Temp commit
This commit is contained in:
@ -1820,7 +1820,11 @@ export default class ChatBubbles {
bubble.className = 'bubble service';
bubbleContainer.innerHTML = `<div class="service-msg">${message.rReply}</div>`;
bubbleContainer.innerHTML = '';
const s = document.createElement('div');
if(updatePosition) {
this.renderMessagesQueue(message, bubble, reverse, loadPromises);
@ -41,6 +41,21 @@ const lang = {
// * android
ActionCreateChannel: "Channel created",
ActionCreateGroup: "un1 created the group",
ActionChangedTitle: "un1 changed the group name to un2",
ActionRemovedPhoto: "un1 removed the group photo",
ActionChangedPhoto: "un1 changed the group photo",
ActionChangedVideo: "un1 changed the group video",
ActionAddUser: "un1 added un2",
ActionAddUserSelf: "un1 returned to the group",
ActionAddUserSelfMega: "un1 joined the group",
ActionAddUserSelfYou: "You returned to the group",
ActionLeftUser: "un1 left the group",
ActionKickUser: "un1 removed un2",
ActionInviteUser: "un1 joined the group via invite link",
ActionPinnedNoText: "un1 pinned a message",
ActionMigrateFromGroup: "This group was upgraded to a supergroup",
FilterAlwaysShow: 'Include Chats',
FilterNeverShow: 'Exclude Chats',
FilterInclude: 'Included Chats',
@ -125,8 +140,18 @@ const lang = {
WhoCanAddMe: "Who can add me to group chats?",
ArchivedChats: "Archived Chats",
Cancel: "Cancel",
HistoryCleared: "History was cleared",
// * macos
"Chat.Service.PeerJoinedTelegram": "%@ joined Telegram",
"Chat.Service.Channel.UpdatedTitle": "Channel renamed to \"%@\"",
"Chat.Service.Channel.UpdatedPhoto": "Channel photo updated",
"Chat.Service.Channel.RemovedPhoto": "Channel photo removed",
"Chat.Service.BotPermissionAllowed": "You allowed this bot to message you when you logged in on %@",
"ChatList.Service.Call.incoming": "Incoming Call (%@)",
"ChatList.Service.Call.outgoing": "Outgoing Call (%@)",
"ChatList.Service.Call.Cancelled": "Cancelled Call",
"ChatList.Service.Call.Missed": "Missed Call",
"ChatList.Filter.Header": "Create folders for different groups of chats and quickly switch between them.",
"ChatList.Filter.NewTitle": "Create Folder",
"ChatList.Filter.List.Title": "Chat Folders",
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { randomLong } from "../../helpers/random";
import { splitStringByLength, limitSymbols } from "../../helpers/string";
import { Chat, ChatFull, Dialog as MTDialog, DialogPeer, DocumentAttribute, InputMedia, InputMessage, InputPeerNotifySettings, InputSingleMedia, Message, MessageAction, MessageEntity, MessageFwdHeader, MessageReplies, MessageReplyHeader, MessagesDialogs, MessagesFilter, MessagesMessages, MessagesPeerDialogs, MethodDeclMap, NotifyPeer, PeerNotifySettings, PhotoSize, SendMessageAction, Update } from "../../layer";
import { InvokeApiOptions } from "../../types";
import { langPack } from "../langPack";
import I18n, { langPack, LangPackKey, _i18n } from "../langPack";
import { logger, LogLevels } from "../logger";
import type { ApiFileManager } from '../mtproto/apiFileManager';
//import apiManager from '../mtproto/apiManager';
@ -2681,6 +2681,105 @@ export class AppMessagesManager {
return str;
public wrapMessageActionTextNew(message: any, plain: true): string;
public wrapMessageActionTextNew(message: any, plain?: false): HTMLElement;
public wrapMessageActionTextNew(message: any, plain?: boolean): HTMLElement | string {
const element: HTMLElement = plain ? undefined : document.createElement('span');
const action = message.action as MessageAction;
if((action as MessageAction.messageActionCustomAction).message) {
const richText = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText((action as MessageAction.messageActionCustomAction).message, {noLinebreaks: true});
if(plain) {
return richText;
} else {
element.innerHTML = richText;
return element;
} else {
let _ = action._;
//let suffix = '';
let langPackKey: LangPackKey = '';
let args: any[];
const getNameDivHTML = (peerId: number) => {
const title = appPeersManager.getPeerTitle(peerId);
return title ? (plain ? title + ' ' : `<div class="name inline" data-peer-id="${peerId}">${title}</div> `) : '';
switch(action._) {
case "messageActionPhoneCall": {
_ += '.' + (action as any).type;
const duration = action.duration || 1;
const d: string[] = [];
d.push(duration % 60 + ' s');
if(duration >= 60) d.push((duration / 60 | 0) + ' min');
//if(duration >= 3600) d.push((duration / 3600 | 0) + ' h');
langPackKey = langPack[_];
args = [d.reverse().join(' ')];
case 'messageActionChatJoinedByLink': {
langPackKey = langPack[_];
args = [getNameDivHTML(message.fromId)];
case 'messageActionChatDeleteUser':
// @ts-ignore
case 'messageActionChatAddUsers':
case 'messageActionChatAddUser': {
const users: number[] = (action as MessageAction.messageActionChatAddUser).users
|| [(action as MessageAction.messageActionChatDeleteUser).user_id];
langPackKey = langPack[_];
args = [getNameDivHTML(message.fromId), users.map((userId: number) => getNameDivHTML(userId).trim()).join(', ')];
