Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

236 lines
7.8 KiB

import { SliderTab } from "../../slider";
import AppSelectPeers from "../../appSelectPeers";
import appSidebarLeft, { AppSidebarLeft } from "..";
import appDialogsManager from "../../../lib/appManagers/appDialogsManager";
import appPeersManager from "../../../lib/appManagers/appPeersManager";
import appUsersManager from "../../../lib/appManagers/appUsersManager";
import { MyDialogFilter as DialogFilter } from "../../../lib/storages/filters";
import rootScope from "../../../lib/rootScope";
import { copy } from "../../../helpers/object";
export default class AppIncludedChatsTab implements SliderTab {
public container: HTMLElement;
private closeBtn: HTMLElement;
private confirmBtn: HTMLElement;
private title: HTMLElement;
private selector: AppSelectPeers;
private type: 'included' | 'excluded';
private filter: DialogFilter;
private originalFilter: DialogFilter;
init() {
this.container = document.querySelector('.included-chatlist-container');
this.closeBtn = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-close-button');
this.confirmBtn = this.container.querySelector('.btn-confirm');
this.title = this.container.querySelector('.sidebar-header__title');
this.confirmBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
const selected = this.selector.getSelected();
4 years ago
//this.filter.pFlags = {};
if(this.type == 'included') {
for(const key in this.filter.pFlags) {
if(key.indexOf('exclude_') === 0) {
// @ts-ignore
delete this.filter.pFlags[key];
} else {
for(const key in this.filter.pFlags) {
if(key.indexOf('exclude_') !== 0) {
// @ts-ignore
delete this.filter.pFlags[key];
const peers: number[] = [];
for(const key of selected) {
if(typeof(key) === 'number') {
} else {
// @ts-ignore
this.filter.pFlags[key] = true;
if(this.type == 'included') {
this.filter.pinned_peers = this.filter.pinned_peers.filter(peerID => {
return peers.includes(peerID); // * because I have pinned peer in include_peers too
/* const index = peers.indexOf(peerID);
if(index !== -1) {
peers.splice(index, 1);
return true;
} else {
return false;
} */
} else {
this.filter.pinned_peers = this.filter.pinned_peers.filter(peerID => {
return !peers.includes(peerID);
const other = this.type == 'included' ? 'exclude_peers' : 'include_peers';
this.filter[other] = this.filter[other].filter(peerID => {
return !peers.includes(peerID);
this.filter[this.type == 'included' ? 'include_peers' : 'exclude_peers'] = peers;
//this.filter.pinned_peers = this.filter.pinned_peers.filter(peerID => this.filter.include_peers.includes(peerID));
appSidebarLeft.editFolderTab.setFilter(this.filter, false);;
checkbox(selected?: boolean) {
return `<div class="checkbox"><label><input type="checkbox" ${selected ? 'checked' : ''}><span></span></label></div>`;
renderResults = async(peerIDs: number[]) => {
//const other = this.type == 'included' ? this.filter.exclude_peers : this.filter.include_peers;
await appUsersManager.getContacts();
peerIDs.forEach(peerID => {
//if(other.includes(peerID)) return;
const {dom} = appDialogsManager.addDialog(peerID, this.selector.scrollable, false, false);
const selected = this.selector.selected.has(peerID);
dom.containerEl.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', this.checkbox(selected));
if(selected) dom.listEl.classList.add('active');
let subtitle = '';
if(peerID > 0) {
if(peerID == rootScope.myID) {
subtitle = 'Chat with yourself';
} else if(appUsersManager.isBot(peerID)) {
subtitle = 'Bot';
} else {
subtitle = appUsersManager.contactsList.has(peerID) ? 'Contact' : 'Non-Contact';
} else {
subtitle = appPeersManager.isBroadcast(peerID) ? 'Channel' : 'Group';
dom.lastMessageSpan.innerHTML = subtitle;
onOpen() {
if(this.init) {
this.init = null;
} = this.type == 'excluded' ? '' : 'none';
this.title.innerText = this.type == 'included' ? 'Included Chats' : 'Excluded Chats';
const filter = this.filter;
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
const dd = document.createElement('div');
dd.innerText = 'Chat types';
const categories = document.createElement('div');
let details: any;
if(this.type == 'excluded') {
details = {
exclude_muted: {ico: 'tgico-mute', text: 'Muted'},
exclude_archived: {ico: 'tgico-archive', text: 'Archived'},
exclude_read: {ico: 'tgico-readchats', text: 'Read'}
} else {
details = {
contacts: {ico: 'tgico-newprivate', text: 'Contacts'},
non_contacts: {ico: 'tgico-noncontacts', text: 'Non-Contacts'},
groups: {ico: 'tgico-group', text: 'Groups'},
broadcasts: {ico: 'tgico-newchannel', text: 'Channels'},
bots: {ico: 'tgico-bots', text: 'Bots'}
let html = '';
for(const key in details) {
html += `<div class="folder-category-button ${details[key].ico}" data-peerID="${key}"><p>${details[key].text}</p>${this.checkbox()}</div>`;
categories.innerHTML = html;
const hr = document.createElement('hr'); = '7px 0 9px';
const d = document.createElement('div');
d.innerText = 'Chats';
fragment.append(dd, categories, hr, d);
const selectedPeers = (this.type == 'included' ? filter.include_peers : filter.exclude_peers).slice();
this.selector = new AppSelectPeers(this.container, this.onSelectChange, ['dialogs'], null, this.renderResults);
this.selector.selected = new Set(selectedPeers);
this.selector.input.placeholder = 'Search';
const _add = this.selector.add.bind(this.selector);
this.selector.add = (peerID, title) => {
const div = _add(peerID, details[peerID]?.text);
if(details[peerID]) {
return div;
this.selector.list.parentElement.insertBefore(fragment, this.selector.list);
selectedPeers.forEach(peerID => {
for(const flag in filter.pFlags) {
// @ts-ignore
if(details.hasOwnProperty(flag) && !!filter.pFlags[flag]) {
(categories.querySelector(`[data-peerID="${flag}"]`) as HTMLElement).click();
// ! потому что onOpen срабатывает раньше, чем блок отрисовывается, и высоты нет
setTimeout(() => {
this.selector.selectedScrollable.scrollTo(this.selector.selectedScrollable.scrollHeight, 'top', false, true);
}, 0);
onSelectChange = (length: number) => {
//const changed = !deepEqual(this.filter, this.originalFilter);
if(this.type == 'included') { = length ? '' : 'none';
onCloseAfterTimeout() {
if(this.selector) {
this.selector = null;
open(filter: DialogFilter, type: 'included' | 'excluded') {
this.originalFilter = filter;
this.filter = copy(this.originalFilter);
this.type = type;