Dev: serve versions from git

This commit is contained in:
Eduard Kuzmenko 2022-03-27 21:33:42 +03:00
parent 6015289565
commit a7f5bae92a
4 changed files with 337 additions and 7 deletions

git-serve-server.js Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
// @ts-check
const https = require('https');
const http = require('http');
const fs = require('fs');
const gitstatic = require("./git-serve");
const express = require("express");
const repository = '.git';
const app = express();
app.get(/^\/.+/, gitstatic.route().repository(repository));
app.get(/\//, (req, res) => {
gitstatic.listAllCommits(repository, (err, commits) => {
console.log(err, commits);
res.send( => {
return `<a href="/${commit.sha}/public/index.html" target="_blank"><span style="font-family: monospace;">${commit.sha.slice(0, 7)} - ${}</span></a> - <a href="${commit.sha}" target="_blank">${commit.subject}</a><br>`;
const { networkInterfaces } = require('os');
const nets = networkInterfaces();
const results = {};
for(const name of Object.keys(nets)) {
for(const net of nets[name]) {
// Skip over non-IPv4 and internal (i.e. addresses
if( === 'IPv4' && !net.internal) {
if(!results[name]) {
results[name] = [];
const useHttp = false;
const server = useHttp ? http : https;
let options = {};
if(!useHttp) {
options.key = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/certs/server-key.pem');
options.cert = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/certs/server-cert.pem');
const port = 3000;
const protocol = useHttp ? 'http' : 'https';
console.log('Listening port:', port);
function createServer(host) {
server.createServer(options, app).listen(port, host, () => {
console.log('Host:', `${protocol}://${host || 'localhost'}:${port}/`);
for(const name in results) {
const ips = results[name];
for(const ip of ips) {

