Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

250 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
2 years ago
import ctx from '../../environment/ctx';
import {ignoreRestrictionReasons} from '../../helpers/restrictions';
import {MethodDeclMap, User} from '../../layer';
import {InvokeApiOptions} from '../../types';
import {AppManager} from '../appManagers/manager';
import {MTAppConfig} from './appConfig';
import {UserAuth} from './mtproto_config';
import {MTMessage} from './networker';
type HashResult = {
hash: number,
result: any
type HashOptions = {
[queryJSON: string]: HashResult
export default abstract class ApiManagerMethods extends AppManager {
private afterMessageIdTemp: number;
private hashes: {[method: string]: HashOptions} = {};
private apiPromisesSingleProcess: {
[q: string]: Map<any, Promise<any>>
} = {};
private apiPromisesSingle: {
[q: string]: Promise<any>
} = {};
private apiPromisesCacheable: {
[method: string]: {
[queryJSON: string]: {
timestamp: number,
promise: Promise<any>,
fulfilled: boolean,
timeout?: number,
params: any
} = {};
private appConfig: MTAppConfig;
private getAppConfigPromise: Promise<MTAppConfig>;
constructor() {
this.afterMessageIdTemp = 0;
abstract setUserAuth(userAuth: UserAuth | UserId): Promise<void>;
public setUser(user: User) {
// appUsersManager.saveApiUser(user);
return this.setUserAuth(;
abstract invokeApi<T extends keyof MethodDeclMap>(method: T, params?: MethodDeclMap[T]['req'], options?: InvokeApiOptions): Promise<MethodDeclMap[T]['res']>;
public invokeApiAfter<T extends keyof MethodDeclMap>(method: T, params: MethodDeclMap[T]['req'] = {}, options: InvokeApiOptions = {}): Promise<MethodDeclMap[T]['res']> {
let o = options;
o.prepareTempMessageId = '' + ++this.afterMessageIdTemp;
2 years ago
o = {...options};
(options as MTMessage).messageId = o.prepareTempMessageId;
2 years ago
// console.log('will invokeApi:', method, params, options);
return this.invokeApi(method, params, o);
public invokeApiHashable<T extends keyof MethodDeclMap, R>(o: {
2 years ago
method: T,
processResult?: (response: MethodDeclMap[T]['res']) => R,
processError?: (error: ApiError) => any,
2 years ago
params?: Omit<MethodDeclMap[T]['req'], 'hash'>,
options?: InvokeApiOptions & {cacheKey?: string}
}) {
// @ts-ignore
o.params ??= {};
o.options ??= {};
2 years ago
// console.log('will invokeApi:', method, params, options);
const {params, options, method} = o;
const queryJSON = JSON.stringify(params);
let cached: HashResult;
if(this.hashes[method]) {
cached = this.hashes[method][queryJSON];
if(cached) {
(params as any).hash = cached.hash;
return this.invokeApiSingleProcess<T, R>({
processResult: (result) => {
if(result._.includes('NotModified')) {
// this.debug && this.log.warn('NotModified saved!', method, queryJSON);
return cached.result;
2 years ago
if(result.hash/* || result.messages */) {
const hash = result.hash/* || this.computeHash(result.messages) */;
2 years ago
if(!this.hashes[method]) this.hashes[method] = {};
this.hashes[method][queryJSON] = {
if(o.processResult) {
return o.processResult(result);
2 years ago
return result;
public invokeApiSingle<T extends keyof MethodDeclMap>(method: T, params: MethodDeclMap[T]['req'] = {} as any, options: InvokeApiOptions = {}): Promise<MethodDeclMap[T]['res']> {
const q = method + '-' + JSON.stringify(params);
const cache = this.apiPromisesSingle;
if(cache[q]) {
return cache[q];
return cache[q] = this.invokeApi(method, params, options).finally(() => {
delete cache[q];
public invokeApiSingleProcess<T extends keyof MethodDeclMap, R>(o: {
2 years ago
method: T,
processResult: (response: MethodDeclMap[T]['res']) => R,
processError?: (error: ApiError) => any,
2 years ago
params?: MethodDeclMap[T]['req'],
options?: InvokeApiOptions & {cacheKey?: string}
}): Promise<Awaited<R>> {
o.params ??= {};
o.options ??= {};
const {method, processResult, processError, params, options} = o;
const cache = this.apiPromisesSingleProcess;
const cacheKey = options.cacheKey || JSON.stringify(params);
const map = cache[method] ?? (cache[method] = new Map());
const oldPromise = map.get(cacheKey);
if(oldPromise) {
return oldPromise;
2 years ago
const originalPromise = this.invokeApi(method, params, options);
const newPromise: Promise<Awaited<R>> = originalPromise.then(processResult, processError);
const p = newPromise.finally(() => {
if(!map.size) {
delete cache[method];
map.set(cacheKey, p);
return p;
public invokeApiCacheable<T extends keyof MethodDeclMap>(method: T, params: MethodDeclMap[T]['req'] = {} as any, options: InvokeApiOptions & Partial<{cacheSeconds: number, override: boolean}> = {}): Promise<MethodDeclMap[T]['res']> {
const cache = this.apiPromisesCacheable[method] ?? (this.apiPromisesCacheable[method] = {});
const queryJSON = JSON.stringify(params);
const item = cache[queryJSON];
if(item && (!options.override || !item.fulfilled)) {
return item.promise;
if(options.override) {
if(item && item.timeout) {
delete item.timeout;
delete options.override;
let timeout: number;
if(options.cacheSeconds) {
timeout = ctx.setTimeout(() => {
delete cache[queryJSON];
}, options.cacheSeconds * 1000);
delete options.cacheSeconds;
const promise = this.invokeApi(method, params, options);
cache[queryJSON] = {
fulfilled: false,
return promise;
public clearCache<T extends keyof MethodDeclMap>(method: T, verify: (params: MethodDeclMap[T]['req']) => boolean) {
const cache = this.apiPromisesCacheable[method];
if(cache) {
for(const queryJSON in cache) {
const item = cache[queryJSON];
try {
if(verify(item.params)) {
if(item.timeout) {
2 years ago
delete cache[queryJSON];
} catch(err) {
// this.log.error('clearCache error:', err, queryJSON, item);
public getConfig() {
return this.invokeApiCacheable('help.getConfig');
public getAppConfig(overwrite?: boolean) {
if(this.appConfig && !overwrite) return this.appConfig;
if(this.getAppConfigPromise && !overwrite) return this.getAppConfigPromise;
const promise: Promise<MTAppConfig> = this.getAppConfigPromise = this.invokeApi('help.getAppConfig').then((config: MTAppConfig) => {
if(this.getAppConfigPromise !== promise) {
return this.getAppConfigPromise;
2 years ago
this.appConfig = config;
ignoreRestrictionReasons(config.ignore_restriction_reasons ?? []);
this.rootScope.dispatchEvent('app_config', config);
return config;
return promise;