Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

505 lines
15 KiB

import apiFileManager from '../mtproto/apiFileManager';
5 years ago
import FileManager from '../filemanager';
import {RichTextProcessor} from '../richtextprocessor';
import { CancellablePromise, deferredPromise } from '../polyfill';
import { isObject } from '../utils';
import opusDecodeController from '../opusDecodeController';
import { MTDocument } from '../../types';
4 years ago
import MP4Source from '../MP4Source';
4 years ago
import { bufferConcat } from '../bin_utils';
5 years ago
class AppDocsManager {
private docs: {[docID: string]: MTDocument} = {};
private thumbs: {[docIDAndSize: string]: Promise<string>} = {};
private downloadPromises: {[docID: string]: CancellablePromise<Blob>} = {};
5 years ago
4 years ago
private videoChunks: {[docID: string]: CancellablePromise<ArrayBuffer>[]} = {};
private videoChunksQueue: {[docID: string]: {offset: number}[]} = {};
4 years ago
private loadedMP4Box: Promise<void>;
private mp4Source: MP4Source;
4 years ago
public saveDoc(apiDoc: MTDocument, context?: any) {
//console.log('saveDoc', apiDoc,[]);
if([]) {
let d =[];
5 years ago
if(apiDoc.thumbs) {
if(!d.thumbs) d.thumbs = apiDoc.thumbs;
else if(apiDoc.thumbs[0].bytes && !d.thumbs[0].bytes) {
4 years ago
return Object.assign(d, apiDoc, context);
//return context ? Object.assign(d, context) : d;
5 years ago
if(context) {
5 years ago
Object.assign(apiDoc, context);
}[] = apiDoc;
5 years ago
if(apiDoc.thumb && apiDoc.thumb._ == 'photoCachedSize') {
console.warn('this will happen!!!');
5 years ago
apiFileManager.saveSmallFile(apiDoc.thumb.location, apiDoc.thumb.bytes);
// Memory
apiDoc.thumb.size = apiDoc.thumb.bytes.length;
delete apiDoc.thumb.bytes;
apiDoc.thumb._ = 'photoSize';
if(apiDoc.thumb && apiDoc.thumb._ == 'photoSizeEmpty') {
delete apiDoc.thumb;
apiDoc.attributes.forEach((attribute: any) => {
switch(attribute._) {
case 'documentAttributeFilename':
apiDoc.file_name = RichTextProcessor.wrapPlainText(attribute.file_name);
5 years ago
case 'documentAttributeAudio':
apiDoc.duration = attribute.duration;
apiDoc.audioTitle = attribute.title;
apiDoc.audioPerformer = attribute.performer;
4 years ago
apiDoc.type = attribute.pFlags.voice && apiDoc.mime_type == "audio/ogg" ? 'voice' : 'audio';
5 years ago
case 'documentAttributeVideo':
apiDoc.duration = attribute.duration;
apiDoc.w = attribute.w;
apiDoc.h = attribute.h;
4 years ago
apiDoc.supportsStreaming = attribute.pFlags?.supports_streaming && apiDoc.size > 524288 && typeof(MediaSource) !== 'undefined';
5 years ago
if(apiDoc.thumbs && attribute.pFlags.round_message) {
apiDoc.type = 'round';
} else /* if(apiDoc.thumbs) */ {
5 years ago
apiDoc.type = 'video';
case 'documentAttributeSticker':
if(attribute.alt !== undefined) {
apiDoc.stickerEmojiRaw = attribute.alt;
apiDoc.stickerEmoji = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(apiDoc.stickerEmojiRaw, {noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true});
if(attribute.stickerset) {
if(attribute.stickerset._ == 'inputStickerSetEmpty') {
delete attribute.stickerset;
5 years ago
} else if(attribute.stickerset._ == 'inputStickerSetID') {
apiDoc.stickerSetInput = attribute.stickerset;
5 years ago
if(/* apiDoc.thumbs && */apiDoc.mime_type == 'image/webp') {
apiDoc.type = 'sticker';
apiDoc.sticker = 1;
5 years ago
case 'documentAttributeImageSize':
apiDoc.w = attribute.w;
apiDoc.h = attribute.h;
case 'documentAttributeAnimated':
if((apiDoc.mime_type == 'image/gif' || apiDoc.mime_type == 'video/mp4') && apiDoc.thumbs) {
apiDoc.type = 'gif';
apiDoc.animated = true;
if(!apiDoc.mime_type) {
switch(apiDoc.type) {
case 'gif':
apiDoc.mime_type = 'video/mp4';
case 'video':
case 'round':
apiDoc.mime_type = 'video/mp4';
case 'sticker':
apiDoc.mime_type = 'image/webp';
5 years ago
case 'audio':
apiDoc.mime_type = 'audio/mpeg';
5 years ago
case 'voice':
apiDoc.mime_type = 'audio/ogg';
5 years ago
apiDoc.mime_type = 'application/octet-stream';
5 years ago
if(!apiDoc.file_name) {
apiDoc.file_name = '';
5 years ago
if(apiDoc.mime_type == 'application/x-tgsticker' && apiDoc.file_name == "AnimatedSticker.tgs") {
apiDoc.type = 'sticker';
apiDoc.animated = true;