git-serve.js Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
// @ts-check
// Thanks to
var child = require("child_process"),
mime = require("mime"),
path = require("path");
var shaRe = /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/,
emailRe = /^<.*@.*>$/;
function readBlob(repository, revision, file, callback) {
var git = child.spawn("git", ["cat-file", "blob", revision + ":" + file], {cwd: repository}),
data = [],
git.stdout.on("data", function(chunk) {
git.on("exit", function(code) {
exit = code;
git.on("close", function() {
if (exit > 0) return callback(error(exit));
callback(null, Buffer.concat(data));
exports.readBlob = readBlob;
exports.getBranches = function(repository, callback) {
child.exec("git branch -l", {cwd: repository}, function(error, stdout) {
if (error) return callback(error);
callback(null, stdout.split(/\n/).slice(0, -1).map(function(s) { return s.slice(2); }));
exports.getSha = function(repository, revision, callback) {
child.exec("git rev-parse '" + revision.replace(/'/g, "'\''") + "'", {cwd: repository}, function(error, stdout) {
if (error) return callback(error);
callback(null, stdout.trim());
exports.getBranchCommits = function(repository, callback) {
child.exec("git for-each-ref refs/heads/ --sort=-authordate --format='%(objectname)\t%(refname:short)\t%(authordate:iso8601)\t%(authoremail)'", {cwd: repository}, function(error, stdout) {
if (error) return callback(error);
callback(null, stdout.split("\n").map(function(line) {
var fields = line.split("\t"),
sha = fields[0],
ref = fields[1],
date = new Date(fields[2]),
author = fields[3];
if (!shaRe.test(sha) || !date || !emailRe.test(author)) return;
return {
sha: sha,
ref: ref,
date: date,
author: author.substring(1, author.length - 1)
}).filter(function(commit) {
return commit;
exports.getCommit = function(repository, revision, callback) {
if (arguments.length < 3) callback = revision, revision = null;
? "git log -1 --date=iso " + revision + " --format='%H\n%ad'"
: "git for-each-ref --count 1 --sort=-authordate 'refs/heads/" + (revision ? revision.replace(/'/g, "'\''") : "") + "' --format='%(objectname)\n%(authordate:iso8601)'", {cwd: repository}, function(error, stdout) {
if (error) return callback(error);
var lines = stdout.split("\n"),
sha = lines[0],
date = new Date(lines[1]);
if (!shaRe.test(sha) || !date) return void callback(new Error("unable to get commit"));
callback(null, {
sha: sha,
date: date
exports.getRelatedCommits = function(repository, branch, sha, callback) {
if (!shaRe.test(sha)) return callback(new Error("invalid SHA: " + sha));
child.exec("git log --format='%H' '" + branch.replace(/'/g, "'\''") + "' | grep -C1 " + sha, {cwd: repository}, function(error, stdout) {
if (error) return callback(error);
var shas = stdout.split(/\n/),
i = shas.indexOf(sha);
callback(null, {
previous: shas[i + 1],
next: shas[i - 1]
exports.listCommits = function(repository, sha1, sha2, callback) {
if (!shaRe.test(sha1)) return callback(new Error("invalid SHA: " + sha1));
if (!shaRe.test(sha2)) return callback(new Error("invalid SHA: " + sha2));
child.exec("git log --format='%H\t%ad' " + sha1 + ".." + sha2, {cwd: repository}, function(error, stdout) {
if (error) return callback(error);
callback(null, stdout.split(/\n/).slice(0, -1).map(function(commit) {
var fields = commit.split(/\t/);
return {
sha: fields[0],
date: new Date(fields[1])
/** @type {(repository: string, callback: (err: Error, commits?: {sha: string, date: Date, author: string, subject: string}[]) => void) => void} */
exports.listAllCommits = function(repository, callback) {
child.exec("git log --branches --format='%H\t%ad\t%an\t%s'", {cwd: repository}, function(error, stdout) {
if (error) return callback(error);
callback(null, stdout.split(/\n/).slice(0, -1).map(function(commit) {
var fields = commit.split(/\t/);
return {
sha: fields[0],
date: new Date(fields[1]),
author: fields[2],
subject: fields[3]
exports.listTree = function(repository, revision, callback) {
child.exec("git ls-tree -r " + revision, {cwd: repository}, function(error, stdout) {
if (error) return callback(error);
callback(null, stdout.split(/\n/).slice(0, -1).map(function(commit) {
var fields = commit.split(/\t/);
return {
sha: fields[0].split(/\s/)[2],
name: fields[1]
exports.route = function() {
var repository = defaultRepository,
revision = defaultRevision,
file = defaultFile,
type = defaultType;
function route(request, response) {
var repository_,
// @ts-ignore
if ((repository_ = repository(request.url)) == null
|| (revision_ = revision(request.url)) == null
|| (file_ = file(request.url)) == null) return serveNotFound();
readBlob(repository_, revision_, file_, function(error, data) {
if (error) return error.code === 128 ? serveNotFound() : serveError(error);
response.writeHead(200, {
"Content-Type": type(file_),
"Cache-Control": "public, max-age=300"
function serveError(error) {
response.writeHead(500, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
response.end(error + "");
function serveNotFound() {
response.writeHead(404, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
response.end("File not found.");
route.repository = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return repository;
repository = functor(_);
return route;
route.sha = // sha is deprecated; use revision instead
route.revision = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return revision;
revision = functor(_);
return route;
route.file = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return file;
file = functor(_);
return route;
route.type = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return type;
type = functor(_);
return route;
return route;
function functor(_) {
return typeof _ === "function" ? _ : function() { return _; };
function defaultRepository() {
return path.join(__dirname, "repository");
function defaultRevision(url) {
return decodeURIComponent(url.substring(1, url.indexOf("/", 1)));
function defaultFile(url) {
url = url.substring(url.indexOf("/", 1) + 1);
const pathIdx = url.indexOf('?');
if(pathIdx !== -1) {
url = url.slice(0, pathIdx);
return decodeURIComponent(url);
function defaultType(file) {
var type = mime.getType(file) || "text/plain";
return text(type) ? type + "; charset=utf-8" : type;
function text(type) {
return /^(text\/)|(application\/(javascript|json)|image\/svg$)/.test(type);
function error(code) {
var e = new Error;
// @ts-ignore
e.code = code;
return e;

package-lock.json generated

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