2021-04-08 17:52:31 +04:00
* https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb
* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
* https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/master/LICENSE
2020-10-07 16:57:33 +03:00
import appImManager from "../../../lib/appManagers/appImManager";
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
import appMessagesManager, { AppMessagesManager } from "../../../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager";
2020-10-07 16:57:33 +03:00
import appPeersManager from "../../../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager";
import appProfileManager from "../../../lib/appManagers/appProfileManager";
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
import appUsersManager, { User } from "../../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager";
2020-10-07 16:57:33 +03:00
import { RichTextProcessor } from "../../../lib/richtextprocessor";
2020-11-15 05:33:47 +02:00
import rootScope from "../../../lib/rootScope";
2020-12-25 14:53:20 +02:00
import AppSearchSuper, { SearchSuperType } from "../../appSearchSuper.";
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
import AvatarElement, { openAvatarViewer } from "../../avatar";
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
import SidebarSlider, { SliderSuperTab } from "../../slider";
2021-03-09 02:15:44 +04:00
import CheckboxField from "../../checkboxField";
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
import { attachClickEvent, replaceContent, cancelEvent } from "../../../helpers/dom";
2021-02-15 19:49:58 +04:00
import appSidebarRight from "..";
import { TransitionSlider } from "../../transition";
2021-03-11 07:06:44 +04:00
import appNotificationsManager from "../../../lib/appManagers/appNotificationsManager";
2021-05-05 14:50:32 +04:00
import AppEditChatTab from "./editChat";
2021-03-13 06:22:42 +04:00
import PeerTitle from "../../peerTitle";
2021-03-13 07:03:59 +04:00
import AppEditContactTab from "./editContact";
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
import appChatsManager, { Channel } from "../../../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager";
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
import { Chat, Message, MessageAction, ChatFull, Photo } from "../../../layer";
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
import Button from "../../button";
import ButtonIcon from "../../buttonIcon";
2021-04-10 17:52:21 +04:00
import I18n, { i18n, LangPackKey } from "../../../lib/langPack";
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
import { SettingSection } from "../../sidebarLeft";
import Row from "../../row";
import { copyTextToClipboard } from "../../../helpers/clipboard";
import { toast } from "../../toast";
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
import { fastRaf } from "../../../helpers/schedulers";
import { safeAssign } from "../../../helpers/object";
import { forEachReverse } from "../../../helpers/array";
import appPhotosManager from "../../../lib/appManagers/appPhotosManager";
import renderImageFromUrl from "../../../helpers/dom/renderImageFromUrl";
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
import SwipeHandler from "../../swipeHandler";
2021-04-09 20:44:43 +04:00
import { MOUNT_CLASS_TO } from "../../../config/debug";
2021-04-10 17:52:21 +04:00
import AppAddMembersTab from "../../sidebarLeft/tabs/addMembers";
import PopupPickUser from "../../popups/pickUser";
import PopupPeer from "../../popups/peer";
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
import Scrollable from "../../scrollable";
import { isTouchSupported } from "../../../helpers/touchSupport";
2021-04-23 16:44:19 +04:00
import { isFirefox } from "../../../helpers/userAgent";
2021-05-01 22:49:32 +04:00
import appDownloadManager from "../../../lib/appManagers/appDownloadManager";
2021-05-03 23:17:50 +04:00
import ButtonCorner from "../../buttonCorner";
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
let setText = (text: string, row: Row) => {
2021-04-18 15:55:56 +04:00
//fastRaf(() => {
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
row.title.innerHTML = text;
row.container.style.display = '';
2021-04-18 15:55:56 +04:00
2020-09-24 02:37:22 +03:00
2021-04-23 16:44:19 +04:00
const PARALLAX_SUPPORTED = !isFirefox;
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
type ListLoaderResult<T> = {count: number, items: any[]};
class ListLoader<T> {
public current: T;
public previous: T[] = [];
public next: T[] = [];
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
public count: number;
2020-09-24 02:37:22 +03:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
public tempId = 0;
public loadMore: (anchor: T, older: boolean) => Promise<ListLoaderResult<T>>;
public processItem: (item: any) => false | T;
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
public onJump: (item: T, older: boolean) => void;
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
public loadCount = 50;
public reverse = false; // reverse means next = higher msgid
2020-09-24 02:37:22 +03:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
public loadedAllUp = false;
public loadedAllDown = false;
public loadPromiseUp: Promise<void>;
public loadPromiseDown: Promise<void>;
2020-12-25 01:19:34 +02:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
constructor(options: {
loadMore: ListLoader<T>['loadMore'],
loadCount: ListLoader<T>['loadCount'],
processItem?: ListLoader<T>['processItem'],
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
onJump: ListLoader<T>['onJump'],
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
}) {
safeAssign(this, options);
2020-09-24 02:37:22 +03:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
2021-03-13 06:22:42 +04:00
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
