import { formatPhoneNumber, putPreloader } from "../components/misc"; import Scrollable from '../components/scrollable'; import Countries, { Country as _Country } from "../countries"; import appStateManager from "../lib/appManagers/appStateManager"; import apiManager from "../lib/mtproto/mtprotoworker"; import { App, Modes } from "../lib/mtproto/mtproto_config"; import { RichTextProcessor } from '../lib/richtextprocessor'; import { findUpTag } from "../lib/utils"; import Page from "./page"; import pageAuthCode from "./pageAuthCode"; import pageSignQR from './pageSignQR'; type Country = _Country & { li?: HTMLLIElement[] }; //import _countries from '../countries_pretty.json'; let btnNext: HTMLButtonElement = null; let onFirstMount = () => { if(Modes.test) { Countries.push({ name: 'Test Country', phoneCode: '999 66', code: 'TC', emoji: '🤔', pattern: '999 66 XXX XX' }); console.log('Added test country to list!'); } //const countries: Country[] = _countries.default.filter(c => c.emoji); const countries: Country[] = Countries.filter(c => c.emoji).sort((a, b) =>; let lastCountrySelected: Country = null; var selectCountryCode = page.pageEl.querySelector('input[name="countryCode"]')! as HTMLInputElement; var parent = selectCountryCode.parentElement; var wrapper = document.createElement('div'); wrapper.classList.add('select-wrapper', 'z-depth-3', 'hide'); var list = document.createElement('ul'); wrapper.appendChild(list); //let wrapperScroll = OverlayScrollbars(wrapper, (window as any).scrollbarOptions); let scroll = new Scrollable(wrapper); let initedSelect = false; page.pageEl.querySelector('.a-qr').addEventListener('click', () => { pageSignQR.mount(); }); let initSelect = () => { initSelect = null; countries.forEach((c) => { initedSelect = true; /* let unified = unifiedCountryCodeEmoji(c.code); let emoji = unified.split('-').reduce((prev, curr) => prev + String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(curr, 16)), ''); */ //let emoji = countryCodeEmoji(c.code); let emoji = c.emoji; let liArr: Array = []; c.phoneCode.split(' and ').forEach((phoneCode: string) => { let li = document.createElement('li'); var spanEmoji = document.createElement('span'); /* spanEmoji.innerHTML = countryCodeEmoji(c.code); */ //spanEmoji.classList.add('emoji-outer', 'emoji-sizer'); //spanEmoji.innerHTML = ``; let kek = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(emoji); //console.log(, emoji, kek, spanEmoji.innerHTML); li.appendChild(spanEmoji); spanEmoji.outerHTML = kek; li.append(; var span = document.createElement('span'); span.classList.add('phone-code'); span.innerText = '+' + phoneCode; li.appendChild(span); liArr.push(li); list.append(li); }); = liArr; }); list.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { let target = as HTMLElement; if(target.tagName != 'LI') target = findUpTag(target, 'LI'); let countryName = target.childNodes[1].textContent;//target.innerText.split('\n').shift(); let phoneCode = target.querySelector('.phone-code').innerText; selectCountryCode.value = countryName; lastCountrySelected = countries.find(c => == countryName); telEl.value = lastValue = phoneCode; setTimeout(() => telEl.focus(), 0); //console.log('clicked', e, countryName, phoneCode); }); parent.appendChild(wrapper); }; initSelect(); let hideTimeout: number; selectCountryCode.addEventListener('focus', function(this: typeof selectCountryCode, e) { if(initSelect) { initSelect(); } else { countries.forEach((c) => { => = ''); }); } clearTimeout(hideTimeout); wrapper.classList.remove('hide'); void wrapper.offsetWidth; // reflow wrapper.classList.add('active'); }); selectCountryCode.addEventListener('blur', function(this: typeof selectCountryCode, e) { wrapper.classList.remove('active'); hideTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => { wrapper.classList.add('hide'); }, 200); e.cancelBubble = true; }, {capture: true}); selectCountryCode.addEventListener('keyup', function(this: typeof selectCountryCode, e) { if(e.ctrlKey || e.key == 'Control') return false; //let i = new RegExp('^' + this.value, 'i'); let _value = this.value.toLowerCase(); let matches: Country[] = []; countries.forEach((c) => { let good = !