Fix strings
This commit is contained in:
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ const lang = {
"Permissions.NoExceptions": "No exceptions",
"Permissions.ExceptionsCount": {
"one_value": "%d exception",
"other_value": "%d exceptions",
"other_value": "%d exceptions"
"Link.Available": "Link is available",
"Link.Taken": "Link is already taken",
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ const lang = {
"NewPoll.OptionsAddOption": "Add an Option",
"NewPoll.MultipleChoice": "Multiple Answers",
"NewPoll.Quiz": "Quiz Mode",
"GroupPermission.Delete": "Delete Exception",
"GroupPermission.Delete": "Delete Exception"
export default lang;
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
"FilterAllBots" = "All Bots";
"WordDelimiter" = ", ";
"WordDelimiterLast" = " and ";
"EditContact.OriginalName" = "original name";
"EditProfile.FirstNameLabel" = "Name";
"EditProfile.BioLabel" = "Bio (optional)";
"EditProfile.Username.Label" = "Username (optional)";
@ -56,9 +57,19 @@
"PreviewSender.Send" = "SEND";
"PreviewSender.SendAlbum_one" = "Send Album";
"PreviewSender.SendAlbum_other" = "Send %d Albums";
"Presence.YourChat" = "chat with yourself";
"Privacy.Devices_one" = "%1$d device";
"Privacy.Devices_other" = "%1$d devices";
"PrivacyModal.Search.Placeholder" = "Add Users or Groups...";
"Permissions.NoExceptions" = "No exceptions";
"Permissions.ExceptionsCount_one" = "%d exception";
"Permissions.ExceptionsCount_other" = "%d exceptions";
"Link.Available" = "Link is available";
"Link.Taken" = "Link is already taken";
"Link.Invalid" = "Link is invalid";
"StickersTab.SearchPlaceholder" = "Search Stickers";
"StickerPack.Remove_one" = "Remove %d Sticker";
"StickerPack.Remove_other" = "Remove %d Stickers";
"ActionCreateChannel" = "Channel created";
"ActionCreateGroup" = "un1 created the group";
"ActionChangedTitle" = "un1 changed the group name to un2";
@ -74,19 +85,23 @@
"ActionInviteUser" = "un1 joined the group via invite link";
"ActionPinnedNoText" = "un1 pinned a message";
"ActionMigrateFromGroup" = "This group was upgraded to a supergroup";
"ActionYouScored" = "You scored %1$s";
"ActionUserScored" = "un1 scored %1$s";
"ActionYouScoredInGame" = "You scored %1$s in un2";
"ActionUserScoredInGame" = "un1 scored %1$s in un2";
"AttachPhoto" = "Photo";
"AttachVideo" = "Video";
"AttachGif" = "GIF";
"AttachLocation" = "Location";
"AttachLiveLocation" = "Live Location";
"AttachContact" = "Contact";
"AttachDocument" = "File";
"AttachSticker" = "Sticker";
"AttachAudio" = "Voice message";
"AttachRound" = "Video message";
"AttachGame" = "Game";
"ChannelMegaJoined" = "You joined this group";
"Channel.DescriptionPlaceholder" = "Description (optional)";
"DescriptionPlaceholder" = "Description";
"Draft" = "Draft";
"FilterAlwaysShow" = "Include Chats";
"FilterNeverShow" = "Exclude Chats";
@ -191,7 +206,6 @@
"LinkCopiedPrivateInfo" = "This link will only work for members of this chat.";
"GroupAddMembers" = "Add Members";
"SendMessageTo" = "Add people...";
"SelectChat" = "Select Chat";
"JumpToDate" = "Jump to Date";
"Caption" = "Caption";
"Message" = "Message";
@ -206,11 +220,70 @@
"AskAQuestion" = "Ask a Question";
"AddAnExplanationInfo" = "Users will see this text after choosing the wrong answer, good for educational purposes.";
"AccDescrQuizExplanation" = "Explanation";
"PhoneCopied" = "Phone copied to clipboard";
"UsernameCopied" = "Username copied to clipboard.";
"BioCopied" = "Bio copied to clipboard.";
"UserBio" = "Bio";
"Username" = "Username";
"Phone" = "Phone";
"Notifications" = "Notifications";
"AreYouSureDeleteContact" = "Are you sure you want to delete this contact?";
"AreYouSureDeleteAndExit" = "Are you sure you want to delete and leave the group?";
"AreYouSureDeleteAndExitChannel" = "Do you want to delete and leave the channel?";
"DeleteContact" = "Delete contact";
"GroupType" = "Group Type";
"ChannelType" = "Channel Type";