get index() {
return this.count !== undefined ? this.previous.length : -1;
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
public go(length: number) {
let items: T[], item: T;
if(length > 0) {
items = this.next.splice(0, length);
item = items.pop();
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
if(!item) {
this.previous.push(this.current, ...items);
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
} else {
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
items = this.previous.splice(this.previous.length + length, -length);
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
item = items.shift();
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
if(!item) {
this.next.unshift(...items, this.current);
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
this.current = item;
this.onJump(item, length > 0);
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
public load(older: boolean) {
if(older && this.loadedAllDown) return Promise.resolve();
else if(!older && this.loadedAllUp) return Promise.resolve();
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
if(older && this.loadPromiseDown) return this.loadPromiseDown;
else if(!older && this.loadPromiseUp) return this.loadPromiseUp;
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
/* const loadCount = 50;
const backLimit = older ? 0 : loadCount; */
let anchor: T;
if(older) {
anchor = this.reverse ? this.previous[0] : this.next[this.next.length - 1];
} else {
anchor = this.reverse ? this.next[this.next.length - 1] : this.previous[0];
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
const promise = this.loadMore(anchor, older).then(result => {
if(result.items.length < this.loadCount) {
if(older) this.loadedAllDown = true;
else this.loadedAllUp = true;
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
if(this.count === undefined) {
this.count = result.count || result.items.length;
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
const method = older ? result.items.forEach.bind(result.items) : forEachReverse.bind(null, result.items);
method((item: any) => {
const processed = this.processItem ? this.processItem(item) : item;
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
if(!processed) return;
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
if(older) {
if(this.reverse) this.previous.unshift(processed);
else this.next.push(processed);
} else {
if(this.reverse) this.next.push(processed);
else this.previous.unshift(processed);
}, () => {}).then(() => {
if(older) this.loadPromiseDown = null;
else this.loadPromiseUp = null;
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
if(older) this.loadPromiseDown = promise;
else this.loadPromiseUp = promise;
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
return promise;
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
class PeerProfileAvatars {
2021-04-23 16:44:19 +04:00
private static BASE_CLASS = 'profile-avatars';
private static SCALE = PARALLAX_SUPPORTED ? 2 : 1;
private static TRANSLATE_TEMPLATE = PARALLAX_SUPPORTED ? `translate3d({x}, 0, -1px) scale(${PeerProfileAvatars.SCALE})` : 'translate({x}, 0)';
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
public container: HTMLElement;
public avatars: HTMLElement;
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
public gradient: HTMLElement;
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
public info: HTMLElement;
2021-04-23 16:44:19 +04:00
private tabs: HTMLDivElement;
private listLoader: ListLoader<string | Message.messageService>;
private peerId: number;
2020-09-24 02:37:22 +03:00
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
constructor(public scrollable: Scrollable) {
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
this.container = document.createElement('div');
this.container.classList.add(PeerProfileAvatars.BASE_CLASS + '-container');
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
this.avatars = document.createElement('div');
this.avatars.classList.add(PeerProfileAvatars.BASE_CLASS + '-avatars');
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
this.gradient = document.createElement('div');
this.gradient.classList.add(PeerProfileAvatars.BASE_CLASS + '-gradient');
2021-04-10 21:28:41 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
this.info = document.createElement('div');
this.info.classList.add(PeerProfileAvatars.BASE_CLASS + '-info');
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
this.tabs = document.createElement('div');
this.tabs.classList.add(PeerProfileAvatars.BASE_CLASS + '-tabs');
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
this.container.append(this.avatars, this.gradient, this.info, this.tabs);
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
const checkScrollTop = () => {
if(this.scrollable.scrollTop !== 0) {
this.scrollable.scrollIntoViewNew(this.scrollable.container.firstElementChild as HTMLElement, 'start');
return false;
return true;
const SWITCH_ZONE = 1 / 3;
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
let cancel = false;
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
let freeze = false;
attachClickEvent(this.container, async(_e) => {
if(freeze) {
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
if(cancel) {
cancel = false;
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
if(!checkScrollTop()) {
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
const rect = this.container.getBoundingClientRect();
const e = (_e as TouchEvent).touches ? (_e as TouchEvent).touches[0] : _e as MouseEvent;
const x = e.pageX;
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
const clickX = x - rect.left;
2021-04-13 22:48:46 +04:00
if((!this.listLoader.previous.length && !this.listLoader.next.length)
|| (clickX > (rect.width * SWITCH_ZONE) && clickX < (rect.width - rect.width * SWITCH_ZONE))) {
