Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { Document, InputFileLocation, InputStickerSet, MessagesAllStickers, MessagesFeaturedStickers, MessagesFoundStickerSets, MessagesRecentStickers, MessagesStickers, MessagesStickerSet, PhotoSize, StickerPack, StickerSet, StickerSetCovered } from '../../layer';
import { Modify } from '../../types';
import apiManager from '../mtproto/mtprotoworker';
import { MOUNT_CLASS_TO } from '../mtproto/mtproto_config';
import rootScope from '../rootScope';
import appDocsManager from './appDocsManager';
import appStateManager from './appStateManager';
// TODO: если пак будет сохранён и потом обновлён, то недостающие стикеры не подгрузит
export class AppStickersManager {
5 years ago
private stickerSets: {
[stickerSetId: string]: MessagesStickerSet
5 years ago
} = {};
private saveSetsTimeout: number;
private getStickerSetPromises: {[setId: string]: Promise<MessagesStickerSet>} = {};
private getStickersByEmoticonsPromises: {[emoticon: string]: Promise<Document[]>} = {};
5 years ago
constructor() {
appStateManager.getState().then(({stickerSets}) => {
if(stickerSets) {
for(let id in stickerSets) {
let set = stickerSets[id];
this.stickerSets = stickerSets;
5 years ago
//if(!this.stickerSets['emoji']) {
this.getStickerSet({id: 'emoji', access_hash: ''}, {overwrite: true});
5 years ago
4 years ago
rootScope.on('apiUpdate', (e) => {
const update = e;
4 years ago
switch(update._) {
case 'updateNewStickerSet': {
rootScope.broadcast('stickers_installed', update.stickerset.set);
4 years ago
5 years ago
public saveStickers(docs: Document[]) {
docs.forEachReverse((doc, idx) => {
doc = appDocsManager.saveDoc(doc);
if(!doc) docs.splice(idx, 1);
else docs[idx] = doc;
5 years ago
public async getStickerSet(set: {
id: string,
access_hash: string
}, params: Partial<{
overwrite: boolean
}> = {}): Promise<MessagesStickerSet> {
if(this.stickerSets[] && !params.overwrite && this.stickerSets[].documents?.length) return this.stickerSets[];
if(this.getStickerSetPromises[]) {
return this.getStickerSetPromises[];
const promise = this.getStickerSetPromises[] = apiManager.invokeApi('messages.getStickerSet', {
stickerset: this.getStickerSetInput(set)
5 years ago
const stickerSet = await promise;
delete this.getStickerSetPromises[];
5 years ago
return stickerSet;
5 years ago
public async getRecentStickers(): Promise<Modify<MessagesRecentStickers.messagesRecentStickers, {
stickers: Document[]
}>> {
const res = await apiManager.invokeApiHashable('messages.getRecentStickers') as MessagesRecentStickers.messagesRecentStickers;
return res;
public getAnimatedEmojiSticker(emoji: string) {
let stickerSet = this.stickerSets.emoji;
4 years ago
if(!stickerSet || !stickerSet.documents) return undefined;
emoji = emoji.replace(/\ufe0f/g, '').replace(/🏻|🏼|🏽|🏾|🏿/g, '');
const pack = stickerSet.packs.find(p => p.emoticon == emoji);
return pack ? appDocsManager.getDoc(pack.documents[0]) : undefined;
5 years ago
public saveStickerSet(res: Omit<MessagesStickerSet.messagesStickerSet, '_'>, id: string) {
//console.log('stickers save set', res);w
const newSet: MessagesStickerSet = {
_: 'messages.stickerSet',
5 years ago
set: res.set,
packs: res.packs,
documents: res.documents as Document[]
5 years ago
if(this.stickerSets[id]) {
Object.assign(this.stickerSets[id], newSet);
} else {
this.stickerSets[id] = newSet;
5 years ago
5 years ago
//console.log('stickers wrote', this.stickerSets);
if(this.saveSetsTimeout) return;
this.saveSetsTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => {
const savedSets: {[id: string]: MessagesStickerSet} = {};
for(const id in this.stickerSets) {
const set = this.stickerSets[id];
4 years ago
if(set.set.installed_date || id == 'emoji') {
savedSets[id] = set;
appStateManager.pushToState('stickerSets', savedSets);
this.saveSetsTimeout = 0;
}, 100);
5 years ago
public getStickerSetThumbDownloadOptions(stickerSet: StickerSet.stickerSet) {
const thumb = stickerSet.thumb as PhotoSize.photoSize;
const dcId = stickerSet.thumb_dc_id;
5 years ago
const isAnimated = stickerSet.pFlags?.animated;