case 'messageActionBotAllowed': {
const anchorHTML = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(action.domain, {
entities: [{
_: 'messageEntityUrl',
length: action.domain.length,
offset: 0
langPackKey = langPack[_];
args = [anchorHTML];
langPackKey = langPack[_] || `[${action._}]`;
if(!langPackKey) {
langPackKey = langPack[_];
if(langPackKey === undefined) {
langPackKey = '[' + _ + ']';
if(plain) {
return I18n.getString(langPackKey, args);
} else {
return _i18n(element, langPackKey, args);
//str = !langPackKey || langPackKey[0].toUpperCase() === langPackKey[0] ? langPackKey : getNameDivHTML(message.fromId) + langPackKey + (suffix ? ' ' : '');
//this.log('message action:', action);
return element;
public editPeerFolders(peerIds: number[], folderId: number) {
apiManager.invokeApi('folders.editPeerFolders', {
folder_peers: peerIds.map(peerId => {
@ -5,34 +5,34 @@ import { LangPackDifference, LangPackString } from "../layer";
import apiManager from "./mtproto/mtprotoworker";
import sessionStorage from "./sessionStorage";
export const langPack: {[actionType: string]: string} = {
"messageActionChatCreate": "created the group",
"messageActionChatEditTitle": "changed group name",
"messageActionChatEditPhoto": "changed group photo",
"messageActionChatDeletePhoto": "removed group photo",
"messageActionChatReturn": "returned to group",
"messageActionChatJoined": "joined the group",
"messageActionChatAddUser": "invited {}",
"messageActionChatAddUsers": "invited {} users",
"messageActionChatLeave": "left the group",
"messageActionChatDeleteUser": "removed user {}",
"messageActionChatJoinedByLink": "joined the group via invite link",
"messageActionPinMessage": "pinned message",
"messageActionContactSignUp": "joined Telegram",
"messageActionChannelCreate": "Channel created",
"messageActionChannelEditTitle": "Channel renamed",
"messageActionChannelEditPhoto": "Channel photo updated",
"messageActionChannelDeletePhoto": "Channel photo removed",
"messageActionHistoryClear": "History was cleared",
export const langPack: {[actionType: string]: LangPackKey} = {
"messageActionChatCreate": "ActionCreateGroup",
"messageActionChatEditTitle": "ActionChangedTitle",
"messageActionChatEditPhoto": "ActionChangedPhoto",
"messageActionChatDeletePhoto": "ActionRemovedPhoto",
"messageActionChatReturn": "ActionAddUserSelf",
"messageActionChatJoined": "ActionAddUserSelfMega",
"messageActionChatAddUser": "ActionAddUser",
"messageActionChatAddUsers": "ActionAddUser",
"messageActionChatLeave": "ActionLeftUser",
"messageActionChatDeleteUser": "ActionKickUser",
"messageActionChatJoinedByLink": "ActionInviteUser",
"messageActionPinMessage": "ActionPinnedNoText",
"messageActionContactSignUp": "Chat.Service.PeerJoinedTelegram",
"messageActionChannelCreate": "ActionCreateChannel",
"messageActionChannelEditTitle": "Chat.Service.Channel.UpdatedTitle",
"messageActionChannelEditPhoto": "Chat.Service.Channel.UpdatedPhoto",
"messageActionChannelDeletePhoto": "Chat.Service.Channel.RemovedPhoto",
"messageActionHistoryClear": "HistoryCleared",
"messageActionChannelMigrateFrom": "",
"messageActionChannelMigrateFrom": "ActionMigrateFromGroup",
"messageActionPhoneCall.in_ok": "Incoming Call",
"messageActionPhoneCall.out_ok": "Outgoing Call",
"messageActionPhoneCall.in_missed": "Missed Call",
"messageActionPhoneCall.out_missed": "Cancelled Call",
"messageActionPhoneCall.in_ok": "ChatList.Service.Call.incoming",
"messageActionPhoneCall.out_ok": "ChatList.Service.Call.outgoing",
"messageActionPhoneCall.in_missed": "ChatList.Service.Call.Missed",
"messageActionPhoneCall.out_missed": "ChatList.Service.Call.Cancelled",
"messageActionBotAllowed": "You allowed this bot to message you when logged in {}"
"messageActionBotAllowed": "Chat.Service.BotPermissionAllowed"
export type LangPackKey = string | keyof typeof lang;
@ -109,11 +109,11 @@ namespace I18n {
export const polyfillPromise = (function checkIfPolyfillNeeded() {
if(typeof(Intl) !== 'undefined' && typeof(Intl.PluralRules) !== 'undefined' && false) {
if(typeof(Intl) !== 'undefined' && typeof(Intl.PluralRules) !== 'undefined'/* && false */) {
return Promise.resolve();
} else {
return import('./pluralPolyfill').then(_Intl => {
(window as any).Intl = _Intl.default;
return import('./pluralPolyfill').then((_Intl) => {
(window as any).Intl = Object.assign(typeof(Intl) !== 'undefined' ? Intl : {}, _Intl.default);
@ -167,15 +167,16 @@ namespace I18n {
.replace(/\*\*(.+?)\*\*/g, '<b>$1</b>');
if(args?.length) {
out = out.replace(/%\d\$.|%./g, (match, offset, string) => {
return '' + args.shift();
let i = 0;
out = out.replace(/un\d|%\d\$.|%./g, (match, offset, string) => {
return '' + args[i++];
return out;
const weakMap: WeakMap<HTMLElement, IntlElement> = new WeakMap();
export const weakMap: WeakMap<HTMLElement, IntlElement> = new WeakMap();
export type IntlElementOptions = {
element?: HTMLElement,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user