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
const peerId = this.peerId;
const targets: {element: HTMLElement, item: string | Message.messageService}[] = [];
this.listLoader.previous.concat(this.listLoader.current, this.listLoader.next).forEach((item, idx) => {
element: /* null */this.avatars.children[idx] as HTMLElement,
const prevTargets = targets.slice(0, this.listLoader.previous.length);
const nextTargets = targets.slice(this.listLoader.previous.length + 1);
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
const target = this.avatars.children[this.listLoader.previous.length] as HTMLElement;
freeze = true;
openAvatarViewer(target, peerId, () => peerId === this.peerId, this.listLoader.current, prevTargets, nextTargets);
freeze = false;
} else {
const centerX = rect.right - (rect.width / 2);
const toRight = x > centerX;
// this.avatars.classList.remove('no-transition');
// fastRaf(() => {
this.listLoader.go(toRight ? 1 : -1);
// });
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
const cancelNextClick = () => {
cancel = true;
document.body.addEventListener(isTouchSupported ? 'touchend' : 'click', (e) => {
cancel = false;
}, {once: true});
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
let width = 0, x = 0, lastDiffX = 0, lastIndex = 0, minX = 0;
const swipeHandler = new SwipeHandler({
element: this.avatars,
onSwipe: (xDiff, yDiff) => {
lastDiffX = xDiff;
2021-04-23 16:44:19 +04:00
let lastX = x + xDiff * -PeerProfileAvatars.SCALE;
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
if(lastX > 0) lastX = 0;
else if(lastX < minX) lastX = minX;
2021-04-23 16:44:19 +04:00
this.avatars.style.transform = PeerProfileAvatars.TRANSLATE_TEMPLATE.replace('{x}', lastX + 'px');
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
//console.log(xDiff, yDiff);
return false;
verifyTouchTarget: (e) => {
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
if(!checkScrollTop()) {
return false;
} else if(this.tabs.classList.contains('hide') || freeze) {
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
return false;
return true;
onFirstSwipe: () => {
const rect = this.avatars.getBoundingClientRect();
width = rect.width;
minX = -width * (this.tabs.childElementCount - 1);
/* lastIndex = whichChild(this.tabs.querySelector('.active'));
x = -width * lastIndex; */
x = rect.left - this.container.getBoundingClientRect().left;
2021-04-23 16:44:19 +04:00
this.avatars.style.transform = PeerProfileAvatars.TRANSLATE_TEMPLATE.replace('{x}', x + 'px');
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
void this.avatars.offsetLeft; // reflow
onReset: () => {
2021-04-23 16:44:19 +04:00
const addIndex = Math.ceil(Math.abs(lastDiffX) / (width / PeerProfileAvatars.SCALE)) * (lastDiffX >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
fastRaf(() => {
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
public setPeer(peerId: number) {
this.peerId = peerId;
const photo = appPeersManager.getPeerPhoto(peerId);
if(!photo) {
const loadCount = 50;
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
const listLoader: PeerProfileAvatars['listLoader'] = this.listLoader = new ListLoader<string | Message.messageService>({
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
loadMore: (anchor, older) => {
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
if(peerId > 0) {
return appPhotosManager.getUserPhotos(peerId, (anchor || listLoader.current) as any, loadCount).then(result => {
return {
count: result.count,
items: result.photos
} else {
const promises: [Promise<ChatFull>, ReturnType<AppMessagesManager['getSearch']>] = [] as any;
if(!listLoader.current) {
2021-04-16 17:30:42 +04:00
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
inputFilter: {
_: 'inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos'
limit: loadCount,
backLimit: 0
return Promise.all(promises).then((result) => {
const value = result.pop() as typeof result[1];
if(!listLoader.current) {
const chatFull = result[0];
const message = value.history.findAndSplice(m => {
return ((m as Message.messageService).action as MessageAction.messageActionChannelEditPhoto).photo.id === chatFull.chat_photo.id;
}) as Message.messageService;
listLoader.current = message || appMessagesManager.generateFakeAvatarMessage(this.peerId, chatFull.chat_photo);
//console.log('avatars loaded:', value);
return {
count: value.count,
items: value.history
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
processItem: this.processItem,
onJump: (item, older) => {
const id = this.listLoader.index;
//const nextId = Math.max(0, id);
2021-04-23 16:44:19 +04:00
const x = 100 * PeerProfileAvatars.SCALE * id;
this.avatars.style.transform = PeerProfileAvatars.TRANSLATE_TEMPLATE.replace('{x}', `-${x}%`);
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
const activeTab = this.tabs.querySelector('.active');
if(activeTab) activeTab.classList.remove('active');
const tab = this.tabs.children[id] as HTMLElement;
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
if(photo._ === 'userProfilePhoto') {
listLoader.current = photo.photo_id;
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
public addTab() {
const tab = document.createElement('div');
tab.classList.add(PeerProfileAvatars.BASE_CLASS + '-tab');
if(this.tabs.childElementCount === 1) {
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
this.tabs.classList.toggle('hide', this.tabs.childElementCount <= 1);
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
public processItem = (photoId: string | Message.messageService) => {
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
const avatar = document.createElement('div');
avatar.classList.add(PeerProfileAvatars.BASE_CLASS + '-avatar');
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
let photo: Photo.photo;
if(photoId) {
photo = typeof(photoId) === 'string' ?
