Telegram Web K with changes to work inside I2P https://web.telegram.i2p/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

686 lines
20 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Eduard Kuzmenko
import type { Dialog } from './appMessagesManager';
import { NULL_PEER_ID, UserAuth } from '../mtproto/mtproto_config';
import type { MyTopPeer, TopPeerType, User } from './appUsersManager';
import type { AuthState } from '../../types';
import type FiltersStorage from '../storages/filters';
import type DialogsStorage from '../storages/dialogs';
import EventListenerBase from '../../helpers/eventListenerBase';
import rootScope from '../rootScope';
import stateStorage from '../stateStorage';
import { logger } from '../logger';
3 years ago
import App from '../../config/app';
import DEBUG, { MOUNT_CLASS_TO } from '../../config/debug';
3 years ago
import AppStorage from '../storage';
import { AutoDownloadSettings, Chat, NotifyPeer, PeerNotifySettings } from '../../layer';
import { IS_MOBILE } from '../../environment/userAgent';
import DATABASE_STATE from '../../config/databases/state';
import sessionStorage from '../sessionStorage';
import { nextRandomUint } from '../../helpers/random';
3 years ago
import compareVersion from '../../helpers/compareVersion';
2 years ago
import getTimeFormat from '../../helpers/getTimeFormat';
import copy from '../../helpers/object/copy';
import setDeepProperty from '../../helpers/object/setDeepProperty';
import validateInitObject from '../../helpers/object/validateInitObject';
4 years ago
const REFRESH_EVERY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 1 day
// const REFRESH_EVERY = 1e3;
3 years ago
//const REFRESH_EVERY_WEEK = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 7; // 7 days
const STATE_VERSION = App.version;
3 years ago
const BUILD =;
3 years ago
export type Background = {
type?: 'color' | 'image' | 'default', // ! DEPRECATED
blur: boolean,
highlightningColor?: string,
color?: string,
slug?: string, // image slug
intensity?: number, // pattern intensity
id: string | number, // wallpaper id
3 years ago
export type Theme = {
name: 'day' | 'night' | 'system',
background: Background
export type AutoDownloadPeerTypeSettings = {
contacts: boolean,
private: boolean,
groups: boolean,
channels: boolean
3 years ago
export type State = {
allDialogsLoaded: DialogsStorage['allDialogsLoaded'],
3 years ago
pinnedOrders: DialogsStorage['pinnedOrders'],
3 years ago
contactsList: UserId[],
updates: Partial<{
seq: number,
pts: number,
date: number
filters: FiltersStorage['filters'],
maxSeenMsgId: number,
stateCreatedTime: number,
recentEmoji: string[],
topPeersCache: {
[type in TopPeerType]?: {
peers: MyTopPeer[],
cachedTime: number
3 years ago
recentSearch: PeerId[],
version: typeof STATE_VERSION,
3 years ago
build: typeof BUILD,
authState: AuthState,
3 years ago
hiddenPinnedMessages: {[peerId: PeerId]: number},
settings: {
messagesTextSize: number,
distanceUnit: 'kilometers' | 'miles',
sendShortcut: 'enter' | 'ctrlEnter',
animationsEnabled: boolean,
autoDownload: {
contacts?: boolean, // ! DEPRECATED
private?: boolean, // ! DEPRECATED
groups?: boolean, // ! DEPRECATED
channels?: boolean, // ! DEPRECATED
photo: AutoDownloadPeerTypeSettings,
video: AutoDownloadPeerTypeSettings,
file: AutoDownloadPeerTypeSettings
autoDownloadNew: AutoDownloadSettings,
autoPlay: {
gifs: boolean,
videos: boolean
stickers: {
suggest: boolean,
loop: boolean
3 years ago
emoji: {
suggest: boolean,
big: boolean
background?: Background, // ! DEPRECATED
themes: Theme[],
