import Scrollable from "./scrollable_new"; import appMessagesManager, { Dialog } from "../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager"; import { cancelEvent, findUpClassName, findUpAttribute } from "../lib/utils"; import appDialogsManager from "../lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager"; import appChatsManager from "../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager"; import appUsersManager from "../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager"; import appPeersManager from "../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager"; import appPhotosManager from "../lib/appManagers/appPhotosManager"; import $rootScope from "../lib/rootScope"; type PeerType = 'contacts' | 'dialogs'; // TODO: правильная сортировка для addMembers, т.е. для peerType: 'contacts', потому что там идут сначала контакты - потом неконтакты, а должно всё сортироваться по имени let loadedAllDialogs = false; export class AppSelectPeers { public container = document.createElement('div'); public list = document.createElement('ul'); public chatsContainer = document.createElement('div'); public scrollable: Scrollable; public selectedScrollable: Scrollable; public selectedContainer = document.createElement('div'); public input = document.createElement('input'); //public selected: {[peerID: number]: HTMLElement} = {}; public selected = new Set(); public freezed = false; private folderID = 0; private offsetIndex = 0; private promise: Promise; private query = ''; private cachedContacts: number[]; private loadedWhat: Partial<{[k in 'dialogs' | 'archived' | 'contacts']: true}> = {}; constructor(private appendTo: HTMLElement, private onChange?: (length: number) => void, private peerType: PeerType[] = ['dialogs'], onFirstRender?: () => void, private renderResultsFunc?: (peerIDs: number[]) => void) { this.container.classList.add('selector'); if(!this.renderResultsFunc) { this.renderResultsFunc = this.renderResults; } let topContainer = document.createElement('div'); topContainer.classList.add('selector-search-container'); this.selectedContainer.classList.add('selector-search'); this.input.placeholder = !peerType.includes('dialogs') ? 'Add People...' : 'Select chat'; this.input.type = 'text'; this.selectedContainer.append(this.input); topContainer.append(this.selectedContainer); this.selectedScrollable = new Scrollable(topContainer); let delimiter = document.createElement('hr'); this.chatsContainer.classList.add('chats-container'); this.chatsContainer.append(this.list); this.scrollable = new Scrollable(this.chatsContainer); this.scrollable.setVirtualContainer(this.list); this.chatsContainer.addEventListener('click', (e) => { const target = findUpAttribute(, 'data-peerID') as HTMLElement; cancelEvent(e); if(!target) return; if(this.freezed) return; let key: any = target.getAttribute('data-peerID'); key = +key || key; target.classList.toggle('active'); if(this.selected.has(key)) { this.remove(key); } else { this.add(key); } const checkbox = target.querySelector('input') as HTMLInputElement; checkbox.checked = !checkbox.checked; }); this.selectedContainer.addEventListener('click', (e) => { if(this.freezed) return; let target = as HTMLElement; target = findUpClassName(target, 'selector-user'); if(!target) return; const peerID = target.dataset.key; const li = this.chatsContainer.querySelector('[data-peerid="' + peerID + '"]') as HTMLElement; if(!li) { this.remove(+peerID || peerID); } else {; } }); this.input.addEventListener('input', () => { const value = this.input.value; if(this.query != value) { if(this.peerType.includes('contacts')) { delete this.loadedWhat.contacts; this.cachedContacts = null; } //if(this.peerType.includes('dialogs')) { delete this.loadedWhat.dialogs; delete this.loadedWhat.archived; this.folderID = 0; this.offsetIndex = 0; //} this.promise = null; this.list.innerHTML = ''; this.query = value; //console.log('selectPeers input:', this.query); this.getMoreResults(); } }); this.scrollable.onScrolledBottom = () => { this.getMoreResults(); }; this.container.append(topContainer, delimiter, this.chatsContainer); appendTo.append(this.container); // WARNING TIMEOUT setTimeout(() => { let getResultsPromise = this.getMoreResults() as Promise; if(onFirstRender) { getResultsPromise.then(() => { onFirstRender(); }); } }, 0); } private async getMoreDialogs(): Promise { if(this.promise) return this.promise; if(this.loadedWhat.dialogs && this.loadedWhat.archived) { return; } // в десктопе - сначала без группы, потом архивные, потом контакты без сообщений const pageCount = appPhotosManager.windowH / 72 * 1.25 | 0; this.promise = appMessagesManager.getConversations(this.query, this.offsetIndex, pageCount, this.folderID); const