appPhotosManager.getPhoto(photoId) :
(photoId.action as MessageAction.messageActionChannelEditPhoto).photo as Photo.photo;
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
const img = new Image();
img.classList.add(PeerProfileAvatars.BASE_CLASS + '-avatar-image');
img.draggable = false;
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
if(photo) {
2021-05-01 22:49:32 +04:00
const size = appPhotosManager.choosePhotoSize(photo, 420, 420, false);
appPhotosManager.preloadPhoto(photo, size).then(() => {
const cacheContext = appDownloadManager.getCacheContext(photo, size.type);
renderImageFromUrl(img, cacheContext.url, () => {
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
} else {
const photo = appPeersManager.getPeerPhoto(this.peerId);
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
appProfileManager.putAvatar(avatar, this.peerId, photo, 'photo_big', img);
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
return photoId;
class PeerProfile {
public element: HTMLElement;
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
public avatars: PeerProfileAvatars;
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
private avatar: AvatarElement;
private section: SettingSection;
private name: HTMLDivElement;
private subtitle: HTMLDivElement;
private bio: Row;
private username: Row;
private phone: Row;
private notifications: Row;
private cleaned: boolean;
private setBioTimeout: number;
private setPeerStatusInterval: number;
private peerId = 0;
private threadId: number;
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
constructor(public scrollable: Scrollable) {
2021-04-23 16:44:19 +04:00
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
public init() {
this.init = null;
this.element = document.createElement('div');
this.section = new SettingSection({
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
noDelimiter: true
2021-02-01 05:07:44 +02:00
2021-01-20 05:38:59 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
this.avatar = new AvatarElement();
this.avatar.classList.add('profile-avatar', 'avatar-120');
this.avatar.setAttribute('dialog', '1');
this.avatar.setAttribute('clickable', '');
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
this.name = document.createElement('div');
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
this.subtitle = document.createElement('div');
this.bio = new Row({
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
title: ' ',
subtitleLangKey: 'UserBio',
icon: 'info',
2021-04-03 01:45:51 +04:00
clickable: (e) => {
if((e.target as HTMLElement).tagName === 'A') {
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
appProfileManager.getProfileByPeerId(this.peerId).then(full => {
toast(I18n.format('BioCopied', true));
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
2021-04-03 01:45:51 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
this.username = new Row({
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
title: ' ',
subtitleLangKey: 'Username',
icon: 'username',
clickable: () => {
const peer: Channel | User = appPeersManager.getPeer(this.peerId);
copyTextToClipboard('@' + peer.username);
toast(I18n.format('UsernameCopied', true));
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
this.phone = new Row({
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
title: ' ',
subtitleLangKey: 'Phone',
icon: 'phone',
clickable: () => {
const peer: User = appUsersManager.getUser(this.peerId);
copyTextToClipboard('+' + peer.phone);
toast(I18n.format('PhoneCopied', true));
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
this.notifications = new Row({
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
checkboxField: new CheckboxField({toggle: true}),
titleLangKey: 'Notifications',
icon: 'unmute'
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
this.section.content.append(this.phone.container, this.username.container, this.bio.container, this.notifications.container);
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
const delimiter = document.createElement('div');
this.element.append(this.section.container, delimiter);