== -1/* == 0 */;//i.test(; => = good ? '' : 'none'); if(good) matches.push(c); }); // Код ниже автоматически выберет страну если она осталась одна при поиске /* if(matches.length == 1 && matches[0].li.length == 1) { if(matches[0].name == lastCountrySelected) return false; //console.log('clicking', matches[0]); var clickEvent = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); clickEvent.initEvent('mousedown', true, true); matches[0].li[0].dispatchEvent(clickEvent); return false; } else */if(matches.length == 0) { countries.forEach((c) => { => = ''); }); } }); let arrowDown = page.pageEl.querySelector('.arrow-down') as HTMLSpanElement; arrowDown.addEventListener('mousedown', function(this: typeof arrowDown, e) { e.cancelBubble = true; e.preventDefault(); if(selectCountryCode.matches(':focus')) selectCountryCode.blur(); else selectCountryCode.focus(); }); let pasted = false; let lastValue = ''; let telEl = page.pageEl.querySelector('input[name="phone"]') as HTMLInputElement; const telLabel = telEl.nextElementSibling as HTMLLabelElement; telEl.addEventListener('input', function(this: typeof telEl, e) { //console.log('input', this.value); this.classList.remove('error'); const diff = Math.abs(this.value.length - lastValue.length); if(diff > 1 && !pasted) { this.value = lastValue + this.value; } pasted = false; telLabel.innerText = 'Phone Number'; let {formatted, country} = formatPhoneNumber(this.value); this.value = lastValue = formatted ? '+' + formatted : ''; //console.log(formatted, country); let countryName = country ? : ''/* 'Unknown' */; if(countryName != selectCountryCode.value && (!lastCountrySelected || !country || lastCountrySelected.phoneCode != country.phoneCode)) { selectCountryCode.value = countryName; lastCountrySelected = country; } //if(country && (this.value.length - 1) >= (country.pattern ? country.pattern.length : 9)) { if(country || (this.value.length - 1) > 1) { = ''; } else { = 'hidden'; } }); telEl.addEventListener('paste', (e) => { pasted = true; //console.log('paste', telEl.value); }); /* telEl.addEventListener('change', (e) => { console.log('change', telEl.value); }); */ telEl.addEventListener('keypress', function(this: typeof telEl, e) { //console.log('keypress', this.value); if(! &&/* this.value.length >= 9 && */ e.key == 'Enter') { return; } else if(/\D/.test(e.key)) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); /* telEl.addEventListener('focus', function(this: typeof telEl, e) { this.removeAttribute('readonly'); // fix autocomplete });*/ /* authorizer.auth(2); networkerFactory.startAll(); */ btnNext.addEventListener('click', function(this: HTMLElement, e) { this.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); this.textContent = 'PLEASE WAIT...'; putPreloader(this); //this.innerHTML = 'PLEASE WAIT...'; //return; let phone_number = telEl.value; apiManager.invokeApi('auth.sendCode', { phone_number: phone_number, api_id:, api_hash: App.hash, settings: { _: 'codeSettings' // that's how we sending Type } //lang_code: navigator.language || 'en' }).then((code) => { //console.log('got code', code); pageAuthCode.mount(Object.assign(code, {phone_number: phone_number})); }).catch(err => { this.removeAttribute('disabled'); this.innerText = 'NEXT'; switch(err.type) { case 'PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID': telLabel.innerText = 'Phone Number Invalid'; telEl.classList.add('error'); break; default: console.error('auth.sendCode error:', err); this.innerText = err.type; break; } }); }); let tryAgain = () => { apiManager.invokeApi('help.getNearestDc').then((nearestDcResult) => { const dcs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; //dcs.splice(nearestDcResult.this_dc - 1, 1); let promise: Promise; if(nearestDcResult.nearest_dc != nearestDcResult.this_dc) { //MTProto.apiManager.baseDcID = nearestDcResult.nearest_dc; promise = apiManager.getNetworker(nearestDcResult.nearest_dc).then(() => { }); } (promise || Promise.resolve()).then(() => { dcs.forEach(dcID => { apiManager.getNetworker(dcID, {fileDownload: true}); }); }); return nearestDcResult; }).then((nearestDcResult) => { let country = countries.find((c) => c.code ==; if(country) { if(!selectCountryCode.value.length && !telEl.value.length) { selectCountryCode.value =; lastCountrySelected = country; telEl.value = lastValue = '+' + country.phoneCode.split(' and ').shift(); } } //console.log('woohoo', nearestDcResult, country); })//.catch(tryAgain); }; tryAgain(); }; const page = new Page('page-sign', true, onFirstMount, () => { if(!btnNext) { btnNext = page.pageEl.querySelector('button'); } btnNext.textContent = 'NEXT'; btnNext.removeAttribute('disabled'); appStateManager.pushToState('authState', {_: 'authStateSignIn'}); appStateManager.saveState(); }); export default page;