"TypePrivate" = "Private";
"TypePublic" = "Public";
"TypePrivateGroup" = "Private";
"TypePublicGroup" = "Public";
"GroupMembers" = "Members";
"DeleteMega" = "Delete Group";
"DeleteMegaMenu" = "Delete group";
"ChannelDeleteMenu" = "Delete channel";
"ChannelPermissions" = "Permissions";
"ChannelPermissionsHeader" = "What can members of this group do?";
"ChannelAddException" = "Add Exception";
"ChannelBlockedUsers" = "Removed users";
"NoBlockedUsers" = "No removed users";
"UserRestrictions" = "User Permissions";
"UserRestrictionsDisabled" = "This option is disabled for all members in Group Permissions";
"UserRestrictionsCanDo" = "What can this user do?";
"UserRestrictionsRead" = "Read Messages";
"UserRestrictionsSend" = "Send Messages";
"UserRestrictionsSendMedia" = "Send Media";
"UserRestrictionsSendPolls" = "Send Polls";
"UserRestrictionsSendStickers" = "Send Stickers and GIFs";
"UserRestrictionsEmbedLinks" = "Embed Links";
"UserRestrictionsChangeInfo" = "Change Chat Info";
"UserRestrictionsPinMessages" = "Pin Messages";
"UserRestrictionsInviteUsers" = "Add Users";
"UserRestrictionsBlock" = "Ban and remove from group";
"ChannelPublic" = "Public Channel";
"MegaPublic" = "Public Group";
"MegaLocation" = "Location-based Group";
"ChannelPublicInfo" = "Public channels can be found in search, anyone can join them.";
"MegaPublicInfo" = "Public groups can be found in search, chat history is available to everyone and anyone can join.";
"ChannelPrivate" = "Private Channel";
"MegaPrivate" = "Private Group";
"ChannelPrivateInfo" = "Private channels can only be joined via an invite link.";
"MegaPrivateInfo" = "Private groups can only be joined if you were invited or have an invite link.";
"ChannelPrivateLinkHelp" = "People can join your channel by following this link. You can revoke the link any time.";
"MegaPrivateLinkHelp" = "People can join your group by following this link. You can revoke the link any time.";
"RevokeButton" = "Revoke";
"RevokeLink" = "Revoke Link";
"RevokeAlert" = "Are you sure you want to revoke this link? Once the link is revoked, no one will be able to join using it.";
"SetUrlPlaceholder" = "Link";
"Subscribers_one" = "%1$d subscriber";
"Subscribers_other" = "%1$d subscribers";
"SearchGifsTitle" = "Search GIFs";
"AccountSettings.Filters" = "Chat Folders";
"AccountSettings.Notifications" = "Notifications and Sounds";
"AccountSettings.PrivacyAndSecurity" = "Privacy and Security";
"AccountSettings.Language" = "Language";
"Bio.Description" = "Any details such as age, occupation or city.\nExample: 23 y.o. designer from San Francisco";
"Channel.UsernameAboutChannel" = "People can share this link with others and can find your channel using Telegram search.";
"Channel.UsernameAboutGroup" = "People can share this link with others and find your group using Telegram search.";
"Chat.CopySelectedText" = "Copy Selected Text";
"Chat.Date.ScheduledFor" = "Scheduled for %@";
"Chat.Date.ScheduledForToday" = "Scheduled for today";
@ -222,6 +295,21 @@
"Chat.Service.BotPermissionAllowed" = "You allowed this bot to message you when you logged in on %@";
"Chat.Poll.Unvote" = "Retract Vote";
"Chat.Poll.Stop" = "Stop Poll";
"Chat.Poll.ViewResults" = "View Results";
"Chat.Poll.SubmitVote" = "Vote";
"Chat.Poll.Type.Anonymous" = "Anonymous Poll";
"Chat.Poll.Type.Public" = "Poll";
"Chat.Poll.Type.AnonymousQuiz" = "Anonymous Quiz";
"Chat.Poll.Type.Quiz" = "Quiz";
"Chat.Poll.Type.Closed" = "Final Results";
"Chat.Poll.TotalVotes1_one" = "%d vote";
"Chat.Poll.TotalVotes1_other" = "%d votes";
"Chat.Quiz.TotalVotes_one" = "%d answer";
"Chat.Quiz.TotalVotes_other" = "%d answers";
"Chat.Poll.TotalVotesEmpty" = "No votes yet";
"Chat.Poll.TotalVotesResultEmpty" = "No votes";
"Chat.Quiz.TotalVotesEmpty" = "No answers yet";
"Chat.Quiz.TotalVotesResultEmpty" = "No answers";
"Chat.Pinned.DontShow" = "Don't Show Pinned Messages";
"Chat.Title.Comments_one" = "%d Comment";