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
this.notifications.checkboxField.input.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
if(!e.isTrusted) {
//let checked = this.notificationsCheckbox.checked;
rootScope.on('dialog_notify_settings', (dialog) => {
if(this.peerId === dialog.peerId) {
const muted = appNotificationsManager.isPeerLocalMuted(this.peerId, false);
this.notifications.checkboxField.checked = !muted;
rootScope.on('peer_typings', (e) => {
const {peerId} = e;
if(this.peerId === peerId) {
rootScope.on('peer_bio_edit', (peerId) => {
if(peerId === this.peerId) {
rootScope.on('user_update', (e) => {
const userId = e;
if(this.peerId === userId) {
this.setPeerStatusInterval = window.setInterval(this.setPeerStatus, 60e3);
public setPeerStatus = (needClear = false) => {
if(!this.peerId) return;
const peerId = this.peerId;
2021-04-20 22:00:38 +04:00
appImManager.setPeerStatus(this.peerId, this.subtitle, needClear, true, () => peerId === this.peerId);
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
public cleanupHTML() {
this.bio.container.style.display = 'none';
this.phone.container.style.display = 'none';
this.username.container.style.display = 'none';
this.notifications.container.style.display = '';
this.notifications.checkboxField.checked = true;
if(this.setBioTimeout) {
this.setBioTimeout = 0;
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
public setAvatar() {
2021-04-10 22:29:58 +04:00
if(this.peerId !== rootScope.myId) {
const photo = appPeersManager.getPeerPhoto(this.peerId);
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
2021-04-10 22:29:58 +04:00
if(photo) {
const oldAvatars = this.avatars;
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
this.avatars = new PeerProfileAvatars(this.scrollable);
2021-04-10 22:29:58 +04:00
this.avatars.info.append(this.name, this.subtitle);
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
2021-04-10 22:29:58 +04:00
if(oldAvatars) oldAvatars.container.replaceWith(this.avatars.container);
else this.element.prepend(this.avatars.container);
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
2021-04-23 16:44:19 +04:00
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
2021-04-10 22:29:58 +04:00
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
2021-04-23 16:44:19 +04:00
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
2021-04-10 22:29:58 +04:00
if(this.avatars) {
this.avatars = undefined;
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
2021-04-10 22:29:58 +04:00
this.avatar.setAttribute('peer', '' + this.peerId);
this.section.content.prepend(this.avatar, this.name, this.subtitle);
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
public fillProfileElements() {
if(!this.cleaned) return;
this.cleaned = false;
const peerId = this.peerId;
2021-04-07 11:56:18 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
// username
if(peerId !== rootScope.myId) {
let username = appPeersManager.getPeerUsername(peerId);
if(username) {
setText(appPeersManager.getPeerUsername(peerId), this.username);
const muted = appNotificationsManager.isPeerLocalMuted(peerId, false);
this.notifications.checkboxField.checked = !muted;
} else {
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this.notifications.container.style.display = 'none';
//let membersLi = this.profileTabs.firstElementChild.children[0] as HTMLLIElement;
if(peerId > 0) {
//membersLi.style.display = 'none';
let user = appUsersManager.getUser(peerId);
if(user.phone && peerId !== rootScope.myId) {
2021-04-26 18:33:51 +04:00
setText(appUsersManager.formatUserPhone(user.phone), this.phone);
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
}/* else {
//membersLi.style.display = appPeersManager.isBroadcast(peerId) ? 'none' : '';
} */
replaceContent(this.name, new PeerTitle({
dialog: true
public setBio(override?: true) {
if(this.setBioTimeout) {
this.setBioTimeout = 0;
const peerId = this.peerId;
const threadId = this.threadId;
if(!peerId) {
let promise: Promise<boolean>;
if(peerId > 0) {
promise = appProfileManager.getProfile(peerId, override).then(userFull => {
if(this.peerId !== peerId || this.threadId !== threadId) {
