Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

130 lines
4.9 KiB

3 years ago
* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
import type Chat from "./chat";
import type ChatTopbar from "./topbar";
import mediaSizes from "../../helpers/mediaSizes";
import DivAndCaption from "../divAndCaption";
import ripple from "../ripple";
3 years ago
import ListenerSetter from "../../helpers/listenerSetter";
import cancelEvent from "../../helpers/dom/cancelEvent";
3 years ago
import { attachClickEvent } from "../../helpers/dom/clickEvent";
import { Message } from "../../layer";
import safeAssign from "../../helpers/object/safeAssign";
3 years ago
const classNames: string[] = ['is-pinned-message-shown', 'is-pinned-audio-shown'];
const CLASSNAME_BASE = 'pinned-container';
const HEIGHT = 52;
export default class PinnedContainer {
public wrapperUtils: HTMLElement;
public btnClose: HTMLElement;
3 years ago
protected wrapper: HTMLElement;
protected topbar: ChatTopbar;
protected chat: Chat;
protected listenerSetter: ListenerSetter;
public className: string;
public divAndCaption: DivAndCaption<(title: string | HTMLElement | DocumentFragment, subtitle: string | HTMLElement | DocumentFragment, message?: any) => void>;
protected floating = false;
3 years ago
public onClose?: () => void | Promise<boolean>;
constructor(options: {
topbar: PinnedContainer['topbar'],
chat: PinnedContainer['chat'],
listenerSetter: PinnedContainer['listenerSetter'],
className: PinnedContainer['className'],
divAndCaption: PinnedContainer['divAndCaption'],
onClose?: PinnedContainer['onClose'],
floating?: PinnedContainer['floating']
}) {
safeAssign(this, options);
3 years ago
const {divAndCaption, className} = this;
3 years ago
divAndCaption.container.classList.add(CLASSNAME_BASE, 'hide');
divAndCaption.title.classList.add(CLASSNAME_BASE + '-title');
divAndCaption.subtitle.classList.add(CLASSNAME_BASE + '-subtitle');
divAndCaption.content.classList.add(CLASSNAME_BASE + '-content');
this.btnClose = document.createElement('button');
this.btnClose.classList.add(CLASSNAME_BASE + '-close', `pinned-${className}-close`, 'btn-icon', 'tgico-close');
3 years ago
this.wrapper = document.createElement('div');
this.wrapper.classList.add(CLASSNAME_BASE + '-wrapper');
this.wrapperUtils = document.createElement('div');
this.wrapperUtils.classList.add(CLASSNAME_BASE + '-wrapper-utils');
this.wrapper.append(...Array.from(divAndCaption.container.children), this.wrapperUtils);
divAndCaption.container.append(this.wrapper/* , this.close */);
3 years ago
public attachOnCloseEvent(elem: HTMLElement) {
attachClickEvent(elem, (e) => {
3 years ago
((this.onClose ? this.onClose() : null) || Promise.resolve(true)).then((needClose) => {
3 years ago
if(needClose) {
}, {listenerSetter: this.listenerSetter});
public toggle(hide?: boolean) {
const isHidden = this.divAndCaption.container.classList.contains('hide');
if(hide === undefined) {
hide = !isHidden;
} else if(hide === isHidden) {
// const scrollable =;
const isFloating = (this.floating || mediaSizes.isMobile) && !hide;
// const scrollTop = isFloating || this.divAndCaption.container.classList.contains('is-floating') ? scrollable.scrollTop : undefined;
3 years ago
this.divAndCaption.container.classList.toggle('is-floating', isFloating);
3 years ago
this.divAndCaption.container.classList.toggle('hide', hide);
this.topbar.container.classList.toggle('is-pinned-floating', isFloating);
this.topbar.container.classList.toggle(`is-pinned-${this.className}-shown`, !hide);
// const active = classNames.filter((className) => this.topbar.container.classList.contains(className));
// const maxActive = hide ? 0 : 1;
3 years ago
// * not sure when it became unneeded
// if(scrollTop !== undefined && active.length <= maxActive/* && !scrollable.isScrolledDown */) {
// scrollable.scrollTop = scrollTop + ((hide ? -1 : 1) * HEIGHT);
// }
3 years ago
public isVisible() {
return !this.divAndCaption.container.classList.contains('hide');
public isFloating() {
return this.divAndCaption.container.classList.contains('is-floating');
public fill(title: string | HTMLElement | DocumentFragment, subtitle: string | HTMLElement | DocumentFragment, message: Message.message) {
3 years ago
this.divAndCaption.container.dataset.peerId = '' + message.peerId;
this.divAndCaption.container.dataset.mid = '' + message.mid;
this.divAndCaption.fill(title, subtitle, message);