"Chat.Title.Comments_other" = "%d Comments";
@ -254,16 +342,55 @@
"Channel.DescriptionHolderDescrpiton" = "You can provide an optional description for your channel.";
"CreateGroup.NameHolder" = "Group Name";
"Date.Today" = "Today";
"DeleteChat.DeleteGroupForAll" = "Delete for all members";
"DeleteChannelForAll" = "Delete for all subscribers";
"EditAccount.Username" = "Username";
"EditAccount.Title" = "Edit Profile";
"EditAccount.Logout" = "Log Out";
"LastSeen.HoursAgo_one" = "last seen %d hour ago";
"LastSeen.HoursAgo_other" = "last seen %d hours ago";
"Login.Register.LastName.Placeholder" = "Last Name";
"Telegram.GeneralSettingsViewController" = "General Settings";
"Telegram.InstalledStickerPacksController" = "Stickers";
"Telegram.NotificationSettingsViewController" = "Notifications";
"Telegram.PeerInfoController" = "Info";
"StickerPack.Add1_one" = "Add %d Sticker";
"StickerPack.Add1_other" = "Add %d Stickers";
"Stickers.Count_one" = "%d sticker";
"Stickers.Count_other" = "%d stickers";
"Stickers.SearchAdd" = "Add";
"Stickers.SearchAdded" = "Added";
"Stickers.SuggestStickers" = "Suggest Stickers by Emoji";
"ShareModal.Search.ForwardPlaceholder" = "Forward to...";
"InstalledStickers.LoopAnimated" = "Loop Animated Stickers";
"Peer.Activity.User.TypingText" = "typing";
"Peer.ServiceNotifications" = "service notifications";
"Peer.RepliesNotifications" = "Reply Notifications";
"" = "online";
"Peer.Status.recently" = "last seen recently";
"Peer.Status.justNow" = "last seen just now";
"Peer.Status.lastWeek" = "last seen within a week";
"Peer.Status.lastMonth" = "last seen within a month";
"Peer.Status.longTimeAgo" = "last seen a long time ago";
"Peer.Status.Today" = "today";
"Peer.Status.Yesterday" = "yesterday";
"Peer.Status.LastSeenAt" = "last seen %@ at %@";
"Peer.Status.minAgo_one" = "last seen %d minute ago";
"Peer.Status.minAgo_other" = "last seen %d minutes ago";
"Peer.Status.Member_one" = "%d member";
"Peer.Status.Member_other" = "%d members";
"Peer.Status.Subscribers_one" = "%d subscriber";
"Peer.Status.Subscribers_other" = "%d subscribers";
"PeerInfo.Administrators" = "Administrators";
"PeerInfo.DeleteChannel" = "Delete Channel";
"PeerInfo.Discussion" = "Discussion";
"PeerInfo.Discussion.Add" = "Add";
"PeerInfo.SignMessages" = "Sign Messages";
"PeerInfo.SharedMedia" = "Shared Media";
"PeerInfo.Subscribers" = "Subscribers";
"PollResults.Title.Poll" = "Poll Results";
"PollResults.Title.Quiz" = "Quiz Results";
"PollResults.LoadMore_other" = "Show More (%d)";
"PreviewSender.CaptionPlaceholder" = "Add a caption...";
"PreviewSender.SendFile_one" = "Send File";
"PreviewSender.SendFile_other" = "Send %d Files";
@ -271,6 +398,8 @@
"PreviewSender.SendPhoto_other" = "Send %d Photos";
"PreviewSender.SendVideo_one" = "Send Video";
"PreviewSender.SendVideo_other" = "Send %d Videos";
"" = "bot";
"Presence.Support" = "support";
"PrivacyAndSecurity.Item.On" = "On";
"PrivacyAndSecurity.Item.Off" = "Off";
"PrivacySettings.VoiceCalls" = "Calls";
@ -293,7 +422,7 @@
"PrivacySettingsController.AlwaysAllow" = "Always Allow";
"PrivacySettingsController.UserCount_one" = "%d user";
"PrivacySettingsController.UserCount_other" = "%d users";
"RcentSessions.Error.FreshReset" = "For security reasons, you can't terminate older sessions from a device that you've just connected. Please use an earlier connection or wait for a few hours.";
"RecentSessions.Error.FreshReset" = "For security reasons, you can't terminate older sessions from a device that you've just connected. Please use an earlier connection or wait for a few hours.";
"Message.Context.Select" = "Select";
"Message.Context.Pin" = "Pin";
"Message.Context.Unpin" = "Unpin";
@ -302,3 +431,4 @@
"NewPoll.OptionsAddOption" = "Add an Option";
"NewPoll.MultipleChoice" = "Multiple Answers";
"NewPoll.Quiz" = "Quiz Mode";
"GroupPermission.Delete" = "Delete Exception";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user