apiDoc.sticker = 2;
5 years ago
if(apiDoc._ == 'documentEmpty') {
apiDoc.size = 0;
5 years ago
return apiDoc;
5 years ago
public getDoc(docID: any): MTDocument {
return isObject(docID) ? docID :[docID];
5 years ago
public getMediaInputByID(docID: any) {
let doc = this.getDoc(docID);
return {
_: 'inputMediaDocument',
flags: 0,
id: {
_: 'inputDocument',
access_hash: doc.access_hash,
file_reference: doc.file_reference
ttl_seconds: 0
public getInputByID(docID: any, thumbSize?: string) {
let doc = this.getDoc(docID);
return {
_: 'inputDocumentFileLocation',
access_hash: doc.access_hash,
file_reference: doc.file_reference,
thumb_size: thumbSize
5 years ago
public getFileName(doc: MTDocument) {
if(doc.file_name) {
return doc.file_name;
5 years ago
var fileExt = '.' + doc.mime_type.split('/')[1];
if(fileExt == '.octet-stream') {
fileExt = '';
5 years ago
return 't_' + (doc.type || 'file') + + fileExt;
5 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
private loadMP4Box() {
if(this.loadedMP4Box) return this.loadedMP4Box;
return this.loadedMP4Box = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
(window as any).mp4BoxLoaded = () => {
//console.log('webpHero loaded');
this.mp4Source = (window as any).MP4Source;
let sc = document.createElement('script');
sc.src = 'mp4box.all.min.js';
sc.async = true;
sc.onload = (window as any).mp4BoxLoaded;
4 years ago
private createMP4Stream(doc: MTDocument) {
const limitPart = 524288;
const chunks = this.videoChunks[];
const queue = this.videoChunksQueue[];
4 years ago
//let mp4Source = new MP4Source({duration: doc.duration, video: {expected_size: doc.size}}, (offset: number, end: number) => {
let mp4Source = new (this.mp4Source as any)({duration: doc.duration, video: {expected_size: doc.size}}, (offset: number, end: number) => {
4 years ago
const chunkStart = offset - (offset % limitPart);
const sorted: typeof queue = [];
const lower: typeof queue = [];
for(let i = 0; i < queue.length; ++i) {
if(queue[i].offset >= chunkStart) {
} else {
sorted.sort((a, b) => a.offset - b.offset).concat(lower).forEach((q, i) => {
queue[i] = q;
const index1 = offset / limitPart | 0;
const index2 = end / limitPart | 0;
const p = chunks.slice(index1, index2 + 1);
//console.log('MP4Source getBuffer:', offset, end, index1, index2, doc.size, JSON.stringify(queue));
if(offset % limitPart == 0) {
return p[0];
} else {
return Promise.all(p).then(buffers => {
const buffer = buffers.length > 1 ? bufferConcat(buffers[0], buffers[1]) : buffers[0];
const start = (offset % limitPart);
const _end = start + (end - offset);
const sliced = buffer.slice(start, _end);
//console.log('slice buffer:', sliced);
return sliced;
return mp4Source;
private mp4Stream(doc: MTDocument, deferred: CancellablePromise<Blob>) {
const limitPart = 524288;
const promises = this.videoChunks[] ?? (this.videoChunks[] = []);
if(!promises.length) {
for(let offset = 0; offset < doc.size; offset += limitPart) {
const deferred = deferredPromise<ArrayBuffer>();
let good = false;
return async(bytes: Uint8Array, offset: number, queue: {offset: number}[]) => {
if(!deferred.isFulfilled && !deferred.isRejected/* && offset == 0 */) {
this.videoChunksQueue[] = queue;
console.log('stream:', doc, doc.url, deferred);
//doc.url = mp4Source.getURL();
good = true;
} else if(!good) {
//mp4Source = null;
promises.length = 0;
const index = offset % limitPart == 0 ? offset / limitPart : promises.length - 1;
//console.log('i wont believe in you', doc, bytes, offset, promises, bytes.length, bytes.buffer.byteLength, bytes.slice().buffer);
//console.log('i wont believe in you', bytes, doc, bytes.length, offset);
public downloadVideo(docID: string): CancellablePromise<MP4Source | Blob> {
const doc = this.getDoc(docID);
if(!doc.supportsStreaming || doc.url) {
4 years ago
return this.downloadDoc(docID);
4 years ago
const deferred = deferredPromise<Blob>();
4 years ago
let canceled = false;
4 years ago
deferred.cancel = () => {
4 years ago
canceled = true;
4 years ago
4 years ago
this.loadMP4Box().then(() => {
if(canceled) {
throw 'canceled';
4 years ago
4 years ago
const promise = this.downloadDoc(docID);
deferred.cancel = () => {
promise.notify = (...args) => {