//this.log.warn('peer changed');
return false;
if(userFull.rAbout && peerId !== rootScope.myId) {
setText(userFull.rAbout, this.bio);
//this.log('userFull', userFull);
return true;
} else {
promise = appProfileManager.getChatFull(-peerId, override).then((chatFull) => {
if(this.peerId !== peerId || this.threadId !== threadId) {
//this.log.warn('peer changed');
return false;
//this.log('chatInfo res 2:', chatFull);
if(chatFull.about) {
setText(RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(chatFull.about), this.bio);
return true;
promise.then((canSetNext) => {
if(canSetNext) {
this.setBioTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => this.setBio(true), 60e3);
public setPeer(peerId: number, threadId = 0) {
if(this.peerId === peerId && this.threadId === peerId) return;
if(this.init) {
this.peerId = peerId;
this.threadId = threadId;
this.cleaned = true;
// TODO: отредактированное сообщение не изменится
export default class AppSharedMediaTab extends SliderSuperTab {
2021-04-09 20:44:43 +04:00
private editBtn: HTMLElement;
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
private peerId = 0;
private threadId = 0;
2021-04-09 20:44:43 +04:00
private historiesStorage: {
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
[peerId: number]: Partial<{
[type in SearchSuperType]: {mid: number, peerId: number}[]
} = {};
private searchSuper: AppSearchSuper;
2021-04-09 20:44:43 +04:00
private profile: PeerProfile;
2021-04-16 17:30:42 +04:00
peerChanged: boolean;
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
constructor(slider: SidebarSlider) {
super(slider, false);
2021-04-09 20:44:43 +04:00
public init() {
2021-04-11 03:14:57 +04:00
//const perf = performance.now();
2021-04-09 20:44:43 +04:00
this.container.classList.add('shared-media-container', 'profile-container');
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
// * header
const newCloseBtn = Button('btn-icon sidebar-close-button', {noRipple: true});
this.closeBtn = newCloseBtn;
const animatedCloseIcon = document.createElement('div');
const transitionContainer = document.createElement('div');
transitionContainer.className = 'transition slide-fade';
const transitionFirstItem = document.createElement('div');
this.editBtn = ButtonIcon('edit');
//const moreBtn = ButtonIcon('more');
transitionFirstItem.append(this.title, this.editBtn/* , moreBtn */);
const transitionLastItem = document.createElement('div');
const secondTitle: HTMLElement = this.title.cloneNode() as any;
transitionContainer.append(transitionFirstItem, transitionLastItem);
// * body
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
this.profile = new PeerProfile(this.scrollable);
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
2021-02-15 19:49:58 +04:00
const HEADER_HEIGHT = 56;
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
this.scrollable.onAdditionalScroll = () => {
2021-02-15 19:49:58 +04:00
const rect = this.searchSuper.nav.getBoundingClientRect();
if(!rect.width) return;
2021-04-26 18:33:51 +04:00
const top = rect.top - 1;
2021-02-15 19:49:58 +04:00
const isSharedMedia = top <= HEADER_HEIGHT;
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
animatedCloseIcon.classList.toggle('state-back', isSharedMedia);
2021-04-13 20:19:52 +04:00
this.searchSuper.container.classList.toggle('is-full-viewport', isSharedMedia);
2021-02-15 19:49:58 +04:00
2021-03-12 02:39:57 +04:00
if(!isSharedMedia) {
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
2021-03-12 02:39:57 +04:00
2021-02-15 19:49:58 +04:00
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
const transition = TransitionSlider(transitionContainer, 'slide-fade', 400, null, false);
2021-02-15 19:49:58 +04:00
attachClickEvent(this.closeBtn, (e) => {
if(this.closeBtn.firstElementChild.classList.contains('state-back')) {
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
this.scrollable.scrollIntoViewNew(this.scrollable.container.firstElementChild as HTMLElement, 'start');
2021-02-15 19:49:58 +04:00
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
} else if(!this.scrollable.isHeavyAnimationInProgress) {
2021-03-10 18:08:28 +04:00