const input: InputFileLocation.inputStickerSetThumb = {
5 years ago
_: 'inputStickerSetThumb',
stickerset: this.getStickerSetInput(stickerSet),
5 years ago
volume_id: thumb.location.volume_id,
local_id: thumb.location.local_id
return {dcId, location: input, size: thumb.size, mimeType: isAnimated ? "application/x-tgsticker" : 'image/webp'};
/* public getStickerSetThumbURL(stickerSet: MTStickerSet) {
const thumb = stickerSet.thumb;
const dcId = stickerSet.thumb_dc_id;
const isAnimated = stickerSet.pFlags?.animated;
const input: inputStickerSetThumb = {
_: 'inputStickerSetThumb',
stickerset: this.getStickerSetInput(stickerSet),
volume_id: thumb.location.volume_id,
local_id: thumb.location.local_id
const url = getFileURL('document', this.getStickerSetThumbDownloadOptions(stickerSet));
return url;
5 years ago
//return promise;
} */
5 years ago
public getStickerSetInput(set: {id: string, access_hash: string}): InputStickerSet {
return == 'emoji' ? {
_: 'inputStickerSetAnimatedEmoji'
} : {
_: 'inputStickerSetID',
access_hash: set.access_hash
public async getFeaturedStickers() {
const res = await apiManager.invokeApiHashable('messages.getFeaturedStickers') as MessagesFeaturedStickers.messagesFeaturedStickers;
res.sets.forEach(covered => {
this.saveStickerSet({set: covered.set, documents: [], packs: []},;
return res.sets;
public async toggleStickerSet(set: StickerSet.stickerSet) {
if(set.installed_date) {
const res = await apiManager.invokeApi('messages.uninstallStickerSet', {
stickerset: this.getStickerSetInput(set)
if(res) {
delete set.installed_date;
rootScope.broadcast('stickers_deleted', set);
return true;
} else {
const res = await apiManager.invokeApi('messages.installStickerSet', {
stickerset: this.getStickerSetInput(set),
archived: false
if(res) {
set.installed_date = / 1000 | 0;
rootScope.broadcast('stickers_installed', set);
return true;
return false;
public async searchStickerSets(query: string, excludeFeatured = true) {
const flags = excludeFeatured ? 1 : 0;
const res = await apiManager.invokeApiHashable('messages.searchStickerSets', {
exclude_featured: excludeFeatured || undefined,
q: query
}) as MessagesFoundStickerSets.messagesFoundStickerSets;
res.sets.forEach(covered => {
this.saveStickerSet({set: covered.set, documents: [], packs: []},;
const foundSaved: StickerSetCovered[] = [];
for(let id in this.stickerSets) {
const {set} = this.stickerSets[id];
if(set.title.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase()) && !res.sets.find(c => == {
foundSaved.push({_: 'stickerSetCovered', set, cover: null});
return res.sets.concat(foundSaved);
public getAllStickers() {
return apiManager.invokeApiHashable('messages.getAllStickers');
public preloadStickerSets() {
return this.getAllStickers().then(allStickers => {
return Promise.all((allStickers as MessagesAllStickers.messagesAllStickers) => this.getStickerSet(set)));
public getStickersByEmoticon(emoticon: string) {
if(this.getStickersByEmoticonsPromises[emoticon]) return this.getStickersByEmoticonsPromises[emoticon];
return this.getStickersByEmoticonsPromises[emoticon] = Promise.all([
apiManager.invokeApiHashable('messages.getStickers', {
]).then(([messagesStickers, installedSets, recentStickers]) => {
const foundStickers = (messagesStickers as MessagesStickers.messagesStickers) => appDocsManager.saveDoc(sticker));
const cachedStickersAnimated: Document.document[] = [], cachedStickersStatic: Document.document[] = [];
//console.log('getStickersByEmoticon', messagesStickers, installedSets, recentStickers);
const iteratePacks = (packs: StickerPack.stickerPack[]) => {
for(const pack of packs) {
if(pack.emoticon.includes(emoticon)) {
for(const docId of pack.documents) {
const doc = appDocsManager.getDoc(docId);
(doc.animated ? cachedStickersAnimated : cachedStickersStatic).push(doc);
for(const set of installedSets) {
const stickers = [ Set(cachedStickersAnimated.concat(cachedStickersStatic, foundStickers))];
return stickers;
5 years ago
const appStickersManager = new AppStickersManager();
MOUNT_CLASS_TO && (MOUNT_CLASS_TO.appStickersManager = appStickersManager);
export default appStickersManager;