value = await this.promise; this.promise = null; let dialogs = value.dialogs as Dialog[]; if(dialogs.length) { const newOffsetIndex = dialogs[dialogs.length - 1].index || 0; dialogs = dialogs.slice(); dialogs.findAndSplice(d => d.peerID == $rootScope.myID); // no my account if(!this.offsetIndex && this.folderID == 0 && (!this.query || 'saved messages'.includes(this.query.toLowerCase())) && this.peerType.includes('dialogs')) { dialogs.unshift({ peerID: $rootScope.myID, pFlags: {} } as any); } this.offsetIndex = newOffsetIndex; this.renderResultsFunc( => dialog.peerID)); } else { if(!this.loadedWhat.dialogs) { this.loadedWhat.dialogs = true; this.offsetIndex = 0; this.folderID = 1; return this.getMoreDialogs(); } else { this.loadedWhat.archived = true; if(!this.loadedWhat.contacts && this.peerType.includes('contacts')) { return this.getMoreContacts(); } } } } private async getMoreContacts() { if(this.promise) return this.promise; if(this.loadedWhat.contacts) { return; } if(!this.cachedContacts) { /* const promises: Promise[] = [appUsersManager.getContacts(this.query)]; if(!this.peerType.includes('dialogs')) { promises.push(appMessagesManager.getConversationsAll()); } this.promise = Promise.all(promises); this.cachedContacts = (await this.promise)[0].slice(); */ this.promise = appUsersManager.getContacts(this.query); this.cachedContacts = (await this.promise).slice(); this.cachedContacts.findAndSplice(userID => userID == $rootScope.myID); // no my account this.promise = null; } if(this.cachedContacts.length) { const pageCount = appPhotosManager.windowH / 72 * 1.25 | 0; const arr = this.cachedContacts.splice(0, pageCount); this.renderResultsFunc(arr); } if(!this.cachedContacts.length) { this.loadedWhat.contacts = true; // need to load non-contacts if(!this.peerType.includes('dialogs')) { return this.getMoreDialogs(); } } } private getMoreResults() { const promises: Promise[] = []; if(!loadedAllDialogs) { promises.push(appMessagesManager.getConversationsAll()); } if((this.peerType.includes('dialogs') || this.loadedWhat.contacts) && !this.loadedWhat.archived) { // to load non-contacts promises.push(this.getMoreDialogs()); if(!this.loadedWhat.archived) { return Promise.all(promises); } } if(this.peerType.includes('contacts') && !this.loadedWhat.contacts) { promises.push(this.getMoreContacts()); } return Promise.all(promises); } private renderResults(peerIDs: number[]) { //console.log('will renderResults:', peerIDs); // оставим только неконтакты с диалогов if(!this.peerType.includes('dialogs') && this.loadedWhat.contacts) { peerIDs = peerIDs.filter(peerID => { return appUsersManager.isNonContactUser(peerID); }); } peerIDs.forEach(peerID => { const {dom} = appDialogsManager.addDialog(peerID, this.scrollable, false, false); const selected = this.selected.has(peerID); dom.containerEl.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `
`); if(selected) dom.listEl.classList.add('active'); let subtitle = ''; if(peerID < 0) { subtitle = appChatsManager.getChatMembersString(-peerID); } else if(peerID == $rootScope.myID) { subtitle = 'chat with yourself'; } else { subtitle = appUsersManager.getUserStatusString(peerID); if(subtitle == 'online') { subtitle = `${subtitle}`; } } dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = subtitle; }); } public add(peerID: any, title?: string) { //console.trace('add'); const div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('selector-user', 'scale-in'); const avatarEl = document.createElement('avatar-element'); avatarEl.classList.add('selector-user-avatar', 'tgico'); avatarEl.setAttribute('dialog', '1'); div.dataset.key = '' + peerID; this.selected.add(peerID); if(typeof(peerID) === 'number') { if(title === undefined) { title = peerID == $rootScope.myID ? 'Saved' : appPeersManager.getPeerTitle(peerID, false, true); } avatarEl.setAttribute('peer', '' + peerID); } if(title) { div.innerHTML = title; } div.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', avatarEl); this.selectedContainer.insertBefore(div, this.input); //this.selectedScrollable.scrollTop = this.selectedScrollable.scrollHeight; this.selectedScrollable.scrollTo(this.selectedScrollable.scrollHeight, 'top', true, true); this.onChange && this.onChange(this.selected.size); return div; } public remove(key: any) { //const div = this.selected[peerID]; const div = this.selectedContainer.querySelector(`[data-key="${key}"]`) as HTMLElement; div.classList.remove('scale-in'); void div.offsetWidth; div.classList.add('scale-out'); div.addEventListener('animationend', () => { this.selected.delete(key); div.remove(); this.onChange && this.onChange(this.selected.size); }, {once: true}); } public getSelected() { return [...this.selected]; } }