2021-02-15 19:49:58 +04:00
2021-03-12 23:02:05 +04:00
attachClickEvent(this.editBtn, (e) => {
2021-05-05 14:50:32 +04:00
let tab: AppEditChatTab | AppEditContactTab;
if(this.peerId < 0) {
tab = new AppEditChatTab(appSidebarRight);
2021-03-12 23:02:05 +04:00
} else {
2021-05-05 14:50:32 +04:00
tab = new AppEditContactTab(appSidebarRight);
2021-03-12 23:02:05 +04:00
2021-03-13 02:43:18 +04:00
if(tab) {
2021-05-05 14:50:32 +04:00
if(tab instanceof AppEditChatTab) {
2021-03-17 17:05:32 +04:00
tab.chatId = -this.peerId;
} else {
tab.peerId = this.peerId;
2021-03-13 02:43:18 +04:00
2021-03-12 23:02:05 +04:00
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
this.searchSuper = new AppSearchSuper({
mediaTabs: [{
inputFilter: 'inputMessagesFilterEmpty',
name: 'PeerMedia.Members',
type: 'members'
}, {
inputFilter: 'inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo',
name: 'SharedMediaTab2',
type: 'media'
}, {
inputFilter: 'inputMessagesFilterDocument',
name: 'SharedFilesTab2',
type: 'files'
}, {
inputFilter: 'inputMessagesFilterUrl',
name: 'SharedLinksTab2',
type: 'links'
}, {
inputFilter: 'inputMessagesFilterMusic',
name: 'SharedMusicTab2',
type: 'music'
2021-04-10 23:39:36 +04:00
}, {
inputFilter: 'inputMessagesFilterVoice',
name: 'SharedVoiceTab2',
type: 'voice'
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
2021-04-10 17:52:21 +04:00
scrollable: this.scrollable,
onChangeTab: (mediaTab) => {
let timeout = mediaTab.type === 'members' && rootScope.settings.animationsEnabled ? 250 : 0;
setTimeout(() => {
btnAddMembers.classList.toggle('is-hidden', mediaTab.type !== 'members');
}, timeout);
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
2021-04-09 20:44:43 +04:00
2021-05-03 23:17:50 +04:00
const btnAddMembers = ButtonCorner({icon: 'addmember_filled'});
2021-04-09 20:44:43 +04:00
2021-04-10 17:52:21 +04:00
btnAddMembers.addEventListener('click', () => {
const id = -this.peerId;
const isChannel = appChatsManager.isChannel(id);
const showConfirmation = (peerIds: number[], callback: () => void) => {
let titleLangKey: LangPackKey = 'GroupAddMembers', descriptionLangKey: LangPackKey, descriptionLangArgs: any[];
if(peerIds.length > 1) {
descriptionLangKey = 'PeerInfo.Confirm.AddMembers1';
descriptionLangArgs = [peerIds.length];
} else {
descriptionLangKey = 'PeerInfo.Confirm.AddMember';
descriptionLangArgs = [new PeerTitle({
peerId: peerIds[0],
onlyFirstName: true
new PopupPeer('popup-add-members', {
peerId: -id,
buttons: [{
langKey: 'Add',
callback: () => {
if(isChannel) {
const tab = new AppAddMembersTab(this.slider);
peerId: this.peerId,
type: 'channel',
skippable: false,
takeOut: (peerIds) => {
showConfirmation(peerIds, () => {
tab.attachToPromise(appChatsManager.inviteToChannel(id, peerIds));
return false;
title: 'GroupAddMembers',
placeholder: 'SendMessageTo'
} else {
new PopupPickUser({
peerTypes: ['contacts'],
placeholder: 'Search',
onSelect: (peerId) => {
setTimeout(() => {
showConfirmation([peerId], () => {
appChatsManager.addChatUser(id, peerId);
}, 0);
2021-04-11 03:14:57 +04:00
//console.log('construct shared media time:', performance.now() - perf);
2020-09-24 02:37:22 +03:00
2020-12-11 04:06:16 +02:00
public renderNewMessages(peerId: number, mids: number[]) {
2020-10-26 02:09:42 +02:00
if(this.init) return; // * not inited yet
2020-10-28 19:49:58 +02:00
2020-12-11 04:06:16 +02:00
if(!this.historiesStorage[peerId]) return;
2020-10-26 02:09:42 +02:00
2020-10-23 03:07:30 +03:00
mids = mids.slice().reverse(); // ! because it will be ascend sorted array
2021-04-10 23:39:36 +04:00
for(const mediaTab of this.searchSuper.mediaTabs) {
const inputFilter = mediaTab.inputFilter;
2020-12-25 14:53:20 +02:00
const filtered = this.searchSuper.filterMessagesByType(mids.map(mid => appMessagesManager.getMessageByPeer(peerId, mid)), inputFilter);
2020-10-23 03:07:30 +03:00
if(filtered.length) {
2020-12-25 01:19:34 +02:00
if(this.historiesStorage[peerId][inputFilter]) {
2020-12-25 14:53:20 +02:00
this.historiesStorage[peerId][inputFilter].unshift(...filtered.map(message => ({mid: message.mid, peerId: message.peerId})));
