Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

421 lines
14 KiB

import appMessagesManager from "./appMessagesManager";
import apiManagerProxy from "../mtproto/mtprotoworker";
import appPeersManager from "../appManagers/appPeersManager";
import appMessagesIDsManager from "./appMessagesIDsManager";
import { toast } from "../../components/misc";
import { RichTextProcessor } from "../richtextprocessor";
export class AppInlineBotsManager {
/* private inlineResults: any = {};
function getPopularBots () {
return Storage.get('inline_bots_popular').then(function (bots) {
var result = []
var i, len
var userID
if (bots && bots.length) {
var now = tsNow(true)
for (i = 0, len = bots.length; i < len; i++) {
if ((now - bots[i][3]) > 14 * 86400) {
userID = bots[i][0]
if (!AppUsersManager.hasUser(userID)) {
result.push({id: userID, rate: bots[i][2], date: bots[i][3]})
return result
function pushPopularBot (id) {
getPopularBots().then(function (bots) {
var exists = false
var count = bots.length
var result = []
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (bots[i].id == id) {
exists = true
bots[i].date = tsNow(true)
var user = AppUsersManager.getUser(bots[i].id)
result.push([bots[i].id, user, bots[i].rate, bots[i].date])
if (exists) {
result.sort(function (a, b) {
return b[2] - a[2]
} else {
if (result.length > 15) {
result = result.slice(0, 15)
result.push([id, AppUsersManager.getUser(id), 1, tsNow(true)])
ConfigStorage.set({inline_bots_popular: result})
function resolveInlineMention (username) {
return AppPeersManager.resolveUsername(username).then(function (peerID) {
if (peerID > 0) {
var bot = AppUsersManager.getUser(peerID)
if ( && bot.bot_inline_placeholder !== undefined) {
var resolvedBot = {
username: username,
id: peerID,
placeholder: bot.bot_inline_placeholder
if (bot.pFlags.bot_inline_geo &&
GeoLocationManager.isAvailable()) {
return checkGeoLocationAccess(peerID).then(function () {
return GeoLocationManager.getPosition().then(function (coords) {
resolvedBot.geo = coords
return qSync.when(resolvedBot)
})['catch'](function () {
return qSync.when(resolvedBot)
return qSync.when(resolvedBot)
return $q.reject()
}, function (error) {
error.handled = true
return $q.reject(error)
function getInlineResults (peerID, botID, query, geo, offset) {
return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('messages.getInlineBotResults', {
flags: 0 | (geo ? 1 : 0),
bot: AppUsersManager.getUserInput(botID),
peer: AppPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID),
query: query,
geo_point: geo && {_: 'inputGeoPoint', lat: geo['lat'], long: geo['long']},
offset: offset
}, {timeout: 1, stopTime: -1, noErrorBox: true}).then(function (botResults) {
var queryID = botResults.query_id
delete botResults._
delete botResults.flags
delete botResults.query_id
if (botResults.switch_pm) {
botResults.switch_pm.rText = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(botResults.switch_pm.text, {noLinebreaks: true, noLinks: true})
angular.forEach(botResults.results, function (result) {
var qID = queryID + '_' +
result.qID = qID
result.botID = botID
result.rTitle = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(result.title, {noLinebreaks: true, noLinks: true})
result.rDescription = RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(result.description, {noLinebreaks: true, noLinks: true})
result.initials = (result.url || result.title || result.type || '').substr(0, 1)
if (result.document) {
if ( {
inlineResults[qID] = result
return botResults
function regroupWrappedResults (results, rowW, rowH) {
if (!results ||
!results[0] ||
['photo', 'gif', 'sticker'].indexOf(results[0].type) == -1) {
var ratios = []
angular.forEach(results, function (result) {
var w
var h, doc
var photo
if (result._ == 'botInlineMediaResult') {
if (doc = result.document) {
w = result.document.w
h = result.document.h
else if (photo = {
var photoSize = (photo.sizes || [])[0]
w = photoSize && photoSize.w
h = photoSize && photoSize.h
}else {
w = result.w
h = result.h
if (!w || !h) {
w = h = 1
ratios.push(w / h)
var rows = []
var curCnt = 0
var curW = 0
angular.forEach(ratios, function (ratio) {
var w = ratio * rowH
curW += w
if (!curCnt || curCnt < 4 && curW < (rowW * 1.1)) {
} else {
curCnt = 1
curW = w
if (curCnt) {
var i = 0
var thumbs = []
var lastRowI = rows.length - 1
angular.forEach(rows, function (rowCnt, rowI) {
var lastRow = rowI == lastRowI
var curRatios = ratios.slice(i, i + rowCnt)
var sumRatios = 0
angular.forEach(curRatios, function (ratio) {
sumRatios += ratio
angular.forEach(curRatios, function (ratio, j) {
var thumbH = rowH
var thumbW = rowW * ratio / sumRatios
var realW = thumbH * ratio
if (lastRow && thumbW > realW) {
thumbW = realW
var result = results[i + j]
result.thumbW = Math.floor(thumbW) - 2
result.thumbH = Math.floor(thumbH) - 2
i += rowCnt
function switchToPM (fromPeerID, botID, startParam) {
var peerString = AppPeersManager.getPeerString(fromPeerID)
var setHash = {}
setHash['inline_switch_pm' + botID] = {peer: peerString, time: tsNow()}
$rootScope.$broadcast('history_focus', {peerString: AppPeersManager.getPeerString(botID)})
AppMessagesManager.startBot(botID, 0, startParam)
function checkSwitchReturn (botID) {
