Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

108 lines
3.4 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
import appChatsManager from "../../lib/appManagers/appChatsManager";
import appMessagesManager from "../../lib/appManagers/appMessagesManager";
import rootScope from "../../lib/rootScope";
import { addCancelButton, PopupButton } from ".";
import PopupPeer from "./peer";
import { ChatType } from "../chat/chat";
import { i18n, LangPackKey } from "../../lib/langPack";
import PeerTitle from "../peerTitle";
export default class PopupDeleteMessages {
constructor(peerId: number, mids: number[], type: ChatType, onConfirm?: () => void) {
const peerTitleElement = new PeerTitle({
onlyFirstName: true
mids = mids.slice();
const callback = (revoke?: true) => {
onConfirm && onConfirm();
if(type === 'scheduled') {
appMessagesManager.deleteScheduledMessages(peerId, mids);
} else {
appMessagesManager.deleteMessages(peerId, mids, revoke);
let title: LangPackKey, titleArgs: any[], description: LangPackKey, descriptionArgs: any[], buttons: PopupButton[];
if(mids.length === 1) {
title = 'DeleteSingleMessagesTitle';
} else {
title = 'DeleteMessagesTitle';
titleArgs = [i18n('messages', [mids.length])];
description = mids.length === 1 ? 'AreYouSureDeleteSingleMessage' : 'AreYouSureDeleteFewMessages';
buttons = [{
langKey: 'Delete',
isDanger: true,
callback: () => callback()
if(peerId === rootScope.myId || type === 'scheduled') {
} else {
if(peerId > 0) {
langKey: 'DeleteMessagesOptionAlso',
langArgs: [peerTitleElement],
isDanger: true,
callback: () => callback(true)
} else {
const chat = appChatsManager.getChat(-peerId);
const hasRights = appChatsManager.hasRights(-peerId, 'delete_messages');
if(chat._ === 'chat') {
const canRevoke = hasRights ? mids.slice() : mids.filter(mid => {
const message = appMessagesManager.getMessageByPeer(peerId, mid);
return message.fromId === rootScope.myId;
if(canRevoke.length) {
if(canRevoke.length === mids.length) {
langKey: 'DeleteForAll',
isDanger: true,
callback: () => callback(true)
} else {
langKey: 'DeleteMessagesOption',
isDanger: true,
callback: () => callback(true)
description = 'DeleteMessagesTextGroup';
descriptionArgs = [i18n('messages', [canRevoke.length])];
//description = `You can also delete the ${canRevoke.length} message${canRevoke.length > 1 ? 's' : ''} you sent from the inboxes of other group members by pressing "${buttonText}".`;
} else {
buttons[0].callback = () => callback(true);
const popup = new PopupPeer('popup-delete-chat', {
titleLangKey: title,
titleLangArgs: titleArgs,
descriptionLangKey: description,
descriptionLangArgs: descriptionArgs,