2020-10-28 19:49:58 +02:00
2021-02-04 02:30:23 +02:00
if(this.peerId === peerId && this.searchSuper.usedFromHistory[inputFilter] !== -1) {
2020-12-25 01:19:34 +02:00
this.searchSuper.usedFromHistory[inputFilter] += filtered.length;
2021-04-10 23:39:36 +04:00
this.searchSuper.performSearchResult(filtered, mediaTab, false);
2020-10-23 03:07:30 +03:00
2020-12-11 04:06:16 +02:00
public deleteDeletedMessages(peerId: number, mids: number[]) {
2020-10-26 02:09:42 +02:00
if(this.init) return; // * not inited yet
2020-12-11 04:06:16 +02:00
if(!this.historiesStorage[peerId]) return;
2020-10-28 19:49:58 +02:00
2020-10-23 03:07:30 +03:00
for(const mid of mids) {
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
for(const type of this.searchSuper.mediaTabs) {
2020-12-25 01:19:34 +02:00
const inputFilter = type.inputFilter;
if(!this.historiesStorage[peerId][inputFilter]) continue;
2020-10-23 03:07:30 +03:00
2020-12-25 01:19:34 +02:00
const history = this.historiesStorage[peerId][inputFilter];
2020-12-25 14:53:20 +02:00
const idx = history.findIndex(m => m.mid === mid);
2020-10-23 03:07:30 +03:00
if(idx !== -1) {
history.splice(idx, 1);
2021-02-04 02:30:23 +02:00
if(this.peerId === peerId) {
2020-12-25 01:19:34 +02:00
const container = this.searchSuper.tabs[inputFilter];
2020-12-25 14:53:20 +02:00
const div = container.querySelector(`div[data-mid="${mid}"][data-peer-id="${peerId}"]`);
2020-10-28 19:49:58 +02:00
if(div) {
2020-12-25 01:19:34 +02:00
if(this.searchSuper.usedFromHistory[inputFilter] >= (idx + 1)) {
2020-10-23 03:07:30 +03:00
2020-10-23 03:43:19 +03:00
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
2020-10-23 03:07:30 +03:00
2020-09-24 02:37:22 +03:00
public cleanupHTML() {
2021-04-11 03:14:57 +04:00
// const perf = performance.now();
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
2021-03-12 23:02:05 +04:00
this.editBtn.style.display = 'none';
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
2021-04-09 20:44:43 +04:00
this.container.classList.toggle('can-add-members', this.searchSuper.canViewMembers() && appChatsManager.hasRights(-this.peerId, 'invite_users'));
2021-04-11 03:14:57 +04:00
// console.log('cleanupHTML shared media time:', performance.now() - perf);
2020-09-24 02:37:22 +03:00
public setLoadMutex(promise: Promise<any>) {
2020-12-25 01:19:34 +02:00
this.searchSuper.loadMutex = promise;
2020-09-24 02:37:22 +03:00
2020-12-23 04:18:24 +02:00
public setPeer(peerId: number, threadId = 0) {
2021-04-16 17:30:42 +04:00
if(this.peerId === peerId && this.threadId === threadId) return false;
2020-12-08 21:48:44 +02:00
2021-04-09 20:44:43 +04:00
this.peerId = peerId;
this.threadId = threadId;
2021-04-16 17:30:42 +04:00
this.peerChanged = true;
2021-04-09 20:44:43 +04:00
2020-09-24 02:37:22 +03:00
if(this.init) {
this.init = null;
2020-12-25 14:53:20 +02:00
historyStorage: this.historiesStorage[peerId] ?? (this.historiesStorage[peerId] = {})
2020-12-25 01:19:34 +02:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
this.profile.setPeer(peerId, threadId);
2021-04-16 17:30:42 +04:00
return true;
2020-09-24 02:37:22 +03:00
public fillProfileElements() {
2021-04-16 17:30:42 +04:00
if(!this.peerChanged) {
this.peerChanged = false;
2021-04-07 21:11:08 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
2021-03-13 06:22:42 +04:00
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
if(this.peerId > 0) {
if(this.peerId !== rootScope.myId && appUsersManager.isContact(this.peerId)) {
2021-03-13 16:24:00 +04:00
this.editBtn.style.display = '';
} else {
2021-04-06 19:06:42 +04:00
const chat: Chat = appChatsManager.getChat(-this.peerId);
2021-03-13 16:24:00 +04:00
if(chat._ === 'chat' || (chat as Chat.channel).admin_rights) {
this.editBtn.style.display = '';
2021-03-13 06:22:42 +04:00
2021-04-13 23:29:33 +04:00
public loadSidebarMedia(single: boolean, justLoad = false) {
this.searchSuper.load(single, justLoad);
2020-09-24 02:37:22 +03:00
onOpenAfterTimeout() {
2021-03-28 22:37:11 +04:00
2020-09-24 02:37:22 +03:00
2021-03-10 18:08:28 +04:00
2021-04-09 20:44:43 +04:00
MOUNT_CLASS_TO && (MOUNT_CLASS_TO.AppSharedMediaTab = AppSharedMediaTab);