theme: Theme['name'],
notifications: {
sound: boolean
nightTheme?: boolean, // ! DEPRECATED
timeFormat: 'h12' | 'h23'
4 years ago
keepSigned: boolean,
chatContextMenuHintWasShown: boolean,
stateId: number,
notifySettings: {[k in Exclude<NotifyPeer['_'], 'notifyPeer'>]?: PeerNotifySettings.peerNotifySettings}
3 years ago
const BACKGROUND_DAY_DESKTOP: Background = {
blur: false,
slug: 'pattern',
color: '#dbddbb,#6ba587,#d5d88d,#88b884',
highlightningColor: 'hsla(86.4, 43.846153%, 45.117647%, .4)',
intensity: 50,
id: '1'
const BACKGROUND_DAY_MOBILE: Background = {
blur: false,
2 years ago
slug: '',
color: '#dbddbb,#6ba587,#d5d88d,#88b884',
highlightningColor: 'hsla(86.4, 43.846153%, 45.117647%, .4)',
2 years ago
intensity: 0,
id: '1'
const BACKGROUND_NIGHT_DESKTOP: Background = {
blur: false,
slug: 'pattern',
// color: '#dbddbb,#6ba587,#d5d88d,#88b884',
color: '#fec496,#dd6cb9,#962fbf,#4f5bd5',
highlightningColor: 'hsla(299.142857, 44.166666%, 37.470588%, .4)',
intensity: -50,
id: '-1'
const BACKGROUND_NIGHT_MOBILE: Background = {
blur: false,
2 years ago
slug: '',
color: '#0f0f0f',
2 years ago
highlightningColor: 'hsla(0, 0%, 3.82353%, 0.4)',
intensity: 0,
id: '-1'
export const STATE_INIT: State = {
allDialogsLoaded: {},
3 years ago
pinnedOrders: {},
contactsList: [],
updates: {},
filters: {},
maxSeenMsgId: 0,
recentEmoji: [],
topPeersCache: {},
recentSearch: [],
3 years ago
build: BUILD,
authState: {
_: IS_MOBILE ? 'authStateSignIn' : 'authStateSignQr'
hiddenPinnedMessages: {},
settings: {
messagesTextSize: 16,
distanceUnit: 'kilometers',
sendShortcut: 'enter',
animationsEnabled: true,
autoDownload: {
photo: {
contacts: true,
private: true,
groups: true,
channels: true
video: {
contacts: true,
private: true,
groups: true,
channels: true
file: {
contacts: true,
private: true,
groups: true,
channels: true
autoDownloadNew: {
_: 'autoDownloadSettings',
file_size_max: 3145728,
pFlags: {
video_preload_large: true,
audio_preload_next: true
photo_size_max: 1048576,
video_size_max: 15728640,
video_upload_maxbitrate: 100
autoPlay: {
gifs: true,
videos: true
stickers: {
suggest: true,
loop: true
3 years ago
emoji: {
suggest: true,
big: true
themes: [{
name: 'day',
}, {
name: 'night',
theme: 'system',
notifications: {
sound: false
2 years ago
timeFormat: getTimeFormat()
4 years ago
keepSigned: true,
chatContextMenuHintWasShown: false,
stateId: nextRandomUint(32),
notifySettings: {}
const ALL_KEYS = Object.keys(STATE_INIT) as any as Array<keyof State>;
const REFRESH_KEYS = ['contactsList', 'stateCreatedTime',
'maxSeenMsgId', 'filters', 'topPeers'] as any as Array<keyof State>;
export type StatePeerType = 'recentSearch' | 'topPeer' | 'dialog' | 'contact' | 'topMessage' | 'self';
3 years ago
//const REFRESH_KEYS_WEEK = ['dialogs', 'allDialogsLoaded', 'updates', 'pinnedOrders'] as any as Array<keyof State>;
export class AppStateManager extends EventListenerBase<{
save: (state: State) => Promise<void>,
3 years ago
peerNeeded: (peerId: PeerId) => void,
peerUnneeded: (peerId: PeerId) => void
}> {
public static STATE_INIT = STATE_INIT;
3 years ago
private loaded: Promise<State>;
4 years ago
private log = logger('STATE'/* , LogLevels.error */);
private state: State;
4 years ago
3 years ago
private neededPeers: Map<PeerId, Set<string>> = new Map();
private singlePeerMap: Map<string, PeerId> = new Map();
3 years ago
public storages = {
3 years ago
users: new AppStorage<Record<UserId, User>, typeof DATABASE_STATE>(DATABASE_STATE, 'users'),
chats: new AppStorage<Record<ChatId, Chat>, typeof DATABASE_STATE>(DATABASE_STATE, 'chats'),
