Fix serializing negative longs

Parse JSONValue
This commit is contained in:
Eduard Kuzmenko 2022-01-24 11:55:12 +04:00
parent 04ae258f7a
commit f6f35f4b70
3 changed files with 67 additions and 24 deletions

src/layer.d.ts vendored
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@ -13015,7 +13015,7 @@ export interface MethodDeclMap {
'help.getTermsOfServiceUpdate': {req: HelpGetTermsOfServiceUpdate, res: HelpTermsOfServiceUpdate},
'help.acceptTermsOfService': {req: HelpAcceptTermsOfService, res: boolean},
'help.getDeepLinkInfo': {req: HelpGetDeepLinkInfo, res: HelpDeepLinkInfo},
'help.getAppConfig': {req: HelpGetAppConfig, res: JSONValue},
'help.getAppConfig': {req: HelpGetAppConfig, res: any},
'help.saveAppLog': {req: HelpSaveAppLog, res: boolean},
'help.getPassportConfig': {req: HelpGetPassportConfig, res: HelpPassportConfig},
'help.getSupportName': {req: HelpGetSupportName, res: HelpSupportName},

View File

@ -9,17 +9,29 @@
import { bytesToHex } from '../../helpers/bytes';
import { isObject, longFromInts } from './bin_utils';
import { bytesFromHex, bytesToHex } from '../../helpers/bytes';
import { addPadding, isObject, longFromInts } from './bin_utils';
import { MOUNT_CLASS_TO } from '../../config/debug';
import { str2bigInt, dup, divide_, bigInt2str } from '../../vendor/leemon';
import { str2bigInt, bigInt2str, int2bigInt, sub_ } from '../../vendor/leemon';
import Schema, { MTProtoConstructor } from './schema';
import { JSONValue } from '../../layer';
// @ts-ignore
import { gzipUncompress } from '../crypto/crypto_utils';
/// #endif
// @ts-ignore
/* import {BigInteger} from 'jsbn';
export function bigint(num: number) {
return new BigInteger(num.toString(16), 16);
function bigStringInt(strNum: string) {
return new BigInteger(strNum, 10)
} */
const boolFalse = +Schema.API.constructors.find(c => c.predicate === 'boolFalse').id;
const boolTrue = +Schema.API.constructors.find(c => c.predicate === 'boolTrue').id;
const vector = +Schema.API.constructors.find(c => c.predicate === 'vector').id;
@ -155,28 +167,33 @@ class TLSerialization {
sLong = sLong ? sLong.toString() : '0';
const R = 0x100000000;
//const divRem = bigStringInt(sLong).divideAndRemainder(bigint(R));
/* let perf =;
const jsbnBytes: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(8);
const jsbnBigInt = bigStringInt(sLong);
for(let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
jsbnBytes[i] = +jsbnBigInt.shiftRight(8 * i).and(bigint(255)).toString(10);
console.log('perf1', - perf); */
const a = str2bigInt(sLong, 10, 64);
const q = dup(a);
const r = dup(a);
divide_(a, str2bigInt((R).toString(16), 16, 64), q, r);
//divInt_(a, R);
const high = +bigInt2str(q, 10);
let low = +bigInt2str(r, 10);
if(high < low) {
low -= R;
// perf =;
let bigInt: number[];
if(sLong[0] === '-') { // leemon library can't parse signed numbers
bigInt = int2bigInt(0, 64, 8);
sub_(bigInt, str2bigInt(sLong.slice(1), 10, 64));
} else {
bigInt = str2bigInt(sLong, 10, 64);
//console.log('storeLong', sLong, divRem[0].intValue(), divRem[1].intValue(), high, low);
//this.writeInt(divRem[1].intValue(), (field || '') + ':long[low]');
//this.writeInt(divRem[0].intValue(), (field || '') + ':long[high]');
this.writeInt(low, (field || '') + ':long[low]');
this.writeInt(high, (field || '') + ':long[high]');
const hex = bigInt2str(bigInt, 16).slice(-16);
const bytes = addPadding(bytesFromHex(hex).reverse(), 8, true, true, false);
// console.log('perf2', - perf);
// if(jsbnBytes.hex !== bytes.hex) {
// console.error(bigInt, sLong, bigInt2str(bigInt, 10), negative(bigInt), jsbnBytes.hex, bigInt2str(bigInt, 16), bytes.hex);
// }
public storeDouble(f: any, field?: string) {
@ -806,9 +823,32 @@ class TLDeserialization<FetchLongAs extends Long> {
if(fallback) {
this.mtproto = true;
if(type === 'JSONValue') {
return this.formatJSONValue(result);
return result;
private formatJSONValue(jsonValue: JSONValue): any {
if(!jsonValue._) return jsonValue;
switch(jsonValue._) {
case 'jsonNull':
return null;
case 'jsonObject': {
const out: any = {};
const objectValues = jsonValue.value;
for(let i = 0, length = objectValues.length; i < length; ++i) {
const objectValue = objectValues[i];
out[objectValue.key] = this.formatJSONValue(objectValue.value);
return out;
return jsonValue.value;
public getOffset() {
return this.offset;

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@ -251,7 +251,10 @@ mtproto.methods.forEach((_method) => {
const camelizedMethod = camelizeName(method, true, true);
methodsMap[method] = {req: camelizedMethod, res: processParamType(type, false/* , overrideMethodTypes */)};
methodsMap[method] = {
req: camelizedMethod,
res: processParamType(type, false, {'JSONValue': 'any'}/* , overrideMethodTypes */)
let str = `export type ${camelizedMethod} = {\n`;