var bot = AppUsersManager.getUser(botID)
if (!bot || ! || !bot.bot_inline_placeholder) {
return qSync.when(false)
var key = 'inline_switch_pm' + botID
return Storage.get(key).then(function (peerData) {
if (peerData) {
if (tsNow() - peerData.time < 3600000) {
return peerData.peer
return false
function switchInlineQuery (botID, toPeerString, query) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('history_focus', {
peerString: toPeerString,
attachment: {
_: 'inline_query',
mention: '@' + AppUsersManager.getUser(botID).username,
query: query
function switchInlineButtonClick (id, button) {
var message = AppMessagesManager.getMessage(id)
var botID = message.viaBotID || message.fromID
if (button.pFlags && button.pFlags.same_peer) {
var peerID = AppMessagesManager.getMessagePeer(message)
var toPeerString = AppPeersManager.getPeerString(peerID)
switchInlineQuery(botID, toPeerString, button.query)
return checkSwitchReturn(botID).then(function (retPeerString) {
if (retPeerString) {
return switchInlineQuery(botID, retPeerString, button.query)
canSend: true
}).then(function (toPeerString) {
return switchInlineQuery(botID, toPeerString, button.query)
} */
public callbackButtonClick(mid: number, button: any) {
let message = appMessagesManager.getMessage(mid);
let peerID = appMessagesManager.getMessagePeer(message);
return apiManagerProxy.invokeApi('messages.getBotCallbackAnswer', {
flags: 1,
peer: appPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID),
msg_id: appMessagesIDsManager.getMessageLocalID(mid),
}, {timeout: 1, stopTime: -1, noErrorBox: true}).then((callbackAnswer: any) => {
if(typeof callbackAnswer.message === 'string' && callbackAnswer.message.length) {
toast(RichTextProcessor.wrapRichText(callbackAnswer.message, {noLinks: true, noLinebreaks: true}));
console.log('callbackButtonClick callbackAnswer:', callbackAnswer);
/* function gameButtonClick (id) {
var message = AppMessagesManager.getMessage(id)
var peerID = AppMessagesManager.getMessagePeer(message)
return MtpApiManager.invokeApi('messages.getBotCallbackAnswer', {
flags: 2,
peer: AppPeersManager.getInputPeerByID(peerID),
msg_id: AppMessagesIDsManager.getMessageLocalID(id)
}, {timeout: 1, stopTime: -1, noErrorBox: true}).then(function (callbackAnswer) {
if (typeof callbackAnswer.message === 'string' &&
callbackAnswer.message.length) {
showCallbackMessage(callbackAnswer.message, callbackAnswer.pFlags.alert)
else if (typeof callbackAnswer.url === 'string') {
AppGamesManager.openGame(, id, callbackAnswer.url)
function sendInlineResult (peerID, qID, options) {
var inlineResult = inlineResults[qID]
if (inlineResult === undefined) {
return false
var splitted = qID.split('_')
var queryID = splitted.shift()
var resultID = splitted.join('_')
options = options || {}
options.viaBotID = inlineResult.botID
options.queryID = queryID
options.resultID = resultID
if (inlineResult.send_message.reply_markup) {
options.reply_markup = inlineResult.send_message.reply_markup
if (inlineResult.send_message._ == 'botInlineMessageText') {
options.entities = inlineResult.send_message.entities
AppMessagesManager.sendText(peerID, inlineResult.send_message.message, options)
} else {
var caption = ''
var inputMedia = false
switch (inlineResult.send_message._) {
case 'botInlineMessageMediaAuto':
caption = inlineResult.send_message.caption
if (inlineResult._ == 'botInlineMediaResult') {
var doc = inlineResult.document
var photo =
if (doc) {
inputMedia = {
_: 'inputMediaDocument',
id: {_: 'inputDocument', id:, access_hash: doc.access_hash},
caption: caption
} else {
inputMedia = {
_: 'inputMediaPhoto',
id: {_: 'inputPhoto', id:, access_hash: photo.access_hash},
caption: caption
case 'botInlineMessageMediaGeo':
inputMedia = {
_: 'inputMediaGeoPoint',
geo_point: {
_: 'inputGeoPoint',
'lat': inlineResult.send_message.geo['lat'],
'long': inlineResult.send_message.geo['long']
case 'botInlineMessageMediaVenue':
inputMedia = {
_: 'inputMediaVenue',
geo_point: {
_: 'inputGeoPoint',
'lat': inlineResult.send_message.geo['lat'],
'long': inlineResult.send_message.geo['long']
title: inlineResult.send_message.title,
address: inlineResult.send_message.address,
provider: inlineResult.send_message.provider,
venue_id: inlineResult.send_message.venue_id
case 'botInlineMessageMediaContact':
inputMedia = {
_: 'inputMediaContact',
phone_number: inlineResult.send_message.phone_number,
first_name: inlineResult.send_message.first_name,
last_name: inlineResult.send_message.last_name
if (!inputMedia) {
inputMedia = {
_: 'messageMediaPending',
type: inlineResult.type,
file_name: inlineResult.title || inlineResult.content_url || inlineResult.url,
size: 0,
progress: {percent: 30, total: 0}
AppMessagesManager.sendOther(peerID, inputMedia, options)
function checkGeoLocationAccess (botID) {
var key = 'bot_access_geo' + botID
return Storage.get(key).then(function (geoAccess) {
if (geoAccess && geoAccess.granted) {
return true
return ErrorService.confirm({
}).then(function () {
var setHash = {}
setHash[key] = {granted: true, time: tsNow()}
return true
}, function () {
var setHash = {}
setHash[key] = {denied: true, time: tsNow()}
return $q.reject()
} */
const appInlineBotsManager = new AppInlineBotsManager();
export default appInlineBotsManager;