dialogs: new AppStorage<Record<PeerId, Dialog>, typeof DATABASE_STATE>(DATABASE_STATE, 'dialogs')
3 years ago
public storagesResults: {
users: User[],
chats: Chat[],
dialogs: Dialog[]
} = {} as any;
3 years ago
public storage = stateStorage;
public newVersion: string;
4 years ago
constructor() {
4 years ago
rootScope.addEventListener('user_auth', () => {
this.requestPeerSingle(rootScope.myId, 'self');
4 years ago
3 years ago
public loadSavedState(): Promise<State> {
3 years ago
if(this.loaded) return this.loaded;
console.time('load state');
3 years ago
this.loaded = new Promise((resolve) => {
3 years ago
const storagesKeys = Object.keys(this.storages) as Array<keyof AppStateManager['storages']>;
const storagesPromises: Promise<any>[] = => this.storages[key].getAll());
3 years ago
const promises/* : Promise<any>[] */ = => stateStorage.get(key))
.concat(sessionStorage.get('user_auth'), sessionStorage.get('state_id'))
.concat(stateStorage.get('user_auth')) // support old webk format
3 years ago
Promise.all(promises).then(async(arr) => {
3 years ago
// await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 3e3));
3 years ago
/* const self = this;
const skipHandleKeys = new Set(['isProxy', 'filters', 'drafts']);
const getHandler = (path?: string) => {
return {
get(target: any, key: any) {
if(key === 'isProxy') {
return true;
const prop = target[key];
if(prop !== undefined && !skipHandleKeys.has(key) && !prop.isProxy && typeof(prop) === 'object') {
target[key] = new Proxy(prop, getHandler(path || key));
return target[key];
return prop;
set(target: any, key: any, value: any) {
console.log('Setting', target, `.${key} to equal`, value, path);
target[key] = value;
// @ts-ignore
self.pushToState(path || key, path ? self.state[path] : value, false);
return true;
}; */
let state: State = this.state = {} as any;
// ! then can't store false values
3 years ago
for(let i = 0, length = ALL_KEYS.length; i < length; ++i) {
const key = ALL_KEYS[i];
const value = arr[i];
if(value !== undefined) {
// @ts-ignore
state[key] = value;
} else {
3 years ago
this.pushToState(key, copy(STATE_INIT[key]));
3 years ago
arr.splice(0, ALL_KEYS.length);
// * Read auth
let auth = arr.shift() as UserAuth | number;
const stateId = arr.shift() as number;
const shiftedWebKAuth = arr.shift() as UserAuth | number;
if(!auth && shiftedWebKAuth) { // support old webk auth
auth = shiftedWebKAuth;
const keys: string[] = ['dc', 'server_time_offset', 'xt_instance'];
for(let i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
const values = await Promise.all( => stateStorage.get(key as any)));
3 years ago
values.push(typeof(auth) === 'number' || typeof(auth) === 'string' ? {dcID: values[0] || App.baseDcId, date: / 1000 | 0, id: auth.toPeerId(false)} as UserAuth : auth);
let obj: any = {};
keys.forEach((key, idx) => {
obj[key] = values[idx];
await sessionStorage.set(obj);
/* if(!auth) { // try to read Webogram's session from localStorage
try {
const keys = Object.keys(localStorage);
for(let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
const key = keys[i];
let value: any;
try {
value = localStorage.getItem(key);
value = JSON.parse(value);
} catch(err) {
[key as any]: value
auth = sessionStorage.getFromCache('user_auth');
} catch(err) {
this.log.error('localStorage import error', err);
} */
3 years ago
if(auth) {
// ! Warning ! DON'T delete this
state.authState = {_: 'authStateSignedIn'};
3 years ago
rootScope.dispatchEvent('user_auth', typeof(auth) === 'number' || typeof(auth) === 'string' ?
