/* * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb * Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko * https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE */ import { getFullDate } from "../../helpers/date"; import { formatNumber } from "../../helpers/number"; import RichTextProcessor from "../../lib/richtextprocessor"; import { wrapReply } from "../wrappers"; import Chat from "./chat"; import RepliesElement from "./replies"; export namespace MessageRender { /* export const setText = () => { }; */ export const setTime = (chat: Chat, message: any, bubble: HTMLElement, bubbleContainer: HTMLElement, messageDiv: HTMLElement) => { const date = new Date(message.date * 1000); let time = ('0' + date.getHours()).slice(-2) + ':' + ('0' + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2); if(message.views) { const postAuthor = message.post_author || message.fwd_from?.post_author; bubble.classList.add('channel-post'); time = formatNumber(message.views, 1) + ' ' + (postAuthor ? RichTextProcessor.wrapEmojiText(postAuthor) + ', ' : '') + time; if(!message.fwd_from?.saved_from_msg_id) { const forward = document.createElement('div'); forward.classList.add('bubble-beside-button', 'forward'); forward.innerHTML = ` `; bubbleContainer.append(forward); bubble.classList.add('with-beside-button'); } } if(message.edit_date && chat.type !== 'scheduled' && !message.pFlags.edit_hide) { bubble.classList.add('is-edited'); time = 'edited ' + time; } if(chat.type !== 'pinned' && message.pFlags.pinned) { bubble.classList.add('is-pinned'); time = '' + time; } const title = getFullDate(date) + (message.edit_date ? `\nEdited: ${getFullDate(new Date(message.edit_date * 1000))}` : '') + (message.fwd_from ? `\nOriginal: ${getFullDate(new Date(message.fwd_from.date * 1000))}` : ''); const timeSpan = document.createElement('span'); timeSpan.classList.add('time', 'tgico'); timeSpan.title = title; timeSpan.innerHTML = `${time}
`; messageDiv.append(timeSpan); return timeSpan; }; export const renderReplies = ({bubble, bubbleContainer, message, messageDiv, loadPromises}: { bubble: HTMLElement, bubbleContainer: HTMLElement, message: any, messageDiv: HTMLElement, loadPromises?: Promise[] }) => { const isFooter = !bubble.classList.contains('sticker') && !bubble.classList.contains('emoji-big') && !bubble.classList.contains('round'); const repliesFooter = new RepliesElement(); repliesFooter.message = message; repliesFooter.type = isFooter ? 'footer' : 'beside'; repliesFooter.loadPromises = loadPromises; repliesFooter.init(); bubbleContainer.prepend(repliesFooter); return isFooter; }; export const setReply = ({chat, bubble, bubbleContainer, message}: { chat: Chat, bubble: HTMLElement, bubbleContainer?: HTMLElement, message: any }) => { const isReplacing = !bubbleContainer; if(isReplacing) { bubbleContainer = bubble.querySelector('.bubble-content'); } const currentReplyDiv = isReplacing ? bubbleContainer.querySelector('.reply') : null; if(!message.reply_to_mid) { if(currentReplyDiv) { currentReplyDiv.remove(); } bubble.classList.remove('is-reply'); return; } const replyToPeerId = message.reply_to.reply_to_peer_id ? chat.appPeersManager.getPeerId(message.reply_to.reply_to_peer_id) : chat.peerId; let originalMessage = chat.appMessagesManager.getMessageByPeer(replyToPeerId, message.reply_to_mid); let originalPeerTitle: string; /////////this.log('message to render reply', originalMessage, originalPeerTitle, bubble, message); // need to download separately if(originalMessage._ === 'messageEmpty') { //////////this.log('message to render reply empty, need download', message, message.reply_to_mid); chat.appMessagesManager.wrapSingleMessage(replyToPeerId, message.reply_to_mid); chat.bubbles.needUpdate.push({replyToPeerId, replyMid: message.reply_to_mid, mid: message.mid}); originalPeerTitle = 'Loading...'; } else { originalPeerTitle = chat.appPeersManager.getPeerTitle(originalMessage.fromId || originalMessage.fwdFromId, true) || ''; } const wrapped = wrapReply(originalPeerTitle, originalMessage.message || '', originalMessage); if(currentReplyDiv) { currentReplyDiv.replaceWith(wrapped); } else { bubbleContainer.append(wrapped); } //bubbleContainer.insertBefore(, nameContainer); bubble.classList.add('is-reply'); }; }