddings.down = 0; if(this.paddingTopDiv.parentElement) { = ''; = ''; } /* this.topObserver.unobserve(this.paddingTopDiv); this.bottomObserver.unobserve(this.paddingBottomDiv); this.topObserver.observe(this.paddingTopDiv); this.bottomObserver.observe(this.paddingBottomDiv); */ if(el) { el.parentElement.insertBefore(this.paddingTopDiv, el); el.parentNode.insertBefore(this.paddingBottomDiv, el.nextSibling); } } public onScroll() { // @ts-ignore //let st = container[scrollSide]; console.time('scroll onScroll'); // @ts-ignore if(this.container[this.scrollType] != this.scrollSize || this.thumbSize == 0) { this.resize(); } // @ts-ignore let value = this.container[this.scrollSide] / (this.scrollSize - this.size) * 100; let maxValue = 100 - (this.thumbSize / this.size * 100); //console.log('onscroll', container.scrollHeight, thumbHeight, height, value, maxValue); // @ts-ignore[this.side] = (value >= maxValue ? maxValue : value) + '%'; console.timeEnd('scroll onScroll'); } public onTopIntersection(entry: IntersectionObserverEntry) { // console.log('onTopIntersection'); if(this.hiddenElements.up.length && this.paddings.up) { let needHeight = entry.intersectionRect.height + this.splitOffset; while(needHeight > 0 && this.paddings.up) { let child = this.hiddenElements.up.pop(); // console.log('top returning from hidden', child); if(!child) { this.paddings.up = 0; = '0px'; break; } /* await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { window.requestAnimationFrame(resolve); }); */ this.splitUp.prepend(child.element); let height = child.height || child.element.scrollHeight; needHeight -= height; this.paddings.up -= height; = this.paddings.up + 'px'; } } else { = '0px'; } } public onBottomIntersection(entry: IntersectionObserverEntry) { // console.log('onBottomIntersection'); if(this.hiddenElements.down.length && this.paddings.down) { let needHeight = entry.intersectionRect.height + this.splitOffset; while(needHeight > 0 && this.paddings.down) { let child = this.hiddenElements.down.shift(); if(!child) { this.paddings.down = 0; = '0px'; break; } this.splitUp.append(child.element); let height = child.height || child.element.scrollHeight; needHeight -= height; this.paddings.down -= height; = this.paddings.down + 'px'; } if(this.onAddedBottom) this.onAddedBottom(); } else { = '0px'; } } public onScrolledBottom() { } public splitAppend(...smth: (string | Node)[]) { this.splitUp.append(...smth); for(let node of smth) { if(typeof(node) !== 'string') { this.splitObserver.observe(node as Element); } } } set scrollTop(y: number) { this.container.scrollTop = y; } get scrollTop() { return this.container.scrollTop; } get scrollHeight() { return this.container.scrollHeight; } get parentElement() { return this.container.parentElement; } get offsetHeight() { return this.container.offsetHeight; } }