{dcID: 0, date: / 1000 | 0, id: auth.toPeerId(false)} :
auth); // * support old version
3 years ago
// * Read storages
for(let i = 0, length = storagesKeys.length; i < length; ++i) {
this.storagesResults[storagesKeys[i]] = arr[i] as any;
3 years ago
arr.splice(0, storagesKeys.length);
if(state.stateId !== stateId) {
if(stateId !== undefined) {
const preserve: Map<keyof State, State[keyof State]> = new Map([
['authState', undefined],
['stateId', undefined]
preserve.forEach((_, key) => {
preserve.set(key, copy(state[key]));
state = this.state = copy(STATE_INIT);
preserve.forEach((value, key) => {
// @ts-ignore
state[key] = value;
for(const key in this.storagesResults) {
this.storagesResults[key as keyof AppStateManager['storagesResults']].length = 0;
await sessionStorage.set({
state_id: state.stateId
const time =;
3 years ago
if((state.stateCreatedTime + REFRESH_EVERY) < time) {
if(DEBUG) {
this.log('will refresh state', state.stateCreatedTime, time);
const r = (keys: typeof REFRESH_KEYS) => {
keys.forEach(key => {
this.pushToState(key, copy(STATE_INIT[key]));
// @ts-ignore
const s = this.storagesResults[key];
if(s && s.length) {
s.length = 0;
3 years ago
3 years ago
/* if((state.stateCreatedTime + REFRESH_EVERY_WEEK) < time) {
if(DEBUG) {
this.log('will refresh updates');
3 years ago
3 years ago
} */
3 years ago
//state = this.state = new Proxy(state, getHandler());
// * support old version
if(!state.settings.hasOwnProperty('theme') && state.settings.hasOwnProperty('nightTheme')) {
state.settings.theme = state.settings.nightTheme ? 'night' : 'day';
this.pushToState('settings', state.settings);
3 years ago
// * support old version
if(!state.settings.hasOwnProperty('themes') && state.settings.background) {
state.settings.themes = copy(STATE_INIT.settings.themes);
const theme = state.settings.themes.find(t => === state.settings.theme);
if(theme) {
theme.background = state.settings.background;
3 years ago
this.pushToState('settings', state.settings);
// * migrate auto download settings
const autoDownloadSettings = state.settings.autoDownload;
if(autoDownloadSettings?.private !== undefined) {
const oldTypes = [
'contacts' as const,
'private' as const,
'groups' as const,
'channels' as const
const mediaTypes = [
'photo' as const,
'video' as const,
'file' as const
mediaTypes.forEach(mediaType => {
const peerTypeSettings: AutoDownloadPeerTypeSettings = autoDownloadSettings[mediaType] = {} as any;
oldTypes.forEach(peerType => {
peerTypeSettings[peerType] = autoDownloadSettings[peerType];
oldTypes.forEach(peerType => {
delete autoDownloadSettings[peerType];
this.pushToState('settings', state.settings);
3 years ago
validateInitObject(STATE_INIT, state, (missingKey) => {
// @ts-ignore
this.pushToState(missingKey, state[missingKey]);
3 years ago
if(state.version !== STATE_VERSION || !== BUILD/* || true */) {
3 years ago
// reset filters and dialogs if version is older
if(compareVersion(state.version, '0.8.7') === -1) {
this.state.allDialogsLoaded = copy(STATE_INIT.allDialogsLoaded);
this.state.filters = copy(STATE_INIT.filters);
const result = this.storagesResults.dialogs;
if(result?.length) {
result.length = 0;