deferred.notify && deferred.notify(...args);
promise.then(() => {
if(doc.url) { // может быть уже загружен из кэша
} else {
}, deferred.reject);
4 years ago
return deferred;
public downloadDoc(docID: any, toFileEntry?: any): CancellablePromise<Blob> {
const doc = this.getDoc(docID);
5 years ago
if(doc._ == 'documentEmpty') {
return Promise.reject();
const inputFileLocation = this.getInputByID(doc);
5 years ago
if(doc.downloaded && !toFileEntry) {
if(doc.url) return Promise.resolve(null);
const cachedBlob = apiFileManager.getCachedFile(inputFileLocation);
5 years ago
if(cachedBlob) {
return Promise.resolve(cachedBlob);
if(this.downloadPromises[]) {
return this.downloadPromises[];
5 years ago
//historyDoc.progress = {enabled: !historyDoc.downloaded, percent: 1, total: doc.size};
const deferred = deferredPromise<Blob>();
deferred.cancel = () => {
4 years ago
const processPart = doc.supportsStreaming ? this.mp4Stream(doc, deferred) : undefined;
5 years ago
// нет смысла делать объект с выполняющимися промисами, нижняя строка и так вернёт загружающийся
const downloadPromise = apiFileManager.downloadFile(doc.dc_id, inputFileLocation, doc.size, {
5 years ago
mimeType: doc.mime_type || 'application/octet-stream',
toFileEntry: toFileEntry,
4 years ago
stickerType: doc.sticker,
5 years ago
downloadPromise.notify = (...args) => {
deferred.notify && deferred.notify(...args);
4 years ago
//deferred.notify = downloadPromise.notify;
5 years ago
downloadPromise.then((blob) => {
if(blob) {
doc.downloaded = true;
if(doc.type == 'voice' && !opusDecodeController.isPlaySupported()/* && false */) {
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = (e) => {
let uint8 = new Uint8Array( as ArrayBuffer);
//console.log('sending uint8 to decoder:', uint8);
opusDecodeController.decode(uint8).then(result => {
doc.url = result.url;
4 years ago
}, (err) => {
delete doc.downloaded;
} else if(doc.type && doc.sticker != 2) {
4 years ago
/* if(processPart) {
console.log('stream after:', doc, doc.url, deferred);
} */
doc.url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
5 years ago
5 years ago
}, (e) => {
console.log('document download failed', e);
5 years ago
//historyDoc.progress.enabled = false;
4 years ago
}).finally(() => {
deferred.notify = downloadPromise.notify = deferred.cancel = downloadPromise.cancel = null;
5 years ago
5 years ago
/* downloadPromise.notify = (progress) => {
console.log('dl progress', progress);
historyDoc.progress.enabled = true;
historyDoc.progress.done = progress.done;
historyDoc.progress.percent = Math.max(1, Math.floor(100 * progress.done /;
}; */
//historyDoc.progress.cancel = downloadPromise.cancel;
//console.log('return downloadPromise:', downloadPromise);
5 years ago
return this.downloadPromises[] = deferred;
5 years ago
public downloadDocThumb(docID: any, thumbSize: string) {
let doc = this.getDoc(docID);
let key = + '-' + thumbSize;
if(this.thumbs[key]) {
return this.thumbs[key];
let input = this.getInputByID(doc, thumbSize);
if(doc._ == 'documentEmpty') {
return Promise.reject();
let mimeType = doc.sticker ? 'image/webp' : doc.mime_type;
let promise = apiFileManager.downloadSmallFile(input, {
dcID: doc.dc_id,
stickerType: doc.sticker ? 1 : undefined,
mimeType: mimeType
return this.thumbs[key] = promise.then((blob) => {
return URL.createObjectURL(blob);
public hasDownloadedThumb(docID: string, thumbSize: string) {
return !!this.thumbs[docID + '-' + thumbSize];
5 years ago
public async saveDocFile(docID: string) {
var doc =[docID];
var fileName = this.getFileName(doc);
var ext = (fileName.split('.', 2) || [])[1] || '';
try {
let writer = FileManager.chooseSaveFile(fileName, ext, doc.mime_type, doc.size);
await writer.ready;
let promise = this.downloadDoc(docID, writer);
promise.then(() => {
console.log('saved doc', doc);
//console.log('got promise from downloadDoc', promise);
return {promise};
} catch(err) {
let promise = this.downloadDoc(docID);
promise.then((blob) => {
5 years ago, doc.mime_type, fileName)
return {promise};
5 years ago
4 years ago
const appDocsManager = new AppDocsManager();
// @ts-ignore
if(process.env.NODE_ENV != 'production') {
(window as any).appDocsManager = appDocsManager;
export default appDocsManager;