Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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3 years ago
* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
import RLottieWorker from 'worker-loader!./rlottie.worker';
import animationIntersector from "../../components/animationIntersector";
import { MOUNT_CLASS_TO } from '../../config/debug';
import { pause } from '../../helpers/schedulers/pause';
import { logger, LogTypes } from "../logger";
import apiManager from "../mtproto/mtprotoworker";
import RLottiePlayer, { RLottieOptions } from './rlottiePlayer';
import QueryableWorker from './queryableWorker';
import applyReplacements from './applyReplacements';
export type LottieAssetName = 'EmptyFolder' | 'Folders_1' | 'Folders_2' |
'TwoFactorSetupMonkeyClose' | 'TwoFactorSetupMonkeyCloseAndPeek' |
'TwoFactorSetupMonkeyCloseAndPeekToIdle' | 'TwoFactorSetupMonkeyIdle' |
'TwoFactorSetupMonkeyPeek' | 'TwoFactorSetupMonkeyTracking' |
'voice_outlined2' | 'voip_filled' | 'voice_mini';
export class LottieLoader {
private isWebAssemblySupported = typeof(WebAssembly) !== 'undefined';
private loadPromise: Promise<void> = !this.isWebAssemblySupported ? Promise.reject() : undefined;
private loaded = false;
private workersLimit = 4;
private players: {[reqId: number]: RLottiePlayer} = {};
private workers: QueryableWorker[] = [];
private curWorkerNum = 0;
private log = logger('LOTTIE', LogTypes.Error);
public getAnimation(element: HTMLElement) {
for(const i in this.players) {
if(this.players[i].el === element) {
return this.players[i];
return null;
public setLoop(loop: boolean) {
for(const i in this.players) {
const player = this.players[i];
player.loop = loop;
player.autoplay = player._autoplay;
public loadLottieWorkers() {
if(this.loadPromise) {
return this.loadPromise;
return this.loadPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let remain = this.workersLimit;
for(let i = 0; i < this.workersLimit; ++i) {
const worker = this.workers[i] = new QueryableWorker(new RLottieWorker());
worker.addEventListener('ready', () => {
this.log('worker #' + i + ' ready');
worker.addEventListener('frame', this.onFrame);
worker.addEventListener('loaded', this.onPlayerLoaded);
worker.addEventListener('error', this.onPlayerError);
if(!remain) {
this.log('workers ready');
this.loaded = true;
}, {once: true});
worker.addEventListener('workerError', (error) => {
reject('rlottie load error: ' + error.message);
this.loaded = false;
}, {once: true});
public loadAnimationAsAsset(params: Omit<RLottieOptions, 'animationData' | 'name'>, name: LottieAssetName) {
(params as RLottieOptions).name = name;
return this.loadAnimationFromURL(params, 'assets/tgs/' + name + '.json');
public loadAnimationFromURL(params: Omit<RLottieOptions, 'animationData'>, url: string): Promise<RLottiePlayer> {
if(!this.isWebAssemblySupported) {
return this.loadPromise as any;
if(!this.loaded) {
return fetch(url)
.then(res => {
if(!res.headers || res.headers.get('content-type') === 'application/octet-stream') {
return res.arrayBuffer().then(data => apiManager.invokeCrypto('gzipUncompress', data, true))
} else {
return res.text();
/* .then(str => {
return new Promise<string>((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(str), 2e3));
}) */
.then(str => {
const newParams = Object.assign(params, {animationData: str as string/* JSON.parse(str) */, needUpscale: true});
if(! = url;
return this.loadAnimationWorker(newParams);
public waitForFirstFrame(player: RLottiePlayer) {
return Promise.race([
/* new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
player.addEventListener('firstFrame', () => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(), 1500);
}, true);
}) */
new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
player.addEventListener('firstFrame', resolve, {once: true});
]).then(() => player);
2 years ago
public async loadAnimationWorker(params: RLottieOptions, group = || '', toneIndex = -1, middleware?: () => boolean): Promise<RLottiePlayer> {
3 years ago
if(!this.isWebAssemblySupported) {
return this.loadPromise as any;
//params.autoplay = true;
if(toneIndex >= 1 && toneIndex <= 5) {
/* params.animationData = copy(params.animationData);
this.applyReplacements(params.animationData, toneIndex); */
params.toneIndex = toneIndex;
const newAnimationData = JSON.parse(params.animationData);
applyReplacements(newAnimationData, toneIndex);
params.animationData = JSON.stringify(newAnimationData);
if(!this.loaded) {
await this.loadLottieWorkers();
2 years ago
if(middleware && !middleware()) {
throw new Error('middleware');
3 years ago
if(!params.width || !params.height) {
params.width = parseInt(;
params.height = parseInt(;
if(!params.width || !params.height) {
throw new Error('No size for sticker!');
} = group;
const player = this.initPlayer(params.container, params);
if(group !== 'none') {
animationIntersector.addAnimation(player, group);
return player;
private onPlayerLoaded = (reqId: number, frameCount: number, fps: number) => {
const rlPlayer = this.players[reqId];
if(!rlPlayer) {
this.log.warn('onPlayerLoaded on destroyed player:', reqId, frameCount);
rlPlayer.onLoad(frameCount, fps);
//rlPlayer.addListener('firstFrame', () => {
//animationIntersector.addAnimation(player, group);
//}, true);
private onFrame = (reqId: number, frameNo: number, frame: Uint8ClampedArray) => {
const rlPlayer = this.players[reqId];
if(!rlPlayer) {
this.log.warn('onFrame on destroyed player:', reqId, frameNo);
rlPlayer.clamped = frame;
rlPlayer.renderFrame(frame, frameNo);
private onPlayerError = (reqId: number, error: Error) => {
const rlPlayer = this.players[reqId];
if(rlPlayer) {
// ! will need refactoring later, this is not the best way to remove the animation
const animations = animationIntersector.getAnimations(rlPlayer.el);
animations.forEach(animation => {
animationIntersector.checkAnimation(animation, true, true);
public onDestroy(reqId: number) {
delete this.players[reqId];
public destroyWorkers() {
this.workers.forEach((worker, idx) => {
this.log('worker #' + idx + ' terminated');
this.log('workers destroyed');
this.workers.length = 0;
private initPlayer(el: HTMLElement, options: RLottieOptions) {
const rlPlayer = new RLottiePlayer({
worker: this.workers[this.curWorkerNum++],
this.players[rlPlayer.reqId] = rlPlayer;
if(this.curWorkerNum >= this.workers.length) {
this.curWorkerNum = 0;
return rlPlayer;
const lottieLoader = new LottieLoader();
MOUNT_CLASS_TO.lottieLoader = lottieLoader;
export default lottieLoader;