// * migrate backgrounds (March 13, 2022; to version 1.3.0)
if(compareVersion(state.version, '1.3.0') === -1) {
let migrated = false;
state.settings.themes.forEach((theme, idx, arr) => {
if(( === 'day' &&
theme.background.slug === 'ByxGo2lrMFAIAAAAmkJxZabh8eM' &&
theme.background.type === 'image'
) || ( === 'night' &&
theme.background.color === '#0f0f0f' &&
theme.background.type === 'color'
)) {
const newTheme = STATE_INIT.settings.themes.find(newTheme => ===;
if(newTheme) {
arr[idx] = copy(newTheme);
migrated = true;
if(migrated) {
this.pushToState('settings', state.settings);
if(compareVersion(state.version, STATE_VERSION) !== 0) {
this.newVersion = STATE_VERSION;
3 years ago
this.pushToState('version', STATE_VERSION);
3 years ago
this.pushToState('build', BUILD);
3 years ago
// ! probably there is better place for it
3 years ago
rootScope.settings = state.settings;
if(DEBUG) {
3 years ago
this.log('state res', state, copy(state));
4 years ago
//return resolve();
4 years ago
3 years ago
console.timeEnd('load state');
3 years ago
4 years ago
3 years ago
return this.loaded;
3 years ago
4 years ago
3 years ago
public getState() {
return this.state === undefined ? this.loadSavedState() : Promise.resolve(this.state);
4 years ago
public setByKey(key: string, value: any) {
setDeepProperty(this.state, key, value);
rootScope.dispatchEvent('settings_updated', {key, value});
const first = key.split('.')[0];
// @ts-ignore
this.pushToState(first, this.state[first]);
3 years ago
public pushToState<T extends keyof State>(key: T, value: State[T], direct = true) {
if(direct) {
this.state[key] = value;
this.setKeyValueToStorage(key, value);
public setKeyValueToStorage<T extends keyof State>(key: T, value: State[T] = this.state[key]) {{
[key]: value
4 years ago
public requestPeer(peerId: PeerId, type: StatePeerType, limit?: number) {
let set = this.neededPeers.get(peerId);
if(set && set.has(type)) {
if(!set) {
set = new Set();
this.neededPeers.set(peerId, set);
3 years ago
this.dispatchEvent('peerNeeded', peerId);
if(limit !== undefined) {
this.keepPeerSingle(peerId, type);
public requestPeerSingle(peerId: PeerId, type: StatePeerType, keepPeerIdSingle: PeerId = peerId) {
return this.requestPeer(peerId, type + '_' + keepPeerIdSingle as any, 1);
public releaseSinglePeer(peerId: PeerId, type: StatePeerType) {
return this.keepPeerSingle(NULL_PEER_ID, type + '_' + peerId as any);
3 years ago
public isPeerNeeded(peerId: PeerId) {
return this.neededPeers.has(peerId);
public keepPeerSingle(peerId: PeerId, type: StatePeerType) {
const existsPeerId = this.singlePeerMap.get(type);
if(existsPeerId && existsPeerId !== peerId && this.neededPeers.has(existsPeerId)) {
const set = this.neededPeers.get(existsPeerId);
if(!set.size) {
this.dispatchEvent('peerUnneeded', existsPeerId);
if(peerId) {
this.singlePeerMap.set(type, peerId);
} else {
/* public resetState() {
for(let i in this.state) {
// @ts-ignore
this.state[i] = false;
sessionStorage.set(this.state).then(() => {
} */
4 years ago
//console.trace('appStateManager include');
4 years ago
const appStateManager = new AppStateManager();
MOUNT_CLASS_TO.appStateManager = appStateManager;
3 years ago
export default appStateManager;